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Itinerario Australia 20 giorni – Come scoprire la terra dei canguri

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Nel nostro lungo viaggio di due anni alla scoperta dell’Australia in van abbiamo visto davvero tante cose, che ci hanno portato a sviluppare un legame con questa terra che non può essere spiegato a parole. Sappiamo però che non è possibile per tutti fare un viaggio così lungo quindi abbiamo pensato di creare un itinerario Australia 20 giorni che potesse aiutare quelli che sognano di esplorare la meravigliosa terra dei canguri.

Venti giorni sono il minimo per scoprire l’essenza dell’Australia, considerando anche che il viaggio da/per l’Italia impiega circa due giorni di volo.

itinerario Australia 20 giorni

L’itinerario Australia 20 giorni che ti proponiamo vuole essere uno spunto per organizzare la tua vacanza in base alle tue preferenze, ti consigliamo di apportare tutte le modifiche, qualora lo ritenessi necessario, sfruttando comunque l’utilità dello schema proposto.

Itinerario Australia 20 giorni – Come scoprire questo enorme Paese?

Lo scheletro principale dell’itinerario è suddiviso come segue:

  • Viaggio di andata verso l’Australia – 2 giorni
  • Melbourne e la Great Ocean Road – 4 giorni
  • Uluru e Kings Canion – 3 giorni
  • Cairns e la Foresta pluviale – 4 giorni
  • Sydney e le Montagne Blu – 5 giorni
  • Viaggio di ritorno verso l’Italia – 2 giorni

canguri australia positivitrip

Melbourne e la Great Ocean Road – 4 giorni

Il nostro itinerario Australia 20 giorni comincia proprio da Melbourne, una città meravigliosa, che ricorda per certi versi la pianta geografica delle città europee. L’abbiamo trovata giovane e frizzante e c’è sempre qualcosa da fare.

Il motivo per cui partiamo da qui è che i voli intercontinentali tendono a costare leggermente meno se diretti verso le città principali, in questo caso la easygoing Melbourne e l’elegante Sydney. Se vuoi qualche consiglio su come risparmiare sui voli aerei, dai un’occhiata all’articolo come trovare voli economici per l’Australia .

Esplorare Melbourne è facile ed intuitivo, al centro città si trova la linea del tram N.35 che effettua un giro completamente gratuito, passando dalle principali attrazioni del centro e dai suoi centri nevralgici; questo è un ottimo metodo per iniziare a prendere confidenza con la città e scoprire alcune delle sue mille attrazioni.

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Le cose da vedere a Melbourne sono davvero tante e diverse tra loro, leggi l’articolo Melbourne cosa vedere in 3 giorni per scoprire tutte le attrazioni di Melbourne .

Da qui potrai approfittarne per fare una gita nella meravigliosa Great Ocean Road, la famosa strada che costeggia l’Oceano tra gigantesche scogliere e paesaggi mozzafiato. Anche in questo caso se vuoi scoprire tutte le tappe puoi approfondirle nell’articolo dedicato a Great Ocean Road cosa vedere.

great ocean road australia positivitrip

In questo caso potresti dedicare 3 giorni alla visita di Melbourne e 1 giorno alla Great Ocean Road; se vuoi scoprire più natura che città, potresti valutare di dividere la visita dedicando 2 giorni a ciascuna parte. NB. Tieni in mente che Melbourne è considerata la città dalle 4 stagioni in un giorno, ricorda di vestirti a strati!

Uluru e Kings Canyon – 3 giorni

Continua l’itinerario Australia 20 giorni con il magico deserto rosso nel cuore del Paese. Da Melbourne potrai prendere un volo interno per arrivare all’aeroporto di Ayers Rock.

Il nostro consiglio è quello di noleggiare un’auto quando arrivi a destinazione: ad Ayers Rock non ci sono molti mezzi di trasporto e spostarsi, soprattutto a determinati orari, diventa davvero difficile.

Qui potrai visitare il centro culturale di Uluru-Kata Tjuta, imparerai di più sulla interessante e combattuta storia del popolo Anangu (gli aborigeni nativi, oggi ridotti ad una esigua minoranza).

Dedica del tempo alla scoperta di Uluru, facendo una camminata intorno al monolite , potrai scegliere tra diversi percorsi proposti sulla base del tuo tempo, esigenze e capacità fisiche.

Non perderti l’ alba e il tramonto su Uluru , uno spettacolo unico! Una volta sul posto potrai anche inserire altre attività a pagamento, come ad esempio il volo panoramico, che ti farà scoprire questo luogo mistico da altre prospettive.


A circa 50 kilometri da Uluru si trova Kata Tjuta , meglio conosciute come le Olgas , dove è possibile fare alcuni percorsi come “Walpa Gorge Walk” e “Valley of the Winds Walks” per scoprire meglio questo bizzarro territorio fatto di una catena rocciosa dalla forma particolare.

Da Ayers Rock spostati verso il Kings Canyon, dedicando una giornata intera a questa visita. Il Kings Canyon è una vasta aerea di grandi rocce rosse con scogliere, laghi, ruscelli e cascate. Per questo tipo di esperienza potrai acquistare dei pacchetti già organizzati oppure decidere di muoverti in auto. I km per arrivare al Kings Canyon da Uluru sono circa 300, sarebbe ideale dormire in loco e rientrare verso Ayers Rock per partire verso la prossima destinazione.

Cairns e la Foresta pluviale – 4 giorni

Per arrivare a Cairns dovrai prendere un volo interno che in poche ore ti farà raggiungere un altro dei posti più belli e ricchi di natura dell’Australia. Dedica del tempo alla scoperta di Cairns, al centro del paesino trovi addirittura delle piscine ad ingresso gratuito , ristoranti, caffè e quell’atmosfera da “è sempre estate”, complice anche un clima mite tutto l’anno!

Preparati a dedicare una giornata intera a una delle escursioni più belle e interessanti, la scoperta della grande barriera corallina. Queste escursioni partono da Cairns e avrai la possibilità di selezionare tra diversi pacchetti scegliendo quello che ti piace di più!

tour australia 20 giorni

Un’altra bellissima escursione da inserire nel tuo itinerario Australia 20 giorni è il circuito delle cascate . Attraverso questo percorso potrai ammirare le cascate di Millaa Millaa, Zillie, Ellinjaa, e Malanda e scoprire un grande territorio ricco di natura e affascinante. Da quest’area inoltre potrai visitare Innisfail e quella che secondo noi è la cascata più bella d’Australia: Josephine Falls .

Con l’ultimo giorno che hai a disposizione ti consigliamo di andare alla scoperta della foresta pluviale , arrivando alla foresta Daintree nell’area remota di Cape Tribulation . Per questa esperienza, date le lunghe distanze, potresti scegliere di affidarti a delle agenzie di viaggio di Cairns che vendono dei tour già organizzati. Potresti anche valutare di eliminare da questo itinerario il circuito delle cascate e fermarti una notte a Cape Tribulation prima di rientrare verso Cairns.

rainforest daintree australia positivitrip

Sydney e le Montagne Blu – 5 giorni

L’itinerario Australia 20 giorni non sarebbe completo senza una visita alla straordinaria città di Sydney, che risulta essere tra le città più visitate al mondo. Una volta raggiunta la capitale del New South Wales in aereo, usa il tempo libero per fare una passeggiata nel cuore della città e ammirare uno dei 20 monumenti più famosi al mondo: la bellissima Opera House .

Per muoverti in città ti consigliamo di acquistare la tessera dei trasporti, l’ Opal card , che offre tariffe agevolate e flessibilità di movimento.

tour australia 20 giorni

Le cose da fare e vedere a Sydney sono moltissime, per questo ti consigliamo di leggere l’articolo Cosa vedere a Sydney in 3 giorni , per farti un’idea di come usare il tuo tempo qui.

Se visiti Sydney in estate ti consigliamo di aggiungere all’itinerario un giro tra le spiagge più belle delle zona, come le famose Bondi e Bronte; inoltre qui si trovano anche altre notevoli spiagge come quelle del parco nazionale Botany Bay, La Perouse e Balmoral , solo per citarne alcune.

Prendi il traghetto che collega la città da sud a nord e fai una visita a Manly , punto dal quale potrai ammirare lo skyline di Sydney.

Una giornata intera sarà da dedicare alla visita delle Montagne Blu, un’escursione che potrai far in autonomia o col supporto di un tour organizzato acquistabile presso le agenzie di viaggio sparse per Sydney.

Qualche tempo fa abbiamo creato un video dove ti raccontiamo l’elegante città, speriamo ti piaccia! Non dimenticare di iscriverti al nostro canale Youtube !

Scoprire l’Australia in 20 giorni è fattibile?

In questo Itinerario Australia 20 giorni abbiamo incluso ragionevolmente quattro giorni di viaggio da e per l’Italia , se ti trovi in diverse circostanze potresti anche decidere di utilizzare questi giorni per visitare altre zone dell’Australia o per aggiungere qualche giorno alle tappe già proposte.

Potresti valutare una visita a Brisbane , Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Byron Bay o all’ isola di Whitsunday , solo per citarti altri posti spettacolari. In base al periodo in cui visiterai l’Australia potresti anche fare delle esperienze speciali come l’avvistamento delle Balene .

Le attività e le cose da vedere non mancano in un Paese tanto grande! Speriamo di averti aiutato a capire come poter distribuire i tuoi giorni di vacanza e ti auguriamo un viaggio super emozionante!

Per prepararti a quello che vedrai abbiamo creato alcuni video in cui raccontiamo la nostra esperienza, dagli un’occhiata, e non dimenticare di iscriverti al nostro canale Youtube !!

E se ti piacciono le foto di viaggio, seguici su Instagram , dove postiamo gli scatti più belli! Ti aspettiamo!

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viaggi in rilievo

Cosa vedere in Australia: itinerario 20 giorni

great ocean road

Cosa vedere in Australia? Quali sono le zone più belle? Il vero, grande problema di organizzare un itinerario di viaggio in Australia in un periodo limitato di tempo, diciamo 20 giorni, è quello di selezionare. In un paese grande quasi quanto l’Europa scegliere cosa vedere e come spostarsi è un’impresa assai difficile. In questa guida ti racconto il mio itinerario di viaggio in Australia di 20 giorni, per il mese di agosto.

Indice dei contenuti

Pianificare un viaggio in Australia

Per organizzare un viaggio in Australia occorre considerare le enormi distanze e la vastità del deserto , attraversabile in modo autonomo solo con molti accorgimenti ed una buona organizzazione. L’Australia è un paese immenso e dalle mille possibilità di viaggio.

Da dove si parte, quindi, per organizzare un viaggio in Australia? Comincia con l’acquistare una guida cartacea . Puoi basarti sul mio itinerario, se pensi possa fare al caso tuo! Sulla decisione finale influirà sicuramente anche la stagione. Io sono stata in Australia in agosto, in pieno inverno in effetti. Questo mi ha portata a costruire un itinerario che non fosse ovviamente incentrato sulla vita da spiaggia, ma che mi permettesse comunque di visitare svariate meraviglie naturalistiche .

Ero consapevole del fatto che non avrei potuto vedere tantissimo, senza prendere un aereo ogni 3 giorni. Alla fine, ho pianificato un vero  tour de force dai ritmi abbastanza intensi,  che ci ha permesso di vedere una bellissima, per quanto piccola,  parte dell’Australia meridionale e centrale .

ayers rock

Quanto costa un viaggio in Australia?

Non è facilissimo dare una stima precisa dei costi di un viaggio in Australia. I prezzi di hotel, auto e servizi possono variare anche di molto a seconda della zona. Vediamo qualche indicazione di massima.

  • 1.000-1.500€ a persona per il volo dall’Italia, a seconda della stagione
  • 150-300€ e persona per un eventuale volo interno (da moltiplicare per il nr di voli necessari)
  • 130€ per una camera doppia senza colazione, ma dipende dalla zona (città, deserto, costa) e dalla stagione
  • 50-100€ al giorno per l’auto a noleggio, a seconda della zona
  • 100€ a persona per assicurazione sanitaria e di viaggio
  • spese in loco non quantificabili

Documenti necessari per un viaggio in Australia

  • Passaporto in corso di validità
  • Visto turistico “e-visitor visa” da richiedere online https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing

Cosa vedere in Australia: itinerario per tre settimane

Giorni 1-2-19-20: il viaggio.

La prima cosa da considerare in un viaggio in Australia è che 2-3 giorni, purtroppo, se ne vanno in viaggio. Ci impiegherai anche 30 ore (considerando gli scali) per arrivare a destinazione dunque un po’ di tempo lo perderai, sia all’andata che al ritorno.


Il nostro itinerario di viaggio australiano comincia da Melbourne. Qui siamo atterrati e qui abbiamo trascorso i primi 3 giorni, di cui il primo è stato dedicato al  recupero del fuso orario .

