travel agency promotional strategies

Travel Agency Marketing (11 Proven strategies & Tips)

Travel Agency marketing is something that I’m passionate about, and I’m pretty good at it too. It’s also how I really started in marketing in 2009, working on my mom’s niche travel agencies.

In this guide, I’m going to explain some tactics I use. I hope you can implement some of the ideas below.

Have a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

  • Find what works

Links and PR

Social media, social advertising.

  • Set up a website
  • List yourself in all the local directories

Customer Relationship Software

Word of mouth, search engine marketing.

It wasn’t easy to start; I had to learn quite a lot and didn’t have someone to really help me, and the internet was very different back then. But I practised, learned, and tested. I grew to love it. It’s kinda why Travel Tractions Marketing was born 🙂

This guide details how I helped my mom to market her sites 10 years ago and what I do to market my own and client sites today.

My mom had one main business called Webtours, and then she decided to make niche websites for each service offering.

I thought this very silly at the time, but little did I know this was one of the smartest things we did.

travel agency websites

It enabled me to learn much quicker than normal (because she had 3+ sites – I could test, try and dabble).

Not only did it allow me to test, but the agency position was also so niche; it gave access to different markets and appeared as a “specialist”.

Becoming or positioning herself as the “specialist” was a no-brainer and her niche agencies grew so much faster (in traffic and clients) than the general brand.

In this article, you will get:

  • The best way to stand out
  • Travel marketing ideas
  • A travel marketing plan
  • Travel agency ad examples

And leave a marketing ninja, not really. But you will be wiser. 😉

Marketing for Travel Agents Tips

site speed

Know where you differentiate and sell that. This could be customer service, affordability, quality, or speed. Anything that sets you even more apart.

I know it seems like laser focus, but sometimes that’s key. Especially with data-based digital marketing today. If you can zero down on your perfect customer, your cost of Return On Marketing Investment is much lower.

Find What Works

Different things worked for different businesses. Bridal conferences worked well for honeymooners while ranking for school holiday specials worked for the beach holiday agency website. Ranking for “all-inclusive ski holidays” worked great for selling Club Med ski holidays.

When you find out what channel, gap or method of marketing works for you, double down on it! But don’t give up on the other channels – consistency is key.

When she first started her business, it was general travel, but when she specialised, things really took off. Being known as an expert and having more experience/knowledge sets you apart from most of the competition.

Travel Agency Advertising Ideas

travel agency advertising ideas

There are many methods to market your travel agency. below you will find the ones that actually worked.

Search Engine traffic accounts for 68% of the traffic , and COVID has drastically changed how consumers spend money online. So if you are not investing more than 50% of your marketing budget into SEO, you are doing yourself a disservice.

SEO does involve many different aspects that assist other channels

Creating long-tail content is KEY to surviving in the travel industry!

Google your area and “hotel” or “tour” it’s probably taken up by one of the big 5 behemoth sites like Viator, GetYourGuide, Booking, Agoda, Trip Advisor or some other monster…. You might find your site/page somewhere on the bottom or maybe on the next page, but no one will know because no one goes to the second page of Google.

By creating content that is more long tail and niche, like “best family resorts in Europe for a ski holiday”, you’ll find a lot of blogs and sites that you compete with, and beat.

woman writing

My calculations for an average ski holiday for an average family (4 people) costs start at 10k USD. Sell one holiday from this piece of content, and you’ve paid for it 3 times over. The best part? It stays on top of Google until someone outranks you. Another win, you can use this content for social over and over again.

Content is king. Even 10 years ago, when backlinks were the bee’s knees in SEO, I got the majority of my wins/leads, if not all, by great content.

Invest in SEO. Ok, I’m biased here, but I wasn’t taught SEO in my marketing degree, but it isn’t rocket science to figure out where most of our enquiries and new customers were coming from. That’s why I specialised.

Links (other websites linking to your website) is one of the top 3 ranking factors. A few years ago, it was undoubtedly the number one ranking factor.

Links serve two purposes:

#1 They help you get higher in Search Engines.

#2 If you get a link in a good publication to the right audience, you could get referral traffic and maybe a booking.

So do what you can to acquire publicity, exposure and links as much as you can.

social media team

It’s important to build credibility, especially in the travel market, so building a brand and appearing to be a trustable business is key here. If you don’t, you will lose many customers.

Putting money behind average campaigns is how I see most business owners lose faith in online marketing.

Use your social media to remind and be top of mind.

Set up your social media so that you are continuously in your PROSPECTIVE clients’ faces as often as you can. It is important that you spend money only on people who have shown interest in your business.

My view (and many others since Apple gave less targeting data to Facebook ) is that social is a branding tool more than anything else, and only when you drill down into your customer insights and have amazing targeting.  During the Cambridge Analytica scandal they also limited some targeting (like targeting people who recently got engaged with honeymoon ads).

But if you can get in front of your potential clients at the right time, this is gold. But branding, attention, and social proof has the ability to convert customers and keep you top of mind.

email gra

Touchpoints and a well-created email funnel is one of the most powerful items in your arsenal.

A monthly newsletter goes a long way but keeping in touch with your customers is key to this. Again, consistency wins here.

Travel Agent Marketing Plan

This is how I had to market a website in 2020+ It includes small steps on creating different avenues for getting customers and then tracking them and managing your leads effectively.

Set Up a Website

This can be done on almost any platform, and I will always recommend for hundreds of reasons I won’t list here. If you are going to spend money on a website, you might as well make it SEO friendly and hire a professional before you make it live. I see sooooo many businesses make this mistake, so please get an external SEO to check out your development agencies website.

List Yourself in All the Local Directories

woman working online

Once you have a website or somewhere to direct your potential customers, you need to start listing with all the directories in your local area and online. To be honest, you won’t get many leads from here, if any, but if you could rank in your area, it would be the easiest route to go from the start.

Attend Conferences

It’s important to build connections. I know in the 2020s, even passed COVID days, trade shows and conferences are a great way to make connections and learn about new developments in the industry,

Often the main pages of the website are not targeting long tail keywords. Your blog is where you get to write about the “best family resorts in Europe for a ski holiday” and many, many, many other opportunities. This also feeds into your social media and media strategy if done correctly.

I think this is really a place where businesses can excel. Make sure that you are pixeling all users (tracking who they are) that come to your site and marketing to them effectively.

If you have a CRM system, you will know their past consumer history and will appear more as a friend than some stranger off the street. Also, if tied in with email is gold in the holiday season.

How to Promote Your Travel Agency

tarvel agency marketing

There are various ways to promote your agency, and some work better than others. You can often ask your clients how they found you and then double down on that channel. All I know is that customer service and delivering what you promised is the best way to promote yourself, but below are some of the best ways that can be amplified.

Word of mouth or friends’ referrals is still the best way to get new customers – this is INCREDIBLY difficult when you are just starting out. So let any and everyone know what you are starting.

Have great service, I’m in the online game, but word of mouth is still one of the best ways to ensure your agency has some longevity increase your marketing falls flat.

Send an email to your friends. Nothing like a personalised email to a friend letting them know what offers you could have and if they would be interested. Try capturing emails on your website, an email list is an extremely powerful thing.

social media networks

Don’t just start it and then invite all your friends to like the page – if you do this often enough; it’s one way to reduce your Facebook friends without unfriending anyone.

Write about offers and news, and try to write about evergreen topics with SEO in mind.

Make specials for particular times of year like school holidays, Christmas, New Year, and Easter. Promote those holiday times the most and try to have a special running.

There are two disciplines here: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) advertising, often called organic, or PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, often called paid ads.

It is imperative that when someone is searching for you, your business, or the problem your business solves, they find you! If not perhaps the most important thing.

SEO is more long-term. It’s an investment to be placed higher in Google or search engines naturally – think about it as buying a house (website) on Google pages; it takes a lot of time but is there for a very, very long time if done correctly.

pay per click marketing

I hope these ideas and plans help you with your marketing, and if you ever fall a little flat or are struggling to get real traction, give us a try . It’s what I’ve done for a decade, and we’d love to save you time.

Picture of Matt G Davison

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travel agency promotional strategies

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10 Successful Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies

Emily Thompson

Table of Content

Utilize Social Media Platforms

Create compelling content, optimize website for customers and search engines, implement email marketing campaigns, collaborate with influencers and partners, offer irresistible deals and promotions, leverage user-generated content, enhance website user experience    , utilize online advertising  , analyze and adapt strategies.

The competition in the travel sector is increasing daily. With so many firms competing for clients, an effective travel agency marketing strategy is more than an option. This blog discusses proven methods as well as cutting-edge ideas that will help your agency stand out and sustainably expand your client base.

Let's dive into some powerful travel agency marketing ideas to get you started.

  • Social Media Dominance: Social media channels now control the inspiration and planning phases for tourists who visit other countries. 72% of travelers use apps like Instagram and TikTok to select their destinations, and more than half use social media to contact hotels and travel companies before making reservations. 
  • Effective Audience Engagement: Travel businesses may therefore effectively engage audiences where they already congregate online by implementing a strategic social media plan. 
  • Content Strategy Essentials: The secret is continuously producing original, high-quality material that adheres to platform best practices, even after building your brand's profiles. Video, AR filters, and live streaming will be important engagement boosters on popular platforms this year, according to Sprout Social's 2023 study . Include these in your content strategy. 
  • Content Marketing Impact: Speaking of content, a well-thought-out content marketing strategy supports your business throughout the purchasing process, from pre-booking inspiration to post-booking assistance, by continuously nurturing and inspiring tourists.  
  • Content Asset Variety: Provide destination guides, insider information, virtual tours, travel tips, and other content assets based on themes to demonstrate your domain experience and address potential customers' inquiries.
  • Case Study: Flight Centre's Strategy: Flight Centre shares useful guidebooks to help travelers plan affordable trips within budget. Additionally, they focus on creating blog posts with relevant keywords and engaging content to enhance their online visibility and attract potential customers.
  • Multi-Platform Content Distribution: Content needs to be obtainable via various platforms - smoothly incorporate resources into your website, social networking accounts, emails, and advertisements. In addition to reinforcing fundamental brand messaging specific to each consumer touchpoint, this speeds up discovery.
  • Website Optimization and Branding: A customer's interaction with your brand often begins with your website. A well-optimized website communicates brand distinction from rivals while providing a smooth user experience. 
  • Optimizing Website Features: Important components are highlighted clearly, including calls to action to contact or join up, visually engaging material, responsive mobile design, and easy navigation.
  • Enhancing Organic Visibility with SEO: Enhancing website visibility and traffic through SEO is crucial. This involves optimizing content with geo-specific keywords to address traveler queries, improving site speed, and optimizing formatting with headers and ALT tags. Long-term SEO efforts can boost domain authority and search engine rankings, attracting more relevant visitors.
A fact about customer views on slow websites is that nearly half of internet users expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less, and 40% will abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
  • The Power of Email Marketing: Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to engage directly and consistently with clients, outperforming other websites regarding reach and personalization. Its versatility allows for tailored messaging and targeted campaigns, driving higher conversion rates and promoting long-term customer relationships.
  • Targeted Email Communication: Email allows for prompt, user-specific communication that is customized to their preferences. Divide up your subscriber base and provide each segment with relevant updates, such as offers for deal hunters, travel inspiration for adventurers, or customer gratitude materials for existing customers.
  • Streamlining Processes and Boosting Subscribers: Automate processes such as email post-booking reviews and abandoned carts. To increase the size of your subscriber list, include sign-up bonuses like e-books or checklists.
  • Measuring Campaign Effectiveness: To improve campaigns, and track open, click-through, and booking rates. With time, your agency can create relationships with customers for longer periods with a well-thought-out email marketing strategy.
  • Leveraging Strategic Alliances: Establishing strategic alliances gives you access to the already-existing communities of other businesses, which can assist you grow faster.  
  • Key Partnerships for Tourism Growth: Destination management firms, influencers, travel boards, and hotel brands are examples of relevant partners. This co-branding puts your products in front of prospective tourists in partner ecosystems.   
  • Leveraging Influencer Marketing: Influencers facilitate genuine storytelling for focused outreach and establishing trust with specialized markets, such as honeymooners, families, and adventure travelers. Find influencers who share your expertise and have a large following, then reach out to them for sponsored campaigns, itinerary co-creations, or reviews. 
  • Strategic Promotional Campaigns: Tactical promotions and incentive campaigns can attract new leads during seasonal peaks or lulls in travel demand cycles.
  • Attractive Incentives for Leads: Offer percentage discounts or value adds like complimentary airport transfers, room upgrades, or activity vouchers. These special deals convey price transparency while letting leads experience your services first-hand.
  • Creating Urgency with Flash Sales: Time-bound flash sales build urgency around an offering. Curate themed holiday packages or customer appreciation sales. Promote early bird savings to boost bookings.
  • Harnessing User-Generated Content: User-generated content like photos, reviews, and stories - from satisfied past travelers - lends tremendous credibility to your brand in this era of experience-based marketing. 
  • Encouraging Customer Reviews and Sharing : Enable customers to share reviews post-trip across channels like Facebook and Instagram easily. Repurposing visual content further expands organic reach. Tools like Photoslurp simplifies obtaining consent and rights to leverage UGC across owned media.
User-generated content is trusted by 85% of consumers, making it a powerful influencer in shaping brand perceptions and purchasing decisions.
  • Maximizing User Experience for Repeat Engagement: Driving repeat engagement relies on an optimized user experience - converting first-time visitors to subscribers for retargeting.
  • Enhancing Website Navigation and Presentation: Ensure navigation links are inbuilt, with complementary visuals to minimize bounce rates. Prominently highlight USPs like flexible cancellation policies alongside differentiators like niche expertise and personalization.
  • Maximizing Call-to-Action Effectiveness: Optimized CTAs for email signups, brochure downloads, or booking inquiries make desired actions easier. 
  • Strategic Paid Advertising: Paid advertising helps more travelers discover your brand amidst intensifying competition within search and social platforms. When used strategically to promote targeted offers or content, advertising expands your brand visibility and website traffic.
  • Utilizing Google's Travel Ad Units: Google's travel-focused ad units like Hotel Ads efficiently showcase your differentiators to relevant customers actively planning vacations.  
  • Implementing Retargeting Strategies: Retarget past site visitors with attractive deals to nudge them towards conversion. Allocate monthly budgets for testing campaigns across Google, Meta, and travel publisher networks.
  • The Importance of Data-Driven Marketing: Marketing efforts today are all about continually optimizing marketing strategies using data intelligence.  Within the realm of digital marketing, data-driven insights are crucial for success.
  • Measuring Campaign Success with KPIs: Establish clear campaign objectives and track KPIs around traffic, subscriptions, bookings, or customer retention to gauge effectiveness. 
  • Analyzing Analytics Insights for Continuous Improvement: Review analytics insights relating to top landing pages, conversions by source, and high-traffic locations. Identify underperforming areas needing improvement or emerging opportunities for better resource allocation through ongoing analysis.
  • Adapting to Technological Trends in Travel Marketing: Technology advancements will continue to shape travel marketing ideas as virtual reality platforms and connected devices proliferate, and marketing innovations leveraging these to drive bookings will abound. Online travel agencies must stay updated on travel industry trends and constantly refine strategies to remain competitive.
  • Blueprint for Maximizing Online Marketing ROI: Hopefully, this detailed dissection provides a blueprint for maximizing the ROI of your online marketing efforts while future-proofing your agency for sustainable growth.

