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canadian youth travel


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Work and Travel Abroad With Languages Canada

  • For Foreign Youth
  • For Canadian Youth

canadian youth travel

The Languages Canada Consortium is a Recognized Organization (RO) with International Experience Canada, offering eligible Canadian youth the opportunity to travel and work abroad.

The Languages Canada Consortium comprises eight accredited language schools offering programs in a variety of countries and specializing in work placements for English teachers in training, as well as in the tourism and hospitality sectors. Each school's offer is unique and full details are available on their websites.

For eligibility criteria, how to apply, and terms and conditions, click here .

Languages Canada Consortium Schools

ATPAL Languages

ATPAL Languages

Location(s) Montreal

Language(s) English, French

Center of English Studies

Centre of English Studies

Location(s) Toronto, Vancouver

Language(s) English

Global Village

Global Village

Location(s) Victoria, Calgary

International House

International House

Location(s) Vancouver

ILSC Education Group

ILSC Education Group

Location(s) Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal

Oxford International

Oxford International Education Group

Location(s) Vancouver, Toronto, Halifax

Upper Madison College

Upper Madison College

Location(s) Toronto, Montreal

VGC International College

VGC International College

How It Works

Download the International Experience Canada Brochure

About the Languages Canada Recognized Organization

The Languages Canada Recognized Organization (RO) Consortium (LC Consortium) is a designated recognized organization of the Government of Canada’s International Experience Canada (IEC) program. IEC gives young Canadians the opportunity to broaden their perspective of the world and Canada’s place in it through international work and travel experience.

Through IEC, Canada has negotiated temporary immigration pathways with more than 35 Youth Mobility Agreement (YMA) countries and territories that allow Canadian youth (between ages 18-35) to work while they travel in a partner country or territory. The same opportunity is provided to young citizens from partner countries and territories (and sometimes other countries) to come to Canada.

This initiative originated over 60 years ago as a cultural exchange program between youth. With IEC’s current mandate, the Government of Canada remains committed to fostering cultural, economic and social exchanges between youth through work and travel opportunities.

The Government of Canada works with key stakeholders like the LC Consortium in Canada and abroad to raise awareness of the program, to promote the benefits of international experience, and to equip Canadian and foreign national youth with information and services to help them achieve international work and travel experiences through IEC.

The LC Consortium comprises eight accredited language schools, with locations in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax. All Languages Canada Consortium members are accredited under one internationally recognized and comprehensive scheme. The LC Accreditation Scheme operates at arm’s length, is transparent, confidential, and maintains the integrity and rigour of Languages Canada’s standards and process. Learn more here .

Queries related to work and travel abroad opportunities can be directed to individual Consortium members (see above).

General questions related to Languages Canada can be directed to: [email protected] .

Eligibility Criteria

Work and travel opportunities for Canadian youth are available in 37 YMA partner countries and territories. Eligibility (including age limits), application processes, and conditions (including duration of stay) are dependent on the immigration and work conditions of each country. IEC has developed guidance and country-specific resources on its website that describe the opportunities, limits, and procedures required for Canadian youth to apply for a work permit to each of these countries or territories.

To apply to the Working Holiday Program in a YMA partner country, all Participants must meet the eligibility criteria and working requirements established with that country.

Each country has a different agreement with Canada; however, generally, Participants can expect that they must:

  • Be aged between 18 and 30 (or 35) years old
  • Hold a valid Canadian passport
  • Have support funds
  • Have no dependents
  • Have no criminal record

Follow these steps to apply

For eligible Canadians interested in working in one of 37 YMA partner countries, International Experience Canada has provided an overview of the steps needed to apply.

  • Visit the IEC webpage to understand the eligibility criteria.
  • Decide on a destination country and check its specific eligibility requirements (they may be different from the general criteria).
  • Work with the LC Consortium member to understand the job opportunities that best suit the Participant.
  • Follow the application process laid out by the LC Consortium member. Contact the Consortium member directly for more information on the application process.
  • Once the application process has been completed including payment of fees to the Consortium member, complete the visa application to the desired YMA partner country (this may be completed with the support of the LC Consortium member, depending on the Package purchased).
  • Work with the LC Consortium member to finalize travel, accommodations, insurance, and other details.


LC Consortium The Languages Canada Recognized Organization Consortium is a group of eight accredited language schools offering a range of English and French language study, and work and travel abroad programs to eligible youth through the IEC.

Program Any package of employment search, support, accommodation support, documentation assistance, and general orientation to the partner country and employment provided by LC consortium members to Canadian youth.

Applicant Any youth interested in, or in the process of applying to take part in a Program offered by any LC Consortium member to participate in the IEC Working Holiday experience.

Participant Any youth that has purchased a Program from an LC Consortium member.

Agreement A contract between the Participant and LC Consortium member.

Fees The LC Consortium member may charge an Application Fee and a Program Fee in Canadian dollars for the services provided in the Program offered to Canadian youth.

Description of Services

LC Consortium members provide support to Canadian youth interested in working abroad through the IEC in one of the YMA partner countries. Consortium members may assist Canadian youth with locating a job, preparing their visa application, securing accommodations, making travel arrangements, purchasing insurance, pre-departure orientation, language lessons, in-country assistance, and other matters related to their IEC working holiday abroad.

Terms and Conditions

An Agreement between an LC Consortium member and Participant begins when an LC Consortium member has received a completed and signed online application form and has received payment of all necessary fees. LC Consortium members reserve the right to refuse any Applicant who does not meet the IEC program eligibility requirements.

The Agreement will end upon fulfillment of the terms of services outlined in the specific agreement, as per the Program purchased by the Participant, or as otherwise terminated in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

By purchasing any package offered by an LC Consortium member, participating youth affirm they meet the International Experience Canada Eligibility Criteria, and accept the following Terms and Conditions, as well as the below Use of Personal Information and Cancellation and Refund policies.

  • Participants are responsible for completing all steps in their work permit application process for their chosen partner country, including providing all required documentation. Participants must meet all eligibility criteria and visa conditions.
  • Obtaining a valid work permit in their chosen partner country is the responsibility of the Participant . The LC Consortium is not responsible for delays in permit processing, nor for a Participant’s failure to submit a complete and correct work permit application.
  • Participants are responsible for all travel expenses to get to their destination abroad unless otherwise specified in the Program purchased. All travels before, during, and after the Program are at the Participant’s own risk and expense. The LC Consortium is not liable or responsible for the Participant’s health and safety and loss or damage to property. The Participant must ensure that they are fit and qualified to travel.
  • Gross misconduct, dangerous or offensive behaviour, involvement in illegal activity in Canada or the partner country, violation of employer regulations, or failure to perform duties as requested may result in the Participant’s expulsion from the Working Holiday program.
  • The LC Consortium is not responsible for or deemed to be in default by reason of delays in or failure of performance of an agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control and not being limited to civil war, war between nations, insurrections, strikes, riots, fires, floods, explosions, earthquakes, serious accidents, any act of government, governmental priorities, allocations, regulations, or orders affecting materials or facilities, acts of God or the public enemy, failure of transportation, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, or labour trouble-causing cessation, slowdown or interruption of work and failure of suppliers and subcontractors to furnish labour or materials within their contractual delivery times.
  • The Participant must follow guidelines for the work permit activation process provided by the chosen partner country. The LC Consortium is not responsible for work permit activation issues nor for any mistakes made on the work permit once issued by the chosen partner country. It is the responsibility of the Participant to provide all correct documentation and verify the information on the work permit is correct. 
  • The Participant must affirm that all information in their application form is true and correct and that any false information may result in the cancellation of their agreement with the LC Consortium member with no refund.

Use of Personal Information

By submitting an application, the Participant is providing express consent for Languages Canada and its Consortium institution to use their personal information for the following purposes:

  • Personal information in the application, including, but not limited to, date of birth, nationality, address, resume, and passport identification page, is used solely for determining program and work permit eligibility. This information will not be shared with or sold to any third party.
  • Macro-level Participant information, including, but not limited to, gender, age, nationality, destination partner country, employment type, and type of work, may be shared with the government of Canada for research and statistical purposes in accordance with the IEC program.
  • In order to support the Participant, personal information may be shared with LC Consortium partners in Canada in order to arrange Participant accommodation, health insurance, or other in-country support services.

Note that these criteria around use of personal information apply only to services provided by LC and its Consortium. The Participant may be subject to different requirements with the partner country.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • There are fees to apply for a working holiday visa in a YMA partner country. These are in addition to LC Consortium package prices and are not included in this refund policy.
  • The Application Fee and Program Fee will vary, depending on the Program purchased. Prior to finalizing purchase of a Program, Applicants should carefully review all Fees outlined in the Program purchase agreement with the Consortium member.
  • Payment of Fees – including Program Fee and Application Fee – to the LC Consortium institution is required at the time of purchasing a Program. The LC Consortium member will not support the Participant’s outbound travels until all Fees have been paid.
  • Once the Participant is in the partner country and/or their employment has begun (whichever comes first), all Fees paid to the LC Consortium member are non-refundable.
  • Fees may be partially eligible for refunds in case of Participant cancellation. See below table for more information.
  • Depending on the Program purchased by the Participant from the LC Consortium member, there may be additional refund and/or cancellation policies that apply and are not covered by the below table. Participants should contact the LC Consortium member from which they’ve purchased a Program for more information.

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YMCA YEC Program Homepage

Give your group the experience of a lifetime!

Connect. Exchange. Discover.

YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada (YEC) is a group exchange program that helps adult leaders organize exchanges across Canada for their groups of youth ages 12 to 17. 

Participants get to travel and discover a new part of Canada, engage in various hands-on learning experiences, and make new friends. 

Applications are now open.

Reaching Potential and Discovering Canada

YEC offers your youth group the opportunity to travel to another part of Canada for a life-changing experience. The program pairs groups of 10 to 30 participants ages 12 to 17 from a different province or territory, staying at least five days in each other's communities. Participants experience team bonding and planning all parts of the exchange, including travel, budgets, accommodation, itinerary of daily activities, community projects, and more.

Map 1

Discover New Places and Explore Their Community

YEC participants travel to a new community and host their twin group in their community.


Make New Friends

Youth can build lifelong friendships with peers from other communities in Canada.


Learn About Canada's Diversity

Participants improve their knowledge and understanding of Canada by learning about its history, geography, economy, institutions, cultures, communities, languages, and more.


Have Fun With Educational Activities

Each group plans local activities when hosting their twin group. They may also work together on community projects.

“I learned students can and will do remarkable things. I see these students every day in my classroom, but on the exchange, they flourished, and I am so proud of the people they have become. Teaching has been difficult the past few years, but this exchange has rejuvenated my love for teaching, and I hope I can provide this experience for more students and staff. “ – Group leader

Program Eligibility Criteria


The program is open to groups of young people who belong to a recognized community organization or school. To participate in the program, youth must:

  • Be part of a youth group with 10 to 30 members.
  • Be 12- to 17-years-old.
  • Not have previously participated in the program.
  • Be ready to live away from home for at least five days.
  • Participate in hosting activities in their community.
  • Participate in planning activities before, during, and after the exchange.
  • Help organize fundraising events to help cover the cost of hosting activities and local transportation.

