State of Washington Tourism

Washington Tourism Resource Center

The Tourism Resource Center (TRC) serves as an online hub for grants, partnership information, and educational materials for tourism stakeholders in the State of Washington.

With financial assistance from the Washington State Department of Commerce, the Tourism Resource Center provides users with free and easy access to a variety of resources such as webinar recordings, toolkits, and research documents. This includes content for rural and underserved communities pertaining to outdoor recreation, scenic byways, and cultural heritage. Through the Tourism Resource Center, industry stakeholders can hone their skills and expand their knowledge while supporting innovation and resilience in destination communities across the state.

Explore the resources below for more information.

wa tourism grants

Grant Opportunities

SWT administers a robust grant program for destination planning and development projects. Local governments, tribes, chambers of commerce, destination organizations, and other nonprofit organizations that support travel and tourism are eligible to apply.

SWT also curates a list of other grant opportunities from private foundations and corporations, as well as from state and federal entities. Grants provide a vital source of funding for a wide range of tourism activities and support for small businesses.

View Grant Opportunities

wa tourism grants

Research & Data

Research and data help guide tourism strategy and equip decision makers with tools and insights to better understand and convey destination promotion and management. SWT invests in these resources as a way to support destinations and advocate for industry initiatives.

Tourism stakeholders may access a wide range of research materials from the Resource Center, including economic impact reports, lodging tax information, visitor profiles, case studies, and toolkits.

View Reports & Resources

wa tourism grants

Tourism Skillshop

The Tourism Skillshop is an educational webinar series for those in the tourism sector to broaden their industry knowledge, skills, and network.

Each webinar highlights a specific issue or skill for tourism professionals to learn and discuss with industry experts. SWT hosts these live webinars once a month, and they are free and open to all tourism stakeholders. All past webinars are available to view online on SWT’s YouTube channel.

Explore the Tourism Skillshop

wa tourism grants

Partnership Opportunities

SWT has partnership opportunities and co-ops available for a wide range of tourism stakeholders. Learn about the latest marketing co-ops as well as a research co-op through Datafy, which tracks visitors based on points of interest, mobile geolocation, and credit card data.

View Co-Ops

A group of people sit around tables during a Rural Tourism Support program workshop in Washington

Rural Tourism Support Program

The Rural Tourism Support (RTS) program focuses on long-term, sustainable destination development for underserved communities.

The program implements a community-based approach to destination development that includes stakeholder surveys, community workshops, priority projects, and strategic planning from a steering committee. RTS is awarded annually to one regional destination following an application and review process.

Explore the RTS Program

wa tourism grants

State Tourism Conference

The State of Washington Tourism Conference and Responsible Outdoor Travel Summit will take place in Vancouver, WA on Oct. 7-9, 2024. The event brings together tourism stakeholders from across the state for industry education, networking, and awards.

Breakout sessions cover a range of relevant topics, from marketing and destination development to diversity, and more. Hear from keynote speakers, gain insights into trends, and learn from industry experts.

Explore the Tourism Conference

wa tourism grants

Responsible Travel Handbook

The Port of Seattle partnered with SWT, The Travel Foundation, and Tourism Cares to produce a Responsible Travel Handbook. Its contents provide practical guidance on how your organization, region, or community can help usher in a better version of the tourism industry that works for all Washingtonians.

View the Handbook

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Grants Assistance and Programs Register for WA industry

The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation maintains a Grants Assistance and Programs Register which provides current and potential industry proponents with information on available state and federal government funding programs and assistance.

The Commonwealth Government’s  grants and programs finder provides an easy tool to search for grants and programs provided by the commonwealth, state and territory governments. You can also access  GrantConnect to search and apply for current and future grant opportunities from the Commonwealth Government.

Agribusiness and primary industries

Western australian government assistance.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development provides  funding for agribusinesses . For support of the horticultural industry, visit the  Building Horticulture Business Capacity Program page and the  Southern Forests Infrastructure Support Scheme page. 

The Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Grants and Voucher Program supports horticulture businesses in the Gnangara groundwater allocation plan area to implement water use efficiency measures.

