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How to Take a Flight with a Baby (32 Tips)

Written by Becca

Updated on June 18th, 2024

The wing of an airplane.

How should you take your first flight with an infant? These important tips and tricks will get you through flying on a plane with your baby so that everything goes to plan.

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How to Fly with a Baby

  • Set your expectations right.
  • Bring noise-cancelling headphones for your baby.
  • Bring a travel sound machine.
  • Check a bag.
  • Have a blanket handy.
  • Consider going to an airport lounge.
  • Bring extra snacks.
  • Bring an extra set of clothes for each parent.
  • Bring a pared-down diaper bag into the bathroom.
  • Use a baby carrier through security and while boarding.
  • For older babies, consider screens.
  • Bring toys!
  • Buy a separate seat, if you can afford it.
  • Try to replicate a regular bedtime routine on long flights.
  • For international flights, request the bassinet.
  • Be aware of what happens during security with liquids.
  • Let your baby sleep in a wrap carrier on your chest.
  • Don’t forget your stroller, upon arrival!
  • If you check your car seat travel bag, fill it with stuff like diapers.
  • Hold your child TIGHT during landing.
  • Change your baby’s diaper before the flight.
  • Consolidate your personal item into your diaper bag.
  • Bring a mobile travel breast pump.
  • Gate check your car seat and/or stroller.
  • Use a luggage cart for all your stuff in the airport.
  • Have one adult board first with your carry-ons and “stuff.”
  • Take an UberXL to the airport.
  • Bring on the diaper bag (as a medical item).
  • Get a compact travel crib if you need to bring one.
  • Feed the baby during takeoff and landing.
  • Try double-diapering your baby.
  • Fly as often as possible with your baby or kids.

Overwhelmed about traveling with your baby on an airplane for the first time? I think every parent who needs to fly on a plane with their little one for the first time is feeling this way. It feels like there are so many things that can go wrong, and the logistics of all the baby stuff is more daunting than having the baby on the flight itself!

Flying with your infant is probably going to be different than taking a road trip with your baby . There’s a lot more limitation on what you can bring, how to pack it and the fact that you’ll be in an airplane seat, not in a car that can stop every few hours.

Here are some pretty popular tips that will help you plan out your first flight with your newborn, infant, older baby. Of course, not all these tips work for everyone, but I’ve made them as all-encompassing as I can in order to help you out with the most seamless flight experience for the family!

The inside of an airplane with people watching televisions.

Tips for flying with a baby

Check out our list of important tips to keep you sane during your next flight with your little one! I’ve added comments about my personal experience in flying with my baby, and I point out which items are the best baby travel accessories for traveling .

airplane trip with baby

And make sure to check out all of our posts about traveling with a baby to get a full sense of what it’s like and you might pick up some tips and tricks along the way.

Set your expectations right.

Many of my friends have noted that going into a flight with a baby for the first time should involve no expectations: none at all.

If you have a fussy baby or an unpredictable baby, there may be chaos. If you’re used to getting on a flight, plugging in noise-cancelling headphones, turning on some in-flight entertainment and sipping a beer or a piping hot coffee, reset your assumptions. Flying with a baby will not be relaxing, but you will eventually get where you’re going!

Bring noise-cancelling headphones for your baby.

Noise-cancelling headphones for babies have become a product that parents can use at concerts, loud events and on airplanes as well. I think that as adults, especially adults who travel and fly often, we forget just how loud the roar of the airplane engine is.

By helping protect your baby’s ears, you can help them hopefully be less fussy as the airplane is going up and as you are landing (and/or going through turbulence). They also might help the baby to sleep on the flight by drowning out the excess sounds and turning it into white noise.

Bring a travel sound machine.

We have the Yogasleep travel sound machine (you can also get it on Amazon ) for weekends away with our little one, and this travel sound machine is surely small enough to come on the plane with you. It fits in a diaper bag, and can help lull your baby to sleep with the familiar sound machine hum from home.

In all honesty in regard to our most recent flight with our child, the plane itself acts as a giant sound machine, so that was convenient! The travel sound machine from Yogasleep is good if you have to get your baby into a nap while you’re in the airport, on a layover or (hopefully not) delayed for a while. We also use it in all hotel rooms for the night, and we detail that in our tips for a hotel stay with a baby .

airplane trip with baby

Check a bag.

This tip is a big painful for me, as I was a carry-on-only style traveler before having kid(s). I’m pretty much petrified of checking bags, for a (somewhat irrational) fear that they will get lost and not make it to my vacation destination with me. Anyone feel this way?

Most families I know have opted for checking their suitcases, instead of taking them as carry-ons. Traveling through the airport with all the baby equipment will be plenty, and you may not want to deal with dragging your suitcases in addition to your diaper bag, car seat, stroller and more.

By checking bags, you’ll free up at least one parent, as between the two of you, there’s likely a carry-on (or two), the diaper bag, stroller, car seat, your child’s milk or formula, food and even more. Many friends of mine have noted that checking a bag is the way to go when you travel with a baby.

My good friends have tried to help ease my fears of checking luggage and have noted that bags getting lost is way less common if you’re flying nonstop with no transfers. Second, to get over fears of lost luggage, try getting some Apple Airtags to track your most valuable belongings (laptop, wallet, carry-on, etc.) from your phone!

airplane trip with baby

Have a blanket handy.

Bring a lightweight blanket to drape over the stroller, to help your baby nap while you’re waiting in the terminal.

Another thing a blanket can do is create a little dark canopy over your baby if he or she is sleeping while in-flight! Planes can be really bright at some less-convenient times.

Consider going to an airport lounge.

For extra comfort and space, and to avoid potentially uncomfortable (or lack of) seating at your gate, opt for an airport lounge. If you have Priority Pass or another membership that will get you into a lounge, then bingo! Enjoy free WiFi, snacks, the bar and potentially a family room or mother’s room in a lounge.

Check out our guide to how to know what airport lounges are like . We went to the United Lounge at EWR during our most recent flight experience with our baby and not only was it a great place to try to feed her some solid food, but it let us relax for 45 minutes while we enjoyed the lunch buffet and WiFi.

Bring extra snacks.

If you have a baby at the 6+ month age, you will potentially be bringing food in tote! For babies between 9-12 months, they’ll want to snack all the time. Having handy snacks (and also being able to eliminate messes) is incredibly important!

Try ideas like infant baby food pouches or DIY pouches full of food from home like these from Babybrezza . Another good idea is snack puffs that are not too messy.

On top of bringing a regular amount of snacks, be prepared with extras! If your child is bored, or just decides he or she is extra hungry during the hours you’re on that airplane, you’ll be glad you took more rather than less.

airplane trip with baby

Bring an extra set of clothes for each parent.

I think a “worst case scenario” in my mind would be if I were flying with a baby who had a #2 accident all over my clothes. While it’s more common for babies between 0-3 or so months to let another #2 out in those moments when you’re doing the diaper change, it can happen to any unlucky parent!

Bring an extra set of flight clothes that are also weather-appropriate for your destination, for both parents or caretakers. This is also handy not only for bathroom accidents, but for unfortunate and unexpected situations of vomit, food or drink spills and anything else you can think of.

AND , as a bonus, having an extra pair of clothes in your carry-on (or if you have a giant diaper bag) can be useful if your checked luggage gets lost for a day. Bingo!

Bring a pared-down diaper bag into the bathroom.

This tip came from a friend of mine, who phrased it as, “NEVER bring your entire diaper bag into the airplane bathroom!” There are a few reasons for this.

First, airplane bathrooms are tiny. Once you and a baby are in there together, there is not very much room to move around. On our Air Canada flight when our child was 8 months old, the bathroom was so small that I didn’t even know how someone bigger or taller than my size would’ve fit.

Second, airplane bathrooms can be wet, if someone messy was in there before you. The last thing you want is for your diaper bag to be soaked from someone else’s bathroom mess — ew.

And third, all you really need for a diaper change is a diaper, some diaper cream, a few wipes and a changing pad. In a rare case of a blowout, you’ll need a spare outfit. The good news is that I have a hack for this: grab a Kibou diaper waist bag . It is the ONLY item I’ll bring with me for a diaper change on a flight .

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The Kibou is a “diaper bag fanny pack for travel” and you can also use it for essentials like your phone, wallet keys and passport. Taking something this minimal into an airplane bathroom will be ideal! Plus, it’s unisex, for both moms and dads. I love showing it off to other parents who say, “Wow, that is brilliant.” It works like a charm when you need to dash into a bathroom for a diaper change. In my review of the Kibou you can see more photos and details!

A woman is holding a green fanny pack with a cloth in it.

Use a baby carrier through security and while boarding.

Using a travel-friendly baby carrier to carry your child leaves you with two hands to get organized while getting to your seat! You’ll find this to ease up the whole process of boarding, as well as getting through security.

My favorite baby carrier for travel is the Baby Tula Carrier Lite , which I reviewed in this detailed review . Consider that it folds up into a fanny pack for when you aren’t using it, and that saves a ton of space.

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As I was walking off the plane during our last flight with our baby, I considered that I didn’t know how I would’ve survived without a baby carrier, with all the carry-ons and personal items we already had. You need to be hands-free with that baby!

A blue and white fanny pack on a bed.

When we flew from Halifax , Nova Scotia, I think we set a record with how many bins we used and how we had to manage everything with an infant. We both had laptops, a camera, wallets, various fanny packs, diaper bag contents and liquid toiletries.

It’s something to consider for packing so that you’re not holding up security when you’re out of the country when TSA PreCheck is not available.

Luckily, there wasn’t anyone behind us, so it didn’t matter. In a crowded and busy situation, security can be pretty chaotic and a baby carrier may help.

For older babies, consider screens.

As a disclaimer, this tip is only for those who are comfortable with screen time for their little ones! Personally, we rarely put our baby in front of a screen to entertain her at her current age, but, we understand that this will change with our second child and will also change as she gets older.

For babies who are accustomed to screen time, have some downloaded videos available on either an iPad or a phone.

Bring toys!

For older babies, bring toys that suction cup to the tray table like these amusing suction cup spinners .

If you have the space, a food-grade silicone busy toy might help pass the time for children 6-12 months.

Buy a separate seat, if you can afford it.

For longer flights when having a lap infant may not be so comfortable, consider buying a separate seat for your child. Use a travel car seat on the plane to strap it in. We’ve realized pretty quickly that traveling with a baby makes you forget all the ways you used to try to save money while traveling .

Know what to expect with having a car seat on a plane.

If you have booked the aisle seats on the flight, you’ll need to put the car seat in the window seat, as passengers have to be able to walk out of the row in the case of an emergency.

If your seats are in the middle section of the row (think a large plane with 3-4-3 seating), it has to be placed in the middle seat so the two aisle seats allow passengers to get out in an emergency.

From a friend who has flown often with an older baby and then a toddler, she noted to me that about one in eight times of flying with her child, the flight attendant asked to see the car seat to make sure that it was plane-compliant. There’s a marking on the side of the car seat that denotes that it can be used for a flight. She uses this Cosco Scenera NEXT convertible car seat for travel and takes it on planes.

Helpful tip here: when we checked our car seat in the US, we checked it regularly at the counter and it came out with regular baggage at baggage claim. However, in Canada, we had to check it as Oversized Baggage, and when we landed in Newark, it was not with the regular checked luggage on the baggage carousel. We had to go to Oversized Baggage and retrieve it!

Try to replicate a regular bedtime routine on long flights.

This tip is a LOT easier said than done. For us, bedtime involves a bottle, a story book (or three), changing into pajamas, a diaper change, a song while we put on our child’s sleep sack, and a kiss before going into bed.

If you’re traveling and have the plane’s bassinet or a child’s car seat, this is probably going to be more worth it than if your child is going to sleep in your lap for a little while, only to be awoken when the plane lands. So, this tip is most applicable to overnight flights or international ones that are long.

If you are flying at night time (or even during a red eye flight ), the good news is that the lights will be dimmed, so you likely don’t have to worry about having blackout shades or a blackout cover. If your child sleeps in complete darkness, consider seeking out a blackout cover for a car seat (this one also doubles as a nursing cover — very handy!) that fits. Make sure you can still peek in to check your child’s safety while sleeping.

For international flights, request the bassinet.

“Get the bassinet” is what anyone will say to you if you’re flying long-haul with a baby. Even if your baby is close to not fitting anymore (think “baby who is large for his/her age”), the seats for the parents are better in the bulkhead row! It does have to be requested, though.

One nice thing about the bassinet option is that parents can check the car seat. This keeps the amount of things you’ll be hauling through security and on the plane to a minimum. Hopefully you’ll wind up with only backpacks and stroller by the time you get to the gate.

To arrange moving to the bulkhead row, you will probably have to call your airline and “speak to a human.” It may be possible to avoid up-charges this way, depending on the airline.

It’s definitely cheaper to go the “bassinet route” over your baby having own seat on the plane with a car seat. The only catch is that you don’t get the bassinet until full altitude, so the baby would be in your lap for a bit first.

Most parents are fine with this because you can feed your baby during take-off and landing for ear popping reasons. My friend who did this recently said that when she booked the bassinet/bulkhead seats, there was no questioning about her baby’s age or size. This may vary by airline, once again.

If in the bassinet row, your toddler may want to nap on the floor.

This is apparently allowed, given the length of flight and airline. My friend’s toddler did this when she had the bulkhead seats for her and her partner and had their younger baby in the bassinet.

Be aware of what happens during security with liquids.

You can go through security with formula and milk or liquids for a baby. They will be searched separately.

Note that formula nor breast milk is subject to the 3 oz. rule for TSA-approved liquids, as both are “medically-necessary liquids.” My friend flew with a two-day-old baby and had no problem with this, and when I brought liquid milk through security, I had both a 5-oz. frozen bag of milk, as well as 2 oz. in a Spectra bottle. The containers of milk were checked by a TSA agent, and then I was free to go (they did not sample the milk nor open it).

Let your baby sleep in a wrap carrier on your chest.

My friend Liz flew to Ireland , and then to Portugal , with a baby only six months old. She didn’t book her child a seat, so her baby was a lap infant. To get her to sleep during those flights from the US to Europe, she had her daughter sleep in a wrap carrier like the Boba Baby Wrap or the KeaBabies Wrap Carrier .

What I will note here is that I was told most recently by a flight attendant on Air Canada that a “snuggly” (or baby carrier) cannot be used during takeoff nor landing. You could, however, get the baby right into it after the seat belt light turns off.

Don’t forget your stroller, upon arrival!

This one seems simple, but when you arrive and deplane, if you’re caught up in the bustle of taking down your carry-ons and dashing to passport control or baggage claim, don’t forget your gate-checked stroller or car seat!

If you check your car seat travel bag, fill it with stuff like diapers.

This is a very popular tip from parents: if you are using a car seat travel bag to check at check-in, or gate check, “fill it with stuff.” No one will care how much it weighs (probably!).

One of the most widespread tips is to fill that car seat bag with diapers, and lots of them! If you have any other soft things that could go in there (maybe wipes, or if it’s winter, some things like a baby snowsuit), that works, too.

airplane trip with baby

Using a universal car seat bag with shoulder straps may do the trick. Of course, if your car seat brand makes its own car seat bag like the UPPAbaby one and if it includes a warranty, you can opt for that (see below about the UPPAbaby Mesa car seat travel bag ).

airplane trip with baby

Put your family’s laundry bag in the car seat on the flight home! By that point, you’re probably already playing a really hard game of tetris with all your packing cubes in the suitcase anyway. We did this and it made packing some gifts we got much easier in our checked bag.

airplane trip with baby

Hold your child TIGHT during landing.

When that plane hits the ground, you could have a smooth landing or a really rough and crazy one. After flying once, I was lucky that Dan signaled to me it was time to hold our baby tight as our plane was about to touch down on the runway. Things can get unexpected really fast during landings that swerve or feel bumpy, so keep your best grip on your child for safety.

Change your baby’s diaper before the flight.

Yes: change your child’s diaper before the flight — right before, if you aren’t too pressed for time. This helps eliminate the risk of in-flight blowouts due to diapers that were already at capacity from having been on a baby for a few hours already.

Consolidate your personal item into your diaper bag.

I asked a LOT of my friends if their airline had included their diaper bag as a personal item for their lap infant (if your infant has a ticketed seat, they get their own personal item and carry-on without question), or not. It was about a 50/50 split. Some airlines will consider the diaper bag to be the lap infant’s personal item, whereas some will not. I use the personal item-sized 25L diaper backpack from Nike.

You can see more about it at my Nike Diaper Bag review .

If you are aware ahead of time that your airline does NOT consider your diaper bag to be a medical bag, aside from your (as an adult) “personal item”, then throw in your wallet, phone, keys and passport, or even better, use a fanny pack for travel day .

Better yet, take that fanny pack idea and travel with a fanny pack baby carrier or a fanny pack diaper bag like the Kibou to get more use out of every item you choose to bring along. Even BETTER, have one adult use a fanny pack diaper bag, and have one adult use a fanny pack baby carrier! This is what I did.

airplane trip with baby

Bring a mobile travel breast pump.

If you are a breastfeeding mama and your space is limited, you may notice that your Spectra pump (the same one I’ve taken on road trips with a small baby ) is really pretty big and tall, all things considered.

What you can do is opt for a travel pump or mobile pump. I have the Elvie Stride hands-free wearable pump , and friends also recommend the wearable Willow Go pump . These have smaller footprints in your luggage, and they operate with apps!

Gate check your car seat and/or stroller.

Gate checking is great for your travel stroller (like our UPPAbaby Minu ) and travel car seat. The tip here is to make sure to have the special “travel bags” for both large items, and the even bigger tip is to check in at the desk at the gate for tags ahead of time.

Make sure your airline allows two gate-checked items if you plan to gate-check both a stroller and car seat. What we did was check the car seat with baggage upon arrival, and gate check the stroller.

airplane trip with baby

Use a luggage cart for all your stuff in the airport.

I never could’ve foreseen just how much “stuff” we had. Among the car seat in its bag, our rollaboard suitcase, both our personal items (one was my backpack with a pump in it), the diaper bag and the stroller, our arms got tied up fast.

If there are free luggage carts at the airport, get one ! Even if they cost money to use them for an hour, they may give you a spare hand or peace of mind.

If the airplane has your baby freaking out, my friend Kate suggests keeping blinders up and not worrying about other people. The moment will pass and you won’t see any of those people again (unless you’re with a lot of friends or family on your flight, but then, they’ll understand).

Have one adult board first with your carry-ons and “stuff.”

I have a friend whose favorite tip for flying with a baby (if you’re traveling with your partner) is for one of you go on first with all the things you’ll be taking on the plane, while the other adult waits outside the gate with the baby.

