Happy to Wander

13 Magical Trains in Switzerland You Need to Ride ASAP

Last Updated: October 31, 2023

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best train trips through switzerland

Having just returned from a whirlwind binge of Switzerland’s most scenic trains, I can say without an ounce of exaggeration that the Swiss train system is a true marvel of magic.

And beyond their surplus of scenic routes, razor-sharp punctuality and Care Bear-friendly service, the crowning jewel of the Swiss rail system is, in my opinion, its glittering roster of scenic, panoramic Swiss trains – a holy grail of sorts for those traversing Europe by rail.

As I’m sure you know, train travel in Europe is an oft glamourized mode of transport, a classy and elegant contrast to the stuffy conditions of air and bus travel.

Well, I’m happy to report that in Switzerland, all your swankiest train dreams do indeed come true.

As a Canadian who grew up far removed from train travel, I admit the concept always delighted me (thanks, Hogwarts Express!!), and now even after so many years of frequent rides, I’m still like a giddy sugar-high child on her own moving candy shop.

Take it from this fangirl then, European train travel doesn’t really get better than Switzerland.

So, are you keen to try some scenic Swiss train rides for yourself? Here are some of my top picks for train rides in Switzerland you simply cannot miss.

best train trips through switzerland

Save this List of Amazing Swiss Train Rides for later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

The Most Magical Swiss Train Rides You Need to Try

The following are all stunning Swiss train rides that I have personally done and consider extremely bucket list worthy, whether for the landscapes, the trains themselves or just the overall experience. So, without further ado, here are some trains in Switzerland that you definitely cannot miss!

Money saving tip: If you plan on doing many of these train rides in one trip, look into huge money savers like the Swiss Travel Pass , the Half Fare Travel Card or a Eurail Pass to potentially save hundreds of dollars. More on this below!

1. The Golden Pass (Classic)

This Switzerland scenic train is, without a doubt, my favourite.

While not as famous as big Swiss names like the Glacier or Bernina Express , if it’s a touch of old world glamour and Belle Époque elegance you’re looking for, then please, book yourself on the  Golden Pass Classic  as soon as humanly possible.

Golden Pass Classic Train in Switzerland

The entire GoldenPass line is a tremendously scenic line running between Lucerne and Montreux in three separate segments, offering sweeping views of snow-dusted peaks and eight glimmering lakes along the way.

While the entire route is well worth drooling over, the segment from Montreux to Zweisimmen in particular is one I’d highly recommend because a few times a day, you can do the route in the “MOB Belle Époque” which is modelled after a 1930s Orient Express style luxury train.

The most beautiful and scenic train rides in Europe! Don't miss this seriously epic rail travel bucket list on your next trip to Europe. #Europe #Trains #TrainTravel #BucketList

If you’re feeling especially swanky, splurge for 1st class, where you get to sit in plush green armchairs while taking in all the stunning scenery. I have to admit, this felt even swankier than that $7000 train ride I did in India!

Train views along the Golden Pass train in Switzerland

NOTE: The Golden Pass from Montreux to Zweisimmen ALSO has trains called the “MOB Panoramique” that do the same route, but with modern cars and not the classic ones. If you really want the experience I described above, make sure you are booking on the “MOB Belle Époque”.

Beautiful train view along the Golden Pass line in Switzerland

BONUS TIP: I did this scenic ride in November, and I got to witness golden autumn colours mixed in with all the snowy mountains, while enjoying the benefit of fewer crowds. I’d highly recommend this time of year for it! You can also stop off at some of the most magical Christmas markets in Switzerland along the way, including the beautiful lakeside Christmas Market in Montreux.

2. The Glacier Express

This famous Swiss Alps train ride is known as one of the most luxurious and best train rides in Europe, so it’s no wonder it’s made my list (read my honest review of the Glacier Express in 1st class! ).

End to end, it brings you between the swishy ski resorts of Zermatt and Saint Moritz, stopping in a variety of stops like Andermatt and Chur along the way.

From start to finish, you’re looking at a tortoise-like slow ride of about 8 hours, ensuring that it does indeed earn its title of “the slowest express train in the world”.

Glacier Express train in Switzerland

And while the Glacier Express is certainly not everybody’s cup of tea (again, it’s very very slow and takes up an entire day), I loved it for the experience.  

There’s nothing quite like a long scenic train ride to give you an ample dose of dreamy “I love the world” moments.

Imagine giant panoramic glass windows, plush, comfy chairs, and my personal favourite: table service with hot three course meals served straight to your seat.

After all, if you’re taking a train through Switzerland, why shouldn’t you be inhaling a giant chocolate pudding at the same time?

Lunch on board the Glacier Express - roast pork with cauliflower and spaetzle in a mushroom sauce!

It’s not just about the food of course. This wonderful train ride through the Swiss Alps will take you from snow-dusted mountains and terraced vineyards to rocky gorges and turquoise rivers.

This is definitely a bucket list trip that comes with a hefty price tag, but if you want to treat yourself to one of the best train trips in Switzerland, this is it. Just don’t expect to get anywhere in a hurry 😉

Read my full guide to the Glacier Express for more info.

Glacier Express train views in Switzerland

3. The Bernina Express

Bar none, the Bernina Express is one of the most famous train trips in Switzerland, and I’m happy to report that it does indeed live up to all the hype and buzz!

This four hour ride between Chur and Tirano is one that brings you from the snowy mountaintops of Switzerland down to the warm, balmy Mediterranean views of Italy , passing by a constant barrage of unique landscapes along the way.

No doubt, if it’s excellent value you’re looking for, this is the train I’d recommend. read my full guide to the Bernina Express for more info.

Bernina Express Swizerland train views

Compared to other journeys (side-eying you, Glacier Express ), the Bernina Express is quite a short ride, but the diversity of landscapes you get to take in is breathtaking.

From ruined castles and fortresses to quaint alpine villages and famous viaducts, the Bernina Express is like a “best of” tour of Switzerland, all in a compact, time-friendly package.

Just to warn you though, your memory cards will all run out of space, and your phone will 1000% die from the sheer beauty of it all.

Going over the Landwasser Viaduct

NOTE: If you are a keen photographer, or prefer to avoid touristy crowds, I would actually recommend doing this ride using regional trains instead. More on this below!

Inside of the Bernina Express first class train

This Switzerland train ride has amazing views in winter too:

Snowy view over the Landwasser Viaduct

4. The Transalpin (from Austria to Switzerland)

It’s definitely not the most well known of all Swiss train rides, but I recently rode the Transalpin from Innsbruck to Zurich, and was blown away.

This EuroCity Express ride is one that isn’t marketed as being a scenic sightseeing experience, but is nonetheless one that brings you across some awe-inspiring landscapes in Austria, Switzerland and even the wonderful micro-nation of Liechtenstein .

The scenery you pass is gorgeous, but the starring feature for me is the panoramic 1st class car that they add to one journey a day, which allows you to soak in the views with giant windows  just like on the sightseeing trains mentioned above.

Transalpin scenic train ride in Austria and Switzerland

Seriously: it’s the glamour of the aforementioned express trains, but without the crowds!

Sunset over Walensee from the Transalpin scenic train

The best part is, taking this panoramic train at 3:48pm from Innsbruck in March meant I was able to watch sunset from the train, and let me tell you: watching the sky turn fiery pink over Walensee as we weaved through the impossibly green rolling hills of Austria, then Liechtenstein, then Switzerland was pure magic.

This is a lesser known Swiss panoramic train, and definitely a hidden gem that you should consider adding to your Switzerland train tour.

Transalpin train ride views in Switzerland

5. The Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn

Alright, listing the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn is kinda cheating because the following route is technically a segment of the Glacier Express.

But since the Glacier Express is a million years long and not everyone has the luxury of spending a full 8 hours on a scenic train, I would recommend the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn from Visp to Zermatt as an excellent taste of the Glacier Express experience.

Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn 1st class train car

Not only do they have panorama cars just like on the Glacier Express, the rugged scenery here (I would argue) is one of the best parts of the entire GE journey.

Leaving from Visp, you pass by rocky mountains, terraced vineyards, turquoise rivers, and of course, as you approach Zermatt, snowy Alpine towns and even the famous Matterhorn if you pay attention! I didn’t, and managed to miss it, although thankfully I got some great views of it in town!

If you want to experience a panoramic train in Switzerland without paying a reservation fee (and without the accompanying crowds of the more popular scenic trains), then this is a great option.

Mattherhorn Gotthard Bahn scenic Swiss train

Other (Non-Tourist) Swiss Train Rides and Routes I Recommend

Train travel in Switzerland is next level, so naturally, the country has far more to offer than just the panoramic tourist trains mentioned above.

In fact, pick any random route in Switzerland and it’s bound to bring you somewhere pretty scenic.

That said, here are some of my top picks for train rides I’ve done that weren’t part of the panoramic express rides mentioned above, but are still pretty incredible (with the added bonus that they don’t feel at all touristy).

Passenger looking out window on a Swiss train

6. The Express routes above but on regional trains

So here’s a secret I’ll let you in on: all the “Express” trains mentioned above are so-named because they are built for sightseeing, and take you end to end with no stops… BUT regional trains travelling between those areas go past the exact same landscapes, often with fewer crowds, and the ability to open windows on certain trains.

So, while most Swiss train tours will bring you along one of the ‘Express’ trains, if you are an avid photographer, want to save money on the reservation fee, or would like to stop at different towns along the way, then I would recommend doing the Bernina Express and Glacier Express on regional trains instead.

I did this on my return leg from Tirano to Chur (AKA the Bernina Express route) and I loved the experience. I had a carriage all to myself, I could open the windows and overall, I was like a happy puppy sticking her head out a car window the entire time ! 10/10 would recommend.

NOTE: Download the SBB app to look up regional routes with ease. It’s one of the handiest Europe travel apps out there if you’re headed to Switzerland!

Bernina Express on regional trains view

7. From Interlaken to Thun

The clarity and colours of Lake Thun are seriously next-level, so if you can, enjoy the views from a train going from Interlaken to Thun.

I recently got to enjoy the view below while going from Interlaken to Spiez, and I really couldn’t believe my eyes.

Is water even legally allowed to be that blue? Was I trapped in an over-saturated anime?

These are the kinds of existential questions that you’ll find yourself asking on board this ride 😉

Amazing train views over Lake Thun in Switzerland

8. From Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen

One of the biggest treats of doing Switzerland by train is being able to slowly enjoy the fairytale-esque landscapes, and as far as colourful postcards go, it’s tough to beat the short ride from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen .

Rolling green hills, towering mountains and an endless parade of lush green trees await. The best part? The view riding into Lauterbrunnen, as the iconic Staubbach waterfall comes into view.

Fairytale Lauterbrunnen, just a short train away from Interlaken!

9. From Buchs to Zurich

I love that this Switzerland train ride takes you past two stunning Swiss lakes: my personal favourite, the impossibly turquoise Walensee, and of course the beautiful Lake Zurich.

This is a ride I’ve gotten to enjoy a few times, and it’s certainly one of my favourites.

Walensee in Switzerland

10. From Lausanne to Montreux

Alright, so this is another short ride, but it’s an unbelievably beautiful one that glides along the clear blue waters of Lake Geneva the entire time, with a foreground of lush green vineyards to boot.

If your goal is to experience one of the nicest and shortest train routes in Switzerland, I’d highly recommend this ride, especially when it starts to tilt and swerve into Lausanne (a city with an awesome Christmas marke t). Total bliss!

Swiss train ride from Montreux to Lausanne

Amazing Swiss Train Rides Still on My Bucket List

Last but not least, there are a handful of Switzerland scenic train rides that I still haven’t had a chance to do, but it feels weird to exclude them in a roundup of Switzerland’s best train rides, so here they are below:

11. Erlebniszug Rheinschlucht

Imagine riding along the Rhine Gorge in an OPEN TRAIN, with all the fresh smells and sounds of nature hitting your senses directly.

I caught a glimpse of this yellow beauty while on the Glacier Express and I just about lost my mind and demanded that they stop the train immediately so I could transfer.

Unfortunately, the Erlebniszug Rheinschlucht is only available in the summer (which I guess makes sense) but it’s nonetheless something I would love to try someday. Click here for more details (and photos!)

Of all the scenic train rides in Switzerland, there are very few that allow you to experience it all completely open-air, so definitely put this one on your list!

Rhine Gorge in Switzerland

12. The Cogwheel Train up Mount Pilatus

With a title like “the steepest cogwheel train in the world” you can expect the ride up to Mount Pilatus to be pretty special.

The steepest cogwheel train in the world, going up Mt Pilatus in Switzerland

Mount Pilatus is one of my favourite mountains in Europe, and because my visit a few years back was veeery poorly timed (snow delayed the opening of the cogwheel train by a week!), I missed the opportunity to ride this steep monster up to the top.

Nonetheless, my consolation prize was sweet enough: a scenic ride up by cable car, with access to incredible views the entire way up.

The next time I’m in the area, I’ll be sure to catch the Cogwheel train to the top instead, experiencing a nerve-rackingly steep ascent that I’m sure will make me cry a little….. but in a good way!

The stunning views from on top Mount Pilatus

13. Jungfraujoch

Last but not least, we have the legendary Jungfraujoch.

The train ride up to Jungfraujoch brings you to the highest train station in Europe, passing by endless snowy peaks along the way (if your views aren’t obscured by poor weather that is!).

Truthfully, I’ve resisted doing the Jungfraujoch thus far for two simple reasons: cost and uncertainty!

Train going up to the Jungfraujoch

At an eyewatering 200CHF for a regular roundtrip ticket, this is one trip that does NOT come cheap, certainly when bad weather might mean you don’t see anything at all once you reach the top.

Nonetheless, it’s a bucket list item for sure, and one that I’d be keen to test out sometime in the future, as I have heard great things about it. I did part of this journey (which for most, starts in Interlaken) from Lauterbrunnen to Wengen which was short and slow, but very nice.

Jungfraujoch in Switzerland

BONUS: The Gelmerbahn

No roundup of amazing Switzerland train journeys would be complete without this one, even though it’s brief and not quite a conventional train ride.

Nonetheless, the Gelmerbahn (AKA the Gelmer Funicular) is a truly epic ride that deserves a mention on this list.

This surprisingly thrilling ride is an open air funicular that whisks you up a steep mountain to a crystal clear turquoise lake.

Turquoise Gelmersee Lake in Switzerland

The incline is so steep, it was once the steepest of its kind in Europe, and moves 2m per second, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but definitely feels like it when you’re racing up a mountain.

You can take the Gelmerbahn up (which is what we did), down (which I hear is much scarier) or roundtrip. Either way, the unique experience, views, and lake up top all combine to make this one of the coolest Swiss “train” rides you can do!

Read my full Gelmerbahn guide for more tips.

Gelmerbahn Funicular in Switzerland

How to Buy Cheap Train Tickets in Switzerland?

Last but not least, I know what you’re all thinking after reading this post… how can you possibly afford all these Swiss scenic trains?

The tough truth is: enjoying Switzerland train travel is an expensive endeavour indeed, but I’ve been able to discover a variety of cost-saving hacks over the years that might be able to help you out!

TIP #1: Use a rail pass

One of the ways I’ve been able to explore Switzerland by rail SO cheaply is thanks to rail passes!

This is how I managed to scheme my way into only paying 30 euros for my 1st class tickets on the Glacier Express and Bernina Express!

Long story short, Eurail/Interrail passes allow you to waive the base ticket fee which means you only need to pay for a reservation. As such, I paid 306 euros for a Eurail global 10 day pass, (I got a free 1st class upgrade thanks to a sale they were running).

I then used 1 travel day on the Glacier Express, which evens out to only about 30 euros spent for this gorgeous ride (plus the 23 CHF reservation fee).

Still an incredible deal, and by far the cheapest way to do it. This is actually how I did all my recent train rides for a rock bottom price.

So, if you are travelling around Europe, getting a Eurail pass might be a good idea, because Switzerland is certainly where you get the best bang for your buck!

Need more info? Read my detailed Eurail pass review to see if it’s a good fit!

Eurail pass and cappuccino on board a Swiss train

TIP #2: Consider a Swiss Travel Pass

A Swiss Travel Pass is similar to the Eurail / Interrail passes except it gives you unlimited transportation on trains, buses, boats and free public transport + museums).

If you are travelling only around Switzerland, this might be a good option.

It is expensive though, so make sure to do the math and see if getting one would really be worth it.

If you only plan to do one Switzerland train journey, buying a point to point ticket will most likely be cheaper.  Click here for more info on the Swiss Travel Pass.

Comfy 1st class Swiss train carriage

TIP #3: Consider getting a discount card

The Half Fare Travelcard is a very popular card that you can buy which (true to its name) gets you half price tickets across Switzerland.

In 2020, this card is 120 CHF for one month.

This sounds like a lot, but it could be worth it if you are spending an extended amount of time in the country and plan to take multiple Switzerland train trips throughout your stay.

For what it’s worth, if you were to use this card for the Glacier Express alone, you’d already be breaking even so if you take more trains on top of that, then you’d definitely save a good amount of money.

I still think buying a rail pass would work out to be cheaper though in most cases. Click here to browse prices/options for the Half Fare Travelcard.

1st class Swiss train carriage on board the Glacier Express

TIP #4: Travel in the off-season

This tip is mostly just for the Glacier Express , but I’ll include it anyway.

While base ticket prices do not change, reservation fees for panoramic trains can change depending on whether you travel in the off, mid or peak season.

If you want to get the cheapest ride, go in the off-season which A) means guaranteed snow!! and B) half the price on a reservation.

Swiss train at sunset

Any more recommendations for scenic train rides in Switzerland?

I hope you enjoyed this post all about Switzerland train travel and the best Swiss railway journeys the country has to offer, assembled meticulously after many Swiss train trips of my own!

All that said, I’m always looking to add more Swiss trains to my list – especially hidden gems 😉

Let me know in the comments!

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11 thoughts on “13 Magical Trains in Switzerland You Need to Ride ASAP”

Wowww the Golden Pass train is SO BEAUTIFUL

Oh my goodness! I am dying to go to Switzerland and your post confirms why. How stunning!

I’ve always dreamed of riding an old-fashioned train through Switzerland, so I think the Glacier Express is for me! The photos you captured through the train windows were breathtaking.

Wow, these look amazing. Would love to do one of those one day. Nothing quite beats the snowy Swiss scenery.

First of all, I didn’t realize that Switzerland had so many trains, but this proves me wrong! Now I need to go try them all!!!

Other scenic lines: Brig – Kandersteg – Spiez (this line climbs high from Brig along a track right next to the side of the mountains before going through and around the mountains. Beautiful views. A second great ride is (Luzern)- Arth/Goldau – Erstfeld – Göschenen – Bellinzona on the old line via the spiral tunnels. At the town of Wassen, the line circles around the little village and you get to see the quaint church three times from different heights and angles. On the other side of the Gotthard tunnel, in the Italian speaking Swiss canton of Ticino, there are more of these spiral tunnels and great views as the train circles slowly down to the valley floor.

https://www.myswitzerland.com/en-ch/voralpen-express.html This is a stunning train ride on a sunny day, definitely one for the list.

What a great article really well researched. I particularly agree with your tip about travelling on the local trains over the titled ones. I would add three trips to do should you return. The Brunig railway, Interlaken to Luzern, Martigny to Chamonix, the Mnt Blanc Express. The three mountain railway lines out of Aigle, I guess that makes it five then!

Great write up! This should help a ton in the coming weeks when we visit Switzerland. Thanks for putting this together!

You’re very welcome. Enjoy Switzerland! 🙂

Thank you for the great write up! Makes it easier for me to decide which rail ride to take. My trip is a year away and I am looking forward to it

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Home » Trip Planning » Train Travel

7 Best Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland (2024)

  • Switzerland
  • Last Updated: 2 Jun 2024
  • By Tanya, Founder of Swiss Family Fun

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Switzerland has some of the most scenic rail journeys in the world, passing by majestic mountains, serene lakes, and charming villages.

On the most beautiful routes, the Swiss rail system offers special “panorama” trains with large windows and extra services to make the journey more enjoyable.

The easiest way to include these routes in your Switzerland itinerary is to book a scenic rail package. Instead of booking elements separately, these multi-day packages include your train tickets, seat reservations, and hotels at each destination, all in one transaction.

During booking, you can customize the trip, adding mountain excursions, upgrading or downgrading hotels, or staying longer in certain destinations.

To help you decide which scenic train tour is right for you, below we’ve highlighted our favorite Switzerland rail journeys with tips for booking and suggested activities in each destination.

Why book a Scenic Rail Journey package

1. grand train tour of switzerland, 2. lucerne-interlaken express, 3. glacier express classic (zermatt to st moritz), 4. golden pass tour (montreux + interlaken + lucerne), 5. bernina express (chur/st mortiz to tirano, it), 6. gotthard panorama express (lugano to lucerne), 7. jungfraubahn mountain railway, exclusive discount offer for rail packages, activities at each stopover, rail packages for families, using travel passes with rail packages, customizing your itinerary, about switzerland travel centre, special offer get a 5% discount on your rail package with our discount code affswissfamilyfun..

best train trips through switzerland

For each of the rail journey I describe below, you can book all elements separately: train tickets, seat reservations, hotels and excursions.

But it can be time-consuming, with an overwhelming route options, confusing train timetables, and complicated seat reservation systems.

Many travelers, especially those planning last minute, find that rail packages make the planning and booking process easier and faster. Then you can focus on the fun things you will do at each destination.

What rail packages include

The rail packages I’ve highlighted here include:

  • A suggested itinerary, which can be customized.
  • Train tickets to each Swiss destination in your itinerary
  • Seat reservations on the panorama trains
  • Accommodation at each destination with breakfast

We like the booking tool from Switzerland Travel Centre , which has access to hotel rooms and seat reservations with their preferred partners that you don’t necessarily see on other platforms.

Customizing the suggested itinerary

Each rail package has a suggested itinerary. But you can use the planning tool to customize the following elements to better suit your needs:

  • Add excursions to mountains and other attractions
  • Upgrade or downgrade hotels
  • Extend your stay at some destinations
  • Upgrade to 1st class/Excellence Class on panorama trains
  • Book luggage transfer on some hiking itineraries
  • Add the FLEX OPTION so you can cancel for free up to 3 days before departure

The most comprehensive rail journey is the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland. Starting and ending in Lucerne, this tour links the five best scenic rail routes described below into one big efficient loop.

best train trips through switzerland

The Grand Train Tour visits the most famous Swiss destinations including Lucerne, Interlaken, Montreux, Zermatt, St Mortiz and Lugano. If you want the see the most of Switzerland quickly, the Grand Train Tour is the easiest way to do it.

best train trips through switzerland

The classic itinerary is a minimum 7 days, with a long scenic train ride each day.

  • Day 1 – Panorama train from Lucerne to Interlaken
  • Day 2 – GoldenPass Line panorama train from Interlaken to Montreux
  • Day 3 – Train from Montreux to Zermatt
  • Day 4 – Glacier Express from Zermatt to St Mortiz
  • Day 5 – Bernina Express from St Moritz to Tirano, then bus to Lugano.
  • Day 6 – Train from Lugano to Flüelen, then boat cruise to Lucerne
  • Day 7 – return by train to your airport or starting point

If you prefer to spend most of your time on the trains, land cruise style, the Grand Train Tour is a perfect option just as it is.

Use our promo code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN to save 5% on the Grand Train Tour Classic rail package

But if you want to spend more time exploring these destinations, simply customize the tour to add a couple nights at each destination so you can explore the area before moving on. We would suggest adding an extra day in Lucerne, Interlaken, and Zermatt. See suggested activities below.

The “Best of Switzerland” rail package includes the Lucerne-Interlaken Express scenic train journey, connecting two of our favorite destinations in Switzerland. It’s a beautiful ride, passing alpine lakes, cute villages, with many mountains in view.

best train trips through switzerland

The base tour is 5 days with 2 nights in Lucerne, a half-day on the Lucerne-Interlaken Express train, and 2 nights in Interlaken. It also includes a visit to Jungfraujoch glacier viewpoint. The map below shows the train route as an orange line.

best train trips through switzerland

Here’s the suggested itinerary, which you can customize:

  • Day 1: Train to Lucerne. Activity near Lucerne. Overnight in Lucerne
  • Day 2: Free day for activity near Lucerne. Overnight in Lucerne
  • Day 3: Luzern-Interlaken Express scenic train to Interlaken. Half-day activity near Interlaken. Overnight in Interlaken.
  • Day 4: Mountain excursion to Jungfraujoch. Overnight in Interlaken.
  • Day 5: Activity near Interlaken. Train to your next destination or airport.

In this itinerary, the scenic train journey is relatively short, just two hours, but it packs in a lot of beauty into that time. It’s a great choice for those that want the scenic train experience, but prefer more time actively exploring the alps with hiking or other fun activities.

Use our promo code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN to save 5% on the “Best of Switzerland” rail package

Suggested activities

On Day 4 in Interlaken, the tour already includes an excursion to the Jungfraujoch glacier viewpoint, which takes about 4 hours. If you get an early start, you could fit in more activities into the afternoon.

best train trips through switzerland

For example, visit the Jungfraujoch in the early morning. Just after lunch, ride down the mountain to Wengen and Lauterbrunnen, stopping to enjoy those villages and the Staubbach waterfall before returning to your hotel.

best train trips through switzerland

If you have more time, we suggest adding at least 1 more night in Lucerne and 2-3 nights in Interlaken. See below for more activity ideas for these destinations.

The Glacier Express is the most famous scenic train ride in Switzerland, starting in Zermatt and passing through many beautiful landscapes before arriving in St Moritz.

It travels through many beautiful landscapes, including over the Oberalp mountain pass and through the Rhine river gorge.

best train trips through switzerland

The base Glacier Express Classic itinerary is 3 days, with one night in Zermatt, one day on the scenic train, and one night St Moritz. The black line on map below is the Glacier Express. 

best train trips through switzerland

  • Day 1: Train to Zermatt. Optional half-day activity in Zermatt. Overnight in Zermatt.
  • Day 2: Glacier Express scenic train journey to St Moritz, 8 hours. Overnight in St Moritz.
  • Day 3: Regular train from St Moritz to another Swiss destination.

The full journey is quite long at over 8 hours. So, it’s best suited for those who like a relaxing day with a view, rather than those who prefer a more active day like hiking.

Use our promo code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN to save 5% on the Glacier Express rail package

In Zermatt, we suggest adding an excursion to the Gornergrat viewpoint, where you can visit the Riffelsee lake and optionally do a short hike. If you can, I would add one more night in Zermatt so you can do more activities (jump to ideas).

In St Moritz, you can easily fit in an easy stroll around the lakes immediately adjacent to the St Moritz train station (see walking route). If you add more nights to St Moritz, we suggest the Piz Nair mountain viewpoint, easy Morteratsch glacier path, or Corvatsch panorama trail. See more St Moritz ideas.

The GoldenPass Line is a beautiful train journey through the idyllic Swiss alps between Montreux and Interlaken. This tour also includes the Lucerne-Interlaken Express train, which adds more beautiful lakes and mountains to the experience.

best train trips through switzerland

The base Golden Pass Tour itinerary is 4 days, one day on the GoldenPass Express scenic train and another day on the Lucerne-Interlaken Express scenic train. This rail journey is a good choice for those wanting to spend a few days in each of these destinations: Montreux, Interlaken and Lucerne.

best train trips through switzerland

  • Day 1: Regular train to Montreux. Half-day activity near Montreux. Overnight in Montreux.
  • Day 2: GoldenPass Express scenic train from Montreux to Interlaken (3h). Possible half-day activity near Interlaken. Overnight in Interlaken.
  • Day 3: Lucerne-Interlaken scenic train (2h). You can do a half-day activity either in Interlaken before the train or in Lucerne after the train.
  • Day 4: Optional mountain excursion near Lucerne then regular train to another Swiss destination.
Use our promo code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN to save 5% on this GoldenPass Tour

best train trips through switzerland

Here are a few activities we suggest in each location. We suggest adding 1-2 nights in each of the cities so you have more time to explore and hike in each area.

  • In Montreux, we suggest Chillon Castle or Rocher de Naye mountain viewpoint.
  • In Interlaken, Harder Kulm viewpoint or cruise on Lake Brienz for short half-day activity. Or Jungfraujoch or Schilthorn mountain viewpoints if you have at least 5 hours.
  • In Lucerne, our top pick is the Pilatus Golden Round Trip.

best train trips through switzerland

Jump to more activity suggestions below.

The Bernina Express is a scenic rail journey in southeast Switzerland, near St Moritz and the border of Italy. We prefer to the version that starts from Chur, which includes the famous Landwasser Viadukt, the Alp Grüm viewpoint of Palü Glacier, the Brusio Circular Viaduct and 196 bridges and 55 tunnels along the way.

best train trips through switzerland

The “classic” route goes from Chur or St Moritz to Tirano, Italy, then a 3h bus to Lugano. We prefer to skip the bus ride and instead take a train back to St Moritz. But if you want to continue to Lugano, book Bernina Class Route here .

best train trips through switzerland

Here is the base itinerary for the Bernina Express route without the bus:

  • Day 1: Train to Chur. Bernina Express scenic train to Tirano (4.5h). Overnight in Tirano.
  • Day 2: Regular train to St Moritz or other Swiss destination. We suggest going to St Moritz (about 2h30) and spending a couple nights there exploring the region more.
Use our promo code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN to save 5% on this Bernina Express tour

In most cases, you’ll want to overnight in Chur before the Bernina Express the next day, especially if you are on the early Bernina Express train at 8:28.