Melbourne è una città da vedere, sarebbe oggettivamente un peccato organizzare un viaggio in Australia e non andarci. Melbourne è una città vivace, multiculturale, molto rock. Ricca di street art, locali per tutti i gusti e mercati. Da vedere assolutamente a Melbourne: St Kilda (fuori città), il quartiere di Ftzroy, il Queen Victoria Market, Federation Square.

melbourne australia


Il nostro itinerario nel sud dell’Australia prosegue lungo la Great Ocean Road, la lunga strada panoramica che collega le città di Torquay ed Allansford.  Guidare lungo l’oceano, vedere le balene, passeggiare su scogliere  che cadono a picco sul mare. Indimenticabile.

In agosto, in questa zona dell’Australia, il clima è piuttosto fresco, ma  lo spettacolo del mare in tempesta è qualcosa di veramente stupefacente.  

australia cosa vedere


L’isola dei Canguri è quanto di meglio si possa desiderare in termini di natura e tranquillità. Per quanto mi riguarda, una tappa da inserire assolutamente in itinerario.

Kangaroo Island è splendida, anche in inverno,  basta solo vestirsi bene e non aver paura di prendere un po’ di vento. Del resto l’oceano non è fatto solo per farci il bagno, anche solo osservarlo è già un’esperienza meravigliosa. In molte zone la natura è quasi del tutto incontaminata e il Flinders Chase National Park è spettacolare. Noi ci siamo fermati per un paio di giorni.

australia cosa vedere


Da Kangaroo Island ci spostiamo verso Adelaide, giusto per il tempo di  fare un giro nel downtown . Siamo arrivati ad Adelaide in realtà perché da li avevamo il volo per Alice Springs, per proseguire il nostro itinerario nel deserto centrale australiano.

GIORNI 12-13-14-15: RED CENTRE

Guidare lungo la Red Centre Way, in mezzo al nulla, nel deserto color rosso fuoco senza riuscire a vedere l’orizzonte, passeggiare sul Kings Canyon e  vedere il tramonto a Uluru  sono state tra le esperienze di viaggio più belle che abbia mai vissuto. Non scorderò mai gli splendidi cavalli selvatici che correvano, liberi, in mezzo alla polvere.

A mio avviso, un viaggio in Australia dovrebbe in ogni caso includere una deviazione in questi luoghi, indipendentemente da quante settimane abbiate a disposizione.  Agosto tra l’altro è un ottimo periodo  per andare nel Red Centre perché, nonostante la forte escursione termica, le temperature non sono elevatissime come in estate. Questa la mia guida su cosa vedere ad Ayers Rock .

ayers rock

GIORNI 15-16-17-18-19: SYDNEY

Il nostro itinerario di viaggio in Australia, durato 3 settimane, si conclude a Sydney. Ci siamo fermati in città per ben 4 giorni, come ci era stato consigliato. Volevamo girarla bene e vedere più cose possibili, senza fretta. Oltretutto, prima di ripartire con l’ennesimo aereo alla volta delle  Fiji  volevamo fermaci un po’, fare il bucato e risistemare il bagaglio.

Ne è valsa la pena comunque perché  Sydney offre davvero tante opportunità.  Qui poi abbiamo trovato il clima più favorevole, 20 gradi costanti che per agosto, in quella parte di Australia, sono quanto di meglio si possa sperare. A Bondi Beach quasi quasi facevo il bagno (mio marito l’ha fatto veramente, ha avuto più coraggio di me). Da vedere assolutamente: Opera House, Harbour Bridge, The Rocks (il quartiere storico), Hyde Park.

australia cosa vedere

Forse ti possono interessare

Ayers rock: cosa vedere nel red centre australiano.

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  • Australia (Jun-Sep)-itineraries

Australia in 20 days for independent travellers (Jun-Sep)

Suggested itinerary: australia in 20 days for independent travellers (jun-sep).

Arrival in Australia

Day 1: Arrival in Australia

Arrival in Cairns. Visit Cairns city centre and its lagoon (artificial pool that simulates a beach). Take a walk through and have dinner at the Cairns Marina. Night in Cairns.  

The great barrier reef

Day 2: The great barrier reef

Day trip to the Great Barrier Reef by catamaran, stopping in three places for diving and snorkelling. Return, have dinner and spend the night in Cairns.  

From Cairns to Cape Tribulation

Day 3: From Cairns to Cape Tribulation

Take the rental car north to Cape Tribulation, passing the famous beaches and towns of Palm Cove, Ellis Beach and Port Douglas along the way. Once in Cape Tribulation, visit Kulki Beach. Night in Cape Tribulation.  

From Cape Tribulation to Mission Beach

Day 4: From Cape Tribulation to Mission Beach

Walk on one of the gangplanks through the tropical jungle of the Daintree River. Take the rental car down to Mission Beach, passing Mungalli Falls on the way. Night in Mission Beach.  

Magnetic Island

Day 5: Magnetic Island

Continue in the rental car to Townsville. Take the ferry to Magnetic Island. Go on a walk to see the wild koalas in the eucalyptus trees. Night on Magnetic Island.  

Magnetic Island

Day 6: Magnetic Island

Circle the island stopping at the best beaches and coves. Night on Magnetic Island.  

Airlie Beach

Day 7: Airlie Beach

Continue in the rental car to Airlie Beach, a lively town with good atmosphere, known for being the departure point for the famous Whitsundays Islands. Night in Airlie Beach.  

Whitsundays Islands & Whitehaven Beach

Day 8: Whitsundays Islands & Whitehaven Beach

Day trip by boat to visit the Whitsundays Islands and famous Whitehaven Beach. Return to Airlie Beach. Overnight bus trip to Hervey Bay (this journey can also be made by plane).  

Humpback whales in Hervey Bay

Day 9: Humpback whales in Hervey Bay

Arrive in Hervey Bay in the morning in time to take the boat to see Humpback whales. Normally they frequent the Australian coast from August to November. Night in Hervey Bay.  

Fraser Island

Day 10: Fraser Island

All-day boat trip to explore Fraser Island, the largest sand island in the world. 4x4 trip on its sand dunes and through its forest. Night in Hervey Bay.  


Day 11: Melbourne

Fly to Melbourne. Walk through the city visiting the centre, the alternative neighbourhood of Fitzroy, and the Italian district of Carlton, brimming with charming restaurants for dinner. Night in Melbourne.  

The Great Ocean Road

Day 12: The Great Ocean Road

Rent a car to go from Melbourne to Port Campbell on the famous and spectacular Great Ocean Road. On the way, stop at one of the famous beaches for surfing. See the Twelve Apostles cliffs. Spend the night in the fishing village of Campbell.  

Melbourne and Santa Kilda

Day 13: Melbourne and Santa Kilda

Return to Melbourne on the interior highway. Stop in the town of Winchelsea or at a winery. Visit Santa Kilda, one of the hippest neighbourhoods on the outskirts of Melbourne. Night in Melbourne.  

Uluru: Australia's Red Centre

Day 14: Uluru: Australia's Red Centre

Fly to Ayers Rock. Rent a car to visit Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) and hike its trails. Before sunset visit the sacred mountain of Australian aborigines: Uluru. Night in Ayers Rock.  

Kings Canyon

Day 15: Kings Canyon

Take the rental car through the desert to Kings Canyon. Walk along one of the Kings Canyon trails, where you'll see cliffs, streams, waterfalls and ponds. Watch the sunset at Kings Canyon. Night in Kings Canyon.  

Return to Ayers Rock and flight to Sydney

Day 16: Return to Ayers Rock and flight to Sydney

Return to Ayers Rock and fly to Sydney. Arrive to the hotel and go for a walk in the city. Night in Sydney.  

Sydney: the bay

Day 17: Sydney: the bay

Visit the Opera House. Take the ferry to Manly Beach crossing Sydney's impressive bay. Go for a swim at Manly Beach. Visit the historic centre of Sydney (The Rocks). Night in Sydney.  

Sydney: Bondi Beach

Day 18: Sydney: Bondi Beach

Go for a swim at Bondi Beach. Rent a surfboard or take a surfing class for beginners. Walk through Chinatown and have dinner. Night in Sydney.  


Day 19: Sydney

Go shopping in Sydney, visit a street market, return and hit the beach or attend a show. Night in Sydney .

Back home

Day 20: Back home

Trip to the airport. Flight back home.

Australia in 20 days for independent travellers  (Jun-Sep)

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Australia in 14 days for independent travellers (Oct-May)

Recommended itineraries in Australia (Oct-May)

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Viaggi in Australia

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Viaggi in Australia

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Dall'altra parte del mondo esistono spazi immensi, gli abitanti adorano vivere all'aria aperta e si trovano animali che non esistono in nessun altro posto: benvenuti in Australia.

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Le nostre proposte per il tuo viaggio in Australia

coppia ai 12 Apostoli

13-16 giorni

da 3000 a 4000 €

Volo incluso

Viaggio on the road nel sud dell’Australia che parte da Adelaide, prosegue a Kangaroo Island e la Great Ocean Road fino a raggiungere Melbourne e Sydney.


più di 17 giorni

da 4000 a 5000 €

Un viaggio a colori: dal rosso della terra nel Northern Territory al verde delle foreste del Parco Kakadu e del Queensland fino ai mille colori della Grande Barriera Corallina.

viaggio in australia

Un tour intenso che parte dalla foresta pluviale del Kakadu, attraversa l'outback e si conclude sulla costa meridionale, per una visione d'insieme del continente australiano.

polinesia francese pace nell'oceano

Australia + Polinesia

oltre 5000 €

In Australia scopri la selvaggia costa occidentale e visita le città simbolo di questo affascinante Paese: Melbourne e Sydney. Raggiungi poi le paradisiache isole polinesiane.

Fraser Island

Da Sydney fino a Cairns nel nord del Queensland lungo la Gold e la Sunshine Coast, le isole Whitsunday e magnifiche escursioni alla Grande Barriera Corallina.

Alice Springs Australia

Australia + Isole Fiji

La natura e i vini nel sud dell’Australia, gli spazi immensi e la cultura aborigena del Red Centre, l’imperdibile Sydney con la sua affascinante baia e le spiagge delle isole Fiji.


Australia + Singapore

Dalle più belle città australiane all’isola di Hayman per scoprire la Grande Barriera Corallina fino alla modernissima Singapore, considerata la New York d’Oriente.

Natura australiana

Il Western Australia è lo stato più grande e meno abitato d’Australia, ricco di bellezze naturali e di luoghi da esplorare, rappresenta l’Australia più incontaminata e autentica.

viaggio in australia

Australia + Thailandia

Questo viaggio è poesia per i tuoi occhi. Ammira il rosso fuoco dell’Outback australiano, il verde smeraldo dei prati di Kangaroo Island e il turchese del mare Thailandese.

Città da visitare in Australia


Fuso orario GMT+10 16:24

Area 12.37 km ²

Popolazione 5,131 ml

Pur non essendo la capitale resta sicuramente la città più importante ed iconica di tutta l'Australia, con l'Harbour Bridge e l'Opera House che ne sono i simboli indiscussi. Le sue bellezze naturali si alternano andando dalle lunghe spiagge per surfisti come Bondi Beach alle zone rurali delle Blue Mountains, e i suoi quartieri pulsano di attività notte e giorno.


Fuso orario GMT+9 15:24

Area 9.99 km ²

Popolazione 4,9 ml

È la seconda città più grande d'Australia, ed è considerata la sua capitale culturale. Giovane e cosmopolita, ospita numerose gallerie d'arte, eventi sportivi e numerosi e accoglienti bar e ristoranti ricercati.


Area 814.00 km ²

Popolazione 462,000

È la capitale australiana, e si presenta come una città piuttosto piccola e vivibile e molto raffinata, ricca di eventi culturali, musei ed ottimi vini da degustare nei suoi numerosi locali.


Fuso orario GMT+8 14:24

Area 3.26 km ²

Popolazione 1,306 ml

Piccola ed elegante, è la capitale dello Stato del Sud ed è la sede del Fringe, il più grande festival culturale dell'emisfero australe. La Barossa Valley, nelle immediate vicinanze, offre la possibilità di effettuare ottime degustazioni in una delle sue 160 aziende, ed è il punto di partenza o di arrivo per il traghetto o il volo per Kangaroo Island, oltre ad essere la stazione di partenza del lussuoso Ghan.


Fuso orario GMT+7 13:24

Area 3.16 km ²

Popolazione 132.045

È la capitale del Territorio del Nord, anche definita Top End. Tranquilla e rilassante, è l'avamposto per andare alla scoperta del Kakadu National Park e della cultura aborigena. È anche collegata con voli diretti alle principali città asiatiche.

Daintree National Park.

Area 15.87 km ²

Popolazione 2,28 ml

La capitale del Queensland è una città dai grandi spazi aperti, dove sono davvero moltissime le attività da fare all'aria aperta, ed è un punto altamente strategico per raggiungere spiagge meravigliose e parchi nazionali come il Daintree National Park.

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Cosa fare e vedere in Australia

Alla ricerca degli opali.

Coober Pedy è la capitale mondiale dell'estrazione degli opali e la maggior parte dei suoi residenti vive nel sottosuolo, dove ormai si sono sviluppate case, aziende e anche hotel

Le pinne.. ma dei delfini

Shark Bay è così chiamata per le numerose pinne, apparentemente di squalo, che venivano avvistate nelle sue acque. In realtà erano i delfini con cui nuotare a Monkey Mia.

