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Cruising the Moskva River: A short guide to boat trips in Russia’s capital

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There’s hardly a better way to absorb Moscow’s atmosphere than on a ship sailing up and down the Moskva River. While complicated ticketing, loud music and chilling winds might dampen the anticipated fun, this checklist will help you to enjoy the scenic views and not fall into common tourist traps.

How to find the right boat?

There are plenty of boats and selecting the right one might be challenging. The size of the boat should be your main criteria.

Plenty of small boats cruise the Moskva River, and the most vivid one is this yellow Lay’s-branded boat. Everyone who has ever visited Moscow probably has seen it.

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This option might leave a passenger disembarking partially deaf as the merciless Russian pop music blasts onboard. A free spirit, however, will find partying on such a vessel to be an unforgettable and authentic experience that’s almost a metaphor for life in modern Russia: too loud, and sometimes too welcoming. Tickets start at $13 (800 rubles) per person.

Bigger boats offer smoother sailing and tend to attract foreign visitors because of their distinct Soviet aura. Indeed, many of the older vessels must have seen better days. They are still afloat, however, and getting aboard is a unique ‘cultural’ experience. Sometimes the crew might offer lunch or dinner to passengers, but this option must be purchased with the ticket. Here is one such  option  offering dinner for $24 (1,490 rubles).

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If you want to travel in style, consider Flotilla Radisson. These large, modern vessels are quite posh, with a cozy restaurant and an attentive crew at your service. Even though the selection of wines and food is modest, these vessels are still much better than other boats.

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Surprisingly, the luxurious boats are priced rather modestly, and a single ticket goes for $17-$32 (1,100-2,000 rubles); also expect a reasonable restaurant bill on top.

How to buy tickets?

Women holding photos of ships promise huge discounts to “the young and beautiful,” and give personal invitations for river tours. They sound and look nice, but there’s a small catch: their ticket prices are usually more than those purchased online.

“We bought tickets from street hawkers for 900 rubles each, only to later discover that the other passengers bought their tickets twice as cheap!”  wrote  (in Russian) a disappointed Rostislav on a travel company website.

Nevertheless, buying from street hawkers has one considerable advantage: they personally escort you to the vessel so that you don’t waste time looking for the boat on your own.

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Prices start at $13 (800 rubles) for one ride, and for an additional $6.5 (400 rubles) you can purchase an unlimited number of tours on the same boat on any given day.

Flotilla Radisson has official ticket offices at Gorky Park and Hotel Ukraine, but they’re often sold out.

Buying online is an option that might save some cash. Websites such as  this   offer considerable discounts for tickets sold online. On a busy Friday night an online purchase might be the only chance to get a ticket on a Flotilla Radisson boat.

This  website  (in Russian) offers multiple options for short river cruises in and around the city center, including offbeat options such as ‘disco cruises’ and ‘children cruises.’ This other  website  sells tickets online, but doesn’t have an English version. The interface is intuitive, however.

Buying tickets online has its bad points, however. The most common is confusing which pier you should go to and missing your river tour.

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“I once bought tickets online to save with the discount that the website offered,” said Igor Shvarkin from Moscow. “The pier was initially marked as ‘Park Kultury,’ but when I arrived it wasn’t easy to find my boat because there were too many there. My guests had to walk a considerable distance before I finally found the vessel that accepted my tickets purchased online,” said the man.

There are two main boarding piers in the city center:  Hotel Ukraine  and  Park Kultury . Always take note of your particular berth when buying tickets online.

Where to sit onboard?

Even on a warm day, the headwind might be chilly for passengers on deck. Make sure you have warm clothes, or that the crew has blankets ready upon request.

The glass-encased hold makes the tour much more comfortable, but not at the expense of having an enjoyable experience.

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Getting off the boat requires preparation as well. Ideally, you should be able to disembark on any pier along the way. In reality, passengers never know where the boat’s captain will make the next stop. Street hawkers often tell passengers in advance where they’ll be able to disembark. If you buy tickets online then you’ll have to research it yourself.

There’s a chance that the captain won’t make any stops at all and will take you back to where the tour began, which is the case with Flotilla Radisson. The safest option is to automatically expect that you’ll return to the pier where you started.

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River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat

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River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat

Equipped with ice-breaking technology, these huge fancy yachts are the only river cruisers running all year around. The round trip journey takes two and a half hours and floats past all the big sights like the White House, Novodevichy monastery and the Kremlin. There’s a large open air observation deck up top, while the main body of the ship houses a restaurant with a dance floor for a romantic post dinner dance. For a particularly romantic experience take one of the evening boats and admire the bright lights of the city skyline at night.

The most relaxing and picturesque tour that Moscow can offer: a great way to see the city center and its main attractions. This is a perfect alternative to exploring the city by car, if you only have time to do sightseeing during weekday rush hours.

Your English-speaking guide is eager to share every bit of their knowledge about the surrounding landscape, the architecture and historical details.

We conduct Moscow river tour on Radisson Flotilla boats all year around!  It’s warm inside during winter months, while there’s air conditioning during hot summer days. You may also treat yourself to drinks, lunch or dinner on board (drinks and food are not included in tour price).

The cost of an excursion with a personal guide for 1 person

Quay at Radisson Collection Hotel

Government Headquarters ("the White House")

Kievsky Railway Central

Novodevichy Convent

Luzhniki Stadium

Academy of Sciences

Monument to Peter I

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Moscow Kremlin

St.Basil's Cathedral

Novospassky Monastery

U-turn and back to Quay at Radisson Royal Hotel

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  • Excursion River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat
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See photo of the meeting point

Moscow - Russian Rivers and Waterways Port of Call

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Moscow is a wonderful city to visit, and travelers on river ship cruise tours to or from St. Petersburg spend a few days in Moscow . This capital city of Russia was our last port on a river cruise tour, and we had about four days to see most of the highlights. Our first day we did an overview driving tour and rode the subway under the Mockba (Moscow) River to Red Square. The next day we toured the State Armory and the Kremlin.

These photos show some of the other highlights you can see with three or four days in Moscow .

The Northern River Terminal is located on the Moscow Canal in the northwest section of Moscow at the Khimki Reservoir.

Most river cruise ships sailing between Moscow and St. Petersburg use the ship as a hotel while in Moscow. Because of traffic, it's often a long drive into the city, but the sights along the way are interesting, and you only have to unpack once for the river cruise.

View of Downtown Moscow from Sparrow Hills

Sparrow Hills is the best place to get a great panoramic view of Moscow. The Sparrow Hills overlook the Mockba River and are near Moscow State University.

Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

Novodevichy Convent in Moscow was founded in 1524, and was once used as a sort of prison for the unwanted wives and sisters of the Tsars. Peter the Great sent both his first wife and his sister to Novodevichy. Since the convent had such famous nuns, it was very wealthy due to the many donations of the Tsars and their families. At one time in the 1700s, the cloister had over 36,000 serfs working in 36 villages. Novodevichy was ravaged by the French armies in 1812, but the brave nuns saved the buildings by disarming the fuses set to blow them up. The Soviets wanted to make the convent into a museum in the early 1920s, but it was again saved.

Novodevichy also has a cemetery with the graves of many famous Russians, including Nikita Khrushchev, Anton Chekhov, Raisa Gorbachev, and Yuri Nikulin.

View of the Mockba River in Moscow, Russia

The Mockba (Moscow) River runs into the Volga via the 79.5 mile long Moscow Canal.

River ships sailing between Moscow and St. Petersburg on the Baltic Waterways embark and disembark at the Northern River Terminal about an hour's drive from the city. The drive time can vary significantly in length because of the heavy Moscow traffic. The river looks peaceful here, as it winds around the cosmopolitan area of Moscow.

Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer (Cathedral of Christ the Savior) in Moscow

The Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer, also known as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, is the largest church in Russia, holding 10,000 worshipers.

The original Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built over 44 years to celebrate the 1812 victory over Napoleon. It was completed in 1883. Stalin had the church destroyed in 1931, but it was rebuilt using mostly private funds in 1999. The new church is a replica of the original. Note that it took 44 years the first time and only 4 years the second to complete the church! Isn't modern technology impressive.

One interesting tidbit is that it took three attempts to blow up the church in 1931. Stalin planned to build a huge Palace of the Soviets on the cleared land, but engineers determined that the land was too boggy. In the 60 years intervening, the space was used for a variety of things, including a year-round swimming pool!

