Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Creating Engaging Content

By Jessie Festa. This guide to travel content ideas contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

Looking for engaging travel blog post ideas ?

Then you’re in the right place!

If you’ve ever sat in front of your laptop wondering, “What should I post on my travel blog?” this article shares over 120 topics — as well as bonus tips for those looking to see success and make money blogging.

Personally, I get most of my blog traffic through keyword research, and these travel blog post titles and topic ideas come from researching what people are actually searching in Google so that you can create content people truly want to read.

And with so many to choose from, you’ll never need to wonder what to write about again or spend hours coming up with new travel blog ideas.

Without further adieu, let’s dive into the list of travel blog content ideas!

Quick tip: There are many tools that make it easier to come up with blog post ideas. Personally, I love Keysearch for finding high traffic keywords. Use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off. Additionally, Jasper AI utilizes the power of artificial intelligence to help you come up with content topics, draft outlines, create content, and more – free trial included !

Table of Contents

Travel Blog Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Freebie

Now, I realize that even when you have a ton of travel post ideas it can still be challenging to understand how to create and promote your content.

Luckily, I’ve got a freebie that can help!

It’s a Content Creation & Promotion Workflow Trello Board that will help you plan your blog posts as well as write them and promote them for maximum engagement.

You can grab the free Trello board here .

posts for trips

Grabbed it?

Then let’s continue with our travel blog content strategy.

What Should I Post On My Travel Blog?

Writer’s block for bloggers is a very real thing, as is being confused on what to actually post to see growth.

So, before we dive into the list of travel blog topics , let’s discuss how to determine what to post on your blog.

One smart tactic is starting with a mission statement. You can use the template “I help [group of people] do [how you help].”

From there, you can pinpoint the best travel topics to fulfill that mission and even come up with a few travel blog categories.

For instance, if your mission is to help women feel confident traveling solo, you might write a blog post about how to travel solo in Paris or a guide to overcoming fear when you’re scared to travel alone .

Feeling stuck? You can use a tool like Jasper’s Blog Post Topic Ideas Template for quick and easy help. This tool uses artifical intelligence to instantly generate a list of topics that can engage your audience.

Also, if you’re curious how to write blog posts quickly , Jasper can help you create amazing content almost instantly (though it’s recommended to edit your articles to add a human element).

More on this tool below, though note that you can click here for a 10,000-word free trial of Jasper AI .

travel blog post ideas

120+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Engaging Content

To come up with the following list, I looked at popular blog post ideas related to travel.

Keep in mind, this list is in no way exhaustive. There truly are a limitless number of travel blog topic ideas that are possible.

Moreover, this list is customizable. You can always tweak any of the travel blog post titles mentioned below to better fit your own niche and audience.

For instance, if an idea mentions compiling a list of travel yoga mats, but you don’t cover yoga, consider what relevant piece of gear you can swap in, like sleeping bags, nutritious TSA-friendly snacks, or camera gear.

Once you’ve narrowed down what you’d like to write about, use a blog content planner to stay organized. You can also follow this strategy on how to plan a year of content in one week to help you save time.

Have ideas for travel blog posts to add?

Leave them in the comments below!

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Travel Tips

A review of your favorite piece of travel gear

Best free travel apps

How to do a Global Entry name change

How to change your passport name

Why duct tape (or another item) is your best travel accessory

How to practice self-care while traveling

How to become a travel hacker

Your top travel hacks

Your top travel tips for introverts

Important advice for the first-time traveler

A list of uncommon travel tips

How to learn a language while traveling

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Trip Planning

How to pack for a long trip with just a carry-on

What to pack for a particular destination

A review of your favorite travel insurance provider

What to wear in a particular destination

How to save up for a round-the-world trip in a certain amount of time

How to choose the perfect suitcase/backpack/luggage

A review of your favorite suitcase

How to ask your boss for an extended travel leave

The best credit cards for travelers

How to prepare your house for vacation

What to do the day before a big trip to prepare

travel blog topics

Best Travel Content Ideas About Transportation

Things to do on a long bus ride

How to survive a long flight

What not to do one a plane

How to sleep on a plane

A review of the Eurail pass (or another transportation pass)

A guide to using a city’s transportation, such as the subway in NYC

How to get to the main part of a city from the airport — and vice versa, such as a guide to Bangkok’s airport shuttle

A guide to an airline’s rewards program

The best platforms for booking cheap flight/bus/train tickets

Travel Blog Post Ideas Focused On Destinations

Fun facts about a place

Things to do in a destination during a specific season

A roundup of your favorite tours in a destination

What not to do in a destination

A roundup of your favorite hotels in a destination

How to visit a particular place on a specific budget — such as $50 per day

A roundup of your favorite restaurants in a destination

The cheapest countries to visit on a certain continent

Your top travel tips for a specific destination

Travel Blog Post Ideas For When You Can’t Leave & Must Travel At Home

A recipe from a particular place, including a background story of the dish

Your favorite travel-inspired beauty ritual

Your favorite travel-themed craft

How to throw a dinner party inspired by a specific destination

How to transform your living space into a destination or give your space a makeover inspired by a particular place

Do a souvenir show-and-tell and share the story behind your favorite travel finds

Cocktail recipes from around the world

A roundup of your favorite movies set in a particular destination

A roundup of your favorite books set in a particular destination

How to visit the places featured in a certain movie

How to visit the places featured in a certain book

A roundup of inspiring TED Talks related to travel

posts for trips

Niche Travel Blog Post Ideas

Note: Feel free to swap in your own travel blog niche for any of the below ideas.

The best destinations for a budget-friendly wellness experience

Best weekend getaways for couples

The best destinations for solo female travelers

Best bookstores around the world

How to plan a cruise vacation

How to book an ethical volunteer trip

Best female travel blogs

How to stay safe when traveling solo

Relaxing couples vacations

Common work-related travel expenses

Top luxury travel companies

Meals from around the world

Cheap travel insurance for families

Best luxury hotels in the world

How to avoid the single supplement when traveling solo

Tips for flying with a baby

Lesbian travel groups

Outdoor vacations for couples

Fun trips for kids

Best travel yoga mats

How to travel with a yoga mat

Best hiking vacations

Top guided backpacking trips

Best travel baby gear

Gifts for traveling couples

The top all-inclusive family vacations

Best family beach destinations

Tips for traveling with grandchildren

Quotes about family travel

Travel jobs for couples

Top liveaboard dive trips

Fun yoga and hiking retreats

Top spiritual yoga retreats

Safest countries for LGBTQ+ travelers

best travel topics

Holiday Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gifts for a certain type of traveler — such as the best gifts for solo female travelers

How to book cheap Christmas vacations

How to find cheap Thanksgiving flights

Where to travel during Christmas

Best Christmas markets in europe

Traditional Christmas desserts from around the world

Top Jewish heritage tours

Delicious Kwanzaa recipes

Inspirational Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Lessons learned from traveling to X# countries

What travel teaches you

Benefits of traveling

How travel changes your brain

Inspiration travel quotes

Recount one of your favorite funny travel stories

Share an inspiring love story from the road

Share one of your favorite inspiring travel stories about the kindness of strangers abroad

travel blog content about meeting locals

Summer Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Cheap summer vacations

Places to visit in summer in the USA

Summer vacation ideas for families

A summer travel guide for a particular destination — or you can even niche down to a specific month, such as July Travel In Seattle

Best travel-sized sunscreens

Stylish active swimsuits

Fall Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Where to go apple picking

Fall wine tasting outfit ideas

Fall foliage tours

Scariest haunted houses in America

Best fall road trips

Winter Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best showshoes for hiking

Scenic winter hiking trails

Best places to spend New Year’s Eve

Cozy log cabin getaways

Top ski resorts in a certain destination

Spring Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

Best gardens in the world

Warm places to visit in April

Cheap spring break trips

Romantic spring getaways

Best Easter holiday destinations

Tourism Blog Ideas

Must visit attractions in X

Best hidden gems in X

Most Instagrammable spots in X

Where to Stay in X

Best restaurants in X

Beach Blog Ideas

Most beautiful beaches in the world

Best beaches for surfing

Best beaches for families

Instagrammable beaches

Best beaches for snorkeling

Travel Agent Blog Ideas

Best time to visit X

Travel deals and discounts

Best travel destinations for families/couples/solo travelers

Guide to all inclusive resorts

ideas for travel blog posts

Where To Find New Travel Blog Post Ideas

After learning how to start a travel blog and make money , it’s important to regularly publish interesting articles that continuously bring you traffic and help you grow your income.

But, maybe you’re wondering how to come up with blog post ideas that people actually read .

Luckily, I have a few tips for this.

Note that for a full overview of how to create a content plan that aligns with your overall goals, I recommend taking my free Profitable Travel Blog Makeover , a four-day course that takes you from blog branding to monetization.

So earlier in the post I discussed starting with a mission statement that guides your content.

Along with coming up with travel blog post ideas from your own imagination, you can also utilize:

Jasper AI (click for a 10,000-word free trial).

Jasper uses the power of artificial intelligence to help you outline blog posts, create content, and come up with blog post ideas.

You can use the Blog Post Topic Ideas Template and simply enter your:

  • company name
  • product description
  • tone of voice
  • how many ideas your need

Boom — Jasper will provide you a list of ideas for travel topics to write about. From there, you can favorite the ones you like to help the tool better get to know what you’re looking for.

Keysearch  (use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off)

This is a powerful keyword research tool that can help you optimize your blog content to rank higher in search engine rankings.

You’ll also be able to input desired keywords to see related keywords — as well as questions people have about your keyword in the “Content Assistant” section. These can also be used as travel blog post ideas.

travel blog post ideas from Keysearch

Like tutorials?

Check out this short video to see how to find micro niche keywords and relevant keywords you can actually rank for using Keysearch:

Niche Facebook groups & forums .

Pop into a Facebook group or Reddit forum related to your niche and see what people are discussing. These can make for great travel related content ideas.

Google Trends .

Monitor search trends over a given time. This can help you post about things people are truly talking about.

Pinterest Trends .

See what topics are trending on Pinterest. This tool can help your content marketing efforts by helping you get more traffic to your Pinterest pins, which translates into more visitors to your blog content.

These are just a few of many strategies for coming up with engaging travel post ideas.

How To Write A Travel Blog Post Without Traveling

One common question many travel bloggers have:

How do I write a travel blog without traveling?

Of course, there will be times when travel isn’t possible.

This doesn’t mean you need to stop creating content.

Instead, consider how you might cover where you live in a way that would be interesting to travelers.

For instance, I have loads of New York City travel content because I know that even though it’s not a travel destination to me, it is to other people. Plus, being a local allows me a unique perspective not every blogger can provide.

You might also think about “armchair travel” content; blog post ideas that have a travel theme but can be enjoyed without leaving home.

A few examples of this include roundups of short travel stories , cultural recipes, solo staycation ideas , and other travel at home posts that align with your mission.

These strategies are also great travel blog ideas for beginners, who may be looking to jumpstart their blog with content even if they’re not traveling.

travel blog post ideas staycations

How To Write A Catchy Blog Post Title

Now, here’s the thing when it comes to coming up with ideas for travel blog posts:

Even if you have an amazing article, if your title isn’t enticing, it likely won’t get read.

Luckily, there is a free Headline Analyzer tool from CoSchedule that can help with this.

Basically, it looks at your headline to ensure that:

  • It has a good mix of common, uncommon, emotional, and power words
  • The first and last three words of the headline are engaging (as these are the words people tend to focus on most)
  • It includes searchable keywords
  • It isn’t too generic
  • It’s the right length (about 60 characters)

How To Start A Travel Blog Post

Now that you have a big list of travel content ideas , it’s time to dive deeper into how to actually write your blog post.

One very important part of your travel blog post is the introduction, as this will affect whether someone continues reading or clicks away.

To help you engage readers right away, I recommend utilizing the APP Method; also known as Agree – Promise – Preview.

This copywriting technique, which I learned about from Backlinko , revolves around the idea that your introduction should first agree with the reader to make it clear you understand them.

From there, you make a promise to them — such as a solution to a problem or a benefit of some kind.

Finally, you provide a preview by sharing exactly what they’ll get out of reading the blog post.

This blog post on growing an email list as a blogger provides a nice example of the APP Formula in action.

It’s also shown here:

travel blog post ideas

Promoting A Travel Blog Post Organically

There are many smart ways to increase blog traffic , a few of which I’ll outline here.

I recommend incorporating these into a content checklist so that you always know exactly what needs to be done before hitting publish on a blog post.

Optimize your blog posts for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .

In my opinion, the best way to grow your blog traffic is to optimize it to rank in search results.

Once it ranks, you can continue to enjoy steady traffic for the foreseeable future.

Again, Keysearch makes it simple to both research if you can realistically rank for a keyword and then optimize your content for it. You can use code “jessieonajourney30” for 30% off.

While Keysearch offers loads of tutorials on how to use their tool, here is a quick overview:

travel blog post ideas in Keysearch

Above is an example of me researching “places to hike on Long Island,” a keyword I currently rank in the first spot of Google for.

On the left, you can see a graphic comparing all of the first page posts — which provides information for determining whether it’s worth competing for the keyword or not.

For instance, you can see things like how your Domain Authority compares to the other posts already ranking, as well as if the other posts have optimized their title, description, and URL for the keyword you want to rank for.

Additionally, on the right, you can see other suggested keywords with important information related to how competitive they are and how often people search for them.

Keep in mind, this is just the main page of Keysearch. The tool has numerous other features for ranking your posts in Google, too.

Take your SEO to the next level.

Now, another tool that can help with optimizing your content to rank in organic search results is Surfer SEO .

Instead of simply giving you data about other sites that are ranking, Surfer SEO analyzes your website to make tailored recommendations for:

  • specific keywords to target
  • specific ways to optimize new content
  • specific changes to make to old content to improve its chances of ranking
  • specific missed opportunities for internal and external backlinks
  • specific on-page SEO optimizations (such as optimal word count, title length, image count, etc)
  • and much more

As you can see, the tool gets very specific.

In short, you’ll get a step-by-step SEO workflow that can help you grow your traffic and increase your rankings – no guesswork required!

Here is a quick tutorial going over some of Surfer SEO’s powerful features:

While you’ll need a paid plan to get everything I showcase in the video, they do offer a free AI Article Outline Generator to give you a small taste of the platform.

Promote your new travel blog post on your social media channels.

When you promote new content, I highly recommend weaving a story into your shares to increase engagement. Talk about why you wrote the post, how the topic has impacted you, and how it can benefit others.

To save time, you can use a tool like StoryChief to blast your new travel blog content across your blogging hubs, social media channels, and email newsletter with one click.

Speaking of email newsletters…

Understand how to promote your blog content to your email subscribers in an engaging way by utilizing storytelling email marketing .

Just like when sharing travel blog content on social media, it’s helpful to share a story to make your email even more valuable.

Moreover, if you have an automated email sequence set up for new subscribers you can add in your best blog posts to help the content continuously get traffic.

Looking for an email marketing software that’s feature-rich and intuitive — and includes automations?

Click here for a free one-month trial of ConvertKit (no credit card required!).

The platform is made for bloggers by bloggers. And once you sell products, they also offer a marketplace to help their users increase sales.

Choosing Blog Post Categories

In terms of the categories you put on a travel blog post, consider how you want to organize your content.

Typically, your categories will be your blog’s main themes, while your tags help further break them down.

For instance, you might have “North America” as a category and “USA” and “Canada” as tags.

travel blog post ideas for online courses

How To Get Paid As A Travel Blogger

There are many ways to boost your travel blogging income — especially if you’re focusing on offering paid products, services, and experiences that fulfill your mission and that are an extension of your travel blog content.

Again, I highly recommend grabbing a seat in my free four-day travel blogging course if you want to learn how to make money blogging, though a few of the main ways I monetize my travel blog include:

Creating & selling online courses.

You’re already sharing knowledge in some way through your helpful blog content. Why not package up your wisdom into an online course that further helps your readers?

Personally, I use and recommend Teachable for creating online courses. That link gets you a two-week free trial, no credit card required!

You’ll have everything you need to be successful — including powerful training videos and support. It’s what I use to create and launch all of my online travel blogging courses .

Selling photo tours in NYC.

After having loads of readers ask me to show them around New York, I decided to get licensed as an NYC tour guide and start offering local experiences.

In fact, I’ve done so well selling these through my blog that I started a sister company, NYC Photo Journeys .

Working with brands.

This includes working on blogger brand collaborations as well as going on paid press trips and promoting partners in my travel blog content.

Affiliate marketing for travel bloggers .

When coming up with travel blog post ideas, I highly recommend you regularly add content optimized for affiliate sales to your publishing schedule. Here are some creative ways to promote affiliate links .

Running display ads on my travel blog.

Personally, I work with Mediavine for this. To see success, you should be publishing SEO-optimized articles and regularly updating older content so that it’s up-to-date.

travel blog post ideas

How To Become A Travel Blogger

If you stay focused, it’s possible to make money blogging in one year or less .

Map out your blogging goals , including what they are, how to reach them, and by when.

Stick with one or two main strategies, and then once you master those, you can add in others. This helps alleviate spreading yourself too thin.

This might mean saying you want to earn $5,000/month in affiliate sales by June 1 through publishing two affiliate-optimized blog posts per month, publishing two affiliate-optimized videos per month as part of your YouTube strategy , and hosting a free challenge that promotes an affiliate each quarter.

Remember, also, to grab access to my free Travel Blogger Resource Library to snag printables and workshops that can help you take your blog full-time much quicker.

Bonus: 10 Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging [Free Workshop]

how to make money as a travel blogger

While we’re on the topic of growing a profitable blogging business, I’d love to invite you to my free workshop: 10 Powerful Ways To Make Money Travel Blogging.

During the 60-minute on-demand workshop, you’ll learn:

  • Myths related to monetizing a blog (that may be holding you back!)
  • Strategies for creating profitable content (so those blog posts, emails & social shares lead to income!)
  • Tips for earning recurring passive revenue as a blogger (so your income grows even when you’re away from your laptop!)
  • How to create products that you know your audience will buy (so you don’t waste your time!)
  • Advice for growing your affiliate income (with a strategy that truly works!)

Plus, your free ticket to this actionable workshop also includes a Q&A, limited-time replay, and special bonuses.

Click here to grab your seat in the free travel blog monetization workshop .

Bonus Profitable Blogging Tutorials [Video Playlist]

Want to learn more powerful strategies for taking your blog full time?

Check out this curated playlist of blogging tips and tactics that work:

What travel blog post ideas would you add to this list?

Which of the above best travel topics are you excited to write first.

Enjoyed this post on travel blog content ideas? Pin it for later!

travel blog content

70 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas To Boost Your Blog

This page may contain  affiliate links which earn us a commission at no extra cost to you to support the site. Thank you!

No inspiration for your next article? Here are 70 travel blog post ideas to boost your views and entertain your readers! Plus some time on how to gain more traffic and find even more ideas.

Travel blogging is fantastic! Writing about your trips and helping others plan their ideal holiday is so much fun. I’ve been blogging for quite a while, and in that time I’ve been able to turn this lovely hobby into a job (crazy!).

But even though it’s a lot of fun to blog, sometimes it can get hard to think of new ideas for articles. What to write when you haven’t been on holiday recently? Or when your content calendar is running dry?

Not to worry! I usually plan out my content calendar months in advance and I love coming up with new ideas for blog posts. That’s why I’m sharing some awesome travel blog post ideas with you today. Feel free to take them and make them your own!

Let’s take a look.

* The Navigatio uses affiliate links . If you make a purchase through these links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

How To Come Up With Travel Blog Post Ideas?

Before we get into my list of posts, I wanted to share with you how I come up with blog post ideas. That way, you can continue thinking of awesome articles for your website. 

I always try to sit down and write out a ton of ideas for posts at once, so I can make a content calendar. Doing so allows me to work through articles without having to stop and think about what I’ll write. It saves so much time and energy!

But how do I come up with these ideas?

There are various ways. Firstly, you have to think about your nich e. Who is your perfect audience and what do they want to read? If you mainly write about solo female travel, you should focus on articles that solo female travellers will find useful or entertaining. If you focus on city breaks (like yours truly), it doesn’t make sense to write about the best waterfalls in a nature park.

Especially when you’re trying to become an authority on a destination or a type of travel, you should try to cover as many bases as possible and get super-specific. You can find tons of ideas by Googling certain topics and look at the “People also ask” section. 

Alternatively, you can look at Quora or ask your social media followers . Check the blogs of people in your niche, too. Never steal article ideas, but it can help you get inspired!

But whenever you’re planning your content calendar or your next travel blog post, you should always do keyword research . Not only can it give you a ton of additional blog post ideas, but it also helps you rank higher on search engines so you can grow your traffic!

travel blog post ideas

Want to get some more inspiration, check out the best travel bloggers and influencers .

Destination Travel Blog Post Ideas

I love writing destination travel posts because they are very specific. You know exactly what the reader is looking for, and it’s usually pretty easy to find some good keywords for them. Here are some ideas:

  • Itineraries: You can create itineraries for specific destinations and show what you did on your trip. Best of all, you can make these type of travel blog posts for all types of destinations! Make a two-day itinerary for a city break, or a three-week itinerary for a specific country – let’s get creative!
  • Where to eat in [city/destination]: Another destination idea is showing your favourite restaurants, bars, and cafes. This way, you can help readers pick the best places to eat on their own trip.
  • What to eat in [destination]: Apart from sharing your favourite restaurants, you can also share what dishes are worth trying. Especially when travelling to new places, readers may not know what foods to try!
  • What souvenirs to bring home from [destination] : We all love a good keepsake, don’t we? So why not share what types of souvenirs are perfect to bring home after visiting a country or city?
  • Things to do in [city/country] : Instead of sharing a ready-made itinerary, you can also share a list of the best things to do in that country or city. That way, readers can put together their own itineraries with everything they’d like to see and do.
  • Where to stay in [city] : Picking the perfect hotel may not be an issue for an experienced traveller, but many people find it very overwhelming! That’s why you can help by curating the best hotels, Airbnb, or apartments for every destination you write about.
  • Hotel reviews : Apart from sharing a list of the best accommodation in certain cities, you can also write in-depth reviews on your hotel stays. You can write about what you liked and what you didn’t like, so readers can make an informed decision about whether they want to stay there too. 
  • Best times to visit [destination] : Some places are better to visit at certain times of the year. You may want to avoid Japan during the humid summers, for example! To help your readers, you can write about the best months/seasons to visit certain destinations. You can also add specific dates for festivals or holidays.
  • Is X days enough in [destination]? : When planning a trip, it’s hard to know how much time you need to see everything! That’s why you can write about how many days you think readers would need to spend in a city or a country. You can then also link to your itineraries!
  • Landmarks in [destination] : When putting together an itinerary, you want to make sure you include any famous landmarks. You can create a list of all the best landmarks in a destination to help your readers.
  • Best Instagram photo spots in [destination] : We all love a good Instagram post, don’t we? You can add the best photo spots of a destination in a handy guide.
  • Best honeymoon destinations : Besides writing about a specific destination, you can also create round-up posts for travel inspiration. For example, you can curate the best destinations for honeymoons or trips with your friends.
  • Packing list for [destination] : It can be tough to know what to pack if you haven’t been to a city or country before. That’s why creating a packing list can really benefit your audience – plus it’s a great way to add some affiliate links for products you love.
  • What to wear in [destination] : Similar to a packing list, it’s also good to get some outfit inspiration. Do I need to pack hiking boots? Or can I throw some dresses in my suitcase too?
  • X reasons to visit [destination]: While some people don’t need convincing, others could use a little push in the right direction. There are so many wonderful places that people may not know about, so you can give them some reasons to add it to their travel wishlist.
  • Dos and donts in [destination] : Visiting new cultures can be a little overwhelming. Another travel blog post idea is to write a guide on the best dos and donts for a specific country or city.
  • Best tours in [destination]: There are so many awesome classes and tours to pick from when travelling, which is a perfect opportunity for a travel blog post. What are the best cooking classes in Thailand? Or the best pub crawls in Budapest? There are so many options to write about!
  • Hidden gems in [destination]: Especially if you’re visiting a place for the second time, you may want to avoid the main sights. If you’re writing a lot of articles about a specific destination, it’s also a good idea to share some lesser-known spots that can add a lot of extra value to a trip.
  • Best day trips from [destination]: When staying in a city for a few days, you may also want to take some day trips to explore the vicinity. You can write a blog post about the best options. Think about other cities, national parks, or great hikes.
  • Best hikes in [destination]: Especially when writing about national parks or adventure travel, you can add some of the best hikes nearby. Which ones are worth your time, and which ones can better be avoided?

travel blog ideas

General Travel Blog Post Ideas

But not all posts have to be specifically about a country or a city – sometimes you just want to write about travel in general! And there is a lot to write about, including:

  • The best travel apps: I can’t imagine travelling without my phone, and I bet that you can’t either. Share the best apps that can help your readers on their trips. Think of Google translate, maps, apps for train times, etc.
  • How to plan a road trip : Us travel bloggers may have planned tons of road trips already, but not everybody has the same experience. Help your readers by showing them how they can easily plan their own road trip or itinerary.
  • Tips for packing a suitcase/hand luggage : Packing your suitcase or trying to fit everything in your hand luggage can be a challenge. In posts like these, you can share handy tips for making it easier.
  • Zero-waste tips for travellers : You can easily avoid creating tons of waste when travelling, and you can show your readers how with some easy tips.
  • How to travel more eco-friendly: Similar to zero-waste, there are a lot of ways to avoid harming the environment when travelling. Even though flying causes a lot of CO2, there are ways to donate to offset carbon footprint, for example.
  • Travel quotes and inspiration: When you can’t travel, it can be tough to keep the wanderlust alive. You can create travel inspiration or quote posts to fuel the travel love.
  • Best books about travelling or a specific destination: Create a list of the best books about travelling for your readers to enjoy. These can be fiction or non-fiction. You can even make it more specific and create a list of the best books about a specific destination (for example, I wrote about the best novels about Japan ). 
  • Tips for travel photography: Taking photos on your trip is a perfect way to capture your favourite memories. But how can you take the best pictures? You can share your best photography tips in these posts – maybe add in some lightroom presets?
  • How to plan a group trip : If you’ve ever travelled with a group, you know how hard it can be to keep everybody happy and plan an itinerary that fits all wishes. Help your readers plan the perfect group trip with some handy tips and tricks.
  • How to battle jetlag : Jetlags are super annoying and can ruin the first few days of your trip unless you know how to deal with them.
  • What to do when you get sick when travelling? : You can’t always avoid getting ill when travelling abroad, but it’s good to know how to deal with it.
  • How to learn a foreign language: While not technically a travel post, showing people how to learn a second/third language can be super beneficial when travelling. Locals love it when you try to order a drink in their language, and even if you mess up, it’s a good conversation starter 😉
  • How to travel with pets: Travelling with pets can be very difficult. If you have experience, you can help those who are planning to take their furry friends on holiday. You can get even more specific when writing about travelling with pets to a certain country, as rules differ greatly depending on where you’re going.
  • Finding the perfect travel insurance: Travel insurance is a must! You can compare different providers to make sure your readers find the best one. It’s also a great idea to share your own experience.
  • How to survive long flights : As much as I love travelling, long-haul flights will never be fun. What things can you do to avoid getting bored, stiff, or sick when having to deal with 10+ hour flights? You can also add some tips on what to pack in your hand luggage.

akihabara tokyo

Budget Travel Blog Ideas

While travel doesn’t have to be expensive, costs can definitely worry people. These budget travel blog post ideas can help you prepare your readers financially and help them travel on the cheap.

  • How to save money for travelling : A little more generic, but super helpful! There are so many ways to save money or make a little extra to put into your travel fund. You can get really creative here!
  • How expensive is [destination]? : Some places are more expensive than others. Especially if you haven’t been to a country or city yet, it can be tough to budget your trip. By sharing an honest guide on how expensive accommodation, food, and transport is, you can really help.
  • Budget breakdown : Another way to help your readers financially prepare for their holidays is by sharing your own budget breakdown. You can explain how much you spent on accommodation, food, transport, activities, etc.
  • How to find the cheapest hotels/flights: We all love a bargain, don’t we? And with some travel planning experience, travel bloggers sure know how to make the most of our money when it comes to booking trips.
  • Is [travel item/pass] worth it? : There are so many passes and items you can buy for your trips (think of the JR Pass, or city passes that give you access to some sights and public transport), but are they really worth it? You can share your experience so your readers can make an informed decision, and maybe even save some money!
  • How to save money while travelling: You can save money before your trips, but you there are tons of ways to cut spending while on the road. This way, you can put that money towards another holiday or add a few extra days to your current trip.
  • Best budget destinations : Travel doesn’t have to be expensive, especially if you know where to go. Share your favourite budget travel destinations with how much the average trip would cost to inspire your readers to book their next holiday.
  • Travel reward programs : You’d be surprised at how many loyalty programs there are in the travel industry. From hotels to airlines, you can save some points for free stays and discounted trips. It’s up to you to share the best ones with our audience.
  • Cheapest cameras for travel photography : You don’t have to own a bulky DSLR camera to snap some fantastic photos. There are so many budget options out there, especially with technology evolving so quickly nowadays. Curate the best budget cameras for your post, which also makes a fantastic affiliate opportunity.
  • How to get the best currency exchanges : Travelling abroad can be a hassle when you can’t pay in your own currency. So many people overpay when exchanging money at the airport (a big no-no). You can help by sharing more budget-friendly options.

LxFactory Bookstore

Travel Accessories

Some of the best travel blog posts ideas to generate some income are affiliate articles. By recommending services or products that you use and love, you can earn a small commission at no extra cost to your readers. They find awesome new products, you earn some money – it’s a win-win. Writing travel accessory posts are a great way of including these links.

