skeleton tour

Skeleton Coast

A shipwreck just offshore in the cold Atlantic on the Skeleton Coast of Namibia.

And we really mean that. For a start, you’ve got the Namib holidaying right there, beside the shoreline. A sliver of desert spanning the 1,500km from the Orange River in the south to the Kunene River and Angolan Border. Then you’ve got a sea which has claimed hundreds of ships and many more lives. Add in treacherous currents, thick sea fogs and foul smelling seals. En masse. But if you think we’re underselling this place, think again. This place is extraordinary. Nowhere on sweet Earth offers you an experience like this and Namibia knows it. So much so that they’ve designated their entire coastline a national park. Throw in the hugely popular Swakopmund and Walvis Bay and you’re laughing. Think water sports, water safaris and wet suits. Oh, and for convenience they’ve added a coastal road too. One which straddles the ocean and the desert like a tightrope from Swakopmund through the Recreation Area.

In this article we’re calling the whole Namibian coastline the ‘Skeleton Coast’ which is not strictly true.  Let’s start from the top and meander down.

1. Sun, Sea and Shipwrecks - Skeleton Coast National Park

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That’s one eerie sounding moniker. The Skeleton Coast National Park is the northern stretch, north of Ugab River Gate and beyond Terrace Bay. A vast, brooding and impenetrable national park. Bleak too and one of the most inhospitable places in the world. Cold water and an expanse of dunes, this is the driest place in sub- Saharan Africa and the final resting place of more than a thousand rusting shipwrecks . The turbulent Benguela Current causes strong winds, shifting sandbanks and powerful undertows that have led to many a sailor's demise. It’s a true testament to the humbling power of nature's forces.

Many of the wrecks have been destroyed by the elements but some, like the Eduard Bohlen, are still visible. This is quite a sight as she appears to be stranded in the middle of the desert after running aground in 1907. There’s the Second World War’s Dunedin Star too. She left London and ended up in a heap here.

As horrible as their histories are they are strangely beautiful and atmospheric. You may also find traces of the whaling and sealing industries which lasted into the early 1900s and left real skeletons. Plus, there’s usually a plethora of seals and marine birds hanging around the wrecks too. You may even get exceptionally lucky and see desert adapted elephant, rhino and lion.

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2. Seal City - Cape Cross Seal Colony

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Yup, there are thousands. And thousands. Weird isn’t it. Nothing but sand, no real signs of life and then all of a sudden up to 300,000 cape fur seals . They’ve got themselves quite a colony going on here. This is Cape Cross and this is where the first European feet touched Namibian soil. They belonged to the Portuguese explorer Diego Cáo who wandered by in 1486.

The seals are a sight. Very loud, very smelly, with thick fur and luscious layers of blubber. And boy do they relish the icy waters off Namibia. The broad flat beaches work for them too - good for noticing approaching predators. Females give birth to a single pup in November/December ; conceived right here the year before. You will see thousands of pups each with their own call which their mother recognises. Hopefully. They can’t swim till they’re two months old either so they’re pretty vulnerable, especially when their mothers are at sea, sometimes for days on end. Jackals and the rare brown hyena prey on them. Cape Cross is about 140km north of Swakopmund.

3. From Seal City to Shark Central - Henties Bay

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Now this is the place to be if you’re an angler or fancy your chances. Fishing here is excellent. Copper and cow sharks provide the sport while line fish include kob, steenbras, blackfish and blacktail. Henties Bay is 70 km north of Swakopmund and shark angling trips tend to be from November to May. You may also see smooth hound sharks and spotted gully sharks.

You'll find many rudimentary fishing camps in the recreation area up to the Ugab River, which marks the southern boundary of the Skeleton Coast Park. The beaches are wide and open and you can take your 4x4 with you. For rock and surf angling your best bet is to come from the end of January to April.

Namibia is one of the few countries in the world which is strict about shark conservation. No shark may be taken for a trophy, or be left on the beach. All sharks must be returned to the sea alive and unharmed. And remember, get your fishing permit.

4. Scoff Up Spätzle and Wolf Down Schnitzel - Swakopmund

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Like a mirage Swakopmund appears to offer welcome relief from the stark desert coastline. This little gem is Namibia’s favourite seaside town, it’s also Namibia’s biggest coastal town and an ideal base for a range of adrenaline activities .

Swakopmund is unmistakably an ex-colony of the German Empire. You will see German influences everywhere from architecture, to road signs, food to beer. Lots of German cakes too. And lots of Germans, both residents and visitors. Things really boomed here until the outbreak of World War I. This interrupted the construction of the massive pier which remains one of the city's main sights. Swakopmund has mock Tudor builldings, Bavarian spires... palm trees. But just because you are next to the desert don’t expect it to be scorching here. Mornings are nippy and damp from the heavy sea mist. That’s because the heat of the desert sweeps over the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean and a heavy, cold coastal fog forms. Still, the beach sand is soft and there is a summer holiday vibe.

The warmest months are January, February and March and the most popular time (think busiest) is from September onwards. Swakop (as the locals call it) has restaurants, bars, a museum and a delightfully small aquarium. Adrenaline activities are on the menu aplenty. Everything from kite surfing and kayaking to sky diving and quad biking. For calmer trips try a dolphin cruise or hot air balloon across the dunes.

5. Walk Like a Flamingo - Walvis Bay

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Now this is the big guy if you like your waterfowl. The Walvis Bay wetlands and Sandwich Harbour lagoons are RAMSAR sites , in other words, wetlands of international importance. Just 35km south of Swakop is this oasis of calm. The lagoon sustains vast flocks of flamingoes, low-flying pelicans and huge numbers of waders. We’re talking tens of thousands. Most migrants fly in between November and April.

The other main attraction here is the dunes. And the big one is Dune 7 . It’s the tallest dune in the coastal area and yes you can climb it. In fact, please climb it, it’s a stunner but go early in the morning to avoid a beating from the sun.

Incredibly, desert-adapted flora, fauna and even wildlife is rife in the dunes. There are lichens , which are actually a symbiotic relationship of fungi and algae, the famous welwitschia grows in the desert and you could see kudu, gemsbok, springbok, steenbok, genet and wild cat.

Also, head to the salt pans to see if the lakes are pink. The water is full of plankton and the crusty salt is often rose tinted. Nicknamed the Pink Salt Lakes they are stunners and their photograph has beautified many a social media post.

You can also find adrenaline activities in Walvis Bay and there is a plethora of marine life to enjoy - either alongside in the ocean or from the comfort of a cruise.

6. Sand Giants Running to the Sea - Sandwich Harbour

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This place is like nowhere on Earth. Huge, towering, imposing sand dunes of up to 100m literally beside the seaside. It’s sand dune - ocean, no introduction, no pleasantries. Like the sea engulfing a sand giant. This then washes into a lagoon. You can’t even get there unless the weather and tides let you. This place is one of Southern Africa’s richest wetlands. Astonishingly, you will find a smattering of actual vegetation here. Nature has found a way, as she does. The underground aquifer quenches a band of dollar bushes and unpronounceable shrubbery along the base of the dunes.

Sandwich Harbour is 56km south of Walvis Bay. The harbour supports more than 50,000 birds in the summer and 20,000 in the winter, including Palaearctic waders and flamingos. You could also see jackal, springbok, oryx, brown hyena and ostrich.

Plant wise the !Nara plant is quite something. Endemic to the central Namib Desert, it can reach water more than 15m deep. It doesn’t have leaves but is a prickly old thing with yellowish flowers. It’s a type of melon which has been eaten locally for centuries and can live for over 100 years.

7. Diamond-wearing Ghosts - Luderitz

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Once a literal jewel in Namibia’s crown, Luderitz is the southernmost town on the Skeleton Coas t. It was also the first German settlement in the country and is named after its founder Adolf Luderitz.

It’s in the middle of nowhere - at the meeting of the Atlantic Ocean and an endless desert - and is famous for its diamond mining history. They were found in 1909 and people flocked to make their fortune .

A village was built 10km outside of Luderitz to accommodate the staff and families of the diamond company. It was called Kolmanskop . But when the diamonds dried up the community scarpered and now this place has been reclaimed by the desert. Literally. The sand fills the perfect buildings and a surreal ghost town emerges.

Like Swakopmund, there’s still a huge German influence in Luderitz. German architecture, street names and bratwurst. There’s a museum too which focuses on the diamond mining past as well as local and natural history. Halifax Island is nearby, a place cormorants and African penguins call home. And seals and pelicans live on the Shark Island peninsula.

Luderitz is also a windy place which attracts the world’s fastest kitesurfers in an annual speed challenge on a purpose-built run. Button down your hat and coat.

Oh, and here’s a final point to muse over... diamonds are still found here, not in the desert but in the sea. All that wind has blown them in and they’ve ended up on the ocean floor. Fishermen here use nets and rods in their search for treasure . Let us know if you get lucky... then treat yourself to a super yacht.

Favourite Tours & Safaris

A view of the sand dunes meeting the beach and the waves on the Skeleton Coast.

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skeleton tour

Fly-In Safaris to Namibia's Skeleton Coast

skeleton tour

Fly-In Safaris in Namibia

Dramatic geology seen from plane

Safari A - Skeleton Coast Fly-in Safari

4 days / 3 nights

Windhoek – Cape Cross – Shipwrecks – Himba – Desert Elephants – Kunene River – Windhoek

Aerial view over the sand dunes near Sossusvlei

Safari B - Skeleton Coast Safari + Sossusvlei

Windhoek – Sossusvlei – Cape Cross – Shipwrecks – Himba – Desert Elephants – Kunene River – Windhoek

Namibia's expansive landscapes can only truly be experienced from the air.

Safari C - Skeleton Coast Safari + Sossusvlei & Etosha

5 days / 4 nights

Windhoek – Sossusvlei – Cape Cross – Shipwrecks – Himba – Desert Elephants – Kunene River – Etosha – Windhoek

Stunning aerial views over the Namib Desert

Safari D - Skeleton Coast Safari + Sossusvlei, NamibRand & Luderitz

6 days / 5 nights

Windhoek – Sossusvlei – NamibRand – Luderitz – Cape Cross – Shipwrecks – Himba – Desert Elephants – Kunene River – Windhoek

Views over the Kunene River, Namibia

Safari E - Skeleton Coast Fly-in Safari Special

Namibia fly-in safari highlights.