Vendors' Market and Ski Jump at Sparrow Hills in Moscow

The panoramic view of Moscow from Sparrow Hills is a stopover for most tour groups, so we were not surprised to see a large number of vendors. The ski jump was a surprise, but Moscow gets very cold in winter, so winter sports are very popular. This ski jump is near Moscow State University and has a great view of the city. Seeing this ski jump reminded me of the famous Holmenkollen Ski Jump in Oslo, which also has a great view of that northern capital city.

Russian Soldiers' Memorial in Victory Park in Moscow

Matryoshka dolls for sale in moscow.

I thought this display of dolls was beautiful! The Matryoshka nesting dolls range in price from just a few dollars to thousands of dollars.

Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow, Russia

This small band greeted us at the Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow. They played a variety of band music and made us all feel very welcome.

Grand Triumphal Arch Celebrates the Victory Over Napoleon in the War of 1812

This arch looks a little like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, and it is located near the Victory Park Metro Station in Moscow.

This Grand Triumphal Arch is decorated with the coats of arms from the 48 Russian provinces. To celebrate the victory over France in the war of 1812, it also includes bas-reliefs of the "Expulsion of the French." The arch was originally built in 1834, but has only been on this site since 1968.

It is a little ironic that this arch resembles the Paris Arc de Triomphe , which Napoleon built between 1806 and 1836 to celebrate his French victories.

Moscow Metro Station at the Ploshchad Revolyutsii (Revolution Square)

This station near Red Square has many statues honoring the workers of Russia.

Moscow Metro Station near Victory Park

The Metro in Moscow is one of its shining industrial achievements. Construction on the Metro was begun in 1931 and continues today. The system has over 165 stations and 155 miles of track. Over 9300 trains, traveling sometimes as fast as 56 mph, navigate the huge system each day. Almost 10 million people ride the Moscow Metro every day, which is more than the New York and London systems combined. We found the Metro to be very efficient, with trains arriving every few minutes.

Navigating the Metro system can be somewhat of a problem for non-Russian speaking riders. Most of the signage is in Cyrillic only, and the stations are quite large. Trying to find the correct exit while walking long distances underground can be challenging.

On our cruise tour, we rode the Metro as a group with our program director from near Victory Park under the Mockba River to Red Square. Several of the group ventured out on their own during our time in Moscow, and many rode the Metro. They all returned with stories of getting lost underground, but none seemed the worse for the experience, and they all loved telling the tales.

Red Square in Moscow

Red Square in Moscow is a must-see for visitors to the capital city of Russia.

The Kremlin in Moscow, Russia

The Kremlin is a favorite of Moscow tourists. Inside these walls are buildings for the government of Russia, cathedrals, and the wonderful State Armory museum.

Taras Bulba Restaurant in Moscow

We enjoyed a traditional Ukrainian lunch at this cute restaurant in Moscow before checking in at our hotel.

Buses Wait for Passengers Outside Museum

River cruise tour groups are usually divided into groups for the duration of the tour. Each group had their own bus when touring.

Military Airplanes at the Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow, Russia

Although much of the military museum was indoors, there was quite a collection of planes, helicopters, missile launchers, and tanks outside.

Foreign Ministry Building, One of Moscow's Seven Stalinist-Gothic Skyscrapers

Seven skyscrapers with layers giving them a "wedding cake" appearance dot the Moscow skyline. The style is considered Stalinist-Gothic.

Russian and American War Veterans at the Central Museum of Armed Forces

Meeting with some World War II Russian War veterans was a highlight of our day at the Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow.

Rocket Launchers and Missiles at the Central Museum of Armed Forces in Moscow

The inside of this museum is particularly impressive, but you will need a guide since all of the signage is only in Russian.

Old Arbat Pedestrian Shopping Area in Moscow

We all enjoyed exploring the shops on this mile-long pedestrian shopping area.

Food prices were high in the tourist attraction, with two small pizzas, two small beers, and a bottle of water at an outdoor cafe costing $40. Many of our group ate at the large McDonalds, where prices were more reasonable.

Female Cosmonaut Model at Star City Cosmonaut Training Center near Moscow

Female cosmonauts play an important role in the Russian space program. In 1963, Valentina Tereshkova from Yaroslavl was the first woman in space.

Souvenir Shop in Old Arbat Shopping Area in Moscow

The area of Old Arbat had many English signs to attract the tourist trade.

Centrifuge at Star City Outside Moscow, Russia

This 18 meter centrifuge is the world's largest. The centrifuge weighs over 30000 tons, and the maximum load is 30 G, but most tests are run at 3 or 4 G.

A centrifuge ride is the first test for a cosmonaut, whose entire training school takes from five to eight years. The centrifuge can simulate the extreme force of gravity that cosmonauts (and astronauts) face when going into space. A centrifuge training session lasts about 30 minutes, and the trainee experiences both the centrifugal force as well as the spin of the pod he/she is riding in. Just typing this makes me a little queasy!

Cosmonaut's Bathroom Facilities on First Space Flights at Star City

Just like in the USA, everyone who visits the Star City cosmonaut training center near Moscow wants to know how cosmonauts "go to the bathroom". They have more sophisticated equipment today, but this contraption from the early space flights is fairly self explanatory.

Star City Tank Used for Cosmonaut Weightlessness Training near Moscow

This 12-meter deep pool is used to simulate weightlessness training. The pool is flooded and the cosmonauts perform repair tasks on the model of the International Space Station. SCUBA diving underwater is very similar to the weightless experience the cosmonauts experience when working in outer space.

Mir Space Station Replica at Star City near Moscow

The original Mir disintegrated when it fell to earth in 2001. Mir, which means peace in Russian, was launched in 1986.

Marvel Paull with Statue of Yuri Gagarin at Star City near Moscow

Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space, and the Star City Cosmonaut training center was named after him in 1968.

River Cruise Passengers with Yuri Onufrienko, Russian Cosmonaut at Star City

In case you can't tell, Yuri is the one in the middle. My famous traveling mother, Marvel Paull, is on the left and Dick, a cruise friend is on the right.

A highlight of our day in Star City was a visit with Yuri Onufrienko , a Russian cosmonaut who spent extended time in space at the Mir space station in 1996 and the International Space Station in 2001-2002. Yuri patiently took many questions from our small inquisitive group.

Cosmonaut Space Suit at Star City near Moscow

Cosmonauts sit in this position on take off. Thanks to Jerry G. for the tip about the sign. It says, "Don't touch!"

Stained Glass Window at Star City near Moscow

Program directors at farewell dinner in moscow.

After 16 days of discovery, learning, and fun, we had a farewell dinner with the six Program Directors - Evgeny, Olga, Vladimir, Svetlana, Violetta, and Marina - in Moscow.

The Kremlin is a triangular, walled citadel in the center of Moscow. The Kremlin is considered by most to be the heart of the city. First conceived in the 12th century, the Kremlin (which means fortress) was expanded by Tsar Ivan III (Ivan the Great) during the 15th century. His architects designed the magnificent Cathedral of the Assumption and the Faceted Palace, and the Kremlin was an interesting mix of both Russian and Renaissance styles. During the Soviet time of the 1930s, many of the Kremlin buildings were destroyed or vandalized, and the complex remained closed to the public until 1955.

Today the Kremlin is home to the Russian President and his administration. Many buildings are open to the public, but you may need to be with a guide (check in advance).

I visited the Kremlin when in Moscow on a Russian Waterways cruise tour from St. Petersburg.

The Kremlin was also one of the 21 finalists for the New Seven Wonders of the World.  

Red Square in Moscow, Russia

Red Square's name has nothing to do with Communism or Soviet Russia. The old Russian word for "beautiful" and "red" was the same; the square was supposed to be called "Beautiful Square". Red Square has been the center of Moscow activity since the 16th century when the Tsar cleared the area and allowed vendors, shoppers, and businesses to fill the square. Today this square is surrounded by the Moscow Kremlin, the State Historical Museum, GUM Shopping Mall , and St. Basil's Cathedral .

Many of the important events of the last three hundred years in Russia have been marked by parades or demonstrations in Red Square. Anyone who enters Red Square will have memories from TV or movie reels of this magnificent public square. Those of us who grew up during the Cold War era can remember the parades of soldiers, tanks, and other armaments past Lenin's Tomb just outside the Kremlin Wall. The World War II generation remembers Red Square as the site of a huge victory celebration at the end of the war.

