Meghalaya's Mawphlang Sacred Forest Travel Guide

mawphlang tourist spot

Perched on the East Khasi Hills near Mawphlang village and surrounded by fields, Mawphlang Sacred Forest is one of the must-see places in Meghalaya in remote northeast India . There are many sacred forests in these hills and the state's Jaintia Hills. However, this one is the most well-known. It may appear to be unremarkable, and even somewhat disappointing, to the uninitiated. However, a local Khasi guide will unveil its mystery.

Stepping into the forest reveals an astonishing network of plants and trees, all connected. Some of them, which are believed to be more than 1,000 years old, are full of ancient wisdom. There are many medicinal plants, including those that can apparently cure cancer and tuberculosis, and Rudraksh trees (the seeds of which are used in religious ceremonies). Orchids, carnivorous insect eating pitcher plants, ferns, and mushrooms also abound. 

Although the forest has some impressive biodiversity, this alone isn't what makes it so sacred.  According to local tribal beliefs, a deity known as  labasa  inhabits the forest. It takes on the form of a tiger or leopard and protects the community. Animal sacrifices (such as goats and roosters) are performed for the deity at stone temples inside the forest in times of need, such as illness. Members of the Khasi tribe also burn the bones of their dead inside the forest.

Nothing is allowed to be removed from the forest as it may upset the deity. There are tales of people who have broken this taboo becoming sick and even dying.

Khasi Heritage Village

A Khasi Heritage Village has been set up by the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council opposite the Mawphlang Sacred Forest. It consists of various types of authentic, traditionally constructed mock tribal huts. Local food and toilets are available. The tribe's culture and heritage is also showcased during the two-day  Monolith Festival  held there in March. Unfortunately, the festival has only taken place sporadically in recent years due to lack of funding. This as affected the maintenance of the village as well. 

How to Get There

Mawphlang is located 25 kilometers from Shillong. It takes about an hour to drive there. A taxi from Shillong will charge about 1,500 rupees for the return trip. A recommended driver is is Mr Mumtiaz. Phone: 9206128935.

Entrance to the sacred forest is open from 9 a.m. until 4.30 p.m. daily.

Entry Fees and Charges

The entrance fee to the sacred forest and Khasi Heritage Village is 10 rupees per person, plus 10 rupees for a camera and 50 rupees for a vehicle. This fee enables local youths to be employed as caretakers. An English-speaking Khasi guide charges 300 rupees for a half hour walk, and 500 rupees for an hour. It's compulsory to hire one. You can pay extra to be taken deeper into the forest.

Where to Stay

If you're interested in staying in the area and exploring it,  Maple Pine Farm bed and breakfast  is recommended. They have four cozy eco-friendly cottages and are off-the-grid. They also organize a variety of trips around the area and further afield in northeast India.

Other Attractions

The road from Shillong to Mawphlang also heads towards Shillong Peak and Elephant Falls. These two attractions can easily be visited during the trip as well. The David-Scott Trail, one of Meghalaya's most popular trekking routes, is located behind the forest. It's a four to five hour trek.

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THE BEST Things to Do in Mawphlang

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mawphlang tourist spot

1. David Scott Trail


mawphlang tourist spot

Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before

Photo of Disha Kapkoti

Mawphlang Sacred Grove

To be honest, I was just tired of visiting Meghalaya again and again and missing out the Mawphlang sacred forest from the itinerary every time. It's close to Shillong yet a little off-route if you plan to visit other popular places like Sohra, Nongriat Root Bridge, Dawki or Mawlynnong. "What's there in Mawphlang?", you may ask. Well, I can tell you all about it but you have to go there to understand a place so different. More importantly, you have to be there at the right time which is monsoons. The turn of the season and the first showers somehow convert the scenery into an HDR vision and unearth treasures of flora and fauna like you've never seen before.

I was in Mawphlang just two weeks back and monsoon was in it's last phase in this region. Mawphlang is geographically very close to Mawsynram which is supposed to be the wettest place on Earth. Quite naturally Mawphlang receives heavy rainfall too. But to get the best of this place you do not have to avoid the monsoon season. You have to embrace it!

The Mawphlang sacred forest

Meadow adjoining the sacred grove

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Grove, Nongrum, Meghalaya, India by Disha Kapkoti

Let me begin by introducing a concept of a sacred grove. Just as forest reserves and wildlife sanctuaries are areas preserved by government laws, sacred groves are similarly protected regions by the community laws of tribes in various parts of India. There are numerous sacred groves in Meghalaya. Almost every tribe has sacred forest in their village. Mawphlang sacred forest is one of the biggest and more popular one in the East Khasi region.

You cannot leave or take anything from the forest. That's the rule of thumb at this holy site. The forest is preserved with strict laws overseen by the community and the guides that take visitors to the forest. In the olden days, Mawphlang Scared Grove was the designated area for worshiping the local deity Labasa of the Khasi people.

There are various local guides that you can get in touch with before your visit to Sacred forest to completely understand the local traditions related to the forest and to also get to know the rich flora and fauna of the area. Our guide was Wankhangbok who I contacted through a local organization called Cultural Pursuits .

Not Just Another Forest

Ritual Monoliths at the entrance of the grove

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

As we walked through a meadow adjacent to the sacred forest, our guide pointed towards the monoliths at the entrance of the forest. I had seen these monoliths in many places during my journey across Meghalaya and when I had earlier asked the locals why they are erected every time I would get a different answer. Sometimes these monoliths are erected as a boundary, sometimes as a foundation mark of a market place and here at the entrance of the sacred forest, these monolith were erected as ritual stones. Khasi people are required to pay homage at this spot before they enter the forest. The vertically erected stone is considered masculine and horizontally laid out stone is feminine. In the old times before the men of the tribe would enter the forest for rituals, prayers would be offered at the monoliths. It is said that if the deity Labasa appeared in the form of a leopard, they would take it as a good omen and proceed. If a snake appeared instead, the rituals would not take place since it's a bad omen. Interestingly, only men with beard and mustache were allowed to perform rituals at the sacred forest and women were not allowed.

Standing at the entrance, Wankhangbok also told us that this 76.8 hectare vast forest is divided into three parts. First is Laitdyrkhang, the old part of the forest where you can see the tallest of trees which are considered as old as 1000 years. Middle part of the forest is called Phiephandi, which consists of around 40 hectares of the total forest area. It was also the area where we explored during out excursion. The last and newest part of the forest is Law Nongkynrih, which is created as an extension to protect the old sacred forest area.

Story about the king

Of all the trivias I get to hear about new places I visit, stories from the historical past interest me the most. A place as mysterious as this forest of course had an interesting story too. It is said that the people of Blah clan who moved to Mawphlang from the Jaintia Hills were the original rulers of this region. Together with other clans they formed Hima Mawphlang or The Kingdon of Mawphlang. However, after a few years the people of the clan got weary of ruling the region and decided to hand their powers over to the next worthy ruler of some other clan.

Khnah Lyngdoh Nonsai, a woman from Baligaon Assam was summoned and her son was chosen to be the king. However the woman wanted to take due permission of the deity of the sacred grove before she accepted and so she planted three saplings. Over three years she took care of these saplings and when all three saplings survived, she accepted this as a sign of acceptance by the deity and made her son the king of Hima Mawphlang. Since then the king of Hima Mawphlang is chosen from the Lyngdoh Clan. There is a part of the forest near the ritual site where the first king and four other members of the clan took an oath to protect the clan and the forest which is now covered by overwhelming wilderness.

Treasures of the Sacred Grove

Right at the entrance of the forest we saw a bright colored berries that almost look like candies on a stalk. This is a corm that belongs to the family Arisaemas Serratum. The flower of the plant is commonly known as Cobra lily and if you end up eating this stalk, it will tear your throat up almost instantly. This flower is usually found in damp forests and I had seen it once before in Valley of flowers in Uttarakhand too.

Cobra Lily Corm

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

We walked ahead through the forest as the buzzing of insects and crickets grew louder. We then stopped at a Rudraksha tree (Elaeocarpus ganitrus) which stands right in the middle of the trail. It's a Teenmukhi (three-faced) Rudraksha tree which is considered auspicious tree among Hindus. Rudraksha trees are also planted by the locals in the extended area of the sacred forest from where they can sell these elusive products of the forest.

Rudraksha Seed

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

Ahead on the trail, there were mosses and lychens of colors and textures that we had never seen before. We had never seen mushrooms of such variety and vibrance as we saw during our hour long walk here. Most of these were not edible, although there was one variety of white coral mushrooms that is widely eaten here.

Braket Mushrooms

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

Green Elf Cups

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

White Coral Mushrooms

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

Earth Star Mushrooms

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

A few minutes later we reached a spot where several moss-covered small stones were standing erect. Our guide told us that this was the place where preparation for rituals was done during the old times. Earlier during the rituals at the forest a bull would be sacrificed and at this spot the men would wait and clean the flesh of the bull. Any preparation for the rituals would be done here. This resting spot is also the last spot from where any member could turn back.

The preparation site for the rituals

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

Just a short walk ahead from this spot, we saw several ritual monoliths which signified the actual spot where the rituals and prayer ceremony would take place. The meat of the bull would be boiled without spices in an earthen pot and would be served to all members. These days the sacrificial animal is not bull but a cock and mostly the sacrifices are done at the village itself.

The ritual site

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

All across the forest you will see overwhelming number of orchids intertwining on stems and branches of trees. There are almost 450 species of plants in this sacred forest out of which there are 25 different types of orchids. Since plants cannot be cut or planted in this area, everything that grows here has cropped up naturally. For any biologist and nature enthusiast this is an absolute nerd paradise. Over the years the locals have worked to extend this forest so that they can use the medicinal herbs from a designated area outside the sacred grove.

Across 56 Himas or Kingdoms in the state, there are almost 215 sacred groves and Mawphlang is the biggest one. The locals are tirelessly working to give protected status to the other sacred groves too in the coming years.

A sustainable farmstay to complete your itinerary

Maple and Pine Farm is a rather special place. It is a small family run operation that runs sustainable on solar and wind energy. There are beautiful double-decker cottages that accommodate up to 3 persons per cottage. There is one twin cottage and two private cottages. The means to sustain are limited and it is important that you stay conscious of the use of resources, be it power or water, during your stay. This is nit a typical bed and breakfast and hosts do not allow a single night stay since a one night stay it is insufficient to explore the region.

Private Cabins cost INR 245o per night

Twin Cabins cost INR 1560 per night

For other details you can write to [email protected] for more details.

Photo of Mawphlang Sacred Forest that is All About Things You've Never Seen Or Heard Before by Disha Kapkoti

How to get there?

Mawphlang is 26km away from Shillong and hiring a cab to get there will cost you INR 1500 to 1800. You can also opt for a shared cab for INR 70 from Shillong. While planning an itinerary for your trip to Meghalaya, you stay in Shillong for a night and then proceed to Mawphlang sacred forest and stay here at least for two days to explore. You can then proceed to Sohra and visit other popular tourist sites.

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Mushroom in Mawphlang forest - treks india

Mawphlang Sacred Forests – Meghalaya’s Forlorn

Meghalaya oozes beauty, her allure capable of ensnaring even a deity. The charm of this North-Eastern state lies in its clear river waters , mountain towns , and enchanting deep forests. The Mawphlang Sacred Forests preserved by the Khasi people is the most famous of them. This forest sits in the East Khasi Hills of Shillong. All tribes in Meghalaya – Garo, Jaintia, and Khasi; have their own protected sacred forests. In Khasi language, ‘Maw’ means stone and ‘Phlang’ means grass – hence Mawphlang is known as the land of endless grassy stones .  

Our Journey to the Sacred Forest s

7 am and Shillong is engulfed in a thick blanket of fog. We had planned to leave at first light as the sun sets early in this part of the country. However, the sun didn’t shine and Shillong started the day with another heavy downpour. After procrastinating at the window, we succumbed to our feverish need to chase adventure and hit the road to Mawphlang . We had to ride the bike carefully in the strong gusty wind and rains. After almost an hour, we entered Mawphlang village and noticed a few Baptist churches. In a few minutes, it started getting colder, we were nearing the forests.

Baptist Church Meghalaya

Once we reached, we were thrilled to warm ourselves with some hot Maggi along with tea at the only stall visible. The lady who managed the stall informed us that we had to take a local guide to enter the forest perimeters. Additionally, we could also learn more about the rich culture and history of the forests. We took her advice and negotiated with Donkit, who charged INR 500 for an hour, which was worth every rupee!

By the time our bellies were satisfied, the fog had cleared and the forests lured us to it. The dense canopy that lie ahead instantly took me to the legendary Lord of the Rings (“LOTR”) movie. No, there aren’t any Hobbits in this Fangorn either but it sure does have its own wilderness and mysteries.

Entry to Mawphlang Sacred Forests - adventure travel in india

Forest Trail

From the outside, the forest boasts resourceful biodiversity, a vast curtain of naturally nurtured saplings , and the obvious presence of captivating creepers . As we entered, we were welcomed by tall trees high as you can imagine. Perhaps like ENTS in LOTR, who have been sleeping a long time and offer an example of a benign element in the natural world. Algae present on trees and stones confirmed the forest surface is always damp. The slippery turf prompted us to walk slow, giving us more time to admire the forests.

Mawphlang sacred forest - Tall trees - adventures in india

An ideal site for nature lovers. Khasi pine trees are seen in abundance which can be identified by their consistent wide width of its trunk. The forest trail also leads to many Rudraksha trees which is considered to be a lucky tree amongst Hindus. The forest is largely carpeted in thick layers of humus that benefit the growth of unique plant life. Flowers are abloom and there is a rich variety of medicinal herbs. It is one of the most unique forests in India, quite like a Botany lab; you’ll find medicinal plants that apparently cure cancer and tuberculosis. They act as hosts to parasites like mushrooms, orchids, and climbers.

Donkit’s favourite edible in Mawphlang – a sour leaf

As we continued to make our way in the forest, colorful berries caught our eye and we were immediately drawn to it. Upon getting closer our guide Donkit informed us that the flower of the plant is known as the Lily Cobra . It is highly toxic and can be found in Uttarakhand too.  

Taxus lily cobra in Mawphlang - best place to visit in northeast india

The Eurasian Yew Tree can easily be spotted in the sacred groves. The tree is typically found in hilly areas. Its leaves yield an oily substance called taxol which has the properties of a drug used for the treatment of cancer.

Unfortunately, in countries like Nepal, the number of yew trees has reduced significantly in recent years.  Due to the high curative properties of the yew trees, the Nepalese government has now realized the importance of a sustainable conservation plan.

Meghalaya is a state rich in wild edible mushrooms and the sacred forests have abundant vibrant mushrooms in different gradients. The locals of the Khasi hills with their extensive knowledge on edible mushrooms, identify & collect them in the forests & later they are sold in the markets. Ranging from tiny neon specks that coat the fallen trees, to species the size of my palm, I have never seen such diversity of fungi in a given surrounding.

Mushroom in Mawphlang forest - india trekking

Legends Surrounding the Mawphlang Sacred Forest s

Labasa – the deity of the sacred forest.

According to the locals, the sacred forests are protected by the deity Labasa. Infact, Labasa is one of the most respected gods by the oldest tribes in Meghalaya. The inhabitants of Mawphlang believe the deity protects the village during a crisis.

At the entrance to the forests, I remember noticing how perfectly aligned the borders of the forest were and inquired about this with Donkit. He gave us a fascinating story of how the sacred forests never grow beyond that boundary. It is believed that the Gods dance on the fields just outside the border in the evenings. Hence, the forest doesn’t encroach on this area.

Furthermore, Donkit cautioned us by mentioning stories of those who attempted to take a simple keepsake such as a leaf or stone, resulted in them being cursed with a disease or in extreme cases even death.

Mysticism and Devotion

Yes, Mawphlang is no ordinary forest! In ancient times, various ceremonies were held in the forest such as grand processions, exotic dance, extravagant meals, and sacrifice rituals as offerings to the gods. These beliefs are still prevalent although with small amendments. Previously, the animal of sacrifice was a bull while these days rituals are performed on a rooster.

Symbolizing an area where animal sacrifice was prepared - Mawphlang Sacred forest

While we were walking around the forests with our guide, a friendly passer-by stopped and with great pride said “We protect these forests” .

