Traveling Tulls

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packr travel packing list

5 Best Packing List for Vacation Apps: Travelers Over 50 Approved

Packing for a travel - easier with one of the best packing list apps

Have you ever forgotten an essential item on your trips? Or come home with a heavy suitcase full of unworn clothing? Using a packing list app will be one the best travel tools you’ll find to make your trips easier. Whether you are going on an around the world adventure, or off to visit family, using a packing app takes the worry out of what to pack and what to RE-pack at the end of your trip. And over time, use of an app will help you to eliminate those extras that you lug around unworn, which will be better for both you and the planet!

Travel suitcase with camera, headphones

As a lifelong list maker, I’ve enjoyed putting together packing lists for my adventures. But as my traveling increased after becoming an empty nester, I realized a master packing list would save me a lot of duplication. Since finding a packing app for my master list (and the trip lists I’ve refined from the master) my travel life is so much easier. I don’t have to worry about forgetting those little extras – charging cords, medication, etc. And as I use the app I’m able to see what clothing worked on my trip and what didn’t. I can keep track of what I need to replace or repurpose for my next trip and ultimately create a collection of travel-friendly clothing.

Using a packing list app consistently will make your packing more efficient. And packing efficiently is one step towards being a responsible traveler!

So… what is the best packing list app? That will depend on you! How you travel, what you’re comfortable with, and how much depth you want in a travel checklist. I’ve tested several of the best travel checklist apps for Apple devices (iOS) and recommend them below from easiest to use to most challenging .

Table of Contents

Best Packing List Apps for Ease of Use

The simplest packing lists all use a packing ‘wizard” system. These apps open with a screen of travel options for the user to select – who’s traveling, how many days, where you’ll be staying, and on most, what activities you plan on doing. From the options selected, a packing list is generated.

You can use this list immediately or customize it a bit by eliminating or adding items. Swipe to remove an item and use the + option at the bottom of each category to add anything not listed.

The catalog options generated – casual shirt, long pants – are very basic. This might be enough for you. But if you’re looking for more detail, add customized options. For example, I was told I’d need “7 casual tops” for my test trip. If I wanted to specify long sleeved merino tops, a tunic, or a graphic tee, I’d manually add those. Good news is that once I’ve created a list that worked for me, I was able to duplicate it for my next trip.

All of the packing list apps below are reliable and easy to use. But each is slightly different with extras that might appeal to you. I’ve tested them for short family trips and longer adventures and give you pros and cons below.

🌱 PackPoint

PackPoint one of the best packing apps, especially for older adults

Cost: $2.99 Ease of Use: easy

Google Play Editor’s Choice Award Winner

This is probably the most popular travel checklist app. It’s intuitive, stable, and customizable with an upgrade to the pro edition.

My favorite thing about this app is the ability to pack light by checking the boxes for ‘repeat basics’ and ‘laundry’. Most of us older travelers have learned that packing light is essential to being able to travel comfortably. Avoiding heavy luggage makes cobblestone streets, and hotels without elevators, much, much easier.

And most all of us know that reducing the weight of what we carry on air travel reduces the amount of fuel needed for the flight.

With PackPoint the number of items to be packed is ideal for light packing

  • Pack light!
  • Very easy to use
  • Weather info given for destination
  • Set up for one person only
  • No ability to specify where item is to be packed
  • No values for travel items can be added
  • Baggage weights are not calculated

Packr packing list app - screenshots

Cost: first list free, additional lists and options with full purchase $3.99 Ease of Use: easy

Packr is a great app for short trips. It syncs with TripIt, lets you add family members to the list, and is very intuitive. Upgrade to the paid version to add multiple destinations to your list.

The multiple destinations option is ideal for long trips, i.e., 2 weeks in NYC, followed by a weekend in Miami. The app will suggest clothing and travel for both destinations. But you will need to do a bit of editing if you want to pack light! In my test case, the app suggested I pack 15 tops, 15 socks, and 4 pairs of shoes for a 16 day trip!

Fun Fact: this is the app used by SpaceX travelers!

  • Ability to add multiple destinations
  • Syncs with TripIt
  • Includes weather forecasts, and nearby attractions (from Get Your Guide)
  • Can’t select for traveling light – too many items!
  • No baggage weights calculated

Cost : 3 lists free (with ads & limitations)

  • Remove ads – $2.99
  • Additional 5 lists – $.99
  • 3 basic trip options included, for more options, I.e. city trip, business trip – $.99 each.

Packtor packing list app screenshots

Ease of use – simple

Another good option for keeping track of your packing. Again, you enter information about your trip to generate your list. Tick the checkbox on the bottom if you want to pack light. Chose this option if you’re comfortable re-wearing outfits and/or plan on doing laundry. Once again, add and subtract items to make the list fit your travel style.

This app suggests items that should go in your carry-on bag – very helpful!

Packtor is the only app on this list that has the option to prepare packing lists for more than one person. You can opt for a couples list, or a family list. I like that the family list includes some items specific to a child’s comfort, like a nightlight, toys, or water wings.

  • Easy to use immediately after downloading
  • Option to create couple or family packing lists
  • Extra costs for full app options (annoying ads on free version)
  • No preset category for travel activities
  • Can’t add monetary value for items

Number of Items Generated for a 16 Day Trip

As a test case, I imagined a 16 day trip to Aruba, where I would be enjoying the beach, as well as hiking, taking pictures, and having one or two fancy dinners. Both PackPoint and Packr gave me extensive suggestions for the beach, hiking, and photography. The big difference that I found in comparing the three easy-to-use apps was the number of clothing items suggested for the trip. As an almost minimalist packer, I know I’d never pack the 10 tops suggested by Packtor, let alone the 15 Packr specifies. But it’s easy to adjust the numbers of both apps to more realistic numbers.

Best Packing List App for Detail Oriented Travelers

On some trips – safaris, camping, etc.- there is a limit put on luggage size and weight. After our first safari when I ran afoul of carry-on rules , I began using a packing list where I could record the weight of each item and know, in advance of arriving at the airport, what my luggage would weigh. I put together a spreadsheet with approximate weights of all the items included. And after ALMOST losing my luggage on another trip, I added the monetary value of my items to the spreadsheet. Finding an app that could take the place of this spreadsheet made my life so much easier! Most people are not as… um, detailed oriented as I am, but if you are, I suggest you take a look at Packing Pro.

Packing Pro

Cost : $2.99. Ease of Use : average to challenging

Packing list generated by PackingPro travel checklist app

Packing Pro is one of the original mobile device packing list apps. It is not as streamlined or as intuitive to use as others but once set-up, gives the user fully customization options and the ability to generate totals for all the trip items.

When you first begin using this app you can choose items from the pre-loaded catalog. You can leave it there, just using the basic list items, or you can specify what bag each item goes in, and/or who it belongs to. This is incredibly helpful when you need to find something quickly without rummaging through all your bags.

Total luggage weight and values from Packing Pro

As you become more familiar with the app, you can begin customizing the catalog. In the example shown, I’ve added a favorite pink button down blouse, and quick dry convertible pants. I like knowing exactly what I’ve decided to include for my capsule wardrobe before the last-minute packing.

Note: it’s not necessary to add a completely new item to the catalog to remind you of what you’ve decided to pack. There is an option on every item for a note. Use this field to note the color or style of the items you’ve decided to pack, and you’ll see those notes when you’re prepared to pack. In the list above I’ve added a note to my shorts that I want my ‘fitness’ shorts.

Again, it takes a while to customize this app for your very specific lists. But once you’ve done this, you can duplicate the lists you create and use them over and over. I have lists for when I visit my Chicago family – one for the summer and one for the winter. When I’m traveling to Chicago in the Fall, I can edit one of these lists to suit the weather and activities. There’s no limit on the number of lists I can have.

