
Dreaming about traveling here's what it means, according to experts.

Sarah Regan

When it comes to dream interpretation, so much of it depends on the context and finer details of the dream. To dream about traveling is no exception, with a myriad of variations that can change the meaning of the dream . So, we asked experts about a few of their top interpretations for travel dreams—here's what they had to say.

Dream interpretation.

Before diving in, it's worth noting that any scientific validity to dream interpretation is sparse. Generally, dreams are thought of as a means of memory consolidation and potentially even "predicting" the future (i.e., our brains running through potential scenarios that could happen).

Nevertheless, we've all had dreams that seemed a bit too relevant to our waking lives, raising the question, What was that dream trying to tell me? Only you can truly understand what the symbols in your dreams mean to you, but there are still some common tropes in dreams that interpreters take to have specific meanings.

7 reasons you're dreaming about traveling:

You're craving freedom..

According to dream expert  Leslie Ellis, Ph.D., dreaming about travel can indicate that you're on a quest for freedom. "In this pandemic era where travel has been so restricted, travel dreams could be some form of vicarious way of gaining freedom of movement," she says, adding, "Freud was not entirely wrong about dreams being a form of wish fulfillment, at least some of the time."

You're experiencing some kind of movement in your life.

Along with a craving for freedom, travel dreams can also suggest there's some sort of movement or momentum happening in your life. "Traveling usually represents forward movement—progress in some area," notes professional dream interpreter  Lauri Loewenberg . And as Ellis adds, this "movement" could be personal or professional, as well as actual geographical movement.

You feel in control.

If you're traveling in a vehicle in your dream and it's running smoothly, Loewenberg tells mbg that can mean you feel in control of some aspect of your life. "You want to be driving the car, for example, because that's letting you know that whatever issue this dream is commenting on, you're in control of it," she explains.

You feel out of control.

On the other hand, Loewenberg says, if the car is having some hiccups, such as malfunctioning brakes, "that's a good indication that you're having a hard time getting something started in your real life, or you don't have a good handle on whatever path of progression this is connected to."

She adds that if you're driving a car in your dream and get into an accident, this can mean you're experiencing a sort of emotional or energy crash in your life.

You're experiencing some sort of ending.

Crashes or accidents in travel dreams can also mean something is on the verge of coming to an end in your life (or already has), Loewenberg notes.

The theme of endings existing within travel dreams can also relate to life stages and death, Ellis explains. "They can, at the far end of the journey, indicate preparation for death. There are many accounts of dreams easing people into the final stages of their life , preparing them in ways that tend to be calming and spiritual," she notes.

You're advancing in your career (or thinking about it).

According to Loewenberg, dreams about traveling in a plane , more often than not, are related to your career path, "because the plane takes off and we want our careers to take off and reach new levels." Planes can also represent your spiritual or religious path , she adds.

You're searching for something.

And lastly, depending on your destination, travel dreams can mean you're looking for something in your life. "If your destination is a beach, for example, that means you're trying to reach a place in your life where you are having peace of mind," Loewenberg explains. Or maybe you're traveling to a hospital, which would indicate you're on a healing path, she adds.

Interpretations based on travel companions:

Family members..

With the previous interpretations in mind, it's also important to consider who's accompanying you in the dream. In the case of family members, Ellis says, this could relate to feeling of moving on, or moving forward, as it relates to the family members in the dream.

A romantic partner.

Loewenberg says dreaming about traveling with a partner can offer good insight into how the relationship is going and how you both are reacting within the relationship. "Pay attention to who's behind the wheel and how well the vehicle is moving forward," she suggests, for example.

If you're on a boat, she adds they often represent our relationships. (Relation-"ship," get it?) "A ship or a boat will be commenting on a relationship more than any other vehicle because it travels on water, and water tends to represent the emotional self," Loewenberg explains.

In that case, are you on an extravagant cruise liner that's sailing smoothly? Or are you in a broken-down boat that's sinking fast ? You can guess which one indicates a relationship is heading south.


If you're dreaming about work colleagues, Ellis says this situates the dream story in the world of work. "Again, it can be telling to look at the mode of travel, ease of transport, and nature of the destination," she notes. Ask yourself if you're getting to where you want to go. "This can be a big life question. Are the people you are with helping or hindering your progress?" Ellis adds.

Traveling solo.

Of course, there's a chance you'll be traveling solo in your dream, as well. Loewenberg says a common vehicle in travel dreams is a bike or motorcycle, which are, of course, single-passenger vehicles. This would be a dream about a path you are on alone that doesn't affect anyone else, she explains.

"You also have to have good balance to operate a bicycle or a motorcycle, so take a good look at your emotional balance or anything you're trying to balance in your life," Ellis adds.

The bottom line.

Dreaming about travel isn't uncommon—and interpreting these dreams always comes down to their context. With these potential interpretations at the ready, you're all set to open your mind to the world of your travel dreams—and consider how they relate to your reality.

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15 Spiritual Meanings When You Dream About Travelling

By: Author » 15 Spiritual Meanings When You Dream About Travelling

15 Spiritual Meanings When You Dream About Travelling

There’s something about traveling that captivates our imaginations and fills us with a sense of wonder. For many of us, traveling is a lifelong ambition, so dreaming about it can be very exciting, especially when you see yourself in places you’ve always wanted to visit in your waking.

Travel dreams represent your life journey, whether physically or spiritually. These dreams contain a heavy message about our lives and what we need to do to improve them.

Let’s take a closer look at the hidden meaning behind dreams of traveling

What It Means To Dream About Travelling

1. you need a massive change in your life.

Your travel dreams may point to a need for movement or change in your life. This change might be personal, like a desire to explore new places or take on new experiences. Or it could be professional, like a need to take on a new job/project.

They could also be as straightforward as prompting a genuine geographical move. But, no matter what the case may be, dreaming about traveling typically signifies you need to improve some areas of your life.

2. You Need Freedom

In our waking lives, we often travel to get away from our professional life, families, and local area. As a result, dreams about traveling may reflect your desire for freedom.

This does not imply that you are in perpetual bondage but that your life has become routine and boring, and you want to enjoy a break from that daily routine. The dream is therefore encouraging you to take the vacation you desire.

3. You Are in Control of Your Life

If you’re in a car in your dream, it could indicate that you feel in control of your life or a particular aspect of it. This is especially true if you are driving and the car is moving nicely. It means that you like how your life is currently going and are confident about the path you are on.

You Are in Control of Your Life

4. You Need a Spark of Creativity

Visiting a place you are quite familiar with in your dream could be your subconscious trying to let you know that you need more creative stimulation. Many of us are creative individuals who flourish when presented with challenges. But most times, we become too preoccupied with life to take care of our creative sides.

Dreaming of visiting a familiar location indicates that it is time to start planning creative activities. It could be fun to pick up a hobby or craft that you haven’t had time to do for a while ago.

5. You Experience Confusion and Exhaustion

A dream in which you have a delayed flight for a trip overseas can indicate restlessness and dissatisfaction with your current situation. It can be a sign that you need a change of pace and should take a break from your normal routine to find a new purpose in life.

You shouldn’t disregard this dream if it comes consistently because it may be a sign of your underlying unhappiness. Naturally, it isn’t always possible to modify your life drastically. However, by making small adjustments to your daily schedule, you might be able to relieve some of the tension and anxiety.

6. You Are Ambitious

When you fly to your destination in a dream , it may signify that you have grand ambitions and a solid plan for achieving them. This dream can be a metaphor for the journey toward a new beginning and a more important goal.

You may be feeling particularly determined and have aspirations to achieve something great.  This dream is a reflection of that and a positive sign that you are heading in the right direction.

Common Scenarios of Traveling in a Dream and Their Meanings

1.  traveling to a specific place.

If you’ve ever dreamed of traveling to a specific place, it may suggest that you are longing to break free from your everyday routine. Perhaps you have been feeling burdened by your responsibilities and are looking for an escape.

Why not try making a few small changes in your life instead of a complete overhaul? Even a small shift can sometimes make a big difference.

Common Scenarios of Traveling in a Dream and Their Meanings

2.  Traveling to Distant Countries

If you dreamed that you decided to travel to faraway places, it might imply that you are attempting to understand various points of view to make your own difficult decision. This dream may also indicate that you are facing several detours.

You should explore this dream further by considering the specific places you were traveling to and the decisions you are currently facing.

What do these places represent for you? What are the different options you are considering? Taking some time to reflect on your dream can give you valuable insights into your current situation and help you make the best decision for yourself.

3.  Traveling Through Unknown Places

Visiting unknown places means you’re adventurous and open to new experiences! This dream predicts a future filled with exciting new opportunities and positive changes.

So it would be best if you stay positive and open-minded. However, unknown places could also be a warning about future problems you’ve never encountered.

4.  Traveling With Too Much Luggage

Traveling and carrying a lot of heavy bags suggests that you may be shouldering a burden in real life that will slow you down. This dream can remind you to get rid of things you don’t need anymore in your waking life.

If you’re unsure what’s weighing you down, take some time to reflect on your recent experiences and see if anything stands out. Once you identify what’s holding you back, you can start working on letting it go.

5.  Loss Of Property When Travelling

The worst-case scenario when traveling is to lose anything crucial. When traveling to a foreign country, worrying about losing cash, a bag, or a valuable item like your passport is typical. Your dread of losing something might occasionally catalyze such dreams in your subconscious mind.

Loss Of Property When Travelling

Whatever you lose in the dream may serve as a warning to value resources in the real world. A pessimistic interpretation of the dream can be that you’re going to lose something important to you. It might be telling you to be careful with your assets and choose wisely.

6.  Traveling Through Scary Places

If you’re having issues at work , school , or any other area of your life, it’s typical to interpret dreams of passing through or arriving in a dangerous, foreign location as a negative omen.

Dreaming of such a place can be a sign that you’re feeling out of place or overwhelmed in your current situation. It is also a warning from your subconscious to watch out for danger in your waking life.

If you’re feeling particularly stressed or anxious, pay attention to your dreams and take them as a sign to slow down and take care of yourself.

7.  Traveling to a Place You’ve Visited Before

Your dream could indicate that you have a strong urge to go back to places and with people you’re more comfortable with.

It may be time to focus on strengthening your relationships with the people who are important to you. If you’ve been feeling like you’ve been too busy to spend time with your family or friends , maybe it’s time to reevaluate your schedule and make some time for the people who matter most to you.

8.  Crossing Mountains While Traveling

When you dream of mountains, it may represent the significant challenges in your life that require perseverance. Climbing a mountain in your dream may symbolize your motivation and resolve to overcome any obstacles in your path.

Remember that you have the strength within you to overcome any challenge, no matter how daunting it may seem. Trust in yourself and your abilities, and you will achieve anything you set your mind to.

9.  Traveling with Close Relations

If you dream of traveling with a group of friends or family members , it can symbolize both good and bad things . For example, it could represent your close-knit bond with these people and your desire to explore the world with them.

Alternatively, it could suggest that you feel burdened by the responsibility of taking care of others or that you feel like you’re being dragged along on a trip you don’t really want to go on.

If you’re unsure what your dream is trying to tell you, pay attention to the overall tone of the dream – was it positive or negative? – and to any other symbols that appeared in the dream, which could provide clues as to their meaning.

Dreams about traveling by land, sea , or air indicate a change that is either already taking place or is going to take place. If you can interpret as much of your dream as you can, it could be possible for you to decipher its hidden meaning, especially when the dream makes you feel odd or bewildered.

It’s also crucial to retain as many details of the dream as possible to do this. The more details you can recall, the better your ability to comprehend your dream.

Feel free to ask us questions about your dreams below, and we’d be happy to help you understand them!

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Dreaming About Traveling – What It Really Means

Apsara Palit

Table of Contents

Dreams about traveling – a general meaning, breaking down the details of the dream, what to do about these dreams, wrapping up.

To dream about traveling somewhere is extremely common and almost everyone sees this dream at least once in their life. These dreams can have various meanings, but typically represent transformation or the path you’re traveling on in life. However, the meanings can vary depending on the details and context of the dream. How you traveled in the dream, where you traveled to, and how you felt can affect its meaning.

Dreams about traveling can have both positive and negative interpretations. Most dreams tend to have a hidden message, so knowing how to interpret them can be more useful than you’d think.

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Dreams about travel can reflect how you move through life. You’re either in transit or starting a new chapter in your life.

The location you’re leaving in the dream could represent your past and the people you’re leaving behind. If there’s a distinct destination in your dream, it may offer clues as to where you desire to be. Not knowing the destination, on the other hand, can indicate a deep need or desire to move your life into new territory, although you may not be sure of what it might be.

The vehicle you use for traveling in the dream can reveal issues you’re facing in your waking life. How effective your vehicle is and the amount of control you have over the direction of movement is also important to consider. They can show how confident you are in controlling the events in your life. For example, if the vehicle is an expensive, luxury vehicle, it could indicate that you’re anxious about financial issues. If you’re aboard a train, it could mean that something in your life is speeding out of control, and you are struggling to regain control.

If you find yourself stuck in the dream, unable to control where you’re going, it could suggest that some aspect of your life is stagnating. The obstacles you come across can relate to the real-life challenges you currently face.

