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Travel reports – all reports and travel articles at a glance

by Sascha Tegtmeyer

Travel writing is my way of sharing my experiences with the world. When I visit a new travel destination, I can't help but write a detailed report about it. With my travel reports I would like to inspire you to experience a place from home before you decide whether you might want to travel there. Information, inspiration and ideas – that’s what I want to convey to you with my travel stories.

My travel reports at a glance

Below I have listed my travel reports from around the world for you. Europe, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean in particular occur naturally. My hotel experience reports are also included in the list.

Traveling the world for my travel reports

I like to travel around the world and write for you about my experiences, which may inspire you and give you useful tips on how you can make your vacation even more beautiful and unforgettable. I have already visited many countries and holiday destinations in Europe, such as Mallorca, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Tenerife and the Spanish mainland, Portugal with Lisbon and Madeira, Germany with the Baltic Sea coast, Egypt as a popular sun destination in North Africa, the USA on the American one continent and many other beautiful places in the world.

Ich bin weltweit unterwegs für meine Reiseberichte.

But there are also many dream travel destinations that I haven't seen yet but would definitely like to get to know! South Africa, Australia, Costa Rica, Cuba and the fascinating destinations in South America such as Brazil, Colombia, Argentina and Chile are just a few of them. I'm sure you know the feeling: when you discover an amazing new place, you want to share it with others and tell them about it. That's how I feel when I write my travel reports from all over the world.

Travel reports Thailand

Thailand is a dream country for everyone who loves sun, sand, sea and adventure. We explored this wonderful country for four weeks in November 2015 and would like to tell you about our experiences and tips in this blog post. Our itinerary took us from Khao Lak via Phuket to Koh Phangan, Koh Samui and Koh Lipe. We not only enjoyed the beautiful beaches and islands, but also got to know the fascinating culture, the delicious cuisine and the friendly people.

We also visited some of the best diving spots in the world and marveled at the colorful underwater world of Thailand. We can only recommend you, Thailand Discover for yourself – there is so much to see and experience! In our travel reports you will find out everything you need to know to make your own Thailand dream come true!

Canary Islands travel reports

The Canary Islands are a popular travel destination for us at Just Wanderlust. We have experienced many exciting adventures on these beautiful islands. On Lanzarote (travel reports) we explored the fascinating volcanic landscape Gran Canaria (travel reports) we enjoyed the diverse nature and culture and on Tenerife we ​​marveled at the majestic Teide. The Canary Islands are an ideal place, especially in winter, for everyone who is looking for sun, beach and sea and doesn't want to fly for a long time. In our travel reports you will find out everything you need to know about the Canary Islands: tips, sights, activities and much more. Join us on our journey through the Canary Islands and let yourself be inspired!

Travel reports Mallorca

Mallorca is more than just a popular travel destination for Germans - it is an island full of beauty, culture and adventure! We have Mallorca have visited many times and are always amazed by the diversity and charm of this Balearic island. In this blog post we would like to share with you our personal experiences and recommendations for Mallorca.

You will find out which places you should definitely see, which activities you can try out and which culinary highlights await you. Mallorca has something to offer for every taste - whether you prefer to relax on the beach, hike through the mountains or explore the historic cities. Let Mallorca enchant you and follow us on our journey!

Travelogues Portugal

Portugal (travelogues) is one of our favorite destinations in Europe. We have traveled there several times and have discovered something new each time. Whether it's the charming city of Lisbon with its historic districts, colorful trams and lively nightlife, or the beautiful island of Madeira with its lush nature, spectacular views and delicious cuisine - Portugal has something to suit every taste.

In our travel reports we would like to share with you our experiences and tips for an unforgettable trip to Portugal. We'll tell you what to see, do and eat in Lisbon and Madeira, how to get around and where to stay. We'll also give you an outlook on our next trip to Portugal, which is already in the pipeline. Are you ready to be enchanted by this fascinating country?

Travel reports Indonesia

Indonesia is a fascinating travel destination that has a lot to offer. Whether you want to discover the cultural treasures of Bali, explore the untouched nature of Lombok or enjoy the beautiful beaches of the Gili Islands, you will find something for every taste here. We at Just Wanderlust went on an exciting tour through this diverse country and also explored the underwater world. In the articles we tell you about our experiences and give you tips on how you can plan your own trip to Indonesia.

Travel Report Egypt

If you like diving, Egypt is a dream destination for you. The country on the Red Sea not only offers fantastic beaches and plenty of sun, but also a fascinating underwater world with colorful corals, exotic fish and exciting wrecks. We are passionate divers and have traveled to Egypt six times. In our article from the land of the pharaohs we would like to share our experiences and tips for a successful diving holiday Egypt split. You will find out which diving areas there are, what you should pay attention to and how to find the best offers. We will also show you some photos and videos from our dives that are guaranteed to inspire you. Get inspired by our Egypt travel report!

Travel Reports USA

We are very passionate about the United States of America and want to see and experience as much of this diverse country as possible. So far we have only made one trip to Florida, the Sunshine State in the south. It was a great experience, but it only made us more curious about the other regions. That's why we're already planning our next trip to America and look forward to hearing more from you soon US trip reports showcase. We want to take you on our adventures and give you tips and inspiration for your own travels. Whether you prefer to explore the vibrant metropolises, the breathtaking national parks or the picturesque coasts, you will find everything you need to know here.