This is particularly helpful if you have gotten your baby a ticketed seat and you are bringing a car seat on the plane. It’s a lot to carry and we’re all just human! What we did was board together in priority boarding. That worked, too.

airplane trip with baby

Take an UberXL to the airport.

When traveling to the airport, opt for an Uber XL. Between our suitcases and the stroller, you will want to ensure that you have enough trunk space.

Bring on the diaper bag (as a medical item).

On many (but not all!) airlines, your diaper bag counts as a “medical bag,” and it does not count as your personal item on the plane. Each adult is therefore allowed to bring one personal item in addition!

Also, this is in regard to if you bring on your baby as a lap infant. If your baby is a ticketed passenger with his or her own seat (and a car seat for sitting in), then he or she is also entitled to a carry-on and/or checked bag, depending on the airline and ticket class.

Get a compact travel crib if you need to bring one.

For your “flying trip” with a baby, if you’re going to visit family, or you’ll be staying at an Airbnb that does not offer a crib or travel crib, you’ll be bringing your own. My biggest suggestion is to NOT bring something giant like the Graco Pack ‘n Play. This will be a burden at the airport and upon landing. Instead, invest in a minimalist compact travel crib! This will spare you a headache.

As for choices, I’ll recommend the BabyBjorn Travel Crib Light or the Guava Lotus Travel Crib. Both pack down to infinitely better sizes and shapes for travel than a traditional Pack ‘n Play. The Guava Crib can even be worn as a handy backpack as you go through the airport. To make your choice, check out BabyBjorn Travel Crib review and our Guava Lotus Travel Crib review . Both will probably need to be checked as luggage, although depending on the size of the overhead bins, it’s possible they could fit and be carried on.

Feed the baby during takeoff and landing.

Many friends recommended feeding babies during takeoff and landing. There are a few reasons to consider it: first, if you think about the first time you flew, as a kid maybe, did anyone tell you to either keep swallowing, or maybe to chew gum during takeoff and landing to help with popping ears? I used to always take gum with me in my early years of flying for that reason! Now I just drink water.

With babies, they don’t know what to do, so if you offer a feed, the swallowing will help the baby’s ears and avoid the discomfort from popping. Take note: a pacfiifer may have the same effect, to encourage the swallowing reflex.

Second, offer a feed in case you are tied up waiting for baggage or delayed in a passport control line after deplaning. You may not be able to feed your baby for an hour or two, especially if you immediately get in a taxi to your hotel and hit traffic, or any of the other delays life throws at you.

As an update, on my most recent flight with our baby, we flew Air Canada and the flight attendants told us that during the ascent and descent, the baby had to be sitting facing one of us and held with the head into our chests. Feeding was not allowed until the seat belt light was turned off. So, be sure you speak with a flight attendant about a safe policy!

For all travel-related product ideas that will get you through the flight, check out my guide to feeding your baby during a trip .

A view of a city from the wing of an airplane.

Try double-diapering your baby.

Some babies tend to go to the bathroom (#2) due to changes in cabin pressure (or maybe it’s an urban legend), but I’ve heard from multiple parents that “double-diapering” can help with unwanted diaper accidents while in the air.

Probably the last thing you want is to be messy with a diaper accident while the plane is landing if you’re already cramped in your seat, and let’s face it, airplane bathrooms are NOT spacious.

Fly as often as possible with your baby or kids.

Traveling and flying often with babies and kids will get them used to it, so that they’ll know what to expect each time. And, even though babies change all the time, flying routinely will keep them familiar with what to expect when they’re at the airport, on the plane and traveling in a new destination.

airplane trip with baby

Common questions about flying with a baby for the first time

My sister flew with her husband and 5.5-month baby from Philadelphia to Florida, and I interviewed her about how she got it all done. My sister Lily did a LOT of research leading up to her trip, and has shared her experience with me so that it can help you out! Thank you, Lily! You are a pro.

Does my baby need a passport?

If you plan to fly internationally, then YES: your baby needs a passport to leave your home country and enter another one, if they are even one day old.

Infant passports are the same as child passports and have validity of five years (whereas adult passports are valid for ten years before expiring).

Daunted by applying for your baby’s passport? Don’t worry — Becca and Dan made a guide for how to get your baby a passport .

If you plan to fly only domestically with your baby, then no worries, as they do not need a passport.

If visas are required for your destination, your baby will need a travel visa too. Learn how to know if you need a visa for international travel .

A black passport holder on a marble table.

Do I need to bring a car seat?

Yes, you will likely need a car seat when you get to your destination!

At the very least, you need your car seat when you take a taxi to and from the airport. The car seat I have (and that Becca has as well) is the UPPAbaby Mesa Car Seat for infants .

airplane trip with baby

Should I bring my main stroller or should I buy a travel stroller?

This was the topic that I researched most.

In the end, I decided to use our car seat, attached to our UPPAbaby Vista stroller body . I learned that the UPPAbaby stroller warranty only covers airplane damage if you have the UPPAbaby stroller travel bag with TravelSafe, which we ended up buying for $200.

I had considered buying an umbrella stroller/collapsible travel stroller; however, most of the umbrella strollers are designed for babies 6 months+ who have more sitting abilities than my daughter had at the time.

Many of my friends recommended the BabyZen Yoyo travel stroller , which folds small enough to put in the overhead compartment on a plane. This stroller seat is for babies 6 months+. Something nice about this stroller is that you can attach many car seats with adapters, and if you attach your infant car seat, then you can use it for your younger baby. However, the BabyZen Yoyo is not compatible with our car seat, the UPPAbaby Mesa.

Becca and Dan also have the UPPAbaby Mesa car seat, and they bought the UPPAbaby Minu as their travel stroller. It is compatible with the Mesa car seat, with adapters. They like it a lot, and it folds up small.

Can I gate-check my stroller when flying?

We strolled through the terminal with the UPPAbaby Vista and then gate-checked the stroller and car seat (which was free of charge on American Airlines). We lucked out!

What about travel strollers for bigger babies?

When my daughter was a few months older (around 7-8 months) we bought the Baby Jogger City Tour collapsible stroller . (It is not actually a jogging stroller, but rather, just the brand name.)

We are very happy with it, and we like the way it folds up for travel. The wheels are surprisingly good on bumpy sidewalks.

Can I gate-check my car seat?

Yes, we gate-checked the car seat before our flights.

If your baby has his/her own seat on the plane, then you’ll bring the car seat on the plane. We gate-checked our car seat in a cheap travel bag, gambling that our car seat looked sturdy and could sustain being tossed around. If you want to go the extra mile and avoid possible damages, opt for the car seat travel bag that comes from the car seat brand and has warranty protection.

There are plenty of higher-quality, cushioned car seat travel bags out there as well. Like the UPPAbaby stroller, the UPPAbaby Mesa car seat also requires the UPPAbaby Mesa car seat travel bag in order to be under warranty with TravelSafe.

Should I book a seat for my child or should I bring my child as a lap-infant?

This is a tough decision because flights can be so expensive these days.

If your baby is under 2 years old, he/she is allowed to fly for free on a parent’s lap. This is a great travel hack, and some parents take advantage of it, to take as many flights as possible before their child turns 2 and they have to pay for another seat!

For our trip to Florida, our 5.5-month daughter sat on our laps. She sleeps best when she is in her crib or car seat, so it was a little bit challenging to get her to nap on our laps.

We decided that taking her on our laps (airlines call it a “lap infant”) was okay for a trip to Florida, but if we are flying further, we’d want to get a separate seat for her.

My advice is: You want your baby to be able to nap on the plane. If your baby is good at napping in mom’s or dad’s lap, then maybe going the “lap” route is good for you (and will be cost-effective).

If your baby will nap better in the car seat, then I’d suggest getting a separate seat for the baby, especially if it is a long flight.

And of course, airplane seats are tight as it is, so having your baby on your lap will make it tighter. If you have long legs and you already feel squished in an airplane seat, keep that in mind.

Should I select a window or aisle seat?

My short answer for this is that I recommend booking a window seat.

Once you get situated with your baby, you’ll want to stay put. You don’t want to have to stand up to let your neighbor out to the bathroom, especially if the baby is napping in your arms already.

An airplane window with a view of the sky.

Am I allowed to bring a bottle of breastmilk/formula through security?

Yes, to my surprise, security let us through with a bottle of milk. They inspected it, and approved it.

However, when my friend traveled with a bottle of breastmilk, security spilled some of her milk, so be prepared with extra milk. We travel with this baby formula dispenser by Munchkin .

I have TSA PreCheck. Can my child come on the TSA PreCheck line with me?

Yes! As a parent, if you have TSA PreCheck , children up to age 12 can travel in the TSA PreCheck line with you. This is also a great travel hack to know about when you travel with babies and kids!

(I always like fact-checking what I hear from others, so if you’d like to fact-check me, here is the source I used on the TSA.gov website.)

What about Global Entry ? Yes — babies have to have a Global Entry account if you’d like to take them through Global Entry upon returning to the US from abroad. You may get a hard time from Global Entry staff if your child does not have an account, because they will not be able to use the face scanner. Visit my tips on how to get Global Entry for your child to learn more.

Can I change my baby’s diaper while I’m on the plane?

Yes, you can! You can use the small fold-out changing table that’s above the toilet in the plane restroom. If there is no fold-out changing table, or if you prefer to simply close the seat of the toilet and use that as a surface, you can do that.

Unless the airplane restroom fits two adults, consider that you’ll probably be on your own for the diaper change, because space is incredibly limited in an airplane restroom.

One useful thing to have along with you is a Kibou waistpack diaper bag because taking along your entire diaper bag or diaper backpack might be too much fuss. You also might not want to put it down on the grimy floor of an airplane bathroom!

My Kibou fanny pack-diaper bag helps me stay miimalist during travel so that I can do a diaper change in a bathroom during travel with just the essentials: a diaper, diaper cream, the fold-out changing pad and a few wipes in the waterproof zipper pocket on the back!

Should I bring a baby carrier for using in the airport?

YES! A thousand times yes. Bring a baby carrier as a way of keeping your baby close while walking through the airport. I recommend the Baby Tula Lite Carrier as the perfect compact baby carrier for travel. If you want to walk around the aisles of the plane with the baby in a carrier, this one is good because it doubles as a fanny pack you can just sling over your body and use as a crossbody pouch.

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Flying with a Baby or Toddler

An interactive guide to prepare you for flying with a baby or toddler

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A smiling baby, holding a stuffed bear, seated on top of a pink suitcase

Flying doesn’t have to feel so stressful!

Let me walk you through everything from booking your flights to arriving at your destination. I want to take the guesswork out of airplane travel and give you all the tools for a successful flight with your little one.

This interactive guide covers:

Strategies for booking a flight with little ones

Baby and toddler travel essentials

Navigating airport security with children

Flying with breastmilk, formula, and food for babies and toddlers

TSA, FAA, and AAP regulations and recommendations

Car seats and lap travel

Activity ideas to keep your baby or toddler entertained on the flight (and in the airport)

Changing diapers on the plane

Tips for managing meltdowns in the air

Helping babies and toddlers sleep on the plane

Managing jet lag

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Simple no-tricks pricing

All Taking Cara Babies classes are covered by our 30-day, money-back guarantee .

Flying with a Baby or Toddler includes:

6 chapters designed to walk you through everything from booking your trip to landing at your destination

Expert travel guidance

Helpful demonstration videos

Audio and video encouragement, insight, and advice straight from Cara

Packing lists for the plane and your destination

Downloadable bonus resources

On-demand access that never expires

Common Questions

If you have a little one under 5 years old and plan to fly with them, yes!

Flying with a Baby or Toddler comes with on-demand access that never expires.

I know every baby, toddler, and family is different. This guide could be right for you if:

  • You’re planning to travel by airplane with your young child under 5 years old.
  • You’ve never flown with your baby or toddler before.
  • You’ve had rough flights with your little one in the past.
  • You want to feel prepared to fly with your baby, toddler, or preschooler
  • You’re an experienced traveler who wants fresh ideas for handling flights with your little one.
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed by airplane travel with your child.

All Taking Cara Babies classes and guides are covered by our 30-day, money-back guarantee .

We’re happy to help! Simply email us through our contact form .

Everything You Need to Know Before Flying With a Baby or Young Kids

By Laura Dannen Redman and Noah Kaufman

Cropped hand of a toddler pointing airplane window against blue sky

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Your baby’s first flight can be as momentous as their first steps, first solid food, or first drop off at daycare. And like all those milestones, parents can feel understandably freaked out beforehand. No one, not even your baby themself, knows how a child will react to being on an airplane for the first time. And no matter what happens, one thing's for sure: you'll be stuck in a cabin full of strangers for at least a couple hours while you find out. 

But dread not—your child may love air travel, for starters—and even if they don't, you will get through it. With a little planning, the right gear, and a willingness to make many lists, flying with a baby or young kids can be easier than you think. Here are our best tips for arriving in your destination with energy to spare, from seasoned parents. 

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

How to prepare 

Right after you purchase your tickets, download Flying With Baby by Meg Collins, the blogger behind new mom survival guide Lucie’s List . Collins claims, accurately, to be the voice of reason about everything: “ticketing, check-in, car seats, feeding, napping and all the other stuff that makes your brain explode.” 

There's no surefire way to prepare a baby ahead of time, but if you're traveling with a toddler or an elementary school-aged child, you may need to do a little incepting—i.e., plant the idea that flying is fun! and make a game of it at home beforehand. Traveler contributor Debbie Dubrow gave Traveler some excellent tips a few years ago that still hold true:

  • Talk about your trip and your flight ahead of time, focusing on the aspects that are new to your child or might cause them concern.
  • Read stories about flying, like Airplanes by Byron Barton for toddlers, and Richard Scarry's A Day at the Airport for older kids. If you’re headed to a new destination, make a trip to the library to pick up a few books set in that place.
  • Line up some dining chairs to make airplane seats, and act out how you should sit down and buckle up on a plane. Build a security checkpoint using a doorway as the metal detector and a cardboard box and towel as the conveyor belt and X-ray. Practice putting your child’s stuffed animal or blanket through the X-ray and getting it back on the other side.
  • Let your children help pack their carry-on bags (but secret away a few new toys in your own). That way they’ll get to choose which items they just can’t live without, and you’ll get to set expectations about which toys are okay on the plane (leave the harmonica at home, please!).

What to pack

If this is your first time flying with a baby, you'll be bringing significantly more items than you've flown with before. To keep track of everything, make an itemized list of the major items (i.e., the car seat, stroller); the bags you’re checking; and the bags you’re carrying on. Do a count of your bags like they’re children on a field trip when you get to the airport, get through security, and get off the plane. (If it sounds like overkill, think about what your trip might be like if you forget the one bag with your baby's favorite stuffed toy. Yeah.)

As for what to bring? Everyone has their go-to items, but there are a few items we love most.

The Doona Infant Car Seat/Stroller (for infants up to 35 pounds) combines two of the most cumbersome items you have to bring on a trip. With the Doona you just gate check the stroller, and get to leave the car seat at home. 

The Dohm sound machine helps little ones fall asleep and stay asleep in new and strange places. “I bring my son’s Dohm everywhere with us," says director of strategic projects Lauren DeCarlo . "Hotels, my parents house. It’s essential.” You can also download white noise apps on your phone.

Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Pants, Vest, and Lifejacket

The Líllé Baby Carrier is a comfortable and functional carrier that adjusts into six different positions, so you can keep your (hopefully) sleeping baby against your chest during flight and prop them on your hip while you're waiting to board.

A well-stocked diaper bag with enough wipes, diapers, and formula/breast milk/food to get you through the flight and an hours-long delay, minimum, is a must. Frequent flier, Skift aviation reporter, and father Brian Sumers recommends three days' worth of food for the baby to account for any mishaps. Make sure you also have basics like hand-sanitizer, scented diaper trash bags, a pacifier clip ("this will save you the horror of watching a pacifier drop to the airplane floor," says Traveler contributor and mom of three Juliana Shallcross ), and one new baby toy. "I still swear by the one-new-toy trick," Shallcross says. "Buy the baby one new toy specifically to open on the airplane. It will keep their attention for a little bit longer than if you brought an older toy. However, for young babies, you don't need much. All they really need is their bottle, maybe a pacifier, and a nice seatmate who makes funny faces."

The WayB Pico Car Seat is great pickup for kids that have outgrown the Doona. It weighs a barely noticeable eight pounds and folds up into a convenient carrying case. Note that this is a forward-facing car seat, so your child will have to be physically ready for that.

The Cares Airplane Safety Harness is the only FAA-approved harness for kids over the age of one, when they're big enough for their own seat but too small for the seatbelt to do any good.

A different outfit —for you—is a gift. "A change of clothes is a no-brainer for the baby who may have a diaper situation at some point during the flight," says Shallcross, "but if you can manage it, pack a T-shirt or leggings for yourself in your carry-on." You don't want to be stuck wearing a formula-stained shirt (or worse) for the rest of the flight.

As for what to leave at home? Anything you can get where you’re going: jars of baby food, diapers, wipes. Just make a beeline for a local grocery store once you arrive. It can also be fun seeing how other cultures and countries do the basics. (Fun fact: French diapers aren’t quite as absorbent as American ones. Who knew?)

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Image may contain Stroller

Uber drivers always get out of the car to open the trunk, assuming the stroller will need to go in the back—and are always amazed when you collapse the Doona and slide it into the backseat instead.

Do babies need an I.D.?

Babies from the U.S. don’t need an ID when flying domestically, says the TSA . This is actually true of anyone under the age of 18. But they will need a passport to fly internationally. 

To apply for a passport for your infant, both parents need to be there in person—“there” may be a USPS post office or a passport agency near you; if you’re the sole custodian of a child, you need to bring proof of that as well . You will also need the child’s birth certificate (original and a copy), your passports and U.S. drivers’ licenses (and a copy), a completed DS-11 form , money for the fees (credit is not accepted for the $80 standard fee and $35 acceptance fee—bring cash or your checkbook), and—the best part—two identical 2x2 inch passport photos of your baby. There are websites dedicated to getting your infant to sit upright and still against a plain white backdrop for long enough to get a photo. Some, like epassport.com, will prepare your photos with a guarantee that your baby's photo won't be rejected (check your passport application location's policy on this, as some don't allow third parties to send in photos). 

Here’s the full list of what you need to get the baby’s passport.

What about their own ticket?

It depends. On most airlines, babies under the age of two can sit in your lap on a flight, sometimes with a special lap belt that you attach to your seatbelt. You may have to pay a fee—primarily on international airlines—which may come with a special boarding pass. It helps to call the airline before booking to confirm. Once the child turns two, they are required to have their own ticket. 

