Travel Purwokerto Sukses Trans

Tour Travel Purwokerto


Hadir sebagai solusi termudah dan tercepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Transportasi yang menawarkan Travel dari Purwokerto, Tour Wisata, Sewa Rental atau Carter Mobil sehingga Anda tidak perlu repot mencari kendaraan lain. Serta menawarkan ekspedisi pengiriman kilat SameDay Service 24 jam berupa dokumen sampai barang volume besar dengan tarif termurah dan cepat sampai tujuan.

Travel Purwokerto Sukses Trans

Sistem Cepat Full Online

Pesan tiket travel Purwokerto simple dan cepat hanya via handphone tanpa repot harus datang datang ke kantor/agen travel.

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Tarif Harga Bersahabat

Harga bersahabat termurah sangat kompetitif ekonomis dan terjangkau bagi semua kalangan masyarakat.

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24 Jam Fast Respon

Layanan respon cepat dari Customer Service selama Full 24 Jam membantu kebutuhan perjalanan Anda.

Layanan Terbaik

Pelayanan Terbaik Sukses Trans

Kami Sukses Trans Purwokerto merupakan jasa layanan transportasi termudah dan termurah dengan fasilitas terlengkap menggunakan managemen profesional yang telah berpengalaman bertahun-tahun yang menawarkan : Travel Door To Door, Sewa Rental mobil dan Carter Drop Pulang pergi, Tour Wisata serta Pengiriman Paket Barang

travel purwokerto terbaik

Travel Door To Door

Travel Purwokerto terpercaya dengan service Door to Door Antar Jemput dari rumah / titik jemput sampai tujuan utama dengan rute perjalanan ke seluruh wilayah Jawa Tengah, Yogyakarta, Jawa Barat dan Jakarta.

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Rental dan Carter Mobil

Penyedia rental kendaraan harga termurah, carter kendaraan dengan driver professional dan berpengalaman dengan di dukung kendaraan terawat memberikan kebahagian dalam perjalanan Anda

b travel purwokerto

Pengiriman Paket Barang

Penawaran harga ekspedisi kilat pengiriman paket aneka barang dari dokumen hingga barang bervolume besar paling murah ke seluruh wilayah dengan waktu tempuh tercepat One Day Service.

travel purwokerto


Paket Tour Wisata

Memberikan kenyamanan selama liburan atau tugas kerja menjadi yang paling utama dalam perjalanan tour wisata keluarga, bersama pasangan atau rombongan sekolah, perusahaan akan lebih berkesan, dengan dukungan akomodasi transportasi yang lengkap dan tim berpengalaman, Sukses Trans Purwokerto siap mengantarkan Anda ke berbagai destinasi menarik wisata favorit di Indonesia menggunakan paket tour wisata ekslusif dengan tarif bersahabat

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Management Profesional

Menerapkan management profesional dan tim berpengalaman dalam memberikan layanan transportasi menjamin keamanan, kenyamanan, dan kebahagiaan kebutuhan Anda

travel purwokerto nyaman

Prioritas Kenyamanan

Kenyamanan menggunakan layanan kami menjadi prioritas utama dengan dukungan kendaraan bersih dan layak jalan dilengkapi fasilitas pendukung lainnya

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Driver Berpengalaman

Tenaga driver berusia muda dan ramah merupakan pengendara yang terlatih dan sudah sangat berpengalaman selama bertahun-tahun serta hafal rute perjalanan

armada travel purwokerto berkualitas

Armada Berkualitas

Menyediakan pilihan aneka armada berkualitas prima dengan perawatan service rutin berkala yang tentunya menjadikannya sebagai kendaraan sangat layak beroperasi sesuai perjalanan

bagasi travel purwokerto

Full Fasilitas

Dilengkapi dengan Fasilitas Kenyamanan antara lain sound system terbaru, televisi, Air Conditioner (AC), reclining seat, serta bagasi yang cukup besar penyimpan barang bawaan

b travel purwokerto

Kami berkomitmen terus selalu meningkatkan dan mengembangan pelayanan di bidang transportasi dengan mengikuti dan menyesuaikan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman


Solusi Transportasi Termudah dan Termurah

Dengan managemen handal dan berpengalaman kami memberikan berbagai kemudahan dalam kebutuhan transportasi travel, rental sewa mobil dan Carter kendaraan yang akan menjadikan Sukses Trans sebagai pilihan untuk mendampingi aktivitas Anda ke luar kota.

Rental Mobil Bersahabat

Sewa atau rental menawarkan aneka pilihan mobil yang menjadi favorit Anda dengan tarif yang bersahabat dan masih bisa nego sampai harga yang disepakati.

Pembayaran Mudah

Tarif tiket travel termurah dan cara pembayaran termudah dengan transfer saat booking atau langsung ke Driver setelah Anda sampai di tempat tujuan.

Diskon Carter Kendaraan

Memberikan jaminan kepuasan penumpang dengan harga kekeluargaan dan selalu ada diskon dilengkapi fasilitas kendaraan terbaik didukung driver yang profesioal

travel purwokerto sukses trans mobil

Layanan Transportasi Terpercaya

Sukses Trans Mitra Perjalanan Anda

Melayani setulus hati dengan profesionalitas Tour Pariwisata dan Travel Purwokerto hadir sebagai solusi kemudahan berbagai kebutuhan Transportasi. Selanjutnya kami ucapkan Terima kasih tentunya kepada para pelanggan yang sudah memilih Sukses Trans sebagai mitra terbaik perjalanan Anda.

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Discover Purwokerto: A Hidden Gem in Java’s Heartland

Deep in the heart of Java, Indonesia, lies Purwokerto, a city that effortlessly blends natural beauty with cultural richness. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a culture enthusiast, or simply looking for a tranquil retreat, Purwokerto offers a variety of accommodations to suit every traveler’s needs. From luxurious resorts nestled among lush greenery to cozy boutique hotels that tell a story of local heritage, this guide will lead you to the best places to stay in Purwokerto and immerse you in its enchanting allure.

Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia

Why Purwokerto Should Be Your Next Destination

Often overlooked in favor of Indonesia’s more famous islands and cities, Purwokerto is a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Situated in Central Java, this city is the epitome of tranquility, rich culture, and unspoiled natural beauty, making it an ideal retreat for those looking to explore beyond the well-trodden tourist paths.

A Cultural Heartland

Purwokerto stands as a beacon of Javanese culture, offering a window into the soul of Java’s royal heritage. The city’s cultural vitality is palpable through its traditional markets, ancient temples, and lively festivals that celebrate the rich tapestry of local traditions. The annual Banyumas Culture Festival transforms the city into a vibrant tableau of dance, music, and art, showcasing the diverse cultural heritage of the region.

Nature’s Splendor Unveiled

The natural landscape around Purwokerto is nothing short of breathtaking. Dominated by the majestic Mount Slamet , the region offers a myriad of outdoor adventures from hiking and trekking to relaxing hot springs renowned for their therapeutic benefits. The serene Lake Baturraden , nestled at the foot of the mountain, is a perfect spot for a tranquil day out amidst nature’s beauty.

The Culinary Delights

For food lovers, Purwokerto is a culinary paradise waiting to be savored. The city prides itself on its unique cuisine, blending Javanese flavors with a hint of colonial Dutch influences. Staples such as Sroto Sokaraja , a savory herbal soup, and the sweet treat Getuk Goreng , showcase the local flavors. Many family-run eateries and street food stalls offer authentic culinary experiences that tell the story of Purwokerto’s rich cultural and culinary history.

Affordable and Accessible

One of the most compelling reasons to visit Purwokerto is its affordability. Compared to more tourist-heavy destinations in Indonesia, your budget stretches further here, allowing for a more immersive and extensive exploration. Furthermore, Purwokerto’s central location in Java makes it an excellent hub for day trips to other parts of the island, making it a strategic base for broader Javanese adventures.

Whether you’re seeking a cultural journey, an outdoor adventure, or simply a place to unwind and enjoy the local pace of life, Purwokerto offers a blend of experiences that cater to all. Its charm lies not just in the attractions it houses but in the warmth of its people and the quiet allure of its everyday life. Discovering Purwokerto is more than a visit—it’s an invitation to explore the heart and soul of Java.

Best Areas to Stay in Purwokerto

Deciding where to stay in Purwokerto is crucial for enhancing your travel experience. Here’s a breakdown of the top areas and why you might choose them:

  • City Center: Ideal for those who want to be in the heart of the action, close to shopping centers like Rita Supermall Purwokerto and local cuisine.
  • Baturraden: Perfect for nature lovers, this area offers cooler temperatures and is close to natural attractions like Baturraden Adventure Forest.
  • South Purwokerto: Suitable for travelers seeking a mix of convenience and tranquility, with easy access to historical sites and beautiful parks.

ASTON Purwokerto Hotel & Conference Center

Luxury Resorts for a Lavish Getaway

Java heritage hotel purwokerto.

Immerse yourself in the grandiosity of Java Heritage Hotel , where traditional Javanese elegance meets contemporary luxury. Nestled in the bustling heart of the city, this hotel is not just a place to stay; it’s an experience. With its lush, manicured gardens, a state-of-the-art spa, and a gourmet restaurant serving both local and international delicacies, guests are treated to a royal experience. Its proximity to Purwokerto’s key attractions makes it an ideal choice for travelers looking to explore the city’s cultural treasures.

Grand Karlita Hotel Purwokerto

The Grand Karlita Hotel Purwokerto offers an unparalleled luxury experience with panoramic views of the majestic Mount Slamet. Ideal for both leisure and business travelers, this hotel boasts modern facilities, including an outdoor swimming pool, a comprehensive fitness center, and multiple dining options that cater to every palate. The elegant guest rooms are designed for supreme comfort, featuring spacious interiors and plush amenities. Its exceptional service ensures a memorable stay, making it a jewel in Purwokerto’s crown.

ASTON Purwokerto Hotel & Conference Center

Another gem, the ASTON Purwokerto Hotel & Conference Center , is a testament to modern luxury. Known for its striking architecture that commands the city skyline, the hotel offers a distinguished set of amenities including an infinity pool, high-end fitness center, and a spa that promises relaxation and rejuvenation. The hotel’s restaurants serve a variety of international cuisines, prepared by expert chefs. Located in the city center, it’s a gateway to the vibrant life of Purwokerto, with easy access to shopping, entertainment, and cultural sites.

Each of these luxury accommodations in Purwokerto is not just a place to lay your head, but a doorway to experiencing the best of Javanese hospitality and modern comfort. Regardless of your choice, you’re guaranteed a stay that will be one of the highlights of your visit to Purwokerto.

Bobocabin Baturraden

Boutique Hotels and Unique Stays

Bobocabin baturraden – a cozy retreat among nature.

For those who dream of waking up to the sound of birds and the sight of lush green forests, Bobocabin Baturraden is the perfect escape. This boutique accommodation provides a unique blend of comfort and adventure, offering stylish cabin stays right in the heart of nature. Each cabin is thoughtfully designed to complement its natural surroundings, providing a serene and intimate atmosphere. Whether you’re enjoying a morning coffee on the private balcony or star-gazing through the skylight, Bobocabin ensures a memorable nature-immersed experience.

Meotel Purwokerto – Where Art Meets Hospitality

Meotel Purwokerto stands out for those with an appreciation for art and design. This hotel marries contemporary aesthetics with traditional Javanese culture, displaying local artworks and modern decor in every corner. With its central location, Meotel provides easy access to Purwokerto’s vibrant art scene, shopping, and dining options. The hotel’s commitment to delivering a unique and personal service ensures that each guest’s stay is tailored to their preferences, making it a standout choice for travelers seeking a cultural dive into Purwokerto.

Privato Suite Purwokerto – An Intimate Escape

In the quest for a private and luxurious experience, Privato Suite Purwokerto offers an exclusive refuge. This boutique hotel prides itself on its intimate setting, with a limited number of suites that ensure personalized attention and privacy. The suites are exquisitely furnished, combining modern luxury with a comfortable home-away-from-home atmosphere. Guests can enjoy the tranquility of their surroundings, with a private garden and pool area that feels like their secluded oasis. For those seeking to relax in opulence and privacy, Privato Suite is an ideal selection.

Purwokerto’s boutique hotels offer a rich tapestry of experiences, from the artistic and cultural to the serene and private. Each establishment tells its own story, inviting guests to be part of a unique narrative that intertwines with the heritage and beauty of Purwokerto.

