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Sharing our food with visitors is what brings us the most joy as Parisians. On our Secret Food and Wine tours in Paris, you'll be able to enjoy high quality French food and wine, whilst discovering why eating and drinking is so important to our culture here in France. Our Secret Tours will take you on a culinary adventure through fascinating French history and delicious cuisine, where some recipes have been handed down for generations, and others have only recently been perfected


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All cities > Paris Walking Tours > Hidden Gems and Secret Paris free tour

Hidden Gems and Secret Paris free tour

Jump off the tourist maps.

booking is required

(150 votes)

What's in our tour?

Don’t walk right past the best of Paris. On this Hidden Gems and Secret Paris tour, a local Parisian will share with you countless gems that tourist maps do not show.

We meet right outside the Louvre by the glass pyramid. It is time for our first mystery already. Why is the statue of the Sun-King placed right here? And what did Napoleon leave behind him for all of us to see?

Next, your guide takes you through a dark archway. Soon you are able to peek at the sculpture collection of the Sun-King. Around the corner, the guide point to the lavish café that fills up with locals as soon as the museum closes for the night.

We make our way to “Palais royal” – the illegal gambling hall set up by the King’s cousin, and once a hotbed of the French revolution. The guide points to the home of the Chairman of the National Central Bank – the job comes with some good perks. You enjoy harmonious water fountains and immaculate flower beds. The guide points to secret Parisian shops and to controversial art by Buren.

The guide walks you through a concealed doorway and on to place Valois – the French Minister has just turned this grand courtyard back over to the general public.

We discover a Parisian “passage” – the ornate, high-ceiling, 200-year-old ancestor of the “shopping arcade”. The passage we visit is now home to such exclusive stores as Louboutin shoes’ leading shop.

We then “stumble upon” stately place des Victoires, designed by the chief architect of Versailles, by the creator of the Hall of Mirrors. At the center, we enjoy our second horseman statue of the Sun-King.

We then access a former convent courtyard which transports us all the way to Rome – all the way to religious artifacts for sale.

Our finale takes place in galerie Vivienne, an “indoor-street” built inside a block of buildings. With this hard-to-find gem your exploration of Secret Paris can end. Before parting with you, your guide shares some tips for unlocking the secrets of Paris all over the city.

So we can see more on this tour, we do not spend time going inside each building.

  • bundles of surprises, secret venues and hidden gems
  • photo spots and exclusive shops not listed in the standard guide-books
  • free-flowing conversation with an engaging and enthusiastic, born-and-raised local
  • 90 minutes, in English, along a short and comfortable route

Where and when?

Our Secret Paris tour runs every day at 11am.

We meet by the horse statue outside the Le Louvre glass pyramid.

This tour ends at or near Palais Royal, a short 5 minutes from metro stations Palais royal and Opéra.

Booking is required. We advise large groups to book a private tour. In the interest of all guests, we reserve the right to accommodate or to turn down large groups.

Why take this tour?

After this tour of Secret Paris , you will feel like a true Parisian. Bring with you a map of Paris and a pen, so you can find these hidden Parisian places again.

HOT DAY SPECIAL: We walk in the shade as much as possible and every tour makes frequent stops for water. EXCLUSIVELY WITH DISCOVER WALKS.

This is a free walking tour, where you pay the guide what you want at the end of the tour.

Reservations are required.

Join our meeting point 5 minutes before starting time.

If you wish to book this tour, use the booking button on the right side of this page.

Privatize this tour

You can request a private tour of this “Hidden Gems and Secret Paris” tour, starting at €185.

Other information

This tour is wheelchair accessible

Average tip on this tour: €12 Average time: 1 hour 40 minutes

Look for our distinct pink vests

Hidden gems tour meeting point

outside the Louvre glass pyramid - at the foot of the horse statue

Every day at 11am

Metro station

closest station : Palais Royal -musée du Louvre (line 1)

Additional information

Average tip on this tour: €12 Average time: 1 hour 40 minutes Average number of guests 8 This secret Paris tour ends in central Paris Look for our distinct pink vests

become a city guide paris

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le tour secret


Les alertes du premier tour.

26 juin 2024


le tour secret

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Les alertes du premier tour

L'attaquant français Kylian Mbappé lors du match du groupe D de l'Euro-2024 contre la Pologne, à Dortmund, le 25 juin 2024 AFP INA FASSBENDER

Une attaque famélique et des stars comme Kylian Mbappé qui tirent la langue: l'équipe de France, annoncée comme la grande favorite de l’Euro-2024, n’a pas du tout brillé au premier tour, confirmant une spirale négative enclenchée depuis le début de l'année.

. Des signaux avant-coureurs

Les vice-champions du monde n'ont pas attendu d'arriver en Allemagne pour proposer un spectacle aussi terne. Les rencontres amicales du mois de mars (défaite cuisante face à l'Allemagne 2-0 à Lyon, victoire poussive contre le Chili 3-2 à Marseille) avaient déjà eu valeur d'avertissement avant que la phase de préparation proprement dite pour l'Euro, débutée le 29 mai à Clairefontaine, et les deux matches sans saveur face au Luxembourg (3-0) et au Canada (0-0) ne viennent confirmer les difficultés des Bleus dans la création et l'animation offensive.

Certains cadres (Mbappé, Tchouaméni, Rabiot, Hernandez) ont également commencé le stage avec un déficit athlétique important.

Les tâtonnements tactiques de Didier Deschamps, ballotté entre son 4-3-3 habituel et un retour au 4-4-2 qui avait conduit la France à son 2e sacre mondial en 2018, démontrent à quel point il a du mal à trouver la bonne formule pour relancer son équipe.

. La quête désespérée d'un buteur

L'indigence de l'attaque française reste le gros point noir du premier tour. Les deux seuls buts marqués par les Bleus ont été l'oeuvre du défenseur autrichien Maximilian Wöber contre son camp (1-0) et de Kylian Mbappé sur penalty face à une très faible Pologne (1-1), déjà éliminée. Derrière le capitaine, d'abord diminué avant d'être victime d'une fracture du nez à la fin de la première rencontre, personne n'a ainsi réussi à émerger.

Ousmane Dembélé peine à faire de grosses différences balle au pied sur le côté droit et se montre toujours aussi affligeant dans le dernier geste. Marcus Thuram a lui étalé des carences techniques assez rédhibitoires pour le plus haut niveau international alors qu'Olivier Giroud, le meilleur buteur de l'histoire de l'équipe de France (57 réalisations), se morfond sur le banc et doit se contenter de miettes dans les dernières minutes.

La titularisation surprise contre les Polonais du jeune Bradley Barcola (21 ans), plutôt à son aise, constitue le seul petit rayon de soleil sur le plan offensif.

La situation n'a cependant pas l'air de tracasser outre mesure Didier Deschamps.