Western Australia Food Innovation Precinct:

The  Western Australia Food Innovation Precinct , based in the Shire of Murray, is a state-of-the-art facility fostering industry innovation to drive business growth, develop new products and exports, and transform Western Australia’s food and beverage manufacturing industry.

Expressions of interest submissions are now open for businesses to develop a commercial-scale food or beverage processing operation at the  Murray Future Food Facility .

The  Enterprise Support Program provides co-funding (up to $600,000) to agribusinesses seeking to pursue business development and innovation opportunities through the leading-edge research capability, incubation space and technologies available at the Precinct.

Australian Government assistance

Accelerated Depreciation for Primary Producers provides a tax deduction for assets used in primary production.

The  Farm Management Deposits Scheme provides primary production businesses with tax deductions on farm management deposits to help them deal with inconsistent income from natural disasters, climate and market changes.

The  Support Plantation Establishment 2024-25 program provides funding to support new softwood and hardwood plantation forests in Australia.

Approval assistance

Major Project Status is formal recognition of the national strategic significance of a project, through its contribution to economic growth, employment, or contribution to regional Australia. Major Project Status enables strategically significant projects facing complex regulatory challenges to get extra support and coordinated approvals.

Culture, the arts and creative industries

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries distributes  funding  to support a vibrant and sustainable arts, culture and creative industry sector in Western Australia.

They also distribute  funding to celebrate Aboriginal culture, and to support Aboriginal businesses in the arts and culture sector.

For all other financial support provided by the Department, visit their  Funding page .

Screenwest supports the development and production of film, television, and digital game projects in Western Australia. For advice on filming in Western Australia, or to see a directory of local crew and service providers, visit the  filming in WA page. For funding opportunities, visit the  funding & incentives page

Screen Australia provides funding to support the development, production and marketing of Australian screen content, as well as for the development of Australian talent and screen production businesses.

Decarbonisation, renewables and the transition to net-zero emissions

The  Charge Up Workplace Grants provide funding to small and medium enterprises, not-for-profit organisations, and local government authorities to install EV charging equipment at the workplace.

The  Clean Energy Future Fund provides funding (between $100,000 and $4 million) to support the implementation of innovative clean energy projects in Western Australia.

Invest and Trade Western Australia’s Investment Attraction Fund  New Energies Industries Funding Stream has been created to accelerate innovation, scale-up commercial potential and expand local manufacturing capacity in the following new energies industries: Battery and critical minerals, renewable hydrogen, solar, wind and carbon capture. 

The  Australian Renewable Energy Agency provides funding to support emission reductions and the local renewables industry.

The  Australian Carbon Credit Unit Scheme encourages people and businesses to run projects that reduce emissions or store carbon.

The  Zero Emission Vehicle Rebate is a financial incentive to encourage the purchase of zero emission vehicles.

The  Australia–Austria Industrial Decarbonisation Demonstration Partnerships Program provides funding for joint Australian and Austrian decarbonisation projects. It supports the development of innovative technologies, processes, or solutions to decarbonise hard-to-abate energy-intensive industries.

The  Powering the Regions Fund - Safeguard Transformation Stream will provide up to $50 million to trade exposed facilities to reduce their emissions.

The  Clean Energy Finance Corp is Australia’s 'green bank', which invests in the clean energy sector and the transition to net zero emissions. They manage the  Clean Energy Innovation Fund , the  Powering Australia Technology Fund , and the  Advancing Hydrogen Fund .

Defence Industry

The Defence Industry Development Grants Program will fund small to medium enterprises to build Australia’s sovereign capability, global competitiveness, technical superiority and national security. There are four streams within the program: sovereign industrial priorities; exports; security; and skilling.

The Joint Strike Fighter Industry Support Program supports Australian businesses to win work for the Joint Strike Fighter Program, an international development and acquisition program for the Joint Strike Fighter aircraft and associated weapons, spares, support equipment, and infrastructure.

For further information on the two funding streams, visit the  Production and Modernisation Grants page and the  Sustainment Grants page.

