47 Craft Brewery Puns

In the world of craft beer and brewing enthusiasts, a unique and flavorful form of humor has been brewing alongside the ales and lagers. Enter the world of “Brewery Puns” – a delightful concoction of wordplay, wit, and a generous dash of hops-infused humor.

Brewery Puns

Join us on a frothy journey as we raise a glass to the art of brewing and the puns that make it all the more enjoyable. Cheers to a barrel of laughs in every sip!

Brewery Tour Jokes

  • Why did the hop cone go to the brewery tour? To find its place in the beer world!
  • What do you call a beer that’s always late for the brewery tour? Lager-d!
  • How do you know a brewer’s been on a brewery tour? They have a lot of beer-ographts!
  • What’s a brewer’s favorite type of music during a brewery tour? Ale-ternative rock!
  • Why did the beer refuse to go on the brewery tour? It had too many bottles already!
  • What do you get when you mix a brewer and a comedian during a brewery tour? Hop-timistic laughter!
  • What did the brewery tour guide say to the thirsty visitor? “Hops to it!”
  • Why did the beer bring a map to the brewery tour? It wanted to find its way to the brewery’s heart!
  • How does a brewer measure time during a brewery tour? With a beer-ometer!
  • What’s a brewer’s favorite instrument during a brewery tour? The brew-sical guitar!
  • Why did the beer blush during the brewery tour? Because it saw the brew-master!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite clothing during a brewery tour? A brew-neck sweater!
  • What did the barley say during the brewery tour? “I’m just here for moral support!”
  • What do you call a beer that tells jokes during a brewery tour? A “hop”-up comedian!
  • Why don’t brewers get lost during brewery tours? Because they always follow the “beer-compass”!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite dance move during a brewery tour? The hops and skips!
  • Why did the beer bring sunglasses to the brewery tour? Because it wanted to shade its eyes from the “beer-glow”!
  • What did the beer say when it found its favorite brewery during the tour? “Ale-lujah!”
  • What’s a brewer’s favorite game during a brewery tour? Hide and ferment!
  • Why did the beer apply for a job at the brewery after the tour? Because it wanted to be a “beer-ologist”!

Craft Brewery Puns

  • What do you get when you mix a brewer with a baker? “Brewed” awakening!
  • The beer couldn’t find its way home because it had too many “pints” of interest.
  • The brewery tour guide had a lot of “beer”itual knowledge.
  • The beer told a joke, but it fell flat. It must’ve been a “lager” problem.
  • What do you call a beer that’s always in a hurry? An “ale”-thetic!
  • What did the hop say to the barley during the brewery tour? “We make a great ‘beer’ duo!”
  • The brewer couldn’t decide what to wear to the beer festival, so he asked for some “pale” advice.

Funny Brewery Puns

  • Why did the beer file a police report? It got mugged!
  • I’m on a strict beer diet; I’ve lost three days already!
  • What’s a brewer’s favorite instrument? The brew-sical.
  • The beer keg had a temper problem; it couldn’t “contain” itself!
  • Why did the beer go to school? To get a little “hoppucation”!
  • Why don’t brewers ever get lost? They always follow their “beer compass”!
  • How do brewers pay for things? With “beer checks”!
  • What do you call a bear at a brewery? A “beer” bear!
  • Why did the beer bring a ladder to the brewery? Because it heard the drinks were on the house!
  • What’s a brewer’s favorite type of art? Hop-art!
  • How do brewers say goodbye? “Hop” to see you again soon!
  • Why did the beer bottle go to therapy? It had too many emotional issues to “bottle” up!
  • How do you make a brewer laugh? Tell them a “wort”-while joke!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite kind of math? Barley-gebra!
  • Why did the beer blush? Because it saw the brewery’s “hop”-eration!
  • What’s a brewer’s favorite card game? Gin and “brew-nic”!
  • What did the malt say to the hops during the brewery tour? “You complete me!”
  • Why did the beer bring an umbrella to the brewery? To avoid getting “brewed”!
  • How does a brewer describe their experience at the brewery? “Hoptastic”!
  • What did the beer say to the wine at the brewery party? “You’re so grape, but I’m still hoppin’!”

Final Thought

As we come to the end of our hoppy and pun-filled journey through the world of “ Brewery Puns “, we hope you’ve enjoyed the frothy blend of humor and wordplay that this unique realm has to offer. Just like a well-crafted beer, these puns have a way of leaving a memorable aftertaste, bringing a smile to your face even after you’ve put down your glass. Read more funny puns at jokesgarage.com portal.

So, the next time you’re savoring a fine brew or exploring the exciting world of craft beer, don’t forget to sprinkle a few Brewery Puns into the conversation. They’re the perfect complement to the rich flavors of life and an excellent way to raise a toast to the joy of laughter.

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  • Martini Puns
  • Starbucks Puns
  • Champagne Puns

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brewery tour jokes

Brewer Jokes

Brewers convention, annual brewers convention, i believe jesus worked as a beer brewer., brewer: we’re sorry to inform you mrs. o’reilly that your husband drowned today at the guinness factory, on the chicken farm, a landlord’s lesson….

This joke may contain profanity. 🤔

A man is drowning his sorrows at a bar.

Only beer drinkers would understand, a man goes out drinking and find an unusually downtrodden bartender., while traveling in ireland..., i heard a man talking in a scottish pub..., an irishman, stricken with severe insomnia, decides he needs go for a late night walk...

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brewery tour jokes

80+ Hilarious Beer Puns Brewed to Perfection

Beer is a popular beverage, with the two main types being lager and ale. Read funny beer puns for a laugh next time you drink one.

Two mugs of beer clinking.

Beer is one of the oldest and most refreshing alcoholic beverages.

It dates back to the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East .

Today, the two types are lager and ale. The differences lie in the yeast.

Beer is excellent with different foods , and it’s a joy to taste different ones from breweries.

Whether drinking one or at a brewery, read the following beer puns for a laugh.

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Funny beer puns

1 . Beer you go.

2 . You’re lager than life .

3 . I’m feeling ale.

4 . Don’t worry, beer happy.

Mug of beer.

5 . Happy beer-thday.

6 . As Shakes-beer said, to beer or not to beer.

7 . I wish you were beer.

8 . I’m beer-y happy to see you.

9 . IPA lot when I drink.

10 . Beer. It’s pitcher-perfect.

11 . The pursuit of hoppy-ness.

12 . Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rein-beer.

13 . I can beer-ly wait.

14 . I’m having deja brew.

15 . These are the beer necessities.

16 . I can make my drink disa-beer.

17 . Beer today, gone tomorrow.

18 . I’m trying to resist beer pressure.

19 . Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.

20 . I’m feeling hop-timistic.

21 . I beer-lieve you.

22 . That’s un-beer-lievable.

23 . Please speak louder. I can’t beer you.

24 . You’re my beer friend .

25 . You have a nice beer-d.

26 . I made a few New Beer resolutions.

27 . You set the beer really high.

28 . You have to overcome the beer-iers.

Glass of beer.

29 . Can I beer-row this?

30 . I got it at beer-gain prices.

31 . The beer-ista makes excellent drinks.

32 . You’re welcome to come over for the beer-becue.

33 . I’m walking beer-foot in the sand.

34 . The end of a sentence has a beer-iod.

35 . This lager is su-beer-ior.

36 . I’m asking for your ex-beer-tise.

37 . I’m feeling des-beer-ate.

38 . Beer tasting is a fun ex-beer-ience.

39 . The scientists are running ex-beer-iments.

40 . The movie was ins-beer-ational.

41 . There’s a cons-beer-acy about that.

42 . I’m focusing on my s-beer-itual health.

43 . I’m com-beer-ing the two options.

44 . Let’s go s-ale-ing.

45 . It’s taking lager than expected.

Lager overflowing in a mug.

46 . I like that it’s porter-ble.

47 . It is wheat it is.

48 . This is stout we do it.

49 . Thanks for the hop-portunity.

50 . I got a beer-ie feeling.

51 . Don’t drink beer at a math party. You can’t drink and derive.

52 . Polar beers live in the Arctic.

53 . I’m going to the hop-era.

54 . When a beer lover cries, they say, “Brew-hoo.”

55 . My sister had a baby. I’m now a dunkel.

56 . We’re watching a bocks-ing match.

57 . My dad stout me how to make beer.

58 . It’s an hop-tical illusion.

59 . I’m hop for any beer.

60 . You’re brew-tiful.

61 . Oh beer.

62 . It makes life beer-able.

63 . Hop, hop, and away.

64 . The criminal went to j-ale.

65 . The restaurant has a nice atmos-beer.

66 . I didn’t mean to inter-beer.

67 . I’ll d-ale with this later.

68 . Hop-posites attract.

69 . They lived hop-pily e-beer after.

70 . I’m here to h-ale-p.

71 . Beer answers the phone by saying, “Ale-o.”

72 . Come o-beer for a drink.

73 . There’s a se-beer storm.

74 . Things are falling hop-art.

75 . We got the hop-proval.

76 . When all ale-se fails, drink a beer.

Glass of ale beer.

77 . I don’t see the r-ale-vance.

78 . I love sitting on the beer and looking at the water.

79 . Beer hug.

80 . Thanks for your coo-beer-ation.

81 . It’s a matter of beer-spective.

82 . Check the tem-beer-ture.

Related : Funny Dad Quotes for Father’s Day

Featured image by David Em/Humor Living .

165+ Best Beer Puns to Make Your Day Light!