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However, if you’re someone who loves traveling, dreaming of travel could simply be a reflection of this. If you spend time daydreaming about travel or planning your next travels, it’s normal for your mind to bring this up in your sleep. Much of the content in our dreams comes from our waking experiences. According to sleep researcher and associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Robert Stickgold , who says to NPR “When we sleep, the brain does a lot of work, taking what we’ve learned, what we’ve encoded as new memories in the last day, and trying to figure out what they mean”. In other words, dreams reflect our experiences from our daily life. So, while it’s fun to try to decode the message of a dream, sometimes it’s important to realize that a cigar can be just a cigar.

scenarios of travel dreams

While it can be difficult to analyze every detail of your dream, picking out the most salient elements can help you interpret your dream.  

Dreaming of Being on a Spiritual Journey

Some dreams about traveling do not express an ongoing process, but a desire or need to escape from your present situation. They may be something or someone in your waking life that you need to get away from.

A dream about traveling to a sacred place can have two meanings, psychologically speaking.  Firstly, it could mean that you’re becoming aware of your true self. Secondly, if the place is a sacred well or a place of healing, it may mean that you feel the need for spiritual and psychic healing.

Dreaming of Traveling Through Scary Places

Dreaming of traveling through or to a scary, unfamiliar place is often considered a bad sign. It could mean that you’re going through some problems at work or that you’re in conflict with your boss or colleagues. Your subconscious mind could be telling you to watch your back at work because there may be people who you think are friends but are actually enemies.

Dreaming of Traveling by Boat, Ship, or Cruise

Boats are viewed as a symbol of the voyage of life due to its purpose: to transport someone or something over the watery depths, taking them towards a fresh start and something new. Therefore, traveling by boat in a dream could represent new opportunities that are about to come your way.

This dream could also indicate that that you’re experiencing some emotional issues in your waking life. The type of boat and its size can represent your ability to navigate emotional issues based on your own resources and level of skill. For example, a massive, powerful ship could suggest that you are stronger than you think and have the ability to overcome all your hardships.

A sinking boat can indicate that the problems you’re facing in your waking life are overwhelming you and you may feel as though you’re drowning , unable to move forward. This dream could be telling you to get in touch with your inner emotions.

Dreaming of traveling on a cruise ship could have a negative connotation. Your subconscious mind could be telling you that you have some desires or ideas that are unrealistic. You may want to take a step back and think about your goals and dreams. There’s no need to give up on them just because they may seem unrealistic, but you may be able to find realistic and practical ways to achieve them.

Dreaming of Traveling with Company

Dreaming of traveling somewhere with company, either your friends or family members, could have both positive and negative meanings. For instance, traveling with your family members is generally regarded as a negative sign that indicates financial loss.

On the other hand, traveling with friends in your dream has a highly positive meaning. It suggests that you have or will soon have a happy, stable family life. You may already have a good relationship with your partner and children in which case this dream could mean that you’ll improve your relationship with them and strengthen the bond between you.

If you dream of traveling with a companion of the same gender as yourself, it could mean that this person is your alter ego. Regardless of who the person is, this dream could be giving you a sign that you’re comfortable being by yourself and are confident in leading the way ahead.

Dreaming of Traveling to a Place You’ve Visited Before

If you see yourself traveling to a place you know and have been to before in your waking life, it suggests that you have a strong desire to return. On the other hand, it could be completely unrelated to the location you’re traveling to.

Instead, this dream could be giving you a sign that it’s time to improve your communication with the people around you. Perhaps your busy schedule has kept you away from your family or friends for too long. If this is the case, you might want to start making some changes to your timetable and making time for the important people in your life.

Dreaming of Crossing Mountains While Traveling

If you see yourself crossing mountains in the dream, it indicates that you will soon be experiencing happiness, prosperity, and good fortune . It could also mean you’re achieving your goals one by one.

Mountains symbolize the massive, challenging obstacles in your life that require hard work and determination to overcome. Therefore, crossing or climbing mountains in your dream can mean that you’re facing the hurdles with motivation, perseverance, and determination. You may soon begin to overcome all the obstacles you face until you can finally see a clear path ahead.

Dreaming of Flying

Flying to your destination in a dream could mean that you have set high goals for yourself and also have a well thought out plan to achieve them. This dream may represent the movement towards a greater destination and fresh start.

Dreaming of Losing Something While Traveling

Losing something important while traveling can be your worst nightmare. It’s common to worry about losing money, an important document like your passport, or a bag when you’re journeying to a far-off place. Sometimes, your subconscious mind can use your fear of losing something to trigger such a dream. However, it’s important to remember not to take it literally.

Regardless of what you lose in the dream, it could be a reminder to recognize valuable resources in your waking life. The dream could also have a negative interpretation, indicating that you’re about to lose something valuable to you. In this case, it could be warning you to be careful with your possessions and make wise decisions.

Losing your passport in the dream could mean that it’s time to start a new phase in your life, letting go of all the old issues. It may also represent the psychological barriers you’re trying to cross over in order to start a new life.

If you get lost in your dream, you’re likely confused by certain events in your waking life that prevent you from moving forward. This dream could be letting you know that you need to retrace your steps, find out where you took the wrong turn, and relate that point to something that’s happening in your life.

Dreaming of Traveling in a UFO

Dream of travel in ufo

As strange as this dream may be, it indicates that you’re waiting for impossible things to happen on their own. However, it’s important to understand that in order for something to happen, you will need to do your part and take the necessary steps.

The dream could also indicate that there are some problems in your waking life that you need to work on resolving. Up until now, you may have been waiting for others to do things for you, but it’s important that you start working towards what you want.

Dreaming of traveling somewhere can make you feel excited, but you may also be wondering what it means. Dreams typically have hidden messages and understanding these can help you to understand a lot about yourself and your emotions. It can even help you to recognize something that could be going wrong in your waking life, so that you can be prepared or take action to correct it as soon as possible.

Feeling uncomfortable, frightened, or unhappy while traveling in the dream can indicate fear of change. However, while it’s important not to pressure yourself into making any chances at once, it’s also important to remember that change is inevitable. Embracing it, instead of avoiding it, could lead to bigger and better things and it could also bring out the best in you.

Whether it’s by sea, land, or air, any form of travel in a dream points to a transformation that’s already happening or is about to happen. If your dream leaves you feeling strange or confused, interpreting as much as you can of it could help you understand the hidden message in it. To do this, it’s important to remember as many elements of the dream as possible. The more you remember, the more accurately you will be able to interpret the dream and understand its meaning.

Apsara Palit

After completing her post-grad in Values, Ethics and Indian Culture, Apsara is sharing her knowledge of symbolism, mythology, history and culture through her blogs. Apsara lives in India and believes in getting a first-hand understanding of culture through travelling.

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12 Dreams About Traveling : Meaning & Interpretation

Every person has traveled at least once in his/her life. Millions of people across the globe aspire to travel and capture the beauty of this planet before they bid their goodbye. Considering traveling an essential part of our life, it is not uncommon to dream about traveling.

Traveling from place to place allows you to be introduced to new cultures , landscapes, and philosophy of living.

Dreams about traveling indicate a new journey in life, a new destination to achieve, or a new ambition to conquer.

There are countless places and destinations, one can dream about traveling; therefore, it is essential to note the destination where you have journeyed to, in your dreams.

Carefully observe the context of the dream, the emotions which the dream induced along with any companion /accompanying you while traveling .

What Does Traveling Represent In A Dream?

Traveling in a dream can refer to a diverse range of events. Dreams about traveling may indicate your inner struggles to reach to a specific solution, multiple ideas swirling in your mind waiting to be executed , or it may refer to your journey towards self – discovery to unveil your true potential .

Symbolic Of Escape From Your Daily Routine

Dreams about traveling often indicate that you are feeling bored and tired of repeating the same monotonous routine in your life.

You are a thrill-seeker who is passionate about testing your limits to the fullest. Traveling away from your home in a dream indicates that you need adventure in your life.

You want to get away from your boring life and seek something new and exciting , which gives you a sense of accomplishment and makes you want to live.

You are in dire need of change in scenery. Take a break from your life and explore what life has to offer you. Seek and explore new things, to have that sense of thrill and excitement back in your life.

Desire To Escape From Problems In Your Life

Dreams about traveling sometimes indicate that you want to escape from the problems in your life. Things have gotten so overwhelmingly for you that you are unable to handle the stress and burden which is weighing you down.

You are looking for possible escape routes so that you do not have to deal with the anxiety and pressure to correct things anymore.

The dream is a reflection of your subconscious of needing an escape, but it is also serving you as a reminder that overlooking your problems or looking for an escape route is not going to solve any problems for you.

You need to take things in your hand and work to find a solution instead of abandoning your life. Be smart and critical about your choices, so that you can successfully deal with these temporary hurdles in your life.

Symbolic Of Struggles Towards Success

Traveling in a dream might be symbolic of your struggles towards success. You are an ambitious person with a goal set in his mind and are willing to give your all when you have set your mind to do something.

Traveling in the dream is a reflection of your journey, which is full of ups and downs. Sometimes you encounter success and are happy about it, and yet sometimes you have to overcome various blockages which often lower your morale but also makes you more determined and stronger.

You need to keep a sound mind and enjoy the journey as it continues. Appreciating small achievements and pulling yourself back up after a downfall will only help you move forward more forcefully and firmly in life.

Symbolic Of Transformation

Dreams about traveling stand symbolic of personal transformation . They represent your journey towards maturity as you encounter different experiences in your life, which makes you wiser and stronger to deal with future problems in life.

Traveling an endless road with occasional bumps in your dream represents that you are going to come across multiple challenges in your life, which will make you sturdier than before.

You are continuously under evolution were a part of yourself is always transforming with every passing day.

Facing the challenges is not going to make you weak instead, it will prepare you to meet more significant problems in life as you mature into an adult.

Symbolic Of New Beginnings

Traveling in a dream often indicates that you are about to en-route a new journey in life. Multiple interpretations are attached in this context, including spiritual transformation, where you have adopted a new set of ethics and principles to guide your way, or you could be starting a new career path.

The dream indicates that you are mentally prepared to explore unfamiliar pathways and transform yourself into the person you want to be in the process.

Seeing yourself traveling a new road is a positive omen that you should embark new paths in life to help you thrive and succeed in life.

Common Situations In Which You Dream About Traveling

Dreaming of traveling while carrying excessive luggage.

To dream of traveling while being burdened by excessive luggage indicates that you have been useless baggage of the past, which is stopping you from moving forward in life.

You are holding on to the memories of the past, which is causing you excessive stress and anxiety . The dream is a reminder that you need to let go of the past and start living in the present.

Forget what has happened and move on so that you can live your present life without any unwanted disturbances .

Dreaming Of Traveling Abroad

To dream of traveling abroad is a sign that you need to bring order and stability in your life.

The dream indicates that you are living a chaotic life where you have taken upon excessive responsibilities but you are unable to fulfill any of them successfully.

The unreasonable burden and stress are causing you to lose control over your life, and everything is falling apart.

You wish to abandon everything and escape from the mess you have created, but the dream is reminding you that instead of looking for an easy way out, you need to start managing things one by one.

Sort everything out and let go of the responsibilities which have been weighing you down.

Dreaming Of Traveling With Family Members

To dream about traveling with your family members is a negative omen. It indicates that you will soon get into financial troubles along with your family.

Monetary issues will cause you to fall indebted . The stable source of income for your family might be cut off in the future, leading you to worry about even the basic necessities.

Take this dream as a warning sign and start taking preventive measures to avoid falling into more significant trouble.

Dreaming Of Traveling To An Unknown Destination

Traveling is a dream to an unknown place is a positive omen. It indicates that you will come across unexpected opportunities and prospects in life, which will help you turn your life for the better.

Your life will change significantly . You will find perfect chances to boost up your professional career or will find an opportunity to start a business of your own.

Dreaming Of Traveling Thorugh Dark And Unfamiliar Places

Seeing yourself traveling dark and eerie places in a dream is an ominous omen. Such dreams are the carrier of bad news, especially related to your health and financial circumstances.

The dream symbolizes that you are going to get trapped in dangerous situations which might cause substantial damage to your life.

You may end up losing someone close to you or your monetary status will significantly decline .

Unfamiliar and dark places in dreams also indicate that your health will unexpectedly fall or you may end up catching a terminal illness.

Dreaming Of Traveling Through Mountains

Traveling through a mountainous region in a dream and being surrounded by breathtaking landscapes is a positive omen.

The dream is the carrier of happy news indicating that your miseries and problems are soon going to end . You will soon embark on a journey which will take you closer to happiness and prosperity .

You will be pleased and spiritually content in life with how things turned up in your life. Sit back and relax ; your joyful times are not far ahead.

Dreaming Of Traveling Across Oceans

Traveling across vast oceans in a dream is an ominous symbol. The dream is indicative of troubling times ahead.

You will see yourself trapped in relationship issues , which will cause you immense emotional and mental stress .

The disturbance in your private life will also affect your professional life, and you will find yourself struggling with dealing with the projects assigned to you.

The dream is a warning indicator that you need to be careful in dealing with your loved ones to avoid any unwanted disturbance affecting your life.

Dreams about traveling indicate a period of transformation, the beginning of a new journey or brings with them news of prosperity and peace.

In negative connotations, these dreams serve as a warning symbol, indicating that you need to reevaluate your behavior and life choices to avoid certain troubles disturbing your life.

to dream of travel

Unpacking Your Wanderlust: What Dreaming About Travel Really Means

W ho hasn't woken up from a dream about travel and thought, "Wow, what was that all about?" Dreaming about exploring far-off places, flying without wings, or even missing a crucial flight can leave you perplexed, intrigued, and sometimes itching to understand more. In this comprehensive article, let's decode the fascinating topic of travel dreams and what they could mean for you.

