Your Destination for Messages, Wishes & Quotes

Thank You Messages for Visiting Our Home

Thank You Messages for Visiting Our Home

Discover heartfelt “Thank You” messages for those who graced our home with their presence. Explore paragraphs expressing gratitude for shared laughter, culinary delights, thoughtful gestures, and the creation of lasting memories. From warm welcomes to cherished moments, embark on a journey of appreciation for the meaningful visits that have transformed our ordinary days into extraordinary celebrations.

Warm Welcomes and Cherished Moments

We extend our deepest gratitude for gracing our home with your presence. Your visit brought warmth and joy to our hearts, creating cherished moments that will be forever etched in our memories.

The laughter and conversations shared during your visit added a special touch to our home. Thank you for making it a time filled with happiness and connection.

Your presence turned our ordinary day into an extraordinary one. We appreciate the effort you took to spend time with us and make our home feel brighter.

It was truly heartening to welcome you into our home. Your visit was a delightful occasion, and we are grateful for the positive energy and good vibes you brought with you.

Thank you for choosing to spend time with us. Your visit was the highlight of our week, and we are thankful for the laughter and camaraderie that filled our home during your stay.

Your visit was a breath of fresh air, bringing a sense of renewal to our space. We appreciate the joy and positivity you brought into our home, leaving a lasting impact on our hearts.

The memories created during your visit will remain etched in the walls of our home. Thank you for transforming an ordinary day into an extraordinary one with your delightful company.

From the moment you walked through our door, our home felt brighter and more alive. Thank you for the gift of your presence, turning a regular day into a celebration of friendship and connection.

We are grateful for the laughter, shared stories, and genuine moments of connection that your visit brought into our home.

Your visit was a true blessing, and we want to express our sincere appreciation for the joy and positivity you infused into our space.

Culinary Delights and Shared Meals

Thank you for not only visiting our home but also sharing delightful meals with us. The laughter and conversations around the dining table made those moments truly special.

Your visit turned our kitchen into a place of joy and culinary delights. We appreciate the shared meals and the warmth they brought to our home.

The aroma of delicious dishes filled our home during your visit, creating an atmosphere of warmth and togetherness. We are thankful for the shared culinary experiences.

Your visit turned our home into a haven of delicious flavors and shared recipes. Thank you for bringing your culinary expertise and turning our meals into delightful feasts.

The shared meals during your visit were not just about food; they were moments of connection and bonding. We appreciate the time spent together around the table, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

We extend our heartfelt thanks for the culinary delights you brought into our home during your visit. Your shared meals added a special touch to our time together, creating an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality.

The joy of breaking bread together during your visit was truly special. We are grateful for the shared meals and the sense of togetherness they brought to our home.

Thank you for turning our dining table into a place of laughter, stories, and delicious flavors. Your visit elevated our meals into memorable experiences, and we are thankful for the delightful culinary moments we shared.

The shared meals during your visit were a highlight for us. Your culinary skills added a gourmet touch to our home, and we appreciate the effort you put into making those moments special.

Your visit brought not only delightful company but also a feast of flavors to our home. Thank you for the culinary adventures and shared meals that made our time together extraordinary.

Thoughtful Gestures and Gifts

Your thoughtful gestures and the lovely gifts you brought made your visit even more special. We are grateful for the kindness and consideration you showed during your time in our home.

Thank you for the thoughtful gifts that added a touch of joy to our home. Your generosity and attention to detail did not go unnoticed, and we appreciate the effort you put into making our time together memorable.

Your visit was not just about the physical presence but also the thoughtful gestures and meaningful gifts you shared. We are thankful for the thoughtfulness that brightened our home during your stay.

The little surprises and thoughtful gestures during your visit made us feel truly appreciated. Thank you for adding an extra layer of warmth and kindness to our home.

We extend our heartfelt thanks for the thoughtful gestures and beautiful gifts you brought into our home. Your visit was made even more memorable by the generosity and consideration you displayed.

The thoughtful gifts you shared during your visit added a touch of elegance to our home. We appreciate the effort you took to choose meaningful presents that reflected your kindness and thoughtfulness.

Thank you for the thoughtful gestures that made your visit so special. Your attention to detail and the little touches you added to our home did not go unnoticed, and we are grateful for the love you poured into those actions.

Your visit was a true reflection of your thoughtfulness. From the small gestures to the meaningful gifts, every detail was appreciated and added a layer of joy to our home.

Your visit was not just a physical presence but a shower of thoughtful gestures and beautiful gifts. We are thankful for the effort you put into making our home feel cherished and loved.

The thoughtful gestures and gifts you shared during your visit were like a bouquet of kindness that filled our home with joy. Thank you for the heartfelt expressions that made your stay so memorable.

Shared Laughter and Meaningful Conversations

Your visit turned our home into a hub of shared laughter and meaningful conversations. We are thankful for the deep connections and genuine moments we experienced together.

The conversations shared during your visit added a layer of depth and richness to our home. Thank you for the genuine discussions and the sense of understanding that blossomed within our walls.

Your visit brought not only your physical presence but also a wealth of shared laughter and heartfelt conversations. We appreciate the genuine connections and the bonds that were strengthened during your stay.

Thank you for the meaningful conversations and shared laughter that turned our home into a haven of joy and understanding. Your visit was a reminder of the beauty of true friendship and connection.

The laughter echoed in our home during your visit created an atmosphere of joy and lightness. We are grateful for the shared moments of laughter that turned ordinary days into extraordinary ones.

Your visit was a treasure trove of shared laughter and meaningful conversations. We appreciate the time spent together, building memories that will be cherished for years to come.

Thank you for turning our home into a place of shared joy and laughter. Your visit brought a sense of lightheartedness and happiness that lingered in the air long after you left.

The meaningful conversations shared during your visit added depth and significance to our time together. We are grateful for the genuine connections and the understanding that blossomed within our home.

Your visit turned our home into a sanctuary of shared laughter and heartfelt conversations. We appreciate the moments of joy and the bonds that were strengthened during your stay.

The laughter and meaningful conversations shared during your visit created a tapestry of beautiful memories that will forever be woven into the fabric of our home.

Creating Lasting Memories

Your visit was not just a passing moment but a chapter in the book of our lives. We are thankful for the memories created and the stories that unfolded within the walls of our home.

Thank you for contributing to the album of cherished memories with your visit. Your time in our home added a collection of beautiful moments that we will treasure always.

Your visit was a brushstroke of happiness on the canvas of our lives. We appreciate the memories created and the experiences shared that added color and vibrancy to our home.

The moments spent with you during your visit were like pages in a beautiful story. We are grateful for the memories created and the chapters written within the walls of our home.

Thank you for being a part of the beautiful memories we created during your visit. Your presence added a special glow to our home, and we are grateful for the lasting impressions you left behind.

Your visit was a tapestry woven with threads of joy, laughter, and shared experiences. We appreciate the beautiful memories created and the stories shared that made your time in our home extraordinary.

The memories of your visit will forever be imprinted on the canvas of our hearts. Thank you for contributing to the masterpiece of moments that now defines our home.

Your visit added a collection of beautiful snapshots to the album of our lives. We are thankful for the memories created and the stories shared that made your time with us so special.

Thank you for being a part of the memories we hold dear in our hearts. Your visit was a chapter filled with laughter, joy, and genuine connections that enriched our home.

The memories created during your visit are the treasures we will carry with us forever. We appreciate the beautiful moments and the shared experiences that turned our time together into something truly extraordinary.

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33 Thank You For Visiting Note Messages

A Family Visiting

After someone visits with you, you may want to thank the friend or family member for visiting.

I have included the examples below that will help you with the wording to say thank you to someone after they visit. The message ideas will help you express your gratitude and appreciation.

If you were the guest and want to thank the host, read the “ Thank you for having me over ” post.

Note: The sample messages are for personal visits at homes to thank someone for visiting, not for when someone visited a business, restaurant, event, fundraiser, etc.

I prefer writing a handwritten thank-you note card, but you could also send a thank-you email or text message.

Thank You For Visiting Message Template

You can use this template to thank guests after they visit you.

Dear [Person’s Name],

Thank you for visiting [me/us] [say here when they visited (ex. last week)]. I enjoyed spending time with you [and your family – or whoever else came along]. [Mention more about the visit, perhaps from the list above].

Please stop by again [if you want them to – or say “Thanks Again” instead]

[Your Name]

Note: fill in words in [brackets] as needed for your note.

What to Thank the Visitor(s) For

Here are a few suggestions of what you could thank your family or friends for after they visit you.

  • Travel time if they came from a distance.
  • Any food, dessert, or treat they brought (you make want to review the thank you for the cookies examples too)
  • The great conversation, quality time, or something you learned.
  • Anything fun you did together during the visit.
  • The laughter and good times!

Tips for Your Thank-You Note Messages

Here are some more tips for saying thank you for a visit.

  • Most people enjoy compliments, so consider including one.
  • Be as specific as possible about what you are thanking the person for.
  • If the visit was for a holiday, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, your birthday, another event, or another special occasion, you could modify the examples to include appropriate wording. For example, adding “birthday” before the word “visit.”
  • You can also mention future visits if you plan to meet again soon.
  • Please read through all the examples, as you can pick and choose wording that will work best for you when you write your note. You want the message to sound like things you would say and not like you copied a random example from the Internet.
  • If you write a handwritten note or email, include all the thank-you note parts. For example, you can see all five parts of a thank you note here or follow the template below:

Thank You For Visiting Me Message Examples

Use these examples to help you say thank you for visiting me.

#1 Thanks for visiting me last week. The cookies were wonderful, and our conversation was delightful. I enjoyed every minute of the visit and looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks.

#2 Thanks a lot for visiting me! Hearing about your life and all the things you do brightens my day. [In your note, mention something specific that was shared so your note doesn’t feel generic.]

#3 I want to share how much I enjoyed visiting you at [new restaurant name or another place]. We have so much fun chatting, and it’s a bummer when it’s time to leave. You are an empathic listener too! I look forward to our future dinners and hearing your advice about my [career issues].

#4 I am thankful for our time together on Wednesday visiting. You were my best neighbor, and I appreciate it when you stop to see me when you are in town. The chocolate truffles were fantastic too. I thought of you each time I had one this week. Please visit again soon!

#5 The travel stories you shared last week during your visit fascinated me. The places you go to sound exotic, and you are an excellent storyteller. I am thankful for our time together when you are in town. The treats you brought back from [vacation location] were fantastic too.

#6 I enjoyed our lovely visit at my house last weekend. And thank you for making all the meals. You are an excellent cook, and I appreciated the break. The chicken pizza was my favorite. You may be the perfect house guest! Thank you for making the trip from [far away place] to come and see me.

#7 I want to let you know I am grateful you visited me last Saturday. You are the best! Losing my cat [or other pet] was difficult. However, since you also love cats and have lost some, I felt like you understood the challenging time I am going through more than others.

#8 Thank you for coming over to answer my questions about money. I appreciate your advice on how I could get started with investing. Please know how much I appreciate your efforts to help me feel comfortable talking about money. My finances are finally headed in the right direction!

#9 I want to share how much our visit meant to me on Monday evening from the bottom of my heart. Our friendship means a lot to me, and I hope we can meet more often. Chatting with you in person always feels lovely, but finding times that work for both of us can be difficult.

#10 I am grateful that you were finally able to meet [Person’s Name] when you stopped by my home last weekend. It made my day! He’s heard so much about you and the fun times we had growing up. And we are both excited that you will attend our wedding next year.

#11 Thanks for coming to visit me. You are a good friend, and your time with me is appreciated. There is nothing like the way you can cheer me up! Also, playing checkers with you brought back pleasant memories from our childhood. I hope we will be friends forever.

#12 I love our long visits. Thank you for coming to chat and laugh with me. As you know, it’s hard for me to go places, so I’m happy whenever you can visit my home. Our friendship is good for my heart. And thank you for the homemade treats as well. They are great!

#13 Thank you for coming to my house! I enjoyed our visit very much and enjoyed our laughter. Let’s get together again soon. You’re a wonderful friend.

#14 Thanks for coming over. I was happy to have the chance to get to know you better. Thank you for bringing the lovely spread of meats, cheese, and crackers. I was delighted to have a few snacks while we visited.

#15 Thanks for your visit. I had a great time learning more about each other. We are going to be great friends!

Thank You For Visiting Us Message Examples

Use these examples to help you say thank you for visiting us.

#1 Thank you for visiting us. [Spouse/Partner Name] and I were excited that you stopped by with your family to see your parents when you were in town.

#2 Thank you for visiting our home. We were delighted to have you and your family over and hope everyone had a great time. I was happy to get to know you better and glad we met at [place where you met]. Let’s plan another date for a visit soon.

#3 Thank you for making the long drive to visit us. We are grateful for your presence whenever you have the time to see us. The chocolate chip cookies that you made were delicious. And we enjoyed petting your new dog. He seems like an excellent travel companion. But, most of all, we appreciated the conversation and hearing about your life [you could make this more specific in your note].

#4 Thank you for coming to [city where you live] to visit it. We appreciate that you are willing to travel so far to see us. The time we spent together at the amusement park was super fun, and we are excited that you’d like to make it an annual tradition. So let’s plan for it!

#5 We had a wonderful time visiting with you and your family at the event [say what even in your note]. I am writing to express my gratitude to you for noticing us. Chatting with you was refreshing. We invite you to visit our home for a longer visit next month.

#6 Thank you for visiting us. We had fun showing you around town and taking you to our favorite places. We hope you enjoyed the time spent together as much as we did. Please visit us again soon.

#7 We were happy to see you over the weekend. Thank you for stopping by to visit with us for a few hours. We are grateful for the time spent together.

#8 Thank you for visiting us on short notice. We enjoyed seeing your family and the great conversation.

#9 Thank you for visiting us yesterday. We are thankful that you could see us while you were in town. Hearing about your family and what’s happening in your lives made our day.

#10 Stopping to see us last weekend was thoughtful. Losing our son has been a tough time. Your visit was a blessing to us. We are grateful that you wanted to hear about him. You are a true friend.

#11 Thank you for visiting with us last night. We were happy you joined us when we saw you come into Olive Garden. It’s always a blessing to spend time with you two. We love you so much.

Holiday or Other Special Day Visit Examples

Your wording for saying thank you for visiting can mention the holiday, birthday, or another special day.

#1 Thank you for the [holiday] visit. We enjoyed our time together. The food you brought [say what the food was] was delicious. I hope we can see each other again before next [holiday].

#2 Thank you for the Christmas visit. I had a lovely time talking with me and hearing about your family. The brownies were excellent too.

#3 We were excited to see you on Halloween. It was a pleasant surprise when you brought the kids to trick-or-treat at my house. The short visit was refreshing, as we love to see your kids. They have so much energy, and little [Kid’s name] always seems joyful! She loved showing me her costume.

#4 We had a good time visiting with you [on/at] [special occasion – say what it was]. We always have a great experience meeting new people and making friends attending this event. It was our pleasure to meet you, so thank you for coming.

#5 Thank you for visiting me on my birthday! I appreciate our friendship and would like to get together more often. Let me know if you’d like to meet for dinner soon.

#6 Seeing you on Easter was great! Thank you for coming over to my place after the church service. The family enjoys your presence, and you’re welcome to join us whenever you’d like.

#7 Thank you very much for visiting me on my birthday. I know you have a busy life, and I appreciate that you made time to stop by. The flowers are beautiful too. I will keep them on the table for as long as possible and think of you when I see them. I feel blessed to have you in my life.

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  • Thank You for Dinner Example Messages
  • Thanks for Having Me or Us Over Examples

Heidi Bender

Author: Heidi Bender

Title: writer, expertise: thank you notes.

Heidi Bender is a writer and author who founded Tons of Thanks. She aims to help people write thank-you notes by providing examples and tips. She is the author of She is the author of A Modern Guide to Writing Thank-You Notes.

Inspired Year

101 Thank You for Visiting Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

A visit from a loved one is always a special occasion. It’s a time to catch up, share stories, and enjoy each other’s company.

In order to make your loved ones feel appreciated, send them a thank you message after they leave. Below are 101 messages and quotes that will show your friends and family how much you care.

#1 I know had you not come down to see me, the day would have been much more lonely. I am very happy you decided to spend some time with me here, and I feel so much better for it. Thank you so much for coming.

#2 Your visit was a breath of fresh air! We don’t get to see you as often as we’d like, so it was wonderful to have you here. Thank you for making the trip!

#3 I hope that you had as much fun during your visit as we did! Thank you for coming and spending some time with us. We really loved it!

#4 It was great having you here! I wish that you could have stayed longer, but I understand that you have other obligations. I hope to see you again soon. Thanks for coming!

#5 What’s better than catching up with an old friend is when they visit. It was such a pleasure to see you and hear about your adventures in life. You are more than welcome to come again whenever you like! Thank you for your visit.

#6 It’s great when friends and family take the time out of their busy schedules to visit us, and we should let them know how much we appreciate it! Here is a list of 100 “thank you for visiting me” messages and quotes that will surely help express your gratitude:

#7 You were so patient in waiting till I finished with my chores before we started talking, thank you for being such a good visitor. I hope you will pay me another visit soon.

#8 The bonds of friendship like ours are something to be cherished. It was wonderful to see you and hear all about what you’ve been up to. You are always welcome here; no need for special occasions – just drop by! Thank you so much for visiting.

#9 We’re glad that we were able to meet up on your recent visit, like the good friends that we are. It’s nice to know that there’s someone I can talk to whenever I feel lonely or upset, and I appreciate it more than words could say. Thank you so much for coming over; it means a lot to me.

#10 Our time together has already become some of my favorite memories with you in it. So thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and visit me. I feel very lucky that you’re my friend and can’t wait to do it all over again soon!

#11 Thank you for visiting, it was great catching up with you. You are always welcome here, no matter how long it’s been since your last visit. Thank you so much!

#12 It was wonderful to finally meet you in person after all these years of talking online. Thank you for coming to visit me, I hope you had a great time!