Welcome to the brew-tiful world of beer puns, where the laughter flows as freely as your favorite ale!

Prepare yourself for a barrel of laughs as we tap into the most un-beer-lievably funny jokes and puns that will leave you thirsty for more.

From frothy punchlines to hoppy wordplay, these puns are sure to get the party started and keep you laughing all night long. So, grab a cold one, sit back, and get ready to raise a toast to the brew-mazing world of beer puns!

Q: Why did the beer go to rehab? A: It had a drinking problem!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of music? A: Brews-ic!

Q: Why did the beer become a bartender? A: It wanted to get in touch with its hops!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of exercise? A: Ale-robics!

Q: What do you call a beer that loves to travel? A: A wander-lager!

Q: Why did the beer go to school? A: To become brew-tifully smart!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of movie? A: Brew-mance!

Q: What did the beer say to the other beer? A: “You’re brew-tiful!”

Q: Why did the beer become a baker? A: It loved the yeast!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of beer? A: Ale-gebra!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of dance? A: The brew-gie!

Q: Why did the beer become a gardener? A: It had a green hop!

Q: What do you call a beer that’s great at acting? A: A draughts-per!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of vacation? A: A brew-cation!

Q: Why did the beer become a doctor? A: It wanted to save lagers!

Q: What do you call a beer that’s great at writing? A: A brew-scriber!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of fashion? A: Brew-tique!

Q: Why did the beer become a chef? A: It loved to cook up a storm!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of game? A: Ale-phabet soup!

Q: Why did the beer become a journalist? A: It had a nose for brews!

Q: What do you call a beer that’s great at sports? A: A brew-thlete!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of party? A: A keg party!

Q: Why did the beer become a scientist? A: It wanted to brew up new ideas!

Q: What do you call a beer that’s great at painting ? A: An ale-tist!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite type of TV show? A: A brew-nit!

Q: Why did the beer become a teacher? A: It had a lot of ale-gebraic wisdom to share!

Q: What do you call a beer that’s great at photography? A: A snap-hopper!

Q: Why did the beer file a police report? A: It got mugged!

Q: How does a beer say goodbye? A: “Brew later!”

Q: Why did the beer join the circus? A: It was great at juggling pints!

Q: What do you call a beer in the sun? A: A summer ale!

Q: How did the beer comfort its friend? A: “Don’t worry, things will get hoppier!”

Q: Why did the beer become an electrician? A: It wanted to conduct a brew-tal spark!

Q: Why was the beer so good at meditation? A: It reached in-ale-lightenment!

Q: What did the beer say at the job interview? A: “I believe I have the right brew-titude for this job!”

Q: How does a beer stay cool in the summer? A: It sits under a shade and brew-laxes!

Q: What do you call a beer’s life story? A: An ale-tobiography!

Q: Why did the beer go to the bank? A: To save up for its brew-tirement!

Q: What did the beer do when it saw its reflection? A: It toasted to itself!

Q: Why did the beer give a speech? A: It wanted to address the brew-haha!

Q: Why did the beer go to art school? A: It wanted to draw a perfect pint!

Q: How does a beer stay in shape? A: It does crunches at the brew-gym!

Q: Why was the beer good at baseball? A: It always hit a home-brew!

Q: What did the beer say after a breakup? A: “I’m just feeling a bit brew-sed.”

Q: Why did the beer get an award? A: For outstanding brew-havior!

Q: What did the beer say to its crush? A: “Wanna have a brewed awakening with me?”

Q: How does a beer flirt? A: “I couldn’t help but notice you across the bar-ley!”

Q: Why did the beer go to school? A: To improve its draft!

Q: What did the beer say on Valentine’s Day? A: “Will you beer mine?”

Q: Why was the beer always calm? A: It had a lot of inner peas (pilsners)!

Q: Why did the beer love nature? A: It felt a connection to the wild yeast!

Q: What did the beer say at the spa? A: “Ahh, this is brew-tiful!”

Q: Why was the beer good at chess? A: It always had a strategic brewprint!

Q: What do you call a beer that’s a magician? A: Ale-cadabra!

Q: How did the beer react to a good joke? A: It was rolling in the isles (aisles)!

Q: Why did the beer go to space? A: To become an interstellar brew!

Q: What’s a beer’s favorite exercise? A: The brew-pees (burpees)!

Q: How did the beer comfort its sad friend? A: “Everything will be brew-tter soon!”

Q: Why was the beer always optimistic? A: It believed in the power of positive drinking!

Q: What did the philosophical beer say? A: “To brew or not to brew, that’s the fermentation!”

Q: Why did the beer love the library? A: It had a thirst for knowledge!

Q: How did the beer cheer for its favorite team? A: “Hop, hop, hooray!”

Q: Why did the beer love winter? A: It had a thing for frothy snow!

Q: Why did the beer join a band? A: It had the drum and brews!

Q: What did the beer say during a race? A: “I’m on the last lap-beer!”

Q: Why did the beer love math? A: It enjoyed calculating the pint of intersection!

Q: How did the beer respond to appreciation? A: “I’m just doing my brew-ties!”

Pouring over “Beer puns” has been brew-tiful fun! Did they tap into your funny side or leave you frothing with giggles?

Raise a glass and share your thoughts. Your feedback helps keep our humor bubbling and the pint-sized chuckles flowing! 🍺😃

More To Explore:

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Box of Puns

30+ Hilarious Beer Puns That Raise the Bar

By David Em

Updated: March 13, 2024

Whether you’re heading to the bar, brewery, or having a beer at home, read the funniest beer puns that’ll get you drunk on laughter.

Two hands tapping beer glasses.

Funny beer puns

1. Beer we go.

2. Beer today, gone tomorrow.

3. I’m growing a beer-d.

4. Beer-n to drink.

Related : 35+ alcohol puns to raise your spirits

5. I’m hop-timistic.

6. You’re lager than life.

7. Pale yeah!

8. Ale beer there in a minute.

9. Don’t worry, beer happy.

10. Happy beer-day.

11. That’s un-beer-lievable.

12. I beer-lieve you.

Related : 30+ best apple puns to share

13. Ghosts drink booze.

14. I wish you were beer.

15. You’re brew-tiful.

16. I can barley hop.

17. Be malty, not salty.

18. IPA-lot when I drink.

19. Bock up.

20. Santa’s rein-beer.

21. We can brew anything together.

Related : 105+ terrible puns that are so bad they’re amazing

22. You must be a su-beer-hero.

23. He’s a stout guy.

24. Ale give you a call later.

25. Dunkel, meet your new nephew.

26. I can’t wait any lager.

27. I’ll fix it with my beer hands.

28. Porter a glass.

29. You make my heart malt.

30. Pitcher perfect.

31. I’m so hoppy.

32. Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.

33. Beer pressure.

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Featured image courtesy of Canva.

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Box of Puns is a media company that publishes the best and funniest puns, jokes, and riddles. Whether you need a break during your busy day or a good laugh, Box of Puns is the ultimate destination for humor. Learn more about Box of Puns

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Home » 115+ Hilarious Brew Puns Ideas to Make Your Next Beer Fest

115+ Hilarious Brew Puns Ideas to Make Your Next Beer Fest

brew puns

Are you a pun enthusiast looking for some creative and quirky ideas to make your next beer fest or gathering a roaring success? Look no further than the world of brew puns! From short jokes for quick laughs to hilarious one-liners and funny puns perfect for kids, there’s something for everyone in the world of brew puns.

In this article, we’ll explore the world of brew puns, providing you with 115+ ideas to get the laughs flowing. Get ready to add some sparkle to your next brewing session with these pun-derful quips!

Table of Contents

What are Brew Puns?

Brew puns are jokes and wordplays based around the world of beer and brewing. These puns can draw from a range of brewing-related themes, such as hops, yeast, fermentation, brewing equipment, beer styles, and more. Brew puns can vary widely in style , from quick and simple one-liners to more in-depth jokes .

Whether you’re looking to add some levity to your next beer outing or impress your friends with your punning wit, brew puns are a great way to have fun with the brewing community. So let’s dive into some of the best brew puns out there!

Best Short -Brew Puns

Best Short -Brew Puns

  • “I’m a hoppy camper!”
  • “I’m here for the boos, not the booze.”
  • “Ale you need is love!”
  • “Brew-tally awesome!”
  • “I brew my own destiny.”
  • “I’m lager than life!”
  • “Wheat a minute, let me finish this pint.”
  • “I’ll have a pint of no return, please.”
  • “Brew-ski time!”
  • “Just brew it!”
  • “I’m a hop-head!”
  • “Brew-sical chairs!”
  • “Brew up a storm!”
  • “Hoppily ever after.”
  • “Beer-ly legal!”
  • “Don’t worry, beer happy!”
  • “You’re the ale to my porter.”
  • “Life is brew-tiful!”
  • “Beer-ieve in yourself!”
  • “This is a brew-tiful day!”
  • “Hoppy endings all around!”
  • “I’m feeling hoppy today!”
  • “Good beers, good cheers!”
  • “I can beerly contain my excitement!”

