Travel Europe on a Budget

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Contiki tours review: the good and bad of traveling europe with contiki.

Is a Contiki Tour right for you?

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contiki europe trip reviews

We receive a lot of questions from people asking me about our thoughts on joining tour groups in Europe — most notably Contiki Tours. For those of you who aren’t aware, Contiki is a well-known and very popular bus tour company that caters to students/youth travelers. Not surprisingly, based on their younger clientele, they have earned a reputation as being a booze-filled party tour.

We want to say upfront that we prefer traveling independently — after all The Savvy Backpacker is focused on independent travel. That said, we don’t have any problem with these kinds of tours. So, with that in mind, our goal for this article isn’t to talk you into or out of a Contiki Tour. Our goal is to give you the facts, both good and bad, so you can make an informed decision on whether a tour like this is right for you.

Quick Overview of Contiki Tours

contiki europe trip reviews

Contiki is the most popular bus tour company for young travelers (18-35). They operate in Europe, Russia, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, North America, and Asia — but most of the info in this guide will be focused on their European tours.

They host more than 150,000 travelers each year and they’ve been doing tours since the early 60s.

Multiple Tour Options

One nice thing about Contiki is that they offer a wide variety of tour options — ranging from week-long trips to multiple-month excursions. They also have tour options that visit just about every part of Europe so that’s really nice.

Their most popular tours are their “budget” tours (which basically means the accommodation consist of budget hotels and campsites).  You can view all their European tours here .

The tour prices range from around $1000 for about a week to well over $6000 for multi-week trips. Their most popular tours will be around $2000. Visit this page to see all their prices .

Travel Styles

In the past, we’ve ragged on Contiki because they were traditionally seen as a party on wheels. Don’t get us wrong, we can totally see why people would be into that and we don’t have a problem with it… but not everyone is into that kind of travel.

But these days, while some of the tours still have that party atmosphere, Contiki now offers a lot more options to fit other travel styles — which we think was a great move.

Here are their main travel styles:

  • High Energy
  • Discovery Plus
  • In-Depth Explorer
  • Freestyle Camping
  • Sailing and Cruising
  • Winter and Ski

Click here to see all their travel styles


All the accommodation is provided by Contiki and is included in the price —so you never have to worry about finding a place to sleep (conversely, you have no say in where you stay). Each tour usually features multiple types of accommodation but there are basically three types of accommodation:

  • Budget Hotels: They claim to only book “2-3 star” hotels but many have reported that some of the hotels were very “budget”.
  • Hostels: Similar to budget hotels. You’ll be sharing a room — which is normal.
  • Contiki Owned Campsites: Think summer camp with shared cabins —not tents. The company’s employees staff the site.

On average, the quality of the accommodation tends to be on par with that of a budget hostel. The type of accommodation differs in each city and some are nicer than others. Some places are not that great, but some are fairly nice (for budget standards).

Much like a hostel, expect to share a room with 2-4 other people. However, you can usually pay extra to have your own room.

Be aware that your accommodation might not be located in the city. Depending on the tour, a few of your hostels/campsites could be far outside the city (sometimes 30-60 minutes by train/taxi). These locations are often not on any public transportation routes, so you’ll have to fork over 40-50 euros for a taxi ride if you want to spend time in the city.

Contiki’s website does a pretty good job of telling you what to expect on each tour/destination so be sure to do some research.

Breakfast is provided every day and it usually consists of standard food you’d find for free at almost any hostel (milk, cereal, toast w/ jam, coffee, and tea). You will sometimes get lucky and have eggs or sausage.

Lunch is always up to you. A lot of times you eat at rest stops because you’re usually on the bus during lunchtime.

Dinner is provided about half the time. Most of the time the staff at the campsite cooks it and sometimes you have to help with some of the cooking and cleaning.

In some cities, there are optional “special meals” that are served at restaurants but they’re fairly expensive. Some have reported that the meal is delicious and some told me that it was mediocre at best — it depends on where you go. For a budget traveler, this extra fee is a lot of money and I know you can get a cheaper meal in any European city.

Travel Pace

The breakneck travel pace seems to be a complaint that a lot of people have. Contiki Tours aims to hit as many places as possible so you often end up barely scratching the surface of each destination. You’ll only spend a day or two in large cities (Paris, Rome, etc) and half days in smaller towns.

On the other hand, you do end up getting to see a lot (albeit briefly).

In many instances, you are dropped off in the center of town, given a map, and told to meet back at a specific location/time. If your accommodation is outside the city, the bus will take you back to the campsite/hotel at night, otherwise, you meet at the bus in the morning (6-8 am).

You will spend a lot of time on the bus  — about 40% of the trip. Most people say that every second day is spent on the bus and most rides are 6-10 hours long. A lot of people spend their time on the bus sleeping off their hangovers or socializing. The bus stops every few hours at roadside convenience stores and gas stations.

Without a doubt, you’ll see a lot in a short amount of time, but things often tend to blend together when traveling at such a fast pace. Some people told me that they liked the fast pace because it gave them a good overview of where they want to visit again when they come back for their next European trip.

Note: Contiki does have some tours that travel at a bit slower of pace but their bread and butter tours are typically fast-paced.

Party Atmosphere

Contiki Tours have earned a reputation for being a party on wheels. I have heard from multiple sources that many of the tours quickly turn into drunken parties with lots of sex. This really isn’t too surprising — young people + hormones + plenty of alcohol + close quarters with the same people for long periods of time + interesting accents = hazy memories. It is basically a college party on steroids.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing because a lot of people have tons of fun on Contiki Tours.

Because of the constant parties and accelerated travel pace, many people have told me that they have fuzzy memories of Europe. Some people have an absolute blast and just love this style of travel. Hell, we really enjoy letting loose and maybe having a few too many drinks, but doing that multiple times a week will really wear you down.

Of course, you don’t have to drink/get drunk but there is a good chance the people around you will.

The Contiki Traveler

All travelers have to be between 18-35, but the average age is about 20-25. Contiki Tours is an Australian company so there are a lot of Australians, but there are also plenty of Americans, Canadians, Kiwis, Brits, and Irish (you’ll probably get a few other nationalities in there too). It seems that there are generally more females than males and about half of the people are traveling alone.

A large majority of former Contiki travelers often talk fondly of all the cool people they met and how much fun they had with them. A lot of people form really close friendships with their fellow travelers. For good and bad, many people’s best memories come from the people they meet—not from the sights. But, to be fair, some of our best memories of traveling came from the people we’ve met in hostels, so we can’t see how this is any different.

Group Travel Frustrations

When there are 50 people in a group it is inevitable that someone will be constantly late—this is especially true in the morning when there are a bunch of hung-over travelers. Just be prepared to wait a lot.

You also run the risk of having a lame group. I have heard a few stories about travelers expecting a party only to find out that most people didn’t want to do anything. Or people could just not get along well and then you’re stuck with them for the duration of the trip.

Although, most people have very little conflict or frustrations stemming from group travel.

Tourist Traps

The tour guides are rumored to get kickbacks for bringing their guests to certain bars/shops/restaurants, so it is hard to always believe that the guide is showing you the best places to go.

For example, on some tours you are taken to an Italian leather shop as one of your destinations, but it is basically a glorified tourist gift shop (there are also silver, glass, diamond, and other shop “tours”). The people in the shop demonstrate their craft but then hit you with a big sales pitch. We’ve also heard stories about how the tour guides give travelers “city maps” but the maps really only highlight these “gift shops.”

We’ve also been warned that many of the “extra” excursions are extremely overpriced. It is usually best to book those on your own at a fraction of the cost. Unfortunately, there is a lot of pressure to purchase these extra tours because you can either go or be stuck at the campsite (which doesn’t have access to the city).

Tipping is highly encouraged by the staff. Each person gets their own envelope w/ their name on it and you’re supposed to put your tip in it. We don’t have a problem with tipping but some past guests thought this method seemed a bit forceful.

Reasons People Choose Contiki

Again, we’re not against these kinds of tours and we totally understand the benefits they provide. Below are some of the reasons people love Contiki Tours.

No Need To Plan

Some travelers simply don’t want to plan their trip and they would rather just let someone else take care of all that work. We think this is understandable, and we admit that travel planning can take a lot of time.

Planning can also be frustrating and honestly it can get overwhelming. We kind of like the planning part of the experience (obviously, we created this website) but we don’t fault anyone for just wanting to have a good time without having the headache of planning.

Many travelers think traveling around Europe is difficult, but using trains, planes, and other public transportation (especially in Europe) is usually pretty simple once you understand how the system works. But we totally see how it would seem intimidating — especially for someone who has no experience with public transportation. Nonetheless, a tour can be a good choice if you still don’t feel comfortable traveling independently.

I also think a lot of travelers get caught up in the fact they don’t speak the local language. Hell, we still get intimidated when we travel to a foreign country. Being in a tour group takes away a lot of this apprehension (although most Europeans speak English well, so we wouldn’t worry too much about it).

Solo Travelers

Many solo travelers choose tours because they feel that traveling alone is unsafe or lonely — we hear this a lot from female travelers. These concerns are completely understandable and we’ve had the same feelings ourselves.

That said, we’ve met plenty of solo female travelers but not everyone is up for this kind of experience. So, given a choice between not traveling and going on a tour, we’d always choose the tour.

So, if traveling alone is preventing you from traveling to Europe, then I think Contiki is an excellent option.

Instant Friends

Being surrounded by 50 other people means that you’ll never go lonely.

In fact, this built-in social network is one of the reasons we love hostels. And a Contiki tour is like a hostel on steroids. Plus, you don’t have to constantly reintroduce yourself to new people over and over again as you do in hostels.

And if you read past reviews, almost every person mentioned the friendships they made on their tour.

Past travelers seem to love their tour guides.

Always Something To Do

There will always be something going on every night. You have the option to do your own thing but there is always an option to party with the group.

Some people love Contiki Tours and you can find plenty of people who rave about them online. In fact, many of these people take multiple tours with them. On the other hand, you will also find many reviews from people that didn’t enjoy their trip as much as they would have liked.

From what I’ve found, most former travelers said that their tour was fun and they were not disappointed they took the tour… but one tour is probably enough. I don’t think this is necessarily a negative thing since these tours help “ease” people into their European experience and it shows how easy European travel can be.

Check out their  European tours options  to see what all they offer.

Contiki | Sex On Bus

If you’re interested in hearing a tour guide’s firsthand account of leading one of these tours I suggest reading Rule No. 5: No Sex on the Bus: Confessions of a Tour Leader by Brian Thacker. It isn’t written about Contiki specifically but we imagine many of the themes apply to all youth-oriented tour groups. It is pretty funny and interesting to read about all the crazy stuff a bunch of drunken youths can get up to.

Not sure if a Contiki tour is for you? We suggest you visit the Contiki Website to get a better idea of their specific tours.

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Taylor's Tracks

The Good, Bad and a Brutally Honest Contiki Review (Are Contiki Tours for You?)

By: Author Taylor Lorenz

Posted on Last updated: 04/29/2022

The Good, Bad and a Brutally Honest Contiki Review (Are Contiki Tours for You?)

To kick off my solo travel career I opted to try a group tour so I wasn’t 100% alone. It was through a friend that I heard of Contiki tours and soon after I found myself on not only one, but three different tours back to back.

But what’s the truth, the brutally honest truth of Contiki travel? Below I cover exactly what to expect as one of few completely honest Contiki reviews.

Keep in mind that this is based on my experiences and that others may have had significantly different experiences, though the majority agree that Contiki tours are awesome and a wildly good time.

Contiki reviews | Contiki tours reviews | Contiki review | Contiki tour reviews | Contiki tours | What is Contiki | Contiki tours Europe | Best Contiki tours | Contiki tour

Table of Contents

What is Contiki?

Contiki is a tour company created for 18-35’s who want to travel the world and live by the Contiki slogan #NOREGRETS. They do a pretty good job of following up with their slogan on trips that are pretty much dream itineraries for travellers who want to see as much as possible with limited time.

Contiki offers tours for destinations around the world including Europe, Asia, USA and Canada, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand and their latest tours are now in Africa too.

With tours as short as a weekend to as long as 45 days, there is something for everyone. They offer budget to luxury, priding themselves in offering eight different travel styles. And with 53 years of tours under their belt, they know a thing or two about doing it right.

They’re also known for having 50% of their travelers as solo travelers, making it easy to meet others.

Contiki Europe Reviews

I personally only went on Contiki tours in Europe and I did the following two:

  • London to Athens Plus Mykonos and Santorini Island Escape
  • Oktoberfest

My short take Contiki tour reviews? All of these tours are awesome and I would recommend them to anyone travelling solo or who wants to see as much as possible in a short amount of time.

Expect for Oktoberfest, that was a completely different type of trip and it was too, totally awesome with excursions and transfers and Oktoberfest tables organized for you.

Should you go on a Contiki tour?

This is the short answer.

Yes, if…

  • You like to party
  • You want everything organized for you
  • You’re a solo traveler wanting to meet people
  • Your budget is not small

No, if…

  • You have a tight budget
  • You don’t care about meeting people
  • You want to explore more in places
  • You like luxury or relaxation

And for the long answer…read through these highlights and not-so-great things about Contiki tours to help you make a more informed decision.

READ MORE: 15 Benefits of Travelling Alone

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Kind of People on Contiki Tours

If you’re Australian and are debating going on a Contiki tour to get away from your country or to meet people from around the world…you’ll probably end up meeting more Australians than anything. Little did I know before leaving for the trip that Contiki tours are insanely popular in Australia and widely known across the country.

When I mentioned Contiki tours to people back home in Canada, not many knew what I was talking about.

Contiki Culture

Contiki tours are targeted to a younger market, with most traveler’s being between the age of 19-23. That age is a party age. So if you’re not a big partier then you may want to reconsider.

I’m not saying that it isn’t fun without the partying because it is, you still do and see awesome things, but there is usually a lot of drinking involved. Like drinking almost every night. It’s always a good time.