25 Best Things to Do in Moscow

St. Petersburg, Russia

A Guide to Moscow: Capital of Russia, City of Domes

9 Things to See in Moscow's Red Square

Moscow in September: Weather, What to Pack, and What to See

10 Must-Visit Palaces and Castles in Russia

St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow: Planning Your Visit

Photos of Russia

Soviet Sights in Moscow – Moscow USSR Sites

Moscow Attractions for Children

The Top 12 Things to Do in Astrakhan

Moscow Metro: The Complete Guide

The Top 12 Things to Do in Novgorod, Russia

The Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg

The Top 15 Places to Visit in Russia

The Top 12 Things to Do in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Moscow - St. Petersburg 4-star cruise by Vodohod

12 days and 11 nights

  • Moscow - St. Petersburg Cruise
  • Route Moscow - Uglich - Yaroslavl - Goritsy - Kizhi - Mandrogui - St. Petersburg
  • Languages English-speaking guide is guaranteed. Other languages are on request.
  • Cruise Ship 4-star cruise ships:, MS Nikolay Chernyshevsky, MS Nizhny Novgorod, MS Konstantin Fedin, MS Sankt-Peterburg, MS Kronshtadt
  • Group Tour This is a group tour. There will be other people in your group.
  • Prices and Dates


Moscow : The first day is arrival day. You are welcome on board! Check in starts at 14:00 (2.00 PM), but you may arrive earlier or later on that day. If you order a transfer you will be met at the airport or train station by one of our drivers and taken by a comfortable car to the river port where you will board your cruise ship (transfer is OPTIONAL).

Over the next few days you will have a chance to explore Moscow and learn about its riveting history. You will be taken on a city tour where you will see Moscow's most interesting sights and learn about this amazing city's past and present. You will also have a chance to do some light shopping and there will be time to relax aboard the ship in the evenings. One of the highlights of your time in Moscow is a visit to Red Square  and the Kremlin . You will also visit one of the Kremlin's famous cathedrals. The Kremlin as we know it today was rebuilt as a stone structure during the beginning of the 14th century but the actual site had been inhabited and used as a fortified city wall for centuries before this period. The Kremlin is truly a fascinating structure - at the same time it is an ancient tower, the city's former military fortification, a palace and the workplace of the Russian President. The Kremlin is the center of Russia's political life and State power and has been home to Tsars, General Secretaries of the Soviet Union and Russian Presidents.

Moscow is Russia's political and financial capital as well as a major world class cultural center. The city includes many must see attractions from the Kremlin and Red Square to the Assumption Cathedral. Moscow is the largest city in Europe. It is unique in that it blends the ancient with the modern. See medieval structures among modern office buildings, walk down crooked old city streets opening up to wide busy boulevards. It is a fantastic city and truly a site that shouldn't be missed.

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Uglich : You will be taken to the walking city tour with visit to Kremlin , the Church of St. Demitrius on the Blood and the Transfiguration cathedral .

Uglich was founded in 1148 as a small princedom bordering on Muscovy, Uglich is one of the most beloved towns in Old Russia. The view of the town as you approach it from the Volga River is breathtaking with the Cathedral of the Resurrection and St. John´s Church rising up on the horizon. The history of the town is fascinating; At the end of the 16th century, Maria Nagaya, seventh wife of Ivan the Terrible, lived in honorary exile at the Kremlin in Uglich. It was here in her garden that the 10 year old Prince Dmitry of the Rurik Dynasty, heir to the Russian throne was murdered by Boris Godunov who wanted to seize power for himself. On the spot of his death, the Church of St. Demitrius of the Blood was built and still stands today. The death of Prince Dmitri brought on the start of the Time of Troubles, a dynastic and political crises and one of the most tumultuous periods in Russian history which ended 15 years later after the election of a new Tsar Mikhail Romanov (the first Tsar of the Romanov Dynasty). Inside the Kremlin the oldest building in Uglich, the Palace of Tsarevich Dmitry also stands. During your time in Uglich you will learn more about the town's past and walk along the paths of Russian history.

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Yaroslavl : You will be taken to the panoramic city tour with a visit to a local market (free time). You will also see the Church of Elijah the Prophet (exterior), Church of St Nicholas (interior) and enjoy an interactive tour of former Governor's House (and visit to an Art Gallery).

Yaroslavl : Stretching for 18 miles on both banks of the Volga , Yaroslavl is an important Volga port with a population of 600,000. It was founded in the 1010 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise and is one of the ancient Russian cities making up the Golden Ring . It was destroyed by the Tatars in the 13th and 14th centuries but then restored and rebuilt and by the 17th century it had become Russia's second largest city after Moscow and an important cultural and political center. Today, Yaroslavl retains many noteworthy monuments of its colorful past. Of special interest is the magnificent 13th century Spassky Monastery ensemble, a group of majestic 17th century cathedrals, an elegant rotunda and remnants of an ancient trading center. The churches of St. Nicholas and Elijah the Prophet have some of the Golden Ring's most impressive frescoes.

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Goritsy : You'll tour the St. Cyril on the White Lake Monastery and Museum of Icons .

Goritsy is a tiny settlement 7 kilometers from the St. Cyril on the White Lake Monastery. The remains of the Nunnery of the Resurrection that sits on the banks of the Sheksna River can be visited and is within a quarter of a mile of where the ship stops. Goritsy is definitely a site to see for anyone with an interest in Russian history. St. Cyril on the White Lake was founded in 1397 by Kirill Belosersky on the shore of Lake Siverskoye. The monastery had wide trade in the 15th to 17th centuries and was used as a fortress to protect Russia's nobility during the Times of Troubles.

After the tour you will return to your ship and set sail in the direction of St. Petersburg along the Volga Baltic Canal. The Volga Baltic Canal is a series of canals and rivers that connect the Volga river to the Baltic Sea.

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You'll cruise along Europe's second largest lake, Lake Onega and arrive on the island of Kizhi . Here you will visit a fascinating open air museum containing numerous examples of elaborate Russian, wooden architecture.

Kizhi Island : Via the Volga Baltic Canal, our cruise takes us to the tiny island of Kizhi, located at the northern end of Lake Onega. The island is renowned for its open-air Museum of Architecture , which is assembled from over 80 monuments of wooden architecture from various areas of the country and restored to form a glimpse of the past. The most impressive site on the island is the Church of the Transfiguration or Preobrazhenskaya (the church of twenty-two wooden domes). This masterpiece of architecture, featuring five tiers of 22 domes, was built in 1714 without the use of a single nail, only an axe and pine trees. The church magically changes color as the day grows old, it is certainly one of the most interesting things you will see during your time in Russia.

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Mandrogui : Enjoy walking around this traditional Russian village in its beautiful setting and spending a day of rest, relaxation and fun. We will have a fantastic barbeque picnic on the banks of the river featuring one of Russia's favorite specialties - shashlik (meat shish kebab prepared on an outdoor fire). You will love it!

Mandrogui : is really more of a living museum than a live-in village. It features a collection of old wooden houses and is geared towards showing visitors what a traditional Russian village resembled in the past. One of the features here is the Vodka Museum, which contains thousands of different brands and types of Russia's favorite pastime.


St. Petersburg : Your time in St. Petersburg will begin with a Panoramic City Tour . This tour is the best way to get acquainted with all of the city's major highlights. Our professional guide will take you down Nevsky Prospect , St. Petersburg's most famous and vibrant thoroughfare. There you will see some of the city's most interesting architectural monuments including the Kazan Cathedral (exterior) and the Winter Palace. You will see the Peter and Paul Fortress (interior) - a symbol of St. Petersburg and also the oldest building in the city.

One of the highlights of your entire cruise will be a visit to the Hermitage , Russia's premier museum containing one of the largest art collections in the world. The museum consists of five historical buildings including the Winter Palace - the residence of the Russian Tsars. The museum contains over 3 million pieces of art with dates ranging from high antiquity to the present day. Among the Hermitage's treasures are artworks by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens and many others.

During your time in St. Petersburg you will also visit Peterhof - former summer residence of the Russian Emperors, located on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. You will see the Lower Park - a genuine masterpiece of landscape design which can compete with Versailles in France. The park includes over 150 fountains and 4 monumental cascades.

On the last day of your cruise you will say goodbye to Russia, your ship's crew and the many new friends we are sure you will have met during your time with us. We are sure that your memories of the trip will last a lifetime and we look forward to welcoming you to Russia sometime in the future. Our driver will meet you at the ship and take you to the airport to see you off (transfer is optional).