  • Best travel shoes (for women/men/city trips/hiking) : As you can see, there are a ton of options to write these buying guides. You can get super specific to make sure you fit the user intent perfectly. If someone’s looking for “best travel shoes for women”, you can make sure to only include women’s shoes! The better it matches the intent, the higher the chances of someone buying it through your links.
  • Best backpacks/suitcases : Similar to shoes, there are so many options when it comes to backpacks and suitcases. You can review your favourites, and compare them so your readers can easily pick the one that’s best for them.
  • Best camera gear for travel photography: Bloggers usually put a huge focus on visuals, so you may know a lot about the best photography gear. Sharing that information can be super helpful for those who are new to travel photography. Think of cameras, lenses, tripods, etc.
  • Best beauty products on the road: Keeping up with skincare while travelling can be tough, so I’m sure your readers will appreciate some recommendations.
  • Travel gift guides : Not sure what to buy the travel lover in your life? These types of posts can really help! You can make these even more specific and aim them for different people. For example, the best travel gift ideas for men, women, millennials, boyfriends, wives, etc.
  • Where to go skiing this winter : You can share the best countries or ski resorts in a specific country. Alternatively, you can change this to other seasonal activities, like apple picking in Autumn.
  • Best Christmas markets in Europe : With so many Christmas markets to choose from, your readers could use some guidance in picking the best ones. You can even invite other travel bloggers to submit their favourite ones.
  • Places to see blossoms/fall foliage : These types of posts work very well for destinations that are known for their stunning scenery (like Japan). And since many people will be looking for the best spots during Spring or Autumn, 
  • Things to do in [destination] in autumn : Most destinations have completely different things to offer depending on the season. Austria is perfect for hiking in the summer, but it’s heaven for ski-lovers during the winter, for example. Maybe there are special festivals or activities you can only do in a certain season, which makes for a great read.
  • Best sunny/warm winter destinations : There are travellers that love the snow, and there are travellers that flee to warmer places. To help the latter out, you can create a guide with the best sunny and warm destinations in the winter.

the navigatio travel blog

Personal Travel Blog Posts Ideas

While SEO is all fun and games, writing your travel blog must also be fun. And connecting with your audience is equally important as constantly trying to rank on search engines. By writing some fun and personal travel blog posts along with the SEO-heavy stuff, you’ll get the best of both worlds.

  • Write about your favourite trips: While writing itineraries and tips are super useful, writing a more travel-journal style can help you connect with your audience much better. You can make a list with your top 10 trips, for example.
  • The story of your first trip: Or, you can write about your very first travel experience. How old were you? Where did you go? Did it kick off the wanderlust or did it take more than one trip?
  • Your weirdest travel experience: Every trip has a story, but some experiences deserve a full blog post!
  • Your worst travel experience: People don’t just want perfection, they want to see the real you. By sharing stories of your not-so-nice travel experiences, you can connect much better with your audience.
  • Reasons why you like travelling : Everybody has their own reasons to travel. Whether it’s to experience new cultures, to learn more about yourself, or to see certain landmarks. I’m sure your readers would love to know your reasons!
  • Your experience studying/working/volunteering abroad: There are so many awesome blog posts opportunities you can write if you’ve ever moved abroad for work, school, or volunteering. You can write stories about your experience and give tips to people who want to follow in your footsteps.
  • Why you started your blog : Some other travel blog ideas could involve your website. Write about why you started your site and what your goals are for it.
  • Your blogging progress: Apart from telling your readers why you started, it’s a great idea to keep them in the loop of your progress. People love to follow blogging journeys, to watch your website grow into a thriving business. My friends Alex and Lisa from Career Gappers do a fantastic job at quarterly updates – I love reading them!
  • Your travel bucket list: You’re already sharing all the places you’ve been to, so why not make a travel blog post about your travel wishlist? Where do you still want to go and why? When are you planning to go, if you have any plans?
  • Your travel accessories/equipment: Another thing your audience may love to read is what items are essential for your trips. What camera do you use? What’s your go-to suitcase? What is in your hand luggage?
  • List your favourite travel blogs or Instagram accounts: One thing I love about travel blogging is the community. So why not hype up some of your blogging friends and inspirations? List your favourite blogs or Instagram accounts and share the love!
  • Things you learned from travelling: Travelling is a privilege. It teaches you so much about the world and about yourself. You can write a blog post about all the things travelling has taught you. Maybe you can even add what places inspired you most.
  • Mistakes you made while travelling: Nobody’s perfect and sharing your vulnerable side can help you connect with your audience. It’s always good to see that you’re not the only one making mistakes. Plus, sharing your travel mistakes can help others avoid them in the future.
  • Best/worst/weirdest things you’ve eaten on your trips: Food and travelling go hand-in-hand. Different cultures and countries offer different dishes and snacks. It’s always fun to read about awesome or weird dishes from across the globe, so it may make for a good story for your blog.
  • Travel guides about your hometown/place you live: The best travel tips always come from the people who know the city inside-out. So if you live in an exciting place, why not make the most out of it! By writing many articles about one place, you also create an authority on it – perfect for SEO!

travel blog post ideas

Best Tools For Travel Bloggers

When I started The Navigatio, I wish I’d known more about how to run a travel blog and SEO. But you live and you learn – plus, you gotta start somewhere! Here are some of the tools I wish I’d known about sooner:

  • Keysearch : The best investment I made in terms of SEO is getting a subscription to Keysearch. With this tool, you can find the best keywords that your site can rank for – plus, it gives you a ton of keyword ideas that you can write articles around. Keysearch normally costs $17/month, but you can get a 20% discount using the code “KSDISC“ with this link . Or ready my Keysearch review .
  • Going self-hosted with LyricalHost: When you want to grow your blog and turn it into a (side) business, you should go self-hosted. Ever since changing my host to LyricalHost, my website has been much faster! It’s one of the more affordable options and they have a fantastic support team. You can get 10% off your first year with code “NAVIGATIO10” . Check it out here . Or read my Lyrical Host review first.
  • Blogging Fast Lane course: There are a lot of things that come with creating a blogging business, so why not learn from the people who are already very successful? They definitely know how to do it! After seeing some success by doing everything on my own, I decided that I needed some more guidance from people who knew more than me. I bought the Blogging Fast Lane course and it completely transformed my blog. While I already knew some SEO, this course really taught me how to utilize affiliate marketing and email marketing. It changed the game! Make sure you read my review , or sign up for their free webinar .

Conclusion: Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

I hope this article gave you some ideas on what post to write next! I’d also love to read any of your new posts, so make sure to leave a link in the comments below. Remember that your blog is yours, and you can do whatever you want with it. There is no need to focus on SEO if that’s not your jam – or if you want to only photos from your trips, that’s fine too 🙂 These are just some ideas to get you started!

Good luck and happy blogging!

Save for later…

travel blog post ideas

Nele (Nay-la) graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with an English and Creative Writing Degree and has lived in the UK for nearly 10 years. She has had an interest in Japan and its culture for as long as she can remember. Since her first trip in 2018 surpassed all expectations, she has continued to return to Japan to explore more of all it has got to offer. You can read her full story here .

View all posts

4 thoughts on “70 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas To Boost Your Blog”

Wow, great suggestions! Thank you very much for this great blog

One of the most useful articles I’ve ever read <3

As a different travel blogger, I understand the difficulty in coming up with content. Your advice and post concepts are priceless. Thanks!

Thank you for sharing this post, that’s the most useful articles I’ve ever read, love it

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  • 140+ Engaging Travel Blog Post Ideas for Every Niche

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Table of Contents

There are so many travel blog post ideas out there, that it can be hard to know where to start.

But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’ll share with you a list of 140+ blog post ideas for travel bloggers in every niche.

I started my travel blog in 2017 and spent every week wondering what the heck to write about next. I felt like every post needed to be unique and amazing and on a different location.

I struggled to post cause I felt too much pressure to come up with things to write about.

I’m not going to let that happen to you!

So whether you’re a foodie traveler, solo traveler, luxury traveler, or anything in between, you’re sure to find some inspiration for your next blog post.

Read on to fill up your content calendar in 1 day!

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SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers

Ready to make thousands of dollars passively each month?

Get my SEO Roadmap course!

This one-stop-shop teaches bloggers in every niche how to scale their traffic and their passive income. I went from $0 a month to $30k/mo in 13 months with my techniques – and now I’m sharing them with you!

Flat lay of a notebook, camera and travel equipment on a wooden background. Pencil ready to write down travel blog post ideas.

What should I post on my travel blog?

Posting on your travel blog doesn’t have to be hard.

There are a few ways that I’ve learned to always have things to write about.

The first strategy is finding out what my audience needs.

You can do this by sending out a survey, reading comments on your posts, and talking to people in your niche .

Another way to come up with things to post about is by using Google Trends.

This is a tool that lets you see what people are searching for online.

You can use this tool to come up with post ideas that are relevant to what people are searching for.

Another way is to have an AI come up with ideas for you. has a Blog Post Topic Ideas Template to help you get started.

This is a really great way to get ideas if you’re feeling stuck.

The way I come up with 99% of my blog post topics on all of my blogs (travel and otherwise) is SEO keyword research.

Join my email list for SEO advice in your inbox every week so you’ll never run out of things to write about every again!

Download My SEO Content Writing Checklist

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140+ Travel Blog Post Ideas

Best travel blog post ideas for beginners.

1 day itinerary in [location]

Things to do in [location]

Free things to do in [location]

Tips for planning your trip

[Location] travel guide

Travel mistakes you’ve made

How to stay fit while travelling

Travel bucket list ( click for an example! )

Top # books about travel

How to make the most of a long layover

Ways to see the world for free (or very cheaply)

How to stay healthy while travelling

Souvenir ideas ( click for an example! )

Travel lessons you’ve learned

Tips to overcome jetlag

Travel photography tips

SEO Tip: Optimize your posts by making them the ideal length for SEO and having a proper permalink structure.

Travel Tips Blog Post Ideas

Best travel apps

Advice for first-time travellers

Tips to learn a new language for your trip

How to make friends while travelling

The pros and cons of group tours vs independent travel

What to do if you get sick while travelling ( example! )

Ways to save money on your travels

What to do when your travel plans go wrong

How to deal with culture shock

How to not stand out as a tourist

Travel Planning Blog Post Ideas

How to book cheap flights

How to plan an itinerary

How to dress to travel

Tricks to get upgraded to first class

Airline review ( example! )

Best websites and apps for planning travel

Tips for packing light

Travel Budget Blog Post Ideas

How much money to save to travel to [location]

Money-saving tips and tricks

How to spend a week in [location] for $[amount]

Travel scams to avoid

Tips to book cheap accommodation

Credit card hacks for travellers

How to wear a capsule wardrobe to save space

How to travel on credit card points

Carry-on suitcase being packed with a toiletries bag on top and a laptop and camera beside the suitcase. Ready for travel.

Packing Blog Post Ideas

How to pack carry-on only

Packing essentials for [location]

Your travel essentials

Carry-on only skincare routine

Toiletries to pack for travel

What’s in my carry-on bag

Packing cubes review

What to wear while travelling

Luggage review

Tech packing essentials

Transportation Travel Blog Post Ideas

How to get around [location]

How to get to the airport in [location]

The pros and cons of different transportation options

Renting a car in [location]

Is public transport safe [location]?

Biking in [location]

How to survive a long haul flight

How to survive a long bus ride

What can you bring in a carry-on

How to get around [location] without a car

Destination-Based Blog Post Ideas

Where to stay in [location]

Where to eat in [location]

Top 10 beaches in [location]

10 best day trips from [location]

Instagrammable spots in [location]

Weekend in [location]

Best airbnbs in [location]

Best hostels in [location]

Fun facts about [location]

Best [type] tours in [location]

[Location] travel mistakes to avoid

How to visit [location] on $50 a day

Best time to visit [location]

# off the beaten path destinations in [location]

What to wear in [location]

Compare two locations

Summer Travel Posts

Best places to visit in [month]

Places to visit in summer in [location]

What to pack for a beach vacation

Cheap summer getaways

Summer road trip ideas in [location]

Summer festivals in [location]

Best places to go camping in summer

Hiking near [location]

Fall Travel Posts

Apple picking in [location]

Pumpkin patches near [location]

Best places to see fall foliage in [location]

Haunted locations in [x]

Best fall road trips

Winery tours in the fall

Winter Travel Posts

Cozy cabins to rent in [x]

Top ski resorts in [location]

Winter hiking tips

Winter hiking in [location]

Warm places to visit in winter

Spring Travel Posts

Cherry blossom viewing spots in [location]

Spring break location round up

Family spring break trips

Holiday Travel Blog Post Ideas

Best Christmas travel destinations

How to book cheap [holiday] vacations

Best Christmas markets in [location]

Where to see Christmas lights in [location]

New Year’s Eve celebrations in [location]

Valentine’s Day ideas for couples in [location]

Blog desk set up with feminine pink floral tones. A mood board of travel fashions, a pink globe, a laptop that reads

Affiliate Travel Blog Post Ideas

Best gifts for [insert type of travellers]

Best travel credit card

Travel insurance review

Best travel credit cards

Accommodation review

Pro tip : Always mark your affiliate links as no-follow!

Food and Drink Blog Post Ideas

Best local dishes in each state/country

Healthy travel snacks

The best street food around the world

Recipe from a particular location

Pro tip : ask chefs and locals you meet for recipes to share on your blog with credit to them.

Cocktails from [location]

Coffee culture in [location]

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Digital Nomads and Expats

Jobs that involve travel

How to make money while travelling ( example! )

Best study abroad destinations

Countries with digital nomad visas

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Couples and Family Travellers

How to fly with a baby

Travel stroller review

Best family-friendly resorts in [location]

Disney world/land review

What to pack for a beach vacation with kids

Best honeymoon destinations

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Solo Travellers

Best destinations for solo female travel

Safety tips for [location] ( example! )

Best tours for female travellers

How to avoid the single supplement while travelling solo

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Backpackers

Best budget-friendly spa trips

Backpack review

Cheap travel insurance

Best travel yoga mat

Eco friendly travel tips

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Luxury Travellers

# romantic destinations for couples

Luxury hotel review

Wellness retreats in [location]

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Road Trippers and Van Lifers

Best road trips in [location] ( example !)

How to pack your car for a road trip

Keysearch dashboard showing keyword search results for blog post ideas.

How to Find New Travel Blog Post Ideas

I use Keysearch , an SEO keyword tool, to help me find new travel blog post ideas when I’m stuck.

By doing a quick keyword search, you can instantly see what topics are being talked about the most on the internet and what you can rank for.

This is a great way to come up with new ideas for blog posts, social media content, or even YouTube videos .

With hundreds of searches per month, you’ll be able to find a year’s worth of content ideas in a day!

Their competitor analysis tool is the best way to mine your competitors for keywords that are relevant to your audience and than you can rank for.

Use code KSDISC and click here to get 20% off your annual subscription to Keysearch.

You’ll want to pair your keyword with SEO content writing to optimize your posts to rank on Google.

Best Tools for Content Creation for Travel Bloggers

  • – Content ideas and writing long form content
  • Keysearch – SEO keyword research tool
  • Google Trends – Find the most searched topics on the internet
  • Facebook Groups and Quora – See the questions your audience are asking

Conclusion: Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

There are plenty of blog post ideas waiting to be explored.

From travel hacks and wellness retreats to road trips and foodie adventures, there’s something for everyone.

Remember to be creative, have fun, and be true to your voice. Your audience will appreciate it!

Learn the keyword strategy that helped me find 500 posts to write about in 1 week!

Read More About Travel Blogging!

  • What is a Travel Blog: Definition & Examples from a 6-Figure Blogger
  • 100+ Best Travel Blogs that Accept Guest Posts
  • 60 Best Travel Affiliate Programs for Bloggers
  • How to Make Money as a Travel Blogger: 15 Ways I Made $30k
  • Travelpayouts Review: 6 Figure Travel Blogger Weighs In
  • 19 Best Cameras for Travel Blogging & Vlogging
  • Travel Blogging Summit Denver 2022 Review & Key Takeaways
  • Basic SEO for Travel Bloggers: 19 SEO Tips to Scale to Full-Time Income
  • Best Travel Blogging Courses: Which is Worth Your Money?
  • 500+ Travel Blog Names: How to Choose a Unique & Memorable Name in Any Niche
  • 69 Travel Blog Statistics You Need to Know
  • 50+ Best Facebook Groups for Travel Bloggers to Engage and Grow
  • How I Grew My Travel Blog by 45k Pageviews in 6 Weeks
  • Niche Site Deep Dive: A DA 13 Travel Blog on Adthrive?
  • Travel Blog Audit: Complete Tutorial To Improve Your Website
  • This Travel Blogger Got Into Mediavine in 1 Year
  • “How Is This Legal?” Travel Blogger Calls Out Google’s Knowledge Graph
  • How This Travel Blog is Winning at SEO Post Helpful Content Update

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My 6-Figure SEO Toolkit

🤩 Keysearch – The best and most affordable SEO keyword research tool on the market. Use “sheknowsseo” for 30% off.

🤩 Lyrical Host – The fastest host with the best support. I host all of my websites with Lyrical. Plus they include free stock photos and courses to help you improve your blogging! Get 10% off with code “sheknowsseo”. ( Read more )

🤩 – 10x your content creation with Jasper! Learn more by reading my review or check out my signature Course for Bloggers to write 100k words a week like me!

🤩 Namesilo – For affordable domain names. Because a blog can’t exist without a domain! Get $1 off with code “nina”.

🤩 WP Rocket – My favourite cache plugin to speed up your site. Get my other top plugins here.

🤩 Interact Quiz – The best way to grow your email list organically is with SEO and a quiz, built by Interact! ( Read more )

🤩 RankIQ – Hate finding keywords? Let RankIQ find them for you! Plus get all the LSI keywords you need to rank #1.

🤩 Link Whisper – Internal linking ensures my pages are indexed ASAP and rank higher. I do it instantly with Link Whisper. ( Read more )

🤩 ShortPixel – Compress your images with this epic plugin to improve load times.

Want to learn how to grow your blog to 6 figures with SEO? Check out my SEO Roadmap for Travel Bloggers course ! It includes all my SEO secrets and strategies that I used to grow my blog to 50k sessions in 6 months and scaled to $30k/mo 7 months later!

Want to organize your SEO strategy?

Get my seo spreadsheets, 10 spreadsheets for bloggers.

SEO Spreadsheets for Bloggers - mock up on a laptop of the spreadsheets with a button saying

Nina Clapperton is a multi-6 figure travel blogger and the founder of She Knows SEO. After sharing her stories of living in over 12 countries in 10 years on all platforms and making $0, she learned SEO and scaled her blog to 50k sessions in 6 months. Within 13 months, she was making $30k/mo passively. Now Nina runs a portfolio of niche sites and helps over 3,500 students grow their blogs. She's on a mission to help bloggers achieve financial freedom via passive income from their hobby blogs.

Traveling Party of Four

Traveling Party of Four

250+ useful and fun travel blog post ideas (updated 10/17/2020)..

  • April 4, 2019
  • Start a Travel Blog
  • by Jenny Bhatia

The solution to travel blogger’s block (or a stay-at-home order):  250+ useful and fun travel blog post ideas for you to use when in-between travel or safe at home.

Are you struggling with blog content creation? Me, too. We are all in this together.

Here are over 250 solutions (with the help of some good friends) that I think will help. And I seem to be checking them off of my list quicker these days. Let me know what you would add to this list.

posts for trips

Affiliate Disclosure: There are affiliate links throughout this post. This means if you click on a link and purchase a product through that link, then I will receive a small commission for the referral. And that is kinda cool.

*Republished 8/22/2019 adding almost 60 additional travel blog post ideas!*

Updated 2/22/2021.

But first, let me inspire you to dream of traveling to Puerto Rico.  Here is what to know before you go. And a stunning image of El Morro.

posts for trips

It’s easy in 2020 to imagine this scenario. In fact, we don’t have to imagine at all; it’s actually happening.

There are no plans for family travel coming up for a while and thus, no travel blog content. I have spent time brainstorming ideas for content creation, making lists, and checking off a few here and there.  I have posted some fun and useful travel-related topics, but not necessarily specific to a particular destination. 

What To Pack In Your Beach Bag for the Perfect Day at the Beach

Seasickness Guide:  How To Prevent and How To Treat

posts for trips

I love this sad and seasick pup.

Poor baby .

Are you experiencing travel blogger’s block? Wondering what you can post that is travel-related, and that your audience will love (and find useful) when you are in between travel or travel is not an option? If this is you, keep reading.

I made something special for you, a list of more than 170 fun and practical travel blog post ideas to use when you are unable to travel.

Of course, #1 on this list is to make a list of Travel Blog Post Content Ideas to Create when not traveling. See what I did there?

1)   Travel Blog Post Content Ideas to Create When Not Traveling

Travel Blog Post Ideas: Packing for Travel.

Travel planning blog post ideas., travel blog post ideas for photography., travel blog post ideas for health and safety., traveling with your pet., sports travel blog post ideas., travel gear reviews., traveling to festivals., entertainment for travel day., travel blog post ideas: superlatives., let’s continue with bucket list travel blog post ideas., travel stories., travel blogging., summer travel blog post ideas..

  • Travel Tips:  Airline Travel.
  • Travel Tips:  Road Trips.
  • How to Travel on a Budget Blog Post Ideas.
  • Top 10 Lists.

Get Personal.

Best places to travel for…, itinerary ideas depending on length of stay., travel blog food posts., get creative., interviews your travel blogging friends.  ask these questions., but, wait, there are more travel blog post ideas (suggested by my travel blogging friends)..

2) Essentials to Pack for Travel.

3) What to pack in your carry-on bag for a long-haul flight.

4) How to Pack a Carryon for a One Week Vacation — If you write this, send it to me.  I need help with this.

5) What’s in Your Camera Bag?

6) Beach bag essentials for the perfect day at the beach .

7) What to pack in a DIY First Aid Kit for travel .

8) Healthy snacks to pack for long haul flights.

posts for trips

9) Luggage Review  — You can review backpacks, carry-on bags, suitcases, kid’s luggage, or packing cubes.

10) Beauty products you must pack for travel.

11) What to Pack for Your Cruise.

12) How to Create an Epic Packing List So You Don’t Forget a Thing.

13) Travel Packing Tips, Tricks, and Hacks Every Traveler Should Know.

14) Suitcase Packing Tips.

15) Printable Packing List (travelers love printable checklists).

16) **Collaboration** :  Packing Tips from 25 Experts.

**Collaborations are fantastic for many reasons.  Gather up your blogging friends and ask them to contribute to a post for you.  You will meet new friends, learn from them, and once you finish your collaboration, they will share it with their audience, too.  Plus, you get your backlinks if you return the favor.  I have listed collaboration ideas in this list below. 

What Travel Blog Course is best? And why?

17) How to Become a Tourist in Your Town.

18) Top 10 Favorite Restaurants in My Home Town.

19)  Bucket List Attractions in My Home Town.

20) Best Photo-Ops in My Home Town.

posts for trips

21) Best Local Breweries.

22) Best Parks in My Home Town.

23) Travel Guide for Your City.

24) Free Things to Do In __________.

25) Things to Do With Kids in Your City.

26) Things to Do On a Rainy Day in __________.

27) Outdoor Things to Do in Your City.

28) Romantic Things to Do in __________.

29) 15 Favorite Travel Apps to Download Before Leaving on Vacation.

30) Travel Essentials When Traveling with Kids.

31) 21 of the Best Travel Planning Hacks.

32) Destination Travel Guide:  Everything you Need to Know Before You Go .

33) Packing advice when traveling to ___________.

34) Top 10 Bucket List Attractions for ____________.

35) What to Wear in Spring/Summer/Fall in ____________.

36) How to Travel with Kids/Teens.

37) How to Plan a Road Trip.

posts for trips

38) How to Plan a Trip on a Budget.

39) How to Plan a Trips With Friends.

40) Travel Planning Tips When Traveling With a Large Group.

41) How to Create an Epic Travel Itinerary.

42) Collaboration: The Best Travel Planning Tips from the Pros.

🛩 Click Here or Sign Up Below for Your Freebie List of Travel Blog Post Ideas. 🛩

Grab Your Freebie.

Want a copy of all of these fun travel blog post ideas? .

43) What’s in Your Camera Bag?

44) The Most Practical Camera Bag.

45) 25 Favorite Travel Images from an Amateur Photographer.

46)   Most Instagrammable Spots in ___________.

47) How to Take Pictures of Yourself While Traveling?

48) Gift Guide for Traveling Photogs.

49) The Best Camera Gadgets for Travel Photography.

50) How to Take the Best Family Vacation Photos.

51) How to Dress for Family Vacation Photos.

52) The Best Travel Photography Camera.

53) How to Take Travel Photos with Your iPhone.

54) Why You Should Take a Travel Photography Course.

55) My Best Travel Photos.

56) Travel Photography Tips for Beginners.

57) Travel Photography Tips for Solo Travelers.

58) Collaboration: 100 Travel Photography Tips from the Pros.

Travel Blog Post Ideas

59) How to Stay Safe While Traveling .

60) 25 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling.

61) How to Eat Healthy While Traveling.

62) How to Maintain Health and Fitness While Traveling.

63) 25 Full Body Workouts You Can Complete in Your Hotel Room.

64) Foods to Avoid to Stay Healthy While Traveling.

65) Write a Post About What Vaccines are Required in Certain Regions.

66) How to Avoid Motion Sickness and How To Treat.

67) Tips for Avoiding Altitude Illness .

68) How to Avoid Traveler’s Tummy and How to Treat.

69) Traveling with a Special Diet such as Allergies or Food Sensitivities.

posts for trips

70) Natural Ways to Treat Jetlag.

71) Why You Should Purchase Travel Insurance.

72) Travel Insurance Reviews.

73) Travel Safety Tips During a Pandemic.

74) Winter Travel Safety.

75) Summer Travel Safety.

76) How to Stay Safe Traveling Abroad.

77) Safety Tips for Solo Travelers.

78) How to Stay Safe on a Road Trip.

79) Airport Safety Tips.

80) Public Transportation Safety Tips.

Summer Vacation Safety Tips PDF

Instant Access: Free Printable E-Resource with 120 tips to keep your family safe.

81) Pupcation:  Seriously, take your pup on vacation.  He deserves it.

82) How to Fly with Your Pup.

83) Pet-Friendly Travel Destinations.

84) Hotel Recommendations for Pet Owners.

85) Pet-Friendly Airports.

86) Razor Approved Restaurants.

87) Why Bring Your Pet on Holiday.

88) Hiking Tips When Exploring With Your Best Furry Friend.

89) What to Pack for Your Pup.

90) How to Prepare Your Pup for Travel.

91) The Best Pet Carrier on the Market.

92) Doggie Road Trip Essentials.

Travel Blog Post Ideas

93) How to Support Your Favorite Sports Team By Traveling.

94) What to Wear to a Certain Sporting Event.

95) The Best Sports Venues in the World.

96) Bucket List Sporting Events.

97) Best Ticket Buying Apps for Sporting Events.

98) Top Ten List of Luxury Sports Packages.

99) The 25 Best Tailgate Recipes that Serve a Big Hungry Crowd.

100) How to Plan For Homegate 2020.

101) Tips When Traveling for Youth Sports.

102) What to Pack for Youth Sports Travel.

posts for trips

103) Top Safety Gear for Travel.

104) Top 10 Most Durable Duffel Bags.

105) Best Backpack for Traveling Moms.

106) Five Styles of Camera Bags: Which One Fits You?

107) Best Underwater Cameras on the Market.

108) My Favorite Sunglasses for Travel and How to Purchase at a Discount.

109) Tips for Choosing the Best Snorkel Gear.

110) Best Travel Accessories for Family Travel.

111) Best Travel Day Bag.

112) Travel Gadgets You Didn’t Know You Needed.

113) Cool Travel Gear.

114) The Top 10 Most Comfortable Shoes for Travel.

115) Top Places in the World to Celebrate New Year’s Eve.

116) Spain: Don’t Miss These 10 Most Unique Festivals.

117) The Best Festivals in the United States.

118) Famous Overrated Festivals that You Should Avoid.

119) 10 Bucket List Festivals.

120) 100 of the Most Famous Festivals All Over the World.

121) 25 Festivals Worth Traveling To.

posts for trips

122) Podcasts to Pass the Time in the Airport.

123) Books on Tape vs. The Real Thing; What is Best for Travel?

124) 21 of The Absolute Best Travel Books

125) Create a Relaxing Playlist for Your Long Haul Flight.

126) How to Manage a Long Haul Flight Without Going Nuts !

127) Top 25 Movies That Inspire Wanderlust.

128) Best Kids Books for Travel Day.

129) Kids Games for the Overseas Flight.

130) How to Entertain Kids on a Long Haul Flight.

131) Things To Do While Traveling in a Car.

132) How to Keep Your Kiddos Entertained on a Road Trip.

posts for trips

133) Best Umbrella Drink in the Caribbean.

134) Best Food that I Have Ever Tasted While Traveling.

135) The Weirdest Foods that I Have Ever Tasted (or Maybe I didn’t Taste) While Traveling.

136) Most Instagrammable Food in ____________.

137) The Funniest Travel Experience That I Have Ever Had.

138) The 10 Most Adventurous Places in the World.

139) The Most Bizarre Travel Experience Ever.

140)  The Most Inspiring Travel Quotes That Inspire Wanderlust.

141) The Most Relaxing Après Ski Experiences Around the World.

posts for trips

142)  Bucket List Food for Certain Destination.

143)  Bucket List Beverage for Certain Destination.

144)  My Very Own Travel Bucket List.

145) Bucket List for Desserts in New Orleans, LA (You Must Try Them All).

146) Summer Bucket List for Teens.

147) Winter Bucket List Activities.

148) Bucket List of Places to Travel Before You Are 50.

150) Bucket List of Adventure Travel.

151)  The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

152)  21 Major Travel Fails.

153) The Best and Worst Things About Cruising.

154)  Life-Changing Travel Experiences.

155) Inspirational Travel Experience.

156) Why I Loved ________________.

157) Why I Won’t Go Back to _________________.

158) What I Learned While Traveling to ________________.

159) The Most Interesting Person I Have Ever Met While Traveling.

160)  Why ________________ Was My Favorite Travel Experience.

161) Funny Vacation Stories.

162) Scary Things That Happen While Traveling.

163) Embarrassing Travel Stories.