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Contiki Tours for Solo Travellers

There’s something about traveling with people that really affects how quickly you become close. In no time you will find some people who you mesh well with, and by the end of the trip, you’ll be crying because you have to go on your separate journeys.

These tours bring people together in a way that’s different than your friends at home which make them ideal for solo travellers. Since my tours I’ve met up with multiple people and travelled with a few from these trips. Travel friendship bonds you in a way like no other.

What are Contiki guides like?

The guides are so much more than a guide. They’re not just the ones telling you what time you have to be on the bus by, they’re also the ones partying with you until the last one calls a quit.

They’re not just giving you phenomenal tours of a city, they’re also there to chat with you at breakfast. They’re not just your tour guide, they’re also a part of your family, your Contiki family which you’ll love dearly in the end.

What are the groups like?

Put a bunch of boys and girls together, mix in a lot of drinking and spontaneous decisions because well why not, you’re on vacation! And you’ll find some drama, usually amongst the girls, and usually over a boy. You’re with the same people on a bus day in and day out, cliques can form and people get mad when boys sleep with more than one girl. Shit happens, people get jealous, this is nothing new, but something that can be expected.

Luckily this never happened on my trip! Though my big tour was 30 girls and 4 boys, two of which were gay, one found out his girlfriend at home was pregnant while on the trip and the last ended up marrying one of the girls he met on the trip!

Contiki Cough

Don’t be surprised to hear from past Contiki tour goers about the Contiki cough. You’re on a Contiki bus with the same people and sharing rooms, someone is bound to get sick. And then it spreads. With the lack of sleep and busy schedule you know one person will get sick and share their gems amongst everyone. Most common is the Contiki cough, or a cold, or both.

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What do you see on a Contiki trip? What is the pace like?

Tours in general are known for being quite quick and the Contiki tours are no different. I took a slower pace tour and found myself jumping from city to city in the blink of an eye. You can spend anywhere from 1-3 nights in each city, which some people think is too little.

I like to think of it as a small taste of each place. It’s just enough to know if you like the vibe of a place before you move on. Then you’ll know exactly where you’ll want to come back to in the future.

The good news is that different kinds of tours are offered for different paces, budget and accommodation style.

READ MORE: Groups Tours: Are They A Good Idea for You?

Is there any freedom?

Yes! What’s great about Contiki tours is that it’s not back-to-back events with every minute of your day planned. There are nightly events which you can attend (at an extra cost) or you can do your own thing. As long as you’re on the bus when you need to be, that’s the only time the tour guide ever does a headcount.

You’ll always have the day to yourself. This is when your tour guide and bus driver will take a break and you and your new-found BFFL can see all the sites your heart desires.

Food & Accommodation

If you want local experiences, to try amazing food, and stay in good accommodations then don’t take a Contiki budget tour. I can’t vouch for their luxury trips but the budget ones bring you to restaurants that every tour goes to, and accommodation  can  have bed bugs (guess who slept in a hotel lobby in Greece because we discovered bed bugs in our room at 2AM?).

Accommodations are often outside the city centre because they are cheaper. You have time to discover your own tasty food during the day and opt to go out for your own dinners if food is important to you.

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Best Contiki Tours

Ready for a Contiki trip? These are a few of the most popular Contiki holidays that look pretty epic. As you’ll soon realize, Contiki Europe is the most popular.

Greek Island Hopping

Countries Visited:  Greece (Paros, Santorini, Mykonos and Ios) Tour Length: 11 days Best for: More relaxed, chilled travellers

European Discovery

Countries Visited:  England, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland Tour Length:  12 days Best for: Travellers with limited time who want to see the most

Simply Italy

Countries Visited:  Italy, Vatican City Tour Length:  15 days Best for:  Italy in-depth

Countries Visited:  Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland Tour Length:  8 days Best for:  Ireland in-depth

European Horizon

Countries Visited:  England, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland Tour Length: 11 days Best for: Europe highlights with minimal time

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Is Contiki Worth It?

Only you can decide.

Contiki Tour Highlights

  • Maximize what you get to see in limited time
  • Make great friends
  • My Contiki seamlessly makes handling documents and meeting people a breeze
  • You never have to worry about booking a thing or transportation
  • Expert guides who go above and beyond
  • Ideal for solo and group travellers

Contiki Tour Downsides

  • Expensive (as are all tours)
  • Always large groups (which could be a good or bad thing)
  • Heavy focus on partying (only a downside if you’re not into that)
  • Fast-paced aka little time for relaxation on the majority of the tours but not all

The truth about Contiki tours is that they’re made for young travelers, people looking to have a great time, see some sights, drink some French wine, and meet people. The experience is as much of a party,and about meeting people as it is about travel.

People will sleep together, you will see some amazing sights, you’ll make good friends, you’ll get little sleep, you’ll party lots, you’ll try unique experiences for each area, and most of all, you’ll come out of it with no regrets (as they promise), which is pretty good. Just don’t be one of those people who gets #NOREGRETS tattooed on them and I’m sure you’ll leave with none.

The simplest truth is that you’ll spend a decent amount of money, you’ll have a great time and you’ll scratch the surface of travel, seeing only the best of the best things to see in each place.

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Contiki is great for a particular audience, the 18 to 35 year old traveler. but are they any good.

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Contiki #NoRegrets

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Contiki is great for a particular travel audience. Generally, it’s aimed at younger budget-minded travelers 18 to 35 year olds. Contiki has hundreds of tours operating all around the globe and their whole thing is ‘social travel’. This is for those that want to soak in the cultural side of the destination and dive deep into the local nightlife as well. It makes sense any 18 – 35 year old looking to travel on a budget and party at the same time. Let us take a deeper dive this Contiki Review and see if it’s the right fit for you.

What is Contiki?

Founded in 1962 Contiki is a New Zealand-based tour company catering to the 18 to 35 year old market. The idea came from the founder looking to travel on a tight budget yet still have fun and see Europe. Currently, they operate over 300 tours around the world so it’s easy for anyone to find a cool trip anywhere on the globe. I need to mention they won’t allow travelers over the age of 35 to join their tours.

Let me say right now that the average age for a Contiki traveler is 18 to 27.

Accommodations: BUDGET! You’ll be staying in either in a hotel or a hostel so understand these aren’t 4 or 5-star hotels or hostels. However, Contiki does its best to find the best 3-star type hotel or hostel. Depending on the continent that 3-star Euro accommodation will be a 5-star somewhere else. The negative is if you’re sharing a room, you’re hoping your roommate won’t snore and will be courteous with the shared space.

That being said, I never felt unsafe in the locations I stayed in. For the most part, you’ll be out all day and partying most of the night, that bed is there for you to crash.

Hot Tip: If you want you can book your own room, that’s supplemental when you book the tour through Contiki directly.

Group Size: As with any Contiki tour you can expect a minimum of 20 or more travelers with you on the bus. I remember when I did a short 8 day trip I was with 25 or so other travelers. Many travelers will book multiple tours with Contiki so it’s common that during a trip a few will drop off while others will join the group.

Contiki Guides: They round up the whole group in the lobby of the hotel / hostel and they take you on the tour. Yes, they’re like the chaperones we had during a school trip. With one difference, they’re all young and they too want to party. They will take you around the city and do a pub crawl, hit up a club or some really cool local spot.

Food: Breakfast is provided on all the tours however from what I remember lunch and dinner was all on you. To save money you can catch some street food that is delicious and cheap.

Cost: Totally depends on where you plan to go and for how many days. A tour can range from $800 to $3500. Traveling to Europe will obviously cost more than Asia. Also, you’ll need some spending money for whatever comes up, I remember all I brought was $500 for the week.

Drinking and Partying: As you probably already know Contiki definitely has a partying atmosphere however I strongly suggest those 18 to 20 years old travelers to perhaps hold off on going to the US. The legal drinking age in the US is 21 and it’s strictly enforced. I’ve had many of my Australian travel mates say that when they visited the US the younger travelers couldn’t visit any bars or clubs.

contiki europe trip reviews

Contiki Review:

My very first solo tour was with Contiki, I landed in Germany and ended in Prague. I can’t tell you how much fun I had. I have to be 100% honest, I was partying like an animal with everyone else so much of my day was spent being hungover. I pretty much drank Red Bulls to pull it together and finished the tour like a champ. The tour started in Berlin where I met with the tour guide and he was extremely helpful in getting me situated to my room, the rules of the tour, and explaining what optional add-ons were available.

The guide we had was extremely knowledgeable about the history of the area and took his time in explaining everything. He was very outgoing so that made the tour better.

Having a good guide is everything!

The breakfast buffet I do remember was absolutely incredible! After a full night of drinking the first thing I wanted to do is chow down on food to soak up the alcohol….we all were doing it.

The negative part was the bus transportation from Berlin to Prague, it was a 5 hour drive so we lose most of the morning.

Prague was the city I fell in love with. I was really awestruck by how beautiful that city is and how much more fun I had in Prague rather than Berlin. The food and beer in Prague I felt was better and there was more to do and see. When the tour ended, I really wanted to stay but alas I had to return to my life in California. That trip forever changed how I viewed traveling alone.

Final Thoughts On Contiki:

Should you go on a Contiki tour? 100% absolutely YES, if you…

  • Like to party
  • Want the whole trip planned for you
  • Want to meet new people
  • Are on a budget
  • Really like to party!

Optional Add-Ons: These are excursions that Contiki sets up that do cost extra. Depending on the country you’re in they can be just about anything but always check what the add-ons are and see which you want to do. Remember these are totally optional.

Bus / Coach: This is the only real negative about Contiki, when traveling from one city to the next you’ll be on the bus or coach for a while….in some cases a few hours. That can be a real drag because you lose precious time just sitting on a bus.

Beware of Australians! Seems that all Australians go on a Contiki tour at one point in their lives. Just kidding after doing so many of these tours some of the most fun people I’ve met are from Australia and frankly, they do make the coolest travel buddies.

Most Popular Contiki Tours:

Here are just some of the more popular tours that Contiki runs catering to so many tastes. The best part is they’re constantly running specials with deals left and right. Here’s a glimpse of their more popular tours:

contiki europe trip reviews

Let’s also take a look at a few more of their more popular trips!

contiki europe trip reviews

Contiki Trip Ideas!

Contiki is constantly offering specials on their tours so don’t forget to check out their last-minute deals .

South America is a great destination for any budget traveler, check out some of the deals with these destinations Contiki is offering. – BOOK NOW!

Perhaps you’re looking for something more of an exotic destination, Contiki has you covered with a Bali Island Hopper Tour. – BOOK NOW!

Cambodia is another destination that is VERY budget-friendly and fun. Explore the magic Cambodia has to offer and BOOK NOW!

Here are some more of Contiki’s Top European trips, take a look and book your bucket list trip today!

Contiki Review

Contiki offers fun filled tours for the 18 to 35 year old traveler. The tours are fully organized so you don't have to plan anything. Here's a breakdown as to whom would benefit the most from traveling with Contiki.

  • Meeting new people
  • You see a lot in a short time
  • Great value for the money
  • 360+ tours to choose from
  • Not fun for non-partygoers
  • A lot of time spent on Bus / Coach
  • A little fast paced

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Contiki Tours Europe: No regrets... except? [Latest Review]

Contiki Tours Europe: No regrets... except? [Latest Review]

Founded in 1962, Contiki is a renowned travel company providing organized tours for young travelers. This is our comprehensive review of their European tours!

contiki europe trip reviews

If you are a solo traveler yet to get the hang of independent travel, hiring a tour operator is not a bad idea. You would feel more comfortable in a foreign country where the language used, transportation options, and safety concerns are different. In our previous article, we reviewed EF Ultimate Break , a tour operator for the youth. 

But, if you need an alternative that offers a wide range of trips or feel left out because you are just a few years older, Contiki can still help you feel young! It is more popular, especially for covering a lot of destinations in a short period. But is it necessarily better? Don’t rest your case until you read our review! 

Below, we have covered important aspects of Contiki, mainly focusing on its Europe tours. 

Contiki Logo

What is Contiki?

Founded in 1962, Contiki is a renowned travel company providing organized tours for young travelers. At present they offer over 300 trips to more than 50 countries around the globe. Contiki aims to “bring travelers together to discover the world” and provide them with localized, unique, and adventurous experiences. It is an ideal choice for first-timers, solo travelers, and anyone who likes their travel arrangements to be done by an experienced and reliable third party. It’s also noteworthy to mention that Contiki supports sustainable travel in different ways with the help of their TreadRight Foundation.  

Can you go on Contiki if you are over 35?

Unfortunately no. Contiki only accommodates travelers aged 18-35 years for their trips. Even their tours primarily cater to the young crowd with more emphasis on partying, nightlife, and socializing. That said, assuming you're under 35, when you think about it, the age limit is actually useful. You know what to expect, feel more included, and have a higher chance of getting along with your fellow group members. If you were really keen on going and you're over 35, don't fret! Contiki's parent company owns other tour brands for those over 35 that are likely to be more your style anyway.


What are the features of Contiki?

  • Organized group tours: You will be traveling with a group of nearly 50 people! 
  • Tour manager: There’s a tour manager appointed to oversee all the important aspects of the tour. There would also be local tour guides to guide you. 
  • Accommodation: Depending on the budget and tour type, accommodation can range from budget-hostels to 3-star hotels to campsites. 
  • Transportation: The cost of internal transport is borne by Contiki. You have to book flights and take care of travel insurance.
  • Meals: Your breakfast is covered by Contiki throughout the trip along with a few other meals. For the rest, you can try out places you like or go along with Contiki recommendations.
  • No Regrets Inclusions: These are activities that Contiki deems as mandatory or one-in-a-lifetime experiences. They are included in the tour cost.
  • Free-Time Add-Ons: Contiki also provides activities that you can include in the tour at an added cost.

How does Contiki work?

What you have to do is relatively simple. Browse through their long list of trips for destinations around the world and pick one that speaks to your taste! Book a spot by making the payment, and the Contiki team will handle the rest for you. All you have to do afterward is get prepared for the journey!

social travel with friends

Which Contiki Europe tour is the best?

