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Welcome to Diners Club International ®

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Together Belong

Belonging is not where we are, it’s how we feel when we’re there together. That’s the power of the Club.

Whether across the world or around the corner, Diners Club offers benefits to help you on your journey. Join the Club and experience the everyday and the unforgettable with us.

Spend Together 

All countries and cultures are unique, so we offer cards tailored to the needs of every market. Visit the website of your local Diners Club to see what’s available in your area. No matter which card you pick, you’ll enjoy all the worldwide benefits of being a Clubmember.

customer making tap to pay purchase

Experience Together

Live life to the fullest with distinctive benefits for Clubmembers.

  • Privileges and offers to enhance your shopping, dining, travel and hotel stays
  • Access to airport lounges and car rental offers
  • Get travel inspiration for your next trip

two tourist walking together on vacation

Accepted Together

Discover a world of opportunity with acceptance at more than 50 million merchants across 200+ countries and territories. Diners Club is part of Discover® Global Network — the fastest-growing global payments network. 1

1 Based on signed network alliance agreements over the past fourteen years with major payment networks within respective countries - Panoramic Research study , conducted 2022

man and woman sitting in multicolored chair

Work Together

Solutions for businesses of any size. Tools designed with your needs in mind. Our global network is full of opportunities to help your business grow.

man drinking coffee in conversation

Give Back Together

Turn your passion into action to support local causes with Diners Club Together for Change. From dining events to beach cleanups and more, we can make the biggest impact if we work together.  

Volunteer helping to support local community

Together for Change

Learn more about how we – along with our franchise partners and Clubmembers – are giving back.

South African clubmembers enjoying wine from sustainable winemaking

South Africa

Our Diners Club franchise is on a mission to empower young women to pursue careers in South Africa's well-established winemaking industry. 

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Enjoy access to world-class experiences, benefits and services. Apply for a card on the website of the local Diners Club in your country.  

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Servicios Corporativos


Acceso Comercios

El mejor programa de millas con acceso a 250 aerolíneas y 175,000 hoteles.


Realice el canje de sus millas ClubMiles

Visite ClubMiles

Preguntas frecuentes

Las Tarjetas Diners ClubMiles acumulan 1 milla por cada dólar (USD 1.00) de consumo, o su equivalente en moneda nacional en los giros de acumulación de la red de establecimientos nacionales e internacionales y por el pago de servicios a través del Cargo Automático Diners Club. Aplica para tarjetas titulares y sus adicionales. Las tarjetas adicionales acumulan millas para la cuenta titular.

Las Tarjetas Diners Club Miles Special Edition y Carte Blanche acumulan hasta 1.5 millas por cada dólar (USD 1.00) de consumo, o su equivalente en moneda nacional, en la red de establecimientos nacionales e internacionales y por el pago de servicios a través del Cargo Automático Diners Club. Aplica para tarjetas titulares y adicionales. Las tarjetas adicionales acumulan millas para la cuenta titular.

La Tarjeta Diners Club Miles Corporate acumula 1 milla por cada dos dólares (USD 2.00) de consumo, o su equivalente en moneda nacional, en la red de establecimientos nacionales e internacionales.

Los consumos en grifos otorgarán 1 milla por cada dos dólares (USD 2.00) o su equivalente en moneda nacional para todas las Tarjetas Diners antes mencionadas.

Consulte el Estado de Cuenta de sus millas en:

  • La sección “Mi Cuenta” ubicada en el menú principal dentro de la aplicación Diners Club Perú.
  • En su Estado de Cuenta Mensual, el cual será enviado a su correo electrónico.
  • En su app Diners Club en la sección “ClubMiles”

El Socio puede ver las millas luego de efectuar la compra en un máximo de 3 días en la sección "Mi cuenta" dentro de la aplicación Diners Club Perú. Para consultarlo, seguir los siguientes pasos:

  • Consulte su saldo
  • Detalle de transacciones

Sin embargo, en la sección "Millas Acumuladas" (donde sale el total de millas) se verán reflejadas en el siguiente Estado de Cuenta del Socio (según su ciclo de facturación). En este caso, el Socio debería ver sus millas al día siguiente de su fecha de cierre.