Una casa sull'albero

Nel cuore del Daintree National Park potrai pernottare nelle splendide camere sull'albero del Daintree Ecolodge, un lodge di lusso decisamente ecosostenibile.

Degustare in bicicletta

Scopri i villaggi e le colline della Barossa Valley in bicicletta, potrai degustare ottimo cibo e soprattutto i migliori vini australiani nelle sue numerose cantine.

Cena sotto le stelle

Sound of Silence, l'esperienza del Red Center che offre la possibilità di gustare un aperitivo osservando il tramonto su Uluru e Kata Tjiuta e cenare illuminati dalle stelle.

Coccole e koala

A Kangaroo Island sono numerose le possibilità di vedere i koala in libertà, ma al Wildlife Park potrai tenerli in braccio, coccolarli ed abbracciarli.

Quando andare in viaggio in Australia

Cartorange consiglia

  = mesi e consigli green

  • Da dicembre a febbraio il tempo è perfetto per visitare il sud, in quanto si tratta del periodo estivo australiano. Il nord ha un clima molto caldo, umido e piovoso
  • Da marzo a maggio il periodo è ancora ottimo per visitare il sud dell'Australia, con i prezzi che si riducono notevolmente rispetto ai tre mesi precedenti, al nord fa ancora molto caldo ma diminuisce l'umidità
  • Da giugno ad agosto le temperature al sud calano ma restano piacevoli per visitare le città. Inizia l'alta stagione al nord, con giornate più soleggiate, ideali per escursioni alle isole della Grande Barriera Corallina
  • Da settembre a novembre sono i mesi migliori per effettuare un tour dell'Australia. Nel Red Center è la stagione della fioritura dei fiori selvatici, molto suggestiva

Guida di viaggio in Australia

La rossa Ayers rock, simbolo dell'Australia, si staglia imponente contro l'azzurro del cielo sconfinato. Basta questa immagine, catturata in milioni di frame ogni anno, a evocare la magia di un continente che ha tutte le caratteristiche del sogno.

viaggio in australia

Guide di viaggio

Cosa vedere in australia.

viaggio in australia

Quando andare in Australia e altri consigli


Cultura, divertimento e shopping


Itinerari e viaggi organizzati


Viaggio di nozze in Australia

Notizie utili.

L'inglese è la lingua ufficiale

Passaporto in corso di validità + visto di ingresso da richiedere online

Differenza oraria

Rispetto all’Italia, aprile-ottobre, durante l’ora legale estiva in Italia: +6 (Western Australia), +7.30 (Northern Territory, Southern Australia), +8 (ACT, NSW, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria). Novembre-marzo, durante l’ora legale estiva in Australia (Quensland, Western Australia e Northern Territory non hanno ora legale): +7 (Western Australia), +8.30 (Northern Territory), +9 (Queensland), +9.30 (Southern Australia), +10 (ACT, NSW, Tasmania, Victoria)

Dollaro australiano


Nessuna obbligatoria

Le stagioni sono invertite rispetto alle nostre. Da novembre a marzo caldo ovunque, umido al nord, secco al centro. Da aprile ad ottobre clima perfetto a nord, fresco a sud, caldo al centro

Cose da sapere prima di andare in Australia: info utili

Voli per l’australia.

L'Australia si raggiunge in volo con tutte le principali compagnie di linea, che collegano le città asiatiche ed europee agli aeroporti australiani di Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Cairns, Darwin, Brisbane e Canberra. La durata dei voli varia in base alla compagnia utilizzata e agli scali effettuati, e si aggira intorno alle 20 ore di media. La città australiana più vicina all'Europa, e quindi che richiede un volo più breve, mediamente 17 ore effettive, è Perth.

Hotel in Australia

Dal low budget, al boutique hotel, alla fattoria, all'eco resort, le sistemazioni in Australia sono davvero molteplici e per tutti i gusti. Le città presentano un'offerta che spazia dagli appartamenti agli hotel di design alle camere degli hotel delle grandi catene alberghiere. Nel centro e nei luoghi più remoti, che un tempo presentavano un'offerta piuttosto basica, si possono ormai trovare anche sistemazioni ricercate e di lusso, con grande attenzione ai particolari e all'ambiente circostante. Il Longitude 131 , per esempio, è un campo tendato di lusso che offre una vista unica sul monolite di Uluru; il Daintree Forest Ecolodge ha camere estremamente curate rialzate sugli alberi della foresta pluviale di Daintree con un ristorante che offre menu preparati con prodotti a kilometri zero. Nell' Outback è possibile dormire nei ranch per vivere esperienze autentiche, partecipando a momenti di vita quotidiana come la tosatura delle pecore, oppure in lodge dalla vista mozzafiato nella zone dei Flinder Ranges.  La Grande Barriera Corallina offre sistemazioni decisamente esclusive, con resort unici spesso scelti per i viaggi di nozze. Tra i più noti il Qualia di Hamilton Island, estremamente lussuoso, il Lizard Island Resort, che vanta ben 24 spiagge private, o il Bedarra Island Resort, resort all inclusive composto da 9 ville con piscina privata.

Australia: quanto costa?

L’Australia non è una meta economica; il volo internazionale per raggiungerla è lungo, e anche giunti a destinazione, per visitarla è praticamente obbligatorio utilizzare voli interni. Anche il costo della vita è piuttosto elevato, per cui è senza dubbio da consigliare a chi avesse un budget medio/alto a disposizione. I meravigliosi resort della Grande Barriera Corallina possono incidere anche significativamente sul prezzo, al punto che spesso per effettuare l’estensione mare vengono preferite le Fiji in quanto risultano più vantaggiose economicamente.

Posti da visitare in Australia

L'Australia è un continente, e un viaggio al suo interno è l'esplorazione di un vero e proprio mondo a parte. Dal deserto del Red Center, alle paradisiache isole della Grande Barriera Corallina, alle foreste pluviali del nord, il paesaggio è davvero variegato ed ancora autentico, e si può sicuramente affermare che è il continente in cui maggiormente il progresso  ha rispettato la natura e l'ambiente circostante.  Le sue città, Sydney e Melbourne in testa, sono estremamente ordinate e a misura d'uomo, con grandi spazi verdi e parchi attrezzati per consentire ai suoi abitanti di vivere il più possibile all'aria aperta. La natura ha forgiato una serie di monumenti naturali assolutamente unici, basti pensare ad Uluru, l'enorme monolite di arenaria nel cuore del Red Centre, sacro per gli aborigeni australiani, i 12 Apostoli , i faraglioni di pietra calcarea lungo la Great Ocean Road, o ancora al Deserto dei Pinnacoli , le particolarissime formazioni rocciose calcaree vicino a Perth, o le Remarkable Rocks di Kangaroo Island .  La Daintree Forest e il Kakadu National Park , così selvaggi e frequentati da coccodrilli, tartarughe ed una miriade di uccelli, sono luoghi senza tempo, dove è possibile fare attività sempre nel rispetto della natura.  La Grande Barriera Corallina australiana è la più estesa del mondo, ed è visibile persino dallo spazio: è impensabile escluderla da un viaggio in Australia ! Sia che si decida di soggiornare in una delle sue isole, che ci si accontenti di effettuare un'escursione giornaliera navigando e facendo snorkeling tra le 74 incredibili isole dell'arcipelago delle Whitsunday, che si scelga di sorvolarla in idrovolante, il più grande sistema corallino del mondo è un luogo magico e imperdibile. Il territorio del nord ovest resta in assoluto la zona più impervia e selvaggia, con gole profonde, canyon maestosi e ranch in cui pernottare. L'Australia è patria anche di una fauna estremamente ricca e soprattutto esclusiva; molte specie sono endemiche e non potrebbero vivere in nessun altro habitat nel mondo, per cui la loro tutela è particolarmente importante. Se il canguro ne è sicuramente il simbolo, non sono da meno i koala, il quokka, il vombato oltre ad una numerosa schiera di altri marsupiali, mentre l' isola di Tasmania è l'unico luogo in cui vive il Diavolo della Tasmania.

Tour e itinerari in Australia

Per visitare al meglio l’Australia è senza dubbio necessario effettuare un tour. A meno che non si disponga di molto tempo a disposizione, occorrerà scegliere le regioni che si intendono visitare organizzando itinerari ad hoc. Le città australiane più interessanti da visitare sono Sydney , la città simbolo del Paese, con il suo celebre Harbour View e le spiagge frequentate dai surfisti, e Melbourne , la più giovane e frizzante, con i locali sempre affollati, centro culturale e gastronomico.  Ayers Rock e il Red Center sono parte integrante di ogni itinerario , come Kangaroo Island per la ricchezza della sua fauna.  In base alla stagionalità e ai giorni a disposizione si procede generalmente con la zona di Darwin e del Kakadu National Park, e di Cairns con la Daintree Forest e la Grande Barriera Corallina. Pur essendo altrettanto bella ed autentica, la regione occidentale australiana spesso non viene inclusa negli itinerari . È tuttavia ideale per chi volesse effettuare un tour individuale al di fuori delle tratte più tradizionali,  per chi viaggiasse per la seconda volta in Australia o, soprattutto nella parte più a nord, per chi volesse vivere un’esperienza totalmente wild e non turistica.

Viaggi organizzati in Australia

Un viaggio in Australia richiede generalmente tra i 15 e i 21 giorni, anche se spesso chi lo effettua si spinge sino a 4 settimane di viaggio. Le ore di volo e il fuso orario sono piuttosto impattanti, e se si aggiunge la varietà di cose da vedere, un viaggio inferiore ai 15 giorni non è consigliato. Se non si ha davvero tanto tempo a disposizione, è necessario spostarsi con voli interni, ed è quindi richiesta un’organizzazione preventiva piuttosto ferrea dell’itinerario. Per chi è abituato a viaggiare, sicuramente la formula da prediligere è il fly and drive, con l’accortezza di noleggiare una 4x4 per le zone sterrate del Red Center e di avere sempre con sé una buona quantità di acqua e magari una tanica di benzina per far fronte a qualsiasi inconveniente dovesse capitare durante il percorso. È sicuramente consigliabile anche stipulare una buona assicurazione sanitaria in quanto in caso di necessità le spese mediche possono arrivare a costi proibitivi. Per coloro che volessero godersi il viaggio senza pensieri, esistono moltissimi tour di gruppo organizzati dai vari tour operator.  L’Australia è una destinazione che consente di vedere e fare moltissimo  e generalmente è meta esclusiva del viaggio che si intende intraprendere, ma può essere abbinata ad estensioni mare in Polinesia o alle Fiji.

L’Australia è un Paese esteso e lontano da raggiungere, meta prediletta dagli sposi che, approfittando del congedo matrimoniale, sempre più spesso la scelgono come meta del loro viaggio di nozze .  Le numerose attività che si possono svolgere, dal trekking al diving, la fauna unica nel suo genere, gli scenari mozzafiato ed una varietà di strutture ampissima, dove qualsiasi gusto ed esigenza possono essere esauditi, la rendono senza dubbio perfetta per qualsiasi tipologia di luna di miele.  Generalmente le coppie scelgono di effettuare alcuni giorni di tour, in fly and drive o di gruppo, per poi rilassarsi in qualche isola paradisiaca sulla grande barriera corallina, o in Polinesia, o ancora alle Fiji , che distano 4 ore di volo dall’Australia. 

Altre mete per il tuo viaggio

Viaggi in Polinesia Francese

Cosa dicono dei nostri viaggi in Australia

Valentina è stata molto attenta alle nostre esigenze e ha fatto in modo di realizzare tutti i nostri desideri. Non vediamo l'ora di partire per la nostra luna di miele. Federico

La nostra esperienza è stata positiva, abbiamo organizzato il viaggio di nozze con molta tranquillità e il consulente, Luigi Campestrini, ci ha seguito in tutte le fasi ascoltando le nostre esigenze e rispettandole.

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Australian Highlights

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Australian Highlights Guided Tour

13 Day Australia Tour from Melbourne to Sydney

13 days, 1 country and 5 cities


12 Breakfasts, 1 Welcome Reception, 1 Be My Guest, 2 Lunches, 1 Regional Dinner, 1 Farewell Dinner

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Tick off your bucket list on this Australia highlights tour. You’ll get your city fix through the eyes of friendly locals and experience fascinating Uluru at dawn and again at dusk. From land to sea, spend a day snorkelling the Great Barrier Reef and seeing Sydney sparkle from the water in just two incredible weeks.

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Deals, savings and exclusive private touring options available plus if you need a different date or itinerary change we can create a custom trip. Contact us for more details

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Day by day itinerary

13 days itinerary trip from Melbourne to Sydney visiting 1 country and 5 cities

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About this trip

Sightseeing highlights.

