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Skate 3 – Achievements

Playstation 3 xbox 360.

mantastic voyage skate 3

Maloof Money Cup 2010 NYC

mantastic voyage skate 3

Danny Way’s Hawaiian Dream

mantastic voyage skate 3

  • Originally Contributed By:   R351D3NT3V1L4 , Guard_Master , Mookiethebold

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3. Skate 3 Story walkthrough

1 - Create your skater

Alright, let's start the game. After you start the game & the short cut-scene ended, the first achievement should pop IF you are connected to the internet. I do believe you need an account on the Skate website, so I suggest you do this right away & add your gamertag in the 'Edit Profile' section. The site is needed further in the game, so create an account on http://skate.ea.com . Have in mind that all players that earned boards helped you with this.

Reach community board sales target

It takes a really big village…

Now, you will have to create your skater. If you made an account on the Skate website, you should be able to create some stuff (I can't stress it enough: make sure your EA account is linked to you gamertag!). Create a logo & sent it to your game. After uploading it, you should be able to put it on your shirt, cap or board & even use it as a tattoo. Anyway, after you selected it, another achievement will pop.

Update 2013.06.04: Since the EA skate.Creator is down, it won't be possible to create your own logo but the 'Sellout'-achievement is still obtainable by importing a pre-made skater by an XBox Live friend if he has a custom logo on his skater. Follow the video below if you need help finding each menu.

Create a Logo and put it on your Skater


After doing some tutorials, you'll need to do a few challenges. Afterwards, more tutorials & challenges will unlock.

2 - Board Sales Milestones

After doing some tutorials, you'll need to do a few challenges. Afterwards, more tutorials & challenges will unlock. While completing challenges, you sell boards instead of earning money (like in skate. & Skate 2). Each time you reach a milestone, a member will be added to your crew, needed for team promo & team contests (see further in this guide). After you started your team, you unlock your first employee... YOU! Please note that completing DLC challenges count towards your board sales. On my first playthrough, I unlocked the "Deck Peddler"- achievement while only playing DLC's.

Start your team

Employee #1

Employee 2 will be awarded if you sold 15,000 boards. Not that hard, shouldn't take you to long.

Earn your first career teammate

Employee #2

Your next milestone is unlocking the Team HQ, which unlocks another achievement. For this one, you need to sell 50,000 boards.

Unlock the Team HQ

All your base are belong to you

To get a third member for your crew, it will take you much longer. You have to sell 100,000 boards. Afterwards, the "Employee #3"-achievement pops & the Maloof Contest unlocks. This is a two part contest: Street & Vert (or Tranny if you like to call it that way). This can be quite hard for some people since the park is huge & awesome to skate in if you practiced a lot with the Flick-It system. Anyway, you have to beat the Street & Vert contest to earn another achievement.

Earn your second career teammate

Employee #3

Win both Maloof Money Cup contests

Party at the Penthouse

Unlocking the fourth crew member is available after selling 300,000 boards. Beat those challenges. You almost fully staffed your crew!

Earn your third career teammate

Employee #4

Yeah, the last milestone. Or at least the last one to get another team member. This one requires you to sell 600,000 boards. After the achievement popped, you'll unlock the Etnies Goofy vs. Regular street contest. This might be a little tricky if you aren't good since (in my opinion) is the hardest contest in the game. After beating it, you'll get two rewards: board sales & an achievement.

Fully staffed your team

A Dynasty Is Born

Win the Goofy vs. Regular contest

GVR Champ

With the crew fully recruited, you'll have to go on until you sell 1,000,000 boards. This will be your last milestone in the game & the most time consuming one. But since you are only 400,000 boards away after getting the fifth crew member, this should go pretty easy. After reaching 1,000,000 board sales, another achievement will pop. With this, the Monster contest should be available, giving you another achievement after winning.

1 Million boards sold

Deck Peddler

Win the Monster contest

Beast Unleashed

3 - Training/Tutorials

As said before, you will need to do some tutorials. For people who played skate. & Skate 2 and that are used to the Flick-It system, it should go pretty fast. For people who are new to the series, this might help. The game has new features like darkslides & late flips, but they are not that hard. After the beginning, you'll have to follow Reda (Shingo will be the new cameradude). Challenges will unlock (Own The Lot, Hall of Meat, Pro, Film, Photo, ...) & you'll have to beat a few. With these challenges unlocked, the park tutorials should be available. They consist of 5 tasks which are pretty boring but needed. As a reward, an achievement pops up.