«On n'a pas eu un manque de précision puisqu'il y a eu des arrêts du gardien mais en marquant plus, il y a plus de chances de gagner les matches. J'aurais été beaucoup plus inquiet si on n'avait pas eu d'occasions. Les occasions, on les a, on fait ce qu'il faut. Je reste positif» , a-t-il déclaré mardi.

. Mbappé pas au top

Le leader des Bleus a débarqué à l'Euro dans une forme loin d'être optimale. Après une deuxième partie de saison chaotique au PSG où il a vu son temps de jeu s'effriter après l'annonce en interne de son départ, le futur attaquant du Real Madrid a connu divers pépins qui ont fortement perturbé sa préparation (dos, genou) avant sa blessure au nez.

Le Bondynois n'est donc pas du tout à 100% de ses capacités physiques et sans un Mbappé au top, la France toussote logiquement. Même s'il manque clairement de jambes et n'est pas aussi tranchant que d'habitude, son retour face à la Pologne est tout de même plutôt rassurant et il a été le Tricolore le plus dangereux.

«Il a montré beaucoup d'envie. Ce match va lui servir pour la suite» , a jugé Deschamps.

. Griezmann, cadre perdu

Méconnaissable en Allemagne, Antoine Griezmann semble traîner son spleen sur les terrains avec des changements incessants de positionnement qui semblent le perturber. A tel point que celui qui est considéré comme le «chouchou» de Deschamps a été mis sur le banc des remplaçants au coup d'envoi contre les Polonais.

Un déclassement qui interpelle pour le reste du tournoi concernant un joueur majeur (132 sélections), grand artisan du titre mondial de 2018, même si le sélectionneur a nié l'existence d'un «problème» avec le joueur de l'Atlético Madrid.

«C'est un choix par rapport à une option que j'avais prise dès le départ. N'allez pas interpréter» , a-t-il lancé mardi.

le tour secret

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le tour secret

I Went To Le Creuset's Secret Dinner Party

Take a look at this once-in-a-lifetime event.

a bowl of food with a spoon

For those who aren’t familiar, Secret Supper organizes once-in-a-lifetime meals across the country. Each gathering is limited to 50-60 ticketed guests. The exact address isn’t revealed until 24 hours before the dinner, and for everything else, guests walk in blind.

Le Creuset partnered with Secret Supper to launch La Carte , a dinner series that features Le Creuset products at the forefront. I had the chance to experience their first dinner in New York City. Just like everybody else there, I had no idea what it would entail; I just showed up with an empty stomach.

The night before, I received an email revealing that the supper would be hosted at the Prospect Park Boathouse in Brooklyn (a.k.a. every New Yorker’s dream wedding venue). The event began with an outdoor cocktail hour, complete with spritzes , hors d'oeuvres, and a lot of Le Creuset products.

secret supper

The flower arrangements were sitting in mini cocottes. Caviar was served on fluted stoneware platters. Full sized Dutch ovens decorated the table. It was a sea of Le Creuset as far as the eye could see. And once you factored in the swans swimming in the nearby lake and the string trio playing sophisticated cover songs, it felt like I was transported to the set of Bridgerton .

a table with a vase and glasses on it by a body of water

Once the cocktail hour ended, we walked into the dining room, which featured a massive communal table. The menu was created by Gaby Dalkin (@ whatsgabycookin ) and included wine pairings with every course.

a large room with tables and flowers

Each of the savory dishes was served family style (in Le Creuset serveware, obviously), and featured some of the season’s best produce—think sungold tomato pasta , peach and nectarine panzanella , and charred corn flatbread . The dessert was the only course served individually, an olive oil cake inside a mini cocotte.

a plate of food

The meal itself was incredible, but the beauty of a Secret Supper event is in the community around the table. There isn’t assigned seating, and you’re mostly surrounded by strangers. But everyone leaves the meal with newfound friends (and some cool Le Creuset swag).

The next La Carte by Le Creuset supper takes place in Santa Barbara, California in August, with another planned in Minneapolis, Minnesota, later this year. You can buy tickets for the experience on .

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Taylor swift brings gracie abrams onstage for surprise performance of “us”.

Swift noted that the song was written one night when the duo were hanging out, drinking wine and talking about Abrams' life. "And talking about your life became this song," Swift added.

By Kimberly Nordyke

Kimberly Nordyke

Managing Editor, Digital

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Taylor Swift brought Gracie Abrams out onstage Sunday night during the latest show of Swift’s Eras Tour .

Abrams, who opened for Swift’s Eras Tour last summer, released her second album, The Secret of Us, on Friday. The album features the track “Us,” a collaboration with Swift.

Onstage at London’s Wembley Stadium, Swift noted that the song was written one night when the duo were hanging out, drinking wine and talking about Abrams’ life. “And talking about your life became this song,” Swift added.

After “Us,” Swift performed a second surprise song — a mashup of “Out of the Woods,” “Is It Over Now?” and “Clean.” The latter three are all featured on the album 1989 (the original and/or the released version).

Gracie performing 'us.' with Taylor Swift at the Eras Tour in London, UK 💛 — Gracie Abrams Updates (@GracieAbrUpdate) June 23, 2024

On Friday, Abrams posted two videos of the two working together. The second video showed Swift grabbing a fire extinguisher to put out a small kitchen fire.

“Writing this entire song from 2am to 6am was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. @taylorswift now we know how to use a fire extinguisher. I love you,” Abrams wrote.

Abrams previously hit the stage with Swift last summer in Cincinnati, performing her own song “I Miss You, I’m Sorry” with Swift on guitar.

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Finale de « Secret Story » sur TF1 : quel bilan pour le retour de l’émission de téléréalité ?

Après huit semaines d’enfermement, les quatre finalistes du concours quitteront ce mardi la Maison des Secrets. Avant, très probablement, de laisser leur place à d’autres dans quelques mois.

Présentée par Christophe Beaugrand, la saison 12 de «Secret Story» qui s'achève marquait le retour de l'émission de téléréalité de TF1 après sept ans d’absence. Photo Marwan Moussa

Qui de Lou, Alexis, Léo ou Maxence remportera « Secret Story » et les 100 000 euros promis au vainqueur ? La réponse sera apportée ce mardi 18 juin, à partir de 23h30 sur TF1, à l’occasion de la finale de l’émission de téléréalité animée par Christophe Beaugrand . L’épilogue d’ une saison très attendue par les fans , après sept ans d’absence.

Mais a-t-elle tenu ses promesses ? « Je suis satisfait des audiences, assure Jean-Louis Blot, le producteur de l’émission pour Endemol France. Ces huit semaines correspondent à ce que nous avions en tête. »

Et pour cause. Chaque soir, replay compris, ce sont ainsi 1,10 million de fidèles qui suivent la quotidienne de 17h30, soit 11,9 % du public. Le divertissement grimpe à 29,2 % sur la cible commerciale des femmes responsables des achats de moins de cinquante ans. Ce à quoi il faut ajouter la rediffusion sur TFX à 20 heures, réunissant chaque soir 174 000 personnes supplémentaires (1,1 % du public et 3,1 % des ménagères de moins de cinquante ans). Sans oublier une consommation importante sur TF 1 +, où « Secret Story » est devenu le programme numéro un avec plus de 13 millions d’heures consommées en streaming sur 53 millions au total.