Travel reports Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is not only a popular travel destination, but also our home. We at Just Wanderlust live right on the beach and sea and know the most beautiful corners and insider tips in the region. In our Baltic Sea travel reports Find out everything you need to know for an unforgettable holiday on the German coast. We'll tell you the best beaches, sights, activities and accommodations for every taste and budget. We also give you practical tips on getting there, the weather, safety and sustainability. Whether you are planning a relaxing beach holiday, an active sports holiday or a cultural city trip – with our Baltic Sea travel reports you are well prepared!

Moin, ich bin Sascha Tobias Tegtmeyer aus Hamburg – und mit Herz und Seele ein echtes Strandkind! Meer-Fan, Reise-Liebhaber und immer für ein Abenteuer zu haben. Auf meinem Reiseblog und den Social-Media-Kanälen von Strandkind Travels verbinde ich die Liebe zum Reisen und zur Natur mit einem Faible für Wassersport wie Stand Up Paddling, Tauchen und Surfen. Ich bin Journalist, Autor und Blogger – und von Natur aus Neugierig, wenn ich neue Reiseziele kennen lerne und anschließend ausführlich darüber schreibe. Wenn ich mit meiner Familie oder allein unterwegs bin, dürfen bei mir als Technik-Fan auch immer gern ein paar Reise-Gadgets zu Testzwecken mit dabei sein. Meine bevorzugten Reiseländer, über die ich auch bevorzugt in meinem Reiseblog schreibe: USA, Thailand und Malediven.

About the author

I'm just a curious beach kid in the world.

Hello, I am  Sascha Tobias Tegtmeyer from Hamburg – and a real beach child with heart and soul! Sea fan, travel lover and always up for an adventure. On my travel blog and the social media channels of Strandkind Travels, I combine my love of traveling and nature with a passion for water sports such as stand-up paddling, diving and surfing. I am a journalist, author and blogger - and I am naturally curious when I get to know new travel destinations and then write about them in detail. As a technology fan, when I'm traveling with my family or alone, I'm always happy to bring a few travel gadgets with me for testing purposes. My favorite travel countries, which I also prefer to write about in my travel blog: USA, Thailand and Maldives.

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stick with Travel Blog and @strandkind_co always up to date and just follow me on Instagram!

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#blogger & #travelwriter 😎☀️🏄‍♂️🤩 Daily Inspiration 💁‍♂️ I'm just a curious #beach kid in the world #travel #adventure #life ⬇️Blog + Impr⬇️

Let your mind wander – who would want to do that now? ☺️🏝️☀️⛵️ #tinyhousevacation #TinyHouseDream #BeachHouseLove #SmallHomeBigLife #BeachhouseVibes #TinyHouseMovement #BeachHouseStyle #MinimalistLiving #TinyHouseOnTheBeach #BeachhouseFlair #CompactLiving #BeachHouseLife #TinyHouseDesign #BeachhouseDecor #LifeOnLittleFoot #BeachHouseDream #TinyHouseAdventures #BeachhouseChic #SustainableLiving #BeachhouseTimeout #TinyHouseCommunity #BeachhouseEssentials #SmallSpaceBigIdeas #beachhousefeeling #TinyHouseLifestyle #BeachhouseRetreat #EcoTinyHouse #BeachhouseInspiration #TinyHouseOnWheels #BeachhouseLuxury #TinyHouseVacation

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Isn't seclusion the real luxury? 🥰🏝️☀️⛵️ #tinyhousevacation #TinyHouseDream #BeachHouseLove #SmallHomeBigLife #BeachhouseVibes #TinyHouseMovement #BeachHouseStyle #MinimalistLiving #TinyHouseOnTheBeach #BeachhouseFlair #CompactLiving #BeachHouseLife #TinyHouseDesign #BeachhouseDecor #LifeOnLittleFoot #BeachHouseDream #TinyHouseAdventures #BeachhouseChic #SustainableLiving #BeachhouseTimeout #TinyHouseCommunity #BeachhouseEssentials #SmallSpaceBigIdeas #beachhousefeeling #TinyHouseLifestyle #BeachhouseRetreat #EcoTinyHouse #BeachhouseInspiration #TinyHouseOnWheels #BeachhouseLuxury #TinyHouseVacation

report about travel

My latest design looks like your nice choice for a summer vacation on the Mediterranean, doesn't it? I just wanted to use my AI designs to see how my followers liked it. I started doing this because I noticed that these pictures really made me want to go on vacation and architecture - and I realized that my AI designs were more popular than many of my real, self-shot photos. That's why I think to myself: Okay, then we can carry on with this a little bit. I'm still thinking about starting my own Beachhouse Instagram channel. In the end it doesn't matter - the important thing is that you see a picture, feel inspired by it and see yourself sitting on the beach, in front of your own little hut, away from all the stress. That would be nice, right? #tinyhousevacation #TinyHouseDream #BeachHouseLove #SmallHomeBigLife #BeachhouseVibes #TinyHouseMovement #BeachHouseStyle #MinimalistLiving #TinyHouseOnTheBeach #BeachhouseFlair #CompactLiving #BeachHouseLife #TinyHouseDesign #BeachhouseDecor #LifeOnLittleFoot #BeachHouseDream #TinyHouseAdventures #BeachhouseChic #SustainableLiving #BeachhouseTimeout #TinyHouseCommunity #BeachhouseEssentials #SmallSpaceBigIdeas #beachhousefeeling #TinyHouseLifestyle #BeachhouseRetreat #EcoTinyHouse #BeachhouseInspiration #TinyHouseOnWheels #BeachhouseLuxury #TinyHouseVacation

