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Best Travel Strollers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed by Parents & Experts

Lightweight and compact, a travel stroller can help make your next family vacation a little bit easier., by jen labracio | medically reviewed by holly peretz ot.

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If the thought of trying to wrangle your full-size stroller on your next family adventure feels daunting, it’s time to consider a travel stroller.

Travel strollers make leaving home with your little one a little bit easier and a lot more convenient. Today’s travel stroller is a minimalist’s dream. Most have many of the same high-end features as traditional strollers all rolled into a compact, portable package. Many travel strollers break down to fit in the overhead bin of a plane or can be folded down quickly (and with one hand—win) and slung over your shoulder. Many parents even use them as their day-to-day stroller.

If you’re a family who’s frequently on the go, a travel stroller may be the answer to help lighten your load and simplify your life. We’re sharing Babylist parents favorites and bestselling picks to help you narrow down your search. I also added my own thoughts and picks from the countless travel strollers I’ve tested over the last decade as a mom of two and in my role as Babylist’s Gear Editor.

Babylist’s Top Picks for the Best Travel Strollers

  • Best Travel System: Nuna PIPA urbn + TRVL Travel System
  • Best for Toddlers: Bugaboo Butterfly Complete Stroller
  • Best Budget: Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller
  • Best for Everyday Use: UPPAbaby MINU V2 Stroller
  • Best for Planes: Babyzen YOYO2 6+ Stroller
  • Best Compact: Joolz Aer+ Lightweight Stroller
  • Best Lightweight: Zoe The Traveler
  • Best Value: Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Single Stroller
  • Best for Infants: Mountain Buggy Nano V3 Stroller
  • Best Umbrella: Summer 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

In This Article

How we chose the best travel strollers.

  • Our Top Picks

Which Stroller Is Best for Travel?

What to look for in a travel stroller, how do you travel with a stroller on a plane, babylist’s picks for the best travel strollers, best travel system stroller.

Nuna PIPA urbn & TRVL LX Travel System - Caviar - $950.00.

Nuna PIPA urbn & TRVL LX Travel System - Caviar

  • Baseless infant car seat, installs in seconds
  • Stroller has one-handed fold, weighs 13 pounds
  • Car seat weighs just 7 pounds

What Our Experts Say

If you know you’ll frequently be traveling while your baby is an infant, you may want to invest in a travel system (a stroller and car seat that attach to each other; here’s more on how to pick a travel system ). This combo is the best of the best, and what I wish I’d had when I was a new mom living in New York City seven years ago and didn’t own a car. It combines the ultra-popular TRVL, the brand’s first dive into the lightweight stroller market, with the urbn, a first-of-its-kind car seat.

What’s so special about a baseless car seat? Most infant car seats can be installed without a base, but require a seat belt—along with time and patience. That’s not the case with the urbn. There’s no base to worry about AND the latch system is built right into the seat’s base. I was blown away by how quick and easy this seat was to install. I pressed a button on each side and pushed to attach it directly to my vehicle’s lower anchors—that’s it. It’s about as foolproof as it gets, and especially ideal if you’ll be using your car seat on the go in rideshares or taxis. This is also our pick for best travel car seat .

As for the TRVL stroller, it’s just as great. The two standout features for me were its fold (one-handed, quick and ridiculously easy) and its compact size (it stands on its own and weighs just over 13 pounds. While not huge, the basket is large enough to hold your essentials (and a little more) and is easy to access, and the TRVL’s maneuverability is good enough that you’ll be able to steer easily with one hand.

What’s Worth Considering

The TRVL is on the pricier side and it doesn’t have a carry strap, but the maneuverability, suspension and versatility help explain the higher price point. I found it worked as a travel stroller, but also as an everyday stroller, too. There are also lots of thoughtful design details like magnetic buckles, a no-rethread harness and leatherette bumper bar and handlebar. The urbn car seat has a lower height limit than many infant car seats—not ideal, but not a huge dealbreaker, either.

Additional Specs

Best Travel Stroller for Toddlers

Bugaboo Butterfly Complete Stroller - Midnight Black - $479.00.

Bugaboo Butterfly Complete Stroller - Midnight Black

  • Four-wheel suspension for a smooth ride
  • Fast, easy fold
  • Included footrest and high seat back

There are two travel strollers I recommend again and again to families, and Bugaboo’s newest compact stroller, the Butterfly, is one of them. (The other one is the Joolz Aer+—more on that below!). This style-forward stroller is packed with thoughtful, impressive features, just like the brand’s popular full-size strollers. Two of my favorites (and there are many to choose from!) are the smooth ride and the quick, easy fold. The four-wheel suspension system means the Butterfly rides more like a traditional stroller than a compact one, a huge perk when I pushed it on anything other than smooth pavement and perfect for toting around my larger toddler. It moves and turns easily and I was able to steer it with only one hand, a huge plus. The fold is just as impressive; I also did it one-handed, and the Butterfly folds down to about the side of a small bag. (There’s also a built-in carry strap, a feature I value in any stroller, but especially one designed for travel.)

A few other things I love: it accommodates an infant car seat with adapters, so you can use it from day one, and the seat has a high back for larger kiddos and reclines almost fully for napping on the go. There’s even a footrest built in for extra comfort, another toddler-friendly feature. (My 95th-percent-in-height two-year-old still fits perfectly in it.) And the sun canopy on the Butterfly is one of the best I’ve seen of all the travel strollers on our list.

There’s not much to pick on with this stroller, minus its high price tag. The back wheels on the Butterfly are fairly close together. That setup, combined with a handle that doesn’t extend (which is the norm for compact strollers), means that if you’re on the taller side like me (5’10”), you may kick the back of the stroller while you’re walking. And although I wouldn’t consider it heavy, it is one of the heavier travel strollers on our list by about three pounds.

Best Budget Travel Stroller

Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller - $79.99.

Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller

  • Great value
  • Extremely light—weighs less than 12 pounds
  • Easy fold but not as compact as others on our list

If you’re not looking to spend a lot on a travel stroller or you’re a family who doesn’t travel very often, the Kolcraft Cloud Light is an excellent value for an inexpensive stroller . It boasts lots of thoughtful features, especially considering the stroller’s price. Weight is the standout here—the Cloud Plus weighs less than twelve pounds, making it one of the lightest strollers on our list. The fold is also worth a second look. Although it’s not super compact (the stroller folds in on itself, much like an umbrella stroller, rather than in a tri-fold like many other travel strollers on our list), it’s quick and easy and you can do it with one hand, a feature we always appreciate especially when we’re on the go.

Other features to note include an extendable canopy with a peekaboo window, a parent tray with two drink holders and a large storage basket (it’s one of the biggest on our list).

The seat on the Cloud Plus has multiple positions but doesn’t recline completely flat. It has a lower weight limit than many of the strollers on our list—40 pounds—and doesn’t have much in the way of suspension and shock absorption. The fold is slim but not all that compact.

And remember—this stroller is under $100. It’s not going to compare to travel strollers five times its price in suspension, maneuverability, stability or materials. But, considering the price, it’s a great option if you don’t travel all that much but want a lightweight stroller option when you do.

What Babylist Parents Say

“Easily fits in the trunk of my car.” -Cora

Best Travel Stroller for Everyday Use

UPPAbaby Minu V2 Stroller - Jake - $399.99.

UPPAbaby Minu V2 Stroller - Jake

  • Great for travel + everyday use
  • Roomy storage basket
  • Shock-absorbing suspension for a smooth ride

UPPAbaby was one of the first stroller brands to dive into the “travel stroller that can also be used as an everyday stroller” category, and the Minu does both of these things extremely well. From your own neighborhood to wherever your travel adventures take you and to everything in between, the Minu offers all the conveniences of a day-to-day stroller in a travel-friendly package. A few of my favorite features are the one-handed fold, the huge sunshade, the comfy seat with multi-position recline and a roomy, easy-access basket. The spring-action, shock-absorbing all-wheel suspension makes for a smooth ride even over bumpy terrain, so it’s a stroller you can use both in the suburbs and in a city. The Minu stands when folded and features a carry strap and a storage bag for easy transport.

As-is, the Minu works for babies three+ months; that means if you want to use it with your newborn, you’ll need to add the bassinet and adapters , which will cost you.

The Minu folds compactly but is a little bulkier than some of the other strollers on our list when it’s broken down. It’s also a little heavier, weighing in at about 17 pounds. And the seat back is on the shorter side.

“Amazing stroller. Great for travelling (fits in overhead bin), shopping (takes up minimal trunk space), walks in the park (very smooth ride, even over grass!). Has oversized canopy to block sun and folds with one hand. Bought it for travel, but use it as our primary stroller because I love it so much.” -Jessica

Best Travel Stroller for Flying

Babyzen yoyo2 stroller bundle - black frame/olive.

  • Fits in overhead bin
  • Fast, one-handed fold
  • Options to customize color, add a second rider and more

The YOYO2 was ahead of its time in the world of compact strollers and remains a parent favorite both for travel and for families looking for a smaller, lighter everyday stroller option. This compact favorite fits in the overhead bin and is the stroller of choice for many light-packing parents who don’t want to deal with the hassle (or risk) of gate-checking a stroller when they fly. It performs like a champ off the plane, too, easily steering through crowds and through narrow spaces.

There’s one other unique thing to love here—the custom options. You can change out the seat and shade fabrics with a new color pack , add a custom footmuff for cooler temps, help your older kiddo hitch a ride on the stroller board and even add a storage bag that uses wheeled support so your stroller won’t tip. With adapters that are sold separately, you can also use this stroller with some of the best infant car seats from Nuna and Maxi Cosi, among others.

The YOYO2’s fold isn’t hard, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the other travel stroller picks on our list. (There are two steps, and it takes a little getting used to.) The canopy is on the shorter side. This travel stroller does come with a rain cover, but all the other extras and custom adds will cost you. (And this stroller is on the pricier side to begin with.)

“Fits in airplane cabin. We took it on so many trips!” -Emily

Best Compact Travel Stroller

Joolz aer + lightweight stroller - stone grey.

  • One-handed fold and compact carry
  • Comfy, contoured seat

I’ve tried a LOT of travel strollers in my day, and the Joolz Aer+ is the one I come back to again and again. Pushing it doesn’t feel much different than pushing much larger, much more expensive strollers—and that’s one of the things I love about it. The Aer+ has four-wheel suspension, a feature that’s not very common in travel strollers, so it maneuvers easily and glides smoothly even across uneven surfaces like bumpy sidewalks and dirt paths. That combined with the ridiculously easy one-handed fold, the compact design and the comfortable seat that contours to fit your child’s body makes this stroller a great choice for travel and for everyday use. (It currently occupies a permanent spot in the trunk of my car.)

The Aer+ is newborn-friendly and compatible with Nuna and Clek car seats (adapters sold separately), so it works if you want to use it from day one. The stroller folds small enough to fit in an overhead bin or to sling over your shoulder (carry strap included) and tote up and down stairs, on public transportation or anywhere else you need to go. It also comes with a rain cover and travel bag included.

The Aer+ is on the pricier side, but if you’re planning on using it for travel and for everyday, then the cost doesn’t seem as daunting. I also wish it came with a footrest instead of having to purchase one separately.

“It’s so easy to push and steer and SO easy to fold with just one hand. We use it as a travel stroller and often as our everyday stroller as well.” -Jennifer

Best Lightweight Travel Stroller

Zoe the traveler.

  • One-handed fold
  • Extended canopy, full recline

Lightweight, compact and travel-ready are the three features that come to mind when I think of The Traveler from Zoe. This aluminum-frame stroller is light enough for easy portability but durable enough to handle lots of different adventures. I love the one-handed fold and that it’s small enough to fit in an overhead bin if you don’t want to wrangle with gate checking your stroller on your next trip. There are lots of high-end features like an extended canopy, adjustable footrest and a near-flat recline. And don’t forget one of the best parts: The Traveler folds in seconds with one hand and stands on its own.

The Traveler isn’t compatible with any car seats so you won’t be able to use it with younger babies. There are also no straps or backpack included; if you want those, you’ll have to pay extra to add them on. And while it shines on smooth pavement, it’s not great on bumpy or uneven terrain.

Need a double travel stroller? Zoe’s The Twin+ is a great choice. It weighs under 20 pounds and fits through standard doorways but is comfortable and roomy enough for two children up to 45 pounds each. The fold is quick, easy and compact and the stroller is Disney-approved. And it can expand to a triple or a quad stroller with additional seats.

Best Value Travel Stroller

Baby jogger city tour 2 single stroller - jet.

  • Same one-handed fold Baby Jogger full-size strollers are known for
  • 3 ways to ride: infant car seat, bassinet or toddler seat
  • Padded seat with added depth

Travel strollers can get expensive. If you don’t want to spend $500+ on one, but you travel frequently and want a reliable option, the City Tour 2 is a great mid-priced pick.

Baby Jogger strollers are known (and loved) for their easy, one-handed fold—and this travel stroller is no exception. The City Tour 2 folds into a 19-by-23-inch rectangle and automatically locks closed. You can carry it by the handle or tuck it away in the included tote bag carryall while your little one explores. The stroller has a deep, padded seat and adjustable calf support to keep your kiddo comfortable. Plus, a huge UV 50+ sun canopy provides shade.

There’s suspension system in the frame isn’t great, making for a bit of a bumpy ride. Some parents wish the tote bag carryall had backpack straps for easier transport rather than a shoulder strap.

“I love that I can carry, open and fold it with one hand. It’s easy to maneuver and the only stroller I own. Perfect for city living!” -Amie

Best Infant Travel Stroller

Mountain buggy nano v3 stroller.

  • Comes with universal car seat adapter
  • Full recline seat
  • Ventilated backrest for airflow

The Mountain Buggy Nano stroller is the best of both worlds—a travel stroller that can also act as a travel system . Unlike most travel strollers, this one comes equipped with a universal car seat adapter so you can pop in your infant seat and be on your way with your newborn in tow. (You can also purchase the Cocoon Carrycot separately if you prefer a bassinet option.)

The Nano is lightweight and compact enough to fit easily into many carry-on luggage units on planes and trains or in a trunk, and the travel bag has a handle and strap for portability. The narrow width and front-wheel swivel makes it good for use on city streets or other tight spaces and the seat features a full recline perfect for naps.

There’s no suspension system and no peekaboo window. You need to use two hands to fold the Nano. (Although it’s still really easy.)

“It folded up so small that it fit on the plane as a carryon but it also handled really well on european cobblestone” -Nikki

Best Umbrella Stroller for Travel

Summer 3d lite convenience stroller.

  • Easy to maneuver
  • Umbrella-style fold is bulky

Umbrella strollers used to be the norm in the compact stroller category. That’s changed over the last five years or so, but if you still prefer one for travel, the Summer 3D Lite should be on your list.

The 3D Lite is a great all-around travel stroller. It’s light (about 13 pounds), features a simple, compact fold and a built-in carry strap, has a seat that lays nearly flat and boasts an ample storage basket. The ride isn’t super cushy, but it’s not all that bumpy, either. And at well under $100, it’s an incredible value for a stroller with this many great features.

Since this is an umbrella stroller, you won’t find the compact tri-fold that parents love so much about many travel strollers.

“It is so easy to travel with - we used it on a cruise ship, in various airports, and for all our daily errands.” -Jeanine

Also Worth a Look…

The world of compact travel strollers has exploded recently, flooding the market with lots of options. Here are a few other travel strollers worth a look:

  • The Bumprider Connect 3 Stroller ($599.99) is totally unique. It features a magnetic lock system that allows you to join two or more strollers together. It’s pricey, though, especially if you need more than one.
  • Evenflo Gold’s Otto ($199.99) is a competitively priced self-folding, lightweight stroller with a high weight limit (55 pounds) and a two-position adjustable footrest.
  • The Inglesina Quid ($299.00) fits in an overhead bin and offers thoughtful features like a self-standing fold, an extendable canopy and a large flap on the hood that fully retracts for ventilation on warm days. The Quid weighs in at only 13 pounds.
  • We analyzed results from Babylist’s Best Baby Products survey, which polled 6,000 Babylist users and asked them to share the baby products they love the most and why.
  • We utilized insight from the Babylist editorial team, including Gear Editor Jen LaBracio, an expert in the baby space for over six years and a mom of two who has written hundreds of baby gear guides and personally researched and tested hundreds of baby products, including many travel strollers.
  • We reviewed customer reviews from hundreds of real Babylist parents.

Some families use a traditional stroller for everything, even traveling. But having a lighter, more nimble travel stroller pays off when you really need it: for airports, narrow city sidewalks , public transportation or just to lighten the load.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using different types of strollers for travel:

  • Traditional stroller: Everyday strollers typically have convenient features like lots of storage space, cup holders and trays, and large canopies. Some may also have all-terrain wheels and accommodate an infant car seat. But they’re heavier and bulkier to fold, which makes using and storing them in tight spaces more difficult (think: narrow doorways, airplane overhead bins, small car trunks).
  • Umbrella stroller: Bare-boned and exceptionally lightweight, umbrella strollers often lack many amenities you find in traditional strollers like adjustable seats and cup holders. They have skimpy canopies, minimal cushioning and seat support and don’t fold small enough to fit in airport storage bins. You also can’t push an umbrella stroller with one hand. Umbrella strollers are good for when you occasionally need a slimmer, fast-fold stroller.
  • Travel stroller: Sometimes also called a lightweight stroller, travel strollers strike a balance between traditional and umbrella stroller styles. They’re lighter than the standard stroller, easy to fold and compact in size when collapsed. (Some travel strollers fold in half, called a square fold, while others feature a more compact tri-fold.) Travel strollers have some full-size amenities like large sun canopies and a storage basket and most even have extras like cup holders.

Figuring out the best stroller to use for travel often comes down to what type of trade-offs you want to make around budget , space and personal preference.

  • Some traditional strollers offer a compact fold that’s great for travel, but the stroller weighs a ton.
  • Umbrella strollers tend to be affordable but require two hands for pushing and only offer a vertical fold.
  • Compact travel strollers are light, portable and easy to steer but come at a cost.

Before you invest in a travel stroller, think through:

  • How often you travel
  • How much money you want to spend
  • Where you’ll be storing your stroller when it’s not in use

Also note that lots of parents find that a travel stroller can work just as well as a full-size option for everyday use; just keep in mind that unless the travel stroller you choose is compatible with an infant car seat or comes with a separate infant kit, you’ll need to wait to use the stroller until your baby is six months old and can sit up unassisted.  

A travel stroller should be easy to take with you on trips and be a comfy spot for your little one, especially since your child will probably spend more hours in it while traveling than at home. Consider these features as you research and shop:

  • Size and weight. You’re going to be lifting, carrying and storing your travel stroller often, so the stroller’s size and weight is important. Look for one that’s lightweight and manageable. Also pay attention both to the folded and unfolded size of your travel stroller. Hoping to If you’re planning on using it for an older toddler, also be sure it’s large enough to accommodate them.
  • Fold. There’s also a lot of folding and unfolding a stroller during travel, whether it’s to take it in and out of your car, stash it under a table at a restaurant or storing it in the overhead compartment of an airplane. Choose a travel stroller with a quick, easy fold, preferably one you can do one-handed.
  • Maneuverability. Not all travel strollers are created equally. Some offer much more maneuverability and a better suspension system than others; however, these features often come at a cost. Thinking through how often you’ll be using your travel stroller and what types of terrain you’ll encounter most often can be helpful in determining whether or not a more expensive stroller is worthwhile.
  • Canopy size. Most travel involves at least some, if not a lot, of outdoor time. A large canopy is essential for protecting your little one from the elements, especially the sun.
  • Comfort and convenience features. Similar to a full-size stroller, look for features that will make you and your little one more comfortable, especially while traveling. Things like an adjustable seat with a full or nearly full recline, an ample storage basket, an adjustable handlebar and easy to clean fabrics are all important. And don’t forget a built-in strap or a separate carrying case for easy transport.

Bringing a stroller with you on trips can seem daunting. How do you get it from point A to point B when you’re flying ? Will it count toward your carry-on and baggage allotment? And what if you need to use your stroller in the airport? Good news: You can pick how you want to travel with your stroller, depending on your needs. Here are the choices:

  • Check the stroller with your baggage: Some parents unload the stroller during check-in and switch to using a baby carrier through the airport instead. Pair a front carrier with a backpack-style diaper bag so your hands will be free to deal with other things (like the toys that will make your trip a breeze ). Note that if you have a large stroller, you may be required to check it as baggage anyway. This usually doesn’t count toward your baggage allotment.
  • Check the stroller at the gate: Want to use the stroller until you board the plane? You can check the stroller with the gate agent—it just needs to be tagged—and then pick it up outside the aircraft door when you arrive. (Just remember if you have a connecting flight to catch, waiting for your stroller to be placed on the jet bridge can eat up precious time.)
  • Stow the stroller on the airplane: Some travel strollers fold up so small they fit in a backpack and can be stored in an overhead bin. Having your stroller with you eliminates the hassle of waiting for it on the jet bridge or at baggage claim (or losing it).

Some other air-travel tips to keep in mind:

  • If you check the stroller with baggage, you do run the risk of damage. If you’re not using a travel stroller bag, ask the agent at check-in for a plastic bag to cover and protect it during transport.
  • If you’re taking the stroller through security, it will need to be folded and put through the X-ray machine. Don’t stuff the undercarriage basket until after security.
  • If your checked stroller doesn’t come out with the suitcases at baggage claim, check the oversized luggage area. It may have been set aside there (this may also be where your travel crib is, if you checked one).

Do you need a travel stroller bag?

How you plan to use your travel stroller will affect whether or not you need a travel stroller bag.

If you plan on flying with your stroller then you’ll probably want to use a travel stroller bag, especially if you don’t plan on stowing your stroller in the overhead compartment of the plane (either because you don’t want to or because it won’t fit). A checked stroller, even one that’s gate checked, may get tossed around quite a bit while in transit, so you’ll want a travel stroller bag to keep it protected.

If you’re not planning on flying much with your stroller or if you’re simply using your travel stroller as a more lightweight day-to-day option, then a travel stroller probably isn’t a must-have.

Some travel strollers come with a travel bag while others require you to purchase one separately, so check with your particular brand. There are generic travel stroller bags that may work, too.

Jen LaBracio

Senior gear editor.

Jen LaBracio is Babylist’s Senior Gear Editor, a role that perfectly combines her love of all things baby gear with her love of (obsessive) research. When she’s not testing out a new high chair or pushing the latest stroller model around her neighborhood, she likes to run, spin, listen to podcasts, read and spend time at the beach. In her past life, she worked for over a decade in children’s publishing. She lives outside of Chicago with her husband and their two boys, Will and Ben.

stroller travel system lightweight

The Best Travel System Strollers, According to Experienced Moms

Medical review policy, latest update:, quick summary, how we chose the best travel systems , why trust us, best travel system overall, uppababy vista v2 stroller + mesa infant car seat, best one-piece travel system, doona infant car seat/stroller, most affordable travel system, graco modes 3 lite dlx travel system, best lightweight travel system stroller, chicco mini bravo plus travel system, best jogging travel system, bob revolution flex 3.0 travel system with b-safe gen2 infant car seat, most versatile travel system, nuna mixx next + pipa rx travel system, best travel system for multiples, evenflo pivot xpand modular travel system with safemax infant car seat, our research, should i get a car seat stroller combo, is a car seat/stroller combo safe, what are the different types of travel system strollers.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained , July 2022. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), How to Choose a Safe Baby Stroller , August 2022. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Shopping for Car Seats: Tips for Parents , February 2020. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Keep Child Passengers Safe on the Road , October 2022. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Car Seats and Booster Seats , 2023. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Carriages and Strollers Business Guidance & Small Entity Compliance Guide , 2023. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Booster Seats Business Guidance and Small Entity Compliance Guide , 2023.

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  • Baby and kid

The Best Travel Strollers

The two travel strollers we recommend, the Uppababy Minu V2 and the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller, standing next to each other.

By Elise Czajkowski

A good travel stroller can make the difference between a jaunty vacation and a miserable slog.

We researched dozens of travel strollers, tested seven on a variety of trips involving planes, trains, buses, and cabs, and concluded that the Uppababy Minu V2 is the best option to keep parents and tots happy. Unlike most travel strollers, you’re sacrificing very little in comfort and maneuverability with the Minu V2—which is why many people find it’s also the ideal everyday stroller.

If you’re looking for a lighter, simpler option, the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller is a great budget pick.

Everything we recommend

stroller travel system lightweight

Uppababy Minu V2

The best travel stroller.

This comfortable, sturdy travel stroller handles bumpy streets better than the competition and is easy to fold one-handed. Many parents love it for everyday use as well.

Buying Options

May be out of stock

Budget pick

stroller travel system lightweight

Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller

Simple and sturdy.

This less-expensive option handles rough terrain well and offers the best on-the-go napping option of all the strollers we tested.

What we looked for

Being able to quickly collapse or unfurl the stroller is crucial when traveling.

We prioritized strollers that are easy to steer one-handed over bumpy surfaces and around tight turns.

A travel stroller should be small enough to store easily, whether in a closet or a packed car trunk.

You shouldn’t need to look at the manual to relearn how to use your stroller each time you pull it out.

Neither the Minu V2 nor the City Tour 2 Stroller is compatible with any of the picks in our guide to infant car seats ; if that’s a must, the Mountain Buggy Nano (2020+) is another good option . And if putting your stroller in an overhead compartment is a priority, we recommend the Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller .

The Uppababy Minu V2 has many features that allow it to function as a full-size stroller, including an underseat basket that holds up to 20 pounds, a simple recline option that’s good for napping, and a handy backseat pocket for storing odds and ends. Its one-hand fold is impressively simple, and of the travel strollers we tested, it has the easiest harness to adjust and the most-intuitive brakes. It also has a large, zip-out sun canopy with UPF protection. You can use it—without attachments—with children as young as 3 months, or with Uppababy’s bassinet or select car seats with newborns. A kid doesn’t officially outgrow it until they reach 50 pounds—which is often grade-school age. But at 17 pounds, it’s heavier than our budget pick.

The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller isn’t quite as simple to fold, recline, or buckle as the Minu V2, but it has the most comfortable handlebar of the travel strollers we tested, a decent canopy with UV protection, and a good amount of underseat storage (though it is harder to access than the Minu V2’s). Its large, adjustable footrest, long seat, and deep recline make it the best stroller that we tested for on-the-go naps, even for older kids (it fits kids up to 45 pounds). At 15.1 pounds, it’s a couple of pounds lighter than the Minu V2 and, unlike that stroller, comes with a travel bag.

The research

Why you should trust us, who this is for, how we picked and tested, our pick: uppababy minu v2, budget pick: baby jogger city tour 2 stroller, other good travel strollers, the competition.

I’ve been writing about strollers for Wirecutter for more than a year, and I’ve tested dozens of strollers from 16 brands in that time. For this 2023 update to our guide to travel strollers, I researched more than a dozen popular models and tested seven with my 1-year-old son.

My husband and I brought these strollers on international flights, regional trains, and local buses, and we loaded them in and out of cabs and cars of various sizes. Other Wirecutter parents tested strollers on their summer trips, and I badgered people around my neighborhood about their experiences with travel strollers.

This article builds on the work of writer Sonjia Hyon, who logged 130 miles testing nine travel strollers for an earlier version of this guide.

For many families, a travel stroller will never be necessary; for others, it may be the only stroller they ever need. In general, travel strollers are smaller and lighter than full-size strollers and fold down to fit easily in many forms of transportation.

If you don’t travel regularly, or you’re mostly visiting people who have a spare stroller, you can forgo one entirely and rely on carriers and car seats. On the other hand, I know plenty of parents who use a travel stroller as their everyday go-to; it’s a particularly good option for anyone who is living in a small space or has to carry a stroller up and down steps on a regular basis.

Travel strollers have increasingly replaced umbrella strollers as the go-to lightweight, foldable option for travelers, which became clear when we noticed brands discontinuing their umbrella strollers and making travel models instead. They are primarily distinguished by their fold; a travel stroller collapses into a more compact, suitcase shape while umbrella strollers fold into a long, golf bag shape. This extra convenience comes at a cost; travel strollers are generally much pricier. All of the so-called budget travel strollers we tested in 2023 were more expensive than the priciest model we considered for our guide to umbrella strollers .

Three travel strollers folded up and resting next to each other.

You do, of course, have to make some compromises. The travel strollers that fold the most compactly are likely to be the hardest to fold; the lightest strollers do not maneuver as well as heavier options. And all lack some features that many parents love in their full-size strollers, such as large storage baskets, reversible toddler seats, and adjustable handlebars.

If you’ve already purchased a full-size stroller that you like and are looking to add a travel stroller, you may want to look first at options from the same brand. Stroller manufacturers keep many things consistent across their lines, so you’ll find that elements like the type of brake, the style of the buckle, and the feel of the handlebar are familiar. For instance, the Uppababy Cruz V2 and Minu V2 share the same harness that’s easy to adjust and buckle, which I consider to be one of the most important elements in a good stroller.

Nine of the travel strollers we tested standing side by side.

More travel strollers are available now than when we began testing in 2018, as high-end brands have begun to offer more luxe options. We began our 2023 research by looking at the updated models of our three past picks—the Uppababy Minu V2 has replaced the original Minu, the Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller has replaced the Yoyo+ Stroller, and the Mountain Buggy Nano (2020+) has replaced the original Nano. We also read online reviews for dozens of strollers to determine other good options to test. Based on our research, we determined that a good travel stroller is:

Easy to push and maneuver: Because a travel stroller needs to perform in a variety of environments inside and outside, we prioritized strollers that are easy to push on uneven terrain and able to maneuver through tight spaces. We only tested strollers that could be pushed and steered one-handed. I took seven strollers home and tested them several times in different conditions, including over cobblestones and uneven streets, in and out of subways, and up and down stairs. I also put them through a test course in our Long Island City, New York office, using sandbags in the toddler seat to test maneuverability and the one-handed push.

Easy to fold and unfold: A travel stroller needs to be easy to quickly fold and unfold; ideally, you should be able to collapse or unfurl a stroller while holding a squirming baby or kicking toddler. In my testing, I timed how long it took to fold and unfold each stroller and if it required one or two hands.

Easy to carry and stow: The stroller should fold down to a compact size; some even get small enough to fit into the overhead compartment on an airplane. We didn’t prioritize that ability, since different airlines and planes have different requirements, and it may be up to individual flight crews to decide if you can put a stroller in the overhead bin. We weighed each stroller ourselves, and the ones we tested ranged from 13 to 17 pounds, a close enough number that it didn’t end up being a major factor in our decision making. We also looked for strollers that have a shoulder strap or travel bag for carrying.

We liked to see that strollers had an option for clicking in an infant car seat, though neither of our picks are compatible with our best infant car-seat picks .

