Travel Budget Calculator

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Your Ultimate Guide To Smart Travel Planning

Planning a trip can be exhilarating, but it often comes with the stress of managing finances. Fear not! With the Travel Budget Calculator, you can embark on your dream journey with confidence. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the intricacies of budgeting for travel, empowering you to make informed decisions and maximize your experiences.

Understanding the Travel Budget Calculator

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Embarking on a journey starts with meticulous planning, and the Travel Budget Calculator serves as your trusty companion. This tool revolutionizes the way you approach travel expenses, offering a comprehensive overview of your financial landscape. By inputting essential details such as number of nights, duration, accommodation preferences, and activity interests, the calculator generates a personalized budget tailored to your preferences and constraints.

Vacation Budget Planner is the ultimate tool for travel budgeting! Easily estimate your trip expenses and budget your journey with precision using our user-friendly Travel Budget Calculator. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, our tool helps you plan every aspect of your trip, from accommodation to transportation and meals.

Simply input your desired budget and our calculator will provide you with a detailed breakdown of estimated expenses, including flights, hotels, meals, and activities. Planning a trip for 4 days with a budget of $2000? No problem! Our tool helps you allocate your budget efficiently to make the most out of your travel experience.

With features like the Trip Expense Calculator and Vacation Budget Estimator, you can plan your itinerary with confidence, knowing exactly how much you’ll spend. Plus, our tool caters to every budget, whether you’re a backpacker on a shoestring budget or a luxury traveler looking for premium experiences.

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to stress-free travel planning! Try our Travel Budget Planner today and make your dream trip a reality.

Benefits of Using the Travel Budget Calculator

Planning your itinerary can be overwhelming, but the Travel Budget Calculator simplifies the process. Here’s why incorporating this tool into your travel planning arsenal is a game-changer:

  • Efficiency in Planning: Say goodbye to tedious spreadsheets and guesswork. The Travel Budget Calculator streamlines the planning process, providing instant insights into your projected expenses. With a few clicks, you can fine-tune your budget and allocate resources efficiently, ensuring a hassle-free travel experience.
  • Financial Transparency: Transparency is key to effective budgeting, and the Travel Budget Calculator offers just that. By breaking down expenses across various categories such as transportation, accommodation, dining, and activities, you gain a clear understanding of where your money is allocated. This transparency empowers you to make informed decisions and prioritize experiences that matter most to you.
  • Flexibility and Customization : No two travelers are alike, and the Travel Budget Calculator recognizes that. Whether you’re a budget-conscious backpacker or a luxury seeker, this tool adapts to your preferences and constraints. Adjust parameters such as accommodation standards, dining preferences, and activity intensity to tailor your budget to your unique travel style.

Travel Budget Calculator: Your Key to Financial Freedom

In conclusion, the Travel Budget Calculator empowers you to embark on unforgettable journeys without compromising your financial stability. By leveraging its capabilities and implementing savvy budgeting strategies, you’ll unlock a world of possibilities and create cherished memories that last a lifetime. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your next adventure today and let the Travel Budget Calculator be your guiding light.

FAQs About Travel Budget Calculator

Below are some basic questions that arise while using a travel budget calculator.

Q. How does the Travel Budget Calculator work?

A. Calculating a travel budget isn’t rocket science; it’s just simple math. As we know, if we have exact numbers in front of us, decision-making becomes much easier. A Travel Budget Calculator simply provides us with all the expense numbers.

Q. Is the Travel Budget Calculator suitable for all types of travelers?

A. Absolutely! Whether you’re a budget-conscious backpacker, a luxury seeker, or somewhere in between, the Travel Budget Calculator adapts to your preferences and constraints. Simply adjust the parameters to align with your unique travel style and embark on your adventure with confidence.

Q. Can I trust the accuracy of the Travel Budget Calculator?

A. Yes, the Travel Budget Calculator is designed to provide accurate and reliable estimates based on the information provided. However, it’s essential to factor in unforeseen expenses and fluctuations in prices to ensure comprehensive budget planning.

Q. Can I save my budgeting preferences for future use?

A. Unfortunately, the Travel Budget Calculator does not currently offer a save feature but you can download it. However, you can easily recreate your budgeting preferences each time you plan a trip by inputting the relevant details into the calculator.

Q. How frequently should I update my travel budget?

A. It’s advisable to review and update your travel budget regularly, especially as your trip approaches and circumstances change. Factors such as fluctuating exchange rates, last-minute bookings, and unexpected expenses can impact your budget, so staying proactive is key to financial planning success.


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Estimating Travel Costs

As we have mentioned many times throughout this website, there are many factors that contribute to the cost of your trip. Every traveler and every trip is different. If you're on a longer trip, some people will tell you it's not possible to predict how much your trip will cost. This simply isn't true. While there are many variables that will affect how much you spend, budgeting a trip is like budgeting anything else in life. You have to account for your own personal variations and preferences. Having a budget is crucial to making sure your trip doesn't financially spin out of control. That being said, it can be hard to exactly predict a specific cost, but it is possible to get fairly close. Naturally, the shorter the trip, the easier this is, but this process is catered towards people that are planning longer trips.

How much should a trip cost?

There are too many factors that affect a travel budget , so there is no simple way give a rough estimate of cost, especially if your trip is more than just a few days or weeks. What type of hotels are you staying in? How will you get from place to place? Transportation and accommodation are two of the most expensive areas that travelers spend money on, but there are many more.

Factors that affect a travel budget:

Where you choose to visit will have the biggest impact on your budget. Europe and the U.S. are expensive, while India and Cambodia are very inexpensive. Naturally, spending a longer period of time in cheaper locations will allow you to stretch your budget and travel longer. There are some surprisingly expensive destinations that you should be aware of. Brazil and Argentina are much more expensive than some of their nearby South American neighbors. West Africa is also quite expensive due to limited hotel and restaurant options (those that are available are overpriced and of low quality). Eastern Europe remains cheaper than most of Western Europe, but prices continue to rise and Eastern Europe is no longer the extreme budget destination it once was. This is particularly true for places like Greece and Croatia, that have long been discovered by travelers and vacationers alike. Asia is a mixed bag, with more developed countries costing more, and many developing countries (particularly in Southeast Asia) being much cheaper.

Your travel style can have a significant effect on your budget. If you're on a truly tight budget then you will likely have to sacrifice some level of comfort and luxury during your trip. Using public transportation is cheaper than hiring taxis or renting cars, but often not as efficient or relaxing. Staying in hostels or budget hotels is probably the most effective way to save money. You'll need to figure out your priorities, though. Are you willing to share a bathroom, or even sleep in a shared room in order to travel for a longer time period? But with these sacrifices come some rewards. In many places, locals take public transportation so you'll have a chance to interact with the people of the community and you'll get to experience what daily life is really like. Although hostels offer less privacy, they also give you the chance to meet other travelers, many of whom are also on long term trips. These travelers are an excellent source of information and travel tips. It's also fun to have the company, particularly if you've been traveling by yourself for a while.

The time of year you travel to some places can also make a difference in cost. Traveling in the low season or shoulder season can often land you significant discounts. These discounts are not nearly as large as the savings you will get from staying in hostels or budget hotels, however. Also, be aware that some travel destinations essentially close down during the low season. This is particularly true in areas with extreme weather fluctuations. If most of the area's hotels and restaurants are closed, then those few that remain open will likely raise their price significantly. Also, if you're traveling somewhere specifically to experience the outdoor activities, then make sure you go during the best season. Places like Nepal or Patagonia are obvious trekking destinations. There are very specific seasons when it is best to travel there, and you are better off if you arrange your trip around these times, but the prices are also highest during these periods.

How quickly you travel from place to place will significantly affect your budget as well. Transportation is expensive, especially if you fly often. Taking local overland transportation tends to be the cheapest way to go, but it's not as cheap as just staying put for awhile. Besides, taking a longer time to get to know a place is when you open yourself up to the most interesting experiences. Another benefit to traveling slowly is that it gives you time to simply walk around a place. If you're only in town for a few days, then you'll likely try to visit all the museums and attractions that you can within those few days. This will dramatically increase your daily budget and, in turn, raise the total cost of your trip. Take your time and soak up the local atmosphere if you're on a tight budget. You never know what you might discover, as you will have time to get off of the beaten path.

Tours and guides are another expensive part of traveling. Often you can see the same places on your own and learn from a guide book instead of a person. While the quality of the information you might learn from a book versus a person is debatable, there's no arguing that some tours can be extremely expensive. Many tours also include transportation and meals, so it may be worthwhile to consider this before making a final decision. If you do decide to take a tour, ask other travelers who they would recommend. Personal recommendations mean a lot more than any suggestion in a guide book or on the internet.

Children will add considerable expenses to your budget. You'll probably want to travel with a little more comfort and stability if you have kids. That's understandable. Don't let that stop you though! Your entire family will benefit from the experience.

Working while you travel is always an interesting debate. Many people believe that they can work and travel at the same time so that they can offset their expenses. Some believe they can get jobs in certain countries, and while this is possible, it is not always practical or guaranteed. Also, the jobs avaialbe may or may not pay the amount that is needed to travel. Be realistic about your expectations!