  • Can specify what bag to pack your item in (including option for items to wear on travel day)
  • Calculates weight of luggage
  • Details value of belongings
  • Can download list to a CSV spreadsheet
  • Requires intensive set up to get the most out of the app

Add a Style App to Your Travel Tools

I admit to being a packing nerd – constantly in search for the perfect bag and the ultimate travel capsule wardrobe. Having a capsule wardrobe greatly reduces the number of clothes I have to pack, and then carry along the way. This is good for me and for travel sustainability. (Each pound of luggage weight adds to the fuel needed for air travel) When I’m preparing to travel, I use one app to visualize my capsule wardrobe, and another as a travel checklist.

A Quick Refresher on Packing Light with a Travel Capsule

  • Choose neutral, lightweight, easy care clothing as your base.
  • Add one or two lightweight items in coordinating colors.
  • Plan outfits using the clothing you’ve chosen. Ideally, every top should match every bottom so mixing and matching is easy.
  • Winnow down your list until you are sure you have all you need but nothing more.
  • Add a lightweight signature item to add some interest to your wardrobe – a scarf, shawl, or piece of (inexpensive) jewelry.

And my favorite travel wardrobe tip s

A week before your trip, try on your planned outfits. First look for anything that needs mending but, most importantly, look for outfits that don’t flatter or are uncomfortable. Take photos, if possible. This is helpful as sometimes you see yourself better in a picture than a mirror!

Choose ‘travel friendly clothing’ – lightweight, odor resistant, and easy care – and you can travel for two weeks carry on only! Some of the items in your closet will fit these criteria. But as items wear out, think about replacing them with travel friendly clothes .

Use an app like Stylebook to visualize the combinations you can create with the items you’ve chosen!

Cost : $3.99 Ease of Use : time consuming customization required to use as a packing list app.

Planning outfits with Stylebook app

This app is not designed specifically for packing but I’ve found it very useful to visualize my travel capsule wardrobe. It takes some time to set up the app. You will need to upload images of your travel clothes (or use generic images from the web) and use these images to make outfits. But once you’ve created your ‘closet’, you can use it for every trip. ( AND you can use the app to track the outfits you wear daily or for special occasions. Add notes to your outfits to keep from repeating looks for similar events or company. )

For my Bike and Barge trip to the Netherlands –

  • I chose black and white as my base colors with blue and pink accent colors
  • A signature item – a Diane Kroe carry-on cozy which can serve as a scarf, skirt, or cardigan, was in my carry-on. My cozy is in a limited edition print that coordinates with all my colors.
  • I used Stylebook to mix and match my items into outfits
  • I tried on the outfits, took a few selfies, and discarded items that were unflattering.
  • Settled on a perfect combination – 8 tops, 4 bottoms, 2 sweaters, a fleece, and my carry-on cozy [note: 8 tops is more than I usually pack, but as this was a cycling trip with no laundry available, I needed extra tops]

packing list infographic from Stylebook

I added versatility by choosing two tops and bottoms that offer multiple styling options. And chose fabrics that are quick drying and odor resistant. (Lesson learned from the humid barge – avoid cotton as it takes forever to dry!)

Stylebook does have a built in packing checklist, but I used a different app (Packing Pro) once I’ve settled on clothing.

Here is a view of my Amsterdam Stylebook packing list infographic. I found this helpful not just for packing, but for eliminating a lot of wardrobe decision making when getting dressed in my tiny barge cabin.

  • Visualize outfits
  • Good as home closet organizer too
  • Lots of setup required
  • Only for clothing, not gear

Tips for Getting the Most From Your Packing List Apps

  • Once on the trip, reset your packing list (uncheck all the items on the list) and check off items again as they’re used. At the end of the trip you can clearly see what wasn’t needed. Add notes to your travel checklist indicating what was needed and what was superfluous. Pack lighter on your next adventure!
  • Or use the app again before heading home to make sure you’ve left nothing behind.
  • If you’d like to try tip #1 and tip #2, duplicate your travel list! It’s easy on the best packing apps!

What travel tools do you use that make your trips easier and more efficient?

Not ready to start packing? Pin for later!

An easy to use packing list app is one of the best travel tools for making travel easier. We review the best packing apps and recommend five of the best. Great for older travelers too!

🌱 – includes an option to help you travel sustainably

Amy Tull and Team

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Amy Tull, author of the Traveling Tulls

Amy, a writer on responsible bucket list travel, is your reliable source for insightful travel advice. With a career background in libraries, and a degree in biology and mathematics, Amy's approach to travel is rooted in meticulous research and planning, and her commitment to eco-conscious adventures.

Amy’s dedication to sustainable travel practices, including efficient packing techniques, ensures that every adventure leaves a positive impact on both the environment and the traveler's well-being. Trust Amy to guide you towards meaningful and eco-friendly travel, making the most of your retirement years.

A lifelong New England resident, Amy is also the source for insider tips on travel in the Northeastern U.S.

  • 101 Unique Things to Do in Boston: an insider guide to hidden gems
  • 25 Tips to Conquer Travel Anxiety: How to Make Travel Easier (and almost stress-free!)
  • Easy Elegance: 3 Capsule Wardrobe Templates for Travel Planning
  • Navigating the Amazon and Caribbean with Viking: An Honest Review (2024)

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6 thoughts on “ 5 Best Packing List for Vacation Apps: Travelers Over 50 Approved ”

  • Pingback: 10 travel checklist app Ideas

A very helpful article – just what I was looking for, thank! I’m wondering if you are able to recommend any similar apps for Android phones? Lisa in Australia (June 2023)

Hmm… I don’t have an android but I believe some of these apps are on both operating systems… I’ll check into this! Thanks for the reminder!

  • Pingback: [2023] What to Pack for a 4 Day Trip to New York: The Ultimate Checklist – Travel Checklist
  • Pingback: Minimalist Journeys: Travel Light, Live More - Your Bridge To Art
  • Pingback: The Ultimate Roundup of the Best Free Travel Packing List Apps [2024] – Travel Checklist

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Never Forget Your ______ Again!

PackPoint will organize what you need to pack based on length of travel, weather at your destination and any activities planned during your trip.

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As featured in

Create your list, pack once. Try it today.

PackPoint is a premium packing list organizer for serious travel pros. PackPoint will help you organize what you need to pack in your luggage and suitcase based on length of travel, weather at your destination, and any activities planned during your trip.

packr travel packing list

Add your trip details

Creating your packing list is quick and easy! Start with the basic trip details, we'll figure out things like the weather for you.

packr travel packing list

Select your activities

Our robust lists of travel activities help reduce the anxiety of forgetting essential items. Relax and focus on your trip, we've got you covered.

packr travel packing list

Pack your bags

Whether you pack for your trip a week ahead of time, or the night before. Be confident that with PackPoint, you'll have everything you need.

Get more with PackPoint Premium.

Your trusty packing list organizer just got better! See what features are available with PackPoint Premium.

Connect to TripIt

Sign in with TripIt and auto-create all of your packing lists.

Customize PackPoint

Add your own activities and packing list items to make PackPoint work exactly how you need.

Share Your Packing List

Quickly share your packing list with fellow travelers so they'll know what to pack too.

New Features Coming Soon

We're working hard to develop new features to ease trip planning. Stay tuned!

Your Packing List

PackPoint builds your packing list according to trip type, activities and weather so you have everything you need for your travels.

PackPoint simplifies packing.

Over two million packing lists are created each year with PackPoint.

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Her Packing List

Packing Lists

Ditch the paper checklists: the best packing list apps for travelers in 2023.

' src=

Packing for a trip, whether it’s an overnight business trip , a weekend away , or a long-term backpacking adventure can be a big chore. Add in very restricting weight limits imposed by airlines, it’s suddenly a challenge.

Even with several years of flights and road trips under your belt, you can still slip up and forget something vital at home.

