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Home » Europe » ULTIMATE Guide to Solo Travel in Europe | Destinations & Tips for 2024

ULTIMATE Guide to Solo Travel in Europe | Destinations & Tips for 2024

I firmly believe that everyone needs to solo travel in Europe at least once in their life. Exploring different cultures in such a small amount of space is simply mind-blowing.

But trust me, I know just how nerve-racking taking that leap is. That’s why I’ve put together the ultimate guide on European solo travel.

Travelling alone is more than just hopping from one hostel bed to another: it’s about finding out who you are and what the world has to offer. Travel is the best teacher life can give you – and the most fun.

From meeting people around the world to falling in love with your soulmate (more than once, oops…) and seeing some of the world’s best sights, solo travel will change your life.

And to be honest, Europe is the perfect place to start. Even though travelling through Europe is more expensive than Southeast Asia or Latin America, it also feels familiar for Westeners.

English is widely known, the public transport is immaculate, the food you recognize, and most places welcome solo travellers with open arms. So take a deep breath, and let’s plan the BEST freaking solo trip of your life!

Laura stood smiling on a canal bridge in Amsterdam on a sunny day

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7 Things to Do in Europe When Traveling Solo

5 best solo destinations in europe, the best travel apps for solo travel in europe, safety tips for solo travellers in europe, tips for solo travelling in europe, final words for your solo europe trip.

So obviously, Europe is a continent, and if we broke it down country by country, there are SO MANY things for solo travellers to do. But since that would take hours on end to read (and write), let’s focus on the top 7 things you absolutely cannot miss while solo travelling in Europe .

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1. Join a Walking Tour

I’ve yet to visit a good European city that didn’t have a walking tour to join, and usually, they’re free. (Big score for budget backpackers.)

A person walking down a street in Rome, Italy

Occasionally, they can be a drag, but I’ve found that if you book them through your hostel, the guides are usually enthusiastic while being equally informational. And best of all, you’ll be joined by other travelers making it one of the best ways to make friends .

You’ll spend the morning getting a feel for the city, and I love doing this on my first day in a new place because the guides can give you some local tips on all the best places to eat, drink, and party. You’ll see all the must-do’s and have a good idea of how to get around the place.

2. Check off Iconic Landmarks

Whether you’re checking off the world’s wonders or just want to drink some wine under the Eiffel Tower, Europe is the perfect destination for travellers who love sightseeing. The continent is full of some of the world’s most iconic landmarks and will definitely keep you busy. (Get ready to be walking 20,000+ steps a day!)

Looking out over the entire colosseum of Rome from a vantage point, Rome, Italy

Travelling solo allows you to go to the ones that are high on your list without having to worry about someone else’s schedule. Plus, you can take as many pictures and selfies as your heart desires without being judged!

3. Go on a Pub Crawl

If you’re staying at a hostel , more often than not, someone will be hosting a pub crawl. And let me tell you, Europeans do it differently. There is a high possibility you’ll be out all night long and an even higher possibility of having an epic adventure through the city.

Get drunk Dublin style on a backpacker-friendly pub crawl

Since they’re organised through the hostels, you’ll be around other travellers about your age, and it’s the perfect way to loosen up and meet other people. Entry into the clubs and bars is usually free, and you might get a shitty shot of absinthe or bottom-shelf liquor on the house.

(If you’re on a budget, drink up. If hangovers are the bain of your existence… well, buy something else. Ha!)

4. Take a Cooking Class

Some of the world’s best food comes out of Europe (and some of the worst, I’m looking at you, beans and toast). And while it might not be in your budget to eat out for every meal, taking a cooking class is one of the best ways to experience local culture and flavours.

solo train travel europe

Sometimes, you’ll get to go shopping at the local market or step into an old grandma’s home that smells like freshly baked bread. Not only will you learn how to make delicious dishes, but you’ll also get a glimpse into the daily life of locals. It’s one of my favourite ways to meet other travellers who are interested in the same things as me.

5. Eat at Local Spots

I can’t recommend eating at local spots enough. I know it can be difficult to break out of your comfort zone and dine alone, but after a few times, it’ll grow on you.

Two very exciting travelled about to try Seafood Paella in Spain

I’ve come to love heading out to a local spot and getting to interact with the staff and other guests, grabbing some food. Trust me, they can tell you’re a tourist. And for the most part, they will be super kind and help you if you’re confused about the menu or any other customs you aren’t familiar with.

Plus, eating at local spots is typically much cheaper than eating at tourist hotspots. You’ll also get to taste authentic dishes that are so freaking delicious you’ll be dreaming of them for ages.

6. Get Lost in the World’s Best Museums

Museums are the perfect way for solo travellers to spend their day. And the ones in Europe are the BEST.

Van Gogh Museum

I seriously don’t think it gets better than the Louvre , the British Museum , or the Rijksmuseum . Not only are they a treasure trove of historical and cultural artefacts, but you also get to explore at your own pace and take in all the beauty without feeling rushed.

7. Attend a Music Festival

If you love music, then you’ve come to the right place. Europe is home to some of the best festivals in the world . I don’t know what it is or why they’re so much better than the rest of the world but prepare for the best vibes and the best shows (and the best drugs, if you’re trying to turn up.)

wireless festival london

I’ve definitely planned a solo trip to Europe solely around Tomorrowland, and it was one of my best travel experiences ever. Just make sure to research the festival beforehand and plan accordingly because some tickets sell out super fast.

And don’t be afraid of going alone. You’ll meet loads of other travellers and locals. Plus, it’s a music festival, so everyone is there to have a good time.

Aether Backpack

We’ve tested countless backpacks over the years, but there’s one that has always been the best and remains the best buy for adventurers: the broke backpacker-approved Osprey Aether and Ariel series.

Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

With 44 countries and hundreds of cities, how on earth are you supposed to choose where to go ? Even with all the money in the world, there is just no way to hit all of the European destinations.

I know. I find it tragic as well.

But there are a few places that are just better suited for solo travellers in Europe, and here they are! The top 5 solo destinations in Europe.

Prague is a backpacker haven, making it the perfect destination in Europe for solo travellers. If you go to Prague and don’t make any friends… well, maybe the problem is you.

Ha, just kidding. But seriously, the city has always been known for its amazing nightlife, cheap eats and drinks, and friendly locals.

Looking out over the river from the Charles Bridge, Prague, Czech Republic

The city is absolutely gorgeous, and whether you’re planning to stay in Prague in the summer or the winter, the city’s charm is breathtaking. You’ll find a little bit of everything while visiting the city, you can learn about the history on a walking tour (I recommend the ones in the old town.)

Getting lost in the cobblestone streets is like a medieval fairytale. The Museum of Communism is also a great activity for solo travellers, as you’ll get to learn about a really interesting part of history, and you can even join a tour if you want to meet people.

Fun fact: Prague is also one of the safest cities in Europe, making it the perfect destination for solo female travelers .

The Prague Dream Hostel is one of my favourite stays in the city. It’s super warm and cosy in the common areas, so meeting friends is a breeze. It’s also located about a 20-minute walk from the old town, which is perfect for exploring on your own.

History, culture, and nightlife collide in Berlin, making it a must-visit for solo travellers in Europe. Berlin was the first European city I ever visited, and I’m not sure that was the smartest idea, but it definitely prepared me for all the cities I would visit after it.

As someone who grew up quite sheltered, the nightlife in Berlin had its way with me. It was a hell of a time. And if you’re into the techno scene, my god, you’re about to have the time of your life.

But Berlin has so much more to offer than just its party scene. The city is filled with museums, galleries, and historic sites that are a must-see for any solo traveller interested in culture and history.

One of my favourite things to do in Berlin was biking around the city, admiring the street art and architecture. Joining some sort of tour, whether it be biking or walking, is a must. While walking alone is fine, hearing the stories and learning more about the city and the war really adds to the experience.

Brandenburg Gate in Berlin with sunset behind

If you’re looking for budget-friendly accommodation in Berlin, I highly recommend checking out the Circus Hostel . It’s located in a great area with plenty of restaurants and bars nearby, and they offer a variety of room options, including dorms and privates. Plus, they host events like pub crawls and walking tours making it easy to meet other travelers.

Everyone dreams of visiting Amsterdam on their European tour, and for good reason. The city is one of the coolest and most progressive destinations in Europe, making it perfect for solo travellers.

The best way to explore Amsterdam is by bike. There is some crazy statistic that there are more bikes than people, and after visiting—I believe it.

And one of my favourite things about visiting Amsterdam is literally everyone speaks English. So if you’re feeling a bit paranoid about being able to communicate, well, Amsterdam is the perfect choice for you.

Sign on a bridge in Amsterdam warning of a fine for urinating in public.

Just prepare for the bluntness. They don’t mean to be rude—they’re just honest.

Unfortunately, loads of expats have moved to the city, pushing out a lot of the Dutchies. And in the summer, it’s pretty much a melting pot of travellers. This is sad because you miss out on a lot of the local culture that made Amsterdam so unique to begin with.

But it’s still an epic destination in Europe, and make sure to stay at Flying Pig Downtown . The staff are amazing. And with all of the awesome common areas, you can hang out, drink a beer, smoke some green, and meet some other travellers.

For so long, Portugal was flying under the radar, and then, what seemed like out of nowhere, it became everyone’s go-to destination in Europe. And they weren’t wrong.

Travelling to Portugal is awesome just about any time of year, and Lisbon is one of the best cities for solo travellers. Unless you don’t like hills… because Lisbon is all hills.

trams crossing paths on a steep street in Lisbon, Portugal

The city has a chill vibe with lots of street art, great food, and plenty of opportunities to meet fellow travellers. Head to the famous Time Out Market for some food and drinks, or take a free walking tour to learn about the history and culture. You can also do some pretty sick day trips from Lisbon like visiting the beautiful beaches of Cascais or the gorgeous castles of Sintra.

If you’re looking for a party place, stay at Yes! Lisbon . This hostel is full of social butterflies, and they put on one heck of a bar crawl every few nights.

Barcelona is one of the most iconic cities in all of Europe, so obviously, it landed a spot on this list. You can visit the ever-unfinished Sagrada Familia or roam the charming streets of the Gothic Quarter.

Barcelona is also known for its delicious food scene and buzzing nightlife. And if you’re into beaches, there are plenty of those too!

A person sitting on the beach at Barceloneta in Barcelona, Spain

Although Barcelona isn’t exactly the cheapest place in Europe, there is lots of opportunity here to bring the costs down. You’ll find cheap flights here from many corners of the world and public transport is easy-peasy.

Barcelona is every solo traveller’s dream come true. I don’t know if it’s because of the weather or the blunt locals (well, most of them have moved to Barcelona, but we will still call them locals), but it’s just so easy to make friends here.

Every morning, you’ll find the cafes full of people enjoying breakfast and a chat, and every night, the streets are packed with young people grabbing dinner on their way out to explore the nightlife. And from what I experienced, just about every night you can party.

My favorite hostel was Onefam Paralelo . Every night, they have a family dinner, making it easy to meet other guests, and typically, everyone goes out together after.

Here are a handful of my favourite travel apps that helped me backpack through Europe immensely. Having these apps in your arsenal will give you superpowers. Trust me.

  • Google Maps – Do I need to explain this one?
  • Booking.com – Easily the best app for accommodation.
  • Hostelworld – This app is perfect for finding the best hostels in Europe .
  • Google Translate – Such an easy way to speak every language.
  • Couchsurfing – Backpacking Europe isn’t always the cheapest, and downloading the couch surfing app will help you save some money and meet locals.
  • Interrail Planner App – If you’re planning on travelling by train in Europe , this app will be your best friend. It helps you plan out your route, shows you the different train options and schedules, and even lets you book tickets.
  • Flixbus – But if you plan to travel by bus to save some money, Flixbus is a great option. Their app makes it easy to book tickets and navigate different routes.
  • Rick Stevens Audio Europe – This audio guide app offers guided walking tours in different European cities. You’ll get insider tips and historical background information while exploring independently.
  • Holafly – An e-SIM application that allows you to download a data-only SIM card without installing a physical card.

Facebook groups are also a great shout for solo backpackers, and so is the Hostelworld chat for your location. My best tip though? Get off yo’ phone and go chat to people!

photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

Stop stressing about your phone service when you travel abroad.

Holafly is a digital SIM card that works smoothly like an app — you simply pick your plan, download it, and voilà!

Roam around Europe, but leave the roaming charges for the n00bies.

So this is where it gets tricky lumping all of Europe together into safety tips. Each country definitely varies when it comes to levels of crime. So make sure to look up the countries you’re headed to before and do some research on their travel warnings. With that said, here are a few tips to help keep you safe while exploring solo in Europe.

Pickpockets are in just about every city, so just be smart about your belongings. Don’t wear fancy jewellery. Zip your bags and keep them in front of you, and maybe even get a necklace thing for your phone to make sure it doesn’t get snatched.

Ice Climbing in Iceland

If you’re going out or bar hopping, don’t get hammered. I know it feels a bit like a theme park as you travel from city to city. But you aren’t untouchable, and creeps exist everywhere.

So don’t drink too much. If you are a female solo traveller, try to go with a group of friends and don’t wander off alone. Like anywhere, Europe is safe to travel alone but you must keep your wits about you.

If this is your first big solo trip, don’t worry, these tips will help you have a killer time in Europe and could also save your ass.

Woman stood smiling next to Hogwarts Express train

  • Travel light , and pick a trusty backpack over a rolling suitcase.
  • Book hostels . It’s the BEST way to travel solo. You’ll meet awesome people and they’re often nicer than hotels.
  • If you’re travelling on a tight budget , you can get cheap transport tickets if you book in advance .
  • Free walking tours are a must ! They’re a great way to meet people and explore the local areas and, well, they’re free!
  • Leave your heels at home . Good travel shoes are essential.
  • Always have some Euros on hand. Cash is still king.
  • Don’t just visit cities … please. Countries are more than just their tourist hotspots and Instagram-famous locations.
  • With that being said— do the touristy things . There is a reason everyone loves going to the Eiffel Tower or seeing the Colosseum. Don’t leave wanting more.
  • Get European travel insurance . You never know what can happen, and we want you safe, not hundreds of dollars in debt and unable to get home safely.

My final tip would be to just go for it and also to go with the flow. Nothing ever unfolds exactly how you imagined it, but this is the beauty of travel. We love the mystery of surprises, don’t we?

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

solo train travel europe

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

All that’s left to say is get ready for a trip of a lifetime. My first solo trip to Europe was more than I could have ever imagined, from getting kicked out of a club in Barcelona to jumping on the back of a Vespa to ride around Rome with a stranger. Travelling solo brings opportunities to your front door that you would never even think possible.

Not that getting kicked out of the club was fun, but it definitely makes for a great story to tell. And you’re about to have all of that and more. You’ll learn more about yourself and honestly see more churches than you ever need to in your whole life—but, hey, that’s Europe.

So regardless if you’re visiting one country or are on an epic solo backpacking journey through Europe, you’re about to eat, dance, and live your life to the fullest. So double-check your travel packing list , and get ready to say hola, merci, ciao, and cheers as you embark on your solo adventure in Europe.

a girl smiling in front of scenic cliffs and the ocean of lagos,portugal

Darren Griffiths

Solo Travel in Europe Pinterest Image

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Travel Europe on a Budget

The Savvy Backpacker

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How to travel solo in europe | your guide to solo travel planning.

Tips and advice for traveling alone in Europe. How to have a successful solo backpacking journey through Europe.

Helpful Travel Tips & Articles

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Many people are intimated by the thought of solo travel but plenty of people travel alone in Europe. In fact, my first backpacking Europe trip was a solo adventure and I’ve now done 10+ solo trips to Europe. And while I was a little worried at first, I now find traveling alone to be a super rewarding experience. 

And while traveling alone does have some downsides, I still wholeheartedly endorse solo travel to anyone.

In this guide, I’ll teach you how to travel solo in Europe—including the positives and negatives, how to meet people, how to stay safe, how to fight loneliness, and plenty of other practical advice for making the most of your solo travels. 

Note: Looking for female-specific advice — check out our Guide To Solo Travel For Women in Europe . 

The Best Things About Solo Travel In Europe

solo train travel europe

Solo travel has always been a niche style of travel (check out the r/SoloTravel subreddit) but it truly started booming alongside the surge of post-pandemic travel ( Kayak’s Travel Trend Report states that single-person ticket sales are up by 36% compared to 2022). Many major news publications have also recently written about the benefits of traveling alone— The Solo Trip-Explore at Your Own Pace – NY Times , How (and Why) to Travel Alone – Vox , and Solo Travel: Why More People Are Doing It – BBC .

Let’s jump straight into some of the best things about traveling alone (don’t worry, I’ll cover the downsides in the next section).

Easier To Simply Get Started

I’ve met countless people who have put off travel for 5 or 10 years because they couldn’t find someone to travel with.

Taking a trip to Europe is a big commitment. It takes a lot of time and money. Trying to coordinate schedules and budgets of multiple people is often enough to delay (or even prevent) the start of a trip. 

And every group seems to have one person who can’t commit or cancels last minute—which can throw a wrench into the entire trip before it even begins.

But with solo travel, all you have to do is buy that ticket and you’re on your way.

Complete Control Of Your Day

Traveling alone allows you to be in total control so you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. You can eat whenever, see whatever, and go wherever you want. 

Feel like sleeping in? You got it.

Want to just walk for hours? Go for it. 

You can’t fully appreciate this freedom until you travel with other people.

Food Freedom

From my experience, choosing where to eat is one of the most stressful aspects of traveling with other people—especially when you’re traveling with a larger group of people. 

When you travel alone you can choose exactly where to eat and you don’t have to worry about splitting bills and making sure you get paid back. 

Dining alone can also help you get seated faster if the restaurant has seats at the bar.

Choose Your Itinerary

Trying to get an entire group of people to agree to an itinerary can cause a lot of fiction. 

Some people love the beach. Others love city adventures. Some people want to travel cheaply and others want to drop a lot of cash. Some want to stop at every souvenir shop and others want to spend their days in museums. Inevitably, these misaligned travel styles things cause stress and conflict.

Solo travel allows you to do things you want to do. You don’t need to answer to anyone else. In a group, everyone has their own ideas of what to see and this can cause a lot of conflicts.

No Arguments

Travel is stressful. And you usually take out that stress on your travel partners. This can cause riffs between you and your travel partner or riffs within a larger group. 

I find myself getting much less stressed when I am traveling alone… because I’m not going to argue with myself. 

Total Focus

There is no one to “distract” you when you’re traveling solo. You’re totally focused on whatever it is you’re experiencing.

An Opportunity To Reinvent Yourself

You can be whoever you want to be when you travel alone. Solo travel gives you a chance to shake off the “old you” and try being someone else for a while.

Meet New People

Groups tend to unknowingly put up a “wall” between themselves and other travelers—which often prevents them from making friends with other people.

I’ve also found that solo travelers tend to meet other solo travelers—especially if you’re staying in a hostel. 

No Large Group Issues 

Traveling in a large group poses other issues that a small group won’t experience. 

One of the biggest issues is finding a table at restaurants because reservations for more than four people can be a hassle. In fact, even a reservation for 4 people will be much harder than a group of two. 

Even finding two and three-bedroom rental properties can be difficult.

Large groups also stand out so you’re much more likely to be pegged for tourists.

An Opportunity For Self-Growth

Most solo travelers find that self-growth is the greatest long-term benefit of traveling to Europe alone. You learn that you can rely on yourself. You learn that you can figure stuff out while on the road. You develop self-confidence after figuring out a difficult problem. 

In the end, you become a stronger person.

Disadvantages of Solo Travel

solo train travel europe

I’d be lying if I said that solo travel was always amazing—because it’s not. And sometimes it kind of sucks. 

But I’ve also found the difficulties of solo travel end up being the most rewarding experiences.

Eating Alone

Many people feel really uncomfortable eating alone—especially in restaurants. It isn’t bad for breakfast and lunch but dinners do get a little lonely.

In actuality, eating alone isn’t nearly as awkward as we think it will be… but, given the choice, I’d still rather eat with someone than eat alone.

Unwanted Isolation

Solo travel can be isolating. And every solo traveler will experience bouts where they wish they had someone to hang out with. 

I remember my very first night of solo traveling. I was in Dublin and the hostel was overrun by a large group of Spanish students.  didn’t meet any English speakers that first night so it was pretty lonely. I was also a new traveler so I was pretty timid. Luckily, occasions like this were pretty rare.

But, I still find going to bars alone to be intimidating.

No “Buddy System” 

Having someone to share your memories with can be nice—especially if everyone travels well with each other. 

Traveling with a friend also helps with other practicalities like having someone watch your bags, watch your drinks, save your seat, help you solve a problem, etc.

Too Many Selfies

Most of my travel photos are selfies. Minor issue but all your photos start looking the same after a while. Of course, you can ask strangers to take your photo but that also gets old (and people take really bad photos).  

General Safety

Europe is a very safe place for solo travelers but there is always safety in numbers no matter where you go. 

On the other hand, traveling with a large group makes you stand out as a bunch of tourists—which brings another host of issues. I’ve written more about safety as a solo traveler further down in this article.

No “Single’s Tax”

Solo travel can be more expensive (on a per-person basis) than traveling with a group because you’re not able to split some travel costs—notably hotel rooms/rental apartments and food. For example, splitting the cost of a hotel room between two people is a huge money saver. 

Tips On How To Travel Alone Successfully

solo train travel europe

Now that we’ve covered the positives and negatives of solo travel, let’s take a look at some tips to help you successfully travel alone. 

Consider Staying In Hostels

Hostel life isn’t for everyone but it’s an excellent way to be instantly connected with other travelers (especially other solo travelers).

Hostels have changed a lot in the past 5-10 years. Europe now has a number of higher-end hostels so many feel more like boutique hotels than the stereotypical budget backpacker flops of yesteryear. 

Additionally, just about every nicer hostel has private rooms and many hostels cater to every age so you won’t feel out of place if you’re not the typical twentysomething traveler. 

Many hostels often plan group meals, bar crawls, and walking tours to help create a communal vibe so do a little research to find a hostel that fits your travel style.

More Tips On How To Meet People In Hostels

Hostels are naturally social but there are a few things you can do to increase the chance of meeting other people.

  • Don’t Break The Unspoken Hostel Rules: Check out The Savvy Backpacker’s guide to hostel etiquette .
  • I didn’t do a very good job being outgoing my first few nights and I had a hard time meeting people. But after the third night, I forced myself to be a little more outgoing and it opened up so many doors.
  • Buy People Beer: Buy some cheap beer and offer it to people. You’ll meet TONS of people this way. People will often do the same for you. Trust me, this will be the best €10 you can spend.
  • Cook Meals In The Hostel: You’ll meet so many people if you hang out in the kitchen around dinner time. Or, if nothing else, hang around the kitchen at dinner time and you’ll probably be invited to eat with other guests.

Check out my Guide To Hostels in Europe to get a more in-depth look at the world of modern hostels and visit my Accommodations Page to see my list of the best hostels in Europe.

Stay In A Fun/Popular Neighborhood

I always try to book accommodation that’s located in a fun neighborhood because I love being able to walk out the door and instantly have coffee shops, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife within walking distance.

Fun neighborhoods also tend to be the safest since they’re the most popular so there are always people out and about.

The best neighborhoods are typically the most expensive in terms of accommodation so you’ll pay a bit of a premium, but I think it’s worth the extra costs.

Take A Food Tour, Cooking Class, Wine Tasting, Etc. 

Participating in a group event is an excellent way to meet other people.

I love taking food tours when traveling solo since eating is naturally a communal event—especially when there is alcohol involved. Many food tours take place at night so it’s a great way to fill your evening after you’ve spent the day exploring the city. I’ve personally taken Devour Food Tours in Rome, Seville, and Madrid—all were excellent (check out my Devour Rome Food Tour review to learn more).

Cooking classes are also a great way to meet people since you’re all in a kitchen preparing a meal together and then you all gather to eat everything you just made. For example, I’ve taken cooking classes in Paris at Cook’n With Class and a cooking class in Florence. These classes generally last 3-5 hours so you still have plenty of time to do other things that day.

Take A Walking Tour

Walking tours tend to be a little less social than food tours and cooking classes since you’re mostly listening to the guide talk but it’s still an excellent way to be around others.

But you’ll naturally start up conversations when the guide isn’t talking and you might end up making a new travel buddy along the way.

Most cities have free walking tours (the guides work off tips) so it’s an affordable activity as well. You can also find more specialty paid walking tours and those tend to attract like-minded travelers.

Couchsurfing, Reddit, and Other Meetup Groups

Most big cities across the world have active Couchsurfing and Reddit meetup groups that attract people eager to meet and chat. These groups typically meet at a local bar to help the conversations flow. 

The best way to find these groups is to Google “CITYNAME Couchsurfing Meetup” or “CITYNAME Reddit Meetup.” Meetup.com can also be a good resource for finding people who are also looking for things to do.

Rent A Room On Airbnb

While not guaranteed, renting a room in an Airbnb can be a good way to interact with your hosts. Plenty of hosts will invite you to dinner or be open to hanging out. 

For example, my Airbnb hosts in Naples invited me to have a homemade dinner with them one evening out on their beautiful rooftop patio.

Use Dating Apps

Using dating apps can be a good way for single travelers to meet locals and other tourists. Plus, meeting a local is a good way to find cooler places that you might not find on your own. 

Hit The Bar

The bar has always been a natural place to meet other people.

If you feel weird about drinking alone, I recommend bringing a book and sitting at the bar as you look much more approachable than if you’re just scrolling through your phone.

Safety Tips For Solo Travelers

solo train travel europe

While Europe is a very safe place to visit, common sense safety measures are still something that all solo travelers should consider.

Act Like You Belong

One of the best things you can do while traveling alone is to simply act like you belong. Walk with confidence. Pretend like you’ve been there a million times before. People who look lost and bewildered instantly stand out.

Stay In A Safe Neighborhood

Always do some research before booking your accommodation to ensure it’s in a safe neighborhood—especially at night.

TIP: The areas around train stations in Europe are often a little sketchy (since there is a large transient population) but this is also where much of the cheap accommodation is found. So keep this in mind when booking a place to stay.

Listen To Your Instincts

If something doesn’t feel right then you shouldn’t do it. It’s a pretty simple concept but sometimes it’s easier said than done.

Know Where You’re Going

Pulling your phone out every two seconds to see where you’re going will naturally draw attention to yourself and it’s a signal that you’re lost. So spend a little time studying your route so you only need to check periodically.

Keep Connected With Reliable Mobile Data

Having reliable mobile data for your phone can be a huge help when traveling—you need it for Google Maps, rideshare apps, digital train tickets… and just about anything else so don’t rely on hard-to-find free wifi to keep you connected.

I recommend buying a cheap prepaid European data plan—check out my guide to How to Use Data Plans and Smartphone Phones in Europe and my guide to the best eSIM data plans for Europe .

Get Familiar With Common Travel Scams

As G.I. Joe says, “Knowing Is Half The Battle” so it’s smart to familiarize yourself with the most common travel scams so you can avoid them.

I’ve written extensively about How to Avoid Pickpockets and Outsmart Thieves in Europe and How to Avoid Common Travel Scams In Europe but here are a few safety tips to consider while traveling alone.

You can also Google “scams in CITY” to get a better idea about the specifics of common scams in individual cities—for example, the “deaf/mute petition scam” is popular in Paris and Bus #64 in Rome is a hotspot for pickpockets.

Pack Light and Blend In

Lugging around a huge, heavy suitcase or massive backpack makes you an instant (and slow-moving) target. This is even more true in chaotic, crowded, and pickpocket-heavy locations like train stations, subways, and city buses.

Furthermore, knowing how to dress so you don’t instantly stand out as a tourist can also give you another level of safety.

I’ve written multiple packing-related articles you might want to check out:

  • Backpacking Europe Packing List
  • Travel Europe Packing List for Women
  • Europe Packing List  (for any travel style)
  • Hostel Packing List
  • How to Avoid Looking Like a Tourist in Europe

Buy Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is smart for all travelers because it can save your butt financially. I use and recommend  World Nomads  for most travelers but there are a handful of other travel insurance companies.

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Prague , Czech Republic : Often referred to as the ‘City of a Hundred Spires,’ Prague’s Gothic and Baroque architectures are a sight to behold. Walk down the Charles Bridge at dusk, witness the astronomical clock in action, and immerse yourself in the city’s timeless charm.

prague, praha, winter

Amsterdam , Netherlands : Beyond its canals and tulip-filled gardens, Amsterdam is a treasure trove of art and history. Explore the Van Gogh Museum, wander through the Anne Frank House, and take leisurely bike rides, embracing the city’s laid-back vibe.

bridge, river, architecture

Budapest, Hungary : Split by the Danube, the city boasts of thermal baths, ruin bars, and majestic palaces. From enjoying a spa day at Szechenyi Baths to indulging in Hungarian gastronomy, Budapest guarantees an experience like no other.

Grey Concrete Building Under Grey and White Cloudy Sky

Santorini, Greece : The postcard-perfect island, with its blue-domed churches and sunsets over the caldera, is a solo traveler’s dream. Experience Greek hospitality, savor local cuisines, and lose yourself in the beauty of the Aegean Sea.

santorini, greece, buildings

Practical Tips for Solo Travelers in Europe

  • Budgeting and Managing Expenses : Traveling solo means being responsible for your finances. Plan your daily budget, prioritize activities, and consider economical options like street food or free walking tours.
  • Using Rail Passes and Travel Deals : Europe’s rail system is a blessing. Opt for rail passes like Eurail or Interrail, which offer unlimited travel and can be a cost-effective way to explore multiple destinations.
  • Navigating Language Barriers : While English is widely spoken, learning a few phrases in the local language can enhance your travel experience and often endears you to locals.
  • Ensuring Personal Safety : Always inform someone of your whereabouts, avoid poorly-lit areas at night, and stay vigilant.

Packing Essentials for Your European Solo Adventure

Europe’s diverse climate calls for smart packing. Seasonal considerations are paramount. Summers call for breathable fabrics, while winters demand layers. A sturdy backpack, comfortable walking shoes, universal adapters, and a good camera are essentials. Remember, packing light not only eases mobility but also ensures a hassle-free journey.

Making Friends & Building Connections

Solo doesn’t mean solitary. Europe offers endless opportunities to mingle. Respecting local customs and cultures is the key to forming genuine connections. Attend local events, engage in group activities in hostels, or simply strike up a conversation at a café. Every interaction is a step towards a richer travel experience.

Embracing the rhythm of Europe solo can be the adventure of a lifetime. With every turn, a story awaits, with every city, a new horizon. With the right preparation and an open heart, the continent’s treasures are yours to discover. Dive deep, wander freely, and let Europe unveil its magic, one solo step at a time.


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Solo Travel in Europe for First Timers: 41 Tips to Maximize Your Adventure

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

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If you’re in the market for life experiences that make you laugh, cry, throw up & also insufferable at parties, then I can wholeheartedly recommend the wonders of solo travel in Europe.

I mean… Traveling Europe on your own? With no one there to nag or navigate? It’s exciting. It’s empowering. Oh! And how can I forget? It’s scary. Very, very scary.

That’s what I thought anyway when I set off on my first European solo adventure at the clueless age of 21. Almost a decade of solo travel later, I’ve gotten scammed, lost, lonely, and one time, I inexplicably broke out in hives at 2am in a windowless Bulgarian hotel.

All that to say, solo travel in Europe is a wild ride. But one that’s as life-changing as it is terrifying.

The best way to fight the terror? Preparation! And research! Luckily you’re here, and if I haven’t scared you away yet, you’re very close to a full list of all the tips and must-knows I wish I had before my first solo Europe trip. Consider it a list of wisdom gleaned from mistakes I’ve made so you don’t have to.

… Although I still have no idea where the hives came from.

Anyway, read on for a list of my best Europe solo travel tips, and be sure to read my general Europe travel tips for other basics that I don’t have a chance to cover. Yes, against all odds I do have more to say on this topic. Wild.

solo train travel europe

Save this list of Europe Solo Travel Tips for Later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

1. Identify your anxieties & build confidence well before departure

Alright, let’s start with some basics. Truly, the most important thing when it comes to solo travel is to build up your confidence as much as humanly possible before you go.

And to do that, we have to play a super fun game called… confronting all our anxieties! Yay.

Truthfully, every traveller will have different comfort levels and anxieties around solo travel. Some might dread being perceived as alone. Some might fear solo navigating. Others (like me) fear having nobody to watch their laptop when nature calls at coffee shops.

Anyways, the point is: we all fear different parts of solo travel, and the easiest way to prepare for this is to identify what your main anxieties are (by writing them down) and building up confidence around those in a more familiar environment.

For instance, if your main anxiety is navigating and getting around, you can build your navigation skills by doing smaller adventures close to home.

Or if you feel nervous about being out on your own, you can try doing a solo meal or museum in your hometown.

Prepare for your first solo trip by building confidence around the areas that make you nervous and you’ll be golden.

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2. Decide what kind of solo travel trip you want to do

Gone are the days that “solo travel” means only backpacking and sleeping in dorm rooms with 17 of your new closest friends.

Granted, solo travel in Europe can be that, but it can also be joining a group tour (like with Trafalgar or Contiki ) if you don’t want to worry about logistics. Or checking into a luxe 5 star hotel to take advantage of a solo spa weekend. Or staying in a mid-range hotel and walking 30,000 steps each day until you’re limping back to your bed.

The sky’s the limit when it comes to solo travel, so before you start planning, really think about what your ideal solo trip looks like so you can plan accordingly.

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3. Be strategic when picking your first solo destinations in Europe

Now, onto a big decision: where to go for your first European solo trip.

While I’m a huge advocate for simply going where you want to, there might be some destinations that are more ‘beginner-friendly’ for first time solo travellers. Which ones to choose though depends again on our favourite topic of discussion: your specific anxieties! Yay.

If you’re worried about being perceived as lonely for instance, then a bigger city like London might be a good fit, where you can luxuriate in the endless anonymity of the thousands of others who are out and about all on their own.

If you’re worried about being overwhelmed by change, then maybe pick a place where you can speak the language, or isn’t too different from what you know (e.g. if you’re from a big city, pick another big city).

If you’re worried about safety, then some more beginner friendly solo destinations include Nordic countries like Iceland, Norway, Sweden & Finland.

All that to say, lists of “best solo travel destinations in Europe” are wildly subjective, and picking the best fit for you will really depend on a) your bucket list and b) what fears you want to mitigate.

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4. Learn the pros and cons of different solo accommodation types

As a solo traveler in Europe, your options for accommodation are just as plentiful as someone traveling with buddies or partners.

That said, picking the right accommodation for your trip is important, so here are some pointers based on personal experience.

If you’re hoping to meet new people on this trip, hostels are the way to go. If you want privacy, don’t fret – many hostels have single rooms these days so you can get the social atmosphere without being immersed in a snoring symphony every night.

If you’re not too bothered about meeting new people and are prioritizing comfort at the end of the day, know that many hotels in Europe actually offer single rooms for cheaper than double rooms, so that could be a great option if you want a hotel experience without paying for a giant room.

NOTE: My foolproof method of finding cheap hotels in Europe can help you find the perfect place.

Lastly, there’s of course vacation rentals like Airbnb. To be honest, I don’t think Airbnbs are great for solo travel, because there’s a lot of additional hoops compared to hostels/hotels like having to meet your host or even potentially share a space with them and other guests.

I personally think more standardized options like hotels and hostels feel safer, plus Airbnb has some outrageous fees these days, so I would stick to hostels or hotels if you can.

solo train travel europe

5. Prioritize accommodation in busier areas

Another important solo travel tip is to book accommodation somewhere busy. This will help you avoid unpleasant situations like walking back alone at night with no one around.

In addition to this, definitely do some research beforehand to identify safer parts of the city, and prioritize finding accommodation in those.

I like searching for hotels on Booking.com because they have a fun map view that allows me to view options based on neighbourhood.

solo train travel europe

6. Use Hostelworld for booking hostels

For hostels specifically though, I recommend using Hostelworld.

Back in my hostel era, they used to my go-to, and these days, they have a lot of cool new features like group chats where you can interact with the other people staying at your hostel at the same time as you. Can you imagine how many awkward convos this could have saved me? I’m genuinely angry this didn’t exist back in my day.

That said, if you don’t care about Hostelworld’s extra features, do know it’s pretty much always cheaper to book directly with the hostel itself. Most hostels will offer some kind of perk like free breakfast in exchange for a direct booking because that saves them the extra fees.

PS: If you’re backpacking, be sure to check out my full list of Europe backpacking tips and Western Europe backpacking itinerary.

Awesome, in-depth guide to booking the perfect hostel every time! This post details everything you need to know before you book a hostel, to ensure that you have the best possible experience. A must-pin for anyone who is new to hostel life!

7. Make sure you have a good data plan

In terms of must-buys before your trip, I think making sure you have data access is crucial , not only for practical reasons like using navigation and translation apps, but also to stay connected with loved ones and keep safe.

If your phone plan doesn’t have a generous international option, then buying a local SIM card could be a great choice. Thanks to EU wide roaming waivers, you can actually get a SIM card in any EU country and use it across the EU, and some other countries without any roaming charges. 

Very handy if you’re planning on visiting a bunch of countries!

solo train travel europe

8. Get a travel friendly credit card

Another important must-have is a good credit card you can use abroad.

I think this is especially important for solo travellers because (in the off-chance that your cards from home don’t work) you literally have no travel companions to milk for money. In other words, if your cards don’t work, you’re screwed.

I personally use my Wise card in Europe and love it because it saves me from pricey foreign usage fees. You can click here to get your first transfer free (up to 500 euro), and they even send you the card for free! I know it sounds too good to be true, but this thing has been a lifesaver.