Mawphlang Sacred Forests - Meghalaya - adventure india

The locals of Mawphlang have deep respect for the forests and have strong innate beliefs. The Khasi tribe have been protective of the sacred forests and stone monoliths that have deep cultural and religious significance. The tribes are an eclectic mix of Pagan and Catholic faith. Although many have now converted to Christianity, there still are worshippers of nature.  

We noticed monoliths at several places in Meghalaya but here in Mawphlang, we understood the true meaning behind them. Outside the forests, are monoliths depicting the different family members. Donkit explained the tallest stone being the leading member of the family i.e the father, on either side of him, the children, and the sleeping stone being the mother of the family. However, this interpretation would vary as Meghalaya predominantly follows a matrilineal system of society.

It is believed in the olden times before the men entered the village if the Gods appeared as a leopard it was considered a good sign but if a snake appeared it was a bad omen.

Tour to North East India - The locals pay respect to the highly knowledgeable people of their tribe at these monoliths

We later discovered that the tallest monolith in the world is found in Meghalaya.

How to Reach Mawphlang Sacred Forests?

The Mawphlang Sacred Forests is at a distance of 25 km from Shillong. Taxis are available from Shillong for INR 1500 (round trip). The preferred way of traveling to the forests would be hiring a self-drive car or renting a bike allowing you to take your time to admire the beauty.

Where to Stay?

A trip from Shillong to Mawphlang can be done in a day. For those looking to spend a night close to the forest, Maple Pine provides eco-friendly cottages. Meanwhile, NGO’s in Meghalaya have identified potential tourist spots around Mawphlang to provide homestays for visiting tourists.

Best Time to Visit

The thick forests of Mawphlang have their own charm in the monsoons. It rains for days, sometimes weeks continuously. If you don’t fancy the monsoons November to May is a good time to visit.

How to Travel Responsibly?

The Mawphlang sacred forests once faced the danger of losing more than 27,000 hectares of forests. However, an UN-supported initiative, India’s first REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) project revived the forests. It worked towards preserving the forests and empowering local communities.

The indigenous tribes in Meghalaya are doing a phenomenal job with protecting their surroundings. This is visible in the rich bio-diversity of their forests. We must support their efforts and not harm the ecosystem. Also, be respectful of their beliefs and traditions.

The deep-rooted beliefs of the people of Meghalaya is a great example of productive religious agreement resulting in upholding a responsible society.

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Ohh Dave,that place is incredible it is beautiful And very interesting I thank you 💕

Beautiful…will definitely look foreard to vidit this place..👍

Very interesting read. Well written and informative. Your blog inspires me to explore and inspect the forests near me a little closer, who knows what I may see.

Beautifully written and pictured. I love it and is truly inspiring Dev.

Wowwwwww what a blog. Such beautiful pictures. So informative. Such a beautiful place man..loved this blog. Keep posting such awesome blogs. Pics are mindblowing

Beautiful pictures and a well written blog.

Wow you did an awesome job Dev. I love the way you wrote it and all the very best for your next blog.

Wow that’s really amazing Dev! Beautiful pictures!

Amazing write up Dev! Enjoyed reading the article above, really explains everything in detail, the article is very interesting. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful piece of work and good luck for the upcoming articles.

Seriously wow, forgot how well you write and how deeply you inform.

A new add to my bucket list

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Top Things to Do in Mawphlang, India - Mawphlang Must-See Attractions

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1. David Scott Trail


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Mawphlang Sacred Forest Near Shillong In Meghalaya

In Meghalaya, sacred forests promote environmental conservation based on sustainable tradition. It is also the source of cultural traditions of this hilly state. Meghalaya is full of numerous sacred groves. These natural treasures are rich in biodiversity and a variety of flora and fauna.

There are around 125 sacred forests, covering almost 1000 sq km of forest areas. Among them, Mawphlang sacred forest is the most famous and available for tourists. It is interesting that till now people are not allowed to pluck twigs of plants or take fruits, flowers, wood anything from the sacred forests.

Mawphlang sacred forest is one of the well-known sacred forests in Meghalaya and it is spread across 78 hectares of land. The word Maw means ‘stone’. Mawphlang represents ‘grassy stone’. Along with other nature-touched wonders like the double-decker living root bridge , this sacred forest is a must-visit place in Meghalaya.

mawphlang sacred forest in meghalaya

How to reach Mawphlang Sacred Forest?

To reach the forest you first need to come to Shillong. Shillong is well connected by road with Guwahati. From different parts of the country, you can come to Guwahati by train to the railway station or by flight to Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport. The forest is situated at a 25 km distance from Shillong which you can easily access by car.

To enter the forest you first need to hire a local guide with you. You will know every single detail of the forest and the religious beliefs of the tribes from your guide as you walk through the beautiful forest trail. In the dense tropical forest, you will feel like you are in another world by cutting off communication with the outside world. The silence of the forest will fascinate you.

visit mawphlang sacred forest

The legend of Mawphlang Sacred Forest, Meghalaya

The Khasi people believe that there is a deity popularly known as ‘Labasa’ that protects the forest. In Khasi “La” means God. According to their belief, Labasa can take the form of a Leopard or Tiger. They strongly believe during a crisis Labasa guards the villagers and save them. In ancient times, once a man was attacked by a group of anti-socials near the Mawplang sacred grove. To protect himself the man took shelter in the forest and spent the whole night there. And the man returned home unharmed. Since then, their belief in divine protection got strengthened. To please Labasa, the villagers sacrifice goats or roosters.

The local people guard the forest strictly so that nothing goes out of the forest . They believe that if anybody takes anything, even a dead leaf out from the forest, then severe illness swallows him. Behind this thought, there is an amazing story.

As per locals, there is a doctrine prevalent that in 1970, the Indian Army tried to take out timbers, and logs for construction from the forest. The local villagers warned them but they ignored the folks. The trucks which carried the woods after several attempts did not start and finally, the army gave up. This is the reason, nobody dares to pluck anything from the forest. The outsiders are strictly warned to follow this rule.

mawphlang sacred forest monolith

You can see Monoliths scattered in some special places in the forest. The vertically raised stones are considered masculine and the horizontally laid out stones are feminine. Khasi people worship the monoliths as God and sacrifice animals to the stones. You are not allowed to touch the stones.

Just outside of the forest, the Khasi heritage village is another significant place. The village is ruled by a king who is chosen by a democratic election. According to the belief of the villagers, if the deity is pleased with the chosen one then the sun will shine on the day of his anointment, or else it will rain.

natural beauty of mawphlang sacred forest

Untouched Natural Beauty of Mawphlang Sacred forest

Because of being protected for ages, Mawphlang sacred forest is rich in flora and fauna.

The forest is full of shrubs, oak, ferns, and moss such as Lindsaea Odorata, Botrychium, and many other plants. The ground of the forest is covered with thick humus. There are almost 450 species of plants in the sacred forest. It is said that some plants are used to cure disease. Two species of rhododendrons bloom in spring and it looks spectacular. Rhododendron Formosum, R. Arboreum, and Pyrus Pashia are the main flowering trees in the forest.

moss and fern in mawphlang sacred forest

Also, you may find the flower Cobra lily in this damp forest. In the middle of the trail, you will be amazed to see the three-faced Rudraksha tree. You will witness a variety of orchids, vibrant mushrooms, mosses, and lichens of different colours and textures on your trail. Moss-covered small stones increase the beauty of the trail.

mushrooms in mawphlang sacred forest

The forest is a shelter of around 70 species of birds. Some threatened bird species are found on the site. Small mammals like squirrels, rats, and moles roam in the forest. If you are a birdwatcher and planning to visit the forest, bring your binocular and camera.

mawphlang sacred forest flora

Best time to visit Mawphlang Sacred Forest, Shillong

The beauty of the forest attracts tourists throughout the year. But the best time to visit Mawphlang sacred forest is autumn around September and October. The greenery with pleasant weather will make your tour more beautiful.

You can also visit there at the end of winter (Jan-Feb). The greenery will be a little faded at this time.

mawphlang sacred forest stone

Where to stay near the sacred forest?

You can stay at Maple Pine Farm, a beautiful farmhouse nestled in a valley below in the o of the Sacred forest, encircled by a stream in Mawphlang.

Riverside Resort, La serene, and Woodstock Farm House are well-maintained stays situated very near the forest. The forest is very near Shillong. So you can also stay at Shillong and arrange a day tour in Mawphlang Sacred Forest.

Tips to remember in the forest

  • Mawphlang Sacred Forest opens at 8 AM and closes at 5.30 PM. Try to visit the forest as early as possible.
  • Don’t enter the forest without any guide.
  • Though the forest is open throughout the year but tries to avoid monsoon time to visit the forest.
  • Carry water with you.

Mawphlang sacred forest is one of the most beautiful places if you visit Meghalaya. Nature lovers find this place amazing because of the unharmed lush green forest. Remember not to pluck anything from the forest, not only to respect the local legend but also to maintain the biodiversity and ecosystem. If you plan to visit there, also check out Dawki , Mawlynnong village, Laitlum Canyon, Elephant Falls , and Cherrapunjee.

So, what are you waiting for? Book a hotel, pack your bag, and travel to Mawphlang sacred forest!

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Mawphlang Sacred Grove, Meghalaya: Where faith meets nature

One such natural gem in Meghalaya is the Mawphlang Sacred Grove. There are several Sacred Forest covers in Meghalaya. These are just like the protected forest areas like National Parks or Wildlife sanctuaries. The only difference is that these Sacred Forests are marked as protected areas due to high cultural values or places of high spiritual values.

The Mawphlang Sacred Grove is one such ancient protected forest area woven with the threads of cultural heritage, biodiversity, and spiritual reverence. In this blog, we will uncover the secrets of Mawphlang that envelop this land and add a touch of mystery.

About Mawphlang Sacred Forest


This verdant haven is not just a forest; it’s a living example of the deep-rooted faith and commitment to conservation. The entrance of Mawphlang is marked by monoliths, standing like silent guardians.

The Mawphlang Sacred Grove is segregated into three distinct zones, each pulsating with its charm. Visitors can only enter the outer-most zone if they wish to explore the natural beauty of the Mawphlang forest. 

If you are an adventure enthusiast, then you can explore the buffer zone as you will start walking on the David Scott Trail – one of the most thrilling treks around Shillong that passes through Mawphlang. The innermost zone is strictly off-limits for outsiders as it is believed to be the abode of the protector of Mawphlang – Labasa.

As you step inside the Mawphlang Sacred Forest, you will first pass through a green tunnel formed naturally by the canopy of trees. As you walk further inside, you will be enveloped in the mystic charm of the forest where the roots cover the ground, stones wrapped in moss, and the centuries-old towering trees that once witnessed the rituals carried out in the forests.

Listen to the symphony of rustling leaves, and the sweet chirping of birds and immerse in the mystical vibes. The forest floor, cushioned by a layer of decomposing leaves (humus), is crisscrossed by numerous streams, adding to the charm.

Also Read: Krem Puri: World’s Longest Sandstone Cave In Meghalaya

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Legends Of Mawphlang Sacred Forest

The Khasi people believe the forest is a haven for spirits and deities. The people of Mawphlang village offer regular prayers to their forest deity by performing various rituals. It is believed that these sacred rituals were practiced exactly at places where monoliths are installed like at the entrance. 

While performing the rituals, if a leopard appears from the forest then it is a sign of a good omen. But, if a snake appears, then it is a sign of destruction. According to the Khasi beliefs, their deity Labasa takes the form of a leopard or a serpent as a sign of prosperity or destruction.

The visitors of Mawphlang Sacred Grove are not allowed to take back a single thing from the forest, be it a leaf, a twig, fruit, etc. The people in Mawphlang village ensure the same as the one who does so will face the wrath of Labasa.

Several popular folktales recount the misfortune that befell those who dared to disrespect the forest’s sanctity. It’s a constant reminder of the importance of preserving this natural treasure. The reverence for the forest is so deep-rooted that even today, locals refrain from disturbing its tranquility.

As you visit the Mawphlang Sacred Forest, listen to the whispers of ancient rituals and sacrifices performed to appease the forest guardian, Labasa, echo through the ages. It’s a place where faith and nature intertwine, creating a sacred space.

Also Read: Wari Chora Meghalaya Guide: Offbeat Adventure In Garo Hills

Things To Do In Mawphlang Sacred Forest

  • Walk through the Forest: Take a leisurely stroll through the ancient trees and sacred grounds. Your guide will show you the spots where rituals were practiced and share fascinating stories about the forest’s history and significance.
  • Bird Watching: Keep your eyes peeled for the vibrant birdlife that calls Mawphlang home. Look out for species like the Oriental Magpie Robin, Scarlet Minivet, and the majestic Great Hornbill flitting among the trees.
  • Wildlife Spotting: While exploring, you might encounter some of the forest’s elusive inhabitants. Keep an eye out for creatures like the barking deer, wild boar, and if you’re lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of the elusive clouded leopard.
  • Understand Trees and Plants: Take the opportunity to learn about the diverse flora thriving in this sacred grove. Your guide can introduce you to unique species like the sacred Khasi pine, ancient ferns, and medicinal plants that have been used by locals for generations.
  • Click Postcard Pictures: Capture the beauty of Mawphlang Sacred Grove with your camera or phone. From the moss-covered trees to the serene ambiance, every corner of this forest is picture-perfect.
  • Interact with Locals: Engage with the friendly locals in the Mawphlang village. They can offer insights into their traditions, beliefs, and the importance of preserving this sacred forest for future generations.

With so much to see and experience, a visit to Mawphlang Sacred Grove promises to be a memorable journey into the heart of Meghalaya’s rich cultural and natural heritage.

Also Read: Kyllang Rock Meghalaya: Discover The Natural And Cultural Marvel

How To Reach Mawphlang Sacred Grove?

  • By Airways: The nearest airport is Shillong Airport (also known as Umroi Airport), located approximately 55 kilometers away from Mawphlang. However many travelers prefer to travel to Guwahati airport (130 km away from Mawphlang) as it has better connectivity from major Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, etc. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Mawphlang village.
  • By Railways: The nearest major railway station is Guwahati Railway Station in Assam, which is well-connected to major cities across India. From Guwahati, you can either hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Shillong, which is around 30 kilometers away from Mawphlang. From Shillong, you can further hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Mawphlang village.
  • By Roadways: Mawphlang is well-connected by roadways to major cities and towns in Meghalaya. You can either drive to Mawphlang or take a bus from nearby towns like Shillong, which is around 25 kilometers away. If you’re coming from other states, you can reach Guwahati first and then take a bus or taxi to Mawphlang.

No matter which mode of transportation you choose, the journey to Mawphlang Sacred Grove promises to be a scenic and memorable one, offering glimpses of Meghalaya’s breathtaking landscapes along the way.

Also Read: Mawryngkhang Bamboo Trek Guide: Even The Bravest Give Up

Things To Remember While Visiting The Mawphlang Sacred Forest

  • Stay Options Nearby: While there are limited stay options directly in Mawphlang village, you can find accommodations in nearby towns like Shillong. There are guesthouses, resorts , and hotels available to suit various budgets and preferences.
  • Timings: The Mawphlang Sacred Grove is usually open to visitors from morning until evening. It’s advisable to check the timings beforehand to plan your visit accordingly.
  • Entry Fees: There is a nominal entry fee of ₹50 per person to visit the sacred grove.  Make sure to carry some cash with you for the entry fee.
  • Best Time To Visit: The best time to visit Mawphlang Sacred Grove is during October to April when the weather is pleasant and conducive for exploring the forest.
  • Do Not Litter: Help preserve the beauty of the sacred grove by not littering. Carry a small bag to collect any trash and dispose of it properly in designated bins.
  • Do Not Take Anything Back: It’s important to respect the sanctity of the forest by not taking anything back with you. Leave everything as you find it to maintain the ecological balance of the area.
  • Guide Is Compulsory: To fully appreciate the significance of the Mawphlang Sacred Grove and learn about its history and rituals, it’s compulsory to hire a guide. Guides are knowledgeable about the forest and can enhance your experience with their insights. Without a guide, tourists are not allowed to enter the forest. The guide charges a very nominal fee of ₹300.