Best packing list apps for every kind of traveler

Her Packing List offers our own packing list template that you can customize and print to use for your trips. 

However, if you want to go paperless and fully digital, here are some great packing list apps that will help you become a packing pro!

  • Looking for our pre-made packing checklists for destinations across the globe? Gain access to the Packing Checklist Download Library by clicking here .

Find The Perfect Packing List App For Your Travels

Screenshot of the OneBag App

OneBag speaks our language: pack light and keep it all in one bag as much as possible.

The app allows you to create custom packing lists for the type of trip that you are taking. You can add items to your personal inventory so that it is easy to build your packing list trip after trip.

The best part of this app is that it lets you input the weight of each item that you are putting in your list, and it will automatically add up everything so you know if you’re already past your airline’s weight limit.

Your items are categorized, so you can even see which section of your packing list can be trimmed down in weight so that you can stay within the baggage limit.

  • The OneBag App is only available on Google Play . It is free to download, though a Pro version with premium features is also available.
  • Easy and simple to use
  • Weight feature
  • Perfect for packing light
  • Doesn’t auto-generate pack lists
  • Available on Android only

Pack Teo packing app

If you feel like premade templates don’t really suit your packing style, then the PackTeo app is for you.

It does have premade lists that are customized based on the kind of trip you are taking, but its manual packing list creation is one of the more robust features of this app.

You can add single items, a list of items, items from a template, catalog, or from the list generator.

The app’s list generator makes lists based on your destination, the people on the trip, mode of transport, accommodation, weather, location, and activities.

  • PackTeo is free on Google Play.
  • User-friendly

Packr packing list app

Packr is a weather-driven packing list. Once you input your destination and date of travel, it will get the 8-day weather forecast and generate a packing list based on the conditions when you are traveling.

It allows you to create packing lists for multi-destination trips, so you are sure to be ready for any kind of weather and climate.

It is available on iPhone and iPad and can seamlessly sync your account. No matter where you are accessing the app from, you get the updated version of your list.

If you use TripIt to organize your trips, you can also connect it to Packr, and it will make sure that your trip details are taken into consideration when creating your packing list.

  • Packr is available on the Apple App Store as a free version or for $2.99 for the premium version.
  • Easy and intuitive to use
  • Ideal for families
  • Multidestination packing lists (perfect for any length of travel)
  • Available on iOS only
  • You have to pay for the multidestination packing list feature

packr travel packing list

The PackPoint travel packing list is generated based on your destination, weather, and activities.

What’s really great about this app though, is that it’s available in both Android and iOS, so you can easily share your curated list with the people you are traveling with, regardless of the device that they are using

The premium version of the app can also connect to TripIt and Evernote .

  • PackPoint is free on both Google Play and the Apple App Store . The premium version is available for $2.99.
  • Easy to use
  • Available on Android and iOS
  • Minimal features without the premium version
  • Can only be used for one person

PackingPro packing list app

If you’re traveling as a family or a large group , PackingPro is for you. This app allows you to create a comprehensive packing list for everyone, including your pets, perfect for a family vacation.

It features a catalog with an extensive list of items that you can add to your list. It also features an assistant that can create the list for you, based on the number of people joining you on the trip.

The list can be exported into Excel or Google Docs, which you can then print out.

  • PackingPro is available only on the Apple App Store for $2.99.
  • Can export your packing list to a PDF to print
  • Fully customizable
  • Intensive set up

Easy Pack packing list app

Easy Pack is exactly what it says it is: it’s an app that is intuitive and lets you easily create your packing list.

It has a smart assistant that will start you off by creating a list based on your activities and plans for the trip. You can also customize each list based on the bag that you will be bringing.

One of our favorite features of this app is the to-do list where you can list down the things you need to accomplish or buy before or during the trip.

  • Easy Pack is available for free only on Google Play .
  • Unlimited lists
  • To-do and To-Buy lists
  • Available for iOS only

TrekPack packing list app

If outdoor and adventure is your style of travel, then TrekPack is the app for you!

This specialized app features items that are essentials for treks and hikes that may not be as detailed in other packing apps.

The app can generate a checklist for your trip based on your destination, terrain, accommodation, cooking arrangements, and weight of your pack.

You can create several lists for a destination so you can compare and finetune for next time. You are also able to share checklists with friends so they can easily create their own checklists based on what you have created.

  • TrekPack is available for free on the Google Play store .
  • Available for Android only

Our Top Picks

We have listed some of the best packing apps and it’s hard to choose our favorite. Ultimately, there is no best packing list app and the app you choose depends on the needs you have.

We love OneBag because it focuses on packing light and fitting everything in one bag! If this is your vibe too, but you have been struggling to limit your packing list items, check out my Handbag Packing Masterclass .

We also love the PackPoint app. It’s perfect if you are looking for something that’s hassle and fuss-free and it’s great for beginners. Because it’s available for both iOS and Android it means that this app is accessible to almost everyone and is easy to share with the people you are traveling with. And it connects to TripIT and Evernote as a bonus too.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Packing List App

Flat lay of a table filled with beach day and travel accessories. A woman is writing her travel checklist.

You don’t only have to use your packing list app before you leave for a destination. You can ensure a smooth trip by utilizing your packing list app while on vacation too.

One way to do this is to check items off your list as you use them. This way you can see exactly what you have used and what outfits you haven’t worn yet. This will definitely save you time searching through your clothes. You can also use this new list to see exactly what went unused on your trip and then use that information to pack lighter and smarter for your next trip.

If you find that you are always bringing things you don’t need on your trips, you can download our free guide to ensure that you only pack what you need and nothing more.

You can also use your packing list checklist to make sure you have everything you brought before you leave to go home.

Which one is for you?

These are seven of our picks over the hundreds of packing apps available online. Did we miss your app of choice or do you have any feedback on these apps? Share them in the comments below, we’re always on the lookout for great apps!

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packing list apps for travel

Written by Nina

Nina Fuentes splits her time between Manila and Bulusan, Sorsogon in the Philippines. She is one of the pioneering female travel bloggers in the country and her blog, Just Wandering , has been recognized as the Best Travel Blog at the 2010 Philippine Blog Awards and at the 2011 Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards. She has recently started Just Wandering Tours, offering customized tours of Bulusan and the province of Sorsogon.

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Travel resources, hpl learnables.

H PL Packing Method – Learn to pack your lightest bag ever in this revolutionary packing course by HPL founder, Brooke.

Book Your Trip

Viator – Enhance your trip experience by booking from thousands of tours across the globe. – Search for hotels, hostels, and apartments using this one resource. Use it for flights, car rentals, and airport taxis as well.

Trusted Housesitters – Save money on travel accommodation by becoming a housesitter. Housesitters often have extra duties, like caring for pets and gardens.

Reader Interactions

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October 26, 2020 at 9:47 pm

I have been using Packing Pro for almost 4 years, and I love it! What excellent options you’ve offered to travelers!

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Packr Travel Packing Checklist for iOS

Key details of packr travel packing checklist.

  • Pack list for each trip.
  • Last updated on February 22, 2024
  • There have been 1 updates

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Developer's Description

Packr has been used for trips to cities like Paris, London, Barcelona, New York City, Montreal, Berlin, Majorca... And countries like France, United Kingdom, Spain, Greece, USA, Italy, Canada, Germany and 1000+ more locations.

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Make travel easy: The best packing apps for every type of traveler

Packing is always the worst part of traveling. find the best packing app to help you stay sane for your trip.

Someone packing their suitcase for a trip.

Let’s be real: Packing for a trip is tedious, stressful, and time-consuming. For most of us, it just plain sucks. If you’re not the sort of masochist traveler who actually enjoys packing, smartphone technology is here to help. There’s an app for everything, and they have come up with the best packing apps so you don’t have to cry while putting things randomly into your suitcase.