One-Liner Brew Puns

  • “Hops, skips, and a jump away!”
  • “What do brewers use to relax? A barley-cue!”
  • “When is a beer not a beer? When it’s worshipped!”
  • “What do you call a bee that produces beer? A brew bee!”
  • “What’s the warmest beer around? Summer ale!”
  • “Why did the beer cross the road? To get to the bar.”
  • “What’s a brewer’s favorite type of math? Ale-gbra!”
  • “What do you call a Bohemian monk who makes beer? A brews-ter monk!”
  • “Why do they call it a beer gut? Because if you drink enough beer, your stomach is bound to ferment!”
  • “Why did the beer bottle break up with the can? It didn’t like can’s aluminum personality!”
  • “What’s the difference between a brewer and a musician? One produces beer, the other produces lager!”
  • “What do you call a professional who reviews beer? A brewview!”
  • “What’s the most mystical type of beer? The ale-ment of surprise!”
  • “What’s the best way to drink and drive? Don’t!”
  • “Why don’t witches like beer? It’s toadally hops-less!”
  • “What do you call it when you spill your beer on a camping trip? A brew-ha-ha!”
  • “What do you get when you cross a beer with a lion? A beer with a mane!”
  • “Why did the beer go to space? For a space-brew!”
  • “What do you call a sheep that loves beer? A brew-ewe!”
  • “What’s a brewer’s favorite fruit? A grape-ale!”
  • “What do you call a deer that loves beer? A brew-doe!”
  • “Why do cows love beer? Because it’s udder-ly delicious!”
  • “What’s a beer’s favorite movie genre? Hop-ic!”
  • “Why did the hop go to the dance? To find a hop-partner!”

Funny Puns for Brew

  • “Brew’re awesome!”
  • “My brew’diful obsession.”
  • “Brew-haha!”
  • “Brew-tiful!”
  • “Brew’re my favorite thing.”
  • “Brew-some!”
  • “I’m feeling brew-tiful tonight.”
  • “Brew-dacious!”
  • “I’m brew-tifed by this beer.”
  • “Brew-lliant!”
  • “This beer is brew-tally good.”
  • “Brew-hoo!”
  • “Brew-ciful!”
  • “Beer-ly legal and ready to party!”
  • “Brew-sing it!”
  • “Brew-tique!”
  • “I’m brewing with excitement!”
  • “Brew-pper body strength.”
  • “Brew-horn!”
  • “Brew-seph Stalin!”
  • “Brew-player!”
  • “Brew-tality!”
  • “Brew-pid!”

Brew Puns for Kids

  • “What do baby hops say to Mama hop? Hoppy Mother’s Day!”
  • “Why did the bear drink a pint? He wanted a beehive-erage!”
  • “Why was the beer cold at the beach? Because it chilled with some ice-brew!”
  • “What is a pirate’s favorite type of beer? Barrel-aged ale!”
  • “What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.”
  • “Why was the beer called an alligator? Because it bit like a can-opener!”
  • “What type of beer does a snake like to drink? Hiss-terical IPA!”
  • “What do you call fake beer? Root beer!”
  • “How did the beer get a job with a marketing firm? They were impressed with its brew-dacious personality!”
  • “What is a beer’s favorite country? Brew-sel!”
  • “Why did the beer go to Hollywood? To become a movie-shteer!”
  • “What type of beer flies under the radar? Steal IPA!”
  • “What do you call a beer with a low alcohol content? Light-beer!”
  • “Why did the beer go to college? It wanted to ferment its education!”
  • “What’s a beer’s favorite kind of bag? A hops-ack!”
  • “Why are monk’s brewing sessions always successful? They have faith-ale!”
  • “What do you call a beer that’s really serious? Stone-faced IPA!”
  • “Why was the beer called a computer expert? It came with its own micro-brew!”
  • “What type of beer do cows drink? Mooo-le ale!”
  • “Why did the beer have trouble finishing its work? It had can-somnia!”
  • “What did the snail say to the bartender? Beer me up, Scotty!”
  • “What type of beer is great with a burger? Patty-ale!”
  • “Why did the beer join the circus? It wanted to show off its brew-tiful personality!”
  • “What’s a beer’s favorite kind of math? Ratio-n-ale!”

Funny Puns for Brew

Brew Puns Use in Movies

The Brew puns are a popular theme in many movies, especially those that center around beer or the brewing industry. In the 1978 movie “Animal House,” John Belushi’s character, Bluto, encourages his fellow frat members to chug beer with the iconic line, “Grab a brew, don’t cost nothin’.” In the 2006 movie “Beerfest,” the main characters compete in a global beer-drinking competition and are met with plenty of pun-themed beer names, such as “Das Booty” and “The Great American Beer-a-thon.”

Even outside of beer-themed movies, brew puns have made their way into a number of popular films. In the 1999 comedy “American Pie,” Stifler famously tells Oz to “let’s tap that keg,” while in the classic 1984 movie “Ghostbusters,” Ray exclaims, “This is not ‘Twilight Zone,’ it’s homebrew!” And who can forget the iconic moment in “The Simpsons Movie” when Homer is trying to choose between a cold beer and saving his family, and the comedic internal conflict that ensues?

Brew puns are a versatile and timeless comedic device that can be found in movies across a wide range of genres, from comedies to dramas and even horror films. So next time you’re watching your favorite movie, keep an ear out for the subtle (or not-so-subtle) use of puns in the dialogue.

Key Takeaways

Brew puns are a fun and creative way to bring some humor and levity to the world of beer and brewing. Whether you’re looking for quick one-liners or more in-depth jokes, the world of brew puns has something for everyone. From hilarious quips perfect for kids to more adult-oriented jokes found in popular movies , the possibilities for incorporating brew puns are endless.

So next time you’re enjoying a cold brew with friends or co-workers, break out some of these puns and get the laughter flowing! With our list of 115+ pun-direful ideas, you’ll never run out of ways to add a little sparkle to your brewing sessions. So go ahead and experiment with different puns and see which ones work best for you . Who knows, you might just become the king or queen of brew puns in your community!

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About the author.

brewery tour jokes

Hilly Martin

brewery tour jokes


99 Beer Jokes to Brew Up Some Laughter

Pull up a stool and quench your thirst for humor with our collection of beer jokes . Perfect for lightening the mood or raising a toast to good times, these jokes offer a frothy mix of laughter and fun. Get ready to dive into this pint of comedy and let the good times ‘beer-gin’!

beer jokes

  • Why don’t beer drinkers ever get sunburned? Because they always have plenty of shade!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite exercise? Bar-bell lifts!
  • Why do beers go to school? To get a little “bitter” every day !
  • I told my wife I needed a beer, she said: “Don’t you mean want?” I said: “No, I know my verbs.”
  • What do you call a man with a pint on his head? Beery Potter!
  • My doctor said, “Drink beer in moderation.” So now, I moderate how fast I drink!
  • Why did the beer go to a party? To lighten the spirits!
  • Why don’t beers ever get lost? Because they’re always found at the bar!
  • Why is beer never a good comedian? It always cracks a poor “pint.”
  • Why did the beer file a police report? It got mugged!
  • I tried to say “no” to beer, but it’s 5% stronger than me.
  • Why did the beer go to therapy? It had too many hops!
  • What’s a bottle of beer’s favorite movie? “Gone in 60 seconds!”
  • I told my beer we needed a break; it’s just too brew-tal!
  • My wife says I have a drinking problem. I don’t have a problem drinking at all!
  • I just found out beer helps with weight loss. It makes the weight disappear right from my hand!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite game? Hop-scotch!
  • Why did the beer blush? It saw the bottle opener!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite type of music? Brews-ic!
  • The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his liver.
  • “My beer seems to be missing something.” “What?” “Another beer.”
  • Why did the lager break up with the ale? It said, “You’re too bitter for me!”
  • What do beers write in their diaries? Their brew-ths!
  • Why did the beer go to the fridge? It needed to chill!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite meal of the day? Hoppy Hour!
  • Why is a beer better than a politician? Because beer actually gets things done!
  • How does a beer say hello? “Hey, Brew!”
  • They say beer makes you lean. Lean against tables, chairs, walls…
  • Why was the beer a great gardener? It was hoppy to plant!
  • How does a beer apologize? “I didn’t mean to brew that!”
  • I fear no beer!
  • They call it a “beer belly,” but I prefer “fuel tank for a party machine.”
  • Why was the beer a great musician? It had the best pitch(er)!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite sport? Draughting!
  • I don’t have a beer gut, I have a protective covering for my rock hard abs.
  • Why did the beer join the circus? It had the best ringmaster – the can opener!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite city? Brew York City!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite crime show? “Law & Order: Special Brews Unit”
  • Beers don’t make you fat, they make you lean…on bars, tables, and random people.
  • Why did the beer join a band? Because it had the bottles!
  • What’s a beer’s favorite element? Bar-ium!
  • The beer diet: Lose days while gaining weight!
  • Why do beers make terrible secret agents? They always spill their secrets!
  • I told my doctor I’ve been drinking a lot of beer, he suggested a bar-ium test.
  • A beer in the hand is worth two in the fridge.
  • A day without beer is like…just kidding, I have no idea.
  • I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve lost three days already.
  • Beer – because one doesn’t solve the world’s problems over white wine.
  • Why do beers never fight? Because they’re all brewed in peace.
  • Why is beer always at a baseball game? It’s in the pitcher’s hand!
  • Beer: Helping ugly people find love since 5000 BC!
  • Why was the beer bad at hide and seek? It was always spotted at the bar!
  • The best beers are the ones we drink with friends.
  • Beer doesn’t have many vitamins, that’s why you need to drink lots of it.
  • I’m not a beer drinker, I’m a beer enthusiast.
  • What did the beer say to the fridge? “I’m chilling out!”
  • Why did the beer go to the party? Because it was brewed to be wild!
  • I got a beer for my wife, best trade I ever made.
  • They say laughter is the best medicine. They lie. It’s beer.
  • How do you make a beer happy? Give it a brew-haha!
  • Why does a beer never lose its job? Because it always gets canned!
  • I told my boss, “You don’t like my performance? Hold my beer!”
  • What’s a beer’s favorite exercise at the gym ? The barbell curl!
  • What does a beer say when it’s ready? “I’m brewed to perfection!”
  • I traded my car for a beer… it was a brew-tiful decision!
  • What does a beer do when it gets hot? It sweats cold!
  • Why don’t beers ever tell secrets? They love to bottle things up!
  • Why did the beer go to heaven? It was always holy-hops!
  • Beer doesn’t make you fat, it makes you round… round is a shape.
  • How does a beer say goodbye? “I’m heading off to the pub!”
  • What’s a beer’s favorite type of ship? Friend-ship, of course!
  • Why do beers make good detectives? They can always get to the bottom of things!
  • How did the beer confess its love? “I can’t handle being without you!”
  • Why do beers always stick together? Because they’re brew-mates!
  • I told my friend beer is healthier than water. Now he’s on a liquid diet!
  • Why was the beer always a winner? Because it never bottled up its potential!
  • Why was the beer always on time? Because it knew how to beat the clock!
  • A man’s got to believe in something. I believe I’ll have another beer.
  • Why did the beer break up with the soda? It said, “I’m soda over you!”
  • I spilled my beer, which is the adult version of losing a balloon.
  • Why did the beer join the orchestra? It heard they needed a ‘pint-sized’ conductor!
  • What do you call a lonely beer? A solitary ale!
  • Why did the beer go to rehab? It had too many issues on tap!
  • I’m not addicted to beer, we’re just in a committed relationship.
  • Why did the beer enroll in school? To improve its draft!
  • What did the beer say to its enemy? “You’re brew-tal!”
  • I used to think beer was bad for me, so I gave up thinking.
  • How does a beer propose to its girlfriend? “Can I pop the top?”
  • What’s a beer’s favorite hairstyle? The brew-fro!
  • Why was the beer good at baseball? It always made it to home draft!
  • Why is beer better than a magic potion? Because you can’t overbrew it!
  • Beauty lies in the hands of the beer holder.
  • What did the bartender say to the beer? “I can’t serve you, you’ve been bar-led!”
  • A woman drove me to drink, and I never had the decency to thank her.
  • Why do beers never give up? Because they’re always brewing up something new!
  • When I drink beer, I’m outgoing. And by outgoing, I mean I go out and drink more beer.
  • I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not so sure. Better have another beer.
  • What does a beer do on its day off? Relax and crack open a human.
  • I have mixed drinks about feelings. And by mixed drinks, I mean beers.

