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Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek- Cost, Map, Itinerary - 26 Days

A trekker hiking on snow kanchenjunga base camp

Trip Duration

kanchenjunga circuit trek map

Max Altitude

KNBC 5143 m

kanchenjunga circuit trek map

Trip Ends At

Kanchenjunga circuit trek- cost, map, itinerary overview.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is an adventurous journey in a region that has received little attention lately. This little-known trail leads to both the bases, south, and north of the third highest mountain in the world, Mount Kanchenjunga (8586 m). Joe Brown and George Band with a team of British mountaineers were the first to make it to the top in 1955. In 1977, an Indian Army squad from Sikkim on the Indian side achieved the second ascent of the northeast ridge.

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek itinerary takes trekkers on an incredible journey along remote and solitary routes. Exotic forests, colorful communities, cascading waterfalls, and beautiful natural joy are all part of the undiscovered trekking trail of Kanchenjunga.

Kanchenjunga is located in Nepal's far eastern region, on the border with Sikkim, a small Himalayan state in India's northeastern region. Kanchenjunga was regarded to be the world's tallest peak until the mid-1800s. And, until the mid-1980s, this area was off-limits to hikers.

Exploring and savoring the outdoors in this area is an unparalleled pleasure. Kanchenjunga region has a diverse range of vegetation, as well as some of the best mountain vistas in the Himalayas. Fascinating detail about Kanchenjunga is that it is the home of “Yeti”, a legendary beast from the Himalayas. 

Many species of flora and fauna, as well as several endangered natural animals, including the red panda, black bear, musk deer, blue sheep, and snow leopard, live in the area where you will be trekking. The scenery is replete with rivers, waterfalls, lush meadows, rhododendron, birch, pine woods, the Yalung Glacier, and, of course, stunning mountains that accompany travelers on their journey. It is home to a mixed community of Sherpa, and Kirat, providing trekkers with an opportunity to learn about their culture and way of life. 

Despite being the third highest in the world, it is not one of Nepal's most popular treks. The reason for this is due to its remote location and the fact that it is a relatively long walk. Also, or perhaps because of scarce information regarding this expedition on the internet.

As a result, there are fewer trekkers in the Kanchenjunga region. However, throughout the journey, you will be mesmerized by the natural heritage with little human interference. This tough adventure will provide you with a wealth of exciting and unforgettable memories to last a lifetime.

Major highlights of Kanchenjunga Circuit 26 Days Trek 

  • Explore Nepal's less-traveled Eastern mountainous region
  • Opportunity to trek to both Kanchenjunga North Base Camp and Kanchenjunga South Base Camp at once
  • Walking among the different plants and fauna & some elusive wildlife, such as the snow leopard, blue sheep, and red panda
  • Explore Ghunsa, a traditional Tibetan community and one of the largest in the Kanchenjunga region
  • The warmth and hospitality of the Kirati people
  • Crossing some of the high passes, such as Sele La, Mirgin La, and Sinion La
  • Enjoy the expansive verdant alpine meadows, flowing waterfalls, and other natural wonders
  • Enjoy the spectacular beauty of the Kanchenjunga Range, Januu Himal, Wedge Peak, Mera Peak, and other Himalayan peaks
  • After exhausting walks, meditate at the Ramtang and Oktalung/Oktang Monasteries

How difficult is Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is a long and difficult trek but isn’t impossible. The Trek's difficulty level is determined by several significant characteristics such as high altitude, extended duration, unpredictable weather, off-beaten paths, and lovely scenery. And, this multiday journey takes place in the high Himalayas, following a rough terrain with multiple ascents and descents. This trek is also challenging due to the amount of time you must devote to it. For more than three weeks, you will be walking through rural settlements that require high physical and mental fitness. 

Kanchenjunga Circuit 26 Days Trek begins in Taplejung at 2000 meters and then progressively climbs in height until it reaches the highest point, Pangpema Base Camp, at 5,143m. You'll cross through numerous difficult high mountain passes on the way. So, proper acclimatization should be included in the itinerary to prevent Altitude Sickness, the major challenging factor in the Himalayas. Additionally, the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek map can be a very helpful tool for navigating the route and scheduling rest days at acceptable elevations for acclimatization.

Each day, you'll need to walk for about 7 to 8 hours to cover a distance of about 10-11 kilometers. If you are not physically fit, the climb in the high Himalayas may be difficult owing to thin air and harsh temperatures. So, it is best to start exercising at least a month before your expedition. Running, jogging, trekking, long walks, cycling, climbing stairs, and swimming are all good cardio activities. Similarly, going to the gym and working out can be an excellent way to prepare for the walk. 

What is the Best Time to do Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek can be done at any time of year, but the best and most popular seasons for trekking in Kanchenjunga are spring and fall. These two are also the main trekking seasons in Nepal. Early March to mid-May and October to late November are the finest months to hike in this area. We advise against visiting during the monsoon season, which lasts from late May to mid/late September. Many locals will go to lower elevations during the winter, and teahouses will close, leaving camping as the sole option, which will be exceedingly chilly.