Pour le producteur, les signaux sont donc au vert. Mais rien n’est signé quant à une éventuelle suite. « Nous allons faire une belle finale puis discuter avec TF1 de la suite, faire le bilan de cette saison, prévient-il. Mais nous avons très bien travaillé ensemble tout au long de la saison, main dans la main. » Toutefois, selon nos informations, la tendance du côté de la Une est davantage à un retour de la Maison des Secrets et de la Voix l’année prochaine.

« Personne n’était dans un rôle »

D’ici là, les deux parties devront cependant étudier les bons et les mauvais points de cette édition. Notamment l’histoire du « faux casting », lancée sur les réseaux sociaux dans la foulée du démarrage de l’émission, des internautes imaginant que les candidats rentrés, et pour certains déjà connus sur TikTok, n’étaient que des comédiens.

« Je me suis dit que les internautes avaient une imagination folle et que nous devrions les embaucher, plaisante Jean-Louis Blot, néanmoins pas totalement ravi de ce buzz non sollicité. Quelque part, nous en sommes un peu responsables, car nous avons ouvert la porte avec la fausse Voix, la fausse maison… Cette histoire a pu nous pénaliser au début. »

Ce casting, le producteur en est fier. « Les jeunes de 2024 sont différents de ceux d’il y a 15 ou 20 ans. Les trahisons et choix difficiles à faire ne donnent pas vraiment lieu à des clashs, ce sont juste des gens qui s’expliquent. Et cette différence est bien passée auprès du public, se réjouit-il, jugeant que leur popularité avant leur entrée n’a pas eu d’impact. Cela n’a pas été un souci car nous cherchions la vérité. Et ce n’est pas parce qu’on a des millions d’abonnés comme Alexis que l’on n’est pas authentique. Personne n’était dans un rôle. »

Une « saison test »

Pour 2025, Endemol ne dirait cependant pas non au retour de la fameuse hebdomadaire de deuxième partie de soirée. « C’était impossible cette année sur TF 1, explique-t-il. Maintenant, je ne suis absolument pas fermé à en avoir une en cas de renouvellement. » D’autant qu’il assume avoir voulu « une saison test », raccourcie comme pour la « Star Academy » en 2022. Quitte à perdre de l’argent ? « Le mot rentabilité n’est pas un terme qui s’applique sur Secret Story cette saison », plaisante-t-il.

La saison aura aussi permis de gonfler les compteurs de certains candidats. Car si Bruno, le premier éliminé et candidat aux Jeux paralympiques de Paris , n’affiche que 5 000 abonnés sur Instagram, d’autres se sont envolés comme Léo, Perrine et Lou, dépassant tous les 60 000 fans. Mais loin de ceux déjà connus avant l’émission : Zoé (107 000 habitués), Charlène et Francesca (294 000 followers sur leur compte commun) et Alexis, fort de près d’un million de personnes sur son compte…

le tour secret


El curioso regalo de Gigi Hadid a Taylor Swift con guiños a sus cosas favoritas: Travis Kelce y su gato

La modelo y la cantante son amigas desde hace años y suelen aparecer juntas en eventos y hasta en videos musicales; la exángel de victoria secret fue parte del elenco de bad blood.

Gigi Hadid sorprende a Taylor Swift con joyería de lujo

Taylor Swift no solo es una figura destacada en el mundo de la música por sus exitosas composiciones , sino también por sus amistades influyentes. Entre su círculo cercano se encuentra la modelo Gigi Hadid , quien recientemente decidió sorprenderla con un regalo muy especial : un anillo que hace referencia tanto a su gato como a su actual pareja, el jugador de la NFL Travis Kelce.

Mientras Swift se encuentra en la etapa europea de The Eras Tour, acompañada por Kelce, campeón del Super Bowl con Kansas City Chiefs, Hadid optó por enviarle un regalo cargado de simbolismo y cariño . La diseñadora de joyas Cece Jewellery compartió en Instagram la noticia de haber creado esta pieza única a pedido de la modelo.

Gigi Hadid y Taylor Swift llevan una amistad de larga data, donde se la ha visto compartir momentos juntas a través de las redes sociales

“Qué honor absoluto fue crear algo especial para Taylor Swift” , se lee en un post de la empresa Jewellery al mostrar imágenes exclusivas del diseño. El anillo presenta el rostro del famoso gato de la intérprete de Shake it Off, Benjamin Button , rodeado de un lujoso borde de perlas con corazones en llamas a cada lado. Además, incluye el número favorito de Swift, el 13, en un lado, y el número 87, el de la camiseta de Travis Kelce en su equipo, en el otro , lo que simboliza la importancia de ambos en su vida. - 3397639048093854301

La banda está adornada con diamantes en forma de media luna y tiene grabado el mensaje “TTPD” en su interior, lo que añade un toque personal y exclusivo. Esa es la abreviación de “The Tortured Poets Department”, el nuevo álbum de la cantautora.

El anillo, diseñado para mantener cerca sus cosas favoritas , no solo destaca por su significado emocional, sino también por su belleza y detalle. “Ha sido increíble verla brillar en el escenario de Londres, y estamos ansiosos por verla usar esta pieza pronto”, concluyó la diseñadora en su publicación. Hadid también expresó su satisfacción al comentar: “Es perfecto, gracias” .

Gigi Hadid sorprende a Taylor Swift con un anillo de oro que contiene el rostro de su gato

La amistad entre la reconocida modelo y empresaria y Taylor Swift es muy popular . Ambas han demostrado en múltiples ocasiones el apoyo y cariño que se tienen, ya sea a través de apariciones públicas, menciones en redes sociales o, como en este caso, mediante regalos significativos.

¿Cuánto cuesta el nuevo anillo de Taylor Swift?

Las piezas de joyería diseñadas por Cece Jewellery, famosa diseñadora británica, son conocidas por su exclusividad y precios que oscilan entre US$8500 y US$17.000, según lo que se puede ver en su página web . Este anillo en particular, con su diseño detallado y personalizado en oro amarillo de 18 quilates , seguramente se encuentra en el rango superior de esta escala.

El anillo diseñado por Cece Jewellery tiene las iniciales TTPD

La gira en Europa de The Eras Tour

El regalo fue entregado a Swift durante sus conciertos en el estadio de Wembley en Londres, donde asistieron varias celebridades, que incluyeron al príncipe William , Ashton Kutcher, Liam Hemsworth y Tom Cruise , entre otros. Ahí mismo, el heredero a la corona británica celebró su cumpleaños número 42, junto con dos de sus hijos, el príncipe Jorge y la princesa Carlota .