How YEC responsibilities are shared:

  • The Government of Canada pays the transportation costs for all eligible participants and organizers.
  • YEC connects you with a twin group, helps organize and pay for travel, and provides orientation, support, and resources for organizing a successful exchange.
  • Group leaders work with their group to plan local activities and host their twin group.

“This exchange program was easily laid out, very accessible, and inclusive of everyone. Many of our students would not have been able to do this exchange without the support of the program and our school community.“ – Group leader

  • For travel between January 1 and June 30, the application deadline is September 30.
  • For travel between July 1 and December 31, the application deadline is February 1.

Applications are open to adult group leaders applying on behalf of their group.

Need more information? Complete this form, and we will contact you.

Application Guidelines

Organizing an exchange for a large group of youth can be overwhelming. Our application guide helps you prepare and submit your application with ease.

Connecting Communities

Banner Image

We pair school or community groups from different parts of Canada for two five-day educational exchanges, which can take place any time during the year. Trip preparation, travel, and organizing and hosting activities allow youth to develop interpersonal and teamwork skills while exploring their community and discovering another. By participating in YEC, youth: 

  • Improve their knowledge and understanding of Canada, learning firsthand about our country's history, geography, economy, institutions, cultures, communities, languages, and more.
  • Connect with one another and create social networks throughout the country, helping to strengthen the fabric of Canadian society.
  • Develop a stronger Canadian identity and attachment to Canada and an appreciation of the diversity and shared aspects of the Canadian experience.

Each year, over 1,500 Canadian youth participate in exchanges across Canada. A unique aspect of YEC is the freedom to tailor programming to the age and interests of the youth involved, allowing for a customized and purposeful experience that fits your youth group’s goals.

“As our twin lead chaperone said, ‘I expected this exchange to make an impact on the kids. What I never expected was the impact it has had on me. I have made connections with this group of people that have come as such a wonderful surprise.’ Our fourth chaperone — also a parent — said to me, ‘When you said at the parent meeting that this exchange would be life-changing, I thought, okay, whatever. But now I am here, and it really is — I can see the difference this experience is making.’" – Group Leader

History and Funding

The YMCA of Greater Toronto organizes the program. YEC has offered exchange programs to diverse communities across Canada since 1976, and in 2020, we celebrated 20 years of funding from the Canadian Government’s Exchanges Canada Program . YEC is grateful for the continued support from Exchanges Canada, a division of the federal government’s Department of Canadian Heritage , which is the program’s primary source of funding.

 YEC gives youth the opportunity to learn about Canada’s history and diversity, initiate community projects, make new friends and connections, and develop an appreciation for both official languages.

The program strongly focuses on engaging youth throughout the exchange cycle, providing volunteer service and youth leadership opportunities.

Canada logo

Youth Exchanges Inquiry Form


Thank you for your interest in YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada (YEC). Please complete our inquiry form and someone will contact you soon.

Please note that the YEC program only accepts applications from group leaders for their groups.

If you’re interested in an individual exchange, take a look at our Summer Work Student Exchange (SWSE) program .

Please note that the YEC program only accepts applications from group leaders on behalf of their groups of youth, and we do not accept any individual applications. If you are interested in an individual exchange, take a look at our Summer Work Student Exchange (SWSE) program .

Work Global Canada Inc.

International Experience Canada opens the 2024 season to welcome international youth

Dec 11, 2023 | New Brunswick , Newfoundland , Nova Scotia , Press Room

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December 11, 2023 — Ottawa, Ontario —Canada continues to benefit from the interest shown by young people from around the world who wish to come here to acquire and contribute professional skills, travel and take part in the Canadian experience.

The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced today that the 2024 season of the  International Experience Canada (IEC) Program is now open , which will allow nearly 90,000 young people from IEC partner countries and territories to come to Canada and participate. Those interested in applying can  submit a profile  as early as December 11, 2023.

IEC is a reciprocal program that allows Canadian and international youth aged 18–35 to work and travel in each other’s countries. Canada has established youth mobility partnerships with over 35 countries and territories, and in 2023, we signed new arrangements or agreements with Finland, Iceland and Ukraine, and improved existing ones with South Korea and the United Kingdom. While we look forward to welcoming international youth from even more countries in 2024, Canadian youth will also have more options than ever to gain international experience and perspectives by visiting our partner countries. We are also pleased to expand IEC’s use of automation technology to identify routine applications for streamlined processing, support the growth of IEC and facilitate work and travel for international youth in Canada.

With the opening of the 2024 season, participants will once again be able to take part in the Canadian experience through work and travel. This will have a positive impact on employers who are looking to fill positions, as well as on Canada’s tourism industry.

“Canada benefits when young people around the world participate in International Experience Canada. This program will help Canadian employers in their search for talented employees, but will also serve to stimulate the tourism sector across the country. We also hope that young Canadians will take advantage of the reciprocal aspect of this program to gain work and travel experience from around the world that will serve them throughout their lives.” – The Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Quick facts

  • Working Holiday  participants receive an open work permit that allows them to work anywhere in the host country to support their travels.
  • International Co-op (Internship)  participants receive an employer-specific work permit that allows students to gain targeted experience in their field of study.
  • Young Professionals  participants receive an employer-specific work permit to gain targeted, professional work experience within their field of study or career path.
  • Canada and Finland signed a new youth mobility agreement in March 2023. Youth from Finland are expected to be able to participate once the agreement is ratified by both countries sometime in 2024.
  • Youth will be able to participate in the Canada–Ukraine youth mobility agreement once travel to Ukraine becomes safe.


Go International

International Experience Canada

work and travel experience

What is International Experience Canada?

canadian youth travel

Originating in 1951 as a cultural youth exchange initiative following World War II, the program now has more than 30 active youth mobility arrangements with country and territory partners across Europe, East Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. Its primary objectives include building the global competencies of Canadian and foreign national youth, and leveraging youth mobility arrangements as a strategic tool in diplomatic relations to strengthen global relationships.

How does it work?

IEC has three program streams through which foreign youth may work and travel in Canada:

The working holiday stream facilitates work and travel through an open work permit that allows foreign youth to work for virtually any employer in any location in Canada

The international co-op and young professionals’ streams facilitate internships and professional work experience through employer-specific work permits.

Similarly, Canadian youth can access a variety of work-travel program streams in partner countries and territories. Access to specific work permit streams depends on the negotiated arrangement between Canada and each of its partners.

What is GO International's role in this program?

As a Recognized Organization (RO) of IEC, GO International has been designated a partner in raising awareness and providing support services to foreign national and Canadian youth.

The Government of Canada works with key stakeholders like GO International in Canada and abroad to raise awareness of the program, promote the benefits of international experience, and to equip Canadian youth with information to successfully embark on international work and travel experiences through IEC.

Useful Links

Work and Travel abroad with International Experience Canada

Work and Travel in Canada with International Experience Canada

International Experience Canada – Recognized Organizations

International Experience Canada: Who can apply

Follow IEC on Social Media:

Use hashtag #IECvoyage to share your travel stories.

Utilisez le hashtag #EICvoyage pour partager vos aventures sur Twitter.

Let's Get Working!

canadian youth travel

International Experience Canada (IEC) Program

Iec is a program designed to allow youth the opportunity to work in canada for temporary periods..

Youth from over 30 different countries can get an open work permit so they can work for any employer of their choice in Canada. IEC is meant to help build economic, social, and cultural ties between Canada and peer countries. This comprehensive CanadaVisa page provides an overview of how you can benefit from IEC.

Contact Cohen Immigration Law for Assistance

Table of contents, working holiday, young professionals.

  • International Co-op

Employer-specific Work Permits

Countries with bilateral youth mobility agreements with canada, eligibility requirements for the iec program.

  • How IEC works
  • Contact the Cohen Immigration Law for Assistance

Citizens of countries with a bilateral Youth Mobility Arrangement with Canada who are between the ages of 18 and 35 may be eligible for IEC work permits. Work permits issued under IEC are exempt from the requirement for a Labor Market impact Assessment  (LMIA).

The LMIA is the labour market test that the Canadian government often uses to assess how the potential arrival of foreign workers may affect workers in Canada. However, International Experience Canada exists to promote Canada's economic, social, and cultural ties with participating countries. As a result, IEC participants can obtain a Canadian work permit through the following options. 

Participants in the Working Holiday category can receive an open work permit, valid for one to two years. Open work permits allow participants to work anywhere in Canada for almost any Canadian employer. Nationals of some countries may be allowed to stay in Canada for more or less than one year.

The Working Holiday category is for individuals who:

  • do not have a job offer;
  • want to work for more than one employer in Canada;
  • want to work in more than one location; and/or
  • want to earn more so they can travel.

Under the Young Professionals category, citizens of participating countries can gain valuable international experience by working for a Canadian company. Applicants to this category receive an employer-specific work permit if approved.

This category is for individuals who:

  • have a valid job offer in Canada for a paid position that contributes to their professional development; and
  • plan on working for the same employer during their stay in Canada.

A signed job offer letter or contract of employment with a Canadian employer related to the applicant’s professional development is required before applying. The job offered must be classified as a National Occupation Code (NOC) Skill Type Level 0, A, or B.

International Co-op Internship

The International Co-op Internship category allows citizens of participating countries who are enrolled at a post-secondary institution in their country of citizenship to spend a period of time interning for Canadian companies. Applicants to this category would receive an employer-specific work permit.

  • are registered at a post-secondary institution outside of Canada;
  • have a job offer for a work placement or internship in Canada that is required to complete their studies;

Participants must arrange co-op placements with Canadian employers before applying.

An employer-specific work permit is a work permit that indicates the name of a foreign worker’s employer, occupation, work location, along with the duration of the authorized period of work.

The IEC may allow Young Professionals and International Co-op internship candidates to work for the same employer in different locations. In order to do so, the different locations of the Canadian business must be operating under the same Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number, and addresses of the work locations, along with the CRA number, must be provided at the time the Offer of Employment is submitted. Further, it is critical that the occupation, duties and wages remain consistent from one location to another.

Young Professionals or International Co-op Internship applicants are required to maintain employment in Canada that is relevant to their studies, training or professional experience.

In some cases, Young Professionals or International Co-op Interns holding employer-specific work permits may request a change of employer. Prior to submitting a new work permit application, the participant must, as part of its request for a change of employer, provide the required documentation regarding the new employer and occupation. Additionally, the participant must be prepared to provide a justification, which may include reasons such as company closure. The decision to approve such a request is at the discretion of the case processing agent.

Should a change be requested after the initial work permit has been issued and during a participant’s stay in Canada, the authorized period of work will, in accordance with bilateral agreement/arrangement, be reduced by the amount of time that has already elapsed.