Practical Traveler Tips for Visiting Purwokerto


Getting around Purwokerto is relatively straightforward, with options ranging from local buses and taxis to renting bicycles or motorbikes for a more personal exploration of the city and its surrounding areas. Online ride-hailing services are also available and offer a convenient way to travel.

Weather Advice

Purwokerto enjoys a tropical climate with relatively stable temperatures year-round. However, the best time to visit is during the dry season, from May to September, when outdoor activities are most enjoyable. Always carry an umbrella or raincoat for sudden downpours if you’re visiting during the wet season.

What to Pack

Light and breathable clothing is ideal for the tropical climate, but bring a jacket or sweater for cooler evenings, especially if you plan to visit higher altitudes like Mount Slamet. Don’t forget comfortable walking shoes for exploring the city and nature reserves.

Cultural Etiquette

Respect for local customs and traditions is essential. Dress modestly, especially when visiting temples and religious sites. Always ask permission before taking photos of locals to respect their privacy.

Language and Communication

While Indonesian is the official language, a basic knowledge of English is widespread, especially in hospitality and tourism sectors. Learning a few basic Indonesian phrases can enrich your experience and help you connect with locals.

Armed with these practical tips, your journey to Purwokerto promises to be smooth, enjoyable, and full of discovery. This city, with its blend of cultural riches, natural beauty, and genuine hospitality, offers an authentic slice of Java waiting to be explored. Let Purwokerto be your next adventure — a chance to immerse yourself in the tranquility of Indonesian life and the vibrancy of its culture. Happy travels!

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1-Day Purwokerto Itinerary

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  • Purwokerto in 1 day
  • 2-Day Purwokerto Itinerary
  • 3-Day Purwokerto Itinerary

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Table of contents

1-day itinerary, alun alun kota purwokerto.

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Masjid Besar Jenderal Sudirman

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Purwokerto Timur railway station

Rita supermall purwokerto, museum bank rakyat indonesia, taman andhang pangrenan purwokerto, where to eat, dapoer prambanan, soto h. loso, d'best cafe & resto, rm. sambel joss, popular road trips from purwokerto, what's the weather like in purwokerto.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Purwokerto for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Purwokerto in January
  • Weather in Purwokerto in February
  • Weather in Purwokerto in March
  • Weather in Purwokerto in April
  • Weather in Purwokerto in May
  • Weather in Purwokerto in June
  • Weather in Purwokerto in July
  • Weather in Purwokerto in August
  • Weather in Purwokerto in September
  • Weather in Purwokerto in October
  • Weather in Purwokerto in November
  • Weather in Purwokerto in December

All road trips from Purwokerto

  • Purwokerto to Jakarta drive
  • Purwokerto to Semarang drive
  • Purwokerto to Yogyakarta drive

Explore nearby places

  • Purbalingga
  • Banjarnegara
  • Karanggadung
  • Pangandaran
  • Tanjung Uban
  • Dieng Kulon
  • Kulon Progo

All related maps of Purwokerto

  • Map of Purwokerto
  • Map of Baturaden
  • Map of Banyumas
  • Map of Purbalingga
  • Map of Guci
  • Map of Cilacap
  • Map of Banjarnegara
  • Map of Kebumen
  • Map of Karanggadung
  • Map of Pemalang
  • Map of Tirtomoyo
  • Map of Sukoharjo
  • Map of Tegal
  • Map of Brebes
  • Map of Pangandaran
  • Map of Wonosobo
  • Map of Tanjung Uban
  • Map of Pekalongan
  • Map of Dieng Kulon
  • Map of Dieng
  • Map of Batu Karas
  • Map of Purworejo
  • Map of Cijulang
  • Map of Kuningan
  • Map of Ciamis
  • Map of Temanggung
  • Map of Linggajati
  • Map of Magelang
  • Map of Borobudur
  • Map of Kulon Progo
  • Map of Mendut

Purwokerto throughout the year

  • Purwokerto in January
  • Purwokerto in February
  • Purwokerto in March
  • Purwokerto in April
  • Purwokerto in May
  • Purwokerto in June
  • Purwokerto in July
  • Purwokerto in August
  • Purwokerto in September
  • Purwokerto in October
  • Purwokerto in November
  • Purwokerto in December

Looking for other day-by-day itineraries in Purwokerto?

Check out our other curated itineraries that are also filled with jam-packed days:

Day itineraries for nearby cities

  • 1-Day Pangandaran Itinerary
  • 1-Day Wonosobo Itinerary
  • 1-Day Kulon Progo Itinerary
  • 1-Day Borobudur Itinerary

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Sewa Mobil | Wisata Indonesia

Purwokerto Popular Tourist Attractions | 7 List of Destinations in Banyumas

Purwokerto's popular tourist spot

List of recommendations for popular tourist attractions in Purwokerto, experience a different and fun atmosphere with your friends this weekend!

Purwokerto is a city located in Central Java Province, Indonesia. Purwokerto is the capital of Banyumas Regency. Known as an economic, educational and transportation center, Purwokerto has a variety of interesting natural and cultural tourism potential. 

This city has a tropical climate with quite cool temperatures because it is located at the foot of Mount Slamet. Apart from that, Purwokerto has a number of well-known universities and educational institutions in Central Java.

Purwokerto is a city in Central Java Province which is famous for its natural beauty. Here are some popular Purwokerto tourist attractions that Travela must visit.

Purwokerto Popular Tourist Attractions

1. silent lake.

Travela friends, Telaga Sunyi is a popular Purwokerto tourist attraction located in Ketenger Tourism Village, Central Java, Indonesia. 

telaga sunyi purwokerto

This lake is one of the main attractions for tourists who come to the Ketenger Tourism Village. The name “Telaga Sunyi” refers to the peaceful and calm atmosphere that is felt around the lake.

Where tourists can enjoy the beauty of nature and relax away from the noise of the city. Telaga Sunyi offers amazing natural views, with calm water, shady trees and really cool fresh air. 

Tourists often come here to picnic, relax, even to meditate and be one with nature. Apart from enjoying the natural beauty, visitors can do activities such as fishing or cycling around the lake. 

Telaga Sunyi is a suitable place for those who are looking for tranquility and natural freshness in the midst of their busy daily lives.

2. Lotus View Tower

Lotus View Tower is one of Purwokerto's popular tourist attractions. This tourist attraction is located in the Baturaden Tourism area which is around 14 km from the city center of Purwokerto. 

The Lotus View Tower offers beautiful natural views with cool air, because its location is at an altitude. This tower has a lotus-like structure which is its main icon. 

From the top of the tower, tourists can enjoy the panorama of the surrounding nature, including expanses of tea gardens, valleys and green mountains. Apart from that, this tourist attraction is equipped with complete facilities such as a parking area, food stalls and a place to rest.

The Lotus View Tower is one of the favorite destinations for tourists visiting Purwokerto to enjoy the natural beauty and fresh air of the mountains.

Also read later:

  • Hidden Gem 8 Most Popular Dieng Tourism
  • Temanggung Popular Tourist Attractions 5 List for Travela!
  • Semarang Old Town Tour

3. Baturaden

Travela, Baturaden is a village located in Baturraden District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. 


This village is famous because it is the entrance to the Baturaden tourist area, famous for its cool air and stunning natural views. Baturraden itself is a popular mountain tourist area in Central Java. 

In Baturraden, Travela friends can find various entertainment facilities such as swimming pools, children's playgrounds, camping areas and other game rides. 

This area is famous for its various interesting curugs or waterfalls, such as Curug Gede, Curug Telu, and Curug Cipendok. Apart from that, in Baturaden, there are several historical places such as the grave of Panembahan Senopati, one of the founders of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom.

Baturaden is a popular tourist spot in Purwokerto which is suitable for holidays with family or friends. Especially for those who want to enjoy the fresh air of the mountains and amazing natural beauty.

3. General Soedirman Commander in Chief Museum

Travela friends, the Great Commander General Soedirman Museum is a museum dedicated to remembering and commemorating the services of the Great Commander General Soedirman.

He is one of the Indonesian National Heroes who played an important role in the Indonesian Independence Struggle. This museum is located in the city of Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia.

The Great Commander General Soedirman Museum contains collections artifact , photos, documents and information about General Soedirman's life, military career and struggle to lead Guerrilla War against the Dutch colonialists during the Indonesian Independence Revolution. 

Travela friends can learn more about his role in Indonesian history and appreciate his services. This museum is one of Purwokerto's popular tourist attractions with an interesting history.

As well as objects to increase knowledge about the Indonesian Independence Struggle and remember the services of the Heroes.

5. Paguyangan and Melung 

Travela friends, Paguyangan and Melung are two villages located in Baturraden District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. These two villages are located around the Baturraden tourist area, which is famous for its mountainous air and stunning natural views.

This popular tourist area in Purwokerto offers various attractive facilities such as swimming pools, playgrounds, camping areas and other games. Travela friends can enjoy beautiful natural views and fresh mountain air.

Around Baturaden, there are several interesting curugs or waterfalls to visit. Curug Gede, Curug Telu, and Curug Cipendok are some of the destinations that can be visited.

The grave of Panembahan Senopati, one of the founders of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom, is also located in the Baturaden area. This place has important historical value and is interesting to visit.

This grand forest park offers trekking and natural adventures that travelers shouldn't miss. You can explore the natural beauty, diverse flora and fauna at this popular Purwokerto tourist spot.

6. Purbasari Large Aquarium Park

Travela friends, Purbasari Large Aquarium Park is a tourist destination that is no less interesting. This park is one of the largest aquariums in the area, and offers a unique experience for exploring underwater life.

Inside the Purbasari Large Aquarium Park, Travela friends can see various types of fish, coral reefs and other sea creatures in an environment designed to imitate their natural habitat.

This aquarium is equipped with modern facilities such as walkways that surround the aquarium, glass tunnels that allow tourists to walk underwater, and areas Interactive , where visitors can learn more about marine life.

Apart from that, the Purbasari Large Aquarium Park offers shows or presentations regarding marine conservation and the importance of maintaining the sustainability of marine ecosystems.

This popular tourist spot in Purwokerto is usually an attraction for families, tourists and nature lovers who want to learn to explore the riches of the sea without having to snorkel in the open sea.

Aquarium parks often become interesting educational places for children, while providing opportunities for them to admire the beauty and wonder of the amazing underwater world.

Let's read other interesting information:

  • Ijen Crater Banyuwangi
  • Hidden Gem Banyuwangi Tourism | Note 18 List

7. Baturraden Adventure Forest

Lastly, Baturraden Adventure Forest is a natural tourist destination located in Baturaden, a tourist area located in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. 

This area is known for its amazing natural beauty and the various adventure and entertainment activities offered to all tourists.

At Baturraden Adventure Forest, Travela friends can enjoy various activities such as Flying Fox, Canopy Walk, Trekking, and various other games and challenges adapted to the natural surroundings. 

Flying Fox, for example, is a very popular activity, where visitors will glide over tall trees using a zip line.

Canopy walk is a suspension bridge that stretches above the trees, allowing tourists to enjoy beautiful natural views from a height. 

Apart from that, trekking around the forest provides an immersive experience when exploring natural beauty and biodiversity.

Baturraden Adventure Forest is a suitable place for adventure and outdoor fans who want to spend time in nature while enjoying various challenging entertainment activities. 

Apart from that, this area is a popular destination for tourists who visit Baturaden to enjoy the fresh air and amazing natural beauty.

How interested are you in visiting one of Purwokerto's popular tourist attractions? Come on, take note bucket list now!

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  • 1 Understand
  • 2.1 By train
  • 2.2 By plane
  • 3.1 By angkot
  • 3.2 By online taxi / mototaxi
  • 3.3 By public bus
  • 3.4 By trishaw
  • 4.1 Museums
  • 4.2 Landmarks
  • 6.1 Traditional markets
  • 6.2 Boutiques
  • 6.3 Shopping malls
  • 6.4 Handicrafts
  • 7.2 Mid-range
  • 7.3 Splurge
  • 8.1 Coffee shops
  • 9.2 Mid-range
  • 9.3 Splurge
  • 10.1 Hospitals
  • 11.3 South East

Purwokerto is a sleepy town in the Central Java province of Indonesia . It is a major transport hub, connecting major cities such as Jakarta , Bandung , Semarang , Yogyakarta , Surabaya , and Cirebon .