We also looked for a reclining seat, an easily adjustable harness, a decent-size canopy for sun protection, and an accessible underseat storage basket. I tested how easy it was to clean up food messes by smearing jam and whipped cream on all of the strollers and seeing how hard it was to remove stains with just baby wipes or fabric cleaner. Where small children go, messes follow—that’s why we devoted an entire article to  how to clean a stroller .

The Uppababy Minu V2, our pick for best travel stroller.

The Uppababy Minu V2 is an exceptionally comfortable travel stroller for children and parents. It’s similar to the previous version of the Minu, which was our top pick for years, but it improves on that model with a simpler-to-adjust harness, a bigger sun canopy, and an adjustable footrest.

I found that it was sturdy enough to maneuver on bumpy cobblestone streets, light enough for one person to haul up short flights of stairs with a child buckled in, and simple enough to fold one-handed and throw in the back of a car. It has a comfortable handlebar, ample underseat storage, a large canopy with UPF protection , and a harness that adjusts quickly and intuitively.

A folded Uppababy Minu V2 standing up on its own.

It has a fantastic one-handed fold. The Minu V2 is the only one of our picks with a one-handed fold—you slide a lever and push a button simultaneously on the handlebar, push the whole thing forward, and the stroller collapses onto itself. The unfold is also fairly simple; undo a latch on the side and pull up on the handlebar, and it all flings open. The stroller stands up pretty well on its own when folded. In our tests, we found that it took less than 10 seconds to fold or unfold the stroller.

It’s easy to carry. The Minu V2 includes a carry handle and a shoulder strap, so it’s easier to pick up for short hauls than our other pick. (Though at 17 pounds, it’s not particularly comfortable to tote around for long periods.) Uppababy also sells a travel bag that lets you access the TravelSafe program , an additional two-year warranty added onto the original product warranty that offers replacements for parts damaged during air travel.

The harness is simple. The simple plastic buckle is easy to close and open. I find the Uppababy’s harness straps to be the easiest to use of any strollers I’ve tested because the shoulder and waist straps are permanently connected (on other strollers, including the city tour 2, our budget pick, they can separate). This does mean wiggling your child’s arms in and out of the straps, which some parents find more taxing. The harness straps are also the easiest to adjust of any that we tested; simply slide the strap up and down along the back of the child’s seat to change the height, and pull on the ends of the straps to tighten or loosen.

The recline and incline function on the seat is straightforward. You simply pull down a buckle to recline and pull up on two straps to incline. It does take some effort to incline with a toddler in the seat, but none of the travel strollers that we tested were any easier.

The brakes are intuitive and easy to engage, even when you’re barefoot. Like the Uppababy Cruz V2 , a pick in our guide to full-size strollers , the Minu V2 has two brake pedals—a red to lock and a green to unlock—that are easy to engage and, based on their position, allow you to see from a distance if the stroller is locked.

It can be used for a long time and has plenty of storage. With an additional attachment, the Minu V2 can be used with the Uppababy bassinet as well as several infant car seats, making it a good option for newborns, and it can fit a child as young as three months without any accessories. The seat can hold a child up to 50 pounds, the maximum of the travel strollers we tried, and the underseat storage basket can hold up to 20 pounds, the most of any travel stroller we tested, making it popular as an everyday stroller, with good reason. It lacks some of the best features of the larger, more expensive Uppababy Cruz V2 —a reversible toddler seat, a storage basket that can handle a grocery haul, an adjustable handlebar—but it’s narrower, lighter, and faster to fold.

View of the storage pocket on the Uppababy Minu V2, showing sippy cup and a pair of sunglasses in it.

The canopy, seat fabric, and underseat basket can be removed for hand-washing. In our cleaning tests, it was hard to get stains out of the green fabric of our stroller; even after using a stain remover, we could see dark splotches on the seat.

Uppababy strollers come with a two-year limited warranty and an extra year if you register your stroller within three months of purchasing.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

The first Minu V2 that we tested held up well for several weeks of travel—and then, one day it refused to fold. We contacted Uppababy, which said this is not a known issue (although we found a few online complaints of a similar issue with the original Minu) and that anyone with this problem would be issued a new frame immediately; our replacement stroller has held up just fine so far. Given Uppababy’s reputation for good strollers, we’re fairly confident that we simply got a lemon.

At nearly 17 pounds, the Minu V2 is the heaviest of the strollers we tested. It’s also one of the largest when folded, meaning it may need to be gate-checked when boarding a plane. (Though it is larger than almost all airlines’ official requirements for on-board luggage, it may fit in the overhead bins on larger airplanes.) In our travels, it required some careful, Tetris-like finagling to squeeze it into a hatchback alongside our luggage, although one tester was able to fit it behind the driver’s seat of a sedan.

Like all of the travel strollers we tested, it sometimes requires a little shoving to get it to collapse fully. And because of the way the canopy is attached, it sometimes felt flimsy, and it occasionally popped off the frame on one side when unfolding or carrying the stroller up stairs with a child inside.

Weight: 17.3 pounds Frame dimensions: 20.5 by 36 inches (WL) Folded size: 20.5 by 23 by 13 inches (WLH) Child weight, height limit: 50 pounds, 40 inches Storage basket weight limit: 20 pounds Car seat compatibility with an adapter: Uppababy Mesa; Maxi-Cosi Mico Max 30 Infant Car Seat, Mico NXT Infant Car Seat, Mico AP Infant Car Seat, and Mico Max Plus Car Seat; Nuna Pipa, Pipa Lite, Pipa Lite Lx, Pipa Lite R, Pipa Rx, and Pipa Lite Rx; the Cybex Aton, Aton 2, Aton Q, and Aton M Second child adaptability: ride-along board available for purchase Wheel diameter: front wheels 5 inches, rear wheels 6.5 inches Included accessories: bumper bar Add-on accessories: cup holder , travel bag , parent organizer , bassinet , ride-along board , snack tray , rain shield , and basket cover

The Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller, our budget pick for best travel stroller.

If you’re willing to sacrifice a one-handed fold, an easily accessible storage basket, and a notably easy-to-buckle harness, the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller is a remarkably solid and maneuverable stroller for its price. It handles bumpy streets and cobblestones without complaint, and I found the handlebar’s height and material more comfortable than those on the other less-expensive options we tested.

The City Tour 2 Stroller also has a large adjustable footrest that allows a young toddler to lie almost completely flat; paired with its built-in UV 50+ sun canopy, it’s a great option if on-the-go naps are a priority. For many parents, the best thing about this stroller is that it doesn’t feature anything too noteworthy or fussy; it’s a simple stroller that just works.

The fold is simple, but it requires two steps and both hands. Slide a lever and push a button to fold down the handlebar, then pull up on a strap on the inside of the seat to collapse the whole thing. (If you have the adjustable footrest up, you need to put it down for maximum compactness.) To unfold, undo a latch on the side and click it all into place. In our testing, it took about 10 seconds to fold the stroller (including lowering the footrest) and about 7 seconds to unfold.

The buckle has five pieces but stays together well. The shoulder and waist straps on each side click together, which allows you to simply slide your child’s arm through the shoulder straps rather than attach five separate pieces. One tester found that these pieces tended to separate when her toddler was getting out of the stroller, requiring her to clip them again the next time. But the straps remain snug once buckled. Reclining and inclining the seat is simple—pinch a clamp and pull down on the seat to recline, then pinch the same clamp and push up to incline. As with all of the travel strollers we tested, inclining can be a challenge with larger children.

The underseat basket can easily hold a day’s worth of stuff. The underseat basket holds 15 pounds—not as much as our top pick, but more than most of the strollers we tested.

A person carrying the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller in the travel bag.

The seat fabric of the City Tour 2 Stroller can be machine washed; other parts should be hand-washed. In our cleaning tests, we found that food wiped easily off of the black fabric, and any lingering smudges disappeared with stain remover. Unfortunately, we can’t say if this was due to the dark color or the fabric itself, but this stroller only comes in black (you can also buy a blue-green, special-edition model that’s about $100 more) while the Minu V2 comes in many colors.

It also comes with a travel bag, which adds another layer of protection if you’re gate-checking a bag or putting the stroller away for long-term storage.

Baby Jogger strollers come with a lifetime warranty for manufacturer defects on the frame, and a one-year limited warranty on the fabrics. And though it doesn’t offer the same sort of TravelSafe program as Uppababy, the company said they “are always willing to help our customers where we can with damaged goods.”

The canopy can be hard to unfurl. The peekaboo window is secured with Velcro, which means it could wake up a sleeping child when undone. (The peekaboo flap can also be held open with a button.) The single brake pedal must be pushed up from the bottom to unlock, which is tricky if you’re barefoot or in open-toe shoes; the Minu V2’s two pedals are easier to use. And though the City Tour 2 Stroller does come with a travel bag, the stroller itself doesn’t feature a shoulder strap for carrying.

The seat’s most upright position is somewhat reclined. As with other Baby Jogger strollers that we’ve tested, the seat is never fully upright, which can be frustrating for a bigger kid who wants to look around (or a parent who doesn’t want a toddler to nap). The harness can be a challenge to adjust—the waist straps in particular take some time—and to change the height of the shoulder strap, you need to rethread the straps through the back of the toddler seat, which can’t be done with a child in the stroller. Unlike the Minu V2, the back of the seat doesn’t have a pocket for small items.

The stroller does not stand on its own when folded. It always needed to be propped against a wall or laid down flat. And I found that I sometimes smashed my hand when pushing down to make sure that it was folded as compactly as possible. The stroller also doesn’t have a mechanism for the whole stroller to stay attached to itself when folded; if you grab the handlebar when the stroller is folded, it will pull away from the body.

A folded Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller lying down flat.

At 5 foot 2, one tester found it was difficult to fold the handlebar down and needed to stabilize the stroller by putting her foot on the underseat basket for leverage; at 5 foot 7, I didn’t have the same issue.

Weight: 15.1 pounds Frame dimensions: 20 by 39 inches (WL) Folded size: 20 by 22.5 by 9.5 inches (WLH) Child weight, height limit: 45 pounds, 40 inches Storage basket weight limit: 15 pounds Car seat compatibility with an adapter: Baby Jogger City Go Infant Car Seat, City Go 2 Infant Car Seat, and City Go Air Infant Car Seat; Graco SnugRide SnugLock 35 Elite and SnugRide SnugLock 35 Platinum Second child adaptability: stroller cannot be adapted; City Tour 2 Double Stroller is also available, but we have not tested it yet Wheel diameter: front wheels 5 inches, rear wheels 6 inches Included accessories: travel bag Add-on accessories: belly bar , parent console , and weather shield

If you need or want to travel with a car seat: The Mountain Buggy Nano (2020+) is equipped with a universal car seat adapter—a genius feature that all stroller companies should adopt. Not only can you use many infant car seats with the nano—including any of our infant car seat picks —but it works with lightweight toddler car seats and convertible travel car seats like the Cosco Scenera Next Convertible Car Seat , which we recommend as the best convertible car seat for travel .

But the canopy rests against the handlebar when closed, making the stroller uncomfortable to push for long periods, especially in the heat. It also has finicky harness straps that never felt tight enough and a brake that’s easy to trip accidentally.

If a stroller that fits in most overhead compartments is crucial: Consider the Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller , which has the smallest fold of any of the strollers we tested. It meets the International Air Transport Association standards for carry-on bags, and I’ve seen people putting it in the overhead bins on several flights—even though at 17.3 inches wide, it is wider than the official width limit of 14 inches on many airlines. The fabric was also the easiest to wipe clean of every stroller we tested.

But its multistep folding mechanism is frustrating; it involves pushing a button and pulling a handle underneath the seat, which means crouching down and feeling around for the right spots. It’s also difficult to push and steer in a hurry; in our tests, it veered off course easily when pushing one-handed. And the front tires had a tendency to spin uncontrollably after hitting a bump, creating a drag that took a few seconds to correct.

This is not a comprehensive list of everything we tested in previous iterations of this guide; it only includes strollers that are still available for sale.

The 16-pound Bugaboo Butterfly is well made and easy to maneuver, but multiple testers said they found the handlebar uncomfortable to push, particularly on hills. I also found that I sometimes struggled to get it unlocked and unfolded in a hurry—an important feature of a travel stroller.

At about $500, the nearly 16-pound Nuna Trvl is the most expensive travel stroller that we tested, and it has some excellent features, including the simplest fold we saw on any travel stroller. But it is very large when folded with the belly bar attached, and when the canopy is closed, it covers the handlebar, making it uncomfortable to push.

The dual handlebars of the Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller , our umbrella stroller pick , make it nearly impossible to push one-handed—an important feature if you’re traveling by yourself and need your other hand for carrying other items. If you don’t mind using two hands and relying on a simpler but less maneuverable stroller than those recommended in this guide, you can save money by using an umbrella stroller over a travel model.

The Zoe the Traveler is only 13 pounds and has some nice features, including a parent cup holder, but it didn’t maneuver as well as I’d like. I struggled to push it off the subway, and it nearly tipped forward from a small, uneven bump in the sidewalk. It was also one of the hardest strollers to unfold.

We tested the 11-pound Zoe XL1 Best in 2018 (which has since been renamed The Tour+) and dismissed it after finding it harder to push and maneuver than other travel strollers we tested. It would frequently stop suddenly, causing the parent to pitch forward.

The 9.5 pound GB Pockit Air All-Terrain and the 13-pound GB Pockit+ All-City were dismissed because they didn’t feel sturdy.

The Kolcraft Cloud Plus Stroller was dismissed because it did not feel durable, was challenging to maneuver, and didn’t have a working lock.

This article was edited by Rachel Hurn and Kalee Thompson.

Meet your guide

stroller travel system lightweight

Elise Czajkowski

Elise Czajkowski is a freelance writer and editor covering strollers for Wirecutter.

Further reading

Highway sign indicating meltdown ahead in half mile.

Traveling With Little Kids Can Be Tough. The Right Gear Can Help.

by Kerry Davis McGuinness

From compact car seats and cribs to portable blackout shades and white noise machines, the right tools for travel can lead to less fuss—and more fun.

Three of our top picks for the best travel car seats, shown side by side.

The Best Travel Car Seats

by Christina Szalinski and Rebecca Gale

After testing 17 lightweight, portable car seats, we have five good options for infants, toddlers, and big kids to recommend.

Our three picks for best stroller wagon, shown side by side in front of a pink background.

The Best Stroller Wagons

by Liz Iversen

Got kids and gear you need to schlep to the soccer field, the beach, or the neighborhood block party? A stroller wagon might be for you.

An umbrella stroller with a book and snacks in the seat.

The Best Umbrella Stroller

by Elise Czajkowski

An umbrella stroller should be hassle-free and inexpensive enough to buy as a spare to store at Grandma’s house.

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The 15 Best Travel Strollers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

We tested the best travel strollers on the market for maneuverability, design, durability, and portability.

stroller travel system lightweight

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Travel + Leisure / Phoebe Cheong

Score a deal on the editor-approved Thule Shine travel stroller while it's on sale during the Memorial Day weekend!

If you're traveling with a child under 4 years old or so, you need a stroller. But your everyday stroller might not be your best bet when you hit the road: today's models are big with lots of storage space, wide canopies, and large wheels for challenging terrain. Not ideal for packing into trains, planes, and automobiles or for bringing in and out of a hotel. If you plan to travel even somewhat often with your little ones, you might want to invest in a travel stroller.

So, what is a travel stroller? A travel stroller is a smaller, more scaled-back stroller with a collapsible frame that can be folded up tightly. Many travel strollers fold multiple ways to reduce the length, width, and height; some, like umbrella strollers, fold one way into a narrow but still-long piece. In the end, you want your travel stroller to be comfortable and safe for your child while folding up into a very compact, easy-to-carry package.

We tested more than 32 travel strollers from top brands such as Uppababy, Nuna, and Babyzen. We measured and weighed them, then spent eight and a half hours in our New York City lab putting them all through the wringer, looking at each stroller's maneuverability, design features, durability, and portability. We then sent them out into the real world to be used by families like yours to guarantee stroller longevity and functionality.

Best Overall

Joolz aer+ baby stroller.


  • Design 4.6 /5
  • Portability 4.9 /5
  • Maneuverability 4.9 /5
  • Durability 5 /5
  • Value 4.6 /5

It folds up into an extremely compact, easy-to-carry package that is great for storing at home or on flights.

The seat can only be hand-washed and air-dried.

The Joolz Aer+ looks great, rolls smoothly, and features plenty of padding for the little rider sitting in it. It wowed us right out of the box and was one of the quickest strollers to assemble with just a quick-snap connection to a secure and stable stroller. While the Aer+ is about one pound lighter than earlier models, it is still the same size and features all of the perks parents look for in a high-quality stroller. The roomy shopping basket can hold up to 11 pounds, the canopy is adjustable, and the seat reclines to multiple settings to help keep your little one comfortable as they grow.

Throughout our tests, we tossed the stroller off of a counter to see how it held up and it remained in impeccable condition with little to no scratching and no major breaks or rips. Even when fully loaded up, the wheels moved smoothly and limited turbulence as they are designed to absorb shock from pebbles, rocks, and other rough terrain. We could easily collapse the stroller down using only one hand — which is perfect for use when flying — and it can once again be assembled with just the click of a button. At just over 13 pounds, it's also easy to carry, so you can transport this stroller just about anywhere life takes you.

The Details: 13.2 pounds | 41.5 x 32.7 x 17.7 inches assembled | 8.5 x 21 x 17.7 x inches folded | 50-pound weight limit

Travel + Leisure / Conor Ralph

Travel + Leisure / Phoebe Cheong

Best Overall, Runner-up

Nuna trvl lightweight stroller.

  • Design 4.8 /5
  • Portability 4.2 /5
  • Maneuverability 5 /5
  • Value 4.7 /5

Not only does it roll well, but the one-handed folding process was the smoothest of all the strollers we tested.

It's not especially small when folded and is a little unwieldy to carry.

During testing, when we pressed the buttons to collapse and fold the Nuna Trvl, it felt like some spring-loaded mechanism started the process for us and made it easier. That's the kind of helpful detail any parent or caretaker appreciates. And that folding process was quick, easy, and doable with one hand. The Trvl isn't quite as light as some of the other strollers, however, and it has no strap for carrying over the shoulder (although the bumper bar turns into a handle for carrying when the stroller is collapsed). It's also not clear whether the Nuna Trvl will fit in all airplane overhead compartments; It was a tight squeeze when we placed it in ours, with the wheels sticking out a bit.

The Trvl has a lot of great design features, including an adjustable leg rest and simple, adjustable reclining system for your baby. The strap clasp is magnetic to save a little time, and the canopy has a peekaboo window and good ventilation. The bottom storage basket is also on the larger side for a travel stroller and can comfortably fit a backpack. The stroller gilded beautifully over each surface we tried; there was no difference between rolling over the smooth hardwood and the shag carpet, and it handled gravel without issue. And it held up just fine in the durability test.

The Details: 15.4 pounds | 41 x 26 x 20.5 inches assembled | 11 x 27.25 x 20.25 inches folded | 50-pound weight limit

Travel + Leisure / Claire Cohen

Best Budget

Kolcraft cloud plus stroller.

  • Design 3.9 /5
  • Portability 3 /5
  • Maneuverability 4.2 /5
  • Durability 4.5 /5
  • Value 4.8 /5

It comes with a tray for baby's food and drink but is still extremely lightweight and easy to fold.

There isn't a ton of space in the undercarriage for storage.

Strollers are unnervingly expensive; many new parents experience sticker shock when they first see those price tags. The Kolcraft Cloud Plus is not. And while it's not the prettiest of the bunch (there's some loud branding), it folds easily — it can even be done one-handed with a little effort and coordination. We love that unfolding can also be done one-handed.

The Cloud Plus doesn't fold down quite as small as most every other one we're testing; the shape is somewhere between an umbrella and normal travel stroller. It's very lightweight, which we love, but since it doesn't fold small enough to fit in an overhead bin and doesn't have a strap or handle, it's not as portable as other options.

This stroller is the only one we tested with a tray for the baby's food and drink; the tray is removable if you're looking to save space. There are also two small cup holders for the adults, though our travel mug did not fit in them. The storage basket can fit a small backpack. The recline system is pretty easy to use and goes back three-fourths of the way to horizontal, and the canopy is good but not great. Same goes for the seat padding.

It rolled well on smooth surfaces, though there was some resistance on the carpet and a lot more on the grave. But we were able to push it through, and the stroller is light enough that when the wheels aren't rolling you can still keep moving. It's not the smoothest ride, but passable. The tray came unclasped during the durability test, but there was no actual damage. Overall, the price-to-performance ratio of the Cloud Plus is so good that it's an excellent budget option.

The Details: 11.8 pounds | 38 x 27 x 18 inches assembled | 10 x 33 x 17.5 inches folded | 50-pound weight limit

Travel & Leisure / Phoebe Cheong

Best for Warm Weather

Gb qbit+ all city stroller.

  • Portability 4 /5

It reminds us of the very top-tier travel strollers, but its price is meaningfully lower.

The handlebar isn't adjustable and the stroller is a bit heavier than other options.

The GB Qbit+ All City reminded us of the Nuna Trvl, but at a significantly cheaper price. The only areas the stroller fell short of the Nuna model are the canopy, which is not especially nice or expansive, and the fact that it's slightly harder to carry since it's a little heavier and has no actual carrying strap. That said, there's plenty to love about the Qbit. One-handed folding is smooth, and buckling and unbuckling the straps is easy. The seat is nicely padded, the entire back is made of breathable mesh to keep your child from overheating. The leg rest is simple to maneuver and goes all the way flat. The seat also reclines almost all the way back so that your baby can take a comfortable snooze. The included bumper bar comes off and on easily, and the handlebar looks and feels nice. There's enough storage for a backpack, too. As for maneuverability, it rolled great on all our testing surfaces and made crisp, tight turns. If you want something similar to and almost as good as the Nuna Trvl, this is your travel stroller.

The Details: 17.6 pounds | 41 x 24 x 17 inches assembled | 10.5 x 23 x 16.5 inches folded | 54.8-pound weight limit

Best Folding

Uppababy minu v2 stroller.

  • Assembly 3.8 /5

It folds up far more compactly than other UPPAbaby models.

The canopy sticks out a bit when the stroller is folded.

The Minu has a lot of the features familiar to UPPAbaby devotees — unstructured rear storage pouch, locking clasp to keep the stroller folded, excellent canopy — but unlike the brand's G-Luxe and G-Link models, this one is not an umbrella stroller. We actually think that makes for a better travel stroller. The Minu folds up more easily than other UPPAbaby models and far more compactly than an umbrella model. The fold can be done with one hand, but keep in mind the canopy needs to be tucked in once it's folded. A padded carrying strap easily fits over the shoulder. When carried, the Minu isn't the lightest or smallest option on our list, but it's portable enough and fits fine in an overhead compartment.

The Minu's seat back reclines nicely and easily for naps, and the handlebar feels good on the palms. The canopy's magnetic mesh window is handy and easy to keep open, and the sun shade for keeping the brightness out of your baby's eyes is one of the best we saw in our tests. The seat's padding is ample, though we'd like it if the leg rest were adjustable. We did appreciate the sizable bottom storage basket.

In terms of maneuverability, the Minu performed fine. It didn't make quite as tight turns as the Joolz or Nuna, and it felt a bit heavier to push, but it handled the gravel really well. A canopy rod popped out of place when we pushed the stroller off the table, but we were able to fix it pretty easily. Overall, while the stroller is expensive, it's not the priciest on the list and is worth it for the well-crafted features.

The Details: 14.75 pounds | 41 x 31 x 20.5 inches assembled | 12 x 22.5 x 20.25 inches folded | 50-pound weight limit

Travel + Leisure / Jhett Thompson

Best for Cities

Babyzen yoyo2 stroller.

  • Assembly 3.5 /5
  • Design 4.5 /5
  • Portability 5 /5
  • Maneuverability 4.5 /5

It's very well-padded, folds up into a tidy package, and has a convenient carrying strap.

The clips and buckles can be hard to maneuver.

Folding the Babyzen Yoyo 2 took two hands and, while not difficult, was a little more involved a process than with some other strollers. Unfolding is pretty easy, except we noticed our feet getting caught in straps a few times. While folding and unfolding were slightly disappointing, we love how portable this stroller is. It folds up very small and has a comfortable padded shoulder strap as well as a metal bar for easy carrying. And it fits easily into an overhead storage bin so it's a great option to consider when flying with a baby .

The Yoyo 2 has nice features, too. The seat padding is especially cushy, and the seat reclines three-fourths of the way back to horizontal (though the recliner is a bit tricky to figure out). There's also a pocket in the back and a decent storage basket underneath that can fit a small bag. The canopy is good, though we'd prefer the peekaboo window to be mesh instead of plastic.

This stroller especially stands out for its handling. We were able to maneuver this stroller through the safety cones with such ease, we could really see this stroller being helpful at a crowded grocery store or airport.

The Details: 14.7 pounds | 41 x 28.8 x 17 inches assembled | 8 x 20 x 16 inches folded | 40-pound weight limit

Best Double

Uppababy g-link v2 stroller.

  • Assembly 4.9 /5
  • Design 5 /5
  • Portability 4.4 /5

It folds more easily and rolls more smoothly than we expected from a stroller this size.

It doesn't fold down very small, and unfolding it could be easier.

For such a large contraption, this double stroller folds with surprising ease. We were even able to do it one-handed with a little effort, which none of us expected. Unfolding is a little trickier, as it takes some force to unhook the locking clasp. As a double stroller, the G-Link 2 is not the most compact package when folded. Plus, it's an umbrella structure, so this one probably isn't fitting in many overhead bins. Carrying it was a little unwieldy, as should be expected with a double stroller, but there is a helpful handle, and the stroller is lighter than it looks. You can actually wheel it along when it's folded instead of carrying it, but it's not easy, and it bumped into us when we did so.

We like the canopies on the G-Link 2: quality material and good coverage. There are little storage pockets behind each seat, and it comes with a cup holder. You can also fit a purse or very small backpack in the undercarriage basket. The seats have generous padding, which extends to form a sort of calf rest for the riders. The straps buckle easily and have different height options; the seat backs have two recline positions and are super easy to adjust.

The stroller rolled well over all the surfaces, even the gravel, and it made much tighter turns than we anticipated. We also like that there are no wheels in the middle of the frame (as most double umbrella strollers have), which makes it easier to push without kicking the wheels or frame. Finally, it showed no damage after our durability tests.

The Details: 21.8 pounds | 41 x 25 x 28.25 inches assembled | 14 x 40 x 17.5 inches folded | 55-pound weight limit per seat

Cybex Libelle Compact Stroller

  • Durability 4.6 /5

It's a modern-looking stroller that's easy to move.

It lacked some of the features we'd have liked to see at its price.

The Cybex Libelle Stroller looks sleek and is easy to fold down into an easy-to-store size. Unfolding this stroller is incredibly easy — perfect for families on the go. The wheels of this stroller turn more easily than some other styles and provides a smooth ride over most surfaces.

Due to its simplistic design, this stroller doesn't have extra pockets or cupholders, but its lightweight and compact style makes this a great option for traveling since the stroller can fit in the overhead bins of most airplanes. Just be aware that this model does not include a carrying strap, so if you plan to walk for long periods of time with the folded stroller, you'll have to carry it by its medal frame.

It handled pretty well over the smooth hard surfaces with no noticeable hiccups, but it struggled a bit on the gravel.

The Details: 13.7 pounds | 41 x 20 x 20 inches assembled | 8 x 22 x 14 inches folded | 55-pound weight limit

Best Maneuverability

Bugaboo butterfly stroller.

  • Assembly 4.8 /5
  • Design 4.9 /5
  • Portability 4.5 /5

It takes next to no effort to push this stroller over terrains of all types.

The instructions have pictures rather than words, so they’re a bit unclear.

From sharp turns to steep curbs to rocky terrain, the Bugaboo Butterfly Seat Stroller easily traverses it all. Built with advanced four-wheel suspension and a lightweight frame, we loved how little effort it took to push the stroller, even with one hand. The wheels seemed to absorb bumps and shock well, keeping the seat stable and the baby in place. 

We were equally impressed with the stroller’s packing and traveling capabilities. Weighing in at just over 16 pounds and boasting a compact size when folded down, the Butterfly is easy to carry and even hoist in the air to stow in a plane’s overhead bin. It’s also simple to assemble, and it remained perfectly intact and undamaged after we dropped it.

Other useful features of this stroller include a Velcro rain cover, seat cover, spacious under-seat basket, padded handlebar with a wrist strap, reclining mechanism, and an easy-to-use foot brake. 

The Details: 16.1 pounds | 36.4 x 17.7 x 40.3 inches assembled | 17.7 x 9.1 x 21.3 inches folded | 48.5-pound weight limit

Best for Air Travel

  • Assembly 4.7 /5

It easily fits in overhead bins and is a high-quality, durable option.

At 14.6 pounds, it's one of the heavier strollers we tested.

The Cybex Coya is a stylish and durable stroller families will be happy to use for their daily activities and while traveling. It folds up quickly and easily slides into airplane overhead bins for easy access as you board and de-board. The comfortable seat padding is removable for cleaning and the canopy comes down for sun and rain protection. The five-point harness is also incredibly easy to adjust and the seat itself reclines to be almost flat. Pair that with the adjustable leg rest and you have the perfect spot for your youngster to nap on the go.

We also love the cushioned handlebar that adds some extra comfort when pushing the stroller and the zippered pocket in the back of the canopy where you can store your phone or wallet for convenience. The cargo area is also a great size considering the overall compact nature of this stroller and easily fit our packed diaper bag. After our toss test, the stroller is still in great condition, although we do recommend investing in a dust bag if you're nervous about bumps and scratches while traveling.

The Details: 14.6 pounds | 38.2 x 17.3 x 31.1 inches assembled | 7.1 x 17.3 x 20.5 inches folded | 55-pound weight limit

Travel + Leisure / Joy Kim

Best Compact

Contours itsy.

Buy Buy Baby

  • Assembly 5 /5
  • Maneuverability 4 /5

There’s almost no assembly required.

Parents of older, larger children may not find it as useful.

If you like to live your life simply, the compact and convenient Contours Itsy may be the stroller for you. Right out of the box, it’s already nearly fully assembled — all you have to do is snap the bumper bar into place, which takes almost no effort. On top of that, it’s a no-frills option, so there’s no cup holder or oversized basket to weigh it down, take up space, or make things complicated. 

We did, however, love features like the secure bumper bar, easy-to-use harness, canopy with UV 50 sun protection, and padding on the crotch strap, which makes the stroller look comfortable. They also appreciated the small size of the foot rest, basket, and entire stroller in general, because it made using and transporting it a breeze.

When it was time to stow the stroller away (or pack it up for travel), we got a kick out of just how tiny it folds up — in its simplest form, it’s not much larger than a grocery bag. It’s also ultra-lightweight and easily folds with just one hand. 

