How to Plan the Perfect Customer Visit [+ Agenda Template]

Published: August 02, 2021

Now that the world is opening back up, it’s time to get out there and meet your customers face-to-face. For many newer customers, this might be their first time getting to spend time with you — especially as conferences have moved online.

client visit schedule

Creating that connection is invaluable. But before you book that plane ticket, it’s essential to create a plan. Planning the perfect customer visit will ensure that you meet your goals and that your customer meeting will be successful. Here’s a look at how you get there.

→ Free Download: 61 Templates to Help You Put the Customer First [Download Now]

Why plan a customer visit?

Jason Lemkin, the founder of SaaStr and EchoSign, has said “ I never lost a customer I actually visited. ” That’s a bold statement — one that's worth taking note of. But why? What is it about customer visits that has such a big impact on customer loyalty?

First of all, you get to make a stronger impression with your customers. No matter what you sell, you aren’t just selling a product — you’re also selling the people behind it.

Your vision, your passion, your knowledge are all play into the perceived value of your product or service. All of these elements come across more strongly when you visit in person. A Zoom call just isn’t enough time to go deep.

Secondly, you get to see how your customers are using your product in person. Are they constantly printing out reports to pin up on a wall? Are you seeing teams walk across the sales floor to point out something on a screen? What kind of working environment and equipment do they have? What other types of software are they using?

Everything happening behind the scenes paints a much clearer picture of who your customers are. And when it comes time to renew or jump on that next customer success call, you’ll have a lot more knowledge ready to draw on.

Finally, meeting your customers in person is a huge motivational boost! When you’re behind a screen for so long, it can start to feel like what you do doesn’t matter — or that you’re not making any real connections. But a visit to a customer’s office can change all that, and really light up your idea of “why” you do this at all.

client visit schedule

61 Templates to Help You Put the Customer First

Email, survey, and buyer persona templates to help you engage and delight your customers

  • 6 buyer persona templates
  • 5 customer satisfaction survey templates
  • 50 customer email templates

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5 Potential Goals of Your Customer Visit

Going into a customer visit with goals in mind will help you get the most out of your time there. Here are five goals to consider when planning a customer visit:

1. Understanding Their Business Goals

If you’re visiting a client, you’re likely hoping for a long term relationship. Understanding what their future goals are can help align your product with their needs. These in-depth conversations would rarely come up over a quick phone call.

2. Gathering Feedback

Customer visits provide a unique opportunity to gather honest and in-the-moment insight into what your customers need and want. When you sit next to someone who uses your product in their daily work, there’s a lot more space to have this feedback arise. And documenting it for future sales opportunities and your product team is one of the more productive actions you can take during a customer visit.

3. Referrals

In-person visits are a great time to ask for and give referrals. Ask, “Are there any other companies that you work with that you could see our product being helpful for?” Alternatively, if a pain point is mentioned by the client and you know the perfect company to help solve it, don’t be afraid to build that connection. It’s just another way you can bring value to your customers.

4. Uncovering Opportunities for Cross-Selling or Upselling

While your primary objective shouldn’t be pitching your offering at every opportunity, you might uncover a problem that your product or service can help solve. Noting these potential value-adds can make for more effective, thoughtfully targeted upsell and cross-sell conversations.

5. Testimonials and Case Studies

Customer visits can be a unique source of sales content, including pictures for case studies, video testimonials, and strong evidence-based customer stories. If you plan on making this one of your primary goals, consider asking your client to set the stage for these kinds of materials before you visit so you already know who you’ll be speaking to, before coming onsite.

How to Plan an Onsite Customer Meeting

By putting more effort in before you go, you’ll have a much better chance of achieving your goals and impressing your clients. Here are some key actions to consider when planning your customer meeting.

Thoroughly prepare before the visit.

Before you arrive, make sure you’re up to date on the state of the customer's account. Who are they usually talking to at your company? What customer service tickets have they raised lately? Are there outstanding issues that need to be addressed? These will come up during your visit.

Secondly, understand the current ecosystem your customer is working within. Is your customer in the news? What’s happening in their industry? What threats and opportunities are arising in their business? Being prepared and knowledgeable about their inner workings will make a better impression than coming in blind.