Some people also believe they can be digital nomads and make money while blogging, being an influencer, or a freelancer. Make sure that you have already established yourself as such before you just take off, as many travelers attempt to do these things and are then sadly dissapointed in the financial results during their trip.

One very reliable way to make money abroad is to teach English as a second language. Many countries have frequent opportunities for native English speakers to teach at schools or companies. For more information, read this great article about the best places to teach English abroad .

Research is Key

If you want to create a detailed breakdown of how much your trip will cost, you'll need to gather some resources. Keep in mind that it is impossible to foresee every expense. Remember, long term travel is about staying flexible. If you plan out your expenses to the very last detail, then you're probably going to have to plan your actual trip to this detail, and that is definitely not "staying flexible". Instead, allow for conservative estimates. It's better to budget too much money for something than not enough. Then, if things do go as planned, you'll have a little extra cash for when you get home, or even to spend when you extend your trip.

It is possible and advisable to create a general plan. The most basic steps include:

Determine an average daily total for each country you plan to visit. Consider accommodation, food, entertainment and transportation expenses.

Reality check that total. Approximate the cost for a hotel, food, entrance fees (museums, shows, etc), and local transportation. Consult guidebooks, other travelers, and booking websites to ensure that your budget is realistic for your travel style.

Think about how many places you plan to visit. How much will each section of the trip cost? Price out as many plane and long distance train tickets as you can. Transportation costs can be a significant part of your budget, and it is relatively easy find a good estimate for these costs. Be realistic though. If you don't think you'll take night buses, then budget enough for the more comfortable and efficient option. Don't assume you'll find that once in a lifetime deal on a plane ticket. If you're traveling in peak season, expect to pay peak season prices.

Add in costs for visas, vaccinations, and new gear. Don't forget to consider health insurance and other forms of insurance. These expenses can quickly add up. If you're planning to book an around the world plane ticket then make sure you budget for any unexpected changes. Each change will likely incur a fee.

Add at least 10% to your total, probably more. This is your budget. Reality check it one more time and make sure you've leaned on the side of conservative.

Finding realistic costs for all of these items can be tricky. Sometimes you can rely on other travelers, but sometimes not. Every traveler has their own style and priorities and just because somebody else spent one amount, doesn't mean that you'll spend the same. Prices poste online are generally a good bet, but remember that prices can change and vary by date, supply & demand, and other factors. Online prices are can often vary by the website, too. Some guidebooks may be reliable, others less so. Prices rise quickly and many guidebooks are at least a few years old. Hotels that are listed in guidebooks are also known to raise their prices quickly. The recommendation of Lonely Planet or other books can put a hotel or hostel in high demand, so don't expect to pay the price that is listed in the book. With that disclaimer aside, we've outlined a few resources below to help you plan your daily travel budget.

Budget Your Trip's travel cost search allows you to find out what other travelers are spending. You can search by city, country, and budget type (more options are coming soon!).

Guidebooks and online travel guides often give you an idea of how much specific hotels, hostels, or food will cost in a city. It's important to remember that printed guidebooks are often slightly outdated. Expect to spend a little more than a price that's quoted in a book. Online prices also vary by season and demand. If you go ahead and book something, then you can lock in your price, but you still need to be prepared to pay a little extra for tips, fees, and other random costs that might creep in.

Travel forums such as Lonely Planet's Thorntree or Nomadic Matt's travel forum offer a great resource to discuss expected expenses in a area. Find a forum that stays active and you can usually expect prompt, although varied, responses.

Hotel and airline booking websites have up-to-date pricing that is usually reliable. Make sure you are confirming a price during the season you plan to travel as seasonal price variations can be significant.

Travel websites such as offer a fair estimate of costs for intercity public transportation. You can often check public transportation costs on a city's government transportation website (such as the NYC subway website, or Paris' Metro website).

Budget Your Trip

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How to Make a Travel Budget in 2023 [Free Template]

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How to Make a Travel Budget in 2023 [Free Template]

Table of Contents

Can you afford to travel, the 2 approaches to travel budgets, travel budget template worksheet, travel budget considerations, websites to help research travel costs, the best apps for travel budgets and expense tracking, saving for your vacation, final thoughts.

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Creating a travel budget isn’t all about boring spreadsheets and searching for low budget bargains — a finely-crafted budget it is designed to maximize your total travel experience.

Let’s start out easy here. You may have dreams of globetrotting and living your best life in distant lands, but can you actually afford it?

The amount you have to spend on your trip will need to be proportionate to the place you are visiting. By that, we mean that some destinations can be done on the cheap, while others will be a bit more of an investment.

Where you want to stay, what you intend to do when you get there, and physically how far away you will be from home can all have a considerable bearing on how deep your pockets will need to be.

Before you book yourself silly, really break down the potential costs of your dream trip and tally it up with the amount of money you will realistically have to fund it.

Bottom Line: Sometimes, it may be better to put your plans on hold until you have saved up enough cash to really experience a place, rather than rushing to get there and missing out on some of the best bits.

Whether you are a plan-well-in-advance sort of traveler or more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person, there are different ways to approach setting out your budget based on what works best for you.

Plan Your Adventure Well in Advance

The most traditional way to book a vacation is to think of somewhere you want to go, plan your vacation dates, and decide how long you want to stay. This kind of advanced planning is the usual go-to for most travelers, as it allows you to book time off of work or plan trips around school semesters, and gives you the opportunity to firm up plans before you leave.

Knowing when and where you are going also has another key advantage — it gives you plenty of time to save up all the cash you will need to really enjoy your time there. Booking in advance also means you get your choice of cheaper accommodation at better rates.

Book months in advance and you can research your planned itinerary and potential expenditure, and maybe even save enough extra for upgrades of luxuries to make your adventure truly special. This kind of planning is a great incentive for saving hard.

Travel Based on Your Bank Balance

If, on the other hand, you want to take your cash and get the hell out of dodge, you can work backward to identify the most amount of fun you can have for your money. If you are feeling lucky, and you know how much you are willing to spend, the world really is your oyster.

The awesome power of the internet has made impulse traveling even easier, as you can simply hit up any number of booking sites to find an exciting destination, as well as suitable flights, accommodation, and excursions in just a few clicks.

Another great way to make your budget go further is to think outside the box. Visiting popular destinations out of season, taking shorter vacation times, or even looking at places away from the main tourist trail can all make your money go further.

A trip to the legendary Yosemite National Park during April or May, for example, is a great way to experience some of the most iconic open spaces in America before the schools let out, or hit the beaches of Miami or the Florida Keys during September and October when tourists shy away from the increased risk of stormy weather.

You can also look at alternatives to the more traditional resort destinations to get more bang for your buck. Consider a trip to Reno instead of Las Vegas, hit the slopes in Winter Park instead of the sky-high prices in Vail, or take in the history of Williamsburg and avoid the price tags of New York or Los Angeles on your next city break.

Globe on Desk with Travel Money

To help you plan and keep track of your travel budget we have created a free, handy Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

📋  Click to Download Our Travel Budget Template >  📋

When planning your travel budget, there are lots of different things to consider. Break down your budget into subsections to make it easier to plan and stick to:

Passport and Visas

One of the most essential elements of your travel plan will revolve around the legal and local requirements for travel to and from your destination. You must research any visa requirements and restrictions before you fly, and be sure to have all the documentation you need before you leave.

Most countries will have their own individual and very specific entry requirements, and there may be restrictions on how much local currency you can bring with you, as well as how long you can stay.

As a very rough guide, some examples of the requirements for U.S. citizens could include:

  • Travel to Europe — If you are traveling to or through any of the main 26 European countries, you must know the requirements of the Schengen Agreement, which eliminates borders and assumes that travelers will be able to enjoy up to 3-months of visa-free travel. This will change in January 2021 with the introduction of the ETIAS .
  • Travel to Australia — You must have a valid U.S. passport and an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) to enjoy up to 90 days of travel in Australia.
  • Travel to Central America — You will not need a visa to visit most Central American countries, but you may need a tourist card for some destinations (~$10) to allow stays of up to 90 days visa-free.
  • Travel To South Africa — You must have a valid U.S. passport, but do not need a visa for stays of 30 days or less.

Check out our guide to tourist visa information on over 100 countries.

Travel Insurance

There are many great reasons why you should always buy travel insurance coverage for your trips overseas, and only 1 reason not to. Trust us. If the worst should happen while you are away, you will wish you hadn’t tried to save money by skipping on the insurance, so make sure you always make space for travel insurance in your travel budget .

The best travel insurance policy does not necessarily have to be the most expensive one you find, but it probably won’t be the cheapest either. With this in mind, shop around and speak to a variety of providers before committing to any 1 product.

There will be different levels of coverage available to suit the requirements of every type of traveler, from lone backpackers to family vacations, but at the very least you should try to include:

  • Emergency medical expenses
  • Repatriation expenses
  • Cancellation or curtailment coverage
  • Lost baggage coverage
  • Travel delay/missed departure coverage
  • Journey disruption coverage
  • Personal liability coverage
  • Legal expenses coverage
  • Electronics loss/theft and damage coverage

Depending on where you go, what you’ll be doing, and the nature of your trip, you may want to also consider dedicated financial protection that could include specific coverage for:

  • Winter sports coverage
  • Terrorism disruption coverage
  • Cruise coverage
  • Business coverage
  • Sports equipment coverage

It is important to remember that the domestic health insurance that you use at home will not necessarily cover you if you get into medical trouble overseas . Don’t leave it to chance — invest wisely in your travel insurance and never skimp on the coverage just to save yourself a few bucks before you go.

