Michael Bublé at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition: Event Review

On the 29 th of January, Michael Bublé had the honour of being the first performer to ever grace the stage of Jakarta ’s brand new convention center, the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE). After the show ended, it was clear that no one else deserved it more than him.

“I don’t put on concerts. Concerts are boring. I throw a party and you’re all invited,” Bublé said at the start of the night. He certainly stayed true to his words, as the show was explosive from start to finish. He opened the show with a rendition of the jazz classic, “ Fever ” – complete with pyrotechnics that made the performance both musically and visually dazzling. It soon turned into a dance party as Bublé sang his hit song, “ Haven’t Met You Yet ”, from his 2009 studio album Crazy Love .

The atmosphere in the concert hall had already skyrocketed into the stratosphere, and after the second song, Bublé took some time to welcome the audience to his show. It was his very first performance in Jakarta, and he made it clear to the audience how much he appreciated it when he got down on his hands and kissed the stage below him. It was safe to say that people were more than ecstatic when he did that.

Bublé then showcased his more gentle and romantic side by singing, “ Try a Little Tenderness ,” which displayed his stunning vocal ability and range. Of course, what would be a Michale Bublé concert without any Sinatra ? “ You Make Me Feel So Young ” and “ Come Dance With Me ” were two up-tempo songs that definitely brought a shot of energy back to the crowd.

One of the highlights of the night was Bublé performance of “ Feeling Good .” Watching him sing this particular song was a magical sensation – it felt almost like being brought to life one note at a time. It was then time for him to introduce his band, which was certainly just as dynamic of a performance as the rest of the show. In an NHL Draft style presentation, he introduced his band members one by one, and if there is one thing to pick up from his display that night, it’s the fact that Michael Bublé is a funny guy. No one in the audience could dispute the fact, we were all laughing too hard.

He then went back to business, singing his hit song, “ Everything ” – of course, the crowd was back on their feet by then, singing along to every single word. It’s always quite a spectacular thing to witness, being in an entire stadium full of people singing along to the same song and being a part of the same experience together. Even Bublé seemed to recognize that, as he delivered a touching message to the fans before singing the emotional “ Home .”

It wasn’t long before the misty-eyed Bublé brought back to the party that he had promised, as he made his way through the crowd while singing Daft Punk ’s “ Get Lucky ” accompanied by his opening act, Naturally 7 – an electric a Cappella group from New York. They brought back Motown in a rendition of Michael Jackson ’s “ Who’s Loving You ”, which was just as soulful as the original itself. He then topped it off by singing, “ All You Need is Love ” – complete with heart-shaped confetti raining down on the crowd, before returning to the main stage for the finale.

He brought the show to a close by singing “ Burning Love ” and “ Beautiful Day ” – the chart-topping hit from his latest album, To Be Loved . However, the real magic came when he returned for the encore, which was arguably, the best part of the show.

After a dramatic performance of “ Cry Me a River ” and the vibrant dance tune “ Save the Last Dance for Me ,” Bublé’s time in the ICE was about to come to an end. It was in his final performance, “ A Song For You ,” where he really stunned the audience by singing the last verse in a Cappella. It was vocally remarkable, his voice stretching out to the ends of the stadium. The impact it made was impossible to forget. Bublé’s tour will commence with another performance in Manila this Saturday, and to all of those planning to attend, it’s going to be a spectacular party that you wouldn’t want to miss.


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Cerita Michael Buble tentang Album Baru dan Keinginannya Konser di Indonesia

Kompas.com hype.

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Cynthia Lova,

Tim Redaksi

Cynthia Lova

Penulis kistyarini.

Michael Buble mengungkapkan lagu andalannya dalam album itu adalah "I'll Never Not Love You".

Michael Buble mengatakan, lagu apapun yang ia pilih untuk diluncurkan tidak akan salah pilih.

"Mungkin karena saya beruntung, mungkin karena kerja keras, atau mungkin karena berkat Tuhan, tapi pada akhirnya saya menghasilkan musik terbaik yang pernah saya buat sepanjang hidup saya," ujar Michael Buble dalam siaran di Sapa Indonesia Akhir Pekan Kompas TV, Sabtu (9/4/2022).

Baca juga: Jadi Musisi Sejak Usia 16 Tahun, Michael Buble Bersyukur Masih Bisa Ciptakan Album Bermutu

Bersyukur masih ciptakan album yang baik

Michael Buble mulai menjadi penyanyi profesional sejak usia 16 tahun.