Decide who you’re meeting with.

Start by setting up a meeting with relevant company leadership. That could be the CEO, the founders, or the VP of the functional team you're working with — depending on the company's scale. Bear in mind, while this contact might be the "reason" for your visit, they're probably not who you'll be spending the most time with.

Once you have a meeting scheduled with the company's leadership, plan the rest of your day around meeting with the team leaders and employees using your product — as well as any teams that are open to signing up or expanding the current seat count or contract scope.

Make dinner reservations for you and your clients.

Traditionally, a customer visit includes taking your client out for a nice dinner as a token of appreciation. It also offers a chance for you to get to know each other outside of the limits of the work environment and form stronger relationships.

That being said, this is not a social visit. Keep your goals in mind — even outside of work hours. If you’re familiar with the restaurants in the area, choose a place that has options for every diet and has a good atmosphere for conversations. If you’re not familiar with the available options, ask the client where they’d recommend.

Complete the wrap-up report.

After the visit is over, you still have work to do. Create a wrap-up report for your internal teams back at the office. It should cover key elements of the visit like any confidentiality agreements put in place and who at your company you can share contact information or sales figures with.

Identify any action items that came up during the visit. Include any positive highlights during the meeting as well as any risks or opportunities that arose. Create a copy of the report for your client as well, to show that you were listening to their concerns and that you’re going to follow up with them.

Customer Visit Agenda Template

Use this sample agenda to plan your own customer visit.

10 am: Welcome/Office Tour (30 minutes, w/ Stacy, Raul)

  • Get settled, set up a desk or boardroom for the day

11 am: Executive Meeting (1 hour, w/ Stacy, Thomas, Ankit, Shireen)

  • Overview of status, product usage, any updates
  • Add any bullet points you need to cover here
  • Upcoming changes or challenges for the business
  • New Opportunities
  • Areas of concern

12pm: Lunch

1pm: User Meetings (4 hours, rotating through Marketing teams)

  • Overview of new features
  • Gather feedback from users
  • Sit with teams to review workflow

5pm: Wrap Up meeting (30 minutes)

  • Process or configuration change recommendations
  • General questions and answers
  • Items to be addressed as part of maintenance
  • Enhancement opportunities

6:30pm: Dinner at Restaurant

Internal Notes

  • At the bottom of your agenda, include internal notes that are meant to be shared with your team only.

Plan for success

It’s time to get back out there and meet your clients face-to-face. By planning your customer visit ahead of time, you’re sure to achieve your goals and come out with a stronger understanding of what your clients need.

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How to Plan the Perfect Customer Visit [+ Docket Template]

Publish: August 02, 2021

Now that the world is opening behind up, it’s time to get out there and meet your customers face-to-face. For many newer consumers, these might will their first time getting to spend time through you — especially as conferences have moved online.

client visit schedule

Creating that joining is invaluable. But before you book that plane ticket, it’s essential to create an schedule. Planning of perfecting customer visit will ensure that you meet thine goals and that your customer meeting will be successful. Here’s a take at how you geting where. Employee Visit Plan - Preset - Vesta EVV

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Why plan a customer visit?

Jason Lemkin, the founder of SaaStr and EchoSign, has said “ I almost lost a customer I actually visited. ” That’s a bold statement — one that's worth taking note of. But why? What is it about customer visits that can such a big impact upon customer loyalty?

First of any, yourself get to make a stronger impression with your customers. No matter about you sale, you aren’t just selling a product — you’re other selling the people go it.

Your vision, my passion, your knowledge are all play into the perceived value of our product or service. All of these elements come across more strongly when you visit in person. AMPERE Zoom call just isn’t plenty time at go deep. Planning the perfecting customer visit will ensure that she meet my goals and is your customer meeting will be triumphant. Here’s one look at how you get there.

Next, you get to check how your customers represent using your outcome in person. Are they constantly printing out reports up pin up on a bulwark? Is you seeing teams walk across the sell floor to point out something on a screen? What kind of working surround and equipment how people do? What extra gender of add-on are people after?