164) Dangerous Travel Stories.

165) Collaboration: Travel Stories You Would Never Believe.

posts for trips

166) Why I Started a Travel Blog.

167) What I Wish I Knew When Creating My First Travel Blog.

168)  How to Start a Travel Blog in 11 Easy Steps .

169) How to Craft the Perfect Travel Blog Post.

170) The Top Free Travel Blogging Tools.

171) Travel Bloggers You Must Follow .

172) What Is The Best Travel Blogging Course and Why?

173) Collaboration: Interview Your Travel Blogging Friends for the Best Advice They Have for Newbie Travel Bloggers.

174) Travel Essentials for Fun in the Sun.

175) How to Pack the Perfect Beach Bag.

176) Summer Weekend Mini-Vacations in Florida.

177) Summer Staycation Ideas that Teenagers Will Love.

178) Best Summer Vacation Getaways in the United States.

179) Top Ten Island Destinations for Summer Fun.

180) Summer Travel Tips.

181) Beach Safety Tips Including Water and Heat Precautions.

182) Car Survival Kit for Summer Road Trips.

posts for trips

Travel Tips:  Airline Travel .

183) How to Pass the Time Away During a Long Flight.

184) Flying with Baby Tips.

185) How to Sleep on an Airplane.

186) Travel Tips When Flying for the First Time.

187) What to Pack in Your Carry-On Bag.

188) 10 Top Tips for Booking a Flight.

189) Tips for Nervous Flyers.

190) Airplane Tips During a Pandemic.

191) Collaboration: How Seasoned Travelers Fly Like a Pro.

Travel Tips:  Road Trips .

192) Top Road Trips in World.

193) Favorite Road Trip Snacks.

194) Healthy Road Trips Snacks.

195) Tips for Road Tripping Solo.

196) Cross Country Road Trip Tips.

197) Best Road Trips in the United States.

198) Tips for Long Car Rides.

199) Road Tripping with a Baby.

200) First-Timers Guide to Road Tripping.

201) Preparing for Your First Family Road Trip.

posts for trips

How to Travel on a Budget Blog Post Ideas .

202) How to save for a travel fund.

203) How to book cheap flights/hotels.

204) Budget Travel Hacks.

205) How to Maximize Travel Points.

206) How Much I Spent On Our ________ Trip.

207) Budget vs. Luxury:  Is it worth it?

208) How to Plan a Luxury Vacation on a Budget.

209) How to See _________ on a Budget.

posts for trips

Top 10 Lists .

210) Favorite Foods in _________.

211) Beaches in the World.

212) Roof Top Bars.

213) Breweries.

214) Wineries.

215) Best Distilleries.

216) Weekenders in Florida.

217) Holiday Travel Destinations.

218) Instagrammable spots in __________.

219) Restaurants in Spain.

220) Open Markets in London.

posts for trips

221) My Bucket List.

222) What I Love About Traveling.

223) I Miss Traveling.

224) Things I Learned While Being Grounded in a Pandemic.

225) My Biggest Fears While Traveling.

226) What I Miss the Most When On the Road.

227) I Traveled to _________, But Would Never Go Back.

228) The Funniest Thing I Saw While Traveling in _________.

229) My Travel Philosophy.

These could all be outstanding collaborations. Ask your blogging friends to contribute their very best, and include a picture.

230) Adventure.

231) Running.

232) Romance.

233) Backpacking.

234) Hiking.

235) Water Sports.

236) Relaxing.

237) Learning a Second Language.

238) Cultural Immersion.

239) Surfing.

240) Sunsets.

241) Scenic Drives.

posts for trips

242) How to Explore a City During a Long Layover.

243) Or a Three-Hour Stay.

244) Overnight.

245) Weekender.

246) One Week Stay in _________.

247) Ten Days.

248) How to Plan to Travel for One Year.

249) Best Foods in ________.

250) Worst Food I Have Ever Tasted While Traveling.

251) How to Make a Recipe You Learned While Traveling.

252) Recipes from Around the World.

253) Desserts from Around the Globe.

254) Best Cocktails in _________.

255) Best Coffee Shops Across the Globe.

255) How to Organize Your Travel Photos.

256) Bring Your Travels Into Your Home Décor.

257) Tips on How to Make a Scrap Book.

258) How to Display Your Travel Photos.

posts for trips

259) What is the Best Advice You Can Give a New Travel Blogger?

260) If Money Was Not an Issue, Where Would You Travel To Next?

261) What is One Travel Hack That Changed Your Life?

262) How Do You Stay Healthy While Traveling?

263) Where Have You Traveled That You Would Never Go Back?

264) Carryon or Heavy Suitcase?

265) Rental Car, Uber, or Public Transportation?

266) Airbnb or Resort?

267) What is Your Travel Philosophy?

268) What is #1 On Your Bucket List, and Why?

269) Why Did You Start a Travel Blog?

270) I wish I would have thought of this one, How to Save Money for Travel from Puddles and Passports. Follow them, super fun family travel blog.

271) The Traveling Tailgate: How to Take Your Tailgate on the Road.

272) Are you game for adventure travel? (Thanks Kez)

273) Couch Surfing: What is it? and How Do I Find the Best Fit For Me?

274) Favorite Travel Bloggers To Follow.

275) Best Travel Blog Post of the Year.

276) 25 Haunted Hotels You Must Experience.

277) Runcation : Run Disney Marathon or The Rock n Roll Marathon in Nashville, then visit the sites during recovery.

278) Beercation.

279) Learn About Voluntourism.

Please share with your friends and drop me a line below so I can add your ideas to my list.

Jenny B Signature from Traveling Party of Four.

89 Comments on 250+ Useful and Fun Travel Blog Post Ideas (updated 10/17/2020).

These are great ideas! I, too, have those times when family life gets busy & you get writer’s block. Thank you!

Unless we become full time travelers, this is how it is. These are some fun ideas, though.

I’m sad to see adventure travel didn’t get a mention :oP

oh my gosh, Kez. I will get right on that!

Personally, I also had my fare time of experiencing writing’s block, perhaps because of my busy schedules and wasn’t able to travel all the time. So, with what you have shared to us, I now have an idea on which topic to write If don’t get a chance to travel.

I hope it helps. It definitely helped me come up with some stuff. We are traveling soon for Spring Break, so I should have some travel stuff coming. But, in the mean time, I will continue to check off what is on this list!

Such a useful post! I am not a travel blogger, but I really enjoyed this post, and can see the value in it. Having a writer’s block or topic block for that matter is common in our line of work as bloggers. i am sure many travel bloggers will be super grateful for this.

Thank you. I have kept busy lately trying to get through the list. We leave in one week for travel, so I will have some travel inspiration soon!

This is a great list and has inspired me for some posts. I wish we could travel full time, but my husband and I hold traditional jobs that keep us grounded (sigh). Oh well, we go when we can.

I feel ya, same here. We go when we can.

I try to travel as much as I can but I completely relate to the feeling of writer’s block when I haven’t travelled for a while. It becomes really difficult to write new content at such times. The list that you’ve come up with is a really good one indeed. Thanks for the inspiration!

I hope it helps. It was fun to brainstorm about this, now I have content ideas for months!

Some great ideas here. And let‘s be honest, who really has time to travel all the time? Title suggestion: what to pack for season/month in place, e.g. what to pack for winter in Hawaii or the mid west

Those are great ideas. Season and destination specific packing list! Thank you.

I love this so so much!! It’s genius!!

Thank you, Laura. What would you add?

Thanks for sharing this informative blog post filled with ideas.

You are welcome. I hope it was helpful and maybe inspiring!

I really like traveling. this is a good idea and really inspired me. the information you provide is very complete and informative.

I love this post and am totally bookmarking it to use later. Great to use when you’re having one of those inevitable days inspiration doesn’t strike.

So, true. Totally realized this after not traveling for four months, I have to come up with something else! I hope it helps.

Great ideas! this shall keep me busy 🙂 I had been a traveler my entire life and decided I want to write but now I am not traveling that often! Will try to get into some of these resources

These are great for those times of no travel. Plus they are fun!

This is a great list for when the inspiration well has run dry! Thanks for the suggestions to keep the travel ideas popping!

Yes, and if you have any suggestions for me to add, I would love to hear! Have fun.

  • Pingback: How to Start a Travel Blog in 11 Easy Steps ~ Traveling Party of Four

Very helpful. Have shared on my social media

Thank you. I am so happy you found this helpful. It was fun for me to come up with all of these ideas. I have lots to work with now!

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  • Pingback: Travel Blogger News: May 2019

Great ideas! I’m very interested about do a travel blog. I really appreciate your great work. Keep up!

Thank you, Minosh. This list was fun to create, happy you liked it.

Great list.

All great ideas. Simple and easy to do!

They are and really totally makes sense! It was a fun post to research and write, I hope it helps.

I personally like the ones around our hometown because people are not even thinking about it. Most people think travel has to be to the land of far far away, and they ended up not going anywhere. lol.

I agree. And I definitely take for granted what I have here locally. I should get going on that one, for sure.

These are really great ideas!! Thank you for the ideas and inspiration.

You are welcome. I hope it is helpful. I have been having some fun with this list, for sure.

What a great list! Thank you!

Thank you. It was fun to create. I hope you get to use some of the ideas!

It is best lesson for the every human being along with traveler or people those are planning or not planing any trip anywhere in the World.

This post will be a great resource the next time I encounter writer’s block. The list is perfect for my next brainstorming session!

Thank you, I hope it is useful. It definitely has been for me. AND kinda fun!

Oh yes, blogging in between travels can be so difficult. These are some great ideas of things to write about. Thank you!

You are welcome. We travel about 3/4 times per year, but then what?

I was running out of ideas. Thanks for the new topics for me to dig my teeth into!

Go for it. And tis the season to add some gift stuff, right?

A goldmine of ideas for travels blogs! Excellent work!

Thanks, Chris.

I love this article!!! Since I experience writer’s block on occasion, I’m bookmarking for future reference. Thanks!

Thank you. I hope it is helpful.

Wow…what a great list of ideas! I think you have covered everything possible. Thanks for sharing 🙂

You are welcome. I hope it helps, it’s been fun for me, particularly now. No travel for me until the holidays.

That’s a hell of a list! Is great to find some inspiration for when we are feeling stuck. 🙂

Yes, it is. I am all about being prepared during those “in-between” times. I hope this is helpful.

I was just working on a list of posts to work on! These are great!

Thank you. I am happy to help!

Wow so many ideas!! My problem is rarely writers’ block, but the time it takes to execute all the posts I have in my head! 🙂

I totally get that! If only I could get it all out there.

Great ideas! I’m not a travel blogger but still really enjoyed these ideas

They are fun ideas, and maybe some can be used even for other niches!

This is so fun. There’s a lot of great ideas. I’m gonna save this for when I have time to write and don’t have other things scheduled!!

Awesome. I hope it helps. I thought it was fun, too!

I love traveling, and I want to definitely incorporate some travel into my blog eventually! Thank you for the ideas!

You are welcome. It is lots of fun, even when in between adventures.

This is a fantastic list with TONS of great ideas!

Thank you. Lots of fun ideas! I continue to check them off.

So many great options. I think with a little tweaking many of these can work for different topics as well.

Thank you. I think so, too.

These are great ideas, thanks!

You are welcome. Thanks for stopping by.

Great blog ideas! Thank you for the inspiration. Keep up the good work!

You, too. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, so they say!

  • Pingback: 13 Tips For Writing Irresistible Blog Post Headline ~ Traveling Party of Four

Thank you. Fantastic list. Best of luck to you and your family.

Thank you, Jay. Y’all be safe.

This is a fantastic list! Maybe also doing interviews or collaborations with other travelers!

Yes, that is a great one. And actually was one of my 2020 goals.

These are fantastic ideas! I also have a seasickness guide. As a sailor who sailed the world for a year, I’ve had epic battles with seasickness. Thanks for the ideas and for the inspiration!

Ugh. I struggle. I love the sea. It doesn’t love me. I am getting better all of the time.

What a fun and creative list of different ideas for travel blog! I think I would do “My Top 10 Favorite Travel Snacks” 🙂 I’m a snacker on the road haha

Yes, that is a great one. I travel with a kid who has nut allergies, I could do allergy-friendly snacks. Great idea. Thanks.

  • Pingback: A Complete Review of The Business of Travel Blogging Course

What a great ideas. I saved it for my later reference. I am surely using a few topics from Go Local section. Thankyou.

Yes, Go Local. It’s all the rage! Let me know if you have any other ideas to add.

  • Pingback: 30+ Practical Ways to Crush the Summer Blogging Traffic Slump

Thank you. These are great tips. I’m about to undergo my second neurosurgery in 2 months. I’m not physically able to travel, even for short local trips.

I’m getting bored of posting buying guides and refreshing old content. This is just the inspiration I needed to bang out great new content while I’m laid up. Thanks again!

Nice Blog…. This is really amazing. Great information about Travel.

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Travel Blog Post Ideas


Make Moments Matter

105 Travel Blog ideas For Travel Posts Your Readers Will Love

Travel Blog Post Ideas

Travel Blog Post Ideas

Got writers block and need some travel blogs ideas? Check out these travel post ideas for inspiration.

Trying to think of new travel blog posts can be hard work!

Despite what all your friends and family think, I know you don’t just get to explore amazing new destinations all the time or sit on a beach somewhere tropical relaxing. Travel blogging is a full time job, and it can be exhausting thinking of new travel blog content ideas.

Whether it’s coming up with post ideas when you’re at home, or what to write about when you have just been to a destination, sometimes the post ideas just don’t flow .

To help I have created 105 travel post ideas.

If you want to keep these for next time you have writers block you can scroll to the end to get your free printable of blog post ideas.

Happy writing!

Table of Contents

Tips For Writing Amazing Travel Blog Posts

How to write a travel blog post is going to different for each person and site. Here are a few tips that can help you create travel content with WOW factor. 

  • Remember that as a travel blogger you are probably very experienced with all things travel. Your readers are most likely not! This means that something that may seem obvious to you is something they know nothing about.
  • Help your readers. Answer questions they ask, think of all those small details that can make your readers experience while traveling better.Google Questions is a great way to see what people want to know.
  • Write in your own voice. Your readers have come to your blog because they like what you have to say. Keep true to your voice and be YOU! The magic of travel blogs over generic sites is that we are quirky, fun, unique and personal.
  • Think about how you will generate traffic to your post. Writing a post that will rank well with SEO is very different from writing a travel post for social media. Make sure your content, format and tone suits where you plan to market this post.
  • Maximize your content. Each trip you make you need to be sure to write a good 5-10 posts ( even if it’s just a weekend away). Be sure to make notes and take lots of photographs . Research and plan your trip and have a rough idea of the posts you want to write before you leave ( you are guaranteed to have more ideas as you travel ).
  • Just write! We all have days where the words just don’t flow. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a break ( we can’t be geniuses all the time, right?). Just type what comes to mind, don’t edit then save and walk away from the computer for a while. When you back to it, you may be inspired to add more or salvage a blog post from your ideas.

Travel Post Ideas

Post Ideas For Travel Blog

You can use these as prompts to get your writing juices to flow or take the idea as the title for your travel blog post ( just remember to use those SEO travel keywords too!).

Travel Blog Ideas For When You Are Not Traveling

  • Why Travel Is Good For You
  • How To Save For Your Next Adventure
  • Create a post about your favorite and must-have travel items. All those things that make your trip better and easier. From packing cubes to camera equipment and walking shoes.
  • Create a travel guide. Use all your posts you have about a destination to create an ultimate travel guide about it. ( This could even be a downloadable ebook you sell).
  • Travel Books To Inspire Your Next Adventure
  • How To Eat Vegan/Gluten Free/ Keto While You Travel
  • The Most Versatile Travel Clothes ( It can be a mix and match post, or may convertible clothing or even items that dry super fast).
  • Your top tips to beat jet lag.
  • What You Need To Organize At Home Before You Travel ( Think of insurance, bill payments, events while you are away, house sitting etc)
  • Travel Resources To Book An Amazing Trip
  • My Favorite Travel Podcasts
  • My Favorite Travel Blogs
  • Which Luggage Is Best For You ( Compare luggage styles like backpacks, wheel suitcases and list pros’ and con’s)
  • Why You Should Be A Tourist At Home
  • Travel Gift Guide ( create lists of all the amazing travel products for travelers. You can do solo travelers, kids, grey nomads and much more)

Travel Post Ideas About Travel Tips and Hacks

  • How To Find The Cheapest Flights
  • Best Packing Hacks From A Travel Pro
  • How To Stay Fit And Healthy While You Travel
  • 11 Worst Travel Mistakes That Cost You Money
  • Don’t Leave For Your Road Trip Without These Essentials
  • How To Use Your Mobile When You Travel (This can include purchasing SIM cards abroad, mobile data charges, things to watch for so you don’t come home with a huge bill)
  • Why You Need Travel Insurance
  • How To Pick The Perfect Travel Accommodation ( Review or state pro’s and con’s for hostels, hotels, Airbnb, backpackers. Help your reader find the right accommodation to make their trip amazing).
  • How To Volunteer Abroad
  • Money Hacks ( This post can have currency tips, how to travel with money and information about travel cards, fees etc)
  • Hotel Hacks ( Show your readers how they can make the most of their stay and what to look for. This can be lounge use, how to find out what free services are available and more)
  • Carry On Packing Secrets
  • How Not To Look Like A Tourist While Traveling
  • Plane Travel Hacks You Need To Know
  • Mistakes Not To Make When You Hire A Car
  • How To Plan An Amazing Vacation

Travel Post Ideas For Destinations

Every time you visit a new destination try to have a number of posts planned so you can maximize your content with each trip. It is best if you can have a rough plan of action before your trip. This way you can research, plan your itinerary and activities to suit the posts you want to write.

  • Must Try Food In ____
  • 10 Spots To Take Amazing Instagram Photos in ____
  • 11 Free Things To Do In ____
  • How To See ____ On A Budget
  • Non-Tourist Sites To Explore In ____
  • Sustainable Travel Tips When You Visit ____
  • How To Give Back When You Travel To ____
  • Don’t Make These Mistakes When You Visit ____
  • 5 Top Local Tips For Your Trip To ____
  • Things You Have To Pack For  ____
  • 5 Places Not To Visit In ____
  • 15 Top Tips For Your First Trip To ____
  • Public Transport Hacks For Your Visit To ____
  • 11 Best Things To Do In ____
  • XX Day Itinerary For ____
  • Accessible Travel To ____
  • Places To See In ____ When It Rains
  • Responsible Animal Encounters In ____

Personal Travel Post Ideas

This one can be a little tricky. While adding a personal touch is something readers love, they don’t want to wade through a day-by-day diary style post. Instead think how your personal experiences and knowledge can help someone who wants to travel. Be entertaining while informative!

  • How Travel Changed My Life
  • Why ___ Is My Favorite Travel Destination ( After XX Countries)
  • The Worst Travel Disasters And What I Learned From Them
  • Honest reviews of tours you have taken ( can be city tours or tour companies)
  • Your best personal experiences in a destination. Maybe you went adventuring off the beaten track, or found some secret places from a local. Share you stories in an informative and inspiring way.
  • Hotel Reviews ( Travel writers can be pretty lucky sometimes, why not review that luxury hotel you stayed in?)
  • My Bucketlist ( and why I want to travel there )
  • Why I Like To Travel ____ ( This could be budget, luxury, with carry on only. Anything about your personal travel style and why it might appeal to other travelers)
  • Your best food experiences while traveling.
  • People love to know how much travel costs. Create a breakdown of your budget for your trips.

Generic Travel Blog Ideas

  • How To Not Be A Bad Tourist
  • How To Book The Best Family Vacation / Honeymoon / First Solo Trip etc.
  • Top Tips For Solo Travel/ Couple Travel / Friend Travel
  • Best Travel Quotes
  • How To Travel Anywhere On A Budget
  • Must Have Beauty Items For Travel
  • Accessible Travel
  • Inspirational Travelers
  • What To Do When Travel Goes Wrong
  • Should You Travel To ____ or ____? Discover Which One is Perfect For You.
  • Travel Phrases To Learn To Make Friends With The Locals
  • Top Backpacking Tips To Travel On A Budget
  • How To Make Friends When Traveling Solo
  • Things You Should Splurge On When You Travel ( And What To Not Spend Money On)
  • How To Take Amazing Vacation Photographs
  • Best Eco-friendly Products For Travel
  • How To Take Self Portraits When Traveling Solo.
  • Pro’s And Con’s For Using A Travel Agent
  • What To Do When Homesickness Strikes
  • How To Go Diving While Traveling
  • Best Wildlife Experiences Around The World ( How To See Wildlife Responsibly)
  • Why Travel Is The Only Thing You Spend Money On That Makes You Richer
  • The Best Travel Cameras

Travel Blog Listicles or Round Up Ideas

If you haven’t been to a destination yourself or aren’t traveling at the moment then these posts are great to add to your site. There are Facebook groups where you can ask for round up content. Just be sure to correctly credit the author, use the best content you can and never use another writers content or images without permission.

  • 10 Beaches You Have To Visit Once In Your Lifetime
  • 50 Top Travel Tips From Travel Experts To Make Your Next Trip Amazing
  • The Best Places To Travel In YEAR
  • Best Sustainable Travel Destinations
  • 10 Amazing Travel Photographs That Will Make You Want To Visit ____
  • 25 Tips To Make Travel With A Baby/Toddler/Pet Easier
  • Amazing Places To Travel For A Girls Trip/ Friends Vacation
  • Seasonal destination posts. Maybe you visited in spring? Ask for content for a different season so you can compare or create a best time to visit ____ post.
  • The Best Destinations For First Time Travelers
  • 100 Places To See Solo/With Family / Before 30 etc
  • 50 Best Road Trips
  • 21 Destinations To Go For Your First Backpacking Trip
  • 25 Overrated Destinations ( And Where To Go Instead )
  • 30 Best Train Trips Around The World
  • 25 Unique Travel Experiences
  • Dive Sites To Visit In ____

Lighthearted Travel Post Ideas

It doesn’t all have to be serious. Have a little fun with your readers and create a quiz.

  • What Country Should I Travel To Next?
  • Which Type Of Traveler Am I?
  • What Country Should I Live In?
  • Horoscope Travel Destinations
  • A Travel Item I Should Never Leave Home Without Is…?
  • What Is My Travel Style?
  • Find Out My Travel Photography Style

I hope these travel blog topics have helped you overcome writers block!

If you want these as a FREE pdf printable to keep for next time you are stuck for travel blog ideas just on the image below.

Free Travel Pdf

Travel with Meraki – The secret to successful travel blog ideas is helping others! Make sure your posts are informative, all information is correct and you answer questions your readers may have. If readers love your content they will keep returning to your site, recommend it to others and share your posts.


Travel Blogging Ideas

Ideas For Travel Blog Posts

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Blog Savvy Panda

75+ Travel Blog Post Ideas For Travel Bloggers

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Are you planning to start a travel blog?

Or perhaps you already have one and need some new inspiration?

Whatever the case, there are plenty of topics to write about when it comes to travel. This is where I share with you the most sought-after travel blog post ideas that your readers are dying to read!

I personally enjoy traveling to different cities twice a year. And as a researcher, I know looking for the best flight tickets, hotels, activities, and places to eat can be a daunting task. Gosh, I even look for dangerous or sketchy places to avoid at certain times.

As someone who does most of the planning for my travel plans (my husband and friends usually rely on me to do most of the planning in addition to creating the itineraries), I can understand from the readers’ perspective what it’s like to plan a trip — totally overwhelming and confusing about what places are worth visiting.

As a travel blogger, this is where you can jump in and help first-time visitors by sharing your knowledge about a particular city. In addition to showcasing your expertise, it’s your real and actual experience with traveling in that particular country or city that will make readers trust your recommendations.

So, how can you use your travel knowledge and experience to create a great blog post?

Well, before I give you a list of the best travel blog post ideas, I’m going to answer one of my readers’ most commonly asked questions, “What should a travel blog post include?”

Hi, friend! Are you new to FinSavvy Panda and Blog Savvy Panda? I recommend reading my personal story of how I started blogging and making money on Pinterest . You can also find my previous blog income reports like this one when you search for them on my website, FinSavvy Panda. If you haven’t started your blog, you can read my updated step-by-step guide on how to start a profitable blog – I will be updating my blogging guide every year! Also, don’t forget to check out my best-selling guides, The Treasure Map To Blogging Success in 30 Days and The Golden Compass To Pinterest Traffic: How I Increased My Monthly Traffic From 0 To 100,000 !
PIN THIS: I’ll be updating this post, so don’t forget to save this pin to your Pinterest board – that way you can easily come back to this page for all the information you need.


What should a travel blog post include?

I summarized in the points below what a travel blog post should include before publishing, so here are some quick tips to keep in mind while writing your next article. These are important things to consider, so don’t skip this. You’ll want to learn and implement this advice in all of your travel blog posts!

1. Create an in-depth guide on the best attractions and activities to do in a particular city

As you may or may not know, “the best” and “things to do” types of posts are highly searched by tourists. They are looking for the best spots and activities to visit in a certain city. Be sure to include plenty of details such as opening hours, prices, and location.

Examples include:

  • The Best Sightseeing Spots in {insert city}
  • The Best Local Restaurants for Authentic Cuisine in {insert city}
  • The Best Budget-Friendly Activities to Do in {insert city}
  • 10 Must-Visit Museums and Art Galleries in {insert city}
  • The Top 5 Must-Visit Beaches in {insert city}

2. Write an article about your personal experience with a particular destination with photos

Nothing helps your readers imagine the places and activities more than a few good photographs. This could include pictures and videos.

For example, if I were to write a blog post about the best sushi restaurants to try in Vancouver, I would insert images from my trip like this one.

Yes, this is my own photo and I don’t recommend using other people’s photos to explain your personal experience.


Not only does including your own photos along with your personal experience at a destination will help your readers get a better understanding of what it’s like to be there, but you’ll come off as a much more credible source.

In fact, Google search engines want you to write based on personal experience; not from regurgitating information from other sources.

3. Share your best tips on traveling on a budget

People love to save money when they travel, so writing a post on how to save money while traveling is a great way to attract readers.

This could include tips on how to find cheap accommodation, how to find the best deals for flights and activities, etc.

You could also write a blog post about how to save money while traveling. Explain to readers how they don’t necessarily always have to dine out by booking an Airbnb with a kitchen and stopping by the best local groceries.

Reveal your secrets on how you travel for free, or how you use the best travel credit cards to rack up points and miles.

You could even review a certain app, website, or destination that is budget-friendly.

Your readers will appreciate you sharing your knowledge on how to travel on a budget and they will most likely become returning readers.

4. Create blog posts about a certain region

Did you know you could attract more readers when you really focus and hone in on specific regions?

This way, you can specialize in one particular area and create a list of must-visit spots within that region.

For example, you could be an expert at providing information about Seoul and only talk about places and things to do in Seoul. It’s exactly what I was looking for when I planned my Korea trip a few years ago.

I found a trustworthy blog where someone was speaking from their own experience and writing everything about traveling in Seoul and ONLY Seoul! As a result, I bookmarked her website and kept going back to it for more information. I also passed her blog along to my friends who were traveling to Seoul for the first time. So, take this advice from someone who is your ideal reader.

As a Seoul blogger, that may even include answering questions in your blog posts like:

  • What is the weather like in Seoul?
  • Things to do in Myeong-dong
  • Is Gyeongbokgung Palace Worth Visiting?
  • How can I rent a car in Korea?
  • What is the cost of living in Seoul?

You can also include some hidden gems that you stumbled upon during your travels – they usually make for the best stories!

Again, include your own photos (not someone else’s or from Google searches). In fact, Google wants you to upload your own images, so don’t neglect this.

Since I used Seoul as an example here, I would share images like this letting my readers know that I visited the N Soul Tower.


5. Share your experience with a particular hotel or resort

Reviews are always helpful when it comes to hotels and resorts.

If you’ve stayed at a particularly great hotel or resort, share your experiences in a blog post. This will give readers an idea of what to expect if they choose to stay there as well.

Include photos and videos of the hotel or resort, and make sure to cover everything from the decor to the amenities they offer.

Additionally, you could also include a review of food and services that were provided.

Your readers will be thankful for your honest opinion!

6. Give readers advice on the best places to eat in a certain city

I don’t know about you but whenever I plan a trip, I always search for the best restaurants in that area. I even do it in my home city so let alone when I go travel.

Write a blog post about the best restaurants, cafes, and even food trucks in a certain city. To go even deeper, you could also write a separate review post on that particular restaurant.

For instance, if you happen to be a New York City blogger, you could write a review post about the “Don Angie” restaurant (a popular place to eat) and give them your non-biased opinion about the food, decor, service, etc.

As mentioned, always include photos (they are essential) in addition to a little bit of background on each restaurant.

This will help readers make an informed decision when they are looking for a place to eat.

7. Provide detailed information about how to stay safe in a particular city

New travelers are foreign to the area and might not know what to do in order to remain safe.

Write a post about safety tips when traveling to a particular city since they all have their own nuances when it comes to safety.

For example, if you were writing an informational post about New York City, you can answer questions like:

  • Is NYC safe?
  • Is Manhattan safe? (Be sure to cover upper, lower, and midtown Manhattan in your blog post)
  • The Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in NYC

You can bet that’s what I was reading too when I was a first-time visitor to NYC.

Travel Blog Post Ideas for Travel Bloggers

Now that you have an idea of what to include in your articles, here is a list of excellent travel blog post ideas. Regardless of what country or city you write about, these blog post ideas work for any travel blogger.

By writing these types of posts, you can help inform and educate your readers while giving them a better understanding of the places they visit.