The Details: 12.3 pounds | 32 x 39 x 18.2 inches assembled | 11 x 22 x 11 inches folded | 40-pound weight limit

Best Comfort

Baby jogger city tour 2 stroller.

  • Maneuverability 4.8 /5

The price is reasonable considering how solidly it performed on all our tests.

It did not fit in our overhead bin and isn't easy to fold one-handed.

Folding this stroller was pretty simple, though not quite as smooth as it was with some of the others. The unfolding process was a little finicky as well and took some practice. So what do we like about the Baby Jogger City Tour 2? The price is reasonable, it performed solidly on most of our tests, and it maneuvered exceptionally well over all surfaces. We noticed little perceptible difference between its rolling over the shag carpet and smooth wood surface, and while other strollers struggled a bit on the gravel, this one navigated it with ease.

In terms of portability, the City Tour 2 doesn't feel bulky and has a good hand carrying handle. We would have liked to see a shoulder strap, however, and it did not fit in our overhead bin. The seat back has a lot of recline, and the drawstring to pull and push the seat forward and back is easy to use. The seat has good structure and good padding; the straps work well and can be adjusted to different height levels. There's lots of leg room and adjustable calf support for the baby, and the canopy has a peekaboo window and goes up and down smoothly. We'd have appreciated some more storage space; you can't fit a backpack anywhere. When we pushed the City Tour 2 off a table, we did notice that a small foam pad came off, though we couldn't even figure out where it came from, and it did not structurally damage the stroller.

The Details: 14 pounds | 40 x 26 x 20 inches assembled | 7 x 22.5 x 19.5 inches folded | 45-pound weight limit

Best Umbrella

Uppababy jordan g-luxe stroller.

  • Portability 3.9 /5
  • Maneuverability 4.7 /5
  • Value 4.5 /5

The recline system is particularly easy to use, and the stroller stands well on its own when folded.

The button/ring-pull combination for folding it is a bit finicky and has to be timed perfectly.

The first thing to note here is that ​​umbrella strollers only fold one-dimensionally, so the result is narrow but long…like an umbrella. The other strollers on this list fold down via multiple joints and in multiple directions for a smaller and more squarish package; neither is necessarily better, but you'll want to decide what you want before buying a travel stroller.

This particular UPPAbaby model is a bit tricky to fold because the handle/ring combination used to do so is finicky and has to be timed perfectly. Once you get that, the folding is smooth, but the whole button-and-ring thing is a little annoying. As with most UPPAbaby products, however, the G-Luxe's features are pretty nice. There's an included cup holder that fits a travel mug easily, and the canopy is expansive with extra sun shade (there is no peekaboo window, however). The leg rest for the child is easy to adjust, and the straps feature a five-point harness and adjustable height levels. The seat padding is substantial without looking bulky, and the recline system, while only providing two settings, is exceptionally easy to use. The unstructured (perhaps too unstructured) pocket behind the seat is pretty spacious and in a good location, but the storage basket at the bottom of the stroller isn't particularly big.

The G-Luxe maneuvers well, with good tight turns, though it rattled noticeably over the gravel. It held up well during our durability tests and sustained no damage.

The Details : 16.5 pounds | 42.5 x 23.5 x 18.5 inches assembled | 15 x 41 x 11.75 inches folded | 55 pounds weight limit

Best Lightweight

Zoe the traveler.

  • Design 3.5 /5

The removable seat liner is machine washable.

The attachable snack tray is sold separately.

If you're heading off on a family trip and looking for a simple, lightweight travel stroller, this minimalistic design will do the trick. It's incredibly easy to assemble and takes just a few minutes to click the wheels and bumper bar into place. It also comes with a parent cupholder and back pocket to help keep your hands free throughout your journey. We did note that the cargo area is the perfect size for a small tote bag or purse, but it may not be large enough to fit diaper bags or weekender bags.

We love that this stroller comes with a removable seat liner that can be thrown in the washing machine after a trip to keep clean and fresh. The canopy can also be unzipped to expand and it has a peek-a-boo feature on top so you can check on your child without stopping. This stroller is also easy to push around on every type of terrain — especially around tight corners. The stroller is light enough to lift up stairs, but we do recommend you use two hands when carrying down the stairs. When it's time to disassemble the stroller, simply press a button on the handlebar and bend the stroller forward. It’s so easy we didn’t even need instructions to figure out how to do it. You can even fold and unfold this one-handed, perfect for on-the-go travels.

The Details : 13 pounds | 41 x 30 x 18 inches assembled | 22 x 19 x 10 inches folded | 45 pounds weight limit

Most Adjustable

Thule shine.

  • Design 4.2 /5
  • Durability 4.8 /5

Assembly is quick and easy, perfect for first-time parents.

It can be hard to turn on sharp corners.

For such a compact stroller, the Thule Shine has plenty of storage, an expandable canopy with UPF 50+ protection, a reclining seat, and adjustable leg rests — everything you need for a busy parent and growing youngster to travel comfortably. We love the fast assembly of this stroller and the security of knowing everything clicks together when positioned and popped in correctly. There is an adjustable handlebar that is super easy to figure out, an extra rain canopy that you can pack and bring with you, and it is so easy to fold down. The harness does need to be clipped in a specific order before it can be fully buckled, which might become difficult with a fussy child, but we did find the seat to be comfortable and loved that it was extremely adjustable.

During our tests, it only suffered minimal scuffing and we never felt as though it would tip or fall while maneuvering through an obstacle course. We were able to fold the stroller with just one hand, but it was difficult to get it fully locked into the travel position without using two hands. It does stand upright once folded, so you can pop it down quickly for storage, whether you're coming back home and stashing it in a closet or boarding a plane. The stroller also fits easily into car trunks, but is most suitable for gate checking and is not likely to fit in overhead airplane bins. Overall, the stroller felt durable and was light enough that most parents would be able to carry it when needed. We felt like it would last through at least a couple of kids should your family use it multiple times, which is perfect for growing families.

The Details : 21.6 pounds | 35 x 42 x 20 inches assembled | 13 x 27 x 20 inches folded | 49 pounds weight limit

Other Travel Strollers We Liked

Some of the travel strollers we tested did not make our list of recommendations. They all had positive attributes, but a few things held them back.

Summer Infant 3DLite : This is a decent budget option, but the price-to-performance ratio was just not quite as good as the Kolcraft Cloud Plus.

Doona Infant Car Seat and Latch Base : The easy-to-maneuver pick collapses into a car seat but the use case for this is too specific to pay as much as it costs, and many other stroller frames can fit a car seat.

Gb Pockit Air All Terrain : This one is incredibly light and folds easily, but there are basically zero features.

Ergobaby Metro+ Compact Stroller : While this is a sleek and stylish option, i t's not easy to carry, and the canopy adjustment makes a lot of noise, which could wake up a sleeping baby.

Munchkin Sparrow : The lightweight design is smart and thoughtful, but everything from the canopy to the storage bin is simply too small. 

Once we fully assembled all strollers in our New York City testing lab, we measured their height, length, and width, both fully opened and fully folded down. We also weighed each one, since weight is a particularly important aspect if anyone will be carrying the stroller during a trip. Then after carefully reading instructions, we repeatedly folded and unfolded each stroller. We took copious notes to record whether the folding process was intuitive and easy to execute. We considered how difficult it would be to do with a baby in one arm or with a whiny toddler pulling at our legs.

While each stroller was in its most compact setup, we tested it for portability. Is it easy to pick up? Comfortable to carry? Are there good handles and straps? Is it compact enough to fit in an airplane overhead bin (we constructed our own makeshift one according to standard airline measurements using a storage rack and a box). We recorded all this and more.

Next we carefully examined each stroller for included features. We looked for seat reclining and cushioning, cup holders, baskets and other storage space, canopy cover for protection from the weather, seat cushioning and reclining, and more. We tried the features out and took detailed notes on whether they were functional and helpful. We also practiced buckling and unbuckling the straps.

Then we put 25-pound sandbags in every stroller. We wheeled them forward and backward over hard floor, carpet, and gravel. We practiced U-turns and pivots and even wheeled them through a miniature obstacle course of cones. We also noted how well the brakes worked and if they were easy to engage.

Finally, we gave all of the strollers a durability test. We dropped each one from waist height and then pushed each off of a table slightly higher than that. We examined each after the falls to see if there was any damage.

After completing our lab tests, we sent each stroller out to real families to use these strollers over a period of six months to really put them to the test. Throughout the testing period, we asked how each stroller was holding up in terms of durability, comfort, portability, and more and updated our findings here.

Tips for Buying a Travel Stroller

Consider the types of travel strollers.

Not all travel strollers are designed with the same priorities in mind. Some may emphasize a lightweight and packable style while others are focused on maneuverability or durability. There are umbrella strollers, that are best for toddlers, but light enough for travel; jogging strollers with advanced suspension for smooth rides; and even full-sized strollers that may not seem best for air travel, but often include great features like storage compartments and padded seats when portability is less of an issue. When it comes to selecting the best travel stroller for your family, think about portability and convenience, but don't forget about comfort and bonus accessories to make your trip a smooth and unforgettable experience.

Pay attention to folded size

The biggest differentiator between a regular stroller and a travel stroller is that a travel stroller should pack up more compactly. You'll want it to fit easily into car trunks or train/airplane compartments without taking up much space. The Joolz Aer , our top pick, folds down to 8.5 (height) x 21 (length) x 17.75 (width) inches. That's a good guide for a stroller that will fit nicely into the aforementioned compartments.

Remember storage space and other features

Just because your travel stroller might be a smaller and more scaled-down version of your everyday stroller, you shouldn't have to suffer from a lack of convenience. Good travel strollers still offer some storage space for small bags, toys, snacks, etc. Remember, you can always add a drink caddy for both your stroller and luggage. The seat for your baby should be padded and comfortable and able to recline; keep an eye out for a canopy that offers good coverage and buckles and straps that are easy to use. So, while compact folding and good portability are what make a travel stroller a travel stroller, be sure to look closely at the other features a stroller does (or does not) include.

Prioritize comfort and safety

At the end of the day, your stroller needs to be safe and comfortable for your child. Check for good, padded seats that recline. Make sure the straps don't look like they'd cut into your baby's shoulder or chest, and take note if there are leg rests. Note if the wheels can handle different surfaces well enough to keep the stroller from shaking and rattling too much.

If you can fit it in the overhead, you can bring it on board. If you have an umbrella model or are using your regular (non-travel) stroller, your best bet is to gate check it. But many travel strollers fold down so compactly that they fit easily into an overhead bin. In general, carry-on luggage should be 45 linear inches (22 x 14 x 9 inches) or less. You can reference the FAA website for more guidance.

In short, a travel stroller is lighter than an everyday stroller and folds down far smaller. This means that the frames are usually thinner and have several folding joints, and the wheels will be smaller and less suited for rough terrain. Storage space, cup holders, and other accessories will usually be kept to a minimum. But a good travel stroller should give you everything you really need and even function well enough to be used every day — all while folding down nice and small and being easy to carry or pack away.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Chris Abell is the Associate Editorial Director at Travel + Leisure , and he is a parent and frequent traveler. He's owned the Uppababy G-Luxe and the Joolz Aer, and he helped design and execute the testing for all the strollers on this list. Chris and associate commerce editor Hillary Maglin worked with a team of other editors and parents to test these strollers in our New York City lab space.

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Best travel systems to streamline trips with your baby

Leah Rocketto

  • Best travel system overall : Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System With SafeMax Car Seat
  • Best splurge travel system : Vista V2 Stroller + Mesa Car Seat
  • Easiest to use travel system : Chicco Bravo 3-in-1 Trio Travel System
  • Best lightweight travel system : Graco Modes Nest Travel System
  • Best jogging travel system : BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 Travel System with B-Safe Gen2 Infant Car Seat

What to look for when buying a travel system

When you're traveling with your baby, convenience is key. A travel system, which seamlessly combines an infant car seat and stroller, streamlines what you need to bring on a trip or errand. 

With a travel system, the car seat clips into the base installed in your car as well as a stroller frame, making it easier to switch between the two. When you're out, simply lift the car seat from the base and attach it to your stroller without transferring your baby out of the seat. Back at your car, the car seat unclips from the stroller and attaches back into the base. 

Since travel systems don’t require you to unfasten and refasten your baby, they can be immensely helpful in reducing fussiness. They can also be big money-savers, since buying a travel system is often less money than buying each item separately.

How we chose the best travel systems

We used the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) recommendations for features to look for in a stroller Opens a new window . Per the guidance, all the travel system strollers on this list have: 

Easy-to-operate brakes that lock two wheels

A wide base that won't tip easily

A five-point harness

We also referenced the AAP's guidance on features to look for in an infant car seat Opens a new window . Per the guidance, all the travel system car seat on this list: 

Are rear-facing only

Carry infants up to 22 to 35 pounds

Have a carrying handle

Come with a base that can be left in the car 

We utilized results from the 2022 Best of Baby Center Awards , which polled more than 1,100 parents in the BabyCenter community about their favorite travel system. 

We spoke with two moms on BabyCenter's staff who shared their experiences using one of the travel systems on this list

We utilized BabyCenter's community to find a consensus on which travel systems are best, and the features deemed most important. All of the travel systems on this list received high reviews for: 

Ease of use

Ease of storage

Why trust us?

Best travel system overall, evenflo pivot xpand modular travel system with safemax car seat.

The Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System wins BabyCenter parents over with versatility and a reasonable price. Voted Best Stroller in the 2022 Best of BabyCenter Awards, the Evenflo stroller grows with your child and family. You can buy extra modules to turn it from a single to a double, and choose from 27 different seating configurations to accommodate multiple children of different ages. 

For even more seating options, the included toddler seat converts to a bassinet-style attachment, perfect for taking your newborn on walks. In between strolls, the Pivot folds like a dream and stands by itself. 

The Evenflo SafeMax infant car seat is a worthy companion to the Pivot Xpand. Parents say the padding is comfortable for babies, and love the generous rear-facing weight and height ranges. Compared to other car seats, which top out at 30 pounds and 30 inches, the Evenflo SafeMax can be used until babies are 35 pounds or 32 inches. Parents also appreciate that the SafeMax comes with an integrated anti-rebound bar, a squared-off "handle" that helps absorb and distribute crash forces in the event of a collision. 

You can also buy the Pivot Xpand as a travel system with the LiteMax Opens a new window or SecureMax Opens a new window car seats, but we like the price and features of the SafeMax combination. 

Parents say

"We got the Evenflo pivot xpand system…. when we went to play around with different systems in store, DH drastically preferred the attachment/detachment mechanisms of this system to others."

"I love the evenflo pivot! It’s really easy to use. The car seat is great too. I’m a big evenflo fan in general. I tend to really like their products."

"I love that i can lay my baby down when we go for walks and she’s not all scrunched up! And it’s so easy to put fold the stroller and put it together again. Plus it’s so easy to push- it practically glides."

"Lightweight. Looks nice. The bassinet attachment is clutch if you're out and about and baby can take a nap laying down in it. The storage basket is pretty big and can hold up to 25 lbs. Folds down relatively easily. Lots of configurations so baby can face you or away from you in every attachment."

Weight: 28.5 pounds (stroller); 24 pounds (car seat)

Dimensions: 46 x 25 x 45 inches (stroller); 26.6 x 17.9 x 25.85 inches (car seat)

Weight/height range: Up to 55 pounds and 35 inches (stroller); 4-35 pounds and 17-32 inches (car seat)

Best splurge travel system

Vista v2 stroller + mesa car seat.

Premium in every way, the Vista V2 Stroller + Mesa Car Seat travel system includes two five-star pieces of baby gear: The Uppababy Vista V2 stroller, BabyCenter editors' pick for Best stroller , and Mesa infant car seat, a consistent BabyCenter choice for Best infant car seats.

The Vista V2 handles like a dream, even on bumpy surfaces or around tight corners. Leah Rocketto, Associate Commerce Director for BabyCenter, says it's "shockingly easy to fold and unfold with one hand," as well as the sturdiest stroller she's ever handled: "That thing has been in my car trunk during some bumpy drives, and I've yet to find a ding or scratch." 

If your family grows, you can buy accessories that convert the stroller to a double or triple without compromising performance: "It was easy to add a second seat when my [second] son was born, and while you definitely notice the extra load — and length — while pushing, it's still easy to maneuver and a smooth ride for the kids," says Robin Hilmantel, Senior Director, Editorial Strategy & Growth for Everyday Health Group. 

The Mesa car seat is exceptional in its own right, with a canopy that provides UPF 25+ protection, and an indicator turns from red to green when the car seat's base is correctly installed. "I love that there is a simple way to tell if it's secure and installed correctly," says Leah. 

You can use the V2's bassinet for safe naps or even overnight sleep; it fits into a compatible stand Opens a new window if you want a standalone. 

"I have the Vista and I love it! There's a huge basket underneath, and I love that you can turn your baby to face you or face forward. Also, I love the bassinet and that the stroller works with our car seat."

“Also love the Uppababy Vista V2 Stroller! Perfect for the baby through toddler stage! Nothing better than one purchase to last throughout their lives!"

"I went with the uppa baby vista v2 and Mesa car seat system. It’s expensive but everyone has told me it is worth it. I figured it’s worth it for such a heavily used item that can expand for 2 kids later too!"

Weight: 26.75 pounds (stroller); 20 pounds (car seat)

Dimensions: 61.2 x 41.3 x 36 inches (stroller); 26.5 x 17.5 x 23 inches (car seat)

Weight/height range: Birth-50 pounds (stroller); 4-35 pounds and up to 32 inches (car seat)

Easiest to use travel system

Chicco bravo 3-in-1 trio travel system.

You'll start loving Chicco’s travel system as soon as you install the KeyFit 30 infant car seat, which won the top spot for its category in the 2022 Best of BabyCenter Awards. High-quality installation features include easy-to-read bubble levels that make it easier to install at a newborn-safe angle, and a LATCH-tightening system that requires only a few gentle tugs. 

The included Bravo Quick-Fold stroller is named for its best feature: Reach under the seat, press one button, and the stroller collapses in half. 

You can also use the KeyFit 35 car seat Opens a new window with the Quick-Fold stroller, but it doesn't come bundled as a travel system. 

"We have a Chicco car seat and have been in two wrecks with our baby. In the second crash we got T-boned and the car was totaled. The car seat held up so well even though the frame of the car unhinged!"

"We went with the Chicco Bravo travel system. I love that it has good safety ratings. It also has big sun canopies, and if you have the car seat in the stroller, they overlap to keep your baby covered. I like the basket underneath too."

"I have the Chicco Trio travel system and I think it's definitely worth it. Along with amazing ratings and reviews, it's also nice on the eyes."

"We ended up going with the Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System.. we went to multiple stores and some we felt were flimsy and not sturdy and we liked that one the best."

Weight: 24.9 pounds (stroller); 16.6 pounds (car seat)

Dimensions: 35.2 x 22.8 x 42.7 inches (stroller); 27.5 x 17 x 24 inches (car seat)

Weight/height range: Up to 50 pounds (stroller); 4-30 pounds, up to 30 inches (car seat)

Best lightweight travel system

Graco modes nest travel system.

One of the downsides of travel systems is that they tend to be on the bulky and heavy side. But both pieces of the Graco Modes Nest Travel System are impressively lightweight compared to competitors. The Graco Modes Nest Stroller is 21.9 pounds, while the Graco SnugRide 35 Lite Elite Infant Car Seat weighs a mere 7.5 pounds. 

The lighter weight doesn't compromise the Modes Nest's performance. Parents particularly like that the stroller's toddler seat reclines flat, becoming a newborn-safe pram seat. The Modes Nest stroller also has a unique feature called the Slide2Me Seat, which allows you to adjust the placement of the toddler or infant car seat to bring your baby closer. Other extras on this system: The huge under-seat stroller basket and spacious child's tray. 

If you plan on having more children, the Graco Modes Nest2Grow Travel System Opens a new window comes with a stroller that converts to a double. 

"We went with the Graco Modes Nest Travel System - my 6'3" husband liked that one the best because the height is adjustable for the infant seat and he can feel like the baby is closer to him instead of at his knees. The wheels are rubber which is fine for walks in the suburbs (no sidewalks), and the turning radius is pretty good."

"Baby can face you or away from you whether you're using 5he carrier or the stroller (which can also convert into a pram). Plus, it's height adjustable."

Weight: 21.9 pounds (stroller); 12.3 pounds (car seat)

Dimensions: 38.1 x 27 x 41.8 inches (stroller); 25.5 x 17.5 x 27.5 inches (car seat)

Weight/height range: Up to 50 pounds (stroller); 4-35 pounds, up to 32 inches (car seat)

Best jogging travel system

Bob revolution flex 3.0 travel system with b-safe gen2 infant car seat.

This travel system combines BOB's Revolution Flex 3.0 jogging stroller with the Britax B-Safe Gen2 infant car seat, a truly mighty pairing. The Revolution Flex 3.0 stroller is BabyCenter editors' pick for Best jogging stroller due to its smooth ride even at top speeds. Its air-filled tires travel easily over any terrain, while the swiveling front wheel lets you maneuver around tight corners with ease. Even if you hit a few bumps along the run, your baby won’t feel them thanks to the mountain bike-style suspension. The Revolution Flex 3.0's also has an extra-large canopy that shields babies from the sun, and provides UPF 50+ protection. 

Parents say the Britax B-Safe Gen2 is easy to clip into the stroller and use in the car. They particularly like the high-quality buckles that clasp and unclasp smoothly, and easy-to-tighten premium LATCH connectors. 

BOB recommends jogging only with babies who are 8 months or older. 

"I’ve owned them all and nothing compares to the Bob. Only thing close to a bob is a Thule…. But we love our bob for walks as well as running, get the one with the swivel wheel!"

"Bob Revolution is my absolute favorite stroller! With an adapter it makes for a great travel system…. We choose to use the Bob as our travel system stroller because of our lifestyle...

Lots of kids sports, hiking, and we have a mini-farm. I've also seen tons of them in and around D.C. and other cities. The Bob can go just about anywhere you would want to take baby."

"For my second I got a BOB. And my goodness, even the double size was noticeably and impressively better for steering and handling during jogging. I was able to train for a half marathon with that one. I LOVE my BOB. Is it expensive? Yes. If you can afford a Bob or can find one second hand and run long distances, I have to recommend it."

Weight: 28.5 pounds (stroller); 19.9 pounds (car seat)

Dimensions: 46 x 24.5 x 43 inches (stroller); 26.6 x 17.9 x 25.9 inches (car seat)

Weight/height range: Up to 75 pounds (stroller); 4-35 pounds, up to 32 inches (car seat)

Travel systems can be great for new parents because the stroller and car seats are meant to work together; no guessing required. 

And, as with car seats and strollers, there are certain things you’ll want to keep in mind when finding the best travel system for your family. Some things to consider are:

Size: Most travel systems come with full-sized strollers. Consider how much room you have to store your stroller, whether that’s in a car trunk or closet. Similarly, you want to make sure the car seat will fit in your car, particularly if you have multiple children that require car seats. 

Weight: Full-size strollers and infant car seats tend to weigh a lot. If you have to move the stroller in and out of your car trunk frequently, or get the car seat in and out of your vehicle, you’ll want to make sure you have no problem lifting either.

Terrain: Most strollers are fine on flat pavement or for trips to the store, but if you frequently find yourself jumping sidewalk curbs or strolling through gravel or dirt roads, make sure you choose an all-terrain model. 

Adaptability: If you have more than one child or plan to, you may want a travel system stroller that can hold two or more children. You can add extra seats onto some strollers, use two infant car seats, or buy ride-on benches or boards for an older child. Modular strollers can be a good option: They allow you to add “modules” to fit additional children. 

Storage: The more the better. Look for a spacious under-seat basket as well as numerous handy pockets or other places to store your gear. 

Budget: Travel systems can be found for as low as $200 or as much as $1,500. Note that more expensive does not mean safer: to be sold in the United States, infant car seats must adhere to standards Opens a new window set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), while strollers must follow standards Opens a new window from the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Paying more generally gets you nicer extras: cushier padding, nicer fabrics, premium hardware. 

Was this article helpful?

Our research

AAP. 2022. American Academy of Pediatrics. How to Choose a Safe Baby Stroller. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/How-to-Buy-a-Safe-Stroller.aspx [Accessed June 2023]

AAP. 2022. American Academy of Pediatrics. Rear-Facing Car Seats for Infants & Toddlers. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Rear-Facing-Car-Seats-for-Infants-Toddlers.aspx [Accessed June 2023]

CPSC. Undated. Consumers Product Safety Commission. Carriages and Strollers Business Guidance & Small Entity Compliance Guide. https://www.cpsc.gov/Business--Manufacturing/Business-Education/Business-Guidance/Carriages-and-Strollers [Accessed June 2023]

NHTSA. Undated. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Child Restraint Systems, Child Restraint Systems-Side Impact Protection, Incorporation by Reference. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2014/01/28/2014-01568/federal-motor-vehicle-safety-standards-child-restraint-systems-child-restraint-systems-side-impact [Accessed June 2023]

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Where to go next

BabyCenter's Love It award winners for Best stroller

Best travel stroller 2024: lightweight buggies for holidays

The best travel strollers are lightweight, compact and easily maneuverable here are our top picks

A family walking through an airport terminal with one of the best travel strollers

  • 1. Best overall
  • 2. Best flexible option
  • 3. Best lightweight option
  • 4. Best adaptable option
  • 5. Best compact option
  • 6. Best small option
  • 7. Best affordable option
  • 8. Best comfortable option
  • 9. How we test

Best travel strollers 2024: Jump Menu

travel stroller

00. T3's top 3 ↴ 01. Best overall : BABYZEN YOYO2 02. Best flexible option : Silver Cross Zest 03. Best lightweight option : Joie Aire Pact Lite 04. Best adaptable option : Silver Cross Jet 05. Best compact option : Ickle Bubba Globe Ultra Compact 06. Best small option : GB Pockit+ Stroller 07. Best affordable option : Red Kite Baby Push Me 2U 08. Best comfortable option : Chicco Echo 09. How we test

The best travel strollers are essential for long flights and trips away. If you’ve ever tried to cram a large pram into a car boot or stash a pushchair on a plane, you know exactly how important they are! Your child may only be in a pushchair for a few short years, but if you have one that’s heavy, awkward and cumbersome, it can feel like an eternity.

Whether you’re an aspiring jetsetter or simply like to have a buggy at the ready, a quality lightweight travel stroller that’s compact and easy to maneuver is a must (as well as one that’s comfortable for a baby or toddler…of course). Lightweight buggies come into their own for trips around town (when your child decides to walk you can push them one-handed), for journeys on public transport and of course, on holiday… especially if you’re flying or hiring a small car.

Of course, if you're planning on travelling soon you'll want to make sure you're using the  best suitcase or the best carry-on luggage , but for the best travel strollers, keep reading for our top picks to buy today.

Lizzie is T3's Home Staff Writer, also covering style, living and wellness. She works closely with Bethan Girdler-Maslen, T3's Home Editor, ensuring all the latest Home news, trends and recommendations are covered. Outside of T3, Lizzie can be found mooching around Bath, attempting (or at least trying to) a new DIY project or spending time with family and friends.

The top three


The best overall travel stroller 

The BABYZEN YOYO2 is a lightweight pushchair perfect for frequent users, especially as it’s one of the more comfortable and study designs with lots of extras. 

Read more below

Silver Cross Zest

The best flexible travel stroller

The Silver Cross Zest folds into a long, thin shape, making it perhaps more preferable for driving holidays than flying…at least not for stashing in the cabin. Coming in at a diminutive 5.8kg, this stroller isn’t the cheapest, but we bet you’ll use it way beyond your holiday.

Joie Aire Pact Lite

The best lightweight travel stroller

If you’re in the market for a lightweight holiday buggy or an extra for short trips around town, Joie’s Pact Lite ticks lots of boxes. At 5.5kg, it’s both physically and financially lightweight.

Best travel stroller 2024 ranking

Why you can trust T3 Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Find out more about how we test .

The best travel stroller overall

T3 Award


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

The BABYZEN YOYO2 is a lightweight pushchair perfect for frequent users, as it’s one of the more comfortable and study designs with lots of extras. It weighs 6.2kg, which is pretty light, but more featherweight alternatives are out there. Designed for city living and everyday errands, it’s suitable for children from six months and up to a maximum weight of 22kg, is designed to by comfy, with a removable and washable seat pad and 5-point harness, 4-wheel suspension and multi-position reclining seat for dreamy naps. 

Parents will like that it’s one-hand folding, unfolding and driving capabilities, shoulder strap and shopping basket and for holiday makers, this one comes with a UPF 50+ sun protection canopy and fits into most overhead plane storage when folded (H52 x W44 x D18cm).

  • Back to the top ⤴

2. Silver Cross Zest

The Silver Cross Zest folds into a long, thin shape, making it perhaps more preferable for driving holidays than flying…at least not for stashing in the cabin. Unlike some travel buggies, this one if built to last, including accommodating toddlers up to 25kg, who can get incredibly tired and grumpy about walking anywhere. The seat is padded but roomy and reclinable in a few positions, and there’s a 5-point safety harness as you would expect. A fully extendable ventilated UPF50+ hood, rain cover and basket has got you covered in all conditions, while the aluminium chassis helps the Zest weigh in at a diminutive 5.8kg. This stroller isn’t the cheapest, but we bet you’ll use it way beyond your holiday.

3. Joie Aire Pact Lite

If you’re in the market for a lightweight holiday buggy or an extra for short trips around town, Joie’s Pact Lite ticks lots of boxes. The forward-facing pushchair has a flat reclining seat that can be used from birth (technically) but lots of parents like parent-facing buggies at the beginning. That aside, the buggy reclines flat and has other reclining positions to keep napping youngsters comfy, and has an extendable canopy with visor for protection from the elements as well as all-wheel suspension. The Pact Lite is Joie's easiest, quickest and most compact folding chassis and comes with a carry strap for easy travelling. One handed fold, it’s designed to be free standing for easy storage – a godsend if you have a small hallway or use public transport. And at 5.5kg it’s both physically and financially lightweight.

The best adaptable travel stroller

Silver Cross Jet

4. Silver Cross Jet

The Jet ultra-compact stroller weighs in at 5.9kg and folds small enough to be a piece of cabin luggage at 90cm x 45cm x 96cm and can even be wheeled along like a little suitcase. It has an ergonomic seat for better baby comfort, with wider front wheels and improved suspension providing the best ride yet. The standout design features softly textured weave fabrics, with a tan leatherette handle and bumper bar and stylish matt black chassis. Suitable from birth up to 15kg, Jet has a soft padded lie-flat seat, multi-position recline and adjustable calf support to keep babies and toddlers comfortable, as well as a fully extendable UPF50+ hood with an air-flow ventilation system and pop-out sun visor to keep them cool and safe. The flip-flop-friendly brakes are easy to use, while the lockable front swivel wheels and suspension provide a smooth ride for baby. It’s not the cheapest option for a short holiday, but with so many features it would be handy option for short trips at home too.