The validity/length of each visa type is specified in the three central columns and will depend on the nationality of the applicant and the visa type that he or she has applied for.

*Citizens can participate in special IEC student summer job initiatives exclusive to their country.

**Candidates may participate twice for a total of 24 months. 

Candidates must:

  • be a citizen (passport holder) of one of the above countries or be a resident of one of the territories that have a bilateral Youth Mobility Arrangement with Canada;
  • have a valid passport for the duration of their stay in Canada (the work permit issued will not be longer than the validity of the passport),
  • be between the ages of 18 and 30 or 35 at the time of application (the upper age limit depends on the applicant’s country of citizenship);
  • have the equivalent of $2,500 CAN upon landing to help cover initial expenses;
  • be able to take out health insurance for the duration of their stay (participants may have to present evidence of this insurance at the point of entry in Canada);
  • be admissible to Canada;
  • have, prior to departure, a round-trip ticket or the financial resources to purchase a departure ticket for the end of their authorized stay in Canada,
  • not be accompanied by dependents; and
  • pay the appropriate fees.

Please note that specific age and eligibility requirements may vary by country.

How IEC Works

The IEC operates on an Expression of Interest/Invitation to Apply model. Eligible candidates create an IEC profile but must receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) before they may submit an application.

The following is a chronological step-by-step overview of how the IEC program works:

  • Complete the Come to Canada questionnaire and, if eligible, get your personal reference code.
  • Use this code to create your online account .
  • Complete the remaining steps in the IEC profile builder.
  • Submit your profile and choose the IEC pools you want to be in.
  • If you receive an Invitation to Apply via your account, you will have 10 days to start your application or to decline the invitation. If you accept, click the “Start Application” button in your account to start the work permit application process.
  • After you press the button “Start Application”, you have 20 days from that day, regardless of whether you accept on day 1 or 10, to complete, pay and submit the work permit application.
  • For Young Professional and International Coop categories, your employer needs to pay the $230 Employer Compliance Fee through the Employer Portal before your 20 days expire. Ask your employer to send you the offer of employment number they will get after they have paid their fees. You need this number to apply for your work permit.
  • Upload all supporting documents, including police and medical exam certificates, if applicable (if you don’t have the supporting documents, you can upload proof that you have applied to undertake a medical exam and that a police certificate request has been sent).
  • Pay your participation fee of CAD $153 with a credit card through the online payment system in your account.
  • For Working Holiday Category, applicants pay their open work permit holder fee of CAD $100 at this time as well.
  • At this point, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) begins its temporary work permit application assessment. IRCC may ask you to provide additional documents. This is the last chance to withdraw from IEC and obtain refunds. IRCC typically processes complete applications within eight weeks.
  • If the application is successful, a letter of introduction (LOI) will be sent to your account. The official name of the document is Port of Entry (POE) Introduction Letter.
  • This letter is to be presented upon arrival at a Port of Entry (such as an international airport) in Canada, whereupon a work permit may be obtained.

There are scenarios where Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) may allow IEC work permit holders to extend the validity period of their work permit to reach the maximum validity period allowed within a specific category.

As a rule, no work permit extensions are authorized under the IEC program. However, IEC participants may be able to extend the validity period of their work permits beyond what was initially granted by the border services officer at the time they entered Canada. These scenarios are outlined below.

Would you like to enter Canada to work on a temporary basis? The Cohen Immigration Law can help. Cohen Immigration Law offers over 45 years of expertise assisting workers and employers navigate Canadian immigration regulations.

Please complete this short form to submit your work permit query directly to Cohen Immigration Law. Our Work Permit Team is here to help:

Latest News

Ircc conducts its first express entry draw for cec candidates since 2021.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has issued its first round of Express Entry invitations for Canadian Experience Class (CEC) candidates since September 14, 2021. Read on for the results of IRCC's May 31 Express Entry draw.

Canada's Express Entry Draw Results from April 24, 2024

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has now conducted its second Express Entry draw this week. Here are the results of IRCC's Express Entry draw on April 24, 2024.

  • Immigrate to Canada
  • Express Entry
  • Provincial Nominee Programs
  • Quebec Immigration
  • Other Federal Economic Programs
  • National Occupational Classification
  • Language Test Requirements
  • Education Credential Assessment
  • Immigration Levels Plan
  • About the Immigration Department
  • About the Immigration Minister
  • Working in Canada
  • TFWP & IMP
  • Work Permit Process
  • Work without a Work Permit
  • Get Maintained Status
  • Business Visitors
  • Options for H-1B Visa Holders
  • Tech Talent Options
  • LMIA-Exempt Work Permits (IMP)
  • LMIA-Based Work Permits (TFWP)
  • Employer Compliance
  • Family Class Sponsorship
  • Spouse or Common-Law Partner
  • Child or Other Dependent
  • Parents and Grandparents
  • Requirements for Each Program
  • Study in Canada
  • Get a Study Permit
  • Study Pathways to PR
  • Bringing your Family to Canada
  • Working While Studying
  • Post-Graduation Work Permits
  • About Canadian Citizenship
  • Benefits of Canadian Passport
  • Apply for Proof of Citizenship
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Citizenship Ceremony
  • Overcome Inadmissibility
  • Temporary Resident Permit
  • Criminal Rehabilitation
  • Inadmissible Legal Opinion Letter
  • Visiting with a Criminal Record
  • Common Offences
  • Charges Within Canada
  • Authorization to Return to Canada
  • Refusals and Appeals
  • Canada Security Clearances
  • Overcome Medical Inadmissibility
  • Inadmissibility to Canada FAQs
  • Canada Border Services Agency
  • About Cohen Immigration Law
  • How to Avoid Fraud
  • Workers' Rights in Canada
  • Temporary Resident Visas
  • Tools and Resources
  • Business Immigration Overview
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Self-Employed
  • Getting Settled in Canada
  • Opening a Bank Account
  • How to Find Work
  • Renting a Home
  • Buying a Home
  • Free Settlement Services
  • Public Transportation
  • Buying a Car
  • Food and Grocery Options
  • Buying Furniture
  • How to Dress for the Weather
  • TV and Home Entertainment
  • Get to Know Canada
  • Apply for an exchange
  • Group Organizer Login

Experiences Canada

Exchanges | Youth Forums | Learning Resources

canadian youth travel

Experiences Canada offers group exchanges for youth aged 12 to 17 and their chaperones, and covers all group travel costs from your community to your twin group!

Youth Forums

canadian youth travel

Our youth forums bring together youth from across Canada to explore current issues facing Canadian society. They serve as a safe inclusive space for youth to learn outside of a classroom setting.

Learning Resources

canadian youth travel

Our learning resources provide youth and youth educators with curriculum-based interactive lessons that examine a variety of topics relative to today’s youth

How can we help?

About experiences canada.

Experiences Canada is a national registered charity that helps young Canadians to explore their country in ways they never may have imagined through reciprocal exchanges, forums, conferences and other opportunities to connect with one another.

Every year, we send on average 4,500 youth on exchange somewhere in Canada. That’s hundreds of thousands of young Canadians who have benefited from a student exchange experience since we began over 80 years ago.


canadian youth travel

Connecting Hearts and Cultures

A transformative journey on the paulatuk exchange.

We had an exciting time showing them some of the many attractions in our area, but the REAL excitement for our students was the opportunity to travel to Paulatuk in April 2023…

canadian youth travel

Discovering Alberta

A journey of friendship and growth.

This student exchange allowed us and our classmates to grow closer. It even gave us the opportunity to learn more about people we thought we already knew well…

canadian youth travel

Powdered Paths

Ski adventures from kelowna to ottawa.

In January 2023, my ski team and I embarked on an unforgettable trip to Ottawa. The excitement was palpable as we departed …

canadian youth travel

Uniting Cultures

A transformative exchange between netsilik school and elmvale high school.

In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the importance of cultural exchange and understanding cannot be overstated…

canadian youth travel

Feature Friday

Alumni shelby yoder.

Alumni Shelby Yoder took the time to answer some questions and share what she has been up to since her time with Experiences Canada…

canadian youth travel

Lifetime Connections

My experience in Victoria with our varsity basketball team was extraordinary. While in Victoria, there was never a dull moment. I had the opportunity to experience so many things with my team, and these opportunities will inspire me for a lifetime.

canadian youth travel

Our Trip to Ottawa

Our trip to Ottawa was a great opportunity to bond as a team, with our host families, and to explore another province. Our six days were spent visiting Ottawa’s various tourist attractions, with the occasional basketball game sprinkled in (we played SMT and Glebe)….

canadian youth travel

Something to Remember

My trip to Sylvan Lake, Alberta really was not one to forget. I met so many new, great people as well as saw so much beauty in nature that I would never be able to see in my hometown province of Ontario. 

canadian youth travel

4500 km and a million stories between them!

Heather Mcphail, group organizer, and her students from Central Peel Secondary School in Brampton, Ontario visited an indigenous reserve in Hay River, Northwest Territories! Sixteen multicultural students in grades 10-12 were chosen to travel with 3 chaperones. 

canadian youth travel

Diversity and Acceptance: My Trip to Vancouver

My best memory from the trip is the time I went swimming in the Pacific Ocean. At that moment, the sun was setting and its rays were reflected by the water, which reminded me of how lucky we were to go on this trip.


Get involved and help inspire a generation of young Canadians to share their passion and shape our future!


canadian youth travel

Expériences Canada is dedicated to providing unique and impactful learning opportunities for Canadian youth.

Expériences Canada offers programs that promote intercultural understanding and strengthen the bonds between different regions of Canada.

Your donation to Expériences Canada goes beyond individual growth and development; it has a broader positive impact on communities and society.

What I learned just couldn't be taught in a classroom. In school, you're taught through a textbook which can make things feel very distant. But when you actually travel and experience the history and the way Canada works, learning becomes so much easier and enjoyable.

 – Exchange Participant

My daughter struggles in our small school with self-confidence. Being in this group this past year has given her confidence and show her a whole big world. She has now chosen to move away and continue her next step in education closer to the new friends she has met through this experience.

 – Parent

This exchange was one of the best experience of my life. I got to know so many awesome people and love that I can still be in touch with many of them. I'll never forget all the amazing memories I made.

I have seen changes in my children and other students each trip. they are using french reflexively on the way home. increased confidence, pride in being able to travel and live outside of their comfort zone, and knowing their communication skills are improving with each day., the experience is unreal and life-changing. you learn so much and make so many new friends, i wouldn't trade these friends and this experience for the world..

 – Youth Participant

This is such a special experience and to make connections with people both from another province and get closer with people from your school. Even going for a week is going to allow your French to blossom and you will notice yourself slowly understanding and stringing together French sentences. 

Youth each year, groups each year, provinces & territories, years established, get in touch.