  • Top 10 Things To Do in {insert destination}
  • The Best Places To Eat in {insert destination}
  • What To Pack For a {insert destination} Trip
  • How To Stay Safe While Travelling
  • How To Travel on a Budget
  • Where To Stay in {insert destination}
  • The Best Time To Visit {insert destination}
  • How To Get Around {insert destination}
  • What To See in {insert destination}
  • The Ultimate Guide To {insert destination}
  • The Best Street Food in {insert destination}
  • The Most Beautiful Places To Visit in {insert destination}
  • A Guide To Local Cuisine in {insert destination}
  • The Best Beaches in {insert destination}
  • Tips For Planning a Trip To {insert destination}
  • Where To Find The Best Souvenirs in {insert destination}
  • The Best Hikes in {insert destination}
  • Tips For Taking the Perfect Vacation Photo
  • How To Find Cheap Flights To {insert destination}
  • Must-Visit Attractions in {insert destination}

How do I write my first travel blog post?

If you’re a new travel blogger, or if you’re preparing a checklist for starting your blog , you may be at the stage of writing your first blog post.

Whether you’re a new blogger, a seasoned blogger, or even someone who hasn’t started their blog yet, the following is a list makes great ideas for writing your first blog posts .

So, if you don’t have these articles written on your blog, then I recommend writing a post about them.

London Travel Blog Post Ideas

Here are some travel blog post ideas for those of you who blog about London. You can also swap out London for a different destination if these titles are applicable to you.

  • The Best London Attractions To Visit
  • How To Get Around London on a Budget
  • Best Things To Do In Westminster, London
  • The Ultimate Guide To Visiting Buckingham Palace
  • Is Camden Market Worth Visiting?
  • Facts and History of Tower Bridge in London
  • Tips For Taking the Perfect London Vacation Photo
  • Where To Find The Best Souvenirs in London
  • The Ultimate Guide To Eating in London
  • Where To Stay in London on a Budget
  • The Best London Markets To Explore
  • The Guide To Visiting The London Eye
  • How To Get Around London Without Getting Lost
  • The Best Day Trips From London
  • Must-Visit Pubs and Bars in London

NYC Travel Blog Post Ideas

I did the same thing for NYC – another highly sought-after travel destination.  Here are some blog post ideas for first-time travelers looking for things to do and explore in New York City.

  • A Guide To The Best Neighborhoods In New York City
  • What To Do in New York City During the Day (or Night)
  • How To Visit New York City on a Budget
  • How To Buy and Use The New York Pass
  • The Empire State Building For First-Time Travelers
  • Things To Do in Central Park
  • The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
  • Where To Find the Best Street Food in New York City
  • The Best Museums To Visit in New York City
  • The Best Shopping in New York City
  • Where To Find the Best Views of New York City
  • Tips For Taking the Perfect New York City Vacation Photo
  • The Best Restaurants To Try in New York City
  • How To Get Around New York City Without Getting Lost
  • A Weekend Guide To New York City
  • 5 Days in New York: The Ultimate New York City Itinerary

Singapore Travel Blog Post Ideas

Here are some blog post ideas you can write about if you’ve traveled in Singapore. It’s also for those of you who love Singapore and enjoy writing everything about this country. These include the best places to visit and best places to eat in addition to hidden gems.

  • The Best Places To Eat in Singapore
  • Singapore Tourist Pass Review
  • Where To Find the Best Street Food in Singapore
  • Gardens by the Bay Review
  • The Best Local Dishes To Try in Singapore
  • SkyHelix Sentosa – Singapore’s Highest Open-Air Panoramic Ride
  • Everything You Need To Know About Boat Quay
  • A Guide To The Best Markets in Singapore
  • Visiting Bugis Street Market For First-Time Travelers
  • The Best Hidden Gem Restaurants in Singapore That Locals Love
  • Where To Find The Best Souvenirs in Singapore
  • The Best Rooftop Bars in Singapore
  • The Best Nightlife Spots in Singapore
  • Tips For Taking Instagram-Worthy Singapore Vacation Photo
  • The Best Beaches To Visit in Singapore

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I am always fascinated about the idea of earning a living online with blogs. I really dreaded the traditional 9-5 job, and that pain really motivated me to start building a better relationship with my money so I could achieve financial freedom sooner. I woke up one day, and randomly started my first blog ever, (with no knowledge about blogs, websites, or whatsoever) where I share my personal finance tips to help readers save, budget, and earn more. Fast forward 18 months, I was so surprised about earning a six-figure annual income with my small blog ! I also started a second profitable blog after my experience with my first, so I could learn more about different topics and niches! I'd love to help you start your first blog too, so you can do what you love and live on your own terms! You can click here to learn how you can start a profitable blog for beginners .

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Wander Her Way

How to Write Travel Blog Posts: 13 Ideas from One Trip

posts for trips

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Travel Bullet Journal Ideas

How to Write Travel Blog Posts from One Trip: 13 Ideas and Examples

Do you want to learn how to create lots of content from a single trip?

Here are 13 travel blog post ideas you can write about for every destination you visit!

As a travel blogger, it can be challenging to create content if you aren’t traveling all the time. But even if you only take a few trips per year, these ideas will help you never run out of blog posts!

How to Start a Travel Blog

If you haven’t started a travel blog yet, be sure to read this post for a step-by-step guide on how to do it: How to Start a Travel Blog for Beginners.

Or sign up for my FREE  email challenge below to get your blog up and running in five days:

This will show you how to start a travel blog the right way  so you can make money blogging!

Tips for Your Trip

While you’re traveling, here are some things you can do to make sure writing blog posts about your trip is an easy experience once you get home:

  • Come up with blog post ideas beforehand so you know exactly what kind of content you need to gather while you’re actually traveling 
  • Take photos of EVERYTHING (you never know when a photo will be useful for a blog post)
  • Document your trip thoroughly, whether you write in a travel journal each day or just jot down helpful notes on your phone as you go

The more prepared you are, the easier it will be to write blog posts when you get home!

1. Itinerary

The first blog post you can write about your trip is an itinerary guide!

Whether it’s a short weekend guide or a full one-week itinerary to your destination, write about what to do, where to stay, etc. in order to have the perfect trip.

You can actually get even more blog posts out of this one if you write itineraries of different lengths… or you can combine several itinerary ideas all into one blog post.

Travel Blog Examples:

  • The Perfect Two Week Costa Rica Itinerary
  • The Perfect One Week Italy Itinerary

2. Ultimate Guide

Another idea is writing an ultimate guide to a destination.

This is exactly what it sounds like: a detailed blog post covering every aspect of a destination, including how to get there, where to stay, the best things to do, where to eat, what to pack, specific tips you picked up while you were there, and so on.

  • The Complete Guide to Castle Combe, England
  • Ultimate Guide to El Paredon, Guatemala
  • The Complete Guide to Cinque Terre

Is Antigua Guatemala Safe?

3. Things to Do

What are the best activities and can’t-miss sights in your destination?

Write a “listicle” style blog post about all the best things to do when visiting a destination.

  • 9 Awesome Things to Do in Antigua, Guatemala
  • 11 Amazing Things to Do in Venice, Italy
  • Top 10 Things to Do in Copenhagen, Denmark

4. Where to Eat

People are always looking for the best places to eat in a destination. If you tried a bunch of great restaurants and cafes on your trip, write about them!

You can also put a spin on this, like best vegetarian restaurants or a gluten-free dining guide.

  • 10 Places for the Best Brunch in Paris
  • Where to Eat in Antigua, Guatemala

5. Where to Stay

Another idea is writing a guide to the best places to stay in a destination.

You can actually get multiple blog posts out of this (for example, writing a guide to boutique hotels and then a guide to budget-friendly accommodations) or combine them all into one big guide for a destination. This is a great way to work in hotel affiliate links.

  • Where to Stay in Cartagena, Colombia
  • 18 Best Boutique Hotels in New York City
  • Where to Stay in Copenhagen, Denmark

Top 15 Things to Do with Kids in NYC

6. Packing Guide

Packing guides for a destination are super useful to travelers!

Especially if you choose an angle like focusing on commonly-forgotten items to pack, or what to pack for a specific season. This is another blog post idea where you can easily work in affiliate links from Amazon or other retailers to the travel gear you recommend to pack.

  • What to Pack for Italy: 10 Essential Items
  • The Essential New York Winter Packing List
  • Disney Packing List: Don’t Forget These Items!

7. Travel Tips

I have picked up so many useful tips before visiting a destination by reading blog posts beforehand. Sometimes those tips are extremely useful and help me have a unique experience while traveling, or avoid making a common mistake in a destination!

You can compile all your best travel tips for a destination into one blog post.

  • 10 Tips for Surviving Disney World in the Summer
  • 40 Essential Guatemala Travel Tips
  • 5 Essential Tips for New York at Christmas

8. What Not to Do

Along the same lines as above, you can write a blog post sharing specific tips about what NOT to do in a destination, or common travel mistakes to avoid.

These types of posts are always popular because people don’t want to make mistakes on their trip!

  • What Not to Do in Italy: 10 Common Tourist Mistakes
  • 9 Disney World Mistakes to Avoid
  • 10 Common New York Tourist Mistakes to Avoid

havana travel tips

9. Inspirational

Inspirational blog posts are a great way to influence other people to visit a destination!

This can be anything from a “listicle” type blog post about the best reasons to visit a destination, or a collection of stunning photos that show off the beauty of a destination.

  • 9 Reasons You Need to Visit Cartagena, Colombia
  • 10 Photos That Will Inspire You to Visit Havana, Cuba

10. How to Guide

Did you figure out how to do something on your trip that other travelers would be interested in? 

This can be anything from how to get from one destination to another, how to take a day trip to a certain place, how to have a unique experience, etc. 

  • How to Take a Day Trip from Barcelona to Montserrat
  • How to Visit the White House
  • How to Take a Gondola Ride in Venice for Two Euros

11. Specific Places

Another ideas is writing a guide to specific places in a destination.

This could be literally anything such as museums, bookstores, street art, prettiest viewpoints, coffeeshops, and so on. Lots of options for this one!

  • 8 Best Bookstores in NYC You Need to Visit
  • The Best Winter Rooftop Bars in NYC
  • 7 Best Cotswolds Villages You Need to Visit

The Graham Georgetown Review

12. Hotel Review

I don’t often write hotel reviews on my blog, but some bloggers find them to be lucrative (you can use a hotel affiliate link in your blog post.)

So if you loved where you stayed, write about it!

  • The Graham Georgetown Review
  • Caribbean Luxury at The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman

13. Experiences

People are always looking for real, personal reviews from other travelers.

Is there a specific activity or experience you did on your trip? Write a detailed review of it! This can include pros and cons, helpful information, costs, etc. to help other travelers.

  • Visiting a Cranberry Bog in Massachusetts
  • What’s It Like to Study Spanish in Antigua, Guatemala?
  • Disney After Hours Review: Is It Worth the Money?

More Travel Blogging Tips

These are 13 blog posts you can create from a single trip!

For more tips and ideas about travel blogging, check out the following blog posts…

  • How to Start a Travel Blog for Beginners
  • 50 Awesome Travel Blog Post Ideas
  • 6 Best WordPress Themes for Travel Blogs
  • How to Make Money with a Travel Blog

Good luck and happy blogging!

Save it to Pinterest:

how to write travel blog posts from one trip: ideas and examples

About Denise Cruz

Denise is a marketing executive who escaped corporate to travel the world… twice. A Brazilian native living in the U.S., she’s lived in 4 countries and visited 35+ others. After side-hustling her way to financial independence, she curates solo destination guides, slow travel tips, and travel blogging advice on Wander Her Way. When she’s not on the road, you can find her in Miami with her dog Finnegan.

posts for trips

Travel Posts Ideas | 24 Amazing Blog Topics to Write About

As fun and meaningful as it is, being a travel blogger is no easy feat. What many people don’t know is that writing travel blog posts and travelling is a lot of work. And to keep up in the competitive travel niche, you have to create engaging travel post ideas to solve your readers’ problems.

How do you keep delivering relevant and useful travel information that’ll delight your readers? And where do you find new travel blog ideas? If you’re a travel blogger looking for ideas for your next travel blog post, look no further.

Readers are always looking for useful travel tips. Be it planning activities, choosing a hotel to book, or coming up with a trip budget, you’ll find endless travel blogging ideas right here. And by using the right travel keywords for your blog post, you’ll help people find your travel content online much easier through search engine optimisation.

Travel Blog Post Ideas

We’ve done many content mines to find endless topics for our clients to write, and we thought we would generously share some of the most popular ones.

Without further ado, here are ideas for travel blog posts to go on your website.

1. How To Save Money for a Trip

Image of man and woman saving money in jars.

Ask anyone who’d love to go on a trip to get away from it all, and they’ll tell you they’d love to, but they don’t have the money for it. Your readers most likely have the same issue too.

Take the opportunity to write a blog post with money-saving tips for people planning a trip. Include valuable, actionable information on how to save money to make the most of their adventure.

2. Tips on Booking Cheap Flights

Speaking of saving money, you could write about finding cheap flights. Share knowledge on how far out to book flights and which websites to use for the best deals. Also, write about seasonal travel and when flights are their cheapest (or most expensive).

3. Travel Essentials to Pack on Your Trip

Image of woman and first aid kit items.

There are some travel basics one needs to pack for a trip. While sunscreen, a sun hat, and some shades are ideal for beach hopping, that’s not all one needs. And that’s where your travel blog comes in.

You can write about the essentials your readers need to pack for every trip. Or get into specifics. This means writing about what to pack for a hike out in a national park. Things like a first aid kit, salty snacks, and a torch come in handy.

A packing list, like “What to Pack for a Winter Adventure in Switzerland,” will attract a very different audience than a general travel essentials guide. Either way, you’ll serve up a travel blog that’ll answer their question.

4. The Best Time to Visit a Destination

Sometimes, people know where they want to go for their upcoming trip. They may even have an idea of when to visit, but they need a bit of guidance. And you’re here to provide just that. You can write a travel blog post on the best time to visit a specific destination.

Ensure this includes information that caters to different travellers — those that prefer off-peak seasons with fewer crowds and those that don’t mind the buzz of peak tourist season.

5. What to Wear When Visiting a Travel Destination

Much like different occasions call for specific attire, so do certain travel destinations. Someone planning a hiking trip wouldn’t wear the same clothing when partying it up in Ibiza.

Different locations call for alternative clothing. So, take the opportunity to write about what a traveller should wear on a trip. This includes sturdy, waterproof hiking trainers for trekking National Parks or loose-fitting sundresses for the sunny Amalfi Coast.

Tip: Ensure you don’t just state what your readers should wear but also explain why . This way, you’ll provide helpful content. For example, write about how a sunhat and hiking pole are great for certain trails in a National Park. The former protects your face from the elements, while the hiking pole helps you traverse rocky terrain.

6. Travelling with Children

Image of a woman at the beach with a child building a sandcastle.

This could include advice on how to save money when travelling as a family, child-friendly activities, and the best local restaurants for your travel needs.

7. Travel Insurance Options

If there’s one thing that people think they don’t need until it’s too late, it’s travel insurance. As a travel blogger, you want to share useful and relevant content that’ll help others on their travels. Insurance is one of them.

Write about how insurance covers lost or stolen luggage, and medical emergencies, too. You can even blog about an instance where travel insurance saved your behind. Travel content ideas like this are incredibly helpful, as they not only inform your audience. They leave your readers feeling more connected to you.

8. Best Honeymoon Destinations

With about 40% of American couples travelling abroad for their honeymoon, writing about the best destinations for honeymooners is a great way to provide helpful information for those seeking it.

Tip: If this subtopic goes well with your website’s overall content, you could drive more traffic by targeting longer SEO keywords like “best budget honeymoon accommodation in Hawaii.”

9. How to Keep Entertained on a Long Flight/Ride

Image of female flight passenger staring out of window.

Almost any seasoned traveller will tell you; you’ve got to come up with a system to survive long flights. For some, it’s a book and noise-cancelling headphones. Others may prefer staying hydrated with a durable water bottle and keeping comfy with a snug neck pillow while watching a movie.

Either way, readers looking for tips could look to your travel blog post for your expert recommendations. Incorporate relevant affiliate links while you’re at it to improve your income-earning possibilities.

10. Travel Tips for Solo Travelers

Travelling alone is a great way to learn more about yourself and immerse yourself in the local culture. Your blog posts for solo travellers should include travel tips like getting travel insurance, letting people back home know your itinerary, and learning to interact with locals.

Due to more people going on trips alone, solo travelling is one of several growing topics for travel blogs. So, writing for this audience is a market worth tapping into.

11. Day Trip To X

Sometimes a day trip is all one needs. You could write a travel blog post on taking a day trip to a certain destination and exploring its hidden treasures. Twenty-four hours is plenty of time to check out charming local markets and visit an iconic landmark or two.

Ensure your blog post includes transportation options and how your readers can wisely plan their itinerary.

12. Road Trip To X

Image of a car outdoors and close-up of GPS navigation.

Road trips are an excellent way to enjoy spontaneity while taking scenic routes. There’s nothing quite like it. You can include helpful information on where to eat and where to stay during a road trip. Travel blog posts are an excellent way to share itineraries and provide unique insights on common routes like a Southwest road trip.

13. Adults-Only Hotels

A blog post on adults-only hotels is perfectly suited for those seeking a peaceful and serene escape. This travel blog post typically focuses on hotels for mature audiences. You could write about unwinding in the most luxurious rooms and enjoying adult-oriented amenities like nude beaches.

14. Pet-Friendly Restaurants in X

Some travellers want to bring their furry friends along for the fun. So you could write a travel blog about the best pet-friendly restaurants where your readers could dine out with their four-legged companions.

Travel blogs that write about pet-friendly dining options typically include information and insights related to this. Think of dedicated pet zones, water bowls, and pet-friendly treats. Of course, be sure to mention the importance of ensuring one’s pet is leashed properly and socialised.

15. Public Transportation Options In X

Image of people at the subway station.

It can be daunting for any traveller to navigate public transportation in a new city. With your travel blog post, you can help readers with well-researched options like trains, buses, and taxis. Be sure to mention the importance of getting familiar with routes and schedules.

Lastly, you could include other travel tips like getting a metrocard or passes for easy travelling.

16. Best Affordable Hotels in X

Some readers may be travelling on a budget. This audience wants the lowdown on the best hotels that don’t break the bank. Your travel blog should include budget-friendly accommodations that don’t compromise on comfort and quality.

And it doesn’t have to only be hotels. You could feature hostels, guesthouses, or boutique hotels. Feature budget destinations that offer your readers the best value for money .

17. State and National Parks in X

State and national parks are some of the best ways to experience the natural wonders of an area. Your travel blogs can highlight what nature enthusiasts love, such as writing about hiking through lush forests and witnessing stunning waterfalls.

Helpful and relevant information your blog post could include are trail routes, important park regulations, and a packing list for fun exploring.

18. Best Luxury Hotels

Image of a woman relaxing in the pool.

One of the most searched-for travel blog ideas is on luxury hotels. Here, your focus should be on four to five-star hotels. Write about how your readers can experience opulence at its finest as well as top-notch hospitality.

Money is not an object to a reader looking for the best luxury hotels, so ensure your travel blog post features hotels with lavish suites, stunning views, and premium amenities.

Read more: Get expert SEO services for your hotel .

19. Museums in X

Delight your readers with museums they could visit in a certain destination. Most travel blog posts that cover this topic talk about the history and culture of a region. Be sure to point out the engaging exhibits your readers could view.

In addition, it helps to point out the guided tours or special events your readers could be interested in.

20. Best Winter Destinations

Your readers could be experiencing cold weather where they’re at. Or, they could be in search of a winter wonderland. Either way, you could write a travel blog post on the snowy mountains of the Swiss Alps or Germany’s charming Christmas markets.

Your blog post should not just share these lovely winter escapes but include helpful information for your readers as well. These include travel tips like checking weather reports and bundling up in cosy layers.

21. Best Hiking Destinations in X

Image of a man on a hike.

Hiking posts are one of the most popular travel blog post ideas, and for a good reason. It’s a commonly searched-for blog post, as readers are looking for helpful information. This includes research on difficulty levels, the duration of a hike, and much more.

You could also write about what to bring. A certain destination packing list (e.g., Bryce Canyon National Park) would include socks, a reusable water bottle, and sunscreen, to name a few. Be sure to share safety tips, as this is another fantastic way to build rapport with your audience.

22. Things to Do at Night in X

Some travellers are keen on exploring a destination’s nightlife. Your blog post could share the range of options available to your readers. From eclectic rooftop bars to live music venues, the blog post ideas are endless.

As always, safety tips like staying in well-lit areas are worth sharing for readers seeking fun things to do at night.

23. Best Coliving and Coworking Spaces in X

Thanks to the increase in digital nomads, coliving and coworking spaces are one of the newer travel blog post ideas being written on. Your blog posts could share spots where remote workers can work, connect, and have fun.

Be sure to mention amenities that aid productivity, like dedicated workspaces and high-speed internet. In addition, you could write about local communities your readers could join for networking purposes.

24. Travel Safety Tips

Image of a woman in a dimly lit dark alley.

Another idea for your travel blog is a post on safety. You could write about researching the safety and political situation of country X to be aware of potential risks. In addition to this, you could include health and safety items to bring along. This includes a first aid kit.

Your safety travel blog post could also mention staying alert in crowded areas. And if the “ Attenzione pickpocket! ” TikTok trend is anything to go by; it’s clear that pickpockets are as busy as ever.

Summing Up Travel Blog Topic Ideas for Travel Bloggers

Coming up with new travel ideas can be quite challenging. But with these blog post ideas, you’ll be well on your way to writing more travel content in no time. Plus, you don’t have to use these blog post topics exactly as described.

Draw some inspiration and incorporate your personal experiences and Voila ! You’ll have unique travel blogs your readers will love. After all, people need travel inspiration and much-needed travel tips. Let your website be where they find it.

From travel bloggers to rental car companies, everyone can make use of great travel topics to write about. Need beautifully written travel SEO content to rank higher in the SERPs and gain more visibility? Contact us today for expert travel SEO services .

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61 travel blog post ideas for when you’re stuck at home

Sometimes friends ask me how I manage to travel so much. After all, I work full-time, my husband works part-time, we have two kids in school and a dog to take care of. The truth is that while we travel more than average—there’s a reason I write a travel blog, after all—we’re not gone all the time by any stretch of the imagination. So how do I come up with travel blog post ideas even when we’re at home?

Well, if you’re a travel blogger, I’m 99.99% sure you’ve had that same question. Sure, you likely have a backlog of write-ups from past trips. But when those dry up and you’re still tied to your home base, what travel blog topics can you write about?

Never run out of travel blog post ideas again! 61 topics to inspire you when you're stuck at home. To & Fro Fam

Travel blogger friends, I have your back. Below, I put together a list of 61 travel blog post ideas for when you’re not traveling. And I went one step further: I created a handy pdf of all these questions that you can download for free! (Scroll on down to get your free printable of blog post ideas!)

So read on to get a bunch of travel blog post ideas circulating in that beautiful brain of yours. Then download the freebie printable of travel topics to write about. Keep it on hand for when you need post inspiration.

Happy writing and happy travels!

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog post ideas when you’re not traveling

Contrary to popular belief, most travel bloggers aren’t on the road 100% of the time (or even close to it). Keep the content cranking with these travel blog post ideas.

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog post ideas about tips & hacks

  • How to organize your trip
  • Packing tips to make travel easier
  • How to stay healthy when you travel
  • Your packing list(s)
  • Tips for airline travel
  • Tips for road trips
  • What you won’t leave home without
  • Pre-trip prep
  • Your favorite travel apps
  • Your favorite travel snacks
  • What to do when reservations go wrong
  • How to travel with pets
  • How to travel to a place when you don’t know the language
  • How to plan a trip with a big group
  • The travel items you don’t actually need
  • How to stay safe while traveling
  • How to stay comfortable on long travel days
  • How to not get bored on long travel days
  • How to take better photos

Family travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog topics about money and budgets

  • How to stretch your travel budget
  • Brilliant hacks for cheaper travel
  • How to save money on hotels/hostels/home rentals
  • Exactly what you spent when you traveled to _______
  • Budget ____: Is it worth it? (e.g. budget bus, airlines, suitcases, etc.)

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel topics to write about lessons learned

  • 10 mistakes you made (and what you do now)
  • What you wish you’d known when ______
  • Places you’d never go again
  • What happened when you forgot ____ at home
  • What have you learned about yourself through travel?

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Blog post ideas about you as a travel blogger

  • How often does a travel blogger really travel?
  • How does a travel blogger pay for all those trips?
  • Your favorite hashtags
  • Your Instagram strategy
  • How does a travel blogger decide where to go?
  • How you satisfy your wanderlust when you’re at home
  • How travel bloggers make friends on the road
  • Do you have a routine while traveling?
  • What do you do when you’re homesick?
  • What travel bloggers really want for a present this year (gift guide)

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Blog posts about travel inspiration

  • Why you travel
  • Your top 10 favorite trips
  • Why you bring your kids when you travel
  • Future travel wish list / Bucket list destinations
  • Exploring your hometown
  • Your favorite books about travel
  • What you miss from home when you travel
  • What inspires you about travel
  • Favorite travel quotes
  • Where do you go to get ideas on what to do, where to go and where to stay?

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Travel blog topics that get personal

  • What was your first trip like? When did you start traveling?
  • Your favorite travel splurges
  • Your favorite childhood trips / first memory of vacations
  • A truly lonely time traveling
  • The moment when you realized travel changed your life
  • The time you fell in love while traveling

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Roundup blog posts

  • Your favorite foods from around the world
  • Your all-time favorite hotels
  • Your favorite foods from home
  • The weirdest things you’ve eaten while traveling
  • The weirdest things you’ve done while traveling
  • The most underrated beaches/destinations/cities/etc.
  • Best destinations for couples

Travel blog inspiration: 61 travel blog post ideas / To & Fro Fam

Never run out of travel blog ideas again!

Now that you have this list— and  a handy dandy free printable of travel blog post ideas—you’ll never hit writer’s block. Whenever you’re stuck at home when you would rather be jetting across the globe, pick one of these travel blog topics and get typing. You’ll feel more inspired, and your audience will love that you never run out of ideas.

Do you want this entire list designed in a printer-friendly layout so you can refer back to it whenever writer’s block strikes? Sign up below:

Sign up to get your Travel Blog Post Ideas printable!

Do you have any go-to blog post ideas? Can you add to the list of travel topics to write about when you’re not traveling? Please share in the comments below!

Need blog inspiration? These travel blog post ideas will get you writing even when you're at home. Crush writer's block NOW! To & Fro Fam

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25 surefire ways to make the most of a conference—even if you’re alone/nervous/new!

Your essential blogging conference survival kit, 92 comments.

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I love these ideas! Perfect for my wanderlust!

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Haha, definitely! I should have written a disclaimer that I’m not responsible for spontaneously booking a trip after reading my blog. 😉

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Wow! These are great ideas for Travel bloggers. Thanks for sharing!

I’m glad you thought so, Maggie. Thanks for reading!

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I love this – You are full of so many great ideas and I would love to read about any of these topics!

Aw thank you Erin! I definitely have a few of these brewing. 😉

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such great ideas and tips for continuing to create cohesive content! I am not a travel blogger but these still helped me!

So true Leah – many of them could be adapted for any niche. I hope they were inspiring!

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You certainly have no shortage of travel blog ideas, and even though I’m probably going to stick to focusing on food, I definitely need to hang on to this post. Thanks for sharing, Catherine!

Food and travel are so intertwined – I see a lot of crossover here!

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I’m not a travel blogger, but I blog about date nights in our area and we’ve not been able to go out as much lately so this gave me some ideas.

I love the idea of focusing on date night ideas. So many of us don’t even know what to do when we get some time together!

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What a great list for travel bloggers!

Thank you Rebecca! Thanks for reading!

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These are all so great! And blog posts I totally search for!

Oh that’s so good to hear! The whole point of blogging is to help people searching for answers.

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Such a good list!! These are all things I need to think about as I’m getting ready to travel again 🙂 Love to see where you pull inspiration from.

Yay for trips on the travel horizon!! Where are you going? Iceland again??

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This is a phenomenal list! We have traveled so much less this year than last and I feel like my travel posts have become a bit stagnant as a result. I really appreciate having so many other options that I can use to infuse that area of my blog.

Travel is something that ebbs and flows, so for consistency’s sake, it’s good to have a bunch of travel-related post ideas in your pocket for just these times. I hope my list inspired you!

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So helpful to see different blog ideas broken down like this. I definitely feel at a loss sometimes in thinking of new and fresh things to write about!

We all feel that way sometimes! That’s why having a go-to list like this is so helpful: There’s always something to write about.

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Such great inspiration, Catherine – I’m pinning this for later! (Now, if only I had time to write all the posts I have listed on my calendar.)

Hahaha, me too! I have a super long list of blog post ideas… but there’s never enough time to write them all, is there?!

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Thank you so much for these tips!

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This is a nice post and this post are very informative about search engine optimization.and thanks for sharing this post.

You’re so welcome Priya – I’m glad it helped.

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I will have to share these with my clients who happen to be travel bloggers. There are some wonderful ideas here for one of my clients who happens to be home right now.

Thank you for sharing, Tami! I hope the blog post inspiration list helps your clients.

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Saving this! These are such great ideas 🙂 Thanks for providing this inspo

You’re so welcome, Jenna! Glad to provide a little inspiration in your day.

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I appreciate this more than you know! We weren’t able to travel in the Summer like we planned and I was just saying that our travel posts are getting behind.

High periods of travel come and go. I like to have a bunch of inspiration for those times when we stay at home more than usual. Glad it’s helpful to you too!

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Oh wow, thanks for all these great post ideas x

You’re welcome Marina!

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Really very happy to say,your post is very interesting to read.I never stop myself to say something about it.You’re doing a great job.Keep it up

Thank you, glad it’s helpful!

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These are great ideas for when we are not traveling. We are taking a break from traveling before learning to travel fulltime in 6 months. I have been trying to figure out what to write about while we prepare to leave and these ideas are great. I didn’t realize I could write about planning for our family gap year.

Oh my goodness, sounds like this post reached you at the perfect time. I hope it helps! Sounds like you have a really exciting change on the horizon – best of luck in traveling fulltime!

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Great guide for those who are starting out. Love blogging and use wordpress all the time. It has a lot of advantages which are now paying of for us 🙂 Keep on blogging on my friend

Aw, thanks Xavier! And so glad you liked all the ideas for travel bloggers. Til next time!