  • A desolate coastline with adjoining roaring dunes
  • Colourful red lava and yellow sandstone of the Huab environs
  • Ancient Bushman rock engravings
  • The living “fossil” tree, Welwitschia Mirabilis
  • Visit to a settlement of the nomadic Himba people
  • Panoramic vistas of the Hartmann Valley, which extends to the Kunene River on the Angolan / Namibian border

Spectacular landscapes near Kuidas Camp, northern Namibia.

Skeleton Coast

The Skeleton Coast, which starts south of the Orange River, includes the whole Namibian coastline and continues across the Kunene River some 200 km into Angola. It is part of the Namib Desert, various sections of which have conservation status, namely the Namib-Naukluft Park in the south, the Skeleton Coast Park in the north (between the Ugab and the Kunene rivers) and the Iona Park in Angola. The coastline and adjoining Namib Desert form a sparsely populated area with landscape, animal and plant diversity, which varies from region to region.


Welcome to Skeleton Tours

Discover the secrets of Namibia

Skeleton Tours was started by Johan de Jager in 1997 after he had been working as a freelance guide for 3 years.  He decided that he wanted to focus on small small groups, families or friends who wanted a more personal hands on tour rather than the large tours that many companies offer.  With a smaller group it is possible to stop more frequently, the only requirement being that you reach your destination in time for dinner.  In addition you can change certain aspects of the tour en-route and detour to a specific location that you would like to visit, time permitting.

Each tour is a guided tour and is designed to your requirements, there are no scheduled tours, you tell us what you want and we make the arrangements accordingly.  each tour is individually priced based on what you request, we will make suggestions to enhance your choices but you choose where you want to go and for how long.   .

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Virtual Bone Lab

We need our bones to walk, run, jump and move, but this is not all they do. Bones are very busy even when you are sleeping at night. They are where blood cells are made and store most of your body's calcium. Bones are also very good at repairing themselves. In this lab you can explore the bones of the human skeleton using our skeleton viewer that can also be played as a game. You can also cut and peel apart a bone to look inside. For a closer look at bones you can use the virtual microscope to inspect their tiniest details.

  • Skeleton Viewer and Game
  • Virtual Bone Dissection
  • Virtual Bone Microscope

Skeletal System

Click to try our Skeleton Viewer.

Take a tour of the bones inside the human body with the virtual Skeleton Viewer . In the Explore mode you can select a viewing window and locate the bones of interest. Take a snapshot and then use the inspect icon to click on each bone to see its name and information. The Learn More option links you directly to the companion Wikipedia page for that bone.

Next up, play the skeleton game

Once you master learning the bones, test your knowledge by switching to the Skeleton Game mode to race the clock while you locate and identify bones in the body.

Explore Bone Anatomy

Bone lab

Have you ever wondered what's inside your bones? Here is your chance to explore the busy world of bones.

It's easy to look at bones and think of them as dry, dead sticks in your body, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Bones are actually made of active, living cells that are busy growing, repairing themselves, and communicating with other parts of the body.

In our Bone Anatomy Viewer , you can dissect a virtual bone and learn more about the busy world of bones. You can saw, cut away layers, scoop, and zoom into the different parts of a bone. If you want to learn about a bone part, click on the inspect tool to learn what it is and what it does. You can then put it back together with our bone glue.

Virtual Microscope

Take a look at the microscopic world of bone in our virtual bone histology lab. Just pick a microscope slide from below and click on it to view under the virtual microscope. You can zoom in and explore the different parts of the bone. Move around and explore on your own or you can click on the locator buttons to move to a specific part of the bone.

*None of the slide images above are shown at their actual scale. However, when you click and open the virtual microscope, each image has a scale bar that indicates the actual size of the bone sample.

From Micrometer to Millimeter As you look through the virtual microscope at the slides above, you'll notice a scale bar in the upper corner of each image. You can use this bar to measure how big a part of the image is. As you flip through the slides, you'll notice two different units of measurement, micrometer and millimeter.

1 millimeter (mm) = 1000 micrometer (μm)

To learn more about scale and converting from one unit to another, visit our Matter of Scale article and activity.

Credits: All bone slide images on this page are copyright Professor Jeff Kerr. Used with permission.

Explore Real Bones

Explore bones in person at the Arizona Science Center or schedule a bone lab at your school.

To learn more about field trips, visit the Arizona Science Center Field Trips page.

Read more about: Busy Bones

View citation, bibliographic details:.

  • Article: Bone Lab
  • Author(s): the Arizona Science Center
  • Publisher: Arizona State University School of Life Sciences Ask A Biologist
  • Site name: ASU - Ask A Biologist
  • Date published: February 2, 2011
  • Date accessed: June 10, 2024
  • Link:

the Arizona Science Center. (2011, February 02). Bone Lab. ASU - Ask A Biologist. Retrieved June 10, 2024 from

Chicago Manual of Style

the Arizona Science Center. "Bone Lab". ASU - Ask A Biologist. 02 February, 2011.

MLA 2017 Style

the Arizona Science Center. "Bone Lab". ASU - Ask A Biologist. 02 Feb 2011. ASU - Ask A Biologist, Web. 10 Jun 2024.

X-ray hand

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Healing Bone Worksheet

Human Skeleton Anatomy Activity

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Skeleton Coast and its major attractions

skeleton tour

The skeletal coast is known for being an area that is not particularly hospitable and welcoming. This is due to the fact that the desert stretches for tens of kilometers, and the sea is difficult to approach as a result of the strong waves caused by the Benguela current. Because of this, the coast was named by the bushmen as ‘the land that God made in anger’ and named by the Portuguese ‘the sands of hell’ (as Areais do Iferno). Its present name originates from the countless wrecks stranded along the coast.

However, for those who want to get off the beaten track, the Skeleton Coast is the most remote part of Namibia , with only a few visitors that allow you to experience some of Namibia’s most dramatic landscapes. For you to be among the few visitors that will be given access to the Skeleton Coast, you have to obtain special permits in advance and can go into the natural park only on well-equipped 4×4 vehicles.

A visit to the Swakopmund and the Skeleton Coast provides the opportunity to explore Namibia’s most fascinating coastlines. It also offers various activities and adventures to try out in order for your experience to be unforgettable. Exploring the Skeleton Coast with a 4×4 and Light Aircraft is surely one of the best activities to try out at Skeleton Coast in Namibia.

Under this activity, there are numerous available options to choose from. You can choose to travel with a 4×4 vehicle to explore the southern area of the park, but you can only travel as far as Terrace Bay. You can visit the shipwrecks, ancient river canyons, salt pans, clay castles, roaring dunes, as well as rock engravings. During this trip, a variety of species in the Namib Desert, such as animals, birds, and marine creatures, can be seen.

An exclusive fly-in exclusion will have to be taken for those who might want to get to the remote Northern Interior. It combines aspects from the southern and northern sections of Skeleton Coast Park.

You can also explore the ancient Ugab and Huab riverbeds by walking carefully on the gravel plains and stopping off at the shipwrecks route. Animals that may be seen in the Skeleton Coast, Namibia, include many coastal bird species, Black-Backed Jackal, Cape Fur Seals, and Brown Hyena. The driving distances are vast, so if you intend to leave the park before sunset, then day trips should be properly planned.

You can also fly over the ship graveyard on the skeletal coast of Namibia. Flying over the magnificent skeletal coast unveils the magnitude of the coastline and the many shipwrecks and animal bones littering the sands. For years, this Atlantic coast has been subject to violent storms and thick fogs, causing a nightmare for passing ships over the years. Many survivors from a wreck are claimed to have been killed by the razor-sharp rocks and rough surf of the Skeleton Coast.

Table of Contents

Tourist Attractions in Skeleton Coast

Skeleton Coast is a remote and rugged region of Namibia, known for its stunning landscapes and unique wildlife. Some of the top tourist attractions in Skeleton Coast include:

Surfing along the coast

The Skeleton Coast is well renowned for its rough and unforgiving environment; nonetheless, it is also a favorite destination for surfers who are searching for a one-of-a-kind and difficult surfing experience. Swells may measure anywhere from two to six meters in height along the coastline, making for potentially dangerous and unpredictably large waves. The wind may also be an issue, as it can cause the water to become choppy and generate currents that are challenging to navigate.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

There are a few things that you should bear in mind if you are planning a surfing vacation along the Skeleton Coast in South Africa. To begin, there aren’t many conveniences or services in this part of the world due to the region’s extreme isolation. You will be responsible for bringing all of your own supplies and equipment, including food, water, and camping gear.

Second, the climate around the shore is prone to erratic and severe swings in temperature and precipitation. Temperatures may fluctuate from very high to extremely low in this region, and the region is prone to both fog and strong winds. Pack your belongings such that they can withstand any kind of weather that may occur.

Cape Cross seal colony

Along the Skeleton Coast in Namibia is where you’ll find one of the most popular tourist destinations: the Cape Cross seal colony. With a population of over 250,000 seals, it is home to one of the biggest colonies of Cape fur seals that can be found anywhere in the world.

It is possible to drive yourself or take a guided trip to the colony, which is situated around 120 kilometers north of the town of Swakopmund. Visitors may see the seals from a dedicated boardwalk that runs down the shore. This boardwalk offers wonderful views of the seals as they lounge in the sun, interact with each other, and play in the surf.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

In addition to the seals, guests will also have the opportunity to investigate the neighboring Cape Cross Lodge , which has a gift store, a café, and lodgings for guests. The lodge is situated within walking distance of the seal colony and offers a cozy home base from which to explore the surrounding region.

Ghostly Kolmanskop

In the southern part of Namibia, only a few kilometers inland from the shore is where you’ll find the abandoned village of Kolmanskop . It was once a bustling diamond mining town with a population of several thousand people, but now it is deserted, and the neighboring desert is slowly reclaiming it piece by piece.

The eerie abandoned houses and alleyways of Kolmanskop may be explored by tourists that come to the village. Several of the structures in the town are partly buried in sand dunes. Visitors will be able to witness the vestiges of the town’s previous affluence, including stately residences, a theater, and a bowling alley. The town’s old hospital, power plant, and other facilities still survive today.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

One of the most well-liked things to do in Kolmanskop is to take a tour of the town’s historic diamond mine, which is also one of the city’s most frequented attractions. Guests get the opportunity to descend inside the mine and see the tools and machines that were used in the process of removing diamonds from the sand.