Si usted tiene una tarjeta Diners Club Miles Special Edition o Carte Blanche acumula 1.5 millas por sus consumos en los siguientes giros:

Restaurantes y Comida Rápida: Restaurantes, Fast Foods, Bar Restaurants, Cafeterías, Fuentes de Soda, Heladerías, Panaderías, Pastelerías, Confiterías y Chocolaterías.

Entretenimiento: Lugares de Entretenimiento, Centros Nocturnos y Licorerías.

Viajes: Líneas Aéreas Nacionales, Líneas Aéreas Internacionales, Agencias de Viaje y Turismo, Hoteles y Alquiler de Autos.

Moda y Accesorios: Ropa y Artículos, Tiendas por Departamento, Zapaterías, Lencerías, Perfumerías, Joyerías, Relojerías y Ópticas.

Belleza: Salones de Belleza y Gimnasios.

Los consumos que no formen parte de estas categorías acumulan 1 millas por cada dólar de consumo y los consumos en Grifos otorgan 1 milla por cada dos dólares (USD 2.00) o su equivalente en moneda nacional.

Todas las compras en establecimientos a nivel nacional e internacional acumulan millas.

No generan millas:

  • Los consumos en casinos, los retiros de efectivo en cajeros automáticos (ATMs) y el uso de los productos Dinero en Efectivo y Préstamo Personal Diners.
  • Las alternativas de pago de los estados de cuenta, los financiamientos, refinanciamientos, restructuraciones y similares.
  • Las devoluciones por promociones, extornos, seguros de desgravamen, cargos por constitución de garantías, por uso de salones VIP, por envío de estados de cuenta u otros cargos generados por Diners Club.
  • Asociación Educativa Santo Domingo El Apostol
  • Central Parking
  • Electro Dunas, Electro Oriente, Electro Sur Este, Electro Ucayali
  • Market en grifos
  • Grupo Educativo San Luis
  • Movistar / Telefónica a excepción de venta de equipos y telefonía móvil.
  • Nuestra Señora del Consuelo
  • Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro
  • Servicio de Administración Tributaria - SAT
  • Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste - SEAL
  • Loyalty Peru S.A.C. | Tarjeta Bonus
  • Corporación Wong | Tarjeta W

Por favor, verifique que la información o datos con los cuales está intentando ingresar sean correctos, si el problema persiste estaremos gustosos de asistirle a través de nuestros Call Center 6151111 Opción 3.

Se pueden utilizar las millas ClubMiles de las siguientes maneras:

  • Se pueden realizar reservas a través de la página web www.clubmiles.com.pe para compra de tickets aéreos en más de 250 aerolíneas, 175.000 hoteles alrededor del mundo, alquiler de vehículos, atracciones turísticas, experiencias únicas y mucho más, sin pagos adicionales.
  • Canje de millas a través de nuestra agencia de viajes Diners Travel.
  • Transferencia de millas a los programas asociados Lifemiles (Avianca) e Iberia Plus (Iberia).

Para acceder a información sobre su cuenta ClubMiles, ingrese a nuestra web www.clubmiles.com.pe y coloque su usuario y contraseña. En este sitio podrá realizar consultas y transacciones de forma ágil y eficiente:

Consulte su saldo de millas

Canjee sus millas por viajes y experiencias

Transfiera sus millas a nuestros Programas asociados: LifeMiles de Avianca e Iberia Plus de Iberia. Recuerde que la cuenta del pasajero frecuente de dicho programa debe ser del Socio titular de la tarjeta. Las millas acumuladas solo pueden ser transferidas a una cuenta del mismo titular.

Las millas ClubMiles tienen plazo de vigencia máxima de 04 años, contado a partir de la fecha en la que se abonan en su cuenta; sin embargo, si el Socio deja de consumir con su tarjeta Diners Club Miles, Diners Club Miles Special Edition, Carte Blanche o Miles Corporate durante un periodo de 6 meses consecutivos, las millas acumuladas caducan en su totalidad. Los Socios que incurran en mora por 60 días perderán la mitad de sus millas acumuladas en ese período de facturación y los Socios cuyas tarjetas se cancelen (por no renovación, fallecimiento del titular o cualquier otra causal), que incurran en mora por 90 días o accedan a la refinanciación de su deuda perderán la totalidad de sus millas acumuladas. Igualmente, los Socios cuyas tarjetas se encuentren suspendidas no podrán redimir las Millas.