report about travel

Small hut, great holiday fun – what more could you want? Imagine waking up in this beautiful seaside home with the sound of the waves and the warm sun tickling your face. The bright blue pool and shimmering sea invite you to take a refreshing swim, and the cozy terrace is the perfect place to enjoy the sunrise with a cup of coffee. This picturesque retreat offers you the perfect mix of tranquility and adventure - the ideal place to recharge and create unforgettable memories. #TinyHouseDream #BeachHouseLove #SmallHomeBigLife #BeachhouseVibes #TinyHouseMovement #BeachHouseStyle #MinimalistLiving #TinyHouseOnTheBeach #BeachhouseFlair #CompactLiving #BeachHouseLife #TinyHouseDesign #BeachhouseDecor #LifeOnLittleFoot #BeachHouseDream #TinyHouseAdventures #BeachhouseChic #SustainableLiving #BeachhouseTimeout #TinyHouseCommunity #BeachhouseEssentials #SmallSpaceBigIdeas #beachhousefeeling #TinyHouseLifestyle #BeachhouseRetreat #EcoTinyHouse #BeachhouseInspiration #TinyHouseOnWheels #BeachhouseLuxury #TinyHouseVacation

report about travel

My design today: Traditional beach house - from the living room directly to the pool 🥰🏝️ Who would like to be there as much as me? #TinyHouseDream #BeachHouseLove #SmallHomeBigLife #BeachhouseVibes #TinyHouseMovement #BeachHouseStyle #MinimalistLiving #TinyHouseOnTheBeach #BeachhouseFlair #CompactLiving #BeachHouseLife #TinyHouseDesign #BeachhouseDecor #LifeOnLittleFoot #BeachHouseDream #TinyHouseAdventures #BeachhouseChic #SustainableLiving #BeachhouseTimeout #TinyHouseCommunity #BeachhouseEssentials #SmallSpaceBigIdeas #beachhousefeeling #TinyHouseLifestyle #BeachhouseRetreat #EcoTinyHouse #BeachhouseInspiration #TinyHouseOnWheels #BeachhouseLuxury #TinyHouseVacation

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Has anyone booked their summer vacation for this year yet? #TinyHouseDream #BeachHouseLove #SmallHomeBigLife #BeachhouseVibes #TinyHouseMovement #BeachHouseStyle #MinimalistLiving #TinyHouseOnTheBeach #BeachhouseFlair #CompactLiving #BeachHouseLife #TinyHouseDesign #BeachhouseDecor #LifeOnLittleFoot #BeachHouseDream #TinyHouseAdventures #BeachhouseChic #SustainableLiving #BeachhouseTimeout #TinyHouseCommunity #BeachhouseEssentials #SmallSpaceBigIdeas #beachhousefeeling #TinyHouseLifestyle #BeachhouseRetreat #EcoTinyHouse #BeachhouseInspiration #TinyHouseOnWheels #BeachhouseLuxury #TinyHouseVacation

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Travel reports help readers get an impression of the travel destination before their vacation, my conclusion.

Travel reports from people who have already traveled all over the world are often very exciting and provide valuable information about the potential travel destination before a vacation. It is interesting to read which countries you have visited, in which environment you may live there permanently or which experiences you have brought with you from your trip. In addition, there are of course some travel reports that are only exciting because the author managed to get himself into trouble - as long as nothing bad has happened to the author, these posts should be particularly entertaining. I've also gotten myself into trouble on a regular basis while traveling.

Do you read travel reports regularly before your vacation - or maybe even write some yourself? Share your experiences in the comments.

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Why travel should be considered an essential human activity

Travel is not rational, but it’s in our genes. Here’s why you should start planning a trip now.

Two women gaze at heavy surf while lying on boulders on the coast.

In 1961, legendary National Geographic photographer Volkmar Wentzel captured two women gazing at the surf off Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. This and all the other images in this story come from the National Geographic image collection.

I’ve been putting my passport to good use lately. I use it as a coaster and to level wobbly table legs. It makes an excellent cat toy.

Welcome to the pandemic of disappointments. Canceled trips, or ones never planned lest they be canceled. Family reunions, study-abroad years, lazy beach vacations. Poof. Gone. Obliterated by a tiny virus, and the long list of countries where United States passports are not welcome.

Only a third of Americans say they have traveled overnight for leisure since March, and only slightly more, 38 percent, say they are likely to do so by the end of the year, according to one report. Only a quarter of us plan on leaving home for Thanksgiving, typically the busiest travel time. The numbers paint a grim picture of our stilled lives.

It is not natural for us to be this sedentary. Travel is in our genes. For most of the time our species has existed, “we’ve lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers moving about in small bands of 150 or fewer people,” writes Christopher Ryan in Civilized to Death . This nomadic life was no accident. It was useful. “Moving to a neighboring band is always an option to avoid brewing conflict or just for a change in social scenery,” says Ryan. Robert Louis Stevenson put it more succinctly: “The great affair is to move.”

What if we can’t move, though? What if we’re unable to hunt or gather? What’s a traveler to do? There are many ways to answer that question. “Despair,” though, is not one of them.

wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers in Ocean City, Maryland

In this aerial view from 1967, wall-to-wall seaside sunbathers relax under umbrellas or on beach towels in Ocean City, Maryland .

During a fall festival, each state shows off its costumes and dances.

A 1967 fall festival in Guadalajara, Mexico , starred traditionally costumed musicians and dancers.

We are an adaptive species. We can tolerate brief periods of forced sedentariness. A dash of self-delusion helps. We’re not grounded, we tell ourselves. We’re merely between trips, like the unemployed salesman in between opportunities. We pass the days thumbing though old travel journals and Instagram feeds. We gaze at souvenirs. All this helps. For a while.

We put on brave faces. “Staycation Nation,” the cover of the current issue of Canadian Traveller magazine declares cheerfully, as if it were a choice, not a consolation.