We hope you’ve had a barrel of laughs with our selection of beer jokes . Share these hops-filled humdingers with your friends and family to spread the cheers. Don’t forget to check back for more servings of humor and remember, a good laugh is like a good beer—always refreshing. Stay bubbly, stay funny, and keep the laughter brewing!

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brewery tour jokes

55 Funniest Beer Jokes – Careful Not to Spill Your Drink!

Hold our beer, friends; we got a few jokes to tell you.

These beer jokes will make you the dad of the group in your next boy’s or girl’s night out. The more you read and laugh, the more enjoyable the happy hour will be!

As long as you drink responsibly, grab a  beer , and let’s dive right into our list.

Beer jokes

The Funniest Beer Jokes

1. Give a man a beer, and he wastes an hour. Teach a man how to brew, and he wastes a lifetime.

2. A Roman walks into a bar . He holds up two fingers and says:

Give me five beers.

3. You shouldn’t drink beer every day. That’s why I only drink at night.

4. What does a  skeleton  order at a bar?

A beer and a mop.

5. Beer gives me a reason to wake up every afternoon.

6. Remember, it’s only a beer commercial. That kind of happiness may not be attainable.

7. Spilling a beer is the adult equivalent of a kid dropping an ice cream.

8. Why should you never serve beer at a math party? 

Because you can’t drink and derive.

9. Did you know if you say beer can with an English accent, it comes out as bacon in a Jamaican accent. Go on, try it.

10. A neutron walks into a bar and asks:

How much for a beer?

The bartender replies:

For you? No charge!

11. What do you never say when pulled over by a policeman? 

Sure, let me grab my license. Can you just hold my beer for a second?

12.  Trust me, you can dance.  – Beer

13. I fear my last words will be:

Hold my beer and watch this.

14. What did the bottle write on the postcard? 

I wish you were beer!

15. Beer doesn’t have many vitamins, that’s why you have to drink lots of it.

16. IPA a lot when I drink beer.

17. Life and beer are very similar. Chill for best results.

18. Never look at your beer as half empty. Look at it as halfway to your next beer.

19. You can’t find happiness at the bottom of a beer. Obviously, who is happy when their beer runs out?

20. What is the definition of a balanced diet? 

A beer in each hand.

Beer puns

21. To beer or not to beer, that is the question.

22. What is an orphan’s favorite beer?

23. “Friends bring happiness into your life. Best friends, bring beer.”

24. How does a man show that he is planning for the future? He buys two cases of beer.

25. Beer is made from hops. Hop is a plant. Beer=salad.

26. What do you call a Jewish beer?

27. If God hadn’t intended us to drink beer, he wouldn’t have given us stomachs.

28. This beer tastes like I’m not going to work tomorrow.

29. In heaven, there is no beer, which is why we drink it here.

30. What did the beer sing on the beach?

“Don’t worry. Be happy.”

31. Stop trying to make everyone happy. You’re not beer.

32. Beer…because you can’t drink bacon.

33. How do you know if someone likes craft beer?

Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.

34. Spilling a beer is the adult equivalent of losing a balloon.

35. Guy walks into a bar, orders a beer. As the bartender hands it to him, the guy realizes he really has to take a leak urgently. However, the bar is crowded, and he doesn’t want to leave his full beer on the bar because he’s afraid someone will drink it.

After a sudden burst of inspiration, he pulls out a small pad of paper and writes on it: “I spit in this beer.” Putting the note on the beer, he heads off to the bathroom.

When he returns, he’s delighted to see his full beer still sitting there with the note. Upon closer examination, though, he sees that someone has written on the note: “So did I.”

36. How does a man show that he is planning for the future?

He buys two cases of beer.

37. Hey bartender, I need a beer. I’ve got way too much blood in my alcohol system.

38. Roses are red, violets are blue . Poems are hard. Beer!

Beer night out

39. When my friend fell asleep at the bar, I poured ale at him. It was a brewed awakening.

40. One beer, two beer, three beer, four. Then I hit the floor.

41. Beer and life are best enjoyed the same way. Chilled.

42. Beer is never the answer. Beer is the question, and Yes is the answer.

43. What does a man consider a seven-course meal?

A hot dog and a six-pack of beer.

44. Two frat boys were stranded at sea on a lifeboat. On the 4th day, a mermaid came out of the water and offered them one wish to save their lives.

The frat boys thought about it, and one shouted out, “I wish the ocean was a sea of beer.” And it happened.

A little while later, the other one shouted, “Great, now we have to pee in the boat!”

45. Life is just a little bit more honest after half a dozen beers.

46. Sign outside a bar: “Buy one beer for the price of two and get your second beer absolutely free.”

47. My man cave has an open door policy. Bring the beer, and I’ll open the door.

48. Guy: “I could never live without you.” Girlfriend, “Is that you or the beer talking.” Guy: “It’s me talking to the beer.”

49. I’m a beer enthusiast. The more beer I drink, the more enthusiastic I get.

50. If at first, you don’t succeed, it’s not a twist-top, use a bottle opener.

51. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

52. If you don’t drink beer, how will your friends know you love them at 2 am?

53. Funny how drinking eight glasses of water a day seems impossible, but eight beers go down quicker than an elephant on a see-saw.

54. Some people see the glass as half empty. Some see it as half full. I just wonder who in the hell is drinking my beer.

55. Girl to BFF, “I want him to look at me the way he looks at his first beer.”

We hope that you have enjoyed our list of funniest beer jokes.

Now, we would love to hear from you. 

Drop your best beer jokes in the comments down below.

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Brewed to Perfection: 50+ IPA Jokes for Beer Enthusiasts


For beer enthusiasts, there’s nothing quite like the bold and flavorful experience of an IPA (India Pale Ale). But what makes savoring that hoppy goodness even better? A hearty dose of laughter! In this collection of IPA jokes,

We’ve tapped into the world of craft beer humor to bring you a selection of one-liners that will tickle your taste buds and have you raising a pint in celebration. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to hop into a barrel of laughs!