Disability support and employment

The  Wage Subsidy Scheme provides funding for employers who hire job seekers registered with a Disability Employment Service provider.

The  Employment Assistance Fund provides workers with a disability with funding for workplace modifications, equipment or services they need to perform their job.

Under the  Supported Wage System , special workplace arrangements are made so that employers can pay wages to a person with a disability based on how productive they are in their job.

Disaster recovery

The  Small Business Interest Rate Subsidy WA provides interest rate subsidies (up to $6,000) on loans for Western Australian small businesses impacted by an eligible disaster.

The  Disaster Recovery Construction Training Grant WA provides funding (up to $3,000) to support WA employers, apprentices and trainees who are involved in re-building areas affected by a natural disaster.

The  Environment, Heritage and Cultural Assets Flexible Grants Program WA provides funding for projects that clean-up, restore, recover from or monitor the long-term impacts to environment, heritage and cultural assets that were impacted by flooding associated with ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie.

The  Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements provide funding to primary producers to help them recover from an eligible declared disaster.

The  Small and Medium Business Recovery Grants provides financial support to eligible small and medium businesses in WA who were directly impacted by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie and Tropical Cyclone Ilsa.

The Department of Home Affairs  provides support to businesses across Australia that have been affected by natural disasters.

Finance, loans and guarantees

The  National Reconstruction Fund Corporation provides debt finance, equity finance and guarantees for businesses with compelling proposals in priority areas.

The  Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility is a $7 billion lending facility which provides loans to infrastructure projects in northern Australia. Investments can be used for the development of new infrastructure or the material enhancement of existing infrastructure.

The  Regional Investment Corporation is an Australian Government provider of low-interest loans for farm businesses. Loans can be used to fund drought assistance and starting or improving farms.

Health and medical life sciences

The  WA Future Health Research and Innovation Fund provides a secure source of funding to drive health and medical research, innovation and commercialisation.

The  Market Access Grant Scheme WA provides funding (up to $5,000) for health and medical life sciences companies to cover the costs of attending national and international conferences.

For information on other industry support programs and upcoming events, visit the  events and programs page.

The  Biomedical Translation Fund provides companies with venture capital through licensed private sector fund managers. It helps early-stage biomedical companies develop their biomedical discoveries into tangible products, services and outcomes.

The  Medical Research Future Fund supports Australian health and medical research. 

To view all grants on offer, visit the  GrantConnect website.

Indigenous business and employment

Indigenous Business Australia was created to assist and enhance the economic development opportunities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia. They provide advice, workshops and finance to start or grow your business.

The  First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program provides free mentoring support to eligible First Nations tourism businesses.

The  Indigenous Advancement Strategy provides funding for organisations to undertake projects or activities which promote equal opportunities for Indigenous Australians.

The  Indigenous Wages Rebate WA provides businesses with a payroll tax rebate when they hire new Indigenous employees

Infrastructure development

The  Infrastructure Development Fund provides financial support to overcome water, wastewater and electricity infrastructure-based obstacles which prevent apartment development in key urban precincts; key worker accommodation; and community housing in regional areas.

The  New Industries Fund accelerates new and emerging businesses in Western Australia, through innovation, to diversify the economy and create new jobs and industries across the State. Support includes  grants , the Western Australia's  Innovators of the Year award s program and  sponsorships .

The Dealroom is a searchable online database of WA startups, scale ups, investors, deals, programs, spaces, and universities.

For access to expertise and facilities that connects innovators and entrepreneurs within the State, visit the  Innovation Hubs page. These hubs encourage collaboration between government, universities, business, industry and the community. 

There are 5 hubs available:  CyberWest Hub (cyber security);  WA Data Science Innovation Hub ;  WA Creative Tech Village Hub ;  WA Life Sciences Innovation Hub ; and the  GreenTech Hub .

Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, provides  a range of funding and programs that support start-ups, small or medium sized enterprises and researchers to innovate and for research and development.