Kanchenjunga in spring 

Spring (March-May) is one of the best seasons for traveling purposes. It's that time of year when the trails in the Himalayan regions are surrounded by lush woodlands and vibrant rhododendrons and greenery aplenty. You can relax and enjoy the tranquility of the mountains, the clear sky, and the ideal weather and temperature. The trails will be drier, and the temperature is pleasant throughout these months, as are the vistas. The Kanchenjunga Circuit trail is made more romantic and pleasurable by the gorgeous flowering settings. 

Kanchenjunga in summer/monsoon

Summer (June-August/Early September) is a wet season, thus trekking to the Kanchenjunga region at this time is risky. The amount of landslides between Ghunsa and Pangpema makes walking difficult during the monsoon season, as the rain exacerbates the problem. Hiking in the rain and on a slick trail is tough and perhaps dangerous. The walk becomes difficult when landslide exits, plus fresh landslides can occur at any time.

Kanchenjunga in autumn 

Autumn (September – November) ushers in a great setting for hiking as the monsoon door closes and winter draws to a close. The weather is good, and the mountain vistas are spectacular. Wildlife can also be seen enjoying the warmth of the sun during this time. The monsoon rain washes off the Kanchenjunga region clean, revealing the most stunning scenery and fresh air during the post-monsoon/autumn/pre-winter. 

Kanchenjunga in winter 

The trails are covered in snow during the harsh winter months (December-February/early March), making the walk dangerous. In the Kanchenjunga region, winter is bitterly cold and Sele Le Pass along the trail is impassable. Due to significant snowfall, the KBC track becomes slick and unsuitable for trekking. In addition to that, teahouses in the region remain closed.

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US$ 2,475 US$ 2,351.25 P/P

Amount: US$ 2,351.25

Bank Charge(4.5%): US$ 105.81

Note: This expense includes bank charge of 4.5%


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Itinerary details.

You will land at the Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu after your fantastic flight above the high hills and mountains. Our airport representative will greet you at the arrival terminal, transfer you to your designated hotel and help you to check-in. You are then free to rest and relax. 

We will proceed for a pre-discussion session about your Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek, either at your hotel lobby or our office if your arrival is early. Later in the evening, you can stroll around your hotel area i.e. the Thamel, the top tourist hub of Nepal. You will notice small monuments at each corner of the Thamel area and Tahiti.

After a warm breakfast at the hotel, we will discuss our trip if we could not make it on the previous day. After that, you can spend the morning, exploring some of Kathmandu's World Heritage Sites. We will explore some of the famous and important places of Nepal like Pashupatinath Temple which is one of the most important Hindu sites in the world, Boudhanath Stupa, the Mahayana Buddhism center of Nepal, and if time permits, Patan Durbar Square at Patan or Lalitpur, the city of Beauty.

In the afternoon, you can go shopping for the trek in the Thamel area where all types of gear and equipment for the treks, climbs, and hikes can be found. In the evening, go for dinner at one of the restaurants there or order in your hotel room.

We will take the earliest flight to Bhadrapur from Kathmandu today. After a 45 minutes flight above the diverse hills and terrains, we land at Bhadrapur Airport where you will meet your supporting crew. From the airport, we will drive directly to Taplejung for the night. The drive on the blacktop road goes past the vast landscapes, high hills, and small mountains passing via the beautiful lush tea garden of Kanyan and Fikkal in Ilam. As we approach our guesthouse in Taplejung we are welcomed by the black/big cardamom forests. Taplejung is the biggest producer of the spice called black/big cardamom in the world. Once at our lodging, we rest and look forward to the trip.

(Note : If the flight gets delayed, we will stop at Bhadrapur for the night. If so, our Taplejung drive will be scheduled tomorrow morning extending the trip days.)

We start the trekking journey today from Taplejung to Chiruwa. We begin our downhill walking along the Tamor River and into the vast black Cardamom forest. We take a break for tea or coffee along the way, then continue walking on a flat road. The vegetation changes from alpine to tropical in the second phase and the steep slopes and mountains begin to melt away, leaving nothing but vast flats. Along our walk today, we get to observe the Kirat people’s small communities and their way of lifestyle. Kirats are the major farming ethnic group in this region with other communities like Tamangs and Gurungs. We drive till we reach the small settlement of Chiruwa.

OR, Drive Taplejung – Ranipul (6-7hrs) & walk to Sermanthang (45mins). Driving to Ranipul and a short walk would be the alternative today. The drive on the mountain road with several bumps is the option to skip a day of trekking.

After our delightful breakfast at Chiruwa, we begin our walk via a suspension bridge over the river entering the conservation area. Once our permits are checked at the park’s office, we will walk along the bank of Tamor River into the cardamom garden. We come across beautiful traditional villages, terraced farms and fields, and numerous waterfalls and streams. The Kirati peoples’ culture and lifestyle will be the highlight of today’s walk. Upon reaching our destination, we check in at our teahouse and relax.

We will be hiking through the man-made stone steps trail today. The first half consists primarily of uphill treks, while the second segment consists of difficult and steep climbs. Our trail ascends from the Kirati communities in the lower region to the Sherpa settlements. We take lunch on the riverbank at Lamatar before continuing uphill to Amjilosa, which has a few Sherpa residences and yak pasturelands.