Los tickets no se pueden modificar después de emitidos, en caso de requerirlo deberá comunicarse con el Call Center 6151111 opción 3.

Si cuentas con una tarjeta corporativa Miles Corporate, debes realizar los canjes a través de nuestra agencia de viajes Diners Travel. Puedes comunicarte al 615.1122 o visitar las oficinas de San Isidro o La Encalada.

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Libro de Reclamaciones

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Club Rewards

Where will your journey take you.

You'll be on your way to earning Club Rewards points on all of your purchases with your Diners Club Card. Buy what you need, earn points toward what you want. It's that easy!

Diners Club invented the first card-based rewards program, and even after 20 years, it's easy to see why Club Rewards is so highly acclaimed.

  • At a Glance
  • Personalized Rewards
  • Tailored Travel
  • Catalog  
  • Check Your Balance
  • Earn one Club Rewards point for every eligible dollar charged. ($1 USD charged = 1 Club Rewards point) 1
  • Grocery stores/supermarket
  • Drug store/pharmacy
  • Automobile fuel service stations - pay at the pump only
  • No limit to the amount of points you can earn.

Enhance your life journey with Club Rewards. Turn your everyday purchases into unique, tailored rewards and memorable experiences. 2

  • World-class merchandise: Select from hundreds of brand-name merchandise options, from electronics and home essentials to sports and outdoors.
  • Gift Certificates-eGift Certificates: Choose from a selection of retail, dining, hotel, car rental and gas certificates from national establishments.
  • Self-Booking Travel Tool: Use Club Rewards' new Self-Booking Travel tool to search and book your flights or car rentals.
  • Tailored Travel Credit: Fly on virtually any airline, at anytime, with no blackout dates and no restrictions on the number of seats available, or use your points for hotel stays, car rentals and cruises.
  • Frequent Flyer Miles: Redeem Club Rewards points for miles with numerous frequent flyer programs.
  • Frequent Guest Points: Use your points in participating hotel frequent guest programs. You must be enrolled in the frequent guest program in order to redeem your points.
  • Personalized Rewards: Cardmembers with 50,000+ points can design their own reward. Whatever the wish... whatever the dream... we'll help make it come true.

For more information or to redeem your points, visit the Club Rewards website at clubrewardsus.com or call 1-800-234-4034 (Monday – Sunday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. (ET). Closed all national holidays.)

  • Club Rewards ® points are earned on all purchases less credits. One Club Rewards point is awarded per eligible dollar charged on all Diners Club ® Card products, except for (i) the Professional Diners Club Credit Card that awards one Club Rewards point for every two dollars charged, (ii) the Diners Club Card Elite earns three Club Rewards points for every eligible dollar charged at grocery stores, supermarkets, drug stores, pharmacies and automobile fuel service stations when you pay at the pump; and (iii) certain centrally billed Corporate Card accounts that earn at different ratios. Transactions not eligible for Club Rewards points include, but are not limited to, card fees, additional card fees, payments, cash advances, foreign conversion charges and insurance charges. There are circumstances where Club Rewards points may be forfeited.
  • You must be a current Cardmember with an open account in good standing to earn and redeem Club Rewards points.

Dream It. Do It

Skydiving in Vegas, lift tickets in Aspen or dinner al fresco in Rome — make your dreams come true with Personalized Rewards.

Personalized Rewards is a unique service offering members with 50,000+ Club Reward points the privilege of obtaining rewards beyond what we feature in the catalog. Simply dream your reward, and let Club Rewards make it happen!

When you are ready to redeem for your very own Personalized Reward, simply call Club Rewards at 1-800-234-4034 (Monday – Sunday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. (ET) except U.S. banking holidays.) A consultant will research your request and let you know the number of points required. Super simple. Super brilliant.