You should also look into insurance coverage for your prized electrical items and personal belongings, too . While we would recommend leaving the diamonds at home, unless you are going somewhere exceptionally glamorous, many of us will take expensive electronics with us everywhere we go.

Find coverage that offers repairs or replacement for damaged, broken, lost, or stolen items before you go.

Hot Tip: There are some credit cards with travel insurance , so you might already have some coverage without knowing it!

map of world syringe vaccination


Some parts of the world pose more of a risk to our health than others. By ensuring that you have all the travel vaccinations you need before you go, you can reduce the risk of developing serious diseases that your immune system may not be used to.

You can pretty much be vaccinated against all of the world’s most common communicable diseases at your local doctor’s office, health care center, or health department, and there will be medical professionals who will be able to provide you with useful information for your trip.

You will need to do your own research before you travel and speak to healthcare providers about the risks. But, as a rough guide to keep in mind when planning your travel budget, here are some of the most common travel vaccinations and their approximate costs:

  • Cholera — A single-dose oral vaccine costs around $45.
  • Hepatitis A — A single-dose vaccine costs around $115.
  • Japanese Encephalitis — 2 doses given 4 weeks apart costs around $290 per injection.
  • Meningococcal Disease — This single-dose vaccine is recommended from pre-teenage years and costs around $135.
  • Rabies — A series of 3 or 4 injections into the muscles over the course of 4 weeks costs around $3000 for the entire course.
  • Typhoid Fever — A single oral dose for anyone over 6 years old costs around $60.
  • Yellow Fever — This vaccine is not stocked everywhere, but if you can find a clinic that offers it, you will need a single shot costing as much as $350.
  • Malaria — There is no single vaccine, but antimalarial tablets can be taken to reduce the risk of contracting the disease by 90%. These may need to be taken as far as 3 months in advance and can cost anything from $20 a pack up to $260 per pack.

Clothes, Gear, and Toiletries

What you need to take with you will depend very much on where you headed. Whether you choose to travel light or max out your luggage allowance is up to you, but there are plenty of ways to help keep costs down when it comes to packing for your next adventure.

Compile a Capsule Wardrobe

Travel guides always bang on about the legendary “capsule wardrobe” — but it literally is a real thing. By taking 7 or 8 items of clothing with you that can be worn in a variety of ways you can dress for days at a time without worrying about overfilling your luggage or maxing out your travel budget.

Choose 2 pants, skirts or jeans, 3 tops, 1 sweater, 1 dress or a smart shirt and a coat or jacket, and you should be pretty much good to go. Throw in beachwear, sports gear, or thermals as-needed and some socks and underwear to see yourself sorted for the duration of your stay.

Another way to keep costs down is to avoid buying new stuff for every vacation . Your favorite bikini, flip flops, party dress, or even hoodie should be shown off time and time again, so never feel the need to replace your vacation clothing unless you really need to.

Here are some destination-specific packing lists:

  • Beach Vacation Packing List
  • Cruise Vacation Packing List
  • Disney Vacation Packing List

If you want to take your travel camera with you, your GoPro for awesome live video, your phone, tablet, laptop, headphones , or any other bits of kit — think carefully about whether or not you really need it.

Taking more expensive gear with you increases the risk of stuff getting lost, broken, or stolen, as well as weighing your luggage down and tying you to charging ports and electrical sockets.

Keeping Clean

Most people like to have their favorite toiletries with them, but save money and space in your luggage by not taking full-size products.

You needn’t even worry about wasting money on cute little travel size products either. Simply decant your full-size bottles and pots into smaller travel containers instead . This is super easy to do, meets with TSA regulations, and saves you a few dollars here and there.

Alternatively, buy what you need when you arrive. Most destinations and airports will have plenty of shops to choose from. One area where you shouldn’t cut costs, however, is sunscreen. Buy the best you can, ideally from a trusted brand, before you leave.

Finally, check if the airline you are using charges extra for checked baggage and if so, see if you can get away with just a carry-on case instead.

The amount you pay for your flights will vary widely depending on a wide number of variants, including:

  • Your destination
  • Who you choose to fly with
  • Whether you fly direct
  • Whether you fly return or one-way
  • The day of the week and time of day that you fly, and even the time of year
  • Where you fly from
  • When you book

There are many different ways to fly around the skies, but here are some ways to bag cheaper flights :

  • Use Points and Miles — If you aren’t accumulating points to fly, read this beginner’s guide to get started.
  • Book as Early as You Can — Flights often significantly increase in price within 3 weeks of the departure date.
  • Stay Flexible — Flights leaving on different days or at times of day can be cheaper than others.
  • Don’t Dismiss Discount Airlines — Short journeys, internal flights, and even some international journeys can be way cheaper on discount, no-frills airlines.
  • Sign Up and Shop Around — Sign up with airlines direct to be notified of discounts and flash sales, and be sure to check in on all airlines that fly to your preferred destination.
  • Use Aggregation Sites — Sometimes this is a winner, sometimes it isn’t — but don’t be afraid to try. Sites like Kayak or Skyscanner can be good, but don’t just accept the first price they give you.
  • Buy Connecting Flights — It can be cheaper to buy 2 separate connecting flights than a direct 1. Check your destination and see who stops where along the route.


Again, how much you spend on where you stay is entirely up to you. Keeping costs down can be harder in large cities or expensive beach resorts, but there are ways to rest your head without losing your mind over the cost of it all.

Whether you are going for an all-out 5-star luxury or a family-friendly motel room, there are always deals to be had. Book direct through the hotel, include weeknights or a Sunday night in your stay, and be flexible on location.

Hot Tip: A hotel just outside of town, for example, will offer more attractive nightly rates and free parking and will usually represent better value for money than a downtown hotel will.

Renting a private home or vacation apartment on a short term basis can be much more affordable than a hotel. You can also find some superb properties for rent, complete with everything you need to enjoy your stay.

Fully-equipped kitchens, parking, TVs, and even pools often come standard and depending on your destination, there are lots of great Airbnbs and other holiday rental websites available.

If you are heading to the coast, the backcountry, or just getting out into the great outdoors, camping can completely transform your experience. Many campsites come complete with showers and cooking facilities and even pools, sports facilities, and fitness centers. You can take your own tent or rent one.

Another great way to save money on accommodation is to look at hostels in the area. A far cry from old fashioned student accommodation, many modern hostels are clean, bright, and modern and offer a combination of dorm-style bedrooms and private double or family rooms with en-suite facilities.

Hot Tip: Hostels are a great way to stay right in the middle of some of the most expensive cities in the world.

Rent a Recreational Vehicle

Another great choice if you are heading out on the open road, RVs can save you a fortune as you literally take your accommodation with you. RV trips are fun, family-friendly, and provided you aren’t always in a gas station, a great way to save money on where you stay.

RVshare and Outdoorsy are 2 companies that rent out campers and RVs.

You can pretty much rent any kind of vehicle , anywhere in the world. Although if you are staying in a city, public transport is a much more useful and affordable proposition.

The same rules also apply to some intercontinental trips, as well. For example, it can be easier and cheaper to travel through Europe using trains and buses than worrying about having to take care of a car when you get there.

If you want to explore out of the way destinations, hard to reach beaches, or just like the idea of being free to come and go as you please, car hire is readily available in most corners of the world.

Before you commit to it, think about the rental fees, fuel costs, and other potential expenditures and compare the costs of using public transport in your chosen destination.

Car Rental

Car hire here in the U.S. will vary depending on the type of car you choose and how long you intend to hire it. Small city cars are the most cost-effective, and big SUVs, 4x4s and luxury cars can also be hired if you have deep pockets.

When it comes to car rental, keep your costs down by:

  • Booking your vehicle in advance
  • Looking outside the airport as you may get a better deal in town
  • Choosing a practical vehicle to suit your needs, not your dream supercar
  • Being aware of mileage limits and one-way fees
  • Use a credit card with car rental insurance , so you can be ready to turn down unnecessary add-ons and cross-sells that you don’t need
  • Making sure the vehicle is checked for damage before you take the keys
  • Only hiring it for as long as you need it
  • Keeping your eyes out for deals on particular types of car, and better prices for longer-term rentals

Local Transportation

Most tourist hotspots, big towns, cities, and even some iconic landmarks will offer a wide range of public transport options to get you around. There will be more choice and more frequent services in highly populated areas, while services may become more restricted further out in the countryside or suburbs.

If you are clever, you could save yourself a small fortune by grabbing good deals on public transport, leaving you with more cash to spend on the fun things in life.

Try these to tips for traveling around town on the cheap:

  • Buy daily, weekly or even monthly travel passes in advance
  • Bulk buy tickets online or via an app
  • Take advantage of student passes or discounted fares for families, seniors, or children
  • Avoid traveling during peak commuter times
  • Services like Greyhound offer cheaper fares for mid-week journeys
  • Sign up for early notification of flash sales and other promotional codes and discounts

Attractions and Activities

Wherever you are headed, there will no doubt be plenty of things to do and places to see when you get there. The key to not missing a single thing is researching everything before you leave.