NOTE: The reason I’d advise having a credit card over a debit card is because credit cards give you more recourse with false charges in case your card gets stolen. Plus, I’ve found credit cards to be more universally compatible, especially big names like Visa or Matercard.

solo train travel europe

9. Always schedule a daytime arrival

Now, in terms of planning your travel days, another very important solo tip is to plan so that you arrive in new destinations during the day.

Because you know what seems scarier and more stressful in the dark? Everything . Absolutely everything.

So, don’t plan for a night time arrival. Pay the extra if you have to! It’ll be well worth it.

solo train travel europe

10. Spoil yourself at the start of your trip

Next, if you’re anxious about arriving in a new place alone, my rule of thumb is to always spoil yourself at the start of your trip, rather than saving it for the end ‘as a treat’.

This is because you’ll always be the most stressed at the very beginning of your trip once you arrive, so if there’s any time to pay for a taxi or get a good night’s sleep, it’s then.

Trust me, you’ll feel much more confident after you ditch your bags and get some proper rest.

solo train travel europe

11. Splurge on first class trains (depending on the country)

Okay, another slightly boujee tip, but hear me out.

A great solo travel hack to know is that some train systems (e.g. the French train system and German train system ) have 1st class trains that offer single seats you can book. This is ideal if you want to spread out and not fear elbowing someone else. It’s glorious, and well worth the splurge, especially for longer journeys.

I also find that first class cars tend to feel safer as well. You can learn more in my guide on how to takes trains in Europe.

solo train travel europe

12. Stay close to families and couples

Whether you’re choosing where to sit on a bus/train or simply feeling uncertain while exploring a new place, one way I always find comfort is by sticking close to couples and families.

Not to assume all families and couples are perfect angel-people, but generally if I need someone to watch my things while I head to the bathroom for instance, I can feel confident in asking a mom. This hasn’t steered me wrong yet!

solo train travel europe

13. Ensure you know your routes well in advance

Now, if you plan on walking a lot during your solo Europe trip (which duh, of course you are), then I need to be annoying and remind you that you and you alone are in charge of navigating… so be sure to prepare accordingly.

Some handy tricks for navigating solo like a pro:

  • Use Google Street View to get a sense of your route before your arrival
  • Download the Google Map of your destination so you can use it offline, in case you’re left without data (you can do this by typing ‘ok maps’ in into the search bar)
  • Star your accommodation on Google Maps so you always remember where it is
  • Ask for a business card or something upon check in so you have your accommodation’s address in the worst case scenario that your phone is stolen or lost
  • Download the local language on Google Translate for offline use in case you need to ask for directions, translate signs or anything like that. Be sure to check out my list of Europe travel apps for more recommendations.

solo train travel europe

14. Pack light

One of the greatest woes of solo travel in Europe (especially for weak-armed gremlins like me) is that you and you alone are in charge of carrying your bags.

While kindness from strangers can sometimes go a long way, you’re better off assuming that you’ll have to carry all of your bags by yourself every time.

This endeavour can get especially difficult if you’re using public transport, because hauling multiple suitcases on/off buses and Metros is truly one of the sweatiest and most horrible tasks on Earth.

As such, I’d recommend only packing as much as you can carry yourself in one go. For me, this means one carry-on sized suitcase and one backpack. If that sounds like a struggle, be sure to check out my minimalist packing list and my list of general packing tips.

solo train travel europe

15. Bring a book or journal

For those who fear being left alone with their thoughts, it’s always a good idea to have a book or journal handy for those little pockets of solitude.

… Which can be frequent by the way, when you’re travelling alone in Europe!

I find that having a book or journal feels much better than just scrolling mindlessly on your phone, so be sure to have one on you (or another solitary activity that you enjoy).

NOTE: I do love physical books but if you’re planning for a long trip then having an e-reader is a much more efficient use of space. I love my Kobo E-reader because I can link it to my library card and check out eBooks for free, so that’s a great hack for a long trip.

In addition to solitary activities, you should also consider bringing a social item if your goal is to make friends at some point. Having a deck of cards or a fun easy game makes for a great icebreaker!

solo train travel europe

16. Bring a portable charger 

Another important must-have for solo travel in Europe?

… Not the drinking kind. The chargey kind. These days, having access to your phone and internet is so important, especially when you’re on your own.

So, having a portable source of power is essential. This one for instance is the slimmest one on the market.

solo train travel europe

17. Pack a plug or outlet extender

If you’re planning on staying in hostels, you should also consider some kind of plug or outlet extender.

Often there aren’t enough outlets to go around, which can be tricky if you need to charge your phone, laptop, camera, etc. so having an outlet extender can be a lifesaver.

… It can also help you make friends very quickly.

solo train travel europe

18. Bring good noise cancelling headphones

I’m not usually one for expensive gear, but one of my most prized travel possessions (that is 100% worth the money) are these headphones.

Screaming baby on the plane? Blocked.

Snoring neighbour? BLOCKED.

Noisy street party outside my window? Blocked! Beautifully.

I’m not being dramatic when I say that having a good set of noise cancelling headphones can absolutely transform your trip, so I’d highly recommend splurging on a pair.

NOTE: For safety reasons, when walking around in public, make sure you never have your headphones at full volume.

solo train travel europe

19. Making friends? First impressions really matter

Alright, now let’s tackle some social tips for solo travel.

The most important (and inconvenient) truth to keep in mind is that first impressions matter a lot when it comes to meeting new people.

So, when you are entering new situations whether that’s a hostel or a tour, be VERY aware of the initial vibe you put out.

If you act like a frigid meanie at the start, it’ll be very hard for you to reverse that impression and make friends later once your caffeine has kicked in. So, be friendly and approachable right off the bat – this will make your life a lot easier.

solo train travel europe

20. Wear some kind of identifiable icebreaker

Now, if you’re shy, then here’s a solo travel hack that will help draw friends to you…

Simply wear or carry something (whether that’s a sticker on your laptop or a pin on your bag) that hints at a passion or hobby of yours. That way, similar minded people will find their way to you. Yay.

solo train travel europe

21. Book (niche) guided tours to meet new people

Aside from staying in hostels, I’ve found the best way to meet new people is on guided tours… especially ones that bring likeminded people together like an x filming locations tour, or an activity where you have common ground (e.g. a cooking class).

NOTE: You can also try places like Facebook groups and Bumble BFF.

solo train travel europe

22. When in doubt, offer to take someone’s photo

Now, I’m going to let you in on a secret…

One of the easiest hacks in solo travel land is this: if you want to interact with strangers in a non-weird way, simply offer to take their photo when you’re in a touristy place!

The key here is pick someone who is probably on their own as well or in a group of friends. Offering to take a photo is an easy icebreaker that can lead to further conversation, and (at the very least) a nice photo of yourself in return. Double win. 

solo train travel europe

23. Use recommendations as an icebreaker

If you’re stuck for a conversation starter, another trick is to simply ask for someone’s opinion from a curious POV and get recommendations.

You could always say for instance, “oh I actually just arrived yesterday! Do you have any recommendations for x?”

People love sharing what they know, and this is an easy way to get the ball rolling in terms of conversation. If the vibe is right, you could also start talking about other recommendations you’ve heard from others, and maybe suggest you do it together.

solo train travel europe

24. Be openminded with who you become friends with

Lastly on the friends front, I want to emphasize how important it is to be openminded when you’re travelling solo.

Here’s the harsh truth: among the friends you make while solo traveling, you’ll probably only see a small percentage of them again. With that in mind, you’re not necessarily looking for lifelong friends… so don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone you wouldn’t necessarily befriend back home, whether that’s due to gaps in age or interest.

I’ve had some of my nicest solo travel interactions this way!

solo train travel europe

25. Always look up local scams

Now let’s move onto solo travel safety tips. The first is to become an expert in the local scam scene.

The truth is, no matter where you go in Europe, there will probably be a common scam or two. The other truth is? You can probably learn all about these scams by simply… Googling them.

So, do your research ahead of time and make sure you’re familiar with the common scams of your destination. My guide on how to avoid pickpockets in Europe may be a good start.

NOTE: You should also have an idea of the rougher areas of your destination to avoid. While I think reports of sketchy areas can often be overblown, when it comes to travelling alone, it’s always better safe than sorry.

solo train travel europe

26. Walk around with confidence

Another must know for solo travelers?

I don’t care how scared, lost or nervous you are… always strut around with purpose and confidence. The more confident you look, the less likely you are to deal with unwanted attention.

If you do need to look at your map or check something on your phone, do so by pulling over somewhere safe rather than stopping in the middle of the street in a cloud of confusion.

BONUS TIP: Some solo travellers swear by wearing a wedding ring when they’re avoiding attention from potential suitors.

solo train travel europe

27. Keep someone from home updated on your plans

Another very important solo travel safety tip is making sure someone from home knows where you’re headed. In addition to providing someone with a copy of your itinerary, you should also be checking in every so often to let them know everything is alright.

If that sounds too hands on though, you can also look into apps that allow you to effortlessly share your location, like with…

  • The built-in ‘Find My’ app on iPhones (very simple to use)
  • Life360, a location sharing app that shares your whereabouts with trusted individuals

solo train travel europe

28. Opt for a public location if meeting anyone

These days, I think it’s safe to say that most of us are over the whole ‘never trust strangers from the Internet’ thing, so I’m here to offer some realistic advice: it’s okay to meet a date or friends from an online group when you’re travelling solo, but if you are, then please please please make sure you’re meeting them in a public location.

I don’t care how long you’ve chatted for, how many times you’ve Facetimed, or whether you’ve declared your love for each other already – when it comes to solo travel, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

So, meet in public. And again, be sure to let someone know where you’re headed.

solo train travel europe

29. Never post on social media in real time

An oft neglected solo safety tip is to never update your social media in real-time.

This means if you’re gulping up cool cocktails at a bar in Budapest, you shouldn’t post and tag that bar until you’ve moved on.

Or if you’ve just arrived at your hotel, this means NOT showing the view from the balcony or your room number (seriously, I’ve seen people do this) until check-out.

There’s a ton of different reasons for this. First off, even if your account is private, you don’t know with 100% certainty that all your followers can be trusted with your exact whereabouts, especially when you’re abroad and your home is left vulnerable to intruders.

And if your account isn’t private, then every time you use a location tag, your story (and therefore location) is publicly visible to everyone on the planet. Which really isn’t the safest way to be existing.

So, remember: leave the social updates for after. This will also help you live more in the moment.

solo train travel europe

30. Avoid getting too drunk

No, I’m not done with the buzzkill tips. Here’s another one: please imbibe responsibly.

Especially when you are new to your destination and don’t quite know your way around yet, getting drunk on your own is a recipe for disaster. At the very least, save the big nights out for when you’re more confident in knowing your way around.

Needless to say, you should also never leave your drink unattended.

solo train travel europe

31. Have backups of everything

Next, be sure to always have backups of everything, whether that’s copies of your passport and important documents, or backup cards and cash stored in other bags of yours in case your stuff gets stolen.

Make sure you also have emergency phone numbers written down as well. Remember, you should be actively preparing for worst case scenario so that in the off-chance it does happen, you’re not completely screwed.

This same principle applies to backing up your photos like to iCloud or Google Photos in case your phone gets broken or stolen. Try to do this every day, because trust me, you’ll want those memories!

solo train travel europe

32. Screenshot everything

Continuing with the whole ‘worst case scenario’ doom-thinking, another tip I have is to assume you’ll not have Internet.

This is because data seems to (at least for me) have this magical way of crapping out in the moments I need it most.

So, make sure you have screenshots of all your important bookings, tickets, addresses, etc. so that you can access them even when you don’t have an Internet connection.

solo train travel europe

33. Get travel insurance just in case something goes wrong

Of course, having travel insurance is a no-brainer as well, if we’re rolling with this whole ‘worst case scenario’ thing.

With many travel-friendly credit cards, travel insurance is included as a perk, so be sure to look into that. I get excellent insurance through my Amex card which saves me a ton of money every trip.

For longer trips, I usually buy a policy with WorldNomads and have never had an issue with them.

solo train travel europe

34. Always a carry a lock & remember: better safe than sorry

One of my favourite little travel items to carry are these mini locks – you can keep one in each bag and use them for lockers in hostels, to lock up zippers in crowded areas, etc. etc.

I know this may sound overly paranoid, but as I mentioned before, when it comes to solo travel in Europe, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Trust your gut – if you feel that anything is even remotely off, then make sure your stuff is properly locked up… no matter how cool and trustworthy your new friends may seem.

solo train travel europe

35. Become a master of taking your own photos

Now, a lot of people assume that when they travel solo, they’re doomed to a camera roll of just selfies and landscapes.

Trust me, I love a good selfie, but there are so many ways you can take epic photos of yourself while travelling solo!

From portable tripod/selfie stick combos like this to just propping your phone up on a bench (obviously when people aren’t around), there are plenty of ways to capture yourself and get cool photos. So, be shameless and remember nobody will ever see you again, so you might as well get the shot.

NOTE: I find that waking up very early (i.e. sunrise) is ideal for this type of self-photography… because that’s when nobody is around, and at the end of the day, there’s nothing fun about getting your phone stolen while posing wistfully.

Sacré-Coeur Basilica from Square Marcel-Bleustein-Blanchet

36. Embrace the perks of solo travel

Another random solo travel tip? Remember that solo travel comes with a ton of unique perks that you should definitely take advantage of, whether that’s scoring the last cheap ticket to a play, getting to do the single riders lines at theme parks, or simply being able to choose what you eat and do everyday, based solely on what YOU want.

Solo travel is an amazing gift, and the more you actively take advantage of its perks, the more fulfilling your trip will be.

solo train travel europe

37. Accept that you’ll have bad days

That said, solo travel isn’t always perfect.

Just like how you might wish you were alone sometimes on a hectic family or friend trip, there will be moments on your solo trip that you wish you had someone to share it with…. And that’s okay! 

Solo travel can often be a rollercoaster of emotions, so if you’re having a bad day, let it happen and don’t feel guilty about it. Sometimes thinking you’re dumb for complaining can send you down a negative guilt spiral and make things 10x worse.

So, when you’re not feeling it, give yourself permission to wallow. You’ll feel much better after some rest.

PS: If you really need a break from hostel life (assuming you’re going that route), you can look into apps like DayUse which allow you to book a hotel at a highly discounted rate for the day rather than overnight, so you can get some proper rest without breaking the bank.

solo train travel europe

38. Opt for takeout instead of dining in

One of my favourite solo travel hacks as far as dining is concerned is simply grabbing takeout and enjoying it somewhere scenic.

This is an especially great trick if you feel awkward dining alone at a restaurant (which you shouldn’t, but still). There’s nothing I love more than enjoying good food with a side of people watching, so be sure to steal that trick and see what I mean.

solo train travel europe

39. Consider sitting at the bar

Or, another alternative is to sit at the bar when you dine out.

This way you can more easily strike up conversations with other patrons or at least the bartender…!

solo train travel europe

40. Load up on movies and TV shows filmed in your destinations

Another fun tip I’ll also add is to load your phone/laptop up with movies and TV shows filmed in the places you’re visiting.

Not only does this give you plenty of potential entertainment for your solo travel evenings, it also makes for a fun game recognizing locations once you’re out and about on your own.

solo train travel europe

41. Lastly: Keep cool and laugh things off when things go wrong

The only certain thing in solo travel is that things will go wrong at some point. Recognizing that this will eventually happen is pretty freeing!

Remember: at the end of the day, what matters most is how you react to a situation, rather than the situation itself. As such, just practice laughing things off.

At the end of the day, travel either makes for a good memory or a good story. View every mishap as a future story to tell, and you’ll be golden.

solo train travel europe

Did I Miss Any of Your Favourite Solo Travel Tips for Europe?

Let me know in the comments! Safe and happy travels 🙂

My Go-To Travel Favourites:

🧳 Eagle Creek: My favourite packing cubes

💳 Wise: For FREE travel friendly credit cards

🍯 Airalo: My go-to eSIM

🏨 Booking.com: For searching hotels

📷 Sony A7IV: My (amazing) camera

✈️ Google Flights : For finding flight deals

🌎 WorldNomads: For travel insurance

🎉 GetYourGuide: For booking activities

2 thoughts on “Solo Travel in Europe for First Timers: 41 Tips to Maximize Your Adventure”

These are great tips; thanks for sharing!

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Best places to visit in Europe as a solo traveler (plus safety tips)

Europe is possibly one of the safest and easiest places to visit. With over 40 countries to explore, it will never be a dull moment on the continent. Let's go over the best places to visit in Europe as a solo traveler.

solo train travel europe

Tiffany Tiff Travels

Oct 05, 2023

europe solo travel

As we know, Europe has so many countries to see, but not all of them are as developed as the other.

Cultures (and languages) may vary from region to region. For example, eastern Europe is going to have a very different culture than Western European countries. Although Europe has been rated to be quite safe for solo female travelers , there are still some things to keep in mind.

How to travel solo in Europe keeping it safe and fun

Let's go over a few safety tips that can be applied to solo travel in Europe but also anywhere else in the world.

Try not to arrive at a destination late at night

Some trains or buses may be a bit cheaper if your arrival is at night. My personal opinion is to book any transportation that arrives during daylight .

Although Europe may be safe, anywhere at night has the potential to be dangerous. The few bucks saved is not worth the anxiety of what could possibly happen in the dark.

Update family and friends back home of travel plans

At times, it can be easy to forget to tell our loved ones what our plans are while on the road.

It's so important to make sure your family knows where you are and what your plans are. In case of any emergencies, they can reach out and see any best ways they can help. I’ve had many instances abroad where I had mishaps but my family was updated with my plan .

Learn a little bit of the local language

There are so many languages spoken in Europe it can be a bit overwhelming! To simplify, learn the basics such as greetings and questions if you plan on visiting a country where English is not widely spoken.

Girl looking at the Eiffel Tower

Make sure a local knows where you are

Whether it is the hostel receptionist, your airbnb host, or vacation boyfriend, making sure a local knows where you are is key to staying safe. In case anything goes left, you’ll have someone who knows the area to talk to.

Never walk with valuables

During my day trips, I make sure to lock up my computer , passports, or any other important items that mean a lot to me.

Most European countries are safe but petty crime is still a thing . I always make sure to travel with printed copies of my IDs such as passport and driver's license as well.

Be aware of your surroundings

Keep an eye out on anyone who may be eyeing your bag, or you in general. You never know what people may be plotting in their head so it's good to just put yourself first and walk tall and confident.

During my time in Athens,  Greece , I even walked with a mini padlock on my bag to steer off pickpockets and keep my belongings safe.

Never tell anyone you are traveling alone

Like ever, it just makes you more of a target. When I go out of my hostel and strike up conversation with people, I always say my mom is taking a nap at the hotel or my family is shopping in a different area.

Of course we do not want to imagine anything bad will happen while abroad but safety is a priority anywhere in the world.

Bring your phone with you everywhere

A phone can act as a lifeline by calling loved ones, a translator , and a debit card all in one. I always say some of the worst things to be stolen or lost while traveling is a phone or a passport.

Be sure to keep all eyes on your phone .

Drink and party responsibly

Having a good time and late nights in Europe is definitely nothing new. Whether you’re partying with a new group of friends in Santorini or living it up in Southern Italy , know your limits, especially if you’re traveling alone.

When people go to different countries alone, their biggest supporter and protector is themselves. Even if you met someone on the road whom you feel like you connect with, they don’t know you that well and vice versa.

Need more safety tips? Read the ultimate guide to staying safe while traveling the world alone

Two girls checking in at a hostel in Europe

Volunteering in Europe

Europe is such a great place to get into the world of work exchange and volunteering abroad . There are plenty of diverse options such as agriculture ,  yoga teacher , social media management . Of course there are also the more traditional volunteer jobs such as housekeeping and reception work . 

Volunteering with Worldpackers in Europe is a great way to stay safe while visiting the continent. Working with a hostel or guest house will connect a traveler with a host and the worldpackers support team in case any mishaps occur. In addition, accommodation is included in the volunteering exchange!

Work exchange in Europe is not just a great way to save money while traveling Europe but also to make lifelong memories and build professional experience.

Volunteering can possibly be used on job resumes to build overall experience. Whether the skills traded are in reception, social media management, or website design, the life lessons learned while volunteering abroad can always be applied later on in life .

I personally feel much safer when I travel solo with worldpackers because I’m surrounded by other volunteers as well as a host that cares about me. My first time volunteering with Worldpackers was back when I was only 19 years old . I spent one month at a hostel in my home country of Jamaica.

The workers at the hostel all knew how young I was (and a solo female traveler ) and saw me as one of their own and took very good care of me. At the end of my stay, they even got me a gift! Volunteering abroad helps me to feel safe and loved butI’ve also made countless memories with people from all over the world.

Check out all of the Worldpackers work exchange opportunities in Europe.

Where to solo travel in Europe: Top 20 places

There are so many beautiful destinations in Europe, but it would take forever to see all of them at one time.

Down below is a list of 20 great countries to visit as a first time solo traveler in Europe:

Greece is probably one of the most popular destinations to visit during the summertime. People from all over the world stop their daily routines to island hop and explore the ancient Mediterranean culture.

Learn more about island hopping through Greece in this article. Check out all of the worldpackers opportunities throughout the Greek islands and mainland.

Don't miss out:  The ultimate Greek islands list for budget travel  and  How to plan Greek island hopping .

Located in southern Europe and the birthplace of pizza, pasta, gelato and delicious food, lies the beautiful country of Italy.

With ancient coliseums, picturesque little towns, and crystal clear beaches, it's no wonder so many people visit here.

There are plenty of hostels throughout the country making it easy to meet new people and make friends. View all the volunteer opportunities in Italy .

Plan your trip to Italy with these articles:  The ultimate Worldpackers Italy travel guide  and  The 20 best cities to visit in Italy .

Two girls looking at a canal in Venice

3. Portugal

Probably one of my favorite European countries. With a charming language, stunning views , and delicious food, it is no wonder why Portugal sees thousands of tourists every year.

Many digital nomads have claimed Portugal as their new home for good reasons.

Check out:  Portugal travel itinerary: why you should go beyond Lisbon and Porto  and  TOP 15 Best places to visit in Portugal .

A lesser known yet worthy tourist destination, is Croatia .

Sitting in Southeast Europe , the country is sandwiched in between Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia is also another European country where budget travelers can have a good time without worrying about breaking the bank.

Don't miss out:  How to plan your first trip to Croatia  and  The 10 best places to visit in Croatia .

Home to countless cathedrals, authentic gastronomy, and beautiful beaches, Spain is the second most popular global tourist destination.

The country offers a good amount of excursions and activities whether a traveler wishes to swim in clean beaches, learn history, or go on beautiful hikes..

Plan your trip with our blog's articles about Spain .

Solo travel in Europe: girl arriving at the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona

I have never met a single person that did not enjoy Turkey. A great place to go backpacking with ancient culture, mouth watering pastries , and mediterranean vibes along the southern coast.

Many budget backpackers head to Turkey as opposed to its neighbor Greece to save money but still have a good time.

A lesser known but beloved country in southern Europe. It's located in the Balkans ,  right next to Greece and is a great alternative for those looking for Mediterranean vibes on a budget .

The scenery is absolutely beautiful ranging from the mountains in Tirana to the turquoise blue beach water of Sarande .

Said to have some delicious and plentiful vegan options , Germany has sophisticated cities as well as beautiful nature scenery.

Berlin is the capital and sees tourists from all over the world. On the other hand, the Bavarian alps have some pretty unbeatable mountain views.

Another good point: there are many volunteering opportunities in Germany .

Check out:  25 absolute best things to do in Berlin  and  How to travel as a vegan in Germany .

From the Eiffel tower of Paris to the lavender fields of the south, France is a dreamy destination for travelers. Surprisingly (but maybe not) France ranks top as the most visited country in the world .

Many people do speak English in Paris, so don’t be stressed if you’re not fluent in French. However, it would be a good idea to learn a few common phrases.

Boats docked at a canal in France

10. Switzerland

Known by many for their expensive prices and beautiful alps,  Switzerland  is quite a small country, but the natural scenery surely makes up for its size.

This country is known to be one of the most expensive in the continent but volunteering with Worldpackers in Switzerland can save lots of funds.

Norway has been rated one of the safest places to travel in the world .

The shining northern lights , the developed streets of Oslo, and overall gorgeous nature are some of the very good reasons to visit this country in northern Europe.

Norway is also quite vegan friendly for all the traveling plant based backpackers concerned.

12. The United Kingdom

The UK consists of several lovely destinations including Wales , Northern Ireland , Scotland , and England .

A famous city that attracts solo travelers from all over the world is London . The train system is reliable and effective here as well so sit back and enjoy exploring all these group of islands have to offer.

Plan your trip with these articles about travel to UK .

Norway’s neighbor and fellow Scandinavian country is Sweden .

It gets extremely cold here during the winter months so be sure to pack a coat if you plan to experience the northern lights's season!

Whether you want to try the world famous Swedish meatballs or try to learn the language, Sweden is a lovely country for solo travelers .

14. Romania

Located in the southeast next to Bulgaria and Moldova, Romania has an interesting history and definitely deserves a visit if in this area.

There are plenty of castles and picturesque cities along the way too. The country is also home to Transylvania   which is a cool feature that brings travelers to visit to know more about Dracula's legend and its castle (Bran Castle).

Couple hiking  inthe Romanian nature

15. Netherlands

Amsterdam sees around 8 million tourists per year for -among others-, a funny reason: the city claims the title as one of the few places in the world where  marijuana use is completely legal and accepted, and its Red District became a tourist attraction.

Apart from that, there is plenty to do in the Netherlands . Also an expensive country, volunteering in the Netherlands will save you a lot of money.

16. Czech Republic

The capital of Prague not only has the reputation of being very friendly and safe for solo female travelers, but also one of the most facinating European cities to visit.

Although the Czech Republic is a lesser visited European nation, has lots of tourist activities to offer.

17. Ireland

Another cold island off the western coast of Great Britain, is Ireland .

Ireland has a lot of interesting things to see, do, and visit such as castles, whiskey museums , and beautiful national parks. If visiting Ireland, it is almost necessary to visit Dublin to try world class Irish alcohol and snacks.

Check out:  The ultimate Worldpackers Ireland travel guide . 

18. Denmark

Known to be an extremely safe destination for solo travelers (especially women), catcalling is rarely an issue , yet alone major crime.

If heading to Denmark , be sure to visit the capital of Copenhagen , try world famous Danish pastries , and create new memories.

A beautiful Mediterranean island off the southern coast of Turkey, is Cyprus . The southern part of the country shares a similar culture to Greece, while the northern half is where the turkish-cypriot population (and many British expats) lives.

Despite years of division and civil war, now Cyprus is a chill place for solo travelers to make friends and relax by the beach.

Another Mediterranean island located right south of Italy, is Malta, where English is widely spoken and one of the two official languages.

Malta is an archipelago that is made up of 3  major islands, called Comino, Gozo, and the largest being the island of Malta. It is extremely close to Africa , so travelers can continue to Northern Africa and explore another continent if they wish.

There are so many other beautiful destinations on the continent but these are just a few to start off as a solo traveler !

"Popeye town" in Albania, set of the film

What to pack for backpacking Europe solo

An ideal packing list for Europe will greatly depend on the time of year visited, as well as the country/region.

For example, France during the summer time can experience heat waves of temperatures past 90 degrees fahrenheit, whereas the winter months will require a thick coat. It is also best to travel as lightly as possible .

European countries are quite small compared to the USA , China, or most in South America , so getting from place to place by train and bus is very simple. Traveling with a backpack or carryon suitcase is the best method to not stress over excess luggage.

Below I’ll include 2 small packing lists of traveling to Europe during the summer months and the winter months.

Summer Months:

  • Thick jacket
  • Long sleeve shirts
  • Closed toed shoes
  • Waterproof Boots
  • Layerable clothes
  • Sweaters/cardigans
  • Warm weather pants

Winter Months:

  • Shorts/skirts
  • Hiking Boots (for outdoor adventures)

*Quick tip for the winter months: wear your bulkiest clothes on the plane and during transport to take off weight from luggage and rack less baggage fees.

No matter the time of the year a traveler visits Europe, be sure to always bring a universal travel adapter . The UK has a completely different plug than France and Germany so having a plug that fits all countries is best. 

Find out more tips on minimalist packing .

Hiking Meteora, Northern Greece

Things I learned traveling solo in Europe

As a young solo female traveler that is only 21 years old, I have learned so much throughout my travels. 

Within my adventures and places visited, I visited several European countries which added to my knowledge as a solo female traveler. Here are a few things I learned while traveling throughout Europe as a solo woman.

Its okay to make mistakes

When traveling throughout a continent with so many options and places to discover, its very possible for mistakes to be made. Maybe you booked accommodation a day too early or missed your train stop, things can happen.

Don’t be too hard on yourself or feel like you missed out. With each mistake is a life lesson learned.

Plan in advance (especially during summer months)

Traveling Europe on a budget is definitely capable, especially in the Balkans but summer months are the most expensive time of the year.

Planning a last minute trip to Greece may not be the best idea and cost hundreds of dollars extra. It is best to plan accommodation and transportation in advance. To lift the weight of tripled flight and hostel prices off your shoulders.

You may not be able to go everywhere and that is okay!

There are so many things to do in Europe. I mean, in Greece alone there are at least 15 “must visit” destinations. You won’t be able to go everywhere and take the perfect IG photo at the most trending spots. 

For example, while backpacking Greece I was not able to visit Santorini due to accommodation being booked. However, I was able to visit Crete and Corfu and other amazing places in the country.

Be satisfied with what you are able to see and do and make life lasting memories wherever you go.

  • Also, take a look at:  Solo travel groups: exploring the world in good company

Busy street with view to a clock tower

Europe is extremely diverse

Although the continent is small, each region and country differs greatly ! Every country has their own language.

So, while you may take a 4 hour bus to another country, the culture and language will be completely different.

Not all hostels are created equally

Different hostels (and hotels) have different standards yet may be the same price. Depending on the destination and location, 2 hostels could be the same price but one could be terrible.

When booking accommodation, always be sure to look at reviews and look at credibility. My favorite place to search for hostels throughout Europe and around the world is hostelworld.com.

Vegan options are plenty (in certain destinations)

I had possibly some of the best vegan food of my life in Athens.

Certain countries are also more veg friendly than others, with Germany offering hundreds of plant based restaurants.

Public restrooms may cost money

Depending on what country is visited, it may cost money to pee . While exploring a bit of Oslo, Norway, I was required to pay 2 euros to use the mall bathroom. Long story short, be prepared to bring coins while going out or drink less water.

Public transport (train & bus) can go many places

Coming from the USA where getting from state to state can cost hundreds of dollars, I’m used to poor public transportation. I was shocked to see that it's possible to travel to different countries in Europe for as low as $10 USD .

The transportation system is another reason why Europe ranks high for solo travelers. Getting around can be made easy via train and bus.

Learn more about the cheapest European cities for budget backpackers .

Europe solo travel: girl looking at a seaside town from a viewpoint in Mykonos, Greece

Europe is known to be one of the most popular and safe tourist destinations for solo travelers for good reason. With an advanced public transportation system , varying regions, and rich cultures, a solo backpacking trip around Europe is a life changing experience.

Want to learn more about planning your dream Europe trip? By subscribing to the WP pack plan you have unlimited access to +120 courses at Worldpackers Academy, the travel school made by travelers! Learn about digital nomadism, master solo female travel, and be prepared to create everlasting memories. 

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Tiff Travels

Hello beautiful people of the internet! My name is Tiffany and I've been traveling the world solo for the past 2 years (I'm currently 21) and been to 5 countries including Zanzibar. My first 2 experiences with worldpackers have been in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and San Francisco, California and I plan on continuing my travels with the company. Let's go explore the world together!

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Worried about travelling solo? Here's what you need to know

Imagine a holiday where you get to do exactly what you want, whenever you want. Sounds good, right? Train is the perfect way to explore thousands of safe and welcoming destinations across Europe, and an Interrail Pass makes it even easier to be spontaneous. So here's what solo travellers need to know before they hit the rails.

Is it safe to go Interrailing alone?


Travelling by train is one of the safest ways to explore Europe. An Interrail Pass gives you access to an extensive network of railway companies with some of the best connections, maintenance systems and safety measures in the world.

With a mobile Pass, you don't need to worry about losing your Pass because it's on your phone. And if you lose your phone, we'll replace your Pass for free!

If totally carefree trips are your thing, getting travel insurance from our partners at  World Nomads  will ensure you aren't alone if things go wrong. World Nomads can insure your favourite tech and cover unexpected medical bills and other additional expenses.

solo train travel europe

Are night trains safe?

Night trains are a great way to get around in Europe. Here are a few things to keep in mind when travelling overnight.


7 safety tips for night trains

  • Do your research. Be aware of changes in the train timetable. 
  • Check online forums like our  Community  to get advice from previous travellers about the route you're taking.
  • Don't leave your bags unattended. Secure your bags while you sleep by investing in a cable lock and label them with a name tag.
  • You can also get   private sleeping compartments if you're not comfortable sharing. Check out these different  sleeping compartments . 
  • Keep your passport, travel documents, wallet and phone with you at all times.
  • Bring a power bank for your phone in case you don't have access to a power outlet on the train.
  • Make sure you know where to find staff on the train in case something goes wrong.

I'm a solo female traveller. Should I be worried?

No lots of solo female travellers choose interrail.

"This experience really has changed my life forever, I now travel alone and it’s all because I took the plunge and Interrailed Europe!"

- Raeanne, 23, United Kingdom

solo-female-travel 2 (1)

Tips for solo female travellers

  • Do your research before you go so you know what to expect – that way you can explore confidently once you arrive.
  • Ask female friends or other Interrailers for tips on where to go and whether there's anywhere you should avoid.
  • When choosing your accommodation, read reviews from travellers like you to get a better sense of what it's like to stay there.
  • Join free walking tours or bike tours and get to know your surroundings with a group of likeminded people.
  • Stay connected with friends and family while you're away and keep them updated on your plans.
  • Don't be afraid to try new things – trust your instincts and travel with confidence.

Ready to start your trip? 

Explore 33 amazing countries at your own pace with an Interrail Global Pass. 

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The Solo Globetrotter | Solo Female Travel Blog

Epic Europe Solo Travel Bucket List – 50 Fantastic Destinations

Europe solo travel

Whether planning your first time in Europe solo travel or looking for the perfect bucket list for your solo trip in Europe, you are in the right place.

Travel bloggers have shared their recommendations of the best destinations for Europe solo travel, including the best time to visit, why these cities are ideal and safe for solo travel in Europe, especially if you are traveling alone for the first time and helpful tips.

Grab your cuppa and get ready to know about this Europe solo travel bucket list of destinations.

First things first! I recommend you get travel insurance ALWAYS whenever you are on international or domestic travel! 

Check out this  insurance   by Safety Wing, which offers a pretty good cover for you and your family! They even provide monthly insurance, much required for slow travelers like us!  Book here !


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  • Epic Europe Solo Travel Bucket List – 50 Fantastic Destinations
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  • Solo Trip To Paris – 25 Fantastic Things To Do!
  • Planning Solo Travel In The Caribbean ?15 Destinations You Should Check


Budapest, hungary.

Budapest , the capital of Hungary, is undoubtedly one of the most  enchanting cities in Europe  and the World. 

This city has a vast history, evident in its rich culture, food, traditions, and spectacular architectural buildings, making it one of the popular cities for Europe Solo travel.

If you are in a hurry, check out these Budapest Private Tours:

  • Private City Tour Budapest (3 hours)
  • Budapest private bike tour with bike delivery
  • 3-Hour Budapest Tour with Russian Jeep
  • Discover Budapest: Private 3- or 4-Hour Tour by Car
  • Budapest: Private City Tour by Vintage Royal Car
  • Budapest: Private Sightseeing Tour
  • Wine Tasting Budapest
  • Budapest: Buda Castle Private Walking Tour
  • Budapest: Private Food Tour – 10 Tastings with Locals
  • Budapest Sightseeing Tour With Private Transportation

Budapest consists of two cities on either side of the Danube River , the heart of the city’s life.

Budapest in 2 days

Buda, on the West, was home to the affluent, upper class and Royal families. It houses the Royal UNESCO heritage sites, including the Buda Castle .

Pest, on the East, is today’s bustling city, where residents live alongside the vibrant shopping streets, ruined bars, cafes and clubs. 

You can witness this on the 2-hour Danube river cruise tour .

There are a plethora of things to do in Budapest. You can take a Hop-on-hop-off , one of the fun activities and exciting ways to explore Budapest.

Purchase this Budapest Card and benefit from a range of discounts, free entries to attractions, and unlimited public transportation.

Recommended Tour:  Budapest: 24, 48 and 72-Hour Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour

There are many other ways to explore Budapest; e-bike , segway , Floating bus tour and tuk-tuk are some of the options. Check the tours below to book any of these modes.

Budapest in 2 days

Recommended Tours:

  • Budapest: MonsteRoller E-Scooter Tour
  • Budapest: 1.5-Hour Fun Segway Sightseeing
  • Budapest: 2-Hour Private TukTuk Tour
  • Budapest: Guided Downtown Electric Bike Tour
  • Budapest: Floating Bus Tour by Land and Water

If you are looking for Budapest private tours check out this 4-hour tour by car .

Head first to the Central Market Hall. Also called the Great Market Hall, it is the city’s largest and oldest indoor market. You can take the Grand City Tour with Parliament Visit and see and see Hungary’s Crown Jewels during this tour.

You can see a wide range of items sold here, from fresh fruits to vegetables to souvenirs to pickles to paprika to flowers.

