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Talk about a trip in English!

Hi. In this Learn Hot English lesson, you’ll learn 6 great expressions to talk about a trip in English.

trip trip lang in english

First, you’re going to watch a conversation with Nate and Casey. Then, we’re going to look at the 6 expressions they use. Finally, you can try a little quiz on our blog.

OK, so first, you’re going to watch a conversation. To improve your listening skills, there are 2 great things you can do.

Firstly, try to understand the video (or audio) once completely without stopping. This first time you should watch the video and try to get the gist of it – a general understanding of it. Then, later, you should listen with the script. This will help you see the relationship between the spoken word and written word.

OK, so, for this first listening, I want you to listen to it from start to finish without stopping, and just try to get a general understanding of it. Casey is asking Nate about a recent trip he went on. In order to help you listen once without stopping, I want you to answer these two simple questions: Where did Nate go? And what did he think of it?

Did you listen from start to end without stopping?

So, where did Nate go? He went to the French Riviera. And what did he think of it? Well, he had a great time.


OK, so now we´re going to look at six verbs and expressions from that conversation that you can use to talk about a trip , or to ask someone about a trip.

1 Spend time –

Nate said that he “spent time” in the French Riviera. So, if you spend time somewhere, you stay there. For example, I spent time in the French Riviera. And remember to use the preposition “in” with “spend time”.

trip trip lang in english

2 Get to see or do something –

Casey asked, “Did you get to see other cities within the area?” If you get to see something, you find the time to do it, or you have the opportunity to do it.

3 Stay in –

trip trip lang in english

“To stay in”. We stayed in a hotel, for example. The place where you stay is the place where you live while you’re on holiday; for example in a hotel. Remember to use the preposition “in” in this case.

4 Famous for –

Nate said, “The city’s famous for the film festival.” Now, if a city’s famous for something, it means that everyone knows it for this reason. In this case, everyone knows about Cannes and the film festival.

5 Travel to –

Nate talked about travelling to other villages or towns. If you travel to a place, you go there. Now important to remember here: travel is the verb, “I travelled to the village,” and the noun is “trip,” so you can say, “I went on a trip to the village.” Be careful, so now the verb is travel and the noun is trip.

6 Book a ticket –

Now, the last one, number six: “Book a ticket.” She says, “I´ll have to book a ticket soon.” So, if you book a ticket, you pay for it, often in advance, and you reserve. For example, you book a ticket on a train or on a bus.

Video script

Casey              So, how was your trip? Nate                Oh, my god, it was actually absolutely amazing. We spent two marvellous weeks in the French Riviera in a little village next to Nice.

Casey              Oh, gosh, I love Nice. That’s amazing, where… did you get to see other er cities within the area?

Nate                Yes, actually, we stayed in Cannes, the city that’s famous for its film festival, but they’ve also got fantastic white sandy beaches, which are hard to find in the French Riviera, and we travelled to other little villages in the area as well.

Casey              Amazing, amazing, erm, what did you try, did you get to do anything, any water sports or anything like that?

Nate                Yes, we tried some new water sports. We tried scuba diving, a couple of days, we tried windsurfing which I was horrible at, and then, we also did a lot of snorkelling.

Casey              Ah, amazing! And what did you see under water? Did you see anything?

Nate                Yes, the water is crystal clear and very clean, so we saw a lot of fish, and the experience was amazing.

Casey              I can imagine, I imagine, well, now you’re making me want to get back there. I’ll have to book a ticket soon.

Nate                Definitely, and if you need a partner, let me know, we can go together.

Casey              Let’s do it!

Nate                Very good! Casey              All right!

Language quiz!

Try our little language quiz to see how much you can remember. [answers below]

What’s the missing word?

  • What’s this city famous _______?
  • We _______ three weeks by the beach. It was amazing!
  • How long did you _______ there?
  • We _______ in a lovely hotel in the mountains.
  • This town is _______ for a battle that was fought here 500 years ago.
  • We went on a _______ to the mountains.
  • Did you _______ to do any water sports?
  • Did you _______ to the north of the country?
  • We didn’t _______ much time to look around the city.
  • Did they travel _______ the east of the island?