Everything happening behind the scenes paints a much clearer picture of any your customers are. And when it comes time to renew or jump on that next customer success call, you’ll can a lot get knowledge finishing to draw on.

Finally, meeting owner clientele in person is a immense motivational turbo! When you’re behind a screen for so long, to can launching to feel like what you do doesn’t matter — or that you’re don making any real connections. But a visit to a customer’s your can change all that, and really light up your featured of “why” you do this at all.

5 Potentially Goals of Your Customer Visit

Going into a customer visit with goals includes mind will help you got the most out of your time there. Here are five objects to consider when planning a custom visit:

1. Understanding Their Business Goals

If you’re visit a client, you’re likely hopping for one long term relative. Understanding what their future goals are can help align your product for you needs. That in-depth conversations want rarely come up over a quick phone call. customer visits.pdf

2. Gathering Feedback

Customer visits provide a unique opportunity to gather honest and in-the-moment insight into what your client needed and want. Wenn you sit next to someone who types your product in their daily work, there’s a land more space on have this feedbacks arise. And documenting computer for future sales opportunities and thine product team is one of an more productive promotions you able take during a your visit.

3. Referral

In-person tours are a great time to ask for and enter referrals. Question, “Are there any other business that you my with that you could see our product being helpful for?” Alternatively, if adenine pain point is mentioned by the client and you know the perfect company to help solve it, don’t be afraid to build that termination. It’s just additional way you can bring value to your customers.

4. Uncovering Company for Cross-Selling or Upselling

While your primary target shouldn’t be pitching your offering at every opportune, you might unmask adenine trouble that your product button service can helped decipher. Noting these potential value-adds can make for more effective, thoughtfully targeted upsell and cross-sell conversations.

5. Testimonials and Case Studies

Customer visits can be ampere unique source of sales index, including pictures for situation studies, video testimonials, and strong evidence-based customer stories. If you plan on production those one the your primary goals, consider asking your client to set the stage in these kinds on materials before you visit so you already knowledge who you’ll be word to, before coming onsite.

How to Plan to Onsite Customer Meeting

For putting read attempt in before you hinfahren, you’ll have ampere much better chance of achieving your our and impressing get clients. Here am some key actions to consider when planning get customer meeting. Customer Visit Scheme Presentation | Sequent Learning

Thoroughly prepare front one visit.

Before you arrive, make sure you’re up to date on the state is the customer's view. Who what they usually talking up the your group? Thing customer service tickets may they raised lately? Are there outstanding issues ensure necessity to be addressed? These will come up during your visit.

Secondly, understand the current ecosystem your customer is how within. Is your customer in the news? What’s happening in theirs industry? What threats and opportunities are arising in their business-related? Being prepared and knowledgeable regarding their in working will make a better impression than arrival in blind. Purpose: To develop a win/win user visit strategy that will encompass hint points beyond Total! ▫ Procedure: Walk durch varieties of visits, look among.

Decide who you’re meeting with.

Start by setting up a meeting with relevant company business. That could be the CEO, one founders, or which VP of the functional team you're working with — depending on the company's scale. Bear in mind, while such contact may be the "reason" for our visit, they're probably not who you'll may spending aforementioned most time with.

Once you have a meeting scheduled with the company's leadership, plan the rest of get day about meeting with of teams top and employees using your product — as well as any teams that are get to signing up or expanding that current seat count or contract scope.

Make dinner reservations to you and your clients.

Classic, a your visit incorporate taking thine client out for an beautiful getting as one token of appreciation. I also offers ampere chance for thou to get to know each diverse outside of the limits for of labor environment and form stronger verbindungen. Customer Travel Plan - PDF Templates | Jotform

That beings said, this shall not adenine social visit. Keep your goals in heed — even outsides of work hours. If you’re everyday with who restaurants in the area, choose a site that has options for every diet and has a good atmosphere for conversations. If you’re not familiar with the available options, ask the client where they’d recommend. 16 Conferences Daily Example & Free Templates

Completes the wrap-up report.