Circling Europe is every traveler’s dream because there’s so much diversity to experience. But handling all the travel arrangements as you move from one country to another can be a daunting task. Contiki does an excellent job in helping you with it. 

The best Contiki Europe tour is subjective as it depends on what you wish to see and explore. We have highlighted the most popular Contiki tours Europe so you can pick one for your liking.

If you need a tour that covers a single destination in detail, you may want to consider Contiki Greek Island Hopping, Simply Italy, Spanish Spree, and Contiki Ireland. If you like to cover Europe as much as possible, go for its multi-destination tours like Europe in One Week, Adriatic Unearthed, European Discovery, European Magic, and European Highlights. 

How much is a Europe Contiki Trip?

The cost depends on the number of destinations covered, trip style, and trip length. On average, Contiki tours Europe can cost from $300-$9000. For an example, exploring London for 3 days will cost you $290 while the European Explorer tour that goes for over a month will cost you around $8000. But, remember that you have to allocate more for flight tickets, visa, travel insurance, additional excursions, meals, and of course, tipping. 


What we like about Contiki?

So many tour choices.

Contiki offers enough choices to overwhelm you – literally! So, there’s a high chance you will be able to find the exact trip you are looking for. They cover almost all the destinations, and their tours are categorized under different themes to suit every traveler’s style. Whether you are looking for budgeted-vacations, week-long trips, or months-long adventures, Contiki has got you covered.

Everything is planned

If you have little experience figuring out the logistics of travel or if you are heading to a remote destination where it’s difficult to get around alone, Contiki is a really good option. From lodging to transport to dining, the Contiki team will cover all the essentials for you. It’s very convenient and hassle-free.

New friends

Like its rival EF Ultimate Break, Contiki also offers the wonderful opportunity of getting to know travelers from around the world. You can mingle with like-minded people from different cultures and share your experiences. In fact, some have even ended up falling in love with a fellow traveler in their group!

Ample Flexibility

Unless you are informed about a schedule on the previous day, you have the freedom to explore and do your own thing, whether it's shopping, eating, or just relaxing.

Safety is a major concern for female solo travelers, especially beginners. Contiki ticks the safety box very well by selecting good places for accommodation, hiring reliable drivers, and keeping you informed about places you should avoid and places you should be cautious about.

Contiki tours trips for 18 to 35 year olds

What we don’t like about Contiki?

Too much partying.

Like we said earlier, Contiki has a party atmosphere and even hosts theme parties on its tours. Continuous partying and drunken nights might not appeal to everyone, especially travelers close to the upper age limit. So, we think you should give it some thought before selecting Contiki. 

Knowledgeable tour managers 

Your tour manager can significantly alter your travel experience. You could get someone well-informed about the places you visit, aspects you should be cautious about (culture, customs, etc.), and excursions worth taking. There’s also the chance of ending up with tour managers who schedule things based on their preferences or profit without focusing on travelers’ requirements. 

Pace of their trips

For some, Contiki tours Europe are a great option as its tours try to cover a lot of places within a limited timespan. But, for travelers who like to take their own time and enjoy exploring, this is not the case. If you are the latter, multi-destination Contiki tours might feel like a rat race for you. 

Cost of Excursions 

Contiki offers a host of No Regrets excursions that travelers can take part in. But, they are usually very expensive and can take a big chunk of your budget. 


Many travelers have complained of accommodation being located far from the city. Contiki does this in order to lower costs, which is fair considering that you don’t spend a lot of time at the hostels. The low quality of selected hotels/hostel was another factor we noticed in many Contiki tours Europe reviews.

social travel hangout with friends

Is Contiki good for singles?

Contiki is great for singles! It's an awesome way to make a whole bunch of friends really quickly. If you're looking to meet someone special be careful however as you have to spend the rest of the trip with them. It's not unlike how it was usually not the best idea to date people on your floor in college. That said, it's a great opportunity to get to know people and have a great time. You can always "cuddle up" near the end of the trip if that's what you're looking for. ;)

Don't just take our word for it, here's the honest review from someone who've been on a Contiki trip!

Is Contiki good for couples?

Most of the people who go on Contiki tours tend to be single, so it's not the best idea to go in a couple, unless both of you are really keen to be social and make friends. The risk of going in a couple is that you keep to yourself more. Single people gravitate towards other single people as well, so it's something to keep in mind. That said, it's still a great opportunity to meet some really cool people, and see how well you and your significant other travel together. Just be sure to go into it with the right mindset and you can still have a great time. That means not treating it like a romantic trip together, but rather an adventure to both meet some cool new people!

So, are Contiki Tours worth it?

We highly recommend Contiki for travelers who want to visit specific destinations but unsure of what they want to see.

It’s also great if you are really nervous about traveling for the first time. However, some of us like to challenge ourselves by journeying on our own. We like doing the legwork, exploring options, and being excited about the itinerary we create!

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Contiki Review – Travel Tours, Group Vacations & Adventure Holidays

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Contiki Review – Travel Tours, Group Vacations & Adventure Holidays

Young Travelers

Solo travelers, friends or groups, destinations, contiki australia, contiki europe, contiki japan, contiki new zealand, contiki thailand, contiki usa & canada, contiki reviews, contiki vs. topdeck, final thoughts.

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Contiki provides travel tours for young adults. The tour company was incorporated in the mid-1960s after a group of friends posted a flyer on a noticeboard advertising space on their 12-seater minibus to travel around Europe. To this day, group travel is still immensely popular, as you not only get to explore a fantastic destination, but you get to make lots of friends in the process.

Contiki is one of the best European bus tour companies out there, but it also offers group tours all over the world. Many tours use coaches, and groups can be as large as 52 people. In some destinations such as Africa and Latin America, group sizes can be as small as 12 people up to a maximum of 30.

Each tour has a driver and a trip leader that will be with you for the entire journey, and local expert guides will also join you for specific activities. With your travel, accommodations, and itinerary arranged for you, all you need to worry about is having an incredible time.

Who Are Contiki Tours Good For?

Contiki 18 35 Year Olds

Contiki tours are exclusively for travelers from 18 to 35 years old so that you can experience a new destination with like-minded young vacationers. The tours are incredibly social and many travelers meet lifelong friends. Including a combination of scheduled activities and free time, the tours let you tick-off bucket list experiences and landmarks before enjoying a beer with your new pals.

Contiki Solo Travel

Whether you’re an experienced traveler or are embarking on your first solo trip, Contiki tours are perfect for single travelers. You’ll experience the excitement of independent travel while having the logistics taken care of. Rather than having to approach a new friend in a hostel bar, you’ll get to know your fellow travelers in a less daunting environment.

Tour prices are based on twin sharing with a fellow traveler of the same gender, but you can also upgrade to a private room for a fee.

Contiki Groups of Friends

It’s not just solo travelers that choose Contiki tours. Groups of friends often join tours together as they love the idea of meeting more new people as well as getting to travel with their friends. You can all book your places and pay final balances independently, avoiding 1 person having to be responsible for everyone’s finances.

Contiki Tour Types and Destinations

Everyone has different preferences when it comes to travel. To help travelers choose which tours might suit their travel style, Contiki has tagged its tours under various categories.

Contiki Adventures

Contiki’s Adventure tours include the usual transport and accommodation, but they also include unique travel experiences for adventurous types. You could be quad biking through the Cambodian countryside or soaring high above the Sonoran Desert in Arizona in a hot air balloon.

Hot Tip:  Be sure to check out our adventure travel essentials before your next trip.

African Safari

Contiki African Safari

Africa’s incredible landscapes are teeming with wildlife, large and small, from majestic elephants bathing in watering holes to color-changing desert chameleons. African Safari tours include plenty of wildlife encounters and other bucket-list experiences such as Victoria Falls, the Sossusvlei salt pans, and Table Mountain.

Beach Trips

Contiki Beach Vacations

Contiki has picked some of the best beaches in the world to create tours with the perfect blend of sun, sea, adventure, and nightlife. Beach Trips tend to follow the coastline of a destination, so you can enjoy surf lessons to beach yoga and sunset cocktails to fresh seafood dining.

Hot Tip:  We take the pain out of packing for your beach vacation with this printable packing list .

contiki big indochina adventure

Discoverer trips offer an excellent balance of culture, iconic sights, and adventure. You’ll tick off lots of bucket list experiences as well as authentic local encounters, which are often the most memorable moments. These tours are generally longer than 9 days, so you’ll get to immerse yourself in a destination.

Iconic Essentials

contiki western rocker tour

Iconic Essentials tours cover comprehensive itineraries around Europe and include some excursions and lots of free time. This means that you can tailor-make your trip to only see the sights that are important to you. If you’re used to traveling solo or are skeptical about touring, this tour type could be a good compromise — travel and accommodation are arranged but many of the excursions are optional.

Hot Tip:  Check out the best compact, mirrorless, and DSLR cameras for travel so that you can capture iconic sights on your tour. 

In-Depth Explorer

Contiki In Depth Explorer Tours

In-Depth Explorer tours enable travelers to experience a destination like a local, with lots of authentic experiences to immerse yourself in the local culture. Accommodations include well-situated, independent hotels, so you’ll enjoy the comfort and convenience while knowing you’re supporting local communities.

Island Hopping

contiki greek island hopping

Why stay on 1 island when you can experience them all? Island Hopping tours allow travelers the opportunity to experience the unique culture and quirks of island life while enjoying the journey in between. Relax on palm-fringed sandy beaches, sip a cocktail while watching an island sunset, or go in search of marine life with a snorkel or diving excursion.

Hot Tip:  Make sure you’re prepared for your beach tour with these recommendations for the best travel beach towels and blankets .

Sailing and Cruise

Contiki Sailing Tour

Sail between beautiful islands and buzzing port towns with a Sailing or Cruise tour. On some tours, your ship is your transport and your accommodation, so you’ll only need to unpack once for your whole trip. When it comes to sightseeing, you’ll get the best of both worlds, with regular stops for land-based exploration and plenty of incredible views of the coastline.

Short Trips and Festivals

Contiki Short Trips and Festivals

Short Trips and Festival tours are great for those who want to explore a city for a couple of days or combine their holidays with a festival or celebration. These include music festivals, New Year’s Eve celebrations, or local public holidays, so you can celebrate in style while soaking up the local culture.

Hot Tip:  If you’re heading away on a short break, you might want to upgrade to one of these recommended carry-on bags , including wheeled cabin bags and backpacks.

Ski and Snowboard

Contiki Ski and Snowboard Trips

Ski and Snowboard tours offer the perfect solution if you’re looking to explore a new destination while getting in some slope time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned pro or a complete beginner, you’ll have the option to book lessons and chances are there will be someone on your tour of a similar standard. Enjoy the cool and crazy vibes of Tokyo before taking a train to one of the nearby ski resorts or hit the slopes in Lake Tahoe on a sightseeing trip through California, Arizona, and Nevada.

Small Group

Contiki Small Group Tour

Some of Contiki’s groups accommodate up to 50 people, which some travelers love, as it allows them to meet more people. If you prefer a smaller, more intimate travel experience, Contiki offers Small Group tours with tours averaging 12 to 24 people.


Contiki Volunteering Trip

Contiki’s Volunteering tours allow travelers to give back to the countries and communities they’re exploring. Volunteer tours combine exploration with a service element, such as participating in sustainable development projects.

Other Tour Types

Contiki has a variety of other tour types:

  • Backpacking
  • Christmas Tours
  • Group Travel
  • Guided Tours
  • Hiking and Trekking
  • New Year’s Eve Tours
  • Sightseeing
  • Solo Travel
  • Winter Holidays
  • World Tours

Contiki provides over 350 tours to 75 destinations within these countries, continents, and regions:

  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • New Zealand
  • U.S. and Canada

Contiki Top Tours

Contiki Australia Tours

Contiki offers itineraries of up to 22 days to explore this vast country. Many cover the popular east coast from Sydney to Cairns, while others venture into the remote outback to watch the sunset at Uluru. Sail around the Whitsundays, learn to surf at Byron Bay, or see where the rainforest meets the reef at Cape Tribulation.

  • Includes transport, accommodation, breakfast, and some activities

Hot Tip:  As flights are not included in the tour price, you might be interested in the best ways to fly to Australia with points and miles . 

Contiki is well-known for its European bus tours, but some destinations utilize transportation by train or boat for coastal areas. It’s usually unnecessary to fly between destinations as combination tours like European Discovery typically cover neighboring countries. Let’s take a look at a sample of what’s available.

Contiki Croatia

Contiki Croatia Tour

You can discover Croatia as a standalone tour or as part of a combination Balkans or European tour. With one of the longest coastlines in the Mediterranean, it’s the perfect sailing destination, stopping at the historic coastal cities of Dubrovnik and Split and the beautiful islands of Korčula and Hvar.

  • Includes transport, accommodation, some meals, and activities

Contiki Greece

Contiki Greece Tour

You can island-hop your way around Greece or visit as part of a wider European tour. With most tours starting in Athens, you can explore the iconic Acropolis and Olympic Stadium before sailing between the likes of Mykonos, Santorini, and Ios.

Contiki Italy

Contiki runs a wide variety of trips to Italy, ranging from week-long tours visiting some of its most iconic cities and coastlines to 45-day European tours. From exploring Roman ruins and floating cities to sampling fresh pasta or delicious wine at a 16th-century Tuscan winery, you’ll most definitely be living la dolce vita .

Contiki Japan

Japan is an enchanting county of contrasts, from bustling cities to ornate temples and magnificent mountains to war memorials. With the high-speed bullet train, it’s pretty easy to get around to Kyoto and Hiroshima, and some tours include a trip into the mountains for skiing or snowboarding.

Hot Tip:  If you’re planning to visit Japan in Spring, take a look at our ultimate guide to the cherry blossom festivals .

Contiki New Zealand Tour

Explore the North Island, South Island, or both with a Contiki New Zealand tour. Cruise across the Bay of Islands, go white water rafting down Kaituna River, or spend a night on the town in Wellington. Contiki tours range from 6 to 19 days.