Have a plan in place of all the activities you want to take part in and the attractions you want to see and integrate the potential entrance costs, additional fees, and other expenses into your initial budget.

With a bit of luck, you will be able to find plenty of local discounts, city passes, and money-saving ways to see all of the very best attractions at rock bottom prices.

Pick up a copy of the local listings magazine or newspaper and check out free events , as well as using the coupons and discount codes they supply for all kinds of attractions. You can also subscribe to online discount sites like Groupon to find discounted ticket prices.

Historical landmarks, museums , art galleries, theme parks , sporting events, concerts, and many more attractions often offer reduced entrance prices at off-peak times or group discounts to entice visitors in. Some even have a free entrance day once a month.

Big cities often have lots of free entertainment on offer, too. Check out the artsy districts of major cities for street entertainers and free shows. If you are heading to the beach, research costs such as sunbed rental, locker rental, and even the menus at local restaurants to gauge an idea of how much a day on the beach could potentially cost you.

If you want to try your hand at surfing, sailing, or other kinds of water sports, you may want to get back on the internet and find reduced price lessons or discounts for group bookings.

Colosseum during daytime

Walk-Around Money

While you may have budgeted every dollar down to the last cent, you should also keep a contingency plan for some pocket money . Days out in the town, lazy afternoons on the beach, or even a trip on a planned excursion can present you with lots of little unknown expenses.

Whether you need to buy an extra bottle of water, some sunscreen for your face, or entrance to additional attractions, keeping a little cash on you is a good way to be prepared.

Large amounts of cash should never be carried about your person while you are out exploring, but a couple of dollars stashed into your pocket or travel wallet and can be incredibly useful.

In order to keep your money safe, you should:

  • Never flash wads of cash
  • Keep your notes and loose change somewhere safe like your inside pocket or in a money belt
  • Carry small denomination notes and coins
  • Understand the local currency you are carrying, so you known how much to give over when paying

Walk-around money is simply a little buffer to keep you going, but set yourself a daily budget and stick to it.

Gifts and Souvenirs

These days, almost everyone travels at some point. This means that those unusual and unique products that we used to buy as souvenirs are no longer as sought after as they once were.

Nearly every tourist destination on earth will be able to sell you tacky bits and pieces for you to take home, but savvy travelers bypass these and look for more personalized and unique mementos to take home with them instead.

Bottom Line: A t-shirt here, a guide book there, and lots of little bits and pieces in between can soon add up. Spend wisely, and if you must buy gifts and souvenirs, choose ones that have a special meaning to you, that you can treasure forever.

To help make your research easier, some clever folks who have traveled before you have made websites that can help you to research and plan every single aspect of your next big adventure and what the costs involved may be.

Budget Your Trip

Budget Your Trip is a huge repository of travel costs that have been hand-gathered from thousands of travelers, and now provides an incredibly comprehensive guide to how much your trip will really cost you.

You can create and personalize your very own travel budget once you register with the website. You can also pick up tons of top travel tips and advice for both new and experienced travelers alike.

Nomad List offers a heap of resources and information for remote workers, digital nomads, and travelers, Nomad List is designed to help users navigate the world. Find information on thousands of destinations, places to work, neighborhoods to stay, and even make new friends before you go.

A great site for anyone who wants to work and travel for longer-term adventures, you can ask questions and arrange meet-ups to touch base with other like-minded wanderers.

This clever little website has 1 goal in mind — to let you know exactly how much money you really need to stay at your dream destination. Expatistan offers direct comparisons between different locations and the website is essentially a giant cost-of-living database that is updated and improved on a regular basis.

Using collaborative information garnered from expats from all over the world, this website really will give you the lowdown of where you can, and can’t, afford to be.

Keeping track of your expenses using your bank balance alone can be a real pain. A dedicated travel money app will help you to keep control of your finances, even when you can’t check the internet. Here are some of the best:

Trail Wallet

Trail Wallet

This easy to use expense tracker is a great way to keep an accurate record of your finances on the go. Designed to be incredibly intuitive and easy to use, you can make a note of all your expenses in a way that makes the best sense to you. Set up daily spending limits, view records of your recent outgoings, and upload images of receipts for multiple trips with custom start and end dates.

Perfect for use both at home and away, this clever little app will even let you input amounts in local currencies from over 200 countries , and you can update the app with the current exchange rate.

Trail Wallet can be used on both iPhone and iPad and is free for up to 25 items, or unlock unlimited amounts for continuous travel with the $4.99 upgrade.

Trabee Pocket

Trabee Pocket

Trabee Pocket is available on both iOS and Android, and you can choose between the free version or additional services in the paid-for version. Even with the basic version, you can add the details of as many expenses as you like, covering various trips and destinations. You can choose your currency, and there are 8 basic categories to file your virtual expenses under.

You can add images of the physical receipt and produce an expense report and breakdown of expenditure using the data from each category . The upgrade costs around $2.49, and you can add multiple currencies and additional customized categories.

All in all, Trabee Pocket is sleek and an easy to use app that helps you to see how much you are spending and where you are spending it.


TripCoin is a concise and easy to use app that is available on iOS only. It is free to download , and there are no upgrade options at the present time. This smart app allows you to keep tabs on your spending at the touch of a button while making is super easy to add new entries when you need to.

Summary reports can quickly be compiled to let you see progress reports and spreadsheets, and you can even export the data to Excel, Numbers, Open Office, or Google to keep your inner accountant happy anywhere in the world.

Wally App

Wally was designed to help anyone to manage their finances, anywhere in the world easily. It promises to offer a simple, seamless tool that works in an intuitive way, making it super easy to keep track of your money on the move.

The basic version allows you to add details of all of your regular incoming and outgoings as well as inputting your day to day expenditure, creating groups to manage joint accounts, and splitting payments with your friends when you need to.

It can be set to your local currency and lets you divide your outgoings into easy to find pre-set categories. Available on both iOs and Android, you can upgrade to the paid-for version for $24.99 a year to enjoy unlimited trips and categories.


This is a brilliant invention for anyone traveling with friends. Available on both iOS and Android, you can download it for free, but an in-app upgrade is available to Splitwise Pro. No more scrambling around with a pen and paper to split the bill, this app allows you and your buddies to keep track of your shared expenses and balances at the touch of a button.

You can add a bill, and choose how to split it, or send text or email requests to remind your friends and family that payments are now due. You can also categorize your expenses, calculate amounts in over 100 different currencies, and even sync all of your expenditures with the Cloud.

If you want to keep a more detailed record of your accounts, this little app will also export the data into easy to read CSV reports.

Before you worry about how to manage your finances while you are away, you will need to devise a plan that gives you the funds to get you there in the first place. Unless you have been blessed with a sudden windfall or a lottery win, you will need to save your cents to achieve your goals.

Set a Savings Timeline

If you receive a regular wage, or you are able to forecast your earnings accurately, you can start to set a timeline on how long it will take you to save up for your vacation . If you put aside just $100 a month, for example, you will be able to have $1200 to play with in just a year. This amount may not pay for a new life abroad, but it could you buy a week by the ocean.

Bottom Line: Think of where you want to go to, find out how much it will cost, and then set a monthly savings goal and stick to it. Some months you may have to sacrifice on your social life or shopping habits, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Multiple Savings Accounts

Once you know how much you need to save each month, be sure to physically remove that money from your day to day bank account. Set up at least 1 separate savings account and electronically move it , or set up an automated payment to leave your regular account on payday.


Re-train your brain to save instead of spend, and you will be able to tally up every cent you save with something amazing . Your first $150 saved, for example, could mean that you have those tickets for that boat party in Miami in the bag, or that you are on your way to paying for a 4-star hotel instead of a mid-range one.

Whether you are dreaming of trekking up the Himalayas, backpacking around Asia, Interailing through Europe , or a long-awaited family vacation, seeing what your savings can afford will super motivate you to save more.

Wherever you are planning on traveling to, being in control of your finances will make your experience even more amazing. Worrying about getting into debt on your credit cards or not having the cash in your pocket to really explore the region will ruin your adventures.

Save hard, spend well, and look for ways to save money across every aspect of your trip. Plan your spending before you go and keep track of your expenditure while you travel. There are deals to be had on flights, accommodation, food, attractions, and almost every area of your next vacation. Plan in advance and enjoy knowing that you are having the best time for less.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can i travel with a low budget.

There are plenty of excellent places to travel on a low budget. Here are some great options:

  • South Africa

How much should I budget for a trip?

There are lots of factors that make up how much you should budget for a trip. Where you are going, the time of year, your travel style, what you want to do, and how long are you going for are just some of the considerations. It’s best to work out exactly what the trip would cost, cut out anything you can do without, and go from there.

How do I stick to a budget while traveling?

The best way to stick to a budget while traveling is to keep track of all your expenses so you know exactly where you are against your budget. The easiest way of doing this is to use a travel budget and expenses up like Trail Wallet, Trabee Pocket, or Tripcoin.

Was this page helpful?

About Amar Hussain

Amar is an avid traveler and tester of products. He has spent the last 13 years traveling all 7 continents and has put the products to the test on each of them. He has contributed to publications including Forbes, the Huffington Post, and more.