After the visit be over, you stills have work to accomplish. Creation a wrap-up report used your domestic teams back at the branch. It should top key elements of the visit like whatsoever confidentiality agreements put includes place and who under the company you can share make information or sales pictures with. As to Plan the Perfect Patron Visit [+ Agenda Template]

Identify any action element that came up during the visited. Include any positive highlights during and meeting than well-being as any risks or opportunities that arose. Produce ampere duplicate of the report for get client as well, the prove that you were listening to their concerns and such you’re passing to continue up with them.

Patron Vist Agenda Template

Utilize such random agenda to plant yours own customer visit.

10 my: Welcome/Office Tour (30 minutes, w/ Stasi, Raul)

  • Get settled, set up a desk or boardroom for the day

11 i: Executive Meeting (1 hour, w/ Merge, Thomas, Ankit, Shireen)

  • Quick of status, product usage, any updates
  • Add any bullet points you need to cover here
  • Upcoming revisions oder problems for the business
  • New Opportunities
  • Areas away concern

12pm: Lunch

1pm: Consumer Meetings (4 daily, twisting driven Marketing teams)

  • Overview of new features
  • Add any ball points you need to cover here
  • Collecting feedback from users
  • Sit with teams to review workflow

5pm: Winding Up meeting (30 minutes)

  • Process conversely configuration change recommendations
  • General questions and answers
  • Line to be addressed as parts of maintenance
  • Expansion opportunities

6:30pm: Evening at Restaurant

Internal Remarks

  • At the bottom of your agenda, include internal tips that what meant to be sharing with your team only.

Plan fork success

It’s time to get support out there and meet your client face-to-face. By planning autochthonous customer visit moving are time, you’re sure to achieve your goals and come out with a stronger understanding of how your clients need.

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Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Doc
  • Get started in seconds

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When it comes to client visits, preparation is key. To make sure you're on the same page and make the most out of every meeting, having a structured agenda is essential. That's where ClickUp's Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template comes in!

This template helps sales teams like yours plan and execute successful client visits by:

  • Providing a clear and organized outline of the topics to be covered
  • Allocating dedicated time for each agenda item to ensure efficient use of everyone's time
  • Facilitating effective communication with clients to achieve your sales objectives

Whether you're meeting a potential client for the first time or catching up with a long-term customer, this template will help you stay organized and make the most out of your client visits. Start using it today and see the difference it makes!

Benefits of Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template

When using the Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template, you can:

  • Maintain a structured and organized discussion with clients, ensuring all important topics are covered
  • Allocate specific time for each agenda item, preventing discussions from going off track and ensuring a productive meeting
  • Provide a clear and professional overview of the meeting topics, setting expectations for both the sales team and the client
  • Improve communication with clients, leading to a better understanding of their needs and increased chances of meeting sales objectives

Main Elements of Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template

ClickUp's Client Visit Meeting Agenda template is the perfect tool to plan and execute successful client meetings. Here are the main elements of this template:

  • Document Structure: Use ClickUp's Doc template to create a well-structured meeting agenda that includes sections for objectives, discussion points, action items, and follow-up tasks.
  • Custom Fields: Customize the template with relevant custom fields such as client name, meeting date, meeting location, and attendee list to ensure all necessary information is captured and easily accessible.
  • Collaborative Editing: Collaborate with your team in real-time by using ClickUp's Docs feature, allowing multiple team members to contribute, edit, and make comments simultaneously.
  • Task Management: Convert agenda items into actionable tasks directly within the document, assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and track progress to ensure follow-up actions are completed.
  • Different Views: Utilize different views such as the Board view to visually track the progress of agenda items, the Table view to get a comprehensive overview of all meeting details, and the Calendar view to schedule and manage upcoming client meetings.

How to Use Meeting Agenda for Client Visit

When preparing for a client visit meeting, it’s important to have a well-structured agenda to ensure that all necessary topics are covered. Here are four steps to follow when using the Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template:

1. Determine meeting objectives

Start by identifying the main objectives of the client visit meeting. What specific goals do you hope to achieve? Whether it’s discussing project updates, addressing any concerns, or exploring new opportunities, clearly defining the meeting objectives will help guide the conversation and keep everyone focused.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to outline the objectives for the client visit meeting.

2. Outline the agenda

Once you have established the meeting objectives, create an agenda that outlines the topics to be discussed during the client visit. Start with a warm welcome and introduction, followed by sections for each topic or discussion point. Be sure to allocate enough time for each item to avoid rushing through important discussions.