  • Includes transport, accommodation, some meal, and activities

Hot Tip:  If you’re flying from the U.S. to New Zealand, find out which U.S. airports Air New Zealand flies direct from .

Contiki Thailand Tour

Embark on the ultimate Thailand adventure and tour the northern jungles of Chang Mai and the exotic coastlines and islands of the south. If you’re looking to visit more than 1 country, some tours combine Thailand with neighboring Cambodia or Malaysia.

Contiki America Tour

If you’re looking for a tour closer to home, Contiki offers trips throughout the U.S. and Canada. These range from 2-night city breaks exploring Los Angeles , Orlando, or New York, or trips up to 26 days covering most of the eastern and southern states.

Hot Tip:  If you decide that a group tour isn’t for you, check out the best road trips in the U.S.  that might inspire you for your next vacation.

My Contiki is a platform for you to manage your profile and bookings and view trip itineraries, including the details for your Trip Manager (the person responsible for running the trip day-to-day). If you want to chat beforehand with people that will be on your tour, you can do this in the Meet Up area and you can also access any social media groups that the Trip Manager or your fellow travelers might set up.

Contiki is a well-reviewed tour company with the following overall ratings:

  • Feefo : 4.6 out of 5
  • : 4.6 out of 5
  • TourRadar : 4.7 out of 5

These are some recent reviews from some of Contiki’s top tours. It’s clear to see that the Trip Managers contribute hugely to the enjoyment of the tours. The majority of the negative reviews for Contiki center around the lively nature of the tours and a focus on drinking culture. While this may suit some young travelers, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Australian Outback Adventure “The trip itself was incredible, we had so many activities, most of them you had to pay for but it was defiantly money well spent, it was worth it!! There was a lot of travelling involved but it was all an amazing adventure, and we got to get to know everyone much better.” — Emma Mccaw

Croatia Island Sail “Dani was incredible, made it such a fun experience. She was so knowledgeable with history and local tips. Gave us plenty of down time and got the party started at the right times. It was a great week and would definitely recommend to friends” — Harriet Gilmour

Japan Winter Wonder “The trip manager was absolutely brilliant. We visited amazing places and our accommodation was very good. We were well looked after and our trip manager always made sure we were enjoying ourselves. There was so much to do everywhere we went and there just weren’t enough hours in the day to do them all but we always saw the highlights in every city.” — Anonymous

New Zealand The Big Tiki “Honestly can say one of the best trips I have been on! Amazingly well organised and the included activities were very good. A big thanks to Dan and Pat for organising it all so well and going above and beyond to make sure we made it to our activities!! The accommodation was very very good and I thought the itinerary covered everything key.” — Anonymous

Spotlight on Greece “The trip manager was really cool and took us to amazing local spots! The activities went from nature to museums to wine and dining! It was all a blast and I highly recommend for anyone who has only a week to get away! The locals are all so friendly and the food is amazing! Beautiful hotels and easy transportation included! A must see!!” — Melanie Button

Thai Island Hopper East “Everything was great. Especially for the price of the trip. Trip manager was amazing and everything was set out for us. Best experiences with not a worry in the world.” — Alexander Brighton

United States Grand Southern “Trip is well thought out stopping at great spots around the U.S. The extra add ons were fantastic, a large variety of what you normally get on organised tours. The trip manager Hayley Jo was beyond amazing, she went above and beyond to make sure anything was possible on the trip! Would highly recommend the Hot air balloon and snowmobiles, was such a great day!” — Emma Walker

Topdeck is another popular tour company covering many of the same destinations as Contiki , with both companies extremely popular for European bus tours. Both appeal to the same target market, however, Contiki does have a firm age limit of 35, and Topdeck caters to “18-30 somethings.” The travel style is very similar across both operators with socializing at the core, and both offer small group tour alternatives for those looking for a less party vibe.

When it comes to cost, Topdeck comes in cheaper than Contiki on the overall tour price, but this is often because there are more entrance fees and excursions included with Contiki. Topdeck provides a lot more free time, so any activities would be additional.

Contiki is an extremely popular tour company for young people, but large group tours are not going to suit everyone’s travel styles. Contiki tours are known for their lively, party atmosphere, which many travelers love. It’s as much about meeting new people and socializing as it is about exploring a new destination for them.

Many travelers make lifelong friends within their tour group, and the company states that many people have even found love on a Contiki tour. Contiki recognizes that not everyone wants to travel in a large group and has created some tour categories that have a more in-depth focus on the destination or for traveling in smaller groups.

As with other group tour operators such as G Adventures and Intrepid Travel , Contiki is committed to sustainable travel by supporting local communities, ethical animal experiences, and planting 1 tree for every traveler that uses e-documents.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you go on contiki if you are over 35.

Contiki has a maximum age limit of 35 for all of its tours, so if you are over 35 you would not be permitted, unfortunately.

Should I go on a Contiki tour alone?

Whether you’re an experienced traveler or are embarking on your first solo trip, Contiki tours are perfect for single travelers. You’ll experience the excitement of independent travel while having the logistical side of things taken care of. Rather than having to approach a new friend in a hostel bar, you’ll get to know your fellow travelers in a less daunting environment.

Tour prices are based on you sharing with a fellow traveler of the same gender, but you can also upgrade to a private room for a fee.

Are Contiki tours safe?

Contiki is committed to providing a safe environment for all travelers, and Trip Managers are there to support travelers with advice and recommendations on safety. Although most traveler’s experiences are problem-free, there is always a small element of risk when exploring an unknown destination.

Are Contiki tours good for couples?

If you’re a sociable couple happy to be around the company of others, you’ll likely enjoy a Contiki tour. If you’re looking for a quiet, romantic trip with lots of alone time, it probably won’t suit you.

Do Contiki trips include flights?

Entry and exit flights from the meeting point are not included in the tour price. Any flights that form part of the itinerary are included in the price (unless otherwise stated) and these are often used in Asia and South America where it’s necessary to cover large distances in a short space of time.

Is Contiki a party tour?

Contiki tours do have a reputation for being party tours, featuring a reasonable amount of free time to explore the local nightlife. Although the atmosphere can be quite lively and social, it’s up to the individual whether they decide to partake.

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About Amar Hussain

Amar is an avid traveler and tester of products. He has spent the last 13 years traveling all 7 continents and has put the products to the test on each of them. He has contributed to publications including Forbes, the Huffington Post, and more.


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12 Honest Reviews To Help You Decide If Contiki Trips Are Worth It

Tours through China, Europe, and every other place where Contiki provides service earn mixed reviews, so many wonder if it's worth it.

Traveling up and down a foreign continent in a matter of weeks surrounded by like-minded adventurers sounds like a pretty good deal. Well, at least, it would if we weren't in the midst of a global pandemic.

That said, in better times, young people drawn to Contiki book trips because they feel like they’d be fools to pass something like that up. When it comes to the execution of the concept though, tours are bound to show some variation. That variation can come in the form of an upward swing, but things can also fall quite low.

We’ll take a look at the highlights of an Internet’s worth of Contiki reviews covering all the pros and cons. These former customers have taken tours through China, Europe, and every other place where Contiki provides service. With this information, the question of to Contiki or not to Contiki can be easily answered.

12 Consider It A World Sampler Platter

"It's a good method of traveling to give you an idea where you want to visit next.”

New travelers get a taste of several countries in a short period of time, according to this Reddit user. When they’re ready to go back for seconds, they have the knowledge to make it happen.

11 Kickbacks Determine Included Activities Instead Of Quality

Travelers who have been on a Contiki tour suspect that trip managers are paid to bring their groups to certain locations, according to Fodor’s Travel. Key tourist attractions like the Louvre are passed up in favor of a leather shoemaking course designed to get tourists to shell out more cash.

10 Big Groups Make Solo Travelers Feel Safe

There’s no getting lost in the crowd when the group you’re traveling with is large enough to be the crowd. Contiki estimates its group sizes to be somewhere between 35 to 52 people, according to its FAQ. Wandering into dangerous situations is much less likely when surrounded by 50 new friends.

9 Don't Count On Enjoying The Included Meals

Costs have to be cut somewhere to keep things affordable for Contiki’s target audience. That’s why most TourRadar reviewers report receiving bad food in small portions, particularly at breakfast. Travelers are better off wandering into the city on their own if they want to find authentic cuisine.

8 Make Friends For Life

Many Yelp reviewers are still in contact with people they met during their Contiki tour. The group becomes a makeshift family. Participants room together, party together, and book it down foreign streets to catch the bus together. It’s a unique experience that bonds groups at a rapid rate.

7 Trip Managers Make Or Break The Experience

The majority of Yelp reviewers who left positive feedback thanked their trip managers for making their experience so memorable with their knowledge and kindness. Though one-star reviews are very much in the minority, they often hinged on a single complaint: an awful trip manager ruined the excursion.

6 The Group Is Always On The Move

The experience is exhausting. Participants wake up at daybreak only to crawl back into bed late at the night, according to Stride Travel . Some reviewers complained about the frequent bus rides, but other than being a necessary part of travel, they also seem like the optimal time to catch up on sleep.

5 Guests Pressured Into Paying For Optional Activities

"You have the 'option' [to] pay to enter the museum or wait outside… for an hour and a half.”

Participants who cave under pressure when their budget is questioned will end up spending a lot more money than they planned to if this Fodor’s Travel r eview checks out.

Related:  10 European Cities Perfect For Budget-Savvy Travelers

4 Visit Several Countries And Experience None Of Them

"If you want to cross countries off your list without really experiencing them - this is the trip for you.”

Contiki’s jam-packed itineraries leave Redditors skeptical because it’s impossible to immerse oneself in a country’s culture in under a day. Many accuse the company of valuing quantity over quality.

3 The Party Tour Reputation Checks Out

Anyone just looking to have a good time will get exactly what they want with a Contiki tour, according to Yelp . There’s always someone game to try out a new bar or spend the evening seeking out hidden adventures. Timid travelers will find themselves doing things they never could’ve imagined.

Related:  10 Helpful Tips For Introvert Travelers

2 Contiki Is Only For the Young

We don’t mean that guests of a certain age would feel unwelcome, but Contiki explicitly states that travelers must be between 18 and 35 to book. One Yelp reviewer expressed serious dismay over this fact. Though she had enjoyed several tours before, her age now prohibits her from returning.

Related:  10 Adult-Friendly Party Cities For Living It Up This Summer

1 Take It Easy While The Professionals Plan

TourRadar reviewers appreciated not having to worry about organizing all of the nitty-gritty details that make traveling so stressful. The company handles the vetting of all activities and hotels. Participants are only responsible for making it back to the bus on time if they decide to wander off.

Next:  Let’s Weigh The Pros And Cons Of Traveling To Europe In The Summer

I Traveled Solo on a Contiki Group Experience—Here Are My Honest Thoughts

I was invited to join a group travel experience with Contiki, and I was surprised to find out I had previously been traveling wrong.

Reid Webb

Commerce Director

Contiki Review | Scouted, The Daily Beast

Scouted/The Daily Beast/Balate Dorin/iStock.

Scouted selects products independently. If you purchase something from our posts, we may earn a small commission.

I vividly recall the terror that crossed my mother’s face when I shared my plan to backpack solo across Europe for a month. She was playing into that typical mom-drama where they think you’re going to die at any moment. For context, I had just graduated college and felt it was the most appropriate time to venture alone and see a little slice of the world. What I didn’t know then was that I was going to be so extremely bored for 75 percent of the trip.

I had unknowingly signed myself up to wander aimlessly in a foreign land with nobody to share this amazing experience with. To give some credit to my mother, I even did feel a bit unsafe at times (You were right, Mom!). Okay, and maybe I met a few cool people at the hostels I was staying at or in the pub, but our travel plans never seemed to line up, and so I would eventually be on my own again. Enter the solution: Contiki.

If you aren’t familiar with what Contiki is, don’t worry. I’m about to explain it and how I had one of the best times of my life on a trip sponsored by Contiki.

The TL;DR on Contiki

Contiki is a service that books you on a group travel experience for ages 18-35 that includes accommodations, expert-guided itineraries, some meals, and transportation (not including flights). Essentially, you join up with a group of like-minded and aged travelers who want to get out and have an authentic experience abroad. Contiki offers over 200+ professionally curated itineraries to pick from all across the world that range, depending on your travel style and preferences.

contiki europe trip reviews

Contiki Group Travel Experience

My Experience With Contiki

I was invited to travel on a sponsored Contiki trip to tour the Iberia peninsula for a dream adventure around Portugal and Spain for 10 days. I’m not going to lie to you; I was nervous beforehand because I have never traveled with strangers, especially internationally (somehow, that makes it more nerve-wracking). But, by the end of the trip, I can honestly say I made true and honest friendships with people I would have never had the opportunity to meet otherwise. The experience was unique and offered a curated experience of some countries I think I would’ve had a harder time navigating alone. With that being said, Contiki has made me never want to travel solo again.

What the Trips Are Like

To start, the trips are guided by a trained trip manager who will liaison the entire experience by showing you around, educating you on the culture, and offering first-class recommendations on what to do with your free time. It was such a bonus to have someone at our disposal who knew all the hidden gems of each town or city we were in. Each Contiki trip includes the accommodations in the price, which, to me, was such a relief not to have to worry about. In my past experiences of booking international stays on my own, I have been scammed a few times with false ads, language barriers, and oversold hostels. I felt each stay was a comfortable, mid-range hotel experience with clean sheets, bathrooms, and friendly staff.

Each day of the trip was uniquely different, with a mostly planned itinerary that included activities, sightseeing, and tours. The day would start with an included breakfast, then we would hop on the coach as a group to travel to a new destination with gaps in the day to explore on our own. Some of the included activities were walking tours of the cities, local food and wine tastings, and even a flamenco dance show in Madrid! The Contiki trips are structured to allow you to split off and do your own thing or participate in their Free-Time Add-Ons, which are additional activities or experiences you can pay for ahead of time.

This is why I think Contiki has the potential to be the ultimate travel experience for someone who wants to travel solo but might not want to actually be alone. Mainly, you’re getting a huge variety of activities without all the stressful planning. Whether your friends can’t get off the same PTO as you, or maybe you just want to go at it alone, Contiki will provide an outline for a great and unique travel experience.