Understand [ edit ]

b travel purwokerto

Purwokerto is a town of around 230,000 inhabitants (2020 census) and the capital of Banyumas Regency. It lies between Jakarta and Yogyakarta, making it a famous and bustling transit town in southwestern Central Java.

Some famous Indonesians originated from Purwokerto, such as Jenderal Gatot Subroto. These people are honoured in street names all over Indonesia.

The town is at the base of the Mount Slamet, the second highest volcano in Central Java. Purwokerto is a popular gateway to climb it, since the summit crater is about 18 km (11 mi) from the town centre. The rivers that flow down its slopes into the town provides some welcome greenery in the industrial drabness and hectic bustle.

Get in [ edit ]

By train [ edit ].

b travel purwokerto

By plane [ edit ]

By bus [ edit ].

  • -7.4427 109.2551 3 Purwokerto Bus Terminal ( Terminal Bus Purwokerto, Terminal Bus Bulupitu ), ☏ +61 822 2661-1616 . 4 km (2.5 mi) south of the town centre. There are regular services from across Java, including Jakarta (9 hours) , Yogyakarta (4-5½ hours), Semarang (6 hours) and Bandung (6-8 hours). ( updated Nov 2017 )

Get around [ edit ]


Purwokerto is a relatively small town, so travelling around town should not be too expensive. You can jog around town in approximately 40 minutes.

By angkot [ edit ]

Although Purwokerto is a small town, instead of walking in the heat and high humidity, travelling around town can be faster and easier by angkot (battered minibuses - derived from the words angkutan kota , or city transport). These have fixed routes but pick up and drop off anywhere along that route; sometimes they can be very crowded, but it's a great way to meet the locals. There is a certain etiquette to be observed, though. Costs Rp2,500 per passenger, paid when you alight.

By online taxi / mototaxi [ edit ]

Gojek and Grab online taxis are ubiquitous in this town and highly recommended if you are in a rush to other places.

By public bus [ edit ]

There are 2 public bus services in operation.

  • TransJateng is a BRT service operated by provincial government that serves mainly Purwokerto- Purbalingga (eastbound route). Operational hour starts from 05:15 to 18:00. The bus stops at the designated, high-level platform bus shelter. Rp4,000 per person, flat rate.
  • Trans Banyumas [dead link] is a bus service under the supervision of Ministry of Transportation. There are three operational routes: Pasar Pon-Ajibarang (westbound route. Operational hour starts from 05:15 with last departure from terminal at 19:45), Baturraden-Notog (north-south route. Operational hour starts from 04:45 with last departure from terminal at 18:00), and Bulupitu-Kebondalem (loop route. Operational hour starts from 05:00 with last departure from terminal at 19:20). The bus stops at the bus stop sign, some of them are integrated to TransJateng bus stops. Rp3,900 per person, flat rate.

Unlike Transjakarta in Jakarta (and just like the majority of BRT creepers in many Indonesian cities), they don't have a designated lane that separates their lane from regular traffic and has very low timetable. You may want to use these bus service if you're not in a hurry and really want to enjoy this town with its AC-equipped buses. Both BRT providers have their own app with bus tracker.

By trishaw [ edit ]

Traditional three-wheeled pedal-powered rickshaws known as becak can be found in most parts of Purwokerto. Haggle furiously.

See [ edit ]

b travel purwokerto

Purwokerto is simply a major transit town, not a tourist town. Even so, it still has many destinations to be seen or visited. It has a lot of beautiful monuments on some of its roundabouts and a few well-preserved Dutch colonial buildings.

Museums [ edit ]

Landmarks [ edit ].

  • -7.425745 109.222484 3 General Soedirman Underpass ( Underpass Jenderal Sudirman Purwokerto ). Finished in 2019, it is a beautifully-decorated underpass to separate the traffic from the rail tracks. Dedicated to General Soedirman. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.423915 109.223438 4 Gada Rujak Polo Monument ( Tugu Gada Rujak Polo ). Finished in 2020, it is a monument on a roundabout just before the underpass. It has a dancing fountain. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.438752 109.267848 6 General Gatot Subroto Monument ( Monumen Jenderal Gatot Subroto ). A monument that is dedicated to Indonesian National Hero Jenderal Gatot Subroto. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.421599 109.237667 7 "Pembangunan" Monument ( Tugu Pembangunan ) ( Near Bank Indonesia ). A monument about development and Pancasila. ( updated Nov 2021 )

Parks [ edit ]

Purwokerto also has many parks that are basically local hotspots for hangout, jogging, cycling, or even just to stroll around to enjoy its scene. You can also buy foods and snacks and have a picnic in the evening (specifically in its town square).

  • -7.424282 109.230188 8 Purwokerto Town Square ( Alun-alun Purwokerto ), JL. Jend. Sudirman, Sokanegara, East Purwokerto 53115 . 24-hours . This town square is the most popular local hotspots with many activities at night. You may enjoy some culinary in here that are sold by local vendors and have a picnic on its grassy field. Free . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.440079 109.244621 9 Andhang Pangrenan Park ( Taman Andhang Pangrenan ), Jalan Gerilya Purwokerto Selatan, Karangklesem, South Purwokerto 53142 . 08:00-22:00 price=Adult Rp 5,000, child Rp 2,500 . This park has playground for kids and also a stage for events. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.411362 109.238169 10 Balai Kemambang Park ( Taman Balai Kemambang ), Jl. Karang Kobar No.9, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto 53115 . 09:00-17:00 . This well-decorated park is mostly visited by families with kids since it has a playground inside and also a small dancing fountain. Adult Rp 5,000, child Rp 2,500 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.424841 109.238754 11 Pangripta Brubahan Park ( Taman Pangripta Brubahan Kranji ), Jalan Broebahan, Purwanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 ( Just behind RRI Purwokerto ). 24 hours . A local community park completed with a walkway that is suitable as a jogging track. Free . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.438786 109.268538 12 Satria Park ( Taman Satria Berkoh ), JL. Jend. Sudirman, Berkoh, South Purwokerto 53146 ( Next to General Gatot Subroto Monument ). 24 hours . A local community park completed with a walkway that is suitable as a jogging track. Free . ( updated Nov 2021 )

Do [ edit ]

  • Sport centre : -7.415344 109.250561 1 Satria Sport Complex ( GOR Satria ), Jl. Prof. Dr. Suharso, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53121 . 07:00-18:00 . This is the largest sport complex in town. Contains a football stadium, tennis courts, reflection park, and a few other venues. Usually locals visit in the morning, especially on Sunday when there is an event called sunday morning (sunmor) Free . ( updated Nov 2021 ) . You can also visit -7.407809 109.251364 2 Soesilo Soedarman Sport Complex ( GOR Soesilo Soedarman (GOR Soesoe/GOR UNSOED) ), Jl. DR. Soeparno, Grendeng, North Purwokerto 53122 . 06:00-09:00, 16:00-18:00 . which has better jogging track and a daily football match played by local football teams. M-F Rp 2,000; Sa Su Rp 3,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • Golf : -7.413848 109.247093 3 Wijayakusuma Golf Course ( Padang Golf Wijayakusuma ), Jalan Profesor Doktor Bunyamin No.10, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto 53121 ( behind Wijayakusuma Military Hospital ), ☏ +62281634597 . The only golf course in Purwokerto. It's relatively small but very affordable. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • Karaoke : One of the most popular entertainment programs in town. Plenty of well-known chains throughout the city, such as -7.427854 109.251329 4 Inul Vizta Karaoke , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.840, Purwokerto Kidul, East Purwokerto 53147 ( Near Pasar Wage ), ☏ +62281621555 . 11:00-02:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 ) and -7.427096 109.242661 5 Happy Puppy , Ruko Satria Plaza Blok AB-7/8, Jl. Jend. Soedirman, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 ( Inside Satria Plaza ), ☏ +62281625272 . 10:00-01:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • Coffee house : If you want to hangout with your friends, are a workaholic, or just simply want to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, there are a lot of coffee houses in Purwokerto.

Buy [ edit ]

Traditional markets [ edit ].

Purwokerto has many ranges of traditional markets.

  • -7.42588 109.250398 1 Pasar Wage , Jl. Vihara, Purwokerto Wetan, East Purwokerto 53111 . The biggest and bustling traditional market in Purwokerto ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.419032 109.227536 2 Pasar Manis , Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No.73, Kedungwuluh, West Purwokerto 53131 . 05:00-18:00 PM . This market sells a range of traditional snacks. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.423426 109.221144 3 Pasar Pon , Jl. Ps. Pon Utara, Bantarsoka, West Purwokerto 53133 . 04:00–21:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.410666 109.24555 4 Pasar Glempang , Jl. Profesor DR. HR Boenyamin, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto 53121 . 06:00-12:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.420562 109.199348 5 Pasar Karanglewas ( Pasar Kliwon ), Jl. Patimura, Pasir Kidul, West Purwokerto 53161 . 05:00-15:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.426921 109.267152 6 Pasar Mersi , Jl. Balai Kambang No.397, Mersi, East Purwokerto 53133 . 05:00-11:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )

Boutiques [ edit ]

There are a number of boutiques along Jl. Dr. Bunyamin, in the northern part of the town. They're popular with youths and college students.

Shopping malls [ edit ]

b travel purwokerto

  • -7.425547 109.230354 7 Rita Supermall Purwokerto , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.296, Sokanegara, East. Purwokerto 53116 ( across Purwokerto Town Square ), ☏ +62281632006 . 10:00-21:00 . The only modern shopping mall in Barlingmascakeb agglomeration region. It attracts many local visitors from neighboring regencies and always packed every end of the months and holidays. You may find everything in here. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.42874 109.241489 8 Moro Mall Purwokerto , Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No. 7, Purwokerto Kulon, South Purwokerto 53141 , ☏ +62281625100 . 10:00-21:00 . another so-called "shopping mall" that has a large supermarket with cheaper prices. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.427593 109.240292 9 Living Plaza Purwokerto , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.447, Sokanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +622817773736 . 10:00-21:00 . Contains ACE Hardwares and Informa Furnitures stores. There is also Chatime and KFC inside. ( updated Nov 2021 )

Handicrafts [ edit ]

There are plenty of handicraft and souvenir stands in nearby Baturaden, a cool resort town just 14 km (8.7 mi) to the north.

Eat [ edit ]

b travel purwokerto

Purwokerto is the heart of culinary destinations of Banyumas Regency, so don't miss any chances to explore more restaurants beyond the lists and indulge on every dish that's served in this town. The following dishes should be on every traveler's agenda:

  • Gudeg , a curry of jackfruit, chicken and egg served with rice. The most famous local dish. The most famous seller is in front of Pasar Manis, Jl Gatot Subroto.
  • Mendoan is made from very thin tempe (fermented soy bean cake), battered and fried. The best mendoan is only found in the village, even though city mendoan is quite tasty. Mendoan can be bought on Jl. Sawangan, in outlets including Mirasa and Echo21. You can buy it raw (with separate ingredients) and fry it at home.
  • Sate Kambing Sate kambing in the Purwokerto area (Banyumas, Sokaraja, Purbalingga) is also famous for very tender young goat. One of the best is Sate Tiga Saudara.
  • Soto Sokaraja , or locally called Sroto , a soup which originated from neighboring town Sokaraja, is very popular here. There are many local restaurants that serve this dish.
  • Gethuk Goreng is a fried variant of gethuk, traditional snacks made from cassava. It's as omnipresent as mendoan (specifically in Sokaraja).