Stroll along the Danube River to head to the   central area of Budapest, a UNESCO world heritage.

The sites included are Buda Castle, Fisherman’s Bastion, Gresham Palace, Széchenyi Chain Bridge, and Matthias Church.

Recommended Tour:   Budapest: 3-Hour Grand City Tour and Castle Walk

Enjoy a 2-hour historical-ridden walking tour by night at Buda Castle. Let your Gothic-adorned narrator tell you stories of war, battles of medieval Budapest, vampires and folk stories from Hungary. Book  here .

If you want adventure, go caving in the Danube-Lpoly National Park.

Recommended Tour:  Budapest: Adventure Caving Tour with Guide

Climb and crawl through Budapest’s longest cave system on a caving experience in the Danube-Ipoly National Park.

Discover the source of Budapest’s hot springs, and marvel at the limestone rock formations left behind by geological activity. Check it out  here .

Head to Zrinyi Utca Street, which houses many popular restaurants and bars for lunch. 

Whether you prefer a fine-dining venue or want a quick lunch fix with burgers or fries, you can choose either with so many options.

Recommended Cruise Tours:  

  • Budapest: Nighttime or Daytime Sightseeing Cruise
  • Budapest: 1-Hour Sightseeing Cruise with Welcome Drink
  • Budapest: Daytime Sightseeing Boat Cruise
  • Budapest: Evening Sightseeing Cruise and Unlimited Prosecco
  • Budapest: Downtown and Jewish Quarter Tour in German

Art lovers must check out the Museum of Fine Arts, located on Hero’s Square, which houses up to one hundred thousand collections of artworks from all over Europe, from the Egyptian period to contemporary artists. 

Spend a beautiful evening at Gellert Hill to take in the stunning sunset along with the panoramic views of the city.

Recommended Tour:  Budapest: Széchenyi Spa Full Day with Optional Pálinka Tour

Relax at Széchenyi, the most famous spa in Budapest, and enjoy an optional free interactive pálinka spirits-tasting tour where you will discover more of the history and culture of Hungary. Book   here .

For dinner, check out  Vaci Street , the heart of the centre lined with glitzy shops, bars, restaurants, and cafes.

Recommended Tour:  Budapest: Wine, Cheese, and Charcuterie Tasting

This sommelier-led tasting experience features five fine Hungarian wines with some of the country’s best artisan cheese and charcuterie. Book  here .

Budapest quotes

Don’t miss Ruin Bars , a speciality of Budapest. Ruin bars were makeshift bars created in old, abandoned buildings, mainly from the 19th century and the later communist era.

Recommended Tours:  Budapest: Tipsy Tour Fun Bar Crawl with a Local Guide

Over time, these evolved to stand out with ruin themes – comprising antique items, paintings, vintage goods and other unusual objects giving the rustic ambience.

Recommended Tour:  Budapest: Evening Cruise including Drinks and Live Music

Join a night cruise and discover the lovely Hungarian capital with your favourite drinks. Starting from the centre, admire the UNESCO-listed banks of the Danube aboard the elegant Gróf Széchényi ship. Book  here .

Check out my exclusive guide:  Budapest 3 Days Itinerary For a Perfect Weekend Getaway .


The  downtown Pest   is one of the popular neighbourhoods in the city, which has plenty of hostels and hotels. 

If you are staying in one of Budapest’s friendly and social Hostels(I recommend  Hostel One Budapest ), then it is inevitable that you will end up at the original ruin bar, Szimpla, for one night.


Bavaria is one of the most stunning regions in Germany, home to many fairytale villages and towns nestling around the snow-capped Alps, glacial lakes and rolling hills.

There is much more than beer in this vast city, where traditions and modernity coexist, making it one of the  most beautiful cities in Germany  to visit.

3 days in Munich

And the gateway to Bavaria is its capital Munich , the second-most populous city in the country.

Known for its historic annual affair of Oktoberfest , Munich is one of the popular choices for Europe Solo Travel.

If you are in a hurry, check out these Munich private tours:

  • Munich: 3-Hour Pedicab Tour of Old Town and English Garden
  • Munich: Old Town Highlights Private Walking Tour
  • Munich: 3-Hour Private Segway Tour

You can explore Munich either at a segway at your own pace or a hop-on-hop-off bus tour or via various walking tours which will take you through the prominent areas of the town. Check out these tours:

  • Munich’s Old Town by Segway 3-hour Tour
  • Munich Hop-On Hop-Off Tour: 1-Day or 2-Day Ticket
  • Munich: Old Town & Viktualienmarkt City Walk in German

For ancient beer gardens, shopping, excellent food and a series of impressive Renaissance structures with a rich history, Marienplatz or St.Mary’s Square is the place you should head to.

Recommended Tour:  Munich: 5 Top Churches and Old Town with Private Guide

Discover Munich’s Old Town’s historical and sacral highlights with a 5-Stars Private Guide! Visit St. Peter’s Church and its viewing terrace, Frauenkirche (Cathedral), Asamkirche, and more. Book  here .

Admire the central attraction, the Neo-Gothic Town Hall, Old town hall, Munich Cathedral and other buildings in the old town close to this square.

Munich itinerary

Check out Odeonsplatz to the North of the old town, home to many medieval structures, one of the most notable being Theatine Church.

Visit the Bavarian Kings – Munich Residenz royal mansion, known for its splendour. 

Recommended Tour:  Munich: Residenz Palace, Museum and Treasury Private Tour

Join this exclusive tour with a Licensed Guide to explore the nooks and crannies of the Residenz, the largest palace complex in Germany. 

Step inside to admire the stunning interiors and learn about its former inhabitants. Book  here .

If you love concerts, check out this  Munich Residenz Concert .

Head to the sprawling English Garden, which is not just a garden but one of the World’s largest urban public parks.

If you visit Munich in the Summer or during the fall, you will fall in love with the colours of flowers and foliage at both times. 

Munich Itinerary

Recommended Tour:   Munich City: Marienplatz and English Garden Walking Tour

Museum lovers will enjoy visiting the Technological German Museum or the Bavarian Museum of History. 

Enjoy travelling back in time as you sip the best beer and Bavarian cuisines at one of the city’s landmarks –  Hofbrauhaus   Brewery .

Other Recommended Bavarian Beer Tours:

  • Munich’s Beer Halls and Breweries: 3-Hour Guided Tour
  • Munich: An Evening of Bavarian Beer and Food Culture
  • M unich: Bavarian Beer Walking Tour with Samples & Food

There are plenty of  day trips from Munich   that you can use on your  Munich Itinerary   if you have more than 2 or 3 days in Munich.

Munich Itinerary

From gorgeous lakes to fairytale castles to pretty towns rich in history and tradition, many destinations are easily accessible from Munich that give glimpses of Bavaria’s beauty, culture, tradition and food. 

Recommended:  16 Beautiful Day Trips From Munich That You Should Check Out!

Don’t miss the famous Neuschwanstein Castle ( Disney Castle) on your Munich day trip itinerary, especially if you are with kids. Check out this tour:

Recommended Tour:  From Munich: Neuschwanstein Castle & Linderhof Premium Tour


Altstadt is the most popular neighbourhood for travelers since it is close to many attractions, excellent public transport, food and a beer garden.

But the prices can be high, especially at the last moment, so I recommend booking your Munich accommodation in advance.

Check out these accommodations: 

King’s Hotel Center Superior ,   Unsöld’s Factory Hotel ,   Hotel Metropol by Maier Privathotels

Located in Andalucía, Seville is one of the  most beautiful cities in Spain   and one of my favourite  cities in Europe   that I loved exploring alone.

UNESCO sites, Splendid Moorish architecture, excellent food & wine – Tapas and Sangria, and dance performances – You got enough reasons to visit Seville which makes it one of the best places for Europe Solo travel.

Europe solo travel

The best way to explore Seville is via renting a bike or via a segway. You can even opt for a sunset bike tour for a lovely evening. Check out the tours below:

  • Seville: 3-Hour Sunset Bike Tour
  • Seville: Panoramic Segway Shared or Private Tour
  • Seville: Landmarks Electric Bike Tour
  • Seville: City Highlights Bike Tour
  • Seville: Monumental Segway Shared or Private Tour
  • Seville: Daily Bike Tour
  • Seville: Relaxing City Bike Tour with a Tour Guide

Check out The Royal Alcazar of Seville ,   one of the three UNESCO World Heritage sites in Seville. The Royal Alcazar is one of the grandest palaces depicting the unique Moorish architecture.

Recommended Tour:  Seville: Alcazar & Cathedral Guided Tour with Giralda Entry

On this tour, visit three of Seville’s top attractions on this guided combo tour. 

Explore the Alcazar, the cathedral, and the Giralda Tower. Choose from either a small-group or private guided experience. Book  here .

Other Recommended Alcazar and Cathedral Tours:

  • Seville: Royal Alcazar & Cathedral Private Tour
  • Seville: Alcazar & Cathedral Guided Tour with Giralda Entry
  • Seville: Royal Alcazar, Cathedral, and Giralda Tower Tour
  • Seville: Alcázar Guided Tour with Priority Entrance
  • Seville: Alcázar, Cathedral and Giralda Tour with Tickets
  • Seville: Cathedral, Giralda, and Royal Alcázar Guided Tour

If you are a Game of Thrones TV series fan, this was the royal palace of the Kingdom of Dorne in the series.

Recommended Tour:  Seville: Game of Thrones and Roman Empire Italica Tour

A guided tour of Game of Thrones 7th and 8th season filming locations. You can taste Khaleesi’s dragon pit as you walk through the amphitheatre arena, and discover the birthplace of Hadrian and Trajan, two famous emperors from the Roman Empire. Book  here .

Visit two iconic monuments in the old town – The Cathedral of Seville – the largest Gothic church and the fourth largest cathedral in the world, and the adjoining La Giralda. 

Recommended Tour:  Seville: Cathedral Guided Tour with Priority Access

On this tour, discover the wonders of Seville Cathedral and learn about the history of the cathedral and admire its collection of important artworks. 

At the end of the tour, climb to the top of Giralda Tower to soak up magnificent city views. Book  here .

Check out Plaza de Espana, one of the most beautiful landmarks and most photographed places in Spain.

Built for an exposition, it symbolises a beautiful blend of the country’s dominating types of architecture – Moorish, medieval Renaissance and the Baroque style.

Europe solo travel

Take a river cruise, to explore this beautiful city. Check out this Seville: Private River Cruise with Dinner and Drinks .

Another recommended tour:   Seville: Guadalquivir River Cruise

On this tour, you will see many of Seville’s famous monuments while enjoying a pleasant boat trip. 

Pass under historic bridges, admire the best panoramic views of the city, and see where gold-laden ships once docked. Book  here .

Watch the famed Flamenco dance performance – a unique bohemian dance style that tells the folklore of southern Spain. 

The best way to enjoy a Flamenco show is to opt for one of the tours.

  • Seville: Flamenco Show with Optional Andalusian Dinner
  • Seville: 1 Hour Flamenco Dance Lesson
  • Seville: Flamenco Show with Optional Flamenco Museum Ticket
  • Seville: Traditional Flamenco Show in Triana
  • Flamenco Dance Lesson: 60-Minute Class in Seville
  • Seville: Triana Tablao Flamenco Show with Drink
  • Seville: Flamenco Show in Triana

Don’t miss exploring the city during Sunset or paddle boarding during sunset. It is one of the best Seville attractions. Check out this Seville: Sunset and Evening Paddle Boarding Tour .

One of the unique Seville experiences is attending the  Spanish Abanico Workshop . Discover the Spanish Abanico (fan) from local artisans in their workshop. 

Europe solo travel

Learn how to use one, examine its quality, communicate with it, and then keep one of your choosing as a memorable souvenir. Book  here .

When you are in Seville, you cannot miss the delicious cooking classes and market tours. Check out these recommended tours:

  • Seville: 3.5-Hour Spanish Cooking Class & Triana Market Tour
  • Seville: Spanish Cooking Class with Dinner

Immerse yourself in one of the most vibrant food scenes in Spain. Several tours showcase the best tapas in Seville and include a tasting of at least 10 tapas and 5 drinks. Check out some of them below:

  • Seville: Tapas Crawl
  • Seville: Tapas, Taverns and History Tour

Set base at Seville, and take day trips to the nearby cities. Check out these day trip itineraries and tours: 

  • From Seville: Half-Day Guided Bike Trip to Italica
  • From Seville: Private Granada Day Trip with Alhambra Visit
  • From Seville: Private Day Trip to Ronda and Granada
  • Lisbon: One-Way Private Transfer to/from Seville
  • From Seville: Private Excursion to the Alhambra


LA SUITE DEL CONDE LUXURY SUITES ,  Hotel Gravina 51 ,  Aguilas5 SevillaSuites ,  Casa de Triana Luxury Suites by Casa del Poeta


Krakow, the most visited destination in Poland and one of the most famous cities in Europe, receives millions of tourists every year.

Krakow is very cheap compared to all other European cities, which makes it one of the best destinations for Europe Solo travel.

There are plenty of  free things to do in Krakow . If you are looking for a gorgeous medieval atmosphere, castles, pretty souvenirs, delicious local cuisine and excellent museums, you should check out Krakow.

Europe solo travel

Explore the ancient Royal route, which starts from one end of Krakow’s old town and goes until Wawel Hill. 

As the name suggests, the Royal Route passes through various historical monuments and areas. 

It used to be the route where royal processions and parades appeared.

Recommended Tour:  Krakow: Old Town Walking Tour

Discover the city of Krakow with a professional guide. See the highlights of Krakow’s Old Town on this guided tour. Book  here .

Check out Krakow Market Square or  Rynek Główny , the largest medieval market square in Europe and a UNESCO-heritage listed area that is home to Krakow’s ancient monuments belonging to medieval times.

wawel Krakow

While exploring the Krakow market square, the 13th-century Cloth Hall is something that grabs your attention first. 

I just loved how medieval it felt, walking inside and passing through all the souvenir shops. This was where the cloth merchants sold clothes from around Poland and outside.

Recommended Tour:  Krakow: City Tour by Electric Golf Cart

Enjoy a guided city tour in a comfortable golf cart. See the most notable sights of Krakow, such as the Old Town, Wawel Castle, the Jewish Quarter, and Oskar Schindler’s Factory. Book  here .

Other ways to explore Krakow:

  • Krakow: Guided Sightseeing E-Scooter Tour with Food Tasting
  • Krakow: Nowa Huta Guided Tour in Vintage Car
  • Kraków: Old Town Guided Segway Tour
  • Krakow: Private Guided City Tour by Electric Car
  • Krakow: Bike Tour of the Old Town, Kazimierz, and the Ghetto

Check out Rynek Underground, which will take you back in time, with its old chambers consisting of old markets.

Visit St. Mary’s Church, older than the market square and is one of the impressive structures in the medieval old town.

Climb to the top of Krakow Town Hall, another ancient structure in this old town. This place has been rebuilt many times, and the only original structure is the adjoining tower.

old town

Visit Wawel Hill, which houses Wawel Castle, Wawel Cathedral and the Dragons Den.

Recommended:  45 Mind-blowing facts about Poland that you have never heard of!

Visit Kazimierz, the area in Krakow where the Jewish community thrived for hundreds of years. 

There are some free walking tours in Krakow, which also include a Jewish walking tour that would take you through the past.

  • Krakow: Kazimierz Jewish Quarter Walking Tour
  • Krakow: Jewish Quarter and Former Ghetto Tour

You can also visit the area by yourself, which includes some UNESCO heritage sites like Szeroka Street, Nowy Square and much more.

You can enjoy Krakow’s ghostly side by opting for one of the quirky walking tours – the Night Ghost Tour.

getting around Krakow

The local guides will take you through the historic sites notorious for haunted spirits and deadly ghosts.

Krakow is the place to shop for hand-made products, perfect for souvenirs. Go to Bonarka City Center or Galeria Krakowska Shopping Mall to find the best ones at affordable prices.

Other Recommended Krakow Tours:

  • Kraków 2-Hour Private Guided Tour
  • Krakow: Kazimierz, Schindler’s Factory & Ghetto Guided Tour
  • Krakow: Schindler Sites & Plaszow Camp Group Tour
  • Krakow: Auschwitz-Birkenau Tour with Kazimierz/Schindler’s

Check out my exclusive guide for  free things to do in Krakow .


Wawel Castle Apartment ,  Dizzy Daisy Hostel ,   Ruumz Bed & Rest ,  Camera Apartments

Nestled in the heart of Bavaria, Germany, the fairytale town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber is located at the crossroads of the Romantic Road, and Castle Road is one  most beautiful cities in Germany .

Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, charming cobblestone streets, and enchanting atmosphere, Rothenburg captures the hearts of visitors with its timeless beauty and has become a top destination for Europe Solo travel.

There are many things to do in this historical hamlet. Embark on a journey back in time as you walk atop the town walls. 

solo train travel europe

These well-preserved fortifications offer stunning panoramic views of the town’s red-roofed houses, nestled within the embrace of the medieval walls. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to climb the Town Hall Tower for an even more spectacular vista.

Recommended Tour:  Rothenburg: Old Town Private Tour

On this tour, explore Rothenburg ob der Tauber on a relaxed and customized private walking tour with a local professional guide. 

See important sites and learn about the city’s history, culture, and traditions. Book  here .

Check out the vibrant Market Square at the heart of Rothenburg. Surrounded by colourful facades, this bustling square is home to the iconic Town Hall, adorned with intricate frescoes. 

Take a moment to savour the atmosphere, browse the quaint shops, and sample delicious local delicacies.

Recommended Tour:  Rothenburg: City Exploration Game and Tour

On this tour, discover the highlights of Rothenburg with an interactive smartphone app. 

Explore the sights like St. Wolfgang Church, Blade Gate, Church of St. James, and more while solving puzzles. Check  here .

solo train travel europe

One of Rothenburg’s most famous sights, the Plönlein, is a beautiful corner where two streets meet beneath the shadow of a clock tower. 

This charming spot has inspired countless artists and photographers and is an absolute must-visit for capturing the essence of Rothenburg.

A visit to Rothenburg would be incomplete without stepping inside St. Jakob’s Church. Admire the stunning Gothic architecture and marvel at the intricate woodcarvings and the majestic Altar of the Holy Blood.

Recommended Tour:  Rothenburg: Private 1-Hour Night Watchman Tour

On this tour, follow the night watchman as you walk across quiet squares and through barely illuminated lanes. 

Experience the unique mood and atmosphere of the dark city as you listen to the night watchman’s entertaining and informative stories. Book  here .

If you visit Rothenburg during Winter, don’t miss Reiterlesmarkt, one of the prettiest German Christmas markets and one of the oldest  Christmas markets in Europe .

One of the ancient Christmas traditions at Reiterlesmarkt is the appearance of the Rothenburger Reiterle (horseman), a messenger from another world who carried the souls of the dead across the skies in winter. 

Today, his appearance at the market marks the official beginning of the elaborate Christmas celebrations that run for over a month.

Savour the traditional Christmas pastries, roasted chestnuts, sausages, gingerbread, pasta, dumplings, and cookies and top them with the traditional mulled wine to warm you up. 

solo train travel europe

Wine lovers can check this tour:  Romantic Road Ticket Würzburg – Rothenburg o.d.T. with wine.

On this tour, embark on a guided wine trip through the Tauber Valley, with three wine tastings as you go. 

Explore the wine region of the Romantic Road, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, and immerse yourself in the area’s traditional atmosphere.Book  here .

Shop for handicrafts and other Christmas souvenirs, perfect for gifting your loved ones.

If you want fun activites in Rothenburg, go on a scavenger hunt tour. Check this   Rothenburg: Scavenger Hunt and City Highlights Walking Tour

Discover Rothenburg with a scavenger hunt game and audio guide app on this tour. 

Solve puzzles and see the city’s top sights, like “Plönlein”, “Klingen Gate Bastion”, and “St. James Church”. Book  here .

Another Recommended Tour for Scavenger Hunt is  Rothenburg: Highlights Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt & Tour

The best part of this stunning city is that you can base yourself in main cities like Munich or Frankfurt and include Rothenburg as a day trip. Check out these tours from major cities:

From Frankfurt:

  • Frankfurt: Romantic Road & Rothenburg ob der Tauber Tour
  • Frankfurt: Full-Day Nuremberg and Rothenburg Tour
  • From Frankfurt: Heidelberg & Rothenburg Full-Day Tour
  • From Frankfurt: Rothenburg ob der Tauber Wine Tour
  • From Frankfurt: Romantic Road to Rothenburg ob der Tauber

From Munich:

  • From Munich: Rothenburg and Nördlinger Ries Day Trip by Bus
  • From Munich: Private Guided Tour to Rothenburg ob der Tauber

From other cities:

  • From Nuremberg: Rothenburg ob der Tauber Day Tour in Spanish
  • From Würzburg: Romantic Road & Rothenburg ob der Tauber Tour

Check out my complete guide if you want to know about other  Christmas markets in Germany.


Burghotel ,  Gästehaus Edelzimmer ,   Historik Hotel Gotisches Haus garni ,   Altfraenkische Weinstube ,  Romantik Hotel Markusturm ,   Gästehaus Liebler


Warsaw,  Poland’s   capital is one of the quirkiest cities I have visited. The city is a gateway to the country’s rich history, architecture, culture, food, drinks and social life, making it of the cool places for Europe Solo travel.

I spent about 6 days in this wonderful city alone and not for once did I have to be on my toes or felt uncomfortable.

where to stay in Warsaw

There are  many unusual things to do in Warsaw . It is unlike the chic  Wroclaw  or has the charm of  Krakow , but it will certainly captivate you with unique things you can only expect to happen in the city.

Visit Keret House, the narrowest house in the world, located centrally near the old town.

Relax at Park Skaryszewski. There is a lake, and abundant greenery with lots of vivid-coloured flora, making it a great place to unwind amidst nature. 

It’s also a great place to escape the city for a while. If you visit in summer, you can also Kayak in the lake or rent boats.

Check out the elegant 17th-century Presidential Palace, home to the Polish presidents and a central seat of power.

Quotes about Poland

Stroll along the medieval Saxon Garden. Constructed in the 18th century, Saxon Garden was the first park in the world open to the Public. 

It houses the tomb of the unknown soldier, along with many sculptures, and ponds set amidst greenery.

Check out the Neon lights at the Neon Museum, which were symbols of art, political expressions and a way of cultural life in Warsaw.

You can rent a boat or just a boat trip or even a sunset ride in the Vistula River. The views on either side are memorable.

I can’t emphasize enough the delicious Polish food. When the food is cheap and irresistible, it’s always a jackpot. 

If you agree (or even don’t), you should try some local food in Warsaw. Being a big city and the capital, there is no dearth of fancy restaurants that are not very good, so you might want to research first.

If you want to learn to make  Polish dumplings, this tour is perfect . In 3 to 4 hours, you will master the way to make delectable Pierogis from the local instructor!

facts bout Poland

If you want a guided food tour, sign up for this fun   Polish Food Tour,  to know where locals eat the best Polish food.

In this 3.5-hour tour, you will get skip-the-line tickets, and visit many local eateries where you will try out amazing cuisines with your guide.

Check out my exclusive guide for  unusual things to do in Warsaw .

Set base at Warsaw and plan for day trips. If you are wondering What to is near Warsaw for day trips, check out this post;  21 Day Trips From Warsaw .

If you just have 3-days and want to explore the major parts of Warsaw and looking for an itinerary, check out this guide;  3 Days In Warsaw .

Best things to do in Warsaw


Check out the best hotels in Warsaw and hostels for solo female travelers below;

GLAM APARTMENTS city center ,  Wola Luxury Stay ,   Raffles Europejski Warsaw

If you want a detailed review of other best hotels and hostels in Warsaw, please go through this;  Where to Stay in Warsaw .

Nestled on the island of Funen, Odense is a city that seamlessly blends history, culture, and modernity. 

With its cobblestone streets, enchanting gardens, and captivating museums, Odense offers a delightful experience and is one of the  hidden gems of Europe .

Odense, the third-largest city of Denmark and the birthplace of world-renowned fairytale writer Hans Christian Andersen is home to beautiful public gardens and enormous castles. It is one of the best choices for Europe Solo travel. 

Odense has a rich historical heritage dating back to the Viking Age.

Europe solo travel

Start your exploration with a visit to the gorgeous Odense Cathedral, one of Denmark’s finest examples of Gothic architecture. 

Explore the medieval town encompassing narrow cobbled alleys lined with colourful, half-timbered houses that will transport you back in time.

Visit the many fabulous gardens – Munke Mose, the Fairytale flower garden on the Eventyrhaven.

Take a leisurely walk along Brandts Passage, a pedestrian street lined with boutiques, cafes, and galleries.

Recommended Tour:  Inspiring Odense – Walking Tour for Couples

Plenty of attractions are dedicated to Hans Christian Andersen’s life and works. 

Begin at the Hans Christian Andersen Museum in the author’s childhood home. Explore the exhibits that showcase Andersen’s life, writings, and personal belongings. 

Europe solo travel

Just a short distance away, you will find the enchanting Hans Christian Andersen’s Birthplace, a recreated 19th-century environment where you can step into the writer’s world.

Check out the Odense Concert Hall, which hosts a variety of performances ranging from classical concerts to contemporary shows. 

If you are an art enthusiast, don’t miss the Funen Art Museum, which houses an extensive collection of Danish art from the 18th century to the present. 

The museum’s beautiful surroundings make it a perfect place to spend an afternoon immersed in artistic beauty.

The panoramic Odense River runs through the city’s heart, offering pleasant waterfront walks. 

Recommended Tour:  Odense: River Cruise on the Odense River

Head to the enchanting Odense City Park, a sprawling green oasis to unwind, have a picnic or ride a bike.

For nature lovers, the Funen Village is a must-visit. This open-air museum showcases traditional Danish village life and features beautiful gardens, historic buildings, and farm animals.

Europe solo travel

Recommended Tour:  GoBoat Odense: Self-drive Boat Tour

On this tour, enjoy an outing in a self-driven boat and take in the sights of Odense Harbor from the water. Captain your boating vessel with no license or certificate required. Book  here .

Sample traditional Danish cuisine at local restaurants and cafes, where dishes like smørrebrød (open-faced sandwiches) and flæskesteg (roast pork) will tantalize your taste buds. 

Don’t forget to try the local delicacy, Odense Marzipan, produced in the city since the 19th century.

Recommended Tour:  Christmas Charms in Odense – Walking Tour


Odense City B&B ,  Cichy Zakątek 2 ,  Hotel Odeon ,   Amalie Bed and Breakfast & Apartments ,  Cichy zakątek ,  Billesgade Rooms


Zakopane , Poland’s winter capital, is one of the best destinations for Europe Solo travel.

Nestling at the foot of the majestic Tatra Mountain Range, this enchanting city is one of the best places to enjoy  winter in Poland .

There are many amazing things to do in Zakopane. There is something for everyone, from hiking to funicular rides to museums to  delicious Polish food .

zakopane ski resort

One of the unmissable things to do in Zakopane is to try the special local delicacy,  Oscypek .

This gorgeous town’s proud invention is this delicious salted cheese made of smoked sheep and goat milk from the mountains’ highlands.

I highly recommend joining a guided local cheese-making tour. Also, try this   guided food tour in Zakopane  to taste other local delicacies with the experts.

Stroll on the main street of Krupowki, the heart of the town. This pedestrians-only street stretches for over a kilometre, beginning at the starting point of the Gubalowka funicular ride station.

Recommended:  Krakow: Zakopane Day Trip with Hot Springs and Hotel Pickup

Zakopane is famous for its wooden houses and buildings that have tiered architecture. Check out these cute houses with patios decorated with flower pots. 

things to do in Zakopane

Admire the panoramic bird views of the town surrounded by the magnificent Tatra. Take a cable car ride to the top of Mount Kasprowy Wierch.

Recommended Tour:   Zakopane Full-Day Trip from Krakow with Cable Car Ride

Head to the summit of Kasprowy Wierch on a cable railway. Enjoy breathtaking views on the way up and choose from several trails for a trek at the top of the mountain.

Take a guided walk through the centre of Zakopane before heading back to Krakow. Book  here .

things to do in Zakopane

A five-minute funicular ride from the centre will take you to Gubalowka Mountain.

As much as the place, this super short ride to the top is a beautiful ascend as you see the dense forests below and the mountain peaks around on your way up to the top.

Recommended Tour:  Krakow: Zakopane Tour with Hot Bath Pools and Hotel Pickup

Choose one of the most frequently booked and best-reviewed tours from Krakow. Wander the streets of charming Zakopane, discover its thermal baths, and try the local cheese and vodka. Book  here .

Have a relaxing day in one of the many thermal pools in Zakopane. Thermal pools are also known for their rich mineral content, which has unique health benefits.

Recommended Tour:  Krakow: Zakopane and Thermal Springs Tour with Hotel Pickup

On this tour, visit Zakopane and relax in thermal hot springs during the trip from Krakow. Admire the Polish Tatra Mountains on a cable car and taste local smoked sheep cheese and alcohol. Book  here .

Winter in Poland

How about combining a day of skiing and thermal baths?  Book this tour which gives you access to both at reasonable prices.

If you want to get glimpses of the wildlife in the mountains and the Polish villages, you should plan a drive or a trip to nearby towns in the Tatra mountains. 

Among the most beautiful villages, check out Zab, known for its excellent location overlooking the majestic Gorce, Tatra and the Babia Gora Mountain Ranges.

Recommended Tour:  From Krakow: Zakopane and Tatra Mountains Full-Day Tour

The Tatra Museum, right on Krupówki Street, is a must-visit if you are a museum lover – it is the best museum showcasing the history, culture and traditions of the Polish Tatra region.

Visit Villa Koliba, the first building built in the traditional wooden Zakopane style of architecture, which is a monument as well as a museum housing the artefacts related to this unique architecture. 

Recommended Tour:   From Krakow: Zakopane Tour with Gubalowka Funicular & Museum

Visit Fatima Sanctuary in Krzeptówki, the main church, and stop by Jaszczurówka Church.

Recommended:   From Krakow: Zakopane & Tatra Mountains Tour

One of the best things to do in Zakopane winter is skiing. Many people looking for skiing in Europe lean towards the Alps of  Switzerland   or  France   or other countries which are more expensive and commercialized. 

Zakopane is the top destination for skiing, and you will find many locals on holidays and weekends on these slopes. 

There are many slopes for ski activities, and whether you are a beginner with no experience or a seasoned skier, there are slopes and practices for every experience level. 

mountains in poland in winter

The main Zakopane  ski jump  is  Wielka Krokiew , a famous stadium; travelers can also use the ski.

If you are an experienced ski person and love to challenge yourself, one of the top things to do in Zakopane for you will be to  try skiing  at Krasprowy Wierch, which has some of the longest descents you can have an adventure on.

Recommended Tour:   Zakopane & Tatra Mountains Private Full-Day Tour from Krakow

Try tasty Polish delicacies and drinks at Zakopane. Unlike the other regions of Poland, the cuisine of the Tatra region is known for its copious amounts of calories and extensive fat content. 

Also, try the different types of cakes, and special potato dumplings served with sour cream.

Recommended Tour:  Zakopane Private Polish Beer Tasting Tour

Other Recommended Tours in Zakopane: 

  • Tatra Mountains and Zakopane Full-Day Trip from Krakow
  • From Krakow: Morskie Oko and Zakopane Day Trip
  • Zakopane: Quads – Off-Road ATV Adventure with Optional Meal

Check out my complete guide to  things to do in Zakopane .


Tatra Wood House ,  BIAŁY PUCH ,  Domek Góralski – Górski Hyr ,  Willa Cztery Strony Świata ,  Villa Adamo&SPA  and  Willa Jarosta .

Lucerne, located at the foot of Mount Pilatus, is considered one of the  most beautiful cities in Switzerland .

Sitting at the edge of scenic  Lake Lucerne , with the stunning Alps forming a gorgeous backdrop in all directions, it is one of the popular choices for Europe Solo travel.

You will find the city irresistibly charming. You can’t help being fascinated by its rugged natural beauty, picture-perfect old town with gable paintings, historic buildings, iconic bridges, traditional town squares and lovely cobbled streets.

There are plenty of things to do in Lucerne.

One of the famous and fun Lucerne activities is to explore the city on a tuk-tuk. 

Recommended Tour:  Lucerne: eTukTuk City Tour

Discover Lucerne in an eco-friendly, electronic tuk-tuk on this tour and enjoy a personalized city tour with a local guide. 

Europe solo travel destinations

Experience the city’s beautiful scenery and get unique information about the sights and their history. Book  here .

Head to the magnificent 14th-century  Chapel Bridge , a covered wooden bridge with ceiling beams lined with paintings. It is one of Switzerland’s oldest bridges and the most photographed landmark. 

Reach the other end of this bridge to come across the historic   Octagonal Water Tower, another famous monument, a former medieval dungeon and a treasury vault. 

Recommended Tour:  Lucerne: Walking Tour to Chapel Bridge and Old Town

Take a boat trip on the river to the neighbouring idyllic small villages that are even more beautiful, sitting at the foot of the mountains. 

You can also take a lake tour on one of the steamships, which is very romantic.

Recommended Lake Tours: 

  • Lucerne: Lake Lucerne 1st Class Cruise with Gourmet Lunch
  • Lucerne: Round-Trip Catamaran Cruise on Lake Lucerne

Visit the Swiss Museum of Transport. You can buy tickets here :  Swiss Museum of Transport Full Day Pass .

Europe solo trip

Walk amidst the old houses decorated with frescoes on the cobbled streets leading to the old town. Enjoy a walk around the stunning Lake Lucerne for incredible views, especially during the sunset.

Recommended Tour:  Lucerne: 1-Hour Cruise on Panoramic Yacht

Take a ride on the double-decker tram to reach the summit of Mount Stanserhorn for glorious views of the panorama from the top. You can also hike on the trails leading to many viewpoints.

Recommended Tour:  From Zurich: Full-Day Mount Stanserhorn Discovery Tour

You can plan many day trips from Lucern to enjoy the nearby mountains, the most popular being Mount Pilatus, which can be reached by cable car.

Recommended Tours: 

  • Lucerne: Mt. Pilatus Cable Car, Cogwheel Train & Lake Cruise
  • From Lucerne: Mt. Pilatus Gondola, Cable Car, and Boat Trip

If you are looking for outdoor attractions in Lucerne, try paragliding, and you will witness the stunning views of the Alps. 

Recommended Tour:  Lucerne: Tandem-Paragliding Flight

On this tour, go paragliding, and admire the spectacular views of the mountains, valleys, and lakes. 

See the famous Lake Lucerne area from above on a tandem flight accompanied by an experienced pilot. Book  here .

When you are in Switzerland, you cannot miss chocolates. If you have a sweet tooth, you will love this tour:  Lucerne: Chocolate Tasting with Lake Trip and City Tour .

solo trip in Europe

On this tour, stroll through the city, visit the most renowned chocolate boutique, and sample its delicacies.

See the most iconic landmarks from Lake Lucerne and the best panorama spots in a combined walking and boat tour. Book  here .

Other Recommended Lucerne Tours: 

  • Luc erne: City Introduction in-App Guide & Audio
  • Lucerne: 1-Hour Historical Tour with Night Watchman

You can also base yourself at Lucerne and go for day trips. There are many trips, and I have tried to recommend a few of them below:

  • From Lucerne: Titlis Half-Day Tour – Eternal Snow & Glacier
  • From Lucerne: Classic Rigi Round Trip
  • From Lucerne: Day Trip to Grindelwald and Interlaken


Gasthaus Badhof – Golfhotel ,   Hotel des Balances ,  Hotel Anker Luzern ,  Young Backpackers Homestay ,  KoBi Apartments Hirschenplatz


If Poland has a unique city, it has to be Wroclaw, which is also an ideal location for Europe Solo travel.

First of all, it’s a challenge to get the city’s name right. Pronounced as ‘Vrots Wahf’, it takes a while to pronounce the name at least close to right.

There are myriad  things to see in Wroclaw .

Europe solo travel

Admire the gorgeous Wroclaw Market Square, the heart of Wroclaw. Declared one of the most beautiful market squares in Europe, this is the second-largest market square in Poland after the Main Square in  Krakow .

  • Wroclaw: 2-Hour Tour of Old Town
  • Wroclaw: Old Town Highlights Private Walking Tour

Wroclaw is synonymous with  Ostrów Tumski , the oldest part of the city with a history dating back to the 10th century.

Another thing you could only do in Wroclaw is look for the gnomes. Going dwarf hunting is one of the best Wroclaw activities I immensely enjoyed.

To give you a background, Wroclaw is home to more than 350 dwarf statues found in the most unusual places you could expect.

colourful Wroclaw

Visit Hala Stulecia or the Centennial Hall, listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006; this place is a tribute to the fascinating combination of traditional and modern architecture.

Check out the renowned Wroclaw University, constructed in the 17th century. The university boasts a rich history, and its location amidst the beautiful traditional buildings in the old town makes it further interesting.

Visit Wroclaw Zoo, one of the largest and oldest zoos in Poland. With more than 10,000 animals belonging to 1000+ species, The Zoo is also the third-largest zoo in the world.

If you are in Wroclaw during summer, don’t forget to check out the Wrocław Fountain, a multimedia musical fountain and an ornamental pond.

Recommended:  17 Awesome day trips from Wroclaw that you can plan

Wroclaw is home to various cuisines, including Vegan, vegetarian, Turkish or Italian. But what you should not miss trying are all the delicious Polish dishes.

2 days in Wroclaw

Whether you want the cheapest food at local milk bars or indulge in fine dining, Wroclaw has all types of eateries and restaurants for every budget.

If you are looking for  milk bars , most of them are around the university. Whether traveling on a budget or not, you should visit a milk bar for scrumptious Polish food at least once.