The Sydney Opera House

Explore The Sydney Opera House

Melbourne, Alice Springs, Cairns, and Sydney

Discover Melbourne, Alice Springs, Cairns, and Sydney

The School of the Air and Telegraph Station in Alice Springs, Maruku Arts in Uluru, and Bondi Beach in Sydney

Visit The School of the Air and Telegraph Station in Alice Springs, Maruku Arts in Uluru, and Bondi Beach in Sydney

View outback sunsets at Uluru and Kata Tjuta, and the Field of Light installation in Uluru

Outback sunsets at Uluru and Kata Tjuta

Lunch cruise on Sydney Harbor, and on the Great Barrier Reef

Travel highlights

Specific transfer information can be found here:

Airport Transfers

An expert Travel Director and professional Driver

Cherry-picked hotels, all tried and trusted

Porterage where hotels provide this service

Breakfast daily and up to half of your evening meals

Must-see sightseeing and surprise extras

All land transport shown. All transfers shown

Luxury air-conditioned coach with Wi-Fi in most countries or alternative transportation (such as rail journeys)

Optional Experiences and free time

A Trafalgar bonus - all Intra-Air Flights: Melbourne to Alice Springs, Ayers Rock to Cairns, Cairns to Sydney

Three local female weavers in colourful traditional local dress including festooned hats, weaving colourful alpaca wool on the ground


Every one of our tours includes at least one conscious travel experience that supports one or more of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS). Look out for yours within the day-by-day trip itinerary.

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Large People Preparing To Grow A Small Tree With Soil In The Garden 1198078044

Net-zero by 2050

Travel knowing our 4-point climate action plan will ensure net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Large BMG Australia Tasmania Mount Gnomon Farm With Guy Robertson

Support Local

Your tour directly supports local communities by visiting family-run businesses, UNESCO sites and places of cultural significance.

Large Aerial View Over Solar Panels And Windmills 1367402534

Sustainable Practices

Every part of our business, from trip design to how we run our offices, aligns to our 5-year sustainability strategy which ensures a positive impact on people, the planet and wildlife.


Philanthropic Efforts

Our not-for-profit, the TreadRight Foundation, invests in nature-based solutions to address climate change.

You’ll make a positive impact to people, planet and wildlife on this tour


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"A wonderful tour in every respect. Highly recommended." Amanda, traveled in February 2024
  • €65 deposit on some dates

Brisbane to Cairns Experience: Sand Dunes & the Whitsundays Tour

Active In-depth Cultural Christmas & New Year +1

Brisbane to Cairns Experience: Sand Dunes & the Whitsundays

"Fantastic trip. Very well organised and better than I had expected." ClareBoyle, traveled in March 2019

7 Day Perth to Exmouth Explorer Loop Tour

Active Explorer Coach / Bus +1

7 Day Perth to Exmouth Explorer Loop

"Great tour itinerary, reasonable group size and good organization. We all had a great time!" Lisa, traveled in October 2023

Explorer Six - 6 Day Tour of Tasmania Tour

Explorer Six - 6 Day Tour of Tasmania

"Fabulous trip during which I have seen a tremendous range of what Tasmania has to offer, learned a lot about its history geography and wildlife." Hilary, traveled in April 2023

6 Day Perth to Exmouth Coral Coaster (One Way) Tour

Active Family Safari Wildlife Explorer +2

6 Day Perth to Exmouth Coral Coaster (One Way)

"Die heterogene Gruppe (Alter und Nationalitäten) war sehr bereichernd. Die Reise führt an schöne Orte." Carola, traveled in June 2024

Oz Intro + Work Tour

Active Surfing

Oz Intro + Work

"Oz Intro gives you a sense of security and a 'base'. You'll also meet friends for life on the tour and new people to continue travelling with." Kimkent, traveled in September 2019

6-Day Esperance & Margaret River Adventure Tour Tour

Active Family Camping Safari Coastal Walks Hiking & Trekking Christmas & New Year +4

6-Day Esperance & Margaret River Adventure Tour

"Safety was paramount throughout the trip, and our tour guide's meticulous attention to detail was evident." Roseline, traveled in November 2023

Sydney to Brisbane Experience: Bushwalks & Surfing Tour

Active Beach Walking Adventure Surfing Christmas & New Year +3

Sydney to Brisbane Experience: Bushwalks & Surfing

"Wake Up was a nice hostel with a great breakfast included the first day. Byron Bay is a great surf town." Cheryl, traveled in April 2023

What people love about Fully Guided Tours in Australia

I started my first solo trip with a tour through INTRO Travels to get used to traveling and being away from home for a longer period of time. It has the best experience of my life! We had an amazing group and the best group leader we could’ve wished for. Val made sure that everyone was included in any activity and talked to everyone whenever she could. Asking if we needed anything and we could come to her with anything, she’d always try to help us out. Even with our onward traveling, she made sure we’d be all set to go before she left the tour. I will remember this tour for the rest of my life, made friends that I will definitely stay in touch with and I will remember Val for sure!
Amazing experience, everything ran smoothly, and I couldn’t recommend it any more than - DO IT! Best time of my life on this tour, action packed days and it was so good to see different parts of Sydney and the wider area you might not have normally. Great value for money!
This tour was absolutely fantastic. We were able to squeeze in and see so much of Tasmania’s natural beauty! Our tour guide Hayden was amazing - cool, calm and knowledgeable! I was overjoyed when he helped us spot some platypus in their natural environment. Whilst on the bus itself he shared heaps of information and fun facts to keep us entertained. There is a lot of early starts - which is totally fair enough since it meant we could enjoy so much of what Tasmania has to offer. There is a lot of walking - but there are many choices of walks to do, so you can chose the level of difficulty in most places and all walks are optional. One of my favourite trips in Australia so far ?

Regions in Australia

  • East Australia (140)
  • Western Australia (107)
  • Australian Outback (104)
  • Australia Northern Territory (82)
  • Tasmania (78)
  • Great Barrier Reef (71)
  • Queensland (61)
  • Australia East Coast (52)
  • Red Centre (47)
  • Central Australia (46)
  • South East Queensland (45)
  • Uluru / Ayers Rock (42)
  • Kakadu National Park (41)
  • Australia West Coast (38)
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  • Australia Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • Best 4 Week Australia Itineraries 2024/2025 (with Reviews)

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Zebedee Springs, The Kimberley, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Australia Recommends 2024

Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel, Cairns, Queensland © Tourism Australia

Come and Say G'day

Uluru, NT

G'day, the short film

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, Victoria © Tourism Australia

Discover your Australia

Kangaroo Island, South Australia © Tourism Australia

Travel videos

Elysian Retreat, Whitsundays, QLD © Tourism Australia

Deals and offers

Jacarandas and Sydney Harbour at sunset, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Australian Capital Territory

Bondi, Sydney, NSW © Georges Antoni and Ken Butti

New South Wales

West MacDonnell Ranges, NT © Tourism Australia

Northern Territory

Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism Australia

South Australia

Cradle Mountain, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, TAS © Pierre Destribats

Western Australia

Aerial shot of Emily Bay on Norfolk Island © Rose Evans (Norfolk Island Tourism)

External Territories

Bondi Beach, Sydney, NSW ©  Daniel Tran

The Whitsundays

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grand National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Mornington Peninsula

Paddleboarding, Noosa, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Port Douglas

Cape Byron Lighthouse, Byron Bay, NSW © Destination NSW

Ningaloo Reef

Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Coast, QLD © Tourism Whitsundays

Airlie Beach

Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. © South Australian Tourism Commission

Kangaroo Island

The Basin, Rottnest Island, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Rottnest Island

Lake McKenzie, K’gari (Fraser Island), QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

Hamilton Island

Lord Howe Island, NSW © Trevor King, Destination New South Wales

Lord Howe Island

Tiwi Design, Tiwi Islands © Tourism NT/Shaana McNaught

Tiwi Islands

Little penguins, Phillip Island Nature Park, VIC © Phillip Island Nature Park

Phillip Island

Bruny Island Paddle, Southern Sea Ventures, Bruny Island, Tasmania © Southern Sea Ventures

Bruny Island

Cape Naturaliste, near Dunsborough, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Margaret River

St Hugo Wines, Barossa Valley, SA © Tourism Australia

Barossa Valley

Grampians National Park, Victoria © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

The Grampians

Audrey Wilkinson, Hunter Valley, NSW © Audrey Wilkinson

Hunter Valley

Dominique Portet Winery, Yarra Valley, VIC © Tourism Australia

Yarra Valley

Sea turtle, Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

McLaren Vale

Glass House Mountains, Sunshine Coast, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Glass House Mountains

Bubble Tents, Capertree, Mudgee Region, NSW © Australian Traveller

Alice Springs

Cable Beach, Broome, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Uluru and Kata Tjuta

The Kimberley, WA © Tourism Australia

The Kimberley

The Arkaba Walk, Elder Camp, Flinders Ranges National Park, SA © Adam Bruzzone, South Australian Tourism Commission

Flinders Ranges

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park, NT © Jarrad Seng, all rights reserved

Kakadu National Park

Eyre Peninsula, SA © David Edgar

Eyre Peninsula

Hamersley Gorge , Karijini National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Karijini National Park

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Blue Mountains, NSW © Destination NSW

Blue Mountains

Cassowary in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Daintree Rainforest

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, VIC © Greg Snell, Tourism Australia

Great Ocean Road

Spicers Peak, Scenic Rim, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Purnululu National Park

Boat Shed, Lake Dove and Cradle Mountain, Cradle-Mountain Lake St Clare National Park, TAS © Adrian Cook

Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Dan Moore

Litchfield National Park

Saffire Signature Experiences, Freycinet Marine Oyster Farm, Coles Bay, Freycinet National Park, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

Aboriginal experiences

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

Arts and culture

WOMADelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Ⓒ Grant Hancock

Festivals and events

Detour Restaurant, Brisbane, QLD © @detourrestaurant and @dine.agency

Food and drink

Raging Thunder, Tully, QLD © Tourism Australia

Adventure and sports

Three Capes Track, Tasman National Park, TAS © Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

Walks and hikes

Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

Road trips and drives

Waterline Charters, Wessel Islands, NT © Aussie Fly Fisher

Beaches and islands

Nature's Window, Kalbarri National Park, WA © Tourism Australia

Nature and national parks

Wombat, Symbio Wildlife Park, Helensburgh, NSW © Destination NSW

Eco-friendly travel

Group of friends participate in a body clay ritual at Peninsula Hot Springs © Peninsula Hot Springs

Health and wellness

The Dune Pavilion Deck with views of Uluru at Longitude 131 in the Northern Territory © Baillies Longitude 131

Family travel

Table Cape Tulip Farm, Wynyard, Tasmania © Tourism Australia

Family destinations

Hellfire Bay, Esperance, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Family road trips

Merewether Baths, Newcastle, NSW © Destination NSW


Ellery Creek Big Hole, West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Salty Aura

Work and holiday

Sand Dune Adventures at Stockton Beach, Port Stephens, NSW © Tourism Australia

Beginner's guide

Man in a wheelchair looking up at the canopy of the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Accessible travel

 Mrs Macquarie's Chair, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Planning tips

tour australia 20 giorni

Trip planner

Cape Tribulation, Tropical North Queensland, QLD © Tourism Australia

Australian budget guide

 Aerial of car driving through palm trees in Tropical North Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland / Sean Scott.

Itinerary planner

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Esperance, WA © Australia’s Golden Outback

Find a travel agent

Beach House on Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW © Tourism Australia

Find accommodation

Indian Pacific, Lake Hart, SA © Andrew Gregory

Find transport

Snowy region, Jindabyne, NSW © DPIE-Murray Van Der Veer

Visitor information centres

Deals and travel packages

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Visa and entry requirements FAQ

Passengers using SmartGate © Australian Border Force

Customs and biosecurity

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, NT © Tourism NT/Matt Cherubino

Working Holiday Maker visas

Bronte Baths, Bronte Beach, Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Facts about Australia

Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

Experiences that will make you feel like an Aussie

Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Georges Antoni / Tourism Australia

People and culture

Castle Hill, Townsville, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Health and safety FAQ

Sorrento Pier, VIC © Visit Victoria, Ewen Bell

Cities, states & territories

Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower, Lord Howe Island © Tom Archer

Iconic places and attractions

  Wildflowers, near Hamelin Pool, WA © Tourism Western Australia

When is the best time to visit Australia?

Ringer Reef Winery, Bright, VIC © Visit Victoria

Seasonal travel

Human Progress Pride flag, Sydney, NSW © Daniel Boud

Events and festivals

Silverdale Olive Orchard, Coral Coast, WA © Australia's Coral Coast

School holidays

Sydney New Year's Eve, Sydney Harbour, NSW © Destination NSW

Public holidays

Sydney Harbour, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

How to get to Australia's most iconic cities

Gantheaume Point, Broome, WA © Tourism Australia

How long do I need for my trip to Australia?

Self-drive, Marrawah, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

How to travel around Australia

Car driving on road next to the ocean in Lagoons Beach Conservation Area © Pete Harmsen/Tourism Tasmania

Guide to driving in Australia

Maui Motorhome parked on the coastline in Tasmania © Tourism Australia

How to hire a car or campervan

Family strolling alongside Tilligerry Creek © Destination NSW

How to plan a family road trip

 Car drives along the Matilda Way in Outback Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

How to plan an outback road trip


7 - 10 day itineraries

Find places to go and things to do in Australia with the help of our seven to ten day itineraries.

Link Copied!

