République Française

Plan Destination France, plan de reconquête et de transformation du tourisme

The Destination France plan

Published on the 10/25/2023 Reading time : 2 minutes

Destination France, a plan to win back and transform tourism In June 2021, the President of the Republic announced his intention to equip France with a recovery plan to revitalise French tourism as it emerges from the crisis, and to support the revival and transformation of the sector. While the crisis has been a major shock for tourism, it has also accentuated and highlighted the structural challenges it faces, while accelerating certain trends.

With the Destination France plan, backed by a budget of €1.9 billion, presented by the Prime Minister in November 2021 and steered by the Minister for Tourism, the Government intends to set a genuine course for the development and transformation of the tourism sector over the next 10 years.

The aim is to consolidate France's position as the world's No. 1 tourist destination and to become the No. 1 destination for sustainable tourism, by making French tourism a sector that generates excellence, growth and jobs, based on a more qualitative, sustainable and resilient model, in line with the new expectations of French and international customers.

5 strategic priorities

Destination France's ambitions are based on 20 measures in 5 strategic areas:

  • Win and regain talent
  • Strengthen the resilience of the sector and support the quality of the offer
  • Promoting and developing France's tourism assets
  • Meet the challenges of transforming the sector
  • Promote France as a destination and consolidate its market share

Atout France's roadmap

Atout France is heavily involved in the Destination France plan and will be leading various initiatives. 8 of the 20 measures directly concern the Agency.

These measures are integrated into Atout France's 2022-2024 roadmap to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of France as a destination.

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France Tourism Statistics

Page last updated: 24 July 2024

For over 30 years, France has consistently held the title of the world’s most visited destination, and it’s no wonder why. Known for its romantic cities, iconic landmarks, world-renowned cuisine, art, culture and fashion, France has long captured the imaginations of travellers from across the globe.

How many tourists visit France each year?

  • In 2019, France welcomed 90.91 million international visitors.
  • Visitor numbers declined to 41.68 million in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, France saw a slight recovery in 2021 with 48.40 million international visitors.
  • Growth continued in 2022 with 93.20 million international visitors, indicating a 124% increase compared to 2020 and a 3% higher total than 2019 pre-pandemic levels.
  • Over 100 million tourists travelled to France in 2023. 1
  • International arrivals in France for the first half of 2024 are expected to be at 93% of the same period in 2019 2 and will surpass 2019 totals by the end of 2024, reaching 101 million for the year 3 .

How many tourists are expected to visit France in 2024? 

International arrivals to France are expected to reach a new record of over 101 million in 2024, largely influenced by the 2024 Paris Olympics .

  • Previously recorded highs include 100 million visits in 2023 and 90.91 million in 2019.
  • Paris, in particular, is set to see a boost in tourism, with projections of a 15% increase in international visitors compared to 2019, while overall tourism in France is predicted to grow by 11% .


  • Read more: Paris Olympics 2024 and France Tourism Statistics 2024

How much do people spend in France each year?

  • From $63.5 billion in 2019, international tourism expenditure dropped to $32.6 billion (a 51% decrease) in 2020 due to border closures and travel restrictions.
  • France saw signs of recovery in 2021 with $40.8 billion and in 2022 with $59.7 billion in tourist revenue.
  • In 2023, France generated $68.6 billion in tourist revenue. 4 This marked a 110% increase in tourist expenditure compared to 2020 and an 8% increase compared to 2019.


Where do visitors to France come from?

The United Kingdom has traditionally been the leading source of tourists to France. In 2018, the number of tourists from the United Kingdom amounted to 13 million , followed closely by Germany with 12.3 million and Belgium with 11.6 million . 5

How many people visited France in 2022?

  • In 2022, over 93.2 million tourists visited France, indicating a strong rebound from pandemic years and a 3% increase compared to the 2019 peak.

How much did people spend in France in 2022?

  • France generated $59.7 billion in international tourism revenue in 2022, indicating an 83% increase compared to 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic, but still 6% less than the 2019 peak.

How long do visitors stay in France?

  • International visitors spent an average of 6.4 nights in France in 2018. For domestic visitors within France, the average stay was slightly longer at 8.2 nights .

How popular is France as a tourist destination?

  • With over 85 million visitors every year, France has been consistently ranked as the top global tourist destination for over 30 years.

France Travel Resources

  • Car rental prices in France
  • Car rental prices in Paris – comparison

Economic Impact – France Tourism Statistics

  • Tourism is a major contributor to France’s economy. Combining tourism-related spending from both domestic and international visitors, the tourism sector accounted for 7.5% of GDP in 2019.
  • In 2019, almost 91 million international tourists visited France, accounting for 21% of France’s service exports. 6

Coronavirus Impact – France Tourism Statistics 2020 and 2021

France saw a big drop in international arrivals in 2020 and 2021 due to global travel restrictions. 