This detailed breakdown provides actionable insights to help your travel agency thrive in today's competitive market. Implement these strategies, encourage satisfied customers to spread the word, adapt to travel industry trends, and watch your business soar to new heights! 

Stay ahead of the curve by analyzing data and refining your travel agency marketing strategies for maximum impact.

Emily Thompson

Emily Thompson

Digital Marketing Consultant

Emily Thompson is a seasoned professional in the digital marketing realm, currently lending her expertise at LabsMedia a leading white label partner for digital agencies. With a wealth of experience in crafting bespoke solutions for clients, Emily specializes in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing. Her commitment to staying abreast of industry trends and delivering results-driven strategies makes her a trusted advisor in the field. She has been featured on Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Social Media Today showcasing her thought leadership and contributing valuable perspectives to the industry. As an accomplished author, she shares her insights through thought-provoking content, offering valuable perspectives to both peers and clients alike.

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As an independent travel agency, there’s so much you have to do in a day. But one of the most important things on the list is to promote the services you offer.

The travel industry is about building loyal customer connections, and especially now that travelers are looking for COVID safe experiences, trustworthiness is big.  You need to present yourself as the most cost-effective and most reliable option out there, in a way that garners the most attention.

These days the most modern and effective way to promote your travel agency is to market it online. While putting up flyers in your neighborhood might help, the only real way to exponentially increase your reach and scale your brand is with digital marketing.

If the marketing aspect of your business seems overwhelming, don’t worry. We’re here to help! We’ve compiled our favorite strategies for promoting your travel agency online. Read on to find out what they are. 

Pro tip:   These are promotional strategies for maximising the reach of your message, after you have completed your foundational business planning, like having created a brand identity, identified your target market, and established a product line. If these strategies aren’t bringing in results, consider whether it is the marketing, or the business planning which needs adjustment.

5 Strategies for Promoting Your Travel Agency

Stay active on social media.

A significant social media presence is a fantastic way to effectively get the word out about your services.

However it’s important to run research into which social media platforms your target market are using before you invest time, energy, and even advertising money into campaigns. 

After-all, there’s no point promoting your message to an audience who isn’t likely to need or want your services.

Once you’ve identified where your target market hang out online, here are some tried and tested tips for a few of the most common social media platforms:

Facebook Strategies

  • Create an event page on Facebook whenever you have new trips coming up. This makes it easier for people to see details and decide if they want to go.
  • Make a Facebook group of dedicated travellers. Use this space to interact with the community, and get ideas for trips people want. 

Case Study:   Check the   Solo Female Travelers   group on Facebook for a great example of how online communities can be used to boost tour bookings. The tour website for the Facebook group is here.

  • Post polls and ask questions to see what your community is interested in, using your established social media platforms as a market research opportunity.
  • Share articles, news, and insights from travel magazines and big publications on your page. This will establish your authority on the subject, and increase clicks to your page.
  • Share incredible photographs from various destinations to boost engagement.
  • Boost posts about new deals and upcoming trips.
  • Run ads on facebook. Divide your client list into segments and use Facebook’s ad targeting options to find your ideal customer. 

Instagram Strategies

  • Share short and snappy infographics as posts. These could include topics such as travel essentials, what to pack for a beach vacation, why a certain country is a great tourist destination, etc. 
  • Announce new deals as posts and stories. If you don’t have a big budget, use an online poster maker like PosterMyWall to make a customizable digital poster. Here you’ll find plenty of poster template options to make a professional looking poster. 
  • Make sure your captions are exciting enough to grab people’s attention. Try to use emojis to give off a fun, playful vibe.
  • Post high-quality photographs to entice people. Avoid stock photos.
  • Add a personal touch by introducing your team and posting about any company trips you’ve taken.
  • Add relevent hashtags to all your posts based on your industry standard.
  • Go live and answer questions, share travel tips, or interview frequent travellers.

You can also advertise on sites like Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat, and Tiktok. However, it can be overwhelming to be on every platform at once, so stick to the platforms you have identified are used by your audience.

Email Marketing / Newsletters

We might be living in an age where we’re inundated with spam from Nigerian princes, long lost ‘relatives’, and news that you’ve won the Polish lottery, but despite all of this, email is the channel of communication that most consumers prefer.

Unsolicited email – no.

That’ll land you in the same folder as Nigerian royalty. But if you build an email list where people have willingly signed up, and are interested in your brand and product, email is what people actually want.

A newsletter will allow you to share any new deals or promotions you may have, and give you a direct line of communication to your customers.  Here are some ways to gather customer emails successfully:

  • Add a pop-up on your website asking people to sign up for the newsletter
  • Facebook Groups are a powerful way to grow your email list quickly – check this  Group Leads review  for a tool which automates the collection of email addresses from every new person joining your group.
  • Gate some of your blog content and make it available only to people who sign up
  • Offer free downloadables on your website to those who sign up.

Once you have the emails, you can use a site like Mail Chimp  or Mailerlite to send your email marketing. The most important thing to remember is to m ake sure your newsletter adds value for the customer.

After all, if it’s not interesting enough, people will unsubscribe. Add testimonials from customers who have travelled with you. Get frequent travellers to share their experiences and guide first-time travellers. 

Establish Authority Through Blog Posts

Blog posts and articles not only allow you to establish your authority on the destinations you specialise in,  they also allow you to tap into opportnities for content marketing, and being found through search engines by new clients. 

Learning how to rank in search engines and making your blog posts SEO friendly  may provide an untapped potential for new traffic to your website, and you can write about anything your travelers may need to know.

Ideas for content could include travel essentials and tips for the destination, packing lists like this one for Iceland , or best books or movies to inspire in the lead up to a trip.

Take inspiration from Trip Advisor’s travel blog . They write engaging blog posts in house, and they also get pro travellers to write tips and strategies from their own experiences. So you know the information you’re getting is solid. 

Engaging Video Content

According to Animoto , 46% of customers watch more video ads on social media than TV. That means that if you create promotional video content, you will see a significant spike in online engagement. 

People are always looking for “instagrammable” moments when they’re on vacation. They want pretty sights that they can capture with their cameras. They want luxurious hotels and incredible sight seeing locations.

Video gives you the opportunity to show this to them directly. An interesting idea would be to use a Go-Pro to document a day in Bali, for instance. Give people a taste of what their vacation could look like. 

Here are some more video content ideas you could consider:

  • Introduce your company and your team – get personal and let your customers get to know you
  • Post Zoom discussions with clients – get their feedback, make trip itineraries with them, and keep them in the loop for a better customer experience
  • Make a weekly travel vlog – hosted by different travellers each week, share fun and exciting new destinations and travel insights with your customers
  • Make how-to videos, and share tips and tricks on all things travel e.g. how to pack light, what places to go, etc.
  • Collect questions beforehand and do a good old Q&A
  • Ask clients to record testimonials and reviews about your agency, and post them to social media

Case Study:   Take the example of . They use IGTV on Instagram to share gorgeous videos of unbelievable travel destinations. Watching those videos makes you want to pack up and go on a vacation immediately. They also use video to share travel tips and advice.

Feel free to repurpose your videos and turn them into content for TikTok, where you’ll have a shot at reaching a lot more people (though remember to ensure your audience is using the platform before investing time).

If the idea of making a video seems a little daunting to you, worry not! Video making sites like Biteable allow you to make seamless, professional looking videos in minutes. 

Referral Programs

Rather than spending money on costly advertising, use the magic of referrals to promote your business. Word of mouth can go a long way so take advantage of that.

Ask satisfied customers to share information about your travel agency within their network – friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Incentivise them by offering them a small discount on their next vacation with you.

Not only will this strategy bring in new customers, it will also increase the likelihood of existing customers coming back to you because of the discount. 

Amarillo Travel Network is an agency from Texas that relies solely on referrals for its marketing. And it works incredibly well for them because they’re able to reach relevant people in less time. 

The key takeaway here is to understand the importance of social media and email, and to use both to promote your agency.

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travel agency promotional strategies

Megan is an Australian Journalist and award-winning travel writer who has been blogging since 2007. Her husband Mike is the American naturalist and wildlife photographer behind  Waking Up Wild ; an online magazine dedicated to opening your eyes to the wonders of the wild & natural world.

Having visited 100+ countries across all seven continents, Megan’s travels focus on cultural immersion, authentic discovery and incredible journeys. She has a strong passion for ecotourism, and aims to promote responsible travel experiences.

travel agency promotional strategies

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Discover the World; Discover Yourself. Mapping personal evolution through adventure travel. We are Megan and Mike and have been traveling & blogging since 2007 inspiring travel and change!

I am Megan Jerrard, professional travel blogger/journalist with a focus on adventure, discovery, immersion and inspiring you to explore!


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Marketing for Travel Agencies: Understanding and Surviving in the Online Travel Industry

  • 16 min read
  • Business ,   Travel
  • 23 Dec, 2019
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Marketing in Online Travel Agency

Understanding the travel agency market

  • Leading players holding the market. Booking Holdings with its 41 percent share and Expedia with about 32 percent are dominating the online travel agencies market. And their shares keep growing. So, for travel agencies, it’s difficult to stay afloat without a specific niche.
  • Distrust. People tend to be skeptical and even suspicious in arranging their trips. They would rather follow word of mouth, go to their old, time-tested local travel agent, or stick to larger players, even if they are not totally satisfied. So, new travel agencies have to work hard to break through the wall of mistrust.
  • Invisibility. Unless a travel provider puts a lot of effort and resources into promotion, it risks staying unnoticed. Here, the choice of distribution channel plays a decisive role.

The ad published in National Geographic by Econo-travel hotels

This ad, published in National Geographic by Econo-Travel hotels, dates back to 1978

 Eightydays cuts creating a complex itinerary to minutes

It will take days for a regular traveler to create such a complex itinerary, Eightydays cuts this to minutes

Investigate and define your market and target audience

Skift, Experiential Traveler Survey, 2019

Skift, Experiential Traveler Survey , 2019

Analyze your competitors

Establish your partnerships with service providers, define your pricing strategy, determine the right distribution and promotion channels, metasearch engine.

  • You can manually check prices and manually change markups.
  • You can use automated dashboards to track your performance and then manually change markups.
  • The most advanced scenario is to create an automated commission engine that will keep all your markup rules and will be adjusting your margin on the go, reacting to competitor results.

Prestigia, a small OTA with about 200 thousand monthly visitors, wins on Kayak with the hotel deal

Prestigia, a small OTA with about 200 thousand monthly visitors, wins on Kayak with this hotel deal as it targets boutique accommodation

Search engine

Orbitz has dedicated landing pages for hundreds of their deals

Orbitz has dedicated landing pages for hundreds of their deals and packs them with all useful information that a traveler may need: a booking widget, selected fares, basic information, and even short copy describing the trip

  • Internal activities to meet technical standards of search engines. These usually include installing tools like Google Console and Google Analytics, working with meta tags, reviewing a website for the right page redirection, code errors, and others.
  • External activities usually include working with keywords, texts in general, and acquiring backlinks from other websites.

