24 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Venice

Written by Barbara Radcliffe Rogers Updated Dec 22, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

In a city as filled with tourist attractions as Venice, it's hard to know where to begin. Perhaps the best way is to simply get lost for a few hours wandering through its enchanting little streets and passageways, strolling beside its canals, and finding its secret corners.

At every turn, you'll see something worth remembering with a photo. No matter where this exploration takes you, it's easy to find your way back to Piazza San Marco and the Grand Canal. Most of the best sights you'll want to visit lie around these two landmarks.

Venice is divided into six sestieri, neighborhoods that have distinctly different characters. San Marco is the central one, surrounded on three sides by a great loop in the Grand Canal. Across Rialto Bridge is the artisans' neighborhood of San Polo, and across the Grand Canal to the south is stylish Dorsoduro, with its prestigious art museums and lively squares.

At the outer edges are Santa Croce, Castello, and Cannaregio, home of the original Ghetto. Beyond the six sestieri – neighborhoods – of the city itself, you'll want to hop aboard a vaporetto to its islands: Lido, Murano, Burano, and Torcello. A fourth island, San Giorgio Maggiore, is worth visiting for the beautiful views of San Marco and Venice from the tower of its church.

To plan your stay so you won't miss any of the best places to visit, use this list of the top attractions and things to do in Venice.

1. St. Mark's Basilica

2. piazza san marco (st. mark's square), 3. palazzo ducale (doge's palace) and bridge of sighs, 4. canale grande (grand canal), 5. ponte di rialto (rialto bridge) and san polo, 6. torre dell'orologio (clock tower), 7. campanile, 8. santa maria della salute, 9. scuola grande di san rocco, 10. teatro la fenice, 11. ca' d'oro, 12. murano and burano, 13. peggy guggenheim collection, 14. explore the ghetto and museo ebraico di venezia, 15. santa maria gloriosa dei frari, 16. gallerie dell'accademia (fine arts museum), 17. santa maria dei miracoli, 18. palazzo rezzonico, 19. torcello island, 21. hear classical music in a church, 22. contarini del bovolo palace, 23. ca' pesaro and galleria d'arte moderna, 24. the arsenal and the museum of naval history, where to stay in venice for sightseeing, tips and tours: how to make the most of your visit to venice, venice, italy - climate chart, more things to see and do.

St. Mark's Basilica

Certainly Venice's best-known church, and one of the most easily recognized in the world, St. Mark's Basilica (Basilica di San Marco) was originally the Doge's private chapel, decorated with Byzantine art treasures that are part of the booty brought back by Venetian ships after the fall of Constantinople.

The gold-backed mosaic pictures above the doorways on the façade only hint at the mosaic artistry inside, where 4,240 square meters of gold mosaics cover the domes and walls. These set a distinctly Byzantine tone to its soaring interior, but you'll find treasures from other periods, including later mosaics designed by Titian and Tintoretto - names you'll encounter all over the city.

The magnificent golden altarpiece, the Pala d'Oro , one of the finest in Europe, was begun by early 12th-century artists, and centuries later, adorned with nearly 2,000 gems and precious stones. If you can tear your eyes from this, the mosaic domes, and the multitude of richly decorated altars, glance down at the floor, a masterpiece of marble inlay. And take time to see the gold reliquaries and icons in the Treasury.

  • Read More: Exploring St. Mark's Basilica in Venice: A Visitor's Guide

St. Mark's Square

The vast expanse of Venice's largest square is brought together and made to seem almost intimate by the elegant uniformity of its architecture on three sides. But more than its architectural grace, St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco) is loved as Venice's living room, the place everybody gathers, strolls, drinks coffee, stops to chat, meets friends and tour guides, or just passes through on the way to work or play.

Three sides are framed in arcades, beneath which are fashionable shops and even more fashionable cafés. The open end is bookmarked by the erratic, exotic curves, swirls, mosaics, and lacy stone filigree of St. Mark's Basilica .

Above it towers the brick shaft of the campanile. For overviews of this busy piazza, you can go to its top or to the top of the Torre dell'Orologio , where a pair of "Moors" strikes the hour.

Author's Tip: Don't be tempted to sit on the steps around the piazza to eat a take-away sandwich. Or throw the crumbs to the pigeons. Both are illegal.

  • Read More: St. Mark's Square, Venice: 12 Top Attractions, Tours & Nearby Hotels

Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) and Bridge of Sighs

Visitors arriving in Venice once stepped ashore under the façade of this extraordinary palace. They couldn't have failed to be impressed, both by its size and the finesse of its architecture.

If they were received inside by the Doges, the impression would only strengthen as they entered through the Porta della Carta, a perfect example of Venetian Gothic at its height, and ascended the monumental Scala dei Giganti and the gold-vaulted Scala d'Oro to be received in what many consider to be the palace's most beautiful chamber, Sala del Collegio.

Even jaded 21st-century travelers gasp in awe at the palace's grandeur and lavish decoration. You'll see works by all the Venetian greats, including Tintoretto, whose Paradise is the largest oil painting in the world.

Not open on public tours but included on private tours is a walk across the Bridge of Sighs to the dark cells of the Prigioni - the prisons from which Casanova made his famous escape. The best view - and the postcard classic - of the Bridge of Sighs is from the Ponte della Paglia , on the Riva degli Schiavoni behind the Doge's Palace.

Lines for admission to the Doge's Palace are often long, but you can avoid these, and see sections of the palace not open to general visitors, with a Skip the Line: Doge's Palace Ticket and Tour . A local guide will take you past the lines and explain the history and art in each of the dazzling rooms before leading you across the Bridge of Sighs and into the notorious prison.

  • Read More: Exploring the Doge's Palace in Venice: A Visitor's Guide

Canale Grande (Grand Canal)

Sweeping through the heart of Venice in a giant reverse S curve, the Grand Canal is the principal boulevard through the city, connecting Piazza San Marco , Rialto Bridge, and the arrival points of the rail station and bridge from the mainland.

Only four bridges cross its 3.8-kilometer length, but stripped-down gondolas called traghetti shuttle back and forth at several points between bridges. The Grand Canal was the address of choice for anyone who claimed any influence in Venice. Palaces of all the leading families open onto the canal, their showy Venetian Gothic and Early Renaissance facades facing the water, by which visitors arrived.

These grand palaces – or at least their facades – are well preserved today, and a trip along the canal by vaporetto, Venice's floating public transport system, is the best way to see them. Or you can see the palaces at a more leisurely speed on a Venice Grand Canal Small Group 1-Hour Boat Tour , which also includes some of the smaller canals. And, of course, a ride along the Grand Canal in a gondola is one of the most romantic things to do in Venice at night.

  • Read More: Exploring the Grand Canal in Venice: Top Attractions

Rialto Bridge

Once the only bridge across the Grand Canal , Rialto Bridge marks the spot of the island's first settlement, called Rivus Altus (high bank). Built in 1588, some 150 years after the collapse of a previous wooden bridge, this stone arch supports two busy streets and a double set of shops.

Along with serving as a busy crossing point midway along the canal, it is a favorite vantage point for tourists taking - or posing for - photos, and for watching the assortment of boats always passing under it.

The church of San Bartolomeo , close to the San Marco end of the bridge, was the church of the German merchants who lived and worked in the Fondaco dei Tedeschi (German Commodity Exchange) bordering the canal here. It has an excellent altarpiece, The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew , by Palma the Younger. The former exchange is now a popular place to go shopping.

On the other side of Rialto Bridge is the busy food market, where Venetians and chefs shop for fresh produce and seafood. In the narrow streets of San Polo, beyond the market, are artisans' shops and mask-making studios, one of the best places for shopping in Venice . You'll also find places to eat that are not so filled with tourists as those nearer San Marco.

Author's tip: If you're visiting Venice with children , look for the carnival mask and costume studios in San Polo. Masks are inexpensive souvenirs of their trip to Venice.

Torre dell'Orologio (Clock Tower)

To one side of the basilica, facing onto Piazza San Marco, is one of Venice's most familiar icons, a clock tower surmounted by a pair of bronze Moors that strike the large bell each hour. The face of the clock shows phases of the moon and the zodiac in gilt on a blue background, and above the clock is a small balcony and a statue of the Virgin.

Above that, the winged Lion of St. Mark and a mosaic of gold stars against a blue background were added in 1755 by Giorgio Massari. The tower itself is from the 15 th century and typical of Venetian Renaissance architecture. Through an arched gateway at its base runs one of Venice's busiest streets, the narrow Calle Mercerei.

If you're in Venice during Ascension Week or at Epiphany, as the Moors strike each hour, you can see the Three Kings led past the Madonna by an angel. You can climb the tower for a closer look at the clockwork.

The Campanile on St. Mark's Square

Standing like a giant exclamation point above the expanse of Piazza San Marco, the Campanile is not the first to stand here. The original one, erected as a lighthouse in 1153, collapsed dramatically into the piazza in 1902, and was rebuilt on a firmer footing. Also rebuilt was the Loggetta at its base, a small marble loggia completed in 1540, where members of the Great Council assembled before meeting in the sessions.

In the loggia at the base, you can see Sansovino's four bronze masterpieces between the columns, all of which were rescued from the rubble after the collapse. The Campanile has a grimmer side to its history: in the Middle Ages, prisoners, including renegade priests, were hoisted halfway up the outside in cages, where they hung suspended for weeks.

Today, the Campanile is a popular attraction for the views from the platform on top, which extends across the city and lagoon to the Adriatic (try to go early or late in the day, as lines for the lift can be very long).

Santa Maria della Salute

One of the most photographed churches in Venice, Santa Maria della Salute has a postcard setting, rising at the tip of a peninsula across from the Doge's Palace.

The monumental Baroque church was built as thanks for the end of the plague of 1630. But the fragile land wouldn't support its tremendous weight, so its architect, Baldassare Longhena, had more than a million timbers driven into the floor of the lagoon before he could erect the church.

The vaporetto landing is right in front of the church, and the highlight of its interior – apart from the magnificent dome – is the Sacristy, where you'll find paintings that include Tintoretto's Marriage at Cana .

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

This impressive white marble Scuola Grande di San Rocco was built between 1515 and 1560 to house a charitable society dedicated to San Rocco. Soon after its completion, the great 16th-century Venetian artist Tintoretto won the competition to paint a central panel for the ceiling of the Sala dell'Albergo by entering the building and putting his painting in its intended place before the judging, much to the irritation of his rival artists.

He later decorated its walls and ceilings with a complete cycle of paintings, which are considered to be the artist's masterpiece. The earliest works, in the Sala dell'Albergo, date to 1564 and 1576 and include The Glorification of St. Roch, Christ before Pilate, the Ecce Homo, and the most powerful of all, The Crucifixion . Those in the upper hall depict New Testament scenes, painted between 1575 and 1581.

The lighting is not good, and the paintings themselves are dark, but you can still appreciate Tintoretto's innovations in the use of light and color. You can see the ceilings more easily with one of the mirrors that are provided. More works by Tintoretto are in the chancel of the adjacent church of San Rocco.

Address: Campo San Rocco, San Polo, Venice

Teatro La Fenice

The name La Fenice (The Phoenix), chosen at the constriction in 1792, proved prophetic, as like the mythical phoenix, it has risen from the ashes. The theater has been destroyed by fire three times, the last one, in 1996, leaving only the outer walls standing. Each time, it has been rebuilt, and continues to be one of the world's great opera houses.

Throughout its history, but particularly in the 19th century, La Fenice saw the premiers of many of the most famous Italian operas, including those of Rossini, Donizetti, and Verdi, and today schedules performances of opera, ballet, and musical concerts.

Even after its reopening in 2003 with somewhat expanded seating, La Fenice is still a comparatively small opera house, so tickets are very hard to get, especially for major performances. You can take a tour of the spectacular Rococo interior, however, using an audio guide; these self-guided tours last about 45 minutes and include the public areas of the theater.

Ca' d'Oro

The delicate marble filigree by Bartolomeo Bon seems too lace-like to be carved of stone, and you can only imagine the impression this façade must have made covered in its original paint and gold. Along with the Porta della Carta in the Palazzo Ducale , also created by Bartolomeo Bon, The Ca' d'Oro is considered the most perfect example of Venetian Gothic.

You can admire the interior, too, as this palazzo is now an art museum, restored to provide both a setting for the art works and a look at the way wealthy Venetians lived in the 15th and 16th centuries. The connoisseur responsible for saving the palace, Baron Giorgio Franchetti, gave his art collection to the state in 1922, with works by Titian, Mantegna, Van Dyck, Tullio Lombardo, and Bernini.

Glassblowing in Murano

A trip to Venice wouldn't be complete without hopping aboard a vaporetto for the ride across the lagoon to Murano, home of Venice's fabled glass workers. They were sent here in the 13th century in hope of decreasing the risk of fire from one of the glass furnaces sweeping through Venice's tightly compacted center.

Or so they claimed. Just as likely, it was to keep the secrets of glassblowing a Venetian monopoly. This was no small matter to the Venetians, whose Council of Ten decreed in 1454: "If a glassblower takes his skill to another country to the detriment of the Republic he shall be ordered to return; should be refuse, his nearest relatives shall be thrown into prison so that his sense of family duty may induce him to return; should he persist in his disobedience secret measures shall be taken to eliminate him wherever he may be." It was a lot easier to keep track of them if they were confined to an island.

The canal sides today are lined by glass showrooms and studios, showing everything from cheap imported trinkets to exquisite works of art. Inside the 17th-century Palazzo Giustinian is the Glass Museum , with one of the largest and most important collections of Venetian glass from the time of the Romans to the 20th century.

But it's not all glass: The church of Santi Maria e Donato combines Veneto-Byzantine and Early Romanesque features, a result of its various stages of building between the seventh and 12th centuries. Notice especially the columns of Greek marble with Veneto-Byzantine capitals, the 12th-century mosaic floor with animal figures, and the St. Donato above the first altar on the left. Dated 1310, it is the earliest example of Venetian painting.

The 14th-century San Pietro Martire contains several splendid Venetian paintings: Bellini's Madonna in Majesty with St. Mark and the Doge Agostino Barbarigo and his Assumption of the Virgin , along with St. Jerome in the Wilderness and St. Agatha in Prison by Paolo Veronese.

It's a quick hop to the next island, Burano, a fishing village of brilliantly painted houses, known historically for its lace making. The Scuola dei Merletti (lace school) and its small museum will help you distinguish the real thing from the cheap imports you'll find in most shops.

The slender campanile of the 16 th -century church of San Martino leans at an alarming angle, made all the more dramatic by its height.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The personal art collections of heiress Peggy Guggenheim are housed in her former home alongside the Grand Canal, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni. Although most of Italy's great art museums are filled with masters of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the Peggy Guggenheim concentrates on American and European art from the first half of the 20th century.

The low building, with its spare, white interior, is a fitting venue for these bold and often dramatic works, which represent Cubist, Futurist, Abstract Expressionist, Surrealist, and avant-garde schools of painting and sculpture.

The permanent collection includes works by Picasso, Dali, Braque , Léger , Mondrian , Kandinsky , Klee, Ernst , Magritte , and Pollock , and frequent exhibitions bring in works from other major artists. In the museum's sculpture gardens are works by Calder , Holzer , Caro , Judd , and Hepworth .

Address: 704 Dorsoduro, Venice

Jewish Ghetto in Venice

The Venetians called the foundry here geto , and in 1516 it was decreed that all Jews in the city would live on this islet, the origin of the word "ghetto." Residents could only leave in the daytime, and the gates were locked and guarded at night.

This part of the Cannaregio sestiere still has distinct Jewish presence, with synagogues and the Museo Ebraico di Venezia (Jewish Museum) with artifacts of Jewish life here from the 17 th and later centuries. Facing the Ghetto Nuovo Square, a touching memorial of bronze panels, created in 1980 by artist Arbit Blatas, remembers the victims of the deportation during the Nazi occupation of the city in 1943.

Address: Museo Ebraico di Venezia, Campo del Ghetto Nuovo, Cannaregio

Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

This Gothic church was begun by the Franciscans about 1340 and finished with the completion of the facade, interior, and two chapels in the middle of the 15th century. Its impressive 14th-century campanile is the second highest in the city.

Although the interior is in keeping with the simple unadorned style of Franciscan churches, it contains a wealth of artistic treasures. In the right transept is an important wood statue of St. John the Baptist by Florentine sculptor Donatello, done in 1451 (first chapel to the right of the sanctuary).

In the sacristy is a triptych Madonna and Child Enthroned with Four Saints by Giovanni Bellini. In the left transept, the statue of St. John the Baptist on the stoup of the Cappella Cornaro was created by the sculptor and master-builder Jacopo Sansovino

The Monks' Choir is an outstanding example of the wood-carving of Marco Cozzi, with reliefs of saints and Venetian scenes. And the sanctuary contains the tomb of two Doges by Antonio Rizzo, and over the high altar is Titian's Assunta , painted between 1516 and 1518. The Mausoleum of Titian in the south aisle was a gift from Ferdinand I of Austria, when he was King of Lombardy Veneto.

You can't help noticing the pyramidal mausoleum made by the students of the sculptor Antonio Canova in the north aisle, and opposite, the large monument to Titian, also by students of Canova. Beside the Cappella Emiliani, which has a fine mid-15th-century polyptych with marble figures, is Madonna di Ca' Pesaro , completed in 1526 and one of Titian's most important works.

Address: Campo dei Frari, I-30100 Venice

Venice - Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari - Floor plan map

Called " The Accademia " for short, this museum on the Grand Canal has the most important and comprehensive collection of 15th-18th-century Venetian painting in existence. Much of the collection was assembled from monasteries and churches that were closed and from the clearing of palaces of noble families, now displayed in the former Monastery of Santa Maria della Carità.

Some of the galleries, such as the first one, which contains Venetian Gothic Painting, have richly carved and gilded 15th-century ceilings. Works are arranged chronologically, so you can not only trace the evolution of styles, but can compare the works of contemporaries.

Highlights of the 15th- and 16th-century paintings are St. George by Andrea Mantegna, St Jerome and a Donor by Piero della Francesca, Madonna and Saints by Giovanni Bellini, Portrait of Christ by Vittore Carpaccio, and Madonna under the Orange Tree by Cima da Conegliano.

St. John the Baptist and a magnificent Pietà by Titian, Tintoretto's Cain and Abel and The Miracle of St. Mark, Paolo Veronese's Marriage of St. Catherine and Supper in the House of Levi , St. Ursula by Vittore Carpaccio, and several works by Giambattista Tiepolo are also worth special notice.

Venice - Galleria dell'Accademia - Floor plan map

After the vast grandeur of St. Mark's and the soaring expanse of Frari, little Santa Maria dei Miracoli is like a fresh breeze, a masterpiece of Early Renaissance architecture by Pietro Lombardo. This jewel box of pastel inlaid marble was built from 1481 to 1489 to enshrine a miraculous picture of the Virgin.

Unlike Venice's other churches, whose facades are embellished with architectural flourishes and statues, Lombardo used painstakingly matched colored marble to create delicate patterns of rosettes, circles, octagons, and crosses on the facade. The method continues inside, which heightens the effect of the golden domed ceiling rising above gray and coral marble walls.

The nave is separated from the chancel by an exquisite Early Renaissance balustrade decorated with figures. It's no wonder that this is Venetians' favorite place to be married, as its interior is one of the most beautiful in the city.

Address: Campo dei Miracoli, Venice

Palazzo Rezzonico

Just as Ca' d'Oro lets you glimpse into the life of the late Middle Ages, Palazzo Rezzonico gives a vivid picture of life here in the Baroque and Rococo periods, in the 18th century. Designed and begun by Venice's master of Baroque architecture, Baldassare Longhena, the palace was completed nearly 100 years later in 1750 by Giorgio Massari.

The furnishings and collections complete the picture painted by the building, including its interior decoration of silk wall coverings, elegant finish details, and Flemish tapestries. The costume collection highlights the importance of silk production in Venice from the late Middle Ages through the 18th century, when it was a major competitor with Lyon, France.

Rigid technical regulations were enforced, resulting in some of the most beautiful silk fabrics ever made. So important was silk that even in times of war with the Turks, battle lines parted for the silk-laden ships to pass through.

The museum details the importance of luxury goods, particularly clothing and fashion, for the Venetian economy in the 18th century, when brocades embellished with gold and silver thread produced here were treasured throughout Europe and the New World.

Torcello Island

Venice began on this outer island of Torcello, founded here as early as the seventh century, and by the 12th century, it was a flourishing commercial town. Of its palaces, churches, shipyards, and docks, only two churches and a handful of houses remain, dotted over the large island.

You can get some idea of the importance of Torcello from its cathedral, dedicated in 639 to Santa Maria Assunta . It is considered the best remaining example of Venetian-Byzantine architecture. It was reconstructed in 834 and 1008, and the portico and two lateral apses were added in the ninth century; much of the building dates from the 11th century. The mosaics lining the interior are outstanding.

The oldest of these are in the chapel to the right of the high altar, where 11th-century angels carrying a medallion with the Lamb of God show a strong Byzantine influence. The Fathers of the Church ; Gregory, Martin, Ambrose, and Augustine; were added later, along with Christ in Majesty between two Archangels .

The 12th-century mosaics in the main apse and the Virgin and Child above a frieze of the Twelve Apostles surrounded by flowers are all on a gold background. The west wall is covered in tiers of a Byzantine mosaic of the Last Judgment from the late 12th or early 13th century.

Along with the exquisitely detailed marble carvings on the rood screen, notice the 11th-century mosaic floor and the pulpit, which was assembled in the 13th century from earlier fragments.

Adjoining the cathedral is the little 11th-century church of Santa Fosca , on a pure Byzantine central plan with a portico. Your admission ticket includes the interesting little historical museum with artifacts from antiquity to the 16th century.

Alberoni Beach, Lido, Venice

The long (12-kilometer) strip of sand that separates the Venetian lagoon from the Adriatic Sea was Europe's first real beach resort, and in its heyday, at the turn of the 20th century, was Europe's most fashionable watering hole for royalty and the day's celebs. Today, the grand hotels where they reposed still welcome guests and still own the beautiful fine-sand beaches, although for a price you can share them with hotel guests.

Public beaches are at the north end of the island, near the church of San Nicolo, where relics of St. Nicholas are revered. After considerable controversy between Venice and Bari, which also claims the saint's relics, it has been established by an anatomical expert that both have an equal claim; about half the skeleton, including the skull, is in Bari and the other half in Lido. The cloisters are lovely, and in the church are paintings by both Palma the Elder and Younger.

You can tour Lido on foot or a bicycle rented near the landing stage where the 10-minute Motonave or longer vaporetto ride from St. Mark's deposits you. The island is filled with Art Nouveau villas and hotels; to see the villas, wander along some of the side streets. In August and September, the Lido is the venue for the International Film Festival, held in the Palazzo del Cinema.

Lido Di Venezia map - Tourist attractions

Two churches in Venice are venues for concerts of classical music , both featuring the works of Venetian composer and virtuoso violinist, Antonio Vivaldi. One of these churches, Santa Maria della Pietà , was Vivaldi's own, where he taught and composed the music for major church feasts. Near Saint Mark's Square, it is a beautiful mid-18 th -century church.

The other church where you can hear concerts is San Vidal church, in Campo Santo Stefano, not far from the Academia bridge. Along with the concerts, the church is notable for its magnificent main altarpiece, San Vidal on Horseback with Eight Saints, painted in 1514 by Vittore Carpaccio. Concerts in both these venues feature "The Four Seasons" and other works by Vivaldi. 123

Contarini del Bovolo Palace

During the 15 th -century renovations of an earlier Gothic building near Campo Manin, a unique spiraling staircase was added to the outside, creating one of the city's most unusual places to visit. The staircase spirals upward, encased by a balustrade and a series of graceful arches that give it an almost delicate air. The building became known as the Contarini del Bovolo Palace , referring to the Venetian word for snail.

Alongside the round tower, a series of 5 layered loggias decreasing in height with each level provides access to the building's five stories. You can see the exterior from the courtyard, or climb the tower for views from the roofed terrace at the top.

Address: San Marco, Campo Manin

Galleria d'Arte Moderno and Museo d'Arte Orientale inside the Ca' Pesaro

The impressive façade of Ca' Pesaro overlooking the Grand Canal, was inspired by the Sansovino Library that stands across from the Doge's Palace, built a century earlier. The lavish Venetian Late Baroque interior contrasts sharply with the art displayed there, for the palazzo now houses the Galleria d'Arte Moderna.

One of Italy's finest collections of modern art, it contains works by important 19th- and 20th-century painters and sculptors including Gustav Klimt, Marc Chagall, and Auguste Rodin. Highlights include decorative arts of the 20 th century such as works in glass made by Carlo Scarpa in the 1930s and 1940s and rare furniture pieces by the cabinetmaker Carlo Bugatti.

The Museo d'Arte Orientale occupies the third floor of the palace, with collections of fine and applied arts from Asia. Highlights are the Chinese vases and Japanese enamels, porcelains, and armor of the Edo period.

Ca'Pesaro is reached by Vaparetto from the San Stae stop, at the church of Sant'Eustachio, more commonly known as San Stae. Step inside the church to see paintings by early 18th-century artists, including Tiepolo and Pellegrini.

Address: Santa Croce, Venice

The Arsenal and the Museum of Naval History

The Arsenal, the shipyard of the Venetian Republic, was the largest and busiest in the world until the end of the 17th century. From its founding in 1104, it was continuously expanded, until in its heyday, it employed as many as 16,000 workers.

Closely guarded to preserve the secret production methods that enabled it to build a fully sea-ready ship in a single day, the Arsenal was accessible by one land and one sea approach only. So tight was its security that the Republic managed to keep its art of shipbuilding secret until about 1550.

At its imposing land entrance is a Renaissance-style triumphal arch guarded by lions brought from Greece as booty after the reconquest of the Peloponnese in the 17th century. Of the two lions on the left, the larger one stood guard over the port of Piraeus, while its fellow stood on the road from Athens to Eleusis.

Adjacent to the shipyard is the Museum of Naval History , displaying impressive booty brought back from the numerous maritime wars of the Republic, along with fascinating collections that include votive paintings made on wood panels in thanks for rescues at sea. These charming pictures are interesting for their depiction of sea life, not so much for their artistic finesse.

Models and artifacts relate to shipbuilding, the types of vessels afloat in the period that Venice was a sea power, and the Republic's strongholds throughout the Adriatic. A large model of the legendary ship of state Bucintoro , the Doge's sumptuous official galley, is especially interesting.

Address: Riva degli Schiavoni, Castello, Venice

While it's nice to stay close to St. Mark's Square, or between there and the Rialto, it's not essential for sightseeing. Attractions are all fairly close, and you'll have to walk between them anyway. Just as important is how close the hotel is to a Vaporetto stop on the Grand Canal. In addition to hotels near San Marco and San Zaccaria stops, consider those near Salute and Academia stops in Dorsoduro. Here are some highly rated and convenient hotels in Venice:

Luxury Hotels :

  • Only a few steps from the Salute stop and one stop from St. Mark's, Ca' Maria Adele is a lush island of serenity near the Guggenheim Collection, with antiques-furnished rooms and superb guest services.
  • The Gritti Palace, A Luxury Collection Hotel was once the home of a Venetian Doge, and its large, sumptuously appointed rooms (some with balconies) overlook the Grand Canal or a quiet piazza close to St. Mark's.
  • Set on a small canal less than two minutes' walk from Piazza San Marco, Bauer Palazzo could hardly have a more convenient location for tourists. Opulent appointments include marble floors and Murano glass chandeliers; guest rooms and the rooftop terrace overlook views of the Grand Canal and other landmarks.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • Elegant and luxurious Hotel Ai Cavalieri di Venezia is also a walk from the Rialto stop, but well located near attractions.
  • Londra Palace could hardly be better located, a three-minute walk from St. Mark's at the San Zaccaria stop, with balconies overlooking the lagoon; breakfast is included.
  • The large rooms at NH Collection Venezia Palazzo Barocci overlook the Grand Canal, at the San Angelo vaporetto stop.

Budget Hotels:

  • In a quiet neighborhood of Santa Croce, a short walk from a Vaporetto stop, about 20 minutes from Rialto and close to a good choice of restaurants, Hotel Tiziano has comfortable rooms and includes breakfast.
  • Rio Venezia Hotel is just behind St. Mark's, a block off the Grand Canal.
  • Also just steps from St. Mark's, Hotel Orion is on the shortest route to Rialto.

Exploring the Islands:

  • A highlight for most travelers is a visit to the islands of Murano and Burano. The easiest way to explore these islands is on a five-hour guided Murano Glass and Burano Lace Tour from Venice , which includes motorboat transport to the islands, with visits to a glassblowing factory on Murano and lace makers on Burano.

Sightseeing and Gondola Rides :

  • Venice is a little bit of a maze, and if you have limited time, taking a guided tour is a good idea. The Venice Walking Tour and Gondola Ride includes the best of both worlds, with an opportunity to learn the history of the sites as you wander the city and then relax and enjoy the scenery on a gondola ride.
  • Alternatively, to just soak up some of the ambience, skip the walking piece and see the sites from the water on a 35-minute shared gondola ride while being serenaded on the Venice Gondola Ride and Serenade .
  • A third option, the Venice Super Saver: Skip-the Line Doge's Palace and St. Mark's Basilica Tours, Venice Walking Tour and Grand Canal Cruise offers priority admission to the two must-see sights with the longest lines, a guided walking tour that takes you to some of Venice's secret sights, and a water-taxi cruise along the Grand Canal.

Good to Know

  • Beginning in 2025, day visitors will be charged an access tax of between €6 and €10, depending on the season and expected tourist numbers. Visitors staying overnight in Venice already pay a lodging tax of €1 to €5 per person per night for the first 5 nights.
  • If you plan to use the Vaporetto, either on the Grand Canal or to visit the islands of Murano, Burano, Lido and Torcello, ACTV transit passes are a good value. Single fares are €9.50, and a full-day pass is €25, less than the cost of three single rides. Multiple day passes save even more: 2 days for €25, 3 days for €45 and €65 for an entire week.
  • While Venetians are quite tolerant of the masses of tourists that pour in every day, the city has some rules for visitor behavior. While these are not uniformly enforced, recent violations have resulted in steep fines. Some that you should be aware of include prohibitions on picnicking in a public place, buying from street vendors, lying down on a public bench, putting padlocks on bridges, and leaning against store fronts.


Where to Go near Venice : After you've visited the city's top tourist attractions, you may want to explore some of the beautiful nearby towns. Only 20 kilometers away is pretty Treviso , enclosed by walls and with its own waterside villas. Padua , with its famous shrine of St. Anthony, is easy to reach by train or by a cruise along the historic Brenta Canal. Stop along the way at Villa Pisani, one of the most beautiful gardens in Italy .


Places to Visit from Venice: North of Treviso are the soaring Dolomites, with some of the top ski resorts in Italy but with plenty of things to do in all seasons. Along the Adriatic to the east is Trieste , where Italian blends with Hapsburg architecture reminiscent of Vienna. Following the Adriatic coast south, you'll reach Ravenna , with its magnificent Byzantine mosaics.

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key places to visit in venice

20 Best Things To Do in Venice

Losing yourself in Venezia's charm is easy, but there are an endless number of bucket list activities and century-old landmarks to see while you're there. Touring top attractions like St. Mark's Basilica and the Doge's Palace is a

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key places to visit in venice

St. Mark's Basilica (Basilica di San Marco) St. Mark's Basilica (Basilica di San Marco)

This elaborate church sits on the popular piazza by the same name. The church was built in honor of St. Mark the Evangelist, whose remains were stolen in Alexandria, Egypt, by a couple crafty Venetians, intent on bringing him to rest in Venice. (What made them crafty? They smuggled the remains to Italy in barrels of pork fat.) 

Crafted from many different styles of architecture, today the basilica's opulence shines from nearly every corner – from the four full-size bronze horses that guard the entrance to thousands of square feet of mosaics to the Pala d'Oro — an elaborate altar piece commissioned in Byzantium by the Venetians. If you look closely at the center gable on the exterior of the basilica, you can even see a statue of St. Mark along with Venice's emblem: a lion with wings. 

key places to visit in venice

Grand Canal Grand Canal free

U.S. News Insider Tip: You don't need to make a reservation for a gondola ride. Instead, speak with a gondolier in person the day you want to ride. You may be able to negotiate a lower price or longer ride if you're traveling during off-peak months, or if you find a gondolier along one of the side streets. – Holly D. Johnson

Considered to be the main street of Venice, the roughly 2-mile Grand Canal is one of the city's most popular and highly photographed attractions. Recent travelers recommend hiring a gondolier for a romantic row along the canal. If you're hoping to do this option, plan to fork over between 80 and 120 euros (about $87 to $132) for the ride.

key places to visit in venice

Gondola Rides Gondola Rides

Taking a gondola ride is a must-do when you're visiting a city that rises directly from a network of canals. A relaxing journey on one of these light, flat-bottomed boats will help you admire the historic charm of Venice from a range of new angles, and to explore neighborhoods and buildings you won't see on foot.

You can prebook a Venice gondola ride online if you prefer, which typically costs at least $80 for two adults. Some of the best gondola tours you can book online come from companies like Walks of Italy , Venice Tours and The Roman Guy .

key places to visit in venice

Popular Tours

 Venice In a Day: Basilica San Marco, Doges Palace & Gondola ride

Venice In a Day: Basilica San Marco, Doges Palace & Gondola ride

(1975 reviews)

from $ 122.41

Legendary Venice St. Mark's Basilica with Terrace Access & Doge's Palace

Legendary Venice St. Mark's Basilica with Terrace Access & Doge's Palace

(4029 reviews)

from $ 115.59

Murano & Burano Islands Guided Small-Group Tour by Private Boat

Murano & Burano Islands Guided Small-Group Tour by Private Boat

(4392 reviews)

from $ 39.63

key places to visit in venice

Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) free

Several centuries ago, if you wanted to cross the  Grand Canal , the Rialto Bridge was the only way. There are now four major bridges that cross the canal, but Rialto is by far the most famous.

The bridge's current incarnation is the handiwork of Antonio da Ponte, who beat out Michelangelo and Palladio for the job. Antonio da Ponte's name translates to "Anthony of the Bridge," and he built the Rialto Bridge entirely of Istrian stone after it collapsed multiple times from previous designs. Predicted to fail by critics, the bridge still stands and is considered an engineering marvel. 

key places to visit in venice

Teatro La Fenice Teatro La Fenice

The  Teatro La Fenice is one of Italy's most popular opera houses, and one that has almost faced its demise from not one, but three big fires since opening in 1792. Locals and visitors alike joke at the name (which translates to Theater of the Phoenix), and how it has coincided with the theater's unfortunate history: like a phoenix rising from the ashes, La Fenice has lived on.

Although renovated in 1996, the historic opera house still has an old-world feel with decadent, intricately designed gold interiors outfitted with plush, red velvet chairs, making it the perfect setting to take in the auditory/visual pleasure of classic Italian opera. In addition to opera and musical performances, there are also a variety of dance – particularly ballet – performances scheduled throughout the year. For those with a tight itinerary, the theater offers day tours.

key places to visit in venice

Torcello Torcello

Torcello is a northerly island in the Venetian lagoon that sits nearby Burano, another island and tourist hot spot. Torcello features a range of archaeological finds, including the so-called "Attila's Throne" and the Palazzo del Consiglio — the Gothic-style seat government of the island. The Museum of Torcello is also worth a visit according to past visitors, mainly due to its displays of early Christian artifacts and the other finds from the island.

Most tours to Torcello also include stops at the nearby islands of Burano and Murano, which are both known for their artisan crafts and glass blowing. These tours typically cost $25 to $40 per person and last six to seven hours. Each one includes boat transportation with several interesting stops that vary by tour operator.

key places to visit in venice

Campanile di San Marco Campanile di San Marco

This particular bell tower was constructed in the early 20th century as a replica of the 16th-century original. The original structure provided the optimal setting for Galileo Galilei's presentation of the telescope; it also served as a stage for tight rope walkers who would humor the doge (the highest Venetian official at the time) with their feats during the Flight of the Angel celebration. Today's campanile is used for sightseers desiring a Venetian panorama – though one with few canal views, oddly, since most of the canals are obscured from its 324-foot height.

Most visitors say the attraction is well worth your time and makes for a great photo. To avoid crowds, travelers say it's best to go early in the morning or later in the evening. If you join one of the best Venice tours , you'll likely pass by the iconic landmark on your jaunt through the city.

key places to visit in venice

St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco) St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco) free

St. Mark's Square, or  Piazza San Marco , is considered by many to be the heart of Venice. As the largest square in Venice, St. Mark's Square is the only piazza in the city. Lining the square are multiple historical sites including  St. Mark's Basilica ,  St. Mark's Campanile  and  Doge's Palace , as well as a number of restaurants, making it the perfect spot for leisurely people-watching and wine sipping. The square even has a handful of dueling piano bars that let you sit down and relax in a decadent setting, although the cost of food and drink at any of them is exorbitant.

Along with intricate architecture and hearty plates of spaghetti carbonara, visitors will be met with throngs of tourists, pigeons and vendors selling souvenirs. If you hoped to pick up a gondola hat or a carnival mask during your trip, this is the place you will find them.

key places to visit in venice

Best Of Venice: Saint Mark's Basilica, Doges Palace with Guide and Gondola Ride

(294 reviews)

from $ 118.72

Venice: Grand Canal by Gondola with Commentary

Venice: Grand Canal by Gondola with Commentary

(2568 reviews)

from $ 34.13

Venice: St.Mark's Basilica & Doge's Palace Tour with Tickets

Venice: St. Mark's Basilica & Doge's Palace Tour with Tickets

(404 reviews)

from $ 97.97

key places to visit in venice

Bridge of Sighs Bridge of Sighs free

Centuries ago, the Bridge of Sighs, which connects the  Doge's Palace  to dungeons, was used to transport prisoners from the courtroom to the prisons. Legend has it that the Bridge of Sighs, or  Ponte dei Sospiri , was named for the sighs prisoners like Giacomo Casanova would utter as they took one last look at the outside world through the bridge's windows as they made their way to prison for good. On a much lighter note, Venetian lore says if two lovers kiss on a gondola under the bridge, they'll be granted eternal bliss. 

Recent travelers offer mixed reviews on the Bridge of Sighs. Those who enjoyed it appreciated the details of the architecture and unique placement of the bridge, saying it was a nice photo-op, especially while the gondolas passed underneath it. Those who weren't as smitten noted its lack of accessibility as the main drawback, saying that merely looking at the bridge was underwhelming. Other disgruntled visitors pointed out that the number of tourists, combined with the small amount of viewing space, made the bridge barely visible. For a better viewing experience, consider tagging along on one of the best Venice tours .

key places to visit in venice

Santa Maria della Salute Santa Maria della Salute free

The Santa Maria della Salute was built to celebrate the end of the plague in 1631 and is dedicated to Our Lady of Health. Nowadays, many will recognize this magnificent Roman Catholic Church as the backdrop for many photos of Venice. There's a good chance you'll see it whether you take the time to go inside or not – at least from a distance. In fact, you can easily see the Santa Maria della Salute over the Grand Canal from Piazza San Marco . The church itself stands out due to its white marble facade and the 125 statues that adorn it, but there's much to see and explore inside.

The basilica features famous paintings by Titian and Tintoretto, as well as a remarkable sculpture called The Queen of Heaven Expelling the Plague. A 13th-century version of the painting "Madonna and Child" is also found within the basilica.

key places to visit in venice

Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale) Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale)

Views from the Venetian Lagoon give the Doge's Palace an ethereal look – almost like it's floating on top of water. But it's fitting, as the Doge's Palace (or  Palazzo Ducale ) has witnessed an intriguing history in its role as the residence of the doge (leader), the seat of government and the palace of justice. Everything from execution orders to the affairs of Venetian leaders was carried out here; and a web of secret passageways and hidden doors reveals a decidedly mysterious past.

Along with the attraction's historical significance, Doge's Palace is located in the busy St. Mark's Square , which means it sees a lot of foot traffic. It isn't uncommon to see a line wrapping around the building, so book your tickets in advance, and if you can't do that, arrive right when it opens to avoid crowds.

key places to visit in venice

Academy Gallery (Gallerie dell'Accademia) Academy Gallery (Gallerie dell'Accademia)

Originally an academy, this building was later turned into the Galleria dell'Accademia museum by none other than Napoléon. Today, it's filled with an expansive collection of Venetian art from the 14th to the 18th century by artists such as Bellini, Tintoretto and Veronese. 

If you enjoy art – especially Renaissance art – then you'll probably enjoy this museum. If not, you might be disappointed. Travelers who enjoyed this museum were primarily self-proclaimed art enthusiasts, while those who didn't identify as such reported being a bit bored.

key places to visit in venice

Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

The Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, sometimes referred to simply as Frari , is a gothic-style church that was finished in the 14th century. The exterior is minimal in comparison to  Saint Mark's Basilica  because the Franciscans who built it wanted the building to emulate their beliefs on living a life of poverty. The interior, however, is a different story. Inside, you'll see works by Titian, Bellini and Vivarini, among other famous artists, and all for a cheaper price than the city's art museums.

Recent visitors appreciated the minimal entrance fee and the fact that it sits away from the frenzy of the Piazza San Marco . Others admired its intricate interiors, as well as its bevy of artworks, calling the church a "must-see."

key places to visit in venice

Skip-the-Line: Doge's Palace & St. Mark's Basilica Fully Guided Tour

(1024 reviews)

from $ 82.56

Murano Glass Experience with a Visit to a Burano lace island

Murano Glass Experience with a Visit to a Burano lace island

(957 reviews)

from $ 55.04

Venice: St Mark's Basilica After-Hours Tour with Optional Doge's Palace

Venice: St Mark's Basilica After-Hours Tour with Optional Doge's Palace

(1057 reviews)

from $ 86.29

key places to visit in venice

Jewish Ghetto (Ghetto Ebraico di Venezia) Jewish Ghetto (Ghetto Ebraico di Venezia) free

In 1516, Jews in Venice were forced to move to a small northwestern section of the island. Considered to be the world's first ghetto, residents were only allowed to leave the neighborhood during the day and were then locked up at night and guarded. Today, this area is a part of the Cannaregio  sestiere (district) and is filled with restaurants and shops (some offering kosher products) and several synagogues, which are open for touring. Although it's free to wander around the neighborhood – and you might want to do just that – the synagogue tours do cost .

For a deeper understanding of the ghetto's history, recent travelers recommend booking a walking tour; some of the best Venice tours include stops here. Several water bus lines stop near the neighborhood, but you can also reach it on foot. 

key places to visit in venice

Peggy Guggenheim Collection Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Expat American art collector Peggy Guggenheim dedicated her life to gathering this impressive body of 20th-century contemporary art. The collection, which is housed in the Palazzo Venier dei Leoni on the  Grand Canal  (also Peggy's former home), contains works by artists such as Magritte, Picasso, Pollock, Chagall and Dalí. In the sculpture garden, you can pay your respects to Peggy herself (she was laid to rest on the property), as well as her beloved dogs, who are buried beside her.

Many travelers agree the Peggy Guggenheim Collection is well worth the visit. Some visitors were keen to point out that getting to know Peggy's life, on top of seeing the exceptional art, made the experience more unique than merely visiting a museum. Others who also enjoyed the museum said its modern collection is a nice break from the traditional Renaissance paintings often seen in Venetian museums. 

key places to visit in venice

Correr Civic Museum (Museo Civico Correr) Correr Civic Museum (Museo Civico Correr)

The Correr Civic Museum, also known as the Museo Correr, is a large museum that displays art and artifacts from Venice's history as well as the former royals' quarters. If you're also planning to visit Doge's Palace  (the former government seat and leader's residence), the standard ticket includes entry to this attraction.