By keeping these pointers in mind, you can ensure a responsible and memorable visit to the Mawphlang Sacred Grove, immersing yourself in its natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Q: what is the area of mawphlang, q: how far is the secret forest from shillong, q: is mawphlang sacred forest worth visiting, q: what is the story of the mawphlang sacred forest.

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THE BEST Things to Do in Mawphlang

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mawphlang tourist spot

1. David Scott Trail


Mawphlang Sacred Forest

Mawphlang Sacred Forest Tourism

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Opening and Closing time of Mawphlang Sacred Forest

Disclaimer: It's important to check the most current information before planning your visit, as opening hours can vary and might be subject to change due to special events, maintenance, or unforeseen circumstances. A reliable way to confirm the opening hours is to contact the local tourism board, check the official website (if available)

Entry Ticket Pricing for Mawphlang Sacred Forest

Disclaimer: Please note that prices are subject to change, cross check required .

Tips when you are visiting to Mawphlang Sacred Forest

mawphlang tourist spot

Other Suggested Reads for Mawphlang Sacred Forest

  • Best time to Visit in Mawphlang Sacred Forest
  • Mawphlang Sacred Forest Tourism History
  • FAQS about Mawphlang Sacred Forest
  • Mawphlang Sacred Forest Tourist Map

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29 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Shillong

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mawphlang tourist spot

#5 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 17 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Umiam Lake is a vast and serene reservoir located in Shillong, Meghalaya. Also known as Barapani Lake, it is one of the beautiful lakes in Meghalaya and among the top places to experience Shillong Tourism. Umiam Lake was formed by damming the Umiam River by Assam State Electricity Board in the early 1960s. The main purpose of the dam was to store water for hydroelectric power generation. Spread over 220 sq. km, the lake is encompassed by sprawling meadows and undulating hills that are carpeted with lush greenery. Apart from being a source of power generation, potable water, fishing and irrigation, Umiam Lake is a popular tourist destination of the region. Umiam literally means 'water of tears' in local Khasi language, and there's a fascinating story around it. According to the legend, two sisters in the heaven decided to visit Meghalaya. To shape up their plan, they left together to reach the destination. During the journey, one ..... more

Mawphlang Sacred Grove

Mawphlang Sacred Grove

#6 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 27 km from Shillong, Mawphlang Sacred Grove is a reserved forest located at Mawphlang village near Shillong, Meghalaya. Also known as Lawkyntang, it is an ideal destination for nature lovers and among the best places to experience Shillong Tourism. Situated in the East Khasi Hills, Mawphlang Sacred Forest is preserved by the natives since ancient times as a part of their religious beliefs, in which forests are considered as a sacred entity. Covering over an area 80 hectares, the Mawphlang Sacred Grove is a treasure trove of rare medicinal trees and plants like the English yew, the Chinese su�mac, chinquapin, etc. It is also home to several species of trees that work as climate indicators like Japanese blue oak and graffiti. In total, there are about 450 species of trees and plants in this forest as well as rare species of animals and birds. According to the locals, the sacred forest is protected by the Lyngdoh clan, who believe that the deity Labasa resided .....

Don Bosco Museum

Don Bosco Museum

#7 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 3 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Don Bosco Center for Indigenous Cultures is a well-known museum situated within the Sacred Heart Church premises in Shillong. Also known as Don Bosco Museum, it is one of the most popular museums in Shillong and among the must visit Tourist Places in Shillong. Opened in 2003, Don Bosco Museum is a privately owned museum under the control of Salesian order of the Catholic Church which enlightens the history and culture of the north eastern states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura. It is a three-in-one institution that combines a museum with a research and publication center. With its vast collection of artifacts spreading over several galleries, the museum acts as the cultural and historical treasure trove of North-East India. The Museum is a hexagonal shaped seven-storey building brimming with art & culture. It houses 17 well-laid out galleries of the international standard containing .....

Wards Lake

#8 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 1 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Ward's Lake is an artificial lake located in the heart of Shillong in Meghalaya. Also called as Pollock's Lake, it is one of the beautiful lakes in Shillong and among the popular Shillong Tourist Places. The lake is named after Sir William Ward, the then Chief Commissioner of Assam, who initiated the plan for the construction of this lake. Later, the lake was built in the year 1894 by Colonel Hopkins. The lake was designed by Fitzwilliam Thomas Pollock, a famous engineer in the pre-independence era. The history of the lake says that a Khasi prisoner made special efforts to beautify the lake surroundings and his role is remembered even today by the locals. The horse shoe shaped artificial water body is surrounded by lush green gardens. There is a cobblestone pathway along the periphery of the lake making it an idle place for walking. In the middle of the lake is a wooden bridge from where one can enjoy a lovely view of the lake .....

Elephant Falls

Elephant Falls

#9 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 12 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Elephant Falls is a stunning waterfalls located in the outskirts of Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya. It is one of the prominent waterfalls in Meghalaya and among the prime places to visit in Shillong. The waterfall is located in Upper Shillong area within the Eastern Air Command of Indian Air Force. The Khasi tribe named it Ka Kshaid Lai Pateng Khohsiew, meaning Three Steps Waterfalls. Britishers named it Elephant Falls during their regime owing to the presence of an elephant-shaped rock on one side of the fall. However, the rock was destroyed due to an earthquake in 1897. Located quite close to Shillong Peak, the Elephant Falls is a 3 tier waterfall. The first fall is very broad and is hidden among the trees. The second fall is quite domesticated and in the winters (and drier months) it looks inconsequential. The third fall is the tallest and most spectacular with crystal clear water falling over sharp rocks of myriad .....

Cathedral Of Mary Help Of Christians

Cathedral Of Mary Help Of Christians

#10 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 3.5 km from Shillong Bus Terminal, the Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians is a Roman Catholic Church located in the Laitumkhrah locality of Shillong. Also known as the Cathedral Catholic Church, it is the principal place of worship in Shillong and among the most famous places to visit in Shillong. Dedicated to mother Mary, the Cathedral Church of Mary Help of Christians was built by the Germans in 1913. According to history, the construction of the present shrine was built after the first church got destroyed due to a fire accident in 1936. It got the status of a shrine in 1980, on completion of the Catholic Church's 100 years in North East India. This church falls under Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Shillong and is the principal place of worship of about 300,000 strong Catholics of Ri Bhoi and East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. Situated atop an emerald-colored hill, the church was constructed in Gothic style of architecture. The church is quiet a big .....

Shillong Peak & Viewpoint

Shillong Peak & Viewpoint

#11 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 13 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Shillong Peak is an enchanting vantage point located at Laitkor area of Shillong, Meghalaya. Situated in the outskirts of the Shillong, it is one of the popular viewpoints in Meghalaya and among the prominent places to experience Shillong Tourism. Placed at an altitude of 1,965 m (6,446 feet), Shillong Peak is the highest peak in Meghalaya. According to historians, Shillong is named after this hill. As per the locals, the patron deity 'Leishyllong' resided at the hill and protects the city against all evils. Besides, the top of the Shillong Peak has a sacred spot that is dedicated to U Shulong and special rituals are organised here in each spring to honour the spirit of U Shulong. The peak offers an enchanting 360 degree view of the entire Shillong city, surrounding waterfalls, the Himalayan Range, Bangladesh Plains and the lush greenery nearby. At the peak there is a high tower with a telescope. An ideal retreat for visitors, .....

Air Force Museum

Air Force Museum

#12 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 13 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Air Force Museum is a museum located in Upper-Shillong of Meghalaya. Situated near Elephant Falls, it is one of the popular museums in Meghalaya and among the top places to visit in Shillong. The Air Force Museum forms a part of the Indian Air Force's Eastern Command in Shillong. This museum is a tribute to the glorious past of the defense of our nation. It hosts aircraft models, actual machines and technology demonstrations used by the IAF Eastern Command. The museum displays the uniforms worn by the air force pilots, missiles, rockets, pictures of Indo-China War and Indo-Pakistan War, medals and miniature models of air crafts. The huge MI 4 helicopter, played a central role in the 1971 war, is displayed in the museum lawn and makes for a remarkable sight. Another attraction is the Streak Shadow Microlight that's a part of the famous Microlight series. This splendid aircraft took its first flight in 1988. Caribou DHC 4, the .....

Wankhar Entomology Museum / Butterfly Museum

mawphlang tourist spot

#13 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 2 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Wankhar Entomology Museum is a specialized museum located in Riatsamthiah area of Shillong. Also known as Butterfly Museum, it is one of the most popular museums in Shillong and among the top places to visit in Shillong. Established during 1930s, it is a private museum owned by the famous Wankhar family of Shillong. Legend says that, MR. Siddhartha Kumar Sarkar, a Bengali entomologist from Kolkata went to Shillong and married a Khasi lady with surname Wankhar. They took initiative to collect various species of insects and butterflies. Now, the granddaughter of Sarkar namely Ms. Rozalin has been taking care of this museum. Being the only known museum in India devoted to moths and butterflies, it has a rich collection of 1600 types of butterflies and moths from all over the world. Colourful insects and similar endemic species found in nearby regions can also be seen at the museum. Wankhar Entomology Museum has also played an important .....

Meghalaya State Museum

Meghalaya State Museum

#14 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 2 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Meghalaya State Museum is a well preserved museum located in Shillong, Meghalaya. Situated in the State Central Library complex, it is one of the most popular museums in Meghalaya and among the popular Shillong Tourist Places. Functioning under the Art and Culture Department of Meghalaya, the Museum was established in the year 1975 and was renamed as Williamson Sangma Museum in 1999 as a mark of respect to the Father of Meghalaya. The Museum displays lifestyle and cultural diversity of various tribes of Meghalaya. The museum is divided into two galleries, which are dedicated to different tribal groups of Meghalaya. Visitors can see wooden crafts, tribal dresses, exquisite ornaments, traditional weapons, utensils, pottery items and musical instruments of Jaintia and Khasi tribes in the first gallery. The specialties of this gallery are the Muga cloth, hand-woven baskets and Wein pottery. The second gallery belongs to Garos has .....

Beadon-Bishop Waterfalls

Beadon-Bishop Waterfalls

#15 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 5 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Bishop and Beadon Falls are twin waterfalls located at Suna Valley of Shillong in Meghalaya. Situated on NH-40 at Mawprem, these are the best waterfalls in Meghalaya and among the mesmerizing places to visit in Shillong. With a height of 135 meters (443 feet), Bishop Waterfalls is a three tiered fall formed by the river Umshyrphi. The Bishop Falls is quite popular as the cascading water looks like a white ribbon, flowing down from the hill. It is regarded as one of the highest waterfalls in India. The Beadon Falls is called the twin brother of the Bishop Falls as both rush down the same steep slope along Meghalaya's East Khasi Hills within a short distance from each other and can be viewed from the viewpoint across a deep ravine at Mawlai. Unlike other waterfalls in Shillong, the Beadon falls is long and narrow, falling from a height of about 100 feet into Umiam River. Its flow is obstructed by dark coloured rocks and heavy green .....

Mahadev Khola Dham

Mahadev Khola Dham

#16 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 5 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Mahadev Khola Dham is an ancient Hindu temple located in Shillong, Meghalaya. It is one of the oldest temples in Meghalaya and among the famous places of pilgrimage in Shillong. Believed to be about 150 years old, the Mahadev Khola Dham is a cave temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. According to legend, the temple is built at the spot where Lakhiya Baba, a sage was decided to stay and meditate. A subedar-major of 8th Gorkha Regiment dreamt of the sage mediating with a trishul (trident) in his hand and a rudraksh' necklace around his neck. The very next day, the man searched for the sage and found him at the place where the mandir' stands today. During the course of excavation for construction of the temple, the subedar-major found a huge shivling and thus the temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The present temple was built by several persons after independence, but the earlier one was built with the permission of the then British government. .....

Ever Living Museum

Ever Living Museum

#17 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 10 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Ever Living Museum is a private museum located in Mawshbuit area of Shillong, Meghalaya. It is one of the most popular museums in Shillong and among the best places to visit in Shillong. Established in 2015, the Ever Living Museum is a living testimony of one's love for nature, culture, tradition, and history. The Museum is owned and operated by retired Meghalaya government engineer Kyntiewbor War. It has three components - the main museum, stone museum and a garden. Set in a beautiful orchid garden, the Ever Living Museum is an ethnographic museum that houses objects of the Khasi, Jaintia, and Garo tribes. The main museum, which is made of concrete, houses both ancient and contemporary weapons used by the tribes of Meghalaya. Besides, there is the joyous scope to discover musical instruments, which include drums, gongs, pipes, bamboo and iron mouth organs, concertina, and other string and bamboo instruments of Meghalaya. There .....


#1 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 8 km from Dispur, 95 km from Shillong, 110 km from Nagaon, 159 km from Tezpur, 360 km from Agartala, 414 km from Dibrugarh, 452 km from Imphal, 467 km from Darjeeling, 504 km from Gangtok, 786 km from Darbhanga and 923 km from Patna, Guwahati, also known as the 'City of Eastern Light', is the largest city in the Indian state of Assam. Situated on the banks of Brahmaputra River, Guwahati is one of the fastest growing cities in India and among the popular places to experience Assam Tourism. Considered to be the gateway to north east India, Guwahati is situated between the southern bank of Brahmaputra River and the foothills of the Shillong plateau. Dispur, a part of Guwahati, serves as the capital of Assam. The city derives its name from two Assamese words 'Guwa' meaning betel nut and 'Haat' meaning market. The city is regarded as the cultural hub of North Eastern India and is also the second largest metropolis in eastern India after Kolkata. There have been ..... Distance (From Shillong): 98 Kms Trip Duration (From Shillong - Including Travel): Full Day .....



#2 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 54 km from Shillong, 80 km from Mawsynram, 84 km from Dawki, 146 km from Guwahati, 292 km from Tezpur, Cherrapunji or Cherrapunjee is a small sub divisional town in the East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. It is one of the wettest places on the earth and among the must visit places in Meghalaya as part of honeymoon tour packages . The original name for this town was Sohra, which was pronounced 'Churra' by the British. This name eventually evolved into the current name, Cherrapunji, which means the 'land of oranges'. According to the history, Cherrapunji is the traditional capital of a Nongkhlaw hima, an independent Khasi state. Between 16th and 18th centuries, the local residents were ruled by their tribal Syiems (chiefs) of Khyriem in the Khasi Hills. Tirot Sing was the last important Syiem of this area, who later admitted to the British in 1883 and ruled this place till independence. Receiving an annual ..... Distance (From Shillong): 54 Kms Trip Duration (From Shillong - Including Travel): Full Day .....


#3 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 30 km from Mawlynnong, 57 km from Jowai, 71 km from Nongkrem, 80 km from Shillong, 84 km from Cherrapunjee, 95 km from Mairang, 172 km from Guwahati, 205 km from Kamrup, 223 km from Morigaon, 265 km from Barpeta, Dawki or Dauki is a small town in West Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya. Situated on the banks of Umngot River, it is one of the beautiful places to visit in Meghalaya. Sandwiched between India and Bangladesh, Dawki is a border town in Jaintia Hills. It is also a major center of trade between India and Bangladesh. Dawki-Tamabil is one of the few road border crossings between India and Bangladesh which is mainly used for coal transportation to Bangladesh and also other places of India. The crystal clear Umngot River of Dawki is a major attraction that marks the natural separation between the Khasi and Jaintia Hills. Besides being a trade hub, this small town is known for its immense natural beauty. Umngot River, Umngot Bridge, Jaflong Zero Point ..... Distance (From Shillong Bus Stand): 80 Kms Trip Duration (From Shillong Bus Stand - Including Travel): Full Day .....


#4 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 60 km from Shillong, 63 km from Nongkrem, 81 km from Cherrapunjee, 104 km from Mawlynnong, 107 km from Dawki, and 152 km from Guwahati, Mawsynram is a scenic village located in East Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. It is the wettest place on the earth and among the best places to visit in Meghalaya. Situated at an altitude of 1400 m, Mawsynram is the rain lover's paradise as it receives the highest rainfalls in India. With 11,872 mm of rainfall received annually, Mawsynram beats Cherrapunji by a slender margin. Cherrapunji receives 11,777 mm of rainfall. The rains are so intense in Mawsynram that the villagers use thick grass to sound-proof their homes from the thunderous rain. The 'Maw' in Mawsynram is a Khasi word meaning 'stone'. It symbolizes the unique megaliths unearthed in the Khasi Hill area. Apart from rains, Mawsynram is also known for lush green vegetation, floating clouds, roaring waterfalls and the colourful orchids. Mawjymbuin Cave, Mawlyngbna ..... Distance (From Shillong): 60 Kms Trip Duration (From Shillong - Including Travel): Full Day .....