Ia bersyukur kini masih bisa eksis dan menciptakan album yang baik.

"Saya sudah 20 tahun dikontrak. Saya mulai saat usia saya 16 tahun, sekarang saya 46 tahun, jadi bahkan lebih lama lagi," ujar Michael Buble.

"Bahwa saya bisa bertahan selama ini, begitu menikmati pekerjaan ini, dan menciptakan sebuah album yang merupakan karya terbaik yang pernah saya ciptakan, saya sendiri masih terkejut dan sangat bersyukur," sambungnya.

Baca juga: Michael Buble Ungkap Kekagumannya pada Bruno Mars

Di album Higher , Michael Buble bekerja sama dengan Willie Nelson, Sir Paul McCartney, Bob Rock, dan masih banyak lagi.

Kagum dengan Bruno Mars

Selain tentang albumnya, Michael Buble juga bicara mengenai kekagumannya pada penyanyi Bruno Mars.

Buble menilai Bruno Mars adalah salah satu penyanyi dan penulis terbaik saat ini.

Michael Buble ingin suatu saat…

Tag michael buble michael buble kompastv.


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Michael Bublé is a Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter originally from Burnaby in Canada who has sold over thirty million records worldwide.

Bublé's talents for jazz were first recognised at Christmas time when he was aged just thirteen yet managed to powerfully sing out a line from the popular 'White Christmas' on a family car ride. Bublé was encouraged to pursue singing by his Italian grandfather who booked him his first gig playing a club at the age of sixteen and then continued to pay for the singer's vocal lessons where he was coached by opera baritone Joseph Shore. His grandfather passionately supported his career, believing Michael was destined to be "an opening act for somebody in Las Vegas", he was inspired by his grandfather's jazz collection and continued to developed his classic Sinattra style.

Bublé's rise to fame was not considered easy, after winning a Canada Youth Talent Search competition, he asked Bev Delich to become his manager who then continued to book him every available gig including talent shows, conventions and cruise ships. His break came through the release of his self titled debut album in 2003 which debuted in the top ten of the Canadian charts, and topped the Australian top 40. His second album 'It's Time' faired better, topping charts in Canada, hitting top five in the UK and denting the top ten in the US where the album has gone on to sell nearly four millions.

His following two releases topped the charts in the UK, US, Canada and Australia and turned Bublé into a household name. His big band stylings and classic performance style won him a huge following who craved for the big brass of the 60's and 70's, his tours are known for his energetic stage personas and impressive vocal performance. He became an even more consistent household addition with the release of his 2011 album 'Christmas' which featured his distinct jazz vocal covering some holiday classics, it was another huge commercial success and was one of the year's biggest selling albums in the UK and Australia.

Live reviews

Write a review for Michael Bublé: more like write a book, the story of my dreams coming true :)

It all started back in about 2005, I started my first year of high school and as we all know sisters seem to have the natural inclination of claiming things from each other (without the other sister knowing of course). Now, I didn't feel the need to claim my older sister's clothes and make-up but I did however find a certain something that I was just never going to give back! At that stage my sister was working and I didn't really get an allowance so I thought I could borrow a few CD's to listen to on my walkman :) Michael Bublé's first self titled album happened to be one of the CD's I borrowed.

Needles to say I fell in love with the music and his voice and I did not return that CD! A few years later, they had a poster put up in the North of Johannesburg, near the Coca Cola Dome, announcing a Michael Bublé concert. I was obviously over the moon and immediately asked my father to please buy me a ticket, I must see his concert. My father did not see the need to buy me a ticket though, because Michael was not an artist that he had heard of, so he thought it would not be worth the money to buy for me.

In 2011, a new tour was announced and I was over the moon, I was working and could afford to buy my own ticket this time! However, the universe had a different plan for me. Tickets were sold out, radio stations (one specific radio station) was having competitions to win tickets, which I tried for every day I had to sit in my mother's car to listen to the radio because their was no signal in the flats we were living in. I tried twitter competitions as well and I just did not have any luck. My one friend had two tickets to the show, but she refused to sell me one ticket because she was taking her boyfriend with, which hurt even more because I knew he would not appreciate it as much as I would. I then when to the extent of looking at the on-line stores where people sell that things they do not want. People sold tickets for right at the back of the venue for R3000 a ticket, which was just ridiculous, who can afford that?