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A Toast to IPA Jokes That Pack a Punch:

  • Why did the IPA go to therapy? Because it had too many “bottle-up” emotions!
  • What did the hop say to the barley? “You complete me, my bitter half!”
  • Why did the IPA start a band? Because it wanted to play “hop” music!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite game at the brewery? “Hopscotch,” of course!
  • Why did the IPA apply for a job as a bartender? Because it had great “poursonality”!
  • What do you call a group of IPAs on vacation? The “brewskis”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a ladder to the brewery? To reach new “hops” of flavor!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite type of movie? “Hop-tion thrillers”!
  • Why did the IPA get an award? Because it was an “outstanding brew-citizen”!
  • What did the IPA say to the stout during a debate? “You’re too dark for my taste!”
  • Why did the IPA refuse to go to a wine tasting? Because it preferred “hoppy hours”!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite holiday? “St. Paddy’s Day” – it loves a good parade!
  • Why did the IPA bring a backpack to the brewery tour? To “pack” in the memories!
  • What do you call a sad IPA? “Bitter and twisted”!
  • Why did the IPA apply for a job as a stand-up comedian? Because it had a “brew-tiful” sense of humor!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite board game? “Hoply” – it’s all about strategy!
  • Why did the IPA go to the art gallery? To appreciate “hop-stract” paintings!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s really into fitness? A “hop-timist”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a camera to the beer festival? To capture the “brew-tiful” moments!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite type of music? “Hop-hop” – it’s all about the beat!
  • Why did the IPA bring a map to the brewery tour? To explore new “brew-dventures”!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s always on the move? A “hop-trotter”!
  • Why did the IPA become a detective? Because it had a nose for “hop-ping” on clues!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite dessert? “Hop-cakes” with extra syrup!
  • Why did the IPA bring a magnifying glass to the beer tasting? To inspect the “hop-tions” closely!
  • What do you call an IPA that loves to dance? A “hop-py feet”!
  • Why did the IPA go to the comedy club? To enjoy some “hop-tastic humor”!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite game show? “The Price Is Hops”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a parachute to the brewery picnic? Just in case it had to make a “hop-py landing”!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s always telling stories? A “hop-tertainer”!
  • Why did the IPA start a podcast? To share its “hop-sights” with the world!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite type of ice cream? “Hop-almond swirl”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a suitcase to the beer festival? In case it wanted to “hop” from one brewery to another!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s great at solving mysteries? A “hop-detective”!
  • Why did the IPA become a teacher? Because it wanted to “hop-ucate” others about beer!

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A Comedic IPA Journey:

  • What’s an IPA’s favorite way to relax? “Hop-nap” under the sun!
  • Why did the IPA go to the zoo? To visit the “hop-imals”!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s always in a hurry? A “hop-skipper”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a harmonica to the brewery? To play some “hop-sical tunes”!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite season? “Hop-tumn” – it loves the colors and flavors!
  • Why did the IPA go to the library? To borrow some “hop-en books”!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s always full of energy? A “hop-timist”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a backpack to the beer tasting? To “hop-pily” carry home some favorites!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite type of bread? “Hoppy-seed”!
  • Why did the IPA become a gardener? Because it loved “hop-perimenting with plants”!
  • What do you call an IPA that loves to hike? A “hop-scotch explorer”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a rubber chicken to the brewery tour? To add some “hop-tastic” humor!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite type of movie? “Hop-comedies” – they love a good laugh!
  • Why did the IPA become a chef? Because it wanted to create “hop-tastic dishes”!
  • What do you call an IPA at a party? The “life of the hop-ty”!
  • Why did the IPA file a police report? Because it got mugged by a stout!
  • What do you call an IPA that loves to travel? A “hop-roamer”!
  • Why did the IPA go to the gym? To work on its “hop-timum” fitness!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite superhero? “Hop-man” – always ready to save the day!
  • Why did the IPA start a gardening club? To grow some “hop-py” plants!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s always daydreaming? A “hop-dreamer”!
  • Why did the IPA bring a telescope to the brewery? To “hop-scope” out the best brews!
  • What’s an IPA’s favorite book genre? “Hop-fantasy” – full of imaginary adventures!
  • Why did the IPA become a beekeeper? Because it loved the idea of “hop-pollination”!
  • What do you call an IPA that’s great at solving riddles? A “hop-ecryptologist”!

Blood type jokes


Craft beer lovers know that sipping on an IPA is a delicious experience, but enjoying a side of humor with it makes it even better. We hope you’ve enjoyed these IPA jokes and that they’ve added a hoppy twist to your day.

Share them with your beer-loving friends, brew buddies, or anyone who appreciates a good laugh. Cheers to the wonderful world of IPA and laughter!

Can I share these IPA jokes with my fellow beer enthusiasts?

Absolutely! These IPA jokes are crafted for beer lovers like you. Share the laughter and enjoy the brew-tiful moments!

Do you have more beer-related jokes or humor collections?

While this collection focuses on IPA jokes, we have plenty more beer-related humor to quench your thirst for laughter. Stay tuned for more brew-tastic humor!

Can I use these IPA jokes at my next beer-tasting event or brewery tour?

Absolutely! These IPA jokes are perfect for adding a fun and light-hearted touch to beer-related gatherings. Share the laughter and savor the flavors!

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Brewery Jokes

43 brewery jokes and hilarious brewery puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about brewery that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

From funny puns to lighthearted quips, find out what happens when you take a tour of the local brewery. Discover why a craft brewery and their vats of beer can be the source of some lighthearted jokes! Explore how seemingly-mundane elements of production like sewage can become the source of comedy. Laugh out loud with these humorous pilsner-inspired jokes.

Quick Jump To

  • Short Brewery Jokes

Brewery One Liners

Guinness brewery jokes, brewery tour jokes, craft brewery jokes.

  • More Brewery Jokes

Funniest Brewery Short Jokes

Short brewery jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The brewery humour may include short brewing jokes also.

  • I used to date a girl who had one leg and worked at a brewery... She was in charge of the hops...
  • Two Chinese guys rob a brewery. The one asks the other, "Is this whiskey?" The other man replies, "Not as whiskey as whobbing a bank."
  • Hello? I am calling to tell you I love you! "Sir, I am sorry but I think you got the wrong number. This is a brewery!" "I Know!"
  • What does a brewery and a Nickelback concert have in common? They are both responsible for a lot of boos.
  • Darling, I just called to tell you how awesome you are. You really are the love of my life… – Sir – I'm sorry, this is a brewery! – Oh I know…
  • I used to date a girl with one leg who worked at a brewery. Her name was Eileen and she was in charge of the hops.
  • I once dated a one legged girl who worked at a local brewery. She was in charge of the hops
  • Anheuser Busch is using a Georgia brewery to can water for flood victims in Oklahoma and Texas They're labeling very clearly so people don't confuse it with Bud Light
  • Robert died... He was working on the local brewery and fell inside the beer tank, drowning. It is believed he didn't suffer as footage shows him leaving the tank twice to take a leak.
  • Just been told my uncle tragically died at the brewery. He fell into a vat and drowned. I don't think he suffered too much though, because he managed to get out twice to pee.

Share These Brewery Jokes With Friends

Which brewery one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with brewery? I can suggest the ones about beer brewed and beer brewer.

  • I dated a one legged girl who worked at a brewery She was in charge of the hops
  • Why did the bunny work in the brewery? he knew a lot about hops
  • Jesus opened a brewery. Do you know what he called it?? HeBrew
  • What do you call a jew who works at a brewery? A he brew.
  • Why did the brewery keep rabbits on hand? So they could add the hops.
  • I'm dating a one legged girl who works at a brewery. She handles the hops.
  • What does a Jewish man do in a brewery? He brew.
  • I'm not an alcoholic, I'm cursed My house was built on an ancient indian brewerial ground
  • How did the Jewish brewery owner make his drinks? Hebrew it
  • What do modern day witches do? Own a Micro-brewery. I'll see myself out...
  • Why wasn't the brewery's new beer a slam dunk? They didn't have enough hops.

Here is a list of funny guinness brewery jokes and even better guinness brewery puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Sad drowning death at the Guinness brewery. Poor Shaumus fell in a large, deep vat of beer. It was a real pity too. He was able to get out twice to p**..., but could not make it out the third time.

Here is a list of funny brewery tour jokes and even better brewery tour puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I went to a brewery tour and the tour guide asked what horrible thing happened in the early 1900s Apparently women's suffrage wasn't the right answer.

Brewery joke, I went to a brewery tour and the tour guide asked what horrible thing happened in the early 1900s

Here is a list of funny craft brewery jokes and even better craft brewery puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I went to the local craft brewery last night and it was so busy... The place was really hopping.

Brewery joke, I went to the local craft brewery last night and it was so busy...

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Howlingly Hilarious Brewery Jokes for an Unforgettable Evening

What funny jokes about brewery you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean distillery jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make brewery pranks.

Beer is good.

After the Great Britain Beer Festival, in London, all the brewery presidents decided to go out for a beer. The guy from Corona sits down and says, "Hey Senor, I would like the world's best beer, a Corona." The bartender dusts off a bottle from the shelf and gives it to him. The guy from Budweiser says, "I'd like the best beer in the world, give me 'The King Of Beers', a Budweiser." The bartender gives him one. The guy from Coors says, "I'd like the only beer made with Rocky Mountain spring water, give me a Coors." He gets it. The guy from Guinness sits down and says, "Give me a Coke." The bartender is a little taken aback, but gives him what he ordered. The other brewery presidents look over at him and ask "Why aren't you drinking a Guinness?" and the Guinness president replies, "Well, I figured if you guys aren't drinking beer, neither would I."

Father, what causes arthritis?

A drunk that smelled like a brewery got on a bus one day. He sat down next to a priest. The drunk's shirt was stained, his face was full of bright red lipstick and he had a half-empty bottle of wine sticking out of his pocket. He opened his newspaper and started reading. A couple minutes later, he asked the priest, ''Father, what causes arthritis?'' ''Mister, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol, and contempt for your fellow man,'' the priest replied. ''Imagine that,'' the drunk muttered. He returned to reading his paper. The priest, thinking about what he had said, turned to the man and apologized: ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had arthritis?'' ''I don't have arthritis, Father,'' the drunk said, ''but I just read in the paper that the Pope does.''

Brenda O'Malley is home making dinner, as usual, When Tim Finnegan arrives at her door.