The  Critical Technologies Challenge Program will provide joint collaborations with funding to develop solutions or components that contribute to a solution for market-led challenges of national significance using quantum technologies.

Cooperative Research Centres Projects Grants provide industry-led collaborations with short term (up to 3 years) matched funding to develop important new technologies, products and services. Collaborations from all industry sectors, research disciplines and community sectors can apply.

International investment and trade facilitation

Invest and Trade WA (ITWA) is the ‘front door’ for investors and businesses who want to invest in or buy products and services from Western Australia. ITWA also assists WA exporters looking to grow their business internationally. ITWA supports new investment in WA through the  Investment Attraction Fund .

The  Access Asia Business Grants provide funding for WA businesses to enter or expand their trade with Asian markets.

The  Event Support program provides funding of up to $10,000 for events that support the promotion of trade and investment prospects for WA.

The  Perth Landing Pad supports international startups, scale ups, and small-to-medium enterprises (SME) to create WA-based businesses. Startups are invited to relocate to WA for up to 90 days. The Landing Pad’s connections to local industry, Australia-wide communities, a vibrant event schedule and coworking hubs make them the perfect 'landing pad' for those looking to grow.

WA Investments:

The  WA Investments site operates  an online directory of Western Australian projects seeking investment, providing easy access to investment opportunities. Those seeking investors for a project may also  submit their project to the directory.

Austrade provides grants, programs and services to help Australian exporters, international investors and buyers, Australia’s education sector, tourism sector and First Nations businesses.

Austrade’s  Landing Pads program helps Australian entrepreneurs set up and work intensively in China, India, Southeast Asia, the UK or the US. The Landing Pads program help deliver market insights, expansion strategies, introductions to networks, and contacts with venture capital.

Austrade’s Australia-India Business Exchange helps Australian businesses or investors enter the Indian market within the agrifood, defence, education, energy and resources, health, infrastructure and technology sectors.

The  International Partnerships in Critical Minerals Program provides critical minerals business up to $20 million in funding to grow end-to-end supply chains with Australia’s international partners.

Import and export support:

Australian Trusted Trader status reduces red tape at the border for Australian importing and exporting businesses. Accredited businesses can streamline their processes and expediate the flow of their cargo in and out of Australia, facilitating faster access to markets.

Under the  Duty Drawback Scheme , exporters receive a refund of customs duty paid on unused imported goods, or goods that will be treated, processed or incorporated into other goods for export. The  Tradex Scheme provides an upfront exemption from customs duty and GST for eligible goods imported to Australia that are then exported within one year or another approved period.

The  Certain Inputs to Manufacture program reduces importing costs for Australian manufacturers of eligible goods. An import concession is available if you import an eligible good and can show that your imported good has a performance advantage in producing the specific end product over a local input produced in Australia.

Export Finance Australia supports the Australian export of goods and services by providing loans, bonds and guarantees.

Labour, hiring and training

The Department of Training and Workforce Development provides support for businesses seeking to upskill or hire employees. The Department achieves this through financial incentives, informational resources, and discounted vocational training under the  Skills Ready program.

For more information, visit the  developing Western Australia’s workforce page.

To see a full list of funding opportunities, visit the  employer financial incentives and support page and the  incentives to employ and train page.

The Construction Visa Subsidy program supports WA construction businesses with payments of up to $10,000 to support skilled migration visa pathways for workers and offset expenses such as migration agent fees, visa application fees and relocation costs.

There are wage subsidies (up to $10,000) for employers to hire and retain eligible participants in ongoing and sustainable positions.  Apprenticeship wage subsidies support Australian businesses to hire, train and keep apprentices.

The  Employer Support Payment Scheme provides businesses who employ a Reservist or a self-employed Reservist with payments when the Reservist is absent from their civilian workplace on eligible periods of Defence service.

The  Launch into Work program supports businesses who want to use a pre-employment project to recruit new staff.

The  Pacific Australian Labour Mobility Scheme allows eligible Australian businesses to hire workers from 9 Pacific islands and Timor-Leste when there are not enough local workers available.