Still, if you can swing it, we suggest purchasing your baby their own seat from the get-go. It will be more pleasant to have the extra space (and a buffer from other passengers) and, as Sumers says, it's safer: “You wouldn't hold your baby in your lap in a car, even if you were only going a mile away at 10 mph. So why would you hold your baby on an airplane racing on a runway at 150 mph? In severe turbulence, or in a survivable crash, you may not be not able to hold onto your baby.” 

At the airport

When flying with kids, arrive early to the airport, so you have extra time to check in, get through security, and board the plane. 

Going through security

If you have TSA PreCheck , children 12 and under can get in line with you and breeze on through. But if you have Global Entry , the baby needs it, too. Here’s what it takes to apply.

When it comes to getting your stuff through, TSA checkpoints are “wildly inconsistent” across different airports in the U.S., says Shallcross. "If you're traveling with breast milk or formula, note that you can carry-on [in excess of the 3.4 oz liquid rule] , but you will most likely be on the receiving end of a pat-down." Having TSA PreCheck makes the process go a bit faster, and sometimes, in lieu of a screening, TSA will test to-go bottles of formula instead. International checkpoints also vary widely, but, often, jars of food and bottles get checked.

As for the stroller you plan to gate check, know that it will have to go on the belt through the x-ray machine, like the rest of your bags. It may be pulled aside and tested or swabbed by a TSA agent. 

Getting to the gate

Speaking of gate-checking: "As soon as you make it through security, head to your gate and get the gate tags for your stroller," says Shallcross. "If you wait until you board, the gate attendants may ask you to step aside and wait until they finish boarding the group, before they give you the tags."

And then there's the age-old question: Should you board in the first wave with your baby and toddlers? Most gate agents give you the option of early boarding—and with a newborn or infant, that's the way to go so you can get settled with bags stowed and essentials out for takeoff. But with an active toddler? That means you're on the plane for an extra 30 to 45 minutes, trying to contain their wild energy in a small space. No thanks. 

If you're traveling with another adult, super traveler Sam Brown recommends dividing and conquering. One of you boards early with the bags; the other stays behind with the kids, letting them burn off energy at the gate until the last possible minute you can board.

Nursing and pumping

If you need a quiet space to breastfeed before boarding, look for a Mamava Pod . They're designed to allow moms to nurse babies in private, they're free to use, and there's even room for another small child to hang out inside. 

The flight itself

The easiest way to keep a baby from crying during the flight is to give them milk or formula on takeoff and landing—the go-to move of parents for decades, as it helps babies adjust to the change in cabin pressure. Admittedly, if the baby is going to be strapped in, nursing will be hard, so consider a bottle. (When it comes to tips for getting your toddler to sleep on a plane , we've got those too.)

If you have a bassinet or plan to have the baby in a Bjorn for most of the flight, they'll need to come out and be strapped into their seat or held on your lap during takeoff and landing. Become friendly with your flight attendants, because you may need their help (and patience) more than usual from here on out (that said, they're often happy to help with things like warm water for a bottle).

This also brings us to our favorite controversy: Should you apologize in advance to your fellow seatmates? Sumers says, emphatically, that “there's no reason parents should bring treats for other passengers, or apologize for their baby's behavior." Everyone knows it's hard to control any situation on an airplane, and that you're doing the best you can, Sumers says. People pleasers may feel the need to do otherwise; ultimately, it's about whichever move creates an on-plane environment that's most comfortable for you. 

Does my baby need to wear a mask?

Though pandemic-era regulations require adult passengers to wear face masks , rules vary for children. For children under two, the answer is no. But once your child is old enough to need their own seat, they also need to wear a mask, per an update to federal law in February 2021. If you know that will be an issue for your two year old, you'll want to hold off on flying—airlines reserve the right to remove anyone refusing to wear a face mask from the plane. 

What if your kid is a seat kicker?

Try changing up your seating chart. Travel journalist Sam Brown and her husband would book seats in two separate rows, one right in front of the next, and each sit with one of their twins. If one of the kids got fussy—or kicked the seat in front of them—at least it would be a family member they were harassing.

Upon arrival

Many parents worry about the impact of jet lag on children when flying long distances. If you're taking a transatlantic flight (say, New York to Paris), the red-eye is a godsend and the easiest way to ward off jet lag . To start: Your baby will be more inclined to sleep through the flight. Once you land, consider not getting on local time. Yes, you'll all sleep in later and start your day later, but you can keep the baby out later, rather than having to commit to your hotel room by 6:30 p.m. every night, and the re-entry back home goes a bit smoother because you never really got off your schedule. There's also something special about being able to take your baby to the Louvre at 8 p.m. on a Friday.

This article was originally published in 2018. It has been updated with new information.

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The Ultimate Packing List for Flying With a Baby

This is how to survive hours in the air with your little one.

airplane trip with baby

In This Article

  • Packing Checklist

Tips for Packing

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Travel + Leisure / Alli Waataja

As a mom of two, I know from personal experience that the thought of flying with a small baby can be terrifying. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Travel is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children. I first flew with my daughter from South Africa to the United Kingdom when she was just shy of four months old. With family in both countries, it’s a journey we’ve done multiple times since. I soon learned that the key to making the experience as stress-free as possible for all involved (parents, baby, fellow passengers, and airline crew!) is planning and preparation. Consider your little one’s needs carefully, and then think about how you can meet them 35,000 feet above ground. 

From getting them to sleep to keeping them entertained, here are our packing essentials for flying with a baby, defined here as a child under a year old. This list haa been carefully chosen according to my own experience as well as that of two experts: Dr. Natalie Prevatt — an NHS pediatric travel, tropical medicine consultant, and the lead clinician at the Children’s Travel Doc — and veteran flight attendant Samantha Sharpe. 

Packing Checklist for Flying With a Baby

This is by no means an exhaustive list. I haven’t included many of the most obvious, day-to-day items that you most likely already have and keep in your baby bag anyway, from diapers to wet wipes and burp cloths. There are some things, like pacifiers and bottles, that your baby will have a specific preference for and these should remain unchanged before a trip (there are enough variables up in the air without worrying about whether your baby will accept a new teat type, for example.) You also won’t need everything on this list. Tailor your choices to align with your particular routine, destination, flight length, and airline rules and regulations.

Sleep and Entertainment

  • Best Infant Headphones: Alpine Muffy Noise Reduction Earmuffs
  • Best Tablet: Amazon Fire 7 Kids Tablet
  • Best Inflatable Bed: Flyaway Kids Bed
  • Best Teething Toy: Lamaze Mortimer the Moose Clip & Go
  • Best Book: Priddy Books First 100 Words
  • Best Noise-Free Toy: The First Years Stack & Count Stacking Cups

Food and Drink

  • Best Portable Bottle Warmer: Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Portable Bottle Warmer
  • Best Formula Dispenser: LotCow Portable Powder Dispenser
  • Best Travel Cup: Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Sippy Cup  
  • Best Snack Container: Bentgo Kids Chill Lunch Box

Strollers and Carriers

  • Best Baby Wrap: KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier 
  • Best Baby Carrier: Ergobaby 360 Cool Air Mesh Carrier  
  • Best Lightweight Stroller: Babyzen YoYo2 Stroller


  • Best Breastfeeding Cover: Copper Pearl Multi-use Nursing Cover
  • Best Travel Blanket: Everyday Kids Car Seat Blanket
  • Best Changing Pad: Kopi Baby Portable Diaper Changing Pad
  • Best Packing Cubes: Remobia Hicol TSA-approved Diaper Bag Organizer Set  
  • Best Sunscreen: Aveeno Baby Continuous Protection Mineral Sunscreen

Getting a baby to sleep can be hard enough at home, let alone on a noisy airplane. If I have just one tip, it’s to enquire well in advance about booking a baby bassinet. If they can’t be reserved, arrive early enough at the airport to give yourself a good chance of being allocated one. For long-haul flights, paying for a separate seat to use with your car seat is another option, although Dr. Prevatt advises that babies should not sleep in an upright position for more than a few hours since it can affect their oxygen levels. When it comes to entertainment, opt for noise-free, mess-free toys without too many pieces to potentially lose.

Best Infant Headphones

Alpine muffy noise reduction earmuffs.

Both my children loved the sound of the airplane engine and at night, its low vibration worked just as effectively as a sound machine for getting them to sleep. However, if your baby needs a quiet environment to drift off or if you’d like to avoid overstimulation while waiting to board in the bright and busy airport, infant headphones are a good idea. 

These ones from Alpine Muffy are designed to protect the sensitive hearing of little ones up to 36 months old. I love that the extra soft, adjustable headband is made from non-slip elastic to avoid exerting pressure on Baby’s delicate fontanelle, and that they’re proven to reduce noise to just 23 decibels. They’re super light, easy to clean, and come in a convenient travel pouch with a choice of colors ranging from Olive Green to Pink.

Best Inflatable Bed

Flyaway kids bed.

I hesitated including this category because most airlines allow children under two to fly at a significantly discounted rate if they sit on their parent’s lap. For this reason, purchasing an extra seat just so you can use an inflatable bed may seem excessive. But, for long flights when baby bassinets can’t be booked in advance, having a guaranteed place to sleep may well be worth it. 

Inflatable beds are not allowed by every airline, and those that do permit them often accept certain brands only. I love the Flyaway Kids Bed because it takes the guesswork out of your purchase, with a full list of approved and at-the-stewardess’-discretion airlines on its website. It inflates relatively quietly in just 90 seconds to create a full, secure bed that serves the dual purpose of preventing toys rolling onto the floor. It’s relatively compact by travel bed standards but will still take up about three pounds of your precious carry-on allowance.

Best Teething Toy

Lamaze mortimer the moose clip & go.

Traveling with a baby is one thing. Traveling with a teething baby is a whole different ball game. You’ll want to pack teething gel and possibly (if recommended by your doctor), some infant Tylenol. A toy with chewable elements for soothing sore gums is another lifesaver, both for your baby and your fellow passengers. 

When I took my daughter on a 11-hour flight at 18 months, she was cutting several teeth simultaneously. The Mortimer the Moose Clip & Go from Lamaze was her go-to comforter. She loved chewing on his textured, easy-to-clean antlers and tail rings, while his brightly colored crinkling and jingling hooves helped provide distraction from her discomfort. When she finally drifted off, multi-use Mortimer also doubled as a plushy for cuddling.

First 100 Words

A tray table is key to many methods of entertaining a wide-awake baby, whether you’re helping them play with stickers and stacking toys or using it as a tablet stand. Takeoff and landing can therefore be tricky — not only does the tray table have to be stowed, but this is the time babies are most likely to be affected by changes in cabin pressure and most in need of distraction.

Books are a great option during these times: they’re mess- and noise-free, have no moving parts to roll away while the seatbelt signs are on, and are easy to grab before stowing your bag in the overhead bin. My kids loved Roger Priddy’s First 100 Words long before they were able to talk. It’s got big, bright, colorful images of familiar items ranging from pets to food and more than 35 flaps for keeping baby engaged. It’s also travel-sized with sturdy board pages.

Best Noise-Free Toy

The first years stack up cup toys.

The first time I flew with a baby, one of my greatest sources of anxiety was disturbing or upsetting other passengers. I quickly learned that you can’t always control how much noise your baby makes; but you can make sure their toys are quiet. If they’re interactive and simple enough for the baby to use with minimal assistance, all the better. 

Stacking cups punch way above their weight in this category. My kids loved this simple set from The First Years. Both of them could be entertained for an amazing amount of time by nesting the cups and taking them apart again, using them to build towers, or playing hide-and-seek with some small object placed underneath them. A sturdy clip keeps the cups neatly together and when you reach your destination, small holes transform them into fun beach or bath toys.

Best Tablet

Amazon fire 7 kids edition tablet.

In an ideal world, we’d be able to keep our little ones entertained without resorting to screen time. But trust me, if there’s ever a time and place to relax the rules, a couple of hours into a long-haul flight is it. When all else fails or I simply need a break, I let Paw Patrol (in my daughter’s case) or Thomas the Tank Engine (in my son’s) take over. 

The Amazon Fire 7 Kids Tablet is the smallest and most portable of Amazon’s tablets made especially for kids. It comes in a virtually indestructible kid-proof case with a built-in stand for your airplane tray table. A Parent Dashboard allows you to filter age-appropriate content and purchases. It also includes a subscription to Amazon Kids+. Choose 16 or 32 GB of storage and relax knowing that for the first two years, any device that breaks will be replaced free of charge.

As Dr. Prevatt points out, the low level of humidity on board makes it especially important to keep your baby hydrated. Remember that breast milk, formula, and baby food are exempt from standard liquid limitations . Sharpe confirms that cabin crew will never impose restrictions on breastfeeding at any stage of the flight unless there’s an emergency. And flight attendants can always provide warm water for heating bottles, although it’s best to avoid asking during busy meal services. Consider investing in a portable warmer for full independence. Finally, snacks are great for both sustenance and entertainment.

Best Portable Bottle Warmer

Tommee tippee travel baby bottle warmer.


Whatever stage your baby’s at and whether they take formula, bottled breast milk, cow’s milk, or even puréed food in a jar or pouch, it’s likely they prefer their food served at body temperature. This isn’t as simple to achieve on a plane as it is at home, because the commercial convection ovens used to heat adult meals are impractical for warming baby food. 

This is where the beautifully simple Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Portable Bottle Warmer comes in. It doesn’t require electricity or any other external heating source — instead, it consists of an insulated, stainless steel flask with a leak-proof lid and sturdy plastic sheath. Simply pour boiling water from the flask into the upturned sheath and sit your bottle or pouch inside to warm up. The warmer fits compactly into your bag and can be refilled as needed by the cabin crew.

Best Formula Dispenser

Lotcow portable powder dispenser.

Flying with a formula-fed baby can seem daunting, simply because of the extra time and effort required to get your crying child what they need as quickly as possible. The key to minimizing stress for everyone is advance preparation. Instead of bringing your regular formula tub with you and attempting to measure out powder in the cramped confines of your seat, use a portable powder dispenser like this one from LotCow. 

Made from BPA-free plastic, the dispenser consists of four separate moisture-proof and leak-free containers that stack together to create a conveniently packable cylinder measuring roughly seven by three inches. Each one holds about two ounces of milk powder that can be tipped into baby's bottle in seconds. On shorter flights, you could even use some of the layers for storing snacks.

Best Travel Cup

Munchkin miracle 360 trainer cup.

Starting at six months, babies should be offered a drink of water with every meal. This is especially important on a flight, where low humidity levels can cause dehydration even in adults. Some children master the art of drinking out of a proper cup quicker than others, but if yours (like mine) ends up soaked every time, you’ll want a sippy cup for travel.

I loved the Munchkin Miracle 360 Trainer Sippy Cup so much the first time around that I sought it out for my second child even after moving countries. First, it’s truly leak-free, with a soft plastic valve that fits all the way over the top. It’s also spoutless, which means babies can drink from anywhere around the rim in a way that protects their dental health and encourages normal muscle development. The handles fit little hands perfectly and it’s easy to clean on the go.

Best Snack Container

Bentgo kids chill lunch box.

If your baby is old enough for solid foods, there’s good news. Packing a snack box not only ensures they’ll be full even if they don’t like whatever baby meal is served on the flight; it’s also one of the very best ways to keep them entertained. Bento boxes help with this by providing spaces for lots of different foods for maximum interest. 

The Bentgo Kids Chill Lunch Box stands out for its quality construction, leak-proof clip-and-seal design, and choice of bright, baby-friendly colors. It offers four compartments of varying sizes for everything from cereal to fruit pieces or sandwich fingers and (best of all), an optional, built-in ice pack that fits underneath the food tray to keep contents fresh and safe to eat even after hours in the air. When you get to your destination, it’s dishwasher and microwave safe.

Before you travel, it’s important to decide how you’ll be transporting baby through the airport. It’s often a long walk, sometimes with connecting buses or trains, so keeping your little one safely secured and supported is crucial. A baby carrier is a great option for navigating crowds with minimal fuss while keeping your hands free. You can also take your stroller all the way to the airplane door. If you plan on doing this, Sharpe recommends investing in one that fits into the overhead bin rather than having it checked to avoid unnecessary delays at the other end. Alternatively, she says, the Doona X stroller doubles as a car seat that can be used on board.

Best Baby Wrap

Keababies baby wrap carrier.

My daughter was born in South Africa, where wraps like the KeaBabies Original Wrap Carrier are one of the most popular and traditional methods for hands-free baby carrying. Although it took me a few tries to perfect the art of tying the wrap correctly (definitely something to master before you fly), she loved its womb-like closeness. It’s great not only for getting babies from point A to B in the airport, but also as a way of comforting them or getting them to sleep onboard. 

Consisting of a single length of stretchy, sturdy fabric, the KeaBabies wrap offers just the right amount of elasticity to hold and support your baby securely, while distributing weight evenly to minimize strain on your back and shoulders. It’s one-size-fits-all can be worn by mom or dad with zero adjustment, is safe from birth, and packs away compactly when not in use.

Best Baby Carrier

Ergobaby 360 cool air mesh carrier.

Although wraps like the KeaBabies one are technically suitable for children up to 36 months of age, I found that both of my kids were too heavy for me to carry in this way by the time they were around nine months old. The natural next step is a soft carrier like the ergobaby 360 Cool Air Mesh Carrier, which is designed for use from 4 to 48 months (up to 45 pounds.) 

The ergobaby 360 stands out for its award-winning design, which allows you to switch between four comfortable and safe carrying positions: on the front of your body facing inwards, on the front facing outwards, on the hip, or on your back. When forward facing, the baby’s hips are held in the “M” position to protect against hip dysplasia. Breathable mesh keeps them from overheating, while padded shoulder straps and a wide waistband save your back and shoulders.

Best Lightweight Stroller

Babyzen yoyo2 stroller.

Although you can use any stroller all the way up to the airplane door and then have it checked separately, the Babyzen YoYo2 with a newborn pack (suitable for babies zero to six months) is one of the few that folds compactly enough to fit in the overhead bin. It can be folded and unfolded with one hand, which is a lifesaver when trying to juggle your baby, diaper bag, and passport simultaneously.

It also tips the scales at just 14.5 pounds. This lightweight compactness makes it ideal not only for air travel, but also for exploring your destination because it fits just as easily into an overhead bin or taxi trunk. The stroller includes a five-point harness, a comfortable one-inch, lie-flat mattress, and UPF 50+, water-repellent fabric. You can also attach the YoYo2 bassinet and later, the six+ color pack for older babies over six months.

We’ve covered the main areas of traveling with a baby, but what about the easy-to-overlook accessories that make all the difference? These range from breastfeeding covers (Sharpe recommends researching whether your destination has any modesty laws that may make this a particularly important choice) to sunscreen (Dr. Prevatt points out that children under the age of 15 are especially at risk of skin cancer if allowed to burn which can occur while waiting on a hot airport concourse.) Look for accessories that make life easier by simplifying essential tasks, whether that’s changing a diaper or finding what you need in your carry-on.