A Dive into Dreams

Dreams are like the nightly theatre of our subconscious. Scientists and psychologists have spent years studying why we dream, and the consensus seems to be that dreams serve as a blend of emotional regulation and cognitive processing. Now, when it comes to dreams featuring travel, that's where things get really interesting. These aren't just random scenarios; they often carry significant, symbolic meanings that could illuminate insights about your personality, emotional state, and aspirations.

Travel in Dreams vs. Reality

Here's the thing: Dreaming about travel is not the same as actually craving a vacation. In real life, you may wish for a Caribbean cruise because you need a break. But if you dream about sailing through uncharted waters, the meaning could be more complex, perhaps hinting at navigating through unknown emotional territories in your life. While interpreting dreams, it's crucial to recognize that one size doesn't fit all. Your travel dream is your own unique experience, so the meaning won't always be universal.

Popular Travel Dream Scenarios and Their Interpretations

There's a handful of travel scenarios that people commonly dream about, and each carries its own set of meanings. Let's dive in:

Flying or Soaring Through the Skies

This is an exhilarating dream that people often wish they could have again. Generally, it symbolizes a desire for freedom or an aspiration to rise above challenges. If you find yourself soaring like a bird, it could mean you're reaching for higher ambitions or looking for a way out of a situation that's bringing you down.

Being Lost in a New City

Ah, the classic! This dream taps into emotions like uncertainty and stress. It usually emerges when you're going through changes or making significant decisions. Feeling lost in a new city in your dream might suggest you're seeking direction in your life or grappling with feelings of dislocation and unfamiliarity.

Missing a Flight or Train

This dream could induce some real-world stress, couldn't it? If you've dreamt of missing a flight or train, it often reflects anxieties around lost opportunities or falling behind in life. It could indicate that you're feeling pressed for time or worried about making a pivotal life change.

Endless Road or Journey

Dreaming about an endless road usually encapsulates the concept of life's journey. It might signify your long-term goals, your life path, or your resilience when faced with challenges. This dream indicates that you're engaged in a process, not just hunting for a destination.

Luxury Cruise or Exotic Resort

Dreams about luxury cruises or exotic resorts are usually tied to desires for relaxation and reward. Maybe you've been working hard, and your subconscious thinks it's time for a treat. Alternatively, this dream might signify your need for a break from routine or for quality time to revitalize yourself.

The Emotions Behind Travel Dreams

Your emotional state plays a key role in the nature of your travel dreams. Positive emotional states often lead to dreams of exhilarating travel experiences, like exploring unknown lands or taking adventurous hikes. On the flip side, if you're anxious or stressed, it's more likely you'll dream about missing flights or getting lost—situations that amplify your emotional unease.

The Impact of Cultural and Personal Experiences

Your cultural background and personal experiences are like filters that shape your dream content. Someone who grew up by the sea might have different types of travel dreams than someone who was raised in a bustling city. Likewise, what you consume—be it books, movies, or social media—can impact your dreams about travel, sometimes in surprisingly creative ways.

How to Harness the Power of Travel Dreams

Your travel dreams can be potent tools for personal insight. Keeping a dream journal can help you catch recurring themes or symbols that might be trying to tell you something. You can also focus on the emotional tone of the dreams to provide clues for areas in your life that might need attention or change.

Addressing Common Misconceptions

There's no shortage of myths and misunderstandings about dreaming. Let's set the record straight on a few:

Every Travel Dream is a Premonition

Nope, not necessarily. Your dream of a tropical vacation doesn't mean you should rush to buy lottery tickets. Dreams are more symbolic than literal, offering perspectives on your emotional wellbeing.

Only Positive Dreams are Good

It's natural to prefer enjoyable dreams, but sometimes the unsettling ones offer the most profound insights. A dream that leaves you uncomfortable may be a signal to address something significant in your life.

Interpreting Dreams Literally

While it's tempting to apply dream events directly to real life, doing so often leads to confusion. Your dream about traveling to Mars probably doesn't mean you should become an astronaut—unless, of course, that's a lifelong goal!

These slumber-induced adventures offer more than just nightly entertainment; they often serve as windows to your soul. So the next time you wake up from a dream-filled journey, embrace it as a signpost on your personal path to understanding yourself better.

Uncover the hidden meanings behind your travel dreams to gain insights into your aspirations, fears, and emotional wellbeing.

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How to plan your dream vacation

Sometimes you crave a vacation — but actually taking one feels out of reach. Maybe you're struggling to find the time or save up the money. Or maybe you just can't seem to launch those plans out of the group chat. Overcome that planning inertia and take the big trip of your dreams. Here's where to start your search, organize your logistics and enjoy yourself.

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Rebecca and the World

15 Dream Travel Destinations to Visit Before You Die

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Looking for dream travel destinations to fuel your wanderlust? Look no further!

As an avid traveller and travel blogger, it’s probably no surprise that I have a list of dream travel destinations as long as my arm.

I’m always dreaming of travel and all the places I want to visit – or re-visit.

My bucket list is already fairly lengthy, but continues to grow every year as I discover more adventures to add.

This list of dream destinations is my personal list, but be warned: I think you’ll get a healthy dose of wanderlust, too.

From well-trodden countries to off-the-beaten-path destinations, cities to beaches, here’s my list of dream travel destinations that I want to visit at least once in my life.

A vintage-style camera with a black strap rests atop an open atlas displaying a Mercator projection map of the world. The setting conveys a theme of travel and exploration.

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My dream travel destinations

1. australia.

A vast, arid landscape with sparse vegetation in the foreground and the iconic Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, in the distance. The large sandstone formation stands prominently under a clear sky with a slight gradient from blue to pale orange.

After being an expat for 8 years, exploring my own country is right at the top of my list.

There are so many things to do in Australia , and upon returning home to Melbourne I realised how little of my own country I’ve seen.

I’ve fixed that somewhat, with a visit to Uluru , a hike in Tasmania and a 3.5 month road trip around half the country – through South Australia, stopping in quirky towns like Coober Pedy , up through the Northern Territory , through the Kimberley , and all the way down the Western Australia coast .

Of course, there’s so much more I still need and want to do – an East Coast Australia road trip from Melbourne to Sydney. Drive all the way up to the Cape of York . Hike Western Australia’s Cape to Cape trail. Another trip along the incredible Great Ocean Road .

READ NEXT: An epic Adelaide to Darwin road trip

The expansive Plaza de España in Seville, Spain, with its ornate architecture, a canal with a small boat, and visitors walking along the semi-circular building's arcade.

Spain is my spirit country. I feel so alive when I’m there and so comfortable. This is always one of my dream travel destinations, and a place I’m so happy to return to each time.

Our incredible southern Spain road trip a few years ago took us through the beautiful Andalucia region . I could easily live in Seville , and eat all the tapas and become gorda .

I’ve been to Barcelona and Madrid, but next time I return to Spain, I would relish the chance to get out into the countryside, especially in the north of the country. I’d love to return to San Sebastián and eat all the delicious pintxos , or try more wine in La Rioja . I’ve heard incredible things about the Asturias region, and all of the coast of Spain looks spectacular.

Also on my bucket list is completing the Camino de Santiago , the famous pilgrimage route.

READ NEXT: How to spend the perfect 2 days in Granada

Narrow cobblestone street in a quaint European village, with colourful buildings and a white scooter parked to one side. The food, beaches and small villages are just a few reasons why I want to visit Italy.

My husband and I were supposed to visit Italy for our 5 th wedding anniversary in 2019. But because we went on a 5-month road trip around the USA that year, we decided to postpone it until 2020. Obviously, that never happened!

Why do I want to go Italy? I don’t think I really need to explain why it’s one of my bucket list destinations. Italy has so much to offer, but for me, number one is the food . Sitting in a cafĂ© devouring handmade pasta, or feasting on fresh seafood in an oceanside village or eating all the street food in Naples sounds pretty idyllic.

I would love to visit some lesser touristed places , like Puglia, Sicily or Umbria. But I also want to explore the churches in Rome and more popular spots!

In the meantime, I’ll be satisfied with the pizza that our Italian neighbour hands over the fence and fresh pasta delivered from Melbourne’s abundance of Italian restaurants.

4. Papua New Guinea

A lush tropical landscape viewed from a hilltop, showing a dense spread of palm trees and foliage, with a small coastal town by the water's edge and mountains in the background. Papua New Guinea is a country full of bucket list adventures.

I was lucky enough to live in one of the most fascinating countries on the planet, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world, with more than 800 languages spoken. It has mind-blowing festivals that are a riot of colour, song and dance.

From stunning beaches and islands (with few other tourists), to the challenging Kokoda Track hike , to incredible birds and wildlife, Papua New Guinea offers some pretty awesome adventures that are – dare I say it – off the beaten path.

While I’ve done many of the best things to do in PNG , I am still desperate to visit the Ambunti Crocodile Festival , which celebrates the importance of the crocodile to the people around the Sepik River.

I also desperately want to go back to Kavieng and stay in one of the overwater bungalows at Nusa Island Retreat , or maybe even bike the whole way up the island of New Ireland.

If your jam is finding bucket list adventures , you’ll discover quite a few in PNG.

READ NEXT: 20 things to know before you visit Papua New Guinea

5. New Zealand

A hiker stands on a mountain ridge overlooking a vast, mist-covered lake surrounded by rugged mountains, emphasizing the scale and grandeur of the natural landscape. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and worthy of adding to any travel bucket list.

For all the fun we Aussies make of our neighbours “across the ditch” and the number of their celebrities that we claim as our own, there’s one thing we can all agree on: New Zealand is unimaginably beautiful .

Our second-closest neighbour (after PNG) is practically an extension of Australia (with a funnier accent), and the Trans-Tasman hop barely feels like you’re “going overseas”.

While I’ve been to New Zealand many times, it’s usually been quick trips to cities for work. In the future, I imagine hiring a campervan and taking a lazy few weeks to cruise around the country, visiting friends, tasting delicious wines and fresh food, and enjoying the splendour of New Zealand’s outdoors .

A woman - the author of this article - stands on a dirt path amidst tall agave plants, with mountains in the distance. She is wearing a red dress. A mezcal tour is one of the best things to do in Oaxaca to discover how this liquor is made

I’ve been to Mexico so many times – like Spain, it’s one of those countries I could easily live in.

For years, however, I’ve never been able to make the timing work so that we could visit during Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), which celebrates life and death. This experience is high on my bucket list.

One of my favourite cities in the whole world is Oaxaca , and I’d love to return there (and again, live there!).

Another favourite city is Mexico City , and if you’ve never been there, you’re really missing out. The food , the architecture, the history all make a visit to Mexico City memorable.

And don’t believe everything you hear – Mexico is actually quite safe to visit.

READ NEXT: What to know before you visit Oaxaca

7. Scotland

A scenic view of the Isle of Skye, Scotland, with rugged terrain, green valleys, and a small loch nestled amongst the rolling hills under a dynamic sky. The rugged beauty and a family connection are reasons why I'd like to visit Scotland.

My husband’s grandfather was from Scotland, and I’ve always thought it would be wonderful to visit the country of his heritage.

While I’d prefer better weather, the rugged landscape , castles, whisky and cosmopolitan cities would make for an entertaining few weeks of road tripping.

When we were last in Spain we actually met a couple of Scots who told us about Burns Night and Hogmanay . Scots strike me as people who love to have a good time , so I can only imagine the wild fun of celebrating these events with them!

8. The Amazon

A serene riverside setting in the Amazon, with a small stilt house surrounded by dense jungle reflecting in the calm waters at sunset. One of the places that has long been on my bucket list is the Amazon.

Sailing down the Amazon River has always been one of my bucket list adventures. I imagine sleeping on the deck of the boat in a hammock, lazily whiling away the days reading books and playing card games, spotting birds on the shore and pink dolphins in the water.

Who knows if that’s actually what it’d end up being like, but it still remains on my bucket list.

I’ve always wanted to visit the Brazilian Amazon , and sail from Manaus to Belem, but I’ve also read about amazing experiences visiting the Amazon from Peru, Colombia, Bolivia or Ecuador (all of which are also dream travel destinations of mine!).

READ NEXT: The best places to visit in Brazil

The interior of the Nasir al-Mulk Mosque in Iran, featuring a stunning display of intricate Islamic architecture, colorful mosaics, and stained glass that casts vibrant light patterns onto the carpeted floor. When it's safe to travel, visiting Iran is on my bucket list.

Before the pandemic hit, Iran had just started to become a hot spot for tourism . It seemed like everyone and their mother were visiting this Middle Eastern country.

The food, the hospitality , the surprising sophistication all intrigue me.

Unfortunately, Iran doesn’t have the most amazing reputation at the moment, so it may be some time before I can visit.

The ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru, perched on a mountain ridge with terraced fields and stone structures, under a clear blue sky.

My first – and only – experience of Peru was a few days in Cusco followed by the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu . It was just a taster of a country that has been calling me ever since.

If you haven’t caught on yet, food is usually what draws me to a country, and with Peru it’s no different. I adore Peruvian food , and if I’m ever visiting a city and I see a Peruvian restaurant, I’ll be there straight away. I also make a pretty mean Pisco Sour if I do say so myself.

The next time we go to Peru, I plan to head to some of the lesser-visited ruins like Chan Chan or Choquequirao, fly over the Nazca Lines, explore historic Arequipa, and spend some time by the beach .