  • International arrivals in France dropped to 41.68 million in 2020, a decrease of 54% from the previous year, before slightly recovering to 48.4 million visitors in 2021.
  • Tourism’s contribution to GDP fell by 34% to EUR 114.5 billion , or 5.3% of the economy in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

France Inbound Travel Statistics for 2019 – International & Domestic Tourism

  • In 2019, France welcomed over 90.91 million international visitors with tourists spending over $63.5 billion in that year alone.
  • The top sources of international visitors have remained largely consistent, with the UK , Germany , Belgium , Italy , Spain , the US and Switzerland making up over half of all foreign tourists annually. 
  • In addition, France recorded 186.3 million domestic tourism trips and 306.6 million overnight domestic stays in 2019. 7


Is France still the most visited country?

France remains the world’s leading tourist destination, with over 100 million people from other countries visiting it in 2023, and reports say it will stay number one until at least 2025 .

Why do people visit France?

Most tourists come to France for a holiday , with the number growing from 94.2 million in 2019 to 98.7 million in 2022 . These tourists enjoy France’s rich history, great food, and famous landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.

  • A large number of tourists travel to France to visit friends and relatives , with the number reaching 87.1 million in 2022. 
  • France hosts millions of visitors for business reasons, with 23 million visitors travelling for business in 2022. Major cities like Paris and Lyon hold important global business events that draw professionals from all over the world.
  • People also visit France for other personal reasons like attending special events, education, or healthcare, with around 20.2 million visits in 2022. 


What are the top attractions to visit in France?

In 2017, the top five most visited destinations in France were Disneyland Paris (14.86 million visitors), the Louvre Museum (8.02 million visitors), Versailles Palace (7.71 million visitors), the Eiffel Tower (6.20 million visitors), and the Pompidou Centre (3.38 million visitors).


  • Disneyland Paris : Considered to be Europe’s leading tourist destination, it is also the driving force behind the urban and economic development of the Val-d’Europe conurbation.
  • Louvre Museum : The Louvre is the largest museum in the world, and the glass pyramid marking its entrance has become a global symbol of priceless art.
  • Versailles Palace : The Palace of Versailles was the principal residence of the French kings from the time of Louis XIV to Louis XVI. Embellished by several generations of architects, sculptors, decorators, and landscape architects, it provided Europe with a model of the ideal royal residence for over a century.
  • The Eiffel Tower : Located in the 7th arrondissement, this immense iron monument, a true architectural and technical feat, is now the symbol of Paris and France.
  • Pompidou Centre : Primarily a museum and centre for the visual arts of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Pompidou Centre houses many separate services and activities.

France Outbound Tourism Statistics for 2019

Before the unprecedented events of 2020, 2019 marked a significant year for outbound tourism.

  • Over 30.4 million French residents travelled internationally in 2019, contributing  $50.51 billion to the global tourism industry. 
  • French residents primarily visited other European countries like Spain ( 6.2 million visits), Italy (3.8 million visits), Belgium (2 million visits), Portugal ( 1.9 million visits ), and Germany ( 1.5 million visits ).

The purposes varied widely, encompassing leisure vacations, business trips, visits to friends and relatives, and participation in cultural or educational programs.


France Travel Statistics Resources

  • Disneyland Paris Statistics
  • Eiffel Tower Statistics
  • Louvre Museum Statistics
  • Paris Statistics 2024 – Olympic Games Impact
  • Paris Olympic Games 2024 Facts and Statistics
  • France Statistics 2024 – Olympic Games Impact

Europe Travel Statistics Resources

  • Germany Statistics
  • Parthenon Statistics
  • Iceland Statistics
  • Milan Statistics
  • Rome Statistics
  • Venice Statistics
  • Norway Statistics
  • Portugal Statistics
  • Barcelona Statistics
  • Sweden Statistics
  • London Statistics
  • Oxford Statistics
  • Scotland Statistics
  • UNWTO : France Inbound Tourism Arrivals ↩︎
  • WTTC : Latest Analysis from WTTC and ForwardKeys – France 2023 ↩︎
  • OE : 2024 Paris Olympics: Impact on Tourism and Beyond ↩︎
  • UNWTO : France Inbound Tourism Receipts ↩︎
  • EGFR : Tourist in France – 2018 ↩︎
  • OECD : Tourism Trends and Policies – France ↩︎
  • UNWTO : France Domestic Tourism Trips & Overnights ↩︎
  • Français ( French )
  • Deutsch ( German )
  • 日本語 ( Japanese )
  • Español ( Spanish )

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65+ france travel & tourism statistics (2023).

Bradley Williams

France is the number one country in the world for tourism.

Did you know that the country had 218 million international arrivals in 2019?

Or that Disneyland Paris, not the Eiffel Tower , is the most visited tourist attraction in France?

With the City of Lights as its capital, the charming countryside, and beautiful language, it’s undoubtedly also one of the best romantic destinations out there.

In 2022, France was also the most sought after destination for Gen Z and millennial travellers .