Email marketing

One of the great examples of submitting discounts was Kimpton Hotels and restaurants.

One of the great examples of submitting discounts was Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants. The discounts promoted the unpopular post-Christmas holiday season

There are both wallet-friendly and luxurious destinations and tour packages

As you can see, there are both wallet-friendly and luxurious destinations and tour packages

Web adverts

Video blogging and other social media, final recommendations.

travel agency promotional strategies

Creating Your Travel Agency’s Digital Marketing Plan: 8 Best Practices

Laura Kloot

Laura Kloot

travel agency promotional strategies

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, travel agencies face increasing competition in attracting online bookings and building customer relationships. An effective travel agency marketing plan tailored to your niche and target market is essential for maximizing your ROI. This article provides 8 updated tips and best practices for creating a successful marketing plan that resonates with customers and drives growth in the travel industry. Let’s go!

Personalize Your Website, Content, and Services

To stand out in the crowded travel market, personalization is key. Create a unique identity and image for your agency by offering personalized or niche services, interactive customer experiences, and customized recommendations based on individual preferences. Tailor your website design, content, and offerings to provide a personalized touch that resonates with your target audience.

Focus on High-Quality Content

Compelling content is the foundation of a successful travel agency website. Create informative, engaging, and visually appealing content that captivates your audience and drives traffic to your site. Incorporate storytelling, share personal travel experiences, provide destination guides, and offer insider tips. Invest in professional copywriting or try out generative AI writing tools to produce a regular stream of high-quality content that boosts site visits and encourages customer engagement.

Leverage User Reviews and Testimonials

Online reviews and testimonials are powerful tools for building trust and enhancing your agency’s reputation. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google My Business, TripAdvisor, Yelp, and industry-specific review sites. Respond promptly to both positive and negative reviews, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction and actively addressing concerns.

Optimize Your Website for User Experience

A visually appealing, user-friendly website is essential for converting visitors into customers. It is also essential for good SEO rankings . Ensure your website is responsive, optimized for mobile devices, and offers seamless navigation. Utilize intuitive booking interfaces, high-quality visuals, and captivating headlines to engage visitors and drive conversions. Incorporate customer reviews and testimonials into your website to showcase social proof and build trust.

Boost Your Social Media Presence

Focus on the platforms where your target audience spends their time, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, or a combination of these. Stay updated with emerging platforms such as BeReal, Telegram, and Clubhouse. Leverage social media to connect with a broader audience, share engaging content, promote special offers, and interact with customers in real time. Influencer collaborations can also amplify your agency’s reach and credibility.

Focus on Mobile Marketing

As mobile usage continues to rise, optimizing your marketing efforts for mobile devices is critical. Develop a mobile-responsive website or create a dedicated mobile app for your travel agency. Mobile apps offer personalized experiences, loyalty programs, and push notifications, enhancing customer engagement and convenience. Prioritize mobile advertising, mobile-friendly emails, and mobile-specific promotions to reach and engage your mobile-savvy audience.

Harness the Power of Visuals

Visual content plays a crucial role in captivating and inspiring potential travelers. Utilize high-quality images, videos, and immersive virtual tours to showcase destinations, hotels, and experiences. Incorporate user-generated content by encouraging travelers to share their photos and videos, further enhancing your agency’s authenticity and social proof.

Set Goals, Track Metrics, and Adapt

Establish measurable goals for your marketing plan and regularly monitor KPIs to track progress. Analyze website analytics, social media engagement, conversion rates , and customer feedback to gain insights into what resonates with your audience. Use data-driven decision-making to adapt your marketing strategies, focusing on successful channels, content formats, and customer preferences.

With the rapid changes in online marketing, travel agencies must adapt their strategies to remain competitive. Stay agile, experiment with new trends, and continuously refine your strategies to attract, engage, and convert customers in the crowded and challenging travel industry.

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Marketing for Travel Agency: A Complete Guide

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Marketing is an important part of running a business because it helps find and keep customers. It includes everything that has to do with getting people to buy or use a product or service, from making the product and advertising it to selling it and helping customers.

Marketing is especially important for a travel agency that depends a lot on how happy its customers are. A good marketing plan will help the agency get the word out about its services and get to know potential customers.

It can also help them stay in touch with their current clients through email campaigns and social media platforms, among other ways. By taking care of these connections, the travel agency can earn the trust of its customers.

This guide will give you an overview of the most important parts of a travel agency’s marketing plan, like knowing your target market, making a unique value proposition, building your brand, and using digital marketing tools.

Understanding Your Target Marketing for Travel agency

When it comes to digital marketing, understanding your target market is key. Knowing your customer base can help you craft ads and content that speaks to their interests. A great way to understand a target market is by breaking it into three segments: demographics, psychographics, and behavioral:

1. Demographics:

Demographics are the physical traits of the audience, like their age, gender, race, location , etc. Once you have this information, you can create marketing plans that are geared toward these groups.

For example, if your travel agency specializes in luxury vacations, you might want to target people with higher incomes because they are more likely to be able to pay for expensive trips. .

2. Psychographics:

Psychographics can help travel agencies give customers more personalized experiences by giving them a better idea of what they want and what they need. Knowing what people like to do when they travel, where they want to go, how much money they have to spend , etc., can give you valuable information about how to reach these potential customers and give them exactly what they want.

3. Behavioral Segments:

Customers are split into groups based on how they act toward certain products or services. This could include things like how often you buy something, how loyal you are, how much you use it, and how you prefer to talk to people. Since there are so many different kinds of travelers, travel agencies need to use behavioral segmentation to figure out which ones will make them the most money and how to serve their specific needs in the best way.

Here is an example of how you can incorporate your understanding of the market:

Imagine you own a business that specializes in luxury adventures for wealthy people in their late 30s to early 50s who want to try new things. Make sure your message gets to the right people by taking the time to find out who they are and what they want.

To start reaching out to wealthy adventure seekers in this age range, you should first learn more about them. What do they most value? Are there some things or experiences that you’d rather do or try than others? It’s also important to find out where these potential customers hang out online and offline, who they talk to, and what topics interest them.

Once you know what this group of people is interested in, you can make your marketing strategy more effective by making content that meets their needs.

Marketing for Travel Agency Website Image 1

Creating a Unique Value Proposition

A travel agency’s marketing plan needs a unique value proposition (UVP) in order to be successful. It’s a promise or statement that tells customers what they’ll get if they choose your agency. A well-written unique selling proposition (USP) makes you stand out from the competition and shows potential customers why your services are better than those of your competitors.

For travel agencies, a unique value proposition (UVP) should focus on how their services are different from those of competitors in terms of ease of use, price, customer service, or anything else that makes them stand out. For example, some agencies might focus on making packages and help more tailored to each client than others. Some may have prices that are lower than average because they have access to deals and discounts.

How to Make a Unique Value Proposition:

1. Find out who your target audience is and find out what they want and need when they book trips or vacations.

2. Think about what’s unique about your services that might interest them, like discounts for early bookings or customer service in more than one language.

3. Once you have a good idea of how to make your travel agency stand out, write a clear and concise message that captures its essence.

Here’s an example of how to come up with a unique selling point:

Imagine that your travel agency offers high-end, personalized trips with local guides and unique cultural activities. This offer gives travelers an experience they won’t forget that can’t be found anywhere else. It also lets you stand out and market your services in fun and interesting ways.

When making a unique selling proposition (USP) for your agency, it’s important to focus on the little things that make these trips stand out. This could be done by highlighting the activities that are available at each destination or by showing testimonials from past clients who had amazing trips with your agency.

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Developing a Marketing Mix

Next, having the right mix of product, price, place and promotion is essential. By utilizing this mix of elements, you can have a successful marketing strategy that will bring in more customers.

1. Product:

Product refers to the type of services offered by your travel agency. You must make sure that they are relevant and valuable to your potential customers .

Price can also be an important element in your marketing plan for the travel agency. It’s important for you to determine what pricing strategies best suit your company’s goals and objectives before developing a final price point.

For a travel agency, place can include both online and offline sales outlets , such as tour operators, wholesalers, OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), mobile apps, websites and retail stores. To maximize reach potential your customers should be able to book flights and tours conveniently across all these platforms.

4. Promotion:

Promotion is also key when creating a successful marketing strategy for any business, especially travel agencies. Promotion should focus on driving visibility through multiple channels like search engines, email campaigns, social media campaigns and influencer marketing.

Here is an example of how you develop a marketing mix:

Imagine that your travel agency offers package tours at high prices. This is a great option for people who want to travel without a lot of stress. Travel agents and online booking sites sell these packages, which makes it easy to find the best place to go on vacation.

To make sure your customers have the best possible experience, you focus on promotional events and targeted advertising. This lets customers take advantage of discounts offered by the travel agency and learn more about the different places they can go, all while getting a great deal.

travel agency promotional strategies

Building Your Brand

Branding helps customers trust and stick with a company, which leads to higher profits. Branding also helps your travel agency stand out from the competition and attract more customers.

A strong brand has a unique logo, slogan, and message that stays the same across all platforms. Your logo should be simple and easy to remember, and your slogan should say what makes your travel agency unique. Also, it’s important to always use the same colors and fonts so that customers can recognize your business whether they’re looking at it online or in print.

Here are the steps to take when building your brand and making sure it stands out among competitors:

  • First, you need to figure out who your target market is . You can do this by looking at demographics and making personas.
  • Next, come up with a mission statement that will guide all of your marketing efforts. This should explain why your travel agency exists and what makes it different from other businesses in the same field. Then comes the visual branding, which includes logos, colors, fonts, and other design elements that are used consistently across all platforms, such as the website, social media channels, etc. So, customers know them right away, without any confusion or doubt.

Here is an example of how you build your brand:

As a travel agency, you create a consistent visual identity and message that speaks to potential customers. This can be done by using customer reviews and partnerships with high-end hotels and resorts to show customers that when they book through your agency, they will get good products and services.

Visuals like logos, colors, fonts, shapes, images, etc. that stay the same over time help your business have a look that customers can recognize and trust. In a similar way, you create consistent messaging so that customers know what to expect from you each time they contact your business. This could be done through marketing materials like brochures or websites, but also through social media platforms or email campaigns.

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Utilizing Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is important for any travel agency that wants to be successful because it helps raise the agency’s profile and get more leads and sales. When travel agencies use digital marketing, they can reach a wider audience, promote their services more effectively, and learn more about how customers act.

Digital marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services through digital channels like search engines, websites, social media platforms, email campaigns, mobile apps, etc.

Digital marketing has many benefits for travel agencies, such as raising brand awareness and making it easier to target ads and campaigns based on customer information. Personalized offers have increased customer engagement and loyalty. Being able to keep track of analytics in real time to help make better decisions and a lot more.

Various types of digital marketing can be used to promote a travel agency’s services and products. Some of these include:

1.   Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO involves creating content that uses targeted keywords to show up higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

2. Social media: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer great opportunities for travel agencies to engage with potential customers.

3. Content Creation: Creating interesting and engaging content, such as blogs or videos on travel-related topics, can help raise awareness about your services and generate interest among potential customers.

Here is an example of how you utilize digital marketing:

As a travel agency, you use the most up-to-date digital marketing tools to connect with and talk to potential customers. Social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization are all used to tell people about the best parts of a destination and the unique things to do there.

For social media, you can post high-quality images on Instagram or Twitter. By sharing interesting content, like photos, videos, or reviews of the places you’re promoting, you can get more followers and show what makes those places special.

For email marketing, you send out newsletters with information about deals and discounts so that people can find out about any new offers.

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Measuring and Analyzing Your Marketing Efforts

Lastly, a travel agency that does well needs to measure and analyze its marketing efforts. Getting to know how customers interact with your brand will tell you a lot about how well your strategies are working. By measuring and analyzing key metrics, you can find places to improve to get customers more involved, increase sales, and make sure your business is a success.

To stay competitive, travel agencies need to keep track of key metrics that measure how well their marketing is working. Important signs of how well your campaigns are doing are website traffic , cost per acquisition (CPA) or cost per click (CPC), social media trends , e mail open rates , and user retention.

There are many tools that can help accurately measure how well marketing works. Google Analytics is a great tool, and most people use it to find out about their websites. This tool gives you a detailed look at who visits your site, what they look at, how long they stay on each page, and more. This lets you see how well different campaigns have worked to bring people to your site and get them interested in certain pages or products.

Example: A travel agency uses Google Analytics and customer feedback surveys to track website traffic, conversions, and customer satisfaction, and they change their marketing strategy based on what they learn.

Here is an example of how you measure and analyze your marketing efforts:

The power of data is being used by your travel agency. You are using Google Analytics and customer feedback surveys to learn important things about how customers use your website, what conversions they are making, and how happy they are. By looking at this information, your travel agencies can change how they market to better meet the needs of their customers.

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Marketing isn’t hard for a travel agency, but it’s important for success. Understanding the market, making a unique value proposition, creating a marketing mix, building a strong brand, using digital marketing, and measuring and analyzing your marketing efforts are all important parts of a good strategy.

To get the most out of your digital marketing, you need to stay on top of trends and use tried-and-true methods. Travel agencies can reach the people they want to reach and get more customers with the right plan. Take the time to go through each step, and don’t be afraid to get started!

