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Top 20 Most Popular UK Cities for International Visitors

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The Office of National Statistics, which keeps track of such things, has named the UK cities most visited by international visitors. As you might expect, London comes in at number. Edinburgh coming in at number two isn't much of a shock either. But some of the other destinations in the UK Top 20 list, may surprise you. Check out their profiles to find out what makes each of them so popular.

Home of the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, The Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, The British Museum and more British Icons, London is a world center of theatre, art, music, literature, and culture. It's also a city of colorful markets, great shopping, green open spaces, and a cosmopolitan culture.

London is home to 7.5 million people, or 12.5 per cent of the UK's population. Not counting visitors, more than 1.5 million Londoners come from abroad. They speak 300 different languages. On top of its cosmopolitan locals, London welcomes more than 25 million visitors a year through its five airports, national rail stations, and Eurostar terminal, the gateway to the continent.

TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre

Scotland's capital and the seat of its Parliament, Edinburgh combines the young and modern sensibilities of a great university city and national capital with a historic and dramatic setting. Here you'll find the world's biggest performing arts festival, a 1,000-year-old castle and a mountain - Arthur's Seat - right in the middle of town. And, Edinburgh's annual New Year's celebration - Hogmanay - is a four-day street party to end all street parties.

Edinburgh has about half a million people, including more than 62,000 university students. At least 13 million people visit every year. During the main festival month of August, the population of Edinburgh swells by more than one million, making it, temporarily, the UK's second-largest city.

Festival Edinburgh - From the end of June through to early September, Edinburgh reels through one festival after another. Film, books, art, music, television and jazz, the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, and the Edinburgh International Festival are just some of the summer festivals. But the big event is the world-famous Edinburgh Fringe , a free-for-all of drama, music, comedy and street theater that veers wildly from brilliant to dire and that takes over the whole city for most of August.

Come winter and Edinburgh folks are ready to party again, staging the world's biggest New Year's celebration, Hogmanay. The torchlight parades, fire festival events, concerts, funfairs, and winter swims go on for four days.

Manchester is often called the first modern city. In the 18th century this Northwestern city, 30 miles from Liverpool, was the cotton making capital of the world and one of the breeding grounds of the industrial revolution. Its entrepreneurs and industrial tycoons endowed it with museums, galleries, theatres and libraries as well as outstanding civic architecture. A devastating IRA bomb in 1996 created the need for city center regeneration resulting in a new, dramatic 21st century cityscape.

Today, some of the most exciting architecture in Britain can be found in Manchester and the nearby Salford Quays area. Among the highlights are Bridgewater Hall, home of Manchester's Hallé Orchestra; Urbis, a glass curtain-walled exhibition center, and the Imperial War Museum, designed by Daniel Libeskind.

Manchester has long been a hotbed of the indie and pop music scenes. Among the bands and artists who got their start, Manchester can claim Elkie Brooks, Take That, Freddie and the Dreamers, Hermans Hermits, The Hollies, Oasis, Simply Red, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, Morrissey and dozens more.

Today a large student population keeps Manchester's club scene as lively as ever. And, as one of the gateways to England's Lake District , Manchester makes a good anchor for a two base vacation, combining outdoor activities with urban nightlife.

A combination of entrepreneurial daring and engineering know-how made Birmingham the manufacturing engine of Britain through the 19th century and most of the 20th. James Watt first commercially manufactured his steam engine here; the transatlantic cable and the Orient Express were Birmingham built, and this was the heartland of the British motor industry.

Birmingham also has several tasty claims to fame. George Cadbury made his choccies here and his Bourneville Estate was an early planned community. In more recent times, Birmingham has become the heartland of that Anglo-Punjabi specialty, Balti cuisine.

With a population of more than a million, Birmingham is the UK's second-largest city. It's a vibrant, multi-ethnic destination with a lively arts and music scene and some of England's best shopping. Its Selfridges - the company's first store outside of London, is an ultra-modern building that looks like it just landed from outer space.

Music With a Brummie Accent

Heavy Metal is a Birmingham sound. Both Judas Priest and Black Sabbath were local bands. And Ozzie Osborne is a native son. Other styles of music thrive in Birmingham too. The city kick-started the careers of Duran Duran, ELO and UB40.

With its great shopping and the huge NEC conference center as draws, Birmingham has loads of visitors. Sadly it doesn't have nearly enough hotels to meet the demand. So if you are planning on heading there for a special event, plan on booking early.

Scotland's largest city and the third-largest city in the UK, Glasgow's had long taken a back seat to Edinburgh with tourists and visitors. Its reputation as a rough, crime-ridden, dirty and hard-drinking city put people off. But, since the mid-1980s, Glaswegians have worked hard to turn that image around.

And they've succeeded.

In 1995, Glasgow was the European Capital of Culture. The award wasn't for the heritage culture that enlivens Edinburgh but for an entirely more contemporary vibe. And it keeps getting better. In 2008, Lonely Planet named Glasgow one of the top 10 cities for tourists. In the same year, the Mercer report, a quality of life survey, put Glasgow among the top 50 safest cities of the world. Nervous tourists note: that was more than 30 places higher than London.

Today, Billy Connolly's hometown is a hip destination for contemporary art, jazz, clubs, comedy, design and fashion (of both the chic and the gutsy street kind). It's also the gateway to the Western Highlands. Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park is about half an hour away.

TripSavvy / Taylor McIntyre 

When visitors think of Liverpool, the Beatles may come to mind. And, of course, there's plenty to do that's Beatles related - not least of which is is visit to the famous Cavern Club.

In 2008, the mantle of European Capital of Culture landed on Liverpool, revitalizing this city in England's northwest, as the award often does. Liverpool's Albert Docks area became a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its role in Britain's maritime history. Visitors to the area can learn about Liverpool's role in the history of the slave trade (commemorated in the world's only International Slavery Museum), emigration to the Americas and Australia, and the spread of trade and culture across the British Empire. The spotlight on the dock's history has also brought trendy clubs, hotels, shopping, dining and a Liverpool branch of the famous Tate Gallery to the immediate surrounding area.

Over the years, Liverpool has had its ups and downs, but the recent revival of interest in this historic city means there are quite a few new and trendy hotels.

TripSavvy / Gautier Houba 

Bristol, on the borders of Somerset and Gloucestershire, is a small, attractive city with a history of creativity and innovation. It makes a great base for touring with Stratford-upon-Avon , Warwick Castle, Bath, Stonehenge, Cheddar Gorge and Longleat all within easy reach.

Once one of England's most important ports, like Liverpool, it was a center for the triangular trade in the 17th and 18th centuries, shipping manufactured goods to Africa in exchange for enslaved people who were then forcibly transported to the Americas. Abolitionist Thomas Clarkson lived undercover at The Seven Stars Pub on Thomas Lane in the 18th century. He gathered the information about the slave trade that his friend William Wilberforce used to support the Act for the Abolition of Slavery. You can still raise a pint of real ale in the pub, open every day since 1760, whose history goes back to the 1600s.

Born in Bristol

From the pioneering Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel to the leaders of today's cutting-edge animations, Bristol has been a hotbed of talented innovators. Brunel, who designed Britain's first long-distance railway, the Great Western between London and Bristol, also designed the first ocean-going, propeller-driven transatlantic steamship, the SS Great Britain and the Clifton Suspension Bridge (completed after Brunel's death). The bridge, over the Avon Gorge, is the symbol of Bristol.

The Bristol Old Vic, an offshoot of London's Old Vic Theatre, and its associated drama school has populated international stages and screens with graduates. Cary Grant was born in Bristol; Patrick Stewart, Jeremy Irons, Greta Scacchi, Miranda Richardson, Helen Baxendale, Daniel Day-Lewis and Gene Wilder all learned their craft there.

Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep are also Bristol natives, having been created at the city's Aardman Animation. And the mysterious graffiti artist, Banksy, another Bristol native, has left his mark there.

Oxford University is England's oldest university, dating back to the 11th century. It's the reason that many people make their way to this small city, 60 miles northwest of London, on the edge of the Cotswolds.

The city has England's oldest public museum, The Ashmolean, recently refurbished with its exhibition space doubled. Visitors can also enjoy shopping in a lively covered market, find an almost hidden pub that was popular when Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were still hiding their affair from their respective spouses, and explore a haunted castle.

And then, of course, there are the colleges. Visitors are welcome to stroll the fascinating, historic grounds and chapels of most of the colleges. Some are only open during fixed times of day or as part of official guided tours. Official Guided Walking Tours, run by the Oxford Tourist Information Centre, allow you to take in the sights at college, including several well-known landmarks and movie locations. You can even see some of the locations used in the Harry Potter films.

Oxford makes a great London Day Trip , with or without a car. It's also a useful base for exploring the Cotswolds, visiting Blenheim Palace in Woodstock (a ten-minute bus trip away), or shopping till you drop at Bicester Village, one of the UK's best designer discount centers.

  • The Turf Tavern , Oxford's secret pub
  • Brown's Cafe - Cheap Eats in Oxford

Cambridge, like its traditional rival Oxford, grew out of an association of scholars who settled in one place and founded the colleges. According to tradition, Cambridge, Britain's second-oldest university, was founded in 1209 when a group of scholars fled Oxford after a disagreement with local townspeople.

Smaller and less urban than Oxford, Cambridge is, nevertheless, a lively place full of fascinating museums and galleries, theatres, restaurants, and pubs.

The colleges themselves, which together have produced more Nobel Prize winners than any university in the world, are masterpieces of Medieval, Tudor and Jacobean architecture. Among the standouts open to visitors, Kings College Chapel, with its soaring thistle vaulted ceiling, is a must-see.

From April to September, Cambridge can be packed with tourists who arrive on buses, stay a few hours, and then skedaddle. But train services from London are frequent, and journey times relatively short, so it's a shame not to linger a bit longer to explore some of the lovely gardens along the Backs (where Cambridge colleges back up onto the River Cam). Because of the crowds, many of the colleges now charge an entry fee to visit their grounds and limit opening hours.

Taking a Punt at a Punt

Punts are the traditional flatboats that are propelled with poles along the Cam and Granchester rivers. The punter stands and pushes the pole into the mud. It's not as easy as it looks! More than one beginner has either lost a pole or been left clinging to one as the punt floats on. Nowadays, visitors can hire a chauffeured punt (the chauffeur will probably be a student) for a guided cruise along the Backs. It's low-key but quite fun.

One of Cambridge's shortcomings is a dearth of really nice hotels near the center. One of the most interesting, however, is The Moller Centre, part of Churchill College. It's a conference center at heart but anyone can stay in business class luxury at budget prices in this architecturally unusual place. 

Cardiff , the capital of Wales and its largest city, has experienced a virtual renaissance. In a little over a decade its visitor numbers have increased by more than 50 percent. When the Millenniium Stadium, home of the Welsh national rugby union team and the Welsh national football team, opened in 1999, the city welcomed about 9 million foreign visitors. In 2009, that figure had risen to more than 14.6 million foreign visitors, with French and Irish rugby fans leading the way.

The rebirth of Cardiff includes redevelopment of the waterfront along Cardiff Bay. The Senedd, home of the Welsh National Assembly and designed by British architect Richard Rogers, opened there in 2006.

Nearby, the Wales Millennium Centre, opened in 2004, is a performance venue for theatre, musicals, opera, ballet, contemporary dance, hip hop, comedy, art, and art workshops. It has two theaters and seven resident companies including the Welsh National Opera. Free performances take place in the center's foyer every day and visitors to the bars and restaurants can enjoy views of Cardiff Bay. The building is a striking landmark on its own, clad in Welsh slate, bronze-colored steel, wood, and glass. It is a reflection of the Welsh landscape.

The most famous features of the building, designed by Jonathan Adam, are the lines of poetry, made up of windows, that cross its facade. Written for the center by Welsh writer Gwyneth Lewis, the Welsh and English words are not translations of each other but are, in fact, two different short poems that complement each other. The words of the Welsh poem, "Creu Gwir Fel Gwydr O Ffwrnais Awen" (Creating truth like glass from the furnace of inspiration), are arranged beside the words of the English poem, "In these stones, horizons sing." At night, light from inside the center shines through the windows.

Not everything about Cardiff is brand new. Cardiff Castle began its life as a Roman garrison, about 2000 years ago. It has been a Norman castle keep and home to a variety of noble families. In the 19th century, the Marquess of Bute had the living quarters transformed into a Victorian fantasy castle with fabulous and opulent interiors. Today it belongs to the city of Cardiff and the castle, along with its surrounding parkland, is the scene of festivals and events throughout the year.

Cardiff's post-millennial revival and its position as the seat of the newly devolved Welsh government means the hotel and accommodation selection is very good.

Brighton is hip, colorful, and unusually urban for a seaside resort. "London's beach", 60 miles from the capital, is a year-round day trip or short break destination with lots more to offer than its seafront.

Shopping, dining, a hoot of a fantasy palace, a brilliant aquarium, great nightlife and theater, block after block of Regency houses - not to mention the most scenic pier in Britain - combine with a tolerant and breezy ambiance to make Brighton a very cool place to visit and an even cooler place to stay awhile.

If you like cities, there's a good chance you will love Brighton. Millions of people do. At least 8 million people visit Brighton annually - about 6.5 million for day trips. Brighton Pier alone gets 4.5 million visitors a year. The city regularly ranks among the top 20 for overseas visitors and is among Britain's top 10 visitor destinations overall. It is also one of Britain's most popular LGBTQ destinations with a large resident gay population.

It may be London's beach, but don't expect to pop into the sea. The water is usually pretty cold and the shingle beach is not to everyone's taste. But all kinds of watersports fans, surfers, paddle and windsurfers do love it. And strolling along the seaside or lazing on the beach is just part of Brighton's appeal.

Come for amazing shopping in the Lanes and the North Laine, goggle at the Royal Pavilion, eat lots of great fish and chips, and enjoy the festival and club scene. It's a quick day trip by train from London and one you don't want to miss.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead

Newcastle-upon-Tyne began its history as a major Roman fort defending the eastern end of Hadrian's Wall. The evidence is still there at the Arbeia Roman Fort & Museum, including a reconstruction of the fort that guarded the mouth of the Tyne and exhibits with archeological finds from the site.

In the early Middle Ages, after the departure of the Romans, the Venerable Bede, an Anglo Saxon monk, lived and wrote his histories of early Britain at Jarrow, just downriver from Newcastle on the south bank of the Tyne. Jarrow Hall (formerly Bedes World), in Jarrow, is a new museum and World Heritage Site candidate near the ruins of Bede's Anglo Saxon monastery.

Fast Forward

Newcastle is a good base for exploring the northeast of England, but don't be surprised if the locals could care less about all that impressive history. They have their eyes firmly fixed on today and tomorrow.

Newcastle nightlife is legendary, spawning bands, performance artists, and good times in quantity. Back in the 1960s, Jimi Hendrix lived and busked in Newcastle. He was discovered and managed by Chas Chandler, a musician with Newcastle band, The Animals. Dire Straits was a Newcastle band and Sting is a Geordie boy. ("Geordies" are natives of Newcastle). One of England's big university cities, students keep the Newcastle music scene alive and kicking.

Since the Millennium, the Newcastle/Gateshead Quays have been transformed into a futuristic and arty landscape. The Newcastle/Gateshead Millennium Bridge is a unique pedestrian "drawbridge". Instead of splitting and opening to allow tall boat traffic through, the bottom pedestrian deck of the bridge tips up to meet the support arch, like an eyelid, opening and closing.

The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art on the quayside is a huge contemporary art space and the biggest exhibition space of its kind in the world. Before its transformation into a cutting-edge visual arts exhibition center, it was an enormous and abandoned flour and animal feed mill. Not far away, the Sage Gateshead is an ultra-modern music performance and learning center. Rock, pop, classical, acoustic, indie, country, folk, electronic, dance, and world music are all performed inside Sage's gleaming bubbles of stainless steel and glass. The Northern Sinfonia has its home at the Sage.

Geordies The native dialect of Newcastle, Geordie, is distinctive and one of the oldest in England. If you've ever seen actor Jimmy Nail or Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole, you've heard this inimitable accent.

People sometimes dub Leeds The Knightsbridge of the North because this city, built on a tradition of wool, textile, and clothing manufacture, is one of the UK's major retail and fashion hubs. Glamorous shops are housed in some of the most splendid Victorian arcades in Europe. Famous Harvey Nichols established its first store outside of London here. And one of Britain's most famous businesses, Marks & Spencer, began its life as a humble market stall in Leeds Kirkgate Market.

21st Century Leeds

Leeds is a thoroughly wired up place. Leeds IT companies host more than a third of all UK Internet traffic and there are more ISDN lines per head of population than any other major city in the world. A new Internet Quarter, full of call centers and server farms, is in the works.

Currently the UK's third largest city, Leeds is also the fastest growing city in Britain. Its population of three quarters of a million includes more than 100,000 university and college students who support a lively music scene. There are about 1,500 bands currently active in Leeds. Among the city's recent success stories, the Kaiser Chiefs and Corinne Bailey Rae hail from this Yorkshire city.

And speaking of Yorkshire

Leeds is well placed for some nightlife and retail therapy as part of a tour of the beautiful Yorkshire countryside. It's also less than half an hour, by train or car, from the Medieval, walled city of York.

The small northern English city of York has been an important population center for at least 2,000 years. As a Roman, Viking, and Medieval Anglo Saxon city, its relics, monuments and architectural treasures are woven into the fabric of everyday modern life.

It's a lovely city for walking, with hundreds of half-timbered buildings and other marvels to look at and explore at every turn. Its markets, located in the same squares and stalls they have occupied for hundreds of years, sell everything from fruit and vegetables and snazzy hats to designer kitchen utensils and DVDs. Boutique shops that line York's winding lanes provide plenty of prey for the avid fashion hunter. Some of the best shopping streets are mentioned in the Domesday Book and have been commercial centers for more than 900 years.

York Minster, one of Europe's greatest gothic cathedrals, dominates the city, visible from any vantage point within the walls. It has a stained glass window bigger than a tennis court and a crypt where you can explore the Minster's Roman foundations.

On it's own, it might be hard to understand why Inverness, on the River Ness near the head of the Moray Firth, is among Britain's top 20 cities for visitors. But Inverness is more than a quiet provincial city. It is the unofficial capital of the Highlands and the gateway to all that is Scottish about Scotland.

Just outside of Inverness, the Culloden battlefield bears witness to one of the great lost causes in Scottish history. In 1746, the clans who supported a restoration of the Stuarts to the throne rallied behind Prince Charles Edward Stuart, known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, in what was known as the Jacobite cause. The climax, at Culloden, was an hour-long battle in which at least 1,000 died. It led to the brutal "pacification" of the Highlands, the banning of clan chiefs and tartans and the attempted destruction of Highland culture. The story is explained at an outstanding visitors center, run by the National Trust of Scotland, on the iconic Culloden Battlefield site. Read a description of the eve of battle and the battle itself, in Sir Walter Scott's novel, "Waverley".

A few miles southwest of Inverness, Loch Ness marks the last great body of water at the northern end of the Great Glen, the deep channel of interconnected lochs and waterways that cuts across southwest to northeast across Scotland, from the North Atlantic to the North Sea. Coach and Caledonian Canal tours can be arranged to visit the loch to have a look for the legendary Loch Ness monster, Nessie. Even if you don't spot it, Loch Ness is a beautiful place to visit and home to Rock Ness, a rock festival with its own sea monster. Urquhart Castle is known to be a particularly good place for Nessie watching.

The Whiskey Trail and Beyond

East of Inverness, the area surrounding the River Spey, is prime territory for Scotch whisky tourism. Speyside distilleries make some of the most famous and most treasured whiskies in the world. Many are open to the public. The area is also popular for salmon fishing and shooting holidays.

Inverness is also within easy striking distance of the Cairngorms and Cairngorm National Park, a popular skiing destination and home to Balmoral , the Queen's Scottish vacation home. And, if you are heading for Orkney , flying from Inverness is the fastest way to get there.

But one word of advice: Inverness on weekend nights can be an incredibly noisy place. If you are planning an early start for a cruise or a tour, find yourself a quiet hotel, away from the center.

From its 2,000-year-old Roman Baths to its Georgian terraces and Pump Room, the entire city of Bath is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Jane Austen enjoyed the health-giving waters of Bath and its accompanying social scene, as did many of her characters. Besides offering visitors a feast of historic architecture, this small pleasant city has more than enough diversions for demanding modern weekenders. This includes great restaurants, top shopping , quirky museums, a lively cultural scene and, of course, a post-millennial, multi-million pound, thermal spa.

Bath is a bit too far from London for a day trip that does justice to its many pleasures, but it makes a fine overnight getaway with lots of charming places to stay and dine. Among the sights, Bath Abbey, occupying a site that has been a place of Christian worship for 1,200 years; The Jane Austen Center; The Roman Baths and Pump Room, where 18th and 19th-century high society socialized and where you can still taste the waters of the ancient spring or stop for tea.

Bath is also a showcase of England's finest 18th-century architecture, with stunning terraces of pristine, white houses that have formed the backdrops of countless films. No. 1 Royal Crescent. the first house built on Bath's iconic, 18th century Royal Crescent is now open as a museum. Restored and authentically furnished, it offers a glimpse into fashionable 18th-century life.

And shop hounds will also enjoy Bath. Its shopping areas are crammed with independent boutiques - fashion, antiques , jewelry and more.

Visitors to Nottingham will search in vain for the origins of the Robin Hood stories in Nottingham Castle, once a base for wicked usurper King John and his henchman, the Sheriff of legend. It's now a 17th-century ducal mansion. But Castle Rock and the cave system beneath it, a scheduled ancient monument, hint at a medieval (and earlier past).

North of the city, the remains of Sherwood Forest, 450 acres of Britain's most ancient oak trees, can still be visited.

Perhaps it was stories of the legendary Robin of Sherwood that turned Nottingham into the nursery for so many literary lights. Lord Byron's title came from the Nottinghamshire estate he inherited when he was ten years old. He is also buried in a Nottinghamshire churchyard. D.H. Lawrence, son of a Nottinghamshire miner, grew up in the area. And both J.M. Barrie, creator of "Peter Pan," and novelist Graham Greene cut their creative teeth on the Nottingham Daily Journal.

The Mayflower Trail

Visitors looking for the history of the Pilgrim Fathers will find much of interest in the Nottingham area, the heart of Pilgrim Country. William Brewster, the postmaster of Scrooby in Nottinghamshire, was instrumental in leading a group of Separatists to Holland in 1607. The group eventually fetched up on the shores of Massachusetts, founding the Plymouth Colony in 1620. The Mayflower Trail is a circular tour through the quiet villages of Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire that gave rise to the Separatist movement.

Student Travelers

It's not all about history and literature, though. With two universities and 370 schools, Nottingham has the third-largest student population in the UK and has a lively nightlight to go with it. There are at least 300 bars, clubs, and restaurants in Nottingham, and several large music and dance venues to keep night owls entertained.

I have to confess I found it hard, at first, to understand why Reading made it to the top 20 list of popular UK cities. Though an important town in the Middle Ages, today Reading is largely a commercial center that's important in the IT and insurance industries.

True, it is within a very short distance of some of England's iconic sites like Windsor Castle, Eton, as well as a raft of stately homes, scattered across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire that are worth visiting. It's not far from the scene of the Henley Regatta and it does have a large university population.

But, what probably drives Reading into a top UK destination are two hugely popular festivals.

The Reading Comedy Festival, which traditionally takes place in the autumn, is three weeks of stand-up comedy acts. It attracts British and Irish comedians and their fans, along with dozens of brave hopefuls for open mic events.

The Reading Festival is one of the UK's biggest music festivals. It takes place on the August Bank Holiday weekend and has an unusual twist. The festival is paired with the Leeds Festival, which takes place on the same weekend with the same lineup. Artists appear at one of the festivals then rush across the country to the other to appear again.

When it comes to staying in Reading, you might consider finding accommodations outside of its hotel options. If you are going to one of the many festivals, you are more likely to camp. If you are looking for real charm, the countryside all around has a bit more to offer you in terms of unique scenery. But Reading is also an important business center and the business traveler is well served.