If you wanted to understand more about things like France tourism income and why tourists visit France, you’re in the right place.

Below are the most interesting and important statistics about travel and tourism in France.

Let’s jump right in.

Sources : Attached with each stat is the source article or data. For a full list of all the sources used, head to the bottom of the post.


What country is #1 in tourism?

With 90 million international tourists in 2019 alone, France is the leading country in terms of tourism, way ahead of Spain (81.8 million), the US (76.9 million) , and China (60.7 million).

top countries in tourism

How many tourists visit France per year?

218 million international tourist arrivals were recorded in France in 2019, but this number fell to just 117 million arrivals in 2020.

On the other hand, it's interesting that merely 2.97% of French baby boomers travel overseas .

How many people visit the Eiffel Tower in a year?

In 2017, a total of 6.2 million people visited the Eiffel Tower. Despite being the country’s most iconic landmark, it’s surprisingly not the most visited tourist attraction in France.

What percentage of France's economy is tourism?

The travel and tourism industry contributed 211 billion euros to French GDP in 2019.

International tourism spending alone made up 7.92% of the country’s total export.

France Tourism Key Statistics

  • In 2020, there were 117 million international tourist arrivals in France, a huge decrease from the 218 million recorded in 2019.
  • In 2020, an overwhelming majority of international tourists in France (40 million people) were from Europe.
  • 53.3 million outbound trips made from France in 2018.
  • The number of domestic overnight visitors in France was 186 million in 2019.
  • The travel and tourism industry contributed 211 billion euros to French GDP.
  • Travel and tourism in France is predicted to directly contribute around 104.3 billion euros to the country’s GDP in 2028.
  • In 2019, the total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in France was 2.69 million jobs.
  • France welcomes approximately 11 million international business tourist arrivals every year.
  • Hotels are the most common type of vacation rental in France, with more than 17 thousand establishments in 2022.

Inbound tourism in France

1. in 2020, there were 117 million international tourist arrivals in france, a huge decrease from the 218 million recorded in 2019., 2. in terms of overnight visits in france, there were 91 million inbound arrivals in 2019., 3. france is the world’s leading tourist destination..

France has been the most visited country in the world for 30 years. In 2018, its 89.4 million international tourists surpassed Spain (81.8 million), the US (76.9 million), and China (60.7 million).

4. Meanwhile, out of the 90 million inbound arrivals in 2018, a majority arrived by land transport.

This includes road transport like car rentals and buses, as well as trains, and this figure could be explained as France is a popular destination for European travelers .

5. Air and water transportation ranked second and third for international arrivals in France in 2018, with 28 million and 6 million arrivals respectively.

6. in 2020, an overwhelming majority of international tourists in france (40 million people) were from europe., 7. in comparison, only 1.7 million tourists from the americas visited france..

French inbound tourist arrivals

8. Indeed, the leading inbound travel market for France is the UK, with 13 million visiting France in 2018 alone.

There were 13 million UK residents visiting France in 2018 , making the UK the leading inbound travel market for France.

9. The average international tourist in France stays for nearly a week during their visit.

French outbound tourism statistics.

How many trips do French people take every year?

10. In 2018, there were 53.3 million outbound trips made from France.

11. that was an incredible increase from the 28.4 million outbound trips taken from france in 2017..

outbound overnight trips from France

12. The continent to which French residents travel the most is Europe, with 19 million leisure trips made in 2017 to countries within Europe.

In 2019 particularly, 357,000 French tourist arrivals were recorded in Venice.

13. In 2021, 95.6% of outbound tourists from France traveled to Europe, representing approximately 14 million trips.

[Business Wire]

This shows that French residents preferred short-haul destinations due to the existing Covid-19 travel restrictions.

14. In 2018, 16.22 million international trips were made from France by air, compared to 9.68 million trips by land.

15. leisure day trips are popular among french residents, who made 3 million same-day trips for leisure purposes to belgium and 283 thousand trips to the uk., 16. a 2015 survey showed that tourists from france spent more than 25.1 billion euros for their travel abroad per year..

This includes backpackers. France is the third largest source of backpackers in Australia (7.76%) .

17. The average expenditure per outbound French tourist in 2021 was $2,025.5, making them the ninth most valuable outbound source market.

18. a 2021 survey revealed that 56% of french tourists go on a sun and beach holiday, which is in line with the worldwide average of 57%., domestic tourism in france.

How often do French residents travel domestically?

19. The total number of domestic trips in France fluctuated between 2008 and 2019, hitting record-high in 2017 with 277 million domestic trips.

20. in 2020, this number fell by around 50% to just 138 million domestic trips in france..

Covid-19 had drastically decreased the number of domestic trips taken in France.

21. The number of domestic overnight visitors in France was 186 million in 2019.

22. in comparison, day trips are less popular with 85 million same-day trips made in france in 2017 by domestic travelers., 23. the number of same-day trips dropped in 2020, reaching only 60 million excursionists, the lowest level since 2006. , 24. in 2020, leisure-related domestic trips in france experienced the biggest decline, falling from almost 167 million in 2019 to below 140 million in 2020., 25. the average duration of a domestic trip made by french residents is 5.22 days..