We begin our journey early in the morning on rocky stone steps, passing past landslides, small streams, and spectacular waterfalls. Our difficult ascent continues through a thickly forested zone of dense rhododendron and old oak trees, past small communities buried in the calm valley below the mountains, and a quick lunch stop at Gyabla. We will get the first mountain view of Kumbhakarna/Jannu Peak from here. The steep ascending stone steps continue until we reach Faley. The mountain walking track begins here and carries us uphill along the Ghunsa River till we reach Ghunsa.

We spend an extra day in Ghunsa to allow us to rest and acclimate to the high altitude. For the acclimatization purpose, we hike over the river above the settlement, which takes about 4 hours round trip. We'll spend the rest of the day wandering around this Tibetan village, interacting with the inhabitants and learning about their rich culture. One can buy some local handmade Tibetan handicrafts and souvenirs before heading further ahead

We leave Ghunsa and start our trek through a pine and rhododendron forest. Walking along the Ghunsa Khola's east bank, we pass Buddhist mani walls and chortens and colorful prayer flags.  The mountain scenery becomes more intense today with the north face of Jannu. We cross the landslide with caution following the slopes of the hillside before descending to Khambachen. This is a Tibetan village with dwellings tucked on a green plain surrounded by mountains.

Khambachen is our second acclimatization point on this Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. The spectacular vistas of Mount Jannu are well worth the hike up Nupchu Khola from Khambachen. We head up to the Jannu shrine at 4,400m for a lengthier hike. It will take us 5 to 6 hours to walk there and return.

With a challenging day ahead, we will start our trek quite early in the morning. First, we will be passing through an impressive rocky field with large boulders that are scattered across a beautiful landscape. Next, we will reach a waterfall and a river. As we approach another landslide zone, we will be taking some rest in Ramtang Monastery. We will then have to cross the landslide section at a fast and steady pace, before descending to another river and arriving at Lhonak, where we will be spending the night. Today, we get the first glimpse of our major target, Mount Kanchenjunga, as well as other gorgeous mountains such as Wedge Peak (6750m), Mera Peak (6476m), Nepal Peak (6910m), and Twins Peak (6750m) along the trail.

An early start for the walk to Pangpema (5143m), the Kanchenjunga North Base Camp, for magnificent views of view Kanchenjunga's main peak with Wedge Peak, Tent Peak, Nepal Peak, Cross Peak, and the Twins. The stony slight uphill trail follows moraine for much of its length and is quite in poor shape due to its ever-changing nature and occasional use. After exploring the main destination of this journey, we will return to Lhonak for the night.

We return to Khambachen, following back along the same path for around 5 hours. We will be steadily descending to a lower elevation and it will be much easier to trek. On our way down we will enjoy a different view of Mount Kanchenjunga and several other peaks, including Taple Shikhar (6,510m) and Chang Himal (Wedge Peak) until we reach Khambachen and spend a night there.

Continuing our descent, we will trace our steps back by following the trail from Khambachen all the way to Ghunsa, where we will be spending the night. This time we will be enjoying magnificent views that were previously behind us and have more opportunities to stop for pictures.

After breakfast, we set out on our journey. Leaving Ghunsa, we follow the step-stone steps and ascend through rhododendron, birch, and pine forests. Then we come to a chorten with prayer flags, which marks the beginning of a steep trail. Our walk goes through natural stone steps, mountain views, and mountain vegetation with numerous waterfalls. Then we gradually ascend to the camp via a beautiful pass from where the peaks like Sarphu III (5,865 m), Khabur, Bokton (6,143 m), and others are seen.

Today's hike takes us on a hard roller-coaster ride, passing via three passes: Sirion La (4646m), Mirgin La (4470m), and Sirelapche Bhanjyang (4,530m). Mirgin La offers the best view of Mounta Kanchenjunga. En route, we come across yak grazing, sheds, pastures, rare medicinal herbs, waterfalls, and small glacier lakes. The descent after the last pass is steep but brief, passing through the Jor Pokhari Lake and juniper woodland. From here, we can view Kabru and the Yalung glacier. As we climb through the region till the path gradually slopes down on a super steep mountain trail to our rest stop at Tserum, Everest and Makalu contribute to the incredible view before us. There is a high chance of snowfall here.

After breakfast, we begin our short trek to Ramzher. We climb through jungles on the Stone Mountain trail for a while before reaching the Yalung Glacier's snout. The views of various Himalayan peaks are also something we treasure along with Glacier Lake, yak sheds, and pastures. Before arriving in Ramche, we travel past Lapsang La and walk on a completely flat trail. Once we reach Ramche, we rest for a bit and visit a small monastery there.

Early in the morning, we follow the flat trail across the valley, yak pastures, and reach the Oktang Glacier which is also the south base camp of Mount Kanchenjunga. The views of the Himalayas from Oktang are breathtaking; the entire cirque is above 7500 meters. The vantage point also offers a beautiful view of the glacier. We visit the Okthalung temple there. After spending some time there, we trek back to Ramzher for the night.

After breakfast at Ramzher, we return to Tseram by retracing the track with the stunning Mountain View along the route. This will be a rather easy walk, with the majority of it being downhill. We continue walking to Torengthen along the river on a stony mountain trail, passing through a rhododendron forest. Torengthen is located amid farm areas with a tiny cattle herders’ settlement surrounded by woods, red panda habitat. We'll spend the night in this quaint place.