Location:  2148 Carling Avenue, Suite 202, Ottawa, ON  K2A 1H1  

Telephone:  613-727-3832 or Toll Free 1-800-387-3832

Email:   [email protected]

The Experiences Canada office is situated on the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People. We recognize and respect their sovereignty, history, and culture, and commit ourselves to the process of reconciliation and building positive relationships with Indigenous communities

Experiences Canada would like to thank our funding partners for their generous support.


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Discover JAPOW This Winter

When I first signed up for Stepabroad I had no clue how to go about getting my visa. I recommend this company to anyone wanting to make the jump but scared to do it alone because Robyn will be with you every step of the way.
Stepabroad were so helpful for me when getting my documents and jobs sorted for my Japan Ski Program. Accommodation arrangements in Niseko would have been confusing without their help, my coordinator Yeosong was great at helping me get set up!
When it was finally announced that Japan was accepting working holiday visas, Stepabroad helped make the complicated and stressful process really quite simple. A huge thanks to Shawna and the team for helping me get here.
I highly recommend StepAbroad for anyone who needs help through these document processes, and they are the nicest people to communicate with. They will make sure you are 100% ready for your trip and wow for the price you pay it's SO worth it!

Work Abroad Experiences

We’re Stepabroad, a Recognized Organization by the Government of Canada providing Canadians with enriching, life-changing travel and work abroad experiences.

We Offer Working Holiday  Programs Abroad.

Our work abroad programs give Canadians the unique opportunity to live, work and travel in a foreign country for an extended amount of time. Staying in a country for longer allows you to fully immerse yourself in the culture as you work and live like a local. Travel the world, earn money, gain work experience, meet like-minded people and make unforgettable memories!

Travel and Work Abroad in…

We offer Working Holiday Programs in Australia , Japan , South-Korea , France , New Zealand , the UK and Spain .

Our inbound department, Stepwest , is also available to help foreign youth come to Canada for work and travel experiences.

We Are Recognized

Why travel with stepabroad.

We’re a small team crazy about travel, and more importantly, helping Canadians go abroad on extraordinary working holiday experiences. With Stepabroad you’re not just a number, you become a Stepmate and receive one-on-one support every step of the way in your preparations before leaving Canada, and throughout your entire time abroad. We love what we do and are proud to be helping build the next generation of global citizens across Canada. Check out our testimonials to hear about our participants’ experiences with us.

On our work abroad programs, you’ll receive:

Personal travel coordinator.

We offer one-on-one consultations to help you plan the travel and work abroad experience you’ve been dreaming of. We know that each person’s experience abroad is unique, which is why our support is too!

Visa Guidance

Your personal travel coordinator will give you step-by-step guidance on applying for your Working Holiday Visa, and support you through the whole process, saving you time, money and stress.

Ongoing Support

From resume revision to finding long-term accommodation and a job; orientation upon arrival and ongoing in-country support throughout your work abroad program until you return home.

Featured Programs

France send-off package.

Our France Send-Off Package provides Canadians with step-by-step working holiday visa application support & one-on-one pre-departure orientation (via video call) with all the information you need to know for living, working, and travelling in France. Start planning your adventure now with Stepabroad

Japan Ski Resort

Imagine spending your days off work gliding through Japan’s legendary powder at the country’s top ski destination. On our Japan Ski Resort Program, land a guaranteed ski resort job in Japan and enjoy the famous Japow every day!

Spain Programs

Ready to work and travel in Spain? Our Spain Working Holiday Packages help you make the big move. Your personal adviser will guide you through every step of the process, from visa support to the ‘life admin’ of setting up in Spain, ensuring you arrive fully prepared to start your Working Holiday.

View All Programs

Most Popular Destinations

United kingdom, new zealand, want to learn more.

Interested in learning more about our work abroad programs? Leave your details and one of the Stepabroad team members will be in touch to answer all your questions!

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Get Inspired

Le programme vacances-travail en france: un 2024 guide pour les canadiens.

Si tu souhaites maîtriser l’art de vivre à la française, c’est le temps ou jamais! Lis la suite pour tout connaître sur le visa travail vacances en France.

How Canadians Can Work in Australia

Have you been saving up for months to travel to Australia? Wait no longer! In this post, we break down the process for Canadians applying for the Australia Working Holiday Visa.

How Canadians Can Work in the UK

Are you a Canadian citizen interested in moving to the UK to work and live? We're talking about England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. In this article we discuss how to obtain a UK visa from Canada and 3 pathways in which this is possible.

Let’s Travel Together

“Stepabroad has been nothing short of amazing! We would not be in Spain right now without them, and we are forever grateful for the incredible experience working with them. THANK YOU!”
“They helped me get my resume out to Japanese companies they are partnered with and I was able to get interviews and a job from there! If you’re looking into working abroad, definitely get in contact.”
“Stepabroad was paramount in making my transition from Canada-Australia smooth and efficient! I would recommend the company to anyone looking for travel guidance, and I will be using the company again.”
“I mean Robyn is great. Always very quick to respond and even after I got to England and still had questions, she helped me out. Also emailed me to make sure I was okay as well which warmed my heart.”
“The support and help I received all throughout the months leading to departure were indispensable! I’m very glad to have chosen to travel with Stepabroad for my Working Holiday in New Zealand. Thanks!”
“Yeosong has been very friendly and helpful. The ease of mind of knowing someone is there to answer your questions is worth the price alone.”

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canadian youth travel

canadian youth travel

Canada for Middle School

Canada trip overview.

For those middle school students looking for their first trip abroad without their parents, check out this Canadian adventure of a lifetime! Canada is an ideal destination for future travelers looking to explore another country while still feeling close to home.

Western Canada is a land like nowhere else in the world. Hike through lush forests, soak in hot springs, explore pristine alpine lakes, and trek across glaciers in the stunning Banff National Park. In beautiful British Columbia horseback ride through glacial carved valleys, mountain bike down the best trails in Canada at Whistler, and zip-line through coastal mountain forests.

On our Younger Teen trips, you will find smaller group sizes, outstanding staff who connect on the same level with this age group, and itineraries that perfectly inspire a passion for travel and a greater understanding of the world for all who join us!

$4995 + Airfare

  • Jul 21 - Jul 31 Very limited

Finishing Grades

Who can go on this trip.

Students from around the world!

Places We Visit

Calgary, Banff National Park, Golden, Revelstoke, Kamloops, Whistler, Vancouver

Arrival Airport

Calgary (YYC)

Departure Airport

Vancouver (YVR)

canadian youth travel

During this program, you will…

  • Hike around alpine lakes in Banff National Park
  • Drive the Icefields Parkway; one of the most scenic drives in North America
  • Whitewater raft the Kicking Horse River
  • Visit a wolf sanctuary and learn about wolf conservation efforts
  • Visit a Canadian ranch and get a taste of western life
  • Zip-line through coastal mountain forest
  • Ride the gondola from peak to peak on Blackcomb Glacier

Looking to extend the adventure? Many travelers opt to combine this program with California & Canada for Middle School for the ultimate younger teen adventure!

Trip Itinerary

Day 1: arrive in calgary (yyc).

Land in Calgary, Alberta, home to the 1988 Winter Olympics! We’ll stay downtown and walk to a delicious dinner before having our first meeting in Prince’s Island Park next to the Bow River.


Home to two of Canada’s most popular National Parks, Alberta is the perfect place to kick off your Canadian adventure! Leave the bustling city of Calgary behind to spend the first full day in the charming town of Banff. Located within the boundaries of the National Park, this small township is surrounded by natural beauty. The peaks of the Canadian Rockies frame the scene from all directions and wildlife such as moose can sometimes be seen walking down Main Street! Deep inside the park, you’ll find the famous teal waters of Lake Louise and the quaint Lake Agnes Tea house just a short hike up the hillside. At Moraine Lake, Hike or choose to canoe around the lake in the incredible Valley of the Ten Peaks. As you head north out of Banff towards Jasper, you’ll ride along the magnificent Icefields Parkway, rated as one of the best drives in the world!


From Jasper we’ll head into British Columbia to the adventure haven of Revelstoke. We will stay in Golden, where the Kicking Horse River runs through town, making it the perfect place to stay for the ultimate whitewater rafting experience! Even without the rapids, the river itself is a spectacle worth seeing. Bright blue water rushes through sturdy green forests where bear and deer can be spotted on the shores! If by now you haven’t satisfied your desire to see wildlife, we’ll head to a wolf conservation center to learn about these majestic animals and see them in their natural environment!


As we make our way across the province of British Columbia, there’s no better place to stop than in Kamloops! Beautiful lakes and rivers welcome us as well as the opportunity to ride horses through the stunning valleys of BC.


Home to two of Canada’s most popular National Parks, Alberta is the perfect place to kick off your Canadian adventure! Leave the bustling city of Calgary behind to spend the first full day in the charming town of Banff. Located within the boundaries of the National Park, this small township is surrounded by natural beauty. The peaks of the Canadian rockies frame the scene from all directions and wildlife such as moose can sometimes be seen walking down Main Street! Deep inside the park you’ll find the famous teal waters of Lake Louise and the quaint Lake Agnes Tea house just a short hike up the hillside. At Moraine Lake, Hike or choose to canoe around the lake in the incredible Valley of the Ten Peaks. As you head north out of Banff towards Jasper, you’ll ride along the magnificent Icefields Parkway, rated as one of the best drives in the world! Make a pit stop at the bluest lake in the Rockies, Peyto Lake, before arriving at Athabasca Glacier for an afternoon glacier walk.


We end our adventure in the bustling city of Vancouver, nestled in the corner of British Columbia and surrounded by dramatic mountains and the beautiful Pacific ocean. Take in the sites of this multicultural mecca and reminisce about the incredible Canadian road trip you just undertook!


Photo gallery.

Canada Student Travel

Check out other TFT programs similar to this one!

Teens enjoy the beach in Costa Rica on their summer travel tour.

Costa Rica for Middle School: Adrenaline

  • Jul 21 - Jul 31 Very-limited
  • Aug 1 - Aug 11 Available

Current Grades

Program length.


Costa Rica for Middle School: Hola Costa Rica

  • Jul 10 - Jul 20 Available

Teens smile in front of the Colosseum on their summer camp program to Italy.

Europe for Middle School: Ciao Italy

  • Jul 3 - Jul 13 Full
  • Jul 27 - Aug 6 Very-limited


Europe for Middle School: Greece Island Hopping

  • Jul 15 - Jul 25 Full

Ireland Student Travel

Europe for Middle School: Sláinte Ireland

  • Jul 29 - Aug 8 Limited


USA for Middle School: Aloha Hawaii

  • Jul 21 - Jul 31 Available

Arch in Utah

USA for Middle School: Colorado & Utah

  • Jun 29 - Jul 9 Very-limited

California Student Travel

USA for Middle School: Hello California

USA National Parks

USA for Middle School: Wyoming & Montana

  • Jul 10 - Jul 20 Full

Authenticity is engrained in everything we do. Eat, stay, and travel like a local.

Check out what past travelers have to say about TFT and discover why we are consistently awarded “Top Youth Travel Organization” year after year.