Pros and Cons of Contiki

  • Includes transportation (not including flights)
  • Accommodations/hotels included
  • Included authentic experiences
  • Great way to meet new people
  • A trip manager is available the whole time
  • Ability to stick with the group or do your own thing
  • Cost-efficient in comparison to DIY
  • Has payment plans to alleviate upfront costs
  • Destinations are prepicked so if there are cities you want to visit in certain countries, you might not be able to
  • Only some meals are included (but that allows you to pick your own!)
  • You won’t know how many people are traveling on the trip with you or who they are

contiki europe trip reviews

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contiki europe trip reviews

Planning A Trip To Europe: Travel Solo or Go With Contiki?

A re you hoping to plan a trip to Europe this year but have no one to go with you despite all the convincing you’ve done on your friends/family? 

I feel you. I was in the same boat as you on at least two separate occasions in my life! As a full-time travel blogger who can take off whenever I catch the travel bug, I often struggle with finding people in my circle of friends who can actually go. 

Almost all of my friends live in the USA. You know what that means – very little PTO, lots of responsibilities, and even more bills to pay. A truly unfortunate combo.

More than once, I’ve contemplated solo traveling my way through Europe. And in one instance in 2018, I actually did it… for almost 4 months. 

I was on a super tight budget, staying at hostels, eating street food instead of restaurants, and penny-pinching my way to afford the entire trip. I made new friends in new countries during the trip, but none of whom I still keep in touch with today. 

Most importantly, I learned a lot along the way about solo traveling in Europe.

Fast forwarding a handful of years brings us to today! Once again, I had the itch to explore Europe. And once again, I had no one to go with. 

Instead of flying solo, this time around, I went with Contiki – the OG group trip operator for young explorers. They run 200+ trips worldwide, all designed to make travel effortless, educational, and fun. My Contiki trip brought me to two of my favorite countries in Europe: Portugal and Spain .

After experiencing Europe through these two VERY different styles of travel, I was able to reflect on all the good (and the bad) of each one. You ready to dive into all the nitty gritty details?

In this post, I’ll break down the differences between solo travel vs traveling with Contiki based on my very own experiences. If this post can help even one of you contemplating solo travel vs group travel with Contiki, then I’ll be very, very happy! 

This trip was in collaboration with Contiki. All opinions are my own, which means you’ll get nothing but honest thoughts here! This post also contains affiliate links. You won’t be paying a cent more, but in the event of a sale, the small affiliate commission I receive will help keep this blog running/pumping out useful and free content.


For a limited time, you can get an additional 5% off all trips with my special discount code: ELLE5 . Get your discounted trip while the code still works!

Pros Of Traveling Solo In Europe

You have unlimited time to do whatever you want..

When you travel alone, you have the freedom to plan your itinerary without having to compromise or account for anyone else’s needs. Whether you want to explore hidden gems located off the beaten path, watch Netflix in your hotel room all day, or spend an entire day soaking in knowledge at a museum, the choice is entirely yours. 

You’re not bound by anyone else’s needs, interests, or pee schedule, allowing you to embrace spontaneity and fully immerse yourself in each experience you choose to have.

You can do things at your own pace.

With solo travel, there’s no need to rush from one attraction to another or wait for others to catch up. You can leisurely explore at your own pace, taking the time to savor every moment and linger wherever you want. 

If you enjoy journaling for hours over a cup of coffee at a local café, spending the whole day at an art museum, or hopping through small medieval towns on a full-day adventure, there’s no one there to rush you!

You have the time and space to be introspective.

Traveling alone provides a unique opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. Without the distractions of chatter or complaining from others you’re with, you can fully focus on your thoughts and emotions. 

Less social interaction also means you’re able to pay more attention to the little things you come across at each destination, like stopping to read the plaque of a statue, sitting on a bench for some good ol’ people-watching, and exploring the hidden mom-and-pop shops tucked away in the quietest cobblestoned streets!

Cons of Traveling Solo In Europe

Traveling alone can be isolating..

Traveling alone means you do everything by yourself. As an introverted extrovert (yes, I am both), I appreciate alone time. But there is a limit to how much isolation I can take! Sometimes, I do feel the need to break the silence and talk to someone, anyone!

You may be thinking, “Okay Elle, there’s a simple solution. Why don’t you just stay at a hostel then”? My answer to that is “Thanks, but no thanks!”

If the main way to meet like-minded travelers is by staying at a hostel, you can count me out of that one. Even though I enjoy meeting new friends, I can tell you I don’t like the idea of sleeping in a room with 6+ people. Hostels were fine when I was 24, but now that I’m in my 30s, I like my own privacy and space.

(Plus, the last time I stayed in a hostel in Croatia, I got attacked by bedbugs. So gross.)

Traveling alone can be expensive.

For so many reasons!

First off, let’s talk about food/drink. Dining out alone is definitely not as cost-effective as sharing meals with others. I’m not a big eater, so I like sharing meals or eating family-style with others when dining out. 

When traveling alone, you have no one to share larger meal portions with or split bills with.

And drinking/nightlife? Forget about it. Having drinks and going out are two things that I almost never can stomach paying for when traveling alone.

Transportation is another thing. As a solo traveler, convenient things like taxis, private transfers, and rideshares are just more expensive for you because you have no one to split the cost with. 

And given that staying in hostels is a big fat NO for me, double occupancy rooms at hotels are sometimes my only option, and many can cost well over $100 USD per night.

You have to do all your own research, for EVERYTHING.

One of the most annoying things about solo travel is that you have to do everything for yourself. It’s the epitome of IYKYK (if you know you know). If you don’t, you don’t.

If you don’t do the research to find out that a museum is closed on Mondays, you’ll just arrive to a closed museum and have to figure out new plans right then and there.

If you don’t do the research to find out about the local craft market taking place during your visit, you’ll never know about it and completely miss an immersive cultural experience.

If you don’t research which restaurants serve the best local dishes in town, you’ll probably be eating at some mediocre spot instead.

As someone who always strives to have the most authentic experiences when traveling, I tend to do A LOT of research for my solo trips. The effort and the many hours spent on research does get tiring, I’ll have to admit. (Spoiler Alert: This is one of the ways Contiki can save the day!)

No one really has your back.

Similar to the last point, you have to watch out for yourself at all times. If you need to get from point A to point B, you need to pull out your Google Maps and find your own way there. 

When traveling with others, at least there’s the chance of taking turns leading the way so each person gets a break to just stroll and enjoy the surroundings. 

When solo traveling, you need to always be “on”, keeping one eye on your phone to (1)  make sure you’re going the right way, and (2) keeping the other eye on your surroundings to make sure you’re not going to fall victim to pickpocketing or theft. It sure does get tiring.

You can only try so much local food.

During my 3 month solo trip across Europe, sampling ALL the local food I had on my list was impossible, even though one of the best ways to understand local culture is through food! After all, I could only eat so much as a person traveling solo-dolo. 

And even if I wanted to order multiple dishes to try everything, that meant I’d have to pay full price for full portions of multiple dishes. Ordering everything I wanted would not have been a wise way to spend my precious dollars. 

Most times, I would only be able to eat (and afford) one local dish at a time. It was honestly so sad! 

To this day, this is one of the biggest drawbacks for me when it comes to solo travel.

Alright, I’ve covered my top pros and cons of traveling solo. There are some really awesome pros, but also… some really hard-to-ignore cons that turn me off of solo travel.

Let’s dive into the pros and cons of traveling around Europe with Contiki now. 

Pros Of Traveling With Contiki

You don’t have to plan a single thing for the trip..

One of the biggest perks of a Contiki trip is that you don’t have to spend a SINGLE brain cell thinking about trip logistics. Outside of selecting the trip you want to go on (and there are lots of good ones!), Contiki does all of the heavy lifting for you. 

They take care of crafting a well-thought-out itinerary for your trip, as well as handling ALL the logistical details, including transportation, accommodations, and activity planning. All you need to do is just pack your bags and show up!

In my experience, it really was that easy. Contiki booked the flights for me (you can add on flights during the booking process), which saved me hours of flight tracking/price comparing. And instead of spending 15-20 hours researching/creating a travel itinerary for my trip (because I’m Type A like that), all I did was pack my suitcase, check-in for my flight, and get myself on the plane ride over to Europe. 

Once I got there, I was able to fully enjoy myself and make new friends without a worry in the world. 

You have a built-in social network within your trip.

I’ll be honest – sometimes, traveling solo means you can only make memories with yourself and your surroundings rather than with other humans. As someone who truly values human connection, getting to travel with a group of people who also value the same thing is a HUGE plus.

Contiki attracts like-minded travelers from around the world, creating an instant social network of other people your age with whom you can share experiences, forge friendships, and create lasting memories. This means you can say goodbye to feeling lonely and isolated when traveling – even if you have no one from home to travel with! 

I personally didn’t expect to make SUCH close friends on my Spain/Portugal Contiki trip. (Shout out to my trip besties Alanna , Karina , and Reid !)

Not only did we hang out during our trip activities, but we also sat with each other during our lunches and dinners, chatted on the coach rides from city to city, and even went out to the bars with each other. 

By the end of the trip, I was honestly shocked at how close the four of us had gotten! This was hands-down one of the best byproducts of my Contiki trip.

Traveling in groups is safer than traveling solo.

How many times have you heard from your parents, neighbors, or friends that you need to watch out for pickpockets in Europe? How about kidnappings in Asia, the Middle East, and Mexico?

Despite the fact that many countries are much safer than how the media portrays them, our loved ones will ALWAYS worry about our safety and well-being. 

Traveling with other Contiki trip-goers provides an added layer of safety and security, particularly for first-time or solo travelers. Especially so if you plan on going out at night!

When traveling solo, I often found myself ending my days shortly after dinner, around 7-8pm. Once the sun comes out the next morning, that’s when I headed back out for more exploration. This often means missing out on all kinds of nightlife – drinks at the bars, mingling with random people, nights out dancing, etc. 

It’s so different with Contiki. Since you end up spending a lot of time with people you end up knowing and trusting quite well, you can actually go out, have fun, and trust that they’ll have your back should anything happen. 

Plus having 24/7 access to your Trip Manager as well as a dedicated Trip Driver adds to the safety element.

Even if this is not that important to you (many of you are probably really strong and independent), the idea that you’ll be with 30-40 others and NOT traveling alone can be really reassuring to your loved ones at home.

I can tell you right now – I’m well over 30 these days and my parents STILL HATE the idea of me traveling alone.

You get a healthy mix of both social interaction AND free time.

Contiki trips provide a good balance of structured activities and free time, allowing you to have social interactions and the chance to make memories with new friends while also having moments of free time for exploration, relaxation, and reflection. 

This is a huge plus, especially if you’re someone who needs to recharge your social battery after a long day! 

Whether you’re bonding with fellow travelers during group excursions, sharing stories and laughs over meals, or enjoying a stroll through the city by yourself during free time, you’ll experience both the benefits of group travel and solo travel during your Contiki trip. 

You have Trip Managers who know the ins and outs of everything with you every step of the way.

Each Contiki trip comes with a rockstar Trip Manager to help you with anything and everything. Even if you do no research whatsoever about the destinations you’ll visit on your trip, your TM will share useful knowledge, tips, and recommendations with you so you aren’t totally lost and oblivious when exploring. 

Our amazing Trip Manager, Maddie, took care of everything from transportation logistics to the entire trip itinerary.

Every day, she’d give us a quick history lesson and an overview of the destinations we were visiting. She also helped me work through my personal travel issues when the airlines decided to lose my luggage upon arrival!

Even during our free time, she’d provide us with a document that consisted of her top picks of things to do in a destination. If we asked her about the best place to get ice cream, she’d have an answer – and the ice cream really would be that good. 

Our Trip Manager was like a walking Wikipedia, and she really made the trip that much more enriching! I can’t promise that you’ll get Maddie, but each Contiki trip will have its own version of a Maddie!

You’ll be able to immerse yourself in local experiences that are hard to find on your own.

Contiki has a super special concept called MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experiences . These curated experiences are chosen with care and are going to really resonate with travelers who care to make a difference by giving something back to the people, wildlife, or communities that you visit. 

These experiences can be anything from visiting a family-run lemon farm in Italy to dining at a restaurant that trains former street kids in the hospitality field in Cambodia.

On my Spain/Portugal trip , our MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experience experience was an afternoon strolling with locals through Cascais, learning about their street art, and hearing the stories of how their community rebuilt itself through its artwork.

If not for Contiki, I probably would have never known about the Torre neighborhood in Cascais, learned about how the community triumphed over their struggles, or met all the kind souls we met in this neighborhood.

Instead of sweeping through a destination like a tornado that comes and goes with no care about the people who actually live there, we took the time to learn about local heroes who helped make their small community prosper. 

New friendships aside, these MAKE TRAVEL MATTER® Experiences were some of the most rewarding experiences I encountered on my Contiki trip!

You get to try so much more food compared to if you were traveling alone.

One of the highlights of traveling with Contiki is the opportunity to try more than one dish per meal, which is something that many solo travelers sadly struggle with.

During my Spain/Portugal trip, many meals were had together. One meal in Cascais, Portugal served about eight different courses, which was amazing since we got to try a little bit of all their specialties (even though it ended up being more food than any of us could stomach). 

Another time we all went on a food tour together (in Porto), which was not only a ton of fun, but allowed us to try all kinds of things in one go – like green wine, presunto (prosciutto), bifanas (traditional Portuguese pork sandwiches), pastéis de bacalhau (salt cod fritters), and more.  

Many of the hotels come with free breakfast too! The spread was always very impressive and filling.

If you ask me, this was way better than what I was doing while solo traveling in Europe – oatmeal in the morning, street food for lunch, and one dish at a restaurant for dinner. 

I got to eat so much more on my Contiki. It was magical.

You get to stay in real hotels, not hostels.

On a Contiki, you’re going to get the chance to stay in real hotels. Depending on the trip you choose, that means double occupancy rooms, baby! 