We leave Torengthen after breakfast and follow the trail ascending via a forest of rhododendron and pine tree lines and a landslide zone. It takes roughly 3 hours to get to Lamite Bhanjang for lunch. After lunch, the track descends for about 2 hours on a decent path before crossing the Imja Khola. Before plunging into Yamphudin, the trail contours around the slope passing some streams, entering a gorge, and then into an open broad terrain. Sherpas, Rais, Limbus, and Tamangs make up the population of this village. The locals call this small village Sherpa Gaun. The Kanchenjunga Conservation Area office is also located here.

Or, Day 20: Trek Torengthen – Ranipul (8-9hrs)

We can also choose to trek from Torengthen to Ranpiul and save a day. This is an adventure trekking tail and is not suggested to beginners. This route on a stony path with numerous landslides goes through the jungle and the national park area. We also come across the red panda habitat if we follow this route. This will be the last day of trekking in this Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek journey. On reaching Ranipul, we will check in and rest. Ranipul is a small settlement located close to the Tamor River.

Today will be the last day of trekking in the Kanchenjunga region where we will continue our journey from Yamohudin to Happukhola via Kebang. This is mostly a jungle trek through an undulating path high above the river. After the excitement of the alpine heights, the lower ranges' terraced farms, calm communities, and vibrant colors provide for a soothing trip as we slowly wind our way down to the end. We hike through Limbu towns and a steady patchwork of agriculture and meadows on our final day of trekking, with the smiling faces of the ever-curious people welcoming us as we pass by. 

Our arrival in Happukhola allows us to unwind and reflect on an incredible adventure across Nepal's most remote districts. It is also the village bus park to Taplejung.

Leaving Happukhola, we set on for the drive on the bumpy mountain road towards Taplejung.

From Taplejung, we drive to Jhapa for the night.

Early in the morning, we transfer you to the airport in Bhadrapur for the flight to Kathmandu. On arrival in Kathmandu, you will be escorted to the respective hotel.  Once you are checked in, you are on your own for the remainder of the day. 

This is a leisure day to relax and rest your tired and sore legs due to the trek. You can visit the spa and get relax. You can also go souvenir shopping in the markets of Thamel, Ason, Indrachowk, and Newroad.

In the evening, you will be picked up for the farewell meal organized by Himalayan Trekkers at a Nepali restaurant where we will share our experiences, eat our delicious Nepalese meal and enjoy the cultural program.  After dinner, you will be driven back to your hotel. 

Your Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek ends today. 3 hours before your scheduled flight, you will be transferred to the airport by our representative. We wish you a safe journey and hope to assist you again. 

What is included / not included

  • Transportation
  • Guide and Porter
  • Meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner with Tea)


  • First-Aid Kit
  • Welcome/Farewell Dinner
  • International airfares and airport tax
  • Nepal Visa fees USD 25 Cash on arrival
  • Trekking Equipment
  • Personal expenses such as laundry, liquor, room service, and others
  • Beverage expenses
  • Tips to Guide, Porter, and Driver
  • Your travel Insurance
  • Any cost occurs from an unfavorable condition such as landslide, bad weather, flight cancellation, etc.

Our packages include 3-star Standard category accommodation with the inclusion of breakfast on a twin/double sharing basis. This accommodation is available in the cities such as Kathmandu. 5-Star resorts, luxurious hotels to comfortable guesthouses, lodges, and homestays are available in Kathmandu so they can be modified as per the traveler’s interest, budget and availability. 

Since Kanchenjunga is a less-touristic region, there is a lesser variety of accommodation, only basic tea houses or homestays run by the locals are available in this region. Most of the places do not have attached bathrooms. But we will provide you with the best available neat and clean teahouses. Another option could be a camping trek. Our crew members will prepare the camp. Necessary camping gear and kitchen equipment with the required crew will be provided by us. Hot water showers are not available during the trek, so our crew members will provide you with a bucket of hot water by collaborating with the locals which requires a small amount. 

Likewise, in Bhadrapur standard quality and comfortable but non-star-rated accommodations are available. We will provide you with the best possible comfortable hotel in Bhadrapur. 

Meals During the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Breakfast is included with the accommodation. But for lunch, dinner, and other beverages in the cities, it is up to the travelers to choose among the various varieties of cuisines available. We do not include it in our package. 

But during the trek, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are included in the package and we allow our clients to choose from the menu according to their preferences in the Ala-kat system. During the trek, Nepali, Indian, local eastern meals, Tibetan, and a few Western meals are available. The dishes prepared in the tea houses are made from hygienic food found in the mountains and are very healthy and filled with nutrients which are vital for the trek. 

As for the camping trek, the crew members will bring the food and prepare it by themselves. 

Drinking Water During the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Natural Spring water and boiled spring water are available during the trek. Travelers can purchase boiled spring water from the locals. Few places also sell bottled water. You could also filter the Himalayan Spring water by yourself using chlorine drops, UV water purifiers, or water filter hand pumps. These filtration tools are not available on the trek and the travelers will have to bring them themselves if they wish to purify the water themselves. 