You pay according to the weight of your pick and its total value for money. Some of the milkbars that I just loved are Bar Mleczny Miś, MishMash, Mewa, Krowka Bar and Bazylia.

Recommended Tour:  Wroclaw: Food & Vodka Culture Tour with Local Guide

For Beer lovers:  Check this   Wroclaw: Guided Tour & Beer Tasting , a private city tour for 3.5 hours of the old town. 

You will visit two regional breweries in the market square with a local specialist and taste the local beer.

For Hard Rock Cafe Fans:  Wroclaw: Hard Rock Cafe Skip-the-Line Entry, Burger and Beer

For Vodka Lovers:  Wroclaw Vodka tasting and culture tour ,  guided tours by locals if you want to know what’s the best to drink in the city.

If you are interested in a private tour, I’d suggest this exclusive vodka-tasting tour,   Wroclaw: Private Vodka Tasting Tour .

For Pub Hoppers:  Check out this guided  Wroclaw Pub Crawl with Free Drinks   tour, where you can enjoy three free beers or shots and free beer for drinking games. And end at one of the city’s top clubs.

For foodies wanting to indulge in delicious local Polish Food:  My favourite tour recommendation is  Wroclaw: Guided Food, Drinks, and History Tour ,   as it combines the best of Wroclaw in a single tour.

Oder River

Among the private food tours in Wroclaw, I’d highly recommend   Wroclaw: Private Traditional Polish Food Tour .

Check out my complete guide if you want a   2-days in Wroclaw itinerary .

If you are still wondering  is Wroclaw worth visiting , you should check out my complete guide, which may urge you to pack your bags.

Recommended:  Malbork Castle, Poland – Exploring World’s Largest Castle


2/3 APARTMENTS Old Town ,  Brossa Apartments, 24h self-check-in, Klima, AirCond


Mykonos, one of the most beautiful places in Greece and the party island, is also home to incredible beaches and Chora. Moreover, it is one of the ideal destinations for Europe solo travel. 

In Mykonos, there are many opportunities and things to do as a solo traveler. 

If you want to, you can easily find someone to socialize with, but if you prefer to be alone, you will find Mykonos a great place to visit. 

Greece best spots

Mykonos also has an international airport, which makes getting there very easy. 

The best time to visit is in June before the vast crowds come and when the weather is lovely.

The island covers an area of about 86 square kilometres, so it is relatively small and easy to explore on your own by scooter or quad. 

One of the most picturesque places in the centre of Mykonos, also known as Chora. 

Here you will find many cafes, restaurants and bars where it is easy to start conversing with other travelers. 

Furthermore, the charming cobbled streets and narrow alleys are full of boutique shopping. 

Be sure to visit Little Venice and, of course, the famous windmills of Mykonos, located on the edge of the old town.

Europe solo travel

There are beautiful beaches on the holiday island for solo travellers looking for relaxation. 

These include Paradise Beach, Super Paradise Beach and Psarou Beach, perfect for sunbathing, swimming and even beach parties. 

Another advantage for solo travelers is the great  places to stay on Mykonos . An insider tip is the  Artemulas Studios. 

You will find a young crowd, nice rooms and studios, and two beautiful pools here. All this for a reasonable price!

By Martina, Places of Juma


The villages of the Luberon, in Provence, are visually iconic, clinging to cliffsides and crowded with cobblestones and ancient houses. 

Seeing them close up or from within is every bit as exciting as seeing them from afar.

The Luberon has too many picturesque villages to count. The  five most famous Luberon villages  – Ansouis, Gordes, Lourmarin, Menerbes, and Roussillon – all belong to the “Most Beautiful Villages of France” Association. 

But that doesn’t make the others any less beautiful, and a drive through the region will unveil beauty after unexpected beauty. 

Europe solo travel

These villages are perfect places for Europe solo travel – there is so much beauty you’ll want to stop every few minutes to admire your surroundings, and it’s all perfectly safe. You will have to rent a car, however. 

This part of France needs to be served by public transport, but then, you’re better off with your vehicle because you’ll want to drive up every little road and explore every little hill.

Getting to the Luberon is simple: take a train to Avignon and rent a car at the train station. 

You can drive from anywhere in France, but once you’re in Avignon, you’re less than an hour from these fairy-tale villages.

To see the magnificent lavender fields in full bloom, you’ll have to wait until June, but your window of opportunity is small. 

Europe solo travel

July and August are hot and crowded, so if you can manage to visit in mid-June, you’ll arrive at the perfect time. 

The Luberon is stunning in other seasons, especially Spring and autumn when you have much of the region to yourself, so if you can live without the lavenders, visit in Spring.

By Leyla, Offbeat France


Nestled on the gorgeous Baltic Sea coast, Gdansk is a Polish city with a unique place in History and is one of the fantastic destinations for Europe Solo travel.

Known for its rich heritage, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture, Gdansk is a hidden gem that deserves to be discovered by travelers seeking a captivating European destination.

There are tons of  things to do in Gdansk . Stroll through the historic streets of Gdansk’s Old Town. 

The old town area is spread between the streets, beginning at Dluga Street or Long Street and extending up to Dlugi Targ or the Long Market. You will pass through the majestic Town Hall and Arthur’s Hall on the way.

Best things to do in Gdansk

You will be transported back in time, with beautifully preserved Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture. 

The iconic Crane Gate, the Gothic St. Mary’s Church, and the magnificent Neptune Fountain are just a few of the architectural gems that adorn the city’s skyline.

Check out these guided walking tours. There are different types of tours to explore Gdansk’s old town, with some including audioguides.

  • Gdansk Old Town 2-Hour Walking Tour
  • Gdańsk: City Sights and History Guided Walking Tour
  • Gdansk Private Walking Tour: Legends and Facts
  • Gdansk Old Town Half-Day Private Walking Tour

Head to Stocznia Gdansk or Gdansk Shipyards.You will learn about how Gdansk was a prominent port city for more than 7 to 8 centuries. 

Its legacy with shipbuilding dates back to when the city was just granted the privilege to trade. Hop on a Segway and get the essence of Gdansk Shipyard.

Recommended Tour:   Gdansk: Segway Shipyard Tour 1-Hour

As you pass the shipyards, you can’t help feeling like you have arrived in a Dutch city like Amsterdam.

What you can’t miss amidst these elegant uniform buildings is the Crane, which sits on the Motlawa River, and it stands out today due to its antique appearance.

Best things to do in Gdansk

Head to Mariacka Street, famous for its charming amber galleries, to browse exquisite, handcrafted jewellery and witness the centuries-old tradition of amber craftsmanship.

Recommended Tour:   Gdansk: City Cruise on Historical Polish Boat

On this tour, take a pleasant cruise around Gdansk on board a 12-person replica of a historic Polish boat. Admire the city from a different perspective, learn its historical value, and see it as it is today. Book  here .

Poland is the largest exporter of Amber in the world. Much of the Amber comes from the Gdansk area, so obviously, Gdansk Amber is too famous. So, head to the Amber Museum to learn about it while you are here.

The Amber Museum showcases an extensive collection of amber artefacts, including jewellery, sculptures, and historical pieces. 

Check out the old post office. Located next to the harbour area in central Gdansk, this place has a special place in History. 

Officially, this is where World War II kicked off when the German troops attacked the post office in the wee hours.

Recommended Tour:  City Tour Sightseeing Gdansk Hop On Hop Off

Join this live-guided tour through the City of Gdańsk on a double-decker bus. You will learn about the History and the beauty of Gdańsk from your experienced guide. Book  here .

day trips from Gdansk

One of the popular things to do in Gdansk is to explore the city via an e-bike. You can also go on a guided golf cart tour for a unique experience. Check out these tours:

  • Gdansk: Stadtrundfahrt, Sightseeing, City Tour by Golf Cart
  • Gdańsk: Everyday Bike Tour
  • Gdansk Private Bike Tour

Visit the World War II museum. You will be taken through the entire war period and learn how the war shaped and rewrote History for millions of people worldwide forever.

Recommended Tour:  Gdansk Private WWII Tour with Museum of the Second World War

During this tour, you will learn about the invasion of Poland by the military forces of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

You can listen to how the Polish army fought, devoting their lives to the freedom of Poland. Book  here .

Check out the Solidarity Museum. The people of Poland fought against communism much like their neighbours for more than two decades, and the Solidarity Centre was built to commemorate the responsible heroes.

Europe solo travel

Recommended Tour:  Gdansk: Private Communism Tour with Solidarity Center Museum

On this tour, discover the History of Solidarity, the Polish trade union and the civil resistance movement. See the exhibitions at the European Solidarity Centre and the historic Sala BHP and Gdansk Shipyard. Book  here .

If you are looking for outdoor activites in Gdansk, Go on a cruise and sail along the Motlawa River, or rent a Kayak and explore the uncharted river areas. Check out these tours:

  • Gdańsk: Motlawa River Yacht Cruise
  • Gdańsk: Islands and Canals Private Kayak Tour
  • Gdańsk: Motlawa River Sightseeing Catamaran Cruise
  • Gdansk: Evening Kayak Tour
  • Gdansk: Winter Kayaking Tour
  • Gdansk: City Cruise on Historical Polish Boat

I am sure that after having a good time in Poland, you will most likely develop a taste for Polish food. The best way to get into the heart of Polish food is to enrol yourself for a food tour in Gdansk. Check out these dining and wine tours:

  • Gdansk Traditional Food Tour with Old Town Sightseeing
  • Gdansk: 4-hour Polish Food Tour
  • Gdansk: Traditional Polish Food Private Tour

Check out these tours if you want beer and vodka-tasting tours:

  • Gdansk: Pub Crawl with Free Drinks
  • Gdansk: Pub Crawl with Complimentary Drinks
  • Gdansk: Private Vodka Tasting Tour
  • Gdansk: Daily Vodka Tasting Tour
  • Gdansk: 2.5-Hour Beer Tasting Tour

For more Gdansk attractions, check out my complete guide to  things to do in Gdansk . 

If you want to base yourself in Gdansk and looking for day trips, check out my post:  11 Day Trips From Gdansk .


Albatross Towers Joda Bed ,  MONTOWNIA Lofts & Experience ,  Maya’s Flats & Resorts 24 – Hollywood ,  Apartament Dani-Apart ,  Modernico-Gdańsk Old Town ,  Apartment in Old Town – view of Mariacki Church


If you’re looking to do some European solo travel within the Scandinavian region, an excellent choice is Stockholm! 

One reason is that the Swedish capital is home to an excellent transportation network that makes it easy to get around the city safely. 

For example, those flying directly into the Stockholm Arlanda Airport can ride the cheap and convenient express train into the city rather than paying for an expensive Uber. 

The metro stations in Stockholm have themed artwork, making riding the metro around the city a tourist attraction in and of itself!

In addition to its reliable public transportation, Stockholm is also known for being remarkably safe and clean. 

quotes about Sweden

For female solo travelers especially, this makes the city one of the best places to explore without having to worry excessively. 

Plus, the locals are friendly and always happy to recommend  where to eat or what to do ! 

So if you’re interested in solo traveling in Stockholm, the best time to visit is June or July, when the weather is at its best. 

And for an affordable stay, check out Generator Stockholm, which is conveniently located within walking distance of the Stockholm Central Station.

By Kristin, Global Travel Escapades


Copenhagen is an ideal destination for a solo trip. 

Easily accessible by air, with the airport only 20 min by subway from the city centre, the capital of Denmark is also connected to the European rail network with direct connections to several major cities in Germany and Sweden. 

No matter where in Europe you are traveling from, you can reach Copenhagen in just a few hours! 

It is a perfect city for Europe solo travel with its vibrant history, beautiful architecture, and robust cultural scene. 

Europe solo travel

The Danish capital has become a trendy city that is well worth visiting, whether alone or accompanied. 

You can discover beautiful attractions such as the Little Mermaid statue or Tivoli Gardens. 

Known as a design hub, the city also offers many museums and galleries, and its seaside location provides a soothing hygge atmosphere. 

If you are alone, don’t worry, it’s a very safe city with a low crime rate, so you can confidently explore the city at night. 

Another advantage for solo travelers is that you will have no trouble communicating with the locals since they speak excellent English. 

Finally, Copenhagen is very compact and human-sized, so it is easy to navigate on foot or by bike. 

If you  spend a few days in Copenhagen  alone, you should stay in the city’s heart. 

While relatively expensive, finding reasonably priced accommodations with little planning is possible. Wakeup Copenhagen, located close to Rosenborg Castle and Nyhavn, is a great choice.

By Nes from Kevmrc


Are you looking for an excellent destination for Europe solo travel? Spain’s Barcelona is a fantastic choice! 

Barcelona is the perfect solo destination With many museums, delicious dining options, a beach, stunning architecture, and many day trip options.

If you’re considering traveling to Barcelona, September and October might be the perfect time. 

While it’s still hot, it’s not quite as scorching as the summer months, and the city is not as crowded as it is during the peak summer season. 

Europe solo travel

Of course, you can only visit Barcelona to check out Gaudi’s architecture.  It is spectacular! Some Gaudi highlights include Casa Batlló, Park Guell, and Sagrada Familia. 

Whether you tour each location on your own or book a guided tour such as the Complete Gaudi Tour, a visit to any of these Gaudi locations is highly recommended.

What also makes Barcelona an excellent solo option is the ease with which travelers can leave the busy city for a relaxing day trip to the beaches of the Costa Brava. 

An excellent choice for a day trip is the  medieval town of Tossa de Mar .

Tossa de Mar is a hidden gem just an hour from Barcelona, with stunning beaches, hiking trails, and the historic old town.

The Rocamora Apartments are an excellent place to stay while visiting Barcelona. 

The apartments are in a very safe neighbourhood on the Passeig de Gracia, and the subway and train station is right outside the front door! 

Europe solo travel

Although these apartments include two and three bedrooms, their rates are affordable enough for a solo traveler to stay, and the balcony is perfect for a relaxing drink after a long day of sightseeing.

As a solo traveler, whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, Barcelona offers many activities for both new and returning visitors and you won’t regret exploring this beautiful destination on your own.

By Julie Millan, Toronto 2 Anywhere


Cologne is the perfect destination for solo travelers looking for a welcoming city in Germany. If you travel from outside Germany to Cologne, arriving via airplane is a good choice.

There are several airports around, such as in Cologne itself, Dusseldorf, or even Frankfurt, which is only one hour away by train. 

If you are already in Germany, the best way to get to Cologne is via train. If you arrive at the Main train station, leave the building to the front.

The stunning Cologne Dome is right in front of the train station.

The best time to visit Cologne is during the summer when the weather is warm and sunny.

solo train travel europe

Are you looking for a unique experience? Consider visiting during carnival season!

Cologne is famous for its lively carnival, starting on the 11th of November at 11:11 AM. Carnival season spans until February or March.

During this time, the city is alive with music and parties. Make sure to dress up e. g. as your childhood superhero and enjoy the fun!

One of the best things about Cologne are the friendly and very chatty locals. It is easy to make friends and get into conversations, which is rare compared to the rather reserved mentality of GermansIf you are traveling on a budget, consider staying at the “Wohngemeinschaft” hostel in the neighborhood called “Belgisches Viertel”.

This hostel offers individually decorated rooms at a great price, and its location in the trendy neighborhood makes it a great base for exploring.

By Anna and Anne, germanythingstodo.com


Rovaniemi is in Finnish Lapland and is on many people’s travel bucket lists, for good reason! 

You can reach Rovaniemi by taking the overnight train from Helsinki or a 1-hour flight from Heliskini, making it an ideal destination for Europe Solo travel. 

Visiting during the Fall and Winter seasons is easily the best time. 

This is because you have a high chance of seeing the Northern Lights, one of the  best things to do in Rovaniemi .

By spending three to four days in Lapland, you can fit many activities into your day and have a truly unforgettable trip.

solo trip in Europe

Firstly, Rovaniemi is considered a safe destination, which makes it popular among solo travelers. The hotel staff is always accommodating, and the locals are kind and friendly. 

Because most activities to do in Rovaniemi are done in groups, such as going on a tour to see the northern lights, enjoying a husky ride, reindeer farms, and snowmobiling, this makes for the perfect opportunity for solo travelers to connect with other travelers while there. 

It is important to book these activities in advance! 

A great hotel to stay in for solo travelers is one of the cabins or rooms in Santa’s Village. This way, you will be surrounded by many excursions, restaurants, and public transportation.

By Sam Opp, Find Love and Travel


Vik, iceland.

Vik, Iceland is an excellent place for Europe solo travel. This city is located on the south coast of Iceland, 2.5 hours from Reykjavik. 

Vik can be visited any time of year – in the fall, winter, and Spring, you can enjoy the Northern Lights and the ice caves, while during the summer, the temperatures are warmer, and sunlight lasts all day.

Europe solo travel

It’s a great place for solo travel – Iceland is one of the world’s safest countries, and roads are easy to drive on. 

Vik is surrounded by black sand beaches, rendered black by the volcanic remnants in the sand. 

The most famous beach is Reynisfjara, which has a wall of hexagonal basalt columns lining the beach, an otherworldly sight. 

The abandoned plane on a black sand beach is also famous in Vik. 

Don’t miss the Reyniskirkja church, with its white walls and red roof, situated on a town hill overlooking the sea. In summer, wildflowers fill the fields around the church. 

Europe solo travel

Nearby are several incredible waterfalls – Skogafoss, one of the biggest and most famous in Iceland; Seljalandfoss, where you can walk behind the falls; and Gljúfrabúi, a waterfall in a cave. 

Less than two hours away are many other exciting activities, like hiking to the Reykjadalur Thermal River (where you can soak in the hot river) and  hiking a glacier  in Skaftafell.  

Hotel Vík í Mýrdal is a friendly, modern, centrally located place to stay in Vik. 

By Stephanie, The Unknown Enthusiast


Reykjavik, Iceland, is the perfect place to visit for Europe solo travel. The city is walkable and very safe. 

To get to Reykjavik, you’ll want to rent a car or take the Flybus from Keflavik airport to the city centre. 

There are plenty of things to do in Reykjavik, such as relaxing at the Sky Lagoon, exploring the sights such as the Hallgrímskirkja, or visiting the Perlan Museum. 

However, the best things to do in Iceland are to explore outside the city and see incredible waterfalls, lagoons, and hiking locations. 

Renting a car and  driving from Reykjavik to Vik  is one way to visit some of Iceland’s best nearby attractions, such as the Golden Circle, the Black Sand Beach, and stunning waterfalls like Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss. 

Europe solo travel

If you prefer to avoid renting a car, these places can also be visited as day trips from Reykjavik. 

It’s best to visit Iceland in the summer for outdoor activities such as hiking and sightseeing or for the Northern lights in the winter. 

For accommodation, Kex Hostel Reykjavik is an excellent budget choice for solo travelers in the city centre. 

For a hotel option, Hotel Reykjavík Saga is also a great choice.

By Amber Hunt, Get Lost In Wanderlust


Paris, France, is one of the top travel destinations for Europe solo travel.

Visiting Paris by yourself means you can spend 100% of your time doing what you want to do and seeing the  famous Paris attractions  you want to see instead of compromising on the itinerary with your traveling companions!

Need more art and museums? Spend the day wandering through the incredible galleries of the Louvre or admiring the Impressionist art at the Musée d’Orsay.

most beautiful cities in Europe

Love gardens? Stroll through the Luxembourg Gardens or take the train and explore the stunning gardens of Versailles.

Most visitors arrive in Paris through the Charles de Gaulle Airport. 

It is safe and easy to take public transit from the airport to your target destination in the city, with a combination of the RER (regional express train) and Paris’ extensive metro system.

puns about france

Rue Cler is the perfect area for solo travelers to stay. It’s a safe, homey neighbourhood close to the Eiffel Tower.

Plus, you can visit the markets, pick up fresh produce, cheeses, and pastries, and have a picnic if you’re uncomfortable dining alone.

The best time to visit Paris is in the Spring or the fall when you can avoid the crowds and enjoy the pleasant weather. 

It can be hot in the summer, and the city is crowded with tourists (as the locals take their vacations away from Paris).

By Lisa Garrett, Waves and Cobblestones


For a solo beach trip in Europe, it’s hard to beat Lagos in the Algarve region of Portugal. 

Not only is Portugal one of the safest countries in Europe, but Lagos also offers plenty of things for all kinds of travelers, including quiet days alone at the beach, boat tours, and excellent nightlife downtown to get out and meet new people. 

Lagos is also home to some of the most picturesque beaches in Europe, so you’ll plan a visit to as many as possible. 

Europe solo travel

Praia do Camilo and Praia de Dona Ana are some of the best ones to see. For jaw-dropping views of the sea cliffs, you’ll want to have Ponta da Piedade on your list, too!

One of the perks of choosing Lagos for your solo trip is that it’s beautiful year-round. 

Even in January and February, you’ll experience temperatures at around 60°F. 

While it may be too cold to go for a swim, you’ll still be able to explore the coastal views, beautiful downtown and incredible dining (and fewer crowds!). 

For warmer weather, May, June, and September are great months to visit outside the peak summer season. 

July and August will offer the warmest weather but the most crowds. 

Europe solo travel

The easiest way to get to Lagos is to fly into Faro Airport, about 1 hour from Lagos, and then arrange a private transfer or take the bus. 

If it’s better for your plans to fly into Lisbon, you can also take the train, which is about 3.5-4 hours, and requires a stress-free transfer.

A great hotel option in Lagos is the Carvi Beach Hotel. This hotel is outside downtown but closer to the most beautiful beaches. 

It’s located right at Praia de Dona Ana! It’s also walkable to Praia do Camilo and Ponta da Piedade and has an excellent restaurant onsite. 

By Samantha Hamilton,  New England Wanderlust


Chamonix Mont-Blanc is nestled in the French Alps, bordering Italy and Switzerland. 

It’s a proper mountain town, the adventure capital of the Alps, and one of the most beautiful destinations for Europe Solo travel.

It’s best to visit in December-March and June-September, at the height of the winter and summer seasons.

solo train travel europe

In the winter, experience thrilling backcountry terrain, glacier skiing and picturesque tree runs (as well as beginner-friendly slopes) split across five separate ski areas. 

In the summer, you can tackle some of the world’s best hiking, climbing and mountain biking. 

And the fun doesn’t stop there – Chamonix is also known for its epic après ski and nightlife, complete with live music, cold beer and dancing on tables!

Chamonix’s vibrant atmosphere, countless activities, and non-stop adventure make it the ideal solo travel destination. 

You will be able to meet ski and snowboard buddies, hiking companions, or people to party with. 

There is a sizeable English-speaking ex-pat and seasonaire community in town and plenty of friendly locals willing to share their knowledge and stories of crazy mountain adventures.

solo train travel europe

And if you’re not an adrenaline junkie, don’t worry. There are still plenty of things for you to do in Chamonix. 

Enjoy breathtaking scenery, explore the charming pedestrian zone in town, relax at a luxury spa, and even take a cable car ride up to the summit of the Aiguille du Midi at 3842 meters for panoramic views of the valley.

Getting to Chamonix is easy, and the town is about a 1 hour and 15-minute drive from Geneva Airport, and frequent airport transfers exist. 

Le Vert Lodge is one of the best places to stay in Chamonix as a solo traveller. 

They have private rooms, dorm-style accommodation, and an onsite bar and restaurant, which is also very popular with the locals! 

By Chanelle, Chasing Chanelle


Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean, at the tip of the famous “Italian Boot”. 

With its rich history, warm hospitality and many activities, Sicily is a haven for Europe solo travel, especially for adventurers seeking adventure, culture and mouthwatering street food.

The best time to visit Sicily is during the shoulder seasons of Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October). 

solo train travel europe

The weather is pleasant (think 30°C or 86°F), the crowds are thinner, and the prices are much more affordable. 

One can swim in the sparkling waters as soon as May and well into October!

For solo travelers, the question of  where to stay in Sicily  is essential. 

The perfect blend of bustling & tranquil can be found in the  I Mori di Porta Nuova Suite & Terrace  in the heart of Palermo. 

The city is well connected to the island’s eastern part through trains and buses. 

If you are looking to explore the more rugged western coastline of Sicily or the Greek temples in southern Sicily, it will be necessary to rent a car.

solo train travel europe

Unmissable experiences for solo travelers are delving into the vibrant markets of Palermo, mingling with the local vendors (this might require speaking Italian), unwinding on the pristine beaches near Taormina and delving into the ancient past of the island while visiting the Valley of Temples in Agrigento or the ruins of Segesta.

By Caroline, Veggie WayFarer


Istanbul is a beautiful city to explore and a great place to visit as a European solo traveller. 

Why is that? 

Well, there’s so much around to keep you occupied that you can easily spend weeks in the city and never be bored. 

The attractions, including the big-name ones like the Topkapi Palace, the Hagia Sophia, the Basilica Cistern and the Blue Mosque, can easily be explored on your own.  

Moreover, Istanbul is an exceptionally easy place to meet other travellers. 

An expansive network of hostels and socially-oriented guesthouses cater to all age groups, featuring things such as group meals and activities to meet other people. 

Istanbul is one city where it’s very hard to feel lonely!

Europe solo travel

September is the best time to visit Istanbul. At this time, the weather is warm and pleasant, making it excellent for exploring  Istanbul’s many vibrant and fascinating neighbourhoods . 

And since the busy summer season has ended, there are far fewer tourists roaming about, meaning you won’t have to struggle to find a seat at one of the city’s great outdoor cafes. 

Getting to Istanbul is super easy. You can book a flight to the brand-new Istanbul International Airport (IGA). It’s a major international flight hub, so you can find a flight from almost anywhere you’re thinking of. 

For a great place to stay, you can’t do better than the Ikiz Konak Boutique Hotel. This comfortable hotel is located in a great neighbourhood, Kadikoy, within walking distance of some of Istanbul’s best cafes and restaurants. 

By Dotti, Travel Oasis


Regarding European solo travel destinations, Edirne might not be the first city that pops into your head. 

It is often overshadowed by other destinations in Turkey, such as Istanbul, Cappadocia, and the towns on the Mediterranean Coast. 

While those destinations definitely deserve their fair share of tourists, Edirne has plenty to offer too.

Historically, Edirne might just be one of the most important cities for the Ottoman Empire. 

solo train travel europe

Before the conquest of Constantinople (the name of Istanbul under the Byzantine Empire), the Ottoman Empire’s capital was Edirne (also known as Adrianople at that time). 

This means that although Istanbul might have some spectacular towers and mosques, Edirne also has some of the  best landmarks in Turkey

The most famous of which must be the Selimiye Mosque. Often considered one of the masterpieces when it comes to Ottoman architecture and Islamic architecture, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is not to be missed. 

Of course, don’t miss out on a visit to Kaleici, or the Old Town, where you’ll find beautiful architecture that has withstood the test of time.

Getting to Edirne can be a challenging task. That is because it does not have its own airport. Travelers typically take a 4-5 hour long-distance bus from Istanbul to Edirne, but that is actually not the closest airport. 

Because it is located in the western part of Turkey, airports in Bulgaria and Greece might actually be better for you.

solo train travel europe

The best time to visit Edirne is during the Spring or fall when the weather is mild and the landscapes are most beautiful. 

But during this time, you might want to book your accommodation ahead of time to guarantee you a spot. 

One of the best hotels in Edirne is  Hotel Edirne Palace , thanks to its great value for money and location in the Old Town.

If you are traveling alone, you’ll find that the locals in Edirne are extra friendly since it isn’t super common for them to see tourists in their beloved city!

By Sean, The Turkey Traveler


Lucca, a small city in western Tuscany, is an enchanting destination for Europe solo travel, and its moderate climate makes it a great place to visit any time of year! 

It is steeped in history with remarkable architectural sites and, of course, gastronomic delights. 

The city’s medieval walls encircle the old town centre and since they were designed for protection, they give you the feeling that you are safe. 

These walls are called the “Mura di Lucca,” and are one of the city’s primary attractions. On the top is a wide park-like path. 

solo train travel europe

Families walking, locals exercising, and tourists admiring the views. This is a great spot to see the iconic towers and some of the many beautiful churches. 

Lucca is called the “City of 100 Churches,” so it will be difficult to explore them all. 

After the walls, take to the cobbled streets and alleys, each more charming than the last. Don’t miss the Piazza Anfiteatro. 

The square retains traces of the ancient amphitheatre that once inhabited its grounds. Today some of the  best restaurants in Lucca  can be found here. 

solo train travel europe

The must-try dish in this town is the signature Tordelli Lucchese, a pasta-based dish similar to a meat ravioli.

Staying within the walls is best for solo travelers, and the Grand Universe Lucca in the Piazza del Giglio will fill the bill. 

The train station is just outside the city walls which makes day trips and getting to and from the airport convenient. Both Pisa and Florence airports are about an hour away.

By Denise, Chef Denise


Cambridge is not only a beautiful city steeped in history, it is also a wonderful choice for Europe solo travel due to its compact, accessible nature. 

You can see the sights on foot, making getting around easy, and the solo traveler feels safe and in control.

Travellers can also use one of the many city guides on foot, by bike, bus, or punt! Cambridge is situated only 40 minutes from London by train so easy to add to your London itinerary as well. 

Public transport is frequent and easy from the capital, as is driving. 

Cambridge has so many iconic sights to see during your visit. 

The cobbled streets were home to so many great minds after all including Rosalind Franklin, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, and Sir David Attenborough.

solo train travel europe

Probably the most prestigious college is Trinity College, which is also the oldest. 

Be sure also to see the corpus clock, mathematical bridge, St Mary’s church tower, and one or more of the excellent museums. 

Cambridge can be bustling around the beginning and end of term time, and during peak UK school holiday times with tourists, so visiting within the term is a good choice for a more peaceful trip. 

People in Cambridge are friendly so rest assured, you can seek help. 

There are hotels for all budgets in the city. Try The Graduate, The Varsity, or for a budget option, find one of the city-based Premiere Inns. 

By Melanie Varey,  The Best Things to do in Cambridge  


Solo travel is exciting and getting slightly off the beaten track by exploring the Balkans is a great way to see a different side of Europe.

The good news is Bulgaria is part of the EU which means citizens of EU countries can easily visit, whilst most other countries can visit visa-free with the same rules as the Schengen Visa. 

Plus, getting there is pretty easy with numerous airlines flying directly to Sofia’s International Airport from all around Europe. 

The best time to visit Sofia depends entirely on your interests! For most travellers, the best time to visit is during the shoulder months or Summer. 

Sofia never gets too hot or too busy making any time of the year great.

solo train travel europe

However, if you’re a fan of winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding, one of the best  things to do in Sofia  is to head to Borovets ski resort. 

For the best winter conditions, you’ll want to visit Sofia during January and February.

Solo travel in the Balkans offers a few additional challenges such as public transport and language barriers, however, this is part of the thrill of travelling and the locals in Bulgaria are excessively friendly and willing to help you explore their country.

Hostel Mostel  is the most popular hostel in Sofia and is the perfect place for solo travellers to stay when hoping to meet other travellers.

By Delilah, Delilah Writes


What makes Edinburgh one of the best places for Europe solo travel? 

Scotland’s capital city is bustling with friendly locals and travelers alike, full of accessible things to do and see and is compact, making it easily navigable for a solo traveler.

With as little as one  weekend in Edinburgh , you can have an enriching solo adventure because there are so many things to do and so many of them are free, making it a budget-friendly solo destination. 

There are over 50 free museums to visit, from traditional ones like the National Museum of Scotland and the Scottish National Gallery to more quirky options like Museum on the Mound, which exhibits collections related to Scotland’s financial history, and The Writer’s Museum. 

quotes about Scotland

Edinburgh also boasts beautiful outdoor attractions like Calton Hill and Arthur’s Seat to satisfy every kind of traveler’s preferences. 

Edinburgh is also a hub for other solo travelers in Europe, which you can meet by staying in a hostel like Castle Rock Hostel or Kick Ass Hostel or heading to one of the popular hangout areas like Waverley Market. 

It is also a laid-back and very safe city because of how many travelers are attracted to it. 

The best time to visit Edinburgh is June, right at the edge of the busy summer travel season. 

At this time, you may also have the best chance for nice weather, although rainy Edinburgh potentially makes the historic Old Town even prettier – so you can’t lose!

By Michela, She Goes The Distance


If you’re searching for the best destination for Europe solo travel, you can’t go wrong with Ghent, one of the most charming cities in Belgium.

Ghent is located just 55 kilometres from the capital Brussels, and inter-city trains make it easy for solo travellers to reach the city.

Europe solo travel

There are  many things to discover in Ghent , and the historical sites, medieval structures, and stunning churches make it an ideal place to visit for a couple of days.

Solo travel in Ghent is perfect because of the fantastic activities it offers. 

During your stay, you can enjoy a medieval boat tour, explore the botanical garden, and visit the iconic Gravensteen Castle, where you can learn more about medieval torture equipment – that’s hard to pass on, right?

You’ll spend the most time in the historical centre, where you can immerse yourself in Ghent’s history and observe its architectural beauty but if you have some more time, make your way to the Blaarmeerssen or take a day trip to nearby Bruges or Antwerp.

Take advantage of the city’s walkable nature and the guided tours available to ensure a worthwhile solo travel experience.

While it is a beautiful place to visit year-round, go in July for the Gentse Feesten – a 10-day culture & performance festival that the Ghentians hold very close to their hearts.

Europe solo travel

For a fun place to stay in Ghent with plenty of opportunities to make friends, pick Hostel Uppelink. 

It is located in the historical centre with views of the famous Saint Michael’s Bridge, making it a perfect choice for solo travellers.

By Babs, Next Stop Belgium


The Isle of Skye is a stunningly gorgeous corner in the Inner Hebrides of northwest Scotland and one of the stunning locations for Europe solo travel.

There are plenty of  attractions on the Isle of Skye  to make you fall in love with this small island. Skye is famous for its outstanding landscapes, diverse wildlife and fascinating Highland history. 

If you want to travel someplace offbeat, the Isle of Skye is the perfect destination to explore on your next solo adventure. 

There are two ways to reach Skye. You can either drive through the Skye Bridge or catch a ferry from Mallaig to Armadale, a village on the southern fringe of Skye.

solo train travel europe

Anyone who wants to return to nature will find the Isle of Skye a hiker’s paradise. There are many hiking trails for all abilities around the island. 

One of the must-visit attractions in Skye is the picturesque Fairy Pools. It is a web of small waterfalls renowned for clear turquoise blue water against the backdrop of the majestic Cuillin Mountains. 

Take a tour of the historic Dunvegan Castle and Gardens. The castle has been the ancestral house of the Chiefs of Clan MacLeod for hundreds of years. 

Next, admire the colourful houses of Portree, the largest town on the island. Portree has many restaurants, cafes and hotels and is a great base to explore Skye. 

The Rosedale Hotel & Restaurant near Portree Harbour is a great place to spend the night.

Summer is the best time to discover Skye. If you want to avoid the crowd, early autumn and late Spring are great times to visit this magical island.

By Moumita, Chasing the Long Road


Looking for the perfect place for Europe solo travel? Imagine sunny days beside the ocean, a lazy lunch by the pool, and warm nights on a terrace sipping a tropical cocktail…even in the depths of winter. 

Although part of Spain,  the Canary Islands  are located in the Atlantic, just off the coast of the Sahara Desert. And the weather is gorgeous throughout the year!

The Canaries are seven volcanic isles, each with a unique landscape and ambience.

Tenerife  is a mix of traditional and trendy coastal resorts with the Teide peak rising from the centre. 

Beaches vary from golden sands to rocky black coves, and there’s the grand Lago Martiánez on Puerto de la Cruz seafront. Apart from a lively holiday vibe, there are some beautiful out-of-the-way nature trails to enjoy.

La Gomera  is a natural paradise a short ferry ride from south Tenerife, a small and tranquil island.

off the beaten spain

La Palma  is the next island, known for its beautiful landscapes with rainforest walks, charcoal black sands, sea pools and Starlight Reserve. 

Further, out to sea,  El Hierro  is a lesser-known and laid-back isle which is brilliant for diving.

Gran Canaria  is a bigger island where you’ll never get bored, and easy to include on your Europe solo travel.

From the immense sand dune beaches of Mas Palomas, pine forests and remote villages of the mountainous interior, to the black cliffs of the western coast where the sunsets are amazing.

Lanzarote  is the most fascinating island, for me at least. Fields of volcanic lava, a ‘live’ volcano, miles of golden sand beaches, and a wilder shore for surfing and paragliding. 

Windswept  Fuerteventura  is more of an adventure destination, brilliant for kitesurfers and off-road excursions. 

Raw scenery and sandy beaches stretch away to infinity on an island amazingly untouched by mass tourism.

Spain in a week

The Canary Islands attract international tourism, most people understand English, and it’s a relaxed and safe environment for solo travellers. Car hire is the best way to get around, otherwise, join a tour or take the bus.

Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote have international airports. You can also fly direct from Madrid to Fuerteventura and La Palma. 

El Hierro has a regional airport. Island hop by ferry, or pre-book cheap flights with Canary Fly or Binter.

Seaside Los Jameos is a beach-front, traditional-style hotel in Puerto del Carmen (Lanzarote). Enquire about offers for singles.

By Kali, KaliTravel


The often-overlooked city of Malaga is a destination that every solo traveller should consider for Europe solo travel.

It offers a bit of everything: history, culture, beautiful beaches, and vibrant nightlife, making it an enchanting city to explore alone.

Getting to Malaga is also convenient, as it has an international airport with direct flights from major European cities. 

Additionally, it is well-connected by train and bus, allowing easy access to other parts of Spain and neighbouring countries and cities.

Travellers will have no problem finding affordable accommodations either. Malaga offers a wide variety of hotels for every traveller’s needs. 