Today, the U.S. Travel Association, the industry trade organization, is launching a national recovery campaign called “ Let’s Go There .” Backed by a coalition of businesses related to tourism—hotels, convention and visitor bureaus, airlines—the initiative’s goal is to encourage Americans to turn idle wanderlust into actual itineraries.

The travel industry is hurting. So are travelers. “I dwelled so much on my disappointment that it almost physically hurt,” Paris -based journalist Joelle Diderich told me recently, after canceling five trips last spring.

(Related: How hard has the coronavirus hit the travel industry? These charts tell us.)

My friend James Hopkins is a Buddhist living in Kathmandu . You’d think he’d thrive during the lockdown, a sort-of mandatory meditation retreat. For a while he did.

But during a recent Skype call, James looked haggard and dejected. He was growing restless, he confessed, and longed “for the old 10-countries-a-year schedule.” Nothing seemed to help, he told me. “No matter how many candles I lit, or how much incense I burned, and in spite of living in one of the most sacred places in South Asia, I just couldn’t change my habits.”

When we ended our call, I felt relieved, my grumpiness validated. It’s not me; it’s the pandemic. But I also worried. If a Buddhist in Kathmandu is going nuts, what hope do the rest of us stilled souls have?

I think hope lies in the very nature of travel. Travel entails wishful thinking. It demands a leap of faith, and of imagination, to board a plane for some faraway land, hoping, wishing, for a taste of the ineffable. Travel is one of the few activities we engage in not knowing the outcome and reveling in that uncertainty. Nothing is more forgettable than the trip that goes exactly as planned.

Related: Vintage photos of the glamour of travel

report about travel

Travel is not a rational activity. It makes no sense to squeeze yourself into an alleged seat only to be hurled at frightening speed to a distant place where you don’t speak the language or know the customs. All at great expense. If we stopped to do the cost-benefit analysis, we’d never go anywhere. Yet we do.

That’s one reason why I’m bullish on travel’s future. In fact, I’d argue travel is an essential industry, an essential activity. It’s not essential the way hospitals and grocery stores are essential. Travel is essential the way books and hugs are essential. Food for the soul. Right now, we’re between courses, savoring where we’ve been, anticipating where we’ll go. Maybe it’s Zanzibar and maybe it’s the campground down the road that you’ve always wanted to visit.

(Related: Going camping this fall? Here’s how to get started.)

James Oglethorpe, a seasoned traveler, is happy to sit still for a while, and gaze at “the slow change of light and clouds on the Blue Ridge Mountains” in Virginia, where he lives. “My mind can take me the rest of the way around this world and beyond it.”

It’s not the place that is special but what we bring to it and, crucially, how we interact with it. Travel is not about the destination, or the journey. It is about stumbling across “a new way of looking at things,” as writer Henry Miller observed. We need not travel far to gain a fresh perspective.

No one knew this better than Henry David Thoreau , who lived nearly all of his too-short life in Concord, Massachusetts. There he observed Walden Pond from every conceivable vantage point: from a hilltop, on its shores, underwater. Sometimes he’d even bend over and peer through his legs, marveling at the inverted world. “From the right point of view, every storm and every drop in it is a rainbow,” he wrote.

Thoreau never tired of gazing at his beloved pond, nor have we outgrown the quiet beauty of our frumpy, analog world. If anything, the pandemic has rekindled our affection for it. We’ve seen what an atomized, digital existence looks like, and we (most of us anyway) don’t care for it. The bleachers at Chicago ’s Wrigley Field; the orchestra section at New York City ’s Lincoln Center; the alleyways of Tokyo . We miss these places. We are creatures of place, and always will be.

After the attacks of September 11, many predicted the end of air travel, or at least a dramatic reduction. Yet the airlines rebounded steadily and by 2017 flew a record four billion passengers. Briefly deprived of the miracle of flight, we appreciated it more and today tolerate the inconvenience of body scans and pat-downs for the privilege of transporting our flesh-and-bone selves to far-flung locations, where we break bread with other incarnate beings.

Colorful designs surrounding landscape architect at work in his studio in Rio de Jainero, Brazil

Landscape architects work in their Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , studio in 1955.

A tourist photographs a tall century plant, a member of the agaves.

A tourist photographs a towering century plant in St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, in 1956.

In our rush to return to the world, we should be mindful of the impact of mass tourism on the planet. Now is the time to embrace the fundamental values of sustainable tourism and let them guide your future journeys. Go off the beaten path. Linger longer in destinations. Travel in the off-season. Connect with communities and spend your money in ways that support locals. Consider purchasing carbon offsets. And remember that the whole point of getting out there is to embrace the differences that make the world so colorful.

“One of the great benefits of travel is meeting new people and coming into contact with different points of view,” says Pauline Frommer, travel expert and radio host.

So go ahead and plan that trip. It’s good for you, scientists say . Plotting a trip is nearly as enjoyable as actually taking one. Merely thinking about a pleasurable experience is itself pleasurable. Anticipation is its own reward.

I’ve witnessed first-hand the frisson of anticipatory travel. My wife, not usually a fan of travel photography, now spends hours on Instagram, gazing longingly at photos of Alpine lodges and Balinese rice fields. “What’s going on?” I asked one day. “They’re just absolutely captivating,” she replied. “They make me remember that there is a big, beautiful world out there.”

Many of us, myself included, have taken travel for granted. We grew lazy and entitled, and that is never good. Tom Swick, a friend and travel writer, tells me he used to view travel as a given. Now, he says, “I look forward to experiencing it as a gift.”

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The latest travel data.