La cantante también sorprendió a sus fanáticos con la entrada de Travis Kelce al escenario , lo que desató la euforia del público. Mientras sonaba la canción “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart”, el deportista apareció de esmoquin y sombrero para ser parte de un acto que quedará guardado en la memoria de los presentes.

Después de su emocionante presentación en Londres, la cantante continua su gira europea el próximo fin de semana en Dublín, Irlanda , con tres shows programados en el estadio Aviva.

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  • Notre Dame - The Heart of Paris
  • Croissant Baking Class in Paris
  • French Market Tour & Cooking Class in Paris
  • Marie-Antoinette Experience in Paris
  • Macaron Class in Paris
  • French Desserts Class in Paris
  • Choux Pastry Class in Paris
  • French Bread Baking Class in Paris
  • Latin Quarter Drinks Package
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  • Montmartre Drinks Package
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Pastry & Chocolate Tours Paris


On our Secret Food Tour: Paris Chocolate & Pastry, you'll enjoy a variety of classic French desserts and sweets. Taste an explosion of treats from artisanal chocolates, crepes and delicious macarons to award winning pastries, and the creamiest ice-creams

We have two areas to choose from, both are equally delicious with mouth-watering chocolates and pastries. You and choose Montmartre or Saint Germain :

  • We start with a lovely fluffy meringue tasting
  • Then we meet artisan-chocolatier where you'll see and enjoy some of the best chocolates Paris has to offer.
  • Next is a classic of the French sweet street food culture, the crêpe and it's many flavours
  • The following visit is the Secret Dish and it has been Freshly baked for you
  • In summertime an Ice cream will be a welcome refreshment while in the other season a freshly baked pastry or chocolates will be offered
  • One can not be in Paris and not have an éclair tasting
  • Last but not least as you are nearing the famous monument in the are, macarons accompanied by either a hot or an ice cocoa tasting

* Please note: the itinerary and menu is subject to change, based on the locations' availability, weather, and other circumstances.

If a tour is fully booked, or you are looking to book a *Group or Private Tour - please email us about Group & Private Tours options.

*Please note - Group & Private Tours are specifically organised for your group and therefore subject to a premium price.

Our Top Recommendations For You

Book Now to Save on These Amazing Tours


  • Light meringue bite
  • Finest French chocolates
  • Homemade crêpe
  • Freshly Baked Mystery Secret Dish
  • Delicious French Pastries
  • Mouth-watering Ice cream(spring to fall) or pastry or chocolates
  • Warming Hot chocolate or Ice Cold cocoa (depending on the season)
  • Authentic Macarons
  • Freshly baked welcome bite
  • Choux pastries
  • Mystery Secret Dish
  • Shortbread cookies
  • Delicious French Pastries or ice cream

Due to the nature of creating a well balanced and thoughtful gastronomy experience, many of our tours are unable to accommodate certain dietary restrictions. Please contact us prior to booking your tour to see if we are able to accommodate your dietary needs.

Montmartre is the epicenter for pastry and chocolates in all of Paris. At first glance, it seems like this area is all about the sweet side of culinary experiences, but when you get to see this area through your guides local eyes you will find cafés, brasseries, art galleries and small museums. Let us help you navigate the many options available in this area and highlight where locals go for their sweet selections.


St Germain district is renowned for being the artists and literates district of Paris but the reason this elite gathered in the heart of the City is because of the legion of Tea Salons and Sweets shops that welcomed them. The contrast between the industrial revolution Haussmanian buildings hiding the narrow streets of medieval Paris is another of the reasons why Hemingway, Victor Hugo or Emil Zola enjoyed the area, all gathered in St Germain to get inspiration for their novels and their characters, through the explanations of your local guide you will taste the sweets of those illustrious men. Let us help you navigate the many options available in this area and highlight where locals go for their sweet selections.

Saint Germain

Secret Food Tours Paris

Paris Montmartre Food Tour

On our Secret Food Tour: Montmartre, you will discover the true spirit of this breathtaking area. When Parisians buy food, they go from high-end boutiques to shop, gathering the best ingredients for their meals. We do the same, giving you samples of food along the way.

Paris, Le Marais Food Tours

On our Secret Food Tour: Le Marais Paris, you'll enjoy a variety of classic French foods starting with a viennoiserie/croissants, and collecting breads, trying tasty macarons and chocolates, freshly made falafels, our mystery dish, the best French cheeses , plus some tasty desserts as well.

Paris, Saint Germain Food Tours

On our Secret Food Tour: Saint Germain Paris, you'll enjoy a variety of the highest quality French foods such as rich caramels, Foie Gras, delicious tarts and pastries, plus the finest meats, dishes of the day and our Secret Dish.

Chocolate Pastry Tours

On our Secret Food Tour: Notre Dame - "Heart or Paris" , will take you on a gustative journey throughout the birthplace of the capital, you'll enjoy a variety of classic French food such as freshly baked viennoiseries, some of the best cheeses.

Paris Latin Quarter Food Tour

On our Secret Food Tour: Paris Latin Quarter, you'll enjoy a variety of classic French food such as mouth-watering viennoiseries, some of the best cheeses you have ever tasted, delicious meats, deserts and of course our Secret Dish.

More Cultural/Historical Tours

Our Secret Tours will take you on a culinary adventure through fascinating French history and delicious cuisine, where some recipes have been handed down for generations, and others have only recently been perfected

That is very easy! Go to our "Book Now" page, where we detail our tours. Select your tour and the time of your tour and book it! Are you looking for something special? Are you organising an event? Just email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to arrange something that suits you. After your booking is made, we will send you an automatic e-mail confirmation. If you have any questions before booking, feel free to contact us via email.

*Please note if you are using a special promo code then enter it in the "Voucher Code" section before you select the amount of tickets you would like to purchase*

All the delicious food and drinks.

We'll meet at the BLANCHE metro station on line 2 . If you have any questions. Please email us . »»CLICK HERE FOR DIRECTIONS««

Between Blanche line 2 and Abbesses line 12.

You can always tell our guide of any food allergies or special dietary requirements. We will adapt the menu so you can fully enjoy the tour! If you have any doubts or concerns, feel free to email us at [email protected] before booking. We have had many vegetarians doing the tour with us and they all enjoyed it thoroughly. Please take note that this tour is NOT adapted for Vegans.

Children are more than welcome to our tour. We have had many families attend from all over the world and everyone has enjoyed the tour. However, please be informed that any accompanying underage children must be carried, as the area is not suitable for strollers. You will have to carry and keep your baby on your lap as well when seated to enjoy our picnic at the end of the tour.

This is not a problem. Just inform our guide before the tour starts. During the tasting you can select another beverage you like!

We give enough food to all our customers. Trust us: you will not need to go to the restaurant after the food tour!


Our tours are often sold out very quickly. If the date you requested is not available, please do not hesitate to email us and we can see if there is anything we can do. We cannot promise but we will try our best to sort something for you.