Those who visited the museum said they were pleasantly surprised at how much they enjoyed the stop, considering it wasn't on their must-see list (though they recommend you add it to yours). Others enjoyed the museum's peace and quiet and said it's a great escape from the crowds in Piazza San Marco . Reviewers were also pleased with the on-site cafe.

key places to visit in venice

Ponte dell'Accademia Ponte dell'Accademia free

Ponte dell'Accademia is one of the four bridges that crosses the Grand Canal in Venice. While not as famous as the Rialto Bridge , its wooden structure makes it truly unique from other Grand Canal bridges in Venice that are made of metal or stone. It crosses the southern end of the canal where it connects the Dorsoduro and San Marco neighborhoods. Consider stopping by the Gallerie dell’Accademia or the Peggy Guggenheim Collection before or after viewing the bridge, as both are nearby.

Visitors say this bridge not nearly as crowded as the Rialto , and that the views of the canal and surrounding neighborhoods are spectacular. They also note that a vaporetto stop is nearby, so it's easy to visit the bridge by boat if you don't want to walk. Not only will you want to cross the bridge to get views of the water, but also you’ll want to take photos of the bridge from the surrounding buildings and walkways, according to past visitors.

key places to visit in venice

Libreria Acqua Alta Libreria Acqua Alta free

U.S. News Insider Tip: Many books at Libreria Acqua Alta are for decor only. Not everything you see is for sale. – Holly D. Johnson

The Libreria Acqua Alta is often called the "most beautiful bookstore in the world," and it's easy to see why. From its ancient stone walls to its cobblestone floors and embellished (and sometimes flamboyant) decor, there's a lot to see here other than books.

key places to visit in venice

Eat Like a Local: 3-hour Venice Small-Group Food Tasting Walking Tour

(1654 reviews)

from $ 97.49

St Marks, Doges Palace, with Murano and Burano & Gondola Ride

St Marks, Doges Palace, with Murano and Burano & Gondola Ride

(309 reviews)

from $ 164.45

Venice in A Day: St Mark's Basilica, Doge's Palace & Gondola Ride

Venice in A Day: St Mark's Basilica, Doge's Palace & Gondola Ride

(278 reviews)

from $ 163.48

key places to visit in venice

Ca' d'Oro Ca' d'Oro

Ca' d'Oro is a patrician palace that was originally built in the 15th century in the Renaissance style coupled with Gothic and Islamic elements. Built by Giovanni and Bartolomeo Bon (famous father and son architects and sculptors of the time) at the request of the procurator of St. Mark, the building is located along the Grand Canal . Several stories high, the palace facade is adorned with marble terraces and intricate architectural design. The building features ornate cornices and cresting that was made to please local Venetian patrons at the time.

The building is worth a look due to its elaborate exterior, but art lovers should note the Ca' D’Oro Franchetti Gallery is housed inside. Past visitors said that a trip inside was just as meaningful as an outside view, mostly due to the exceptional collection of art and heirlooms. Art you can view in this palace-turned-gallery includes sculptures, antique furniture, 16th-century Flemish tapestries, paintings and more.

key places to visit in venice

Rialto Market Rialto Market free

Located near the famous Rialto Bridge , the Rialto Market is a centuries-old market that features everything you would expect including fruit, fish and vegetables. Of course, many travelers head here to pick up souvenirs as well, some of which wind up being edible. Visitors to the market have said it's a vibrant and busy place that's ideal for buying local herbs and sauces, or trying out meats, cheeses, spices and freshly caught seafood.

What should you do while visiting the market? You can walk throughout and try interesting foods and sauces, and there are places to sit down and eat or relax. Hours can vary, but the produce market is typically open 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Saturday and the fish market is open the same hours Tuesday through Saturday. To avoid crowds, try visiting first thing in the morning.

key places to visit in venice

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The 23 best things to do in Venice

Aperol Spritz, gondola rides and some of the best contemporary art around? Welcome to the city of love

If you think Venice  is stuffy, you’re looking in the wrong places. It’s busy, obviously, but most people are there to see St Mark’s and the Rialto Bridge. A whopping 118 islands linked by over 400 bridges make up the centre of Venice, so there is a whole lot to explore – and that’s where we come in. 

Maybe you just want to get lost in the narrow  calli and sit canalside with  cicchetti  (Venice’s famous finger food) and an Aperol Spritz by the water. Maybe you’re coming for the art – Renaissance maestros and modern marvels are all covered here. Maybe you’re here to party like it’s 1699 at Carnevale, or maybe you just want to get away from it all, and hit the outer islands of the lagoon. Whatever you’re into, here’s my local’s guide to Venice.  

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Julia Buckley  is a travel writer based in Venice . At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines .  This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our  affiliate guidelines . 

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Best things to do in Venice

Piazza San Marco

1.  Piazza San Marco

  • Attractions
  • Public spaces

Napoleon called this ‘the drawing room of Europe’, and even with today’s crowds and thickets of selfie sticks, St Mark’s Square is as refined as ever. Ride the elevator to the top of the   campanile   (bell tower) for drone-style views, watch high tides bubble up through the drains (note: that’s why you shouldn’t be splashing through the water barefoot), and visit the famous Correr Museum, located above the famous porticos. Most importantly, have a drink at one of the famous cafes, some of which have been going strong for hundreds of years. Florian has been serving eager Venice tourists since 1720, but our tip is for Quadri, on the opposite side of the square – it’s owned by the local Alajmo brothers, who have a Michelin-starred restaurant upstairs and gourmet bar snacks downstairs. 

Doge’s Palace

2.  Doge’s Palace

Few buildings on the planet are as gloriously camp as the pink-tinged, candy-striped Doge’s Palace, dandling on the water’s edge. It’s certainly seen some action – the political heart of the Venetian Republic, which lasted for over 1000 years until 1797, this is where doges were ‘crowned’ (and the naughty ones executed), while prisoners were tried and marched to their deaths over the Bridge of Sighs. Some of the greatest artists of the Renaissance came to slather its walls in paintings, and even Casanova was imprisoned here, although he swiftly escaped over the rooftops to slay another day. Leave enough time to see it properly – highlights include the one of the largest canvas paintings in the world (‘ Paradise’  by Tintoretto in the Sala del Maggior Consiglio), the seriously creepy prisons, and the Bridge of Sighs, where you can recreate your own death walk. The regular exhibitions, including contemporary art installations, are always worth a look. 

Basilica San Marco

3.  Basilica San Marco

  • Religious buildings and sites
  • price 1 of 4

All that glitters probably   is   gold, if the Venetians are anything to go by. They looted left right and centre, down the Adriatic and across to Constantinople to make this, their main church, as spectacular as possible. From the intricate Byzantine-style mosaics on the floor (don’t miss the rhinoceros) to the glowing golden roof and wall mosaics, whose saints and martyrs sparkle, it’s deliciously outré. For a small extra fee you can visit the museum upstairs, and walk outside for views of the Piazza. 

Grand Canal

4.  Grand Canal

This is one of the world’s greatest waterways for good reason – splitting Venice neatly into two, lined with palazzos each fancier than the next, and crossed by just four bridges, including the Rialto (below). Luckily in this most expensive of cities, public transport plies exactly the same route around its legendary bends as you’d take in a taxi or a gondola – you just have to make sure you bag a decent seat. Hop on the number 1 boat at Piazzale Roma, and it’ll take you on a 45-minute leisurely cruise, past churches (including the iconic domed Salute church) mindblowingly beautiful palazzos like the gothic wedding cake that is Ca’ d’Oro, fancy hotels like the Aman (where you might get a glimpse of Clooney and his ilk), and gliding under the Rialto. Because it’s a busy waterway, seeing the Grand Canal by gondola can be pretty stressful – you’re better off hopping into one at a quieter stop. What you should do here, though, is take a ride in a traghetto – essentially a public gondola, they cross the Grand Canal at five points. You get all the views, with less of the waves caused by all the boats – and all for €2 a pop.

Ponte di Rialto

5.  Ponte di Rialto

  • Historic buildings and sites

Only in Venice can a bridge be a tourist attraction, a work of art… and a shopping mall. The marble-clad affair, linking the San Marco and San Polo districts via the Grand Canal since 1591, is second only to Piazza San Marco when it comes to visitor numbers. Fight for a space to get a prime view of the Grand Canal, check out the shops that line it (but be aware they’re mostly tourist traps), and most importantly cross it (if you’re coming from the San Marco side) to reach the market that’s been going strong for over 1,000 years. Today, the market itself may be of slightly less interest to visitors, since it’s mainly fruit, veg and fish, but the bars that have fuelled market workers for centuries are some of the best in the city for both atmosphere and cicchetti (see below).


6.  Cicchetti

People often slate Venice as expensive – with bad food. These people haven’t eaten cicchetti , the legendary Venetian bar snacks, which started as bitesize fodder for gondoliers and workers on the run. Today, they usually come in the form of slices of baguette bread topped with anything from seafood to meat and cheese – you’ll find some of the best in town at Schiavi in Dorsoduro, where gourmet toppings include egg dusted with tiny flowers and tuna tartare with a sprinkling of cacao. The more traditional cicchetti , though, don’t involve bread – they’re anything from a boiled egg with anchovies, to sarde in saor , sweet-sour-style sardines marinated with onion, raisins and pine nuts. Pair it with an ombra – the Venetian term for a small glass of house wine. The bars around the Rialto market are a good place to start a cicchetti crawl. 

Gallerie dell’Accademia

7.  Gallerie dell’Accademia

When Napoleon conquered Venice, he swiped plenty of its best Renaissance artworks and took them back to France. Lots have been recovered, however, and are now part of this vast gallery, one of the best in Italy, sporting one of the finest collections of Renaissance art on the planet. The high-ceilinged rooms are stuffed with altarpieces by Venetian greats like Titian, Tintoretto, Bellini and Carpaccio, as well as those who hit the big time here, from Mantegna to Veronese. Look out for contemporary exhibitions, too, especially in Biennale years – a recent Anish Kapoor show was mesmerising. 


8.  Burano

  • Walks and tours

Burano might be a 40-minute Vaporetto from the main island, but it’s worth the day trip. This island is filled with homes painted in every colour of the rainbow. Stroll past the 13th-century church of Santa Caterina to check out local restaurants, like the Trattoria Al Gatto Nero, which serves fresh seafood and homemade pasta (look for the bright blue building).

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

9.  Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Throughout the rest of Italy a scuola is a school, but in Venice it’s something altogether less pedestrian – essentially a group of locals who come together to do charitable deeds, and, more excitingly for today’s tourists, called in the best artists of the time to do the decoration. This is the best, covered almost entirely in paintings by Tintoretto – including the kaleidoscopic ceiling in the main room upstairs. It’s a mindblowing place – pick up one of the mirrors on hand so you don’t crick your neck, and follow the cycle. Don’t miss the wall seats sporting esoteric carved figures, either – including what looks like a cowboy. 


10.  Carnevale

Today, it’s almost exclusively tourists that take part in Carnevale – Venice’s carnival – but that doesn’t make it any less spectacular. Visit during February (usually, depending on the dates – but it ends on Shrove Tuesday) and you’ll find the streets full of your fellow visitors dressed up (you can tell the foreigners because they’ll be dressed in antique-style garb while Italians will be in general fancy dress). So grab a mask – splash out on one from a local artisan rather than buying a cheap plastic one from a stall, you won’t regret it – and join the crowds. You’ll find the official events listed on the Venice Carnival website each year – the most spectacular one is the Volo dell’Angelo, which marks the start of the Carnival, with a young woman ‘flying’ on a zipline from the campanile to the Doge’s Palace. 

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

11.  Peggy Guggenheim Collection

When the late, great Peggy Guggenheim moved to Venice in 1949, the city was busy looking back at its past glories. Guggenheim changed that pretty much singlehandedly (the Biennale aside), with her focus on contemporary art, filling her almost modernist-looking single-storey palazzo on the Grand Canal (it’s not a bungalow – it’s just an unfinished classical one) with works by her favourite artists. Today, her home is a museum bursting with her huge collection, with works by the likes of Picasso, Dalií, Pollock and more. Don’t forget to pay respects on your way out to her garden grave, alongside those of her best friends: her dogs.


12.  Murano

Come for the glass and stay for the island. Murano is a mini Venice, complete with its own palace-lined ‘Grand Canal’ snaking down its middle – and it’s only a five-minute vaporetto ride into the north lagoon (depending on where you alight). It is, of course, best known for its glass – the streets are lined with glass shops (make sure you’re buying something made locally, not a foreign-import trinket), blazing furnaces fire the factories where maestri blow and hand-turn glass, and there’s a superb – and compact – museum (below). But it’s a gorgeous island in its own right. Don’t miss the Basilica dei Santi Maria e Donato with its 12th-century mosaic ‘carpet’ of geometric patterns and fantastical animals, or the art-stuffed San Pietro Martire church. If you’re buying, Lucevetro has glasses, accessories and glass artwork designed and made on the island at accessible prices, while big spenders should head to Venini , whose collaborations with 20 th -century designers have made it world famous. 


13.  Torcello

Just across the water from Burano is this semi-deserted island, whose current population just about hits double figures. Back in the day, though, this was where Venice began – before the Venetians settled around the Rialto, Torcello was a thriving port. Today it’s best known as being to a famous restaurant ( Locanda Cipriani  – great food, if sometimes snooty service), and the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta , built in the seventh century, and topped and tailed with glittering 11 th -century mosaics, including the dramatic Last Judgement on the back wall, which has some particularly gruesome depictions of those unlucky souls in hell. 

Venice Biennale

14.  Venice Biennale

Every other year from May to November, the art crowd flocks into town for the Venice Biennale, which sees countries from all over the world set up shop (or ‘pavilions’) to showcase the best of their modern artists. There are two official areas – the made-to-measure pavilions in the Giardini (a park to the east of the centre) and the Arsenale, the ancient shipyard, whose centuries-old factory premises make beguiling gallery space. You can get a ticket for one space or for both, and it’s worth adding a guided tour, led by experts, which give much-needed context to the exhibits and the Biennale theme as a whole (it’s contemporary art after all). What’s often more exciting are the ‘fringe’ events, which take place in multiple locations around the city: private palazzos, churches, abandoned buildings and even supermarkets. It’s a window onto another world. 

Jewish Quarter

15.  Jewish Quarter

In 1516, Venice’s Jewish community was forcibly settled onto an island in Cannaregio, and the word “ghetto” was born. Over the following centuries it expanded, though citizens were still confined to the area at nightly curfew, and had to build ‘skyscrapers’ – as much as eight storeys high – to fit into the tiny area. While they lived in cramped conditions, though, they worshipped in synagogues every bit as fancy as Venice’s churches, and got the starchitects of the time to design them. Each community of origin had its own place of worship – today, guided tours take you to two of the five of them (which ones you get depends on the day). Outside in the area’s main square is a Holocaust memorial, remembering the 246 Jews who were arrested here and sent to the concentration camps during World War II.

Fondamenta della Misericordia

16.  Fondamenta della Misericordia

Venice has never been a party city, but this is its wondrously watery take on a bar strip: dozens of wine bars, restaurants and boozy joints lining a wide canal in residential district Cannaregio, backing onto the Jewish quarter. Try Vino Vero for fancy (think biodynamic) wines, Al Timon whose seating includes a boat moored on the canal, and Ae Bricoe for delicious cicchetti . There’s also a great artist wedged between bars, Nelson Kishi at his shop Codex Venezia , for a truly unique souvenir of Venice. 

Museo del Vetro

17.  Museo del Vetro

A museum about glass sounds yawnsome, but this is anything but: it runs you through the history of glass-making, from its Middle Eastern origins, to the Romans, and the medieval Venetian traders who brought back works from Syria to be copied back home – promptly moving the global glass business to Murano. There are plenty of examples, from pre-Roman vases to elaborate Renaissance tableware, as well as more design-led glass art from the 20 th century. If you turned your nose up at the glass chandeliers in your hotel, you’ll be converted here. 

Take in the views

18.  Take in the views

Few cities look as good from on high as this one, and you’ve a few places to choose from if you want a bird’s eye view.  The most obvious one is the campanile in Piazza San Marco – but while that nets you stellar views of the Piazza and the Doge’s Palace, it has the same problem as the observatory of the Empire State Building – you’re in the view. The campanile on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, just across the water, is a good alternative for classic Venice views, while for the Grand Canal, you’ll want to head to the rooftop of the Fondaco di Tedeschi department store, right above the Rialto Bridge.


19.  Lido

When you’ve had enough culture, escape to the Lido – the seven-mile sandbar separating the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. It’s home to world-class beaches with Miami-style sugary sand – think Dirk Bogarde sprawling on the beach in ‘Death in Venice’ – although you’ll need to rent a sunlounger at one of the many beach clubs, since almost all of it is privatised. The island has celebrities oozing out of its pores come September, when the Venice Film Festival comes to town (the best star-spotting is at the wildly OTT Excelsior Hotel), but it’s lovely year-round, even on bracing winter walks. Take a bus (yes, this island has cars) to the eastern end to find its wilder side, with dramatic breakwaters and dunes that feel a world away from the city.

20.  Venezia Autentica

Feel like you’ve got shopping fatigue from passing by all those trashy souvenir shops? Take another breath – and let Venezia Autentica guide you towards the kind of places you actually want to shop at. Venice has been known for its world-class artisans for centuries, and this online platform run by two locals has a detailed database of the best of them. Whether it’s a hand-bound notebook, a blown-glass necklace or an actual Venetian mask (not the foreign-made plastic ones you’ll see all over) there are exquisite items out there – and it’s the most sustainable way to shop in this most fragile of cities, too. 

Our first look at Venice's photography museum

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More great things to do in Venice

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Home » Blog » Italy Travel Guides » 21 Most Popular Places to Visit in Venice, Italy

21 Most Popular Places to Visit in Venice, Italy

Last Updated on January 24, 2024 by Jo Fitzsimons

As Alexander Herzen once said, “ To build a city where it is impossible to build a city is madness in itself, but to build there one of the most elegant and grandest of cities is the madness of genius .” And Venice is just that. One of the most elegant and grandest of cities, that defies all architectural probabilities. Spread across 118 islands that are carved up by a web of canals and linked by 400 bridges, Venice is an absolute wonder even without the many magnificent sights.

NEW: Venice visitor fees apply from April 2024

So, where do you start when you’re visiting Venice (apart from at the airport !)? In this guide, I’ll share the most popular places to visit in Venice, Italy. Whether it’s your first time in the city or you’re a returning visitor, these are the Venice attractions I recommend exploring first.

At the end, I’ve included a map of all the places listed in this guide.

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Table of Contents

1. St Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco)

St Marks Square with people and pigoens in Venice

St Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco)  is a tourist draw for a reason. Not only is it the main public square in Venice, it’s the location of some of the best attractions in Venice, including St Mark’s Basilica, the Doge Palace, St Mark’s Campanile, St Mark’s Clocktower and the Bridge of Sighs. As if that wasn’t enough, the square features lengths of colonnades (covered walkways) leading to cafes, gelaterias , restaurants and shops. Is it any wonder Winston Churchill named Piazza San Marco ‘the drawing room of Europe’?  If you’re newly arrived in Venice, St Mark’s Square is the best place to start exploring the city.

Did you know: In Venice, St Mark’s Square is simply known as la piazza, meaning ‘the square’.

Related: 10 Things NOT To Do In Venice (And 10 To Do Instead)

2. St Mark’s Basilica (Basilica di San Marco)

St Marks Basilica church and domes outside in St Marks Square

Sitting on the east side of St Mark’s Square is the impressive sight of St Mark’s Basilica. It’s the main cathedral in Venice and if you only have time to visit one, make it Basilica di San Marco. The Basilica was completed in 1092 and was built in the gothic style. It’s one of Venice’s many dramatic buildings, complete with grand domes and a generous layering of gold leaf inside.

Tips for visiting St Mark’s Basilica: The line for the basilica gets very long so you should book tickets in advance. I took a guided tour of the Basilica which included fast-track entry, rare access to the Basilica terrace, the Doge Palace and inside the Bridge of Sighs. It was definitely my best experiences in Venice.

Did you know: the copper-coloured horses sitting high up on St Mark’s Basilica are just copies. The original horses are kept inside the terrace. That’s no big surprise, since they’re thought to be around 2,000 years old. And if you like historic, old Italy, add Padua to your travel wish list. It’s the oldest city in northern Italy. You can compare Italian regions here .

3. St Mark’s Campanile (Campanile di San Marco)

tall tower - St Marks campanile in St Marks Square Venice with green roof

Also located in St Mark’s Square is St Mark’s Campanile (bell tower). Reaching 98.6 metres (323 ft) high, the Campanile isn’t just one of the most famous places in Venice, it is the also highest point in the city. It’s possible to go inside the Campanile and take an elevator to the top. From there, you’re rewarded with expansive views out over St Mark’s Square.

Tip: The best views in Venice are actually from San Giorgio Maggiore (in my opinion). Ascend the bell tower of San Giorgio Maggiore and you’ll get to look back across the lagoon at St Mark’s Square, including the Campanile. Details below.

Did you know: the bell tower was previously a lighthouse for the Venice lagoon.

4. Doge Palace (Palazzo Ducale)

Doge Palace pink and white building seen from the waterfront with the Campanile next to it

If ever there was a building that looked like a lace-covered wedding cake, it’s got to be the Doge Palace in Venice.

Built in 1340 , this grand palace on the edge of St Mark’s Square was once home to the Doge of Venice. (A Doge was the head of state, elected lord and chief magistrate in certain cities in Italy, especially Venice). While the grand palace is impressive outside, it gets even better if you head inside. There, you’ll find a museum showing the lavish lifestyle of the Doge.

Tips for visiting the Doge Palace : I recommend the combination tour and ticket I booked: St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace Fast Track Tour . It includes fast track to the Basilica, the Doge Palace and the Bridge of Sighs.

5. Bridge of Sighs (Ponte dei Sospiri)

View out across Venice from small hole within Bridge of Sighs corridor

Of all the things to do in Venice, the Bridge of Sighs (Ponte dei Sospiri) has to be my favourite. Yet, most people ‘get it wrong’ when it comes to visiting. They simply stand on the bridge opposite and take a picture of it, which entirely misses the point. Let me explain.

At first glance, the Bridge of Sighs is a white bridge in Venice that links parts of the Doge Palace. However, it’s the views from within the Bridge of Sights that gave the bridge its name.

Prisoners inside the Doge Palace were transported to their place of execution via the Bridge of Sighs. Offering views of the Venice lagoon, it is believed that the prisoners would sigh as they crossed the bridge, seeing the beauty of Venice one last time. So, if you’re standing outside looking at the Bridge of Sighs with your back to the lagoon, you’re facing the wrong way.

Tips for visiting the Bridge of Sighs: To see it properly, take a tour inside the Doge Palace, which includes walking through the Bridge of Sighs. This is the tour I took which gives fantastic views across the lagoon: St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace Fast Track Tour . 

6. Columns of San Marco and San Todaro

Tall columns in St Marks square with statues on top

Located in St Mark’s Square, facing the water, between the Doge Palace and Marciana Library stand the columns of San Marco and San Todaro. Most people don’t know the significance of the columns which is a pity because they’re a fascinating part of Venice history. Look up, and at the top of the columns are Venice’s patron saints – the winged lion, San Marco on the left, and a statue of St Theadore, San Todaro on the right.

The columns were erected around 1127 and during the 1800s the space between the columns was used for the execution of the prisoners (after they’d walked through the Bridge of Sighs). Even today, Venetians who are superstitious won’t pass in between the columns (even if they’ve had a few glasses of Aperol Spritz for courage).

7. St Mark’s Clocktower (Torre dell’Orologio)

key places to visit in venice

Opposite the columns in St Mark’s Square is an ornate clock tower. Built during the Renaissance period, St Mark’s Clocktower (Torre dell’Orologio) was built as a show of the wealth of Venice. The tower has a magnificent archway that leads towards the Rialto area of Venice. Look up and you’ll see a statue of the winged Lion of Saint Mark. Every hour, “the Moors” (small statues at the top), ring the bell.

Did you know? When prisoners were executed between the columns of San Marco and San Todaro, they were forced to face the clock tower. This led to an old Venetian saying, “Te fasso véder mi, che ora che xe”, meaning ‘I’ll show you what time it is’. It’s typically said to enemies as a threat. Not one to add to your Italian Phrasebook!

8. Grand Canal (Canal Grande)

Grand Canal in Venice with boats

Is there any sight more stunning in Venice that the turquoise green glimmer of the Grand Canal? Running through the city, the main canal is a draw for tourists and locals alike. Whether it’s children using boats to travel to school, workers transporting their wares or tourists enjoying a coffee and pastry at a cafe on the canal banks, the river is an endless hive of activity. The best way to enjoy the Grand Canal is taking a boat trip. You can either indulge in a Gondola Ride , take a river boat cruise (I took this one) or just hop on the public water buses (vaporetto) . Any of these modes will help you see the grand Canal just fine.

Insider tip : Gondola rides are iconic but if you want to explore the Grand Canal for longer (trust me, you do), I highly recommend taking this 2-hour boat tour . As well as passing some of the best sights – the Rialto Bridge, Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, the house of Prada and the Aman Grand Canal hotel (George Clooney had his wedding there), you can also visit the tower of San Giorgio Maggiori for views back over Venice. Gondola rides won’t give you half of this experience.

9. Salute (Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute)

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

It’s staggering to me that such a grand church can be considered a ‘minor’ basilica, but that is what Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute technically is. However, to you and I, it is a grand and highly ornate Roman Catholic church that sits at the mouth of St Mark’s Square. Without a shadow of a doubt, its grandeur is best seen from the water. The same boat tour I mentioned above will take you past it. The church, which is simply known as Salute, was built in the Baroque style during the early 1600s. It was erected in honour of Virgin Mary after a wave of plague had killed around a third of the city. (Virgin Mary was thought to be a protector of Venice.)

Did you know Italy’s Prosecco wine region is only 1hr from Venice? Find out more about the Prosecco Region and check out our Prosecco Wine Tours here .

10. San Giorgio Maggiore Tower

Views of St Marks from San Giorgio Maggiore

The panorama from the top of the church of San Giorgio Maggiore is, in my opinion, one of the best views in the whole of Venice. Sitting on the tiny San Giorgio Maggiore island, you can take an elevator to the top of the bell tower and look out towards Venice island. As well as the sweep of the lagoon, you can see St Mark’s Square and the Campanile. To get there, either take the vaporetto (line 2 from St Mark’s Square) or the boat tour I mentioned above.

11. Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto)

Rialto bridge in Venice

Of all the free things to do in Venice, standing on the Rialto Bridge (Pont di Rialto) watching the gondolas on the Grand Canal, has to be one of the most iconic. Did you know there are only four bridges that actually span the Grand Canal? And, of them, the Rialto bridge is the oldest. Sure, you might need to budge your way in among the crowds if you visit during the peak season, but standing on one of the most famous places in Venice is worth it.

Related: Know what’s happening in Venice with our Prosecco Calendar – Italy’s National Holidays & Prosecco Events

12. Rialto Market (Mercado di Rialto)

bright vegetables at Rialto market stall

But don’t be too quick to pass over the Rialto Bridge because underneath it is a wonderful food market. Situated on the St Mark’s side of the bridge, there are actually two markets. The Rialto Market (Mercado di Rialto) and a fish market. The Rialto market has been running for close to 1,000 years so even if you don’t need to do any shopping for fruit, vegetables or cheese , it’s worth a stroll around this part of Venice’s long past.

13. Explore the Peggy Guggenheim Collection

If you only have time for one museum in Venice, make it the Peggy Guggenheim Collection . As you might expect, it’s a modern art museum. But, because this is Venice, it’s located in Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, a palace that dates to the 18th century. This palace used to be Peggy Guggenheim’s home in Venice and is located on the Grand Canal.

Inside, you’ll find works of art from the 1950s to the modern day as well as a beautiful sculpture garden. Step onto the terrace for views across the Grand Canal. Take note: the museum is closed on Tuesdays.

14. Academy Gallery (Gallerie dell’Accademia)

If you’re more of an Old Masters art lover (like I am), then your best museum in Venice will be the Academy Gallery (Gallerie dell’Accademia) . Known as Venice’s fine art museum, the Academy Gallery focuses on artwords from the 19th century and earlier. The collection leans towards works from both Italian and Venetian artists. As with most ticketed places in Venice, it pays to book ahead. This museum is open daily but only half-day (in the morning) on Mondays.

Got more time for art? Check out Scuola Grande di San Rocco – a grand 15th building filled with remarkable paintings by the famous Italian painter Tintoretto.

15. Lido Island

Given there are so many islands in Venice, it makes sense that there is a beautiful stretch of sandy beach somewhere. And, whether the crowds are wearing your nerves or the kids are ready for some time on the sand, heading to Lido island offers a great alternative to walking the city streets. Lido di Venezia is a hotspot and does get busy (like all of Venice). However, it has a resort feel with excellent restaurants, bars and cafes. You can reach Lido on the public vaporetto.

Tip: if you plan to get around by public vaporetto, it’s cheaper to book a Vaporetto pass .

16. Murano, Burano, and Torcello Islands

Colourful houses on Burano island in Venice

It almost seems a shame to lump these three Venice islands together, because Murano, Burano and Torcello are three very distinct islands that deserve a day each to themselves. However, most tourists visit them in one day, making a great ‘day trip’ off the main St Mark’s island.

Related: The Best Day Trips from Venice – Discover Northern Italy

Murano is an island made famous by the Venetian glass that is produced there (great for gifts). Nearby Burano is picture-perfect with it’s brightly coloured houses. And tourists are drawn to Torcello to visit the Byzantine church, Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, and the Ponte del Diavolo, a bridge that has no parapets (sides). Torcello also offers great views over neighbouring Burano.  

If you want to explore the islands, you can either take a tour , use a private water taxi (they are readily available in Venice) or explore by the public vaporetto. Just make sure you book a Vaporetto pass . Really want to escape for the day? Visit Treviso , where the Tiramisu was invented.

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17. Venice Opera House (Teatro La Fenice)

inside la fenice opera house in Venice

Whether you’re an opera buff or not, La Fenice is worth a visit. Not only is it one of the most ornate places to visit in Venice, it’s one of the world’s most famous opera houses. La Fenice opened in 1792 and its name, meaning ‘the Phoenix’, aimed to signify rising from the ashes after several of the city’s former opera houses had closed due to fire. However, La Fenice was not immune and in 1996 an arson attack devastated the theatre. But, great restoration work was undertaken and the interior is as grand and opulent as ever. Even if you can’t (or don’t want to) get tickets to an opera performance, you can take a tour of Teatro La Fenice . Advance booking is highly recommended.

18. Canareggio

One of my favourite areas in Venice is Canareggio. The former Jewish Ghetto is packed with history but boasts a modern shopping street. Many locals choose Canareggio to live since it sees fewer tourists. Prices are lower, the restaurants more local and there are plenty of non-tourist wine bars to explore. It’s a great spot if you’re looking for somewhere quieter to stay in the city. It’s also well located for Santa Lucia train station if you’re planning on taking a wine-tasting tour of the Prosecco region with us. The closest vaporetto stop is Ca’ d’Oro.

If you’re keen to learn more about the history of Canareggio, you can book a Jewish Ghetto 2 Hour Tour .

19. Nail Bridge (Ponte Chiodo)

Ponte de Chiodo - bridge without sides in Venice

While you’re in Canareggio, take time to track down Ponte Chiodo. This bridge is pretty unique within the city as it doesn’t have sides (parapets). You will have spotted (and probably been reassured by) the parapets on Venice’s many bridges. However, there are two bridges in Venice that don’t have them. Ponte Chiodo and Ponte del Diavolo, on Torcello island. You can find Ponte Chiodo on the map below.

Did you know? Chiodo means nail, which was the name of the family which once privately owned this famous bridge.

20. Giudecca Island

On the topic of my favourite areas, I recommend adding Giudecca island to your list of places to visit in Venice. As well as giving great views over the main island, restaurant quality tends to be higher and its a great place to take a quiet stroll at night. I often stay on Giudecca to escape the crowds. The Hilton Molino Stucky hotel is a spectacular spot facing St Marks. An old, converted flour mill (that used to mill the flour for pasta), the Molino Stucky has modern rooms and suites that can offer fantastic views of Venice. Head to the rooftop bar for a Prosecco cocktail with sweeping panoramas, or take a dip in the swimming pool.

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21. Academy Bridge (Ponte del Accademia)

Ponte del Accademia over grand canal in Venice

Remember that there are only four bridges that stretch across the Grand Canal? Well, Ponte del Accademia is another of them. And it should be on your itinerary because it is beautiful. Having 50 steps up one side and 50 steps down the other, you get the sense that you’re truly crossing the Grand Canal. While you’re unlikely to have it to yourself, it doesn’t have nearly as many tourists as the Grand Canal, and the views are every bit as good. You can find the bridge near the Accademia vaporetto stop.

Map of the best places to visit in Venice

You can find all the places listed in this guide in our handy map which includes a feast of things to do in Venice and the nearby Prosecco Region and Prosecco vending machine .

Where to stay in Venice

Looking for a quick guide to where to stay in Venice? These are my top picks. If you want more suggestions, check out my more detailed guide: Where to Stay in Venice, Italy

  • Best 5-Star Hotel: The Gritti Palace  – Luxury stay with Grand Canal views. 
  • Best Boutique Hotel: Canal Grande – Grand Canal location in an 18th century palace.
  • Popular Hotel:  Hotel Antiche Figure – voted the best hotel in Venice among travellers.
  • Best chain hotel: Hilton Molino Stucky – converted flour will with roof terrace and pool.
  • Best Hostel: Generator Hostel  – Dorms and privates for a budget stay in Venice.

That’s my guide to the best places to visit in Venice. Got any questions or suggestions, leave a comment below.

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15 Best Things to Do in Venice

By Andrea Whittle

Pinault Collection

You'll find part of the appeal of Venice in its layers and contrasts: There are plenty of beautifully preserved palaces, churches and glorious renaissance masterpieces to be sure, but there are also abandoned Byzantine shipyards used to display the world's most cutting edge contemporary art, and house museums that now host avant garde poetry readings and dance shows. It's all about the mix of crumbling old world glamour and mysterious chic. Yes, it's a major tourist town, but with this list of the best things to do, we've tried to guide you towards the stuff that's really worth seeing, be it on everyone's hit list or more of a low-key secret.

St. Mark's Basilica

St. Mark’s Basilica Arrow

The cathedral anchoring St. Mark's square is so over-the-top beautiful it almost looks imaginary, like a church in a storybook. Outside, it's all Byzantine domes and columns and lions and angels; inside, it's aglow with glittering, gilded mosaics. For those just interested in the architecture, you can visit when there's not a mass in session (it's still very much a functioning church, with regular services), but check the website for the latest on the sometimes-nonsensical opening hours. Also know that, because it's in the Times Square of Venice, the church has had to start limiting crowds in recent years and there's often a long line. Make plans to go early.

This image may contain Flooring Human Person Floor Architecture Building Corridor Clothing Apparel Church and Altar

Palazzo Fortuny Arrow

Palazzo Fortuny, a Gothic palazzo, was once the home of Mariano Fortuny, the artist, stage designer, and textile designer behind Fortuny Fabrics, which still turns out luxurious damask silks, cut velvets and printed cottons today. As a museum, it's a tribute to his opulent and eclectic taste: Rooms, draped in a patchwork of luxurious textiles or painted in floor-to-ceiling frescoes, are filled with art, antiques, and decor from his collection.

Venetian Arsenal

Venetian Arsenal Arrow

Arsenale di Venezia, a massive Byzantine armory and shipyard, was originally built in the 12th century, and it served as the Venetian military HQ for centuries afterwards. Now, its cavernous halls and landscaped gardens are used as one of the main venues for the Biennale, as well as the city's Naval Museum. During the Biennale, the Arsenale is filled with curators, collectors, tourists, and artists checking out the exhibition or relaxing on one of the lawns overlooking the harbor.

Giardini della Biennale

Giardini della Biennale Arrow

Every two years, during the Art Biennale, Giardini della Biennale, the leafy garden at the edge of the city, transforms into the Epcot of the art world. Maritime pines and gravel pathways conjoin a series of small pavilions, each pertaining to a different country, and each with its own architectural style. At all other times, the park is simply a beautiful, secluded, walkable, mostly tourist-free green space, with views of the canal and plenty of benches. Getting here is a bit of a trek though though; the park is about a 30-minute walk from San Marco, so if you're there in the heat of summer, consider taking the vaporetto (water bus).

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Gallerie dell'Accademia

Gallerie dell'Accademia Arrow

Gallerie dell'Accademia is Venetian Renaissance 101. Name an important painter from the era—Titian, Canaletto, Bellini, Bosch, Tiepolo—and you can bet you'll find it here, spread among rooms as decadent as the paintings themselves. The collection spans the 13th to 17th centuries and consists mostly of works created in and around Venice. There are a lot of oil paintings, many of them religious masterpieces that have been beautifully restored and displayed. Particularly fun are the historical scenes of Venice, which offer a sense of the city's chaos during its heyday as a merchant capital.

Caffè Florian

Caffè Florian Arrow

Caffè Florian, in Piazza San Marco, has been open since 1720. In the early days, it was a watering hole for the likes of Proust, Dickens, and Casanova. Now, it's a tourist spot, sure—but it's a charming, beautiful, and an inarguably romantic one. Musicians (which you're paying for by the way—a fee will show up on your bill) play in the square out front, and patrons cluster around low marble tables, sipping hot chocolate and picking delicate pastries off silver trays. For first-timers to Venice, Florian is a glamorous place to stop and refuel.

Church of San Giorgio Maggiore

Church of San Giorgio Maggiore Arrow

The main attraction on San Giorgio Maggiore, a small island next to Giudecca, is the church designed by Andrea Palladio, which has a bell tower with some of the best views in the city. But there are also multiple art foundations, including Fondazione Cini and Le Stanze del Vetro, worth checking out as well. Since the island is only reachable by boat, there's built-in crowd control, making it a perfect choice if you're looking to escape the San Marco fray.

Teatro La Fenice

Teatro La Fenice Arrow

The name of Teatro La Fenice, a landmark opera house, means "The Phoenix"—a nod to the fact that it's literally risen from the ashes not once, but three times, most recently after two arsonists burned down everything but the exterior walls in 1996. But it's been rebuilt and restored to its former glory (complete with its world-famous acoustics) by a team of architects and artists who sought to recreate every inch of the way it looked and felt in the 19th century.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Peggy Guggenheim Collection Arrow

This squat palazzo on the Grand Canal was once the home of the eccentric gallerist and collector Peggy Guggenheim, who played a big part in the careers of artists like Jackson Pollock, Max Ernst, and Alberto Giacometti. Today the eponymous museum still maintains the feeling of a private house. Most of the work on display was collected by Guggenheim during her lifetime—and it's some of the best art of the 20th century. In the entryway, two Picassos hang next to a Calder mobile. There are rooms filled with Kandinskys and Brancusis and Pollocks and Dalis. One mantlepiece is lined with Joseph Cornell boxes.

Fondazione Prada Venezia

Fondazione Prada Arrow

This gloriously crumbling Baroque palazzo is the Venetian headquarters of Fondazione Prada. Much like the Italian fashion brand's designs, the artistic programming is bold, contemporary, and innovative. There is no permanent collection; instead, the three main floors of the palazzo are used as a project space for immersive exhibitions that often run concurrently with the Biennale. Sometimes, the foundation invites multiple artists to build installations that interact with the architecture; otherwise, curators will utilize every inch of the space to display a survey by one artist.

Pinault Collection

Pinault Collection Arrow

The contemporary art collection of French billionaire Francois Pinault is split between two Venetian venues: Palazzo Grassi, near the Accademia bridge, and Punta Della Dogana, the former customs house at the tip of Dorsoduro. Both are pretty spectacular, and they present a rotating program of blockbuster exhibitions. The shows at Palazzo Grassi tend to focus on a single living artist, giving them full reign of multiple floors as well as the massive central atrium. Across the canal, Punta Della Dogana usually goes wider, with thematic shows featuring work by multiple artists.

Doge's Palace

Doge’s Palace Arrow

Palazzo Ducale, an opulent gothic palace overlooking Saint Mark's Square, was the city's government seat (and the Doge's home) from the 14th to 18th centuries. It's been rebuilt and expanded over the years, so it's really a conglomeration of multiple buildings and styles—pretty much all of them over-the-top and glamorous. Visitors have access to various ballrooms, the Doge's former apartments, the grand inner courtyard, and the former prisons. It's run as a museum, so tickets are required.

Fondazione Querini Stampalia

Fondazione Querini Stampalia Arrow

Part 19th-century house museum, part contemporary exhibition space, part architecture nerd's dream garden, Fondazione Querini Stampalia is a microcosm of everything that's fascinating about Venice. The collection spans centuries and defies categorization: Renaissance paintings by the likes of Bellini and Tiepolo are displayed next to antique instruments, gilded French porcelain is laid out carefully on lace-trimmed tablecloths, and perfectly fluffed pillows sit on gleaming Louis XVI chairs. The garden, designed by the architect Carlo Scarpa in the 1960s, is a maze of geometric fountains and a serene lawn.

Mercato di Rialto

Mercato di Rialto Arrow

The fruit, vegetable, and fish market near the Rialto Bridge has been running for hundreds of years, and it's still where local chefs and home cooks come to stock their kitchens. Depending on the season, you'll find local cherries and peaches, artichokes and Treviso radicchio grown on nearby islands, and soft shell crabs and eels pulled straight from the lagoon. The produce market runs from 7:30 am to 1 pm every day except Sunday; the fish market is open those same hours, but Tuesday through Saturday.

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Scuola Grande di San Rocco Arrow

Scuola Grande di San Rocco, an ornate Venetian "scuola" (the headquarters of a religious guild), is home to some of the Renaissance painter Tintoretto's best works, which cover the ceilings and walls of the building's two floors. Every inch of this place is decorated: In addition to the more than 60 paintings depicting scenes from the bible, floors are a geometric array of polished stones, every molding is intricately carved and/or gilded, and every wrought-iron lamp is as big as a person.

key places to visit in venice


Hotel Violino d’Oro: First In

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15 Places to Visit in Venice + Things To Do for First-Timers

15 Places to Visit in Venice + Things To Do for First-Timers

This iconic floating city is exceptionally beautiful and not like any other place on this side of the globe. Venice is truly a must-visit destination in Italy.

We were very happy that we squeezed in Venice on our first trip to Italy. Thankfully, the historical core was small and compact.

It’s possible to have a quick tour of the major attractions below in as little as one day or explore the nearby islands if you have more time.

Here’s a list of the best spots to go for first-timers in Venice.

1. Piazza San Marco (St. Mark’s Square)

Piazza San Marco in Venice, Italy

Location : Venice Historical Centre . Save on Google Maps .

Located in the heart of Venice, Piazza San Marco is the perfect place to start your tour of the city. Also known as St. Mark’s Square, it is surrounded my many of the city’s most famous buildings including St. Mark’s Basilica, the Campanile (bell tower), Doge’s Palace, Museo Correr and the Torre dell’ Orologio. Piazza San Marco can be crowded, so the best time to go here is very early in the morning.

Saint Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace guided tour package + skip-the-line entry ticket

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2. Saint Mark’s Basilica

Location : Piazza San Marco, 328 . Save on Google Maps .

Saint Mark’s Basilica is the most visited tourist spot in Venice. This famous architectural wonder is a symbol of Venetian wealth and power, renowned for its opulent design and gold ground mosaics. Saint Mark’s Basilica is one of the best known examples of Italo-Byzantine architecture, achieving an Oriental feeling of exoticism mixed with the Venetian style of the Renaissance Art. There’s no admission fee to get inside the Basilica, but expect to pay entrance fees to special parts of the complex including the aint Mark’s museum, Pala d’Oro, the Bell Tower, and the Treasury.