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U.S. Travel has temporarily paused our monthly data newsletter, however, the latest travel data is still available via the U.S. Travel Insights Dashboard . This dashboard is updated each month (member login required).

The U.S. Travel Insights Dashboard , developed in collaboration with Tourism Economics, is supported by more than 20 data sources. The dashboard is the most comprehensive and centralized source for high-frequency intelligence on the U.S. travel industry, tracking industry performance, travel volumes and predictive indicators of recovery including air and lodging forecasts, DMO website traffic, convention and group trends, travel spending and losses, traveler sentiment, among others to measure the health of the industry.

Key Highlights January 2024:

  • Travel appetite started the year on a softer note, but overall growth continued. Air passenger growth remained positive, up 6% versus the prior year but lower than the double-digit growth seen through 2023. Foreign visits remained strong, up 24% YoY.
  • Hotel room demand continued a trend of slight contraction falling 1% versus the prior year, while short-term rental demand grew 1%, a lower rate than 2023.
  • A particular bright spot was that group room demand within the top 25 markets displayed solid growth of 9% relative to the prior year.
  • The outlook for the economy remains fairly optimistic due to the strength of the labor market, looser financial conditions and healthy household and nonfinancial corporate balance sheets. This has filtered through to slightly higher consumer sentiment in February.
  • Sentiment is also growing for upcoming leisure travel in 2024. The share of travelers reporting having travel plans within the next six months increased to 93% in January from 92% in December, according to Longwoods International’s monthly survey.
  • Travel price inflation (TPI) fell slightly in January as a result of falling transportation prices. Sticky services inflation should see relief from decelerating wage growth. However, upside risks stem from rising healthcare costs, supply chain disruptions and slowing labor supply. Source: U.S. Travel Association and Tourism Economics

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Additional monthly insights are available through the full U.S. Travel Monthly Data Report, exclusive to members. Please inquire with  membership  if you are interested in learning about becoming a member of U.S. Travel Association. 

Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024

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The Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 is the second edition of an index that evolved from the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) series, a flagship index of the World Economic Forum that has been in production since 2007. The TTDI is part of the Forum’s broader work with industry and government stakeholders to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future for economies and local communities.

The long awaited Venice day tripper tax is coming into force in 2024.

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All your jet-setting and hotel-hopping is having a significant effect on the global economy.

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The 14-figure sums can be broken down into three types of travel transactions, Bloomberg notes. Direct travel spending includes things like hotels, tours, and transportation, as well as public investment in these types of services. Indirect travel spending covers the expenses of those businesses, such as sheets and towels or the ingredients for the breakfast buffet. Finally, induced spending accounts for the trickle-down effects of hospitality employees.

In total, 142 out of the 185 surveyed countries are expected to exceed their 2019 tourism performance levels in 2024. Almost all nations are expected to see year-over-year growth, too. As a result, records are likely to be broken on a local level as well as a global.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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2022 Travelers: A Multi-Country Survey Report

2022 Travelers: A Multi-Country Survey Report

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Report Overview

The disruption of the pandemic means not only less travel, but also different travel. How have people traveled in the past two years? What are the changes? Will the changes last when the pandemic is over? And what are the new inspirations for people when they can finally travel freely again?

We conducted our 2022 Traveler Survey to understand these crucial questions as we prepare for a full travel recovery. We surveyed travelers from five major tourism markets —the U.S., UK, Australia, China and India—to get a global perspective, especially given the varying levels of travel restrictions and governmental and individual responses during the past two years.

This data-intensive report presents and analyzes the findings from this survey, delving into all major components of the global tourism industry—outbound travel, accommodation, transportation, destination, and tourism activities. For each component, we reveal key trends pre-, during-pandemic and explore potential changes and shifts post-pandemic, from both global and country-specific perspectives.

What You'll Learn From This Report

  • Economic Outlook
  • Travel Rate, Frequency and Purpose
  • Outbound Travel Trends and Shifts
  • Accommodation Types and Shifts
  • Transportation Types and Shifts
  • Destination Considerations and Shifts
  • Activity and Inspiration Trends and Shifts

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Fact sheet: 2022 national travel and tourism strategy, office of public affairs.

The 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy was released on June 6, 2022, by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo on behalf of the Tourism Policy Council (TPC). The new strategy focuses the full efforts of the federal government to promote the United States as a premier destination grounded in the breadth and diversity of our communities, and to foster a sector that drives economic growth, creates good jobs, and bolsters conservation and sustainability. Drawing on engagement and capabilities from across the federal government, the strategy aims to support broad-based economic growth in travel and tourism across the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia.

Key points of the 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy

The federal government will work to implement the strategy under the leadership of the TPC and in partnership with the private sector, aiming toward an ambitious five-year goal of increasing American jobs by attracting and welcoming 90 million international visitors, who we estimate will spend $279 billion, annually by 2027.

The new National Travel and Tourism Strategy supports growth and competitiveness for an industry that, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, generated $1.9 trillion in economic output and supported 9.5 million American jobs. Also, in 2019, nearly 80 million international travelers visited the United States and contributed nearly $240 billion to the U.S. economy, making the United States the global leader in revenue from international travel and tourism. As the top services export for the United States that year, travel and tourism generated a $53.4 billion trade surplus and supported 1 million jobs in the United States.