The tour is pregnancy friendly just mention it to your guide.

Unfortunately due to the nature of Paris streets scooters and wheelchairs can not be accomodated on this tour, may we suggest you to join Le Marais instead?

To join our food tour, you must wear comfortable shoes. There will be around 1 hour walking but it is not too difficult. If you walk slowly, then our guide will walk slowly as well.

We take 15 people maximum. If you are more than 15 people, please do not hesitate to email us and we will try to see if we can accommodate.

You do not have to print your voucher. A confirmation on your phone will be fine!

All of our vouchers expire one year from the date of purchase.

For chocolates, macarons and crêpe (ice in summer) you will be given the opportunity to pick your own flavour (subject to availability).

We work with small shops and local artisan hand picked for the quality of their products and services.

Unfortunately, the weather is unpredictable in Paris. We do not issue refunds as per our terms and conditions. We also inform you that we go through with the tour with 4 people minimum! However we do reserve the right to cancel the tour if we feel the weather is extreme, and we cannot run the tour due to this for more info see our Terms and Conditions .

You must book directly on our website. We do not accept cash payments. Our online payment is safe, secured and SSL protected.

The booking fee that you have to pay is up to our ticket provider and we can't change it. All our clients need to pay for it upon booking. The booking fee charged contributes to the cost of the ticketing system to provide an excellent service to our customers.

A few banks have charged their customer an extra fee while booking with us (this isn't the booking fee but another fee added by the bank). We think this is unfair, if this happens let us know by showing us in your bank statement and we will refund this fee as a gesture of good will.

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Money blog: Big supermarket wants to rival Aldi and Lidl with 400 new convenience stores

Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and advice. Let us know your thoughts on any of the topics we're covering using the comments box below.

Wednesday 26 June 2024 22:54, UK

  • Morrisons to open hundreds more convenience stores
  • Quorn to start blending meat into some products
  • Popular energy supplier ranked worst for customer service - in big reversal from last year

Essential reads

  • Cheap Eats:  Great British Menu legend outlines his top picks in North Yorkshire
  • Women in Business : How accident in cafe and £400 turned into a genius business idea that's about to go global
  • Money Problem : 'I bought a new car but it's been back to dealership six times with same fault - what can I do?'
  • Basically... Guarantors
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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The supermarket has announced plans to open about 400 more of its Morrisons Daily convenience shops.

It is part of plans to take on discount retailers Aldi and Lidl, according to Retail Gazette . 

Morrisons said it wanted to increase its total number of smaller shops to 2,000 in 2025, although it has not yet given a list of locations. 

The supermarket has seen its like-for-like sales, excluding fuel and VAT, rise by 4.1% over the three months to 28 April. 

Chief executive Rami Baitieh said he was "pleased with the overall performance" of the business in the second quarter. 

Drivers are being warned this week's heatwave brings risks of an unexpected £180 bill. 

Car mechanics from Prestone said the hot weather could cause significant damage to windscreens - meaning you'll have to shell out for a replacement. 

"Slightly counterintuitively, it isn't the heat directly that causes damage, it is the fluctuation in temperature that could cause damage," they said. 

"When this happens to brittle materials such as glass, it can cause them to explode or crack; this is called thermal shock. To stop your windscreen from accumulating a lot of heat, avoid parking in direct sunlight. Consider parking under a tree, in a garage or other forms of shade."

Deliveroo shares have risen following reports US rival Doordash held takeover talks with the business. 

Doordash flagged an interest in taking over the UK's Deliveroo last month, but talks ended as the two sides couldn't agree on the value of the deal, according to Reuters news agency. 

The London-listed company's share price jumped by 6% to 136p this morning, although later eased to 3.7% higher. 

Deliveroo has seen its value fall by more than 50% since debuting on the stock market in March 2021. 

New details have been unveiled for Universal's first UK theme park - including plans for the attraction to be open 365 days a year.

Universal Destinations & Experiences - which is owned by Sky's parent company Comcast - has bought land near Bedford as it  plans to build  Europe's largest  theme park  with millions of visitors per year, as well as a 500-room hotel and dining area.

Read the full story here ...

The building society is the latest to slash rates, after HSBC yesterday and Barclays on Monday. 

It will be lowering two, three and five-year rates by up to 0.21% tomorrow. 

It follows a reduction in swap rates - which dictate how much it costs lenders to lend.

So what does this mean for the market more broadly? 

Here's what the experts told Newspage... 

Emma Jones, managing director at "They're falling like dominoes now. Things are suddenly looking considerably brighter for the property market as we enter the second half of the year. Enquiries are up sharply this week, which suggests the improved weather may also have lifted spirits and confidence."
David Stirling, independent financial advisor at Mint Mortgages and Protection: "We've not exactly hit the bargain basement for borrowers just yet but the competition for new business from the banks has definitely heated up this week. For some the Bank of England decision in August is very hotly anticipated and could hopefully lead to an incredibly busy autumn."
Dariusz Karpowicz, director at Albion Financial Advice: "While these minor decreases are certainly a step in the right direction, the average rate for a two or five-year fix remains high. It's good to see rates moving down, but let's not get carried away. There are still too many unknowns on the horizon. The upcoming election, fluctuating house prices and geopolitical uncertainties all add layers of complexity to the market."

No one could have failed to notice the rocketing price of olive oil over the last couple of years - and it's been just as bad in Spain, where it is an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. 

The Spanish government has now said it will temporarily ditch the sales tax on olive oil to help consumers cope. 

Spain is the world's leading producer and exporter of olive oil, and last year Spanish households consumed an average of six litres per person. 

However, the country's agriculture ministry says prices have surged by 272% since September 2020. 

The Money team wrote this piece in March about why that's happening... 

The Spanish government had already cut the sales tax on olive oil from 10% to 5% as part of an anti-inflation package.

Now they've said no sales tax will be applied from July until September, when it will be taxed at 2% until the end of the year. 

From then on, it will be taxed at 4%. 

Spanish treasury minister Maria Jesus Montero said the decision reflects "the importance of olive oil in the Mediterranean diet and a healthy lifestyle". 

The "Oscars of the aviation industry" has taken place and Qatar Airways has come out on top. 

Qatar Airways was named the overall winner, as well as first in the business class, business class lounge and Middle East categories, at Skytrax's World Airline Awards last night. 

It's the eighth time it has been awarded the best in class. 

Last year's winner, Singapore Airlines, came second, followed by Emirates, ANA All Nippon Airways and Cathay Pacific. 

British Airways was the highest-ranking UK airline in 13th place.

Europe's best airline was named as Turkish Airlines, while the continent's top low-cost airline was Spanish company Volotea. 

The rankings are based on airline passenger satisfaction surveys across more than 100 countries between September 2023 and May 2024. 

Other notable names to make the top 100 were: Ryanair (63), easyJet (66), (68) and Tui Airways (83).