READ NEXT: The ultimate Salkantay Trek packing list

11. Colombia

Two women dressed in traditional, colorful Colombian attire with fruit baskets on their heads, walking away from the viewer down a colonial street in Cartagena, evoking the country's vibrant culture. One of my bucket list countries is Colombia.

I’m sad that we never visited Colombia while we lived in Argentina or the United States. We always talked about it but just never got there.

This South American country is stripping off its dangerous reputation, and visitors have been streaming in to discover its beautiful beaches , lush mountain villages and colourful culture .

A hike that’s been on my radar is the Ciudad Perdida trek . This hike is only 44 kilometres long, but the mountainous jungle terrain means it take 4 to 6 days to complete. The reward is arriving at the “Lost City”, ancient ruins buried deep in the interior.

Plus, every Colombian I’ve ever met speaks such clear Spanish, so this dream travel destination is also a great place to learn or practice Spanish.

12. Malaysia

The towering golden statue of Lord Murugan at the entrance of the Batu Caves in Malaysia, with a colorful flight of stairs leading up into the limestone hill, surrounded by lush greenery. Malaysia is known for its culture, food and beaches.

For Aussies, the first overseas destinations we head to are usually in Asia. Because we’re at the bottom of the world, it’s the closest continent for us to reach – and even if it were harder to get to, we’d still make the effort.

The variety of food, the breadth of cultures, the amazing beaches – Asia does have it all .

One country I’ve only spent a bit of time in and would like to go back to is Malaysia. I’ve visited the capital, Kuala Lumpur, for a few days, but it’s other areas of the country that are drawing me back. Penang for its food (indeed, all of Malaysia for food
), the Perhentian Islands or Langkawi for beaches, and Mt Kinabalu for active views.

There are also so many other places I want to visit or re-visit in Asia : Thailand, Laos, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam
 the list is endless.

A solitary camel walks across the arid landscape of a sandy desert with rolling dunes under a hazy sky. Oman is a fascinating mix of tradition and modern, and one of my dream travel destinations.

I remember once reading an article about a road trip through Oman , and it sounded like such an adventure.

This small Middle Eastern country is quite surprising. It has lovely cities, ancient sites, expansive rust-coloured deserts, and turquoise-coloured waters backed by jagged beaches.

Like other Middle Eastern countries, I expect that it’s filled with amazing food and warm hospitality, too.

14. Argentina

A person - the author of this article - in a black jacket and jeans stands overlooking a valley with striking multicolored mountain formations, showcasing the vivid and natural geological beauty. This is the town of Purmamarca in northern Argentina.

I lived in Buenos Aires , the capital of Argentina, for almost two years and I’m dying to return.

The 8 th largest country in the world has so much to offer: a beautiful capital city reminiscent of Europe, an expansive north that’s perfect for road tripping , incredible wine , the vast Patagonia wilderness and friendly people always up for a good time.

I’ve previously written a blog post about how to spend two weeks in Argentina that barely scratches the surface of everything that’s wonderful about the country.

I would love to go back soon to visit Argentina and explore some areas that I didn’t get to, like the Iberá Wetlands – as well as rediscover my favourite parts. Consider putting it on your list of dream travel destinations, too.

READ NEXT: The best things to do in Argentina

15. Ethiopia

The rock-hewn church of Saint George in Lalibela, Ethiopia, an architectural marvel carved from a single piece of rock in the shape of a cross, with surrounding trees and distant hills in view. Ethiopia is one of the many countries I'd love to visit.

A country that sounds so fascinating – and one that’s also become a bit of a hot spot in recent years – is Ethiopia.

The ancient traditions , churches carved out of rock, tribes of the Omo Valley and fiery Danakil Depression have put this intriguing country on my wish list.

With a visit to Ethiopia, I could also tie in a return trip to East Africa with my husband, given we’ll be in the area. I’d love to take a road trip around Uganda , and climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania or Mount Kenya in Kenya . And I’d definitely end the trip with a few days on the beach in Zanzibar again.

READ NEXT: 9 reasons to hire a private guide while on safari in East Africa

Did you find this article helpful? Consider buying me a coffee as a way to say thanks!

Now it’s your turn! What dream travel destinations are on your wish list? Let me know in the comments below.

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Before you go
 you might like these articles:

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  • Book your flight online with Skyscanner – it’s where I always start my flight research.
  • Find a great hotel on .
  • Need a rental car? Compare prices and vehicles on DiscoverCars .
  • Omio is a great site for booking buses, trains and ferries across Europe.
  • Check out the huge range of day tours throughout major cities and countries on GetYourGuide , Klook or Viator . There’s something for everyone.
  • One thing I always purchase is  travel insurance . Travel Insurance Master  allows you to compare across multiple policy providers, while  SafetyWing  is great for long-term travellers and digital nomads.
  • Stuff I always pack? A reusable water bottle , packing cubes and a handy electronics organiser .


Save this dream travel destinations guide to Pinterest so you can indulge your own wanderlust!

Looking for some serious wanderlust? Here are 15 dream travel destinations - both well-known destinations and some more off-the-beaten-path choices. Add them to your travel bucket list! What's on your dream travel destination list? | Dream Travel Destinations | Bucket list Countries | Bucket List Destinations | Bucket List | Travel Bucket List


I'm a travel junkie who started dreaming about seeing the world from a very young age. I've visited more than 40 countries and have a Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management. A former expat, I've lived in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Argentina and the United States. I share travel resources, tips and stories based on my personal experiences, and my goal is to make travel planning just that bit easier.

8 thoughts on “15 Dream Travel Destinations to Visit Before You Die”

Regarding less touristy Italy I strongly recommend Lecce in Puglia and Procida Island off Naples. Lecce is very pretty and the surrounding countryside is worth a drive. Procida is a lovely fishing village with very few tourists when I visited although this may have changed now that it has been voted the cultural capital of Italy for 2022. I would like to forward photos but can’t do that under the circumstances but have a look online and you will see why I liked them so much.

Oh thank you so much Kevin!! I’ll definitely add these to my list. I can’t wait to get to Italy when I can.

Many of the countries you mention here are also on my wishlist. Oman, New Zealand, Peru, Ethiopia, Colombia, Spain, Italy, Iran, and
 Papua New Guinea — oh how much I want to see Indonesia’s neighbor to the east! I think when the pandemic is over (or at least under control), overseas travel will be limited by region, before global travel begins in earnest again. So, realistically Southeast Asia might be where I will go in a post-pandemic world.

 but at least there are so many incredible places to visit in SE Asia so you are spoilt for choice! Hopefully I’ll also be able to get over that way soon too!

Omggg! I know what you mean
 I am dreaming up so many new vacation ideas. Many new Pinterest boards (lol). We travel for food too, and really want to go to Italy, Spain, and Peru for that reason. Kudos for visiting so many places!

Yes, the food is always the drawcard for me!! And you always make such delicious food. Where else is on your list?

I’m dreaming of travelling again too Bec. Big sigh. Top of my bucket list is the Sepik and, like you, I also wanted to tie it in with the Ambunti Croc Festival this year. Now that looks to be out, but I’m determined to get to the Sepik at some stage before I leave PNG
 if that ever happens 🙂 Thanks for this article – some places on there I hadn’t even considered. Sending love to you and yours xx

Ohhh we need to do the festival together then!!

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Dream About Traveling? (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

Dream About Traveling

Most people dream of seeing the world. Traveling is not only exciting and informative, but it often teaches us more about ourselves. We learn about our natural strengths and weaknesses while broadening our life experiences and meeting new people.

Even those who think about traveling every day might be confused when we start dreaming about traveling. We might wonder whether these dreams carry positive or negative meanings. That is why it is essential to understand what it means when you dream about traveling.

Dream About Traveling pin 1

Dream About Traveling (Interpretation & Spiritual Meaning)

1.   you are stressed about your current financial situation.

Contrary to what we might think, dreaming about traveling with your family members isn’t a positive sign. Instead, it shows that you are very stressed on a subconscious level. The root of your worries is your finances.

Although we might think that having our family around us would imply happiness, it signifies pressure not to disappoint those we love most. As a result, dreaming about traveling with your family illustrates pressure not to disappoint your loved ones.

If you are frequently dreaming about traveling with your family , it is time to reassess your finances because you are suffering emotionally, resulting in emotional exhaustion. Stress can make us ill, depressed, and frustrated. Therefore, this dream shouldn’t be ignored.

2.   You are delighted in your personal life

While dreaming of traveling with your family members is a negative sign, traveling with friends in your dreams is positive. This dream illustrates that you feel happy and secure in your personal life. Traveling with friends is usually stress-free and exciting, and therefore the dream implies that you have a stress-free approach to life at the moment.

If you regularly dream about traveling with friends, consider it a happy message from your subconscious reminding you that you are happy with those around you. Remember that people love to feel appreciated, so always make time to tell those you care about how you feel.

3.   An unexpected opportunity might change your life significantly

Dreaming about traveling to an unknown place shows some reluctance to change. Of course, some of us love going to unfamiliar places, but those experiences offer some risks. Therefore, this dream usually indicates that an opportunity has arisen unexpectedly, and you are not yet sure how you feel about it.

If you have suddenly been offered a promotion, for example, having that dream won’t be such a big surprise. The fact that you might be worried about how the new position will affect your family life might cause your reluctance to grab the opportunity and make the most of it.

If you are frequently dreaming about going on a trip to an unknown place, it is advised that you take a hard look at any unexpected opportunities that have crossed your path recently. If you are unsure about how to proceed, talk to someone that you trust. Often others can offer valuable insight and give us clarity.

If all fails, try composing a pros and cons list. Although this might sound trivial, sometimes seeing pros and cons on paper makes it easier to decide the future.

4.   You yearn for some creative stimulation

If you dream about going to a place that you are very familiar with, your subconscious mind is trying to tell you that you want to be stimulated more on a creative level. Many of us are creative people, and we thrive when we are challenged creatively. However, sometimes we get busy with life, neglecting our creative sides.

Dreaming about taking a trip to a familiar place means the time has come to think about new creative projects. It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to take on a new hobby. Instead, you might enjoy continuing with a hobby or craft that you haven’t had time to do in a long time. The main focus isn’t necessarily the hobby itself, but rather that you enjoy being creative.

If you feel inspired to try something new, however, you can try these things to find a new craft or hobby that is perfect for you:

  • You can join hobby or craft clubs on social media

These clubs give valuable insight into various hobbies and craft forms that you might love. In addition, they offer the possibility of connecting with others interested in the same crafts.

  • You can visit the craft stores in your area

If you feel creative but are unsure which craft form you’d like to start, you can consider visiting your local craft store for ideas. Often they will be able to give you some ideas.

  • Speak to other creative people

If you know people who enjoy being creative, talking to them is a great option. They might even know of new craft forms that you are unfamiliar with. This can lead to a new challenge for you.

  • You can visit websites that are dedicated to crafting and hobbies

Fortunately, there is no shortage of websites that cater to creative people these days. In fact, with a few clicks, you will have access to an impressive amount of information and creative ideas.

5.   You are progressing very well on a professional level

It is an excellent sign if you dream about taking a trip to a very distant location. This dream implies that you are doing very well in your professional life. In fact, you don’t mind going out of your way at work because you feel respected, appreciated, and valued.

Since dreaming of traveling to faraway places shows that you are doing well at the office, there is no cause for concern if you have these dreams frequently. Consider them a happy reminder to yourself that you are doing a fantastic job. Consider the dream encouragement to keep working hard, challenging yourself, and not to become complacent.

6.   You feel overwhelmed and exhausted

Dreams where you are about to travel abroad , but the airplane isn’t leaving on time suggest a feeling of restlessness and general discontent with life. This dream indicates that you need to take a break from your day-to-day routines and find a new sense of purpose. But, of course, this isn’t always possible.

If you keep having this dream, you shouldn’t ignore it because you are unhappy on a subconscious level. Naturally, it isn’t always possible to make significant changes in your life. However, by making minor changes to your daily routine, you might be able to give yourself a sense of relief from the stress and pressure you are experiencing daily.

If you continue dreaming about waiting for a trip in a delayed airplane, you should consider these steps to make your life more balanced:

  • Make enough time to relax every day

For example, if you enjoy reading or painting, try to set time out every day to do this. It doesn’t have to be a lot of time, but rather precious time that makes you excited about doing something you love.

  • Try meditation

Although the idea of meditation is taboo to many people, it is a valuable tool for relaxation and inner peace. So if you feel that meditation works for you, set out time every day to meditate and focus on yourself. This, too, doesn’t have to be a long time. Instead, focus on proper meditation that will have good results.

  • Exercise daily

Not only are we healthier when we exercise daily, but we are also happier. Therefore, try to exercise for at least half an hour a day. It doesn’t have to be very intensive exercise. In fact, taking a brisk walk daily can offer incredible benefits and boost your overall happiness.

  • Get enough sleep

We can’t function well on insufficient amounts of sleep. Therefore, if you aren’t getting at least seven hours of sleep a night, it might result in you feeling restless, unmotivated, and depressed. Therefore, try to arrange your responsibilities to allow yourself enough time to sleep. In addition, try to avoid caffeine and electronic devices before going to bed.

  • Make time for your loved ones

Studies have shown that spending time with the people you love can boost your happiness. Therefore, we must make time to spend with those closest to us. Even when you are busy, try to spend some time with your family and friends. Allow yourself to focus on them and enjoy their company.