The strategy follows a four-point approach:

  • Promoting the United States as a Travel Destination Goal : Leverage existing programs and assets to promote the United States to international visitors and broaden marketing efforts to encourage visitation to underserved communities.
  • Facilitating Travel to and Within the United States Goal : Reduce barriers to trade in travel services and make it safer and more efficient for visitors to enter and travel within the United States.
  • Ensuring Diverse, Inclusive, and Accessible Tourism Experiences Goal : Extend the benefits of travel and tourism by supporting the development of diverse tourism products, focusing on under-served communities and populations. Address the financial and workplace needs of travel and tourism businesses, supporting destination communities as they grow their tourism economies. Deliver world-class experiences and customer service at federal lands and waters that showcase the nation’s assets while protecting them for future generations.
  • Fostering Resilient and Sustainable Travel and Tourism Goal : Reduce travel and tourism’s contributions to climate change and build a travel and tourism sector that is resilient to natural disasters, public health threats, and the impacts of climate change. Build a sustainable sector that integrates protecting natural resources, supporting the tourism economy, and ensuring equitable development.

Travel and Tourism Fast Facts

  • The travel and tourism industry supported 9.5 million American jobs through $1.9 trillion of economic activity in 2019. In fact, 1 in every 20 jobs in the United States was either directly or indirectly supported by travel and tourism. These jobs can be found in industries like lodging, food services, arts, entertainment, recreation, transportation, and education.
  • Travel and tourism was the top services export for the United States in 2019, generating a $53.4 billion trade surplus.
  • The travel and tourism industry was one of the U.S. business sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent health and travel restrictions, with travel exports decreasing nearly 65% from 2019 to 2020. 
  • The decline in travel and tourism contributed heavily to unemployment; leisure and hospitality lost 8.2 million jobs between February and April 2020 alone, accounting for 37% of the decline in overall nonfarm employment during that time. 
  • By 2021, the rollout of vaccines and lifting of international and domestic restrictions allowed travel and tourism to begin its recovery. International arrivals to the United States grew to 22.1 million in 2021, up from 19.2 million in 2020. Spending by international visitors also grew, reaching $81.0 billion, or 34 percent of 2019’s total.

More about the Tourism Policy Council and the 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy

Created by Congress and chaired by Secretary Raimondo, the Tourism Policy Council (TPC) is the interagency council charged with coordinating national policies and programs relating to travel and tourism. At the direction of Secretary Raimondo, the TPC created a new five-year strategy to focus U.S. government efforts in support of the travel and tourism sector which has been deeply and disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the full strategy here

What should a business travel report include? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R15ajm:",1)

Your business trip is over, and now it’s time to draft up a travel report. Why does your manager ask for a business trip report? And what should a good report include? Scroll down to learn everything you need to know about how to write a travel report.

report about travel

What is a business trip report? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R2tajm:",1)

A business trip report, or business travel report , is a document about a business trip, usually written for a manager. It’s like a memo of the trip, its purpose, learnings, and outcomes.

The meaning of a business trip report is to give an overview of the trip and justify the expenses. 

With a travel report, you tell your manager (or other relevant people in the company) what your trip was about: purpose, goals, achievements, learnings, and recommendations. The purpose of a business trip can be, for example, to solidify business partnerships, prospect for new clients, or learn about the latest industry trends.

A business trip report also justifies the investment the company makes. If your employer sends you on a business trip and pays for the costs, how will it benefit from your travel? 

What should a travel report include? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":Rctajm:",1)

There isn’t one set format for a travel report. You can check if your company has a template for reporting business trips or if there are some conventions or requirements the report should follow. If not, you can find a simple business trip report template in this article. 

Unless you work in a traditional industry, a travel report doesn’t have to be too formal. Your manager probably doesn't want to scan through a 20-page report. 

It’s okay to keep the report brief and concise. You can skip the table of contents and executive summary and focus on the goals, outcomes, and learnings of the trip – the part that matters the most. 

A simple outline for a business trip report  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":Rktajm:",1)

If you want to keep your travel report short and sweet, you can follow this simple structure. 

Basics : Your name, participants (your colleagues), travel period, and destination.

Purpose of trip : Why did you go on this trip? What were the goals? 

Overview : What events did you attend? Who did you meet? What learnings did you gain? 

Summary and Conclusions : A brief summary of the trip and recommendations or action points.

Expenses : You can list your expenses here or deliver your expense claim separately. 

Attachments : If you claim expenses, attach receipts and invoices as proof of travel costs.

Claim travel expenses with an expense report self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":Rqtajm:",1)

If you’ve paid travel expenses from your own pocket, you can claim expense reimbursement from your employer. Depending on your company’s conventions, you can either attach the expense claim to the report or deliver it separately. 

More and more companies use digital tools to manage travel expenses, which means that you don’t need to claim back travel costs with a paper document (and not even with a PDF). For example, Pliant features an integration to Circula , a software designed to streamline and automate claiming and managing travel costs and allowances.

Use a business travel report template  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R10tajm:",1)

If your company doesn’t have a fixed structure for a business travel report and you’re not sure how to go about it, here’s a template to help you get started. 

You can use this template to summarize your trip and its expenses in a simple and easy-to-skim format. 

Bear in mind that this isn’t an official travel report template – if there is such a thing. Feel free to edit and customize it for your needs. You can skip or add sections that you see useful. If you want to highlight something particular, add new sections, like Goals or Learnings. 

How to write a travel report?  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R18tajm:",1)

Following the structure of the template above, here’s how you write a travel report. 

Start with the basics self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R1ctajm:",1)

First things first. In addition to your own name, mention any colleagues that were with you on the trip. Include the travel period and destination.

Focus on the benefits for the company  self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R1gtajm:",1)

The body is the most important part of your report. You can use a structure that works best for you, but if you’re not sure what to include, here are some ideas.

You can start with the purpose . Why did you go on this trip? What were the goals? This could be, for example, to keep up with the industry trends at a conference. 