For the camping trek, the crew members will boil and filter the Himalayan Spring Water and provide it to the trekkers. Likewise, we recommend you carry a non-plastic water bottle to fill the water as it helps in 

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek
  • Kanchenjunga Trek
  • 08/05/2023 04/04/2024

If you’re seeking a challenging and rewarding trek, the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek could be the perfect choice. This magnificent journey will lead you through the breathtaking landscapes of Nepal’s Kanchenjunga region, providing awe-inspiring views of the world’s third-tallest mountain. However, preparing and knowing what to anticipate is essential before embarking on this adventure. This comprehensive guide to the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek will provide all the necessary information to ensure your experience is as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible.

The Kanchenjunga Trek is a spectacular trekking experience that guides you through East Nepal’s most impressive landscapes. It’s known as one of the best trekking experiences in the world and offers incredible vistas, fascinating villages, and tremendous cultural diversity. 

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek refers to visiting both North and South Kanchenjunga Base Camps so that tourists of the 3rd highest mountain and the greatest massif in the world can be close to the top and get up close and personal.

The Kanchenjunga Trek is one of the most challenging treks in the Himalayas. It takes place mainly in the mountains of Nepal and India and involves traversing three mountain ranges – the Kanchenjunga massif, the Kumbhakarna range, and the Yalung. Throughout this guide to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek , you’ll find all the information you need to make your journey one to remember.

Table of contents

Kanchenjunga circuit trek – getting there and away, trekking into the kanchenjunga conservation area, what to expect, routes and itineraries for the kanchenjunga trek, kanchenjunga south base camp trek itinerary, itinerary for kanchenjunga base camp trek (north to south base camp), kanchenjunga circuit trek map, the altitude of kanchenjunga base camp trek, kanchenjunga circuit trek permits, best time to go to kanchenjunga circuit trek, food & accommodation on the trek, kanchenjunga circuit trek difficulty, packing list for kanchenjunga base camp trek.

There are many ways to get from Kathmandu to the beginning of this trek. You could alter your itinerary based on what you have on your travel list and availability. Flights are typically available from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur.

From there, you can fly or drive to Suketar Airport near Taplejung. It’s the best way to get from Kathmandu to Taplejung. In addition, Tara Air, Summit Air, and Nepal Airlines often schedule charter flights.

The Kanchenjunga Conservation Area (KCA) is spread over 2035 square kilometers and is one of the first places to explore the Himalayas. So, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek offers an opportunity to discover the less traveled Himalayan routes.

It presents contrasting ecosystems, varying between alpine grasslands and subtropical forests—from the down-valley of rivers to the glacial moraine with rugged slopes.

The area is home to plenty of vegetation, wildlife, and numerous animals such as the musk deer, black bear of the Himalayas, snow leopards, boar, red panda, and many more. You can see the spectacular mountain panorama, taste local food, and observe Rai, the Limbu, and their culture.

So you’re finally ready for an adventure. You’ve researched, planned, and trained and are prepared to conquer the Kanchenjunga circuit trek in the Nepal Himalayas!

What do you need to know? What are the top five things you should know before you go?

Here’s a short list of what to expect based on what we’ve done to prepare ourselves for the trek:

  • Expect it to be challenging. There will be a lot of hills, a lot of climbing, and a lot of scrambling. It won’t be easy, but you will feel good and strong once you start.
  • Expect it to be cold. While there’s no snow, it gets cold, and the nights can be freezing. Bring warm clothes, layers, and wool socks. You can always add a sleeping bag if you want to, but remember that the weather can be unpredictable, so you may need to leave it at home.
  • Expect to get sick. You may contact the stomach bug or worse. It’s happened to a few people. So be prepared, and don’t put yourself in a position where you’ll likely get sick.
  • Expect to be challenged. You’ll feel challenged, and you’ll need to overcome obstacles. But, of course, you won’t be able to avoid challenges, and that’s part of the fun.
  • Expect to be inspired. Beautiful, inspiring mountains surround you.

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek offers a variety of routes, each with a different level of difficulty and duration. Options include the 7-day Pangpema Trek that takes you to the Kanchenjunga North Base Camp and offers incredible views of the gigantic mountains.

Finally, for those looking for something longer, the 17-day Mt. Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek will take you to Yalung Base Camp or the Jannu Base Camps to explore two sides of one mountain!

The peaks of the Himalayas are visible from many parts of the hike. During the trek, you will be treated to stunning views of the spectacular Himalayas.

So, how do you plan for your Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek ? Have you visited Kanchenjunga North Base Camp or Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek ? If you want to go for the views of the mountains, then you should go to the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek.

This trek is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and it would be a shame to miss out on such a trek for the views. However, if you have limited time and resources, consider opting for the Kanchenjunga North Base Camp . This way, you will enjoy the magnificent views and be back in time for the last day of your trek.

There are several maps available for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking. You may purchase the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek map in Thamel or buy it online with Amazon.

But we will provide the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek map while you travel with us. Here is the GPS coordinate to navigate the daily walking distance and other essential information.

The below graph shows an elevation profile for the Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek. The name position on the horizontal axis indicates the usual progression of a trek with the extreme ends on the route.