Discover Australia over ten days

Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel, Cairns, Queensland © Tourism Australia

The ultimate trip to Australia

Sydney Harbour, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Australia on a budget in 10 days

Kakadu Cultural Tours, Kakadu, NT © Tourism Australia

10 days of Australian Aboriginal experiences

Kensington Street Social, Sydney, NSW © Kensington Street Social

10 days of shopping, design and art

Florence Falls , Darwin, NT © Melissa Findley

9 days of waterhole hopping in the Northern Territory

Josef Chromy Wines, Relbia, TAS © Rob Burnett, Tourism Tasmania

A 10-day taste of gourmet Tasmania

Discover coastal journeys.

Sailaway, Mackay Cay, QLD © Sailaway Cape Tribulation

10-day coast to coast itinerary

Red Bluff, Kalbarri National Park, Coral Coast, WA © Greg Snell

10 days along the Coral Coast

Aerial view of the Sea Cliff Bridge suspended over the ocean in Clifton, New South Wales ©  Destination NSW

9-day Sydney to Melbourne coastal drive

Road trip through unique landscapes.

 A woman walking on top of Kings Canyon at sunrise © Tourism NT/Mitchell Cox 2017

Alice Springs to Uluru: a 7-day road trip

Sugarloaf Rock, Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

From Perth: A 10-day trip of colourful attractions

Beech Forest, Otway National Park, VIC © Great Ocean Road Tourism

10-day road trip through regional Victoria

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Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, QLD © Tourism Australia

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BeeLoved City


The Ultimate Australia 10-day Itinerary: Exactly how to spend 10 days in Australia

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost for you!

Are you planning on spending 10 days in Australia? Then you’ve come to the right place!

It’s no secret that Australia is one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in the world.

With its pristine beaches, lush rain forests and rugged mountain ranges, there’s something for everyone Down Under.

But with so much to see and do, how can you make sure you get the most out of your trip? This is where our ultimate Australia 10-day itinerary will come in handy.

airlie beach whitsunday islands


This Wonders of Australia tour by Trafalgar includes all the best sights of this itinerary (Brisbane, Whitsundays, Sydney…) in 9 days which is ideal. It has stellar reviews and is good value for money.


Australia 10 day itinerary

🔎 Table of Contents

Summary of this Australia 10-Day Itinerary

Before we dive into the details of this Australia 10-Day itinerary, here is a summary.

This itinerary will take you to some of the most iconic and beautiful spots in Australia, including Sydney, Bondi, the Blue Mountains , Brisbane, Noosa, Fraser Island , Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays .

You’ll have plenty of time to explore each destination and get a real taste of what Australia has to offer.

Please note that this is a fairly compact itinerary. You will get to see a lot but it’s also not much of a relaxing trip. We will give you alternatives further down below as well so you can change it up and make it your own.

  • Day 1: Sydney
  • Day 2: Sydney – Bondi
  • Day 3: Blue Mountains
  • Day 4: Brisbane
  • Day 5: Byron Bay (Option 1)
  • Day 5: Noosa (Option 2)
  • Day 6: Gold Coast
  • Day 7: Surfers Paradise
  • Day 8: Airlie Beach
  • Day 9: Whitehaven Beach
  • Day 10: Hamilton Island

How to get to Australia

Before we start, a quick word about getting to Australia.

Unless you’re coming from New Zealand or South East Asia, most people will arrive in Australia via Sydney.

There are plenty of flights to Sydney from all over the world, so it’s easy enough to find a flight that works for you.

Click here to see the best fares to Sydney.

While Melbourne is also a good option, it would be better to fly to Sydney since it will save you time on internal flights later on.

Also, who doesn’t want to see Sydney on a trip to Australia?

The Ultimate Australia 10-Day Itinerary

So, without further ado, let’s jump into our ultimate Australia 10-day itinerary!

Australia Itinerary Day 1: Sydney

Sydney in Australia

Sydney is one of the most iconic and beautiful cities in the world.

No trip to Australia would be complete without a visit to this amazing city.

There’s so much to see and you will need to be strategic and plan your itinerary carefully.

Start your day at Circular Quay and visit the Sydney Opera House. This world-famous landmark is a must-see for any visitor to Sydney.

You can simply walk towards it and admire the unique architecture from outside or you can book a tour of the Opera House . This is quite a cool thing to do since it’s very pretty. Also, it’s only an hour-long so you’ll still have plenty of time to enjoy over activities after.

From there, walk to the Royal Botanical Gardens and take in the beauty of this iconic park.

Not only are the Gardens beautiful but they also boast some of the best views of the city. If you are looking for a cool photo spot to take beautiful pictures, Mrs Macquarie Point will be an excellent option.

You get to see both the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge from there!

Next, head to The Rocks and wander through the narrow streets and see some of the oldest buildings in Sydney.

The Rocks is a neighbourhood that was built by the European settlers and there is a lot of history here. It’s also known for being home to unique pubs and many ghost stories.

If you want to learn more about the Rocks, you can also opt for a walking tour of the area. It’s very interesting.

Once you’re done in The Rocks, walk to Darling Harbour and enjoy the lively atmosphere.

There are plenty of restaurants, bars and shops here so you can spend a few hours wandering around.

Alternatively, you can take a ferry to Manly and enjoy the beach atmosphere there.

To take the ferry in Sydney, you will need to get an Opal card first.

The Opal Card is the transportation card used in Sydney for all public transport including ferries, trains and buses. You can buy them from any 7/11 shop.

In the evening, make sure to go for a drink in one of the numerous rooftop bars so you get to enjoy the views of the harbour.

Another cool option is to book a dinner cruise.

WHERE TO STAY: The most convenient places to stay in Sydney (in general but especially for this itinerary) are Circular Quay, The Rocks and the CBD.

Here are some recommendations:

  • Luxury: The Langham Sydney . This is one of the most luxurious hotels in Sydney. It’s ideally located near Darling Harbour and Circular Quay. Swimming pool, spa, fitness centre… it’s all here!
  • Mid-range: Novotel Sydney Darling Harbour . This is an excellent option for most travellers. The Novotel is well located and has everything you need.
  • Budget: Sydney Harbour YHA . Opting for a YHA in Australia is always a safe choice since they are always amazing. Here the YHA in Sydney offers comfy accommodation, in the CBD for a very affordable price. They have dorms but also private rooms.

Please make sure to book your accommodation for 3 nights since it will be your base for the next 3 days.

Australia Itinerary Day 2: Bondi

Bronte Baths in Bondi Beach

On the second day of your Australia itinerary, head out to Bondi.

Bondi Beach is one of the most famous beaches in the world. It’s known for being one of the best surfing spots in the world but the suburb itself is also particularly popular amongst Sydneysiders.

As soon as you arrive in Bondi, you will feel these laid-back and holidays vibes.

You can head to the beach and stay on your towel for a bit, go surfing but also just walk around.

Bondi is a great place to take a surfing lesson so if that’s something you’d like to do, check this out.

Another way you can discover more about Bondi is to join the walking tour . You will be with a local guide who will tell you everything about the area and the Bondi lifestyle.

There are a lot of great restaurants and cafes nearby and you can grab brekkie or lunch while enjoying the views.

Make sure to also do the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk. It’s only 6km long and it’s one of the best easy walks in Australia. You’ll go from one suburb to the other and will get to enjoy the breathtaking coastal views.

You will also walk past Bronte where you can stop and go to the Bronte Baths.

They are a pool built on the edge of the cliff and overlooking Bondi Beach. Not only is it beautiful (and one of the most Instagrammable spots in Sydney) but it’s also practical for people who want to swim.

Here you won’t have waves but the water is sea-water so you basically get the experience of a swim in the ocean without the waves!

HOW TO GET TO BONDI: You can easily take a train from Central Station or Town Hall to Bondi Junction, then take one of the buses to the beach.

Altogether, it takes about 30 minutes from the CDB and you can use your Opal card for everything.

WHERE TO STAY: Stay at the same hotel in Sydney tonight.

Australia Itinerary Day 3: Blue Mountains

Sydney blue mountains national park

On the third day of your Australia itinerary, you will head to the Blue Mountains.

This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is by far one of the most unique places in Australia.

The Blue Mountains are known for their eucalyptus forests, which give them that blue hallow (hence the name), but also for their unique rock formations and amazing hiking opportunities.

While there are many places to visit in the National Park, focus on the Katoomba area for today.

There you will find the Leura Cascades, Scenic World and the famous Three Sisters Lookout.

The best way to explore the Blue Mountains is by doing a hike. There are plenty of great hikes for all levels of hikers so you will definitely find something that’s perfect for you.

Prince Henry Cliff Walk is particularly good since it goes from Scenic World to Gordon Falls Lookout.

HOW TO GET THERE: Coming from Sydney, there are two ways you can get to the Blue Mountains.

The first one is to take the train. The Blue Mountains line goes all the way to Katoomba and it’s a really beautiful ride.

Once you’re in Katoomba, there are plenty of buses that will take you around the National Park.

The second option, much easier and more practical, is to opt for a day tour from Sydney . You will be on a bus tour with a local guide and will get to see all the best sites.

WHERE TO STAY: Stay in the same hotel in Sydney tonight. It will be more practical since you will be flying to Brisbane tomorrow.

Australia Itinerary Day 4: Brisbane

Story Bridge in Brisbane Australia

On day 4 of your Australia itinerary, you will fly to Brisbane.

Internal flights from Sydney to Brisbane are very common and you will find loads of options. You can find the best fares here.

Aim for an early flight so you have more time to spend in Brisbane after. Obviously, this has to be within reason since you will need to get to the airport in advance.

That having been said, if you chose to stay near Circular Quay, you will be able to catch the direct train to the airport and will be there in 20 minutes.

Once you arrive in Brisbane, head to the CBD. No need to book

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and it’s a really fun and vibrant city.

There’s always something going on in the city and you will never get bored.

The best way to explore Brisbane is by walking. The CBD is really small which is ideal for a day of exploration.

Start at Queen Street Mall, which is the main shopping street in Brisbane.

Then head to the City Hall and Eagle Street Pier, which is a really cool spot with restaurants and bars overlooking the river.

If you have enough time, Brisbane City Botanic Gardens are also worth checking out. They are small but it’s very pleasant to walk around them.

From there you can walk to South Bank, where you will find some of best views of the city.

If you want to see all the essentials in an efficient way, you should consider joining the Brisbane walking tour . The guide will bring you to all the best spots and it’s a great way to make the best of your time.

Finally, make sure to check out the Story Bridge. This is an iconic sight in the city as one of the tallest in the country. It’s also worth mentioning that you can climb it !

WHERE TO STAY: Here are some recommendations for one night in Brisbane.

  • Luxury: W Brisbane . This is one of the best hotels in Brisbane, the amenities are incredible and it’s very well located.
  • Mid-range: Royal Albert Hotel . Ideally located in the CBD, it offers great accommodation for a good price.
  • Budget: Brisbane City YHA . Though a bit further out, the YHA is the perfect option for backpackers.

Australia Itinerary Day 5: Byron Bay (Option 1)

byron bay walking track to lighthouse

Today, you have two options.

The first one is to head to Byron Bay , which is a bit of a hippie town and a must-see in Australia.

It’s also the most obvious one since you will be heading south (so in the same direction that the other destinations).

No matter what, you will need to hire a car a in Brisbane. Technically speaking, you could do it with public transport but it’s a bit of a hassle and a car will give you more freedom.

From Brisbane, it will take you about 2 hours to get to Byron Bay.

Once you’re there, start by exploring the town. You will find many local shops and boutiques.

If you’d like to bring back some unique souvenirs, this will be a great place to get them from.

You will also find many cafes where you can grab a nice brunch.

After that, head to main beach.

Here you will find a lot of people surfing. This is one of the best surf spots in Australia and the activity fits very well with the local laid-back culture.

You can then take the walk to Cape Byron Lighthouse. It’s a nice and fairly easy walk that will allow you to soak up the views.

WHERE TO STAY: It’s worth spending the night in Byron Bay since this town is also known for its nightlife.

Here are some recommendations.

  • Luxury: Crystalbrook Byron is one of the best resorts in the area. They have different types of rainforest suites that will make you feel like you’ve been transported to paradise. You’ll also find an infinity pool and a cocktail bar.
  • Mid-range: Hibiscus Motel is perfect for people who want comfort without having to spend too much either. The rooms are very bright and you will be within walking distance from the beach and the main streets.
  • Budget: Byron Bay YHA is ideally located 5 minutes walk from the beach. It’s a boutique-style hostel with dorms and private rooms.

READ MORE: The Ultimate Byron Bay 2-day Itinerary: Exactly how to spend a weekend in Byron Bay

Australia Itinerary Day 5: Noosa (Option 2)

Rocks on the coastal track of Noosa NP

Another option for today is to head to the lovely town of Noosa. However, before we explain what to do there, it’s important to note that Noosa is located 1h50 drive north of Brisbane and you will then head south to Gold Coast.

This means that while possible, it means more driving and it can be a bit of an awkward itinerary.

Byron Bay is also worth the trip and it’s more convenient so that would be what I recommend.

However, Noosa is a bucket list destination so if that was something you wanted to see, I just want to make sure you know you can include it.

This is a really popular destination for Aussies and it’s not hard to see why.