Laitlum Canyon

Laitlum Canyon

#18 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 8 km from Smit and 24 km from Shillong, Laitlum Canyon is a picturesque mountain ridge situated near Smit in Meghalaya. Perched atop the East Khasi Hills of Shillong, it is one of the top places of trekking in Meghalaya and among the best places to visit in Shillong. Laitlum Canyons is a little-explored yet enthralling tourist spot known for its sublime natural beauty. The word Laitlum means 'The end of hills' and this beautiful hilltop appears to be true to its name. Also referred to as the 'Smit Valley' by the locals, the hilltop overlooks breathtaking landscapes which include undulating verdant hills, sprawling bamboo plantations and colourful beds of orchids. The canyon is covered with a white misty blanket and is known for the best bird's eye view of Shillong. The scenic hill slopes of Laitlum are often called the Amphitheatre of Meghalaya. The hill slopes are painted in a multitude of hues from earthy brown to soft pink and vibrant orange at sunrise .....

Sweet Falls

Sweet Falls

#19 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 13 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Sweet Falls is a gorgeous waterfall situated near Happy Valley in Shillong, Meghalaya. Also called as Kshaid Weitden, it is one of the stunning waterfalls in Meghalaya and among the popular places to visit in Shillong. Falling from a height of 315 feet, the Sweet Falls is unbroken and the water falls down with a tremendous force. The milky white stream and the surrounding green vegetation make it one of the most scenic waterfalls in Shillong. Naturally, the force of the water makes it impossible to bath or stand directly underneath the falls. Often referred as 'most beautiful' yet 'most dangerous' waterfall in Shillong, tourists are prohibited to enter into the waterfall but can be seen from a viewpoint near Happy Valley. Numerous suicides and accidental falls have been occurred at the sweet falls. The locals firmly believe that the fall is haunted. In fact people say that 'go in groups of odd numbers to the sweet falls and you .....

All Saints Cathedral

All Saints Cathedral

#20 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 2 km from Shillong Bus Stand, All Saints Cathedral is an ancient church located near Police Bazaar in Shillong. Situated opposite to State Central Library, it is one of the oldest churches of Shillong and among the best places to visit in Shillong. The church was originally built in 1877 during the British Raj and was completely damaged in the year 1897 due to an earthquake. Later, a new church was constructed in 1902. Being the main church of the Shillong, this church is the perfect place to spend some peaceful time along with the Lord's blessings. Built in colonial style of architecture, this church has a beautiful wooden structure and a few stained glass paintings. Daily religious masses are organised at the church, amongst which the morning mass on Sundays is attended by a large number of people. Timings: 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM

Lady Hydari Park

Lady Hydari Park

#21 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 2.5 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Lady Hydari Park is a public park located at the heart of Shillong in Meghalaya. Also known as Phan Nonglait Park, it is the only park with zoo in Shillong and among the best places to experience Shillong Tourism. The park is named after Lady Hydari, the wife of Governor of Assam. The park is designed in a Japanese garden style which sprawls over an area of more than a kilometer. The landscape dotted with small ponds, rhododendron plants and willow trees with its leaves almost touching the ground are all unmistakably Japanese inspired. Often considered as the best maintained park in Shillong, it encompasses a wide variety of local flowering plants and orchids. The park also features a mini zoo that comprises 73 species of birds, 140 of reptiles and other mammals. Besides, the park also houses a deer abode within it. A small house inside the park also houses a museum which displays the rich biodiversity of the state including .....

Rhino Heritage Museum

Rhino Heritage Museum

#22 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 3 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Rhino Heritage Museum is a war museum situated near Military Hospital in Shillong, Meghalaya. It is one of the museums in Shillong and among the best tourist places in Shillong. Rhino Heritage Museum is one of the most prominent war museums in North East India. The museum was built in the year 1928 and it is said that Japanese prisoners of World War 2 were kept imprisoned here. Recently, the building was renovated and inaugurated by Lt. Gen Shokin Chauhan, director general, Assam Rifles. The museum has many historical photographs related to the military as well as things related to the local culture. The newly renovated Rhino Heritage Museum will showcase the rich history of headquarters 101 area and its units. It will also provide viewers an insight towards the participation of headquarters 101 area in the 1971 Indo-Pak war which led to the birth of 'Bangladesh'. The museum also has a dedicated corner for displaying the rich .....

Kyllang Rock

Kyllang Rock

#23 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 57 km from Shillong, Kyllang Rock is a massive red granite dome-shaped rock located at Mawshut in West Khasi Hills district of Meghalaya. Locally, known as Lum Kyllang, it is one of the unique tourist places in Meghalaya and among the interesting places to visit near Shillong. This monolithic structure stands 5400 feet above the sea level and has a width of 1000 feet. It is a mammoth block of granite which is part of the Khasi folklore and seems beautiful in its shape. The Bright red granite is claimed by the geologists to be several million years old. The rock can be approachable from its northern and eastern sides but remains unapproachable from the southern flank. The southern side of Kyllang Rock is laden with massive detached blocks of rock while the northern part of the rock is enveloped with dense forests. Surrounded by age old Red Rhododendrons, Kyllang Rock is believed to have magnetic properties. Due to this magnetic field, anything doesn't fall .....

Khasi Heritage Village

Khasi Heritage Village

#24 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 27 km from Shillong, Khasi Heritage Village is a model village situated at Mawphlang near Shillong. Situated opposite to Mawphlang Sacred Forest, it is one of the best places to visit in Shillong. Spread across almost 8 acres, the Khasi Heritage Village has been created to showcase the traditional lifestyle of the Khasi tribes. The village has houses built in the conventional Khasi style with bedrooms, kitchens, storehouses etc. A museum is also kept to display artifacts, tools, and weapons, traditional daily and occasional items that were extensively used by the Khasis. It also has a section for archery with the traditional bows and arrows displayed for visitors. There is a long suspension bridge inside along with an amphitheater that screens documentaries and holds stage shows during the famous Monolith Festival. Initiated by the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council, the Monolith Festival is usually held in March every year. The main aim of the festival .....

Shillong Golf Course

Shillong Golf Course

#25 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 4 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Shillong Golf Course is located in Shillong, Meghalaya. Shillong Golf Course is one of the finest golf courses in India and among the best places to visit in Shillong. Situated at an altitude of 5200 feet, Shillong Golf Course was established as a 9-hole golf course in 1898 by the British Civil Service Officers. It was converted into 18 Holes in 1924 by Capt. Jackson and C.K. Rhodes. According to first survey in 1933, Shillong Golf Course is the third oldest Golf Course in India. Covering an area of 5873 yards, and with a par of 70, the tight fairways at the Golf course of the Shillong Golf Club are made of an indigenous species of local grass which give a solid effect on the soil thus making it challenging for the golfers. The sixth hole, at a distance of 594 yards, is the farthest amongst all the golf courses across India and reaching it proves to be quite a task for the golf players. The course is located in a scenic valley .....

Sohpetbneng Peak

Sohpetbneng Peak

#26 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 7 km from Umiam Lake and 25 km from Shillong, Sohpetbneng Peak is a mountain peak located in Shillong, Meghalaya. Considered as 'Navel of Heaven', it is one of the top places to experience Shillong Tourism. Stands at an altitude of 1,343 m, the location provides a mesmerizing bird's eye view of the dense forest and the city of Shillong. The peak is associated with mythological tales and is revered by the Hynniewtrep community which includes communities like Khasi, Jaintia, Bhoi and War Tribes. Also known as U Lum Sohpetbneng, the place is believed to hold a golden tree at the peak which the native Hynniewtrep tribe of Meghalaya has worshipped to be the bridge or ladder between earth and the heaven. The Sohpetbneng Peak is a scenic getaway that holds historic as well as spiritual significance. There is an annual tribal festival that is held on the first Sunday of February, when the Seng Khasi people would reach the peak to perform their rituals and rites, and .....

Diengiei Peak

Diengiei Peak

#27 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 22 km from Umiam Lake and 40 km from Shillong, Diengiei Peak is a mountain peak in Shillong, Meghalaya. Situated to the west of the Shillong plateau, it is one of the highest peaks in Meghalaya and among the popular places of trekking in Shillong. At an altitude of about 6200 feet, Diengiei Peak is the second highest peak in Meghalaya which is just 200 feet shorter than the Shillong Peak. Known for its scenic beauty, the peak offers breathtaking view of the green hills, Umiam Lake and mountains of the East Khasi Hills. One can also see several small villages in the form of tiny dots at a distance. At the top of the Diengiei, there is a huge cup-shaped hollow which some geologists believe to be the crater from an extinct pre-historic volcano. For a height of about 1000 feet, the gradient of this peak is very steep and precipitous which makes for excellent mountain climbing. The other adventurous sports like rock climbing and rappelling can be done here. There .....

Police Bazar

Police Bazar

#28 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 1 km from Shillong Bus Stand, Police Bazar is the main market area located at the heart of Shillong in Meghalaya. It is one of the best places for shopping in Shillong and among the top places to experience Shillong Tourism. Police Bazar is a one-stop market for every kind of tourists visiting Shillong as it is a modern market that has a number of hotels, shops and eating joints. It offers several kinds of opportunities for shopping and entertainment. Along with the modern shops, one can also find an array of traditional shops selling exquisite handicrafts from Meghalaya. The market is considered ideal for leisure seekers, shopping enthusiasts and food lovers as it has enough facilities for everyone. A lot of bargaining skills are needed when purchasing from street vendors. This place is overflowing with people all through the day, and is easily reachable from all parts of Shillong by taxis, buses and supplementary transport service. Timings: 10 AM .....

Wahrashi Falls

Wahrashi Falls

#29 of 29 Places to Visit in Shillong

At a distance of 63 km from Shillong, Wahrashi or Wah Rashi Kshaid is a stunning waterfall situated at Syntung village near Shillong, Meghalaya. It is one of the top waterfalls in Meghalaya and among the best places to visit near Shillong. Formed over Wah Rashi Kshaid River, the little known Wahrashi Water Falls is a congregation of eight waterfalls. Encircled with cluster of sacred hills, only tier 3 of the waterfall is made accessible to the public. The other levels, although visible, are not accessible. There are some viewpoints for the visitors to get the better views of the waterfalls. The area surrounding the waterfalls is mostly marshy land with a lot of wild vegetation, with pitcher plant saplings growing in abundance. The road to Wahrashi is extremely bad and only Heavy vehicles like Trucks, Buses, Sumo, Jeeps, SUVs and other 4x4 wheel drive vehicles can easily go through the road. This makes it very difficult for common people to access the waterfalls. The path from .....

Most Asked Questions on Shillong

Shillong can be visited at any time through out the year, however, September to May is the best time to visit Shillong. During these months, the weather is extremely pleasant with moderate rainfall. Shillong looks beautiful and refreshing during the monsoon season (June-August), but torrential rain may disrupt travel plans..

Shillong usually requires at least 2 full days to visit the most important attractions. Shillong can be mixed with near by wonderful destination like Cherrapunji, Dawki, Guwahati and Kaziranga National Park by adding few additional days to your trip.

Budget of Shillong trip depends on the trip duration and category of hotel you choose for your stay along with the kind of vehicle you prefer. Shillong tour packages offered by start from as low as INR 6000 per person for a 2D/1N trip and from INR 8500 per person for 3D/2N vacation.

Ensure to cover most important places to visit in Shillong like Umiam Lake, Mawphlang Sacred Grove, Don Bosco Museum, Wards Lake, Elephant Falls, Cathedral Of Mary Help Of Christians, Shillong Peak & Viewpoint, Air Force Museum, Meghalaya State Museum, Beadon-Bishop Waterfalls, etc.

Shopping in Shillong can be a great experience if you know the right things to buy. Some of the famous things to buy in Shillong are Scottish Cloth, Shawls and Stoles, Organic Products, Bamboo Handicrafts, etc.

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Top Things to Do in Mawphlang, Meghalaya

Places to visit in mawphlang.

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  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

mawphlang tourist spot

1. David Scott Trail


Places To Visit In Shillong

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mawphlang tourist spot

Near Shillong Airport

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Must Visit Places in Shillong

Umiam Lake

Elephant Falls

Shillong Peak

Shillong Peak

Don Bosco Museum

Don Bosco Museum

  • Filter (33)
  • Hills & Valleys (8)
  • Waterfall (5)

1. Umiam Lake

Umiam Lake

10 km from city center 1 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Umiam Lake, a mesmerizing man-made reservoir, is located at a distance of 15 kilometres north of Shillong which is the capital of the north-eastern Indian state of Meghalaya. The lake was formed after a dam was constructed to generate hydroelectric power. The scenic Umiam Lake is encircled by lush green East Khasi hills that form one of the best panoramic sights for nature-lovers in the country.

2. Elephant Falls

Elephant Falls

8 km from city center 2 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Named after an Elephant like stone at its foot, the Elephant Falls are amongst the most popular falls in the North-East. These falls consist of three mesmerising falls in succession. It is a great stopover destination before one heads for further journeys into Meghalaya.

3. Laitlum Canyons

Laitlum Canyons

3 km from city center 3 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Perched on the East Khasi Hills, Laitlum Canyons is a less explored but one of the most picturesque tourist and trekking destinations in Shillong. This exotic viewing site offers the best panoramic views of the whole of Meghalaya embraced by the majestic hills and valleys. Visit Laitlum Canyons either during sunrise or sunset.

4. Don Bosco Museum

Don Bosco Museum

2 km from city center 4 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Hailed as Asia's largest Museum of Indigenous Cultures, the Don Bosco Museum is the house of the beautiful culture and tradition of North East India. It has 16 laid out galleries that showcase artefacts, paintings, figures significant to the Northeastern culture.

Shillong Travel Packages

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Shillong Cherrapunji Meghalaya Tour Package - Shillong Peak & Elephant Falls

Mesmerising 5 Nights Meghalaya Tour Package - Trek to Nongriat

Enchanting meghalaya exploration - explore mawphlang's sacred forest.

Guwahati Meghalaya Tour Packages with Mawsmai Cave Exploration

Kaziranga Meghalaya Tour Package - Brahmaputra River Cruise

Meghalaya tour packages for couple - honeymoon edition, 5. police bazar.

Police Bazar

1 km from city center 5 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Police Bazar is the major market of Shillong, and a popular shopping haunt. In addition to an array of restaurants, hotels and big brand stores, the Police Bazaar also has a flea market section selling traditional handicrafts stores, exquisite Meghalaya merchandise, regional apparels, junk jewellery and the like.

6. Meghalaya State Museum

Meghalaya State Museum

1 km from city center 6 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Capt. Williamson Sangma State Museum, also known as the Meghalaya State Museum, stands as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry of Meghalaya's tribes, specifically the Khasi, Jaintia, and Garo communities. Established in 1975 and named after the pioneering Captain Williamson Sangma, the museum showcases over 2500 exhibits, offering a deep dive into the indigenous lifestyle, practices, customs, and traditions of these vibrant communities.

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₽ 689 onwards

₽ 3,729 onwards

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7. Mawphlang


20 km from city center 7 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Mawphlang, home to Meghalaya's Sacred Forest, is a beautiful village situated 25 kilometres away from Shillong, the capital city of the north-east Indian state of Meghalaya. The village lies in the district of East Khasi Hills and is famous for its sacred groves. The village is named Mawphlang as it is one of the several monoliths in the Khasi Hills.

8. Ward's Lake

Ward's Lake

1 km from city center 8 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Lying in the centre of Shillong city, the Ward's Lake, an artificial lake surrounded by a prolific green garden, is a major tourist attraction around which the entire city has been planned. Also known as Pollock's Lake, the mesmerising lake is a popular picnic spot amongst the locals and travellers who come here to simply walk around the horseshoe-shaped lake or sit and admire the stunning flowerbeds throwing a myriad of colours.