Before embarking on the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking, obtaining the necessary permits and paying the required fees is mandatory. You will need a Restricted Area Permit (RAP) and a Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Permit (KCAP) to enter the region.

The RAP costs USD 10 per person per week, while the KCAP costs USD 20 per week. Additionally, you will need to hire a licensed guide and porter, which can cost around USD 25-30 per day. Remember that these fees are subject to change, so it’s best to check with a local trekking agency for the most up-to-date information.

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Kanchenjunga base camp trek, kanchenjunga south base camp trek.

We want to tell you the best time to visit the Kanchenjunga circuit trek . If you are considering doing the tour, please know that you can do this at different times of the year. It is always a good idea to plan around autumn, generally from October to November. The trek is long, so you’ll have to allow plenty of time to complete it.

The trek is best when the weather is not too hot or cold; this is when people are least likely to be sick. It would help if you did the trek when it is not raining and, ideally, without wind. If you plan to do the tour during monsoon season, you should expect to encounter heavy rain.

The Kanchenjunga trek is an adventure, and you should not come with a set itinerary and expect the expedition to unfold as you planned. An excellent trekking guide can make the experience much more exciting and fun, so take one if you want to enjoy yourself fully.

To understand what the Kanchenjunga region offers, consider early March through mid-May and mid-October to late November. Generally, the monsoon season runs from late May to late September, making trekking impossible.

In recent years, trekking has become much more comfortable. Travelers in those days had to bring everything from food to tents.

Kanchenjunga is now a teahouse trek in northeast Nepal, as basic hut accommodation on the way has grown relatively recently. It may not be as easy as on the other famous Nepalese routes, but it will take a hot cup of tea and a sunset in the mountains at the end of the day.

You have no alternative or preference for accommodation while hiking. There is no toilet in the tea houses in Lhonak, Sele Le, and Ramche.

It is available simple food in Kanchenjunga. Daal Bhat, thukpa, chowmein, and instant noodles are the most common foods. But Macaroni and pasta are available in a few places.

The elevations spread from 200 meters to 5,175 meters in the Kanchenjunga Trek. Following a few rules, the Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek is NOT DIFFICULT. Previous trekking experience or any mountaineering skills are optional. AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) and the extreme, unpredictable climate are the major issues of every trek.

Kanchenjunga is a beautiful trek with a tea house and basic accommodations. Nevertheless, the services are fundamental. Bringing the correct clothing and equipment while trekking in the Kanchenjunga region is crucial. Appropriate clothing and supplies are essential for a safe and enjoyable trek.

You can sometimes spoil your trip with under-packaging or over-packaging. So, before you take your first trekking trip, let me share with you what you need to pack and what to avoid.

First things, what kind of gear should you bring? Let me introduce you to your ideal hiking equipment:

Hiking shoes: You may have the right hiking shoes for you. But you don’t. The best hiking shoes are called boots and have rigid, flexible soles.

Water bottle: Every trekker needs a water bottle. Please feel free to bring your own, or choose wisely. There are so many good options out there.

Extra clothes: When hiking, you are bound to get cold. Bring extra clothes and wear layers. Don’t forget to bring sunblock, a hat, a sweater, and socks.

Hiking poles are light and easy to carry, and you must have them while trekking.

Money: I know you don’t want to lug around a heavy backpack with you, but you still need money. So I recommend carrying a small amount of cash.

First aid kit: A first aid kit on your trek is essential. You never know when you will get injured or sick, so you must be prepared.

The cost of permits for the Kanchenjunga Trek is 1. Kanchenjunga’s restricted Area Permit cost is US$ 20 per week for the first four weeks. 2. Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Entry fee NPR 3000 per person

It depends on the chosen routes and whether you wish to do an entire Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking; then, it will be demanding. Likewise, deciding on the Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek is easy to moderate, although you should walk 5 to 8 hours daily. This complete guide to Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek will help you plan and prepare for this adventure.

I need help putting a price on since you need to consider how much you will spend to reach the highest spot in the world and back, and then the price of your food and accommodation. However, the base cost for this trek should be around USD 2660 for the whole circuit. Including the flights to and from Kathmandu, there are some different options that you can choose from to make this trek cheaper and more manageable.

Mt. Kanchenjunga is one of the most pleasurable trekking destinations in Nepal on the eastern border of Nepal and is ideal for people in need of astonishment and who have time to travel here. But, unfortunately, the campsites were only accessible in the past.

But basic tea houses are also available for specific periods. In addition, more inexpensive routes pass through spectacular Himalayan vistas, ancient forests, prime wildlife, and the core of traditional cultures and communities.

The best guide to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek will help you prepare for your travel adventures, such as packing, planning, and preparing your luggage, health, vaccinations, permits, itineraries, and more.

For adventure seekers looking for a challenge beyond what they have experienced before, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is worth considering due to its unique combination of natural beauty and cultural exploration opportunities throughout your journey.

Adding Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek to your bucket list will provide professionals with unforgettable memories and valuable insights into diverse cultures. This Kanchenjunga Trek offers something unique that no other trekking destination can offer! So take advantage of this opportunity for an incredible experience!

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Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek: A Complete Guide

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is one of the most famous treks in Nepal . Every year thousands of trekkers hike to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek.