Provide an overview of the trip. Who did you meet? What events did you attend? What did you learn? This is your chance to shine. Stress how the trip was beneficial for the company. Not only did you pick up new skills at a seminar, but now you can put them to use in your work for the company. You’ll want to show how sending you on this trip was a good investment. 

Close with a summary and conclusions . Write a summary and revisit the key points, like your learnings, how the goals were met (or why they weren’t), and recommendations and an action plan for the next steps.

Attach a cost summary and receipts (if necessary) self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R1qtajm:",1)

Depending on your company’s travel expense policy, you can attach a cost summary of your reimbursable expenses and relevant attachments to the travel report. Attachments include receipts and invoices as proof of incurred expenses during the trip.

If you deliver an expense claim with an app or in another way established in your workplace, you don’t have to include it in the travel report.  

What is an example of business travel? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R20tajm:",1)

There are many types of business travel, ranging from conferences to trade shows to visiting international branches of the same company. 

What qualifies as business travel in the eyes of the tax office varies from country to country. But usually, there’s some kind of requirement for temporary travel for work purposes.

Examples of business travel include:

Conferences and seminars

Trade shows and fairs

Travel to meet business partners, like suppliers or clients

Internal visits and meetings at different locations  

Company retreats and events

Not every type of business travel requires a travel report. If you’re traveling to a company retreat or summer party to unwind and bond with your colleagues, you can skip the report. 

When does a business trip require a travel report? self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R2ctajm:",1)

Whether a business trip report is required depends on the organization and its travel policy. A travel report isn’t always necessary, so it’s best to ask your manager. 

But if you claim reimbursement for business-related travel expenses, you do need to submit an expense report and receipts. This is usually required by the tax office to provide a clear audit trail of why your employer is making a (tax-exempt) payment to you. But this doesn’t mean you have to write a report on the whole trip. 

Depending on the policy of your company, you might either submit an expense claim with an app or software or in another fashion that is established in your organization. 

In summary self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=R=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,i=s.clientHeight,c=o/2-.25,l=o+.5,u;if(o){for(;c+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s)};self.__wrap_b(":R2ktajm:",1)

Business travel report policies vary from company to company. While a travel expense claim may be required by the tax office, a business trip report is usually just used for internal purposes. 

In some companies or industries, lengthy reports may be the norm. But just the same, there may not be a culture of writing travel reports at all. When in doubt, ask your manager.

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What is embedded finance and how could it benefit your business.

As TechCrunch so aptly put it, embedded finance is having a moment: banking, payments, and more are being continually integrated into the apps and platforms you already use. You’d be forgiven for thinking that controlling the means of payment would be a goldmine because, well… it is. In fact, more companies than ever are aiming to blur the lines between product and payment, and if you’ve found this post, yours might be among them.

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You’re our first priority. Every time.

We believe everyone should be able to make financial decisions with confidence. And while our site doesn’t feature every company or financial product available on the market, we’re proud that the guidance we offer, the information we provide and the tools we create are objective, independent, straightforward — and free.

So how do we make money? Our partners compensate us. This may influence which products we review and write about (and where those products appear on the site), but it in no way affects our recommendations or advice, which are grounded in thousands of hours of research. Our partners cannot pay us to guarantee favorable reviews of their products or services. Here is a list of our partners .

NerdWallet’s 2021 Holiday Travel Report

Erin El Issa

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

The COVID-19 pandemic changed just about everything last year, and many Americans (26%) opted out of traveling for the holidays because of it. This year, more than 2 in 5 Americans (43%) plan to spend money on flights or hotel stays during the holiday season, spending $1,814, on average. That’s close to 110 million travelers spending nearly $200 billion on holiday travel expenses, according to recent NerdWallet analysis.

A new NerdWallet survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults — 780 of whom plan to spend money on flights/hotel stays for the 2021 holidays — conducted online by The Harris Poll asked Americans about their travel plans this holiday season. We also asked travelers how they’re saving money on holiday travel, whether or not they’re charging travel expenses to a credit card, and how COVID-19 is impacting their planned trips.

Key findings

Close to 3 in 10 Americans who say they didn’t travel during the 2020 holiday season (29%) plan to spend money on flights/hotel stays during the 2021 holiday season, according to the survey.

The survey shows that of Americans who plan to put 2021 holiday travel expenses on a credit card, the average they plan to charge is $1,471. That’s more than $116 billion in total credit card spending on holiday travel this year.

The survey found that about 9 in 10 holiday travelers (89%) — defined as those who plan to spend money on flights/hotel stays for the holidays this year — are taking action to save money on holiday-related travel expenses.

Around a quarter of holiday travelers (24%) say they’re using a different means of transportation to travel for the holidays than they normally would because of COVID-19, according to the survey.

More than three-quarters of Americans who are unsure if they will be spending money on flights/hotels this holiday season (77%) say their reasons are COVID-related, the survey shows. The same goes for more than half of Americans who don’t plan to spend on flights/hotels for the holidays this year (57%).

“COVID ruined so many holidays and special events. Americans are ready for a holiday season that feels like it used to, and for many, that means traveling to visit family and friends,” says Sara Rathner, travel expert at NerdWallet. “The urge to spare no expense is strong, but set a budget and try to stick to it. You can have a special holiday without spending the new year paying the price for it.”

Holiday travel ramping back up after 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has been disruptive to many Americans’ travel plans. More than a quarter of Americans (26%) say they intended to travel during the 2020 holiday season, but didn’t because of the pandemic, according to the survey. Some of those who opted out of travel last holiday season are heading out this year.