Aberdeen , 130 miles northeast of Edinburgh on the North Sea coast, is something of a boomtown. Before the discovery of North Sea oil in the 1970s, Scotland's third-largest city was a fishing port - it's still one of Britain's largest fishing harbors with a huge annual haul from its North Sea trawlers - and a university town. Aberdeen University's charter dates from the late 15th century.

The oil industry has brought oil tycoon prices. Shops, hotels and restaurants in Aberdeen have prices comparable to London. And for a city of less than 300,000, Aberdeen has remarkably good designer and boutique shopping.

The city is almost entirely built of local granite. In good weather, mica in the stone sparkles in the sun. But, to be honest, blue skies in this part of Scotland are pretty rare and in overcast weather, the characteristic greyness can be pretty grim.

Still, if industrial powerhouses are what you are after, Aberdeen may be a good stopover on your way to salmon fishing on the Dee. Aberdeen, which has Europe's biggest and busiest heliport, is sometimes known as the energy capital of Europe.

The first time I saw Chester, I thought its street after street of beautifully kept half-timbered buildings could not be real. Surely I had stepped into a modern theme park.

As it happens, I was partly right. Chester's famous "Rows" are partly Victorian reproductions of earlier buildings. But some of the best are really Medieval. The rows are continuous rows of galleries, reached by steps from street level and forming a second level of shops. No one is quite sure why they were built in this way but some of them, including the Three Arches on Bridge Street, have been galleried shops since the 1200s, having survived the Black Death of the 13th century and the English Civil War of the 17th.

Roman Chester

Chester, and the four ancient streets that make up its High Cross district - Eastgate, Northgate, Watergate and Bridge - are more than a thousand years older than its Medieval Rows. The walled city was actually founded as a Roman fort in 79 A.D., during the reign of Emperor Vespasian. It's one of the best-preserved walled cities in England with some sections of the ramparts dating back 2000 years to the Roman originals. The city was a major center in the Roman province of Britannia. Recent excavations, the biggest archaeological dig in Britain, have uncovered a Roman amphitheater where fighting techniques were demonstrated.

Even if you're not a keen fan of history, Chester, in the heart of affluent Cheshire, is fun to visit. It's full of independent boutiques, has several good museums and art galleries, and is known for top restaurants, luxury hotels and spas.

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

15 Absolute Best Cities to Visit in the UK (+Map & Travel Tips)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: September 12, 2023

15 Absolute Best Cities to Visit in the UK (+Map & Travel Tips)

The United Kingdom’s rich and vibrant culture make its cities among the most fascinating to visit in the world. Whether you’re looking for stunning architecture, world-class museums, or the cool vibe of contemporary art and music, you’ll find it all in the best UK cities.

However, with so many great cities throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland (the four countries of the UK) it can be difficult to decide which ones to visit in a limited amount of time.

So in this guide, we list the very best cities to visit in the UK that are worth your time the most . For each city, we include the main attractions that you simply must see. We also listed a few extras that are well worth visiting if you have enough time. For each town, we also indicate how much time you need for a visit.

Good to know: The great thing about visiting the UK is its small size and good transport links. This makes it quite easy to travel from one part of the country to another. Furthermore, quite a few of these cities can also be visited with organized tours from London (or other nearby towns). So if you plan well, you can visit several of these UK towns in one trip.

To help you plan your trip and see several of the nicest cities and towns in Great Britain, we asked our writer Christine, a UK local, to share the best places and tips for your visit. We also created a map indicating each town. That way, you have a better idea of where everything is and can plan your trip accordingly. Take a look!

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

These are the most beautiful cities in the UK that are worth a visit the most:

London really has to be number one on any list of the best places in the UK! And there are so many reasons to visit the nation’s capital. Located on the banks of the River Thames, London is the country’s financial center, the seat of the Government of the United Kingdom, and home to the Royal Family.

All of this is reflected in its magnificent and historic architecture and a huge variety of things to see and do.

The diversity of London’s population is evident in its wonderful food scene. From traditional British food in local pubs, the finest cuisine in world-famous restaurants, to the ethnic street food in its many markets, London has it all. London also offers some of the very best shopping in the world. You’ll find designer stores, vintage boutiques, eclectic craft fairs, and quirky markets all over the city.

If you want to escape the bustling streets, museums, and galleries, London has some very beautiful and tranquil green spaces too. Don’t miss the scenic Hyde Park! If you have more time, visit the lesser-known Kew Gardens, with its stunning collection of tropical flora and fauna. London is truly a city that offers something for everyone.

Tower Bridge in London UK

Must see: The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace (don’t miss the Changing of the Guard ), Westminster (including Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament), Tower Bridge, the London Eye , the British Museum, St Paul’s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square (home to Nelson’s Column), and Piccadilly Circus. Thames Cruise is also a must.

Nice to see: Greenwich , Hyde Park, Covent Garden, Kew Gardens, Borough Market, Camden Town & Camden Lock Market , National Gallery, Harrods, and Oxford Street. If you are visiting London with kids , don’t miss Madame Tussauds , the Natural History Museum, Leicester Square stores, and the Royal Mews. Also, don’t miss at least some of the best views in London !

How much time do you need. You can quickly see the major sites with just one day in London . However, if you want to be able to visit a few places inside and get a good feeling of the city you really need two days in London . To fully appreciate all of London’s major sights, visit a few of them inside, and check out a few different neighborhoods, you will need at least 3 to 4 days.

If you want to experience the diversity of attractions across the city, discover some of London’s hidden gems , or take a day tour to Windsor Castle or a day trip to other popular places near London , you can easily spend a week or even more.

Where to stay: Best areas to stay in London for first time .

Travel tips: Please see London travel tips for more information for planning your trip.

LEARN MORE: Best Things to Do in London (Must-See!)

Best UK Cities - London

2. Edinburgh

Scotland’s capital city, Edinburgh is truly a tale of two cities! It has a New Town – packed with modern shops and trendy eateries – on one side, and a historic Old Town on the other.

The imposing Edinburgh Castle – one of Europe’s oldest fortified places – overlooks the entire city. Surrounding it are rolling green hills which often draw a comparison with Rome. Indeed Italy’s capital, like Edinburgh, was said to have been built on seven hills. Its neoclassical architecture, along with its reputation for philosophy and learning, have earned Edinburgh the nickname of the ‘Athens of the North’.

Edinburgh has a rich history, awesome views, incredible green spaces, and several world-class museums and galleries. In contrast, it also has an intriguingly dark past that you can learn more about by exploring its creepy kirkyards (churchyards) and a fascinating underground street that shows you just what life used to be like in the city.

Scotland’s capital is also known for its many festivals, including the world-famous Hogmanay at New Year.

Edinburgh - one of the most beautiful cities in the UK

Must see: Edinburgh Castle, Calton Hill or Arthur’s Seat (for the views), the Royal Mile, Holyrood Palace, National Museum of Scotland, and Royal Yacht Britannia.

Nice to see: Royal Botanic Gardens, St Giles’ Cathedral, Princes Street Gardens, Camera Obscura & World of Illusions (nice views of the city), Scottish National Gallery, The Real Mary King’s Close.

How much time do you need. Given the city’s relatively small size, it’s possible to see the main sights of Edinburgh in 1 day , but it would be quite a rush. We recommend 2-3 days to take in and fully appreciate everything the city has to offer.

LEARN MORE: Best Things to Do in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Castle

3. Cambridge

Cambridge is probably best known for its University (the world’s 4th oldest surviving university). Which is home to more winners of the Nobel prize than any other university in the UK.

Cambridge is also a beautiful town, with lots of well-preserved historic buildings that are mostly centered around its 31 (!) colleges. Cambridge has some world-famous Alumni too. 14 British Prime Ministers studied here, world-famous physicist Stephen Hawking, and many others who have made a real impact on the world.

A must-do in Cambridge is taking a punt tour along the beautiful River Cam. Punt is a traditional flat bottomed boat and a very typical thing to do here. The river runs through the heart of the city offering great views of the ancient architecture of the city.

Being a student town, this medieval city still has a very modern vibe too. So there’s plenty of music, festivals, and a strong performing arts scene. There are several art galleries exhibiting everything from the classics to contemporary works. And you’ll find some lovely, quirky shops to buy souvenirs.

Trinity College in Cambridge UK

Must see: King’s College Chapel, Queen’s College and the Mathematical Bridge (built without nails), Trinity College (and other collages if you have more time), Fitzwilliam Museum, Great St Mary’s Church (climb to the top of the tower for incredible city views), the River Cam and punting tours .

Nice to see: The Botanic Garden, Angelsey Abbey, Wren Library (the Trinity College Library where you can see Newton’s “Principia Mathematica”; it’s only open between noon and 2 pm on weekdays, and Saturday morning), the Round Church, the Bridge of Sighs, The Backs (behind the colleges).

How much time do you need. You can see much of Cambridge within one full day, and it’s also possible to visit with a tour from the capital . But to give yourself time to browse the main museum and to go punting along the River Cam, it’s worth planning two days for your visit.

Bridge of Sighs in Cambridge UK

Of all the cities in the UK, the wonderful, walled city of York boasts the most attractions per square mile. Although it has all the modern shops and amenities you’d expect from a major UK city, the main appeal of York is in fascinating history.

As you wander the cobbled, medieval streets – some with beautifully preserved buildings from the 14th and 15th centuries – you can also see hints of its Roman roots and signs of Viking influence.

Among its many attractions, York has 30 museums, the UK’s best racecourse, and festivals on an almost monthly basis.

The city’s Cathedral – York Minster – is one of the largest in Europe. You can enjoy some incredible views of the city from the top. You can also view the city from the water by taking a boat trip along River Ouse or on Foss River. Another fun thing to do is learn about the history of chocolate-making at the place where the famous UK confectioners Terry’s and Rowntree were founded.

River Ouse in York city UK

Must see: York Minster (formally known as the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York), the 14th century City Walls (you can walk along the top), National Railway Museum, the Shambles (one of the world’s best-preserved medieval streets), views along the River Ouse and river cruises .

Nice to see: York Maze, York Castle Museum, Castle Howard, York’s Chocolate Story, Clifford’s Tower (great views), York Racecourse.

How much time do you need. You can see the highlights of York in a day, but we recommend 2 full days to see things at a more leisurely pace. If you want to also explore the Yorkshire region, plan a few days extra. See the best suggestions for places to see via the link below.

READ ALSO: Best Day Trips from York

Shambles street in York city UK

Whilst it may have an interesting history and plenty of period architecture to admire, Glasgow is hip and happening. So much so that it is sometimes referred to as ‘Scotland’s city of cool!’.

A mecca for creativity, Glasgow has a strong art scene. You’ll find unique and original products sold everywhere from the city center to its cobbled lanes. You’ll also see impressive murals on walls throughout the city, depicting various figures who have played a large part in Glasgow’s culture.

There are several excellent museums, an architecturally stunning Cathedral, and a full-size sailing ship to explore. Many of Glasgow’s attractions are free to visit, making a visit here much more affordable than in many other UK cities.

There are also some beautiful green spaces throughout Glasgow to sit and soak up the vibrant atmosphere. You’ll find that locals are more than happy to share stories with you of their beloved home. In fact, Time Out magazine once named Glasgow as ‘first for friendliness’. The warmth it extends to its visitors is the reason that Glasgow remains one of the UK’s most popular destinations.

The Tall Ship at Riverside in Glasgow

Must see: Glasgow Cathedral and the adjacent Necropolis, Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, Riverside Museum, and The Tall Ship.

Nice to see: George Square, Gallery of Modern Art, Scotland Street School Museum, Botanic Gardens, Celtic Park Stadium , the Science Museum, University of Glasgow, Hunterian Art Gallery & Museum.

How much time do you need. Glasgow is relatively compact and most attractions are within walking distance of each other. So you can see the very best of Glasgow in a day (see below for more information). But because there is so much to see and do in the city, we recommend planning 2-3 days here. If you have a day to spare, you can also make some really nice day trips to Loch Ness and see some of the Scottish Highlands.

READ ALSO: How to See the Best of Glasgow in One Day

Glasgow Cathedral and Necropolis

Located in the county of Somerset in south-west England, Bath is famous for its Roman ruins. The city is protected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Bath grew around its ancient Roman baths. Nowadays, you can still experience bathing in Britain’s only natural thermal hot springs at the modern Thermae Bath Spa.

In addition to museums and galleries, there is a great deal of beautiful architecture to enjoy in the city. From the individual honey-colored Georgian buildings to the neo-Classical style of many of its public buildings, Bath is one of the most beautiful cities in the UK!

Bath’s iconic sights, such as the Circus and the Royal Cresent, have become world-famous thanks to TV and film. Some of Jane Austen’s works discussing city life were based on the five years she spent here. Much of the architecture is still just as she described it. A visit to Bath truly feels like taking a step back into history.

Pulteney Bridge over River Avon in Bath city UK

Must see: The Roman Baths, Bath Abbey (take the Tower Tour and climb to the top for breathtaking views of the city), Royal Crescent park, The Circus, Pulteney Bridge.

Nice to see: River cruises , Thermae Bath Spa, the Jane Austen Centre , No. 1 Royal Crescent (museum), Fashion Museum, Royal Victoria Park, The Museum of Bath Architecture.

How much time do you need . It is possible to see all the main sights of Bath in half a day to a day. This makes Bath one of the most popular day trips from London , often in combination with Stonehenge and Windsor Castle . However, a lot of the city’s charm is to be found in the evening. So if you have the time, stay a little longer and include an overnight stay in your visit.

Roman Baths in Bath city in the UK

Belfast is Northern Ireland’s capital and largest city, but it is still relatively small compared to the other capitals. Nevertheless, there is a lot to see and do here. The close proximity of all its attractions makes it easy to see Belfast’s main sights in a short amount of time.

The city where the Titanic was built, Belfast has several excellent museums that look back over its shipbuilding past. You’ll also find museums celebrating its connection to the linen industry. And – more recently – Belfast’s time of political upheaval (known as The Troubles).

Alternatively, you can head to the lively Cathedral quarter with its lovely Victorian architecture and cobbled streets. It’s a popular place with an ever-developing pub and restaurant scene.

Belfast’s historic market gives you the opportunity to buy some authentic arts, crafts, and souvenirs whilst enjoying some stirring live music. Throughout the city, you can see some incredible street art, with hundreds of murals depicting all sorts of key moments in Belfast’s past.

Belfast City Hall

Must see: Titanic Belfast , St George’s Market (every Friday/Saturday/Sunday), Belfast City Hall, Crumlin Road Gaol, Ulster Museum.

Nice to see: Stormont (the home of Northern Ireland’s Parliament), Queens University, Botanic Gardens, C.S Lewis Square, St. Anne’s Cathedral, Cave Hill Country Park (for the excellent views).

How much time do you need. We recommend planning 2 days in order to see all of Belfast’s main attractions. In addition, you can take a day tour to Giant’s Causeway , which is not to be missed when visiting here!

Titanic Belfast

8. Liverpool

Liverpool’s main claim to fame is as the birthplace of the Beatles. If you’re a fan, it’s a great place to visit the city where the band started and drew their inspiration. But there’s so much more to this city that makes it a fantastic place for anyone!

Liverpool is located on the River Mersey. One of the nicest things to do is walk around the docks, which are teeming with cool boutiques, fantastic eateries, and lively bars. The streets of the modern city center are filled with shoppers and street entertainers. But there is lots of history and culture to explore too, with more museums and galleries than you’ll find anywhere else outside London.

Liverpool really comes alive at night! So make sure to stay the night. Dine at one of the many fine restaurants, ending the evening with live music at the iconic Cavern Club. This is the venue at which the Beatles performed nearly 300 times.

READ ALSO: The Beatles in Liverpool (Best Places to See)

The Beatles statue in Liverpool

Must see: The Cavern Club, the Beatles Story , the Royal Albert Dock, World Museum, Liverpool Cathedral, Mersey River Cruises .

Nice to see: Tate Liverpool, Anfield Stadium , Sefton Park, Western Approaches WWII Museum , Liverpool Library, British Music Experience , Museum of Liverpool, Strawberry Field , and the views from Royal Liver Building 360 .

How much time do you need. You will need 1-2 days to see Liverpool’s main sights. If you are a Beatles fan and want to be sure to see all the Beatles-related exhibitions and tours, then you may even need 3 days in the city.

READ ALSO: Best Things to Do in Liverpool & How to visit Liverpool from London (travel info & 1-day itinerary)

Best UK Cities - Liverpool

Oxford is best known for its university which was established in the 12th century. It’s one of the oldest and most famous universities in the world, and so many of the city’s attractions are related to it.

There are 38 separate college buildings and their architecture is incredible! You should definitely see the Christ Church with its impressive Hall (Harry Potter fans will instantly recognize it!) and Cathedral. The gardens of this cathedral are said to have inspired Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

This beautiful English city was also used as a filming location for some scenes in the Harry Potter movies. While you can probably spot a few of them on your own, fans should really consider a walking tour of the filming locations .

Oxford also has a few interesting museums, a nice riverside ( sightseeing cruises are available), and even its own ‘Bridge of Sighs’, Hertford Bridge. It connects two parts of Hertford College allowing students and professors to quicker travel between different parts of the university.

Oxford - one of the nicest towns in the UK

Must see: Oxford University with the Bodleian Library and some of the oldest colleges (Christ Church College, All Souls College, Magdalen College, Keble College), Radcliffe Camera, Ashmolean Museum, and Hertford Bridge.

Nice to see: Oxford University Museum of Natural History, University Church, Sheldonian Theater, Oxford Castle and Prison, The Pett Rivers Museum. Boat trips are also nice to do, especially in the warmest months.

How much time do you need. You can see many of the main landmarks in Oxford in half a day to a day. With two days, you should be able to cover most of the best attractions in Oxford.

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The Hall at Oxford Christ Church College.

10. Cardiff

The Welsh capital, Cardiff is quite small in size. It only takes about 15 minutes to cycle from one side to the other. But it has a lot to offer its visitors! With a 2000-year-old castle and more green space per capita than any other UK city, it offers lots of opportunities for scenic strolls. Make sure to explore the banks of the River Taff which runs through its beautiful Bute Park.

Just outside the city center is Cardiff Bay. Here, you can visit the seat of the Welsh Government or enjoy everything from cultural attractions to boat trips. Cardiff is a quirky, vibrant, and creative city with numerous music and arts venues and an up and coming culinary scene.

Cardiff is also known to sports fans for its world-famous stadium, the home of Welsh rugby, and the venue for Britain’s Speedway Grand Prix. You can enjoy a meal and a drink at a sports bar and restaurant Elevens Bar And Grill, which is owned by professional footballer Gareth Bale.

Cardiff Wales - one of the best cities in the UK

Must see: Cardiff Castle, Cardiff Bay, Principality Stadium, St Fagans National Museum of History, National Museum, Wales Millenium Centre.

Nice to see: Bute Park, Roath Park, Castell Coch, Cardiff International White Water Centre, the Senedd (the main building for the National Assembly of Wales), Spillers Records (the oldest record shop in the world). Doctor Who tours (popular TV series filming locations) are also very popular.

How much time do you need. Because of Cardiff’s compact size, you can see the best of its attractions in 1-2 days. But there is much worth exploring on its outskirts. So you might want to give yourself an extra day to venture outside the city center.

Pierhead and Wales Millennium Centre at Cardiff pier

11. Nottingham

Nottingham is another really nice city that’s worth your time when touring the UK! This city’s imposing, wide streets and scenic parks have earned it the nickname of the ‘Queen of the Midlands’. However, to most of us, Nottingham will always be the home of the legendary outlaw Robin Hood!

Boasting its own castle, a magnificent cathedral, a network of underground caves, and the vibrant Lace Market – teeming with independent cafes, restaurants, and bars – Nottingham is a city with something for everyone.

Yet just minutes away from its center you can enjoy the serenity and beauty of its green spaces. You can also venture a little further into the enormous Sherwood Forest, home to Robin Hood and his Merry Men.

Robin Hood statue in Nottingham UK

Must see: Nottingham Castle , Wollaton Hall and Park, City of Caves, Old Market Square (Slab Square), Robin Hood Way & the Sherwood Forest.

Nice to see: National Justice Museum, the Arboretum, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem (believed to be England’s oldest pub), Nottingham Contemporary Art Gallery, Highfields Park, D.H. Lawrence Birthplace Museum.

How much time do you need. You can see most of Nottingham’s main sights in one full day. For a more relaxed experience (especially if you plan to include a trip out to Sherwood Forest), plan two days for your visit.

Nottingham Old Market Square and City Council

12. Manchester

Probably best known for its Premier League football teams, Manchester has a lot more going on than football! Located in the northwest of England, the city has a rich industrial past, but nowadays, you’ll find a vibrant place where history and modern-day life go hand in hand.

Manchester is a lively city with a warm atmosphere and plenty to see and do to suit all interests. You’ll find some world-class museums, beautiful architecture, great dining and shopping, and lots of fun activities for young and old. 

Be sure to explore the city center and visit some of its historic landmarks! Manchester Cathedral is an absolute must-see, just as John Rylands Library. For contemporary architecture, head to the Quays, where you’ll find the impressive Imperial War Museum North and The Lowry cultural center. River cruises are a great way to explore this part of town as well!

It would be unthinkable to visit Manchester and not check out at least one of its major football stadiums – Old Trafford, home to Manchester United F.C. or Etihad Stadium, home to Manchester City F.C. In addition, the city is also home to the National Football Museum, the largest football museum in the world.

Imperial War Museum North in Manchester

Must see:  City center, Manchester Cathedral, one of the football stadiums , John Rylands Library, and Science and Industry Museum.

Nice to see:  National Football Museum , Imperial War Museum North, Salford Quays, river cruises , People’s History Museum, Manchester Art Gallery, and Castlefield conservation area.

How much time do you need.  It’s possible to see the main sights of Manchester in a day , but you won’t be able to explore much deeper. If you want to visit a few museums and do some shopping as well, you could easily spend 2-3 days here.

READ ALSO: Best Things to Do in Manchester

Manchester Castlefield conservation area

13. Norwich

Norwich is a historic city in the heart of rural East Anglia. It was medieval England’s largest walled town. Because of its isolated location, Norwich was virtually bypassed by the Industrial Revolution. So the town has retained many of its medieval Churches and Tudor architecture. All this makes it a truly fascinating place to visit!

A UNESCO City of Literature, Norwich is also the only city in England to be located in a national park (the Norfolk Broads). It boasts a beautiful nature reserve with a river running through the city and an impressive Romanesque cathedral with scenic, peaceful grounds.

Thatched buildings and brightly colored merchant’s houses are just some of the historic sights that give the city its unique and ancient character. You’ll also find cozy pubs dotted everywhere, serving the finest craft beers and ales.

Norwich Cathedral

Must see: Norwich Cathedral, Norwich Castle, Norwich Market. Norwich Quayside. Outside the city – Blickling Estate.

Nice to see: The Forum, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Plantation Garden, Strangers Hall, City of Norwich Aviation Museum, Norwich Guildhall.

How much time do you need. You can see the main sights of Norwich in one day.

Quayside Norwich

14. Bristol

Bristol in the southwest of England is one of the country’s coolest cities. The home town of famed UK street artist Banksy has a strong reputation for creativity. Ultra-modern museums and trendy restaurants make it a fun and lively place to visit, particularly around the port and harbor area which is full of bars and cafes.

But the city has an interesting history, too, with stunning ancient churches, a cathedral, and galleries. Perhaps most fascinating of all is Bristol’s seafaring links. It was the birthplace of the notorious pirate Blackbeard and inspired parts of the famous maritime novels Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe.

There are some lovely green spaces to explore in the city. Or you can choose to get away from the crowds by taking a boat trip along the River Avon. from the water, you can admire the unusually brightly colored buildings and houses that overlook it.

Statue of Ram Mohan Roy and Bristol Cathedral in the UK

Must see: Bristol Cathedral, Waterfront, Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Clifton Suspension Bridge (looks great at night too), SS Great Britain, Brandon Hill Park & Cabot Tower (great views from the top).