Self-Employment Assistance is available for people interested in starting their own business or who need help to refocus an existing small business.

The  Workplace Legal Advice Program provides employers with free, independent legal advice to help them deal with workplace issues.

Mining and resources

The  Exploration Incentive Scheme aims to encourage exploration in Western Australia for the long-term sustainability of the State’s resources sector.

The  Co-funded Exploration Drilling program funds up to 50% of direct drilling costs to promote geoscience exploration and to contribute to the economic development of regional WA.

The  METS Innovation Program seeks to broaden support for research projects led by METS companies servicing WA’s mining industry. The program supports the development of new technologies in the following strategic areas: low-emissions technologies, precision and low-impact mining, critical minerals, and the alternative use of tailings and waste.

Regional development

There are  Regional Development Commissions for the Gascoyne, Great Southern, Goldfields-Esperance, Kimberley, Mid West, Peel, Pilbara, Southwest, and Wheatbelt regions. The commissions work to promote the economic and social development of the regions, through administering grants and by providing business support to secure local opportunities.

The  Regional Economic Development Grants program invests in community-driven projects to stimulate economic growth and development in regional Western Australia.

The  Rural Business Development Corporation administers assistance schemes for the rural sector, including the agriculture and food industry. These include a Hardship Support Grant, Farm Debt Mediation, and a Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program.

The  Regional Events Program supports medium to large regional events across WA that promote tourism and require funding of $40,000 or more.

The  Collie Futures Fund provides funding for projects that support efforts to drive long-term economic growth and stimulate jobs creation in the Collie region.

Small and medium size business development

The  Small Business Development Corporation provides practical support to start and run a small business in Western Australia. This includes advice on common obstacles like marketing, finance, legal responsibilities, and dispute resolution. The corporation will administer a one-off $400  Small Business Electricity Credit to reduce electricity bills for residential and small business customers.

The  WA Industry Link helps small and medium sized businesses get a bigger share of WA Government procurement, which is worth around $30 billion per year.

The  Local Capability Fund assists small and medium enterprises to increase their capability and competitiveness as suppliers of products, services and works to the WA Government, major projects and other important markets.

There are funding streams for Aboriginal business, digital transformation, standards compliance and for the Gascoyne, Great Southern, Goldfields-Esperance, Kimberley, Mid West, Peel, Pilbara, Southwest, and Wheatbelt regions.

AusIndustry provides a connection between small and medium size business and government. It helps businesses navigate local, state and commonwealth government support.

Their  Industry Growth Program supports small and medium enterprises undertaking commercialisation or growth projects that align with the National Reconstruction Fund’s priority areas and which build manufacturing capability. Recipients receive an advisory service and funding support (between $50,000 to $250,000 or $100,000 to $5 million). is a whole-of-government website for the Australian business community. It provides a list of industry support grants and advice on how to start and grow a business.

Space industry

The  Australian Space Agency and  CSIRO provide support to the Australian space sector.

The  Moon to Mars Supply Chain Capability Improvement Grants provide Australian businesses with grant funding to build capacity to deliver products and services into domestic and/or international space industry supply chains that could support Moon to Mars activities.

The  Space Concession helps companies wanting to develop high technology for the space sector. It encourages the transfer of technology and expertise by providing duty-free tariff on eligible imported goods.

The Australian Taxation Office provides tax relief for businesses.

The  Small Business Income Tax Offset provides unincorporated small businesses with a tax offset of up to $1000 per year.

The  Research and Development Tax Incentive offers a tax offset for companies conducting eligible R&D activities.

The  Small Business Technology Investment Boost allows small businesses to claim a 20% bonus deduction on technology expenditure to help digitise their business.

For further information, visit the ATO’s  tax deductions page and  concessions page.

Related services and information

  • Mining environmental approvals
  • Search for information on mines, mineral deposits and prospects
  • Apply and pay for a mining tenement title
  • Pay mineral or petroleum royalties
  • Access Royalties Online
  • Apply for a programme of work
  • Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS)
  • Search for geoscience and titles information

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Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation Address: Level 11, 1 William Street PERTH WA 6000 Telephone: 61 8 6277 3000 Email: [email protected]

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Acknowledgement of Country

The Government of Western Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present.