After your overnight in Tirano, you can ride a regular train to St Moritz, which is included in the package. On your way, I’d suggest stopping at Morteratsch to visit the glacier. Then continue riding the regular train the rest of the way to St Moritz.

best train trips through switzerland

After the rail journey, we suggest spending 1-3 nights in the St Moritz area to explore the region more. At a minimum, you can walk around the beautiful lakes right in front of the city. Jump to more activity ideas for St Moritz.

best train trips through switzerland

This scenic route combines a boat ride along Lake Lucerne and a scenic train ride to Lugano in southern Switzerland, near the Italy border.

best train trips through switzerland

This journey is a great option if you are traveling from Italy into Switzerland (or vice versa), perhaps flying in or out of Milan. Otherwise, Lugano is so far from other popular Swiss destinations that it doesn’t make sense to add it unless you really want to visit the Ticino region.

best train trips through switzerland

The base tour is 3 days / 2 nights, with one full day of travel between Lucerne and Lugano.

  • Day 1: Regular train to Lucerne. Optional half-day activity near Lucerne. Overnight in Lucerne.
  • Day 2: Boat trip Lucerne to Flüelen (2 hour). Transfer to scenic train to Lugano . total 5 hours
  • Day 3: Free day in Lugano and regular train to another destination in Switzerland.

The journey is only offered once per day in each direction.

Use our promo code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN to save 5% on the  Gotthard Panorama Express rail package

If you arrive early in Lucerne on day one, you could have time for a walking tour and perhaps a mountain excursion to Stanserhorn. I would definitely recommend adding 1-2 nights in Lucerne so you have time for more activities, especially if you like hiking or have kids that would enjoy an alpine playground. Jump to Lucerne activity ideas.

In Lugano, I’d suggest a cruise on Lake Lucerne to the lakeside villages Gandria or Morcote. Or perhaps an excursion to San Salvatore, a no-hike mountain viewpoint over the lake and Lugano city. See more Lugano ideas.

The shortest ride on my list is the Jungfraubahn, a cogwheel mountain train that travels up Jungfraujoch, the highest railway station in Europe at 3454m. 

Starting in Grindelwald, you ride the Eiger Express cable car up to the Eigergletscher station, a beautiful ride over alpine meadows with the Eiger peak in view.

best train trips through switzerland

Then you transfer to the red Jungfraubahn mountain train, which travels about 30 mins through a long tunnel carved through the mountain peak. 

best train trips through switzerland

The train drops you at an underground station, where you ride an elevator up to indoor and outdoor viewing areas. You can walk on the glacier snow, explore a tunnel carved into the glacier ice, and even sled in summer. Learn more about visiting Jungfraujoch .

best train trips through switzerland

Some of the above rail packages include the Jungfraubahn or offer it as an add-on activity. If you want to book it separately, we suggest booking via Get Your Guide, which has a flexible cancellation policy.

You can get a round trip ticket from Grindelwald Terminal . If you don’t want to worry about the logistics and seat reservations, book a guided tour from Interlaken:

Our readers can geta 5% discount when they book a Scenic Rail Journey through Switzerland Travel Centre. This discount can be applied to all the rail packages highlighted above, as well as others on the STC website.

Promo Code for 5% discount

Simply use the code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN in the Promo Code box when making your booking, as shown below. When you click Redeem, it will apply the discount to your total.

best train trips through switzerland

  • Note: To qualify for the discount, you must add the code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN during the booking process. It cannot be added after the completion of the booking.

Flexible cancellation

The STC general cancellation policy includes free cancellation until 31 day before departure. Afterwards, cancellation fees apply.

If you want a more flexible cancellation policy, you can add the FLEX OPTION insurance during booking (CHF 49 per person), which allows you to cancel free of charge up to 3 days before your trip. (This does not apply to Glacier Express Excellence Class).

You can customize your Scenic Rail Journey packages to add activities like mountain excursion or city tours. You can also add more nights at each destination along the route so you can fit in more activities.

Here are our suggested activities at each destination. Some can be booked through with the package. Others can be done on your own.

Lucerne activities

The Lucerne region has many beautiful and fun activities, including mountain and lake excursions, city tours and museums.

Pilatus Julm observation deck overlooking Lake Lucerne in fall

Here are a few of our favorites that work well with rail journeys.

  • For a shorter half-day activity, our first choice is a walking tour of the city, either self-guided or guided. If you have kids, perhaps the Aeschbach Chocolate factory or Swiss Museum of Transport.
  • If you have about 5 hours, our top pick is the Pilatus Golden Round trip with boat ride, cogwheel train, and cable car ride. Also great with kids as it has a summer toboggan, ropes park and playground with a view.
  • If you like hiking, we suggest the Rigi Round Trip, which has spectacular views and an easy panorama trail and cliff walk. Of you could add the Wellness Rigi activity, which includes time at the thermal baths with an infinity pool overlooking the lake.
  • With kids, we suggest Titlis Engelberg, which visits the glacier with an ice tunnel and suspension bridge. Then families can ride down to the middle station to visit the big playground and fun activity trail around the Trübsee alpine lake.

See more Lucerne activities.

Interlaken / Jungfrau Region activities

In Interlaken, we suggest adding 1-3 nights so you can visit the beautiful mountains in the Jungfrau Region and optionally hike.

best train trips through switzerland

  • For the most spectacular no-hike viewpoint, either Jungfraujoch or Schilthorn.
  • With kids under 10, visiting Mürren alpine village and the Allmendhubel Flower Park
  • With kids 10+, ride gondola to Grindelwald First with the cliff walk, zip lines, and mountain scooters
  • For hikers, ride the mountain train to Schynige Platte and do spectacular ridge trail (about 2h, moderate difficulty).
  • For a short activity, ride the funicular train from Interlaken to the Harder Kulm viewpoint and have a traditional Swiss meal at their restaurant.

See more activities near Interlaken.

Zermatt activities

Our top pick in Zermatt is the Gornergrat viewpoint, which is already included in some itineraries like??? As part of this outing, you can visit the Riffelsee lake and optionally do a short hike on the Riffelseeweg trail.

best train trips through switzerland

If you love hiking, you could visit do the Matterhorn Glacier Trail, about 2 hours walking time.

With kids, we suggest the Sunnegga mountain, which has a big playground with a Matterhorn view. You can optionally add on the Flower Trail or Marmot activity trail. Older kids can do the go-carts and kick scooters.

  • See more ideas in my Zermatt articles .

St Moritz activities

If you only have one evening in St Moritz, you still fit in an easy stroll around the lakes immediately adjacent to the St Moritz train station (see walking route).

best train trips through switzerland

If you have more time:

  • No hike viewpoint – Piz Nair reached by a funicular that leaves directly from St Moritz, then a cable car
  • Easy hike – Morteratsch glacier path – 1h train from St Mortiz and easy walking path to view the glacier ice
  • For hikers, Furtschellas water trail visiting 5 alpine lakes.
See more St Moritz activity ideas .

Montreux Activities

In Montreux, we suggest at least 1 night so you have time for a full day activity:

  • For a short activity, visit Chillon Castle and do the walking tour of Montreux.
  • With kids, you could do the chocolate train to the Cailler chocolate factory and Gruyere cheese dairy.
  • For mountain viewpoints, we suggest either Rocher de Naye (3h) or Glacier 3000 (6h).
  • For wine lovers, ride the boat to the Lavaux Terraces and do a vineyard tour by shuttle, eBike or foot.

best train trips through switzerland

See more ideas near Montreux .

Lugano Activities

For a short activity, I would choose the San Salvatore mountain viewpoint or walking tour of the city, guided or self-guided.

best train trips through switzerland

If you have more time, we love cruising on Lake Lucerne to visit lakeside villages like Gandria or Morcote. If you have the Swiss Travel Pass, the boats are included.

If you stay a few days in Lugano region, you could more nature excursions like the famous Verzasca river, Maggia valley with its spectacular waterfalls, or mountain viewpoints like Cardada or Generoso.

See more Lugano ideas .

If you are traveling with children, I would choose a rail package with shorter train rides (2-3 hours) and spend more days in each destination doing mountain excursions and other fun activities.

My top choices for families would be the Best of Switzerland (Lucerne + Interlaken) or Famous Mountain Peaks (Interlaken + Zermatt).

I wouldn’t choose the Glacier Express Classic, since the train ride is 8 hours. If you really want to do the Glacier Express, I would choose a shorter segment, like Zermatt to Andermatt or Chur to St Moritz and spend a few days in the destinations on each end.

Booking for children

Children age 6-15 require a train ticket, which is usually half fare, and a seat reservation.

Children under age 6 do not need a train ticket. But they do need a seat reservation if you want them to have a seat.

During the booking process, you select the age of each child, which then applies the appropriate discount.

If you plan to get the Swiss Travel Pass or Swiss Half Card, these will reduce your rail package cost.

Swiss Travel Pass

If you are spending at least 5 days in Switzerland, it’s usually best to get the Swiss Travel Pass , which includes unlimited train travel all over Switzerland, including scenic rail journeys.

When booking a rail package, select the “Swiss Travel Pass” for each traveler as shown below.

best train trips through switzerland

Then the train ticket cost is deducted from the package fee. You only pay for the seat reservation and hotels and activities in each destination.

Purchase your Swiss Travel Pass separately and make sure it covers the days of your scenic rail journey. We suggest buying this pass on Get Your Guide , which has a flexible cancellation policy.

Buy Swiss Travel Pass here .

The Swiss Travel Pass also includes entrance to over 500 museums and discounts on some activities.

Half Fare Card

The Swiss Half Fare Card is another discount travel card that gives you a 50% discount on all public transport and most mountain railways throughout Switzerland, including scenic rail journeys.

Some travelers find that the Swiss Half Fare Card is a better fit than the Swiss Travel Pass, particularly if they are renting a car for most of the trip.

  • Purchase the one month Swiss Half Fare Card

If you plan to have a Swiss Half Fare Card (or are a local and already have one), choose that option for each traveler as shown below. The discount will be applied in the last step.

best train trips through switzerland

During the booking process, you can customize the itinerary in several ways.

On most itineraries, you can add extra nights at each destination. When you are viewing the itinerary, simply click the + button next to the destination. The suggested hotel may change based on availability.

best train trips through switzerland

Add activities

Most itineraries allow you to add bookable activities like mountain excursions, paragliding or city tours. When you click the Add Activity button, it will display activities that can be booked through the tool.

Of course, there are many other activities that aren’t bookable through the tool, which you can do on your won. Note that some itineraries already include some activities, which may be fixed.

best train trips through switzerland

If you want to add a destination to the suggested itinerary, simply click the Edit Route button as shown here.

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This opens the following trip planning screen, where you can add other stops and overnights to the trip.

best train trips through switzerland

Browse scenic rail journeys and save 5% with our promo code AFFSWISSFAMILYFUN

We are delighted to partner with Switzerland Travel Centre , the official and largest tour operator for holidays in Switzerland.

Their company is a subsidiary of Switzerland Tourism, Swiss Railways SBB, HotellerieSuisse, and various Swiss regional railway companies. They work with over 2,000 Swiss hotels and all the major railway and mountain railway companies to bring you the best package options.

They are headquartered in Zurich, with offices in London, Stuttgart and Hong Kong.

Note: We are an affiliate partner of Switzerland Travel Centre. If you use our promo code to book rail packages, we may receive a small commission. See our disclosure policy for more info.

  • TAGS: featured , Swiss Public Transport

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Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

On the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland, panoramic trains take you to all the highlights and sights in Switzerland, year-round. Get in, lean back and enjoy – wherever you like.  

  • 1,280 kilometer
  • 11 large lakes
  • 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • 4 official languages

 GTToS main map, stages

Alternative section: St. Moritz – Lugano (by bus)

Switch to the bus and road

Interlaken – Zweisimmen – Montreux

A panoramic ride between two worlds.

Lugano – Flüelen – Luzern

The panoramic journey by train and boat.

Luzern – St. Gallen

Over gentle hills with a view of the Alps.

Montreux – Visp – Zermatt

Up the valley to the “mountain of mountains”.

St. Gallen – Schaffhausen – Zürich

The “maritime” side of Switzerland.

St. Moritz – Tirano – Lugano

From glaciers to palm trees.

Zermatt – St. Moritz

The slowest express train in the world.

Zürich – Luzern – Interlaken

From lake to lake, from city to city.

Explore the sections

From glaciers to lakes and from mountains to cities: each section of the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland has a unique character.

Find your perfect itinerary

Discover the top travel suggestions for the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland.

Everything you need for your journey

Tickets, reservations & timetables, mygrandtraintour booklet, train lines of the grand train tour, bernina express.

From St. Moritz to Lugano

Glacier Express

From Zermatt to St. Moritz

GoldenPass Express

From Interlaken to Montreux

Gotthard Panorama Express

From Lugano to Lucerne

Luzern–Interlaken Express

From Lucerne to Interlaken

Thurbo Seelinie

From St. Gallen to Schaffhausen

Treno Gottardo

From Locarno to Lucerne

Vigezzina - Centovalli Railway


From Lucerne to St. Gallen

Destinations along the Grand Train Tour

Schaffhausen, book a grand train tour package.

All panoramic trains in one trip.

Barrier Free Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

Touring magazine, arrival by train, accommodation along the grand train tour of switzerland, your trip experiences.


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Switzerland by train: 8 of the most spectacular rail journeys

Spanning about 1,280km, linking nine destinations, passing 11 lakes and skirting innumerable mountains, the Grand Tour of Switzerland is arguably the world’s best rail adventure. Here’s how to do it…

Covering around 1,280km, linking nine destinations, passing 11 lakes and skirting innumerable mountains, the Grand Tour of Switzerland is arguably the finest rail adventure in the world. Split into eight distinct stages – pick and choose which sections to ride or link them for a continuous journey around the country – it’s a dramatic unravelling of high passes, palm trees and everything in between. Put simply, there’s no better way to see Switzerland…

best train trips through switzerland

1. City to summit: Zurich to Lucerne

best train trips through switzerland

The mountains get closer with every mile on this all-too-swift glide from Switzerland’s financial metropolis towards the Bernese Oberland. Leaving Zurich, the train traces Lake Zug and enters the gentle Swiss midlands. At elegant, water’s edge Lucerne, the premium panoramic carriages of the Luzern–Interlaken Express await, so you can better view the transition from pretty pasture to snow-capped summits. Disembarking at Interlaken, a lake on each side and mighty mountains ahead, you’re in alpine heaven.

best train trips through switzerland

2. Wilderness and wine: Interlaken to Montreux

best train trips through switzerland

Begin this fine journey feeling ein bisschen German , end feeling un petit French . The westward route from Interlaken crosses the language line, giving the sense of two destinations for the price of one. It begins with a glorious jaunt along Lake Thun, with alpine views to the south. At Zweisimmen, hop aboard the first-class GoldenPass line – it’s the best way to travel to chic Montreux, watching castles, cow pasture, neat vineyards and, finally, the shores of Lake Geneva roll by.

best train trips through switzerland

3. Making for the Matterhorn: Montreux to Zermatt

best train trips through switzerland

Montreux, with its Charlie Chaplin connections and fairytale Chillon Castle, is an eclectic delight. But the mother of mountains beckons. Ride the railway away from Lake Geneva and through the verdant Rhone Valley to Visp. From here the tracks get even more interesting: the narrow-gauge Matterhorn Gotthard Railway plunges through Switzerland’s deepest-incised valley, grinding up 900m in altitude to reach the spectacular car-free village of Zermatt, with the mighty Matterhorn looming behind. Hop off the train to explore: not only are there 400km of walking trails winding around Zermatt, you’ll also find Europe’s highest cableway, which can take you up to 3,883m for extreme close-ups with the high-alpine world.

best train trips through switzerland

4. Going slow: Zermatt to St Moritz

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The Glacier Express is not entirely well named. The glaciers aren’t in doubt, but there’s nothing very speedy about it. And it’s all the better for it. This luxuriously leisurely rail route takes almost eight hours to run from Zermatt, in the shadow of the Matterhorn, to glamorous St Moritz. But that’s because it has to traverse some of the most challenging and majestic scenery in the world. The Glacier Express requires 91 tunnels and 291 bridges to master the mountains, cliff-sides, deep valleys and plunging ravines. Perhaps most impressive are the crossings of the 2,033m Oberalp Pass and the elegant Landwasser viaduct, though it’s tough to pick a highlight from this world-class ride.

best train trips through switzerland

5. Edging towards Italy: St Moritz to Lugano

best train trips through switzerland

One minute you’re gazing at icy glaciers, a few hours later you’re staring at swaying palms – that’s the beauty of the Bernina Express, which crosses the Alps into Italy, before delivering you into the Med-like Swiss Ticino. Starting in sophisticated St Moritz, high amid the lakes and mountains, you’ll surge south following the UNESCO-listed route of the Rhaetian Railways, built in 1910 and the highest transalpine railway of them all. It crosses country borders at the Bernina Pass before swooping through the Val Poschiavo towards Tirano. You won’t stay in Italy long though – the Bernina Express Bus will scoop you up for the ravishing road trip via Lake Como to Lugano, the main hub of Italian-influenced Switzerland.

best train trips through switzerland

6. Rail and sail: Lugano to Lucerne

best train trips through switzerland

Lugano has handsome castles, a laidback vibe and excellent ice cream. However, once you’ve had a quick taste of la vita bella , it’s time to return north, as the Grand Tour turns back to the mountains. This time, the first-class carriages of the Gotthard Panorama Express will deliver you from the Ticino to lush central Switzerland, via the engineering marvel that is the original Gotthard Tunnel, an ingenious system of spirals, loops and bridges that first opened in 1882. Popping out the other side, you’re delivered back into an alpine idyll, which continues all the way to lakeside Flüelen. Here, switch from railing to sailing, for an unhurried voyage across Lake Lucerne.

best train trips through switzerland

7. Green and pleasant lands: Lucerne to St Gallen

best train trips through switzerland

Lucerne is blessed: sitting on the lakeside, surrounded by lush pasture and formidable mountains, it’s the most picturesque of cities in the most spectacular of locations. The peaks might not be Switzerland’s highest, but they’re still impressive, and show a different side to this alpine nation. Leaving Lucerne on the Voralpen Express, you gain excellent views of the region’s most iconic peaks – such as Mount Pilatus and Rigi – before skimming northeastwards across upland moor and over Lake Zurich. There’s just the short matter of crossing the Sitter Viaduct – at 99m, Switzerland’s highest railway bridge – before historic St Gallen hones into sight.

best train trips through switzerland

8. A water wander: St Gallen back to Zurich

best train trips through switzerland

Founded by an Irish monk in the seventh century, St Gallen has been a cultural hub for centuries – it’s certainly well worth exploring its ancient Abbey and car-free old centre before jumping on the train one last time. The final leg of this epic rail ride can, at times, feel more like a cruise. For 40km the tracks skirt the shore of Lake Constance, Central Europe’s third-largest lake. Then the train picks up the River Rhine, following it downstream, via Schaffhausen’s 16th-century Munot Fortress, on its journey to Zurich. A Grand Tour indeed.

Save money on travelling around Switzerland with the   Swiss Pass . This allows you  unlimited travel through Switzerland on 3, 4, 8 or 15 consecutive days, using trains, buses and boats.

Get it here.

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  • Switzerland

Most beautiful train rides in Switzerland — 9 best train trips & most scenic train routes in Switzerland

best train trips through switzerland

Since the country is so famous for its majestic views of the Alps, traveling by train in Switzerland is the pinnacle of your trip. Imagine you are sitting on a beautiful train full of modern amenities, overlooking the mountain landscape through large glass panes designed specifically for scenic trains. We’re going to compile a list of the trains that pass through the most beautiful places in Switzerland. So, let’s check out our suggested 9 most scenic train routes in Switzerland (most beautiful train rides in Switzerland, most beautiful train journeys in Switzerland, most scenic train ride in Switzerland), best train trips in Switzerland including the 5 best scenic train rides in Switzerland as follows to help you make the most of your trip to the one of the most beautiful country across Europe!

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Glacier Express switzerland

Most scenic train routes in Switzerland: The Glacier Express

Glacier Express switzerland

Traveling between Zermatt and St. Moritz, this train takes up to 7.5 hours to complete the distance of 290 kilometers (180 miles), which is why people jokingly call it the slowest express train in the world. The scenery along the railway is stunning with flowing rivers, ancient towns, mountain passes and lakes, even the impressive gorges and of course glaciers.

Glacier Express switzerland

Glacier Express is known for its comfortable railcars with panoramic views. You should book a second class ticket instead of first class as there is little difference between these two classes, except for the slightly wider seat area. However, the Excellence Class lounge is a completely different experience, with luxuriously decorated seats, multi-course dining and unlimited complimentary wines including champagne. You can purchase one-way or return tickets along with packages for overnight stays at hotels along the route.

best train trips through switzerland

Most beautiful train rides in Switzerland: The Bernina Express

Bernina Express switzerland

The Bernina Express, totally recognizable with its distinctive magenta color, is one of the most famous trains in Switzerland and around the world. This approximately four-hour express train connects the border town of Tirano, Italy, and the town of Chur in the state of Graubunden, Switzerland, superimposed on a change of scenery between two stunning regions. The palm trees and lakes near Tirano quickly gave way to high mountain forests, glittering glaciers in winter and the peaks of the Bernina Alps. Not only can you admire the viaducts and tunnels, Bernina’s route is also a technical marvel of the 20th century.

Bernina Express switzerland

The Bernina Express operates all year round. Many visitors make trips to Tirano from the St. Moritz ski resort on the same day. Together with the Glacier Express, the Bernina is part of the historic Rhaetian Railway. When booking your tickets, you should be aware that the regular trains between Tirano and St. Moritz which follow the same route as the Bernina Express would cost less or not, so you can consider your options.

Bernina Express switzerland

The 5 best scenic train rides in Switzerland: Train to the Jungfraujoch

Jungfraujoch train switzerland

The Jungfraujoch at 3,454m is well known to many as the roof of Europe, and Jungfraujoch Station is also the highest altitude train station in Europe. The passage from Lauterbrunnen to Jungfrau is a masterpiece of nature. Outside the window, the green valleys around the beautiful village of Wengen and the village of Grindelwald are totally amazing.

Jungfraujoch train switzerland

At the top of the glacier at Jungfraujoch Station is a complex of five Alpine amusement parks, observatories and an ice palace carved into the glacier. Here, you can try multiple snow sports, enjoy dining at restaurants and experience services at hotels and shopping areas. The price here is quite high so you should definitely consider your budget. Pay attention to the weather to be able to see the panorama of Jungfrau Peak under the blue sky.

Jungfraujoch train switzerland

The GoldenPass Line from Montreux to Zweisimmen

GoldenPass line switzerland

The GoldenPass Line is a 210km (130 miles) train route between Montreux and Lucerne. Connecting Montreux and Zweisimmen, the GoldenPass Classic is the most popular option of this stunning route. The GoldenPass MOB Belle Epoque runs on the Montreux and Zweisimmen route, offering a journey with a romantic atmosphere and nostalgic style. These railcars were inspired by the Golden Mountain Pullman Express from the 1930s, a luxurious Orient Express-style train loaded with royalty features.

GoldenPass line switzerland

To minimize the expense, you may also book the lower service of GoldenPass Classic and still admire the beautiful view. When arriving in Zweisimmen, you can choose to spend the night, or go back to Montreux, or transfer to Interlaken and Lucerne. The GoldenPass runs all year round.

GoldenPass line switzerland

As the train moves from Lake Geneva, the terrain quickly changes from the Mediterranean to the Alpine mountains, with sunny lakesides and vast vineyards giving way to ancient mountain villages and cascading streams. It’s a real paradise!

GoldenPass line switzerland

Most scenic train routes in Switzerland: The Wilderswil – Schynige Platte-Bahn Railway

wilderswil schynige platte railway switzerland

As part of the Jungfrau mountain railways, the classic Schynige Platte railway was completed in 1893. Once on board, you’ll quickly take in the views of Lake Thun and Lake Brienz, then they give way to the panoramic view of the peaks of Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau. The train is mainly active in the summer from May to October, and the travel time is only about an hour.

wilderswil schynige platte railway switzerland

Once at the historic Schynige Platte-Bahn Station, you can hike through hills and pastures, dine in the station’s restaurant or enjoy the magnificent scenery from the Schynige Platte hotel. If you want to go anywhere else, you can drive from Interlaken, or take the Bernese Oberland train from Interlaken to Wilderswil.

wilderswil schynige platte railway switzerland

Most scenic train ride in Switzerland: The Chocolate Train

chocolate train switzerland

Cheese and chocolate are two of Switzerland’s culinary specialties, and a train ride from Montreux will take you to both of these national treasures. The Chocolate Train (or Train du Chocolat) takes passengers to the House of Gruyere where the famous cheese is made before moving on to the chocolate factory called Maison Cailler Nestle in Broc, which of course includes direct enjoyment of the two foods. The train is provided by Montreux Oberland Bernois Railway Company (MOB) and is part of the GoldenPass network, which runs from May to November.

chocolate train switzerland

Best train trips in Switzerland: The Gotthard Panorama Express from Lucerne to Lugano

gotthard panorama express switzerland

A 5.5-hour journey by train and boat, Gotthard Panorama Express is renowned for its diverse landscapes, climates and cultures. The journey starts from Lucerne where you sail from Lake Lucerne to Fluelen. From here, you catch the train that climbs up to Goschenen, and then switch to another train that goes to Lugano.

gotthard panorama express switzerland

At the end of this journey, you’ll travel through different areas of language and culture, from France to Germany to Italy, and end up near Lake Lugano in the southern state of Ticino. Gotthard Panorama Express runs from May to October. You can choose a number of separate routes during your journey and note that the train only serves first-class cabins.

gotthard panorama express switzerland

Most beautiful train journeys in Switzerland: Brienz Rothorn Railway

brienz rothorn railway switzerland

A famous Bernese Oberland train, Brienz Rothorn Railway takes passengers on a 7.6km journey to Brienz Rothorn. This mode of transport is unique with exposed railcars propelled to the mountains by ancient steam locomotives. At the top of the mountain – 2,266 meters above sea level – there is a restaurant, a hotel along with hiking trails and panoramic views of Lake Brienz and the Bernese Alps. The steam train operates from June to October.

brienz rothorn railway switzerland

Most scenic train routes in Switzerland: Cogwheel railway from Alpnach to Mount Pilatus

alpnach pilatus railway switzerland

Maybe, you’ve seen little mountain carriages with serrated wheels, surrounded by magnificent mountain views. The same goes for the Alpnachstad to Mount Pilatus route, which might be considered the steepest cogwheel train in the world with a gradient of up to 48%.

alpnach pilatus railway switzerland

The majestic little red train takes 30 minutes to climb 4,816 meters from Alpnachstad on the shores of Lake Lucerne to Pilatus Kulm, a recreation area on top of the Pilatus Mountain. The original cogwheel system was built in 1889 and has not changed much since then. Crossing the meadows and cutting through large rocks, this is one of Switzerland’s most memorable short train journeys. At the summit there are hotels, restaurants, winter snow parks as well as recreation activities such as mountain climbing and summer games.

alpnach pilatus railway switzerland

You can choose packages including round-trip river cruises from Lucerne, overnight stays and meals. The train runs from May to November, and if you travel at other times of the year, you can get to the top by cable car.

Mt. Pilatus,lucerne travel blog (4)

Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in Switzerland you can refer to

  • 4G WiFi (SG Pick Up) for Europe
  • 4G Portable WiFi for Europe from Uroaming
  • 3G/4G SIM Card for Multiple European Countries (HK Airport Pick Up)
  • Half Day Trip to Mount Titlis with Cable Car from Lucerne
  • Jungfraujoch Day Tour from Lucerne
  • Day Trip to Mount Titlis with Cable Car (Zurich Departure)
  • Swiss Travel Pass

best train trips through switzerland

Are you looking for more Switzerland travel guide and top things to do in Switzerland: Tours, activities, attractions and other things? Read more: Switzerland itinerary 8 days — What to do & How to spend 8 days in Switzerland by train perfectly? And here .

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Newly Swissed Online Magazine

Ultimate Guide to Train Travel in Switzerland (2024 Update)

Switzerland Train Map - Lago Bianco with a Red Bernina Express Train

In Switzerland, train travel is more than a simple mode of transportation. Granted, thanks to the world’s most dense public transportation network, the Swiss travel more kilometers by train than any other country.

The Swiss trains, trams, buses, and boats are meticulously scheduled so that transfers are smooth and efficient. Almost all railway lines run at least once an hour, and the busiest routes run every half hour or even every 15 minutes. And for the so-called last mile from the station to the door, a bus, tram, or cable car awaits the arriving passengers.

Regardless of the operating company, all modes of transport are integrated into a single master timetable across the country. It truly is a Swiss travel system .

But in this country boasting nearly 5000 km of railway tracks, train travel is also a major leisure activity. Numerous scenic railway journeys are part of the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland, a network of routes that connect the major sights. It allows tourists to see the best of Switzerland while traveling by train from one destination to another.

This ultimate guide to train travel in Switzerland showcases how the Swiss Travel System works: from types of trains to popular itineraries and ticket options.

All About Train Travel in Switzerland

Grand train tour of switzerland, train itineraries in switzerland, how to travel by train in switzerland, faqs about train travel in switzerland, train types in switzerland, panoramic trains.

In a country known for its scenic mountains, glaciers, and lakes, it only makes sense to run trains that offer the best views out the window. There are several noteworthy panoramic train lines in Switzerland, each offering oversized window panes to reveal every mountain peak to those seated in their cushy coaches.