Budget [ edit ]

  • -7.416013 109.244672 1 Empal Kupat Bu Karsih , Glempang, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto . 05:30-08:30 . A traditional and legendary Purwokerto breakfast food, Empal kupat ( updated Jul 2022 )
  • -7.424938 109.255188 2 Sahoun Ayam Pak Kartim , Jl. Kaliputih no. 18, East Purwokerto . 09:00-16:30 . One of the Purwokerto specialty dishes, Sahoun ayam ( updated Jul 2022 )
  • -7.423446 109.22589 3 Serabi Jalan Bank "Mbok Sur" , Jl. RA Wiryaatmaja No.2 RT 1/4, Kedungwuluh, West Purwokerto 53131 , ☏ +6282135354500 . 04:00-10:00 . available early in the morning is a local favourite. The queue is sometimes very long, especially during holiday season. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.429505 109.246238 4 Bakso "Sami Asih" , Jl. Pramuka No.23, Purwokerto Kulon, South Purwokerto 53141 , ☏ +6285647846450 . 11:00-21:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.423072 109.228926 5 Bakso Pekih , Jl. Pekih, Sokanegara, East Purwokerto 53115 , ☏ +62281638509 . 09:00-20:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.424492 109.237081 6 Sae Niki , Jl. Merdeka No.18, Purwanegara, North Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +622816510170 . 09:00-20:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.412568 109.245064 7 Hangout Cafe & Restaurant , Jl. Profesor DR. HR Boenyamin, Purwokerto Lor, North Purwokerto 53121 , ☏ +62281622014 . 10:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.420416 109.244481 8 Choco Klik , Jl. Overste Isdiman No.11, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +62281635100 . 10:00-20:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.426448 109.243596 9 Brasil Ice Cream , Jl. Jendral Suprapto No.25, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +62281624035 . 07:30-17:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.425941 109.237181 10 Dapoer Prambanan , Jl. Merdeka No.10, Kranji, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +62281630127 . 09:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • -7.426953 109.236588 11 Paparon's Pizza , Jl. Jend. Soedirman Blok D No.8, Purwanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +62281623111 . 10:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.427543 109.238782 12 Richeese Factory , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.530, Sokanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +62211500220 . 09:00-21:00 . Serve fried chicken with cheese and spicy sauce. It has drive-thru service. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.422367 109.212202 13 Rumah Makan Kalibogor , Jl. Yos Sudarso No.34, Rejasari, West Purwokerto 53134 , ☏ +62281636397 . 10:00-21:30 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.420309 109.242998 14 The Soeds , Jl. Jatiwinangun No.25, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +6289666328283 . 08:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • There are 2 KFCs in this town . -7.427579 109.240255 15 KFC Living Plaza , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.447, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +622114022 . 08:00-20:00 . The first chain in this town ( updated Nov 2021 ) -7.39978 109.245214 16 KFC Dr. Bunyamin Street , Jalan Prof. Dr. Bunyamin, Pabuaran, North Purwokerto 53125 , ☏ +622114022 . 10:00-22:00 . It has drive-thru service ( updated Nov 2021 )

Splurge [ edit ]

  • -7.427627 109.24309 17 Meteeor Cafe , Jalan Jend. Sudirman, Satria Plaza no. 1-2 ( Right in the city center, within a walking distance of the business and shopping centers ), ☏ +62 281 634234 . 10:00-22:00 . One of the best places in town for hangout, offers Italian, Chinese, and Japanese cuisines and snacks.  
  • -7.433853 109.249049 18 Pringgading , Jl. DI Panjaitan No.217, Purwokerto Kidul, South Purwokerto 53141 , ☏ +62281636372 . 08:00-21:00 . a garden-restaurant in DI Panjaitan street, offers Indonesian and Chinese cuisine. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.447139 109.243712 19 Oemah Daoen , Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No.101 - 103, South Purwokerto 53144 , ☏ +62281635169 . 10:00-20:00 . a garden-restaurant in Karangklesem, a few meters south of Andhang Pangrenan Park. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.398072 109.24628 20 Gubug Makan Mang Engking , Jl. Profesor DR. HR Boenyamin, Pabuaran, North Purwokerto 53121 , ☏ +62281630088 . 10:00-20:00 . a resort-style restaurant, with ponds and rice fields view. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.423514 109.233454 21 D' Java Steak , Jl. Kranji No. 28, Purwanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +62281630296 . 12:00-22:00 . Low-key steakhouse serving classic cuts & sides in airy quarters with traditional Javanese decor. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.395174 109.245286 22 Table Nine Resto , Jl. Profesor DR. HR Bunyamin, Pabuaran, North Purwokerto 53124 , ☏ +62281627799 . 09:00-22:00 . Roomy restaurant with outdoor seating furnishing traditional favorites, set meals & hot pots. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.430515 109.242678 23 GyudaQ Japanese BBQ , Jl. Kongsen No.24, Purwokerto Kulon, South Purwokerto 53141 , ☏ +62281643135 . 11:00-23:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )

Drink [ edit ]

Like in any other Javanese highland interior towns (even though Purwokerto is relatively lower in altitude than Baturaden region), wedang is quite popular due to its warming effects and rich flavours.

  • Wedang Ronde is a hot ginger drink with gluten rice balls, peanuts, jelly.
  • Wedang Uwuh in English literally means "junk drink", due to its messy herbs appearance left unfiltered in the drink. Despite of its unfortunate name, this hot, ginger-based drink added with sappan wood, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemongrass, cardamom, and sugar/honey is very healthy and gives you warming effects. You may find this drink everywhere (especially in Baturaden region).

Coffee shops [ edit ]

Just like many other cities in Indonesia, Purwokerto is experiencing a boom in coffee shops. Due to the high number of coffee shops in this town, it is highly recommended to explore by yourself beyond this list.

  • -7.421679 109.230075 1 Kalih Coffee, Tea, and Spaces , Jl. Pungkuran No.4, Purwokerto, Sokanegara, Kec. Purwokerto Tim., Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53115 , ☏ +6281227268611 . 08:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.421944 109.243948 2 Milos Coffee , Kebondalem, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +6281292134714 . 08:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.419649 109.243201 3 Stue Coffee , Jl. Jatiwinangun No.26, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 . 09:00-21:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.409128 109.245456 4 Loja De Cafe Bancarkembang , JL. H.R Bunyamin No.89, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto 53121 , ☏ +62281631349 . 09:00-00:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.403594 109.244812 5 Praketa Coffee , Jl. H.R Boenyamin No.129, Grendeng, North Puewokerto 52212 , ☏ +6282323736321 . 07:00-21:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.399815 109.24115 6 Singgah Coffee & Book , Jl. Riyanto No.29, Sumampir, North Purwokerto 53125 , ☏ +628156982525 . 07:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.417692 109.252183 7 Society Coffee House , Jl. Prof. Dr. Suharso Kelurahan No.9B, Arcawinangun, East Purwokerto 53113 , ☏ +628112821168 . 11:00-22:00 . ( updated Nov 2021 )

Sleep [ edit ]

  • -7.396699 109.24503 1 FixOn Capsule Hotel , Jalan Profesor Doktor HR Boenyamin No.KM.19,4, Pabuaran, North Purwokerto 53124 , ☏ +622817771577 . Check-in: 13:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Single: Rp 103,000; Double: Rp 186,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.419006 109.244343 2 Hotel Gunung Slamet , Jl. Overste Isdiman No.20, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +62281626332 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Economy Twin (Non-AC): Rp 124,500; Economy Double (AC): Rp 141,100; Economy Triple (AC): Rp 157,700 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.422896 109.253975 3 Roda Mas Hotel , Jl. Martadireja 1 No.871, Purwokerto Wetan, East Purwokerto 53113 , ☏ +62281637590 . Check-in: 13:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Standart: Rp 130,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.437052 109.249036 4 Teratai Mas Hotel , Jl. DI Panjaitan No.144, Purwokerto Kidul, South Purwokerto 53147 , ☏ +62281640787 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Economy Twin (Non-AC): Rp 140,000; Standart (AC): Rp 198,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.435401 109.248735 5 Orlando Hotel , Jalan DI Panjaitan No.119, Purwokerto Kulon, South Purwokerto 53147 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Economy (Non-AC): Rp 150,600; Luxury (AC): Rp 210,800 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.427994 109.247167 6 Hotel Besar ( literally means "Big Hotel" ), Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.732, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Zenith (Non-AC): Rp 145,000; Zircon (AC): Rp175,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.417663 109.251121 7 Hayden Inn , Jln.Gelora Indah I Gang Baseball No. 3 Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +622816849668 . Check-in: 14:00 PM , check-out: 12:00 . Exotic (Room only): Rp 188,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.425583 109.233005 8 Halona Guest House , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.373, Purwanegara, Kec. Purwokerto 53116 ( close to Rita Supermall and town square ), [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Deluxe: Rp 190,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.426823 109.265859 9 Privato Suite , Jl. Adipati Mersi No.72, Mersi, East Purwokerto 53112 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Deluxe: Rp 200,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.433359 109.244111 10 Palapa Hotel , Jl. S. Parman No.283, Purwokerto Kulon, South Purwokerto 53141 , ☏ +62 281-636693 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . On a tree-lined street, this laid-back hotel amid shops and eateries is 2 km from the Jenderal Besar Soedirman Mosque and 4 km from Stasiun Purwokerto. Superior: Rp 215,500; Deluxe: Rp 239,300; Family: Rp 325,700 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.423744 109.227317 11 ARON Hotel Purwokerto ( formerly Borobudur Hotel ), Jalan Yosodarmo 32 ( close to Rita Supermall and town square ), ☏ +62 281 637747 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 11:00 . Known for its 1970s exterior, ARON Hotel was renovated in its current state while preserving its 1970s style. Superior Twin Bed: Rp 235,000 per night . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.439479 109.21925 12 Hotel Artha , Jl. Raya Pengasinan No.333, Tanjung, South Purwokerto 53171 , ☏ +62 281 7771359 . Check-in: 13:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Deluxe: Rp 220,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.440097 109.242178 13 Mukti Jaya Hotel , Jl. Gerilya No.118, Karangklesem, South Purwokerto 53144 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . On a street lined with shops and eateries, this humble budget hotel is a 4-minute walk from a playground at Andhang Pangrenan Park, and 4 km from both the Museum Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Stasiun Purwokerto. Superior: Rp 220,000; Deluxe: Rp 270,000; Suite: Rp 300,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.438691 109.235927 14 Papillon Hotel , Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.168, Karangpucung, South Purwokerto 53142 , ☏ +62 281 6577888 . Check-in: 1300 , check-out: 12:00 . Set amid shops and eateries, this no-frills hotel is 2 km from Taman Andhang Pangrenan Purwokerto park and 3 km from financial exhibits at Museum Rakyat Indonesia Bank. Deluxe: Rp 233,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.423817 109.234741 15 D'Ben Hotel , Jl. Kranji No.60, Purwanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +62 281 6510168 . Check-in: 13:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Standard: Rp 235,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.425361 109.236839 16 Wisata Niaga Hotel , Jl. Merdeka No.5, Purwanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 ( downtown ), ☏ +62-281-642333 . Check-in: 14:00 PM , check-out: 12:00 . On a bustling tree-lined street, this laid-back hotel with a colorful exterior is a 10-minute walk from shopping and dining at RITA Supermall Purwokerto, and 2 km from Purwokerto railway station. Standard: Rp 305,000; Superior: Rp 340,000; Junior suite: Rp 420,000; Family: Rp 535,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.440717 109.237888 17 Surya Yudha Hotel , Jalan Gerilya No. 30A, Karangpucung, South Purwokerto 53142 , ☏ +62 281 6578080 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Near shops and restaurants, this laid-back hotel is an 11-minute walk from Andhang Pangrenan Park and 5 km from Purwokerto train station. Superior: Rp 348,000; Executive: Rp 644,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.423153 109.246617 18 Dominic Hotel , Jl. Komisaris Bambang Suprapto No.39-41, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +622816574888 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Standart: Rp 320,000; Deluxe: Rp 390,000; Junior Suite: Rp 440,000; DM Suite: Rp 460,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.427653 109.244492 19 COR Hotel , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.508 - 511, Purwokerto Lor, East Purwokerto 53141 , ☏ +62 281 7772777 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Superior: Rp 370,000: Junior Suite: Rp 410,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.405573 109.245233 20 Wisata Niaga Campus Hotel ( not to be confused with Wisata Niaga Hotel on Jalan Merdeka ), Jl H.R. Bunyamin No.637C, Grendeng, North Purwokerto 53121 ( across General Soedirman University, that's why it added "Campus" to its name ), ☏ +62 281 7772888 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Superior: 380,000; Family: Rp 490,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )

b travel purwokerto

  • -7.437269 109.243479 21 Grand Karlita Hotel , Jl. S. Parman No.296, Purwokerto Kulon, South Purwokerto 53141 , ☏ +62 281 7772500 , fax : +62 281 7773500 . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Flanked by fields, this informal hotel is a 9-minute walk from Andhang Pangrenan Park, 4 km from Purwokerto railway station and 17 km from Baturaden Botanical Garden. Superior: Rp 405,000; Junior Suite: Rp 990,000; Executive Suite: Rp 3,150,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.417959 109.25464 22 Meotel Purwokerto , Jl. DR. Soeparno Selatan No.1, Arcawinangun, East Purwokerto 53113 , ☏ +62 281 777 1157 , fax : +62 281 777 1158 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . This straightforward modern hotel with a funky vibe is a minute’s walk from bars and restaurants, an 18-minute walk from Jenderal Soedirman University, and 4 km from Purwokerto train station. Smart: Rp 418,000; Family: Rp 488,000; Executive: Rp 798,000; Junior Suite: Rp 1,008,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.425517 109.231404 23 Luminor Hotel , Jl. Jend. Soedirman No.324, Sokanegara, East Purwokerto 53116 , ☏ +62 281 777 1988 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . Off a bustling road lined with trees, this sleek hotel is a 2-minute walk from the lively Purwokerto City Square and 1 km from Purwokerto train station. Deluxe: Rp 515,000; Executive: Rp 690,000; Junior Suite: Rp 1,065,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.415477 109.239262 24 Java Heritage Hotel ( formerly Horison Hotel ), Jl. Dr. Angka No.71, Sokanegara, East Purwokerto 53115 ( about 5 minutes drive north of the centre of town, near the main road to Baturraden ), ☏ +62 281 634321 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . A 15-minute walk from GOR Satria Stadium, this modern, palm tree-fronted hotel is also 1 mile from the town square, Alun-alun Purwokerto. House Deluxe: Rp 703,000; Junior Suite: Rp 2,075,000; Executive Suite: Rp 3,814,500 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.417263 109.244856 25 Aston Imperium Hotel , Jl. Overste Isdiman No.33, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto 53114 , ☏ +62 281 628000 , [email protected] . Check-in: 14:00 , check-out: 12:00 . A 12-floor, 4-star hotel with modern architecture. Offers wifi, gym, pool, restaurants, meeting rooms, and spa. Deluxe: Rp 915,000; Junior Suite: Rp 1,715,000; Suite: Rp 2,615,000; Presidential Suite: Rp 4,915,000 . ( updated Nov 2021 )

Stay safe [ edit ]

Mount Slamet erupted in 2009 and again in 2014, and for periods afterwards residents and tourists were warned to not approach within 2 km of the crater. Check conditions to determine the threat level before planning a visit.

Purwokerto is relatively safer than any other major cities in Indonesia. However, there were multiple cases of motorcycle theft in 2019. If you rent a motorcycle or any other vehicles, make sure to always lock its steering or wheels and triple check before you leave it.

  • -7.403692 109.23177 1 Polresta Banyumas ( Banyumas Municipal Police Headquarter ), Jalan Letjend. Pol. R. Sumarto No.100, Purwanegara, North Purwokerto 53126 , ☏ +62 281-622259 , toll-free: +62 110 , [email protected] . Main police station in Purwokerto area. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.408264 109.236557 2 Pemadam Kebakaran Banyumas ( Banyumas Firefighers Headquarter ), Jl. Brigjend. Encung No.104A, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto 53126 , ☏ +62 281-632611 , toll-free: +62 113 . 24-hours . ( updated Nov 2021 )

Hospitals [ edit ]

  • -7.435781 109.267461 3 Margono Soekarjo Regional General Hospital ( RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekarjo ), Jl. Dr. Gumbreg No.1, Berkoh, South Purwokerto 53146 , ☏ +62 281 632708 , toll-free: +62 118 , +62 119 , [email protected] . The major regional general hospital for Southwestern Central Java region. Most high-grade medical conditions are referred to this hospital first, due to its moderate number of sub-specialist doctors. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.414917 109.245505 4 Wijayakusuma Military Hospital ( RST Wijayakusuma ), Jl. Prof Dr. HR Bunyamin, Bancarkembar, North Purwokerto 53121 , ☏ +62 281 633062 , toll-free: +62 118 , +62 119 , fax : +62 281 637100 , [email protected] . General hospital operated by the Indonesian Army. ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.418734 109.202834 5 Hermina Hospital, Purwokerto ( RS Hermina Purwokerto ), Jl. Yos Sudarso No.2, Karanglewas Lor, West Purwokerto 53134 , ☏ +62 281 777 2525 , toll-free: +62 118 , +62 119 , fax : +62 281 626 472 , [email protected] . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.416352 109.224121 6 Ananda Hospital ( RS Ananda Purwokerto ), Jl. Pemuda No. 30, Kober, West Purwokerto 53132 , ☏ +62 281 636417 , toll-free: +62 118 , +62 119 , [email protected] . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.445718 109.253446 7 Dadi Keluarga Hospital ( RSU Dadi Keluarga ), Jl. Sultan Agung No. 8A Teluk, South Purwokerto 53145 , ☏ +62 281 6847366 , toll-free: +62 118 , +62 119 . ( updated Nov 2021 )
  • -7.410599 109.253639 8 General Soedirman University Teaching Dental Hospital ( Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Pendidikan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (RSGMP UNSOED) ), Jl. dr. Soeparno, Grendeng, North Purwokerto 53122 , ☏ +62 281 641234 , toll-free: +62 118 , +62 119 , fax : +62 281 629161 , [email protected] . 24-hours . the only hospital that specializes in dental and mouth health. ( updated Nov 2021 )

Go next [ edit ]

North [ edit ].

  • Mount Slamet , a stratovolcano which is still active with recent volcanic activity in 2014. Travelers in Purwokerto will never miss a sight of this volcano since it's only about 15 km north of the town centre and is the highest mountain in Central Java, making it an ideal benchmark for the north direction. If any travelers are brave enough to climb it (since it's notoriosly known as one of the hardest mountain to climb in Java), you can visit Bambangan Base Camp in Purbalingga Regency or many other base camps as the starting point (there are at least 12 climbing routes).
  • Baturaden is the most famous natural tourist area just north of Purwokerto. Thanks to its temperate climate and abundant amount of waterfalls, there are many villas and tourist attractions that travelers can visit. Lokawisata Baturaden is a nature preservation on a Mount Slamet slope with waterfalls & swimming pools, plus panoramic volcano views. Wana Wisata Baturraden is an ecotourism spot with campgrounds and out-bond facilities, and also serves as a gateway to Baturaden Botanical Garden . Natural tourist attractions in here include Curug Telu, Telaga Sunyi, Hutan Pinus, Curug Kembar, Pancuran Pitu, Curug Ceheng , and many other waterfalls.

East [ edit ]

  • Purbalingga , home of the famous Owabong Waterpark, Sanggaluri Park, and Purbayasa River World.
  • Banjarnegara , do rafting on Serayu River and go further to Dieng Plateau .

South East [ edit ]

  • Sokaraja , a transit town, is famous for its soto and gethuk goreng.
  • Tambak , on the border of Kebumen Regency, 1-hour travel by bus from Purwokerto Bus Terminal for Rp7,000. Offering its famous duck satay. Price Rp10,000.
  • Kebumen . a regency famous for its beaches and natural limestone caves. Also for lanthing and satay ambal . There is Gombong town with its colonial and military tourism. There's also an ancient geological national geopark site, Karangsambung-Karangbolong . ( updated Oct 2022 )

South [ edit ]

  • Cilacap on the south coast is a growing industrial city, with oil refinery, power station and cement factory. The adventurous can hop off to the south coast beaches of West Java by taking a boat through the Segara Anakan bay.

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Travel Purwokerto

Bus ke purwokerto.

Sinar Jaya

Rute Bus Top Dari Purwokerto

From Rp 130.000

From Rp 70.000

From Rp 60.000

Rute Bus Teratas ke Purwokerto

From Rp 120.000

From Rp 95.000

From Rp 145.000

From Rp 110.000

Table of Content

Tiket bus purwokerto.

Jepara merupakan salah satu kota di pesisir utara Pulau Jawa yang punya nilai sejarah tinggi. Di sinilah kota tempat kelahiran Ibu Kartini. Anda pun bisa memanfaatkan layanan tr ans portasi bus Jepara untuk menjelajahi nilai-nilai sejarah yang ada di sini. Tidak hanya itu, ada banyak tempat menarik lain yang bisa Anda jelajahi, lho.

Top Rute Menuju Jepara

Ada beberapa rute penting bus Jepara yang dapat Anda gunakan, di antaranya:

  • Yogyakarta ke Jepara Jogja menuju Jepara memerlukan jarak tempuh sejauh 201 km dan bisa dilalui dalam waktu 4 jam 30 menit. Hanya ada satu pilihan layanan transportasi yang melayani rute ini, yaitu Daytrans , dengan harga tiket bus ke Jepara Rp130.000.
  • Semarang ke Jepara Jarak antara Semarang dan Jepara sejauh 76,8 km hanya butuh waktu tempuh sekitar 3 jam. Anda dapat menggunakan bus Jepara Rimba R aya Travel untuk rute ini. Harga tiketnya terjangkau, hanya Rp60.000.
  • Jakarta ke Jepara Jakarta dengan Jepara terpisahkan oleh jarak sejauh 518 km. Perjalanan dari Jakarta menggunakan bus Jepara memerlukan waktu tempuh antara 9 jam sampai 11 jam. Pilihan bus yang dapat Anda pakai adalah Nusantara CN, Haryanto , dan Sahaalah , dengan harga tiket mulai dari Rp190.000 sampai Rp290.000.
  • eka si-ke-jepara'> Bekasi ke Jepara Perjalanan dari Bekasi ke Jepara memerlukan jarak tempuh mencapai 503 km, dengan durasi antara 8 jam sampai 10 jam 30 menit. Tersedia tiga pilihan jadwal bus Jepara yang dapat Anda manfaatkan, yaitu Nusantara CN, Sahaalah , dan Haryanto . Harga bus ke Jepara, mulai dari Rp180.000 sampai Rp250.000.
  • Tangerang ke Jepara Rute Tangerang Jepara memerlukan jarak tempuh sejauh 544 km, dengan durasi antara 11 jam sampai 16 jam. Anda bisa memilih pemesanan tiket bus ke Jepara dari Haryanto , Nusantara CN, atau Sahaalah . Harga tiket variatif, mulai dari Rp190.000 hingga Rp250.000.

Top Rute Dari Jepara

Selain itu, Anda juga perlu tahu rute penting bus yang berangkat dari Jepara menuju ke berbagai kota, di antaranya:

  • Jepara ke Jakarta Bus Jepara menuju Jakarta bakal menempuh jarak sejauh 518 km dalam waktu antara 7 jam 45 menit sampai 15 jam 30 menit. Tersedia empat penyedia tiket bus Jepara, yaitu Haryanto , Sahaalah , Nusantara , dan New Shantika . Harga tiket bisa Anda peroleh mulai dari Rp190.000 sampai Rp285.000.
  • Jepara ke Semarang Anda bisa pula menjumpai Jepara bus rute Jepara Semarang. Bus menempuh perjalanan sejauh 76 km dengan durasi selama 5 jam. Hanya ada jadwal bus Jepara dari Rimba Raya Travel , dengan harga Rp60.000.
  • Jepara ke Tangerang Perjalanan Jepara menuju Tangerang menempuh jarak 544 km. Durasi perjalanan mulai dari 10 jam sampai 15 jam. Terdapat lima operator bus yang menyediakan jadwal bus Jepara rute ini, yaitu Nusantara CN, Sahaalah , New Shantika , Muji Jaya , dan Haryanto . Tiket bisa Anda peroleh dengan harga mulai dari Rp190.000 hingga Rp265.000.
  • Jepara ke Bekasi Anda bakal menempuh perjalanan sejauh 503 saat menaiki bus Jepara Bekasi. Durasi perjalanan bervariasi, mulai dari 9 jam hingga 24 jam. Harga tiket tersedia mulai dari harga Rp195.000 hingga Rp264.000.
  • Jepara ke Bogor Dari Jepara menuju Bogor memiliki jarak tempuh sejauh 549 km, dengan durasi antara 9 jam sampai 14 jam. Empat operator bus Jepara menyediakan layanan di rute ini, yaitu Haryanto , Nusantara CN, Sahaalah , dan New Shantika . Harga tiket yang mereka tawarkan mulai dari Rp210.000 hingga 230.000.