The best compact travel stroller

Ickle Bubba Globe Ultra Compact Travel Stroller

5. Ickle Bubba Globe Ultra Compact Travel Stroller

Ickle Bubba’s Globe is designed for tiny travellers who like first class touches, like leatherette handles and an adjustable leg rest. Weighing in at 6.4kg and costing not-too-much, it’s a good middle-of-the-road package an folds to a dinky 45 x 55 x 25cm, making it easy to stash in overhead lockers on planes and trains. Like other offerings, the stroller is travel system compatible (meaning you can buy into the brand), and it has lots of room for holiday souvenirs, with a storage basket and handy pouch for essential items. A hood viewing window means you can keep an eye on your little one without disturbing them, while a full length protective rain over has got you covered for all weather scenarios. There’s a one handed 3 position seat recline feature and front and rear suspension for a smoother ride for toddlers, as well as a large extendable UPF 50 hood to protect from harmful sun rays and ventilated roll up fabrics to keep them cool, making the stroller a great choice is you’re holidaying somewhere sunny.

The best small travel stroller

GB Pockit+ Stroller

6. GB Pockit+ Stroller

If you’re after a lightweight stroller, why not choose the most compact out there? The lightweight gb Gold Pockit+ is the world's smallest folding stroller, which in only two steps can fold into a 34 x 20 x 42 cm handbag-shaped package. With the ability to switch from pushing to carrying in seconds, the Pockit is travel stroller perfect for places with lots of steps, or can be easily stashed on a boat, bus, or the corner of an atmospheric café, plus it’s free-standing. Despite its size, the buggy is suitable for kids from 6 months to 17kg (approx. 4 years). It’s well priced, but you’ll need to buy extras like a sub shield or rain cover.

The best affordable travel stroller

Red Kite Baby Push Me 2U

7. Red Kite Baby Push Me 2U

If you only want a buggy for one holiday you don’t want to spend much, this is where Red Kite’s Baby Push Me 2U stroller comes in. It’s cheaper than a round of all-day breakfasts at the airport and has a surprising number of handy features despite its bargain status. Suitable from 6 months, the buggy offers two positions to sit or lie back, lockable swivel wheels and a removable canopy which is handy if you’re going somewhere sunny. There’s also a shopping basket and rain cover for all eventualities. At 5.6kg the buggy isn’t the lightest out there, but it does boast an extra deep seat, which is brilliant for older babies and toddlers who fancy a break from all that arduous walking.

The best comfortable travel stroller

Chicco Echo

8. Chicco Echo

Chicco is a trusted brand and its Echo stroller offers plenty of comfort and decent looks for less than £70/$100. Compared to other budget options, this buggy shows attention to detail, with an embroidered seat and ritzy wheels as well as a fully reclining backrest with four options and an adjustable leg rest to make sure your bundle of joy is comfortable. At 8.5kg this stroller isn’t the lightest of travel buggies, but it is one of the better-looking options. Suitable from birth to 22kgs, and is very affordable, giving it longevity and plenty of bang for its buck.

How we test

There are more lightweight and compact buggies than ever that are designed to make navigating customs (and most important Duty-Free) a breeze, while being easy to fold and stow in the hold, or even squeezed into the overhead lockers, without breaking into the sort of sweat you’d expect from an adventure holiday somewhere on the equator. 

Unfortunately, we can't always take every single one on holiday to see how they perform (unless someone wants to start a GoFundMe for us and this vital research), but we can test them out in more everyday situations.

We'll test these travel strollers on trips to the supermarket, shopping centre, and city centres, some of the most demanding and stressful locations known to parenthood. This, of course, involves taking the strollers on trains, buses and cars, so it does give us a great idea of how they perform. We'll also check if they're easy to fold, if they're comfortable for baby, and how practical they are.

How to choose the best travel strollers

Weight vs comfort: Like sports cars, some pushchairs are as light as possible at the cost of creature comforts and one that’s super stripped-back may not suit everyone. So consider how much padding your little one likes (especially if they’re a light sleeper) as well as features like whether the pushchair is parent or world-facing (not all buggies are both) and whether they have multiple reclining positions. If your child likes a little nap on the go, you will not want a buggy that doesn’t recline!

Age: It sounds obvious, but it’s important to consider whether lightweight buggies are suitable for the age of your baby. Some with less padding are only designed for babies aged six months or one or over, for example.

The weather: If you’re buying a light buggy for use in the UK, you’re going to want a rain cover and a sun cover (well, if you’re feeling optimistic). Not all buggies, especially the lightweight ones, come with rain covers, and they can cost quite a lot, so it’s worth noticing whether they come fitted as standard when budgeting. Similarly, the very lightest designs can sometimes have no hood or sun canopy, or one that’s incredibly small. So if you’re shopping for a light buggy for a holiday in the sun, this is a factor that you’ll want to look at carefully. 

Parental extras: Lightweight buggies seldom come with extras like cup holders but you might want to check the size and sturdiness of a buggy’s shopping basket as this can be a curse or saviour if you use a buggy frequently. 

Size: As well as being light, some buggies are designed to fold up incredibly small. This is great if you’re a frequent flier, use public transport or have a small car, but this feature can make some models more expensive, so if you’re not bothered, you might want to pass. Similarly, folding mechanisms vary massively, and you need to find one that’s easy for you and suitable for your needs. If you can, we recommend trying before you buy.

Vanity: Like with cars, sometimes looks matter almost as much as practicality. Some buggies look better than others and come in a rainbow of colours. So whether you want a fun one for a holiday vibe or have a favourite colour, you may as well pick one you like the look of as you’ll probably be using it a lot.

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Lizzie is T3's Home Staff Writer, also covering style, living and wellness. She works closely with Bethan Girdler-Maslen, T3's Home Editor, ensuring all the latest news, trends and recommendations are covered. Outside of T3, Lizzie can be found mooching around Bath, attempting (or at least trying to) a new DIY project or spending time with family and friends.

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The Best Lightweight Strollers for Travel in 2024

These strollers are perfect for traveling with toddlers and newborns.

best lightweight strollers

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

In order to find the best lightweight strollers, we reviewed over 30 strollers over the course of the past two years. For this update, we also got hands-on with newer variants of previously tested models as well as newer-to-market options.

Our top picks:

MINU V2 Stroller

Best Overall Lightweight Stroller

Uppababy minu v2 stroller.

3Dlite Convenience Stroller

Best Value Lightweight Stroller

Summer infant 3dlite convenience stroller.


Best Lightweight Stroller for Travel

Bugaboo butterfly.

AER Stroller

Best Luxe Lightweight Stroller

Joolz aer stroller.

The Compact Stroller

Best Full-Featured Lightweight Stroller

Colugo the compact stroller.

Jeep TurboGlyde Side by Side Double

Best Lightweight Double Stroller

Delta children jeep turboglyde side by side double.

City Tour 2 Ultra-Compact Travel Stroller

Best Lightweight Stroller For Infants Through Preschool

Baby jogger city tour 2 ultra-compact travel stroller.

Pockit Air Lightweight Stroller

Lightest of the Lightweight Strollers

Gb pockit air lightweight stroller.

Pivot Xplore Stroller Wagon

Best Lightweight Stroller Wagon

Evenflo pivot xplore stroller wagon.


Best Ultra-Compact Lightweight Stroller

Cybex libelle.

Our Lab experts at the Good Housekeeping Institute test every type of baby product you can think of from baby toys to top-performing nursery gliders and high chairs . For most, we rated them for key factors including ease of fold, maneuverability (We run them around a track!), stability (We hang weights from the handles) and storage space (We place the same fully packed diaper bag in each basket to see how it fits.)

Why don't parents start with lightweight strollers? Some do. But consider: A lightweight stroller does not roll as smoothly as something with large wheels and a serious suspension system. If your baby is tiny, they will be less jostled and more cushioned when riding in one of the many great full-size strollers or car seat and stroller combos . As your baby gets bigger, they will be just fine in a smaller, lighter-weight stroller. And when you have a preschooler who wants to hop in and out of their stroller, you'll be grateful to have a lightweight one.

After our picks, stick around to learn more about how we test lightweight strollers in and out of the Lab and what to look for when shopping for one. If you are looking for even more options, check out our roundups of the best strollers for travel and the best portable car seats to improve short and long trips with the little ones.

If you're looking for a lightweight stroller you can use every day for several years, consider this top-of-the-line pick, a recent GH Parenting Awards winner. Despite having small wheels, the MINU V2 is great at handling rougher terrain. That's because it has the shock absorption and all-wheel suspension usually found in full-size strollers. This makes it a little over 15 pounds, but our testers still found it lightweight and easy to carry.

Other features we love for your child's comfort: The canopy zips out to provide lots of shade. The seat does not recline fully but it does lean far enough back for comfortable relaxation. Buy the adaptor and you can even snap the MESA car seat onto this. The footrest is adjustable, which is a nice touch.

Parents will appreciate that the storage basket can hold up to 20 pounds of whatever you need to put in there, though the basket is not particularly large. We found that we could fold the whole stroller with one hand and in one quick motion, so you should be able to do it while holding your baby in your other arm. Plus we're suckers for the real-leather trim at the handle and on the bumper bar, the bar that crosses your baby's lap and lets you hang toys to keep them occupied. While there is no cupholder included, there is a parent pocket you can use to hold your cell phone or your reusable shopping bags.

Some assembly is required, and we particularly got caught up trying to attach the canopy correctly, but we found the manufacturer's videos helpful. The good news is that once it's set up, you're good to go, and the no-rethread harness means this is simple to modify as your kid grows. If you want to check this at the airport, consider the travel bag accessory .

This $100 lightweight pick is also one of our best stroller picks. A carry strap on the back makes it easy to sling this over your shoulder if you have to carry it around , for instance, if your toddler insists on walking. If, on the other hand, your self-proclaimed "big kid" really needs a rest, the seat reclines for them.

The basket is fairly wide and open, but note that it can only hold 10 pounds. Likewise, the canopy has a pop-out sun visor but it is not as generous as many others. Those eight tiny wheels are great for maneuvering this through the supermarket — It did great on our obstacle course! — but they would not do well on a rocky trail. We see this as an excellent choice mainly for daily errands, runs to the playground and trips to preschool.

This does include a very small parent pocket (you could fit some dollar bills for the ice cream truck in there, but not much else) and a single cupholder. It's got more than 11,100 five-star reviews on Amazon, with most parents saying it's an easy, affordable choice.

With silky fabric and a fold that literally takes a second, there's a lot to appreciate about this new compact stroller, a winner of one of our GH Family Travel Awards. Kids can take comfort from the tall seat that reclines, the extendable footrest and the giant canopy that blocks the sun.

Both our GH Lab experts and our home testers liked how well this handles. This is another lightweight stroller that has suspension wheels similar to a more deluxe model. We noticed it could fly over New York City sidewalks smoothly. A big selling point is that it folds down quickly into a little rectangle to fit in the overhead compartment of a big airplane. (It might not fit in a small plane, but could be gate-checked.) One note: Buckling a child in requires connecting four pieces, and each makes an audible click — helpful because you know it's connected, but a little loud if your young tot is drowsy.

The Butterfly comes with a rain cover which is super useful. But like other strollers on this list, this one has other accessories sold separately including a cup holder and storage bag that fits on the handles. The Butterfly is so new that there's not yet a travel bag for it, but we suspect the brand will come out with one.

There's a reason this has a price close to a full-size stroller: It has quality construction backed by a lifetime warranty . It also comes with accessories such as a rain cover and travel bag that other brands ask you to buy separately.

The Dutch brand has a patent pending on the seat construction for its ergonomic, supportive design — it's like a little nest that's supposed to conform to a child's body. The seatback is also taller than many, making it able to accommodate a growing preschooler. Testers said that their kid was totally comfortable riding in this for an afternoon, though in the Lab, we found the recline feature a bit cumbersome to implement.

The seat doesn't lay completely flat but it does recline for relaxation. If, for this price, you want to use the AER from birth, you can buy a separate bassinet attachment , then replace the seat with the bassinet for the first six months. They also sell car seat adaptors to turn this into a travel system but note this only fits three brands of car seats: Nuna, Cybex and Clek.

Another GH Parenting Award winner, this pick comes in many fun colors and with a bunch of accessories . Our Lab really liked that the stroller could be folded down with just one hand. We found it easy to turn with the sturdy rubber (not plastic) wheels and liked that it came with a cupholder, raincover and carry backpack, plus a seat-pad layer that could be thrown in the washing machine.

The seat folds nearly flat for naps, but this is still suggested for babies 6 months and up, according to the manufacturer. We like the magnets in the buckle, though it took us a few tries to get used to the harness. Watch the brake while walking since they're placed right by your feet and are easy to accidentally step on.

Double strollers are always going to be heavier than single strollers and to get one under 20 pounds, you have to either lose the canopies or the under-stroller storage.

We chose to lose the basket storage. The Jeep TurboGlyde has four storage pockets on the back of this double, though you don't want to add too much weight or, according to our tests, it will tip backward. Mostly what we loved when testing the TurboGlyde Double is the incredibly small fold and the sun protection , and the price is extremely nice for a travel or errand-running double stroller.

Testers say it is easy to push kids of different weights in this, for instance, a 1-year-old and their 3-year-old sibling. The seats don't recline much, so if you want a double stroller for long outings, look for a full-size double stroller .

If you want a lightweight option that lasts you for years, we like that this deep, padded seat has a near-flat recline that's appropriate for infants and big kids alike . Buy the car-seat adaptor and this is a good lightweight choice for newborns who are able to ride in their car seat atop the stroller seat. They should be able to move out of the car seat and to the regular seat by 6 months.

As parents, we appreciated that this comes with its own carry bag for travel. We found the fold to be super easy; you squeeze a latch at the handle and it collapses down in a few easy seconds. It's not exactly a one-handed fold — our testing showed it to be much easier with two hands — but it is fast. The basket is a fairly standard size, not tiny but not huge, so we'd spring for the add-on parent console that gives you a place to rest your water bottle and hide your phone.

Note: Baby Jogger is a brand that, as the name suggests, started as a company that made strollers for jogging. Now, they make a ton of baby gear that has nothing to do with running for exercise; this stroller is great for running errands, but is not for actual jogs! See or guide to the best jogging strollers for those. We also have a lightweight pick for jogging at the end of this list.

If your number one priority is a stroller that's as featherweight as can be, this weighs just over 10 pounds and the fold is incredibly small . Here's the thing: To get there, it has just a sun visor rather than a full canopy, a small basket and the seat is a really simple sling of fabric. That said, our testers said it's perfect for traveling and for short errands with a toddler.

You almost have to see the folding action to believe it — the wheels turn in so the stroller forms just a thin square. It fits anywhere, including an airplane overhead, under an airplane seat in front of you and maybe even in your diaper bag!

If you like the idea of this small fold but would prefer a larger canopy and a little more of a seat, see the Pockit+ All City version — though it's a bit more expensive and a bit heavier.

Our pick for the best overall wagon stroller also happens to be lightweight — for a stroller wagon. Obviously, nothing with wheels this big is going to be light as air, but the fact that it's a little under 35 pounds makes it a great choice if you'll be lifting your wagon in and out of the car or occasionally taking it up and down steps to the beach or a park.

This stroller wagon can be pushed or pulled. Separate sun-protective canopies let you position them differently for each kid. Each child has a snack tray with a cupholder and there's a generous storage bucket on the back. Stroller wagons are not the best for tired kids, as the seats don't recline, but they are good if you have a lot of stuff to haul and if the kids will be jumping in and out of the wagon.

Our testers say the assembly comes together quickly and the stroller is easy to fold. It works on most terrain (we would stop short of saying all terrain). One tester points out that this, like all strollers, is not totally weatherproof — if it rains, a stroller wagon can collect water in the bottom. But the mesh sides of this model help it dry out and allow for airflow on warm days.

When space is super tight, lightweight strollers don't get much more compact than the Cybex Libelle which, like the Pockit, folds into a rectangle shape. Folded, it measures just 12.6" by 18.9" by 7.9". You will need to use both hands to get it there, while your kid stands next to you or someone else holds your toddler, but in testing, we were able to fold it quickly.

It unfolds fast too — you just unlock it and give it a quick shake to snap it open. It boasts all the functionality you'd want in a lightweight stroller, including easy recline and a UPF 50+ canopy, and it also has a nicely adjusting footrest that can help make this more of a little bed for resting.

This stroller is compatible with the Cybex infant car seat , sold separately if you want to use it from birth.

Thule Spring Stroller

Spring Stroller

If you like the sporty look of a three-wheeler, we liked testing this stroller with lots of parent-friendly touches . There's a telescoping handle, so if you and your partner are different heights it can adjust.

There's a wrist strap, normally only found on jogging strollers, which gives you a feeling of extra security as you push this along. While it does not fold especially small, it stands up on its own when folded, which makes stashing it anywhere from beside you at a restaurant to inside your foyer a lot easier. And the fold is one of our favorites, you just pull up a lever that's under the seat.

It has a high weight limit, great if you have a Kindergarten kid who still needs a stroller on long outings. Both the canopy and the basket are wide, and the seat reclines nearly flat for naps. All of that adds to the weight, so this comes in a little over 20 pounds — not exactly lightweight, but light for a three-wheeler with all of its features.

Joovy Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller

Zoom 360 Ultralight Jogging Stroller

Jogging strollers are going to have a bit more weight to them thanks to their big, bike-like tires that keep things smooth as you breeze down your path. The front wheel can lock so that the jogging stroller stays on course.

Because this is crafted with aluminum and a slim design, it comes in under 30 pounds , about the best you can hope for with a stroller meant for running. It doesn't skimp on its nice wide canopy, and it includes both an organizer with a cupholder and a basket underneath.

While the fold is never especially compact with any jogging stroller, including this one, it does fold very easily using just one hand. One note: These are real air-filled tires, so the stroller comes with a pump. Some online users say it's possible for the wheels to puncture and need a tire change.

Babyzen YOYO2 Stroller

YOYO2 Stroller

Because seat cushions are sold separately from the frame, you can use this excellent lightweight stroller for your newborn. First, you buy this stroller frame, then add the Newborn Pack that makes it safe from birth. It's truly a newborn-friendly lightweight option that does not require you to use your infant car seat with it.

The frame, shown, comes in either black or white and has a shoulder strap for carrying the folded stroller. There's also a bag to use for travel or storage. The separate newborn pack comes in your choice of six colors and includes a mattress, canopy, foot cover and head support. Once your baby is ready to sit up and use a regular seat you'll want to buy one of the $70 Color Packs which provide a seat cushion, canopy and zippered back pocket. It means you can change the color of your stroller and get a fresh new cushion when you transition from infancy to toddlerhood.

City families who tested this for us love how compact the system is. The small footprint of this stroller makes it a breeze to push down a crowded sidewalk, and the stroller takes up little room in a small home. We suggest leaving it set up at home because folding it is a little awkward. It's easy enough to do if you want to put it in the trunk of a car or into the overhead on an airplane, but in everyday life, we'd just leave this little stroller in its open position.

If you do fall in love with the YoYo, it has a unique way of turning into a double stroller by hitching one YoYo to another, or you can have your big kid ride behind with the board attachment . We like that it adapts and changes as your family grows, and it may be more economical than buying a full-size stroller now and a full-size double stroller later.

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How to find the best lightweight stroller for you

a lightweight stroller is tested with a dummy baby at the good housekeeping institute

Take note that with the advantage of going light, you will find yourself trading off some sturdiness (the wheels will be smaller and lighter weight) and storage (an under-seat basket, if it exists, will be smaller than that on a full-size stroller). That's why it's important to recognize which features matter to you most.

We find sun protection to be a non-negotiable, which is why we're not featuring any of the super-cheap umbrella strollers that have no visor or canopy. When you're shopping for the best lightweight stroller for your family, we recommend you consider the following:

✔️ Physical footprint: Lightweight strollers typically take up a smaller amount of space, but some fold down to be more compact than others. A stroller with a larger storage basket and wide canopy might not fold as small.

✔️ Folding capabilities: Some strollers feature single-hand folding — this comes in handy when you're by yourself and need to carry your baby in one arm while you fold the stroller.

✔️ Canopy size: Some strollers feature an adjustable or extendable canopy and others claim to have an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) to safeguard against the sun.

✔️ Adjustable seat: Check to see if the seat offers multiple reclining positions. The further back a seat folds, the better it might be for a baby under a year old. For any age, a reclined seat is great for tired kids heading home for a nap. But regardless, always make sure to check the age limit and weight limit before you purchase any stroller.

✔️ Wearable features : Some strollers come with a convenient carrying case or strap that you can sling over your shoulder if you want to carry it folded.

How we test lightweight strollers

black stroller with a child inside being pushed by a parent down a street in brooklyn

The Good Housekeeping Institute has reviewed more than 30 strollers over the past two years using a combination of in-Lab and at-home tests with both expert and consumer reviewers. We also asked manufacturers to provide American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) certification to verify that strollers pass ASTM's safety standards.

At our Institute, we perform tests to assess maneuverability, stability, ease of reclining the stroller, ease of getting babies in and out of the seat including buckling and unbuckling the five-point harness, ergonomics for the parents pushing the stroller, storage space (We try placing the same diaper bag in each basket to compare how it fits.) and more, giving each factor a score of 1 to 5.

We also take the strollers outside and push them over varied terrain including pavement, grass, dirt and cobblestone and we make obstacle courses to judge the navigation effort required.

Why trust Good Housekeeping?

a woman tests a lightweight thule spring stroller outside of a restaurant, part of good housekeeping's tests for best lightweight strollers

For well over a century the Good Housekeeping Institute has tested consumer-product claims and made recommendations based on data-rich evaluations.

Our stroller testing and coverage was led by Rachel Rothman , who also oversaw GH's annual Toy Awards and Parenting Awards . Rothman is the mom of three young kids.

Our most recent update was written by contributing writer Jessica Hartshorn who has covered the stroller market for a few decades, most recently for Parents magazine.

Headshot of Jessica Hartshorn

Jessica (she/her) is a freelance writer with several decades of experience writing lifestyle content and evaluating home and parenting products. A mom of two teens and two cats, her previous work can be seen in American Baby and Parents .

Headshot of Rachel Rothman

Rachel Rothman was the chief technologist and executive technical director of the Good Housekeeping Institute for over 15 years , overseeing testing methodology, implementation and reporting for all GH Labs. She also managed GH's research division and the analysis of applicants for the GH Seal and all other testing emblems. 

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We Tested the Best Travel Strollers for Every Type of Adventure

These are lightweight, small, and ready to make your trip easier

In This Article

Our Favorites

Our testing process, other notable travel strollers, factors to consider.

  • How to Use a Travel Stroller Safely

Your Questions, Answered

Parents / Jhett Thompson

Any parent who has dared to travel alone with a small child knows how essential it is to have a high-quality stroller. A stroller can make or break a trip through the airport, and it really comes in handy when rushing through security and to a gate. But standard strollers are often too bulky for air travel —or they’re just too nice to risk handing over to the baggage handlers—which is why having a dedicated travel stroller can make all the difference. We tested more than 40 compact strollers in our labs to find you the very best to take on your next trip.

Recall Alert

In early December 2023, Bugaboo and the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a voluntary recall of the Bugaboo Dragonfly, a standard stroller that is not on this travel stroller list. When in parent-facing mode, the seat of this stroller may be unfolded incorrectly so that it the back rest is at a negative incline, posing an injury risk for infants. The recall is only for 1,200 Dragonfly strollers purchased in the U.S. and Canada before June 27, 2023. For a list of recalled serial numbers and instructions for getting a replacement seat, visit the CPSC or Bugaboo.com . We've tested the strollers on this list in our lab and at home, updating it immediately if our long-term testers discover any damage or possible risks to children.

Before selecting a travel stroller, you should make sure it’s durable, portable, maneuverable, lightweight, and worth your money (these strollers range in price from $100 to $500). Plus, it should be comfortable and practical to use when you get to your destination. We assembled, wheeled, turned, pushed, dropped, and folded each stroller to find which met our standards. We also spoke to Betty Choi, M.D., a pediatrician and mother of two, to get her insight into what qualities to look for in a stroller. 

Finally, to make this list of the best travel strollers, we made sure that most of these would be easy to use with one hand, so that parents carrying a bag or baby would be able to maneuver it throughout their journey with one less thing to worry about. 

  • Best Overall: Bugaboo Butterfly
  • Best Overall Runner-Up: GB Qbit+ All City

Best Budget: babyGap Classic Stroller

  • Best Comfort: Uppababy Minu V2
  • Best Luxury: Nuna TRVL Stroller
  • Lightest: Contours Itsy
  • Best Double: Uppababy G-Link 2
  • Best for Air Travel: Munchkin Sparrow
  • Best for Car Travel: Baby Jogger City Tour 2
  • Best for City Travel: Babyzen YOYO2

Best Overall: Bugaboo Butterfly Stroller

Why We Like It: A spacious, padded seat, generous cargo space, and excellent maneuverability all fold up into carry-on size. 

But Take Note: Be sure to fold up the footrest if you check this on a plane, as it’s not as durable as the rest of the stroller. 

Some high-end strollers are just charging you for the label, but others, like the Bugaboo Butterfly, really do deliver in terms of quality, convenience, and extra features for your money. It doesn’t just look good. It truly impressed us in all of our tests, as well as in the real world, when our editor took it for a spin to Puerto Rico and back. Note: The Butterfly is not the model Bugaboo recently recalled because of a seat issue .

While it’s a very compact stroller, when opened, it offers plenty of seating space for your baby or toddler. As part of the very quick assembly process, you attach fabric padding to this seat for extra comfort, not to mention easier cleaning. The sun canopy extends fully with a zip-open mesh segment, giving baby protection and a cool breeze. And speaking of which, that machine-washable fabric didn’t make a toddler very hot when he sat in it on his tropical vacation. Unlike a lot of other travel strollers, this model doesn’t sacrifice cargo space to get it down to travel size. The back of the under-seat basket is spring loaded, so you can push it down to stuff a backpack or diaper bag inside, and it will pop back up to secure the contents. It’s also got a fully extendable footrest, which doubles as a handle when the stroller is folded up. Unfortunately, when our editor wound up checking this stroller on her flight, she left this footrest/handle out, and baggage handlers managed to snap the thing right off. (Bugaboo offers a four-year warranty, but it won’t cover airline damage.) The footrest appears to be more vulnerable to breakage than the rest of the frame, which looks and feels thicker and more solid. 

To avoid that kind of airline mishap, you can also fit this little guy into most overhead compartments as your carry-on. That is, after you take advantage of its simple folding process—which we weren’t exactly able to do one-handed at first, just because the two buttons at the handlebar were a bit hard to press, but we still loved how swiftly it shrunk down into itself. There’s a strap for lugging it around hands-free on your shoulder, and at 16 pounds, that’s pretty doable for most parents used to playing pack mule, for short distances, at least.

The Butterfly moved like butter over various surfaces in the lab, even rocks and fake grass, taking sharp turns with very little effort, too. The small wheels mean this isn’t exactly a rugged, all-terrain stroller, and a baby will get a bit jostled if you’re going over gravel or cobblestones in your travels, but since it’s so light you’ll both get through those tough surfaces just fine!

The Details:

  • Size open: 36.42 x 17.72 x 40.31 inches
  • Size folded: 17.72 x 9.06 x 21.26 inches
  • Weight: 16 pounds

Best Overall Runner-Up: gb Qbit+ All City Stroller

Why We Like It: This is an incredibly comfortable stroller that maneuvers smoothly and folds up easily. 

But Take Note: It’s heavier than some others we tested and doesn’t have a shoulder strap. 

This travel stroller landed near the top in our testing because it’s comfortable, easily maneuverable, portable, and durable—which are some of the most important criteria when shopping for a travel stroller. We found this stroller to be easy to close and fold with one hand, by pressing down on the two buttons. The shoulder straps are comfortably padded and meet at a buckle that we didn't mind in the lab, though it later proved a bit tricky in the real world when we wrangled an impatient child into it. It features a padded seat that reclines nearly all the way back, revealing breathable mesh at the top, so kids can comfortably nap while in transit. With the adjustable footrest in the straight-out position, this is also suitable for a newborn, if you’d rather leave the car seat and adapter at home. Keep in mind that the canopy provides pretty good coverage, but doesn’t extend as far as the Nuna TRVL or the Uppababy Minu V2. 

This stroller has enough storage space to hold a medium-size backpack, which also makes it useful during travel. With all-wheel suspension, it maneuvered easily over different terrain like gravel, wood, and carpet in the lab. In fact, we barely noticed a difference when transitioning from carpet to gravel. Though it drives comfortably, keep in mind that the handlebar isn’t adjustable, and it doesn’t come with a cup holder.

A huge point in the Qbit’s favor is that at $380, it’s about $70 less than the Bugaboo Butterfly and the Uppababy Minu V2. But it’s also a bit heavier than some of the others we tested, doesn’t have a shoulder strap, and might not fit in all overhead compartments. 

  • Size open: 33 x 17 x 42 inches 
  • Size folded: 17 x 10 x 23 inches 
  • Weight: 17.6 pounds
  • Age range: Birth up to 55 pounds

Parents / Conor Ralph

Parents / Phoebe Cheong

Why We Like It: It’s got the convenience and price of an umbrella stroller, but it doesn’t feel rickety and it looks so cute.

But Take Note: The light-colored fabrics may not stay in pristine condition for long.

Umbrella strollers are no one’s favorite mode of conveyance, as they typically sacrifice style and comfort for cost and the ability to collapse into a small package that you won’t care terribly about breaking or losing. But in our testing, we were able to find a few that we genuinely liked for reasons beyond their near disposability. This model from Gap, made by Delta Children, surprised us by not just looking cute. The gray-and-white striped fabric—very Gap!—is part of its appeal, however, and it’s made from recycled water bottles. (It also comes in pink-and-white stripes, black camo, and navy camo.) 

This inexpensive stroller has some thoughtful features: The canopy fully shades a child, though it doesn’t have a peekaboo window. It reclines enough for a toddler’s nap, but does not have a footrest. The five-point harness buckles at three points, has removable padding, and doesn’t have to be rethreaded to adjust. The two handles have faux leather covers that feel good to hold, and it comes with a fabric caddy to hold the grown-up’s small belongings, a water bottle, and a cup or bottle for the kid as well. You can squeeze a diaper bag into the cargo area—it’s about the size you expect from an umbrella stroller. Our one concern about the design is that we’re not sure how long the whiter parts of the fabric will stay looking white. 

We were truly surprised by how good it felt to push this stroller around on different terrain, given that it doesn’t have fancy shock absorption or other luxury features. There was none of the telltale rattling of an umbrella stroller, and it’s so lightweight that we could manage stairs and curbs without much inconvenience. 