#13 I’m really glad that we were able to spend some time together while you were in town. Thank you for making the trip to see me; it meant a lot.

#14 We loved having you over. The time just flew by and we didn’t want it to end! Thank you for being so kind and spending your time with us. We hope you can visit again soon.

#15 Thank you so much for coming to visit us! It was wonderful getting to know you better and spending time with you. We hope you can come back soon!

#16 I don’t really have the words to describe how much I enjoyed your visit, except to say THANK YOU! You are more than welcome to come back and stay with us anytime.

#17 Thank you for traveling all this way to see us! It means a lot that you would go out of your way like that. We had a great time catching up and making new memories. We hope you can come again soon!

#18 Hope you had fun during your visit, and I hope we get another chance soon! Thank you so much for visiting us; it means a lot.

#19 I apologize in advance but I must ask something of you: Please do come again! You are always welcome here. Thank you so much for visiting us! It was wonderful to see you again.

#20 Please feel free to pass this along to someone else who is always welcome in your heart – whether they’re family or just good friends 🙂 Thank you so much for coming by when you were here week. It’s always great to see you and I really appreciate it.

#21 There’s no place like home, but it was wonderful to have you here. I still can’t believe your visit is already over. From beginning to end, it went by too fast! Thank you so much for coming to see me.

#22 It might be raining outside, but that doesn’t matter because you brought sunshine into my life when you visited. I loved having the opportunity to catch up with you and talk about old times. Thank you for visiting me – I hope we can do it again soon!

#23 I know our time together flew by way too fast, but thank you so much for making the effort to come visit me all this way. It meant a lot knowing there was someone out there thinking of me even while I was away.

#24 You always lift my spirits when you visit, and it just doesn’t get any better than that! Thank you so much for brightening my day – I hope you enjoyed your time here as much as I enjoyed having you.

#25 It was so great to finally meet in person after all these years of talking online. Thank you for coming to visit me, it meant a lot! I hope we can do it again soon.

#26 It was wonderful having you here. You’re always so welcome in our home, and we hope to see you again very soon. Thank you for making the trip!

#27 We loved having you over for dinner. Your company is always a delight. We hope to see you again soon! Thank you for coming!

#28 Thank you so much for spending your weekend with us. We had such a great time catching up and doing all of the fun things we never seem to have time for. We hope to see you again soon!

#29 Thank you so much for coming to my baby shower! It was wonderful to have you there, and I know that the new little one will be blessed by your love.

#30 Your presence at my wedding meant so much to me. It was such a special day, and I’m grateful that you were able to share it with me. Thank you!

#31 You are always welcome. Thank you so much for coming on your visit to us. We enjoyed seeing you and visiting with you.

#32 I am grateful that our families are close, but I enjoy it even more when we all get together! It was great spending time with you this weekend, let’s make sure to do it again soon! Thank you for coming on your recent visit.

#33 It was wonderful having you here on your visit, and it means a lot that the distance couldn’t keep us apart. You are more than welcome anytime, and I hope to hear from you soon!

#34 Thank goodness the time passed quickly because I could have spent forever with you! Thank you so much for visiting me/us on your recent trip. We so enjoyed seeing you and catching up!

#35 It was such a treat to see you on your last visit, I hope it won’t be so long until I can see my friend again. Thank you for coming by on your visit here/there/everywhere.

#36 Travelling is tiring but being with family is rewarding. Thank you so much for visiting—it meant the world to me that you made the trip over here to see us. It really means a lot to me that we got some time together recently, thank you for coming!

#37 Your visits are always so special to me. I treasure the time we spend together, and I’m so grateful that you make the effort to come see me. Thank you!

#38 The visit you made was fantastic, and I’m so grateful that you came to see me even though it wasn’t easy for you. Thank you so much for visiting! It really does mean a lot to me.

#39 I can’t even begin to tell you how thankful I am that you made the effort to visit with me on this special day. You are one amazing person, my friend, and share so many wonderful qualities. Thank you so much for coming under such great circumstances! Your visit today means more than words could ever say.

#40 I’m sorry your trip here had some struggles but I appreciate that despite having obstacles in the way of your visit, that didn’t stop you from coming. Thank you for making the effort to come and see me.

#41 You mean more than words could ever express, and I am so blessed that we have such a loving bond between us. Thank you so much for your visit today and the amazing memories we created!

#42 I’m thankful for our friendship and all of the great times we’ve shared together over the years. You are precious to me, my friend, and it’s wonderful to be able to still keep in touch with each other this way as well as through cards and phone calls. Thank you very much for your visit today! It means more than words can say.

#43 It was so great to see you! I always have the best time when we hang out. Thanks for coming, and I hope you can visit again soon.

#44 Thank you so much for coming to see us! We had a wonderful time catching up with you and loved hearing about your new adventures. We hope you can come and visit us again soon!

#45 Your visit was such a treat! Not only did we get to spend some time with you, but we also got to show you around our new home. Thank you for coming and for being so open to showing us yours. We hope to return the favor someday.

#46 Thank you so much for visiting us while you were in town. It was wonderful getting to know you better and spending time with you. We hope you can come and visit again soon!

#47 Thank you so much for coming to see us! It was great catching up with you and hearing about your new adventures. We hope you can come and visit us again soon!

#48 Your visit was such a treat! Not only did we get to spend some time with you, but we also got to show you around our new home. Thank you for coming and for being so open to showing us yours. We hope to return the favor someday.

#49 It was wonderful having you here! You are always such a good friend to us, and it’s always a joy when we get to spend time together. Thank you for coming and we hope to see you again!

#50 It feels like only yesterday when we were all together and now here we are, already saying goodbye. I enjoyed this special time with you and the memories we made will stay in my heart forever. Thank you so much for visiting me!

#51 I had such a wonderful time with you on your visit, it felt like only yesterday when we were last together but life is all about change and before you know it, time has passed by so quickly. But no matter how much time passes, the memories of our visits are always there to look back on with fondness. Thank you so much for coming to see me!

#52 What an absolute pleasure to have seen you again after all this time—it seems like only yesterday that we were last together. Your visit really brightened up my day; thank you very much for thinking of me

#53 It is always such a joy when family or friends come to town because it means extra laughs and good times together! Thank you for coming by on your recent trip; we had a blast and really enjoyed your company. It is always such a pleasure having you over!

#54 Being together with family and friends is just the absolute best! Thanks for taking the time to stop by; I’ve never been more rejuvenated and filled with energy. Thank you so much for visiting; we truly appreciate it!

#55 The gift of time, as they say, is priceless. You took some precious time out of your schedule to see us which means so much to me. Thank you for coming by this week; we sure did enjoy having you here. It was great seeing you again!

#56 Visiting family and friends is an opportunity that doesn’t come around often enough! We can never get tired of reuniting and catching up with all the news. Thank you so much for coming by; we loved every minute of it!

#57 I always look forward to your visits – there’s just something about them that makes me really happy. It was great seeing you again and spending time with you. I hope you can come see us more often in the future. Thank you so much for visiting!

#58 We are so grateful that you took the time out of your busy schedule to visit us, it meant so much! We enjoyed hearing about your new adventures and shared some of ours as well. We hope to see you again soon! Thank you for coming!

#59 I am so grateful that you came to visit me. It just wouldn’t be the same without you around! We had some lovely chats and some extravagant meals, and I will never forget them. Thank you for your company! You are welcome here any time.

#60 It was wonderful seeing you again on your last visit, which was not nearly long enough! But it gave us memories to savour, and hopefully we can make more next time. Until then, all our best wishes go with you – safe travels home!

#61 I feel so lucky to have had you visit, even if it was just for a little while. I’ll think of you often and hope to see you again sometime soon. Thank you for visiting me!

#62 It’s always nice seeing family, especially on special occasions like your birthday or anniversary. You are welcome anytime. Thank you so much for the lovely visit!

#63 Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come and visit us! We enjoyed our time together very much. It’s not every day one gets to see someone they love so dearly after all! You are welcome back any time at all.

#64 When you visit in our home, you are family. You always belong here and we value your presence more than words can express. Thank you so much for coming by today!

#65 It was wonderful to see you again. We had such a great time catching up—I almost feel like it was just yesterday that we saw each other last! Please do come back soon; I’d love to chat again.

#66 Thank you for visiting me recently; I sure enjoyed our conversation and all the laughs! It really means a lot to me when my friends take the time out to visit me, and I’ll look forward to seeing you next time too.

#67 We built great memories during your visit, and I’m so grateful for that. Thank you for taking the time to come and see us. I hope we can do it again soon!

#68 Your visit was such a blessing! We loved every minute of it! Thank you so much for coming and spending time with us. We hope you can come and see us again soon!

#69 We are already missing you after your visit. But we are glad you came and spent some wonderful time with us. Thank you so much for being here!

#70 Thank you for gracing us with your presence once again. It was wonderful having you here and we enjoyed every moment spent in your company. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

#71 It was really great catching up with you during your visit. I’m glad we were able to spend some time together. I hope to see you again soon!

#72 Your visit was the highlight of our day/week/month! Thank you so much for coming and spending time with us. We loved it!

#73 What distances take away, visits restore. There is nothing quite like seeing you after a long time and catching up with all the old stories. I so enjoyed your visit. Thank you so much for coming!

#74 It was wonderful to meet up again after such a long time, and I cherish the moments we shared during this special reunion. Thank you so much for visiting me; it was lovely!

#75 Having you here has made my world brighter than ever before, and your company was an absolute treat to behold. Please do come again soon, thank you for visiting.

#76 I’m so glad you were able to come and visit. It was wonderful getting to spend time with you, and I hope we can do it again soon. Thank you for coming!

#77 It was great having you here – thank you for making the trip! I loved catching up and spending time with you. I hope you enjoyed your stay as much as I enjoyed having you here. Thank you!

#78 Thank you for making the journey out to see me. It meant a lot to me, and I had a great time catching up and reminiscing. I hope to see you again soon!

#79 I had such a nice time with you on your visit. It’s wonderful to talk and I appreciate all the effort you made. Thank you so much for coming!

#80 The joy of visiting is knowing that everyone visits from their heart, and I meant it when I said I loved seeing you again. Please come back soon! Thank you so much for coming!

#81 When we get together, it always feels like no time has passed at all. We have such a special bond and our conversations are too wonderful not to share more often. It was just simply delightful to see you again—thank you for making the trip over here to see me. You can be sure that whenever possible, we will keep in touch again soon.

#82 I’m so glad you were able to visit us for a weekend. I loved every minute of it, even the time we spent arguing about politics. I hope you had a great time too. Thank you for coming!

#83 It was a pleasure to spend time with you during your visit. I loved hearing all about your life and catching up on the latest events. The time we spent together was very meaningful for me and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. It meant so much to me that you took the time out of your schedule to meet with me, and I hope we can do it again soon! Thank you so much for visiting me while I’m here. You were always such a great friend, and its been fun spending time with you again this weekend.

#84 Until next time! Thank you for visiting us and sharing some quality time with our family. Our lunch date is one that will go down in history as being enjoyable and unforgettable.

#85 I have a lot to do today, but what I don’t have time for is missing you already. It was wonderful to see you and be reminded of how much we care about one another. Thank you so much for stopping by!

#86 It’s been too long since our paths crossed, and it was lovely to see you on your visit! You are always welcome here, and I hope the next time won’t take as long. Thank you so much for coming by!

#87 We did what old friends do best- we caught up on things and had a good laugh! Thanks for making the trip out here; it means a lot that you came all this way. We would love to host another visit from you soon. Thank you so much for visiting!

#88 We loved having you here! Thank you for making the trip and for being so wonderful company. We hope you can come and visit again soon.

#89 The time flew by too quickly when you were here! I’m already looking forward to your next visit. Thank you so much for coming.

#90 I don’t know when I’ll see you again, but know that I miss you very much and that I think of you often. Until we meet again, take care. Thanks for coming to see me – it was great catching up!

#91 The greatest gift that family relations can give us is the company of our loved ones. It’s always a treat to have you visit and I was delighted that you were able to. Thank you so much for stopping by.

#92 It was wonderful to see you! We just loved having you visit and catching up with each other’s lives. You are more than welcome anytime! Thanks so much for coming.

#93 Having a good relationship comes from building bridges between one another, which is why it means so much when we get to connect with loved ones who live far away. I loved seeing you on your recent visit and will long remember what we shared together. It meant a lot that you came all this way!

#94 You are always welcome here anytime…and please accept this as a token of my appreciation for just stopping in to see me on your way through town…Thank you so much for! My door is always open to you!

#95 I hope that you had a great time while you were here. I loved getting to spend time with you and hearing all about your life back home. You are always welcome here anytime!

#96 Having you visit is a wonderful treat. It was just great to see you and have some of your cooking again. I’m so grateful for all the meaningful memories we made today and how lucky I am to have such a special friend in my life! Thank you so much for visiting, it means so much to me.

#97 It was simply lovely seeing you on your recent visit. I hope this little message finds you well and that we can get together soon again! You are more than welcome to plan another visit anytime. Thank you for stopping by, sweetie!

#98 It was wonderful to see you and your family again. We really enjoyed catching up and hearing about what’s new in your lives. Thank you for coming, and we hope to see you again soon!

#99 Your visit always makes our day brighter. Thank you for taking the time to come and spend it with us – we appreciate it more than you know!

#100 Thank you so much for visiting us! It was great catching up with you and hearing about all the exciting things going on in your life. We hope to see you again soon!

#101 I can’t wait until you come back, _____. I feel like we have so much to catch up on! In the meantime, I’ll be counting down the days until we can see each other again. Thank you for visiting!

In conclusion, we hope that these thank you messages and the message samples that we’ve provided, will give you some guidance and inspiration as you craft your thank-you messages for your visitors.

Signing off with a “thank you” is never a bad idea.

Related posts:

  • 35 Thank You for Making Me a Mom Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 33 Thank You for Bringing This to My Attention Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 53 Thank You Mentor Notes & Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 42 Thank You for Believing in Me Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 41 Thank You for Accepting My Friend Request Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 30 Thank You for Raising the Man of My Dreams Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 32 Thank You for Waking Me Up Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 55 Thank You for Your Hard Work and Dedication
  • 34 Thank You for Registering Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)
  • 61 Thank You for Volunteering Messages (Heartfelt & Inspiring)

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15 house etiquette dos & don'ts when visiting someone’s home

Follow these tips to avoid making any of the same mistakes.

welcoming white and yellow hallway decorating scheme

Now that we're able to visit friends and family again post lockdown, have we forgotten how to behave outside our own home?

1. Avoid asking for the WiFi code right away

Even though most of us are often glued to our mobile phones, it can be seen as rude to dive straight in for the WiFi code when you are visiting a friend or family member. Even if you are visiting a close friend, it is polite to wait a little before bringing out your phone and trying to connect to the WiFi.

2. Take your shoes off when you enter

Different households have different views on shoes in the home so it is always best to make sure you're on the same page. As you arrive at the entrance , it is good etiquette to remove your shoes before walking through the home, or check with the homeowner to see if they would prefer that you did so before going any further.

lagom inspired hallway

3. Keep screens away from the dinner table

After your hosts have gone to the effort of serving up a lovely meal, getting your phone out at mealtimes can be seen as a rude gesture. Taking a break from the screen, even if it is just while at the dinner table, is polite etiquette. It also allows you to enjoy uninterrupted time with your loved ones and friends as you tuck into a home cooked meal.

4. Don't go into bedrooms without permission

The bedroom is one of the most personal and private areas of our homes, which is why you should stay clear of it unless you are invited in. Sticking to communal areas such as the living room , kitchen and bathrooms will ensure that you don't risk overstepping the mark and making your host feel uncomfortable.

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5. Avoid the temptation to open up the fridge

It is common courtesy to stay away from your host's fridge and kitchen cabinets , instead asking their permission if you would like any food or drink, rather than helping yourself. Many homeowners feel uncomfortable if they notice that their guests are snooping, so unless you have the green light to do so, avoid heading into the kitchen cabinets or fridge without asking first.

6. Don't turn up to a dinner party empty handed

Whether you're attending a family dinner, a meal with co-workers or a reunion with friends, showing your appreciation towards the host is considered good etiquette. It doesn't have to be a big or expensive gift, but a simple gesture to say thank you for hosting can go a long way. Common gifts include a bottle of wine, bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates.

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Vegan Favourites Gift Box

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7. wait to be offered food before tucking in.

Helping yourself to food at somebody else's house can be misinterpreted as bad manners, especially if you are not particularly close with the homeowner. It is always good practice to double check before you begin tucking in. Wait for food to be offered or ask if you are okay to eat any food that may be within reach and left out.

8. Appreciate and accept food that is offered to you

And while we are on the topic of food, if a host has put the time and effort into making food and drink for their guests, it can be seen as rude if you turn it down completely. Although this will differ from person to person, it is polite to join the homeowners in enjoying their offerings, even if it's just in small quantities. Of course, this may not be applicable if you have dietary requirements or are making an unplanned appearance. But people often like to see their guests enjoying their hospitality.

friends having dinner at a wooden table

9. Keep your feet off of the furniture

Even if you're used to putting your feet up on the coffee table or relaxing across the sofa in your own home, it is polite to avoid doing this when at somebody else's. Some people do not like feet on the furniture, even if you are wearing socks or slippers, as this may be seen as a sign of disrespect for their home. If you are visiting a close friend or family member and feel comfortable in their home, it is still courtesy to ask for permission to do so before you make yourself too comfy.

10. Don't bring four legged friends along without asking first

Bringing your pet along to someone else's home without prior discussion can catch homeowners by surprise and it may not always be a welcome addition. Instead of assuming that it will be fine to do so, always check that the homeowners are happy for you to bring your pets along. Make sure to check in advance that there are no allergies, children or other pets to worry about as well.

11. Always flush the toilet

Although this may seem obvious, not everyone is in the habit of flushing the toilet after use. Regardless of whether you're on a mission to save water in your own home, make sure to flush when you're a guest in somebody else's. And on that note, always ensure the toilet lid is put down after use.