Some examples of Personalized Rewards

  • Orthodontia: Nothing's cheerier than your child's bright smile. Bring a smile to your face too!
  • Purchase of land: A spread in Texas; a ranch in New Mexico? Your dream can come true.
  • Down payment on a car: Drive away with an easy deal. Getting into your dream car is easier than you think.
  • Condo rental for two months: Escape to a luxury condo on the beach — your home away from home.
  • Personal wine cellar: Have you always wanted a custom wine cellar? Or, perhaps help selecting your own private collection? Now you can have it. Choose a premium wine rack system for 200 to 2,000 bottles or secure the services of a wine connoisseur.

Dream. Then call 1-800-234-4034.

With our Tailored Travel program, you decide where, when and how you travel. Fly on virtually any airline, anytime, stay at the hotel of your choice, rent the car you'd prefer or take a cruise when you want — all with no blackout dates and no restrictions. Simply book with your preferred travel provider and charge it to your Diners Club Card then pay for it with your Club Rewards points.

For more information, visit clubrewardsus.com or call our Club Rewards Call Center at 1-800-234-4034 .

Club Rewards members have exclusive access to a wide range of premium rewards. Select from hundreds of brand-name merchandise options including electronics, home goods, sports gear and even gourmet food and wine, to name just a few. Or choose from a variety of gift cards from leading retailers, restaurants, hotels and entertainment venues.

Check your Club Rewards ® point balance

Simply log in to BMO Digital Banking to view detailed information about your point balance. Follow the steps below.

  • Log in to your account*
  • Select your Diners Club Card account from the Account summary page
  • Click "View and Redeem" on the Account details page

Once you click on "View and Redeem," you will be taken directly into your Rewards account.

* If you have not registered for an account, you will need to enter your cardmember information to create a user ID and password.

Personal Assistant

At your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Special Cardmember Promotions


  • BMO Digital Banking App
  • Find an Airport Lounge
  • Currency Converter
  • Need a Corporate Solution?
  • Cardmember Agreements
  • Diners Club ® Travel App

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Banking products and services are provided by BMO Bank N.A. and are subject to credit approval. BMO and BMO are trade names used by BMO Bank N.A. Member FDIC. Diners Club ® , Diners Club International with Split Circle Device, Carte Blanche ® , Club Rewards ® , Club Cash ® , Global Vision ® and T+E Reconciler ® are registered trademarks of Diners Club International Ltd.

Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

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Disfrute de un merecido descanso para usted y un acompañante, el cual consiste en alojamiento desde 5 noches, 6 días y hasta 7 noches, 8 días, según el hotel aliado, desde 300 dólares, en destinos seleccionados. Aplica para para clientes con un mínimo de permanencia de 6 meses consecutivos en el programa de viajes de Privilegios Davivienda.

diners travel telefono

Por cada año de afiliación al programa, disfrute tres certificados de alojamiento 2x1, en destinos nacionales, en nuestros hoteles aliados.

Pague la primera noche de alojamiento y la segunda será cubierta por el programa.

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Queremos celebrar con usted una de las fechas más especiales, por eso, redima este certificado durante el mes de su cumpleaños, el cual le permitirá disfrutar una noche de alojamiento sin costo para usted y un acompañante en nuestros hoteles aliados a nivel nacional.

diners travel telefono

Encuentre una gran variedad de paquetes y redescubra lo maravilloso que es nuestro país, con beneficios especiales para usted.

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Descubra destinos interesantes y paradisíacos con los paquetes turísticos que Privilegios Diavivienda ha diseñado para hacer de su viaje una experiencia inolvidable, además podrá reservar cruceros, adquirir entradas a parques temáticos y mucho más.

diners travel telefono

Privilegios Davivienda en viajes, le permite acceder a un amplio número de beneficios, que hemos preparado para usted, entre los que se encuentran:

• Buscador de hoteles, renta de autos y venta de tiquetes aéreos. • Entradas a parques temáticos y espectáculos. • Posibilidad de hacer upgrade (servicio de mayor categoría) de habitación y/o de hotel, redimiendo el certificado correspondiente y asumiendo la diferencia en la tarifa. • Posibilidad de adquirir servicios ofrecidos por los aliados del programa, sin que sea necesaria la redención de los certificados incluidos en el programa.