The Room Mate Valeria is always a great choice, a boutique 4-star hotel that offers excellent views and comfortable rooms.

The best time to visit Malaga is during the “shoulder season”, especially in May and October when the weather is mild and pleasant, and the city is less crowded. 

During this time, solo travellers can fully enjoy the city’s attractions and immerse themselves in the local culture and cuisine.

Europe solo travel destinations

Malaga is also a great place for exploring alone due to its walkability. The city is easy to navigate on foot, with its narrow streets and historic landmarks like the Alcazaba fortress. 

Solo travellers can also take comfort in knowing that public transport in Malaga is safe and reliable. 

This makes it convenient for solo travellers to discover beyond the city and explore the surrounding areas, including the famous coastal  towns near Malaga , such as Marbella and Nerja.

Overall, Malaga’s welcoming atmosphere, rich history, and unique attractions make it an ideal destination for any solo traveller looking for a European adventure!

By Cristina, My Little World of Travelling


Nestled along the scenic Douro River, Porto is a city that effortlessly combines history, culture and beautiful landscapes. 

Known as the birthplace of port wine and famous for its charming narrow streets and colorful buildings, it’s the perfect destination for Europe solo travel. In fact, there are so many amazing  reasons to visit Porto .

Getting to Porto is pretty convenient as the Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport is just 20 minutes from the city center. Porto is also well connected to major cities in Portugal and Spain by both bus and train.

The best time to visit Porto is during the shoulder seasons of spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) as the weather is perfect with mild temperatures and fewer crowds compared to the peak summer months. 

solo train travel europe

You’ll be able to explore the city’s most famous landmarks like the iconic Dom Luís I Bridge, the UNESCO-listed Ribeira district and the awe-inspiring Livraria Lello bookstore without battling the crowds.

Porto’s compact size makes it an ideal destination for solo travelers as you can easily walk between landmarks. The locals are also super friendly and it’s one of Europe’s safest cities. 

When it comes to accommodation, the Hotel Infante Sagres is a top recommendation. Located in the heart of the city, this luxurious boutique hotel is both elegant and modern. Its central location means that you can easily access Porto’s main attractions without needing to take a taxi or bus.

By Megan, Traveller’s Elixir


Lake Bled, one of the most beautiful places in Slovenia , is an excellent place to visit for Europe solo travel.

Slovenia is not as popular as some of its neighbouring countries, but it’s a beautiful place and is incredibly underrated. 

Lake Bled, in particular, feels like a fairytale – the picturesque Bled Church sits in the middle of the turquoise lake and is stunning from every angle.

It’s a great destination to visit as a solo traveller as there are so many outdoor activities that are easily enjoyed alone. It’s also a safe place for solo female travellers as it’s a touristy location so you’ll never feel alone. 

The best time to visit is during the shoulder seasons – April/May or September/October. The temperatures are warm, however, it’s less busy than the peak season of summer. 

most beautiful places in Slovenia

Fall is a great time to visit if you want to view the stunning lake with autumn colours, albeit it’s slightly colder. 

Getting to Lake Bled:

The best way to get to Lake Bled is by car or bus. A bus from Ljubljana will take around an hour and a half and costs around 10 euros. 

Once you’re in Lake Bled, most attractions are walkable. However, if you can rent a car, this is a great option as it provides the flexibility for exploring the surroundings of Slovenia. 

Driving in Slovenia is very easy to navigate as a solo traveller. 

Where to stay:

As a solo traveller, the best place to stay would be in the Bled Town Centre. Being in a central location provides easy access to facilities and is within walking distance to the attractions. 

For a mid-range hotel, Hotel Kompas is a good option with recently renovated rooms. 

If you want to treat yourself, the Grand Hotel Toplice has stunning lake views.

Europe solo travel

Some must-do things in Lake Bled:

  • Walk around the beautiful lake and enjoy the stunning scenery. Lake Bled can be a busy place so if you’re looking for a peaceful walk, aim to do this in the morning.
  • Rent a paddle boat and explore the lake. Not just for couples – the row boats are easily navigated as a solo traveller!
  • Hike up to Ojstrica for amazing panoramic views of the lake and surrounding Alps.
  • Treat yourself to the iconic Bled cream cake. There are some lovely places along the waterfront where you can enjoy this speciality.
  • If you have a car, do a day trip to the nearby Bohinjsko Lake. Take a picnic and enjoy the views.

By Danni Briggs, The Solo Plan


Located in North West England, Manchester is one of the best places in England for Europe solo travel.

It’s very easy to get to by plane or train. Manchester airport is one of the largest in the UK, with direct flights to many destinations.

The time to visit is during the summer (higher chances of avoiding the rain) and in winter so you can enjoy the Christmas markets.

It’s a very safe city to enjoy on your own, with many things to do.

Booking the free walking tour of Manchester is a great way to explore the city. 

It’s one of the  best free things to do in Manchester  and will allow you to find your marks. It starts every day at 11 AM. 

You will explore the entire city centre and learn plenty about Manchester’s history.

solo train travel europe

You will also find many fascinating museums such as the MOSI, the Art Gallery and Manchester Museum.

Manchester is also famous for its music, hence if you are planning Europe solo travel around music, Manchester is an excellent pick.

Many bands, including Oasis and The Smiths, were from here and you can find many places with live music in the Northern Quarter and Deansgate.

Don’t hesitate to check out independent venues like Band on the Wall.

Overall, Manchester is an excellent destination for solo travellers who want to have fun while staying safe.

By Pauline, Manchester Pocket Guide


Lyon is one of the best places to visit in Europe for a solo trip, offering a unique combination of culture, cuisine, and adventure. 

From ancient, cobbled streets filled with centuries-old buildings to breathtaking views from hilltop neighbourhoods, this vibrant French city has something for everyone. Plus, it’s safe, easy to access, and affordable.

Visiting La Croix-Rousse is essential when exploring Lyon’s art and culture scene. Then, for history buffs, Fourvière Hill offers some great sites. 

Tour the Gallo-Roman Amphitheater or visit the Lugdunum Museum, both offer insight into the history of this ancient city. 

best places for Europe solo travel

When you’re done there, don’t miss out on one of the city’s most stunning churches – The Fourvière Basilica.

Of course, no trip is complete without exploring the oldest district in town, Vieux Lyon. 

Sitting on the banks of the Saône, this area of  Lyon has many things to do . Highlights include the Musée Cinéma et Miniature and the Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste.

Lyon is a year-round destination, but Spring and Fall are the best times to visit. 

The weather is pleasant outside the high season so you can expect lower prices. Lyon is also very easy to access. 

It has an airport, and high-speed TGV trains from Paris run regularly. Once you arrive, you’ll find plenty of accommodation options. 

But the best hotel for solo travelers is the Meininger Hotel. It’s budget-friendly, well-located, and a great place to meet other travelers.

By Jen Ciesielski, Dabbling in Jet Lag


Venice is an excellent destination for solo female travellers, and is a great pick if you are doing Europe solo travel for the first time.

Firstly, Venice is a small and very safe city. Due to no cars being allowed in the city, the best way to explore Venice is by foot. 

This is a great way to let yourself get lost and discover some fantastic  hidden gems in Venice . One is the view from the rooftop terrace of Il Fondaco dei Tedeschi, which is free to visit. 

Another great place to explore in Venice, away from the crowds, is Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo which has a very intriguing external staircase.

Venice quotes

Getting to Venice is very easy, two airports serve the city. The low-cost flights land in Treviso, around one hour away by bus from Venice. 

The other flights land at Marco Polo, connected by bus and boat to Venice. Booking the boat makes a great way to arrive in Venice in style.

The best time to visit Venice is in early Spring or late autumn when the crowds start to die down. 

Venice is a gorgeous city, but unfortunately, it becomes so crowded during the summer that it’s hard to even walk on the streets.

Whilst Venice is known as a romantic city, exploring it alone is as charming as with a partner. 

It has a certain allure that will make you love it, especially if you visit outside of the tourist season.

A great small affordable hotel to stay at is Ca’ San Rocco.

By Joanna, The World In My Pocket


Despite its size of just 316 square kilometres, the tiny island nation, Malta, is home to an impressive blend of historical landmarks, natural wonders, and ancient cultural experiences, making it a popular destination for Europe solo travel. 

Malta is so small that you can see most of the island in just a few days, but you’ll want to stay longer!

At the heart of it is Valletta, Malta’s capital city. Meander through the medieval architecture and charming streets of the old town to an array of attractions that make this city one of the best places to solo travel in Europe. 

Stay at the AX at St John for an easy walk to the city’s countless beautiful markers, from the impressive St. John’s Co-Cathedral to the Grand Master’s Palace. 

Additionally, Valletta is a transportation hub for the rest of the island. 

Europe solo travel

Take trips to nearby destinations like Mdina, the ancient city of the Knights, and the famous fishing village of Marsaxlokk. 

One of the highlights is  day-tripping to the Blue Lagoon , a dazzling turquoise lagoon on Comino Island.

To reach Valletta, the city is easily accessible via the Malta International Airport , just 8 kilometres away. 

Alternatively, one can take a ferry from the nightlife areas of Sliema or St. Julian’s. 

As for the best time to visit, travel during the shoulder seasons in Spring or fall, when the weather is mild, and the crowds are thinner.

Malta has a low crime rate, making it a very safe country. However, driving around Malta requires confidence in navigating through heavy traffic and narrow streets with some hairpin turns.

By Catherine Xu, Nomadicated


For a beautiful destination for Europe solo travel, consider your next journey to Lugano in Southern Switzerland. 

This location is part of the  Ticino canton , a Swiss paradise with Italian Mediterranean vibes. 

Lugano is an ideal city with lots to explore, see and enjoy. You can reach the city by direct train from Milan Italy and Milan Malpensa airport as the most efficient. 

Alternatively, it’s easy to reach by train from other Swiss cities such as Zurich, Bern and Lucerne. 

Spring until late Summer is the best time to visit for the warm sunshine, which can get warm enough to swim in the crystal clear water lake. 

Everything comes alive during these seasons, with many local events like Jazz concerts, car shows and sporting activities (biking/running/yoga).

Europe solo travel

The city is excellent for those who want a bite to eat with Italian cuisine, a stroll along the lakeside promenade at Park Ciani, or some relaxation on the Lake Lugano boat (which tours the lake). 

Surrounding areas include some stunning hikes, 360 viewpoints (like at Monte San Salvatore) and quaint car-free villages like Gandria. 

Lugano is a very welcoming city to solo travellers, with comfortable places to eat alone, such as Agua Lugano, Tango Riforma and Grand Café Al Porto. 

For a place to stay, there are some great hotels for local B&Bs in Lugano. 

A personal recommendation would be at International au Lac Historic Lakeside Hotel. 

It’s right on the lakeside in the city centre, with peaceful rooms and although a little dated, it has quite the charm. 

By Zoe, Together In Switzerland


Although Dubrovnik may take the cake for popular Croatian cities, Split is just as beautiful and a perfect destination for Europe solo travel.

Its excellent walkability, great gastro scene, and incredible attractions make it an ideal pick for solo travelers! 

Remember the glorious Venetian and Roman architecture dotted over this historic port town! 

You should spend a few hours walking through the maze of streets around the Old Town, but you must take an evening stroll along Riva. 

Europe solo travel

It’s the famous waterfront promenade that’s littered with safe bars and restaurants for eating alone. 

If you want more history, head to the Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque-inspired Diocletian’s Palace.

In terms of getting here, you can either hop on a ferry boat from Dubrovnik, drive, or fly directly into Split. 

Flying is by far the quickest and easiest, but the ferry boat offers truly gorgeous views.

If you’re looking to avoid crowds, you should visit Split in September or October. 

It’s beautiful during the summer, but the crowds will make navigating the top tourist attractions trickier as a solo traveler. 

Europe solo travel

At the height of summer, you may even feel uncomfortable. 

In terms of accommodation, Hostel Dvor is a well-regarded spot for female solo travelers and couples, as it’s safe, comfortable, and affordable. 

And hey, you can’t beat the air-conditioning! If you want something more upmarket, the Hotel Vestibul Palace is tucked inside Diocletian’s Palace and offers just 7 rooms. So, you’re likely to avoid any trouble! 

By Grace Roberts,  Pixie Dust and Passports


Luxembourg, luxembourg.

Luxembourg makes for one of the best places for Europe solo travel. 

If you haven’t heard of the country before, it’s a tiny nation between Belgium, Germany and France. 

You can easily cross the border from any of these countries or fly into Luxembourg’s single commercial airport. 

And extremely small isn’t an exaggeration, at 82 kilometres long by 57 kilometres wide, it’s even smaller than Rhode Island!

But the minor nature of Luxembourg is what makes it such a great place to travel solo in Europe. 

Europe solo travel

You can explore the entire country in just a few days, which is only helped by the free public transport in Luxembourg. A great bonus if you are travelling on a budget!

Luxembourg has many things to see, such as the infamous Vianden Castle, the Notre Dame Cathedral, and the Bock Casemates- a labyrinth of tunnels used from the 1600s until World War 2. 

The wide variety of things to do means that Luxembourg is worth visiting at any time in the year. 

Thanks to the free transport, it only matters a little where you choose to stay. But as a solo traveller, you should stick to the city. 

It’s got the highest chance of meeting like-minded people, and you can enjoy some walks around town. 

Luxembourg is one of the safest countries in the world, reassuring for a solo-traveller. 

The best hotel to stay in is the Hotel Empire which is right in the heart of the city, and offers affordable – but high-quality – single rooms for solo travellers. 

By Josh Band,  A Backpacker’s World


Prague is one of Europe’s most popular, architecturally beautiful, and budget-friendly destinations. 

Prague is the best pick if you are looking for a pocket-friendly destination for Europe solo travel.

Although the summer months are the best time to visit Prague, mainly due to the presence of Beer gardens, it can get crowded. 

Therefore, it “s worth considering visiting Prague in May and September. 

Getting to Prague is pretty easy since it has an airport and is well-connected to the rest of Europe by train and bus.

Europe solo travel

Not only does Prague have many exciting places to see in 1 or 2 days, but it is also known as a party destination with a raging pub, bar and club scene, making it a popular place among youngsters. 

Besides many well-rated hostels, that makes it easier for solo travellers to socialize and meet other travellers. 

Prague is a small city, so all the popular sites can be visited on foot. 

The Prague castle, Letna Gardens, Charles Bridge, Lennon Wall, Old Town Square, Astronomical clock, Powder Tower, Rotating Head, National Theatre, National Museum and Dancing House are some of the unmissable  places to visit in Prague in 2 days . 

Of course, a pub crawl and beer spa are experiences worth having in Prague.

The MOODs Charles Bridge Hotel is a well-rated hotel, located close to the Charles Bridge, making it easy to navigate the city from a central point on foot or by tram.

By Sounjanya, The Spicy Journey


A city that should not be missed from your Europe solo travel itinerary is Rome, the capital of Italy.

The main reason you should visit it is that  Rome is safe . By walking the city streets and adopting standard common sense-guided cautions, you will always feel comfortable. 

Second, there are plenty of things to do in Rome alone. 

You will be spoiled for choice if you love history, architecture, and art.

While visiting the interior of the Colosseum, the many churches, the Vatican Museums, or the Borghese Gallery, it will be hard to feel lonely. 

If you want to make friends, spend some time in one of the livelier neighbourhoods, such as Rione Monti or Trastevere. 

You will surely meet someone to chat with while sipping a cappuccino or a glass of wine.

Italian life quotes

One of the most effective ways to meet other travelers is to join a guided tour, the most enjoyable being street food walking tours, which introduce you to a neighbourhood while sampling 5-7 local delicacies.

Street food suits solo travelers who do not want to sit long in a restaurant or who want to save money, and Rome has among the most mouthwatering street foods in the world.

Think gelato, which you’ll find in Rome in every season, pizza by the slice, the rice and mozzarella cheese ball called “ supplì ,” and the latest arrival, the  trapizzino , a fragrant pizza “pocket” filled with typical Roman toppings.

By Lisa, Travel Connect Experience


Every trip to Berlin is complete with a visit to the Brandenburg Gate. 

Make sure to also swing by the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Reichstag Building, and East Side Gallery, which are all must-see sites in the city. 

For a great place to stay during your visit, consider booking at  Select Hotel The Wall Berlin . This competitively priced hotel offers clean rooms in a great location, perfect for your solo trip. 

The best time to visit Berlin is between May-September but especially during the specific months of May and September. 

quotes about Berlin

The temperatures are comfortable, and the crowds are smaller than the busier summer months. Berlin is easily accessible by plane, car, bus and train. 

The nearest airport is TXL, which has domestic and international flights. One great thing about Berlin is its easy accessibility by public transportation and walking. 

It’s recommended to NOT rent a car as parking can be expensive and difficult to find. 

The city is very safe and has numerous things to see and do, which is perfect for a solo traveler. 

Enjoy your time in beautiful Berlin!

By Chelsea from  Adventures of Chels . 


Visiting Valencia, Spain, is a fantastic destination for Europe solo travel, thanks to its beautiful coastal scenery, gorgeous architecture, decadent fresh seafood, and rich culture. 

Since Valencia is a popular destination, depending on your goal, you may want to visit during the peak summer season for festivals like Hogueras de San Juan . 

However, if you prefer nice weather but lower crowds, the end of summer to early fall is a great time to visit. 

Europe solo travel

It’s also regularly trafficked by tourists, and it’s a relatively safe area to visit, plus the locals are friendly and willing to offer navigation tips and nearby suggestions. 

There’s a variety of experiences you can do solo, such as visiting the Valencia BioParc and experiencing codimension or touring Turia Gardens and then exploring the lively Mercado Central. 

If you want to wind down, take a beach day at the nearby sandy shores; just remember to bring a beach towel and umbrella for shade. 

Valencia is usually hot and sunny most days from Spring to early fall, so you’ll want sun protection and a good SPF. 

Regarding places to stay in Valencia, you’ll want to choose an area with public transportation access and pay close attention to location. 

Europe solo travel

A great area is near Ciutat Vella, also known as the old town, and offers a variety of experiences for first-timer visitors within walking distance. 

A great stay in the area would be the Sh Ingles Boutique Hotel, an excellent 4-star option with exceptional amenities. 

Regarding getting to Valencia, you can arrive via a flight through Manises Airport or train and get off at Estació del Nord. 

All in all, Valencia is a great place to visit for solo travelers, from the friendly locals, tourist-friendly experiences, and fantastic scenery and food. 

By Yesenia,  The Sisters Who Voyage

Sarajevo is one of the best offbeat places for Europe solo travel.

The easiest way to get there is to fly from many European cities. If you prefer taking a bus, it is around 3-5 hours from neighbouring cities like Split, Dubrovnik or Kotor. 

It can take longer since buses in Eastern Europe usually take longer due to border crossings. I feel the best time to visit Sarajevo is June before the summer starts. 

One of the reasons I loved visiting Sarajevo was because it was still quite offbeat and comparatively less explored than other solo European destinations.

In spite of being solo in Sarajevo, I did not feel unsafe at any point during the trip. 

Europe solo travel

Only thing to keep in mind is that it is not as easy to travel here compared to Western Europe. 

For e.g the day I was leaving Sarajevo, i got to the bus station to buy my ticket and they were only accepting cash and none of the ATM’s at the bus station was working. 

Had to roam around a bit to find a working ATM. But one of the best things that I loved about the city was how helpful the locals were.

Stay at the Old Town Hotel in the centre of the city.

By Soumya Nambiar, Travel, Books & Food


The Prosecco hills are located in northeast Italy and one of the most beautiful places for Europe solo travel. 

Located in  the Veneto region  where the prestigious sparkling white wine, the Prosecco DOCG, is produced and exported worldwide, it is a convenient destination for solo travelers.

You can get there from Venice by joining a guided tour or arranging your own transportation. 

Europe solo travel

From Venice Santa Lucia station, you should first get to Conegliano and from there take a bus or hire a driver to the Prosecco hills. 

If you prefer to get there by bus, you’ll get to admire wonderful views of the hills dotted with vineyards as you pass by old medieval villages along the way. 

The best time to visit this wine region is during summer, but even late Spring and early autumn are perfect times to enjoy pleasant temperatures whilst visiting wine cellars. 

The Prosecco hills are a tranquil area to discover at a slower pace and that is the reason why it’s a safe place to visit in Veneto. 

If you’re into wine and open to learning about regional cuisine, travelling solo will allow you to fully engage with local producers at wine cellars and learn more about the region and its wines. 

Europe solo travel

To enjoy the Prosecco hills, spend more days here, go for walks in the countryside, visit wine cellars and explore its villages. 

Locanda MamaGiò is one of the best places to stay in the Prosecco hills to fully relax and make the most of what this region offers. 

Plus from the hotel terraces, you can enjoy lovely views of the surrounding hills.

By Maddy, Venice Travel Tips


One of the most popular places to travel to in Europe and an easy solo adventure experience would be the region of Tuscany. 

Located in the central region of Italy, the main capital of Florence stands out like a jewel in this magnificent region to explore. 

Divided in half by the Arno River , Florence is the most recognized Renaissance city filled with outstanding art, sculpture, architecture and a refined lifestyle. 

The Famous well-known masters like Da Vinci, Donatello and Michelangelo reigned during the Renaissance period throughout Florence. 

Europe solo travel

The rest of the region comprises many medieval cities and towns that are famous in their own right including Pisa, Lucca, San Gimignano, Arezzo and the gorgeous city of Siena. 

Outside of these outstanding cities that you can visit as a solo traveler, Tuscany is also well known for the famous Chianti wines in that region, Vino de Nobile from Montepulciano and Brunello from Montalcino. 

There are even eight localities in the region that have been designated as World Heritage sites and over 120 nature reserves throughout the region. 

The region is well connected with a system of trains, buses and highways that runs through all the major centres of this central area of Italy.

There are many amazing old-world-style hotels in Florence, and one of the most famous and beautiful to stay in is the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze. 

This classic and sophisticated hotel caters to every need and expectation.

By Noel Morata,  Travel Photo Discovery


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I’m feeling so inspired by your list. I’ve done a ton of solo travel and been to many of the places you mention, but I’ve still never been to Croatia or Bulgaria. I loved reading that they’re perfect for a solo traveler like myself.

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Intrepid Travel Blog

7 things I learnt travelling solo through Europe

Salzburg Austria

My first solo travel trip around Europe wasn’t planned.

After an Interrail trip with a friend fell through, I decided to take the plunge. I had already bought the ticket and got some last-minute time off work – what did I have to lose? Before I knew it, I was on a train.

The idea of travelling alone is daunting. I didn’t have much time to get nervous, but the common first-time solo travel jitters were running through my mind. Will I get lost? Will I get lonely? Who’s got my back if something goes wrong?

Once I arrived at my first stop, these fears were soon pushed to the back of my mind. Of course, some things don’t go to plan but challenges being thrown at you is all part of the experience. I found my first solo trip so rewarding and liberating that I decided to do it again for a longer period of time. And I’m sure it won’t be that long until the next one!

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Solo in Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Why? Because you’ll learn so much. What? The following, and so much more:

Europe is the best place for first-time solo travellers

Europe is a great starting point for first-time solo travellers. For Europeans, it feels somewhat familiar but has a wide variety of landscapes, culture and history. For those from further afield, traveling between countries is incredibly simple and everything feels so close together if you’re from somewhere like North America or Australia.

Europe’s well-connected train network is so easy to navigate that I’ve visited places in France, Croatia, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia and Hungary without even stepping on a plane. Not sure where to begin? These 7 underrated cities and 5 lesser-known islands are a pretty good place to start. 

Rich in history, culture and sheer natural beauty, Croatia should definitely be at the top of every solo traveller’s list. Whether it’s exploring the historic city walls of Dubrovnik, bathing in the Krka waterfalls, wandering among Roman ruins in Split, enjoying the nightlife in Hvar, admiring the Plitvice Lakes, sipping coffee in Zagreb or kayaking along the gorgeous Adriatic coast, this European gem has something for everyone.


Where else would I recommend? Well, with sweeping landscapes and storybook old towns, Austria is quite simply the stuff of fairytales.

Enjoying Salzburg, Austria

The German-speaking country waltzes effortlessly between the urban and outdoors, with formidable mountains making the perfect backdrop for some quiet reflection, while the quaint cobbled streets and imperial architecture in Salzburg and Vienna are a wanderer’s paradise. That’s not to mention the country’s infamous coffeehouses.

For me, Europe was the perfect destination to test the waters and see if solo travel was for me. As a solo female traveller I felt incredibly safe wandering around alone and venturing out at night. Now I feel more confident about going it alone and possibly traveling further afield next time.


If you want to do something, just go for it

I’ve always been an avid traveller but wasn’t sure about going solo. I’d get disappointed when talk of travel plans with friends never materialised and think longingly of all the places I wanted to explore. Now I’ve got nothing holding me back!

I can take on pretty much anything

As someone who lives abroad, I already considered myself rather resilient and resourceful, but traveling solo can test in ways you haven’t been before. From negotiating with an aggressive and not so understanding ticket inspector to re-planning my train route at the last minute after missing a connection, I feel I can handle pretty much anything thrown at me on the road.


If you’re worried about getting lost, Citymapper runs in a lot of major European cities and is an absolute godsend when you’re trying to figure out an unknown public transport system. And if you’ve totally forgotten how to read old-school maps (I know I have), there’s always Google Maps to get yourself out of sticky situations.

Budapest Hungary baths

No need for maps to spot Budapest’s beautifully distinctive baths

No roaming charges in the European Union is great news for European travellers relying on apps or who simply want to update their Instagram feed before getting back to their accommodation. If you’re not from Europe but are planning on traveling around the continent for a long time, it might be worth looking into buying a sim card to avoid extra charges.

As a vegetarian, I also usually look into how veggie-friendly local cuisine is and research recommended places to eat.


People are kinder and more generous than we realise

In this day and age we tend to have an automatic barrier around us and a culture of suspicion. Having grown up in a large capital, I know I am guilty of having my guard high up in everyday life. While it’s obviously important to have your wits about you when traveling alone, you’ll find yourself in situations where you have to put your faith in strangers.

Berlin Checkpoint Charlie Germany

At Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin

I’ll be forever grateful to the man who gave me his spare change for the bus when I found myself stranded in the middle of nowhere in the Czech Republic with no currency or signal. Lesson number one learnt: always change some money before the next leg of your trip!


Being alone doesn’t have to mean being lonely

Naturally, most people’s biggest concern when contemplating solo travel is getting lonely on the road. It was certainly mine. Instead, I enjoyed being 100% in charge of my agenda and being able to travel at my own pace. Most importantly, I learnt how to enjoy my own company.

And you won’t really be alone of course – I met many solo travellers along the way.

Mykonos Greece solo travel

Loving life in Mykonos


Meeting people is easier than you think

Before my first solo travel trip I wasn’t sure how easy it would be to meet people, but it’s amazing how like-minded people tend to gravitate towards one another.

Interactions while on the road range widely – from having a chat with your friendly waiter as you tuck into Baklava in Belgrade to talking for hours with backpacking Americans you’ve just met while admiring the sunset over the mountains before going out for Austrian dumplings in Salzburg.

Belgrade Serbia

Belgrade: the only European capital that lies on two rivers, the Sava and Danube.

Chatting to locals can be a great way to find things that aren’t in the guidebooks. Befriending locals during my travels has led to beer and pizza in Prague, a private tour of a hidden market in Budapest and delicious Israeli home-cooked meals in Zagreb.

Another way of getting a truly authentic experience is by checking out the range of day tours offered up by Urban Adventures . They have 775 unique, local-led, small-group tours all over the world, meaning you can check out Hanoi’s street food scene , browse Rome’s lesser-discovered neighborhoods, and sample beer everywhere from Beijing to Budapest .

Zagreb, Croatia

Seeing the sights in Zagreb, Croatia

Small group trips are great for solo travellers

Trying small group tours  à la  Intrepid Travel  are a really great and easy way to meet like-minded travellers. I travelled with a small group to the absolutely gorgeous Plitvice Lakes in Croatia and it led to some of my best travel memories – filled with stimulating conversations, future travel inspiration, tips, and even an open invitation to California!

The adventures solo travel might lead to for you? I couldn’t say, but I know you’ll want to find out…

There’s nothing like travelling solo on a small group tour. Find out more information about our trips that are just for solo travellers.

All images c/o Selina Sykes.

Feeling inspired?

solo train travel europe

Selina Sykes

Selina is a Londoner living in Paris where she is often found drinking wine and eating cheese. She's a news producer at a French television channel and Franglais is officially her first language. When not embracing that famous joie de vivre, she’s probably traveling somewhere in Europe. Her favorite city in France (other than Paris) is Lyon and she’ll happily talk your ear off about why Belgium is the most underrated country in western Europe.

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Emma's Solo Travel | Travel Tips & Tricks, Solo Travel, Women Travel Safety & Global Destination Guides

Budget-Friendly Solo Travel in Europe: Your Ultimate Guide

Traveling solo in Europe can be a life-changing experience, but it can also be expensive. However, with proper planning and budgeting, it's possible to enjoy the continent without breaking the bank. In this article, we'll share some tips on how to solo travel Europe on a budget, including how to plan your trip, get around, find affordable accommodations, and more.

First, it's important to plan your trip carefully. Consider the time of year you'll be traveling, as peak season can be more expensive. Look for deals on flights and transportation, and consider using a rail pass to save money on train travel. Be flexible with your itinerary, as some destinations may be more expensive than others. Research free or low-cost activities and sights to see, and plan your budget accordingly.

When it comes to accommodations, there are many options for budget travelers. Hostels are a popular choice for solo travelers, as they offer affordable dorm-style rooms and a chance to meet other travelers. Airbnb and Couchsurfing are also great options for finding affordable lodging, and can give you a chance to experience local culture. Finally, consider camping or staying in a budget hotel to save money on accommodations.

Key Takeaways

  • Planning your trip carefully can help you save money while solo traveling in Europe.
  • Using a rail pass, staying in hostels or budget hotels, and researching free activities are all great ways to save money.
  • Be flexible with your itinerary and consider alternative accommodations like Airbnb or Couchsurfing to keep costs down.

Planning Your Trip

When planning your solo trip to Europe on a budget, it's important to do your research and set a realistic budget. Here are some tips to help you plan your trip:

Researching Destinations

Researching destinations is an important part of planning your trip. Consider visiting smaller cities and towns that are off the beaten path, as they tend to be less expensive than popular tourist destinations. Eastern Europe is also a great option for budget travelers, as it tends to be less expensive than Western Europe. Websites like Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor can be helpful for researching destinations and finding things to do.

Setting a Budget

Setting a budget is crucial when planning a trip to Europe. Determine how much money you can afford to spend on transportation, accommodations, food, and activities. Keep in mind that transportation costs can add up quickly, so consider purchasing a rail pass or booking budget flights with airlines like Ryanair or EasyJet. Use a debit card with no foreign transaction fees to avoid unnecessary charges.

Booking Flights and Transportation

When booking flights and transportation, consider traveling during the shoulder season or off-season to save money. Budget airlines like Norwegian and Ryanair offer affordable flights to many European destinations. If you plan to travel by train, consider purchasing a Eurail pass or booking individual train tickets in advance. Bus companies like FlixBus, Eurolines, and Megabus also offer affordable transportation options.

Choosing Accommodations

Accommodations can be a major expense when traveling, so consider staying in hostels, Airbnb rentals, or budget hotels. Hostels are a great option for solo travelers, as they offer affordable communal living spaces and the opportunity to meet other travelers. Airbnb rentals can also be a good option, as they often provide a local experience at a lower cost than hotels. When choosing accommodations, keep in mind the location and transportation options to save money on getting around.

Remember to keep valuables safe while traveling by using a money belt or storing them in a secure location. Also, consider dining at local restaurants and attending festivals to experience the culture without breaking the bank. By following these tips and doing your research, you can plan a successful solo trip to Europe on a budget.

Getting Around Europe

When it comes to getting around Europe on a budget, there are several affordable options to consider. Here are some of the most popular modes of transportation for budget-conscious solo travelers:

Train Travel

Europe is famous for its extensive rail network, and train travel is often the most convenient and comfortable way to get around the continent. If you plan on traveling to multiple countries, a Eurail pass can be a cost-effective option, offering unlimited train travel within a certain time frame. However, keep in mind that some trains require reservations, which can add to the overall cost.

Taking the bus is another affordable option for getting around Europe. Companies like FlixBus and Eurolines offer intercity bus services that can be much cheaper than train travel, especially for shorter distances. Megabus is another popular option, particularly in the UK. However, keep in mind that bus travel can be slower and less comfortable than train travel, and some routes may not be as frequent or convenient.

Budget Airlines

For longer distances or when time is a factor, budget airlines like Ryanair, EasyJet, and Norwegian can offer significant savings compared to traditional airlines. However, keep in mind that budget airlines often charge for extras like checked baggage, seat selection, and onboard meals, which can add up quickly. Additionally, budget airlines may fly to secondary airports that are farther from city centers, which can add to transportation costs.

Overall, the best way to get around Europe on a budget will depend on your specific travel plans and preferences. Consider factors like transportation cost, travel time, and convenience when deciding which mode of transportation to use. With a little research and planning, you can save money while still enjoying all that Europe has to offer.


When it comes to solo traveling Europe on a budget, finding affordable accommodations is a top priority. Luckily, there are many options available that can fit any budget. Here are some of the most popular options:

Hostels are a great option for budget solo travelers. They offer shared dorm rooms or private rooms at affordable prices. Not only are hostels a great way to save money, but they also provide a social atmosphere where you can meet other travelers. Some popular hostel booking sites include Hostelworld, Booking.com, and Hostels.com.

While hotels can be more expensive than hostels, they can still be budget-friendly if you do your research. Look for hotels that offer deals or discounts for solo travelers, or consider staying in a hotel outside of the city center. Some popular hotel booking sites include Booking.com, Expedia, and Hotels.com.

Airbnb is a popular option for budget solo travelers who want more privacy than a hostel can offer. With Airbnb, you can rent a private room or an entire apartment for a fraction of the cost of a hotel. Plus, many hosts offer discounts for longer stays. Just be sure to read reviews and check the location before booking.

Apartment Rentals

Similar to Airbnb, apartment rentals offer a more private and home-like experience. You can rent an entire apartment or a room in a shared apartment. Apartment rentals can be a great option for solo travelers who plan to stay in one place for an extended period of time. Some popular apartment rental sites include Airbnb, HomeAway, and VRBO.

No matter which option you choose, be sure to book in advance to get the best deals. And don't be afraid to negotiate prices or ask for discounts, especially if you're staying for an extended period of time. With a little research and planning, you can find affordable accommodations that fit your budget and travel style.

Sightseeing and Activities

When it comes to solo traveling in Europe on a budget, there are plenty of sightseeing and activity options to choose from. Here are some sub-sections that can help you plan your itinerary.

Museums and Historical Sites

Europe is home to some of the world's most famous museums and historical sites. Most of these attractions offer free admission on certain days of the week or month. So, it's always a good idea to check the schedule before you visit.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world. While it's not free to enter, you can still enjoy the view from the Trocadéro Gardens, which is completely free. The Louvre Museum is another popular attraction in Paris, and it's free to enter on the first Sunday of every month.

In Rome, you can visit the Colosseum and the Roman Forum for free on the first Sunday of every month. The Vatican Museums are also free to enter on the last Sunday of every month.

Local Culture and Experiences

One of the best ways to experience local culture is by attending local festivals and events. Most of these events are free to attend, and they offer a great opportunity to meet locals and learn about their culture.

In Barcelona, you can attend the Festa Major de Gracia, which is a week-long festival that takes place in August. In Venice, you can attend the Carnevale di Venezia, which is a two-week-long festival that takes place in February.

Major Attractions

Europe is home to some of the world's most famous attractions, and most of these attractions offer free admission on certain days of the week or month.

In London, you can visit the British Museum, the National Gallery, and the Tate Modern for free. In Berlin, you can visit the Brandenburg Gate, the Berlin Wall, and the Reichstag Building for free.

In conclusion, there are plenty of sightseeing and activity options to choose from when solo traveling in Europe on a budget. By planning your itinerary carefully and taking advantage of free admission days, you can experience the best of Europe without breaking the bank.

Eating and Drinking

When it comes to eating and drinking while solo traveling in Europe on a budget, there are plenty of options available. Here are some tips to help you save money while still enjoying the local cuisine.

Eating out can be expensive, but there are ways to enjoy the local cuisine without breaking the bank. Look for local markets and food stalls where you can sample traditional dishes at a fraction of the cost of a restaurant. Many cities also have street food festivals, which are a great way to try a variety of dishes for a reasonable price.

If you do decide to eat at a restaurant, look for places that offer lunch specials or set menus. These can be a great value and often include several courses for a set price. Another option is to eat at local cafes or bakeries, where you can enjoy a coffee and a pastry for a fraction of the cost of a meal at a restaurant.

Europe is known for its wine, and there are plenty of opportunities to sample local varieties while on a budget. Look for local wine shops and markets where you can purchase a bottle to enjoy at a picnic or in your hotel room. Many cities also offer wine tastings, which can be a fun and affordable way to learn about the local wine culture.

If you do decide to enjoy a glass of wine at a restaurant, look for house wines or wines by the glass, which are often more affordable than ordering a full bottle. Another tip is to order a carafe of wine to share with your dining companion, which can be a great way to sample local varieties without breaking the bank.

Europe is also known for its nightlife, and there are plenty of ways to enjoy a night out without spending a lot of money. Look for local pubs and bars, which often offer affordable drink specials and live music. Many cities also offer free concerts and events, which can be a great way to experience the local culture without spending a lot of money.