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12. Use a coaster when putting drinks down

You never want to leave unsightly ring marks on a surface, especially if the furniture is not your own! To ensure that this doesn't happen, always ask for a coaster before you place your drink down. If the host doesn’t use coasters or has no more to use, at least you've asked and have been given their go ahead.

13. Take your outerwear off when you're indoors

Even if you're not planning to stay for long, it is good etiquette to remove your coat and any winter woollies such as hats, scarves and gloves when you enter a home. For a homeowner, having guests who are dressed for the outdoors can be an unsettling feeling, making them worry that their home may be cold indoors. It may also leave them unable to relax as you look ready to head right out.

14. Wash your hands before dinner

We're used to washing our hands now more than ever, but before you sit down at the table to enjoy a meal, make sure your hands are clean and fresh. This is especially true if you are breaking up bread, sharing serving utensils or pouring drinks.

15. Keep your opinions on how they've decorated to yourself

And finally, although this should be obvious, making negative comments about the appearance of your family or friend's home can be taken the wrong way. Even if you have good intentions, keep any criticisms to yourself unless you are asked for your opinion. After all, everyone has different tastes!

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450+ Thank You For Visiting Us Messages For Every Occasion

Expressing gratitude is important, and sending a “Thank You for Visiting Us” message is a great way to show appreciation to those who have taken the time to visit your business, event, or website.

These messages suggest warmth, sincerity, and a sense of hospitality. They symbolize your recognition of their support and represent your commitment to providing a positive experience.

Whether it’s a customer, a guest, or a visitor, a well-crafted thank you message refers to the value you place on their presence and symbolizes your dedication to building meaningful connections. Send a heartfelt message that leaves a lasting impression.

Table of Contents

Tips For Writing A Thank You For Visiting Us Message

  • 1 Start with a warm greeting: Begin your message with a friendly greeting, such as “Dear [Name],” or “Hello [Name],”
  • 2 Thank them for visiting: Express your gratitude for the person taking the time to visit your business, office, or event. Be specific about what they did and how it impacted your organization. For example, “Thank you so much for visiting our office last week. We really appreciated the opportunity to show you around and share our latest projects.”
  • 3 Personalize your message: If you have any specific memories or highlights from their visit, mention them in your message to show that you remember and appreciate their time with you.
  • 4 Reflect on the experience: Share your thoughts and feelings about the visit, and describe what you learned from it. You could also ask for their feedback to improve your service or experience.
  • 5 Offer future opportunities: End the message by thanking them again and mentioning the possibility of future visits, business opportunities or collaborations. You could also include your contact information in case they need to reach out to you in the future.
  • 6 Use a professional closing: End your message with a professional closing such as “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” or “Yours faithfully.”

Thank You for Visiting Us Template

Dear [Name],

Thank you so much for visiting our office last week. It was a pleasure to show you around and discuss our latest projects. Your interest and enthusiasm were truly appreciated.

We hope that you found the visit informative and enjoyable, and we would love to hear any feedback or comments you may have. We value your opinion and are always looking for ways to improve our services.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further information. We look forward to staying in touch and working together in the future.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Thank You For Visiting Us Messages

  • It’s nice to have you with us today. Thank you for paying a warm visit to our store. Please visit again. 
  • It truly was a lovely time with you and your family. I cannot wait to plan our next meeting. Thank you for visiting me. 
  • Hey! You looked your best at today’s gathering at my place. Please make sure of our next visit. Thank you for visiting me. 
  • Hello, @NAME. Thanks for visiting our store. We are glad for your interest in our shop items. Please stop by again!
  • I owe you a treat for the tasty cookies and delightful conversation last day. I feel honored to have you visit me. 
  • Since you visited, I have felt excellently happy and excited to meet you again. Would you mind passing by sometimes? 
  • Thank you for your purchase. We genuinely appreciate your support and business. Expecting to serve you once again.
  • Hey @name, I appreciate the effort you took to come up to my place. Thank you, friend; visit again.
  • You have been a wonderful customer. We would love to welcome you again. Please drop by again!
  • We are glad to assist a customer like you. Thank you for your unconditional support! We hope for a quick visit for you shortly. 
  • Hey, thanks for joining us today! Nathan and I were delighted to have you both for dinner. Let’s plan for the next outing someday. 
  • I cherish that you and your family visited us with such efforts. All I can say is thank you for your time and empathy. Let’s plan another visit. 
  • @Name, I had a great time because of you & it was much needed! I appreciate it.
  • Dear, thank you for stopping by and making me happy this much. Wish to see you again.  I couldn’t believe you spared the time to see me, spend some time with me. I genuinely appreciate that you came to my place. 
  • Feeling absolutely honored and blessed that you thought about me and came to visit me. Thank you for visiting me. 
  • It’s surely great to have you with us today. Thank you very much for your visit.
  • I am grateful for your gesture, and I would like to express my gratitude to you for such a sweet visit to my place. Come again. 
  • I feel so honored to get such a surprise visit from you and would love to see you again. God bless you!
  • Thank you, @NAME, for this lovely visit. May God bless you and guide you safely back home. Can’t wait to spend time with you again. 
  • I appreciate the effort you took to get here! This message is to let you know how much I love you. I expect you to revisit my place soon. 
  • Cannot express how much I am honored by your gesture. You made my day better just by coming by. Please visit again soon.
  • My day could not be better than this. Your presence makes me feel happy and younger once again. Would love to enjoy your company again!
  • My friend, thank you for coming to encourage me. This place is less fun without you. I hope you safely got home. 
  • I am grateful to you for making the very first purchase with @Company Name. I am glad you find the best piece at our store. Come, visit again. 
  • Thank you for stopping by here. We acknowledge your business with us, and we will attempt to do our best to make your revisit. 
  • We had a delightful time providing you with the kind of service you deserve. We can’t hold our excitement to have you back here soon.
  • We cannot thank you enough for your awesome support. Our store would like to revisit customers like you. You rock! 
  • I really appreciate all your support. It means everything to us! Hope to serve you again in the future. Thank you and visit again. 
  • Dear @NAME, I already hate that I had to say goodbye to you. I cannot thank you enough for this meaningful time we spent. Thank you so much for visiting!
  • I am so thankful for your time, effort, and initiative in giving me a sudden visit. Please, let’s do this again. I miss you already!
  • The effort you have put into coming to see me, I am very much blessed and thankful for that. I cherish all the moments we spent, no matter long or short. 
  • Thanks a million for coming by and creating uncountable memories to cherish for a lifetime. Thanks again! I could never pull this up without you. 
  • @Name, your friendliness, honesty, and comeliness have added new value to my life. I could never imagine you would come by suddenly. Expecting you again already.
  • Your visit last week was a true pleasure for me. I felt so good, refreshed, and happy by all that laughter we shared and seeing you catching me up. Thank you for visiting. 
  • How can I appreciate you enough for making my weekend so much fun? It means a lot to me. Gracious for stopping by!
  • Hey @NAME, last night’s party was full of fun because of your unexpected visit. You have highlighted this day in my memories. Please, visit us often. 
  • I felt delighted to have you all with me last weekend. I hope to see you guys more often in the future. 
  • Dear Mr. & Mrs. @name, it’s my pleasure that you stopped by my place on this special occasion. I cannot appreciate your presence enough. Lord bless you.
  • Since you surprised me with your unplanned visit, I feel so happy and better. Please visit again soon. 
  • Hi @Name, thank you for bringing such a positive aura to me by stopping by my place. We had a great time giggling and chatting together. Thank you for visiting me.
  • Thank you for taking the time to visit us. Your presence and interest are greatly appreciated.
  • It was a pleasure to have you visit us. Thank you for sharing your time and insights with us.
  • Your visit to our office was a great honor. Thank you for your valuable feedback and suggestions.
  • We are grateful for your visit and the opportunity to showcase our work. Thank you for your support.
  • Thank you for visiting us and showing interest in our mission. We hope to stay in touch and collaborate in the future.
  • Your visit made our day. Thank you for brightening our office and sharing your enthusiasm with us.
  • We appreciate your visit and the chance to connect with you. Thank you for your interest and support.
  • Your visit was a great boost to our team. Thank you for your encouragement and valuable feedback.
  • Thank you for visiting us and making our work feel appreciated. We hope to see you again soon.
  • It was a pleasure to meet you and show you around. Thank you for your interest in our work and your valuable feedback.

Thank You Note for Visiting

Dear [Name], thank you so much for visiting us! It was wonderful to have you here and spend time together. Your presence made our day brighter.

Thank you for stopping by! We truly appreciate your visit and enjoyed catching up with you. It means a lot to us that you took the time to come over.

Dear [Name], we wanted to express our gratitude for visiting us. Your company was delightful, and we hope to see you again soon.

Thank you for coming to see us! It was a pleasure to have you as our guest. Your visit brought joy to our home.

Dear [Name], we are grateful for your recent visit. Your presence added warmth to our gathering, and we thoroughly enjoyed your company.

Thank you for dropping by! Your visit was a pleasant surprise, and we had a great time catching up with you. Your friendship means a lot to us.

Dear [Name], we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for visiting us. Your visit made us feel special, and we cherish the memories we created together.

Thank you for coming over! It was such a pleasure to host you. Your visit brought happiness and laughter to our home.

Dear [Name], we are truly grateful for your visit. Your presence created a wonderful atmosphere, and we had an amazing time with you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us. Your friendship is cherished, and we are grateful for the memories we made together.

Dear [Name], we want to express our appreciation for your recent visit. Your company was delightful, and we treasure the moments we shared.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Your visit brought us joy, and we are grateful for the opportunity to spend time with you.

Dear [Name], we are thankful for your visit. Your friendship means a lot to us, and we thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together.

Thank you for coming to see us! Your visit was a wonderful surprise, and we had a fantastic time with you. Your presence made our day memorable.

Dear [Name], we want to convey our gratitude for your recent visit. Your company was uplifting, and we appreciate the memories we created together.

Thank you for making time to visit us. Your presence added warmth and happiness to our home, and we are thankful for your friendship.

Dear [Name], we are grateful for your visit. Your arrival brought smiles to our faces, and we enjoyed every moment spent with you.

Thank you for stopping by! Your visit was a breath of fresh air, and we treasure the laughter and conversations we shared.

Dear [Name], we want to express our sincere thanks for your recent visit. Your presence brought happiness to our hearts, and we are grateful for the memories we made.

Thank you for coming over! Your visit was a delight, and we had an amazing time with you. Your friendship is valued and appreciated.

Dear [Name], we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation for your visit. Your company was a true blessing, and we are grateful for the moments we shared.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence! Your visit brought joy and laughter to our home, and we cherish the memories we made together.

Dear [Name], we are truly thankful for your recent visit. Your friendship is cherished, and we thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit us. Your presence added warmth and happiness to our gathering, and we are grateful for your friendship.

Dear [Name], we want to convey our gratitude for your visit. Your company was delightful, and we appreciate the laughter and conversations we shared.

Thanks For Coming Messages

Thank you for coming! Your presence made our event even more special.

We’re so grateful that you took the time to join us. Your support means the world to us.

It was wonderful having you here. Thank you for being a part of our celebration.

Your presence made a difference. Thank you for coming and making our day brighter.

We appreciate you coming and sharing in our joyous occasion. Thank you for being there.

Thank you for gracing us with your presence. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.

We’re grateful that you could make it. Thank you for coming and making our event memorable.

Your attendance made a significant impact. Thank you for being a part of our special day.

We’re so glad you could join us. Your presence added so much to the atmosphere.

Thank you for coming and celebrating with us. Your support means everything to us.

We’re thankful for your presence. Your company made the event more enjoyable.

It was a pleasure to have you here. Thank you for coming and sharing in our happiness.

Your attendance made a difference. Thank you for being there for us.

We appreciate you taking the time to join us. Thank you for being a part of our special occasion.

Thank you for coming and making our event a success. Your presence made all the difference.

How Do You Thank Someone For Visiting Your Office

To thank someone for visiting your office, you can use the following steps:

  • Express your gratitude: Begin by expressing your appreciation for their visit. Use a polite and warm tone to convey your gratitude.
  • Personalize your message: Mention something specific about their visit or any positive impact it had on your office. This shows that you paid attention to their presence and value their visit.
  • Highlight their importance: Acknowledge the significance of their visit and how it contributed to the success of your office. This helps to make the person feel valued and appreciated.
  • Offer specific compliments: Compliment the visitor on something noteworthy that they did or achieved during their visit. It could be their knowledge, skills, or any positive impact they had on your office environment.
  • Express future expectations: Convey your enthusiasm for the possibility of future interactions or collaborations. Let them know that you look forward to their continued involvement and express a desire to stay connected.
  • End on a positive note: Conclude your message by reiterating your gratitude and extending well wishes. Offer any further assistance they might need and leave the conversation on a positive and friendly note.

Expressing gratitude to visitors through “Thank You for Visiting Us” messages fosters a positive connection.

These heartfelt gestures leave a lasting impression and enhance customer satisfaction. Remember, a simple thank you goes a long way in building meaningful relationships.

Unlock More Messages ? And Dive Into The Following Articles

More To Explore:

  • “The Gratitude Diaries” Book Summary + Lessons + Inspiring Quotes
  • 45 Useless Websites To Take Break From The Work
  • 350+ Best Out Of Office Messages to Impress and Engage
  • 250+ Appreciation Messages To Share And Brighten Days
  • 350+ Goodbye And Good Luck Messages And Wishes

Rahul Panchal

“Vision, strategy, and inspiration – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of “TheLeaderboy” dedicated to leadership and personal development. As a self-taught practitioner, I have been studying the principles of effective leadership for the past decade and my passion lies in sharing my insights with others. My mission is to empower individuals to become better leader

Thank You Message After Visiting a Friend

One of the first things we do when we become friends with someone is to go to each other’s house. It deepens a friendship even further. It’s a thoughtful gesture to invite your friends over and treat them well as your house guests. Therefore, if you have been invited to stay at your friends’ house as their house guest and would like to express your gratitude for their hospitality, we offer some thank you messages after visiting a friend that will assist you with the task. Here you will find some heart touching thank you messages after visiting a friend to melt down their hearts with your gratitude.

Thank you for having me over here, buddy! You are a great soul and a great host.

I had a wonderful time at your place. Thank you for your amazing hospitality .

I appreciate you having me over and treating me to such a delicious meal; I had a really good time there. Thank you, my friend.

Thank you for your wholehearted efforts to make us smile at this visit to your house. May you be always happy.

thank you messages after visiting a friend

Finally, I was able to visit your home, and I want to thank you for being so welcoming to me while I was there. You have a lovely home.

Your amazing hospitality elated me, dear friend. Thank you for having me over and serving me such lovely food.

Thank you for letting me stay at your house and for your kindness while I was there. My friend, I truly felt at home in your house.

It was wonderful visiting you and becoming acquainted with your family. Thank you for your precious time and company. I felt such a warm welcome from all of you.

This was so kind and commendable of you to host me in such a great way. Thank you so much for the invite, buddy. Have a nice day!

heart touching thank you message after visiting a friend

My friend, your home was just as I had imagined it to be; it was like you, welcoming and warm. Thank you for having me.

I will always remember your invitation, buddy. Your hospitality and efforts to put a smile on my face are appreciable. Have a great day!

Thank you for inviting me over to your place, buddy. After all this time, it was so nice to see you and catch up with you.

By inviting me to stay at your home and giving me your kind hospitality, you made my weekend. My friend, I can’t wait to visit you soon again.

Happiness fills my heart when you are around me. Thank you for taking care of me, even today!

I just cannot decide between your wonderful home, the delicious dinner, and the conversations if you asked me which part, I enjoyed the most on the visit. Thank you for having me.

best heart touching thank you message after visiting a friend

Even though I dropped by so unexpectedly, you treated me with such warmth and hospitality. I appreciate you letting me stay at your house.

Thank you for having us at your home, my friend. We hope you will visit our home one day so we can repay you for your incredible hospitality.

It was very nice and kind of you to invite me to your place. I pray and hope for your well-being, buddy.

Thank you, dear friend, for inviting us to your residence. We had an awesome time visiting your place.

All my gratitude shall be directed toward you, dear friend. The way you hosted this amazing gathering really made my day!

Also Read: Thank You Messages For Friends

We enjoy spending time with close friends and people we admire. Especially if our friends invite us to their homes, we appreciate it a lot. To express our appreciation, we like to send messages of gratitude to our buddies and close ones. But, we have to know how to thank a friend after visiting him/her. A few words of appreciation and thanks go a long way in building a lasting relationship.

The above thank you messages should help you show your appreciation toward your friend who you just visited. Use them to create stronger bonds with your friends, and witness the power of these small gestures in creating stronger friendships.

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35 Better Ways to Say ‘Thank You For Visiting Me’

Updated 08/1/2022

Published 09/4/2020

Joe Oliveto, BA in English

Joe Oliveto, BA in English

Contributing writer

Let someone know how much you appreciated seeing them with one of these 'thank you for visiting' messages.

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The company of friends and family is one of life’s greatest joys. It can also help us cope with life’s sorrows.

Jump ahead to these sections:

How to thank faraway guests for visiting you, how to thank someone for visiting while you were sick, how to thank a close friend for visiting you at home, how to thank someone for visiting you during difficult times, how to thank someone for visiting you in the hospital, how to thank someone for visiting your store or business, how to thank someone for visiting your church or place of worship.

That said, we don’t always get to see the important people in our lives as often as we might like. Maybe they live far away. Maybe you have busy lifestyles. Maybe both.

Thus, when people do visit us, we want to make sure we say “Thank you for visiting” in a way that genuinely conveys our appreciation. If you feel like a simple “thank you” isn’t enough, there are plenty of other ways to let someone know you’re thrilled they came to see you.

The following are just a few examples. Keep them in mind the next time you want someone to understand just how much you appreciated seeing them.