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These are fantastic suggestions and my head is spinning with inspiration! I truly appreciate your sharing this, and I now have so many ideas to keep the writing queue full of cool travel blogs even though we can’t go anywhere right now.

Yay, I’m so glad this post with travel blog ideas is helpful! This is a strange time we’re living in – but doesn’t mean we have to stop dreaming about travel.

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I love this!! I always have such a hard time coming up with ideas for posts that aren’t about my recent travels. SO this season is going to be particularly difficult for my blog lol. I’m definitely going to use some of these, thank you!

Oh good! I know, I tend to write about my latest adventure – but there’s more we can offer, even in a time of shelter in place.

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Some great ideas here to keep me going for a little while longer. I’ve been doing ok so far and mixing in non destination posts with some destination posts. This is really helpful though

I’m glad these travel post ideas are helping. I’m with you – doing a mix of destinations and not destinations – but when we hit writer’s block, anything can help!

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These are great! Thanks for compiling this list. I added 9 ideas to my list, one possibly a series.

Oh good! A series is another terrific way to generate content even when you’re not traveling. Way to go.

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Blog posts about travel inspiration are so perfect for this time! I wrote a blog post similar to this for this week, but yours had so many great ideas that I didn’t even consider! Thanks for the positivity and thoughtfulness 🙂

Ah, you’re welcome, and thank you! We in the travel community need to support one another in this time especially, and I’m thrilled the post helped.

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I love this! I’m going to use some of these!

Terrific Jasmine! I hope the inspiration helps.

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This is exactly what I needed right now! It can be difficult to stay motivated in the current circumstances, thanks for these great ideas to keep me on track!

Hannah |

So happy these blog post ideas gave you a little inspiration AND motivation. Good luck writing!

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Cool post! Love it!!! You’ve done such a good job and really! Thanks for sharing!

You’re welcome, Menty! Thanks for stopping by and good luck writing. 🙂

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I will be starting my new blog, will soon be applying what you mentioned in this write up, will update you here in the comments.

Good luck Xavier! Let me know how your new travel blog goes.

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this is amazing post thanks for sharing information with us

You’re very welcome!

' src=

Thank you for this awesome list of ideas that helps travel bloggers a lot to write on.😊

You’re very welcome! I’m glad it helps, and I trust you have plenty of inspiration to write travel blog posts, even during lockdown.

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Thank you for amazing ideas of traveling and you should me proud for sharing great blog I very thankful to you

You’re very welcome! I’m glad the blog post ideas were helpful.

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Thank you so much for listing all these ideas. They are really helpful!

You’re welcome, and I’m glad they help! Best of luck blogging.

Thank you for such an amazing and helpful article. It really gives us Idea to write on . Thank you.

You’re welcome, Abhishek! Best of luck with your travel blog!

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what an amazing post, I was very excited and full of ideas. thanks for sharing such a useful post.

You’re so welcome, Pamela! I’m glad these travel blog post ideas inspired you.

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Thanks to share nice post with us…!!!

You’re very welcome! I’m glad these travel blog post ideas helped.

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I’m going to bookmark your site the tips are great, definitely going to use them in Upcoming years.

I’m so glad you found these blog post topics helpful, Amit!

' src=

Great article with full information about the travel blogs.

I’m so glad my travel blog post ideas are helpful!

' src=

You have a good site and I’m going to bookmark it. The tips are great, I’m definitely going to use them in the future.

I’m very glad to help, Rajesh, and glad you’re finding my travel posts helpful!

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Hi Catherine!

Thank you for sharing to us a lot about your family travels. I’m just new in blogging and these tips are will surely help me a LOT! Stay safe! ☺️

You’re so welcome, Kay! Keep it up and stay well!

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Wow , i learned something new here. i wish you will post more article just like this one


So glad to be of help 🙂

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good post with best details. Thank You So much for sharing..!!!

I’m glad these travel blog post ideas were helpful! Thank you for reading!

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Wow! I actually sense at a loss every now and then in wondering of latest and fresh matters to put in writing! These are excellent thoughts for Travel bloggers. Thanks for sharing!

You’re very welcome Priyatosh!

' src=

Thanks for this excellent resource – It has given me a lot to think about! 🙂

Thank you for reading!

' src=

Very good and creative method for building backlinks to your site and also traffic. It’s very good! Thanks a lot for this post!

You’re very welcome — so glad these travel blog post ideas helped you!

' src=

It’s an excellent blog on TRAVEL BLOG POST IDEAS. Thanks for sharing. Today, travel blogging is one of the most popular types of digital content in the industry. Therefore, these suggestions will give new bloggers inspiration and enable them to compete in today’s competitive industry. You can also go to 2Passports 1Dream to learn more.

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138 Travel Blog Post Ideas You Need to Cover in Your Blog

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Written by Ankit Singla


Last Updated on:

by Ankit Singla

Okay — you’re here because you’re out of fresh travel blog ideas.

In case you didn’t know, I provided 19 different travel blog topics in an  earlier post .

That should supply your travel blog with content ideas for weeks. 

With this post, let’s keep those juicy travel blog post ideas coming. 

How to Use This List

Just a simple reminder before we get started.

What you’ll find here are travel blog content ideas that I’ve personally seen from bloggers worldwide. Also included are great blog title ideas for travel websites — three for each topic.

These titles are unique since I wrote them myself. However, it’s probably best if you modify them by switching up words or adding new keywords. 

I also recommend checking out the  CoSchedule Headline Analyzer   to optimize your title for clicks and SEO. 

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

With those things out of the way,   let’s get going . 

Best Travel Blog Post Ideas

Here are the best travel blog post ideas you can write about on your blog.

1. Off-the-beaten-path travel spots

You can cover more unique, off-the-road travel routes and destinations on your blog to make it stand out. 

Post title suggestions:

  • #  off-the-road travel destinations you should try when you’re in (destination)
  • I discovered this cool off-the-beaten-path spot during my visit to (destination)
  • Think you know (destination)? Here are  #  hidden spots that’ll make you think twice

2. Luxury travel

A lot of people look for travel tips on a budget — and that’s perfectly understandable. But what about those who have the moola for more luxurious trips?

  • Luxury travel planning guide:  #  tips for serious travelers
  • Top  #  five-star hotels to visit in your next trip to (destination)
  • Flying to (destination)? Here are the top  #  luxury hotels to stay in

3. Work abroad

When thinking of what to write about in a travel blog, just remember that some people want to work abroad. In fact, a lot of travel bloggers funded their early travels by taking on jobs in countries they’ve visited.

  • Want to be a digital nomad? Think about the idea of working abroad first
  • A travel blogger’s handbook to working abroad
  • How to make money traveling with these travel jobs

4. Wildlife

A handful of travel bloggers make their dent in the industry by highlighting a destination’s wildlife. 

  • A traveler’s guide to (species) in (destination)
  • Best spots to see (species) in (destination)
  • Swimming with (water species) in (destination): told in pictures

5. Solo travel for women

A lot of female travel bloggers share advice for women who wish to travel alone. Doing the same would be better if you can compile a list of tips based on your experiences. 

  • Top  #  destinations for solo female travelers
  • Going solo?  #  travel tips every woman should remember
  • Solo female travel tips when going to (destination)

6. Travel safety

Every traveler — not just women — needs to pay attention to travel safety. 

  • #  travel safety tips every traveler should know
  • How to stay safe in (destination):  #  travel safety tips to live by
  • The essential travel safety guide for traveling to high-risk countries

7. Local delicacies and exotic food

You can’t call yourself a serious traveler if you don’t, at the very least, consider trying out local delicacies. 

  • #  local delicacies to try in (destination)
  • So, I tried the (local delicacy) from (destination) — TL;DR: it was amazing
  • #  reasons why you should try (local delicacy) and why I love it

8. Travel fashion

Let’s face it, you need to make yourself look presentable if you want to take travel selfies. Wearing stylish outfits will also make it easier to socialize with other people in foreign countries.

  • How to travel light and look fashionable: a guide for travel bloggers
  • #  fashion tips for jet-setters
  • #  travel fashion tips to be comfy on the road

9. Travel photography apps

Not everyone’s packing a professional camera — see to it that everyone else can take Instagrammable photos with the right apps.

  • Top  #  photography apps you can use on your phone
  • How to level-up your smartphone photography with these  #  handy apps
  • Best mobile apps for DIY travel photography

10. Local sports

If you’re traveling to a destination with a popular local sport, consider writing about it to show readers something new. 

  • I tried playing (local sport) in (destination), see what happened
  • #  things I wish I knew about (local sport) before purchasing a ticket
  • Top  #  reasons why visiting sporting events should be a part of your travel plans

11. Local celebrities

If you have a large enough influence, you can try interviewing famous people in your destination.

  • Having lunch with (celebrity name)
  • I attended (celebrity name)’s event in (destination): here’s what I learned
  • #  things you didn’t know about (celebrity name) that will blow your mind

12. Getting press trips

If your readers think about starting a travel blog themselves, you might want to share some tips on press trips. These are basically sponsored trips by an establishment, city, or any organization who needs positive press.

  • How to get press trip proposals as a blogger or social media influencer
  • Travel for free? Here’s how to make it happen with press trips
  • #  things to do to get your first press trip opportunity

13. Terrifying travel experiences

Every travel blogger has loads of stuff to say about their positive travel experiences. Then, there are bloggers like Lauren Juliff of  Never Ending Footsteps   who also shares her not-so-fun moments.

  • The story of how I got stranded in (destination)
  • I was scammed in (destination): here’s how you can avoid my mistakes
  • So… I broke my (body part) in (destination): the road to recovery

14. Long-distance relationships

A lot of travelers have to deal with the troubles of a long-distance relationship.

  • #  golden rules that will make your long-distance relationship last
  • A digital nomad’s guide to long-distance relationships
  • How to keep your long-distance relationship strong while you’re abroad

15. Local nightlife

When it comes to travel, there are different strokes for different folks. And some folks enjoy the local nightlife whenever they’re in a new location.

  • A traveler’s guide to the (destination) nightlife
  • #  nightlife destinations in (destination)
  • Top  #  cities with the best nightlife in (destination)

16. Other travel bloggers

As a travel blogger, you do have the right to share your opinions about the best travel blogs. Hopefully, you have a lot of positive things to say about them. 

  • Top  #  travel bloggers in (destination)
  • Hot off the press: my interview with (travel blogger)
  • #  travel bloggers to follow about (travel blog topic)

17. Traveling with pets

Yes — traveling with pets is possible. It’s not your usual travel blog content, but there are websites that talk about them.

  • How to travel with your beloved pet: a step-by-step guide
  • #  tips on traveling with your pet for the first time
  • Everything you need to know about traveling with pets

18. What you do when you’re not traveling

You may have a travel blog, but there are other things worth sharing with your audience other than travel-related stuff. 

  • Not going anywhere? Here are  #  things I do when I’m not on the go
  • #  things to do when you’re stuck at home
  • How to deal with a serious case of wanderlust when you have nowhere to go

19. Step-by-step travel guides

Describing a destination and your experiences are one thing, crafting a comprehensive travel guide to that destination is another.

  • How to plan the perfect weekend to (destination)
  • The ultimate (destination) travel guide for first-timers
  • Traveling to (destination) in (date): A step-by-step guide 

20. Airlines and booking

While there are travel blogs dedicated to the airline industry, traveling by plane involves loads of content topics to discuss. 

  • The traveler’s advanced guide to frequent flyer miles
  • My experience with the (airline company)
  • How to maximize your frequent flyer miles with these tools and hacks

21. Traveling by train

Apart from flying, traveling by train can also be a source of good travel blog ideas.

  • An uninitiated’s guide to traveling in the USA via trains 
  • How to make the most out of your first train ride
  • #  overnight train trips you should try going to (destination)

22. Family travel

Traveling with your family is a whole different experience from traveling alone. 

  • Family vacation ideas in (destination)
  • How to plan the perfect family vacation
  • My top  #  favorite family travel destinations in (year)

23. Travel credit cards

Aspiring travelers will definitely appreciate it if you can shed some light on the best travel credit cards available. 

  • #  questions you need to ask before choosing a travel credit card
  • These are the best travel credit cards in (year)
  • Top  #  travel rewards credit cards you should take a look at

24. Your travel blog marketing strategies

Do you also write about travel blogging and how readers can follow your footsteps? You may want to share a thing or two about your go-to blog marketing strategies.

  • How to promote your travel blog content in  #  easy steps
  • Travel bloggers: here’s how to leverage the power of social media to boost your traffic
  • Top  #  email marketing services for travel blogs

25. Your travel blog headquarters

A lot of established travel bloggers have a main base of operations somewhere. Your loyal readers may be interested in learning about it. 

  • An exclusive tour of our (location) HQ
  • #  workplace tips to boost your productivity (that we do ourselves)
  • Here’s what the (your brand) team does in our spare time

26. Responsible tourism

Responsible tourism stems from the idea that travelers need to make a positive impact on the environment.

  • Everything you need to know about responsible tourism
  • How to be a responsible tourist:  #  travel rules to live by
  • A beginner’s guide to responsible tourism

27. Tour company reviews

Want to recommend a tour company to your readers? Then, by all means, do so.

  • My review of (tour company) 
  • I chose (tour company) on my trip to (destination): here’s what happened
  • Top  #  tour companies to consider when visiting (destination)

28. Overcoming travel anxiety

Sometimes, a traveler at heart needs to break through a barrier of anxiety to embark on their first adventure.

  • How to overcome travel anxiety and live the life you deserve
  • #  tips on overcoming travel anxiety
  • #  things that helped me overcome travel anxiety: my story

29. Digital nomadism

Ever feel like traveling forever with no permanent place of residence? That’s what digital nomads do — and there’s definitely a lot to love about their lifestyle. 

  • #  pros and cons of digital nomadism
  • Are you ready to be a digital nomad? Ask yourself these  #  questions first
  • #  steps you need to take to be a digital nomad in (year)

30. Traveling by sea

There are a few popular blogs that talk about sea travel. If you’re well-versed in the topic, feel free to chip in your thoughts.

  • Sea travel 101: how to travel across the globe via cargo ship
  • I took a cargo ship to (destination) for the first time: read about my experience
  • #  most memorable cruises I took from (year) to (year)

31. Travel software

When you hear the word “travel gear,” you probably think about bags, outfits, accessories, and outdoor sports equipment. Allow me to introduce you to a potential goldmine of topic ideas: travel apps and software. 

  • #  travel apps that I couldn’t live without after trying them
  • My review of (travel app) and tips for beginners
  • These are the best travel planning apps you can get your hands on

32. Driving around a specific destination

Sometimes, all readers want are tips and advice for their next road trip experience.

  • #  driving tips for long rides to (destination)
  • #  ways to make your next long drive to (destination) more fun
  • Driving to (destination)? Here’s how to make the most out of your trip

33. Extreme sports

A lot of travel blogs focus on extreme outdoor sports for adrenaline junkies. There’s no reason not to talk about these activities if you’ve done them yourself. 

  • #  high-adrenaline activities you can try in (destination)
  • Top  #  destinations in (destination) for extreme sports
  • The ultimate list of extreme outdoor sports to try in (year)

34. National parks 

National parks serve as reminders that we, as humans, are responsible for the protection and conservation of our planet. They’re always worth talking about in any travel blog. 

  • Top  #  national parks to add to your travel bucket list
  • I visited the (national park name) national park and reasons why you should too
  • The story of my visit to the (national park name): told through pictures

35. Traveling as a retiree

Believe it or not, a lot of people wait for their retirement before they go on adventures.

  • #  reasons you should travel your retirement years away
  • #  destinations to visit as a retiree traveler
  • Better late than never:  #  essential travel tips from and for retirees

36. Volunteering abroad

You can help travelers around the world make a difference by discussing volunteering opportunities. 

  • #  top   websites to look for volunteering opportunities
  • Why everyone should consider traveling to volunteer
  • My first volunteering experience in (destination) with (volunteer event name)

37. Your favorite travel books

A lot of full-time travel bloggers started their careers drawing inspiration from travel books. Share your favorites with your readers to inspire the traveler in them as well. 

  • My top  #  travel books of all time: I still read #1 to this day
  • How the (travel book name) changed my life
  • #  takeaways from the (travel book name) by (author)

38. Travel goals

Every successful travel experience started with a plan. Help readers experience the same by teaching them how to set travel goals.

  • How to properly set travel goals in your (age bracket)
  • #  resources that will help you plan your travel goals like a champ
  • #  travel goals I wish to accomplish this (date)

39. Becoming an expat

An expat is someone who permanently moved from their native country to another. It’s not an easy decision, which is why travel bloggers are particularly detailed when discussing this topic.

  • Read this before you become an expat:  #  mistakes to avoid at all costs
  • How to be an expat: a comprehensive guide for the clueless
  • #  tips on looking for a job as an expat

40. Studying abroad

For a lot of people, studying abroad is their first-ever travel experience. You can help your readers make the most out of it by giving advice and sharing resources. 

  • How and why studying abroad is a good idea
  • How to study abroad: everything you need to know and do
  • Studying abroad: how to do it and my personal experiences

41. Your most memorable travel experiences

When traveling, you never know when the next life-changing moment will occur. Document them on your blog to make sure the lessons remain forever.

  • My unforgettable experiences in (destination)
  • Recalling my most unforgettable experience traveling in (destination)
  • #  unforgettable experiences in my (years) of traveling

42. Staying fit on the road

Staying fit on the road is as hard as it sounds. People need actionable advice from travel bloggers like you — assuming you’re knowledgeable in fitness yourself. 

  • #  simple exercises that will help you stay fit on the road
  • #  quick and easy exercises you can do without equipment
  • How to become a food travel blogger without worrying about weight gain

43. Dealing with homesickness

Everyone feels a little homesick at some point, but travelers have to deal with it constantly. 

  • #  surefire ways to reduce homesickness while working abroad
  • #  things I do on trips when I’m missing home
  • How to deal with homesickness as a travel blogger

44. Best photo spots in a location

In the age of social media, traveling is getting synonymous to “looking for a brilliant photo spot.”  

  • Top  #  photo spots to check out whenever you’re in (destination)
  • How to find Instagram-worthy photo spots wherever you are
  • #  best undiscovered photo spots in (destination)

45. Seasonal destinations

Want a quick spike in your blog traffic? Consider writing about seasonal destinations at the right time. 

  • #  (destination) beaches you need to visit this summer
  • A beginner’s guide to seasonal destinations across (continent)
  • The ultimate list of seasonal destinations in the world 

46. WordPress plugins and themes you use

Finally, every blogging niche has a set of WordPress resources worth talking about. As a rule of thumb, focus on a list of plugins that can help readers with specific objectives.

  • Top  #  WordPress plugins to add a contact form to your travel blog
  • #  best WordPress plugins to improve your travel blog’s on-page SEO
  • Ranking the top  #  themes for WordPress travel bloggers

Ready to put your travel blog content generation into high gear?

The list above should provide you with travel blog post ideas for months to come. You’re welcome to bookmark this post and come back whenever you’re unsure what to write about in a travel blog.

Remember that there are still tons of strategies you can use to keep your content development rolling. For example, you can always look at the travel blog post examples created by your competitors. 

That’s a strategy I discussed right here . 

If you have other tips, questions, and general feedback, please leave a comment below. Good luck and happy writing!

Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting us.

Ankit Singla Master Blogging

Ankit Singla

Ankit Singla is a full-time blogger, YouTuber, author, and public speaker. He founded and leads Master Blogging . With over 13 years of blogging expertise, he has assisted numerous aspiring bloggers in achieving their dreams of creating successful blogs.

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50+ Social Media Post Ideas for Travel Bloggers

January 13, 2021 1 Comment

Today – 50+ Social Media Post Ideas for Travel Bloggers. Travel blog post ideas for social media.

50+ Social Media Post Ideas for Travel Bloggers

When you’re a travel blogger away on a trip there can often be so much to talk about and share with your followers that it’s hard to limit yourself to a sensible number of posts a day. Unfortunately, when you’re at home it’s a different story. Coming up with relevant social media post ideas can be a challenge. So what can we share?

Firstly, don’t panic! Then, check out my suggestions for best web pages and also for over 50 topics for social media posts for travel bloggers stuck at home. Just try some out and let me know how you get on.

50+ Social Media Post Ideas for Travel Bloggers

  • Travel memory from your childhood
  • Travel accessory you can’t live without
  • Your top tip for budget travel
  • What trip would top your bucket list ?
  • Ask for tips for your next trip
  • What inspired you to start travelling
  • A mouth-watering meal you’ve enjoyed
  • The best hotel room view you’ve ever had
  • A travel quote you like
  • A popular destination you didn’t like
  • The story behind your favourite souvenir
  • How do you choose your travel destinations?
  • A time when you’ve been scared or anxious about a trip
  • Someone you met on a trip that influenced you
  • ‘Guess where this pic was taken’
  • A trip that went wrong
  • An unusual or little know place you’ve visited
  • Recommend an inspirational travel book
  • How you came to start a travel blog
  • How you fit travel with life/work/family

So, still need some more?

  • Somewhere you’ve been out of season
  • A great trip for kids
  • Your favourite beach
  • Best places to visit in the UK (or your home country) while travel is limited
  • Packing tips
  • Reviews of and links to products you use
  • Your favourite travel bloggers
  • Then and now, two pictures of the same place years apart
  • Fun facts about… (history, famous residents etc)
  • Films that make you want to visit their setting
  • A place that turned out to be much better than you expected
  • A common travel problem you’ve overcome
  • Quick polls – ‘do you prefer x or y?’, ‘should I visit a or b?’
  • Favourite outfits for a particular destination
  • Mini quiz – ‘How well do you know…?’ plus 3 questions
  • Where to go for a multigenerational trip
  • Unusual modes of transport
  • Timely updates on travel restrictions or guidance for a particular area (from a reputable source)
  • Share content from other travel bloggers and spread the love
  • Unusual regional cuisine

Finally, a few more?

  • Romantic destinations
  • A novel animal or flower you came across on your travels
  • Seasonal celebrations you’ve seen and how they compare
  • Compare the local vs the tourist experience of a destination
  • Foreign sweets and treats (my kids love this!)
  • An embarrassing situation you’ve faced abroad
  • Links to your older posts or guest posts on other sites
  • Share an important travel related news story
  • Discuss safety and security
  • Praise a specific hotel/restaurant/airline/member of staff
  • Show how you’re enjoying yourself at home and compare it with what you do when you travel

Finally, if you have some travel blog social media topics you like to use. Do leave them below in the comments. I’m always keen to have some new ideas!

In summary, we know travel blogging is tricky at the moment. However, with a bit of planning, you can keep it up even in lockdown.

For more topics check out this great post by Our Crossings .

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Shopping Cart

Shopping cart items, 25 social media content ideas for travel.

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On social media, the content you post is critical to engaging your audience and creating a solid fan base. Yet, many travel professionals struggle with knowing what to post. Whether you are wondering what to say on Twitter, Facebook, blogs or any other channel, here are some travel content ideas to help get the creative juices flowing:

I’ve said it many MANY times : travel is an experiential product and the best way to get people thinking about travel is to show them fun places to go and fun things they can do while they are there. If you can, share personal or client photos of destinations you want to sell. They don’t need to be professional shots and often work even better if you’re in the photo doing something silly! I’ve had many travel agents report that they sell at least one or two packages they wouldn’t have otherwise every time they post photos of a trip they took.

If you don’t have photos of your own,  Flickr  is a great spot to find amazing shots of every type of destination around the world. Do a quick search and link (don’t steal!) to particularly amazing photography that you think your audience would enjoy.

Videos are also a great way to inspire customers to travel and usually works even better than photos because of their interactive nature. Once again, you don’t always need a professionally shot video to attract attention. A home video of a particularly memorable moment, useful information (like the view of a new cruise ship cabin), fun activities or footage of a new resort will do the trick. Got a knack for humor or publicly humiliating yourself without worry? Great! Use it to your advantage when you create your videos. The funnier the better!For those who are a little camera shy, don’t despair!  YouTube  is a great resource for videos of all kinds.  With a little imagination you can search and find some pretty amazing clips.

3. Useful links

The latest traveler alerts, a list of recommended items to pack, articles about the hottest trends in travel – think about what would be useful for your readership to know and you’ve got some sharable content. This is your chance to show off your expertise as a travel professional and provide your potential customers with information that they may not find otherwise.

Not sure where to find this information? Blogs, news sites, and trade press have articles that can fit the bill. You can also use  Google Alerts  to monitor the web for articles on just about any topic.

4. Blog posts

This one should go without saying, but too many people don’t think about it. If you publish regular blog posts, PLEASE remember to post links to them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc if you have accounts there. Most blog platforms will allow you to connect your blog to other social channels automatically if you have trouble remembering to post.

5. Destination fun facts

Everyone loves a good bit of trivia or little known facts! It’s entertaining, informative and can again help position you as an expert in your field. Many tourist boards and hotel properties have fun facts available through their marketing department. Just ask to see if they can help you out.  Otherwise, the web is always a good alternative!

Engage your audience by asking them questions about things like their favourite vacation spot, what type of perks they like to get from their agent, what makes their holiday a perfect one, etc. Get them talking to you AND use the opportunity to do a little behind-the-scenes market research to find out what you can do to win and keep their business.

7. Event announcements

Are you attending your local travel show or hosting a consumer evening? Let the world know where you will be and when! Invite your fan base to come see you.  You might be surprised by how many of them show up…and bring a friend!

8. Top 10 lists

Quick, useful and always a good way of giving quick recommendations on destinations to see, things to pack, attractions to visit and more. You can either compile your own top 10 or link to someone else’s. Bonus points if you create your own with photos or video!

9. Community work updates

People like to know that you care about your community.  If you or your team partake in community service or charitable work, share information like updates about your latest donation, photos of your team volunteering, or news about your favourite charity.

10. Contest announcements & updates

Contests are ALWAYS a popular thing. If you choose to run one, you can build anticipation and buzz by posting regular updates. Whether you talk about the prizes, highlight funny entries, countdown the days until the winner is announced or something else, you’re sure to get attention (and probably new followers/fans/readers) really quickly.

11. Travel updates

Here’s another great opportunity to showcase your expertise as a travel expert. Share updates about your favourite suppliers (new bathtubs in every cabin? Service upgrades at a resort? New designer bag with every purchase? Ok…maybe not the last one, but you get the point) or important travel updates about specific destinations (everything from new passport requirements to travel warnings).

12. Ship inspection information

If you are a cruise expert and visit ships while they are in port, by all means, share pictures and reviews with your fans.  They WANT to hear your expert advice to know which ships are worth sailing.

13. Fam trip reports

I know too many agencies who require these reports from staff and then stuff them in a folder where they will never be seen again. You are experiencing travel while on these Fam trips and NEED to share those experiences with your fan base. This can be in the shape of photos, videos or blog updates. It doesn’t really matter. Either way, tell them what you liked, didn’t like, recommend and find amazing. If you do a good job, you may get a booking or two out of the experience.

14. Client stories

Ever get an email from a client who tells you how GREAT their trip was or wants to let you know about something funny that happened? If so, ask for their permission to share it with everyone. It acts as a testimonial for you and can be entertaining all at once.

15. Answers to common questions

If there are travel questions you get regularly, use the opportunity to share the answer with a wider audience. It may even prompt your fan base to ask you more questions and start engaging. Again…show everyone that you know your stuff and the bookings will follow!

16. Opinions

If something is happening in the travel community and you have an opinion to share, you can use your social channel to do so.  However, I would caution you to think twice about being excessively controversial or political as it may turn some people away. Some controversy is ok, but too much can be hard to handle for some people.

17. Travel tips

These can be quick tips or longer blog posts about your recommendations. Just like the fun facts, top 10 lists, and other ideas listed here, they help position you are the expert that your are while being useful.

18. Behind-the-scenes updates

If your teams is planning an event or preparing something big, there is always interest in seeing you have fun behind-the-scenes.  Be creative here with photos, videos, stories and staff comments.

19. Favourite quotes

Inspiring travel quotes are fairly easy to find (Google to the rescue!) and quick to post. If you are out of inspiration for the day, a quick quote can keep the engagement going with minimal effort.

20. Staff picks

Get your whole team involved in recommending hotels, resorts, cruises, activities or whatever else you can think of. This can be really fun for everyone and helps showcase your agency as a whole.

21. Interviews

Think written or video interviews with people on your team, a destination representative, hotel partner, etc.

22. Funny Stories

Whether it’s a cartoon, a funny video, an anecdote or the joke of the week, humor always goes a long way!

23. Updates from the road

This is where you bring out your inner journalist.  If you have access to an internet connection or a smartphone while on the road travelling or attending events, you can provide live updates.  This works particularly well on Twitter or Facebook where updates can be quick and short. Blog posts take some thought, but you could still provide one update per day once you have a chance to slow down a bit in the evening.

24. Milestones

Did you just get a new specialist certification? Did your agency win an important award? Maybe you got featured in the local newspaper. It’s time to let everyone know so they can share in the joy and find out how fabulous you really are!

25. Travel deals

I saved this one for last because it seems like the most obvious choice, yet it’s not always the best one. Depending on your sales goals, you may not want to attract the bargain hunters looking for the best deal. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if deals are a good choice for you.

It’s not as hard as it may seem. Many of the ideas above are already available within your agency or on the web.  A simple Google search or using  Google Alerts  can help you stay in the loop and find interesting content quite easily and without gobbling up your precious time.

Now it’s your turn…

Have you had success with any of the ideas above? Or perhaps I’ve missed a few good ones that you’d like to share?

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105 Vacation Captions for Your Next Travel-inspired Instagram Post

Enhance your best travel photos with these clever quotes and funny lines — perfect for any destination.

Since 1971, Travel + Leisure editors have followed one mission: to inform, inspire, and guide travelers to have deeper, more meaningful experiences. T+L's editors have traveled to countries all over the world, having flown, sailed, road tripped, and taken the train countless miles. They've visited small towns and big cities, hidden gems and popular destinations, beaches and mountains, and everything in between. With a breadth of knowledge about destinations around the globe, air travel, cruises, hotels, food and drinks, outdoor adventure, and more, they are able to take their real-world experience and provide readers with tried-and-tested trip ideas, in-depth intel, and inspiration at every point of a journey.