1 What’s the missing word?

  • What’s this city famous for ?
  • We spent three weeks by the beach. It was amazing!
  • How long did you spend / stay there?
  • We stayed in a lovely hotel in the mountains.
  • This town is famous for a battle that was fought here 500 years ago.
  • We went on a trip to the mountains.
  • Did you get to do any water sports?
  • Did you travel to the north of the country?
  • We didn’t get much time to look around the city.
  • Did they travel to the east of the island?

How many did you get right?

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Top 20 Slang For Trip – Meaning & Usage

Embarking on a journey, whether physical or mental, is always an exciting experience. But have you ever wondered how to describe that trip using the latest slang? Fear not, as our team has scoured the linguistic landscape to bring you a list of the trendiest and most buzzworthy phrases to capture the essence of your next adventure. So buckle up and get ready to explore the world of slang for trip like never before!

Click above to generate some slangs

A journey refers to a long trip or travel from one place to another. It can also refer to the process of traveling or the act of going on a trip.

  • For example , “We embarked on a journey to explore the ancient ruins.”
  • A person might say , “Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.”
  • In a travel blog , someone might write, “I had an incredible journey through the mountains of Nepal.”

2. Adventure

An adventure is an exciting or daring experience, often involving exploration or unusual activities. It can also refer to a trip or journey that is filled with excitement and unexpected events.

  • For instance , “We went on an adventure to climb Mount Everest.”
  • A person might say , “I crave adventure and love trying new things.”
  • In a travel magazine , an article might describe, “10 Adventurous Trips to Take Before You Die.”

3. Excursion

An excursion refers to a short trip or outing, usually for a specific purpose or activity. It can also refer to a brief deviation or detour from a main journey or route.

  • For example , “We took an excursion to the local market.”
  • A person might say , “Let’s go on an excursion to the beach this weekend.”
  • In a travel guide , it might suggest, “Take an excursion to the nearby waterfall for a refreshing swim.”

A voyage is a long journey, typically by sea or space. It can also refer to any extensive or adventurous journey, regardless of the mode of transportation.

  • For instance , “We embarked on a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.”
  • A person might say , “Space exploration has led to incredible voyages to distant planets.”
  • In a science fiction novel, the protagonist might go on a dangerous voyage to save the universe.

A trek is a long and difficult journey, often involving arduous travel on foot or through challenging terrain. It can also refer to a long and tiring trip or expedition.

  • For example , “We went on a trek through the dense jungle.”
  • A person might say , “I’m planning to trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.”
  • In a travel documentary, the host might document their trek through the Himalayas.

A jaunt is a short journey or trip, usually taken for pleasure or leisure. It often implies a quick and enjoyable outing.

  • For example , “Let’s take a jaunt to the beach this weekend.”
  • A traveler might say , “I’m going on a jaunt to explore the nearby town.”
  • Someone planning a day trip might suggest , “We could go on a jaunt to the amusement park.”

7. Expedition

An expedition refers to a carefully planned and organized journey, often with a specific purpose or goal in mind. It typically involves a group of people traveling together for an extended period of time.

  • For instance , “They embarked on an expedition to climb Mount Everest.”
  • A documentary might showcase “an expedition to study marine life in the deep ocean.”
  • An adventurer might say , “I’m planning an expedition to explore remote regions of the Amazon rainforest.”

An outing refers to a planned excursion or trip, usually for recreational or social purposes. It can range from a simple day trip to a more elaborate event.

  • For example , “We’re going on a family outing to the zoo.”
  • A group of friends might plan an outing to a nearby amusement park.
  • A company might organize an outing for its employees, such as a team-building activity.

To roam means to wander or travel without a specific destination or purpose in mind. It implies a sense of freedom and exploration.

  • For instance , “I love to roam around the city and discover hidden gems.”
  • A traveler might say , “I roamed the streets of Paris, soaking in the atmosphere.”
  • Someone planning a road trip might suggest , “Let’s roam the countryside and see where we end up.”

A hike refers to a long, vigorous walk, typically taken in natural or scenic areas such as mountains, forests, or trails. It often involves climbing or navigating challenging terrain.

  • For example , “We went on a hike to the top of the mountain to enjoy the breathtaking view.”
  • A nature enthusiast might say , “I love going on hikes to reconnect with the outdoors.”
  • A hiking club might organize regular hikes for its members.

11. Pilgrimage

A pilgrimage is a journey made to a sacred place or shrine, often for religious or spiritual reasons. It is a term used to describe a trip that holds deep significance or importance.