Saint Mark’s Basilica guided tour package + skip-the-line entry ticket

Saint Mark's Basilica in Venice, Italy

3. St Mark’s Campanile (Basilica Bell Tower)

St Mark's Campanile in Venice, Italy

Location : Piazza San Marco . Save on Google Maps .

Standing near the front of St. Mark’s Basilica is its campanille or bell tower. With a height of 98 meters, this easily recognizable landmark is the highest in Venice. For a fee, you can go up the tower and see the best panoramic views overlooking the floating city.

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4. Doge’s Palace

Doge's Palace in Venice, Italy

Location : Piazza San Marco, 1 . Save on Google Maps .

Beside the Saint Mark’s Basilica, you can find the Doge’s Palace. This awe-inspiring landmark, built in Venetian Gothic style, is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The palace served as the residence of the Doge of Venice, the supreme authority of the former Venetian Republic. Inside, you can find the golden staircase and hundreds of paintings made by world-renowned artists, including the world’s largest canvas painting: “Paradise” by Tintoretto.

Doge’s Palace guided tour package + skip-the-line entry ticket

5. Bridge of Sighs

This famous bridge passes over the Rio di Palazzo, and connects the interrogation rooms in the Doge’s Palace to the New Prison (Prigioni Nuove). They say prisoners would sigh at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window before being taken down to their cells. Thus, the origin of the bridge’s name, Bridge of Sighs.

6. Venice Gondola Ride

Venice Gondola Ride in Venice, Italy

It’s an experience like no other. The 30-minute gondola ride takes you through the Grand Canal and other minor canals in the city. When in Venice, taking a gondola ride is a must! It’s the best way to explore the Venetian canals as you get to see a fascinating view of the floating city.

Venice gondola ride package

Venice Walking Tour

Walking is not only a great way to explore the city but it’s the only get to get around many of the famous landmarks. Vehicles are not allowed in Venice, getting around is only possible on foot, by gondola or water taxi. It’s easy to get lost in the maze-like network of narrow alleys, but don’t worry. There’s always something interesting to discover at every turn. A guided tour is also a great idea, so you can get insights from a local expert and know details you might have missed otherwise if you were on your own.

Venice guided walking tour package

Venice, Italy

7. Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice, Italy

Save on Google Maps .

The Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo is one of the largest churches in the city. Designed in Italian Gothic style, this 15th-century minor basilico it is the site of the funeral services of all of Venice’s doges. All 25 doges are buried in the church.

8. Casa di Marco Polo and Casanova House’s in Venice

Marco Polo House in Venice

Location : 30121, Calle Scaleta

Hidden in a small alley is the site where Marco Polo once lived. Although the structure is quite unassuming, it’s a great spot to appreciate the life of Marco Polo, often named as the greatest explorer of all time. In Venice’s backstreets, stands the family house of the infamous Italian adventurer, Giacomo Casanova. It’s a good thing that we booked a guided tour because the two spots are easy to miss.

9. Parish of Santa Maria Formosa

Parish of Santa Maria Formosa in Venice, Italy

Location : Calle Seconda de la Fava, 5263 . Save on Google Maps .

The church of Santa Maria Formosa is an architectural masterpiece designed in Renaissance-style by Mauro Coducci. This attraction is also one of the interesting to visit on a walking tour of Venice.

10. Rialto Bridge

Location : Sestiere San Polo . Save on Google Maps .

A must-visit in Venice! The Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal is the oldest in the city and one of the most famous icons of the city. The area is usually crowded, so go early in the morning if you want to soak up the peaceful ambiance with a view of the Grand Canal glowing under the golden sunrise light.

11. Grand Canal

Grand Canal in Venice, Italy

The Grand Canal is one of Venice’s the most important canals and the central artery of Venetian life. It is lined with palaces, churches and other remarkable buildings all in Romanesque, Gothic or Renaissance styles. Here you can appreciate the impressive way this floating city was built. Eat at a restaurant along the canal and enjoy delicious Italian dishes while taking in the view.

12. T Fondaco dei Tedeschi

T Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice, Italy

Location : Rialto Bridge, Ramo del Fontego dei Tedeschi . Save on Google Maps .

A historic building now transformed into a luxury department store, the T Fondaco Dei Tedeschi By DFS stands beside the Rialto Bridge. A terrace on the rooftop offers beautiful views overlooking the Grand Canal.

To access the rooftop terrance, you need to book your 15-minute timeslot in advance  here .

13. Church of San Giorgio Maggiore

Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy

Location : Isola di S.Giorgio Maggiore . Save on Google Maps .

This massive Church of San Giorgio Maggiore can be seen from the waterfront at Piazza San Marco. The church stands on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. We didn’t have enough time to visit but if you do, you can cross to the island by ferry and see a spectacular view from the tower.

14. Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute in Venice, Italy

Location : Dorsoduro, 1 . Save on Google Maps .

Another church that can be seen from the waterfront at Piazza San Marco, is the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, also known simply as the Salute. It is one of the largest and most recognizable buildings in Venice, famed for its inspiring dome.

15. Santuario di Lucia (ex chiesa dei Santi Geremia e Lucia)

Santuario di Lucia in Venice, Italy

Location : Campo San Geremia, 334 . Save on Google Maps .

The Santuario di Lucia (ex chiesa dei Santi Geremia e Lucia) can be seen on the ferry ride to/from Venecia Santa Lucia Station, the main train station in Venice.

What places have you added to your bucketlist? Have you been to beautiful places in Venice that should be on this list? Feel free to share your thoughts!

Places to visit in Venice

Venice tourist spots, things to do in Venice, where to go in Venice & more.

Note: Destinations featured above are not listed by rank.

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Home » Travel Guides » Italy » 15 Best Things to Do in Venice (Italy)

15 Best Things to Do in Venice (Italy)

Venice is a city of immense beauty and historical significance, but it is also unique and not like any other city in Italy. As the capital of the Veneto Region of Northern Italy, Venice actually lies on 117 small islands that are connected by a series of bridges and separated by a network of canals. With a population of around 250,000, Venice is not one of the largest cities in Veneto, but it is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the country.

During the Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance, Venice was an extremely powerful stronghold and served as a major financial and military centre. Furthermore, it was a place that saw great cultural and artistic development and was renowned worldwide.

Today, Venice remains an important economic centre and is one of the most popular cities for tourism in the world – Sights like St. Marks’s Basilica and the Grand Canal draw millions of visitors to this small group of islands on an annual basis.

Lets explore the best things to do in Venice :

1. St. Mark’s Basilica

St. Mark's Basilica

Easily the most renowned and famous building in Venice, St. Mark’s Basilica is a sublime piece of architecture that has stood the test of time since its creation in 1092 and remains one of the most important religious buildings in Northern Italy.

Every aspect of this church is fantastic – From the ornate detail, sculptures and artwork of the front facade, to the beautifully painted frescos and Byzantine works of art on the inside of the domed ceiling.

Located in the Piazza San Marco, this basilica is easily accessible from the grand canal and is one of the best-known surviving examples of Italian Byzantine architecture.

Top rated tour : Venice Doge’s Palace & St Mark’s Basilica Skip-the-Line Tour

2. St. Mark’s Square

St. Mark's Square

Whilst St. Mark’s Basilica is the most famous building in Venice, St Mark’s Square is the most famous piazza.

Located on the grand canal, opposite the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, this square holds huge importance in Venice and is a truly spectacular place to visit.

Surrounding the Piazza is a series of ornate buildings with arched walkways that frame it perfectly.

Furthermore, several important buildings are located on the square including St Mark’s Campanile, St Mark’s Basilica, Doge’s Palace and Torre dell’Orologio.

This square really is the perfect place to start your tour of Venice and tick off some of its most impressive sights.

Available tour : St Mark’s Square Walking Tour & Gondola Ride

3. Canal Grande

Canal Grande

Venice has literally hundreds of canals that connect the various islands that make up the city – the largest of which is the Canal Grande.

This monumental canal is more like a river and it passes from one side of Venice to the other and snakes through the centre in a large S bend shape.

Over 170 buildings dating from as early as the 13th century line the banks of the canal and it has served as an important waterway in the city for hundreds of years.

Only four bridges span the grand canal as generally people and tourists travel along the canal, not over it.

Consider walking along sections of the canal, admiring the buildings that line it, and watching the busy water traffic of Venice.

Book online : Private Gondola Ride along Canal Grande

4. Ponte di Rialto

Ponte di Rialto

As one of the bridges that spans the impressive Grand Canal, the Ponte di Rialto is undoubtedly the most famous and iconic.

Connecting the San Marco and San Polo districts of Venice, the bridge is an important pedestrian thoroughfare, but also a hugely popular tourist attraction.

Originally a wooden bridge, this culmination stood for hundreds of years until it collapsed in 1524. After this incident, an ornate stone bridge was built that still stands today.

The detail and design of the bridge is simply beautiful and its symmetry perfectly frames the grand canal.

Furthermore, the is also a series of shops on the bridge that sell a range of wares from souvenirs to jewellery.

Suggested tour : Gondola Ride to Rialto Bridge

5. Gallerie dell’Accademia

Gallerie Dell'Accademia

Located opposite the Ponte dell’Accademia on the Grande Canal, this museum hosts a fine collection of pre-19th century art and features works by artists such as Bellini, Canaletto and Titian.

The building that the gallery is housed was formerly a convent an was converted to the museum in the mid to late 1700’s.

For those who love Renaissance art and iconic masterpieces, this gallery delivers.

Possibly its best known piece is the Vitruvian Man by Da Vinci which shows the ideal proportions of man.

Other notable works include the Resurrection by Tintoretto, Virgin and the Child by Titian, and the Battle of Lepanto by Veronese.

Book online : Private Accademia Gallery and Dorsoduro Tour

6. Venice Lido

Venice Lido

If you are looking for a spot of relaxation and to get away from the bulk of the tourists, the Lido is the place to go.

This separate island creates a barrier between Venice and the Adriatic Sea and features a long stretch of beautiful beach to enjoy.

Home to approximately 20,000 inhabitants, the Lido also has a host of residential areas, shops, restaurants and hotels.

With a much calmer, laid back and relaxed feeling to central Venice, Lido is a true escape and provides a stark contrast to the busy streets and waterways surrounding the grand canal.

Guided tour : Venice Lido 2-Hour Liberty Villas Tour

7. Doges Palace

Doges Palace

One of the most renowned buildings in Venice aside from the Basilica and Campanile, Doges Palace also sits in St. Mark’s Square but looks out onto the grand canal.

This ornate palace is simply stunning and its front facade features a beautiful arched design made of white stone with a series of diamond patterns on the walls.

Inside, the palace is just as impressive and there is a series of immensely decorated rooms that all have original details, furniture and artwork.

Tours of the palace are available and it is advised to spend some time viewing both the exterior and interior in detail to truly capture a piece of the history of Venice.

8. Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs

Although only a small bridge in the relative scheme of Venice, the Bridge of Sighs is one of the most viewed structures in the city and is an important historic landmark.

Passing over the Rio di Palazzo, the bridge connects the Prigioni Nuove to Doge’s Palace.

Legend has it, that as criminals were taken from the Palace over the bridge, they would cast once last glimpse at Venice and sigh; considering their forthcoming punishment and imprisonment.

Whilst visiting St. Mark’s Square, it is an absolute must to glimpse this iconic bridge too.

Suggested tour : Doge’s Palace with Bridge of Sighs

9. Ride a Vaporetto through the Grand Canal

Vaparetto on the Grand Canal

The Vaporetto is the main form of transport in Venice – Yes you can catch a train into the main station, and yes you can walk on foot through the streets, but to truly experience Venice, you must experience if from the water! The Vaporetto system is highly efficient and is one of the quickest ways of travelling to the various islands of Venice.

You can buy extended passes that allow for multiple uses so you don’t have to worry about buying a ticket each time you use one.

During your time in Venice, try to travel on the Vaporetto’s as much as possible and enjoy the water traffic and the sights and sounds that you will encounter.

10. San Marco Campanile

San Marco Campanile

As the tallest structure in Venice, the campanile is a towering building that stands at a colossal 98.6m high.

The building that stands now, is actually a reconstruction as the original collapsed in 1902. Originally created in the 9th century, the campanile was used as a watch tower.

Throughout the years, the tower has been damaged by fire, earthquakes and even lightening.

Made of a simple red-brick design, the main shaft is quite simple, but the bell housing and pinnacle feature a myriad of arches and stonework, and the top features a golden statue of the Angel Gabriel.

Admire the tower from the Piazza di San Marco, but also take the elevator up to the top for possibly the best panoramic views of Venice.

11. San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore

This is one of the smaller separate islands that is not connected to the main canals of Venice.

San Giorgio Maggiore sits a short distance from the Venice Basin and the Grande Canal and can be reached by Vaporetto or private water taxi.

Located on the island is the fantastic San Giorgio Monastery, the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore and the large campanile that mirrors the one standing in St. Mark’s Square.

Walk through the small harbour and see the various boats moored, visit the fantastic church and monastery, and climb the campanile for amazing views back across to the main city of Venice.

Book a tour : San Giorgio Maggiore Island Visit with Video Guide


Murano is another of the islands within the Venice district – This area of land is actually made up of several small islands connected together by a series of canals and bridges (much like Venice). Murano has a wonderful charm and is often not as busy as the main areas of Venice.

This wonderful island town has numerous sights including the Basilica dei Santa Maria, the Campo Santo Stefano and the Palazzo Da Mula.

Furthermore, Murano is famous for its glass blowing and you can see live demonstrations at the various factories that are established here.

Book here: Boat Trip: Glimpse of Murano, Torcello & Burano Islands

13. Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta

Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta

Located in the Cannaregio region of Venice, the Church of Santa Maria Assunta is a fine structure that is also known as I Gesuiti.

The front facade of the Church features several stone columns, ornate sculptured statues of religious figures, and a host of intricate detail – A huge bronze door serves as the main entrance.

Constructed in 1729, this is one of the newer churches in Venice but it is still important and the interior contains a number of impressive artworks such as the Martyrdom of St. Lawrence by Titian.

Furthermore, artwork, frescos and gold detail cover the ceiling of the church and some beautiful motif artwork lines the walls and columns.

14. Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

Possibly the second most renowned church in Venice, the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute sits on the opposite side of the grand canal to St.

Marks and stands out against the surrounding architecture.

With a Baroque design, this church was completed in 1687 and is designated as a minor basilica of the Roman Catholic Church.

Taking centre stage on the Grand Canal, the exterior is decorated with four statues of the apostles and the main dome towers above the skyline.

The interior gives the impression of great space and the hexagonal design allows light to pour in.

Although not decorated to the same degree as other churches in Italy, this basilica has a great deal of symmetry and is truly pleasing on the eye.

15. Torcello Island

Torcello Island

If you are looking for a peaceful escape, Torcello island offers just that and is much less crowded than the main areas of Venice.

Located to the far east of the main part of Venice, Torcello is nestled behind Burano and is approximately 45 minutes from Venice via a regular ferry.

Walk through the main street of Torcello and admire the beautiful canal until you reach the Church of Santa Maria Assunta which has a fantastic design.

Furthermore, there is a dedicated museum that displays the history of this chain of islands, and a variety of shops and restaurants.

15 Best Things to Do in Venice (Italy):

  • St. Mark's Basilica
  • St. Mark's Square
  • Canal Grande
  • Ponte di Rialto
  • Gallerie dell'Accademia
  • Venice Lido
  • Doges Palace
  • Bridge of Sighs
  • Ride a Vaporetto through the Grand Canal
  • San Marco Campanile
  • San Giorgio Maggiore
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta
  • Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute
  • Torcello Island

Never Ending Footsteps

53 Best Things to Do in Venice

Venice stirs the senses and captures the imagination in a way few other cities on earth do.  A city set across over a hundred islands, set in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea in northern Italy.  There’s an undeniable magic to the car-free setting, with the Grand Canal bisecting the town, filled with all manner of watercraft including the traditional gondolas rowed by hand.  

My memories of the city remain vivid.  Crossing one of over 400 bridges on a side canal, glimpsing a gondolier silently guiding his gondola, the majesty of Saint Mark’s square in the early morning or late evening hours.  Or the striking views of beautiful palaces and churches as I traveled along the Grand Canal, or while standing atop the arched Rialto Bridge.  

Venice is truly one-of-a-kind, where the Grand Canal is the main throughfare through the city, and boats and walking are your means of transportation.  Built out into the lagoon on a series of islands in the Adriatic, the city seems like a Byzantine fantasy rising from the waters with its towers, palaces and churches creating one of the most beautiful land and water settings in the world.  Though the tourist throngs can be overwhelming during peak months, there are quiet corners or islands in the lagoon to escape to see a different side of the city.

What to see?  There is so much here to do, but the first-time visitor with only several days to spend here can focus on Saint Mark’s square with its amazing cluster of treasures including Saint Mark’s Basilica and Campanile, the Doge’s Palace and Bridge of Sighs and the Clock Tower.  Those with more days to spend can sample the fabulous museums of both Venetian masters and modern art, many in waterside palazzos that are works of art themselves.  And then there is the collection of churches which contain spectacular works of art designed for the church setting you will see them in.  

Getting out on the Grand Canal is a must, using the city’s vaporetti that stop along the course of the Canal from the train station to Saint Mark’s Square, giving the best viewpoint of the spectacular palazzi and the vibrant activity on the water.  Pass under the Rialto bridge and return to cross over it for stunning views, shopping in the boutiques and wander through the markets.  A gondola ride may seem touristy and can be pricy, but this is an only-in-Venice experience you’ll want to try, gliding along quiet back canals or into the flood of activity on the Grand Canal.  Try to make time to get out to the islands, whether it be Murano with its glass blowing artisans, Burano with its colorful houses and lace making traditions or Torcello with its cathedral and stunning mosaics.


Get Oriented With Venice

Venice is divided into six neighborhoods, called sestieri , each with their own unique character. 

On the northern side of the Grand Canal lies Cannaregio with the old Jewish Quarter, San Marco with Saint Mark’s square, and Castello stretching to the end of the island. On the southern side, Santa Croce is followed by San Polo with its markets, connected to San Marco by the Rialto bridge, and Dorsoduro with its museums.  

Each district has its own distinctive feel, and I recommend that travellers find some time to get away from the normal tourist routes and make their way into the areas of the city that locals frequent. Give yourself the opportunity to make your own discoveries away from the tried-and-true path to Saint Mark’s Square. 

Cannaregio’s Jewish Museum offers tours of the old synagogues. Castello has the Arsenale and the Venice Naval History Museum. San Polo has the produce and fish markets to explore, and Dorsoduro has artistic attractions like the Guggenheim Museum and the Punta della Dogana.  

There’s so much to see in Venice that you could easily spent weeks exploring its alleyways and neighborhoods.

key places to visit in venice

Top Sights in San Marco

The year 2021 marked 1600 years since the city’s founding. History surrounds you from the moment you leave the train station behind and see the Grand Canal for the first time. To get the best sense of Venice, once you’ve settled in, follow the flow of people through the narrow winding streets to Piazza San Marco. Or start your explorations from the water by boarding vaporetto line 1 to take the full trip down to the Square.  

key places to visit in venice

St. Mark’s Square

One of the most stunning squares in the world, Saint Mark’s is enclosed by a beautiful series of arcaded buildings on two sides, and faces the gorgeous Saint Mark’s Basilica with its cupolas and bell tower and the elaborate architecture of the Doge’s Palace.  

Soak in the scenery and watch the tourists and pigeons filling the square.  To avoid the crowds, consider an early morning or late evening visit, when the square is magical in its quiet.  But do splurge on an aperitif at one of the two famous cafés on the square, Caffe Florian, the oldest in Europe from 1720, or Quadri, a latecomer from 1775.  Note that when the orchestra is playing, there will be a cover charge of €6 per person to sit outside.

At the waterfront are two tall columns, one of the winged lion of Saint Mark, patron saint of the city, the other of St. Theodore, the city’s first patron, with his dragon.  From here the view of the lagoon and the docked gondolas are stunning, and you can stroll along the waterfront promenade of the Riva degli Schiavone.  

key places to visit in venice

Saint Mark’s Basilica

This is Venice’s most glorious church, founded in the 9 th century to serve as the burial spot for the body of Saint Mark.  With its oriental Byzantine appearance, it is a tribute to the days when Venice was a trading power and made conquests in the east.  This influenced the design of the basilica with its amazing mosaic work from the late 12 th and 13 th centuries, and the ancient bronze Roman horses that were taken from Constantinople in 1204 (replicas now appear outside and the originals are in the Basilica’s Museum).  Inside the highlights beyond the mosaics included the gem studded Pala D’Oro screen and the tomb of Saint Mark.  

The base cost to visit the basilica is 3 euro, with supplemental charges of 5 euro to see the Pala d’Oro and 7 euro to visit the museum with the famed horses.  

key places to visit in venice

St. Mark’s Campanile

Take the elevator to the top of the 325-foot bell tower for sweeping views of the Square and out over the city and lagoon. The current tower replaced the previous 12 th century campanile that collapsed in 1902.  Galileo tested his telescope here in the 1500s.  The price to enter is 8 euros, unless you opt to pay more for the skip the line ticket which provides you a specific arrival time.

key places to visit in venice

Doge’s Palace

Venice was once ruled by the Duke or Doge of Venice, and this was their seat of power, built to awe with its elaborate decoration, ceiling frescoes and rich exterior and interior ornamentation.  It was where the legislative functions of the city occurred, and the building is connected to the prison via the famous Bridge of Sighs.  The standard tour, which costs 26 euros, allows you to see the courtyard and chambers and the frescoed walls and ceilings from some of Venice’s most illustrious painters such as Tintoretto and Veronese.  To dig deeper into the palace’s passageways and be able to actually cross the Bridge of Sighs, book the Secret Itineraries Tour which costs 28 euro per person for the 1 hour 15 minute tour.   

Bridge of Sighs in Venice

Bridge of Sighs 

High above the water is suspended the enclosed marble Ponte dei Sospiri (Bridge of Sighs) , named for the cries of the condemned prisoners who got their last views of freedom from the windows of this bridge .  The best view is from the Ponte della Paglia, on the Riva degli Schiavoni on the waterfront behind the Palace.

key places to visit in venice

Torre dell’Orologio

This enameled clock from 1499 features two large bronze figures now referred to as the Moors because the bronze has tarnished over the centuries.  They strike the hours and the large clockface below makes for a good photo opportunity.  The inscription on the tower reads “I only count the happy hours”.  Visits are by guided tour and cost 13 euros, and reaching the top requires climbing four stories of steep spiral staircases, so be forewarned!  

key places to visit in venice

Grand Canal

The majestic Grand Canal is the magical heart of the city, coursing past the palazzi and churches that line its banks in an inverted S curve as it sweeps from the train station exit down to Saint Mark’s Square.  It is a must-take excursion to take the full ride, enjoying the views of water traffic, gondoliers plying their craft, and the beautiful arch of the Rialto bridge. 

The most common way to make to trip is via the boast called vaporetti, the main public transportation run by the city.  Line number 1 goes the full distance, stopping at stations along the way.  The cost of an individual ticket is 7.50 euros, or 20 euro for a 24-hour pass, 30 euro for a 48-hour pass.  If you plan to travel often using the vaporetti, consider the purchase of a Venezia Unica City Pass for 27.90 euros.  These boats can be very crowded during the day, so consider an evening excursion to best appreciate the trip and the sights.  The boats run from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.  

Gondola rides are much pricier and are more enjoyable for exploring the quieter side canals, particularly in the evening when the lights come on inside the palaces and the lanterns light up on the bridges.  Prices are set by the city, starting at 80 euro for a 30-minute ride for up to 6 people, rising to 100 euro for rides after 7 p.m.  

Since there are only four bridges along the 2-mile-long Canal route, there are also simplified gondolas called traghetti that simply make the crossing from one side to the other at specific points.  

key places to visit in venice

Rialto Bridge

The Rialto is the city’s most famous and photogenic bridge, built from 1588-1591.  It connects the San Marco area with the San Polo district with its food and fish markets.  There are shops built atop the bridge, which affords spectacular views of the Grand Canal from its railings.  The architect, Antonio da Ponte, beat out such luminaries as Michelangelo for the job, and designed the bridge to include retail space and to be tall enough to allow Venetian galleys to pass underneath.  

Day Trip Out to the Islands of Venice

The Venetian lagoon contains more than 100 islands, but these mentioned below are most worthy of your attention even if you have limited time on your trip.  You can visit any of them by taking a vaporetto ride.

key places to visit in venice

Murano maintains a thousand-year-old glassmaking tradition.  Visit here to see the glassblowers at work and perhaps purchase a glass souvenir to take home.  There is also the Glass Museum that covers the history of this craft.  Tickets cost 11 euro per person.  Take the 4.2 Vaporetto from Saint Mark’s Square.

key places to visit in venice

Burano is well known for its lace making tradition and for its colorfully painted houses in a rainbow of colors.  The island’s Lace Museum covers the history of this industry.  The entry ticket is 6 euro per person. Burano is a 40-minute vaporetto ride from the city, via the number 12 line from stop Nove A in Cannaregio.  Also look for the Church of San Martino, which has a leaning campanile of its own!

key places to visit in venice

Prior to the founding of Venice, Torcello was the original settlement in the Venetian lagoon.  Settlers fleeing the barbarians first settled on Torcello, before ultimately moving to what is now considered the Venetian mainland.  The Torcello Cathedral, named Santa Maria Assunta, was built in 639 AD and is the oldest building in Venice. Its chief attribute is the brilliant Byzantine mosaics from the 11 th century.  

key places to visit in venice

San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore is both an island unto itself and the name of a striking Benedictine church that can be seen across the lagoon from the waterfront of Piazza San Marco.  

The best feature is the bell tower, which can be ascended to get some of the most amazing views back across the lagoon of Venice.  The cost for the tower elevator is 3 euro but do be warned that the tolling of the bell is quite loud if you find yourself near it at the top of the hour!  The church itself may be entered for free and contains two of Tintoretto’s later works.  

key places to visit in venice

For those who would like to sample the local beach scene, most vaporetto lines will take you on the 30-minute ride from San Marco. There are bathing establishments to rent beach items and The Venice Film Festival is held here every September.

Venice is a world-class art city, with collections ranging from the classical masters of Venetian painting to modern art.  Often the collections are housed in striking waterside palazzi that offer wonderful art inside and fabulous views outside of the city and Grand Canal.  Here are some of the very best museums to visit by type of art.  

key places to visit in venice

Modern Art Collections

Peggy Guggenheim Museum

The Guggenheim is one of the best private art collections of modern art in the world.  Founder Peggy Guggenheim purchased a partially completed Grand Canal palazzo and filled it her with collection of modern art, featuring such masters as Dali, Picasso and Pollock.  Situated in the quiet Dorsoduro district, this collection is one of the city’s best.  The museum’s entry ticket costs $16.50.

key places to visit in venice

Punta della Dogana

This former customs warehouse was rented by French billionaire art collector François Pinault to showcase part of his modern art collection.  The space was stunningly reinvented for that purpose by Japanese architect Tadao Ando.  The setting at the tip of Dorsoduro is also worthy of a walk to the point for the amazing views.  The entry fee is 15 euro.

key places to visit in venice

Grassi Palace

Pinault also owns this four-story canal side palazzo and mounts changing exhibitions from his modern art collection, including works by Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst.  The regular entry fee is 15 euro.

key places to visit in venice

Ca’ Pesaro International Gallery

Ca’ is short for the Venetian word for  casa  or “house”.  This elaborate palace on the Grand Canal was built in the 17 th century by the Pesaro family.  It houses two collections, The Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna with modern works by such artists as Miró, Matisse and Klimt and a collection of works from the Venice Biennale.  The Museo Oriental showcases Japanese art of the Edo period. The entry fee is 11 euro.

Classic Art

key places to visit in venice

Galleria dell’Accademia

This famous collection presents the best of Venetian art from the 13 th through the 19 th centuries in a panoramic presentation.  Masters on display include Bellini, Titian, Tiepolo and Canaletto.  The museum can get very crowded, so consider booking ahead with a timed ticket.  The basic ticket costs 12 euro.

key places to visit in venice

Museo Correr

Venetian art and history are covered in this engrossing museum, which also contains a sculpture collection by Canova and well-known paintings by Bellini and Carpaccio and other local artists. The entry fee is 25 euro. 

key places to visit in venice

Ca’ Rezzonico

The spectacular centerpiece of this canal side palazzo is the magnificent Grand Ballroom. Today the upper floors house the Museo del Settecento (Museum of Venice in the 1700s). The main floor reflects the appearance of a magnificent Venetian palazzo, with period furniture and tapestries in its salons. The entry fee is 11 euro.

key places to visit in venice

Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ D’Oro

Originally decorated with gold leaf that gave the building its name, Ca’ D’Oro is one of the most beautiful buildings on the Grand Canal.  In addition to housing a collection of artistic masterpieces, the views from the balconies are sublime! The entry fee is 6 euro.

key places to visit in venice

Teatro La Fenice

Though not a museum, this concert venue and opera house is one of the city’s architectural and cultural treasures.  Some of the most famous operas in history have premiered on this stage.  Like its name the Phoenix, it has risen from the ashes of fires three times in its past, most recently in 1996.  The season runs from June through October.

Many of the masterpieces of the Venetian school painters can still be seen in their original settings in Venice’s amazing churches.  

key places to visit in venice

Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

This 1442 Gothic brick church is famous for its array of spectacular Venetian paintings from Bellini, Titian, and Vivarini.  The entry fee is 3 euro.

key places to visit in venice

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Tintoretto produced more than 60 works for his patrons here based on the Old and New Testaments. The entry fee is 10 euro.

key places to visit in venice

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

La Salute was built as a shrine honoring the Virgin Mary for saving Venice from a plague.  Be sure to visit the Sacrestia Maggiore, which contains a dozen works by Titian.  Though entry to the church is free, there is a 4 euro charge to visit the sacristy.

key places to visit in venice

Chiesa di San Zaccaria

San Zaccaria has a notable Renaissance façade and contains Giovanni Bellini’s celebrated altarpiece,  La Sacra Conversazione.

key places to visit in venice

Church of Madonna dell’Orto

One of the most beautiful Gothic churches in Venice, it contains some of Tintoretto’s best work. 

key places to visit in venice

Church of San Sebastiano

Some of Venetian master Paolo Tiepolo’s greatest works can be found in this setting.

key places to visit in venice

Church of San Polo

Though the church has an unassuming exterior, it houses great works of art such as Tintoretto’s Last Supper from 1569 and Tiepolo’s Way of the Cross.  

key places to visit in venice

Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo  

This gorgeous church sits in one of the most picturesque squares in Venice, the Campo Giovanni e Paolo.  At its center is the 15th-century equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Verrocchio. 

Look for the 15th-century stained-glass window from Murano. San Zanipolo also houses the tombs of many important people, including 25 doges.  

There is a wealth of tour opportunities to help you dig deeper into the history and culture of the city, or more conveniently visit surrounding areas or districts where local knowledge is helpful in getting the most out of your experience.

key places to visit in venice


  • Use this link to purchase vaporetto tickets .
  • Private Gondola Ride to Rialto Bridge offers a 30-minute excursion for $141.08 for up to 4 people.

key places to visit in venice


  • Doge’s Palace and St. Mark’s Basilica Fast Track Tour gives you a three-hour guided tour that enables you to avoid the ticket lines for $92.88 per person.  
  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection Ticket tour lets you skip the line to see this fabulous modern art collection for $21.16 per person.
  • Jewish Ghetto Tour with gelato tasting offers a two-hour experience for $76.42 per person.
  • This 4-hour tour of the most popular islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello lets you see the best of the lagoon islands for €380 for a group of two.  
  • Classical Music Concert at Church of San Vidal is a 1.5-hour musical experience for $45.73 per person.  

key places to visit in venice

  • Guided Aperitivo Food Tour offers a 3.5-hour experience for $99.93 per person.
  • The Rialto Bridge’s food market presents an array of fresh Italian produce and homemade pasta. Located in the San Polo  sestiere  shortly past the Rialto Bridge, the produce market is open Mondays-Saturdays and the fish market from Tuesdays to Saturdays from 7/730 a.m. to 1 p.m. or so, depending on when the vendors have sold their merchandise.  
  • Local Fish Market with Lunch and Wine offers a three-hour experience for $89.76 per person.
  • Part of your Venetian food explorations should include experiencing Venice’s version of tapas, called cicchetti, at small wine shops called bacari.  These can be found in all the city’s districts.  One of the best bacari is Osteria All’Arco near the Rialto bridge.

key places to visit in venice

When planning your trip to Venice, it helps to know when some of the city’s most famous events occur, so that you can time your visit to coincide (or avoid the crowds) during these times of year.  

Join the costumed revelers at this famous pre-Lenten celebration when it seems the entire city’s population dons masks and elaborate attire to attend festivities and balls and participate in Europe’s most famous Carnivale.  There are events in every district of the city.  Dates vary depending on the timing of Easter, but it often falls in February. 

key places to visit in venice

Venice Art Biennale

Running every other year from May to November and alternating with the Biennale Architettura, which focuses on architecture.  The Biennale is a major event that brings world artistic or architectural focus to Venice during the exhibitions, which are held across the city.  

The Biennale Architettura will be held in 2022, from April 23 rd  to November 27 th .

key places to visit in venice

Venice International Film Festival

The glitterati from the world of film descend on the Lido from late August to early September for Venice’s own Film Festival, started in 1932.  It is the oldest film festival in the world and awards he prestigious Golden Lion award as its top prize. 

key places to visit in venice

Historical Regatta

Held the first Sunday in September, this parade of elaborately decorated boats and individuals in costume reenact the water procession organized in 1489 to celebrate the return to Venice of Caterina Cornaro, a member of one of the most powerful families in Venice who had been married to the king of Cyprus. 

key places to visit in venice

When not to go

Venice can cast its spell at any time of year but be aware that during the late fall to January, there can be the lagoon flooding called the Aqua Alta or high water, when Piazza San Marco and surrounding streets can be flooded.  Boots are then the order of the day, and wooden boardwalks can be seen on the Square to help tourists and locals alike traverse the water’s invasion.  

The summer months of July and August can be extremely crowded, with long lines at museums and attractions and seats on vaporetti difficult to come by.  The spring and early fall may be better choices in terms of avoiding the aggravation of the densest tourist throngs.  

key places to visit in venice

Visiting Venice is like a waking dream.  The magical apparition of the city rising from the lagoon, stepping away from automotive traffic to the more peaceful (at least when without the crowds) means of moving about by boat or foot, and slowing down to appreciate the little comers of the city where residents live.  

Getting lost can lead to some of your best discoveries, whether it is a little piazza where children play soccer, or a small canal side restaurant serving the freshest of fish.  There will always be more to return for from the array of great museums to the staggering wealth of its churches, the various islands.  And then there are the festivals like Carnevale, when reality takes a backseat to fantasy as locals and visitors alike can don masks and step out of character during the festivities.  Venice is a banquet awaiting your arrival.  

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Lauren Juliff

Lauren Juliff is a published author and travel expert who founded Never Ending Footsteps in 2011. She has spent over 12 years travelling the world, sharing in-depth advice from more than 100 countries across six continents. Lauren's travel advice has been featured in publications like the BBC, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Cosmopolitan, and her work is read by 200,000 readers each month. Her travel memoir can be found in bookstores across the planet.

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Europe , Italy , Venice

First timer’s guide to venice – 18 best things to do in venice, italy.

key places to visit in venice

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Venice is arguably one of the most beautiful places to visit in Italy and the ultimate bucket list destination. Some people love it, others will tell you it’s overrated, but there’s no denying, that this is one of the most unique cities in the world. Venice is made up by 118 islands, connected by over 400 bridges and walkways. The car free city has 175 canals and boats are the main means of transportation. For being a relatively small city, the list of things to do in Venice is actually quite long.

It’s no secret, that Venice is also very touristy and gets insanely crowded, especially in high season. Many people might tell you it’s not worth the hype and can easily be skipped, but I couldn’t disagree more. I think Venice is like no other place in the world, it’s insanely picturesque and absolutely worth a visit. But I also think, that to ensure your Venice trip is a good experience, it’s essential to come prepared and with a good plan.

In this guide, I included all the most popular Venice attractions, that you cannot miss, as well as some hidden gems and some essential tips to get the most out of your visit. This is not a budget destination by any means, but there a more free things to do in Venice than you probably realize. You’ll find those on the list below, along with other money saving tips.

Table of Contents

key places to visit in venice

How many days to spend in Venice

Venice might seem small, but there really are a lot of things to do and see in the city. I’d say plan at least 2-3 days, or even longer if you’d like to also visit the nearby islands of Murano and Burano.

A lot of people visit Venice just for the day and honestly, that is not enough time to see all the main sights, let alone venture outside of the touristy areas. Plus, if you don’t stay in Venice overnight, you’ll miss out on seeing the city early in the morning and at night, when it’s least crowded and most enjoyable.

Also, starting in Spring 2024, the city will be testing the new Venice Access Tax. Visitors who come just for the day, will be charged a €5 city entry fee on days, that are predicted to be the busiest. This will include holiday weekends and other peak days, which tend to be the most crowded. This will not become effective until 2025, but will be tested for 20 days in 2024. You can go on this website to check the dates and pay the tax. The city entry fee won’t apply to those who will stay in Venice overnight.

key places to visit in venice

Best things to do in Venice on the map

Top things to do in Venice, Italy

San marco square.

San Marco Square, or Piazza San Marco , is the heart of the city, so it’s only appropriate to start the list of best things to do in Venice there. Not only it’s considered to be one of the most beautiful squares in the world, but it’s also where you will find some of the main Venice attractions: Basilica San Marco, St Mark’s Campanile and Doge’s Palace ( more details below ).

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise, that this is also one of the most crowded spots in Venice. If you want a chance of seeing it without massive crowds, you need to visit really early in the morning ( 6 am ) or late at night. By 9 am, it’s absolutely packed.

San Marco Square in Venice seen early in the morning

Visit Basilica San Marco

Saint Mark’s Basilica is one of the biggest Venice attractions and one of the landmarks you’ll find in San Mark’s Square. The impressive building, dating back to the 9th century, is a great mix of Byzantine, Gothic and Romanesque architecture. It’s one of the most beautiful churches in the world, both on the inside and on the outside.

Visiting Saint Mark’s Basilica used to be one of the free things to do in Venice, but that’s no longer the case. Admission is now €3 at the door, but the lines to get in are legendary, so be prepared to wait a while. To avoid that, you can book your tickets online, which lets you to skip the line. Online tickets cost €6, but are totally worth it!

It’s important to note, that this ticket grants you access to which is just part of the Basilica. If you’d like to see other parts like the shrine of St Mark’s and the museum, there are extra charges for that. So if plan to do it all, expect to spend a total of €20.

As one of the most popular attractions in Venice, the Basilica gets really crowded. It’s an absolute must visit, just accept you’ll be one of many people inside. The best way to avoid the crowds is joining a small group night tour , where you get to visit after the church is closed to general public. It’s obviously more expensive than a regular tour, but worth the extra cost to avoid the massive crowds, that visit the Basilica during the day.

Like with a lot of places of worship in Europe, there is a dress code to enter the Basilica and it is enforced. If you visit Venice in the summer, be sure that your knees and shoulders are covered. Also, backpacks and large bags are not permitted inside, so if you bring any, you’ll be asked to store them in in one of the lockers at San Basso ticket office.

Basilica San Marco is open every day, except for Sunday from 9.30 am. Do check the official website for additional closures due to religious events.

PHOTO TIP : The exterior of Basilica San Marco looks best during Golden Hour and sunset.

the exterior of Basilica San Marco in Venice seen during Golden hour

Take a tour of Doge’s Palace

Right next to St Mark’s Basilica is another one of Venice attractions not to be missed, Doge’s Palace. The Gothic style Palace served as a a residence for the Doge, who was the leader of Republic of Venice and once elected, served for life.

Today the Palace is a museum. During your visit you get to walk through the beautiful staterooms, chambers and apartments. If you are into art, you’re really going to enjoy Doge’s Palace. Plenty of amazing works of art and sculptures by some of the biggest Venetian artists to see.

One of the highlights of visiting Doge’s Palace is that you get to walk across the Bridge of Sighs, which is one of the most beautiful and unique bridges in Venice ( more on that below ).

Your Doge’s Palace visit starts and ends in the beautiful courtyard, with the Giants’ Staircase ( Scala dei Giganti ) being one of the most impressive parts of it.

Doge’s Palace can be visited on your own or on a guided tour. Whichever way of visiting you choose, the Palace is one of those things to do in Venice, that you have to pre-book , or you’ll be waiting in long lines for tickets.

Allow about 1-1.5 hour to visit Doge’s Palace.

PRO TIP : If you plan on visiting both the Basilica and Doge’s Palace, this guided tour is a great choice. It combines a visit to both and gives you priority access.

key places to visit in venice

Secret itineraries ( Itinerari Segreti )

When you book your tickets to Doge’s Palace, you can also add a Secret Itineraries tour. While the main area of the Palace can be visited on your own, this part is only accessible with a guide. During the one hour tour, you get to visit parts of the Palace, that are off limits otherwise. You walk through secret rooms, torture chamber and get access to the attic and prison cells.

Secret Itineraries Tour is available several times a day and times differ depending on the language ( Italian, English or French ). When you book the tour, it also includes admission to the Doge’s Palace, which you visit on your own, right after Secret Itineraries Tour concludes.

I have to say, while it was interesting to see all the hidden rooms and I’m glad I did it, I was not blown away by it. Also, the rooms are small and can get very hot and stuffy in the summer. Obviously there’s no air conditioning, so if you are visiting Venice during the summer months, I’d probably skip it and just stick to the main Doge’s Palace area.

key places to visit in venice

Bridge of Sighs

There are about 400 bridges in Venice, so it’s virtually impossible to visit them all. But one that you absolutely cannot miss is Bridge of Sighs. It’s one of the most beautiful and unique bridges in Venice.

You get the best view of Bridge of Sighs ( Ponte dei Sospiri ) from Ponte della Paglia, but go there early in the morning, as it’s one of the most crowded places in Venice later in the day. You could also view it from Ponte della Canonica, which is not nearly as crowded.

As beautiful as the bridge is, it does come with a sad story. Ponte dei Sospiri connects Doge’s Palace with the prison and this was the very last walk the prisoners took on their way to the cells. Knowing there’s no return, they would sigh as hey caught the very last glimpse of Venice through the tiny openings in the window on their way to prison cells. Hence the name Bridge of Sighs.

If you’d like to take that same walk and catch the same view, the only way to do it, is by visiting Doge’s Palace .

Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy

Enjoy Venice views from the top of St Mark’s Campanile Tower

Located right in the San Mark’s Square, Campanile tower is another one of the city’s landmarks and one of the best view points of Venice. Standing at 99 meters high, the tower offers spectacular 360 views of the city.

And if you one of those people who love great views, but don’t like to climb hundreds of steps, good news, the only way to get to the top of the tower is by elevator.

I’m about to repeat myself yet again, but do yourself a favor, and book those tickets in advance ! Campanile Tower is one of the most popular things to do in Venice, so there is always a line for the tickets, which is the biggest waste of time. You can book your timed tickets right here. Once you’re at the top, there’s no limit on how long you can stay, although 20-30 minutes is usually enough to take in the views.

Opening hours vary by season. In high season ( from April through the end of September ) St Mark’s Campanile Tower is open from 9 am – 9 pm, with last admission at 8:45 pm.