Here are the top panoramic trains in Switzerland:

  • Bernina Express : This train takes you through the Swiss Alps from Chur to Tirano, Italy. It crosses the Landwasser Viaduct, one of the world's most famous and picturesque railway bridges. And it passes the Bernina Pass, the highest rail crossing in Europe, before presenting views of the Lago Bianco reservoir.
  • Glacier Express : This train is considered one of the most scenic train rides in the world. It travels between Zermatt and St. Moritz across southeastern Switzerland, passing 91 tunnels and 291 bridges. Highlights of the route include alpine meadows, typical Swiss villages, the 2033-meter Oberalp Pass, and the Vorderrhein valley. And since it takes about 7.5 hours to complete, it is often touted as the slowest express train in the world. Lunch is served in first class, seat reservations are mandatory, and the trip runs year-round in both directions.
  • GoldenPass Express : The latest panoramic train service runs up to four times daily between Interlaken and Montreux. Thanks to unique technology, the GPX can change the gauge of its wheels and the height of its coach bodies, making a transfer in Zweisimmen a thing of the past. The Prestige and first-class seats offer sweeping views of the diverse landscape between Switzerland's German and French-speaking parts.
  • Gotthard Panorama Express : This journey starts with a serene steamboat ride across Lake Lucerne to Flüelen. From there, a panoramic train coach with Switzerland’s largest windowpanes picks up the course, then passes cliffs and cascading waterfalls en route to Lugano.
  • Luzern–Interlaken Express: This train takes passengers on a journey through the heart of Switzerland. The route connects Lucerne and Interlaken, two popular tourist destinations in less than two hours. From the shores of Lake Lucerne, it passes Lake Lungern, crosses the Brünig Pass, and finally arrives at Lake Brienz in the Bernese Alps.
  • Treno Gottardo : This fairly new line runs hourly and connects Basel, Zurich, and Lucerne to Locarno. As the name suggests, the train line runs along the 120-year-old Gotthard route and stops at the historically significant village of Göschenen. After passing through the Leventina valley, it runs along Lake Maggiore before arriving in the southern town of Locarno.

Jaw-Dropping Swiss Train Journeys (2024)

Memorable train lines in switzerland in 2024, intercity and regional trains.

A network of high-speed trains connects Switzerland’s cities. The ICN InterCity train lines run non-stop between major hubs such as Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, and Zurich.

Meanwhile, the regional lines of the Swiss rail network play a crucial role in connecting the smaller towns and villages. These lines often run through more rural and remote areas, providing access to lesser-known but equally beautiful destinations. Since the locals use these lines to commute, they are an authentic place for tourists to learn about Swiss culture.

Specialty Trains for Foodies

Switzerland has a variety of special train services catering to foodies, such as the Chocolate Train, Cheese Train, and Cookie Train. These trains offer a one-of-a-kind and memorable experience for any food lover.

The Chocolate Train is an absolute must-see for chocolate lovers the world over. The journey aboard the historic Belle-Epoque coaches lasts from Montreux to Montbovon. The chocolate bus connects to the Gruyère region, where you will visit the Maison Cailler chocolate factory in Broc and stroll through the charming Gruyère old town. Admission to the show dairy, as well as coffee and chocolate bread, are included.

The Cheese Train provides a one-of-a-kind experience for cheese lovers. The journey also begins in Montreux and continues to Château-d'Oex, where you can enjoy a delicious cheese fondue. Two museum visits are included: "Espace Ballon," about the history of hot-air ballooning, and the new Swiss Museum of Papercuts.

And finally, the Kambly Cookie Train is a must-try for any sweet tooth. The train line connects Bern and Lucerne through the Emmental valley. The idea is that you can take an entire day to enjoy the scenery along the way. A definitive highlight is a visit to the "Kambly Experience," a cookie bakery in Trubschachen. And there’s an optional boat cruise from Brienz to Interlaken Ost.

BLS Kambly Cookie Train during Summer

International High-Speed Trains

Thanks to a dense network of international trains, Switzerland is conveniently connected to European destinations. Cutting-edge high-speed trains provide amenities to ensure a comfortable and convenient journey. Business travelers will appreciate the on-board business centers equipped with power outlets and Wi-Fi. Those looking to unwind will appreciate the bistro coaches and restaurant cars - some of which even serve local specialties from the carrier’s country.

International high-speed trains from Switzerland:

  • EuroCity: Bologna, Genova, Milan, Venice
  • ICE : Berlin, Dortmund, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Mannheim, Munich, Stuttgart
  • RailJet : Bregenz, Graz, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Vienna
  • TGV Lyria: Paris, Marseille

Interactive map of international train connections to Switzerland

Overnight Trains in Switzerland

Thanks to a growing network of overnight trains across Europe, you can see a musical and put on your PJ in Amsterdam, then sip your morning coffee in Zurich.

The increasing demand for climate-friendly travel alternatives has launched a rebirth of overnight train connections. They provide a comfortable way to travel to and from Switzerland - with significantly fewer emissions than airplanes.

Overnight train compositions come in different setups. There are sleeper cars with private compartments featuring beds, sinks, and breakfast service. Sleeper car compartments have space for one to three persons. Deluxe rooms include a shower and toilet.

So-called couchette cars have compartments with four to six bunk beds and shared facilities.

Women-only sections, plus family-friendly and accessible compartments, are available. And finally, overnight trains have regular coaches with seating.

Overnight trains and destinations from Switzerland:

  • ÖBB EuroNight: Budapest, Dresden, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Prague, Vienna, Zagreb
  • ÖBB Nightjet: Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg
  • From 2024: Barcelona, Rome

Interactive map of overnight trains in Switzerland

The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland is the ultimate train journey through the heart of Switzerland. This round trip offers a complete and comfortable experience, taking visitors to the country's most popular sights and landmarks.

Along a staggering journey of 1280 km, train lovers can check the top experiences of Switzerland off their bucket lists. Consider it “two birds with one stone”: an epic train journey to highlights such as Lucerne, impressive natural spectacles like the Rhine Falls, and majestic peaks like the Matterhorn.

The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland passes no less than 11 lakes and includes five panoramic train lines, making it a unique and unforgettable Swiss train journey. This experience is available year-round, and you can start and finish your journey wherever it is most convenient.

The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland is divided into eight sections:

  • Zurich – Lucerne – Interlaken (131 km, 2:45 h)
  • Interlaken – Montreux (120 km, 3:15 h)
  • Montreux – Visp – Zermatt (148 km, 2:30 h)
  • Zermatt – Chur – St. Moritz (291 km, 7:45 h)
  • St. Moritz – Tirano – Lugano (183 km, 6:30 h)
  • Lugano – Flüelen – Lucerne (182 km, 5:30 h)
  • Lucerne – St. Gallen (125 km, 2:15 h)
  • St. Gallen – Schaffhausen – Zurich (133 km, 2:30 h)

Download the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland map

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland Logo

Switzerland's train system is like a journey through a storybook, with popular routes like the Glacier Express as the main chapters. Each route offers a different tale, taking passengers across historic viaducts and past mighty glaciers. Whether you're a railway enthusiast or simply looking for a scenic way to travel, Switzerland's trains provide an immersive soundtrack for your journey.

Most Popular Train Lines in Switzerland

The Glacier Express , often heralded as the world’s slowest express train, wins our nomination for the most popular train line in Switzerland. It is regularly booked down to the last seat, treating the lucky passengers to a visual extravaganza through the large panoramic windows.

Here are other popular train lines in Switzerland that we have covered in detail:

Switzerland Train Itinerary for Rail Lovers (2024)

How to travel switzerland by train in 5 days, lesser-known train lines in switzerland.

Switzerland is a dream destination for railway enthusiasts. Apart from the usual suspects, there are numerous lesser-known train lines in Switzerland.

Alpine Cruise: We had the pleasure of experiencing the Alpine Cruise train experience that winds through the canton of Graubünden. The idea is that your luggage is shipped from one hotel to the next - just like on a cruise ship. Meanwhile, you get to travel on the iconic red trains of Rhaetian Railway to places like Bergün, Chur, Davos, or St. Moritz. At the end of each day, simply check into the hotel at the destination.

Centovalli Line: For those looking to explore the Italian-speaking region, the Centovalli Line is a must-do. This route runs between Locarno and Domodossola and offers breathtaking views of the Centovalli region, including the famous Centovalli viaduct.

Chemins de Fer du Jura: This hidden gem of a train line passes through the sparsely populated Jura plateau. Between Glovelier and La-Chaux-de-Fonds, the narrow-gauge train stops in many small towns, each presenting a new chance to enter one of the many hiking trails.

Léman Express: This relatively recent train connects Geneva to the cities of Lausanne, Nyon, and Gland. It’s unique in that the Léman Express passes the vineyards of Lavaux and even crosses the border into France.

Planning a Train Trip in Switzerland

When planning a trip by public transportation, it's important to consider that the Swiss rail network is extensive. Planning the itinerary in advance helps ensure the most effective use of your time (and money.)

Some random hints for planning a train trip:

  • The Swiss Travel Pass is synonymous with unlimited travel on the Swiss public transportation network. Activate it and forget about it while you transfer from trains to buses, and from boats to mountain railways.
  • Make seat reservations in advance if you plan to travel during peak travel season, generally from April to September.
  • Unlike most of the world’s train stations, Switzerland’s train platforms are freely accessible by anyone - even without a valid ticket. There are no turnstiles or ticket gates whatsoever.
  • Ticketing on Swiss trains is based on an honor system where it is assumed that each traveler has a valid ticket when boarding a train. During random checks, travelers have to be able to produce a fare card or travel pass, or else they will be fined.
  • Conveniently ship your luggage from one hotel to the next. This service is not very expensive and gives you flexibility during the day.

Switzerland Train Map

The official Switzerland train map is updated annually by Swiss Federal Railways. Available in print or digitally, the Switzerland train map is the most comprehensive overview of Switzerland's train network. A single Swiss map contains all train stations, major and minor train lines, mountain railways, and even boat lines.

Access the Switzerland Train Map

Switzerland Train Map

Train Companies in Switzerland

Their trains and coaches can be recognized by the abbreviation “SBB CFF FFS.” These abbreviations cover three of the four languages of Switzerland, but they all stand for Swiss Federal Railways:

  • SBB: Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
  • CFF: Chemins de Fer Fédéraux Suisses
  • FFS: Ferrovie Federali Svizzere

best train trips through switzerland

In addition, a few other companies cover large areas of Switzerland, such as BLS and SOB. Finally, several regional lines provide connections from hubs to smaller train stations.

Notable train companies in Switzerland:

  • Appenzeller Bahnen
  • Berner Oberland-Bahn
  • Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon (BLS)
  • Chemins de fer du Jura
  • Montreux-Oberland-Bernois (MOB)
  • Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn (MGB)
  • Rhätische Bahn (RhB)
  • Schweizerische Südostbahn (SOB)
  • Zentralbahn

Travel Classes on Swiss Trains

Swiss trains offer two main travel classes: first class and second class. The primary distinction between the two classes is the level of comfort and available onboard amenities.

Second-class coaches are rather nice, with cushioned seating arranged in sets of four. Most seats do not have dividing armrests, which removes some privacy. Especially during peak travel times, such as during weekday commuting or on Fridays and Sundays, second-class coaches can get quite crowded. As a result, seats are not always available.

First-class coaches on Swiss trains offer more comfort and privacy. For one, they are roomier with fewer seats per carriage, but each seat features more space and ample legroom. Armrests between seats provide more privacy. Other amenities include power outlets for every seat and business sectors for working in a quiet environment. 

Gotthard Panorama Express Train Ride

Information about the sectors where first and second-class coaches are located on a given train is shared on overhead boards or over the loudspeaker. First-class coaches might not be available on some private train lines, and amenities vary by type of train.

Tickets and Train Passes

There are a range of options for planning train travel logistics in Switzerland. Some visitors may prefer to look up all the destinations on a map and buy individual point-to-point tickets for each leg. Others prefer the blanket coverage of a travel pass. Here is an overview of Switzerland's various tickets and train passes.

Point-to-Point Tickets

Point-to-point tickets can be purchased at the train station ticket booths and vending machines, on the train company's website, or in the official SBB mobile app.

While this approach may be the ultimate money-saving option in Switzerland, it is unlikely to be the most efficient. It is also not the most flexible way because the regular point-to-point tickets require you to follow a schedule.

Regional Passes

Regional passes are an ideal alternative for those travelers who plan on spending most of their time in a particular region, such as Central Switzerland or the Bernese Alps.

Some regional passes offer free transportation coverage for the entire pass duration, while others restrict free travel days but offer discounts on the remaining days. They are available to both residents of Switzerland and visiting tourists.

Swiss Travel Pass

The Swiss Travel Pass presents the ultimate option. Unlike single tickets or regional passes, it provides unlimited blanket coverage for most Swiss public transportation for a pre-determined number of travel days. The “hop on/hop off” nature of the pass is perfect for those who want to stay flexible.

The Swiss Travel Pass includes most trains, buses, and boats in Switzerland. Five top-tier panoramic train lines and any trains operated by Switzerland’s major carriers are covered entirely.

Buy a Swiss Travel Pass at GetYourGuide

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Young female tourist sitting in a Swiss train looking out the window and thinking

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Get our ultimate free guide swiss travel pass: how to make it work in 2024.

The free guide includes a round-trip itinerary starting in Zurich for budget travelers. It “hacks” a three-day Swiss Travel Pass to make it last for a five-day stay…

Swiss Travel Pass 2024 Guide

Digitally savvy and flexible travelers can uncover saver fares in the SBB Mobile app. These individual tickets are contingent on a particular date and train connection, but they offer the cheapest way to travel by train. Travelers who wish to remain flexible regarding train connections may prefer the Swiss Travel Pass. Using included mountain railways, boat cruises, and museums, they could maximize the upfront cost and come out cheaper than with individual tickets.

The cost of train tickets in Switzerland can vary depending on the type of train and the route. Regional trains tend to be the most affordable, while scenic trains like Glacier Express can be more expensive. Many Swiss subscribe to the Swiss Half Fare Card, which reduces the price of individual train tickets by 50 percent.

Yes, discounts are available for train travel in Switzerland. On the one hand, discounts may be available for children, students, and senior citizens. It is also possible to purchase a Swiss Half Fare Card, which allows for a 50% discount on most train tickets. And finally, the SBB Mobile app and website offer limited saver fares for particular connections - usually during midday.

Yes, train tickets can be purchased in advance in the SBB Mobile app, on the Swiss Federal Railways website, or through a travel agency. Advance purchases can often result in lower fares. Look out for discounted tickets labeled with a percentage sign on the SBB website; they can result in significant savings.

Seat reservations are not required for most intercity and regional trains in Switzerland. However, reservations are recommended for scenic trains such as the Bernina Express and are mandatory on the Glacier Express.

Yes, it is possible to travel by train with a bike. Bicycles can be taken on most trains by paying an extra fee . On some trains, it is mandatory to make a prior reservation for bicycles as space is limited during peak seasons.

Except on mountain railways, first-class seating is available on all trains in Switzerland. First-class compartments usually provide more comfortable seating and more space. Some trains, such as the GoldenPass Express , offer a VIP section with oversized panoramic windows and private-jet quality seating.

Switzerland is considered safe for rail travel, but CCTV cameras are generally on most trains. In the case of an emergency, the onboard emergency button will alert the train driver and the nearest police station. As anywhere in the world, savvy travelers will always watch their luggage. Here are additional precautions and resources for safe traveling in Switzerland .

Purchase the Swiss Travel Pass online at the most reputable vendor starting at CHF 244. You will receive an immediate email confirmation with a PDF ticket.


Switzerland Train Travel Expert Guide - From top panoramic trains to itinerary and travel passes, use our expert guide to train travel in Switzerland to plan the adventure of a lifetime - Glacier Express, Bernina Express, Swiss Travel Pass

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An Adventurous World

The Ultimate Train Itinerary for Switzerland

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Are you planning a trip to Switzerland? Then check out my amazing Switzerland train itinerary packed full of advice & the best routes to take!

train itinerary switzerland

It’s very easy to wax lyrical about a place, but I really do think Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

It just ticks all the boxes for me. The mountains are grand, majestic and powerful; there are emerald and sapphire lakes dotted all around the country; and the little towns and villages with cobblestone streets and ancient cathedrals are as picturesque as they come. It’s one of those rare countries where just being there is an activity in itself. And when the seasons change it becomes a winter wonderland with some of the world’s best skiing.

I’ve recently spent 5 days in Switzerland travelling around the country by train, bus and boat, and I now love the place that little bit more. I even said the classic line: “I could easily up sticks and move here…”

switzerland train itinerary

In this blog post I’m going to share my ultimate train itinerary for Switzerland. This is for all you guys who are planning a trip here and want to see the very best of the country.

From starting off in the stunning city of Zurich to seeing the beautiful mountain town of Zermatt, this itinerary is perfect for those of you who like to take things slow and enjoy your surroundings.

I’ll also give you lots of practical tips like how to use your Swiss Travel Pass , what the trains are like, and some of the tops things to do in each place you visit.

I really hope you guys find this Switzerland train itinerary useful for planning your trip here. And as ever, if you have any questions at all you can ask me in the comments below!

switzerland train trip itinerary

Why visit Switzerland by train, but and boat?

Beauty – You know the cliché “it’s the journey, not the destination…” Well, this rings true for most of the trains in Switzerland. You don’t need to travel far out of the main transport hubs before the views zooming past your window start to get spectacular.

Convenience – When it comes to infrastructure, Switzerland is a leading light in Europe. Everything works meticulously. If a train is one minute late, it is very late. There are rail connections between all major cities and towns. Also, everything is set up so connections between trains, buses and boats are organised so that you don’t lose any time between transfers. Basically, the Swiss Travel System makes it simple and easy travelling throughout the country.

Comfort – Swiss trains are renowned for being super comfortable and clean. Some carriages even have round tables and sofa-like seating making journeys with friends and family very sociable. They also have big panoramic windows, food buffet cars, seat service, and charging points too.

swiss travel system

Budget – There’s no getting around the fact that Switzerland is an expensive country. However, the Swiss Travel Pass is an amazing way of travelling around and keeping costs down. It’s actually remarkable value for money.

Sustainability – One of the buzz words in Switzerland at the moment is Swisstainability . They are very proud of being one of the most sustainable countries in the world, and their rail network is a big part of that. Obviously travelling by train in Switzerland is a lot more environmentally friendly compared to other forms of transport.

Scenic travel trains – So there are normal trains that take you from A to B, and then there are scenic travel trains that take you from A to B but via the most beautiful route. These are the trains where you just kick back and watch the world go by.

What is the Swiss Travel Pass?

swiss travel pass

The Swiss Travel Pass is your all-in-one ticket for travelling Switzerland. It’s a bit like your old fashioned InterRail/Eurail ticket. This is where you buy a multi-day ticket, and then you can travel as much as you want within that timeframe. And it really is unlimited travel.

The best thing about the Swiss Travel Pass is it’s not just trains, but also for boats, busses and metros. You even get discounted prices off other modes of transport like mountain gondolas too, so it covers pretty much all transportation in Switzerland.

To highlight that, one day I caught the metro down to the port in Lausanne, then jumped on a boat to Montreux, then caught the train to Zermatt – all on the same ticket. Simples.

montreux boat

Another benefit of the Swiss Travel Pass is you get free entry into over 500 museums and attractions in the country saving you even more money on your holiday.

One of the things I really liked about the Swiss Travel Pass is it was just one ticket I had on my phone. I didn’t need to queue up multiple times to buy tickets, I could just jump on the train I needed without any trouble. It made things that little bit easier when travelling around the country and save A LOT of time.

How much does the Swiss Travel Pass cost?

swiss travel pass prices

For the Swiss Travel Pass, you can buy a 3,4,6,8 or 15-day ticket. This can either be consecutive or non-consecutive days depending on which pass you buy.

For my Switzerland by train itinerary, I had a 4-day non-consecutive ticket. You could probably do it in 4 consecutive days, but I think it’s well worth spending the day in somewhere like Zermatt (one of my favourite places in Switzerland). I explain all about this below.

With the Swiss Travel Pass Youth, young people up to their 25th birthday travelling through Switzerland benefit from a 30% discount off the regular Swiss Travel Pass ticket fare.

Children from their 6th up to their 16th birthday accompanied by at least one parent (holding a Swiss Travel System ticket) travel free of charge on train, bus, boat and mountain railway with the complimentary Swiss Family Card.

I’ve actually written a huge guide on how to use the Swiss Travel Pass . In this guide I go through the different ticket options, what additional perks of buying a Swiss Travel Pass are, and I go through loads of common questions too. So, if you have anything that’s confusing you about the Swiss Travel Pass, make sure you read my guide

Train itinerary for Switzerland

For this itinerary, I’ve highlighted some of the most popular places to visit in Switzerland.

Some of these trains, like the Lausanne to Zermatt leg, then the scenic train from Zermatt to Chur, are absolutely stunning. As I said, travelling here is an activity in itself, so this itinerary really emphasises that.

I mention it later on in this post, but you could do this itinerary in 4 days and skip the day in Zermatt, but I think it’s well worth spending the day there. It all depends on how much time you have though!

Day 1 – Zurich to Mount Rigi to Lucerne


Welcome to Zurich ! This place is so much more than just the financial capital of Switzerland. It is the perfect blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication.

Firstly, the city is stunningly beautiful. The picturesque Old Town (Altstadt) with its medieval architecture, cobblestone streets, and charming squares is like stepping back in time. You can wander through narrow alleys, explore historic churches, and discover hidden gems at every turn.

Now, add a touch of modernity. Zurich is a global financial hub and a city of innovation. The contrast between the medieval and contemporary is fascinating. The sleek and shiny financial district stands in juxtaposition to the historic landmarks.

university terrace zurich

As you guys will know, I am a sucker for a viewpoint. Well, one of the best viewpoints in the city can be found on the university terrace.

Getting here is easy – all you need to do is hop on the UBS Polybahn funicular (which is free with your Swiss Travel Pass) and it’s a short 5-minute ride to the top.

From here, you can see a number of church spires with the mountains in the background. It really is such a stunning view and very close to the Old Town.

Also, if you love your architecture, it’s worth popping into the main university building itself and seeing the atrium. There are so many clean lines here.

zurich university

If you’re looking for a good museum to explore then I’d recommend Kunsthaus . The museum has an extensive and impressive collection of artworks spanning from the Middle Ages to contemporary art.

You can find masterpieces by renowned artists such as Alberto Giacometti, Marc Chagall, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, and many more. If you’re an art lover then this place really is a must.

How long you spend in Zurich is completely up to you. You could easily spend the whole day here and head straight to Lucerne (skipping Mount Rigi along the way), or you could explore some of what the city has to offer in a couple of hours.

For me, I spent the morning in Zurich and then hopped on the train to Mount Rigi. You’ll see why below!

Getting to Mount Rigi

getting to mount rigi

It might seem a bit out the way adding in a stop to Mount Rigi, but I promise you it’s well worth it. Just wait until you see the views at the top of the mountain!

Mount Rigi is known as “Queen of the Mountains”, and even among the Swiss it is considered beautiful.  

Getting here is very easy. From Zurich, you need to catch the EC/IC2 train to Arth-Goldau . The train is only 45 minutes but it quickly gives you a taste of what it’s like travelling around Switzerland.

rigi bahn

Once you get to Arth-Goldau, you can walk over to the Rigi Bahnen – this is the oldest mountain railway in the world.

Getting to the top is an adventure in itself. The journey is super scenic, and as you ascend, you’ll be treated to increasingly spectacular views.

The summit of Mount Rigi offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding Swiss Alps and Lake Lucerne. It’s a picture-perfect spot that captures the essence of Switzerland’s stunning landscapes.

mount rigi switzerland

The journey to the top takes around 40 minutes , but I’d recommend getting off the cogwheel train at Rigi Staffel . This is the stop below the final stop (Rigi Kulm).

From here, you can take a leisurely 30-minute hike to the viewpoint itself. It’s quite a steep hike, but it makes the views at the top all the more worthwhile.

Mount Rigi really is one of the top things to do in Switzerland, so I think it’s well worth adding it to your Switzerland train itinerary.

Getting to Lucerne

boat to lucerne

Once you’ve finished at the top of Mount Rigi, you can catch the train down the other side of the mountain down to Vitznau . This train takes 40 minutes .

Once you hop off the train, just walk 50 metres in front of the station and you’ll find a boat waiting for you. This is the boat to Lucerne which takes 1 hour .

It’s journeys like this which highlight how good the Swiss Travel System is. All the boats leave 10 minutes after the trains down from Rigi arrive, so you’re never rushing to transfer from one to the other.

The boat ride itself is soooooo relaxing. I’d recommend grabbing glass of wine and just watching the world go by. This is what travelling in Switzerland is all about after all!

Day 2 – Lucerne to Fribourg to Lausanne

lake lucerne

The journey from Lucerne to Lausanne takes around 2 hours and 20 minutes , so it’s not a long journey.

Obviously you can head straight to Lausanne, but I’d recommend breaking up the journey and having lunch in the old medieval town of Fribourg along the way. This is a lovely little place to visit and it’s the birthplace of the cheese fondue. It really is the perfect reason to visit!

chapel bridge lucerne

Lucerne is the type of place I could easily imagine myself living. It has such a good vibe when walking around. 

To make the most of your time here, I’d recommend getting up early and going for a stroll around Lake Lucerne . From here, you’ll get the best views of “Dragon of the Mountains” (the giant mountain overlooking the city). There is a really nice path that takes you around the lake and only takes about 20 minutes walking towards the train station.

Another site well worth seeing along the way is Chapel Bridge . This is an ornate wooden bridge that dates back to 1365 (it has been subsequentially rebuilt since then!) It is the oldest surviving truss bridge in the world though, and it is one of the top things to do in Lucerne.

Getting to Fribourg

fribourg switzerland

The IR15 train from Lucerne to Fribourg takes 1 hour and 25 minutes .

Fribourg is a very small city, so you can easily walk around here. A lot of people would skip places like Fribourg for their train itinerary for Switzerland, but they are so Swiss I think it’s important to add them in.

A couple of places I’d recommend visiting are Chapelle de Lorette – from here you’ll get the best view of the city. Another place that is a must is Middle Bridge – this is right over the River Sarine and again, the views are stunning.

Another place I’d recommend is St Nicolas Cathedral . This cathedral dates back to 1490 and it looms over the close packed buildings in the city. You can actually climb the 365 steps (one for every day of the year) to the top of the tower for another viewpoint.

fondue fribourg

As I’ve already mentioned, Fribourg is the official home of the cheese fondue. I LOVE cheese (I have a proper addiction), so I was very excited to visit Fribourg just for this reason alone.

The local fondue is made from Gruyere and Vacherin giving it a slightly tangier taste. The two places to go for your fondue at Café du Midi (which is where I went), and Café du Gothard .

Don’t you dare worry about the calories – just enjoy the cheesy goodness.

Getting to Lausanne

prices for the swiss travel pass

From Fribourg, the IR15/IC1 train takes 50 minutes , so this is a very quick and easy train. This whole train journey is gorgeous, but it goes up another level once you get views of Lake Geneva.

Day 3 – Lausanne to Zermatt


The journey from Lausanne to Zermatt takes around 3 hours and 10 minutes going direct. This journey involves catching the train to Visp, then catching another train to Tasch, before catching a final mountain train to Zermatt.

However, I am going to take you a very different route which involves a boat from Lausanne. Personally, this was one of my favourite activities I did in Switzerland, so I can’t recommend it enough.

No matter which route you take, you have to change at Visp and Tasch anyway, but it’s literally just getting off one train and getting on another.

getting to lausanne

Lausanne is a wonderful place to spend a few hours wandering around the cobblestone streets. Almost on every other corner is an independent chocolatier or a fromagerie selling Swiss cheese.

One of the top things to do in Lausanne is visit Lausanne Cathedral . This is a beautiful church at the top of a hill overlooking the city. The main hall has these ornate high-vaulted ceilings – it actually reminded me a lot of the famous Notre-Dame Cathedral in Montreal .

If you want some of the best views of Lausanne then head to the top of the cathedral. Here you get 360-degree views of the city with Lake Geneva and the mountains in the background.

olympic museum

Another place that’s well worth visiting is the Olympic Museum . Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Olympic Games, brought the International Olympic Committee to Lausanne in 1915, and it’s still here today.

This is a very interactive museum which highlights the triumphs of the Olympic Games and its storied history. The café-restaurant also offers fantastic views of the lake.

Getting to Montreux

5 days in switzerland

Okay, so now I’m going to take you on a different part of the Swiss Travel System.

Opposite the metro stop Lausanne-Ouchy you’ll find the boat terminal for Lausanne. From here you can catch a boat from Lausanne to Montreux which takes 1 hour and 20 mins .

This boat leaves at 11:00 in the morning during summer, and then there is a later boat too. Make sure you check the timings on the SBB website though to be sure.

The best thing about this boat trip is it’s included in your Swiss Travel Pass so you can just stroll onto the boat. And what a boat it is!

boat to montreux

It’s an old-fashioned steam paddleboat like harks back to the days of the Titanic. You can even see the open engine and waterwheels chugging along.

Honestly, I can’t tell you how beautiful this journey is along Lake Geneva. Just seeing tiny towns and the mountains roll by is something else. Also, there are a number of deck chairs on the boat – just perfect for watching the world go by!

Getting to Zermatt


From Montreux, you can catch the IR90 to Visp which takes 1 hour and 10 mins . From here, you need to change trains to Zermatt which takes another hour .

I know I keep banging on about all these gorgeous views, but the train from Visp to Zermatt is another stunning journey. This train trip takes you past mountain villages, and as you get closer and closer to the Alps the landscapes become more and more dramatic. Eventually you’re treated to a view of the Matterhorn itself. Wow.