In the age of social media, there's a lot of pressure to be a wordsmith and create the perfect eye-catching travel post in real time. You've already got the breathtaking photos for Instagram; now you just need a suitable caption to wrap up your experiences.

Crafting your posts might even detract from being in the moment. To avoid this, instead of uploading photos throughout the day, try doing it before bed — or even as a post-vacation roundup. Keep the apps closed while you're enjoying an experience and turn off notifications to minimize distractions. Remember to use ethical posting practices, like avoiding geotags that could harm a destination or its locals — both people and wildlife.

With great photos and travel-inspired quotes and one-liners at the ready, every traveler can share witty posts — no matter the destination. Below, get some inspiration or borrow one of these vacation captions for Instagram.

Vacation Captions for Instagram

It's about the journey, not the destination. But maybe it's a little bit about the destination … #[location]

Keep calm and travel on.

Wanderlust: a desire to travel and to understand one's very existence.

An adventure a day keeps the doctor away.

Up, up, and away … [airplane emoji]

Vacation mode: activated.

Out of office. [waving hand emoji]

Always take the scenic route.

Every day is one step closer to your next vacation.

Let the adventure begin.

PSA: use your PTO!

Do not disturb.

On cloud 9. [cloud emoji]

Wings up, notifications off. [airplane emoji]

In touch, but out of reach.

Check out and check in.

BRB, need a break.

Today's to-do list.

Don't call, thx!

Be back never. [peace sign hand emoji]

Take me to the airport. [airplane emoji]

Far off ...

Catch flights, not feelings!

Listen to your heart (and you'll find yourself at the airport).

See you never!

If I haven't responded to you, here's why.

Mentally, I'm still here.

Current views.

Memories in the making!

[pinpoint emoji] until further notice.


Digital greetings from [destination].

icemanphotos/500px/Getty Images

Beach Caption Ideas

Time to seas the day.

Life's a beach.

Time for some vitamin sea. [beach emoji]

I never met a sunset I didn't like. [sunset emoji]

The tan will fade, but the memories will last forever.

Palm trees and the ocean breeze.

It's a shore thing.

On island time. [palm tree emoji]

Sunshine on my mind.

Every day is sun-day at the beach.

Incoming: vacation vibes. [sunglasses-wearing emoji]

Salty over this trip's ending.

Sunshine is my antidote. [sun emoji]

Mountain-inspired Captions

Find me where the wild things are.

The mountains are my happy place.

Sky above. Earth below. Peace within.

The best views come from the hardest climb.

Take me to the mountains.

All good things are wild and free.

Adventure awaits.

I will move mountains.

Climbing my way to bigger and better things.

A change of scenery.

Today's forecast [weather emoji].

pixdeluxe/Getty Images

European Vacation Captions

Italy stole a pizza my heart.

London calling.

Doing it for the Amster-gram.

I Louvre Paris.

When in Rome …

Leaving Germany is going to be the wurst.

It's always pub o'clock in London!

Fiesta like there's no mañana.

Choc full of Belgian chocolate! [chocolate bar emoji]

Irish I never had to leave Ireland.

Sea you soon, Croatia.

Eiffel for France, and now I never want to leave.

Czech this out!

New passport stamp! [green check emoji]

Real big [destination] energy. [flag emoji]

Have a good trip! [in the destination's language]

Cheers! [in the destination's language]

Hello, [Destination]! [in the destination's language]

U.S. Destinations and Staycation Captions

Viva Las Vegas!

Woke up in the city that never sleeps.

Chicago has blown me away — now I see why they call it the #WindyCity!

California dreaming.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

North is a direction. The South is a lifestyle.

Everything's bigger in Texas.

New York state of mind.

Seattle days and summer rays!

Welcome to colorful Colorado.

All you need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust.

Escaping in place.

Hometown tourist.

Not pictured: [something unexpected not shown in the photos].

Bright lights and neon nights.

Travel Quotes That Make Perfect Vacation Captions

“I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list.” — Susan Sontag

“And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.” — Louis Armstrong

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” — Oprah Winfrey

“Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.” — Anthony Bourdain

“Each fresh peak ascended teaches something.” — Sir Martin Convay

“Travel can be anywhere, it's not measured in miles.” — Samantha Brown

“Never stop doing things for the first time.” — Anonymous

“There should be sympathy cards for having to go back to work after vacation.” — Anonymous

“Jet lag is for amateurs.” — Dick Clark

“Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God.” — Kurt Vonnegut

“I've been everywhere, man.” — Johnny Cash

“On the road again. Just can't wait to get on the road again.” — Willie Nelson

"Grab your passport and my hand." — Taylor Swift

"Take me anywhere, I don't care." — The Smiths

"Heaven is [another] place on earth." — Belinda Carlisle

"I'm walking fast through the traffic lights. Busy streets and busy lives …" — Taylor Swift

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Travel quote captions.

We always encouraged to live in the moment, and not worry about sharing those gorgeous snapshots of your trip while you're away. But once you're back to everyday life, you need the perfect Instagram caption to sum up your travels .

Don't waste a moment of hard-earned vacation time crafting the perfect pun or saying to highlight those breathtaking snaps. We put together this list of cute, silly, funny and inspirational travel captions. And we have something to sum up any sort of destination you took, like beachy messages , nature-inspired quotes and even sayings for those of you who hit the road with your bestie .

Best Travel Captions

best travel captions life is not meant to be lived in one place

  • Vacay all day.
  • Life is better in flip-flops.
  • Already dreaming of my next vacation.
  • Meet me under the palms.
  • Don’t spend your money on things. Spend it on experiences!
  • No point in unpacking... I'm ready to hit the road again soon!
  • Paradise isn’t a place. It’s a feeling.
  • Sunshine is the best medicine.
  • Always take the scenic route.
  • BRB, going to soak up some vitamin sea.
  • Wanderlust and adventures await.
  • Let’s wander where the Wi-Fi is weak.
  • I’ve found my happy place.
  • What’s on my bucket list? Everywhere.
  • Take only pictures, leave only footprints.
  • Always say yes to new adventures.
  • Life is short and the world is wide. Better get started.
  • My new routine: Journey. Explore. Discover. Repeat.
  • Only going places that spark joy.
  • Keep calm and travel on.
  • Will travel for food (and a good sunset).
  • The best things happen outside of our comfort zones.
  • Constantly searching for views that take my breath away.
  • I feel most at home when I’m exploring the world.
  • Until you step into the unknown, you don’t know what you’re made of.
  • Life is not meant to be lived in one place.

funny travel captions i follow my heart and it usually leads me to the airport

  • My perfect vacation: feet up, head back, eyes closed!
  • I need a vacation so long, I forget all my passwords.
  • In a relationship with: my passport.
  • This is my resting beach face.
  • Tropic like it's hot!
  • Out of office.
  • Do not disturb.
  • The art of doing nothing.
  • Gone exploring. Leave a message after the beep.
  • An adventure a day keeps the doctor away.
  • Calories don’t count when you’re on vacation.
  • Catch flights, not feelings.
  • I follow my heart … and it usually leads me to the airport.
  • Greetings from [insert location]. I live here now.
  • I travel so my life isn’t disrupted by routine.
  • Maybe you can’t buy happiness, but you can buy plane tickets (and that's kind of the same thing).
  • Skipping ahead to the part of my life where I travel the world.
  • Tan lines and jetlag fade, but memories last forever.
  • I’m a travel addict on the road to recovery. Just kidding, I’m headed to the airport.
  • All I need is a three-month vacation four times a year. That’s really not asking for much.
  • BBN: Be back never.

travel quote captions one’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things henry miller

  • "Travel brings power and love back into your life." — Rumi Jalalud-Din
  • "Adventure is worthwhile." — Aesop
  • "Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world." — Gustave Flaubert
  • "I read; I travel; I become." ― Derek Walcott
  • "I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them." — Mark Twain
  • "Jet lag is for amateurs." — Dick Clark
  • "A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving." — Lao Tzu
  • "Travel far, travel often, and travel without regrets." — Oscar Wilde
  • "To travel is to evolve." — Pierre Bernardo
  • "The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself." — Wallace Stevens
  • "Adventure is out there!" — Up
  • "Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow." — Anita Desai
  • "I am one of those who never knows the direction of my journey until I have almost arrived." — Anna Louise Strong
  • "Not all those who wander are lost." — J.R.R. Tolkien
  • "We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls." — Anaïs Nin
  • "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered." — G.K. Chesterton
  • "Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling." — Margaret Lee Runbeck
  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." — Lao Tzu
  • "To travel is worth any cost or sacrifice." — Elizabeth Gilbert
  • "One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." — Henry Miller
  • "Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest." — Freya Stark
  • "Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." — Robert Louis Stevenson
  • "This is what holidays, travels, vacations are about. It is not really rest or even leisure we chase. We strain to renew our capacity to wonder, to shock ourselves into astonishment once again." — Shana Alexander

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posts for trips

500+ Instagram captions for travellers and travel posts

Best Captions for Travellers

Table of Contents

Understanding the intent and common thread, crafting captions for different travel experiences, importance of tailoring captions to match the mood and context of the travel photo, incorporating quotes and song lyrics, captions for solo travelers and group adventures, seasonal and holiday-themed captions, captions for travel photography enthusiasts, how to align captions with visual storytelling, utilizing emojis and hashtags, instagram caption best practices.

Let us guess, looking for Instagram captions for travel posts, right? So, if you’re an Instagram user with a passion for travel and photography, you may be on the lookout for the most compelling travel captions. We’ve scoured the web to find Instagram’s most interesting and entertaining 500+ Instagram captions for travellers, so you’re in luck.

You’ll find over 500+ Instagram captions for travellers here, covering a wide range of topics, emotions, and destinations. These 500+ Instagram captions for travellers are perfect for any picture you take while hiking a mountain, sunning on a beach, visiting a new city, or sampling local cuisine.

Looking for the best 500+ Instagram captions for travel posts for Facebook and Instagram but don’t know where to begin? Check out these witty, encouraging, and thumb-stopping examples. Even if you cannot travel now, you can still enjoy many humorous 500+ Instagram captions for travellers from the past.

To figure out the meaning and common thread in trip captions, you have to look into the reasons and repeated themes that tourists use in their 500+ Instagram captions for travelers. Let us break this down:

Intent of Travel Captions

Tourists often use captions to tell stories about their trips. This could include information about the place visited, feelings, experiences, and personal thoughts. Here are a few:

  • Travel pictures often try to get people excited about going to new places, seeking excitement, and accepting other cultures.
  • Captions are a great way for travellers to exchange insider knowledge about a location or activity.
  • Connecting on an emotional level, travellers may use captions to share the magic and sometimes the difficulty of their journeys with their viewers.
  • Captions are a way to keep memories and experiences alive so that tourists can look back and remember those times.
  • Travellers can use notes to show how much they appreciate the different countries they meet, which promotes cultural understanding and diversity.

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posts for trips

Common Threads in Travel Captions

It’s fun to seek excitement, whether it’s seeing new places, doing new things, or getting out of your comfort zone. Know here:

  • The beauty of nature, from peaceful beach landscapes to breathtaking mountain panoramas, is frequently praised by vacationers.
  • When captions talk about cultural immersion, they often talk about how rich local cultures are by saying things like eating traditional food and going to cultural events.
  • Thinking about the present moment and reflecting on your experiences are important parts of some comments that encourage tourists to be aware.
  • Expressing appreciation for the chance to travel and the people they encounter is a common theme among those who do so.
  • Many captions focus on some aspect of the natural or manmade world’s beauty, whether it be a breathtaking sunset, a famous monument, or a rare natural phenomenon.

By knowing these themes and intentions, travellers can write comments that connect with their audience and get across the spirit of their trips. This not only helps them remember things better but also links them with others who love to explore and find new things.

Captions for Travel photos

With a plethora of new experiences for people who love to explore and experience new places, traveling helps you spend quality time in this fast-paced, busy life.

Most of you might want to share your travel journey, whether happy or emotional, with others. Captions are a great way to bring some moments to life.

Each of your travel experiences is unique in itself and, therefore, surely deserves an eye-catching caption. Here are 500+ Instagram captions for travel lovers who want to elevate their social media game.

Beach Vacations

Captions for Beach photos

Let’s have a look at some of the captions related to your beach vacation memories.

  • Salty hair, don’t care!
  • Where the sun kisses the sea.
  • Seashells and sunshine make the perfect day.
  • Life’s a beach, and I’m just playing in the sand.
  • Tides and good vibes.
  • Sunkissed and salty.
  • Let the waves hit your feet and the sand be your seat.
  • Ocean air, salty hair.
  • In need of vitamin sea.
  • Paradise found.
  • Where worries wash away with the waves.
  • Sunsets and palm trees, please.
  • Mermaid vibes and ocean tides.
  • Time wasted at the beach is time well spent.
  • Beach daze and ocean waves.
  • Life is better with a little sand between your toes.
  • Let the sea set you free.
  • Sand in my toes, salt in my soul.
  • Sandy toes, sun-kissed nose.
  • Beach bummin’ and lovin’ every minute of it.
  • Dive into the waves, and leave your worries behind.
  • Walking on sunshine and sandy shores.
  • Endless horizons and boundless possibilities.
  • Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful.
  • With every wave, a new beginning.
  • The beach was where my soul told me to be, so I went there.
  • Let’s visit a beach that the sun actually touches.
  • Sun. Drinks. Bikinis.
  • More sunsets than Netflix, I think.
  • Get some REST on the BEACH and chill out.
  • Sunsets have never met an enemy of mine.
  • Wearing a dull bikini is a waste of your life.
  • Good times at the beach.
  • I’m just following the sun, so please don’t mind me.
  • Brazen, naked, and dressed only in a bikini.
  • The colours of the ocean inspire our nighttime fantasies.
  • Wear a BIKINI and RELAX.
  • The sand may be removed from your shoes, but it cannot be removed from your very being.
  • Every person needs a source of faith. I need a trip to the beach.

Hiking Adventures

Captions for hiking

Do you remember your last hiking adventure? Did you experience the thrill and the connectivity with nature?

If yes, then what are you waiting for? Share this outdoor experience with your viewers using powerful captions. Let’s delve deep into the world of hiking captions, which lay more emphasis on your memorable journey.

  • Onward and upward, the mountain calls.
  • Adventures are forever, not just for today.
  • The best views come after the hardest climbs.
  • In the mountains, you find your truest self.
  • Let’s wander where the Wi-Fi is weak and the trails are steep.
  • Mountains have a way of calling you back.
  • Life’s a climb, but the view is great.
  • Take the path less travelled and find your own way.
  • Hike more, worry less.
  • Explore like there’s no tomorrow.
  • In the heart of the wilderness, I find my peace.
  • Adventure awaits at every turn of the trail.
  • Nature never goes out of style.
  • Chasing waterfalls and conquering mountains.
  • Into the wild, I go: losing my way, finding my soul.
  • Leave only footprints, take only memories.
  • The mountains are my bones, the rivers my veins.
  • In every walk with nature, one receives far more than they seek.
  • Fresh air, clear mind, happy heart.
  • The mountains are calling and I must go.
  • Wander often, wonder always.
  • Hiking: cheaper than therapy, and you get free views.
  • As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing.
  • Hiking is not for the faint of heart, but the views are worth it.
  • In the mountains, you can’t buy happiness, but you can find it.

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Water Sports

Instagram captions for adventurous experiences.

Embrace the freedom of open water and feel the adrenaline rush using these quotes and captions related to water adventure sports.

  • Dive into the deep blue unknown.
  • Mermaid vibes and salty kisses.
  • Life’s a wave, catch it.
  • Life is better when you’re surfing.
  • Waves for days.
  • Keep calm and paddle on.
  • Sandy toes and salty kisses.
  • Sea more, worry less.
  • The ocean is where I belong.
  • Born to swim, forced to work.
  • Life is simple, just add water.
  • The best memories are made in flip-flops.
  • In the waves of change, we find our direction.
  • Sun, sea, and surf – the ultimate trio.
  • Saltwater heals everything.

City Explorations

Instagram captions for exploring new cities.

Captions offer to provide you with a brief outlook of the unique urban life. They help you travel through a world of busy street markets, peaceful parks, large buildings, and other well-developed marvels of city life.

Read these below-mentioned captions to go back to your carefree city excursion memories once again.

  • Every city has a story to tellUrban jungles hold their own kind of magic.
  • Streets paved with dreams and history.
  • In the heartbeat of the bustling metropolis.
  • Cityscape adventures, one skyline at a time.
  • Lights, camera, city!
  • City vibes, big dreams.
  • Where every street is a new adventure.
  • Concrete canyons and neon lights.
  • Discovering the world, one city block at a time.
  • City streets are the real runways.
  • Skyline dreams and cityscape scenes.
  • Where cultures collide and dreams take flight.
  • Every city is a universe of its own.
  • City explorations: endless possibilities, endless wonder.
  • Lost in the rhythm of urban life.
  • Downtown dreaming and city gleaming.
  • Exploring the world, one city at a time.
  • City lights guide my way through the urban maze.
  • Skyscrapers touch the sky, dreams touch the stars.
  • Life is short and the world is wide.
  • The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.
  • The journey, not the arrival matters.
  • I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.

Captions for road trips

Want to convey the spirit of your road trip experience effectively? The below-mentioned open-road captions are here to help.

  • Adventure is out there, and it starts with a full tank.
  • Where the journey becomes the destination.
  • Windows down, music up, let the adventure begin!
  • Every mile brings a new adventure.
  • Traveling is not a destination, but a way of life.
  • Endless roads, infinite memories.
  • The open road is calling, and I must go.
  • Embracing the freedom of the open highway.
  • Road tripping: creating memories one mile at a time.
  • With every mile, a new adventure unfolds.
  • Wherever the road leads, that’s home.
  • Winding roads and wild adventures.
  • Fuel for the car, food for the soul.
  • Lost on the road of life, but loving every mile.
  • Chasing sunsets, following the horizon.
  • Asphalt kisses and windblown hair.
  • Going where the road takes me.
  • The journey itself is the destination.
  • The road is a friend that never lets you down.
  • Getting lost is not a waste of time.
  • Life is short, take the scenic route.
  • Behind the wheel, life feels surreal.
  • Discovering hidden gems along the way.
  • Leaving trails of dust and tales of adventure.
  • Road tripping: where the fun never ends.
  • Wanderlust fuels my drive.
  • Onward and upward, the highway calls.
  • The road is my canvas, and the car is my brush.
  • Let’s get lost on purpose.
  • Roads connect places, but journeys connect souls.
  • In the end, it’s the road you’ll remember.
  • Life is a highway, so ride it all night long.
  • Traveling is the only thing worth spending on.
  • Fueling up for the next great adventure.
  • Roads were made for journeys, not destinations.

If you are in the mood to view the start and end of a day with nature, then, reading impressive captions related to nature might be the best option for you.

Experience nature’s way of saying goodbye to the day with these sunset travel captions mentioned below.

  • Chasing sunsets, capturing memories.
  • When the sun kisses the horizon.
  • Painted by the setting sun.
  • Sunset state of mind.
  • Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.
  • Twilight is the best time for saying goodbye.
  • As the sun sets, the world is painted in hues of gold.
  • Sipping on sunshine and chasing sunsets.
  • Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.
  • When the sky turns into a masterpiece.
  • Sunsets are the proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.
  • Golden hour: when the world is bathed in warm light.
  • The sun dips, the stars come out, and magic happens.
  • Sunsets are like God’s way of saying, ‘Good job, you survived today.
  • Watching the sun go down is the best therapy.

Instagram captions for nature

Are wildlife trips and jungle safaris your passion? If so, these captions will capture your imagination, showcasing the extraordinary biodiversity of our planet.

  • In the wilderness, we find ourselves.
  • Life is a zoo in a jungle.
  • Nature’s artwork, wildlife’s canvas.
  • Wild and free, just like me.
  • The call of the wild.
  • Embracing the untamed beauty of nature.
  • In the company of animals, we find our true selves.
  • Captivated by the wonders of the wild.
  • Where the wild things are.
  • In the world of wildlife, every encounter is a story.
  • Respect nature, admire wildlife.
  • Nature’s greatest masterpiece is wildlife.
  • Adventure awaits in the heart of the wild.
  • Wildlife: the best kind of therapy.
  • Find me where the wild things roam.

Are you a poet looking for witty content that might add life to your masterpiece related to natural landscapes? If yes, then keep reading and convert your poetic content into a masterpiece.

  • Lost in the beauty of wide-open spaces.
  • Landscapes that take your breath away.
  • Nature’s masterpiece, captured in a frame.
  • Exploring the world, one landscape at a time.
  • In the grandeur of landscapes, we find our smallness.
  • Landscapes change, but memories last forever.
  • Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
  • The earth has music for those who listen.
  • Landscapes tell stories without words.
  • Nature’s artistry, humanity’s privilege.
  • Landscapes that leave imprints on the soul.
  • Finding solace in the vastness of landscapes.
  • In the quietude of nature, I find my peace.
  • Landscapes: where dreams and reality collide.

Nature Calling

Captions for mother earth.

Are you a nature lover looking for content centered around natural flora and fauna? If yes. Then, these captions might genuinely engage you. Keep reading to know more.

  • Breathing in the serenity of nature.
  • In the embrace of Mother Nature’s grandeur.
  • Where the only noise is the rustle of leaves.
  • Nature is the art of God.
  • Lost in the beauty of the natural world.
  • Where the earth’s heartbeat is the only sound.
  • Finding solace in the whispering winds.
  • Let’s wander where the Wi-Fi is weak and the forest is deep.
  • Deep in the heart of nature’s embrace.
  • Amongst the trees, I find my sanctuary.
  • Into the woods, where dreams are born.
  • Walking the path less traveled.
  • Where the mountains touch the sky, and the rivers kiss the earth.
  • Lost in the rhythm of nature’s symphony.
  • In the forest, I find my cathedral.
  • Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.
  • Finding peace beneath the towering trees.
  • Where every step leads to a new discovery.
  • Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.
  • Amongst the wildflowers, I find my bliss.
  • The mountains are calling, and I must go.

These were a few of the 500+ Instagram captions for travellers. Carry on to read more below!

It’s important to make sure that the descriptions of trip photos fit the mood and setting for several reasons:

  • Improves Storytelling: A well-written description goes well with the pictures in a photo and helps you tell a more complete and interesting story about your trip.
  • Setting the Tone: The text tells people how to think about the picture. It can show happiness, calmness, joy, nostalgia, or any other feeling you want to share.
  • Adds a Personal Touch: Customizing the comments lets you give the picture your own unique thoughts and feelings. It shows how you felt and what you were thinking at that time.
  • Gives Context: Captions give your viewers context by giving them background information like the place, special events, or interesting facts about the picture.
  • Invites Engagement: A good description makes people want to engage. People will be more likely to share their ideas, memories, or similar feelings about the picture.
  • Aligns with Branding: similar and useful titles help businesses, tourists, and leaders keep their brand image and message similar.
  • Resonates with Audience: If you know your audience, you can use jokes, words, or themes that they’ll understand, which makes the link stronger.

Quotes for Instagram captions

Adding song lyrics and motivational quotes to your travel captions gives your posts more depth and meaning. They work because of these reasons:

  • Bring Out Feelings: Lyrics and quotes often carry deep feelings. They can make the feeling or mood you want to share about your trip stronger, whether it’s awe, wanderlust, or gratitude.
  • Give your opinion: They can give your audience a new way to look at travel, helping them understand it better or see it through a different lens.
  • Connection to Culture: Quotes or well-known song lyrics often have cultural meaning. Using them can help you connect with your audience and make them feel like they have a common experience.
  • Encourage Thought: Their purpose is to make people think about the message and how it applies to their own lives or goals.
  • Boost your creativity: Using quotes or lyrics in your captions shows that you are creative and have given your work more thought.

Selection of Popular Quotes and Lyrics Suitable for Travel Posts

Here are some well-known quotes and song lyrics that would work well for travel posts under 500+ Instagram captions for travellers:

posts for trips

  • “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” – Amelia Earhart
  • “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  • “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine
  • “Life is short and the world is wide.” – Simon Raven
  • “Travel far, discover more, and live for the journey.”
  • “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than they seek.” – John Muir
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “Travel is the only thing you can spend money on that makes you richer.”
  • “Adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you.”

Song Lyrics

posts for trips

  • “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag (Lyrics from “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey)
  • “Country roads, take me home to the place I belong.” – John Denver
  • “I’m on top of the world, looking down on creation.” – The Carpenters
  • “Come away with me and we’ll kiss on a mountaintop.” – Norah Jones
  • “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” – Aerosmith

Remember to give credit where credit is due for quotes and songs, and make sure they fit with your travel story and speak to your audience. Take a look at these choices to give your travel captions more depth and meaning. These were the many from 500+ Instagram captions for travellers, below are more.

Maybe you’d like a simpler caption for your trip by yourself? Here are some of the best 500+ Instagram captions for travellers travelling alone or in a group, including some funny and very inspiring ones.

Captions for Solo Travelers

Captions for Solo Travelers

  • Ridin’ alone.
  • Go alone and far!
  • You won’t know if you don’t go.
  • When you step out of your comfort zone, life starts.
  • Some trips can only be taken by one person.
  • It can be a little scary to travel alone, but it’s also a lot of fun.
  • You get to know yourself better when you move by yourself.
  • Just one trip is the same as reading a hundred books on giving up.
  • Solo travel frees us from other people’s standards, which is very freeing.
  • When you travel by yourself, you find out how strong you really are.
  • Soar high, fly by yourself, and resist gravity!
  • A trip by yourself is your own adventure.
  • Raving alone took away my silly fears!
  • Traveling by myself made me an adult!
  • It could take a very long time if you have to wait for someone to come with you!
  • If you like the person you’re with, you’ll never be alone!
  • I haven’t been everywhere yet, but I plan to.
  • Never make the choice that makes you feel the most scared; that’s the one that will test you the most.
  • Don’t follow the clock in your life, follow a compass.
  • Traveling by yourself will be the scariest, freeing, and life-changing thing you’ve ever done. At least try it once!
  • It’s safe for ships to be in harbour, but that’s not what they were made for.
  • Then the big adventure comes along one day when you least expect it.
  • You’re not good at traveling. You do it. Just like breathing.
  • You need to have adventures to figure out where you belong.
  • Call it a plan instead of a dream.

Captions for Group Adventures

Captions for Group Adventures

  • To find out where you belong, you have to go on adventures.
  • Go far enough to find yourself!
  • I’m seeing my passport right now.
  • When you travel by yourself, you get to know yourself better.
  • Traveling by yourself is an investment in yourself.
  • Lose yourself to find yourself.
  • Do it even if it scares you!
  • Don’t be afraid to live the life you truly desire.
  • Making the choice you’re scared of is the best one.
  • When a traveler goes by himself, he meets new people.
  • You need a break every once in a while. In a lovely spot. By yourself. To figure things out.
  • You’re never really by yourself when you travel. There are lots of people who want to be your friend.
  • You don’t need magic to go away—all you need is a place to stay and some magic!
  • Going on a trip by yourself will be the scariest, freeing, and life-changing thing you’ve ever done. At least try it once!
  • It could take a very long time if you have to wait for someone to travel with you.

Few of 500+ Instagram captions for travellers for seasonal and holiday-themed captions are as follows:

Instagram Christmas Captions

Instagram Christmas Caption

  • Before Santa checks the naughty list, everything is a game.
  • The North Pole, Let me elaborate…
  • The time to shine has come.
  • It’s okay to overindulge on Christmas, right?
  • This year, we’re not just lighting the tree for Christmas.
  • On Christmas morning, I actually enjoy getting up early.
  • Grinch faces at rest (RGF).
  • Don’t mess up your tinsel decorations!
  • Please accept this message as my online holiday greeting.
  • Get drunk, eat a lot, and have fun.
  • Prepared to impress.
  • Snow-worthy quality.
  • Without Santa, they rebelled.
  • Get the most out of this December.
  • A day spent sledging.
  • Laugh it off!
  • A meeting under the mistletoe would be perfect.

New Year’s Captions

New Year's Caption

  • To the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024!
  • You haven’t seen anything yet.
  • Start fresh with the new year.
  • Salud, it’s a new year!
  • Cheers! Take a swig.
  • Let’s hope that 2024 is a year of renewal and renewal of hope.
  • A new day has begun. A new day has begun. For me, this is a fresh start. And my mood is high.
  • We can’t wait for 2024 to get here.
  • To which I replied, “Thank you, next.” Infamous Singer:
  • There are 365 chances in a year.
  • To ring in the New Year. Yep, that’s me, too. Greater ambitions.

Thanksgiving Captions

Thanksgiving caption

  • Eat until you feel dizzy.
  • Give me your best turkey analogy.
  • Akin to a pumpkin pie in sweetness.
  • Holy cranberry, I can’t wait for Thanksgiving!
  • A grateful mind is a happy mind.
  • You are the icing on the cake for me.
  • On this Thanksgiving, may your hearts be as satiated as your stomachs.
  • A couple of adorable little ones.
  • Put me in the category of stuffed turkey.
  • Have a good meal and give thanks.
  • Have fun with your gourd.
  • Let’s give them a topic to discuss with Pumpkin.
  • Have some food, some drink, and some cranberries.
  • You are the gravy of my life and always will be.
  • Just yam what I am.
  • The turkey was offered dinner, but he declined because he was full.
  • This is yet another inane Thanksgiving thread.
  • Get drunk, eat pie, and give thanks.

Summer Captions

Summer Caption.