Nice to see: St Mary Redcliffe church, Bristol Zoo Gardens (the 5th oldest zoo in the world), At-Bristol Science Centre, Queen Square. Also, Avon Valley Railway and Blaise Castle Estate (outside the city).

How much time do you need. Bristol is a relatively small city but has lots to see and do. You can cover the highlights in a day, but you need at least 2 days to enjoy it properly.

Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol UK

15. Brighton

The coastal city of Brighton is one of the UK’s most diverse places to visit. It offers everything from vintage seaside attractions to Bohemian markets and Victorian architecture. The city has Britain’s biggest gay scene and some of the best independent shops and boutiques, largely concentrated around the iconic Lanes.

Its pier – packed with rides and entertainment – is one of the biggest attractions in the southeast of England. Brighton even has an exotic palace, Royal Pavilion, that would look more at home in India or China than on the UK’s south coast!

Brighton is also a great UK city for foodies. You’ll find everything from traditional British fish & chips to the finest cuisine at gourmet restaurants. There are lots of bars and eateries lining the pebbled beach, which immediately gives you a vacation feel.

You are never far away from the raw beauty of nature either. Brighton is perfectly positioned to enjoy stunning walks along the England Coast Path. Be sure to visit the white cliffs of Seven Sisters and South Downs nearby!

Royal Pavilion in Brighton UK

Must see: Brighton Palace Pier, Brighton Royal Pavilion and Gardens, Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, British Airways i360 Viewing Tower, The Lanes, North Laine.

Nice to see: Regency Square, Brighton Marina, Brighton Toy and Model Museum, Brighton Beach and Promenade, Old Steine Gardens, Brighton Festival (3 weeks every May).

How much time do you need. You will definitely need at least 3 days in Brighton. There is so much to do in Brighton that you could easily spend 5 days in the city, especially in summer.

Brighton Beach UK

So, this is our guide to the best, most beautiful cities in the UK.

As you can see, there’s so much more to the UK than just its cities! But even if you visit just a few of these, you’ll get to know a very different country than just by visiting London!

TIP: If you are looking for a more ‘local’ city/ beach holiday in the UK, check out Blackpool . It’s one of the most popular seaside resorts in the UK! Here you can learn all about what there is to see and do in Blackpool . Check it out!

More travel tips and inspiration for all over the UK:

  • Must-see in London:  Top London Attractions
  • Different London :  Hidden Gems of London  &  Best Views in London
  • Good to know:  London Travel Tips & Best Areas to Stay in London
  • With kids:  London with Kids  &  Family Afternoon Tea in London
  • Greenwich:  Best Things to Do in Greenwich
  • Cornwall: Best Places to Visit in Cornwall & Where to Stay in Cornwall
  • Yorkshire:  Yorkshire Day Trips
  • Blackpool: Best Things to Do in Blackpool & Tips for Visiting Blackpool & Best Day Trips from Blackpool
  • Scotland:   Isle of Skye  &  Scotland Whisky Tour
  • Edinburgh:  Top Edinburgh Attractions  &  One Day in Edinburgh
  • Glasgow:  One Day in Glasgow

READ ALSO: Traditional British Food & Where to Try It in the UK

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Best UK cities to visit for tourists

Photos: Personal collection and Additional credits: Featured image: TTstudio/ Cardiff Bay – photo by phil_bird/ Belfast Titanic – photo by zhuzhu/ Beatles – gianliguori/ Cambridge Bridge of Sighs – chrisdorney/ Cambridge University – Umdash9/ Manchester Castlefield – cowardlion /

Best cities to visit in the United Kingdom

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Thursday 21st of September 2023

Go to Southampton if you want to see nice cruiseships and the New Forest is very close too.

Tuesday 1st of August 2023

Thank you for sharing useful information ...

Saturday 5th of August 2023

Glad to help. Have a great trip!

Saturday 11th of February 2023

I can't believe Birmingham is not on the list, it's the most underrated city in the UK, perhaps it's because once the heart of the Indudtrial Revolution the slums of back to back houses were there until the 1970's, and its maze of run down underground canals. Most canals have now been restored with many nice bars and restaurants on the side of the canals, in and outside the City. It's a compact City Centre that is easy to walk around. The Art Gallery is one of the best I have ever been in, and each time I'm in the City I can't resist going in there, and it is free to go around, unlike in Venice where you have to pay and is nowhere near as interesting as Brums Art Gallery. For those who like to shop it is a City Centre renown for its Bull Ring Shopping Centre. Eating and enjoying Asian food, there is no-where better in Europe. But go and see the City for yourself. The only thing is traveling into the City by train looks awful, but don't judge the book by its cover. Brum has everything, and is a multi cultural City. I live in Spain these days but my heart is in Birmingham, and it's surroundings Remember Stratford upon Avon is only 20 miles away. 👍👍

Sunday 12th of February 2023

Thanks for your suggestions and tips. I'm sure it can be helpful for some of our readers who are looking for even more cities to explore in the UK. Happy travels!

Jessica Fletcher

Sunday 22nd of January 2023

London does not belong on any list of good cities, end of story. Miserable people, ugly buildings, expensive, nothing worthwhile to see except contrived tourist fodder and obscene wealth. One of the worst cities I've ever been to and I've been to most of the major towns and cities in the UK. Otherwise a great list! Glasgow is one that surprised me a lot, considering its bad reputation but it was surprisingly beautiful and the people were very friendly and down to Earth.

@Jessica Fletcher, Jessica you need to use the underground and look around different parts of the City. London is steeped in history and has something for all tastes..Dont be put off by being expensive. There are a lot of reasonably priced places just be adventurous and seek them out. Including places to stay.

Friday 10th of February 2023

@Jurga, now you know second person 😅 as I just hate London, anytime I have to go there it is a nightmare for me.

Monday 23rd of January 2023

Wow, that's a strong opinion about London, Jessica. You are literally the first person I ever 'met' who doesn't like London. I guess that just proves that everyone is different and likes different things. And that's ok. We all have our experiences and our opinions. For us, London is one of the most interesting cities in the world. No matter how many times we go back, there's always something new and exciting to discover, and so many amazing places everywhere you look. Perhaps you should give London a second chance and look beyond the main tourist attractions... We have a 'hidden gems' guide with some suggestions ;). Happy travels!

Friday 13th of January 2023

cardiff and Oxford do not deserve to be in that list, no where near as good as the others!

Sunday 15th of January 2023

Ha ha, we literally just added Oxford to this list because quite a few people thought it deserved a mention. :) And many of our American readers absolutely love it as a day trip from London too. I guess everybody has their own opinion and I'm sure our readers can make their own decisions on which places look the most interesting to them. Happy travels!

The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

17 Best Cities in the UK to Visit Right Now

Written By: ThePlanetD Team

United Kingdom

Updated On: February 8, 2024

The UK is not short on incredible cities to visit. England , Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland have fascinating cultures that you can experience through their cities’ architecture, attractions, and hospitality.

We’ll cover the finest in the United Kingdom – from major cities like London and Edinburgh to lesser-visited cities like Inverness, Bristol, and York. When planning a trip to the United Kingdom, these are the places that you should be adding to your itinerary.

Table of Contents

Top Cities in the UK

Top cities in the UK

The UK includes some of the best countries to visit in the world, and each city reflects a unique culture and identity.

Whether you want to visit a lesser-known city or join the masses of tourists visiting major cities that have been darlings for decades, this list will give you plenty of choices.

1. London (Largest City)

London, England

As the capital of England and the country’s largest, London was always going to be on this list. It is one of the greatest arts and cultural hubs in both Europe and the rest of the world.

London is easily the most popular and famous to visit in England, and for many good reasons. London is full of attractions, including historical sites, landmarks , art galleries, theatres, and museums. Your days visiting London will be varied and action-packed. For example, you may spend a morning at the Natural History Museum, an afternoon grabbing lunch and shopping at the market in Camden Borough, and an evening watching a West End show.

If you are a first-time visitor to the UK, prioritize a visit to London. Not only does the city give you a broad impression of England, but London is also very accessible.

You’ll be bowled over by the number of things to do and see; just do some research and choose where to stay carefully beforehand to maximize your time when you arrive. If you need some extra guidance, you can read our 3-day itinerary for more information. Read More: 38 Best Things to do in London, England In 2023

2. Manchester

Manchester, England

Manchester is one of the best cities in Northern England. Its flamboyant urban area and nightlife make it popular with university students, and visitors can expect a fun, friendly atmosphere.

Manchester was massively shaped by the Industrial Revolution and is widely claimed to be the world’s first industrial city. Manchester was once famous for textile production, the wealth from which was reinvested in the city’s development and into wealthy families. However, Manchester has outgrown its Revolution associations nowadays and is now known as an entertaining weekend getaway and sought-after place to live.

You can learn about the Industrial Revolution at Manchester’s Science & Industry Museum. We’d recommend also allowing time to visit the Manchester Art Gallery and the National Football Museum. The Manchester Art Gallery showcases artworks from over six centuries, and the football museum is a must for Premier League fans.

In the evening, head to The Gay Village or Spinningfields for a few drinks at the best pubs and clubs. The Manchester dress code is retro and indie regardless of the venue, so come prepared with your trendiest outfits.

Leeds, England

If Manchester is one of the greatest cities in Northern England, Leeds is not far behind.

Like Manchester, Leeds was also massively influenced by the Industrial Revolution, and you’ll notice converted mill and factory buildings in many of the nearby areas. Leeds is the third biggest in England and is known for its hospitality, small city center, and proximity to the Yorkshire Dales.

Leeds is favored amongst university students – meaning you’ll enjoy a friendly atmosphere and lots of cheap eateries. The center is small, easily walkable, and perfect for a weekend of shopping, wining, and dining. We’d recommend allowing time to take a day trip to Yorkshire Dales National Park, visit the Industrial Museum, and Kirkstall Abbey.

If you want a drink, don an embarrassing fancy dress costume for the Otley Run (a famous local pub crawl) or head to The Calls for photogenic venues along the river.

4. Edinburgh

City of Edinburgh

Edinburgh is an amazing city to visit. As the Scottish capital, it attracts millions of tourists and, honestly, you should join the crowd.

Edinburgh is famed for its Old Town, which has those dreamy cobbled streets lined with independent shops, cafes, and restaurants. Some of the buildings in the Old Town are 500 years old, and the architecture gives the neighborhood a time capsule effect – especially with Edinburgh Castle and the sound of bagpipes in the background.

Edinburgh Castle is easily one of the best things to do , although you should also visit the National Museum, climb the Scott Monument, and walk the Royal Mile. Edinburgh excellently encapsulates Scottish culture, history, and identity.

As a first-time visitor to Scotland, we’d highly recommend visiting Edinburgh.

Glasgow, Scotland

Of course, just because Edinburgh is fantastic doesn’t mean you should skip visiting Glasgow.

Glasgow is a great city to visit, and you’ll find lots of things to do and see. It has a slightly more modern feel than Edinburgh and lots of public green space to enjoy in the summer. Of course, Glasgow has two very passionate rival football teams, and fans should try to attend a Celtic or Rangers game to experience the sporting passion firsthand.

You should prioritize visiting the Glasgow Necropolis, People’s Palace, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, and Pollok Country Park. Pollok Country Park is particularly popular amongst tourists wanting to see Highland Cattle. The park has a herd that lives on-site, so note it down if you want to meet one.

Glasgow is widely known as the country’s second city, but we think it ranks just as highly as Edinburgh.

Belfast, NI

The Northern Irish capital is well-deserving of a place on our list; Belfast has a lot going for it.

Belfast is easily added to a trip to England. You can catch a ferry from Liverpool or a domestic flight from any UK airport – sometimes costing less than $15 when booked in advance.

Belfast has a vibrant feel, with plenty of new developments like Castle Court Shopping Center. However, there is also a lot of history. You can learn about The Troubles by touring Belfast’s political murals, visiting the Titanic Belfast Museum, touring Crumlin Road Gaol, or walking up to Stormont – the home of the NI government.

From the city, there are hundreds of things to do , including visiting The Giant’s Causeway and the Mourne Mountains. Belfast is a fantastic base if you want to experience Northern Ireland for the first or millionth time.

Bristol in England

While not one of the most famous cities in Great Britain, Bristol is easily one of the best cities for tourists.

Over the years, Bristol has transformed from a port town to a thriving city – highly sought after to visit, study, and live. Bristol is located along the Bristol Channel, an inlet from the Atlantic Ocean, so it is close to beaches should you want a sunbathe or swim. However, most impressively, Bristol is divided by a deep river gorge. Visitors entering Bristol cross over suspension bridges – making a scenic and memorable start to a holiday.

Bristol’s attractions include the SS Great Britain. SS Great Britain is an 1843 restored passenger liner. The ship is revered as the world’s first great ocean liner and has two museums, refurbished ship areas, and dockyards. The ship also houses many artifacts from its sister ship, The Royal Charter, which sailed around the world before her shipwreck.

For more naval history, you can stop by the nearby Underfall Yard Visitor Center to visit its popular maritime museum. Bristol is a fascinating place in England for those interested in maritime stories.

8. Liverpool

Liverpool, England

Liverpool is cool. Birthplace of the Beatles, dockside bar hopping, and the home of the huge Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool is easily one of the most entertaining cities in England.

If you are traveling north of London, we recommend visiting Liverpool. The Liverpool atmosphere is down-to-earth and friendly, and it is the sort of place where you could go for a drink alone and leave to the next bar with twenty new friends.

Visiting the Beatles Story is a number one recommendation of things to do in Liverpool and is a world-famous attraction. But the British Music Experience, World Museum, and Port Sunlight Museum are all also worth visiting.

Music is at the heart of Liverpool’s identity, so we highly suggest watching some live music at Cavern Club during your stay. Cavern Club is a popular venue in Liverpool and specializes in tribute performances that run day and night.

If you want to experience music culture in England, look no further than Liverpool.

City of York in England

Unlike Liverpool, York is a quiet city surrounded mostly by country towns and villages. It may not be a popular destination for first-time travelers to the UK, but York does provide an idyllic introduction to England.

York is in the county of North Yorkshire and, despite its city status, has more of a town feel than a metropolitan one. York has incredible architecture, with its walls dating back to the 13th century and its narrowing shopping street, The Shambles, widely hailed as one of the best-preserved medieval streets in Europe.

York Minster Cathedral is beautiful to visit, while the York Dungeons and Jorvik Viking Center are immersive historical attractions to enjoy. Since York is located near both the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors National Parks, we’d suggest allowing time for a day trip in your itinerary.

For a laidback trip to Britain, York provides a relaxing experience with world-renowned, stunning medieval architecture.

10. Newcastle upon Tyne

City of Newcastle upon Tyne

Newcastle is a famously fun city with outrageous nightlife and plenty of culture. Newcastle is split in two by the River Tyne, with several footbridges and suspension bridges connecting either side of the city. Metropolitan but pretty (especially at night by the river), Newcastle has a lot to offer.

The city’s nightlife reputation was rocketed to fame by the reality TV program Geordie Shore, and it is also a popular choice amongst university students. The city’s popularity is well deserved, as you’ll find many pubs, clubs, and bars. However, the city isn’t just where you go for a party in the north of England.

Newcastle is fantastic for tourism, with lots of museums and art galleries. You should prioritize visiting Great North Museum: Hancock, Laing Art Gallery, and Discovery Museum. Newcastle Castle is also a great attraction to visit and doesn’t hold back on telling some of the most gruesome stories from history in England.

11. Birmingham (Second Largest City)

City of Birmingham England

Birmingham is the second-largest city in England and has a massive population of over a million people. Visitors will find restaurants, attractions, and hotels at every step – a benefit of choosing such a major city to visit in England.

You can choose to visit popular attractions like Cadbury World, Legoland, and Sea Life. Or, visit some of Birmingham’s unique attractions like The Coffin Works, which runs tours explaining the process of coffin making and telling stories about the funerals of famous people. If you want diversity, Birmingham is one of the best cities in England.

Is Birmingham a little rough around the edges? Yes, in parts. Birmingham is best suited to people who want to experience a supercity in England and have already experienced other cities in the country. Birmingham is a destination for travelers who know exactly what they want and have a solid grasp on traveling in the UK.

12. Brighton

City of Brighton in England

Brighton is a seaside city with a big personality. While only just south of London, Brighton has a strong identity and boldly stands as a destination in its own right. You’ll see plenty of young families and couples commuting to Brighton from London and teenagers traveling with friends from neighboring towns.

Located on the south coast of England, Brighton is lined by beaches and overlooks the English Channel. There’s a mix of cheesy seaside attractions, a twisting maze of shopping alleys called The Lanes that were built from the 1500s, and an eccentrically placed Royal Pavilion – a palace constructed with Asian architecture.

A medieval town? Seaside resort? City of luxurious architectural follies? Who knows. Brighton denies a category, which definitely adds to the city’s tourism appeal. If you want a memorable seaside city in England, Brighton is a good choice. Brighton constantly remixes any expectations you might have of English cities, meaning you’ll never get bored.

13. Cardiff

cities in the united kingdom cardiff

Cardiff is the largest city and capital of Wales. As far as Welsh cities go, Cardiff is the main celebrity and one of the best places to visit .

Located just south of the Brecon Beacons National Park, Cardiff is a riverside city famous for television production, sports, museums, and nightlife. Unfortunately, as many people rush to the coast or National Parks in Wales, Cardiff is often overlooked as a city break.

What’s Cardiff got? In short, everything that you need. You’ll find green space to sunbathe in summer, nearby beaches if you want to brave a swim, and indoor activities if you get unlucky with the weather.

We suggest planning a stay in Cardiff, even if you continue to the Welsh countryside. There is the Museum of Cardiff, Cardiff Castle, and even a White Water Rafting Center to challenge yourself with rapids. The castle is around 2,000 years old, so there is no denying that the Cardiff has substance and plenty of stories to tell.

Book a hotel, slow down, and enjoy the capital before rushing off around Wales.

14. Cambridge

City of Cambridge in England

Cambridge is a prestigious university city – perfect for getting a taste of the elite student experience in England. The city is classy to the core, and you can fill your days with punting on the River Cam and visiting its many museums.

Aside from museums, Cambridge is home to many churches and the Ely Cathedral. The Ely Cathedral is a classic gothic cathedral and a popular religious site to experience on a booked tour. The Round Church is also worth visiting and dates back to the 12th century. The medieval church has a distinctive rounded shape and is a fun bit of architecture to visit.

Cambridge is easily one of the best cities in England to experience southern Englishness firsthand.

City of Oxford in England

Speaking of elite universities, Oxford is Cambridge’s rival city. Oxford is home to Oxford University, which was established in the 12th century and is renowned across the world.

Like Cambridge, Oxford is a city where you go to experience southern Englishness. The city center is full of gothic architecture, and the buildings are typically made from pale cream clipsham stone. Oxford has a definite aesthetic, and it is easy to imagine yourself stepping back a hundred years.

Oxford also has a beautiful cathedral and is famous for its arts. Literature lovers should prioritize visiting the Bodleian Library, the UK’s second-largest library and containing over 11 million texts.

City of Bath in England

Bath is a Georgian-styled city, with lots of terrace buildings cut from pale yellow Bath Stone. Like Oxford, Bath has an aesthetic feel, and the uniformed buildings cut from the same stone make you feel like you are stepping out from the 18th century.

If you are a history lover, we especially suggest considering Bath, as it is one of the best cities to visit in England for literary and Roman history.

Bath has a Mary Shelley and a Jane Austen museum. The city also has The Roman Baths, where you can tour the preserved ruins, learn from the interactive exhibits, and observe original Roman artifacts. Next door to the Roman Baths, you can actually bathe in the UK’s only natural thermal baths. The Thermae Bath Spa uses natural spring water to heat a rooftop pool and multi-level spa.

17. Inverness

City of Inverness Scotland

Inverness is heaven. The Scottish Highlands are understandably popular and a stunning region of the UK to visit, and Inverness provides a city base in their center.

While Edinburgh and Glasgow get the brunt of tourist attention, those that venture further north are greatly rewarded. Known as the gateway to the Highlands, Inverness is a pocket of city life in a dramatic natural setting.

Just outside of the city, you can pay your respects at Culloden Battlefield – the final battle site of the Jacobite Rising. While in the city, you can visit St Andrew’s Cathedral, visit the Inverness Museum, or walk around Ness Islands. Inverness is a lesser-visited but fantastic Scottish city You can expect lots of exciting and inspiring things to do.

Cities in the United Kingdom FAQ

Cities in the UK to Visit

When Is The Best Time To Visit The UK?

The best time to visit the UK is in spring or summer. The UK will be warmer and have longer daylight hours during these months, and outdoor activities will be more enjoyable.

Keep in mind that there are school holidays in April and between July and August. School holidays may impact hotel availability and the busyness of tours and attractions.

What are the Largest Cities in the UK by population?

London has the largest population in the UK and has over seven million people. Birmingham, Leeds, then Glasgow follow closely behind.

What city in the UK should I visit first?

It might seem obvious, but you should visit London first. London is an amazing city with lots to see and do, but it is also the most accessible city for those flying into the UK. You should find the cheapest flights and a higher likelihood of direct flight routes.

Those wanting to combine visiting Britain and Europe should also consider taking the train to or from France. The Eurostar takes less than two and a half hours to reach Paris from London – which doesn’t get much easier.

What is the most beautiful city in the UK?

The most beautiful city in the UK is Bath. The bath stone color, Georgian street style, and general architecture make Bath a beautiful place.

What are the most popular cities in the UK?

The most popular cities in the UK are London, Edinburgh, Belfast, Liverpool, and Manchester.

These are thriving cities with plenty of arts, transport links, and things to do. Most people visiting the UK for the first time choose one of these cities.

The United Kingdom has a lot of beautiful cities that you should add to your bucket list. From incredible history and architecture to famous landmarks and tasty food, all of these cities in the UK offer something different depending on what you are looking for. If you are planning a trip to the UK anytime soon then make sure to add a few of these cities to your itinerary.

Plan Your Next Trip to The UK With These Resources

  • Amazing Places to Visit in the UK
  • 10 Fun Facts About England That You Don’t Already Know
  • British Food: 23 Best UK Dishes to Try at Home or Abroad
  • What to Expect when Coasteering in Wales
  • North Coast 500 – The Ultimate Trip Guide to Scotland’s Epic Drive

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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The best cities in the UK: 2023 Readers' Choice Awards

By Condé Nast Traveller

Brighton Pier in East sussex UK

The survey for the 2024 Readers' Choice Awards is open, vote now for your favourite places, hotels, airports, cruise lines, travel fixers and more.

What's your favourite city in the UK? In 2023, we asked our readers just that – and your responses rank the top 10 of the UK's 51 cities in some surprising ways. There are cities from all four devolved nations represented in this list, with a new city in the top spot and two new additions of Brighton and Dundee.

Our annual Reader's Choice Awards are the biggest and most influential in the business, shining a light on the best places around the world. In collaboration with our sister title in the USA, we can now reveal the urban destinations that scored the highest marks when it comes to nightlife, restaurants and friendliness. For more inspiration, see our pick of the best places to visit in the UK .

These are the best cities in the UK, according to the 2023 Readers' Choice Awards . The scores below are percentages representing overall average levels of satisfaction.

Two empty but colorful deckchairs sit on Brighton beach looking out to sea and Brighton's pleasure pier in the the...

10. Brighton. Score 80.22

This bohemian beach city has it all: a wealth of enticing restaurants , one of the UK's best LGBTQ+ scenes and – most importantly for any seaside destination – truly excellent fish and chips .

Where to stay: Bed down in elegant Regency Square in rooms filled with beautiful artworks at Artist Residence . Or opt for this sweet Airbnb in the historic Lanes . See more hotels in Brighton .

View of Dundee and the Tay railway bridge across the Tay River.

9. Dundee. Score 81.11

With its large-scale waterfront regeneration, including the architecturally impressive V&A Museum, Dundee is a thriving cultural hotspot.

Where to stay: Set in a former textile mill, Hotel Indigo has industrial interiors, a buzzy bar and is well located for exploring.

The Northern Irish capital is famous for being birthplace to the RMS Titanic  but also for its vibrant culture and art...