  • For example , “I went on a pilgrimage to Mecca to fulfill my religious obligations.”
  • A person might say , “Visiting the birthplace of Buddha was a life-changing pilgrimage.”
  • Another might describe their experience , saying, “The pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela was a test of physical and spiritual endurance.”

A safari is an adventurous trip, typically in Africa, where participants observe and photograph wildlife in their natural habitat. It is a term used to describe an expedition focused on experiencing and exploring the natural world.

  • For instance , “We went on a safari and saw lions, elephants, and giraffes up close.”
  • A traveler might say , “Going on a safari was the highlight of my trip to Kenya.”
  • Another might share their experience , saying, “I captured amazing wildlife photos during my safari in South Africa.”

13. Odyssey

An odyssey refers to a long and eventful journey, often filled with challenges and adventures. It is a term used to describe a trip that involves significant personal growth or transformation.

  • For example , “After quitting my job, I embarked on a solo odyssey around the world.”
  • A person might say , “The road trip turned into a true odyssey with unexpected detours and encounters.”
  • Another might describe their experience , saying, “The backpacking trip through Europe was a thrilling odyssey of self-discovery.”

To ramble means to wander or roam aimlessly, without a specific destination or purpose. It is a term used to describe a leisurely or spontaneous trip.

  • For instance , “We decided to take a weekend ramble through the countryside.”
  • A traveler might say , “I love going on rambles to explore hidden gems in the city.”
  • Another might share their experience , saying, “The hike turned into a ramble as we got lost in the forest but discovered beautiful scenery along the way.”

15. Sojourn

A sojourn refers to a temporary stay or visit to a place. It is a term used to describe a short trip or period of time spent in a particular location.

  • For example , “I took a sojourn to Paris to experience the city’s culture and cuisine.”
  • A person might say , “The beach sojourn was a refreshing break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.”
  • Another might describe their experience , saying, “The mountain cabin provided a peaceful sojourn away from the city noise.”

A junket refers to a short trip or outing, usually for pleasure or entertainment purposes. It can also refer to a trip taken by government officials or journalists, often sponsored by an organization or company.

  • For example , “We went on a junket to the beach for the weekend.”
  • A journalist might say , “I’m going on a junket to cover the new movie premiere.”
  • In a business context , someone might mention, “The company organized a junket to visit potential clients.”

To sashay means to walk or move in a confident and stylish manner. It can also refer to a leisurely stroll or a casual walk with a touch of flair.

  • For instance , “She sashayed down the street, turning heads with her fashionable outfit.”
  • A person might say , “Let’s sashay along the beach and enjoy the sunset.”
  • In a dance context , someone might mention, “He sashayed across the dance floor with grace and confidence.”

To stroll means to walk in a relaxed and unhurried manner, often for pleasure or leisure. It implies a slow and casual pace, enjoying the surroundings.

  • For example , “We took a leisurely stroll through the park on a sunny afternoon.”
  • A person might say , “Let’s take a stroll along the river and enjoy the fresh air.”
  • In a travel context , someone might suggest, “Take a stroll through the charming streets of the old town.”

19. Escapade

An escapade refers to an exciting or daring adventure, often involving unconventional or risky behavior. It implies a sense of spontaneity and thrill.

  • For instance , “We had an escapade when we decided to go skydiving on a whim.”
  • A person might say , “Let’s embark on an escapade and explore the hidden gems of the city.”
  • In a travel context , someone might mention, “I’m looking for an escapade in a remote and untouched destination.”

To prowl means to move stealthily or with a purposeful intent, often in search of something or to explore an area. It can also imply a sense of curiosity and adventure.

  • For example , “We decided to prowl the streets of the city at night, discovering hidden cafes and shops.”
  • A person might say , “Let’s prowl the forest and see if we can spot any wildlife.”
  • In a figurative sense , someone might mention, “I love to prowl the internet for interesting articles and videos.”

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  10. Shehyee

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    A person might say, "I'm planning to trek to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.". In a travel documentary, the host might document their trek through the Himalayas. See also Top 35 Slang For Central Idea - Meaning & Usage. 6. Jaunt. A jaunt is a short journey or trip, usually taken for pleasure or leisure.

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  16. TRIP

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    Trip Lang. 30,798 likes · 6 talking about this. Like and follow my page

  22. TRIP

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