9. Mawlynnong


42 km from city center 9 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Mawlynnong is a small village situated around 90 km from Shillong in the East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya and is also known as God's own Garden. It was declared as the cleanest village in Asia in 2003 by Discovery India which certainly which makes it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Indian state.

10. Shillong Peak

Shillong Peak

4 km from city center 10 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

At the height of 6449 ft or 1965 m above sea level, Shillong Peak is the highest point of Shillong. It offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the entire city, the Himalayas, its waterfalls as well as of the Bangladesh plains. A telescope is available for tourists to get a bird's eye view.

11. Mawjymbuin Cave

Mawjymbuin Cave

44 km from city center 11 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Mawjymbuin Cave is situated in Mawjymbuin village in Mawsynram (the wettest place on earth) in Cherrapunji and is a religiously significant site. Made of calcareous sandstones and having numerous stalagmites (formed as a result of calcium carbonate depositions, weathering and dripping of mineral enriched liquid), the 209-metre high cave is of special interest to geologists who conduct special researches here.

12. All Saints Church

All Saints Church

1 km from city center 12 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

All Saints Church is constructed on the Kacheri Road in Shillong. One among the oldest churches in the city, this was built during the British Raj and boasts of colonial style architectural finesse. The church was a whole wooden structure and is busiest during the routine Sunday masses. Situated opposite the State Central Library and quite close to the Police Bazaar, it is very convenient to reach the All Saints Church through any means of local transportation.

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13. Lady Hydari Park

Lady Hydari Park

2 km from city center 13 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

One of the most famous tourist spots of Shillong, the park is dedicated to the first lady of the province - Lady Hydari. This sprawling park encompasses a wide variety of flora along with a cute mini zoo housing 73 species of birds and over 100 reptiles.

14. Sweet Falls

Sweet Falls

5 km from city center 14 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Sweet Falls is one of the steepest and the most mesmerizing falls in the country. The sound of gurgling water, chirping birds, the feel of the falling water and the lush greenery - all together just take your breath away. It is a popular picnic spot surrounded by verdant greenery. There is also a butterfly museum a mini zoo nearby.

15. Spread Eagle Falls

Spread Eagle Falls

2 km from city center 15 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Located in the East Khasi District, 6km from Shillong Cantonment, the Spread Eagle Falls are considered to be the widest in all of Shillong. It gushes down steep hills, towering three sides into a massive pool of water which is ideal for the tourists to sit and lounge by.

16. David Scott Trail

David Scott Trail

36 km from city center 16 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Named after David Scott, a British officer, the David Scott Trail is an old and one of the most popular trekking routes in Meghalaya. It is a 16 kilometres long trek that stretches from Mawphlang to Lad Mawphlang.

17. Kyllang Rock

Kyllang Rock

30 km from city center 17 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Some 78 km away from Shillong, a unique giant rock made out of red granite, Kyllang Rock is a giant dome placed in the West Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. It is said to have a special magnetic field that makes sure that people don't fall off it. It is popular for rock climbing and trekking.

18. Mawsynram


44 km from city center 18 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Currently the wettest place on earth (tough competition with Cherrapunjee), Mawsynram receives 12m of rain annually. The generosity of mother nature can be easily seen and experienced with the fresh air, blue skies waterfalls and lush greenery.

19. Sohpetbneng


11 km from city center 19 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

At 1343m above sea level, an ideal location to meet nature. Sohpetbneng means 'navel of heaven' in the local language and is truly heaven - with the breathtaking view of Shillong it offers.

20. Rhino Heritage Museum

Rhino Heritage Museum

2 km from city center 20 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Located in the Bara Bazaar area of Shillong, Rhino Heritage Museum is dedicated to the army personnels, military weapons and war missiles and rifles. The museum gets its name from the pink coloured rhinoceros sculpture installed outside the premises. Among other exhibits, the highlight is the display of the weaponry of the Japanese army.

21. Malki Forest

Malki Forest

2 km from city center 21 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

A serene forest in the Malki region of Shillong, Meghalaya that is locally called Khlaw Malki, the Malki Forest is a popular amongst locals and tourists who want to take a break from the city and spend some time amidst nature. The forest is an excellent place to get some exercise, admire the flora and fauna and to just relax.

22. Cathedral Of Mary Help Of Christians Shillong

Cathedral Of Mary Help Of Christians Shillong

1 km from city center 22 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

The Cathedral of Mary Help of Christians, also known as the Laitumkhrah Church is one of the most beautiful churches of Shillong. The church with its towering arches and big stained-glass windows has two levels: a chapel and a huge cathedral.

23. Air Force Museum

Air Force Museum

8 km from city center 23 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Situated in the Upper Shillong area, Air Force Museum is a brilliant display of the country's defence forces, especially the Air Force and learn about the defence history. A great place for adults and children both, the museum has aircraft models, uniforms of pilots, miniature models of missiles, rockets, machinery, technology demonstrations of the Indian Air Force- Eastern Command along with pictures of Indo-China war and Indo-Pak war.

24. Nohsngithiang Falls

Nohsngithiang Falls

40 km from city center 24 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Plunging from a height of 315 meters, Nohsngithiang Falls are another wonder that Cherrapunjee has to offer to its visitors. Also known as the Seven-sisters falls, Nohsngithiang is an absolutely amazing sight to behold.

25. Butterfly Museum, Shillong

Butterfly Museum, Shillong

1 km from city center 25 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Also known as Entomological Museum, Butterfly Museum in Shillong is one of the most popular tourist attractions of the city. Situated on the Riatsamthiah Jaiaw, near Christian Academy School, the museum houses an extensive collection of vibrant butterflies, moths, beetles and other insects. The museum also cultivate butterflies for commercial purposes.

26. Crinoline Falls

Crinoline Falls

2 km from city center 26 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Crinoline Falls, also called the Blue Heaven Falls, is a stunning waterfall situated near Lady Hydari Park in Shillong, Meghalaya. It is an absolute treat for nature lovers as it is situated amidst the forest and makes for a breathtaking view and a great swimming experience.


45 km from city center 27 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Jakrem is a famous hot water spring of sulphur, located about 64 km from Shillong. The sulphur springs is believed to have curative medicinal properties. The site has slowly developed into a health resort.

28. Diengiei Peak

Diengiei Peak

10 km from city center 28 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Situated on the western side of Shillong, is 6200 ft in altitude, this peak is just 200 ft shorter than the tallest peak in Shillong, Shillong Peak. For a height of about 1000 ft, the gradient of this peak is very steep and precipitous which makes for excellent mountain climbing.

29. Museums in Shillong

Museums in Shillong

1 km from city center 29 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Shillong is a cultural hub that boasts an array of museums offering intriguing glimpses into the region's heritage. These museums serve as portals to the rich tapestry of Meghalaya's diverse tribal cultures, history, and artistic expressions. From the immersive exhibits at the Don Bosco Museum, unraveling the indigenous cultures of the Northeast, to the curated collections at the Meghalaya State Museum, showcasing the state's historical evolution, Shillong's museums are veritable treasure troves.

30. Khasi Hills

Khasi Hills

26 km from city center 30 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Named after the Khasi tribe of Meghalaya, the Khasi hills are famous for housing the Sohra or Cherrapunjee scarp, one of the regions with highest annual rainfall in the world, and the prevalent use of living root bridges seen in this region. The Nongkhum island, the second largest river island of Asia, is also located within this spectacular area.

31. Jaintia Hills

Jaintia Hills

46 km from city center 31 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Part of the former Jaintia Kingdom, the Jaintia Hills is a land of majestic hills filled with rich natural vegetation and mineral deposits situated in Meghalaya. The Jaintia Hills is home to one of the most beautiful waterfalls of India, the Krang Suri Falls and the fascinating Nartiang Monoliths.

32. Garo Hills

Garo Hills

32 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Situated close to the Indo-Bangladesh Border, the Garo hills get their name from the Garo tribe who inhabit the area. The Nokrek Biosphere reserve, one of the most important national parks with international importance, is located in this nature-rich area. The hills are also decked with splendid waterfalls, enriching the environmental coherence of the place.

33. Ever Living Museum

Ever Living Museum

5 km from city center 33 out of 33 Places To Visit in Shillong

Situated in the Mawshbuit Village in Shillong, Ever Living Museum is a privately owned museum depicting the love for nature, culture, tradition, posterity and history. An ethnographic museum, it houses the objects of the hill tribe of Garo, Khasi and Jaintia Hills and is divided into three sections.

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Top 25 Places to Visit in Shillong

Shillong| Places to Visit in Shillong-Hikerwolf

Away from the mainland, Northeast India is a hidden treasure of unparalleled beauty waiting to be explored. Shillong, a quaint hill station in Meghalaya, is definitely one of its brightest jewels. Famously known as the Scotland of East , Shillong is not merely the Capital of Meghalaya but also the Rock Capital of India . An abode of tranquil and serene valleys, waterfalls, parks, caves, and awe-inspiring landscapes, it also grooves to the loudest and most happening musical festivals in the nation.

Away from the scorching heat and chaos prevalent in the cities, Shillong, with its misty drizzles and pleasant gashes of wind, will wake your senses to hidden life. Brimming with modernity and a house of some of the oldest tribes at the same time, Shillong is a rare amalgamation of the past and the present. Come and experience what paradise on earth feels like in the “ Abode of Clouds ”.

Shilong Trail| Shillong Tourist Places- Hikerwolf

Shillong is a celebration of culture, history, nature, and life; a celebration that you just cannot miss being a part of. There is no dearth of heart-capturing places to visit in Shillong. If you are waiting for a sign to take that leap of faith, cancel all your deadlines, and treat yourself with a rejuvenating and soulful retreat in the valleys, this is it.

Shillong is not just a place but rather a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will make you have a long and silent conversation with your solitude. Shillong tourist places definitely need to be on the top of your bucket list!

Table of Contents

Best Time to Visit Shillong: March to June

Shillong in summer.

Shillong in Summer|Best Time to Visit Shillong-Hikerwolf

The pleasant and moderate climate of summers (18-22 degrees Celsius) makes the months of March to June the best time to visit Shillong. You can enjoy the lush greenery of the blossoming valleys in this season. From boating to trekking to Shillong sightseeing, there is perhaps no better climate to explore Shillong tourist places than the summer season. You can also enjoy the summer annual tribal thanksgiving festival, Shad Suk Mynsiem , by visiting this gem of place between the months of March to June.

Shillong in Winter

Shillong in Winter|Best Time to Visit Shillong-Hikerwolf

While the chilly weather and unpredictable winter showers make winters an off-season in the town, adventurers and nature lovers find their way to explore this beautiful place even in the biting cold. Months from October to February stand as the best time to visit Shillong if you want to enjoy Wangala , Autumn , as well as Nongrem Dance Festivals . The frosty valleys and trekking trails bring out a unique glory when it comes to Shillong sightseeing.

Shillong in Monsoon

Shillong in Monsoon| Best Time to Visit Shillong-Hikerwolf

The gods of rain are a bit too generous on Shillong. The area receives around 3300 mm of rainfall every year. While this makes the down prone to floods and blocked roads, the monsoon might be the best time to visit Shillong for you if you are a lover of rains. Brimming with greenery and serenity, Shillong is a romantic spectacle to treasure during the months of July to September . It brings out an unseen sight of picturesque Shillong tourist places.

From a plethora of mesmerizing Shillong tourist places, HikerWolf has chosen 25 best places to visit in Shillong for you:

1. Elephant Falls

Elephant Falls,Shillong| Shillong Places to Visit-Hikerwolf

Situated 12 km away from Shillong, Elephant Falls, one of the most alluring Shillong tourist places, will leave you spellbound by its astoundingly beautiful sight. It is named after an elephant-shaped rock at the foot of the fall. The rock, however, eroded and withered out of shape after an earthquake occurred in 1897.

It is popularly known in the Khasi tribe as the ‘ Ka Kshaid Lai Pateng Khohsiew’ , translating to ‘ The Three Step Waterfalls’ . With three consecutive crystal waterfalls in the backdrop of earthy rocks, the falls stand as a renowned Shillong tourist spot.

The first layer of falls, nestled between evergreen trees, mark a wide area by its flow. The second waterfalls are rather bleak and trace a narrow stream, especially during winters. The third waterfalls, with its unhindered flow of pristine water from the mouth of dark rocks, become the central attraction of the place. All three layers of waterfalls join together to form a stellar sight of refreshing and blossoming beauty. A natural delight tucked in emerald greenery, it is one of the best places to visit in Shillong.


The three-tier falls in fern rocks

INR 20 per person

10 A.M. to 6 P.M. (remains open throughout the week except on Sunday)

Best Time to Visit:

July to September

3. Umiam Lake

Umiam Lake| Shillong Sightseeing-Hikerwolf

A gorgeous by-product of the construction of a hydroelectric dam on the Umiam River, Umiam Lake is a serene man-made reservoir that forms the perfect picnic spot for tourists from across all geographies. This makes it one of the best Shillong places to visit.

Spreading across 222 square kilometres of land, the lake is surrounded by lush green Gulmohar trees and is nestled amidst lofty valleys. Bustling with exquisite flora and fauna as well as indigenous locals, the lake will give you a kaleidoscopic view of the natural beauty and rural and tribal lifestyle of the region.

An absolute paradise for photographers and nature enthusiasts, it is a delight when it comes to Shillong sightseeing. The sunset and sunrise views on the periphery of this lake are sights to behold. Along with its picturesque setting, it also offers tourists an array of water sports and adventures. This makes it one of the most prominent Shillong tourist places.

Kayaking, cruising, boating, and other water activities.

INR 20 for Kayak/ Pedal Boat/ Canoe

INR 50 for Scooter

INR 50 for River Bus

INR 100 for Yachting

INR 200 for Skiing

9 A.M. to 5 A.M. for water sports

March to June

3. Laitlum Canyons

Laitlum Canyons| Shillong Tourist Spot- Hikerwolf

Laitlum Canyons, nestled in the East Khali Valleys, is a well-kept secret of the town and is thus amongst the treasured Shillong tourist places brimming with tranquillity and peace. Literally translating to ‘ The End of Hills’ , Laitlum Canyons gives a panoramic view of the hills. Away from the mayhem of city life, this unexplored hilltop in lush green meadows will be the perfect spot to dwell into the deepest parts of your solitude. It is one of the best places to visit in Shillong. The bird view of the beautiful city will make you forget all your problems and will make them appear so small in front of the majestic valleys. Come and lose yourself in the silences of nature, perhaps you’ll hear them talking back to you!

The bird view of Khasi Valleys- a cherished Shillong tourist spot

No entry fee

Remains open throughout the day

4. Don Bosco Museum

Don Bosco Museum| Places to Visit in Shillong- Hikerwolf

Shillong is an abode of indigenous culture and traditions practiced by many diverse ancient tribes. If there is a place that captures the majestic history and heritage of Shillong, it is the renowned Don Bosco Museum, one of the most famous Shillong tourist places. Famously known as the largest museum of indigenous culture in Asia, it stores important relics and artifacts that tell a tale of the cultural history of Northeastern India.

Constructed in a hexagonal style with seven floors and over 17 art galleries, this museum has been visited by eminent personalities such as the princess of Thailand as well as notaries from the Rajya Sabha. Adorned with sculptures, paintings weapons, figures, as well as other artifacts and relics, it also hosts various recreational events and competitions inviting historians, scholars, writers, lyricists, as well as musicians from across the world. One of the most prominent places to visit in Shillong, it is a renowned Shillong tourist spot.

Snippets of north-eastern communities

INR 100 for an Indian Adult and INR 200 for a Foreign Adult

INR 50 for an Indian Student and INR 150 for a Foreign Student

9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. in summers and 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. in winters (remains open throughout the week except for Sundays and national holidays)

Throughout the year

5. Shillong Peak

Shillong Peak| Shillong Tourist Places- Hikerwolf

If you want to get a kaleidoscopic bird view of the beauty that Shillong entails, perhaps there is no better hilltop than the majestic Shillong Peak to serve your needs. Perched at an altitude of 1965 meters above sea level, Shillong Peak stands as the highest point in Shillong. Covered with misty fog, it definitely is a major reason behind the naming of Shillong as an abode of clouds and is thus amongst the best Shillong places to visit.