To fold, you lift a lock in the back, push a lever on the bottom right side, and push the whole thing forward. We found the lock that keeps it folded is a bit finicky, and could totally see someone breaking a nail unlocking it one day, so watch out for that. Still, it has a well-placed strap for carrying and weighs only 15 pounds. We can imagine it being a great second stroller that you can take on trains, pack in the trunk, and even gate-check on planes. 

  • Size open: 20.7 x 31.50 x 42.9 inches
  • Size folded: 12 x 44 x 11 inches
  • Weight: 15 pounds

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Best Comfort: UPPAbaby MINU V2 Stroller

Why We Like It: Plush padding, a sun shade, and an almost-flat recline make this perfect for stroller naps.

But Take Note: It’s too large for many overhead compartments, and you may want to buy a separate travel bag to protect it when flying.

For a comfortable ride for both parent and baby, the Uppababy Minu V2 is one of your best bets. It’s one of a few on this list (like the Bugaboo Butterfly, for example) that could serve as your only stroller, too. Stroller naps are essential when traveling—it buys grown-ups so much more sightseeing time!— and this spacious seat reclines pretty far and features extra padding to make those naps last longer. They’ll stay cool, too, because that canopy unzips to an almost horizontal level for great sun coverage, with a mesh peekaboo window for extra air flow. For the adult behind the wheels, there’s a padded leather handle bar that doesn’t adjust but is at a good height for tall and short people alike. Though it doesn’t come with a cup holder or caddy, there is a pocket behind the seat where you can stash a water bottle and phone, and the storage basket is large and spacious, holding up to 20 pounds, which makes it easy to tote a backpack or diaper bag. 

You and your kiddo might even remain comfortable when navigating bumpy ground, thanks to four-wheel suspension, or weaving in and out of crowds, as we found it took sharp turns easily (even one-handed!). And when it’s time to get in the car, walk up stairs to a train, or get on the plane, this ride folds up quickly. We found it did take a little practice (and for some, two hands) to press the two buttons on the handle to trigger the folding process, but then it collapses down on its own. 

It stays upright when folded, and you can pick it up by a handle or the attached padded strap. But beware that it weighs about 17 pounds and it probably won’t fit in overhead compartments of smaller planes. You may also want to invest in Uppababy’s travel bag , because it includes insurance against damage to the stroller by the airline, once you enroll in the TravelSafe program. 

  • Size open: 35.5 x 20.3 x 41 inches
  • Size folded: 12.5 x 20.3″ x 23 inches (with bumper bar)
  • Weight: 16.9 pounds

Best Luxury: Nuna Trvl Lightweight Stroller

Why We Like it: It easily reclines and maneuvers smoothly. 

But Take Note:  The bumper bar can be a pain to take on and off when you're in a hurry.

Here’s a peek inside our testing process: It’s kind of great for editors who are in the market for these products ourselves. We were all heart eyes when we beheld the Nuna TRVL, and one of us immediately called it to take home for long-term testing. This is a luxurious travel stroller whose comfort, functionality, and efficiency rival that of an everyday stroller. It had one of the smoothest rides out of any of the strollers we tested—we felt no difference when traversing hardwood, tile, and shag carpet. The seat is easy to recline with one hand and an adjustable calf rest adds extra comfort. Because it does not go all the way flat, this stroller on its own is inappropriate for a newborn, but if you purchase a Nuna Pipa car seat, you won’t need an adapter for it. The leatherette on the handle and bumper bar is both attractive and nicely cushioning. We love that the water repellant, UPF 50+ canopy provides shade with the option to open multiple mesh windows. 

Besides the fact that it just looks good, the real wow factor with the TRVL is that it actually folds itself for you with just the push of a button. It also fits into the overhead bin of most planes. Its under-seat compartment is large enough to fit a backpack or diaper bag, so it’s a great option if you’re carrying multiple other bags for your trip. There’s no shoulder strap, but the bumper bar works as a great handle when the stroller is folded—which is a good thing because the hassle of removing and reattaching that bar is one of our main complaints about the stroller in the real world. While it comes with its own travel bag, it digs into your shoulders after a long walk through the airport. Though the brand says that the TRVL weighs 13.6 pounds, that’s not counting the canopy and arm bar, which make it actually 15.4 pounds. That’s lighter than the other luxury strollers on this list but heavier than, say, the Contours Itsy and the Munchkin Sparrow.

You also can’t ignore that while this is one of the most comfortable, maneuverable, and well-designed strollers we tested, it’s one of the most expensive. 

  • Size open: 20.5 x 26 x 41 inches
  • Size folded: 20.25 x 27.25 x 11 inches
  • Weight: 15.4 pounds
  • Age range: Birth (with car seat) to 50 pounds

RELATED: The Best Diaper Bags for Two Kids

Lightest: Contours Itsy Lightweight Stroller

Why We Like It: Not only is it light, but it folds up one-handed into something you could fit in a backpack.

But Take Note: It lacks storage space and doesn’t recline, and we suspect bigger kids won’t find it super comfy.

For many of us, when we say we want a travel stroller, we don’t want all the bells and whistles and aren’t looking to replace our everyday wheels. What we really want is the very lightest, most compact stroller that can take our kid from point to point, and then all but disappear until the next time we need it. That is what the Contours Itsy is. It is possibly the lightest stroller we’ve ever used, and with just one hand, we could pack it up into the size of a grocery bag and lift it—still one-handed!—into an overhead compartment. And we could probably even do that while holding a wiggly toddler!

This is a very inexpensive stroller, at just $170 at this writing, so you’re not getting luxury. But you are getting a stroller with a safe five-point harness, a removable bumper bar, and suspension in the front wheels to help it navigate some minor city bumps. There’s a UPF 50+ canopy with a very breezy mesh window in the back, and it will shade most toddlers, though we wish it extended just a tad further so that shorter kids could get its full benefit. The seat has a bit of a footrest, but it does not recline. It does not fit a full-size diaper bag in the cargo space, and there are no cup holders or caddies. All of that takes up space, and that’s not what the Itsy is here for!

After putting together a whole lot of strollers over the course of many tests, we really appreciated that this came right out of the box fully assembled. All that was left to do was attach the bumper bar. Folding it is almost just as effortless, with just the press of one button!

The stroller didn’t maneuver quite as smoothly as some of the other compact strollers in our test—it was even beat out by the cheaper babyGap Classic—and we got a bit annoyed by the way the single brake takes a good push to engage, and it also caught on the stairs when we were pulling it up and down. Another downside is that it’s got a lower weight capacity (40 pounds) than many other strollers and doesn’t look very comfortable for bigger kids. Still, at this price, you’ll be happy that it’s going to achieve the exact thing you want it to do.

  • Size open: 32 x 18.20 x 39 inches
  • Size folded: 10.5 x 11 x 22 inches
  • Weight: 12.3 pounds

Best Double: Uppababy G-Link V2 Stroller

Why We Like It: With padded, adjustable straps and a compact build, this umbrella stroller is comfortable and easy to maneuver with two kiddos.

But Take Note: Since it’s naturally larger than the single options, you’ll have to gate-check it on the plane.

Traveling with two children requires a special type of stroller—one that can keep both content enough to stay put, and maybe even handle a bumpy ride while they're strapped in. That’s why we love the Uppababy G-Link 2, it’s a sizable double stroller that maneuvers with the lightweight ability of a single stroller. It has all the features that make a parent’s life easier, like a cup holder, storage pockets, easy buckle and adjustable shoulder straps. Two extendable UPF 50+ sun shades and adjustable recline make it cozy for the kids, too. Four sets of wheels (instead of the six of some other double models) make it easy to turn and maneuver, and our testers found that it did so with ease over different types of terrain.  

This stroller excelled in our comfort and maneuverability tests, but it lacked in terms of portability. Despite the larger size, it’s still easy to fold up with one hand and can stand up when folded. Since it holds two children, it’s not as compact as some of the others, so you’ll definitely have to gate-check it. Although it has a handle, it does not have a shoulder strap, so there’s no hands-free carrying option, either. Still, when you’re traveling with more than one child, you’re probably going to keep them strapped in for as long as possible.

  • Size open: 28.25 x 25 x 41 inches 
  • Size folded: 17.5 x 40 x 14 inches
  • Weight: 22 pounds

RELATED: The Best Double Strollers We Tested Loaded With Kids

Parents / David Carr

Best for Air Travel: Munchkin Sparrow Stroller

Why We Like It: It’s got one of the most compact folds and comes with its own carrying bag.

But Take Note: There’s basically no canopy or storage area on this stroller.

You may giggle a little upon seeing the Munchkin Sparrow in person for the first time—it’s as silly and bird-like as the name implies. And like its namesake bird, this is no fancy showpiece. This is the stroller for the person whose top priority is being able to fold it into a teeny-tiny carrying bag and pop it into the overhead bin with zero arguments from any flight attendants. 

Like the Contours Itsy, the super-compact size of this means it arrives in the box fully assembled. You place the wheels side up, press two little buttons on the handle, and it pops right open. It folds back just the same, too. And then it fits in the very conveniently included carrying bag. 

It’s a few ounces heavier than the Contours and slightly more expensive, and we find that what it passes off as a shade canopy is kind of insulting. (Maybe your kid will get shade at noon.) There’s only the merest hint of a cargo space, too. We were unimpressed by how it handled curbs and bumpy surfaces. On the other hand, the seat is a bit bigger than the Itsy, and the stroller can hold a kid until they weigh 55 pounds. Still, parents who frequently fly solo with a kid, or not-solo with multiple children, might be quite relieved to have an option like this for their journeys.

  • Size open: 39 × 18.5 × 28 inches
  • Size folded: 15 x 14 x 6.25 inches
  • Weight: 12.8 pounds

Best for Car Travel: Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller

Why We Like It: Exceptional maneuverability, easy to recline seats, and padded straps make this a comfortable ride for parents and baby, but it packs up small to fit in the trunk of a car.

But Take Note: It does not fit in an overhead bin, and not everyone loves its utilitarian look.

For a stroller that maneuvers well and compacts into a small, convenient package that slides easily into a trunk or backseat, try the Baby Jogger City Tour 2. This easy-to-use stroller is built to keep babies and toddlers happy: It reclines far and has padded shoulder and crotch straps, plus the built-in, solid footrest can withstand the kicks of those bigger riders. The canopy goes down nicely to provide lots of coverage, with a peekaboo window to check on your kiddo. 

Though you have to push two buttons, you can fold and unfold it with one hand. Once folded, tote it by the attached strap or use the included carrying bag. Though it doesn’t fit into an overhead bin, it’s a great option for packing on car trips. It takes up considerably less room than a standard stroller would—which is particularly convenient when packing a crowded car. 

In testing, the City Tour 2 was up there with our top picks in terms of maneuverability over bumps and around tight turns. It looks and feels sturdier than most of the ultra-compact options, but it weighs less than 15 pounds. This stroller doesn’t look luxe, or even very cute, but many caregivers who know the mess, wear, and tear kids can inflict on a stroller will call that a plus.

The Details :

  • Size open: 20 x 26 x 40 inches 
  • Size folded: 19.5 x 7 x 22.5 
  • Weight: 14.5 pounds
  • Age range: Newborn (with car seat) up to 45 pounds

RELATED: 9 Best Potty-Training Seats and Chairs for Toddlers

Best for City Travel: Babyzen YOYO2 Stroller

Why We Like It: This folds up into a really small, convenient package, and handles city streets so well.

But Take Note: You need two hands to fold it up, and it’s not great on rougher terrain. 

Strollers are incredibly bulky when you live in a small apartment, so it’s important for city dwellers to find one that won’t take up too much space when not in use. And if you’re visiting a city on vacation, you’ll feel the same. This option from Babyzen is great for city life because it’s incredibly portable and folds up into a small, convenient package you can stash just about anywhere. It’s also more narrow than most, so it can weave through the crowds on sidewalks. This is why it’s been dominating the streets of Brooklyn for the past few years. 

Of course the stroller’s key feature is how small it is, both narrow when in use and compact when fully folded. But its seat is surprisingly roomy and nicely padded for a child, even if it’s lacking an extended footrest. The storage area is small, too, though we like that it’s easily accessible. Those are some of the sacrifices necessary for its folding size. Folding is not a one-handed process, but unfolding is. A padded shoulder strap allows for hands-free carrying of this 14 pound stroller, so you can get up and down those subway stairs, or in and out of buses, while carrying your kid. It fit nicely into the mock overhead bin in our test, too.

We emphasize that this is a city stroller because while it was so good at weaving in and out of cones in our obstacle course, it wasn’t so great on rough surfaces. Another drawback is the price. When you’ve purchased the frame and its “color pack”—that’s the canopy and the fabric that goes over the seat, which the brand unfortunately sells separately —it ends up costing between $400 and $470, depending on your color choice. You can choose between the 0+ color pack, which is suitable for newborns lying flat, and the 6+ color pack made for 6 months old and up, and both of these are machine washable. (You can also buy a bassinet , but that won’t fold up with the rest of the stroller like the newborn back does.) We find this separate fabric system a little confusing, but it does make it quite nice if you want to switch up the colors for a second child, or even if you’re buying it second-hand.

  • Size open: 33.80 x 17.3 x 41.7 inches
  • Size folded: 20.5 x 17.3 x 7.1 inches
  • Weight: 13.7 pounds

Best With Car Seat: Doona Convertible Infant Car Seat Stroller System

Why We Like It: This car seat with wheels saves you the step of switching from one set of wheels to another.

But Take Note: Your kid will outgrow it quickly.

When we first tested this funny stroller in 2022, we swore we were never going to tell readers you should spend more than $500 on something you might be using for less than a year. Since then, we have had so, so many city (and some suburban) parents tell us that they love their Doonas and didn’t regret the purchase for an instant, that we had to give it a second chance. After all, it isn’t just a stroller. It’s more of a car seat that grew legs and wheels. And for those few months in which your baby fits into an infant car seat, it’s actually a really streamlined way to travel.

When it's in stroller mode, the baby faces you (like they would in an infant seat attached to a stroller), but they'll be much lower to the ground than you’d typically keep an infant. Still, the handle reaches high enough that it’s comfortable for adults to push. And compared to most car seat travel systems, this is a really smooth, easy ride. What’s more, if you wind up having to take stairs on your journey, you can fold up the wheels (while the baby’s still in it!) and carry it as you would any car seat. (The combined weight of a baby plus the seat’s 17 pounds isn’t exactly going to be light, but it’s doable.) 

Inside, your baby is snug and certifiably safe in a typical car seat harness, surrounded by fabric that’s breathable and machine washable. And you don’t have to remove them from that cozyness when it’s time to get in the car. Instead, you’ll have two hands free to collapse the whole thing down into a car seat. It comes with a LATCH car seat base you can leave in your car. But Doona’s whole concept is even more attractive to people who wind up taking taxis, car services, or friends’ cars in between places where they’ll be walking a lot. 

Because it’s less of a stroller than a car seat, there are a few things missing here. For one, the canopy isn’t very big, though you can purchase a more complete sunshade separately . And for another, it has zero storage. You’ll just have to carry that diaper bag, or delicately drape it over the handle (against expert advice, mind you) and hope it doesn’t tip the whole thing over. 

Back to the question of whether this is worth your investment. Infant car seats can cost anywhere from $100 to $500, so if you were already going to spring for the high-end models, you could consider this a reasonable amount to spend on a two-for-one item (especially when most infant car seats are in the $300 range). Many parents we know also either resold their Doonas, or passed them along to friends and family members, because in such a short period of time, they saw little wear and tear. If you consider this a kind of short-term heirloom, or the start of a Sisterhood of the Traveling Stroller, it may be worth your money.

  • Size open: 17.4 x 32.3 x 39 inches
  • Size folded: 17.4 x 26 x 22.4 inches
  • Weight: 17 pounds
  • Age range : Birth to 35 pounds (or 32 inches tall)

Parents / Dera Burreson

Smoothest Ride: Silver Cross Jet 3 Super Compact Stroller

Silver Cross

Why We Like It: It maneuvers like a dream over various terrain, and we loved rolling it like a suitcase folded up.

But Take Note: It’s sorely lacking in storage space.

We’ve tested a lot of Silver Cross strollers in the past year, and most wound up being very pretty to look at, but not much else. We were happy to discover that the Jet 3 broke the mold. This is a luxury stroller you can fit in most overhead compartments and also enjoy pushing around town. In testing, it was smooth as silk, maneuvering through our obstacle course and over grass and gravel. We didn’t even mind bumping it up and down stairs! And when it’s folded up, we got a real kick out of how much it looks and feels like a fancy rolling carry-on bag, as the leatherette bumper bar becomes the handle.

Silver Jet doesn’t skimp on looks—and you can even spend an extra $50 to get the black version with rose-gold details, which is to say, this is for parents and caregivers who want to look good too. On a more practical level, we’re fans of the magnetic buckle on the five-point harness. The seat reclines completely flat, and there’s an adjustable footrest. Unlike most travel strollers, you can use this from birth, letting the baby lie flat and pulling up this bit of stretchy fabric up and over the footrest to make it resemble a mini bassinet. The canopy is generous, though not quite as much as the Uppababy Minu V2. The one true and unmissable design flaw here is the cargo area, which is difficult to access and would barely fit a diaper bag. 

Folding this stroller takes two hands to get it into its most compact position. It comes with a protective travel cover that has a pocket into which you can store the bumper bar when it’s time to stash the whole thing into the trunk or your overhead bin. It doesn’t fold as small as the Yoyo2 or the Munchkin Sparrow, but it’s more compact than the Bugaboo Butterfly and the Nuna TRVL, which are priced about the same.

  • Size open: 35.43 x 17.7 x 39.5 inches
  • Size folded: 7.08 x 11.81 x 21.65 inches
  • Weight: 13.6 pounds
  • Age range : Birth to 55 pounds

To find the best travel strollers available, we evaluated each product to assess a number of attributes like design, portability, maneuverability, and durability. To start, we weighed and measured each stroller to determine how compact it is when folded compared to how large it is when expanded. Next, we assessed how easy the stroller is to fold. When traveling with a child, parents often have to maneuver through an airport, security line, or plane aisle while holding a baby, so we wanted to find the strollers you can fold with one hand. We assessed the individual features of each stroller's design, like adjustable handle height, seat level, canopies, storage, and cup holders. To evaluate portability, we folded up each stroller and tried to pick it up, carried it up and down stairs, and lifted it over our heads into an overhead compartment. We observed handle placement and took note of overall convenience. To test maneuverability, we wheeled the stroller around cones, over hard floor, carpet, fake grass, and gravel. Lastly, we dropped the strollers multiple times from shoulder height and knocked them off a table to evaluate durability. We considered what shape the strollers were in to start with and observed any dents, scratches, or changes to function after putting them through our durability test. 

We also spoke to board certified pediatrician Betty Choi, M.D. , author of “Human Body Learning Lab,” to get a better sense of the safety requirements to consider when buying a travel stroller.

  • Gb Pockit Air All-Terrain : This stroller is easy to fold and surprisingly maneuverable, but it lacks some of the additional features that are important for a comfortable ride. It has little storage and no padding, and its canopy is all but ineffective. Its tiny size impressed us, though!
  • Chicco Liteway : This is a great lightweight umbrella stroller for the price, and it’s a decent alternative to the babyGap Classic on this list. It’s really just a matter of aesthetics. 

Size and Weight

Travel strollers should be lightweight and small, above all else, in order to be useful to families on the road. But how light and how small is an individual decision.

“While the lightest strollers will be easier to carry, the tradeoff might be other features like storage space and seat comfort,” Dr. Choi tells us. “Therefore, the best travel stroller depends on where the family is going to use it and how many kids will be riding the stroller.”

Whether you’re traveling by car, train, or plane, travel strollers will need to be packed at some point. Before selecting a travel stroller, assess what type of travel you plan to do. If you plan to travel by plane, make sure the travel stroller can either fit in an overhead bin or withstand abuse by baggage handlers. If you choose the former, make sure it’s light enough to lift over your head. For car trips, you can go slightly bigger, but make sure the stroller can fit in your trunk or passenger seat. 


Portability is particularly important when selecting an efficient travel stroller. If you plan to travel alone, assess whether or not the stroller can be folded and carried with one hand. When collapsed, does it easily lock? In addition to the folding system, make sure to look out for handles, carrying straps, or bags. Portability is one of the key differences between a standard stroller and a travel stroller, so be sure to keep it top of mind when considering which product is best for you. 

Comfort and Design

Although most travel strollers aren’t as big, luxurious, and plush as a standard stroller, they should still be comfortable. Naps are usually taken on-the-go when traveling, so it’s important to find a stroller that your little one will feel comfortable sleeping in. If you’ll be traveling in different types of weather, assess whether or not the stroller has a sun canopy or mesh window to encourage air flow. 

“Young children, especially those with fair skin, are prone to sunburns,” Dr. Choi reminds us. “Consider the size of the canopy and how much shade it can provide for your child.”

For your own comfort, note whether or not the stroller has storage or cup holders, both of which could make your life easier when bustling through a busy airport or train station. Make sure the handlebar is at an appropriate height so you can easily push it without hunching over. 

Like most kids’ gadgets, strollers can come with a hefty price tag. The strollers we tested ranged in price from $110 to $500. If you’re purchasing a travel stroller as your main stroller, you might be inclined to spend a bit more and invest in a product that has extra features. If you’re purchasing a streamlined second stroller for occasional use, a more budget-friendly option might be better suited to you. 

How to Use a Travel Stroller Safely 

Strap in securely .

Operate a travel stroller with the same level of care and consideration as any other baby gear you use. Before using the stroller, read the user manual, particularly instructions related to safety. Be sure to understand the strap system, and always double check that your child is securely strapped into the harness straps according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 

Use the Brake

If your stroller has removable wheels, make sure that they are securely installed before using it. Whenever the stroller is parked, always use the brakes to ensure it doesn’t roll away. 

Store Bags Properly

According to the AAP , heavy items like diaper bags or backpacks should always be stored under the stroller, rather than hanging from the handlebar. When heavy bags hang from the handlebar it can cause the stroller to tip or flip, which could cause injury. “To prevent tipping, the base of the stroller should be wide, and the seat should be low to the ground. While it can be tempting to hang your diaper bag on the handlebars, this weight can cause the stroller to tip over. That's why it's important to consider the size of the basket under the stroller,” adds Dr. Choi.

Keep Weight and Age in Mind

Before selecting a travel stroller, always check age and weight limits, and make sure that they will remain in that range for the entire time you plan to use the stroller. “Make sure the stroller is made for your child's age, weight, and height. Babies are usually too young for travel strollers because they need more neck and head support than older infants and children,” said Dr. Choi.

Is a travel stroller worth buying?

If you travel frequently, a travel stroller can make the experience much more efficient and convenient. “Because families need to carry extra snacks, clothes, and other supplies while traveling with kids, a portable stroller can help lighten the overall luggage load,” Dr. Choi says. “If a stroller folds easily and feels light, it may help conserve your energy for carrying all of the other important things.”

Can you use a travel stroller every day?

Depending on the type of travel stroller you choose, you can absolutely use it every day. Though they are often smaller and less luxurious than a standard stroller, most travel strollers still perform the basic functions that any stroller should. If you’re looking for a stroller that has a lot of extra features and a big storage area, opt for something larger. 

Can I take my stroller on the plane?

Many travel strollers are small enough to take on a plane. That means, they’re perfect for air travel. If you plan to take a stroller on a plane, make sure you select one that folds up quickly and easily into one compact, lightweight package. Always check with your airline for specific carry-on sizes for your flight. And since flights are always making last-minute requests for people to gate check, you may want to come prepared with a storage bag to protect your stroller, just in case.

Laura Denby is a freelance product reviewer and food, home, and lifestyle writer. She has been testing and reviewing products for the past five years, and creates thoroughly tested, comprehensive product reviews for sites like Food & Wine, VeryWell Family, Real Simple, and Better Homes & Gardens. She is also the mother to an active 1-year-old, whom she travels with monthly.

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11 Best Travel System Strollers

Baby in a stroller

Getting around with your little one is much easier if you have the right stroller. Many parents find a 3-in-1 travel system stroller practical because it includes a stroller and also an infant car seat that doubles as a baby carrier.

A travel system stroller is great because it can be used from the moment you take your newborn home from the hospital until well into toddlerhood.

Based on more than 4,500 Pampers Parents votes, we’ve put together a list of the best travel system strollers. We also cover which features to look out for when comparison shopping, as well as some safety tips for using your new stroller and car seat.

Why Choose a Travel System Stroller

Travel system strollers can adapt as the baby grows, making them particularly appealing to parents who like the idea of a combo product that fulfills different needs.

A travel system stroller typically includes an infant car seat (which sometimes doubles as a carrier), a car seat base, and the main stroller unit, which holds the infant car seat and can convert into a toddler stroller when the time comes.

Here are some pluses of owning a travel system:

It can allow you to move your sleeping baby from the car to the stroller without disturbing her.

Some models have a stroller seat that reclines flat, so it can be used when your infant is 6 months or younger. As your baby gets older, the backrest can be adjusted to a higher, more comfortable position.

Once your baby outgrows the infant car seat, she can continue to use the stroller part of the travel system into toddlerhood.

Even though a travel system stroller can cost more than most standard strollers (some, like the UPPAbaby Stroller, cost over $1,000), you get more bang for your buck because you don’t need to buy an infant car seat, infant stroller, baby carrier , and toddler stroller separately.

The even better news? Pampers Parents recommend several travel system strollers that are around $300 or less.

These are the travel system strollers Pampers Parents chose as their favorites:

1. Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? Pampers Parents chose the Chicco Bravo as their absolute favorite travel system. With features like a one-touch braking pedal, all-wheel suspension, swiveling front wheels, and a three-position adjustable padded handle, this stroller has a lot going for it.

The way this travel system works is that the rear-facing infant car seat clicks into either the stroller or the car seat base. The car seat base installs securely and can remain fastened in your car.

Once your baby has reached the maximum weight and height limit of the infant car seat, you can shift to using the stroller seat. However, that also means you’ll have to get a new forward-facing car seat that suits your little one’s bigger size.

The stroller includes a parent tray with two cup holders and a storage compartment as well as a child tray with two cup holders. The stroller’s canopy is fully adjustable, and the backrest reclines for added comfort.

Highlights: The stroller has an innovative fold-and-carry handle with a one-hand, quick-fold feature. The stroller seat and canopy can be removed for cleaning. The infant car seat features removable padding for use with your newborn.

Price * : about $379.99 on Amazon.com

Pampers Parents pros and cons:

Pros: It’s very easy to use and fold up with only one hand.

Cons: It could be lighter, and it would be better if you could have your baby either face forward or backward in the stroller.

2. Graco Fastaction Fold Jogger Click Connect Baby Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? If you’re looking for a travel system stroller that’s also good for jogging, then the Graco Fastaction is for you.

The stroller features three air-filled rubber tires for a smooth ride on any terrain. The front wheel easily locks in place for added stability when jogging. Unlock it for full maneuverability when strolling.

The rear-facing infant car seat easily clicks into both the stroller and the car seat base. Installed in your car, the car seat can recline to four different positions to suit your infant’s need for head and neck support.

Both the stroller and the infant car seat feature canopies, but the stroller’s canopy includes a peek-a-boo window.

Highlights: The stroller features a one-hand folding mechanism, which the manufacturer claims takes one second to operate.

Price * : about $269.99 on Amazon.com

Pros: It’s easy to use, and it folds quickly.

Cons: The stroller is rather bulky and does not fold very compactly. The handle is not adjustable. The wheels need constant refilling.

3. UPPAbaby Full-Size Vista Infant Baby Stroller

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? This bundle from UPPAbaby includes three components: a stroller seat, an infant car seat, and a bassinet that attaches to the stroller.

This combo allows for multiple configurations, starting with the bassinet for strolling with your sleeping newborn, the infant car seat for traveling in the car, and the toddler seat, which can be positioned to face forward or backward in the stroller frame once your little one is bigger.

The infant car seat includes a padded insert for a baby that weighs between four and eight pounds.

Keep in mind that once your baby has reached the maximum height and weight limit of the car seat, you’ll have to upgrade to a new one.

The stroller features front and rear shock-absorbing suspension and a one-button telescoping handlebar so that you can adjust it to you or your partner’s height.

When you’re not using the stroller, you can fold it up in one step. However, some Pampers Parents noted that it requires both hands to fold. The stroller stands when folded, which makes it easier to handle and store.

Additional items such as a bassinet storage bag, bassinet bug shield, toddler seat rain shield, and toddler seat bug shield are included.

Highlights: Both the bassinet and the infant car seat feature breathable, moisture-wicking fabric that is also removable for spot cleaning. The storage basket below the stroller can hold up to 30 pounds.

Price * : about $1,199.98 on Amazon.com

Pros: It’s easy to use, made of quality materials, and it can be used to accommodate more children.

Cons: It’s very heavy and very expensive.

4. Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? This jogging stroller from Baby Trend features a swiveling and locking front wheel, with all-terrain tires. The wheels can be quick-released for extra-compact storage.

The stroller features a convenient parent tray and a child tray. There is also a large storage basket under the stroller for things like diaper bags and other necessities.

The five-point harness on both the stroller and infant car seat is easy to adjust with one hand, and there is a push-button release.

The car seat base features four positions so that you can adjust the infant car seat to the proper height for your little one. And the infant car seat has a multi-grip handle that is easy to hold and carry when you’re transferring your baby from the car to the stroller base.

Highlights: For easy maneuvering, the push handle is extra wide, ergonomically shaped, and foam padded. The footrest features reflectors to provide better visibility in low-light conditions.

Price*: about $132.99 on Amazon.com

Pros: It’s easy to maneuver over many different terrains with one hand, and it’s affordable.

Cons: The storage basket could be bigger and it isn’t as easy to access when your baby is in the stroller.

5. Evenflo Vive Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? Unlike the other travel system strollers that made the Pampers Parents list, the Evenflo Vive Travel System’s infant car seat has an extended weight rating of up to 35 pounds, so you can use it a bit longer than the other car seats on this list.

Eventually you will have to upgrade to a new car seat, but at least with this product it will be able to happen later.

The stroller’s 13-inch-thick EVA wheels feature shock absorption in the front, which helps make the stroller more stable.

In addition to the storage basket under the stroller base, there is a storage pocket on the back of your baby’s seat.

Highlights: The stroller features a very slim 16-inch fold, so it doesn’t take up too much space in the trunk of your car or when in storage.

Price * : about $106.99 on Amazon.com

Pros: It’s lightweight and it’s easy to move from the car to the stroller.

Cons: The wheels aren’t the best and they tend to be squeaky.

6. Baby Trend Skyline 35 Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? Although it’s not a jogging stroller, the Baby Trend Skyline features three wheels, which can help make it easier to maneuver much like a jogger-style stroller. The rear wheels are lockable for when you need to put on the brakes.