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9 Expert Tips to Propel Your Travel Agency’s Marketing Strategy

You are currently viewing 9 Expert Tips to Propel Your Travel Agency’s Marketing Strategy

  • Post author: Mark Ching
  • Post published: 16 May 2024
  • Post category: Travel Tips

In the ever-evolving landscape of travel, where experiences reign supreme and destinations allure, a travel agency’s success hinges on its ability to stand out amidst fierce competition. Crafting a robust marketing strategy is key to attracting clients and ensuring sustainable growth. Here are nine expert tips to elevate your travel agency ‘s marketing efforts and drive bookings to new heights.

Key Takeaways

  • Marketing your travel agency requires a multifaceted approach that combines creativity, technology, and a deep understanding of your target audience
  • Position your agency as an educational resource by hosting webinars and workshops on topics relevant to your audience, such as destination guides, travel trends, and packing tips. Invite industry experts and influencers to share their insights and attract a broader audience
  • Engage with travel enthusiasts and potential clients in online forums, social media groups, and community platforms dedicated to travel

Craft Compelling Visual Content

inca trail express trek crowd

Visuals are the currency of the digital age, particularly in the realm of travel. Invest in high-quality imagery and videos that showcase the beauty and uniqueness of destinations you offer. From stunning landscapes to cultural experiences, captivating visuals can inspire wanderlust and entice potential clients to choose your agency for their next adventure.

Harness the Power of Email Marketing

friends surfing peru bamba

Email remains one of the most effective channels for nurturing client relationships and driving conversions. Develop targeted email campaigns tailored to different segments of your audience, offering personalized recommendations, exclusive deals, and insider travel tips. 

By delivering relevant content directly to their inbox, you can stay top-of-mind and encourage repeat bookings. Enhance your strategy by integrating white label content marketing , allowing you to offer co-branded content that maintains your unique brand voice while leveraging expertly crafted material.

Embrace Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

relaxing on the water bali

In a world where immersive experiences reign supreme, VR and AR technologies offer innovative ways to showcase destinations and experiences to potential clients. Create virtual tours, interactive maps, and AR-powered brochures that allow travelers to visualize themselves in different locations and tailor their itineraries to their preferences.

Cultivate Strategic Partnerships

snorkel baja california sur

Collaboration is key to success in the travel industry. Forge partnerships with airlines, hotels, tour operators, and other travel-related businesses to create bundled packages and exclusive travel deals for your clients. By leveraging each other’s networks and resources, you can offer added value and differentiate your agency from competitors.

Stay Active in Online Travel Communities

statue bamba travel

Engage with travel enthusiasts and potential clients in online forums, social media groups, and community platforms dedicated to travel. Share valuable insights, answer questions, and participate in discussions to position yourself as a trusted authority in the travel space. Building relationships within these communities can lead to referrals and new business opportunities.

Invest in Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

hot air balloon preparation

Supplement your organic search efforts with paid advertising campaigns to increase your agency’s visibility on search engine results pages. Utilize pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms like Google Ads to target relevant keywords and capture travelers actively searching for your services. With a well-optimized SEM strategy, you can attract qualified leads and maximize your return on investment.

Host Informative Webinars and Workshops

kayak in baja california sur

Position your agency as an educational resource by hosting webinars and workshops on topics relevant to your audience, such as destination guides , travel trends, and packing tips. Invite industry experts and influencers to share their insights and attract a broader audience. By providing valuable information and fostering engagement, you can build trust with potential clients and drive bookings.

Offer Flexible Booking Options

friends traveling

In today’s uncertain times, flexibility is paramount for travelers. Offer flexible booking policies , such as free cancellations or rescheduling options, to alleviate concerns and instill confidence in potential clients. By demonstrating empathy and understanding, you can remove barriers to booking and attract travelers seeking peace of mind.

Measure, Analyze, and Iterate

salkantay peru group tour

Continuously monitor the performance of your marketing efforts through data analytics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Track metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction to gauge the effectiveness of your strategies. Use insights gleaned from analysis to refine your approach, optimize campaigns, and stay ahead of evolving trends in the travel industry.

In conclusion, marketing your travel agency requires a multifaceted approach that combines creativity, technology, and a deep understanding of your target audience. 

By leveraging compelling visuals, harnessing digital tools, fostering partnerships, and prioritizing customer experience, you can position your agency for success in a competitive market. Embrace these nine expert tips, adapt them to suit your unique brand, and embark on a journey towards sustained growth and prosperity in the dynamic world of travel.

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9 Effective Ways to Market Your Travel Agency

Written by: KHM Staff on December 14, 2017

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Marketing your business to your clients is an important part of being a travel agent. Managing your social media accounts, website, CRM, blogs, and emails, plus staying on top of new travel deals and booking your clients–there’s always so much to do!

Are your efforts bringing in the business that you hoped for? When looking at your marketing plan for the year, consider adding one or more of these ideas into the mix.

Practice your 30-second commercial.

Often called an “elevator speech,” this is your opportunity to explain your business in a succinct message. Whether you’re walking into the grocery store or attending your child’s school function, you’re bound to bump into someone you know. Having your 30-second commercial  prepared is essential to marketing your travel agency stumbling over the words to explain it each time. Attending Boot Camp at our corporate office will help you perfect your pitch.


Create a monthly email newsletter.

Developing a short email sent from myTravelCRM or Mailchimp is an easy, efficient way to keep in contact with your clients. Your newsletter content should focus on the current travel season. Whether it’s engagement season, summer break, or time to deck the halls, email your clients on a consistent basis to give them travel ideas and tips for all occasions! KHM Travel Agents can utilize email templates in myTravelCRM for more content ideas.

Add variety to your social media posts.

Inspire your followers with content based on new travel deals, industry news, packing tips, destination highlights, and holiday posts! Add life to your with these suggestions:

  • Consider setting up a theme for each day to help with consistency.  For example, Travel Tip Tuesday. 
  • Share eye-catching photos from your own travel or from supplier websites and include short, attention-grabbing captions .
  • Subscribe to emails from travel publications like Travel + Leisure and Travel Weekly to share their news articles to your pages.
  • Subscribe to travel agent supplier Facebook pages for shareable contact posted regularly.  
  • Look on Pinterest for packing must-haves to share on your pages!
  • Search suppliers’ YouTube channels and share interesting, informational videos to your page. Be sure you are using supplier content and not the content of other travel agents. 
  • KHM Travel Group Agents can read  Agent Access Weekly emails to learn about the newest travel deals. Post about the latest sales by pairing your content with appropriate graphics or supplier resources !

Scheduling posts is a great way to make sure you are consistent. 

Set up a booth at a local trade show or fair.

Find the perfect trade show by checking your local chamber of commerce, event center schedule, fairgrounds, or even call your nearest mall to set up a table or booth during a specific time. Broadcasting your business to potential clientele is the best way to amp up your leads list. KHM Travel Group has tips to prepare our agents to work a tradeshow .


Start a referral program.

Marketing by word of mouth requires minimum effort and is low-cost! Boost your sales by asking your clients to refer a friend to your travel business or to simply keep you in mind when someone mentions travel. Add an extra incentive with a referral program. Gift cards are a great way to reward clients for referrals.

Do a giveaway.

Giving out items with your travel agency’s information creates wide, visual exposure for your business. Think of low-cost giveaways that your clientele would enjoy and possibly use while traveling. We suggest visiting 4imprint to brainstorm ideas.


Advertise locally.

From bulletin ads to newspapers to pizza boxes, there are advertising opportunities everywhere. Putting your business name, logo, and contact information out publicly lets others know that your services are available and can boost your public relations image . Since some ideas will be more of an investment than others. Start small by putting an ad in the local school directory or your church bulletin and see if the response meets your expectations. 

Send direct mail to your clients.

Every day your clients come home to a mailbox full of bills, newspapers, and the occasional note from grandma. Add a little variety and a personal touch to your client communications by sending them something from their favorite travel agent! For special occasions like birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, or congratulations for a life event, consider hand-writing a card or letter.

Don’t forget to put a “travel” spin on your message.  For example, in an anniversary card add, “During these special times, couples often plan an anniversary trip, renewal of their vows, or just a romantic getaway as a celebration of their love. [YourAgencyName] will plan the perfect time for you and your spouse, so you can focus on each other. If I can be of any assistance to you, please contact me.”

The Engagement program through Travel Leaders Network is another great resource for low cost, professional looking, direct mail marketing.   


Plan a travel night.

By hosting a travel night, clients can learn more about a specific destination, tour or cruise. If you choose, you can even offer an exclusive booking incentive. Host this night in your home, event space, or restaurant depending on the number of attendees. Supplier BDMs are great resources to tap into when planning a travel night.

Keeping in contact with your clients is crucial to developing your business. When developing your marketing plan, keep an eye out for creative ideas that will attract your target audience. Be consistent with your timing, your message, and use the tools available to you through your host agency.   

Are you looking to be a successful travel agent ? KHM Travel Group’s travel agents have access to support for their independent business. Download our free guide by completing the form to the right or by calling 1-888-611-1220.

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10 Promotion Strategies for the Travel and Tourism Industry that Actually Work

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10 Promotion Strategies for the Travel and Tourism Industry that Actually Work

Almost every industry is (still!) going through tough times since the pandemic outbreak back in 2020. Some of them, though, have been affected by coronavirus far more than the others – and the travel industry is definitely one of them. Canceled trips, canceled flights, confused guests and hosts alike, countless restrictions, and the overall uncertainty of what’s coming next – all this have brought the industry to the brink of collapse.

Thankfully, most travel and tourism businesses decided to fight against the odds, and work their way through the pandemic. As of summer 2022, there are signs of coming back to (normal) life. Nobody knows, though, what autumn will bring and convincing consumers to plan their trips is far more difficult now than it ever was. That’s why clever marketing and promotion strategies seem to be the keys for the industry to get back on its feet.

Marketing for the travel and tourism industries in 2022

The pandemic isn’t the only problem the travel and tourism industry has faced lately. The economy (for example in Europe) forces people to think twice before going on costly vacations abroad. The competition is stiff as ever, and there’s still a need to maintain a healthy balance between costs and earnings. There’s no point in pumping thousands of dollars into marketing strategies if they won’t bring enough ROI. That’s why it’s crucial to select the next promotion strategy for your business carefully.

Here are some notable travel marketing trends are worth mentioning:

  • TikTok marketing – this social video platform became a powerful marketing tool for those skilful enough to unlock its potential. Often referred to as a platform for children and youth (and dismissed for being such), TikTok hosts 1 billion active users. It’s a value that shouldn’t be ignored.
  • Social media marketing – the dominance of TikTok does not mean that other social media platforms are doomed in marketing. Instagram, Facebook, and even LinkedIn – all those media have their place and are still valid marketing platforms. The key is – as always – targeting the right audience.
  • Influencer marketing – staying in the social media area: engaging celebrities and influencers in your marketing activities is an idea worth thinking of. Of course, the influencer with a 250K Instagram profile won’t bring thousands of customers directly to your company, but the recognizability should definitely help.

What about some travel marketing trends for 2022?

  • Flexibility is a key – though low prices are still important, customers are eager to find offers that enable them to get a full refund or change bookings if necessary.
  • Long-term rentals – in times of remote work, more people want to try living in new places for a more extended period. So-called workations have become more popular than ever, and people expect special deals for long-term rentals.
  • Geofencing – looking for attractions near the place of living has become a thing during the pandemic. People are forced to put off their travel plans until somewhere in the future, turned to what their area has to offer. With geofencing , local attractions, such as restaurants, museums, go-karting tracks, escape rooms or laser tag places, became open for people searching for “[something] near me” which, apparently, grew popular in recent years.

Enough of those trends – you’re here for the list, so here it is! 10 promotional strategies for the travel and tourism industry that actually work – they have been launched and tested by companies we know. There’s no room for hypotheses. Below you’ll find nothing but real-life examples – get ready to get inspired!

Gamecity Zoetermeer

Promotion types used: discount coupons, gift cards, giveaways.


Gamecity GoKarting Zoetermeer is a place of fun games and entertainment for people looking to do something more active and demanding than watching VOD at home or going to the cinema. Gamecity offers go-karting, laser tag, minigolf and an innovative, competitive escape room-like experience called Prison Island.

1. Social media giveaways

Pursuing the newest trends, Gamecity launched a few social media profiles, such as Instagram or TikTok (their most popular video has been watched more than 40K times!). They use TikTok not only for sharing funny, short videos but also to run giveaways for their engaged followers, thus increasing company recognizability and gaining new followers (as well as potential customers):


Online contests are usually a very effective way to raise awareness of newly-created brands. Still, nothing stands in your way if you want to organize a sweepstake every now and then to promote your already established brand.

‍ In short: a well-performed online giveaway should not only bring some attention to your company but it might also result in a significant followers increase. Each of them can become your next valuable customer!

2. Discount coupons

People who don’t order any service without typing “[name of the company] discount coupon” in Google Search won’t be disappointed, as Gamecity Gokarting issues discount coupons every once in a while. A nice 20% discount for go-karting should be enough to convince the unconvinced and create the opportunity for them to try new things while traveling or just hanging out with friends.

game city discount coupon example

Discount coupons are the salt of promotion strategies for the tourism and travel industry – it’s always nice knowing that the attraction you were already willing to experience is a bit cheaper than expected. However, from a business perspective, too big of a discount can be deceptive, as people could try it once and then never come back due to the feeling that the service should be cheaper than it is. That’s why companies usually launch 10-20% discounts.