Another option is to enjoy a night in with a bottle of wine or local beer from a local shop or market. Many hostels also offer communal kitchens and dining areas, where you can prepare your own meals and enjoy a night in with fellow travelers.

Overall, there are plenty of ways to eat and drink on a budget while solo traveling in Europe. By exploring local markets and food stalls, sampling local wines, and enjoying the local nightlife, you can experience the culture and cuisine of Europe without breaking the bank.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i save money while travelling in europe.

There are many ways to save money while travelling in Europe. Some tips include:

  • Choose budget-friendly destinations: Eastern Europe and the Balkans are generally cheaper than Western Europe.
  • Travel during the off-season: Prices for flights, accommodations, and activities are often cheaper during the off-season.
  • Cook your own meals: Many hostels and budget accommodations have shared kitchens where you can cook your own meals.
  • Use public transportation: Public transportation is often cheaper than taxis or rental cars.
  • Avoid tourist traps: Research ahead of time and avoid overpriced tourist areas.

What are some affordable accommodation options in Europe?

There are many affordable accommodation options in Europe for solo travelers, including:

  • Hostels: Hostels are a great option for solo travelers on a budget. They offer shared dorms or private rooms at affordable prices.
  • Couchsurfing: Couchsurfing is a platform where locals offer free accommodation to travelers.
  • Airbnb: Airbnb offers affordable private rooms or apartments for solo travelers.
  • Camping: Camping is a great option for outdoor enthusiasts and can be a budget-friendly option.

What are some budget-friendly ways to get around Europe?

There are many budget-friendly ways to get around Europe, including:

  • Buses: Taking the bus is often the cheapest way to travel between cities in Europe.
  • Trains: Train travel can be affordable if you book in advance and choose slower trains.
  • Carpooling: Carpooling platforms like BlaBlaCar allow you to share a ride with locals and split the costs.
  • Walking or cycling: Walking or cycling is a great way to explore cities and save money on transportation.

What are some cheap but delicious food options in Europe?

There are many cheap and delicious food options in Europe, including:

  • Street food: Street food is often affordable and delicious. Try local specialties like crepes in France or kebabs in Turkey.
  • Local markets: Local markets offer fresh produce and affordable snacks.
  • Supermarkets: Supermarkets offer affordable options for cooking your own meals.
  • Budget restaurants: Look for budget-friendly restaurants that offer set menus or lunch specials.

How can I find free or low-cost activities in Europe?

There are many free or low-cost activities to do in Europe, including:

  • Museums and galleries: Many museums and galleries offer free admission or discounts on certain days.
  • Walking tours: Many cities offer free walking tours led by locals.
  • Parks and gardens: Many parks and gardens offer free admission and beautiful scenery.
  • Festivals and events: Look for free festivals and events happening in the cities you visit.

What are some tips for staying safe while travelling alone in Europe?

Some tips for staying safe while travelling alone in Europe include:

  • Research ahead of time: Research the areas you will be visiting and any potential safety concerns.
  • Stay aware of your surroundings: Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts.
  • Stay connected: Keep your phone charged and let someone know your itinerary.
  • Avoid walking alone at night: Stick to well-lit areas and avoid walking alone at night.
  • Keep your valuables safe: Keep your valuables in a secure place and be aware of pickpockets in crowded areas.


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Girl about the Globe

Making solo travel easier.

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Solo Travel in Europe

Solo Travel in Croatia

Europe is a fantastic continent to travel through. There are so many different countries to explore. If you're looking for the best solo travel in Europe, I've included all the best countries to travel to alone in this article. Having been to every single country in Europe, I share my tips and recommendations to help you decide which one to solo travel to. Happy planning! 

Solo Female Friendly Star Rating – 4 out of 5  

Budget – $35 to $100 a day  

Cheapest – Baltic countries  

Most Expensive – Liechtenstein  

Languages Spoken French, Spanish, German, Serbian, Croatian, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and more.

Did You Know? If you are travelling during the European summer months, accommodation can get booked up, so I recommend pre-booking before you go.  

solo travel in Europe

Andorra is a great place for active solos

Why Solo Travel Europe?

Whether you’re looking for mountains, ancient civilisations, icy climates, chic cities or islands to sail around, Europe has a country for you. With nearly 50 countries to visit, there is a diversity of languages, cultures and destinations to suit everyone’s budget.

Lose yourself in the romance of the Mediterranean, the solitude of the Alps, the stunning coastline of the Rivieras and the icy glaciers of the Nordics. Solo travel in Europe couldn’t be easier, with many open borders to travel through.  

Europe is one of the safest continents for solo females to travel to. Although each country has a different culture, the majority have a liberal attitude towards women, especially in Western Europe.  

Europe has many different regions: Western Europe, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Nordic countries and the Baltics. Choose Western Europe for company of others and East Europe if you are on a budget. (Read: Tips for Traveling Europe Solo ).

If you're planning on travelling to Europe alone, below is a summary of each region to help you choose the right destination for you. Click on the images at the end for the solo destination guides. Fo r the best places to solo travel in Europe, this guide covers the best cities in Europe for solos

Best places for solo travel Europe

Best Places For Solo Travel Europe

If you don't have time to read the whole article or just want to know what the best places for solo travel Europe are, here are my favourites. 

  • Spain – Specifically Barcelona, as there is so much to do for solo travellers. 
  • Slovenia – It's really safe and small enough to travel around and great for adventure.
  • Portugal – Especially Lisbon, or if you like to surf then this country is also good too.
  • Greece – Athens is such a lovely city and you can island hop from here too.
  • Georgia – This country is budget friendly and you can base yourself in Tbilisi and do tours from here.
  • Estonia – This is a great place for nature and to party.
  • Italy – With so many iconic cities, there are plenty of places to solo travel to here. 
  • Scotland – This country has amazing scenery and Edinburgh is really friendly!

These are just my best places for solo travel in Europe but there are plenty more countries that you can choose. I've listed all the countries in Europe below with how to get around each region. 

Solo Travel in Europe

Mont Saint-Michel Abbey in France

Western Europe

Western Europe is made up of: Belgium, France, Germany, Gibraltar , Ireland and Northern Ireland , Italy , Netherlands, Portugal (and   Madeira ) , Spain , Switzerland , Austria , England , Scotland , Monaco, Vatican City, Malta, San Marino , Luxembourg , Vatican City, Andorra  and Liechtenstein .  

If you love cities, Western Europe has some of the best cities to travel solo in Europe. There are plenty to choose from, each with its own unique style. Take your pick from Paris, Amsterdam, London, Barcelona, Budapest and Copenhagen to as far as Istanbul, the gateway to Asia. From the modern to the more historical, visit Greece or Rome for ancient civilisations, Germany for its political past and England for its timeless monarchy.  

Relax on the French or Italian rivieras, hike in Malta, sip port in Portugal, take part in a Spanish festival or try the chocolate delicacies of Belgium. Ski in the Alps, sing on Austrian hills and explore the highest point of Europe in Switzerland. Whether you enjoy history, culture or art, Western Europe has a country for all types of solos.  

Be prepared for some flirting and flattering attention along the Mediterranean. You’ll not be short of company in the south of Spain, where the area attracts both families and a party crowd. When in France or Monaco, you’ll find that the locals are much more accommodating if you can speak a bit of French.

There is a dress code in Monaco, so don’t walk around barefoot or in swimwear if you’re not at the beach. As in any city, be careful of pickpockets here, especially in Barcelona and Paris.  

Travelling solo in Liechtenstein isn’t one of the best places for solo travel Europe only because it is difficult to meet other solos here as the country attracts more families than solo travellers. Switzerland has kind locals and you’ll find friendly Scots, especially on the west coast of Scotland.  

Solo Travel in Europe

Hungary in Budapest

Travelling Around Western Europe

Mainland Europe has some of the best places to travel solo in Europe. The continent is easy to travel around due to good infrastructure. There are connecting train and bus networks such as EuroLines coaches and Flixbus, making each country accessible. You can also buy an Interrail pass , which is a train pass for various countries. If you prefer to navigate this region at your own pace, then consider hiring a car.  

In England, there are regional buses (National Express) and trains, as well as an excellent transport system in London. Use your bank card to get around London by Tube, bus and overland train by swiping before and after each journey.

Public transport is also good in Scotland, but you may want to consider hiring a car to reach the more remote areas. You could also join a fun-loving Scottish tour, such as MacBackpackers to take you around the country. A ferry will take you to the Isle of Arran and the company Megabus also operate to Edinburgh.  

Solo Travel in Europe

The stunning architecture in Moldova

Eastern Europe

From West to East. Eastern Europe includes: Belarus,  Czech Republic, Georgia Greece , Hungary, Moldova , Poland , Russia , Ukraine, Cyprus and Turkey .  

Eastern Europe is synonymous with World War II and may not be your usual holiday hotspot, but the countries of Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic have untouched mountains, rivers and lakes, and are much cheaper to visit than Western Europe (although slightly more challenging with the language). Cyprus is a good destination for a beach holiday, although the island does have ruins and interesting sites to visit.  

Slovenia is incredibly safe with a low crime rate, small cities and women with the same opportunities as men. Slovenia attracts the more adventurous traveller and those who love the outdoors.  

Russia is a beautiful country with stunning palaces and the Kremlin, but it isn’t really known as a solo destination, so you may find yourself feeling isolated here, especially if you don’t know any Russian.

Turkey is a different story and being such a male-dominated society, you will encounter leering men who make their advances pretty clear. Although parts of Istanbul are liberal, you will still see women wearing headscarves. Cover up if you’re not within one of the beach resorts and especially in rural towns.

Avoid eye contact to not give men the wrong idea and be wary of any tour guide who wants to give you a private tour and take you to watch the sunset with just them for company. Expect attention in Cyprus from men of all ages, who will openly stare at you.  

Solo Travel in Europe

Malbork Castle in Poland

Eastern Europe Travel

Turkey has a really good transport system. Night buses are safe and they allocate you a seat number to ensure that you are sitting with another woman. A snack and a drink are included, and they do have a toilet on board, but they also make frequent stops along the way so you can pick up Turkish gifts or food.  

Russia is so vast that travelling around is best done by train, especially on one of the iconic ones, such as the Trans-Siberian or Trans-Mongolian. Passengers do smoke in third class and it can get cramped, so pay the extra for first class if you can.  

In Moldova it is easier to hire a car or take a tour if you want to see the country within a certain timeframe. Ukraine has old Soviet trains, and it’s easy to travel to and from Moldova with their train system. They also have sleeper carriages for overnight journeys.  

Georgia has a good bus network, making it easy to travel to Kutaisi or Batumi from Tbilisi, the capital. Greece has a reliable bus system called KTEL, which is comfortable and safe, and goes almost everywhere in Greece.

There are also international buses that take you across the border to neighbouring countries. If you want to island hop, ferries operate between the islands. Hire a car if you are heading to Cyprus, which is quicker than taking the island’s buses.  

Solo Travel in Europe

The Faroe Islands

The Nordic Countries  

The Nordics are made up of: Denmark. Finland, Iceland , Norway, Sweden, Greenland and the Faroe Islands .  

These countries are known for being pricey, but Scandinavia and the Nordics are great countries to visit for winter activities. Take a cruise around the Norwegian fjords, go snowmobiling or dog sledging in Finland or visit Santa Claus in Lapland.

Iceland is in a league of its own, with geothermal activity and a funky capital, or choose Greenland for its remoteness.

Iceland is more touristy, so expect crowds if you visit here. Visit in the winter for the Northern Lights or the summer for the midnight sun.  

You need to be comfortable with your own company in countries such as Greenland and the Faroe Islands, where you won’t see many other travellers, let alone solo women. Not only do they have a very low crime rate, but these countries are known for their relaxed attitude, warmth and hospitality.  

Solo Travel in Europe

Travelling Around The Nordics  

Ferries operate between islands, and you can hop from Estonia to Sweden and other destinations in the Nordics or from Denmark to the Faroe Islands and Iceland. The best way to get around the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland is by hiring a car, otherwise, you may need to take a tour to see the islands.

There is a good train network in Norway and also sleeper trains, which cover long distances. Both Denmark and Sweden have a good train system, which takes you to all corners of the countries. Finland also has trains, buses and even steamships. Scandinavian Airlines operates between the Scandinavian countries, which is ideal if you don’t have much time.  

Solo Travel in Europe

Trakai Castle in Lithuania

The Baltic Countries

The Baltic countries are: Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia . Just north lies the Baltic Sea and although tucked away in the northern corner of Europe, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia in the Baltics have a lot on offer, with glacier lakes, Slavic and Scandinavian influences and over 1,500 islands to explore.

Visit the romantic city of Tallinn, the Baltic Coast in Latvia for seaside towns and Vilnius for its UNESCO World Heritage. This region is very cheap and also safe for solos. The hostels here are sociable, and they have cobbled old streets and free walking tours.

Travelling The Baltics

These small countries are easily connected by bus. The buses are modern and comfortable, and to travel from capital to capital takes less than five hours. * Read: Travelling The Baltics

Solo Travel in Europe

Dubrovnik in Croatia

The Balkans  

The Balkan countries are: Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Macedonia , Bulgaria , Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro , Croatia , Albania, Romania and Slovenia.

The Balkans are some of the most interesting countries in Europe. Made up of some of the former states of Yugoslavia, they all have an interesting and moving past. Visit Mostar for its Old Bridge, Slovenia for Lake Bled, Montenegro for its coastline, Macedonia for its Turkish bazaar and artist’s capital or just sail around the Croatian islands.

The Black Sea is known for its touristy towns but Bulgaria, Romania, Albania and Ukraine have so much more to offer and you'll find old towns and mountain regions within these surprising countries.

The Balkans are more suited to the intrepid traveller. You may find yourself in the minority in the Balkan states, where there aren’t many solo females, but there are plenty of solo males to meet and travel with. You do need to take extra care in Bulgaria, as there is petty crime along the Black Sea coast and it’s a good idea to avoid the bus station area in the capital at night.

Albanians are very friendly and are proud that you’ve chosen their country to visit. Islam is the main religion, so it’s wise to cover up in the main cities, such as Shkodra, where you may encounter a few looks, but anything goes along the Albanian coastline. The same applies to Bosnia.  

Although it is a country that is sometimes overlooked, Macedonia is really safe for females. Most street signs are in the Cyrillic script, so finding your way around can be challenging, but the people here will make you feel welcome and go out of their way to help you even if they can’t speak your language. If you venture away from Skopje and Ohrid, you’ll be guaranteed to meet more locals than tourists.  

Solo Travel in Europe

Peles Palace in Romania

Travelling The Balkans

Hitchhiking may not seem like the best idea for a solo female but it is common in Albania if you have to wait hours for the next bus. Trust your instinct if you do decide to hitch alone and be careful which country you choose to do it in (avoid Bosnia, for example). Otherwise, buses are the way to get around Albania.  

Buses in the Balkans can be an adventure, but they are a good alternative to the trains, which tend to be slower. Taking a train ride in an old-fashioned train carriage in Bosnia is a nostalgic journey. Navigating your way around the Balkans by car can be tricky, as signs are in the Cyrillic script, so you may need to ask locals for help.

Bulgaria is a country where you have to figure things out for yourself, but if you like rustic travelling and the odd challenge, it’s the country for you. Kosovo has plenty of buses from the capital to Prizren and Peja, and travelling here is easy and welcoming.  

Slovenia has a good bus system and nowhere is too far here. Croatia has a good bus network and also ferries to take you to some of the islands if you want to island hop. A sailing trip is the best way to see the islands if you only have a week.  

Europe is definitely an intriguing and interesting continent to travel to alone. If I've inspired you to take a solo trip to Europe, click on the photos below for the solo destination guide to help you plan a trip to that country.  

  • Related Post: Best European Cities For Solo Travel
  • Related Post: Best Places For European Winter Sun
  • Related Post: Best Way To Travel Around Europe

Solo Travel in Europe

Copenhagen in Denmark

How To Travel Europe Solo

Traveling Europe solo can be very easy as getting around Europe is not difficult with many open border crossings. Transport in Western and Northern Europe is extremely punctual, and the most popular method of transport is by rail. Buying a Euro-Rail pass before you arrive on the continent allows you to travel through several countries. If you don’t need all 33, you can just buy a pass for four or more countries.

Although most of the countries are in Western and Northern Europe, you can just buy a pass for the Balkans. Travelling through Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece is easier by bus, as the train system isn’t as efficient as those in Spain and France. It is wise to pre-book each sector if you are travelling Europe alone in the summer season.  

Switzerland has panoramic train journeys, including one to Europe’s highest mountain station at Jungfraujoch. Buying a Swiss Pass will save you money on multiple trips. The Eurostar operates from England across the Channel Tunnel to mainland Europe and vice versa, or you can choose from one of the main bus lines.

EuroLines are comfortable buses within Europe and offer a pass for 15 days to range of destinations or you can buy a 30 day pass for unlimited access to as many destinations as you like!

Flying around the continent is cheap and easy, with many low-cost airlines to choose from; although you can be in a neighbouring country in less than a couple of hours on a flight, going overland is definitely more sustainable. If you choose to hire a car , you could find yourself paying toll fees in countries such as France or Spain. 

Car sharing not only is a way of sharing a journey, but it’s a chance to meet others too. Car-sharing sites such as BlaBlaCar approve drivers beforehand, so you can travel across 45 countries in the UK and Europe with peace of mind.  

Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Monaco and Macedonia have good bus systems, and tunnels connect the Faroe Islands, allowing for a good road network for buses and cars. You could always consider cycling too, especially around the smaller countries or through somewhere picturesque, like Tuscany.  

Sailing around the Greek, Turkish or Croatian islands is the perfect way to island hop. Unless you pay a single supplement, you may find yourself sharing a cabin on a sailing holiday. For those who want to be more independent, there are ferries to get you between the islands.

Ferries operate between Albania and Italy and also Corfu in Greece. You can practically get anywhere from Istanbul if you’re prepared to spend hours on a bus. Internally, they have a great bus system with safe overnight buses.  

If you are unsure how to travel Europe solo and prefer to travel in a group, choose a hop on/hop off bus service as an alternative to local transport. These are great for solos, as you can meet other travellers on the buses and travel with them, at least to your next destination, anyway.  

Solo Travel in Europe

Take a gondola ride in Venice

Best Things To Do in Europe

  • Taking a gondola ride in Venice
  • Seeing the Colosseum in Rome
  • Skiing in the Alps
  • Visit Edinburgh Castle in Scotland
  • Hiking in Lauterbrunnen in Switzerland
  • Visa the fairytale Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany
  • Marvel at the Milan Cathedral in Italy
  • Explore Montmartre Cathedral in Paris
  • View London from the top of the Shard
  • See windmills and tulip fields in Amsterdam
  • Go clubbing in Berlin
  • Visit a chocolatier in Bruges, Belgium
  • Meander the back streets of Salzburg in Austria
  • Walk along the coastal villages at Cinque Terre in Italy
  • Dance the flamenco in Spain
  • Watch the Eiffel Tower sparkle on the hour in Paris
  • Walk along Charles Bridge in Prague
  • Relax in a spa in Budapest in Hungary
  • Enjoy a cream tea in the Cotswolds in England
  • Take a Turkish hammam in Turkey
  •  See Pigeon Valley in Cappadocia in Turkey from an air balloon ride.  
  • Go island-hopping in Greece
  • Drive the Golden Circle in Iceland
  • Go surfing in Portugal
  • See the Northern Lights in Lapland

Solo Travel in Europe

The Colosseum in Rome

Seven Wonders of the World  

  • Aurora Borealis – Norway/Iceland/Sweden
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia – Greece
  • Temple of Artemis in Ephesus – Turkey
  • Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in Bodrum – Turkey  
  • Colossus of Rhodes – Greece
  • Colosseum – Rome

Solo Travel in Europe

Stonehenge in England

Europe Itineraries  

One week europe itinerary  .

  • If you only have a long weekend or a week to travel, a city break is perfectly doable from three to seven days.
  • England – London, Oxford, Bath, Stonehenge
  • Switzerland – Zurich, Lucern, Interlaken
  • The Baltics – Lithuania, Latvia
  • Denmark/Sweden – Copenhagen, Helsingor, Helsingborg
  • Sailing around the Greek, Turkish, or Croatian islands
  • Spain – Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Cordoba, Malaga

Solo Travel in Europe

Florence skyline at sunset, Italy. Campanile di San Marco

2 Week Europe Itinerary  

  • France to Italy – Paris, Lyon, Nice, Monaco, Milan in Italy.  
  • London to Amsterdam – London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Venice, Munich, Heidelberg, Rhine Valley, Amsterdam.  
  • Dubrovnik to Athens – Dubrovnik, Bay of Kotor, Tirana, Saranda, Corfu, Athens.  
  • Rome to Venice – Rome, Florence, Venice.  
  • Madrid to Nice – Madrid, Lisbon, Algarve, Seville, Granada, Valencia, Barcelona, Nice, Monaco.  
  • Oslo to Kiruna – Oslo, Trondheim, Lofoten Islands, Tromso, Kiruna.  
  • London to Scandinavia – England, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, St Petersburg, Tallinn, Gothenburg, London.  

Solo Travel in Europe

Nice in France

3 Week Europe Itinerary  

  • Rome to Budapest – Rome, Siena, Florence, Lucca, Cinque Terre, Lake Como, Venice, Lake Bled, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest.  
  • Berlin to Budapest – Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Prague, Cesky Krumlov, Vienna, Budapest.  
  • Estonia to London – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Berlin, Netherlands, Belgium, London.  
  • United Kingdom – London, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cork.  
  • The Baltics – Lithuania, Latvia. Estonia, Finland.  

Travelling To Paris Alone

Le Louvre in Paris

A Month in Europe  

  • Croatia to Istanbul – Croatia, Mostar, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Istanbul.  
  • Paris to Spain – Paris, Versailles, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Salzburg, Fussen, Venice, Florence, Rome, Vatican City, Monte Carlo, Barcelona.  

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Solo travel in europe: best places to travel alone + tips.

Are you looking for the best solo travel destinations in Europe?

Then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve visited most European countries over the past three decades, many of these as a solo traveller.

To inspire you to   plan your next solo trip to Europe, I’ve pulled together an awesome list of the best destinations. To make it as varied as possible, I’ve reached out to fellow travel writers for their suggestions.

Read on to discover the best places to travel alone in Europe and solo travel tips, including how to get around and how to stay safe.

woman in sunglasses and hat in front of the rhine valley which is one of the best places to travel alone in europe

Some articles on this website contain affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases . Read the full disclosure here .

Dreaming of your first solo trip? Click here to download your FREE solo travel toolkit . 

It’s just what you need to kickstart your plans!


My Top 10 Solo Travel Destinations in Europe

1.  anywhere in italy.

f lucca view and flashpacker

Italy is an amazing solo travel destination , especially if you are travelling alone for the first time . It was one of the first countries that I visited as a solo traveller more than 30 years ago and one to which I have returned more times than I can count.

There is a well-worn tourist trail, and English is widely spoken in tourism hotspots and by younger people. And the familiarity that comes with unconscious immersion in the country’s food and culture makes Italy a super easy country for the novice solo traveller.

For centuries, Italy’s landscape, history and food have drawn travellers from across the globe (for me, add  Italian coffee bars  and  gelato! ). The famous  hilltop towns of Tuscany  draw travellers from near and far.

Italy is every Renaissance fangirl or fanboy’s dream with world-famous art and architectural treasures too numerous to count. From Rome to Rimini, Urbino to the Uffizi, Cortona to  Carrara’s marble mines , there’s something for everyone.


  • Best Solo Travel Destinations in Italy
  • How to Have the Best Solo Trip to Rome
  • The Perfect Solo Trip to Florence

2. Anywhere in Spain

curved colonnaded facade of plaza espana with tiled alcoves in seville pain

Spain ticks many of the boxes for an ideal solo travel destination . 

It has natural beauty in spades with wide, sandy beaches, rugged rocky coves and a highland plateau, straddled by dramatic mountain ranges.

Thanks to decades of mass tourism, it has an extremely well-developed infrastructure. There are accommodation choices to suit all budgets, restaurants are plentiful, English is widely spoken and the train network is extensive. 

One of  the things that Spain is most famous for  is its rich historical heritage. Its UNESCO-listed sites include  Granada’s majestic Alhambra Palace ,  Seville’s Cathedral  and its  Alcázar palace , Antoni Gaudí’s work in  Barcelona  (including the jaw-dropping  La Sagrada Família ) and  Tarragona’s Roman ruins  (to name but a few).

And don’t write off the Canary Islands for your solo trip.  They offer much more than sun-and-sangria beach flops, from hiking in the Anaga Forest of Tenerife to exploring the magical world of César Manrique in Lanzarote.


  • Canary Islands Solo Travel: The Ultimate Guide
  • Lanzarote Solo Travel: The Ultimate Guide
  • Gran Canaria Solo Travel: Itinerary & Essential Guide
  • Tenerife Solo Travel: The Ultimate Guide

3. Anywhere in Portugal

deep canyon of valley of the nuns madeira with village at bottom

Portugal is one of the cheapest solo travel destinations in Western Europe.

Although not as well developed as that of its Iberian neighbour, Portugal’s travel infrastructure does allow independent exploration with its rail network covering major tourist hubs. And as Portugal is a relatively small country, this makes travel more manageable if you only have a few weeks to spare.

Like Spain, it has a temperate climate and abundant natural beauty with a long beach-lined coastline, a mountainous north and the lush Duoro River valley, home to the oldest demarcated wine region in the world. 

The sub-tropical island of  Madeira is one of the best places I have visited as a solo traveller  in recent years.

Finally,  Portugal has been ranked as the third safest country in the world,  welcome news if you are a female solo traveller. 

READ THIS NEXT:   Solo Travel in Madeira: The Ultimate Guide

4. Ghent, Belgium

old grey stone turreted building by side of canal

If you are a solo traveller looking for a less-touristy alternative to Bruges in Belgium, book your ticket to gorgeous Ghent.

Bruges may be better known, but Ghent has a cityscape to rival its busier neighbour with red-bricked gable-roofed buildings and monumental Gothic spires overlooking meandering canals. It’s a delight.

Hit the highlights of this medieval city on a free Ghent self-guided walking tour , taking in the famous Adoration of the Mystic Lamb in St. Bavo’s Cathedral, and climb the UNESCO-listed Belfry for a bird’s eye view of Ghent. Take a boat tour along the canals and, as evening falls, join a local for a beer tour of the city (highly recommended!).

A broad range of places to stay in Ghent and the excellent value Ghent City Card help to keep things affordable. It is a friendly and safe city with locals, students and tourists alike enjoying its attractions, bars and restaurants.

5. Reykjavik, Iceland

an icelandic horse close up in snow covered field

Reykjavik is a superb solo city break  and is a good jumping-off point for Iceland’s outstanding natural wonders. 

Take a  day tour of the  Golden Circle , a 300 km circular route that loops from Reykjavik into central Iceland, to explore the country’s rugged interior. Soak your cares away in the milky waters of the  Blue Lagoon  whilst sipping on a cool Icelandic beer. 

Iceland’s crime rate approaches zero and, as a solo female traveller, harassment is also rare. It is easy to book excursions online or via one of the agencies in downtown Reykjavik, and Iceland is also a mecca for outdoor activities.

Whilst it’s safe to say that Iceland isn’t the most budget-friendly destination, there are tips and tricks for cutting costs when you visit Iceland .

6. London, England

telephone boxes

I may be biased, but my home town of London has a cultural scene that is second to none. There are world-class  museums , including Tate Britain and Tate Modern , a theatrical and musical landscape to accommodate all tastes, excellent restaurants and, of course, a lively drinking culture. 

There is no shortage of  things to do in London as a solo traveller . 

Meet fellow travellers on one of the many  walking tours  – I recommend one of the London street art tours. Or tick off many of London’s landmarks by taking a stroll along the Victoria Embankment or the South Bank. 

Or see the sights from the water by taking a  boat ride along the Thames  (for the more adventurous you can ride in a RIB!). This is a great way to fully appreciate London’s magnificent bridges .

On those rainy afternoons (and we do get a few of these!), visit a museum or gallery, get a bargain ticket for a  theatre  matinee performance, see a new  cinematic release  or an old classic or linger over a book in a coffee shop.

Finally, if you want a break from city life, take one of the many  easy day trips from London , including Bohemian Brighton, the golden dunes of Camber Sands , the dreaming spires of Oxford and the Georgian splendour of Bath.

7. Rhine Valley, Germany

panoramic view of roofs of bacharach germany with church spire and rhine river and vineyard

Are you a solo traveller searching for a perfect mix of legend, history and beauty? Then start planning a trip to the UNESCO-listed Upper Middle Rhine Valley, also known as the Rhine Gorge.

The good news is that you don’t have to fork out for an expensive cruise to experience this idyllic section of the Rhine. It’s easy to explore Germany’s Romantic Rhine Valley on public transport.

Base yourself in Boppard and use local trains and buses to visit Burg Rheinfels , one of the mightiest castles on the river, Bacharach and Oberwesel .

And when the sightseeing is done, there’s the region’s excellent food and wine to savour.

8. Highlands of Scotland

green valley with lake reached from fort william to glencoe

Studded with deep lochs and soaring mountains, the Scottish Highlands is blessed with some of the most dramatic scenery on the planet. 

Better still, its abundance of outdoor activities provides ample opportunities for solo travellers to meet other people. If you prefer solitude, solo hiking is relatively safe as long as you don’t too far off the beaten path.

And if you love train travel as much as I do, you’re in luck. From catching the Caledonian Sleeper from London to the magical Harry Potter scenic train between Fort William and Mallaig , there’s no shortage of awe-inspiring trips.

Base yourself in Fort William to ride the Jacobite steam train and visit glorious Glencoe . Make the lovely city of Inverness your second base, the jumping-off point for Loch Ness and the historic Culloden battlefield.

9. Provence, France

cassis-provence-boats inport

The ease with which you can explore  Provence by train ; fields filled with fragrant lavender; ancient Roman ruins; picture-perfect walled medieval cities and some of the best food and wine in the world. These are just a few reasons why this region of France is perfect for those who are travelling alone. 

During a week in Provence, you can explore the ‘three As” – the historic cities of  Avignon, Arles  and  Aix-en-Provence . If you are a history buff, visit the amphitheatre at  Orange  and the sensational  Pont du Gard , the tallest aqueduct bridge in the Roman world.

Moving south, spend a day in revitalised  Marseilles , visiting the MuCEM, Marseille’s Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations, before relaxing in the quintessential Provençal portside town of Cassis.

And, of course, in summer there are the lavender and sunflower fields in full bloom.

10. Kraków, Poland

massive head sculpture in old square in krakow

If you are looking for a budget-friendly solo travel destination with a first-rate bar scene, Kraków could be just the ticket. This is a city that hasn’t sold its soul to tourism, and where it is possible to feast on a meal for 15 PLN washed down with a glass of craft beer for 5 PLN (around 4 GBP). 

Join one of its excellent  free walking tours  – I loved the one exploring  Kraków’s Royal Road  –  to meet like-minded travellers. However, the whole city has a social vibe.

Reflect on Kraków’s tragic past by visiting  Kazimierz , the city’s old Jewish Quarter, the former Jewish ghetto in  Podgorze  and the neighbouring  Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory.  For many people, the chance to take a  day trip to  Auschwitz   is reason enough to visit Kraków. 

For something a little different, visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the  Wieliczka  Salt Mine , a labyrinthine network of tunnels lacing through the mine’s salty depths. Just 12km south-east of Kraków, this is an easy day trip from Kraków. 

Best Cities in Europe for Solo Travel (A to Z List)

11. amsterdam, the netherlands.

bicycles at side of canal in amsterdam

Amsterdam has a large and vibrant community of travellers, be they leisure travellers or freelance digital nomads.

People hang out at hostels or connect with each other through communities such as Couchsurfing or Meetup. Couchsurfing events are a great way to meet locals in addition to fellow travellers (I remember joining a meet-up of Spanish-speaking folks in Amsterdam, which was such fun!).  

In addition to this thriving community, Amsterdam is also home to tons of  museums.   If you have even a little curiosity regarding history or art, you can spend hours here, not really caring about having company. 

Getting around Amsterdam is easy and it’s a convenient base for day trips to other Dutch cities. The excellent tram network, comfortable buses and cycling infrastructure are a real boon for a solo traveller in Amsterdam.  

The best sights in Amsterdam are the museums and  Dam Square . The  Jordaan area  is also a good place to spend an evening chilling in cafes and pubs. 

If you feel more adventurous, cross the river to the  Noord region  to enjoy the  I AM HOLLAND experience  and  Adam’s Lookout . The former experience gives you an epic virtual tour of The Netherlands, while the latter offers a stunning view of the city. 

By Umang of Travelmax

12. Athens, Greece

classical greek temple of the acropolis in athens

Athens is friendly, welcoming, easy to get around and home to spectacular attractions.

With relatively cheap flights from Europe and beyond, some great hostels and an excellent range of bars, restaurants and cafes, Athens is an amazing destination for solo travellers taking a weekend break and those travelling more extensively across Europe.

Choose centrally located accommodation in Athens so you can easily walk around the top sights.

These include the  Acropolis  (and Acropolis Museum), the  Ancient Agora, Monastiraki, Plaka  and  Syntagma Square.  Thankfully there are so many options within this area that you won’t be hard pushed to find a decent hotel or Airbnb.

Athens also has some awesome  tours  that you can take (e.g. Local Food Tours, Street Art Tours) which are a great way to interact with both locals and other travellers.

As Athens has both easy-to-use public transport and taxis, you’ll be able to explore the city safely. There are also some fun day trips that can be taken as tours out of the city.

By Chrysoula of Athens and Beyond

13. Belgrade, Serbia

entrance to old fortress in belgrade serbia

If you’re looking for the perfect solo travel destination in Europe, you really can’t go wrong with Belgrade, Serbia.

The capital of Serbia has lots to offer visitors and it is a great place to visit alone. There are countless  things to do in Belgrade over two or three (or more!) days  and the atmosphere of the city, along with the gregarious nature of the locals, make it ideal to visit on your own.

Belgrade is a popular city amongst backpackers and there are countless hostels throughout the city, where it is easy to meet other like-minded travellers.

There are also numerous free walking tours of the city’s neighbourhoods. Ideal for meeting others while learning about the destination.

Belgrade locals are also easy-going, sociable and easy to talk to, so you never truly have to feel alone when visiting this dynamic city.

Some of the top sites in Belgrade include the fascinating  Old Town , the wonderful pedestrian street of  Knez Mihailova  and, of course, the sprawling  Kalemegdan  fortress park overlooking the confluence of the Danube and Sava Rivers. There are also several interesting  museums  where you can learn more about Belgrade’s history plus a great nightlife scene to experience.

By Maggie of The World Was Here First

14. Bruges, Belgium

display case of chocolates

Picture-postcard-perfect Bruges is an idyllic destination for those travelling alone in Europe and an essential part of any Belgium itinerary .

It is picturesque, safe, easy to get to and there are lots of things to do. As it is a compact and walkable city, it is simple to navigate.

Bruges is famous for its meandering canals that lace their way through its perfectly preserved medieval centre , its magnificent Belfry , world-class museums and, of course, Belgian beer .

But for my money, one of the best things to do in this charming city is to take a self-guided Bruges chocolate tour . Belgium produces some of the finest chocolate in the world, and this is the ideal place to try the best of the best from the city’s artisan producers.

15. Brussels, Belgium

detailed sculpture of figures on a pillar with gable roof buildings in background

The Belgian capital is one of Europe’s liveliest cities. With just one day in Brussels , you can soak up its medieval architecture and stuff yourself silly with beer, waffles and chocolate.

The UNESCO-listed Grand Place is at the heart of Brussels’ city centre and is lined with porticoed and frilly, late medieval buildings. This is also where the city’s Christmas market takes place.

On the eastern side of the city, old architecture gives way to sleek skyscrapers, including the headquarters of the European Union .

Lovers of cartoons should follow the Comic Strip Walk or visit the Belgian Comic Strip Centre .

Brussels is also the best base from which to visit other Belgian cities. Ones for your bucket list include lovely Leuven and its botanic garden ( De Kruidtuin Leuven ), Mechelen and Hasselt (don’t miss the Jenever Museum and Japanse Tuin Hasselt ).

16. Budapest, Hungary

panoramic view of bridge across river leading to an old town in budapest hungary

There are so many great places to travel alone in Europe and Budapest is one of them.

Budapest is a safe city to visit, even at night. However, as with any big city, take precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

Also, Budapest is easy to navigate. The trams and buses are simple to use, there are lots of helpful maps that will guide you from place to place and the majority of the signs are written in English.

Budapest has great hostels and hotels, world-class attractions and first-rate restaurants and pubs that won’t break the bank. As a solo traveller, you can find anything within your budget.

Some of the most iconic things to do in Budapest include the  Parliament House ,  Dohany Street Synagogue ,  Fisherman’s Bastion , the  Jewish Quarter ,  St. Stephen’s Basilica , the  Chain Bridge , and  Szechenyi Spa Baths .

By Disha of  Disha Discovers

>>> Are you looking for motivation to book your solo trip to Europe? If so, check out these inspirational quotations about travelling alone .

17. Cologne, Germany

faux medieval buildings and church spire of cologne old town

For a German city with a rich historical legacy, visit Cologne.

It is best known for the UNESCO-listed Cologne Cathedral , one of the greatest churches in Christendom, and its toilet water, Eau de Cologne .

Germany’s fourth-largest city is also home to the busiest railway bridge in the world, Hohenzollern Bridge (Hohenzollernbrücke), which is smothered in love locks. The other highlights of Cologne include its 12 great Romanesque churches , the Old Town ’s squares and buildings and its insanely popular Chocolate Museum .