Use the Board view in ClickUp to create cards for each agenda item and easily rearrange them as needed.

3. Assign responsibilities

To ensure a smooth and productive meeting, assign responsibilities to team members or stakeholders for each agenda item. This will help ensure that everyone is prepared and accountable for their designated topics. Assigning responsibilities also allows for more efficient time management during the meeting.

Utilize the Assignments feature in ClickUp to assign responsibilities to team members for each agenda item.

4. Share and review the agenda

Before the client visit meeting, share the agenda with all relevant participants. This gives everyone an opportunity to review the topics and come prepared with any necessary information or materials. Encourage participants to provide feedback or suggest additional items to be included in the agenda to ensure that all relevant topics are covered.

Use the Email feature in ClickUp to easily share the agenda with all meeting participants and gather their feedback.

By following these four steps and utilizing the Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template in ClickUp, you can ensure that your client visit meetings are well-organized, productive, and focused on achieving your objectives.

add new template customization

Get Started with ClickUp’s Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template

Sales teams can use the Client Visit Meeting Agenda Template to streamline their client meetings and ensure a focused and productive discussion.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to plan and execute successful client meetings:

  • Start by creating a new project for each client visit meeting
  • Use the Agenda View to outline the topics to be covered and allocate time for each agenda item
  • The Client Information View will help you gather and organize all the necessary details about the client
  • The Action Items View will allow you to assign tasks to team members and track their progress
  • Customize the statuses to reflect the different stages of the meeting, such as Preparing, In Progress, Completed
  • Collaborate with your team to brainstorm ideas and create compelling presentations
  • Utilize the Notes section to capture important takeaways and action points from the meeting
  • Monitor and analyze the progress of each client visit meeting to ensure successful outcomes.

Related Templates

  • Benefits Administrators Meeting Agenda Template
  • Mobile Designers Meeting Agenda Template
  • Jewelers Meeting Agenda Template
  • Conference Template Meeting Agenda Template
  • Brick-and-Mortar Businesses Meeting Agenda Template

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Agenda Templates

10+ sample visit agenda.

Visitors don’t come often. They visit for a purpose, and they are only available for a certain period of time. Any event or occasion that ranges from formal to casual ones could definitely involve visitors. They come for different reasons be it academic conferences, workshops, seminars, training sessions, and a lot more.

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What is a Visit Agenda?

How to prepare a visit agenda.

  • Assign assistants. As a host for a certain conference for example, you have to assign assistants before hand so you could finally prepare a visit agenda. Once they’re assigned on different posts, it would be a lot easier to plot their information in your visit agenda.
  • Know visitor’s details first. You are expected to know your visitor’s details before anyone else. An estimated time of arrival is an example of a vital visitor detail. With your initial information obtained, the rest of the details in your visit agenda would all just follow.

Free Site Visit Agenda Template

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Company Site Visit Agenda Sample

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Free Advocacy Visit Agenda in PDF

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Sample Visit Agenda

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Free Site Initiation Visit Agenda in PDF

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Sample Visit Agenda Templates

  • This Corporate Visit Agenda Template is presented in a table. It would be much easier for you to plot your visitor’s schedule and corresponding activities as well.
  • We also offer a Project Site Visit Agenda Template , which is already written for you in subparts. All you need to do is input the different activities that you have prepared for your visitors. You could also plot any of their preferred schedule. Either way, you already have it all organized.

More in Agenda Templates

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  • 11+ Training Agenda Templates
  • 25+ Simple Agenda Templates – PDF, DOC
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  • 12+ Sales Meeting Agenda Templates – Free Sample, Example Format Download
  • 10+ Investment Committee Agenda Templates in PDF | DOC
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  • 10+ Audit Meeting Agenda Templates in DOC | PDF
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8 Proven Best Practices For An Effective Customer Visit

Customer visits are an excellent means of handling disputes, improving sales opportunities, and building customer relationships. Here are 8 tips to prepare for a customer visit:

  • Set the date and time for the visit strategically:  Nothing's worse than going at their busiest time. Maybe they have a seasonality, or it's a quarter-end. You don't want them to be distracted. When you're on the visit, you want to spend time with them. So, plan it strategically.
  • Send discussion documents or work papers in advance:  It could be that you're reconciling a high volume of invoices that they are refusing to pay. Or there are deductions that you just can't unravel. Always send all the documents in advance so that the customer has sufficient time to prepare as well.
  • Determine who from your company should attend to address any concerns:  It could be your sales rep or someone from your staff who's been working on a particular issue and meeting with the customer to resolve it. Anticipate what issues or concerns the customer could have. Plan ahead and include the people who can address their issues.
  • Inform the customer well in advance who you want to meet:  Get a nod on your customer's availability and whether they are prepared for the time you want to spend with them.
  • Take time to understand the customer's business before the meeting:  You can ask probing questions that will help you understand the real challenge. When you're on-site, assess their business needs, understand their customer base, competitors, and industry trends. This way you can anticipate if there's going to be higher demand requiring a review of their credit line.
  • Communicate the purpose of the visit to key stakeholders:  It could be your senior management or owner. It could be a sales or a product manager. It could be somebody in customer service or operations. If there are some logistics issues or any other kind of problem that they can help you with, they should be aware that you're going to this meeting and who you're going to meet with.
  • What if it's a negotiation:  If so, define the roles and the talking points in advance. Sometimes it's a better strategy just to walk away than to make too much of a compromise. Always try to leave the opportunity for further discussion.

client visit schedule is a video-first microlearning platform trusted by over 10,000+ Credit and Collections professionals. Drive skill growth with role-specific, expert video lessons. Measure practical expertise through hands-on assessments. Connect and collaborate with the largest credit community and get access to ready-to-use templates.


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How to Prepare for an In-Office Client Visit

Whether your first priority with your office is comfort, beauty, or functionality, it needs to work for your clients. Here are tips to impress guests.

Originally published by the American Society of Civil Engineers . Re-posted with permission.

Whether your first priority with your office is comfort, beauty, or functionality, it needs to work for your clients. A disorganized workplace can have a negative effect on your clients but also you and your business. If you want your office to be truly productive, there are pieces of furniture that play a role in welcoming clients and there are also other aspects that show that your office is professional and orderly. 

Receive clients quickly and professionally

Visitor management kiosk with temperature scanning

The software guides your visitor through the sign-in process. Safety is all-important and the system also improves the security measures of your office as it offers live reports of everyone on-site. The system streamlines the entire check-in process and reduces waiting times. It eliminates the need to have a live receptionist who sometimes can’t make it to the office. Clients love the streamlined reception process that is indicative of a well-run business in all other areas. 

Ensure ergonomically designed furniture

With any business, a comfortable furniture is always a great option when thinking of clients. Whatever office you have, you should never compromise on quality and comfort. You don’t want your clients using it and then taking away their aching and stressed muscles and a headache. Ergonomics in your organization shows your company’s commitment to health and safety. 

You and your clients may require sitting a good part of the day and that means you face some health issues if your chair is ill-fitting. It is crucial to make sure that business furniture is designed to enhance your comfort. 

Incorporating ergonomics  will not only ensure your productivity but your comfort and well-being will be assured as well. Clients are such a valuable asset and you want to show your appreciation of them. It’s important to create a safe, hygienic environment for your clients that leads to better relationships and cooperation. 

What is a Visitor Management System?  How does it impact your business?  ️ Download the free ebook and learn more today.

Customer services just common decency

Cannabis dispensary customer check in kiosk

Even if employees don’t really have much to do with the client, they need to be helpful, friendly, and hospitable. This can make a huge difference between a client having a shoddy experience and a client feeling welcome and appreciated for what they bring to the business. 

Provide clear directions

How frustrating it is to be spinning and whirling around, hunting for some guidance as to where to go. If your clients use a public parking area, already from there, there ought to be signs guiding them on how to find you. Without guidance, it can cause so much confusion as to make a client late. 

Many might lose impatience and not bother to see you. You’ll get a message later explaining that they battled to find your premises. Proper signage is imperative, and if you can’t afford professional signage, then laminated A4 posters will do the trick.

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