Noosa is located on the Sunshine Coast and it has everything you could want: stunning beaches, great restaurants and cafes, and lots of nature.

There’s also a really cool vibe in the town, which makes it a great place to relax and unwind.

The best way to explore Noosa is by taking a walk. There’s no need to rush, take your time and enjoy the views.

Start at Hastings Street, which is the main street in town and where you will find all the best restaurants and cafes.

Make your way to Noosa National Park, where you will find some of the most beautiful beaches in the country as well as the beautiful Noosa fairy pools .

If you want to do some hiking, there are plenty of trails for all levels.

Finally, make sure to visit Sunshine Beach. This is a great spot for swimming, sunbathing and surfing.

WHERE TO STAY: It would be easier if you make your way down to Brisbane and just book the same hotel for another night.

Since you are only going to Noosa for the day, you may also want to consider booking a day tour from Brisbane . It will save you both time and hassle.

Australia Itinerary Day 6: Gold Coast

Surfing in GAustralia

Today, you will be exploring more of Gold Coast . This is a major tourist destination in Australia.

Gold Coast is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the country as well as theme parks, which makes it a great place for families.

If you’re looking for some fun in the sun, this is definitely the place to be.

Start your day by heading to the beach. The Gold Coast is home to some of the best beaches in the country, so make sure to take advantage of them. Snapper Rocks, Rainbow Bay and Burleigh Beach are particularly popular.

There are many water activities you can do here including snorkelling, surfing, parasailing or kayaking .

That having been said, save some for tomorrow since you’ll be in Surfers Paradise.

Another thing you can do is to check the theme parks. You will find here:

  • Dreamworld . This theme park is home to many roller coasters and is perfect for thrill-seekers.
  • Movie World . This theme park is all about movies, shows and rides.
  • Sea World . This amusement park is home to a variety of rides and attractions, as well as marine life exhibits.
  • Wet’n’Wild Gold Coast . This water park has a variety of slides and pools, perfect for a hot day.

If you want to do something a bit different, you can also opt for a hot air balloon ride in the hinterland or visit Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary .

WHERE TO STAY: The Gold Coast offers a wide range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly hostels to luxurious resorts. You can choose to stay in Gold Coast itself or Surfers Paradise. They are both very nice locations and it doesn’t change anything to the itinerary.

  • Luxury: The Star Grand is one of the most luxurious hotels in the area. It’s located in Broadbeach and has a pool, casino, restaurants and more.
  • Mid-range: Voco Gold Coast is located in Surfers Paradise, only 5 minutes from the beach. It’s excellent value for money and you will have access to a pool as well as a spa.
  • Budget: Tequila Sunrise Hostel in Surfers Paradise is one of the best-rated backpackers in the area. It’s very well located (250 yards from Surfers Paradise Beach) and they offer cosy capsule beds in dorms.

Make sure to book for two nights since you will be around tomorrow as well.

Australia Itinerary Day 7: Surfers Paradise

Surfers Paradise in Australia

Today you will be heading to Surfers Paradise and spend the day there, enjoying some sun and beach time.

There are plenty of things to do in Surfers Paradise and it’s definitely a fun place to be.

The beaches are beautiful and there’s always something going on. Obviously, the best thing to do is to go surfing.

You can hire a board from a local shop or even book some surfing lessons.

You can also opt for another water activity such as jet boat rides, the Aquaduck river tour , a jet ski tour or a sunset cruise .

If you’re looking for some excitement, you can also check out the casino or even go skydiving!

This is the only place in Australia where you can skydive from a helicopter! See prices here.

Finally, make sure to go to SkyPoint Observation Deck while in Surfers Paradise.

This deck is located in one of the most iconic buildings in Australia, Q1, and the views over the Gold Coast from the top are absolutely breathtaking!

The deck is at the 77th floor which is 230 metres high so you can imagine how much you get to see from there!

Also, if you wanted a good spot to take photos, this will be it!

WHERE TO STAY: Stay at the same hotel than last night.

Australia Itinerary Day 8: Airlie Beach

Today is the day you will be taking another internal flight and head to Airlie Beach.

Make sure to get up early since you will have a 45-minute drive to Brisbane airport.

The flight is quite short (1h40) which means you will be able to enjoy your day in Airlie afterwards.

Click here to see the fares.

Airlie Beach is a small town located on the Whitsunday Coast. This is one of the most beautiful places in Australia since it’s the getaway to the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef .

You will be exploring the islands in the next two days, so it’s best to focus on activities you can do in Airlie Beach for today.

Since you will already be at the airport, you should consider booking the scenic flight of the Whitsundays and the Great Barrier Reef.

This is by far one of the best things to do during this trip. It may not be the cheapest but it’s so worth it!

It lasts 1 hour, during which you will be flying above the beautiful Whitehaven Beach , the Outer Reef and even the Heart Reef.

The planes are small and there are only 6 passenger seats which mean that you will have a window seat.

Discovering the Great Barrier Reef from the sky is the best thing you can do since you will truly get to see how big it is and it’s the only way to see the heart reef !

READ MORE: Airlie Beach Scenic Flight Review: Flying above the Whitsundays and Great Barrier Reef

Once you are done, head to Airlie Beach. You can roam around the town, relax at the lagoon or even go for a walk on the Bicentennial Walkway.

WHERE TO STAY: You will be staying in Airlie Beach for the next 2 or 3 nights (depending when your flight back home is) so make sure to book for that long.

Here are some cool places to check out:

  • Luxury: Mirage Whitsundays offers luxury self-contained accommodation with garden or sea views.
  • Mid-range: Airlie Beach Hotel is ideally located on the esplanade and is excellent value for money.
  • Budget: Airlie Beach Magnums is situated on the main street (Shute Harbour Road) and provides very affordable accommodation.

READ MORE: Where to stay in the Whitsundays: the ultimate Whitsundays Accommodation Guide

Australia Itinerary Day 9: Whitehaven Beach

Whitehaven beach in the Whitsundays

Today, it’s time to start exploring the Whitsundays !

We will start with the most famous natural landmark in the area: Whitehaven Beach.

This is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and is the definition of ‘postcard perfect’

The white sand and the blue water make for an amazing view.

The beach is located on the island of Whitsunday, in the heart of the national park. There are no ferry going there which means that you will have to opt for a boat tour.

There are a few tour options you can choose from but the two best ones are Ocean Rafting and Thunder Cat.

They use a different type of boat but rather than that, the itinerary is pretty similar.

It includes the boat trip to Whitsunday island, snorkelling, lunch and a guided tour.

cruise whitsunday island

You will be heading to Hill Inlet first. While the name may not ring a bell, that’s actually the spot where most photos are taken.

This inlet is located at the north end of Whitehaven Beach. You will go on an easy bush walk up to the lookout. From there, you get to see the famous swirling sands of Whitehaven Beach and the beautiful blue colours of the water.

This will take your breath away. It’s so incredibly pretty that it doesn’t even look real. It looks like a painting!

After that, you will walk down to the beach. Walking on the sand is very pleasant because it’s so soft!

The sand on Whitehaven Beach is 98% pure silica which is why it’s so white and soft.

You will have the rest of the day to enjoy the beach.

You can either relax on the sand or go for a swim. The water is really clear and perfect for a refreshing swim.

If you are visiting in winter, you will need to wear wet suits to go in the water but don’t worry about that too much, that’s what the guides are for!

They will let you know everything!

At the end of the day, you will head back to Port of Airlie and can enjoy your evening there.

WHERE TO STAY: Stay at the same hotel in Airlie Beach.

READ MORE: 10+ Best Whitehaven Beach tours from Airlie Beach for travellers in 2023

Australia Itinerary Day 10: Hamilton Island

Hamilton Island in Australia

The last stop of your trip is the stunning Hamilton Island .

This is the largest island of the Whitsundays and it’s really popular for its beaches, resorts and restaurants.

This time you won’t need a tour and can take a ferry. Buy the island hopper pass which includes the ferry and a day pass to the resorts on Hamilton Island.

As you get to the marina, you will instantly see how unique the atmosphere is.

FUN FACT: There are no cars on Hamilton Island!

First thing to do is to head to Catseye Beach .

This is the most beautiful and popular beach on the island. It’s a great spot to relax and enjoy the incredible views.

The white sand and the clear water are definitely a sight to see! You will also have access to the swimming pool at the Beach Club and the Reef View hotel so make sure to check that out.

They both have great restaurants where you can get lunch.

After that, you can walk around and explore more of the island. There are two walks you should consider.

The first one will lead you to Passage Peak, from which you will discover beautiful views of the island.

The second one, on the other side, will take you to One Tree Hill which is known to be one of the best sunset spots in the Whitsundays.

READ MORE: 12 Best Things to do in Hamilton Island

Other Ideas of 10- Day Australia Itineraries

If you’re looking for a different kind of Australian experience, here are some other Australia 10-day itineraries for you to try.

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 1

Lake Mckenzie on Fraser Island Queensland Australia

  • Day 1: Brisbane
  • Day 2: Noosa
  • Day 3: Fraser Island
  • Day 4: Fraser Island
  • Day 5: Airlie Beach
  • Day 6: Whitehaven Beach
  • Day 7: Mission Beach
  • Day 8: Cairns
  • Day 9: Port Douglas
  • Day 10: Cape Tribulation

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 2

Twelve apostles near Apollo Bay on the Great Ocean Road

  • Day 2: Sydney
  • Day 4: Blue Mountains / Canberra
  • Day 5: Canberra
  • Day 6: Yarra Valley
  • Day 7: Melbourne
  • Day 8: Melbourne
  • Day 9: Great Ocean Road
  • Day 10: Great Ocean Road

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 3

hyams beach whitest beach australia

  • Day 3: Wollongong
  • Day 4: Jervis Bay
  • Day 5: Jervis Bay / Canberra
  • Day 6: Canberra
  • Day 7: Blue Mountains
  • Day 8: Blue Mountains
  • Day 9: Hunter Valley
  • Day 10: Hunter Valley

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 4

Get to Millaa Millaa Falls in Queensland

  • Day 4: Blue Mountains
  • Day 6: Whitsundays
  • Day 7: Hamilton Island

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 5

Views of Uluru

  • Day 3: Airlie Beach
  • Day 4: Whitsundays
  • Day 5: Whitsundays
  • Day 6: Alice Springs
  • Day 7: Uluru
  • Day 8: Kata Tjuta
  • Day 9: Kings’ Canyon
  • Day 10: Sydney

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 6

kangaroo island flinders chase

  • Day 1: Melbourne
  • Day 2: Melbourne
  • Day 3: Great Ocean Road
  • Day 4: Great Ocean Road
  • Day 5: Grampians
  • Day 6: Grampians
  • Day 7: Adelaide
  • Day 8: Adelaide
  • Day 9: Kangaroo Island
  • Day 10: Kangaroo Island

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 7

things to do in byron bay nsw

  • Day 4: Hunter Valley
  • Day 5: Port Macquarie
  • Day 6: Byron Bay
  • Day 7: Gold Coast
  • Day 8: Surfers Paradise
  • Day 9: Brisbane
  • Day 10: Brisbane

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 8

valley of winds kata tjuta

  • Day 3: Melbourne
  • Day 4: Melbourne
  • Day 5: Alice Springs
  • Day 6: Kata Tjuta
  • Day 8: Brisbane
  • Day 9: Gold Coast
  • Day 10: Surfers Paradise

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 9

Hobart in Tasmania Australia

  • Day 5: Great Ocean Road
  • Day 6: Hobart
  • Day 7: Bruny Island
  • Day 8: Freycinet National Park
  • Day 9: Bay of Fire
  • Day 10: Launceston

10-day Australia Itinerary – Option 10

Eureka Tower in Melbourne Australia

  • Day 5: Adelaide
  • Day 6: Adelaide
  • Day 7: Perth
  • Day 8: The Pinnacles
  • Day 9: Rottnest Island
  • Day 10: Fremantle

Australia is an incredible country and while 10 days is nowhere near enough to see it all, you can still get to see some of the main sights.

We hope these itineraries were helpful and gave you a good idea of how you could be spending 10 days in Australia.

You may also be interested in:

  • Tasmania Itinerary 10 days: How to spend 10 days in Tasmania, Australia
  • 10 Best resorts in the Whitsundays for the ultimate Queensland holiday
  • Adelaide to Uluru Road Trip Itinerary: the ultimate drive to discover the Australian Outback
  • The Ultimate Sydney to Brisbane Road Trip Itinerary: best stops, accommodation and travel tips
  • Sydney to Melbourne Road Trip Itineraries
  • Visiting Australia in May: Weather, Best Places to visit, travel tips, and more 

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Founder of Beeloved City, I am originally from France and have been living in the UK since 2016. I've travelled to 25 countries as a backpacker, travel coordinator and for holidays. I spent a year in Australia before eventually settling down in Manchester, England

tour australia 20 giorni

20 giorni in Australia

20 giorni sono il periodo di tempo ideale per una vacanza in Australia e se potete concedervi ferie così lunghe, vi suggerisco qui di seguito un itinerario da personalizzare in base ai vostri gusti. Per i primi 15 giorni fate riferimento all’articolo “ 15 giorni in Australia ”, poi, da Cairns, vi consiglio di proseguire alla scoperta della costa est dell’Australia, visitando le splendide località del Queensland. Se invece volete esplorare luoghi al di fuori dei classici itinerari turistici e conoscere un volto diverso dell’Australia, vi suggerisco un’opzione alternativa: volare fino a Perth ed esplorare il Western Australia.