Best Breastfeeding Cover

Copper pearl cover canopy.

While I’m a firm believer that women should be able to breastfeed wherever they like without having to cover up, there is something especially intimidating about doing so in a confined space surrounded by perfect strangers. The Copper Pearl Multi-use Cover is made from lightweight, stretchy, and breathable fabric that provides full coverage without feeling restrictive for either of you. 

I particularly like that the opening is wide enough to allow you to easily view your baby (my son refused to drink if he couldn’t make eye contact) and check for a correct latch. The cover also comes in super handy on vacation as a car seat or stroller cover, takes up virtually no space in your diaper bag, and comes in an endless choice of gorgeous watercolor-style prints.

Best Travel Blanket

Everyday kids car seat blanket.

If your baby already has a favorite blanket, then that’s the one to take on your flight. But if, like mine, they’re ambivalent about which blanket they use as long as they’re warm, the plush fleece Everyday Kids Car Seat Blanket could be a useful option especially if you plan on bringing your car seat on board or if you end up with a bassinet that has a five-point harness. Safety features for the latter vary, but I’ve flown with at least one airline where this was the case.

The blanket has universally spaced notches that align with most five-point harness straps, keeping it secured to the car seat or bassinet so that it doesn’t end up on the less-than-sterile airplane floor every time Baby kicks. The swaddling style is easily unwrapped, too, so that you can prove your little one is securely fastened during turbulence without waking them up.

Best Changing Pad

Kopi baby portable changing pad.

While you’re definitely going to need your regular, full-size baby bag to carry everything you need for the flight, a portable changing pad like this wipe-clean one from Kopi Baby makes all the difference when it comes to the Olympic sport that is attempting to change a diaper in the tight confines of an airplane bathroom. 

When folded away, it measures just 7.5 x 11.5 inches and resembles a regular clutch bag. But when opened up, it reveals a full-size changing mat with a built-in pillow and three mesh pockets with enough space to store up to five diapers as well as other essentials from rash cream to diaper bags. I especially love the smart wet wipes pocket, which features an opening that dispenses wipes for one-handed convenience, even when the pad is folded.

Best Packing Cubes

Remobia hicol tsa-approved diaper bag organizer set.

Organization is the key to minimizing stress when flying with small children. After all, there’s nothing worse than trying to juggle a screaming baby while rooting around helplessly in your bag for an item that has somehow disappeared just as you need it. Enter the Remobia Hicol Organizer Set, a collection of five packing cubes designed especially for parents. 

They’re made from sturdy, transparent TPU plastic, making it easy to see at a glance what they contain. The various sizes lend themselves to categorizing your diaper bag contents (one for spare clothes, one for snacks, one for medicines and so on), while the fact that they’re both waterproof and easy to wipe clean prevents unnecessary mess. They’re TSA-approved for convenience through security and nest inside each other neatly when not in use.

Best Sunscreen

Aveeno baby sunscreen.


Sunscreen may seem like an odd item to include on this list since there’s no chance of sunburn in the airport or on the plane. However, many airports in hot countries lack covered walkways from the plane to the terminal. It’s also easy to forget to apply sunscreen once you leave the airport in the chaos of clearing customs and collecting luggage. 

Additionally, bringing sunscreen with you guarantees access to a brand you know and trust, and can test on your baby’s skin for sensitivity prior to travel. I recommend packing a travel-sized mineral sunscreen like this one from Aveeno for on-the-go protection. At three fluid ounces, it complies with TSA restrictions and is especially formulated for babies (doctor’s advice recommended for those under six months), using naturally sourced zinc oxide to provide hypoallergenic, fragrance-free SPF 50 protection.

Try not to overpack

There are a lot of items on this list, and many more besides that will be part of your everyday baby routine — from bottles and pacifiers to burp cloths and diaper cream. Remember that you don’t need all of them. Think carefully about which are most relevant for your baby, your flight (duration, time of day, and number of layovers), and unique situation (are you flying alone, or will you have someone to help juggle baby and luggage?) Then, try to limit your packing to the things that you’re most likely to actually use, because flying with a baby is overwhelming enough without having to keep track of or carry a ton of extra gear. 

Consider the flight time

When packing your diaper bag, tailor its contents according to the length of your flight, making sure you have enough diapers, wipes, milk, and snacks to last the duration with a few extras in case of any unexpected delays. If it’s a long flight, prioritize snacks that don’t need refrigeration and consider ways to increase the entertainment value of each one (e.g., individually wrapping some items so they’re fun to open together or cutting sandwiches into quirky shapes).

When booking your flight, bear in mind departure and arrival times. If you can, choose an overnight flight or one that coincides with your baby’s longest sleep period (I know these are not always the same thing!). And remember: when flying with a baby, if you can stretch your budget to get the most direct route, the extra expense will be well worth it. Layovers shouldn't be too long or so short that you end up having to run to catch the next flight. Minimize stress, wherever possible. 

Prepare for the unexpected

While it’s important to try and resist the temptation to pack everything including the kitchen sink (see our first tip), you should also prepare for a few worst-case scenarios. In my personal experience, these could range from being vomited on mid-flight (pack an extra shirt for yourself and at least two spare changes for baby) to your perfectly well infant suddenly developing a high fever. Dr. Prevatt suggests packing a basic first aid kit with essentials your baby might need since airline medical kits are minimal and not packed with infants in mind. 

She also frequently hears from breastfeeding moms who haven’t wanted to wake their sleeping baby to feed and therefore end up struggling with engorgement. She recommends learning to express by hand in advance or, if you have space in your carry-on, packing a portable breast pump. Meanwhile, Sharpe says that she often sees parents struggle due to not packing enough snacks and activities. If there’s one thing she’d recommend leaving at home to make space for these essentials, it’s a bulky inflatable baby bed.

According to Dr. Prevatt, it’s theoretically safe for a healthy baby to fly from the first day of life. However, most airlines only allow babies to fly from seven days old because it takes a week for the ductus to close (completing the transition from a fetal to an infant heart). If there is anything wrong with a baby’s heart, it most often presents in the first seven days of life. Up in the ai and, away from medical care is not where you want to be should any such issue arise. Premature babies or those with known conditions may require medical clearance to fly.  

Dr. Prevatt notes that the greatest risk of flying with a newborn is to the mother rather than the baby. To avoid postpartum deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), women who have given birth in the last two months should book an aisle seat so that they can perform leg exercises and walk freely around the cabin. Having your baby on your lap puts extra compression on your thigh veins, so take turns with your travel partner if you can. And even if you’re not breastfeeding, abstain from alcohol and caffeine and be sure to drink extra water since dehydration increases risk of DVT.

Babies under two years old are allowed to fly on your lap or in an approved infant car seat. Dr. Prevatt points out that although there have been very few reported injuries caused by an infant sitting on their caregiver’s lap rather than in a car seat, it is still recommended to use a car seat for safety since it is a moving vessel. Policies vary slightly between airlines ( British Airways only accepts forward-facing seats, whereas American Airlines allows seats to be installed in the direction appropriate for the size of the child, for example) so check with yours in advance.  

You should remember that to guarantee being able to use an infant car seat onboard, you must book a separate seat for your baby — a much more expensive option than having them on your lap. Dr. Prevatt also notes that small babies must not stay in an upright position for more than a few hours since it can affect their breathing — so on longer flights, you’ll need to be prepared to cradle them in your arms for hours at a time or use an airline bassinet.  

A bassinet is an absolute godsend, especially on an extended or overnight flight. My daughter spent most of her first 11-hour flight sleeping peacefully in hers. However, the availability of these bassinets is limited because they can only be fixed to the bulkhead. And while some airlines allow you to book them in advance, others assign them on a first come, first served basis which means that you should always be prepared for the possibility of not getting one.

My top tip? Attempt to book a baby bassinet. If that’s not possible, turn up to the airport early in the hope of being assigned one. If that fails, ask if there happens to be an available seat that you can use for your car seat (you should bring one anyway, since a child must still be restrained on car rides in foreign countries and relying on your own is safer than renting). If there is, you may be allowed to use it without having to pay extra. If not, the car seat will be checked for you, typically free of charge, and baby can sleep in your arms.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. A stroller is useful because you can stash items in the basket, it saves you from having to carry your baby (especially great if they fall asleep while waiting at the airport), and you can use it all the way up to the airplane door. Here, Sharpe says, it will be loaded into the plane’s cargo hold by the ground handling agents. In theory, it should be waiting for you near the door when you disembark at the other end, too. 

However, Sharpe points out that occasionally there can be a miscommunication and strollers end up in the oversized baggage pickup area or at the luggage carousel with the other bags, leaving you stranded with no easy way to carry Baby through the airport. I have also waited for quite a while to have the stroller delivered to the correct place, which can be very stressful if you have a short transfer window. To limit the chances of this happening, Sharpe recommends having check-in staff put a note on your booking and re-iterating this to the flight attendants and ground staff on both ends of your journey. Alternatively, investing in a stroller that fits into the overhead compartment eliminates these issues completely. 

Having experienced my fair share of stroller delivery issues, I would recommend checking your stroller in with your luggage for use at your destination and using a baby carrier to transport your little one from check-in to airplane. The many pros outweigh the one obvious con (having to bear their weight all the way), and include being much more mobile in a crowded airport, having both hands free for your other luggage and passport checks, and giving Baby the comfort of being held close to your body in an unfamiliar and overwhelming new environment.

Sharpe says that parents are often unaware that normal liquid restrictions do not apply to breast milk and formula. TSA states that both of these substances are considered medically necessary liquid and put no restriction on the amount you can bring on board. This applies to juice, too. You just need to remove these items from your carry-on bag to be screened separately at security. However, be aware that TSA rules only apply in the United States. Sharpe points out that at Heathrow Airport in London, for example, you may bring aboard up to 2 liters each of baby food and milk as long as it’s stored in a clear, transparent container or bag. Check airport and airline rules carefully before flying to avoid any confusion.

The change in cabin pressure during take-off and landing affects babies’ ears in the same way it does adult ears — by sucking the eardrum backwards or forwards. However, Dr. Prevatt says that this is more painful for babies (and in fact, 20 percent of children experience a pain so severe that an adult would not be able to put up with it) because the Eustachian tubes that connect the mouth and ears are so much smaller.  

This makes it much harder for babies to equalize effectively, a problem compounded by the fact that they can’t understand how to do so. Swallowing is the easiest way to help them equalize. Therefore, it’s important to breast or bottle feed during take-off and landing. I recommend bringing a pacifier as well in case your baby refuses to drink in the strange environment that is a noisy, cramped airline seat. As a breastfeeding mom, I can confirm that getting a good latch can be tricky because both you and your baby will have to wear a seat belt during take-off and landing, making cradling them in the usual way a little awkward.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Jessica Macdonald has been writing about travel gear for more than 10 years and has flown with both of her children many times since they were four months old. She sought the expert opinion of Dr. Natalie Prevatt, a children's travel medicine consultant and the lead clinician at the Childrenstraveldoc , which offers remote telephone consultations to prepare pregnant mothers and children for travel. Samantha Sharpe also provided invaluable insight from her perspective as a former nanny and flight attendant who previously worked for Qatar Airways and now flies for one of the UK’s largest airlines.

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When is it safe to fly with a newborn baby?

It's not always a clear-cut answer. Here's what you should know about flying with a baby before booking a plane ticket.

Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP

When is it safe to fly with a newborn?

What to consider before flying with a newborn, how to keep your newborn safe when you fly.

When my husband and I decided to settle in an Asian city more than 8,000 miles away from our American family and friends on the East Coast, we did so knowing that we wanted to have children and that one day, those kids would have to get on a very long flight. We welcomed a son in July, and when he was 5 months old, we embarked on the 14-hour flight home for the holidays. Amid our worries about irritating other passengers and maintaining our own sanity, there was of course the question: Was a flight this long even safe or healthy for him ?

I could pack my own sanitizer, wear a mask, and try to keep him from mouthing the seat belt flap and tray table – but there are limits to how much any of that could really help when traveling during RSV, COVID, and flu season . Introducing my baby to my 95-year-old grandmother in New Jersey was intensely important to me, though, so I was determined to figure out how to keep him safe. 

Not everyone might face the stakes (or distance) that I have with my baby, but figuring out when a baby can fly is a common question many parents face. 

There are two aspects to consider before booking a flight with your little one: what an airline will allow and what is actually medically recommended. 

What the airlines say

It's easy to find different carriers' policies on infants by checking their websites. Delta Opens a new window and American Opens a new window will allow newborns under a week old if they travel with a doctor's note, while United Opens a new window has a minimum of 1 week old , and JetBlue Opens a new window and Southwest Opens a new window permit babies 2 weeks old . 

What doctors say

"It's not advisable at all to travel with a newborn, especially on an airplane that is enclosed with so many people," says Karin Nielsen-Saines, M.D. Opens a new window , a professor of clinical pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at UCLA Children's Hospital. "First, if they get sick, they have absolutely no immunity. And second, if they have any slight illness, or even a low-grade fever , they'll need to be brought to the hospital for a whole septic work-up, which entails being admitted for 48 to 72 hours. It's traumatic for everyone: parents and baby."

That's why you're unlikely to get a doctor's clearance to travel with a newborn unless it's an absolute emergency.

After those first few weeks, the advice becomes a bit more equivocal. "There's definitely some personal decision-making and risk-taking involved with flying with a newborn or an infant, but not a hard-and-fast rule," says Mary Carol Burkhardt, M.D., M.H.A. Opens a new window , a primary care pediatrician with the division of general and community pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. "Babies face the same exposures when flying as adults do, but their immune systems are not as developed. Many people may feel more safe flying after a baby is [initially] vaccinated, which typically happens around 2 months of age."

Not all vaccines happen at that 2-month mark, though. "A child would not be really fully, totally protected against the most common pathogens until 7 months of age because then they would have received their primary immunization series – the ones they get at 2, 4, and 6 months," says Dr. Nielsen-Saines. Around 6 months, babies can also get their shots for seasonal illnesses like the flu , COVID , and RSV . "But the truth of the matter is that there's a risk, right? And the risk is potentially higher between September to April," she adds. 

Those two milestones – around 2 months and 6 months – are observed by the American Academy of Pediatrics as well, which recommends Opens a new window rethinking travel with infants under 6 months of age and avoiding any trips with those under 2 months . 

Your baby's health

As noted, flying is particularly dangerous for babies because their immune systems haven't developed enough to fight off the germs potentially found on a flight. That's true of all infants, but if a baby was born preterm or with any significant illnesses, parents should exercise more caution before hitting the skies, Dr. Burkhardt says. 

Beyond the dangers posed by pathogens, flying itself can bother babies. "As the plane climbs or descends, the differences in pressure can cause discomfort or pain to children," says Dr. Nielsen-Saines. "When you have young children or infants screaming when a plane is taking off or landing, it usually has to do with ear pain."

To alleviate that pain, you can have your baby suck on a pacifier, nurse, or take a bottle during takeoff and landing to mitigate some discomfort. Luckily, it's temporary and nothing to worry about long term, but with one big exception: if a baby or child has an ear infection when traveling . Though it's rare, "the pressurization could cause the tympanic membrane to rupture," Dr. Nielsen-Saines says. If you suspect or know your baby has an ear infection and there's a trip on the books, you should consult your doctor and very likely consider postponing to avoid that risk (or a lot of the pain, at the very least). 

Though babies under 2 years of age are allowed to fly seated on their parents' laps – and thus without a seat and ticket of their own – on most airlines around the world, most experts recommend strapping a baby into a car seat or other child-restraining device for air travel. In the event of turbulence, it can be difficult for an adult to maintain their grip on a child, with potentially devastating results. 

Airline-provided bassinets, too, which really only help the comfort of a baby and parent, not their safety; they're not designed to restrain a child, so you'd have to remove your baby from the bassinet and hold them when experiencing turbulence. 

Reserving a bassinet does mean you'd likely end up seated in the bulkhead row, and "bulkhead seats are better because there's more space for the baby at the front, and more space for the parents as well," says Dr. Nielsen-Saines. In case you're wondering, there is no one area or row of the plane that is safer or more dangerous for babies – except for the exit row, where only able-bodied adults are allowed to sit in case of an emergency.

Logistical considerations

Among the biggest stressors of flying is strategizing how and when to take care of your baby's basic needs. Feeding, changing, and sleeping can be terribly difficult on a plane. You have to keep breast milk cold (and then potentially get it warm) or prepare bottles of formula. Even changing a diaper on a plane can require advance planning.  

Plus, travel disrupts a child's (often precious) routines. While it's not inherently damaging to their health, it can end up frustrating both you and your baby. " Changes with time zones are very hard for infants and young kids to reorient to," says Dr. Burkhardt. "Parents should be prepared that the child may act differently: They may sleep slightly less or more, they may eat slightly less or more, because their routine has been interrupted. Give them some grace in that."

A mother's own health

Just as there are many medical reasons why a newborn shouldn't fly, a new mom should also keep her health in mind before traveling postpartum . C-section incisions or perineal tears that still have stitches might make it painful to spend a lot of time in an airplane seat with a seatbelt on, while postpartum bleeding (and the accompanying diaper or pads) can also make things uncomfortable. Additionally, "Moms who have had surgical deliveries tend to have more gas at high altitudes, and with the changes in pressure, you might get more abdominal distension and pain," Dr. Nielsen-Saines says. 

A lack of sleep, too, brought on not only by parenting an infant but also disruptions in routine and potential time zone changes can impact a parent's immune system, she adds. "It takes a toll on your immune system to be fatigued," Dr. Nielsen-Saines explains. "There's an association between [exhaustion] and being more prone to respiratory infections." 

This can ultimately affect your baby: "When the parents get sick, it's more likely the child will get sick. It all goes together."

Even with these concerns in mind, there will always be reasons – and desire – to fly with a baby. Thankfully, there are ways to mitigate some of the risks:

Sanitize everything. Bring some easily accessible sanitizer bottles or wipes to clean off your own hands, baby's hands, tray tables, windows, armrests, and anything else a kid might touch. 

Keep your distance. "Avoid the more crowded places in the airport while you're waiting, to the extent that you can, to decrease exposures whenever possible," Dr. Burkhardt says. When you're on the plane, keep the overhead fan on for extra ventilation. 

Stay hydrated.  "It is easier to dehydrate on a plane, as the environmental conditions are different and the air is very dry," says Dr. Nielsen-Saines. Dehydration can cause health problems including dizziness, fatigue, and headaches, and even a mild case can make an uncomfortable situation feel worse. Make sure both you and your baby get enough fluids while flying.

Layer up. "Dress your child in layers, because temperatures are super variable [on flights]," adds Dr. Burkhardt. 