It was announced again last year (2014) that Michael will be touring here again. I WENT BALLISTIC! This time I was able to bag some really great seats... the odds were in my favour this time! :)

I had a count down set up to the big day, got all dressed up, bought some nice merchandise and then got a bit worried... You know often we build such great expectations, that real life can not reach that high we have set up in our minds... The opening act started.. Naturally 7, From the word go I had goosebumps all over! I was hitting my boyfriend's leg like an excited kid! They performed a few songs that I did not know and I was honestly having a blast listening to them, then they started performing their version of Coldplay - Fix you. I was sold! I sent my boyfriend to buy their CD while they were still performing (just in case it was sold out before we got a copy, haha) When they were done, the team started setting up the stage for the band, I waited as patiently as I could...

There was an introduction song that started up like a song from an old Hollywood film.

I clapped my hands together - again - like a kid. I could be mistaken because I was so excited, but the intro for cry me a river started playing and as it ended, FIRE WORKS, the curtain opened and standing on the ramp, my ultimate inspiration. He started singing Fever and slid down the ramp and the rest of the show was MAGIC!!!

I sang to each of the songs, danced and clapped my hands, I laughed and smiled so much that my face hurt! It was truly an amazing experience! He moved through the crowds, charmed them even. What a humble, funny guy!

Before the show started I told my boyfriend, " I know you think Michael isn't bad, but I BET YOU that after tonight you will think 1000 times more of him and his performance skills" after the show, I said to him I TOLD YOU SO :) he enjoyed it just as much as I did.

Going to his show was a dream come true for me, It was long awaited (since 2005), I thought my high expectations might ruin the show for me, but He met those high expectations and even topped them! I know it sounds far fetched to say, but HONESTLY this was the best night of my life! I would even go as far as saying, if I had the kind of money, I would follow his tours around the world!

I hope my review put in to perspective how awesome his show was and for those that think "Michael's music is boring or his show is boring" you will miss out if you do not go and see for yourself!

AMAZING talent

AMAZING person

I hope he comes back soon :)

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meagan-watkins’s profile image

When i first watched Michael Bublé's live concert at Madison Square Garden through his DVD back in 2013, i knew that one day, in the distant future, i would sit in his live concert, enjoying his soulful voice, his vibrant music genres from jazz to pop, his charming witty humoring jokes.

And that one day came at 2015 February 6th. It was a magical night, an amazing experience he took us, the audience, all along.

From the cool-to-max-pyrotech "Fever" to upbeat staple "Haven't Met You Yet", Michael rocked the stage right off the first ten minutes. People danced to his songs, people joined in the fun by clapping their hands all along. And you would have a hard time believing how Michael Bublé was able to bring the whole Nippon Budokan to shake with him.

As he said, he was not doing a concert, but he was having a party, with us; his fans. It was a ride from the slow sad but honest "Try A Little Tenderness", following with multiple mash up from his hits of previous albums, you can be of sure that "To Be Loved" World Tour was full of Bublé's elements from the start of his career to the latest success of him.

Often we heard people or critics complaining that artists/singers fake their concert by using autotune, to prevent failure or so. But in Michael's show, be ready to hear his truest voice to the deepest end. In fact, he was being complete honest when he said he screwed up "Feeling Good". But Michael, don't worry. Your honesty won over every flaws there were. The effort and energy vibrated from you were just so strong that those flaws are what made you perfect.

Michael performed his self-labelled-its-sucks "Home", which crooned over everyone in the hall. I mean, who could have resisted to not think of their loves when he sang "i'd my run, baby i'm done, i want to go home".

Along with that, we also had Naturally 7 joined in the fun, with Motown classic "Who's Loving You", "To Love Somebody" and "Get Lucky". Forgot to mention, Naturally 7 warmed the hall up before Michael, and boy did they warm the hall, they pretty much rocked the hall and prepared us to meet the "feverish" man right after.

Not to mention also, the "Team Bublé" that performed all the musics flawlessly. It was one thing to watch their performance through videos, and another to truly enjoy their performance live. That bass, that saxophone, that trumpet, that trombone and others; the musical notes just sounded so much magical in live. Oh the ever superb percussion!

All in all, it was definitely a night well spent. You won't regret the money you bought to enjoy this man's talent. I will go for his concerts in future again, again and again, just like his sincere honesty in "Song For You", that very last part where he sang with no mic, and got my goosebumps up,

"And when my life is over, I'll remember when we were together,

'Cause we're alone, and I was singing my song for you."