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Industry Welcomes WA Tourism Grants

22 August 2021

Tourism Council WA has welcomed the joint Federal-State grant funding announced today for WA tourism businesses hit hard by east coast lockdowns and interstate and international travel restrictions. Grants of $2,000, $5,000 and $10,000 will be available for tourism businesses struggling with more than a 30% downturn. 

Today’s announcement follows a recent Tourism Council WA industry survey which showed one in three tourism businesses were facing a cash flow crisis.

"Many tourism businesses are struggling due to the international and interstate borders and it is great to see Federal and State Governments working together to support the worst affected businesses," Tourism Council WA CEO Evan Hall said.

"Tourism businesses are bearing the financial cost of borders to protect public health. Today’s grant announcement recognises that support is only fair for those businesses doing it tough to protect the community.

“Tourism businesses across WA have seen a collapse of the interstate market due to the east coast lockdowns. Businesses face reducing staff and capacity, and 31 per cent of businesses reported they will run out of cash in six months.

“The impact of the current downturn has affected all sectors of the tourism industry, but it is most keenly felt by tour operators and Perth accommodation.

“As Perth is the primary destination for interstate visitors, it has been the most affected part of WA."

However, the tourism industry warned that further support would be needed if lockdowns and border closures continued.

"Further grants or income support will be needed if lockdowns and border closures stretch on for months," Mr Hall said.

"Tourism businesses will need support until vaccination rates are high enough to allow for domestic travel across Australia by vaccinated residents under the National Plan."

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+61 (08) 9416 0700

1 Resort Drive, Burswood, WA 6100

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Upcoming events

  • AGM & Network@Night
  • Tourism Connect (Denham)
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  • 2024 Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards Gala Dinner
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Washington Tourism Marketing Authority

Take a Trip

Washington tourism marketing authority.

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Tourism is the fourth-largest industry in the state, employing more than 205,000 residents.

wa tourism grants

The Washington Tourism Marketing Authority (WTMA) is charged with overseeing the state’s tourism strategy and working with industry leaders and tourism marketing professionals to attract visitors to every part of the state.

2022 Tourism Industry Dashboard Report

Industry Overview

wa tourism grants

Tourism generates more than $21.9 billion annually statewide.

wa tourism grants

The industry puts adds nearly $2.4 billion to the state’s coffers in the form of generated tax revenue.

wa tourism grants

Visitor Spending

On an average day, visitors spend $60 million a day in Washington. 

Our Tourism Partners

To execute the state’s tourism strategy, the WTMA works with the following public and private partners.

State of Washington Tourism

State of Washington Tourism is the official Destination Marketing Organization for the State of Washington. The organization is a membership-based nonprofit that was established after the closure of the Washington State Tourism Office in 2011.

Department of Commerce

The Washington State Department of Commerce provides administrative support to the board and the WTMA at large. The Office of Economic Development & Competitiveness (OEDC) oversees this support within the agency.

Visit Washington

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Interested in Joining the Board?

Industry professionals are encouraged to apply to the WTMA. As board positions open, new members are selected from a pool of applicants by the Governor’s office.  

Apply for an opening.

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  • Major Events Funding Information

Events contribute to Western Australia's economy by creating jobs, driving dollars into the local economy, filling hotel rooms and generating bookings. For the community, they add to the vibrancy of Perth and Western Australia, and supercharge the State's reputation as a fantastic place to live, work, study and play. Examples of events that we support through our Major Events funding pool include:

  • Major international tennis, soccer and rugby fixtures;
  • International and national sporting championships;
  • Major art and cultural events; and
  • Mass participation events like the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships and Australian Masters Games.

Read more in our Major event highlights .