Near vertical descent down massive sand dunes

Going dune boarding or sandboarding down these enormous dunes is one of the most popular things to do among tourists who are searching for an activity that will provide them with a rush of adrenaline and a sense of accomplishment. Sandboarding and dune boarding are two similar activities that entail sliding down sand dunes on specially prepared boards or sleds.

Visitors visiting the Skeleton Coast will be required to hire a guide or sign up for a tour in order to participate in sandboarding or dune boarding activities. In most cases, the guides will offer all of the essential equipment, including boards, helmets, and other safety gear. In addition to that, they will train and direct you on how to negotiate the dunes in a secure and safe manner.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Graveyard of ships

The dangerous circumstances that have resulted in a significant number of shipwrecks throughout the course of history have earned the Skeleton Coast in Namibia the nickname “Graveyard of Ships.” When the warm air from the desert meets the cold air from the Benguela Current in the south, the result is dense fog and high winds, which have been the cause of a significant number of navigational mistakes and accidents.

The shoreline is covered with the wreckage of hundreds of ships, the smallest of which are fishing boats and the largest of which are cargo ships. The Eduard Bohlen, a German freight ship that sunk in 1909 after running aground, and the Zeila, a diamond mining vessel that went down in 2008, are two of the most famous wrecks. Both of these ships were lost at sea.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Visitors to the Skeleton Coast may examine the rusted hulks of the shipwrecks and get knowledge about the history of the surrounding area. This has made the shipwrecks a famous tourist destination in the region. Some of the wrecks may be reached from the beach without difficulty, while others can only be reached by boat or a vehicle with four-wheel drive.

Around the Skeleton Coast, yellowtail, kob, galjoen, and steenbras are some of the most common and sought-after types of fish to capture. Anglers have the option of fishing from the beach or from a boat, depending on which method they prefer and where the fish are located.

Tourists who are interested in fishing along the Skeleton Coast have the option of hiring a local guide or reserving a space on a fishing charter to take them to the most productive fishing areas along the coast. The fishing rods, reels, and bait are all going to be provided by the guides for you to use throughout your excursion.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Ugab River Trail hiking

Hikers may go across the Skeleton Coast via the Ugab River Trail, which is a route that parallels the river as it flows through the area. Since hikers will need to negotiate high cliffs, rocky riverbeds, and changing sand dunes, this walk is difficult and needs strong physical conditions and a spirit of adventure. Hikers get the opportunity to witness a variety of animals in their native habitats while also taking in spectacular vistas of the desert terrain. Due to the isolated location of the region and the unpredictability of the weather, hiking the path is something that is best done as part of a guided trip.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Hoanib Valley Camp

The Hoanib Valley in Namibia is home to the opulent and secluded Hoanib Valley Camp, which operates as a safari lodge. The camp may be found on the banks of a dry riverbed and is encircled on all sides by high mountains and expansive desert plains. It is a wilderness region that is home to a wide variety of animals, some of which are able to survive in desert environments, such as elephants, giraffes, lions, and hyenas.

The campsite has a total of six guest tents, each of which comes equipped with a private bathroom, a private balcony, and breathtaking vistas of the natural scenery in the area. To reduce the amount of damage that the camp does to the surrounding ecology, the tents have been made to seem like they belong in the natural setting, and they are powered by solar energy.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

At Hoanib Valley Camp, guests have the opportunity to participate in various activities, such as guided animal safaris, nature walks, and stargazing. The experienced guides at the camp are well-versed in flora and fauna of the region and are able to provide insights into the one-of-a-kind ecology of the desert. The camp also provides guests with a selection of gourmet dining experiences. Meals are cooked using items gathered from the surrounding area and served in a number of breathtaking settings, such as the main tent of the camp or a nearby dry riverbed.

Locations ideal for photography

The shipwrecks along the Skeleton Coast are well-known and make for interesting picture subjects because of their abundance. The Eduard Bohlen, the Dunedin Star, and the Zeila are three of the shipwrecks that are most often photographed by divers. The coastline is home to a variety of seal colonies, each of which presents a unique challenge and opportunity for photographers interested in animals. There are hundreds of seals that congregate on the beach at Cape Cross, making it the most populous colony in the region.

Last but not least, the Skeleton Coast is encircled by enormous sand dunes, which provide photographers with a breathtaking setting for their subjects. The tall dunes cast dramatic shadows and patterns in the changing light, which contribute to the overall effect.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Seeing many species of birds near Sandwich Harbour

Flamingos, pelicans, cormorants, and terns are just a few of the more prevalent types of birds that may be seen at Sandwich Harbour. The mudflats and lagoons in the region provide essential feeding and nesting areas for these species, and they also give some of the best options for wildlife photography and observing birds.

Visitors to Sandwich Harbour have the option of exploring the surrounding region on foot or by 4×4 vehicle, and local tour companies also provide guided excursions of the area. It is also feasible to take a boat excursion during the summer months in order to explore the lagoons and have a closer look at the local birds.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Desert Elephant Safari

A desert elephant safari is a one-of-a-kind wildlife adventure in which tourists get the opportunity to see herds of elephants that have evolved to survive in the dry, arid conditions of Namibia. These elephants have longer legs and smaller bodies than their counterparts who live in the savannah because their bodies have been specifically modified to thrive in the harsh climate of the desert.

In most cases, a desert elephant safari would consist of driving through uninhabited regions of the desert in a 4×4 vehicle while being followed by an experienced guide who is able to give information on the local fauna and habitat. The elephants may be seen by visitors from a safe distance, allowing them to witness the animals as they interact with their herds and search for food.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Visitors may paddle across the placid waters and get an up-close look at the shoreline while on a kayaking trip. Along the way, they can take in the breathtaking vistas and unique creatures that call this region home. On a kayaking excursion, you may have the opportunity to witness a variety of bird species, as well as marine mammals like seals and dolphins.

Kayaking trips are often guided by knowledgeable instructors who are able to give safety advice in addition to information on the local fauna and habitat. Depending on the itinerary and the preferences of the people who are going on the tour, the length of time that it takes might range anywhere from a few hours to a whole day.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Skeleton Coast National Park

Skeleton Coast National Park is a protected region that runs along the coast of northern Namibia and is part of the Skeleton Coast World Heritage Site. The park is well-known for its rough and isolated scenery that it has, which consists of rocky outcrops, broad beaches, and sand dunes.

The park is home to a wide range of animals, some of which have evolved to live in the desert, such as elephants, lions, and hyenas, in addition to countless kinds of birds. Visitors to the park have the option of exploring the surrounding region on foot, in a 4×4 vehicle, or on a guided tour, during which they may take in the breathtaking landscape and learn about the native fauna.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Shipwrecks and deserted mining villages are only two examples of the many historical and cultural monuments that may be found within the boundaries of the Skeleton Coast National Park. These locations give tourists one-of-a-kind cultural and photographic possibilities, as well as a fascinating look into the history of the surrounding area.

Skeleton Coast Marine Park

The park protects a diverse array of marine ecosystems, including coastal marshes, rocky coasts, and offshore islands, among other features. The park is home to various marine life, such as seals, dolphins, whales, and a great variety of bird species. Visitors to the park have the opportunity to explore the surrounding region by going on guided boat excursions or paddling about in kayaks, all while keeping an eye out for the native flora and fauna and soaking in the breathtaking cliffside landscape.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Visitors to the Skeleton Coast have the opportunity to explore the salt pans in a variety of ways, including on foot or by using a 4×4 vehicle. While there, they can take in the stark beauty of the arid landscape and observe the unique plant and animal life that thrives in harsh conditions. In addition, the salt pans are a well-known location for wildlife photographers, who go there to take pictures of the striking contrasts that can be seen between the white salt and the blue sky.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

Himba Villages

Travelers may find that spending time in the Himba settlements along the Skeleton Coast is an enlightening experience since it provides a window into a way of life that is very unlike that of Western societies. The inhabitants of the villages generally participate in subsistence farming and herding activities, and the typical dwellings in the villages are traditional huts fashioned from mud and straw.

Skeleton Coast and its major attractions, Safari World Tours

It is imperative that visitors understand that the Himba villages are not tourist attractions, and they should always show respect for the community’s right to privacy as well as its traditions. Visitors should always take the required safety measures and think about hiring a local guide when exploring the Skeleton Coast since the environment may be difficult to manage at times. This is something that should be noted.

Q: Where is Skeleton Coast located?

A: Skeleton Coast is located in Namibia, on the west coast of Africa.

Q: Why is it called the Skeleton Coast?

A: The Skeleton Coast got its name from the numerous whale and seal bones that littered its beaches, which were remnants of the whaling and seal hunting industries that once thrived in the area. Additionally, shipwrecks and the skeletal remains of marine animals also contributed to the name.

Q: Is it safe to visit Skeleton Coast?

A: Visiting Skeleton Coast can be dangerous and challenging, and it’s recommended to travel with a reputable tour company. The area is remote, with limited access to supplies and medical facilities, and the harsh desert environment can be unforgiving. However, with the proper precautions and guidance, it can be an unforgettable experience.

Q: What is there to see and do in Skeleton Coast?

A: There are many things to see and do in Skeleton Coast, including exploring the rugged and beautiful coastline, visiting the seal colonies, admiring the unique desert-adapted wildlife, and learning about the history of the area at the shipwreck sites and old diamond mines.

Q: What kind of wildlife can be found in Skeleton Coast?

A: Skeleton Coast is home to a variety of unique wildlife that has adapted to the harsh desert environment, including desert-adapted elephants, lions, hyenas, and giraffes, as well as a variety of bird species such as flamingos and pelicans.

Q: How do I get to Skeleton Coast?

A: Skeleton Coast is a remote and isolated area, and the best way to get there is by joining a guided tour or self-driving in a 4×4 vehicle. The closest major city to Skeleton Coast is Swakopmund, which has an airport and can be reached by road from Windhoek , the capital of Namibia.

Q: What is the best time to visit Skeleton Coast?

A: The best time to visit Skeleton Coast is during the cooler and drier months from May to September, when the weather is mild and the wildlife is more easily spotted. However, some tour operators also offer trips during the summer months from October to April, although the temperatures can be hot and the conditions more challenging.

About Safari World Tours

Safari World Tours is a Dynamic Travel and Destination promoting Company. Mainly focusing on Southern and western African countries. Our Safari Tours are well-managed and structured for any type of traveler.