We all love you, Michael Bublé.

r-watson-chung’s profile image

Naturally 7, which was the opening act for the Michael Bublé concert here in Ottawa last nite, was PHENOMENAL!!!!!! By far the best opening act I have ever seen. They had us up out of our seats dancing to their acoustic sound. No instruments, all sounds performed by themselves using their mouth. Certainly had us warmed up for the man himself, the wonderful, soulful, funny Michael Bublé. Michael puts on a show like no other. He is simply the best, in my opinion of course. His charm and wit resonated throughout his performance last nite. I had never been to a concert of his before, but, I can honestly say that last nite will not be my last. Aside from him being a world renowed artist who hails from CANADA, he is really down to earth. All his fame and fortune has not gone to his head, like it has for many other artists in the business. He is very proud to talk about his wife and son and being a first time Dad. Sure he makes some sexual jokes, which did not offend me. I very much enjoyed his humour, as did many others in attendance last nite. He also spoke very fondly of his dear Grandpa, who was actually in the audience who received a huge round of applause.

He sung all my favourites: Fever, Home, Close Your Eyes, Crazy Love, Save the Last Dance for Me, amongst many others. His voice is always smooth and certainly puts you in the mood. I was actually surprised as to how many men were at the concert. Whether they were dragged by their wife/girlfriend didn't matter, it was nice to see in a sea of women. I had a really great seat as front row beside middle stage where the sound crew sat. One of the highlites for me was when his gorgeous wife arrived with their son with his headphones on to this area. Michael was singing with Naturally 7 on this stage and stopped to admire both of them and had is very adorable son's face put on the big screen. He really is one smitten husband and Dad.

Michael did not want to finish the concert last nite, nor did I want him to. I was enjoying myself so much and when I looked around me, so was everyone else.

When I attend a concert, I want to be entertained and last nite I was thoroughly entertained. Thank you Michael for giving me the best Wednesday nite in a very long time and I look forward to the next time we meet again.

A fan from day one.

dboivin70’s profile image

Seeing Michael Buble live was something I’d dreamed of for years, and when I finally was able to experience an O2 Arena performance, I was not disappointed at all. The show, beginning to end was spectacular. The vocals, performance, and atmosphere was stunning.

The supports were pretty good at warming up the crowd ready for Michaels performance, and by the time he was ready to come on stage, the arena was buzzing. It’s awesome how he really interacts with the crowd, and even in such a massive venue he was addressing all areas of the stadium and even hopped down to grab the hands of some of the standing audience in the front which was so cool.

All his classic songs were so amazing and everyone was on their feet and singing along. It’s incredible how he can maintain such a strong vocal performance throughout 2 hours of nonstop singing with so much energy. Even if you’re not a fan, I think that it’s a concert for everyone and seeing him live will convert you.

yazhow’s profile image

Michael Buble was full of energy Saturday at Air Canada Centre and the result was a concert that won't soon be forgotten. It started with an amazing opening act from Naturally 7, a band that uses its voices as the instruments and continued with a wide array of Buble favorites, including "All you need is love" performed by the singer as white and red hearts floated down from the roof. He had the crowd dancing in their seats at times and those who wouldn't dance, he had highlighted on the big screens on either side of the stage until they started dancing. With the opening act, the show lasted nearly three hours and I don't see how anyone could have gone home disappointed. It was a great night. if I had but one regret, it was that Buble did not perform my favorite song of his, Summer Wind, but there were sure lots of other great songs to make up for that. It was a most memorable night.

jeff-wilkinson’s profile image

I'm not a fan of Michael Bublé. I don't dislike him, I think he's very talented and good at what he does. But I'm just not into him/his music all that much, just indiferrent.

However I went to the concert with my family relatives and significant other — who happen to LOVE him and his music.

It was great to see him on stage, along with fantastic opening act Emeli Sandé. Bublé was coming back on stage after a few years and whereas I would have expected a more polished "american show", he went in more relaxed, taking the time to talk with the audience and make jokes. It was a lot of fun, and he's a lot funnier than I anticipated. I definitely laughed at his comedic bits, not something I anticipated.

In terms of the show and the performance itself, you can tell the guy is a pro, and his band was just as great!