It is a restricted trekking area. So, to trek in Kanchenjunga, you need a local guide and at least 2 trekkers to collect necessary permits.

Kanchenjunga Circuit trek is less popular than Everest Base Camp Trek or Annapurna Base Camp Trek . That means it is not crowded and still remote. And, you can experience remote Nepali cultures, foods, and lifestyle in its traditional form during this trek.

Kanchenjunga trek is a tea-house trek. Tea-house treks have small lodges with least variety of food and lodges along the trek route.

The word Kanchenjunga comes from the Tibetan word referring to “Five great treasures in the snow”. This symbolizes its five peaks as gold, silver, precious stones, grain and holy scriptures. Mt. Kanchenjunga (8,585 m) is the world’s third highest peak.

Kanchenjunga is towards the far-eastern part of Nepal protected under the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project . The conservation area hosts several species such as pheasant, dragon, snow leopard, black bear, red panda, etc.

If you are someone seeking peace in nature, this route will be perfect for you. Popular for its remoteness, the trek was once a forbidden region and only opened for trekkers in 1988.

So, there are lesser trekkers hiking in the Kanchenjunga area. And plenty of wildlife and natural heritage. The natural heritage will mesmerize you throughout the journey with least human influence.

As the trek commences, you will witness the slow change in the landscape. And a variation in vegetation and wildlife. This route encompasses Himalayan coniferous forests, alpine shrub, meadows, and grasslands. This challenging adventure gives you plenty of adventurous and amazing memory to cherish for lifetime.

You can visit Kanchenjunga through two treks, either the Northern Base Camp or the Southern Base Camp. If you choose both on the same trip, it can be difficult given the diversity and irregularity of its landscape.

Table of Content

Facts and highlights of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

  • Mt Kanchenjunga- Third highest peak in the world
  • Tibetan hospitality
  • Traditional Nepali cultures
  • Remoteness and untouched natural heritages
  • Wildlife such as Snow leopard, Musk deer, Red panda, etc.
  • Different landscapes from forests to meadows
  • Snow-capped mountains above 8000m
  • Kanchenjunga glacier and many others
  • Rivers and waterfalls

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Post-earthquake situation: Is trekking to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek safe?

The eastern part of Nepal escaped the earthquake compared to the western and central regions. There was no report of death and casualty in the Kanchenjunga Trekking Circuit. The region did not witness any crack in the houses or avalanche in the mountain.

This trek marks as safe to travel. Moreover, the trails have no obstruction and the landscape is also in good conditions. The mountains stand tall for the trekkers to view its magnificent beauty.

Seasons suitable for starting your journey for Kanchenjunga Trek

The most favorable seasons to trek in Nepal are autumn (September-November) and spring (March-May).

Autumn (September-November)

One of the best seasons to trek is in autumn. It is the time when the greenery of forests and colorful rhododendrons surround the trails. You can enjoy the serene view of mountains, clear sky in the perfect weather and temperature.

Spring (March-May)

As the winter ends, spring brings a beautiful ambiance for trekking. The temperatures are moderate while the scenes are spectacular of the mountains. The wildlife is also seen during this time to bask in the sun’s heat.

But, it is quite risky to travel during summer (June-August) as it is a rainy season. During the cold winter (December-February), the trails covers with snow and the trek is full of risk.

Kanchenjuna Circuit Trekking Routes

Kanchenjunga trek provides you the scenic beauty of Nepal. It is through its landscape, forests, wildlife, and culture.

The remoteness and wilderness of the region make it difficult to cover both Northern and Southern camp in the same trip. But, you can do it by adding extra days to the journey.

To reduce trek time, you may choose between any two base camp.  Either Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek or Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek.

Given the height of Pangpema View Point (5388m), the North Base Camp is more adventurous. It is rich in wildlife and vegetation than the South Base Camp that reaches up to Oktang.

Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek

The North Base Camp trek route starts from a different destination. This trek is more adventurous in greater altitude than in the South Camp.

To make it comfortable, you can get a direct flight of 45 minutes from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur.  Even the air flight will be an experience due to the beautiful view of Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, etc. You can then take a jeep for 40 minutes’ drive to Birtamod.

You need good rest for your trekking. So, it will be better to stay overnight in Birtamod. You can take a bus to Taplejung early morning. It will cover most of your day. You can begin your adventurous journey on the third day after departure from Kathmandu.

You will begin your trek at a lower altitude and escalate through 6-7 hours of trek each day. The registered guides make this trek a memorable one and assist you every time.

You will be well satisfied by your entire day trek due to changes in culture, landscape, and thrill each day. Staying at the majestic view of mountains, you will learn about authentic Nepali culture and natural scenery at its best.

In the highest altitude of Pangpema, you will witness beautiful glaciers and peaks in the Kanchenjunga range.

Ghunsa is also one of the developed spots in the trek. You will get better facilities for accommodation even at the height of 3475m.

Itinerary for Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek

Day 1: Flight from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur (45 minutes approx.).

Not boring at all. The beautiful view of mountains like Mt. Everest will provide a warm welcome to your expedition.

You need to take a trip to Birtamod (40 minutes approx.) in a jeep. You can enjoy Nepali food and rest for the night.