7.   You feel healthy

Dreams, where you see yourself traveling over mountains , are significant signs of incredible health. These dreams imply that you have great endurance, immunity, and a great attitude. As a result, consider these dreams to be an encouragement to continue taking good care of yourself so that your health can remain great.

Although the idea of traveling fills our hearts with excitement, we might be concerned about traveling-related dreams. However, regardless of whether these dreams are positive or negative, they relay a message from our subconscious that should never be ignored. By taking the dreams into consideration, we can allow ourselves the opportunity to improve our lives and be happier and healthier.

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Dream Glossary

Traveling in a Dream – Meaning and Symbolism

Girl on a airport

Traveling by car in a dream

If you dream of traveling by car, it means that you will encounter acquaintances.

There is a chance that you will go on vacation in the following period where you will have an opportunity to see many people you didn’t have time for.

You will be glad to find out what is going on in their lives and remember some interesting past events.

Dream interpretation of traveling on foot

If you dream of traveling on foot, it suggests postponing a planned task or project.

You probably rushed putting your plans into action, but now is not the right moment for it because there is a big possibility that you will experience failure.

Everyone will advise you to wait for a better period that will come in a couple of months or years.

Dreaming about traveling by plane

When you dream about traveling by plane, it means that you will be brave. There is a chance that unfamiliar things scare you, which is why you don’t get involved in them.

Besides missing many beautiful and positive experiences, you have realized how that affects your finances, which is why you will decide to go for it and face your fears.

To dream of traveling by train

If you dream of traveling by train, it symbolizes pleasant moments. You are a romantic person who often throws surprises for your loved one that leaves them without comment.

You always have inspiration for making the moments you spend together even more beautiful, which is why that person would find it odd if a day passed without any happenings.

Traveling alone in a dream

If you dream of traveling alone, it means that you need peace.

There is a chance that you will have a pretty turbulent period, after which you will want to go somewhere where no one knows you and where you can do whatever you want.

You will have to think about everything well and analyze your situation cool-headed.

To dream of traveling with other people

When you dream of traveling with someone else, it means that you lie to yourself. You are terrified of loneliness, which is why you always gather people around you without thinking about what bothers you.

You are hyperactive, and you want to take advantage of every day to the fullest, led by a motto – I will sleep when I die.

Dreaming about traveling with strangers

A dream wherein you travel in the company of people you don’t know in real life is a good sign because it predicts interesting acquaintanceships.

There is a chance that you will soon meet someone who can help you make career progress. People who have been single for a long time might meet their soulmates.

Don’t let that scare you and make you miss an opportunity to enrich your life with someone who suits you in everything mostly.

Dream meaning of traveling by bus

If you dream of traveling in an empty bus, it means that you will achieve your long-term goal.

Dreaming of traveling by bus full of passengers means that you have to watch your back because one of your colleagues from work is trying to harm you to take over your job in the company you work for.

Another possibility is that you have a rival who is trying to seduce your partner.

Dreaming about traveling by boat

Traveling by boat in a dream is a very good sign.

Such dreams symbolize making a connection with oneself. You have been confused by some situations that happened to you in the previous period, and you didn’t know how to react to them.

Luckily, you will get back on your feet soon and realize what you want to do and how to achieve it.

Dreams of traveling by ship

This dream suggests that you have unrealistic wishes, demands, or ideas.

There is a chance that you fantasize about something that you have a hard time achieving. You might want to reevaluate that and start with the actualization of smaller plans before dedicating your time to bigger projects.

You will save yourself the enormous disappointment that way and won’t lose motivation to keep fighting.

To dream of traveling by carriage

If you dream of traveling by carriage or horse, it is a very good sign.

Such dreams symbolize money and good life opportunities. You need not miss them just because you are afraid of getting out of your comfort zone. You have to grab your chance and not let it go.

Planning a trip in a dream

Planning a trip in a dream means that you are ready for new challenges in life. You have gathered the courage to do something big in your life, and you will not give up on it. You are very excited and nervous in a good way.

You have to stay in that mood and be patient, and everything will fall into its place just the way you want.

To dream of having to postpone a trip

If you dream of having to postpone a trip, it implies that you need not worry about the things you can’t change.

You are missing an opportunity to do something about the ones you can by focusing on that. You have to stop being a prisoner of the past and live in the now while thinking about the future.

Dreaming about not being allowed to travel

When you dream about not being allowed to travel, it means that you have to avoid getting involved in various risky and illegal businesses even if they promise fast and easy money.

You are not the type of person who copes well with such situations, which is why you shouldn’t put yourself in any.

To dream of coming home from a trip

Coming home from a trip in a dream can cause different emotions for different people. If you are happy to be home, it means that you are someone who doesn’t like getting out of your comfort zone. You feel the best where you feel safe.

If you were sad about having to leave, it means that your adventurous spirit doesn’t let you sit still and that you are always in search of excitement and action.

Dreaming about traveling but not arriving at the desired location

We often have such dreams when we have bigger problems in real life. That happens because we lose hope of managing to solve them successfully.

You will continue to have such dreams or ones with a similar meaning as long as you don’t start to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome the crisis you are in.

You should maybe let time take care of some worries.

Dream meaning of traveling to a familiar place

Traveling to a place you know well in a dream is a very good sign. Such dreams predict the beginning of good and interesting projects.

There is a chance that you will finally gather enough courage to turn your hobby into a profitable job. If you continue to be patient and persistent, you will start enjoying the fruits of your labor soon.

Dreams of traveling to an unfamiliar destination

If you dream of traveling to an unknown destination, it can mean that an unexpected opportunity will change your life.

You might meet someone who will offer you a business collaboration, or you will find your soulmate.

Anyhow, the following period of your life will be exciting and very beautiful.

Dream interpretation of traveling to a scary place

When you dream of traveling to a destination that evokes terror and fear in you, it is not a good sign.

Such dreams symbolize danger. You have to be very careful in traffic because a moment of recklessness could cost you a lot.

To dream of having an accident while traveling

If you dream of having an accident while traveling, it is not a good sign, unfortunately.

Such dreams symbolize fear because of past decisions or actions. You are probably afraid that your actions could affect your life in the future. Let that be a big and important lesson to you on how not to act in the future.

Dreaming about getting sick on a trip

When you dream about getting sick while traveling, it means that something unpleasant might happen to you.

There is a chance that something unexpected will happen, or you will get sick before an important meeting or celebration, which will ruin your plans.

Anyhow, you need not perceive that as something tragic because it is not something you should be dramatic over.

Dreaming of a business trip

A dream wherein you go on a business trip means that you could make career progress.

Your boss will probably give you a better-paid job that comes with a lot more responsibility. People who own private businesses could decide to expand them.

To dream of a prom or graduation trip

Prom or graduation trips are a priceless experience for young people. If you are set to go on one of them soon, you shouldn’t interpret this dream considering that you probably think about it a lot.

However, if you were on one many years ago, the dream suggests that you could soon experience some beautiful and interesting moments. You will finally get out of your boring daily routine at least shortly, which will make you feel good.

Dreaming about a honeymoon

This dream means different things for married and taken people than those who are single.

If you are married, the dream suggests that you have to fix your relationship with a partner. The key to your problem lies in the improvement of communication.

If you are single, a dream about a honeymoon symbolizes loneliness.

To dream about an exotic trip

When you dream about going to an exotic destination, it is a sign that you need a change. You have fallen into a boring rut, and every day is the same for you. It is time to move and do something that will boost your mood.

Nothing fun or monumental will happen if you decide to spend one more night in front of the TV.

The meanings of dreams can be a lot more trivial. If you have recently traveled alone or with someone by foot, car, plane, or train, it has left a strong impression on you.

Definition of traveling

Traveling is a short-term change of location for business or tourist purposes.

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  • michael r olsen

Dreams about traveling – what do they mean? (Dream interpretation travel)

to dream of travel

To be traveling in a dream is something a lot of people dream about. And no wonder, because “travel dreams” are often about our own journey of life – our movement forwards (or backwards) in life, that is . The following describes various aspects of what it means to travel in dreams.

To be traveling in a dream as a symbol of movement in life/journey of life. When seeing yourself traveling in a dream, either by car, by train, by ferry, etc., well, then it is usually about your own journey in life – the inner (and outer) development you are going through. Which mode of transport you use can also be of significance – see for example the blog posts about driving a car and riding a bus . The interesting thing, then, is what you experience on these night-time travels; is there something which prevents you from getting there? Are you struggling to make it in time (see the blog post about being late )? And where are you actually going?

A classic theme in travel dreams is that you are carrying a lot or too much (heavy) luggage, making it difficult or maybe even impossible for you to catch the bus, train, ferry, plane or whatever it may be in your dream. The main question for the dreamer could then be; is something we are carrying with us in our life story somehow pinning us down in our current situation, and making it difficult for us to move on before we let it go? (See the post about luggage in dreams )

Dreams about being scared of losing your passport (your identity papers) are also common when you are at a point in your life when you are about to move into the unknown, for example in your career. In real life, the fear of losing your identity (status etc.) can of course prevent you from taking the plunge into the unsafe and unknown. You can also encounter various barriers on your (dream) journey. These often symbolize your own mental barriers, but they can of course also be barriers that someone else puts in front of you (for example your partner or your parents trying to talk you out of doing something). However, always look inwards before you look for outside reasons. – When trying to understand your dreams it is important to know that your dreams are
 your dreams. As such, you are the best person to figure out the true meaning of your dreams.

However, it is important to learn how to generally approach your dreams. Dream dictionaries like this one are only a supplement, and if you want to fully utilize the potential of your dreams, you should start at a different place.

My online course “ Unlock your DREAMlife ” gives you a great foundation for understanding (and recalling) your dreams. – As mentioned, the mode of transportation in your dream is often important. If you’re driving a car, it seems that you are well on your way in life – in a car, you decide where you go – but if you are a passenger in a car someone else is driving, it may mean the exact opposite. In this case it might be this other person (in the outside world) or what this person represents within you that have taken control.

The car is often also a symbol of your body (the body that brings you around). If you drive a bus (public transportation), it may mean that you live your life in keeping with what others are doing and what they might expect from you – you are not following your own path. Traveling by ship represents a somewhat larger perspective on your life’s journey than traveling by car and bus – you can dream about shipwrecks, giant storms, etc. And you can also experience taking the ship to sea – this may symbolize a break from the family or the life you have lived until now.

The road you travel – if by land – can curve and bend and suddenly split in two, and you may be unsure about which way to choose. This will then usually equal a similar dilemma you face in your life right now – which way should I go? There are very many aspects of dreaming about being on the road, and only you – the dreamer – would know which of these is right for you in your life right now.

As a last point, I want to highlight the importance of your destination in the dream . Are you heading to unfamiliar countries? In this case, this will often be a picture of you in your waking or conscious life (including home life) where you might be exploring uncharted territories. Or it may be new aspects of yourself, a new leisure activity you wish to start, etc. You might be experimenting with new sides of yourself. If, in your dream, you are sure that you are heading towards your “final destination”, then it may be a warning about your own death – your final destination in life.

Dream dictionaries are a very helpful tool when interpreting dreams. However, generally learning how to approach your dreams, will give you a better foundation for understanding them. My online course “ Unlock your DREAMlife ” teaches you how to much better utilize – recall and understand – your dreams.

Return to the index of dream themes and symbols:

Dream interpretation A-Z  ↔

Also read:  Why I no longer interpret dreams for free

NOTE:  Dreams are 100% individual, and when you dream about traveling, it’s almost certainly about something else for you than it is for your friend, who has also dreamed about traveling. Dream interpretation / dream analysis is sometimes a difficult art, and a particular interpretation of a dream is only correct if you feel “affected” by it. Therefore, it is not certain that the above mentioned interpretations are relevant to you.

I had a dream that am traveling with my family with a car but there was a lot of people at the station so we couldn’t get the car. We were carrying all our old stuff in our old house.

My colleague and I were having a road trip with her car and she was the one driving.along the road while we were buzy talking,I was surprised by the which started to go zig zag while there other traffic coming. I asked what is she doing and tell her she cannot do that in huge traffic as she might hit other cars.unlike her she did not respond but the car still moving zig zag. When I look at her as I was surprise why is she not responding, and for a second something like “is she having a seizure” passes my mind,i realize that something is not right. Her face was loosing shape and immediately stroke comes into my mind.when holding her hands, were very stiff and notice same thing on the legs. I tried to hols the sterring so I can try to control the car. I think the other drivers noticed that there might be a problem because I saw them coming but none of those passed us, not sure if they stopped or were moving slow. At last the car managed to stop crossing the road. As I went out of the car, other driver did the same but they never reach our car. I took my friend to passenger’s seat so that I can drive her to the nearest doctor. When going to driver’s side, other drivers went back to their cars. As I start the car, my colleague started the conversation by saying look they are also going to their cars and driving off. I was like are you OK but never got the answer for that. As I drove off too, I woke… Really!!! Was this a dream? Please help with the meaning.

In my dream,a friend I had issues with and don’t talk to anymore came to me and said she wants me to travel somewhere with her.I agreed and we started heading to the park to get a bus
two other friends followed us just to see us off to the park.

On our way to the park,she got a call to come attend a burial then left saying she’ll be back.

I waited for her to come back but she never came back and we didn’t embark on the journey!