Consider headphones. The background noise on an airplane won't harm your infant's ears – it might even prove soothing . But if your baby is particularly noise-sensitive, consider using noise-canceling headphones made for infants, Dr. Burkhardt advises. (That said, the need to wrestle them onto a baby's head, and keep them there, might prove another obstacle to peaceful rest. )

One common bit of advice that Dr. Burkhardt urges parents not to take? "Sometimes parents ask us about medicating the baby for a flight , with, say, Benadryl, and that is something that we would recommend against," she says. "That would not be a way to help a baby sleep." Otherwise, buckle up you and your baby, and buckle down – you got this. 

As for my own journey, flying with the little guy was stressful in all the ways I’d imagined, and some I hadn’t (trying to remove him from the carrier while also opening all our bags while also removing my shoes when going through security, for one!). We consulted with our pediatrician, donned masks, sanitized hands and toys and tray tables, nursed often, and ultimately kept every possible finger crossed. Our baby stayed healthy, and getting that moment with my grandmother near a twinkly Christmas tree was absolutely priceless. 

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What to know about traveling internationally with a baby

family with mom, dad, baby, and older child on vacation

When can I travel again after giving birth?

An airplane wing, with blue skies and clouds in the background.

Flying with a baby: 15 tips for an easier trip

mom and baby in airport looking out at runway

40 tips for traveling with your baby or toddler

baby wearing funny hat and fake mustache with suitcase and palm fronds

BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

American Academy of Pediatrics. Tips for Traveling with Young Ones this Holiday Season. https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/health--safety-tips/american-academy-of-pediatrics-tips-for-traveling-with-young-ones-this-holiday-season/ Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Delta. Infant Air Travel. https://www.delta.com/us/en/children-infant-travel/infant-travel Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Airlines. Traveling with children. https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/special-assistance/traveling-children.jsp Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

United Airlines. Traveling with children. https://www.united.com/en/us/fly/travel/accessibility-and-assistance/traveling-with-children.html Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

JetBlue. Traveling with lap infants. https://www.jetblue.com/help/traveling-with-lap-infants Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Southwest Airlines. Traveling with an infant. https://www.southwest.com/help/flying-with-children/flying-with-infants Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Mary Carol Burkhardt, M.D., M.H.A. Opens a new window , a primary care pediatrician with the division of general and community pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Karin Nielsen-Saines, M.D. Opens a new window , a professor of clinical pediatrics in the division of infectious diseases at UCLA Children's Hospital

Kaitlin Menza

Kaitlin Menza is a contributing writer at BabyCenter. After over a decade in New York City, she recently relocated to Taipei, Taiwan.

Where to go next

family with mom, dad, baby, and older child on vacation

How I've kept traveling -- even after having a baby

Lori Zaino

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Before I had a baby, I had traveled to almost 60 countries and was on a plane every other week.

A huge fan of solo travel , yoga retreats with friends and adventurous escapes with my husband, I was always on the move. Thanks to the ability to work remotely, travel was easy. Then COVID-19 hit, and shortly after, I got pregnant .

So life changed, and so did travel.

But now that travel is picking up again , I'm back at it — with my eight-month-old in tow.

Here's how — and why — I've navigated travel with a baby.

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airplane trip with baby

Why I travel with my baby

Because i have to, and so does he.

I live in Europe and my entire family lives in the United States . Like it or not, my child will have to constantly go back and forth between the two continents, and I want this to become second nature for him. I started flying with my child when he was three months old. He's already on his 15th flight and 4th high-speed train ride -- and has a few road trips under his elastic waistband.

Have some flights been really easy? Yes. Have some flights been harder? Also yes. But it doesn't matter all that much either way, because we have to travel if we want to spend time with friends and family back in the United States. And most of the flights, with a few small exceptions, have been great.

Even you don't need to travel with a baby, just know it's possible. It may not always be easy, but you can absolutely do it if you want to.

I want him to experience the wonders of the world instead of material things

My apartment was recently broken into. As violating and frustrating as it was, I realized that I was able to get over the things they took from me (cash and jewelry) relatively quickly, even though some of the jewelry pieces were family heirlooms.

When I'm still traumatized emotionally about having my space invaded, the robbers couldn't take from me what I most valued: my family and our shared experiences, especially the ones we've had traveling.

My hope is that my son will grow up understanding these same lessons and placing value on experiences and connections instead of things. And the best way to show this is by modeling the same behavior for him, which is often what motivates me to plan that next family vacation .

Because it's fun

Playing with my son in the peaceful Caribbean ocean waves, watching him stare at the Chicago skyline with awe or seeing him smile at the iconic Eiffel Tower are memories I'll never forget. Although he definitely won't remember these trips, we will — and we'll have lots of photos to show him one day.

airplane trip with baby

How I make travel with my baby easier

Traveling with a baby isn't always easy. From diaper blowouts during landing and bleary-eyed nights with a jet-lagged infant to nasty stares from passengers if my overtired son shrieks during take-off, traveling with a baby has its downsides and complications. Here are some hacks I use to make it easier.

I bring someone along to help

I know I'll travel alone with my child as he gets older. However, for now, whenever possible, I try to have another adult in tow to help out — whether that be my partner, a family member or friend.

While I'm not expecting a friend to deal with a crying baby or his meltdowns, it's helpful to have someone along to help carry luggage, make sure I don't forget my jacket in the airport, hold the baby while I head to the restroom or help me fold up the stroller at TSA .

These little things can really make a difference when traveling. Once my child can at least walk on his own, I'll start traveling with just the two of us.

I pack as light as possible

It's true that kids — and especially babies — can need a lot of stuff. And there are things I really don't want to be stuck without on a long plane ride like diapers or snacks (more on this in a moment).

When traveling with my baby, I try to bring everything I need but don't go overboard. I swear by lightweight travel strollers and always take along a baby carrier and diaper backpack for a hands-free airport experience.

I like to book rental properties with as many baby and kid amenities already present as possible, such as a crib, high chair and more to avoid taking extra stuff along. I've also used rental companies in destinations for key items such as car seats, too.

airplane trip with baby

Always bring these key items — especially when flying

What you can carry with you when flying is obviously very different than what you can lug along on a road trip, which offers you more space and added flexibility. That being said, these are key items I always take in my carry-on when flying with a baby:

  • Extra clothing for both you and your baby (yes, trust me, you need a backup outfit just in case).
  • Layers of clothing or blankets (plane temperatures can vary).
  • Pacifier and clip (and backup).
  • Comfort toy or blanket.
  • Extra diapers (enough for an unexpected delay).
  • Formula/breast milk/pump.
  • Snacks (for you and/or your baby).
  • Baby wipes.
  • Sanitizing wipes.
  • Extra bibs.
  • Ziploc bags for soiled clothing (or a reusable, waterproof bag).
  • Baby Tylenol or any infant medications.
  • A basic first aid kit.
  • Small toy(s).
  • Anything that can help your baby fall asleep.

For more on what to pack and how to prepare for traveling with a baby, read this article .

Use points and miles for a more comfortable and affordable trip

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I love using my points and miles to fly in business class with my baby .

He's actually better behaved than other passengers in some cases. Also, having the extra space to stretch out makes a real difference for all of us, especially on long-haul flights where sleep is essential for the entire family.

I have also dipped into my stash of points and miles to buy three seats in economy, taking a car seat along so my baby can safely sit in his own seat, even though that isn't required at this age. The bassinet was once an option if I had enough points or miles for just two seats, although now my baby has surpassed the weight limit.

If you want to use the bassinet, always call the airline to see if this option is available and what the weight/size limits are, which can vary by airline or even route .

airplane trip with baby

I verbally prepare my baby for travel

I'm well aware that my baby probably can't understand what I'm saying. But as he gets older, he is starting to recognize words, and I want "airplane" to be one of them as quickly as possible. Whenever we travel, I softly and carefully explain to him what's happening several days in advance each day before the trip.

I tell him we're going to fly high in the sky on a plane, that we need to be calm, quiet and happy. I tell him that we'll be spending time with many other people in a small space, so we need to not scream or kick the seat in front of us and bother other passengers.

I explain that we're visiting a certain destination or specific family members or friends, where we'll be sleeping and for how long we'll be gone.

One day, he'll slowly begin to associate these explanations with the journeys that follow them. Kids ask a lot of questions and want to understand what's going on, so I hope explaining things to him will help him feel safe and in control as he gets older, as well as excited to fly and to travel.

I fly or take a train trip at least every two months with my son

I realize that as someone who's worked remotely for more than 10 years, I'm afforded the flexibility to travel frequently and take my son along with me. I'm teaching my child how to eat properly and sleep well, and will pretty soon potty train, so I'm training him to travel, too.

With the convenience of low-cost air carriers and high-speed trains here in Europe (and a solid stash of points and miles), it's easy to get my baby on a plane or train every few months to get — and keep — him used to travel and make it part of a familiar routine.

I minimize travel stress with early arrivals, elite status and lounge access

Running through the airport with a baby and luggage is stressful and not at all how I want to start a trip.

I find the calmer I am, the calmer our whole family is — especially my baby, who tends to absorb my energy and mental state. Getting to the airport with lots of extra time helps me feel relaxed and in control — and these feelings transfer to everyone in my travel party, especially my son.

Having elite status and lounge access doesn't hurt, either, as I can avoid long lines and hang out in the lounge if I have time to kill before flying.

airplane trip with baby

Both The Platinum Card® from American Express and the Chase Sapphire Reserve card offer lounge access, and considering my home airport of Madrid Barajas (MAD) has several really nice Sala VIPs that are part of the Priority Pass network, I find this credit card perk a valuable one.

My Oneworld Sapphire status makes flying on airlines like Iberia much more comfortable, too, allowing me to use the business class check-in area, board first and check a bag at no added cost.

I plan flights around bedtime and nap times whenever possible

While my son sleeps fairly well on planes, I prefer to plan flights strategically at times where he'll already be fed, calm and rested. Although I can't always make this happen, I do so whenever my schedule and flight schedules permit it.

I organize sightseeing and beach days around naps, too

When traveling, I always try to organize my days so that my baby can either nap at the hotel or vacation rental, or while we walk in his stroller.

Cobblestoned European streets are particularly helpful in coaxing my son to sleep in his stroller, as the vibration is relaxing for him. I also bring everything along possible to encourage sleep while on the road — a portable sound machine in the stroller, a portable night light, his lovey, a tent for the beach , our own sheet for the travel crib to remind him of home — really anything that will help him to nap and sleep, keeping him and the whole family calm and happy.

airplane trip with baby

Bottom line

While I'm not hopping on a flight every other week like I was in those pre-pandemic, pre-baby days, having a baby hasn't ruined travel for me.

I know it can be more restrictive and more expensive, but I now look at travel in a whole new way. I see it as an opportunity to bond as a family, give my son new experiences and help him grow into a flexible, excited young traveler .

My hope is that starting with these experiences while he is young will make travel a habit for him, just like going to school or playing with friends — something he is familiar with and learns to love and do with joy.

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Infant Air Travel

We’re here to take you and your family wherever you need to go.  Infants or children under 2 years of age can travel on the lap of an adult for free (within the United States) or at a reduced fare (for international travel). You also may purchase a ticket and use the child’s own seat on the aircraft as long as it meets the FAA-approved child safety seat specifications or use a CARES harness. Our step-by-step guide explains how to easily add a lap-held infant (Infant-in-Arms) to your ticket yourself.

Due to FAA safety requirements, 1 adult passenger may only carry 1 lap-held infant. If an adult passenger is traveling with 2 infants, a seat must be purchased for the additional infant. Infants occupying a seat on domestic flights require a ticket and pay the applicable fare.

Pregnant Passengers

Child & infant age restrictions, infant-in-arms or child in safety seat, you will need to purchase a ticket for your child if you:.

  • Have a child that is 2 years old or older
  • Have a child that turns 2 during the trip
  • Prefer the child sit in a seat with an FAA-approved child safety seat
  • Already have a child that will be sitting in your lap, regardless of age
  • Want your child to earn miles for their SkyMiles account
  • Will be traveling between countries, regardless of whether or not the child occupies a seat

Child Safety Seat Guidelines

If you decide to use a child safety seat aboard the airplane and purchase a ticket for your child, there are a few restrictions and guidelines you'll need to follow.

The window seat is the preferred location for an approved child safety seat (child restraint system or car seat). Other locations may be acceptable provided the seat is not installed between other passengers and the aisle. An accompanying adult must sit next to the child. More than one car seat may be in use in the same row and section of seats. Per FAA regulations, children under 2 years of age are not allowed to sit in a seat equipped with an airbag seat belt.

When using a child safety seat, don’t select seats in the following areas: 

  • Aisle seats
  • Emergency exit rows
  • Bulkhead seats when the safety seat is a combination car seat and stroller
  • Flatbed seats in the Delta One ™ area of the following aircraft: Airbus A330-200 or A330-300 aircraft *

* Child Safety Seats are not permitted in this area since the airbag seat belt cannot be deactivated .

An adult (18 years or older) may hold an infant (Infant-in-Arms) or place the infant in a FAA-approved child restraint in their seat during takeoff and landing. Booster-type car seats are not permitted for use during taxi, takeoff and landing.

Delta flight attendants will check with accompanying adults to ensure that children are properly secured in their safety seats and in the aircraft seat. The accompanying adult, however, has the following responsibilities when using a child restraint during takeoff and landing:

  • Ensure that the child restraint seat meets FAA guidelines , Go to footer note
  • Ensure that the child restraint seat functions properly and is free of obvious defects
  • Secure the child according to the manufacturer's instructions
  • Ensure the child does not exceed the restraint's weight limit
  • Ensure the child restraint is secured to the aircraft seat using the aircraft seat's safety belt

All child safety seats or restraints include labeling that indicates their compliance with safety requirements. Restraints that meet the qualifications and labeling are approved for use on Delta flights.

Restraints manufactured within the U.S. after 2/25/85 with the following labels:

  • Conforms to all applicable federal motor vehicle standards
  • Is certified for use in motor vehicles and aircraft

Restraints manufactured within the U.S. between 1/1/81 and 2/25/85 with the following label:

Restraints manufactured outside the U.S. with the following labels:

  • Has the approval of a foreign government
  • Was manufactured under standards of the United Nations

Restraints that are not permitted:

  • Booster seats, even if they bear labels indicating they meet U.S., UN or foreign government standards
  • Vest and harness-type child restraint devices other than the FAA approved CARES restraint device

Bassinets or SkyCots

For some of our smallest passengers on some international flights, we offer onboard baby bassinets. They’re ideal for babies weighing up to 20 lbs. (9 kg) and up to 26 inches (66 cm) long.

  • Onboard bassinets, also known as SkyCots, are available free of charge for passengers in select seats on equipped aircraft for some international flights
  • SkyCots can be requested by contacting Reservations before arriving at the airport and then speaking with the gate agent at the boarding gate, but cannot be guaranteed due to a limit of two SkyCots per aircraft and weight restrictions
  • Please note that all infants must be held during takeoff, landing and whenever the seat belt light is on

Additional Infant Travel Information

For children under the age of two, we recommend you purchase a seat on the aircraft and use an approved child safety seat. Here are some other helpful tips for traveling with your infant or toddler:


Delta fully supports a woman’s right to breastfeed on board Delta and Delta Connection aircraft and in Delta facilities. Breast pumps are allowed on board. At the airport and if you prefer, many airports do offer private lactation rooms or spaces. Ask a Delta associate if you need assistance locating one at an airport.

Booking Your Trip

When traveling with an infant or toddler, you may find it helpful to allow a little extra time between flights to take rest or bathroom breaks along the way. Our Airport maps can help you plan your layovers before you even reach the airport.

International Flights

If your travel destination requires a passport and/or travel visas, you will need a passport for your child, and possibly extra documentation. To review required documentation in each country you’re visiting or stopping over in, visit the U.S. Department of State’s Special Requirements for Children .

Infant Baggage

Review our Infant & Children's Items guidelines for specific details on carry-on items, including child restraint seats, strollers and diaper bags. During security check in, the TSA will usually make a special provision for items like medications, breast milk and baby formula. Check out the Traveling with Kids section of the TSA website for information and helpful videos about travel with infants and carry-on baggage restrictions.

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Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

25 Tips for Flying with a Baby

A young baby looking out a small airplane window

A lot of people think that once you have a baby you have to stop traveling. Fortunately, that’s far from the truth. In this guest post, Kristin Addis from Be My Travel Muse and Parenthood Adventures shares her tips for flying with a baby so you can travel with confidence the next time you take flight with your little one.

Flying with a baby can seem daunting. Plenty of parents dream of traveling with their little one , but visions of an entire plane of people gawking as their child cries keeps them from taking the leap.

As the mom of a well-traveled one-year-old, I’ve had my fair share of flights where everyone complimented how well my baby did, and others where I was counting the seconds until it was over, with a fussy, squirming child in my arms.

From those successes and failures, I’ve learned a lot about how to make a long flight more tolerable with an infant.

With 10 countries and nearly 100 flights as a family under my belt (plus some solo with my child), here’s everything I’ve learned about how to fly internationally with a baby:

Table of Contents

1. Get Your Documents in Order Prior to Booking

2. make sure baby has a ticket, 3. reserve a bassinet, 4. get toddlers their own seat for longer flights, 5. reserve a meal for them, 6. print their boarding pass, 7. leave extra time at the airport, 8. be aware of tsa regulations, 9. learn how to survive the airport and layovers, 10. keep them entertained, 11. pack finger foods for the flight, 12. prepare your carry-on, 13. understand stroller policies, 14. review the car seat policies, 15. know the baggage policies, 16. clear their ears before takeoff and landing, 17. know how to clean things onboard, 18. keep nap and sleep times consistent, 19. dress your baby comfortably, 20. take a walk, 21. be mindful of timing, 22. invest in a good baby carrier, 23. know your destination’s regulations, 24. plan for delays, 25. be patient.

Before traveling internationally, ensure you’ve left enough time to get your baby a passport. First, you’ll need a birth certificate, and depending on where you live, this could take a while.

Next, take photos of your child lying on a white background (I used a T-shirt) and make your passport office appointment, where you’ll submit your application forms ( available online and at the office), photos, and payment. Check your local passport office or post office for the required documents and procedures.

Make sure that you leave plenty of time to spare for processing the application. Consider expediting it if there’s a long wait or if you plan to travel in a week’s time (in which case, go in person). It took us about three weeks to get the appointment, and six more to get the passport (even with expedited processing).

Even if your infant will be on your lap, they still need to be ticketed to be allowed to board. For international flights, you’ll have to pay the taxes, and usually 10% of the adult fare, even if they’re just on your lap.