"Brenda, may I come in?" he asks. "I've somethin' to tell ya". "Of course you can come in, you're always welcome, Tim. But where's my husband?" "That's what I'm here to be telling ya, Brenda. There was an accident down at the Guinness brewery..." "Oh, God no!" cries Brenda. "Please don't tell me." "I must, Brenda. Your husband Shamus is dead and gone. I'm sorry." Finally, she looked up at Tim. "How did it happen, Tim?" "It was terrible, Brenda. He fell into a vat of Guinness Stout and drowned." "Oh my dear Jesus! But you must tell me the truth, Tim. Did he at least go quickly?" "Well, Brenda... No. In fact, He got out three times to pee"

A man knocked on Mrs Smith's door.

"I'm afraid there's been a terrible accident at the brewery," he said. "Your husband fell into a giant vat of beer and drowned." Mrs Smith started crying. "Oh poor thing, he had no chance!" "I don't know about that," the man replied. "He got out three times to use the toilet."

A Guinness brewery worker travels to the home of his co-worker with bad news.

I'm sorry Mary, but Keith died at the brewery today'. 'Oh my god!' replied Mary, 'What happened?!' 'He drown in a vat of Guinness Stout' said the worker, sadly. 'That's terrible! Was it a quick death at least?' asked Mary. 'I'm afraid not,' the worker replied, 'He got out twice to take a p**...'.

A Instagram user walks into a bar...

A Instagram user walks into a #bar #pub #brewery #happyhour #bigplace #beer #night #party #fun #photography #conceptual #art #drink #peperoni #olives #lights #table #chair #followme

A man died in an accident when working at the brewery.

When the police arrived at his home to inform his wife, she asked how it happened. "Well, madam, I'm sorry to say he fell into one of the beer cauldrons and drowned," said the officer. In tears, the wife asked the officer, "Please, at least tell me it was a quick death". "Unfortunately not," the officer explains, "witnesses say he climbed out at least twice to go to the bathroom".

In a brewery, the ceiling is getting painted

One of the painters falls into a barrel with 1000 liters of beer and drowns. His boss then goes to the colleague's wife to report the death. "Did my husband suffer much?" "I don't think so, he went out to take a p**... three times."

Mrs Donnelly: m**...? You took me husband Donnie on da trip to Guinness brewery, and heres you are alone. Where's me Donnie?

m**...: Its terrible news, miss. Donnie were leanin over one of those great big vats of stout, fell in and drowned. Mrs Donnelly (starting to tear up): Oh lord in heaven... m**...! At least tell me he died quick. m**...: I can't miss. He got out to pee three times. Happy Saint Paddies ta ya all!

Tragedy at the Guiness brewery

p**... O Reilly works at the Guiness brewery, one day Mrs O Reilly gets a knock on the door, it's the manager.....he tells her there was a terrible accident and her husband drowned in a vat of Guiness. She is devastated and finally manages to s**......please tell me he went quickly and didnt suffer. The manager replied, I'm afraid not, in fact he got out 3 times to pee

A Man Walks Up and Knocks on Mrs. O'Reilly's door.

Oh, Mrs. O'Reilly, I have terrible news. There was an accident at the brewery and your husband fell into a vat of Guinness and drowned. Oh! It must have been horrible, she cried! Aye, we pulled him out three times.

My father died today at work...

he worked at the brewery and fell into a beer tank. All the co-workers rushed to help him and to get him out, but despite their best efforts my dad managed to fight them all back and then drowned.

Brewery joke, I'm dating a one legged girl who works at a brewery.

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In the neighborhood? We're open for bar service, tours, plus beer & gear to go. Stop by and say hey.


Join a small group of lucky beer fans to go behind the scenes and geek out together.


Happy hours? Birthday parties? Fundraisers? Rehearsal dinners? After parties? We're here to host.

Weekly trivia, monthly drag bingo, dinners, beers, and much more.



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How we teamed up with The Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative to launch Create Space.

Grassroots activists and their fight for LGBTQ+ rights

The modern LGBTQ+ movement, and the significance of The Stonewall Inn.

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Small batch tours.







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You'll find there's more to our tours than a couple shiny tanks and some hop jokes. We have those too, but we're also covering brewing science, beer history, our story, and much more. Stop by for a free hourly tour on Sundays from 1-6 PM, or book a weeknight Small Batch Tour to taste our latest creations and go in-depth with our experts. Whether you're an expert or a beer newcomer, you'll have fun.

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Join a small group of lucky beer fans for a guided tasting of four beers, learn our story, and take a tour of our brewhouse and packaging hall. Our resident experts can answer just about any beer or Brooklyn Brewery question, so come prepared to geek out.


45 minute history and guided tasting of 3 samples


Recipients may redeem gift certificates online for any available experience date.

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Brewing Jokes: Hilarious Puns and One-Liners for Beer Lovers


  • March 5, 2024

Are you ready to raise a glass and have a laugh? This article is a lighthearted exploration into the world of brewing jokes, guaranteed to tickle your funny bone. From puns about hops to clever quips about beer ingredients, get ready to chuckle along with some hilarious brewing jokes that will have you saying, “Pour me another one!”

Whether you’re a seasoned brewmaster or just someone who enjoys a good pint, these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. Dive into the lighter side of the brewing world and discover a collection of witty one-liners and clever wordplay that celebrates the art of making and enjoying craft beer. So grab a cold one, sit back, and get ready to enjoy a good laugh with these brewing-themed jokes that are as refreshing as a perfectly poured pint.

funny brewing jokes

Best Brewing Jokes

Here’s five jokes about Brewing:

1. Why did the barley refuse to leave the brewery? Because it heard the brews were hopping!

2. What do you call a bear without any teeth enjoying a cold beer? A gummy bear!

3. How does a bartender ensure a great beer pun? They just have to ferment it!

4. What did the hop say to the malt during their argument? Let’s just beer it up and move on!

5. What’s a brewer’s favorite type of humor? Wit-ty jokes!

Family Friendly Brewing Jokes

Here’s some family friendly funny jokes about Brewing:

1. Why did the hop refuse to leave the brewery? Because it was barley able to contain itself!

2. I asked the beer to tell me a joke, but it just fizzled out.

3. How does a brewer greet their friends? Hoppy to see you!

4. Why did the IPA go to school? To get hoppucated!

5. I told the beer it couldn’t tell jokes anymore, but it just brewed over.

6. What’s a brewer’s favorite type of humor? Worty jokes!

7. Why did the yeast break up with the malt? It just couldn’t ferment the relationship.

8. What did the bartender say to the malt when it asked for a discount? Wort do you think this is, happy hour?

9. Why did the beer keg break up with the tap? It just couldn’t handle the pressure.

10. Why did the fermentation tank go to therapy? It had too many emotional brewouts.

11. What did the brewer say to the beer that kept spilling everywhere? You need to contain yourself!

12. Why did the barley go to the dance party? To find its malt-mate.

13. What did the brewer say to the beer that was feeling down? Hop up, things will get bitter!

14. Why did the lager break up with the pilsner? They just didn’t mix well together.

15. What’s a beer’s favorite type of music? Barley-coustic!

16. Why did the beer get invited to all the parties? It had a great head on its shoulders.

17. What did the malt say to the hops on Valentine’s Day? You make my heart ferment with joy!

18. Why did the stout make a terrible accountant? It always had a hard time balancing.

19. How did the barley get so good at brewing? It was malt to be!

20. Why did the ale enroll in cooking classes? It wanted to learn how to pair itself with the perfect meal!

Brewing Jokes One-liners – Short Jokes

1. Why did the barley go to therapy? It had malt issues. 2. How does a brewer greet their friends? Hoppy to see you! 3. Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything – except beer. 4. Why did the beer file a police report? It was mugged. 5. What’s a brewer’s favorite game? Hopscotch. 6. I’m a professional brewer, I make ale my own decisions. 7. My favorite type of beer is one that’s bottom-fermented – because it’s lager than life. 8. Why did the IPA break up with the stout? It just couldn’t handle the bitterness. 9. What do you call a bear without any teeth? A gummy bear, just like a beer… without barley. 10. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite from drinking cold beer. 11. How do you unlock the full potential of a grain of barley? Beereality. 12. Beer is the answer. I don’t remember the question, but beer is definitely the answer. 13. If you’re ever feeling hopless, just remember there’s always another beer to try. 14. It’s not drinking alone if the beer is with you – it’s called a hoppy hour. 15. Why was the young lager nervous before the party? It had too much foam. 16. Beer is like a fine wine, but it’s socially acceptable to chug it. 17. What’s a brewer’s favorite rock band? Ale Storm. 18. How does a barley hop over a fence? With maltivation. 19. Barley, hops, water, and yeast walk into a bar. The bartender says, “What is this, a beer joke?” 20. I’m not an expert on beer, but I’m definitely a professional drinker.

Brewing Dad Jokes

1. What do you call a bear that likes to brew beer? A fermenting furball! 2. Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged! 3. How does a brewer greet someone in the morning? Hoppy to see you! 4. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems. 5. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine. 6. Why did the blonde bring a ladder to the bar? Because she heard the drinks were on the house. 7. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta. 8. How do you organize a space party? You planet. 9. What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? Supplies! 10. Why was the belt arrested? For holding up a pair of pants. 11. How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together. 12. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. 13. How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut. 14. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite. 15. Why couldnÕt the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired. 16. Did you hear about the mathematician whoÕs afraid of negative numbers? HeÕll stop at nothing to avoid them. 17. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing. 18. What did one wall say to the other wall? IÕll meet you at the corner. 19. Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honey combs. 20. What do you call a fish wearing a crown? Salmon royalty.