By default, you will have to share this room with someone else, but you could always upgrade and get single occupancy if you really want to room by yourself.

On my Contiki trip, my roommate Alanna (who happens to be behind the Periodic Adventures blog) and I hit it off instantly! She and I became best buddies throughout the entire trip, always looking out for each other and sharing laughs and inside jokes together. 

Despite being hesitant to share a room with a total stranger at first, I’d have to say it was an experience that pleasantly surprised me!

Cons Of Traveling With Contiki

You probably won’t get too much ‘slow travel’..

Contiki is great for people who want to see as much as they can in as little time as possible. 

On my Spain/Portugal trip, I found that we were often on a tight schedule – starting the day early, finishing up dinners late, and moving from one destination to the next pretty quickly. 

For the major cities like Lisbon, Porto, and Madrid, we had at least 1.5 to 2 full days to explore. For other smaller cities we visited, like Sintra, Cascais, Salamanca, and Toledo, we had an average of 3-5 hours to explore each town.

I absolutely love taking my sweet time with exploring little towns, so I definitely found the Contiki pace to be a bit too fast for me. 

While you can find some Contiki trips that focus on exploring just one individual country at a more in-depth scale, many trips are built to help travelers pack in as much adventure and sightseeing as possible. 

This can be exciting and action-packed, it also means that you might not get the chance to fully immerse yourself in the culture of each place you visit. These trips are more about ticking off bucket list items and snapping those IG-worthy shots than really delving deep into the local scene.

Pro Tip: If you want more time to explore than what Contiki offers, I’d recommend flying in a few days before the trip starts and flying out a few days after the trip ends . That way, you’ll get more time to explore the two cities that the trip starts and ends in. I would have totally done this myself (my trip started in Lisbon and ended in Madrid) – but I had to be home for my cousin’s birthday later that week. Next time, I’ll definitely be following my own advice!

Included meals are pre-picked.

Your Contiki trip comes with a set number of included meals. These meals are usually at restaurants that the Trip Manager has chosen before the trip begins. This means that instead of getting to choose dishes from the entire menu at a restaurant of your choice, you’re likely limited to 2-4 options. Some restaurants have pre-fix menus, meaning everyone eats the same appetizer, entree, and dessert. 

If you happen to be a foodie or a picky eater, you might not be able to try everything you’d like (unless you pay out of pocket for additional dishes that are not part of your included meal).

As someone who loves seafood and experiencing local dishes, I found there to be a bit too many meals with croquettes and fried foods on my trip. I would have appreciated more bacalhau (cod), sardines, prawns, and clams in Portugal and more Iberico ham and tapas in Spain. 

With a group trip consisting of so many differing palates and tastebuds, it’s good to understand that not every meal is going to be a home run for you.

What if I have dietary restrictions? If you have dietary restrictions, Contiki does a really good job of making sure you have alternative options to choose from. Still, you won’t be able to pick from a list of options. There’s usually just one option for you.

You will have a roommate.

Depending on who you are, this can be a pro or a con! Since I like my personal space, I will discuss this as a slightly minor con.

Shared accommodation is part of the Contiki experience. How many people you’ll be sharing with depends on the region, travel style, and type of accommodation, but twin-share (double occupancy) or multi-share (up to 6 in one room) same gender-sharing is the norm. 

Unless you upgrade to a single occupancy room (which does tend to cost quite a lot more, like $300-$1000+ depending on the trip length), you will have at least one roommate during your trip. 

Pro Tip: Don’t mind roommates at all? On some trips where a Twin Share Room (sleeps 2) is the standard, you may have the choice to opt for a Triple Share Room (sleeps 3) instead to save money on your overall trip!

What if I plan on booking a Contiki as a couple or with friends? If you are booking as a couple and have booked a twin share trip, then you two will be roomed together. If you booked as a group of friends on a multi-share trip, your Trip Manager will attempt to room you in the same room.

Contiki is not an all-expenses-paid type of trip.

While the cost of your Contiki includes things like accommodation, transportation, some meals, and some activities, the price you pay doesn’t totally cover everything. 

Keep in mind that flights are not included in the price (though it is an add-on) and there may be additional expenses for Free Time Add-Ons, some meals, personal purchases like souvenirs, additional drinks outside of what’s included with dinner, airport transfers, travel insurance, etc. 

Final Thoughts: Travel Solo or With Contiki?

At this point, I hope you’ve been convinced one way or the other about how you want to experience Europe! 

If you want my opinion on solo traveling vs traveling with Contiki again…

Would I travel solo again? At this age? Maybe, for shorter trips. As I’ve gotten older and more settled down in life, I’ve started to value having human connection and companionship on my travels way more than I did when I was in my 20s. I’ve found that I can have loads of fun with myself on shorter trips of under a week, but anything over that and I start missing human connection… big time!

Would I travel with Contiki again? Yes, if I have no one to travel with (which is a situation I find myself in a lot), I would definitely be open to going on another Contiki. My Spain/Portugal trip was nice because even though I had already been to these two countries, Contiki allowed me to discover and explore new cities like Aveiro (Portugal), Madrid, Salamanca and Toledo (Spain). The fact that I made new lifelong friends along the way was just the cherry on top. 

Next time, I’d love to travel with Contiki to parts of the world that are more unfamiliar to me, such as New Zealand, Turkey, Korea, India, Vietnam, Nepal, Egypt, Kenya, and Morocco! 

Is A Contiki Trip Right For You? (I Went On My Very First Contiki!)

Ready To Book Your Contiki Adventure?

I hope this post has helped shed light on whether traveling with Contiki or flying solo is right for you. There’s a lot to love about traveling solo, but sometimes, there really is strength (and fun!) in numbers.

If you’re ready to book your very own trip , all you need to do is pick your perfect travel destination.

DEAL ALERT: For a limited time, you can get an additional 5% off all trips with my special discount code: ELLE5 . Get your discounted trip while the code still works!

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Are you hoping to plan a trip to Europe this year but have no one to go with you despite all the convincing you’ve done on your friends/family?  I feel you. I was in the same boat as you on at least two separate occasions ... Read more

APRIL SALE Extended:   Book now for   up to 60% off!

European Inspiration (Start Amsterdam, Classic, 19 Days)

  • Fully Guided
  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing
  • Christmas & New Year

Places You’ll See


  • Introduction
  • Day 1 London to Amsterdam
  • Day 2 Amsterdam
  • Day 3 Amsterdam to Berlin
  • Day 4 Berlin
  • Day 5 Berlin to Prague
  • Day 6 Prague
  • Day 7 Prague to Munich
  • Day 8 Munich
  • Day 9 Munich to Venice
  • Day 10 Venice
  • Day 11 Venice to Rome
  • Day 12 Rome
  • Day 13 Rome to Florence
  • Day 14 Florence
  • Day 15 Florence to Lucerne
  • Day 16 Lucerne
  • Day 17 Lucerne to Paris
  • Day 18 Paris
  • Day 19 Paris to London

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What's Included

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Where You'll Stay

Customer photos.

contiki europe trip reviews

Operated by Contiki

Contiki has been running tours for over 50 years, all exclusively for travellers aged 18-35 years old. Their mission is to bring young travellers together to see the world, focusing on unforgettable experiences and lifelong memories. Contiki believes in real travel experiences, and they care about making sure these experiences contribute positively to the people and places they visit. Every Contiki trip makes travel easier and more social by organizing accommodation, food, experiences and transport, so you can relax and focus on exploring the world with young travellers just like you.

Sustainability Initiatives

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Customer Reviews

  • Overall Rating Excellent 4.7
  • Itinerary Excellent 4.8
  • Guide Excellent 5.0
  • Transport Excellent 4.9
  • Accommodation Excellent 4.4
  • Food Excellent 4.3
  • Tour Operator Contiki 4.7
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  • -5% Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 2 Jun, 2024 Thursday 20 Jun, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €4,464 €4,240 Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 16 Jun, 2024 Thursday 4 Jul, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €4,687 Confirm Dates
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  • -5% Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 14 Jul, 2024 Thursday 1 Aug, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €4,536 €4,309 Only Pay €100 Deposit Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h
  • Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 28 Jul, 2024 Thursday 15 Aug, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €4,763 Only Pay €100 Deposit Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h
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  • -5% Get Instant Confirmation Sunday 8 Sep, 2024 Thursday 26 Sep, 2024 English Multiple Room Types €4,246 €4,034 0% Interest Instalments Only Pay €100 Deposit Confirm Dates Hold space for 48h
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  • Monday 14 Oct, 2024 Friday 1 Nov, 2024 English Sold Out Based on Triple €3,961 Only Pay €100 Deposit See Similar Tours For These Dates

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  • Currencies € Euro France, Germany, Italy, Vatican City (Holy See) and Netherlands £ Pound Sterling England Fr. Swiss Franc Switzerland Kč Czech Koruna Czech Republic

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  • These are only indications, so please visit your doctor before you travel to be 100% sure.
  • Hepatitis A - Recommended for Czech Republic. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Hepatitis B - Recommended for Czech Republic. Ideally 2 months before travel.
  • Tick-borne encephalitis - Recommended for Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland. Ideally 6 months before travel.
  • Unfortunately we cannot offer you a visa application service. Whether you need a visa or not depends on your nationality and where you wish to travel. Assuming your home country does not have a visa agreement with the country you're planning to visit, you will need to apply for a visa in advance of your scheduled departure.
  • Here is an indication for which countries you might need a visa. Please contact the local embassy for help applying for visas to these places.
  • For any tour departing before 9th July 2024 a full payment is necessary. For tours departing after 9th July 2024, a minimum payment of €100 is required to confirm your booking with Contiki. The final payment will be automatically charged to your credit card on the designated due date. The final payment of the remaining balance is required at least 65 days prior to the departure date of your tour. TourRadar never charges you a booking fee and will charge you in the stated currency.
  • Some departure dates and prices may vary and Contiki will contact you with any discrepancies before your booking is confirmed.
  • The following cards are accepted for "Contiki" tours: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal. TourRadar does NOT charge you an extra fee for using any of these payment methods.
  • Insurance Unless otherwise mentioned, TourRadar does not provide travel insurance. We do however recommend purchasing it through our tried and trusted partner, World Travel Nomads .
  • Accessibility Some tours are not suitable for mobility-restricted traveller, however, some operators may be able to accommodate special requests. For any enquiries, you can contact our customer support team , who are ready and waiting to help you.
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Insight Vacations review: Make European memories with ease

Why I loved travelling Europe with a tour group, plus all the highlights

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Drive an hour in Canada, you’re still in the same city. Drive an hour in Central Europe, you’re in a different country complete with new languages, local flavours and regional traditions. Exploring, learning and eating through Europe is an enriching experience, especially when someone else is doing the driving.

When contemplating a big trip, lots of questions run through my mind. Should I travel solo or with a tour company? Which tour company? Should I go alone or with friends? So many questions need to be addressed when considering precious travel arrangements.

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Ultimately, I wound up with a tour company boasting a great reputation. This was my first time travelling with Insight Vacations — a guided tour company founded in 1978. The company offers trips in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia and North Africa. I’m writing this at the airport on my way home back to Toronto because it was so wonderful. I want my current feelings to come through in this review.

I’ve travelled through Europe several times, mostly on my own, but once with the guided tour company Contiki , coincidentally a sister brand of Insight Vacations. Contiki focuses on travel for those aged 18-35 (read a review of our Contiki experience ). I happened to go on a Contiki tour when I was 18 and I’m now 35. Insight Vacations tours are open to all age groups but age is certainly a factor to consider when booking with a tour group.

Through my eight-day experience of the Christmas Markets of Croatia, Slovenia & Austria tour (which stopped in key Christmas market destinations, but was more about local exploration), I’ll discuss all the major factors to consider when determining if Insight Vacations is right for you. I go over the experiences, tour guide, tour group, accommodations, transportation, food, value, recommendation and tips while addressing the questions above.

For context, I love to travel solo and appreciate guided tours as well. However, I like flexibility in travel and experiencing local flavours, not just the tourist sights. Insight Vacations was perfect for me because there was structure, so I knew I’d do a lot with zero planning, but it also allowed the flexibility to explore on my own, which I value. Before diving into the review, here’s a high-level summary of who should and shouldn’t go on an Insight Vacations trip.

What: Insight Vacations European tour . Includes: local transportation accommodations, tour director, some meals and some experiences. Flights not included. Price: Huge range, starting from $3,000+ Where to book: Insight Vacations

Who SHOULD go on an Insight Vacations trip?

  • People who love to travel
  • Friends, solo travellers, couples, families (not those with small children) 
  • People who appreciate pre-arranged travel (and some flexibility)
  • People who like nice hotels, good food, luggage porter service, personalized local sightseeing suggestions, meeting like-minded travellers and overall ease and convenience

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Who SHOULDN’T go on an Insight Vacations trip?

  • People who hate early mornings (we often met for experiences at 8 AM and breakfast was before that)
  • People who don’t like travelling on a coach bus between cities
  • People who prefer completely structure-free travel
  • People who are looking to meet and party with other young people (that’s Contiki )
  • People with certain accessibility concerns: Motorized scooters are not permitted — learn more about Insight’s accessibility

My experience

Wow. I feel so lucky to have just experienced an Insight Vacations European tour, especially the Christmas markets tour that visited Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Austria. I arrived in Zagreb, Croatia, the day the tour started — first mistake. If you’re heading to a destination in a different time zone, I suggest arriving at least a day or two before your Insight tour to adjust. A couple of days of exhaustion aside, the entire trip was incredible. I loved the convenience and flexibility baked into the tour.


On each trip’s itinerary, you can see included and optional experiences. “Included” means the cost of the experience is included in the overall tour fee (tips aside) and “optional” experiences cost extra. I participated in all included experiences and opted for one that was optional.

Included experiences: There were more than enough included experiences. On my tour, these included walking tours (with local tour guides), sightseeing and meals. All the tours were led by local guides who were knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. They showed us around their city while answering questions and providing local recommendations. Most of the walking tours were one to two hours and were followed by “free time” (when you can explore on your own — both the local guides and trip guide can offer suggestions). I love to explore, hike and see theatre, and all the guides were able to point me in the right direction ( much better results than Google).