8. Belfast. Score 83.07

The Northern Irish capital is famous for being birthplace to the RMS Titanic – but also for its vibrant culture and art scene and welcoming locals, set against a backdrop of handsome cobbled streets and dapper Edwardian buildings. Check out our local's guide to Belfast to find out more.

Where to stay: At The Harrison , set in Victorian merchants' residences, given a colourful, light-hearted makeover. The hotel is close to some of the city's best cultural highlights, too. For more ideas, read our guide to the best hotels in Belfast .

This buzzy Scottish city has made the list for the sixth year in a row. Read our feature on the best things to do in...

7. Glasgow. Score 83.27

This buzzy Scottish city has made the list for the sixth year in a row. Read our feature on the best things to do in Glasgow to find out why, or tap into the Glaswegian food scene .

Where to stay: See our round-up of the best Airbnbs in Glasgow from which to base yourself – including this handsome studio in a classic townhouse that sleeps two.

Liverpool comes in sixth place on our list this year up a spot from last year. The oncegritty city is now a capital of...

6. Liverpool. Score 83.29

Liverpool comes in sixth place on our list this year, up a spot from last year. The once-gritty city is now a capital of cool, where vintage shops, art galleries and art venues inject a creative atmosphere into the streets – see our guide to things to do in Liverpool for ideas on how to spend a visit here.

Where to stay:

Book a room at Titanic Hotel Liverpool , converted from a soaring, cavernous former warehouse.

History is woven into the medieval lanes and cloistered colleges of this freewheeling university town. But now a perky...

5. Cambridge. Score 84.16

History is woven into the medieval lanes and cloistered colleges of this free-wheeling university town. But now a perky batch of new arrivals are adding cocktail and coffee culture to the equation. Before your visit, see our pick of the best things to do in Cambridge .

Where to stay: The smartest choice in town is The University Arms , a coaching inn that’s been artfully reimagined.

Vibrant Manchester is packed with excellent chefs music and culture. Grand libraries street art record shops and...

4. Manchester. Score 85.36

Vibrant Manchester is packed with excellent chefs, music and culture. Grand libraries, street art, record shops and galleries are among the best things to do in the city , while excellent restaurants in Manchester range from Korean cooking to donut shops via Spanish, Italian, Vietnamese and Indian cuisine. There's a thriving LGBTQ+ scene in Manchester , too.

Where to stay: Whitworth Locke comprises apartments painted in dreamy pastels in an old cotton mill. See more of the best hotels in Manchester .

Edinburgh famed for its festival and varied architecture has come third in our list of the best cities in the UK. For...

3. Edinburgh. Score 86.38

Edinburgh, famed for its festival and varied architecture, has come third in our list of the best cities in the UK. For first-time visitors, see our Edinburgh travel guide and the best things to do in the Scottish capital . In the last few years the city has developed into a foodie hotspot – these are the best restaurants in Edinburgh .

Where to stay: Gleneagles Townhouse is the most exciting newcomer on the scene. For a private stay, this loft Airbnb overlooks the city's most famous street. For more options, see our pick of the best Edinburgh hotels and the best Airbnbs in Edinburgh .

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2. London. Score 86.44

London is not just a major city but a thriving hub of 32 boroughs, each with their own, distinct character, from hip Dalston to colourful Notting Hill and buzzing Soho . Stay up to date with the latest happenings via our weekly roundup of the best  things to do in London this weekend , as well as our list of the best restaurants in London  (even better, sign up to our weekly newsletter on London's hottest restaurants right now too).

Where to stay: For something smart and classic, you can't get much better than Claridge's , in splashy Mayfair . For a cooler, more casual stay, look further East to One Hundred Shoreditch , which boasts a gorgeous rooftop bar. For more, see our edit of the best London hotels .

The playful Welsh capital takes the top spot for 2023 with its exciting independent restaurants buzzy bars and...

1. Cardiff. Score 86.84

The playful Welsh capital takes the top spot for 2023 with its exciting independent restaurants, buzzy bars and up-and-coming neighbourhoods. Take a bite into the cool food scene and discover the unmissable places to visit with our guide to the best things to do in Cardiff .

Where to stay: Take over an Airbnb in the city to live like a local and explore the Welsh capital at your own pace.

row of colourful timbered houses in Lavenham, Suffolk

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British Airways i360, Brighton

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Woman wearing trench coat and pink hat walking through narrow historic street of York, North Yorkshire, England.

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A beach overlooking St Ives Bay in Cornwall.

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uk cities tourism

©Albert Pego/Shutterstock

The United Kingdom

Made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom is a historic state is packed with appeal for the visitor, from pulsing cities to stunning countryside.

Visa Requirements

Attractions, must-see attractions.

The Long Walk, the pathway leading to Windsor Castle is 2 1/2 miles long.

Windsor Castle

Windsor & Eton

The world’s largest and oldest continuously occupied fortress, Windsor Castle is a majestic vision of battlements and towers. Used for state occasions, it…

Westminster Abbey.

Westminster Abbey

The West End

A splendid mixture of architectural styles, Westminster Abbey is considered the finest example of Early English Gothic. It's not merely a beautiful place…

Looking up the hill at Edinburgh Castle. Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

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Steam rising off the hot  mineral water in the Great Bath, part of the Roman Baths in Bath, UK

Roman Baths

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Canterbury Cathedral, Kent, England

Canterbury Cathedral

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London Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Kensington & Hyde Park

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St. pauls cathedral with red double decker bus in London, United Kingdom

St Paul's Cathedral

Sir Christopher Wren’s 300-year-old architectural masterpiece is a London icon. Towering over diminutive Ludgate Hill in a superb position that's been a…

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uk cities tourism

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22 June 2022, Hamburg: An officer of the Federal Police shows at Hamburg Airport during the security check which quantities of liquids may be carried and how they must be packed.      (to dpa "Busy at the airport - this is how the security check works") P

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LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 13:  Members of the public visit the flowers in Green Park in memory of Queen Elizabeth II on September 13, 2022 in London, England. Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was born in Bruton Street, Mayfair, London on 21 April 1926. She married Prince Philip in 1947 and acceded to the throne of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth on 6 February 1952 after the death of her Father, King George VI. Queen Elizabeth II died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on September 8, 2022, and is succeeded by her eldest son, King Charles III. (Photo by Shaun Botterill/Getty Images)

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17 Top-Rated Cities in England

Written by Bryan Dearsley Updated Feb 15, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Author Bryan Dearsley explored many of the best cities in England while on an extensive tour of the UK in the spring and early summer of 2022 .

Although it's a relatively small country, England offers no end of great cities to visit. As the cornerstone of the United Kingdom, England has, for centuries, been a center of government, as well as the scene of countless important historic events.

Trafalgar Square, London

Spend time sightseeing in any one of England's many top cities and towns or touring its picturesque countryside and pretty villages , and you'll find yourself stumbling across an endless array of visit-worthy attractions.

To help you get the most out of your travel itinerary, be sure to refer to our list of the top easy-to-explore cities in England.

2. Bath, Somerset

3. york, north yorkshire, 4. canterbury, kent, 5. oxford, oxfordshire, 6. durham, county durham, 7. salisbury, wiltshire, 8. liverpool, merseyside, 9. brighton, east sussex, 10. bristol, avon, 11. cambridge, cambridgeshire, 12. manchester, greater manchester, 13. nottingham, 14. dover, kent, 15. birmingham, west midlands, 16. hastings, east sussex, 17. winchester, hampshire.

Aerial view of London Bridge at sunset

It's pretty much impossible (and certainly not recommended) to visit England without spending time in its capital, London. One of the world's largest and most cosmopolitan cities, this sprawling metropolis is, despite its vast size, surprisingly easy to get around thanks to its first-rate (though sometimes crowded) public transit system.

Hopping aboard a double-decker bus or a famous black cab is in fact a great way to get your bearings. Along the way you'll pass such iconic landmarks as the Tower of London and neighboring Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace , as well as Westminster, where you'll see the Houses of Parliament and the recently refurbished Big Ben .

Once you've got your bearings, start walking. London is an endlessly fun city to explore on foot. Grab a map, or better still, use an app and plot routes along the River Thames, taking in the London Eye and Southbank.

Hit Hyde Park and Regents Park, two of London's most beautiful green spaces , an experience that's even better if you've planned ahead and secured a Harrods hamper for your picnic.

You'll also want to walk around some of the city's famous markets , including Camden, Portobello, or Borough markets. And from London, you're an easy commute from all the attractive cities listed below.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in London

Pulteney Bridge in Bath, England

Just an hour and a half from London by train, Bath has gained a reputation as one of the most romantic of England's cities . For starters, this lovely, livable city in Somerset was where the Romans constructed the famous Roman Baths. This remarkably well-preserved edifice was built around a hot spring that continues to draw visitors from across the world.

These famous waters can be enjoyed at the neighboring Thermae Bath Spa . Just a stone's throw away from the Roman Baths, this luxe spa is a great place to relax and unwind with a loved one or on your own. Another plus: the views over the city from the rooftop pools are amazing.

Royal Crescent

Bath is also a popular travel destination for its splendid architecture. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the city's magnificent Royal Crescent, a spectacular and long curved row of 18 th -century townhomes. Be sure to allow some time to visit #1 Royal Crescent, now a museum offering a glimpse into this era of the city's history.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Bath

York Minster

Located at the top end of the country in North Yorkshire is another charming old city to explore that was also founded by the Romans: York. While there are only a few signs of the early Roman settlement here, it's the amazingly well-preserved medieval architecture that you'll find most impressive.

The best place to begin your exploration is York Minster . Located in the center of the city, this spectacular medieval church is the largest in England, with regular tours taking in its impressive interior, including the crypt.

York Minster

From here, you're not far from the famous views over the Shambles . This fascinating network of 14th-century lanes and alleys is lined with charming timber-framed buildings now housing shops, restaurants, and tearooms.

A must-do while in York is clambering up and along the City Walls. This massive structure to this day encircles most of the city, and the five-kilometer stroll around its entirety is well worth it... especially for the great views over the old city center.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in York, England

Canterbury Cathedral

Like York, Canterbury has long been an important religious center in England. While evidence of the original Roman settlement can still be seen in the city's great Roman Museum, it's Canterbury Cathedral that is the big draw for tourists.

The seat of the Church of England, this beautiful UNESCO World Heritage Site was already a place of pilgrimage when Archbishop Thomas Becket was brutally murdered here—possibly under instructions from then king, Henry II, in 1170. You can even visit the exact spot this dastardly event took place.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Attractions & Places to Visit in Canterbury

Radcliffe Camera and All Souls College, Oxford

Just a short train ride north from London is the university city of Oxford. As the home of the world's oldest university, Oxford has plenty of history to explore, much of it accessible on foot without interference from traffic. Along the way, you'll see plenty of finely preserved medieval-era buildings, along with many that were added centuries later.

A highlight is finding the historic and extremely photogenic Carfax Tower, well worth the climb for its magnificent views. You'll also want to see the Bridge of Sighs in Hertford College, which joins two of the campus' buildings.

Other highlights of an Oxford visit should include a tour of one of the colleges. A favorite for film buffs, Christ Church College is well-known to Harry Potter fans as the scene of the Hogwarts dining room.

If you're visiting outside of term time, check into the availability of a stay at this or one of the city's other colleges. Most offer use of their dorms for visitors, a truly memorable experience in the heart of the historic city.

Durham Cathedral and River Wear in autumn

Considered one of the most attractive small cities in England by virtue of its cathedral, the benchmark by which a place is deemed a city, Durham is a delightful place to explore. It also boasts one of the highest densities of UNESCO-designated buildings anywhere in the world, with over 600 protected structures at last count.

Much of these lovely old buildings, some of which date back to medieval times, are centrally located and within a short stroll of two of the city's top attractions: Durham Cathedral and Durham Castle .

Built in 1133, the cathedral is especially attractive. To get the most from your visit, it's best to join one of the attraction's informative tours to ensure you don't miss any of the good bits, such as its finely decorated naves and chapels, the 325-step climb up its tower, and the rich treasury collection in the crypt.

And after exploring this and the 11th-century castle, be sure to allow extra time to wander the old streets surrounding the old Town Hall, which itself dates back to the 11th century. Durham is also a great place to shop, and there are also many good places to visit for a meal here, too, from classy restaurants to casual inns and pleasant teashops.

Read More: Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Durham

Salisbury Cathedral

Salisbury is another cathedral city that should be included in your England travel itinerary. While Salisbury Cathedral's attractive exterior is itself spectacular and dominates the city's historic skyline, it's what's inside that draws the crowds.

Built in 1220, the cathedral is perhaps most famous for being home to an original Magna Carta , a precious historic document drawn up in the 1200s as a charter of rights for the people of England. Many of the well-preserved old streets and architecture surrounding the cathedral, including a number of smaller churches, also date from this period.

Salisbury is also an ideal jumping-off point from which to explore what is perhaps England's most famous landmark: Stonehenge . Situated 16 kilometers from the city center and well-served by a variety of tours and excursions, this remarkable World Heritage Site has been something of a draw for humans long before tourism became a thing. In fact, it's known that pilgrims have been visiting this important site for over 4,500 years, making the journey from as far afield as central Europe, no mean feat for the time.

While the site itself is quite large and covers an area of more than 20 square kilometers, you'll want to stick close to the Stonehenge Visitor Center. From here you'll be able to get a good sense of the site's unique history before heading to the viewing trails.

( Editors note : Given the popularity of Stonehenge, it's recommended you purchase admission tickets in advance of your visit in order to avoid disappointment.)

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Salisbury

Albert Docks in Liverpool

Long one of England's most important ports, the city of Liverpool has done a remarkable job of preserving and commemorating its rich maritime history.

Head to the Albert Docks area, for example, and you'll find yourself in the midst of a warren of old warehouses and wharves that have been carefully restored and now serve as homes, places of work, or shopping and dining destinations.

A must-visit is the Merseyside Maritime Museum . This top-notch attraction tells the stories of the vessels that helped put Liverpool on the world map, as well as the countless millions who sailed from here to new lives across the Atlantic. Other notable museums and places to visit should include the Museum of Liverpool , along with the city's branch of the Tate Gallery .

Beatles statue in Liverpool

No visit to Liverpool, though, would be complete without visiting at least one attraction or landmarked dedicated to the city's favorite sons: The Beatles . Whether you take a Beatles-themed tour or go it alone, be sure your trip down memory lane includes the Cavern Club, where they cut their teeth on the live circuit.

The homes of Paul McCartney and John Lennon can also be visited, and a great museum that covers their career, The Beatles Story, is also located in Albert Docks.

Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Liverpool

Royal Pavilion in Brighton

With a well-deserved reputation as one of England's top seaside resort towns, Brighton makes for a fun and easy trip from London for those wanting to experience a fun getaway.

Set overlooking a long stretch of beach on the English Channel, it, along with the adjacent town of Hove, has been welcoming holidaymakers since the 18th century. The big draw? It's all down to the fresh air, the hotels, and endless fun things to do.

Highlights of a visit include strolling the town's lengthy promenade and stopping in at the Victorian Palace Pier with its arcades and souvenirs. Brighton's beaches are another plus, and include some of the best in England .

Another must-see is the Royal Pavilion , a former summer home of King George IV that wouldn't look out of place in India. Add to this the beach, the many great festivals and events, pleasant parks, and great eateries, and Brighton is guaranteed to tickle your fancy.

Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Brighton

Colorful houses along the Avon River in Bristol

Although it never saw the numbers of migrants passing through it that Liverpool experienced, largely due to the smaller size of its port, the city of Bristol was once an important embarkation point for those heading westward.

Sheltered inland on the Avon River and with direct access to Bristol Channel and the Atlantic, it was here that explorers such as John Cabot would venture forth on their voyages of discovery in the late 15th century.

Cabot was soon after to be followed by adventurers and settlers seeking new lives in the New World. Be sure to visit the Cabot Tower, an impressive landmark built in the 1800s to commemorate the explorer's feats.

Clifton Suspension Bridge

Other maritime-related things to do in Bristol include paying a visit to SS Great Britain . Famous for being the very first steam-powered vessel to provide a trans-Atlantic passenger service, this remarkable vessel was designed and built by I.K. Brunel, who left another enduring landmark for the city: the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Considered one of the most romantic views in England, this elegant structure should definitely be on the "to do" list of anyone looking for a beautiful place to photograph in England.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Bristol

The inner courtyard of Trinity College, Cambridge

Like its collegial cousin to the west, Oxford, the city of Cambridge makes for a wonderful excursion for those staying in London thanks to its being less than an hour away by rail. Best known as a place of higher learning, Cambridge is a delight to explore on foot thanks to its numerous college campuses.

The college campuses consist of well-maintained lawns and courtyards surrounded by immaculately preserved buildings housing faculty and students. There are, all told, 31 colleges here, some dating as far back as the 13th century, when Cambridge University was established.

Must-sees include Queens' College, parts of which date back to the 1400s, where you'll find the much-photographed Mathematical Bridge , and King's College, famous for its chapel and choir.

Punting on the River Cam

Set aside at least a little time to get out on the River Cam. The best way to enjoy views of the city and its colleges from the water is aboard one of the many punts that ply the water here.

Traditionally powered by students (though now less likely so), these flat-bottomed boats are pushed along by a "punter" at a gentle-enough speed to allow passengers to get a proper, slow-paced view of their surroundings. Time well spent, for sure.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Cambridge

Canal in Castlefield, Manchester

If you're looking to concentrate your travels in northern England, or perhaps even venture west into Wales, the former industrial city of Manchester is a great place to kick off your adventure. Just a short train ride from Liverpool, Manchester is served by a first-rate international airport that's just minutes' away from the city's top attractions.

One of the top things for visitors to do is explore Manchester's extensive canal network, developed as a result of Manchester's role as a major manufacturing center.

A blast from the city's industrial past, these once-busy waterways lead to Castlefield, a neighborhood known for its attractive old Victorian townhomes and warehouses. Today, many of these historic structures now house boutique shops, art galleries, cafés, and restaurants.

Before heading off and exploring other areas of England, be sure to check out a few other Manchester attractions. Favorites include one of the world's largest Chinatown districts, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Manchester Art Gallery, as well as Manchester Cathedral.

Read More: Best Attractions & Places to Visit in Manchester, England

Old Market Square in Nottingham, England

Think of Nottingham in England, and you'll no doubt conjure up childhood memories of that Hollywood staple, Robin Hood. Yet while there's no shortage of references to the English legend in Nottingham—his likeness is used widely here, of course—there's much more to this attractive Midlands' city than its best-known hero.

Consisting of wide, tree-lined streets and plenty of green space and parks, Nottingham, once famous for its lace, offers many things to do. Highlights include wandering the old market square and its markets as well as its famous castle. The city is also built on a large cave network, many of which can now be explored as part of the City of Caves attraction.

And those who do want to learn more about Robin Hood can easily find nearby Sherwood Forest . There's even a trail that extends 104 miles from the castle deep into what was once the hero outlaws' neck of the woods, passing through some of the region's best scenery along the way.

Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Nottingham

The white cliffs of Dover

Few places in the world can boast the kind of views that the Kentish town of Dover can. In fact, on a clear day, you can see all the way to France, a distance of just 30 mile s as the crow flies, and a trip that can still be made by ferry from the town's port.

This strategic position overlooking the English Channel led to the coastal town's importance over the centuries. The remains of a Roman lighthouse can still be seen within the grounds of famous Dover Castle , a fortress built in 1168 and garrisoned during the Napoleonic wars and again as recently as WW2. It's now a fascinating museum, with much to do, including medieval festivals and other events.

And, of course, you'll want to take in the spectacular White Cliffs of Dover. These iconic white chalk cliffs can be enjoyed via walks and trails. Pack a picnic, as well as those binoculars.

Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Dover

Victoria Square, Birmingham

Though not as large as London, Birmingham, the country's second largest urban area, is big. Like its neighbor to the north, Manchester, Birmingham was shaped by the rapid growth that took place during the Industrial Revolution, a period when it cemented its reputation as a world leader in manufacturing.

Evidence of this rich past can be seen everywhere, especially along the historic canals that crisscross the city. They were once a vital means of moving goods in and out of Birmingham, but these days, you're far more likely to see a canal barge rigged out for pleasure trips. In fact, a few days or so spent aboard one of these delightfully slow watercraft is a must-do experience in England.

Whether by barge or on foot, be sure to include a visit to the charming Gas Street Basin neighborhood on your list of things to do in Birmingham. Here, you'll find everything from quaint canal-side inns and tearooms to lovely boutique shops selling handcrafted goods and arts and crafts.

Read More: Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Birmingham

The coastal town of Hastings

Hastings in East Sussex is another coastal town that has played an important role in English history. It was here in 1066 that William the Conqueror landed and defeated the English forces in the Battle of Hastings. The campaign in fact ended in the market town of Battle, a few miles inland, after King Harold was slain, resulting in William taking the crown.

Hastings Fishermen's Museum

Be sure to make the six-mile trek to Battle. Here, you'll find an excellent visitor's center with exhibits relating to the historic events that took place in the area, as well as the ruins of a large Benedictine abbey church that was ordered built by William on the site of the battle.

You'll also want to explore the Stade in Hastings, along with the historic Net Shops in the old fishing harbor area.

Read More: Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Hastings

Winchester Cathedral

As the county town of Hampshire and England's capital city up until the late 1200s, Winchester has much to offer visitors looking for fun things to do. Only 90 minutes from central London by train, this attractive cathedral city is a delight to explore on foot, so leave the car behind and get ready to wander.

If planning an overnight stay or weekend getaway here, consider staying in a downtown hotel such as Winchester Royal Hotel . Located just a block away from the historic High Street, this 500-year-old hotel sets the tone for a visit to beautiful Winchester Cathedral, the Great Hall with what's reputed to be King Arthur's Round Table, and its Military Museums with their park-like setting.

In addition to the pedestrian-friendly historic High Street, you'll also want to take a stroll down College Street. Here you'll find one of England's oldest and most famous schools, Winchester College ; the Old Bishop's Palace; the pleasant green space along the weirs of the River Itchen; and the magnificent Kingsgate Tower.

Read More: Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Winchester

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48 Best Places to Visit in the UK

best places to visit in the UK

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Rich in heritage and history, the United Kingdom has many bustling modern cities and ancient sleepy villages to visit — but where to begin?

Discover many urban destinations in the country which all have their own unique identities and charm.

Whether you visit cosmopolitan London , historic Edinburgh, industrial Birmingham or cultural Stratford-upon-Avon, you can find plenty of authentic and fascinating things to see and do.

Ancient places such as Stonehenge, York and Bath are some of the best places to visit in the UK for history lovers and will not disappoint. The famous college towns of Oxford and Cambridge are rich in history and elegant architecture.

There are also plenty of awe-inspiring natural spaces such as the Cotswolds, Lake District and Yorkshire Dales, as well as the wild coasts of Cornwall and the Shetland Islands.

The UK boasts a number of family-friendly attractions and theme parks , including Alton towers and LEGOLAND Windsor, as well as the Harry Potter Studios at Warner Bros London and Warwick Castle.

Here are some destinations to get you excited for your next UK trip!

1 – Liverpool

uk cities tourism

One of the UK’s largest cities and a hub of arts and culture , Liverpool is known the world over as the hometown of The Beatles.

It wouldn’t be a complete visit to the city without seeing The Beatles Story Museum or the legendary Cavern Club where the band played its earliest concerts. There is also the famous statue of the Fab Four at Pier Head and many more Beatles landmarks dotted around the city.

Visitors can also see an art exhibition at the world-class Tate Liverpool museum or enjoy a shopping trip in the independent stores of Bold Street .

Ride the famous “Ferry cross the Mersey” or check out a Liverpool F.C. football game at Anfield Stadium. Liverpool might just be your new favorite city!

See also: Fun Things to Do in Liverpool

2 – Edinburgh

uk cities tourism

The historic capital of Scotland , Edinburgh is an atmospheric city with a medieval core and dramatic scenery.

Tour the impressive Edinburgh Castle which looms high over the city or explore the Royal Mile through the heart of the city’s Old Town.