This average duration was calculated from 2020 data.

26. For domestic French trips, the most popular transportation type is land, typically by road or rail.

27. the second and third most popular transportations are by air and water, recording 2.5 million and below 500 thousand, respectively, domestic trips in 2020., economic impact of tourism in france.

What percentage of French economy is tourism?

28. In 2019, the travel and tourism industry contributed 211 billion euros to French GDP.

29. this fell significantly in 2020 to 108 billion euros of gdp contribution, which is a 49% decline..

This dramatic drop could be explained by the Covid-19 pandemic, which affected not only France but also tourism in Europe and rest of the world. 

30. The direct contribution of travel and tourism to French GDP has remained relatively stable between 2012 and 2018, hitting 85.1 billion euros in 2018.

direct travel contribution to French GDP

direct travel contribution to French GDP

31. Travel and tourism in France is predicted to directly contribute around 104.3 billion euros to the country’s GDP in 2028.

32. in 2019, international tourism receipts in france amounted to $70.8 billion..

[Macro Trends]

International tourism receipts refer to expenditures made by international inbound visitors. This includes international transport and other prepayment for goods and services purchased in France.

33. Unfortunately, international tourist spending fell by 49.19% to just $36 billion in 2020.

international tourist spending in France

34. In 2018 and 2019 each, international tourism spending made up 7.92% of the country’s total export.

Unfortunately, in 2020, the percentage dropped to 4.73% of France’s export. This is once again the result of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.

international tourism spending contribution to French exports

35. The average international tourist in France spent $325 in 2019.

[World Data]

This is a significant drop from the $812 average in 2018. It can be explained by the slight decline in international tourism receipts despite the major increase in number of tourists.

36. In the meantime, French tourists spent an increasing amount in their country since 2012, reching over 115 billion euros in 2019. 

37. of course, this number also declined in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, hitting only 58 billion euros. , employment in french tourism.

How many people are employed in travel and tourism in France?

38. In 2019, the total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in France was 2.69 million jobs.

39. however, in 2020, the total number of employment contribution in the french travel and tourism industry declined to 2.5 million..

france domestic tourism

40. In terms of direct contribution, France recorded about 1.19 million travel and tourism jobs in 2017.

41. travel and tourism is forecasted to directly contribute to employment by generating approximately 1.47 million jobs in france in 2028., 42. disneyland paris employs over 16,000 people from 124 different countries, speaking 20 languages in 500 different roles..

[Disneyland Paris]

According to Disneyland Paris statistics, the company employs more than 16,000 employees (or Cast Members) for their 500 job classifications. They come from 124 nationalities and speak 20 languages.

Business travel in France

Are there many business travelers in France?

43. France welcomes approximately 11 million international business tourist arrivals every year.

There are around 11 million business visitors in France each year.

44. Among the G20 member countries, the expenditure of business tourists in France is the fifth highest at $23 billion.

45. in 2021, business travel spending made up 16% of the total tourism spending in comparison to leisure travel spending at 84%..

leisure vs business travel spending in France

46. France recorded the least number of business overnight stays in April 2020, with only 800 thousand recorded.

During the pandemic, more people worked from home and therefore fewer of them traveled for business purposes.

47. In 2019, 750 trade shows and fairs were held in France.

48. meanwhile, there were 2,800 congresses in france in 2019., 49. out of all visitors in france in 2019, 52 million of them participated in corporate and institutional events., french tourism top attractions.

What is the most visited thing in France?

50. Wine tourism in France has grown by over 30% from 2009 to 2016.


Wine tourism includes visits to wine cellars, wine-making experiences, staying in vineyards or chateaux, wine academy conferences or courses, as well as hikes through vineyards.

51. In 2016, the country welcomed 10 million wine tourists.

52. the largest groups of wine tourists in france (almost 50% of the international visitors) are from belgium and the uk., 53. 50 million tourists visited paris in 2019, making in the most visited country in the world..

[Paris Digest]

Paris received 50 million tourists in 2019 . It’s ahead of London and New York City in terms of the world’s most visited city.

54. The main reasons for visiting Paris is to sightsee and go shopping.

55. the most visited site in france is disneyland, which welcomed nearly 14.9 million visitors in 2017 alone., 56. the second most visited tourist attraction in france is the louvre museum with just over 8 million visitors., 57. it is followed closely by versailles palace (7.7 million) and the eiffel tower (6.2 million)..

Most visited sites in France

Travel accomodation in France

How many hotels are there in France?

58. In 2018, 442.76 million nights were spent in French travel accommodations, an increase from 2017.

overnight stays in travel accommodation in France

59. In Paris alone, there are 56 five-star hotels, making it the city with the fourth highest number of five-star hotels in the world.