Make sure you have this ticket confirmation prior to heading to the airport. I have run into issues before, when the airline said my son was added to my reservation when in fact he wasn’t, causing me to miss my flight while we sorted out the extra ticket and fees. Now, I make sure I have the actual ticket confirmation to avoid any issues.

For those traveling with lap infants, check with your airline to reserve a bassinet. Bassinets attach to the area in front of the bulkhead seats, providing a safe and cozy spot for your baby to rest during the flight, and giving you your lap back. You do not need to book your child their own seat to reserve a bassinet, as it will be attached to the wall in front of you. They have weight limits, but each airline is different in terms of what those are, with most being 20–26 lbs.

These bassinets are limited, and bulkhead seats are popular, so make your reservation early to secure one. Not every airline reserves these ahead of time, but some do. Singapore Airlines and Emirates even reserve bassinet seats especially for parents!

Kristin Addis flying with her baby on an airplane

Children under two can fly on your lap (usually for free or for a discount, as mentioned above) instead of in their own seat, but on lengthy international flights, it’s well worth booking a separate seat for them. If they’re mobile, they’ll be squirming and encroaching on the space of the people next to you if they don’t have their own seat and will probably be frustrated that they can’t move around more.

Though we didn’t do this for my baby before he was standing and crawling, on our most recent flight, from Cape Town to San Francisco , which involved 24 combined hours in the air, it was our saving grace. Having our own row gave my son space to move, stand, climb a bit, and get his energy out. It also gave us more legroom and a space for him to sleep. It was so worth the expense.

If you do this, you’ll need to either bring a car seat or CARES harness onboard for them. A CARES harness wraps around the seat, creating a better-fitting seat belt situation, but they are only usable for babies who can sit up comfortably unaided, are over 3 feet (1 meter) tall, and weigh 22-44 lbs (10-20 kg).

Some airlines offer baby meals, such as purees, and even toddler meals. Though it’s a rare offering, Emirates even has formula onboard!

Notify the airline in advance about any dietary restrictions or allergies your child may have. Airlines can often accommodate special requests, ensuring that your child has a suitable and safe meal during the flight. I always pack our own snacks and food as well, since you never know what the meal might include, and babies get hungry on their own schedule.

Don’t count on the airline to provide milk for your child. We’ve found that while some have milk onboard, they’re not really prepared with extra for babies and toddlers, and some might not have any to spare at all. We bring our own plant milk in smaller containers (see below about quantities), or lately, I’ve been bringing powdered fortified oat milk sachets now that he’s older. Toddler formula is an option as well!

Even though parents can use mobile boarding passes, I’ve always been required to show a printed ticket for our baby, even as a lap infant. From time to time, the ticketing agents have not realized this and said we could use a mobile ticket, but TSA, at least in the US, may require the printed ticket to get through security. While you’re checking in at the kiosk, just ask for printed tickets to avoid any headache.

Give yourself more time at the airport than you ever did before when traveling with a baby. Diaper changes, blowouts, extra time in security, and impromptu feedings can all happen, and having a comfortable buffer before your flight leaves is essential. It also allows for a more leisurely airport experience, ensuring that you don’t start off the whole trip rushed and stressed. You may have been able to sprint to a closing gate in the past, but that’s going to be difficult with a baby and all the extra luggage that entails!

Security is a whole new experience as a parent, and one you’ll be spending extra time dealing with. Familiarize yourself with regulations concerning traveling with a child, and know your rights. Regulations can change, so if you’re departing from the US, check the TSA website for the most up-to-date information (and if abroad, check your country’s website).

The most important thing to know is that formula, breast milk, juice, water, and food for infants are allowed over the 3 oz./100ml limit in “reasonable” quantities, which will be up to the agent. I have only been questioned once, and only in the US. Abroad, we’ve hardly been given any extra checks when the agents know the liquids are for a baby. We even brought an entire carry-on full of oat milk through security in South Africa without anyone batting an eye.

However, when going through US security, you will have extra checks. They may run any liquids through an extra scanner, bomb-test the bag if there’s powdered formula, and even take off the lid to perform a vapor test. This can take anywhere from 5 to 20 extra minutes, even if you have TSA Precheck!

After security, we’re usually on the lookout for a family bathroom (so we can all go in) for a diaper change, followed by finding a quiet area to let the time pass. If you have a toddler, locate family-friendly amenities, such as play areas, where your child can expend some energy. I like to research this before we even get to the airport, so we know where we’re going.

Remember to have a stroller that can fit in the overhead bin of an airplane or baby carrier for easy transport in the terminal. I prefer smaller strollers, so that I don’t risk them getting damaged through gate-checking and don’t have to wait after the flight to get the stroller if it’s a tight connection, which happens all the time when there are delays.

However, if your stroller is too large to be a carry-on, you can usually gate-check it for free. I have yet to come across an airline, including low-cost carriers, that don’t do this.

If your baby needs to move, let them crawl. Yes, the floor is dirty, but you can always wash their hands and change their outfit before boarding.

Kristin Addis flying with her toddler on a large airplane

In your diaper bag (which doesn’t count against carry-on allowance), pack a variety of entertainment options for your baby. We like to stick spinners to the plane windows and bring small object permanence boxes , little books, and stickers. Most airlines have had little toys as well, though I wouldn’t count on those being your main source of entertainment. Never underestimate the power of reading a book, playing peek-a-boo, or giving your child a water bottle to play with.

Although we’ve never done this, I’m not here to judge you if you download some Ms. Rachel on your phone or tablet before leaving home. Just keep in mind that you’ll have to either play it without sound or get your toddler baby-sized headphones for the full experience.

Another way I pass the time is by making sure my son is fed and happy with foods that take some time to eat. Finger foods like Cheerios, squished blueberries, smoothie melts, quartered grapes, and other non-messy fruits or veggies your child enjoys are always good to bring along. If you’re doing baby-led weaning, you can do this from six months of age. If you’re doing purees, bring pouches that don’t need refrigeration.

Keep in mind that you’ll have to finish any produce before entering your destination, as most countries do not allow outside fruits and veggies through customs.

In your carry-on bag, ensure you have enough diapers, wipes, pacifiers, and changes of clothes for delays. We usually pack way more diapers than we think we’ll need, and even so, we often go through all of them when we encounter delays or an upset stomach. We’ve gone through four changes of clothes before, too. Diapers and wipes can be difficult to impossible to find in the terminal, and most airlines don’t carry them onboard.

Don’t forget extra outfits for yourself, too, as travel can sometimes lead to unexpected messes. Additionally, have a small first-aid kit that includes any medications your baby might need, such as pain relievers, fever reducers, or allergy medication. It’s the worst to wish you had these onboard when you need them and to not have them on hand.

TSA will apply liquid limits to medications unless you have a prescription, so put over-the-counter liquids into smaller containers for travel.

A baby stroller parked in a airport during a layover

Thankfully most airlines do not count a stroller or car seat against your checked baggage allowance if you choose to check your stroller or car seat. I also have yet to find an airline that doesn’t allow parents to gate-check strollers, meaning you can use them in the airport until you board the plane. This convenience can make navigating the airport much more manageable.

If you can’t gate-check your stroller, many airports have free ones you can use while you’re at the airport.

If you’re traveling with a car seat, you have the option of checking it as hold luggage, bringing it to the gate, or bringing it onboard if your baby has their own seat. If you do check it as hold luggage, as mentioned above, it usually does not count against checked luggage limits, even on low-cost carriers. If you plan to check both a stroller and a car seat, check with the airline, as some only allow one.

You’re rolling the dice a bit checking a car seat, because if it gets lost, you could show up to your destination without it. We’ve still gone for it, though, knowing the risk, in order to have less to juggle in the airport, but it’s important to keep that in mind just in case.

If you plan to bring the car seat onboard, make sure it’s FAA-approved for air travel. I loved our Uppababy Mesa, and the Nuna Pipa is great too.

Traveling with children often means more luggage, so be prepared for potential extra baggage fees. Familiarize yourself with the weight and size restrictions to avoid surprises at the check-in counter. Some airlines will give a baby some checked baggage allowance, but most don’t unless the child has their own seat.

We have yet to manage to go carry-on only since having a baby. We’re usually traveling with his foldable bed, travel high chair, and extra food for him. Thankfully most baggage is included without extra fees for international flights, with the exception of low-cost carriers.

Carry-on strollers and diaper bags have never been counted against our allowance.

A car seat for a traveling baby ready to be checked for a long flight

During takeoff and landing, changes in cabin pressure can cause discomfort for everyone, but babies don’t know yet how to clear their ears. To help alleviate this, breastfeed, or offer a bottle, pacifier, or even a snack that encourages swallowing. By making sure we do this for every takeoff and landing, we’ve been able to avoid crying due to ear pressure issues.

If you’re on a long flight, you’ll eventually need to clean a bottle or maybe even a breast pump. I like to bring a small, 2–3 oz. unscented soap container and a portable bottle washing station . Ask the flight attendants for clean water for washing. I’ve had them sometimes even offer to rinse a bottle out for me with hot water.

International travel often involves crossing multiple time zones, which can lead to jet lag for both you and your child. To help minimize its effects, make sure you’re keeping with regular nap times and bedtime as much as you can while flying. Stick to the local schedule upon arrival to adapt more quickly.

Jet lag is one of the biggest fears parents have, but my son tends to adjust more quickly than I do, and I’ve been impressed every time!

Dress your child in comfortable, breathable clothing for the flight. Opt for layers, as the temperature on the plane can vary. We always put my son in bamboo baby clothes , which are great for temperature regulation, and, having worn the adult versions myself, I can vouch that it’s like wearing a cloud. In a dry environment like an airplane, having some comfort is key.

If you have a toddler, make sure you’re getting up and letting them walk up and down the aisles when there aren’t food or beverage carts around. It can help pass the time, get some energy out, and if you have a social kiddo like mine, give them a chance to wave at their adoring fans.

Although there are some well-publicized incidents with passengers getting upset at crying babies, I’ve never personally encountered anything like that, and find that fellow passengers will often play peekaboo or smile and wave at my son.

When booking your flights, choose departure times that align with your child’s schedule as much as possible. Although it’s sometimes unavoidable, it sets us off on the wrong foot if I have to wake my son up for a flight well before he would naturally. He’s fussy and irritable, and he doesn’t always fall back asleep easily.

As for red-eyes or day flights, I’ve found that both work, but at least on a red-eye, he’s more likely to sleep for a good chunk of it, meaning I have to find fewer ways to entertain him.

A baby in a carrier out for a hike while traveling

A comfortable baby carrier is a valuable asset when traveling with a child under two years. It allows you to have your hands free to manage luggage, documents, and other essentials while keeping them secure and close. We only traveled with a carrier until my son was about eight months old before switching to a stroller. That said, some destinations don’t have great sidewalks (I’m looking at you, Southeast Asia), so having a carrier is important, too. I have used both Ergobaby and Artipoppe and like both for different reasons: Artipoppe is more comfortable for the baby facing in, and Ergobaby is nicer facing outward.

Different countries may have specific regulations and requirements for traveling with a child. Research and familiarize yourself with any necessary documentation, vaccinations, or permits needed for your international destination.

I was surprised that in Namibia, we were asked to produce a birth certificate for my son when checking in for our flight to South Africa. We travel with a copy, which I’m glad we had along.

If you’re traveling solo, you may be required to show a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of the other parent’s passport, and a written authorization from the other parent that you’re allowed to take the baby out of the country. Canada listed this as a requirement, but I was never actually asked for anything. Still, it’s important to be prepared just in case.

Delays can happen (over 20% of flights are delayed, in fact!), so it’s wise to be prepared for them. Pack enough supplies, including diapers, formula, snacks, and entertainment, to handle unforeseen delays. We encounter them all the time, and a well-stocked carry-on can make waiting at the airport more manageable. If you have a phone or tablet for your toddler, make sure you have an external battery to keep them charged.

Traveling with a child can be challenging, and there may be moments of frustration or fatigue. Remember to stay patient and calm throughout the journey. If you’re super stressed out and nervous, your child will pick up on it. A positive attitude and a sense of humor can go a long way in making the experience enjoyable for both you and your little one.

Ultimately, the key to a successful international journey with a child under two is embracing the adventure and knowing that it may not go perfectly. The flight is a necessary step to get to the vacation, so make the most of the experience, relish the small victories, and know that even if you have a fussy baby, it’s okay. They are part of society, and they’re allowed to fly, even cry if they have to.

It’s all worth it to build memories that you’ll always cherish with your little one, and to treat yourself as parents, too!

Kristin Addis is a solo female travel expert who inspires women to travel the world in an authentic and adventurous way. A former investment banker who sold all of her belongings and left California in 2012, Kristin has been traveling the world ever since. You can find more of her musings at Be My Travel Muse or on Instagram and Facebook .

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

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Blogger Kristin Addis of Be My Travel Muse with her partner and baby at Fushimi Inari Shrine in Japan


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Have Baby Will Travel

Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with an Infant 6-12mos.

airplane trip with baby

Planning on flying with an infant 6-12 month-old? We’ve flown with our kids during this stage more than any other. And just how many pictures do we have of us on board the aircraft?

Flying with an infant of this age means one thing for mom and dad and anyone else in your traveling party…

You’re. VERY. Busy.

And if you’ve got an early walker on your hands (lap)?

Even. Busier.

But this does not mean that flying has to be unpleasant. Unlike newborns and younger babies , infants of this age are even more interactive than their younger selves. They are usually well-established into a sleeping and eating routine (that will not be blown away permanently by a few disruptions due to travel. Promise!).

And, while you may be starting the exciting but nerve-wracking (and messy!) process of starting solids, you can now (or soon!) take advantage of the calming and distracting power of SNACKS.

Our Experiences Flying with a Baby 6-12 Months Old…

baby in stroller, airport gate, flying with an infant

For us, this was a very busy but still fairly easy time to travel with baby. Ours were not yet mobile, thankfully. And they were solid eaters on a very well-established routine of eat and sleep times. In terms of getting around, although they were getting kinda heavy, they were easily carted in an infant carrier, pretty content to ride in a stroller, but sadly no longer in the super convenient  infant carrier car seat used with or without the base .

We needed to buy an FAA-approved car seat .

Flying with an Infant 6-12 Months: Biggest Concerns

Seeing as this was the age (11mos.) of our very first flight with our daughter , I had so many concerns. Would she scream the entire time? How would it be feeding her? What if she put everything in her mouth?

It was preparing for that trip that provided the inspiration for this site. I am a worrywart and control freak who frets over all the details. My issues were compounded by the fact that our charter airline, the now-defunct Skyservice , had the most miniscule seat pitch I have ever encountered. My knees dug into the seat in front of us. My husband (very tall at 6’7″) could not unfold himself at all.

Later flights with our son at this stage were worrisome to me simply because he was (and still is) SO. BUSY. Even a seasoned flyer such as myself got pangs thinking about those upcoming flights.

Flying with an Infant 6-12 Months: The Reality

As a first-timer, in spite of the ridiculously tight seating, our daughter flew well. Well enough, in fact, for us to be encouraged to create this site and hopefully inspire, motivate, and help other families to do the same. It was based on this trip that I wrote the 5 Ts to Happy Travel with Tots , which outlines in a nutshell pretty much everything we did and do when flying with an infant.

Our carry-on was full of food and toys and distractions. While it was certainly more than the magazine and bottle of water in my pre-baby flights, it really was not unmanageable. On our flights with our son at this age, I was much busier. In spite of it being nap time, on one flight home from Cuba my arms got quite the workout as I was a human jolly jumper for pretty much the entire duration. But he was cheerful and relatively quiet, save for some happy squeals, so I was grateful for small mercies.

We always used the change of clothes we’d bring with us. Diaper fails are a standard especially when it was most inconvenient. I always brought a few extras of their favourite foods and, in the case of my daughter, some extra formula in case of delays. Nursing my son on all of our journeys could not have been easier or more convenient. I’m pleased to state that we received nary a stink-eye from anyone due to nursing while traveling . For take-off and landings I usually nursed him, or he drank from a sippy of water or used his pacifier. Pain from ear pressure is a common concern when flying with an infant, but neither of my kids seemed troubled by their ears while flying (knock on wood!).

Flying with an Infant 6-12 Months: Extra Consideration

As with all of our flights, I did bring on board anti-bacterial wipes. I used them on armrests and the tray tables, as well as a quick swipe over the laminated safety card that both my kids seem to enjoy so much.  And, because I’m paranoid, I then went over those with our usual wipes because I was afraid of the anti-bacterial residue.

And also as with flying with a newborn or flying with a younger baby , changes of clothes are recommended for baby and you, as well as plastic bags to put them in. Again, your carry-on bag will be quite full of diapers (and possibly bottles) and also toys or snacks. If you’re well into solids, the foil pouches of food are so much easier to travel with than jars. If baby is bottle-fed , the weight of the pre-made formula may outweigh the convenience of not having to mix it. Personally I’d travel with the can of formula powder (easier going through security as well) and mix it with bottled water once you’re at the gate.

You’re now in or getting close to the stage of the dried cereal finger foods. Those little Os work wonders as both distraction and nourishment!

And now that your baby is bigger, for long-haul flights you may be close to the end of being able to use an airplane bassinet . You may want to consider purchasing a seat on the plane and investing in a travel car seat . This is entirely at your discretion since flying with car seats is a lot of work but worth it for obvious safety reasons.

Useful Tips for Flying with an Infant 6-12 Months:

Baby on beach, playa pilar, playa pilar cuba, baby playa pilar, flying with an infant

  • Get baby used to room temperature bottles and food, so you don’t have the additional hassle of heating en route.
  • Now baby can likely bear weight on her legs, so consider purchasing slip-on diapers. Not all airplane bathrooms have change tables, or if they do they are only big enough to change a baby kitten on.
  • A cloth carrier or sling doesn’t take up much room in your carry-on and is useful to keep your hands free – especially if you’re flying solo. Keep in mind you’ll have to take baby out for taxi, take-off, and landing.
  • Get yourself up to speed with the 5 Ts of Happy Travel with Your Tots . This info now applies to you in its entirety and for the next couple of years.

You’ll be busy.

You will have your hands full.

You will be very tired at the end of your journey.

But you will have such wonderful memories of your travels with baby that the fear of flying with an infant will seem inconsequential. Take lots and lots of pictures and write down some of the more memorable stories.

Your baby will not remember these journeys, but you will never forget them. Trust me on that.

Have Baby Will Travel  is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates/Influencer Program. If you make a purchase through this site, we may receive a small commission.  Click here to check out our Amazon Store .

  • Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with a Newborn
  • Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with a Toddler
  • Traveling with a Baby? It Gets Harder…
  • Traveling with a Baby? It Gets Easier…
  • Infant Travel: Planning Your First Trip with Baby
  • Baby Travel Gear Essentials
  • 10 Dos & Don’ts for Flying with Babies & Toddlers
  • Flying with a Baby: The Ultimate Tip List
  • Tips for Flying with a Baby or Toddler at Every Age & Stage
  • The Mother of all Packing Lists
  • Beware the Aircraft Armrests When Flying with an Infant

flying with an infant , Preferred Family , Tagged Flying with Baby

67 Responses to Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with an Infant 6-12mos.

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Wow! Thanks for all these great tips! I don’t usually leave comments but these tips are just so useful for me, a first time flyer with an 11-month-old! I am especially inspired by the part where you use the usual wipes after the anti-bacterial wipes. So smart! I am always worried about the anti-bacterial residue too, but never thought of wiping it again with usual wipes. Thanks again for sharing these great tips!

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Thanks for the awesome advice!

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Nice article! We want to travel to France (7 hours flight) but are hesitating to take a seat for my baby boy that is 4 minths. So you said that you had your baby on your lap the all trip, how long was the flight? Was it confortable for you and your baby?

By the way, do you live in New York?

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For a 7 hour flight I would definitely consider getting a seat for your son and bringing on board his car seat. It is definitely the safest option and possibly the sanest for you as well. The longest I have done with a lap infant is 3 hours, and after a couple of those flights I would have paid anything to have an extra seat! Another option for you is to see if you can reserve the bulkhead and if they have a bassinet for infants. It is not as safe as his own seat with a car seat, but you will both likely be much more comfortable!

Not in New York. Toronto 🙂

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Hi ..m flying with my 9 month old baby for almost 22 hours flight ..and then 5 hours drive . My baby is very active and he don’t like solids too. He don’t like too many people and small places . I am travelling alone and this is my first experience . Any suggestions please …

Hi Minika! You will be very very busy, so definitely be organized and prepared. Try some bringing some snacks that you know he will enjoy as well as some new finger foods he can try. Magazines with pages he can rip might be fun for him. Good luck!

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Thanks for the useful tips Corinne! Very much appreciated. My wife and I are planning a 6 month adventure to South America from Vancouver, so I can sure see your tips coming in handy. All the best, Paul.

Have a great trip, Paul – let us know how it goes!

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Thank u very much. We are flying.out tomorrow n the snack tips helped. I was afraid of bringing too much on board i.e. food wipes changing clothes etc. But i have a feel now for what to include. Thanks again!!!

Have a great flight, Lucy–let us know how it goes!

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I should have done more research. I will be flying over 7 hours one way & over 9 hours back with my 8 month old on lap. As far as snacks, would the Gerber puffs be suitable/cleared to take on flight? I am a first time flier my self as well.

*Nervous Mommy of Two*

You’ll be fine! You will also be busy 🙂 The Gerber puffs are a great idea, and any kind of cracker and/or cold toast soldiers would be great for your eight-month-old. When is your fight?

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Hi Corrine, thank you for the advice I’m traveling with my 10 month old soon at midnight and have a stop over for 5 hours, I’m so nervous as I’m flying solo and going to be exhausted, have you got any extra tips please? Thank you, Samantha from Australia 🙂

Samantha! How did it go? I hope you both got some rest!

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Thank you for the great advice! We will be flying with our 10 month old and I’m a little nervous.

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Hi there! Thanks for sharing. I’m considering a long 18 hour flight with one transit halfway. Worried that my 7 month old baby will not be able to take such a long journey. would such a long flight be advisable?

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We will be flying to St. Thomas in 2 weeks! What is your advice on strollers? My stroller is the new Chicco Tre which folds very compact for an all terrain stroller. I really want to take it but recently read US Airways rules and it states any stroller over 20 lbs must be checked at the ticket counter. I called US Airways costumer service and the lady said I would be fine to check it at the gate, that check in at the ticket counter is only recommended. I have heard a lot of airports will let it slide but that smaller island airports will make you check it with baggage. I don’t want it checked with baggage for fear of it getting broke in the many transfers. I would rather buy a small stroller than have my good stroller broken. But want my good stroller so my baby will have shade from the sun as he’s only 7 months old.

What are your thoughts on this? And are all terrain strollers really that great in sand?

How much does your stroller weigh? So long as it folds down compactly, I’m sure you would be ok. I’ve yet to see a gate agent weigh a stroller before approving the gate check. If you’re close to the 20lb limit I’d say go for it. If you’re too worried, the G-Luxe by Uppababy has a great sunshade. Maybe not the best for traversing sand, but certainly easy to transport and use for a nap.

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I’m traveling from fl to ny solo with my 4yr old and 9 month old any tips

We have a 3 hr layover as well I’ve never flown before can I do this lol

You can do it, Danielle! Lots and lots of distractions and snacks for your 4yo. Enlist him or her to be your “co-pilot” for your journey. 9mo will be busy, but hopefully big sibling can help entertain as well!

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Are you alloeed to take dry formula and water on the plane. Also baby food. Daughter is flying to Texas from Calufornia

Hi Marti! Yes, you can take food and liquids on board for baby, just make sure you’ve separated it all together to make it easier to present for inspection. It might be easier (and lighter) to just bring the powder and mix with purchased bottled water once through security (if baby is past three months). Have a great flight!

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Hi Corinne My daughter is coming out to South Africa from new York in Dec with a 9month old. Do the airlines allow the removable car-seat on board? Can she reserve a bassinet ahead of time? Would the car-seat be placed on the airline seat, or on the floor alongside? All these questions … Many thanks regards anne

If your daughter books the baby a seat, she will be able to bring on board her (FAA approved) car seat. For a very long flight, it might be worth the investment. If she doesn’t book a seat for the baby, she will have to gate-check the car seat. I don’t recommend checking it as luggage. Depending on the airline, she may be able to book a bulkhead/bassinet. Hope this helps!

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I’ll be traveling with a 10 month old for a 5 day trip. I’m concerned about the baggage the fees. Any advice

If you’re really concerned you could pack a small bottle of laundry detergent and wash while you’re there. Or get really good at compacting your stuff so you can fit it all. Luckily 10-month-old clothes are still pretty small 🙂

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I will be travelling with my 9 month old by myself. Would you recommend a window or aisle seat for a 3 hour flight?

Many Thanks

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Thank you for this very useful post. I will be on a 12 hr flight with my 8 month old baby. I have booked a bassinet on Emirates so will be gate checking his car seat and stroller. Do you recommend getting those gate check car seat bags? Are they useful or can I use a regular large plasic or cloth bag?

One more question was regarding putting my baby to sleep. He is habituated to me holding him on my shoulder and I rock or bounce him to sleep. I have nt sleep trained him yet and was wondering if that would be a problem on the flight? We have booked the bulk head seat with bassinet so m hoping I might have some space for this

Hi Snehal! Please consider purchasing a padded bag for your car seat if you are going to gate check it. Your stroller should be fine. You should be able to get your baby to sleep on your shoulder on the flight, although it might be a little awkward while you’re seated. Do you transfer to the crib at home? If you’re good with that, hopefully it will work for the airline bassinet as well.

Best of luck and have a great flight!

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Hi we will be travelling this month going to Philippines for 14 hours non-stop we have 10 months old baby boy and me and my husband is very nervous thinking about it… Please any tips ??? Thank you

Try not to be nervous but try to be prepared. The more you have on hand to distract and soothe your baby, the better. Some babies don’t have any pain issues in their ears at all, but if you are worried be ready with something for baby to eat or drink, or even a pacifier would do. It’s the act of swallowing (not sucking) that helps keep ear tubes clear. Good luck!

Hi one more question, when the plane is taking off anything I can do to help my baby if he cry , im a bit worried with the pressure when plane is taking off… Thank you

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Hello. Thanks for all these wonderful tips. I am planning a very long haul flight to Europe when my bub is 15mths. He is a formula drinker too. Any tips for the longer haul flights? Thanks, A.

Hi Angelica! Bring extra formula powder and see if baby will drink it at room temperature. That way you can just mix it with bottled water with no need to heat. Make sure you have LOTS of distractions, and don’t shy away from toddler-appropriate technology if it will save your sanity. Good lucK!

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Hi! Thanks for all the great advice. I’ll be traveling on a month long sabbatical to Costa Rica next spring. Do you have any packing recommendations? Have you ever used the services that drop off rental bib baby items to the airport?

I just wrote about why I’m headed to Costa Rica in my blog!

I have never been to Costa Rica but if you’ll be there for seven months it might be worth it to bring along your baby gear or purchase inexpensive items once you arrive. Rentals for seven months will be very costly. Good luck!

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Great tips!! I’ll be traveling from India to Turkey and from Turkey to Miami with a 9 month spoiled baby!!! Wish me luck

Have a wonderful trip–good luck!

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We will be traveling soon with 5 month old and 3.5years old it will be 15hrs of flight time we have booked bassinet for the baby please tell me what could you recommend taking along with us! We are only going for 2 weeks can I take the Gerber baby formula water gallons like 2 of them in plane for me to use there one gallon last me little over week so I want to take 2 if they allow it?

Hi Maira! Take what you think you will need. You may need to pay to check the baggage, and a gallon of water will weigh a lot. Can you get the water (or similar) where you are going?

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these tips are beyond helpful! we have our first family trip to Disney for 2 weeks coming up. we have an almost 3yr old and an 8m old….. one question….we use distilled water for our baby girls formula bottles, did you have to deal with security bothering you about bottles pre-filed with 6-8oz of distilled? thats what I’m worried about!! i can’t have them taking the bottles lol

Hi Alyssa! With that much distilled water, your best bet is to pack it in your checked luggage. Or bring what you need for the flight and have what you’ll need delivered to your hotel once you’re there. Have a great trip!

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Hi v r travelling from india to Phuket next week.. My baby is on formula and I feed her 8 oz per bottle.. Will they allow me to carry 2 bottles of pre filled water and similac advanced tin in cabin luggage? Thanks a lot, this article is wonderful !!!

Hi Neah! So long as you keep your baby’s food and formula separate, they should be fine with bringing along her pre-filled bottles. If your baby is past four months you are ok to mix the formula with bottled water, in a pinch. Have a great trip!

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Hi I’m traveling with my going to be 6 month old at time of travel from New Mexico to Germany, that is where my husband will be stationed I was wondering if you have any tips or advice being that it’ll be the first on a plain for myself and I’ll be alone with my daughter.

Hi Elena! You will do great. You might consider purchasing your baby a seat and traveling with an FAA-approved car seat . It will certainly give you a break having your baby safely secured during the flight(s). Depending on your airline, you may be able to reserve a bassinet instead. When you make your travel arrangements, be sure to connect with your airline directly to make sure you’re familiar with their lap-infant policies (if you choose not to purchase a seat) and what additional assistance (if any) they can provide for traveling with an infant. Good luck!

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Thanks for your article. I am planning to travel in couple of weeks with my daughter who is 2.5 years old and my son who is 12 month solo, so i am already nervous. We have traveled as family before but never done it all by myself. I have to change flights as well. Any tips for traveling with two kids? Greatly appreciate any suggestions

Hi Inna! I would highly recommend a lightweight double stroller, as you may find yourself needing to but both kiddos in baby jail. Failing that, a single stroller would work for your toddler if your baby is cool with being worn. If you can swing it, a lightweight double combined with a lightweight carrier might be your best bet, because if you’re wearing your baby you can put your carry-on bag in the spare stroller seat. A backpack might be your easiest choice for a carry-on, and make sure you have enough diapers and food for both kiddos. Be UBER organized; it will help going through security and you may want to introduce your toddler to the magic known as an iPad, in case she isn’t already 😉 Good luck!

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So I have a 12 month old and I am super lost on how the whole seating works! Do I bring a car seat? Does he just sit in the plane seats? Does the plane provide a seat?? HELP lol im so clueless when it comes to this and me and my baba get on the plane in 2 days!

Hi Amaris! If you purchase a seat for your son, he will need a car seat on board. If you bring him along as a lap baby, I recommend bringing his car seat and gate checking it in a padded bag, if you will need a car seat at your destination. Have a great trip!

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HI, my husband and I have twins (9mo) and are flying from Germany to Taiwan. How do you recommend that we eat? The idea of trying to keep those little hands off of our food… and our food on our trays sounds very daunting to me. I enjoyed your article… It took the edge off of my worries!

Hi Bre–good luck! Maybe try to eat in shifts and when it’s mealtime for you see if there’s some finger foods that they enjoy that you can give them to work on while you’re eating. My guys liked those Mum Mum crackers and little puffs that basically melt in their mouth.

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Love these tips. Such an amazing blog.

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I will be travelling with my 6 month old – 9 hr flight followed by 1.5 hr flight. I have already postponed my travels. I was planning on flying with him when he was 3 months old but felt overwhelmed and too nervous and cancelled the flight. Now I am again losing sleep and thinking whether I should postpone when he is even older – 9 months. I worry I exhaust him, he might catch something, cry a lot and get disturbed. Any tips, please? If I fly now when he is 6 months I am thinking I dont start solid just yet so he gets the most immunity from me and we deal with introduring solid once we arrive at our destination where I am planning on staying for 3 months. Any thoughts or recommendations?

Hi Lena! Don’t postpone out of fear or worry. You can do this! Hope for the best but prepare for the worst and you will be ok. A few small solids would be good to start so you have some to try to distract for interest. You may both feel a bit out of sorts for a day or two after your journeys but all eventually balances out, I promise!

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Hi there, I stumbled on your blog. I’m going very last minute with my six month old from New York to Europe for a family emergency and feeling very flustered. I was able to book a bassinet seat – being unfamiliar with these, do you have any tips on sanitizing them? I was going to bring a muslin swaddle to put underneath the baby but also want to be mindful of SIDs guidelines. Thanks in advance.

Hi Victoria–I’m so sorry about your family emergency. I would give the bassinet a quick once over with a disinfecting wipe and an extra muslin to use as a liner might be a good idea. Hopefully you can find some other tips here: https://havebabywilltravel.com/a-complete-guide-to-booking-and-using-an-airplane-bassinet/ Best of luck with your travels.

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Hello! i just came across your blog because i am SUPER nervous! this September i will be flying with my 13 month old eeeeeekkkk and before i bought the ticket i should have done more research too! she will be sitting on my lap and i will be on a 9-10 hour flight DOUBLE EEEK! Great advice i will be hopefully calm on your flight along with baby too

You both will do great–you have lots of time to prepare!

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Such a useful and detailed post for those having a baby and traveling from the flight, thank you so much for sharing your tips.

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Hi, so the stroller can be put on the plane, or it has to go under?

They almost always have to go under the plane, but you can usually gate check it so you can bring it right up to the plane and it’s waiting for you when you land.

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Such a helpful and itemized post for those having a child and going from the flight, much thanks for sharing your tips.

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Very Such a helpful and itemized post for those having a child and going from the flight, much thanks for sharing your tips.

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Thanks for the article. We traveled with a 3 month old in a longish flight and it went okish. Now we have a 7 month old baby and flying again. I am torn between a direct flight ( 4 hours) vs an indirect flight (1 hour then 4 hours with a 2.5 hours stop over in between) – since the total travel time increases by almost 3-4 hours in the direct vs indirect flight. The costs are double – so not sure if we should choose convenience over money. (The direct flight also takes off and lands at decent times but the indirect flight is red eye flight! What would you do? – baby is not crawling or walking yet but is active and eats solids.

Ooh that’s a toughie. Does double the cost affect the trip or your overall finances? If money was object I would choose convenience all the time. But money is NOT no object so in the order of fiscal responsibility I would need to weigh what I would need to manage in order to justify the extra cost. The saving grace is the stopover is long enough to feed, change, and walk a bit without rushing onto another flight and the first flight is very short.

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What should i be aware of when flying with my baby.

When you and your baby fly with Lufthansa, you are in good hands because our special services are entirely orientated towards your wellbeing.

Dad holding his baby daughter during flight on airplane going on vacations. Baby girl drinking formula milk from bottle. Air travel with baby, child and family concept.

Important information about preparing for a flight with your baby

  • Night flights are especially suitable for travelling with babies as they can maintain their sleep pattern and consequently be more relaxed.
  • During the aircraft’s ascent and descent, you can help your baby to equalize the air pressure by giving him/her a dummy or a bottle.
  • Changing tables can be found in the washrooms on board.
  • There is also water suitable for babies’ bottles on board so that it is unnecessary to purchase water after you have passed through security control.
  • We also have spare nappies available on board for emergencies.

What do I need to consider when travelling with a pushchair or buggy?

At most airports, it’s possible to use a foldable pushchair 1 or buggy and to hand it over just before boarding. It will be returned to you immediately after landing. Please enquire at baggage drop-off whether you can take your buggy or pushchair 1 with you and hand it over directly at the aircraft. Please also remember to tell staff if you will need your buggy or pushchair 1 for a connecting flight. At the departure gate, our staff will make sure that your buggy or pushchair 1 is taken on board. Once the aircraft reaches its parking position, the buggy or pushchair 1 will be returned to you at the passenger boarding bridge or, in the case of a bus transfer, at the foot of the aircraft boarding steps. If you do not receive your buggy or pushchair 1 on arrival, please contact one of our gate staff or the nearest Service Center. Please note that the return of your buggy or pushchair 1 may take a few minutes. You cannot take your buggy or pushchair 1 on board yourself at the following airports: Addis Ababa, Asmara, Bari, Billund, Birmingham, Bordeaux, Bremen, Cagliari, Catania, Copenhagen, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Gothenburg, Hamburg, Hanover, London Heathrow, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Nuremberg, Olbia, Palermo, Riyadh, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Valencia. Taking a buggy or pushchair 1 with you is free of charge. You can find information about the free baggage allowance for babies here.

1 Please note that it must be a fully foldable travel pushchair.

Is there baby food available on the aircraft?

Yes, but we still recommend taking along your baby’s favourite food or bottle, as the availability of baby food on board Lufthansa flights is limited. We will happily warm up baby’s bottles or food for you on board. There is also water suitable for babies’ bottles on board so that it is unnecessary to purchase water after you have passed through security control.

From what age must a separate ticket be bought for a child?

Children aged two or over, or who will turn two during the trip, require their own seat. In the latter case, the child fare applies to the entire trip. Please note that for safety reasons only one baby per adult is allowed on board. However, if you have a second child under two years old travelling with you, you have the option of booking a seat and taking an appropriate child restraint system, such as a baby carrier or child car seat, on board with you.

Where can I get a bassinet for a long-haul flight?

We have special bassinets available on our entire long-haul fleet: these are perfectly suited to babies under 11 kg in weight and under 67 cm in length. The number of bassinets on board is limited. You can reserve a bassinet up to 52 hours before your flight departs. Please note that, depending on your booking class, a seat reservation fee for the seat with the bassinet may apply. For further information, please contact our Service Center.