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skeleton tour

Skeleton Coast  4x4 Expedition

8 day skeleton coast guided self-drive expedition.

Departing from Swakopmund, we head to the Ugab gate, the entry point into the Skeleton Coast National Park. From here we continue to Terrace Bay where we fill up our vehicles  and then leave  civilisation behind us for the next 8 days! 

As we make our way through the park we put our fully laden vehicles to the test. Riverbeds, soft sand and dunes all stand between us and the iconic Kunene River Mouth .  We pass interesting  sites along the way as our guide feeds us with information on our surroundings and also gives advice and guidance on how to get the most out of your vehicle in this daunting terrain. 

Reaching the Kunene Mouth we get to relax a bit as we make camp for two nights in the majestic dunes.  Here we spend some time  appreciating the beauty of nature and the peace and tranquility of the desert. 

From here we head east along the mighty Kunene through some of the most deceitful dunes in Namibia, a real test to the drivers, drivers and vehicles!   We then turn south through the Hartmansvalley, uniquely beautiful and desolate. 

Our tour ends at the little Himba village of Puros, where we will be on the lookout for the desert adapted Elephants of the Hoarusib river. 



2024 Rates (SADC members)

NAD 1 3,500 per adult 

NAD 4,000 per child (1 6 -18 years)

NAD 2,700 per child (9 - 15 years)

NAD 1,000 per child ( 0 - 8 years)

2024 Rates (Foreign / non SADC)

NAD 1 4 ,500 per adult 

NAD 6,0 00 per child (16 -18 years)

NAD 3,7 00 per child (9 - 15 years)

NAD 2 ,000 per child ( 0 - 8 years)

202 5 Rates (SADC members)

NAD 1 4,5 00 per adult 

NAD 4, 5 00 per child (16 -18 years)

NAD 3,2 00 per child (9 - 15 years)

NAD 1, 5 00 per child (0 - 8 years)

202 5 Rates (Foreign / non SADC)

NAD 1 5,500 per adult 

NAD 7,000 per child (16 -18 years)

NAD 4,700 per child (9 - 15 years)

NAD 3,000 per child (0 - 8 years)

What is Included?

Breakfast & Dinner daily

2 Way radios

Guides, communal camp equipment (field toilets & showers, cooking facilities)

All camping, concession, park en community fees

Recovery gear & satellite phone for emergencies

What is not Included? 

Vehicle & fuel

Food & beverages not included above

You camping gear (tent, chairs, cutlery, torch, etc)

Items of a personal nature

Medical and emergency travel insurance (compulsory)

202 4 DATES

July 7 - 14 Small group (max 5 vehicles - enquire for rates)

August 11-18  

September 8-15  

October 1-8  

October 10-17  

November 3-10 Small group (max 5 vehicles - enquire for rates) 

28 December - 4 January 

202 5 DATES

March 22-29

April 18-25

August 10-17

September 14-21

October 5-12

November 9-16

December 28-3 January 


Skeleton Coast & Damaraland Ride

See Detailed Rates



Embark on an epic horse expedition from coast to desert & back.

From the formidable Skeleton Coast into the remote western Damaraland and back, this adventurous riding safari is for those seeking an escape from the ordinary.

Namibia has always held a certain fascination for intrepid travellers. Here you can embark on a horse riding adventure far off the beaten path. A land of contrasts, where the cold Atlantic ocean meets the world’s oldest desert, creating a wild and treacherous coastline. The golden beaches here are littered with bleached whale bones and the skeletal remains of shipwrecks, earning it the name, Skeleton Coast. This is where your adventure begins, saddling up for a 10-day trail ride that takes you from an endless coastline into the remote wilderness of Damaraland. From the misty shores of the Atlantic, cross the lichen-covered gravel plains and follow the ephemeral rivers inland. Ride past otherworldly rock formations, where strata-striped rocks and granite outcrops create the backdrop for through the ears photography.

Gallop over vast open plains and watch the landscape transform from windswept gravel plains to soft dry riverbeds and back again. If you’re lucky, you might see the desert-adapted elephants or giraffes appear out of the heat haze. Other wildlife that call this remote wilderness home are oryx, kudu, zebra, springbok, jackals and hyenas. Your guides will tell you about the various survival techniques the animals have learned to adapt to survive in this harsh environment while you sit around the campfire at night. Then from the wonders of Damaraland, head back to the cooler coastal plains. Each day is different, waking up with the dawn chorus with your horse tethered nearby, then saddling up and heading out to cover new and challenging landscapes. Your adventure ends with one last epic gallop in the cold surf of the Atlantic Ocean before a very sad farewell to your trusty stead.

Strong bonds are built with your fellow riders and horse as you tackle the adventure together and you are responsible for grooming and tacking up your own steed. The luggage is transported via a truck which then sets up camp ahead of your arrival. Camps are set up in beautiful remote areas with names such as Camp Nowhere and Camp Somewhere. Here you’ll some of the best food cooked on the campfire, waking up to the smell of coffee brewed on the coals, and falling asleep with the last lingering taste of fresh bread. Beds are set out in the desert under a canopy of stars and with absolutely no light pollution, you’ll see more stars than you ever imagined! A tent can be set up however most prefer to embrace the unforgettable opportunity of sleeping out under the big African sky.

The day will usually begin at sunrise with an early departure to take advantage of the cooler temperatures. Riders will usually be in the saddle for around 4-5 hours before a lunch break. Lunch will generally be under the shade of a tree, or next to the truck and you can enjoy a siesta beside your horse before saddling up again. Afternoon rides are generally shorter, 2-3 hours, arriving in camp to be met with warm water and a cold drink. You will average 20-60km per day over all types of terrain, some of the riding is tough and you will require a good sense of humour on the odd testing moments necessary in any adventure.


At the current exchange rate. Please note final quote might vary slightly


Please enquire about availability – limited spots available.

14 - 23 March 2024

USD $ GBP £5350 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ per person sharing

16 – 25 October 2024

06 – 15 November 2024

USD $ GBP £5800 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ per person sharing

20 - 29 March 2025

23 October - 01 November 2025

13 - 22 November 2025

USD $ GBP £6200 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ per person sharing



2024 : USD $ GBP £190 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ for lodge accommodation

2025: USD $ GBP £200 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ for lodge accommodation


2024: USD $ GBP £800 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ for riders over 85kg

2025: USD $ GBP £850 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ for riders over 85kg


  • Accommodation throughout the trip (guesthouse and camping)
  • Delicious meals three times a day and drinks while on the ride
  • Personal and expert guide throughout the trip
  • A well trained, fit four-legged friend to escort you on your adventure
  • R0ad transfers from Windhoek International Airport to starting point of the ride and return transfer to central Windhoek or Windhoek International airport on the day of departure
  • International Flights
  • Comprehensive Travel and Medical Insurance
  • Extra horse charge for riders 85kg and over in riding gear – For our horses’ sake, please be accurate regarding weight and level of fitness
  • Personal drinks and refreshments at all lodges, restaurants, and petrol stations en route
  • Accommodation and transfers not listed on the itinerary
  • Safari staff gratuities


skeleton tour


  • Intermediate
  • Intermediate Plus


  • Fast-paced riding on well-trained, fit and responsive horses across through the oldest desert in the world
  • The feeling of being a pioneer, experiencing one of the world’s last true wildernesses from the back of a horse
  • Unrestricted riding across endless desert plains and one of the most remote stretches of beach in the world
  • Crossing greatly contrasting landscapes with the possibility of seeing fascinating desert-adapted wildlife
  • Sleeping out every night under the vast African sky with more stars than you could ever imagine


” This has been an absolutely incredible experience. It exceeded my expectations in so many ways! Namibia is absolutely stunning and the horses are amazing. There are no words that can begin to describe how incredible and life-changing this experience was. Knowing Karine and Isabel had already done the ride and could give me in-depth answers to all my questions was great. I would recommend AHS to anyone and you'll definitely see me again. Danita Enslin Skeleton Coast and Damaraland Ride, Namibia


** Provided is a sample itinerary however guests must be aware that due to the adventurous nature of the ride timings and routes can vary. All variations and changes to the itinerary will always be in your best interests. The expected saddle time each day ranges between 4 to 8 hours, covering 20-60km and over varying terrain. This ride has a long day 2 transfer, stopping off in the coastal town of Swakopmund for lunch and riding starts on Day 2.

Note that this is a challenging ride – both the terrain and distances are challenging – our advice is that you come riding fit


Welcome to Namibia!

Arrive at Hosea Kutako International Airport. A shuttle service will collect you from Windhoek International Airport (Hosea Kutako) to your first overnight in Windhoek (your name will be on a welcome board). Meet your fellow riders and host/riding guide Andrew Gillies for sundowners and dinner. Andrew will give you a briefing about your adventure.

Early breakfast and then the journey to the rugged Skeleton Coast – approximately 4 hours to our lunch spot in the charming town of Swakopmund, and then a further 3 hours up the coast to our remote camp. You will visit the Cape Cross Fur Seal Colony on the way. The abundance of oxygen will surely knock you out for a good nights sleep tonight while the Atlantic Ocean roars in the background.

Your first riding day begins with a saddling briefing and getting acquainted with your horse.  The ride starts slower as you get to know your trusted mount and find your “hooves”. As you head towards your first camp, you’ll ride through ephemeral river systems and dry washes that characterize this unique area. The landscape changes all the time and the pace quickens as the terrain allows.  As the soft evening light descends we get into camp in time to enjoy sundowners as the spectacular Milky Way appears overhead. In Namibia, where there is no light pollution, the stars are simply magnificent and sitting around a companionable campfire with new acquaintances, sharing the experiences of the day is a joy. The aroma of dinner cooking in large black pots on the fire stirs the imagination of what could possibly smell that good!


There is an easy rhythm to camp life, waking up at dawn with the smell of fresh bread baking on the coals of the fire and a hot cup of coffee to shake off sleep. You will brush and saddle up your horse before heading out. You will need to be riding fit for this ride, as you will be in the saddle for around 4-5 hours before meeting the team for a lunch stop in the shade of a tree or under the sunshade. Enjoy an afternoon siesta next to the horses, then saddle up again for another 2-3 hours of riding before reaching camp. The backup team will set-up camp before you arrive, waiting with warm water and cold drinks. Camps are set up in beautiful remote areas with names such as Camp Nowhere and Camp Somewhere..! You’ll spend memorable evenings around the campfire, making new friends and enjoying delicious meals cooked on the coals. Beds are set out in the desert under a canopy of stars and with absolutely no light pollution, you’ll see more stars than you ever imagined!