First in my dream, i had my bag and my school transportation , feeling good then all of sudden we stopped at unfamiliar place, i saw a cat and i pat him but she smack my hand then suddenly i was traveling in a car in passenger seat, i saw a panguin walking in a green high land and driver told me it is traveling to the north , then the north i saw was a huge mountain,a little snowy.i kinda felt good cz i had that feeling that i was also going there..and after that i don’t remember much.. i was watching skyy full of starss . Then they all felt like a picture of stars. I felt disappointed… I don’t remember after that…

I dreamt of going to Norway on a boat then in a tour bus 9n a snowy slow bit dangerous narrow road the scenery was beyond amazing at times the colors of the night sky were hidden by the huge mountains blending in with no border of mountain and sky.. amazing.. exciting, then little villages in the valleys way up high..

I saw my self and my two sis traveling in my dream and all of a sudden the road became divided and the driver passed the wrong way and in that wrong way there was a pit infront that stood as a blockage for us to cross.

My uncle just died so l dreamt that I was travelling with my aunt to our hometown to have the funeral there and we were carrying a lot of luggage and my aunt told me we should take a taxi but I told her we should take the bus, after putting our luggage in the bus the bus speed off and left us , so we had to walk and after a while the bus driver asked a taxi to bring us, there were two other people in the taxi , we got to where we supposed to board the bus and we realized the bus has left us .

In my dream I woke up on a plane…I was cleaning the area out and then the plane started moving… I told the ticket guy I wasn’t supposed to be on ther and he tried to stop the plane fore me but I told him its okay its a free flight to Tokyo…. but I didn’t have anything with me … I had to work the next day and my friend and family had no idea that in 3 hours I’d be I n Tokyo and … I was really worried about my job and everything but just let it go because I was excited to be going somewhere even if it was by accident…even thought about just quiting my job… my dream felt so real even though the way it transition wasn’t

I’m interested to know what you make of you dream? What do you think it means?

You have many plans that could have been stopped or having disturbance in your life. Someone is stopping your plans by getting into your head. For example you want to invest in business(your plan) and you son expences is cutting you off. You see like your son’s expences there different factor that is affecting your life. Stop the negative thoughts keep doing what you do. It’s easier to say but way hard to do, it’s stressfull and on the way could bring mental breakdown. Never give your hopes down. And never other control your life, listen to them but plan your way. People give advices not you life plan. You are the one to keep or not. Finally, clear your thoughts. For example somebody broke your heart shouldn’t let you forget your plan. Happiness is within the sorrows. Keep smiling, be positive and let’s gooo.

i keep having dream where I’m travelling by multiple means, boat and plane. I am bringing way too much stuff with me. and every dream when I travel, I lose my stuff, and i lose either my dog or my son who is travelling with me. Its very stressful, as i always lose my passport, and no one will help me, and i end up sitting on a curb crying, with nothing, lost. ugh… wake up with my jaw nearly locked, cuz of the anxiety in the dream.

Hi my name Kesner Leon I just had traveling dream for the first time in my life.. so I didn’t travel by car or airplane but be I make my trip the guy the told me I might end up on the other side of earth maybe next to a volcano or maybe another country fresh start so I told him I’m willing to take the risk and there was ball I had to get inside ball fast I couldn’t find my way or the door to get inside the ball but every second I wasted the door closing finally I find the door I travel to the other side of the earth so I met this women and she had 2 kids and I met her husband they told they was going be moving so I can’t stay with them but Before the lady left she told me to humble myself and she had a turkey 🩃 the turkey bit me so I choke the turkey push it to floor

Im dreaming that I’m in the ocean swimming to a boat that i can never get to I been dreaming this for about 3 weeks

Frequently dreaming of travelling, by car, train, running (feels great).

Also frequently dreaming of being in malls, and a town that’s futuristic & non-existent.

Weird coz it kept coming.

No idea what it means though.

Hi I had a dream of traveling with my friends in a ship it is very big . Our group divided into two groups . I am in the ship the other group went into the ocean without informing to the other group which is in the ship . They had a business deal with some illegal immigrants , due to which our whole group was sent back stating we are not allowed into international borders. I came back To my house . I don’t know how I traveled back to my family. All of a sudden I was with one of my friends near our college . Then I am in a restaurant with some friends and my parent’s are continously calling me. I knew it’s a kind of weird but I am constantly getting the same dream.

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Interpreting the Meaning of Dreams about Preparing to Travel

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Traveling is a universal dream for many people. Whether it’s exploring a new city, relaxing on a tropical beach, or hiking in the mountains, the desire to travel and experience new places is a common aspiration. However, dreams about travel can have deeper meanings and symbolism than just a desire for a vacation. In this article, we will explore the potential meanings behind dreams of preparing to travel, and what they could signify in your waking life.

Understanding Dreams

to dream of travel

The Symbolism of Travel in Dreams

Travel is a powerful symbol in dreams, representing movement, exploration, and the journey of life. When we dream about preparing to travel, it can symbolize a variety of emotions and experiences. It may indicate a desire for change, a need for adventure, or a longing for escape. Understanding the specific context and details of the dream can provide clues to its underlying message.

Preparing for the Journey

In dreams, the act of preparing for a trip can be significant. Packing luggage, planning an itinerary, and making arrangements can symbolize a sense of readiness and anticipation for new experiences. It may also reflect feelings of anxiety or uncertainty about upcoming changes or challenges. Paying attention to the details of the preparations can offer valuable insights into your emotional state and readiness for the journey ahead.

Exploring the Subconscious

Dreams about travel preparation can offer a glimpse into the deeper layers of our subconscious mind. They may reveal hidden desires, unresolved issues, or unfulfilled aspirations. The places we dream of traveling to and the people we dream of traveling with can also hold symbolic meaning, shedding light on our relationships, goals, and innermost thoughts.

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Interpreting different scenarios.

The specific scenarios and details of travel preparation dreams can vary widely, and each may carry its own unique significance. For example, dreaming of missing a flight or forgetting important items could represent feelings of unpreparedness or fear of missing out on opportunities. On the other hand, dreaming of smoothly and efficiently preparing for a trip may symbolize a sense of confidence and readiness to face new challenges.

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Preparing for Change

to dream of travel

Embracing New Opportunities

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Dreams of travel preparation can also be a reminder to embrace new opportunities and step out of your comfort zone. They may encourage you to be open to new experiences, take risks, and pursue personal growth. Pay attention to the emotions you experience in these dreams, as they can provide valuable clues about your attitude towards change and the unknown.

Overcoming Obstacles

In some cases, dreams of preparing to travel may reveal underlying fears or obstacles that are holding you back from pursuing your goals. Whether it’s fear of the unknown, concerns about leaving your comfort zone, or worries about logistics, these dreams can serve as a prompt to confront and overcome these challenges. They can inspire you to develop a proactive mindset and take steps towards realizing your aspirations.

Seeking Balance and Fulfillment

Dreams of travel preparation can also reflect a longing for balance and fulfillment in your life. They may signify a desire to escape from daily responsibilities and pressures, and seek a sense of freedom and adventure. By understanding the underlying motivations behind these dreams, you can gain insights into your emotional needs and aspirations.

Self-Exploration and Reflection

Use dreams of travel preparation as an opportunity for self-exploration and reflection. Consider what aspects of the journey resonate with you – the destination, the company, the mode of travel – and how they may parallel your waking life. Reflect on whether you are feeling fulfilled and satisfied with your current circumstances, or if there are areas where you long for change and new experiences.

Finding Meaning in the Journey

Ultimately, dreams of preparing to travel can serve as a reminder to find meaning and purpose in your journey through life. They can prompt you to examine your goals, aspirations, and the steps you are taking towards realizing them. By paying attention to the symbolism and messages within these dreams, you can gain valuable insights into your innermost desires and motivations.

If you’re curious about the meaning of dreams related to travel and preparation, you might find our articles on preparing to travel by plane dream meaning and learning to drive dream meaning intriguing. Additionally, the symbolism behind overpacking for travel dream meaning could provide further insight into your dream experience.

Dreams of preparing to travel carry deep symbolism and meaning, reflecting our subconscious desires, emotions, and aspirations. They can provide valuable insights into our readiness for change, our attitude towards new experiences, and our longing for fulfillment. By exploring the symbolism and messages within these dreams, we can gain a deeper understanding of our innermost thoughts and motivations, and use them as a source of guidance and self-reflection in our waking lives. Whether it’s a longing for adventure, a need for escape, or a desire for personal growth, dreams of travel preparation can offer valuable insights into our emotional landscape and the journey of self-discovery.

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The Ultimate Vacation to Take in Every Decade of Your Life

Your next big adventure is right around the corner.

Evie Carrick is a writer and editor who’s lived in five countries and visited well over 50. She now splits her time between Colorado and Paris, ensuring she doesn't have to live without skiing or L'As du Fallafel.

to dream of travel

The definition of a dream vacation varies from person to person, but no matter how you define it, everyone deserves to go on a big, once-in-a-lifetime trip. But where do you even begin planning such an epic getaway? Chances are the vacation you fantasize about in your 20s isn't what your 40-year-old self finds appealing — and with a world full of beautiful cultures, natural wonders, and historical sites, things can quickly become overwhelming. Do you book that ski trip to Japan or save up for an excursion through the Galápagos Islands instead?

To get the ball rolling, we've curated some incredible experiences for every decade of your life. These trips take into account your wallet (here's to you, 20-somethings), mobility, and what sort of destinations tend to call to people in different phases of life . Ready to dive in? Here we go.

In your 20s: Costa Rica

Taylor McIntyre/Travel + Leisure

Costa Rica is far enough from the U.S. to feel like a true escape, yet close enough to make finding cheap flights totally doable. Plus, the relatively affordable cost of living will help ease any financial concerns. You can grab an Imperial (a popular local beer) for about $1-$2, enjoy a sandwich and fries for around $10, and spend plenty of time lounging on the beach for free.

If you're traveling with friends, book a house near the ocean and spend your time near or in the water — surfing, snorkeling, fishing, and kitesurfing. When you're ready for more, a short trip inland will transport you to lush rain forests that house sloths, spider monkeys, colorful birds, and jaguars. For guaranteed animal sightings, head to Centro de Rescate y Santuario Las Pumas in southern Cañas, an animal sanctuary and rescue center. And if you're craving adventure, hike one of the country's many volcanoes or zip line through the clouds.

In your 30s: Japan

There's something for everyone in Japan , with its next-level cityscape, rugged mountains, natural hot springs ( this one in particular), and stunning beaches. All you have to do is narrow things down — which is easier said than done.

In Tokyo , check out the fashion at Harajuku, make your way across Shibuya Crossing, and visit the bars and cafes of Akihabara. For culture and history, head to Kyoto, where you'll find a plethora of Buddhist temples, imperial palaces, Shinto shrines, and perfectly manicured gardens.

Adventure lovers should visit in the winter when skiing takes over the northern island of Hokkaido, and the natural hot springs become a daily must. Alternatively, you can ski the Japanese Alps on the main island of Honshu and make time to visit the hot spring-loving monkeys at Jigokudani Monkey Park . If warm, sandy shores are more your style, head to the Okinawa Islands, where you'll find clear turquoise waters and white-sand beaches.

In your 40s: Machu Picchu, Peru

Chris Marinaccio/Travel + Leisure

The sprawling agricultural terraces, mountain views, and intricate Incan citadels of Machu Picchu have captivated travelers for centuries. But sorting out the logistics takes time, and some of the best experiences involve strapping on a backpack (loaded with the right supplies) and conquering the journey by foot. That's why this trip is perfect for adventurous travelers in their 40s who have the know-how, time, and resources to book the once-in-a-lifetime getaway.

Make time to enjoy Lima and the UNESCO World Heritage city of Cusco, in addition to the trip's main draw: the arrival at Machu Picchu. Remember, many trips are fully customizable, and you can hike, drive, or take the train. For a classic take on the trip, stick to the Inca Trail, but to avoid the crowds (at least the worst of them), you might want to book a trek that takes you around Salkantay Mountain. There are also add-on excursions, including a visit to the Lares region. It's hard to go wrong.

In your 50s: GalĂĄpagos Islands

The wonders of the GalĂĄpagos are no secret, but until you visit for yourself, it's hard to know just how special the place really is. Thanks to serious protection efforts by the GalĂĄpagos National Park and the GalĂĄpagos Marine Reserve, the islands and the animals that inhabit them are still relatively untouched. You'll spot blue-footed boobies locked in a mating dance, swim with sea lion pups, and watch marine iguanas sunning themselves next to GalĂĄpagos penguins.

To experience the islands, you'll need to book a tour and spend several days living off of a boat, which is why a small-scale luxury yacht with an onboard naturalist is well worth the extra cost. Check out the offerings from INCA (International Nature & Cultural Adventures), a well-respected travel company that keeps its group sizes small and trip quality high — from multi-course meals to luxe extras like onboard Wi-Fi and a rooftop hot tub.

In your 60s: France

If you do it right, a trip to France can include all the bells and whistles of a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Start in Paris, soaking up the wonders of the city — from picnics under the twinkling Eiffel Tower to afternoons spent exploring the Palace of Versailles to dinners at one of the city's Michelin-starred restaurants.