As the capital city and hub of the country’s travel and tourism, Paris has 56 five-star hotels .

60. Despite the popularity of France as a travel destination, the number of travel accommodation establishments in the country has been relatively stable between 2009 until 2020, remaining in the 28 to 30 thousand range.

61. tourist hotels are the most common type of travel accommodation in france, with more than 17 thousand establishments in 2022..

Hotels remain the most 

62. With 8,139 establishments, campsites are the next most popular type of travel accommodation in France.

31% of RV owners in 2021 were first-time owners, and the increasing number of RV users means that campsites will grow even more in popularity.

This high number also supports the statistics that France has contributed to why Europe is the dominating force in the global glamping market, with 35.11% of the market share .

63. They are followed by holiday residences, holiday village and family homes, and youth hostels and holding centres.

Holiday villages and family homes are the fourth most common type of travel accommodation in paris, revealing that family trips are also prevalent in French tourism .

types of travel accommodation establishments in France

64. Monthly arrivals in hotels in France tend to peak during the summer months, specifically in August.

65. french hotels received barely ten million arrivals in august 2020, which is lower than the usual 13 million., 66. from 2011 to 2016, the number of nights spent in hotels in metropolitan france was relatively stable, and then rose significantly until reaching almost 215 million nights in 2019. , 67. unlike the rising trend of travel accommodation in france overall, french residents were actually spending fewer nights in accommodation establishments between 2012 and 2018. , 68. france is the country with the second highest number of active airbnb listings (610,765)..


There are 610,765 Airbnb listings in France , making it the country with the second most active listings after the United States.

69. With 27,677 establishments, France is the country with second highest number of travel sustainable accommodations on Booking.com.


France has the second most number of travel sustainable properties, with 27,677 such listings on Booking.com .

For the last three decades, France remains the most popular tourist destination in the world. Its capital, Paris, is also one of the most visited cities.

Travel and tourism have always been a huge part of the country’s economy, as shown by its table contribution to French GDP.

If you’re planning to visit and book your travels to France, we hope these statistics are insightful!

Did we miss any crucial infos?

Tell us what you think in the comment section!

Meanwhile, check out more statistics here:

  • Digital Nomad Statistics
  • Female Travel Statistics
  • Online Travel Booking Statistics
  • Pet Travel Statistics
  • WorldPopulationReview
  • Business Wire
  • Macro Trends
  • Disneyland Paris
  • VisitFrenchWine
  • Paris Digest
  • AllTheRooms
  • Booking.com

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Tourism in France

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Tourism is a major part of the French economy, representing close to 8% of GDP and 2 million direct and indirect jobs. It is also a recognized soft power asset abroad, and F rance has been the world’s leading tourist destination for years. A record 90 million international tourists visited France in 2019, including its overseas communities.

A sector affected by COVID-19

In 2020, the sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 public health crisis, leading international tourist revenue to drop by almost half in the first seven months of the year .

Globally, Europe is the second hardest-hit region, behind the Asia-Pacific, seeing a drop in visits of 66% in the first half of the year. The drop in French and foreign tourist spending in France over 2020 is estimated at between 30% and 35%. However, France does appear to be resisting better than its European neighbours , thanks to its solid domestic market.

France’s support to the sector

The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs promotes and supports the tourism sector through innovative measures suited to the industry’s needs . This cooperative approach led to the creation of the Tourism Sector Committee (CFT) in January 2020, chaired by the Minister of State, Mr Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

Its aim is to jointly design effective tourism policies, working on four themes: jobs and training , sustainable development , digitalization , and regulations and competitiveness .

The work carried out at the CFT should lead to the signing of a tourism sector contract to provide effective responses suited to the industry’s needs.

A concerted response to the crisis

The CFT has been particularly useful and effective in addressing the concertation and emergency needs caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Since the beginning of the public health crisis, the committee has met almost weekly.

Its work has helped analyse the challenges and priority needs of the sector in order to seek appropriate solutions. It has helped highlight how numerous and diverse tourism-dependent businesses are , each with its own issues.

Various tools and measures have been established during the crisis:

  • A monthly Atout France/Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau barometer;
  • Webinars, benchmarks, surveys and studies by Atout France;
  • The “This summer I’m visiting France” campaign from June to September 2020 in order to promote domestic tourism;
  • An interactive map of tourism venues and services, carried out with ADN Tourisme, to provide information to more than 10 million people on social media. This initiative contributed actively to promoting stays in France among tourists from both France and neighbouring countries.

The measures adopted to safeguard the tourism sector during the public health crisis

Alongside the CFT’s work since the beginning of the crisis, the Minister of State has also met with institutional and private stakeholders from each French region in order to best adapt the Government’s support to the sector.

Tourism companies have enjoyed all the emergency measures adopted by the Government in response to the pandemic’s economic consequences:

  • Support for jobs, through the partial employment measure, which the sector has used widely;
  • Support for companies’ cash flow through the Government-guaranteed loan (PGE) and the solidarity fund, open until the end of 2020, as well as certain social contribution exemptions;
  • Cancellation of instalments of rent and fees for use of public land for SMEs, particularly during administrative closure.