Day 4 – Zermatt


If you wanted a shorter train itinerary for Switzerland, you could skip this day and catch the Glacier Express directly to Chur. This would mean you’d only need a 4-day Swiss Travel Pass and you can shorten the itinerary by a day. However, I really think it’s worth spending the whole day in Zermatt.

To get around the fact that you’d be wasting a day of your Swiss Travel Pass not travelling, you can actually buy a flexible ticket where you can travel for 4 nominated days as opposed to consecutive days. This way it means you can spend a day in Zermatt without losing a day on your ticket. It’s a little confusing but I explain it all in my guide on how to use the Swiss Travel Pass .

The reason why I think you should spend the whole day in Zermatt is because I think it’s one of the most beautiful places to visit in Switzerland. Walking around here feels like you’re on a film set or in a fairy-tale; it’s just so magical.

It also means you get to go on the Gornergrat railway too, something that shouldn’t be missed.

Even though this train isn’t included in your Swiss Travel Pass, you do get 50% off. And once again, I promise you it’s well worth it!

zermatt in winter

I would say the Gornergrat is one of the most beautiful train rides in the world with these spectacular views of the Matterhorn as you go up.

The Gornergrat train leaves Zermatt at 1,600m and takes you all the way up to the Gornergrat peak at 3,100m. The journey takes around 33 minutes so the best thing to do is bag yourself a window seat and enjoy the views.

gornergrat train zermatt

At the top you have some amazing panoramas of the mountains including the Matterhorn. There’s also a hotel which you can stay in (which is Europe’s highest hotel) and a restaurant up here too.

My top tip is if you want to beat the crowds then head up on one of the first trains around 8am. Then you’ll have the top of the mountain pretty much to yourself. There’s a reason why this is one of the best things to do in Zermatt!

You can book your tickets for the Gornergrat train here .

If you’re travelling in winter, then here is my guide all about learning to ski in Zermatt . Still one of the best places I’ve ever been skiing!

Day 5 – Zermatt to Chur on the Glacier Express

zermatt to chur

I don’t want to say I’ve left the best till last, but if you love train journeys then the Glacier Express has to be on your bucket list.

This is one of the panoramic scenic trains where you just kick back and enjoy the ride. The whole point of this train trip is to look out the window and enjoy the views – nothing more.

The train leaves at 07:52 during summer and 08:52 during winter, and takes around 7 hours 30 minutes . It’s often referred to as “the slowest express train in the world”. It only travels 290 kilometres in that time but the views gradually get better and better with each passing hour.

glacier express

No train trip like this would be complete without a good meal. Well, the Glacier Express provides a culinary experience like no other. Tables are elegantly set, and the panoramic windows provide stunning views while you eat.

The menu often includes a selection of Swiss dishes local to the region. For our lunch we had beef stroganoff and it was absolutely delicious. You can also pair this with a Swiss wine or a little digestif while you’re rolling along too.

glacier express views

One thing not everyone knows about the Glacier Express is you can freely move through the carriages. Why would you want to? Well, in the food coach where you can grab a coffee, they have panoramic windows which you can open.

I can’t tell you how amazing this is for photography. No glares from the lights, no weird colours – just uninterrupted views. I love taking photos so it really made a difference to my journey having this.

5 day train itinerary switzerland

This train gets into Chur at around 13:52 in summer or 14:52 in winter. From here, you can either stay in Chur and carry on your Swiss adventure, or head back to Zurich.

Unfortunately this was the final stop on our rail itinerary for Switzerland, but 5 days was the perfect amount of time for travelling around the country.

I really hope you found my Swiss train itinerary useful for planning a trip here. As you can tell from my photos, this is such a stunning country to travel around. And doing it by train, bus and boat is just the perfect way of seeing the country.

If you have any questions about my itinerary, just let me know in the comments below. Otherwise, happy travelling!

This post was in association with My Switzerland and the Swiss Travel System showcasing some of the best things to do in Switzerland. As always, all views and opinions are my own.

If you’d prefer to drive, then check out my post on the perfect road trip in Switzerland . This was such an amazing road trip!

Like this blog post? then Pin it for the future!

The Ultimate Train Itinerary for Switzerland

About the Author

Macca Sherifi

Macca Sherifi is the founder of the multiple award-winning blogs An Adventurous World and the Great British Bucket List. Every month he inspires over 200,000 avid readers to travel the world.

2 thoughts on “The Ultimate Train Itinerary for Switzerland”

Hi. First I would like to thank you for writing this blog. My family and I are planning to go to Switzerland this year. We are planning to visit as much places as we can on our 8-days trip. I am planning to get the Swiss travel pass, but I am confused with the family pass. There will be four of us (me, my husband, my 18 year-old son and my 12-year-old daughter). Does that mean I have to buy a family pass for just the three of us and a separate one for my son? And also with the consecutive days on the travel pass, does that mean have travel consecutive straight days? I have already booked 1 day tour to Top of Europe which will be around the 3rd day of our stay in Switzerland. Does that mean that the travel pass will become invalid since we wont be using it for 1 day? I really would love to hear from you and your feedback on my questions below.

Thank you and all the best on your next travel blog.

Regards, Verna Barcena

Thanks for commenting Verna. Firstly, have you read this blog post – https://www.anadventurousworld.com/how-to-use-the-swiss-travel-pass/ . That should cover a lot of questions you have. In it, I state that you can buy a flexible travel pass – this is where you can have a non-travel day in the middle of your Swiss Travel Pass which is exactly what you want to do. And yes, I think you’ll have to buy a separate pass for your son. Let me know if that helps or if you have any other questions at all!

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Pocket Wanderings

12 most scenic train rides in Switzerland 

Jungfraujoch train

In my opinion, travelling by train through Switzerland is the best way to experience the country’s breathtaking beauty. The most scenic train rides in Switzerland take you past snow-dusted mountain peaks, over vast viaducts and through charming Swiss towns and villages. 

From short train rides between towns to lengthy expeditions across the country, I love that there are countless opportunities to soak up the stunning landscapes of Switzerland from the comfort of a train. And comfy they are – I always find Swiss trains to be clean, comfortable and efficient. 

Some of the best train journeys in Switzerland are the panoramic trains, where large glass windows provide uninterrupted views of the epic scenery.

Witness majestic mountain vistas, rolling green hills and vivid blue lakes as you journey through the country.

I’ve visited Switzerland numerous times over the years and have been lucky to experience some of the most epic train journeys in the country.

In my guide to the most scenic train rides in Switzerland, I’ll share my pick of the best panoramic train journeys and most beautiful railway routes, along with the best ticket options and key points of interest on each train ride. 

Author Bio: Jessie Moore

Jessie Moore is a luxury travel expert with years of experience travelling the world to find the best destinations, hotels and adventures.

1. Glacier Express

Route: Zermatt – St Moritz

Distance: 291km

Time: 7.5 hours

Stops: Zermatt, Brig, Andermatt, Disentis Mustér, Chur, Tiefencastel, Filisur, Samedan, St Moritz

Tickets: Book here (seat reservation also needed)

Glacier Express Switzerland

Definitely up there as one of my all-time favourites, the Glacier Express is one of the most famous scenic train rides in Switzerland.

It is known as the “slowest express train in the world” because of its leisurely pace. This allows you to enjoy the stunning views of the Swiss Alps without whizzing along at lightning speed.

The route runs from Zermatt to St. Moritz, covering a distance of 291km in just under eight hours.

On the journey, you’ll encounter breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, deep valleys and picturesque villages.

I love that panoramic windows provide unobstructed views of the scenery. Some of the windows even open so you can get photos and videos without that annoying window glare. 

If you’re able to then I’d really recommend treating yourself to Excellence Class. This is truly a bucket list experience with a guaranteed window seat, five-course regional menu and exclusive use of the Glacier bar.

Jessie on Glacier Express

Key points of interest on the Glacier Express include:

  • The Matterhorn: The train passes by the iconic Matterhorn mountain, which is one of the most recognisable landmarks in Switzerland.
  • Oberalp Pass: The train reaches its highest point at Oberalp Pass, which is 2,033 metres above sea level. Here, passengers can see the Rhine River’s source and enjoy gorgeous views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Landwasser Viaduct: The Glacier Express passes over the Landwasser Viaduct, which is one of the most famous landmarks on the Glacier Express route. The viaduct is 65 metres high and 136 metres long, offering stunning views of the valley below.

Insider travel tip: You need to book both a ticket and a seat reservation. If you already have the Swiss Travel Pass (which I’d highly recommend as it gives you unlimited travel on trains, buses and boats across Switzerland), then you’ll just need to pay for your seat reservation.

Remember that you don’t need to join for the entire route; personally, I travelled from Chur to Brig.

Discover my pick of the best hotels in Zermatt , my review of the Grand Hotel Kronenhof near St Moritz , or read my guide to visiting Chur .

Watch my vlog and honest experience of riding the Glacier Express:

2. Bernina Express

Route: Chur – Tirano

Distance: 122km

Time: 4 hours

Stops: Chur, Filisur, St Moritz, Poschiavo, Tirano

The Bernina Express is another world-famous scenic train ride that takes passengers through the Swiss Alps, offering breathtaking views of the landscape. The train route starts in Chur and ends in Tirano, Italy – and vice versa.

The journey takes approximately four hours and covers a distance of 122 km. It passes through 55 tunnels and crosses 196 bridges, including the famous Landwasser Viaduct.

Bernina Express Switzerland

Like the Glacier Express, the Bernina Express is known for its panoramic windows, providing uninterrupted views of the surrounding beauty.

I was pleased to discover that the Bernina Express is actually a bit cheaper than the Glacier Express (presumably as it takes half the time).

It is still breathtakingly beautiful and one of the most stunning train rides in Switzerland – if not the world. 

During the journey, you’ll pass through the Engadine Valley, which is known for its picturesque villages and sparkling lakes.

The train also climbs up to the Bernina Pass, which is the highest point on the journey at 2,253 metres above sea level.

Key points of interest on the Bernina Express journey include:

  • The Landwasser Viaduct: A UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most photographed landmarks in Switzerland (and I can see why!).
  • The Morteratsch Glacier: See the largest glacier in the Bernina Range from the train.
  • The Brusio Circular Viaduct: A spiral viaduct that allows the train to descend safely down the mountain.

Insider travel tip: As with the Glacier Express, you need to book both a ticket (unless covered by Swiss Travel Pass or Eurail Pass ) and a seat reservation.

Bear in mind that the Bernina Express doesn’t have the at-seat restaurant service that you get on the Glacier Express, but a trolley service offering refreshments is available.

I’d recommend bringing your own lunch and even a cheeky bottle of wine!

3. Golden Pass Line

Route: Montreux – Zweisimmen – Interlaken – Lucerne

Distance: 191km

Time: 5.5 hours

Stops: Montreux, Zweisimmen, Interlaken, Lucerne

Tickets: Swiss Travel Pass (seat reservations not needed, apart from on the Belle Epoque train during peak times)

Another of my favourite train rides in Switzerland, the Golden Pass connects Lucerne and Montreux .

This scenic train ride takes passengers through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Switzerland, including the Bernese Oberland, the Simmen Valley, and the Pays d’Enhaut.

Golden Pass Line

The Golden Pass comprises three sections:

  • Lucerne to Interlaken
  • Interlaken to Zweisimmen
  • Zweisimmen to Montreux

As part of the Golden Pass Line, I’d recommend taking the Chocolate Train from Montreux to Broc-Chocolat on the Belle Epoque train.

Discover how chocolate is made in Broc and visit the cheese factory in Gruyères . It’s a slight detour but absolutely worth it!

Key points of interest along the Golden Pass Line include:

  • Lucerne: This picturesque city is located on the shores of Lake Lucerne and is known for its mediaeval architecture and stunning views of the Alps. Read my one-day Lucerne itinerary .
  • Interlaken: This resort town is situated between two lakes and is a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and paragliding. Discover my pick of the best things to do in Interlaken and the top hotels in Interlaken .
  • Gstaad: This luxury ski resort town brings high-end shops, restaurants, and hotels, as well as its stunning mountain views.
  • Montreux: This charming town is located on the shores of Lake Geneva and is known for its mild climate, beautiful gardens, and historic Château de Chillon. Discover more of the best things to do in Montreux with my guide.

Insider travel tip: For the Zweisimmen to Montreux leg of the Golden Pass route, you can take the specialised Belle Epoque train.

The interiors offer similar vibes to the iconic Orient Express trains with their grand interiors. There are two Belle Epoque trains per day and I’d advise reserving a seat if travelling in peak season.

4. Gotthard Panorama Express

  • Lugano / Bellinzona – Flüelen by train
  • Flüelen – Lucerne by steamboat

Distance: 182km

Tickets: Swiss Travel Pass (seat reservations also needed)

The Gotthard Panorama Express is a scenic train ride that takes you through the heart of Switzerland’s Alpine region.

Along the way, you will be greeted with breathtaking views of snow-capped mountains, rolling hills, and lush green valleys. 

The train route begins (or ends) in Lucerne, where you board a steamboat that takes you across Lake Lucerne to the town of Flüelen.

From there, you board the Gotthard Panorama Express train for the rest of the journey – or vice versa.

Gotthard Express

The train ride takes you through some of the most breathtaking scenery in Switzerland, including the famous Gotthard Tunnel. The tunnel is the longest railway tunnel in the world and offers a unique and unforgettable experience.

Throughout the journey, you’ll enjoy a variety of amenities, including comfortable seating, panoramic windows, and a dining car that serves delicious Swiss cuisine.

I love that the train also features audio guides which provide you with information about the history and culture of the region.

Key points of interest along the Gotthard Panorama Express include:

  • Gotthard Tunnel: The longest railway tunnel in the world at 57km. 
  • Wassen Church: Passengers pass the famous church three times on the Gotthard train, as a result of the spiralling tunnels on the route. 
  • Mount Rigi: Affectionately known as the ‘Queen of the Mountains’, located just south of Lake Lucerne.

Insider travel tip: You need to purchase seat reservations as well as a ticket or travel pass. Note that the Gotthard Panorama Express train only offers 1st class on the route between Flüelen and Lugano.

So if you have a 2nd class ticket (i.e. through the Swiss Travel Pass or Eurail Pass ), then you’ll need to purchase a class upgrade for this route.

5. Jungfrau Railway

Route: Kleine Scheidegg – Jungfraujoch

Distance: 9km

Time: 35 minutes

Stops: Kleine Scheidegg, Eismeer Station, Jungfraujoch

Tickets: Swiss Travel Pass ( seat reservations needed in peak season)

The Jungfrau Railway is a cogwheel train that takes passengers to the highest railway station in Europe: the Jungfraujoch. It’s located at a dizzying altitude of 3,454 metres above sea level and known as the “top of Europe”.

The journey starts from the Kleine Scheidegg station in the Bernese Oberland region of Switzerland and takes just 35 minutes. If travelling from Interlaken , the journey takes about two hours.

Jungfraujoch train

As the train winds its way up through the Swiss Alps, you’ll be immersed in stunning panoramic views of snow-capped peaks and quaint alpine villages.

One of the highlights of the journey is the Eiger North Face, which is one of the most challenging and dangerous mountain faces in the world for climbers. 

At the top, there are a variety of things to do, including: 

  • Sphinx Observatory: One of the highest astronomical observatories in the world. The observation deck is open to the public and is the second-highest in the world.
  • Ice Palace: I’d recommend exploring the impressive ice sculptures and learning more about the glacier’s history. 
  • Snow Fun Park: Here you can go skiing, snowboarding, sledging and even ziplining. It’s open from mid-May to mid-October but can be closed due to bad weather.

Good to know: The train stops at Eismeer Station on the way up, allowing you to take in the views from the observation deck.

6. Gornergrat Railway

Route: Zermatt – Gornergrat

Time: 33 minutes

Stops: Zermatt, Findelbach, Riffelalp, Riffelboden, Riffelberg, Rotenboden, Gornergrat

Tickets: Book here

The Gornergrat Railway is a cogwheel train that takes passengers from Zermatt to the Gornergrat summit, which is at an altitude of 3,089 metres.

It is one of the highest open-air railway lines in Europe and offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains, including the Matterhorn.

Gornergrat in Zermatt

The train ride takes approximately 33 minutes and covers a distance of just over 9km. It’s a real must when staying in Zermatt and it also serves as the main way for skiers and snowboarders to get to the slopes.

I loved getting this gorgeous train everyday when I stayed in Zermatt.

Key points of interest along the Gornergrat Railway include:

  • The Matterhorn: The train offers some of the best views of the Matterhorn, the iconic “Toblerone” mountain.
  • Riffelalp Resort: The train stops at Riffelalp, where you can find the historic luxury Riffelalp Hotel located at an altitude of 2,222 metres. Discover more of my favourite luxury hotels in Zermatt . 
  • ZOOOM Matterhorn: A multi-media experience complete with periscopes, immersive 3D cinema and virtual paraglider flights. 

Good to know: The Swiss Travel Pass doesn’t cover lift systems or the Gornergrat but it does get you a 50% discount on the Gornergrat Railway. 

7. Cogwheel Railway to Mount Pilatus

Route: Alpnachstad – Pilatus Kulm

Distance: 5km

Time: 30 minutes for ascent, 40 minutes for descent

Stops: Alpnachstad, Pilatus Kulm

Another of the most scenic train rides in Switzerland is the cogwheel railway to Mount Pilatus.

The train starts its journey from Alpnachstad and takes passengers to the top of Mount Pilatus, which is over 2,000 metres above sea level.

What makes this train ride unique is that it’s the steepest cogwheel railway in the world, with a gradient of up to 48%. The journey takes approximately 30 minutes and offers epic views of the surrounding landscape.

Mt Pilatus cogwheel train

Passing through lush green forests, mountain streams, and rocky terrain, believe me when I say that the view from the train is breathtaking. You can even see the beautiful Lake Lucerne from above.

At the top of Mount Pilatus, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and valleys. There are several hiking trails, restaurants, and souvenir shops at the top.

Good to know: The cogwheel railway is easily accessible from Lucerne by public transport. You can get the train from Lucerne or a lake steamer that takes about an hour.

If you prefer, I’d recommend getting the cable car on the descent from Mount Pilatus, which takes you back to Lucerne (or vice versa).

8. Wengernalpbahn Railway

  • Kleine Scheidegg – Grindelwald
  • Kleine Scheidegg – Wengen – Lauterbrunnen

Distance: 19km


  • Kleine Scheidegg – Grindelwald: 24 minutes
  • Kleine Scheidegg – Lauterbrunnen: 42 minutes
  • Wengen – Lauterbrunnen: 12 minutes

Stops: Grindelwald, Grindelwald-Grund, Alpiglen, Kleine Scheidegg, Wengernalp, Allmend, Wengen, Lauterbrunnen

Tickets: Swiss Travel Pass (the Wengernalpbahn railway is included)

The Wengernalpbahn is a cog railway that runs from Grindelwald and Lauterbrunnen via Kleine Scheidegg, passing through the picturesque village of Wengen along the way.

Wengernalpbahn Railway

The journey offers unforgettable views of the surrounding mountains, including the famous Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau peaks.

It’s also the world’s longest cogwheel railway, which I think makes it an unmissable train ride in Switzerland. 

Key points of interest along the Wengernalpbahn railway include:

  • Wengen: The car-free village of Wengen can only be reached by train or foot. It offers extraordinary views of the Lauterbrunnen valley and is a popular destination for hikers and skiers.
  • Grindelwald: The town of Grindelwald is known for its skiing and outdoor activities. It is also home to the famous Eiger mountain, which can be seen from the train.
  • Kleine Scheidegg station: Located at the foot of the Eiger, it is also the starting point for the Jungfraujoch railway. As mentioned above, this railway takes visitors to the “Top of Europe” at 3,454 metres above sea level.

Good to know: There is no direct service between Grindelwald and Lauterbrunnen, as you need to change at Kleine Scheidegg.

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9. Voralpen Express

Route: St Gallen – Lucerne

Distance: 125km

Time: 2 hours 15 minutes

Stops: St Gallen, Wattwil, Rapperswil, Arth Goldau, Lucerne

Tickets: Swiss Travel Pass  

The Voralpen Express is a scenic train ride that takes you through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Switzerland. It starts in St. Gallen and ends in Lucerne via a number of mesmerising sights. 

Rather than the dramatic landscapes seen on the Glacier and Bernina Express trains, the scenery here is more subtle in its beauty. Think rolling hills, pretty meadows and quaint villages. 

Voralpen Express

Key points of interest along the Voralpen Express include:

  • Abbey of St. Gallen: The train passes through the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Abbey of St. Gallen, which is known for its stunning Baroque architecture.
  • Sitter Viaduct: A masterpiece of engineering that was constructed over 100 years ago. The highest railway bridge in Switzerland, I’m sure its impressive height will take your breath away. 
  • Lake Lucerne: As the train makes its way towards its end destination, it passes through the picturesque Lake Lucerne region, offering panoramic views of the lake and the surrounding mountains.

The Voralpen Express is an ideal way to get from Eastern Switzerland to Central Switzerland and trains run hourly.

It has comfortable seating and a dining car, where you can enjoy a meal or a drink while taking in the scenic views.

Good to know: The Voralpen Express is covered by the Swiss Travel Pass and the Eurail Pass . No seat reservation is necessary. 

10. Luzern-Interlaken Express

Route: Lucerne – Interlaken

Time: 2 hours 

Stops: Lucerne, Interlaken

Tickets: Swiss Travel Pass (seat reservation recommended)

The Luzern-Interlaken Express is a panoramic train ride that connects two of the most popular destinations in Switzerland.

Bound to be yet another unforgettable travel experience, passengers are treated to spectacular scenery. 

From the greens of the pastures to the blues of the lakes, I found myself constantly gasping on this train journey. Pass by sparkling streams, towering peaks and thundering waterfalls. 

View of Lungernersee

The train is equipped with panoramic windows for uninterrupted views of the surrounding mountains, lakes, and valleys.

As with all Swiss trains, the seats are comfortable and there is ample legroom. Passengers can also enjoy free Wi-Fi on board.

Key points of interest along the Luzern-Interlaken Express include:

  • The Brünig Pass: The train passes through the Brünig Pass, which is located at an altitude of 1,008 metres and offers breathtaking views.
  • Lake Brienz: Known for its crystal-clear waters and stunning scenery, you can see the lake from the panoramic windows of the train.
  • The Bernese Alps: Some of the most beautiful and iconic mountains in Switzerland. You can see the Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau peaks from the train.

Insider travel tip: For the best views, I’d advise sitting on the right hand side if you’re travelling from Lucerne to Interlaken.

11. Mont Blanc Express

Route: Martigny – Chamonix

Distance: 38km

Time: 90 minutes

Stops: Martigny, Vernayaz, Salvan, Marécottes, Le Trétien, Finhaut, Le Châtelard, Chamonix

The Mont Blanc Express takes passengers through the stunning scenery of the Swiss Alps and into the popular resort of Chamonix in France.

This scenic train ride in Switzerland is known for its breathtaking views of the Mont Blanc mountain range and the beautiful landscapes that surround it.

Mont Blanc Express

The Mont Blanc Express begins its journey in Martigny, Switzerland, and travels through the picturesque towns of Salvan, Les Marécottes, and Finhaut before reaching its final destination in Chamonix, France.

On the Mont Blanc Express you can expect to see some of the most gorgeous scenery in Switzerland, including snow-capped mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and lush green forests. 

Key points of interest along the Mont Blanc Express include:

  • Vernayaz: For access to the picturesque Trient gorges and the Pissevache waterfall.
  • Marécottes: You can find the highest zoo in Europe here! Plus, reach the La Creusaz ski area. 
  • Finhaut: The village of Finhaut is perched on the hills of the Trient valley. It’s a popular spot with hikers and cyclists, with its open and unspoiled spaces.

Good to know: Travel from Martigny to Chamonix is included in the Swiss Travel Pass , but not beyond Chamonix in France. As it’s a regional train, seat reservations are not possible. 

12. Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

For the ultimate experience of the most scenic train rides in Switzerland, the Grand Train Tour covers all the best train journeys in the country.

It’s a 1,280 km train journey that takes you through some of the most scenic train rides in Switzerland, including many of those mentioned above.

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

This train tour covers such a vast area that you’ll encounter four official languages, five UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 11 large lakes – which I think sounds pretty spectacular!

The tour can be completed in four to eight days, depending on how much time you have and how much you want to see.

Highlights of the tour include:

  • The Glacier Express: This iconic train ride takes you through the heart of the Swiss Alps, passing through 91 tunnels and over 291 bridges. The journey starts in Zermatt and ends in St. Moritz, taking around eight hours to complete.
  • The Bernina Express: This breathtaking train journey takes you from Chur to Tirano, passing through the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Rhaetian Railway. The journey takes around four hours and offers stunning views of the Swiss Alps, including the Morteratsch Glacier and the Bernina Pass.
  • The Golden Pass Line: Travel from Montreux to Lucerne, passing through the scenic Swiss countryside. The journey takes around five hours and offers beautiful panoramas of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mountains.
  • The Gotthard Panorama Express: This train ride takes you from Lucerne to Lugano, passing through the Gotthard Base Tunnel, the longest railway tunnel in the world. The journey takes around five hours.

Good to know: There is no set route or direction – you can simply hop and hop off the different routes as you please.

The best way to do so is via the Swiss Travel Pass , which gives you access to the entire Grand Tour of Switzerland. You’ll just need to book seat reservations on the trains which need it.

Do let me know in the comments if you have any questions about the most scenic train rides in Switzerland!

Planning a trip to this beautiful country? Read my guide to the most beautiful towns in Switzerland to visit , seek out the best Swiss spa hotels , or discover my guides to Grindelwald , Gruyères and Zermatt . 

For more train travel inspiration this winter, unearth the best ski resorts by train from the UK – written by two experts in skiing and train travel.

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Best Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland (Views to Die For)

scenic train rides switzerland

Planning a trip through Switzerland by train and you want to know more about the many Swiss scenic trains? Then you’ve come to the right place because this detailed guide will tell you about the huge range of panoramic train rides available in this Alpine country! 

From St. Gallen to Lucerne, Lucerne to Lugano, and Lugano to Tirano, these panoramic trains can take you on a journey through the entire country. Combine a few different trips to create your own Grand Train Tour of Switzerland itinerary or stick to a classic one like the famous Glacier Express – either way, these scenic train rides in Switzerland are the best this country has to offer!

Table of Contents

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

Grand Train Tour

The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland is one of the most popular scenic train rides in Switzerland. It starts from Zurich and allows you to explore the most visited destinations in the country. The tour is usually around two weeks long, and it includes combines several panoramic trains into one big train trip through Switzerland. 

The standard Grand Train Tour itinerar y begins and ends in Zurich, but there are many other versions of the journey so it’s easy to adjust it to fit your travel plans. You can make the journey longer or shorter, explore more or fewer places, and see as much of the country as you would like. 

Grand Tour of Switzerland by Train (Map)

The main reason why the train tour starts in Zurich is that the city has the busiest airport in the country. Most travelers who fly to Switzerland from overseas land in Zurich, which makes it the ideal starting point for a train tour of the country. But, it’s worth noting that you can do the tour from wherever you want, so if you get a better deal on plane tickets to Basel or Geneva, don’t miss out!

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Grand train tour of switzerland: a detailed guide, glacier express.

Glacier Express

The Glacier Express is the most famous train in Switzerland. It is a panoramic train that connects Zermatt and St. Moritz. It’s the world’s slowest express train because this journey takes around 8 hours – the only reason it’s an “express” train is that it makes fewer stops than the local trains. 

The train crosses 291 bridges and passes through 91 tunnels, during this epic Switzerland train journey of 291 kilometers. It’s undoubtedly one of the most scenic Swiss train rides, but also one of the best luxury train rides in Switzerland. Tickets for the entire 291-kilometer journey start at 152 CHF for second-class tickets, and that’s without a seat reservation. The reservation is an extra 39 or 49 CHF depending on the season, plus you must pay for any meals you wish to eat on board. 

First-class tickets are around 100 CHF more expensive, while the experience of riding in the Excellence Class of the train will set you back around 470 CHF. It’s definitely a journey for those with deeper pockets, but worth the money because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience you will always remember. 

Gotthard Panorama Express

Gotthard Train

The Gotthard Panorama Express is a scenic journey from Arth/Lucerne to Lugano. It’s best to do this scenic journey in the summer when it includes a boat cruise on Lake Lucerne. Traveling by train only is possible from Arth to Lugano and vice versa. 

All seats on the train are first-class seats, so everyone gets the same treatment. Seat reservations are not obligatory, but there is an additional surcharge of 16 CHF that all passengers must pay. Also, you can still choose between first and second-class tickets. Second-class tickets are naturally a little more affordable, and you’re seated in second-class only on the Lake Lucerne boat cruise. 

The entire journey takes around 5.5 hours, and you’re treated to gorgeous panoramic views the entire time. It’s worth noting that the journey is a little shorter in the winter when it doesn’t include a boat cruise on the lake.

Bernina Express

Bernina Express on the Bernina Pass

The Bernina Express is one of the best scenic train rides in Switzerland. Transporting passengers from Switzerland to Italy and vice versa, this train takes you through some of the most impressive landscapes in the country. 

This panoramic train runs from Chur/St. Moritz to Tirano in Italy, connecting two very different regions and cultures. The Bernina Express train passes through incredibly beautiful scenery, and the best way to enjoy the views is to sit in a first-class train carriage, where the windows curve up to the roof. 