From there, rent a car and head southwest to the coastal city of La Rochelle, where you'll nosh on freshly caught fish and explore the medieval and Renaissance architecture of the old town. A drive further down the coast puts you in Bordeaux , home to great food and even better wine. You'll want to make a pit stop in the charming surf town of Biarritz before cutting east toward the French Riviera . As you travel along the stunning Mediterranean coast, swing by cities like Marseille and Nice, glitzy communities like St. Tropez and Cannes, and under-the-radar towns like Cassis and Antibes. Before returning to Paris , make time to stroll the lavender fields of Provence and drive among the jaw-dropping French Alps.

It's a trip that not only exposes you to the finer things in life — architecture, art, and French food and wine — but will open your mind to the distinctly French way of living, a mindset that is perfect for your 60s.

In your 70s and beyond: South Africa

There's more to Africa than safaris — and this trip with smarTours proves it. In addition to visiting Kruger National Park, one of Africa's largest game reserves with a high density of animals (including the Big Five — lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants, and buffalos), you'll get to explore the South African cities of Cape Town , Durban, and Johannesburg, learn about the legacy of Nelson Mandela, and check out the countries of Eswatini and Zimbabwe (if you book the extension).

The trip is ideally suited to travelers ready to get out and explore but don't want the stress of booking every detail or committing to a ton of physical activity. With a bit of thoughtful planning (and the help of smarTours), galavanting all over South Africa and seeing incredible animals is not only doable, it's easy.

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25 Dream Travel Destinations You Need To Visit In 2024

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Imagine a year of wanderlust fulfilled, a year when your passport collects more stamps than ever before.

As a seasoned globetrotter who’s gone through the hassle of travel planning, I totally get the struggle of finding authentic and inspiring travel info online.

But don’t worry, that’s why I’m here! Drawing from my years of globe-trotting experience, I’ve put together this list of dreamy travel destinations, each with its own unique charm and allure .

So, whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first big adventure, this post is here to ignite your wanderlust and provide invaluable insights for your next journey. Let’s dive in!

Magdalena About Thrive and Wander

I’m Magdalena, your guide to the world’s hidden gems. Let’s embark on a virtual journey to discover the 25 dream travel destinations you need to visit in 2024.

25 Unforgettable Dream Travel Destinations That You Need To Add To Your Bucket list

Bocas del Toro is a must-see if you are traveling in 2024 in Panama. Certainly, it has charm with its sprawling beaches that are never too crowded and its turquoise waters.

In fact, its beaches are home to 95% of the coral species found in the Caribbean Sea. The vibrant hotels and eateries that surround Bocas Town’s streets and coastlines are its most unique characteristic.

Memorable wildlife encounters include night time snorkeling in the bioluminescent waters. But it also includes exploring the underground lakes of Nivida Bat Cave . This is done with the help of headlamps and an experienced guide from Hello Travel Panama.

The mountainous region of Chiriquí is equally enchanting. Indeed, between its beaches and highlands, the active Volcán Barú dominates.

First, check into the new 10-room boutique hotel, Finca El Oasis . Then, leave at midnight for a hike to the summit at dawn for a panoramic sunrise above the clouds. 

Drink locally grown coffee that you won’t find at home, like Chiriquí’s beloved Geisha coffee . But, if a hike seems too intense, there are also off-road excursions to the top of the volcano. It’s also possible to try zip-lining through the canopy directly on the property.

While in Bocas del Toro, you will taste Caribbean flavors that will awaken your senses and your desire to explore the local cuisine.

So check out this list of the island’s best restaurants and hotels and better plan your stay. 

Travel destinations panama

2. Mexico 

European tourists often have an exaggerated image of a country where insecurity reigns. Rest assured, Mexico is not more dangerous than any other country.

If you’re here to enjoy the natural wonders, restaurants, archaeological sites, and natural sites, no one will want to harm you. Mexicans are very welcoming.

Mexico, and in particular the Yucatan region, is sunny all year round, so whatever the season, you can travel to Mexico without worry. If there is a rainy season from July to October, it is not at all restrictive to visit the Yucatan.

The days remain warm and sunny, which explains why many families go to Mexico during the school vacations.

Where should you go in Mexico? The country offers an incredible diversity of landscapes and experiences.

From the beaches of Yucatan to the volcanoes of the center, there are so many things to do in Oaxaca , including exploring its archaeological sites. An overview of the different regions to see in Mexico.

Travel destinations Mexico

If you dream of a trip to Mexico that combines culture and nature, the Yucatan is the ideal region to set down your bags!

Explore the different archaeological sites. Considered the 7th wonder of the modern world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chichén Itzá is surely the most emblematic.

Another must-see is Uxmal, known for the excellent conservation of its architectural details. Calakmul, which is more confidential, is located in the middle of the jungle.

The cities of Yucatan have a nonchalant atmosphere. Take time to lose yourself in the colorful streets of Valladolid, in the white city of Merida, or in the charming colonial buildings of Izmal.

Want to experience life on an island? Make travel plans to the charming island of Isla Mujeres , known for its white-sand shores and turquoise waters.

The Yucatan coastline keeps its promises. On the program: relaxation in the shade of a coconut tree on immaculate white sand; diving to explore the extraordinary underwater world; and succulent restaurants on the beach.

My favorite is the one in Celestun, where you will even have the chance to observe pink flamingos.

You should include the city of Bacalar and the famous lagoon on your map while arranging your journey through the Yucatan Peninsula. 

Of course, a stay in Peru will pass by the discovery of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu and Lima , the capital, will surprise the tourists by its unusual visits and its modernity.

But why go to Peru exactly? Because it is also a country of an unequaled human and cultural wealth which asks only to be discovered and appreciated by the adventurers of the XXIst century!

Why should you visit Lima , Peru? Even just for the architecture – to view the cathedral, church, and convent of San Francisco, or the stronghold of Real Felipe – and its museums, which are essential to understanding the history of the nation, it is an inescapable trip.

It is also an opportunity to visit Peruvian shops and buy some local wares, particularly wool clothing like ponchos, gloves, and hats.

After Lima, most vacationers staying in Peru head for Cuzco , the center of Inca culture and the city nearest to the renowned Machu Picchu. The best mode of transportation between these two cities is by air. 

After touring Cuzco and its unique neighborhoods, it is time to begin climbing the Andes in order to reach Machu Picchu , the lost metropolis of the Incas. It can be reached either by railway , which is very unique, or by a beautiful but lengthy hiking trail.

Travel destinations Peru

Discover your next dream destination with this interactive quiz, tailored to your travel preferences and interests!

4. thailand .

The land of smiles is a dream travel destination for winter. The best time to visit Thailand is between November and February.

On the spot, you will clearly have something to forget the cold with the various activities to do, the Thai gastronomy , the visit of temples and sanctuaries , as well as the escapades on the nearby islands !

Travel destinations Thailand

5. The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a must for lazing on the beaches. It is also an opportunity to recharge the batteries after a bleak and nearly depressive winter.

So, explore the jungle, dive under the turquoise waters, enjoy the delicious beaches of Punta Cana , and take a day trip to Santo Domingo . In short, choose this country in 2024!

The Dominican Republic

6. The Canary Islands

Whether it is Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Tenerife, or Fuerteventura, the archipelago of the Canary Islands is only a few hours’ flight away.

To escape the winter, you can enjoy the many landscapes, ranging from volcanic to paradisiacal . If you want to go with your family, the Spanish archipelago is the perfect destination for a vacation in an island setting.

The Canary Islands

7. The Maldives

Considered a true paradise on earth, the Maldives have always been popular. At the same time, is it impossible to resist the turquoise lagoons , the dominant sun, the multicolored fish, and the famous bungalows on stilts?

Without any hesitation, choosing the Maldives as a winter destination is an excellent choice. In terms of temperatures, the thermometer reads 30 degrees minimum! 

The Maldives

Most tourists don’t think much about it, but Africa is a continent you should visit at least once. For example, I recommend that you visit Kenya , a culturally significant destination known for its safaris.

But it’s not only that; go and discover Nairobi, the capital, as well as the Masa Mara reserve and the Amboseli park.


9. The French Caribbean

For a moment of escape, I recommend Guadeloupe and Martinique to enjoy a warm climate without leaving France .

During your trip, you can discover different cultures, Creole traditions, and beautiful natural landscapes. Of course, take the time to taste the local cuisine to bring a little balm to your heart.

The French Caribbean

10. Vietnam

Located near China and Thailand, Vietnam remains a protected country and is preserved from mass tourism.

Take advantage of the winter months to learn about a culture that is off the beaten path. Among the top activities to do, visiting Hanoi is a must, as is also visiting the city of Saigon, formerly known as Ho Chi Minh City… So, are you in?


11. Costa Rica

Located in Central America , Costa Rica offers interesting temperatures during winter: on average 26 degrees between December and April.

This advantage makes this country a favorite destination to enjoy the sun in the middle of winter. During your stay, discover the various natural parks, volcanic sites, the Rio Celeste waterfall , its forests and its sublime beaches. 

It’s true that the overwhelmingly green color of Costa Rica is what first catches your eye when you arrive. Of course, the many different animal species that call this nation home find its lush and verdant environment to be a true paradise. 

Want to unwind for a moment? Costa Rica has a variety of beaches that are all equally stunning. The Caribbean shore offers a completely different landscape, a Caribbean vibe, a mingling of Amerindian cultures, and untamed terrain. Natural basins and remote beaches can be found. 

One of the most well-liked things to do in the south of Costa Rica is to visit Nauyaca Falls . You can enjoy rock climbing, horseback riding, or swim in the 1000 square meter pool in addition to admiring the breathtaking natural surroundings.

Santa Teresa is a small beach town located on the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica.

Because of its laid-back hippie vibe and incredible surf beaches, Santa Teresa has been on many people’s radars in recent years.

Without a doubt, Santa Teresa is gaining popularity over time and becoming one of the best places to visit in Costa Rica.

The smallest and busiest National Park in Costa Rica is Manuel Antonio . The cause is not really a mystery…

It’s quite simple. It has stunning white-sand beaches and is encircled by a lush, lovely rainforest where it is simple to view wildlife like sloths and monkeys.

Costa Rica

12. Iceland

If you want to avoid the snow, I recommend you visit Iceland in the spring. It is the ideal time to discover the green landscapes, the cliffs, and above all, the return to light by leaving the winter behind!

On the temperature side, they are not warmer in the summer than in the spring; you should expect an average of 10 degrees, but the setting is really exceptional.


13. Croatia 

Cities such as Split and Dubrovnik have grown in popularity among tourists in recent years. So why not visit Croatia in 2024?

The season is ideal for exploring national parks, taking boat trips, and visiting cities on foot. Ideally, I advise you to organize a road trip through the Croatian regions, just for fun!


Unavoidable, Greece is a mythical destination in spring. Choosing this time of the year is a direct ticket to peace and quiet during your stay.

Once there, the Greek hospitality will make you feel good, not to mention the many historical monuments, archaeological sites, relics, beaches, and, of course, the Cyclades islands like Santorini ! If you want to know where to go in Greece, don’t hesitate to consult my article on this subject.

15. Andalusia, Spain

Spain is a must-see country for vacations. But I strongly recommend you visit Andalusia at the southern end of the country.

It’s a region rich in culture and history, with a past that is still very much alive but can be seen through its monuments.

So, consider renting a car to visit the cities of Seville , Cordoba , Granada , Cadiz , and the surrounding area to discover the local culture!

Andalusia, Spain

16. Italy 

To visit historic cities such as Bologna, Venice , Florence, Rome or Siena, I highly recommend leaving during the spring.

In addition to enjoying an excellent climate, you won’t be bothered by the tourist crowds. If you love mountain scenery, you want to go to the Dolomites in Italy!

Now it’s up to you to enjoy good pizzas , discover the must-see monuments and enjoy the typical Italian dolce vita.


17. United States

During this time of the year, the weather is really favorable in many parts of the United States. This is a great time to spend a nice vacation in the West, going to New York , Los Angeles , or Miami .

However, be careful; when you go to visit sites at high altitude, you may run into snow, so be careful and organize yourself well!

United States

18. Namibia

Although Namibia is a dream travel destination at any time of the year, it is most interesting in the spring. From April onward, temperatures start at 15 degrees, reaching 30 degrees in May and June.

Overall, this is the perfect time to visit the national parks, the Namib Desert, go on safari, or explore the nature reserves.


Brazil is a vacation destination that is regularly forgotten. However, flying to this country in summer is a great advantage: it is a low-tourist season.

In addition to delivering warm and pleasant temperatures, go on a road trip to visit Rio de Janeiro, Salvador de Bahia, and Sao Paulo, as well as mythical places like the Amazon and the Iguazu Falls.


20. Bali, Indonesia

Summer vacations allow you to unwind, and there is no better place to do so than Bali! Without hesitation, I recommend this destination to discover the most beautiful rice fields, beaches, temples, and sanctuaries of the island.

One of the must-visit spots is the Karang Boma Cliff , offering breathtaking views of the ocean and the surrounding landscapes.

To relax, why not treat yourself to a massage session and some meditation? So, is this something that tempts you?


21. Corsica

The island of Beauty awaits you, if only for its idyllic beaches…Corsica is one of the best destinations to visit in 2024.

Corsica’s culture is really rich, as are its gastronomy and its history. Nevertheless, you should know that the island is famous for having the most beautiful creeks and natural pools in Europe.

It is a considerable asset not to be neglected!


Surprising and fascinating, Norway is perfect for nature lovers. If you want to experience something out of the ordinary during the summer, this is the country for you.

Although the cost of living is high, you’ll be amazed by the fjords, glaciers, and northern lights .