According to a popular legend, the peak is said to be the home of ‘ Leishyllong ‘, the supreme patron deity revered in Shillong. It is believed that the deity overlooks and protects the city from the hill peak. Attracting devotees, spiritualists, as well as nature lovers, Shillong Peak is a slice of heaven that will give you an unparalleled experience of serene divinity. It thus is a prominent stop for Shillong sightseeing. Located at the Air force base, it also hosts the radar station of the Indian Air force. Undeniably, it bags a position in the list of Shillong tourist places.

The radar station of the Indian Airforce- a renowned Shillong tourist spot

9 A.M. to 5 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

6. Ward’s Lake

Ward's Lake| Shillong Places to Visit- Hikerwolf

Named after Sir William Ward, the chief commissioner of Assam who played a central role in commencing its construction, Ward’s Lake is a renowned Shillong tourist spot. Famously known as the Pollock’s Lake by the locals, Ward’s Lake is adorned by rich flora and vibrant flowerbeds. Constructed in 1894, this 100-year-old lake still stands as the unblemished and untouched jewel of Shillong.

Boating in this horseshoe-shaped lake will bring you in the close proximity of diverse fishes that make this lake beam with life. From feeding the colorful fishes to taking a stroll around this crystal mirror-sheet lake, Ward’s lake is a perfect retreat into the prime bounty of nature. A prominent destination for Shillong sightseeing, Ward’s Lake is one of the best places to visit in Shillong.

Paddle boating in the lake

INR 10 per person

8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. (November to February) and 8:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. (March to October).  It remains open throughout the week.

June and July

7. Air Force Museum

Air Force Museum| Shillong Sightseeing- Hikerwolf

Shillong is a hub of eminent museums that bear testimony to the rich culture, heritage, history, as well as technologies that the country possesses. One such exquisite museum that tells the brave tale of India’s defense history is the Air Force Museum located in the Upper Shillong region.

From the snapshots of Indo-China and Indo-Park Wars to uniforms of air force pilots to microscopic models of air crafts to rockets, missiles, and other items, the Air Force Museum will educate you about the Indian Air force and its brave flying warriors and glorious history. Also encapsulating a souvenir shop and a cafeteria, the air force museum complex is amongst the renowned places to visit in Shillong.

The python skin on display

9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

8. Shillong Golf Course

Shillong Golf Course| Shillong Tourist Spot- Hikerwolf

Perched in the East Khali district at a height of 5200 feet above sea level, Shillong Golf Course stands as the largest, finest, as well as a most ancient golf course in the whole wide world! It was constructed in 1898 as a 9-hole golf course and was later transformed into an 18-hole golf course in 1924 by Captain Jackson and C.K. Rhodes. Ever since 1924, this golf course is renowned with the title – Gleneagles of the East.

Adorned with dense rhododendron and pine trees, it is not just a haven for golf enthusiasts but also for nature and peace lovers. Its picturesque and enormous sight is one to treasure and thus it stands as the pride of Meghalaya. A delight for a playful, fun, and sporty retreat, it is one of the best places to visit in Shillong.

Flowering Pine and Rhododendron trees

8 A.M. to 6 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

9. Mary Help for Christian Cathedral

Mary Help for Christian Cathedral| Places to Visit in Shillong- Hikerwolf

Located between Dhanketi and Laitunkhrah, Mary Help for Christian Cathedral is one of the most picturesque churches in the city and is also amongst the most sacred Shillong tourist places. Constructed on a steep plateau to be earthquake resistant, it is decorated with grand glass windows and towering arches.

Established in 1980, it stores the grave of Hubert D’ Rosario, the first Archbishop of Shillong. An affirmation of Gothic revival architecture, the church is adorned with Holy Scriptures and artworks that depict biblical tales as well as the lives of renowned holy saints.

Glimmering with spirituality and serenity, the church is named after Holy Mary, the mother of Lord Jesus Christ. Standing as a divine abode in the backdrop of grandiose snow-covered mountains and pious Brahmaputra River, it is a treasured spot for Shillong Sightseeing and thus is one of the best places to visit in Shillong for a divine and spiritual retreat.

The grave of Hubert D’ Rosario

7 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

10. Police Bazar

Police Bazar| Shillong Tourist Places- Hikerwolf

If you want to get a vivid view of the bustling life in Shillong, there is no better place than Police Bazar for you. One of the liveliest market centers in Shillong, Police Bazar has got something for everyone. From modern stores to ethnic, traditional, and classic handicraft stores to a flea market, Police Bazar captures the soul of Shillong with all its varied diversities.

Built around the main circle, it is connected to the city by 7 roads that branch out from the central chowk. The flea market is renowned to be a pocket friendly experience if you want to treasure traditional handicrafts and ethnic junk jewelry of Meghalaya.A colourful, vibrant, and lively market, it is not just a popular destination for shopaholics but also foodies as it is an abode of some of the most delicious local cuisines and delicacies of Meghalaya. Come and get lost in the fervour of tradition, culture, and life beaming in this market of Shillong. Without a doubt, it is one of the most stellar places to visit in Shillong.

The flea market- a favorite Shillong tourist spot

8 A.M. to 7 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

Also, read about the 15 Best Places to Visit in Meghalaya

11. Sweet Falls

Sweet Falls| Shillong Sightseeing- Hikerwolf

Imagine the musical sound of thrashing water amidst dense green forests reverberating with the mellifluous chirping of birds. Sweet falls is an ethereal destination for nature lovers and enthusiasts and is thus amongst renowned Shillong tourist places. One of the most stellar waterfalls with astounding beauty, it also is one of the most dangerous and accident-prone waterfalls in Shillong. Situated at a height of 96 meters, it has been a witness to a number of tragic deaths and suicides. It thus stands unfit for directly bathing under its fast rushing water.

To add to its mystery, it is also believed to be a haunted place by the locals. According to a popular legend, groups visiting in odd numbers are often found to return with lesser members in even numbers. A picturesque and sublime site, it is located in the close earshot of Butterfly Museum and mini zoo. With its haunted reputation and dangerous eventualities, it is less visited. With a scarce crowd, however, you can make the most of the serene greenery and sublime beauty that envelops this place. As suggested by its name, it is a sweet and refreshing getaway and thus, is bags its name in the list of eminent Shillong places to visit.

The cloudy view of majestic falls

INR 70- Vehicle Entry Fee

10 A.M. to 5 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

12. All Saints Cathedral

All Saints Cathedral| Shillong Places to Visit- Hikerwolf

In the close proximity of Police Bazaar (a prominent Shillong tourist spot) and opposite to the Central Library in Shillong, All Saints Cathedral stands as one of the most ancient and yet one of the most beautiful and well-maintained churches in the city of Shillong.

Constructed around 1902, it was built by the British Empire and thus bears testimony to Victorian architecture and designs. With its wooden architecture and intricately carved religious symbolisms, it holds great value for history and beauty lovers as well as devotees from across all geographies. All Saints Cathedral is a treasured stop for Shillong sightseeing. Shimmering with tranquil spirituality, this quaint abode of unparalleled divinity is one of the best Shillong tourist places.

The wooden architecture and religious carvings

8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

Throughout the Year

13. Wankhar Entomological Museum

Wankhar Entomological Museum| Shillong Sightseeing- Hikerwolf

Owned and maintained by the members of the Wankhar family, Wankhar Entomological Museum is also famously known as the Butterfly Museum. One of the most renowned Shillong tourist places, it is located on Riatsamthiah Jaiaw and in close proximity to the Christian Academy School.

Housing more than 1600 species of butterflies, moths, beetles, and other insects, it is a colorful sight to behold and is a unique destination for Shillong sightseeing. To promote the awareness for conservation of exotic and endemic insects, Wankhar Entomological Museum also hosts recurrent special breeding programs for the conservation of the insects. A one of its kind traveling destination, it is one of the best places to visit in Shillong.

exotic specimens of moths, beetles, butterflies, tarantulas, and millipedes from different countries.

INR 50 per adult (national), INR 30 per student (national), and INR 100 per foreigner

11 A.M. to 4 P.M. (remains open throughout the week excluding Sunday)

14. Lady Hydari Park

Lady Hydari Lake| Shillong Tourist Spot- Hikerwolf

Brimming with ducks and wishes, Lady Hydari Lake is an exceptionally picturesque lake that stands as the favorite picnic spot for nature lovers and as a renowned name amongst Shillong places to visit. It gets its name from Lady Hydari, the wife of the Governor of Assam and thus famously revered as the first lady of the state.

Built-in Japanese style, it is dotted with orchid, willow trees, as well as rhododendrons trees. With beautiful ponds, enamoring lawns, and a mini zoo and museum, it is an ideal recreational destination to enjoy with family. Boating in the ponds of this park will give you an astoundingly beautiful view of greenery blossoming with life. A treasured place for Shillong sightseeing, it is one of the most beautiful tourist places in Shillong.

Boating and other recreational activities

INR 10 per adult, INR 5 per child below 5 years of age, and INR 5 per senior citizen

8 A.M. to 5 P.M. (remains open throughout the week excluding Monday)

15. Bishop Falls

BishopFalls| Places to Visit in Shillong- Hikerwolf

The highest waterfall in Shillong and the 22 nd highest waterfall in India, Bishop Falls flows from a height of 443 feet. This three-tier waterfall merges into the pristine Umiam River making its way through the dense valleys. With a hydroelectric powerhouse at its base, it is a beautiful sight with foamy water streams traversing through dark rocks.

The twin brother of Beadon Falls, Bishop Falls is the second of two waterfalls falling into the same water base.  Stranded away into prime remoteness of nature, it is not connected to any motorable road and can only be viewed from the Beadon-Bishop View Point. A refreshing getaway from the chaos of city life, it will make you experience the sublimity of nature like never before. A door into your spirituality, Bishop Falls is a charming destination for Shillong Sightseeing and is one of the best Shillong places to visit.

Beadon-Bishop ViewPoint- a favorite Shillong tourist spot

8 A.M. to 6 P.M.

16. Rhino Heritage Museum

Rhino Heritage Museum| Shillong Tourist Places- Hikerwolf

Rhino Heritage Museum is a renowned war museum that tells the stories of wars fought by the brave soldiers of the nation as well as of the highly developed defense weapons that the nation has employed in the past wars.

From the relics of uniforms of martyred soldiers to their medals to the weapons produced by Japan in World War II, it houses various historical and war artifacts. First constructed in 1928, it is said to have been a prison for Japanese prisoners of war. It was transformed later into a war museum by the director-general of Assam Rifles, Lt. Gen Shokin Chauhan.

Its galleries house displays of not just war relics but also local and tribal heritage and culture. The central attractions of the museum are the multiple photographs of soldiers and army personnel, weapons employed by the Japanese army during the Second World War, rifles made in Iraq and China, as well as the great Caribou fighter plane employed in the 1971 Indo-Pak war. Encapsulating tales of gory wars, grand weapons, and brave soldiers, it attracts history lovers, students, as well as tourists from across all geographies. A profound conversation with the past, it stands amongst the most famous Shillong places to visit.

The weaponry of the Japanese Army- a central attraction for Shillong sightseeing

Paid for all visitors. Special discount for senior citizens, students, as well as retired army men.

9 A.M. to 5 P.M. (remains open throughout the week excluding Thursday)

17. Mawjymbuin Cave

Mawjymbuin Cave| Shillong Places to Visit- Hikerwolf

Imagine walking through a dark cave marked with a quiet flow of bleak water streams and wonders of sandstones and geological formations. Mawjymbuin Cave will enrapture you in the beauty of natural wonders and unseen treasures. Located in Mawsynram (the wettest place on earth), Mawjymbuin Cave is an alluring sight that holds great significance to religious devotees, geologists, as well as nature lovers.

The cave contains a rock structure resembling Shiva Linga that arose from the earth. The Shiva Linga is worshipped by devotees from all geographies who revere this cave as a holy abode of a great deity and thus consider it a pilgrim. With a height of 209 meters, it has many entrances and passages, some of which are very narrow and bleak. Adorned with sandstones and multiple stalagmites, it is a sought-out destination for geologists and researchers from across the world.

With a quiet and tranquil aura, this quaint cave will take you into the depths of your spirituality and thus will surely be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. A marvelous site for Shillong sightseeing, it also is one of the most stellar tourist places in Shillong.

The rock shaped like Shiv Linga

Entry Fee :

8 A.M. to 8 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

Post monsoon as the passage of the cave is prone to get blocked in heavy rains.

18. Spread Eagle Falls

Spread Eagle Falls| Shillong Sightseeing- Hikerwolf

A waterfall that looks like a mighty eagle spreading its wings? Spread Eagle Falls is a delightful wonder of nature and thus is a scenic sight to devour. The widest waterfall in the city and also amongst prominent Shillong tourist places, Spread Eagle Falls is also known as Urkaliar or Sati Falls. It is nestled in the steep hills of the East Khali District. According to a popular legend, Ka Liar slipped and fell into this waterfall and thus it got its name as Urkaliar falls. With water gushing out of the crystal rocks and the thunderous flow breaking the profound silence of the hills, Spread Eagle falls is a paradise for nature lovers as well as photography enthusiasts as a quintessential Shillong sightseeing destination. Beaming with beauty and fervor, it is one of the most pristine places to visit in Shillong for a soulful retreat into nature.

The eagle-shaped waterfalls- One of the most majestic Shillong tourist places

10 A.M. to 6 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

May and June

19. Mawphlang Sacred Forest

Mawphlang Sacred Forest| Shillong Tourist Spot- Hikerwolf

Imagine wandering through the wilderness of a tropical, evergreen, dense, and unexplored forest. The crunch of autumn leaves crushing beneath your feet and the echoing silence of the majestic distant valleys. Mawphlang is one of the most beautiful forests in Meghalaya and also one of the most mysterious Shillong places to visit. It is a forest enveloped with sacred beliefs. It holds great religious value to the Khasi Tribe. They bury the dead members of their tribe in this forest.

One can spot monoliths and stones in the forest used to offer animal sacrifices to holy deities. Labasa is revered as the prime deity of the village and tribal people belonging to the Khasi Tribe offer the sacrifice of roosters and goats as a ritual to worship the deity. They believe that the deity can appear in the form of a tiger. It is also not allowed for visitors to not take anything out from this village.

According to a famous legend, the attempt made by the Indian Army to take logs out of the forest for construction work despite repeated warnings from the tribal villagers was turned futile by some invisible force. Despite multiple attempts, the Indian Army was unable to take the logs out from the village and thus the age-old legend has continued and no one dares to move anything in this primitive and sacred forest. Adorned with rich flora and fauna and biodiversity, it is also a picturesque spectacle. One of the best tourist places in Shillong, it is a fascinating adventure to entail!

The Mystic Forest Trail- An eminent Shillong tourist spot

9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

September and October

20. Mawphlang Village

Mawphlang Village| Places to Visit in Shillong- Hikerwolf

Situated 26 kilometers away from Shillong, Mawphlang Village, one of the most primitive Shillong places to visit, is an unexplored jewel that holds the rich rural heritage of Meghalaya. Nestled in the East Khali Hills, it literally translates to “grassy stone” used by the tribal people for animalistic sacrifices and rituals. It was a famous center for medical activities and dispensaries and was also the abode of Presbyterian Church of Wales missionary during the 1890s.

Marked by rivers, valleys, forests, and ponds, Mawphlang Dam and the sacred forest groves remain the central attractions of this village. It is an eminent destination for Shillong Sightseeing to get an insight into the unknown rural culture of Meghalaya. It thus stands as one of the best tourist places in Shillong.

Mawphlang Dam and Mawphlang Sacred Forest- Cherished places to visit in Shillong

9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M

October to April

21. State Museum

Meghalaya State Museum| Shillong Tourist Places- Hikerwolf

Perched in the state Library Complex at Laichumiere, the Meghalaya State Museum, also famously known as Captain Williamson Sangma State Museum, is a reservoir of the rich tribal and ethnic culture of the nation. Established in 1975, the museum gives a detailed account of the age old civilizations as well as their unique cultures from both western and eastern parts of India.

Galleries containing traditional musical instruments, jewelry, traditional tools, weapons, and other antique artifacts adorn the museum. This ethnographic museum gives a unique insight into the exquisite cultures and traditions of the Jaintia, Garo, and Khasi tribes. It also encapsulates the dinosaur’s model acquired from the Geological Survey of India, Kolkata to the replica of Ashok Pillars and anthropological life-size model acquired from National Museum, Delhi, and Gauhati respectively.