Operator Bus Populer yang Melayani Rute Dari dan Tujuan Jepara

Ada dua operator bus populer yang bisa Anda gunakan selama melakukan perjalanan dari dan ke Jepara, yaitu:

  • PO Haryanto
  • Harga tiket : Mulai dari Rp220.000
  • Fasilitas : Reclining seat , makan dan minum, TV LED, area merokok, dan AC
  • Rimba Raya Travel
  • Harga tiket : Rp60.000
  • Fasilitas : CCTV, palu untuk pemecah kaca, dan cup holder

Titik Keberangkatan dan Penurunan Penumpang di Jepara

Terdapat beberapa titik keberangkatan populer di Kota Jepara, di antaranya adalah :

  • Terminal Jepara
  • Terminal Pecangaan
  • Terminal Welahan
  • Terminal Bus Kelet

Sementara itu, titik penurunan penumpang dapat dilakukan di beberapa titik, seperti:

  • Kantor Bangsri
  • Jalan Ngabul
  • Terminal Kelet

Destinasi Penting di Jepara

  • Taman Nasional Karimunjawa
  • Museum RA Kartini
  • Kura-Kukra Ocean Park
  • Pantai Kartini
  • Pantai Kampung Prau

Nah, itulah info lengkap yang bisa Anda ketahui terkait pemesanan tiket bus ke Jepara. Untuk memudahkan pemesanan, pastikan untuk menggunakan layanan redBus, ya!

Titik Keberangkatan di Purwokerto

  • Kantor Purwokerto
  • Karanglewas
  • Agen Bumbu Alam
  • Alun-alun Purwokerto
  • Terminal Bus Purwokerto
  • Terminal wangon
  • Sunan Ampel
  • Terminal Bulupitu
  • Karangwangkal
  • Purwokerto Selatan

Titik Turun di Purwokerto

  • Cikarang Barat
  • Terminal Banyumanik
  • Agen Petanahan
  • Terminal Bus Banjar
  • Pasar kemis
  • Alun Alun Pati
  • Terminal Mendolo
  • Terminal Pondok Cabe
  • Simpang Depok
  • Terminal Klari
  • Terminal Pasar Minggu
  • Terminal kebumen
  • Karanganyar
  • Lintas Kota Wonosobo
  • Terminal Bekasi

Operator Bus yang Melayani Kota

  • PO Mulyo Purwokerto
  • Rukun Trans
  • Armadhani Trans
  • Kupu Kupu Ayu
  • Mitratrans Travel
  • Aragon shuttle
  • Dieng Indah
  • Dragon Jaya Express Travel

Pemesanan Tiket Bus Online Purwokerto

Memesan tiket bus kini telah menjadi mudah dan nyaman berkat berbagai kemajuan teknologi. Dan seperti bagaimana smartphone telah berkembang dari jaringan telepon rumah tradisional, metode pemesanan lama telah berkembang menjadi pemesanan online. Pelanggan tidak lagi harus berdiri dalam antrian dan naik bus atau menerima apa adanya kursi yang disediakan agen, karena redBus menawarkan seluruh informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk memesan tiket. Jadwal bus, daftar operator, penawaran terbaru, fasilitas yang disediakan, kursi, pelanggan bisa menemukan segalanya di platform redBus, yang dapat diakses dari manapun. Klik di sini untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru tentang perjalanan Anda saat Anda memesan tiket bus dengan redBus.

Pelanggan dapat mengunjungi laman Tiket Bus Online atau mengunjungi untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang perjalanan bus atau operator bus favorit sebelum memesan tiket.

Aragon shuttle Bus-Front Image

Rute Favorit dari Purwokerto

  • Bis Purwokerto ke Jakarta
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Bekasi
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Wonosobo
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Bogor
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Yogyakarta (jogja)
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Bandung
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Tangerang
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Surabaya
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Magelang
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Banjarnegara
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Temanggung
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Cikarang
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Depok
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Solo
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Tangerang selatan
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Semarang
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Karawang
  • Bis Purwokerto ke Kebumen
  • lebih >>

Rute Favorit ke Purwokerto

  • Bis Jakarta ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Bekasi ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Wonosobo ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Bogor ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Bandung ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Surabaya ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Yogyakarta (jogja) ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Denpasar (bali) ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Semarang ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Cikarang ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Tangerang ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Temanggung ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Banjarnegara ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Kebumen ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Depok ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Solo ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Magelang ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Kudus ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Tasikmalaya ke Purwokerto
  • Bis Wonosari ke Purwokerto

Operator Bus Terbaik di Purwokerto

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Rute Pendek Populer

  • Travel Jakarta Bandung
  • Travel Bandung Jakarta
  • Travel Jogja Semarang
  • Travel Surabaya Bali
  • Travel Bekasi Bandung
  • Travel Jogja Jakarta
  • Travel Jakarta Jogja
  • Travel Bali Surabaya
  • Travel Semarang Jakarta

Operator Bus Populer

  • Pahala Kencana
  • Kramat Djati

Kota-kota Populer

  • Tiket Bus Ke Jakarta
  • Tiket Bus Ke Bandung
  • Tiket Bus Ke Surabaya
  • Tiket Bus Ke Solo
  • Tiket Bus Ke Jepara
  • Tiket Bus Ke Jogja
  • Tiket Bus Ke Semarang
  • Tiket Bus Ke Bali
  • Tiket Bus Ke Medan

10 Pilihan Travel Purwokerto Semarang Dengan Harga Mulai Rp.90.000

Travel purwokerto semarang bus 2024 jadwal dari ke alamat terbaru tarif cipaganti sindoro satriamas tiket via wonosobo tri kusuma sumber alam maju jaya bintang wijaya agen biaya barang cari dan harga di eksekutif 24 jam jasa jogja malam mitra murah nusantara nomor nama semarang-purwokerto ongkos pamitran pesan rute shuttle tujuan kebumen xtrans

Jasa agen travel untuk saat ini memang sudah sangat banyak, sehingga tak heran jika sebagian besar orang sudah sangat mudah untuk mendapatkannya.

Salah satunya adalah dengan rute Purwokerto Semarang yang memang cukup banyak diminati oleh para masyarakat.

Bahkan setiap travel ini juga menyediakan layanan jasa dengan maksimal, dimana kelas yang ditawarkan berbagai jenis, mulai dari ekonomi sampai dengan eksekutif. Sehingga para penumpang nantinya bisa menyesuaikannya dengan keinginan.

Jika membicarakan tentang layanan jasa travel Purwokerto Semarang, maka berikut ini adalah daftar travel dengan jurusan Purwokerto – Semarang yang bisa digunakan:

1. Sumber Alam ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Mertadirja 1 No.982, Purwokerto, Berkoh, Purwokerto, Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53146 Jam Buka: 24 jam Harga Tiket: Rp 100.000 Nomor Telepon: (0281)7688886 Website:

Jadwal keberangkatan dari Purwokerto menuju Seamarang setiap jam 01.00 sampai dengan 20.00 WIB dimana diberangkatkan setiap satu jam sekali. Sedangkan untuk rute perjalanannya adalah Purwokerto –Magelang – Semarang.

Dan untuk armada yang digunakan tersedia dua pilihan yaitu bus besar yang nyaman ataupun shuttle bus Isuzu Elf dengan fasilitas AC, reclining seat, musik dan layanan antar jemput dengan sistem pool to pool atau point to point.

2. Sagafa Trans ❤️

Alamat: Elangsari Selatan 4 Blok P-25, Semarang, Jawa Tengah Jam Buka: 24 jam Tarif: Rp 120.000 No Telp: 08122053880

Jam keberangkatan dari Purwokerto adalah setiap jam 08.00 | 11.00 | 15.00 | 18.00 | 21.00 | 01.00 WIB. Dimana untuk rute singgahnya dapat ditanyakan langsung melalui kontak yang tertera, sehingga nantinya akan lebih lengkap dan jelas.

Sedangkan armadanya adalah Honda Mobilio, Grand Livina dan Toyota Avanza dengan fasilitas dari masing – masing mobil adalah full AC, musik, reclining seat serta layanan antar jemput door to door service.

3. Trans Jaya Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Pramuka No.239, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah ( Depan Gereja Sejahtera Allah ) Jam Buka: 24 jam Tarif: Hubungi kontak yang tertera No Telp: 085100793881 Website:

Rute Purwokerto menuju ke Semarang ini diberangkatkan setiap jam 01.00 | 03.00 | 05.00 | 07.00 | 10.00 | 12.00 | 14.00 | 17.00 | 20.00 WIB. Sedangkan untuk rute siggahnya sendiri dapat langsung ditanyakan ke customer service.

Armada yang digunakan untuk mengantarkan setiap penumpang adalah Isuzu Elf dengan fasilitas full AC, reclining seat, musik dan tentu saja layanan antar jemput door to door.

4. Joglosemar Shuttle Bus ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Overste Isdiman No. 22, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah Jam Buka: 24 jam Tarif: Hubungi kontak yang tertera No Telp: (0281)7694949 Website:

Dari Purwokerto menuju Semarang jam keberangkatannya adalah setiap pukul 01.00 | 12.00 | 17.00 WIB. Sehingga nantinya Anda bisa menyesuaikan ingin perjalanan pagi, siang ataupun malam. Sedangkan untuk rute singgahnya bisa langsung saja ditanyakan ke pihak travel.

Dan untuk armada yang digunakan adalah Isuzu Elf dengan dukungan fasilias full AC, musik, reclining seat, free snack dan layanan antar jemput door to door.

5. Mitra Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Jendral Soedirman No.205, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah ( Timur Pertigaan Stasiun ) Jam Buka: 05.00 – 20.00 WIB Tarif: Hubungi customer service No Telp: (0281)641037

Jadwal keberangkatan dari Purwokerto menggunakan Mitra Travel ini dilakukan setiap jam 05.00 | 07.00 | 14.00 | 16.00 | 19.00 WIB. Dan untuk rute singgahnya dapat ditanyakan ke customer service secara langsung untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih lengkap.

Sedangkan armadanya sendiri adalah Mitsubishi L300 yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas full musik, full AC, reclining seat dan layanan antar jemput. Dimana untuk metode yang digunakan adalah door to door service.

6. Qyta Trans Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan HR. Bunyamin Ruko Bancar Kembar No.007, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah Jam Buka: 06.00 – 24.00 WIB Tarif: Rp 120.000 No Telp: (0281)641333 Website:

Layanan transportasi dengan jam keberangkatan setiap pukul 07.00 | 13.00 | 16.00 | 19.00 | 24.00 WIB dari Purwokerto. Dan rute singgahnya sendiri bisa langsung ditanyakan ke customer service melalui kontak yang sudah tersedia.

Untuk armadanya sendiri adalah Toyota Innova dengan kapasitas 5 orang dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas handphone charger, LCD, full AC, DVD, reclening seat dan free drink serta snack. Selain itu juga terdapat antar jemput door to door service.

7. Tri Kusuma Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Letkol Isdiman No.8, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah ( Depan SMA 4 Purwokerto ) Jam Buka: 24 jam Tarif: Hubungi kontak yang tertera No Telp: (0281)635358

Dari Purwokerto menuju ke Semarang dengan travel ini diberangkatkan dari jam 01.00 | 03.00 | 05.00 | 07.00 | 10.00 | 12.00 | 13.00 | 14.00 | 15.00 | 16.00 | 17.00 | 19.00 | 22.00 WIB. Dimana untuk rute singgahnya bisa langsung saja ditanyakan ke pihak travel.

Sedangkan armada yang digunakan adalah Mitsubishi L300 dengan fasilitas full AC, full musik, reclining seat dan sebuah layanan antar jemput dengan metode door to door yang akan membuat para penumpang menjadi lebih mudah dan tidak repot.

8. Bintang Wijaya Express ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Letkol Isdiman 10B, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah ( Selatan SPBU Ovis ) Jam Buka: 24 jam Tarif: Hubungi customer service No Telp: (0281)635340

Jadwal keberangkatan dengan rute Purwokerto – Semarang ini sendiri diberangkatkan setiap jam 03.00 | 05.00 | 07.00 | 14.00 WIB. Dimana rute singgahnya bisa langsung saja ditanyakan melalui kontak yang tertera untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Dan armadanya sendiri adalah Isuzu Elf yang didukung beberapa fasilitas seperti reclining seat, full musik, full AC dan tentunya layanan antar jemput. Dimana dengan sistem door to door yang tidak akan merepotkan para penumpang.