If you have a flexible budget, this is a dream travel destination to discover, even if you travel with children!  


23. Portugal

For those who don’t want to go very far in 2024, I think that Portugal is an excellent compromise.

Whether you want to visit Lisbon in three days, Porto , or the Algarve , your sun vacations will not disappoint.

Get ready for an amazing adventure with mindful travel in Portugal ! I’ve got an awesome agenda lined up: enjoying tasty local specialties, chilling on beautiful Portuguese beaches, and immersing yourself in authentic landscapes.

24. Malta, Gozo and Comino

Need a sunny vacation? I can recommend Malta as well as the neighboring islands of Gozo and Comino.

Although Malta is not very big, it has a huge cultural and historical heritage. If you like museums and archaeological sites, you will be served. Or you can simply laze on the sand and bask in the hot sun!


25. The South of France

If you can’t afford to go abroad, why not stay in France and focus on the south of the country?

In fact, there are many beautiful places to visit, such as the French Riviera , Provence lavender fields , Pyrenees , the Camargue, Occitania, and many other fascinating places.

Plus, the temperatures are always very good in the south and even throughout the year, so why not take advantage of it?

South of France

In conclusion, these  25 dream travel destinations  offer a diverse range of experiences for  adventurous  travelers in 2024.

Whether you’re seeking  breathtaking natural landscapes ,  rich cultural heritage , or  thrilling adventures , there is something for everyone on this list.

So start planning your next dream trip and  explore  the world in 2024!

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I’m Magdalena – Globetrotter, Free Spirit, and your personal travel guide. Since 2017, I’ve been calling France my home while exploring and falling in love with 35+ diverse countries, from the frost-kissed ski towns to the sun-kissed beaches of Costa Rica and El Salvador. Thrive and Wander is a testament to my adventures, filled with destination guides, travel itineraries, and tips for solo female travel. So grab your backpack, let go of your fears, and join me on this journey to explore our beautiful world!

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15 affordable dream vacations to book.

Keep an eye out for deep discounts and deals for future trips.

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These affordable vacation ideas are worth looking forward to.

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Enjoy an Amtrak Vacation to Glacier National Park

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Stay at an All-Inclusive in Montego Bay, Jamaica

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Explore Ancient Rome

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Take a Cheap Caribbean Cruise

Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina during the fall.

Head to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

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Visit the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee

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Book a Cheap Stay in Las Vegas

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Visit Niagara Falls

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Visit an All-Inclusive Dude Ranch

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Go Glamping

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Visit Stowe, Vermont

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Reviews & Testimonials

Haroon Shabbir

I got laid off from Snap after 20 years in tech. I was shocked but quickly became excited.

  • Lucas Frischmann was laid off from Snap in February and left the country 1.5 weeks after the notice.
  • He'd been working in tech since he was 15 and had roles at Twitter (now X), Meta, Snap, and more.
  • Frischmann said the layoff gave him and his wife an opportunity to travel and explore.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Lucas Frischmann , a 34-year-old former Snap employee from Los Angeles. It's been edited for length and clarity.

I completed a 3.5-year apprenticeship as a media designer and engineer, and I've been in the tech industry since I was 15.

Then I started my career as a software engineer and later transitioned to different positions at Twitter (now X) , Meta, and Snap. At Twitter, I was a senior product manager from 2016 to 2017 before spending four and a half years at Meta in global product and program management roles from 2017 to 2020.

After three years of self-employment, I joined Snap in May 2022 as a technical project manager and was just laid off in February . My feelings about my layoff quickly transitioned from initial shock to recognizing an opportunity.

I finally had the chance to pause, recharge, and explore my dream of traveling , which had been deferred by the pandemic and previous commitments. This traveling period has also reinforced the importance of direct social interactions in an increasingly digital age and helped me spark some new tech ideas.

I received the news of my layoff during an early morning video call and left the country a week later

My manager shared the news with me in an early morning video call, and it kind of felt like a dream come true. Despite the challenges my colleagues faced, which weighed on me emotionally, my immediate reaction was one of positive anticipation.

I'd long aspired to take a significant break , with specific plans for an Asia tour postponed since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Though unsettling, the layoff coincided with my long-term desire to explore and connect with the world more deeply with my wife — who has a similar layoff experience from Twitch .

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We terminated our lease, put everything in storage, and took off just a week and a half after receiving the layoff notice.

Snap gave me a severance package, but I was already prepared for a change

Thanks to prior planning and savings, we weren't concerned about immediate financial stability, job security, or the severance package itself.

Snap's support was within industry norms, enabling me to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration soon after receiving notice. Leaving so quickly wouldn't have been possible without the support of our LA friends, who helped us in many ways.

These friends let us keep valuable items at their places, assisted with moving, checked in on us regularly, and even offered us a place to stay before we left — and when we should return.

Our trip has taken us through Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Italy and other parts of Europe, such as Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Each destination has been a chapter of learning and exploration.

Traveling has broadened my perspective of the world, other cultures, and how tech is used to connect people

Our travels have been opportunities to network, learn from diverse business cultures, and understand the global tech landscape.

For instance, Bangkok has offered unique insights into work-life balance and a business pace, which is very different from my US and European experiences. Bangkok's business culture feels much more "laid back and go with the flow," while in the US, we're more focused on execution, momentum, and getting business done more efficiently and quickly.

Currently, I'm offering my expertise and experience to companies facing tech, product, program, or operational challenges. I've used this traveling time to reflect and observe how people use technology and live their lives. I reflected on the modern lifestyle and noted how many people "misuse" their smartphones .

Instead of using them to gain knowledge or improve their lives, people often spend time on irrelevant content just for entertainment. This isn't bad in general, but this seems out of balance for most people.

My business idea — LatteLink — was partly inspired by my observations during my trip. I reconnected with many friends, and while it's great to see how paths are changing, it's also very sad to realize that we're losing touch with old friends so quickly.

This period of travel isn't just a break but a quest for new ventures and opportunities

I originally wanted to build an app where users could connect locally, like in a coffee shop, but I've shifted focus to creating a kind of personal customer relationship management (CRM) system to maintain meaningful relationships beyond social media and provide valuable tools for individuals, not just businesses.

In my friend circle, fewer and fewer people are using social media . My current project aims to help maintain meaningful relationships through regular check-ins and updates.

I came up with this idea as I struggled to keep up with all my connections. While traveling, I met an old work colleague, and it turned out we both lived two years in the same city but never met.

Traveling also helped me zoom out and see the bigger picture, not just the tunnel view of tech. For example, I'm about to invest in a real estate project for tourism, which I'd never thought of doing before — my focus was 100% on tech.

Looking back, I see the layoff as a pivotal, positive turning point for me

It's been an opportunity for growth and exploration. It's also allowed me to engage with the world in new ways, like going to a coffee shop during the week and talking to people.

Traveling with my wife has been rewarding for both of us. We don't have a formal plan; we just have a loose checklist we're trying to complete for now, which gives us a sense of adventure and adaptability.

I'm excited to see where this path of exploration — both of the world and of myself — leads.

If you were laid off from a tech company and want to share your story, please email Manseen Logan at [email protected].

Watch: Nearly 50,000 tech workers have been laid off — but there's a hack to avoid layoffs

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Steeped in a rich and colorful heritage, while maintaining the celebrated history of Printer's Alley, Dream Nashville reimagines two landmarked historic buildings with help from award-winning interior design firm Meyer Davis. In downtown Nashville, discover the hotel's 168 rooms and suites with art deco-inspired furnishings, high ceilings, and sleek finishes that are paired with adventurous dining and exciting nightlife outlets.

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Situated on 4th Avenue North, Dream Nashville is a short walk from the downtown core, conveniently located near the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, Ryman Auditorium, the Frist Art Museum, Bridgestone Arena, Nissan Stadium and the Broadway strip.

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♦The credit is valid toward purchases at Natura CafĂ©, Stateside Kitchen, and Parlour Bar. The credit is not cumulative and must be used daily. If there is a remaining credit balance each day, it will be forfeited. Guests must apply charges to their rooms so the credit can be applied to the final statement upon checkout. Any unused portion of the credit is nontransferable, nonrefundable, and may not be redeemed for cash.

♦♦The waived daily destination fee entitles each room to the following services: Two welcome drinks upon arrival, water bottles throughout the stay, 24-hour access to the fitness center, one pastry and drip coffee or tea at Natura Nashville cafĂ© daily, premium Wi-Fi access for multiple devices, in-house reservation priority for Stateside Kitchen, DLS and Pop-up activations, local telephone calls, in-room Chromecast, waived pet fee, discounted tickets to Country Music Hall of Fame, and day passes to QNTM Gym. The inclusions are outside the control of Costco Travel and are subject to change by the hotel without notice.

‡Rental car includes unlimited mileage, one additional driver, and all taxes and service fees. It does not include gasoline, optional insurance charges, underage driver charges, upgrades, overtime, drop charges, or infant-child seats. Parking fees may apply and are paid directly to the resort upon checkout.

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Breaking news, what do dogs dream about research explores the mystery of canine sleep.

You could be the owner of your dog’s dreams.

If you’ve ever wondered why your dog might kick, twitch or whine while snoozing, experts believe it’s because they’re dreaming just like humans do.

One of the more notable studies about dog dreams came out of MIT more than 20 years ago, in which researchers studied the sleep cycle of rats, finding that the rodents were recalling real-life events and experiencing complex dreams.

Human and dog cuddling

Dogs, then, are likely to dream similarly.

“(Dogs) probably dream about their owners and interacting with other dogs and with people that they enjoy,” veterinarian JosĂ© Arce, former president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, told USA Today . 

A dog’s age and size also plays a role in the frequency of dreaming.

According to the American Kennel Club, smaller dogs are more likely to have increased dream frequency than larger pups, but they also have shorter dreams, whereas larger dogs have fewer dreams but for a longer duration.

“Puppies seem to dream more, and for some reason older dogs seem to dream a little bit more than the middle-aged dogs,” Arce added. 

Beagle dog sleeping on an indoor sofa

But, just like humans have nightmares, your Fido might, too. Experts warn, though, not to wake a dog despite it growling or whimpering in its sleep, lest you face the consequences.

The Journal of Veterinary Behavior reports that approximately 6% of dog bites happen while the pooch is asleep.

“When a dog is growling, that’s something I wouldn’t interfere with,” Arce explained. “You have to be very careful around their mouth because sometimes they will bite you, not on purpose, but 
 they don’t have any control.”

While little else is known about what happens when animals sleep, Arce believes artificial intelligence might factor into future research and help researchers “find more answers.”

“Because a lot of these technologies [are] just developing as we speak and it’s getting more sophisticated,” he said.

Group of children and a dog joyfully running on a park road at sunset

Recent research on dogs has yielded more findings about their brains and behaviors , like the fact they can smell humans’ stress , can distinguish languages , how they emote and why little dogs outlive big dogs .

Human and dog cuddling


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Travel influencer slammed for Taliban 'fangirl' moment in viral pic

Somali-american influencer marian abdi, popularly known as 'geenyada madow', was slammed for her social media posts from afghanistan as she said that visiting the nation was a "dream come true"..

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  • Travel influencer criticised for photo with Taliban fighters
  • Marian Abdi called 'disgrace to all women'
  • Social media backlash for 'fangirling' over Taliban

A travel influencer has been at the receiving end of criticism on social media after posting a picture from her trip to Afghanistan where she appeared to "fangirl" over Taliban fighters.

Somali-American influencer Marian Abdi, popularly known as ‘Geenyada Madow’, was slammed for her social media posts from Afghanistan as she said that visiting the nation was a "dream come true".

Met with the Tali*an ðŸ‡æðŸ‡ë #Afghanistan #afghan #kabul #travel #explore #viral #viral2024 — Geenyada Madow (@GeenyadaM) August 18, 2024

As her post went viral with over 4 million views, Abdi found herself on the receiving end of the internet with several calling her a "disgrace to all women".

"Shameful," a user said, adding, "You are a disgrace, your presence and smile are an offence to all the women in Afghanistan."

Social media users also questioned whether Abdi enquired about the Taliban's harsh policies, such as stoning women and denying them access to education.

“I'm assuming you didn't ask why they stone women or have banned education for girls,” a user said.

On YouTube as well, Abdi discussed her encounter with Taliban fighters, expressing that she was "super nervous" about the meeting. She claimed that she inquired about why Afghan girls were barred from continuing their education beyond sixth grade. According to her, she received "varied reactions on their faces" and responses from the Taliban members.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Marian Abdi (Geenyada Madow) (@geenyada1)
I'm genuinely curious—what do you want me to do? Should I avoid visiting Afghanistan altogether? How do you expect a tourist to navigate politics with the Taliban? Even if I didn’t take a photo with them, would that change anything? As a foreign tourist, I'm just interested inâ€æ — Geenyada Madow (@GeenyadaM) August 22, 2024


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  29. What do dogs dream about? Research explores canine sleep habits

    A dog's age and size also plays a role in frequency of dreaming. According to the American Kennel Club, smaller dogs are more likely to have increased dream frequency than larger pups, but they ...

  30. Travel influencer slammed for Taliban 'fangirl' moment in viral pic

    Somali-American influencer Marian Abdi, popularly known as 'Geenyada Madow', was slammed for her social media posts from Afghanistan as she said that visiting the nation was a "dream come true". Listen to Story Travel influencer criticised for photo with Taliban fighters Marian Abdi called 'disgrace ...