This is a little bit of Heaven on Earth. Riding in a landscape which look like they belong on an other planet means you need to have your camera ready! The undulating terrain changes colour depending on the desert substrate – from brick red to startling white, the yellows and greens of this unique fog-deserts’ lichen fields, to dry river washes and interesting geological formations. Damaraland has a violent geological history, leaving a legacy of unusual landshapes and topographical features which quite astound.

From the Ugab River to Leeuwkop (lions head) this ever-changing landscape is filled with fascinating geology and the chance to see desert-adapted animals such as zebra, oryx, ostrich and even the desert-adapted elephants (if you’re lucky enough to spot them). With vast open spaces and long distances to cover, expect lots of fast riding! As you descend into the lower reaches of the Ugab river, you will feel the air begin to cool again. Enjoy one last thrilling canter across the lichen-covered coastal plains of the Skeleton Coast before reaching the Atlantic Ocean. A sad goodbye to your trusted steed before checking in to a beach house in Hentie Bay for your last night. Enjoy sundowner drinks overlooking the ocean while reminiscing about your adventure.


After a bit of a lie-in and a leisurely breakfast, you will be transferred to Windhoek for your departing flight (after 15h00). If you have extra time in Africa, extend your stay to visit the high dunes and desolated valleys of Sossusvlei, the wildlife of Etosha National Park, or travel further to South Africa or Botswana.


Most guests choose to sleep out under the glorious southern stars – a very special experience. Large dome tents can be provided if required (two people sharing unless paying single supplement). Camp beds are supplied with a warm bedroll consisting of a canvas bag containing an insulating mattress, down duvet and pillow. You are welcome to add a fleece liner to the sleeping role if you feel you might get cold. Desert nights can drop below 0°C so if you feel the cold then it is worth bringing your own sleeping bag and/or fleece liner. Hot bucket showers are available at most camps; toilets are available at all overnight camps.


On the nights stated in your safari itinerary, you will stay in comfortable lodges, with twin-bedded rooms and en-suite facilities where possible. While most guests are happy to share twin accommodation, on booking it is possible to request single accommodation – subject to availability and a supplementary charge. In Windhoek you’ll be staying at River Crossing Lodge and in Henties Bay, it will be a beach house near the Atlantic Ocean.


The skeleton coast.

The Skeleton Coast is notorious for rough seas, treacherous fog and shifting sandbanks. These have seen the demise of many ships over the centuries. Here you’ll see more shipwrecks than people as you travel past soaring sand dunes, over gravel plains covered in lichen, and along the dry riverbeds that carry water and life from inland.

Travelling inland to the wilderness of Damaraland, guests are introduced to dramatic desert scenery and diverse flora and fauna. Picture centuries-old welwitschia plans, endangered black rhino and desert-adapted elephant. An underrated wildlife area, the desert is home to herds of zebra, oryx, giraffe and a few elusive desert lions. Damaraland is one of Namibia’s most dramatic collections of landscapes and a photographers dream. Hidden in the rocky clefts is Twyfelfontein, Damaraland contains some of Southern Africa’s finest prehistoric rock art and engravings.




Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (1)

Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (1)

Namibia Horse Safaris - Namib Desert (7)

Namibia Horse Safaris - Namib Desert (7)



Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (12)

Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (12)

Horse riders galloping in the Namib Desert

African Horse Safari - Namibia Horse Safari Skeleton Coast (4)

Fly across the desert plains!

Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (10)

Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (10)

Horse riding Swakopmund

African Horse Safari - Namibia Horse Safari Skeleton Coast (33)

Ride along the cold Atlantic Ocean

African Horse Safari - Namibia Horse Safari Skeleton Coast (73)

Namibia horse safaris - namib desert (31), nambia horse safaris - damaraland (1), namibia horse safaris - namib desert (23), african horse safari - namibia horse safari skeleton coast (46).

Remote campsites and a great backup team

Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (4)

Namiba horse safaris - damaraland 2 (3), skeletondamara_shalydunes, african horse safari - namibia horse safari skeleton coast (57).

Skeleton Coast where dunes and ocean meet

Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (16)

Namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (13), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (6), african horse safari - namibia horse safari skeleton coast (11).

See thousand year old Welwitschia plants

Namibia Horse Safaris Skeleton Coast (9)

Namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (8), nambia horse safaris - damaraland (5), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (7), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (18), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (20), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (14), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (5), namibia horse safaris - namib desert (45), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (15), namibia horse safaris skeleton coast (2), how we care for our horses.

Our horseback adventures are hand-picked for their quality and care of their horses. Here’s how the horses in Namibia are kept in tip-top shape for your safaris. Our horses are on top of the hierarchy and receive very special care:

  • Between safaris the horses live out in thousands of hectares of natural bush in herds of up to 100, forming natural social bonds
  • They do one 10-night safari every six weeks between April and late October.
  • All horses spend the remaining four/five summer months out in the bush, running free as a herd.
  • While on safari, horses are fed and groomed four times a day, with a mini vetting at the start and end of the day. The team is well trained with vetinary and fairer skills to ensure the horses are well-cared for throughout their journey.
  • There are several spare horses to give the youngsters a rest.
  • We use simple snaffle bridles or bit-less bridles where possible and each horse has its allotted bridle and specially designed saddle for the duration of the safari, which are cleaned daily

Please  let us know  if you have any more questions around this.


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Horse riding safari in the Masai Mara with Offbeat

7 nights: From USD $9870 GBP £ EUR € ZAR R AUD $ pp sharing

Horse Safari in the Masai Mara with Offbeat

  • Wildlife Focused Horse Safari

skeleton tour

6 nights: From USD $6685 GBP £ EUR € ZAR R AUD $ pp sharing

Borana & Lewa Luxury Trail Ride – Kenya

  • Wildlife & Scenery Focused Safari

Horse riding Swakopmund

9 nights: From USD $ GBP £5350 EUR € ZAR R AUD $ pp sharing

Skeleton Coast & Damaraland Ride

  • Scenery Focused Horse Safari

Horse riding Holiday in Morocco following the coastal trail

7 nights: From USD $ GBP £ EUR €1137 ZAR R AUD $ pp sharing

Essaouira Coastal Trail Ride

Horse riding in Morocco

7 nights: From USD $ GBP £ EUR €1683 ZAR R AUD $ pp sharing

Horses, Dunes & Nomads in Morocco

Safari horses cantering in Serengeti

8 nights: From USD $6560 GBP £ EUR € ZAR R AUD $ pp sharing

Serengeti Migration Horse Safari

#1 Horse Riding Safari Provider in Africa. African Horse Safaris provides an extensive and detailed portfolio of Africa’s most iconic horse rides – and a peek at a few of its best kept secrets.

[email protected] Tel: +447547814767 Tel: +27813970745

First Floor Constantia Checkers Emporium, c/o Ladies Mile and Spaanschemat River Rd, Constantia, Cape Town, South Africa 7806


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Pop Evil Announces 2023 'Skeletons' Album & Headlining Tour

Skeletons is due March 17, 2023, via MNRK Heavy, along with their U.S. headlining tour starting on the same day.


the hard rock group Pop Evil announced their new album, Skeletons due March 17, 2023, via MNRK Heavy, along with their U.S. headlining tour starting on the same day.


The 11-tracks feature the already released singles, "Eye of the Storm" landing at the #5 Most Played Song in 2022 on Billboard's Mainstream Rock Chart, and the most recent single, "Paranoid (Crash & Burn)." The album also includes guest performers such as Ryan Kirby from Fit for a King on "Dead Reckoning" - a song brought to the table by bassist, Joey "Chicago" Walser - plus Blake Allison from Devour the Day providing guest vocals on "Wrong Direction." [Pre-Save + Pre-Order].

In discussing the album, frontman Leigh Kakaty said, "This is about us as a band stripping everything down to the bones. It's more uptempo, it's got bigger riffs, and we're trying to capture the energy of our live show."

"But it's also a positive message," he adds. "I know it's a morbid visual, but behind every skeleton, there's a story and something worth talking about. Overall, it's about looking at something in a positive way. And I'm excited for everyone to hear that."

The first single, "Eye of the Storm," is a pummeling, chaotic maelstrom with an uplifting message at its center (and a killer chorus). As for the song's lyrical plea, Kakaty explains: "It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, at some point we all face a situation beyond our control. At times, it feels hopeless, but it's not. There is a path through the chaos and a way out of the confusion. You are stronger and closer than you think you are. The storm will pass. Don't let it bury you."

Their most recent single, "Paranoid (Crash & Burn)," oscillates from something more melodic and rhythmic to pure aggression, that "get out of my head" scream is certainly going to resonate. "It's about the voices in our head - we all have 'em, but do we act on them?" says Kakaty. "It's a cautionary tale, about processing those voices in a positive way."

The music video is created by award-winning filmmaker and director, Jensen Noen best known for his work with Falling In Reverse, Ice Nine Kills, and Asking Alexandria. The digital world in "Paranoid (Crash & Burn)" is about overcoming inner demons that bring the song to life with futuristic elements.

In discussing the video, Noen says, "During tough times, our minds can easily wander into dark places. It can feel like you're drowning in a sea of paranoia. But no matter how bad things get, there's always hope. There is always a way to escape from our minds. We just need to find the right key to unlock the door."

Skeletons see the band once again working with producer Drew Fulk (Disturbed, Papa Roach, Motionless in White), a friend and collaborator on a few previous albums that generated # hits. "With 'Versatile,' we had a bunch of producers, but for this album, we just wanted to work with one person and get back to our roots," says Kakaty. "There's an energy he and I have, and he's been great at helping us build these songs and work around some collective themes."

The band partnered with Heart Support to spread awareness about mental health by giving away custom shows created by bassist Joey "Chicago" Walser - enter by December 12 to be qualified. Pop Evil said, "We all have voices in our head that tell us lies. They say things like "I'm not good enough", "I'm alone", "Things will never get better. These voices have the power to stop us in our tracks if we don't fight them. We know that the first step in quieting these voices is sharing them with others and receiving encouragement."