See all program reviews

"A HUGE THANK YOU to you to the trip leaders for providing an extraordinary travel experience for our group of middle school students! My husband and I have been blown away by the numbers and depth of activities -- and extremely appreciative to you for your extraordinarily thoughtful (and detail packed) emails and photos/videos! We have looked forward to your updates every day. It is clear how invested you are, and how much you care. Thank you!" Jen Purdys, NY
"I wanted to let you know how appreciative I am for being such an amazing guide and counselor for the Canada trip teens. Ella had an awesome experience and will always remember this solo trip she engaged in. There were so many things she enjoyed and more importantly learned." Heather S. San Diego, CA
"I can’t thank TFT enough! Hannah had an amazing time and she’s so happy. What a fabulous experience it was for her. As a parent, it made me so happy to see her that way. Larry and Sophie were great leaders and took such good care of the kids. Hannah is my first child to do a teen tour and this experience exceeded my expectations. I did not expect to receive the daily email updates and photos and I loved them. It gave me a lot of comfort knowing she was in good hands. Thank you so much for your hard work! We appreciate it so much!" Karen M. Atlanta, GA

Travel with us and discover why we are consistently winning awards for Top Youth Travel Organization.

canadian youth travel

See All FAQs

What is unique about the Canada for Middle School trip?

Participants of the Canada for Middle School love the opportunity to explore Canada’s hidden treasures! Students love that they are able to explore two of Canada’s greatest provinces. From the Banff to Vancouver, you will experience some of the finest views and trails!

Who can go on this program? What kind of teen typically goes on this program?

Teens from all over the world join this program! Typically, our participants are culturally curious  individuals who are excited to make new friends, experience something unique, and interested in stepping out of their comfort zones and expanding their horizons.

This program is exclusively for students who are currently in 7th or 8th grade and approximately 12 to 14 years old. Students living outside of the USA are welcome to join!

What do students like most about the Canada for Middle School trip?

This program is a road trip designed with teens in mind. Canada for Middle School has intimate sized groups which make this an incredible experience for everyone on board. You’ll see cities and spend time outdoors in some of the greatest places North America has to offer while building lifelong friendships with like-minded peers.

Where do we stay?

Our hotels are specifically chosen to be in safe areas and well-suited to facilitating group supervision. We stay in centrally located accommodations, usually within walking distance of the main attractions. This means we do not use large, impersonal chain hotels on the outskirts of cities. We prefer to select smaller, family-run hotels where we establish personal relationships with the owners.

All accommodations on this trip have been selected to ensure quality while still maintaining character of the places we are visiting. In Calgary, we’ll stay at a downtown location convenient to restaurants and the park. In Banff, we’ll stay close to downtown in a quaint lodge. In Revelstoke, a unique hotel in historic downtown will be our home for two nights. Our accommodation in Ashcroft is the most unique of all. We’ll spend two nights in on a family owned ranch in the middle of British Columbia. In Whistler, we’ll stay at a beautiful resort right off the mountain. In Vancouver we stay in a centrally located  hotel within walking distance of everything we want to see!

This program does not involve camping.

For safety reasons, we do not publish the names of the accommodations we use. We do not feel it is safe to publish the name of a hotel where a group of teenagers is staying abroad. After registering, participants and parents are given access to our secure parent website where you will be able to see the names of all of the accommodations for a trip.

Do most travelers go on their own?

Yes! In fact, over 75% of students who travel with us choose to come independently. This encourages teens to step further outside their comfort zone and make new friends. We believe that one of the most rewarding and exciting elements of travel is the new friendships that form along the way. When we travel by ourselves, we are bound to make new friends from all over the country and even the world. The best part is, you can travel again with your new friends on another TFT program the next summer!

If you are thinking about joining a TFT program by yourself but you are feeling unsure, please let us know! We have plenty of references from solo travelers who had great experiences and would be happy to chat with you about it.

Can I bring a friend?

Absolutely! We ask that if you do come with a friend, you and your friend(s) maintain openness to meeting new people and sharing this special experience with the entire group.

What do students generally like most about this program?

Students love that they are able to explore two of Canada’s greatest provinces. You see some of the most beautiful sights in Canada in only 11 days.

What is included?

Ground transportation, accommodations, all breakfasts and dinners, chaperones and guides, program related activities, program related activity admissions, taxes and tips.

Not included in cost (this not intended to be an exhaustive list): airfare; visas and visa application fees; lunches; personal and medical expenses; activities and admissions that are not program-related or referenced in the itinerary; beverages other than filtered water at meals; participant expenses that are outside of the program description, such as excess baggage fees and damage to hotels; expenses related to unforeseen circumstances, such as transportation strikes and natural disasters.

What is the average group size?

We pride ourselves on small group sizes to create a more authentic and personalized experience. Our group sizes fall between 13 and 24 students – the perfect size to facilitate new friendships without feeling lost in a crowd! We believe smaller groups eliminate the likelihood of cliques, and allows for a well-rounded, healthy group dynamic.

Who leads the program?

Our staff is a cut above the rest! We seek out two main characteristics in our counselors – extensive knowledge of and experience in our destinations, and a passion for working with teens. Our staff’s backgrounds include living abroad and working in summer camps or other educational settings. Team members are proven leaders and role models, who connect easily with others and form genuine friendships with each student – all while bringing each destination to life.

We celebrate diversity! Our staff represents 49 different nationalities, speak a combined total of 21 languages, and visited 142 countries. Additionally, 80% of our staff lived or worked abroad in their lives. With so many unique experiences to share, you are sure to gain a global perspective.

Our average minimum ratios are one staff member to every seven participants. Each program has one Trip Director with several support staff, depending on the group size. Directors must be at least 25 years old within the calendar year and have prior experience working with TFT.

What are the safety qualifications for our staff?

Our staff members undergo a rigorous hiring process. They receive the same background check as school educators, an extensive training process to go over all safety precautions and protocols, and are required to be certified in CPR and First Aid.  We exclusively hire responsible, multi-talented individuals who are safety-minded and are as passionate about teen travel as we are.

How does this program connect to other programs?

Our program dates are designed specifically so that participants can opt to combine trips throughout the summer.  When connecting to another program, your counselor will escort you to the airport on the last day of the program and assist you in meeting your next group at your new destination.

What is the food like on this program?

In a word – delicious! At TFT, we believe food is an integral aspect of the travel experience, and we make an effort to eat at authentic establishments whenever possible. There is no better way to immerse ourselves in the culture of a place then through sampling the local delicacies. We stray away from westernized restaurants and chains that cater to tourists, because every true traveler knows the best food is found where the locals are eating!

Of course, you’ll try poutine, the famous fries smothered in gravy and cheese curds Canada is known for! At the ranch, you’ll be fed family style high quality home cooked meals. As we move towards the coast, salmon and other seafood specialties will be offered in abundance!

Of course, we are always willing and able to accommodate vegetarians, vegans, gluten allergies, and other dietary restrictions.

Do we ever get time to go off on our own?

Our staff and teens are nearly always together, but we do provide the opportunity to break up into smaller groups to allow for flexibility and customization within the itinerary.

We offer free time in defined safe areas – for example, shopping in a market or exploring a museum. During these times, students remain in groups of at least two and are given no more than an hour. Of course, the counselors remain nearby and available. Additionally, a lifeguard-certified counselor supervises the campers any time they are involved in water activities.

Do I need any vaccinations for this program?

We recommend checking with your family doctor regarding vaccinations and medical advice for the destination you are visiting. For more information, please check the World Health Organization’s website . Upon registration, we provide a list of recommended vaccinations that can be discussed further with your doctor. For Specific questions pertaining to the COVID-19 vaccine, click here .

What kind of visa do you need for this program?

US citizens need a passport to visit Canada.

When joining a TFT trip from outside of the US, please be sure to check your country’s specific visa requirements.

Book this Program

Westcoast Connection - Travel. Learn. Volunteer.

Canada Summer Programs for Teens

See All Programs

Pre-College Enrichment Montreal on the campus of McGIll - 14 Days 2

Pre-College Enrichment Montreal - On the Campus of McGill

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Northwestern Odyssey - 25 days 2

Northwestern Odyssey

Grades 8, 9, 10, 11

Eastcoast Encounter - 21 days 2

Eastcoast Encounter

Grades 7, 8, 9, 10

American Voyageur - 40 days 18

American Voyageur

$13,999 USD

More Ways to Enjoy this Experience

Pre-College Enrichment Montreal on the campus of McGill - 14 Days 3

Pre-College Enrichment @ McGill plus Hawaii Extension

$10,999 USD

Northwestern Odyssey - 17 days 3

About Canada Summer Programs

Vibrant and diverse, Canada is home to amazing landscapes, multi-cultural charm, Olympic playgrounds, and so much more! Your visit to the Great White North will be full of stunning scenes and amazing activities that are sure to your breath away.

Wide-open spaces and a broad cultural landscape. Canada is enormous, with the longest coastline in the world, massive mountain ranges, two million lakes, and crossing six time zones. Not to mention, it’s home to Niagara Falls – one of the seven wonders of the world – Wonderland, and exciting cosmopolitan cities like Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Choose to discover Canada on one of our summer teen tours or pre-college programs.

  • Canada is home to more than 37 million people.
  • Two official languages are English and French.
  • Canada is the second largest country in the world.
  • There are 48 national parks and national park reserves across Canada

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The Great White North 1

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Justin Plus Lauren

How to Work and Travel Abroad for Canadians (30+ Countries!)

Posted on March 20, 2023

Categories Blog , Remote Work , Resources

Did you know that it’s easy to work and travel abroad for Canadians? International Experience Canada (IEC) provides young Canadians (ages 18-35) with life-changing opportunities to live, work and travel overseas. There are so many reasons why you need to see the world, and IEC helps Canadians achieve both their personal and professional goals.

As a full time travel blogger and content creator, travelling the world has completely changed my life. My only regret is not travelling sooner! I only wish that I had taken advantage of a program like IEC when I was younger. I’m going to share exactly what IEC is, as well as the advantages of a working holiday program. Then, I’ll show you some of the countries where you can travel, work and fully immerse yourself in the culture of an international destination.

This article contains affiliate links, which help run this site at no extra cost to you.

International Experience Canada - How to work and travel abroad for Canadians

Table of Contents

What is International Experience Canada (IEC)?

International Experience Canada, or IEC, is an initiative led by the Government of Canada’s Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Department. It encourages Canadian youth to travel and explore the world by providing a clear path to a work permit or visa to work in dozens of international destinations.

Through IEC, the Government of Canada has created agreements with 30+ countries and foreign territories so young Canadians can work and travel abroad. In return, the youth from these countries can travel and work in Canada. It’s a reciprocal agreement so youth from both countries can embark on working holidays and gain invaluable work and life experiences.

IEC makes it easier for Canadians aged 18-35 to apply for work permits in order to legally be employed abroad. There are advantages to applying for work permits through IEC, including the fact that they are easier to get, they’re less expensive, they offer more flexibility than a regular work permit, and it often takes less time to process this kind of work permit.