These are the airlines that made the top 20: 

1. Qatar Airways 2. Singapore Airlines 3. Emirates 4. ANA All Nippon Airways 5. Cathay Pacific Airways 6. Japan Airlines 7. Turkish Airlines 8. EVA Air 9. Air France 10. Swiss International Air Lines 11. Korean Air 12. Hainan Airlines 13. British Airways 14. Fiji Airways 15. Iberia 16. Vistara 17. Virgin Atlantic 18. Lufthansa 19. Etihad Airways 20. Saudi Arabian Airlines. 

By James Sillars , business reporter

Two issues are dominating the behaviour of investors at the moment: US inflation and the snap parliamentary election in France.

Uncertainty over the two has been driving a topsy-turvy performance on stock markets as any scrap of evidence over the potential timing of a US interest rate cut is seized upon.

A sticky inflation picture across the pond – as we have witnessed here – has pushed back Federal Reserve and therefore market expectations for a reduction in borrowing costs.

The next big number awaited is the latest personal consumption expenditures price index, a closely watched inflation indicator at the US central bank.

A weaker than expected number could see a boost for shares globally after a volatile few weeks.

Following a 0.4% decline yesterday, the FTSE 100 opened 0.4% up at 8,285. 

Among the wider shares doing well were those of AO World, up more than 3%.

The online electricals retailer raised growth targets for its current financial year after profits over the 12 months to the end of March beat market expectations.

The pound and dollar have benefitted amid struggles for the euro over the past couple of weeks.

Much of that has been down to election speculation in France where Marine Le Pen's National Rally (RN) is leading first-round polling.

The election was called by President Emmanuel Macron after RN's strong gains in the recent European elections, sparking a renewed market focus on the French economy and the potential knock-on effects for the euro area.

France has a debt to GDP ratio of 110%, meaning its debt is more than the value of its annual output.

There is a budget deficit of 5%. EU rules allow for just 3%.

The market's worry, according to analysts, is that if the far-right RN were to win big in the first round, then voters may take a tactical turn to the left in the second.

It is a concern for France and the wider euro, they said, because a left-wing alliance influence in government would seek even greater public spending commitments than RN has made.

French government borrowing costs have soared since the election announcement.

Earlier this month, the risk premium France pays for its debt on top of Germany's neared levels last seen in 2012.

Quorn has been known for decades as a producer of meat-free alternatives - but in a new venture, it will be blending actual pork sausages with fake meat. 

The company has said it wants to reach consumers who are cutting down on their meat consumption but who are not going entirely vegetarian or vegan, according to a report in The Grocer . 

The new products include burgers and sausages, and will contain Quorn's mycoprotein blended with meat. 

They will be available by the end of the year within the NHS and from some food service operators. 

Marco Bertacca, Quorn's chief executive, told the publication that appealing to meat eaters "represents the majority of people, and so it is a massive opportunity to decarbonise part of the food system and improve public health".

"Once upon a time we were effectively competing with the meat industry – only making products that were alternatives to theirs, and encouraging people to switch," he said.

"There have been attempts in the past to make products like burgers and sausages with a blend of meat and plant-based ingredients like soya and pea protein, but the products have not delivered for consumers."

It told Sky News that it is still in the development stages of its catering partnerships but it has had "fantastic" feedback on the quality of the products and impact on sustainability targets so far. 

Livestock farming accounts for about 15% of global greenhouse emissions, according to FAO data. 

Every Wednesday we ask Michelin chefs to pick their favourite Cheap Eats where they live and when they cook at home. This week we speak to the highly celebrated Shaun Rankin from Michelin-starred Shaun Rankin at Grantley Hall - who won the Great British Menu dessert course in 2009.

Hi Shaun , c an you tell us your favourite places in North Yorkshire  where you can get a meal for two for less than £40?

North Yorkshire is bountiful in its selection of brilliant places to dine and we're incredibly lucky to have so many eateries on our doorstep.

My first recommendation would be the Blue Lion , a traditional country pub nestled within the picture-perfect village of East Witton in the Yorkshire Dales. Enjoy a scenic walk through the surrounding countryside before stopping off for lunch – their light lunch menu includes personal favourites such as croque madame with a rocket salad and Black Sheep-battered fish and chips.

If you're heading in to explore the characterful charm of Ripon, a trip to Oliver's Pantry is a must. They do great coffee alongside a delicious all-day brunch, an array of sweet treats and their seasonal lunch menu packed with fresh homemade dishes.

What's your go-to cheap meal at home?

Chicken pesto pasta with mushrooms and broccoli - a delicious, easy dish to prepare and packed with nutrients.

My tip for this dish is to buy a whole chicken and roast it whole – it's so much more cost-effective than buying chicken breast or thigh, and you can enjoy several meals from just the one bird. With the leftovers I'll prepare a simple soup by making a chicken stock from the carcass, or perhaps a comforting bowl of chicken egg fried rice with the meat, so nothing is wasted. 

We've spoken to lots of top chefs and bloggers - check out their cheap eats from around the country here...

Those looking to drive to polling stations can park for free this general election.

JustPark are offering drivers 30 minutes of free parking near polling stations on 4 July.

They will need to pre-book online or via the JustPark app, however. 

"We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to vote, but know that on the day it isn't always that straightforward," Mary Corrie, managing director of Just Park UK, said.

"By offering free parking on election day, we hope to make it easier for all voters, especially those with mobility issues or who are short on time, to find a place to park near their polling station. 

"This is the second time we have offered this service, following its great success in the 2019 election, and we are confident it will help to get people to the polls once again."

EDF and Utilita have been ranked the worst suppliers for customer service, as ratings across the industry reached their lowest point, according to Citizens Advice .

One of the highest-scoring suppliers this time last year, EDF fell to the very bottom of the table after its average call waiting times jumped from just under a minute to more than five minutes.

Average customer ratings between January and March for all firms fell by 10.5% compared with the same period in 2021.

"Citizens Advice has long called for Ofgem to be given stronger powers to hold suppliers to account on customer service. That must include tackling the complaints backlog before next winter," said Citizens Advice chief executive Dame Clare Moriarty.

At the bottom of the table, both Utilita and EDF scored 2.1 out of five stars, followed closely by British Gas on 2.4.

Dale Vince's Ecotricity topped the rankings with 3.8, followed by Outfox the Market and Ovo Energy, both scoring 3.3.

Among the other big suppliers, E.ON Next scored 3.0, Scottish Power 2.9 and Octopus 2.5.

An EDF spokeswoman said: "We recognise our call answer times haven't been up to the high standards we set ourselves and we're committed to doing better."

The company has recruited and trained more people at its Sunderland, Brighton and Exeter offices, she said.

She added EDF were nearing the end of a "complex transfer of our residential customers to a new IT system, resulting in more customers getting in touch as we navigate this process".