PRO TIP : For the best lighting, book your Campanile Tower tickets around Golden Hour.

key places to visit in venice

Get coffee at Caffè Florian

Caffè Florian is one of a few cafes located in the San Marco Square. They are pretty similar, as they offer beautiful views, great people watching and are ridiculously expensive. What makes Caffè Florian stand out, is that it dates back to 1720, making it the oldest Cafè in Italy and third oldest in all of Europe.

Yes, it’s very touristy and extremely overpriced, but it’s one of those things you do once and it ends up being a memorable experience. How often will you get a chance to sit in one of the oldest cafes in Europe, in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with the stunning Basilica and Campanile Tower right in front of you.

Caffè Florian has both indoor and outdoor seating, but if the weather is nice, grab a table outside to enjoy the beautiful view and people watching. If you sit outside in the summer months, you can also enjoy live music, which adds to the special experience, but will also add an extra charge to your bill. When you sit at the outdoor table, extra €6 will automatically be added to your bill, so don’t be surprised.

Rialto Bridge

Ponte di Rialto is the biggest and oldest bridge in Venice, and one of four, that spans the Grand Canal. Top of the bridge not only offers amazing views of the Grand Canal, but it’s also a great place to watch all the boat traffic. From gondolas, water taxis and delivery boats, there’s a lot going on.

As one of the city’s most famous landmarks and one of the top things to do in Venice, Rialto Bridge does get really busy later in the day. Especially if you visit in the summer. Unless you visit early in the morning, be prepared for big crowds. Still, it’s one of the attractions, that you simply must include in your Venice itinerary.

Both sides of Ponte di Rialto have many restaurants along the canal, which offer amazing views of the bridge, but those views don’t come cheap.

key places to visit in venice

Watch the sunrise from Ponte dell’Accademia

If you are an early riser and are looking for a perfect spot to watch the sunrise, head to Ponte dell’Accademia.

Can’t say Ponte dell’Accademia is the prettiest bridge in Venice, but the views from it are amazing! If you don’t make it there for sunrise, go anytime in the day to get a nice view of Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute and watch the boat traffic on the Grand Canal.

Aga on Ponte dell" Accademia during sunrise

Take a Gondola ride

When you think of Venice, gondolas are the first thing that comes to mind for most people. The wooden rowing boats gliding through the canals are the biggest symbol of the city and taking a ride is one of the top things to do in Venice. Yes, it’s touristy and expensive, but an experience you can’t have anywhere else in the world. So if it’s your first time in Venice and you can afford it, it’s a must do!

Prices of gondola rides are fixed and regulated by the city. 30-minute ride down the dreamy Venetian canals will cost you €90 during the day (until 7 pm) or €110 at night (starting at 7 pm). Some gondoliers will be happy to extend the ride by 10 minutes for extra €40. The price is per boat for up to 5 people, so you can share it with others to split the cost. It’s cash only, paid at the end of your ride.

Finding a gondolier is very easy and there’s absolutely no need to schedule a ride in advance. Just walk along the canals and pick one. My recommendation is to avoid getting one near San Marco Square and Rialto Bridge. The canals there are very busy, with lots of boat traffic, meaning your gondola ride will be far from peaceful and relaxing. Instead choose a quieter side canal and always ask the gondolier which route they take.

We picked one on a quiet side street and it ended up being perfect. We went for a short ride into the Grand Canal and under Bridge of Sighs, then down the narrow, quieter canals for the rest of it.

Despite being very touristy and pricey, taking a gondola in Venice is a must and absolutely worth it. It’s an amazing experience and such an iconic thing to do, one you’ll always remember. If I return to Venice, I probably won’t do it again, but as a first timer, definitely put it on your Venice itinerary.

key places to visit in venice

Visit Libreria Acqua Alta Bookstore

Libreria Acqua Alta is one of the most unique book stores in the world, known for their creative ways of storing books. When you visit, you’ll see, that the books are placed not only on book shelves, but also in bathtubs, a canoe and a gondola. This is not just to make it photogenic, but mostly for practical reasons. Flooding during Aqua Alta is a common occurrence in Venice, and this is the store’s way of protecting the books from getting ruined.

When you visit, be sure to go all the way to the back, where you will find a staircase made out of books, mostly those that got damaged. Makes for a great photo op and there’s a nice view of the canal from the very top.

In the last few years, Libreria Acqua Alta became one of the Instagram hot spots in Venice, so go right when it opens or right before the closing time, otherwise it will be really crowded. A lot of people leave disappointed when they visit, as it’s packed with people, most of whom are not there to purchase books, but get the perfect photo.

Having said that, don’t just go there to take your picture and leave, but be sure to support the bookstore by picking something up. Besides new and old books, you can also find plenty of prints, posters and postcards for just a few Euros, that will make for a great souvenir to remember your trip to Venice.

Libreria Aqua Alta is located in Castello neighborhood, about a 10-minute walk from Saint Mark’s Square and it’s open daily from 9 am-7.30 pm.

key places to visit in venice

Climb Scala Contarini del Bovolo

Tucked away in a small, narrow alley, not far from Campo Manin, you can find Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, mostly famous for its beautiful, spiral stair case. For a small fee, you can climb the 80 steps to the top and enjoy the views of Venice, which include the Campanile Tower.

To be completely honest, the views are nice, but definitely not as good as from other view points in the city. However, the beautiful snail like tower makes up for the lack of spectacular views, and why I think visiting Scala Contarini del Bovolo is one of the must do things to do in Venice.

Despite being located in the very popular San Marco neighborhood, Scala Contarini del Bovolo remains kind of a hidden gem in Venice. Because it’s located down a small, dead end alley, you really need to be committed to finding it.

You can book your tickets in advance or get them in person when you get there. I was in Venice in high season and was the only person there, so I’d say there’s no need to pre-book it unlike other Venice attractions.

Open from 10 am – 6 pm

Aga at the top of Scala Contarini del Bovolo enjoying one of the best views of Venice

Take in the Venice views from the Tedeschi roof top terrace

At first sight, T Fondaco dei Tedeschi is just a luxurious department store with crazy expensive stores of some of the most famous Italian designers. But on the 4th floor of the building, there is a rooftop terrace with one of the best views of Venice. Best part, you can visit it for free!

While access to the terrace is free, you do have to reserve your spot online ahead of time. They only allow 20 people for each 15 minute slot, and you can reserve your spot up to 3 weeks in advance. The rooftop terrace is open from 10:15 am to 7 pm. I recommend going there in the afternoon during Golden Hour or to watch the sunset.

key places to visit in venice

Your Venice trip will not be complete without a gelato break or two. There are gelato shops literally everywhere, so finding one is not a problem. If you visit the Tedeschi roof top terrace, one of the best and most popular gelato places in Venice, Gelateria SUSO , is right down the street. You can’t miss it, as it usually has a long line of people waiting.

key places to visit in venice

Explore Cannaregio

Cannaregio is one of the six districts of Venice, so called sestiere . If you arrive in Venice by train, it will be your first introduction to the city, as this is where the Santa Lucia train station is located. However, this area is often missed by visitors, who usually head straight to the San Marco area, where all the most popular Venice attractions are located. While, of course, as a first time visitor you cannot miss those, I do recommend setting aside some time to explore Cannaregio.

This part of Venice has a very local vibe, is more quiet and does not have the crowds seen in more touristy parts of the city. Which makes for a prefect break from the often overwhelming number of tourists in San Marco.

Cannaregio is really picturesque, full of colorful buildings, beautiful architecture and plenty of places to eat and drink along the Cannaregio Canal. Be sure to check out the two bridges that span the canal: Ponte delle Guglie and Ponte Tre Archi , the only three arched bridge left in Venice.

One of the places worth visiting in Cannaregio is the Old Jewish ghetto, known as the very first one in the world. You can explore it on your own or if you’d like to learn more about the Jewish history in Venice, this 2 hour Jewish Ghetto Walking Tour comes highly recommended.

Cannaregio is also home to the narrowest street in Venice. Calle Varisco is just 53 m wide and makes for an interesting quick stop and a fun photo op while exploring the neighborhood.

Cannaregio is about a 20-30 minute walk from San Marco or can also be reached by Vaporetto.

key places to visit in venice

Take a Vaporetto ride on the Grand Canal

Vaporetto is a public water bus and how you can get around the city, if you’re tired of walking. There are about 20 lines, that serve Venice and the surrounding islands.

However, Vaporetto is not only a convenient means of transportation, but could also be used for sightseeing. Venice is best seen from the water, and this is a great and affordable way to do it.

Out of all the lines, the two that are best for sightseeing are Linea 1 and 2, as they cover the most scenic part of Venice and go by a lot of the main Venice attractions. The difference between the two is the length of the ride and number of stops they make. Line 1 makes 15 stops and it covers the entire route in about 45 minutes. Line 2 stops only 7 times and the travel time is about 30 minutes long. Try to get one of the outside seats at the very end of the boat.

A single vaporetto ride costs €9.50 and the ticket is valid for 75 minutes from the moment you validate it. That’s enough to cover the entire Line 1 and 2 route. But if you’d like to hop on and off along the way or plan on using other lines, then a daily pass is what you want to buy. It costs €25 and is valid for 24 hours. There is also a 48 hour pass for €35, which is a great buy, if you have 2 days in Venice and plan on using Vaporetto to get around the city, as well as visit the nearby islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello.

key places to visit in venice

Take the Vaporetto to Lido at sunset

If you bought the 24 hour Vaporetto pass and would like a little “sunset cruise”, head to San Marco stop and hop on either Line 1 or 2 going to Lido.

key places to visit in venice

Try Cicchetti

Cicchetti are small, Venetian snacks, that are usually small pieces of bread with variety of toppings, from fish, meat, vegetables to cheeses. The idea is similar to Spanish tapas. Cicchetti are served in bars called Bacari and usually enjoyed with a drink. You can find them on pretty much every corner.

The great thing about cichetti is, they are very inexpensive, so you can sample a bunch of different ones.

key places to visit in venice

Last but not least, possibly one of the best things to do in Venice, is to wander aimlessly with no particular destination or plan. To put your map away and allow yourself to get lost in the labyrinth of narrow streets and alleys. This is the best way to discover some of the most beautiful corners of Venice, where you’re often going to be the only one.

So even if your Venice itinerary is packed with things to do and see, be sure to allow some time to just walk and get lost.

key places to visit in venice

How to get from the Marco Polo airport to Venice

Getting to venice center by bus.

There are two bus companies that operate between Marco Polo Airport and historic center of Venice. ATVO, which is a private company and ACTV, which is a public bus. Both go from the airport to Piazzale Roma and tickets cost €8 one way. The difference is, ATVO is a non stop express service with buses leaving the airport every 30 minutes. ACTV ( Line #5 ) departs every 15 minutes and makes several stops along the way. It’s about a 25 minute ride, depending on traffic.

Tickets for either bus can be purchased at the automated machine at the airport or pre-booked online. Don’t forget to validate your ticket right after boarding the bus!

Getting to Venice center by Alilaguna

Alilaguna is a public boat service, that connects Marco Polo Airport with historic Venice. If you’d like to get right on the water after you arrive, but don’t want to spend the big bucks on a private water taxi, this is the way to do it.

The only down side is, that Alilaguna does make a lot of stops along the way, which makes the journey rather long. It goes to Murano and Lido first, so if you are staying in San Marco area, plan on being on the boat for about 1 hour and 20 minutes. After a while the ride kind of drags on, especially if you are jetlagged.

The cost is €15 for one way ticket and €27 for round trip. You can buy Alilaguna tickets in one of the automated machines. There’s one right in the baggage claim and more near the dock. You can always book it in advance online , but those vouchers will need to be exchanged for real ticket anyway.

Once you collect your luggage, follow the signs to Alilaguna water taxi to catch the boat. It’s about a 10 minute walk. The boats leave every hour or so. If you travel to Venice in high season, be prepared to wait in a long line for the next Alilaguna boat.

Getting from the airport to Venice center by shared water taxi

If private water taxi is not in your budget and the long Alilaguna ride doesn’t sound too appealing, you might consider taking a shared water taxi. Which is sort of a mix of two. You’ll be sharing the boat with other people and making stops at their respective hotels, but it’s a much shorter ride.

You can book your shared water taxi here. Be sure to reserve 48 hours before your arrival.

Getting to Venice center by private water taxi

The most convenient and hassle free way of getting from the airport to your hotel is by a private water taxi. Can’t beat being whisked away at the airport and taken straight to your hotel. If the place you are staying at is not right on the canal, it will take you to the closest canal possible. Of course, this is the most expensive option. The price for the 20 minute ride varies, but plan for around €100-120. The price goes up late at night or very early in the morning.

Arriving to your hotel via private water taxi is definitely a splurge. Although if you are traveling with a group of friends or family and can divide the cost, it’s actually not that bad. Especially if you add the cost of individual Alilaguna tickets.

Water taxis leave from the same spot as Alilaguna, so just follow the signs to the dock.

Keep in mind, that if you have a really early flight out of Venice, private water taxi might be your only option of getting to the airport on time. And if you need to take one at 3.30 – 4 am, the rate is also higher as it’s basically in the middle of the night ( it cost €160 at 3.30 am for 2 people ). Amazing experience though, zooming through the canals looking at a completely empty, lit up Venice.

key places to visit in venice

Things to know before you Venice for the first time

It gets very crowded – Venice is one of the most visited cities in Europe and it does get incredibly crowded. Of course, the high season which lasts from June to September, is the busiest ( and most expensive ). But don’t let that stop you from visiting, because Venice is insanely beautiful, just be prepared for crowds. There are ways to navigate around it, like visiting the biggest Venice attractions early in the morning, utilizing the skip-the-line tickets, avoiding the San Marco area during peak hours and venturing out to less popular neighborhoods instead.

Coperto – when you go to a restaurant in Italy, you will find an extra charge on your bill called Coperto . This is basically a fixed cover charge per person added to your bill in addition to your meal cost. The amount varies depending on a restaurant, but it’s usually from €2- 6, could be more if you go to a very fancy restaurant. I have seen some restaurants in Venice, that didn’t charge coperto ( they usually make a point to put a sign up front that says No coperto ), but most do, so don’t be surprised.

Acqua Alta – if you visit Venice in the fall and winter, you might experience something called Acqua Alta ( High Water ). It’s when the water level rises and floods the city. Some parts of Venice are more susceptible than others, San Marco Square being one of the ones where it usually occurs. Serious flooding lasting days is very rare and Acqua Alta is usually just a few hours event and doesn’t really affect anything. It’s business as usual in most places. As soon as high tides are predicted, the city places raised walkways, to help people get around. If you are planning your Venice trip between October and January and want to check if you’re at risk of Acqua Alta, you can check it right here.

Free museum Sundays – between October and March, museums in Italy are free on the first Sunday of the month. If you happen to visit Venice then, you can take advantage of it, but be prepared for long lines.

Venice entry fee – starting in 2025 there will be a city entry fee from €5 for those visiting Venice just for the day on peak days. It’s the city’s way of controlling the crowds on days, that are predicted to be the busiest. Before the Venice Access Tax goes into effect, it will be tested for twenty days in 2024. You can check the dates and pay the tax on this website. The fee will not apply to visitors staying overnight, who already pay the tourist tax added to their accommodations.

key places to visit in venice

Essential Venice tips

Get up early – if you want to see the main sights without massive crowds, there’s no way around it, you have to get out and see them early in the morning. And by early, I mean around 6-6.30 am. And you will already see some people out and about. By 9 am, places like San Marco Square and Rialto Bridge are packed with people. See the most popular spots early in the morning, and venture out later in the day.

Pre-book the main attractions – unless you want to spend a big chunk of your day in Venice standing in long lines, be sure to book tickets to the main sights ahead of time. A lot of Venice attractions offer skip-the-line tickets and I’m always surprised, that more people don’t take advantage of it and would rather stand in line, sometimes for hours.

Validate your tickets! – whether you’re taking a bus or vaporetto, do not forget to validate your ticket either right before boarding or immediately after you get on.

Choose the right airport to fly into – There are two airports in Venice, Marco Polo ( VCE ) and Treviso ( TSF ). Marco Polo is the main, international airport, located 12 km outside of Venice. Treviso is much smaller and is used by budget airlines. It’s also further away, 40 km outside of the city. So pay close attention to the airport while booking your flight to Venice.

Stay in historic center Venice – yes, hotels in Venice are expensive and yes, you could save money by booking accommodations on the mainland, also known as Venezia Mestre. I don’t recommend it, as you’ll have to commute back and forth, which is a waste of time if you only have 2 or 3 days in Venice and that costs money too. Put it towards a hotel in the historic center , where you’ll be steps away from all the main Venice attractions and able to completely immerse yourself in the authentic atmosphere of this magical city. And one of my favorite perks of staying in the center, you can pop in and out of your hotel, whether to leave something, take a break or simply use the bathroom.

Do not feed pigeons in San Marco Square – while it might be tempting to throw some bread to the birds, do not do it! Unless you have a spare €500 to pay the fine!

key places to visit in venice

Where to stay in Venice

Hotels in san marco.

Despite being the most touristy and expensive neighborhoods in Venice, San Marco is the best area to stay for first timers. You’ll be in the middle of the action and all the main attractions on your Venice itinerary will be just steps away. This will also allow you to visit the most crowded spots early in the morning, before the actual crowds arrive. Definitely worth the extra money, especially if you only have 2-3 days in Venice.

Hotel Firenze – located in a building, that dates back to the 16th century, this beautiful hotel is a great choice if you want to be in the middle of all the action. is If you want to be in the middle of the action, Hotel Firenze’s location can’t be beat.

Hotel Monaco & Grand Canal – one of the most beautiful hotels in Venice, steps away from San Mark’s Square and overlooking Grand Canal. Many of the rooms, as well as the restaurant where breakfast is served, have spectacular views of the canal, gondolas and Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute.

Hotel Danieli – one of the best and most famous hotels in Venice, Hotel Danieli is definitely a splurge, but if you are looking for a bit of luxury, it’s an excellent choice. The rooms and lobby are absolutely gorgeous and the restaurant on top floor Terrazza Danieli offers amazing views of the Grand Canal and the lagoon. Hotel Danieli sits right on the Riva degli Schiavoni, the waterfront promenade, so you are steps away from San Marco Square and all the main attractions located there.

Hotels in Cannaregio

Cannaregio is a great area to stay if you are looking to spend less on accommodations and have a more local feel. It’s definitely less crowded than San Marco, but you’ll need to use Vaporetto to get to the most popular attractions.

Hotel Ca’ D’Oro – hotel is located right on the canal, on a quiet street. Far away from all the hustle and bustle to have a peaceful stay, but just a short walk away to all the main attractions and action. It also has a nice roof top terrace. Great choice if you are traveling to Venice on a budget.

Arcadia Boutique Hotel – elegant, boutique hotel in a great location, just a short walk from Ponte delle Guglie, Vaporetto stop and the train station. Delicious breakfast is included and the hotel is receives high praises for its excellent service.

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1 thoughts on “ First timer’s guide to Venice – 18 best things to do in Venice, Italy ”

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This is the BEST Pinterest traveling post I’ve ever read! Kudos! I’ll be using ago these tips!!

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25 Top Tourist Attractions in Venice

By Fiona Fiorentino · Last updated on May 4, 2024

A city built on 118 islands off the coast of northeastern Italy, Venice is unlike any other city in Europe or, for that matter, the world. Virtually unchanged in appearance for more than 600 years, the City of Canals looks more like something out of a picture book than a modern metropolis. It’s a place where the entire city is viewed as an attraction in itself.

A city packed with great art and architecture, millions of visitors come each year to enjoy the experience that is Venice. Even at the height of tourist season, however, Venice is a travel destination that manages to exceed all expectations. Here are the top tourist attractions in Venice that make a visit to this Italian city so special.

Map of Venice

Venice Map

25. Venetian Arsenal

Venetian Arsenal

Venice’s long, rich history is inextricably linked with the waters upon which the city is built; commerce and conquest relied on the city’s ability to build ships and project power abroad. Long before the industrial revolution, the Venetian Arsenal was churning out ships at an astounding rate, and much of the city’s stupendous wealth and beauty is due to this enthralling complex.

Wandering around the historic site is a delightful experience; there are some informative displays on show as well as some wonderful little neighborhood bars.

24. Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Santi Giovanni e Paolo

The largest church in the city, Santi Giovanni e Paolo towers over the buildings around it, and 25 of Venice’s doges are buried within, which testifies to its importance.

Built in the Italian Gothic style, the red brick church is lovely to gaze upon, although the interior, with all of its fantastic paintings and statues, is what the majority of people come to see. Don’t miss Cima da Conegliano’s Coronation of the Virgin and David by Alessandro Vittoria.

There are loads of exquisite tombs and monuments to the former doges on show – this is in part what makes Santi Giovanni e Paolo so interesting to visit.

23. Punta della Dogana

Punta della Dogana

Once a customs house, this wonderful old building is now an art museum that focuses primarily on contemporary art. There are some marvelous statues and sculptures dotted about here and there and Giuseppe Benoni’s fantastic Fortune sculpture atop of the building is particularly delightful to gaze upon.

The Punta della Dogana lies at the point where the Grand Canal joins the Giudecca Canal, and the fantastic architecture alone makes it well worth visiting. The Pinault collection inside is lovely to peruse. The museum also hosts a wide variety of temporary exhibitions which attract locals and tourists alike.

22. Museo Correr

Museo Correr

Located in Piazza San Marco, the Museo Correr’s wonderful collection looks at the art and history of Venice. The beautiful building which it is housed in demonstrates many Napoleonic and Hapsburg features, as the city was once ruled by both dynasties.

Wandering around the fine galleries is a lovely way to spend an afternoon. With maps, coins and paintings lying next to armor, wooden models, and navigational instruments, the Museo Correr is a treasure trove of a museum with a plethora of fascinating objects on display.

Highlights include the stunning Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana which is adorned with so many amazing frescoes and Antonio Canova’s beautiful Orpheus and Eurydice statue.

21. Venetian Ghetto

Venetian Ghetto

Fascinating to wander around, the Venetian Ghetto was established in 1516, when the Venetian Republic restricted Jews to live in this part of the city. It was the first ghetto in existence; the word in English actually derives from Italian, although it is still disputed whether ghetto meant ‘street’ or ‘little town’.

Nowadays, there is still a strong Jewish presence and lots of great Jewish restaurants and bakeries for visitors to check out – as well as several historic sites.

20. Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Completed in 1560, the delightful Scuola Grande di San Rocco has hardly undergone any modifications and alterations since then. As such, visitors can gaze in awe at its historic rooms, home to so many wonderful Tintoretto paintings. The Salone Maggiore is breathtakingly beautiful, and masterpieces by Titian and Palma il Giovane only add to the splendor on show.

The building was founded to host a confraternity and is named after San Rocco; a Catholic saint who was said to protect people from the plague. Indeed his massive popularity led to the Scuola becoming the richest in the whole of Venice and this is amply displayed in the lavish architecture and beautiful paintings that it is home to.

19. Gallerie dell’Accademia

Gallerie dell'Accademia

Located on the south bank of the Grand Canal, the Gallerie dell’Accademia is mesmerizing to wander around. Its galleries are home to astounding artworks by famous pre-19th century Venetian artists.

Its 24 rooms cover various themes; some focus on panel-paintings while others look at portraits and work by specific artists. With masterpieces by renowned artists such as Canaletto, da Vinci, and Titian on display, the Gallerie dell’Accademia certainly won’t disappoint with all that it has to offer.

18. Lido di Venezia

Lido di Venezia

Perfect for visitors who want to soak up the sun and enjoy the beach, the Lido di Venezia has a long stretch of sandy beach and is a great place to head to if you want a break from all the sightseeing in Venice. The sandbar island lies to the south and southeast of Venice, enclosing the lagoon within it and facing out on to the Adriatic.

Inhabited for over a thousand years, crusaders on their way to the Holy Land once set up camp on the very same beaches we see today and in the nineteenth century the sandbar became a popular resort for the rich and famous as writers, filmstars and royals descended upon the Lido.

With its own distinctive feel and laidback vibe, the Lido is well worth visiting and hosts the Venice Film Festival in September each year.

17. Rialto Market

Rialto Market

With its endless stalls and food stands, the lively Rialto Market is an intoxicating place to visit. Its picturesque setting alongside the Grand Canal, with the Rialto Bridge nearby, only adds to the occasion.

Popular amongst locals and tourists alike, the market is where many Venetians do their food shopping. The vast majority of stands sell fresh fish, fruit, vegetables, and artisanal Mediterranean products. Perusing the food sellers’ stands is loads of fun and offers an authentic look at life in Venice .

16. Ponte dell’Accademia

Ponte dell'Accademia

The delightful Ponte dell’Accademia was opened in 1854 and is one of only four bridges that offer pedestrians a way across the Grand Canal. The wooden and metal bridge lies towards the southern end of the canal and looks very distinctive amongst all of the stone and marble that the majority of Venice is built out of.

More peaceful than the other bridges on the Grand Canal, the Ponte dell’Accademia attracts lovers, who attach padlocks to the bridge’s railings. There are some lovely views from its midway point.

15. Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

This wonderful collection is an absolute joy to wander around as it houses many masterpieces by some of Europe and America’s most renowned artists. The modern art museum is located in a beautiful 18th-century palace on the Grand Canal. Its permanent collection includes some delightful Cubist, Expressionist and Surrealist works of art.

Among the many big names on show are The Poet by Picasso, Birth of Liquid Desires by Dali and Alchemy by Pollock. With so many amazing pieces on display, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection is well worth checking out for all its fantastic modern art.

14. Torre dell’Orologio

Torre dell'Orologio

Located on one side of Piazza San Marco, the Torre dell’Orologio is a lovely Renaissance building. It is an important historical and architectural site in the city, as its facade is home to a delightful astrological clock.

St. Mark’s Clocktower (as it is also known in English) sports two bronze figures on its roof that strike out the hour on a bell; lots of other lovely little designs and figures litter its facade. A statue of the Lion of St. Mark is present, as are the Virgin and Child and the beautifully decorated clock face itself.

When in Piazza San Marco, make sure to visit the Torre dell’Orologio on the hour or even go inside the building to get a glimpse of how the machinery works.

13. Teatro La Fenice

Teatro La Fenice

One of the most important and famous opera houses in the world, the Teatro La Fenice has been burned down three times over the course of its history. The current building was rebuilt in 2004.

The name of the theater pays homage to its ability to rise from the ashes, and the current interior is absolutely stunning with its detailed ornamentation and intricate motifs.

With a packed calendar of operas, concerts and ballets for visitors to enjoy, watching a performance at La Fenice is a great experience and is definitely worth checking out when in Venice.

12. Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Beautiful to behold, the Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari more commonly goes by the name of Frari and is one of the most important religious buildings in Venice. Built out of red brick, the church is constructed in the Gothic architectural style.

Although the outside is quite plain, the interior is sumptuous to gaze upon and is home to some wonderful pieces of art which includes Titian’s Pesaro Madonna.

Completed in 1338, Frari is located in the San Polo district. Its ornate tombs, fantastic paintings, and elegant statues make it well worth a visit. Don’t miss Vittoria’s wonderful statue of St. Jerome and the stunning monument to Antonio Canova.

11. Campanile


One of the most recognizable landmarks in the whole of Venice, il Campanile is located on the famous Piazza San Marco and is the tallest building in the city. Towering to a height of 99 meters, the bell tower was completed in 912, although the building we see before us today was built in 1912 after it suddenly collapsed.

While the main body of the bell tower is quite plain, the upper realms of il Campanile have some lovely architecture on show in the form of the beautiful arches and stonework. An elevator brings visitors straight to the top of the campanile, where they have a great view over Venice and the lagoon.

10. Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs

Built in 1600, the Bridge of Sights connects the interrogation rooms in the Doge’s Palace to the New Prison across the Rio di Palazzo. It was designed by Antonio Contino whose uncle Antonio da Ponte had designed the Rialto Bridge.

According to one theory the name of the bridge comes from the suggestion that prisoners would “sigh” at their final view of beautiful Venice through the window on their way to the executioner. In reality, the days of summary executions were over by the time the bridge was built and the cells under the palace roof were occupied mostly by small-time criminals.

9. San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore

Best known as the home of the 16th-century church of the same name, San Giorgio Maggiore is a small island located across the lagoon from St. Mark’s Square. Designed by the great Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio, the church features a façade clad in gleaming white marble and an open and airy interior that’s refreshingly bare of over-ornamentation.

The main alter is graced by two of Tintoretto’s best paintings, the “Last Supper” and “The Fall of Manna.” Visitors can ride an elevator to the top of the church’s Neoclassic bell tower to enjoy a spectacular view of Venice.

8. Ca’ d’Oro

Ca' d'Oro

Originally known as the Palazzo Santa Sofia but now commonly known as the Ca’ d’Oro,the 15th century palazzo was designed by architect Giovanni Bon and his son Bartolomeo.

Although the façade of this splendid structure no longer features the ornamentation that earned the place its “house of gold” nickname, the now pink-and-white building is a treasure trove of art.

Located on the Grand Canal, the Ca’ d’Oro is home to the Museo Franchetti, named after the man who donated the palazzo and its entire contents of Renaissance paintings, antiques, sculpture and ceramics to the city.

7. Santa Maria della Salute

Santa Maria della Salute

Commonly called La Salute, this 17th-century church stands at the point where the Grand Canal meets the Venetian Lagoon. The white stone edifice with its massive dome was constructed as a shrine to the Virgin Mary for saving the city from a plague that killed one third of its population.

In addition to the altar sculpture that depicts the “Madonna of Health” driving the demon Plague from Venice, there’s an extensive collection of works by Titian on display, including ceiling paintings of scenes from the Old Testament.

6. Ca’ Rezzonico

Ca' Rezzonico

Of all the stately palazzos that line the Grand Canal, no building better illustrates what life was like in 18th-century Venice than the Ca’ Rezzonico. Used as a setting for the 2005 film “Casanova” starring Heath Ledger, the palace’s Grand Ballroom has played host to over-the-top parties for more than 200 years.

English poet Robert Browning was one of the last to make the palazzo his home. Today, the entire building is open to the public as the Museo del Settecento. While many of the paintings on display are reproductions, the fabulous ceiling frescoes by the Tiepolo family are authentic and have been restored to their original glory.

5. Piazza San Marco

Piazza San Marco

As the only public square in Venice, the Piazza San Marco has been the city’s main gathering place for centuries. Surrounded by open-air cafés and landmark attractions, including San Marco Basilica and the Palazzo Ducale, it’s the natural epicenter for any visit to the City of Canals.

The square is actually laid out in a trapezoid shape that widens as it approaches the basilica. Despite the crowds that throng it in summer and the rains that flood it in winter, St. Mark’s Square offers a memorable Venetian experience in every season.

4. Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge

The Rialto Bridge is one of the four bridges spanning the Grand Canal. For nearly three hundred years, it was the only way to cross the Grand Canal on foot. The stone bridge, a single span designed by Antonio da Ponte, was completed in 1591 and was used to replace a wooden bridge that collapsed in 1524.

The engineering of the bridge was considered so audacious that some architects predicted a future collapse. The bridge has defied its critics to become one of the architectural icons of Venice.

3. Doge’s Palace

Doge's Palace

During the prosperous centuries of the Venetian Republic, the city’s magistrates, or doges, ruled the city like royalty. The Palazzo Ducale was not only the residence of the doge but the city’s center of power and its administrative hub as well.

The building was constructed in two phases. The eastern wing, which faces the Rio di Palazzo, was built between 1301 and 1340. The western wing, facing the Piazetta San Marco, took an additional 110 years to build and was completed in 1450.

Visitors who take the Secret Itineraries tour can also walk through hidden passageways to view the private council rooms, torture chambers and the prison cell from which Giacomo Casanova made his escape in 1756.

2. Grand Canal

Grand Canal

There’s no better way to begin an exploration of Venice than with a gondola ride down the Grand Canal. In a city where cars are banned, gondolas, water taxis and public vaporetti (water buses) are the primary sources of transportation.

The city’s aquatic thoroughfare snakes through the center of the city from Saint Mark’s Basilica to the Church of Santa Chiara. Lined on either side by Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance structures, the Grand Canal is crossed by four bridges, the most famous of which is the 16th-century Rialto Bridge.

The best time of the day for a gondola ride is in the early morning when the canal shimmers with golden light.

1. St. Mark’s Basilica

St. Mark's Basilica

Situated in St. Mark’s Square, the soaring 30-story Campanile and the massive basilica behind it are two of the most popular tourist attractions in Venice. Both date to the 9th century but have been rebuilt and embellished extensively over the centuries.

San Marco Basilica serves as a showcase for the wealth that Venice accumulated as a military power. Its design mixes Byzantine and Gothic architecture styles in a unique way. Elaborate medieval mosaics cover much of the cathedral’s walls and vaulting.

Behind the tomb believed to hold the remains of Saint Mark stands the altarpiece Pala d’Oro, a jewel-adorned screen of gold that is considered one of the finest works of Byzantine craftsmanship in the world.

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Reader interactions.

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November 3, 2017 at 3:10 am

@larry Venice winetour is definitely a great choice! Top rated in Tripadvisor

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March 19, 2017 at 5:55 pm

Any advise about a good food tour in Venice?

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Visit Venice: Top 31 Things To Do and Must-See Attractions

Things to do in venice: the 31 best places to visit and highlights.

You’re planning to visit Venice during your next trip?

Great choice!

With its charming canals and the numerous activities you can do in Venice , you will for sure enjoy your trip to this city built on water, often referred to as “The Floating City”.

In order to help you plan your stay, I have prepared this guide of the 31 best things to do in Venice , with all points of interest and must-see attractions.

In addition to this list of things to do and places to visit, I will also give you itineraries to visit Venice in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 days (or even a week!) as well as my selection of the best accommodations depending on your budget.

So, what are the best things to do in Venice? Where to stay?

Let’s find out!

Best way to save time and money: Buy a city pass to visit Venice

1. grand canal gondola ride, 2. st. mark’s square, 3. st. mark’s basilica, 4. st mark’s campanile, 5. doge’s palace, 6. ponte dell’accademia: the best photo spot over venice grand canal, 7. rialto bridge, 8. bridge of sighs, 9. san giorgio maggiore, 10. peggy guggenheim collection, 11. santa maria della salute, 12. ca’ d’oro, 13. basilica di santa maria glorious dei frari, 14. scuola grande di san rocco, 15. rialto market – food tour in venice, 16. teatro la fenice, 17. attending a classical concert or an opera in venice, 18. ca’ rezzonico, 19. scala contarini del bovolo, 20. accademia gallery, 21. libreria acqua alta, 22. museo correr, 23. basilica di san giovanni e paolo, 24. santa maria formosa, 25. chiesa di santa maria dei miracoli, 26. museo di storia naturale, 27. museo storico navale, 28. visit the venetian islands: murano, burano, torcello, 29. lido beach, 31. discover the prosecco wine region, 32. bonus – the dolomite mountains, one day in venice, 2 days in venice, 3 days in venice, 4 days in venice, 5 days in venice (or more), where to stay in venice, tourist map of venice, best time to visit venice, you’re traveling in italy these articles will help you.

In order to help you plan your stay in Venice, I have prepared detailed itineraries depending on your trip duration . You should read them after reading this article.

You can find them here, simply click on the orange links to read the articles:

  • 2 Days in Venice – An Epic 48h itinerary
  • 3 Days in Venice – The perfect 72h itinerary
  • 4 Days in Venice – Itinerary + Best Things to do + Tips

They will allow you to plan your trip very easily!

And if you have any question, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments section located at the end of each guide. I would be glad to help you plan your stay.

If you’re planning to discover the city’s most iconic monuments during your trip to Venice, I strongly recommend you to get a City Pass.

It’s the best way to save money and avoid queueing!

Depending on what you want to do in Venice, you can choose between 2 city passes:

1) The Venice City Pass. It includes:

  • Entry to Doge’s Palace
  • Entry to 11 museums 
  • Entry to 16 churches on the Chorus circuit
  • Entry to the Querini Stampalia Foundation 
  • Transportation on the ACTV network waterbus and bus (this is optional, you can choose to add it or not when you buy your city pass).

To buy your Venice City Pass, simply click on the green button below:

2) The Venice Pass, which includes the following attractions:

  • Skip the line ticket for Saint Mark’s Basilica
  • Fast track admission ticket to the Doge’s Palace
  • A gondola ride
  • A self guided audio tour (to download on your phone)

To buy your Venice Pass, click on the green button below:

So, which city pass should you get?

Personally, I would recommend the Venice Pass (click here) , as it includes the 3 most important things to do in Venice!

When you think about Venice, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably the iconic gondola rides along the city’s famous waterways.

The Grand Canal , the main waterway of Venice, offers a unique perspective of the city’s architecture and will allow you to get a good overview of the city of canals.

So during your trip to Venice, you will for sure want to take a gondola ride along the Grand Canal!

Float along the canal, admire the historic buildings, palaces and bridges that line the waterway, and simply enjoy the romantic atmosphere of the city.

A gondola ride is included with the Venice Pass.

Keep in mind: The gondola rides are extremely popular, especially during peak season, so you should really book your gondola ride in advance to secure your spot (and a decent price!).

You need to book your gondola ride by clicking on the green button below:

You prefer to enjoy a private VIP Gondola ride in Venice at night time ? No problem, you need to book it by clicking here.

And if you’re looking for the original and off the beaten path version, you can actually explore Venice Canals with a kayak tour! It needs to be booked by clicking there.

Grand Canal Gondola Ride

Let’s continue your visit to Venice and head to the famous St. Mark’s Square , the main square of the city.

This hub of Venetian life and history is home to:

  • The iconic St. Mark’s Basilica (#3 of my list of the best things to do in Venice), a stunning example of Italo-Byzantine architecture.
  • St mark’s Campanile (#4), for a great view over Venice
  • The Doge Palace (#5), another historical landmark of Venice located on St Mark’s square.

In the square, you will also find numerous cafes where you can sit, have a drink, and soak in the ambiance of the city.

St Mark's Square Venice

Located on St Mark’s Square, the iconic St. Mark’s Basilica is a must-see in Venice.

Known as the “Church of Gold” it showcases the wealth and power Venice wielded in the past.

As you approach the Basilica, you’ll immediately notice its stunning Italo-Byzantine architecture.

But once you step inside, it’s the golden mosaics covering the interior  and the famous Pala d’Oro altar , adorned with thousands of gems, that really steal the show.

And for an amazing view over St Mark’s square, head to the Basilica’s terrace , included in your priority ticket.

St Mark’s Basilica opening hours: the Basilica usually opens at 9:30 AM, and the last admission is at 4:00 PM. Keep in mind that these times can vary depending on the season and religious services.

Remember, as a religious site, the Basilica requires visitors to dress modestly. That means your shoulders and knees should be covered.

Don’t be fooled!

Some websites sell tickets to the basilica that just offers access to the ground floor. They sell them for 20€ and it’s basically worthless.

The real tickets to St Mark’s basilica includes:

  • Priority access to the basilica
  • Access to ground floor
  • Access to St.Mark’s Museum
  • Access to the Pala D’oro
  • Access to the Terrace (amazing view over St Mark’s Square)

To buy the real tickets to St Mark’s basilica , the ones that include everything, simply click on the button below:

The Venice Pass   also included the fast track ticket to Saint Mark’s Basilica. 

And if you want to learn more about St Mark’s Basilica , you should book a guided tour. I recommend you to book that one , or to have a look at all tickets and guided tour to St Mark’s Basilica there:

St Mark's Basilica

To enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the city , you can climb to the top of St Mark’s Campanile .

The Campanile is located in St Mark’s Square , right next to St Mark’s Basilica. It stands at an impressive 98.6 meters tall, making it one of the highest structures in Venice.

For your convenience, a lift will take you to the top of the tower . Once there, you can enjoy a stunning 360-degree view of the city .

From this vantage point, you can see the entirety of Venice, the lagoon, and even as far as the Dolomite Mountains on a clear day.

As there is only 30 tickets for each time slots , you really need to book your visit as early as possible.

Access to the top of St Mark’s Campanile costs 15€, but trust me, the view is worth every penny!

You need to book your priority ticket to St Mark’s Campanile by clicking on the button below:

Venice panorama

Let’s end your tour of St. Mark’s Square monuments with a visit to the Doge’s Palace, one of the best places to visit in Venice.

This beautiful Gothic style palace used to be the residence of the Doge , the supreme authority of the Republic of Venice.

You can explore the beautiful chambers, admire the incredible art , and get a sense of the history and power of the Venetian Republic.

One of the highlights is the famous Bridge of Sighs , which you will pass through during your visit!

The Doge’s Palace is one of the busiest Venice attractions, so you should ideally visit early in the day to avoid the crowds.

Entry to the Doge Palace is included in Venice city Pass and Venice Pass.

If you don’t have the City Pass, you need to book fast track tickets by clicking on the button below:

You want to do a VIP guided tour of both the St Mark’s Basilica and the Doge’s Palace?

In that case, the best way to save money is to book a combined guided tour.

The best one needs to be booked here:

And if you’re looking for an off the beaten path visit, the Secret of Doge’s Palace VIP tour is for you! You need to book it by clicking here.

Doge's Palace

When you’re visiting Venice, you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to snap a few photos at the Ponte dell’Accademia .

This iconic wooden bridge , one of only four that cross the Grand Canal, offers exceptional views that you can’t get anywhere else.

The view from the bridge is truly postcard-perfect , featuring the Grand Canal , the dome of Santa Maria della Salute , and Venetian palazzos in the background.

It’s a favorite spot for photographers , and you’ll certainly want to capture a few memories of your own here!

Getting the best shot requires a bit of timing: my favourite moment to take a picture from the Ponte dell’Accademia is early in the morning, to get the sunrise in the frame.

But if you don’t want to wake up early, no worries! The scenery is worth a picture all day long 😄.


Let’s continue this list of the best things to do in Venice with the Rialto Bridge , the oldest bridge spanning the Grand Canal.

A hallmark of Venetian architecture, the bridge is also home to numerous shops where you can buy everything from souvenirs to Venetian glass. You should definitely take a moment to appreciate the panoramic view of the canal from the bridge.

Nearby, you’ll find the vibrant Rialto Market , where locals shop for fresh produce and seafood. It’s a great place to take in local life and even grab a bite.

The Rialto Bridge can be quite crowded during the day, so you might want to consider visiting early in the morning or later in the evening for a quieter experience and a lovely view of the sunset .

Another great option to avoid (most of) the crowds is to opt for the Unusual Walking Tour. It’s the perfect way to discover Venice hidden gem’s with a friendly guide!

Simply click on the button below to book it:

And if you’re looking for something original and want to visit Venice at night, there is a pretty good ghost tour in Venice, you can book it here.

Rialto Bridge

While you’re near Doge’s Palace , you should take a moment to admire the Bridge of Sighs .

This famous Venetian bridge has a fascinating history. It was the last view of Venice that convicts saw before their imprisonment , hence the name.

For a unique experience, you can see the bridge from the water on a gondola ride. Alternatively, the view from the neighboring bridges is also fantastic.

A great spot to photograph the Bridge of Sighs is from the Ponte della Paglia , the bridge located right behind it.

As I mentioned above, you will walk thorough the bridge during your visit to the Doge’s Palace, but if you want to admire it from beneath, you will need to book this Gondola ride:

You’re going to Venice?

You probably know it: the hardest part of planning your trip is to find an hotel offering a good value for money!

And that’s even worse in big touristic cities like Venice 😅.

The closer you get to your travel dates, the harder it will be to get a good deal. Lots of people will be visiting Venice on the same dates as you , so you can be sure that the best deals are booked extremely quickly!

Hopefully, there is a pretty simple solution to this problem: do like me and book your hotel as early as possible!