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Free Travel Budget Calculator: Easily Make Your Vacation Budget

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Ready to take the hassle out of planning and managing your vacation budget? Our online Free Travel Budget Calculator is  simple, and easy to use, and can help you plan and track your vacation expenses in just a few clicks.  

I’ve used these same methods and categories of expenses for every trip I’ve taken over the last 25 years. From multiple  3 month solo adventures through Europe and South America, to weeks long trips to Cuba and Vancouver Island, Canada with my family. 

Now online with automatic calculations, so you don’t have to mess around with spreadsheets or hand write in printables that clutter up your home. 

In this post you’ll get access to this free tool, plus, you’ll get my top tips for planning your budget effectively for your trips and how to save money on travel. All the advice you need for smarter travel planning is right here.

Table of Contents

How to Use the Travel Budget Calculator & Try It Out!

Graphic of a planner sheet with travel icons in front of a tropical beach background.

Make sure to bookmark this page so you can come back to it anytime you need to track your vacation expenses and make travel plans.

This free vacation budget calculator will give you an estimate of total travel costs for your trip and whether your budget is enough to cover what you want to do.

It can help you identify areas you can potentially save money on trip expenses. Whether it’s choosing more budget-friendly hotels, walking or taking the bus instead of taxis, or prioritizing your top not-to-miss activities.

You can also start with your budget.

Then play around with the length of your trip, how much hotels, flights etc will cost to help you determine your price range for each travel expense as well.

  • Enter 0 (zero) if there are certain categories you don’t need . The calculator will output an error ($NaN) if you don’t.
  • Instructions for the calculator are below the Travel Budget Calculator, to give you an idea of what you should include under each budget item.

Vacation Budget Calculator

Calculator instructions.

Enter all your estimated expenses you’ve gathered during your vacation research.

Make sure it’s actually a realistic travel budget. For a  family trip with young kids, you’ll also need to factor other things like diapers, baby wipes etc.

  • Travel Budget : Enter your overall vacation budget you have for this trip.
  • Number of Travellers: Enter the number of people you are paying for on this trip
  • Number of Nights: Enter the number of nights you will need accommodations for. This will be used to calculate hotel costs.
  • Number of Vacation Days: Enter the number of days you will be on vacation. Include travel days to be safe . This will be used to calculate your overall food & drink, daily transportation and activity costs.
  • Total Flight Costs: Enter the estimated total of flight costs for everyone travelling. Be sure to include any baggage fees.
  • Transportation Costs: Enter the total transportation costs for the trip. This is for any major transport costs that aren’t flights like trains, city transfers, car or RV rentals.
  • Daily Transportation Costs: Enter your anticipated daily transport costs. This is for things like taxis, buses, Ubers, parking costs etc, you might need to get around every day.
  • Hotel Costs (Per Night): Enter the amount your accommodations will cost each night. Don’t forget to include any tips for housekeeping staff etc. you may need to pay.
  • Total Tour Costs: Enter your overall total budget or cost for tours, including guide tips.
  • Activity Costs (Per Day) : Enter the amount you expect to spend on activities daily (do not include tours). These are for things like seeing movies, souvenirs, shopping, trips to a rec centre / pool, bowling, seeing a hockey game or a concert etc.
  • Food & Drink Costs (per Day): Enter your overall daily food & drink budget or expected costs for everyone. Don’t forget to include tips.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: Enter an amount of money you will have overall for unexpected expenses or miscellaneous costs that pop up. Be sure to also include extra travel expenses not covered elsewhere.
  • Travel Insurance: Enter the overall amount of money you will pay for travel insurance for everyone. This is for things like travel health insurance, trip cancellation insurance etc.

Budget Outputs

Currency Note: While the output is in dollars (uses the $ symbol), you can really use any numerical currency you’d like. Just ignore the $ symbol.

Once you hit the calculate button, you will get 4 pieces of info based on the numbers you provided:

  • Total Vacation Costs : This is the estimated cost for your vacation based on the info you provided.
  • Over Budget / Under Budget: This is the amount you are either over or under budget. If your expenses are over your vacation budget, it will say Over Budget and the number will be negative. If it says Under Budget, that is the amount you are under your estimated budget.
  • Travel Costs Per Day: This is the amount of money your trip will cost you each day.
  • Cost Per Person Per Day: This is the amount of money your trip will cost you per person, each day.

Make sure to review your results. If your over budget are there things you can do to bring the costs down? Or is there a way you can save or make more money before your trip?

Why You Need A Travel Budget

One side tropical beach with text so you can enjoy this. The other side is a stressed out couple over money with the words without this.

Listen, I am all for spending a little extra to do things our family doesn’t get to do at home. 

But there is nothing more anxiety-inducing than running out of money on a trip, or having to pay off huge credit card bills at 28%  interest because you didn’t plan ahead.

This is where a vacation budget can really help. 

It doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or spend money.

Creating a budget will actually help you be able to afford your dreams. Plus be able to relax & have fun on your vacation knowing you won’t be in debt when you get back home.

The trip budget calculator will make financial planning fun, and easy.

How To Set Your Travel Budget & Determine Expenses

1. determine your overall travel budget.

First things first. Decide on your overall vacation budget or the money you are willing to spend on this trip.

When determining your overall vacation budget, you’ll want to consider a few things:

  • How much money are you willing to spend on this trip?
  • How much have you already saved?
  • How long do you plan to go for? (more or less time can impact your budget)
  • How many people will be travelling? (some places like Europe limit 4 people to a hotel room, this can significantly impact cost)
  • When do you want to travel and how much time do you have to add to your vacation fund?
  • How much extra can you afford to put away every week / month on top of your regular bills & household expenses?
  • Is there any way you can decrease household expenses, or increase your income to add to your vacation fund faster?

Just make sure it’s a realistic budget. It doesn’t do anybody any good to use too low or too high numbers as a starting point. 

2. Do Your Research

The type of trip you want to take, the length and the type of activities you want to do, will really impact your budget.

For example a week long trip to Thailand will be much different than a week in Japan, or a trip to Disneyworld.

Do some intial research to give you an idea of what your basic travel expenses will costs, so you can have ballpark figures to enter in the travel cost calculator.

You can always google average costs of living / travelling at your destination.

Careful planning is an important part of any travel budget. 

3. Find Ways to Cut Costs

Unless you have a rich benefactor, or suddenly won the lottery, it’s a good idea to consider ways you can cut costs, save money and use your travel budget wisely.

Besides using our holiday budget calculator, our favourite ways to save money on travel expenses.

Transportation & Accommodation

  • Find flight deals & error fares : The best way is with Going (Formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights) Flight tickets can be a big expense and make up a good portion of the total cost usually. 
  • Consider housesitting: is our go-to site for housesitting around the world.
  • Rent a place with a kitchen : Save money on food with a vacation rental . They can also be cheaper than renting multiple hotel rooms if you have a large family or group.
  • Compare car rentals: Using Discover Cars can help you save up to 70% by quickly comparing rental cars options.
  • Book early: Hotels, flights and trains are generally cheaper booked in advance. You won’t want to risk paying significantly more waiting until last minute.
  • Take public transportation: If it’s safe to do so, take the local bus, or walk instead of relying on expensive taxis all the time.

⭐️ Also check out our list of the best ways to save money on flights .

General Money Saving Tips

  • Travel off season or peak season: Not only is it usually much cheaper, there’s usually fewer tourists.
  • Use a credit card with no foreign transaction fees : Those transaction fees can really add up. Also consider if travel credit cards with points are for you.
  • Eat where the locals eat : Avoiding the touristy restuarants, and eating where the locals eat will not only save you lots of money, it will give you a more authentic look into their local cuisine and culture.
  • Avoid popular destinations:  The most popular touristy destinations  often cost a lot of money, compared to smaller, lesser known destinations.  
  • Consider using travel agents: Sometimes a travel agent can find you a great deal, with much less work on your part. 
  • Adjust your travel style: Luxury resorts may be out of your price range. Road trips, camping trips can be just as memorable for for a family vacation.
  • Plan free activities : Pick some free activities to do in between your more expensive tours, theme parks, & day trips to ancient ruins. 
  • Check out these ways to save on flights

Final Thoughts Using The Vacation Budget Calendar

Creating a vacation budget might seem challenging, but don’t worry! Equipped with the right tools and a bit of strategic planning, your next epic adventure is closer than you think.

Using a vacation budget calculator can help guide you to make smart, affordable choices, allowing you to experience the journey you’ve always dreamed of, without stressing about expenses.

Travel can be exciting and enjoyable at all budget levels. So here’s to making memories with your family, and friends.

Related travel planning resources:

  • Ultimate Pre-Travel Checklist
  • Family beach vacation tips
  • Tips for saving money on road trips
  • Easy ways to build a travel fund
  • Save money on attractions: Where to buy online tour tickets

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Donna Garrison is the founder of Packed for Life, an ever curious traveler with a passion for making memories with her family. With a unique perspective on travelling on a budget gathered over 30 years, 20 countries and 5 continents she gives families the tools & resources they need to experience the joys of travelling more for less through practical solutions. She helps over 20,000 families a month plan & take the family travel, camping and road trip adventures of their dreams in Canada, the USA and around the world. Contact her at: Donna [at]

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Travel Cost Calculator

Planning a trip? Have you considered the cost of accommodation, entertainment and dining out along the way?