‍ In short: The most significant advantage of the discount coupon promotional strategy is that it’s not very demanding to launch and maintain such a promotion. And with a proper tool, such as the Voucherify, issuing coupons is approachable and developer-friendly.

Promotion types used: gift cards, partnerships, giveaways.

Sportihome has created its unique business model that combines two things you can find in the company name – sports and housing rentals. To make their offer attractive for sports enthusiasts and travelers alike, Sportihome runs numerous giveaways with strongly-thematic rewards, such as entries for sports events and so on:


3. Partnerships

A popular marketing strategy is partnering up with well-known brands to provide discounts, equipment and other gifts. Sportihome decided to follow this path by teaming up with Decathlon , the most prominent sports gear brand in France. Each host, who joins the Sportihome family, gets an exclusive 10% discount for equipping the lodgings they share with Sportihome customers.

Sportihom & Decathlon partnership

In short: partnerships may strengthen your brand as showing up in the right company to a business meeting does. And if the partnership comes with benefits for the customers, you can be sure that it will positively impact your marketing efforts.

4. Gift cards

One of the ultimate travel and tourism promotion types is gift cards. However, buying holidays as a gift can cause unintended trouble – it isn’t easy to be a hundred percent sure that the gifted person won’t have any plans in a given period. Also, choosing the location and lodgings for them might not be the best idea (who knows if they’d like it?). In such a case, the best way would be to present someone with a gift card for holidays of their choice. And that’s exactly what you can do via Sportihome – choose the price (from €50 to €1,000) and choose whether Sportihome should send the card to the recipient or if you want to do this personally.

Each gift card is valid for 24 months, and the gifted person can use the code from the gift card during the payment – after choosing the most suitable location.

sportihome gif cards

In short: Gift cards are present in almost any industry, but they became especially popular when the pandemic began – if all the travel companies ensured full refunds for everyone who wanted to cancel their flights, trips and vacations, they would already be out of business. One of the ways to stay above the surface while encouraging customers to return was to offer them gift cards instead of a cashback.

This is precisely the way easyJet decided to deal with the coronavirus crisis – read more about it in our case study!



Al Ali Yachts

Promotion types used: BOGO, discount coupons, giveaways.

Al Ali Yachts is a luxury yacht-rental company based in Dubai, UAE. In a demanding market, rental companies have to try different marketing strategies to get to the right audience. One of the most effective promotions used by Al Ali Yachts is BOGO – buy one, get one free – promotion.

How does it work? BOGO promotions add an item whenever a customer orders a required number of items. For example, during the "Enjoy the Summer" promotion, Al Ali Yachts offers their customers 1 hour of yacht rental for free for every 3 hours booked. It’s easy to calculate that the offer equals a 25% discount. The difference lies in the incentive.

If a group of friends would like to rent a yacht for two hours, they might get incentivized by the promotion – they’d rather pay for 3 hours and have a boat for 4 hours.

al ali yacht bogo promotion example

6. Holiday giveaways

There’s always an occasion to celebrate – should it be International Women’s Day, Independence Day or National Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day, brands have learnt to incorporate them into their marketing efforts. A contest where the winner gets 1 hour of free cruising? Why not? If it brings people interested in the product, it’s probably a good idea (though there’s a million dollars for whoever creates a campaign combining National Pizza Day with yacht rental).

al ali yacht holiday giveaway


Promotion types used: discount coupons.

Visiting the Dertouristik website for the first time is one of those unforgettable moments, when a pop-up ad doesn’t get on the nerves – why so? Because of an exclusive, time-limited offer (also the fact that it doesn’t cover the whole screen)!

7. Time-limited offers

Though setting a time limit for the offer is old as the world, it’s useful promotional tool companies use with success in 2022 (and will probably still use in 2222). Here’s what it looks like on the Dertour website:

Dertouristik discount coupon pop-up

The window pops up right after entering the website – it says that there’s a €50 discount for any travel package from Dertour, as soon as the total costs are above €500. The offer is valid until midnight, so there’s a strict deadline, but with plenty of time to think this decision through.

It’s a nice touch that after closing the pop-up window, it’s still available under the blue “Ihr Rabatt Code” button, so the customers can get back and copy their code anytime.

Promotion types used: flexibility packages, discount codes, freebies.

8. Flexible packages

Trends in the travel and tourism promotions have changed – customers expect more than low prices, loyalty solutions or various discounts. They also need peace of mind when it comes to planning their vacations. That’s why solutions such as ItaliaRail’s Flexibility packages work! With an additional fee customers can ensure that they would be able to reschedule or cancel their train tickets with an 80% or 90% refund:

ItaliaRail flexibility package

9. Freebies

Genuinely taking care of customers’ well-being is one of the most effective promotional strategies – especially if the goal is to create a long-term relationship with the customer. So ItaliaRail went the extra mile and prepared a little welcoming gift for their potential customers – a free Italian phrases ebook, which can be a helpful guide for those who visit Italy for the first time. Of course, giving away an ebook like this probably won’t become a game-changing strategy for the company. Still, it’s an excellent little addition to make customers feel better about traveling, and to get some email addresses in the process.

ItaliaRail freebie example – an ebook

Promotion types used: cart promotions, discount coupons.

With its branches in Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, France, Poland, Spain, the UK, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Finland, TUI became one of the most popular travel agencies in Europe, offering holiday trips worldwide.

10. Cart promotions

Knowing that the most straightforward solutions are often the most satisfying ones, TUI went through with cart promotions – the discounts visible immediately while browsing the offers:

TUI deals – cart level promotions

A big, red –41% alert is precisely what TUI wants people to see right after clicking the TUI Deals button on the homepage. The difference between the regular and discounted price is what drives people’s purchasing decisions more often than they want to admit. But the difference between €1410 and €831 is just too good!

‍ Cart-level promotions , though, offer more than only displaying lower prices. Using them, you can assign automatic discounts to each customer who meets the redemption criteria, create personalized deals, enable free shipping, bonus items and much more!

Coming up with a successful promotion strategy for the travel and tourism industry requires a lot of work and dedication – I hope the above list of examples will help you choose the best promotion type to begin with. Now, before I finish, here are three final tips you might find helpful:

  • Select two or three promotion types you’re eager to try out. Learn more about them and see if they are within your reach before investing any money in them.
  • Look around and search for software that would help you create and launch the type of promotions you’re interested in. It’s always a better (and cheaper) idea to find ready-made software instead of trying to come up with your own solution.
  • If you’re determined to try out different types of promotions for your business, make sure that the software you’ve found in step 2 is able to handle each of them. No point in subscribing to (and paying for) two or three different software packages while you can stick to a single one.

If you’re looking for a powerful promotion engine where you can create numerous marketing campaigns (personalized coupons, cart-level promotions, digital gift cards, product bundling, loyalty and referral programs, geofencing), but pay only for the actual usage, try Voucherify. And when I’m saying “try” I mean it – Voucherify comes with a free plan, which you can use to find your way through the platform before deciding to pay any money!

Don’t hesitate any longer

Get started with Voucherify!

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  • 07 Sep 2021

Top 10 Travel Industry Marketing Strategies

Rethin Vipinraj

The tide is finally turning for the $247 billion Indian travel and tourism industry after more than a year – and the excitement is palpable. With travel bans easing in many parts of the world, domestic and international traffic is rising. Nearly every business vertical – from hospitality and airlines to online travel agencies – has its hopes pinned on 2022 for a full recovery from the after-effects of the pandemic. The stage for revival is already set.

The hospitality sector has witnessed a wave of consolidation in mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships over the last year. It will allow many small hotel chains to deliver complementary services while driving down operating costs. On the other hand, investor interest in the civil aviation vertical has soared, with as many as 90 new airlines expected to start operations around the globe by December 2021.

As a business enabler for other travel verticals, online travel agencies (OTA) will have a crucial role in facilitating the industry’s return to growth.

However, the high churn rate among price-conscious customers remains a challenge. In India, a waiting period for weeks, if not months, to book the right airfares is par for the course. Some bargain hunters are known to compare as many as 38 different portals at a time ! In the post-pandemic scenario, a poor lead to conversion ratio (or ‘look to book’ in industry parlance) can impact OTA margins, making discounts and offers unviable.

Moreover, the controversy over refunding canceled flight tickets that erupted at the pandemic’s peak just refuses to die down. For OTAs, this has underscored the importance of transparency and improving user experience across the customer lifecycle. 

The good news is that brands have learned the lessons. Travel brands are adopting technology to interpret customer behavior and come up with customized travel industry marketing strategies.

10 Digital Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies to Grow Post-Pandemic 

In the new normal, travel agency campaigns will need to focus on the right messaging and target the right channels to drive engagement and growth. Asking the right questions will be critical to uncovering the best-performing travel industry marketing strategies.

Here are some real-life travel agency campaigns to get you started on the right track:

1. Pickyourtrail Adopts RFM Analysis to Drive User Engagement

In the new normal, retargeting ‘deal hunters’ who book and abandon bookings midway has been a priority for travel brands. Studies show that OTAs typically lose around 80% of all bookings due to the penchant for price comparison. For Pickyourtrail, a leading travel platform, the situation was no different.

A root cause analysis showed a gap in its customer segmentation strategy, which can turn buying intent into sales if appropriately optimized. The lack of automation meant that Pickyourtrail could not scale its messaging to target different cohorts rapidly. 

After testing a few alternative approaches, the brand decided to segment users based on how often they visited their site, the time elapsed since their last visit, and average transaction value- also called RFM or Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Analysis. 

RFM Analysis

This ‘event-based’ segmentation strategy along with automated traveler engagement workflows allowed PickYourTail to re-engage deal hunters with hyper-personalized offers via email and SMS. 

With  60% of online shoppers  reporting that discounts became more important during COVID-19, catering to deal hunters has become an even more effective strategy.

Result : Email engagement registered a 50% increase while the team saved 60%+ man-hours that would have been otherwise wasted in manual tracking. 

2. Headout witnesses ⬆️ in Conversion for First-time Visitors through Contextual Email Campaigns and drives 🔁 bookings through Personalized Audio Guides

Headout is an experiential travel marketplace that matches travelers to a variety of local experiences at an affordable price. Via a network of service partners, the company serves more than 3 billion travelers worldwide. However, Headout’s biggest challenge was a high bounce rate which meant that the company missed out on invaluable lead data. 

In turn, this made it impossible for it to implement a viable retargeting strategy. The Headout team responded by rolling out onsite surveys to specific user segments such as desktop users.

The goal is to drive email sign-ups to the company blog, engage cart abandoners, and enhance the post-purchase experience. The company mapped its email funnel to the three customer journeys and ran contextual email campaigns to engage cart abandoners based on language and product category attributes.


3. MakeMyTrip Leverages AI to Create Compelling In-App Content

As an early adopter of in-app content, MakeMyTrip has many firsts to its credit- curated destination videos, chatbot providing information on flight cancellations, and more. However, given its low monthly active user (MAU) frequency (typical for travel apps), the brand decided to leverage AI to stitch user data together and develop compelling creative for cross-sell and up-sell campaigns.

MakeMyTrip Father's Day Banner

Relevant in-app banners on the storefront or homepage are particularly crucial to driving conversion. Secondly, seamless user stories that link one touchpoint, such as the initial display ad, to the other (checkout page, for example) has been a key element in the MakeMyTrip marketing strategy.

To drive repeat bookings, Headout introduced personalized audio guides in multiple regional languages. The audio guides featured tips and recommendations on popular tourist destinations with blended marketing content. The company has since witnessed 27% growth in conversion for first-time visitors, 90% faster campaign implementation, and a 10% reduction in cart abandonment.

4. Travel Triangle ⬆️ Conversion among Booking Cancellation Cohort and Returning User Cohort by adopting a Lead Scoring System  

Since its inception in 2011, Travel Triangle has emerged as one of India’s leading OTAs, operating in over 60 countries. However, apart from a high drop-off rate at the top of the funnel, the company also struggled with booking cancellations at the post-purchase stage.

This affected not just the cost of customer acquisition but also customer lifetime value. As part of a long-term strategy, the company adopted lead scoring to prioritize high intent buyers based on website heat maps and email/SMS CTR.

This helped them understand the reasons for drop-off and build a pipeline of ‘hot’ leads, which could then be nurtured via personalized SMS and push notifications. With the help of analytics, Travel Triangle also optimized its travel industry marketing strategies for converting returning users. It began focussing on not just the messaging but also the channels most preferred by travelers.

These measures have paid off quite well for the brand, with conversion among the booking cancellation cohort increasing 10% and that for the returning users cohort by 20%, respectively.

5. Treebo Leverages On-Site Messaging to Drive Conversion

Digital marketing strategy for Travel Agencies: Treebo-Leverage

Differentiation in a saturated market can be a formidable challenge, especially for hotel startups. While Treebo ranks right up there with the likes of OYO and FabHotels in the budget hotel segment, it still faced problems building brand recall and attracting returning users – especially on digital channels like its website and app. 

A series of User Experience (UX) studies later, the company realized that it needed to streamline its booking interface.