Climb up through Holyrood Park to visit the ancient volcano known as Arthur’s Seat or explore the centuries-old Botanical Gardens and their Victorian glasshouses.

Witnessing the Military Tattoo marching band show is a popular thing to do in the city as is taking a guided tour of the underground vaults and passageways that spread beneath the streets.

There’s a lot to see and do in Edinburgh, one of the UK’s most enchanting cities.

See also: Fun Things to Do in Edinburgh

3 – London

uk cities tourism

The United Kingdom’s capital city and seat of the country’s parliament and monarchy for over 800 years, London is one of the world’s top tourist destinations.

The long list of must-see sights and best tourist attractions in London include Buckingham Palace — home to Queen Elizabeth II , The London Eye observation wheel and Big Ben, and the Houses of Parliament.

Check out some of the amazing free and best museums in London such as The British Museum, Tate Britain and Tate Modern and the Royal Observatory.

Explore the many royal parks and gardens such as Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park and see the famous castle prison, the Tower of London .

Visitors can find some of the world’s best museums, galleries and historic palaces right here in the city of London.

See also: Fun Things to Do in London

4 – Oxford

uk cities tourism

World-famous for its illustrious university, Oxford has charm by the barrel and features leafy avenues, a bustling city center and tons of history to discover.

The first stop on a visit to the city should be Oxford University — which is often ranked as the top university in the world . Tour the hallowed halls of this renowned institution which was established in 1096 — making it the world’s second-oldest still operating university .

Explore the UK’s oldest Botanical Garden and its surrounding woodland of 130 acres or visit The Ashmolean, the country’s first public museum to see its collection of esteemed artworks.

Take a ride down the city’s famous canals on a punt or discover the treasures of the Pitt Rivers Museum. Oxford is overflowing with captivating attractions.

See also: Fun Things to Do in Oxford

5 – Harry Potter Studio

uk cities tourism

The Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London takes visitors inside the magic of the Harry Potter movies .

Visit famous locations and sets from the movies, including the Great Hall of Hogwart’s, Diagon Alley and the Forbidden Forest. Visit Platform 9 3/4 and see the famous Hogwart’s Express.

Glimpse the detailed model of Hogwarts School — which was used for exterior shots of the building, and see artifacts, props and clothing worn in the making of the movies.

Go behind the scenes to the studio’s Special FX and Art departments to see how the amazing creatures and action sequences were brought to life. This is a must-see for Harry Potter fans.

  • Harry Potter Studio tickets

Sold out? Read about Harry Potter Studio last-minute tickets .

6 – Stonehenge

uk cities tourism

The mysterious history of Stonehenge is only part of what makes it so fascinating.

The famous stone circle was constructed around 2,500 B.C. and its surroundings are particularly rich in archaeological history and sites , some of which may date back as far as 8,000 B.C .

The smaller bluestones, which weigh between two to five tons each, were transported over 180 miles from quarries in Wales using prehistoric technology.

There are many legends that surround the site and its use. Many historians believe it functioned as an ancient form of the calendar , as well as a meeting place for religious ceremonies.

Discover the ancient secrets of Stonehenge for yourself — one of the most famous prehistoric monuments in the world and one of the best places to visit in the UK for history lovers.

  • Stonehenge tours from London

7 – Windsor

uk cities tourism

The Borough of Windsor is most famous for Windsor Castle , the preferred weekend residence of Queen Elizabeth II.

The castle is the world’s largest and oldest inhabited castle and has been home to the country’s royalty for 1,000 years. Visitors can take a tour of the castle to see its staterooms and the fabulous St. George’s Chapel which is over 500 years old.

Other popular attractions in and around Windsor include The town of Eton , famous for its prestigious college, The Windsor Guildhall which was designed by Christopher Wren, and the historic Windsor Great Park which covers nearly 5,000 acres.

The very royal borough of Windsor offers tranquil towns and villages just a short step from the bustling center of London.

  • Windsor Castle day trips from London

8 – Brighton

uk cities tourism

The seaside resort of Brighton has long been a weekend getaway for Londoners in search of fresh air and sea breeze.

The Royal Pavillion is one of the most mesmerizing Brighton attractions. This luxurious royal palace with eastern-influenced architecture was built in the 1820s as a coastal getaway for King George IV. Visitors can tour the palace as well as the museum and grounds.

There is a lot to see in this attraction-packed city too. Take a stroll along Brighton Pier for classic rides and amusements, or browse the hip independent shops and cafes of The Lanes.

Grab fantastic vies from the British Airways i360 observation tower or take a seafront trip on The Volk’s Electric Railway for a vintage British seaside experience. Brighton is a whole lot of fun!

See also: Fun Things to do in Brighton

9 – Yorkshire Dales

uk cities tourism

The green and unspoiled hills of the Yorkshire Dales hold many hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered.

The spectacular waterfalls of Aysgarth, Hardraw Force and Linton draw visitors from miles around. The rocky scenery of Malham Cove is popular with walkers and the dramatic ravine of Gordale Scar apparently was an inspiration for J.R.R Tolkien when writing “The Lord of the Rings.”

There are lots of great towns and villages to explore in the Dales, including Richmond, Hawes and Malham, and many great country pubs to grab lunch and a drink in.

Explore the underground cave systems that run throughout the park and see the miles of drystone walls that give the region its iconic look. The impressive Ribblehead Viaduct has appeared in many movies and television series , most famously in the “Harry Potter” movies.

10 – Bath

uk cities tourism

Steeped in ancient history, the Roman town of Bath is brimming with great cultural institutions , shopping opportunities and Classically-inspired architecture .

The famous Roman Baths , from which the city gets its name, are one of the highlights. Visitors can learn more about them through engaging exhibits and CGI reconstructions .

Why not take advantage of the city’s mineral-rich spring water with a soak at Thermae Bath Spa ?

Visit The Jane Austen Center to discover more about the popular writer or step back in time as you stroll along the 18th century Pulteney Bridge with its varied shops and boutiques.

There is a diverse selection of museums to explore in the city too. Art lovers should check out the Holburne Museum and Victoria Art Gallery and history fans can discover Georgian-era life at No.1 Royal Crescent . The Fashion Museum displays stylish clothing items from the 17th-century to the present day.

11 – Dartmoor

Dartmoor, UK

Devon’s green and unspoiled national park , Dartmoor is one of the best places to visit in the UK for nature lovers.

Keep your eyes peeled for the wild Dartmoor ponies which are an attractive sight to see on your exploration of the park. Meet the animals at Dartmoor Zoo or explore the Iron Age site at Grimspound .

Discover the historic ruins of Okehampton Castle or climb the high rope courses at the gorgeous River Dart Country Park.

The Buckfast Butterfly Farm and Otter Sanctuary is a great place to visit with kids and the impressive gothic architecture of Buckfast Abbey is a must-see when visiting the area.

12 – Cotswolds

uk cities tourism

The picturesque limestone villages of the Cotswolds are an idyllic place to explore and a quintessentially English experience.

One of the most popular things to do in the Cotswolds is to take a guided tour or to explore the area by car to see all the charming villages.

Adventurous visitors can hike the Cotswold Way, a nearly 100-mile path through some of the country’s most attractive villages.

Gloucester and Cirencester are some of the larger places to visit with attractions such as Gloucester Cathedral and the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Steam Railway .

There are a number of stunning gardens to visit such as the Batsford and Westonbirt Arboretums, and the grounds of Highgrove House, which is home to Prince Charles .

13 – York

uk cities tourism

The ancient walled city of York is one of the UK’s most popular northern destinations. It was founded by the Romans in the year 71 A.D. and has some fine historical attractions.

Visitors can brush up on the city’s Viking history at the Jorvik Centre or explore the Medieval lanes of The Shambles — allegedly the inspiration for Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter movies.

Discover the impressive and historic York Minster which dates back to the 13th century and the city’s more recent history at York Castle Museum.

Delve into the city’s grisly past at The York Dungeon or take a spooky guided tour of the city to unearth the shadowy characters that have called York home.

See also: Fun & Unusual Things to Do in York

14 – Cardiff

Cardiff, UK

The Welsh Capital is famous for its attractive surrounding landscapes and its plentiful historic castles and houses .

St Fagan’s National Museum of History takes us back in time to the Celtic era . Discover old-fashioned roundhouses , ancient skills and how the people of the region lived in years gone by.

Cardiff Castle is a must-see on a trip to the city along with almost fairytale Castle Coch. Explore the National Museum of Cardiff to discover its collection of artworks, decorative arts and natural history — and grab some fresh air on a visit to the delightful Roath and Bute parks .

Sports fans should check out the Principality Stadium for the best in Welsh Rugby action or check out a show at the Wales Millenium Center.

15 – Lake District

uk cities tourism

The Lake District is considered to be one of the UK’s most picturesque landscapes and has been inspiring artists and writers for centuries.

If your time is limited, take a private tour of the countryside to see a lot of the Lakes’ highlights in a short time. Outdoors people can explore the many pathways and hills or take an adventure tour through the hills and valleys.

Popular hiking locations include the Old Man of Coniston, Helvellyn and Loughrigg Fell which are achievable for most people.

Visit the popular towns of Windermere, Keswick and Penrith and tour the sites that enchanted Beatrix Potter while writing her famous children’s books .

You are sure to want to return to the Lake District again and again.

16 – Manchester

uk cities tourism

Bustling Manchester is a hive of activity and there’s a lot to see and do. It is North England’s largest city and is packed with busy shopping streets, markets, museums and galleries.

Visiting the famous Etihad and Old Trafford Stadiums — the respective homes of football teams Manchester City and Manchester United , are always popular with sports fans.

Explore the Science and Industry Museum to discover why Manchester is known as the “first industrial City” and visit the magnificent Neo-Gothic John Rylands Library .

See natural history exhibits at the Manchester Museum or glimpse stunning artworks at the Manchester Art Gallery.

Manchester is world-renowned for its musical legacy. Join a tour of the city to learn about some of its most legendary acts , including Joy Division, The Smiths and Oasis.

See also: Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Manchester

17 – Glasgow

uk cities tourism

Lying along the banks of the River Clyde, Glasgow has a lot of cultural and architectural delights to explore.

Discover the attractive Victorian-era platforms of Glasgow Central Station or check out the Riverside Museum of Transport and Travel to discover the past and future of vehicles in the city.

Take a tour of Glasgow Cathedral and its centuries-old Necropolis and check out the beautiful architecture of George Square, which has statues of the poets Robert Burns and Thomas Campbell.

On an evening, explore the lively West End with its bars, restaurants and live music venues or catch a performance at The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.

Historic Glasgow is just waiting to be explored!

See also: Fun Things to Do in Glasgow

18 – Belfast

uk cities tourism

Northern Ireland’s capital and its largest city, Belfast is a historic east coast port and industrial center.

The infamous Titanic was constructed in Belfast in 1909 and the city has a museum to the ill-fated ship. Titanic Belfast allows visitors to explore the ship with innovative exhibits such as rides, special FX and immersive reconstructions.

There are more historic ships to visit in the city too, including HMS Caroline and the SS Nomadic .

Discover the artworks of the Peace Wall which documents “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland or visit the notorious Crumlin Road Gaol which housed political prisoners.

Take a shopping spree at the Victorian-era St George’s Market or explore the city’s creative hub, the Cathedral Quarter . The old-fashioned Botanical Gardens offer a peaceful respite from the bustling city center.

See also: Fun Things to Do in Belfast

19 – Cambridge

uk cities tourism

The historic university town of Cambridge has been home to many of the country’s greatest scholars. It has a wealth of Classical architecture and charm and is one of the UK’s most popular tourist destinations.

The University of Cambridge is one of the must-see places on a trip to the city. Grab a guided tour of one of its famous colleges such as King’s College or St. John’s to discover the 800-year history of the University .

Take a journey down the river in one of the town’s famous gondola-style “punts” and pick up some history on the way.

Explore the historic town center, including Market Square and discover fascinating world history and artifacts at the Fitzwilliam Museum .

There are many architectural wonders to discover in Cambridge, making it a stunning place to visit at any time of the year.

See also: Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Cambridge

20 – Isle of Wight

uk cities tourism

For adventure lovers and those who love to be in the great outdoors, the Isle of Wight is a fantastic destination.

The famous Needles rock formations are explorable by boat tour or kayak and the miles of coastline offer everything from fossil hunting at Compton Bay to surf spots at Freshwater Bay.

Explore Osborne House, the favorite home of Queen Victoria and walk the picturesque Coastal Footpath between the towns of Sandown and Shanklin .

There are plenty of family-friendly attractions to enjoy too such as Wildheart Animal Sanctuary, Monkey Haven and the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary and the spectacular Shanklin Chine gorge and gardens.

21 – Alton Towers

uk cities tourism

One of the UK’s most thrilling and adventure-packed theme park resorts, Alton Towers offers tons of fun for the whole family.

The largest theme park in England , Alton Towers covers 500 acres in the Staffordshire countryside and is home to some of the world’s most extreme roller coasters .

Some of the park’s most exhilarating rides include Nemesis, Wicker Man and The Smiler — the first 14-loop roller coaster in the world .

Little ones need not miss out either as the park’s CBeebies Land is designed specifically with them in mind, and features gentle rides and play areas for them to discover.

The resort also has some excellent accommodation options , including Alton Towers Hotel, Luxury Treehouses and Stargazing Pods that are sure to make your stay in the park a memorable and happy one.

22 – Birmingham

uk cities tourism

The UK’s second-largest city after London, Birmingham is packed full of cultural venues, museums and historic locations to check out.

During the industrial era, the city was one of the most prosperous in the country. Take a trip back in time to some of its best historic locations, including the infamous Back to Back housing, Coffin Works and the Museum of the Jewelry Quarter to discover its most lucrative trades .

See an impressive collection of world history artifacts at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery or visit the National Motorcycle Museum to learn how British bikes — many of which were built here in Birmingham — conquered the world.

Visit the Birmingham Symphony Hall and Hippodrome to witness world-class theatrical and musical performances or check out the Library of Birmingham’s impressive collection of Shakespearean artifacts.

See also: Fun Things to Do in Birmingham, UK

23 – Scottish Highlands

uk cities tourism

For adventure lovers in search of the wildest reaches of the UK, The Scottish Highlands does not disappoint.

The area begins north of the city of Glasgow and includes almost 10,000 square miles of moody mountains, deep lochs and heather-strewn glens, as well as the occasional town or village.

One of the most thrilling ways to explore the Highlands is via the West Coast Railways Jacobite Steam Train, but it is equally stunning by bus or private car.

Some of its most popular locations are Ben Nevis, the UK’s largest mountain and the famous Loch Ness . The landscape here is popular with adventure sports lovers, especially the secluded town of Fort William.

Other popular towns to visit include the ancient city of Inverness , wild and picturesque Aviemore and the Glencoe Mountain Resort near the village of Ballachulish.

See also: Fun things to do in Inverness, Scotland

24 – Norwich

Norwich, UK

The attractive and leafy city of Norwich is a popular destination for travelers and boasts lively art and cultural scene .

Most famous for the Romanesque Norwich Cathedral which dates back to 1096 , Norwich has many other historic buildings and locations to explore.

The attractive Fenbrigg Hall is well worth visiting and Norwich Castle hosts a collection of artistic and antique treasures. The Elm Hill area of the city has some wonderful surviving examples of Tudor houses and quaint alleys to discover.

Norwich is a short journey to the picturesque Norfolk Broads, but also has many fine parks inside the city such as Plantation Garden, East Ruston Old Vicarage Garden and Eaton Park.

25 – Giant’s Causeway

uk cities tourism

The unique rock formations of Northern Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway have been the source of numerous legends over the centuries.

The most popular one tells of the giant, Finn McCool who threw the rocks into the sea to make a crossing to Scotland.

The unusual rock formations, which include almost 40,000 narrow columns look so neat as to appear man-made.

The Giant’s Causeway has appeared in a number of movies and television series, including Dracula Untold and Hellboy II: The Golden Army and as a filming location for Game of Thrones.

This unique geological feature is one of Northern Ireland’s most popular tourist attractions.

  • Giant’s Causeway day trips from Dublin

Read more: Most Beautiful Places in Europe , Game of Thrones Tours from Dublin

26 – Chessington World of Adventures Resort

uk cities tourism

One of the best places to visit in the UK for families with older kids, Chessington World of Adventure has over 40 rides and attractions .

The park also has the Zoo and Sea Life center which is home to over 1,000 creatures, such as lions, penguins and gorillas. Visitors can come face-to-face with penguins , capybaras, giraffes and a whole host of exotic creatures.

The park also has thrilling rides and almost a dozen exotic-themed lands to discover. Take on the dizzying heights of the Croc Drop or face the wrath of the Dragon’s Fury .

Chessington also has a lot of great shows and entertainment, and seasonal events to enjoy.

27 – Hadrian’s Wall

uk cities tourism

During the Roman occupation of Britain, Emperor Hadrian ordered a defensive wall to keep the problematic northern tribes out of Roman Britain.

The remains of the wall, which spanned the whole width of the country — almost 73 miles, are still visible in places. Visit sites of numerous Roman fortifications , including Housesteads, Chesters and Birdsowald.

The Roman Army Museum in Hexham gives an interesting depiction of life in Roman Britain for the empire’s soldiers as well as artifacts excavated along the length of the wall.

Explore many sections of the wall and other bits of ancient fortifications across the country such as Walltown Crags, Vindolanda, Milecast 48 and Cawfield’s Roman Wall .

28 – Cornwall

uk cities tourism

One of the UK’s favorite holiday destinations, Cornwall is rich in Celtic history and has a stunning landscape of rugged cliffs, beautiful fishing villages and wide open moorlands.

A popular UK surf destination , Cornwall takes pride in its beaches like Fistral, Gwithian and Praa Sands, creating over 6-foot waves on a good day.

Visitors return to this area for its many postcard-worthy towns and fishing ports to name, but Falmouth, St Ives, St Austell, Bude and Fowey are all must-see destinations.

Some stunning historical ruins and castles to visit include Pendennis Castle, Tintagel Castle, the supposed home of King Arthur , and the beautiful Minack Theatre which is one of the UK’s most stunning outdoor concert venues.

Cornwall is definitely one of the most enchanting places in the whole of Britain for explorers and nature lovers.

29 – Bristol

uk cities tourism

The fun and occasionally unconventional city of Bristol is packed with cultural gems, grand architecture and great museums .

The historic port city has a number of maritime landmarks to discover such as the SS Great Britain , designed in the mid-19th century by the engineering mastermind, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Another of Brunel’s masterpieces the Clifton Suspension Bridge has graced the city skyline since 1836. Visitors can take a walking tour of the bridge to discover what makes it so unique.

Those with a particular interest in architecture and history can also explore Cabot Tower, Wills Memorial Building and the historic Bristol City Docks .

The city also has a number of world-class museums to explore such as the We the Curious Science Museum and the expansive Bristol Museum and Art Gallery.

See also: Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Bristol

30 – Swansea

Swansea, UK

The second-largest city in Wales, Swansea has a stunning coastline that offers many opportunities for those who prefer to explore on foot.

Some of the finest walking locations in the area include the Gower Peninsula which boasts impressive rock formations and turquoise water . There are many attractive and wide-open beaches here also such as Three Cliffs Bay, Oxwich Bay and the popular Caswell Bay.

The nearby village of Mumbles is a small but bustling fishing village. There are a number of great gardens and parks to explore around the city such as Clyne Gardens and Pennllergare Valley Woods.

The Dylan Thomas Centre — dedicated to the celebrated local poet, is a must-visit for arts and literature fans.

31 – Winchester

uk cities tourism

The historic city of Winchester has been home to some of the country’s most illustrious figures.

The city dates back to Roman times and was England’s very first capital city . Visitors can explore its narrow and quaint streets which feature very old timber-frame and brick buildings.

Winchester Cathedral is over 900 years old and is packed with historic treasures, including a Winchester Bible and a Tournai Font which date from 1150. The Cathedral has stunning gothic architecture and is the final resting place of the famed author Jane Austen.

The Great Hall dates back to the 13th century and was once part of Winchester Castle. It houses the famous round table of King Arthur .

There are many other attractive areas of the city to visit, including the Hospital of St Cross, Winchester City Mill and the South Downs Way , which extends all the way to Eastbourne on the South Coast.

32 – Peak District

uk cities tourism

Covering over 500 square miles, the gently rolling hills of the peak district are a popular destination for hikers and outdoor adventurers .

Some of the best walks in the region include the Monsal Trail — which runs along a former railway line, Tissington Trail and Kinder Scout .

Check out some beautiful reservoirs in the area, including the Derwent Dam and Ladybower Reservoir, and the wildlife conservation area of Longshaw Estate .

There are plenty of attractions for those who aren’t into walking, such as the caves and rock formations of Speedwell Caverns and Treak Cliff Cavern .

The stunning country manor of Chatsworth House , home to the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, has lots to see including a renowned art collection and fantastic gardens.

33 – Bamburgh Castle

uk cities tourism

The epic Bamburgh Castle might be one of the most photogenic castles in the whole world.

The castle is still the home of the Armstrong family , who have resided there since the mid-1800s but its roots extend back over 1,000 years.

The site has been excavated by archeologists who have uncovered a number of artifacts including an Anglo-Saxon sword and gold decorations .

The castle was restyled by William Armstrong in the Victorian era who gave it its current interior look. Visitors can explore the Armory — which has an impressive collection of suits of armor, beautiful staterooms and the medieval-style King’s Hall.

Bamburgh Castle is sure to impress.

34 – Shetland Islands

uk cities tourism

Lying just off of Scotland, the Shetland Islands are home to some fascinating historic sites and ancient ruins.

The Viking and Nordic heritage of the island is well represented at the Viking Longhouse and the Jarlshof Prehistoric and Norse Settlement.

The Shetland Museum and Archives has some interesting exhibits about the history of the area, and Mousa Iron Age Broch is one of the best-surviving forts from the era.

Discover the windswept Banna Minn Beach, Hermaness Nature Reserve and the towering Sumburgh Head Lighthouse on the southern tip of the mainland.

Visitors can check out the unique Bobby’s Bus Shelter on a tour of Unst isle for some lighthearted installation art.

35 – Canterbury

uk cities tourism

The ancient walled city of Canterbury dates back to Roman-era Britain and is rich in historic architecture.

Parts of Canterbury Cathedral date back to the year 597 AD when it was founded. The impressive structure is home to the Thomas Beckett Shrine .

The award-winning Beaney House of Art and Knowledge is a must-see museum when visiting the city. It hosts state-of-the-art exhibitions, as well as an art gallery and library all housed in a Tudor revival building.

Some of the city’s other important landmarks include Christ Church Gate , the attractive Westgate Gardens and Franciscan Gardens, and St. Augustine’s Abbey. The Canterbury  Roman Museum offers interesting insights into the city’s past .

36 – White Cliffs of Dover

uk cities tourism

For millennia, the iconic White Cliffs of Dover have been a symbolic sight for travelers returning and departing the continent.

The shining chalk limestone cliffs tower above the Straight of Dover — which is the shortest distance between the UK and Mainland Europe, and on a clear day, visitors can see the coast of France .

See and hike a number of trails with spectacular views of the coastline, or explore the World War II tunnel complex of Fan Bay Deep Shelter.

The area is also a terrific place to spot wildlife such as ravens, kittiwakes, falcons and gulls.

37 – Thorpe Park Resort

uk cities tourism

One of the UK’s most popular theme park resorts, Thorpe Park has an abundance of thrilling roller coasters, chilling rides and fun attractions.

Ride the Nemesis Inferno or the horror-themed Saw: The Ride . Take a spin on the towering Colossus — the world’s first 10-loop roller coaster or experience super-fast acceleration on Stealth.

The park has plenty of scary attractions too, including Derren Brown’s Ghost Train and the Walking Dead Ride , both of which combine live-action horror and spooky effects.

Black Mirror Labyrinth based on the popular TV show is one of the park’s newest attractions.

There are also plenty of family-friendly rides and amusements for younger kids to enjoy. Thorpe Park is fun for the whole family.

38 – Snowdonia

uk cities tourism

The stunning mountainous region of Wales, Snowdonia, attracts many thousands of visitors annually to explore its rugged landscap e.