How to thank guests who live far away

When someone visits from far away, saying “Thank you for visiting” is particularly important. Consider doing so in one of the following ways.

1. Show them around

People visiting from far away may not be very familiar with your area.

Help them get the most out of their trip (and show your gratitude in the process) by taking them out to meals, showing them interesting local spots, and paying for them to enjoy activities unique to your area.

2. Cover their travel expenses

This might not be an option for everyone’s budget, but you could easily let guests know you appreciate them visiting by covering the travel expenses for at least one half of their trip.

3. Help with the packing

If you can’t afford to cover travel expenses for friends or family who traveled a long distance to see you, you can still address other practical concerns.

For example, if they traveled from far away, there’s a good chance they’ll have a lot of packing to do when they prepare to go back home. Make their last few days with you less stressful by helping them pack.

4. Make arrangements to visit them

We appreciate it when people travel from far away to see us because it indicates they care enough about us to spend a decent amount of precious time and money on a visit.

Show them you feel the same way by quickly making genuine arrangements to visit them sometime in the future.

5. Write a long letter 

This may seem like a simple gesture, but it involves more than writing a short thank you note .

Show guests who visited from far away your gratitude by sending them a long letter describing all the fun experiences you enjoyed because they made the trip.

A visit from a friend or loved one can make a big difference when you’re sick. Use one of these ideas to show your gratitude for these visits.

6. Send them a ‘Doctor Certification’ 

This is a cute way to say “Thank you for visiting” to someone who was there when you were sick if you both have a light-hearted sense of humor.

With your computer, you could create a fake doctor’s “certification” or diploma for someone who visited you. Include wording describing them as the best “unofficial doctor” (or something similar) and send it as a thank you gift.

7. Insist on helping

Odds are good you’ll have opportunities in the future to help out someone who visited you while you were sick. Examples can include cooking dinner for them when they’re busy, watching their kids, helping them move, and much more.

Make a list of ways you can help such a person, and insist on doing so until they accept your offer. Just don’t accept any payment for your help!

8. Send pictures of your progress

As you recover from an illness or injury, send pictures to your visitors demonstrating your progress, and let them know you sincerely believe you’ve recovered more quickly than you otherwise would’ve thanks to their company.

9. Thank them publicly

One of the best ways to say “Thank you for visiting” to someone who visited you while you were ill is simple: thank them.

However, instead of thanking them privately, write a public thank you post on social media. Letting your social media followers know just how much you appreciated the visits can turn a simple thank you into something much more special. 

10. Take them out 

One of the most common ways to show gratitude to someone who visits when you’re sick (particularly if they helped around the house during their visit) is to offer to pay them for their help.

The problem is, people usually won’t accept such offers. Instead, you can compensate them by taking them out to dinner or any other activity/experience you know they’ll enjoy.

How to Thank a Close Friend For Visiting You at Home

Simple visits from friends can yield plenty of happy memories. These ideas will help you thank a friend for making those memories possible.

11. Document the occasion 

Make sure a friend knows you appreciated their visit by taking pictures and/or video throughout their stay, and sending the pictures and videos to them after they return home.

12. Prepare their favorite food and drink

Let a friend visiting your home know you’re grateful by having some of their favorite foods and beverages readily available as soon as they arrive. It’s a small gesture that nevertheless shows genuine thoughtfulness.

13. Give a gift

It’s not uncommon to thank guests on special occasions (such as weddings) by giving them thank you gifts.

Show a friend you consider their visit to be special by sending them back home with the type of gift you would normally reserve for such occasions.

14. Gush about it on social media

Similar to publicly thanking someone who visited when you were sick on social media, posting pictures and videos of your friend’s visit on social media and describing how you had a great time will let them know you’re glad they stopped by.

15. Make future plans 

Friends want to feel welcome in your home when they visit. Prove to them they certainly are by making concrete plans for another visit in the near future before they leave.

Doing so will indicate you appreciated their visit so much you can’t wait for the next one.

Knowing how to thank someone for visiting during a difficult time can feel at least as tough as knowing how to ask for help in the first place, Luckily, it doesn’t have to.

16. Call (randomly) 

A thank you is often most effective when it’s a surprise. For example, you could make someone’s day by randomly calling them, asking if they have time to chat, and explaining to them how much their visit helped you cope with a painful situation.

If they’re the type to visit during difficult times, they’ll probably be willing to set aside a few minutes to listen to your gratitude—and they’ll appreciate it!

17. Do something fun

Visiting someone struggling with difficult life circumstances is emotionally draining.

When you’re doing better, pay someone back for making such a visit by planning a fun experience for the two of you to enjoy.

18. “I know you were also going through…”

No one’s life is completely free of difficulties. It’s highly likely someone who visited you during a hard time was also struggling with some of their own challenges, even if they were as seemingly minor as a tense relationship with a coworker.

Regardless of the specific way you say thank you to someone, let them know you understand they were also going through their own difficulties (be sure to name the specific difficulties, too), and you appreciate how they set those aside to care for you.

19. Set a goal (and achieve it)

When a friend or family member visits you during a painful time, they want to believe their visit will help you overcome your challenges in the long run. Thus, you might set a goal together during their visit. Achieving a major personal goal is often a sign you’ve recovered from difficult circumstances.

Most importantly, make every attempt to genuinely achieve this goal, and let the person who helped you set the goal know you couldn’t have done it without them once you do achieve it.

20. Send a book of thank you quotes 

Some people struggle to say “Thank you for visiting during difficult times” because they’re simply not great with words. Not all of us are poets, after all.

Don’t worry if you feel this way about yourself. You could still show gratitude by sending someone a book of famous thank you quotes , highlighting those you think best convey your feelings.

How to Thank Someone For Visiting You in the Hospital

An extended stay in a hospital is often an unpleasant experience regardless of your reason for hospitalization. Visits from friends and family can make this experience much easier than it might otherwise be. Thank those who stopped by while you were in the hospital in one of the following ways:

21. Help with errands or household tasks

Someone who visited you in the hospital may have had to rearrange their daily schedule to do so. Thank them for traveling to see you despite having to inconvenience themselves to make the trip by helping out with certain essential tasks they may have fallen behind on.

22. Update them on your progress

A person who visits you in the hospital likely does so at least in part because they want to know you are recovering from an illness or injury. Thus, when you’re out of the hospital, you could express your appreciation by regularly updating them on your recovery. Be sure to thank them for visiting you every time you send these updates!

23. Grab a gift from the hospital gift shop

Many hospitals have gift shops. Although many of the items they sell are the type of gifts someone might buy for a patient at the hospital, they may also offer certain general items (such as flowers) that you could pick up as a gift for someone who visited you as you’re leaving the hospital.

24. Pay for their gas

This is a lot more practical and a lot less sentimental than many of the other items on this list, but nevertheless, it might be the proper way to thank someone who visited you in the hospital if they had to drive a relatively long way to get there. Simply paying for their gas is a means of acknowledging that you know they chose to go out of their way to offer you some comfort when you needed it.

25. Remember to visit them

There may come a day when someone who visited you in the hospital falls ill, is hospitalized, or otherwise finds themself in a similar position to the one in which you were in during your hospital stay. Remember how much it meant when they stopped by to check on you, and return the favor by visiting them in their time of need. 

This might not be a way to thank someone for visiting you in the hospital immediately after you return home, but it’s nevertheless a meaningful way to express your appreciation if you ever get this opportunity.

Starting a business is both an exciting and intimidating experience. A simple visit from a friend, family member, or loyal customer can help you maintain your enthusiasm instead of worrying about your business’ future, particularly during the critical early stages of growth. Thank someone for this type of gesture in one of the following ways:

26. Offer a discount

You don’t necessarily want to cultivate a reputation for being the type of business owner who consistently reserves “special treatment” for family members and friends while not offering the same treatment to other customers. 

However, if someone you know supports your business shortly after you open your doors, it’s perfectly acceptable to thank them by offering discounts, coupons for future purchases, or even free items (as long as they know they shouldn’t expect this to be a regular policy).

27. Visit their store or business

Does the person who visited your store or business have their own business as well? If so, support them in return by visiting their business or making a purchase if they only operate online. You could also refer your own customers to their business to help it grow and thrive.

28. Acknowledge them on social media

Regardless of their industries, in the digital age, most successful businesses have social media presences. You can use your social media pages to publicly thank early customers who have visited your business.

29. Name an item or special after them

True, this isn’t a method that will work for all business owners, but if your new business is a restaurant, cafe, or similar type of establishment, you might consider expressing your appreciation for an early supporter by naming a menu item after them. Just make sure you get their permission before doing so!

30. Offer them a job

This is another way to thank someone for visiting your business that likely won’t apply in all situations. That said, if someone you know is looking for work and supports your business despite having money troubles of their own, if you can justify doing so without harming your business’ finances, consider offering them a job.

31. Invite them to business events

If you’re a small business owner who arranges parties and other such events for your employees, there may be instances when it’s also appropriate to invite non-employees who regularly visit your business to these events. Doing so is a way of showing gratitude that can result in even greater customer loyalty.

How to Thank Someone For Visiting Your Church

There are many reasons you may want to thank someone for visiting your place of worship when they otherwise might not have felt inclined to. Thank someone for joining you at your church or other such religious institution in the following ways:

32. Thank them for researching your customs and traditions

Whether someone has visited your place of worship for a wedding, funeral, initiation rite (such as a bar mitzvah or First Communion), or any similar event, if you notice they clearly did their homework to ensure they were respectful of your religion throughout the ceremony, let them know you appreciate the effort they put in. 

You can verbally express your thanks, mention this detail in a letter, or even merely send a text message thanking them for going the extra mile.

33. Thank them for being open to embracing your religion

Again, the potential reasons why someone might visit your place of worship with you are numerous and varied. For example, someone might agree to attend a religious ceremony with you because you are encouraging them to convert and you want them to at least expose themselves to your religion before dismissing the idea entirely.

After the visit, they might decide that converting is not something they wish to do. Even if this happens, you should still thank them for making an honest attempt to experience your religion in such an important setting.

34. Thank them in a speech

Once more, a common reason to visit someone’s place of worship when you are not a member of the same religious community is to attend a wedding or other religious event. Those organizing these events often deliver speeches during or after them. 

If you’re giving such a speech, take the opportunity to thank all those in attendance who participated in your religious traditions even though they might not have been familiar with them.

35. Acknowledge that the experience may have made them uncomfortable

You might be thanking someone for visiting your church or place of worship because you know that they don’t share your religious beliefs, but nevertheless agreed to accompany you because they knew that doing so was important to you.

For example, maybe your family is religious, and a new romantic partner has visited your place of worship despite not being a member of your religious community because they understand the value of making the right impression on your loved ones. In such instances, a thank you can be particularly meaningful if it acknowledges that someone put themselves in an uncomfortable position for you.

‘Thank You For Visiting’: Celebrating Friends and Family

Regardless of your life circumstances, visits from the important people in your life can bring tremendous happiness. These ideas will help you show your gratitude.


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Hello Greeting

Express Gratitude with 200+ Thank You For Visiting Us Messages

Special Thank You For Visiting Messages : We often visit our relatives and loved one and they also visit us. You can express gratitude with thank you messages when someone visit you. Anyone who took the time to visit you deserves a sincere “thank you”. When we welcome someone to our home or office as a member of the crew, we send thank-you cards.

Everyone enjoys such actions, so make a statement like how much you liked their company to steal the show. Thank them for coming and ask them to come again. Here are a few Thank you for Visiting us Messages for your visit to a separate page. I hope these are useful to you.

Thank You For Visiting Us Messages .

  • 1 Thank You For Visiting Us Messages.
  • 2 Thoughtful Notes to Say “Thank You for Visiting Us”
  • 3 Thank You For Visiting Messages for Home Guest
  • 4 Thank you for Visiting Me Message
I adored your family and the vibe you all gave off during this stay. My family and I are appreciative for your incredible enthusiasm. Hope to have you back soon. Love to you all.
I’m still processing how great the company was when you were there. Thank you for coming in and adding so much magic to our stay. I will speak with you soon. Again, I want to thank you for attending.

Thank You For Visiting Us Messages

We appreciate you coming with your family. It was wonderful having you stay with me. May we soon be able to enjoy a joint celebration.
We were all happily surprised when you came to see us! Your attendance was much valued by us and was greatly appreciated. I appreciate your pleasantly surprising present.
Our whole team had an amazing day because of your kind visit to our company with several of your employees. It was a pleasure to have you stop by, even with your hectic schedule.

Thank You For Visiting Us Messages

We appreciate you stopping by. We notice that distinct energy are there every time you drop by our location. Continue to come see us and let us assist you.
After your visit, we all developed a fresh motivation. Thank you for coming so quickly. I do hope you liked it. Kindly stop by soon.
It was wonderful to see you at our house. Please feel free to visit us again whenever you want to. We always appreciate having you here. We once again appreciate your visit.

Thank You For Visiting Us Messages images

The office was really happy and the staff’s morale was raised by your presence! Thank you for coming.
We are grateful that you came by our office. It dramatically enhanced employee happiness and generated a positive work environment!
Thanks for being here. You were extremely kind to me. You have my eternal gratitude for your thoughtful visit.

Thank You For Visiting Us Messages images

We appreciate you coming to our store. Serving you was a huge privilege. I felt welcome in your presence and had a great time during our stay. Please stop by soon.

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Thoughtful Notes to Say “Thank You for Visiting Us”

Hello, Fairy Even though you’ve only been gone for a few days, Jim and I are still in shock about how much fun we had last week as a group. Thank you so much for stopping by, and please, please come again soon. We can’t thank you enough.
Hello, Fairy I appreciate you taking the time to see me last week despite the fact that California is hundreds of miles away. I was quite grateful and honoured that you had thought of me, though I didn’t express it at the time. I’m grateful, thank you for visiting us.
Hello, John I hope Jane and you arrived home safely and are staying warm (I read that Montreal is very cold this time of the year). We appreciate you stopping by. Without you, Brooklyn is already less enjoyable.
Dear Joanie, it’s your mother. Your visit on Friday was truly enjoyable. With all that laughter and catching up, I felt so invigorated. I appreciate your visit, my baby, so much. For me, please say hi to Tom and the kids.
Hey Mike and John, it was a great highlight of our lives to have you both here last weekend. The children had a lovely day, and it was wonderful to see you again. I appreciate you coming over, and I hope we can continue to work together.
Hello Luise We appreciate your attendance at the fundraiser last night. Without you there, I’m sure it wouldn’t have been as exciting or prosperous as it was. I appreciate you contributing your energies as well. Thank you for visiting us.
Dad, I appreciate you coming to my fundraiser last night at the museum. With you in the crowd, I felt more braver about hosting the event. I want you to know how much I appreciate your steadfast support of all my initiatives and concepts.
Dear Norma Jean, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for coming to our theater’s grand opening last night. Thank you so much for being the kind, considerate, and caring people that you are; without you, we wouldn’t be here.
Sullivan, Mr. I would like to thank you on behalf of the board for your support of our fundraiser last weekend. We greatly appreciated your participation and contribution. Because to the help you so kindly provided, we are one step closer to realising our goals.
Greetings , Miss Brightman Jen from Caliber Inc. here. I’d want to personally thank you for stopping by our booth at the Tech Fair last weekend. We hope you browse through the rest of our product offerings in the catalog we provided. Send us any feedback you may have at any time.
Greetings, Miss Carter We appreciate you stopping by our table at the town square fair last weekend. I’m hoping the team at our exhibit was able to address all of your inquiries. We intend to keep in touch with you in the future. I want to thank you once more for coming.
Dear Mr. Smith: On behalf of Pet Toys Inc., I would like to personally thank you for visiting our booth at the Broomfield County Pet Fair and perusing our offerings. As a young business, it’s people like you who keep us going.

Thank You For Visiting Messages for Home Guest

We appreciate you coming to visit us and spreading so much joy. We appreciate you stopping by.

Thank You For Visiting Us images

Thank you for visiting my house and filling it with such uplifting energy. Being with you here is a privilege. I really enjoyed having you around.
You offered my wife and I a pleasant surprise by dropping by our house, which we both appreciated. Our hearts are warmed by your presence.
I can’t even begin to tell you how happy you made me by simply coming to see me at home. I like being in your quiet presence. Do come back soon!
It’s wonderful to have you here in our beautiful house with us. May you remember our visit as fondly as we did. I appreciate you coming by, boss.
You and your family are so genuinely happy! At our next meeting, I’m looking forward to spending more time with you guys. As much as we did, I hope you liked our house and the company.
We appreciate you coming to the house and making the time so enjoyable. I look forward to more enjoyable experiences like this. We appreciate you coming to our location.
We sincerely hope you everyone enjoyed yourselves. It was an honour for us to host your family in our home. We value the time you have spent speaking with us.
We appreciate you coming to see us at our modest home after travelling such a great distance. We value your consideration.
That we could celebrate the holiday together at home makes me very happy. Being able to enjoy yourself with old friends is always a pleasure. We can only hope that there will be many more events soon!

Thank you for Visiting Me Message

It leaves an indelible mark on my life when a friend like you visits me. I appreciate the present, my friend. You not only made my day better, but you also provided me joy that will last as I think back on our time together.