Skeletons U.S. Headlining Tour

03/17 - Sault St. Marie, MI @ Kewadin Casino

03/18 - Royal Oak, MI @ Royal Oak Music Theatre

03/19 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Jergel's

03/21 - Lititz, PA @ Mickey's Black Box *

03/23 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium

03/24 - Uncasville, CT @ Mohegan Sun - Wolf Den +

03/25 - Waterloo, NY @ Del Lago Casino *

03/26 - Jersey City, NJ @ White Eagle Hall

03/28 - Virginia Beach, VA @ Elevation27

03/30 - Tampa, FL @ Hard Rock Event Center

03/31 - Atlanta, GA @ Variety Playhouse

04/01 - Charlotte, NC @ The Underground *

04/02 - Nashville, TN @ Basement East

04/04 - Oklahoma City, OK @ Tower Theatre

04/05 - Dallas, TX @ Echo Lounge & Music Hall

04/07 - Tucson, AZ @ Rialto Theatre

04/08 - Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee Theater

04/10 - Santa Ana, CA @ The Observatory OC

04/11 - Sacramento, CA @ Ace of Spades

04/12 - San Diego, CA @ House of Blues

04/14 - Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues

04/15 - Grand Junction, CO @ Mesa Theatre

04/16 - Denver, CO @ Gothic Theatre

04/18 - Lincoln, NE @ Bourbon Theatre

04/19 - Kansas City, MO @ The Truman

04/21 - Pittsburg, KS @ Kansas Crossing Casino

04/22 - Chicago, IL @ Concord Music Hall

04/23 - Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave

* The Word Alive will not be performing

+ No Support

Rescheduled UK + EU 2023 Tour

05/05 - Manchester, UK @ Rebellion

05/06 - Birmingham, UK @ Institute 2

05/07 - London, UK @ The Dome

05/09 - Paris, FR @ Le Trabendo

05/10 - Cologne, DE @ Luxor

05/12 - Munich, DE @ Backstage Halle

05/13 - Frankfurt, DE @ Nachtleben

05/14 - Hamburg, DE @ Logo

05/15 - Amsterdam, NL @ Melkweg

with Call Me Amour as support, plus Zillion

Ticket Central

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Request a Free Guide To Help Plan Your Next Kalamazoo Getaway!

Let us be your guide... sign up to receive news and special offers., go on a skeletour this halloween season in kalamazoo, michigan, skeletour runs from october 6th - 31st, skeletour bar crawl runs from october 14th - 31st.

Downtown Kalamazoo's spooktacular SkeleTour occurs throughout the month of October. Spend spooky season exploring the streets of downtown and admiring the various skeletons adorned throughout the city.

This is a great event for the whole family to enjoy, as each skeleton is decorated and themed differently. From spooky to silly to funny, there's sure to be a skeleton that you can connect with!

In addition to the annual SkeleTour is a fun aspect for adults to get excited about; the SkeleTour Bar Crawl! Check out all the spooky skeletons while enjoying themed cocktails, beer, and wine along the SkeleTour Bar Crawl going on from October 14th - 31st.

Check out the spooky drinks available at these Skeletour Bar Crawl locations!

Alyssa seedorff.

skeleton tour

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Pop Evil Announces 2023 Skeletons Album and Headlining Tour

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A Skeletal Spectacle: Kalamazoo Welcomes Back Metro Toyota SkeleTour October 6 – 31

Metro Toyota SkeleTour

Head to Downtown Kalamazoo for Metro Toyota SkeleTour

Downtown Kalamazoo is gearing up for their annual Halloween event with Metro Toyota   SkeleTour .

SkeleTour invites visitors to celebrate throughout the entire month of October in Downtown Kalamazoo with over 40 one-of-a-kind, life-size skeletons representing local businesses and organizations.

From creepy and scary to funny and silly, there’s a skeleton for every taste!

And along with the skeletons? A whole month of silly, spooky, and outright fun.

skeleton tour

SkeleTour Highlights

You have a whole month to celebrate with Metro Toyota SkeleTour. Carve out some time from October 6 – 31, 2023.

• 40+ one-of-a-kind skeletons •  Boos in the Zoo : October 14, 2023 (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM) •  SkeleTour Bar Crawl : Participating bars and restaurants offering spooky cocktails plus a chance to win $100 in Downtown Dollars with your digital passport. •  Skelfie Scavenger Hunt : Submit your “skelfies” for a chance to win $25 in Downtown Dollars each week!

skeleton tour

SkeleTour Dates & Events

October 6 – 31, 2023.

Kid Friendly Events: Boos in the Zoo , Skelfie Scavenger Hunt, First Friday

Adult Only Events : Night Beats , Bar Crawl, Adult Costume Party

Downtown Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo MI 49007

Where Are the Skeletons?

Skeletons are popping up all over downtown Kalamazoo!

With the beautiful October weather, what better reason than to take a walking tour to see them up close and personal?

A little spooky, and a whole lot of silly, these skeletons are posed in hilarious ways that beg for “skelfies.”

skeleton tour

Even better? Each skeleton reflects a local business or organization unique to Kalamazoo.

So, where can you find the skeletons?

Stroll along Michigan Avenue, the Kalamazoo Mall, Rose Street, and Portage Street, and you’ll see skeletons on display (see map below).

SkeleTour Map

skeleton tour

For Families: Boos in the Zoo

Shake, rattle and roll down to the Kalamazoo Mall on October 14 from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM for Boos in the Zoo .

Families can enjoy festive and delicious novelties for everyone. You’ll find apple cider, hot chocolate and some monster-themed concoctions. Sip and celebrate!

Around every corner you’ll find an activity like broom demonstrations, tricks and treats, crafts and a costume contest. There’s something for everyone in your family enjoy and get wrapped up in the spooky season.

skeleton tour

For Grown Ups: SkeleTour Bar Crawl + NEW Adult Costume Party

Adults can enjoy the spooky skeletons and a creepy cocktail or brew by joining the SkeleTour Bar Crawl .

15 Kalamazoo favorite bars, restaurants and venues have a specialty drink ready for you. There’s $100 up for grabs by participating in the SkeleTour Bar Crawl Passport. Simply get your mobile pass and show your phone for your chance to win.

skeleton tour

NEW this year, plan a date night at Night Beats or the Adult Costume Party.

Dance along with your friends at Bates Alley from 5:30 – 9:30 PM on October 6 when Zion Lion and Work in Progress perform.

Get your costumes ready for SkeleTour’s FIRST Adult Costume Party on Friday, October 20 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at the North Kalamazoo Mall. This isn’t your average costume party, be ready for extra ghoulish fun.

SkeleTour Things to Do

skeleton tour

Event Recap

Halloween fun finder.

Trick or Treat Button

More to Explore

20+ awesome spots for kayaking in kalamazoo + tubing in michigan, 2024 southwest michigan festivals and fairs for families, enter to win a family membership to the air zoo , celebrate 4th of july with kalamazoo fireworks, parades + events in swmi- 2024, mega guide to movies in the park & concerts in the park in kalamazoo- 2024, parents’ top picks for favorite kalamazoo chiropractors- 2024.

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POP EVIL Announces 'Skeletons' Album, March/April 2023 U.S. Tour

POP EVIL will release a new album, "Skeletons" , on March 17, 2023 via MNRK Heavy . The 11 tracks feature the already released singles "Eye Of The Storm" , which landed at the No. 5 "Most Played Song In 2022" on Billboard 's Mainstream Rock chart, and the most recent single, "Paranoid (Crash & Burn)" . The album also includes guest performers such as Ryan Kirby from FIT FOR A KING on "Dead Reckoning" — a song brought to the table by bassist Joey "Chicago" Walser — plus Blake Allison from DEVOUR THE DAY providing guest vocals on "Wrong Direction" .

In discussing the album, POP EVIL frontman Leigh Kakaty said: "This is about us as a band stripping everything down to the bones. It's more uptempo, it's got bigger riffs, and we're trying to capture the energy of our live show. But it's also a positive message. I know it's a morbid visual, but behind every skeleton, there's a story and something worth talking about. Overall, it's about looking at something in a positive way. And I'm excited for everyone to hear that."

"Eye Of The Storm" is a pummeling, chaotic maelstrom with an uplifting message at its center (and a killer chorus). As for the song's lyrical plea, Kakaty explains: "It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, at some point we all face a situation beyond our control. At times, it feels hopeless, but it's not. There is a path through the chaos and a way out of the confusion. You are stronger and closer than you think you are. The storm will pass. Don't let it bury you."

"Paranoid (Crash & Burn)" oscillates from something more melodic and rhythmic to pure aggression, with the "get out of my head" scream certain to resonate.

"It's about the voices in our head — we all have 'em, but do we act on them?" says Kakaty . "It's a cautionary tale, about processing those voices in a positive way."

The "Paranoid (Crash & Burn)" music video was created by award-winning filmmaker and director Jensen Noen , best known for his work with FALLING IN REVERSE , ICE NINE KILLS and ASKING ALEXANDRIA . The digital world in "Paranoid (Crash & Burn)" is about overcoming inner demons that bring the song to life with futuristic elements.

Noen says: "During tough times, our minds can easily wander into dark places. It can feel like you're drowning in a sea of paranoia. But no matter how bad things get, there's always hope. There is always a way to escape from our minds. We just need to find the right key to unlock the door."

"Skeletons" sees POP EVIL once again working with producer Drew Fulk ( DISTURBED , PAPA ROACH , MOTIONLESS IN WHITE ),a friend and collaborator on a few previous albums that generated hits.

"With 'Versatile' , we had a bunch of producers, but for this album, we just wanted to work with one person and get back to our roots," says Kakaty . "There's an energy he and I have, and he's been great at helping us build these songs and work around some collective themes."

POP EVIL partnered with Heart Support to spread awareness about mental health by giving away custom shows created by Walser .

The band said: "We all have voices in our head that tell us lies. They say things like 'I'm not good enough', 'I'm alone', 'Things will never get better.' These voices have the power to stop us in our tracks if we don't fight them. We know that the first step in quieting these voices is sharing them with others and receiving encouragement."

"Skeletons" track listing:

01. Arrival 02. Paranoid (Crash & Burn) 03. Circles 04. Eye Of The Storm 05. Sound of Glory 06. Skeletons 07. Worth It 08. Who Will We Become 09. Wrong Direction 10. Dead Reckoning 11. Raging Bull

POP EVIL will head out on the "Skeletons" tour headlining U.S. dates starting on March 17, 2023, in Sault St. Marie at Kewadin Casino and concluding on April 23, 2023, in Milwaukee at The Rave. Support on the trek will come from THE WORD ALIVE and AVOID .