When budgeting for a trip, you can use our online travel cost calculator that can help with planning travel expenses including hotel costs, attractions, transportation and food.

This free estimator is for any traveler who simply wants to figure out a budget for a next trip.

Choose your destination, number of travelers, travel month, your preferences, and the TravelPriceWatch trip calculator will give you a travel cost estimate made just for you.

The tool provides a rough estimate and we are not intended to provide any financial advice, but you can use this information to see if these costs meet your budget or what the best time to visit the destination is.

Prices are shown in U.S. dollars (US$), Euro (€) and local currency to make the calculations easier to use.

How do we calculate your travel costs?

Accommodation rates are based on average rates for a standard double/twin room for two adults. The peak and off - season rates are taken into account. Shoulder season rates, holidays and tourist taxes are not included in the estimate. Accommodation rates may vary greatly depending on how far in advance you book, cancellation policies, special offers and deals, etc. The hotel prices we’ve collected are all well-rated hotels in the popular tourist areas in a city center.

Transportation prices:

  • Public transport: 24-hour pass or 4 single/one-way tickets per person per day
  • A 10 km (7 miles) taxi ride in a city center
  • Midsize car rental. A car hire cost is calculated per day, so it might be a lot cheaper to rent by a week or two weeks. SCDW insurance is not included in the estimate.

Food prices:

  • Cheap eats: street food, fast food, e.g. Big Mac & Coke for a lunch
  • Mid-range cafes and restaurants: a set lunch menu or a one main meal + dessert + coffee for a lunch; 2-course dinner without drinks
  • Fine dining: breakfast and lunch in mid - range cafes and restaurants; dinner: Tasting Menu without wine
  • 1 alcohol drink: a glass of wine or beer
  • 3 drinks: a glass of wine, beer and cocktail

Attractions :

  • Two attraction tickets listed in "Things to Do"
  • Two popular attraction tickets and one tour

Unexpected travel expenses such as tips, souvenirs, a bottle of water, public toilet fees, etc.

  • Credit cards
  • View all credit cards
  • Banking guide
  • Loans guide
  • Insurance guide
  • Personal finance
  • View all personal finance
  • Small business
  • Small business guide
  • View all taxes

You’re our first priority. Every time.

We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. And while our site doesn’t feature every company or financial product available on the market, we’re proud that the guidance we offer, the information we provide and the tools we create are objective, independent, straightforward — and free.

So how do we make money? Our partners compensate us. This may influence which products we review and write about (and where those products appear on the site), but it in no way affects our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in thousands of hours of research. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. Here is a list of our partners .

How to Travel on a Budget for Beginners

Carissa Rawson

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Wondering how to travel on a budget? While it may seem like traveling is exclusive to those with cash to spare, you don’t have to overspend in order to get out of town. There are plenty of ways to travel on a budget — including using reward points or miles and traveling during ideal times— that can end up saving you a lot of money. Here's travel guide for beginners on a budget.

Start planning early

If this is your first big trip, odds are you’ve already started planning. That’s good — the sooner you start, the more time you have to save money . Travel prices rise and fall with demand, and the cycle fluctuates as your travel dates get closer.

Beginning your planning early gives you the best chance of finding discounted hotel rooms, cheaper flights and other less-expensive activities. Although you won’t find the cheapest prices far out in advance (as we mentioned, it’s a cycle) keeping an eye on rates will allow you to jump on them and book when they drop.

» Learn more: How to account for inflation in your travel budget

Book at the right time

This bears repeating. Why? Because when you book and when you travel can make a huge difference in the price of your vacation. This applies to flights and hotels.

Confused about when the "right time" to book will be? There are multiple free tools available online to help you.

One of the easiest to use is the price tracking tool available via Google Flights. This service lets you know how the fare you’re looking at purchasing compares with past pricing. It also lets you know if rates are high or low compared with average costs.

travel cost

If the flight you’re considering does appear to be expensive, Google Flights also features a price tracker alert system that will email you when fares drop. You can toggle this feature on within the search bar.

travel cost

According to Expedia, the best day of the week to buy your airline ticket is on Sunday.

Skip overpriced tours

There’s nothing like getting out into a new city to explore. But how much of that exploring can you do on your own? With the information available online, it’s simple and easy to conduct your own tour for free rather than paying for a guide.

If this doesn’t sound appealing to you, consider instead one of the many free tours that many major cities offer. These walking tours will give you tons of information about the area completely free of charge, though gratuities are welcomed.

Otherwise, apps such as Spotted By Locals , Tripadvisor and Rick Steves offer comprehensive information for many large cities. Often this is free, but sometimes you’ll need to pay a nominal fee.

Use reward points

One of our favorite ways to save money includes redeeming reward points for travel. Some of your biggest expenses, such as hotels and flights, can be wiped away by using reward points during your trip.

This type of travel takes planning; you’ll need to accrue enough points to make a travel redemption. Much of the time, this is accomplished through welcome bonuses earned when you open a travel credit card .

For example, a round-trip flight from Los Angeles to Paris costs $1,255 at the beginning of November 2022.

travel cost

This same flight can be booked using 45,000 American Airlines miles .

travel cost

While 45,000 miles may seem like a lot, you can earn this amount of miles with ease. For example, you can earn more than enough miles needed for this flight with the AAdvantage® Aviator® Red World Elite Mastercard® welcome bonus: Earn 50,000 AAdvantage® bonus miles after making your first purchase and paying the $99 annual fee in full, both within the first 90 days. The first purchase could be a stick of gum or a cup of coffee — it doesn’t matter.

Many co-branded airline credit cards also offer perks like free checked bags and priority boarding, saving you time and money.

The same can be said of hotel credit cards . Most major hotel chains have co-branded credit cards, including Hilton , Marriott , IHG , Hyatt , Choice and Wyndham . These credit cards — and their sign-up bonuses — can go a long way toward cutting costs on your vacation.

Even better, many of these credit cards offer complimentary elite status . Elite status can grant you perks such as free breakfast, room upgrades, free WiFi and late checkout.

It’s a good idea to consider booking hotel rooms using points, especially for budget family travel. Sometimes hotels charge more for additional people in your room, but these costs won’t translate to reward redemptions. You’ll generally pay the same standard price as long as you can all safely occupy the room.

» Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now

Travel in the off-season

Along with using reward points, taking your trip during the offseason is another excellent way to save money. Each destination has a peak period of demand during which prices will be inflated.

This will include flights, hotels, tours and even dining, making traveling on a budget difficult. In Europe, the high season is in the summer, when most people come to visit.

During this time, flights will be at their most expensive. Remember the above example featuring that flight to Paris for $1,255? A similar flight during peak season will cost $2,070 round trip.

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As you can see, even if you’re paying cash for your flights you’ll be saving over $800 by taking your trip when demand is lower.

» Learn more: Why "shoulder season" is the best time to travel

If you want to travel on a budget

Vacations don’t have to be expensive. Whether you’re a vacation veteran or a travel newbie, it’s easy to save on trips by starting planning early and keeping an eye on prices.

More importantly, taking advantage of reward points can significantly cut down on flight and hotel costs. Otherwise, traveling during the offseason can help drop expenses and allow you to travel on a budget.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are our picks for the best travel credit cards of 2024 , including those best for:

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options.

75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

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How to Calculate Cost of Travel

Last Updated: September 27, 2023

This article was co-authored by Greg Guiteras . Greg Guiteras is the CEO of Lorraine Travel, LLC, one of the largest privately-owned travel management companies in Florida founded in 1948. With over 34 years of experience, Greg's specialties are in corporate travel management, sales and marketing, contract negotiations, strategic partnerships, and luxury hotel sales. Greg holds a BS in Marketing from Florida State University. Greg has also created WhataHotel!, a website offering exclusive perks on hotel bookings, and CabinMate, an app that matches single cruise travelers with potential cabin matches "in the same boat" to avoid traveling solo on a cruise. This article has been viewed 151,083 times.

Calculating your travel costs can help you plan and organize your trip, and though it may seem difficult or confusing, it’s actually pretty easy to do. Look into the cost of lodging, vehicle rentals, fuel costs, flight costs, and any other expenses you may incur. Gather all of your costs together and keep them organized so you can plan for expenses and calculate your costs. You can also use a formula to figure out your fuel costs if you’re driving to your destination.

Calculating Your Travel Budget

Step 1 Keep track of your costs so they’re organized.

  • Use a spreadsheet to organize costs, make plans, and keep a checklist of items.
  • Write down any expenses that you make or plan to make in the document.

Step 2 Research the total cost of round trip airline tickets if you’re flying.

  • You can also estimate your budget based on other round trip ticket prices. For example, if you’re in the US, you could calculate round trip tickets across the country at around $500.
  • Look for roundtrip ticket deals that bundle your flights together.
  • Compare rates of round trip flights online so you can find the most affordable option.

Step 3 Look up the price of vehicle rentals where you’re going.