Handy features of this stroller include a handle that is adjustable to your height, and one-handed foldability.

The parent tray includes a covered compartment for storing items you may want to keep secured nearby, but there’s also an extra-large storage basket below the stroller.

The infant car seat of this travel system includes a reversible infant insert and a six-position crotch belt adjustment. The car seat base can be adjusted in four different ways with the push of a button to ensure the infant car seat is level.

Highlights: Both the car seat’s and the stroller’s canopies are made of two panels, but the stroller canopy also includes a peek-a-boo window on the front and mesh windows on the sides.

Price * : about $161.99 on Amazon.com

Pros: The price is affordable and it’s easy to fold up and open.

Cons: The buckle on the infant car seat could be easier to use.

7. Safety 1st Smooth Ride Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? Designed with travel in mind, the Safety 1st Smooth Ride makes it easy to transfer your baby’s car seat to the stroller with its QuickClick technology. Once your baby outgrows the infant car seat, you can continue to use the stroller through toddlerhood, but keep in mind that you’ll have to purchase a new car seat.

Folding the stroller is easy with the one-handed operation. Once folded, it can stand on its own without tipping over.

The rear-facing infant car seat includes head and body inserts for your newborn as well as four adjustable harness heights to help you achieve the perfect fit for your baby.

Highlights: The large stroller canopy features a flip-out visor and a mesh peek-a-boo window.

Price * : about $179.99 on Amazon.com

Pros: The stroller is easy to handle, it’s easy to travel with, and it’s affordable.

Cons: The storage basket could be bigger and the canopy could be more durable.

8. Chicco Viaro Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? The Chicco Viaro Travel System features a lightweight frame and three-wheel maneuverability, making it an appealing option if you travel a lot. The one-handed fold feature makes it even easier to handle when you’re trying to get it in and out of the trunk, and opened up and ready to go quickly.

Like many of the other strollers on this list, it includes a child tray, parent tray, and large storage basket.

The stroller also has a multi-position reclining seat, which will come in handy with your newborn, who requires the head support. There’s also an adjustable canopy and toe-tap brakes on the back wheels.

The infant car seat includes head and body supports. The car seat easily transfers from the car seat base to the stroller base for travel. Once your baby reaches the car seat's maximum height and weight recommendations, you can still keep on using the stroller through toddlerhood, but you’ll have to purchase a new car seat.

Some Pampers Parents noted they would prefer one large front wheel versus the small two-sided front wheel on the stroller for better maneuverability.

Highlights: At just 18 pounds, this is the lightest travel system stroller on our list.

Price * : about $349.99 on Amazon.com

Pros: You’ll love the versatility and portability.

Cons: The handle could be adjustable and it could use better quality wheels.

9. Evenflo Pivot Modular Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? The Evenflo Pivot Travel System was designed so that both the stroller seat and infant car seat can face either forward or backward in the stroller frame, depending on your preference. Plus, the stroller seat can be adapted and positioned horizontally as a bassinet-like carriage for strolling with your newborn.

The stroller frame features four large cruiser tires for smoother handling. There is a three-panel canopy; however, the canopy does not have mesh panels or a baby window, which some of the other models on this list offer.

The infant car seat features a four-position recline for your baby’s comfort and a unique ergonomic handle so that it can be carried in the bend of your arm.

The stroller has no child tray or parent tray, which may be a deal-breaker for some.

Highlights: This travel system includes a blanket boot, which keeps your baby’s legs warm in cold weather.

Price * : about $279.99 on Amazon.com

Pros: You’ll like the design without the expensive price tag. There’s the option of changing the direction of the seat.

Cons: It’s difficult to close the stroller with one hand. The front wheels tend to get stuck on certain surfaces.

10. Graco Trax Jogger Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? This jogging stroller from Graco features air-filled rubber tires with suspension for a very smooth ride on a variety of terrains. The single front wheel can lock in place for running, and unlock so that it can swivel for daily strolling.

The one-handed folding feature includes an automatic lock so that the stroller will remain closed and standing when stored. Keep in mind that some Pampers Parents noted that when folded the stroller is awkward to transport.

The stroller also features a safety tether that attaches to your arm as an extra layer of security to ensure the stroller can’t roll away, even when you are running. The baby seat features deluxe padding and multiple positions for your baby’s comfort and safety.

The infant car seat comes with newborn head support. It also has its own expandable canopy. The seat cushion is machine washable.

Use the infant car seat until your baby reaches the maximum weight and height limit. After that, you’ll have to purchase a new car seat. But your baby can continue to use the stroller into her toddler years.

Highlights: The stroller’s expandable canopy not only features a peek-a-boo window but also provides UV 50 sun protection.

Price * : about $201.07 on Amazon.com

Pros: You’ll love the handle adjustability and the superior suspension for jogging.

Cons: The front wheel can be problematic when it comes to steering and maneuvering, and the stroller could be easier to clean.

11. Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System

stroller travel system lightweight

Why pick this one? The manufacturer of the Evenflo Pivot Xpand Travel System claims you can configure the stroller 22 different ways, including accommodating 2 riders at the same time. This means you can use this stroller with your infant and your toddler simultaneously, for example.

This is how it works: The stroller frame features a unique slide and lock system, which allows for expansion in order to accommodate both the toddler seat and the infant car seat. You can configure each seat to face different directions. The toddler seat can also be configured to be used in infant mode.

This travel system stroller can come in handy if you have a newborn and a toddler and don’t want to commit to buying a double stroller .

Be aware that the infant car seat has a maximum weight and height limit. So, at some point your baby will outgrow it and you’ll have to upgrade to a new car seat. But you’ll be able to use the stroller portion of the travel system into toddlerhood.

The storage basket underneath can expand to over two feet long and is accessible from the front and back.

Highlights: The seat pad can be machine-washed in cold water and placed in the dryer on low. When folded, the stroller can stand on its own even with the toddler seat attached.

Price*: about $322.22 on Amazon.com

Pros: The combination of features, the multiple configurations, and the design without the expense.

Cons: There is no infant tray or parent tray. The wheels tend to make steering tricky and can get stuck sometimes.

Features to Consider When Buying a Travel System Stroller

When it comes to choosing a travel system stroller, here are some important things to consider:

JPMA safety seal. Make sure your stroller and infant car seat combo meets strict U.S. safety standards. It’s worth checking to see if the product has been recalled . Look for a seal on the packaging that shows that the manufacturer participates in the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association’s (JPMA) certification program.

Secure harness. A five-point harness is standard for most strollers and infant car seats. Experts say it’s the safest option because it secures your baby over his shoulders, at the waist, and between the legs. Secured this way, he can’t slide out, fall out, or climb out. The straps should be easily adjustable and easy for you to use, but difficult (or even impossible) for your baby to unfasten himself.

Recline function. This will be important when you’re using the stroller or infant car seat with your newborn. Newborns don’t have the ability to sit up or hold their heads up, so you’ll want to make sure your newborn is in a comfortable reclined position to prevent his head from flopping forward.

Easy-to-open-and-close stroller. Opening or folding a stroller with one hand can be a blessing, especially when you’re holding your baby in your other arm. A stroller that remains upright when folded can also come in handy when storing.

Easy-to-install car seat. Some infant car seats may be easier to install than others. Most feature a LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) system in the car seat base, which can make it a lot easier to install. The infant car seat clicks into the base, and it’s easy to remove and attach to the stroller base. If you plan to transfer the car seat from car to car, it can be beneficial to have one that has an easy-to-install car seat base, or you could consider buying an additional car seat base for the other car. To make sure that the car seat is correctly installed, you might consult a certified Child Passenger Safety Technician .

Protective canopy. Being able to keep your baby shaded from the sun and covered in case of bad weather will be important. Canopies come in a range of sizes and styles. Some provide nearly full coverage of the front of the stroller. If that’s the style that interests you, make sure it has mesh panels, which can help keep your baby at a comfortable temperature. You can also consider a model that has a plastic window so that your baby can see out and you can see in. If this feature is not included in the stroller you like, you can often purchase it separately. Most infant car seats will also have a canopy, but these often don’t have the peek-a-boo window features or mesh panels of a stroller’s canopy.

Suitable stroller wheels. Larger wheels make maneuvering the stroller much easier. You’ll want a stroller that has lockable front swiveling wheels, as this makes it easier to go over a variety of terrains. Air-filled tires provide a smooth ride, but need to be pumped up occasionally. Foam-filled tires provide the same smooth ride but don’t need refilling. Many strollers include a suspension system with shock absorbers to make the ride even smoother. It’s best to avoid strollers with tiny plastic wheels as these can make the stroller bounce around a bit.

Roomy storage. Having a large storage basket underneath the stroller can come in handy for stashing your handbag, diaper bag , and any other necessities. Some stroller models may feature dividers or zippered pockets for storing valuables. The basket should be accessible even when the infant car seat is in place or fully reclined. The storage basket should be strong enough so that it doesn’t drag on the ground once filled with your items.

Good brakes. Most strollers have foot-activated brakes that are controlled by either a single foot bar at the rear of the stroller, or a pedal above each of the rear wheels. Some models come with a hand-operated lever near the handlebar.

Comfortable and adjustable handlebars. You may want to look for a stroller with padded handles that can be adjusted to suit your height. Some strollers have two separate handles instead of a single handlebar.

Easy-to-clean fabric and upholstery. Some stroller and infant car seat manufacturers have layered seat fabrics that can be removed as needed. For example, a breathable mesh seat for summer can be layered with a cushioned one for winter. Choose a travel system that is easy to clean. Some include seat covers that are removable and machine washable; others offer stain-resistant fabrics that are easy to wipe down.

Size and fit. Before selecting an infant car seat, it’s a good idea to measure your car’s back seat to ensure the car seat will fit. It’s also smart to check the size of your trunk to ensure the stroller will fit once it’s folded.

Safety Considerations When Using Your Travel System Stroller

Once you’ve chosen the best travel system for you and your baby, here are some safety tips to keep in mind as you use both the car seat and stroller:

Don’t leave your baby alone or unattended in the stroller or in the infant car seat.

Be sure to use your stroller’s brakes to lock the wheels before placing your baby in the stroller, and whenever you have stopped with the stroller.

Always check your automobile’s instruction manual and the infant car seat’s guidelines for information on the safe installation of the infant car seat. Do not use any additional straps that aren’t part of the travel system to install the car seat.

Remember that the safest place for your baby to ride in a car is the back seat, with the infant car seat facing the rear until she’s at least 2 years old or exceeds the manufacturer's maximum weight and height limits. After that you can upgrade to a new front-facing car seat .

Don’t hang heavy items like hand bags, tote bags, or diaper bags from the stroller handles. The weight can cause the stroller to tip backward. Instead use the storage areas under the stroller.

Watch out for your baby’s fingers when using the stroller so she doesn’t get them caught in the wheels or the hinges of the stroller’s folding parts. Also, make sure that your baby can’t reach the brake lever.

After placing your little one in the stroller or the infant car seat, be sure to always use the five-point harness so that she is properly secured whenever she’s riding in the stroller or in the car. The harness straps should be at or under your baby’s shoulders and the chest clip should be at armpit level. You know the harness is tight enough when you can’t pinch any strap fabric at your baby’s shoulders.

Don’t use the car seat or stroller as a substitute for your baby's crib, which is the safest place for your little one to sleep. You might be tempted to allow your baby to finish a nap in the car seat, but doing so can lead to the development of a flat spot on the back of your baby’s head, cause acid reflux or GERD , and affect her breathing.

If you decide to attach toys to the stroller, make sure they’re securely fastened so they won’t fall on your baby. Remove these toys as soon as your baby can sit or reach them.

If your stroller has a cup holder, make sure never to use it for hot drinks, which could accidentally spill on your baby.

In hot weather, don’t leave the stroller in the sun as it can cause the plastic and metal parts to get hot. Check that the stroller isn’t hot before putting your baby inside. The same goes for the infant car seat. If you plan to leave your car in a parking lot for long hours during hot weather, consider covering the car seat with a towel to prevent it from getting too hot. Always check the car seat isn’t hot before placing your baby in it.

Be sure to mail back the warranty card to the travel system stroller’s manufacturer so that you’ll be notified in case there’s a recall.

A travel system can be a wonderful way to move your baby from the car to stroller and back again with ease. And it has the added benefit of being useful once your little one is into her toddler years. We hope that Pampers Parents’ insights have helped make your buying decision a little bit easier.

If you’re still in the process of compiling a baby shower registry , why not add the travel system of your choice to the list?

Recall Notice

Before buying a product, always check that it’s approved and hasn’t been recalled on sites like the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

*Prices are correct at the time of writing.

How We Got These Results

We surveyed thousands of parents in the Pampers Community and asked them to choose the products they love the most, and to share their views on specific products and product categories. Based on the survey responses, we have taken the top product picks and added our own research to create this article. The aim is to help you choose the right product for you and your family. We might receive commissions on purchases made from the links in this article, but the products featured are the Pampers Community’s top choices.

  • AAP p. 494,496-498,503-504
  • Consumer Reports: Stroller Buying Guide
  • Kids Health: Choosing Safe Baby Products: Strollers
  • Mayo Clinic: Stroller Safety: Tips for parents

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trvl™ + pipa™ urbn travel system

A lightweight travel system where innovative safety and sleek luxury features combine into a compact package that moves you and baby seamlessly through the city. The Nuna PIPA urbn reimagines the future of travel with baby. This one-of-a-kind, ultra-lightweight infant car seat weighs only 7 pounds* and installs using the advanced pipaFIX™ rigid latch. This groundbreaking baseless installation feature is integrated into the car seat, allowing for super secure installs in seconds when moving from car to taxi, to rideshare and offering a new generation of journeys. It also features a one-handed, quick release from stroller and vehicle and Nuna’s iconic Sky drape™ for ultimate privacy - so you and baby can navigate life with modern-day ease. The super-compact Nuna TRVL stroller with one-handed self-fold is only 13.6 pounds, making it easy to carry with the armbar when folded or store away in the carry bag that’s included. Its progressive front and rear-wheel suspension technology provides smooth strolls for baby, while the one-handed steering makes it a cinch to maneuver through even the liveliest of city streets. It is designed to effortlessly connect with the PIPA urbn with just a click, making your day-to-day so much easier. *Without canopy and insert

  • Luxury features for city and travel meet lightweight convenience
  • Self-folding stroller opens and closes with one hand
  • Free standing compact fold
  • MagneTech Secure Snap™, a self-guiding magnetic buckle that automatically locks into place
  • 2-second steel-reinforced pipaFIX™ rigid latch installation makes set up swift, simple and above all - safe
  • Ultralight for on-the-go at just 7 lbs
  • Travel with ease with pipaFIX™ or vehicle seat belt- no base needed
  • One-handed vehicle and stroller release for quick and easy in-and-outs
  • Ultra-lightweight and easy to carry with the arm bar when folded
  • Go hands free with the carry bag that’s included
  • One-hand, multi-position recline and adjustable calf support for added comfort
  • Progressive front and rear-wheel suspension technology provides a smooth ride
  • One-handed steering and exceptional maneuverability make it a dream to push and turn
  • Water repellent, easy to clean, UPF 50+ canopy provides both coverage and multiple windows
  • Quick-release, no-rethread five-point harness for easy adjustments
  • Luxe leatherette accented pushbar and armbar lend style to your strolls
  • Quick release wheels make for an even more compact fold
  • Simple, one-touch, rear-wheel braking system
  • The removable and rotating armbar fits kids of all sizes
  • Front swivel wheels with swivel locks
  • Easy access basket for storing on-the-go essentials
  • GREENGUARD Gold Certified: Products that have achieved GREENGUARD Gold Certification are scientifically proven to meet some of the world's most rigorous third-party chemical emissions standards, and certified to not contribute to indoor air pollution or chemical exposure
  • Auto-reclining foot that aids in proper installations in vehicles
  • European belt path for vehicle belt installations
  • Aeroflex™ foam that is cleverly lightweight, resilient, and minimizes force transferred to baby by absorbing and diffusing energy
  • Side Impact Protection for ultimate baby safe keeping
  • Five-point harness keeps travels secure
  • Sky drape™ pulls down smoothly and attaches quietly with magnets
  • Full-coverage UPF 50+ canopy is extendable and features a flip-out eyeshade and XL peek-a-boo window
  • From fabric to foam and beyond, each element is smartly sourced to be both flame resistant and contain no added fire-retardant chemicals
  • Integrated magnetic buckle holders help keep straps out of the way when buckling baby in
  • Head support includes a 2-layer soft surround to accommodate smaller babies
  • Infant head support and body inserts feature environmentally friendly Merino wool and TENCEL™ *** branded lyocell fiber blend that is soft, naturally controls moisture, and is environmentally friendly
  • Machine washable seat fabrics and inserts
  • Luxe leatherette carry handle for stylish journeys
  • FAA certified for aircraft use
  • All installation types are baseless- no base needed
  • Not compatible with PIPA™ series base or RELX™ base
  • Set of included anchor guides make it easy to locate and install on the lower anchor bars in vehicle
  • *Refer to instructions for any final adjustments **Weight excludes canopy and infant insert ***TENCEL™ is a trademark of Lenzing AG

Product specifications

TRVL Up to 50 lbs

Weight: 13.6 lbs without canopy and arm bar (canopy and armbar approx. 1 lb) Stroller dimensions: L 32.5 x W 20.25 x H 44 in Stroller dimensions (folded) L 24* x W 20.25 x H 11 in (*with arm bar removed) PIPA urbn 4 to 22 lbs, and up to 29 in Weight: 7 lbs without canopy and inserts (canopy and insert approx. 2 lb) Car seat dimensions: L 25 x W 17.5 x H 22 in

Q: Can the PIPA urbn be installed with a base?

Q: when will pipa urbn be available as a stand-alone, q: can you take the trvl on an airplane.

Modern rides, reimagined

Steel-reinforced pipaFIX rigid latches

Full-Size Travel Systems

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Jogging Travel Systems

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  • FastAction™
  • Modes™
  • Modes™ Nest2Grow™
  • Outpace™
  • Premier™
  • Verb™

Stroller Type

  • Jogging Strollers

stroller travel system lightweight

A stroller that comes with an infant car seat and infant car seat base included

  • Full-Size Strollers

Stroller Usage

  • All-Terrain


  • Car Seat Compatible
  • Standing Fold
  • Removable Tray

stroller travel system lightweight

The stroller can be folded using only one-hand, providing on-the-go convenience

  • Expandable Canopy
  • Carry Cot Compatible
  • One-Touch Brakes
  • Removable Child's Tray

stroller travel system lightweight

The Slide2Me™ height-adjustable seat can easily be adjusted to 3 height positions to bring baby closer to you for face-to-face smiles and close-up interactions

  • Water Repellant Canopy
  • Infant Pramette Mode
  • Adjustable Footrest

stroller travel system lightweight

Suspension helps provide a smoother and more comfortable ride for baby

  • Reclining Seat


  • Front Lock Wheels
  • Rubber Tires
  • Carry Handle
  • Fixed-Seating

stroller travel system lightweight

With reversible seating, also known as modular seating, you can attach the seat rear-facing or foward-facing on the stroller. With this versatility, your little can face you or face the world!

  • Grows with Family
  • Locking Front Swivel Wheels

Car Seat Installation

The LATCH system allows you to securely install your car seat by connecting the lower anchor connectors built into your car seat to the lower anchors built into your vehicle. This is an installation method that does not require the vehicle seat belt.

  • Level Indicator Tooltip Tooltip Tooltip Tooltip Indicates the correct recline angle during car seat installation. Recline must be upright enough to protect baby during crash and reclined enough so that baby can breathe comfortably Close
  • Adjustable Recline
  • Adjustable Base
  • SnugLock Installation Technology

stroller travel system lightweight

Carry handle adjusts with one hand to make getting baby in and out easy

stroller travel system lightweight

Provides an additional layer of rear-facing safety by limiting rotation of the seat and your child in the event of an impact.

Modes™ Nest2Grow™ Travel System

Make every outing with your baby special with Graco® travel systems. Our travel system is designed to maximize safety and comfort so you can enjoy your trips with your little one without the hassle. With our matching stroller and car seat combo, we provide both compact stroller and full-size stroller designs that include adjustable systems to make mobility easier for mom or dad. The adjustable base ensures a secure car seat installation in the car so you always have peace of mind when out and about with Graco® travel systems, no trip will ever be too much trouble!

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Rookie Moms

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The 9 Best Travel Stroller Systems in 2023

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stroller travel system lightweight

What is a travel stroller system? Well basically, it is just a stroller and car seat duo. Rather than purchasing each piece separately, you will get the stroller, infant car seat, and car seat base in a bundle.

We used a travel system stroller for each of our kids when they were infants. I have to say, it is totally worth it. It is so nice when you have a sleeping baby to easily transfer them to the stroller. All you have to do is get the car seat out of the car and pop it into the stroller where it will securely click in. We want to make finding the right fit for you as easy as possible, so we’ve broken down all the details. Let’s take a look at the best travel stroller systems!

The Best Travel Stroller Systems

Breaking Down What You Need to Know About Travel System Stroller and Car Seat Duos

best travel stroller system

Travel system strollers have multiple components:

  • Bassinet (*only some travel systems will include this piece)

The best travel system strollers have two main components, the car seat, and the stroller. Most systems discuss the stroller specifics as that’s the piece you will use longest, but you should also look into the car seat specifications before deciding on a system.

The Car Seat

When looking to purchase a travel system stroller there are a few things to think about when it comes to the car seat. Most importantly, you should know that the car seat will likely be for rear-facing infants only. If you would prefer a convertible car seat , then a travel system may not be the best fit for you.

As a new parent, you will inevitably be lugging around a baby car seat because babies sleep all the time. Being able to place the car seat into a stroller is the perfect solution. With a travel stroller system, you can rest easy that your car seat will pop right into your stroller safely and easily since they are made for each other.

 If you need further guidance on choosing the right car seat, we can help you out with that here!

Travel System Stroller

The Stroller

While the car seat is very age specific, the stroller typically can be used beyond the car seat age. This is something to consider because you may want to use the stroller after your baby has grown beyond the infant car seat. If you’re looking to buy just one stroller but don’t mind upgrading your car seat as needed a travel system stroller may be a good option.

The components or specifics of the stroller should also be considered before finalizing your purchase.

Other stroller components to consider are:

  • Storage : Most have a basket for bottom storage but may also include an option to hang the diaper bag. For days when you will be out for a while, this storage becomes very important.
  • Cupholders : Most come with cupholders, either in the handle or attached. You will want these for bottles, sippy cups, and the occasional coffee of yours that makes it out the door before cold.
  • Flexibility or adjustable seating : Some seats can fold down, or carry two children at once. If you have other children or plan to, it is smart to look into attachment options for the system you choose, like standing boards.
  • Ease of travel:  Consider how the stroller breaks down to travel with, the overall weight, and how easy it is to use. No matter how cool it is or what unique features are included, if you can’t easily use it there’s no reason to have it. Parenthood is hard enough!

9 Best Travel Stroller Systems

travel system strollers

UPPAbaby Vista V2 + Mesa Infant Car Seat Travel System – Our Top Overall Pick

If you are looking to splurge on the very best travel stroller system, you have to check out the UPPAbaby Vista V2 and Mesa Infant Car Seat travel system.  The Vista V2 stroller, bassinet, and Mesa Infant Car Seat make up this gorgeous and high-end set. You will be getting a great stroller that is built for the long run + an easy to clip in & highly rated car seat.

The stroller can recline completely flat, which comes in handy with a small baby if you are going for a walk and don’t feel that the car seat is necessary. Not to mention the bassinet attachment that is perfect for newborns and the toddler seat which can face forward or towards you! The stroller also folds up with one easy step.

As for longevity, the Vista V2 stroller can be converted to grow alongside your family by adding on accessories like the Piggyback Ride Along Board and additional seat attachments.

Make sure to check out all the beautiful colors this stroller comes in to find one that is uniquely you!

Weight & Age Restrictions:

  • Car Seat Age Range: 4-35 lbs
  • Stroller Age Range: Newborn up to 50 lbs per seat

stroller travel system lightweight

Nuna Tavo & Pipa RX – Best Lightweight Travel Stroller System

This luxury set comes with the multimode TAVO stroller, a PIPA RX infant car seat, and a base. Nuna is all about clean lines and the ingenuity of Dutch design, which clearly carries over into this timeless stroller set. This set is very lightweight and folds up nearly flat for storage. This is a durable stroller that you will get use out of for many years!

Getting the car seat in and out of the stroller is a breeze, so you won’t risk waking up your sweet babe. The canopy provides 50+ UPF sun protection, the seat is very easy to recline for those toddler years, and there is a good amount of storage underneath.

  • Car Seat Age Range: 4-32 lbs
  • Stroller Age Range: Up to 50 lbs

best travel stroller system

Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System – Best Bang for Your Buck

The Chicco Bravo Trio includes the Key Fit 30 infant car seat, the base, and the Bravo stroller. This car seat is extremely popular and definitely a Rookie Mom Favorite! The stroller features a completely removable seat, making it very easy to pop the car seat right into the frame. Then, when you put the seat back in, it is converted to a traditional stroller.

As for ease, you can fold the stroller with one hand, there are auto-positioning wheels, and it self-stands when in its compact position. From mom to mom, this self-standing thing is a pretty big deal. It means you can get your little one out, put them safely in the car, and then come back to put your stroller away at the very end without worrying about it sitting on the dirty ground.

There’s also a parent tray on top with cupholders and storage space perfect for your phone. This travel stroller system really has it all at a great price tag! 

Weight & Age Restrictions: 50 lb rider weight limit

  • Car Seat Age Range: 4-35 lbs and Up to 32″ tall

evenflo pivot travel system stroller

Evenflo Pivot Modular Travel System – Best Grow with Me Option

The Evenflo Pivot Modular Travel System includes the Safemax infant car seat, the SafeMax base, and the Sibby stroller. First off, the car seat fits right in the stroller seat making it very easy to convert back and forth. The stroller is also very easy to fold and store. It has an oversized bottom basket for storage that is accessible from both the front and the rear.

All around, this stroller is sleek and built for convenience. And I forgot to mention, every component is super lightweight! At this low price point, this is one of the best budget buys you can make as a parent.

best travel stroller system

  • Stroller Age Range: Newborn to 5 years

stroller travel system lightweight

Evenflo Pivot Xpand Modular Travel System – Best for Moms of 2 or More

Don’t worry, the best travel system strollers are not just for moms of one! The Evenflo Pivot has a unique system that allows you to transport two children at once. The SafeMax car seat, base, toddler seat, and stroller frame are all included in the system. This stroller has a whopping 22 different configurations. This gives you the freedom to customize the stroller to your needs, with parent-facing options and a deep recline. It can be used as a single or double stroller and everything in between.

The extra large storage basket expands to give you two feet of storage. This is incredibly nice when you’ve got 2+ kids tagging along and need to bring all their gear. Amazingly, the stroller still folds into a compact size and the lightweight frame makes it easy to maneuver and travel with.

  • Stroller Age Range: Up to 55 lbs

britax travel stroller system

Britax B-Free Sport & B-Safe Gen2 Flexfit+ – Best Travel System Jogger

This system comes with the B-Safe Gen2 FlexFit Plus infant car seat and base, B-Free Sport Stroller,  and adapters. The car seat has a steel frame and a shock absorbing base to provide your baby with maximum safety. The stroller has a three-wheel jogger design, which can be hard to find as a travel system. The handlebar is super easy to adjust along with the ability to fold the stroller with just one hand.

Another big bonus is the amount of storage with the huge basket and great storage pockets! You will definitely be able to bring everything you need along with you. 

  • Car Seat Age Range: Up to 35 lbs
  • Stroller Age Range: Up to 65 lbs

best travel system stroller

Graco FastAction Fold Travel System – Easy to Use Design

The Graco FastAction Fold system comes with a SnugRide Click Connect 30 car seat and a lightweight stroller. This is another extremely popular and highly rated car seat. As for the stroller, it stands out among competitors with its FastAction fold system that collapses the unit in a few seconds. Talk about taking ease to a new level! The stroller is light, collapses with one hand and stands on its own for storage.

This stroller was designed with older children in mind as well. The seat is adjustable and reclines for a comfortable ride. The extra large storage basket and parent tray with cup holders make this a great all-around travel stroller system.

Weight & Age Restrictions: 

stroller travel system lightweight

Safety 1st Smooth Ride Travel System – Great for Travel

The Safety 1st Smooth Ride Travel Stroller System includes the onBoard 35 LT infant car seat with the base and compatible stroller. The QuickClick LATCH system secures the car seat to the stroller quickly and securely. You will find that the visor on the car seat along with the visor on the stroller provides great sun protection. Some other features I love are the super agile wheels, the 5-point harness on the stroller component, and the perfectly sized storage basket.

The entire system was designed with the priority of having lightweight components easy to travel with. This being said they made sure to create a stroller that is also easy to collapse with one hand. This is a great simple & complete travel system.

Graco Modes Nest Travel System

Graco Modes Nest Travel System

I have been thoroughly impressed by this stroller! The Graco Modes Nest Travel System offers numerous high-end features while still remaining affordable. It comes with the Graco Modes Nest stroller base, toddler seat, the Graco SnugRide 35 Lite Elite Infant Car Seat, and car seat base.

graco modes nest review

The standout feature of the Graco Modes Nest Travel System is its versatile configurations, allowing it to function as an infant car seat, Pramette (bassinet), or regular toddler stroller. It effortlessly adapts as your baby grows, with seamless transitions between modes. Switching the toddler seat from forward-facing to rear-facing was surprisingly effortless, and attaching the car seat to the base was also a breeze. All of these modes remind me a lot of the Uppababy Vista! You can find my full review of this travel system here.

Weight & Age Restrictions: 

  • Infant Car Seat Age Range: 4-35 lbs
  • Stroller Age Range: Up to 50 Lbs

Here’s Why We Think New Parents Need a Travel Stroller System

Travel system strollers are ideal because they give you easy mobility with a small infant. Your baby cannot sit in a regular stroller until they can sit up on their own. For most babies, this is around 5-7 months old. Until then they either need to be laid back completely flat, placed in a bassinet, or be in a car seat that is part of a travel stroller system. Of course, there is always the option to carry them or wear them but this ties up your hands and becomes super difficult as they put on those baby rolls.

The travel stroller system is one of the best options out there because you get everything you need for your newborn all in one. Then, as a bonus, you get to continue using the stroller even after they have long outgrown their rear-facing car seat.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the top rated stroller travel system?

Best Overall- UPPAbaby Vista V2 + Mesa Infant Car Seat Travel System Best Bang for Your Buck- Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System Best Lightweight Travel System- Nuna Tavo & Pipa RX

What is the lightest stroller travel system?

Our favorite light weight stroller travel system is the Nuna Tavo & Pipa RX. This set is very lightweight and folds up nearly flat for storage.

Why is UPPAbaby so popular?