St. Petersburg is Russia's second largest and second most important city - the Northern capital of the country, Russia's cultural center, and considered the world's "Northern Venice" due to its extensive system of canals and islands. Walk along Nevsky Prospect and experience the grandeur of pre-revolutionary imperial Russia. Pass palaces from the past and gaze at the famous embankment of the Neva River with its numerous bridges and striking architecture. St. Petersburg is also home to Russia's largest and busiest port and with its many world class theaters and museums has a very high level of cultural life

Prices and Terms

Prices are per person.

The surcharge for single occupancy in a double cabin is 75% of the total amount for the cruise. Surcharge for single occupancy in Deluxe cabins, Junior Suites and Suites is 100% of the cruise price. Included:

  • Accommodation in a cabin of a chosen category
  • Sightseeing programs in each port as per itinerary (optional tours are available on board)
  • Daily entertainment including live music concerts, evening entertainment, Captain’s bridge tour, dancing music at bars at night and more
  • Onboard guides speaking English / French / German / Spanish / Italian; service of onboard guides for other foreign languages can be provided upon request for an additional fee
  • Luggage handling in river ports from the inspection point to the ship and from the ship to the bus, as well as on board.
  • Headsets for shore excursions
  • Russian visa invitation  - the document necessary for obtaining a Russian visa when applying for one at the local Russian Consulate in your country.  PLEASE NOTE:  your passport should be valid for no less than 6 months after the planned departure from Russia and it should have at least 2 blank pages. The process of applying for a visa may take a long time and we recommend that you start 3 months before your trip. In case you are booking the trip last minute, we recommend that you check with the Russian Consulate in your country whether you have enough time for visa application process. In case you have to cancel your trip because of visa issues standard cancellation policy will be applied. 

Included meals:

  • Full board, three meals per day (from dinner on arrival day to continental breakfast on departure day). Breakfast is buffet style, lunch and dinner are served at your table.
  • 1 bottle of mineral water (0.5 l) for 1 person daily in the cabin
  • For lunch and dinner: white/red/sparkling wine/beer in glasses (with no limit), water with no limit
  • For breakfast: water with no limit, Cappuccino or Espresso without extra charge 
  • Welcome “bread and salt” ceremony on arrival day
  • Russian Tea Ceremony
  • Captain’s welcome cocktail 
  • Captain’s farewell dinner with a special menu
  • Coffee station available from 06:00 to breakfast, from 10:00 to 12:00, from 16:00 to 18:00, from 21:00 to 23:00

​ Not included:

  • Visa processing costs. For US, UK, Australian, Indian and Canadian citizens, our company offers  Full Visa Support . With Full Visa Support, you send us your passport and other documentation and we obtain the Russian visa for you. 
  • International airfare. 
  • Arrival and departure transfers. We can arrange those for an extra fee.
  • Additional drinks and water in ship restaurant and drinks from the onboard bars
  • Optional tours
  • Tips for the crew and ship staff
  • Forwarding of baggage/souvenirs
  • Travel insurance.  We highly recommend to purchase travel insurance before embarking on your trip to Russia. It’s always good to have extra protection while traveling far from home.  Click here  to learn more.
  • Items of a personal nature (laundry services, bar charges, beauty salon services, telephone charges, and medical services).
  • Room service offered at an additional price.

Please be informed that all pre/post cruise services (additional arr/dep transfers, hotel accommodations, additional excursions, etc.) can also arranged by us.


Conditions of payment:  To book your cruise a 25% deposit is required in advance. The trip must be fully paid 75 days before departure.

Cancellation terms:    75 or more days before departure – a fee equal to 25% of the entire package will be charged.  74-65 days before departure – a fee equal to 30% of the entire package will be charged.  64-41 days before departure – a fee equal to 60% of the entire package will be charged.  40-35 days before departure – a fee equal to 75% of the entire package will be charged.  34 days or less before departure or in the event of a no-show - a fee equal to 100% of the package will be charged.

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The Crowded Planet

Russian River Cruise – Waterways of the Tsars

Updated December 14, 2017

// By Margherita

Back to Russia! Did you follow our Russian river cruise in August and September? We travelled between Moscow and St Petersburg on the Waterways of the Tsars Viking River Cruise – here’s what we got up to!

russian river cruise viking ship

We both share a deep connection with Russia. I was named after the heroine of Master and Margarita , one of the best Russian books of the 20th century. Nick is actually of Russian ancestry – his maternal great-grandparents were from St Petersburg, and spent the best part of 50 years wandering around Europe escaping wars and revolutions, before settling in Australia .

russia volga river church

Russia has been at the top of our travel dreams for several years , but somehow something always came up whenever we made plans to visit. Once we couldn’t get a visa on time. Another time we couldn’t get time off. Winter is too cold, summer is too hot.

st petersburg hermitage square high

This year, Russia was one of our travel resolutions . Our desire was for the trip to be special – something different from what we’d done so far. We wanted a higher level of comfort, help with visa arrangements, and a trip that would help us understand the country we longed to visit for so many years . The Waterways of the Tsars river cruise with Viking ticked all boxes, so we made arrangements for a departure from Moscow in late August.

russia volga river lock

Things to Know Before a Russian River Cruise with Viking

When we announced our friends we would be travelling on a Russian river cruise , some of them were really surprised. A CRUISE? You guys are such hardcore independent travellers! What are you doing ON A CRUISE with all those OLD PEOPLE? True, the average age on a Viking river cruise might be a fair bit higher than 35 – but really, who is to say we wouldn’t enjoy the experience?

russian night viking river cruises

This awesome post by One Modern Couple  really nails the point – a Viking river cruise is an experience that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In their words ‘River cruises are cultural, experiential, educational and scenic. Enjoy the ride, take in the surroundings, learn about the countries you are visiting – from history to local life, food to language – and experience the destinations in a thoughtful way.’ 

Whether you’re 30, 60 or 90, it doesn’t really matter.

russian river cruise sunset

Secondly,  who’s to say that travelling in a group is not ‘real’ travel? We have always been (and continue to be) lovers of independent travel, but sometimes you just can’t beat the insights given to you by a local guide . Viking River Cruises offer plenty of guided tours included in the cruise price, all led by experienced local guides.

russia river cruise out of moscow

Meals were always excellent – breakfast and lunch included a combination of buffet and à la carte specialties, while dinner was always à la carte. Every day we were given the choice to sample some Russian specialties, like beef stroganoff, borsch, pelmeni, solyanka and lots of delicious desserts.

russian night menu viking river cruise

Another great plus of a Russian river cruise with Viking is that during sailing time lots of cultural activities are on offer – things like cooking demonstrations, Russian language lessons and lectures about Russian history and culture, led by the local tour escorts who were with us for the whole duration of the trip. On top of that, every day we received a briefing detailing the following day’s activities, optional excursions and that night’s menu.

russia mandrogy crazy clouds

Whenever we passed points of interest on the boat, such as Mother Volga statue or the sunken Kalyazin Cathedral, we were always called out on the loudspeaker to make sure we wouldn’t miss them. There was no pressure to join in any of the activities – we could spend the whole day chilling on the deck or on our veranda, looking at the beautiful colourful churches built on the riverbank, surrounded by nothing but nature.

russia volga river

Waterways of the Tsars – the Itinerary

The Waterways of the Tsars cruise is 13 days long, starting either in Moscow or in St. Petersburg . Most Russian river cruises had always been described to me as ‘Volga Cruises’ – in fact, our boat cruised along a variety of waterways, including the Moscow Canal, the Volga-Baltic Waterway, the Rybinsk Reservoir, Lake Onega and Ladoga (the two largest lakes in Europe) and the Neva River (the shortest in Europe!)

Here’s a map to give you an idea of the route.


Days 1-4 Moscow

Three days were barely enough to get an idea of how amazing Moscow is. Our days were packed from morning to night with tours and activities – from visiting Moscow must visits like Red Square, the Kremlin, the Moscow Metro and the Arbat, to quirky locations like the Museum of Cosmonautics , located in one of Moscow’s best districts for Communist architecture (one of our passions!)