Optional experiences: There were four optional experiences on my eight-day trip. These included a few day trips to interesting nearby locations, a concert and an additional walking tour. I joined an optional experience at Lake Bled, Slovenia, a beautiful mountainous town and the only island in the country. The experience cost around $100 and was totally worth it. It included transportation, a local guide, a boat ride to the island, entrance to the church, dessert and a beverage. Your tour director takes your payment and accepts cash or card. I opted out of the other experiences to give me more time to explore — this is where the flexibility comes in. For those who opted into all optional experiences, it cost around $400-$500.

Your Insight Vacation is led by a tour director who is with you for the entirety of the trip. Our tour director was extremely knowledgeable, organized and personable. She’s been with Insight Vacations for 12 years and told me that my Contiki tour director is still with the company — some seriously strong employee retention.

Our tour director got to know each person on the trip to ensure everyone’s needs and preferences were considered. She did a magnificent amount of work to ensure that everything went smoothly. There were 29 people on our trip with 29 individual needs — everyone was thrilled. Our tour director anchored the trip and was a major part of the value of booking with Insight.

The age range on the trip seemed to start around 22 and went all the way up to 80+, however, the travellers in their 20s were with their parents. There were a few people in their 30s, more in their 40s, 50s, 60s and some older.

Nationality-wise, there were people from North America, South America, Asia and Africa. There were a few groups of friends, some couples, families and eight solo travellers. Everyone was s welcoming, interesting and fun. This is another benefit of travelling with a group — though there are many ways to meet people whilst travelling, this tour comes with built-in friends.


We stayed at a few Marriotts and a Hilton — all accommodations were perfect. They were clean, in central locations, packed with facilities (including gyms) and offered delicious (and included) breakfasts. All of your checked luggage is portered to and from the bus and your hotel room.


Local travel is on a chartered coach driven by a talented bus driver who can maneuver the smallest and oldest of streets. The bus has Wi-Fi (though the bandwidth is limited) and a place to charge electronics. We were given a seating chart that changed every day, so everyone had a chance to sit in different areas of the bus. I found this strange as I don’t care where I sit, but I guess some people do.

In eight days, we visited four countries, five cities and additional towns. Some days we drove for a few hours and other days we didn’t drive at all. The drives proved to be respites, time where I could rest, recharge and even work a bit. The drives between the stops were beautiful, filled with mountains, fields and interesting rural areas.

The tour director also used the drives between destinations to discuss the day’s plan, address questions, share local history, check in with everyone and even provide treats. I was excited for our drives, so I could just sit and relax (my need to explore racks up steps) — on average, I took 20,000 steps each day. This is just me though, it’s up to you how much you want to walk. I heard many people who averaged 10,000 steps a day.

Just like the experiences, some meals are included and others cost extra.

Included: All breakfasts were included and offered at the hotels. The breakfasts were elaborate buffets and included options of fresh fruits, vegetables, breads, cheeses, meats, eggs, pancakes, yogurts, pastries, juices, coffee, tea and more. I ate a lot of breakfast, grabbed a (non-included) snack during the day and hunkered down for dinner, some of which were included.

On our tour, there were three included dinners, all delicious. The restaurants were in interesting locations and included at least three courses and two drinks. The meals were accommodating to dietary needs and preferences including vegetarian, pescatarian and gluten-free. We also went on a walking food tour that accommodated everyone.

Extra: All lunches and the remaining dinners were on our own. It’s totally up to you how you want to eat during these meals. I prioritize exploration and activities and don’t like to spend time sitting at a restaurant to eat a meal. So outside of included meals, I ate on the go or on the bus. However, the local tour guides and the tour director offer recommendations on where and what to eat.

The Insight Vacations tour was great value. This specific tour cost around $3,500 and included accommodations, coach transportation, a tour director, tour guides, experiences, meals and new friends. If I were to book accommodations alone, it would cost me at least $2,000. The local travel would cost at least $800 (if you’re renting a car, taking trains, buses or Ubers). The included meals and experiences would easily make up the rest of the cost of the trip — and some. This doesn’t include the tour director, the expertly planned trip, the build-in friends and more. The entire trip was pure quality and well-priced.


I would recommend an Insight Vacation to my friends and family. Well, some friends. Some of my friends would not enjoy the early mornings or structured travel. It’s also not great for families who wish to travel with small children. Also, perhaps not to people who require unique accommodations that Insight can’t provide. Aside from those groups, I highly recommend booking an Insight Vacations trip to Europe (though I’ve only been on one Insight tour, my Contiki tour was also in Europe and the overall experience was similar — I assume there are similarities among all Insight tours, but cannot speak to them…yet). I’m so thankful to have joined this trip, it was a memory-maker and will be stored in the memory-saver.

What: Insight Vacations European tour Price: Huge range, starting from $3,000+ Where to book: Insight Vacations

  • Bring local currency for tips and vendors that only accept cash 
  • Bring a converter to charge electronics (forgot this and ended up buying an overpriced one at the airport)
  • Bring a power bank — like many, my phone is my search engine, GPS, camera, wallet, communicator, flashlight and so much more — the battery goes quickly
  • Dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes . My trip was from Dec. 7 – Dec. 14 and required lots of layers, a winter jacket and a set of boots. There’s a lot of walking, so leave your blister-makers at home and pack only comfy shoes
  • Bring dental floss , especially if you’re going to similar countries as me — aside from general oral hygiene, there are lots of pastries with lots of poppy seeds
  • Under-pack — leave room in your luggage to bring back goodies
  • Bring your preferred medication — there were a few people who experienced heartburn and other ailments. Though there will likely be pharmacies along the route, it’s no fun to try new types of medication while travelling
  • Take lots of photos, eat lots of food and enjoy a stress-free trip that’s fully planned

Check out all of Insight Vacations’ European tours .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Randi Mann (@randimann)

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  • Contiki Tours review: Kenyan Highlights

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Dillon DeBoer

Southern Africa Safari

Highly recommend the Southern Africa Safari trip! Getting this many countries checked off my bucket list was great! But what made it even better was the amazing Cont...

Excellent Trip - Highly recommend!

Trusted Customer

Garden Route and Addo

I am an immigrant child whose family left South Africa some decades ago. This journey helped me to see what my parents loved so much about the country and to fall in...

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I loved every moment of this journey! From the stunning scenery and unique activities to the magnificent wildlife and inspiring people we met along the way. Our guid...

Samantha Crisp

Bangkok To Singapore Adventure

So much fun! Saw amazing places, highly recommend

See all Contiki reviews

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Editoral Review of Contiki

Since 1962, Contiki has been a leader in providing exceptional global experiences for 18-35 year olds.

What Makes Contiki Stand Out?

Contiki offers tours curated by travel experts and specifically designed for 18-35 year old travelers. They pride themselves on creating lifelong memories among international groups of like-minded travelers. They offer a comprehensive selection of trips, over 300 of them, all over the world including transport, accommodation, included activities and free time.

Their product range spans three different styles based on the pace of the trip: Discovery Plus, In-Depth Explorer, and Easy Pace. Make sure to read the details of each trip and choose the right one for your travel style.  

Who Will Enjoy Traveling with Contiki?

Is Contiki only for 18-35?

Yes, Contiki is specifically for travelers between the ages of 18-35. Sociable, spontaneous, and easy-going travelers who are between the ages of 18-35 will definitely love the Contiki travel experience. These are trips for those young people who travel for the sheer joy of meeting locals, experiencing the nightlife, relaxing in the sun, and pounding the pavement for the next unique local gem.

Having a good time, being active, and spending less time in museums is something to expect on a Contiki tour. If you’re the kind of young person who likes meeting a lot of new people, are excited to try new things, Contiki could be a good choice.

Contiki trips are very much about being young and having fun - so you might miss a particular cultural attraction in favor of a group decision to instead explore a local market or neighborhood not in the guidebooks. Contiki tends to attract partiers more than bookworms.

The guides and groups are generally warm and welcoming.

Top Destinations

Contiki offers 300+ trips in over 50 countries. They are especially popular for young travelers looking to explore Europe and Asia. Other top regions include Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand.

Contiki Travel Style

Contiki trips keep budget very much in mind when designing their trips. Expect a mix of 2 to 3-star hotels, guesthouses, and hostels on most trips. Contiki uses a mix of private coaches and public transportation to get around.

The Contiki travel style is designed to allow for spontaneity - appreciate and get to know the culture through immersive activities, outdoors adventures, and local gems, off the tourist path.

Contiki trips can be found across a variety of travel themes and styles:

  • Active: specially designed to get the adrenaline pumping
  • Beach Vacations: get ready for a tropical getaway
  • Christmas Tours: experience European Christmas Markets
  • Detour Mini Adventures: immersive getaways with incredible local hosts.
  • Hiking & Trekking: work up a sweat in some of the most beautiful locations in the world
  • Island Hopping: glide from paradise isle to paradise isle
  • New Year’s Eve Tours: Ring in the new year abroad
  • Pride Trips: Go all out for Pride in some of Europe’s most out-and-proud cities
  • Safari: There’s nothing on earth quite like an African wildlife safari
  • Short Breaks: Trips under 7 days
  • Ski Holidays & Snowboarding Trips: Our ski trips are a perfect mix of thrills and serenity.
  • Small Group Tours: the perfect balance between social travel and small groups
  • Solo Travel: 70% of our travelers join our trips solo, so you'll travel with like-minded young people who want to make friends, experience new things and create lifelong memories

Why Choose a Tour With Contiki?

Contiki is a great choice for younger travelers looking to socialize with others during their trip. All of their travelers are between the ages of 18-35, and creating memories and becoming a part of something together are the primary reasons for traveling with Contiki.

Groups are a mix of people from around the world including US, Canada, Australia, and the U.K. They have over 60 years of experience leading cultural tours in different parts of the world and have a wide range of options to choose from.

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About the company.

We’re firm believers that life’s greatest experiences are made better by the people you share them with. That’s why Contiki invented group travel for young people in 1962 and we’ve spent the past 53 years perfecting it. You’ll explore amazing destinations with a group of 18-35 year olds from around the world who share your passion for adventure, good times and creating memories that define what it is to be young, wild and free.

No two travellers are the same and we know that, which is why we offer eight unique ways to explore the world. We have a number of options to choose from to create a vacation that’s perfect for you, from budget to accommodation style.

We're all about exploring the world with like-minded people, which is why we only run trips for 18-35 year olds, to celebrate being young, spirited and curious. You can expect to join a group of 18-53 awesome people from around the world on our Europe, Australia, North America and New Zealand trips, and in Asia and Latin America it's all about small group adventures with up to 25 travellers. Don't worry if you're not traveling as a couple or with a friend from home – though there are plenty of pairs, 50% of our travellers set off solo, meaning you'll have a ton of opportunities to make new friends.

With over 270 trips around the world and plenty of departure dates to work into your schedule, you'll never be short of options on where to go for your next great adventure.

About the company: Contiki are the world leaders in social youth travel. We’ve been providing amazing travel experiences for young travellers, from 18-35 years old, since 1962. Imagine how good you would be at something if you had been doing it for more than 60 years?

Everything about Contiki is deeply rooted in our core values ‘Make Every Moment Count’ and ‘We’re about people’. We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk and live by our brand philosophy of ‘Travel.Together.’ which means to travel with one another, the destinations we visit, the cultures we enjoy and the environment, too.

Contiki Trips & Specials

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  • You choose budget, destinations, activities, transport & lodging type
  • Expert designs the itinerary for you, and once approved, takes care of logistics

Top Contiki Trip Categories

Contiki company ranking by category, similar companies.

  • Silver Award Winner in Travel Weekly's Magellan Awards


United states tour operators association.

USTOA is a nonprofit professional association representing the tour operator industry.Its members are made up of companies who provide services worldwide but who conduct business in the U.S.

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North Queensland to Uluru

Without Sailing

Save your space with a deposit payment



I’m planning to travel in

North Queensland to Uluru Trip

The one that gives you 13 days of Australia's best beaches, forests and deserts

13 days, 1 country


9 nights in Hostels, 3 nights in Lodge

8 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 3 Dinners

Coach + Internal Flights + Train

Maximum 30 people

Expert Trip Manager

From snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef, to hiking around Kings Canyon, this trip is a 13-day kaleidoscope of some of the best landscapes and activities that Australia offers. You'll walk around the crystal-blue Airlie Beach, watch a magical sunset on Magnetic Island, eat breakfast with Koalas, and even discover the Daintree rainforest. Plus, you can try bungy jumping, scuba diving, and check out the incredible view of the reefs from an airplane. This is what they call an Australian dream.

On the road to Net Zero

Find out more

Change view

Selected Variation

Staying in a hostel at Airlie Beach, for those who enjoy shore-based stays.

With Sailing

Staying on a yacht sailing the Whitsundays for 2 nights, for those who prefer the sea.

Map & Itinerary



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Related Trips

This trip comes in different shapes and sizes. For more options, check out these itineraries.

Ultimate Australia Trip

Ultimate Australia

Beaches and Reefs Trip

Beaches and Reefs

North Queensland Adventure Trip

North Queensland Adventure

Uluru Explorer Trip

Uluru Explorer

Outback Adventure Trip

Outback Adventure

Other trips you might like.

Snorkel to Adventure Trip

Snorkel to Adventure

Dive to Adventure (Dive Package) Trip

Dive to Adventure

Learn to Dive Trip

Learn To Dive

Your search for ""

Why does the itinerary use dual-names for locations (ie. Warrane/Sydney)?

Contiki acknowledges the Traditional and Torres Strait Island owners of the land, sea and waters of the spectacular Australian continent. Dual-naming reflects that, as we explore this remarkable land, we recognise and respect Indigenous custodianship of a unique, ancient culture and country.

General FAQs

What is Contiki?

Contiki are the world leaders in organized youth travel. We’ve been providing amazing travel experiences for young travellers, from 18-35 years old, since 1962. Imagine how good you would be at something if you had been doing it for more than 60 years?