So, my best advice is to take 5 minutes (now) to have a look at the list of travelers’ favorite hotels in Venice.

And if you see a good offer, book it!

Most hotels offer free cancellation, so it’s quick, easy, and you will avoid the the inconvenience of finding nothing but mediocre rooms at exorbitant prices.

To check the current best deals for your hotel in Venice, simply click on the green button below 😎:

Once you’ve booked your hotel, it will be time to continue reading this guide and find out more about the best things to do in Venice!

Bridge of Sighs Venice

If you’re keen on escaping the hustle and bustle of Venice’s main islands, you should go on a short trip to San Giorgio Maggiore.

This small island is home to a beautiful church and a bell tower , offering one of the finest views of Venice.

San Giorgio Maggiore Church , a gem designed by the famous architect Andrea Palladio , stands majestically on the island. Its white façade against the blue Venetian sky is truly a picturesque sight!

Inside, you can see remarkable artworks , including Tintoretto’s “The Last Supper”.

After exploring the church, make sure to visit the bell tower . Just like for the one in St. Mark’s Square, a small fee and a short lift ride will get you to the top!

From there, the panoramic view of Venice is simply breathtaking. It’s a perfect spot for capturing splendid photos of the city, especially during sunset.

If you prefer, you can also visit San Giorgio Maggiore with a guided tour.

The best one is a small group tour (limited to 9 participants only) that includes a boat tour, the visit to the church and the ticket to climb the San Giorgio Maggiore Bell Tower.

You need to book it here:

Last but not least, if you’re an art enthusiast , or simply want to enjoy an off the beaten path visit , you should go to the Cini Foundation , located on the island. This cultural institution hosts a rich collection of art and a library specializing in art history.

You need to book your tickets to Cini Foundation by clicking here.

So, how do you get to San Giorgio Maggiore?

Simple, you can catch a vaporetto (water bus) from St. Mark’s Square. The journey is short, but scenic. Remember to check the vaporetto schedule and tickets in advance.

To take the Vaporetto, the easiest is to buy the ACTV Card that includes unlimited access to the buses and water buses an (cheap boat trips yeahhhh! 😎). To get it, you can:

  • Buy the Venice City Pass (click here) and choose the public transport option.
  • Buy the ACTV Card (also called Vaporetto pass) on its own.

San Giorgio Maggiore island Venice

If you are interested in modern art, you should definitely visit the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.

The museum is housed in Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, an unfinished 18th-century palace which was the home of Peggy Guggenheim for 30 years.

It showcases her extensive art collection, featuring masterpieces from renowned 20th-century artists like Picasso, Pollock, Kandinsky, and Dali.

Don’t miss the sculpture garden , it offers a peaceful break with a wonderful view over the Grand Canal.

You need to book your ticket to Peggy Guggenheim Collection by clicking here:

And if you want to learn more about the artworks, you can book a tour with a private art guide:

Please note that if you book the guided tour, you will also need to book your tickets to the museum separately (with the other button above).

Peggy Guggenheim Collection Venice

Let’s now talk about Santa Maria della Salute , an iconic baroque church located at the entrance to the Grand Canal.

You can admire its grand exterior from various points in Venice , including the Ponte dell’Accademia and the St Mark’s Campanile I mentioned above.

In addition, you should also go take a closer look at its interior, which is equally impressive with stunning frescoes and art pieces.

Entry is free , and the church is generally less crowded than other sites in Venice, offering a moment of relative tranquility amidst your other visits.

Santa Maria Della Salute

Also known as the Golden House, Ca’ d’Oro is another must-visit site when in Venice.

This beautiful example of Venetian Gothic architecture houses the Galleria Giorgio Franchetti , an important Renaissance art collection.

You can visit the Galleria, and enjoy stunning views over the Grand Canal from the loggia.

You need to book your ticket for the Ca’ d’Oro and the Galleria Giorgio Franchetti by clicking on the button below:

Ca’ d’Oro Venice

The Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, more commonly known as Frari , is a magnificent 13th-century Gothic church.

It’s is not just another religious building in Venice. It’s a treasure trove of art and a historic resting place for Venetian greats, including the famous painter, Titian.

As you step inside Frari, you will discover numerous paintings, sculptures, and architectural features that makes the Basilica truly unique.

The early mornings and late afternoons usually have fewer crowds, allowing for more personal experience of this Venetian gem.

Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

If you enjoy Renaissance art, the Scuola Grande di San Rocco should definitely be on your Venice itinerary.

Located close to the Basilica di Santa Maria Glorious dei Frari I just talked about and known as the ‘Sistine Chapel of Venice’, this confraternity building hosts amazing works by Tintoretto , a famous Venetian artist.

You can admire numerous paintings on the walls and ceiling.

There is so much to see everywhere that they even provide mirrors to avoid straining your neck while admiring the ceiling artwork!

Tickets for the Scuaola Grande di San Roco need to be purchased on site.

Scuola Grande Di San Rocco

One of the experiences you shouldn’t miss while in Venice is a visit to the Rialto Market .

This bustling market is a feast for the senses with its wide array of fresh local produce, seafood, and Venetian specialties .

You can explore the various stalls, sample local delicacies , and maybe even have a little picnic with your market finds!

The market is most vibrant in the morning, so it’s best to go early to see the true bustle of Venetian life . Also, don’t forget to try the local seafood – it’s incredibly fresh!

If you want to discover Venice’s gastronomy and typical products , you should book a street food guided tour with a local guide.

It’s clearly the best way to discover off the beaten track places and enjoy great italian food, including typical Cicchetti (local tapas)!

To book it, you simply have to click on the button below:

And if you’re a wine lover , you should probably opt for this other tour , which also offers tasting of 5 high quality wines: Guided tour of Venice wine bars + food tastings .

Rialto Market Venice

Known as the Phoenix Theater, Teatro La Fenice is one of the most famous opera houses in the world.

While it’s a great venue to enjoy a concert or opera, even without a show ticket, you can still explore its architectural beauty.

And I strongly recommend you to do so!

From the grandeur of the auditorium to the elegance of the Apollonian Halls , it’s a really nice visit to do in Venice.

Teatro La Fenice is easily accessible by vaporetto (don’t forget to get your Venice City Pass with transport option or ACTV Card ). The closest stops are Sant’Angelo and Rialto.

If you’re already near St. Mark’s Square , the opera house is only a 5-minute walk away. Remember, getting lost in Venice is part of the charm!

Tickets to visit Teatro La Fenice need to be bought by clicking on the button below:

And if you want to learn every secret of the opera house , you should book the guided tour by clicking here. The guided tour also includes a priority entrance.

Teatro La Fenice 2

If you would like to attend a classical concert or an Opera in Venice , you can of course book one on the website of Teatro La Fenice .

However, there are also more intimate concerts , that are cheaper and totally worth it!

Here are my 2 favourites (simply click on the orange links for more info and to book):

Four Seasons concert at Vivaldi Church: attend a classical concert at Santa Maria della Visitazione, nicknamed “Vivaldi’s church”. You might not know it, but the famous composer was actually venetian!

Opera in an historic palace on  the Grand Canal: if you’re up for a truly Venetian experience, how about an opera in a historic palace on the Grand Canal? It’s a magical blend of music, history, and the unique charm of Venice.

It’s really a once in a lifetime experience, I loved it!

If you’re keen to dive into Venice’s rich history, Ca’ Rezzonico is the place for you.

This palatial museum of 18th century is filled with beautiful furniture, frescoes, and artwork. You can easily spend 2 hours exploring the various rooms and exhibits. The Ballroom is especially impressive!

The museum also offers stunning views over the Grand Canal.

Access to Ca’Rezzonico is included with Venice city Pass .

Ca’ Rezzonico Venice

Scala Contarini del Bovolo is a hidden gem in the heart of Venice.

This ornate spiral staircase provides an amazing panoramic view of the city . As you climb the steps, you’ll be greeted with a different perspective of Venice at each level.

This remarkable architectural structure is often overlooked by tourists, making it a perfect spot for a more tranquil and unique experience.

To visit, you need to book your tickets in advance here:

You will also pass by Palazzo Contarini is also included in the “Venice secret spots” walking tour. You need to book it by clicking here.

Scala Contarini del Bovolo

Art enthusiasts should make sure to visit the Accademia Gallery , one of the most important art museums in Italy .

The museum hosts an extensive collection of Venetian painting from the 14th to the 18th centuries, including masterpieces by artists such as Titian, Tintoretto, and Canaletto.

If you want to immerse yourself in the rich art history of Venice , the Accademia Gallery is one of Venice highlights.

To ensure a smooth visit, you should book your tickets in advance on the official website.

Try to allocate at least 1h30 for your visit to the Accademia Gallery, as there is a lot to see.

Tucked away in one of Venice’s quieter corners, Libreria Acqua Alta is a unique bookstore that has become a favorite among tourists and locals alike.

Its name translates to “Bookstore of High Water,” a fitting name as the store is filled with bathtubs, waterproof bins, and even a gondola , all filled with books to protect them from the city’s frequent floods.

Apart from its unconventional storage methods, the bookstore is known for its wide range of books, from brand new bestsellers to antique books, all stacked in no particular order.

If you’re a book lover, visiting Libreria Acqua Alta is a must. It’s a unique experience that perfectly encapsulates Venice’s charming and unconventional spirit.

Plus, you might even find a special souvenir to remind you the best of Venice!

Libreria Acqua Alta

Located at the far end of St. Mark’s Square, Museo Correr is an often-overlooked museum in Venice that offers a fascinating insight into Venetian art, history, and culture.

And it would be a shame to miss it, as the entrance to Museo Correr is included in the Doge’s Palace ticket!

The museum houses a vast collection of artworks, historical documents, maps, coins, and more that span centuries.

One of the museum’s highlights is the Neoclassical section, which houses works from Canova, one of Italy’s greatest sculptors.

It also offers a stunning view of St. Mark’s Square from its windows – a perfect photo opportunity.

Remember to book your tickets to the Doge’s Palace (that include Correr museum) by clicking here.

Museo Correr Venice

The Basilica di San Giovanni e Paolo, known in Venice as San Zanipolo , is one of the city’s largest and most important churches .

It holds a special place in Venice’s history, as many Doges (leaders of the Venetian Republic) are buried here, lending it the nickname “Pantheon of Venice.”

The basilica’s stunning interior is filled with precious art pieces, including paintings by famous Venetian artists such as Veronese and Bellini.

However, the real charm of this place lies in its tranquil, relatively undiscovered status.

Basilica di San Giovanni e Paolo Venice

One of Venice’s oldest churches, Santa Maria Formosa , is not only a place of worship but also a storehouse of local legends.

As the story goes, the Virgin Mary herself appeared to St. Magnus, the bishop of Oderzo, in a vision and instructed him to build a church in her honor at this site.

In addition to the grandeur of the church and its beautiful bell tower, the area around Santa Maria Formosa is a charming part of Venice known for its art galleries and boutique stores.

As you walk around the neighborhood, you will find numerous unique pieces of Venetian artistry and craftsmanship to bring back home.

Included in the City Pass.

The Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli, often called the Miracle Church , is a small but really nice church from the Renaissance period, notable for its marble-clad exterior and interior.

Despite its small size, it packs a lot of detail that is worth taking the time to appreciate.

Santa Maria dei Miracoli Venice

For those with a love for nature and the sciences , Venice’s Museo di Storia Naturale , or Natural History Museum, offers a fascinating journey through our natural world.

Housed in the stunning Fondaco dei Turchi, a palace with its origins dating back to the 13th century, the museum’s exhibits span millions of years of natural history.

From prehistoric fossils to displays showcasing present-day biodiversity and ecology , this museum is the perfect place to learn more about life on Earth.

You need to book your tickets to the Museo di Storia Naturale by clicking on the button below:

Entrance to the museo is included with Venice city Pass .

If you’re looking for things to do in Venice with children , Venice Natural History Huseum is the ideal cultural visit.

Its interactive exhibits offer a fun and educational experience .

And don’t forget to soak up the stunning views of the Grand Canal from the museum’s windows!

Museo di Storia Naturale Venice

While you’re in the St. Mark’s area, consider a visit to the Museo Storico Navale , or the Naval History Museum.

This museum, located in the Castello district, offers a deep dive into Venice’s maritime history.

From the grand ship models to naval instruments and weapons , this museum gives you a comprehensive view of Venice’s naval prowess and its maritime history.

It’s a must-visit for history buffs.

The Naval History Museum can be visited on the same day as your tour of St. Mark’s Square and Basilica, given its proximity.

Best Things to Do Around Venice

Venice’s charm doesn’t stop at the city’s borders!

After discovering all the best places to visit in Venice, you should spend some time to visit the surroundings .

In order to help you plan your visits, here are the 4 best day trips from Venice.

Murano, Burano and Torcello are 3 islands in the Venetian lagoon that are each worth a day trip.

Murano, most famous for its centuries-old tradition of glassmaking, offers tourists the chance to visit glass factories or ‘fornaci’, where skilled artisans mold glass into intricate designs.

You can also visit the Museo del Vetro , where you’ll see historic and contemporary glass art.

From Murano, take a short boat ride to Burano, recognizable by its vibrant, multicolored houses. While here, make sure to visit a lacemaking workshop to witness a craft that dates back to the 16th century.

End your day at Torcello, the oldest inhabited island in the lagoon. I ts main attraction is the Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta, home to stunning Byzantine mosaics.

If you want to do this day trip on your own , please note that Murano glass museum and Burano lace Museum are both included in the Venice City Pass.

It’s very convenient!

Else, If you’re looking for an hassle-free solution , you can visit Murano, Burano and Torcello from Venice with an organised day trip.

The 6h guided tour includes the 3 islands and starts from St Mark’s Square. You need to book it by clicking on the button below:

And if you prefer a shorter tour (4h), you can opt for the one that only goes to Murano and Burano. Simply click here to book it.


For a change of scenery, you can take a vaporetto (as always, you need your Venice City Pass with transport option or ACTV Card ) to Lido Beach .

This long stretch of sand is the perfect place to unwind after a few days of sightseeing. Rent a cabana and relax in the sun , take a refreshing dip in the Adriatic Sea, or enjoy a picnic with local Italian delicacies.

Alternatively, you can take a walk around the island or rent a bike to discover its Art Nouveau villas, charming streets , and lush gardens.

Last but not least, Lido is also home to the Venice Film Festival, which takes place every September at the historic Palazzo del Cinema.

Lido Venice

If you’re planning to spend a few days in Venice, you should consider a day trip to Verona , a nearby city listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Located only 1h30 drive from Venice, Verona is famous for its Roman history and the legendary love story of Romeo and Juliet.

Start your visit at the Verona Arena, a well-preserved Roman amphitheater that hosts opera performances in the summer.

Wander through the city’s cobblestone streets   and head to Juliet’s House , where you can see the famous balcony , take a picture with the statue of Juliet and leave a love note on the gate.

If you don’t want to bother with organizing your day by yourself, you should book a guided tour with transport included.

The best day trip will allow you to visit several places: Verona of course, but also a winery in the wine regions of Amarone and Valpolicella.

Yes, during your tour, you will also have the opportunity to taste some of the best Italian wines!

To book your guided tour to Verona + Amarone winery, simply click on the button below:

Arena di Verona

The Prosecco region is a wine district in Italy between the towns of Conegliano Veneto and Valdobbiadene .

It’s the only area in the world where the world famous white sparkling wine, Prosecco DOCG , is produced.

Since 2019 this area has been added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.

If you are looking for things to do in Venice or around the city , the Prosecco region is a great option! In fact, this area can be reached by car from Venice in around one hour.

Here are my favorite things to do in Prosecco wine region:

  • Hike or bike along the Via del Prosecco: Many hotels can arrange bike rental
  • Visit one of the many towns in the area , for example Cison di Valmarino (nominated one of the most beautiful villages in Italy), or Castelbrando, a fairytale castle up on a hill.
  • Do a wine tasting workshop in one of the many wineries in the region
  • Have a glass of wine watching the sunset while sitting in the vineyards
  • Stop at one of the many restaurants or trattoria in the area and try one of the local specialties

If you have more time, you can combine the Prosecco wine region with the Dolomites and the Braies Lake , which are just a 2-3 hours drive away from here.

You can find more authentic places and hidden gems to discover around the Prosecco Region on Beating Jetlag .

Prosecco wine region

You want to get away from the hustle and Bustle of Venice?

Then, you should head to the Dolomite Mountains , a UNESCO World Heritage site , and a must for nature lovers. These majestic peaks offer spectacular landscapes and a variety of outdoor activities .

In the summer, you can hike or bike on well-marked trails, while in the winter, you can ski or snowboard on world-class slopes.

Don’t miss a visit to the picturesque Lake Misurina or the famous Tre Cime di Lavaredo, 3 distinctive peaks that are one of the Dolomites’ most iconic sights .

Remember to check the weather before you go – it can change quickly in the mountains!

The best Tour to Dolomite Mountains includes Transfer from Venice with return and, of course, beautiful landscapes all along the way.

To book your day trip to the Dolomites, you just need to click on the button below:


How Many Days to Visit Venice?

How much time should you spend in Venice?

This depends on your personal preferences and the pace at which you like to travel. However, a typical recommendation is to plan for a 3 to 4-day trip .

This duration allows you to visit the main attractions like St. Mark’s Square, Doge’s Palace, and the Rialto Bridge.

It also leaves you with enough time to enjoy a gondola ride , visit the islands of Murano and Burano, and even explore a bit off the beaten path!

What are the best things to do in Venice in 1 day?

Here is the perfect itinerary to visit Venice in a day:

  • First, go to Saint Mark’s Square
  • Visit Saint Mark’s Basilica
  • Climb the saint Mark’s campanile (provided you have booked your tickets in advance)
  • Visit the doge’s Palace , and cross the Bridge of Sighs
  • Optional, if you’re interested in this type of visit: Correr Museum (entrance included with Doge’s Palace ticket)
  • Gondola tour on Venice’s Grand Canal
  • Pass by the 3 most famous churches: Santa Maria Formosa / Basilica of San Giovanni e Paolo / Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli
  • Go to the rialto Bridge to end the day in style.

For this one-day itinerary in Venice, you should really buy the Venice city pass . It includes skip the line tickets for Saint Mark’s Basilica, the Doge’s Palace and a gondola ride.

It’s the best way to save time and be able to visit Venice’s must see attractions in one day!

You need to click on the button below to buy your Venice Pass:

If you’d like to spend a weekend in Venice and have 2 days to visit the city of the Doges, I recommend the following itinerary:

For the first day, you can do the itinerary I mentioned above for 1 day in Venice and visit St. Mark’s Basilica, Doge’s Palace, do a Gondola Tour, go to the Rialto Bridge etc.

  • For art lovers, visit the Ca d’Oro
  • Rialto Market
  • Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
  • Scuola Grande di San Roco
  • Ca’Rezzonico
  • Ponte dell Accademia
  • Optional: the Accademia Gallery or Peggy Guggenheim Collection
  • Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute
  • Attend a concert or opera in Venice.

To easily plan your 2-day itinerary in Venice, you should read my dedicated article: The best 2-day Venice itinerary .

If you have 3 days in Venice , you should do the itineraries I mentioned above for the 2 first days.

Then, for your 3rd day , you should explore the nearby islands of Burano, Murano and Torcello!

You can go there on your own, taking the boat between the islands each time , or opt for a guided tour with transport included from Saint Mark’s Square.

You can choose between a 6-hour tour (Burano + Murano + Torcello) or the 4h tour , only including Burano and Murano.

In order to help you plan your 3-day stay in Venice, I have written a detailed itinerary. Simply click here to read it: How to visit Venice in 3 days?

For 4 days in Venice , simply do the 3 days itinerary I suggested above , and add for the 4th day:

Start your day with a visit to the island of San Giorgio Maggiore .

You can get there on your own by boat or or opt for the guided tour (boat trip + visit to the church and bell tower).

In the afternoon, you have 2 options :

1) You can stroll around Venice , see its many churches or visit the natural history or naval history museums , and of course do a bit of shopping .

2) Go to Lido island and beach for a relaxing afternoon.

Planning to spend 4 days in Venice? In that case, you should read my detailed article: The Perfect itinerary for 4 days in Venice .

Once you’ve explored the city and seen all the best places to visit in Venice , it’s time to explore the surrounding area .

Why not go on a day trip to Verona or discover the Dolomites?

Here is my selection of the best hotels in Venice depending on your budget.

If you already know your travel dates, you should book your hotel: Venice is super touristy and the best deals don’t last long!

So if you don’t want to end up with a very expensive mediocre room, book your hotel now by clicking on the orange links below:

  • Generator Venice: Located on Giudecca. Beds in dormitories from €40. Strong points: very clean, comfortable bed, view.
  • Il Lato Azzurro: Located on the picturesque island of Sant’Erasmo, a short boat ride from the bustling streets of Venice. Double rooms, beginning at 85€ per night, with breakfast included. What I loved: the peaceful island location, the garden, the bright rooms.
  • Casa Sulla Laguna: Located on Murano, a short boat ride of Venice. Double room overlooking the lagoon, from €120. Strong points: the friendliness of the owners, the peace and quiet, and the quick and easy access to Venice.  This is my favourite hotel in Venice for its exceptional value for money!
  • San Lio Tourist House: Located in Castelleo district. Modern double room from €150. Strong points: perfect location, super helpful host, near the Rialto bridge.
  • Hotel Villa Rosa: Located in the Cannaregio district. Elegantly decorated double room from €190, breakfast included. Strong points: great location, comfortable room, very friendly staff.
  • Hotel Moresco: Situated just a short walk from the Grand Canal. This 4* hotel offers spacious and lavishly decorated double rooms, beginning at 330 € per night, with breakfast included. What I loved: the tranquil garden, the enchanting Venetian decor, the hotel’s short distance from key sights. The best hotel in Venice for a luxury stay!

If you’re looking for a luxury hotel to stay in Venice , here’s my selection:

  • Radisson Collection Hotel: Located on Cannaregio. Well-decorated, comfortable double room from €520, breakfast included. Benefits: the spa, beautiful interior design, great service.
  • Ca’di Dio-Small Luxury Hotel: Located 800 metres from the Doge’s Palace. Elegantly decorated double room from € 640 including breakfast. Strong points: great views, friendly and attentive staff, wonderful breakfast.
  • Baglioni Hotel Luna – The leading hotels of the world: Just 50 metres from Piazza San Marco. Magnificent and very spacious double room from €690, breakfast €35. Strong points: exceptional staff, very central location, amazing breakfast.
  • The St Regis Venice: Located on the banks of Venice’s Grand Canal. Beautiful, elegantly decorated rooms from €1,500 per night, breakfast €50. Strong points: exceptional services, amazing views, beautiful design.

Radisson Collection Hotel Venice

To help you plan your visits, I have made a tourist map of Venice , with all the best places to visit, must see attractions and activities I talk about in this guide.

You can display the map legend by clicking on the top left button , the one with a small arrow.

Choosing the best time to visit Venice depends on what you want out of your trip.

This city has a unique charm in every season, but each time of the year offers a different experience .

1) Spring (April to June) is often considered one of the best times to visit Venice.

The weather is usually mild and pleasant, making it ideal for walking around and exploring. The city is starting to come alive with tourists, but it’s not as crowded as it gets in the summer.

2) Summer (July to August) is the busiest tourist season.

The city can be quite crowded, and the temperatures can be quite high.

However, you’ll find plenty of outdoor events and festivals to enjoy.

3) Autumn (September to November) is another good time to visit.

The tourist crowds start to thin out, and the weather, while cooler, is still generally good. Autumn also sees the Venice Film Festival taking place.

4) Winter (December to March) is the least crowded time to visit Venice.

The weather can be chilly, and you might experience acqua alta (high water), but you’ll have the city’s beauty almost to yourself.

Plus, if you time your visit right, you can experience the unique spectacle of the Venice Carnival.

If you need help planning your trip to Venice, don’t hesitate to ask me your questions in the comments section below!

Italy travel Guides

  • Buy the Lonely Planet Italy guide on or on
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Discover all my articles about Italy : All my articles to help you plan your trip to Italy are listed there.

  • The 20 Best Things to do in Italy – All the must-see places!
  • Cinque Terre: The definitive guide to plan your visit
  • Florence: The 27 best things to do and must-see attractions
  • Milan: The Top 15 things to do in the city and around
  • Pisa: Top 21 must-see attractions + Tips
  • Rome: The 25 best things to do and see
  • Siena: Top 20 best places to visit
  • Turin: The 20 must-see attractions
  • Venice: The 31 best things to do (+ Tips)
  • 2 days in Florence
  • 3 days in Florence
  • 4 days in Florence
  • 5 days in Florence
  • 2 days in Milan
  • 3 days in Milan
  • 4 days in Milan
  • 2 Days in Rome – How to visit Rome in 48h
  • 3 Days in Rome – The best itinerary to visit Rome in 72h
  • 4 Days in Rome – The best places to visit in 4 days
  • 5 Days in Rome – How to spend 5 days in Rome
  • 6 Days in Rome – The ultimate Itinerary + Where to stay
  • One week in Rome – The perfect 7-day itinerary
  • Where to stay in Milan? My guide to the best areas and hotels for a perfect stay
  • Where to stay in Rome? – The definitive guide of the best areas!
  • Where to stay in Venice? My selection of the best hotels and districts for an epic stay
  • Omnia Card: The definitive guide
  • Colosseum: The 7 best skip the line tickets
  • Trevi Fountain: History, Secrets and Facts
  • Rome’s Hidden Gems : The Definitive Guide with 17 secret spots!
  • The 20 Best museums in Rome – With all my best tips!
  • Rome in May: The definitive guide to plan your visit: weather, things to do, itineraries and more!
  • Rome in June: Guide + All my best tips

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Best places to visit in Venice

Creator of the Voyage Tips blog, travel and photography lover. I give you all my best tips to plan your next trip.

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

3 Days in Venice: Detailed Itinerary, Map & Insider Tips

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: March 21, 2024

3 Days in Venice: Detailed Itinerary, Map & Insider Tips

Planning to spend 3 days in Venice and wondering what to see and do in the city and how to best plan your time? In this guide, we share a detailed Venice 3-day itinerary coupled with lots of practical information and local’s tips to help you make the most of your visit.

Built on more than a hundred small islands, Venice is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most beautiful places to see in Italy . Nobody will argue that the historical city center and the islands dotting the beautiful Venetian Lagoon are absolutely unique. There’s just no other place like this in the world!

The canals of Venice and its ‘calli’, the narrow streets, divide the urban landscape that looks like an intricate labyrinth. With its old palaces, world-famous museums, and its iconic landmarks, Venice is a city to visit slowly, giving you time to enjoy all its beauty.

Most tourists only come to Venice for a day , so lucky you to be able to spend three days in the floating city! With 3 days in Venice, you should be able to cover all the ‘musts’, but also get a bit off the beaten path, enjoy getting lost in its maze of narrow streets and canals, and get to know a more local side of this fascinating place.

Good to know: While we have visited Venice several times and have shared multiple Venice travel guides on the blog before, for this 3-day Venice itinerary we asked for recommendations from a local . Originally from the Veneto region and with a Master’s Degree in tourism studies, Maddy from the  Venice Travel Tips blog  is passionate about sharing her knowledge of the city and the area.

This itinerary was created with her help and includes lots of local tips, restaurant suggestions, and other information that should help you plan a truly memorable trip. It should give you a good idea of how to spend up to 3 days in Venice without missing out on its best bits including a few off-the-beaten-path gems. Take a look!

Venice canals and colorful houses

How this guide is structured:

Below, you can find our recommended Venice itinerary for three days. Per day, we share detailed info about all the places that you can visit, coupled with practical info and tips. Further below, you’ll find a short overview of the 3-day Venice itinerary and a MAP indicating each place mentioned in our guide.

Please note that all the hours in the itinerary are only indicated for your reference . This will give you a better idea of how much time you need for each place/ attraction.

When suggesting the order in which to visit everything, we take into account the location and the opening hours of the attractions, or the starting hours of the tours . That way, you can better plan your time, see what’s possible, and then decide where to go or maybe skip one place and spend more time somewhere else.

Finally, at the bottom of this article, you’ll also find some general practical tips for visiting Venice. Take a look!

Grand Canal in Venice Italy

Here’s how you could spend three days in Venice:

Day 1: Venice Highlights

On your first day, you’ll probably want to visit some of the main sights and top attractions in Venice . Our itinerary below is packed with the ‘musts’. In addition, we show you how to best plan your day so that you can get a taste of authentic Venice too.

DAY 1 planning info/ tickets to book :

  • St. Mark’s Campanile (Bell Tower) – timed-entry tickets .
  • St. Mark’s Basilica – timed-entry all-in tickets .
  • Doge’s Palace – timed-entry tickets .
  • Gondola ride – see here (booking optional).
  • TIP: This digital Venice Pass includes all of the above and makes it easy to book/plan everything in one go. For a unique experience, check out this exclusive after-hours tour of Doge’s Palace & St. Mark’s Basilica .
  • La Fenice Theater – tickets .
  • Street food tour (optional) – book here .

This is what your first day in Venice would look like:

Rialto Bridge + Market + Grand Canal

8-8.30 am .

After your breakfast at the hotel, visit the Rialto Bridge and market area . The Rialto bridge is one of the oldest bridges in the city and one of the few ones crossing the Grand Canal . It’s also one of the most popular places that everyone comes to see in Venice. So visiting here in the morning will help you to appreciate it better. During the day, you can often hardly see the bridge through people…

Back in the Serenissima Republic days of Venice, this part of the city was a prolific space for trading spices and products coming from the Middle and the Far East. It’s also here that you will also find Mercato di Rialto , a bustling market area.

The fish and fruit/vegetables markets are usually open from around 7.30 am daily except on Sundays. It’s a nice place to soak up a local atmosphere and take some colorful pictures.

Be sure to also walk around the waterfront promenade on both sides of the Grand Canal. It offers countless amazing photo opportunities!

Rialto Bridge and gondolas in Venice

Gondola Ride

If you want to go for a gondola ride in Venice, the area around Rialto Bridge is an excellent place to do that. The Venetian gondola is one of the iconic symbols that Venice is famous for and the oldest means of transport in the city.

Nowadays, gondolas are mostly used by tourists, but it remains an authentic Venetian experience that we highly recommend. It’s also one of the best ways to appreciate how special and unique Venice is from a different point of view.

Good to know: You don’t absolutely have to book a gondola ride in advance, but if you want to do it at a specific time and place without wasting time, then it might be a good idea. In that case, take a look at the best options available here.

TIP: Early morning is a very good time for a gondola ride. There aren’t that many tourists around so the canals aren’t filled with gondolas, and it’s not too hot. Furthermore, gondoliers aren’t tired yet and are usually in a very good mood. For more info and tips, please see our guide via the link below.

READ ALSO: Tips for a Gondola Ride in Venice

Good to know: If you don’t mind visiting the bridge and the market when it’s busier, you can also start your day in St. Mark’s Square (see below) and visit the Rialto Bridge area after that. Gondola rides are available all over the city center throughout the day. This would save you quite a bit of walking; on the other hand, a lot depends on where your accommodation is located and where you want to start your day.

Gondolier steering a Venetian gondola in Venice

St. Mark’s Square + San Marco Campanile + St. Mark’s Basilica

9-10.30 am .

In about 15 minutes walk from Rialto Bridge you can reach Piazza San Marco. This is the only real square of Venice, as the other small piazzas of the city are called ‘ campi ’. Its story goes back to the early years of Venice, in the 12th century.

St. Mark’s Square is considered one of the most beautiful squares in the world! It’s surrounded by the buildings of Procuratie Vecchie and Nove, where the St. Mark’s procurator was living and working. You can’t really miss the 15th-century  Clock Tower on the left side and the bell tower, St. Mark’s Campanile , on the right.

No matter how many days you have in Venice , these popular attractions are a must for any itinerary. And it’s best to visit them early to any disappointment.

We highly recommend going to the top of St. Mark’s Campanile . With 98 meters, this is the tallest building in Venice, and its original purpose was as a lighthouse for the sailors. Nowadays, it’s one of the best places to enjoy some of the best 360° aerial views of the city and the lagoon.

Practical information: St. Mark’s Campanile is normally open daily from 9.30 am. If you want to go up, be sure to  book timed entry tickets online in advance (if this option is available in the season when you visit) and be here before it opens. And don’t worry about having to climb – there’s an elevator that brings you to the top.

San Marco square in Venice

Next on this itinerary is St. Mark’s Basilica located on the same square. There are 137 churches in Venice (!), and this impressive basilica is the religious heart of the city. The golden mosaics you can see inside are stunning, just like Pala d’Oro, the impressive golden altarpiece (extra fee). In addition, you can also visit St. Mark’s Treasure and Terrace (extra fee).

Good to know:  St. Mark’s Basilica is open from 9.30 am, except Sundays and some religious holidays when it’s only open in the afternoon (see their website for more info). A visit to the church itself requires a ticket and the queues can be very long, especially if there are many cruise ships in town. So if you want to visit inside and make the most of your day, be sure to book timed-entry tickets in advance.

TIP: We recommend this all-in ticket that also includes Pala d’Oro and Terraces. These are the most impressive parts of the Basilica, not included with the standard ticket.

You can also just visit  St. Mark’s Treasure and the Terraces (there’s usually a much shorter queue here). From the museum, you can see a bit of the interior of the church as well (of course, it’s not the same as actually visiting inside). But you also get access to the balcony overlooking St. Mark’s Square, which is well worth it.

But quite honestly, with three days in Venice, you have plenty of time, so get the full ticket and see everything. It’s stunning!

TIP:   This highly-rated guided tour visits the terraces of St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace (more info below). If you want to see these places in the most efficient way, it might be worth considering. There is usually a tour at 10 am, so it could fit this itinerary quite well.

Alternatively, for a truly unique experience, check out this exclusive after-hours tour of Doge’s Palace & St. Mark’s Basilica . In that case, you’ll have to rearrange this itinerary a bit since this tour runs in the evening.

The mosaics inside St Mark's Basilica in Venice

Doge’s Palace + Bridge of Sighs

10.30 am-noon .

Just behind St. Mark’s Basilica is the Doge’s Palace , another of the must-sees in Venice.

This is the former residence of Venice’s doge, the chief magistrate of the Serenissima Republic. The building is one of the most outstanding examples of Gothic architecture. Even if you wouldn’t have the time to visit inside, it’s absolutely impressive just to see it.

But with three days in Venice, you really shouldn’t miss visiting Doge’s Palace inside!

The building is divided into 3 wings where you can walk around the doge’s apartments, see the stunning chambers, and also visit the prisons that couldn’t have more contrast with what you see in the palace. The absolute highlight here is the Chamber of the Great Council with artworks from eminent Venetian artists like Titian, Carpaccio, and Bellini.

In order to get to the prisons, you’ll have to cross the famous Bridge of Sighs . This covered bridge has been called like that to remind the ‘sighs’ of the prisoners taking the last glimpse of the Venetian lagoon before finding out what their sentence was. It’s a truly unique experience and something you can only do in combination with a visit to Doge’s Palace (which makes it even more worthwhile).

After your visit to the palace and the prisons, take some time to admire the beautiful architecture of this bridge from the outside as well!

Practical info: Doge’s Palace is open daily from 9 am. You should count at least 1.5 hours for a visit. Unless you visit here on one of the tours that come here , be sure to book your timed-entry tickets in advance . Otherwise, you’ll waste hours queuing.

LEARN MORE: Doge’s Palace: how to visit & what to expect

Beautiful chambers inside Doge's Palace in Venice

Fondaco dei Tedeschi Rooftop

12.15-1 pm .

Before heading back to Rialto Bridge where you can find a lot of interesting spots for lunch, consider visiting the T Fondaco dei Tedeschi rooftop just nearby. This terrace offers some lovely views of the Grand Canal and the skyline of Venice. It has quickly become a very popular tourist attraction in the city.

The word ‘ fondaco ‘ in the Venetian dialect can be translated to a warehouse or trading headquarters. Fondaco dei Tedeschi dates to the early 13th century and belonged to German merchants.

Today, the historical building has been restored and hosts a luxurious multi-level shopping center. Even if you don’t visit the terrace, it’s well worth taking a look inside – the interior is stunning and quite unique.

Good to know: The rooftop is open from 10.45 am until 7.15 pm (closing at 7:30 pm). It can be accessed for free but you’ll need to book your visit through their website beforehand.

T Fondaco dei Tedeschi rooftop terrace in Venice, Italy

Lunch: Al Mercá

For your first lunch in Venice, there is no better place than Al Mercá , a locals’ favorite spot for lunch or aperitivo . It’s perfect for lunch on the go as this traditional ‘bacaro’ (local bar) has no seating.

It serves ‘cicchetti’, small bread bites with delicious toppings made of fresh and locally sourced ingredients, and a small panini. Locals love accompanying these snacks with a glass of wine or Aperol Spritz.

Lunch opening times : Daily except for Sundays, between 10 am and 2.30 pm.

Of course, you will be able to find plenty of other great places for lunch. Just try to avoid the super touristy restaurants right on the Grand Canal.

Venetian cicchetti and aperol spritz

Libreria Acqua Alta

2-2.45 pm .

Just a 10 minutes walk further, you can’t miss a little gem of Venice, Libreria Acqua Alta . This is a truly unique bookshop, self-proclaimed as one of the most beautiful in the world. In the past, this was a really hidden gem of Venice – not so much anymore. Sometimes, there’s a very long queue to get in, and while it’s nice to see, I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether it’s worth your time…

This bookstore has a big collection of new and second-hand books. Many of their books are stored inside Venetian gondolas, kayaks, and whatever else can float. This is in order to protect the books from getting wet during the famous floods (thus the name ‘ aqua alta ‘ which literally means the high water).

The store looks really chaotic, but it’s also why it’s so fascinating for visitors. The many cats laying around make it even more fun to visit. This is a good place to look for a nice souvenir, some unique postcards, or Venice prints.

TIP: Don’t miss the book ‘staircase’ outside, at the back of the store.

Opening times: Libreria Acqua Alta is open daily from 9 am to 7.30 pm. We indicated its location on our map at the end of this article.

Kids walking on the book staircase in Libreria Acqua Alta in Venice

La Fenice Theater

La Fenice Theater is located in St. Mark’s neighborhood and is not far from the top attractions you visited earlier today. So it’s a bit of backtracking, but it shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to get there from the Libreria Acqua Alta.

This prestigious opera house built was built in the neoclassical style and opened to the public in 1792. Over the centuries, the building has been burnt down and restored numerous times.

La Fenice Theater is considered one of the most prominent in the world and can host up to 1500 people. It’s here that the premieres of many famous operas were held, including those of composers such as Giuseppe Verdi, Stravinsky, Vincenzo Bellini, and Gioachino Rossini.

TIP: You can visit this iconic opera house just to admire its stunning interior. For that, it’s best to book your skip-the-line tickets in advance . The visit itself is self-guided, but you will receive an audio guide. A guided tour is also available, but at the moment, it only runs at 1 pm. So if you are interested in this, you would have to adjust your itinerary and come here right after visiting Doge’s Palace (and have lunch somewhere nearby).

And finally, you can also attend an opera, a ballet performance, or a concert, etc. In that case, be sure to check their calendar and try to book your tickets in advance (but keep in mind that these are non-refundable). You can also buy tickets at their ticket office as well as at the Venezia Unica box offices around the city. However, keep in mind that last-minute tickets for the most popular events might not be available.

Opening times for theater visits : Normally, you can visit the theater daily from 9 am to 6 pm (last entry 1 hour before the closing time). However, this is subject to change and depends on their event calendar. You can check the most up-to-date schedule for the current month here . But even then, it can happen that things change last minute.

La Fenice Theater - Venice opera

Evening option 1: food tour

Next, this itinerary takes you to Ponte dell’Accademia and the Dorsoduro area (which you can also visit on day 3 of this itinerary) – see below. But if you want to take it easier, not have to walk as much, and stay closer to the center, you could opt for this highly-rated street food tour instead.

This tour starts at 5 pm in Campo San Bartolomio (close to Rialto Bridge, just about 10 minutes walk from the theater), and takes about 2.5 hours. It could be a nice and more relaxing way to end your first day in Venice. We did food tours with this company in Rome and in Naples and they were always excellent. It’s a great way to discover some regional Italian food with a local guide.

If you opt for this, don’t worry about missing something. You can easily visit the places mentioned further below on day 3 of this itinerary (instead of one of the museums we recommend for that day). Also, since this specific tour starts close to Rialto Bridge, you could visit La Fenice theater after the St Mark’s area and then visit the Fondaco rooftop terrace and the bookstore after that and before the food tour. This would save you some walking. You could also watch the sunset from the Rialto Bridge area.

Venice street food tour

Evening option 2: Ponte dell’Accademia & Dorsoduro neighborhood

4-4.30 pm .

About 10 minutes walk from La Fenice Theater, you’ll find another iconic bridge in Venice – Ponte dell’Accademia . This is the second most important bridge in Venice and one of just four bridges that cross the Grand Canal. 

The Accademia Bridge is not as busy as the famous Rialto Bridge, and the views of the canal from here are stunning. It’s a great place to take some postcard-style pictures of the typical Venetian cityscape with the colorful palazzos next to the Grand Canal, and boats and gondolas all around.

Another reason to come here is that this bridge connects the old historic center to the Dorsoduro neighborhood . This is one of those more local areas where you can still find some tourist-free spots and enjoy a more authentic atmosphere.

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute and Venice Grand Canal as seen from Ponte dell'Accademia

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

4.30-5 pm .

One of the most noteworthy attractions of the Dorsoduro neighborhood is the baroque-style Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute . This is the second most important church in Venice, after St. Mark’s Basilica. It was built to celebrate the end of the plague epidemic in 1631.

Interesting to know: To commemorate the day that the Virgin Mary protected the city from the plague, on the 21st of November, the ‘Festa della Salute’ is celebrated here.

Inside, you can admire the painting ‘The Descent of the Holy Spirit’ by Titian and in the sacristy ‘The Wedding at Cana’ by Tintoretto. The floor of the church is also very impressive, just as the cupola.

Practical information: The church itself can be visited for free, but some parts require a ticket. Just as most other churches in Italy, the Basilica usually closes for a few hours at noon. In the afternoon, it’s open from 3 to 5.30 pm. So if you follow this itinerary and can get here around 5 pm, you should be able to visit inside. Otherwise, come here in the morning of day 3 of this itinerary.

Inside the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute in Venice

Fondamenta delle Zattere

5-6 pm (or later, depending on the sunset times) .

Fondamenta delle Zattere is a series of waterfront promenades on the southern shore of the Dorsoduro neighborhood . The name comes from rafts (in Italian “zattere”) which were used to transport tree trunks from the mountains to this part of Venice in the past.

There’s no better way to unwind whilst waiting for the night to fall over the city, than taking a seat on of the marble benches in the Fondamenta delle Zattere to admire the sunset on the lagoon.

Fondamenta delle Zattere might not be as popular as watching a sunset from the Rialto Bridge, but it’s a more exclusive experience since there are not many tourists around. From here, you can enjoy a spectacular view of Giudecca island and take a relaxing walk just before the aperitif time.

Good to know: Keep in mind that the actual sunset time will be very different in the summer (+-8-9 pm) than in the winter (+-4.30-6 pm). So you could come here earlier or later, depending on when the sun sets during your visit (you can easily check this on Google ). But even if you don’t stay here for sunset, it’s well worth visiting this part of Venice.

Sunset at Fondamenta delle Zattere in Venice

Aperitivo & Dinner

By now, you’ll probably be exhausted from all the sightseeing in Venice. Time for an aperitivo .