For almost anyone: PackTeo

For the minimalist traveler: onebag, for the globe hopper: packr, for the list lover: easy pack, for the ultimate lazy traveler: packpoint, for the control freak: packing pro, for the every man traveler: packking, for the outdoorsman: trekpack.

There’s a huge selection of travel apps out there, including packing apps for every flavor of traveler. From control freaks to those who want a dead-simple wizard to hand-hold them through every step of the packing process, these mobile packing apps make the process as quick, painless, and even mindless as possible. These are the best packing apps for travelers who seriously hate to pack.

PackTeo promises to be all things to all people. Whatever your packing style, the app’s user-friendly design makes it a snap to use. For those who like to be in control, it allows for adding specific details about everything in your luggage, like weight and which bag you plan to put each item in. Alternatively, the built-in templates mean you’ll pick from typical lists (say, “ Camping ,” “Cycling,” or “International”) without having to create your own from scratch. Then, it’s just a matter of customizing it to fit your style of travel.

OneBag is arguably the most streamlined travel packing app, aiming to keep the process easy and quick. It encourages packing light (hence the name) with a focus on the weight of each item, ensuring you’re keenly aware of how much stuff is in your bag. As any long-term traveler will tell you, light luggage — only packing your travel essentials or even being a carry-on-only passenger — makes for easy traveling. Knowing the total weight of your luggage also helps to avoid oversized baggage fee surprises at the airport.

Packr has one thing going for it that’s lacking in most other packing apps: Multi-destination trip planning. It seems like a strange oversight, but most of its competitors don’t offer this feature. For that reason alone, it’s the best on this list for landhoppers who typically plan medium or long-term, multi-country trips. It’s otherwise similar to the others on this list, with a solid lineup of features, including auto-generated packing lists, the ability to share your lists with others, and weather forecasting for your next destination .

Easy Pack isn’t the best packing app overall, but there’s a lot to like about it. First, it’s lightweight, and its creators promise it’ll be free forever. Second, while its competitors rely on trip-centric list creation, Easy Pack takes a unique bag-centric approach. So, for example, if you take the same messenger and duffle bag on every trip, it’s easier to create several listed “bags,” and then re-use them for each new trip.

The app takes into account unique points about upcoming trips, like whether you’re traveling with pets, the type of stay, and any transportation concerns. Lastly, it doubles as a daily planning app to help prep for mundane activities closer to your home base, like packing for a day at the beach or taking your dog on a hike.

For travelers who are seriously packing averse, it doesn’t get easier than PackPoint. It’s clear a great deal of thought went into the user interface. The streamlined design offers a simple, wizard-like process to handhold users through every step of packing. Just launch the app and enter a few basic details like the date of your trip, where you’re heading , any activities you plan on doing while there (e.g., hiking , swimming, beach-going, etc.), and whether it’s for business, leisure, or both.

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PackPoint checks the weather forecast and pre-populates a packing list with a best guess of everything it thinks you might need. It’s just under $3 to buy for either smartphone platform (iOS or Android), but the long list of great features — like TripIt integration, forecast-checking, and list-sharing with friends and family — make it worth it.

If you’re not keen on packing but still appreciate being in full control of the process, Packing Pro is your jam. The app lacks the polish of the others mentioned here, and it could feel a bit confusing on first launch, but it makes up for it with extreme versatility. Every item on your packing list is customizable with options like which bag it goes in, the item’s level of importance for your overall trip, weight, monetary value (for insurance purposes) — the list goes on. Users create specific templates (say, one for business and one for leisure) and you could even create templates within templates if you really want to drill down. This is an app designed for serious “power-user” type travelers.

PackKing’s user interface is simple and streamlined like PackPoint, although it lacks some of the panache. The free version offers a few more features than the former, which is why we like it for most travelers. It offers a long list of preloaded activities, like Hiking , Photography, Beach, Dog, and Mobile Office. All of these include their own related items, so it’s easy to fine-tune your packing list no matter where you’re going or what you’re doing . It also asks if and how often you’ll be doing laundry while traveling, which will seriously lighten your clothing load.

We said there was an app for every type of traveler, and we’re not leaving out the outdoorsy one. TrekPack is for the hikers and trekkers who will do the bulk of their traveling with their feet. You could use one of the other apps for your non- hiking days and make sure to use TrekPack for the adventuring days.

Put in what kind of terrain you’ll encounter, where you’ll sleep, how you’re going to cook your food, and the total weight of your bag to create your ultimate packing list. You’ll be able to make multiple lists for the same trip if you want to find the one that fits best. You could even share your lists with others to see if you forgot something you’d need or might have overpacked.

However you travel and wherever you travel, if you have to pack a bag to get there, make sure you find the right app to help you on your journey. Take one thing off your plate so you don’t wind up screaming into an empty bag. You won’t want to leave your packing to the last minute once you figure out which of the best packing apps is the one for your travel needs.

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Mike Richard

Yosemite National Park Rakshith Hatwar via Unsplash

With its mix of spring and summer, June is an ideal time to get away. There’s a lingering freshness in the air, but there’s also a sweet warmth inching in. It’s a time to be outside, experience nature, and take in new places. Not only that, but since peak crowds haven’t arrived, you could score a deal on airfare and lodging.

Iceland is one of the most fascinating countries in the world: an oversized island of fire and ice between North America and mainland Europe in the North Atlantic. While this island is somewhat larger than Ireland, Iceland is the most sparsely populated country in Europe, which means Iceland abounds in open spaces and natural wonders. And with Reykjavík as its cultural center, Iceland touts additional great lures, from a thriving art and music scene to intriguing cuisine and colorful architecture.

One of the country's greatest features has to do with its positioning. Being so far north, Iceland is treated to wildly long days right around the summer solstice. The weather tends to be cool and wet, but it's compensated for by the hyper-extended days. During June, the sun there tends to set around 23:00 (or 11 p.m.) and come up around 4:00 (or 4 a.m.). It's prime time to cross things off your Nordic bucket list, like driving around the whole country via the gorgeous Ring Road or trekking up north to dip in the restorative waters of Mývatn. But when is the best time to visit Iceland? Keep reading and we'll give you a guide. What happens in a year in Iceland?

If you're a frequent traveler, you've likely experienced the panic of misplacing your luggage or belongings at some point. Fortunately, Apple's innovative AirTag device can help alleviate those stressful situations. This small yet mighty accessory has quickly become a must-have for travelers, allowing you to keep track of your possessions with ease. 

But how exactly do AirTags work, and why are they so important when it comes to traveling? The technology behind AirTags

Packr Travel Packing List 4+

Pack checklist for each trip, jeremie leroy, designed for ipad.

  • 4.5 • 192 Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases



"Wouldn’t plan any trip without it!!" - WIls4665 Save time before going on a trip with Packr! Packr will help you pack your suitcase for each trip. The packing list is based on your destination (city, country or region), travel dates and activities. ◆ PACKING CHECKLIST ◆ Packr creates a packing checklist for your suitcase from 24 pre-defined activities. Based on length of stay, weather and planned activities, your packing list will be ready in no time. This is the perfect tool for your summer vacations, long week-ends, road trips and even camping. ◆ LESS STRESS ◆ Every journey is different, each traveler has his own habits. Packr learns from each of your trips to organize the packing checklist, and adjusts the items based on your previous trips. You will never forget to pack THAT thing again ! ◆ BETTER PREPARED ◆ A quantity can be set for each item, some items' quantity will be automatically adjusted to the length of your stay. You can also create your own packing lists. ◆ PRACTICAL FEATURES ◆ Premium users can synchronize trips on all devices such as iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. You can also share the checklist with your travel companions or print it out. Packr has already travelled several thousand times around planet Earth packing over a million items in each traveller's suitcase. Packr has been used for trips to cities like Paris, London, Barcelona, New York City, Montreal, Berlin, Majorca... And countries like France, United Kingdom, Spain, Greece, USA, Italy, Canada, Germany and 1000+ more locations. Terms of Use:

Version 2.7

Packr version 2.7 is now available. ◆ New features & enhancements ◆ New colourful icons. Faster loading of images on the Home Screen. Updated packing list printing options. Easily add custom items to the default lists with a long press in the packing list. Icons are now grouped by category when adding a new list. Renaming default list items is now available for Premium users. ◆ Bug Fixes ◆ - Fixed minor issues with offline mode. - Fixed item count when editing the packing lists. - Fixed crash when adding/editing a List/Activity. - Fixed "Laundry" button not displaying its correct active state. - Fixed duplicating a trip to make an identical copy. - Fixed Contact Us form not sending the message. - Fixed crashing on Apple Silicon devices. - Custom pictures can now be selected from the Photo gallery. - Fixed renaming items in the packing list. - Fixed trips not appearing for certain timezones. - Fixed weather not loading correctly. - Fixed printing of the packing list. - Fixed TripIt connection. - Fixed nearby attractions not showing up. Love the app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps Packr engine running. Have a question? Tap "Contact us" in the app or send us an email: [email protected]

Ratings and Reviews

192 Ratings

Awesome But......

I really don't feel the need that u should ask for money for simple customizable lists and weather. Ask for donation not payment

Money wasted + won’t use it

Tried multiple destination trip. Weather is shown for wrong dates. The sharing with others is so primitive it’s not worth mentioning. I thought people travelling could cooperate on the trip’s lists and todos but only button I see is to share a textual list. That’s utterly useless. Plus no support for cruises. How about adding that as a destination when you are just on the high seas cruising. It also didn’t identify a key Caribbean destination no matter how much I tried (tried both names Princess Cays or Eleuthera). No attractions showed up for them. For attractions that show up for other destinations, there is no way to choose or select them as planned excursions. They are just direct links for booking. There is So so that is either broken or limited in usefulness. The app feels rough unpolished unfinished and useless imagery they load feels like spam and no way to turn it off.

Simply Awesome

This is a fine app, well built, loved your work! Thanks for all you do!

App Privacy

The developer, Jeremie Leroy , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Used to Track You

The following data may be used to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies:

  • Identifiers

Data Not Linked to You

The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:

  • User Content
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary based on, for example, the features you use or your age. Learn More


English, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

  • Premium special offer ₹ 199
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  • Premium Photos ₹ 499
  • Packr Premium ₹ 199
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  • Premium ₹ 499
  • Packr Premium Lifetime ₹ 2,499
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packr travel packing list

Family Sharing

Some in‑app purchases, including subscriptions, may be shareable with your family group when family sharing is enabled., more by this developer.

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Make Packing For Your Next Trip A Breeze With This Helpful Tool

woman packing a suitcase

Packing for a trip involves essential items, but many travelers struggle to limit their packing to just those items. Bringing along "just in case" items can mean more luggage, which might not be too much of an issue when road-tripping or RV-ing. However, too many bags can make it harder to travel via flight because of the extra costs associated with checked luggage. Additionally, checked luggage can get lost while carry-on bags stay with you on the flight.

The number of items that you pack to take on a trip is one thing, but it's another thing to arrive at your destination without the items that you need. Of course, you can make a checklist, but perhaps harnessing the power of the smartphone can help you remember all of your essentials. It could also help you include items that may come in handy for your specific destinations. As the common saying goes: there's an app for that. It is called PackPoint.

PackPoint can make personalized packing checklists

PackPoint is an app that can help you pack for any trip based on the weather conditions at your destinations, your planned activities, and the length of your trip. It is user-friendly as well — once you enter the aforementioned information from your itinerary, PackPoint can offer a customized list of items to pack in your suitcase. How can this come in handy? No one wants to arrive at the beach only to realize that your swimsuit is back at home. PackPoint will notice that you have swimming on your list of activities and add a swimsuit to your packing list. PackPoint will also find weather predictions for your destination and the time frame of your trip. This could mean throwing an umbrella into your suitcase.

Though PackPoint is a free app, a one-time payment of $3 will give some extra features. PackPoint Premium allows you to share your packing list with others and can link up with TripIt, a trip planning and flight tracking app. Either way, PackPoint is found in app stores for both iOS and Android devices.

PackPoint is one of many packing apps

PackPoint is one of a handful of packing apps. Other apps like Packing Pro and Packr offer customizations and features that PackPoint does not. Available in the Apple App Store for $2.99, Packing Pro works well for people traveling solo or with others as it can make lists for several people. You can add photos to these lists and share them via email or with Apple's AirDrop. It can also tailor your packing list for business trips or even military deployments.

Similar to PackPoint, Packr Travel Packing List is a free app, but its premium version unlocks more features like the ability to share your packing list with other travelers. It also has Family Mode to make a packing list for multiple family members. Packr is unique in that when entering your trip details like activities and destination, you can enter multiple destinations for one trip. Like Packing Pro, Packr is only available for Apple products. Given the amount of packing assistant apps, it is best to check out the features of more than one app before deciding what fits your traveling most.

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travel items check list camera shoes hat sunglasses and map are displayed on a table

The Ultimate Packing List

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Christine Sarkis

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Ashley Rossi

There's a 95 percent chance Senior Editor Christine Sarkis is thinking about travel right now. Follow her on Instagram @postcartography and Twitter @ChristineSarkis .

Christine Sarkis is an SATW-award-winning journalist and executive editor at SmarterTravel. Her stories have also appeared on USA Today, Conde Nast Traveler, Huffington Post, and Business Insider. Her advice has been featured in dozens of print and online publications including The New York Times , Conde Nast Traveler , and People magazine. She has also shared travel tips on television and radio shows including Good Morning America, Marketplace, and Here & Now. Her work has been published in the anthologies Spain from a Backpack and The Best Women's Travel Writing 2008 . She is currently working on a travel memoir.

The Handy Item I Always Pack : The Trtl Pillow . It's easy to pack and comfortable, and makes it so I can actually sleep on flights.

Ultimate Bucket List Experience : Seeing the Aurora Borealis from the comfort of somewhere warm, like a glass igloo or hot spring.

Travel Motto : Curiosity is an amazing compass.

Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat : Aisle all the way.

Email Christine Sarkis at [email protected] .

Ashley Rossi is always ready for her next trip. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram for travel tips, destination ideas, and off the beaten path spots.

After interning at SmarterTravel, Ashley joined the team full time in 2015. She's lived on three continents, but still never knows where her next adventure will take her. She's always searching for upcoming destination hotspots, secluded retreats, and hidden gems to share with the world.

Ashley's stories have been featured online on USA Today, Business Insider, TripAdvisor, Huffington Post, Jetsetter, and Yahoo! Travel, as well as other publications.

The Handy Item I Always Pack : "A reusable filtered water bottle—it saves you money, keeps you hydrated, and eliminates waste—win-win."

Ultimate Bucket List Experience : "A week in a bamboo beach hut on India's Andaman Islands."

Travel Motto : "Travel light, often, and in good company."

Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat : "Window—best view in the house."

Travel Smarter! Sign up for our free newsletter.

Packing mishaps range from inconvenient (heading to the Caribbean without a swimsuit) to disastrous (discovering you left the country without your wallet), but most are preventable. We’ve created this ultimate packing list to help you pack well every time.

The Ultimate Packing Checklist

To see the ultimate packing list, scroll down the page or click here for an editable PDF version that you can save or print out. To customize the list, simply download or print it, then edit for your specific needs. You can also download the editable, mobile-friendly checklist here .