Complete the skate.Park tutorials

Park Apprentice

After earning your second team mate, 5 intermediate tutorials in skate.School will unlock. Get over there; beat them to unlock 2 advanced tutorials. After finishing these, all tutorials should be complete, giving you the "In Stereo"-achievement.

Complete Coach Frank's skate.School Tutorials

In Stereo

After you finished this all, you'll have the availability to do a 1-UP against Benny Fairfax. This won't unlock an achievement now, but is need to be completed towards completion of this game.

Short note: I recommend you try to do a combo containing 3 manuals for an achievement. You can use Nose Manual of the regular Manual or a mixture of them to get this achievement. Don't worry, it's not as hard as it sounds. Check out the video below for some help. I did in skate.School, but you can do it wherever you want.

3 manuals in a single sequence

Mantastic Voyage

4 - Film Challenges

There are 12 Film challenges & they aren't too hard. Therefore they shouldn't take you too long. If you are stuck at one of the challenges, you should be able to search them on YouTube & find a solution. Try killing each Film challenge (it's needed for completion once again). If you don't know what I mean, here's an example: for owning a challenge you need to do a Kickflip on a ledge, for killing it you need to do a Double Kickflip. Try doing the Double Kickflip (this is not a real challenge, it's just an example). Once you complete all of the Film challenges, you will earn an achievement.

Beat the film ender


5 - Hall of Meat

The next challenges we'll try to finish are the Hall of Meat challenges (or short HoM). The first challenge called "Meat in Training" will teach you everything you need to know about bailing. After completing it, you still replay it (go to the "Completed"-tab & select the challenge you want to do). Finish 14 HoM challenges and when you unlock the Hall of Meat challenge "Thorax Crunch", beat it for a 10G achievement.

Beat the "Thorax Crunch" Hall of Meat Challenge


You will want to take note that there is an achievement for getting a 75,000 point bail. This is possible on every HoM challenge, so don't worry about it. Check out the video for help.

75,000 point bail

Did Somebody Get a Boo Boo?

Again, try killing each of the HoM challenges. This will help you towards completing.

6 - Deathraces

Deathraces do NOT involve dead. They are just called that way because they are pretty fast & on skate. They were downhill so crashing in a car could be your possible death in real life. Since they are pretty fast, they shouldn't take you too long. You have to finish in first place to win it & you'll have to be under the time (you can see what time in the right corner at the bottom) to kill it. After beating the 9 races, another achievement is your reward.

Win the final deathrace

Speed Demon

This assignment is divided into two parts: shoots for Trasher & shoots for The Skateboard Magazine. Each of these magazines requires you to beat 8 challenges before you unlock the cover for a magazine. These aren't too hard, you have to get over a gap with 3 cars for the Skateboard Magazine & for the Trasher you need to gap over a Shark. I recommend you try to kill each of those since they are pretty easy, pretty fast & give you 18 kills if you got them all. After you owned or killed the two cover challenges, you'll get another achievement.

Get the covers of Skateboard Mag and Thrasher

Sexiest Skater Alive

8 - Team Promo

Team Promo is also divided into two parts: films & photos. These aren't hard & are pretty easy to finish. These challenges cannot be killed. After beating the 10 photo challenges & 10 film challenges, all media challenges should be finished if you followed this guide. Guess what, you get another achievement!

Complete all Promotional Films and Photos


9 - Team Challenges

Team challenges are doing Street- or Tranny Contests. These are done with your crew members or with Pro's (like the Goofy vs. Regular Contest). This can be quite frustrating since sometimes your team mates are good, but sometimes they actually suck. Hope for the best & get those done.

Pro challenges are almost the same as contests, although this will be a one-on-one match. These can include 1UP, photo, video & follow challenges & most of the time pretty easy. Wipe the floor with each of them to own a new achievement.

Complete all pro challenges

The Consumate Pro

11 - Street Contests

Street contests are in my opinion the easiest ones. There's nothing I can say about it. The contests are divided in 3 different rounds that can be quite varying. The assignments are giving in the right bottom & can be Jam, Best Trick, Best Grind, etc. There are 7 contests & a DC Ender. Beat it to own them all. Short note: Goofy vs. Regular, T-Mobile & Maloof Money Cup is included in these contests! The T-Mobile contest unlocks after the first Street Contest in the game.

Win the T-Mobile sponsored contest


12 - Tranny Contests

These are quite the same as the Street contests, but mostly don't include kickers or rails. These contests are also divided in 3 rounds that can be a Jam, a Best Trick, Highest Air or some other things. Here, there are also 7 contests with the big finale (guess what) another DC Ender! After beating the DC Ender, you should unlock another achievement (if you have beaten the Street Contests). Short note: Maloof Money Cup & Monster Contest are included in these contests!