Just next to Zattere, you can find the Osteria al Squero (this and other restaurants mentioned here are indicated on our map which you can at the end of the article). This is a great place to enjoy a fantastic Venetian aperitivo . The small bar has a wide selection of ‘cicchetti’ made with local seafood, cured meats and cheeses. There are options for vegans and vegetarians too!

In the past, this was just a locals’ meet-up place, but it’s becoming quite popular among tourists. You can get your cicchetti and sit outside, from where you can observe one of the only ‘squeri’, gondolas’ shipyards left in the city.

Good to know : Osteria al Squero is open on weekdays from 10 am to 8.30 pm (Saturdays and Sundays closed). Alternatively, you’ll find other nice bars in the area.

To conclude your first day in Venice, the perfect location for your dinner is the over-water terrace of the Lineadombra restaurant . This is a high-end modern restaurant where you can expect to have a lovely meal serving typical Venetian cuisine, with local products from the sea and the land. The restaurant is open daily except on Wednesdays. For dinner, it opens at 7 pm, but if you want to be sure to find a table, it’s best to reserve in advance.

If you are looking for something a bit less expensive and low-key, check out Trattoria ai Cugnai dal 1911 . This traditional trattoria is an excellent non-touristy choice for dinner in Venice. Also here, it’s best to reserve in advance.

White wine and cicchetti snacks in Venice

Day 2: Venetian Lagoon Islands & Venetian Arsenal

On your second day in Venice, you could spend half a day exploring some of the most famous islands of the Venetian lagoon. In the afternoon, take it easy strolling around the gardens and laid-back neighborhoods of the city. This will give you a bit of a break from all the sightseeing on days 1 and 3 of your trip.

DAY 2 planning info/ tickets to book :

  • Murano, Burano, and Torcello islands – we recommend this tour .
  • Dinner on a traditional boat (optional) – more info and reservations here .

Here is what your second day in Venice could look like:

Murano / Burano / Torcello Half Day Trip

9.30 am – 2-3 pm.

With three days in Venice, you’ll have plenty of time to see all the main landmarks in the city center. So we highly recommend that you also leave the city for a few hours and explore the beautiful islands just nearby.

Some of the most popular islands of the Venetian Lagoon are Murano, Burano, and Torcello . And you’ll find lots of local companies offering all kinds of tours to these islands .

One of the best options is this highly-rated half-day tour which allows you to quickly visit all three islands in a short time. You can choose to hop on the boat at Santa Lucia railway station or next to St. Mark’s Square and they have multiple departures during the day. We recommend starting early to avoid the biggest crowds. Alternatively, you could also turn this itinerary around and start in the afternoon.

This tour offers expert commentary and stops at all three islands giving you some free time on each of them. First, you’ll stop in Murano, the island which is famous for its handmade glass production. Here, you’ll visit a glass factory where you can see glassblowing masters creating some glass art pieces. Next – Burano. This island is famous for its rainbow-colored fishermen’s houses and lacemaking. The last stop is Torcello, the smallest island. This is where people first settled before moving to where Venice is now.

If you take a tour at 9.30 am, you can expect to be back in Venice around 2 pm. Hop off in St. Mark’s area. Alternatively – if you want to spend more time on the islands – you can also opt for a longer tour. More info – below.

Colorful houses on Burano island near Venice Italy

Good to know: If you want to spend more time on the beautiful islands of Murano, Burano, and Torcello, you can also opt for a longer tour instead (recommended). You can still visit Venetian Arsenal (see below) when you get back or before you leave – it really doesn’t require much time.

This popular tour visits all three islands but takes 6-7.5 hours, giving you more time to explore. The cost of these tours is practically the same since you pay for the boat and it has to cover the exact same distances. However, this tour usually has just one or two departures (and starts later). In that case, you should adjust the itinerary for this day a bit and also plan to have lunch at one of the islands.

Yet another option, is to simply book a hop-on hop-off ticket for the Venetian Lagoon and visit the islands at your own pace.

Colorful Murano glass for sale in Venice

If you take the shorter tour, you’ll be back in Venice at around 2 pm. Hopefully, you can get some small snacks or gelatos earlier, or you’ll be starving…

For late lunch, we recommend Osteria da Carla , one of the oldest historical ‘osterie’ of Venice. It’s a lovely small restaurant where modern-style dishes are made with seasonal products that come from the Venetian lagoon. The osteria is only a few minutes walk from St. Mark’s area and it’s open the whole day (daily except on Sundays).

Alternatively, in the same area, try Il Calice pizza restaurant. It’s open daily except on Mondays and is also open during the entire afternoon.

Italian pasta al ragu in a restaurant in Venice

Riva degli Schiavoni Walk to the Castello Neighborhood

After your late lunch, enjoy a walk on Riva degli Schiavoni. This is a very busy waterfront area past St. Mark’s Square and Doge’s Palace. But the further you walk, the quieter it gets.

From here, you can admire the Venetian lagoon and see the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. If you keep walking you’ll get to the Castello neighborhood , the furthest district of the city. This is also the most laid-back area of Venice and is usually not too crowded.

It’s a perfect place for a relaxed afternoon for those looking to get a bit off the beaten path in Venice.

Riva degli Schiavoni waterside promenade in Venice, Italy

Venetian Arsenal & Biennale Gardens (optional)

In the Castello district, you can visit the Venetian Arsenal ( Arsenale di Venezia ). The Arsenal is the former shipyard and construction site of the Serenissima fleets. It also represented the political, economical, and military power of Venice.

Its construction started in 1104 and it was the largest industrial complex in Europe before the Industrial Revolution. Today the Arsenale is an exhibition space for the Biennale of Venice, an international cultural exhibition. If you have time, you can also visit the nearby Naval Historical Museum .

In this same area, you’ll also find the Biennale Gardens ( Giardini della Biennale ). This is the biggest green space in the historic city center of Venice. Established at the behest of Napoleon, at the start of the 19th century, they are also called the Napoleonic Garden.

The gardens are free to visit, but the pavillions can only be visited during the Biennale art festival (usually +- from April to November) and require a ticket (more info here ). You can also cross the bridge and walk to the nearby park Parco delle Rimembranze as well.

After strolling around the gardens, make your way back towards the city center. You could opt for dinner at one of the local restaurants in this area or treat yourself to something special – see below.

key places to visit in venice

For dinner, you have many options. Here are some recommendations.

Just a short walk from the gardens, you’ll find a waterfront restaurant Antica Osteria da Gino . A bit more towards the center – a really nice traditional restaurant Nevodi . Yet another great choice is Osteria A La Scuela , a bit past the Arsenal.

Osteria A La Scuela is one of our personal favorites. Their selection of cicchetti ranges from grilled cuttlefish to black ones, including the fried cod with courgette flowers and the classic ones served with small pieces of bread. They also serve hot dishes like lasagna, Buranella pappardelle with scallop sauce, Venetian liver, pasta and falzioi (pasta with beans), Sarde in saor and bigoli . All the best of the Venetian and Veneto region cuisine!

TIP: If you are ok with one daily meal at a traditional restaurant for lunch and rather do something different for dinner, check out this Venetian Lagoon tour and dinner on a traditional Galleon boat . Granted, this is a more touristy option, but it can be a really nice experience as it gives you a chance to see more of the beautiful surroundings from yet another vantage point. They have fish and meat menus to choose from and it’s a unique gourmet experience.

However, depending on the season, these tours don’t run every day (and the best places sell out quickly in the high season). So check if it’s available and – if interested – book in advance.

Sunset on Venetian Lagoon

Day 3 in Venice

On your third day in Venice, you can spend some time visiting a few of the best museums and exploring less-touristic neighborhoods. Below, we share a suggested itinerary with some of the best options.

To help you plan an even more memorable trip, we also include some additional recommendations such as Venetian mask- or glass-making workshops. That way, you can create your own perfect itinerary following the recommendations that interest you the most.

Good to know: If you opted for a food tour on day 1, start the 3rd day in Venice by crossing the Accademia Bridge followed by a visit to Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute. The church is normally open from 9 am, except on Monday and Tuesday mornings. Afterwards, visit Zattere and continue with some of the places mentioned further below in our itinerary.

Fondamenta delle Zattere and Dorsoduro neighborhood skyline - Venice, Italy

DAY 3 planning info/ tickets to book :

  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection – tickets .
  • Venetian Carnival Mask workshop (optional) – more info and bookings .
  • Glass-making workshop (optional) – more info and bookings .
  • Jewish Ghetto – walking tours .
  • Food tour (optional) – see here .

Here are some of the best places you could visit on day 3 in Venice:

Gallerie dell’Accademia and/or Peggy Guggenheim Foundation

8.30-11 am .

There are a few museums in the Dorsoduro that you may want to consider visiting on your third day in Venice. The best ones are Gallerie dell’Accademia and Peggy Guggenheim Foundation .

The Accademia Galleries hold one of the biggest and most impressive collections of Venetian art, from the 14th to the 18th centuries. You can see masterpieces by Titian, Veronese, Canaletto, Giorgione, Tintoretto and Bellini. Here you can also admire the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci! If you visit just one art museum in Venice, make it this one.

Practical information: The museum is open daily from 8.15 am. Count at least 1.5 hours for a visit. Keep in mind that this is one of the most-visited museums in Venice. While it’s nowhere nearly as busy as e.g. Doge’s Palace , it can get quite busy at times. If you want to visit without wasting much time, it’s best to book your tickets online. See their website for more info.

Just nearby, located in a beautiful waterfront Palazzo Venier dei Leoni , you’ll find another amazing museum, the Peggy Guggenheim Foundation . This is a modern art museum and a real art institution in Venice. It features European and American art of the 20th century.

The museum is Peggy Guggenheim’s personal collection of artworks. Today, the collection includes works of futurists and modernist artists with masterpieces of Surrealism, Cubism, and Expressionism. You can also expect to see some works by Dalì, Mirò, Picasso, Kandinsky, and Magritte, just to name a few.

Practical information: This museum is open daily except on Tuesdays, from 10 am. Also here, you’ll probably need at least 1 hour for a visit. The lines here can get quite long, so if you want to visit, it’s best to get your tickets in advance.

Gallerie Accademia - one of the best museums in Venice

Campo Santa Margherita + Ca’ Macana

11 am-noon .

There’s no better way to visit Venice than getting lost in its narrow streets and small piazzas. One of the nicest town squares is Campo Santa Margherita .

This public square is certainly the best one in the Dorsoduro district where you can experience the more authentic Venetian lifestyle. During the day, you can find a fish market here. In the afternoons, local kids are playing football after school. This is also a popular meeting point for university students due to its wide selection of small bars and restaurants to have an aperitivo or an informal dinner.

This part of Venice is also great for some souvenir shopping from locally run businesses. 

Only a few minutes walk from here, you can find Ca’ Macana . This is one of the best Carnival mask workshops in Venice. Here, you can find both traditional and old masks and more contemporary creations.

TIP: Are you looking for something unique to do in Venice? Do you fancy learning how to create a real Venetian mask? Then you can book a Venetian carnival mask-making workshop and learn the art of mask-making from the experts! This workshop is in this neighborhood, runs a few times a day, and only takes about 1 hour. So it could be a nice addition to your day.

Traditional Venetian masks in Venice

For lunch, you could try Osteria alla Bifora on Campo Santa Margherita. This is a traditional restaurant with a quirky interior and wonderful cicchetti (Venetian finger foods). It’s open daily from noon to late at night.

Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari + Campo San Polo 

Less than 10 minutes walk from here, in located in the San Polo neighborhood, you’ll find Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari . This is one of the biggest churches in Venice and one of the most significant Franciscan places in Italy. The interior is stunning and you can see many paintings and sculptures of Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Anthony of Padua. 

The three masterpieces not to be missed are the Altarpiece of the Assumption, the Virgin Mary from Ca’ Pesaro by Titian, and the tryptic of Giovanni Bellini, in the sacristy of the church.

After leaving the church, you can visit the nearby Campo San Polo. This is the largest ‘campo’ of Venice and in the past, was a marketplace as well as a playing arena. It’s a nice place to relax, sit down on a bench, and do some people-watching for a few minutes.

Interior of Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari in Venice

Calle Varisco and/or glass-making workshop (optional)

“Calli” are Venetian pedestrian streets, and it’s said that there are more than 3,000 calli in Venice. So by now, you will have probably seen hundreds of them. Some are quite large, others pretty narrow, but you still haven’t seen the narrowest of all!

So if you want to see the narrowest street in Venice , head to Calle Varisco . In some places, this street is only 53 cm (1.7 ft) wide, which means that you’ll have to walk sideways to pass through it.

Good to know: Calle Varisco is a bit out of the way from all the rest, about 20 minutes walk from Campo San Polo. You’ll have to cross the Rialto Bridge in order to get here. This is a more off-the-beaten-path place in Venice, but might be worth visiting if you have some free time and want to see something a bit different. Of course, you’ll also pass many other nice local streets on your way there.

Calle Varisco - the narrowest street in Venice Italy

TIP: If you are already planning on going out of your way to this area, just near Calle Varsico, you can attend a really nice workshop with a local glass master and create your own glass artwork.

In that case, see if this workshop is available for the day of your visit and choose the time slot that fits your itinerary best. If you do this, count at least 1.5 hours for this area.

Alternatively, this is something that you could also do in Murano on day 2 of this itinerary. See several glass workshop options here .

Colorful Murano glass in Venice

Jewish Ghetto + Cannaregio neighborhood

About 20 minutes walk from Calletta Varisco, you can reach the Jewish Ghetto located in the Cannaregio neighborhood .

This was the area of the city where Jews were segregated around the 16th century at the behest of the Doge Leonardo Loredan. It’s also thought to be the oldest ghetto in the world. Nowadays, there’s a community of about 450 Jews living here.

The main square is the place where local people like to gather for a chat. The surrounding streets are dotted with small art galleries and bakeries owned by Jew families. 

Try some delicious pastries from the bakery of Giovanni Volpe . This is also the perfect place to find good restaurants to indulge in some kosher food.

Around the ghetto, you can explore more of the district of Cannaregio. Some of the main highlights are the Ponte delle Guglie, Ponte dei Tre Archi, Casa del Tintoretto, and the churches of San Marcuola and Madonna dell’Orto.

TIP: There are many interesting walking tours that visit the Cannaregio neighborhood and the Old Ghetto . If you would like to explore this area deeper, it might be a good idea to go with a local guide.

Optional addition: If interested, you can also take some time to visit the Jewish Museum . It’s a beautiful museum to explore with a collection of books and manuscripts as well as religious Jewish objects used during the traditional ceremonies. Furthermore, your ticket also includes a visit to Levantine and Spanish synagogues (two of the oldest Venetian synagogues – absolutely impressive!), accompanied by an expert guide.

Check their website for more information and synagogue tours. In that case, you’ll likely need at least another hour in this area.

Jewish Ghetto in Venice

Aperitivo and dinner at sunset

Depending on the time of the year (and when the sun sets), you might be able to enjoy another beautiful sunset in this part of Venice. Head to either Fondamenta dei Ormesini / Fondamenta de Misericordia or Fondamenta Cannaregio – nice streets next to a canal with many bars and cafes.

Osteria Al Timon on Fondamenta dei Ormesini is a great place for either aperitivo or dinner. From 5 pm, you can sit down for a drink or get some traditional ‘cicchetti’ made with local ingredients directly from the counter, in a very informal but lively atmosphere. They also serve excellent seafood, traditional steaks, etc.

Trattoria dalla Marisa on Fondamenta Cannaregio is another great place for dinner in this area. This is a very low-key trattoria where you can sample some traditional Venetian dishes cooked by the skillful hands of Italian nonna (grandmas). The small restaurant is known by locals (students and workers) but you won’t find that many tourists here (yet). The menu can change every day based on the fresh and seasonal products arriving. It’s open for dinner from 7.30 pm, but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays to Saturdays.

TIP: A nice way to end your last day in Venice is by joining a food tour with a local . In the Cannaregio district, you can opt for this highly-rated private evening food tour . Alternatively, get back to the city center where you’ll find many other restaurants and also interesting food (and wine) tours .

Sunset at Fondamenta de Misericordia in Venice

Venice 3-day itinerary overview

Here’s a short overview of the itinerary described above. Further below, you can find a map indicating all these places.

8-9.30 am: Rialto Bridge + market + gondola ride . 9.30-10.30 am: St. Mark’s Square + San Marco Campanile ( tickets ) + St. Mark’s Basilica ( tickets ). 10.30 am-12: Doge’s Palace ( tickets ) + Bridge of Sighs. 12-1 pm: Fondaco dei Tedeschi rooftop. Lunch: Al Mercá. 2-2.45 pm: Libreria Acqua Alta. 3-4 pm: La Fenice Theater . Alternative suggestion instead of the below: 5-7.30 pm street food tour . 4-4.30 pm: Ponte dell’Accademia. 4.30-5 pm: Santa Maria della Salute Basilica. 5-6 pm: Zattere for sunset on Giudecca island. Aperitivo and dinner at Osteria al Squero, Lineadombra, or Trattoria ai Cugnai dal 1911.

9.30 am: Murano / Burano / Torcello half day tour (or longer tour and adjust the itinerary below based on that). 2 pm: Lunch at Osteria da Carla or Il Calice. 3.30-4 pm: Riva degli Schiavoni walk. 4-6 pm: Arsenale and Biennale Gardens + free time. Dinner: Osteria A La Scuela, Nevodi, Antica Osteria da Gino, or Venetian Lagoon boat tour with dinner .

8.30-11 am: Galleria dell’Accademia and/or Peggy Guggenheim Foundation. 11 am – noon: Campo Santa Margherita + Ca’ Macana. Possibly a Venetian mask-making workshop . Lunch at Osteria alla Bifora. 1-2 pm Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari + Campo San Polo. 2.30-3 pm Calle Varisco. Possibly a glass-making workshop . 3.30-6 pm Jewish Ghetto + Cannaregio neighborhood. Aperitivo and dinner al Timon and/or Trattoria dalla Marisa, or a food tour .

Views from St Mark's Campanile bell tower in Venice

To help you plan your Venice itinerary, we created a map indicating all the places, sights, and attractions mentioned in our guide. We also indicated all the restaurants described above.

Each day has another color – that way, you can easier see which places belong together.

Of course, you can adjust this itinerary to your interests and the time that you have. But it gives you a good idea of the best places to see, things to do, and how it can all fit together in just 3 days. Further below, you can also find some practical tips for your visit to Venice.

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

Some practical tips

Here are some useful tips for your visit to Venice:

  • The best months to visit Venice are from March to early June and from September to mid-October. This way you’ll avoid the overcrowded summer months and the heat. If you can, try to avoid the peak cruise-ship season. In winter, you have more risk of ‘acqua alta’ aka the high tides, rain, and colder temperatures. But if you want to experience Venice without the crowds, it can be a nice time to visit too.
  • Visiting during large-scale events such as the Carnival, the Biennale of Venice, or the Redentore festival is a fantastic way to experience Venice as well. Just bear in mind that accommodation prices will be higher and the streets in the center will be even more packed.
  • If you want to visit any of the top attractions inside (Doge’s Palace, San Marco Basilica, theater, museums, etc.), be sure to book in advance !!! Also for accommodation, it’s best to book well in advance or you risk having to pay 500-700 euros per night for an average hotel.
  • Avoid restaurants located on the main streets or the ones facing the main canals. Most of them are tourist-oriented but lack authenticity. The food is often not of the best quality and is overpriced too. If you want to dine at a specific restaurant, it’s best to reserve a table a day or two in advance as well.
  • Prepare to walk a lot and wear comfortable shoes . Pack a refillable water bottle and – in summer – sun protection .
  • While it’s sometimes fun to just wander around and get lost in that labyrinth of narrow streets and canals, if you want to get from one place to the other without wasting precious time, use a navigation app on your phone. We always use Google Maps in Venice and it works really well.
  • The closest airports to Venice are Venice Marco Polo and Venice Treviso. If you arrive at the Venice Marco Polo airport you can get to Venice city center by water bus, shuttle bus or private transfer by car or boat. From Venice Treviso, you can take a shuttle bus. You can find some of the best airport transfer options here . Here you can find information and tips for visiting Venice by car .
  • The best neighborhoods to stay in Venice are San Marco and San Polo in the heart of the city or Dorsoduro, just a bit away from the biggest crowds. In these areas, you’ll find the best hotels, guest houses, apartments, and B&Bs, all close to the top attractions.

TIP: Using the map below, you can search for the best accommodation options for your stay in Venice. Simply insert your travel dates and group size, and you’ll see some of the best deals right on the map. Check it out!

So, this is our detailed guide and suggested Venice itinerary for 3 days, coupled with local’s tips and recommendations.

Of course, you can adjust it to your needs and preferences. But we hope that this guide gives you a good idea of the main places to see, as well as some ideas and inspiration for getting a bit off the beaten path.

Often, these additional experiences and local discoveries make for some of the most memorable moments and best memories from your trip. Have a great time in Venice!

More information and inspiration for visiting Venice:

  • Best things to do in Venice
  • Doge’s Palace, Venice
  • Gondola Ride in Venice (what to expect & tips)
  • Venice 1-day itinerary
  • Visiting Venice with a baby or a toddler
  • Driving and parking in Venice

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE TO READ: How to Plan a Trip to Europe (Tips & Tricks)

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Venice 3 days itinerary

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  • For many more destinations, see our Italy travel guide .

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Thursday 7th of September 2023

I am blown away by your website. Came across it by accident - so glad I stopped for a look! Planning a 4-week "turning 60" trip with my best friend, neither of us is a seasoned traveller and feeling trepidation. Not any more! All your practical advice and tips on top of clear itineraries are such a pleasure, I'm taking notes like crazy...I know you are going to be with us every step of the way. Thanks for all your hard work.

Monday 11th of September 2023

Thank you so much for your kind feedback, Susan. Enjoy Italy!

Wednesday 26th of July 2023

My wife and I will be in Venice for 3 days prior to a Mediterranean cruise next Spring. We plan on using your blog as our guide. Our cruise ends in Barcelona, wondering if you've covered that city in any of your other work. I couldn't find anything on-line, thought I'd drop this note. Thank you for such a great itinerary for Venice, we're super excited to go. Safe travels, Mike

Tuesday 1st of August 2023

Hi Mike, you can search our website using the magnifying glass icon at the top for any city and you'll find articles if we have covered it. We have quite a few of articles about Barcelona - please see here. Have a great trip!

jay sughroue

Wednesday 29th of March 2023

Do you have pdf file that can be downloaded with all the information?

Thursday 30th of March 2023

Hi Jay, you can do Ctrl+p and then choose to save to a pdf rather than send it to your printer.

Allen Muench

Thursday 9th of March 2023

Awesome pictures and descriptions! BTW, would you happen know the name of the restaurant in the picture at the top of your artical (Under the Jan 27th date?) I just oil painted the identical picture that my wife took back in 2005.If I go back to Venice I would like to visit the restaurant. Or even the address if you have it. Regards, Allen

Friday 10th of March 2023

Hi Allen, if you mean the featured image with the gondola, no, I really have no idea what's behind it. So I'm afraid I can't help you.

jonathan taylor

Tuesday 8th of November 2022

many thanks for your blog, we used it for our trip to Venice and found it invaluable, we didn't manage to fit everything in but hey there is always another time! we just picked bits out of it and made up our own itinerary we had a great time, so keep up the good work

Thursday 10th of November 2022

Glad to hear that and thanks for the kind feedback, Jonathan. Indeed, it's always difficult to see 'everything' and that shouldn't be the point either. The most important is that you have a great experience and enjoy the place at your own pace. I often tell our readers that less is more and some of the best memories from our travels come from those relaxed moments in between rather than from rushing from one 'must-see' attraction to the other. Happy travels!

Plan Your Trip to Venice: Best of Venice Tourism

key places to visit in venice

Venice, Italy

Travel advice, essential venice.

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Venice Travel Guide

Travelers' pro tips or experiencing venice.

key places to visit in venice

Venice is also the Lido, Murano, and Burano. Move out and (away) from the train and cruise ship area to find surprises.

key places to visit in venice

Use the vaporettos and buy a three-day trip ticket at the bus station. Walking from the Arsenale vaporetto stop to the Biennale Gardens is reasonably easy. The Biennale is expensive.

key places to visit in venice


Take a supply of one euro and 50 euro cent coins for toilets for the 1.50 cost to "spend a penny."

key places to visit in venice


Venice is a magical place with tons of things to see and do. Many activities are free, others have a modest (and occasionally not-so-modest) cost. We love to wander the streets, poke among the incredible food markets, see the incredible architecture and still get away from the crowds. La Serenissima!

key places to visit in venice


Art lovers, Venice awaits you! This magnificent city boasts an exceptional cultural, architectural and artistic heritage! You’ll be delighted as you don’t need to spend a fortune to admire the great Venetian Masters’ paintings! Forget galleries, museums and entrance fees, and visit the city’s churches. You’ll be surprised to discover how many of Titian's, Tintoretto's or Veronese's masterpieces adorn their walls and ceilings.

key places to visit in venice


Venice is like no other place. It's a location where you can immerse yourself in history, marvel and enjoy the art and architecture, enjoy a car-free environment, people watch and above all, get purposely lost and find the true hidden gems around every corner.

What is the best way to get there?

The main airport in Venice is Marco Polo International Airport (VCE), which offers service to/from many destinations across the globe on most major airlines. Treviso Airport (TSF) in nearby Treviso is another option for smaller carriers.

Venezia St. Lucia is Venice’s main station, offering domestic and international train service. Venezia Mestre station offers local and regional service.

Omio and Flixbus offer service to Venice from several European cities.

For more info on getting to Venice, visit  here .

Do I need a visa?

Since Italy is one of the 26 Shengen Area countries, tourists from those countries do not need a visa for visits less than 90 days, but passports must be valid for at least six months after departure dates. The same goes for Americans.

When is the best time to visit?

Winter: Winter in Venice sees crowds thin, the mercury drop, and “acqua alta” (high water) potentially flood the canals — but it’s also a prime time to snag a deal. Average daily temperatures this time of year are highs of 43 Fahrenheit (6 Celsius) and lows of 32 Fahrenheit (0 Celsius). To experience the city at its most atmospheric, coincide your trip with November's Arte Biennale or March's Carnevale.

public transport

While walking is a wonderful way to get around Venice and its 118 islands, ACTV operates the city’s public transportation, Download its daAab app to buy tickets for vaporettos (waterbuses), buses and the airport shuttle here . For more info on ACTV, including schedules, routes, and fares, see here .

There are more than 150 vaporettos and larger vessels (battelli foranei) that travel to dozens of locations along the Grand Canal and islands.

people mover

This monorail offers connections to PIazzale Roma transit hub, Marittima cruise ship terminal and Tronchetto parking island.

Two tram lines make 36 stops between mainland Venice and the city center

Buses can be found on mainland Venice as well as some of the smaller city islands.

taxis/water taxis

With many parts of Venice closed to traffic, taxi service is limited to Mestre and Lido. However, water taxis can be hired at several points in the city and can be expensive.

Uber and Lyft do not operate in Venice

Venice’s iconic gondolas are another way to get around, but they can be expensive, even before you tip your gondolier. Additionally, Gondolas 4 All offers service and wheelchair-accessible access for passengers with mobility issues.

For info on Gondolas 4 All, visit  here .

While BicinCitta is the city’s bike-share, and there are several bike rentals companies, biking is prohibited in central Venice, but you can bike around its larger islands.

For more info on BicinCitta, visit  here .

On the ground

What is the timezone.

Central European Summer Time

What are the voltage/plug types?

Plugs and sockets are type F and L with standard voltage 230V and frequency 50 Hz.

What is the currency?

Are atms readily accessible, are credit cards widely accepted, is it easy to find a bank, how much do i tip, restaurants.

Tipping in Venice restaurants is not as common as it is in the U.S., though some eateries do add a service charge to your tab. In that case, you won’t need to give more, but obviously, if you were well-cared for, an extra few euros are certainly in order.

Italians generally tip their bartenders by rounding up their tabs to the nearest euro. (If you ate at the bar, though, throw down a few extra euros.)

Tipping drivers is not common in Venice, though many passengers often round up to the nearest euro. But, if your driver is super helpful, one to three euros would suffice.

Tip five to 10 euros if you sought their expertise to explore Venice or land a restaurant reservation (do give more if they got you into a hotspot or went above and beyond).

It’s standard to give one euro per bag.


It’s common to tip at least one euro per each day of your stay. Some hotels leave envelopes for such tips, but if they don’t, a quick note saying “Thank you” will suffice.

Tour guides

Tipping a tour guide is one of the only tipping customs in Italy, and how much depends on the size and length of your tour. Per person, five euros is standard for a half-day excursion or 10 euros for full-day. It’s customary to give at least 10% of the total cost of a private tour.

About 10% of the ride is common.

Are there local customs I should know?

The legal drinking age in Venice is 18.

Cannabis is legal for medical use in Italy.

Some common greetings to know in Venice is “buongiorno” (hello/good morning), “ciao” (hello/goodbye) and “Buonasera” (good afternoon/good evening).

Be sure to keep right when walking in Venice (and anywhere, really).

  • Hotel Moresco
  • Palazzo Veneziano
  • Hotel Antiche Figure
  • Hilton Molino Stucky Venice
  • Hotel Palazzo Stern
  • Ristorante La Piazza
  • Osteria Fanal Del Codega
  • Trattoria Dona Onesta
  • Doge's Palace
  • Basilica di San Marco
  • Canal Grande
  • Piazza San Marco
  • Harry's Bar
  • Venice: Grand Canal by Gondola with Commentary
  • Venice In a Day: Basilica San Marco, Doges Palace & Gondola ride
  • Murano & Burano Islands Guided Small-Group Tour by Private Boat
  • Murano, Burano and Torcello Half-Day Sightseeing Tour
  • Legendary Venice St. Mark's Basilica with Terrace Access & Doge's Palace

Happy to Wander

40+ Venice Travel Tips for First Timers & Must Knows Before You Go

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The iconic city of Venice, Italy is one of those few destinations that requires no introduction. Famed the world over for its dreamy gondola-filled canals, this historic city (built over 100 islands) is the stuff of pure bucket list dreams, with a legion of obsessed fans all over the world.

And I get the obsession. Venice and I go way back. It’s the first city I ever visited in Europe, the first city where I ever missed a flight, and coincidentally where my boyfriend formally asked me to be his girlfriend… on Valentine’s Day, no less!

So believe me when I say I take it personally when people call Venice overrated.

I mean… can it be crowded and smelly in the summer? Yes. Can some restaurants and shops be wildly overpriced? Absolutely… but it’s still one of the most magical places in the world, so long as you do it right.

And after many repeat visits over the past decade, I think I’ve gotten a grasp on how to do Venice properly.

So, in this post, I’ll be sharing all my best Venice travel tips for first time visitors to help ensure you love this city as much as I’ve grown to. (Boyfriends sold separately)

Read on for my top Venice must-knows before you go.

key places to visit in venice

Save this list of Venice Travel Tips for Later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

1. Venice in Italian is Venezia

First off, let’s get one thing straight: the glorious city known to us as Venice is actually known in Italian as Venezia.

This is the name you’ll see at train stations, bus stations, and scrawled across a staggering amount of souvenir shop hats.

SO, remember: Venice is Venezia, and they are not in fact two different places (a blunder that’s more common than you think!)

key places to visit in venice

2. Learn some basic Italian before you go

On a similar note, I do think it’s important to learn some basic Italian before you go. 

Venice gets its fair share of rude tourists so locals often appreciate when you make the effort and knowing some basics can go a long way, like…

  • Hello (in the morning/afternoon):  Buongiorno (Bwon-JOOR-no) 
  • Hello (in the evening):  Buonasera (Bwon-ah-SAY-ruh)
  • Thank you:  Grazie (GRAHT-see-eh)

key places to visit in venice

3. Stay overnight in Venice rather than do a day trip

Because of how pricey accommodation can be, many people opt to visit Venice as a day trip. 4 in 5 visitors in fact, according to some sources .

And if you’re considering that as an option, please picture me with a pouty face, stomping around and insisting you don’t.

Truthfully, 2-3 nights minimum is needed to get a feel for all that Venice has to offer, plus (even more crucially) staying in Venice overnight allows you to soak in the sights both early in the morning and late at night when crowds are at their lowest. In a city as busy as Venice, this bonus is invaluable!

Plus as of spring 2024, Venice will begin a trial of their controversial €5 entry fee for day trippers. So, save your money and your sanity – stay overnight! I promise it’s worth every penny.

key places to visit in venice

4. Avoid visiting Venice during peak periods

Now, In terms of when to visit, the bad news is Venice doesn’t really have much of a quiet season at all.

That said, there are definitely aggressive peak seasons that I’d advise you avoid – namely summer, Easter & Carnival… unless your idea of a good time is waddling through narrow streets with a mosh pit of tourist-strangers .

Winter (outside of Carnival) is generally when you’ll find the least crowds in Venice.

Unfortunately though, this season brings more potential for rain, gloom, and floods, so to be safe, Spring and Fall are probably better times to go.

key places to visit in venice

5. There are two airports close to Venice you can fly into

In terms of arriving in Venice, there is of course the Venice Marco Polo Airport which less than 5 miles away from the city centre, but there’s also the much smaller Treviso Airport which is about 25 miles away, and services budget airlines like Ryanair and Wizz Air. 

For that reason, you can often find cheap flights that fly into this airport from other European countries, so it may be worth looking into if you’re visiting multiple countries on your trip.

key places to visit in venice

6. Know that there’s many options for getting to Venice from Marco Polo Airport

From Marco Polo Airport, the quickest way to get into central Venice is booking a private water taxi, which comes at a hefty price tag starting at 120 euro minimum. For larger groups though, this might be worth it, especially because it only takes 30 minutes to get into the historic centre.

NOTE: If you want the airport water taxi experience for a cheaper price, you can also book individual slots here on a water taxi that you’ll then share with others.

Another much cheaper but slower option is to take the Alilaguna water bus, or vaporetto which has three potential routes that go to central Venice for only 15 euro… but takes over an hour.

And the final option is to take either a bus or a taxi which is slightly cheaper. It’s important to note though that the closest you can get to the historic centre on wheels is Piazzale Roma , and from there you’ll either need to finish the journey on foot or hop on a water bus or taxi anyway, so it’s probably not the best option unless you’re staying super close to there.

In any case, I would ask your accommodation the best way to get there and they’ll be able to advise.

key places to visit in venice

7. Know there’s many options for getting to Venice from Treviso Airport

From Treviso Airport, while there are some buses and shuttles you can book, again the closest you can get to the historic centre will be Piazzale Roma. So, bear in mind you’ll need a plan to get from there to your accommodation!

In any case, if you don’t mind transferring, the cheapest option from Treviso is actually a combination of a bus and then train into Venice.

key places to visit in venice

8. Beware of the two ‘Venezia’ train stations

On that note, apart from flying, an easy way to arrive in Venice is by taking the train. Venice is superbly well connected to the rest of Bella Italia through the Italian rail network which has an impressive 2000+ stations to choose from.

If you do take the train though, beware of a common tourist mistake that many first time visitors fall into: there are actually two stations that begin with Venezia – Venezia Santa Lucia and Venezia Mestre.

Venezia Santa Lucia is the central train station in Venice’s historic centre, right by the Grand Canal. In most cases, this is the one you’ll want to go to.

key places to visit in venice

Venezia Mestre on the other hand is located on the mainland and is where you’ll find a lot of admin buildings… but also locals, because (surprise!) it’s much cheaper to live there.

Odds are, unless you’re staying in Mestre, you won’t have much reason to disembark at Venezia Mestre Station , so make sure you’re looking out for Venezia Santa Lucia Station, and you don’t accidentally get off early.

key places to visit in venice

9. Remember you can’t drive in Venice

Now, the last option for arriving in Venice is by car but again, remember: no cars are allowed in Venice’s historic centre. It’s part of what makes this city so aggressively charming.

SO, if you drive to Venice, you will need to leave the vehicle at a pricey parking lot on the outskirts of the city during your stay. So, it’s not really an option I’d recommend unless Venice is just part of a big road trip you’re doing that includes other destinations.

key places to visit in venice

10. Know the pros and cons of staying in historic Venice vs. on the mainland

Now let’s chat about where to stay.

When choosing accommodation, the two main areas to consider in Venice proper are either the historic centre or Mestre (the mainland bit where options tend to be cheaper).

key places to visit in venice

If budget allows, staying in the historic centre is ideal because then you can easily explore Venice before and after the day trip crowds. It’s also much dreamier to be staying in the city, and is the option I’d recommend to any first timer.

… If you really can’t resist a hotel deal in Mestre though, don’t fret – you’re only a short train/boat ride away from Venice proper.

key places to visit in venice

11. Understand the pros and cons of Venice’s different neighbourhoods

Alright – now it’s time to get our bearings with Venice’s historic centre, which is actually more fun than in most cities, because this magical city happens to be shaped like an actual fish.

… Oh yes. What a plaice.

Anyways, this historic centre of Venice is divided into six districts known as sestieri , arranged fishily like so:

key places to visit in venice

If money is no object, staying in the belly of the fish is going to put you in close proximity to most major sights, with San Polo and San Marco being the priciest and busiest neighbourhoods.

Dorsoduro (bottom belly, I guess) is also a great choice, with some more affordable options and some quieter pockets as well.

key places to visit in venice

If your goal is avoiding crowds though, the tail of the fish, Castello , is the largest of the sestieri and also the quietest, relatively speaking. 

And in terms of transport links, the most convenient areas are Cannaregio , the head of the fish which is home to Santa Lucia train station and Santa Croce, the fish nostrils, which is home to the transport hub Piazzale Roma… but of course, the vibes here may not feel as classic historic Venice as many visitors want.

NOTE: Some visitors may choose to stay at another island in the Venetian lagoon for a quieter and more affordable experience, but again, I’d really recommend staying in historic Venice for your first trip just to make the most of your time there.

Overall, there are lots of pros and cons to all these sestieri . If you’re stuck on finding the best place for you, check out my guide to finding the best accommodation every time to help narrow down your choices.

key places to visit in venice

12. Pack light

Out of all the Venice travel tips I’m sharing in this post, packing light is possibly the most important.

I get it – maybe you want to bring a bunch of ballgowns for the most epic photoshoot of your life… or maybe you need space to hoard magnets. Either way, you might need to rethink how much you bring.

Not only do water taxis and boats have restrictions on how much luggage you can bring on board, you’re almost always guaranteed to end up carrying your bags on your own at some point, whether to get up on a bridge, on or off boats, etc.

So, don’t bring any bags you can’t reasonably carry yourself.

key places to visit in venice

13. There are many options for navigating Venice via boat

By now, you should realize there’s only two ways to really get around Venice: on foot or on water.

In terms of water transportation, the cheapest option is to go by Vaporetto , which are like public water buses. One way tickets are quite steep at €9.50, so I’d advise buying a TravelCard that includes unlimited travel for set time periods like 24h, 48h, 72h or a week.

You can also book a Motoscafo or private water taxi that will cost significantly more, with trips within the city often going for 70 euro or more.

Of course there’s the world famous gondolas too, but do note that these are more for sightseeing than actual transportation, so we’ll discuss them later.

key places to visit in venice

14. Don’t be too reliant on GPS in Venice

For shorter distances, the better way to get around Venice is (in my opinion) on foot.

One important thing to note however is that GPS services like Google Maps don’t work very well in Venice, with the blue dot often very confused as to where you really are amidst the city’s sea of centuries-old buildings.

So, if you’re highly Google Maps-dependent like me, it’s time to practice some old school navigation skills. Plan your route with landmarks and street names! Take note of your route as you go! Leave a trail of breadcrumbs! (But don’t.. because Venetian pigeons are scary)

In any case, remember to not rely on Google Maps, and plan your routes accordingly. Having a backup offline map downloaded or a paper map is also probably a good idea.

key places to visit in venice

15. Add additional time buffers and assume you’ll get lost

Another silly but helpful Venice navigation tip?

Just assume you’ll get lost. Honestly. Because you will!

And if you assume it’ll happen, then you’ll ensure you have extra time buffers between booked activities, thereby minimizing stress and saving the family vacation. Yay!

key places to visit in venice

16. Get your bearings by using Venice’s unique street signs

When trying to find your way around, your best friend in Venice (besides me, of course) will be the city’s unique street signs, known as nizioleti , which are beautifully painted on the walls of buildings.

… The trouble? Nizioleti can be deceptively confusing, because Venice has many unique terms for streets and places that aren’t familiar to most visitors.

So, here’s a quick crash course!

The most common word you’ll see is Calle which refers to a typical street. Some variations of this you might see include:

  • Calle Larga , which means wide street and
  • Calleta, which means a narrow street

In any case, this term generally applies to streets that have buildings on both sides. 

key places to visit in venice

This is in contrast to a Fondamenta which is a canalside street that has a building on one side and a canal on the other.

Similarly, a Riva is a street that has buildings on one side and then a larger expanse of water on the other side.

key places to visit in venice

Ramo is a small side street that often leads to a dead end and Sotoportego are unique passageways that go under buildings.

key places to visit in venice

And you’ll also see other terms used for street that don’t really have as much to do with the physical properties of the street itself, but rather makes reference to its history, like…

  • Salizada for instance is a word used for some of the city’s most historically important streets, and therefore the ones that were paved with cobblestones first
  • Rio Tera refer to streets that used to be canals before they were filled to make streets, and
  • Ruga are streets that used to be filled with compacted soil so your shoes wouldn’t get dirty

key places to visit in venice

There’s also Campo which refers to a typical Venetian square. Unlike other places in Italy where the word piazza tends to be used for Square, Venice has only one Piazza, Piazza San Marco or Saint Mark’s Square.

key places to visit in venice

The word Ponte means bridge, and you’ll see this one a lot because Venice has hundreds.

And lastly, the word used for most Venetian waterways is actually Rio, whereas Canal is reserved only for the big ones like the Grand Canal.

key places to visit in venice

To get your bearings, you can look for signs with a red frame and lettering, which usually have an arrow pointing you in the general direction of famous landmarks. There are also some special yellow ones as well that do the same job.

The word “per” in these cases translates to “for” so, this way FOR Rialto Bridge.

key places to visit in venice

17. Book big must-do attractions in advance

Now, let’s move onto Venice attraction tips!

As I mentioned before, no matter when you go to Venice, it’ll be busy, so if you have your heart set on any attractions, pre-booking is essential. You can do so online at a variety of places, like here:

  • (Recommended!) Venice Passes & Bundles
  • Doge’s Palace
  • St Mark’s Basilica
  • St Mark’s Bell Tower
  • Classic Gondola Ride

For timed attractions, I would advise booking either the first possible time slot or the final one if your goal is to minimize crowds.

For untimed attractions, I would aim to either be there when it opens or just before it closes, because the middle of the day is almost always going to be the busiest time.

key places to visit in venice

18. Book a sunrise tour

If your goal is to experience Venice like you own the place, walking around at sunrise is pretty much the only way to do it.

I booked a summer sunrise tour of Venice years ago and still think it’s one of the best things I ever did in the city. Getting to see all of Venice’s main squares and canals void of people was absolutely priceless.

And while sadly, the tour I took doesn’t seem to be offered anymore, there’s still a few alternatives, like this one that that includes breakfast.

key places to visit in venice

19. Or book an after-hours tour

On the other hand, if you’re more of a night owl than an early bird, you can also look into after hour tours for certain attractions which get you entry after they close to the general public.

Here’s one for instance that gets you into St Mark’s Basilica after hours.

key places to visit in venice

20. Choose the right sightseeing pass for Venice

Now if you’re hoping to save money during your visit in Venice, one thing to consider is getting a sightseeing pass ( you can browse some options here ).