This is one of the pricier panoramic trains in Switzerland. Second-class tickets for a return trip between Tirano and Chur are 92 CHF; the price includes two (mandatory) seat reservations that are 20 CHF in each direction. If you’re traveling one way and maybe doing a shorter route, consider a first-class ticket, but stick to second-class if you’re on a tight budget. 

Rigi Cogwheel Railway

Rigi Cogwheel Train

Rigi Cogwheel Railway is a great option for a short and scenic train ride high above Lake Lucerne. There are multiple lines on this cogwheel railway, and they all take you from the villages at the foot of Mt. Rigi to the Rigi Kulm summit. Not only is Rigi a popular weekend getaway in summer for hikers, skiers and snowboarders also enjoy the pistes here in the winter.

That’s why the cogwheel train has an option of a daily ticket which allows you to board the train as many times as you like. The daily ticket costs as much as a return ticket from Vitznau to Rigi Kulm (72 CHF) without any discounts. 

The good news is that there are a bunch of discounts you can try to get for this route. If you have the Swiss Travel Pass or the SBB Day Pass, you can ride the train for free. Also, if you’re staying in the area and you have the Rigi Guest Card (provided by your accommodation), you get a 50% discount. In any case, here’s a list of all the discounts for the Rigi Cogwheel Railway. 

GoldenPass Line

golden pass train

The Golden Pass Line offers one of the most scenic train rides in the entire country. The trains travel between Montreux and Lucerne, stopping in Interlaken along the way. One of the great things about this train ride is that it connects the spectacular Lake Geneva with central Switzerland, allowing you to enjoy both regions during your visit..

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There are three classes on the Golden Pass Line trains – 1st, 2nd, and Prestige. The Prestige class is the most luxurious option, with heated seats, huge panoramic windows , and a floor raised 40cm for the absolute best views. It’s also the priciest option out of the bunch, with a 35 CHF fee just for the seat reservation and an additional 93 CHF fee for the (one-way) ticket. 

The Prestige class is a luxurious way of experiencing one of the scenic train rides from Interlaken, but it’s not the only one. 2nd class tickets also include panoramic views, and they’re about 40 CHF cheaper. However, it’s worth noting that the difference between 1st and Prestige tickets is just 15 CHF, so you might as well go all out if you want to splurge on this train ride.  


jungfrau pass trains

Jungfraujoch is home to the highest railway station (and post office) in Europe. It’s a place you absolutely have to visit if you enjoy discovering unique attractions and landmarks, especially if you’re a fan of the panoramic train rides that lead to them. 

Top of Europe is the highlight of all trips to Jungfraujoch. The venue boasts a restaurant, shops, an ice palace, and a few other interesting attractions that will keep you busy while you’re there. Also, don’t miss out on the Sphinx observation deck, which offers incredible panoramic views of the 4000-meter peaks surrounding you, and the Aletsch Glacier below.

 It’s possible to travel to Jungfraujoch by train alone or combine it with a gondola. The train travels from Lauterbrunnen or Grindelwald to Kleine Scheidegg, where you switch trains and continue on to Jungfraujoch. The alternative is to ride the Eiger Express gondola from Grindelwald and then connect with the train from the top. This is a fairly new addition, and it’s currently the cheaper and faster way of reaching the Top of Europe.

Eiger Express Cable Car: All The Info In One Place

Brienzer rothorn.

Brienzer Rothorn Bahn

The Brienzer Rothorn Bahn is a unique opportunity to ride in a cogwheel steam train that’s more than a hundred years old. There are currently eight steam locomotives that run on this route, and they’ve all been in operation since 1892. 

Rothorn Kulm is the final stop on this train route, which is only accessible by train between June and October. Trains don’t run there in the winter months, so if you want the full Brienzer Rothorn Bahn experience, plan a summer visit. The trains run only on weekends, and a return ticket for a 2nd class seat will set you back around 50 CHF. 

It’s also possible to do shorter rides on this route, but you won’t get to soak up the incredible panoramic view of the 693 summits that surround the Rothorn. On top of that, it’s also worth noting that you’re not guaranteed a seat in an actual steam locomotive – in case of technical failures or unusually high demand, diesel locomotives can be used in place of steam-powered ones. 

Gornergrat Cog Railway

Gornergrat Railway Zermatt

Gornergrat is one of the popular day trip destinations from Zermatt because it is easily accessible by the cogwheel railway. The ride is about half an hour long, and you get to enjoy a fabulous view of the Matterhorn the entire time. When you arrive at the mountaintop village, you are rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding glaciers and mountains. 

The only problem is that the train tickets are very expensive, especially for such a short ride. One-way tickets are 44 CHF and return trip tickets are 88 CHF, and those are prices during the off-season. The tickets are most expensive between June and August, going up to as much as 126 CHF for a return ticket from Zermatt to Gorgengratt. 

The good news is that they accept all sorts of discounts, so if you have any of the popular tourist cards, you most likely won’t pay full price for this experience. Also, Swiss Travel Pass holders get to ride on this train for free. 

Riding The Gornergrat Bahn: All The Info You Need To Know

Voralpen express.

The Voralpen Express is a panoramic train that takes you from St. Gallen in Eastern Switzerland to Lucerne in Central Switzerland. The journey is 125 kilometers long, and it usually takes around 2 hours and 15 minutes to cover that distance. 

From one historic city to the next, this train ride is great for traveling the lesser-known routes in Switzerland. Sure, everyone and their mothers have heard of the Bernina Express and the Glacier Express by now, but the Voralpen Express has managed to stay under the radar for quite a while.

One-way tickets for a 2nd class seat on the Voralpen Express start at 48 CHF, but it’s pretty easy to get a discount. One thing I will point out is that it’s not the easiest thing in the world to purchase tickets for this specific train. Make sure that it’s indicated you’re traveling on the Voralpen Express on the ticket, otherwise you might end up paying for a ticket on a regular passenger train from Luzern to St. Gallen.  

Erlebniszug Rheinschlucht

Rhine Gorge Train

Erlebniszug Rheinschlucht is a panoramic train ride through the so-called Swiss Grand Canyon . This is more of a sarcastic nickname for the locals, so just refer to it as the Rhine Gorge if you don’t want to get any weird looks. 

This adventure train through the gorge runs on the weekends in the summer season, between June and late October. It boasts open observation cars that offer the best views of the area, as well as closed passenger cars. The train runs from Landquart to Ilanz with several stops in between and is a great way to explore the valley that is home to the start of the mighty Rhine river. 

Tickets for this scenic train ride are around 40 CHF if you want to depart from Chur and 26 CHF for departures from Flims. It’s important to note that Ruinaulta tickets allow you to get on and off the train as many times as you like during the day, so you’re free to go hiking in the area and explore as much of the gorge as you like. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to ride a panoramic train in switzerland, is glacier express considered a luxury train, is it possible to do both glacier express & bernina express in one day.

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7 Best Scenic Train Rides In Switzerland

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Stunning landscape views roll by your giant picture window as you depart on famous scenic train rides across Switzerland. From Geneva to Zurich and Basel to Zermatt, the Swiss Alps, turquoise lakes, and rolling pastures these best scenic train rides in Switzerland will fill your window with breathtaking scenery.

I have collected a few of my favorite train travel excursions across this beautiful country and presented them in no particular order. This is not an all-inclusive list of picturesque train trips through Switzerland, but it is a wonderful place to start dreaming of your next train-centric adventure.

1. Jungfraujoch – Top Of Europe

No matter what the season, a ride to Europe’s highest railway station, the Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe , is a panoramic adventure. At the summit’s Sphinx Terrace, you can view the Aletsch Glacier, the Black Forest, and the Vosges.

Plan to spend several hours at this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Make your way to the outside observation deck where the air is chilly and the views are beyond breathtaking. Slip and slide during a visit to the Ice Palace — an ice sculpture art gallery carved into the glacier in the 1930s. Everything here is ice; the floors, ceiling, and frozen tableaus impart an Ice Age adventure. Complete your mountaintop visit with a stop at the highest Lindt Chocolate shop in the world.

Downhill skiers will love exploring the Jungfrau region on their next European ski holiday.

2. Golden Pass Express, Montreux To Interlaken

Travel in First or Prestige Class for an elevated, quintessentially Swiss adventure on the Golden Pass Express between Montreux and Interlaken . Enjoy caviar and champagne as your luxury car rolls from Montreux, on beautiful Lake Geneva, to the charming town of Interlaken . The 3-plus-hour journey is filled with stunning views of crystal-blue lakes, verdant pastures, and snow-capped mountains.

Once in Interlaken, you can make the transfer to the Jungfraujoch for a close up encounter with the Bernese Oberland. On the Montreux terminus, you can sail around Lac Léman, aka Lake Geneva , and enjoy the quaint shoreline towns and bustling city of Geneva .

3. Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn

Skiers, photography buffs, and pretty much everyone else should visit the iconic Matterhorn at least once. Jump on the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn for a fabulous train ride. On this intrepid alpine adventure, your train encounters 33 tunnels and 126 overpasses while rising a whopping 3,300 meters (10,826 feet) in altitude.

Panoramic windows afford wide-angle views of craggy mountains, brilliantly blue waterways, and plenty of beautiful sunshine. This is why it’s one of the most scenic rides in Europe .

4. Glacier Express, Zermatt To St. Moritz

The Glacier Express route , Zermatt to St. Moritz, sets the standard that all Swiss scenic trains are measured upon. Slipping through the Swiss Alps, this route hits luxury ski resorts while imparting a slow-travel feeling. The journey takes 8 hours — a very slow express train ride — but the show-stopping scenery offers you a chance to absorb the wild beauty of this scenic route.

When you reach St. Moritz, book a stay at the Badrutt’s Palace Hotel . If you don’t want to break your budget with a stay of over $1,000 a night, simply stop by the Renaissance Bar for the St. Moritzino cocktail made with Cointreau, fresh lime, and orgeat syrup.

5. Bernina Express

The Bernina Express runs from Chur to Tirano, Italy. Four hours of glorious scenic vistas, the Bernina Express has steep runs, plentiful bridge crossings, icy glaciers, and Mediterranean palm trees. It offers such a wide variety of landscapes, guests are continually gushing over the sheer beauty and uniqueness of this train ride.

Both Switzerland and Italy are part of the Schengen Agreement , which allows passage between the countries’ borders. However, you should still carry your passport with you as you pass from country to country.

6. Cogwheel Railway To Mount Pilatus

If you love adventure, you will adore the cogwheel railway to Mount Pilatus . Billed as “the steepest cogwheel railway in the world” it reaches an alarming grade of 48 percent. The 30-minute, nail-biting ride up the mountain offers heart-pounding views.

If you decide a one-way train trip is all your nerves can take, there are a few alternatives. You can take the gondola, which offers 360-degree panoramic mountain views. Hiking down (or up) is another mode of transportation. AllTrails lists seven different options for hiking Mount Pilatus. Some are moderate and some are hard, but all of them go up, up, and up.

7. Gelmerbahn

From early June to late October, you can take the funicular ride of your life. The Gelmerbahn is a short, 12-minute ride in an open-air funicular car. The alarmingly steep grade offers spectacular views of Gelmersee — a brilliant blue lake — as you creep up the mountainside backwards.

Once at the top of the funicular, you can hike up to the Gelmerhütte for an overnight stay. The rooms are shared rustic spaces, but the mountaintop experience is unsurpassed.

Swiss Travel Pass

No matter how long your stay, the Swiss Travel Pass will save you money while you ride the rails, bus, or boat around the beautiful Swiss countryside.

For our most recent train travel content, check out these articles:

  • 5 Best Train Journeys In Europe For Jaw-Dropping Scenery
  • 3 (More) Best Scenic UK Train Journeys Every Traveler Should Take
  • 6 Top Scenic UK Train Rides Every Traveler Should Take

Image of Sandi Barrett

Sandi loves writing about culture, cuisine, adult beverages, cruising, golf, skiing, road trips, hiking, New England, and photography. Traveling solo, with hubby Chris, or the entire Barrett clan there is always a story waiting to be told.


The 5 most popular scenic train rides in Switzerland


The Swiss are big on trains. I mean, Sheldon Cooper big.

Let me explain that.

Switzerland only measures 220 by 348 kilometres, which results in a very manageable landmass of roughly 41.000 square kilometres. That’s only half the size of Lake Superior in the US/Canada. Or 2.5 times the size of Beijing.

Like I said, pretty manageable. 

Yet, if you sum up all the railway tracks running across the country, you’ll end up with a total of over 5.200 kilometres . 

That’s a lot. 

That’s the distance from Vancouver to Halifax. Or from Ushuaia to São Paulo. Or from Cairns to Sydney. Return!

You get the idea. The Swiss are big on trains. 

So it comes as no surprise that, in a place that is often associated with amazing scenery, a handful of these 5.200-odd kilometres are quite appealing to the eye. 

In this post, I’ll introduce you to the five most scenic and popular train rides in Switzerland . Mountain railways excluded.

1. The Golden Pass Line

The Golden Pass Line connects the centre of Switzerland with the shores of Lake Geneva. This spectacular journey leads past eight lakes , rides through six different cantons (the Swiss version of states), crosses three mountain passes and connects two language regions with each other.

And it offers about an estimated gazillion photo opportunities.

6 hours 4 minutes

191 kilometres (119 miles)

Transfers :

Interlaken and Zweisimmen

Trains run eight times a day, all year round.

Travel passes:

Eurail , Interrail , Swiss Travel Pass (Flex) , Saver Day Pass

Reservation required:

No, you don't necessarily need a reservation to use the Golden Pass trains. However, the Golden Pass customer service recommend booking a seat for the segment between Zweisimmen and Montreux, as it can get pretty busy during high season. Costs are around 20 CHF to make a reservation. But technically, you can do the whole trip without reserving a seat. If you'd like to make a reservation, visit the Golden Pass Website .

Getting off along the way:

You can easily interrupt your journey between Lucerne and Montreux and explore what's inbetween. The best places to stop over are probably Interlaken and Spiez. If you don't have a reservation for the whole journey, get off along the way as often as you please. 


Lucerne is where most people start their Golden Pass journey. This beautiful city by the shores of Lake Lucerne is mostly known for the Kapellbrücke – a wooden footbridge leading across the River Reuss – spectacular views over Lake Lucerne and Mount Pilatus as well as the famous Lion’s Monument and the Glacier Garden.

View over Lake Lucerne and Mount Pilatus

The old town of Lucerne with the Kapellbrücke

Lake Lungern and Brünig Pass

On the way from Lucerne to Interlaken, you’ll pass by Lake Lungern. This picturesque lake lies in a valley and can best be seen if you grab a seat on the right side. Coming from Interlaken, the best lake views are on the left. 

After passing the lake, the train starts climbing up to Brünig Pass, which sits at 1.008 metres (3.307 feet) above sea level. After the pass and on your way down to Interlaken, you’ll be presented with stunning views over Lake Brienz and into the Bernese Alps.

Lake Lungern

Lake Brienz, coming down from Brünig Pass

Interlaken is the starting point to many an adventure and most visitors to Switzerland pass through it at some point. You’re really spoiled for choice here when it comes to things to do. 

Activities include a very expensive cruise up Jungfrau (Top of Europe), a boat ride on Lake Brienz or Lake Thun, a trip to the villages of Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald, an adrenaline-packed session of skydiving, paragliding, canyoning or just a good old hike in front of the famous Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mountain trio.  


The Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau trio in the Bernese Alps

Lake Thun and Spiez

Lake Thun tends to take people’s breath away. Gazing out the window on your way to Spiez, you might understand everyone’s affections for this lake. Grab a seat on the right side for better views.

Built by the shores of Lake Thun, Spiez is a wonderful little town. A one-hour stopover gives you plenty of time to head down to the shores of Lake Thun, visit the castle, walk through the pretty town with its vineyards or even go for a quick dip in the lake.

Lake Thun in Spiez

Spiez Castle

Bernese Oberland

A big chunk of the Golden Pass Line takes you through the Bernese Oberland. This area is a dream for mountain-lovers and pretty much sums up what Switzerland is about. Lakes, mountains, lush meadows with grazing cows, glaciers, tons of hiking trails , wonderful landscapes and cute little villages.

In winter, the area turns into a haven for the snow-seeking crowd. Gstaad, the counterpart to St.Moritz in the Bernese Alps, is particularly popular.

Cruising through the beautiful Bernese Oberland

The Golden Pass Panorama Express train

Montreux marks the end, or the beginning, of the Golden Pass Line. This beautiful city by Lake Geneva is the gateway to many attractions in the area.

Whether you‘re visiting the Château de Chillon , the city of Vevey, the UNESCO World Heritage site of  Lavaux vineyards or just hanging out next to the Freddie Mercury statue in Montreux, this city will make it worth your while.

Throughout the year, several music, comedy and arts festivals take place. The Montreux Jazz Festival being the most popular one. 

The city of Montreux by Lake Geneva

Chateau de Chillon

2. Glacier Express

The Glacier Express - also known as the world’s slowest express train – is probably the best known scenic train ride in Switzerland. It connects the two highly popular mountain destinations of St.Moritz and Zermatt. 

What makes this journey so memorable are the fantastic views you get left, right and centre throughout the whole ride. The train takes you across 291 bridges, through 91 tunnels, three cantons and two language regions.

8 hours 3 minutes

291 kilometres (181 miles)

Trains run once a day during winter and three times a day during summer. But only two out of the four summer trains complete the whole journey between St. Moritz and Zermatt.

Yes. Even if you have a travel pass, reservations are mandatory. Short distances cost between 29 and 39 CHF, while long distances range between 39 and 49 CHF. Depending on the season you travel in.

To add a reservation to your travel pass, head to the Glacier Express booking site . Follow the booking process all the way through to the end, select your pass just before checking out and the ticket price will be taken off your total.

Penny-pincher version :

It’s possible to travel between St. Moritz and Zermatt without paying a reservation fee. For this, you’ll need to downgrade from the fancy Glacier Express trains and use regular trains instead. 

Get on in St. Moritz and transfer in Reichenau-Tamins, Disentis/Mustér, Andermatt and Visp. You’d be surprised, but even though you’ll be changing trains all the time, it’ll only take you around 20 minutes longer to reach your destination. To put together your schedule, head to the SBB website .

These regular trains travel the exact same route as the Glacier Express does. The only thing you’ll be missing out on are the panorama windows. 

In addition to saving you the reservation fee, this option also l ets you travel more flexibly because trains run a lot more frequently.

Getting off along the way :

I don't recommend interrupting your Glacier Express journey as you need a reservation for this trip. However, if you really want to stop over, make sure you arrange your reservations accordingly. 

If you opt for the penny-pincher version, you can get off along the way as often and as long as you please.


The mountain village of St. Moritz is a highly popular holiday destination all year round. Surrounded by towering mountains and in close proximity to Lake St. Moritz and Lake Silvaplana , the area offers something for everyone. Whether you’re into biking, hiking , stand up paddling, swimming, windsurfing, skiing, sledding, ice skating, snowshoeing or just enjoying the views, you’ll find your heart’s desire.

The fancy mountain resort of St. Moritz

Lake St. Moritz

Albula Line (UNESCO)

Landwasser viaduct.

The Landwasser Viaduct between St. Moritz and Thusis is quite a masterpiece. This impressive construction is 142 metres (466 feet) long and 65 metres (213 feet) high. What makes it so unique is the fact that the viaduct leads straight into a tunnel.  

The impressive Landwasser Viaduct disappearing into a tunnel

The Albula Line between Preda and Bergün is going to make your head spin. Since the train loses lots of altitude in this segment, it spirals its way down across six viaducts and through three loop tunnels. If you pay attention, you’ll notice the train changing the side of the valley several times. 

Chur is the capital of the Canton of Grisons. Relatively small in size, it offers plenty of sights and a wonderful old town. It’s also the starting point to many a trip in the vicinity, like to the crystal clear Lake Gauma or the dramatic Rhine Gorge .

Chur is the capital city of the Canton of Grisons

Rhine Gorge

Also known as the „Swiss Grand Canyon“, the Rhine Gorge was formed during a massive landslide around 10.000 years ago. Carved out by the river over many centuries, the Rhine Gorge is now a popular destination for hikers, bikers and river-rafters. Coming from St. Moritz, you’ll get the best views of the canyon if you sit on the left.

The Rhine Gorge - also known as the Swiss Grand Canyon

Oberalp Pass

At 2.033 metres (6.670 feet) above sea level, the Oberalp Pass connects Disentis/Mustér in the Canton of Grisons with Andermatt in the Canton of Uri. This pass is the highest point of the Glacier Express.

The Glacier Express making its way across the Alps at Oberalp Pass

The village of Zermatt sits right in front of the Matterhorn , Switzerland’s most famous mountain. In case you don’t know what the Matterhorn looks like, have some Toblerone chocolate and study the packaging. 

The hiking, biking and photo opportunities in this area are seemingly endless. Riding up the Gornergrat with its mountain and glacier views will blow your socks off. And only 15 minutes from Zermatt lies Randa, the starting point to hiking across the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge . 

For more insider tips about what to do in Zermatt, read the  interview I did with my local friend Gabriela. 

The village of Zermatt

The Matterhorn, Switzerland's most famous mountain

3. Bernina Express

They say the most spectacular way to cross the Alps is on board the Bernina Express . 

And they might be right. 

This train takes you from the medieval city of Chur across the Alps and all the way into sunny Italy. Between Chur and St. Moritz, the Bernina Express covers the exact same route as the Glacier Express. 

After St. Moritz, it starts climbing up to glistening glaciers before heading down to the palms of Italy. It passes through 55 tunnels and crosses 196 bridges along the way.

The train ends in the Italian city of Tirano. From there, the Bernina Express Bus takes passengers through the famous Valtellina wine region past Lake Como and back into Switzerland.

4 hours 13 minutes (train from Chur to Tirano), 3 hours 10 minutes (bus from Tirano to Lugano)

156 kilometres (97 miles) on the train, 90 kilometres ( 56 miles) on the bus

The Bernina Express runs from May through November. Unfortunately, their schedule is too complicated to put in words. Please check their current timetable to put together your itinerary.

Yes. Even if you have a travel pass, reservations are mandatory. The seat reservation costs between 20 CHF and 26 CHF, depending on the season you travel in. Head to the Bernina Express booking site to make your reservation.

The same principle that works for the Glacier Express applies to the Bernina Express. To avoid paying the reservation fee , use regular trains. Get on in Chur and transfer in St. Moritz and Poschiavo. If you add the journey from Tirano to Lugano, you’ll need to transfer in Tirano and Monza as well.

However, if you travel onwards to Lugano, your Swiss Travel Passes won’t do you any good since this part is served by the Italian Railway . For detailed ticket information, consult the Trenitalia website. 

I don't recommend interrupting your Bernina Express journey as you need a reservation for this trip. However, if you really want to stop over, make sure you arrange your reservations accordingly. 


Between Chur and St. Moritz, the Bernina Express covers the exact same route as the Glacier Express. Please see above for a more detailed description of Chur, the Rhine Gorge, the Albula Line, the Landwasser Viaduct and St. Moritz.

Ospizio Bernina

At 2.535 metres (8.317 feet) above sea level, Ospizio Bernina is the highest point of the Bernina Line. It’s around here that you cross the language border between the Romansh-speaking Engadine and the Italian-speaking Poschiavo Valley. 

The Bernina Express at Ospizo Bernina

The Bernina Express making its way across the Alps


The Poschiavo Valley in the southern Alps is a fantastic place to go hiking or enjoy a walk along the lake. It’s where the Bernina Express crosses the Swiss-Italian border and takes you to Tirano, where you transfer to the Bernina Express Bus to Lugano.

Lago Bianco on the way to Valposchiavo

Lago di Poschiavo

Brusio Circular Viaduct

The circular viaduct in Brusio is another spectacular construction on the Bernina Line. In order to overcome the altitude in the narrow Poschiavo Valley, the train has to take a 360-degree turn.

The Bernina Express spiralling its way down to Valposchiavo in Brusio

Valtellina and Lake Como

On the way from Tirano to Lugano, you’ll ride through the stunning wine region of Valtellina. Before crossing the border back into Switzerland, you’ll be driving past Lake Como, the place where George Clooney and many other celebrities got married.

Berbenno in the Valtellina Valley

Menaggio by Lake Como

Lugano is the biggest city in the Canton of Ticino and the third biggest financial centre in Switzerland - right behind Zurich and Geneva. Its Mediterranean charm, the flowery parks and the stunning views from one of the many surrounding mountains make this city worth paying a visit. 

The nearby outdoor museum Swissminiatur in the village of Mendrisio is a replica of Switzerland in small. I used to love going there as a kid… I guess I owe most of my Swiss geography knowledge to that place.

Lake Lugano

The Swissminiatur in Mendrisio

4. Voralpen Express

The Voralpen Express, which literally translates to „pre-Alpine Express“, commutes between St.Gallen and Lucerne. In comparison to the other train rides in this post, the Voralpen Express is the least touristy one. 

It doesn’t come with fancy panorama windows and there’s no friendly voice pointing out what viaduct you just crossed. But that doesn’t make it any less worth riding.

2 hours 16 minutes

125 kilometres (78 miles)

The Voralpen Express leaves St. Gallen and Lucerne every hour, all year round.

Eurail , Interrail , Swiss Travel Pass (Flex), Saver Day Pass , Voralpen Express Ticket

Since the Voralpen Express is not a panoramic tourist train like the other ones and you therefore don't need a reservation, you can get off along the way as often and as long as you want. The place I'd recommend checking out for a while is Rapperswil.


The city of St. Gallen has a lot to offer. Places like the Abbey District, the recreational area of Drei Weieren and the free wildlife park of Peter & Paul make it easy to spend a few hours in this city. Head over to a more detailed guide of things to do in St. Gallen .

The cathedral in the Abbey District of St. Gallen

The recreational area of Drei Weieren

The Toggenburg area is nestled between two towering mountain ranges - the Alpstein and the Churfirsten. This part of Switzerland is incredibly pretty and might make you feel like you’ve stepped into a fairy tale. At least that’s how my Australian friend described it when I took her on the Voralpen Express.

You’ll pass by green, rolling hills and traditional farmers’ houses as the train makes its way through the Appenzell and Toggenburg area towards Lake Zurich.

The Churfirsten mountain range in the Toggenburg

This little town by Lake Zurich is one of my favourite places in Switzerland. I lived here for three years while I was studying urban planning with Gabriela , Andrea , Tobi and Yannic . 

If you have enough time, I recommend getting off the train for an hour and exploring the beautiful „City of Roses". The impressive Rapperswil Castle, the charming promenade, Switzerland’s longest wooden bridge leading halfway across Lake Zurich and plenty of great spots with great views will make it worth your while.

The beautiful town of Rapperswil by Lake Zurich

Travelling between St. Gallen and Lucerne

Rothenthurmer Moor

Once the Voralpen Express is done climbing the hills behind Lake Zurich, it soon passes through the area of the Rothenthurmer Moor. This swampy landscape stretches across 10 kilometres (6 miles) between Biberbrugg and Rothenthurm and is the first moor to be protected in Switzerland.

Walking the moorland trail between Biberbrugg and Rothenthurm takes just over two hours and is very easy to complete. Another opportunity to break up the Voralpen Express journey…

Lakes Zurich, Zug and Lucerne

Between St. Gallen and Lucerne, the Voralpen Express passes by three Swiss lakes : Lake Zurich, Lake Zug and Lake Lucerne.

On the way from Arth Goldau to Immensee

Lucerne is either the starting or finishing point for people travelling the Voralpen Express. This vibrant city by the shores of Lake Lucerne is mostly known for the Kapellbrücke – a wooden footbridge leading across the River Reuss – spectacular views over Lake Lucerne and Mount Pilatus, the Swiss Museum of Transport as well as the Lion’s Monument and the Glacier Garden.

The Lion's Monument in Luzern

5. Gotthard Panorama Express

If you follow the motto „the journey is the reward“, you’re going to love travelling the historic Gotthard Line from Lucerne to Lugano.

For the first leg of your trip, you travel across the lake from Lucerne to Flüelen on board a steamboat. In Flüelen, the Gotthard Panorama Express train takes you through the historic Gotthard route all the way down to the sunny south on Switzerland. 

Before the world’s longest tunnel opened in 2016, travelling this route through the Gotthard massif was the normal way to get to the Canton of Ticino by train. Today, the 57 kilometres (35 miles) long Gotthard Basistunnel saves commuters lots of time by bolting through the Alps in less than 20 minutes. 

2 hours 43 minutes (boat from Lucerne to Flüelen), 2 hours 28 minutes (train from Flüelen to Lugano) 

38 kilometres (24 miles) on the steamboat, 183 kilometres (114 miles) on the train.

From Tuesday through Sunday, the Gotthard Panorama Express leaves once a day. Their season starts in April and ends in October. Check their current schedule here as the dates change every year.

Swiss Travel Pass (Flex), Saver Day Pass  

With a Eurail and Interrail Pass, you get 50% off the boat ride from Lucerne to Flüelen. The train ride from Flüelen to Lugano is included.

For up to date information on which pass or ticket covers what, visit the SBB website . 

Yes. The reservation fee costs 24 CHF. You can book your Gotthard Panorama Express ticket including seat reservation directly through Swiss Activities.

You can travel the Gotthard Panorama Line without making a reservation by, you might have guessed it, using regular trains. Even though the historical Gotthard line is no longer the primary way to connect the Ticino with the rest of Switzerland, it’s still in use.

Trains run hourly between Erstfeld and Bellinzona all year round. To put together your personal itinerary, consult the SBB website. 

I don't recommend interrupting your Gotthard Panorama Express journey as you need a reservation for this trip and you can only complete it in one go.