Who is Eligible to Apply?

Murren, Switzerland

If you are a Canadian citizen aged 18-35, you may be eligible to apply. Each country or territory has different requirements, some of which only extend the opportunity to Canadians aged 18-30. You’ll need to check each country’s requirements to find one that works for you.

There are a few situations where it makes a lot of sense to take a working holiday. You might decide to take a gap year before starting college or university to discover new interests and simply see the world before you begin to settle down.

You may be a working adult who doesn’t have as many responsibilities in life right now. This is a great time to wander the globe and explore new possibilities. You may have a free spirited or spontaneous personality. After reading this article, you might already begin looking into participating in the IEC program as soon as possible.

What about adults who already have an established career? You are not excluded from taking part in the IEC’s initiatives! It might be possible for you to take a sabbatical from work. Your employer may have international offices where you can arrange for a temporary transfer in order to take advantage of a working holiday experience. This may be beneficial to your employer as you’ll return with new ideas and perspectives.

Why Should I Work and Travel Abroad?

Man of Storr, Isle of Skye

This work and travel abroad program for Canadians provides valuable career and life skills in each country for up to two years. There are so many benefits to travelling. It opens you up to new cultures and ways of life. You’ll learn new perspectives, engage with local communities, and increase your awareness and sensitivity to different traditions, values and lifestyles.

On a personal level, you may be able to learn or practice new languages abroad. You’ll become more confident and develop many new skills, both personally and for your CV. Of course, you’ll be able to make money along the way to fund your travels, too. Depending on where you choose to travel and work abroad, you may be able to use your weekends off to explore other nearby places and countries (where permitted).

Exploring the world can help you learn more about yourself. You’ll discover what inspires you, uncover your strengths, and improve upon your weaknesses. You will have the opportunity to meet new people and forge working relationships and friendships around the world.

Where Can Young Canadians Work and Travel Abroad?

canadian youth travel

After these past few years, it’s a fantastic time to finally travel again and safely see the world. There are currently 34 countries and territories where Canadians can work and travel abroad through IEC. Here is the complete listing of places:

  • Czech Republic
  • Korea, Rep.
  • Netherlands

New Zealand

Switzerland, united kingdom.

Every country has different requirements for applying. Each place also has different rules for how long you can stay and participate in the working holiday program. The Government of Canada and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), through IEC, have made it easy to learn about these specific details through their official website .

I’m going to choose a few of my favourite countries that I’ve visited from the list of working holiday partner countries. I’ll outline some reasons why you may choose that place as your destination for this work and travel abroad program. Also, I’ll explain the requirements to apply for a work permit or visa under IEC for each country.

Hobbiton, New Zealand: Work and travel abroad for Canadians

When I travelled to New Zealand a few years ago, I noticed that there were many similarities between New Zealand and Canada. The mountainous environment of Western Canada is similar to New Zealand, and the people are overwhelmingly welcoming and friendly, much like us polite Canadians!

New Zealand is breathtakingly beautiful, no matter if you’re visiting the North or South Island. Explore glowworm caves, make a trip to Hobbiton, scale the mighty glaciers, or simply marvel at the views on a day hike. New Zealand is a practical destination to visit because everyone speaks English, so it could be a good choice for your first time living away from Canada.

To work in New Zealand through the Canada Working Holiday Visa you must be a Canadian citizen, be 18-35 years old and have a valid Canadian passport. You can stay and work in New Zealand for up to 23 months. Here are more requirements to work and travel in New Zealand .

Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany - Work and travel abroad for Canadians

Justin and I have visited Germany on several occasions, and it’s one of those destinations that keeps calling us back. There’s so much to see and do in Germany beyond Oktoberfest and bratwurst! Germany has lively and artsy cities, adorable villages with rows of half-timbered houses, and brilliant nature to explore.

We’ve had several unique experiences in Germany, like visiting historic castles, taking a cable car to the highest mountain in the country, and taking a bike tour with an emphasis on street art and public art. You can brush up on your German language skills in Germany, though I’ve found that most people speak English quite well.

To work in Germany through the Youth Mobility Visa, you must be a Canadian citizen, be 18-35 years old and have a valid Canadian passport. You can stay and work in Germany for up to 12 months, though You can participate in Germany’s Youth Mobility Program two times. Here are more requirements to work and travel in Germany .

Edinburgh, Scotland - Work and travel abroad for Canadians

Travelling and working in the United Kingdom provides you with an opportunity to work in either England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. It might be hard to narrow it down because each destination has a unique culture with so much to offer.

From energetic cities to charming small towns, there’s always something happening in the UK, whether it’s a lively festival or an annual event. There are so many brilliant natural wonders to explore, as well as intriguing historic monuments and landmarks.

To work in the United Kingdom (UK) under the Youth Mobility Scheme, you must be a Canadian citizen, be 18-30 years old and have a valid Canadian passport. You can stay and work in the United Kingdom for up to 24 months. Here are more requirements to work and travel in the United Kingdom .

Chioggia, Italy - Work and travel abroad for Canadians

There’s a reason we keep returning to Italy! The food, the culture, the history…and did I mention the food? Pizza, pasta, gelato…those can be daily staples for your new life in Italy. Whether you’re uncovering the layers of history in Rome or drifting across the canals of Venice, a working holiday in Italy might be one of the best experiences of your life.

While many people speak English in the bigger cities of Italy (especially the younger population), you may run into some language barriers depending on your job choice, where you’ll be living, or who you’ll be interacting with. It might be a good idea to take some Italian language classes while you’re there.

To work in Italy through the Italy-Canada Youth Exchange Program, you must be a Canadian citizen, be 18-35 years old, and have a valid Canadian passport. You can stay in Italy for up to 12 months, and you can participate in Italy’s Youth Exchange Program twice. Other requirements may apply. Learn more about how you can to work and travel in Italy .

Wengen, Switzerland - Work and travel abroad for Canadians

Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries I’ve ever seen in my life! Imposing mountains, cute villages, and magnificent nature are all commonplace in Switzerland. It’s home to the most epic train rides in the world, and it’s an amazing all-seasons destination for outdoor adventures. Hike the trails in the summer and ski from the mountaintops in the winter.

Though it’s incredibly stunning, one consideration to make if you’re choosing Switzerland for a working holiday is the costs of living there. Similar to the Scandinavian countries, it is one of the most expensive places to live in the world. You’ll need to work out your salary and budget in advance to consider whether or not living and working in Switzerland is a viable option.

To work in Switzerland through the Youth Mobility program, you must be a Canadian citizen, be 18-35 years old, have a permanent address in Canada when applying, and have a valid Canadian passport. You can stay and work in Switzerland for up to 12 months. You can participate in the Switzerland Youth Mobility Program twice. The maximum duration of both participations must be less than 18 months. Here are more requirements to work and travel in Switzerland .

How Can Canadians Work and Travel Abroad With IEC?

Flam, Norway - Work and travel abroad for Canadians

For Canadians looking to work and travel abroad, it’s easy to get started. First, you’ll need to choose a destination from the list above. Hopefully, I’ve given you some ideas with my top picks. However, you will need to consider a few details, like the cost of living of that destination and the availability of jobs.

You can choose a job where you already have some expertise or educational background. Perhaps you are working a similar career in Canada where you can transfer those skills to a similar organization overseas. Or perhaps your current employer has international offices where you can work. Some other ideas for employment can include teaching English overseas , both in classrooms and virtually, or you can even become a digital nomad or travel blogger while living internationally.

The next step is making sure that you are eligible to live and work within your chosen country or territory. Each destination has different rules and requirements, depending on your age, residency, financial requirements, work restrictions and how long you can stay in that country. Make sure you choose to work and travel abroad in a place that aligns with your goals. You’ll also need to be sure that you apply for the correct work permits.

Then, you’ll need to gather your documents (your passport, proof of funds, medical insurance, and your job offer or contract of employment. Complete your application and once approved, it’s time to start planning! Check out my handy guide with practical advice for planning an international trip , as well as step-by-step details for booking your journey. Enjoy this experience of a lifetime!

This article is brought to you by International Experience Canada (IEC) and the Government of Canada’s Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Department. You can find IEC on Instagram and Facebook .

With International Experience Canada, it's easy to work and travel abroad for Canadians! Live and work in 30+ countries for 2 years.

Lauren is the full-time travel blogger and content creator behind Justin Plus Lauren. She started Justin Plus Lauren in 2013 and has travelled to 50+ countries around the world. Lauren is an expert on vegan travel as one of the very first vegan travel bloggers. She also focuses on outdoor adventure travel, eco and sustainable travel, and creating amazing travel itineraries for cities and small towns.

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Canada Tours for Young Adults

Explore Canada with other Young Adults. These 19 tours include popular destinations like Vancouver and Banff National Park.

19 trips for '18 to 30 Somethings' in Canada with 203 reviews

Caribou - Best of the Rockies Tour

Explorer Mountain Hikes Kayak & Canoe +1

Caribou - Best of the Rockies

"The tour was amazing. Definitely recommend this tour." Melissa, traveled in May 2023
  • 10% deposit on some dates

Coho - Rockies Explorer Tour

Active Mountain Hikes Kayak & Canoe +1

Coho - Rockies Explorer

"The scenery really makes it worth it. The included meals and activities are lacking though." SarahGordon, traveled in July 2019

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Eastbound Tour

Explorer Active Mountain Hikes Wildlife Hiking & Trekking +3

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Eastbound

"Gadventures, was a fantastic company and the whole trip was wonderful." Louise, traveled in August 2022

Canada and the Rockies (11 Days) Tour

Explorer Wildlife Coach / Bus

Canada and the Rockies (11 Days)

"One of the best trips of my life! Still thinking about it months later" Lucy, traveled in July 2023
  • €100 deposit on some dates

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Westbound Tour

Explorer Wildlife Hiking & Trekking +1

Canadian Rockies: National Parks Westbound

"Some of the hikes were a bit challenging, but the group and guide were great about waiting for us." VahniBajnathRagoo, traveled in July 2022

Eastern Canada Adventure (Summer, 9 Days) Tour

Explorer Coach / Bus

Eastern Canada Adventure (Summer, 9 Days)

"You really can individualize your itinerary with the various add-ons. Also enjoyed some quiet time to myself." Melvina, traveled in August 2022

Real Canada Tour

In-depth Cultural Active Explorer +1

Real Canada

"The participatory camping was an awesome way to explore this region with a food kitty enabling your budget to go a long way!" Jake, traveled in May 2018

Get Social: Canadian Rockies Tour

Get Social: Canadian Rockies

"She's also super passionate about what she does, and she always shared the best stories." Marsha, traveled in February 2024
  • €75 deposit on some dates

Get Social: Canadian Rockies (Winter) Tour

Explorer Ski, Snowboard & Snow Christmas & New Year +2

Get Social: Canadian Rockies (Winter)

"The tour was so fun! Definitely recommend this trip! This tour is a must!" Bridie, traveled in February 2024