Confusingly, Venice has several and the best choice for you will depend on which specific attractions you’ll see and how long you’re going to be in the city.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the most popular options:

  • Venice Pass : Probably the best deal for most 1st timers because it includes a lot of attractions like St Mark’s Basilica, Doges’ Palace and also a gondola ride, plus many other attractions.
  • Venice Discovery Pass : Includes key attractions plus public transport on Vaporetto boats, including to and from the airport.
  • Venezia Unica City Pass: Includes Doge’s Palace, Bridge of Sighs and Armory, plus extra churches and museums

Overall, if you plan to do a lot of sightseeing, one of these passes would probably be worth it.

To choose which one, I would write down my top must-do activities and the duration of my stay, then see which pass fits those needs best.

key places to visit in venice

21. Go beyond the main popular attractions in Venice

Of course, like in many major cities, some of the most charming parts of Venice can be found beyond the most famous sights.

In Venice, some wonderful gems to explore include…

  • Liberia Acqua Alta : One of the world’s most beautiful bookstores which has a really cool section in the back with displays made of ruined books. This isn’t so much a secret anymore but it’s still very cool!
  • Free rooftop terrace at Fondaco dei Tedeschi : Beautiful and free views that you have to book in advance here

… As well as plenty of museums that many visitors miss, so be sure to do a bit of extra research to find cool hidden gems!

key places to visit in venice

22. Remember: Gondola prices are fixed

Now, let’s move onto gondola tips for Venice. The first thing to keep in mind is that prices for gondolas are actually fixed, so there’s no room for negotiation.

According to the official City of Venice regulations, gondolas can fit up to 5 adults at once and as of October 2023 cost a fixed rate of €80 for a 30 minute ride during the day, and €100 at night.

NOTE: If you don’t mind sharing with strangers, a more budget-friendly way to get a gondola ride may be booking a seat for yourself like through here .

key places to visit in venice

23. Gondolas take different routes so choose wisely

Now, while gondolas all cost the same, it’s important to note that they don’t take the exact same routes, so be sure to ask the gondolier beforehand where they go, and try to make sure it’s a combination of both smaller canals and also the big iconic must-sees.

BONUS TIP: Be sure to also vet the vibe of your gondolier, because that can make a huge difference in your experience. The last thing you want is a grumpy gondolier that seems to despise everything about you…

Venice by Christina Guan

24. Try to time your gondola ride for the morning

Especially if you’re visiting in the summer, I would time your gondola ride for the morning because…

  • a) It’s the least busy time
  • b) It’ll be less hot (there’s no shade on these gondolas!)
  • c) Morning is when gondoliers will likely be in their best moods

key places to visit in venice

25. Consider boarding your gondola in a quieter part of town

Of course, you can expect that line-ups for gondolas around the Grand Canal area will be the worst, so if you don’t mind visiting quieter less “famous” canals, then I’d advise starting your gondola ride elsewhere for a more peaceful experience overall.

key places to visit in venice

26. Board a Traghetto for a budget-friendly boat ride

Now, if gondolas feel overly pricey, then there’s still another way you can get a boat ride experience in Venice for a fraction of the cost. 

Enter the almighty Traghetto!

These boats whisk locals and tourists alike across the Grand Canal for the low, low price of €2. That’s right, you could literally ride the Traghetto back and forth forty times for the price of one scenic gondola…

Now, is it the same experience? Obviously not. A Traghetto ride is fairly short, and involves a larger less opulent boat. But for the price of a bottle of water? It’s not a bad budget hack at all.

key places to visit in venice

27. Consider booking a rowing lesson instead of a gondola ride

Lastly on the boat front (because wow, I didn’t realize I had this many boat-related Venice tips), consider booking a lesson with Row Venice if you’re hoping to get out on the water in a non-touristy fashion.

This unique (non-profit) company offers rowing lessons and tours that allow you to traverse Venice’s iconic waterways in a way that most tourists never get to experience – with you in control!

The cost is on par with a regular day time gondola ride, except the lessons last 90 minutes so you’re on the water for the triple the time. Definitely worth looking into if you’re looking for unique things to do in Venice.

key places to visit in venice

28. Avoid dining in St Mark’s Square

Alright, now it’s time to tackle Venice food tips!

First off – as enticing as they look, do avoid the fancy restaurants in St Mark’s Square.

While the views and vibes are immaculate (with someone playing the Godfather theme on the accordion at all times, it seems), the restaurants here are well known tourist traps with inflated prices and often poor food quality.

If you do want to enjoy the atmosphere though, maybe opt for a coffee or drink instead, then eat elsewhere.

key places to visit in venice

29. Dine far away from major tourist attractions

On a similar note, I would try to dine as far away as possible from major tourist attractions for the same reason.

Most of the time, these restaurants cater to tourists and don’t prioritize good service or quality since you probably won’t come back anyway.

I find that quality and prices tend to improve dramatically once you find yourself outside of the main tourist hotspots, so be sure to shop around and when in doubt, look at reviews.

key places to visit in venice

30. Only go to restaurants with prices

Another important Venice must-know? Always make sure prices are on clear display before you commit to a restaurant.

Over the years, there have been many headlines like this one about Venetian restaurants overcharging tourists for meals… and getting away with it. So don’t let that be you!

A common trick is they charge pricey items like seafood by weight, so pay special attention to that.

key places to visit in venice

31. Look out for ‘Venezia Autentica’ restaurants/businesses

If you’re stuck and need a quick frame of reference, there’s an organization known as Venezia Autentica that aims to support and highlight authentic local businesses that are run responsibly.

So when in doubt, you can always look out for their stickers or browse their website for ideas.

key places to visit in venice

32. Try Venetian dishes while in Venice

Now another important Venice food tip is to try traditional Venetian cuisine over stereotypical “Italian foods” like pizza or pasta. 

I know that sounds blasphemous, but hear me out: wood fire pizza ovens are for the most part banned in Venice, so good pizza is in pretty short supply… plus Venetian cuisine doesn’t tend to focus much on pasta.

Instead, try some local dishes, like for instance…

Cichetti: These are little bite-sized dishes you can eat with your hands or a toothpick, usually for €1-3 each. They come in a huge variety so they’re great for tasting lots of local flavours in one go and are common when you go to a Bacaro which are cozy traditional Venetian taverns.

key places to visit in venice

A popular dish commonly seen at a Bacaro is Sarde in Saor (Sardayn Sour) which are fried sardines served with vinegar and onion.

key places to visit in venice

Venetians are also big on risotto, with a soupier iteration known as Risi e bisi which is rice and peas, that is very popular.

key places to visit in venice

… Also very popular is polenta, which is paired with a variety of dishes like small lagoon shrimp (like in Polenta e shcie ) and liver (like in Fegato alla veneziana ).

key places to visit in venice

And if you feel you may combust without pasta on this trip (no judgement), try Bigoli which is a classic Venetian pasta that’s like thick spaghetti, often served as Bigoli in salsa which means with an onion and fish sauce.

key places to visit in venice

33. Bring a refillable bottle because there’s free water fountains

If you have a free second between inhaling all those delicious Venetian classics, another important must-know is to stay hydrated.

Luckily, staying hydrated in Venice is free!

All over the city, you’ll find many free drinking fountains offering clean and drinkable water, so bring a refillable bottle and take advantage.

key places to visit in venice

34. Read up on more general Italy food and drink tips

There are many more general food tips I could tell you about Italy, but then we’d be here forever.

SO I’d recommend reading my full Italy travel tips post for more info on things like coffee etiquette, the structure of a typical Italian menu, and many more delicious secrets.

key places to visit in venice

35. Take note of English/Italian names of landmarks and places

Now once you arrive in Venice, there are a few things you must know.

Firstly – keep in mind that the Italian and English names of places are often used interchangeably, so it’s helpful to remember that these are indeed the same places, for instance…

  • Piazza San Marco = St Mark’s Square
  • Palazzo Ducale = Doge’s Palace
  • Ponte di Rialto = Rialto Bridge

key places to visit in venice

36. Be prepared to pay for public toilets 

Public toilets in Venice can often cost as much as €1.50, so if you’re a total cheapskate like me, remember to use the toilet whenever you have an opportunity to so like at the hotel, at a restaurant or at museums.

Also be sure to keep coins on you so you can pay for these public toilets when needed.

key places to visit in venice

37. Beware of pickpockets 

Unfortunately, Venice is a very popular city with many potential easy targets for pickpockets, so you’ll encounter a fair few in busy areas.

So, be vigilant and make sure you keep a hand and eye on your belongings.

… And read my full guide on how to avoid pickpockets in Europe for more guidance!

38. Don’t feed the pigeons 

Besides selfie sticks and sunburns, the most common thing you’ll see in St Mark’s Square is pigeons. And lots of ’em.

More than likely, you may also witness a tourist feeding and taking photos with said pigeons. Please refrain from doing this as it’s a banned and fineable offense … which also happens to be fairly gross.

key places to visit in venice

39. Don’t swim in or touch canal water

Speaking of gross, another Venice must know is that you should never under any circumstance touch the canal water or try to swim in it.

Not only is the water really dirty and often laced with sewage, it’s (also) a fineable offense of a few hundred euro.

key places to visit in venice

40. Look for artisan shops to support

Another important Venice tip? When shopping for souvenirs, do go to small artisan shops rather than buy cheap copies from typical souvenir stalls.

Anywhere really close to big touristy squares or attractions are likely to have mass produced goods that aren’t of great quality. So, make sure you shop around for goods that are handmade – they’ll definitely last longer!

key places to visit in venice

41. Don’t be tempted by the fake designer goods 

On a similar note, you may see some people in Venice selling fake designer bags on the street.

Not only are these (of course) low quality copies, it’s also illegal in Italy to buy counterfeit goods, so beware of that.

NOTE: These salespeople can be very persistent, so the best course of action is to simply not engage at all.

key places to visit in venice

42. Don’t randomly stop to take photos and block the way

This can be very frustrating for everyone involved, so just be mindful that you’re not the only person in Venice and you should get out of the way if you want to stop for photos.

key places to visit in venice

43. Do a day trip to the nearby islands in the Venetian lagoon

Lastly, if you have time, make sure you explore more of the Venetian Lagoon besides just Venice!

Burano for instance is this gorgeous rainbow island that is honestly one of the prettiest places I’ve ever been to. You can learn more about the best things to do in Burano in my full guide, or read my Venice to Burano guide for guidance.

There’s also the similarly named Murano, which is well known for its artisan glass production, as well as several more islands with their own draws, so be sure to leave some room in your itinerary for exploring further!

key places to visit in venice

I hope you enjoyed those Venice travel tips! 

Let me know in the comments if you have any more Venice must-knows to add. Safe and happy travels! 🙂

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✈️ Google Flights : For finding flight deals

🌎 WorldNomads: For travel insurance

🎉 GetYourGuide: For booking activities

1 thought on “40+ Venice Travel Tips for First Timers & Must Knows Before You Go”

I’ve never been to Venice before, but it’s on my list for next year so I’ve been searching for first timers guides! Some super handy tips in here 🙂

C x Lux Life London

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14 Best Places to Visit in Venice Italy (A First Timer’s Guide)

By: Author Charles

Posted on May 15, 2023

14 Best Places to Visit in Venice Italy (A First Timer’s Guide)

Venice, Italy. One of the most well-known cities in the world and one that is full of things to do and sites to see.

While you may come across articles talking about how the city is overrun by tourists and can be left off an Italy itinerary, I would have to disagree. If you are heading to Italy and have the chance to visit this one of kind place, I say go for it!

This guide will go over the best places to visit in Venice Italy, talk about how to avoid the crowds, and provide you with some helpful info to make your trip as memorable as possible.

*  Affiliate Disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through the links provided, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting the work I put into TripTins!

1) 14 Best Places to Visit in Venice

I will first go over some of the best places to visit in Venice followed by all logistical info later on in the guide. The following attractions can be seen over a couple of days but feel free to pick and choose based on preference and amount of time you have in the city.

Helpful Tip: be sure to purchase tickets in advance for the top attractions in the city. This will save you valuable time during a visit as you won’t need to spend your day just waiting in lines. Also, always check the latest opening hours prior to heading out!

Piazza San Marco

Without a doubt, the most popular square in Venice is Piazza San Marco. All around the square you will find some of the best architecture and most well known buildings that Venice has to offer.

The square has quite a history as it was first built all the way back in the 9 th century (although it was smaller back then). Beyond its beautiful architecture and tiled floor, be on the lookout for the hundreds of pigeons who call St Marks home. And don’t be surprised if you come across a flooded square either. Piazza San Marco is the lowest point of Venice and it does flood after heavy rainfall.

Some of the main highlights that can be found around the square include St Marks Basilica, the San Marco Campanile, Doge’s Palace, and the National Archaeological Museum of Venice.

Piazza San Marco Venice

St Mark’s Basilica

  • Opening Hours : 9:30AM – 5:15PM (Sundays & Holidays opens at 2:00PM)
  • Sunday Mornings : museum can still be visited
  • Entrance Fee : 3 Euro (+5 Euro for Pala d’Oro & +7 Euro for museum)
  • Skip the Line Ticket : St Mark’s Basilica Fast Track Entry & Audio Guide

Once you have had enough time outside in the piazza, it is time to head indoors to the St Mark’s Basilica. Here you will find a magnificent building with huge arched ceilings and detailed artwork all throughout.

During a visit to the St Marks Basilica, you can opt to just head into the basilica, or also add on a visit to the Pala d’Oro (golden alter) and Loggia dei Cavalli museum (both for an extra fee).

You can spend your time in the Basilica taking in the ornate architecture, mosaics and artwork, in addition to visiting the Treasury and the Crypt.

Tip : there is also the opportunity to head out onto the St Marks Basilica terrace overlooking the piazza. In order to do so, you must purchase a museum ticket as that is where it connects from.

St Marks Basilica Venice

St Mark’s Bell Tower

  • Opening Hours : 9:30AM – 9:15PM
  • Entrance Fee : 12 Euro
  • Skip the Line Ticket: St Marks Bell Tower Ticket

If you are looking to head up the tallest structure in Venice, then the San Marco Campanile is for you. This is the bell tower of the St Marks Basilica, and can be found just next door.

From the top of the 320 foot / 99 meter tall tower, you will be able to enjoy some of the best views of Venice from above. And don’t worry, you will not need to climb it yourself. Instead a quick lift will take you right on up.

Be sure to book your tickets online ahead of time to guarantee a spot and lessen any potential waiting times.

Important Note:

During the high season, the lines for both the Basilica and Bell Tower can get very long. To avoid this you can purchase skip the line tickets beforehand on the websites linked above. If you do book ahead of time you will be able to skip the lines when you arrive and walk right in.

St Marks Bell Tower Venice

Doge’s Palace

  • Opening Hours : 9:00AM – 7:00PM
  • Entrance Fee : 30 Euro
  • Skip the Line Tickets : Doge’s Palace Reserved Ticket
  • Guided Tour : Doge’s Palace & St. Mark’s Basilica with Terrace Access Tour

Right nearby the square you will find Doge’s Palace , a museum filled with numerous chambers, dungeons, and passageways. You can purchase a ticket to the museum and wander around on your own or you can also take part of a guided tour.

One such tour is called “ Secret Itineraries ”, which takes you through hidden passageways and to rooms not available for the public to see.

Doges Palace

Bridge of Sighs

One of the more unique bridges that can be visited during a trip to Venice is the Bridge of Sighs.

The bridge connects Doge’s Palace with Prigioni Nuove (New Prisons), and has quite the history. It was built in 1614 as a way for prisoners to be safely transported from the court at Doge’s Palace directly into the prison.

It has been named the Bridge of Sighs due to the sighs that the prisoners would let out, as they came to the realization they would be headed to prison and may not see Venice again.

If you would like to actually head onto the bridge, that can only be done as part of a Doge’s Palace guided tour. However, if you just want to view from the bridge from afar, you can head to the nearby Paglia Bridge to get the experience.

Bridge of Sighs Venice

San Giorgio Maggiore

  • Church Hours : 9:00AM – 7:00PM (closes at 6:00PM in winter)
  • Entrance Fee : Free (6 Euro for bell tower)
  • Tour : Boat Tour with Grand Canal and San Giorgio Maggiore

Located just south from the main Venice island, you will find San Giorgio Maggiore. The island is quite small but does have a historic church and bell tower to visit.

Visiting the island is quite simple as you can catch a vaporetto (waterbus) right over. During a ride towards the island, you will be able to enjoy some views all around, both of mainland Venice and of the island.

The main highlight of the island is the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore, where you will find a beautiful piece of architecture highlighted by some paintings of the artist, Tintoretto.

Be sure to also head up the bell tower, where you can get great views of the island, the water, and of the main Venice area.

While the church and bell tower are the main highlights, feel free to walk around the small island too. The gardens, waterfront area, and overall landscape is a peaceful place to explore outside of the hustle & bustle of Venice.

San Giorgio Maggiore

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

  • Opening Hours : 9:30AM – 12:00PM and 3:00PM – 5:30PM
  • Entrance Fee : Free

Perhaps the most well known basilicas in the city is the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, one of the places to visit in Venice .

The basilica began construction in 1631 as tribute to the end of a plague that killed many Venetians. It took over 50 years to build, and was finally completed in 1687.

You can find the octagonal Salute at the southern entrance of the Grand Canal, just opposite from the San Marco Square area.

During a visit to Venice, you can opt to view the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute from a distance, or you can make your way across the water and head inside to see it for yourself.

Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute

T Fondaco Rooftop Terrace

  • Opening Hours : 10:15AM – 6:00PM
  • Reserved Tickets : T Fondaco Tickets

As you may imagine, Venice is one of the most picturesque cities to view from above. Taking in views of the canals, churches, and rooftops is going to be a panorama like no other.

One of the best ways to get that elevated view is from a place called the T Fondaco Rooftop Terrace.

Now, this isn’t your ordinary rooftop. Instead, it is actually the rooftop of a shopping mall. Since the viewpoint has been popularized over time, you must make a reservation in advance.

These reservations are free of charge and open up 21 days in advance online. It is important to note that visits are subject to a 15 minute duration, but that should still give you enough time to fully enjoy the view.

T Fondaco Rooftop

Gallerie dell’Accademia

  • Opening Hours : 8:15AM – 6:50PM (closed Mondays)
  • Official Website (for tickets)

The Accademia Gallery Museum is one of the top choices for museum lovers out there. The art collection comprises of pieces that were created between the 14 th and 18 th centuries.

You will find over 800 individual pieces of art throughout the museum from artists such as Tintoretto, Titian, Bellini, Veneziano, Veronese, among others.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

  • Opening Hours : 10:00AM – 6:00PM (closed Tuesdays)
  • Entrance Fee : 16 Euro
  • Skip the Line Tickets : Peggy Guggenheim Tickets
  • Guided Tour : Peggy Guggenheim Collection Tour with Private Guide
  • Official Website

If you are interested in the art world, you can check out the Peggy Guggenheim Collection , which is filled with hundreds of art pieces from some well known artists. It is also right nearby many of the attractions mentioned above so it would be easy to add it onto your day.

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Grand Canal

Odds are at one point or another you will come across the Canal Grande of Venice .

This main canal of the city winds it way through from the train station all the way to the area of Piazza San Marco. Walking along the canal or taking a water bus down it will be an experience of its own.

Note : While you cannot walk along the entirety of the canal, you will have the chance to cross over some bridges and stroll a portion of it.

Venice Waterbus Canal

Ponte di Rialto

The most famous of bridges that hangs over the grand canal is the Ponte di Rialto . As you are walking along the canal be sure to head to this bridge for a great vantage point of the city.

Ponte di Rialto

Gondola Ride

A trip to Venice is not complete without the classic gondola ride around the canals right?

If you are interested in taking part, you should have no trouble finding a gondola to take you on a ~40 minute ride all around the city. It won’t come cheap – somewhere in the 80-100 Euro range for the boat, but it will be an experience you won’t forget.

Venice Gondola

Murano, Burano, Torcello

The last thing I want to mention is a potential day trip outside of the main city of Venice . Throughout the Venetian lagoon you will find several other smaller islands to visit and enjoy.

Three of the main ones are Murano, Burano and Torcello . Murano is known for its exquisite glass making, Burano for its colorful buildings, and Torcello as the original center of Venice.

You can decide to visit them by doing a self guided tour using the waterbus system or join a group (or private) tour. Whatever you decide it is sure to be quite the experience.

If you want to learn more take a look at the Murano, Burano, Torcello overview I have up on the site

Murano Glass

Bonus! – Get Lost

While all the above attractions are great places to visit and enjoy, wandering the streets of Venice is a site within its own right . The entire city is just a huge maze of narrow streets, plazas, bridges, and canals.

Simply just head out on your own and get lost for a bit exploring all that Venice has to offer.

→ Why not add Lake Como to your Italy trip while you are at it! You can find the nearest airport to Lake Como to better plan your trip.

Venice Canals

2) Map of Attractions

Below you can find a map of the best places to visit in Venice (not including the day trip islands).

Nothing is further than a 15-20 minute walk from one to another but you could also use public transport down the Canal Grande if you would like.

3) How to Get to Venice

There are a few ways to get into Venice depending on where you are coming from – fly, train or bus .

If coming from farther out, a flight into the Venice Marco Polo Airport (VCE) is your most likely option. From the airport though you will need to make it to the city center. There are a few ways to get you there.

The easiest and most convenient option is to get a water taxi to take you to your hotel. You can book a shared water taxi over to save a good amount of money.

If you want to get to Venice by land instead of water you can also opt for the bus from the airport to the city center . The ATVO bus goes from the airport to Piazzale Roma, where you can then walk, water taxi or vaporetto to your hotel.

If you are coming into Venice from another city in Italy or a close by country, odds are you will be taking the train. Note though that there are two train stations when looking at schedules.

One is in the Venice center called Venezia Santa Lucia Station and the other is on the Italian mainland – Venezia Mestre Station . Odds are you will want to train into Santa Lucia since it is right in the city itself.

Similar to the train section you can also bus into Venice if coming from nearby. There will also be two different bus stop options – one in the city center called Piazzale Roma and the second on the mainland – Venice Mestre (like the train station).

Venice Waterbus

4) How to Get Around Venice

Once you are in Venice, you will want to figure out how to get around the city. This will also depend on where you are staying and what you want to do in the city.

If you are staying close by to the attractions mentioned above then you will not need to worry too much about transportation within the city.

Walking the streets will work out just fine and you will not necessarily need to take public transport .

However, if you want to venture a bit farther out then the waterbus system is your next best bet .

The ACTV water bus company will be your go to when exploring Venice by boat (Vaporetto). There are set timetables and you can hop on and off the boat at your convenience.

Tickets start at 9.50 Euro, so it is not necessarily that cheap to get around. If you feel like you will be taking the boats a bit more frequently you can opt for a 1, 2, 3, or 7 day pass to save some money.

Be sure to check out the ACTV website for the latest schedules and maps.

5) When to Go to Venice

One of the biggest questions to ask yourself when planning a trip, is when to go to Venice. There are a few main considerations at play here, mostly to do with the tourist crowds and the weather.

Without a doubt, Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But it is also not that big of a city as its walkways, bridges, plazas, & canals can be overrun with many people.

For some, being around crowds like this just may not be the type of experience that is enjoyable.

While the crowds can be there throughout the year, you will find that the warmer months between May to September bring the most tourists. This is mostly due to summer holidays and the ability to take advantage of other parts of Italy (such as the Amalfi Coast and Capri ).

If you have some flexibility with your trip timing, a visit in the early Spring or late Fall may be a better option altogether when it comes to fewer crowds. And if you want to have the lowest number of tourists around, that usually happens during the colder winter months.

The Weather

When it comes to the weather in Venice, you can expect a Mediterranean climate. The peak summer months can be very hot and uncomfortable for some. Couple that with the peak number of tourists, and it is not the best combo.

Before and after the summer though, the temperatures will be milder & more enjoyable altogether. You can still expect some warm temperatures that are perfect for a comfortable experience altogether.

In the winter, the temperatures will drop further. While it usually doesn’t get below freezing cold, it is still a pretty chilly time of year to visit.

Other Considerations

Beyond the crowds & the weather, there are some other considerations you may want to think about.

Venice hosts a few major festivals throughout the year, when locals & tourists descend on the city. Accommodation will be at a premium and more expensive altogether. However, experiencing a festival may be exactly what you want out of a trip.

Lastly, you should also think about holidays in general such as Easter Week or Christmas time . During these times of the year, many people enjoy traveling which can increase prices and the crowds.

So, with all of that said, I would recommend either a mid-Spring or mid Fall trip. During these times of the year, the crowds would have subsided from their summer peaks & the weather will still be comfortable.

Places in Venice

6) Venice Tours

While seeing Venice on your own is one way to go about a visit, taking a guided tour is another option. These tours will give you the chance to see many of the top attractions while having a local guide by your side.

This is a great option for those that really want to learn as they go and have the opportunity to ask questions along the way.

Tours come in all shapes & sizes. You can opt for full day tours visiting several different attractions, or you can opt to just take a tour of a particular place. These usually can be done as both group and private options depending on your overall preference and budget.

Below are some longer half day & full day tour options that come with some very high rated reviews. I have also included in the article tour options for a few particular spots, where having a guide may be more helpful.

  • Venice Doge’s Palace & St Mark’s Basilica Skip-the-Line Tour
  • Venice: Grand Canal by Gondola with Live Commentary
  • Hidden Venice: Unusual Walking Tour
  • Venice: Street Food Tour with a Local Guide and Tastings

What to see in Venice

7) How Many Days in Venice

As you are going about planning an Italy itinerary it is always hard to figure out exactly how many days to spend in each place.

When it comes to Venice though, I would recommend at least 2-3 days to fully appreciate all that it has to offer.

Venice is a place full of bridges, canals, plazas, alleys, and more to explore. In addition to the city itself, there are several attractions to visit in Venice as we talked through in this overview.

You want to give yourself enough time to explore it all at a leisurely pace and to fully enjoy your time there. If you to only have a day, you will find yourself rushing through the top spots and not appreciating the city for what it is.

With 2-3 days in Venice, you will have enough time to visit the top sites, wander the streets, take a day trip out into the Venetian Lagoon, and spend time eating some meals along the way.

You can visit Italy as part of this 10 Day Italy Itinerary or 2 Week Italy Itinerary .

Venice Things To Do

8) Where to Stay in Venice

Venice can get tricky due to the various canals, narrow streets and small bridges all around the city.

I have highlighted below a few hotel options that are close by Piazza San Marco (and many of the other attractions listed). This way, once you are all settled into your hotel, you will not have to be concerned about venturing too far out to start your day.

  • Hotel Bisanzio
  • Residence Corte Grimani
  • Hotel Serenissima
  • Hotel Mercurio Venezia
  • Duodo Palace Hotel

That about wraps up a guide to the best places to visit in Venice! If you want to learn more about Italy, check out the other Italy itineraries and guides I have up on the site. Also, feel free to ask any questions below!

Best Place to Visit in Venice

Related posts:

Two Weeks in Italy

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The Geographical Cure

30+ Tips For Visiting Venice To Make The Most Of Your Trip

So you’re planning a trip to Venice? Welcome to one of my favorite European cities. To help you have the best experience, I’ve put together a list of 30+ key must know tips for visiting Venice. 

Venice is one of the world’s most breathtaking and most exciting cities. It’s a small cosmopolitan city with myriad world class attractions and a rich history.

But Venice isn’t the easiest city to get to know. Getting lost is a given, the crowds can be beastly, and visiting the city of water presents some very specific logistical challenges. 

Pinterest pin for tips for Venice

People seem to either love or hate Venice. As Thomas Mann once said, it can seem “half fairytale and half tourist trap.”

But Venice is truly a unique one-of-a-kind city. There’s nowhere else like it in the world. With these Venice tips, hopefully you can avoid some of the hassles of visiting Venice and have a smooth and efficient visit.

Must Know Tips For Visiting Venice

Here are my 30+ must know tips and experience-based suggestions for visiting Venice. You’ll find everything you need to know about Venice to help plan your trip.

1. Study Up On Venice’s History

My first tip for Venice is that you can’t go to Venice without knowing a little about its history. I’ve written a nutshell history of Venice that you can consult.

I also love the Smarthistory website for getting background information for a visit. They have videos and articles on Venetian art , t he Renaissance in Venice , and on St. Mark’s Basilica . There’s nothing like getting a little preview before you see the real thing.

canal in Dorsoduro

2. Plan Ahead

My second Venice tip is that you’ve got to be somewhat organized to visit Venice. It doesn’t work well to do things on the fly, even if you like to be spontaneous.

At a minimum, you’ll need to plan in advance how to get to your hotel from the airport or train station (I give you options below). You’ll also need to pre-book skip the line tickets for the main attractions (I tell you how below).

After that, decide how best to organize each day of your Venice itinerary by geographical location of sites and how long you expect to spend on a given activity.

READ : How Many Days To Spend In Venice

3. Expect Crowds

One of the top tips and things to know about Venice is that it is almost always very crowded. There’s not even really much of a “shoulder season” anymore.

There will masses of people in the tiny maze-like streets. So be prepared to be jostled and for some slow-moving progress.

This may improve or change somewhat in the future. Venice has banned all but the smallest cruise ships from central Venice, reducing the volume of day trippers.

Marco Polo International Airport

4. Tips For How To Get To Venice

You’ll definitely need some Venice tips about getting from the airport into the city. It’s not as easy since Venice is a floating city of water.

If you are flying to Venice, you’ll land at Venice Marco Polo Airport. That’s the international hub. There are four ways to get from the airport to your hotel.

You can take the Alilaguna Water Bus to Zattere Ferry Terminal and then walk to your hotel. They are very distinct white and yellow bottomed boats.

The trip takes 75-90 minutes. The dock is a 10 minute walk from the airport.

Second, if your budget can handle it, reserve a private water taxi in advance to take you directly to your hotel. That’s what we did the last time I visited Venice with a group of six. Then, you won’t be dragging bags around Venice’s busy cobbled streets.

Lastly, you can also take either a taxi or the ATVO bus from the airport that will drop you at Piazzale Roma. You can buy a bus ticket at the airport ticket office. From Piazzale Roma, you can either walk or take a vaporetto to the closest stop to your hotel or accommodation.

Venezia Santa Lucia Railway Station

You can also get to Venice by train. Venice’s main train station is Venezia Santa Lucia Railway Station. To get from the train station into the city, take the line 2 vaporetto to the San Marco or Rialto stop. Or you can book a private transfer .

The train station isn’t that far from the city center. It’s less than a half hour walk. If you are taking any day trips from Venice, you can simply walk there and hop on the train.

To buy train tickets in advance to get to or from Venice, check Omio for schedules and fares.

5. Tips For Parking In Venice

Venice is a car-free city. But you can still reach Venice by car. You’ll just need to park in one of the parking locations outside the city.

There are a number of these available, at varying price points and distances from the city. You can check out your options on Parclick . As you approach Venice, big signs will indicate the parking garage options.

Tronchetto Island parking lot

The first garage you’ll encounter is Tronchetto Island. It’s also the cheapest since it’s a bit father from the city.

Plus, because it’s where cruise ships dock, you have excellent transportation options to get to the city center. You can take a vaporetto right to St. Mark’s Square.

If you go a bit farther, you can park at Parcheggio Communale Venezia in Piazzale Roma. It’s more expensive, but super convenient. It’s next to Venice’s train station and a vaporetto stop.

6. Entrance Fee For Venice

Effective January 16, 2023, Venice will institute an entrance fee to visit the city of between 3 to 10 euros per person. You should expect to pay more on busier days.

If you are overnighting in Venice, you don’t have to pay the fee because you will pay a tourist tax at your hotel.

A booking system went online in the Fall of 2022. So you can apply for and pay your fee before arriving.

map of Venice's neighborhoods

7. Tips For How To Get Around Venice

There are no roads, cars, or bikes allowed in Venice. You either have to hoof it or take a vaporetto.

>>> Click here to book a Vaporetto Pass

Venice is very walkable. You can walk from end to end in about 1 hour. You’ll need comfy walking shoes for the uneven pavements.

You’ll likely get lost in the maze of colorful canals. Many of the streets don’t even have names or they dead end into a canal.

But the GPS will work most of the time and there are signs pointing you in the direction of the top attractions. Besides, getting lost is part of the charm of Venice.

8. Guided Walking Tours

If you are visiting Venice for only 1-2 days, a great way to get an overview of the city and learn about its attractions is to take a guided walking tour to get oriented. There are all sort of tours geared to individual interests. You can:

  • book a private art tour of Venice
  • take a 3 hour walking tour focusing on the top attractions
  • take a foodie walking tour and sample cicchetti
  • book a private walking tour
  • tour Venice at night
  • 2 hour walking tour with hidden gems

he Accademia vaporetto stop on the Grand Canal

9. Vaporettos

In Venice, vaporettos are the most common mode of transportation after walking. A vaporetto is a water taxi. It’s a convenient, and beautiful, way to get around Venice.  

Stops are shown on most Venice maps. You can recognize the boats by their yellow and white floating platforms.

There will be a map at the stop that you can read to determine what direction to go. You can buy a ticket using the machine in front of the main stops.

The main vaporetto is #1, which stops 13 times between Piazza San Marco and Piazzale Roma. Click here to book a vaporetto pass.

If you don’t want to ride the vaporetto, you can book a  1 hour guided boat tour . You can also book a  3 hour guided tour   of the St. Mark’s area that comes with a boat cruise. Alternatively, take a sunset boat cruise and see the city when it’s at its most romantic.

Grand Canal

10. Public Rest Rooms

You’ll have to pay to pee at public rest rooms in Venice. The cost is usually 1 or 2 euros. So be sure to keep some cash on hand for this purpose.

Another option is to pop into a cafe or bar for an espresso or drink. Then, you can use the cafe’s facilities since you are a official customer.

11. How Many Days In Venice Is Enough

If you are visiting Venice for the first time, you may be wondering how much time you need to see everything. 

Most people spend 1-2 days in Venice. But Venice truly has a lot to offer. On a longer visit, you won’t have to frantically squeeze the must see landmarks in and can discover some unique sites.

If you only have a day or two available, by all means, don’t let this stop you from visiting Venice. My first visit to the floating city was a day trip in college. But, on my last visit, I stayed a week, and enjoyed it infinitely more.

I would recommend 3 days in Venice. You can see the city’s sites in a reasonable leisurely way the first 2 days and then take a day to explore the lagoon islands.

If you want help in fashioning your itinerary, you can check out my 1 day in Venice itinerary and my 2 days in Venice itinerary .

Grand Canal and Basilica Santa Maria della Salute

12. What To Pack For Venice

I’m an inveterate over-packer. But you should try to avoid overpacking to ensure you have room to bring home some goodies and purchases you’ll undoubtedly make. Or else, pack an extra tote bag. 

There are some things you will need to pack. Venice is a stylish city with well dressed citizens.

It’s not really the place for baggy pants, sweatpants, or super short shorts. Especially for sightseeing in cathedrals and churches.

I’d advice wearing slightly upscale leisure clothes for your daily sightseeing or touring. That doesn’t have to be fancy, just nice slacks and a smart top.

It’s also advisable to pack comfortable shoes for walking. You may be clamoring up uneven stony stairs or strolling down cobblestone streets.

When I travel to Europe, I never leave without my small  PacSafe anti-theft backpack . They come in cut resistance fabric and have lockable zippers. 

canal in the Dorsoduro

Don’t forget your travel adaptor either. Venice uses type C, F and L plugs, which most of Europe uses. You can also use a universal adaptor, which is what I have.

You can easily purchase an adapter in any travel store or online. If you forget to bring one with you, you can buy one at the airport. 

I also bring a small portable charger to throw in my backpack. If you’re using your phone as a GPS and taking lots of photos, your charge may not last through the day. With a portable charger, you can charge as you walk.

13. Venice City Passes

The Venice Discovery Pass gives you access to the Doge’s palace, 15 churches, a public transport card, and a Rond trip transfer fro Marco-Polo Airport.

The  Venice Museum Pass  gives you a single entry to 11 civic museums in Venice. The pass is valid for 6 months.

gondolas in Venice, you will need tips for Venice to take a gondola

14. Tips For Gondola Rides In Venice

Taking a gondola ride in Venice ranks among one of the most dreamed-about experiences for travelers. 

But the image of a singing gondolier is more Hollywood than reality. So it’s a bit of a controversy as to whether a gondola ride is really “worth it” and it definitely depends on your budget.

While undeniably romantic, gondolas are very expensive and some say overrated. There are  official set prices . So don’t bother negotiating. 

Gondolas can hold six people. You can always recruit fellow travelers to share the cost.

Here are some of the sample gondola rides you can go on:

  • shared gondola ride across the Gran Canal
  • shared 2 hour gondola ride past main sites
  • 30 minute private gondola ride
  • 45 minute private gondola ride
  • sm all gr oup w alking tour and gondola ride
  • 30 minute private gondola ride at night
  • 2.5 hour private city tour + gondola ride

15. Traghettos

If you don’t want to spring for a gondola ride, take a traghetto instead. Traghetto is a word that means “ferry” in Italian. It’s a passenger boat that’s bigger than a gondola.

Traghettos were created for the locals to cross the Grand Canal. In a   traghetto, you stand with up to 12 other people. 

You can find the traghetto stations on Google Maps. It only costs 2   € per person to go one way. It can be an efficient way to see attractions on the Grand Canal easily. Click  here  for information on stations, times, and fares.

St. Mark's Basilica on Piazza San Marco

16. Tips For Visiting Churches In Venice

Another must know tip for Venice is that you’re forbidden from entering Venice’s churches in “inappropriate attire.” That means shorts, sleeveless tops, cropped tops, and skirts above the knee are banned. Women may want to bring a scarf in your purse or backpack to provide some cover.

There are some beautiful churches in Venice. Here are the ones you can’t miss.

St. Mark’s Basilica

St. Mark’s Basilica  is an astonishing tour de force of Italo-Byzantine architecture. Consecrated in 1093, it’s one of the world’s most famous churches.

Inside, the basilica is a golden extravaganza of 90,000 square feet of mosaics. The oldest mosaics in St. Mark’s date back to 1070, telling Old Testament stories.

>>> Click here to book a skip the line ticket

Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

The Frari Church

The Basilica of Sant Maria Glorioso dei Frari is simply known as the Frari.” “The church is located in San Polo and is an art-filled mini museum of Venetian Renaissance art. 

Inside, you’ll find important masterpieces by Titian and Bellini. There are also ornate tombs of famous Venetians, including monuments to Titian and the sculptor Antonio Canova. 

If you want to see the Frari, you can book a  guided walking tour  of San Polo and the Frari. 

Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute

This 17th century church dominates the venice skyline. it’s an homage to the virgin mary saving venice from the plague. free to enter, la salute is a venetian jewel of baroque architecture. .

pink and white facade of the Doge's Palace

17. Tips For Booking Tickets For Top Attractions In Advance

This is a super important tip for visiting Venice — you need to book major attractions online in advance. If you don’t, you will be confronted with long queues. That will inevitably cut into your precious sightseeing time and make you frustrated. 

I advise booking skip the line tickets weeks in advance for these particular sites:

St. Mark’s Basilica : You absolutely must book a skip the line entry ticket . Be sure to get in the right line when you are lining up. You can also purchase an  after hours ticket  to access to some places you can’t see during the day.

Doge’s Palace :  The Palazzo Ducale is one of Venice’s most iconic landmarks. The pink and white marble Gothic-Renaissance building was the official residence of the doges, who ruled Venice for more than 1,000 years.

You will definitely need a skip the line ticket to visit the palace. You can also buy a combination ticket that includes a skip the line ticket + the Venice Museum Pass.

the Campanile in Piazza San Marco, a must know tips for Venice is that you must pre-book a timed entry ticket online

St. Mark’s Campanile Climb : This is the tallest vantage point in Venice and the lines can seem endless. But you can book a reserved timed entry ticket on Tiqets , which will give you a 30 minute time slot to visit.

Peggy Guggenheim Museum : This fantastic museum will also be mobbed, so be sure to book a skip the line ticket .

You can print your ticket/vouchers at home or show the bar code on your mobile phone at the entrance. Sometimes your voucher will need to be exchanged for a paper ticket at the ticket booth.

18. Guided Tours Of Attractions

You can easily visit the sites in Venice on your own. But there are two attractions that I recommend getting a guided tour, St. Mark’s Basilica and the Doge’s Palace.

With a guided tour, you will learn much more about the history and all the little things to see that you might otherwise miss.

St. Mark’s Basilica is one of the most unique and beautiful churches in Italy . This  3 hour guided tour   gives you combo access to St. Mark’s, the terrace, and the Doge’s Palace. This  2 hour guided tour  gives you a walking tour of Venice + skip the line entry to the basilica.

St. Marks Basilica

For the Doge’s Palace, this  guided tour of the Doge’s Palace , which I took myself, gives you an overview of the Renaissance art, a peak at the prisons, and a walk across the Bridge of Sighs. The  Secret Itineraries Tour  takes you to even more secret spots in the palace.

19. Opening Hours

Most shops in Venice are open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

The majority of Venice’s museums and attractions open either at 9:00 am or 10:00 am and close between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm. In fact, if you’re having trouble fitting everything in, evenings can be a great time to sightsee.

Most attractions have “summer” and “winter” hours, being open longer in “summer.” So be sure to check the website of your intended destination. 

Also, another Venice tip is that, despite the stated “closing” hour, the last admission to many sites may be 30-60 minutes before closing. This is true at the Doge’s Palace, for example.

Going the first thing in the morning isn’t always ideal either. For example, people start lining up for St. Mark’s Basilica a half hour or more before opening. It might be better to visit this site mid to late afternoon instead.

Piazza San Marco

20. St. Mark’s Square

There is more to Venice than St. Mark’s Square, pretty though it is. Most tourists with only one day in Venice will mostly be in this area because this is where the top attractions are. Two warnings about his area.

St. Mark’s Square is prone to flooding, particularly between October and January.

There are also droves of pigeons and seagulls in the square. It’s illegal to feed them. And you may need to be careful they don’t snatch food right out of your hands.

21. Museums In Venice

When most people think of Venice, they imagine romantic gondolas and canals, not world class art. But Venice has a shocking number of excellent museums for a small city.

Here’s a quick rundown to help you plan your itinerary, if you’re an art lover.

key places to visit in venice

Galleria Accademia

This museum is the world’s top museum for Venetian Renaissance art. Yes, it’s true. And the best thing about it? It’s usually fairly empty even in high season.

The museum traces the evolution of Venetian art from the Middle Ages to the 18th century. The gallery has paintings by luminaries such as Veronese, Titian, Tintoretto, Tiepolo, Bellini, Canaletto, and Giorgione. Its prize possession is the world’s most famous drawing, Leonardo da Vinci’s  Vitruvian Man , although it isn’t often on display.

Here’s my complete guide to visiting the Galleria Accademia . Click here to book a ticket in advance.

Peggy Guggenheim Museum

This modern art museum holds the magnificent collection of American heiress and art collector Peggy Guggenheim . It’s housed in a palace she called home.

It’s a small, but exquisite, collection. There are top 20th century works by Jackson Pollack, Max Ernst, Joan Miro, Paul Klee, Max Ernst, Magritte, Willem de Kooning, Salvador Dali, and Alexander Calder.

Unlike the Galleria with its focus on religious art, this museum is always packed. You’ll need to pre-book a skip the line ticket if you want to admire the art. If you love the Golden Age of modern art, you may want to book this popular private tour of the museum.

the frilly Gothic Ca’ d’Oro

Ca’ d’Oro

Ca’ d’Oro is a 15th century Venetian Gothic-style palace located just across the Rialto Market, overlooking the Grand Canal. The museum houses an art collection gifted by Baron Franchetti.

The most famous piece is the  San Sebastiano  by Andrea Mantegna. But there are also works by Titian, Gordon, Guardi, and Van Eyck. Click  here  to book a ticket because they will likely sell out.