However, if you really want to stop over, make sure you arrange your reservations accordingly. There's an option to book this trip with an overnight stay.


Lucerne is either the starting or finishing point of people travelling the Gotthart Panorama Express. This beautiful city by the shores of Lake Lucerne is mostly known for the Kapellbrücke – a wooden footbridge built in 1356 – spectacular views over Lake Lucerne and Mount Pilatus as well as the Lion’s Monument and the Glacier Garden.

The famous Kappellbrücke in Lucerne

Lake Lucerne

On the ride across the stunning Lake Lucerne, you’ll pass by several places of importance in Swiss history. You’ll see the Rütliwiese, Switzerland's founding place, and you’ll also get a glimpse of the Tell’s Chapel. According to legend, our alleged national hero, William Tell, escaped the fangs of his enemy in this place by jumping off his boat. Read more about William Tell and the saga around his existence in this article .

Cruise across Lake Lucerne on a steamboat

The Tell's Chapel on the way to Flüelen

Baroque church of Wassen

This little church is iconic to the Gotthard line and every child in Switzerland knows about it. Well, if they’ve travelled to the Ticino by train before 2016, that is. 

This little church in the village of Wassen, commonly known as „Chileli vo Wasse“, sits on a hill and can be seen from three different angles on the way up to the former Gotthard tunnel. Since the train passes two turning loops in this area, it keeps riding past the Chileli from different sides, which is what makes this spot so well-known. 

There’s even a catchy song about the Chileli vo Wasse… That’s how popular it is.

You'll pass by the Chileli vo Wasse three times on your way to the Gotthard Tunnel

Bellinzona is the capital of the Ticino. It’s mainly famous for its three impressive castles Montebello, Castelgrande and Sasso Corbaro, which are part of the Swiss UNESCO World Heritage sites. They were built in the 15th century and make for an impressive, knight-like excursion. 

The Piazza Independenza in Bellinzona

One of the three castles in Bellinzona

The nearby outdoor museum of Swissminiatur in the village of Mendrisio is a replica of Switzerland in small.

View over Lugano

And here you have it.

Five amazingly scenic train rides in Switzerland summed up. Of course, there are plenty more great rides you can enjoy around here. Like for instance the mountain railways up Jungfrau , Pilatus or Gornergrat . Just to name a few.

If you’d like to share any additional train rides you've been on in Switzerland, please let me know in the comments below. 

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Hi Seraina,

This post on scenic train rides is very helpful. For the Golden Pass line you were able to specify which side of the train(left, right) we should sit for best views. Is it possible for you to specify which side we should sit for the best view for the remaining scenic train rides.

Thanks, Dhruw

Thanks for reaching out 🙂 Actually, if you do any of the other scenic rides (as in the full journey or a section that’s longer than an hour) it doesn’t really matter which side you pick. You will get fantastic views on both sides. I specifically mentioned the part between Lucerne and Interlaken because I love the views you get coming down from Brünig Pass. But generally speaking, you can’t go wrong. Whichever side you choose…

Enjoy your trip, Seraina

I am starting to plan my trip with my husband. We are from Sydney Australia. The 1st thing we must do is see our son’s art installation in Lens at the end of March. After, in July, we wish to go by rail to see Switzerland.’If we get rail passes is it possible to ge off at different places and board the train again to complete the route or are we to stay on the train for the full length. As I have not booked our flight yet as I do not know where we will land, as this depends on the trains. Thank you for your time.

Hello Helen

Thank you for your comment. I‘m happy to hear you‘re coming to Switzerland 🙂

As to your question, you can generally get on and off any train in Switzerland whenever, wherever and as often as you like with your travel pass.

The only exception is if you make a seat reservation on one of the scenic trains. Then you should probably stay on until the end. But if you don‘t reserve your seat, you‘re free to hop on and off throughout the journey.

Please note that some trains require you to make a reservation. But even then you could interrupt your journey along the way.

I hope this answers your question. If not, feel free to shoot me another message.

Hi, Thanks for the information. Its quite elaborate. I am travelling to Swiss in first month of July on a business visa. I have 5 days (2 weekends in first week and 3 weekends in last week) to spare time and explore the country. My friend shall join me and he comes all the way from France. So, he prefers to explore Geneva too in the first weekend as its near to the border. So, with 5 days in hand and the preferences are Geneva, Lucerne, one best ride among the above panoramic train rides and one or two peaks (among Titlis, Jungfraujoch, Stoos and Pilates), request you to please suggest some itinerary.

Hi Ravi, thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, as I mentioned on my about and contact page, I don’t offer a personalised itinerary planning service. I’m sorry but I can’t help you with your questions. However, I did write an itinerary guide with a collection of possible 2-day itineraries. You can find it here . Maybe this will be helpful to you? Especially since you’re looking for things to do on a weekend. I hope you enjoy your time in Switzerland. Seraina

I just purchased the ebook you have written for travel in Switzerland. I must complement you for the extensive information in it and the practical nature of the book. Saved me tons of hours – I can directly choose the routes of my choice and hop onto the transport! I am visiting Swiss for 4 days and entering Geneva. Just wondering which two 2-day routes to choose for a nice mini vacation with my wife.

Thank you so much for your lovely comment. This made my day 🙂 I‘m so glad you find my ebook useful and thank you for your support. I hope you‘ll enjoy your time in Switzerland and find the right itinerary for you and your wife.

Happy planning, Seraina

Where to buy the Ebook?

Hi Rahul, thank you for your question. The ebooks are available under the itinerary section.

Thank you for such a detailed description of each route. I and my wife are travelling to Switzerland from 4th – 7th October, 2019. We want to experience the Glacier Express. But as it takes more than 8hrs we don’t want to travel the full way. We are planning to stay at Interlaken as we also want to visit Mt. Schilthorn, Grindelwald first, Glacier 3000 etc. We will have a 4 day swiss rail pass.

Can you suggest that which portion(s) of the Glacier Express I should select considering my preference is to see a lot of snow around. Also how early should I reserve my seat at Glacier express considering it is fall season.

Hello Anuran

Thanks for your comment. Your question actually isn’t an easy one to answer. But I’ll give it my best shot 🙂

Since you want to spend a fair amount of time in Interlaken and visit all these mountains you mentioned, you should get to see lots of snow there. As for the Glacier Express, this will take you a lot of time whichever part you leave out. The two starting points in St. Moritz and Zermatt are both a long way from Interlaken. If you’d like to cut off certain parts, I suggest you either leave out St. Moritz – Chur or Visp – Zermatt. Maybe even both. That way, you can make your way to either Chur or Visp to start your trip.

However, like I said, getting there from Interlaken will still take a while. What you could do, if you land in Zurich, is to go straight to Chur, spend a night there, take the Glacier Express the next day to Visp and go from Visp to Interlaken. This will still be a very long day with lots of train rides, but you will have seen some of the Glacier Express route. Since it’s October, I unfortunately can’t promise you a whole lot of snow along the way. But like I said, if you go up into the mountains, you should get a good amount of snow there.

As for the reservation, I can’t tell you how busy it will be in fall. For more information on that, I suggest you contact the Glacier Express customer service directly. They have more experience with their passenger numbers.

I hope this helped. Happy planning and enjoy your trip to Switzerland.

Hi Seraina, Thank you so much for such a prompt reply. Since there won’t me much snow in the Glacier Express route, now I am considering to do a small part or may be completely removing it from my itinerary.

I will be coming from Venice & land in Geneva on 3rd Oct – 9:30PM. My return flight to India is also from Geneva on 8th @12:40PM.

This is what I have thought of for 4th-7th Oct. (I will have a Swiss travel pass)

Day 1- Early morning train from Geneva to Lauterbrunnen (6AM-9:25AM). Will visit Schilthorn mountain (on the way will visit Gimmelwald, Mürren) till lunch. Post lunch will do paragliding @Interlaken. Night stay Interlaken.

Day 2 – Early morning train to Grindelwald. Visit Grindelwald First & do 2-3 activities, visit Klein Scheidegg if I have time. At 6:00PM travel to Zermatt (6PM – 8:14PM). Night stay @Zermatt.

Day 3 – In the morning visit Matterhorn (Glacier Paradise ride). Will come down to Brig by normal train. Catch the 2:10PM Glacier Express Train & travel to Chur (2:10PM – 6:24 PM). From Chur travel to Lucerne ( 7:16PM – 9:25PM). Night stay Lucerne.

Day 4 – Early morning visit to lake Lucerne, Chapel Bridge, Lion monument. Then travel to Rhine Falls. leave Rhine Falls by 4:30PM. From Neuhausen Rheinfall travel to Geneva (5:01 – 8:45). Night stay @Geneva.

In the above itinerary I am missing Glacier 3000. Which I can visit on day 4 but in that case I have to leave the Lucerne sightseeing & Rhine Falls. But as per your previous answer I have very small chance of seeing snow @Glacier 3000 which was my main aim.

Do you think the above itinerary is possible or is it too ambitious or hectic? We both are 30-31 yrs old & moderately fit.

All the travel mentioned here is by train. Timings are taken from http://www.sbb.ch/en Thank you very much for your help.

Wow, that’s quite a plan you’ve got here 🙂 I like it… And while it is very ambitious, I think you can do it. You’ve done your research with the trains as well, which is great. So I’d say go for it. You can always leave out certain things if you feel it’s too much but generally speaking, this sounds like a very good plan. And skipping Glacier3000 is probably a good idea because getting there takes a while, wherever you start from. You’d need a full day for that. So what you have planned now should work a lot better..

Have fun here in Switzerland. You’ll be arriving in Geneva right on my birthday by the way 😉

Thank you soooo much for your help. Your blog & comments have helped me a lot to plan my Switzerland itinerary. Can’t thank you enough 🙂

You‘re very welcome!

Had a question regarding train visit vs by road visit. I am flying to Munich and from there i am starting my trip to southern germany, western austria, and then i am moving towards swiss area. Can you find the same amount of scenic views by road or it’s better to take train? Since i have a rental vehicle i need to find a place to park it for few days while i ride a train. Can i do round trip in 1 day ? where is the best scenic views that i could get? Money is not an object. I only have 3 days in Swiss.

Hi Prashant

Thanks for your comment. Actually, since you already have a car, I wouldn’t suggest just parking that somewhere for three days and catch the train instead. You can also do scenic car rides in Switzerland. Personally, if I had to choose, I would always prefer the train but that’s just me. And like I said, if you do have a vehicle, it’s very easy to visit some beautiful spots as well. To plan your route, I suggest you visit the Grand Tour of Switzerland website. It’s a fantastic resource that’ll help you plan your roadtrip through Switzerland and past some stunning places.

I hope this helped. Enjoy your time here. Seraina

Hello Saraina, I will be in Switzerland next year for holidays with friends and we will fly from Venice. We are interested in the Golden Pass line. Can we travel in the opposite direction from Montreux to Lucerne? Thanks Vijay

Dear Vijay, thank you for your question. And yes, you can absolutely travel the Golden Pass Line from Montreux to Lucerne. It goes both ways… Enjoy the ride! It‘s a great one 🙂 Seraina

Hi Seraina, Thank you for your quick reply. Do we need a Eurail pass ? Otherwise, please send me the link for booking online and please advise on early booking. Thank you

Hi Vijay, you’re welcome 🙂 Yes, I’d suggest you buy a Eurail Pass for this trip as it covers the whole Golden Pass Line along with tons of other train rides in Switzerland. To book a travel pass, you can use this link that’ll take you straight to the Eurail website. Please note that this is an affiliate link, which means that I will get a small commission from Eurail for sending you towards them. This doesn’t cost you anything extra but it will help me keep running this website 🙂 So you would be doing me a huge favour by booking your pass through my link. Thought you should know… If you have any other questions about your trip, please don’t hesitate to ask…

Hi Seraina, If I buy the ’15 Days pass within 2 months’pass at a price of $ 560, can I use it without any additional cost for the Euro tunnel served by Eurostar and can I use the same pass in Europe for the routes operated by the partners? Regards

I just checked the Eurail website for you and it seems that you will need to pay extra and make a reservation for the Eurostar. Please go to the Eurail website and enter „Eurostar“ into the search field. You‘ll be taken to all the information you need to know about this journey. Regards, Seraina

HI, thank you so much for your detailed description. It really helps with planning our trip. We are travelling to Switzerland from 3rd Oct to 7th Oct 2019. And we have bought the 4day pass. I would like to know if you have any recommendations on how to travel from Lugano to St. Moritz. I was trying to book the Palm Express via Maloja Pass but it only seems to go from St. Moritz to Lugano direction. Would love to get a suggestion. Thanks so much. Looking forward to visiting this beautiful country.

Dear Neelam Thank you for your question. Actually, the best way to travel between St. Moritz and Lugano is by Bernina Express. However, the official Bernina Express including the bus between Tirano and Lugano only travels in one direction, starting in St. Moritz. But since you’re travelling the other way round, you can catch a regular bus from Lugano to Tirano and transfer to the Bernina Express train in Tirano. Please refer to the Bernina Express timetable ( here’s the direct link ) to find your connection. The best one I found for you leaves Lugano at 10:00 and arrives in St. Moritz at 16:11 with one transfer in Tirano. I hope this helps. Happy planning and enjoy your time in Switzerland Seraina

Hello Seraina, Firstly, commend you on the utmost diligence and detail-oriented original post; yet, equally, on your responses here.

Question: we live in Tuscany. After researching several alpine routes by train, I lend my brain to digest more of the logistics “Glassier Express.” As a package 3d/2n, In July.

1. It sounds like one can start from Zermatt or St.Moritz. Very few of the Trenitalia will go that route…if any! 2. According to your post, there might be an option of catching Tirannò train to St.Morttz, to peel off Bernina express. 3. What would you recommend: -which way of the Glassier Express to start? -and getting there from Italy by train? -less busses the better 😉

Thanks again. Looking forward to your expertly suggestion. Misha

Hello Misha, thank you for your questions. I will try my best to answer them for you:

1. Yes, you can start in Zermatt or St. Moritz and only Glacier Express goes that route. No other railway company does it. And it doesn’t matter which way you go. They’re both the same. 2. Yes, you can catch the Bernina Express train in Tirano to St. Moritz. It’s another scenic train route. 3. From Italy, I recommend going to Tirano, then Bernina Express to St. Moritz, then Glacier Express to Zermatt. Or you can go to Domodossola, then with the SBB train to Brig, from there with MGB to Zermatt and then with the Glacier Express to St. Moritz.

I hope this helps. Have a wonderful time in Switzerland! Seraina

Hi Seraina, Thanks for — as usual –, the most attentive-to-details response in answering my complicated question.

Lastly, I have a few refinements/questions to plan my [surprise wedding anniversary] trip to the utmost detailing as possible to capture the beauty of the Swiss Alps. Some points, as usual: 1. From the last time I've written to you, the 'die was cast' 😉 I've decided to do Bernina Express + Glassier Express starting from Lugano;

2. That said, I have all the logistics of staying in Lugano + St. Moritz + Zermatt [In that sequence], and getting on the bus in Lugano to transfer, eventually, the the train ride in St. Moritz, and on ….and on…and on…

3. Do you see any problems with that choice?;

4. What would be your suggestions for choice of seats [left/right] sides of the train: a. Bernina Express from Tirano, IT;? b. Glassier Express St. Moritz–Zermatt? you only outlined one excerpt [Coming from St. Moritz, you’ll get the best views of the canyon if you sit on the left.] c. Any other points of booking the seats in "the missing links" ? 🙂

Grazie in anticipo, Misha

Hi Misha, wow lots of questions. I’ll try to answer them as good as I can:

1. Good choice! 2. Again, good choice 😉 3. No, I don’t see any problems with that. If you’ve booked the bus from Lugano to Tirano and have your seat reservations for the trains, you will be great. 4a) I’ve never done the Bernina Express on the bus unfortunately. So I can’t tell you which side is better. But I’m sure you will have great views from both sides. 4b) It really depends and to be honest, it doesn’t matter too much on which side you sit because you will have fantastic views from both sides. We sat on the right coming from Zermatt to St. Moritz and really enjoyed our views. But they are great on both sides and there is not one good and one bad side. So whichever side you choose, it will be good. 4c) I don’t know what you mean by “the missing links”. Sorry.

Hope this helps and enjoy your trip, Seraina

Loved the way you guided the others so here’s my question and it would be great If you could suggest me something. So I’m travelling with my parents to Switzerland between 4th Dec to 7th Dec 2019. My mother was really interested in the Bernini express but unfortunately, since we are staying in Lucerne, its a completely different route. Can you please suggest any of the other scenic train rides that you feel could be covered in one day?

Regards, Debduhita

Hello Debudhita

Lovely to hear from you. Thank you for your comment. Happy to help…

So since you are based in Lucerne, either the Voralpen Express or the Golden Pass Line will work. Both are beautiful but if you‘d like to do the whole thing in one day, the Voralpen Express will probably be less intense. You could also fit in a visit in St. Gallen or Zurich on your way back to Lucerne with that one.

Technically, you could do the Golden Pass in one day but that would be a looot of hours on the train. Especially because you have to travel back to Lucerne from Montreux. If you do fancy doing parts of the Golden Pass, I‘d suggest you only go to Spiez and travel back via Bern to Lucerne. Or even cut it short in Interlaken. You have plenty of options and are quite flexible. But if it was me, I personally wouldn‘t do the whole Golden Pass in one day.

I hope this helps. Enjoy your trip over here 🙂

This is an excellent guide for trains. Thumbs up!

Me and fiancé will be in Zurich on 18/Dec – 22/Dec. (23/Dec-27/Dec, will be spending Christmas with friends in Friedrichshafen Germany). We intend to visit Zurich and apart from that, jump onto one of these fantastic train rides from 18/Dec-22/Dec & 28/Dec-4/Jan. Ending up in Geneva will be good as we plan to head to Florence after that.

Would you have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot

Thank you for your comment. I’m glad you like my guide 🙂 Awesome to hear you’re coming to Switzerland this winter, too.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you any detailed suggestions as there are so many things you can do in Switzerland in the amount of time you have available. And putting together personalised itineraries would be very time consuming. This is why I am currently working on a series of itinerary guides . They all start in either Zurich or Geneva. I’m sure you could find some inspiration in there and the scenic train rides are also included in those chapters. I hope you can understand that I don’t have enough time to create personalised itineraries. Happy planning and have a fantastic time when you’re here.

Take care, Seraina

Are these routes roundtrip, or oneway?

Hi Tina, these routes are all oneway…

Thanks for this super helpful post. I will be going to Switzerland in mid-late April for about 7 days visiting Zurich, Lucerne, Interlaken, Lausanne, Geneva. I have some specific questions for you:-

1. I have checked weather forecasts, but based on your experience, how cold will it be? Our group includes 4 senior citizens (60-70 years old).

2. I think the Golden Pass Line works well for the places I plan to visit. I see the rates in the range of ~$200-250 per person for these days. Does that sound right? I find it very expensive. Is there any other cheaper train that connects these cities?

Hello there 🙂 Thank you for your comment. I will try to answer your questions as accurately as I can.

1. This is a hard one as temperatures may vary. Especially in April. But generally speaking, I think temperatures during the day should range between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius in the places you mentioned. Please don’t hold me to it, though. We’ve had 0 degrees in April before and there’s a saying in Switzerland that goes: April does whatever April wants. I’m sorry I can’t give you a more precise answer.

2. Definitely don’t pay 250.- for the Golden Pass Line. That definitely is a bit much. If I were you, I’d try to either get a national day pass or a saver day pass for your travel days. Or, if you’re using public transport in Switzerland for more than just the Golden Pass Line, grab a Eurail/Interrail or Swiss Travel Pass. I talk about those option in more depth in this post.

I hope this helps. Happy planning and enjoy your time in Switzerland. Seraina

Your website and suggestions are great. Thank you for your hard work. I am planning to visit Switzerland with my wife for 4-5 days. We would like to see most of the country either by regular or scenic trains. We can arrive at Geneva or Zurich or Basel. Would like to know what would be the best scenic route we can take as we don’t mind arriving at one but returning from a different airport as long as we can make most of our trip. Will be good if we can start from one end and finish at the other. What would be your suggestion about tickets and from where shall we start and end? Shall we book the hotels in advance or book when we arrive in different cities? Thanks in advance for your help.

Dear Mas Thank you for your comment and your lovely compliment. It means a lot… Your question is a tricky one to answer, actually. Unfortunately, I can’t give personal advice on itineraries as that is very, very time consuming. I’m really sorry and hope you can understand. But since this is a question I get quite frequently, I created a series of itinerary guides to help people plan their trip to Switzerland. Think of them as pre-built itinerary suggestions that will give you ideas and inspiration to plan your trip and what to expect in Switzerland. The hotel question is up to you, really. If you’d like to play it save, maybe book ahead. That way, you can research the prices as well and make sure you have a bed to sleep in. Or, if you’re adventurous and like to stay flexible, just wing it as you go. But keep in mind that this might end up being more expensive without any research. I hope this helps. Happy planning and enjoy your time in Switzerland. Seraina

These five panoramic rides can be beautifully chained together. Say Zurich is your starting point, you take a regular train to St Gallen, then Voralpen, Gothaard, Bernina, Glaciers, regular train to Montreaux (or loop around to Chamonix, Geneve, Evian, Lausanne), Golden Pass and then regular train to Berne and on to Zurich. If you don’t want such a train intensive vacation you can add side trips to Constance Lake, Luzern, Interlaken, Vaduz, Ticino area / Milano or the aforementioned Lac Leman. Is this itinerary not popular? I wonder why it never gets mentioned in travel blogs.

That‘s a very interesting itinerary! A little crazy but for someone that loves trains, it’s perfect. Thank you for the suggestion. I will include this in my itinerary ebooks 🙂

Hello Seraina, You have amazing content. Thanks so much for sharing. Now I don’t feel as overwhelmed. Im planning a trip with my mom and aunt to Switzerland would love for it to be as relaxing as possible and enjoy the ride. I’m planning to start the journey at Lucerne. Definitely will do golden pass. This is for September. We are planning to do Lucerne to Montreux (reserved); stay in Montreux for 2 nights; take golden pass (not reserved) back to Lucerne this time would love to do stopovers and explore Lake Thun, Spiez, Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald. Will it be possible to do these stopovers on same day journey. For these towns, do we stop at Interlaken and take other trains? Can you please suggest routes to take? Perhaps should we stay one night in interlaken? The reason why we are going back to Lucerne my aunt lives in Italy. We are Lucerne to Milan (possibly a stop over to Lugano). Any guidance will be appreciated. Would love to make it as memorable to my mom and aunt. It will be my mom’s first trip to europe.

Dear Loraine

Thank you so much for your comment. I’m happy to hear you’re feeling less overwhelmed now 🙂 That’s the whole point of my blog and hearing from you motivates me to keep going…

As for your question, I definitely recommend breaking up your journey on your way back to Lucerne. Visiting Lake Thun, Spiez, Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald while doing the whole Golden Pass Line in one day isn’t possible. You’ll have to transfer in Spiez and Interlaken anyway so you could take a break in Spiez and spend the night in Interlaken.

Not to push anything on you, but I created a couple of itinerary guides that give people visiting Switzerland for the first time an idea of what’s possible in a certain amount of time and how I recommend breaking up the journey. Maybe this could be helpful for your planning process as well.

I hope you’ll have a fantastic time in Switzerland. Happy planning and enjoy your trip.

All the best, Seraina

Your website’s content are very helpful thank you for sharing :). Me and my partner are planning to take a scenic route from Paris to Switzerland and we are planning to stay in Bern or Interlaken (not sure which one were supposed to pick as we are not familiar with the places) to explore the Bernese Oberland and Jungfraujoch region in 4days (is it possible for 4days?) and we are wondering how are we gonna get to do these if we are coming from Paris? Will you be able to shed some light to our trip? Thanks heaps in advance.

Thank you for your comment. I’m happy to hear you’re coming to Switzerland and of course I’ll try and answer your questions…

First up, if you’re planning on exploring the Bernese Oberland, I suggest you stay in Interlaken as that’s smack-bang in the middle of all those popular destinations. You can definitely find enough to do in four days. (Btw, I talk about this in more depth in my itinerary guides ) Or, alternatively, you could spend a night in Bern and then move on to Interlaken for another three nights. You’re very flexible there.

Since you’re coming from Paris, I’m assuming you’ll enter Switzerland by train in Basel? With our dense train network, it’s very easy to reach Bern or Interlaken from any train station in Switzerland. So even if you arrive in another city, you’ll make it to Bern/Interlaken within one or two hours.

I hope this helps and that you’ll have a fantastic trip, Seraina

Wow… a really great and well-described article I must say especially the places we can enjoy on the way while riding in train. Can you also provide a blog on Swiss Travel Pass as it is quite popular in Switzerland?

Thank you for your comment! Actually, I haven’t written a post solely on the Swiss Travel Passes. So for more information on those passes, I recommend you head over to the SBB website , where they provide lots of details on the Swiss Travel Passes. Hope this helps 🙂

Switzerland first class country in the world in all things perfect transportystem lovely people

Great information. I have 10 days in Switzerland. I am a photographer. Can the windows of the trains be opened to be able to photograph without glare while on the train? Also, I fly in & out of Zurich and am looking for an itinerary with the most scenic train path. I don't want to go to Lake Geneva or Bern area. I plan to stay 2 nights in Zermatt, 3-4 in Bernese Oberland, 1-2 in Lucerne but am flexible. I love quaint picturesque villages. How should I plan my train trips? Thanks

Thank you for your comment. I’m happy to hear you have 10 days in Switzerland. That’s a good amount of time and I’m sure you’ll get to cover a lot of ground.

As for your questions: I’d say 99% of all Swiss trains don’t let you open their windows anymore. It’s usually just the mountain railways that either don’t have windows at all or that let you pull them down. If you’re in luck, in the Canton of Grisons, you might catch a very old train of the Rhaetian Railway that still has windows you can open. But generally, this isn’t possible.

About the second question regarding your itinerary: I actually don’t offer a custom itinerary planning service as that is incredibly time demanding. If I make suggestions to you, I want them to fit your expectations and that would require some 1:1 time with you. I hope you can understand. But since I do get this question quite a lot, I’ve to put together a selection of itinerary guides for different time periods. In there, I go into more detail about what’s possible to visit in a certain amount of time in Switzerland, covering all areas of the country. Maybe you can find some inspiration in there? You’ll find the link right here .

I hope this helps and that you’ll have a wonderful time in Switzerland.

Seraina Wow!! What a wonderful website you’ve put together here. I’m so lucky I stumbled upon it. I will be surprising my wife in early September for 5 days for her 40th birthday. We are from Montreal. She loves mountains. I had no idea where to start and how to plan this trip but your website has given me much enthusiasm to do it! I will base this trip around a mountain train ride and this will determine more or less where I should land. I know they are all fantastic but is there one ride in particular that you can suggest which would give us the greatest view of mountains? Thanks so much! mike.

Thank you so much for your friendly and warm message. I’m happy to hear you’re coming to Switzerland. September is a great time of the year to visit I think. And yes, your question is indeed a very tricky one as Switzerland has over 8000 mountains in total 😉 So it’s hard to pick just one. But the Region around Thun, Interlaken and Brienz is fantastic in terms of mountain train rides with Brienzer Rothorn, Schilthorn, Jungfraujoch, Niesen, Niederhorn, Stockhorn and so on. I don’t write much for this blog anymore since I now work over at Swiss Activities in the content team now. We put together loads of articles about anything concerning Switzerland. So if you’re interested, I recommend you head over there to check it out. One article that comes to my mind for you is this one on mountain peaks. Maybe this will help? Feel free to reach out to me again if you have any questions.

All the best and happy planning, Seraina

I love Switzerland i have been meny times if i had the money i would live there. can you please tell me a nice long train trip I can take from Geneva and get back to Geneva same day thank you. (god bless from mr chappell ).

Dear Edward, thank you for your comment. There are countless train rides you can take from Geneva in one day. If you don’t mind spending around 8 hours on the train, I would recommend you head to Zermatt. The ride along Lake Geneva is fantastic and the last stretch from Visp to Zermatt will be a part of the Glacier Express, one of the most famous scenic train rides. This journey takes around 4 hours each way and will definitely be a full day trip. Alternatively, you could just catch the train from Geneva to Montreux, hop on the passenger ship to Vevey, Lausanne or Chateau de Chillon and take the train back to Geneva in the evening. That way, you have more time along the way to explore. Hope this helps. All the best, Seraina

Personally I am fond of train journeys and when it comes to do in Switzerland, its like a heaven on the earth. Surrounded by high peak mountains, snows and white beauty of nature, the country has everything. Definitely going to experience it during my trip to Zurich.

If I arrive in Zurich how do I get to the point to take the Golden Pass line. If this is not practical which train ride can I do if I arrive in Zurich. Please advise. Thank you.

Dear Asoka, no problem. You can just catch the train to Lucerne and start the Golden Pass Line from there. Trains between Zurich and Lucerne run several times an hour and take between 50 and 75 minutes. All the best, Seraina

Thank you! What a great review of these scenic train rides. We get off a boat at 9:00am in Basel June 8th, 2023. Can you suggest the best way to complete as many of these as possible over the next four days. We will spend the evening of June 10th in Zurich.

Huge thanks for any guidance you can suggest!