  • For example, if a rental company charges $50 a day, and you need to rent a vehicle for 3 days, then you’ll need to budget at least $150 for rental costs.
  • If you’re traveling far, choose the vehicle with the best mileage so you can save on fuel costs.

Step 4 Incorporate additional transportation you’ll use into your costs.

  • Search online to determine the type of travel you’ll use.
  • Find out the costs of using the transportation, whether it’s a rental fee or a ticket price, and estimate how much you’ll need to budget for it. For example, if you plan to take a ferry to visit a remote island at least 4 times, and the ticket prices are $5 per trip, then you can budget $20 for ferry tickets.
  • If you’re unsure of how to arrange for transportation at your destination, contact a travel agency and ask them to assist you. You’ll have to pay them for their services, but they’ll be able to fully assist you!

Step 5 Find out the costs of any lodgings you plan to use.

  • For instance, if you plan to stay at a hotel that costs $100 a night, and you plan to stay for 5 days, then you’ll need to budget $500 to stay there for the duration.
  • Calculate your total lodging costs by adding together the total amounts of each place you plan to stay.
  • You can find rental rates for many hotels on their website.

Step 6 Include the costs of food for each traveler.

  • Check to see if there are any restaurants that you plan to visit so you can adjust your food costs based on the prices of the restaurant.
  • If you plan to eat on the airplane, contact the airline to find out the cost of meals.

Tip: A good rule of thumb is to figure about $20 of food costs per person for a full day of traveling.

Step 7 Add in the costs of any activities you plan to do.

  • Try to think of any miscellaneous costs that you may have such as toll roads or baggage fees.

Budgeting Fuel Costs

Step 1 Find out the total distance you will drive on your trip.

  • Put together all of the driving trips you plan to take to get a total traveling distance.

Step 2 Divide the distance by your vehicle’s mileage to find your fuel needs.

  • For example, if you’re going to Kansas, you plan to drive a total of about 200 miles (320 km), and your rental car gets about 20 miles (32 km) per gallon of fuel, then you’ll need to purchase a total of about 10 gallons (38 L) of fuel in order to get around.

Step 3 Multiply how much fuel you need by the cost of fuel where you’re traveling.

  • For instance, if you need about 10 gallons (38 L) of fuel to travel around and the cost of fuel is about $3.00 per gallon, then you’ll need to spend about $30.00 on fuel.

Tip: If you’re traveling for business or you plan to be reimbursed for your expenses, keep your receipts so you can be reimbursed and calculate your mileage for tax purposes.

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Greg Guiteras

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4 tips to split costs on a group vacation

Accommodate everyone's budgets and vacation expectations

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Group of people on a yacht in the Caribbean Sea during a vacation

Traveling with a group, whether friends or family, can be a lot of fun. Figuring out how to fairly split the costs, on the other hand, can be a tricky business.

There are lodging, meals, car rentals and activity costs to worry about, not to mention the reality that everyone's budgets — and expectations for their vacation — can differ. There is also the risk that someone can feel like another person isn't paying their fair share, or that you are skipping out on experiences you would have liked to enjoy because someone else can't afford it.

Here are some tips to keep in mind to make sure you are able to focus on enjoying each others' company, rather than fretting about the financials.

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1. Make sure everyone is on the same page before you book

A good way to get out ahead of potential sore spots is to figure out how much everyone is comfortable spending. "A lot of the challenges that people face when committing to travel or going places with their friends can be fixed with the general idea of being comfortable talking about money," Sarah Foster, an analyst and economy reporter at Bankrate, said to The Points Guy .

If you are spearheading the planning, "give the group an estimate of what flights, accommodations, transportation, food and activities might cost," said The Points Guy. If planning is more of a joint effort, work together to figure out the numbers for each of those major expenses, discussing what everyone might feel is reasonable.

That way, people can know early whether or not the trip is looking within range for their budget instead of getting sticker shock after they're already committed.

2. Figure out in advance how you're going to split costs

It is also helpful to think ahead of time about how you'll divide costs among the group. There are a few different ways to do it, each with their own pros and cons. 

Perhaps "the simplest method is to split all expenses evenly among the group members," said CNBC Select , though this "may not work well if members' personal budgets or activity preferences are wildly different from each other."

Another way is to split some expenses and for others, "require a 'pay as you go' method where each person shoulders the individual cost of their ticket, meal, etc.," said CNBC Select. Or you might do a "a 'round robin' approach where each person takes turns covering the cost of one group activity during the trip."

You could also agree to split costs by category, so one person picks up food, while another foots the cost of plane tickets. This "requires more planning and coordination but can potentially reduce the overall cost of the trip," said CNBC Select, as you can assign "each category of expenses to the respective credit card that offers the most points for that."

3. Don't feel like you have to do everything together

While the point of a group vacation is, well, to spend time together, that does not mean you can't occasionally do your own thing — especially if you are working under different budgetary constraints and have different vacation priorities. Otherwise, said The Points Guy, "these differences in which vacation activities are valuable to you versus your travel companions can lead to disagreements and hurt feelings when planning the day's activities."

To sidestep this issue, you might "agree to split up at times according to interest and budget," said The Points Guy, or if someone is really stuck on doing something together, you might see if they are "willing to subsidize a pricier meal or activity the group would love to do so the more budget-conscious travelers don't have to worry about the cost."

4. Keep lines of communication open during the trip

Even if you think you have covered everything in advance, additional money matters are bound to come up during the trip. The key here, once again, is clear communication.

If you ever start to feel "like you're paying more than your fair share," rather than stewing on it, "call a group meeting as soon as possible," said GOBankingRates . "It is better to do this while you are all still together," said Jodi RR Smith, president of Mannersmith Etiquette Consulting, to GOBankingRates. "Without pointing fingers, explain the additional costs and discuss how to best handle the payment."

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Becca Stanek has worked as an editor and writer in the personal finance space since 2017. She previously served as a deputy editor and later a managing editor overseeing investing and savings content at LendingTree and as an editor at the financial startup SmartAsset, where she focused on retirement- and financial-adviser-related content. Before that, Becca was a staff writer at The Week, primarily contributing to Speed Reads. 

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  • Morrison Clark Historic Inn $148+
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Norfolk Southern will pay $15 million fine as part of federal settlement over Ohio derailment

FILE - Debris from a Norfolk Southern freight train lies scattered and burning along the tracks on Feb. 4, 2023, the day after it derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. A federal judge has signed off Tuesday, May 21, 2024, on the $600 million class action settlement over last year's disastrous Norfolk Southern derailment in eastern Ohio, but many people who live near East Palestine are still wondering how much they will end up with out of the deal. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

FILE - Debris from a Norfolk Southern freight train lies scattered and burning along the tracks on Feb. 4, 2023, the day after it derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. A federal judge has signed off Tuesday, May 21, 2024, on the $600 million class action settlement over last year’s disastrous Norfolk Southern derailment in eastern Ohio, but many people who live near East Palestine are still wondering how much they will end up with out of the deal. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar, File)

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The federal government agreed to a $15 million fine for Norfolk Southern over last year’s disastrous derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, and the railroad promised to pay more than $500 million to complete the efforts to improve safety that it announced after the crash and address community health concerns.

Residents who had to evacuate their homes after the derailment were generally underwhelmed by the deal the Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department announced Thursday that doesn’t include any criminal charges. This federal settlement comes two days after a federal judge signed off on the railroad’s $600 million class action settlement with residents whose lives were disrupted.

In addition to the civil penalty, Norfolk Southern agreed to pay $235 million in past and future cleanup costs — on top of what they’ve already paid for cleanup — and set up a $25 million health care fund to pay for 20 years of medical exams in the community. The railroad will also pay about $30 million for long-term monitoring of drinking water, groundwater and surface water in the area. The agreement also says the railroad will pay $244 million for previously promised railroad improvements through 2025.

Many East Palestine residents feel this settlement doesn’t do nearly enough to a company that just reported a $527 million profit in the fourth quarter of last year and $53 million in the first quarter after the derailment costs. The railroad’s CEO received $13.4 million in total compensation last year.

FILE - A 155-foot diameter circular enclosure around hole number 3 at Moundbuilders Country Club at the Octagon Earthworks in Newark, Ohio, is pictured July 30, 2019. A trial was slated to begin Tuesday, May 28, 2024, to determine how much the historical society must pay for the ancient ceremonial and burial earthworks, which is among eight ancient areas in the Hopewell Earthworks system named a World Heritage Site last year. (Doral Chenoweth III/The Columbus Dispatch via AP, File)

“Honestly, no amount can ever make this right, but it should be at least enough to hurt them a little bit. I’m sure that’s not going to hurt their bottom line at all,” Jami Wallace said.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan said the fine is the largest allowed under the Clean Water Act, and the railroad agreed to continue paying all of the cleanup costs. Plus he said Norfolk Southern committed to meaningful safety improvements

“This settlement is historic in many ways and will begin to make up for some of the damage caused to the residents of East Palestine. And it would absolutely push the industry in the direction that we would like for the industry to go,” Regan said. “Again, if some of these provisions that we’ve secured and locked in had been in place, we may not even be where we are today. ”

But the railroad won’t face criminal charges, and this latest settlement won’t add anything to Norfolk Southern’s roughly $1.7 billion in total costs related to the derailment because the Atlanta-based company was already anticipating those costs.