"Skeletons" U.S. headlining tour:

Mar. 17 - Sault St. Marie, MI @ Kewadin Casino Mar. 18 - Royal Oak, MI @ Royal Oak Music Theatre Mar. 19 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Jergel's Mar. 21 - Lititz, PA @ Mickey's Black Box * Mar. 23 - Worcester, MA @ The Palladium Mar. 24 - Uncasville, CT @ Mohegan Sun - Wolf Den + Mar. 25 - Waterloo, NY @ Del Lago Casino * Mar. 26 - Jersey City, NJ @ White Eagle Hall Mar. 28 - Virginia Beach, VA @ Elevation27 Mar. 30 - Tampa, FL @ Hard Rock Event Center Mar. 31 - Atlanta, GA @ Variety Playhouse Apr. 01 - Charlotte, NC @ The Underground * Apr. 02 - Nashville, TN @ Basement East Apr. 04 - Oklahoma City, OK @ Tower Theatre Apr. 05 - Dallas, TX @ Echo Lounge & Music Hall Apr. 07 - Tucson, AZ @ Rialto Theatre Apr. 08 - Tempe, AZ @ The Marquee Theater Apr. 10 - Santa Ana, CA @ The Observatory OC Apr. 11 - Sacramento, CA @ Ace of Spades Apr. 12 - San Diego, CA @ House of Blues Apr. 14 - Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues Apr. 15 - Grand Junction, CO @ Mesa Theatre Apr. 16 - Denver, CO @ Gothic Theatre Apr. 18 - Lincoln, NE @ Bourbon Theatre Apr. 19 - Kansas City, MO @ The Truman Apr. 21 - Pittsburg, KS @ Kansas Crossing Casino Apr. 22 - Chicago, IL @ Concord Music Hall Apr. 23 - Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave

* THE WORD ALIVE will not perform + No support

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Kalamazoo Downtown Partnership

Metro Toyota Skeletour

  • This event has passed.

Skeletour graphic

Downtown Kalamazoo is set to come alive with the spirit of Halloween this October as it hosts the Metro Toyota Skeletour, a month-long celebration filled with events and activities for all ages. Starting October 6th, over 40 skeletons will be placed throughout downtown Kalamazoo sponsored by businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations. Every skeleton is designed to transform downtown into an adventure that allows visitors and community residents to find the skeletons, visit shops, eat, and celebrate the power of small businesses and the community that creates a tradition of celebrating the Halloween season.

• October 6- 31 – Metro Toyota Skeletour, Skelfie Tour, Passport Card, and Find Spidey Contest • October 6 – First Friday throughout downtown • October 6 – Night Beats hosted by The Xperience on Bates Alley, 5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. • October 14 – Boos In The Zoo, hosted by Downtown Kalamazoo Shops,on the Kalamazoo Mall, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. • October 14- 31 – Skeletour Bar Crawl, Sponsored by Discover Kalamazoo • October 20 – Skeletour’s First Adult Costume Party sponsored by Cannamazoo,on the North Kalamazoo Mall, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

The month-long event allows the Kalamazoo region to explore the variety of skeletons, take pictures with the decorated and themed skeletons, participate in the Bar Crawl, and win a variety of prizes that many of the events host. As the events unfold in October, people are encouraged to follow along on social media channels (@downtownkalamazoo) to receive updates. Some of the events that will unfold, include: the Skelfie Tour, a Bar Crawl Passport Card, and weekly Find Spidey Contest where there will be clues to find the poster downtown and win a variety of prizes from Metro Toyota.

Skeletour Bar Crawl

The Skeletour Bar Crawl Starts on Friday, October 14! It’s easy to download your passport and check-in at all the participating bars and restaurants for a chance to win $100  Downtown Dollars !

  • Scan the QR Code at a participating location
  • Add the FREE Passport to your cart (scroll down to find the Skeletour Bar Crawl and click  Add To Cart )
  • Complete the check out process (we’ll just ask for your name, phone number, and email address)
  • Click  Access My Items
  • An ad for the Skeletour will display. Click  View
  • Pick which location you want to check-in to
  • Click  Check-In  and enter each pin number to add to your digital passport!

Or you can download your passport now and access it later with your email address by scanning a QR code.

Download Your Passport Now

Updated Skeletour Map

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FLASH SALE💥   Book now for   up to 60% off!

Skeleton Coast Tours & Trips

Find the right tour package for you through Skeleton Coast. We've got 7 trips going to Skeleton Coast, starting from just 5 days in length, and the longest tour is 10 days. The most popular month to go is June, which has the most tour departures.

7 Skeleton Coast tour packages with 1 review

6 Day Skeleton Coast and Sossusvlei Experience Tour

Explorer Family Coastal Walks Desert Hikes Christmas & New Year +2

6 Day Skeleton Coast and Sossusvlei Experience

Premium Namibia Tour

Premium Namibia

Summer Safari Package to Africa Tour

Explorer Family Wildlife Christmas & New Year +1

Summer Safari Package to Africa

"My lodging, meals & transportation were all planning out for me in a wonderful, busy itinerary." Vanessa, traveled in April 2019

5 Days Swakopmund and Cape Cross Tour ( Lodging) Tour

Explorer Family Christmas & New Year +1

5 Days Swakopmund and Cape Cross Tour ( Lodging)

  • 10% deposit on some dates

Namibia Adventure safari in Africa (Accommodation/Transport & Activities Included) Tour

Explorer Family Wildlife Sightseeing Christmas & New Year +2

Namibia Adventure safari in Africa (Accommodation/Transport & Activities Included)

5 Days Swakopmund and Cape Cross Tour ( Lodging) Tour

Adventure Silver Safari

Top operators.

Chameleon Safaris Namibia

Chameleon Safaris Namibia is an expert in:

Intrepid Premium

Intrepid Premium is an expert in:

Junita's Extreme Adventures Namibia cc

"This was my first traveling experience alone. I had the most amazing trip! Junita's Extreme Adventures took care of everything once I told her the activities & excursions I was interested in. My lodging, meals & transportation were all planning out for me in a wonderful, busy itinerary. I have the most wonderful experiences & memories for the rest of my life! This felt divinely planned for me. I could not have asked for better!

Junita's Extreme Adventures Namibia cc is an expert in:

Skeleton Coast Tours starting in:

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Workers discover human skeleton during Jubilee construction dig in Rome

Rome construction

By Courtney Mares

Rome Newsroom, Jun 11, 2024 / 10:15 am

Workers in Rome have discovered a centuries-old skeleton during a construction dig near the Vatican for one of the building projects for the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee.

The skeleton was unearthed during excavations to create an underground motorway near Castel Sant’Angelo, which will create a pedestrian-only road leading up to St. Peter’s Basilica.

An initial investigation found that the bones likely date back to sometime between 1600-1800, according to Italian media reports. Additional analyses are planned by Italy’s archaeological authority.

Construction on the site has continued as planned after the skeleton was removed, according to Rome’s public works department. 

Workers face a tight deadline on one of the most ambitious construction projects underway in Rome in preparation for the Jubilee Year. 

Workers in Rome discovered a centuries-old skeleton during a June 2024 construction dig near the Vatican for one of the building projects for the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee. Credit: Daniel Ibañez/CNA

The more than $86 million project in Piazza Pia will connect Castel Sant’Angelo — a historic structure originally built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian but later used as a papal fortress — to St. Peter’s Square, moving the former busy motorway completely underground.

Rome’s Mayor Roberto Gualtieri told EWTN that he thinks the transformation of Piazza Pia will turn it into “one of the most beautiful squares in the world.”

Pope Francis has proclaimed that the “Jubilee of Hope” will begin on Christmas Eve 2024. The Vatican and the city of Rome are expecting an estimated 35 million people to flock to the Eternal City for the first ordinary jubilee since the Great Jubilee of 2000.

With more than 350 works planned around the ancient city in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee, there could be other unexpected archaeological discoveries. 

Three human skeletons were found during construction works in 2019 on a subway station in Rome and were later found to date back to the first century B.C.

  • Catholic News ,
  • Archeology ,
  • 2025 Jubilee ,
  • The Eternal City

Courtney Mares

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Workers discover human skeleton during Jubilee construction dig in Rome

Courtney Mares

June 11, 2024 Catholic News Agency News Briefs 0 Print

skeleton tour

Rome Newsroom, Jun 11, 2024 / 10:15 am (CNA).

Workers in Rome have discovered a centuries-old skeleton during a construction dig near the Vatican for one of the building projects for the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee.

The skeleton was unearthed during excavations to create an underground motorway near Castel Sant’Angelo, which will create a pedestrian-only road leading up to St. Peter’s Basilica.

An initial investigation found that the bones likely date back to sometime between 1600-1700, according to Italian media reports. Additional analyses are planned by Italy’s archaeological authority.

Construction on the site has continued as planned after the skeleton was removed, according to Rome’s public works department.

Workers face a tight deadline on one of the most ambitious construction projects underway in Rome in preparation for the Jubilee Year.

Workers in Rome discovered a centuries-old skeleton during a June 2024 construction dig near the Vatican for one of the building projects for the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee. Credit: Daniel Ibañez/CNA

The more than $86 million project in Piazza Pia will connect Castel Sant’Angelo — a historic structure originally built by the Roman Emperor Hadrian but later used as a papal fortress — to St. Peter’s Square, moving the former busy motorway completely underground.

Rome’s Mayor Roberto Gualtieri told EWTN that he thinks the transformation of Piazza Pia will turn it into “one of the most beautiful squares in the world.”

Pope Francis has proclaimed that the “Jubilee of Hope” will begin on Christmas Eve 2024. The Vatican and the city of Rome are expecting an estimated 35 million people to flock to the Eternal City for the first ordinary jubilee since the Great Jubilee of 2000.

With more than 350 works planned around the ancient city in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee, there could be other unexpected archaeological discoveries.

Three human skeletons were found during construction works in 2019 on a subway station in Rome and were later found to date back to the first century B.C.