  • I’ll be outside in the sunshine if you need me.
  • Holding steady.
  • The ocean’s wave is the most welcoming of all.
  • I’ve been basking in the sun all day.
  • We adore you to the moon and back.
  • Sun out, burgers on the grill.
  • No shoes, no problem.
  • I really enjoyed myself this summer.
  • Positive and upbeat demeanour.
  • This is the best time of year!
  • Finally, I’ve arrived at paradise.
  • There’s no better way to enjoy life than in a pair of flip-flops.
  • A warm welcome to barbecue season!
  • When did you wake up? Summertime!
  • I can’t wait for summer nights to roll around.
  • The sun and the fun.
  • The sun is my preferred form of treatment.
  • Bad weather is expected.
  • Clear, sunny, pleasant weather.
  • Keep your saltiness.
  • Summer and pina coladas, you have my heart.
  • Come on, Summer. Enjoy your stay!
  • You can find me at all the summer picnics and cookouts.
  • Tan lines are nothing more than the sun’s affection.
  • Utilizing all of my vacation time.
  • Girls want to be outside in the sun.
  • No shame in your beach hair.
  • Spend the day with me by the air conditioner.
  • It’s just you and a watermelon.
  • Having a good time with my grilling pals.
  • In other words, Summer should be given a speeding ticket.
  • My roll’s lobster.
  • You guys, winter isn’t even real.
  • You’re overdressed if you’re not wearing bare feet.
  • A lot of sunshine, but not enough time.
  • We must prioritize ice cream above all other foods.

Winter Captions

Winter caption

  • We could be in for one of the coldest adventures ever.
  • Like a sweater in the winter, we’re always together.
  • Winter’s children are eternal youths.
  • Snowflakes represent heavenly kisses.
  • Have some patience and let winter continue.
  • Winter nights, bright lights.
  • Permission to relax.
  • Try flaking until you succeed.
  • This was, by far, the finest winter day I’ve experienced.
  • I cherish you like a special snowflake.
  • A fun way to put off shovelling snow!
  • Being in your company is a blast.
  • Comfortable as a bug in a rug.
  • Cold and unfeeling.
  • I’m totally head over heels for you.
  • The snow made it clear that we needed to stay inside.
  • One cannot lose with cold hands and a warm heart.
  • There was instant ice love.
  • Home is the best place to be.
  • Cozy up in the sweater weather with a friend.
  • Snow angels trump snow removal
  • Life is a cold winter.
  • Simply put, winter is a great time for extra snuggles.
  • Royal sleigh!
  • There is only ice here.
  • If you find yourself in a snowy situation, make an angel.
  • That’s how much adoration I have for you, snow.
  • Relaxing and not much else. You?
  • The embrace is very genuine.
  • The time for chilling has come!
  • We’ll have some ice-cold cocoa and all the fixings.
  • The weather can only get hotter from here on out!
  • A cup of hot chocolate is like an internal embrace.
  • Enjoy a cold day!
  • Keep warm, pals.
  • I can’t say I’m a master snow angel, but I do my best!
  • I can’t wait for it to snow!
  • A snowball fight is fun for people of all ages.
  • When it snows, friends don’t let friends play by themselves.
  • You’ve got this!

Role of Season-specific Captions

There are many reasons why season-appropriate 500+ Instagram captions for travellers are so important for connecting with an audience:

  • Your awareness of current events and trends will be highlighted by seasonally appropriate captions. The more current and relevant your content is, the better.
  • They evoke emotions associated with the season in question. Captions set in the winter, for instance, might make people think of warmth and comfort, while those set in the summer might make them think of long, lazy days.
  • Adding a personal touch demonstrates that you’re not just publishing any old content, but rather, you’re thinking about the audience and posting something that will resonate with them right now. Doing so can give listeners a sense of being heard and appreciated.
  • Niche Marketing Depending on your market, certain times of the year may be essential. If you work in the fashion industry, for instance, you’ll want to focus on the latest trends as they emerge each season.
  • Seasonal captions are a great way to increase engagement and start a conversation. You can get people to comment and share by asking about their favourite autumn activities or providing winter self-care tips.
  • It’s a chance to have some fun while also exercising your creative writing muscles. Wordplay, puns, and seasonal references are all fair game.
  • Regular use of seasonally appropriate captions can help establish a routine for your posting, giving your audience a sense of stability and predictability.

Captions for Travel Photography Enthusiasts

  • A picture is the final product, the equivalent of a recipe.
  • Drawing is a form of meditation, while photography requires an instantaneous response.
  • Because the camera captures more detail than the naked eye, it should be used.
  • Others see a wish in what they perceive to be a weed.
  • The two sides of the camera are where the magic happens when creating a portrait.
  • On those days, I become the blossom. On bad days, I become the storm.
  • You don’t snap a picture. You politely inquire about borrowing it.
  • Instead of snapping a picture, you create one.
  • I’ve used photography as a way to testify to the delight I feel when I recognize the extraordinary in the commonplace.
  • Photography is not a sport because there are no set guidelines for how to take photos. No matter the means, the end result is all that matters.
  • We only go on trips that make us happy.
  • It’s not enough to merely exist…Sunshine, independence, and a dainty flower are essentials in life.
  • The desire to take photographs is insatiable. Even if you scratch it a lot.
  • I’d choose you if friends were flowers.
  • We were never meant to live a sedentary existence.
  • Nature is God’s masterpiece.
  • Every photograph contains the photographer and the viewer.
  • Taking photographs is like enjoying life to the fullest, every single 1/100th of a second.
  • I enjoy taking pictures of people before they’ve figured out how to pose for the camera.
  • Make recollections, make a mark.
  • I’ve never seen anything quite like lightning.
  • When you take photos, you can show the world what you saw.
  • The first one thousand shots you take will be terrible.
  • I tell people that my eyes are the most important piece of equipment I have.

It’s essential to coordinate 500+ Instagram captions for travel posts with visual storytelling in order to build a consistent and interesting story. For more efficient execution, consider the following:

  • Learn to read between the lines of a visual. What exactly is going on in this picture? What feelings does it evoke, what message does it send? Your caption ought to improve upon and complement this.
  • Make sure the tone, style, and messaging of your captions match those of your brand consistently. This ensures that your audience has a pleasant and consistent experience.
  • Don’t restate what’s already in the visual; instead, complement it. Instead, you should use the caption to elaborate, give background information, or evoke a certain feeling.
  • If the picture doesn’t tell the whole story, you can fill in the blanks with some additional information in the caption.
  • Use captions that reflect the character of your brand. Express yourself clearly and vividly in your writing, whether through humour, sympathy, or competence.
  • Make people curious by adding intriguing captions to your photos. A well-written caption can entice readers to delve deeper into the content in an effort to grasp its meaning.
  • Make use of story hooks by beginning with a thought-provoking statement or query. This can entice readers to keep reading and learn more about the world you’ve created.

Not sure how to match your Instagram captions to your post’s visuals? Try’s AI-powered social media generator . enables you to generate a variety of posts and schedule them on all your accounts from a single platform. Sign up for free today!

Localization and Cultural Sensitivity

To travel thoughtfully and meaningfully, it is essential to respect the local culture and customs. More than just being courteous, this means respecting and participating in the customs that give a place its unique character. Localization in travel and hospitality is crucial. Deeper audience engagement is advancing brands and organizations. These are key advantages:

  • Improved Client Experience : Localization can improve customer satisfaction by clarifying hotel and travel service offerings. When customers can access information in their native language, they feel more comfortable and book more services. Clear communications can boost customer loyalty and repeat business.
  • Revenue growth : Travel and hospitality companies can increase revenue by entering new markets through localization. Localized services attract customers from different countries and cultures, increasing sales and revenue.
  • Reputation Improvement The competitive travel and hospitality industry requires a good reputation. Localization boosts businesses’ reputations by showing customer service and cultural adaptability. Positive feedback and referrals from this demonstration can attract new customers.
  • Better Communicating : Localisation connects service providers to international and multicultural customers. A business can improve communication by providing information in the client’s native language, reducing misunderstandings.
  • Cultural Awareness : Also important for cultural sensitivity is localization. By catering to different cultures, businesses show respect for their customers. Cultural awareness and sensitivity can boost brand image and customer loyalty.

Travel and hospitality depend on localization. It improves communication, customer experience, revenue, reputation, and cultural sensitivity. Localization also boosts cultural awareness and respect for foreigners. By welcoming diverse cultures, businesses can demonstrate their inclusivity and understanding.

More than just translating words, this involves adapting content and services to cultural norms, preferences, and sensitivities. Prayer rooms, dietary options for different dietary restrictions, and cultural festival events can welcome international visitors. Cultural awareness enhances the visitor’s experience and improves the destination’s image.

Travel Caption Ideas Reflecting Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness

  • Getting to know the world through the lens of understanding other cultures.
  • Travelling is a beautiful way to experience the beauty of global unity.
  • Immersive cultural experiences help people learn and grow.
  • Every culture has its own story that needs to be told.
  • Having fun as a guest and learning as a friend.
  • Being aware of the humanity that ties us all together.
  • Looking for links that go beyond language and borders.
  • Finding a part of our shared history in every culture.
  • Seeing the world with kindness, respect, and an open mind.
  • Witnessing the beauty of different cultures all over the world.
  • Seeing the world through the eyes of people who live there.
  • Exploring the world’s cultures as a learner for life.
  • The art of exploration can help you find unity in diversity.
  • We will look at traditions that have been around for a long time.
  • Admiring how strong and creative global communities are.
  • Understanding the stories that are a part of every culture.
  • We leave a piece of ourselves behind while we learn from the world.
  • Finding the links that link all of us together.
  • Recognizing the gift of being able to experience different cultures.
  • Being there and taking part in the beauty of cultural exchange.
  • Going on trips as a humble observer of the world’s many wonders.
  • Keeping the memories of meeting people from different groups close.
  • The traditions of other countries can bring comfort and familiarity.
  • Giving credit to the ancient knowledge that shapes today’s landscapes.
  • Using cultural awareness as a compass to find your way in the world.
  • Finding the beauty in the things that make us different.
  • Learning how to be kind in every culture you visit.

Incorporating Humor and Wit

Humorous travel captions

Adding humour and wit to travel captions turns boring stories into interesting ones. Making people feel like they’re a part of the journey makes the mood better and gives it a more personal touch. When used in travel captions, humour and wit do a number of important things to keep followers interested and entertained:

  • Keep in mind that funny captions stand out in a sea of boring travel posts. They are interesting and catch the eye, which draws people in.
  • Laughter is a language that everyone can understand, so it can bring people together emotionally. People feel more connected to your posts when they can relate to the captions that make them laugh.
  • Share funny stories or mishaps to make the experience more personal. It shows that you have funny experiences while traveling just like everyone else.
  • Humour is a great way to make stories more interesting. It gives your travel stories more depth, character, and realism, which makes them easier to remember.
  • Sharing content that makes you laugh is more likely to happen. A funny caption makes it more likely that people will share your post, which can help you reach more people.
  • Captions with humorous phrases serve to encourage participation. People who follow you are more likely to comment, like, or share your content if they like it.
  • Funny captions are memorable because of the impression they make. People who follow you are more likely to remember your posts, read them again, and even look forward to new ones.

Ready for captivating captions in a snap? Explore’s AI features  and unleash your content’s potential!

Clever and Funny Captions

Funny travel captions

  • Only one life. There is only one world. Look into it.
  • To waters and shores that haven’t been explored.
  • You shouldn’t stay in one place for your whole life.
  • A well-earned vacation is what makes you happy.
  • To go, all you need is love and a card.
  • Travel is the best addiction for your health.
  • Never follow the time on a clock.
  • A trip is the only thing that can make you richer.
  • Do not let your dreams stay dreams.
  • Take more trips and stress less.
  • Always say yes to new things.
  • Chance is the best way to have an adventure.
  • Getting away is the best medicine.
  • Going to new places is my favourite thing to do.
  • Love is what keeps us alive, and travel is what makes it sweet.
  • It’s okay to get lost today.
  • Travelling is moving with hope.
  • Don’t stop looking around.
  • What is life if not a big adventure?
  • I think it’s time for another adventure.
  • Wants to go places to eat and see the sunset.
  • If you carry my bag, I’ll love you forever.
  • The world is big and life is short. I should get going.
  • Cash comes and goes. With you, I’ll always have memories.
  • Let’s get lost in some beautiful places.
  • Lost but with each other
  • There isn’t WiFi here, but I did find a better link.

Emojis are a great way to improve communication, especially on digital platforms like social media. They help you show feelings, tone, and background information in a clear and appealing way. How to do it:

  • Expression of Feelings: Adding emojis to messages makes them more emotional. As an example, a smiley face (😈) means “happiness” and a sad face (😢) means “sadness.” This helps get across feelings that might not come across as clearly through text alone.
  • Clarification of Tone: Emojis can help make the tone of a message clearer. For example, a thumbs up 👍 can mean “yes” or “approve,” while a face with rolling eyes 🙄 can mean “annoyed” or “sarcastic.”
  • Points of View: Emojis add meaning to messages. For example, a beach umbrella (🏖) can mean something related to the beach, while an aeroplane (✈) can mean travel.
  • Understanding the World: Emojis are symbols that everyone knows, which makes them useful for communicating across language barriers. They give people a visual language that goes beyond differences in language.
  • Getting involved and interacting: Posts and messages that use emojis tend to get more likes and comments. They improve the look of content and can catch people’s eyes as they scroll through a feed.

Relevant Travel Hashtags to Boost Post Visibility

If you use the right hashtags, your travel posts will get a lot more attention. Here is a list of some popular hashtags for travel:

  • #Travel is a hashtag that can be used for any kind of travel-related content.
  • #Wanderlust is great for posts that make you really want to travel.
  • #ExploreMore encourages people to go on adventures and explore.
  • #AdventureAwaits means that people are excited about upcoming adventures.
  • #BucketList is a way to share the travel experiences or places you want to visit.
  • #TravelPhotography is perfect for showcasing your travel photography skills.
  • #NatureLovers is Great for trips that focus on nature.
  • #Cityscape is specifically for travel experiences in cities and towns.
  • #BeachLife is meant for beach and coastal places.
  • #MountainMagic is great for posts from places with mountains.

For more targeted visibility, don’t forget to look up and use location-specific hashtags, like #ParisInSpring for travel to Paris in the spring. You can make your travel-related posts on social media more interesting and reach more people by using a mix of emojis and relevant travel hashtags.

A photo’s caption can increase its engagement by providing context, encouraging viewers to take some sort of action, or simply cracking a smile-inducing joke.

#1. Hook, line, sinker

You need a hook to use bait. Hooks are the first sentence or part seen before “Read more”. It helps your audience stay longer on the post. A compelling hook will keep Instagram users interested if you want to grab their attention before it’s gone. Here’s how! Hooks can be many things.

  • Interesting or surprising fact
  • A special offer

The first line should be concise. The introduction provides enough information to pique readers’ interest without revealing the caption. Use an attention-grabbing hook to draw users into your message.

#2. Tell a tale

Not just for entertainment, storytelling is an ancient human tradition. It also helps remember experiences. According to cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner, stories help the brain remember messages 22 times better. Our brains prefer narrative information.

This may not apply to every post, but captions with a story can engage readers. Writing captions with brand storytelling humanizes your brand. It turns the “pain point + solution + CTA” formula into a story. For another, storytelling appeals to audience values. Stories captivate readers and make them feel emotionally moved. Your audience becomes more attached to your brand as emotions change. A story shows your brand’s voice and values. Your story or anecdote conveys your business type. The list of 500+ Instagram captions for travellers will be helpful here.

Length may be an issue. If your caption is too long, use spaces between lines and short, punchy sentences. Maintaining informal posts makes captions more relatable and digestible. Finally, keep your brand voice or personality consistent across posts. The “lesson learned” or main message should conclude your caption. The reader is emotionally invested, so just relate the story’s message to your value.

#3. Engage readers

Everyone knows the call-to-action matters. This also applies to Instagram captions. Every post has a purpose, and you must inspire readers to achieve it. In Instagram captions, the CTA leads to results. Instead of hoping for engagement, using CTAs effectively helps you get it. It boosts your algorithm ranking. A CTA can encourage readers to like and buy your post.

Another secret benefit? CTAs let you encourage hashtag use, which engages your audience. User-generated content can be collected and reused in social media marketing. Use your CTA to prompt your audience to…

  • Like the post
  • Reserve the post.
  • Tell their friends
  • Subscribe to your brand’s newsletter
  • Use brand-related hashtags
  • Follow your brand
  • Visit your sales or website.
  • Enter giveaways

You can be creative with a call to action. Invite users to double-tap if the caption is relatable or if they agree with your claim to increase likes. Ask relevant personal questions like “What are you doing this weekend?” or “What’s your favourite flavour?” in the comments. To boost post views, ask users to tag friends in comments.

Consider pairing your CTA with its value or benefit. For example, “Click the link in bio to win this giveaway!” CTAs must be obvious. Custom font, bolding, capitalizing, or underlining the CTA, and emojis or symbols can help.

#4. Deliver value for action

Content that engages, educates, inspires, or uplifts users is valuable. If every caption is fluff, viewers will get bored. Value-based content keeps them engaged and reading. Valued content types:

  • A personal story or customer experience
  • Useful advice
  • Free, relevant resources
  • A common issue and hopeful solution

Questions that inspire audience participation Consider captions as enriching your audience’s lives. It’s not just a place for image-related words. It improves a person’s life by teaching them something new or making them laugh.

#5. Pre-draft caption

A long-term Instagram strategy risks fresh ideas dying. Post captions should be written in batches, say experts. After that, review them twice before posting. Pre-drafting elsewhere gives you a broad view of your campaign plans and goals captions. It lets you write creative captions.

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These 500+ Instagram captions for travel posts on Instagram are a popular way for users to share their experiences and emotions, often focusing on themes like nature, cultural immersion, and appreciation for the opportunity to travel. Tailoring captions to match the mood and context of the photo improves storytelling, sets the tone, and resonates with the audience. Incorporating quotes and song lyrics can add depth and meaning to travel captions, while season-specific captions highlight current events and evoke emotions.

Localization in travel and hospitality can improve customer experience, revenue growth, reputation, and cultural awareness. Humour and wit can turn boring stories into interesting ones, enhancing brand image, customer loyalty, and reputation. Instagram caption best practices include hooks, storytelling, call-to-actions, value-based content, and pre-drafting. Employ these 500+ Instagram captions for travellers and engage your audience today! Follow us for more!

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50+ Travel Questions That Will Increase Engagement on Instagram Stories

posts for trips

It is no secret that the Stories feature on Instagram can really drive your engagement. Not only that, but it allows you to get to know your followers better and what type of content they respond to.

The Questions sticker on Stories is my go-to to interact with followers, and I love to ask engaging questions about my favorite subject…TRAVEL! Within 24-hours of posting a travel question, I start reposting responses, tagging the account that answered. In turn, the follower I tagged may acknowledge the repost with a heart, a thank you, or even repost the answer on their stories, usually tagging my account as well.

Occasionally, a follower will send a direct message saying how much they enjoy answering the questions I ask and sometimes even state so in their own story repost of their answer. Since this is a popular way to interact and make people think about their own travels, I figured I would compile a list of my highest-performing questions that you can use!

Here is my top 50 travel questions list for you to use:.

1. What is the most memorable road trip you’ve been on?

Instagram Stories Question

2. Do you have a dream road trip you would like to do? If so, where?

3. What road trip snacks do you love to bring/buy?

4. If you are planning a road trip this year, where will you go?

5. Name a touristy place/tourist attraction you’ve been to that’s worth visiting.

Instagram Stories Question

6. Name a touristy place/tourist attraction you’ve been to that’s NOT worth visiting.

7. What’s the best thing you’ve brought back from your travels? (souvenir/other)

Instagram Stories Question

8. Name a strange/unusual tourist attraction where you live.

9. If traveling was back to normal, where would you go?

(This question is one I asked during the coronavirus quarantine and received dozens of responses.)

Instagram Stories Question

10. Name a travel-related film/tv show you enjoy.

Instagram Stories Question

11. What is your favorite hotel brand/chain or hotel in general?

12. What are you doing this weekend?

13. Where did you go on your last trip?

Instagram Stories Question

14. What holiday is only celebrated in your country?

(I love questions like this because it is one we can all learn from. Maybe it’s a holiday you and your followers have never heard of and want to learn more about. This is a great question to find out more about another country and its culture.)

15. Name a dish/dessert you keep dreaming about after having it in your travels.

(People love talking about food, so be prepared for a lot of engagement on this one!)

16. What’s the most incredible natural phenomenon you have witnessed?

( This about your own experiences. Have you seen the northern lights, a geyser, or Niagara Falls? Chances are your followers have seen some pretty amazing things too, some things you may not have ever heard of. This question can help grow your bucket list as well as those of your followers.)

17. What is the most dangerous/adventurous thing you have done in your travels?

18. What is your favorite website/app to book travel?

19. If you won a trip to go anywhere, where would you go?

20. What is your favorite place to go in the city you currently live?

21. Where did you go on your first international trip?

22. Where did your family take you for vacation when you were a child?

23. What is your favorite body of water?

24. In what place have you seen the best night sky? (i.e. stars, northern lights, etc.)

25. What is your favorite beach?

26. Where is the most memorable trip you’ve been on so far?

27. What is your favorite travel accessory/gadget?

28. What is your drink of choice on an airplane?

29. What is the strangest/most interesting thing you’ve eaten in your travels?

30. What has travel taught you?

31. What is your favorite travel quote?

32. Name a place you feel has been affected by over-tourism.

33. Where is the best hike you’ve ever done?

34. Where have you seen the best sunset?

35. Where is the most environmentally-conscious place you’ve visited?

36. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

37. Why do you travel?

38. What tour company have you used in your travels?

39. What is your favorite airline?

40. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

(A great question to get to know your followers better.)

41. Where do you wish you were right now?

42. What is your favorite city for architecture?

43. What is your favorite city for food?

44. What do you do for exercise when you travel?

45. What camera equipment do you bring with you when you travel?

46. In how many cities have you lived?

47. How long was your longest trip?

48. What is your favorite airport you’ve traveled through?

49. Who is your favorite travel companion?

(You can take this one a step further and have them tag the person. That way, when you share, you can tag both your follower and their travel buddy who may end up following you if they aren’t already!)

50. Respond with a travel-related emoji & I will repost a photo from your feed.

(This one is my absolute favorite and I use it often. Why? Well, everyone wants to get their account seen, gain more followers and increase engagement on Instagram. Sharing is a fantastic way to showcase some of your followers’ amazing travel photos and, oftentimes, they will repost one of your photos in return. I have had followers message me to say thanks and that they received several more followers because I shared one of their photos. It is a win-win!)

Instagram Stories Question

Bonus: Polls!

Using the poll sticker is another fun way to help drive engagement, and they are quick and easy for people to scroll through your Stories and answer as there are only two choices.

Here are a few high-engagement travel-related polls I have used in my own stories with the “This or That” theme:

  • Solo Travel vs. Group Travel
  • Travel by Car vs Travel by Plane
  • London vs. Paris
  • Beach vs. Mountains
  • Adventure Trip vs. Relaxing Trip
  • Plan It vs. Wing It
  • Sightseeing vs. Shopping
  • Tourist Spots vs. Hidden Gems
  • Airbnb vs. Hotel
  • Local Street Food vs. Fancy Restaurant

Instagram Stories Question

If you use Instagram questions, it is always a great idea to repost answers and tag the account that answered. If you reshare others’ content, yours will most likely be reshared as well, increasing followers and engagement. Remember, Instagram is a community and sharing is caring! Check out my Instagram page here .

Feel free to bookmark this list for your future travel-related Instagram questions and polls. And please share any other travel-related questions you have had great engagement on in your social media posts in the comments.

increase engagement on instagram stories

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100 Travel Quotes For Instagram Posts And Captions

  • August 6, 2023
  • by Margaret Bourne

A woman taking a photo of another woman posing - travel quotes for Instagram posts and captions.

If you’re a travel blogger or influencer, you’re going to want a list of the most beautiful travel quotes for Instagram posts and captions.

Although there can be many gorgeous travel shots that you can share, sometimes you will want to post something simpler.

Something like a post with a quote. Or a simple image with a travel quote in the caption.

I’ve curated some of the best travel quotes for you so you can easily put together your travel posts and captions on Instagram.

DISCLOSURE : This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on a product or service, and decide to purchase it, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All recommended products and services are based on my positive experience with them. For more information, please read my Disclaimer .

Bookmark this post on Pinterest for future reference.


The Best Travel Quotes For Instagram Posts And Captions

You won’t want your travel quotes to be too long, so the majority of these are fairly short and to the point.

They work perfectly as text in a post image, or for a brief caption.

Partner them with the right travel hashtags or nature and outdoor hashtags and you’re going to generate some engagement.

If you’re a travel blogger, you can also use them in your blog posts.

| RELATED: Over 60 Travel Blog Post Ideas To Captivate Your Readers

General Travel Quotes

These are simple quotes on travel and adventure. Perfect for Instagram posts.

  • “Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” – Lao Tzu
  • “Take only memories, leave only footprints” ~ Chief Seattle
  • “Adventure awaits, go find it!” – Anonymous
  • “Wander often, wonder always.” – John Travers
  • “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin
  • “Travel far enough to meet yourself.” – David Mitchell
  • “Life is short, and the world is wide.” – Simon Raven
  • “Collect moments, not things.” – Anonymous
  • “Travel far, travel wide, travel deep.” – Roald Amundsen
  • “The journey is the destination.” – Dan Eldon
  • “Roaming roads less traveled.” – Basho
  • “Escape the ordinary, embrace the extraordinary.” – Anonymous
  • “Explore, dream, discover.” – Mark Twain
  • “Work, Travel, Save, Repeat” – Anonymous

Outdoor Adventure Travel Quotes

These are travel quotes for Instagram posts on nature and wild places. Perfect for travellers who hike, camp and explore the great outdoors.

  • “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than they seek.” – John Muir
  • “Nature is the art of God.” – Dante Alighieri
  • ” The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ~ Marcel Proust
  • “Let’s find some beautiful place to get lost.” – Anonymous
  • “Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude.” – Louie Schwartzberg
  • “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The earth has music for those who listen.” – George Santayana
  • “Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Chasing waterfalls and sunsets.” – Anonymous
  • “The best views come after the hardest climbs.” – Anonymous
  • “Nature is the best medicine for the soul.” – Anonymous

Travel Quotes About Journeys And Discovery

Discovery is a big part of journeys and travel. These are perfect travel quotes that capture this sentiment.

  • “Life is an adventure, dare it.” – Mother Teresa
  • “Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta
  • “The world is full of magic places, waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – Lawrence Durrell
  • “Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.” – Anthony Bourdain
  • “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” – Amelia Earhart
  • “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “Exploration knows no bounds.” – James Cameron
  • “Embrace the detours – they lead to unexpected treasures.” – Anonymous
  • “Every journey is a chance to find yourself.” – Anonymous
  • “Discovering new horizons, one step at a time.” – Anonymous
  • “Adventure is calling, and I must go.” – John Muir
  • “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” ~ Gustave Flaubert

Culture Travel Quotes

Learning about different cultures is the biggest benefit of travel. This is a brief list of quotes about travel and culture.

  • “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” – Aldous Huxley
  • “Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous
  • “Through travel, we become citizens of the world.” – Anonymous
  • “Different languages, different cultures, different souls.” – Anonymous
  • “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine
  • “Experiencing the world, one culture at a time.” – Anonymous
  • “Traveling: where getting lost is the best way to find yourself.” – Brenna Smith
  • “Food, friends, and far-off places.” – Anonymous
  • “Connecting hearts across the globe.” – Anonymous

A vintage van with bikes overlooking the ocean - travel quotes for Instagram.

Short Travel Quotes

  • “Let’s wander where the Wi-Fi is weak.” – Anonymous
  • “Oh the places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss
  • “I’ve got a case of wanderlust.” – Anonymous
  • “Seeking paradise, one beach at a time.” – Anonymous
  • “Adventure is worthwhile.” – Aesop
  • “Born to roam, explore, and wander.” – Anonymous
  • “Adventure is out there – just waiting for us to find it.” – Ellie Badge
  • “Sunkissed and passport-stamped.” – Anonymous
  • “Jet lag is for amateurs.” – Dick Clark
  • “Exploring new paths, one city at a time.” – Anonymous
  • “Dreaming of places I’ve never been.” – Anonymous
  • “Chasing sunsets, palm trees, and endless horizons.” – Anonymous
  • “Adventure is my middle name.” – Anonymous
  • “Running on wanderlust and dreams.” – Anonymous
  • “Traveling – where every road leads to a new story.” – Anonymous
  • “Not all who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “Life’s a journey, enjoy the ride.” – Anonymous
  • “Escaping the ordinary, embracing the extraordinary.” – Anonymous
  • “Traveling light, living large.” – Anonymous
  • “Exploring the world with a free spirit.” – Anonymous
  • “Adventure awaits those who dare to roam.” – Anonymous
  • “Jobs fill your pocket, but adventures fill your soul.” – Jamie Lyn Beatty

Travel Quotes About Beach Destinations

For the winter sunny escape Instagram posts – a list of travel quotes about sunny beach destinations.

  • “Seas the day!” – Anonymous
  • “Life’s a beach, find your wave.” – Anonymous
  • “Tropic like it’s hot.” – Anonymous
  • “Sandy toes, sun-kissed nose.” – Anonymous
  • “Salty air, sun-kissed hair.” – Anonymous
  • “Paradise found.” – Anonymous
  • “Catch flights, not feelings.” – Anonymous
  • “Beach vibes and sunny skies.” – Anonymous
  • “Saltwater heals all wounds.” – Anonymous
  • “Summer lovin’, beach bummin’.” – Anonymous

Travel With Friends Quotes

I’ve travelled alone, and still find that the best kind of travel is with friends. At least they can take some great photos of you while you pose by a local curiosity or in a gorgeous landscape.

Here’s my favourite list of travel quotes on travelling with friends and family.

  • “Travel buddies and endless stories.” – Anonymous
  • “Friends that travel together, stay together.” – Anonymous
  • Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” ~ Hemmingway
  • “Adventure is always better with friends.” – Anonymous
  • “Making memories around the world.” – Anonymous
  • “Laughing our way around the globe.” – Anonymous
  • “True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.” – Helen Keller
  • “Exploring new horizons with my partner in crime.” – Anonymous
  • “Finding beauty in every corner, and a friend in every place.” – Anonymous
  • “Wander often, wander always, wander together.” – Anonymous
  • “Traveling far and wide, hand in hand.” – Anonymous

Inspirational Travel Quotes

These quotes will get our Instagram followers inspired to travel… and perhaps get a bit more inspiration from you.