Greg and Teresa Dragoo

Hi Greg and Teresa

Thank you for your questions, I’m happy to hear you’re coming to Switzerland. The best way to complete some of the scenic train rides would be to go from Basel straight to Lucerne, catch the Gotthard Panorama Express the next day (to Lugano) then the Bernina Express to St. Moritz and if you like the Glacier Express to Zermatt. This will be a crazy amount of sitting on the train. But if you want to complete several of the trains, this would be a good way to do it. Alternatively, you could also go directly to Montreux and get on the Golden Pass Line to Lucerne. Then again Gotthard Panorama to Lugano and Bernina Express to St. Moritz. I hope this helps. Enjoy your time over here! Seraina

Wow. If i go switzerland definitely i will go for a ride. I would love to do so

This is by far the best online guide to the main Swiss scenic routes and all places in between. I’m planning a Swiss rail tour and the info in this guide is making that itinerary very easy.

Thank you Danny! I’m really glad my article has been helpful for you and I hope you’ll have a wonderful time trying out those train rides. All the best!

Great information in every detail. Going to Europe in August. Just wondering what to do while there. Which of the 5 train ride would you recommend. The first sounded awesome?

Hey Anne, thank you for your comment 🙂 It’s hard to say which one I recommend because I think they’re all spectacular. But if I had to choose, it’d probably be the Glacier Express or the Gotthard Panorama Express. It really depends on your schedule and what you can fit in. You can’t go wrong with either of them, though 🙂

Thank you so much for responding so quickly. I'm visiting friends in Bern, and from there I would take a regular train to reach one of the senic trains one way. I also have friends in Black Forest that I'm going to visit so my question is, which of the two trains is closest to that area and also maybe spend a night in a little village on the way.

Ok so in this case, what you could do is go to Montreux by Lake Geneva, spend the night there and then catch the Golden Pass Line from Montreux the next morning. That one goes through Gstaad, Spiez, Interlaken to Lucerne. If you have time, you can do the whole journey in one day and finish in Lucerne. Or you can stop in Interlaken and spend some time there, Whatever your schedule looks like.

Alternativey, travel to Zermatt, spend the night there and catch the Glacier Express to St. Moritz. But then, you’ll be at the other side of the country in St. Moritz and I don’t know what your time budget is. Technically, you could then spend a night in St. Moritz and move on to the Black Forest the next day. Depending on how much time you have. But since Switzerland is quite small and public transport is good, it’s very easy to get to and from places.

Ohh..it all sounds so beautiful. I do like old villages and historic sites. Lucerne is probably most convenient if I wanna go to blk.forest. I'm actually on a month long vacation from Hawaii. I'm originally from Denmark where my trip starts from. After Blk.forest I'll be heading towards Montpelier to visit one more friend. I so appreciate your response and comments, you have definitely clarified my "what to do"❣️

Happy to help. Enjoy your trip. Sounds like an amazing one!

Hey Seraina,

This is an incredible post, so informative, and so meticulously presented. Really want to appreciate you for this. I also purchased your itineraries and that has been super helpful too. I love how you have helped others here and I was hoping you could share some suggestions for me too.

I have visited Switzerland before and have covered the cities and Jungfrau. So this trip is about visiting only the mountains. Here's what I plan to do:

-4 days in Switzerland-

Day 1: Geneva –> Chamonix, Mont Blanc –> Geneva Day 2: Geneva –> Montreux –> (Golden Pass Line) –> Interlaken Ost Day 3: Interlaken Ost –> Lauterbrunnen, Grindelwald, Schilthorn –> Interlaken Ost –> Lucerne Day 4: Lucerne –> Mt. Pilatus, Mt. Titlis –> Lucerne Day 5: Flight from Zurich

Do you think this is doable or too ambitious? And would you suggest any changes in this itinerary to make it more efficient?

Additionally, I am very confused with the travel passes. I will mostly be using regular trains / panoramic trains (where applicable) / cable cars (where applicable) for all these travels. Which travel pass would you suggest and would it cover all of the above points of interest?

Thank you very much.

Best, Pallabi

Hi Pallabi, wow thanks for your long comment.

I’m glad you’ve found this post helpful. As for your itinerary, I think it sounds amazing. And definitely doable the way you’re planning on doing it. Just a quick side note, though. You visit Schilthorn from Lauterbrunnen, not Grindelwald. So maybe do Lauterbrunnen, Schilthorn and then Grindelwald after. But other than that, it sounds perfect.

About the travel passes… Hm this is always a tricky one. The best pass for Switzerland is without a doubt the Swiss Travel Pass. But I don’t think in your case this is worth it. I quickly looked up the prices for all your tickets and I don’t recommend buying a travel pass at all. The cheapest version would be to buy a Swiss Half Fare Card for 120.- and get regular tickets for the trains as you go. With the mountain railways, you get the same discount with the Half Fare Card as with the Swiss Travel Pass. More or less.

You can jump on the SBB Website to find the prices and do the maths for yourself. But the result from my research is that getting the Swiss Half Fare Card and buying tickets as you go is the cheapest version.

Hope this helps and you have a wonderful time in Switzerland!

Hi , Thanks for this very useful and detailed article .planning a 6- days visit to Switzerland .is there a city or a village I can make as base camp to try all or most scenic train rides ? coming from the UK in July .Which city you recommend for me to stay ?

Hi, thank you for your question. If you’re looking for a place to do most of the scenic trains, it would be Lucerne as three out of five start there. You can technically do them in one day, but it’ll be a bit rushed. But it’s possible to start in Lucerne in the morning, do the ride and come back the same day.

Hi , What an informative piece , thank you so much . There are so many wonderful train journeys you can do . I am planning to travel in mid sec is that a good or bad time to travel ? Also can you suggest a 3/4 night round trip me and my son could do taking in as many journeys as possible ? Many thanks

Good to hear from you. Thank you for your message. I’m glad you’ve found my article helpful. As for your questions:

* Yes, September ist a good time to travel in Switzerland. Of course, I can’t tell if it’s going to be sunny all the time or if you get some rain. But generally speaking, September is a good time to travel as it’s the beginning of autumn. So not so hot anymore and not as crowded as July and August. * If you have 4 nights, you can combine a few of the scenic train rides. So you could go to Zermatt first and spend the night, do the Glacier Express to St. Moritz on day 2 and spend the second night in St. Moritz. Then take the Bernina Express to Lugano on day 3 and spend the third night there. Then take the Gotthard Panorama Express to Lucerne on your last day and spend the night in Lucerne. Like this, you’ll have covered three of the scenic train rides. Or start in St. Gallen, go to Lucerne on day 2, Golden Pass on day 3 to Montreux, head to Zermatt for the night and do Glacier Express to St. Moritz on day 4.

Hope this helps. Enjoy your time in Switzerland!

Hello, What is your recommendation for a scenic train rides from Geneva for a day trip?

Hi, from Geneva, I think your only option is to travel to Montreux and to parts of the Golden Pass Line (maybe until Spiez or Interlaken) and then catch the train via Bern back to Geneva. All the other trains aren’t really an option if you try to do them as a day trip from Geneva.

Just fyi the Eastern past of the Golden Pass (between Interlaken and Lucerne) has a separate reservation, via Central Railway (Zentralbahn) which can be booked via zentralbahn.ch

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The 10 Most Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland

November 26, 2023

The best train rides in Switzerland cover image

All aboard for some of the best train rides in the world with this guide to the most scenic train rides in Switzerland.

Abigail King on the Glacier Express Switzerland

Why Travel By Train in Switzerland

Ah, travel by train in Switzerland. One of my favourite things to do, even if I’ve discovered it relatively late in life.

Forget the British experience of squashed and sweaty armpits, late schedules and nothing but a pot noodle to eat, served with scalding water if you’re lucky. 

Swiss trains exist on a whole different level. 

The travel network itself is clean, reliable and comfortable. And then, there are the special trains. The trains where the windows nearly merge with the roof so you can see the beauty all around. The trains that dash through glaciers and funnel through fjords. The routes that make up the most scenic train rides in Switzerland, if not the world.

But enough talking in vague terms. Let me share with you what I learned on the recent Great Swiss Train Chase about these routes: the most scenic train rides in Switzerland.

The Swiss Travel Pass

The first thing you need to know about when it comes to travel by train is the Swiss Travel Pass. I tested this out on a four day challenge earlier in the year, which was a blast.

The pass gives you unlimited travel on trains, boats and buses across the country and you can buy it for different periods of time. And in case you, like I, think you’re too old for all that luggage heave-ho any more, you can also pair your pass with a luggage service, so that you can explore and your luggage is simply picked up for you and transported to your new destination – right to the hotel, door to door.

The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

Finally, there is the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland , a route that takes in many of these gorgeous, scenic train rides. Travel on these panoramic trains is also included in the Swiss Travel Pass, although you do need to pay a reservation fee on top to guarantee your place.

Right, logistics aside, let’s talk scenic train routes!

Disclosure – my most recent journey to Switzerland was in partnership with Swiss Travel Systems and Switzerland Tourism. However, as ever, I kept the right to write what I like. I’ve also travelled by train in Switzerland many times before over the years. Finally, if you book or buy through any of the links on this page, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

The most scenic train routes in Switzerland cover image

The Most Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland

Now, then. Sadly, I haven’t experienced each of these – yet. But I so enjoyed the trips I have, that this will function as a kind of bucket list for me over the next few decades. However, I did interview, research and casually ask around. And all put together, these are the recommended most scenic train routes in Switzerland. Let’s go…

Swiss countryside as seen from the Glacier Express train

Glacier Express

  • Route with Stops:  Zermatt, Brig, Andermatt, Disentis Mustér, Chur, Tiefencastel, Filisur, Samedan, St Moritz
  • Distance:  291 km
  • Ride Duration:  7.5 hours

Part of the Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn, the Glacier Express paints a picturesque journey from Zermatt to St. Moritz, taking in some of Switzerland’s most beautiful landscapes. This train quite literally takes you on a journey to the clouds, reaching an altitude of approximately 2,033 metres at the Oberalp Pass before descending into the valleys. 

An interesting fact about this train is that it’s often dubbed as the world’s slowest express train, traversing the 291km route in a leisurely 7.5 hours. But it’s the perfect pace to take in all those views.  

  • The Matterhorn  – Keep an eye out for the unmistakable pyramid-shaped marvel of the Matterhorn, one of the highest peaks in the Alps. You can catch the best view as the train leaves Zermatt.
  • Landwasser Viaduct  – As you approach Filisur, the train seems to ‘leap’ across this 65m high and 136m long icon of Swiss engineering. Nothing but a big void beneath you and the amazing nature that surrounds it.
  • Albula Line  – This stretch of track from Thusis to St. Moritz is a UNESCO World Heritage site, highly praised for the use of the landscape’s topography.   
  • Oberalp Pass  – This is the highest point in your journey, where you can capture a stunning sight of snow-capped mountains.  
  • Chur  – You can also cut short your journey at Chur if you don’t have time for the whole route. Chur (pronounced something like Koo-er) is the oldest town in Switzerland, with picture perfect charm. The settlement is more than 5,000 years old.

Tip:   For taking spectacular shots of snow-capped peaks without window reflections, check out this article on taking photos from a train .

Bernina Express, Switzerland

The Bernina Express

  • Route with Stops:  Chur, Filisur, St Moritz, Poschiavo, Tirano
  • Distance:  122 km
  • Ride Duration:  4 hours

Originating from the quaint city of Chur and snaking its way through Filisur, St. Moritz, picturesque Poschiavo, and eventually Tirano in Northern Italy, this train route travels a distance of 122km over 4 hours. 

Praised as one of the most scenic train rides globally, this particular route tops out at the Bernina Pass, reaching a staggering 2,253 meters above sea level. 

Take in the sublime panorama from your seat through the panoramic windows of the train. 

Be prepared: the train may be bustling during the summer months, so it’s wise to make a seat reservation well in advance.

  • Landwasser Viaduct  –This high limestone cliff curves into a mountain tunnel. 
  • Brusio Spiral Viaduct  – An architectural marvel designed to allow the train to descend gracefully while treating you to a 360-degree view of the surroundings.
  • Morteratsch Glacier  – Nothing is quite as ‘cool’ as the Morteratsch Glacier, the second-largest glacier in the Eastern Alps. 

Tip:   Grab a Swiss Travel Pass. It covers all Swiss trains, trams and boats making it an ideal way to explore Switzerland. You do need to pay for a reservation fee for some of the specialist trains, though . Find the full details here.

Also, consider investing in a Eurail pass to save on individual train tickets, particularly if you’re planning to explore multiple scenic Swiss train rides or travel between different countries.

Abigail King and Macca Sherifi on the Rigi Train in Switzerland

The Voralpen-Express

  • Route with Stops:  St Gallen, Wattwil, Rapperswil, Arth Goldau, Lucerne
  • Distance:  125 km
  • Ride Duration:  2 hours 15 minutes

The Voralpen-Express, making a 125 km artful bend from St Gallen to Lucerne, lavishes passengers with a seasoned blend of nature’s best: verdant hills, gentle valleys, azure lakes and quintessentially Swiss villages. The ride lasts something along the lines of two hours and fifteen minutes, the train gliding up to 90 metres above sea level in Arth Goldau before heading downwards. Did you know? This stretch is one of the steepest non-rack railways in Switzerland.

  • Arth-Goldau  – Located at the foot of Mt. Rigi, this stop provides the opportunity to take a detour to the ‘Queen of the Mountains’ via the oldest mountain railway in Europe.
  • St. Gallen  – The final stop, distinguished by its Abbey of Saint Gall, a UNESCO World Heritage site, has one of the richest medieval libraries in the world.  

best train trips through switzerland

The Gotthard Panorama Express

  • Route 1:  Lucerne(train), Flüelen, Lake Lucerne (boat), Lugano
  • Route 2:  Lugano(boat), Flüelen(train), Lucerne. 
  • Ride Duration:  182 km
  • Distance:  5.5 hours

Step aboard the Gotthard Panorama Express in Lucerne, a charming city in central Switzerland, and commence an enthralling 5.5-hour journey through some of the country’s most magnificent landscapes. The train climbs steep alpine gradients, with views of deep valleys and emerald panoramas from your large-window carriage. 

As a bonus, this train offers an optional boat ride section across Lake Lucerne, connecting charming small towns dappled on the lakeside.

  • Lake Lucerne  – Among the most stunning bodies of water in the country, Lake Lucerne offers views of quaint villages, steep mountainsides, and the imposing Rigi Kulm mountain in the background.   
  • Flaeselen  – As the train approaches Flaeselen, look for the panorama of crystal-clear lakes, lush green hills, and rustic chalets – a quintessential Swiss sight.  
  • Gotthard Tunnel  – This historic tunnel was once deemed impossible to exist and yet, here it is. The lights blink past rapidly as the train plunges into the darkness, only to emerge into broad daylight with a completely different landscape.
  • Church of Wassen  – As the train negotiates the mountain curves, you will spot the Church of Wassen from multiple perspectives. The distinctive baroque architecture amidst the surrounding greenery makes it a great spot for photos.

Tip:   The boat ride on Lake Lucerne supplements the beauty of this journey and is worth making the effort to arrange.

Mount Pilatus on a sunny day in Switzerland

Cogwheel Railway to Mount Pilatus

  • Route with Stops:  Alpnachstad, Mount Pilatus
  • Distance:  4.6 km
  • Ride Duration:  45 minutes

Virtually clinging to the face of Mount Pilatus, this train winds its way from Alpnachstad to the mountain’s summit. Travellers are treated to a blend of alpine meadows, steep rock faces, and a panoramic vista that serves as a perfect backdrop to this journey. Although it lasts just 45 minutes, the ride reaches an impressive height of 2,073 metres, offering the best views of the landscape below.   

  • Summit of Mount Pilatus  – The pinnacle of the journey, quite literally, is the top of Mount Pilatus. On reaching the peak, you’ll be treated to a stunning, panoramic view of 73 Alpine peaks. A treasure for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
  • The World’s Steepest Cogwheel Railway  – Navigating an incline of 48%, this is the steepest cogwheel railway in the world, offering passengers an adrenaline rush coupled with incredible views.

Houses by Lake Brienz in Switzerland

The Golden Pass Line

  • Route with Stops:  Montreux, Zweisimmen, Interlaken, Lucerne
  • Distance:  191 km
  • Ride Duration:  5.5 hours

The Golden Pass Line traces a picturesque route across the heart of Switzerland, covering a distance of 191 km from Montreux to Lucerne in approximately 5.5 hours. As it scales the apex of the Brunig Pass, you will see stunning views of Lake Geneva and Lake Brienz, before descending into small towns with scenic Swiss charms.

While the panoramic train does tend to be crowded, the large windows in 1st class ensure you don’t miss out. It really comes recommended as one of the best scenic train rides Switzerland offers.

  • The Brunig Pass  – See the striking spectacle of Lake Brienz, an indigo jewel amidst the Bernese Oberland landscape. Soak in the views because it’s a sight worth seeing!
  • Lake Brienz  – One of the most beautiful train ride segments, the reflections of Swiss homes in the turquoise waters of Lake Brienz are supposed to be gorgeous.
  • The Chocolate Train  – This Belle Epoque train from Montreux to Broc-Chocolat is part of the Golden Pass Line and takes you to the fantastic chocolate factory in Broc-Chocolat. You will need to book it separately though.

Tip:   Opt for a visit in late October, when the autumnal colours of the Swiss Alps are at their most vivid.

Mont Blanc Express train in the mountains in Switzerland

The Mont Blanc Express

  • Route with Stops:  Martigny, Vernayaz, Salvan, Marécottes, Le Trétien, Finhaut, Le Châtelard, Chamonix
  • Distance:  38 km
  • Ride Duration:  90 minutes

Bringing you the best experiences within a relatively short distance, the Mont Blanc Express wonderfully captures the essence of Swiss train travel. It is indeed one of the most famous scenic train rides, connecting the dots in a spectacle of mountain passes right at the top of Europe. 

The 90-minute rail journey circumnavigates the contours of the mountains, weaving through deep gorges before ascending to panoramic scenic views.

  • The Trient Gorge  – A carved chasm handcrafted by Mother Nature herself, the gorge plunges to a depth of around 200 meters and is renowned for its unique, vertically ribbed cliffs. 
  • Emosson Dam  – Past green fields and curious rock formations, the train rumbles into Finhaut – where you uncover the Emosson Dam, a vivid juxtaposition of human endeavour against the backdrop of nature.  

City of Lucerne in Switzerland at sunset

The Luzern-Interlaken Express

  • Route with Stops:  Lucerne, Interlaken
  • Distance:  98 km
  • Ride Duration:  1 hour 50 minutes

The Luzern-Interlaken Express takes you on a breathtaking ride through Switzerland’s heartland, covering a distance of 98 km in just under two hours. Its path courses through forested wilderness, mighty mountain ranges, and idyllic lakesides, making each frame through the window a moving painting. The carriages are modern and comfortable with a dining car, offering travellers the added convenience of refreshments en route.

  • Lake Lucerne  – A truly calm and beautiful lake by the city with the same nature. 
  • The Brunig Pass  – The train climbs to 1,002 meters to give a great view of the terrain.
  • Giessbach Falls  – Look out for this silver ribbon cascade just after the Meiringen station.

Jungfrau Railway Switzerland

The Jungfrau Railway

  • Route with Stops:  Kleine Scheidegg, Eismeer Station, Jungfraujoch
  • Distance:  9.34 km
  • Ride Duration:  35 minutes

The Jungfrau Railway, a 9.34 km stretch is the experience of a lifetime, involving the highest railway station in Europe at Eismeer. This railway is a pot of gold for scenic landscapes involving glacier views, icy tunnels, and pristine, white snowy peaks. Vertiginously, it reaches 3454 meters, and from this point, one can glimpse a landscape akin to a fantastical snow globe before the descent begins.


  • The Eiger Glacier  – This is a monumental ice body with a spectacular white-blue aura. Don’t miss the cliff-face observatory; people say it’s like witnessing the heartbeat of the Alps.   
  • Eismeer Station  – Located within a tunnel inside the Eiger mountain, this is one of the highest railway stations in Europe. Its panoramic windows offer you a stunningly surreal vision of the frozen sea of glaciers.

Gornergrat Railway Switzerland

Gornergrat Railway

  • Route with Stops:  Zermatt, Findelbach, Riffelalp, Riffelboden, Riffelberg, Rotenboden, Gornergrat
  • Distance:  9.4 km 
  • Ride Duration:  33 minutes

Making its way through the heart of skiing country, the Gornergrat Railway is a marvel in itself. With Zermatt as its base station, this 9.4 km journey ascends to the dizzying height of 3,089 meters above sea level to Gornergrat, a feat that has earned it the accolade of being Europe’s highest open-air railway. Unsurprisingly, this is not a route for the faint of heart, but if you can find the courage, you will find one of the most scenic railway trips in Switzerland.   

  • Gornergrat Summit  – The 360° panoramic view showcases 29 peaks of the Swiss Alps, plus one of the world’s highest hotels and observatories.
  • The Riffelberg Station  – Offers a bird’s eye view of the Gorner Valley, a terrain that seems plucked straight out of a fairy tale, bookended by traditional chalets and soaring pine forests.

Impressive architecture in Santa Maria Maggiore, Switzerland

The Centovalli Railway

  • Route with Stops:  Locarno, Centovalli, Santa Maria Maggiore, Valle Vigezzo, Domodossola
  • Distance:  52 km
  • Ride Duration:  2 hours

The Centovalli Railway journey begins in Locarno, popular for its lakeside setting, and steadily winds its way through the ‘Hundred Valleys’ towards Domodossola in Italy. The journey, largely unchanged since its inception in 1923, is teeming with romantic drama – vertiginous panoramas, deep ravines and colourful villages. 

The highest point is reached around Santa Maria Maggiore, at a whopping 830m, before a placid descent towards the final valley. 

The train isn’t an exquisite luxury affair, but instead pays homage to the traditional, with a comfortably quaint charm. 

  • Intragna  – This picturesque village is perched on a strategically located hill at the confluence of two rivers, offering panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains.
  • Santa Maria Maggiore  – Also known as the Painters’ Valley due to its long association with artists and natural beauty, this delightful destination is brimming with quaint houses and lovely squares and is surrounded by a stunning mountainous landscape.

Tip:   Even though it’s possible to complete the journey parts by hopping on local trains, stick with the panoramic Centovalli Express for the best scenic experience.

The best train rides in Switzerland cover image

Concluding Thoughts

So there we have it. From the picturesque Glacier Express to the dizzying heights of the Gornergrat Railway, these are the most scenic rain rides in Switzerland.

Efficient, comfortable and almost always on time, Swiss trains exist in a world of their own. Planning on travelling to Switzerland soon? Ditch the car and take advantage of the rail system instead. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

More on Switzerland

  • Everything you need to know about an  ebike holiday in Verbier
  • How to spend two days in Geneva
  • Your 24 hour itinerary for Geneva
  • Why you should spend summer in Switzerland
  • Is the Swiss Travel Pass worth it?

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The Gornergratbahn cog-wheel railway ascends from Zermatt to the Gornergrat with panoramic views of the Matterhorn and other 400-meter peaks.

Explore the Alps in First Class Rail via the Legendary Mountain Railways of Switzerland.

Courtesy of Switzerland Toursim

best train trips through switzerland


The trip was fast paced but we were able to really experience so many beautiful sights, and also take several very fun hikes on the mountain tops. - D.T. - Florida

Featured in

best train trips through switzerland

The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

Imagine the spectacular alpine scenery through the panoramic "vista" windows that run from your elbow to the ceiling while you sit comfortably in your first-class Swiss rail seat. Your eyes gazing effortlessly on the beautiful Swiss Alp peaks, the sparkling lakes, lush flowered meadows, historic castles, the iconic profile of the Matterhorn, deep-cut glacial valleys, vineyards, gushing white water streams, magic mountains flanked by enormous glaciers. You'll enjoy this all in first class comfort. We will cap out with 14-15 guests on each tour. Be sure to check out our Scenic Alps by Rail FAQ  which also includes the activity level expected for this tour.   

Europe's Finest Rail System

The legendary trains of Switzerland are among the finest in the world and the Swiss have perfected making mountains accessible. Their ingenious network of trains, rack railways, trams, and funiculars easily puts you in the midst of the most spectacular glaciers in the Alps and the highest peaks in Europe.

Mountaintop Excursions

You will also get to ascend the Gornergrat above Zermatt to arrive at an alpine panorama, where you are surrounded by more 4,000-meter peaks than anywhere else in the Alps. Then you will get to ride through a tunnel in the Eiger to arrive at the Jungfraujoch, the highest railway station in Europe.

All in First-Class Comfort

Enjoy the Swiss Alps in the comfort of your first-class rail car, and in the company of Swiss rail experts. You'll discover the scenery, history, and engineering that have made Switzerland's rail system the finest and most popular in the world. We do our best to book 1st class seat reservations but please note that at times due to availabilty it is possible to ride in 2nd class.

Glacier Express and Other Scenic Journeys

You'll ride on the most legendary of alpine railway journeys— The Glacier Express —and discover the charms of other scenic routes such as the Bernina Express and the GoldenPass Line.

best train trips through switzerland

Trip Videos

Overview Itinerary

Day 1 – Arrive in Lucerne -- Mt. Pilatus

Day 2 – Through the Historic Heart of Switzerland on the Gotthard Route

Day 3 – Bernina Route - Lugano past northern Lake Como to St Moritz

Day 4 – Beautiful Swiss Alps, Lakes and Vistas

Day 5 – Mountains, Meadows, and Breathtaking Scenery on the Glacier Express

Day 6 – The Matterhorn and The Surrounding Majestic Highest Peaks in Europe -- Gornergrat Cogwheel train

Day 7 – Lake Geneva and the manicured Préalps - GoldenPass Rail

Day 8 – Picture-postcard Swiss Alps scenery on the GoldenPass Rail

Day 9 – Magnificent Mountains with Aletsch Glacier Experience -- Jungfraujoch

Day 10 – Depart Zurich for onward travel

$6,295 USD per person, double occupancy

$995 single supplement

Reserve your place on this tour with a $500 per person deposit

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18 September 2025 - 27 September 2025

25 September 2025 - 04 October 2025

Or, book a private departure

Trip Highlights

  • Ride the most legendary alpine railway journeys such as the Glacier Express, Bernina Express, the GoldenPass Line, and along the Gotthard route
  • Travel in first-class comfort in panoramic cars that are air-cushioned and air-conditioned, and on all of Switzerland top scenic rail journeys
  • Experience the legendary Glacier Express as it crosses 291 bridges and passes through 91 tunnels on an unforgettable journey from St. Moritz to Zermatt
  • Ascend snowy Jungfrau by cog railway to Europe’s highest railway station and overlooking the Alps’ longest glacier

best train trips through switzerland

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The Best Train Trips in Switzerland

  • The Glacier Express: It's advertised as the slowest express train in the world, requiring several hours to pass through southeastern Switzerland. Despite that, the line's 274km (170 miles) of track are an awesome triumph of engineering (of which Switzerland is justifiably proud). Beginning every day in Zermatt, in southwest Switzerland, and ending in St. Moritz, in Switzerland's east, the train crosses more than 291 bridges and goes through 91 tunnels, traversing some of the country's most inaccessible mountains with an ease that medieval pilgrims would have considered an act of God. You can also take the train from St. Moritz to Zermatt. Naturally, the scenery is breathtaking. The windows are large enough to allow clear views, and a dining car serves lunch with civilized efficiency. 
  • The Palm Express: This 2-day itinerary of bus and rail routes takes travelers from St. Moritz (in the rugged Engadine district, near Switzerland's eastern frontier) to either Brig or (for a supplemental fee) Zermatt, in Switzerland's southwest. More leisurely than either of the other two rail routes described here, it includes a hotel night en route. The scenery is spectacular. For more information, call Rail Europe (tel. 877/272-RAIL [272-7245]).
  • The Bernina Express: Like the Glacier Express, this railway excursion offers sweeping views of otherwise inaccessible alpine landscapes. A 4-hour trip (each way), the journey begins in the German-speaking capital of Zurich, traverses isolated regions where the native tongue is the ancient Romansh language, and ends in Italian-speaking Lugano. The rugged, high-altitude landscapes near Chur give way to the verdant, palm-lined lake districts near Tirano.

Note : This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.

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Global Travel Planning

8 of the Best Switzerland Scenic Train Trips: a Complete Travel Guide (includes map)

By: Author Tracy Collins

Posted on Last updated: May 12, 2023

Think of Switzerland and beautiful mountains , stunning lakes and jaw-dropping scenery immediately come to mind. Swiss chalets decorated with bright flowers clustered in quaint villages and towns on valley floors or perched on mountainsides or on the edge of its many lakes. 

Over the last 30 years, I have lived and worked in Switzerland (in Basel and in a small town on the shores of Lake Geneva) as well as visited numerous times to see family living just outside Zurich .

As someone who loves train travel (and in particular scenic train rides), Switzerland offers so many possibilities on one of the most punctual and well-run rail systems in the world. It is also where you will find some of the most beautiful train journeys in the world.


Gornergrat Train

The gotthard panorama express, brienz rathorn bahn, the schynige platte railway, locations of the swiss scenic train trips, glacier express, interlaken to lauterbrunnen, the bernina express, where to book your tickets for swiss train travel, plan your swiss train travels.

SAVE MONEY and enjoy unlimited travel in Switzerland by train bus, boat and public transport with the Swiss All-in-One Travel Pass.

  • Travel all over Switzerland with a Swiss Rail pass, valid all over the country.
  • Choose between a 3, 4, 6, 8, or 15 consecutive day pass.
  • Make your trip to Switzerland as easy as possible with a rail pass that gives you unlimited access to the Swiss train network
  • Explore the Glacier Express, Golden Pass Line, Bernina Express, and other panoramic train routes

8 beautiful Switzerland scenic train routes

One of the best experiences in Switzerland is riding the Gornergrat train located in the magical city of Zermatt.