Even though our itinerary was packed full, we managed to spend half a day touring Moscow independently , visiting some of the sights mentioned in The Master and Margarita – Patriarch’s Ponds, both Bulgakov Museums and Sparrow Hill. Let’s just say that we need to get back to Moscow soon to explore more! Meanwhile, here’s our things to do in Moscow for first timers article, detailing our Moscow visit with Viking.

moscow metro revolutsia

Day 5 Uglich

After setting sail from Moscow, our first stop was Uglich , a cute town on the Volga River, famous for its pretty churches and for being the location of one of the darkest chapters in Russian history .

russia cruise uglich

After the death of Ivan the Terrible, his youngest son and heir to the throne Dmitry was exiled to Uglich, where he was murdered at the age of 10. Suspicion fell on the tsar’s chief advisor, but Dmitry’s cause of death (i.e. throat slitting) was ruled to be an accident. This episode started a period of political unsettlement, that ended with the start of the Romanov dynasty.

We spent an afternoon around Uglich , starting with a home visit of a local family where we had the chance to try homemade grain vodka (the best we’ve had in Russia) and a variety of pickled vegetables, tea and cakes. Then, we toured the Kremlin – the word ‘kremlin’ actually means fortified city, and several Russian cities have one. Moscow’s Kremlin just happens to be the best known!

russia cruise uglich kremlin

Day 6 Yaroslavl

The following morning we reached Yaroslavl , a much larger city compared to Uglich. It looked like the perfect Russian city – large enough not to get bored (there was even a cat cafe!) but small enough not to get frustrated with the traffic and crowds found in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

russia market yaroslavl

Our Yaroslavl visit was centred around four points of interest . The centre of Yaroslavl is located on the Strelka, a promontory formed at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers. Our first stop was the covered market , where we tasted some local products, and then we headed to the Church of Elijah the Prophet , where we had a guided tour (and played with some cute cats). Afterwards, we visited the Governor’s Mansion , now an art gallery. We were welcomed by some beautiful ladies in period costumes, and treated to a music concert. Our final stop was the Yaroslavl Kremlin , where we admired the façade of the Dormition Cathedral, destroyed by the Bolsheviks and rebuilt and reopened in 2010 in time for Yaroslavl’s millennium celebrations.

yaroslavl governor mansion

Before heading back to the ship, we stopped at the lookout over the Millennium of Yaroslavl Park at the end of the Strelka – the flowerbed right in the centre displays a bear (Yaroslavl’s coat of arms) and the city’s age – 1006 at the time of our visit. Looking good!

yaroslavl millennuim park

Day 7 Kuzino

Kuzino is a small village in in the middle of nowhere – we visited on a chilly and rainy morning, to visit the stunning Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery , the largest in Europe. The Monastery is surrounded by walls and located on the shores of Severskoye Lake, with waters so pure that boat traffic is prohibited.

russia kirillo belozersky monastery

Kirillo-Belozersky was founded at the end of the 14th century, and had its heyday between the 15th and 17th century, when Russia’s tsars and noblemen (including Ivan the Terrible!) paid frequent visits and showered the monks with icons and precious gifts. Luckily the Bolsheviks spared the monastery from destruction, turning it into a museum instead. The day we visited was the feast of the Assumption and the churches were crowded with locals, but we had a lovely guided tour of the museum and time to appreciate its beautiful icons.

russia kirillo belozersky monastery inside

Day 8 Kizhi (Sailing)

Whenever travelling, you always need a plan B. Autumn was well on its way by the time we reached the northernmost section of our cruise, and we were held at a lock for the best part of one night due to thick fog . This meant we had to sail the whole day and miss out on Kizhi , a tiny island on the northern side of Onega Lake, famous for its spectacular wooden churches.


We were all disappointed when boat staff made the announcement – personally, Kizhi was one of the stops I was looking forward to the most, after reading about it on the Guardian and knowing that the site is very difficult to visit without a river cruise. However, we didn’t mind too much because we were both suffering the consequences of the previous night’s vodka tasting , organised by Frank, the hotel manager who also happened to be a real vodka connoisseur!

viking river vodka night

Viking staff were really amazing at keeping us busy during the sailing day with activities like guided tours to the wheelhouse, the room where the captain and sailors pilot the ship.

viking truvor wheelhouse

Day 9 Mandrogy

The last stop before reaching St. Petersburg was Mandrogy , a village on the banks of the Svir River, built in 1996 as a replica of a village destroyed during WW2. A Russian businessman had the idea of ‘rebuilding’ Mandrogy to provide a stop to river cruise passengers before reaching St. Petersburg. So, the village is not actually ‘real’ – it’s more of an open air museum. Cute little painted houses were built around a little forest, with people in traditional dress showcasing traditional crafts and selling souvenirs.

russia mandrogy

Those in search of souvenirs loved Mandrogy – the quality of matrioshka dolls, icons and other handicrafts was far higher than anywhere else we had been. We are not into souvenirs, but if there was a place to get something, Mandrogy would be it. The village was pretty, but it felt a bit fake for us – kind of like a tourist amusement park. Which in a way, it is.

russia mandrogy artist

However, we did enjoy Mandrogy for two reasons – the first was the chance to attend matrioshka painting workshop  where we decorated our own matrioshka dolls. That’s the best kind of souvenir in my opinion! The second was the delicious piroshki place where we had some delicious buttery pastries filled with green onion and egg. Just ask Viking staff and they’ll point you the way to the piroshki place!

russia mandrogy matrioska workshop

Days 10-13 St. Petersburg

After 6 days spent cruising, covering a distance of 1800 kilometers, we made it to Saint Petersburg . We had three gorgeous sunny days, and the city dazzled us with its beauty and artistic wealth – after all, it’s UNESCO-listed ! There’s no way I can convey everything we saw and did in three days in just a couple of paragraphs, so watch this space – a St. Petersburg article is coming soon!

st petersburg hermitage square

There are several St. Petersburg experiences already included by Viking in the tour price – a visit to the Hermitage Museum, a ballet performance, a visit to Catherine Palace in the village of Pushkin and a St. Petersburg city tour, either on foot or by bus. On top of that, we also joined some optional tours – a river cruise, a morning tour to amazing Peterhof Palace and my very own favourite, a Cossack performance!

st petersburg spilled blood church

Things to Know Before Travelling to Russia

  • Make sure you sort out your Russian Visa on time . Viking Cruises helps with an invitation letter that you can use to apply for your own Russian visa at your closest consulate – the process is pretty straightforward, provided you are applying in your own country, and takes approximately 2-3 weeks.
  • You can also ask Viking to sort out your Russian visa for an additional charge . This is especially convenient if you live in the US or if your hometown doesn’t have a Russian consulate.
  • River cruises of Russia only run between April and October, when the waterways are not frozen. The weather can be change dramatically between Moscow and Saint Petersburg , the latter usually being much colder than the former. Make sure you check the weather reports before packing!
  • English isn’t widely spoken around Russia , not even in the main cities. If you’re planning to spend some time travelling independently, learning a bit of Russian is a VERY good idea. The Russian language classes we had on board came in very handy!
  • Russia’s currency is the rouble , which fluctuates quite a bit. Larger cities are full of moneychangers, and some souvenir shops (like those in Mandrogy) also accept euro and USD.

russia mother volga statue

We would like to thank Viking Cruises for having welcomed us aboard the Waterways of the Tsars cruise.

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2 thoughts on “Russian River Cruise – Waterways of the Tsars”

Truly amazing place & photography! I loved the view of church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, looks awesome. I enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Thank you for reading! It was a fab trip!

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Tickets included

Radisson Boat Tour

Moscow River Cruise

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The Radisson boat tour is a pleasant way to see the main attractions of Moscow from the board of a luxurious Radisson yacht. Our guide will take you to the boat from your hotel and will compliment your cruise with breathtaking stories.

Metro tour - 1 hour 30 min Show information

Tickets included Extend your tour by add the Metro Tour option and visit the most beautiful Moscow metro stations (5-6 stations).

Tour Itinerary

Hotel pick-up.

Our guide will come to your hotel (lobby area) or any other indicated address to begin the tour from there. If you stay outside of the city area, we will offer you alternative meeting options. We will use the metro (tickets are included) to take you to the cruise starting point.

The world famous park is also the most popular among Moscow citizens and city guests. Gorky Park was built in the Soviet times, but now it experiences its second youth as it has been recently renovated. A number of trendy restaurants, street food kiosks, sport playgrounds found their place in this cozy park. And this is actually the place where we embark and disembark.

Radisson Yacht

Radisson Yachts are modern, safe, comfortable and luxurious. There is a saloon with panoramic windows but also an open deck. You can order food and drinks in their onboard restaurant, if you wish. The yachts operate 365 days a year, even when the Moskva river gets frozen (yes, those yachts are icebreakers!).