  • “Life is short, the world is vast. Explore it all.” – Anonymous
  • “Adventure awaits those who dare to explore.” – Anonymous
  • “Dream, explore, discover.” – Mark Twain
  • “A person susceptible to ‘wanderlust’ is not so much addicted to movement as committed to transformation.”  – Pico Iyer
  • “Travel is the only thing worth spending on.” – Anonymous
  • “Exploring the world, one memory at a time.” – Anonymous
  • “Roaming the world, collecting moments.” – Anonymous
  • The most beautiful in the world is, of course, the world itself.” – Wallace Stevens
  • “Travel far enough to find yourself.” – David Mitchell
  • “In every destination, a different you unfolds.” – Anonymous
  • “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” – Robert Louis Stevenson
  • “Travel opens the heart, broadens the mind.” – Anonymous
  • “Let your adventures fuel your soul.” – Anonymous

Travel Quotes About Curiosity And Wonder

What is a common trait of most travellers? An insatiable curiousity and sense of wonder of the world around us.

These are perfect travel quotes for Instagram posts and captions for anything related to this topic.

  • “Adventure is the essence of life.” – Anonymous
  • “Uncover the world’s hidden gems.” – Anonymous
  • “Curiosity leads us down new paths.” – Walt Disney
  • “Dare to dream, dare to explore.” – Anonymous
  • “Wanderlust is contagious, share the journey.” – Anonymous
  • “Find beauty in the unfamiliar.” – Anonymous
  • “Adventure is where the heart leads.” – Anonymous
  • “Discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary.” – Anonymous
  • “Embrace the unknown, it leads to incredible stories.” – Anonymous
  • “The world is an open book, waiting to be read.” – Anonymous

Post Your Travel Posts

Now that you’ve got some lovely travel quotes for Instagram posts and captions, you’re all ready to go!

Need some seasonal hashtags to go along with the travel posts?

  • Spring Hashtags For Instagram Posts
  • Summer Hashtags
  • The Best Fall Hashtags
  • Winter Hashtags For Instagram Posts And Reels

Since you’re going to be busy travelling, to post to the best times, here’s my recommendation: use a post scheduler!

Try these out:

  • Later – one of the best social media scheduling tools including Instagram
  • Tailwind – not only for Pinterest pins! Use it to schedule your Instagram posts
  • Social Pilot – useful and affordable if you’re big on building your social media profiles.

Want to start a travel blog – learn how to do it from scratch.

If you’re a travel blogger, check out over 60 travel blog post ideas and how to niche down your travel blog niche.

Discover how you can make money travel blogging.

And learn how to write inspirational travel blog posts!

QUESTION: What other travel quotes for Instagram posts and captions should we add to this list?


Love it? Share it! Thanks!

About Margaret

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Hashtag Travels


The Ultimate Guide to 1500+ Travel Hashtags

Published: Nov 11, 2021 · Modified: Jul 3, 2023 by Ciaran Blumenfeld · This post may contain affiliate links · Leave a Comment

Curate unique, engaged travel hashtags for Instagram travel posts and hashtags for Tiktok travel videos from our extensive list of the best travel hashtags. Simply pick your category and copy/paste.

We have collected and vetted over 1500 of the most engaged travel hashtags from multiple social media platforms and multiple categories of travel. These include:

  • Travel Instagram Hashtags
  • Hashtags for Instagram Reels
  • Hashtags for Tiktok Traveler
  • Travelling Hashtags for Twitter
  • Vacation Hashtags for different types of travelers
  • Travel Hashtags for different types of trips
  • The best travel hashtags for different locations

Before Instagram and Tiktok, our parents and grandparents gathered in their living rooms with a projector to share their travel photos. Social media has made it possible to share our photos with the whole world.

But it's important to know your audience.

posts for trips

The Best Travel Hashtags About Travel in General

These generic travel hashtags work well across multiple platforms and posts and are the most "one size fits all" travel tags to choose from. This is a great copy & paste hashtag list to keep on your phone in notes for easy access.














































Instagram Hashtags for Instagram Reels and Instagram Travel Posts

These popular instagram travel hashtags may be a good choice for Reels or feed posts, but should be used sparingly. Consider using one or two along with more niche hashtags.


















Travel Tiktok Hashtags

Use these Travel Tiktok hashtags to do research on the world of Travel Tiktok. In addition to checking out what hashtags are trending on Tiktok, it's important to consider what sounds are trending in particular communities. Hashtags are an easy way for Tiktok's algorithms to characterize you content. You will have the best chances of being seen if you carefully match travel with travel content, and use sounds that are also popular in the Tiktok travel community.




















Beautiful Places & Destination Travel Hashtags

This list is also somewhat generic, but is useful when you are posting about little known or bucket lists destinations. These hashtags signal value as they are providing tips to would be or future travelers. Consider searching and browsing some of these tags when researching your own travels.




























Inspiring Hashtags for Travelers

We all could use a little inspiration! Using these hashtags is a good way to attract travel planners and travel dreamers to your feed.






posts for trips

Hashtags for Road Trips

Road trips are very specific kind of travel, so it isn't surprising that there are hundreds of road trip hashtags to choose from. Here are some of the most engaged and popular road trip hashtags to help your posts get discovered. If you are still planning your roadtrip, check out some of these road trip tags for ideas and inspiration. You may find some really interesting new places to go!





















Campervan and RV Hashtags

Camping and RV travel have always been popular, but this form of travel has exploded since the pandemic. So it's not surprising that so many RV hashtags have also become popular. For ideas about where to go and how to get there in style, have a look through the following hashtags. Make sure to use RV tags and campervan tags to share your own travels as well!






























Camping Hashtags

The camping community is an active (literally) travel community with hundreds of camping hashtags to choose from. Here's a few of the best camping tags!





























Glamping Hashtags

Some people are campers, and some are glampers. Glamping is luxury camping for the less rugged. If high thread count sheets matter to you, but you still want to get out there and see the nature... this may be your travel hashtag. Glamping posts are super fun to browse. Make sure to share your own glamping adventures with other aficianados by using these hashtags.














Hiking Hashtags for Traveling Hikers

Hiking vacations are another popular post pandemic travel phenomenon. Perhaps because many people have taken up hiking in their own area when further travels were not possible. Since hiking is done outdoors, it is also a relatively safe activity to do with others. Check out these hiking hashtags for hiking inspo, trail info and hiking travel ideas. Then be sure to tag your own hiking posts!














































National Parks Travel Hashtags

We love our National Parks! Since the pandemic, more Americans are traveling at home and National Parks are enjoying a burst of popularity and activity. Most of the parks have their own specific hashtags that you can explore. Here's a list of popular National Parks hashtags that are more general. Explore these hashtags to start planning your trip, and share with other National Park lovers when you go.





















Backpacking Hashtags for Travel Backpackers

Hiking, Camping, National Parks and Backpacking? These last few lists have a great deal of crossover. Backpacking has long been a popular style of budget travel. These backpacking hashtags have created a well worn path.























Adventure Travel Hashtags

Adrenaline junkies and adventurous travelers love to share their outrageous travels with adventure hashtags. These travel hashtag feeds are full of exciting posts and the sort of adventures you might not normally try at home.
































Beach Hashtags for Beachy Themed Travels

What's more classic than a beach vacation? Whether it's a tropical island or the California coast, #vitaminsea posts are popular and well loved.






























Desert Vacation Hashtags

Desert landscapes are dramatic and beautiful places to travel to. Desert hashtags pay homage to deserts all around the world.



























Hashtags for Mountain Travel Lovers

Ocean or Mountains? They say most people are one or the other. Fortunately you don't have to actually choose. These mountain hashtags are perfect for high altitude travel on any continent.








































Hashtags for Nature Loving Travelers

Nature photography is a popular pastime for many outdoor enthusiasts. This is reflected by the following Nature/outdoors travel tags.


























Europe Travel Hashtags

The following Europe travel hashtags are perfect for travelers and photographers embarking on a "grand tour" of Europe. Browsing these Europe tags will yield some spectacular images of landscapes and urban areas. Perhaps you will find some hashtag inspiration for your own bucket list travels.






































posts for trips

Global Traveler Hashtags for World Explorers

These world travel hashtags are very popular with world travelers and used in the travel photography community as well. Check out the feeds for amazing images and opportunities to have your images featured.


























Budget Travel Hashtags

Budget travel hashtags are a great way to feature and share your savvy travel planning skills. There is a well established community for budget travel, and that community is always hungry for travel planning tips and tricks. Conversely, if you are deal hunting and looking for ways to stretch your travel dollars, browse these budget travel tags! Most travel hashtags won't save you much money, but these might.



























Luxury Travel Hashtags

Peruse these luxury hashtags for your luxury fix. Pampering, fine food, stunning interior design and superior service await you here. It's all about the details. Peek inside a private jet and the world's most exclusive airport lounges. Luxury travel hashtags are a great place to learn about new destinations and experiences. But, not all luxury travel hashtags lead to sticker shock. You might be surprised at how affordable luxury can be. Inspire others by sharing your own luxe travels with the following luxury travel tags.




































Couples Travel Hashtags

Couples that travel together... make for great social media. Traveling couples on social are practically their own genre of reality show in 2021 and we love to follow their adventures. Here's some of the best couple travel hashtags for keeping up with the Joneses and also for sharing your own couple-y adventures.











































Honeymoon Hashtags

Honeymoons are a time honored travel tradition tailor made for social media. Honeymoon hashtags make it easier to plan and share your post-wedding travels. Use these tags to research destinations and ideas and then pay it forward by tagging your own posts.





























Hashtags for Travel Bloggers, Influencers and Writers

Looking for informational travel posts from travel experts? Check out these industry insider's hashtags. If you are a travel blogger or writer, consider using these travel blogger hashtags along with your specific travel niche expertise tags.





















posts for trips

Hashtags for Female Travelers

Female travels face unique challenges but it doesn't stop them from going everywhere! Get inspired, get safety tips and practical advice, and share your own adventures with these specifically female travel hashtags.


































































Hashtags for Solo Travelers

Solo travel doesn't necessarily mean lonely. You'll find loads of advice for those who want to go it alone, by following solo travel hashtags. Get to know the community and inspire others when you share your own solo travels with these solo traveler tags.























Black Travel Hashtags

The black travel movement is having a moment and it is awesome to see more black travel bloggers and influencers exploring the world and speaking freely about their experiences. Take a look at these black travel hashtags to learn more about the issues black travelers face. Share your own journey with other black travelers and take a moment to appreciate this awesome community.































Hashtags for Digital Nomads

Digital nomads are a unique breed of travelers in that they are on "permanent vacation". This is not really so much a vacation however as a travel lifestyle. Digital nomads live and work (often remotely) all over the world, diving into local culture and soaking up traditions in the most exotic foreign locations. Their travel content on social media is fascinating to consume. If you are pursing this lifestyle, digital nomad hashtags are a great place to meet your tribe and share your dailies.































Family Travel Hashtags

Traveling with kids doesn't have to be a nightmare. Family travel advice and inspiration abounds on social. Check out family travel hashtags for ideas about where to go, what to do and which supplies you need to bring. You'll find loads of inspiration, brilliant hacks and more. Share your own family travels with others when you use these family travel tags.






























































Foodie Travels Hashtags

The camera eats first... all over the world. Foodie travels are some of the tastiest feeds to devour. If you love to see and share foodie feeds, these foodie travel hashtags are for you.

























Wanderlust Hashtags for Wanderers

Wanderlust hashtags were some of the first travel hashtags to take off on Instagram. The wanderlust community of travel loving folks is a well established one. Check out these wanderlust hashtags to meet and reach a community of curious travelers who have a chronic and lasting urge to travel see the world.
























posts for trips

Travel Photography Hashtags

Travel and photography go hand in hand. Share your best shots and apply for features with big & famous accounts when you use these travel photography hashtags.

























Drone Photography Hashtags for Travelers

There's something so awe inspiring about drone travel photos. Maybe it is the overhead perspective. Drone photos always stand out in a travel photo feed. It's a good idea to use a few drone tags to show off your work. Check out travel drone hashtags for ideas on what to shoot. You'll also find tips on how to shoot better drone pics from this well traveled community.



































Disney Travel Hashtags

Do your travels include a trip to any of the Disney Parks? Welcome to Disney travel hashtag heaven. Disney fans are huge hashtag users. You will find all the best information for Disney parks planning by following a few of these hashtags. Using Disney travel tags when you post Disney travels is sure to get you lots of love as well.



































Ghost Tour and Haunted Travel Hashtags

Ghost tours and visits to supposedly haunted places are another form of dark travel that has become very popular in recent years. Live feeds of lockdowns, photos of ghosts and more await in the hashtag feeds of these haunted travel hashtags. Do you dare go there?





























Spa Holiday Hashtags

Do you like to get pampered when you travel? Is a poolside massage or seaweed wrap an essential part of your vacation planning? Share your spa getaway time with these spa hashtags.




















posts for trips

Airport Hashtags

Airports and plane travel are an essential part of travel that is often overlooked. But airport hashtags prove that there is plenty to post about at JFK, LAX and TLV. Get a look at travelers in different locations. Learn about airport amenities. Plane gawk. Enjoy the journey with these airport tags.































Resort and Hotel Hashtags

Hotel hashtags are super helpful when you are looking for reviews and/or wish to share your own impresions about a property. They probably are less helpful in a general post, but if you are a travel blogger, or are offering advice to other travelers, and your photos/posts include hotel info, consider adding hotel and resort tags.





























Cruise Hashtags

Cruisers have their own travel tribe. These cruise travel hashtags are a language that avid cruisers speak fluently on social media. You'll get a unique look at cruise ships, cruise ports and cruise food when you browse these hashtags. Share your floating travels with other enthusiasts by using cruise tags


























Vacation Hashtags

What's the difference between a trip, travels and a vacation? Some would argue that a vacation involves more relaxing and less work. Perhaps it's personal. Perhaps the answer lies in the vacation hashtag feeds listed below. Make your own argument for the perfect vacation post when you use these vacation tags.









































Weekend Trips and Getaway Hashtags

Quick trips, getaways and staycations deserve their own hashtags and this list of getaway hashtags is perfect for sharing your fast breaks.




































Snowboarding and Ski Trip Hashtags

Winter travel hashtags often involve winter trips to the snow to ski and snowboard. Or, perhaps you just like to sit in the lodge. That's ok too. We won't judge. In that case you'd best look at the feed photos and find a ski lodge with a nice warm fireplace to sit in front of. Share your snowy adventures with snowboarding and ski travel hashtags.










































Sunset Hashtags

It it really traveling if you don't take a photo of the sunset? Sunsets are a constant everywhere in the world, but they sure do look different from location to location. There are millions and millions of sunset photos on social media, and yet we keep taking them, sharing them, and loving them. Share yours with a like minded community of fellow traveling sunset lovers, by using sunset hashtags.





























































Are Travel Hashtags a Good Idea?

Using travel hashtags on your posts will ensure that you'll get more likes and engagement, because your photos will be seen by the people who want to see travel photos like yours.

Using the right travel hashtags is especially important for Instagram Reels posts and Tiktok posts. These kinds of posts are currently enjoying much more "discovery" and delivery to broader audiences.

We've paid extra attention to Hashtags for Instagram Reels and Hashtags for TikTok. Using the right hashtags for Instagram Reels and hashtags for Tiktok can help your content land on the Explore #Explore and #FYP (For You Page) pages and explode your views.

It's easy to find the most obvious and popular hashtags for travelling. People use the hashtag #travel all the time. But it is so overused that posts with this tag are often off topic, and lost in the avalanche of new posts constantly flowing in.

How to Choose the BEST Travel Hashtags

Think about a search term you might type into google, and what you would expect from the results. If you merely typed in "travel" you would not be likely to find posts about specific places, activities, and things you are looking for.

Searches are more successful when they are more specific. Posts are more successful when they use more specific hashtags. Finding the hashtags can be tricky though.

That's why we made this travel hashtag list for all your vacation Instagram and travel Tiktok posts.

PRO TIP: Hashtags are not just for getting likes, views and engagement on your own posts. Travel hashtags are the best place to start doing your own travel research. You will find recent and up to date photos and information. Oftentimes these posts are from locals and experts. You will find valuable tips, tricks and insights about a destination by doing research on Instagram and Tiktok as well as traditional research. Travel guides and blog posts are a great idea, but the freshest information about a location may be on social media.

Be sure to bookmark this post so you can return to copy/ paste travel hashtags! Our lists are constantly growing and updating.

Travel Hashtag Ideas for Your Posts

Travel hashtags can be broken down into many categories.

  • People in the photo - Who are the travelers in the photo? Do you belong to any special group of travelers or travel "tribes"? Example: #familytravel #digitalnomads #couples travel
  • Brands in the photo - Official local tourism/branded hashtags and/or gear. Example: #visitcalifornia #celebritycruise #Raybans
  • Places in the photo . Example: #Airport, #LuxuryHotel
  • Activities being done in the photo or on the vacation . Example: #hiking #yoga #winetasting
  • Seasons and holidays. Example: #SummerVacation #SpringBreak #WinterHoliday
  • Travel Themes . Example: #Getaway, #Glamping, #Spaholiday
  • Photography hashtags . Example: #travelcaptures #travelpicsdaily
  • Moods . Example: #HappyCamper, #VacationVibes

Why Hashtags Matter on Social Media

Hashtags are like the address on a letter. They tell social media platforms where/who to deliver your post to.

Everytime we like or comment on anything, algorithms are paying attention. They learn what we like, and aim to deliver more of that sort of content to us.

In order to deliver the right content to the right people, Algorithms need to know what a piece of content is about, and who it's meant for. Hashtags make that crystal clear.

Questions to Ask When Choosing Hashtags for Travel Posts

Asking yourself a few questions about your hashtags can help you be super targeted with your tag choices, and avoid hashtag spamming.

If someone were specifically searching for this hashtag, would they be delighted to find your post? Is it the content they are likely looking for?

If the answer is YES, then this a good hashtag choice.

Do the hashtags you've chosen make sense together and support each other?

If the answer is NO you may want to get rid of any extra tags. Stick to a single niche or theme to avoid confusing algorithms. Recent algorithm trends have shown that posts that stick to a single subject and closely related hashtags, tend to do better.

Are any of the hashtags sarcastic, cute or made up on the spur of the moment?

Lose these fast!

Are you using super popular, over-used hashtags?

These probably won't hurt you, but they are are unlikely to help you in Instagram feed. One or two carefully chosen popular tags may be helpful for directing Instagram Reels and Tiktok posts. Hashtags for Instagram Reels and Hashtags for TikTok are extremely important for discovery but should be super concise and used sparingly.

Do my hashtags identify a specific group of people for whom this content is relevant?

Hashtags like #FamilyTravel and #CouplesTravel and #LuxuryTraveler help further refine your travel audience and are a great idea when they are your primary focus. Niche-ing down is a great way to build engagement.

But don't use multiple groups in one post or you may defeat the purpose of the tag. Pick a team and use multiple tags for that one group rather than spread yourself too thin.

Have you included any "mood" hashtags?

While we don't have evidence to support it, it doesn't hurt to include a few hashtags with positive terms like "Happy", "Dream" "Vibes" etc in them.

Algorithms don't do feelings and rely on language signals like this to identify posts as positive or negative. Humans also react to positive messaging. So if you have the space, sprinkle some positivity.

Have you looked at the hashtag feed for that hashtag? Do you belong there?

Sometimes we think we know what a hashtag is all about... and then we look at the feed and have to take a moment. It's a good idea to get a look at the feeds you're trying to fit yourself into. If your post doesn't resonate with the audience there, or if the content is not what you think it is, you might be hurting your chances for discovery.

How Many Hashtags to Use in 2023

There is no magic formula for how many hashtags to use on social media. Other than the limits imposed by the platforms, the number is up to you. The most important thing about hashtag use with current social algorithms is to commit to your theme or niche for each post.

Consistent hashtag use and subject matter in your posting helps you to grow your authority on that subject.

When you are hashtagging a travel post, you should stick to travel hashtags and preferably clusters that are often used together such as location travel hashtags or activity type hashtags.

At one time it was ok to use any hashtags on Instagram that were accurate for your photo, even if the hashtags were unrelated to one another. The more the merrier. Currently this practice is not working. Clarity is key. Algorithms are favoring authoritative content that is easy to classify and understand.

This means that using hashtags for pets, books, fashion and beauty, along with travel hashtags (even when all those "items" are present in a photo) may result in the algorithm dropping your post for possibly hashtag spamming.

Hashtags for Tiktok and Hashtags for Instagram Reels need to be even more specific and concise.

When in doubt, pick tags from 2-3 of the above travel hashtag lists. Review the questions above and hashtag with confidence!

Why These Travel Hashtags?

Travel tags are constantly changing and evolving. In fact these 1500+ travel hashtags are just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of thousands more out there, and many more travel topics to explore.

We gathered these hashtags over the course of several years, looking at some of the most engaged and visible hashtags on multiple social media platforms.

A photo of a California Whale Watching image - a whale is breaching the surface and jumping out of the ocean

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Airbnb forecasts weaker Q2 revenue despite robust demand for international travel

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Norway and other chillier places are summer hotspots as tourists need a break from heat.

All the cool people will be going there this summer.

Scandinavia and other chillier parts of Europe are experiencing a dramatic increase in June to August travel — and it’s all driven by a desire to escape sizzling temperatures that have become the norm in popular destinations like Paris and Rome, experts say.

During the warm weather months, bookings for trips to Norway — particularly in places like cool, coastal Bergen — have risen 37% over last year, according to luxury operator Kensington Tours.

Bergen, Norway is another popular destination.

The luxury tour company also named Innsbruck, Austria — nearly 2,000 feet above sea level in the Austrian Alps — as another not-so-hot summer commodity, the Wall Street Journal reported .

Travel booking company Hopper reported that trips to Sweden have gone up 70% , while Finland went off the charts with a 126% boost. There has also been increased interest in the Faroe Islands — a scenic archipelago off the coast of Denmark that has raised its profile in recent years.

“As Europe braces for the impact of increasingly common extreme weather events , we anticipate travel patterns and destination choice shifts over the long term,” said Eduardo Santander, executive director of the European Travel Commission said.

World traveler Mary Miles, a 33-year-old in public relations from Baltimore, will enjoy a trip to Scandinavia with her husband later this year, touring Sweden, Denmark, and Norway for two weeks.

Cooler weather was an easy signing bonus for Miles’ other half.

Tourists are heading to places like Olden, Norway to beat the heat.

“He’s very, very sensitive to heat,” she told the outlet. “He gets nervous that he’s going to pass out.”

Experts add that the rationale for spending time at these comparatively obscure locations instead of literal tourist hotspots further to the south is not only because they offer a milder climate — travelers will also enjoy fewer fellow foreign vacationers.

The trend toward northern destinations extends beyond Europe.

Domestically, interest in travel to Alaska has risen 25%, according to Kayak.

The northernmost state has become a hub for cruises, according to Jillian Simpson of the Alaska Travel Industry Association.

“Statewide, the state did see a record number of cruise passengers arriving, which was very good,” she told Alaska Public Media earlier this year.

Seward, a major cruise port, is expecting at least 200,000 visitors via cruises in 2024.

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Bergen, Norway is another popular destination.


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Inside Alyssa Milano’s $3K-a-night suite on Cabo ‘couples trip’: Private pool, chef’s kitchen, spa, and more

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Alyssa Milano and her husband, David Bugliari, enjoyed a romantic couples getaway with friends at a lavish $3,000-a-night suite in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

The “Charmed” actress and two other couples escaped to Nobu Los Cabos Residences’ extravagant, 3-bedroom Sakyü suite, an insider tells Page Six.

“Couples trip to #nobuloscabosresidences. Ummm. This place is absolute perfection,” Milano wrote on Instagram Tuesday along with several photos from her vacation. “For long term stay, a romantic getaway or a family focused vacation. Highly recommend.”

David Bugliari and Alyssa Milano at Nobu Cabo Nobu Los Cabos Residences.

She added that the hospitality made her feel “comfortable” and she raved about the “next level” food and “yummy” cocktails.

“We are here with all our couples best friends and I can’t stop smiling. #travel #romanticgetaway,” she said.

We’re told Milano was seen “enjoying downtime” in the private suite, which boasts a personal pool, jacuzzi, private gym, massage suite, barbecue area, garden views, and round-the-clock concierge service.

The Sakyü suite at Nobu Los Cabos Residences.

The opulent accommodations also feature bathrooms with open showers, double vanities and traditional Onsen teak soaking tubs for ultimate relaxation.

There is also a gourmet chef’s kitchen with updated appliances, a chic living room, a spanning dining space and sleek, modern bedrooms featuring plush bedding and soothing neutral tones.

“The contemporary Japanese minimalism creates an ambiance of serenity and tranquility for ultimate relaxation,” the hotel’s website states.

Alyssa Milano, David Bugliari, and their friends in matching pajamas.

Other fun fixtures include a gorgeous terrace, pool table, and several flatscreen televisions.

“Alyssa and her husband had a fantastic time with the staff, interacting with the private butlers in the cabanas, etc.,” the insider shares. “The group of couples spent most of the time poolside, taking in the adults-only infinity pool, and said they indulged in the super hospitable service.”

Read more on the hottest celebrity getaways:

  • Inside Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s $15K-a-night Bahamas vacation home with 3 butlers, 2 personal chefs
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We hear the “Who’s the Boss?” alum and her group dined on a delicious lunch at Nami Beach Club. They also indulged in oyster ravioli, farrotto beef and almond hummus at the on-site Muna Restaurant, which offers Mediterranean-style cuisine with a Pacific twist.

Food at Nobu Los Cabos Residences.

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An insider also tells us that Milano went for some “pampering sessions” at the resort’s Esencia Spa.

While unwinding in the luxurious wellness facility, Milano reveled in the outdoor hydrotherapy garden, which features steam and sauna areas, an outdoor shower, a cabana jacuzzi and a hydrotherapy pool.

Milano shared several glimpses of her magical trip on social media including a sweet selfie with her husband as they soaked in their private hot tub.

Alyssa Milano at Nobu Los Cabos Residences.

In the cute image, Milano wore a busty $148 one-piece bathing suit by Cosita Linda Beachwear.

Milano also shared a photo with one of her gal pals as they soaked up some sun by the large pool overlooking the beach. The actress wore blue low-rise cargo pants and a cropped T-shirt and was holding a chilled red cocktail garnished with sage leaf.

All three ladies also matched in monogrammed tiger-print pajama sets with their respective husbands for a silly photo opp inside their stunning suite.

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David Bugliari and Alyssa Milano at Nobu Cabo Nobu Los Cabos Residences.


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Travel advisory: president biden visiting seattle later this week – plan ahead and expect travel delays.

View of a cityscape with large buildings, radio towers, and a mountain in the background.

Blog stats: 400 words | 2-minute read


  • President Joe Biden is scheduled to visit Seattle later this week.
  • We expect significant travel delays and detours in the greater Seattle area in the coming days.
  • Continue to check traffic conditions before you leave, and give yourself plenty of extra travel time.
  • To stay informed, check King County Metro’s service advisories and sign up for transit alerts . You can also follow tweets from King County Metro , SDOT Traffic , and WSDOT Traffic .
  • Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this Presidential visit to our region.

During President Biden’s visit, the U.S. Secret Service has the authority to provide security, including requiring intermittent closures of freeways and streets. The flow of buses and cars in downtown Seattle and around the region will be affected.

While the president’s exact travel route and timing are not published in advance, travelers can still plan ahead by anticipating delays and temporary road closures., what to expect and how to get around.

You can check media reports and the websites of local jurisdictions and transit agencies before you leave, so you have the latest information about travel conditions. Remember to give yourself plenty of extra time to reach your destination.

If you can, please consider options to get around without driving. Riding transit and biking can be good ways to avoid traffic, but please note that some bus routes may also be affected by temporary traffic closures or detours, including short-term re-routes.

Our Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) engineers can adjust traffic signal timing within the city of Seattle based on expected closures and any necessary re-routing. We may also post messages on dynamic message signs when needed.

How to stay informed

King County Metro publishes service advisories online and sends transit alerts to riders notifying them of bus re-routes and travel changes. You can see if your route is affected by visiting Metro’s service advisories page .

We also encourage you to sign up for Metro’s transit alerts and to monitor local news reports and social media updates.

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  • Follow tweets from King County Metro , SDOT Traffic , and WSDOT Traffic .

Thank you again for your patience and cooperation during this Presidential visit.

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Poor defense, cold shooting trip up Celtics in Game 2 loss to Cavaliers

The Celtics are once again following a troubling script in the second round of the playoffs

BOSTON — The Celtics are once again following a troubling script in the second round of the playoffs.

Boston opened its first-round series against Miami with a dominating Game 1 win and followed it up with a lackluster effort in Game 2.

That pattern repeated itself during the Celtics’ 118-94 Game 2 loss to the Cavaliers on Thursday night.

posts for trips


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  26. Alyssa Milano escapes to Cabo for 'couples trip' in $3K-a-night suite

    00:50. Alyssa Milano and her husband, David Bugliari, enjoyed a romantic couples getaway with friends at a lavish $3,000-a-night suite in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The "Charmed" actress and two ...

  27. Travel Advisory: President Biden visiting Seattle later this week

    We expect travel delays and detours in the greater Seattle area. SDOT Blog Seattle Department of Transportation. ... Find Posts By Topic. Home / Travel Advisory. Previous Next . Travel Advisory: President Biden visiting Seattle later this week - plan ahead and expect travel delays. by Ethan Bancroft on May 9, 2024. An aerial view of the city ...

  28. Poor defense, cold shooting trip up Celtics in ...

    BOSTON — The Celtics are once again following a troubling script in the second round of the playoffs. Boston opened its first-round series against Miami with a dominating Game 1 win and followed ...