Overall a suprisingly great time!

iTibz’s profile image

This Concert was AMAZING! I loved every minute, it was full of love and laughter AND all of my favourite songs. Thank You Michael! On your previous trip to ANZ Stadium it was so washed out with the rain you even said we all looked like a row of condoms sitting in our plastic rain covers and all I could see of you was a pin prick size picture on a large TV screen...it was so disappointing after flying in from Queensland. BUT this time our seats were near the front and it was great to see and hear you in the flesh! It made up for all the disappointment of the previous trip...and you are the only artist I have ever been to a concert for, I will try to go every time you return to Australia, so PLEASE come back soon. I recommend this artist and concert to all ages it was fantastic...We need a new album of all your own songs please.

frank4u2’s profile image

Michael Buble’s concert in Sydney was definately one of the best shows I’ve ever seen! First, the band, the arrangemets which all were changed even more bigger than I new them before, backing vocalists and their movements :), setlist itself. A very good and precise lightning and director work.

But of course, it all would have been nothing, if there wasn’t such an indescribably perfect frontman!!!

The combination of perfect humor, musicallity, good taste of music and singing. The very special charming movements, his looks etc..

the very memorable moment for me was the lady from the fan zone who started to sing.. But not because of the nice singing, but the mistery about the band joining. I think I figured it out how you guys did it and again say wow!! :)

Thank you for the amazing evening!

kadri-koppel-1’s profile image

The concert was fantastic!

Obviously the voice was out of this world, even when you are all the way back in the cheap seats :) *The orchestra was amazing too! Not only is he an amazing singer he is a great entertainer as well. Michael Bublé interacts with the audience (he even gets people up on stage with him to sing) and makes the audience feel at home. He stops after a few songs to talk to the audience about how happy he is to see this audience in front of him. He even makes the audience laugh with occasional jokes! The visuals, so the screens and the set up, were beautiful.

It was an amazing experience and I would love to go to one of his concerts again.

amelie_bianca’s profile image

When seeing Michael expect more of a show than a concert. Needless to say, it was amazing. He really draws you in with his sense of humor and shows how down to earth he can be. He takes breaks in between songs to talk and crack jokes which kept everyone's interest throughout. Not that he needed to stop between songs but it was quite refreshing to experience a concert in that sort of way. The venue we watched the show in was quite large but somehow he makes the concert feel very intimate. His encore was breathtaking and very unexpected. Over all no matter how old or young you are (although I wouldn't recommend bringing your kids to this!) this is something you would enjoy!

MonaBegum’s profile image

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Michael Buble to Stage First Ever Concert in Indonesia

Explore Indonesia Activities

Published on December 4, 2014

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Another huge name in the global music scene is about light up the capital city with yet another exceptional performance, when Canadian Pop Superstar,  Michael Buble  stages his first ever concert on  29 th  January 2015  at the brand new   Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE)  hall at  BSD City, South Tangerang , just at the outskirts of  Jakarta .

The concert forms part of  Michael Buble’s Asia Tour 2015 , which include other cities in Asia, such as Shanghai, Singapore, Bangkok, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, and Tokyo.

Greeting his fans for the first time ever in Jakarta, the charismatic singer will definitely indulge the audience with his distinct voice through some of his popular hits such as “Home”, “Everything”, “Haven’t Met You Yet”, “To Be Loved and Feeling Good”, and more. To add to  the hype of the performance, there will be 2 stages in the concert hall: the main stage and stage B, which is nearer to the audience. Buble will walk from the main stage to stage B to get even closer  to his fans. The concert will also feature the latest sound system and lighting equipment, where 70% will be brought by Buble’s own team to ensure the best quality performance.

Uniquely, aside from all technical preparations, Michael Buble is said to have specially requested some of Indonesia’s most popular culinary dishes  including  Rendang , the signature dish of  Padang , Jakarta’s special  Gado-gado , and the popular “ gorengan ” fried snacks.

Born 9 th  September 1975, Michael Steven Buble is famed Canadian singer, songwriter, and actor who has won several awards, including four Grammy Awards, and multiple Juno Awards. His first album reached the top ten in Canada and the UK. He found worldwide audience with his 2005 album It’s Time, and his 2007 album Call Me Irresponsible that reached number one on the Canadian Albums Chart, the UK Albums Chart, the U.S. Billboard 200 albums chart, the Australian ARIA Albums Chart and several European charts.

In his  latest press conference, Roderick Tjandra from Dyandra entertainment,  promoters of the concert explained that the enthusiasm for Michael Buble’s first concert in Jakarta is exceptionally  high. Ticket sales which were opened online since 7 th November 2014 was accessed by so many people that the server even crashed. Tickets for the concert are in  6 categories: Purple (IDR850,000), Green(IDR1,500,000), Yellow(IDR2,250,000), Red(IDR3,250,000), VIP(IDR4,500,000), and Platinum(IDR6,000,000).