Close to 3 in 10 Americans who didn’t travel during the 2020 holiday season (29%) say they plan to spend money on flights and hotels during the 2021 holiday season. Throughout this report, we’ll refer to those who plan to spend money on flights and hotels this holiday season as “holiday travelers.”

Most holiday travelers using credit cards

More than 7 in 10 holiday travelers (71%) say they’ll put at least some of their travel-related expenses on a credit card, charging $1,471 on average. That’s close to 80 million Americans spending a combined $116 billion on credit cards for holiday flights and hotel/motel stays.

“ Unless you’re experiencing a true emergency, we recommend avoiding credit card debt if possible. ”

Putting travel charges on a credit card isn’t synonymous with going into debt for holiday travel. More than 1 in 5 holiday travelers planning to put expenses on a credit card (21%) say they’ll pay off the balance with the first statement. That means they won’t owe any interest and can just reap the benefits of potential credit card rewards and purchase protection.

However, some travelers plan to carry balances, at least for a little while.

Holiday travelers charging these expenses to a credit card think it will take them, on average, 2.8 months to pay these balances off. This would cost these holiday travelers $40 in interest each, or a total of close to $3.2 billion, according to NerdWallet analysis.

“Unless you’re experiencing a true emergency, we recommend avoiding credit card debt if possible. It adds onto the cost of everything and can quickly spiral out of control,” Rathner says. “It can be easy to justify an extra $40 for the holidays, but what if your car breaks down in January and you take on more debt before you pay off those holiday bills? When you don’t have credit card debt, you’re in a better position to deal with unexpected costs.”

Holiday travelers taking steps to save

The majority of Americans who travel for the holidays (70%) save for these trips in advance, but maybe not far enough in advance. More than 1 in 5 (22%) save for five weeks or less, and on average, those who travel for the holidays save for just 9.4 weeks before travel. Assuming they spend the reported average of $1,814 on holiday travel, they would need to save close to $200 a week — on top of what they might be saving for other holiday costs.

That said, most holiday travelers (89%) are taking action to save money on their travel-related expenses. The top money-saving methods? More than a third of holiday travelers (37%) say they’ll choose a flight based on price instead of convenience, and 33% say they’ll choose a hotel/motel based on price instead of amenities.

COVID-19 impacts travel for another holiday season

Despite the fact that more Americans are traveling for the holidays this year — 43% plan to spend money on flights or hotel stays for the holidays, compared to 19% who did so in 2020 —  the COVID-19 pandemic persists, and so does its impact on travel. Roughly a quarter of holiday travelers (24%) say they’re using a different means of transportation than they normally would because of COVID-19, and 22% say the same thing about the type of lodging they’re opting for this year.

Some opt not to travel, or aren’t sure about travel, due to COVID-19

Some Americans (38%) aren’t heading out for the holidays this year, and many of them cite COVID-19 as a reason. Of those who don’t plan to spend money on flights/hotels during the 2021 holiday travel season, 57% say it’s at least partly related to COVID-19, with concern about variants being the top COVID-related reason (34%) for not traveling.

Others (19%) have yet to decide if they’re going to spend money on flights/hotels this holiday season. Of those unsure about holiday travel, more than three-quarters (77%) say their reasons are related to COVID-19, with the top COVID-related reason being concern about variants (52%).

“Whether or not you feel comfortable traveling this year can depend on your family’s situation, as well as the situations of the people you’d usually visit. There are still many reasons to stay close to home in your bubble,” Rathner says. “If you haven’t had those tough conversations about whether or not travel is possible for you right now, it’s time. Health and safety come first.”

Tips for travelers this holiday season

Save for travel in advance.  Ideally, you should put money aside year-round for intermittent, but expected, expenses like car registration and holiday travel costs. But saving as far in advance as possible is the next best thing. With gifts, travel, decor and more, the holidays are an expensive time of year for many, and saving early can help you avoid high-interest debt.

Pay off any accrued credit card debt quickly.  Sometimes debt happens, and if you rack up a balance this holiday season,  make a plan to pay it down  sooner rather than later. Interest charges on a credit card may seem immaterial when you’re only carrying a balance for a few months, but credit card debt carries a high average interest rate and it’s easy to let it linger while making minimum payments. Work to eliminate the debt so you aren’t carrying 2021 spending too far into 2022.

Keep holiday travel plans flexible.  The pandemic has highlighted the importance of keeping travel plans flexible, which is especially important as we deal with new COVID-19 variants and changing travel restrictions. If you’re booking a flight for holiday travel, check out  airline cancellation and change policies . It’s also a good idea to look into  travel insurance , but make sure you know what a policy covers before purchasing it.

“Sadly, we’re still having to make many of the same difficult decisions about holiday travel as we had to make in 2020,” Rathner says. “If you want this year’s celebrations to make up for last year’s holiday-by-video-call, just be mindful of your spending. Taking care of yourself this year means following COVID precautions, but it also means protecting your finances, too.”


This survey was conducted online within the United States by The Harris Poll on behalf of NerdWallet from Sept. 13-15, 2021, among 2,026 U.S. adults ages 18 and older, among whom 780 plan to spend money on flights/hotel stays during the 2021 holiday season. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables and subgroup sample sizes, please contact Lauren Nash at  [email protected] .

The 2021 holiday season is defined as Nov. 18, 2021, to Jan. 5, 2022, for the purposes of this study.

We used U.S. Census population estimates and survey responses to calculate the total number of Americans who plan to spend money on flights/hotels this holiday season, as well as the total travel expenses and the total travel expenses charged to credit cards.

We used the most recent average annual percentage rate data from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis (17.13% as of August 2021) to calculate credit card interest.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options.

75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

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