Beaming with socio-cultural ethnicity, it is a favorite Shillong tourist spot for anthropologists, researchers, historians, students, as well as other visitors. A perfect site for Shillong sightseeing, it will acquaint you with the hidden and unknown lives of the ancient tribes and their sentiments. A hub of culture and profound stories, it is one of the best Shillong Places to visit.

Dinosaurs model

INR 5 per person

10 A.M. to 4 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

22. David Scott Trail

David Scott Trail| Shillong Places to Visit- Hikerwolf

A breath-taking trek through forest covers, rushing rivers, steep rocks, emerald green meadows, mountains, woods, and expansive grasslands, David Scott Trail is a dream for every trekker and thus is amongst the best Shillong places to visit.

Getting its name from David Scott, a British officer of the region, this 16 kilometers long trek connects two villages brimming with an unparalleled culture and unique ways of life. Wandering through this trek will make you stroll through the tribal culture and heritage embedded in the soul of Shillong.

Stretching from Mawphlang to Lad Mawphlang, David Scott Trail is one of the oldest trekking trails in Meghalaya. It was established in the 19 th century as a pathway connecting Assam and Bangladesh. From the ancient Khasi Villages to the dangling bridge at River Umain to the tomb of Camilla to the Ka Kor Ka Shonmai resting spot, the trek entails alluring places and experiences and is thus quintessential for Shillong sightseeing in order to explore its hidden beauty and culture. A relaxing retreat in the natural meadows, it is one of the best tourist places in Shillong.

Ka Kor Ka Shonmai point- Eminent Shillong tourist spot

6 A.M. to 6 P.M.

23. Sohpetbneng Peak

Sohpetbeng Peak| Shillong Tourist Spot- Hikerwolf

On the outskirts of Shillong and at an altitude of 1343 meters above sea level, there lies one of the most auspicious peaks in the city as well as one of the best Shillong tourist places, Sohpetbeng Peak. It gives an alluring bird view of a city covered in dense forests. Revered as the “ Navel to Heaven ” in the Khasi mythology and Folklore, it holds great religious and sacred value for the people belonging to the Hinniewtrep Tribe.

With sublime and breath-taking views of the city as well as the profound divinity, the peak is a favorable location for both tourists as well as locals. A perfect spot for Shillong sightseeing, it will make you experience the grandiose city among the clouds. It thus attracts nature lovers as well as photographers from across the world. One of the best places to visit in Shillong, it is a sight to behold.

The panoramic view of the city

24. Mawsynram

Mawsynram| Shillong Places to Visit- Shillong

Your trip to Shillong cannot possibly be complete without visiting the wettest place on the earth! Mawsynram, located 61 kilometres away from Shillong, is a tropical town marked by generous and wondrous showers. Cuddled in East Khali Hills, at a height of 1400 meters above sea level, it gets its name from the Khasi word “Maw” meaning stone. Dotted with stalagmite formations and earthy stone structures, it is one of the most prominent Shillong tourist spots. Most famous for a rock resembling Shiv Linga in Mawjymbuin Cave , it houses various wonders of nature. The village houses in Mawsynram are covered with thick grass shields in order to protect the inhabitants from the noisy and thunderous rains. A spectacle to treasure, this quaint little town encapsulates the hidden beauty of northeast India and thus deserves to be on your travel list! Undeniably, it is one of the best Shillong places to visit.

Mawjymbuin Cave- One of the most renowned Shillong tourist places

Remains open throughout the week

September to November

25. Lewduh Bara Bazar

Lewduh Bara Bazar| Shillong Tourist Spot- Hikerwolf

Famously renowned as the largest traditional and ethnic market in Northeast India, Lewduh Bara Bazar captures the soul of the city of Shillong and is thus a bustling Shillong tourist spot. Beaming with the culture of the Khasi tribe, one of the most prominent tribes inhabiting Shillong, the market sells Khasi weapons such as Khasi knives and Khasi bow and arrows.

From handicraft items to bamboo artifacts to Scottish Check and handwoven shawls, the market is a hub of exquisite heritage. It also witnesses religious rituals and ceremonies conducted to worship U Blei Shillong , the revered deity of Shillong. Owing to a strong lineage of matrilineal culture, most of the shops are run by women.

Along with housing ethnic, religious, and tribal culture, it also bustles with stores of modern brands. Thus, a perfect amalgamation of modernity with culture, it captures the soul of a society in flux, leaning towards the new ways of the world, yet rooted beautifully in the indigenous life. From traditional souvenirs to lip-smacking delicacies, it has got something for everyone. Bustling with life and a diverse crowd, it is one of the best places to visit in Shillong.

Khasi knives, bows, and arrows

8 A.M. to 5 P.M. (remains open throughout the week)

Shillong| Places to Visit in Shillong- Hikerwolf

North East India still remains an unexplored mystery. Cut off from the mainland, it houses various well-kept secrets of unseen beauty. One such lesser-known jewel of North East India is the charming hill station of Shillong. From primitive forests, mountains, lakes, caves, and waterfalls to lively music festivals, Shillong is a profound story of the union between nature and culture. Come and listen to the ancient fables of primitive tribes and the modern tales of renowned rock bands at the same time in this mesmerizing town. Some stories, after all, are worth hearing!

1. What is the best time to visit Shillong?

   The pleasant months from September to May are considered the best time to visit Shillong. Monsoons are generally avoided to travel to Shillong as the heavy rains in Shillong often lead to blocked roads and floods.

2. Where is Shillong located?

  Shillong is located at a height of 4,990 meters above sea level in the east-central region of Meghalaya.

3. How to reach Shillong?

  You can reach Shillong both via air and road. If you are traveling by air, you can easily reach Shillong airport which is well-connected with other major cities. You can also avail of bus services available for travel from Guwahati to Shillong.

4. Is Shillong a safe place to visit for tourists?

  Shillong has a low crime rate when compared to other major cities in India and is a safe place for tourists.

5. What are the various tribes situated in Shillong?

  The most prominent tribes in Shillong are the Khasi tribe, Garo tribe, and Jaintia tribe.

6. Does one require any special permits to visit Shillong?

  Everyone, except the natives, needs to obtain a special permit to visit the northeastern states of India. You need an Inner Line Permit (ILP) to visit Shillong. The permit is issued by the state government.

7. What are the most famous hotels to stay in Shillong?

  Some of the most famous and luxurious hotels to stay in Shillong are Ri Kynjai, Hotel Polo Towers, The Heritage Club, The Pear Tree, and Hotel Alpine Continental.

8. What is Shillong famous for?

  Shillong, prominently known as the Scotland of East, is one of the most beautiful hill stations in north-eastern India. It is known for its picturesque waterfalls, caves, valleys, and lush green grasslands. There is no dearth of tranquil places to visit in Shillong. Away from the mainland, Shillong offers a pleasant cultural retreat as it is inhabited by the indigenous Khasi tribe.

9. How is the internet facility in Shillong?

  You can easily get a fairly stable internet connection in Shillong. Places such as Mawphlang Village, however, have a low internet connection.

10. What are the best mobile networks that provide stable connectivity in Shillong?

  Jio, Vodafone, as well as BSNL are known to provide stable connectivity in Shillong.

11. What is the famous food of the region?

  Khasi food is the most prominent cuisine of Shillong. Pork and rice are considered the staple food of the region. Jadoh is a lip-smacking Khasi delicacy that is a must-try dish for all food enthusiasts.

12. Can I get vegetarian food in Shillong?

  While vegetarian food is not common in Shillong, it has been recently made available at various food joints due to the growth of the tourism industry.

13. Is liquor readily available in the region?

  While there are 10 liquor-free zones in Shillong, there are several government shops and wine shops where you can buy alcohol.

14. How are the medical facilities in Shillong tourist places?

  The largest and most well-equipped hospital in Shillong with over 400 beds is the Shillong Civil Hospital. Many primary health care centers are also located in different parts of the city.

15. What is the type of clothing recommended in Shillong?

  If you are traveling during summers, you must carry light clothes made of cotton material to provide you relief from the scorching heat of Shillong. For winters, you must carry woolen clothes to keep yourself warm in the biting cold. The rains are quite unpredictable in the region, hence, you should also carry umbrellas and rainwear for your Shillong trip.

16. What are the essential things to pack for the Shillong trip?

  You must carry your identity cards, documentation required to obtain the ILP, light clothes, medications, and basic first aid, as well as an umbrella and rainwear.

17. What are the famous markets in Shillong?

  Some of the most famous and busy markets in Shillong are the Police Bazaar, Bara Bazaar, Khasi Emporium, Bhutia Market, and Polo Bazaar.

18. What are the famous souvenirs to buy from Shillong?

  Shillong is famous for its Khasi products, organic fruits and produce, as well as traditional fabrics, shawls, and jewelry.

19. What is the most famous music festival organized in Shillong?

  NH7 Weekender Shillong is India’s most happening music festival organized annually in Shillong. Shillong is popularly known as the Rock Capital of India.

20. Why is Mawjymbuin Cave so famous amongst Shillong tourist places?

  Mawjymbuin Caves are naturally formed caves dotted with stalagmite formations. The natural rock formation shaped like Shiv Linga attracts devotees from across geographies and thus forms the central attraction of the caves.

21. How is the availability of electricity in Shillong tourist places?

   Shillong receives 492.47 MW units of electricity 24*7. The power supply is provided by both the state government as well as CGS.

22. Is Shillong clean?

  Shillong is one of the cleanest cities in India. Following the guidelines of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Shillong has maintained strict no pollution policies prohibiting plastic waste in the state.

23. Is India’s first 18-hole golf course located in Shillong?

  Yes, the Shillong golf course is the nation’s first 18-hole golf course renovated in 1924. Located at a height of 5200 feet above sea level, it is one of the most picturesque and scenic golf courses in the world and is thus sought out by golf enthusiasts from across geographies.

24. What is the amount of annual rainfall received in Shillong?

  Shillong receives an average rainfall of about 88.60 inches every year. Located near Cherrapunji, Shillong is considered one of the wettest places in the world.

25. What are the most famous museums to visit in Shillong?

  Shillong is known for its exquisite museums that provide an insight into the indigenous tribal lives, cultures, as well as their unique histories.  This quaint hill station in Meghalaya has interesting stories to tell for all history enthusiasts, researchers, and anthropologists. Some of the most famous historical places to visit in Shillong are the Don Bosco Museum, Air Force Museum, Butterfly Museum, Rhino Heritage Museum, as well as the Forest Museum.

26. What is the nearest airport to Shillong?

  The Umroi airport is the nearest airport to Shillong city. It is located 25 km away from the Shillong city center. You can book a taxi or cab ride to reach Shillong from Umroi.

27. What currency is in use in Shillong?

  Indian currency, both in cash and card, is in use in Shillong.

28. What are the famous festivals celebrated in Shillong?

  Shillong beams with enthusiasm and zeal as it hosts various cultural, religious, tribal, as well as music festivals throughout the year. The Wangala Festival, Nongkrem Dance, Shad Suk Mynsiem, Behdienkhlam, and the Shillong Autumn Festival are some of the most famous festivals celebrated in Shillong. Famously known as the Rock Capital of India, Shillong also hosts NH7 Weekender Shillong, India’s most happening music festival, every year.

29. What are the prominent languages spoken in Shillong?

  The prominent languages spoken in Shillong are Khasi, Pnar, Garo, as well as the English language. Dominated by the Khasi tribe, Khasi is the most prominently spoken language in the region.

30. What is the condition of roads in Shillong?

  Shillong is marked by unruly roads in various parts of the state. Often blocked by debris and floods during monsoon, the roads become slippery for tourists to travel and thus require careful and steady driving. The Guwahati Shillong road of NH 40 (also known as the G.S. Road) has been recently upgraded to avoid accidents in the region.

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mawphlang tourist spot

Planning A Trip To Meghalaya? Don't Miss These 7 Tourist Hotspots

7 tourist attractions you shouldn't miss in meghalaya.

In northeastern India, Meghalaya is a secret that is beginning to be discovered by adventurers seeking thrill, peace and ease and natural beauty. Known as "abode of clouds", this picturesque state has a variety of attraction sites which would surely excite the minds and hearts of all visitors. From falling waterfalls to living root bridges, in Meghalaya there are countless attractions that will blow one's mind away. Let us take a tour through some of the tourist attractions that one must visit in Meghalaya.

1.Living Root Bridges of Cherrapunji and Mawlynnong :

These great architectural works are indigenous to Meghalaya and made by the Khasi and Jaintia indigenous people from rubber tree roots. The living roots bridges located in Cherrapunji or Mawlynnong do not only function like normal ones but also merge with the surrounding environment giving a glimpse into cohabitation between humans and nature.

2.Nohkalikai Falls :

Nohkalikai Falls falls over 330 metres (1,100 ft) making it India's highest plunge waterfall. The turquoise waters flowing down green cliffs create an awe-inspiring sight which leaves tourists mesmerised. From the spot around where you may view them, there are many breathtaking panoramic view areas providing photographic opportunities on landscapes.

3.Mawphlang Sacred Grove:

Mythology-laden with biodiversity, it is imperative for Khasi tribe who consider it to be sacred forest from ancient times. With abundance medicinal plants among other rare species in this virgin forest preserve becomes your haven for relaxation within amazing beauty bestowed upon them naturally. Walking on pathways covered by mosses gives visitors a sense of calmness mixed with reverence that makes everyone feel respectful.

4.Dawki and Umngot River:

Dawki lies on the border of India and Bangladesh and is famous for its translucent waters which surround the Umngot River that is believed to be one of the cleanest rivers in India. Boating in this serene umngot river offers a surreal experience as it appears like floating through air because its crystal-clear water allows one to see its course clearly. As photographers and nature lovers enjoy taking panoramic views of surroundings, Dawki Bridge crossing the river has remained their top destination.

5.Double Decker Living Root Bridge in Nongriat :

Another marvel of indigenous engineering, the Double Decker Living Root Bridge in Nongriat typifies human ingenuity meshed with nature's resilience. This living root bridge with two tiers offers visitors a chance to walk over lush green valleys and fast flowing streams while admiring how roots support it wonderfully.

6.Mawsmai Cave :

For adventure enthusiasts, Mawsmai Cave provides an opportunity to explore limestone caves with passages developed over millions of years underneath. A mysterious world unfolds as sunlight falls into dim crevices in ceilings illuminating one's way through thin winding tunnels or corridors filled with stalactites and stalagmites when walking through Mawsmai Cave giving its strange otherworldly feel.

7.Shillong Peak :

Shillong Peak, the highest point in Meghalaya, can be reached by a winding road and provides an enchanting view of all Shillong town and its environs. The peak has many attractions including sunset and sunrise views that make the landscape look like it is made of gold.

Meghalaya's charm lies in her pure environment unmarred by civilization enriched by a deep cultural heritage resulting in warmth among inhabitants. Whether you love wildlife watching or adventure activities or looking for something related to culture then you belong to Meghalaya. Each tourist site within Meghalaya from the misty mountains of Cherrapunji to the transparent waters of Dawki bears a story of resilience and beauty, inviting visitors into a world of mystery and delight where they can find themselves.

7 Tourist Attractions in Meghalaya

Meghalaya Tourism

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Home » Destinations » Mawphanlur

West Khasi Hills

LOCATION West Khasi Hills

NEAREST TOWN Nongstoin (35 kms)


THEMES Activities, Nature, Kayaking, Hiking, Stargazing, Sightseeing

TRANSPORT Guwahati Airport: 129 kms Shilong Airport: 97 kms Guwahati Railway station: 162 kms

Visit a picturesque highland getaway – gentle meadows sprinkled with half a dozen lakes, panoramic views, idyllic rustic scenes, and more….

Picturesque high-altitude meadows sprinkled with small lakes and cottages – that is one way to describe Mawphanlur. An overnight trip is recommended so you can enjoy the starlit skies and cool temperatures that come with the night time. The biggest visual attraction of Mawphanlur is the verdant scenery that would make a romantic poet gush. Think of chirping birds, the occasional wandering calf with a bell, and friendly canines frolicking on the grass. Your Mawphanlur journey can be an activity-filled trip. Kayaking facilities are available on some of the lakes while there are many large boulders around the place where you can try some of your climbing (and stumbling) skills. If you are a photography fanatic then the landscapes provide a great stage for some natural portraits.