Thank You For Visiting Us images

You came just when we needed you. Amazing meal, great company, and great friends. It was made very special by you, and we had a great time getting back in touch. I appreciate your presence so much.
I am aware of the effort required to get here! I hope you are aware of how much I adore you and how simply stopping by may brighten my year. Thank you for coming to see me, my friend.
I genuinely enjoyed having you stay with me. You were a pleasure to have here, and I look forward to seeing you again.
I’m glad we get to spend some time together. With your companionship, you brightened up a dull moment for me. I appreciate you coming, my friend.
I appreciate you coming to see me, my darling. I’ve been waiting so long to see you. I felt the luckiest having you here. I’m hoping to see you again soon.
I appreciate you coming to see me in the hospital. Your sympathetic support and warm words helped me feel better. You have my heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to visit me. Your comedy makes me laugh every time!
I’m grateful you came, my love. I enjoyed cooking for you, and I found our discussions to be really fascinating.
I appreciate you giving me your time. I am speechless at the sheer delight your visit has provided.
What a wonderful time we had meeting you and learning about all your intriguing new ideas! We are grateful that you took the time to visit us and share them. Even though we don’t get to see one other face-to-face very frequently, you’re always in our hearts. It was wonderful to finally meet you in person!
As the years pass, we’ve grown to understand the importance of our loved ones to us. You are a cherished and dear friend, and your latest visit was exceptionally thoughtful. I hope you had as good of a time as I did. I greatly value our friendship. I appreciate you coming to see me.
I appreciate you taking the time to visit me very much. Whatever the length of our visits, I always value them. Please let’s try this again. I already miss you.
A buddy like you will always be a blessing in my life, no matter how close or how far you are. I appreciate you coming to see me very much. I just hope I treated you well as your host because you were such a kind and kind guest. Feel free to visit us again at any time.
When you have to leave after your visit, it is the saddest part! I had such a special time with you and will always cherish the new memories we made together as well as the ones we shared. Many thanks for stopping by!

Thank You for Visiting Us Message for Business

We were honoured that you visited our office. We sincerely hope you’ll consider coming back soon—we’d love to have you!
Serving as your host in the company was an incredible honour for me. Make an effort to visit our business more frequently. I hope there were no problems. Will be anticipating your upcoming visit.
We are grateful that you came to our important business event. Your presence made the occasion successful and raised the spirits of our personnel.
I hope you all had a good time on our tour of the business. Serving you in the office was a lot of fun for us. I hope you have a wonderful day.
We appreciate you stopping by and being a part of our office adventure. I hope you have a great time servicing you. I’m hoping to hear from you shortly.
I genuinely appreciate you paying a brief visit in honour of our branch. I get how valuable your time is, so thank you for taking part of it to come see us!
I’m grateful that you came to our restaurant. Serving you from our delectable menu was a pleasure. We look forward to your return soon.

It is a sign of good hospitality to let people know you thank them for taking the time and effort to visit you. We have made the work easier for you by providing some wonderful thank you texts for stopping by that can be texted or emailed straight away without any fuss.

Therefore, it has never been simpler to express gratitude. Be sure to express your gratitude to your friends, family, parents, coworkers, boss, and other influential individuals for their visit. A nice word and a considerate action can go a long way. You’ll definitely get their approval if you do it!

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40 Thank You for Visiting Our Church Messages

Here is a list of 40 thank you for visiting our church messages to make your visitors feel welcome and to encourage them to come back again.

#1 I praise God for every face I see in the pulpits during service, the old as well as the new. You’re always welcome here, and thank you for coming.

#2 I couldn’t help but notice that this was your first time joining us in church. We’d be happy for you to make this your place of worship, and feel free to ask any questions you’d like.

#3 I hope your visit to our church made a lasting and favorable impression. I’d like to extend my invitation for you to come back and worship with us again in the future.

#4 I was blessed to notice a new face in the chapel today. Thank you for coming, and we hope to see you back for the next service.

#5 Thank you for joining us for the first time during church today. I pray that you were blessed by it. Please consider coming back so we can enjoy your company.

#6 God bless you for taking the time to come and check out our service. I pray that the Lord impress it upon you to come back and join us if he wants this to be your new church home. I certainly hope so, and hope to see you again.

#7 It’s odd to enter into a group of strangers to come and praise the Lord. But in the family of God, there are no strangers. Thank you for attending our services for the first time, and we hope to see you again.

#8 As a Pastor, I’ve learned to be blessed by the familiar faces in the congregation, but to be double blessed when noticing a new face. Thank you for attending, and you’re always welcome here.

#9 Thank you for your first-time visit. Praising the Lord and worshipping him along with our brothers and sisters is a fellowship like no other. You’re always welcome to come back and join us.

#10 Thank you for coming to visit our home away from home. The place where we praise, worship, and commune, with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You’re always welcome to come back to join us.

#11 Anyone who comes to visit our church is a blessing. I pray that you were just as blessed with the services and the message, as we were with your attendance.

#12 All of God’s children are welcome to come and glorify Christ Jesus here at our assembly. Thank you for attending, and we hope to see you again soon!

#13 Your visit to our church was appreciated by everyone. Thank you for meeting with us, and we look forward to seeing you back in the future.

#14 All who come to commune with the brethren are welcome to come back and do it all over again. Thank you for your visit, and I hope that the Lord tugs at your heart to return.

#15 As Pastor, I was excited to see a new face in the congregation today. You are more than welcome to come back, and God bless you in Jesus’ name.

#16 Thank you so much for visiting our church. It was great to see your warm smile and get to know you. We would love it if you came again. Have a blessed day.

#17 It was so enjoyable to chat with you at church last Sunday. We would love to welcome you again anytime you want to join us for worship. Many blessings.

#18 I was grateful to have the chance to meet you at church last Sunday. I hope you know that you are always welcome. Have a grace-filled day.

#19 It was great to meet you at church. Thank you for thinking of us and we hope you will consider us again in the future. We would love to see you again soon.

#20 It was so courageous of you to join us for church last Sunday. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and let us know how we can help you in your walk with Christ.

#21 You were a welcome addition to our congregation this week and we pray you will join us again soon.

#22 There are so many things you could have done last Sunday, but I was so encouraged that you chose to come to our church. Know that you are always welcome.

#23 I am praising God this week for you. It was an absolute blessing to meet you and I know that God has big things in store for you. See you again soon.

#24 Praise God for your presence at church this week. You were a breath of fresh air and I am looking forward to seeing you there again. Take care and God bless.

#25 Thank you so much for visiting our church. We take our work of reaching out to the people of this city seriously and we want to know how we can serve you. If anything comes to mind, please don’t hesitate to call.

#26 Thanks again for choosing to come to our church last weekend. There are many great churches in the area and we were honored that you decided to worship and fellowship with us.

#27 It was such an honor to meet you last weekend. I hope that you will come again. Praying for you and your family.

#28 I was so glad to meet you at church last weekend and want to invite you to join us again this weekend. We love meeting our neighbors and would like very much to get to know you better.

#29 It was so encouraging to see you take a leap of faith and join us for worship last weekend. It can be hard walking into a church where you don’t know anyone. I hope you know you will always be welcome and now you do know someone here. Blessings.

#30 I wanted to just say thanks again for coming to church. I was lifted up by hearing about what God is doing in your life. Please know that you are always welcome, and we would love to spend more time with you. Thanks again.

The Best Bible Verses to Include with Your Thank You for Visiting Our Church Message

Revelation 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Psalm 86:5 You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.

John 10:27-28 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.”

Psalm 145:8-9 The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Psalm 145:18 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.”

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Thank You for Visiting Our Church Messages

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  • Complete Guide to Home Health

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  • Hospice Care Assessment Quiz
  • Complete Guide to Hospice Care

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Hospital-Level and Skilled Nursing Care at Home

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The Complete Guide to Home Health Care

Your complete guide to understanding home health care.

Are you trying to stay independent at home, and out of the hospital as much as possible? Do you need help from a nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist or speech therapist to be able to do that? If you find it difficult to leave your home, home health care may be the answer.

In this guide, you’ll learn all about home health care, including eligibility requirements, how to find the right home health care provider for your needs and more. We’ll answer frequently asked questions about home health care such as:

  • Who qualifies for home health care services?
  • What services do home health agencies provide?
  • What types of home health professionals will visit me?
  • How much do home health care agencies charge?
  • Does Medicare cover home health care?
  • What’s the difference between home health and home care, hospice and other types of care?
  • How does home health care work?

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Download the Complete Guide

Download a PDF version of this Home Health Guide to reference this information and share with your loved one.

  • Understanding Home Health Care

What Does Home Health Care Do?

Who uses home health care, how to get home health care, home health care cost.

  • Where Can I Get Home Health?
  • Understanding Your Options

How Home Health Works

Benefits of home health care.

  • How to Choose a Provider

Myths About Home Health Care

  • Home Health Care Testimonials

More Home Health Resources

  • Download Our Home Health Guide

Understanding Home Health Care: The Home Health Care Definition

What is home health care.

Home health care includes a wide range of healthcare services that can be provided in your home. It is often used to help people recover from surgery, injury or an acute illness. Home health providers like Amedisys also help people manage chronic illnesses such as diabetes, COPD or heart disease at home.

You have to meet certain eligibility requirements to get coverage for home health, including your physician certifying that you are “homebound.” This means it’s difficult for you to leave home without help. You also will need to be under the care of a physician, who certifies that you have a skilled need. Home health care is typically covered by Medicare as well as Medicaid and some private insurance plans for eligible patients.

What is home health care? Learn more about the home health care definition.

Read The Article

Home health care is typically delivered by a home health agency like Amedisys. So, what is a home health agency?

Here’s a simple definition of home health agency: an appropriately licensed organization that provides skilled nursing care and therapy services in eligible patients’ homes, in accordance with applicable federal, state and local requirements. Care is delivered by a team of healthcare workers and supervised by the patient’s doctor and a home health nurse.

Learn more about home health care. Complete our brief form to speak to a home health specialist.

*If you are a current Amedisys patient, please contact your Care Center directly.

Home health care can include nursing, occupational, speech and physical therapy and other services to help you stay safe at home. The type of care you receive is based on your needs and your doctor’s orders. With Amedisys, your team will work with you, your family and your doctor to:

  • Monitor your health
  • Ensure your doctor and caregiver are up-to-date on your progress
  • Provide high-quality care that helps you manage your illness or recover in the comfort of home

Who is on the home health team ? Depending on your needs and doctor’s orders, you may work with a:

  • Physical therapist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Speech therapist
  • Home health aide
  • Medical social worker


Your home health providers will work with you to set goals that are specific to you and your situation. In general, some of the goals of home health care include:

  • Helping you feel better and recover after an injury or illness
  • Keeping you independent at home as long as possible
  • Delaying or preventing the need for a nursing home or other facility
  • Maintaining your highest possible level of health and ability while living with a chronic illness
  • Teaching you and your caregiver how to manage your health at home
  • Preventing unnecessary and potentially costly trips to the hospital

Examples of Home Health Services

What’s included as part of in-home health services.

There are a variety of home health care services that can be included in your care plan. Every patient has different needs. Your doctor will decide which services are right for you.

In-home health services with Amedisys may include:

Nurses serve as your doctor’s eyes and ears in your home. In home health care, a nurse comes to your home to help you recover after a recent surgery, injury or hospitalization, or learn to manage the symptoms of chronic illnesses.

Depending on your needs, your Amedisys home health nurse may:

  • Teach you and your caregiver about your condition, medications and symptoms
  • Help you manage pain and other symptoms
  • Provide wound care
  • Help you manage your medications
  • Provide monitoring and support for behavioral health disorders like anxiety and depression (if the Amedisys home health program has a behavioral health nurse on staff)

Our physical therapists can visit your home to improve your quality of life and reduce your risk of falling. Some of the goals of physical therapy are to:

  • Relieve pain
  • Restore flexibility
  • Improve your strength, balance, coordination and ability to move
  • Prevent disability

If you have pain or an injury or illness that makes it hard to do your usual activities, occupational therapy can help make daily life easier. For example, you might learn new ways to get dressed, eat or move around your house. An Amedisys occupational therapist may:

  • Teach you how to use special equipment
  • Suggest ways to make your home safer
  • Provide tips and tools to make it easier for you to do daily activities like bathing, dressing and household chores

Our certified speech-language pathologists can help with a variety of speech, language, swallowing, voice and communication disorders. Some goals are to:

  • Improve abilities like memory, swallowing, communication and talking
  • Learn ways to compensate for difficulty understanding and expressing yourself through language  

Our home health aides can help you with daily self-care tasks you may have trouble with, such as:

  • Bathing and washing hair
  • Getting dressed

A medical social worker can help you access resources to help you get the care you need. Some medical social worker services at Amedisys include: 

  • Counseling to help you cope with illness and treatment
  • Referrals to helpful services in your community
  • Help with making a long-term care plan
  • Advocacy for your rights and wishes

Some home health companies have specialized clinical programs . For example, many Amedisys home health agencies offer a heart failure program , a diabetes program and a COPD program . If you have a condition that increases your risk of falling, our home health companies offer a fall reduction program . This program helps you make changes that reduce your fall risk and build your strength and balance.


Adults of any age may receive home health care if they meet the eligibility requirements. Younger adults may need home health after a surgery, injury or acute illness in order to recover. Studies show older adults are more likely to use at-home health care than young people because of higher rates of chronic illness and disability.   


Home health is for anyone who meets eligibility requirements, with a doctor’s order, and needs help at home. You may need home health care if you have difficulty leaving home and:

  • You recently got discharged from a skilled nursing facility or hospital after an illness, injury or surgery
  • You visit your doctor or the emergency room often
  • You’re managing one or more chronic health conditions
  • You take several medications and need help taking them as directed
  • You recently had a medication change and need help monitoring side effects and making sure they’re working properly
  • Daily activities like bathing and dressing are difficult for you

Common Home Health Diagnoses

What are the most common home health diagnoses.

Home health care can help homebound people with a variety of conditions. Some of the most common diagnoses for home health patients include:

How does home health help? Learn more about the ways home health care can help people with these conditions.


Home health is typically covered by insurance if you meet eligibility requirements. For example, you’ll need to meet all of these requirements:

  • Be “homebound” (unable to leave home without help); and
  • Require intermittent/part-time skilled nursing care, speech therapy or physical therapy, or continue to need occupational therapy; and
  • Be under the care of a doctor who orders home health for you; and
  • Receive care from a Medicare-certified home health agency

The best way to get home health care is to ask your doctor about it. They’ll determine your eligibility and can place an order for home health care with Amedisys.

Another option is to contact your preferred home health agency. At Amedisys, we’ll coordinate with your doctor to find out if you’re eligible.

Home Health Eligibility Checklist

Doctor's order.

  • Patient needs supportive device/another person's help to leave home OR illness could worsen if leaves home
  • Medical Care
  • Haircut/beauty parlor
  • Religious services
  • Adult daycare
  • Family event like a wedding, family reunion, graduation or funeral

Intermittent skilled nursing/therapy needs

Medicare-certified home health agency.

John's Story

John fell in the bathroom and needed hip surgery. He spent five days in the hospital and is ready to be discharged, but he hasn’t fully healed. In his discharge paperwork, John’s doctor includes information about being homebound and orders short-term skilled care. His doctor lists the services and equipment John will need. John is eligible for home health care.

Martha's Story

Martha visits her doctor for follow-up on a wound. Her doctor notes that she is homebound and orders daily wound care visits from a home health nurse for the week. The nurse will be at Martha’s house less than an hour per day. Martha’s care is “intermittent” and would likely be covered under Medicare.

Do you qualify for home health? Learn more about eligibility requirements and how to qualify for home health.


Home health care is affordable. Medicare, Medicaid and many private insurance plans typically cover home health services for eligible patients when prescribed by a physician. If you’d like to receive home health care but you don’t meet eligibility requirements, private pay for home health may also be an option.

In addition to covering standard home health services, many insurance providers cover durable medical equipment (e.g., walker or wheelchair) and certain medical supplies, if required. These may incur an out-of-pocket cost (around 20%), depending on your insurance plan. A home health company like Amedisys can help you understand your coverage and any out-of-pocket costs.


Who pays for home health care does medicare cover home health care does medicaid pay for home health care.

Home health care is often covered by Medicare as well as Medicaid and some private insurance plans if you meet the eligibility requirements. Here are a few of the most common ways to pay for home health care:

If you’re over 65 and meet the home health eligibility requirements, Medicare typically covers home health services. In fact, Medicare is the largest payer of home health care. Medicare may also cover part-time or intermittent help with bathing, dressing and other daily tasks from a home health aide. However, an aide is only covered if a doctor orders those services in addition to skilled care to care for your injury or illness.

Medicare does not cover non-skilled personal home care services if that is the only type of care you need. Medicare Advantage plans might offer different coverage, so check with your plan provider.

Medicaid typically pays for home health care for those who are eligible. It covers the same services as Medicare. Medicaid may also cover cleaning, meal preparation, transportation, personal care and other help that Medicare does not cover. Check your state rules to find out the details of your Medicaid home health care coverage.

Private Insurance

If you don’t qualify for home health or would rather use private insurance, many insurers cover home health services. Most plans cover short-term skilled care, but not long-term care or personal home care services like housekeeping or errands. Coverage varies significantly from plan to plan. Review your policy to see what type of home health coverage your plan offers.

Does your insurance cover home health care? Get a side-by-side comparison of these and other home health coverage options.

Where Can I Get Home Health Care?

The most common home health care setting is a patient’s private home. That could be a house, an apartment or a relative’s home. Being able to recover or manage an illness at home is convenient, affordable and comfortable.

A private home isn’t the only place people can receive home health care. Senior living communities and group homes are also considered a patient’s “home” for purposes of receiving home health care.

Where is Home Health Care Available?

Private home.

  • Safety and comfort of home
  • Regular visits from interdisciplinary home health team
  • Day-to-day care provided by family/caregiver
  • 24/7 crisis availability

Assisted Living / Senior Living

  • Covered if services are not already provided by the community under contract or state licensure
  • Communication between home health and assisted living
  • Smooth transition from hospital/facility into assisted living
  • Home health provides education self-care and healthy living
  • Home health can improve resident outcomes and family satisfaction

Learn more about where you can (and can’t) get home health care services delivered.

Understanding Your Health Care at Home Options: Is Home Health Care Right for You?

There are many options for seniors looking for help at home – so many options that it can be confusing trying to figure out what type of care you need. You might be wondering, “What’s the difference between home care and home health? Would I do best in a facility, or can I manage my condition at home?” Every type of care serves an important purpose. The key is finding the right care for your needs, at the right time.