Tourism WA's Major Events Funding seeks to support events that achieve the following outcomes;

  • Contribute to Western Australia's economy
  • Attract interstate and international visitors to Western Australia
  • Generate significant media coverage for Western Australia
  • Create opportunities for Western Australia's community

How to apply for funding

If you have a dream event that you believe meets the above outcomes and aligns with Tourism WA's Vision for Dream Events , the first step is to complete the Funding Checklist  to see if you event is eligible. This process will help you understand the Major Events Funding Criteria and the high level of information that Tourism WA requires prior to considering support for a major event.

If your event is eligible for further assessment Tourism WA requires a detailed event proposal to be submitted at least 12 months prior to the event date.

Resources for event holders

  • Funding for regional events
  • Event resources
  • Events sponsored by Tourism WA
  • Major event highlights
  • Support for business events

Last Reviewed: 2024-01-05

Acknowledgement of Country Tourism Western Australia acknowledges Aboriginal peoples as the traditional custodians of Western Australia and pay our respects to Elders past and present. We celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal West Australians and honour their continuing connection to Country, culture and community. We recognise and appreciate the invaluable contributions made by First Nations peoples across many generations in shaping Western Australia as a premier destination.

  • Travel to Western Australia

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  1. Rural Tourism Research & Data Grants

    wa tourism grants

  2. E-News Edition 134

    wa tourism grants

  3. tourism grants Archives

    wa tourism grants

  4. Tourism Sustainability Grant

    wa tourism grants

  5. Rural Tourism Support Program

    wa tourism grants

  6. $12M Funding Boost for WA Tourism

    wa tourism grants


  1. SWT Grant Programs - State of Washington Tourism

    State of Washington Tourism (SWT) offers multiple grant opportunities for tourism stakeholders. In addition to recurring grant programs such as Tourism Sustainability and Rural Tourism Support, SWT will also administer funds for exciting new grant programs in 2024-2025.

  2. Tourism Regeneration Grant - State of WA Tourism

    Tourism Regeneration Grants will foster safer, more inclusive, and sustainable visitor experiences across the state and drive overnight visitation to rural and underserved communities. Project eligibility for Tourism Regeneration Grants ranges from visitor education campaigns to disaster and climate adaptation planning.

  3. Funding and Grants - Tourism Western Australia

    Search for grants available to WA communities, local government and other organisations. Visit the Department of Communities grants directory.

  4. Tourism Marketing Authority - Washington State Department of ...

    Recognizing the importance of tourism to the state’s economy, the state legislature established the Washington Tourism Marketing Authority (WTMA) to create a framework for funding a statewide marketing plan using a combination of state and private funds as set forth in RCW 43.384 and for overseeing its execution.

  5. Washington Tourism Resource Center

    Grant Opportunities. SWT administers a robust grant program for destination planning and development projects. Local governments, tribes, chambers of commerce, destination organizations, and other nonprofit organizations that support travel and tourism are eligible to apply.

  6. Grants Assistance and Programs Register for WA industry

    The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation maintains a Grants Assistance and Programs Register which provides current and potential industry proponents with information on available state and federal government funding programs and assistance.

  7. Industry Welcomes WA Tourism Grants

    Grants of $2,000, $5,000 and $10,000 will be available for tourism businesses struggling with more than a 30% downturn. Today’s announcement follows a recent Tourism Council WA industry survey which showed one in three tourism businesses were facing a cash flow crisis.

  8. Regional Events Scheme funding - Tourism Western Australia

    Our Regional Events Scheme (RES) is an annual funding round for smaller and developing regional events across WA. We support events that: bring more people to the region, which means more tourism dollars for the community; attract media coverage, which helps promote the region as an exciting destination; involve and inspire the local community

  9. Washington Tourism Marketing Authority | Overseeing the State ...

    The Washington Tourism Marketing Authority (WTMA) is charged with overseeing the state’s tourism strategy and working with industry leaders and tourism marketing professionals to attract visitors to every part of the state.

  10. Major Events Funding Information - Tourism Western Australia

    Tourism WA's Major Events Funding seeks to support events that achieve the following outcomes; Contribute to Western Australia's economy. Attract interstate and international visitors to Western Australia. Generate significant media coverage for Western Australia.