The Government has also announced the creation of a “season PGE”, capped at the turnover of the best three months of 2019, and the postponement of bank repayment instalments over 12 months.

These discussions also contributed to drafting a specific Government plan for the sector’s recovery , totalling €18 billion. The specific recovery plan was announced by the Prime Minister on 14 May 2020, during the fifth meeting of the Interministerial Tourism Committee (CIT). It includes the creation of an investment fund of €1.3 billion managed by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and Bpifrance in order to foster the emergence of more sustainable tourism, more digital and better distributed across the country. The France Tourisme Ingénierie programme, managed by Atout France, has also been granted increased capacity of €29 million in order to support local authorities and private stakeholders wishing to improve the tourism offering.

Moreover, the recovery plan presented by the Government in early September 2020 includes the c reation of a sustainable tourism fund with €50 million to foster the adaptation of tourism activities. Restaurants and tourist accommodation providers will receive financial support (grants) in order to cover the costs of investments for the transition and development of sustainable tourism projects. The French Agency for the Ecological Transition (ADEME) will be the leader for the deployment of this fund, in close liaison with local government in order to address specific needs.

The plan has since been strengthened, particularly as regards the implementation of support measures for the sector such as widening the list of companies eligible under the tourism plan, extending 100% coverage of payroll costs under partial employment, enhancement of the solidarity fund and expansion of the scope of the “season PGE” programme, in constant dialogue with industry stakeholders.

Download the press kit from the Interministerial Tourism Committee (CIT) meeting of 12 October 2020 (in French)

• Atout France • Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) • Bpifrance • French Agency for the Ecological Transition (ADEME)

Updated: October 2020

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France Tourism Statistics and Analysis 

france domestic tourism

It’s no secret that France is a popular tourist destination for travelers around the world. We’ve taken a look into the latest reports and studies to combine the top France tourism statistics for 2024.

Key statistics about tourism in France:

  • Since 2010, France has received an average of 77.8 million international visitors each year,  with 79.4 million in 2022.
  • 2019 saw the highest number of international tourists in France, with 90.9 million people visiting the country.
  • France is the most visited country in the world according to the U.N. with the USA coming in second.
  • The most popular destination type for visitors to France was a city , with 29.3% of tourists choosing a city location for their trip.
  • Disneyland Paris is the most visited attraction in France with 14.8 million yearly visitors.
  • France’s travel and tourism market size is expected to reach $20.03 billion in 2024 , this is less than its European neighbors Spain ( $26.21 billion ) and Germany ($67.57 billion) .
  • Hotels make up the largest proportion of France’s travel and tourism market , with a projected market volume of $10.69 billion in 2024 .
  • In 2020, 134.6 million domestic tourists visited destinations in France, with 92.4% visiting for a leisure trip .
  • Tourism accounts for 8% of France’s total GDP .

How many tourists visit France each year?

According to statistics from the U.N., France is the most visited country in the world with a peak of 90.9 visitors in 2019. This is followed by the USA with 79.3 million visitors in the same year. Between 2010 and 2022, France received an average of 77.8 million international overnight tourists per year.

Unsurprisingly, 2020 saw the lowest visitor numbers at 41.7 million due to travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, tourism in France recovered with 79.4 million overnight visitors, a 64% increase compared to 2021’s 48.4 million overnight visitors.

Change in tourism to France over time

The number of international tourists visiting France maintained a steady increase between 2010 (77.6 million visitors) and 2019 (90.9 million visitors), with a slight drop in 2016 (82.7 million visitors).

Visitor numbers dropped by 54.1% in 2020 due to the pandemic. Since this drop in tourism in 2020, international visitor numbers to France recovered by 16.1% in 2021, when 48.4 million tourists visited the country. You can see in the graph what trend forecasting shows international arrivals would’ve looked like for France without the impact of the pandemic, with approximately 93.5 million in 2022. 

france domestic tourism

France tourism market size

In 2024, France’s travel and tourism market is expected to reach $20.03 billion. Revenue in this sector is predicted to have a CAGR of 0.86% between 2024 and 2028, with revenue reaching $20.73 billion in 2028.

Hotels take the largest segment of this market with a predicted volume of $10.69 billion in 2024, with hotels in France expecting to see 26.08 million users by 2028. Tourism is worth 8% of France’s GDP. [ 2 ]

Within France’s travel and tourism market, online sales are predicted to generate  77% of total revenue by 2028. [ 2 ]

France has spent 1.96 billion Euros on rejuvenating tourism in the country after COVID-19 which plans to create 2 million jobs in the industry. [ 3 ]

Most visited tourist attractions in France

France is home to a wide variety of cultural and recreational sites which attract millions of visitors each year. The most visited place by far in France is Disneyland Paris with 14.8 million visitors per year. This is followed by the Louvre Museum with 8 million visitors and Versailles Palace with 7.7 million visitors. The Eiffel Tower receives 6.2 million visitors per year.

france domestic tourism

The most popular destinations for tourists in France

Using online search volumes for people searching from France, we have put together a list of the most popular tourist destinations for people living in France. The figures below are based on the average number of online searches per month for each attraction or destination.