Everything about Contiki is deeply rooted in our two values ‘Make Every Moment Count’ and ‘We’re About People’. We don’t just talk, we walk the walk and live by our brand philosophy of ‘ Travel.Together. ’ which means to travel with one another, with the destinations we visit, the people and cultures we enjoy and the environment.

You’ve never experienced travel like this.

Why only 18-35?

Focusing on 18-35 year olds allows us to tailor a dramatically more powerful travel experience and an itinerary so fun it feels like all of your best Friday nights combined.

Tailoring to select ages brings together like minded, likeable people, and allows us to use Social Travel planning to build great groups of people so fast you’ll wonder if you’ve been friends forever.

What destinations can I go to with Contiki?

A sunrise, shoreline or bright light for every whim. We are proud to offer more than 350 Global trips, intelligently designed for a seamless and simple social travel experience. Visit our search page to discover your perfect travel destination.

How does it work?

We’re reinventing hassle free travel. Whether you are a solo traveller or group you can be rest assured that there has been tonnes of planning behind every trip.

Booking with Contiki means you are saying yes to a smile inducing trip where the typically stressful elements just seem to magically happen.

No one does trips like Contiki, essential accommodation, transport, reservations and so much more is all taken care of. You can multiply the magic with trip add ons and numerous customisations for your free time.

Every single Contiki social travel trip is managed by one of our expert Trip Managers, who are there to provide hands-on support and ensure your trip runs smoothly whilst you stay in the moment.

From 2022 your good time will be good for the planet as all Contiki trips are carbon natural. Find out more here.

How many other travellers are on each trip?

Group sizes are completely dependent on where and how you choose to travel with Contiki. 

In Europe and in most of North America and New Zealand, group sizes can range between 24 – 53 awesome travellers. 

In regions like Asia, Australia, Africa and Latin America, and on some North America and New Zealand trips, our group sizes are considerably smaller – as low as 12 or up to 30 travellers max.

Detour trips offer a different type of experience and max out at 16 people led by a local host.

Wondering what is so great about travelling together? Check out the Contiki Social travel page.

Each group is administered according to our strict Covid policies which can be viewed here.

What’s included?

All essential trip elements have been catered to ensure a great time, with great people in great places. But you mean more specifically right?

Your accommodation, essential trip transport, and a good handful of meals are included in the cost of your Contiki trip (on most trips we offer breakfast every day, plus a hand-picked selection of authentic and tasty meals). 

To fill your days and Insta feeds we have Included Experiences, which are basically the sights and activities we think you just can’t afford to miss. Of course you also get our expert and highly trained team of Contiki staff to support throughout.

A day by day breakdown of inclusions and Free Time Add-Ons are available on the trip specific pages. 

We always try to accommodate special requests such as birthdays, proposals etc. Please chat to our team and we can explore how we may support the request.

What’s not included?

Contiki social travel trips have a large degree of flexibility built into them to enable you to truly own your experience. This means that some trip elements are not included in the initial cost and may require additional budgeting. 

Flights to and from your starting and ending points are not included in the cost of your trip. These can be added on during the booking process either online or via our contact center or booked independently by you.

Each trip contains the right amount of free time for you to explore or indulge your travel desires. We offer Free Time Add-Ons, which are additional experiences that are not included in the overall price. These add ons are highlighted on the specific trip page. Your Trip Manager will highlight these to you and organise their booking on trip. Exceptions may apply where pre booking is required but this will be made known to you in your pre departure information.

A number of meal times are left open for you to explore a region and its foodie offerings in greater detail, so budgeting for your taste in non-catered meals is important. 

Travel insurance and visas are also not included in the cost of your trip, and should be booked separately.

What are Contiki's sustainability credentials?

Travel comes with responsibilities. That’s why we’re determined to travel sustainably and consciously, and that’s why we’re willing to take a stand on issues closest to our hearts. Find out more details here . With the help of our four-point Climate Action Plan, we're now on a journey to Net Zero - committing to carbon reductions and evolving to support the transition to a low-carbon future. Find out more details here .

Do I need to purchase travel insurance for this trip?

Yes! It’s a requirement of traveling with Contiki that you take out comprehensive insurance cover for cancellation, personal injury, death, medical expenses, repatriation expenses, evacuation expenses, personal liability & loss of personal property and Covid related expenses before you travel with us. It’s also super important to check that your insurance covers all of the activities you’ll be trying out, particularly any adventure activities (for all you adrenaline junkies). For more information check out our full travel insurance FAQs.

Can I stay in my destination a few days before/after the trip starts/ends? And can Contiki help me arrange this?

Yes and yes! You can add pre- and post-trip accommodation to your booking in one of three ways:

When booking your trip online

In the 'My Travel Portal' after you've made your booking

By calling us any time on 0808 281 1120

In certain cities, you may even be able to secure a preferential rate for you pre- or post-trip accommodation.

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    contiki europe trip reviews

  2. Contiki tour review

    contiki europe trip reviews

  3. The Good and Bad of Traveling Europe With Contiki

    contiki europe trip reviews

  4. Contiki Vacations Europe Summer 2015/16 (USD) by Contiki

    contiki europe trip reviews

  5. Contiki European Discovery Tour Review

    contiki europe trip reviews

  6. European Adventurer

    contiki europe trip reviews


  1. Party Party Contiki European Adventurer 2012 Highlights of the most amazing trip ever!!

  2. Contiki: Make Every Moment Count

  3. Contiki Contest Winter Wanderer Tour 2006

  4. dream europe trip

  5. Day Trip

  6. An Interview with Contiki Tour Manager Natalie


  1. Contiki Tours Reviews: The Good and Bad of Traveling Europe With Contiki

    The Bus. Contiki is the most popular bus tour company for young travelers (18-35). They operate in Europe, Russia, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, North America, and Asia — but most of the info in this guide will be focused on their European tours.

  2. The Good, Bad and a Brutally Honest Contiki Review (Are Contiki Tours

    Contiki offers tours for destinations around the world including Europe, Asia, USA and Canada, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand and their latest tours are now in Africa too. With tours as short as a weekend to as long as 45 days, there is something for everyone. They offer budget to luxury, priding themselves in offering eight ...

  3. Contiki Review

    Contiki is great for a particular travel audience. Generally, it's aimed at younger budget-minded travelers 18 to 35 year olds. Contiki has hundreds of tours operating all around the globe and their whole thing is 'social travel'. This is for those that want to soak in the cultural side of the destination and dive deep into the local ...

  4. Contiki Tours Europe: No regrets... except? [Latest Review]

    The cost depends on the number of destinations covered, trip style, and trip length. On average, Contiki tours Europe can cost from $300-$9000. For an example, exploring London for 3 days will cost you $290 while the European Explorer tour that goes for over a month will cost you around $8000. But, remember that you have to allocate more for ...

  5. Contiki Europe Tours

    Europe tours operated by Contiki with 2,387 reviews (202 tours in total). Book and save with - Best Price Guarantee. APRIL SALE Extended: Book now for up to 60% off! Ends on 7 May, 2024 ... All Europe Contiki Tour Reviews Olga Laczak 25 Apr, 2024. 5. Our guide Emily was the absolute best! ...

  6. Contiki Review

    Contiki provides travel tours for young adults. The tour company was incorporated in the mid-1960s after a group of friends posted a flyer on a noticeboard advertising space on their 12-seater minibus to travel around Europe. To this day, group travel is still immensely popular, as you not only get to explore a fantastic destination, but you get to make lots of friends in the process.

  7. European Discovery Tour

    By calling us any time on 0808 281 1120. In certain cities, you may even be able to secure a preferential rate for you pre- or post-trip accommodation. Back To Top. Uncover Europe's finest in just under 2 weeks, complete with Bavarian beer and gondola rides. 12 days, 7 countries - all details sorted. Book now, pay later!

  8. Europe Tours, Trips & Vacations 2024 / 2025

    Book a Europe tour with Contiki and discover sizzling beaches, buzzing cities & more with 18-35 year olds. Don't miss out! Book now, pay later - interest free. ... Europe tour reviews. Best trip manager and driver. The trip was a whirlwind but I loved every moment. So grateful to have had this experience. ...

  9. European Encounter by Contiki

    Dates & Availability. Price From $3,745. Price per day $220. Last Updated: /19/2022. Check Current Availability, prices, specials with Contiki. The total tour cost includes the tour price (regular or promotional) and the compulsory local payment. The promotional price is subject to change. Check directly with the operator for the latest price ...

  10. European Inspiration by Contiki

    Coasting around the best spots on The European Inspiration holiday is your answer. With 2-nights in each major location - think Paris, Prague, Florence, Berlin - you'll settle into the groove of Europe & know which places deserve a round two. Overview. Itinerary.

  11. European Escapade (Start Paris, 23 Days) by Contiki with 10 Tour

    Start and end in London! With the Explorer tour European Escapade (Start Paris, 23 Days), you have a 23 days tour package taking you through London, England and 22 other destinations in Europe. European Escapade (Start Paris, 23 Days) includes accommodationin a hoteland hostel as well as an expert guide, meals, transport and more. Expand All.

  12. European Adventurer by Contiki

    100+ reviews. 98%. Download brochure. By Contiki. preferred. USTOA. Small Group Tour. The European Adventurer is just that, an adventure. From the cosmopolitan sights of Paris, to the romance and passion of the Italians, even out into uncharted tourist territory in Albania and Croatia, there aren't too many boundaries left to cross.

  13. 12 Honest Reviews To Help You Decide If Contiki Trips Are Worth It

    1 Take It Easy While The Professionals Plan. TourRadar reviewers appreciated not having to worry about organizing all of the nitty-gritty details that make traveling so stressful. The company handles the vetting of all activities and hotels. Participants are only responsible for making it back to the bus on time if they decide to wander off.

  14. Contiki

    Read 5,428 tour reviews and get the best prices on all tours by Contiki. Real reviews from past travellers.

  15. Contiki Group Travel Review

    Pros and Cons of Contiki. Pros: Includes transportation (not including flights) Accommodations/hotels included. Included authentic experiences. Great way to meet new people. A trip manager is ...

  16. Contiki Reviews

    Read the latest Contiki reviews and share your experiences on our tours with the largest travel communities in the world. ... All trip reviews are independently written by travelers who have experienced the Contiki product first hand. The reviews are recorded and displayed on the Contiki website through a third-party provider - Feefo.

  17. European Escapade by Contiki

    100+ reviews. 97%. Download brochure. By Contiki. preferred. USTOA. Small Group Tour. To Barcelona and beyond! The European Escapade takes you through the best of Western Europe, allowing time to really experience what each city has to offer.

  18. European Highlights Tour

    In the 'My Travel Portal' after you've made your booking. By calling us any time on 0808 281 1120. In certain cities, you may even be able to secure a preferential rate for you pre- or post-trip accommodation. Experience a highlight reel of some of the best European sights, history, culture and food over two unforgettable weeks.

  19. Planning A Trip To Europe: Travel Solo or Go With Contiki?

    Outside of selecting the trip you want to go on (and there are lots of good ones!), Contiki does all of the heavy lifting for you. They take care of crafting a well-thought-out itinerary for your ...

  20. European Inspiration (Start Amsterdam, Classic, 19 Days) by Contiki

    With the Explorer tour European Inspiration (Start Amsterdam, Classic, 19 Days), you have a 19 days tour package taking you through London, England and 15 other destinations in Europe. ... Contiki commented on this review. Thanks for the great feedback. Your trip was unforgettable, thanks to the amazing itinerary created by the Trip Manager. We ...

  21. Insight Vacations review: European travel made easy

    Contiki focuses on travel for those aged 18-35 (read a review of our Contiki experience). I happened to go on a Contiki tour when I was 18 and I'm now 35. I happened to go on a Contiki tour when ...

  22. European Wanderer by Contiki

    100+ reviews. 98%. Download brochure. By Contiki. preferred. USTOA. Small Group Tour. Here's your chance to spend summer in Europe's most lively cities and cultural hotspots. Soak up the sights and the sunshine in Paris, Barcelona, Rome and Amsterdam, then journey from the soaring heights of the Austrian Tyrol to the glitz and glamour of the ...

  23. 'You never get used to it': The Uluru tour guide who's up before sunrise

    The job title: Crew Trainer. The pay: Hourly (approximately $73,000 salary range) 3.30am: My morning start depends on the time of the sunrise. If I'm on a trip to Kings Canyon, which involves a ...

  24. Contiki Profile [2024]

    Contiki trips can be found across a variety of travel themes and styles: Active: specially designed to get the adrenaline pumping. Beach Vacations: get ready for a tropical getaway. Christmas Tours: experience European Christmas Markets. Detour Mini Adventures: immersive getaways with incredible local hosts.

  25. Europe Summer Tours & Trips 2024/25

    Greek Island Hopping. 11 Days. 5 Places. 1 Country. The one that takes you through Mykonos, Paros, Santorini and Ios with comfy sleeps between island hops.

  26. European Adventurer Tour

    This incredible trip gives you 15 European countries, 37 days, and countless bucket list firsts. Don't miss out! Book now, pay later - interest free. ... 167 Reviews. European Adventurer . Price. $7,775. From. $6,609. ... Group sizes are completely dependent on where and how you choose to travel with Contiki. In Europe and in most of North ...

  27. Ultimate European Tour

    156 Reviews. Ultimate European. plus Egypt. Price. $9,855. From. $7,982. Find This Price. Save your space with a deposit payment. VIEW DATES. REQUEST MORE INFO. 4.8. ... Group sizes are completely dependent on where and how you choose to travel with Contiki. In Europe and in most of North America and New Zealand, group sizes can range between ...

  28. North Queensland to Uluru Tour

    REVIEWS. I'm planning to travel in. 2025. 2026. The one that gives you 13 days of Australia's best beaches, forests and deserts. Days. 13 days, 1 country. ... Group sizes are completely dependent on where and how you choose to travel with Contiki. In Europe and in most of North America and New Zealand, group sizes can range between 24 - 53 ...