Brewing Surreal Jokes

1. Why did the espresso file a police report? It was mugged! 2. What do you call a sad coffee bean? Depresso. 3. Why was the coffee always late? Because it got mugged every morning! 4. How does a coffee bean get to work? By beanstalk! 5. Why did the coffee call the police? It got mugged at the cream and sugar station! 6. What do you call two coffee mugs in love? A perfect blend. 7. Why was the coffee tasting so good? It was brewing with confidence. 8. What do you call a sleeping coffee? A decaf-napper. 9. How do you know when a coffee is sad? When it starts brewing tears. 10. Why did the coffee file a police report? It was grounds for assault! 11. What do you call a baby coffee? Java Junior. 12. Why don’t teas play hide and seek with coffee? They always get steeped on. 13. Why was the coffee grumpy? It had too many grounds for complaint. 14. What do you call a talking coffee bean? A mumbler. 15. Why did the espresso go to therapy? It had too much steamy baggage. 16. What did the coffee say to the sugar? “I love you a latte!” 17. Why did the coffee bean break up with the tea bag? It couldn’t handle the steep decline. 18. How do you know when a coffee is in love? It starts brewing heart-shaped steam. 19. Why did the coffee refuse to be friends with the cream? It was lactose intolerant. 20. What do you call a coffee with a Ph.D.? A roast scholar.

Brewing Dark Humor Jokes

Here’s some funny Brewing jokes for adults:

1. Why did the coffee file a police report? It got mugged every morning. 2. I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug. 3. How do you organize a space party? You planet. 4. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field. 5. I’m reading a book on the history of glue. I just can’t seem to put it down. 6. I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands. 7. I’m trying to lose weight, but it’s like a piece of cake. 8. Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet. 9. I told my wife she should do lunges to stay in shape. That would be a big step forward. 10. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. 11. I’m on a whiskey diet. I’ve lost three days already. 12. I used to know a baker who was really good at his job. But he kneaded the dough. 13. I told my computer I needed a break. Now it won’t stop sending me to the coffee shop. 14. I’m reading a book on anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down. 15. I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough. 16. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two tired. 17. I’m friends with 25 letters of the alphabet. I don’t know y. 18. I have a joke about construction, but I’m still working on it. 19. Why was the math book sad? It had too many problems. 20. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space.

How to Use Brewing Jokes In a Conversation?

Using brewing jokes in a conversation can be a fun and lighthearted way to connect with others who share a love for beer or brewing. Whether you are talking to fellow brewers, friends at a brewery, or even just cracking a joke with a bartender, incorporating some brewing humor can lighten the mood and spark laughter. Here are some tips on how to effectively use brewing jokes in a conversation:

Know Your Audience

Before cracking a brewing joke, it’s important to gauge your audience and make sure they will appreciate the humor. If you’re talking to a group of serious brewers discussing the technical aspects of a brew, a light-hearted joke might be well-received. However, if you’re in a more formal setting where brewing jokes might not be appropriate, it’s best to save them for another time.

Keep It Light and Fun

When using brewing jokes in a conversation, remember that the goal is to keep things light and fun. Avoid making jokes that could be offensive or inappropriate, and instead focus on humorous anecdotes or puns related to brewing. A well-timed joke can break the ice and make the conversation more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Puns and Wordplay

Puns and wordplay are often popular in brewing jokes, as they play on the unique terminology and language of brewing. For example, you could make a joke about a beer being “hoppy” instead of happy, or remark that a particularly strong brew is “barley holding itself together.” These kinds of jokes are clever and can show off your knowledge of brewing while also getting a laugh.

Be Observant

Pay attention to your surroundings and look for opportunities to incorporate brewing jokes into the conversation. If you notice a unique ingredient or an interesting brewing technique being discussed, see if you can come up with a witty remark or joke to add to the discussion. Being observant and quick-witted can help you seamlessly integrate brewing humor into your interactions.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can effectively use brewing jokes in a conversation to connect with others and add some laughs to your brewing experiences. Remember to have fun with it and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with sharing a good joke over a cold beer.

Final words

In conclusion, humor is an essential aspect of the brewing industry, and these jokes highlight the lighthearted side of the craft beer world. From puns about hops to jests about fermentation, the creativity and wit displayed in these jokes are a testament to the camaraderie and fun that permeate the brewing community. Sharing laughter over a pint of beer is a bonding experience that brings people together, creating lasting memories and forging friendships.

Next time you’re enjoying a cold beer with friends at your favorite brewery, remember to share a few of these hilarious brewing jokes to bring a smile to everyone’s faces. Whether you’re a seasoned homebrewer or simply a beer enthusiast, these jokes are sure to add some levity to your brewing conversations. So, raise your glass and toast to the joy of sharing a beer and a laugh with good company.

In the end, incorporating humor into the brewing culture not only adds a touch of entertainment to the industry but also reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously. So let’s raise a glass to the joy of sharing a good laugh and some hillarious brewing jokes!

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Lakefront Brewery

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Experience America’s Favorite Brewery Tour

The daily tour.

of facts, lore, jokes, and beer

unless supervised by a parent or legal guardian

Monday–Thursday: $13 Friday–Sunday: $16


and a souvenir pint glass included in tour price


Book a Private Tour for Your Small Group

Gather your 19+ closest friends, family members, or colleagues for an exclusive tour of the brewery.

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The Beer Hall kitchen is open every day to serve you hot, fresh, Milwaukee favorites, before or after your tour with first come, first served seating.

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Weekly Specials

Stopping in during the week? Take advantage of our weekly specials!

Make it a Weekend

Find a hotel near the brewery.

Brewhouse Inn & Suites (414) 810-3350

Iron Horse Hotel (414) 374-4766

The Pfister Hotel (414) 273-8222

Ambassador Hotel (414) 345-5000

Hilton Milwaukee City Center (414) 271-7250

DoubleTree by Hilton (414) 273-2950

Check Out Other Nearby Attractions

Summerfest (414) 273-2680

Harley-Davidson Museum (877) 436-8738

Miller Park (414) 902-4000

Milwaukee Food Tours (414) 255-0534

Milwaukee Irish Fest (414) 476-3378

Untapped Tours (414) 698-8058

Have a Beer On Us: The After-Tour

After the tours, we offer our tourists a “Beer On Us.”

You can take our dated coupons to any of the fine establishments listed on the coupon for a free Lakefront Brewery beer. The coupon is valid for 3 days from your tour date.

Daily Coupon

brewery tour jokes

Participating Members

Caffrey’s Pub 717 N. 16th St. 414.933.9047

Malone’s On Brady 1329 E. Brady 414.763.3209

Regano’s   Roman Coin (Closed Mondays) 1004 E. Brady 414.278.9334

Who’s On Third 1007 N. Old World 3rd St. 414.897.8373

The Garage 1709 N. Arlington 414.220.8090

Milwaukee Brat House 1013 N. Old World 3rd St. 414.763.2830

Scaffidi’s Hideout 1837 N. Humboldt 414.574.0015

Wicked Hop 345 N. Broadway 414.223.0345

Hosed  On Brady 1689 N. Franklin 414.223.3919

Motor   @ Harley Davidson 401 W. Canal ( 414.287.2778)

Wolski’s (Opens at 2PM) 1836 N. Pulaski 414.223.0345

Landmark Lanes 2220 N. Farwell 414.278.8770

Nomad World Pub 1401 E. Brady 414224.8111

The Tracks (Opens at 4PM) 1020 E. Locust 414.562.2020

Jack’s American Pub 1323 E. Brady 414.763.2830

O’Lydias 338 S. 1st St. 414.271.7546

Up-Down Milwaukee 615 E. Brady 414.585.0880

Drink Wisconsinbly (Closed Mondays & Tuesdays) 320 W. Highland 414.409.1740

Third St. Tavern 1110 N. Old World 3rd St. 414.574.0015

Reuben Melt

Nitty-Gritty Tour Details

You can buy tickets here on our eTix page. Click HERE .

Currently, all tour tickets should be purchased online ahead of time. Purchase through the link above. Any space on tours that didn’t sell online can be sold as walk-up tickets. Weekend tours almost always sell out ahead of time, plan ahead and purchase larger group tickets in one transaction.

All ticket sales are final and cannot be refunded.

That’d be a resounding “yes!” All patrons on the premise must be 21 with a  valid ID  or under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian. Aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters are  not legal guardians. The tour is geared toward adults, but kids and families are welcome at their own discretion. Kids 12 and under do not require a ticket but must but must remain next to their family for the entirety of the tour.

For non-beer drinkers, we offer our Golden Maple Root Beer as well as Coke products. Wine is available for guests over 21 as well.

Each tour will be limited to 35 people. If looking to get a table in our Beer Hall following the tour, we offer open seating that is first come, first served. Once you have a table, food can be ordered at our food counter and drinks are available at our main bar. Our patio is also first come, first served seating when available. Our patio offers bar service and our CurdWagon food truck on the weekends.

Not only do you get 50 minutes with one of our practiced entertaining tour guides, you will also receive 32oz. of award-winning beer and a free beer coupon at one of many fine establishments in the greater Milwaukee area (good for 3 days from your tour day). Beer will be available before the tour as well as part-way through the tour. Don’t forget to grab your souvenir pint glass before you head out!

We currently offer tours 7 days a week with tour times fluctuating based on the season.