Last but not least, don’t leave town before trying the local Kölsch , the delicious local brew which has a hoppy and slightly sweet taste.

18. Copenhagen, Denmark

boats parked along canal

Denmark’s capital city is effortlessly cool.

Copenhagen has the lot. A historic city centre with cobbled streets and candy-coloured gabled houses; a cutting-edge design scene and trendy shops, bars and restaurants.

Paying your respects to The Little Mermaid is pretty much obligatory but manage your expectations. At just four feet tall, she is a little underwhelming.

One of the best things to do in Copenhagen is to take a canal cruise from Nyhavn and Ved Stranden, allowing you to see the city from a different perspective. With its crayon-hued houses, the former rough sailors’ district of Nyhavn has been transformed into the poster child of Copenhagen.

Finally, for a different side of Copenhagen, stroll through the hash-perfumed community of Freetown Christiana . There are not many cities that have a main drag called Pushers Street.

19. Dubrovnik, Croatia

red roofed houses set on a hill rising from harbour in dubrovnik

Dubrovnik is the gem of the Adriatic coast in Croatia. As it’s not a dangerous city, you don’t need to take special safety precautions; just use your common sense like anywhere else and you will be fine.

With all the great  things to do in Dubrovnik , you will be busy all day long with sightseeing.

Be sure to  walk the city walls  around the  Old Town.  The views from there are incredible and with the ticket, you can also visit  Fort Lovrijenac  just outside the Old Town.

Fans of  Game of Thrones  will recognise many of Dubrovnik’s sights from their television screen. One of the best activities in Dubrovnik though is just wandering around its narrow streets and enjoying the atmosphere of the town.

The city is very popular among tourists, especially in the summer season, but once the crowds are gone Dubrovnik is bliss.   

By Kami of Kami & The Rest of the World

20. Dublin, Ireland

people walking across small iron footbridge over river

By day and by night, Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, has a diverse range of attractions to offer. As a solo tourist, you will feel right at home and have a packed  Dublin itinerary  exploring the city, its culture and top-class tourist sights.  

The must-see attractions include the  Guinness Storehouse  with an unbeatable view of the Dublin skyline from the Gravity Bar,  Trinity College  and the medieval manuscript of the Book of Kells and the latest treasures found in the  Chester Beatty Library .  

Dublin is designated a UNESCO City of Literature. Join in the fun at the  James Joyce Bloomsday Festival  in June, or visit the  Museum of Modern Literature  to get a taste of Irish Literature at its finest. 

If you want to learn more about the country’s history, visit Kilmainham Gaol , the birthplace of modern Ireland

Ireland’s capital is an excellent base for  day trips  with many locations to choose from, so you won’t have to bother renting a car. From Howth Harbour outside the city centre (reachable by train) to the Cliffs of Moher or to the Giant’s Causeway, you will be spoilt for choice! 

In the evenings, you can enjoy some great  live music  in the many pubs around the city. There is always music in  Temple Bar,  but it can be very touristy. 

Try some of these other pubs for a more authentic atmosphere. Don’t worry about being by yourself, it is very easy to strike up a conversation with most Irish people! 

By Emer and Nils of Let’s Go Ireland

21. Frieburg, Germany

pretty narrow cobblestone street lined with old buidlings under a blue sky

Hugging the western edge of the Black Forest, sunny Freiburg im Breisgau is the perfect destination for the solo traveller wishing to combine a cultural city break with first-rate hiking. has a lot going for it.

This university city has a compact Old Town (Altstadt), a magnificent Cathedral, a handful of first-rate museums and more cafes and restaurants than you can shake a stick at. It is also an excellent base from which to explore the Black Forest.

Although it was extensively damaged by Allied bombing raids in World War II, its Old Town has been faithfully restored and is home to a number of fine medieval buildings. The city even has a resident crocodile!

If you crave an easy walk in the Black Forest, a short bus and tram journey will bring you to the Schlauslandbahn Cableway. From the top station, 2.5 km to 8.8 km walking trails offer sensational views over this iconic German landscape.

22. Glasgow, Scotland

ornate fountain in a square with a red brick building

As a solo traveller, do you want to visit a city that is friendly and welcoming, gentle on your wallet, filled with fun people and dotted with amazing things to do? Look no further than Glasgow, Scotland.

The city’s slogan “People Make Glasgow” could not be more true. The locals are super friendly, whether you need help with directions to want to meet new people in the pub. 

There are numerous budget-friendly accommodation options from great hostels to quirky boutique guest houses. Most attractions and museums are free to visit, which makes it easy to soak up as much of Glasgow’s history, art and culture as possible.  

Glasgow has also many fantastic green spaces and a colourful  street art  trail with massive murals. There are several street  food markets , cool  shops  filled with local designs and of course endless  pubs with live music  and banter.  

I highly recommend taking a  history tour with Glasgow Women’s Library  and looking into the city’s historic involvement with the slave trade, signs of which can be seen in street names and buildings around the city. 

And that’s just in the city.

Glasgow is also a great place to base yourself if you want to take  day trips to the Scottish countryside.  Other cities like Stirling and Edinburgh are within easy reach. Beautiful castles, stunning Highland scenery and several Scottish islands are on your doorstep.  

All this and more makes Glasgow a perfect place to visit as a solo traveller.

By Kathi of Watch Me See

23. Gothenburg, Sweden

suspension bridge spanning a wide river with sea birds

Sweden’s second city, Gothenburg is an underrated destination compared to the capital, Stockholm . But as the world’s most sustainable destination four times in a row, it’s a European city that will  inspire any solo traveller .   

Gothenburg is a very walkable city, filled with beautiful  botanical gardens , local  designer shops , and a strong Swedish  fika  culture. Gothenburg is a paradise for foodies and has a much more affordable price tag compared to Stockholm. 

With free walking tours, it’s easy for solo travellers to make friends and explore quaint neighbourhoods such as Haga, which is famous for baking the largest cinnamon rolls in Sweden.  

The best time of year to visit the city is December for the Gothenburg  Christmas markets . This is when the whole city turns into a festive winter wonderland. 

Gothenburg has four Christmas markets, but the main one is Sweden’s largest and is found at Liseberg Amusement Park. Liseberg is an icon in Sweden and includes thrilling rollercoaster rides, a seasonal ice skating show and over 80 Christmas stalls and shops.

By Roshni of The Wanderlust Within

24. Helsinki, Finland

brightly colored buildings large white cathedral and boats along the seafront in helsinki finland

Modest Helsinki, or  Finland , might not be at the top of your list when considering places for a solo Europe escape, but it should be. 

Tucked away in the northeast of Europe, Helsinki is an enigma; an excellent secret destination full of local charm and personality but minus the crowds. A short vacation with a difference. 

Not only is it wonderfully weird and completely original, but it is utterly welcoming to everyone. And it is oh so safe! Helsinki is one of the safest cities in the world, and you can walk everywhere during the day without worry. 

Finns are shy, reserved and independent, and love to spend time alone. However, this adds to Helsinki’s appeal as a solo travel destination since most of its attractions can easily be undertaken by one person. 

Dining alone , drinking coffee, sauna, you name it; being solo here is completely normal. And, especially as a female traveller, it would be unheard of for someone to come up and harass you for being alone. 

Strolling around Helsinki is like being in an outdoor museum of architecture, with an eclectic mish-mash of magnificent neoclassical architecture, art nouveau constructs, and modern design. Inside top highlights include the  Kiasma Museum , the  Löyly Sauna , the  Amos Rex , and the  Moomin store . 

And don’t forget to visit the UNESCO World Heritage-listed  Suomenlinna Island Fortress . You might not know much about Helsinki before visiting, but you’ll never forget it afterwards.

By Jordan of Inspired by Maps

25. La Valletta, Malta

large harbous with small island with castle built from warm stone in valetta malta

La Valletta, the capital of Malta, is a great European destination for solo travellers.

It’s delightfully compact, with stone buildings piled on top of each other higgledy-piggledy. The entire Valletta peninsula is only a couple of kilometres long, so you can easily explore the whole city on foot. Just be prepared to climb lots of stairs.

Most locals here speak fluent English, so it’s easy to make new friends

Valletta’s role as the headquarters of the Knights of Malta from the 16th to 18th Centuries is a very important part of the city’s history, and many of its best sights relate to this period. The knights’ armoury can be visited inside the  Palace of the Grand Masters , though the palace now serves as the parliament and president’s office, most of it is off-limits.

St. John’s Co-Cathedral  doesn’t look like much from the outside, but the interior is covered head to toe in marble and frescoes and is incredibly ornate. If you love art, be sure to visit the  Cathedral Museum , which displays two paintings by Caravaggio, who was once a knight himself.

And Valletta is the perfect base from which to explore the rest of this small island nation. Across the harbour from Valletta are three other cities:  Birgu, Senglea  and  Bormla.

Most locals here speak fluent English, so it’s easy to make new friends.

Finally, don’t leave Valletta without trying some of the  traditional Maltese foods  like bigilla and pastizzi .

By Wendy of The Nomadic Vegan

26. Lyon, France


Lyon may be a big city – it is France’s 2nd or 3rd, depending on your source – but that is precisely what makes it perfect for the solo traveller: an abundance of choice. 

If you’re new to Lyon, go see the  murals . These are scattered along the edges of the  Old Town , as well as here and there throughout the rest of the city. They not only look realistic, but are huge and provide a strong sense of Lyon’s personality. 

Lyon is considered France’s gastronomic heartland and if you believe French food is sublime, Lyon is amazing when it comes to  food . 

There are plenty of great restaurants but try a  bouchon , a typical Lyonnais eatery. If the heavy fare is daunting, head for  Les Halles Paul Bocuse , a covered market filled with shops that sell every kind of food you could expect to find in Lyon, and more.

Wandering around  Old Lyon  is always a pleasure, as is visiting the  Roman Fourvière  Theatre. But for an intriguing view of Lyon, two things should grab your attention, both related to silk, of which Lyon was for years France’s main supplier. 

The first is the  traboules  in the old town: these are ancient tunnels that allowed weavers to carry bolts of silk from building to building without getting them wet when it rained. 

The second must-see sights are the silk establishments on the  Croix-Rousse hill ; these are shops, or old buildings where workshops were once located, topping it off with a visit to the  Maison des Canuts , the silk museum. 

France is a safe destination for solo travellers and Lyon is no exception. That said, it is best to stick to the more touristed parts of town after dark. It is, after all, a major city.

By Leyla of  Offbeat France

27. Munich, Germany

aerial view of medieval buildings and church in munich germany

Bavaria’s capital has a friendly, supportive small-town feel but, at the same time, it is metropolitan enough to nurture a thriving traveller and ex-pat scene.  Munich has a good choice of accommodation  and its public transport is excellent and easy to navigate, allowing you to explore every part of the city. 

Here are some of the must-dos in Munich: 

Munich Beer Halls.  Everyone knows the Hofbräuhaus, but there are quite a few others that are not quite as touristy, like the Paulaner, or the Weißes Brauhaus. 

What is great about these beer halls is that they usually have community tables that you share with others. That makes it easy to connect with other guests and chat.  

Swimming in the Isar.  If you travel to Munich in the summer, pack your swimsuit and go to the Isar Beaches. That is where the locals hang out and it is easy to connect with others.  

Go on a Walking Tour . Munich has a lot of history and a walking tour is fun, inexpensive (sometimes even free), and you can meet other travellers. To get some non-touristy recommendations, ask the guide for his favourite bars and restaurants 

Pro Tip:  If a restaurant is busy and does not have empty tables, it is customary to join a party already seated. Simply ask if the seat is taken, and if they nod in approval you can join them.

This is a great way to find some company during meals if you are travelling alone. 

By Maria of Europe Up Close

28. Nuremberg, Germany

old covered chain bridge with small tower over river with reflections

Nuremberg (Nürnberg) is both a wonderful destination for solo travellers in its own right and a fabulous base from which to explore Bavaria by train.

Nuremberg Old Town is home to magnificent medieval buildings, a thousand-year-old castle, Germany’s tiniest (and some say tastiest) bratwurst and one of the country’s biggest and best Christmas markets. But Nuremberg is perhaps best known for its dark Nazi past, as the city where Hitler liked to throw a really big party.

Easy day trips from Nuremberg include UNESCO-listed Bamberg , home to the smokiest beer on the planet, and Rothenburg ob der Tauber , the medieval city that inspired the Disney animation Pinocchio .

29. Paris, France

large elegant building by the side of the river in paris france

France is a fabulous solo travel destination and Paris is no exception.

Easy public transport, many people speaking different languages and an abundance of fellow travellers help make Paris a great city to visit solo.

It’s also a relatively safe city to visit if you are travelling alone. You can easily walk around many of the popular neighbourhoods and take the metro at night without feeling uncomfortable.

Paris’s top attractions include a visit to the  Eiffel Tower , browsing the many museums like the  Louvre  and  D’Orsay ,  people-watching  at one of the hundreds of cafes, and strolling down the  Champs-Elysees .

And don’t forget to grab a baguette and a bottle of wine, and enjoy a picnic in one of the many lovely  parks .

Some other great things that you visit in Paris are the  Catacombs  – if you dare! –  and the stunning churches that dot the city, like  Sacre-Coeur  and  Saint-Sulpice .

So, make sure you plan at least  four days in Paris  for your next solo adventure. It will be epic!

By Stephanie of The World As I See It

30. Prague, Czech Republic

an old stone bridge in prague at sunrise

Prague is one of the prettiest medieval cities in the world and one of the best places to travel solo with lots to see and do.

Take a  walking tour . Several companies offer free walking tours of the old town, the castle and even some lesser-known neighbourhoods, and this is a great way to meet other people who are travelling alone.

Enjoy a beer at  Letna Park Beer Garden  or  Strahov Monastery.  Both places offer spectacular views of the city.

Visiting a quirky museum like the  Beer Museum  (which includes a beer tasting), the  Chocolate Museum or the Museum of Alchemists and Magicians , where you learn the darker side of Prague’s history.

Along with things to do during the day, Prague has an excellent  nightlife and food scene  worth checking out. If you want dinner and a show, you should book a  medieval dinner show  or a  dinner show with traditional Czech dancing .

If you want to party, Prague has a few  pub crawls  worth checking out.

With its colourful architecture, cobblestoned streets and countless things to do you are bound to have the best time exploring Prague on your own. 

By Marika of  Clumsy Girl Travels

31. Pristina and Prizren, Kosovo

people crossing a stone bridgein the old town of Prizren in Kosovo

If you are travelling alone in Kosovo, make sure you visit its capital, Pristina, and its cultural heart, Prizren.

Solo travel in Kosovo feels safe,  the locals are friendly and welcoming, especially at local cafes such as Half&Half Cafe in Pristina.

Hostels are well maintained and also very cheap. Bus routes between key cities are not only very budget-friendly but easy to navigate.

Pristina,  Europe’s newest capital, is trendy and home to underrated street art and to a diverse range of eateries, including modern and vegan cafes. Look out for the National Library, one of the world’s ugliest buildings, and the Bill Clinton statue (yep, he’s quite the hero in Kosovo!).

More cultural gems include the Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa.

In  Prizren,  the Prizren Fortress has spectacular views over the city. There are also many museums to learn more about European, and more specifically Balkan, history.

Nature lovers and keen hikers can also take a day trip to the scenic trails of Peja or to one of the less well-known national parks.

By Cass of Cassie the Hag

32. Reims, France

stone statue of a smiling angel at notre dame de reims cathedral

Reims is one of the loveliest cities in France, known for its magnificent cathedral and its champagne houses, all of which are UNESCO-listed.

Beneath Reims is a labyrinth of 200 km of caves that provide the perfect environment for the second fermentation of champagne. This is the shared real estate for the city’s champagne houses.

It’s very easy to put together a DIY champagne tour of Reims , even if you are travelling alone. From the Disneyesque Champagne Pommery to the elegance of Taittinger, there’s a champagne house for everyone (and far worse ways of spending a day).

With flying buttresses a-plenty and an enigmatic smiling angel, Notre Dame de Reims is one of Europe’s great Gothic cathedrals. This was the coronation site for most of the French kings and its architecture set the mould for cathedrals to follow.

33. St. Petersburg, Russia

buildings along riverfront in st petersburg at sunset

Due to the ongoing geopolitical situation, travel to Russia is not currently recommended. For current travel advice, check the advice of the UK FCO here .

St Petersburg in Russia is not only a gem of a city but is also one of the best places to travel alone in Europe.

Some of the major costs for solo travellers are taxis and hotels. However, St. Petersburg has an excellent public transport system that is easy to navigate.

Furthermore, the city has lots of hostels where it is easy to meet other travellers.

There are lots of solo travel-friendly things to do.

First of all, St. Petersburg is full of interesting  museums  that you can explore at your own pace. The most famous of these is the  Hermitage,  where you can easily spend a whole day.

As well as the museums, there are the 18th and 19th-Century  palaces of the Romanov tsars  and their families. These  European palaces  are not only worth a visit because of their opulent and extravagant rooms inside, but also for their beautiful palace gardens.

St Petersburg is a year-round destination. Visit in the summer for the long nights and to see the bridges open up over the Neva River. Go to  St Petersburg in winter  for cold, snowy days and the beauty of the frozen Neva.

By Ellis of Backpack Adventures

34. Salzburg, Austria

the rooftops and spires of the city of salzburg

With an abundance of stunning architecture, a pretty old town and its connection to some musical icons, both classical and modern, the Austrian city of Salzburg is a wonderful destination for solo travellers. And the city’s excellent public transport connections to Austria and beyond make it one of the best places to visit in Europe.

Top sights in Salzburg  include the  Cathedral,  the 12th Century  Residenz ,  Mozart’s Birthplace  (one of many Mozart sights in Salzburg ) and  Hohensalzburg Fortress , an imposing castle atop a hill overlooking the city.  All can be found close to the  Old Town  in the compact city centre and Salzburg’s tourist pass can save you money on ticket prices.

Getreidegasse  and  Linzer Gasse , two of Salzburg’s most famous streets, are the places for retail therapy or to find the perfect souvenir. Amongst the shops and boutiques, you’ll find one of the city’s specialities on sale, a chocolate ball with a marzipan centre known as a  Mozartkugel .

A short walk from the Old Town, and across the Salzach River, the  Mirabell Palace  and gardens are well worth a visit. Most visitors flock to the steps in front of Rose Hill to re-enact a famous scene from  The Sound of Music .

Salzburg can be easily explored alone on foot, on a hop-on-hop-off bus, or even by horse-drawn carriage. But if you’d prefer some company, the Tourist Office offers several guided city tours every day. 

By Carolyn of Holidays to Europe

35. Sibiu, Romania

beautiful main square of sibiu romania with brightly coloured buildings

Sibiu, a small city in Romania’s southern Transilvania, is an ideal destination in Europe for the solo traveller. 

First and foremost, Romania in general, and Sibiu in particular, are super safe.

Walking home alone at night is not a problem, even as a solo female traveller. There are people who will approach you at restaurants and ask for money if you’re sitting outside, but there are no aggressive tactics employed.

Sibiu is small and pedestrian-friendly, important if you’re not partial to taking public transportation. You’ll be able to walk amongst its colourful buildings and get lost in the winding cobblestone streets of the  Old Town 

There’s no shortage of things to do in Sibiu, including  restaurants  serving delicious food, an impressive number of  museums  and  open-air markets . You’ll never be bored in the European Cultural Capital in 2007.  

If you’re partial to nature, Sibiu is located in the Carpathian Basin. There are plenty of hiking and trekking options nearby, not to mention some gorgeous green parks.

Finally, the people of Romania are very friendly and English is widely spoken among the younger generations.

By Jade of The Migrant Yogi

36. Split, Croatia

blue sky throughvestibule of Diocletian's Palace, Split

For my money, Split is one of the most extraordinary cities in Europe. Over the millennia its UNESCO World Heritage Site of Diocletian’s Palace has morphed into the tangle of churches, chapels and houses that now form Split’s medieval hub.

This is truly living history, not some dry, roped-off archaeological site.

Game of Thrones fans are also in luck. Some of its scenes were filmed in Diocletian’s Palace and a Split Game of Thrones tour is on offer.

Split is also home to one of the most bizarre museums I have ever visited ( Froggyland ) and a supermarket that is UNESCO-protected.

As this is a popular port of call for cruise ships, it’s good to get off the beaten track in Spilt . Away from the day-trippers, there is a wonderful walk along the Marjan Peninsula to Telegrin, its highest point.

37. Vienna, Austria

child in red coat at stall in xmas market

For elegant cafe culture with a twist of Mozart, Vienna is one of the best places to travel alone in Europe.

With its imperial architecture, magnificent museums, classical music scene and cafes galore, Austria’s capital is a superb destination for the solo traveller at any time of year. 

Take a journey from Ancient Rome to the Renaissance by exploring the vast collection of the  Kunsthistoriches Museum . Visit  Schloss Schönbrunn , one of the Hapsburg Empire’s palaces, in all its gilded glory. 

But perhaps the jewel in Vienna’s crown is the UNESCO World Heritage site of the  Belvedere Palace , home to Gustav Klimt’s  The Kiss  (1908).

Finally, if you are visiting  Vienna at Christmas , don’t leave the city before washing down a plate of  Bratkartoffeln  with  glühwein  (mulled wine) at one of the city’s  Christmas markets . 

38. Wroclaw, Poland

ornate medieval building in square in wroclaw poland with clock face

Wroclaw, Poland’s 4 th  largest city, is a hidden gem in Central Europe and is an ideal solo travel destination for several reasons.

First, it’s easy to get there, whether you want to fly in or prefer taking the bus or the train.

Second, it’s safe. I wandered around in the evening and never felt unsafe. A close friend who calls Wroclaw home swears by the city’s safety too.

Third, it’s just so easy to walk around and explore. You can use public transport (trams & buses), but it’s easy to see  Wroclaw’s main sights  on foot as they’re located within walking distance of each other.

In the heart of Wroclaw Old Town lies the  Market Square  with beautiful merchant houses and a monumental  Old Town Hall . Many visitors to Wroclaw enjoy tracing the famous  Wroclaw dwarfs.

Walk through Butcher’s Street  and then stroll all the way to the lovely  Tumski Island  with its impressive  cathedrals . 

This beautiful city doesn’t attract many visitors, yet there’s so much to see and do in Wroclaw.

By Veronika of Travel Geekery

Best Places to Travel Alone in Europe: Natural Wonders

39. bansko, bulgaria.

cancle car with the waord bansko going past the houses of a town

Bansko is Bulgaria’s largest  ski resort  and one of the cheapest places to ski in Europe, perfect for making your holiday budget go further . But this mountain town is so much more than a ski resort. 

Bansko is located two hours from Sofia and 2.5 hours from Plovdiv, Bulgaria’s second city, and is served by great public transport connections. There are lots of places to stay here; self-catering accommodation, small family-run hotels and larger ones too, some with pools. 

There are two great co-working locations here in Bansko and, as such, the town has a great social life for solo travellers. With co-living spaces and hostels available, plus apartments for US$180 a month, there are cheap options for places to stay as a single traveller.

The town is easy to navigate on foot and there are great  hiking and mountain biking  activities with superb groups on Facebook for visitors to find out about activities with others. 

Eating out is cheap, with a great selection of Bulgarian  mehanas , alongside more international foods. You’ll also find takeaway and delivery options too. 

From May onwards there are free  outdoor festivals , including the  Bansko Jazz festival , which has run for more than 20 years.

By Sarah of  Lets Grow Cook

40. Lake Bled, Slovenia

man rowing boat across lake with church in background

Lovely Lake Bled is the jewel in Slovenia’s crown.

This picturesque corner of Europe has many of the ingredients for a perfect solo travel break.

Slovenia is cheap by European standards, it’s relatively safe and has a good travel infrastructure.

Lake Bled has an abundance of walking trails, a castle perched on a hillside and an enigmatic island to visit. Traditional boats plough the turquoise waters of the lake, but if you prefer to confine your travelling to dry land, there’s the super scenic Bohinj Railway .

Lake Bled is a mecca for outdoor adventure enthusiasts and joining an organised tour to go canyoning / underground kayaking / ziplining / river rafting (delete as appropriate) is a fantastic way to meet other travellers.

If food and wine are more your thing, join a wine-tasting session – Slovenian wines are very quaffable – and don’t leave town before biting into a slice of feather-light Lake Bled Cake.

41. Lake District, England

snow capped hills reflected in a still lake

The North of England has a reputation as being extremely friendly, and the Lake District, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is no exception.

Full of quaint towns and villages, the Lake District is very visitor-friendly. Base yourself in a small town such as  Ambleside  or Windermere to be in the best possible location.

The main activity for most visitors is  hiking , something that can easily be done as a solo traveller. Views around the Lake District are spectacular, so don’t forget your camera.

Local buses mean it is easy to get from town to town.

You can also travel to a lot of the lakes by steamer boat. These traditional ferry boats are a great way to see the scenery from a different angle.

Or rent a bike and explore some of the  cycle trails .

If the sun is out, you will find everyone sitting in the afternoon in a scenic garden, enjoying a traditional English roast. Wander alone into any old English pub in the Lake District, and you are sure to make friends in a matter of minutes.

By Demi of Around The World With Her

42. Northern Norway

a fjord in norway with mountains reflected in water

From Arctic-connected  Tromso  up to  Bodo , the “gateway to the North”, Northern  Norway  is brimming with natural wonders. But why is it an excellent place for a solo traveller?

Well, I usually prefer going to big party destinations, like Madrid or Berlin, together with friends. But when it comes to nature destinations, I prefer going alone, especially if it is something challenging like mountainous Norway.

Norway allows you to test yourself, and somehow, after returning home, you feel stronger.

Northern Norway connects world-famous mountain views and small comfortable towns. But you don’t need to just visit tourist places. 

Unknown fjords are just as beautiful. If you go alone, you can easily choose routes, hike difficulty, and type of landscape according to your preferences and fitness.

If you go to Northern Norway, make sure you visit Tromso, the centre of Arctic Exploration and Saami culture. Make it on a ship through the  Northern archipelago  and long  Raften Pass.  And visit the jewel of Northern Norway – the Lofoten Islands . 

By Alexander of Engineer On Tour

43. Zermatt, Switzerland

matterhorn-reflected-in-riffelsee lake

If you are yearning to hike amongst mountain peaks, one of the best places to travel alone in Europe is  Zermatt.  

The appeal of the town itself and the relative ease with which you can explore its surroundings make Zermatt a fantastic solo travel destination at any time of year. 

The star of the show is the mighty  Matterhorn , piercing the sky above the town like a harpoon tip.

To get the best view of the mountain, take a ride on the Gornergrat Railway. From here, there are also great  hiking trails  through mountain valleys and along woodland paths scattered with pine cones, accompanied by the soundtrack of gurgling mountain streams and distant cowbells.

To reach Zermatt, take the  Glacier Express   from St. Moritz, one of the world’s great train journeys. 

Visas for Europe travel

Many non-EU passport-holders enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen Area for up to 90 days every six months. The Schengen Area consists of 27 member countries , most of which are in the European Union (EU).

Post-Brexit, the UK is not a member of the Schengen Area.

From 2025, US citizens will have to apply for an ETIAS prior to their trip towards Europe.

Travelling around Europe

red and white drivers cabin of a tgv train in france

Europe by train

There are few things I like better than travelling by train , especially in Europe. Its rail network is vast, connecting major cities and scenic spots in an eco-friendly way.

For the most part, European trains are reliable and have spacious seating, Wi-Fi and dining cars. Stations are usually located in the heart of the city (and are sometimes destinations in their own right).

I have been lucky to ride on some of Europe’s most scenic routes, including the Glacier Express and the Jacobite Steam Train . But you don’t have to buy a ticket for these iconic trains to experience treated to ever-changing landscapes.

group of 4 people sitting around table on the glacier express switzerland

European rail passes ( Interrail / Eurail passes ) can unlock the joy of train travel in 33 countries. But always compare the price of the train pass with that of point-to-point tickets for your planned itinerary to figure out if an Interrail pass will be good value .

Many countries have their own rail passes – the Swiss Rail Pass is a good one – or you can just stick with point-to-point tickets.

You can book ahead using the websites of individual train operators, RailEurope or Omio . For local routes, I’ve found that it is often easier to buy a ticket from a self-service machine at the station.

Europe by bus

For the places that trains don’t reach, there are buses.

Tickets are often – but not always – cheaper than train or airfare, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious travellers. The flip side is that bus travel might take longer than trains.

FlixBus and Eurolines operate affordable services connecting Europe’s major cities. To search across multiple operators, head to Omio .

Europe by air

Budget airlines like EasyJet and RyanAir operate cheap flights across Europe.

However, getting around Europe by air would not be my preferred option. Aside from the lack of sustainability and the stress of flying in the 21 st Century, you don’t get a sense of the landscape unfolding as you travel from A to B.

That said, there are times when flying might be the most feasible option. You can check flight timetables and prices here.

Europe by car

Again, this one isn’t for me. I am not a happy driver, it’s a lonely experience and hiring a car can be extortionate as a solo traveller.

But I have rented a car in the past and it’s hard to beat when it comes to flexibility and the ease with which you can access remote areas.

With the exception of Great Britain, the Republic of Ireland,  Malta and Cyprus, European countries drive on the right.

If you are a non-E.U. citizen, make sure that you confirm that your license will allow you to drive in Europe. As automatics are in short supply in Europe, make sure that you book in advance if you can’t drive stick.

Europe Solo Travel Tips

Safety tips for female solo travellers.

If you are a female solo traveller you might be wondering if it is safe to travel alone in Europe. And while some countries are safer than others, broadly speaking the answer is a resounding “yes.”

That said, there are actionable steps you can take to stay safe when travelling alone. The bottom line is to take the same precautions that you would at home and keep your valuables safe (I use this theft-proof day pack when I travel)

Here are my top tips:

  • Choose accommodation in a good area of town
  • Share your itinerary with someone at home
  • Don’t flash your valuables (better still, keep them locked in your hotel safe)
  • Trust your gut; if somewhere doesn’t feel right, leave
  • Go easy on the booze and never leave a drink unattended
  • Never, ever tell strangers that you are travelling alone

Meeting people on a Europe solo trip

Loneliness is a common fear amongst solo travellers . But the good news is that there are failsafe ways to meet people when you are travelling alone.

Being open and friendly and taking an interest in people goes a long way.

Although my hostelling days are behind me, I have made lifelong friends whilst staying in hostels.

group of people eating sitting around table

Nowadays, I find that an organised activity is an excellent way to make friends on the road. I make most of my bookings through GetYourGuide , largely because they have a broad portfolio and most activities come with free cancellation within 24 hours of the event.

Tips for dining out alone

Solo dining is not something I relish. However, I’ve done this so many times that I have developed these tips and tricks for eating out alone .

Bring a prop or two, exude confidence and enjoy every morsel.

Booking hotels in Europe

Choosing the right hotel is important when you are planning your solo Europe vacation. You want somewhere that is affordable, comfortable, welcoming and, above all, safe.

I book around 80% of my accommodation in Europe via Booking.com . When the price or cancellation terms are better, I will book directly with the hotel.

Solo Travel in Europe: Final Thoughts

I hope that these recommendations inspire you to plan a future trip to Europe. It’s an easy part of the world to visit as a solo traveller and has enough diversity to satisfy most people.

If you are not sure whether you are ready to explore Europe independently, why not join a  group tour ?

As well as being a relatively hassle-free way of travelling, there are many other  benefits of a group tour  as a solo traveller. There are lots of  group travel companies  out there but two companies that I have used and can recommend are  Exodus Travels  and  Explore Worldwide!

You’ll have an expertly curated itinerary and you often gain valuable insights into the country, the people and its culture. Generally, there’s safety in numbers. Finally, if you fear the dark spectre of loneliness, there’s the reassurance of ready-made travel companions.

  • The Best Places to Travel Alone in Asia
  • 23 Best Places to Travel Alone in the USA
  • 19 Awesome Places to Travel Alone in Africa

bridget coleman the flashpacker 2

About Bridget

Bridget Coleman has been a passionate traveller for more than 30 years. She has visited 70+ countries, most as a solo traveller.

Articles on this site reflect her first-hand experiences.

To get in touch, email her at [email protected] or follow her on social media.

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Europe , Solo travel

Solo female travel in europe – tips & tricks.

solo female travel europe

Table of Contents

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This guide to solo female travel in Europe is long overdue since I have written already about solo female travel in Asia as well as many individual countries (see my solo travel archives for all of them). While it’s tricky to write a guide to a rich and diverse continent of 50 countries, I’m going to give it my best shot!

EUROPE QUICK LINKS Accommodation: Booking.com / Hostelworld Getting around: flight / car / bus / train Activities: GetYourGuide / Viator Travel insurance: True Traveller (UK & Europe residents) / Hey Mundo (all travellers) / Safety Wing (digital nomads)

I grew up in the UK so that’s one European country I know like the back of my hand. Given the ease and affordability of getting around Europe, I have explored as part of many city breaks and holidays. I’ve also done some longer multi-month backpacking trips (in 2019 I went from Germany to Bulgaria overland and in 2022 I did an epic 2-month Balkans trip). I also temporarily lived in Europe when the world events of 2020 brought me back from Mexico, where I’d been living previously. After spending 3 months living in Porto , Portugal and another 3 months in Split , Croatia, I know these cities and countries well and have fantastic memories!

solo female travel europe

In this guide, I’ll share my tips for women travelling alone including the best places for solo female travel in Europe

Is Europe good for solo female travel?

Yes, absolutely! I don’t think anyone will tell you otherwise. Europe is full of different countries each with their own long histories, languages, cuisines and cultures. Solo travel in Europe is a fascinating and rewarding option with so much variety in terms of cities, towns, islands, beaches, hikes and more! Although it’s a wonderful place to travel generally, it’s worth noting that Europe is great for women travelling alone. It’s safe (well as safe as our world can be) with fantastic infrastructure and well-travelled routes that have been traversed a million times before by women like you.


Is Europe safe for solo female travellers?

Absolutely! Europe, particularly Western Europe, generally has a positive safety rating which should set your mind at ease. Actually, I think many regions of Asia and Latin America are just as safe but get unfair bad reps… But that’s a bit of a tangent! The most common crime to affect women travelling alone in Europe is pickpocketing . This happens particularly in touristy places and especially in summer. I’ve had much worse experiences with this in Western Europe than East (particularly in Barcelona).

Read next: the ultimate guide to solo female travel

Is Europe ok for first-time solo travellers?

Yes, depending where you go. If you have never travelled alone before, you may choose to avoid more adventurous regions like the Balkans where you’ll rely on hot, slow buses that often drop you at the bottom of steep hills with no taxis to take you to your accommodation at the top! Places with great public transport like Portugal, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany are ideal for first-time solo female travellers who want an easy logistical experience.

Barcelona cities for solo female travel europe

Places like the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Germany are easy for English speakers so make for an easy intro to solo female travel in Europe. Taking all this into consideration, it’s places like Portugal and the Netherlands with great English AND public transport (and hostels) that are the ultimate first-timer destinations. Seriously, if you can manage your hometown, I promise you can do these!

Good things about solo female travel in Europe

  • Safe – aside from big cities like Paris, Madrid, Barcelona and London where you face the same threats as anywhere in the world (mainly pickpocketing), Europe is safe for female travellers. I find attitudes more old-fashioned as you head east but this won’t impact your safety
  • Lots of English spoken – although it’s mainly the UK and Ireland that speak English as a first language, you’ll find fantastic English from Portugal to Germany and the Balkans. The places you’ll most want to brush up on the local lingo are France and Spain in my opinion because these languages are more common for tourists to know at least some of, therefore there’s more expectation from you.
  • Great tourist infrastructure – in Lisbon there’s even a hostel designed for solo travellers!

Albania balkans travel

Bad things about solo female travel in Europe

  • Cost – after having travelled in Southeast Asia, the cost of European travel shocked me! But it’s only certain parts of Northern and Western Europe that are truly spenny. Parts of Eastern Europe are refreshingly affordable.
  • Seasonality – many destinations are packed and expensive in summer and abandoned in winter, for example Croatia which I’d only recommend visiting from April-June and September-October. Luckily, not every destination is this seasonal but you need to do your research.

Regions of Europe

What’s hard about writing this guide to solo female travel in Europe is that the various regions are completely different. To summarise…

  • Western Europe – the UK , France, Italy , Germany , Spain etc are the most popular travel destinations in Europe so therefore have some of the best infrastructure including trains and hostels, but also higher prices and crowds in summer. Although this region has developed attitudes toward women, I’ve experienced more crime (like pickpocketing) than I have in Eastern Europe.
  • Northern Europe – the safest but most expensive countries in the world include Denmark , Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland. The Baltic countries like Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are also often included in this definition.
  • The Balkans – I’ve loved travelling in these beautiful and cheap countries although backpacking is a little more adventurous as tourist infrastructure is still developing. But there are plenty of hostels these days. Countries include Albania , Bosnia & Herzegovina , Montenegro , Serbia , Kosovo , North Macedonia , Bulgaria and Romania . I’ve sometimes found attitudes to women a little old-fashioned here, but I’ve always felt perfectly safe.
  • Eastern Europe – the definition of this region sometimes includes the Balkans as well as the Caucasus countries like Georgia and Armenia. Although I’m yet to go, I hear they’re safe and affordable.
  • Central Europe – places like Austria , Hungary , Poland , Slovakia , Slovenia and the Czech Republic have fantastic holiday and city break potential. Budapest and Prague are cheap with great hostels, nightlife and culture. Crime-wise, you’re mainly looking at pickpockets.