Neither this federal settlement nor the class action settlement seem like enough to Krissy Ferguson.

“Slaps on the wrist. A $15 million fine? And I can never go back to my home again?” Ferguson said.

But resident Misti Allison said it is encouraging to see the investigations and lawsuits against the railroad start to wrap up, and the cleanup is expected to be done sometime later this year.

“I think this is a great step, but let’s continue to make sure the community is made whole,” Allison said.

Many in the small town near the Ohio-Pennsylvania border are eager to put the derailment behind them, but fears about the possibility of developing cancer down the road hang over residents. Allison said she wants to make sure health needs are addressed. But this federal settlement primarily includes only money for exams while the class action settlement includes money for health problems that developed over the past year. Neither deal addresses potential long-term health problems that might develop.

The safety improvements Norfolk Southern promised include adding about 200 more trackside detectors to spot overheating bearings. It has also promised to invest in more than a dozen advanced inspection portals that use an array of cameras to take hundreds of pictures of every passing railcar.

A bill in Congress that would require Norfolk Southern and the rest of the major freight railroads to make more significant changes has stalled , although the industry has promised to make improvements on its own.

Norfolk Southern officials said they believe the relatively small size of this settlement reflects how much the railroad has already done, including paying $780 million in cleanup costs and providing $107 million in aid to residents and the communities affected.

“We are pleased we were able to reach a timely resolution of these investigations that recognizes our comprehensive response to the community’s needs and our mission to be the gold standard of safety in the rail industry,” CEO Alan Shaw said. “We will continue keeping our promises and are invested in the community’s future for the long haul.”

After Thursday’s announcement, the only remaining federal investigation is the National Transportation Safety Board’s probe into the cause of the Feb. 3, 2023, derailment. That agency plans to announce its conclusions at a hearing in East Palestine on June 25 . Republicans in Congress have said they might be willing to look at rail safety reforms after that report.

Ferguson said it feels like Norfolk Southern is rushing to resolve things before the NTSB report comes out. U.S. Sen. JD Vance and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said in a joint statement that they think the government should have waited to settle.

“The residents of East Palestine deserve full compensation to account for the hardships they have faced in the months since the derailment, but they also deserve the full truth about why the derailment and vent and burn occurred,” the statement said. “With its decision to reach a settlement now, the DOJ may have sacrificed its opportunity to use the NTSB’s findings to impose maximum leverage on those responsible for any potential wrongdoing.”

The NTSB has said previously that the derailment was likely caused by an overheating bearing that wasn’t caught in time by the trackside detectors the railroad relies on to spot mechanical problems. The head of the NTSB also said that the five tank cars filled with vinyl chloride didn’t need to be blown open to prevent an explosion because they were actually starting to cool off even though the fire continued to burn around them.

The railroad is still working to resolve a lawsuit Ohio filed against it after the derailment.


'It's just about the journey': New Dollywood exhibits take guests through Parton's life

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  • The Dolly Parton Experience is a new attraction at Dollywood that opened on Friday.
  • The experience is made up of various exhibits that showcase her life and storied career.
  • Due to the high demand anticipated upon its initial opening, guests will need timed-entry tickets from May 24 to June 2 during most times of day.

Before Dolly Parton was a global music superstar with her own theme park , she was a Nashville newcomer writing home to her family. 

Over the speakers inside Songteller, a new walk-through exhibition space at Dollywood , visitors can hear her read from a letter she wrote to her parents after her move to Music City. “I got to Nashville OK, and I thought I’d better write and let you know ‘cause I knew you’d worried about me, and I don’t want to be worried about me ‘cause I’m gonna be alright,” she said. “If I try long enough and hard enough, someday I’ll make it.”

That she did. Songteller, part of the new Dolly Parton Experience that opened at the park on Friday, tells visitors what led up to that moment and what happened next. The attraction is made up of various exhibits that showcase her life and storied career.

“I hope that's what people can feel,” Parton told USA TODAY. “It's just about the journey.”

What is the new Dolly Parton Experience?

Housed in multiple buildings, the experience is triple the size of the Chasing Rainbows Museum, which closed at the end of the 2021 season.

Songteller, located in that museum’s former space, takes guests from Parton’s childhood through her early days in Nashville and eventual icon status. Visitors can see a replica of the coat of many colors her mother made for her – alongside a photo of the dry cleaning receipt she wrote the song of the same name on – learn about how she met husband Carl Dean at a laundromat , and see her guitars on display. Those include an acoustic Gibson covered in paisley-pattern rhinestones that she used during a 2005 tour.

Footage from many of her performances and films is sprinkled throughout, but an immersive 360-degree projection mapped show takes viewers to Dolly’s childhood home in Locust Ridge, Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium and other landmarks from her life.

In the building directly opposite – formerly the Dolly’s Closet boutique – Behind the Seams feels like stepping into a giant walk-in closet. The exhibit features Parton’s clothing, shoes, wigs and more. Some, like a bell-bottom jumpsuit designed by Lucy Adams that Parton wore on her 1970s variety show “Dolly,” have never been displayed. Guests can also play stylist and dress a cartoon version of Parton in different outfits using magnets.

Rebecca Seaver, Dolly’s niece and director of museum and archive services, said her aunt is “known for her songwriting and her look, and so it's nice to have all of those facets of who she is kind of represented in a really, really stunning way.”

Parton blushes at some of her past looks when she looks back, though. “I just laugh out loud sometimes,” she said. “I thought, ‘What was I thinking? Was I really serious?’ Now, I know I was because nobody would make such a fool of themselves if they didn’t think they were looking good. And I guess at that time, it was kind of acceptable.”

“But, of course, I still have big hair,” she added. “But, you know, you can kind of tame it a little.”

At the entrance to Dreamsong Theater, guests can listen to Parton tell stories about her family and faith as part of the Precious Memories exhibit while they wait to see a show. The narration appears alongside childhood photos and footage with her relatives. “We had her record the stories in studio,” said Cyndi McCormack, vice president of guest experience at Dollywood and creative director of the Dolly Parton Experience. “We believe Dolly tells her own stories better than any of us.”

Dolly’s Home-on-Wheels, one of her former motor coaches in service from 1994-2009, was also relocated to a new spot in the Dolly Parton Experience, and there is a new on-site boutique, Dolly’s Fan Shop, with exclusive items.

Do I need tickets for the Dolly Parton Experience?

Due to the high demand anticipated upon its initial opening, guests will need timed-entry tickets from May 24 to June 2 during most times of day (tickets are only required to access Songteller and Behind the Seams and are separate from park admission).

Visitors can choose from 30-minute entry slots between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., though they can then stay in the area as long as they want. Guests can register online . Tickets are not required after 5 p.m. The park will reevaluate whether to extend the timed-ticket system after June 2.

Who can visit the Dolly Parton Experience?

The experience is open to all guests.

Does Dolly Parton ever visit Dollywood?

Dolly visits regularly on the down low to take care of business, but she also makes several public appearances at the park each year, according to a blog post on Dollywood's website . That could mean walking on stage at a show to surprise visitors or riding through the park in her antique car.

Hello Dolly!: Dollywood theme park will keep you (and your kids) entertained 9 to 5

Does the Dolly Parton Experience cost extra?

The experience is free, but visitors must have valid park admission. One-day theme park tickets start at $92 for guests between 10 and 61, with discounts available for younger children and seniors.

The Dolly Parton Experience is the latest new attraction at Dollywood, which announced a 10-year, half-billion dollar investment campaign in 2021. And Parton foresees more growth.

“That's what's great about dreams,” she said. “You dream new dreams every day, and dreams expand. And I've always said you put wings and feet and legs on them.”

Nathan Diller is a consumer travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Nashville. You can reach him at [email protected]

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

Read the Latest on Page Six


Jfk grounds flights on one of year’s busiest travel weekends due to thunderstorms.

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One of the busiest airports in the US has been issued a ground stop amid a hectic Memorial Day travel weekend .

On Monday afternoon, John F. Kennedy International Airport in Queens, New York, was issued a ground stop by Air Traffic Control System Command Center, which is part of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Thunderstorms were listed as the cause for the ground stop.

The ground stop period is expected to last from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. on Monday evening.

JFK Airport is considered one of the most bustling airports in the United States.

It is consistently rated among the top 10 busiest airport hubs in the US.

Fox News Digital reached out to the FAA for an additional statement.

The Air Traffic Control System Command Center has issued a ground stop for JFK International Airport in Queens due to thunderstorms.

This story is still developing. Check back with us for updates.

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  28. Norfolk Southern to pay millions in settlement over East Palestine

    Norfolk Southern will pay $15 million fine as part of federal settlement over Ohio derailment. FILE - Debris from a Norfolk Southern freight train lies scattered and burning along the tracks on Feb. 4, 2023, the day after it derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. A federal judge has signed off Tuesday, May 21, 2024, on the $600 million class action ...

  29. New Dollywood exhibits take visitors through her life and career

    1:56. The Dolly Parton Experience is a new attraction at Dollywood that opened on Friday. The experience is made up of various exhibits that showcase her life and storied career. Due to the high ...

  30. JFK grounds flights on one of year's busiest travel weekends due to

    The ground stop period is expected to last from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. on Monday evening.