We’ll explore several senior care options that may be available to you. Call us or talk with your doctor to find out if your preferred type of care would be appropriate for your needs.

They sound similar and both provide care in the home, but there are important differences between home health and personal home care. For example:

  • Home health care is skilled care provided by licensed nurses and therapists. It includes mostly clinical and medical services. Personal home care is typically non-medical, non-skilled care provided by caregivers.
  • Home health care requires a doctor’s order and meets eligibility criteria. Personal home care does not.
  • If you meet eligibility requirements, home health care is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans. Personal home care is typically private or cash pay, though long-term care insurance and Medicaid sometimes cover home care.

Some home health companies use the terms "home care" and "home health care" interchangeably. Check to make sure you’re looking at the right services for your needs.

With home care and home health, you don’t have to choose one or the other. Many older adults receive both at the same time. In fact, 80% of home health patients have a caregiver outside of the home health agency. This often is a spouse, child or other family member, but can also be a paid caregiver through home care.

Learn more about the differences between home health care and home care.

Both services can be provided at home, but there are major differences between hospice and home health care. For example:

  • Hospice is known as end-of-life care. It brings comfort and the best possible quality of life to people with a terminal illness who aren’t expected to live more than six months. The purpose of home health is different. Home health helps people recover from an illness, surgery or injury or manage one or more chronic conditions.
  • Both hospice and home health teams have nurses, social workers and aides. The rest of the team is different. Hospice teams include chaplains, bereavement counselors and volunteers. Home health teams have physical, speech and occupational therapists on staff.

It is unusual to receive both hospice and home health at the same time. A person getting home health may have declining health and eventually transition into hospice care. On occasion, a person getting hospice may have an improvement in health and transition to home health.

What is the difference between hospice and home health care? Learn about eligibility criteria and other differences.

Both provide skilled nursing services such as nursing care and speech, occupational and physical therapy. But there are a few important differences between home health and a skilled nursing facility:

  • With home health, nursing services are provided part-time, wherever you call home. With a skilled nursing facility, you pay to live at the facility with access to onsite medical care.
  • Skilled nursing facilities provide meal preparation and non-medical care in addition to skilled nursing care and therapy. Home health agencies do not provide meals and most other types of non-clinical care.

Often, people stay in a skilled nursing facility for a short time while they’re transitioning from a hospital to their personal home. They may have had surgery or an acute illness and need intensive support for the first few days or weeks. Then after those first few days or weeks, they can return home with regular check-ins, monitoring and care from home health professionals.

Assisted living facilities are apartment-like places you live in if you need more support than you can get at home, but less than a skilled nursing facility or nursing home. They offer a different type of support than home health care agencies. Seniors can often receive home health care in an assisted living facility, if they meet eligibility requirements . Here are a few key differences between home health and assisted living facilities:

  • Assisted living facilities typically provide non-medical care. They do not provide skilled nursing or therapy like home health companies do. Common offerings in assisted living include social activities, meals, housekeeping and laundry.
  • Assisted living has staff onsite around-the-clock in the event of an emergency. Home health programs provide regular visits and some offer 24/7 on-call availability, but they do not offer 24-hour supervision.

Home health is typically covered by Medicare and other insurance. Assisted living is not covered by Medicare, though Medicaid and long-term insurance may cover some costs, depending on your state’s rules. Many people pay for assisted living out-of-pocket.

Nursing homes are places seniors go to live if they need more support than home health care and assisted living can provide. There are many differences between home health care and a nursing home. Here are a few:

  • People typically live in nursing homes to receive round-the-clock support long-term. Home health care is typically provided on an intermittent or short-time basis at home.
  • Nursing homes provide help with meal preparation and daily tasks like bathing, grooming and medication monitoring. They do not typically have medical professionals on site to provide nursing care or therapy, whereas home health care does include those skilled services.

Unless it’s also a skilled nursing facility, most nursing homes are defined as non-medical custodial care, which is not covered by Medicare. Most people pay with private insurance, Medicaid or out-of-pocket. Home health care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid and many insurance plans for eligible patients.


The process of starting home health usually goes something like this:

You visit your doctor, or you’re being discharged from a hospital or skilled nursing facility. You might ask about home health care, or your doctor may recognize a need for skilled care at home and determine you meet the eligibility requirements.

Your doctor orders home health for you. They may recommend a particular home health care provider. Or they may provide a list of nearby programs, or encourage you to research on your own and find the best home health agency for your needs. You have the right to choose your home health company. It’s important to do your research and choose a high-quality provider like Amedisys.

You’ll hear from an Amedisys home health specialist to schedule the first visit. During this visit, they’ll ask questions about your health and learn more about your schedule and needs. They’re required by law to keep your information confidential.

Your home health care agency and physician set up a plan of care, which is a written plan that describes the care you’ll receive. Your plan of care should include:

  • The types of services you need
  • How often you need these services
  • Which professionals should be on your team
  • Any home medical equipment you’ll need
  • Any special foods you need
  • Your doctor’s goals for your treatment

The services you receive and the frequency of your home health visits are based on your doctor’s orders. Your team will set up a schedule and work to make the visits convenient for you.

Once you start care, a team of home health professionals visits your home. Depending on your doctor’s orders, your team could include skilled home health care providers like a nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist or speech therapist. It could also include specialists like a social worker or home health aide.

Home health visits can last anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on your condition and the purpose of the visit. If an urgent need comes up, you can reach an Amedisys on-call home health specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your home health team will update your caregiver(s) and doctor regularly. They may adjust your care plan as your needs change, if approved by your doctor.


It depends on your needs and your doctor’s orders. You may only need one weekly visit from a nurse, for example. Or you might have several visits per week from a few different team members. For example, you might have a nurse visit one day, a physical therapist later in the week, and a home health aide once a week. Some patients could require daily visits for a period of time, depending on their needs.

Millions of people receive home health care each year. For those who are eligible, home health is often a first choice because it allows them to live independently in the comfort of home. Thanks to advances in technology, many of the treatments you used to get in a hospital can now be provided at home. Some of the other benefits of home health care with Amedisys are:

  • Home health care is cost-effective, especially compared to nursing homes and other facilities.
  • Home health services can make daily life easier.
  • Home health can help you feel better, recover from illness or injury, and/or slow decline.
  • Home health care may delay or prevent the need for nursing home or facility care.
  • Monitoring and regular visits from home health professionals may help you stay out of the hospital.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services describes home health care as “less expensive, more convenient, and just as effective as care you get in a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF).”

What are some other benefits of home health care? Click here for other reasons people choose home health care.

How to Choose a Home Health Provider

There are more than 12,000 home health agencies in the U.S. So, how do you choose a home health care provider that you can trust? Here are a few important questions to ask home health care agencies:

Do you provide high-quality home health? What are your patient satisfaction and quality scores?

A high-quality home health agency treats you with respect, provides superior care and gives you the best chance of getting the results you want. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services makes it easy to get quality home health . Visit its Care Compare website to get scores and compare providers. These scores are based on an objective assessment using large surveys.

99% of Amedisys home health care centers are rated 4+ Quality Stars.

Does your home health agency serve my area?

Most home health agencies provide care in a defined service area. Look for one that can come to your neighborhood.

There are several common myths about home health care. In addition to being inaccurate, these misconceptions can be dangerous if they keep people from getting the care they need. Here are a few home health care myths, along with the facts.

Myth: It’s risky to have home health professionals in my home.

FACT: Quality home health providers like Amedisys conduct thorough screenings and provide training to help ensure your safety. You can expect your home health team to quickly build rapport with you and get to know you. Many patients report feeling close bonds with their home health team within a couple of visits.

Myth: I already have a caregiver, so I don’t need home health care.

FACT: If you already have a caregiver, either a family member or a paid caregiver, you may be receiving help with housekeeping, cooking, transportation and related needs. Home health care offers a different type of support for homebound patients who have a need for skilled nursing or certain types of therapy. For example, nurses can provide wound care and other services. You can also receive speech, occupational or physical therapy. If you’re eligible for home health care, you can receive these services as ordered by your doctor in addition to having a caregiver.

Myth: Home health care isn’t affordable for most people.

FACT: Sometimes people confuse home health care with personal home care, which is often paid out-of-pocket. Home health care, by contrast, is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance companies if you meet the eligibility requirements. This makes it a highly affordable option for in-home healthcare.

Myth: Patients must be bedbound to get home health care.

FACT: You do not have to be bedbound (unable to get out of bed) to qualify for home health care. You do have to be homebound, which means that you normally are unable to leave your home without assistance, and that, if you are able to leave for brief intervals, it requires a considerable and taxing effort.

Is home health care only for people who are very ill? Read more myths about home health care to find out.


It depends on your needs. You can receive home health care as long as you qualify and your doctor says you need it.


Yes, according to federal law, patients have the right to choose their healthcare provider. You can research home health companies on Medicare’s Care Compare website or ask for recommendations from friends, your church or senior center, or other people you trust.

Amedisys would be happy to answer questions and help you make the right choice for your needs. Similarly, if a hospital refers you to their hospital-owned home health program, you can choose that agency or a different one based on your research.


Yes, you can stop receiving home health at one agency and choose another one. First, you need to tell both agencies that you’re planning to make the switch.

Still have questions about home health care? Visit our home health FAQs.

View Our FAQs

Home Health Care Testimonials: What Do Patients Say About Home Health Care?

The greatest testament to the benefits of home health care are patients whose lives have been improved by their team of nurses, therapists, aides and social workers. We often receive letters and emails from patients thanking us for treating them like family, being there when they needed us, and helping them do the things they care about most. We also hear from caregivers who finally have peace of mind that their loved one is getting the care they need. Read our patient stories .

Want to know more about home health care? Here are a few reliable home health resources: – A reliable source of information about Medicare home health coverage, eligibility requirements and services

Home Health Compare – This website allows you to compare quality and patient satisfaction scores among Medicare-certified home health agencies, so you can choose a high-quality home health agency – Read about Medicaid home health eligibility and learn about your state’s coverage for home health care

Medicare and Home Health Care – A guide from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) with detailed information about Medicare’s home health care coverage and frequently asked questions

Eldercare Locator – This nationwide government service of the Administration on Aging can help you find a home health agency near you as well as other local support resources

National Institute on Aging – Part of the National Institutes of Health, the NIA is a trusted source of information on healthy aging, caregiving and more

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – Research and statistics about home health care from the CDC

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103+ Best Thank You for Visiting Messages

When it comes to expressing gratitude, the power of a well-crafted thank-you message cannot be underestimated. Whether it’s a simple visit to your home, an event, or an online platform, sending a heartfelt thank you for visiting messages can leave a lasting impression on your guests.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the art of writing thank you for visiting messages, providing you with a plethora of creative ideas, catchy examples, and expert tips to help you craft the perfect note that resonates with sincerity and appreciation.

How To Write Thank You for Visiting

Crafting a thank-you message that truly reflects your gratitude requires thoughtfulness and a touch of creativity. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write the perfect thank-you note for your guests’ visits:

  • Start with a Warm Greeting: Begin your message with a friendly greeting that welcomes your guest and sets a positive tone.
  • Express Genuine Gratitude : Clearly express your appreciation for their visit, acknowledging the time and effort they’ve taken to be with you.
  • Highlight the Highlights: Mention specific moments or aspects of the visit that stood out to you, showing that you valued their presence.
  • Personalize the Message: Tailor the message to your relationship with the guest, adding personal touches that make the note unique.
  • Look Ahead: Conclude the message by expressing your eagerness to see them again or future plans you’re looking forward to.

Best Thank You for Visiting Messages

  • “Your presence added so much joy to our home. Thank you for gracing us with your warm smile and delightful company.”
  • “Every visit from you is a cherished memory. Your friendship lights up our lives.”
  • “Your visit transformed an ordinary day into something extraordinary. Thank you for the laughter and cherished moments.”
  • “Your visit was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Thank you for bringing warmth and positivity.”
  • “With each visit, our bond grows stronger. Your presence is a gift we treasure dearly.”
  • “Gratitude fills our hearts as we reflect on your visit. Your company is truly a blessing.”
  • “A heartfelt thank you for the wonderful visit. Your friendship is a treasure we hold close.”
  • “Time spent with you is time well spent. Your visit made our day exceptionally special.”
  • “In the mosaic of our memories, your visit shines brightly. Thank you for gracing us with your presence.”
  • “From the bottom of our hearts, we extend our gratitude for your visit. Your friendship is a source of immense joy.”

Short Thank You for Visiting Examples

Catchy Thank You for Visiting Samples

  • “Visited, Valued, and Very Much Appreciated!”
  • “Guests like you make every moment memorable.”
  • “The joy of your visit lingers on. Thank you!”
  • “Bringing Smiles: Your Visit’s Signature Touch.”
  • “An Unforgettable Visit: A Grateful Heart Speaks.”
  • “Cheers to Your Visit: A Toast to Friendship!”
  • “Thank You for Visiting: Where Memories Begin.”
  • “Visits and Vibes: A Perfect Harmony.”
  • “A Visit that Stole Our Hearts Away.”
  • “Captivated by Your Visit: Cheers to Togetherness!”

Short Thank You for Visiting Examples

  • “Your visit = Happiness doubled. Thank you!”
  • “Heartfelt thanks for making time to visit us!”
  • “Simply put: Your visit rocked!”
  • “Warmest thanks for gracing us with your presence.”
  • “Visits like yours make life brighter. Thank you!”
  • “Short visit, lasting happiness. Thank you!”
  • “Visit = Smiles. Thank you for the joy!”
  • “Grateful for your visit. Until next time!”
  • “Visit complete, happiness recharged. Thank you!”
  • “Your visit, our delight. Many thanks!”

Thank You for Visiting Card Ideas

  • Floral Elegance: A card adorned with vibrant flowers, symbolizing the beauty of your guest’s presence.
  • Vintage Charm: A classic design with intricate patterns, reminiscent of timeless memories created during the visit.
  • Adventure Awaits: For an adventurous visit, opt for a card featuring travel motifs or a world map.
  • Whimsical Wonders: Choose a card with playful illustrations that capture the fun moments shared.
  • Rustic Warmth: A card with rustic elements, perfect for conveying a cozy and heartfelt thanks.
  • Modern Simplicity: Minimalistic design for a sleek and sophisticated way to express gratitude.
  • Artistic Flair: A card with abstract art, symbolizing the unique bond formed during the visit.
  • Cultural Fusion: Incorporate cultural symbols to reflect the diverse and enriching experience of the visit.
  • Nature’s Touch: A card featuring serene landscapes or natural elements that mirror the tranquility of the visit.
  • Personal Photo: Include a picture taken during the visit on the card, creating a tangible memory to cherish.

Thank You for Visiting Our Registry Messages

  • “Your contribution to our registry is a heartfelt gesture we deeply appreciate.”
  • “With gratitude, we acknowledge your thoughtful gift from our registry.”
  • “Our hearts are full as we thank you for visiting our registry and making our wishes come true.”
  • “Thank you for visiting our registry and being part of our joyous journey.”
  • “Your visit to our registry is a step towards creating a beautiful future. Thank you!”
  • “The love reflected in your registry visit warms our hearts. Thank you for your generosity.”
  • “Every visit to our registry is a precious gift we hold close. Thank you for your support.”
  • “A heartfelt thank you for visiting our registry and being a part of our story.”
  • “Grateful for your visit to our registry, which adds to the happiness of our special moments.”
  • “Your visit to our registry is a cherished memory we will forever treasure. Thank you!”

Catchy Thank You for Visiting Samples

Best Greetings Lines For Thank You for Visiting

  • “Greetings from the heart, filled with gratitude for your visit.”
  • “A warm hello with sincere thanks for gracing us with your presence.”
  • “Sending smiles and thanks your way for the memorable visit.”
  • “Hello, happiness! Your visit brought joy to our doorstep.”
  • “Greetings of appreciation for the wonderful moments we shared during your visit.”
  • “A heartfelt hello, wrapped in thanks for your delightful visit.”
  • “Warmest greetings and heartfelt thanks for making our day with your visit.”
  • “Hello and thank you for leaving footprints of happiness in our hearts.”
  • “Greetings with gratitude: Your visit made our day shine brighter.”
  • “Sending our best greetings, along with a big thank you for your visit.”

Best Ending Lines For Thank You for Visiting

  • “Until we meet again, with heartfelt thanks for your visit.”
  • “Wishing you all the best until our paths cross once more. Thank you for visiting!”
  • “With gratitude, we bid you farewell until the next heartwarming visit.”
  • “As the memories of your visit linger, we prepare to create more beautiful moments together. Thank you for visiting!”
  • “Until our next gathering, our hearts are brimming with thanks for your visit.”
  • “Farewell for now, and a heartfelt thank you for brightening our day with your presence.”
  • “With appreciation in our hearts, we say goodbye, looking forward to the next visit.”
  • “As the echoes of your visit remain, our gratitude lingers. Until next time, thank you!”
  • “Until we meet again to make more memories, we extend our warmest thanks for your visit.”
  • “Wishing you well until we reunite, with sincere thanks for your meaningful visit.”

When & Where To Use Thank You for Visiting

Knowing when and where to use Thank You for Visiting Messages can enhance the impact of your expression of gratitude. Here are some occasions and scenarios where these messages shine:

  • Home Visits: Show appreciation for friends and family who come to your home for gatherings, dinners, or celebrations.
  • Business Meetings : Express gratitude to clients, partners, or colleagues after a productive meeting or collaboration.
  • Event Attendees: Thank guests who attend your parties, weddings, or other special occasions.
  • Online Interactions: Extend thanks to virtual guests who join webinars, online events, or social media live sessions.
  • Hosted Tours: Show appreciation to visitors who explore your workplace, project sites, or facilities.
  • Supportive Friends : Acknowledge friends who visit you during challenging times, offering comfort and companionship.
  • Networking Events: Thank individuals who attend conferences, workshops, or networking gatherings.
  • Hospital and Home Visits: Express gratitude to well-wishers who visit during illness or recovery.
  • Charitable Outreach: Thank volunteers, donors, or supporters who visit your charitable initiatives.
  • Retail Experiences: Show appreciation to customers who visit your store, showroom, or online shop.