Christ the Savior Cathedral

The main Russian Cathedral is situated on the bank of the Moskva River. With an overall height of 105 metres (344 ft), it is the tallest Orthodox church in the world. The Cathedral looks very nice from water: you may see the reflection of the golden domes on the water.

Monument of Peter the Great and the Red October district

Dominating the landscape, this controversial monument of Peter the Great stays right in the river and reminds us of the bright times of the Russian Navy. The “Red October” used to be the territory of the leading Soviet chocolate factory (which has moved now). It is a popular urban area now, that hosts clubs, restaurants and galleries.

The Kremlin

The legendary fortress is of course the well-known symbol of Moscow and Russia. The active residence of Russian President and the birthplace of the Russian Statehood. Should we mention that the whole complex is protected by UNESCO World Heritage organization. You will have a great opportunity to take amazing pictures from the open deck of the yacht.

St Basil Cathedral

This orthodox cathedral has the world-wide fame and is one of the most popular sights in Russia. The vivid colors of its domes together with the unique decoration style will impress your imagination. Our guide will tell you the most interesting stories and facts about this remarkable building.

Stalin’s Skyscraper

Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building is one of the so called “Seven Sisters” , which are also called Stalin’s skyscrapers. They all were built during the post war years, all projects are unique although they have similar architectural style.

Back to Gorky Park and then to your hotel

This is a round trip. The yacht will return to the starting point in Gorky Park. And our guide will take you back to your hotel.

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Cruise Routes (Interactive Map)

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Russian River Cruises

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  • Moscow — Astrakhan
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Lorem Ipsum

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Moscow to Saint Petersburg

13 days – 12 nights

Moscow to St. Petersburg

Collapse Full Itinerary


Gold, Platinum  Airport transfer / Check-in at centrally located Marriott Aurora***** or Ararat Park Hyatt*****

Imperial : Private airport transfer / Check-in at the luxurious Four Seasons Moscow***** only a minute from the Kremlin and Red Square

park for cruise

Volga dream experience:


Gold: City Tour / Novodevichy Cemetery Imperial, Platinum:  City tour / Lunch in a Moscow City Skyscraper / Novodevichy Cemetery / Sparrow Hills

park for cruise

Meals: Breakfast

Platinum / Imperial

park for cruise

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch


Gold:  Moscow Kremlin / Armory Museum / Red Square / GUM Department Store

Platinum:  Moscow Kremlin / Armory Museum / Red Square / St. Basil’s Cathedral / GUM Department Store / Park Zaryadye

park for cruise

Gold:  Tretyakov Gallery / Moscow Metro Tour.

Platinum:  Leo Tolstoy House-Museum in Hamovniki / Tretyakov Gallery / Moscow Metro Tour.

park for cruise

Meals: Breakfast, Dinner

park for cruise

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner


Gold, Platinum:  Town of Uglich / Church of St. Dmitri-on-the-Blood

park for cruise

Volga dream experience: Costumed Russian Tea Ceremony & Russian Cooking Class


Gold, Platinum:  Yaroslavl City Tour / Governor’s house 

park for cruise

Volga dream experience: Sun Deck Barbeque


Gold:  Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery  

Platinum:  Ferapontov Monastery

park for cruise

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Russian Dinner with Vodka Tasting

park for cruise

Gold, Platinum: Kizhi Island / Lake Onega

park for cruise

Volga dream experience: Piano Concert – Compositions by Tchaikovsky and Rakhmaninov


Gold, Platinum:  Svirstroy village / Local resident’s home / Local primary school

park for cruise

Volga dream experience: Farewell Dinner, Captain’s cocktail

St. Petersburg

Gold:  City Tour / Peter and Paul Fortress

Platinum:  City Tour / St. Isaac’s Cathedral / Canal boat / Yusupov Palace

park for cruise

Gold:  The State Hermitage Museum / Peterhof: Park and a historic Cottage

Platinum:  The State Hermitage Museum (Early Entrance!) / Gold Room / Peterhof: Park and a historic Cottage

park for cruise

Gold:  Catherine’s Palace / Amber Room

Platinum:  Faberge Museum / Catherine’s Palace / Amber Room

park for cruise

Meals: Breakfast / Imperial

park for cruise

Gold, Platinum, Imperial: Check-out / Airport transfer

park for cruise

Volga dream experience: -

park for cruise

The rates are set for a cruising season. The price is not dependent on the month within a selected year

Choose a date

View all months July August

Choose Staterooms

All prices are per person based on double occupancy.

All rates are per person, based on double occupancy. Actual size of cabins can slightly differ within one category.

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Journey: Volga Dream

Price per person: not specified

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Meet The Boy Suri Cruise Was Caught Kissing

S uri Cruise, the 18-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, seemed to be having a ball during the final months of her senior year. On June 21, 2024, the New York City girl was spotted attending prom with dapper date Toby Cohen. Cruise wore a floral-patterned brown dress and purple corsage, while Cohen was clad in a navy suit with a graceful white boutonnière. The two looked over the moon as they arrived at the Ascent Lounge, an event venue overlooking Central Park in Midtown Manhattan. After the event, the young lovebirds took a stroll through the park for a casual date in comfy clothes (per Hola! Magazine ). They kissed and smiled as they went for a romantic walk.

Cohen and Cruise have never been spotted together before, leaving the public curious about this new pairing. Who is he, and how did he and Cruise meet? Here's what we know about this cute couple.

Read more: Celebrities Who Were Unrecognizable 10 Years Ago

Toby Cohen Is A Student At LaGuardia High School

Just like Suri Cruise, Toby Cohen is a senior at LaGuardia High School, according to Hola! Magazine — so it's safe to assume the two first crossed paths on campus. LaGuardia has quite the reputation. The school, whose full name is "Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts," is known for producing superstar alums. The school's  "Notable Alumni" page lists a whopping eighteen categories, ranging from "Actors" to "Dancers" to "Directors" to "Singers, Songwriters, Lyricists." Just a few of the famous names that come up are Jennifer Aniston, Timothée Chalamet, Robert De Niro, and Liza Minnelli.

Given that Cruise and Cohen both demonstrated an interest in creative careers, it seems that they are a perfect match for the school — and for each other. According to Style Magazine , Cruise has performed in school productions (she played Morticia Addams in a musical adaptation of "The Addams Family") and intends to study fashion, while Cohen is a musician.

Toby Cohen Is A Talented Singer And Instrumentalist

Like many LaGuardia alums before him, Toby Cohen is a talented performer. Not only can he sing beautifully — he has guitar and piano chops as well. One video on YouTube shows him joining vocalist Eva Poklonskaya for a poignant cover of "Moon River," popularized by the 1961 film "Breakfast at Tiffany's." He plays piano as his voice, a soulful alto, blends with Poklonskaya's in harmony. In another video posted to TikTok , Cohen contributes backing instrumentation and vocals during a group jam session led by a musician named Ellis.

Music isn't just a hobby to Cohen — he's getting serious about pursuing it as a career. According to the Daily Mail , he's planning on attending Berklee College of Music in Boston, known as the world's largest independent college of music,this fall. Much like LaGuardia, Berklee has produced a number of Grammy winners, so chances are Cohen's on the road to success.

Read the original article on The List .

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise on a walk

Russian River Cruises 2024

3-Star Russian River Cruise - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring - Moscow - 11 Days (CR-01)

American Cruise Lines wants to ramp up connection to downtown New Bedford. What to know.

park for cruise

NEW BEDFORD — American Cruise Lines made 25 port of calls to New Bedford in 2023, will make 36 this year and expects to make 56 in 2025, company officials say.

By May 1, 2026, they hope to be making even more stops in New Bedford at their proposed "New Bedford Cruise Gateway," a park-like facility on the southern side of New Bedford State Pier.

They say it would be designed to connect their passengers to New Bedford's historic downtown and tourism attractions.

One of seven proposals for New Bedford State Pier

It's one of seven proposals being considered by MassDevelopment for the eight acre pier's redevelopment.

A MassDevelopment review committee is considering the proposals and will make recommendations. A decision deadline has not been set.

The committee could recommend accepting the proposals in total or partially - none of which are mutually exclusive - or reject them all. Leases for successful proposals could run up to 35 years.

American Cruise Lines presented its plan during a public meeting at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in May, hosted by MassDevelopment, in which all seven proposals were presented by their respective petitioners.

Petitioners say increased dockings will benefit New Bedford economy

American Cruise Lines says its increased dockings will benefit the New Bedford economy, with its guests patronizing local businesses, vendors, and excursions.