Clothes to Pack

  • Dress Shirts
  • Casual Shirts
  • Sweatshirts
  • Laundry Kit
  • Leisure Shoes
  • Hiking Boots
  • Dress Shoes
  • Collapsible Tote

Shop Our Clothing Packing List

Toiletries to Pack

  • Dental Floss
  • Conditioner
  • Styling Tools
  • Facial Cleanser
  • Face Lotion
  • Moisturizer
  • Contact Lenses
  • Contact Solution
  • Shaving Supplies
  • Makeup Remover
  • Menstrual Products
  • Birth Control/Medication
  • Nail Clippers
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • First-Aid Ointment
  • Insect Repellent
  • Pain Relievers

Shop Our Toiletries Packing List

Miscellaneous Items

  • Laptop/Tablet
  • Film/Memory Card
  • List of Medications
  • Banking Contacts/Information
  • Electronic Chargers
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Copy of Passport
  • Plug Adapter

Shop Our Miscellaneous Items List

What to Pack in Your Carry-on

  • Books or E-Books
  • Travel Blanket
  • Travel Pillow
  • Disinfecting Wipes
  • Change of Clothes
  • Empty Water Bottle
  • In-Flight Medications
  • Passport/Visa/ID
  • Credit/ATM cards
  • Insurance Cards
  • Maps/Directions

Shop Our Carry-On Essentials List

Packing Tips for Clothes and Other Items

Close up of person reading the SmarterTravel Ultimate Packing List on their phone while packing a suitcase

When packing for a vacation the most important things to keep in mind are the length of your trip, the weather, and any non-standard clothing or gear you might need.

Your first step when packing is to decide if you’ll be checking a bag or only taking a carry-on and then curate the amount of clothing you’ll need based on that decision. Typically, you should avoid checking a bag in situations where you have a layover since the likelihood of your bag going missing goes up with every connection . You might also want to avoid checking a bag if you absolutely need items in your bag on arrival—for example, if you’re going on a cruise.

If you’re packing more minimally, focus on packing layering clothes in more neutral colors. That’s not because we don’t like fun colors and patterns; it just means that neutral-colored clothing is more versatile, so you can wear these items more than once when you’re tight on space.

How to Pack in Just a Personal Item Sized Bag

Also invest in clothing that does double duty, like multi-use wraps , crushable hats , self-cooling and heating fabrics like merino wool layers , bug-repellent clothing , wrinkle-resistant shirts, quick-drying activewear and undergarments, casual sneakers, UPF-proof clothing , and compressible jackets … just to name a few. Look toward popular athleisure brands like Lululemon , prAna , and Athleta for comfortable yet stylish travel clothing.

When curating your packing list, you should keep in mind the length of your trip and decide on quantities from there. For a shorter trip (three to five days), you can probably manage with the following: one pair of underwear and socks per day, one pair of pajamas, one to two dressier outfits, one to two activewear or athleisure outfits, one to two casual outfits, and one to two pairs of shoes. For a longer trip (over a week), you can manage with one pair of underwear and socks per day, two pairs of pajamas, three dressier outfits, three to four casual outfits, two pairs of shoes, and two activewear or athleisure outfits.

And if you’re able to do laundry on your vacation, you can probably manage with even fewer items. Just don’t forget to pack a travel laundry kit .

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Also make sure to bring along accessories like a money belt, scarf or sarong (can be used for things like an airplane blanket , coverup at the beach, or to throw over your dress on a cool evening), and a collapsible tote or day bag for any extra items you might acquire on your travels. If traveling to a city or destination that is prone to pickpocketing, make sure to pack some pickpocket-proof clothing and gear .

Depending on the type of trip you’re going on, you may need to invest in some special travel gear. We’ve tested out everything from waterproof baby carriers to interchangeable heels , so you can trust our recommendations. If you’re headed out on an organized group tour , you’ll most likely get a packing list from the tour provider, which should make your trip planning easier. If not, do your research online (one tip is to look at locations on Instagram and see what people are wearing) and consult this story for other handy lists of tips.

For more active trips, make sure you have a sturdy pair of hiking boots, quick-drying clothing, a day pack, snacks, and any necessary equipment. Check out our specific packing lists for hiking trips and camping trips .

Another type of trip that you may need to pack slightly specific items for is a cruise . Make sure you pack non-standard items like seasickness remedies, formal wear, dress shoes, and your bathing suit. Beach vacations also require different items like water shoes, towels, sunscreen, and maybe even snorkel gear. Luckily for you, we also have a specific cruise packing list and a beach vacation packing list .

Lastly, you need to consider the weather. For warm-weather destinations like jungles and Caribbean islands, you can obviously skip the coats and gloves, but if you’re headed out on a ski vacation then you’ll need a whole slew of things like goggles, a neck gaiter, snow boots, and more. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a specific Caribbean vacation packing list , a Mexico vacation packing list , and even a ski trip packing list .

10 Secrets I Learned Working in a Hotel

To help keep things organized, we love using packing cubes and/or compression sacks. They’re especially useful for when you’re traveling to multiple destinations in one trip.

Wondering how to pack all of your items? Enter the great debate of the rolling vs. folding method! While this is definitely a personal preference, we put two editors to the test to find out which method is in fact, more space-saving. Watch the video below to see the answer.

How to Pack Toiletries and Medications

Whether it’s important medication or your favorite lipstick, forgetting any type of toiletry can range from being mildly inconvenient to becoming a serious problem. For toiletries, make sure to pack your essentials, like medication, contacts, and any other items that you might not be able to purchase or replace during your travels. (Put them in your carry-on bag, not your checked suitcase.) However, if you forget items like a toothbrush or razor, you can typically call the front desk at the hotel for a spare.

We also recommend traveling with some type of a travel first-aid kit , which includes items like tweezers, first-aid ointment, bandages, travel-sized hand sanitizer, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Make sure to check TSA guidelines if you’re traveling with medication , as well as the policies and regulations at your destination.

Packing Tips for Everything Else …

Traveling without tech items like your phone, laptop, tablet, or camera can be a major bummer. For those traveling abroad, you’ll also want to remember to pack electronic adapters and converters . Other tech-related items for photographers to pack are a sturdy camera bag , backup batteries, and memory cards, as well as lens cleaner. And don’t forget smartphone essentials like a backup charger, waterproof case if you’re headed out on the water, and a phone stand or tripod for photos.

A travel packing tip we’ve learned the hard way? Travel with a copy of your passport, credit card, and bank contacts, as well as a list of medications and your emergency contacts.

If you are traveling abroad, we have an entire checklist for you, but the most important thing to note here is your passport and visas . Make sure that your passport is up to date, has as least six months of validity, and has enough blank pages for any stamps. Another tip for international travel? Give yourself plenty of time to apply for any visas that you might need and to arrange for a visit to a travel clinic if any special medications or vaccines are needed. You should also familiarize yourself with any remaining COVID-19 travel restrictions at your destination.

There are also some items that you may not think to pack, but should, like an electronic tracker , duct tape , toilet paper, a decoy wallet, or a whistle.

The 10 Best Expandable Suitcases

What to Always Pack in Your Carry-on Bag

In case you’re separated from your checked bag or other items, you should always make sure that you have your ID, wallet, house keys, medications, valuables, camera, phone, laptop, tablet, pen, cash and cards, glasses, and copy of your itinerary with you on the plane.

Other items that you might want to have handy with you include entertainment for your flight, comfort-promoting items like a blanket or pillow, as well as an empty water bottle to fill up post-security (here is a list of our favorites ), a change of clothes (just in case your luggage is lost or delayed), snacks, and gum.

If you’re looking to pack carry-on only, you guessed it: We also have a separate packing list and tips for that, as well as the best bags to use for carry-on only .

What to Pack to Stay Healthy While Traveling

The pandemic has significantly changed the way we travel and, by extension, the items we prioritize in our luggage. While many destinations have loosened or entirely lifted COVID-19 restrictions, some venues and events may still require a mask or proof of vaccination/negative COVID test to enter. Plan ahead to see if any activities on your itinerary have restrictions in place.

Sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer , while always a good idea to have on hand at the airport , have become absolute carry-on musts. Wiping down areas like your tray table, airplane seat armrest, and hotel television remote can spare you from a variety of common travel bugs.

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2013. It has been updated to reflect the most current information. Ashley Rossi contributed to this story.

All of the products featured in this story were hand-selected by our travel editors. Some of the links featured in this story are affiliate links, and SmarterTravel may collect a commission (at no cost to you) if you shop through them. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

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We hand-pick everything we recommend and select items through testing and reviews. Some products are sent to us free of charge with no incentive to offer a favorable review. We offer our unbiased opinions and do not accept compensation to review products. All items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time of publication. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission.

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Print This Easy Packing List for Travel With A Baby or Toddler

T he first time we traveled with a toddler-aged Tiny Traveler, I wrote out a packing list of everything I thought I needed to bring with me. Then I panicked at how long it was, and went out to buy a huge suitcase. Traveling with a baby or toddler is a whole new ballgame.

I hate over-packing. But the more of my familiar go-to items I could have with me, the less stressful it was being away from home, for both me and the baby. I just planned to check my suitcase for a few years and thought of Tiny Traveler as my new carry-on item.

Here is the packing list I used for family vacations until she was a preschooler. It looks long, but the good thing about baby stuff is that it’s small. And at least some of these items, like diapers, only make a one-way trip.

There’s a carry-on list, too, that will keep you prepared for whatever long flights or delays you might face.

Pair this with

• My All-purpose Basic Packing List for Parents & Big Kids

• My list of 33 Items I Love for Traveling With a Baby or Toddler

•My readers’ 13 favorite bags for traveling with kids

The Ultimate Packing List for Traveling with a Baby or Toddler

My best packing tips for traveling with a baby or toddler.

If your trip is domestic and you aren’t picky about brands, just pack enough diapers, wipes, formula and baby food for the first two or three days . Stock up for the rest of the trip at your destination.

But if you’re h eaded to an island , where t hese items are extremely expensive, you’ll save money by bringing with you what you need for the whole trip. If you’re headed to someplace where you don’t speak the language , or you need specific brands , it will be easier and less stressful to pack enough to last the trip.

I always gate-checked the stroller because it carried Tiny Traveler and at least one bag as we walked across giant airports. It will have to go through the security X-ray machine, so take one that folds easily . A stroller travel bag will help to protect it in the cargo hold.

I liked to borrow a car seat from the car rental agency or taxi company. It was usually fine. I just don’t recommend doing it in countries without good car-seat laws. The quality might be low and they might not know how to install it properly.

I always used the hotel crib . They were often playards and were fine, but I learned quickly to pack a playard-sized fitted sheet because they never have sheets that fit properly.

A light baby carrier that folds will keep your hands free if the baby falls asleep on you on the plane. Just be ready to take it off when you go through security checks.

Put more formula, snacks and diapers than you ought to need for your flight in your diaper bag. You don’t want to get caught short if there are delays and you can’t get to your luggage.

I quickly learned to always to pack lollipops , too. It keeps tots occupied during take-off and landing, when other forms of entertainment might not be available. And it can help alleviate ear pain from the changing pressure. The landing lollipop became a part of the flight that Tiny Traveler looked forward to.

Finally, pop by Target or a similar store before your trip and pick up an inexpensive toy (or two) that will be a novelty and help to keep your toddler occupied.

Your Baby & Toddler Vacation Packing List

  • Diapers/wipes/changing pad
  • Baby Powder or diaper paste
  • Several onesies
  • Several changes of clothes
  • Sun hat or winter hat
  • Crib or playard sheet (hotels have cribs or placards but they never have the right sheets)
  • 2 Burp cloths
  • Bath-time essentials (towel, washcloth, baby soap/shampoo)
  • Pool/bath toys (just a few, but they really come in handy)
  • Small bottle of baby laundry detergent
  • Small bottle of dish detergent (handy for getting spills and stains out of your clothes)
  • A few picture books
  • Bottles or spill-proof sippy cups
  • Feeding essentials (bowl, spoon, fork, bib, place mat)
  • Essential baby food & snacks

Optional Items

  • Car seat (and bag if you’re gate-checking)
  • Travel crib (and bag if gate-checking)
  • Swim diapers (if there is a pool or beach involved)
  • Bathing suit and cozy cover-up
  • Extra pacifiers

Your Baby & Toddler Carry-On Packing List

  •  2 day’s worth of diapers/wipes
  • Changing pad
  • Extra outfit (2 for long flights)
  • Fleece or sweater
  • Bottle or sippy cup
  • Pre-measured formula
  • Extra baby food & snacks
  • A few small toys
  • Crayons and paper
  • Downloaded videos (a couple of reliable favorites to supplement whatever the plane might have)
  • Toddler-sized headphones
  • Stroller (ideally with a bag for gate-checking)
  • Front baby carrier
  • Harness or car seat (optional)
  • Infant Hammock (optional)

Print the list!

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This simple, complete packing list for traveling with a baby or toddler makes it easy to get ready for your vacation. There's a complete carry-on check list, too.

Disney Cruise Packing List

Posted on Published: 06/03/2024

If you are headed out on a Disney Cruise, you’ll want to make sure that you have a good Disney Cruise packing list for your trip. Imagine opening your bag after arriving at your vacation destination, and you realize that you have forgotten to pack something essential. If you are on vacation in a city or suburban location, it should be fairly easy to replace most items by stopping at a local store.

But, if you are on a cruise ship , it can be pretty challenging. Shops on cruises only stock the most basic supplies, and the stores aren’t always open. Even if you do find what you need, it’s likely to be more expensive than you’ll want to spend.

Be sure to go through everything you are packing more than once so that you have everything that you need for your trip. Here are some things you’ll want to include on your Disney Cruise packing list.

This post contains affiliate links. A purchase/click through one of these posts may result in a commission paid to us. All opinions are my own. I went on one media cruise and two cruises at a discount as part of Disney Social Media Moms but have been on over a dozen at my own expense. 

When booking a Disney Cruise, I recommend booking with Get Away Today. Plus, when you mention Family Travel Magazine, you get an extra $25 onboard credit! Give their agents a call at 877-510-2929.

Disney cruise ship docked at Castaway Cay (Disney Cruise Line packing list)

Be Prepared With Our Disney Cruise Packing List

When I get ready to start packing for a Disney Cruise, I make a list for each member of my family. Looking at the weather forecast for our destinations, I decide what type of clothes we should bring (shorts, pants, etc). Now that my kids are a bit older, they pack their own clothes and I review everything before it goes into a suitcase.

Tip – spread everyone’s clothes among each suitcase. That way, if a suitcase goes missing, there will be other items in the other bags. Make sure you label each bag with your identification, as well as the tags that Disney provides.

I also recommend putting an AirTag in/on your bag if you are flying. In 2022, when flying into MCO for a Disney Cruise, our luggage was left at Boston Logan Airport . The AirTags showed us that the bags were still in Boston, not on the next Orlando-bound flight the employee assumed.

What you need for your Disney cruise will vary depending on what your itinerary is. If you are traveling on a warm-weather vacation, you’ll need more swimsuits and sunscreen, while you’ll need warmer clothes for a cooler-weather cruise.

This list just includes suggestions – be sure to go over your list completely to ensure you have exactly what you need, even if it’s not listed in this post. Make sure you review the weather at each of your ports of call before you start packing. Even if you know weather averages, you’ll want to see the exact forecast before you go.

A note on the pirate night – pirate night on the Disney Cruise Line can be a BIG deal. Lots of families go all out in dressing up. But don’t feel obligated at all. We never dress up and it’s not unusual. If you do want to dress up, consider bringing anything along like bandanas, eye patches, full costumes, glow sticks, hats, etc.