Topping the list as the most popular attraction is Disneyland Paris, with an average monthly search volume of 450,000. The second most popular spot is Avignon with 144,000 monthly searches. Avignon is a city in France’s Provence region, once the seat of Catholic popes.

Other popular tourist attractions based on search volume include the tidal island Mont Saint Michel, the medieval citadel Carcassonne, and the port city of Le Havre in Normandy.

Trips by destination type

For those who visit France, there is a choice of destination types to choose from depending on the kind of trip you’d like to have. Of those who visited France in 2021, the most popular destination type was a city, with 28.3% choosing a city location. The next most popular was the seaside (21.1%), followed by the countryside (19.4%). 

france domestic tourism

How long do people visit France for?

The number of nights an international visitor stays in France varies depending on a number of factors including where visitors are traveling from. The analysis below looks at international arrivals from the EU, the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. 

People who travel from the EU are unsurprisingly the most likely to stay for only one night – also from the near London – with 17.2% of EU visitors staying in France for a night, however, the highest proportion of EU visitors (24.2%) stay for 4-6 days. Travelers from Africa are most likely to stay for longer periods with 57.1% staying in France for 7 days or more.

Domestic tourism statistics in France

Domestic tourism in France has followed a similar pattern to international tourism. Since 2012, domestic tourism expenditure has increased, peaking at €115.5 billion (EUR) in 2019, with a loss in 2020 to €58 billion. Since the pandemic, estimated figures show that domestic tourism expenditure in France recovered to €91.79 billion in 2021, with a slight drop to €89.2 billion in 2022.

france domestic tourism

Of the 134.6 million domestic trips taken to destinations in France in 2020, 92.4% took leisure trips compared to 7.6% who took business trips. [ 8 ]

Tourist accommodation in France

The number of tourist accommodation options in France has remained fairly consistent since 2010. In 2021, there were 2.64 accommodation establishments, 101.2 rooms available, and 202.5 beds per 10,000 people in France.

Paris tourism statistics

As the capital city of France,  Paris is also the most visited city in the world, with Paris and the Île-de-France region hosting 44 million tourists in 2022. [ 10 ] It offers a huge choice of attractions, cultural sites including street art and historic monument, and events for visitors to enjoy.

Where do visitors to Paris come from?

The countries that the most visitors to Paris come from are:

  • Belgium (11%)
  • United Kingdom (10%)
  • United States (9%)
  • Netherlands (8%)
  • Germany (8%)

Accommodation tourists use in Paris

The majority of visitors to Paris (53%) stay at hotels when visiting for an overnight trip. 34% stay at non-market accommodations which includes Airbnb and other rentals, while the remaining 13% stay at other market accommodations such as apartments or hostels.

france domestic tourism

Average costs in Paris

On average, one person will spend €101 per day while staying in Paris . [ 11 ] The table below shows the average costs for food, drinks, and transport in Paris. 

Did you know that Paris was ranked as the #1 destination for street food in 2022?

Most popular Parisian attractions by online mentions

There are several popular tourist attractions in Paris which see huge visitor numbers every year. The analysis below shows the popularity of tourist attractions in France based on mentions of each attraction in Twitter and Instagram posts.

The most popular attraction in Paris was the Eiffel Tower with 24.8% of the social media mentions, followed by the Louvre Museum with 11% of the mentions across all tourist attractions in Paris.

[1] UN: Global and regional tourism performance https://www.unwto.org/tourism-data/global-and-regional-tourism-performance  

[2] Statista: Travel and Tourism France https://www.statista.com/outlook/mmo/travel-tourism/france  

[3] French Government: Plan de reconquête et  de transformation du tourisme https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/destinationfrance_cle0f5dc4.pdf  

[4] Statista: Most Visited Tourism Attractions in France https://www.statista.com/statistics/1117144/most-visited-tourist-attractions-france/  

[5] Eurostat: Trips by Destination Type https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/TOUR_DEM_TTHD/default/table?lang=en&category=tour.tour_dem.tour_dem_tt.tour_dem_tttc  

[6] Memento de Tourisme: La Frequentation des Hebergements https://www.entreprises.gouv.fr/files/files/etudes-et-statistiques/chiffres-cles/memento-tourisme/memento-tourisme-2018-chapitre4.pdf

[7] Statista: Domestic Tourism Expenditure in France https://www.statista.com/statistics/644766/domestic-tourism-expenditure-france/  

[8] Statista: Number of Domestic Trips by Type in France https://www.statista.com/statistics/1276815/domestic-trips-by-type-france/  