Julia Riczu, American Cruise Lines executive assistant, said they've been operating in this area for over 20 years. The company itself has been in operation for over 50 years.

Their fleet currently includes 19 ships, with two under construction, and another three in the pipeline, she said. The company has its own shipyard in Maryland, and its headquarters are in Guilford, Conn.

Their ships are all under 350 feet, and can carry up to 200 guests.

Focus on small communities with rich history

They ply U.S. waters in 35 states, including rivers, focusing on small towns with rich histories.

Riczu said, "We go all up and down the East Coast, and up and down the Mississippi River, the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska, as well."

Their guests are typically older, and are interested in an enriching cultural excursion into the areas they visit, she said.

Their proposed State Pier development connects their passengers to New Bedford's historic downtown, she said.

Will include vehicular, pedestrian access

It will include green space, vehicle access from MacArthur Drive, pedestrian access from Union Street, and a turnaround for passenger buses taking guests to and from excursions, Riczu said.

She said initial capital will be provided by American Cruise Lines without need for additional financing.

More funding for future structural updates will need to be discussed with state officials, she said.

Several financing options are available through the state.

Company has worked with public sector in the past

Riczu said the company has worked in partnerships with state and local governments in the past, including a lease agreement with Hannibal, Mo, as part of a park construction project.

Riczu said of the American Cruise Lines proposal, "We have done almost the same thing in a lot of cities and towns, and it's been very successful. It's an area of opportunity with mutual benefit."

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The 4 newest royal caribbean ships.

Explore the newest amenities onboard including surf simulators, fine dining and more.

The Newest Royal Caribbean Ships

Aerial of Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas.

Courtesy of Royal Caribbean International

Royal Caribbean's highly anticipated Icon of the Seas is set to debut in 2024.

The world's biggest and most ambitious cruise lines never stop building out their fleet of ships, and Royal Caribbean International is no exception. The Florida-based cruise line currently boasts 28 incredible vessels for cruisers of all ages, including the four newest ships that have been added to the fleet since 2021. An even newer ship, Star of the Seas, is also being constructed with a planned launch date during the summer of 2025.

If you're interested in trying out one of the most over-the-top cruise ships sailing the world today, consider Royal Caribbean's newest vessels from the last few years. Read on to learn about the brand-new Icon of the Seas, the jaw-dropping action offered on the Wonder of the Seas, the Utopia of the Seas and the Odyssey of the Seas and all the amenities and unique experiences they have to offer.

Book a Royal Caribbean cruise on GoToSea, a service of U.S. News.

Icon of the Seas

Aerial of Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas.

Scheduled to set sail in early 2024, the Icon of the Seas is one of the most celebrated and anticipated new cruise ships across all the major cruise lines. This Icon Class vessel was built to dazzle and entertain cruise passengers of all ages, and it features eight unique neighborhoods, seven pools and the largest waterpark at sea.

In total, Icon of the Seas offers 2,805 individual staterooms with space for 7,600 guests at maximum and 2,350 crew members. The vessel is 1,198 feet long with gross tonnage of 250,800.

  • Sails to: The Icon of the Seas will offer alternating seven-night sailings between the Eastern and Western Caribbean. The vessel's Western Caribbean itinerary includes stops at Costa Maya and Cozumel in Mexico, Roatan in Honduras and Perfect Day at CocoCay in the Bahamas . The alternative itinerary also stops at the cruise line's private island , as well as Basseterre in St. Kitts and Nevis and Charlotte Amelie in St. Thomas. All itineraries will depart from Miami .
  • Cabin types: Cabins on the Icon of the Seas are spread across eight unique neighborhoods with their own themes and amenities. Cruisers will find the basic interior, ocean view and balcony staterooms they would expect. The ship also features 179 suites that vary in size and in terms of their features, with some really spacious and over-the-top options. For example, the vessel's Ultimate Family Townhouse (UL) is more than 1,700 square feet with three stories, a multi-level slide, an outdoor space with a ping pong table and more.
  • Dining options: Icon of the Seas offers 11 included dining options plus room service that's available 24/7. There are also nine unique specialty restaurants on board, including options like Izumi Hibachi and Sushi, the Empire Supper Club and Chops Grille Steakhouse. A Starbucks is also available.
  • Features: The Icon of the Seas boasts the largest cruise ship pool at sea, as well as seven pools and nine whirlpools in total. There are also six record-breaking waterslides located in what Royal Caribbean says is the largest waterpark at sea. Nightlife and entertainment options run the gamut from the ship's dueling piano bar to its jazz and blues club to its AquaTheater with mesmerizing shows that feature incredible diving feats and acrobatics.

Read: The Top Party Cruises

Utopia of the Seas

The living room of the Solarium Suite on Royal Caribbean's Utopia of the Seas.

Royal Caribbean's Utopia of the Seas is another vessel that is set to debut in 2024 with sailings from Port Canaveral, Florida. This Oasis Class ship will offer up a total of 2,834 guest rooms and is 1,188 feet in length and 236,860 gross tons in size.

The ship has space for 5,668 passengers at double occupancy and eight different neighborhoods with cabins for guests. Interestingly, this huge ship will not offer seven-night sailings throughout the Caribbean and will instead focus on offering three-night and four-night itineraries, at least at first.

  • Sails to: The all-new Utopia of the Seas will offer shorter sailings to the Bahamas. The ship's three-night sailings will stop only at the cruise line's private island, Perfect Day at CocoCay, whereas four-night sailings from Port Canaveral stop at the cruise line's private island and at Nassau, Bahamas.
  • Cabin types: The Utopia of the Seas has interior rooms, ocean view rooms and balcony rooms just like other ships. Upgraded room options also abound and include a range of luxury suites at sea. For example, you can book the iconic Ultimate Family Suite, a Solarium Suite with Wraparound Windows, a Royal Loft Suite and more.
  • Dining options: There are 10 different included dining experiences on the Utopia of the Seas, with room service also offered 24 hours a day. These include a Main Dining Room experience, several cafe options, a pizzeria, a coastal kitchen with California and Mediterranean-inspired cuisine and more. In addition, there are 10 different specialty restaurants that can also be booked on the Utopia of the Seas, and a Starbucks is on board. Special dining experiences include a hibachi and sushi restaurant, a seafood restaurant, a Chef's Table experience for up to 16 diners at a time, a Johnny Rockets and more.
  • Features: Utopia of the Seas has everything you would expect in a new Oasis Class ship from Royal Caribbean. For example, passengers will find five huge pools, eight hot tubs, three water slides, 23 different bars and two on-board casinos. Other features include an ice-skating rink, two rock climbing walls, a zip line, a basketball court, two FlowRider Surf simulators and of course the line's famous AquaTheater. Like other Royal Caribbean ships, Utopia of the Seas also features special spaces for kids and teens, including dedicated clubs, an Imagination Studio and an on-board arcade.

Read: The Largest Cruise Ships in the World

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Wonder of the Seas

The Vue Bar on Royal Caribbean's Wonder of the Seas.

Sailing the friendly seas since March 2022, the Wonder of the Seas boasts more individual rooms and suites than Icon of the Seas. The Oasis-class ship features 2,867 staterooms with a total guest capacity of 7,084. There are also eight unique neighborhoods for cruisers to choose from, each with its own decor and flair.

This Royal Caribbean vessel is also huge at 1,188 feet long and 235,600 gross tons. A total of 2,204 crew members run the ship and assist guests.

  • Sails to: Wonder of the Seas is currently sailing from Port Canaveral, Florida and offers seven-night Eastern and Western Caribbean itineraries. The Eastern itinerary includes stops in Charlotte Amelie, St. Thomas and Phillipsburg, St. Maarten as well as Perfect Day at CocoCay. Meanwhile, the Western loop stops at the cruise line's private island as well as Cozumel and Costa Maya in Mexico and Roatan, Honduras.
  • Cabin types: Wonder of the Seas also offers all the normal cabin types you would expect, including interior rooms, sea view rooms and balcony staterooms. There are also over-the-top suites to choose from, including an Ultimate Family Suite, a Royal Suite, an Owner's Suite and more.
  • Dining options: Nine complimentary dining options are included on the Wonder of the Seas, with a main dining room, a buffet option and plenty of other eateries available to grab a bite to eat. There are also 11 unique specialty restaurants on board, including a steakhouse and a seafood restaurant, a Johnny Rockets, a sushi and hibachi restaurant and Giovanni's Italian Kitchen and Wine Bar. For coffee lovers, a Starbucks is also on board.
  • Features: The Wonder of the Seas has its own Central Park, along with 11 different bars, as well as special kids and teens-only areas like a social club and an arcade. Other notable features include the vessel's AquaTheater, rock-climbing walls, whirlpools, laser tag and more. There are also 19 swimming pools, an ice rink and a casino on the Wonder of the Seas.