In a world brimming with digital interactions, a thoughtful and personalized thank-you message holds the power to forge deeper connections. Whether your guest visited your home, attended an event, or engaged with you online, a well-crafted thank-you note is a testament to your appreciation. From warm greetings to heartfelt farewells, and from short and sweet to creatively catchy, the art of expressing gratitude for visits knows no bounds. So, next time you want to leave a lasting impression, remember the magic of a genuine “thank you” and let your words paint a picture of gratitude that your guests will cherish.

Best Thank You for Visiting Messages

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What Makes Home Visiting So Effective?

Home visitor with a mother, father, and son

By engaging in a warm, accepting relationship with parents, you support a strong and secure relationship between the parent and child. You help parents become more sensitive and responsive to their child. The secure relationship between young children and their families creates the foundation for the development of a healthy brain. The home environment allows you to support the family in creating rich learning opportunities that build on the family's everyday routines. You support the family's efforts to provide a safe and healthy environment. You customize each visit, providing culturally and linguistically responsive services.

The home visiting model allows you to provide services to families with at least one parent at home with the child or children. Families may choose this option because they want both support for their parenting and for their child's learning and development in their home. For example, you are available to families who live in rural communities and who otherwise would not be able to receive needed services. You bring services to families whose life circumstances might prevent them from participating in more structured settings or families challenged by transportation. Some programs are able to be flexible and offer services during non-traditional hours to families who work or go to school.

Every parent and home visitor brings his or her own beliefs, values, and assumptions about child-rearing to their interactions with children. Home visiting can provide opportunities to integrate those beliefs and values into the work the home visitor and family do together.

In addition to your own relationship with the family during weekly home visits, you bring families together twice a month. These socializations reduce isolation and allow for shared experiences, as well as connect them to other staff in the program.

Resource Type: Article

National Centers: Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning

Last Updated: December 3, 2019

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  • Home Visiting Pregnancy – 36 months
  • Infants 6 weeks – 15 months
  • Toddlers & Twos 16 – 35 months
  • Preschool 3 – 5 years
  • Concordia on Milwaukee Infants through 5 years old
  • Concordia on Ravenswood Infants through 5 years old
  • Concordia on Seeley 2 years through 5 years old
  • Concordia on Whipple Infants through 5 years old

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Both you and your child can learn and grow!

Receive free personalized support and visits for families with children pregnancy – 36 months

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A relationship and research-based curriculum

Approved by the Illinois State Board of Education, Parents as Teachers supports the home visitor to meet the real needs of children and families. Using age appropriate activities and resources for parents, our home visitor provides individualized lesson plans tailored to families.

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Tracking your child’s development goals

Every six months our home visitor and families create goals together. Every four months, the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) are conducted with families. Our home visitor and parents do this screening together to look at different areas of your child’s development.

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Our Home Visiting program is…

  • Friendly: one-on-one meetings with you, your child, and an early childhood development expert
  • Convenient: meet in your home or a convenient spot nearby
  • Frequent: twice a month meetings are important when your child is young and rapidly developing
  • Educational: get ideas to create learning opportunities for your child in your home
  • Personalized: devoted time for your questions, such as breastfeeding, potty training, and specific ways for best prepare your child for learning and school
  • Social: share experiences with other parents during monthly parent groups
  • Free!  for qualified families

Income Qualification Sheet

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A Typical Visit

Our home visitor calls one of the parents for their visit. We get started by checking in on how things have been going since the last visit.

Home visitor asks about the activities that were provided that month. For example, a shape matching game with velcro, then a small art project like coloring with crayons or paint. The home visitor models and works with the child and with the activities.

The home visitor then shares her screen so they can read books together. The books vary depending on the child’s interest. At the end of the visit, we sing a good-bye song.

The home visitor asks the family if they need any supplies, like diapers, formula, etc. If so, we connect them to resources.

visit our home

Home Visitor: Griselda Ramirez

As Home Visitor, Griselda provides hands-on, in-home support to expectant mothers, young children, and their parents. By providing resources and guidance, she honors parents as their child’s first teacher.

Born and raised in Chicago, Griselda comes to Concordia with over seven years of experience working with families.  Most recently, Griselda served as a home visitor at other Chicago social service organizations.  She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

When she’s not at work supporting children and families, Griselda plays soccer in girls’ and co-ed teams.  She enjoys spending time with her cat and son.

Email Griselda

Concordia Place provides over 40 years of experience in delivering high-quality early childhood programming. Our  programs were designed with your child’s changing needs in mind; alongside health, safety, and security measures to put your mind at ease.

Use the form below to shoot us a message or question. We look forward to getting to know you!

Parent First Name*

Parent Last Name*

Child 1 First Name*

Child 1 Last Name*

Child 1 Birth Date*

Child 1 Desired Start Date*

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How did you hear about us?* Google / Web Search Facebook / Instagram Referral / Word of Mouth Yelp Walk / Drove By NPN Previously Enrolled Postcard / Flyer

As a mission-driven organization, Concordia Place determines each family’s tuition based on their gross income. Please select the range that reflects your family’s annual gross income.* < $40,000 $40,001-$55,000 $55,001-$95,000 > $95,000

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Unifying our brands.

As a learning organization, Concordia Place is committed to continued improvement. We have learned that distinguishing between the Concordia Place and Concordia Day brands was not necessary.

Starting May 1, all visitors to will be redirected to

By unifying around the sole use of the Concordia Place brand, we will provide clarity and focus on our mission to serve families and provide both care and education for their children.

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Veterans Memorial Homes

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Family, Loved Ones and Friends

Messages / donations, new jersey veterans memorial home at vineland.


NJ Veterans Memorial Home at Vineland 524 North West Boulevard Vineland NJ 08360 Google Maps


Admissions / Tours


Emergency Contact Number

The emergency contact number for this facility is 856-405-4200. Any authorized person seeking information about any resident in the facility can contact this number and you will be directed to the appropriate staff member.


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Business Office


Human Resources


Nursing Office



Activity, Volunteer & Donation Programs

Job Vacancies

Infectious Disease Outbreak Response Plan

Mission Statement

To honor and serve the military Veteran, their spouses and Gold Star Parents by consistently providing the highest quality of resident directed long term care by maintaining excellence in personal services and treatment through professional collaboration, innovation and dedication; in a setting that promotes dignity and independence.

The Vineland Veterans Home is the state’s oldest continually operating veteran’s home, having opened its doors in 1899. The Vineland Home has been providing services to New Jersey Veterans from every war or armed conflict since the Civil War.

Our new replacement facility was constructed on the same site of the previous buildings and opened its doors in 2005. This new state-of-the-art nursing home can accommodate 300 residents. The Home is Medicare certified and is licensed by the State of New Jersey to provide skilled nursing home services. Additionally, the Home is also certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs to provide long-term care services.

Virtual Tour


The Home is open to veterans who have been discharged, other than dishonorably, from US Military Services after serving during war or peacetime for at least 90 days, spouses of veterans, and Gold Star Parents. A spouse/widow/widower must be at least 50 years of age and must have been married to the veteran for a period of not less than 10 years.

Facilities & Services

Comprehensive services and a deep concern for the residents go hand-in-hand at our state-operated veterans nursing home. Around-the-clock medical and nursing care is provided by a staff of physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants. Rehabilitative services, such as occupational and physical therapies, speech therapy, and restorative nursing services are provided under the supervision of contracted licensed therapists.

For the convenience and comfort of the residents, the home features beautifully decorated dining rooms, fully equipped beauty and barber shops, lounges for socializing and watching television, landscaped outdoor areas, and a chapel for religious services for all faiths.

Facilities Services

Residents are encouraged to be active in an environment which stimulates involvement, self-esteem, productivity and freedom for independent choices. This is accomplished by providing diverse recreational activities of interest to each resident. Activities provided are physical, social, intellectual, sensory, spiritual, creative, and community oriented. Recreational activities are available to the veteran home residents on an individual basis, small or large group, or independent participation. Activities are available 7 days of the week, including evenings.

Our volunteers and donations are incorporated into our Activity Programs to provide a full array of activities for each resident according to his or her capacity and preference thereby ensuring an enhanced quality of life.

Activities Volunteers Donations



Your staff is stellar. In the past eight years I have visited many nursing facilities, rehab units and hospitals in Southern New Jersey. I have found the Veterans Home to be outstanding in every area unlike any facility I have visited. I have witnessed the highest level of professionalism….with the highest standards of skills and ability to blend both kindness and compassion all while serving our Vets with the upmost respect and dignity..

When the time came that I could no longer care for my husband, I placed him in another nursing home. This was a typical nursing home with bad issues. We couldn’t wait for an opening in the Veterans Home. When we finally were able to get him into your facility it was such a drastic change (for the better), that we couldn’t believe it…. From day one, my husband has told me over and over again, what a wonderful place this is, I love it here.

Alexandra H.

As concerned Children, we felt compelled to write this to you to say what a wonderful job the Veterans Home does to provide a safe and happy environment for all of the residents….We wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of the efforts put forth by the entire staff of the Veterans Home. Everyone we encounter has been very nice and always helpful.

Diane W. and Patricia S.


Serving Those Who Served

Dear New Jersey Veterans,

Thank you for your interest in the New Jersey State Veterans Home at Vineland. Our Home provides a dignified and vibrant environment for our Veterans and their spouses to enjoy when they find the need for long term care services.

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to come and visit our Home to see for yourself if this beautiful facility is the perfect place for you or your loved one to live.

We are committed to providing our Veterans and their spouses the highest quality of healthcare services available. Our motto is “Serving Those Who Served”.

Allyson Bailey, RN, BSN, MBA, LNHA Administrator and CEO


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Everything You’ve Ever Wondered About the Home Alone House

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By Claudia Williams

the home alone house

There are two reasons people continue to watch Home Alone. First, to get into the Christmas spirit. Second, to ogle over the Home Alone house, which has become an iconic piece of pop culture history over the last few decades. If you need more proof, consider the fact that after the dwelling recently recently hit the market for $5.25 million, it found a buyer in a week.

The iconic film first hit the big screen in 1990, when navy blues and dusty rose pinks were the popular colors amongst family homes. According to Eve Cauley, the set decorator responsible for the iconic look of the McCallister family home, “There were no saturated green or red upholstered furniture sold in stores. Not one piece.”

That was, until the movie came out. “A red dining room became the in-style trend of the 1990s. My decor and wall-covering choices for Home Alone changed the color palette of the nation for the upcoming decade,” Cauley tells AD. According to an article by House Beautiful , the most popular paint colors ahead of the film were subtle mauve, denim blue, light turquoise, and barely-there pink. And after the film’s release, in 1991, Benjamin Moore’s most popular color was Arroyo Red, a deep reddish-brown color. In 1992, it was Forest Green. It seems as though it wasn’t only the holiday spirit that rubbed off on fans.

And with the revival of ’90s nostalgia and the trends that come with it, there’s no better time to do a deep dive into the Chicago-area home where it all began. Whether you’re looking to plan your visit to the real-life dwelling (the Home Alone house address is 671 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, IL) or find inspiration for your decor this holiday season, read on.

How the Film Came to Be

This moment from the film became a meme before most people even had access to the internet.

This moment from the film became a meme before most people even had access to the internet.

Home Alone was produced and written by the venerable film legend, John Hughes. The movie was inspired by a real trip the director went on with his family.

In an article for Chicago magazine, James Hughes—son of the director—recalls: “On August 8, 1989, my father [John Hughes] jotted down in a notebook a movie idea born of traveler’s anxiety that occurred to him during the bustle of departing for our first family trip to Europe, and set it aside. Two weeks later, after returning home, he revisited the premise: What if one of the kids had been accidentally left behind?”

Hughes continues, “Over the next nine days, he completed the first draft of Home Alone. ” According to that same article, Home Alone went on to defy everyone’s prerelease expectations, and quickly became the highest-grossing live-action comedy ever made. It earned $476.7 million worldwide.

A Bit About the Plot

Daniel Stern as Marv and Joe Pesci as Harry in Home Alone

Daniel Stern as Marv and Joe Pesci as Harry in Home Alone

The original Home Alone follows the McCallisters as they prepare for an extended-family Christmas trip to France. The morning of their connecting flight to New York, their youngest son, Kevin McCallister (played by Macaulay Culkin), oversleeps, misses the family headcount, and gets left behind—just like John Hughes dreamt of. (Kevin’s parents were played by Catherine O’Hara and John Heard.)

The first few days feel like sweet freedom, as Kevin basks in his first real dose of independence by tobogganing down the stairs, indulging in massive ice cream sundaes, and watching R-rated movies that uncle Frank (Gerry Bamman) would never allow.

But the fun and games soon come to an end when Kevin is faced by the wet bandits—two bumbling burglars who have their sights set on robbing the McCallister home. Villains Harry (Joe Pesci) and Marv (Daniel Stern) soon realize the house isn’t vacant like they first thought, and an endless game of cat and mouse ensues, with Kevin setting intricate booby traps to protect himself and his family home. All with a little help from old man Marley and his wicked brother Buzz’s pet tarantula, of course.

Where Was Home Alone Filmed?

The street signs near the Home Alone house

The street signs near the Home Alone house

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While all indoor scenes were filmed on set in a high school gymnasium (more on that later), a handful of memorable moments took place outside 671 Lincoln Ave, the address of a red-brick home in the affluent, cookie-cutter town of Winnetka, Illinois. Situated on the North Shore of Chicago, the neighborhood boasts suburban charm that practically begs to be made into a Christmas movie. The home itself was built in 1920 in the Georgian colonial style—perfectly symmetrical. According to Zillow , the home now boasts 5,398 square feet, 10 bedrooms, and 5 baths.

It’s Chris Columbus, the director of the film, whom we can hold responsible for finding the iconic Chicago suburb house. “We basically drove around for several weeks until we found the right house,” Columbus said in a 2015 interview . “We needed to cast a house that would work for the stunts and also a house that was visually appealing, and—if this makes sense—warm and menacing at the same time,” Columbus explained.

“It’s the kind of house, if you were a kid, it would be fun to be left home alone.” Columbus then took photos of home’s exterior, sent them to Hughes for approval, and the rest is history.

The House Then and Now

A fan doing Kevin McCallisters signature facial expression in front of the home in 2021

A fan doing Kevin McCallister’s signature facial expression in front of the home in 2021

671 Lincoln Avenue instantly became a destination for fans of the movie, with hoards of tourists flocking to the home hoping for a little taste of movie magic. But it wasn’t the McCallisters that had to put up with the newfound attention—it was the Abendshien family, who owned the home. “We would have not believed back then that there would be sightseers coming to look at that house for years afterward,” John Abendshien said in an interview with Vanity Fair .

According to an article written in 2015 for the Chicago Sun-Times , writer Richard Roeper stopped by the house in the winter of 1991 and reported that 400 vehicles had lined up outside 671 Lincoln Ave on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Some curious tourists went as far as knocking on the front door, or even venturing into the backyard in hopes of catching a glimpse of the tree house. The Abendshiens stayed in the home until 2011. It then sold in 2012 for a reported $1.585 million , closing the chapter on the Abendshiens’ 25-year residency.

Following the release of Home Sweet Home Alone in 2021 (the sixth sequel to the original), Airbnb reopened the doors to the home. This Airbnb stay offered a highly coveted trip down memory lane, and came complete with a candlelit dinner of Kraft macaroni and cheese and Chicago-style pizza, plus a viewing of the film franchise’s newest holiday adventure, Home Sweet Home Alone. While the Airbnb experience is no longer on the table, you can stream the original Home Alone , Home Alone 2, and the rest of the sequels on Disney+.

The Home Alone House Hits the Market

The house that was once booby-trapped in every way imaginable by Kevin McCallister hit the market for $5.25 million in May of 2024 and found a buyer quickly after. (The Dawn McKenna Group held the listing .) Prior to the 2024 sale, the home had last changed hands in 2012 for a reported $1.585 million . Located at 671 Lincoln Ave, in Winnetka, Illinois, the 9,126 square foot home boasts five bedrooms and six full bathrooms. “The stately brick Georgian residence of Home Alone fame brings forward a rare opportunity to own one of the most iconic movie residences in American pop culture,” stated the listing, which was held by real estate team the Dawn McKenna Group. The property was fully renovated and expanded in 2018, which just about doubled the square footage of the home. “The current owners took the utmost care in maintaining the architectural detail and integrity of the home's most memorable and recognizable spaces,” stated the listing.

Updates include a new sun-drenched family room with sweeping 10-foot coffered ceilings and a gourmet kitchen with every bell and whistle imaginable, from a double island to an eight-burner Wolf range and integrated Sub-Zero fridge. And the eerie, unfinished basement from the movie? It’s nowhere to be seen. In its place you’ll find a fully equipped gym, a recreation space, a full bath, wet bar, and a cozy home movie theater (complete with a Home Alone movie poster), according to the listing. But that’s not all. The space even has a state-of-the-art indoor sports court featuring three basketball hoops. If only Kevin and Buzz could see it today. And the attic where Kevin is shipped off to sleep and says “I hope I never have to see any of you jerks again” has been transformed as well. The space now boasts a junior primary suite that doubles as a treetop escape. It features a full en suite bath with soaking tub, built-ins, and uninterrupted views of the lush backyard. Other updated amenities throughout the home include a three-car attached heated garage and a screened-in porch with a wood-burning fireplace, ideal for movie nights with the whole family. It’s only fitting.

While the light-filled, updated home of today is a far cry from the wallpapered and carpeted space we all know and love, one constant remains: the grand foyer with its iconic staircase. While all other interiors were duplicated on a sound stage, the main staircase was used to film some of the most iconic scenes in the cult-classic Christmas movie. The deep red carpeting has been removed to highlight the rich wood floors, and the damask wallpaper has been subbed out for sleek white walls that bring out the endless crown molding throughout the house.