The company experimented with personalized on-site messaging to drive conversion across multiple cohorts. This included timer-based sticky banners that replaced SMS/email notifications. In addition, Treebo also used exit-intent pop-ups to curb the price comparison instinct and close bookings faster.

The results of the travel agency campaign have more than met the company’s expectations – a 15% increase in web conversions.

Also Read: 5 Proven Steps of Conversion Optimization from a Growth Expert

6. fabhotels overcomes spam blockers to increase email open rates:.

The team at FabHotels knew it had a challenge on its hands when its email marketing campaigns were flagged as spam by most email providers. Unfortunately, the problem persisted for two years before the company finally identified the cause- a drop in domain reputation. In other words, after a certain volume was reached, its travel agency campaign emails were being automatically marked as spam. 

The company started to test for the exact volume and any underlying factors that triggered the drop. They introduced a 3-step action plan to counter the problem – a micro-segmentation strategy to improve inbox placement, staggering the email send times, and limiting the number of emails to one per customer per day. 

The company also revised the layout and copy of its emails, reducing the number of images and hyperlinks.

The results were dramatic. With a 90% increase in email delivery rates, FabHotels also saw a matching 90% increase in open rates. This has allowed it to scale its campaigns threefold.Learn how to optimize your content to improve  email deliverability

7. Shuttl Speeds Referral Conversion with Trigger Campaigns

Bus-aggregator Shuttl had been eyeing referral marketing as an organic customer acquisition channel to augment its paid campaigns. In terms of cost-effectiveness, referral marketing has few parallels; however, finding the right users and nurturing new leads was a challenge for the company. 

In addition, tracking the right conversion metrics was equally important to deliver the right messaging.

The team at Shuttl experimented with two distinct but interdependent trigger campaigns – a 1+1 offer that enabled a traveler to gift a ride to another person. This travel agency marketing strategy made it possible for Shuttl to quickly identify customers who are most likely to refer.

Digital marketing strategy for Travel Agencies: Shuttl-Speeds-Referral-Conversion-with-Trigger-Campaigns

As soon as the original traveler submits the phone number for the referred person, the second campaign is activated. It triggers a series of emails to drive the newly-referred user to install the Shuttl app and book new rides. 

In a span of two months, the campaigns accounted for an 11.2% increase in total referrals, while the subscription rate for new users jumped 3.6% .

8. Yatra Optimizes Web Notification Campaign Rules to Boost Conversion

For Yatra, India’s second-largest OTA, traveler drop-off on the booking review page was a persistent problem. The company realized it needed a new workflow to help them overcome last-minute hesitation and drive conversion. Given the high uninstall rate of mobile apps, Yatra decided to leverage web push notifications to do the job.

Abandoners were sent four reminder notifications every 48 hours until they converted. The company’s data showed this to be the optimum frequency for engagement, beyond which it could be considered spamming. In addition, they optimized campaign rules to automatically terminate the workflow once the user took the desired action.

The idea proved successful, with gross booking growing by 3.2% and the company discovering a new channel in the process – mobile web.

9. Go-MMT Adopts Dynamic Segmentation to Create Cross Channel Campaigns

As India’s top OTA platform, Go-MMT derives its competitive edge from the user experience of its hotel partners just as much as end-customers. So the company wanted to enable new hotel partners to list themselves faster on its platform, improve mobile app and web engagement, and drive conversion. This meant consolidating listing data in a single location, tracking partner performance in real-time, and leveraging native demand to increase partner loyalty.

The existing processes at Go-MMT were inefficient and inflexible. Manual segmentation of hotel partners, manual mapping of listing history, and marketing communications being sent to international partners as per Indian Standard Time (IST). 

In time, Go-MMT implemented a solution that resulted in a 20% increase in partner engagement, thanks to the consolidation of listing data and dynamic segmentation based on the country of origin and type of property.

This allowed the brand to build cross-channel journeys for running travel agency campaigns as per partner time zones.

10. OYO’s Drives 8X Growth in Omnichannel User Engagement with Personalized Offers

Market leader OYO encountered challenges with user engagement even as it started moving to a franchise model from the aggregator model. The brand’s growing user base was highly fragmented and relied on multiple channels to search for, compare and book reservations. 

Its priority was to scale its travel agency campaign while unifying the customer experience to drive conversions and revenue growth.

Digital marketing strategy for Travel Agencies: OYO Personalized in-app banners

The company decided to target the deal hunter cohort by creating personalized offers based on browsing history. It also ramped up retargeting efforts via social media and in-app content.

How To Create: Hyper-Personalized In-App Content at Scale

The payoff has been substantial, with an 8X increase in engagement campaigns and 5X growth in CTR.

Final Thoughts

Rocketium helps businesses deliver hyper-personalized digital campaigns at scale for a fraction of the time and resources that would have otherwise been required. Our suite of world-class products empowers teams to focus more on the creative strategy. As a result, marketers can devise a more innovative and effective digital marketing strategy for travel agencies.

Rethin Vipinraj

Rethin Vipinraj

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Ten Promotion Ideas for Your Travel Agency

Promotion Ideas for Your Travel Agency

Running a travel agency is about turning your clients’ dreams into reality. To excel in this competitive industry, you must master the art of promotion. This article will explore ten innovative and effective ways to promote your travel agency and inspire wanderlust in your customers.

Read ahead to learn some amazing tips to boost your travel agency’s success.

travel agency promotional strategies

1. Make visually appealing posters 

When it comes to travel, visuals are everything. Utilize stunning imagery and videos to showcase the destinations you offer. High-quality, professional photos and videos can differentiate between clicks and conversions. To further enhance your promotional efforts, consider incorporating a skilled video editor into your team to craft captivating promotional videos that bring the beauty and excitement of your travel destinations to life, ensuring an immersive and unforgettable experience for your audience. Incorporate  travel posters into your website, brochures, and social media to create an instant connection with potential travelers. These posters can convey the essence and beauty of your travel destinations, making them dream-worthy.

2. Execute social media campaigns brilliantly 

Social media is your travel agency’s best friend. Craft captivating campaigns that inspire wanderlust. Share user-generated content and travel tips, and highlight your unique experiences. Hold photo contests or encourage clients to share their travel stories with dedicated hashtags to create a community around your brand. Instagram and Pinterest are particularly effective for showcasing travel destinations. Use travel posters to create visually consistent and stunning content that stops users mid-scroll.

3. Supercharge your marketing by user-generated content

Encourage your customers to share their travel photos and stories. This authentic content acts as social proof and encourages potential travelers to choose your agency. Sharing user-generated content shows that you appreciate your customers and their travel experiences. Create campaigns that ask clients to use your custom hashtags when sharing their travel photos, and you can feature these on your social media pages.

4. Unlock the potential of email marketing for sustainable growth

Beyond the typical promotional emails, consider creating a travel newsletter. Share destination highlights, travel stories, and expert tips. Use engaging visuals to make your emails irresistible. Don’t forget to include special offers and discounts to entice your subscribers. Create email campaigns that make your subscribers feel like they are receiving a travel magazine rich with vivid visuals and engaging travel stories.

5. Share unforgettable moments at travel webinars

Educate your audience and build trust by hosting travel webinars. Cover a range of topics, from travel safety to destination guides. Interact with your audience in real time, answering their questions and addressing concerns. Promote these webinars on your website, social media, and email marketing to attract a wider audience. Use travel posters to create visually appealing promotional materials for your webinars, or you can also gather and add all your travel memories photos and create a slideshow video using a  slideshow maker , showing the audience your travel experience with these videos.

Promotion Ideas for Your Travel Agency

6. Amplify your business through synergetic influencers collaboration

Partner with travel influencers who align with your brand values. They can visit destinations you offer and provide firsthand accounts of the experience. Their followers are an engaged audience eager for travel inspiration. Collaborate with influencers to create exciting and visually appealing content. Influencers can visit your travel destinations and use these posters to build anticipation among their followers.

7. Elevate excitement with interactive challenges 

Organize interactive contests on your website and social media. Encourage participation by offering exciting travel-related prizes. For instance, have a photography contest where travelers can submit their best vacation photos or a travel essay contest. Such activities engage your audience, boost brand visibility, and create a sense of community. Use travel posters in your contest materials to set the mood and entice participants.

8. Destination showcases is passport to travel business success

Regularly spotlight specific destinations through blog posts, videos, and social media content. Share interesting facts, local stories, and insider tips about these places. Highlight the unique travel experiences your agency can provide. These destination showcases educate your audience and build anticipation for these trips.

travel agency promotional strategies

9. Unlock special perks for dedicated customers 

Reward your loyal customers with a travel loyalty program. Offer discounts, exclusive travel experiences, or early access to special packages. Engage these customers in creating user-generated content by sharing their travel stories, which you can feature on your platforms. Send personalized emails to your loyal customers featuring exclusive offers, which can be visually enhanced with your designed travel posters.

 10. Captivate and convert by visual advertising campaigns

Invest in online advertising campaigns that focus on the visual appeal of travel. Use Google Ads and Facebook Ads to target your desired audience, and utilize catchy content in your ad creatives to make an immediate impact. Visual ads are more likely to capture attention and convey the essence of the travel experiences you offer. Create ad campaigns that highlight your unique selling propositions and effectively, briefly, and engagingly tell your brand story.

Promoting your travel agency is about creating an emotional connection with potential travelers. You can inspire wanderlust and drive bookings by captivating visuals, engaging social media campaigns, and innovative ideas like webinars and loyalty programs.

With these creative approaches in place, your travel agency is poised to attract and retain a loyal customer base that’s eager to explore the world with your guidance. Visual marketing and storytelling are essential components of your overall promotional strategy, and when executed effectively, they can significantly enhance your brand’s visibility and appeal. 

With these strategies, you’ll become the go-to agency for wanderlust seekers.

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Online Travel Agency Marketing Strategies For 2022

Mar 10, 2022 | Grow a travel business , Marketing , Scale a travel agency

Whether you’re an online travel agency owner or an independent travel agent, the success of your travel business depends very much on your ability to get clients in the (online) 🚪 door.  And when they do come to you, you need to know what to do to keep them coming back.  

With competition from other travel agents and book-it-yourself travel sites, it’s going to take strategy and commitment to a top-notch marketing plan to make your travel agency the one everyone wants to go to.  

“Cyndi, I’ve got this.  I’m just going to wing it on my marketing strategy.  How hard can it be?”   

If you’re thinking of “winging” your marketing strategy with random Facebook posts and YouTube videos…well, it’s not going to get you very far.  You’re much better off working with a proven industry vet to develop a true strategy for your online travel agency in 2022.  

To get you started, I have laid out what I think are the keys to marketing travel agencies in my latest 📽️ video, “ Online Travel Agency Marketing Strategies For 2022.”  You’re bound to find some new ideas for how you can grow your travel business in the video, so take notes!

When you have a successful online travel agency marketing strategy, you are bound to see 📈 growth.  They go hand in hand.  If you want a shortcut to that growth, don’t try to figure it all out on your own .  Take some advice from someone who has been where you are, and wants nothing more than to help you get to where you want to be.  

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Online Travel Agency Marketing Strategies For 2022

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Foolproof Digital Marketing Strategy for Travel Agencies

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digital marketing strategy for a travel agency

Digital marketing strategy for a travel agency should be a priority. Digital marketing helps them find new people who might want to go on trips. This is super important because nowadays, everyone uses the internet a lot. Plus, a travel agency can show all their incredible online trips.

The Importance of Digital Marketing Strategy for a Travel Agency

Next, digital marketing can help a travel agency stand tall among others. This means they won't be left behind. When they use digital marketing, they can talk to people who might want to go on trips. And guess what? They can also keep in touch with people who have already gone on trips. They can do this by sharing fun and helpful stuff.

A digital marketing strategy for a travel agency is like a magic tool. They can use it to find the exact people interested in their trips. Not only that, but they can also make special offers that are perfect for each person. The best part is that they can see if what they are doing is working or not. This way, they can make more intelligent choices in the future.

Furthermore, travel agencies can chat with their audience through social media, Google, and emails. This helps them to spread the word about their brand. Also, it can boost their sales because people will know about their fabulous trips. Imagine getting a message about a dream vacation! That’s how travel agencies can use digital marketing to connect with people.

Finally, digital marketing lets travel agencies see how well their campaigns are doing. They can see what’s working and what’s not. This means they can make better plans for the future. With all this cool info, they can decide how to make their next campaign even more awesome. It’s like getting secret tips on how to make everything they do even better!

Key Takeaway:

key takeaways for digital marketing strategy for a travel agency

  • Digital marketing strategy for a travel agency is crucial: It allows them to reach potential customers online and showcase the agency's unique features, services, and packages.
  • A comprehensive digital marketing strategy for tour operators must include content marketing, social media marketing, SEO, email marketing, and mobile optimization. These strategies create an effective online presence and drive the agency's website traffic.
  • Social media marketing is vital for travel agencies: It allows them to engage with customers, build brand awareness, and increase loyalty. Travel businesses should focus on creating compelling visual content and sharing helpful information about travel destinations, deals, and packages.

Digital Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies

Digital marketing is like a giant puzzle. No single piece fits everyone, especially for travel agencies. As someone who helps people plan trips, I know digital marketing is crucial. But hold on! It can sometimes feel like too much to handle. I've made it simple and split it into content and social media marketing.