Read: The Top Cruises for Teens

Odyssey of the Seas

Aerial of Royal Caribbean's Odyssey of the Seas.

Royal Caribbean's Odyssey of the Seas is a Quantum Ultra Class cruise ship that's smaller than the other newest vessels from the line. The impressive ship completed its first sailing in 2021 when it became the first ship of its class to sail from the United States. Odyssey of the Seas currently departs from Fort Lauderdale, Florida and other ports and offers a range of six-night and seven-night sailings throughout the Caribbean in the coming months.

Up to 4,198 guests can sail on the Odyssey of the Seas with double occupancy, and 1,612 crew members are on board to tend to their every need. The ship is approximately 1,138 feet long and is 167,704 gross tons.

  • Sails to: Odyssey of the Seas will depart from various ports in the United States and elsewhere in the world in the coming years. For example, there are upcoming six-night sailings from Fort Lauderdale that include stops in Labadee, Haiti and Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic in addition to Perfect Day at CocoCay. The vessel will complete a 14-day transatlantic cruise in April and May of 2024, which begins in Fort Lauderdale and ends in Rome, Italy. From there, the vessel will offer Greek Islands cruises from Rome before moving back to Cape Liberty (New York), New Jersey in the fall of 2024. At that point, itineraries will include stops in Port Canaveral, Florida, Nassau in the Bahamas and Perfect Day at CocoCay.
  • Cabin types: Odyssey of the Seas offers interior staterooms, ocean view rooms and balcony staterooms. Guests can also book interior rooms with a virtual balcony that boasts a floor-to-ceiling virtual view of the outdoors. Over-the-top suites available on the Odyssey include an Owner's Loft Suite, a Royal Loft Suite, a Grand Loft Suite and more.
  • Dining options: As a smaller vessel with considerably fewer passengers than Royal Caribbean's Oasis Class and Icon Class ships, Odyssey of the Seas has fewer dining options overall. Guests can dine at seven included eateries including a main dining room, a bistro, a cafe and the main ship buffet. There are also seven specialty restaurants and experiences on board including the Chef's Table, a Chops Grille and a sushi and hibachi restaurant. Like other newer ships from Royal Caribbean, the Odyssey also has its own Starbucks.
  • Features: The Odyssey has eight dedicated bars and lounges on board, bumper cars, laser tag, a rock-climbing wall, an outdoor movie screen and a casino, along with kid and teen features like an arcade, a kids' splash area and a social club. A FlowRider surf simulator is on board, as well as a sky diving simulator. Note that the Odyssey of the Seas doesn't have an AquaTheater like Oasis Class ships.

Find a Royal Caribbean cruise on GoToSea.

Look Out for Star of the Seas

Royal Caribbean is already offering limited information about its newest ship, the Star of the Seas. This vessel will also be an Icon Class ship like the Icon of the Seas, meaning it will be big and beautiful with all the bells and whistles.

The Star of the Seas is scheduled to debut in 2025.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Holly Johnson is a travel expert and content creator who has covered cruises and other family travel for more than a decade. She has cruised dozens of times with most of the major cruise lines and has ventured on itineraries throughout the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East. Johnson used her personal experience and research expertise to write this article, along with information provided by Royal Caribbean.

You might also be interested in:

  • Icon of the Seas Review
  • What to Pack for a Cruise
  • Royal Caribbean vs. Carnival
  • Cruise Line Drink Packages
  • The Best Cruise Insurance Plans

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You won't be 'overcrowded by thousands of tourists': What to know about Montreal cruises

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  • Montreal is the largest city in Canada’s Quebec province.
  • The city offers a relatively quaint cruise experience.
  • The port welcomed just over 51,000 cruise guests in 2023.

On a recent afternoon, I strolled beside patches of purple flowers on a wooden walkway at the Port of Montreal. The Promenade d'Iberville green roof, with western red cedar decking and more than 24,000 aromatic and flowering plants, was built on top of the city’s main cruise terminal.

The effect was less industrial infrastructure – like many ports – and more charming urban parks.

Montreal may be the largest city in Canada’s Quebec province, but it offers a relatively quaint cruise experience. Bridges between Montreal and Quebec City block vessels with air draft – the distance from the waterline to the highest point on a ship – over 49 meters (or about 161 feet) from berthing at its facilities in Old Montreal.

The ships that visit are generally smaller (though the city can accommodate those with a maximum 50-meter (164 feet) air draft east of the Jacques Cartier Bridge).

“We are positioning Montreal as a niche port for luxury ships,” Yves Gilson, associate director of cruises at the Port of Montreal, told USA TODAY during a visit in May. Here’s what to know about sailing into and out of the city.

The cruise inventory tends to be upscale

Montreal typically welcomes ships carrying 2,000 passengers or less from several upscale cruise lines, which tend to operate ships with lower capacity. Those include Regent Seven Seas Cruises, Seabourn, Viking, Ponant and more. Though not a luxury brand, one of the city’s main clients is Holland America Line, which will send its 1,432-guest Volendam ship there this season.

The port welcomed just over 51,000 cruise guests in 2023. By contrast, its neighbor to the northeast, Quebec City, saw 154,000 passengers . Despite its smaller population, large ships from operators like Norwegian Cruise Line and Cunard Line will visit Quebec City this season (along with smaller vessels).

Jared Feldman, owner of travel agency Jafeldma Travel, added that it’s not just ocean cruise ships that stop in Montreal. “There are river cruises that can get in and out of there as well,” he said.

Gilson noted that the city “could absorb” traffic from bigger ships if not for the bridges. “But on the other hand, the experience for the guest is marvelous because you know they will not be overcrowded by thousands of tourists,” he said.

You can hit the ground walking

The main cruise terminal is close to many of the city’s popular attractions. Old Montreal’s Gothic Revival Notre-Dame Basilica and the Place d’Armes are less than a 10-minute walk away, and numerous restaurants, shops, and museums are also nearby. 

I grabbed a prosciutto sandwich at Italian grocery store Dispensa; ate on a bench outside; picked up a coffee at Cafecito and was able to be at the main terminal within 15 minutes or so on foot while taking in views of the water and architectural landmarks like Habitat 67.

There are also multiple close bicycle rental and Metro stations, and waiting taxis (the port works with software platform, Véco Taxi, which gives priority to electric vehicles).

Gilson said more lines are offering overnight stays in Montreal, giving guests more time to explore.

When is the best time for a Montreal cruise?

Montreal’s cruise season begins in May and ends in October, hitting its peak during the last two months of that period. Feldman said fall foliage is a particular draw for passengers. 

Montreal often features on Canada and New England itineraries alongside ports such as Boston, Massachusetts and Halifax, Nova Scotia. The port’s cruise calendar can be found by clicking here .

The sailings tend to last around 10 to 14 days. “The distances between the ports in this region can be significant and navigation through areas like the St. Lawrence River and around the Gulf of Maine take time,” he said. Passengers on those sailings are looking for a “more immersive experience.”

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“Longer itineraries allow for more time in each port and often include scenic cruising days,” he added.

Cruise ships have historically avoided the area when cold sets in, but that could soon change: Ponant’s icebreaking Le Commandant Charcot will offer sailings in St. Lawrence in the winter of 2025. While the ship will not visit Montreal due to its size – though it will stop in Quebec City – Gilson hopes it will mark a shift.

“And eventually, we believe that all the cruise lines will get into the St. Lawrence during the winter,” he said. “So, it's gonna be an all-year-round cruise destination.”

The reporter on this story received access to this event from Tourisme Montréal. USA TODAY maintains editorial control of content.

Nathan Diller is a consumer travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Nashville. You can reach him at [email protected].

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .


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    The ship's three-night sailings will stop only at the cruise line's private island, Perfect Day at CocoCay, whereas four-night sailings from Port Canaveral stop at the cruise line's private island ...

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    The cruise inventory tends to be upscale. Montreal typically welcomes ships carrying 2,000 passengers or less from a number of upscale cruise lines, which tend to operate ships with lower capacity.