Utilita said: "We must not underestimate how savvy consumers are today. They will realise the star rating contradicts other market-wide supplier assessments – including those of Ofgem, Trustpilot and Which? – where Utilita performs consistently well.

"As such, we look forward to ongoing dialogue to close the gap between the perception the Citizens Advice star rating gives, and the reality other rankings provide."

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Megan Thee Stallion Raps Kendrick Lamar's "Not Like Us" During Los Angeles Show

The Grammy-winning rapper performed at the Los Angeles stop of her 'Hot Girl Summer Tour' just two days after Lamar's 'Pop Out' concert.

Megan Thee Stallion popped out and showed Los Angeles a good time during the latest stop of her first headlining Hot Girl Summer Tour.

Two days after Kendrick Lamar 's historic Pop Out: Ken & Friends show in Inglewood, Meg performed at the Arena in LA, where she showed love to K. Dot's chart-topping single "Not Like Us." The Mustard -produced West Coast anthem was played between GloRilla and Megan's sets, while the latter playfully rapped and twerked to the song during her performance.

Megan Thee Stallion rapping Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” at her show in Los Angeles. #HotGirlSummerTour — Stallion Access (@stallionaccess) June 22, 2024
Ended up at a Megan The Stallion show in LA and “Not Like Us” definitely got the crowd going in between sets — Andre Haghverdian (@ahaghver23) June 22, 2024

Clips from the show highlight Meg's alliance with Kendrick in his feud against Drake . But Megan Thee Stallion is more than a bystander in this fight. Many credit the Houston rapper with igniting hip-hop's current hostility towards Drizzy.

While the two were once friendly, Meg's issues with Drake began in 2022 when the Toronto rapper slighted her on multiple occasions after she was shot in the foot by Tory Lanez . In one instance, Drake disrespected Megan on Her Loss track "Circo Loco," rapping “This bitch lie ’bout getting shots but she still a stallion.” He has also publicly called for Tory to be released from prison .

At the time she seemingly responded to "Circo Loco" and Drake on Twitter, writing, “remember all y’all hoe ass favorite rappers that stood behind a N**** that SHOT A FEMALE.” But it wasn't until her 2024 track "Hiss" that she truly got her lick back.

According to Genius , on the single she raps: " These n****s hate on BBLs and be walkin' 'round with the same scars" and "Cosplay gangsters, fake-ass accents / Posted in another n**** hood like a bad bitch."

These bars and others are interpreted as shots against Drake, inspiring industry-wide attacks on the 6 God, such as Metro Boomin's "BBL Drizzy" and Kendrick's war with the same "bad bitch."

"You know I got language barriers, huh / There's no accent you can sell me," he raps on "Euphoria."

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While Kendrick and Meg haven't yet connected on wax, the Compton rapper once gave her a shout on 2021 single "Family Ties" with Baby Keem , rapping, "Show my ass and take y'all to class / I can multitask like Megan, brother."

We're less than a week away from Megan Thee Stallion's latest release, her Megan album slated to drop June 28. On Friday, June 21, Meg shared the project's tracklist, which includes features from UGK, Victoria Monet, and others.

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"Wop wop wop wop wop, Dot proceed with the utmost precision and disrupt their endeavors," went one fan's clever reimagining.

Kendrick Fans Hilariously Formalize "Not Like Us" Lyrics, Imagine Him Saying Drake Has 'Fondness for Prepubescent Humans'

The singer released the new single and pro-Palestine video for “Next 2 U" in late May.


Kehlani Says Several ‘Firsts’ and Brand Deals Didn’t Happen for ‘Crash’ Due to Palestine Advocacy: ‘I Don’t Regret It…I Can Go to Sleep at Night’

The rapper was in a celebratory mood while anticipating the termination of his federal charges.

Boosie Badazz Cuts Off Ankle Monitor, Jumps Into Pool in Anticipation of Federal Charges Being Dropped

In the latest sign that nothing is forever, not even the internet, MTV News is no more.


MTV News Is Dead: Full Wipe of Decades of Work Inspires Passionate Reactions

Ghostface said this was back when Hov was “getting his feet wet."

Ghostface Killah On Jay-Z Reminding Wu-Tang Clan That They Owed Him $500

Stone passed away from a private battle with cancer.

'The Fader' Co-Founder Rob Stone Dead at 55: Metro Boomin, DJ Premier, A-Trak, and More Pay Their Respects


  1. Le Tour secret de Montaigne

    le tour secret

  2. Jaquette/Covers La Tour Secrète (I Guardiani del cielo) : le téléfilm

    le tour secret

  3. Le Secret de la Tour, Bibliotheque de la Jeunesse Collector Book, 1926

    le tour secret

  4. La Tour des Secrets

    le tour secret

  5. Le Secret de la Tour, Bibliotheque de la Jeunesse Collector Book, 1926

    le tour secret


    le tour secret


  1. Paris Food Tours

    On our Secret Food Tour: Saint Germain Paris, you'll enjoy a variety of the highest quality French foods such as rich caramels, Foie Gras, delicious tarts and pastries, plus the finest meats, dishes of the day and our Secret Dish. exclusive. 3 ½ - 4 hours Paris, Saint Germain 5 stops 12 people max. Book Now Learn More.

  2. Secret Food Tours Paris

    Tours and Tickets by Secret Food Tours Paris. 2024. Paris Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours. 1,312. Food & Drink. 3-4 hours. Enjoying Paris cuisine is a highlight of any trip to the French capital, but finding authentic versions of pastries, cheeses…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 94% of travelers.

  3. Culinary Tour Guide in Le Marais Paris

    On our Secret Food Tour: Paris Chocolate & Pastry, you'll enjoy a variety of classic French desserts and sweets. Taste an explosion of treats from artisanal chocolates, crepes and delicious macarons to award winning pastries, and the creamiest ice-creams. chocolate paris. 2- 2 ½ hours Paris 5 - 6 stops 15 people max. Book Now Learn More.


    Paris Chocolate and Pastry Tour with Secret Food Tours. 101. Food & Drink. 2-3 hours. When you come on our Chocolate and Pastry tour in Paris, you will get to experience many different and unique types of French…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 99% of travellers. from. £91.


    from. £111. per adult. Reserve. Paris Chocolate and Pastry Tour with Secret Food Tours. 98. Food & Drink. 2-3 hours. When you come on our Chocolate and Pastry tour in Paris, you will get to experience many different and unique types of French….

  6. Paris Le Marais Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours

    Paris Le Marais Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours. The Le Marais district in the 4th arrondissement is one of Paris' coolest neighborhoods, full of bars, cafés, and artisan food shops. On this tour, explore the district on foot, stopping at local markets, bakeries, and brasseries to discover the neighborhood's foodie scene.