UPPAbaby makes great strollers that are built for the long run, easy to use, and are made of high-end materials.

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Pin for Later- The 9 Best Travel System Strollers!

stroller travel system lightweight

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Ynetnews.com Products Reviews

CYBEX Libelle 2 Review: Compact & Lightweight Stroller

Marina S

CYBEX Libelle 2 stroller recently had the opportunity to test out and was intrigued by its compact and lightweight design. Here is my review of this travel-friendly stroller.

Upon receiving the Cybex Libelle 2, I was impressed by its ease of use and portability. I took it on a test run on different terrains and found that it maneuvered smoothly and effortlessly. The stroller’s compact fold and lightweight structure made it convenient for everyday errands and travel adventures. The sun canopy provided ample coverage, and the overall sturdiness of the stroller instilled confidence in its durability.

Airplane Approved – Compact and lightweight for long travel:

CYBEX Libelle 2

Having a compact and lightweight stroller can make all the difference when it comes to traveling with young children. The Cybex Libelle 2 stroller is a perfect choice for on-the-go families looking for convenience and ease of transportation. Weighing only around 14 pounds and folding up to a small size, this stroller is designed to fit in airplane overhead compartments, making it a hassle-free option for air travel. Its portability and easy maneuverability make it a solid choice for parents who are always on the move.Product reviews:

Maximizing Comfort with CYBEX Libelle 2’s Ergonomic Design

CYBEX Libelle 2

Not just for its compact size, but also for its ergonomic design that ensures maximum comfort for your child during travel, the CYBEX Libelle 2 stands out. The seat pad made from high-quality polyester fiber and polyurethane foam offers a soft and supportive space for your little one to enjoy the ride. The thoughtful design considers the natural posture of toddlers, making the CYBEX Libelle 2 a top choice for parents who prioritize their child’s comfort and well-being.

Additionally, the adjustable sun canopy with UPF 50+ protection is a testament to the brand’s commitment to safety and comfort. This feature ensures that your child is not only shielded from harmful UV rays but also enjoys a well-ventilated space, making the CYBEX Libelle 2 ideal for outdoor adventures in all weather conditions.

Exploring the Versatility of CYBEX Libelle 2’s Travel System

CYBEX Libelle 2

Its versatility as a travel system is one of the CYBEX Libelle 2’s most lauded features. By allowing parents to attach any CYBEX infant car seat directly to the frame, the stroller becomes an all-in-one mobility solution for families on the go. This seamless integration not only saves space but also reduces the hassle of transferring your child from car seat to stroller, making trips more enjoyable for both parent and child.

The included adapters, which are designed specifically for the CYBEX car seats, highlight the brand’s attention to detail and commitment to creating a cohesive, user-friendly travel system. Whether you’re navigating city streets or boarding a plane, the CYBEX Libelle 2 ensures that your travel needs are covered with style and efficiency.

CYBEX Libelle 2: A Closer Look at Durability and Build Quality

CYBEX Libelle 2

Durability and build quality are paramount when it comes to choosing a travel stroller. The CYBEX Libelle 2 excels in both departments, thanks to its robust aluminum frame and high-quality fabric components. The stroller’s materials are chosen not only for their strength but also for their lightweight properties, ensuring that the stroller can withstand the rigors of travel without weighing you down.

Parents will appreciate the stroller’s resilience against wear and tear, a common concern for items that are frequently used and transported. The machine-washable fabrics further add to the CYBEX Libelle 2’s appeal, ensuring that the stroller remains clean and fresh, no matter where your adventures take you.

Navigating Urban Landscapes with the CYBEX Libelle 2

CYBEX Libelle 2

The design of the CYBEX Libelle 2 is not just about convenience; it’s also about maneuverability in the urban landscape. Its compact fold and lightweight frame make it an ideal companion for busy city parents who need to navigate crowded sidewalks, public transport, and small spaces. The stroller’s agility is complemented by its smooth-riding wheels, ensuring a comfortable ride for your child even on uneven city streets.

Moreover, the stroller’s capacity to fold into a compact, self-standing unit in seconds is a game-changer for parents on the move. Whether you’re hopping on a subway or grabbing a coffee, the CYBEX Libelle 2 adapts to the fast-paced urban environment, making it the ultimate travel companion for modern families.

Unpacking the Value of CYBEX Libelle 2 for New Parents


The CYBEX Libelle 2 offers an unparalleled mix of quality, convenience, and style for new parents venturing into the world of baby gear. This stroller not only meets the practical needs of a growing family but also caters to the aesthetic preferences of parents looking for sleek, modern design. The thoughtful integration of features such as UPF 50+ sun protection, compatibility with CYBEX car seats, and carry-on compliance for air travel, positions the CYBEX Libelle 2 as a top-tier choice for new parents.

In addition to its functional benefits, the CYBEX Libelle 2’s positive user reviews and high rating underscore its value in the eyes of consumers. Parents looking for a travel stroller that doesn’t compromise on safety, comfort, or style will find the CYBEX Libelle 2 to be a worthwhile investment for their family.

  • Ultra compact and lightweight, making it perfect for travel and easy to carry, especially for air travel as it’s carry-on luggage compliant.
  • Compatible with CYBEX car seats, allowing parents to create a seamless travel system for convenience.
  • Features a UPF 50+ sun canopy, offering excellent protection against the sun for babies and toddlers.
  • Only compatible with CYBEX infant car seats, limiting options for parents who already own car seats of different brands.
  • Some users find the stroller’s handle too light, making it prone to tipping if too much pressure is applied without a child seated.
  • Lacks a built-in carry strap or case for the folded stroller, making it slightly awkward to carry when not in use.

In conclusion, the Cybex Libelle 2 is a solid choice for parents seeking a compact and lightweight stroller for both everyday use and travel. Its practical features, such as the airplane carry-on compliance and compatibility with Cybex car seats, make it a versatile option for busy parents on the go. I would recommend this stroller to anyone in need of a reliable and convenient solution for their child transportation needs.

Questions & Answers:

Question: Can the CYBEX Libelle 2 Stroller fit into the overhead compartment on all airplanes?

Answer: Yes, the CYBEX Libelle 2 is designed to be ultra compact and lightweight, fitting into overhead bins or under the seat in front of you, making it airplane carry-on compliant.

Question: Is the seat pad and harness covers machine washable?

Answer: Absolutely! The seat pad and harness covers are made from materials that can be machine washed separately in cold water on a delicate cycle, making cleanup a breeze.

Question: Does the stroller come with a car seat adapter?

Answer: Yes, the stroller includes adapters that allow you to attach any CYBEX infant car seat to the frame, creating a convenient travel system without needing to purchase additional accessories.

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The Best Lightweight Umbrella Strollers to Make Traveling a Breeze

Posted: April 1, 2024 | Last updated: April 1, 2024

<p>When I had my son 15 years ago, umbrella strollers were all the rage. Maclaren strollers (no longer available in U.S.) were right up there with Bugaboo for the <a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/parenting/baby/g1529/best-baby-strollers-reviews/">best baby strollers</a> on New York City streets. As the years have passed, so has the era of the umbrella stroller — or so I thought. While there certainly are nowhere near as many umbrella strollers available as there were in their heyday, parents are still on the hunt for these handy, easy-to-fold strollers. So, I tested a dozen models out there to find the best lightweight umbrella strollers and found just five worthy of recommendation. </p><h2 class="body-h2">Best Umbrella Strollers</h2><ul><li><strong>Best Overall:</strong> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XZ1RXRK?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">UppaBaby Minu V2</a></li><li><strong>Best Budget: </strong><a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NMYWL63?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Summer Infant 3D Lite</a></li><li><strong>Best Bassinet Ready:</strong> <a href="https://go.redirectingat.com?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcolugo.com%2Fproducts%2Fcompact-stroller&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestproducts.com%2Fparenting%2Fg76%2Fbest-lightweight-umbrella-strollers%2F">Colugo Compact</a></li><li><strong>Best Fold:</strong> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B729KDCM?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Cybex Libelle</a></li><li><strong>Good to Go From Birth: </strong><a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NFTR2H2?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Joovy Kooper Lightweight </a></li></ul><h2 class="body-h2">Why You Need an Umbrella Stroller</h2><p>The best lightweight umbrella strollers make fantastic <a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/lifestyle/g30392222/top-travel-essentials/">travel gifts</a> for families (right up there with a new set of <a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/lifestyle/g43827891/best-hard-shell-luggage/">hard shell luggage</a>) because they minimize a lot of stress. Family going on a fun <a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/lifestyle/a44185833/how-to-plan-a-trip-disney-world/">Disney</a> vacay? Get them one of these. After all, something that turns into a compact square is easier to stash than something that folds up into a rather large umbrella. They're also much better for travel as many fit in an overhead compartment. Not to mention, they've been vastly improved over the years, according to <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-mullins-8617b99">Jenn Mullins</a>, UPPAbaby VP of Product Marketing, maker of our Best Overall pick. </p><p>"We expanded our stroller offering to include a travel-friendly stroller as we found an increase of parents traveling more than ever with their kids," Mullins says. "This includes multi-generational trips with grandparents and in-laws... We strive to provide solutions for families in the best way possible based on their lifestyle choices. This resulted in developing the Minu, a compact-folding stroller that is lightweight but doesn’t compromise on essential features." As someone who has parents who have used both their Vista and their Minu, the Minu is drastically easier for older folx to maneuver.</p><p>After this innovation, other brands started following the trend of easy-traveling strollers that work with the same premise of light and simple to fold, but improve upon the original umbrella strollers. </p><h2 class="body-h2">How We Chose</h2><p>I put each stroller on this list to the test. I walked at least 6 miles straight and then completed four more hours of testing. I checked out different terrains, in different weather, with different children. I tested with a 1-year-old, an 18-month-old, and a 3-year-old. Some of the strollers I tested, such as the <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Unilove-Lightweight-Reclinable-Reversible-Adjustable/dp/B096Z7JG1K?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Unilove On-The-Go</a>, were OK for younger kids, but impossible for older toddlers. And the majority of the cheaper umbrella strollers (the ones you see hanging on racks at big box stores for $20) weren't comfortable for the rider or the person pushing it, making you hunch over, and making the little passenger grumpy for lack of cushion or support. They're not adjustable in any way, and there's no meaningful sun protection. And unfortunately, the two <a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/parenting/baby/g129/best-double-strollers-tandem-side/">double strollers</a> I tested were bad all around, so these are all single models.</p><p>You may be wondering with so many lightweight strollers such as the <a href="https://go.redirectingat.com?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstore-us.babyzen.com%2Fpages%2Fyoyo2-stroller-birth&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestproducts.com%2Fparenting%2Fg76%2Fbest-lightweight-umbrella-strollers%2F">Babyzen Yoyo</a> and the <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Bugaboo-Butterfly-Ultra-Compact-Stroller-Lightweight/dp/B0B1QRC69X?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Bugaboo Butterfly</a>, what makes these different? The best lightweight umbrella strollers on this list are the easiest to fold. Others take a bit of learning, and even after you know how to do it, in a stressful situation, might still vex you. These top-picked umbrella strollers won't do that because they're actually easier to fold than a rain umbrella. Seriously. </p><h2 class="body-h2">What To Consider</h2><p>The best lightweight umbrella strollers theoretically are feather-like and fold like an <a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/lifestyle/g42861301/best-umbrellas/">umbrella</a>. Some take it a step further and make the fold even more compact, and that's great. But the main points you want to consider are: weight limits, folding mechanism, adjustability, and canopy. </p><ul><li><strong>Weight Limits:</strong> Most of the best lightweight umbrella strollers have about a 50-pound weight limit, and usually a 10- or so-pound limit for the cargo space. Pay attention to these as it's easy to throw way more than you should underneath. </li><li><strong>Folding Mechanism: </strong>If you can't fold or unfold the model in a matter of seconds, skip it because it does not pass the test as an umbrella stroller. Strollers on this list fold typically collapse sideways into a long "umbrella" shape, fold themselves into a tight package, often with the wheels folding in, or fold down flat, with all the main components shrinking significantly. The ease with which they do this is crucial, and all of the strollers on our list are a cinch.</li><li><strong>Adjustability:</strong> Does the seat recline at all? Can the handles be raised or moved? The former is essential for the comfort of the rider, the latter is essential for taller caregivers. </li><li><strong>Canopy: </strong>All of the strollers on this list have a UPF 50+ rated canopy because the sun is no joke. </li></ul><p>If you want the most reliable, best lightweight umbrella strollers, check out my expert picks below. </p>

When I had my son 15 years ago, umbrella strollers were all the rage. Maclaren strollers (no longer available in the U.S.) were right up there with Bugaboo for the best baby strollers on New York City streets. As the years have passed, so has the era of the umbrella stroller — or so I thought. While there certainly are nowhere near as many umbrella strollers available as there were in their heyday, parents are still on the hunt for these handy, easy-to-fold strollers. So, I tested a dozen models out there to find the best lightweight umbrella strollers and found just five worthy of recommendation.

Best Umbrella Strollers

  • Best Overall: UppaBaby Minu V2
  • Best Budget: Summer Infant 3D Lite
  • Best Fold: Cybex Libelle
  • Best Age Range: Joovy Kooper Lightweight
  • Best Bassinet Ready: Colugo Compact

Why You Need an Umbrella Stroller

The best lightweight umbrella strollers make fantastic travel gifts for families (right up there with a new set of hard shell luggage ) because they minimize a lot of stress. Family going on a fun Disney vacay? Get them one of these. After all, something that turns into a compact square is easier to stash than something that folds up into a rather large umbrella. They're also much better for travel as many fit in an overhead compartment. Not to mention, they've been vastly improved over the years, according to Jenn Mullins , UPPAbaby VP of Product Marketing, maker of our Best Overall pick.

"We expanded our stroller offering to include a travel-friendly stroller as we found an increase of parents traveling more than ever with their kids," Mullins says. "This includes multi-generational trips with grandparents and in-laws... We strive to provide solutions for families in the best way possible based on their lifestyle choices. This resulted in developing the Minu, a compact-folding stroller that is lightweight but doesn’t compromise on essential features." As someone who has parents who have used both their Vista and their Minu, the Minu is drastically easier for older folx to maneuver.

After this innovation, other brands started following the trend of easy-traveling strollers that work with the same premise of light and simple to fold but improve upon the original umbrella strollers.

How We Chose

I put each stroller on this list to the test. I walked at least 6 miles straight and then completed four more hours of testing. I checked out different terrains, in different weather, with different children. I tested with a 1-year-old, an 18-month-old, and a 3-year-old. Some of the strollers I tested, such as the Unilove On-The-Go , were OK for younger kids but impossible for older toddlers. And the majority of the cheaper umbrella strollers (the ones you see hanging on racks at big box stores for $20) weren't comfortable for the rider or the person pushing it, making you hunch over and making the little passenger grumpy for lack of cushion or support. They're not adjustable in any way, and there's no meaningful sun protection. Unfortunately, the two double strollers I tested were bad all around, so these are all single models.

You may be wondering, with so many lightweight strollers such as the Babyzen Yoyo and the Bugaboo Butterfly , what makes these different? The best lightweight umbrella strollers on this list are the easiest to fold. Others take a bit of learning, and even after you know how to do it, in a stressful situation, it might still vex you. These top-picked umbrella strollers won't do that because they're actually easier to fold than a rain umbrella. Seriously.

What To Consider

The best lightweight umbrella strollers theoretically are feather-like and fold like an umbrella . Some take it a step further and make the fold even more compact, and that's great. But the main points you want to consider are: weight limits, folding mechanism, adjustability, and canopy.

  • Weight Limits: Most of the best lightweight umbrella strollers have about a 50-pound weight limit and usually a 10- or so-pound limit for the cargo space. Pay attention to these, as it's easy to throw way more than you should underneath.
  • Folding Mechanism: If you can't fold or unfold the model in a matter of seconds, skip it because it does not pass the test as an umbrella stroller. Strollers on this list fold typically collapse sideways into a long "umbrella" shape, fold themselves into a tight package, often with the wheels folding in, or fold down flat, with all the main components shrinking significantly. The ease with which they do this is crucial, and all of the strollers on our list are a cinch.
  • Adjustability: Does the seat recline at all? Can the handles be raised or moved? The former is essential for the comfort of the rider; the latter is essential for taller caregivers.
  • Canopy: All of the strollers on this list have a UPF 50+ rated canopy because the sun is no joke.

If you want the most reliable, best lightweight umbrella strollers, check out my expert picks below.

<p><strong>$399.99</strong></p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XZ1RXRK?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Shop Now</a></p><p>UppaBaby, like Colugo, is one of my favorite brands. They make my favorite double stroller, hands down. The Minu V2 is everything you'd expect in the best lightweight umbrella strollers from the high-end baby manufacturer. The finishings are superb. The 5-point no-rethread harness is the best of the bunch. It's shockingly easy to fold. </p><p>I strolled all day with this at a Renaissance fair, and through the cotton candy and apple-dumpling eating and the sheep-petting wench fest of an experience, the stroller was the least of my concerns. (The biggest concern, of course, being the sheep poop and paranoia about my costume, which kept popping open.) </p><p>My little passenger slept through a huge chunk of the day, in her 16th Century peasant finery. thanks to the nearly lay-flat recline, elevated calf rest, and gigantic UPF 50+ rated vented canopy. </p><p>Mullins points out a very stellar feature of the Minu V2, which is the carrying strap that they installed that makes it simple to sling around when you're not pushing it. </p><p>She did manage to get caramel sauce — everywhere — but even though the stroller is spot-clean only, it wasn't a hard cleanup because UppaBaby makes sure there are minimal nooks and few crannies. </p><p>Also, I could store a ton of our pilfered goods (read: pricey souvenirs), underneath this stroller because the carrying basket has a whopping 25-pound load capacity.</p>

1) MINU V2 Stroller

UppaBaby, like Colugo, is one of my favorite brands. They make my favorite double stroller, hands down. The Minu V2 is everything you'd expect in the best lightweight umbrella strollers from the high-end baby manufacturer. The finishings are superb. The 5-point no-rethread harness is the best of the bunch. It's shockingly easy to fold.

I strolled all day with this at a Renaissance fair, and through the cotton candy and apple-dumpling eating and the sheep-petting wench fest of an experience, the stroller was the least of my concerns. (The biggest concern, of course, being the sheep poop and paranoia about my costume, which kept popping open.)

My little passenger slept through a huge chunk of the day, in her 16th Century peasant finery. thanks to the nearly lay-flat recline, elevated calf rest, and gigantic UPF 50+ rated vented canopy.

Mullins points out a very stellar feature of the Minu V2, which is the carrying strap that they installed that makes it simple to sling around when you're not pushing it.

She did manage to get caramel sauce — everywhere — but even though the stroller is spot-clean only, it wasn't a hard cleanup because UppaBaby makes sure there are minimal nooks and few crannies.

Also, I could store a ton of our pilfered goods (read: pricey souvenirs), underneath this stroller because the carrying basket has a whopping 25-pound load capacity.

<p><strong>$119.72</strong></p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NMYWL63?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Shop Now</a></p><p>An affordable, true umbrella stroller with carrying strap and everything. It acts very much like how you would think an umbrella stroller would. It folds up long ways, it has two handles instead of one, and you can hang it just about anywhere.</p><p>It's 100% not the most-plush stroller on this list. It's fairly utilitarian, made to go for quick jaunts or somewhere you'll have to lift and carry the stroller a lot like airports, metro stations, and even Disney. </p><p>It's easy to push, but if you're over 6-feet tall, I'd skip, because the handles would be too low. The wheels are actually pretty great, easy to maneuver over most surfaces, which surprised the heck out of me, and the basket and parent organizer are nice touches. </p><p>The canopy is not the biggest on this list, but it is bigger than other lower-priced umbrella strollers, and it has a peekaboo window for the person pushing the stroller.</p><p>It's so light and folds so slim, I love the idea of taking this to ball games and concerts because it's slim and maneuverable through a crowd. </p>

2) 3Dlite+ Convenience Stroller

This bad boy is an affordable, true umbrella stroller with a carrying strap and everything. It acts very much like how you would think any of the best lightweight umbrella strollers on the market would. It folds up longways, has two handles instead of one, and you can hang it just about anywhere.

While it's certainly not the plushest stroller on this list — it's fairly utilitarian, made to go for quick jaunts or somewhere you'll have to lift and carry the stroller a lot like airports, metro stations, and even Disney — it's easier than you might think to maneuver.

It's easy to push, but if you're over 6-feet tall, I'd skip, because the handles would be too low. The wheels are actually pretty great, easy to turn over most surfaces, which surprised the heck out of me. Plus, the basket and parent organizer are nice touches.

The canopy is not the biggest on this list, but it is bigger than other lower-priced umbrella strollers, and it has a peekaboo window for the person pushing the stroller.

It's so light and folds so slim, I love the idea of taking this to ball games and concerts because it's slim and maneuverable through a crowd.

<p><strong>$239.99</strong></p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B729KDCM?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Shop Now</a></p><p>I need to start this review by telling you that this stroller arrives at your home fully assembled. You literally just pull it out of the box, cut off the plastic and the tags, turn off the brake, and it's ready to go. When I found that out, I think I may have heard angels singing and the room suddenly smelled of cotton candy and lit up with starfire. Or I was having a shock-induced stroke. Could be either. It comes with car seat adapters that can be used with Cybex infant car seats, and they are installed and removed with ease. </p><p>The stroller doesn't have a lie-flat recline, but there's enough of an easy recline that I found it didn't make a huge difference in comfort for the child. </p><p>This stroller looks and feels like a very lightweight umbrella stroller, but folds up like a neat little package that fits easily into the overhead compartment of an airplane. The wheels are small, solid, and sturdy, perfect for city streets, airports, malls, and sidewalks. They have a little bit of an issue with New York City's ancient cobblestone paths, but everything else — even grass — wasn't a problem.</p><p>The handles have buttons on the end, sort of like a video game joystick, that when depressed, collapses the stroller. It's oddly very satisfying. After you fold it down once, it folds in on itself again in the opposite direction, locking in place with a simple plastic mechanism. It's simply tiny when folded. (When the box arrives at your home, you'll be really worried you ordered the wrong thing.)</p><p>The handles themselves are wrapped in a very spongy foam material that gives your hands a ton of cushion without making them sweaty. They are easy to clean off, and the fabrics on the seat are machine washable. </p><p>I was also super impressed with the cargo compartment, which has plenty of space for a purse and a diaper bag.</p>

3) Libelle 2 Ultra Stroller

I need to start this review by telling you that this stroller arrives at your home fully assembled. You literally just pull it out of the box, cut off the plastic and the tags, turn off the brake, and it's ready to go. When I found that out, I think I may have heard angels singing and the room suddenly smelled of cotton candy and lit up with starfire. Or I was having a shock-induced stroke. Could be either. It comes with car seat adapters that can be used with Cybex infant car seats, and they are installed and removed with ease.

The stroller doesn't have a lie-flat recline, but there's enough of an easy recline that I found it didn't make a huge difference in comfort for the child.

This stroller looks and feels like a very lightweight umbrella stroller, but folds up like a neat little package that fits easily into the overhead compartment of an airplane. The wheels are small, solid, and sturdy, perfect for city streets, airports, malls, and sidewalks. They have a little bit of an issue with New York City's ancient cobblestone paths, but everything else — even grass — wasn't a problem.

The handles have buttons on the end, sort of like a video game joystick, that when depressed, collapses the stroller. It's oddly very satisfying. After you fold it down once, it folds in on itself again in the opposite direction, locking in place with a simple plastic mechanism. It's simply tiny when folded. (When the box arrives at your home, you'll be really worried you ordered the wrong thing.)

The handles themselves are wrapped in a very spongy foam material that gives your hands a ton of cushion without making them sweaty. They are easy to clean off, and the fabrics on the seat are machine washable.

I was also super impressed with the cargo compartment, which has plenty of space for a purse and a diaper bag.

<p><strong>$299.99</strong></p><p><a href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NFTR2H2?tag=syndication-20&ascsubtag=%5Bartid%7C2089.g.76%5Bsrc%7Cmsn-us">Shop Now</a></p><p>A few years ago, Joovy had a true umbrella stroller called the "Groove." That went out of production, sadly, but they introduced the Kooper and Kooper lightweight at the same time. It's a more compact fold, and the finishings are higher-end than that of the Groove. Having had the ability to test both, I miss how light the Groove was, but that's the only bit I prefer. Overall, the Kooper Lightweight is a superior stroller. </p><p>It has a one-handed fold, a near-flat recline, 5-point harness, and even an adjustable calf rest. Standard features that I'm fairly delighted with. Joovy's superpower on this model is the fact that it has a tray that folds with it. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but giving your kid a place to hold their drinks and crackers is wonderful. It can make the difference between a cranky trip and an enjoyable trip. When I was testing, I treated my rider to shawarma (favorite weird food love for a toddler, but maybe he wants to get swole), and I could tear little bits of lamb and put them right on the easy-to-clean tray for him to munch. The convenience extends to the parents as well with a little parent organizer on the back for your phone, wallet, keys, snack you're hiding from your shawarma-eating toddler. </p><p>There is a car seat adaptor for this model, so you can use it from birth to three years old or 55 pounds, making it a solid choice for an everyday stroller. The seat fabric is machine washable and the tray is dishwasher safe on the top rack.</p>

4) Kooper Lightweight Baby Stroller

A few years ago, Joovy had a true umbrella stroller called the "Groove." That went out of production, sadly, but they introduced the Kooper and Kooper at the same time. This is one of the best lightweight umbrella strollers around because of its compact fold, and high-end finishes. Having had the ability to test both, I miss how light the Groove was, but that's the only bit I prefer. Overall, the Kooper Lightweight is a superior stroller.

It has a one-handed fold, a near-flat recline, 5-point harness, and even an adjustable calf rest. Standard features that I'm fairly delighted with.

Joovy's superpower on this model is the fact that it has a tray that folds with it. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but giving your kid a place to hold their drinks and crackers is wonderful. It can make the difference between a cranky trip and an enjoyable trip.

When I was testing, I treated my rider to shawarma (favorite weird food to love for a toddler, but maybe he wants to get swole), and I could tear little bits of lamb and put them right on the easy-to-clean tray for him to munch. The convenience extends to the parents as well with a little parent organizer on the back for your phone, wallet, keys, and snacks you're hiding from your shawarma-eating toddler.

There is a car seat adaptor for this model, so you can use it from birth to three years old or 55 pounds, making it a solid choice for an everyday stroller. The seat fabric is machine washable and the tray is dishwasher safe on the top rack.

<p><strong>$265.99</strong></p><p><a href="https://go.redirectingat.com?id=74968X1553576&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.target.com%2Fp%2Fcolugo-compact-stroller-olive%2F-%2FA-80633686&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestproducts.com%2Fparenting%2Fg76%2Fbest-lightweight-umbrella-strollers%2F">Shop Now</a></p><p>So far, everything I've tested from Colugo, has been really incredible. Their carrier is our <a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/parenting/baby/g255/best-baby-carriers-and-wraps/">best baby carrier</a> overall, and now the compact stroller blew my mind in the best way. It has a simple two-step fold that takes less than 5 seconds, folding it up to a compact 24 by 17 by 10-inch package. It fits in most standard duffle bags, but comes with its own TSA-friendly travel bag. </p><p>That's not even the most impressive thing about this stroller, the real star feature is the adjustability of the seat. It lays flat for nap time on the go, and the memory-foam seat cannot be topped in this category. There is an adjustable calf support that raises the feet, and increases the comfort of the rider greatly.</p><p>I didn't love that the handle is not telescoping, but overall, it was comfortable for me to push, and I am about 6-feet tall. The basket beneath is even fairly easy for me to get to, but it does have a light weight limit like most umbrella strollers at 10 pounds. </p><p>When I was pushing this stroller through the park, my tiny testing buddy decided that would be a wonderful time to forget the fact that he is a potty-trained child, and he had a messy accident. Because the cover is machine-washable, this was not a big deal. His shorts on the other hand, were lost to the garbage can. </p><p>The one-handed, compact fold is a boon for travelers, as it fits in an overhead bin of a plane, meaning you can stroll your baby right up to the gate.</p><p> It does have an optional baby kit with bassinet, so if you want to make this your always-and-everyday stroller, it's possible to do so. Otherwise, it's good for kids who can sit unassisted. The five-point harness in the seat is designed for that age.</p><p><strong>More:</strong><a href="https://www.bestproducts.com/parenting/kids/g1205/kids-luggage-suitcases/"> 11 Best Kids' Suitcases </a></p>

5) Compact Stroller

So far, everything I've tested from Colugo has been really incredible. Their carrier is one of our best baby carriers overall, and now that it's made one of the best lightweight umbrella strollers around, my mind is blown in the best way. It has a simple two-step fold that takes less than 5 seconds, folding it up to a compact 24 by 17 by 10-inch package. It fits in most standard duffle bags but comes with its own TSA-friendly travel bag.

That's not even the most impressive thing about this stroller. The real star feature is the seat's adjustability. It lays flat for nap time on the go, and the memory foam seat cannot be topped in this category. There is an adjustable calf support that raises the feet and increases the comfort of the rider greatly.

I didn't love that the handle was not telescoping, but overall, it was comfortable for me to push, and I am about 6 feet tall. The basket beneath is even fairly easy for me to get to, but it does have a lightweight limit like most umbrella strollers at 10 pounds.

When I was pushing this stroller through the park, my tiny testing buddy decided that would be a wonderful time to forget the fact that he is a potty-trained child, and he had a messy accident. Because the cover is machine-washable, this was not a big deal. His shorts, on the other hand, were lost to the garbage can.

The one-handed, compact fold is a boon for travelers, as it fits in an overhead bin of a plane, meaning you can stroll your baby right up to the gate.

It does have an optional baby kit with a bassinet, so if you want to make this your always-and-everyday stroller, it's possible to do so. Otherwise, it's good for kids who can sit unassisted. The five-point harness in the seat is designed for that age.

This was formerly our Best Overall pick. However, after over a year of testing side-by-side with the Minu, the Colugo shows wear much more prominently than the Minu. It has a bit of sun damage, the fabrics are wearing down to that "shiny" stage, and the handle gets gunky. However, it's still a helluva stroller.

More: 11 Best Kids' Suitcases

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 21 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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magFlags XL Flag Elektrostal Moscow oblast | landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft - 100% Made in Germany - long lasting outdoor flag

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XL Flag Elektrostal Moscow oblast | landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft - 100% Made in Germany - long lasting outdoor flag

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • 100% Made in Germany » ... because the first impression last, quality flag for representative purposes *****
  • State-of-the-art High-Tech Outdoor Fabric » One air-permeable 110 GSM Polyester to keep wind forces low and lifetime high
  • Mirrored Back » Image printed on the front, mirrored image 100% visible on the rear side
  • Landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft
  • Show your pride for your hometown with the Elektrostal flag! Made with quality materials and vibrant colors, this flag is the perfect way to display your patriotism and love for your city. Fly it proudly at home, at events, or even in your car. Get yours today and show your Elektrostal pride!
  • The flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, is a striking combination of Old Glory red, representing strength and courage at 81%, complemented by a subtle touch of light grey at 5% for balance and harmony. The bold black stripe at 3% adds a touch of sophistication, while the shimmering gold stripes at 3% each symbolize prosperity and success. The flag is completed with a touch of very dark grey at 1%, representing the city s resilience and
  • Elektrostal Moscow oblast

Product information

Warranty & support, looking for specific info, product description.