About Winnetka

Winnetka has established a reputation as one of the most desirable communities in the greater Chicago area, according to Dawn McKenna Group. The town was established in 1869 and named Winnetka, a Native American word that translates to "beautiful land.” Since the town is so idyllic and close to the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan, it comes as no surprise that Winnetka was named the second best city to live in in America by 24/7 Wall Street in 2020 . The community feels like a serene escape, but is conveniently located just a little over an hour by train or 35 minutes by car from downtown Chicago. Winnetka occupies a land area of 3.81 square miles in Cook County, Illinois and as of 2020, has a population of 12,744, according to the official website of Village of Winnetka.

The neighboring homes to 671 Lincoln Ave are just as stately, and prospective buyers will find similar Georgian-style homes (though not famous) on the market just a few blocks away.

Can You Visit the House From Home Alone Today?

Fans visiting the Home Alone house in 2021

Fans visiting the Home Alone house in 2021

Whether you’re looking to tour the home as a prospective buyer or you’re just a fan of the film, a quick search in Google Maps will lead you straight to the house, making a trip to 671 Lincoln Ave accessible and easy. Dawn Silvers, an Illinois resident and lover of the movie, visited the Home Alone house this Thanksgiving. Silvers and her youngest child originally made the drive to Chicago for a concert, and then decided to tack on a visit to Winnetka. “ Home Alone is one of our family favorites. We watch it multiple times throughout the holiday season,” Silvers tells AD.

“When we pulled into the neighborhood, we were giddy as schoolgirls. We pulled onto the street and I think I may have squealed with joy,” Silvers explains. “We knew immediately which house it was by the looks and the amount of people standing on both sides of the street and in front of the house.”

Silvers wasn’t the only one who had the smart idea to visit the house ahead of the holiday season. “There were quite a few cars parked on the opposite side of the street so as not to interfere with picture taking. Everyone was smiling ear to ear, taking pictures, pointing to the different windows.” She eavesdropped on fellow fans asking, “Was this the window Marv went through and stepped on the broken ornaments?” and, “That’s the doorknob that burned the M into Harry’s hand, and the front door that Kevin McCallister slid through on his sled.” The movie magic is (and will always be) in the air on Lincoln Avenue.

The home looks a little different than it did in 1990. There is now a wrought iron gated fence enclosing the property, with a sign that states: “Please do not touch the gate. Thank you!” as well as a new driveway and garage. But the holiday spirit remains. “The Home Alone house had wreaths on five of the windows upstairs, as well as the front door. There was also green garland wrapped around the white columns, the edge of the porch roof, and on the handrails of the front steps,” explains Silvers. The McCallisters would approve.

Building the Set From Scratch

Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister and Joe Pesci as Harry one of the burglars in Home Alone

Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister and Joe Pesci as Harry, one of the burglars, in Home Alone

The Winnetka house that Chris Columbus hand-selected as the McCallister house was perfect in every sense of the word, except for one small hiccup—the interior wasn’t big enough. “Film sets must be large enough to have room for the camera, as well as the actors, in addition to the furniture,” explains Cauley, the movie’s set decorator.

The set team ultimately decided to build the entire interior of the home in the gymnasium of New Trier High School, also in Winnetka. At that time, there were few film studios in Chicago, and John Hughes lived north of the city. “Filming in an empty high school meant we were in close proximity to his family,” explains Cauley. “He could visit the sets easily or stop in and see filming, and then go home and write.” Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Uncle Buck were also filmed in Chicago.

Curating the Rich, Lived-In Interiors

In the film Kevin sets elaborate traps in order to catch the burglars attempting to break into his home.

In the film, Kevin sets elaborate traps in order to catch the burglars attempting to break into his home.

The only way to describe the interior of the Home Alone house is to compare it to a Norman Rockwell painting, which is precisely the aesthetic Cauley was going for. “I thought about what look would best represent Americana, and of course, Norman Rockwell came to mind,” Cauley says.

Like Rockwell, Cauley used saturated greens, reds, and golds to stand out against the white fluffy snow. “I thought of it like a flip-book, where use of color orchestrated throughout would give the film a warm feeling,” says Cauley. She also found inspiration from historic Christmas cards.

Cauley had about six weeks to bring the McCallister family home to life. “I love selecting and finding decor that builds a character, or when collaged together, supports a story visually,” she says.

When asked how she sourced such rich fabrics, wallpapers, and carpets, Cauley shared her best-kept secret. “I also do some residential interior design, so I have trade accounts at some stores,” she says. “John Hughes wanted a timeless traditional look, so I went to brands with that look, within my color palette.”

The Finishing Touches

Catherine OHara as Kate McCallister in Home Alone

Catherine O’Hara as Kate McCallister in Home Alone

With every rewatch of Home Alone, you may start to pick up on little details you never noticed before, and that was Cauley’s intention. “I put personal character details about the house as clutter that might not ever be noticed but felt right to me,” she says. “I had a little book about the care and feeding of spiders on the kitchen counter, as if perhaps Buzz was reading it, put it down when he went to the kitchen to get a snack, got distracted and ran off, leaving the book there.”

She also laid out holiday wrapping paper in the primary bedroom, as if Kevin’s parents, Kate and Peter McCallister, were wrapping Christmas gifts but didn’t have time to clean it up. It’s these little details that all come together to create the thoughtful, curated set fit for this celebrated holiday movie.

The admiration for Home Alone is still going strong decades later, and it was on full display recently when Macaulay Culkin received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . Catherine O’Hara, who played the role of Kevin’s mom, gave an emotional speech at the celebration and concluded with an iconic line from the film: “I just wanna say, merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.”

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Review: In a Nostalgic Revival, ‘Home’ Is Where the Heart Was

Samm-Art Williams’s 1979 play about the uprooting of a Black farmer returns to Broadway for the first time.

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A man in a red plaid shirt is sitting in a rocking chair, flanked in the background by two women. A projection shows fields of corn and a sunset.

By Jesse Green

To say that Samm-Art Williams’s 1979 play “Home” is old-fashioned is to say that “The Odyssey” and “The Wizard of Oz” are too: They are all tear-jerking stories about lost souls working their way back to the proverbial place where the heart is. But another way to see them is as keen records of how we thought, at particular points in time, about our place in the universe. Is that ever old-fashioned?

For “ Home ,” which opened on Wednesday at the Todd Haimes Theater, the particular point in time is the tail end of the Great Migration, bringing millions of Black Americans to the North from the South in an attempt to escape racism and poverty. Among them is the play’s protagonist, Cephus Miles, a North Carolina farmer who winds up in a big city a lot like New York after spending five years in prison. His crime: taking too seriously the biblical commandment to love thy neighbor and the injunction not to kill. He refused to serve in Vietnam.

Though the outline of the story might seem to warrant a furious response, like that of many antiwar and antiracist works of the ’70s, “Home” follows a different line, its honeyed cadences glazing its anger with affection. That’s apt because Williams is ultimately less interested in the embitterments of the world than in the ability, indeed the necessity, of masking the bad taste of unfairness with love.

And Cephus (Tory Kittles) is certainly not angry at the South. His memories of hard work, tall tales and odd characters in segregated, fictional Cross Roads — likely based on Williams’s Burgaw, N.C. — are surprisingly upbeat. The poverty, being general, is bearable. (And funny: If a possum falls into the moonshine still, so be it.) The racism shows up mostly as marginalia, implied rather than prosecuted. Black boys shoot dice in the white section of the cemetery, Cephus tells us, because “that’s where the nice cement vaults were.” The Black section’s graves provide no level surface.

The nostalgic style, unfashionable for decades, may be why “Home” has not until now been revived on Broadway, despite its successful and much-praised premiere . Kenny Leon’s production for the Roundabout Theater Company — a result of the company’s Refocus Project , designed “to elevate and restore marginalized plays to the American canon” — is thus especially welcome, if perhaps overly faithful to the original vision. With golden light (by Allen Lee Hughes) and a set consisting mostly of a rocking chair and a tobacco field that make the sharecropping life look strangely inviting (scenic design by Arnulfo Maldonado), it steers right into instead of away from sentimentality, giving us the full flavor of the writing at the cost of courting hokum.

Likewise, the play’s dramatic method prevents its grimmer parts from being fully effective. The narrative is mostly a monologue for Cephus, fleshed out by two actors (Brittany Inge and Stori Ayers, both excellent) who provide quick-take sketches of preachers, loose women, drunks and old aunties. It sometimes feels like a variety show.

But few variety shows have leaned as hard into lyricism as “Home,” which began as a poem Williams wrote on a bus ride home to North Carolina for Christmas. There is something of the road’s reverie in its rhythms — not a surprise from an author whose greatest influence, he said, was “The Raven.”

Though the language is rich, recalling Black spoken word traditions and anticipating the dominance of rap, the technique is more mesmerizing than theatrical here, especially as sped through by the prodigious Kittles to keep the show moving. I wanted to sit with Cephus a bit longer because right from his Homeric first line — “I once rode a swift, strong horse. Hooves of sterling. Coat of white” — he is clearly a bard, whose words need space.

The hectic pace is less of a problem as the play grows graver, moving from Cross Roads to prison to the “dry, ugly, hot, mean” North. There, the supports that formerly sustained Cephus through adversity fall completely away: his land, his honor and his love of music. (“Blues and jazz has choked and gagged me with my own spit,” he cries.) The woman he finds in the city (Ayers again) loses interest the moment he loses his job; the woman he loved in his youth — Patti Mae Wells (Inge again) — is an almost irretrievable memory.

But do not fear. This is not the kind of play to abandon you in a dark alley, even if Cephus’s distaste for city life is the most compelling and counterintuitive part of the story. Plot machinations that you will see coming at quite some distance deliver a happy ending and may even elicit a few nonconsensual tears.

No matter: They cleanse the soul just the same. Williams, who died a few days before this revival’s first preview , seems to have been willing to go anywhere to free his hero from despair as a way of freeing the rest of us, too.

Home Through July 21 at the Todd Haimes Theater, Manhattan; . Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Jesse Green is the chief theater critic for The Times. He writes reviews of Broadway, Off Broadway, Off Off Broadway, regional and sometimes international productions. More about Jesse Green

Declared dead at nursing home, 74-year-old was alive at funeral home 2 hours later

A 74-year-old woman declared dead at a nursing home was found alive two hours later by funeral home employees attending to what they believed were her remains, a Nebraska sheriff's official said.

The employees of the Lincoln funeral home called 911, and the woman was taken to a hospital alive, where she remained Monday, Lancaster County Chief Sheriff’s Deputy Ben Houchin said at a news conference.

The woman's condition was unavailable. Houchin identified her as Constance Glantz.

“This is a very unusual case. I’ve been doing this 31 years, and nothing like this has ever gotten to this point before," Houchin said.

police presser

Houchin said a Lincoln-area nursing home where Glantz was receiving end-of-life care declared her dead about 9:44 a.m., with a doctor prepared to sign her death certificate. It wasn't clear whether that happened.

She was taken to the funeral home, where employees called 911 about 11:43 a.m., a Lincoln Fire & Rescue spokeswoman said.

Houchin described the scene as workers at the funeral home discovered the woman was alive.

"Employee was placing Constance Glantz onto a table to start their process," he said. "An employee noticed that she was still breathing."

He said that an investigation was underway but that so far there are no indications that the nursing home acted with malice in declaring Glantz dead.

"At this point, we have not been able to find any criminal intent by the nursing home, but the investigation is ongoing," he said.

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Dennis Romero is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital. 

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‘Home’ Director Kenny Leon Talks Play’s Broadway Revival and Teases Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal in Upcoming ‘Othello’

By Lexi Carson

Lexi Carson

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Home Broadway

On Wednesday night, the cast and crew of “ Home ” welcomed the Tony-winning play back to Broadway for the first time since 1979 at the Todd Haimes Theatre.

“Home” is directed by Tony-winner Kenny Leon and was written by playwright Samm-Art Williams. It follows the life of Cephus Miles, a man who is searching for a place to belong and call his own home — and the people to share it with. The play includes a three-person cast of Tory Kittles as Miles and Brittany Inge and Stori Ayers, who both play multiple characters throughout the show. The production marks the trio’s Broadway debuts.

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Leon says he made no changes to the original script because “that’s what a great revival does.” He continued, “It’s like when you say ‘Death of a Salesman’ is great or ‘The Glass Menagerie’ or ‘Hamlet’ — they’re great. You don’t have to change much but you conceptualize them. You say ‘What does it mean to an audience now? How do you put in a subtext that’s meaningful for us now? How do we move the rhythm in a different energy?'”

Kittles says he would describe the play as a “life affirming poem… it’s a journey, its a struggle with three actors playing over 40 characters, and there are no bells and whistles were completely exposed up there.”

Kittles has had a long-standing collaborative relationship with Leon, he read for Leon’s 2010 production of “Fences” with Denzel Washington and Viola Davis but didn’t get the role. However, Leon later hired him for his movie, a “Steel Magnolias” remake with Queen Latifah.

Ayers says what “Home” means to her is that it “reminds us that we’re never alone, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.”

“I’m so grateful and thankful that I get to be the one to pass [Williams] work on,” Leon adds. He hopes that with “Home” being back on Broadway more high schools, community theaters or regional theaters will share the story.

Leon also teased that his next play “Othello” starring Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal will be set in 2030. “It’s in the near future, it’s not so far in the past that it feels old, and he’s not so far now that we think we have to include everything that’s in our lives now,” Leon says.

He went on to say, “I’m excited, I want to see Denzel and Jake together. We’re sitting in the palm of the universe, Denzel is the exact age, it’s the exact time for him to do it and it’s the exact time for Jake to do it. It’s the exact time for ‘Othello’ to happen, that doesn’t happen a lot when all of this comes together at the right time.”

Leon also confirms that the casting will finish this week. The play will debut at the Shubert Theatre in spring 2025.

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    Discover more in our Primer and At a Glance resources. Home visiting outcomes are supported by research. Research shows that voluntary home visiting programs help improve infant and maternal health, develop safe homes and nurturing relationships to prevent prevent child abuse and injury or mortality, support early learning and long-term ...

  17. What Makes Home Visiting So Effective?

    Home visiting can provide opportunities to integrate those beliefs and values into the work the home visitor and family do together. In addition to your own relationship with the family during weekly home visits, you bring families together twice a month. These socializations reduce isolation and allow for shared experiences, as well as connect ...

  18. Homechoir

    VISIT OUR HOME ON YOUTUBE. GO About Us. Homechoir is a digital choir - a community of singers numbering in the thousands who join Ben England BEM (the internet's choirmaster) on YouTube three times a week for singing, fun and camaraderie. Homechoir is a new way of learning music. You don't need to be an accomplished singer to take part.

  19. Home Visiting

    A Typical Visit. Our home visitor calls one of the parents for their visit. We get started by checking in on how things have been going since the last visit. Home visitor asks about the activities that were provided that month. For example, a shape matching game with velcro, then a small art project like coloring with crayons or paint.

  20. Vineland

    The Vineland Veterans Home is the state's oldest continually operating veteran's home, having opened its doors in 1899. The Vineland Home has been providing services to New Jersey Veterans from every war or armed conflict since the Civil War. Our new replacement facility was constructed on the same site of the previous buildings and opened ...

  21. At Home

    10% off your next purchase. is just the start. Insiders get access to a birthday coupon, exclusive Flash Finds, hassle-free receiptless returns, gifts with purchase, sweepstakes and more. Shop At Home for every room, every style, every budget & every season. From furniture & home decor to outdoor lighting & patio furniture, Home starts here.

  22. Our Home Fairborn

    Our Location. 7800 Dayton Springfield Rd, Fairborn, OH 45324. Phone: (937) 864-1500 | Fax: (937) 864-5628. Fairborn. In the Spotlight. Our Home Fairborn Ribbon Cutting Final for GDD. Watch on.

  23. Everything You've Ever Wondered About the Home Alone House

    Whether you're looking to plan your visit to the real-life dwelling (the Home Alone house address is 671 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka, IL) or find inspiration for your decor this holiday season, read on.

  24. Visual Media

    Boost online engagement and attract buyers from all over the world. 80% of buyers go inside 3D models when it's available, with visits lasting an average of 6 minutes! Put buyers inside your listings any time, anywhere - a 24/7 open house! One of our technicians will scan the entire property with 360° cameras and render a full model within 24 ...

  25. Shopping

    Feel at home in the heart of the city with a visit to our shop. We look forward to seeing you soon! Find us: We're located alongside the Boat House by the Serpentine in Hyde Park. Our opening hours are 10am-5pm, 7 days a week. Call us: You can also contact the shop by calling: 0300 061 2226.

  26. Review: In a Nostalgic Revival, 'Home' Is Where the Heart Was

    His memories of hard work, tall tales and odd characters in segregated, fictional Cross Roads — likely based on Williams's Burgaw, N.C. — are surprisingly upbeat. The poverty, being general ...

  27. Declared dead at nursing home, woman was alive at funeral home 2 hours

    A 74-year-old woman declared dead at a nursing home was found alive two hours later by funeral home employees attending to what they believed were her remains, a Nebraska sheriff's official said ...

  28. 'Home' Returns to Broadway

    By Lexi Carson. Joan Marcus. On Wednesday night, the cast and crew of " Home " welcomed the Tony-winning play back to Broadway for the first time since 1979 at the Todd Haimes Theatre. "Home ...

  29. How to Renew Your Texas Driver License, Commercial Driver License

    Just follow the steps, and at the end, you will have a customized checklist of the documents to bring for your visit. If you are not eligible to renew online, by phone, or by mail, you will need to visit your local driver license office for assistance. You may visit our License Eligibility page to verify your driver license status. Once you ...

  30. Home

    Our Mission To preserve and enhance the rule of law in El Dorado County by providing all persons a fair, efficient, and accessible forum for resolving disputes, protecting public safety, and righting wrongs.