Adicionalmente por tener tarjeta de crédito Davivienda podrá acceder a los siguientes beneficios:

• Afiliarse haciendo uso de los puntos o puntos más plata, disponibles en su tarjeta. • Descuentos en asistencias médicas internacionales en alianza con Assist Card. Consulte más información aquí.

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Disfrute los beneficios que hacen parte del mundo de privilegios en gastronomía.

Déjese seducir por los mejores sabores de la gastronomía Colombiana e Internacional en los restaurantes aliados, y disfrute de estas experiencias en compañía de sus familiares y amigos.

A continuación encontrará una breve descripción de los principales beneficios que hemos preparado para usted.

diners travel telefono

Disfrute los mejores restaurantes de su ciudad, donde podrá recibir descuentos y beneficios, pagando con su tarjeta de crédito Davivienda.

diners travel telefono

Disfrute los exquisitos sabores que le ofrecen los restaurantes más reconocidos de su ciudad. Asista a los mejores restaurantes y descubra infinidad de sabores y matices que se unen para despertar todos sus sentidos, a un precio exclusivo.

diners travel telefono

Descubra la intensidad de los sabores y aromas acompañados del maridaje perfecto.

Periódicamente prepararemos para usted y sus invitados una selección de catas y desgustaciones, con primicias y novedades.

Eventos únicos que le ofrecerán los mejores vinos, whisky’s, cafés, chocolates, entre otros.

De la mano de expertos usted podrá incursionar en el apasionante mundo de la gastronomía y por qué no, convertirse en uno de ellos.

Sabor y saber son la mejor combinación para ampliar sus horizontes gastronómicos.

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Reciba periódicamente recomendaciones de los vinos y licores que no pueden faltar en su cava, además de accesorios de cocina, mesa y bar a precios preferenciales.

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Al inscribirse al programa, usted recibirá mensualmente la Revista Diners, publicación especializada en estilo de vida, que reúne lo mejor de la cultura, el entretenimiento, la moda, gastronomía y viajes. Los textos son agiles e informativos, y las fotografías, espectaculares.

A través de entrevistas de calidad y humanas tendrá acceso a los personajes del momento; podrá visitar los restaurantes que son tendencia y apreciar lo más selecto del momento de la moda.

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AXXIS es la puerta de entrada a lo mejor del diseño, la arquitectura y decoración, no solo de Colombia sino del mundo. En Axxis, el lector es el invitado de honor a las mejores casa y edificaciones de la producción nacional; está al tanto de las últimas tendencias globales y tiene acceso a los mejores arquitectos y diseñadores del país.

Aquí encontrara soluciones para todos sus espacios e ideas que lo inspiraran a mejorar su vida todos los días.



O comuníquese a nuestras líneas de atención 307 8015 en Bogotá o 01 8000 973 838 en el resto del país.


• Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 18:00. • Sábados de 9:00 a 13:00.


Consulte los términos y condiciones de los beneficios incluidos en su afiliación.

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Debe completar todos los campos del formulario.

Download the New Diners Club Travel Tools Mobile App

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Attention, Diners Clubmembers: The updated Diners Club International® Travel Tools mobile app has arrived, offering a refreshed design, enhanced user experience and faster, more efficient features.

The Travel Tools app provides 24/7 access to Diners Club resources and travel assistance from anywhere around the globe.

With enhanced features and an improved user experience that matches the new look and feel of Diners Club , clubmembers will be able to access and interact with the features and benefits most important to them. Enhancements include:

  • Optimization for iOS 8 and Android platforms
  • Quick access to main features on the home screen
  • Faster and more efficient currency converter for more than 150 currencies
  • Tip values calculation all on one screen
  • Direct in-app feedback

The updated mobile app still offers the same helpful features:

  • Lounge Locator to find more than 700 airport lounges worldwide
  • ATM Locator to find the closest ATMs and cash access locations that accept your Diners Club card
  • Privileges access to locate exclusive offers for Diners Clubmembers by country
  • Customer Service from anywhere in the world

Download the Travel Tools app now to take advantage of all these on-the-go features and benefits. The app is available for iPhone and Android in seven languages.