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

If you love classical art, head to the absolutely breathtaking  Scuola Grande di San Rocco . It’s an off the beaten path gem in Venice’s San Polo area and a must visit for fans of the Venetian Renaissance painter Tintoretto.

The school is decorated wall to wall by Tintoretto. His fresco cycle in the Chapter Room is considered the “Sistine Chapel of Venice.”

the Ballroom of Ca' Rezonnico

Ca’ Rezonnico

The Palazzo Rezonnico museum is a shrine to 18th century Venetian artists. This period in history is known as the “Age of Decadence.”

The palace is a beautiful and rare  in situ  museum, where the art on display was created specifically for the palazzo.

You’ll find paintings and frescoed ceilings by Tiepolo, Longhi, Canaletto, Guardi, Molinari, and Lazzarini. You should pre-purchase a ticket .

Musee Correr

Musee Correr is dedicated to Venice’s civic history. The museum is named after Venetian aristocrat Teodoro Correr, who bequeathed his collection of classical antiquities to the city.

Rialto Bridge

22. Free Things To Do In Venice

I’m not gonna lie, Venice is the most expensive city in Italy. Both the restaurants and hotels will set you back. You can pay $10 for a soda in St. Mark’s Square.

That said, there are plenty of free things to do in Venice. It costs nothing to wander through St. Mark’s Square or the Rialto. You can shop at the Rialto market instead of eating out.

Many of Venice’s churches are free to visit. You can pop into Acqua Alta Book Shop, which is gorgeous secondhand book shop.

spiral staircase of the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo

23. Hidden Gems In Venice

Looking for some unusual things to do in Venice? There quite a few secret spots, for repeat visitors to Venice.

In April 2022, one of the most famous buildings on the Piazza San Marco, Procuratie Vecchie , opened to the public for the first time in history.

The building stretches the entire length of the north side of the piazza. The building’s Neo-Classical facade is one of the most photographed spots in Venice. You can head inside to the cafes and bars or just to admire the architecture.

Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo is a 15th century palace boasting a stunning “scala” or spiral staircase, made of brick and marble, that runs up the side of the palace. It’s not easy to find, so put “Scala Contarini del Bovolo” or “Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo” into Google Maps or your GPS.

As you stroll, also keep an eye out for Venice’s three leaning bell towers: Santo Stefano, San Giorgio dei Greci, and San Pietro di Castello. While Pisa may boast the most famous leaning tower in Italy, these are worth a look.

The Museo Fortun y is an off the beaten path museum housed in a glamorous palazzo. The building was transformed by designer Mariano Fortuny into his own photography, set-design, stagecraft, and painting atelier.

views from the roof of Fondaco dei Tedeschi

24. Viewpoints In Venice

Do you love a beautiful vista? It’s always exciting to discover a city from above. So, here are my tips for where to find the best viewpoints in Venice.

St. Mark’s Campanile is the bell tower next to the cathedral. You’ll have stunning views from the top, and I think it’s the best viewpoint in Venice.

There are no stairs. You take an elevator to the top. To avoid long lines, you should book a timed entrance ticket in advance .

The rooftop terrace of Procuratie Vecchie, in Piazza San Marco, offers up stunning views of the basilica. And you’ll have beautiful views of the Grand Canal from the Ca’ d’Oro palace museum.

Another great viewpoint is the top of the T Fondaco dei Tedeschi  The former palace is now a luxury department store.

From its rooftop, you’ll have 360 views of Venice. The palace is free to visit, but you need to  book   your 15 minute time slot time in advance.

If you’re really into views, you may want to book a Venice rooftops and Prosecco tour .

view from St. Mark's Campanile

25. Overview Of Neighborhoods in Venice

Venice is a city of neighborhoods. Most visitors stay in San Marco. But I think they are all worth visiting if you have a multi-day stay. Here’s a quick overview.

San Marco : San Marco is the central touristy hotspot concentrated with Venice’s major attractions, upscale shops, and restaurants.

Dorsoduro : The Dorsoduro is an artsy student district with wonderful museums and the Campo Santa Margherita.


Castello : Castello is a beautiful off the beaten path district with gardens and a medieval shipyard.

San Polo : San Polo is home to busy Rialto markets, with a combination of great restaurants and tourist traps.

Cannaregio : Cannaregio is Venice’s historic Jewish Quarter, a lovely residential area with great cicchetti bars, lovely churches, and narrow canals. Cannaregio is a great place to go on a guided food tour or take a walking tour to see hidden gems in Venice.

Santa Croce : In Santa Croce, you’ll find lots of palazzos and bacaris (Venetian wine bars with cicchetti).

colorful houses on the island of Burano

26. How To Get To Venice’s Lagoon Islands

No visit to Venice is complete without exploring some of the lagoon islands, especially Murano and Burano. Murano is known for its lace making and Murano is known for its colorful photogenic buildings.

Here are my Venice tips for getting to the islands:

To get to Burano : Vaporetto 12 from Fondamente Nove in Cannaregio (45 minutes)

To get to Murano : Vaporetto 4.1, 4.2, or 12 from Fondamente Nove or Vaporetto 4.1 or 4.2 from St. Mark’s Square (San Zaccaria stop)

To get to Torcello : Vaporetto NLN from Fondamente Nove (50 minutes)

To get to the Lido : Vaporetto 1 from St. Mark’s Square (1 hour)

The easiest thing to do is book a  full day tour  to see the islands. Or, you can opt for a  half day tour  of just Murano and Burano.

our rented digs on the Lido

27. The Italian Happy Hour is the “Apertivo “

Apertivo is the Italian version of happy hour. It’s a ritual of indulging in a pre-dinner cocktail or apertivo and small nibbles of freefood. It’s a luxe version of our happy hours.

Unlike the American happy hour though, the Italian Apertivo may last from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. 

For their Apertivo, Italian like traditional cocktails like a Bellini, Negroni, Campari, or Apersol Spritz.

28. Dining In Venice: Where To Eat

You’ll also need some tips for dining out in Venice. Venice’s meal times run on a different schedule than the U.S.

Lunch is usually between 1:00 to 3:00 pm and dinner starts late at 8:00 pm. Many of the restaurants are closed between lunch and dinner.

A cover charge is always added to your bill. But you won’t be rushed. You can linger as long as you like. That’s the Italian way. In fact, you will likely have to ask for your check when you’re ready to go.

off the beaten path restaurant tucked away on a small canal

It’s honestly pretty easy to get a crappy meal in Venice. There are plenty of tourist restaurants with plastic photo-filled menus. Try to avoid those.

Also try to avoid grabbing a meal in St. Mark’s Square, the Rialto area, or the Riva degli Schiavoni promenade. Instead, look for an out of the way place (and make reservations) in the Dorsoduro or Cannaregio neighborhoods.

I can recommend  Bistro de Venice  (San Marco),  Al Covo  (Castello),  Locanda Monti  (Dorsoduro),  L’Orto dei Mori  (Cannaregio), or  All’ Anforna (Santa Croce) Make reservations!

In lieu of a restaurant, you could book a  3 hour evening food and wine tour . Or you could book this  2.5 hour food tour in Cannargio , which includes ciccetti (tapas), wine, and a gondola ride. I’ve done this tour and it was great.

You can also book a dinner cruise on the Venetian Lagoon .

If you want a glamorous breakfast or brunch, book at table at  Hotel Danieli . 

Perched on the hotel’s roof top, the Restaurant Terrazza Danieli is a magical location, overlooking the Grand Canal, the Doge’s Palace, and the Lido. This was one of the nicest things that I did my last time in Venice.

Hotel Danieli

29. Where To Stay In Venice

Sure, you can do a day trip to Venice and see most of it since it’s not very big. But I really recommend staying overnight, even for just a couple nights. Plus, if you are an early riser, you’ll have the advantage of seeing the city before it gets crowded.

I’ve stayed in many different places in Venice — in the Rialto, Dorsoduro and Castello — in both hotels and Air Bnbs. 

There are some amazing hotels. Be aware that, because Venice is such a dense city, the hotel rooms will be smaller than usual.

If you want a real luxury hotel, opt for  Gritti Palace  (elegance and views of the Grand Canal) or the  Hotel Danieli  (opulent Venetian rooms with a rooftop terrace). The Gritti palace is Venice’s best hotel. It’s a place that’s luxurious while still being understated.

Palazzo Gritti Palace Hotel in Venice

If you want a luxe hotel in the center of things, try  St. Regis  (unrivaled terrace suites above the Grand Canal),  Aman Venice  (my fave, you’ll feel like an aristocrat), or  Bauer Palazzo  (elegant Venetian design).

For a cute boutique hotel, try the  Novecento ,  the  Palazzo Venart , or the  Hotel Bucintoro .

If you’d like to stay off center for some peace and quiet, try the  Belmond Cipriani   on the island of Guidecca. This is where the Bellini cocktail was invented. 

You can also try  San Cle m ente Palace Kempinski   on San Clemente island or  Al Pone Antico  in Cannaregio.

my daughter and I on the Rialto Bridge

30. When To Visit Venice

One key tip for Venice is to not visit in the summer. In the summer months, it’s uber hot and the crowds are beastly. The city can seem a bit theme park-ish.

Try to visit in spring or fall, particularly in October/November and March/April. Winter can be wet and cold in Venice, so I’d avoid visiting then.

If you’re interested in attending the  Venice Carnival , the festival takes place annually in February. Three million people dress up in black capes, costumes, and gilded masks and dance until dawn.

You may also want to attend the famed  Venice Biennial . Millions of visitors flood into Venice in the summer to attend this annual festival of art and culture. It’s a vast display of art curated by a new artistic director each year.


31. Day Trips From Venice

Venice makes a great base for day tripping in the Veneto region. Though if you want to save a few dollars, you can also use Verona as a base.

The best day trips from Venice are to Padua, Verona, Treviso, and Bologna. Verona is probably my favorite because it’s a beautiful small city that’s close to Venice and boasts some famous Roman ruins.

If you want more information on Verona, here’s my one day in Verona itinerary and you can check out this 6-8 hour day trip from Venice to Verona

I hope you’ve enjoyed my tips for visiting Venice. You may enjoy these other Italy travel guides:

  • Historic Landmarks in Italy
  • Most Beautiful Towns in Italy
  • 101+ Epic Experiences To Have in Italy
  • 11 Ways To Spend 1 Week In Italy
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Italy
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Tuscany
  • 3 Day Itinerary for Rome
  • 3 Day Itinerary for Florence
  • 1 Day in Milan
  • 1 Da y  in Siena

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Last Updated on July 4, 2023 by Leslie Livingston

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Venice’s hidden gems: 20 lesser known attractions

Venice’s hidden gems: 20 lesser known attractions

Each step you take in Venice can lead you to a new discovery , a new magic moment. The city is a living, breathing history book, with a surprise waiting around every corner.

But while the grandeur of Piazza San Marco, the Rialto Bridge, and the Doge's Palace are undeniably worth your attention, there's so much more to Venice than its well-trodden tourist routes.

Hidden among the city's labyrinthine calli, behind unassuming facades, and on the less frequented islands of the lagoon, are gems that most visitors never get the chance to experience.

These are the places where you'll really get a sense of the city's soul , its history, and its people.

So, ready to embark on this off the beaten track journey ?

Let's dive in!

Venice Hidden Gems: The Lesser Known Attractions of the Lagoon

venice hidden gems

Venice isn't just about gondolas and grand canals.

It's a cluster of 118 small islands separated by canals and linked by bridges. Some of these islands, beyond the main group, harbour unique attractions that often get overlooked by most tourists .

From secluded gardens to majestic palaces, each of these lesser-known sites offers a different glimpse into Venice's rich tapestry of history and culture.

Let's discover 20 hidden gems in Venice .

20. Palazzo Grimani

hidden gems in venice: palazzo grimani

Located in the Castello district, Palazzo Grimani di Santa Maria Formosa is a stunning Renaissance palace that houses a museum dedicated to classical antiquities .

Visitors can explore the palace's ornate rooms and admire its collection of ancient Greek and Roman sculptures. A ticket is required for entry.

19. Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli

Tucked away in a quiet corner of the Cannaregio district, the Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Miracoli is a beautiful church that is often overlooked by visitors.

The church's façade is decorated with colorful marble and intricate carvings, and its interior is filled with stunning artwork and frescoes. Admission is free.

18. Palazzo Mocenigo

Located in the Santa Croce district, Palazzo Mocenigo is a museum dedicated to the history of Venetian fashion and perfume .

Visitors can explore the palace's ornate rooms and learn about the city's rich textile and perfume-making traditions. Please note that a ticket is required for entry.

17. Isola di San Michele

san michele venezia

Located just a short boat ride from Venice, the Isola di San Michele is a peaceful island cemetery that is the final resting place of many famous Venetians , including composer Igor Stravinsky and poet Ezra Pound.

Visitors can explore the island's beautiful gardens and admire its stunning funerary art. Admission is free.

16. Ca' Dario

One of the most interesting unknown attractions of the city is located on the Grand Canal.

Ca' Dario is a beautiful Gothic palace that is rumored to be cursed . Despite its dark reputation, the palace's ornate façade and beautiful courtyard are well worth a visit.

Visitors can also enjoy views of the Grand Canal from the palace's terrace.

15. Museo Diocesano

Located in the Dorsoduro district, the Pinacoteca Manfrediana has become the Museo Diocesano of the city ( Diocesan Museum ).

It contains a marvelous collection of 65 paintings of Italian art and copies of paintings now housed in the major European museums. The pinacotheque is called "Manfrediana" from the name of its creator, Federico Manfredini.

A ticket of 8 euros is required for entry and it includes access to the Sacristy of the Basilica della Salute .

14. Giardino della Fondazione Querini Stampalia

querini stampalia gardens

Located near the Santa Maria Formosa church, in the Castello district, the Giardino della Fondazione Querini Stampalia is a beautiful garden t hat is a peaceful oasis in the heart of Venice.

The garden has been projected and imagined by the great architect Carlo Scarpa and it is one of the most beautiful gardens in the city.

Visitors can explore the garden's winding paths and admire the juxtaposition of old elements and new .

You can purchase the entrance ticket to the palace and have access to the splendid garden included.

13. Church of San Zaccaria

Located near St. Mark's Square, the Chiesa di San Zaccaria is a beautiful church that is often overlooked by visitors.

The church's interior is filled with stunning artwork and frescoes, including works by Giovanni Bellini and Tintoretto.

Admission is free.

12. Palazzo Fortuny

Located in the San Marco district, Palazzo Fortuny is a Gothic palace that houses a museum dedicated to the life and work of Mariano Fortuny , a famous Venetian artist and designer.

Visitors can explore the palace's ornate rooms and admire Fortuny's intricate textiles and fashion designs .

A ticket is required for entry. Find more info in our article.

11. Museo del Merletto di Burano

lace museum

Located on the island of Burano, the Museo del Merletto di Burano is a museum dedicated to the history of Venetian lace-making .

Visitors can learn about the intricate techniques used to create lace and admire examples of this beautiful craft.

A ticket is required for entry but the visit is totally worth it .

10. Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Located in the San Polo district, the Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari is a stunning Gothic church that is home to many famous works of art , including Donatello's wooden sculpture of St. John the Baptist.

9. Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Located on the Grand Canal, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection is a museum dedicated to modern art .

Even though it can't be considered a proper hidden gem, it's certainly a museum that truly deserves your attention.

Visitors can explore the museum's collection of paintings and sculptures, including works by Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dalí, and Pablo Picasso . A ticket is required for entry.

8. Fondazione Cini

san giorgio maggiore - fondazione cini

Located on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore , the Fondazione Cini is a cultural center housed in a former monastery.

Visitors can explore the foundation's collection of art and artifacts, including works by Giovanni Bellini and Tintoretto.

A ticket is required for entry but it gives you access to some of the most beautiful places in the city, like the famous Borges Labyrinth. Check out our guide here .

7. Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone

Located in the Castello district, the Scuola Dalmata dei Santi Giorgio e Trifone (or Scuola di S.Giorgio degli Schiavoni) is a beautiful church that is often overlooked by visitors.

The church's interior is filled with stunning artwork and frescoes, including works by Francesco Bassano and Tintoretto.

6. Museo Storico Navale di Venezia

Located in the Castello district, the Museo Storico Navale di Venezia is a museum dedicated to the history of the Venetian navy .

You can explore the museum's collection of ships, weapons, and naval artifacts, as well as the stunning views of the lagoon from the museum's terrace.

A ticket is required for entry.

5. Ca' Pesaro

ca pesaro

Located on the Grand Canal, Ca' Pesaro is a beautiful Baroque palace that houses a modern art museum .

Visitors can explore the museum's collection of paintings and sculptures, including works by Klimt, Chagall, and Rodi n. A ticket is required for entry.

However, inside Ca' Pesaro you can also visit the beautiful Oriental Art Museum, collecting pieces of art from Japan, China and Korea .

4. Oratorio dei Crociferi

Located in Campo dei Gesuiti, in the Cannaregio district, the Oratorio dei Crociferi is a beautiful church that is often overlooked by people visiting this area.

The church's interior is filled with stunning artwork and frescoes, including works by Jacopo Palma il Giovane.

3. Palazzo Rezzonico

Located on the Grand Canal, Palazzo Rezzonico is an elegant Baroque palace that houses a museum dedicated to the art and culture of 18th-century Venice .

Visitors can explore the palace's ornate rooms and admire its collection of paintings, decorative arts, and furniture. A ticket is required for entry.

2. Ca' Zenobio

ca zenobio, venetian hidden gem

Located in the Dorsoduro district, Ca' Zenobio is a stunning Baroque palace that is home to a beautiful garden and a collection of art and artifacts.

It is a project created at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries by Antonio Gaspari (a pupil of the better-known architect Baldassarre Longhena). Currently still owned by the Armenians, the palace is often partially rented out to be a venue for exhibitions, concerts or receptions.

A ticket is required for visit.

1. Chiesa di San Sebastiano

Located in the Dorsoduro district, the Chiesa di San Sebastiano is a beautiful church that is home to many of Paolo Veronese's most famous works .

Visitors can admire Veronese's stunning frescoes and paintings, as well as the church's beautiful marble decoration.

Which hidden gems are you going to discover?

Venice is a city full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered .

From stunning palaces and museums to peaceful gardens and churches, there is something for every kind of traveler.

So go ahead and explore the lesser-known sights of Venice, and you might just discover a new favorite spot.

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The best neighborhoods in Venice: a guide to the city’s six sestieri

Benedetta Geddo

May 18, 2023 • 6 min read

Young woman walking beautiful streets at water canals in Venice. Concept of happy vacations in Italy. Caucasian stylish woman in coat with colorful shawl Young woman walking beautiful streets at water canals in Venice. Concept of happy vacations in Italy. Caucasian stylish woman in coat with colorful shawl

Venice's six neighborhoods each have their own unique vibe © RossHelen / Getty Images

Venice is divided into six neighborhoods known in Italian as sestieri . 

While all six sestieri are undoubtedly Venetian, each has its own distinct charms and flavor. This layout has remained more or less unchanged since the Romans arrived in the Lagoon to establish one of their camps – or castrum – there. 

Venice has a famously confusing system when it comes to numbering its streets. Each sestiere (neighborhood) has its own numbering. Building numbers don't stop at the end of a street but continue throughout the entire sestiere . You will consequently see houses with very high numbers.

However, to make things more confusing, when addresses are listed the building number is rarely included - simply the street name, the neighborhood name, and the district number. It adds to the sense of achievement when you finally find the place you are looking for – honest. Here’s our guide to the best neighborhoods in Venice , including where to stay, play and explore.

Mother is carrying her son as they enjoy a tourist visit to Venice. They are standing on a bridge overlooking the Grand Canal, with gondolas and boats passing by. The magnificent architecture and stunning waterways of Venice are on full display, providing a picturesque backdrop for their memorable trip

1. San Marco

Best neighborhood for iconic Venetian scenes

San Marco is where you can find the picture book Venice. Named after the city’s patron Saint and the true heart of the city ever since its foundation, San Marco has it all. Want stunning, world-famous landmarks? The Basilica and its Campanile , as well as the Palazzo Ducale , are just a short walk away. Want to do some shopping before heading back home? You can check out Calle Larga XXII Marzo, the high-end shopping street of Venice, or head to the Fondaco dei Tedeschi, once the palace warehouse of German merchants coming to the Lagoon and today one of the city center’s main shopping malls. 

San Marco is the place to be if you like to be surrounded by centuries-old buildings and luxury, as well as people – it’s the most famous area of an already famous city. It’s also an excellent choice if you want to avoid public transport and use your legs as much as you can, as all the major sights are within walking distance.

Young woman enjoying summer cocktail on the background of famous Rialto bridge in Venice.

2. San Polo

Best neighborhood for straddling two worlds

Just on the other side of the Canal Grande, San Polo is close enough to San Marco to enjoy its polished palaces and chic vibes, but it’s also separate enough to feel like its own city within a city – perhaps because San Polo is the smallest of all the six sestieri . You can have it both ways in San Polo – stay close to the Canal Grande and enjoy the landmarks on both sides of the water as well as above it, like the Rialto bridge ; or you can lose yourself in the alleyways and little calles (streets) off the main road and discover picturesque corners and authentic pieces of Venetian history.

San Polo will also welcome you with open arms if you’re looking to live the gourmand life. You can’t miss the Rialto market , divided into fruits and vegetables and fresh seafood – stalls are there almost every morning, Sundays excluded, until around midday. San Polo is also where you can get a good pre-dinner aperitivo and then enjoy some post-dinner nightlife.

VENICE, ITALY - AUGUST 17, 2014: High dynamic range (HDR) The Peggy Guggenheim collection in Venice Italy 561689470 italian, guggenheim, italy, dynamic, venice, editorial, peggy, range, collection, high, europe, museum, high dynamic range, peggy guggenheim, venedig, hdr, venezia, veneto, italia, tasmin way ©s74/Shutterstock

3. Dorsoduro and Giudecca

Best neighborhood for searching for Venice’s hip side

The southernmost of the sestieri , Dorsoduro, which includes the island of Giudecca, has some of Venice’s most interesting museums and most populated universities. Dorsoduro is home to the famous Ca’ Foscari University, widely known in Italy as being one of the best for the study of languages, as well as the Venice Architecture Institute. It goes without saying then that the area is a top choice for students, and as a result, the whole of Dorsoduro brims with eateries and nightlife. 

Dorsoduro has reinvented itself as Venice’s own Soho. Visit the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and Pinault’s Punta della Dogana , and keep an eye out for the smaller galleries sprouting up in the neighborhood all the time. The district has long been a favorite with foreign second-home buyers, meaning that Dorsoduro doesn’t have the same Venetian feel as nearby San Polo. However, it has beautiful boutique hotels, fine eateries and world-renowned modern and contemporary art. This is an excellent neighborhood for art lovers, but it’s also ideal for winter breaks as it’s the sunniest part of the city.

Several gondolas offer their tourist services very early in a new day of the beautiful city of Venice. The city that attracts many tourists coming from all over the world is suffering increasingly dangerous floods that seriously threaten the conservation of its heritage.

4. Castello

Best neighborhood for immersing yourself in art

While Dorsoduro can boast some incredible collections, one might say that the true art hotspot of the city is Castello. Facing right onto the Lagoon and with a quieter vibe than its packed next-door neighbor San Marco, Castello is the domain of the Venice Biennale . From the Giardini della Biennale with their famous thirty pavilions, each belonging to a different country that uses them to display their works of art every two years, to the spaces within the Arsenale , you can feel the mark left by the Biennale everywhere you walk in Castello.

But history hangs heavy here as well; the Arsenale, where specialized artisans crafted all kinds of ships, is what made Venice a maritime powerhouse and helped it dominate the seas for more than a millennium. If you want to take a break from all the sightseeing, you can always rest for a bit at the Parco delle Rimembranze , also known as the Sant’Elena pinewood, right on the tip of the sestiere and looking out onto the Lido.

A ginger white woman seen from behind, stands on a bridge overlooking a canal Young woman leaning against a bridge on the Rio Santa Catherina in the evening light, Cannaregio, Venice,

5. Cannaregio

Best neighborhood for feeling like a local

Cannaregio is the largest and most populous Venetian sestiere. It’s pretty close to Venice’s train station,  Santa Lucia , and so it bustles with activity – commuters arriving from the mainland into Venice for their workday, people going to and from the more central areas of the city. Unlike San Marco, though, Cannaregio’s vibe remains more local and informal, and it’s a great place to be if you want to enjoy the more famous landmarks during the day but then retire to a quieter area (well, as quiet as Venice can be) for the night.

This sestiere is also where the old Jewish quarter used to be, and the Jewish community and their heritage are still a huge part of the neighborhood – from the two active synagogues to museums and several kosher eateries.

The dome of the Chiesa di San Simeone Piccolo is hard to overlook as it pierces into a clear blue sky sitting above the dark reflective waters of the canals in Santa Croce - Lonely Planet © red-feniks / Shutterstock

6. Santa Croce

Best neighborhood for day tours

Santa Croce is the only sestiere of Venice where cars and buses are allowed to move around before having to stop due to the lack of roads and an abundance of canals. It’s where the Santa Lucia train station is located and the main entryway into the city for anyone who arrives using the bridge connecting Venice to the mainland. It’s a great choice if Venice isn’t the only stop of your journey to this part of Italy – those planning to leave the Lagoon for some day excursions to other parts of Veneto or maybe some of the beach locations both North and South of the city .

Santa Croce might not look quite as pretty as the other sestieri, but there are plenty of things to keep you interested - like the Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia within the old Fondaco dei Turchi, the vibrant square of San Giacomo dell’Orio and the Palazzo Mocenigo , Venice’s museum of fashion history as well as possible haunting grounds of the ghost of philosopher and writer Giordano Bruno.

This article was first published Dec 20, 2017 and updated May 18, 2023.

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15 things you must do in Venice, Italy

Posted: September 26, 2023 | Last updated: September 26, 2023

<p><span><span>Even if you've never been to Venice, you know what it looks like. Venetian buildings lined across canals, open courtyards dotted with plants, exotic bridges soft with seaweed, and buzzing with tourists. The mere mention of Venice conjures a whirlpool of images. </span></span></p><p><span><span>So why not dive in? Visit the historic city and you can amble around sun-speckled canals, mysterious alleyways, unmissable museums, and romantic restaurants. There are a million things to do in Venice, but there are only 15 things you can't go without. </span></span></p>

Even if you've never been to Venice, you know what it looks like. Venetian buildings lined across canals, open courtyards dotted with plants, exotic bridges soft with seaweed, and buzzing with tourists. The mere mention of Venice conjures a whirlpool of images. 

So why not dive in? Visit the historic city and you can amble around sun-speckled canals, mysterious alleyways, unmissable museums, and romantic restaurants. There are a million things to do in Venice, but there are only 15 things you can't go without. 

<p><span><span>The city's beating heart and romantic soul, there's no shortage of things to do here. Take a water taxi or a gondola ride. Admire the view from a bridge or a nearby restaurant. Or circle back at night when the crowds are thin, the streets are quiet and the lights flicker across the canal, beckoning you to take a closer look. </span></span></p>

Grand Canal

The city's beating heart and romantic soul, there's no shortage of things to do here. Take a water taxi or a gondola ride. Admire the view from a bridge or a nearby restaurant. Or circle back at night when the crowds are thin, the streets are quiet and the lights flicker across the canal, beckoning you to take a closer look. 

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<p><span><span>St. Mark's Square is kind of like Times Square without the streakers. Or the homeless people, trash cans, or New Yorkers. OK, so it's not exactly like Times Square, but <em>it is</em> nicknamed "the Times Square of Venice," because it's the central spot for tourists and is surrounded by history. Thankfully, this slice of history is lined with columns and museums, and if you arrive early enough, you can have the place to yourself. </span></span></p>

St. Mark's Square

St. Mark's Square is kind of like Times Square without the streakers. Or the homeless people, trash cans, or New Yorkers. OK, so it's not exactly like Times Square, but it is nicknamed "the Times Square of Venice," because it's the central spot for tourists and is surrounded by history. Thankfully, this slice of history is lined with columns and museums, and if you arrive early enough, you can have the place to yourself. 

Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.

<p>While you're in St. Mark's Square, you'll want to visit Caffe Florian. This iconic Venetian restaurant was once a watering hole for Proust, Dickens, and Casanova, and the decor hasn't changed much over the years. My advice: enjoy an espresso in the same seat Dickens once enjoyed a beer. </p>

Caffe Florian

While you're in St. Mark's Square, you'll want to visit Caffe Florian. This iconic Venetian restaurant was once a watering hole for Proust, Dickens, and Casanova, and the decor hasn't changed much over the years. My advice: enjoy an espresso in the same seat Dickens once enjoyed a beer. 

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<p>The name Teatro La Fenice, a landmark opera house, means "The Phoenix"--a nod to the fact that it's risen from the ashes not once, but three times, most recently after two arsonists burned it down in 1996. But it's been renovated and restored back to its former glory, complete with rows of balconies and red-velvet chairs. </p>

Teatro La Fenice

The name Teatro La Fenice, a landmark opera house, means "The Phoenix"--a nod to the fact that it's risen from the ashes not once, but three times, most recently after two arsonists burned it down in 1996. But it's been renovated and restored back to its former glory, complete with rows of balconies and red-velvet chairs. 

<p>This private collection was once the home of Peggy Guggenheim, who played a big role in the careers of Jackson Pollock, Max Ernst, and Alberto Giacometti. Now, you'll find the walls lined with Picasso, Dali, Mondrian, and Malevich. Plus, Joseph Cornell! </p>

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

This private collection was once the home of Peggy Guggenheim, who played a big role in the careers of Jackson Pollock, Max Ernst, and Alberto Giacometti. Now, you'll find the walls lined with Picasso, Dali, Mondrian, and Malevich. Plus, Joseph Cornell! 

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<p>After wandering museums and alleyways, you'll want to lie down on the serene sands of Lido. A 15-minute Vaporetto ride from St. Mark's Square, the island offers beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted with kids, teens, families, and leather-skin grandpas. Two hours on the beach and you'll have a pretty great tan, too. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Lido Island

After wandering museums and alleyways, you'll want to lie down on the serene sands of Lido. A 15-minute Vaporetto ride from St. Mark's Square, the island offers beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted with kids, teens, families, and leather-skin grandpas. Two hours on the beach and you'll have a pretty great tan, too. 

<p>Speaking of the Lido, when the Venice Film Festival hits town every September, there's no better place to be. Pro tip: get to screenings early. Even if you have a pass, you'll need to be there a couple of hours before the film starts. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>20 essential organizing tips for living in small spaces</a></p>

Venice Film Festival

Speaking of the Lido, when the Venice Film Festival hits town every September, there's no better place to be. Pro tip: get to screenings early. Even if you have a pass, you'll need to be there a couple of hours before the film starts. 

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<p>While your hopping from island to island, make time for a trip to Murano and admire the glass-making artistry. The products are held on display at the Murano glass museum, where you're gonna want to keep an eye on your pocketbook. Not because of pickpockets, which are a problem in Venice. But because these dreamy works of art are going to inspire you to stop by the gift shop on your way out, or at a glass factory nearby. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Murano Glass Museum

While your hopping from island to island, make time for a trip to Murano and admire the glass-making artistry. The products are held on display at the Murano glass museum, where you're gonna want to keep an eye on your pocketbook. Not because of pickpockets, which are a problem in Venice. But because these dreamy works of art are going to inspire you to stop by the gift shop on your way out, or at a glass factory nearby. 

<p>For a true Venetian dinner, Osteria Alla Frasca is one of the most authentic spots in town. You come here, of course, for the delightful seafood pasta, but you're really here to eat like the locals, with the locals. It's an adventure just trying to find this small, family-owned gem, though once seated in its courtyard, you won't want to leave. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>Our 20 favorite brands of chocolate</a></p>

Osteria Alla Frasca

For a true Venetian dinner, Osteria Alla Frasca is one of the most authentic spots in town. You come here, of course, for the delightful seafood pasta, but you're really here to eat like the locals, with the locals. It's an adventure just trying to find this small, family-owned gem, though once seated in its courtyard, you won't want to leave. 

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<p>Everyone needs a picture of themselves in Venice. Whether it's for Instagram, Twitter, or Tinder, you can't go wrong with the tower of San Giorgio, which boasts panoramic views of Venice from 350-feet up. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Church of San Giorgio Maggiore

Everyone needs a picture of themselves in Venice. Whether it's for Instagram, Twitter, or Tinder, you can't go wrong with the tower of San Giorgio, which boasts panoramic views of Venice from 350-feet up. 

<p>Another candidate for best-selfie: Rialto Bridge has the best view of the Grand Canal, though best not to go midday. Like every main attraction in Venice, make plans to go in the morning or at night. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>15 things to do in Luxembourg, according to someone who used to live there</a></p>

Rialto Bridge

Another candidate for best-selfie: Rialto Bridge has the best view of the Grand Canal, though best not to go midday. Like every main attraction in Venice, make plans to go in the morning or at night. 

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<p>Burano is a beautiful island 40-minutes away from Venice, but what truly sets this destination apart are the colorful buildings sprinkled around the city. The fisherman painted each house a different color so they knew whose house was whose, which makes it look like a paint sampler come to life. Every street is a rainbow of discovery. </p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Burano Island

Burano is a beautiful island 40-minutes away from Venice, but what truly sets this destination apart are the colorful buildings sprinkled around the city. The fisherman painted each house a different color so they knew whose house was whose, which makes it look like a paint sampler come to life. Every street is a rainbow of discovery. 

<p>Every February, the city hosts a carnival where three million people dress up in costumes and dance until dawn. It's the closest thing to Fellini-esque Venice has to offer. </p><p>You may also like: <a href=''>20 big-batch cocktails that are perfect for small gatherings</a></p>

Carnevale Festival

Every February, the city hosts a carnival where three million people dress up in costumes and dance until dawn. It's the closest thing to Fellini-esque Venice has to offer. 

You may also like: 20 big-batch cocktails that are perfect for small gatherings

<p><span><span>Known as the spot where Ernest Hemingway wrote <em>Across the River</em>, the Hotel Locanda is nicely situated just outside of town, and it's $75 a night. Not bad for a place with so much history...and such great croissants! </span></span></p><p><a href=''>Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Hotel Locanda

Known as the spot where Ernest Hemingway wrote Across the River , the Hotel Locanda is nicely situated just outside of town, and it's $75 a night. Not bad for a place with so much history...and such great croissants! 

<p>Venice is a crazy, decadent maze of streets--and each one leads to a new, exciting place. You're going to get lost. Your map is going to be off. The best thing to do is walk around, lose the schedule, and discover a new restaurant, cafe, canal, or church. Once you've seen the tourist spots, wander into the heart of Venice, glide across a sun-soaked street, dance into a wine-soaked night, share a bottle with a loved one or a spritz with a stranger. There are a million things to do in Venice, but getting lost is <em>mio preferito</em>. </p><p><a href=''>Did you enjoy this slideshow? Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.</a></p>

Venice is a crazy, decadent maze of streets--and each one leads to a new, exciting place. You're going to get lost. Your map is going to be off. The best thing to do is walk around, lose the schedule, and discover a new restaurant, cafe, canal, or church. Once you've seen the tourist spots, wander into the heart of Venice, glide across a sun-soaked street, dance into a wine-soaked night, share a bottle with a loved one or a spritz with a stranger. There are a million things to do in Venice, but getting lost is mio preferito . 

Did you enjoy this slideshow? Follow us on MSN to see more of our exclusive lifestyle content.

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  1. 15 of the best things to do in Venice in 2024

    1. Take in the Piazza San Marco. For many people, this waterfront square is Venice: the rolling domes of the basilica, the centuries-old cafes beneath the stately porticoes, the vast Campanile (belltower) throwing its shadow around the square, high tide occasionally sloshing around your feet. There's so much to see around Piazza San Marco (or St Mark's Square) that you could easily spend a ...

  2. 24 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Venice

    To plan your stay so you won't miss any of the best places to visit, use this list of the top attractions and things to do in Venice. On This Page: 1. St. Mark's Basilica. 2. Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's Square) 3. Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) and Bridge of Sighs.

  3. 20 Best Things to Do in Venice

    Kyle McCarthy|Sharael Kolberg December 4, 2023. Ranking of the top 20 things to do in Venice. Travelers favorites include #1 St. Mark's Basilica (Basilica di San Marco), #2 Grand Canal and more.

  4. 18 Must-See Places & Top Things to Do in Venice, Italy (+Map & Tips)

    Here are some of the best ways to visit these islands from Venice: Murano, Burano & Torcello day trip. This is the longest trip giving you most time on each island (about 1.5 hrs in Murano, 1.5 hrs in Burano, and 1 hr in Torecllo). Murano, Burano & Torcello tour. This is the most popular 'see-it-all' option.

  5. 23 Best Things to do in Venice: A Local's Guide

    7. Gallerie dell'Accademia. When Napoleon conquered Venice, he swiped plenty of its best Renaissance artworks and took them back to France. Lots have been recovered, however, and are now part of ...

  6. 21 Most Popular Places to Visit in Venice, Italy

    2. St Mark's Basilica (Basilica di San Marco) Sitting on the east side of St Mark's Square is the impressive sight of St Mark's Basilica. It's the main cathedral in Venice and if you only have time to visit one, make it Basilica di San Marco. The Basilica was completed in 1092 and was built in the gothic style.

  7. 15 Best Things to Do in Venice

    St. Mark's Basilica. The cathedral anchoring St. Mark's square is so over-the-top beautiful it almost looks imaginary, like a church in a storybook. Outside, it's all Byzantine domes and columns ...

  8. Top Things to Do in Venice, Italy

    Bodies of Water. Venice's main water thoroughfare, lined with great Renaissance palaces, is a colorful and busy spectacle of gondolas and vaporetti. See ways to experience (148) 2023. 2. Doge's Palace. 27,101. Speciality Museums. Admission tickets from £39.

  9. The 21 best things to do in Venice

    Insider's tip: Most definitely worth a visit is the vast Padiglione delle Navi (temporarily closed at time of writing), where a host of full-sized craft are displayed, including Marconi's ...

  10. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Venice (UPDATED 2024)

    This satellite gallery of the famous Guggenheim in New York occupies the 17th-century Customs House in Venice, featuring modern and contemporary works of art. 12. Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore. Iconic to Venice's waterfront skyline, this basilica sits on an island and boasts panoramic views from Campanile.

  11. 15 BEST PLACES to visit in Venice + THINGS TO DO

    Here's a list of the best spots to go for first-timers in Venice. 1. Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's Square) Piazza San Marco, Venice. Location: Venice Historical Centre. Save on Google Maps. Located in the heart of Venice, Piazza San Marco is the perfect place to start your tour of the city.

  12. 15 Best Things to Do in Venice (Italy)

    Today, Venice remains an important economic centre and is one of the most popular cities for tourism in the world - Sights like St. Marks's Basilica and the Grand Canal draw millions of visitors to this small group of islands on an annual basis. Lets explore the best things to do in Venice: 1. St. Mark's Basilica

  13. 53 Best Things to Do in Venice

    Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo. This gorgeous church sits in one of the most picturesque squares in Venice, the Campo Giovanni e Paolo. At its center is the 15th-century equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni by Verrocchio. Look for the 15th-century stained-glass window from Murano.

  14. First timer's guide to Venice

    Rialto Bridge. Ponte di Rialto is the biggest and oldest bridge in Venice, and one of four, that spans the Grand Canal. Top of the bridge not only offers amazing views of the Grand Canal, but it's also a great place to watch all the boat traffic. From gondolas, water taxis and delivery boats, there's a lot going on.

  15. 11 Unmissable Things To Do in Venice (Italy) · Salt in our Hair

    Purchase tickets online to avoid the lines. 8. Piazza San Marco. Piazza San Marco (St. Mark's Square) is the biggest square in Venice. Strategically located surrounded by some of Venice's most famous buildings like the Saint Marco Basilica, the Campanile (bell tower), and the Palazzo Ducale.

  16. 25 Top Tourist Attractions in Venice (+Map)

    5. Piazza San Marco. As the only public square in Venice, the Piazza San Marco has been the city's main gathering place for centuries. Surrounded by open-air cafés and landmark attractions, including San Marco Basilica and the Palazzo Ducale, it's the natural epicenter for any visit to the City of Canals.

  17. 31 Best Things to Do in Venice

    Day 1. For the first day, you can do the itinerary I mentioned above for 1 day in Venice and visit St. Mark's Basilica, Doge's Palace, do a Gondola Tour, go to the Rialto Bridge etc. Day 2. For art lovers, visit the Ca d'Oro. Rialto Market. Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.

  18. 3 Days in Venice: Detailed Itinerary, Map & Insider Tips

    Here are some of the best places you could visit on day 3 in Venice: Gallerie dell'Accademia and/or Peggy Guggenheim Foundation. 8.30-11 am. There are a few museums in the Dorsoduro that you may want to consider visiting on your third day in Venice. The best ones are Gallerie dell'Accademia and Peggy Guggenheim Foundation.

  19. Venice, Italy: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    Venice, Italy is a dream destination for many travelers who want to experience its rich culture, stunning architecture, and romantic canals. Tripadvisor is your best guide to plan your perfect Venice vacation, with reviews and ratings of hotels, attractions, and restaurants from millions of visitors. Whether you want to explore the Doge's Palace, admire the Basilica di San Marco, or take a ...

  20. 40+ Venice Travel Tips for First Timers & Must Knows Before You Go

    Venice Pass: Probably the best deal for most 1st timers because it includes a lot of attractions like St Mark's Basilica, Doges' Palace and also a gondola ride, plus many other attractions. Venice Discovery Pass: Includes key attractions plus public transport on Vaporetto boats, including to and from the airport.

  21. 14 Best Places to Visit in Venice Italy (A First Timer's Guide)

    Opening Hours: 9:30AM - 12:00PM and 3:00PM - 5:30PM. Entrance Fee: Free. Perhaps the most well known basilicas in the city is the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute, one of the places to visit in Venice. The basilica began construction in 1631 as tribute to the end of a plague that killed many Venetians.

  22. 30+ Tips For Visiting Venice To Make The Most Of Your Trip

    30. When To Visit Venice. One key tip for Venice is to not visit in the summer. In the summer months, it's uber hot and the crowds are beastly. The city can seem a bit theme park-ish. Try to visit in spring or fall, particularly in October/November and March/April. Winter can be wet and cold in Venice, so I'd avoid visiting then.

  23. Venice's hidden gems: 20 lesser known attractions

    One of the most interesting unknown attractions of the city is located on the Grand Canal. Ca' Dario is a beautiful Gothic palace that is rumored to be cursed. Despite its dark reputation, the palace's ornate façade and beautiful courtyard are well worth a visit. Visitors can also enjoy views of the Grand Canal from the palace's terrace. 15.

  24. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Venice (Updated 2024)

    This satellite gallery of the famous Guggenheim in New York occupies the 17th-century Customs House in Venice, featuring modern and contemporary works of art. 12. Abbazia di San Giorgio Maggiore. Iconic to Venice's waterfront skyline, this basilica sits on an island and boasts panoramic views from Campanile.

  25. The best neighborhoods in Venice

    3. Dorsoduro and Giudecca. Best neighborhood for searching for Venice's hip side. The southernmost of the sestieri, Dorsoduro, which includes the island of Giudecca, has some of Venice's most interesting museums and most populated universities. Dorsoduro is home to the famous Ca' Foscari University, widely known in Italy as being one of ...

  26. 15 things you must do in Venice, Italy

    Take a water taxi or a gondola ride. Admire the view from a bridge or a nearby restaurant. Or circle back at night when the crowds are thin, the streets are quiet and the lights flicker across the ...