Giorno 15° – Cairns/Airlie Beach

La prima tappa che vi consiglio di fare è Airlie Beach, la piccola cittadina costiera da cui partono le crociere per le Whitsunday Islands , un gruppo di isole considerate tra le più belle non solo del Queensland, ma dell’Australia intera. L’isola maggiore dell’arcipelago, chiamata appunto Whitsunday Island, è un vero paradiso terrestre che vi consiglio di visitare assolutamente per ammirare la sua spiaggia più famosa, Whitehaven Beach, dalla sabbia bianchissima lambita da un mare cristallino ricco di coralli. Molti tour durano una giornata e comprendono pranzo e snorkeling o immersioni. Poi fermatevi a dormire ad Airlie Beach.

Per raggiungere Airlie Beach da Cairns avete varie possibilità: l’autobus (Greyhound) impiega circa 7 ore, ma il lato positivo è che sono disponibili delle corse notturne che vi permettono di risparmiare sull’hotel e ottimizzare i tempi, in modo da poter così effettuare l’escursione in barca già nella stessa giornata di arrivo. Se invece cercate un metodo più rapido c’è l’aereo che arriva ad Airlie Beach in poco più di un’ora circa; l’aeroporto è su Hamilton Island, un’altra grande isola dell’arcipelago. Esiste anche un collegamento ferroviario , ma non è disponibile tutti i giorni, quindi consideratelo solo se le partenze sono convenienti per il vostro viaggio. Molti turisti decidono di noleggiare un’auto ed è una bellissima idea per fare tutta la costa est fino a Brisbane, considerato anche che lungo il tragitto ci sono tante aree campeggio , ma ve la consiglio solo se avete almeno una settimana di tempo per farla, di modo che avete tempo di fermarvi in varie località e godervi un po’ di più il viaggio on the road. Altrimenti è un po’ sprecato, a mio parere.

Giorno 16° – Airlie Beach/Brisbane

Da Airlie Beach potete raggiungere Brisbane in aereo (circa 1 ora e mezza) oppure in pullman (più o meno 12 ore).

Una volta giunti a Brisbane troverete tante cose da fare:  perdetevi passeggiando nel suo centro , fatto di contrasti tra edifici di epoca vittoriana e moderni grattacieli, rilassatevi nei tanti giardini della città e a South Bank , la vivace zona a sud del fiume, dove trovate tanti ristoranti e bar, musei, e una spiaggia artificiale con piscina! Un giro in battello lungo il fiume è una delle attività più in voga tra i turisti. Brisbane è anche un’ottima base per esplorare le località limitrofe amatissime dai surfisti, come Byron Bay e Gold Coast.

Giorno 17°-20° Brisbane/Byron Bay/Gold Coast

A un paio d’ore a sud di Brisbane si trova Byron Bay, una delle località più caratteristiche della costa est e da tempo mecca dei surfisti. Byron Bay ha un’atmosfera alternativa e new age, giovanile , ma non troppo caotica con i suoi mercatini artigianali, i negozi alternativi e di prodotti biologici, i bar dagli ambienti easy e le gallerie d’arte. Ideale per gli amanti del mare e del surf. Da Byron Bay potete raggiungere facilmente il faro di Cape Byron , il punto più a est del continente australiano, da cui si gode una vista spettacolare.  Dal faro si diramano vari sentieri di trekking per una passeggiata in mezzo alla vegetazione tropicale.

Diversa è invece l’atmosfera a Gold Coast, considerata la Miami d’Australia: qui, a ridosso della spiaggia, sorgono moderni grattacieli che ospitano ristoranti, locali notturni e hotel. Fulcro di questa zona è Surfers Paradise , l’area più vivace, dove oltre alla spiaggia trovate parchi tematici, centri commerciali, un casinò e tante altre attrazioni per tutti.

Alternativa 2: Perth e il Western Australia

Giorno 15° – cairns/perth.

Perth spesso viene ignorata dai turisti proprio per la sua posizione remota , che appare un po’ lontana da tutto il resto. Ed in un certo senso è vero, ma in aereo si impiegano solo 5-6 ore per arrivare in questa città del Western Australia, che proprio per la sua collocazione geografica ha mantenuto intatto la sua atmosfera e il suo carattere tipicamente australiano. Nonostante sia una città molto estesa e moderna, offre un contesto rilassato e tranquillo, ricco di attrazioni naturali perfette per concludere una vacanza, soprattutto se si viaggia con dei bambini. Visitare la città è molto semplice grazie agli ottimi servizi di trasporto e alle dimensioni compatte del centro, che si estende lungo le sponde del Swan River. A Perth trovate tanti musei dedicati all’arte, alla storia e alla cultura aborigena, deliziosi ristoranti, parchi, giardini botanici, zoo e un casinò, ma la città è anche un’ottima base per tour giornalieri alla scoperta delle meraviglie del Western Australia. Volendo in questo caso potreste anche valutare il noleggio di un’auto per muovervi lungo la costa, altrimenti optare per mezzi pubblici o tour organizzati.

Giorno 16° – Nambung National Park

Un paesaggio magico quello che troverete al Nambung National Park, a circa 3 ore a nord di Perth lungo la costa. Qui, tra dune di sabbia dorata, svettano i Pinnacles , delle colonne di roccia erose dal tempo, che potete ammirare da vicino percorrendo un sentiero panoramico a piedi. Potrebbe capitarvi anche di avvistare emù, specie di volatili come il galah e altri animali selvatici. Tutt’intorno al parco ci sono villaggi di pescatori e incantevoli spiagge perfette per nuotare, fare snorkeling o surf, come Hangover Bay o Kangaroo Point, dove al tramonto e all’alba si vede un gruppetto di canguri saltellare sulla spiaggia.

Giorno 17° – 20° Perth/Freemantle/Rottnest Island

Due delle gite più popolari tra chi visita Perth sono Freemantle e Rottnest Island.

Freemantle è una cittadina portuale , oggi inglobata a Perth, che però ha conservato i suoi tratti da cittadina affacciata sull’oceano e baciata dal sole, dove i ritmi sono scanditi dalle onde. A 20 km da Perth, qui potete passeggiare tra edifici antichi e gallerie d’arte, fermarvi a sorseggiare un drink nei tanti bar con tavolini all’aperto, provare specialità a base di pesce fresco nei ristorantini della zona, visitare musei, ex prigioni e manicomi e fare shopping al Freemantle Market.

Se amate la natura e il silenzio, prendete il traghetto da Perth e visitate Rottnest Island, un isolotto a 16 km al largo della costa dove potete rilassarvi passeggiando in mezzo alla natura, fare snorkeling, visitare antichi edifici e il faro di Bathurst. Una delle attrazioni principali dell’isola sono i quokka , piccoli marsupiali cugini dei wallaby che non temono l’uomo e non sono pericolosi. È facile vederli e avvicinarli nella zona di Thompson Bay, ma non date loro da mangiare perché potrebbero ammalarsi.

Marco Togni

Marco Togni

Abito in Giappone, a Tokyo, da molti anni. Sono arrivato qui per la prima volta oltre 15 anni fa. Mi piace viaggiare, in particolare in Asia e non solo, e scoprire cibi, posti e culture. Fondatore di GiappoTour e GiappoLife. Sono da anni punto di riferimento per gli italiani che vogliono venire in Giappone per viaggio, lavoro o studio. Autore dei libri Giappone, la mia guida di viaggio , Giappone Spettacularis ed Instant Giapponese (ed.Gribaudo/Feltrinelli) e produttore di video-documentari per enti governativi giapponesi. Seguito da più di 2 milioni di persone sui vari social (Pagina Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Youtube).

  • Destination Guides

The Ultimate 10 Day Trip To Australia

By Will Grice

tour australia 20 giorni

Considering Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, a 10 day trip Down Under may sound like you won’t have enough time to even scratch the surface of what the country has to offer. But with Elite Traveler’s guide to the ultimate 10-day itinerary you’ll be able to visit two vibrant cities and the Great Barrier Reef, as well as dining in some of the country’s top restaurants taking in some pretty spectacular views along the way.

Day 1: Fly Into Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport

Wherever you’re flying from, Sydney Kingsford Smith is by far the most accessible and reliable airport in the city. Located five miles south of the city center, the Kingsford Smith Airport has three runways suitable for private jets – two designed for light to medium-size jets, and the final capable of handling an aircraft of any size.

Recommended Hotel: Park Hyatt Sydney

tour australia 20 giorni

Day 2: See Sydney From A Different Perspective

As you will already know, Elite Traveler is a big fan of seeing cities from unusual and breath-taking perspectives, and one of the best ways to see the sights and sounds of Sydney is to cruise along the river on a superyacht. Sydney Harbour Exclusive offer a series of yachts of varying sizes, going from intimate 12-person boats right through to vessels capable of holding well over 100 guests.

After taking a trip past the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House you can stop for lunch at one of Sydney’s many fine-dining spots. One of the city’s top culinary experiences is Bennelong. Run by chef Peter Gilmore, the restaurant sits inside the Sydney Opera House, and offers one of the city’s most eclectic á la carte menus. Some of the stand out dishes from Bennelong’s menu include Wild Cape York barramundi with crisp parsnip, hazelnuts and lemon puree, as well as whole red claw yabby with lemon jam, cultured cream and buckwheat pikelet.

tour australia 20 giorni

Day 3: Visit The Secluded Waters Of Hawkesbury Bay

Only accessible by boat or seaplane, the Hawkesbury River is one of the most beautiful spots in all of New South Wales. Surrounded with vast woodland and awe-inspiring scenery, elite travelers can fly to the Hawkesbury River by booking the Sydney Seaplanes’ the Berowa Waters Inn trip. Taking guests from central Sydney, the trip takes you over the beautiful landscapes of rural New South Wales before landing in the heart of one of Australia’s oldest national parks – Ku-ring-gai Chase, giving you a birds’ eye view over the northern beaches of Sydney, the Harbour Bridge and Opera House. From here you will be whisked away to the Berowa Waters Inn where you will be treated to a 6-course degustation menu from Brian Geraghty before being flown back to the city later on in the day.

tour australia 20 giorni

Elite Guide to Melbourne for Australian Grand Prix

tour australia 20 giorni

See Australia’s Cities from a Different Perspective

tour australia 20 giorni

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Day 4: take a super car out for the day.

For the petrol heads amongst us, taking a classic car out for the day and cruising through the beautiful scenery of New South Wales is the thing of dreams. Thanks to the likes of Vintage and Classic Car Hire those dreams can now become a reality. With a huge fleet of vintage motors, guests can take anything from a 1966 Ford Mustang right through to 1980s Ferrari out on the road, with freedom to travel wherever you like. Whether you’re looking to drive through the city or cruise through some of the surrounding national parks, this is the ideal way to be able to take in some of Sydney’s sights in style.

Take a drive through picturesque Kangaroo Valley

For those looking for something more relaxing you can book a chauffeured drive through the Park Hyatt Sydney or a Swain Destinations expert, with the hotel offering guests the chance to be driven in either a Ferrari 488 GTB or a Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4. Guests can book anything from a 60-minute drive right through to a full day out, with options to visit everywhere from Palm Beach right through to the Royal National Park, as well as chances to book accompanying culinary experiences along the way.

Day 5: Fly To Melbourne

Taking only an hour and a half by commercial plane (and even less by private jet), flying from Sydney to Melbourne is one of the easiest ways to mix up your Aussie holiday experience. Upon landing, travelers will quickly find themselves in the center of chic Melbourne. With a thriving restaurant scene there’s plenty of places to eat and drink, however one of the standout restaurants in the city is Minamishima, a Japanese fine-dining restaurant where head chef Koichi Minamishima prepares the food at counter-side.

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tour australia 20 giorni

One of the stand out parts of this experience is their wine and sake pairing. With the help of sommelier Randolph Cheung, guests can navigate their way through a global wine list and an almost encyclopedic range of luxury sakes.

Recommended Hotel: Crown Towers Melbourne

Day 6: Travel Back To One Of Australia’s Top Wine Regions via Helicopter

Yarra Valley sits 55 miles east of Melbourne and on top of being one of the most picturesque places in all of Victoria, with its rolling green hills and breathtaking scenery, it is also one the area’s most prominent wine region.

Lustia Park in Yarra Valley

So what could be better than taking a helicopter away to the peaceful vineyards of Yarra Valley? Taking no longer than 30 minutes, guests can enjoy a quick ride over the beautiful sights and sounds of Melbourne before landing in Yarra Valley where you can tour the legendary De Bortoli winery which is the region’s largest producer and owns three different locations across the region.