Eastern europe solo travel women

Best season to visit Europe

Summer (June-August) : for island-hopping and beach breaks, this is the time. But beware this season can be a scorcher: Portugal had temperatures of 45°C in 2022! If crowded and expensive Western Europe doesn’t appeal, head to the Balkans. Swap spenny Croatia and popular Greek islands for lesser-visited ones or, better yet, Albania or Montenegro. Spring (March-May) : one of the best seasons to go almost anywhere in Europe! You escape the crowds and heat, plus prices are lower. Winter (December-February) : this is a good time for city breaks and winter markets. Budapest, Prague and many German cities are atmospherically cold with mulled wine to warm you up! To chase the sun, visit Spain and Portugal and benefit from off-season prices. Autumn (September-November) : like the spring, this is another ideal time to go almost anywhere. Catch the tail end of island season in Croatia and Greece as prices drop, or enjoy pleasant temperatures in cities across Europe.

Portugal in winter

Cost of female solo travel in Europe

Since costs vary so much between countries, I would highly recommend researching your chosen countries individually. Here’s the best summary I can give… Hostels: approx €15-45 a night in Western Europe (with Portugal on the low end and Italy on the high end), between €10-20 in Balkan countries and €20-45 in the Nordic countries. Food: How long is a piece of string? In Albania, I could get a 3-course restaurant meal for €10 while in Copenhagen this wouldn’t get me a starter… So you’re going to have to research your countries individually! Transport: even in more expensive regions you can get a Flixbus across the country for €10! Transport is really efficient and affordable across Europe. At the time of writing, I live in Mexico where coach travel is much more expensive!

Pizza in italy must for solo female travel in europe

How to get around Europe

Getting around with all your valuables in tow is understandably a concern for many travellers. Here’s how I recommend you get around during solo female travel in Europe… Travel by train: in Western and Central Europe, the trains are fantastic. I use Trainline or Raileasy to buy tickets which is often necessary in peak season. As you go west, there are very few trains (apart from in Romania but they’re slower than buses). Travel by bus: these operate all over Europe. Around Western and Central Europe, the Flixbus is unbelievably cheap (although not always the most organised). Around the Balkans, you’ll rely on local operators that your hostels can usually advise on (and rarely need to be booked in advance).

Bus in croatia

Travel by car: lots of travellers visiting Europe hire cars but, for solo travellers, this is rarely going to be the cheapest or most relaxing option. But if you’re keen, you can use Rentalcars.com to compare prices. Travel by air: Europe has affordable budget carriers like Ryanair and Easyjet and you can get especially affordable fares off-season. I’ve flown to Poland and Zagreb from the UK for €10 before. But obviously, intercountry air travel should be avoided for environmental reasons and several European countries have banned short-haul flights now. Travel by boat: island hopping is popular in summery destinations like Greece and Croatia. I had a great time taking day trips from Split (Croatia) when I lived there to islands like Vis, Brac, Hvar and Korcula. You can opt for public ferries or island-hopping tours, usually on smaller boats (or catamarans) run by private companies. Likewise, from Athens, you’re well-connected to countless Greek islands.

Boat trip

Safety tips for solo female travellers in Europe

Wear a secure bag: consider the kind of day bag you bring. A shoulder bag or tote is fine for non-valuable items but not things like your phone, money, bank cards or keys to your accommodation. For these, I recommend a cross-body bag that can’t easily be snatched. Backup bank cards: if your bank card is lost or stolen, ensure you have at least one backup stored safely at your accommodation. I prefer to travel with bank cards connected to an app that I can quickly pause or cancel if necessary. I like Monzo and Starling (for UK travellers) and Revolut and Wise (available for various nationalities). Keep someone informed of your whereabouts: I recommend this everywhere, not just solo female travel in Europe. Sharing your itinerary or hotel booking with family or friends is a good idea, or consider sharing your live location with someone via your phone. Carry Euros in non-Euro countries: in the Balkans, I always carried some spare Euros; you never know when they’ll come in handy. In this region, there are often surprise charges at bus stations like platform fees and luggage fees. This is stressful if you’re leaving the country and have spent the last of your currency, so Euros might save the day.

Read next: more solo female travel safety tips

tips for female solo travel europe

SIM cards for Europe travel

If you’re from the EU, you’re existing data package will work as usual. Everyone else (including UK travellers who this devastatingly used to work for and now doesn’t) will want to rely on Wi-Fi and download offline maps in advance… Or try to source a local SIM! I don’t have too much experience with getting SIM cards for this region in-person, however, I’ve recently discovered a fantastic new e-SIM platform called Airalo that lets you download online SIMs in advance for 200+ regions and countries. You can browse packages for European countries or get the Eurolink SIM that covers 39 countries. Connect as soon as you land!

Travel insurance for solo women travellers in Europe

Although Europe is safe for women travelling alone, I always advise getting travel insurance. It could save your life! Available to UK and European travellers, True Traveller offer 24-hour emergency assistance. You can buy cover when you’re already travelling and don’t need a return flight booked. I’ve used them for years and received my money back within days of submitting a claim. They’re fantastic! Get a quote . For travel insurance for other nationalities, I recommend Hey Mundo and for long-term digital nomad travellers, I suggest Safety Wing .

Visas & Schengen zone stays

For those without an EU passport, there are certain restrictions in place based on how long you can stay in the Schengen Zone which comprises 27 European countries. The limit is 90 days in a 180-day period. Be sure to calculate your days carefully (using a Schengen calculator if you wish) because you can get in trouble for overstaying. Many nationalities require a short-stay visa to enter; check if this is required for you. However, not every country in Europe is in the Schengen zone. Some that sit outside the zone (therefore not counting towards your limit) include the UK and most Balkan countries; see here for a full list .

Best places for solo female travel in Europe

To be honest, there are very few places in Europe you CAN’T travel solo. However, there are some that I believe are especially good, based on their impressive safety rating, decent infrastructure and abundance of budget accommodation where you’re likely to meet other travellers. These include…

Portugal: Lisbon, Porto and the Algarve


There are few better places in the world for solo female travel than Portugal! Lisbon and Porto are wonderful cities; it’s worth visiting both. Then, the Algarve is your beach paradise with opportunities to kayak and hike, or simply relax on the beach. Good things about solo travel in Portugal include the fact it’s super safe (and has been voted the 6th safest country in the world!) and has world-class hostels including some in Lisbon specifically designed for those travelling alone! It’s also easy to get around by train or bus. What to do in Lisbon (I suggest a 3 day Lisbon itinerary ):

  • Visit historic attractions like São Jorge Castle and Carmo Convent
  • Wander the cobbled streets, catch intimate fado shows and enjoy the nightlife in Barrio Alto
  • Explore hilly streets in Alfama
  • Take a half-day trip to Belem district for Jerónimos Monastery, the Monument to the Discoveries and Pastéis de Belém, the birthplace of egg custard tarts!
  • Soak up views from the many miradouros (viewpoints)
  • Take a day trip to Sintra for the iconic Sintra Palace.
  • Read next: the ultimate guide to solo female travel in Lisbon

LISBON where to travel solo in europe for women

What to do in Porto (I suggest a 3 day Porto itinerary ):

  • Go port wine tasting in Vila Nova de Gaia , easily reached by walking across the bridge. Plenty of port houses offer samplings and tours, or do your own tasting at any waterfront bar
  • Tour blue azulejos (tiles) on buildings like Sao Bento station
  • Watch sunset at Jardim de Morro amongst other places
  • Soak up city views from the Clerigos Tower and Porto Cathedral rooftop
  • Take a day trip to the Douro Valley known for striking scenery and delicious wine.

Douro valley day trip

What to do in the Algarve:

  • Hop between Lagos beaches like Praia Dona Ana and Praia do Caniçal and admire the views from Ponta da Piedade
  • Hike the Fisherman’s Trail to Praia da Luz
  • Take a guided kayaking adventure from Lagos through caves and around headlands
  • Take a 3-island boat trip from Faro
  • Go inside Benagil Cave  with an open roof
  • Visit the adorable seaside town of Carvoeiro
  • Surf in Sagres , a cute port town
  • Visit Marinha Beach , sometimes called the most beautiful in the region
  • Eat amazing seafood!

Budapest, Hungary

Budapest european cities for solo female travel

Budapest is a fantastic city because it blends historic and cultural attractions with cool and quirky neighbourhoods and bars so you don’t have to pick between historic and modern. Better yet, Budapest is affordable making it a good solo female travel destination in Europe for those who don’t want to do the hostel thing. The great public transport also means you never need to get taxis for one. Musts for your Budapest itinerary include a free walking tour, Buda Castle and Fisherman’s Bastion, crossing the Chain Bridge, a dip in Széchenyi Spa Baths (or one of the other spas), a river boat cruise, lunch at Central Hall Market (learn what to eat in Budapest here), views from the turrets of St Stephen’s Basilica and admiring Dohány Street Synagogue in the Jewish Quarter. You’ll need at least 3 days. For the evenings, head to quirky Ruin Bars in repurposed venues. If you don’t fancy going solo, stay in a hostel to meet other solo travellers or sign up for a bar crawl .

Prague, Czechia


Prague is such a cool and diverse city! Since I’d ticked off the tourist attractions on previous trips, my recent visit involved drinking at a quirky train bar where a toy train brings over your cocktails, playing video games in a retro arcade/bar, eating amazing Vietnamese food thanks to the big diaspora, and drinking Czech wine at the top of the Metronome with sunset city views. Things that make Prague – and the Czech Republic generally – a great solo travel destination include low prices (especially if you get away from the main tourist drag), efficient public transport and highly-rated hostels. Given how many tourists visit, there are countless bar crawls, free walking tours and other group activities that you can join. Also, this is a very safe country. Crime is almost nonexistent outside of the capital and usually limited to pickpocketing in Prague. The trams are great and cheap but just watch your belongings on crowded ones as well as busy public places. Navigating the country is easy and affordable by train or Flixbus.

Cesky Krumlov places for solo female travel europe

Although many people just visit Prague, I can also vouch for the second city, Brno, as a great destination with history and culture (and a great boutique hostel, Wake up Wellness ), and Cesky Krumlov (pictured above) as an idyllic UNESCO town straight outta a fairytale!

Amsterdam, Netherlands


The downside to Amsterdam for solo female travel in Europe is that it’s undeniably expensive. However, if you can cover the costs (or find a budget travel solution like Couchsurfing, housesitting or volunteering with Workaway or Worldpackers ), you have a safe destination that’s world-famous and rightly so! Things to do during solo travel in Amsterdam include top-name attractions like the Anne Frank House, Rijksmuseum and cycling the canals, plus you can enjoy tranquil neighbourhoods like Jordaan known for its coffee shops and quality food. Browse at Albert Cuyp, a vibey local market, and unwind with a walk through Vondelpark. Overall, Amsterdam blends the vibrant and modern (the Netherlands has made great efforts towards gender equality and LGBT rights) with history, museums and outdoor spaces. A couple of days is enough to see the sights.

Walls of piran slovenia

Slovenia is known for its amazing nature and I can safely say it doesn’t disappoint! Although Lake Bled steals the show, there’s plenty to do in Ljubljana (the capital city) and lots of great restaurants . This is one of the safest cities in Europe for women travelling alone so it’s easy even for beginner travellers. Lake Bled has hostels where you can meet other travellers to explore the lake with. Just be mindful of when you plan a trip because accommodation books out and gets very expensive over the summer. Although nearby Lake Bohinj wasn’t such a social destination, I loved visiting this less crowded lake town. Another destination is Piran on the north of the Istrian peninsular connecting Croatia. This idyllic town has wonderful scenery and amazing restaurants serving truffle pasta!

Italy – almost everywhere!


Solo travel in Italy is something you won’t regret! It may not be the biggest country in Europe but there are SO many places to go that you’ll want to plan your itinerary carefully. Highlights for a North Italy itinerary include Venice , Verona, and Milan while central highlights include Florence, Rome, Tuscany, Bologna and Cinque Terre. In the South, you have the Almfali Coast, Salerno and Naples. And this is just scratching the surface! It’s easy to get around Italy with trains and the Flixbus although you may struggle without a car in countryside areas like Tuscany and the Dolomites. Cinque Terre and the Almalfi Coast are notoriously expensive in summer so you may want to stay elsewhere (like Salerno) and visit on a day trip.

Ireland: Dublin and Galway

solo female travel destinations europe

The only downside to Ireland is that it’s a VERY expensive country in Europe for solo female travel. If you can cope with the costs, you’ll have great craic, as the Irish would say! Dublin should be high on your Ireland bucket list but don’t overlook other destinations like small but colourful Galway where you can visit the Cliffs of Moher as a day trip . Ireland is a great year-round destination because, although it’s cold in the winter, there are so many cosy pubs with live music and hearty pub food awaiting. There are tons of hostels and bar crawls making it a social destination with great nightlife.

London, England

London england

Although there are so many places to visit in the UK, many travellers just drop in to visit London. And that’s fair enough: as Brit, I’d say it’s an expensive country and not the most ‘backpackey’ or social. London is one of the most fantastic cities in the world so you can’t go wrong spending all your time there! The museums in London are world-class and mostly free! So are the galleries. There are also fantastic parks and green spaces, plus countless markets selling trinkets, crafts, antiques and food. There’s a great restaurant, pub and bar scene… Not to mention cool neighbourhoods, famous streets and big-name tourist attractions. You’d need years in London to explore it properly but you can pack in the highlights in five days or so. If you have the chance to head up to Scotland , you shouldn’t skip Edinburgh which is one of the most beautiful cities ever. I also loved spending a weekend in up-and-coming Glasgow ! Inverness and Loch Ness are other obvious highlights.

Berlin, Germany


Actually, there are countless places to visit in Germany. I love scenic Bavaria with places like Nuremberg and Wurzburg although it’s hardly a backpacker destination so it depends how much you like your own company. However, Berlin is one of Europe’s best cities for solo female travel. There are so many hostels and great nightlife if you want to partake. If not, there are museums covering war history, including the quirky open-air East Side Gallery, displayed on remaining sections of the Berlin Wall. The quirky attractions in Berlin never end, plus there’s unique regional food and, of course, great beer. Almost everyone speaks English and there’s efficient, affordable public transport. Another northern city in Germany I quite like is Hamburg .

Paris, France

Paris france woman eiffel tower

There are few cities in the world more famous and iconic than Paris so of course it’s a must for solo female travel in Europe! Beyond the iconic attractions like the Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral which of course you can’t miss, there are cool neighbourhoods and elegant libraries and cafes. Like London, you’ll never complete Paris without living there for decades, but you can certainly give it a try! It hardly needs to be said but the food is phenomenal in Paris. The bread, cheese and pastries are unrivalled (don’t miss the eclairs, croissants and macaroons) and there are classic dishes to try like duck confit, croque monsieur, onion soup and, if you’re feeling adventurous, escargot (snails!). There are casual bakeries and cafes if you feel awkward dining at a candlelit restaurant alone.


Nature and culture: Albania is a destination that has it all… At affordable prices! You can stay in fantastic hostels for less than €20 a night and eat in restaurants for less than €10. And with influences from Italy and Greece (as well as decent veggie options), the food is great!

Read next: is solo travel in Albania safe?

Best places to visit in Albania:

  • Tirana – a decent base to start your trip (read about the best things to do in Tirana here)
  • Himare – I love this lesser-known beach town on the Albanian Riviera
  • Sarande and Ksamil – this beach region wasn’t my favourite (I preferred low-key Himare) but many will enjoy the chance to splash out and relax on gorgeous beaches
  • Berat – a beautiful UNESCO heritage town and base to explore waterfalls, canyons and wineries in the countryside
  • Gjirokaster – my favourite place in Albania! A picturesque town with crafts markets, wonderful regional food and fantastic views from the castle
  • Theth mountains – this incredible region is great for hiking. The Theth-Valbona trail takes a day with an overnight stay either side in Theth and Valbona villages. You can organise your hike in the city of Shkoder and leave the majority of your luggage there (I recommend Wanderers Hostel ; they’ll organise your accommodation and transport into the mountains).


For islands, beaches, history and food, there are few better destinations for solo female travel in Europe than Greece! Many islands can be affordable and many are sociable with great hostels… So, depending on what you’re looking for, you just need to find the sweet spot of places that are both! If you’re the kind of solo traveller who likes to stay busy, Rhodes is a great option for solo female travel in Greece . For a sleepy paradise, don’t overlook Symi (2.5 hours from Kos) although note that it’s best explored by car. Paxos is another quiet island for me-time. Meanwhile, Mykonos is mega popular but only if you like to party! Santorini is iconic but very expensive and upscale. Corfu offers city pleasures AND island life but it’s best flown to (as geographically it’s beside Albania not the Greek mainland). The Greek capital of Athens is safe for solo female travellers not to mention a fantastic destination for history buffs due to the UNESCO Acropolis. Now, the city also has a modern scene from third-wave coffee shops to street art and nightlife. Although some areas are a little gritty, it’s easy to stick to the good ones.  

Croatia: Split & Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik island hopping

The best European cities for solo female travel in Croatia are Split and Dubrovnik because there are countless hostels to meet others and readily available island hopping tours.

Read next: solo travel in Croatia

Split boasts a preserved Roman Old Town and the wonderful Marjan peninsular with beaches and hilltop hikes. Island hopping destinations include Vis, Korcula, Hvar and Brac; take public ferries for day trips (or stay overnight) or book a boat tour visiting multiple islands in one day. Other Split day trips to Krka Falls and Klis Fortress are also essential! Dubrovnik has some island hopping of its own (Sipan, Lopud and Kolocep can be visited as part of an Elaphiti Island boat cruise or you can take the ferry to Lokrum for the day) but the main highlights are walking the City Walls for fantastic views and hiking or taking the cable car up Srd Hill for even better views! Both cities are expensive and crowded in the summer (and basically shut down in winter – especially Dubrovnik) so it’s best to visit in spring or autumn if you can.

Srd Hill

Although these are the most popular places in Croatia to visit, I’ve loved backpacking the country solo in greater depth. Zadar is another favourite coastal city with unique day trips, while the Istrian peninsular has charming towns like Rovinj, Pula and Opatija plus copious opportunities to eat truffle pasta (although not as many hostels for solo backpackers). See my Croatia itinerary to plan a trip and all my Zagreb blogs if you find yourself in the pleasant capital!

Best experiences for solo female travellers in Europe

Now we’ve covered places, here are some ‘bucket list’ experiences that are bound to be memorable.

Hiking in the Alps – from Italy to Albania, this incredible mountainous region will take your breath away in more ways than one! Although hiking can be challenging, it’s worth it for the views. Outdoor spas in Budapest – with centuries of history, these baths are just as popular today as they were during Turkish occupation in the 16th century. Although backpackers visit Szechenyi in flocks for ‘sparties’ (spa parties), there are plenty of quieter bathhouses for a tranquil solo visit.


Hot air balloon over Cappadocia, Turkey – look down over the world-famous rock formations and fairy chimneys. Flights start from €150. Kayaking in Portugal’s Algarve – this excursion from Lagos is a lot of fun and only costs about €30. Paddle through caves with open roofs looking up to the sky. Visit the Blue Lagoon in Iceland – these unique bubbling pools of geothermal seawater are nourishing on the skin and unique to visit… like this whole magical island! Another incredible experience in Iceland is catching the Northern Lights. Island hopping in Greece or Croatia – whether you stay overnight on yachts on organised island excursions or DIY it by catching local ferries, a summer on these idyllic islands will be one to remember! Christmas markets in Germany – eat classic dishes like bratwurst and käsespätzle (cheesy pasta) and warm up with gluhwein (mulled wine).

Foodie highlights

  • Pizza in Naples – often called the birthplace of pizza, there are some restaurants where you’ll queue half the day to get in. Luckily there’s fantastic pizza to be found around the city. (Side note, Southern Italy is better known for its cuisine than Northern Italy although I did a fantastic pasta-making class in Milan !)
  • Greek food – from souvlaki in Athens to fresh Greek salads found on every island, this is surely one of Europe’s most heavenly cuisines.
  • Tapas and paella in Spain – you’ll find paella-making classes and tapas tours aplenty which can be useful for solo travellers to try numerous dishes without getting too full.
  • Pastel de natas in Lisbon and Porto – not only did I write a guide to the best pastel de natas in Porto , but I made my own during a class. Obsessed!

Pastel de nata what to eat solo female travel europe

  • Wine tasting in so many places! France and Italy will always steal the show when it comes to wine but I’ve had amazing experiences all over. Memorable destinations include wine tasting in Slovenia (it was here I was introduced to delish orange wine!), Croatia (don’t miss Korcula Island) and Albania (the countryside vineyards near Berat are wonderful with homegrown olive and figs).
  • Doner and falafel in Berlin – immigrants to Germany have enriched the food culture with delicious Middle Eastern cuisine.
  • Truffle hunting in Istria – this peninsular comprising Slovenia and Croatia is known for truffles, usually sniffed out by pigs and dogs. If, like me, you find the tours a bit spenny, know you can eat amazing truffle pasta in restaurants for less than €10.
  • Fish ‘n’ chips in London – I have to say British food gets a bad rep that’s not entirely fair… Have ya HAD an afternoon tea or English breakfast?
  • Beer, chocolate, waffles and fries in Belgium ! No more needs to be said.
  • Whisky tasting in Scotland – if you like whisky, this is the OG place to become a whisky snob.

Truffle pasta

How to meet new people on a solo Europe trip

  • Stay in hostels – there are so many incredible hostels in Europe! Use Hostelworld to browse and book
  • Take free walking tours – these are a great way to learn about destinations on a budget but also meet other people who are visiting the city and likely want to enjoy it together
  • Join a bar crawl – especially in cities with great nightlife like Lisbon, Berlin, Prague, Budapest, Amsterdam, Barcelona etc
  • Organised day trips to specific attractions – to out-of-town attractions like waterfalls, national parks and even islands, there’s usually a budget public transport option. But if you value meeting other travellers, companies like GetYourGuide and Viator are great
  • Group activities – whether it’s cooking classes, dance classes etc, use your hobbies to meet like-minded people.

What’s the deal with tipping in Europe ? I hear that travellers from the US often find service in Europe slow but given the lack of tipping culture, it makes sense. After a good meal, 10% is obviously appreciated but you rarely feel pressured to tip. Tipping bartenders isn’t expected. Can you drink the tap water in Europe? It varies. In most of Western Europe, yes you can. In some of the Balkan countries, it’s not recommended. It’s best to Google it for each place you visit. If you’re visiting places where you can’t drink the water, it’s best to bring a reusable water bottle as likely your accommodation has a filtered reserve to fill up from. Alternatively, bring a filtering water bottle that makes any water safe to drink. Of course, you can always buy bottled but this is not the sustainable option.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you feel better informed about solo female travel in Europe.

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  • Where to travel solo in Malaysia
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Solo Americas guides:

  • Visiting New York city alone
  • Is solo female travel in Guatemala safe?
  • Solo female travel in Belize
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TRUSTED RESOURCES FOR VISITING EUROPE Getting around by air – I use Skyscanner and search by month to see the cheapest dates. Driving in Europe – use Rentalcars.com to compare car rentals in European countries (and all around the world). For trains , I use RailEurope . The search feature allows you to compare prices, and they show live departure times on the website. For buses , I use FlixBus . Find journeys between European countries from €1!  Use Omio to compare trains and buses in one search. It’s so handy! For hotels and self-catering apartments, I use Booking.com . You can filter by review score and price to find the best-rated budget places. For hostels, I use Hostelworld.com . To save money on accommodation, I use Trusted Housesitters , a website that connects homeowners going away and travellers who can sit their homes & pets. Browse tours and activities on GetYourGuide . To stay connected, download an e-SIM with Airalo and connect when you land. Browse their packages for individual countries or get their Eurolink card for 39 countries . Need travel insurance ? I use True Traveller (for UK & Europe residents) since it’s affordable but covers everything you’d need including various activities, valuables and pre-existing conditions. Unlike some companies, they insure you if you’re already travelling / don’t yet have your flight home booked. Get a quote . For travel insurance for other nationalities, I recommend Hey Mundo and for long-term digital nomad travellers, I suggest Safety Wing . Check out my resources page for more travel discounts and budget tips from my 10+ years on the road!

solo train travel europe

Rose is a solo traveller from the UK who has been on the road since 2015. She wants to show other women that solo travel isn't scary and doesn't have to be expensive! Rose has lived in Mexico, Canada and all over Asia, seeking out food, bubble tea and street art wherever she goes!

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I've Traveled Alone to 65 Countries – Here Are My Top 5 Destinations for Flying Solo

Where to find adventure, group activities, affordable luxury hotels, and total relaxation as a solo traveler.

Katie Jackson/Travel + Leisure

Lewis may have needed Clark, but for most trips, I think it’s OK to be a party of one. In fact, my favorite style of travel, # solotravel , is now trending on TikTok and in real life. But if there’s anything I’ve learned from adventuring alone in 65 countries, it’s this: some countries cater to lone wolves better than others. Whether you’re looking to lay on the beach, climb a volcano, or explore the big city, here are my top five destinations for flying solo. 

Giacomo Augugliaro/Getty Images

Western Europe’s most affordable country, Portugal has been my second home since 2016. Whether in Alentejo or the Algarve, I can always find a €2 glass of wine and five-star hotels, including IHG’s new Vignette Collection properties in Porto and Lisbon , for under €200 per night. It’s the fifth safest country in Europe, according to the Institute for Economics & Peace 2023 Global Peace Index (for comparison, Spain ranked 23rd and France 34th) and is home to the world’s largest standing wave. Since surfing solo is dangerous, I go with Onda Pura . In Lisbon , visit the Oceanário , voted the world’s best aquarium . Alone, you can linger at exhibits for as long as you want. I’ve traveled the country by train and bus, but I recommend renting a car for as little as €25 per day. Pro tip: Learn how to drive manual first.

South Africa

Katie Jackson/Travel + Leisure

While it’s not the safest country on the Mother Continent, ranking 32nd in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Global Peace Index , South Africa is the easiest for Americans to visit. United Airlines offers nonstop service from multiple U.S. cities to Cape Town, English is widely spoken, and there are restaurants catering to every diet. I use Facebook to join group hikes and dinners and Airbnb to book guided, local experiences. I recommend doing the “From Prisoner to President Tour” hosted by Nelson Mandela’s former prison guard and friend, Christo Brand . To visit the wineries, take the Franschhoek Tram . I’ve also enjoyed solo safaris. Alone, you can choose your start time (I hate waking up at 5:30 a.m. for game drives), and you always have the best seat. During low season, some lodges waive the single supplement. Year-round, the new Loapi Tented Camp only charges solo travelers 62% of what it would charge a couple. For travel within the country, book a package with a company like Kensington Tours ; it includes all transfers.

Since I lived in Nicaragua, I have an impressive collection of passport stamps from Costa Rica . It’s the safest place in Central America , and it offers everything from volcano trekking to beach hopping on two incredible coastlines. I want to check out the new SP Corcovado Wilderness Lodge , which hosts wellness retreats and is part of the Red Sofia Program (designed to make travel safer for single women). Meanwhile, in Monteverde, solo travelers can’t go wrong at Hotel Belmar where you don’t have to venture off site for adventure (book the canopy immersion and coffee tasting). For an all-inclusive, I recommend Secrets Papagayo .  It’s not the place to stay if you don't want to be around couples, but it’s adults-only and hosts theme nights, beach games, and cocktail parties where singles can mingle.

FilippoBacci/Getty Images

Good news! You don’t need to be with a romantic partner to visit the Maldives . I solo-mooned there and had a blast falling back in love with me, myself, and I. Highlights include visiting Coco Palm Dhuni Kohlu’s turtle rescue center , reading by my plunge pool (“Eat, Pray, Love” is a must for solo travelers), and when I wanted company, hitting up the beach barbecues. You also don’t have to be a millionaire. The island of Maafushi caters to backpackers, and even at a resort, I stayed under $350 per day. Have a bigger budget? Consider booking the Gili Solo Experience . Boasting an underwater suite and restaurant, the Conrad Maldives is also on my list. For flights, try Emirates ; round-trip fares from New York's JFK to Malé start at $1,265.

Not having anyone to split expenses with, domestic travel is cheapest. I explore my backyard in Montana where I staycate at Lone Mountain Ranch . With its queen bed, the Meadowlark Cabin is ideal for one, and the group activities offer opportunities to socialize. For an urban escape, I prefer New York City , where I stay at NH Collection New York Madison Avenue . Its lobby has a community table, fireplaces, and live jazz most nights. Since there’s no shame in doing the Great White Way without a date, I went to see “ The Notebook ” in April. Finding one center orchestra seat is easier than finding seats together. For getting around, use the MTA’s new OMNY credit/debit card tap program ; it’s the best value.

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Across France for £1.35 per day: A new deal for young rail travellers

Train talk: summer promotion emulates germany’s post-pandemic transport offer – but with an age limit, article bookmarked.

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Simon Calder’s Travel

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Young rail passengers will be able to roam wherever they wish on the French rail network during July and August for a flat rate of just £1.35 per day.

President Macron announced the plan for a one-month unlimited PassRail in September 2023. Initially it seemed to be an all-ages project intended to emulate the €49 Deutschlandticket – which opened up travel around Germany after the Covid pandemic.

After months of negotiations between central government, the regions and SNCF (French Railways), it is now clear that the scheme is open only for passengers under 27. There are also many restrictions on the trains that can be taken: high-speed TGV expresses are excluded, but so too are suburban services in the Paris region, Ile de France.

Crucially, it appears the PassRail will be available only to people with an address in France .

These are the key questions and answers.

What’s the big idea?

Young people will be able to travel the length and breadth of mainland France in July and/or August for a flat fare of €49 (£42), which works out at £1.35 per day.

They will need an address in France to buy a ticket, either through SNCF Connect – the main vendor – or Trainline, the private company.

Former transport minister Clement Beaune, who was involved in setting up the scheme, called it “a tremendous step forward, of which I am very proud, for young people, ecology and mobility”.

But it comes with strings attached. The German scheme enabled travellers simply to buy a pass that was valid on local and regional transport everywhere in the country without further formality. In contrast, French passengers must “buy” a ticket – at zero cost – to make each journey.

This is analogous to the pan-European Interrail pass; it allows the partner organisations involved to understand who has travelled where so that cash can be allocated and data compiled for future planning.

Which trains are allowed?

The main services are TER (Transport Express Régional) trains, which comprise the main regional and local services across France. Examples include:

  • Calais to Amiens
  • La Rochelle to Bordeaux
  • Port Bou (Spanish station on the French border) via Perpignan to Avignon
  • Marseille to Nice
  • Lyon via Dijon to Paris (the slow and pretty way)

In addition, the PassRail is available on Intercités trains. These are “classic” trains running on the conventional network rather than high-speed lines. In particular, they connect Paris with cities in south-central France off the high-speed network, such as Clermont-Ferrand, Vichy and Limoges. There are also regional links, including Nantes-Lyon and Bordeaux-Marseille.

Carriages with seats on night trains will also be available with the pass, though passengers will need to pay extra for a berth.

Which trains are definitely not allowed?

Pretty much everything else. All TGV high-speed trains – whether Inoui (the main brand) or low-cost Ouigo – are off limits. So too are high-speed trains run by foreign rail operators from Germany , Italy and Spain within France. The same applies to the Ouigo Classique network, running conventional trains between Paris and Le Mans, Nantes and Lyon.

Crucially, the entire RER (suburban express) network around Paris is excluded, as is the Metro system. Passengers who arrive from Orleans at Paris Austerlitz who wish to continue from Gare du Nord to Compiegne will need to pay extra for a ticket across the capital.

During the Paris Olympics in July and August, fares will increase to €4 for the Metro and €6 for the RER.

Some stations serving only the TGV network, including at Paris CDG and Lyon airports, will be inaccessible with the PassRail.

Anything else?

Yes. Intercités trains, and some TERs in regions such as Normandy, will require reservations as well as tickets to control the numbers on trains during the busy summer months.

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solo train travel europe

Decoding Europe’s Train Tickets: A Guide to Budget-Friendly Journeys

T here’s nowhere else in the world where you can jump on a train and be in another country within minutes. Europe is a continent where you can have a morning coffee in Brussels and sit in a Parisian cafe overlooking the Seine for lunch. As a person who grew up in a vast country (Australia), I have always found the concept of country-hopping novel. Here’s why you should consider train tickets for your next visit to Europe.

Why Train Tickets Are a Great Way To See Europe

From the moment I wanted to travel, I started looking into the best way to go about it, and one of the first things I saw was Eurorail. The idea is simple—one fare and you can travel on any train within Europe. It sounds convenient and straightforward until you know the price. One of my first thoughts was, “Surely, there has to be a better way. Surely, this isn’t what people in Europe pay to travel.”

The Basics of European Train Ticketing Systems

Each country in Europe operates its own unique train ticketing system. Travelers can save a significant amount of money by comparing the cost of individual tickets to the options available with Eurail passes. Various factors influence ticket prices, but with flexible plans and early booking, you can bypass expensive ticketing systems and secure more budget-friendly fares.

Most countries have easy-to-use online ticketing systems. It’s just a matter of doing a Google search for the place you’re traveling to. For example, you’ll find Spain’s railway system is called  Renfe . Finding the right operator is essential for optimal savings, as each country’s train operator offers discounted fares for early bookings. For example, booking a Brussels to Paris train ticket through the RailEurope site costs from USD 55 for a one-way ticket and the same on SNCB International, but you’ll be paying a USD 9.50 booking fee on RailEurope.  

Other Factors To Consider

The European train ticketing system varies based on the type of train and the country you’re traveling in. Buying train tickets directly at the station is usually convenient for local, regional, and suburban trains since prices are fixed, and reservations are not typically required. However, fares operate similarly to airlines with dynamic pricing for long-distance trains in countries like France, Italy, Spain, and others. 

Booking in advance can offer significant savings, but tickets have specific terms like limited refunds or changes. Traditional ticketing methods apply in countries like the UK, Germany, and Austria, with flexible and advance-purchase options available, each with its pricing and reservation rules. Understanding these nuances, including booking options, stopover policies, and special fare considerations like senior or youth discounts, is essential to navigating the system effectively and securing the best travel deals.

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When to use eurail.

If you take our Brussels to Paris example from above, you’d be paying $141 if you bought a Eurail pass for the same trip plus seat reservation fees. Eurail does have its advantages, though. If you plan on traveling frequently during your trip, the pass may be worth it. For example, if you plan on visiting six destinations over a month, a Global Pass will cost you $391 and allow you seven days of unlimited travel. If you plan on more than seven days of train travel, you can get an unlimited pass for a month, costing $991. 

With Eurail, you can choose your travel days within a specified period, freeing you from rigid dates and allowing for plan adjustments. Additionally, the ease of booking and modifying your itinerary through online platforms and mobile apps streamline your travel planning. Moreover, certain Eurail passes offer extra benefits like discounted or complimentary access to attractions, ferry routes, or buses, further enriching your journey with additional options.

Remember you can also use your Eurail pass for train tickets within one country, but it is only available for some forms of transport. For example, you can use the London Overground in the UK, but not the Underground. If you have the time, do some research and see what your options are. If the Underground seems like your best choice to get to places you want to visit, Eurail isn’t for you.

Understanding Fare Classes and Seat Reservations

Some trains offer multiple fare classes, each with its amenities and pricing. Additionally, understanding when seat reservations are mandatory versus optional helps travelers plan better. For instance, while regional trains may not require reservations, high-speed or intercity trains in countries like France and Spain often do, sometimes at an additional cost.

On trains such as Eurostar, which travels through the UK, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Germany, you’ll have an option for first and second-class seating. Sometimes, the price difference might not be a lot; if that’s the case, opt for first class—it provides seats offering additional space and amenities, which may even encompass complimentary food and beverages.

Seasonal Considerations

Seasonal fluctuations impact train tickets and their prices across Europe. High tourist seasons, such as summer or significant holidays, often increase demand, leading to higher prices. Conversely, traveling during off-peak seasons can result in more affordable fares. Being flexible with travel dates or opting for shoulder seasons can be an intelligent strategy for budget-conscious travelers.

Loyalty Programs and Rail Passes

Some European countries offer loyalty programs or discount cards that provide perks like reduced fares, lounge access, or priority boarding. While it might seem strange to join a loyalty program when you’re only going to be in a place for two weeks, joining up can sometimes have benefits. Exploring these options could lead to substantial savings for frequent travelers or those planning an extended European stay. Similarly, aside from Eurail, consider other regional rail passes tailored to specific countries or regions, such as France’s SNCF pass or Italy’s Trenitalia offerings, which might offer better value depending on your itinerary.

Navigating Language and Currency Differences

Many European train ticketing platforms offer English translations. If they don’t, you can ask Google to translate the page for you—right-click on the page and choose “Translate to English” from the drop-down list. Additionally, being aware of currency conversion rates and potential foreign transaction fees when booking from abroad ensures you get the best value for your money. At the moment, there’s not a massive difference between Euros and US Dollars; however, it’s still worth converting the fares to your local currency.

Benefits of Train Travel Over Air Travel

Trains are more environmentally friendly than airplanes or cars on a per-passenger basis, making them a greener option for those concerned about sustainability while touring Europe. A standout benefit of Europe’s rail system is the efficient boarding process. Unlike airports where you might arrive hours in advance for baggage checks and security screenings if your train departure is at 9 am, you can typically arrive closer to that time without extensive waiting or security procedures. While some countries implement a simple luggage scan, others may have minimal to no security checks, streamlining your travel experience.

So, when considering your options to travel between European countries, consider grabbing train tickets and embarking on an unforgettable journey through Europe’s rail network, where convenience, affordability, and sustainability harmoniously converge. Whether indulging in a morning coffee in Brussels or immersing yourself in the scenic beauty along the Seine, the experience transcends mere transportation.

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