The area is a popular spot for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts, and there are hundreds of trails to explore in the area which offer incredible views throughout.

The town of Betws-y-Coed is considered the gateway to the Snowdonia National Park and is a jumping-off point for many explorers.

Mount Snowdon or Yr Wyddfa in Welsh is the focal point of the park and the tallest mountain in Wales . It is a fairly easy hike and achievable for most people. The largest Welsh lake , Llyn Tegid, can also be found in the Snowdon National Park.

One of the most fun attractions in the region is Zip World Fforest which has treetop rope courses to explore and a forest toboggan ride.

39 – Stratford-upon-Avon

uk cities tourism

Most famous for its association with William Shakespeare, the picturesque riverside town of Stratford-upon-Avon has lots to discover for history and literature fans.

Visitors can see the birthplace of Shakespeare and the cottage where Anne Hathaway — Shakespeare’s wife not the actor, lived before they were married.

You can also see the church where the couple is buried and other important landmarks such as the Schoolrooms and Guildhall where “The Bard” studied, and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre which performs some of the writer’s most famous works.

Even if you are not a Shakespeare enthusiast, Stratford has plenty to see and do. Walk the attractive streets and leafy parks and gardens of the town. Soak up its historical ambiance or visit the Stratford Butterfly Farm which is supposedly the largest in Europe .

40 – Blackpool

uk cities tourism

The glitzy seaside attractions of Blackpool have been drawing visitors and holidaymakers to the town for decades.

The famous Blackpool Pleasure Beach features classic roller coaster rides and amusements that are fun for the whole family.

The famous Blackpool Tower is the town’s most iconic landmark and visitors can explore its glass-floored observation deck for the best views over the coastline.

Visit the fun Madame Tussauds wax museum and see amazing exotic creatures at the British seaside at Blackpool Zoo and SEA LIFE Blackpool.

Catch a show at the fantastic Blackpool Tower Ballroom or enjoy an evening of cabaret at Viva Blackpool.

Don’t miss the magnificent Victorian architecture of the Winter Gardens , one of the city’s most popular entertainment venues.

41 – Dunluce Castle

uk cities tourism

There has been a settlement at Dunluce Castle for almost 2,000 years and the current ruins date to the 17th and 18th centuries.

The ruined structure which overlooks the sea has inspired artists, writers and filmmakers with its romantic appearance. It has appeared in a number of movies and television series, including “Game of Thrones” where it doubled as the Iron Islands.

It was the seat of the battling McQuiland and MacDonell Clans from the 1600s who waged constant war with each other.

Dunluce Castle is thought to have been the inspiration for the hit C.S Lewis stories in “The Chronicles of Narnia.”

42 – Cairngorms

uk cities tourism

The wild and picturesque Cairngorms in the Eastern Highlands of Scotland are strewn with lush green valleys and picturesque lochs to discover.

This national park is home to some of the highest mountains and plateaus in Scotland and the British isles.

It’s not without its famous residents too. Balmoral Castle is the famous holiday residence of Queen Elizabeth II and is open to the public through the summer months.

Some of the most impressive sites in the area include attractive lakes like Loch Morlich, An Lochan Auaine — also known as the Green Loch and Loch an Eilein.

The Cairngorm Mountain Resort is a popular spot for winter sports adventures in the area.

43 – Jurassic Coast

uk cities tourism

Spanning from Exmouth in Devon to Old Harry Rocks in Dorset, the Jurassic Coast is one of the UK’s longest coastal trails .

The name comes from the many fossils from the Jurassic Period that have been found on the cliffs of the region — although there have also been plenty of Triassic and Cretaceous objects discovered too.

Visitors can walk in the actual footsteps of Dinosaurs at Keates Quarry , Spyway , or hunt for fossils along almost a hundred miles of coastline.

Take a guided tour of the best fossils and fossil hunting grounds along the Dorset coast, or kayak around the famous Durdle Door rock formation.

44 – LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort

uk cities tourism

One of the best places to visit in the UK for children aged up to 12, Legoland Windsor Resort is jam-packed with rides , attractions and opportunities to build and create .

The park has 12 different lands to discover and fantastic rides for kids of all ages such as the exhilarating and theatrical Flight of the Sky Lion, the interactive and watery Hydra’s Challenge and the magical flying roller coaster, The Dragon .

Explore the underwater world of the City Deep Sea Adventure or get goosebumps as you brave the Haunted House Monster Party.

There are lots of opportunities to get creative too at the Creature Creation, LEGO Education Center and Model Making Studios . A trip to Legoland is sure to be a trip to remember.

45 – Loch Ness

uk cities tourism

On the hunt for Nessie or just taking in the Highland scenery? Loch Ness is an awe-inspiring sight.

Reportedly the loch contains more water than all of the lakes in England and Wales Combined. It is the second-largest in Scotland and extends for over 22 miles. At its deepest point, it reaches 225 meters, making it the second deepest Scottish loch after Loch Morar .

Some stunning attractions in the area include the ruins of Urquhart Castle which juts out dramatically into the loch and the historic Fort Augustus .

The waterfalls of Foyers , on the loch’s south bank, are situated in dense woodland and the area is a particularly beautiful place to walk. From nearby, visitors can rent kayaks to explore Loch Ness in all its glory.

Alternatively, try one of the many bus and boat tours offered in the area.

46 – Brecon Beacons

Brecon Beacons, UK

The Brecon Beacons mountain range in South Wales is an outdoor adventure paradise at any time of the year.

Located in the heart of nature, the area has many excellent walking and cycling trails to discover. Some of the most picturesque hikes are the Four Waterfalls trail near the village of Ystradfellte, The Brecon Horseshoe circular route and the Pen y Fan trail.

There is an excellent system of waterways and canals that are perfect for exploring by kayak or paddleboard. Many kayakers launch from Brecon Promenade on the River Usk although the Brecon Basins Canal is also excellent.

Take a guided tour or adventure tour to discover the best natural landmarks and most stunning scenic areas in this awesome part of the Welsh countryside.

47 – Warwick Castle

uk cities tourism

One of the best places to visit in the Uk for history lovers, Warwick Castle brings medieval history to life .

The thousand-year-old castle is one of the best-preserved in the country and presents a whole program of action-packed themed events and attractions for visitors to see.

Younger kids especially will be enthralled by the historic fun on display, including battle reenactments, falconry displays, tours of the castle’s infamous dungeons and much more.

The live-action displays and knowledgeable staff will ignite your family’s curiosity.

Explore the castle’s stunning grounds, including its Great Hall and State Rooms, see full-size medieval weapons, and explore the interactive Maze based on the “Horrible Histories” TV Series. Warwick Castle is lots of fun!

48 – Norfolk Broads

Norfolk Broads, UK

A popular area for boating and beloved by anglers , the Norfolk Broads offers a peaceful place to escape from it all in the heart of nature.

While it’s best to explore the region by foot or by bike, many hire a boat and travel at their own pace through the Broads.

There is a diverse amount of wildlife to see in the woodlands and wetland areas, including otters, eels and water voles, as well as many types of wading birds like bitterns, cranes and herons.

The village of Wroxham , known as the “capital of the broads” is a nice place to explore and offers a number of boat hire options.

A trip on the Bure Valley miniature railway between Wroxham and Aylsham is a fun way to see the sights.

We hope you enjoyed this list of the best places to visit in the UK to help you plan your next vacation.

Let us know in the comments below which place is your favorite one.

As always, happy travels!

A Lady in London

A Lady in London

And Traveling the World

Lady’s 25 Best Cities in England

Today I want to share my guide to the best cities in England with you. From the capital to the smaller urban centers, they’re some of the top places to visit in the UK .

Best Cities in England

Best Cities in England

These English cities have all won my heart with their beauty, history, or unique charm. From stunning cathedrals to secret passageways, universities to beaches, every one of the places on this list has something special about it.

I’ve visited all of these cities, so can personally attest to how much they have going for them. If you get a chance to go, I hope you’ll agree.

Old Market Square, Nottingham

I couldn’t write about the best cities in England without starting with London . The UK capital is one of the most exciting and diverse cities in the world.

With a great mix of historic and contemporary, big attractions and secret places , London has something for everyone. Add to that great restaurants, markets, and nightlife, and it’s hard to beat.

South Bank London

When it comes to history and aesthetics, Chester is one of the best cities in England. With Roman walls, medieval churches, and a half-timbered high street, every inch of Chester is picture pretty.

Add to that charming side streets, colorful doors, and an amazing cathedral, and Chester is one of the most beautiful places in England .

Street in Chester

Next on my list of the best cities in England is Bath . With beautiful Georgian architecture and golden Cotswold stone buildings, it’s one of the prettiest places in the UK.

The city also has ancient Roman baths, Jane Austen sites , and great independent shops and restaurants. Bath is hard to beat when it comes to English cities.

Georgian Architecture in Bath, England

4. Cambridge

As far as university cities go, Cambridge tops my list. The heritage buildings and bucolic river scenery make Cambridge one of the best cities in England.

I can’t get enough of the Gothic chapel interiors, riverside pubs, and colleges in Cambridge. Being here is like stepping into a painting.

Bridge of Sighs, Cambridge

Up north, Durham is another university city that deserves a place on my list of the best cities in England.

Durham is worth a trip for its cobblestone streets, impressive cathedral, and historic castle. Rich in history, the side streets around the university are great places to get a glimpse into Britain’s past.

Market Place, Durham

Back down south, Oxford is another university city in England that deserves a place on my list. The colleges in Oxford have gorgeous heritage architecture and the city is rife with historic pubs, museums, and markets.

Oxford is famous for its Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland connections, too. It’s fun to visit and discover the filming locations from the former and the places that inspired the latter.

Radcliffe Camera, Oxford, England

7. Canterbury

When it comes to cathedral cities, Canterbury is hard to beat. It’s one of the best cities in England for its mix of religious importance and charming atmosphere.

Canterbury Cathedral is one of the oldest and most important Christian buildings in England, and has layers of history and beauty to discover.

Canterbury also has an abundance of historic streets with chocolate-box atmosphere. There are narrow lanes with shops dotted throughout the city center, and they’re worth taking the time to explore.

Canterbury Cathedral

8. Winchester

Speaking of cathedral cities, Winchester is another of my favorites. Winchester Cathedral is not only stunning to see, but also the burial place of Jane Austen.

But it’s not just the cathedral in Winchester. This city in Hampshire is home to a peaceful river walk, secret gardens, and heritage architecture galore.

The Round Table of King Arthur fame is here, as are a stunning medieval almshouse and the haunting ruins of an old bishop’s palace.

Hospital of St Cross, Winchester

Up north, York is another city with an important cathedral. But there’s a lot more this place than York Minster. It’s one of the best cities in England for its old-world charm.

From the medieval city walls to the passages and Snickelways, there’s something beautiful around every corner in York.

Add to that a river, a lot of great shops, and a castle, and York is a real treat. The annual York Christmas markets are worth a special trip, too.

Alley in York, England

10. Newcastle

Not far from York, Newcastle is another of the best cities in England. From Grey Street, which was once voted the finest street in Britain by BBC Radio 4 listeners, to contemporary art museums like BALTIC, Newcastle has a good mix of historic and contemporary.

And that’s to say nothing of the bridges, which span both the River Tyne and the centuries. Then come Newcastle’s pubs, many of which have stunning historic interiors and lively atmospheres. The nightlife is legendary, too.

Gateshead Millennium Bridge in Newcastle, England

11. Birmingham

In the Midlands, Birmingham has everything from centuries-old pubs to colorful creative districts.

Its contemporary library gets my inner architecture (and book) lover excited every time, and I love the pre-Raphaelite masterpieces in the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.

The city first won me over when I visited for the famous Birmingham Christmas markets . Since then, it’s lured me back to see its beautiful historic buildings, shopping arcades, canals, and streets.

Birmingham, England

12. Brighton

On the south coast in East Sussex, Brighton is one of the best cities in England when it comes to seaside appeal.

With its pebble shoreline and pleasure pier, it’s the quintessential British beach city. But there’s more than just sun and fun here (and this being England, “sun” can be a relative term).

The Royal Pavilion is a whimsical 18th-century pleasure palace with opulent interiors, and the shops in The Lanes and North Laine are great for retail therapy. Brighton’s nightlife scene is one of the best in the UK, too.

Royal Pavilion, Brighton, England

Out in Somerset, Wells often gets overlooked, but this tiny gem deserves a place on my list of the best cities in England. This is not least because Wells is home to a huge cathedral and lots of charming streets.

Wandering along the high street in Wells and taking in the little lanes is fun. Vicars’ Close is one of the most beautiful streets in England, what with its stunning rows of original 14th-century residential buildings.

Vicars' Close, Wells, England

Back up north in Yorkshire, Leeds is another of the most exciting cities in England. From Victorian shopping arcades like the County Arcade to art galleries and museums like the Henry Moore Institute, there’s a lot to see and do here.

I could spend ages exploring the streets, ducking down alleys, and taking in the cultural treasures at the Leeds Art Gallery. But this city is really known for its shopping, and institutions like Harvey Nichols attest to it.

County Arcade, Leeds, England

15. Norwich

Over in Norfolk, Norwich is one of the best cities in England for its mix of cathedral, market square, hilltop castle, and pretty streets. They all combine to make it easy on the eyes and alluring to the camera.

Norwich Cathedral is the most complete Norman cathedral in England and one of the best examples of Romanesque architecture in Europe.

Elm Hill is replete with Tudor buildings, and Norwich Market is one of the oldest and largest outdoor markets in Britain. Add to that bright pink and orange houses, and there’s a lot to love about this city.

Elm Hill, Norwich, England

16. Nottingham

When it comes to legendary places, Nottingham is one of my favorite cities in Britain. From castles to pubs, old English streets to secret lanes, Nottingham has everything I look for in one urban center.

With the Robin Hood legend, great shopping, and one of the oldest pubs in England—you have to see the Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem— it’s hard to find a more exciting city to discover in England.

Pub in Nottingham, England

17. Leicester

Nobody ever believes me when I say Leicester is one of the best cities in England. But this is one of the most underrated cities in Britain , and my first visit impressed me so much that I went back for a second.

Leicester has ancient Roman ruins, a 900-year-old cathedral built on the site of a Roman temple, and a Richard III museum that follows the miraculous story of the discovery of the king’s remains.

As if that’s not enough, it has a museum with a world-class Arts and Crafts Movement collection and a city center bursting with beautiful historic buildings. It’s worth a visit.

New Walk, Leicester, England

18. Liverpool

Liverpool is another underrated city that deserves a special trip. A historic maritime center where the River Mersey meets the Irish Sea, Liverpool has reinvented itself in recent years.

The home of The Beatles, it’s one of the best cities in England for its cultural heritage and attractions. It has great museums like Tate Liverpool, which sits in the historic-meets-contemporary Albert Dock area.

Bars like The Cavern Club, the birthplace of The Beatles, are great for live music, too.

Albert Dock, Liverpool, England

19. Manchester

Not far from Liverpool, Manchester is another of the best cities in England. There are great restaurants, shops, and nightlife venues in Manchester, and beautiful streets to explore.

The Castlefield neighborhood’s 18th-century canal system is a great place to take in Manchester’s textile history.

The Salford Quays dockyards are home to the Daniel Libeskind-designed Imperial War Museum North and The Lowry arts center, too.

Manchester, England

20. Bristol

Back down south, Bristol is one of the best cities in England for its independent spirit and riverside attractions.

The Harbourside area is home to the contemporary M Shed museum, which explores the city’s social and industrial heritage.

Converted 19th-century waterfront warehouses shelter lively restaurants, shops, and art galleries, and Clifton is rife with Georgian townhouses, beautiful crescents, and the famous Clifton Suspension Bridge.

River Avon, Bristol

Back to cathedral cities , under-the-radar Ely is one of my favorite cities in England for its magnificent cathedral, bucolic riverfront, and rich history.

Ely Cathedral traces its origins back to 672. Its historic interiors are stunning, and its exterior can be seen from all over the surrounding area in Cambridgeshire.

Outside the cathedral, Ely is brimming with pretty streets, great shops, and bustling markets.

Ely Cathedral, England

Out in Devon, Exeter is another cathedral number that deserves a place on my list of the best cities in England. Exeter Cathedral dates back nearly 1,000 years and is one of the oldest and most beautiful of its kind in the UK.

Beyond the cathedral, Exeter is home to ancient Roman walls, pretty Georgian streets, a castle, and a system of vaulted medieval subterranean passageways visitors can explore.

Street in Exeter, England

23. St Albans

So close to London it’s practically in walking distance, St Albans is one of the best cities in England for its ancient Roman history and historic cathedral.

St Albans has an impressive array of Roman ruins, from a wall to a theater. The Verulamium Museum is a great place to explore the remains of the ancient Roman town in Verulamium Park, too.

There are a lot of other things to do in St Albans , too. The city has bustling street markets and farmers’ markets. Timing a day trip to coincide with them is a good way to take in the local scene.

St Albans Market

24. Lincoln

Also home to a stunning cathedral, Lincoln is replete with chocolate-box streets, a Norman castle, and lots of shops and cafes.

This is one of the best cities in England for history lovers. From streets dripping with heritage details to a medieval cathedral and a castle with an original 1215 Magna Carta, Lincoln has a lot to take in.

Lincoln, England

25. City of London

I’ll end my list of the best cities in England where I started. I’ve always loved the UK capital’s history, and the fact that the historic heart of London is its own city has always fascinated me.

The City of London is not only home to big London landmarks like St Paul’s Cathedral, but also little passageways and historic pubs with warrens of wood-paneled rooms. It offers a great mix of everything I love about the city I call home.

St Paul's Cathedral

Cities in England

My list could go on, but I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about these cities and that you get a chance to visit them all someday. They’re really some of the best cities in England. And the world, for that matter.

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6 Comments on Lady’s 25 Best Cities in England

Hoping to visit England, Wales and Scotland in the next couple of years, so this information is excellent. Thank you.

You’re welcome!

Definitely some of the best cities of England to travel to. But Oxford is my favorite. Which of these cities is your favorite?

I couldn’t possibly choose! There are so many great cities in England.

I´m from Brazil, and i´m dreamming with the idea to finally know England. I hope use this post to guide me when it happens. Thank you for sharing all this experiences. 🙂

You’re welcome! I’m so glad to hear that.

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  • Travel, Tourism & Hospitality ›
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Travel and tourism in the United Kingdom - statistics & facts

How many tourists visit the uk, travel planning and behavior of british tourists, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in the UK 2019-2022

Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in the UK 2019-2022, by type

Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in the UK 2019-2022

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

Inbound tourist visits to the UK 2002-2022


Leading UK cities for international tourism 2019-2022, by visits

Leading outbound travel destinations from the UK 2019-2022

Further recommended statistics

  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in the UK 2019-2022
  • Basic Statistic Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in the UK 2019-2022, by type
  • Basic Statistic Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in the UK 2019-2022, by tourist type
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in the UK 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Median full-time salary in tourism and hospitality industries in the UK 2023
  • Premium Statistic CPI inflation rate of travel and tourism services in the UK 2023

Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in the UK 2019-2022

Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2022 (in billion GBP)

Distribution of travel and tourism spending in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2022, by type

Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in the UK 2019-2022, by tourist type

Distribution of travel and tourism spending in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2022, by type of tourist

Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in the UK 2019-2022

Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2022 (in million jobs)

Median full-time salary in tourism and hospitality industries in the UK 2023

Median annual gross salary for full-time workers in tourism and hospitality industries in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2023, by industry (in GBP)

CPI inflation rate of travel and tourism services in the UK 2023

Consumer price index (CPI) inflation rate of travel and tourism services in the United Kingdom (UK) from May to December 2023

Inbound tourism

  • Basic Statistic Inbound tourist visits to the UK 2002-2022
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourist visits to the UK 2019-2022, by purpose of trip
  • Basic Statistic Leading inbound travel markets in the UK 2019-2022, by number of visits
  • Premium Statistic Leading inbound travel markets in the UK 2023, by growth in travel demand on Google
  • Premium Statistic Number of overnight stays by inbound tourists in the UK 2004-2022
  • Premium Statistic International tourist spending in the UK 2004-2024
  • Premium Statistic Leading inbound travel markets for the UK 2019-2022, by spending
  • Premium Statistic Leading UK cities for international tourism 2019-2022, by visits

Number of overseas resident visits to the United Kingdom (UK) from 2002 to 2022, with a forecast for 2023 and 2024 (in millions)

Inbound tourist visits to the UK 2019-2022, by purpose of trip

Number of overseas resident visits to the United Kingdom (UK) from 2019 to 2022, by purpose of trip (in millions)

Leading inbound travel markets in the UK 2019-2022, by number of visits

Leading inbound travel markets for the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2022, by number of visits (in 1,000s)

Leading inbound travel markets in the UK 2023, by growth in travel demand on Google

Leading inbound travel markets in the United Kingdom (UK) over the previous 30 and 90 days as of June 2023, ranked by growth in travel demand on Google

Number of overnight stays by inbound tourists in the UK 2004-2022

Number of nights spent by overseas residents in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2004 to 2022 (in millions)

International tourist spending in the UK 2004-2024

Spending of international visitors to the United Kingdom from 2004 to 2022, with a forecast for 2023 and 2024 (in billion GBP)

Leading inbound travel markets for the UK 2019-2022, by spending

Leading inbound travel markets for the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2022, by spending (in million GBP)

Cities and towns in the United Kingdom (UK) ranked by international visits in 2019 and 2022 (in 1,000 visits)

Outbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound tourist visits from the UK 2007-2022
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourism visits from the UK 2019-2022, by purpose
  • Premium Statistic Leading outbound travel destinations from the UK 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Leading outbound travel markets in the UK 2023, by growth in travel demand on Google
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound overnight stays by UK residents 2011-2022
  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourism expenditure in the UK 2007-2022

Number of outbound tourist visits from the UK 2007-2022

Total number of visits abroad from the United Kingdom (UK) from 2007 to 2022 (in millions)

Outbound tourism visits from the UK 2019-2022, by purpose

Number of visits abroad from the United Kingdom (UK) from 2019 to 2022, by purpose (in millions)

Leading countries visited by residents of the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2022 (in 1,000 visits)

Leading outbound travel markets in the UK 2023, by growth in travel demand on Google

Leading outbound travel markets in the United Kingdom (UK) over the previous 30 and 90 days as of June 2023, ranked by growth in travel demand on Google

Number of outbound overnight stays by UK residents 2011-2022

Number of overnight stays abroad by residents of the United Kingdom (UK) from 2011 to 2022 (in 1,000s)

Outbound tourism expenditure in the UK 2007-2022

Total expenditure on visits abroad from the United Kingdom (UK) from 2007 to 2022 (in million GBP)

Domestic tourism

  • Premium Statistic Domestic overnight trips in Great Britain 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic tourism trips in Great Britain 2018-2022, by purpose
  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic overnight trips in Great Britain 2023, by destination type
  • Premium Statistic Number of tourism day visits in Great Britain 2011-2022
  • Premium Statistic Total domestic travel expenditure in Great Britain 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Domestic overnight tourism spending in Great Britain 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic Expenditure on domestic day trips in Great Britain 2011-2022
  • Premium Statistic Average spend on domestic summer holidays in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2023

Domestic overnight trips in Great Britain 2010-2022

Number of domestic overnight trips in Great Britain from 2010 to 2022 (in millions)

Domestic tourism trips in Great Britain 2018-2022, by purpose

Number of domestic overnight trips in Great Britain from 2018 to 2022, by purpose (in millions)

Number of domestic overnight trips in Great Britain 2023, by destination type

Number of domestic overnight trips in Great Britain in 2023, by destination type (in millions)

Number of tourism day visits in Great Britain 2011-2022

Number of tourism day visits in Great Britain from 2011 to 2022 (in billions)

Total domestic travel expenditure in Great Britain 2019-2022

Total domestic tourism spending in Great Britain from 2019 to 2022 (in billion GBP)

Domestic overnight tourism spending in Great Britain 2010-2022

Annual domestic overnight tourism spending in Great Britain from 2010 to 2022 (in billion GBP)