Flag: Elektrostal Moscow oblast landscape flag | 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft Elektrostal Moscow oblast Elektrostal obwód moskiewski , flaga ???????????? ?????????? ??????? Since we know how important your external presentation is, we print our Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag for your representative appearance using the most modern machines in Germany. To ensure your maximum flexibility, we have equipped the flags with quality metal eyelets, to let you simply attach these flags to any flagpole. To let you use the flags for a long time, we have strengthened the flag using double safety seams and a tear proof strap at the side of the pole. Due to the quality of this business flag, you show a particular degree of the closeness to Elektrostal Moscow oblast. Details about this flag This landscape Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag is a quality product Made in Germany made of 110g/m² gloss polyester. This Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag is wind- and weather-resistant and highly durable. The flag colors are intensive and UV-resistant. This flag is specially made for outer space. This Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag will be delivered with a double safety-seam as well as with 2 metal eyelets to hoist at the flag pole. The metal eyelets give you great flexibility for placing this flag on any flagstaff. The mast side is reinforced with a white hem. The quality flag material and the metal eyelets will take care of a long endurance of this Elektrostal Moscow oblast flag. If required, the flag can be washed at 60 degrees Celsius. Recommended height of flag pole Elektrostal Moscow oblast flags of 2.16m² | 23sqft | 120x180cm | 4x6ft look best with flagpoles of around 6m | 18ft height. Need a bigger size or an other configuration? We can provide bigger sizes, other configurations, exclusive indoor ...

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Trek Roscoe 6 - 2024

Trek Roscoe 6

Roscoe 6 is the ideal gateway to mountain biking for new riders looking to have a fun time on the trail. It boosts confidence with a 140mm travel air-spring fork that soaks up bumps and roots, an easy-to-use 1x Shimano CUES drivetrain, and playful frame geometry that makes it easier to control your bike on technical trails and winding singletrack. It's right for you if... You know there are good times to be had on the trail, and you want to be part of them! You're looking for an easy entry to the sport of mountain biking on a bike that will keep you excited and motivated to get out there day after day. The tech you get A strong aluminum frame, fast-rolling 29er wheels with wide, grippy 2.6" tires, and an SR Suntour fork with 140mm of travel. It has a trail-tough Shimano CUES drivetrain with 9 speeds and a wide range of gears for climbing, hydraulic disc brakes, and a dropper post for extra room on rough trails. The final word Roscoe 6 is your new best friend on the trail. It's patient, playful, and confidence-inspiring. It's all about getting out there, having fun, and enjoying the great sport of trail riding! Why you'll love it - It's more fun to be a better rider: Roscoe is so stable and forgiving, it's like an instant ability upgrade - 29er wheels and wide 2.6" tires make for a grippy, confident, and fast-rolling ride - The dropper post lets you lower your saddle on the fly so it's out of the way on descents - Its 140mm suspension fork has plenty of travel to soak up big roots and rocks Features: Ready to get rowdy With 140mm front travel, trail-smashing 29-inch wheels, and dialed-for-dirt frame features, Roscoe is ready to get rowdy on your favorite rides. Progressive trail geometry A long reach, slack head angle, steep seat angle, and short chain stays combine for a ride that's confidence-inspiring, yet still nimble and fun. The strong quiet type Roscoe stays well protected with a double-sided chainstay guard, tough downtube guard, and internal cable guides that help your ride stay quiet, even over rough trails. Shimano CUES Inspired by rider demand for trouble-free drivetrain longevity and performance, Shimano CUES offers a new foundation for versatility and durability across a range of both electric and standard bikes. CUES features Shimano’s new LINKGLIDE drivetrain technology for significantly increased life on wear items like chains, cassettes, and chainrings. Shimano LINKGLIDE LINKGLIDE technology has been specifically engineered for incredible durability while still delivering smooth and decisive shifting – along with a great pedaling experience. Available exclusively on Shimano CUES drivetrains. Upgrade your pedals and love your bike more Pedals are two of the five touchpoints that connect you with your bike, and even though this bike comes with a pair, upgrading to pedals that boost control and grip will greatly improve your ride. See the pedal guide and find the best pedals for your riding style. We recommend flat pedals for simple versatility.


* Subject to change without notice.

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Trek Roscoe 6 Color: Power Surge

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Trek Roscoe 24

Trek Roscoe 24

Roscoe 24 is a mid-fat kids' mountain bike designed to build confidence on the trail. It takes cues from the adult Roscoe, but this ride was built from the ground up for kids. 2.8" mid-fat tires, a 1x drivetrain, and a wide-range cassette make Roscoe the ideal bike for little rippers who want to build skills and have a ridiculous amount of fun keeping up with Mom, Dad, or an older sibling. Fit for riders 51-59" tall. It's right for you if... Your little shredder is ready to hop off the neighborhood streets and onto the trail, and you want to get them started the right way with a real-deal mountain bike that builds skills and confidence from the outset. If you're looking to teach your little one the wisdom of the trail, there's no better teaching tool than Roscoe. The tech you get A durable Alpha Gold Aluminum frame with a sloping top tube for added clearance, 24" wheels with mid-fat 2.8" tires for added traction and stability, a 1x8 Shimano drivetrain with a wide-range cassette for hills and technical sections, mechanical disc brakes, and loads of thoughtful details borrowed from adult MTB tech, like a closed front dropout and a tucked-in rear brake caliper so when kids drop their Roscoe it doesn't mean an automatic trip to the shop for a replacement part. The final word Give a kid a Roscoe and you'll make a mountain biker for life. Mid-fat tires and a wealth of kid-specific design details make this bike the perfect introduction to the trail. If your little one is ready to tag along when you hit the singletrack, this is the kid-friendly set-up that's made to build confidence, skills, and a healthy obsession with the world's greatest activity. Why you'll love it - There's no family outing as fun as a trail session, and Roscoe is the ideal kids' bike for building great memories - This isn't a small adult bike—it's built from the ground up for kids, by people who know exactly what works for them and what doesn't - When you're learning to ride, simplicity is best: a 1x8 drivetrain lets kids focus on keeping the rubber side down - The kid-specific frame geometry has a sloping top tube that makes it easier to hop on and off - The rear brake caliper is tucked into the frame to help prevent damage from laying the bike down


Due to supply-chain issues, Specs are subject to change without notice.

Trek Roscoe 24 Color: Azure

Trek has slashed up to 30% off bikes and gear in its sale. I've picked out the best MTB bargains on offer

TrekFest is on now and there are huge discounts on MTBs, e-MTBs and top Trek and Bontrager gear

Trek Marlin side on view on a bridge

1. US Bike Deals

2. uk bike deals, 3. us and uk gear deals.

Trek has launched its 'TrekFest' sale, and not to be outdone by its North-American rivals Specialized, who also have a Spring Sale on, TrekFest has some mega-discounts. There are site-wide price-cuts on a wide selection of mountain bikes like its best budget hardtail – the Trek Marlin and some of its highly rated e-MTB models like the Trek Fuel EXe. There are also deals from Trek's in-house brand Bontrager, which manufactures MTB helmets , shoes, and lots more...

I've had a hunt around both the Trek US and Trek UK sites and picked out the best deals on offer and added what I think are some of highlights below. The discounts are currently live but end soon. So I'd suggest if something catches your eye, don't hang around, because they are bound to be snapped up quickly.

Marlin 8 Gen 2: $1,329.99

Marlin 8 Gen 2: Was $1,329.99, now $999 Trek says the Marlin is its most popular budget hardtail mountain bike. This aluminum framed Gen 2 version has a $330 discount with a build that features a RockShox Judy Silver fork, a SRAM SX Eagle 12-spd drivetrain and Shimano hydraulic disc brakes. The Bontrager Kovee wheels are tubeless ready and they roll on Maxxis Ardent Race rubber.

Available in two color choices, sized from XXS-XL.

Fuel EXe 9.9 XTR: $12,999

Fuel EXe 9.9 XTR: Was $12,999 , now $11,999 The Fuel EXe 9.9 XTR is one of Trek's best electric mountain bikes . Built around its OCLV Mountain Carbon frame, the Fuel has a 360Wh battery that powers a TQ motor which puts out 50Nm of torque and 250 watts of maximum continuous power.

You also get 150mm of RockShox Lyrik Ultimate fork travel paired with 140mm of RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate rear suspension. A Shimano XTR drivetrain, Bontrager carbon wheels and a Bontrager dropper post make up a very nicely specced e-MTB that currently has a $1,000 discount.

Four colors and all sizes are available S-XL.

Rail 9.8 XT Gen 4: $8,999

Rail 9.8 XT Gen 4: Was $8,999, now $7,999 Another discounted electric mountain bike from the Trek line-up is the Trek Rail 9.8 . The brand's long-travel carbon framed enduro e-MTB comes with the Bosch Performance Line CX motor , a long-range 750Wh battery and 85Nm of trail-shredding power.

Adding to the Rail's spec highlights is a 170mm RockShox ZEB Select+ fork , and RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate shock with a Shimano XT 1x12 drivetrain. Four colors and all the sizing are available plus a tasty $1,000 discount.

Top Fuel 9.8 XT: $7,049

Top Fuel 9.8 XT: Was $7,049, now $5,899 Trek's Top Fuel is one of the best cross-country mountain bikes on the market. Lightweight, carbon-framed and has another brilliant line-up of components that make it a bit of a bargain with its current $1,150 discount.

The Top Fuel has a 120mm RockShox SID Select+ fork , 120mm of rear travel with a RockShox SID Luxe Ultimate shock , and a Shimano XT drivetrain. Bontrager Line Elite 30 carbon wheels and a Bontrager Line Elite Dropper complete the spec.

Roscoe 8: $2,399

Roscoe 8: Was $2,399, now $1,999 The Trek Roscoe 8 is another entry-level hardtail with a specification ready for some serious cross-country riding. This Roscoe build features a lightweight aluminum frame, a 140mm RockShox 35 Gold fork , a SRAM NX Eagle drivetrain, 4-piston brakes, and a dropper post. 

A $400 discount and sizes XS-XL are available in two size color options.

Slash 9.9 XX1 Gen 5:$12,549

Slash 9.9 XX1 Gen 5: Was $12,549, now $9,999 Trek say the Slash 9.9 is its best enduro mountain bike in the range. It's also the go-to bike for the Trek Factory Racing Enduro team. This model has a $2,500 discount and you get a bike ready for anything. 

A full carbon frame, hard-hitting suspension with RockShox Flight Attendant , Bontrager carbon wheels, and a SRAM XX1 Eagle drivetrain make this top-of-the-line ride a very attractive buy with the current discount. Available in all sizes and the very stealthy-looking Lithium Gray colorway.

Marlin 8 Gen 3:£1,025

Marlin 8 Gen 3: Was £1,025, now £825 The Trek Marlin Gen 3 is the latest model of its popular budget hardtail mountain bike. The Gen 3 has an updated geometry, and the alloy frame features a RockShox Judy Silver fork, a SRAM SX Eagle 12-spd drivetrain and Shimano hydraulic disc brakes. This latest model also gets a TranzX dropper post too.

Available in two color choices, but with limited sizing, grab it while you can.

Top Fuel 9.8 XT:£6,100

Top Fuel 9.8 XT: Was £6,100, now £4,270 Trek's Top Fuel is one of the best cross-country mountain bikes on the market. Lightweight, carbon-framed and has another brilliant line-up of components.

Top Fuel has a 120mm RockShox SID Select+ fork , 120mm of rear travel with a RockShox SID Luxe Ultimate shock , and a Shimano XT drivetrain. Bontrager Line Elite 30 carbon wheels and a Bontrager Line Elite Dropper complete the spec.

Roscoe 8: £1,675

Roscoe 8: Was £1,675, now £1,394 The Trek Roscoe 8 is another entry-level hardtail with a specification ready for XC riding. This Roscoe build features an aluminum frame, a 140mm RockShox 35 Gold fork , a SRAM NX Eagle drivetrain, 4-piston brakes, and a dropper post. 

A £280 discount and sizes XS-XL are available in two size color options.

Slash 9.8 XT Gen 5: £6,000

Slash 9.8 XT Gen 5: Was £6,000, now £4,500 Trek say the Slash 9.8 is one of its best enduro bike models coming with the brand's OCLV Mountain Carbon frame. It features a massive 160mm of travel from the highly-rated RockShox Super Deluxe Ultimate shock , paired with a RockShox ZEB Select+ fork and 170mm of travel. 

Only available Lithium Gray colorway and sizes M-XL.

trek roscoe mountain bike for sale

Bontrager Foray MTB Shoes: US: Were $159, now $111 UK: Were £159, now £111 Trek says the Foray shoe is a versatile MTB shoe ready for trail riding and even cyclocross. Its versatility makes it one of the best gravel shoes too.

Foray has a Boa L6 dial for a customizable fit, a stiff sole and a durable upper featuring the added protection of GnarGuard – a rubberised coating that protects against abrasions and other damage. Four color choices and a ton of sizing are available.

trek roscoe mountain bike for sale

Trek Line Elite Pedals: US: Were $119, now $94 UK: Were £109, now £76 The Trek Line Elite are SPD-compatible clipless MTB pedals . Dual-sided and made from forged aluminum, which they say makes them durable and lightweight. They have an easy clipping-in platform and a stylish aesthetic look to back up the performance features.

Bontrager Line 31.6 Dropper Post: £199

Bontrager Line 31.6 Dropper Post: Was £199, now £139 The Bontrager Line 31.6 dropper post has everything needed to contend as one of the best dropper posts around. It has internal cable routing and should provide reliable and infinite adjustability. This discounted version comes with 170mm of travel and allows fine-tuning with easy-fit 10mm or 30mm travel-reducer spacers.

Bontrager Flatline Shoes:$139£139

Bontrager Flatline Shoes: Were $139, now $99 Were £139, now £97 The best flat mountain bike shoes should deliver plenty of grip to keep you connected to the pedals. The Bontrager Flatline tick the boxes here and comes with a grippy Vibram outsole, that partners up with a reinforced toe box for protection and durability.

They come in three stylish colorways – Black, Olive and Charcoal (the Gum sole on the Charcoal is very cool) and loads of sizes are available.

trek roscoe mountain bike for sale

Trek Rally WaveCel Helmet: US: Was $159, now $119 UK: Was £149, £104 The Trek Rally has the Virginia Tech 5 Star safety rating which makes it a great choice as one of the best MTB helmets available. Featuring WaveCel, which is a collapsible cellular safety structure that protects the head during a crash. It also has a Boa fit system and an adjustable visor.

Loads of colors and sizing are available.

trek roscoe mountain bike for sale

Bontrager Rally MTB Shoe: US: Were $149, now $119 UK: Were £149, now £104 The Rally is a clipless mountain shoe and is made from a super durable design with an abrasion-resistant coating and a reinforced, durable toe box for protection.

They also offer a more relaxed fit for comfort on the bike but plenty of support making them a highly practical trail MTB shoe. Five color and plenty of sizes are available.

Paul Brett

Based in Edinburgh, Paul Brett is a staff writer for  BikePerfect.com . He has been an avid cyclist for as long as he can remember, initially catching the mountain biking bug in the 1990s, and raced mountain bikes for over a decade before injury cut short a glittering career. He’s since developed an obsession for gravel riding and recently has dabbled in the dark art of cyclocross. A fan of the idea of bikepacking he has occasionally got involved and has ridden routes like the North Coast 500, Scotland and the Via Francigena (Pilgrim Route), Italy.

Current rides: Marin Alpine Trail 2, Ribble 725, Cube Stereo 160

Height: 175cm

Specialized has a massive sale on – with up to 50% off bikes and gear. Here's my pick of the biggest MTB and off-road bargains

Forget Amazon, Muc-Off has a massive 30% sale right now. Get huge deals on cleaning products, lubes, tubeless kits and more...

Could this be the most expensive camper van ever created? It's well-prepped for wild mountain bike adventures but the price is just insane

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trek roscoe mountain bike for sale

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Trek offering up to 30% off bikes and parts in crazy april mtb sale.

Trek offering up to 30% off bikes and parts in crazy April MTB sale

Specialized is offering up to 50% off some of its most popular premium mountain bike, and Trek isn’t trailing far behind. The brand’s 140mm trail bike range offers some stellar deals. You can get a Fuel EXe 9.9 XX1 AXS for only £9,499.95, a tidy discount from this e-bike’s usual retail price of £13,500.  

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Fancy the advanced Fuel EX frame and geometry, but don’t require a mid-drive motor to assist with pedalling? The Fuel EX 9.9 XX1 AXS Gen 6 is selling for only £7,994.50, as opposed to its usual list price of £11,800. 

2023 trek slash hero.jpg

Trek has slashed prices on its long-travel 29er enduro bike, too. The Slash 9.8 XT Gen 5 is selling at 25% off, for only £4,500, which gets you a RockShox ZEB fork, Shimano XT 1x12 drivetrain, four-piston brakes and Line Elite 30 carbon wheels, with a 108T internals gearing the rear hub. 

Dedicated trail and enduro riders value dropper posts but if your dropper needs replacement or upgrading, Bontrager Line Elite droppers are only £251.99 discounted from £359.99. These dropper post deals apply to both 34.9- and 31.6mm diameter Line Elites. 

2023 Trek Fuel EXe alloy closeup

Beyond bikes and components, the Trek sale includes apparel and accessories. Keen on some lightweight, ultra-efficient carbon-sole kicks? Bontrager XXX shoes are marked down by 30% from £349.99 to £244.99. 

2020 Bontrager Rally WaveCel hero.jpg

Helmets? The best deal is Bontrager’s Rally WaveCel lid. With extended coverage for skull base protection and an interweaved structure featuring the WaveCel energy absorbing and dispersing material, these helmets are great for trail and enduro riders who desire enhanced safety. Bontrager’s premium Rally mountain bike helmets are now only £89.99, instead of £149.99. 

What’s the cheapest deal with Trek’s big sale? That will be the Bontrager left-side load water bottle cage. A handy upgrade (literally), especially for endurance mountain bikers and riders on XS frames, at only £6.99. 

Trek’s sale runs until the end of April.

  • www.trekbikes.com

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Lance Branquinho's picture

Lance Branquinho

Lance Branquinho is a Namibian-born media professional who graduated to mountain biking after injuries curtailed his fascination with trail running. He has a weakness for British steel hardtails, especially those which only run a single gear. Lance is an award-winning writer who has contributed to myriad piblications all over the world including Cyclingnews, Bike Perfect, MBR, Topgear, TopCar and  Car magazine.

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"I'm stoked"

"I think it's the best looking bike in it's price range, the fit works great for me, and the drivetrain is excellent."

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"Ready to rumble"

"Has the chops to squeeze every last drop of fun from local park trails, plus the talent to conquer black diamond terrain on the weekends."

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"Much more capable downhill than I would have ever imagined; then, when I finished a lap and turned around to pedal back up, I was pleasantly surprised by the comfort and efficiency of the Roscoe’s climbing position."

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"5 out of 5"

"One of the best we've ever tried at this price. So fun and capable it makes boring trails interesting and difficult trails manageable. "

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Posted 2024-04-27 09:27

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Trek Roscoe 6, comes with zefel frame pouch, bontrager under seat pouch with tube repair kit, bontrager air pump .installed taffy tire liners. Have paperwork

trek roscoe mountain bike for sale

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  • Moscow Oblast  


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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Coordinates of Elektrostal in decimal degrees

Coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia

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Roscoe. With 140mm of squish up front, Roscoe delivers hardtail simplicity and fully capability for a heavy-hitting trail bike that amps up every ride. 5 Results. Items. 24.

Roscoe 8 is a trail hardtail for anyone looking to have some serious fun out in the dirt. Its 27.5+ mid-fat tires, a wide-range 1x12 drivetrain, and 120mm suspension fork make it a blast on every trail, from packed singletrack to the loose stuff. It's a laid-back trail mountain bike dressed in a high-quality spec that's ready to party.

Discover your next great ride with Roscoe 8 - 2021, Medium. See the bike and visit your local Trek retailer. Shop now! Discover your next great ride with Roscoe 8 - 2021, Medium. ... Red Barn Refresh bikes; Pre-owned mountain bikes; Roscoe 8 - 2021, Medium; Roscoe 8 - 2021, Medium; We'll take care of you. ... Sale & clearance Customize How to ...

Roscoe 6 is the ideal gateway to mountain biking for new riders looking to have a fun time on the trail. It boosts confidence with a 140mm travel air-spring fork that soaks up bumps and roots, an easy-to-use 1x Shimano CUES drivetrain, and playful frame geometry that makes it easier to control your bike on technical trails and winding singletrack.

Model 585984. Retailer prices may vary. Roscoe 7 is a mid-fat trail hardtail for riders who favor a fun and lively ride. Confidence-inspiring 27.5+ wheels and plus-sized tires, a plush suspension fork, and a wide-range drivetrain with plenty of gears make Roscoe 7 stable enough for new riders, and playful enough to make even the most ...

Discover your next great ride with Roscoe 9 - 2023, X-Large. See the bike and visit your local Trek retailer. Shop now! Discover your next great ride with Roscoe 9 - 2023, X-Large. ... Red Barn Refresh bikes; Pre-owned mountain bikes; Roscoe 9 - 2023, X-Large; Roscoe 9 - 2023, X-Large; We'll take care of you. ... Sale & clearance Customize How ...

Details. Roscoe 7 is a hardtail for riders who wanna have a blast ripping up the trail. A plush 140mm suspension fork, 29er wheels, and a wide-range drivetrain with plenty of gears make this bike great for new riders yet playful enough to make even the most experienced shredders smile.

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Details. Roscoe 20 is a mid-fat kids' mountain bike designed to build confidence on the trail. It takes cues from the adult Roscoe, but this ride was built from the ground up for kids. 2.8" mid-fat tires, a 1x drivetrain, and a wide-range cassette make Roscoe the ideal bike for little rippers who want to build skills and have a ridiculous ...

Details. Roscoe 6 is the ideal gateway to mountain biking for new riders looking to have a fun time on the trail. It has plus-sized tires that inspire confidence by keeping you stable, a suspension fork that soaks up the big bumps and roots, an easy-to-use 1x drivetrain, and playful frame geometry that makes it easier to control your bike on ...

Details. Roscoe 24 is a mid-fat kids' mountain bike designed to build confidence on the trail. It takes cues from the adult Roscoe, but this ride was built from the ground up for kids. 2.8" mid-fat tires, a 1x drivetrain, and a wide-range cassette make Roscoe the ideal bike for little rippers who want to build skills and have a ridiculous ...

Trek has launched its 'TrekFest' sale, and not to be outdone by its North-American rivals Specialized, who also have a Spring Sale on, TrekFest has some mega-discounts. There are site-wide price-cuts on a wide selection of mountain bikes like its best budget hardtail - the Trek Marlin and some of its highly rated e-MTB models like the Trek Fuel EXe. . There are also deals from Trek's in ...

Roscoe. See the bikes. Hardtails have more fun. Dive into rowdy terrain on the all-new Roscoe. It's built for a good time from the ground up and fearlessly flies down the same gnarly trails you'd ride on a fully. But because it's shock-free, you don't have as much to maintain and the trail feel is unbeatable. Less fuss, more fun ...

Specialized is offering up to 50% off some of its most popular premium mountain bike, and Trek isn't trailing far behind. The brand's 140mm trail bike range offers some stellar deals. You can get a Fuel EXe 9.9 XX1 AXS for only £9,499.95, a tidy discount from this e-bike's usual retail price of £13,500. Cycling motivation: 8 tips to get you back on the bike Are flat pedals worth it ...

Roscoe 8. $1,999.99 $2,399.99. Model 5260381. Retailer prices may vary. Roscoe 8 is a trail hardtail for anyone looking to have some serious fun on the dirt. 29er wagon wheels smooth out rocks and roots, grippy 2.6" tires give you a boost in traction, and a 140mm suspension fork make it a blast on every trail, from packed singletrack to the ...

Mountain bike - $600 ... 256 Lake Havasu Ave near Smoketree. bicycle type: mountain. frame size: 17.5. wheel size: 27.5 in. bicycle frame material: alloy. suspension: suspension fork ... model name / number: Roscoe 6. serial number: 2078u0320. QR Code Link to This Post. Trek Roscoe 6, comes with zefel frame pouch, bontrager under seat pouch ...

Find the right bike route for you through Elektrostal, where we've got 327 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of June and August.

* calculated weighted mean of apartment cost per 1 square foot/meter in Elektrostal secondary housing market. Among prices in range from 30 to 200 thousand Rub/m² for Elektrostal.Among apartments with area in range: from 20 to 350 m², from 215 to 3767 ft².

40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.


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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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  1. Best Travel Strollers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed by ...

    Best Travel System: Nuna PIPA urbn + TRVL Travel System. Best for Toddlers: Bugaboo Butterfly Complete Stroller. Best Budget: Kolcraft Cloud Plus Lightweight Stroller. Best for Everyday Use: UPPAbaby MINU V2 Stroller. Best for Planes: Babyzen YOYO2 6+ Stroller. Best Compact: Joolz Aer+ Lightweight Stroller.

  2. Best Travel System Strollers of 2024, Reviewed

    The best travel system is the Uppababy Vista V2 Stroller with the Mesa Infant Car Seat, according to testers from the What to Expect staff and user community. When choosing a car seat/stroller combo, experts and parents say the most important factors to consider are versatility, ease of use, maneuverability and essential safety features.

  3. The 2 Best Travel Strollers of 2024

    After we completed a new round of testing in 2023, Uppababy's Minu V2 travel stroller remains our top pick. We have a new budget pick: the Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller. August 2023. A good ...

  4. 11 Best Strollers for Travel in 2024, Tested by Experts

    Best Lightweight Travel Stroller Baby Jogger City Tour 2. $260 at Amazon. $260 at Amazon. Read more. 4. Best Travel Stroller for a Newborn DOONA Car Seat to Stroller. $550 at Amazon.

  5. The 15 Best Travel Strollers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

    Overall, the price-to-performance ratio of the Cloud Plus is so good that it's an excellent budget option. The Details: 11.8 pounds | 38 x 27 x 18 inches assembled | 10 x 33 x 17.5 inches folded ...

  6. Graco Modes Nest Travel System, Includes Baby Stroller with Height

    Graco Modes Nest Travel System brings baby closer than ever. Raise the height-adjustable Slide2Me Seat or infant car seat to bring your baby closer for face-to-face smiles on everyday strolls. This 3-in-1 stroller can be used as an Infant Car Seat Carrier, Infant Pramette, and Toddler Stroller.

  7. 13 best travel stroller systems 2023

    Graco NimbleLite Travel System. Amazon. At less than $200, it's hard to beat this stroller/car seat combo. The stroller weighs less than 15 pounds and offers a one-step fold. There's also a ...

  8. Best travel system strollers

    One of the downsides of travel systems is that they tend to be on the bulky and heavy side. But both pieces of the Graco Modes Nest Travel System are impressively lightweight compared to competitors. The Graco Modes Nest Stroller is 21.9 pounds, while the Graco SnugRide 35 Lite Elite Infant Car Seat weighs a mere 7.5 pounds.

  9. Best travel stroller 2024: lightweight buggies for holidays

    Best travel strollers 2024: Jump Menu. (Image credit: TripSavvy) 00.T3's top 3 ↴01. Best overall: BABYZEN YOYO2 02. Best flexible option: Silver Cross Zest 03. Best lightweight option: Joie Aire ...

  10. The Best Lightweight Strollers for Travel in 2024

    Despite having small wheels, the MINU V2 is great at handling rougher terrain. That's because it has the shock absorption and all-wheel suspension usually found in full-size strollers. This makes ...

  11. The 12 Best Travel Strollers, Tested by Parents

    Best for Car Travel: Baby Jogger City Tour 2 Stroller. Amazon. Buy on Amazon $310 Buy on Target $260 Buy on Walmart $250. Why We Like It: Exceptional maneuverability, easy to recline seats, and ...

  12. Best Travel System Strollers 2024

    Best Travel System Stroller Overall: Britax Willow Brook Travel System. Best Upgrade Travel System Stroller: Nuna Pipa Urbn + Trvl System. Best Value Travel System Stroller: Chicco Mini Bravo ...

  13. 11 Best Travel System Strollers

    A travel system stroller typically includes an infant car seat (which sometimes doubles as a carrier), a car seat base, ... The Chicco Viaro Travel System features a lightweight frame and three-wheel maneuverability, making it an appealing option if you travel a lot. The one-handed fold feature makes it even easier to handle when you're ...

  14. Nuna

    A lightweight travel system where innovative safety and sleek luxury features combine into a compact package that moves you and baby seamlessly through the city. The Nuna PIPA urbn reimagines the future of travel with baby. This one-of-a-kind, ultra-lightweight infant car seat weighs only 7 pounds* and installs using the advanced pipaFIX™ rigid latch. This groundbreaking baseless ...

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    GRACO CHILDREN'S PRODUCTS INC. EXTON PA 1931 1-888-224-5649 Made in U.S.A. The Graco® Outpace™ Travel System boasts a 3-wheel design and never-flat, rubber tires for all-terrain agility. Comes with the lightweight SnugRide® 30 Lite Infant Car Seat, which helps protect rear-facing infants 4-30 lb and up to 30".

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    Nuna Tavo & Pipa RX - Best Lightweight Travel Stroller System . This luxury set comes with the multimode TAVO stroller, a PIPA RX infant car seat, and a base. Nuna is all about clean lines and the ingenuity of Dutch design, which clearly carries over into this timeless stroller set. This set is very lightweight and folds up nearly flat for ...

  18. CYBEX Libelle 2 Review: Compact & Lightweight Stroller

    Its versatility as a travel system is one of the CYBEX Libelle 2's most lauded features. By allowing parents to attach any CYBEX infant car seat directly to the frame, the stroller becomes an ...

  19. The Best Lightweight Umbrella Strollers to Make Traveling a Breeze

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  20. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

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    Top Fuel 9.8 XT: Was £6,100, now £4,270 Trek's Top Fuel is one of the best cross-country mountain bikes on the market. Lightweight, carbon-framed and has another brilliant line-up of components. Top Fuel has a 120mm RockShox SID Select+ fork , 120mm of rear travel with a RockShox SID Luxe Ultimate shock , and a Shimano XT drivetrain.

  23. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...