For tickets reservation and more information, log on to:  http://www.dyandraentertainment.com/michaelbuble/

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Michael Bublé Extends 2022 Tour Dates: Ticket Presale Code & On-Sale Info

Francesco Marano

by Francesco Marano

Published june 14, 2022.

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2022 is becoming the biggest year for Michael Bublé in quite some time.

In March, the singer-songwriter released Higher , his first new LP since 2018. This week, he extended his tour dates across Canada, with a baker's dozen of shows in his home country happening at large-scale venues in October.

Bublé needs no introduction as one of the most in-demand singers in the worlds of jazz and pop. At this time, he is on pace to play over 70 concerts across four continents in 2022. After a festival appearance in Spain, Bublé tours the UK in July before embarking on a North American summer tour. To close out the year, he is doing a South American tour in November and an Australian tour in December.

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When do Michael Bublé 2022 tour tickets go on sale and what is the presale code?

The general public on-sale begins as early as June 17. Presales for fan club members are currently underway. American Express cardholder, Live Nation, LN Mobile App, Spotify, Ticketmaster, and local venues / radio presales will follow. Tickets for the previously announced shows are now on sale. Keep in mind, each date is different and details are subject to change.

For the American Express presale, you can use the promo password INGOLD , but you will need the card to complete your purchase. The Live Nation presale password is DAZZLE , and the LN Mobile App code is COVERT . Click through the individual concert links for more information about the show you're interested in.

We recommend following Michael Bublé on social media and signing up for his free email newsletter , in addition to checking your local venue’s social media and email subscription service, to get the most up-to-date information.

For more, check out the Michael Bublé Zumic artist page .

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Michael Bublé returned to the Ziggo Dome on the 22nd of March 2023 as part of his Higher Tour! 

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Apr 26 , 2022

Michael buble september 7, 2022.

April 26, 2022 (Saint Paul, MN) - Great news Bublé fans! The Grammy winning, multi-platinum superstar entertainer Michael Bublé will be back on the road with his brand new “Higher” tour and is coming to Xcel Energy Center on September 7. Tickets will go on sale Friday, May 6 at 10 a.m. at Ticketmaster.

The 27-city U.S. tour, announced by national tour promoter Beaver Productions, includes stops at NYC’s Madison Square Garden on August 18 and LA’s Crypto.com Arena on September 23.

Bublé’s previous global tour which ended in 2021 spanned across 25 countries worldwide and included 61 sold-out U.S. shows alone and a collective audience of well over 800,000 fans. His just released new studio album Higher is his ninth Top 10 on Billboard’s Album Sales Chart.

With unstoppable talent, energy and a voice that is equally at home singing standards, pop tunes, swing, jazz, r & b and comedy, it’s no wonder that when Michael Bublé gets to town, the party begins. You don’t want to miss it!

And for Mother’s Day (it’s coming up!), what better gift than a pair of tickets to Michael Bublé’s "Higher" show.

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  7. Michael Buble to Stage First Ever Concert in Indonesia

    Another huge name in the global music scene is about light up the capital city with yet another exceptional performance, when Canadian Pop Superstar, Michael Buble stages his first ever concert on 29 th January 2015 at the brand new Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) hall at BSD City, South Tangerang, just at the outskirts of Jakarta. The concert forms part of Michael Buble's Asia Tour ...

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    Global tour expands to 69 concerts. 2022 is becoming the biggest year for Michael Bublé in quite some time. In March, the singer-songwriter released Higher, his first new LP since 2018. This week ...

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    Rebel Heart Tour. 05 dec. Madonna. Rebel Heart Tour. 28 nov. Racoon. 3FM Presents. 27 nov. Michael Bublé returned to the Ziggo Dome on the 22nd of March 2023 as part of his Higher Tour!

  20. Michael Bublé

    Event Info. Great news Bublé fans! The Grammy winning, multi-platinum superstar entertainer Michael Bublé will be back on the road with his brand new "Higher" tour and is coming to Xcel Energy Center on September 7.. Bublé's previous global tour which ended in 2021 spanned across 25 countries worldwide and included 61 sold-out US shows alone and a collective audience of well over 800,000 ...

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    April 26, 2022 (Saint Paul, MN) - Great news Bublé fans! The Grammy winning, multi-platinum superstar entertainer Michael Bublé will be back on the road with his brand new "Higher" tour and is coming to Xcel Energy Center on September 7. Tickets will go on sale Friday, May 6 at 10 a.m. at Ticketmaster. The 27-city U.S. tour, announced by ...

  22. Michael Bublé Official Website

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