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LEGO Minecraft The Skeleton Dungeon Set, 21189 Construction Toy for Kids with Caves, Mobs and Figures with Crossbow Accessories

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LEGO Minecraft The Skeleton Dungeon Set, 21189 Construction Toy for Kids with Caves, Mobs and Figures with Crossbow Accessories

Purchase options and add-ons.

  • This action-packed LEGO Minecraft set features caves to explore, skeletons to battle and a spawning function that reveals more skeletons
  • Includes 3 biomes: a dripstone cave stalagmites, stalactites and a rock-fall function, plus a lush cave with bushes, clay and torches
  • There is also a dungeon with a skeleton spawner, plus lots of accessories including bread, a bone and a chest containing a music record
  • This Minecraft construction toy also includes a cave explorer and 3 skeleton figures, plus tools and weapons: 2 crossbows and a pickaxe
  • Kids can play out scenes battling the skeletons with a crossbow or stopping the hostile Minecraft mobs attack, by making rocks crash down on them
  • Kids can build, explore, battle and operate fun features, and then rebuild the set for even more creative LEGO Minecraft play
  • Give Minecraft players Ages 8 and over a birthday, Christmas or any-day treat with this hands-on version of the video game

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LEGO Minecraft The Skeleton Dungeon (21189) construction toy is an action-packed toy for Minecraft players Ages 8 and over. Allow kids to create classic Minecraft adventures with LEGO creativity. This versatile LEGO Minecraft set pits a cave explorer against hostile skeletons in a multi-biome environment comprising a dripstone cave with stalagmites and stalactites; a lush cave with bushes, vines, water, clay and torches; and the skeletons’ dungeon, which includes a spinning skeleton spawner. Hands-on action includes pushing a stalagmite to make rocks crash down onto the hostile Minecraft mobs and rotating a wall to reveal a third skeleton figure. Weapons include a crossbow and pickaxe, and there’s also a chest containing a music record, bread and a bone. There’s everything a Minecraft player needs to enjoy endless creative adventures. LEGO Minecraft construction toys give kids a different way to enjoy the video game, with mobs, scenes and features brought to life with the hands-on creativity of LEGO bricks. Measuring over 5.5 in. (14 cm) high, 7.5 in. (19 cm) wide and 5.5 in. (14 cm) deep, this versatile set is packed with play possibilities. Contains 364 Pieces.

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Safety information, from the manufacturer.


A skeleton dungeon filled with Minecraft fun

Action-packed LEGO Minecraft set, with caves to explore, skeletons to battle and endless hands-on creative play.


Many ways for Minecrafters to play

Kids build, explore, battle and operate cool features, then reconfigure the set for their next Minecraft adventure.

LEGO Minecraft The Skeleton Dungeon


Take Minecraft gaming to another level

This real-world version of the game gives Minecraft players everything they need for endless creative adventures.

What's in the box

  • LEGO Building Elements

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Customers like the fun, quality and ease of assembly of the toy building block. For example, they mention it's a great toy, keeps the fun and creativity flowing and that it'd make a perfect gift. Some appreciate the characters. That said, opinions are mixed on value.

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Customers find the toy building block set very fun, with moving parts and amazing details. They say it provides hours of entertainment and is great for the whole family. Customers also mention that it encourages creativity and imaginative play.

"...The set encourages creativity and imaginative play , making it a fantastic addition to any LEGO or Minecraft collection...." Read more

"It has several moving parts and my 8 year old grandson loved it." Read more

" Legos are always a lot of fun , this is an interesting set with fun characters." Read more

"...This is the perfect set for any child who is a Minecraft fan, and also loves the process and outcome of Lego building." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the quality of the toy building block. They mention it's a top quality toy, a great kit, and a fantastic addition to any LEGO or Minecraft collection. Some say that the price is reasonable.

"...encourages creativity and imaginative play, making it a fantastic addition to any LEGO or Minecraft collection...." Read more

"It's a very good lego set ." Read more

" Very good quality , fast delivery" Read more

"...He set it up for everyone to see. Very good product and very cute" Read more

Customers like the gift. They mention it's the perfect gift.

" Perfect Christmas gift , never a mistake." Read more

"My grandson ( and son ) love Legos. Great gift !" Read more

"...He gets frustrated when things are too easy. So this was the perfect gift . It’s taken him about a week to put it together, after school." Read more

" Great Christmas gift for my two grandsons." Read more

Customers find the toy building blocks easy to put together. They say the instructions are simple and the build is engaging. They also say the final product looks like it's been plucked and provides hours of creativity at your fingertips.

"...The build was engaging , and the final product looks like it's been plucked straight from the game...." Read more

"...Old grandson he loved it.It was just complicated enough for him to do without being too easy.He told me best birthday gift yet!!" Read more

"Lots of small pieces. Hours of creativity at your fingertips . Great fun for the whole family." Read more

"My son and I loved putting this together. Instructions are super simple ." Read more

Customers find the characters in the toy building block set interesting and fun. They also appreciate the inclusion of iconic Minecraft characters and the Skeleton Dungeon itself. Overall, customers say the set is a great choice to stimulate their imagination and provide hours of entertainment.

"...The inclusion of iconic Minecraft characters and the Skeleton Dungeon itself adds an extra layer of excitement to playtime...." Read more

"Legos are always a lot of fun, this is an interesting set with fun characters ." Read more

"...It was a great choice to stimulate his imagination and provide hours of entertainment." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the value of the toy building block. Some mention it's a good price, while others say it'd be overpriced.

" Good price and fast shipping. Grandson lovjed it." Read more

"... Needs to be more economically priced !" Read more

" Great set for the price and has a lot of cool play features." Read more

" Price raises are unfortunate but I am satisfied with the product overall, a lot of exclusive stuff here" Read more

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Joseph Flaherty

A Skeletal $300 Chair Takes Cues From a $300 Million Museum

Image may contain Furniture and Chair

Almost every museum has a gift shop where visitors can buy a knickknack to remember the time spent in front of a lovely Vermeer, but few galleries give patrons the ability to purchase furniture inspired by the building's architecture. The National Museum of African American History and Culture , designed by David Adjaye , is a 420,000-square-foot project being built in the shadow of the Washington Monument at a cost of $309 million, but for just $300, fans of the British architect can own a chair inspired by it.

Furniture giant Knoll commissioned Adjaye and his 48-person office—which has completed commissions in Moscow, Oslo, and London—to design a collection of furniture inspired by the stunning, bronze-clad, Smithsonian affiliate. It consists of: The Washington Skin Nylon Chair ($300), the Washington Skeleton Aluminum Side Chair ($490), and the Washington Corona Bronze Coffee Table , which is being produced in a limited edition of 75 units ($50,000).

>The cantilevered legs follow similar lines of the building's profile.

"I explored a number of themes in the Knoll furniture—such as monumentality, materiality and history—which are also evident in my architectural projects including the Washington building," says Adjaye "So the formal languages do share a timeframe and a common inquiry."

Adjaye started the process working on the plastic chair, but quickly realized that the distinct ribbing pattern, which helps the resin flow in an injection mold, would also make for an impressive die-cast aluminum design. "To be cost effective for both metal and plastic, we were limited to a two-part mold, which means that all the holes are cut in one direction," he says. "That was a challenge for us at first because we wanted the ribbing to feel integral, not applied." In the end, both designs have slightly different structures with limited variation in the number of ribs and their spacing. The chairs are minimal, but even the lightweight plastic chair can accommodate people who weigh 300 pounds.

The chairs have a distinct look that mimic the museum in subtle ways—the cantilevered legs follow similar lines of the building's profile and the ribbing is inspired by African patterns which also adorn the metallic facade, but despite his passion for larger than life forms, Adjaye was always keenly aware of ergonomics. "The primary idea behind the design was to mimic the form of a seated person," he says "The idea is that the chair almost disappears when in use."

For a designer used to planning projects that will span a decade, the Washington Collection gave Adjaye the flexibility to focus on big ideas instead of ballooning budgets. "Rather than making a product, it was an opportunity to express my position in terms of materials, silhouettes and forms," says Adjaye "It was like a testing ground for ideas that interest me"

Adjaye is no stranger to technical challenges, but required him to master a new set of materials, as well as price targets that would be rounding errors on his construction projects. "It is very different," he says. "Furniture can be everywhere and used by everyone, unthinkingly in their daily lives—it is a background. There is something very powerful and very rewarding about that."

The chairs are joined by the Corona Table, a $50,000 piece that is inspired by the bronze panels that will cover Adjaye's museum when it is completed. Its four panels were cast in bronze, with the exterior revealing the sand cast texture while the internal face was CNC milled and polished to a mirror finish. "The contrast in the finish is an investigation into the relationship between inside and outside, public and private, exposing and concealing," he says. "Many ideas which feed into my work more generally."

Some architects famously reject small projects like furniture and even small homes, but Adjaye relishes the opportunity "The collection explores critical themes in my work—research, history, materiality—finding specific conditions, amplifying them and making them aesthetic while giving them the potential to be part of our world."

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Drug-resistant superbug that mutated in orbit thrives inside international space station.

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It’s an-out-of-this-world infestation.

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station are living with a newly discovered supercharged, drug-resistant bug, according to a new scientific study.

Scientists discovered a mutated version of a common superbug that is resistant to antibiotics, according to a study published in the scientific journal “Microbiome.”

International Space Station.

The superbug, officially named Enterobacter bugandensis, is wholly distinct from its Earth counterpart.

“The singular nature of the stresses of the space environment, distinct from any on Earth, could be driving these genomic adaptations,” the report read.

Scientists isolated 13 strands of the bug over two years from various different locations in the ISS, leaving it in a closed human environment to adapt on its own.

Microorganisms introduced into the ISS must either thrive or di e .

E. Burgandensis found a way to adapt, highlighting the need for more “robust preventative measures” to protect the health of astronauts, according to the report.

Isolated in the ISS, scientists were able to observe the prevalence and spread of the bacterium over time. The ISS offered a particularly unique habitat for the microorganism to try to live in, including microgravity, elevated carbon dioxide levels, and radiation. 

Newly identified space superbug.

On earth, Enterobacter microorganisms are typically the cause of infections like osteomyelitis and urinary tract infections, according to the National Library of Medicine . 

Scientists chalked up the changes that they would observe in the strands to the impact of existing in space in their hypothesis. 

The ISS has previously been used to house a slew of bacteria and even fungi in order for scientists to understand the impact that residing and traveling through outer space can have on microorganisms . 

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