Wapiti - Banff Rockies Expedition Tour

Active Mountain Hikes

Wapiti - Banff Rockies Expedition

"This was my first group tour and Lee has set the highest standard. I would love to join another tour with him in the future." RuthDarroch, traveled in July 2022

What people love about Canada Tours for Young Adults

Great tour with amazing sights and wildlife; however, be aware of a lot of driving the first two days on the way to banff and on the last two days back to Vancouver. Furthermore the itinerary should be updated as there where some changes as to the description.
The tour was absolutely amazing from start to finish. Dayton was the perfect guide to have along and made the experience the best it could be. The other people on this tour where also just as fun. Would definitely recommend to people.
I only wished it lasted longer

More Tours in Canada for Young Adults

  • West Coast Canada tours (12)
  • Alberta tours (6)
  • The Prairies tours (5)
  • Canadian Rockies tours (11)
  • Banff National Park tours (8)
  • Jasper National Park tours (6)
  • Canada Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • 10 Best Stargazing Tours & Trips 2024
  • Solo/Single tours (296)
  • For Couples (136)
  • Budget tours (63)
  • Luxury tours (28)

Discover TourRadar

  • Central America Tours
  • Topdeck Tours
  • Langtang Valley
  • Hiking in Europe in May
  • Adventure Together - Speakers
  • Okavango Delta Location: How to Get There
  • Small Group 11 Days Baltic Highlights Loop (Guaranteed Departure)


Canada and youth travel

Monday, 20 march 2023 14:00 – 14:30.

canadian youth travel

Daniel Pang

Senior Policy Analyst International Experience Canada

canadian youth travel

Assistant Director International Experience Canada

  • Over 150 attendees from the cultural exchange, work experience and au pair industry
  • 34 pre-scheduled business appointments
  • Educational sessions on the latest sector trends
  • Networking events

canadian youth travel

Ship for World Youth Canada - Bateau des Jeunes du Monde Canada Logo

Canadian Delegation for the SWY Leaders (Hybrid Program): Call for Applicants

9 canadian youth (8 participants and one national leader) will be selected to participate in this ‘once in a lifetime experience’ with 160+ young leaders from 11 countries, about the program.

Experience Japan (14 days) with 160 international youth leaders by participating in this unique online and in-person cultural exchange program

The Ship for World Youth will bring together 160 youth leaders from around the globe for an online and 2-week in-person cultural immersion program in Japan. Through the generosity of the Government of Japan, 9 Canadian youth (8 Participating Youth and 1 National Leader) will be selected to participate.

The Ship for World Youth program serves as an opportunity for Participating Youth from various backgrounds to engage with different cultures and develop their communication, leadership, and management skills through discussions, cultural exchanges, and workshops. In addition, the program aims to establish a strong human network across national borders.

Since the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020, the face-to-face exchange program onboard a cruise ship has been cancelled and the program has been modified to a new hybrid format.


  • South Africa

canadian youth travel


Mandatory online programming - nov 26th, dec 3rd, dec 10th, 2022 - 6 to 9pm est opy’s arrive in japan - feb 7th, 2023 online training and preparation - feb 8th to feb 10th, 2023 face-to-face exchange in japan - feb 11th to feb 20th, 2023 (including 3-day local program) departure date - feb 21st, 2023.


  • Reduction of the number of participants (avoid being too close and dense)
  • Participants must be COVID-19 vaccinated (with the types of vaccines approved by Japanese government)
  • Participants should take regular and appropriate PCR tests to ensure COVID-19 negative proof when entering Japan for the  exchange program and before leaving for local programs, etc. Participants shall follow the requests to take preventative measures related to COVID-19 (wear a face mask, sanitize fingers and hands, take PCR tests when necessary)
  • Participants shall obtain travel insurance that covers COVID-19
  • Participants shall use the institutions and facilities that take appropriate measures in regards to COVID-19. In the event where a positive case was found, the Cabinet Office shall immediately consult with a healthcare center and take appropriate action.


Please read our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Check out the Tentative Itinerary of the program and make sure you are available and meet all of the COVID-related health requirements.

Note that the application form requires some long-form responses. Please allow for at least 30-60 minutes to reflect on these questions and properly complete the application.  Click here to download a list of questions for the Participating Youth and National Leader applications in PDF format.

You can also submit an optional short self-introductory video. For guidelines, see the box at right. If you choose to submit a video, please be sure to have it uploaded before starting the application process . You will not be able to upload a video directly to

Once you have completed the application, you will be redirected to a page where you will be asked to pay the $25  application fee by credit card.


Tells us what makes you unique and why you would be a strong candidate to represent Canada on the SWY program!

  • Ensure that the length of the video is a maximum of 2 minutes.
  • Shoot the video in one straight shot.
  • No fancy editing is required. You will be judged on the quality of your response; not the quality of your video.
  • The video component for the SWY application process is optional . Applicants will not be penalized if a video is not submitted.

If you choose to create a video, upload the video to a streaming video site such as YouTube or Vimeo and copy the URL link to the application form.

Note that the application fee is 25$ CDN. Until this payment has been made, the application cannot be considered as completed.

Criteria for participating youth.

1. Must be 18 to 32 years of age (As of April 1st, 2022); 2. Must be a Canadian Citizen; 3. Must be in good physical and mental condition and able to act according to the program schedule, and live harmoniously in a large group; 4. Have an interest in Japan and in promoting friendship among Japan and participating countries, including Canada; 5. Possess considerable knowledge of the society and cultures of Canada; 6. Have interest in and understanding of the other participating countries; 7. Must have sufficient command (university-level) of English; 8.   Must be available for the entirety of the online and in-person dates of the program 9. Able to bear the expense of preparing the equipment required for online exchange (computers (not smartphones), internet access, etc.) 10. Must be COVID-19 vaccinated (with the number of doses that the Cabinet Office requires, and the vaccines must be the ones that are valid for entry into Japan in accordance with border measures) and able to follow measures against COVID-19 as requested by the Cabinet Office (wear face mask, sanitize hands and fingers, take PCR tests, etc.) 11. Must bring their own smartphone and install the COVID-19 app designated by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 12. Must have no prior experience in international youth exchange programs sponsored by the Cabinet Office in prior to 2019.

The deadline for applying to be a participating youth is September 15th, 2022 at midnight EST.

Want to preview the questions before applying?   Click here to download a list of questions in PDF format .

Criteria for National Leader

One National Leader (NL) shall be appointed per each participating country. NLs should preferably have experience in / with youth organizations, facilitating youth groups or be ex-participating youth of the SWY program.

1. Must be a Canadian Citizen, preferably in their thirties; 2. Must be in good mental and physical health; 3. Be capable of carrying out the duties of the role, including taking a role as an advisor in each discussion group (a mixed group of PYs from respective participating countries.); 4. Must possess the ability to promote mutual understanding and friendship among PYs. Able to exercise leadership and discussion skills; 5. Must have sufficient command (university-level) of English; 6. Assume a role as a member of the National Leaders meeting in discussing and deciding the fundamental matters concerning life and activities regarding the program; 7. Must be able to participate in the entire duration of the program; 8. Shall bear the expense for preparing the equipment required for online exchange (i.e. computer (not a smartphone), internet access, etc.) 9. Must be COVID-19 vaccinated (with the number of doses that the Cabinet Office requires, and the vaccines must be the ones that are valid for entry into Japan in accordance with border measures) and able to follow measures against COVID-19 as requested by the Cabinet Office (wear face mask, sanitize hands and fingers, take PCR tests, etc.) 10. Must bring their own smartphone and install the COVID-19 app designated by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

The deadline for applying to be a National Leader is September 1st, 2022 at midnight EST.

Language selection

  • Français fr

COVID-19: Symptoms, treatment, what to do if you feel sick

  • Current situation
  • Symptoms and treatment
  • Prevention and risks
  • Canada's response
  • Guidance documents

Join the effort to limit the spread of COVID-19

Get a COVID-19 test near you

On this page

Covid-19 symptoms, if you have severe symptoms, what to do if you’re sick or were exposed, caring for others, treating covid-19, long-term symptoms.

Symptoms of COVID-19 can vary:

  • from person to person
  • in different age groups
  • depending on the COVID-19 variant

Some of the more commonly reported symptoms include:

  • sore throat
  • new or worsening cough
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • temperature equal to or more than 38°C
  • feeling feverish
  • fatigue or weakness
  • muscle or body aches
  • new loss of smell or taste
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting
  • feeling very unwell

If you don’t feel well or if you have any symptoms, even if mild, assume you may have COVID-19. Immediately isolate at home and away from others. Check with your local public health authority for more advice, including where and how to get tested if recommended.

You may be infected but not have symptoms. However, you can still spread the virus to others. You may:

  • develop symptoms later (be pre-symptomatic)
  • never develop symptoms (be asymptomatic)

If you’ve been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, contact your local public health authority for advice on what to do next.

Learn more about:

  • Testing for COVID-19: When to get tested and testing results
  • COVID-19: Contact your local public health authority

Start of symptoms

You may start experiencing symptoms anywhere from 1 to 14 days after exposure. Typically, symptoms appear between 3 and 7 days after exposure.  

Vaccination prevents severe illness

Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to protect our families, communities and ourselves against COVID-19. Evidence indicates that the vaccines used in Canada are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

However, vaccines are not 100% effective and you may still become infected with or without symptoms.

  • Vaccines for COVID-19: How to get vaccinated

Public health measures

When layered together, public health measures are effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19, including variants of concern.

Regardless of your vaccination status, you should continue to:

  • follow the advice of your local public health authority
  • layer multiple individual public health measures to protect yourself and others
  • COVID-19: Provincial and territorial resources
  • COVID-19: Individual public health measures

Call  911  or your local emergency number if you develop  severe symptoms , such as:

  • trouble breathing or severe shortness of breath
  • persistent pressure or pain in the chest
  • new onset of confusion
  • difficulty waking up or staying awake
  • pale, grey or blue-coloured skin, lips or nail beds

Follow  instructions for safe transport  if taking an ambulance or a private vehicle to a hospital or clinic.

It’s important that you continue to follow the recommendations and restrictions of your local public health authority on quarantine or isolation if you:

  • may have COVID-19 (for example, you feel sick or have been exposed)
  • have tested positive for COVID-19

If you have to quarantine or isolate, follow appropriate precautions to reduce the risk of illness spreading within your home. If you don’t have somewhere safe to isolate, contact your local public health authority for available options.

Adults and children with mild COVID-19 symptoms can stay at home while recovering. You don’t need to go to the hospital if symptoms are mild.

Check with your local public health authority about quarantine or isolation periods, and reporting.

Choose your local public health authority:

  • British Columbia
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Saskatchewan
  • Safe Voluntary Isolation Sites Program

You may be caring for someone at home who has or may have COVID-19. If so, you should follow the appropriate precautions to reduce the risk of illness spreading within your home.