Do I need a child seat in the aircraft?

A child restraint system, child car seat or baby carrier can be used on board to increase the passive safety of babies and children (up to about 7 years of age). Their use is voluntary.

How To Choose The Best Flight When Traveling With A Baby Or Toddler

Senior Reporter, HuffPost Life

Not sure what type of flight you should take if you're traveling with a young child? Here are some questions to ask yourself before you book a nonstop or connecting flight.

Air travel comes with many logistical questions and challenges, especially when your destination is far away. Flying nonstop might feel like the most efficient choice, but maybe you prefer to break up the journey and save a little money by taking two connecting flights.

Adding a baby or toddler to the mix changes the whole calculus. Of course, every child is different, so what works best for one family might not be ideal for another. Still, there are general guidelines that can help parents make a good decision when drawing up travel plans.

Below, travel and parenting experts break down the factors to consider when you’re deciding whether to book nonstop or connecting flights with a baby or toddler.

What is your child’s temperament?

“The logistics are usually better with booking a long nonstop flight for kids, from boarding and getting through the airport to them falling asleep during the flight,” said Naveen Dittakavi, CEO and co-founder of Next Vacay .

He noted that taking a connecting flight can lead to more opportunities for snags, like long delays, which might make the overall experience even more uncomfortable for children.

“Of course, there are exceptions to this,” Dittakavi said. “If you have a fussy baby or toddler who is likely to need a lot of attention, they may be better off having a break as you wait for a connecting flight.”

Kristene Geering, director of content at Parent Lab , offered similar advice, emphasizing that some babies and toddlers might be OK on a plane for longer stretches of time than others.

“Thinking about your child’s or children’s temperament and needs, as well as your own, are vital factors,” she said. “If you know your kiddo is a good napper and will sleep for most of the flight, then maybe the nonstop is good for you. If you know they are going to go ballistic if they’re cooped up in their seat for long stretches of time, breaking up the trip might be a better idea.”

How long is the connection?

A one-hour layover is not going to offer much of a break between flights. Instead, you’ll want to have plenty of time to make your connection, as well as change your baby’s diaper, stretch your legs, have a bite to eat and so on. If the connecting flight options don’t provide that, the nonstop flight is probably the move.

“Make sure that the layover is long enough to make it worth it,” Geering said. “Trust me ― having done this with two toddlers by myself once, I learned the hard way that having a shorter layover was not helpful when the original flight was delayed.”

“I sounded like a horrible drill sergeant. ‘I know you’re poopy! We gotta move! Come on ― walk, walk, walk!’” she added. “We barely made the flight, me dripping sweat and one kiddo oozing in the other direction. Not the most fun I’ve had as a mother!”

What’s their sleep schedule?

“The time of the flight is a factor for choosing between nonstop or two connecting flights,” Dittakavi said. “If connecting flights are better timed to fit with your child’s sleep schedule, such as an overnight flight or one that coincides with regular nap times, this might be a better option.”

Willis Orlando, senior product operations specialist at Scott’s Cheap Flights , also recommended that you consider everyone’s sleep schedules when choosing flights.

“Try booking flights that depart around your child’s bedtime,” he said. “When we took a red-eye with my 13-month-old, we departed at 7:45 p.m., just around her bedtime. She was out before we hit 37,000 feet.”

Your child's sleeping and feeding schedules are vital components to consider.

What about feeding schedules?

In addition to sleep, consider when your child will need to eat during your travels. Booking a flight option with a layover can give you the opportunity to sit down and have a leisurely meal or nurse with more space between flights.

“We’re still living in a pandemic,” Orlando said. “If you are planning on booking a connecting flight, take a look at what’s going on in the airport where you’re connecting. Some places are still closed in airports. You don’t want to be stuck on a layover with a hungry toddler.”

Whatever option you choose, make sure to have ample snacks on hand to keep everyone fed and healthy.

What kind of support will you have?

“Consider what supports you have while you travel,” Geering advised. “Are you traveling alone, or do you have helpers? Do you need to take a lot of stuff? Babies tend to need a lot of stuff. If so, what’s the plan for that layover in terms of getting everything and everyone from one place to another?”

She recommended making sure you’re comfortable with the equipment you plan to bring, like baby carriers and strollers, before you book connecting flights.

“Borrowing equipment from others is a great way to save some money, but you want to make sure you’ve tested it out extensively before the trip, for you as much as for your kiddo, so everyone knows what to expect,” Geering said.

Does this make financial sense?

“The economics of the situation is also a factor,” Geering said. “For some families, they have the option of choosing. But not all families can do that. If you’re forced into one or the other, know that you can make it work.”

Travel inevitably comes with challenges and factors beyond your control. Even if your itinerary is less than ideal, try to breathe and know that the situation is temporary.

“As much as you can, strive for calm, because your little one is looking to you to know if things are OK,” Geering said. “And when you can’t achieve that calm, and turn into a drill sergeant? Once you’ve gotten everyone where they need to be ― or not, as happens sometimes ― take a few moments to collect yourself and connect and repair. For toddlers, use simple language like, ‘Boy, was Mommy stressed! Whew! Let’s have a cuddle now. I’m sorry I yelled,’ or something like that.”

If you feel like you’re struggling or being judged by your fellow travelers, try to let it go and just focus on what your family needs.

“Remember that ‘perfect’ parenting is never the goal,” Geering said, “because there is no such thing.”

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Autopsy results released for sydney weston, 8, who died after mid-flight medical episode.

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Preliminary autopsy results were inconclusive for the young Missouri girl who died after she fell ill on a flight to Chicago with her family, officials said Friday.

Sydney Weston, 8, was flying with her family from Joplin, Mo., for a vacation in the Windy City when she suffered an unspecified medical episode mid-flight and became unresponsive.

A little girl standing on her front stoop holding a sign that says "the first day of first grade"

Her grave condition prompted the pilot of SkyWest Flight 5121 to signal there was an onboard medical issue. The aircraft was then diverted and made an emergency landing at General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport in Illinois around 7 a.m. Thursday.

Peoria County Coroner Jamie Harwood said the little girl’s body showed no signs of abuse or neglect, and that no evidence of foul play has been discovered, local outlet WGN reported .

A young family, husband, wife, little girl (Sydney Weston), and little boy with his face blurred out.

“We will be awaiting histology, biopsies, cultures, blood hematology and chemistry, and toxicology testing. These tests generally take four to six weeks to result,” Harwood told the outlet.

“Once we have those tests completed, it is our hope that we will be able to provide a definitive and exact cause of death for this little girl and give her family some answers.”

After the CRJ-200 regional passenger jet was on the ground, paramedics rushed little Sydney to OSF Healthcare Saint Francis Medical Center where she was pronounced dead after “aggressive resuscitative efforts.”

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Grave Discovery: Pregnant Mom's Baby Name Hunt Ends With A Unique Name Found In Cemetery

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In May 2024, Haley Hodge and her family decided to visit the Old Smithville Burying Ground in Southport, North Carolina, to look for baby name ideas . Haley shared this journey on TikTok and her post soon went viral with over 2.7 million views. People had strong reactions to this. Some loved it while others were creeped out by it.

Love it or hate it, Haley and her family’s trip was fruitful. They have a name picked out, which they revealed in a follow-up post. Her daughter will be named Salem, which means "peaceful, safe" and "complete," after a US Coast Guard and World War II veteran.

Haley and her husband Rivers are already parents to three children. "As far as the name went, my favorite has been Salem since I saw the one in the graveyard. My husband's favorite was Sailer, which we also found in a graveyard," Haley explained to People . "We did a tie-breaker by having all of our family vote on their favorite."

Haley loves that Salem has a bit of a water connection, which goes with other family members' names: It the name of a river. "Everyone in my direct family has some type of water-related name. We have a Rivers, Rains, Brooks, and Banks already," she explained. "It's a bit of a stretch but I was able to find a little tie between Salem and water."

Another bonus is that her TikTok caught the eye of a famous celebrity talk show host and Haley spoke to them. She can’t reveal who the celeb is yet, but they also loved the name Salem. Haley's conversation is going to air on their show.

More from LittleThings: Mom Visits Cemeteries For Baby Name Inspiration: 'People Might Find It Creepy'

Talk to moms about mom stuff. And make money doing it.

Haley’s daughter’s namesake died in 1992. "Our lives missed overlapping by about 8 months. He was married and did not have any children of his own," she revealed. "But hopefully he will be okay with being an honorary grandpa to our baby girl."

To see Haley's big announcement for yourself, watch this video.

Woman Says She Was Served Last On Flight Because Of Her MAGA Hat: 'Honestly In Shock'

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A woman who supports Donald Trump says she was treated differently on her American Airlines flight because of her MAGA hat. The woman, Heather Mullins, alleges that she was sitting in first class when a flight attendant walked around asking everyone what they would like to drink. Heather "thought it was odd" that the flight attendant didn't ask her what she wanted, she explained on X, especially because the flight attendant asked the man sitting next to her.

"When she came back I asked her if I could get a drink, and in the nastiest voice, she was like 'No. I’ll be back for you.' and proceeded to serve the people behind me," Heather wrote on the platform.

Heather also noted that she has worn her MAGA hat on many other occasions but had not experienced anything else like this.

"I’ve worn my MAGA hat every time I’ve flown for the last four years and got thousands of fist bumps. NEVER got any hate," she wrote.

She also pointed out that others on the flight were supportive and equally surprised by what happened. Thought she was "honestly in shock," she was "so grateful for all the kind people around me saying how awful it was she did that to me."

"She’s an anomaly. Most people are not like that," she added.

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Heather later wrote on X that the airline reached out to her about the incident and "apologized, and said they are putting in the complaint and notifying the inflight management. He said ultimately I won’t know what actions they take on her."

American Airlines told The New York Post that the airline is "investigating the matter, including reaching out to the customer to learn more about her experience.”

“American Airlines strives to provide a positive and welcoming experience to everyone who travels with us,” the airline said in a statement shared with the outlet.

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8-year-old dies after medical emergency on flight to chicago, 8-year-old girl dies after medical emergency ... on flight to chicago.

10:23 AM PT -- A rep for SkyWest tells us ... "SkyWest flight 5121, operating as United Express from Joplin, MO to Chicago O’Hare diverted to Peoria, IL Thursday morning and was met by paramedics to attend to a passenger in medical distress. We appreciate the efforts of our crewmembers who responded quickly to assist and the medical personnel who met the aircraft."

A child died Thursday after suffering a medical emergency aboard a flight ... despite the crew's best efforts to resuscitate her.

The 8-year-old -- who's been ID'd as Sydney Weston -- was traveling with her family from Joplin, MO to Chicago via SkyWest Airlines ... and reports say she suddenly became ill while on the plane, and then went fully unresponsive about 45 minutes into the journey.

The medical emergency forced pilots to make a detour to General Wayne A. Downing Peoria International Airport ... where first responders met the family at the gate and began life-saving measures.

According to the coroner, Weston did not have a pulse when the plane landed. She was transported to a local hospital where she was later pronounced deceased.

At this point, a cause of death isn't known -- but an autopsy is scheduled for Friday to determine how exactly she may have died.

SkyWest is a regional airline that operates and maintains aircraft used by other major companies like Delta Air Lines, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines and United Airlines. This particular flight was a partnership with United.

We've reached out to SkyWest ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 9:38 AM PT

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Boeing plane drops within 400ft of the ocean in terrifying fall from sky

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The aircraft dropped within 400 ft of the ocean following an aborted landing attempt.

A Southwest Airlines flight is under investigation after an aircraft dropped within 400 feet of the ocean following an aborted landing attempt.

The Boeing 737 MAX 8, which had been flying between cities from Honolulu to Lihue airport in Kauai, plunged at a maximum descent rate of about 4,400 feet per minute off the coast of Hawaii before climbing back up to safety.

As the plane approached Hawaii, bad weather conditions prompted pilots to bypass a landing attempt on April 11.

During the go-around – which is when a plane flies back up in the air after deciding not to complete the landing – the first officer ‘inadvertently pushed forward on the control column while following thrust lever movement commanded by the autothrottle,’ a memo seen by the Reuters news agency says.

This sent the aircraft dangerously close to hitting the Pacific Ocean.

Safety data also showed that the crew received a ‘DON’T SINK oral warning’ followed by a ‘PULL UP oral warning,’ but the first officer later explained the warnings were not heard by the crew.

No passenger or crew members were injured in the manoeuvre. 

In a post-incident debrief, the pilots reportedly described seeing the severity of the flight’s movements through an animated recreation as a ‘significant, emotional event.’

Southwest said in a statement that “the event was addressed appropriately as we always strive for continuous improvement”. (Picture: Getty)

According to the memo added the crew participated in comprehensive corrective actions, and that the event prompted the airline to review data and trends related to its procedures, training, standards, and performance.

Southwest said in a statement last week that ‘the event was addressed appropriately as we always strive for continuous improvement.’

This comes mere weeks after a separate incident in which Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 8 suffered damage to its infrastructure during a flight from Phoenix to Oakland in California on May 25.

Boeing 737-800s are the generation of 737s before the newer MAXs, which have been hit with a series of safety concerns following accidents such as the Alaska Airlines window blowout. 

Boeing 737-800s have been hit with a series of safety concerns following accidents such as the Alaska Airlines window blowout. (Picture: AP)

In the early hours of Monday morning, a different plane bound for Melbourne, Australia, performed an emergency landing in the New Zealand city of Invercargill after one of its engines caught fire mid-flight . The plane was able to land safely and all crews and passengers were evacuated. 

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  1. Flying With a Baby

    A passport for international flights. All U.S. citizens, including newborns, need their own passports to fly internationally. To obtain one for your baby, you'll need to use the DS-11 form and apply together in person, so plan ahead. For domestic flights, babies and children under 18 don't need a passport or an ID. Her birth certificate.

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    Book a direct flight or one with a longer layover. 2. Visit the airport restroom before your flight. 3. Take advantage of pre-boarding. View more. 1. Book a direct flight or one with a longer layover. As the parent of a baby or young child, it is imperative to keep the number of connecting flights to a minimum.

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    Infants or children under 2 years of age can travel on the lap of an adult for free within the U.S. on Delta or at a reduced fare for ... If you decide to use a child safety seat aboard the airplane and purchase a ticket for your child, there are a few restrictions and guidelines you'll need to follow. ... we offer onboard baby bassinets. They ...

  15. 33 Tried & True Tips for Flying with a Baby

    Note: We have a super portable travel stroller (one piece of baby travel gear I'd actually really recommend investing in), so it fits in the bulkhead storage super easily. Carrier at the airpot. We baby wear when boarding our flight so our hands are free and the stroller is ready to easily store. 16. Get through security in a breeze

  16. How to Fly With a Baby: Airplane Travel with Infants Explained

    Ovulation calculator. hCG calculator. Pregnancy test calculator. Traveling with an infant on a plane can be much comfortable than it might seem. We've gathered some useful tips to make flying with a baby go smoothly. Keep reading to get all the information you need about airplane travel with babies.

  17. 25 Tips for Flying with a Baby

    7. Leave Extra Time at the Airport. Give yourself more time at the airport than you ever did before when traveling with a baby. Diaper changes, blowouts, extra time in security, and impromptu feedings can all happen, and having a comfortable buffer before your flight leaves is essential.

  18. Flying with Baby: Travel Tips for Flying with an Infant 6-12mos

    Useful Tips for Flying with an Infant 6-12 Months: Well worth the arm workout…. Get baby used to room temperature bottles and food, so you don't have the additional hassle of heating en route. Now baby can likely bear weight on her legs, so consider purchasing slip-on diapers. Not all airplane bathrooms have change tables, or if they do ...

  19. Baby Travel Checklist: Essential baby packing list for Flying With Baby

    Flying with a Baby: Packing Checklist. For Baby (Carry-On): Nappies/Diapers: Pack enough for the flight duration, plus extras for delays (plan for 1 diaper per hour of travel) Wipes: Plenty of wipes for diaper/nappy changes and cleanups. Changing pad: Portable changing pad for easy diaper changes in airplane restrooms.

  20. Flying with baby

    Important information about preparing for a flight with your baby. Night flights are especially suitable for travelling with babies as they can maintain their sleep pattern and consequently be more relaxed. During the aircraft's ascent and descent, you can help your baby to equalize the air pressure by giving him/her a dummy or a bottle.

  21. What I learned flying with a baby! : r/NewParents

    It's super easy to check at the gate. Everything you read about flying with a baby is about their ears. So the first flight we were trying to time our feeding with take off. EPIC FAIL! There was a LONG delay and that just lead to unhappy baby. So pacifier or thumb (If a thumb sucker) will work fine.

  22. How To Choose The Best Flight When Traveling With A Baby Or ...

    Instead, you'll want to have plenty of time to make your connection, as well as change your baby's diaper, stretch your legs, have a bite to eat and so on. If the connecting flight options don't provide that, the nonstop flight is probably the move. "Make sure that the layover is long enough to make it worth it," Geering said.

  23. Flying with Kids & Family Boarding

    Families with children under 12 can book Economy and Basic Economy seats next to each other for free. Sometimes, seat assignments change because of last minute bookings or unscheduled aircraft changes. If this happens on your flight and your family is separated, you can switch to another flight with availability in the same cabin for free.

  24. Autopsy results released for Sydney Weston, 8, who died after mid

    Preliminary autopsy results were inconclusive for the young Missouri girl who died after she fell ill on a flight to Chicago with her family, officials said Friday.. Sydney Weston, 8, was flying ...

  25. Pregnant Mom's Baby Name Hunt Ends With Unique Name Found In A Cemetery

    In May 2024, Haley Hodge and her family decided to visit the Old Smithville Burying Ground in Southport, North Carolina, to look for baby name ideas.Haley shared this journey on TikTok and her ...

  26. An 8-year-old dies after becoming ill during a flight

    A girl traveling to Chicago with her family on a commercial airline died on Thursday morning after becoming ill during the flight, according to Peoria County Coroner's Office. "The child, 8 ...

  27. 8-Year-Old Dies After Medical Emergency on Flight to Chicago

    "SkyWest flight 5121, operating as United Express from Joplin, MO to Chicago O'Hare diverted to Peoria, IL Thursday morning and was met by paramedics to attend to a passenger in medical distress.

  28. Boeing plane drops within 400ft of the ocean in fall from sky

    A Southwest Airlines flight is under investigation after a Boeing 737 MAX 8 dropped within 400 ft of the ocean following a landing attempt in Hawaii. The airplane got dangerously close of hitting ...

  29. Engine issues preceded fatal Friday plane crash

    Executive Flight Training and Services, a flight school in Lee County, owned the aircraft, a 1969 Piper PA-28. It left Raleigh Executive Jetport in Sanford, 24 miles away, at 12:29 p.m.