Zermatt is located near the southwestern border of Switzerland close to Italy. Take the Gornergrat train ride for views of the famous Matterhorn.

The Gornergrat Railway in Zermatt is an electric cog railway that opened in 1898. It runs 365 days a year and is one of the most popular things to do in Zermatt.

During the first section of the train ride enjoy views of the town. Towards the end of the journey, you can spot all the skiers and hikers enjoying the stunning mountains (depending on what time of season you go). The station has several stops including Findelbach, Riffelalp, Riffelberg, Rotenboden, and finally Gornergrat.

The train is a great way to start your hiking, mountain biking or skiing adventures as many of the stops are great starting points for adventures.

One of the trains best stations is the last stop: Gornergrat (3,089m). There are 360-degree views of the mountains, and of course Matterhorn . The ride and the final stop are breathtaking, and both are an absolute must for your Switzerland trip.

By The Wandering Queen

Gornergrat Train

The Gotthard Panorama Express is not as well known as the Glacier Express and Bernina Express . Still, it is one of the best scenic journeys that Switzerland has to offer.

The Gotthard Panorama Express is a unique combination of a scenic boat trip from Lucerne to Fuelen and a panoramic train ride from Fuelen to Lugano or Bellinzona.

During the boat trip, you have an opportunity to admire the stunning views of the lake and mountains on its shores. In Fuelen you leave the boat to get on a 1st class panorama train.

As a photographer, I truly appreciate the photo coach of the train with opening windows, which makes it ideal for taking photos. You then continue by train on the famous historic Gotthard route towards southern Switzerland. This section of the Gotthard Panorama Express route runs through the valley of the River Reuss.

In the village of Göschenen the train reaches the entrance of the Gotthard tunnel from the end of the 19th century. There is a light show inside the 15 km long tunnel.

Soon after the tunnel, you find yourself in the canton of Ticino with the Italian language and culture. At the terminal destination of the train Lugano in the south of Ticino, you can change for Milan, continue on the Bernina Express or stay and enjoy the wonderful area of Lugano.

The total length of the route is about 180 kilometres divided between the boat and the train. The total duration of the journey is almost 5 hours. Gotthard Panorama Express operates from late April to late October excluding Mondays, so check the actual operating dates before planning your trip.

B y The Sane Travel

View from the Gotthard Panorama Express

One of the most scenic train journeys that I have enjoyed in Switzerland is the Brienz Rothorn Bahn steam train ride . Starting in the small town of Brienz on Lake Brienz, the steam train winds its way up the Rothorn mountain to a height of 2266 metres above sea level, from where you are rewarded with incredible views.

It is said that on a clear day you can count 693 mountain peaks on the horizon, many of them snow-capped, even in summer. Far below, the turquoise waters of Lake Brienz sparkle and cows graze on the lush green hillside pastures.

At the summit, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy hikes of all levels and a restaurant serves up traditional local fare .  There’s also a hotel for guests that would like to spend the night.

Operating since 1892, the Brienz Rothorn train’s engine will have you reminiscing about days gone by as puffs of smoke waft past as you climb higher and higher. The traditional-style carriages have large panoramic windows that can be fully opened to allow you to breathe in the fresh alpine air (or steam!) and take plenty of photos.

Brienz is situated 22 kilometres from Interlaken and can be easily reached by either car, train or on a lake cruise. The Brienz Rothorn Bahn operates daily from 1 June until 20 October and the journey takes around one hour each way.

by Holidays To Europe

Brienz Rathorn Bahn

A trip back in time, as well as a trip through some of Switzerland’s most stunning scenery, the historic Schynige Platte cogwheel railway, recently celebrated its 125 th birthday.

It opened back in 1893 and is one of the oldest railways in the area. But it’s looking great for its age – the original rails and some of the historic carriages and engines dating back a hundred years are still in action, and have been carefully preserved and maintained.

The train still pushes the carriages uphill rather than pulling them, as it would’ve done at the time, and all the track switches are operated by hand.

The journey up to Schynige Platte starts from Wilderswil , just outside of Interlaken. The trip to the top takes around 50 minutes, and it’s a leisurely, sedate journey. So there’s plenty of time to soak up the views as the train zig-zags its way up to an altitude of 1967 metres above sea level through forests and Alpine meadows. Try to get a seat on the right side of the train on your way up for the best views.

At the top, there’s a Botanical Alpine Garden , a restaurant and hotel, and miles of hiking routes that fan out into the surrounding mountains. But it’s the breathtaking views that make this journey well worth the trip.

In one direction are the famous high peaks of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau . And in the other are the lakes of Thun and Brienz.

by On The Luce

The Schynige Platte Railway

Rigi Kulm is one of the shorter scenic train trips in Switzerland, but that does not take away from the reasons you should take it! If you do not have time for a longer journey (or even if you do) adding Rigi Kulm into one of your days trips is highly recommended.

The Vitznau to Rigi Kulm route opened in 1871 and was Europe’s first mountain railway! The most common way to start the Rigi Kulm journey is from Lucerne or Arth-Goldeau and you can even start from one and finish at the other since the train trip up Rigi Kulm is up and then back down. Since Vitznau station is right at Lake Lucerne you can easily add a boat trip to your day as well!

One of the reasons you should take the Rigi Kulm train besides the amazing 360-degree views from the top is the experience a cog-wheel train going straight up a steep mountain!

These trains also have open windows so you can experience the scenery (and the train) with no glass in between you! If you are interested in hiking, there are lots of hiking trails in the area, as well as stops on your way up the mountain if you only want to hike part way! 

A the top there is a short panoramic trail, a restaurant and washrooms. 

By Carpe Diem Our Way

Rigi Kulm

The Glacier Express is probably the most famous and touristic train ride in the country – and honestly super beautiful. I grew up in Switzerland and did the ride for the first time after 23 years – and was not disappointed!

During the ride from Zermatt to St.Moritz, which are both super beautiful too, you pass through incredible landscapes, see beautiful mountains and just have a great time. Depending on the time of the year, the landscapes are different but always a joy to see.

The ride takes around 8 hours and you can choose between two classes (first & second class). Both of them have panorama windows, which makes the views even better. The difference is, that in first class you’ll have more space.

It is also possible to order food (there is a cook on-board) and various drinks to make your trip more pleasant. As the ride is super long and the food a bit expensive (welcome to Switzerland) I brought my own food from a supermarket.

Another option for the Glacier Express is to leave the train at one of the stations during the trip – which includes several lovely destinations and might be a great idea depending on your itinerary.

In my opinion, the Glacier Express is a great way to connect the canton of Valais (Wallis) in Zermatt with Graubünden (St.Moritz), which are both extremely beautiful.

by MscGerber

View of the Glacier Express train in Switzerland

When you’re planning a  trip to Switzerland you’ve got to save time to experience some of the country’s most beautiful train rides. One of the most scenic rides in Switzerland is the ride from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen via the Berner Oberland-Bahn.

Better yet, this is one of the cheapest scenic train trips in Switzerland, costing less than 4 Swiss franc for the trip (or free on a Swiss Travel Pass or Eurail pass). There are both first and second class options for the train, but all have the same beautiful views. 

Only taking about 20 minutes, this ride from the gorgeous city of Interlaken with its twin lakes Brienz and Thun to the picturesque village of Lauterbrunnen is one of Switzerland’s most beautiful.

You’ll pass a few other small stations, such as the Winderswil stop where you can break the journey to take the even more scenic Schynige Platte train. 

All along, you’ll be surrounded by the Jungfrau mountains , passing green pastures and trees as you make your way towards Lauterbrunnen Valley with its 72 waterfalls.

The final portion of the train is the most picturesque, as the train tracks meet up with and go alongside a gorgeously flowing glacier-fed river. As you step out at Lauterbrunnen, you’re just a few minutes’ walk from getting to see one of Lauterbrunnen town’s two waterfalls.

To further continue the beauty, you can visit Mürren via the cable car to Winteregg.

By Eternal Arrival

View of Swiss mountains and chalets

This is one of my favourite Swiss train journeys and one that actually starts (or ends depending on your direction) in the Italian town of Tirano.

This journey also takes you along the World Heritage Site known as the Rhaetian Railway in the Albula/Bernina Landscapes.

The journey from Tirano in Italy to Chur in Switzerland takes 4 hours and during that time you cover 144 km through 55 tunnels and 196 bridges and through numerous mountain resort towns (including glamourous St Moritz)

This Swiss rail journey also includes travelling along the famous Landwasser Viaduct which is an incredible feat of engineering. This is one of the most famous sights along the way and has everyone scrambling to get that perfect shot.

Travel in summer to enjoy the green valleys and summer sunshine or during the winter months for beautiful snow-covered scenery. Whichever time of year you choose this trip deserves its reputation as one of the most scenic rail journeys anywhere in the world.

Learn more – A train ride on the famous Bernina Express

The Bernina Express

If you live outside of Europe you can find out more about the various tickets and passes available from Eurail.

It can be very complex working out which is the best pass for Switzerland and other European train networks so it is good to use the guides on the Eurail site to help work out which is the most cost-effective for your needs.

With all these wonderful train journeys to choose from in Switzerland, the hardest decision will be deciding which ones to include in your Swiss travel itinerary.

If you are planning to visit Switzerland or simply want to know more about this beautiful country my Swiss travel guide is a great place to start. For more travel inspiration my Swiss bucket list details 23 must-visit places in Switzerland.

Andrea Dulanska

Welcome to Switzerland Travel Centre! You are welcome to contact us by e-mail or by phone on +44 207 420 4900 .

Entlang der Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

Experience the most breathtaking panoramic rail routes in Switzerland on an unforgettable round trip, carefully planned and coordinated by one of our experienced Switzerland travel experts. Your travel package includes train tickets, seat reservations where necessary and comfortable hotel accommodation. The itinerary and duration of your trip can be customised, according to your preferences, to create a tailor-made dream journey through Switzerland’s Alpine scenery. 

GTToS Original_Map

Route Information

The full Grand Train Tour covers around 1,280 kilometres of rail routes and includes journeys on Switzerland’s most famous panoramic trains, such as the Bernina Express, the Glacier Express, the GoldenPass Express and the Gotthard Panorama Express. Travellers experience a wide variety of landscapes, including magical mountain scenery, stunning crystal-clear lakes, lively towns and idyllic villages.

Das Landwasserviadukt bei Filisur.

Route Highlights

The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland showcases many of Switzerland’s highlights, including:

  • Legendary Panoramic Trains  such as the Glacier Express, “the slowest express train in the world”, offering breathtaking views of Alpine scenery, passing deep gorges and crossing impressive viaducts.
  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites along the route, including the Albula and Bernina lines of the Rhaetian Railway and the Abbey District in St. Gallen.
  • Switzerland’s most popular holiday resorts such as Zermatt with the majestic Matterhorn mountain, glamorous St. Moritz, the picturesque city of Lucerne and Interlaken, gateway to the Jungfrau Region.

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Can i book my roundtrip in advance.

Yes and advance booking is highly recommended, especially for the busy summer season when demand is particularly high. Packages can be booked easily, online or via one of our travel experts.

What is the best time of year to take the trip?

This depends on your personal preferences. Each season offers something different:

  • Spring (April to May) : Ideal for nature lovers, as landscapes bloom and temperatures are pleasant. There may still be snow at higher altitudes. 
  • Summer (June to August) : The best time to enjoy the full splendour of the Swiss countryside, especially if intending to hike or cycle. The weather is warm and days are long however, this is also peak season for visitors. 
  • Autumn (September to November) : Great for photography enthusiasts, as colours change to magnificent seasonal shades while the weather remains mild.
  • Winter (December to February) : This season brings magical snowy landscapes and the opportunity to experience Switzerland’s winter sports resorts.

In general, spring and autumn mean pleasant weather, while summer is ideal for those that love sun and outdoor activities. Winter offers a unique opportunity to enjoy snow-covered Alpine landscapes.

Please note that it is only possible to complete the full Grand Train Tour of Switzerland from spring to autumn, due to the seasonal opening of the Gotthard Panorama Express route.

Can I travel with children?

Yes, trains in Switzerland are suitable for passengers of all ages, including families with children but please do note the following important points:

  • Tickets:  Children can benefit from reduced fares, depending on their age. Please contact our travel experts for more specific information about your booking. 
  • Entertainment and Activities:  Remember to bring something (books or games) to keep your children occupied. 
  • Snacks and Refreshments: The Glacier Express, Goldenpass Express and Gotthard Panorama Express boat all offer catering options but we, nevertheless, recommend that you bring plenty of snacks and drinks for your children.

Are the trains wheelchair accessible?

Yes, the trains are wheelchair accessible. Please contact one of our travel experts to organise your trip.

What is the difference between 1st and 2nd class?

The main differences between 1st and 2nd class are the seat arrangement and comfort. In 1st class, passengers enjoy larger, more comfortable seats with additional legroom and space for luggage. The seating arrangement is usually 2+1, meaning two seats to one side of the aisle and one on the other, offering more privacy. In 2nd class, there are usually two seats on either side of the aisle. Although 2nd class seats are still comfortable, they offer slightly less space and legroom than those in 1st class.

Our classic packages

Grand train tour of switzerland - the original, 8 days / 7 nights.

Discover Switzerland on the 8-day “Grand Train Tour of Switzerland” in Europe’s most exciting panoramic trains. Marvel at the spectacular landscape during your trip and experience the cultural differences in this country with its 4 language regions.

Zentralbahn Grand Train Tour of Switzerland Keyvisual

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - The Classic

7 days / 6 nights.

Take in the very best of Switzerland on this exciting 7-day itinerary. Travelling by rail throughout, marvel at the diversity of bustling cities and shimmering lakes; from snow-capped mountain peaks to palm-tree lined streets. With panoramic carriages, these trains and destinations truly offer something for everyone.

Die Albulastrecke entlang des Lago Biancos

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - Top Attractions

5 days / 4 nights.

Discover Switzerland's top attractions during a round trip to Lucerne, Interlaken, Montreux, Zermatt and Chur. Marvel at the unique Matterhorn, visit the Chapel Bridge and explore Lavaux.

GoldenPass Express

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - Winter Magic Tour

Be inspired by glaciers, powder snow and frozen lakes! The winter edition of the "Grand Train Tour of Switzerland" takes you through beautiful landscapes and snow fun. Make this holiday your own with the option to add on mountain excursions and fun ski activities in famous resorts.

Bernina Express in Winter

Customisable journey

Our holidays can easily be tailored to your own preferences.

Our combined offers

Grand train tour of switzerland - the classic with jungfraujoch.

Switzerland is celebrated for its superb scenery, as well as for the excellent tourist trains that allow visitors to make the most of this spellbinding county. Enjoy some of its many highlights on this 8-day tour, which includes many famous trains including the Glacier Express and even the Jungfrau Railway to the ‘Top of Europe’ – the highest railway station on the continent.

Auf der 8. tägigen Grand Train Tour of Switzerland erleben Sie die Kulturen Schätze und entdecken die Schweiz

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - Historic Tour

On this special edition of the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland, you'll enjoy Swiss hospitality at select Swiss Historic Hotels, each with its own unique story to tell. As you travel in the historic Belle Époque carriage of the GoldenPass Line, you will immerse yourself in another time.

GoldenPass Belle Epoque Lavaux Herbst

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - Glaciers & Palm Trees

4 days / 3 nights.

Travel on the Bernina Express and Gotthard Panorama Express through the Swiss Alps to the palm trees from St. Moritz via the Bernina Pass to Tirano (Italy) and on to the Mediterranean Ticino and Lugano.

Palm Express Lugano im Tessin

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - Stunning Waters

3 days / 2 nights.

The journey begins in Lucerne. After a good night's sleep, the next day you take the Voralpen-Express to St. Gallen. On the third day you travel along Lake Constance to the largest waterfall in Switzerland, the Rhine Falls in Schaffhausen.

Lucerne Kappelbruecke Header

Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - Hidden Treasures

Das Dampfschiff in Luzern ist für die Abfahrt bereit

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Der Bernina Express auf der Alp Grüm Richtung Poschiavo

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Glacier Express train on the Landwasser viaduct

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Travel Observations

Thoughtful trips for discerning travelers.

Travel Observations

8 Best Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland

Scenic Train Rides Switzerland Bernina

What is the best way to travel and explore an incredibly vast and beautiful country like Switzerland, you may wonder? There is no better way than traveling by train , especially when there are so many options and routes and every route worth exploring. Some of the most scenic train rides in Switzerland are very easy to incorporate into your itinerary planning.

Beyond their sharp punctuality, surplus scenic routes, and friendly service, the Swiss rail system provides you with an amazing experience and panoramic views that you can’t get enough of. Whether you’re looking for day trips from Basel or traversing Europe by train, the views will never let you down.

From sheer mountain peaks to dramatic waterfalls and verdant valleys, several trains are available to take you through an incredible journey considered undoubtedly the most scenic. So, here are some of the best eight train rides in Switzerland. 

1. The Golden Pass

The Golden Pass is one of the most popular among tourists. If you want to experience the Belle Epoque vintage carriages and the old-world glamour, then this is the train ride that gives you all.

The class Golden Pass line runs between Lucerne and Montreux. This tremendously scenic route runs in three different segments and offers sweeping views of a total of eight glistening lakes and snow-dusted mountain peaks.           

best train trips through switzerland

You may not want to even blink once the entire route, but the Montreux to Zweisimmen segment is highly recommended. You can take this route in the Belle Epoque heritage carriage designs, designed after an Orient Express from the 1930s, or choose the panoramic modern carriages instead.

2. The Bernina Express

The Bernina Express connects Chur to Poschiavo and Tirano in Italy. It does so by passing the Engadin Swiss Alps. This train with red carriages takes you through a montage of panoramic views and is rightfully considered one of the best scenic train rides in Switzerland.

Scenic train rides Switzerland

The Albula Line and the Bernina Line in 2008 were jointly named World Heritage Sites. This four-hour of spectacular journey crosses 55 tunnels and 196 bridges.        

It also goes through the Bernina pass at the above level of 7,391 feet. The segment from Chur to Pontresina is the first section, and this is the part that includes the famous and the dramatic Landwasser Viaduct.

This is a single curving track made of limestone and includes six huge arches. This train route is hence considered the best and is the most popular in Switzerland. 

3. The Glacier Express

Slowest Express Train in the World, but also the most scenic; this train connects Matterhorn to Zermatt and St. Moritz in the Alps. This train also passes through most of the same World Heritage Site like the Bernina express.

Scenic train ride Switzerland viaduct

The train takes pride in the equally mesmerizing views while including the Matter Valley and Matterhorn, the sparkling river Rhone and through the town of Visp displaying the massive rock walls.

It departs from Brig, and since both the trains offer similar routes but different Vistas, often visitors ride both Bernina and the Glacier during their time in the country.

4. Jungfrau Railway to Jungfrau Mountain

The Jungfrau railway takes its passengers to Europe’s highest railway station, which is 3,453 meters above sea level. The Jungfrau mountain sits between the Eiger and Monch mountains.

best train trips through switzerland

And the Jungfrau line runs through both the mountains, which exposes the travelers to incredible sights. Once the train reaches the top point, you can see as far up to Black Forest of France and Germany on a clear day. 

This ride allows you to take a walk on the glacier and visit the world’s highest chocolate shop. On your way down, the train crosses the Lauterbrunnen village, where you can enjoy gorgeous views of a waterfall. 

5. The Transalpine (from Austria to Switzerland)

This is probably one of the underrated train rides in Switzerland. The Transalpine route goes from Innsbruck and Zurich. And it will be fair to say it deserves more love and attention. 

best train trips through switzerland

This EuroCity Express, unlike the others in the list, is not marked to be a sightseeing experience. Nonetheless, it is one of those train rides that will take you across awe-inspiring sceneries and landscapes in Switzerland and Austria, and even Liechtenstein.

The scenery outside is gorgeous but what adds to the experience is the first-class car. The giant windows allow you the full view that you can soak in.

6. Cogwheel Railway to Mount Pilatus

The Cogwheel Railway to Mount Pilatus is the ‘Steepest Cogwheel Railway in the World.’ The train takes you on a 30-minutes journey which begins at the Alpnachstad. The train runs during the months between May and November.

scenic train rides Switzerland

If you want to reach the top during other times, you can take the cableway or the aerial gondola. On reaching the top, you can visit the historic Pilatus Kulm Hotel. You can enjoy refreshments at their restaurant, or you even walk around enjoying the stunning views. 

7. Gornergrat Cog Railway

A marvel of modern engineering, this train allows visitors to experience Switzerland’s most spectacular panoramic views. The train starts at 1,603 meters above sea level near Zermatt and travels up to 3,089 meters in 33 minutes.

scenic train rides Switzerland

You get the view of the iconic Matterhorn outline and the surrounding glaciers and peaks. You can enjoy a leisure stroll enjoying a sample fondue maybe, and so much more.

While taking the route back, you can enjoy several restaurants and small bars on the car-free roads of quaint villages.

8. Erlebniszug Rheinschlucht

Imagine traveling on a train among the most beautiful nature and its views, and now imagine traveling on an open train! All the fresh scents and smells, different sounds of nature overwhelming your senses.

best train trips through switzerland

This yellow beauty is a different experience in all. It is a different aesthetic and is for you if you have a different taste from the AC compartments and prefer the more natural winds. 

However, the Erlebniszug Rheinschlucht runs only during the summer, which makes sense but reduces the opportunity. 

What do you think of these top scenic train rides in Switzerland?

So here you have some of the best eight train rides in Switzerland. This list has something for everyone: modern luxury, vintage carriages, open-carriage trains, and some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.. All you need is to bring your camera and settle in for the ride!

How to plan your rail-based vacation

I work with rail partners all over the world to help secure your tickets up to 24 months in advance and to design itineraries that will thrill you. By working with me, you can rest assured your itinerary is perfectly customized to your wishlist and travel style. Head over to my train-travel planning services page or contact me to start the process.

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    3. Glacier Express Classic (Zermatt to St Moritz) The Glacier Express is the most famous scenic train ride in Switzerland, starting in Zermatt and passing through many beautiful landscapes before arriving in St Moritz. It travels through many beautiful landscapes, including over the Oberalp mountain pass and through the Rhine river gorge.

  3. The ultimate Swiss scenic train itinerary: Glacier, Bernina, Gotthard

    Day 6: Bernina Express. Another famous train: the Bernina Express offers a scenic ride across a varied landscape. The train takes you to Tirano, just across the Italian border. From Tirano, the special Bernina Express bus takes you back into Switzerland, to the town of Lugano.This bus route is covered by the Swiss Travel Pass.In winter, there's no bus.

  4. The Best of Switzerland by Rail

    The quintessential Switzerland experience awaits on this 10-day roundtrip tour through Zürich, Lucerne, Lausanne, Zermatt and St. Moritz. Call to book: 1-877-929-7245; ... How to Experience the Best of Rail Travel on Your Next Group Tour. Feb 06, 2023 · By Vacations By Rail.

  5. Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

    Lungern, Lucerne-Interlaken Express at Lake Lungernsee. On the Grand Train Tour of Switzerland, panoramic trains take you to all the highlights and sights in Switzerland, year-round. Get in, lean back and enjoy - wherever you like. Grand Train Tour.

  6. Switzerland by train: 8 of the most spectacular rail journeys

    There's just the short matter of crossing the Sitter Viaduct - at 99m, Switzerland's highest railway bridge - before historic St Gallen hones into sight. Route: St Gallen - Schaffhausen - Zurich; Duration: 2hrs 34mins (Switzerland Tourism Board) 8. A water wander: St Gallen back to Zurich. Riding the train through Switzerland.

  7. Most beautiful train rides in Switzerland

    Imagine you are sitting on a beautiful train full of modern amenities, overlooking the mountain landscape through large glass panes designed specifically for scenic trains. We're going to compile a list of the trains that pass through the most beautiful places in Switzerland. ... Best train trips in Switzerland: The Gotthard Panorama Express ...

  8. Expert Guide to Train Travel in Switzerland (2024 Update)

    The Grand Train Tour of Switzerland is the ultimate train journey through the heart of Switzerland. This round trip offers a complete and comfortable experience, taking visitors to the country's most popular sights and landmarks. Along a staggering journey of 1280 km, train lovers can check the top experiences of Switzerland off their bucket lists.

  9. The Ultimate Train Itinerary for Switzerland (2024 Guide)

    Travelling through Switzerland by train is very easy and comfortable . Budget - There's no getting around the fact that Switzerland is an expensive country. However, the Swiss Travel Pass is an amazing way of travelling around and keeping costs down. It's actually remarkable value for money. Sustainability - One of the buzz words in Switzerland at the moment is Swisstainability.

  10. 12 Most Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland (2024)

    9. Voralpen Express. Route: St Gallen - Lucerne Distance: 125km Time: 2 hours 15 minutes Stops: St Gallen, Wattwil, Rapperswil, Arth Goldau, Lucerne Tickets: Swiss Travel Pass The Voralpen Express is a scenic train ride that takes you through some of the most beautiful landscapes in Switzerland.

  11. Best Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland (Views to Die For)

    The Bernina Express is one of the best scenic train rides in Switzerland. Transporting passengers from Switzerland to Italy and vice versa, this train takes you through some of the most impressive landscapes in the country. This panoramic train runs from Chur/St. Moritz to Tirano in Italy, connecting two very different regions and cultures.

  12. Our guide to the most scenic trains in Switzerland

    Grand Train Tour of Switzerland. Gornergrat Bahn. Gotthard Panorama Express. Luzern Interlaken Express. Mont Blanc Express. Wengeralpbahn. 1. Glacier Express. The Glacier Express connects Zermatt in the west of Switzerland to St-Moritz in the east, taking six to eight hours to wind its way between the mountains.

  13. 7 Best Scenic Train Rides In Switzerland

    This is why it's one of the most scenic rides in Europe. 4. Glacier Express, Zermatt To St. Moritz. The Glacier Express route, Zermatt to St. Moritz, sets the standard that all Swiss scenic trains are measured upon. Slipping through the Swiss Alps, this route hits luxury ski resorts while imparting a slow-travel feeling.

  14. These are the panoramic train rides in Switzerland

    Find panoramic trains in Switzerland. More filters. Glacier Express. Scenic train trip Min. time required: 8:00. The Glacier Express is the most famous scenic train across the Swiss Alps, between Zermatt and St. Moritz. Check our must-read info about the route, …. Read more.

  15. The 5 most popular scenic train rides in Switzerland

    1. The Golden Pass Line. The Golden Pass Line connects the centre of Switzerland with the shores of Lake Geneva. This spectacular journey leads past eight lakes, rides through six different cantons (the Swiss version of states), crosses three mountain passes and connects two language regions with each other.

  16. 10 Best Train & Rail Tours in Switzerland

    Find the best Switzerland Train & Rail tours with TourRadar. Choose from 10 train holiday packages with 518 tour reviews. Book now and save with TourRadar.com! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,263 reviews) 24/7 customer support. Deals of the Week Captivating Costa Rica Up to 50% OFF. Deals end: 2d 2h 21m 49s

  17. Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

    About the tour. Small in size, endless in amazing scenery, discover the beauty of Switzerland from alpine peaks to brilliant blue lakes. Experience the best of this incredible country on an escorted grand tour, exploring stunning lakes and awe-inspiring mountains. Journey on some of its most iconic trains, including the Glacier Express, Bernina ...

  18. The 10 Most Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland

    Route 2: Lugano (boat), Flüelen (train), Lucerne. Ride Duration: 182 km. Distance: 5.5 hours. Step aboard the Gotthard Panorama Express in Lucerne, a charming city in central Switzerland, and commence an enthralling 5.5-hour journey through some of the country's most magnificent landscapes.

  19. Alps by Rail

    Overview Itinerary. Day 1 - Arrive in Lucerne -- Mt. Pilatus. Day 2 - Through the Historic Heart of Switzerland on the Gotthard Route. Day 3 - Bernina Route - Lugano past northern Lake Como to St Moritz. Day 4 - Beautiful Swiss Alps, Lakes and Vistas. Day 5 - Mountains, Meadows, and Breathtaking Scenery on the Glacier Express.

  20. The Best Train Trips in Switzerland

    The Best Train Trips in Switzerland. The Glacier Express: It's advertised as the slowest express train in the world, requiring several hours to pass through southeastern Switzerland. Despite that, the line's 274km (170 miles) of track are an awesome triumph of engineering (of which Switzerland is justifiably proud).

  21. Switzerland scenic train trips

    One of the best experiences in Switzerland is riding the Gornergrat train located in the magical city of Zermatt. Zermatt is located near the southwestern border of Switzerland close to Italy. Take the Gornergrat train ride for views of the famous Matterhorn. The Gornergrat Railway in Zermatt is an electric cog railway that opened in 1898.

  22. Grand Train Tour of Switzerland

    Grand Train Tour of Switzerland - The classic with Jungfraujoch. 8 days / 7 nights. from £ 1500. Switzerland is celebrated for its superb scenery, as well as for the excellent tourist trains that allow visitors to make the most of this spellbinding county. Enjoy some of its many highlights on this 8-day tour, which includes many famous trains ...

  23. 8 Best Scenic Train Rides in Switzerland

    This train route is hence considered the best and is the most popular in Switzerland. 3. The Glacier Express. Slowest Express Train in the World, but also the most scenic; this train connects Matterhorn to Zermatt and St. Moritz in the Alps. This train also passes through most of the same World Heritage Site like the Bernina express.

  24. What Is Swisstainable? A Rail Tour Of Switzerland Reveals The ...

    Switzerland is trying to change the way visitors think about sustainability. A Swisstainability rail tour by Trafalgar reveals its ambitious plans.