  • COVID-19: What to do if you or someone in your home is sick

If you’re concerned about your symptoms, consult your health care provider. They may recommend steps or medications you can take to relieve some of your symptoms, like fever and cough.

Follow the advice of your health care provider, who may prescribe treatments.

  • COVID-19 treatments

Some people who become infected with COVID-19 may experience long-term symptoms, even after they recover from their initial infection. This is sometimes called post COVID-19 condition or long COVID. It has also been called post-acute COVID-19 syndrome (PACS) or long haul COVID.

Studies are underway to further understand what causes post COVID-19 condition and how to diagnose and treat it.

If you think you have this condition, talk to your health care provider about how to manage your symptoms.

  • Post COVID-19 condition (long COVID)

Related links

  • Digital factsheets, printable posters and shareable videos on COVID-19 (multilingual products available)
  • COVID-19: Social media and promotional resources for Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada

Page details

canadian youth travel

Steady decline in youth hockey participation in Canada raises concerns about future of the sport

canadian youth travel

Youth hockey players take part in a game at Susan Fennell Sportsplex, in Brampton, Ont., on Feb. 3. The Associated Press

All four ice rinks at Susan Fennell Sportsplex are full of action on this winter Saturday morning, the air filled with the sound of hockey skates grinding through ice and pucks clanging off the glass.

The scene is as familiar as the sunrise in countless rinks across Canada. Hockey remains a beloved pastime, a source of pride and joy and something that has knitted the vast nation together for more than 150 years.

Behind the scenes of the goals and celebrations is an alarming trend: Youth hockey participation in the cradle of the sport has decreased by nearly a quarter over the past decade and a half, a decline that began well before the pandemic from a peak of over half a million kids taking part as recently as 2010.

Because of growing costs for everything from equipment and ice time to specialized coaching and travel programs, families are choosing other sports like soccer and basketball over hockey. There are concerns about the future of grassroots hockey in the country that has nourished it into the popular, vibrant sport that is seeing growth elsewhere, including the United States.

“It does sadden me,” said Alex Klimsiak, who coaches two teams in Brampton as his way to giving back to the game he still plays recreationally in suburban Toronto at the age of 44. “Enrolment’s probably been declining for the last five, six years. Definitely before the pandemic you could see it. A pandemic just put a magnifying glass and escalated it.”

In 2022, about two months after Canada celebrated what was then its 18th world junior hockey championship, the CEO of hockey equipment giant Bauer, Ed Kinnaly, declared: “The number of kids getting involved in hockey in Canada is spiralling downward ... but nobody’s talking about that.”

At the time, Hockey Canada reported 411,818 youths younger than 18 participating in the sport, a 22% drop from 523,785 just 13 years earlier, not counting an introductory program that is has been separated from registration numbers since 2021. That number slightly rebounded in 2023 to 436,895 but is still below pre-pandemic levels even while soccer and tennis numbers in Canada have already recovered.

“I’m concerned but I’m not panicked,” Kinnaly told The Associated Press. “I’m concerned obviously at what the numbers say. I’m not panicked because I do believe that the sport is evolving. I do think the right people – the National Hockey League, USA Hockey, Hockey Canada, private corporations – are all starting to have the honest dialogue with each other, which is, A, we’ve got to stop talking about what’s wrong and, B, we’ve got to start investing in change for the sake of the sport.”

Choices beyond hockey

Few things are more closely associated with Canada than hockey, a place where kids and adults alike look forward to winter and lakes and ponds freezing over so they can lace up their skates, push a net out and play some shinny. When Canada faced the U.S. in the 2010 Olympic final on home ice in Vancouver, half the country’s total population watched Sidney Crosby score the “golden goal,” etched into national lore. Millions are watching Edmonton this spring as the Oilers try to end the nation’s 31-year Stanley Cup championship drought.

Yet the sport may no longer be the go-to for kids in Canada. According to the Canadian Youth Sports Report released last summer by Solutions Research Group, soccer is the top choice at 16%, followed by swimming, hockey and basketball. Raw participation numbers for the sports are not comparable given differences in registration requirements across various governing bodies.

Program for young hockey players aims to change the culture of the sport

Opinion: Want to change the culture of junior hockey? Change the business model

Parents cited financial issues as their top concern (58 per cent), followed by family care and youth mental health, including bullying. There are some concerns, too, that the time needed for practices and drills even at the lower levels of competitive hockey is part of the problem.

“It definitely is a big commitment,” said Priyanka Kwatra, whose 10-year-old son Shawn has developed a love for the sport and plays in suburban Toronto. “It’s a very time-consuming sort of sport.”

Time-consuming in large part because of the limited availability of ice that pushes practices and games to very early in the morning or late at night. Many youth programs train nine months or more per year, on the ice three to five times a week along with off-ice workouts.

When her husband, Amit, first looked at equipment for Shawn, the $1,000 price tag was a shock. Add to that limits on available ice for practices or for fun and games and basketball or soccer suddenly seem easier.

“Getting someone into hockey, it’s not as simple as getting someone into soccer where you just need a soccer ball,” Amit Kwatra said. “Hockey, the amount of gear that’s required in order to kind of get the game started is a lot, and I think that is the biggest barrier for a lot of people that initiate their kids into hockey.”

Other sports can also feel like a safer choice than hockey with its speed, hits and sharp skates. Gianfranco Talarico is the founder of Daredevil Hockey, which has been making cut-proof gear for more than a decade. He said his company’s feedback and surveys have shown safety and cost are the biggest things hindering a more rapid growth of the sport.

“It’s so intertwined in the fabric of Canadians,” he said. “If we don’t collectively focus on making hockey a safer sport, the potential brand equity of hockey in general will start to diminish.”

‘Professionalization of hockey’

During All-Star Weekend in Toronto, the NHL put on a youth event in nearby York. With daughter Sharon, Priyanka and Amit watched their son on the ice, he and more than 100 other young players all in their first set of gear provided by Bauer as part of NHL/NHLPA First Shift, one of many learn-to-play efforts intended to keep hockey in Canada’s bloodlines.

“It’s a low-cost entry point, and then it obviously is able to accelerate growth because it provides opportunity,” said Matt Herr, a former NHL player who is now the league’s senior director of youth hockey and industry growth. “Especially in Canada, we’re competing now where it used to be the pastime. ... it was everybody’s first choice, and now there’s all these different choices and we’ve got to make sure we’re still everybody’s first choice.”

Herr and others know the equipment costs are potentially becoming a barrier. The quality of sticks, helmets and pads has increased sharply thanks to technological advances, but with that comes higher pricing – and with that comes the risk of leaving out lower-income families eager to try hockey, especially with higher levels of the sport running nearly year-round.

First person: This Gramma once played minor hockey, and now I can prove it

Rachael Bishop for her 2017 honours thesis at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, found a massive gap between the household incomes of families in hockey compared with other sports, an indication of the means necessary to afford it.

“I do think it’s more so probably a factor of cost, and we’re seeing it become prohibitively expensive now,” Bishop told The AP. “You see the professionalization of hockey: It’s a full-year sport now: You’ve got to join summer leagues, you want to get all the best equipment. Then there’s always like power-skating lessons, summer camps, so I think a lot of it is cost more so than anything.”

Klimsiak, the Brampton coach, estimated that the cost of being on a competitive team – the ones that travel to tournaments and have multiple set practice times as opposed to recreational teams – starts at $4,000, with some teams charging $10,000 or more. He said some Toronto hockey organizations are combining resources because there aren’t enough players to go around.

“The cost of the game has gone up,” said Klimsiak, who has three sons playing, one on his team, which he has trouble finding goaltenders for. “Referee costs have gone up. It’s tough. It’s proportional. It’s like cost of living, so everything’s gone up and now unfortunately the parents have to pay more.”

Cost is something University of Toronto professor Simon Darnell is all too aware of. The parent of a 9-year-old playing competitive hockey, the expert in sports culture and sociology calls costs one of the “exclusionary practices in hockey that go back a long time,” along with the culture of winning and the obsession over climbing up to the next team.

Darnell, acknowledging the willingness to shell out money for ice and other expenses, also understands the early-morning, nearly year-round aspect of hockey is one of factors keeping some out.

“It’s like if you don’t want to participate in hockey on those terms, then there isn’t as much space for you I think as there should be,” Darnell said. “It’s if you don’t want to play by those rules, then there isn’t space for you and then you go and play a different sport.”

Stopping the slide

A further concern: Are there enough ice rinks to accommodate hockey as a source of fun and character-building for children? Canada’s population, now nearly 40 million, has doubled in 50 years, and the International Ice Hockey Federation reports there are still just 2,860 indoor ice rinks across the sprawling country. Renting ice can cost hundreds of dollars just for 1-2 hours.

Kinnaly pointed to a 2019 Parks and Recreation Ontario plan to invest $2-billion over the next two decades on 45 new soccer fields, 30 basketball courts, 18 indoor pools and a single hockey rink as further cause for concern

“The number of rinks that are in disrepair or have closed further compresses the availability of ice time,” Kinnaly said. “If there aren’t places for people to play, it’s going to continue to be a headwind, a real challenge.”

Opinion: Canada led the world in producing hockey players. But the game changed, and we didn’t keep up

Programs like First Shift and Scotiabank’s Hockey For All are among the steps being taken to stop the slide. Kinnaly said Bauer’s program has been “immensely successful” at not only getting kids into hockey but keeping them, with a retention rate around 60 per cent, and has discussed ways of introducing new Canadians to the game like equipment being part of the welcome package upon signing up for a checking account.

But there are still systemic issues, from crumbling infrastructure and a lack of new rinks to inflationary pressure on pricing.

The woes are not being seen at the NHL level, where revenue continues to rise and fan interest is growing. In the U.S., youth hockey participation has slowly grown to nearly 400,000 registered players.

Instead, the existential crisis for the home of hockey exists at places like the Brampton rink, where the players and fans of tomorrow are developed. There are encouraging signs, such as hockey still being the preferred sports for First Nations youth and nearly 40 per cent of First Shift participants being girls as the women’s game gets more attention – but the overall trend has presented a painful question that must be answered.

“I don’t think hockey can rest on its position in a way that it used to, and there’s part of me that’s OK with that,” said Darnell, the Toronto professor. “I think it makes sense if we’re going to invest in hockey in Canada as somehow representative of Canadian culture that we actually need to think about what does Canadian culture look like and is it reflected in hockey? Because right now it’s not.”

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  3. International Experience Canada

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  21. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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  22. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

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    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  24. International Experience Canada

    Canadian youth. Work and travel abroad. Foreign youth. Work and travel in Canada. Date modified: 2021-07-09. Find out if you can apply for the International Experience Canada program, how to become a candidate and what to do after you're in the pool.

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    Get Big Publicity with a PRWeb Press Release. Cision PRWeb impacts customer behavior by providing efficient communication tools to continuously engage with target audiences across multiple online channels including search, social media and with industry-specific partner websites, bloggers and influencers. See why you should use press releases.