Day 7: See Some Wildlife With The Phillip Island Penguin Tour  

Sitting just off the southern coast of Melbourne is Phillip Island. With its beautiful golden beaches and vast hill tops, visitors can make the most of the island’s breathtaking views of Seal Rocks (an area of Australia home to some of the largest colonies of Australian fur seals), as well as sitting on the picturesque Summerland Beach as families of Little penguins come ashore as they make their way to their nesting places. Best of all, Phillip Island is only a short boat ride or car journey away from Melbourne’s Central Business District meaning you Phillip Island is an easy day trip.

Watch penguins come ashore Phillip Island

Day 8: Fly To Hamilton Island

Only a three-hour flight from Melbourne, Hamilton Island is a favorite here at Elite Traveler. Not only is it home to Qualia, which features in our Top 100 Hotels,  but it’s also one of the most scenic places in Australia. Surrounded by beautiful azure, Hamilton Island gives visitors direct access to the Great Barrier Reef and in turn some of the most spectacular scuba diving on the planet. It’s also home to some fantastic restaurants, with fresh fish and foraged vegetables top of the menu.

Recommended Hotel: Qualia

Day 9: Tour The Whitsundays Islands

While Hamilton Island is one of the most beautiful destinations in the Whitsunday Islands, with a size of only three and a bit miles squared it’s safe to say it’s not the most action packed part of Down Under. To make the most of your trip, Elite Traveler would recommend talking to Swain Destinations about the Reef Magic Tours package which will give you a days exploration on a modern catamaran with exclusive access to Marine World activity program including snorkeling in a sheltered coral lagoon, the chance to join marine biologists on a guided snorkel safari, or even the chance to take a helicopter trip over the reefs allowing you to take in all of its natural beauty from a bird’s eye view.

tour australia 20 giorni

Day 10: Fly Back To Sydney

With a flight time of just over two hours the journey from Hamilton Island to Sydney is an easy one. This offers the perfect chance for travelers to either choose a connecting flight home or stay a final night in Sydney and eat at one of the city’s many fantastic restaurants. If you’re looking for one final celebration before flying home, Elite Traveler recommends booking a table at Sixpenny. Serving modern Aussie cuisine, Sixpenny has cemented itself as one of Sydney’s most exciting restaurants. Winner of two hats in this year’s Good Food guide, Sixpenny serves up traditional Australian dishes cooked with modern techniques. One of the standout dishes is the spanner crab with clam butter and Yarra Valley trout roe, which embodies the restaurant’s dedication to serving the freshest ingredients prepared in the most opulent way possible.

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  • 10 Days Tours

Showing  16 Trips in Australia  with 8 Reviews

Brisbane to Cairns Experience: Sand Dunes & the Whitsundays

Brisbane to Cairns Experience: Sand Dunes & the Whitsundays

  • Brochure Price: USD 2,299
  • Special Deal 30% OFF - USD 690
  • Total Price from: USD 1,609

Highlights of Australia

Highlights of Australia

South Australia Outback Adventure

South Australia Outback Adventure

  • Brochure Price: USD 3,025
  • Special Deal 20% OFF - USD 605
  • Total Price from: USD 2,420

South Australia, Melbourne & the Great Ocean Road

South Australia, Melbourne & the Great Ocean Road

  • Brochure Price: USD 2,749
  • Special Deal 25% OFF - USD 688
  • Total Price from: USD 2,061

Whitsundays, Reef & Rainforest - 10 days

Whitsundays, Reef & Rainforest - 10 days

Tasmanian Wonders

Tasmanian Wonders

  • Brochure Price: USD 3,595
  • Special Deal 10% OFF - USD 359
  • Total Price from: USD 3,236

Melbourne Sydney and Brisbane City Package

Melbourne Sydney and Brisbane City Package

Trending destinations in australia.

Bucket List Australia

Bucket List Australia

Walk Western Australia's Karijini & Ningaloo Reef

Walk Western Australia's Karijini & Ningaloo Reef

  • Brochure Price: USD 2,585
  • Special Deal 20% OFF - USD 517
  • Total Price from: USD 2,068

Perth to Broome Safari

Perth to Broome Safari

Darwin to Broome Outback

Darwin to Broome Outback

Broome to Perth Safari

Broome to Perth Safari

Broome to Darwin Outback

Broome to Darwin Outback

Walk Western Australia's Kimberley

Walk Western Australia's Kimberley

Cameron Kangaroo

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Australia 10-Days Tours and Itineraries

Discover the nation’s bucket-list destinations during a 10-day tour in Australia. Snorkel over the colorful shoals that call the Great Barrier Reef home and head to the Red Center for an appointment with the world’s largest monolith in Uluru Kata-Tjuta National Park . Check out the booming food scene in Brisbane and explore the multitude of delights that await in Melbourne. Learn to surf on Sydney ’s Bondi Beach, or set sail for the tropical white sands of the Whitsunday Islands. Still, have some time left? Explore Tasmania ’s lush wilderness and encounter unique wildlife. Is a 10-day Australia itinerary suitable for you? Check out our guide on how many days to spend in Australia to find out more.

Ready to book a tour? Scroll down to browse through our pick of 10-day Australia itineraries.

Australia 10 days Tour Reviews

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How to watch Tour de France: Live stream the race free from anywhere

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The Tour de France, the most iconic cycling race in the world, is back for its 111th race. We've put together everything you need to know about how to watch the Tour de France, including free live streaming options. 

Contrary to its name, the race will kick off this year in Florence and coast around Italy for a few stages before heading into France for the majority of the contest. The competition is spread across 23 days, with 21 different race stages and two Mondays for rest. The race will conclude on July 21 in Nice, France. The winner is determined as the cyclist with the shortest combined times across the entirety of the race.

Danish cyclist Jonas Vingegaard won the 2022 and 2023 races and will return to defend his title following a massive crash in April that left him hospitalized for several days. Slovenian cyclist Tadej Pogacar, who won the 2020 and 2021 Tour de France, is Vingegaard's main competition heading into the race this year. In May, Pogacar won the Giro d'Italia, the first of the annual Grand Tour races, by a shocking, almost 10-minute margin.

Keep reading to learn all of the ways you can live stream the Tour de France, no matter where you are in the world. Plus, we'll keep updating this page with daily start times for each leg of the race.

  • See also: Where to watch US Olympic Gymnastics Trials | Where to watch Formula 1 | Where to watch MotoGP

How to watch Tour de France in the UK

The Tour de France will air daily on ITV4 in the UK, which means that it's available to live stream for free through ITVX . This English-language option only requires account creation to use and is a popular international option for VPN users around the world.

How to watch Tour de France in France

In France, the Tour de France will live stream on France.TV . This is a free French-language option that you just need to make an account to use.

How to watch Tour de France in Australia

The Tour de France live streams are free on SBS in Australia. This is another English-language streaming option that only requires you to create a free account to watch. 

How to watch Tour de France in the US

All stages of the Tour de France will live stream on Peacock in the US. Occasionally, the race will be simulcast on NBC, including stages 8, 14, and 20. Peacock subscriptions start at $5.99 a month and will also cover you for the Olympics, which begin later in July.

tour australia 20 giorni

Peacock is a convenient streaming source for hit NBC TV shows, Universal movies, and select sports like Sunday Night Football. Prices start at just $6 a month, with additional discounts on annual plans.

How to watch Tour de France from anywhere

You can still access the free streams via VPN if you aren't in the UK, France, Australia, or any of the options outlined above during the race. Short for virtual private networks, VPNs allow people to temporarily change their device's virtual location so that they can access their usual websites from anywhere. VPNs are especially popular among people looking to boost their online privacy and keep up with all their apps while abroad.

Our go-to recommendation is ExpressVPN since it's beginner-friendly and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Check out our ExpressVPN review for additional details, and keep reading to learn how to use a VPN.

tour australia 20 giorni

With its consistent performance, reliable security, and expansive global streaming features, ExpressVPN is the best VPN out there, excelling in every spec and offering many advanced features that makes it exceptional. Better yet, you can save up to 49% and get an extra three months for free today.

How to watch Tour de France with a VPN

  • Sign up for a VPN if you don't already have one.
  • Install it on the device you're using to watch the race.
  • Turn it on and set it to the location of the streaming service.
  • Go to  ITVX (UK) , France.TV (France)  or SBS (Australia) and create a login if necessary.
  • Enjoy the Tour de France.

Note: The use of VPNs is illegal in certain countries, and using VPNs to access region-locked streaming content might constitute a breach of the terms of use for certain services. Insider does not endorse or condone the illegal use of VPNs.

tour australia 20 giorni

You can purchase logo and accolade licensing to this story here . Disclosure: Written and researched by the Insider Reviews team. We highlight products and services you might find interesting. If you buy them, we may get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our partners. We may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising team. We welcome your feedback. Email us at [email protected] .

tour australia 20 giorni

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Sabrina Carpenter Unveils Dates for Her ‘Short n’ Sweet’ North American Tour

By Thania Garcia

Thania Garcia

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INDIO, CALIFORNIA - APRIL 12: (FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY) Sabrina Carpenter performs at the Coachella Stage during the 2024 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival at Empire Polo Club on April 12, 2024 in Indio, California. (Photo by Arturo Holmes/Getty Images for Coachella)

Singer-songwriter Sabrina Carpenter has announced her upcoming North American headlining arena tour. The “ Short n’ Sweet ” tour, which kicks off September 23 in Columbus, Ohio, includes dates at New York’s Madison Square Garden and Crypto.com Arena in Los Angeles.

Amaarae , Griff and Declan McKenna will be supporting Carpenter on this tour. Carpenter has partnered with PLUS1 on this tour to launch the Sabrina Carpenter Fund, which will support the well-being of people and animals, including national and local organizations working on the issues of mental health, animal welfare, and support for the LGBTQ+ community.

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Nearly six albums into her career, Carpenter made Hot 100 history with her new single “Please Please Please” debuting at No. 2, and “Espresso” rising to a new peak of No. 3 on the list. The 25-year-old singer-songwriter became the first solo act in the history of the Billboard chart to land two simultaneous top-three hits without having previously charted in that realm.

“Please Please Please” was completed by a cinematic music video starring “Saltburn” star and Carpenter’s real-life boyfriend, Barry Keoghan. The song was co-written with Amy Allen, who also helped pen “Espresso.”

The singles will appear on her new album, “Short n’ Sweet,” due out Aug. 23. “This project is quite special to me and [I] hope it’ll be something special to you too,” she wrote on social media with the announcement. Half of the LP was produced by Jack Antonoff, along with returning collaborator, Julian Bunetta, as reported by Rolling Stone.

Carpenter released her fifth album “Emails I Can’t Send” in 2022 , as well as its deluxe edition “Emails I Can’t Send Fwd” the following year. It became her highest-charting to date and boasted a hot single “Nonsense,” a song that caught fire after she provided alternate closing lyrics while opening for Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour in South America and Australia. She also toured the album on her own 80-date headlining world tour.

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  18. 20 giorni in Australia

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  19. Cosa fare in Australia: un itinerario di 20 giorni

    L'itinerario che segue, che dividerò in giorni per comodità di chi scrive e di chi legge, è costituito principalmente da tre blocchi:- South Australia (da giorno 1 a giorno 5)- Red Centre (da giorno 5 a giorno 8)- Sydney e West Coast (da giorno 8 a giorno 20) I tre blocchi sono ovviamente modulabili, a patto di trovare buone soluzioni coi voli.

  20. The Ultimate 10 Day Trip To Australia

    Day 3: Visit The Secluded Waters Of Hawkesbury Bay. Only accessible by boat or seaplane, the Hawkesbury River is one of the most beautiful spots in all of New South Wales. Surrounded with vast woodland and awe-inspiring scenery, elite travelers can fly to the Hawkesbury River by booking the Sydney Seaplanes' the Berowa Waters Inn trip.

  21. Best Australia 10-Day Tours & Itineraries

    Best of Eastern Australia: Sydney, Cairns, Gold Coast & Melbourne - 10 Days. On this 10-day adventure through Australia, discover four cities, along with several scenic day trips. Begin in Sydney to tour landmarks and areas like The Rocks, Sydney Harbour, and Bondi Beach, along with an excursion to the stunning Blue Mountains region.

  22. Best 10-Day Australia Tours and Itineraries

    Sailing to whiteheaven was so beautiful, never saw such a beautiful beach!". We offer 15 great 10-Day Australia tours and itineraries in 2024/2025. Our 10-Day itineraries and tours in Australia are offered by some of Australia's best tour operators. We promise you a quality 10-Day Australia itinerary.

  23. How to watch Tour de France: Live stream the race free from anywhere

    How to watch Tour de France in Australia. ... 14, and 20. Peacock subscriptions start at $5.99 a month and will also cover you for the Olympics, which begin later in July.

  24. Best Australia 15-Day Tours & Itineraries

    The Best of Eastern Australia: Sydney, Cairns, Gold Coast & Melbourne - 15 Days. This packed 15-day itinerary includes the best of Australia's stunning coastline. It takes you from hallmark cities like Melbourne and Sydney to the epic surf of the Gold Coast and up to Queensland for an adventure on the Great Barrier Reef.

  25. Sabrina Carpenter Unveils Dates for 'Short and Sweet' Tour

    Jun 20, 2024 7:07am PT ... ," a song that caught fire after she provided alternate closing lyrics while opening for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in South America and Australia. She also toured the ...