Expenditure on domestic day trips in Great Britain 2011-2022

Annual expenditure on domestic tourism day visits in Great Britain from 2011 to 2022 (in billion GBP)

Average spend on domestic summer holidays in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2023

Average spend on 'staycation' summer holidays according to Britons in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2011 to 2023 (in GBP)


  • Premium Statistic Number of accommodation businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of accommodation enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018-2021, by type
  • Premium Statistic Turnover of accommodation businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021
  • Premium Statistic Turnover of accommodation services in the United Kingdom (UK) 2015-2021, by sector
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021
  • Basic Statistic Most popular hotel brands in the UK Q3 2023
  • Premium Statistic Consumer expenditure on accommodation in the UK 2005-2022

Number of accommodation businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021

Number of enterprises in the accommodation industry in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2021

Number of accommodation enterprises in the United Kingdom (UK) 2018-2021, by type

Number of enterprises in the accommodation industry in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2018 to 2021, by sector

Turnover of accommodation businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021

Turnover of accommodation businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2021 (in million GBP)

Turnover of accommodation services in the United Kingdom (UK) 2015-2021, by sector

Turnover of accommodation services in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2015 to 2021, by type (in million GBP)

Number of hotel businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) 2008-2021

Number of hotel and similar accommodation businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2008 to 2021

Most popular hotel brands in the UK Q3 2023

Most popular hotel brands in the United Kingdom (UK) in 3rd quarter of 2023

Consumer expenditure on accommodation in the UK 2005-2022

Consumer spending on accommodation in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2005 to 2022 (in million GBP)

Travel behavior

  • Premium Statistic Attitudes towards traveling in the UK 2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel frequency for private purposes in the UK 2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel frequency for business purposes in the UK 2024
  • Premium Statistic Share of Britons taking days of holiday 2019-2023, by number of days
  • Premium Statistic Share of Britons who did not take any holiday days 2019-2023, by gender
  • Premium Statistic Share of Britons who did not take any holiday days 2019-2023, by age
  • Premium Statistic Leading regions for summer staycations in the UK 2024
  • Premium Statistic Preferred methods to book the next overseas holiday in the UK October 2022, by age
  • Premium Statistic Travel product bookings in the UK 2024
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in the UK 2024

Attitudes towards traveling in the UK 2024

Attitudes towards traveling in the UK as of March 2024

Travel frequency for private purposes in the UK 2024

Travel frequency for private purposes in the UK as of March 2024

Travel frequency for business purposes in the UK 2024

Travel frequency for business purposes in the UK as of March 2024

Share of Britons taking days of holiday 2019-2023, by number of days

Share of individuals taking days of holiday in the United Kingdom from July 2019 to May 2023, by number of days

Share of Britons who did not take any holiday days 2019-2023, by gender

Share of individuals who did not take any days of holiday in the United Kingdom from July 2019 to November 2023, by gender

Share of Britons who did not take any holiday days 2019-2023, by age

Share of individuals who did not take any days of holidays in the United Kingdom (UK) from July 2019 to November 2023, by age

Leading regions for summer staycations in the UK 2024

Leading regions for travelers' next summer staycation in the United Kingdom as of April 2024

Preferred methods to book the next overseas holiday in the UK October 2022, by age

Preferred methods to book the next overseas holiday among individuals in the United Kingdom (UK) as of October 2022, by age group

Travel product bookings in the UK 2024

Travel product bookings in the UK as of March 2024

Travel product online bookings in the UK 2024

Travel product online bookings in the UK as of March 2024

  • Premium Statistic Travel & Tourism market revenue in the United Kingdom 2018-2028, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Travel & Tourism market revenue growth in the UK 2019-2028, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Revenue forecast in selected countries in the Travel & Tourism market in 2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of users of package holidays in the UK 2018-2028
  • Premium Statistic Number of users of hotels in the UK 2018-2028
  • Premium Statistic Number of users of vacation rentals in the UK 2018-2028

Travel & Tourism market revenue in the United Kingdom 2018-2028, by segment

Revenue of the Travel & Tourism market in the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2028, by segment (in billion U.S. dollars)

Travel & Tourism market revenue growth in the UK 2019-2028, by segment

Revenue growth of the travel and tourism market in the United Kingdom (UK) from 2019 to 2028, by segment

Revenue forecast in selected countries in the Travel & Tourism market in 2024

Revenue forecast in selected countries in the Travel & Tourism market in 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of users of package holidays in the UK 2018-2028

Number of users of package holidays in the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2028 (in millions)

Number of users of hotels in the UK 2018-2028

Number of users of hotels in the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2028 (in millions)

Number of users of vacation rentals in the UK 2018-2028

Number of users of vacation rentals in the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2028 (in millions)

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Inbound visits and spend: trends by uk town, released on:.

26 May 2023

Next release:

to be confirmed

For further information, please contact [email protected] .

Report highlights

In 2022, there were fewer overnight visits to UK towns by inbound visitors than in 2019.

The top five most-visited UK towns (for overnight visits by inbound visitors) were: 


See the top 20 towns for overnight visits by inbound visitors

Please note that figures are based on small sample sizes for all cities with the exception of London and should therefore be treated with caution.

View the latest report

Top towns historical 1999 - 2022.xlsx.

See the top ranking towns in the UK by the volume of visits received by inbound tourists

Detailed towns data 2009 - 2022.xlsx

Find out how many visitors went to different towns and cities in the UK and which inbound markets they came from. You can also explore the data by journey purpose and quarter.

Top destinations for day trips & characteristics of day trippers (1).pdf

IPS data for towns and cities typically measures overnight visits. However, this report looks at where inbound visitors to the UK went on day trips, based on a sponsored question in 2016.

About the survey

The International Passenger Survey (IPS) is a continuous survey carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It covers all major air, sea and tunnel ports, providing detailed information on the numbers and types of visits made by people travelling to and from the UK.

From January to June 2022, the ONS was unable to restart interviewing at Eurotunnel due to COVID-19 restrictions, so data for those travelling via this port is excluded for this time period. Interviewing at Eurostar was not affected by COVID-19 restrictions during this period. The ONS restarted IPS interviews at all ports from July 2022.

Please see About IPS for further information and the ONS .

Related resources

  • Explore the latest quarterly data at the t otal level  and by region . 
  • See the latest full annual dataset at the total level and by region . 
  • Take a look at the latest inbound tourism forecast .

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Liverpool in the sunshine, UK

The UK’s best big city break destination has been crowned for 2024

Which’s recent survey saw 4,000 Brits vote for the country’s best city to visit this year

Amy Houghton

Cities are in our blood here at Time Out. Of course, we like to get away from it all now and again with a spa day , hiking holiday or epic road trip , but eventually we always find ourselves back where restaurants are bustling, clubs are pumping and culture is overflowing. 

We know that Britain’s urban hubs make for fantastic getaways. And now Which? has asked the British public for its opinion. The consumer champion asked 4,000 people about their experience visiting the UK’s large cities in the last two years to discover which reigns supreme.

And congratulations to all the Scousers out there – Liverpool took the top spot! The city scored 84 percent overall, based on criteria such as accommodation, food and drink, cultural sights and tourist attractions, ease of getting around, lack of crowds, and value for money. 

Liverpool scored five out of five for cultural sights and four stars for food and drink and accommodation. According to Which?, visitors are particular fans of the museums at Albert Dock, its two cathedrals and the Beatles Museum. One participant said: ‘I had completely underestimated how much there was to see and do in Liverpool.’

The top ten big cities for a short break in the UK, according to Which? 

  • Liverpool 

Time Out in Liverpool 

Plan your dream trip to L’pool with Time Out’s roundup of its best restaurants , best nightlife spots , best things to do , best museums , best hotels and best Airbnbs . As it happens, Liverpool is also home to Time Out’s coolest UK neighbourhood for 2024 : the Baltic Triangle. Make sure to check it out. 

Did you see that Manchester-Liverpool train journey times could soon be cut in half ?

Plus: UK cities are getting loads of free Olympic fan zones this summer .

Stay in the loop:  sign up to our free Time Out UK newsletter  for the latest UK news and the best stuff happening across the country.

  • Amy Houghton Contributing writer

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What are you looking for, destinations.

VisitBritain/Eric Nathan

Hot air baloons floating above the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol

Explore Great Britain

Sample fresh seafood in Devon, stargaze in the Highlands of Scotland, or go coasteering round Wales’ rocky shoreline - wherever your travels take you, explore Great Britain and Northern Ireland for culture that is as compelling as it is unique.

Are you brave enough to hunt for Nessie in Loch Ness, or bring history to life at medieval castles? Take to the water with white water rafting in Cardiff, or tuck into the flavours of our bustling cultural hubs? Witness world-class football in Liverpool and Manchester, iconic skylines in London and step into a world of art and creativity across Britain’s immersive exhibitions and galleries.

From vibrant cities, to quaint villages and epic National Parks, there are so many things to do in Britain and Northern Ireland - the only question you need to ask is, where do I start?

Few places inspire quite like England. Home to iconic landmarks, and swathes of natural landscapes, from the Lake District to the Cornish coast.


Two men in swimming shorts jumping off a boat into the lake

Scotland’s stunning landscapes, lochs, islands and mountains combine to form a country that’s as unique as it is beautiful.

VisitScotland / Kenny Lam

Fireworks from the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo shortly before Five Telegrams. The Opening event of the 2018 Edinburgh International Festival projected onto the Usher Hall.

When we say that Wales has more castles per square mile than anywhere else in the world, you already start to picture the beauty of its landscape.

VisitBritain/Rama Knight

Family walking in front of Cardiff Castle

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland has everything from World Heritage sites to Game of Thrones locations, plus scenery that will leave you in awe.

VisitBritain/Ben Selway

Sunset over the red basalt column. Sea views

Choosing a filter below will update the results to show content matching your chosen option.

Known as the City of Stories, create your own narrative as you explore Norwich’s huge array of historic and modern day attractions.

Visit Norwich/Norwich Paddleboarding

Norwich, England

A group of people paddleboarding on the River Wensum

From a Medieval monarch found under a car park to the city’s celebration of multicultural modern life, Leicester has it all. See the top things to do here.

Visit Leicester

Leicester, England

An outdoor view of Leicester's historic Guild Hall

Plymouth is Britain’s Ocean City with maritime charm, natural beauty and award-winning museums and waterfront attractions. See the best things to do here.

Plymouth, England

People paddleboarding near a dock in Plymouth

Small but mighty, Exeter is a city with seriously cool credentials. Discover the top attractions and best things to do and see during your next visit here.

Exeter City Council

A view down a shopping street in Exeter's Castle Quarter

Chester is captivating with unmissable attractions such as its historic Roman City Walls to Chester Zoo's animal kingdom. See the best things to do here.

VisitBritain/Lisa Ruohoniemi

Street with some historic houses and shops

A storyteller of history, Lincoln is a city with thousands of tales to tell. Discover the city's best things to do and attractions in our official guide.

Getty Images/Julian Elliott Photography

Lincoln Cathedral with Tudor timber framed buildings in foreground

From its beginnings as a Norman Fortress, Lancaster’s historic buildings and attractions tell epic tales and offer plenty of things to do.

Marketing Lancashire

 External view of Lancaster castle with visitors sitting around the lawn in the foreground

A place for roaming Romans, valiant Vikings and wise wizards, Durham is a city bursting with untold stories and magical moments.

Getty Images/E+/SolStock

A male couple sitting in a rowboat, rowing together

Sitting on the edge of the Peak District National Park, Sheffield is a place for outdoor lovers and creatives. Find the best things to do in our guide.

Salt St for The Outdoor City

People riding bikes on the inner city mountain bike trails at Parkwood Springs, Sheffield

A perfect blend of nature and urban living. Colchester, Essex, was made to be explored.

Indre @Colchesterstreets

Man walking through arch covered in flowers at Lion Walk, Colchester

The city of Cambridge is a hotbed of history, architecture and innovation.

Shutterstock/Pajor Pawel

View of college in Cambridge with people punting on River

Cool creative Bristol is a must-see for art, culture and action-packed adventure.

VisitBritain/Rod Edwards

Lit up hot air balloons and fireworks in the night sky

Packed with lively pubs, an eclectic food scene and a myriad of immersive experiences.

Tourism Northern Ireland

The Titanic, Belfast

An industrial hub with a vibrant, creative heart and a whole host of quirky adventures.

West Midlands Growth Company

Historical building, with a clock tower, beside a fountain


Birthplace of the great bard, William Shakespeare, fall in love with this hopelessly romantic 16th century town.


Couple walking around the exterior of Shakespeare's Birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England

Lovers of The Crown can wrap themselves in royalty as this town is about as regal as it gets.

Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2022

Guards marching, Windsor Castle

Small and mighty York is the medieval walled city that really packs a punch.

VisitBritain/Sam Barker

Woman wearing trench coat and pink hat walking

Just an hour by train from London and you’re in the city of dreaming spires.

VisitBritain/Jess Barfield

Two boys playing on a path in front of a palace

The birthplace of 2-Tone music, and home to a bohemian village and a showy modern cathedral.

Robot sculpture outside a building with geometric décor

A hotbed for shopping and the arts, you’ll find lots to explore in Leeds.

VisitBritain/Thomas Heaton

The Victorian formal gardens with statues and low hedges in front of Harewood House

From The Beatles to Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Liverpool is a UNESCO City of Music with seriously cool credentials.

Oh Me Oh My

Rooftop of Oh me oh my restaurant in Liverpool

Pushing the boundaries of art and culture, with a heart that beats through its people.

VisitBritain/Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

Two men looking at installation of suspended head sculptures

A quirky seaside city filled with diverse cuisine, vintage shopping and adrenaline fuelled adventure.


Group of friends in climbing gear at the top of i360 pod overlooking the coastline in Brighton

From palaces to cobbled alleys and even a dormant volcano, this city is a real show-stopper.

VisitBritain/Andrew Pickett

A young couple taking a selfie of view over historic town

Step into a land of castles, world-renowned rugby and a whole host of myths and legends.

A gay couple enjoying the shopping facilities at Castle Arcade in Cardiff, Wales

A wellness retreat for the Romans and Georgian architecture around every corner.

Woman swimming in a swimming pool at a spa

An unmissable destination for travellers, London is a melting pot of history, culture and green spaces.

VisitBritain/Hazel Parreno

Picadilly Circus underground station

World-class football and a music scene that brought Oasis to centre stage – there’s lots to love about Manchester.

VisitBritain/Manchester Craft Beer Festival

DJ playing to groups of people at Manchester Craft Beer Festival, in Depot Mayfield, Manchester

Newcastle upon Tyne

Linked by no fewer than seven bridges, it's one vibrant place to visit.

Rich Kenworthy

Newcastle, England

Mensen die fietsen en skateboarden op een pad langs rivier de Tyne bij Newcastle

Steeped in legends that surround Robin Hood to literary greats, discover what this city has to offer.


A performer in front of Nottingham Castle


Peak district.

For hikers, cyclists, horse riders and thrill seekers, the Peak District offers adventures galore.

VisitBritain/Becky Stacey

A woman with her arms raised enjoying the view from high

Lake District

From the tip of England’s tallest peak to the nation’s deepest lake, this national park is stacked with super-sized scenery.

VisitBritain/Ryan Lomas

Lake District, England

Rear view of young woman on a hillside with two dogs

Brecon Beacons (Bannau Brycheiniog)

Looming peaks over thick forests, sheep-grazed valleys and open moors - adventure awaits in Wales.

Crowd at the Green Man Festival in front of the stage

The Broads is a breath of fresh air, beautifully webbed with lakes, fens and rivers.

Norfolk Broads Direct

A family riding on a boat in the Norfolk Broads

Lush rolling pastures, pretty stone villages and rambling rivers - the Cotswolds has it all.

Cotswolds, England

Pärchen, das sich im Garten in der Nähe eines Springbrunnens umarmt

Yorkshire Dales

Proof that perfection can’t be rushed, the Yorkshire Dales was millions of years in-the-making.


Cyclist riding on road through green dales. Panoramic views

Dartmoor and Exmoor

With tangled oak forests and looming peaks, it can feel like the edge of the world.

Horses and riders trotting through the shallow water.

Cairngorms National Park

The Cairngorms is a playground for wildlife lovers, hill climbers, thrill seekers and more.

VisitBritain/Graham Niven

A man canoeing with two spaniels. Clear blue skies


For a real adventure, head to Wales westernmost tip. A paradise for hikers, swimmers, thrill-seekers and birdwatchers.

National Trust/Greentraveller

Pembrokeshire, Wales

Back view of two young boys in wetsuits sitting on a rock looking out to sea with blue sky

The Scottish Highlands

Located in the northern reaches of Scotland, the Highlands are about beauty and adventure.

Rear view of two men jumping with joy on a country road

Hugging the south-west, Devon is a playground for adventurers, explorers and foodies.

Shutterstock / Hugh O'Connor

Devon, England

Idyllic Scene On Surfers Beach With Beautiful Beach Huts Reflecting In The Water


Historical hot property – evident in its castles, citadels and 2,000-year-old Hadrian’s Wall.

VisitBritain/Chris Ceasar

View from a distance of a castle on hill near a beach

Snowdonia (Eryri)

Full of adventure, from its sky-scraping peaks to plunging glacial valleys, Snowdonia's scenery is guaranteed to blow your mind.

VisitBritain/Daniel Struthers

A man jumping across a stream whilst hiking

North York Moors

Rugged yet beautiful, wild yet welcoming – the North York Moors National Park is full of surprises.

Chef wearing apron on pier holding lobster trap with lobster

Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park

Explore pristine woods, climb mountains and paddle the waters of Scotland's wild landscape.


A woman sitting and looking out across Loch Lomond

Borders and Lowlands

The gateway into Scotland, the Borders and Lowlands pack a punch.

VisitBritain/Simon Jarratt

Girls standing on the zipwire platform in the pine forest

South Downs

Discover epic trails, rivers to kayak, castles to conquer and wild woods to explore.

VisitBritain/Nadir Khan

Two men on mountain bikes cycling at Devil's Dyke. Sunrise

Step into nature with tufty-haired ponies, wild countryside and a labyrinth of bike trails.

VisitBritain/Raul Alex Caramizaru

Girl, in a white skirt, walking beside a Highland cow

From ice-cream parlours to sea food festivals, the ‘Garden of England’ is meant for discovery.


Man and woman walking between vines at a vineyard

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

Renowned for its glorious countryside, striking coastline and unique attractions.

Surfer in a wetsuit surfing a large wave on a red surfboard

North Wales

From lush valleys to epic shorelines and charming towns, find North Wales packed with adventure.

VisitBritain/Lee Beel

Castle standing on a grassy hilltop. Blue skies and clouds

King Charles III England Coast Path

A masterpiece in the making, filled with beaches, clifftops, cities and nature.

South West Coast Path/Roy Curtis

A person on a footpath on the coastal path near sea

North Coast 500

One epic road trip with hefty mountains, dazzling beaches and tranquil lochs.

North Highlands

Highlands, Scotland


Wales Coast Path

A route to adventure, culture and wildlife hugging the shorelines of Wales.

VisitBritain/Royce Mackin

Lighthouse on a prominent rocky outcrop

Scottish Islands

Jaw-dropping landscapes wrapped in tales and legends, the Isles' wild nature will stay with you forever.

VisitBritain/Dougie Cunningham

A group of deer near a lake, grazing grass

Causeway Coast

A land of mighty scenery and epic stories, this wild corner of Northern Ireland will steal your heart.

Man and boy sitting on the red basalt columns

Jurassic Coast

Welcome to dinosaur territory, with beaches and rocks strewn with ancient fossils and footprints.

People kayaking along the shores of coastline

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Quirky and unusual hotels in the UK for a holiday with a difference

Step outside the box with these unique hotels for a UK break

unusual and quirky hotels uk

Ideal for a mini-break , a stay at a quirky hotel is a great way to experience something different on your next staycation .

There's a host of unusual hotels across the UK that offer an eye-opening holiday to delight you, with their thoughtful touches and alternative design.

In East Sussex , the whimsical Bell in Ticehurst has eclectic interiors full of curiosities (one bedroom has a silver birch tree trunk in the middle). Ruby Lucy in London is a feast for the senses, boasting a fabulous fairground-themed decor. Meanwhile, retro B&B Snooze in Brighton is a '70s style-lover's dream.

Quirky hotels can also offer luxury facilities and West Sussex's Amberley Castle makes a grand escape for the weekend , while Fonab Castle in Perthshire boasts a swish spa .

From secret passageways, hidden staircase and underground rooms to a cathedral hotel and a Mediterranean -style village resort in Wales , we've rounded up the best quirky and unusual hotels for a fun getaway in the UK in 2024.

Amberley Castle, Arundel, West Sussex

unusual hotels

Fancy living like royalty for a weekend? Get a taste of how the other half lives and step into a piece of history at the majestic Amberley Castle , a quirky hotel with parts that date back to the 12th century. See all the impressive trappings you might expect, like suits of armour and grand fireplaces, while feeling pampered in luxurious rooms and a modern restaurant .

There are also 12 acres of glorious grounds to discover, that include tennis courts, a croquet lawn and even an 18-hole putting course. This is a Relais & Chateaux hotel, meaning foodies will be truly spoilt for choice: the award-winning restaurant is serves elegant gourmet dishes in striking surroundings.

Treehouse Hotel London, Marylebone, London

unusual hotels uk

This leafy hotel may be in central London, but all the greenery ensures that it feels far away from its urban backdrop (which does, admittedly, feature Hyde Park). The quirky treehouse theme is created with the help of repurposed objects, snacks to pack away into your backpack (or even lunch box) and nostalgic music.

For the best views, head up to the Nest, a rooftop bar and terrace with 360-degree views of the city. Both Hyde Park and Regent’s Park are within walking distance, and the hotel is an excellent pet-friendly choice for dog owners.

The Harrison Chambers of Distinction, Belfast, Antrim

unusual hotels

The quirks of this hotel begin with the cool name: The Harrison Chambers of Distinction . It's a restored, landmark Victorian merchants’ residence dating from 1879 and designed to serve the culturally curious traveller.

If you're looking for a heritage place to stay that's quirky and fun, this is it. ​Owner Melanie Harrison has expertly woven past and present into an individual celebration of a city like no other. Each of the 17 rooms combines pieces collected by Melanie over many years, with all the top-notch facilities a 21st-century traveller expects.

Huge bay windows, antique furniture, sumptuous velvet curtains and bathtubs in the bedrooms add to the elegance, with underlying mischief and tongue-in-cheek humour lurking beneath. Eccentric curios and surprises await to delight around every corner at this unusual hotel.

The Old Mill, Lymington, Hampshire

unusual hotels

There aren't many places that have a restaurant sitting right over the riverside, but this quirky hotel offers just that. The Old Mill in the New Forest has Instagram-worthy photo opportunities around every corner, and there's even a full-sized adult swing in the garden for enjoying the views.

There are country walks aplenty in the vicinity, plus the chance to browse the independent shops in picturesque Lymington, and dine at great gastro-pubs with the dulcet tones of the river flowing past.


Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, Canterbury, Kent

unusual hotels

Did you know that you can sleep in the heart of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Canterbury Cathedral Precincts? Home to the incredible Canterbury Cathedral and the ruins of St Augustine's Abbey - the oldest church in the English-speaking world - there's also a comfortable and affordable hotel in the grounds to get you up close and personal.

A wonderfully unusual hotel to spend your nights in the city, the Canterbury Cathedral Lodge offers cathedral views from most of the rooms, and hearing the bells toll next door is rather magical. Set in the peaceful grounds of the cathedral, the quirky hotel is homely, with a spacious terrace and cosy library lounge.

Georgian House Hotel, Pimlico, London

unusual hotels

This light, bright and chic boutique hotel has a secret room hidden underground. The Wizard Chambers offer a magical stay in the capital, and are concealed on the hotel's lower ground floor. They're reached via a portrait-filled passageway bathed in candlelight, complete with stained glass windows, stone arches, cauldrons, velvet-clad four poster beds and wood burning stoves.