For a Warm Weather Cruise

For a warm-weather cruise, you’ll want to include the following for each member of your family:

  • Day outfits (several – if you plan to wear your swimsuit most days, you can re-wear many of these outfits)
  • Evening outfits (for dinner, evening activities)
  • One formal night outfit (more if you plan to eat at Palo , Enchante, or Remy – review their dress code before packing)
  • At least one sweater for cooler nights and air conditioning in the dining rooms
  • Passport and other cruise documents
  • 1-2 bathing suits with cover-ups. I like to have more than one in case it doesn’t dry right away. Also, pack flip-flops or other beach shoes.
  • Pajamas (something I always seem to forget)
  • Medications, including prescriptions and over-the-counter medications you may need on your trip as well as motion sickness medication if needed
  • Pirate night gear, if your itinerary includes a pirate night
  • Lanyard to hold your Key to the World Card, unless you are in the Castaway Club (you’ll receive a complimentary lanyard if you are)

Also, pack the following:

  • Stateroom door magnets (if you want to decorate your Disney Cruise Line door )
  • Fish extender gifts
  • Beach bag/ day bag/ backpack ( this is my favorite )
  • Beach toys for Castaway Cay if your itinerary includes it

For a Cooler Weather Cruise

  • Day outfits (at least one per day)
  • One formal night outfit (more if you plan to eat at Palo or Remy – review their dress code before packing)
  • Warmer clothing (sweaters, coats, etc)
  • Gloves and hats
  • Passport and other cruise documents if you are traveling out of the country
  • Sunscreen (if you’ll encounter any sun)
  • Bug spray (depending on destination)
  • 1-2 bathing suits with cover-ups. I like to have more than one in case it doesn’t dry right away. Even if the weather isn’t warm, you may want to use the hot tub and/or spa. Also, pack flip-flops or other beach shoes.
  • Medications, including prescriptions and over-the-counter medications you may need on your trip as well as motion sickness medication
  • Door magnets and other stateroom door decor (if you want to decorate your Disney Cruise Line door )
  • Day bag/ backpack

You won’t need to pack a hair dryer, iron, or power strip. The room includes a hair dryer, and irons and power strips aren’t allowed. If you do need to iron an outfit, there are laundry/ironing rooms located on the ship. You can do laundry on the ship yourself if you need to.

Disney Cruise Line at Castaway Cay

When traveling on the Disney Cruise Line, you’ll want to pack a day bag for your first day on the ship . Your luggage won’t be delivered to your room until later in the day on embarkation day. In the day bag, you’ll want to include:

  • Bathing suits (if you plan to go to the pool deck before you set sail)
  • Valuables (don’t leave these in your checked bag)
  • Medications (just in case you need them or your bag gets lost)
  • Sunscreen (if you are going to be in the sun on that first day)
  • Basic toiletries
  • Magnets to decorate your room
  • Evening clothes for dinner (in case your bags don’t arrive in time)
  • Baby products (if you are traveling with a baby)
  • Cruise documents and passports
  • Chargers for your phone in case you need it before your luggage arrives

Depending on when you embark, you won’t be able to access your room right away on embarkation day, so make sure you can actually carry your day bag around. You won’t want it to be too heavy.

If your kids are older, you may want to have them carry small backpacks with their own essentials. Some families choose to put their kids in their swimsuits under clothes so that they can head right to the pool. If you do this, be sure to pack some dry clothes in the bag so they can change, especially if your bags don’t arrive before dinnertime.

Before you leave, it’s also a good idea to load the Disney Cruise Line Navigator app to your smartphone. With the app, you can see activities, load a deck plan, and communicate with your friends and family on the ship.

If you won’t have WiFi on the ship, you’ll want to do this before you set sail so it’s all set when you leave. The app works on the ship’s WiFi, and you won’t need to pay to use it.

Have you been on a Disney Cruise? If so, would you add anything else to this Disney Cruise packing list?

Want to use our starter packing lists? Start out with these packing lists to get a general overview of what you may want to pack. I like to print one of the child lists for each kid, and the master list for myself. They are available exclusively to subscribers.

globe and suitcase icons with words

More Disney Cruise Ships Resources: Click to read more about the Disney Cruise Line ships including restaurants, tips, itineraries, activities, and more.

Disney Cruise Ship docked at Castaway Cay

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  7. Trip management

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    Packr will help you pack your suitcase for each trip. The packing list is based on your destination (city, country or region), travel dates and activities. Packr creates a packing checklist for ...

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  10. The Best Packing List Apps For Travelers in 2023

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  12. About Packr Travel Packing List

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  14. Packr Travel Packing Checklist for iOS

    The packing list is based on your destination (city, country or region), travel dates and activities. PACKING CHECKLIST Packr creates a packing checklist for your suitcase from 24 pre-defined ...

  15. Make travel easy: The best packing apps for every type of traveler

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  16. Packr Travel Packing List 4+

    The packing list is based on your destination (city, country or region), travel dates and activities. PACKING CHECKLIST Packr creates a packing checklist for your suitcase from 24 pre-defined activities. Based on length of stay, weather and planned activities, your packing list will be ready in no time.

  17. 6 of the Best Packing Apps for Travelers (2023 Guide)

    One feature I really like is the inclusion of a "To-Do's" section. It's a smart choice, as packing preparation often goes hand-in-hand with general trip preparation. The premium version also adds unlimited packing lists, exporting to PDF and other apps, backing up your data, and removing ads. iOS or Android, free or $4.99 for Premium. Packr

  18. The Ultimate Personal Item Packing List

    Travel Motto: "Don't be boring." Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat: ... Follow this personal item packing checklist to ensure an easy and organized experience on your next flight.

  19. Make Packing For Your Next Trip A Breeze With This Helpful Tool

    Similar to PackPoint, Packr Travel Packing List is a free app, but its premium version unlocks more features like the ability to share your packing list with other travelers. It also has Family Mode to make a packing list for multiple family members. Packr is unique in that when entering your trip details like activities and destination, you ...

  20. Frequently asked questions

    To change from the Metric system to Imperial system (U.S. miles) and vice versa, tap on the menu button of the home screen, then select Settings . On the settings screen, tap on Distance Unit to cycle through Metric / U.S. Previous Packr Help Next Packing List. Last updated 1 year ago.

  21. Packr

    There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Reload page. 2,316 Followers, 92 Following, 111 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Packr - travel packing list 🛄 (

  22. The Ultimate Packing List

    For a longer trip (over a week), you can manage with one pair of underwear and socks per day, two pairs of pajamas, three dressier outfits, three to four casual outfits, two pairs of shoes, and ...

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  24. Vacation Packing List: 27 Essentials for Any Trip

    W hile every vacation packing list ultimately looks different based on a variety of factors - the destination, traveler(s), budget and more - consider this guide a jumping-off point for the ...

  25. Print This Easy Packing List for Travel With A Baby or Toddler

    This simple, complete packing list for traveling with a baby or toddler makes it easy to get ready for your vacation. There's a complete carry-on check list, too. Eileen Gunn at FamiliesGo!

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    A Mamma Mia-inspired list wouldn't be complete without our take on Donna's classic overalls.This vintage pair from Levi's is a classic you'll wear for years to come, and pairs well over a ...

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    June 2024 update: This article will help you get your summer carry-on packing list sorted. ... (June 6-10) to get up to 70% off travel, patio furniture and more. There's a standard uniform every traveler seems to wear: flowy elephant pants, pointy straw hats (or woven chullo hats in cold weather destinations), and giant, hulking backpacks. ...

  28. Disney Cruise Packing List

    Disney Cruise Packing List, ... Plus, when you mention Family Travel Magazine, you get an extra $25 onboard credit! Give their agents a call at 877-510-2929. Be Prepared With Our Disney Cruise Packing List. When I get ready to start packing for a Disney Cruise, I make a list for each member of my family. Looking at the weather forecast for our ...