  7. Paris Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours

    Indulge in an abundance of food tastings during this Paris food tour with six stops. A guide provides insight on tastings, as well as Paris' foodie history. Get more from your time in Paris with a small-group tour limited to 12 people. A secret dish is revealed on the day of your tour (Notre Dame option only)

  8. Secret Paris Food Tour in Le Marais

    The perfect end to a perfectly piggy day! Macarons in George Larnicol shop Paris. The tour took almost almost four hours and finished at St Paul metro station. The Secret Le Marais Food Tour took us on a fabulous culinary and cultural encounter in one of Paris' most enchanting districts.

  9. Secret Food Tours Paris

    Paris Saint Germain Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours. 180. Food & Drink. 4 hours ... Review of: Paris Le Marais Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours. Written 15 June 2024. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading ...

  10. Paris Le Marais Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours

    Taste for yourself why Paris is known as the world's gourmet capital with a walking food tour of the fashionable Le Marais district. Stroll through the charming medieval streets with a foodie guide, popping into the neighborhood's best brasseries, boulangeries, and markets to sample French specialties like croissants, cheeses, croque monsieur, chocolates, and macarons. Top it all off with ...

  11. Paris Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours

    Paris Le Marais Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours. 404. 3 hours 30 minutes. Free Cancellation. From. $140.58. Paris Chocolate and Pastry Tour with Secret Food Tours. 152. 2 hours 30 minutes. Free Cancellation. From. $114.43. Private Tour: Secret Food Tours Paris Saint Germain. 21. 3 hours 30 minutes.

  12. La Tour, The Mysterious Tower of Laguna Beach

    The structure, known as "La Tour" (French for tower) or the "Pirate Tower," is a 60-foot castle-inspired tower. It was built at the same time as the house at the top of the bluff, in 1926, and was used as a way to get from the house down to the beach below, which is a beautiful stretch of sand called Victoria Beach.The beach tower is made of poured concrete with an ocean stone ...

  13. Paris Secret Tours

    On our Secret Food and Wine tours in Paris, you'll be able to enjoy high quality French food and wine, whilst discovering why eating and drinking is so important to our culture here in France. Our Secret Tours will take you on a culinary adventure through fascinating French history and delicious cuisine, where some recipes have been handed down ...

  14. Vegetarian Food Tour

    On our Secret Food Tour: Vegetarian - Le Marais Paris, you'll enjoy a variety of classic French foods. Our tour starts at the bustling heart of Le Marais, and more specifically at Temple metro stop. We will visit the old streets of the area, go to one of the oldest markets in Paris, enjoy many local shops and sit at typical restaurants to enjoy ...

  15. Hidden Paris Walking Tour

    Our Secret Paris tour runs every day at 11am. We meet by the horse statue outside the Le Louvre glass pyramid. This tour ends at or near Palais Royal, a short 5 minutes from metro stations Palais royal and Opéra. Booking is required. We advise large groups to book a private tour.

  16. Secret Food Tours Paris

    Paris Le Marais Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours. 299. Food & Drink. 3-4 hours ... Thank you for choosing Secret Food Tours and we look forward to welcoming you back! Read more. Written January 9, 2024. This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and not of Tripadvisor LLC.

  17. The Secret Côn Đảo

    We are so happy that we chose "Secret Con Dao Resort" for our 6 nights there. We highly recommend this wonderful Resort - Excellent 5 star services from everyone we encountered from booking our room, the Front office, F & B, to Housekeeping. Services: Excellent Breakfast buffet was wonderful plenty of choices.

  18. Secret World Tour

    Secret World Tour was a 1993-94 concert tour mounted by British singer-songwriter Peter Gabriel to promote his 1992 album Us.The stage show was designed by French-Canadian Robert Lepage, expressing the themes of tension and union between male and female forces, as represented by two stages linked by moving walkway. Three tour legs with elaborate staging were interspersed with two legs of ...

  19. De nouveaux ossements de dodos découverts dans un lieu tenu secret

    Patrimoine. De nouveaux ossements de dodos découverts dans un lieu tenu secret. Les restes de trois dodos ont été trouvés sous des pierres basaltiques formant une cave dans un lieu tenu secret.

  20. Euro-2024/France : Les alertes du premier tour

    Euro-2024/France. Les alertes du premier tour. L'attaquant français Kylian Mbappé lors du match du groupe D de l'Euro-2024 contre la Pologne, à Dortmund, le 25 juin 2024 AFP INA FASSBENDER

  21. Sergueï Jirnov, ancien agent secret russe et romancier

    Sergueï Jirnov, ancien agent secret russe et romancier, était l'invité du RTL info Signatures. ... Incendie dans la tour Kennedy à Liège: le témoignage de plusieurs rescapés, "C'était l ...

  22. I Went To Le Creuset's Secret Dinner Party

    Le Creuset partnered with Secure Supper to launch La Carte, a dinner series that features Le Creuset products at the forefront. I had the chance to experience their first dinner in New York City.

  23. Secret Food Tours Paris

    Paris Le Marais Walking Food Tour with Secret Food Tours. 302. Food & Drink. 3-4 hours. The Le Marais district in the 4th arrondissement is one of Paris' coolest neighborhoods, full of bars, cafés, and artisan…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 95% of travellers. from.

  24. Watch Taylor Swift, Gracie Abrams Surprise Performance of "Us": Eras Tour

    Abrams, who opened for Swift's Eras Tour last summer, released her second album, The Secret of Us, on Friday. The album features the track "Us," a collaboration with Swift.

  25. About Paris Secret Food Tours

    As local Parisians, we are extremely passionate about our local food, our city and its history. As such, we love to share with you the best French food and its unique culture. By booking the Secret Food Tours in Le Marais Vegetarian, you'll get to try delicious food and drink from across France, plus we will show you how to find the best shops ...

  26. Finale de « Secret Story » sur TF1

    Sans oublier une consommation importante sur TF 1 +, où « Secret Story » est devenu le programme numéro un avec plus de 13 millions d'heures consommées en streaming sur 53 millions au total.

  27. ¿Cuánto cuesta el nuevo anillo de Taylor Swift?

    La modelo y la cantante son amigas desde hace años y suelen aparecer juntas en eventos y hasta en videos musicales; la exángel de Victoria Secret fue parte del elenco de Bad Blood - LA NACION

  28. Chocolate & Pastries Tour

    Chocolate & Pastry Tours. On our Secret Food Tour: Paris Chocolate & Pastry, you'll enjoy a variety of classic French desserts and sweets. Taste an explosion of treats from artisanal chocolates, crepes and delicious macarons to award winning pastries, and the creamiest ice-creams. chocolate paris. 2- 2 ½ hours Paris 5 - 6 stops 15 people max.

  29. Money blog: World's best airlines ranked

    Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and advice. Let us know your thoughts on any of the topics we're covering using the comments box below.

  30. Megan Thee Stallion Raps Kendrick Lamar's "Not Like Us ...

    Megan Thee Stallion popped out and showed Los Angeles a good time during the latest stop of her first headlining Hot Girl Summer Tour.. Two days after Kendrick Lamar's historic Pop Out: Ken ...