[9] Macro Trends: France Population 1950- 2024 https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/FRA/france/population  

[10] Brussels Times: Paris remains most visited city in the world https://www.brusselstimes.com/417329/paris-remains-most-visited-city-in-the-world-with-44-million-tourists-in-2022  

[11] Visit Paris Region: Key Features of the Paris Region Destination https://pro.visitparisregion.com/en/tourism-statistics/annual-key-facts/key-figures-of-the-destination  

[12] Numbeo: Cost of Living in France http://numbeo.com/  

[13] Paris Digest: Tourism in Paris https://www.parisdigest.com/paris/tourism-in-paris-2019.pdf  

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Giacomo Piva

Giacomo Piva, CMO and Co-founder at Radical Storage Giacomo Piva has worked in the travel industry since 2008 across multiple niches including tourist transportation, luxury travel, and ecotourism. He now focuses on growing the global luggage network, Radical Storage , which is currently available in over 500 cities, in the likes of London, Paris, New York, and Rio de Janeiro. Giacomo has a bachelor's degree in Communication Science and an in-depth experience across travel marketing, especially in improving a brand’s digital presence within the industry.

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Summer holiday destinations of domestic tourists in France 2020

Breakdown of french people intending to spend their summer holidays in france in 2020, by destination.

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Jun 2-4, 2020

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  5. France Tourism Statistics

    Economic Impact - France Tourism Statistics. Tourism is a major contributor to France's economy. Combining tourism-related spending from both domestic and international visitors, the tourism sector accounted for 7.5% of GDP in 2019. In 2019, almost 91 million international tourists visited France, accounting for 21% of France's service ...

  6. Tourism in France

    Tourism in France. Tourism in France directly contributed 79.8 billion euros to gross domestic product (GDP) in 2013, 30% of which comes from international visitors and 70% from domestic tourism spending. The total contribution of travel and tourism represents 9.7% of GDP and supports 2.9 million jobs (10.9% of employment) in the country. [1]

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  9. Domestic tourism in France

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  10. France: Domestic, inbound and outbound tourism: France

    The 2018 edition analyses tourism performance and policy trends across 49 OECD countries and partner economies. It highlights the need for coherent and comprehensive approaches to tourism policy making, and the significance of the tourism economy, with data covering domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption.

  11. 65+ France Travel & Tourism Statistics (2023)

    53.3 million outbound trips made from France in 2018. The number of domestic overnight visitors in France was 186 million in 2019. The travel and tourism industry contributed 211 billion euros to French GDP. Travel and tourism in France is predicted to directly contribute around 104.3 billion euros to the country's GDP in 2028.

  12. Tourism in France

    Tourism is a major part of the French economy, representing close to 8% of GDP and 2 million direct and indirect jobs. It is also a recognized soft power asset abroad, and France has been the world's leading tourist destination for years. A record 90 million international tourists visited France in 2019, including its overseas communities.

  13. Domestic tourism, internal tourism

    Domestic, or internal, tourism refers to tourism practised by the inhabitants of a country within the country. ... If we take the example of France, tourist trips made by people residing in France and by foreigners, that is, all tourist flows within the country, should be counted. Domestic tourism is not synonymous with national tourism either ...

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    Published by Statista Research Department, Jul 15, 2024. In 2023, domestic tourism spending in France exceeded the figure recorded in 2019, the year before the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ...

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    Domestic tourism in France has followed a similar pattern to international tourism. Since 2012, domestic tourism expenditure has increased, peaking at €115.5 billion (EUR) in 2019, with a loss in 2020 to €58 billion. Since the pandemic, estimated figures show that domestic tourism expenditure in France recovered to €91.79 billion in 2021 ...

  16. OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2022

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  17. France: Domestic tourism

    The 2014 edition focuses on tourism and growth, and covers 48 countries. Tourism Trends and Policies is an international reference and benchmark on how effectively countries are supporting competitiveness, innovation and growth in tourism, and sheds light on policies and practices associated with this. It is published every two years.

  18. Can tourism in France surpass pre-pandemic levels this year?

    It indicated a bounce-back in domestic tourism with residents spending just 3 percent fewer nights in hotels, campsites, gites and other tourist sites than before the pandemic, but international ...

  19. Domestic overnight trips by travel purpose France

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  20. France: Domestic, inbound and outbound tourism

    France: Domestic, inbound and outbound tourism OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2016 Tourism Trends and Policies, published biennially, analyses tourism performance and major policy trends, initiatives and reforms across 50 OECD countries and partner economies, providing up-to-date tourism data and analysis. The report is an international ...

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    According to a 2023 study, domestic travel spending in France was expected to increase significantly in 2022 compared to the first two years of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  22. France: Domestic, inbound and outbound tourism

    Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Baltic States Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina ...

  23. France: domestic tourism summer destinations 2020

    Summer holiday destinations of domestic tourists in France 2020. This statistic represents a breakdown of French people intending to spend their summer holidays in France in 2020, by destination ...