In content marketing, you get to share cool stuff online. It’s like telling stories about the fantastic trips your agency offers. You can share pictures, write about adventures, and give tips. This helps people know more about the excellent places they can visit. Trust me; it's like showing them a treasure map for fun!

Now, let’s talk about social media marketing. This is where you can chat with people. You can use places like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It's like a big online party where you can tell everyone about your travel agency . Sharing fun posts and pictures will make people want to join in on the adventures. This way, you'll become a travel superhero, helping people find the perfect trips!

Content Marketing

Creating fun and helpful content is like making a treasure chest for travelers. You can put videos and blog posts on your website. These are not just posts – they’re packed with great information travelers will love. When people see your content is quality, they’ll trust you more. They might even share your website with friends, bringing in more visitors!

But wait, there’s more. You can add quizzes, cool pictures with facts, or even live events to make your website extra fun. Imagine being on a quiz show all about travel! Also, keep adding new stuff to your website. Search engines like Google love websites that are always fresh and exciting. Oh, and don’t forget to add info in different languages and helpful tips like where to eat.

Lastly, sprinkle magic words (or keywords) all over your website. This makes it easy for travelers to find you. Also, keep an eye on how your website is doing. You can use special tools to see what people like the most. This way, you’ll know how to make your website even better. Now, with these tips, you’re all set to make your travel agency ’s website the most relaxed spot for travel lovers!

Social Media Marketing

Digital marketing strategy for a travel agency: social media marketing

Using social media is like throwing a big, fun party for travelers. Travel agencies can use sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to chat with people who love to travel. They can become super popular online by sharing cool ads and fun posts. This helps bring in more travelers.

Here’s a super tip: be like clockwork with your posts. This means picking a schedule and constantly posting on those days. Maybe every Monday and Thursday? Or how about Tuesdays and Fridays? Whatever you pick, stick to it. This keeps your followers excited and waiting for your next post, just like waiting for the next episode of their favorite show.

So, if you're a travel agency , get your party hats on and start posting on social media! Share beautiful pictures and incredible deals, and chat with your followers. Remember, the key is to be consistent and keep the party going. This way, you’ll be the talk of the town among travelers!

Search Engine Optimization

Imagine your travel agency is a hidden treasure. SEO is like the map that helps travelers find this treasure online. It ensures that people find your travel agency at the top of the list when they look for trips. SEO does this by adding particular words to your website and ensuring it’s easy to use. This way, more people will visit your website without you having to do extra work.

But wait, there’s more! You can also use SEO to help people in your area find your travel agency . This is called local search optimization. You can also create links to other cool websites and connect your site to social media. This is like telling your friends to tell their friends about the treasure. All these tricks make your SEO even better!

Here's a pro tip: SEO is like a game that keeps changing. So, you have to watch it and change your strategies now and then. This way, your treasure map stays up-to-date, and more travelers can find your excellent travel agency . So, get ready to be the most popular travel agency in town with SEO!

Email Marketing

Digital marketing strategy for a travel agency: email marketing

Picture email campaigns as little postcards you send to travelers. But these are not just postcards. These are special because they talk about what each traveler loves. You can even put a magic button in these emails that take them to your website! How cool is that? This button is like a treasure hunt clue, getting travelers excited to see what’s next.

Now, let's get a bit fancy. You can try A/B testing. It’s like sending two different postcards to see which one travelers like more. You can try different pictures, words, or titles. This way, you'll know which postcard gets more travelers excited. Also, you can set up magic postcards that send themselves! Like a welcome postcard when someone new joins or a reminder if they forget something in their cart.

Adding a personal touch to your postcards is like a sprinkle of magic. It makes travelers feel special. Imagine getting a postcard that talks about your dream vacation! You can keep updating these postcards as you learn more about each traveler. An excellent pro tip: link your postcards to social media. This way, travelers can share them with friends, and your travel agency will become famous!

So, get your creative hat on and send these unique email postcards to travelers worldwide!

Mobile Optimization

Think of your travel agency 's website as a fabulous clubhouse. Imagine your clubhouse can fit into everyone's pocket through their phones! That's what mobile optimization is all about. It's like making a mini clubhouse that looks great and is easy to use on smartphones. Your mini clubhouse should fit on different phone screens and not take forever to open.

Here’s how you make an excellent mini clubhouse. Keep things simple and tidy, like a well-organized playroom. Make sure buttons are big enough to tap with fingers, and add magic buttons that let people call or email with just a tap. Oh, and don’t forget to add ways to share on social media!

Adding some special touches can make your mini clubhouse even more relaxed. Make pictures load super-fast, and use videos that don’t take up too much space. Pick fonts that are easy to read on phones. Also, check how fast your clubhouse opens with tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights. It's like a speedometer for your website!

Creating a Travel Website that Converts

create a travel website that converts

Imagine making a travel website like building an incredible treehouse. First, you need to make sure your treehouse looks fantastic. Add colorful images and exciting videos of unique places. This gets everyone wanting to be part of the adventure!

Next, make it easy for your friends to navigate the treehouse. Clear signs and easy paths are a must. Add magic buttons that do cool stuff, like showing more pictures or booking a trip. Also, have a wall where friends can write about how much fun they had on their adventures. This makes others want to join in too!

Now, don’t forget to make your treehouse speedy. Nobody likes waiting! Keep trying new things to see what makes your treehouse the best. This is called A/B testing. It’s like choosing between a slide or a rope ladder to see which is more fun.

So, get your building hat on and start making your travel treehouse. With great pictures, accessible paths, magic buttons, and fun notes from friends, your treehouse will be the talk of the neighborhood! Take a look at our blog post about how to create a travel website that converts.

Implementing a Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy for Travel Agencies

Imagine you're a travel agency captain setting sail in the vast ocean of the internet. To have a great adventure, you need a treasure map – that’s your digital marketing strategy! First, figure out which travelers you want on board. Also, spy on other ships (your competitors) to see what cool stuff they’re doing.

Get your spyglass and spot the best tools and islands (platforms) where travelers hang out. This will make your ship (brand) famous and attract many travelers!

Make sure your ship looks fantastic and is full of treasure. Create extraordinary stories, make your ship speedy, and throw parties on social media where you can chat with travelers.

But beware, the ocean keeps changing! Keep a lookout for new islands and sea creatures (trends). You have to keep adjusting your treasure map to keep up.

Remember, being a travel agency captain is an ongoing adventure. Keep your ship shiny and treasure map updated, and always be ready to set sail to new places!

Some Facts About The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Foolproof Digital Marketing Strategy for Your Travel Agency :

  • Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important for travel and tourism agencies as more and more people use the internet to research and book their trips.
  • Travel and tourism companies must be more strategic in their digital marketing efforts to stand out and attract customers.
  • Content and social media marketing are effective digital marketing strategies for travel and tourism companies to attract potential customers and build brand awareness.

FAQs about The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Foolproof Digital Marketing Strategy For Your Travel Agency

Frequently asked questions for digital marketing strategy for a travel agency

What is the importance of digital marketing in the travel and tourism industry?

Think of digital marketing as a magic megaphone for travel agencies. It lets them shout out to all the adventurers out there! So many travelers are looking for fun and tons of online travel clubs called OTAs. Plus, many travel clubs are trying to be the coolest in a place as big as the US. That’s why travel agencies need a magic megaphone to be heard!

Travelers these days are like kings and queens. They want special treats just for them. Imagine if you could tell each traveler about a trip made just for them. “Hey, Sally! Want to see the tallest mountains?” or “Hello, Mike! Ready for the best ice cream tour?”. This would make them super happy!

Digital marketing is that magical tool. It helps travel agencies talk to travelers uniquely through computers and phones. This way, travelers hear about trips that make them jump with joy!

So, travel agencies, grab your magic megaphones and call all the fantastic adventurers! Let's make travel dreams come true!

How can content marketing help travel agencies attract potential customers?

Content marketing can be a great way for travel agencies to attract potential customers by creating informative and engaging content highlighting popular travel destinations or helpful tips for travelers. For example, creating blog posts or producing videos that showcase the beauty and excitement of traveling can capture the attention of potential travelers and build brand awareness for the travel agency .

What is the importance of customer reviews and ratings in travel and tourism?

Think of customer reviews and ratings like gold stars for travel agencies. When someone plans a trip, they want it to be perfect. So, they look at what other travelers have to say online. It’s like asking a friend, “Hey, did you like that hotel?”

Now, imagine a travel agency that gets many gold stars and happy words from travelers. Others see this and think, “Wow! This travel agency must be excellent!”. These gold stars and happy words are called positive customer reviews and high ratings.

Lastly, these gold stars help travel agencies become famous well. People will think of them as the superstars of travel. And guess what? More people will want to plan their trips with them. So, travel agencies, let's collect those gold stars and happy words!

How can email marketing benefit a travel agency ?

Email marketing is like sending unique invitations to a party! For travel agencies, it’s an intelligent way to talk to people who might want to go on trips. The first kind of invitation is the "Super Saver" invite. This one has deals and packages that make trips cost less.

The second kind of invitation is called the "Wise Traveler." It’s like a friendly letter that shares clever tips and advice. It might say, "Pack a small umbrella, just in case!" or "Try the ice cream in Italy!"

Lastly, there’s the "Adventure News" invite. This one is like a mini-newspaper that tells people about cool things happening worldwide. It could say to them about a festival in Brazil or a new museum in France.

So, all these unique invitations in the email make people super excited. They think, “This travel agency knows all the cool stuff!” And the next time they want to go on a trip, they will think of that travel agency . So, travel agencies, get your fancy invitations ready, and let’s start the email party!

What is influencer marketing, and how can it help travel agencies?

Imagine if a famous explorer tells everyone how excellent a travel agency is. That's what influencer marketing is like! Travel agencies team up with cool people called influencers. These influencers are like modern-day explorers with lots of friends on social media.

First, these influencers go on fantastic trips. They might climb mountains, try new foods, or visit ancient ruins. All the while, they’re taking pictures and telling stories.

Next, they share their adventures with all their friends on social media. They might post a picture of a beautiful beach and say, “Thanks to this amazing travel agency , I’m having the time of my life!”. They can also write blogs like digital diaries, telling everyone about their journey.

Ultimately, those who follow these influencers think, “I want to have fun like them!”. They get to know the travel agency through someone they think is cool. So, influencer marketing is like having a famous explorer tell the world how excellent a travel agency is. Travel agencies, it’s time to team up and go on an adventure!

So, are you ready to make your dreams come true with your magic map and the kleesto Pandas? Tie your shoes, pack your backpack, and let's get started on this exciting journey!

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11 of the Best Marketing Ideas for Travel Agencies in 2024

The travel industry is well and truly opened back up, with millions of customers eager to get back out exploring the world and visiting new places. And according to Expedia’s 2023 Travel Trend report, these customers are likely to ditch all previous travel tendencies and opt for unconventional experiences, with surges in interest for things like cultural destinations, wellness retreats and rural ‘hidden gems’.

This shift in travellers’ priorities calls for a shake-up of any travel brand’s marketing strategy in order to appeal to reach the right kinds of customers in 2023 and catch their attention. An effective marketing approach is now more important than ever for travel agencies that want to make an impact this year and capitalise on the 43% of travellers that plan to spend more lavishly to make up for the years lost to the pandemic.

There’s a lot of generic advice out there about advertising in the travel industry, but only a small proportion of it focuses on travel agency marketing in particular. In this article, we share 12 of the best marketing ideas for travel agencies to help improve your marketing strategy and ensure that you’re making an impact with your content.

1. Create Destination Guides

Content marketing is an exceptionally successful approach to reaching a wider audience and establishing a brand image in the travel industry. Travel agencies can attract potential customers to specific tours and packages by creating destination guides that include subtle calls to action to book these holidays and offer detailed advice about where to go and what to see.

This kind of content can take the form of blog posts or could be a downloadable PDF that users have to enter their email address to access. If your travel agency has social media accounts on Instagram or YouTube then you could also create video destination guides that will maximise engagement by sharing visuals of the location you are targeting.

2. Utilise Video in Email Marketing

Email is a marketing channel that continues to grow. It’s an approach that can be an incredibly successful way of retaining customers, converting leads and building a strong relationship with your target audience, and the best news is that it can be relatively simple to set up.

To take your email marketing campaign a step further, one of the best ways to improve performance with emails is to include videos in them. This could be a short clip of anything from travel tips to a customer vlog or interview.

Having video in your emails has been found to boost click-through rates by up to 65% , drinfing more traffic to your website and hopefully more conversions. It can also reduces unsubscribes from your mailing list by 26%, keeping potential customers engaged until they decide to make a booking.

If you have the time and the resources then you can make your email marketing campaigns incredibly detailed with automated responses and personalised pathways that ensure your subscribers receive more of the kind of content they’re interested in. But to begin with, travel agencies will still benefit from sending out a regular newsletter highlighting the latest deals on packages or introducing new experiences, as well as sharing more general travel information and advice.