In general, you will be able to purchase brewery tours for the following days/times:

Monday – Thursday: 5PM, 6:30PM Friday: 12PM, 1PM, 2PM, 3PM Environmental, 5PM, 5:30PM, 6:30PM, 7PM Saturday: 12PM, 12:30PM, 1PM, 1:30PM, 2PM, 2:30PM, 3PM, 4PM, 4:30PM, 5PM, 5:30PM, 6PM Sunday: 12PM, 1PM, 2PM, 3PM (tour frequency increases and decreases based on the time of year)

We have tours available for 2-month chunks at a time. For example, if we have April and May available to purchase, on May 1st at 9AM, June will become available. On June 1st at 9AM, July will become available and so on.

Still having issues clicking the desired date? Check to see if we’re closed for a holiday or private event by visiting the bottom of our homepage or give us a call at 414-372-8800.

Every Friday at 3PM we host our environmental tour. This tour is very similar to our normal brewery tour but focuses on some of the green aspects of the brewery. Sustainability has always been an important part of our operation here.

Can’t make the tour? Here’s link to our sustainability page: https://lakefrontbrewery.com/about-lakefront/sustainability-efforts

All seating is first come, first served in our Beer Hall with food available through our food counter and additional drinks available at the bar.

1. Go out to our patio, weather permitting. (our patio is all walk-up, first come, first served seating with counter/bar service) 2. Head upstairs to get a table inside our restaurant. 3. Move on to their next Milwaukee stop.

Any questions or additional needs, feel free to call ahead at 414-372-8800.

Parking on Commerce Street (the street we’re on) is free and unrestricted as long as you don’t leave your car here overnight. There is a small parking lot on the northeast side of the building that contains disabled parking spaces if needed. Please be aware of pedestrians while driving and parking in our area.

All ticket sales are final. We do not offer refunds for any tickets purchased. Extra beers will not be given out for unused tickets. Please call ahead with any related issues.

During the week (Mon – Thurs), Lakefront offers private tours of the brewery for a minimum of 20 people (or the cost of 20 tickets) and a maximum of 35. The cost of the tour is $13 per person during the week. On weekends (Fri – Sun), groups are welcome to purchase all 35 available online tickets for a public tour to make it private for you and up to 34 others. The cost of the tour is $16 per person on the weekends. (we cannot give out extra sample tokens for unused tickets)

Private tour timing depends on business needs but we will do our best to accommodate the needs of each private tour group. All attendees must be 21 or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Private tours include:

  • Four 6oz. beer samples
  • Souvenir pint glass
  • Coupon for a Lakefront beer at a local bar
  • Entertaining guide all to yourself!

Click HERE to request a private tour!

On weekdays we are in production and cannot go through the entire brewery. Tourists can see much of the brewery and its equipment through glass windows, though. The weekday ticket price, usually $12, can fluctuate based on the holidays.

Weekend tours go through the entire brewery because we are usually not in production. Weekend tours are always busy and almost always sell out. The weekend ticket price is $15.

Our technical tour takes place on Sundays at 11 a.m. and consists of a detailed 90-minute tour through the brewery with a brewing expert, plus a 90-minute beer and food pairing session provided by one of our skilled chefs. These tours are limited to 15 people to give you the most intimate experience of our brewery.

*Our technical tour is currently on hold for the foreseeable future.*

¡Estamos muy orgullosos de ofrecerles a nuestros clientes hispanohablantes la posibilidad de hacer un recorrido de nuestra cervecería famosa en español! Favor de ponerse en contacto con John directamente ( [email protected] ) para más información o para organizar de antemano su visita en español.

We are proud to announce that our nationally renowned brewery tour is now available in Spanish! Contact John at [email protected]  for more information and availability. Tours must be booked in advance.

Unfortunately, our gift card system isn’t connected to our online ticketing software. If you’re looking to grab spots in advance, we ask that reservations are made and paid for ahead of time. Upon your arrival, we will refund the total cost of your purchase and swipe your gift card for that amount.

Lakefront Brewery

Let's see some id..

Are you at least 21 years old?

We Asked 10 Brewers: What Makes a Killer Brewery Tour?

We Asked 10 Brewers: What Makes a Killer Brewery Tour?

words: Emily Saladino

If you take the time and pay a fee to tour a brewery , chances are you’re pretty into beer. We asked 10 brewers across the country how breweries can show their appreciation for visiting devotees.

From insider access to samples aplenty, here is everything that separates a good brewery tour from a great one.

“A knowledgeable, friendly, enthusiastic tour guide. You can give people an unforgettable tour of an outhouse factory if you make it relatable and do it with energy and passion.”— Victor Novak, Brewmaster, Golden Road Brewing

“The guide!”— Emily Byrne, Brewer, Schlafly

“Knowledgeable people make a big difference — but fun, engaging, insightful, and passionate people take it to the next level. Being able to get as close to the brewery is great. Drinking from tanks, meeting brewers, fun facts, and feeling the brewery as you walk through it are great. It should be a little special because a brewery should appreciate the dedicated people who are now making breweries part of their lives on a bigger level. Historically, breweries were important parts of every community they were in and we are certainly seeing that again as breweries become meeting places and social anchors. So those who want to take it up a notch and get the deep dive that a good tour offers should come away feeling like it was worth it to the point where they feel even more connected to the beers and brewery they admire. They will tell their friends about it, and probably the world using some sort of social media or review site. So don’t screw it up.” — Jared Jankoski, Brewmaster, Goose Island Beer Co.

“It’s all about the guides: engaging, passionate, and knowledgeable. The tour guide should be in the brewery enough to know that the halls were designed wide enough for full pallets of pumpkin puree to move through and other insider details that you only get at the brewery. All access and an in-process beer sample are great, when permitted.” — Josh Waldman, Head Brewer, Elysian Brewing

“A great brewery tour is made when the staff is enthusiastic about showing off all the cool things they have and teaching you about the process. For me, it’s less about the process and more about the cool toys each brewery has and how they might do things a little different than we do… Obviously, a super-cool layout and high-end brewing equipment pique my interest, but someone who loves giving tours and is happy to show off what they do is the best part.” — Josh French, Production Brewmaster, Devils Backbone Brewing Company

“There are three keys to a great tour. First, a knowledgeable tour guide who knows the history of the brewery, knows about beer, and respects the industry by conveying their message without bad-mouthing other brewers. Second, an opportunity to get up close to the actual equipment, not just seeing it on a video screen or behind a glass window. Third, an opportunity to sample some of their beers along the way.” — Dan Jansen, Brewmaster and Director of Operations, Blue Point Brewing

“Making people feel like an insider is an important element to the perfect brewery tour. Being a brewmaster, I get to see behind the scenes, and I think the average brewery visitor wants that same feeling: That’s why they are on the tour. A kickass tour will include a knowledgeable guide who will let you get into the action, while observing safety. And of course you want people to taste what they are learning about, so samples are needed. I like the tours where there are pit stops dedicated to tasting a couple beers along the way… Finally, always set expectations, especially as it relates to tour duration. A good tour can vary in length, going anywhere from 20 minutes to two hours, but you need to let folks know what they are getting into before kicking off the tour because expectations are everything. And if you lean towards a longer tour, it’s important to break it up with tastings along the way.”— Eric Warner, Brewmaster, Karbach Brewing

“Hands down, it’s the guide. I’m willing to overlook the ‘worts’ and all (ha!) if I’m not only being informed, but entertained. Enthusiasm and knowledge trump all. But free beer is always a plus.” — Andy Ingram, Co-Founder and Head Brewer, Four Peaks Brewing

“A great tour starts out with excitement, from the guests and the tour guides. I’m a big fan of interactive tours. It’s a great way to show off a brewery’s inside knowledge, and showcase what really makes them stand out.” — Andrew Burman, Co-Founder, Other Half

“A great brewery tour consists of three main elements: tour guide, ambiance, and beer. The tour guide needs to love what they do, as well as be approachable and easy-going. Scripted tours are too stuffy and come off as disingenuous… The layout of the brewery is a huge factor. It does not have to be high tech by any means, just interesting and unique. There should be multiple stops throughout the tour for the group to gather and learn about the brewing process. It’s important to have an area that you’d want to hang out and crack a few fresh beers after the tour, too.” — Jimmy Seifrit, Brewmaster, 10 Barrel Brewing

“A great brewery tour is always in the details for me. I’m constantly on the lookout for those little Easter eggs hidden in each brewery I visit that make me want to ask a question. Whether it’s the classic rubber chicken or a velvet painting of Tom Selleck, à la Burial Beer Co., if it looks like it doesn’t belong, chances are the brewers had a good time putting it there.” — Jen Currier, Lead Blender, Wicked Weed Brewing

Published: September 4, 2018

  • We Asked 10 Brewers: What Makes a Killer Brewery Tour? | VinePair
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brewery tour jokes

Brewery Comedy Tour at If I Brewed The World

July 5 @ 8:00 pm edt.

Our comedy nights are filled with hilarious jokes from some of the best comedians in the industry. Come and enjoy a cold brew or wine while you laugh your worries away. This event will feature some of the funniest comedians in the country, who will have you in stitches with their hilarious jokes and witty humor so don’t miss out on this unforgettable experience so join us for an unforgettable night of comedy, beer, wine, and good times!

Early Bird – $15 (Good until 2 days before) Last Chance – $17 (Good until 1 day before) Day of Show – $20

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Doors at 6:30 PM Show time at 8:00 PM

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  23. Brewery Comedy Tour at If I Brewed The World

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