9. Ardy Jaya Travel ❤️

Alamat: Jalan Dr. Cipto Semarang Timur, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50126 Jam Buka: 24 jam Tarif: Hubungi customer service No Telp: 089691711998

Ardy Travel dengan jurusan Purwokerto Semarang ini untuk rute singgah dan jam keberangkatannya bisa langsung saja ditanyakan kepada pihak travel dengan menghubungi customer service. Dan nantinya Anda bisa mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas.

Untuk armada yang digunakan adalah Daihatsu Luxio yang didukung dengan fasilitas full musik, full AC dan reclining seat. Selain itu terdapat pula layanan antar jemput dengan menggunakan sistem door to door maupun point to point.

10. Sindoro Satriamas Travel ❤️

Alamat: Kios Putri Rakyat No.2, Jalan Gerilya Selatan, Windusara, Karangklesem, Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah 53144 Jam Buka: 24 jam Tarif: Rp 90.000 No Telp: 085113334489

Rute yang dilalui oleh travel ini dengan tujuan Semarang adalah Purwokerto – Purbalingga – Banjarnegara – Wonosobo – Temanggung – Ambarawa – Semarang. Namun untuk jam keberangkatannya bisa langsung saja ditanyakan melalui kontak yang sudah tertera.

Sedangkan armadanya sendiri adalah mobil Isuzu Elf dengan dukungan fasilitas reclining seat, full AC, musik serta layanan antar jemput door to door.

Widi Astuti Dwi atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Widi (lahir 24 Juli 1995) adalah seorang penulis berasal dari Pekalongan Jawa Tengah. Widi salah satu penulis yang aktif mengunggah karya tulisnya di

Posting terkait:

8 Daftar Travel Dari Pekalongan Ke Jogja Mulai Rp.110.000

5 Agen Travel Dari Karawang Ke Tujuan Jakarta Mulai Rp 15.000

b travel purwokerto

8 Rekomendasi Travel Malang Kediri Dengan Harga Mulai 65 Ribu

5 Daftar Travel Dari Subang Ke Bandung Mulai Rp 45.000

6 Daftar Travel Samarinda Ke Balikpapan Mulai Rp.43.000

5 Daftar Travel Malang Gresik Dengan Harga Termurah Rp.80.000

  • Travel Semarang Cilacap
  • Travel Semarang Purwokerto
  • Travel Semarang Bandung
  • Travel Semarang Jakarta

b travel purwokerto

  • Travel Door to door
  • Sewa Mobil plus driver
  • Charter drop off
  • Paket Kilat semalam sampai
  • Pengiriman Barang

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Travel Purwokerto Semarang 10.00

Purwokerto Semarang Purwokerto 10.00

# Bagikan informasi ini kepada teman Anda

Detail Tour


Travel Purwokerto Semarang 10.00 Purwokerto 10.00

Detail Pemesan

Detail tamu.

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Dengan klik "Proses Pemesanan" saya menyatakan data telah sesuai identitas yang masih berlaku. Saya juga telah membaca dan menyetujui Syarat & Ketentuan layanan di website ini.

  • Syarat & Ketentuan
  • Tour Lainnya

Purwokerto memiliki beberapa travel yang tersebar di setiap daerah. Bagi anda yang ingin Order travel Semarang dan melakukan perjalanan dari Purwokerto menuju Semarang khususnya, tenang. Menggunakan/order Travel Purwokerto Semarang PP adalah pilihan yang tepat, terlebih lagi travel dapat menjemput anda pada lokasi yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, hal ini tentu sangat membantu agar anda tidak perlu repot datang ke kantor agen travel terlebih dahulu .

Order Travel Purwokerto Semarang PP

Anda cukup order lewat telpon / WA untuk booking tiket perjalanan anda. Silahkan anda menentukan sendiri jam atau tanggal keberangkatan anda kemudian driver akan segera meluncur untuk menjemput anda dan akan diantarkan sesuai dengan tujuan anda.

Sekarang ini transportasi darat seperti travel semakin marak, banyak sekali agen travel dengan jurusan yang sama menawarkan layanannya. Dengan kemudahan yang ditawarkan yaitu antar jemput penumpang (door to door service) menjadi andalan tersendiri dari jenis transportasi darat yang satu ini.

Lebih menghemat waktu Anda, karena tidak perlu lagi mencari tiket-tiket travel secara konvensional. Untuk  Order travel Semarang menghubungi lewat telpon atau  lewat WA disamping ini, tiket Anda sudah bisa terbooking. Selanjutnya hanya tinggal menunggu di rumah dan mobil pun siap untuk menjemput Anda.

Order Travel mudah dengan Customer Servis ramah

Hanya semudah itu?? Yaaa, tujuan semata - mata hadir ialah untuk mempermudah kebutuhan jasa transportasi travel online Anda. Melalui jasa travel online ini, Kami telah melayani berbagai penumpang dari berbagai daerah dan juga berbagai tujuan pula.

Ayooo Segera Booking Tiket Tavel Anda melaui customer servis ini dan buktikan sendiri kenyamanan akan layanan yang travel berikan. Diatas telah dijelaskan beberapa macam pilihan travel yang melakukan perjalanan dari Purwokerto – Semarantg atau sebaliknya, Pastikan semua kebutuhan anda telah lengkap sebelum keberangkatan. Semoga dapat bermanfaat.

Travel Semarang Jakarta

  • Handphone penumpang selalu aktif
  • Stanby setelah driver melakukan konfirmasi penjemputan
  • Ada bea tambahan apabila melebihi batas-batas penjemputan dan pengantaran.
  • Yang sudah melakukan DP atau Lunas apabila travel tidak menjemput maka uang akan dikembalikan utuh 100% ke pelanggan.
  • Apabila pada saat penjemputan dan hp susah dihubungi sopir maka bukan menjadi tanggung jawab kami

Mungkin Anda tertarik...

b travel purwokerto

Travel Jakarta Pemalang

Rp 400.000 / pax

Travel Jakarta Kulon Progo

  • Layanan 24 jam

b travel purwokerto

Travel Purwokerto Wonosobo

Rp 150.000 / pax

Alamat kantor pusat



Pos-pos Terbaru

  • Travel Cikampek Tasik
  • Travel Sentul Banyuputih
  • Travel Cikampek Sumber
  • Travel Bogor Jatibarang
  • Travel Cilengsi Kandeman
  • Travel Bandara-Soekarno-Hatta Comal
  • Travel Jatiwangi Demak
  • Travel Lohbener Salatiga
  • Travel Kretek Bawen

Mitra Trans 0811 251 191

Kantor mitratrans.

Mitra Trans - Cepat – Mudah – Nyaman - Aman

Pelopor perjalanan nyaman dan menyenangkan

Floating Button 1

Kontak Kami

Apabila ada yang ditanyakan, silahkan hubungi kami melalui kontak di bawah ini.

b travel purwokerto

Agen Travel Purwokerto Berangkat Hari Ini Ke Tujuan Berbagai Kota

Agen Travel Purwokerto

Purwokerto, kota yang terletak di tengah-tengah Pulau Jawa, menjadi pusat transportasi penting bagi banyak orang yang ingin bepergian ke berbagai destinasi.

Salah satu moda transportasi yang paling populer di Purwokerto adalah mobil travel Dengan beragam pilihan mobil travel yang tersedia, para penumpang dapat memilih destinasi mereka dengan nyaman dan efisien.

Mobil travel di Purwokerto menawarkan berbagai tujuan yang menghubungkan kota-kota besar di Pulau Jawa, seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, dan sebagainya.

Setiap mobil travel memiliki jadwal keberangkatan yang teratur, sehingga memudahkan penumpang untuk merencanakan perjalanan mereka Dengan layanan yang handal dan pengemudi yang berpengalaman, penumpang dapat merasa aman dan nyaman selama perjalanan mereka.

Keuntungan lain dari menggunakan mobil travel di Purwokerto adalah harga yang terjangkau Dibandingkan dengan menyewa mobil pribadi atau menggunakan transportasi umum lainnya, mobil travel menawarkan tarif yang lebih ekonomis tanpa mengurangi kenyamanan perjalanan.

Hal ini menjadikan mobil travel sebagai pilihan favorit bagi banyak orang yang ingin bepergian dengan anggaran terbatas Dengan daftar mobil travel yang lengkap dan pelayanan yang prima, perjalanan dari Purwokerto ke berbagai kota menjadi lebih mudah dan menyenangkan.

Para pelancong dapat dengan cepat mencari dan memesan tempat mereka melalui berbagai agen travel yang tersedia di kota ini.

Daftar Agen Travel Purwokerto

Sanjaya travel purwokerto semarang.

Sanjaya travel salah satu agen travel purwokerto semarang dengan harga yang terjangkau selain itu di sini juga memiliki rute purwokerto semarang tidak sedikit orang menggunakan jasa travel di purwokerto dengan memilih sanjaya karena memiliki berbagi macam keunggulan sebagai informasi diantaranya adalah:

  • Driver yang ramah dan profesional
  • Layanan antar jemput sampai lokasi
  • Selalu Fast Respont
  • Biaya yang relatif murah
  • Armada yang nyaman dan aman
  • Jemput dan Pengantaran hanya untuk area perkotaan saja
  • Rombongan min 5 orang bisa tentukan sendiri hari dan jam keberangkatannya
  • Diantar ke alamat untuk area perkotaan, untuk luar batas antar dikenakan  tambahan
  • tersedia medium bus, dan big bus pariwisata

oleh sebab itu Sanjaya travel sebagai rekomendasi yang kami pilih karena jasa agen travel ini menggunakan armada terbaru bisa di katakan terbaik di kelasnya jadi lebih aman dan nyaman,

selain mengantarkan penumpang penitipan paket / barang / dokumen bisa dilakukan dengan tepat waktu, jadwal keberangkatannya pun ada di setiap jam jadi kapanpun anda kan ke semarang bisa langsung order di sini

penjemputan di lokasi yang telah di tentukan selalu tepat waktu, karena di dukung oleh sumber daya manusia / driver yang berpengalaman mengetahui akan kondisi dan medan jalan tau akan rute – rute tercepat dan pastinya selalu mengutamakan keselamatan para penumpangnya

Jadwal Keberangkatan

Armada kami berangkat dari purwokerto Semarang pada jam :

  • Pagi     : jam 08.00
  • Malam  : jam 20.00

Citra Travel Purwokerto – Jakarta PP

citra travel purwokerto sebagai penyedia jasa transportasi travel senantiasa melayani pelanggan dengan ramah dan tepat waktu khususnya bagi anda yang ingin melakuakan perjalanan dari purwokerto jakarta pp maupun sebaliknya dari jakarta ke purwokerto

dengan menggunakan armada terbaru, dan selau di cek sebelum keberangkatan ini bisa jadi pilihan yang bisa anda gunakan. rute perjalanana mulai dari purwokerto, bekasi, jakarta, tangerang pp

Bismas travel memiliki berbgai macam keunggulan diantaranya sebagai berikut:

Alvaro Trans Travel Purwokerto Jogja PP

Demi memenuhi semua permintaan para calon penumpang, aguna travel  telah menyediakan sejumlah armada terbaik yang selalu siap siaga kapan saja. Dengan demikian kami akan selalu siap untuk antar maupun jemput Anda ke lokasi yang diinginkan. Kami juga akan selalu memberikan layanan yang tidak akan mengecewakan para penumpang.

untuk urusan perjalanan ke solo surakarta sukoharjo karanganyar anda bisa mempercayakan aguna travel dengan rute travel purwokerto purbalingga, banjarnegara, wonosobo, magelang, secang sleman, jogja / yogyakarta. tiket harganyapun cukup terjangkau melayani pengiriman paket dan dokumen sampai tujuan

dengan di dukung supir berpengalaman dan handal dalam mengemudikan kendaraan serta fleksibel akan kemauan penumpang, sehingga penumpang tidak merasa sungkan apabila ingin berhenti sejenak untuk beribadah, makan, ataupun ke toilet