Be sure to join us on our other Diners Club Social channels at Facebook , Twitter , LinkedIn , Instagram and YouTube for all the latest news, event and clubmembers updates. Let your journey begin and ignite your wanderlust for life. Explore. Embark. Belong.

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Asbury Park’s 11 best restaurants, ranked, for 2024

Welcome to the NJ.com food and culture team’s local dining guide series, offering recommendations for foodie hubs in North, Central and South Jersey and everything in between. These lists are curated to give diners a mix of cuisines and the best restaurant experiences to indulge this summer and beyond. Let’s dig in!

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2023 and has been updated.

Over the last two decades, Asbury Park’s reputation has shifted mightily, from a ramshackle shell of a once-prominent Shore town to a chic destination for all things food, drink and fun. Along the boardwalk and Cookman Avenue downtown drag, dozens of restaurants battle for attention from locals and tourists alike. Storefronts open and close each season, only the strong survive.

While most of Asbury Park’s enduring restaurants are perfectly serviceable, fortune favors more adventurous eaters amid the city’s list of cuisines. If you’re hungry enough, you could devour delicious Ethiopian, Dominican, Korean, French and coastal Mexican food — plus a pizza or two — in a single day at the beach.

As so many of Asbury Park’s restaurants now charge vacation-level prices, research is key before booking a coveted reservation to maximize satisfaction. That’s where we come in! Yes, the guy who used to rank every single Asbury Park restaurant is back with a more exclusive list, highlighting mainstays and a few new faces.

Here are Asbury Park’s top 11 restaurants, ranked by food quality, creativity, service and overall bang for your buck. Happy eating!

11. Catbird

In 2022, Asbury Park lost a sterling pizza restaurant in Medusa , the modest but mighty wood-fired joint tucked away on the city’s north end. But earlier this spring, those delectable pies returned about a mile away at Catbird, a new lakefront eatery owned and operated by former Medusa co-owner Aimee McElroy. Many of Medusa’s favored speciality pies, like the roasted eggplant and sausage and fennel, have returned (and are baked by the same oven) as the menu is boosted by a new mocktail program (Catbird is BYOB). Not to mention the new Sunset Avenue views of Deal Lake, as Catbird replaced longstanding luncheonette Sunset Landing. The vibe here is casual; order at the counter, wait on picnic benches on a wooden deck. But the pizza is anything but ordinary — as good if not better than Medusa’s best — and returns a bit of healthy competition to Asbury darlings Talula’s and Porta.

Try: the roasted eggplant and pesto pizza, with smoked mozzarella, tomato sauce and basil ($22)

10. Dolce Fantasia

Expanding from Staten Island to the Jersey Shore in March, Dolce Fantasia is the newest restaurant on this list — and perhaps the boldest. Chef/owner John Djonbalaj’s menu, mostly Northern Italian with touches of French influence, rivals some diners in its immensity. The banana-yellow dining room is open morning, noon and night six days a week. This might suggest, like many diners, a quantity-over-quality approach. Not the case; Dolce Fantasia is detail-oriented, creative and a lively option for locals and tourists searching for fresh eats. The appetizers are exquisitely presented (go for the tuna tartare or baked zucchini flowers with mascarpone). But the house-made pasta is a must; simple, bright and reasonably priced (for downtown Asbury, anyway). Here’s hoping this ambitious newbie sticks around.

Try: The pappardelle al telefono nostro, with tomato cream sauce and mozzarella ($19)

9. Talula’s

Since 2015, Talula’s has thrived on Cookman Avenue, elevating its pizza-plus program beyond the hipster-chic frivolity of its exposed brick, light woods and much of its clientele. While chefs/owners Shanti and Steve Mignogna continue to anchor the restaurant with delicious Neapolitan-style pies, Talula’s excels elsewhere, with specials, pop-ups and menu swaps: The chicken satay hoagie, currently available this spring, is an addictive flavor bomb. Their bright salads and rotating “grill cheese of the day” are fine choices, too, as is the salt-lovers’ pastrami hash for brunch. With less competition from now-defunct Medusa (closed last year on Main ), it’s essentially a two-horse race in Asbury Park for best upscale pizza restaurant: Talula’s versus Porta, the city’s wood-fired institution. While both are fine options, I give the edge to Talula’s.