Hikers will enjoy the quiet environs of Mawphanlur – the walk to nearby Mawthadraishan is recommended. On clear days, one can marvel at the endless frontiers from this vantage point. Locals will tell you that on the most unclouded mornings, you can even catch a glimpse of the Eastern Himalayas with the Khasi hills and beyond them, the plains of Assam stretching on the foreground.

Best time to visit – October to April is ideal. With upgraded lodging facilities, Mawphanlur can be termed a year-round destination since many come to see the rain swept landscapes during the monsoons.

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Phan Nonglait Park

  • Phan Nonglait Park

Lum Kyllang, West Khasi Hills

Kyllang Rock

Double Decker Root Bridge, Nongriat

  • Nongriat Root Bridges

Our Location

Address : Markasa Village, Mawthadraishan Block Shillong-Nongstoin Highway

Tourism Officer Contact No : +91 9856057455

Email Id : [email protected]

Directorate of Tourism 3rd Secretariat Nokrek Building, Lower Lachumiere, Shillong 793001, Meghalaya, India Tel Fax : +91-364-2502580 Phone No : +91 76400 03050 E-mail : [email protected]


  • SAATHI – Ministry of Tourism
  • NIDHI – Ministry of Tourism
  • Images Credits

Important Updates

  • Applicants selected for the interview of the ‘Meghalaya Luxury Tourism’ Vehicle Scheme
  • Meghalaya Draft Tourism Policy 2022
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© Department of Tourism, Government of Meghalaya.

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Breaking news, best vacation spots if you’re trying to avoid hurricanes in the caribbean.

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The Caribbean is an enticing place to escape, especially if you’re searching for sunshine and warmth. 

Yet taking a jaunt there during the heart of hurricane season is always a bit of a risk that a major storm could crash your vacation plans. Some islands have fared better at dodging tropical systems than others. 

The FOX Forecast Center has found six islands that have become a “hurricane haven” in the last 170-plus years and have been a safe bet for vacation seekers.

“Of course, every island in the Caribbean can see hurricanes,” FOX Weather Meteorologist Michael Estime said. “However, there’s a couple of islands that are south of what we call the ‘hurricane belt’ that aren’t as prone to seeing tropical disturbances, and hurricanes and tropical systems.”

For Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao – sometimes colloquially known as the “ABC Islands” – it’s been more than a century since the islands have felt major hurricane impacts.

While eight hurricanes have passed within 100 miles of the islands since 1851, none of the islands have ever recorded a direct landfall. The last time any hurricane caused impacts was over 130 years ago.

Bull shark swimming near a beach with palm trees, rocks and a pier

The dual island chain of Trinidad and Tobago has also had fortuitous luck in dodging hurricanes. Again, only eight have passed near the islands and the only recorded hurricane landfall was from an unnamed storm in 1933.  

However, the island did feel some impacts from Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and Hurricane Emily in 2005.

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San Andrés, a small island near Nicaragua, hasn’t fared quite as well as the previous five islands, but still rates in the rare category for experiencing hurricane impacts.

The FOX Forecast Center has found only two hurricanes have made landfall in their records, plus Tropical Storm Julia in 2022. Only 13 hurricanes have passed near the island, most recently was Hurricane Iota in 2020.

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Water main break disrupts businesses, tourist attractions in downtown Atlanta, other areas of city

Atlanta officials say a water main break has interrupted water service and led to low water pressure in the city’s downtown and other parts of Georgia’s capital

ATLANTA — A water main break has interrupted water service and led to low water pressure in the city’s downtown and other parts of Georgia’s capital.

Crews on Friday were “working aggressively” to make emergency repairs to the 32-inch water main, the Atlanta Department of Watershed Management said in a statement.

“Water service has been temporarily interrupted, affecting residents, businesses, and hydrants in the area,” the agency said.

The Department of Watershed Management issued a boil water advisory for a large swath of metro Atlanta and asked the public to restrict water usage to allow the pressure in the system to rebuild, WXIA-TV reported. During a boil water advisory, water should be boiled for one minute past a rolling boil. The advisory is in effect until the Georgia Environmental Protection Division clears the Department of Watershed Management to lift it following sampling and testing.

Some Atlanta and Fulton County offices closed because of the issue, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Tourist attractions were also affected, including the Georgia Aquarium, which ended operations early, the newspaper reported.

Zoo Atlanta closed early, at 1 p.m. Friday, because of the water pressure issues, the zoo announced. The zoo, southeast of the downtown area, “has contingency plans in place to ensure that the animals have access to water,” it said in a statement.

mawphlang tourist spot


Can you spot the yellowstone grizzly bear and her three cubs, share this article.

In Yellowstone National Park, a distant view of grizzly bears can be as satisfying as an up-close roadside view because it requires a keen eye and the bears are in more of a natural setting.

Can you spot the momma grizzly bear and her three cubs in the image I captured this week from a hillside above the Lamar Valley highway? (Answer below.)

mawphlang tourist spot

Can you spot the grizzly bears? Photo: ©Pete Thomas

These bears have been grazing on both sides of the highway and creating substantial traffic jams, or “bear jams,” whenever they’ve been visible.

Momma bear is raising three first-year cubs, or cubs of the year, and the tiny “COYS” were never far from her side while I observed them.

mawphlang tourist spot

Grizzly bear family on Yellowstone hillside. Photo: ©Pete Thomas

During this sighting the bears were ascending the hillside opposite the valley after being run off by a bison herd in a meadow surrounded by sagebrush.

They were too far for me to capture a detailed image with my 400-millimeter lens but I’ve attached a cropped version of a different image from the same sighting that shows the bears in more detail.

The bears are circled in the image posted below.

mawphlang tourist spot

Grizzly bear family in the Yellowstone wilderness. Photo: ©Pete Thomas

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Water main break disrupts businesses, tourist attractions in downtown Atlanta, other areas of city

Atlanta officials say a water main break interrupted water service and led to low water pressure in the area. It also caused some Atlanta and Fulton County offices to close and the Georgia Aquarium and Zoo Atlanta to close early.

Workers arrive at a water main break at Joseph E. Boone Boulevard and James P. Brawley Drive in Atlanta, Friday, May 31, 2024. (Arvin Temkar/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP)

Workers arrive at a water main break at Joseph E. Boone Boulevard and James P. Brawley Drive in Atlanta, Friday, May 31, 2024. (Arvin Temkar/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP)

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ATLANTA (AP) — A water main break has interrupted water service and led to low water pressure in the city’s downtown and other parts of Georgia’s capital.

Crews on Friday were “working aggressively” to make emergency repairs to the 32-inch water main, the Atlanta Department of Watershed Management said in a statement.

“Water service has been temporarily interrupted, affecting residents, businesses, and hydrants in the area,” the agency said.

The Department of Watershed Management issued a boil water advisory for a large swath of metro Atlanta and asked the public to restrict water usage to allow the pressure in the system to rebuild, WXIA-TV reported. During a boil water advisory, water should be boiled for one minute past a rolling boil. The advisory is in effect until the Georgia Environmental Protection Division clears the Department of Watershed Management to lift it following sampling and testing.

Some Atlanta and Fulton County offices closed because of the issue, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Tourist attractions were also affected, including the Georgia Aquarium, which ended operations early, the newspaper reported.

Zoo Atlanta closed early, at 1 p.m. Friday, because of the water pressure issues, the zoo announced. The zoo, southeast of the downtown area, “has contingency plans in place to ensure that the animals have access to water,” it said in a statement.

mawphlang tourist spot


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  2. Mawphlang Sacred Forest: A must-visit place in Meghalaya

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  3. Mawphlang Sacred Forest: Witness Things Youve Never Seen Or Heard Of

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  4. Mawphlang Sacred Groves: Meghalaya's Natural Sanctuary

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  5. Mawphanlur Village

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  6. Mawphlang Falls (Shillong)

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  1. Na U Bnai

  2. From the Monolith Festival at Mawphlang on March 7

  3. A glimpse from Monolith Festival starting from March 7 at Mawphlang

  4. Standing Choir Mawphlang Presbytery//Ha Balang Mawngap Rim

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  1. Meghalaya's Mawphlang Sacred Forest: Travel Guide

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  2. Mawphlang Sacred Groves: Meghalaya's Natural Sanctuary

    Follow the route to Mawphlang town on the Mawsynram Highway. Opening Time : 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM/05:00 PM (Mar-Sep/Oct-Feb) Tourism Officer Contact No : +91 9863026858. Email Id : [email protected]. Click here to experience Mawphlang. Immerse in nature at Mawphlang Sacred Groves in Meghalaya, a natural sanctuary with sacred significance.

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  4. Mawphlang Sacred Forest

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  5. THE BEST Things to Do in Mawphlang (Updated 2024)

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  8. The Best Things to Do in Mawphlang

    1. David Scott Trail. 72. Hiking Trails. By Rahul_Prakash2208. ... highly recommend this trek and if possible with Winning as he ensured our trek was a memorable one - sharing in d... Things to Do in Mawphlang, India: See Tripadvisor's 171 traveller reviews and photos of Mawphlang tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in ...

  9. Mawphlang Sacred Forest (Shillong): All You Need to Know

    The Mawphlang sacred forest is a forest trail through dense trees which are considered sacred as the locals believe that a deity resides in the forest. There are two trek options - half trek and full trek where we decided to go for the half trek worth ₹350. You get a guide to take you through the forest who explains the trees and monoliths ...

  10. Mawphlang Sacred Forest in Meghalaya Near Shillong

    Mawphlang sacred forest is one of the well-known sacred forests in Meghalaya and it is spread across 78 hectares of land. The word Maw means 'stone'. Mawphlang represents 'grassy stone'. Along with other nature-touched wonders like the double-decker living root bridge, this sacred forest is a must-visit place in Meghalaya.

  11. Mawphlang, Shillong

    Mawphlang, home to Meghalaya's Sacred Forest, is a beautiful village situated 25 kilometres away from Shillong, the capital city of the north-east Indian state of Meghalaya. The village lies in the district of East Khasi Hills and is famous for its sacred groves. The village is named Mawphlang as it is one of the several monoliths in the Khasi ...

  12. Explore the Sacred Groves of Mawhphlang

    The Mawhphlang Sacred Groves. Mawphlang is a village in Meghalaya's East Khasi Hills district, 25 kilometers from Shillong. During the 1890s, Mawphlang was the hub of the Presbyterian Church of Wales' missionary and medical activities in the Khasi Hills. One of the main attractions of this village is the sacred grove that lies in the area ...

  13. Guide to visit the mystical Mawphlang Sacred Forest, Meghalaya

    Exploring Mawphlang Sacred Grove is an adventure waiting to happen! Here's what you can do to make the most of your visit: Walk through the Forest: Take a leisurely stroll through the ancient trees and sacred grounds. Your guide will show you the spots where rituals were practiced and share fascinating stories about the forest's history and significance.

  14. THE BEST Things to Do in Mawphlang

    1. David Scott Trail. 71. Hiking Trails. By anilprince74. Did an amazing trek with Hesh,an enterprising kid taking the hobby of a guide in spare time (ph:8749085430) Had lot o... Learn more about this content. Things to Do in Mawphlang, India: See Tripadvisor's 169 traveller reviews and photos of Mawphlang tourist attractions.

  15. Mawphlang Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    Heritage Club - Tripura Castle. 101. ₹₹ - ₹₹₹ • Chinese, Indian, Asian. Mawphlang Tourism: Tripadvisor has 171 reviews of Mawphlang Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Mawphlang Tourism resource.

  16. Mawphlang Sacred Forest Tourism (Shillong) (2024)

    Mawphlang Sacred Forest, located around 25 km from Shillong in Meghalaya, India, is an exemplary specimen of nature conservation, deeply rooted in Khasi cultural and spiritual beliefs. This ancient grove covers approximately 192 acres of rich, verdant land.

  17. 29 Top Tourist Places to Visit in Shillong

    At a distance of 27 km from Shillong, Mawphlang Sacred Grove is a reserved forest located at Mawphlang village near Shillong, Meghalaya. Also known as Lawkyntang, it is an ideal destination for nature lovers and among the best places to experience Shillong Tourism. ... Laitlum Canyons is a little-explored yet enthralling tourist spot known for ...

  18. 21 Tourist Places to Visit near Shillong

    Here is the list of 21 21 Tourist Places to Visit near Shillong. 1. Khasi Hills, Shillong. 4.0 /5. Named after the Khasi tribe of Meghalaya, the Khasi Hills are part of the Garo-Khasi range, and a part of the larger Patkai hill range, a series of hills found across the Indo-Myanmar border in the northeast region of India.

  19. THE BEST Places to Visit in Mawphlang (UPDATED 2024)

    Map. 1 place sorted by traveller favourites. 1. David Scott Trail. 72. Hiking Trails. By Rahul_Prakash2208. ... highly recommend this trek and if possible with Winning as he ensured our trek was a memorable one - sharing in d...

  20. 33 Best Places to visit in Shillong

    Mawphlang, home to Meghalaya's Sacred Forest, is a beautiful village situated 25 kilometres away from Shillong, the capital city of the north-east Indian state of Meghalaya. The village lies in the district of East Khasi Hills and is famous for its sacred groves. ... One of the most famous tourist spots of Shillong, the park is dedicated to the ...

  21. Top 25 places to visit in Shillong

    One of the best tourist places in Shillong, it is a fascinating adventure to entail! Highlights: The Mystic Forest Trail- An eminent Shillong tourist spot. Entry Fee: INR 20 per person. Timings: 9 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Best Time to Visit: September and October. 20. Mawphlang Village

  22. OT Travel Itinerary: 3 Days In Shillong, Meghalaya's Scenic Capital

    Start your day early and drive to Mawphlang Sacred Forest, about an hour from Shillong. Take a guided tour through the dense forest, home to ancient trees, unique flora and fauna, and sacred groves revered by the Khasi tribe. ... After lunch, drive to Elephant Falls, one of the most popular tourist attractions near Shillong. Take a short trek ...

  23. Planning A Trip To Meghalaya? Don't Miss These 7 Tourist Hotspots

    7 Tourist Attractions You Shouldn't Miss In Meghalaya In northeastern India, Meghalaya is a secret that is beginning to be discovered by adventurers seeking thrill, peace and ease and natural beauty.

  24. Mawphanlur: Meghalaya's Hidden Gem

    Markasa Village, Mawthadraishan Block. Shillong-Nongstoin Highway. Tourism Officer Contact No : +91 9856057455. Email Id : [email protected]. Click here to experience Mawphanlur. Discover the hidden gem of Mawphanlur in Meghalaya. A tranquil paradise with breathtaking landscapes.

  25. These are the world's 20 best cities for foodies, according to ...

    The ninth city on Time Out's ranking is Dubai. Time Out says locals surveyed named traditional Middle Eastern dishes such as mandi rice, shawarma and charcoal-grilled chicken as the city's must ...

  26. Best Caribbean vacation spots if you're trying to avoid hurricanes

    However, the island did feel some impacts from Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and Hurricane Emily in 2005. San Andrés, a small island near Nicaragua, hasn't fared quite as well as the previous five ...

  27. Popular geothermal spa in Iceland reopens to tourists after nearby

    The popular Blue Lagoon geothermal spa, one of Iceland's biggest tourist attractions in the country's southwest, has reopened after authorities said a nearby volcano had stabilized after ...

  28. Water main break disrupts businesses, tourist attractions in downtown

    Tourist attractions were also affected, including the Georgia Aquarium, which ended operations early, the newspaper reported. Zoo Atlanta closed early, at 1 p.m. Friday, because of the water ...

  29. Can you spot the Yellowstone grizzly bear and her three cubs?

    Momma bear is raising three first-year cubs, or cubs of the year, and the tiny "COYS" were never far from her side while I observed them. Grizzly bear family on Yellowstone hillside. Photo ...

  30. Water main break disrupts businesses, tourist attractions in downtown

    Tourist attractions were also affected, including the Georgia Aquarium, which ended operations early, the newspaper reported. Zoo Atlanta closed early, at 1 p.m. Friday, because of the water pressure issues, the zoo announced. The zoo, southeast of the downtown area, "has contingency plans in place to ensure that the animals have access to ...