Win the street and tranny ender contests

King of Kings

13 - Own The Lot

Own The Lot (or OTL) are the hardest challenges in the game. These consist of 8-10 different challenges. A few examples are Solo Shot, Tag The Spots, Tricklist (existing of 8 to 12 assignments) & Accumulation (getting x points in x time). The tricklists are mostly the hardest part to complete. Don't get frustrated, just practice until you get it & in the end the OTL challenges, should be completed which gives you another achievement. The last one is the Maloof Money Cup, the most difficult one for most people is the The 'Burb-a-tron.

Own all of the lots

Lot Monopolist

14 - Own The Spot

There are 16 own the spots (without DLC!). Most of them will show up during a challenge. The ones that don't show up aren't really hard to find if you skate from one challenge to another. Anyway; there are 6 spots in Downtown District, 5 in the Industrial District & 5 in the university District. These aren't hard, just can be little frustrating to get the right line. Again, try killing these.

Own all of the spots

Spot Monopolist

15 - Mop up

Note: Achievement descriptions are mentioned below the achievement itself!

Call a Skater to come skate with you

Making a Buddy Call

The first mop up is tóó (notice the stress marks) easy & it gives you an achievement. It's another new feature in the game where you can call a Pro, a team member or a XBOX Live friend to skate around with you. Press Start, go to Call a Skater, select a character & POP UP!

30,000 point line

Trick Spammer

Earn a 30,000 points run. This can be quite frustrating & you really need to be good at the game. I recommend you have some skill for the least problems. Vary your tricks, because doing the 360 Flip over & over again gives you less points than doing a 360 Flip & an Airwalk. Check out the video for references. Another awesome location to get this is the "Danny Way Hawaiian Dream"-DLC.

10,000 point trick


The 10,000 point trick can easily be done on the "Danny Way Hawaiian Dream"-DLC while doing the OTL Tranny challenge. I don't think there's a video needed but if you really need a video, please check out YouTube for further references.

Perform a 100 meter or 300 foot grind

Extreme Grindage

Getting 100 meter (or 300 feet) of grinding is not cumulative! You have to do it without popping of the rail. I suggest you do this with the FS 50-50 since it's the easiest one to land. To earn this, you can build a park or just follow my video below.

Fly Spread Eagle for 10 seconds

100% Pure Adrenaline

10 seconds of Spread Eagle while bailing is harder than it sounds. I believe there's only one location where it's possible & I created a video about it. Follow it & you shouldn't have a problem.

Land a Miracle Whip (Superdude body flip)

Don't be so Mayo

Now this can be quite hard! You can do it wherever you think it's possible, but you have to have some skill. The 'Miracle Whip' is done by doing a Superdude (LT+RT+B) & a body flip (moving the left tumbstick up or down & holding RT/LT in the air, so NOT while approaching the end of the vert). Keep trying until you land it, that's all I can say.

Get the terrain meter in the red for your own skate.Park

Takin 'em to the limit

Getting your skate.Park in the red section (where it says it's full) can be done while building your own park. But, if you don't like building things or you don't want to waste 2 hours of building a park (like me), you can use the video below as reference to get this unlocked. Please note, that you must have the "Deck Peddler"-achievement, which unlocks the Monster contest & it's skate.Park. You have to beat the contest before you can edit the park.

3 Moveable objects used in a single sequence


Tricking over 3 moveable objects can be quite frustrating if you don't know how to get it. You can build a skate.park with a kicker & 3 moveable objects after the "pop" section or you can just buy the "NY Maloof Money Cup"-DLC & follow the video below.

Own all challenges

Is that all you got?

Kill 80 challenges

Mass Murderer

The next achievement requires you to beat every challenge in the game. You don't have to kill it to get the "Is That All You Got?"-achievement, but you need to kill 80 challenges to earn the "Mass Murderer"-achievement. Keep on trying until you get the two most time consuming achievements in the game. While completing the story you should easily kill at least 60 challenges. Please note that OTL, Tranny contests, Street contests, Team promo & some Pro challenges can't be killed. To check your stats, press Start & go to skate.Profile.

Everything beaten, everything unlocked, everything earned


The last one in the list is pretty easy if you are going for a completed game. You have to beat everything (excluding the DLC-challenges but including skate.Park & skate.School tutorials). This will give you at least 12 other achievements. Remember you just have to own a challenge to get it in the 'beaten' status.

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