Try: The beekeeper’s lament (pizza), with hot calabrian soppressata and local honey ($22)

8. Plaza Tapatia

Any local worth their guac knows Tapatia offers the city’s finest authentic Mexican food. Long-standing and lively, Tapatia endures on Main Street beside its attached grocery store (grab some paletas on your way out) as a go-to for both the Americanized staples — tacos, enchiladas, fajitas; the latter a two-for-one bargain on Thursdays — and well-loved entrees you definitely won’t find at Chipotle. The bistec encebollado (grilled steak with onions) and tlayuda mixta oaxaqueña (crunchy tortilla piled with meats, avocado and jalapeños) and winners, but please, do not leave Tapatia without the show-stopping molcajete (or a few sips of michelada). The dining room is exciting and vibrant: from vivid traditional Mexican murals to the sign that reads “para todo mal, mezcal, y para todo bien, tambien.” (“For all evil, mezcal, and for all good, too”).

Try: The molcajete jelipe el Tapatio, a stone bowl of carnitas pork, onions, chile peppers, avocado, Mexican cheese and choice of sauce ($26)

7. Kimchi Mama Dalgona

Relocating from its takeout-only Fair Lawn location last year, Kimchi Mama now spices up the downtown scene with Korean fusion and flare. On chef/owner Justin Hwang’s menu, there’s a deep well of flavor: Cupbop (Korean barbecue in a cup), Korean barbecue, burritos, bibimbap, stir fried, soups, pancakes, stone bowls, and chicken wings. For lighter fare, grab a bowl of miso soup and some savory Korean pancakes; crispy but not greasy and loaded with veggies. Or if you’re starving, go for the sizzling chicken hot stone bowl — just be careful of (very) hot sauce on the table! Cool off with some soft-serve ice cream or bubble tea.

Try: The bulgogi bibimbap, with beef, rice, seasonal vegetables and egg ($22.75)

6. Ada’s Gojjo

Ethiopian and Dominican cuisines collide at Ada’s , a humble restaurant on the city’s north end, in a Memorial Drive strip mall that also includes The Galley, an excellent pizza and wings spot. This incredibly tasty fusion joint relocated from Long Branch in 2019, and has since built its name as a staple for locals craving doro wot or mofongo — and a gateway for not-so-adventurous eaters to try something new. The Ethiopian side of the menu tends to be more successful, as most meat entrees are delicately spiced and served on an injera — a pancake-like flatbread soaking up the juice — with sides of fresh vegetables. Their golden-fried empanadas make our best-of list every year, and they serve a helluva cheesesteak for takeout. A sleepy spot most of the week, Ada’s fills up on weekend nights and regularly welcomes local artists for some musical ambiance. Pound-for-pound, it’s perhaps the city’s best hidden gem.

Try: The doro wot (chicken legs sauteed in Ethiopian butter and red pepper sauce), with two veggie choices ($26)

5. Barrio Costero

It’s simple enough: If you crave traditional Mexican food, head to Tapatia (above). But if you’re down for a more modern and seasonal approach dripping with surprises and passion, Barrio Costero is a necessity. Since 2016, Barrio has cemented its place as a destination for chic-yet-accessible eats with a banner cocktail program and flirty vibes — you may not find a better first-date spot (or a margarita) in the city. Taco Tuesday is huge here — the fish tacos ($22 for three) are habit-forming — though diners are better served visiting throughout the year to observe how the menu evolves. In a recent update, their spring-inspired takes on huarache and classic roasted chicken mark the latest banner plates.

Try: The tacos, or explore the rotating menu of entrees; the carnitas with duroc bacon, chicharron, bacon jus and onion gel are surely decadent.