Upstairs, the Georgian House Hotel also offers Wizard Afternoon Teas as a mystical feast of goodies including smoking salmon sandwiches, eye of newt scones, lemon cursed tart and head-popping chocolate lollipops complemented with either Bottomless Bubbles or a Wizard’s Cocktail or Mocktail potion of frozen crystals, druid's water and ancient red fairy dust. This is a quirky hotel experience that's brilliant for both big kids and little ones alike.

The Mermaid Inn, Rye, East Sussex

unusual hotels

This unusual hotel boasts endless unique features, from hidden passageways and secret priest holes to smugglers' tunnels and a secret stairway hidden behind a bookcase. Once the headquarters of a notorious gang of smugglers, The Mermaid Inn has a reputation of being one of the most haunted hotels in the UK.

It's been visited by royals including the Queen, Queen Mother, and Prince Edward, and is dark but cosy inside. The quirky hotel is also home to a celebrated restaurant and the cosy open fire will keep stories of ghosts at bay.

The Witchery by the Castle, Edinburgh

unusual hotels uk

This unusual hotel near the castle in Edinburgh is over-the-top in the best possible way: painted ceilings, original oak-panelling and vivid leather seats are just some of the opulent design details you'll find here. The 16th-century merchant’s manor is also full of velvet, brocade, tapestries and antique candlesticks.

Other quirky touches at The Witchery by the Castle include four-poster beds (with elaborate drapes, of course) and bateau bath tubs. The baroque dining room is undoubtedly the star of the show – for the food, as well as the decor.

Talland Bay Hotel, Porthallow Cornwall

unusual hotels

Boasting a captivating clifftop setting at Porthallow between Looe and Polperro, the luxury Talland Bay Hotel is just yards from the South West Coast Path and Talland Bay's beach.

The eye-catching and original art and design features are as much a part of the experience as the service, setting and food. There is an air of magic in the cornucopia of sculptures decorating the sub-tropical seaside gardens, from wire fairies to toad stalls and giant teacups.

Step inside to encounter further eclectic touches – some the legacy of the previous owners, some acquired or created since – including flamingos and zebra print sofas, a lion’s head emerging from a coffee table, a Mad Hatter’s top hat here, and a disembodied mannequin there. This is a boutique beachside retreat with a real difference.

Ruby Lucy Hotel London, Lambeth, London

unusual hotels

Enjoy a magical mystery tour around this unusual hotel in London.

Ruby Lucy is the Munich-based hotel brand's star property on the Southbank, with interiors inspired by the area's bustling fairs and markets, entertainment and theatre scene.

A carnival theme runs throughout the hotel: rich, dark tones meet bright brass accents and subtle stripes, accented with playful props including circus drums and juggling pins.

Rooms, in contrast, feature neutral hues but showcase Ruby Hotels’ sleep-scientist-approved formula, including full soundproofing and blackout curtains, as well as unusual touches and cutting-edge technology, like a Marshall guitar amp and a personal tablet PC pre-loaded with a carefully-curated London city guide.

Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve, Hythe, Kent

quirky and unusual hotels uk

When a safari holiday abroad feels out of reach, Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve in Kent offers the next best thing. Giving you a touch of the exotic with a twist, the unusual hotel is set within 15 acres of landscaped gardens at the top of the Port Lympne reserve, which houses rhinos, tigers, gorillas and all sorts of other amazing creatures.

All profits from the hotel go to the conservation of the reserve and guests get exclusive access before and after visiting hours on the golf buggy included in the stay.

Titanic Hotel Liverpool, Liverpool, Merseyside

quirky and unusual hotels uk

This luxury hotel on the River Mersey's Stanley Dock is unlike any other accommodation in Liverpool. Titanic Hotel Liverpool was a busy warehouse built in the 1800s and has retained much of its character, with exposed brickwork, steel columns, concrete ceilings and the original windows featured throughout.

These are combined with contemporary furniture and decor to create a modern twist on the historic hotel – and to spectacular effect.

Burgh Island Hotel, Bigbury on Sea, Devon

quirky and unusual hotels uk

At the Burgh Island Hotel in South Devon, you'll not only spend the night on a tidal island, but you'll get to make a quirky entrance too, arriving at the luxury hotel when the tide is out on the unique sea tractor. Once you're on the island, you can check into an unusual room, perhaps the Agatha's Beach House or The Artist's Studio.

The hotel is a treat for Art Deco fans and boasts some of the most significant pieces from the era. As it was built in the 1920s, it's packed with history and tales too. There's so much to see and do around the hotel and it even has its own tidal pool.

Malmaison Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire

quirky and unusual hotels uk

For something completely different, check into the Malmaison Oxford for a night in... a prison. Well, kind of. Now a decidedly more luxurious place to rest your head, the hotel's 95 rooms and suites were once basic cells but have now been converted to striking effect.

Once a Victorian prison, the property was transformed into a hotel in 1996, but many of the original features remain – with the addition of some luxe mod cons like power showers, digital TVs and 24-hour room service.

The Bell in Ticehurst, Ticehurst, East Sussex

unusual and quirky hotels uk

If an unusual country escape is on the agenda, you can't beat The Bell in Ticehurst for a whimsical hotel experience. Decor leans towards the eclectic, with top hat lamps, cuckoo clocks, floor-to-ceiling stacks of books, and neon signs. There are seven bedrooms in the hotel and four rustic lodges in the garden.

One bedroom even has a silver birch tree in the middle of the space. Eschewing room numbers, each of The Bell’s guest rooms has its own distinctive name, from “The Benefit of the Doubt” to “Smile of Memories”. For all its quirks, the hotel is warm, stylish and welcoming (dogs included), with locally-sourced delicious food. Truly magical.

Portmeirion Village & Castell Deudraeth, Gwynedd, North Wales

unusual hotels

Have you every stayed at a spot on its own private peninsula where accommodation is spread between the hotel, its own castle, and brightly-coloured village houses? Portmeirion Village & Castell Deudraeth in North Wales is like a mini resort, surrounded by acres of woodland gardens and sandy beaches, and just 21 miles from Snowdonia National Park.

You can even discover the Mediterranean pastels of Portmeirion village by foot thanks the Wales Coast Path. Built in 1925 by notable architect Clough Williams-Ellis, the colourful collection of bright houses is often referred to as the Venice of Wales. Adults and children alike will be amazed by the quirky buildings and their intriguing past, and enjoy exploring the exotic Japanese garden.

The rooms are located at either The Portmeirion Hotel, Castell Deudraeth, or in the village rooms and suites. They're brightly decorated, each with a unique design and all the essentials you need for a mini-break.

The Pig-in the Wall, Southampton, Hampshire

unusual hotels

Set smack-bang in the the centre of Southampton – quite literally within its medieval walls – this quirky hotel has an age-old exterior but a fresh, boutique interior.

A deli with rooms, it's the ideal spot for foodies looking for a luxurious base for a city break in Southampton. At The Pig-in the Wall , you can get the best of both worlds and get transfers to its sister hotel The Pig, in Brockenhurst, to combine soaking up the city's sights with a country escape.

Victorian House House, Grasmere, Cumbria

unusual and quirky hotels uk

This delightful and chic Lake District bolthole offers lots of quirky charm. The Victorian House Hotel has stargazer rooms (the Deluxe King Rooms) complete with telescopes and star maps, family rooms with little teepees for kids to sleep in, and even a luxe shepherd's hut right on its riverbank.

Surrounded by epic natural beauty, it's perfect for lakeside pony treks, boating, and hiking, as well as foodie delights, culture in picturesque Grasmere, and lots of National Trust properties to visit in the area.

Snooze, Brighton, East Sussex

unusual and quirky hotels uk

Quirky hotel Snooze is an explosion of '70s chic and memorabilia, including framed vinyl covers, old gig posters, vintage fairground signs and retro wallpaper.

Set in the heart of Kemptown in Brighton, it's ideal for scouring the area's antique and vintage emporiums, and it's also just a five-minute walk to the seafront. Riotous, fun, and funky, it's calling your name if you're a bit of an old rocker.

Fonab Castle Hotel, Pitlochry, Perthshire

unusual hotels

Is there anything more romantic than staying in a castle overlooking a loch in Scotland? And it's certainly not something you do every day. Fonab Castle Hotel draws inspiration from its historic past and breathtaking surroundings, overlooking Loch Faskally and the impressive Ben Vrackie.

Each of the rooms and suites, including the magnificent Penthouse, is individually designed to ensure a seamless quality to the blend of modern furnishings and original castle features. There's the 3-AA-Rosette awarded Sandeman's Restaurant for fine dining and a brasserie for a more relaxed affair. There's also a spa with a 15-metre swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and four treatment rooms.

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Skip These 7 Tourist traps in New England And Visit These 3 Places Instead

Posted: May 29, 2024 | Last updated: May 29, 2024

<p>New England boasts year-round appeal, offering a variety of activities for every season. Summer beckons visitors to bask on its pristine beaches. Fall presents a breathtaking landscape with vibrant foliage, ideal for scenic road trips. Winter transforms the region into a snowy paradise, perfect for skiers and snowboarders. This diverse offering makes New England a magnet for tourists throughout the year.</p> <p>While planning to visit New England, these tourist places should be skipped to avoid dissatisfaction.</p>

New England boasts year-round appeal, offering a variety of activities for every season. Summer beckons visitors to bask on its pristine beaches. Fall presents a breathtaking landscape with vibrant foliage, ideal for scenic road trips. Winter transforms the region into a snowy paradise, perfect for skiers and snowboarders. This diverse offering makes New England a magnet for tourists throughout the year.

While planning to visit New England, these tourist places should be skipped to avoid dissatisfaction.

<p>Salem Witch Museum is the most popular tourist destination that people opt for in the Witch City. It was established in May 1972 and became the first in the city to bring the full story of the Salem Witch Trials to visitors worldwide.</p> <p>Although being such a big tourist attraction, it has been listed as <a href="" rel="noopener">2nd</a> in the world’s top 100 tourist trap data worldwide. Analyzing the data of 9240 reviews, USA Today has listed Salem Witch Museum to be in the list due to being small, overpriced, and overhyped.</p>

Salem Witch Museum, Massachusetts

Salem Witch Museum is the most popular tourist destination that people opt for in the Witch City. It was established in May 1972 and became the first in the city to bring the full story of the Salem Witch Trials to visitors worldwide.

Although being such a big tourist attraction, it has been listed as 2nd in the world’s top 100 tourist trap data worldwide. Analyzing the data of 9240 reviews, USA Today has listed Salem Witch Museum to be in the list due to being small, overpriced, and overhyped.

<p>This iconic Vermont-based ice cream chain is known for its witty names given to the ice creams. Established in 1978, this ice cream parlor went from a single shop to a multinational brand chain. This ice cream parlor has made its place by bringing all the retired flavors of Ben & Jerry’s to the ice cream factory. But the place has a lot of issues annoying the tourist such as the parking lot rush due to the footfall. The ice cream tour is a 30-minute tour but does not take more than 20 minutes to finish.</p>

Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Factory, Vermont

This iconic Vermont-based ice cream chain is known for its witty names given to the ice creams. Established in 1978, this ice cream parlor went from a single shop to a multinational brand chain. This ice cream parlor has made its place by bringing all the retired flavors of Ben & Jerry’s to the ice cream factory. But the place has a lot of issues annoying the tourist such as the parking lot rush due to the footfall. The ice cream tour is a 30-minute tour but does not take more than 20 minutes to finish.

<p>Mystic Seaport has ranked <a href="" rel="noopener">68</a> in the USA Today list of the top 100 tourist traps in the world. It is the largest maritime museum in the US. It is notable for its collection of sailing ships and boats and the re-creation of the crafts and fabric of an entire 19th-century seaport village. It has a large indoor and outdoor place where you can spend hours exploring.</p> <p>It has been reported by the people in the reviews that the place has many hidden additional charges. Although after paying the visitation charge, the activities inside like boating, etc., have additional charges.</p>

Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic, Connecticut

Mystic Seaport has ranked 68 in the USA Today list of the top 100 tourist traps in the world. It is the largest maritime museum in the US. It is notable for its collection of sailing ships and boats and the re-creation of the crafts and fabric of an entire 19th-century seaport village. It has a large indoor and outdoor place where you can spend hours exploring.

It has been reported by the people in the reviews that the place has many hidden additional charges. Although after paying the visitation charge, the activities inside like boating, etc., have additional charges.

<p>Being one of the oldest operating parks serves both positive as well as negative perspectives for this park. The amusement park is charging high entrance tickets from the tourists which raises their expectations.</p> <p>To the dismay, the amusement park has closed rides, unavailable food items, and the high cost of nearly everything. The consistently under-delivered performance and overpricing bring it to the list of top tourist traps in New England.</p>

Lake Compunce Amusement Park, Connecticut

Being one of the oldest operating parks serves both positive as well as negative perspectives for this park. The amusement park is charging high entrance tickets from the tourists which raises their expectations.

To the dismay, the amusement park has closed rides, unavailable food items, and the high cost of nearly everything. The consistently under-delivered performance and overpricing bring it to the list of top tourist traps in New England.

<p>Holy Land USA is an 18-acre theme park, inspired by selected passages from Bible. It consists of a Chapel, stations of the cross, and replicas of catacombs and Israelite villages constructed from cinder blocks bathtubs, and other discarded materials.</p> <p>The theme park is an abandoned park and has some creepy vibes, intriguing some visitors, while others find it a waste of time.</p>

Holy Land USA, Waterbury, Connecticut

Holy Land USA is an 18-acre theme park, inspired by selected passages from Bible. It consists of a Chapel, stations of the cross, and replicas of catacombs and Israelite villages constructed from cinder blocks bathtubs, and other discarded materials.

The theme park is an abandoned park and has some creepy vibes, intriguing some visitors, while others find it a waste of time.

<p>Long Beach, as the name suggests, has beautiful long beaches. It is a peaceful town for people who prefer a simple lifestyle. There are several outdoor activities and community events throughout the year. Long Beach is an attractive option if you want a slower pace of life.</p> <ul> <li>Cost of living index: <a href="" rel="noopener">84.0</a></li> </ul>

Misquamicut State Beach, Rhode Island

Situated in the town of Westerly, this beach serves as a public seaside recreational area. While offering a picturesque separation between Winnapaug Pond and the Atlantic Ocean, being the most famous beach in Rhode also attracts substantial crowds.

During the summer’s heat, both residents and visitors flock to Misquamicut State Beach for a quick swim, sunbathing, and the various amenities the beach provides, including concession stands and outdoor showers. This brings the beach into the tourist trap list, as such crowded places can be avoided.

<p>Quincy marketplace is a huge hall, being home to over 50+ eateries, vendors, and kiosks with diverse offerings. The market is designated a National historic landmark, being designated as the largest marketplace in the US.</p> <p>While the abundance of restaurants might initially appear enticing, the popularity with tourists can lead to significant congestion, potentially detracting from the dining experience. Additionally, the quality of the food itself has been subject to criticism by residents, suggesting that the quality does not justify the cost.</p>

Quincy Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts

Quincy marketplace is a huge hall, being home to over 50+ eateries, vendors, and kiosks with diverse offerings. The market is designated a National historic landmark, being designated as the largest marketplace in the US.

While the abundance of restaurants might initially appear enticing, the popularity with tourists can lead to significant congestion, potentially detracting from the dining experience. Additionally, the quality of the food itself has been subject to criticism by residents, suggesting that the quality does not justify the cost.

<p>Acadia National Park is the only national park on east of the Mississippi River and in the Northeastern part of the country. It is known for its rugged coastlines, tall coastal mountains, and forests. The popular Precipice and Beehive hiking trails offer visitors uninhibited views of the Gulf of Maine.</p>

Instead, Go To, Acadia National Park, Maine

Acadia National Park is a 47,000-acre recreational park on Mount Desert Island. Home to diverse wildlife on the Eastern Seaboard, it is a perfect outdoor playground for fall foliage, winter skiing, spring fishing, or summer hikes. While hiking to these beautiful landscapes, the tourist gets mesmerized by the beauty of nature, scraggly rock on the shore, roaming moose, bears, and birds.

<p>The Breakers is a grand mansion and a popular tourist attraction. Entrance fees can be around<a href="" rel="noopener"> $30 for adults</a>. While not the most expensive on this list, some reviewers felt the price wasn’t justified for a self-guided tour. Plus, the crowd can be an issue.</p>

Newport Mansions, Rhode Island

Newport Mansion portrays America’s own Downtown Abbey Lifestyle. Although it is a really old construction, the mansion has been meticulously preserved. The mansion boasts a vibrant artistic presence, adorned with paintings once owned by the rich and famous of the Gilded Age. Such a mansion offers a paid tour that mesmerizes the tourist with its grandeur.

<p>The White Mountains cover a quarter of New Hampshire and a small portion of Western Maine in the US. They are the most rugged mountains in New England.</p> <p>The rough and craggy trail of the Mountains intrigues the tourist the most. These captivating mountains offer opportunities for hiking and exploration during the spring and summer. Fall transforms the landscape into a breathtaking tapestry of foliage, while winter turns into a paradise for skiers and snowboarders.</p>

White Mountains, New Hampshire

The White Mountains cover a quarter of New Hampshire and a small portion of Western Maine in the US. They are the most rugged mountains in New England.

The rough and craggy trail of the Mountains intrigues the tourist the most. These captivating mountains offer opportunities for hiking and exploration during the spring and summer. Fall transforms the landscape into a breathtaking tapestry of foliage, while winter turns into a paradise for skiers and snowboarders.

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Prepare to feel smug — this is the world’s cleverest city

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What makes a city clever? Is it the number of museums , the books people read on the underground, or their formal educational attainments ? And does it really matter?

New data has ranked the world’s cleverest cities , and Londoners, prepare to feel smug: our city is the smartest in the world.

It’s no secret that London is home to an array of hotpots that are relatively good indicators of human capital, from museums to universities.

In fact, the Big Smoke houses around 40 educational institutions in and around London, including the prestigious London School of Economics and Imperial College London, as well as more than 200 museums and 800 art galleries.

The data was produced by Oxford Economics , assessing global cities and their economic index and ranking on economics, human capital (AKA, cleverness), quality of life, environment and governance.

Jefferson Memorial view form the Tidal Basin

Meanwhile, Tokyo came in second place (92.3) and Riyadh third (91.4). But surprisingly, one US hotspot is further down the list than you might expect.

With a population of 6.4 million, Washington DC might be the political capital of the United States, but it only ranks as the seventh cleverest city in the world. However, there are two other US cities in the top 10, with New York City coming in fourth and Boston at number 10.

Bordering Maryland and Virginia, Washington DC is famous for the three iconic political buildings that house the federal government ’s branches: the Capitol, White House and Supreme Court.

National Mall, Washington DC

It’s also home to the largest library in the world, as well as an impressive number of universities (17!), including George Washington, Georgetown and Howard – all factors which contribute to its human capital scoring, which takes into consideration educational attainment, universities, corporate headquarters, population growth, age profile and percentage of foreign-born population.

Likewise, when it comes to employment, there are a high number of well-paid government roles boosting levels of income per person, as well as numerous foreign diplomats that are stationed in the capital, all of which boost both the city’s educational attainment level, income and GDP, which per person works out at $110,300 or an overall figure of $706 billion.

Elsewhere, the research concluded that New York is the best city in the world purely based on ‘important economic contributions to the global economy,’ as well as being a ‘hub for education and business innovation, invest[ing] in the infrastructure necessary to maintain a high quality of life.’

On that front, our beloved London came in second place. And though it scored as 7 th in the world in terms of economics, it ranked 292 nd for quality of life, 197 th for environment and 72 nd for governance. Eek.

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So, the next time you’re on the tube, have a look around to see what everyone’s reading, because we’re the cleverest city in the world (at least, for now). Go forth and prosper, bookworms.

The cleverest cities in the world, according to Oxford Economics

  • London, United Kingdom: 100.0
  • Tokyo, Japan: 92.3
  • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: 91.4
  • New York, United States: 89.4
  • Seoul, South Korea: 86.7
  • Paris, France: 85.9
  • Washington DC, United States: 83.8
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: 83.4
  • Sydney, Australia: 81.3
  • Boston, United States: 81.2.

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The ‘secret Disney castle’ in a UK city with huge garden and live events – and kids go free

  • Ryan Gray , Travel Reporter
  • Published : 12:52, 29 May 2024
  • Updated : 16:02, 29 May 2024
  • Published : Invalid Date,

DISNEY fans in the UK have been seeking out a special building that they claim looks like some of the castles from their favourite fairytales.

While not affiliated with Disney in any way, the similarities between the property and those from the film studio's animations are pretty obvious.

The home is ornate inside and people can explore it at their leisure

The likeness can especially be seen in the pointed tower standing tall above the rest of the building, while its clean white walls and ornate turrets don't harm the comparison in any way either.

The building is Strawberry Hill House, found in Twickenham, West London.

It's considered to be Britain's "finest example of Georgian Gothic revival architecture" according to Lilium's Compendium , who also described its collection of art "increasingly important".

The publication was referring to its extensive bank of paintings and sculptures, but the building itself is something of a work of art too, with Disney fans in particular enjoying its aesthetics.

One of whom was Instagram user Aleksandra Aknin ( @aleks_london_diary ), who described it in a video as "London's real-life Disney Castle".

One of her followers said: "It's like from a fairytale ."

Another agreed, adding: "It really is Disney's castle."

The story of the house, which is now Grade-I listed, is fascinating too and dates back as far as 1747.

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The building was originally named "Chopp’d Straw Hall" and was actually a collection of small cottages.

However, it was found by writer and historian Horace Walpole, who had much grander ideas in mind.

He bought the land and turned it into the castle-like building that stands there to this day, with its towers, turrets and extensive gardens, drawing inspiration from Gothic castles throughout Europe.

The home was seen as a something of a novelty even back then when it first opened and tourists made the trip to Twickenham especially to visit. However, they could only do so on Walpole’s strict terms.

Look Up London explained: "You must book in advance, in a maximum group of four and strictly no children.

"Occasionally Walpole might take you around the house, but usually a servant would take you on a tour."

Best Castles in the UK

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The UK is home to some amazing castles - here are some of the best

Bamburgh Castle

This medieval fortress is built overlooking the stunning Northumberland coast, offering a wonderfully picturesque place to explore some of England's history.

The castle itself is incredibly well preserved and dates all the way back to the 11th century.

Kenilworth Castle

Brits can find out about sieges and royal scandals at Kenilworth Castle, one of the most famous forts in the country.

The medieval castle has had a fascinating history and was even transformed into an Elizabethan palace.

Today its keep, its Tudor towers and Elizabethan garden are among the sights people can explore.

Dover Castle

This fort rises high above the famous white cliffs, providing another stunning sight for visitors.

Another 11th Century build, constructed soon after 1066, it has been the site of some historically important moments, including the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of Allied troops from the beach of Dunkirk.

Among its top features are its Great Tower, with a recreated medieval interior, which people can climb to the top of and enjoy the surrounding views.

Today, the rules for visiting are a bit more relaxed, with kids under the age of 16 even getting free entry.

It hosts concerts and performances in its five-acre gardens, with the likes of Shakespeare´s The Comedy of Errors and New Orleans-style big band The Swing Ninjas among several shows this summer.

Meanwhile, tours of the gardens and house take place regularly, with plenty to explore, including ornate rooms, stained glass windows and grottos.

Tours of the insides take place on the second and last Sunday of each month, while garden tour dates can be found listed on the house's website.

However, visitors are able to go walk around themselves the rest of the time.

The house and shop are open from Saturday – Wednesday, 11am – 4pm, while the garden & garden café open earlier at 9am – 4pm on the same days.

The garden is free to enter, while the house costs £14.50 for adults, with children under 16 getting in for free.

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Meanwhile, these are real-life Disney locations that can visited in the UK.

And this country has castles that are said to have inspired the real Cinderella castle at Disneyland.

Best deals on trips to Twickenham

If you click on a link in this story we may earn affiliate revenue.

Travelodges near Twickenham from £49 per room

Hotels in Twickenham from £49 per night

Airbnbs in Twickenham from £42 per night

Premier Inn Twickenham from £60 per room

People have compared the building to ones from fairytales


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