Agen Travel Purwokerto Solo

bagi yang mau ke solo, surakarta anda bisa menggunakan jasa agen travel purwokerto solo zaky travel, sebagai rekomendasi yang kami pilih karena jasa agen travel yang sudah berpengalaman dalam mengantarkan penumpang maupun titipan paket / barang / dokumen dengan tepat waktu,

penjemputan di lokasi yang telah di tentukan selalu tepat waktu, karena di dukung oleh sumber daya manusia / driver yang berpengalaman mengetahui akan kondisi dan medan jalan tau akan rute – rute tercepat dan pastinya selalu mengutamakan keselamatan para penumpangnya adapun rute yang di lalau terdapat 3 jalur yaitu

  • Jalur Utara   : Temanggung – Salatiga – Boyolali
  • Jalur Tengah : Wonosobo – Magelang – Jogja – Klaten
  • Jalur Selatan : Cilacap – Buntu – Gombong – Kebumen Purworejo

Maju Jaya Travel Purwokerto

travel yang berdiri lebih dari 20thn dengan rute andalannya di jalur selatan purwokerto – bandung – cilacap pp dan sebaliknya, bisa anda pilih bagi yang melakukan perjalanan ke jawa barat.

selain itu di sini menerima pengiriman paket maupun dokumen sesuai rute yang di lalui seperti banjar, ciamis, tasik, bandung. setiap hari ada jadwal pemberangkatan pagi dan sore yaitu jam 08.00 pagi dan 20.00

Pamitran Jaya Travel

qyta trans memiliki banyak rute tujuan dan jadwal terbanyak jika di bandingkan dengan travel yang lain, namun kebanyakan travel qyta trans cenderung melayani di area jawa tengah dengan melayani rute perjalanan travel purwokerto, cilacap, sidareja, pekalongan, saltiga, blora, pati

scedul jadwal keberangkatan mulai dari jam 01.00, 03.00, 05.00, 07.00, 09.00, 11.00, 13.00, 15.00, 17.00, 21.00, 23.00 dengan jadwal yang rapat memudahkan anda dalam bepergian sesuai waktu yang di butuhkan tanpa harus menunggu lebih lama

jenis kendaraannya pun lain dari travel yang pada umumnya, biasanya perusahaan menggunakan jenis mitshubishi L 300, tetapi di Qyta Trans menggunakan mobil  yang cukup berkelas seperti daihatsu luxio,  honda mobilio , kijang innova, toyota alphard, hiace commuter, isuzu elf

Baca juga: Objek Wisata di Puwokerto

Tri Kusuma Agen Travel Purwokerto

Adapun untuk semua armada yang akan digunakan tentunya selalu dicek terlebih dahulu, dengan tujuan agar ketika berada dalam perjalanan tidak terjadi suatu masalah yang tidak diinginkan. Sehingga nantinya dapat sampai pada tempat tujuan dengan selamat.

selain itu tri kusuma travel melayani jasa penitipan paket dan dokumen bagi anda yang ingin mengirim barang dengan aman dan cepat sampai di tempat tujuan.

Sumber Alam Shuttle

sumber alam shuttle menggunakan mobil jenis minibus keluaran hino dutro dan isuzu elf dengan kapasitas tempat duduk antara 10 – 17 kursi penumpang yang bisa di atur sesui dengan kenyamanan penumpang.

Baca juga: Rental Mobil di Puwokerto

rute jadwal perjalanan travel ini cenderung memilih ke arah timur purwokerto dengan tujuan wonosobo, purworejo, kebumen,  dan sebaliknya

Cara Pemesanan Agen Travel Purwokerto

  • Hubungi marketing travel purwokerto telephone / datang ke garasi
  • tentukan keberangkatan, tanggal jadwal penjemputan
  • berikan alamat penjemputan secara detail dan lengkap
  • pembayaran pembelian tiket

Tips dari Agen Travel Purwokerto

  • tentukan tujuan kota mana yang akan anda tuju
  • pilih jasa travel yang sesuai dengan tujuan
  • siapkan barang bawaan secukupnya
  • simpan barang berharga anda di tempat yang aman
  • bawalah obat masuk angin / mabuk perjalanan sebagai antisipasi
  • Ping-balik: Rental Mobil Purwokerto Harga Sewa Termurah 2019 | Sanjaya Tour
  • Ping-balik: Rental Hiace Purwokerto Termurah Reservasi Mudah | Sanjaya Tour
  • Indonesia (57408 Hotels) >
  • Central Java (2824 Hotels) >
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  • Purwokerto (166 Hotels)

b travel purwokerto

Hotels in Purwokerto

Other accommodations in purwokerto, other star hotels in purwokerto, other hotels in purwokerto, hotels near popular landmarks, hotels in other areas, popular hotels in purwokerto.

EXTERIOR_BUILDING ASTON Purwokerto Hotel & Convention Center

ASTON Purwokerto Hotel & Convention Center

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Luminor Hotel Purwokerto By WH

Luminor Hotel Purwokerto By WH

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto

Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Grand Karlita Hotel Purwokerto

Grand Karlita Hotel Purwokerto

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Elsotel Purwokerto by Daphna International

Elsotel Purwokerto by Daphna International

LOBBY COR Hotel Purwokerto

COR Hotel Purwokerto

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Hotel Surya Yudha Purwokerto

Hotel Surya Yudha Purwokerto

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Meotel Purwokerto by Dafam

Meotel Purwokerto by Dafam

BEDROOM Green Valley Resort Baturraden Purwokerto

Green Valley Resort Baturraden Purwokerto

SWIMMING_POOL Dominic Hotel Purwokerto

Dominic Hotel Purwokerto


Wisata Niaga Hotel

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Hayden Inn Purwokerto

Hayden Inn Purwokerto

LOBBY Bobocabin Baturraden, Purwokerto

Bobocabin Baturraden, Purwokerto


ARON Hotel Purwokerto

LOBBY Hotel Wisata Niaga Campus

Hotel Wisata Niaga Campus

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Hotel Verde Purwokerto

Hotel Verde Purwokerto

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Viena Hotel Purwokerto

Viena Hotel Purwokerto

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Grand Kanaya Baturraden

Grand Kanaya Baturraden


Privato Suite

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Kenz Hotel Purwokerto

Kenz Hotel Purwokerto

Facts about hotel in purwokerto, guest reviews in hotel near purwokerto, frequently asked questions about hotels in purwokerto, what are the best areas to visit near purwokerto.

If you are in Purwokerto, you can also visit West Purwokerto , North Purwokerto , East Purwokerto , South Purwokerto , Baturraden

Where are the best areas to stay in Purwokerto?

The best areas to stay in Purwokerto are Sokaraja , Sumbang , Kebasen , Karanglewas , Kalibagor , Kemranjen , Kembaran , Patikraja , Banyumas , Pekuncen

What are the best hotels and accomodation near Purwokerto?

The most popular hotels booked by tourists are ASTON Purwokerto Hotel & Convention Center , Luminor Hotel Purwokerto By WH , Java Heritage Hotel Purwokerto , Grand Karlita Hotel Purwokerto , Elsotel Purwokerto by Daphna International , COR Hotel Purwokerto , Hotel Surya Yudha Purwokerto , Meotel Purwokerto by Dafam , Green Valley Resort Baturraden Purwokerto , Dominic Hotel Purwokerto

How many hotels are listed in Purwokerto?

Currently, there are around 166 hotels that you can book in Purwokerto

Other Popular Hotels in Purwokerto

b travel purwokerto

Payment Partners

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6 Travel Purwokerto Bandung Terbaik Door to Door Harga Murah

Travel Purwokerto Bandung – Di zaman yang serba praktis seperti saat ini, sarana mobilitas yang nyaman dan efisien tentu menjadi pilihan banyak orang.

Termasuk jika Anda ingin bepergian dari Purwokerto ke Bandung, menggunakan jasa travel bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat.

Travel Purwokerto Bandung

Bagaimana tidak, di samping menghemat tenaga, penggunaan jasa travel banyak dipilih karena dinilai lebih aman, nyaman, serta hemat waktu.

Anda bahkan bisa diantar-jemput dari dan ke depan rumah sekalipun sehingga tidak perlu lagi menambah biaya untuk jasa angkutan umum lainnya.

Baca juga :

  • Travel Bandung Serang
  • Travel Bandung Cibubur

Rekomendasi Travel Purwokerto Bandung Terbaik Harga Murah

Sejatinya, ada banyak travel yang menyediakan rute Purwokerto-Bandung namun tidak semuanya aktif di media sosial.

Dari berbagai agen travel yang tersedia, berikut sejumlah rekomendasi layanan travel yang bisa menjadi pertimbangan Anda.

1. Aragon Shuttle

Aragon Shuttle merupakan salah satu layanan transportasi yang terbilang baru, bahkan berdiri sejak 2019 lalu.

Meski demikian, rute yang dilayani oleh travel ini terbilang sudah luas, mulai dari Jabodetabek, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, hingga Yogyakarta.

Aragon Shuttle sendiri melayani travel pool to pool sehingga Anda yang ingin naik dari Purwokerto dapat langsung naik dari pool Purwokerto pada jadwal yang sudah ditentukan.

Jumlah kursi yang sedikit pada travel ini juga akan membuat perjalanan menjadi lebih eksklusif dan nyaman, ditambah dengan fasilitas terbaik yang diberikan.

2. Urban’s Travel

Urban’s Travel juga menjadi salah satu agen transportasi antar kota yang banyak digunakan difavoritkan banyak warga Purwokerto.

Hal ini tidak lain karena tarif tiket yang sangat terjangkau dengan titik keberangkatan yang beragam sehingga bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.

Fasilitas yang disediakan juga sangat lengkap, seperti full AC, reclining seat, serta berbagai kelengkapan lain yang akan memberi kenyamanan selama dalam perjalanan.

Selain itu, Anda juga bisa melakukan pemesanan tiket travel Purwokerto Bandung ini secara mudah melalui berbagai platform tiket online seperti Traveloka dan RedBus.

3. Pamitran Jaya

Travel dengan rute Purwokerto – Bandung ini juga senantiasa menawarkan layanan transportasi yang mudah dan fleksibel.

Hal ini dilengkapi dengan armada yang berkualitas serta tim yang andal sehingga menjadikan berbagai layanannya begitu diunggulkan.

Fasilitas yang disediakan juga terbilang lengkap seperti AC, kursi 1-1, hingga reclining seat.

Dengan begitu, perjalanan selama kurang lebih 8 jam tidak akan terasa membosankan.

4. Maju Jaya Travel

Travel yang satu ini menyediakan layanan antar jemput yang akan memudahkan Anda untuk melakukan mobilitas ke sejumlah kota, termasuk dari Purwokerto ke Bandung.

Berbagai fasilitas juga sudah tersedia lengkap, termasuk armada full AC, bagasi, hingga reclining seat yang akan membuat perjalanan menjadi lebih nyaman.

Meski fasilitas yang tersedia lengkap, namun Anda tidak perlu khawatir soal tarif tiket karena sangat terjangkau dan mudah didapatkan.

5. Lintas Shuttle

Lintas Shuttle merupakan salah satu travel Purwokerto Bandung yang juga sering dipilih karena berbagai kelebihan yang dimilikinya.

Selain memiliki banyak outlet yang tersebar di berbagai kota di Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah, fasilitas yang disediakan untuk para penumpang juga tidak main-main.

Pemesanan tiket dapat menggunakan web ataupun WhatsApp yang tersedia di situs resminya, namun Anda juga bisa memesan tiket melalui aplikasi yang dapat diakses dari PlayStore.

Lantas bagaimana dengan tarifnya? Tidak perlu khawatir karena semua tiket yang tersedia memiliki tarif yang sangat terjangkau.

6. Mitratrans Travel

Mitratrans sejatinya merupakan jasa travel terbaik yang memiliki kantor pusat di Kawasan Banyumanik, Semarang.

Kendati demikian, rute travel ini melewati kota Purwokerto sehingga cocok buat Anda yang ingin bepergian ke Bandung.

Pemesanan dapat dilakukan melalui web resmi yang tersedia dengan pilihan harga tiket yang sangat terjangkau.

Itulah beberapa rekomendasi travel Purwokerto Bandung yang banyak dipakai oleh berbagai kalangan.

Semoga bisa membantu Anda menemukan travel terbaik, ya.

Nah, sangat disarankan untuk memesan tiket jauh-jauh hari sehingga tidak mudah kehabisan dan Anda dapat memilih kursi sesuai keinginan. Selamat mencoba!

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