Takahiro Hirai’s high-end Japanese restaurant — a bounty of sushi, shumai and teriyaki — has been a staple on Cookman Avenue since moving to the larger space (from neighboring Mattison Avenue) in 2014. The dining room is among Asbury Park’s most distinct and gorgeous, awash with colorful murals and warm globe lights. But Taka is far from all style; every dish I’ve tried here over the last decade has been delicately prepared. Sushi lovers choose from about two-dozen rolls (the red dragon and tataki shrimp are killer), but don’t sleep on the entrees — the braised short rib touts unreal depth of flavor. Reservations are highly recommended for weekends, as tables are always full and the bar packed with stylish minglers.

Try: The braised short ribs, with wasabi mashed potatoes, frizzled onions and green beans ($34)

3. Pascal and Sabine

Upon the closure of Madame Claude’s in Jersey City last year, Pascal and Sabine is now certainly in the conversation for most impressive French brasserie in New Jersey (a very specific title, but hey). The place has become something of a fine-dining institution in downtown Asbury Park, with well-to-do diners piling in for butter-soaked escargot, peerless steak tartare and decadent fromage and charcuterie boards. The circular bar and lounge in the front of the space makes for an invigorating nightlife stop, though locals know to make a reservation, stay a while and stuff themselves full of coq au vin and pork chops (the latter’s spring preparation, with chili peach glazed, Swiss chard, confit fingerling potatoes, is divine). Finish with the pot de crème, which is simply the most perfect dessert in the city.

Try: The milk chocolate pot de crème, with caramel and sea salt ($12)

2. Brando’s Citi Cucina

Like most of New Jersey’s culinary hubs, Asbury Park overflows with Italian food, which ranges from serviceable to stupendous. The fact that Jimmy’s — open for more than 40 years on Asbury Avenue with a dedicated fanbase — isn’t even on this list speaks volumes about the city’s ever-rising foodie standards. But Brando’s on Main Street remains a true beacon of the cuisine, a high-end pantheon of pasta and pesce. To that latter end, the perfectly seared scallops with zucchini risotto and pistachio brown butter remains the best seafood dish in Asbury Park. As the name might suggest, chef/owner Steven Botta’s dining room is old-school; Billy Joel on the stereo, heavy white-cloth napkins, well-dressed waiters. But the rotating specials spice things up a little; a recent trip yielded some excellent lobster cannelloni, as well as the luxurious filet mignon agnolotti. Brando’s is ripe for family dinners and special occasions, a winner at every pass.

Try: The scallops, with zucchini risotto and pistachio brown butter ($32)

1. Heirloom at The St. Laurent

Hidden away on residential Seventh Avenue, well away from the bustle and impossible parking of Cookman and the boardwalk, Heirloom at The St. Laurent is a masterclass in precision and flavor. Helmed by chef David Viana, a former “Top Chef” contestant and James Beard nominee, the new American knockout is a spinoff of his highly acclaimed Heirloom Kitchen in Old Bridge. Though this restaurant, opened last year inside the newly renovated St. Laurent boutique hotel (formerly the Hotel Tides), expands on Viana’s commitment to excellence. If you’re lucky enough to snag a table, you’re treated to an impeccable pre-fixe experience with deeply knowledgeable staff in the airy, sea-kissed dining room. If this all sounds a little hoity-toity, well, it is. But my god, the food. The menu changes regularly enough, but what always stays is the duck. I beseech you; order the duck. Never had duck? Order the duck. You think you know duck? Order the duck.

If you’re down for a splurge, Heirloom is among the Jersey Shore’s latest and greatest destination dining locales. And while you’ll enjoy your meal at any spot on this list, none will make you quite as devastated to depart.

Try: The duck, with a rotating preparation; currently served with collard greens, mango and a duck confit patty (part of three-course pre-fixe, $89).

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Bobby Olivier may be reached at [email protected] . Follow him on Twitter @BobbyOlivier and Facebook .

©2024 Advance Local Media LLC. Visit nj.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Jun-San roll, tuna and avocado topped with salmon, yellowtail and scallion, served at Taka, Japanese restaurant, in Asbury Park on Tuesday, May 9, 2023.


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