Email Newsletter

3. Get Involved with Podcasts

Podcasting is a leading format in the world of content marketing at the moment, with plenty of brands starting their own shows or featuring on established series’ as guests as a way to increase visibility and establish themselves in the travel industry. Whether you decide to take the plunge and launch a podcast for your agency, or reach out to existing shows and ask to be invited on, you can share knowledge, stories and insight into the world of travel from your perspective as a travel agent and grow your customer base by getting your brand name out there.

Starring as a guest on a popular travel podcast is also an excellent way to get links back to your agency website, as well as getting shared across various social media platforms to new groups of followers.

Podcast Recording

4. Feature Partnership Guests Posts

If your agency doesn’t already have a blog as part of your website then you need to set one up if you’re looking for an effective method of sharing content. If you already have a travel blog, a great way to continue developing the content here is to feature guest posts as part of partnerships.

As a travel agency, you’ll already work with a range of different businesses involved in the travel industry, which gives you an existing list of partners to approach for guest content. Most approaches involve you each creating a piece of content for each other’s website or social media channels and then sharing this as a way of building links, reaching a new audience and diversifying your existing blog offering.

5. Respond to Current Trends

As a general rule when it comes to travel agency marketing, the majority of the content that you share should be evergreen. This means that it is relevant no matter what time a potential customer is reading it, ensuring that the piece has as long a shelf life as possible and can continue to bring in new leads and visitors to your website.

However, it can be very beneficial to occasionally create or share content that is responding to a certain trend in your area of the industry, such as a sudden surge in popularity of a destination or a new kind of holiday experience that is getting a lot of media attention. There are plenty of trend reports circulating at the moment that offer valuable insight into which types of travel are predicted to be the most popular this year, including ones from Expedia , CondĂŠ Nast and ABTA .

Whether you produce a blog post exploring the topic, create a video sharing your insight or just add your opinion to conversations happening on social media, it can occasionally be a good way to gain more attention, expand your customer base and better establish your agency amongst competitors.

6. Start a Referral Program

When it comes to marketing goals, attracting and converting new customers is often only part of the story. Retaining existing customers and building up brand loyalty is a big part of ensuring long-term success, and offering a referral plan or incentivising recommendations is a great way to do this AND gain new customers.

Depending on the kind of travel experiences your agency offers, the specifics of the referral scheme you set up will vary. A classic example is encouraging existing customers to recommend your agency to their friends and family with a unique code, and if the new customer books a trip then both parties receive a discount on their next holiday.

Whilst not exactly the same, customer loyalty programs where repeat bookings are rewarded with discounts is a similar approach that is great for building up a dedicated group of long-term customers.

7. Encourage User-Generated Content

If you find yourself struggling for content to post on social media in particular, one effective marketing idea for travel agents is to encourage your followers and customers to create and share content. This could focus on either the trips they take through your agency or in response to a prompt you have shared on your profile.

User-generated content (UGC) can be a really effective marketing tool, with 79% of consumers saying that their purchasing decisions are highly impacted by seeing content created by existing customers. The best examples of UGC can be shared or reposted from your account, giving you more content variety and providing a way to connect with your followers.

If generally encouraging followers to share content through things like hashtags doesn’t yield much engagement, an effective approach could be to set up a competition requiring entrants to share content related to your agency offering on their personal profiles. The best entries can be reposted on your agency’s account, which not only gives you more content to share but means that more social media users will see you tagged in entrant’s submissions and potentially start following you as well.

User Generated Content

8. Research Competitor Packages and Offer Something Better

The foundation of any successful marketing campaign always involves competitor research so that you know what kinds of tours are being offered by similar travel agencies and can ensure that you’re offering something uniquely valuable. You can take this a step further by responding to this research and adapting your packages to create better experiences than any other company and attract more customers because of this.

From a marketing perspective, you can then tailor the marketing material advertising these travel experiences so that these unique features and benefits are the main focus. For example, if your tour package includes exclusive access to a specific historic site, then lead with this when creating adverts and promotional material, emphasising how only your agency offers this experience.

9. Personalise Marketing Material

Numerous studies have shown that customers who receive marketing content that is personalised to their specific interests are much more likely to feel a strong affinity with the brand and engage with this content instead of just ignoring it.

Instead of sharing generic content that appeals to your customer base more generally, it can be worth taking the time to create more focused campaigns that may be relevant to a smaller proportion of your audience, but which respond to their interests or pain points much more effectively.

This is a travel agency marketing idea that works particularly well through email marketing, where you can ask your mailing list subscribers to share their specific travel interests and desires when they give you their email addresses. You can then ensure that the email content they receive is tailored to these interests, increasing the likelihood of engagement and creating a stronger sense of affinity.

10. Champion Sustainability

The climate crisis has become a topic that is feeding into many aspects of our lives, and travel has not escaped unscathed. Last year, 87% of global travellers said that they wanted to make an effort to travel more sustainably , with plenty of people opting to book holidays with brands that are environmentally conscious or which involve greener types of transport and accommodation.

If you want your marketing content to stand out in 2023, championing sustainability is something that your travel agency can’t afford to forget. Make sure that any trips or offers that feature elements of sustainable travel are at the front of your advertising and consider how you can adapt your offerings to create more opportunities for sustainable travel.

Sustainability isn’t just about the trips you offer your customers though; it’s also about your environmental impact as an agency. Customers are more inclined to book holidays with companies that embody sustainability as a value and make an active effort to minimise their environmental impact, so you should also ensure you’re advertising this as part of your branding, alongside sustainable trips.

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11. Incentivise Reviews

Finally, one of the best travel agency marketing techniques doesn’t actually involve any work from you at all. If customers are leaving positive reviews of the experiences they have with you, this will encourage others to reach out and help to build an outstanding reputation.

Ideally, your customers will be singing your praises without any motivation, but this isn’t a particularly reliable method of advertising your agency. You can increase the likelihood of this by incentivizing leaving positive reviews, such as entering customers into a prize draw or offering a discount when they leave a review after they have returned from their holiday.

A comprehensive marketing strategy is made up of a variety of different approaches ensuring that you’re targeting your audience from multiple angles and maximising your chances of success. The above travel marketing ideas will all help your travel agency to streamline its marketing efforts and ensure that you’re standing out from others in your sector of the industry, generating more business and growing the number of potential customers who engage with your content.

If you’re looking for ways to boost your marketing strategy in 2023, or want to grow the number of customers that find your agency this year, SEO Travel can help. Get in touch to find out more about our marketing services and receive a free proposal for how we could improve your agency’s performance.

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Charlotte is our Content Manager.

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Outside of the office, Charlotte is most likely to be found frequenting cafes, taking photos or getting involved with theatre, whether that’s backstage or out in the spotlight.

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Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies: How to Attract More Customers

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This post is for all you travel agents who follow offMetro (you’ll be surprised how many there are!). If you’re a travel agent, you know that marketing is key to attracting new customers. In this article, we will discuss multiple marketing strategies that are perfect for travel agencies.

Travel agencies seem like a fun business, but you might know how stressful it is if you own a travel agency. You’re constantly on the lookout for more clients. Of course, the only way you can get clients is through effective marketing. 

The only problem is how to cut through the noise and stand out from the cut-throat competition. There are loads of other agencies out there, all vying for a piece of the pie. How do you make your agency stand out from the rest? That is the question you’ll find the answer to in this blog.

Find your target audience among all Travelers

The first step of every marketing campaign is to identify your target audience. You can’t just waste resources trying to reach out to everyone – that’s a surefire way to fall on deaf ears. Figure out who your ideal customer is and make a list of their characteristics. Are they families? Retirees ? Adventure-seekers? Once you know who you’re targeting, it’ll be much easier to come up with a marketing strategy tailored to them.

Let’s say you’re a travel agency in Istanbul. Who will your target audience be? If you’re targeting families, you’ll want to focus on family-friendly attractions in the city.

If you’re targeting retirees, you might want to focus on luxury experiences and amenities that appeal to an older demographic. Most likely, you’ll be targeting tourists who are visiting Turkey.

Of course, this is just a hypothetical example – in reality, your target audience will be entirely unique to your agency. Once you’ve identified them, it’ll be much easier to plan your marketing strategy.

Develop a unique selling proposition for your Travel attractions

Ask yourself why customers would want to come to you and not any other travel agency? What are you offering that the competition isn’t?  These are all the hard questions you need to address before you start marketing your travel agency.

For example, let’s say you’re a luxury travel agency. What makes you different from the rest? Are you offering exclusive access to private beaches? Five-star accommodations? A personal butler for every guest? Whatever it is that sets your agency apart, make sure it’s front and center in all of your marketing materials.

Your unique selling proposition is what will make customers want to come to you, so it’s important that you spend some time pondering over it. The bottom line is that you need to offer something that the competition doesn’t – otherwise, why would customers choose you?

Marketing Strategies for Travel Agencies

Think outside the traditional Travel advertising channels

There are many creative ways to market your travel agency – you just have to think outside the box. Traditional advertising methods, like print ads and TV commercials, are becoming less and less effective as consumers become more immune to them. That’s why it’s important to get creative with your marketing.

One way to think outside the box is to develop an experiential marketing campaign. This type of campaign focuses on creating a memorable experience for potential customers rather than just selling them a product.

For example, you could host a pop-up event in a busy area of town. You could have people walk in and wear a VR (virtual reality) headset to see glimpses of what they’ll get if they sign up with you. The sky’s the limit when it comes to experiential marketing – just make sure that whatever you do, it’s creative and memorable.

Content marketing is not optional

A travel agency is bankrupt if it doesn’t have a content marketing plan. This involves creating informative blog posts, helpful videos, or even podcasts that potential customers will find useful. The goal here is to position yourself as a thought leader in the industry – someone who potential customers can trust.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider creating a blog post about popular travel destinations. You could even include a video tour of the destination to really whet people’s appetites. Just make sure that your content is high-quality and informative – otherwise, people will tune out.

You could also create a podcast about travel tips or interviews with people who have interesting stories about their travels. The key here is to provide value for your potential customers – if you can do that, they’ll be more likely to remember you when they’re ready to book a trip.

Create a strong branding strategy for your Travel Agency

Your branding is what will make your agency recognizable and memorable. It’s how you communicate who you are and what you do to potential customers. To better understand how to create a memorable and impactful brand identity, familiarizing yourself with  brand archetypes  can offer invaluable insights.

There are loads of different elements to consider when creating your branding strategy. For starters, you’ll need to come up with a name and logo that represents your agency well. You’ll also need to consider your brand colors, fonts, and overall aesthetic.

Your branding should be consistent across all of your marketing materials – from your website to your social media accounts to your business cards. This will help potential customers recognize you and remember you when they’re ready to book a trip.

For instance, if you’re a travel agency focused on luxury and fancy living for tourists, make sure all your marketing material and how your staff presents itself exude that luxury vibe. Lastly, don’t forget to be authentic. Your branding should be an accurate representation of who you are as an agency.

Referrals can take you a long way

Referral marketing should be your number one priority when it comes to marketing your travel agency. Why? Because it’s the cheapest and most effective form of marketing there is. Referral marketing simply means getting customers to spread the word about your business to their friends and family.

There are a few different ways you can encourage referrals. First, offer a discount or other incentive for customers who refer someone to you. This will give them an incentive to actually do it. Second, make it easy for customers to refer people to you. For instance, you could create a referral program where customers can earn points for every person they refer.

Finally, stay in touch with your customers and keep them updated on what’s new with your agency. This will remind them of your business and make it more likely that they’ll think of you when someone asks for a travel recommendation.

SEO is the name of the game

If you want people to find your travel agency online, you need to make sure you’re doing SEO (search engine optimization). This simply means making sure your website and content are optimized for Google, so you can appear higher up in its search results.

There are a few different ways to do this. First, make sure your website is well-designed and easy to use. Second, fill your website with high-quality, keyword-rich content.

This means writing blog posts and creating other types of content (like videos and podcasts) that potential customers will find useful. To get a hold of keywords, you can use Google’s Keyword Planner tool.

Third, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. This is increasingly important as more and more people are using their phones to search for things online.

And lastly, create a website blog where you post content regularly. These could be a customer’s personal travel blog and their experience with you or a DIY guide for new travelers. Whatever it is, make sure it adds value to your readers.

Offer Travel discounts and promotions

Discounts and promotions are a great way to attract new customers and get existing ones to come back for more. People love a good deal, so offer discounts on your services from time to time. You could also run promotions where people can win prizes or get special discounts if they book a trip during a certain time period.

Just make sure you don’t go overboard with your discounts and promotions. You don’t want people to think that’s all you’re about. A few well-timed discounts and promotions here and there will do the trick.

Also, make sure you’re promoting your discounts and promotions on your website and social media accounts. And don’t forget to include a call-to-action, so people know what to do next. One of the most engaging ways to advertise discounts is on travel poster templates .

The final piece of the jigsaw puzzle

Social media is a great way to connect with potential and existing customers. And it’s a great platform for promoting your travel agency.

There are a few different ways you can use social media for marketing your business. First, create social media accounts for your business on all the major platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). Then, start posting regular updates, including photos, videos, and blog posts.

Make sure you’re using relevant hashtags so people can find your content. And finally, run social media ads from time to time. These are paid advertisements that appear in people’s feeds, and they’re a great way to get more eyes on your business and attract new customers.

Want more tips? Check out this useful video about crafting an effective marketing strategy for your Travel Agency:


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