It is a lower altitude region so the temperature will be high.

Day 2: Bus from Birtamod to Taplejung on a local bus (8-10 hours approx.). The busy road will take your entire day.

You can see the beautiful hills along the way. To start a hectic trek, it’s better to enjoy amenities for an extra day in Taplejung.

Day 3: Finally, you will start yours once in a lifetime trek. Trek starts from Taplejung to Chiruwa (around 1,200 m). It will be 6 to 7 hours of trekking on the first day.

Day 4: From Chiruwa, you will reach to Lelep. This trek of 5 to 6 hours will pass through Tapethok checkpoint. It is a restricted area. So, you can rest for the day in Lelep.

Day 5: Trek from Lelep to Amjilosa. It is about 5 hours’ journey.

The track is much slippery in this region. You need to wear a good pair of boots and be careful on this trail.

Day 6: Trek from Amjilosa to Gyabla.

You will witness cultural changes and Tibetan influenced lifestyle in these regions.

Day 7: Trek from Gyabla to Gunsa (4 to 5 hours).

It is the capital of Kanchenjunga region. The area has good telecommunication facilities, accommodation, and good meals.

Day 8: Acclimatization day in Ghunsa (3,475m).

You can visit nearby ridge and enjoy the view of Jannu Peak.

You can leave your materials as you will enjoy this sightseeing and get back to the place.

Day 9: Trek from Ghunsa to Kambachen (around 4,100m).

There will be a drastic rise in altitude with steep and difficult trails. You need to be careful with wooden bridges.

Day 10: You can acclimatize in this Kambachen for the day.

You can rest for further difficult altitudes that come every day.

Day 11: You need to trek a high altitude from Kambachen to Lhonak (around 4790m).

The facilities are quite basic but you are finally in the lap of mountains and grassy plains.

Day 12: Trek from Lhonak to Pangpema (5140m).

A walk of 3 hours and you reach the highest point of the North base. It is difficult to find spaces for accommodation. You can either camp there or return back on the same day.

Day 13: Trek back from Lhonak to Ghunsa. A long way downhill is not easy. But starting early morning, you need to trek for 8 hours.

Day 14: Trek back from Ghunsa to Amjilosa.

You are returning back to better facilities and warmer climates. It will take about 7 hours.

Day 15: Trek back from Amjilosa to Tapethok.

You need to plan to come out of the restricted zone by the day end. It will take almost 7 hours.

Day 16: Trek back from Tapethok to Mitlung.

The journey downhill will be around 7 hours long.

Day 17: You finally arrive at Taplejung.

You can rest at Birtamod in a private jeep or else rest in Taplejung for the day.

Day 18: A bus ride from Taplejung to Birtamod. It will be around 8 to 10 hours.

Day 19: You can reach Bhadrapur by private jeep ride of 40 minutes and fly back to the capital.

Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek

South Base Camp has much easy trail than the North Base Camp. But, the scenery is nonetheless. You can enjoy the view of mountains and glacier.

You will meet amazing people in Yamphuding and Mamangkhe with authentic Nepali culture. This region hosts basic facilities of accommodation such as small stone huts. But, these facilities may not be available throughout the year.

Itinerary for Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek

After your arrival, you can take a jeep from Bhadrapur to Birtamod (40 minutes approx.).

Day 2: Bus from Birtamod to Taplejung.

The journey will be 8 to 10 hours due to the busy road.

Day 3: Embrace yourself for your majestic trekking experience. Trek begins from Taplejung to Simbu. The trek will be 8 hours long.

Day 4: Trek from Simbu to Khesewa (2100m approx). You will trek for 5 to 6 hours.

Day 5: Trek from Khesewa to Mamangkhe (1786m). The region homes people of  Rai and Kirat community. This cultural enriched region allows you enough company while walking.

Day 6: Trek from Mamangkhe to Yamphuding (2000m approx). You will enjoy this large village of the Kanchenjunga region.

Day 7: Finally, you get to rest in Yamphuding for a day. On this day in Yamphuding, you will explore the village and take rest from the tiresome journey.

Day 8: Trek from Yamphuding to Tortong (approx. 3000m).

You will need all your strength to trek in this steep trail. It will be a tiresome 9 to 10 hours journey.

Day 9: Trek Yamphuding to Cheram (3800m).

You can be thankful for this short journey. It will be a 4 to 5-hour trek.

Day 10: Trek from Cheram to Ramche (4600m).

This high altitude will be one of the toughest treks. It will take 3 hours from Cheram. To reach the South base camp, you need to hike 2 hours from Ramche.

Day 11: Trek back from Ramche to Torongding. The journey will be 6 to 7 hours long.

Day 12: Trek back from Torongding to Yamphuding.

The trek will be 7 to 8 hours. It will not be easy even though its descending downhill.

Day 13: Trek back from Yamphuding to Khebang.

The journey will be 5 to 6 hours long. It is a rare trail and they have a proper facility for home-stay.

Day 14: Trek back to Khebang to Kamdime which will take 6 to 7 hours.

Day 15: You can drive back to Birtamod. It will take 14 hours to reach Birtamod.

Day 16: You can drive back to Bhadrapur in 40-minute drive and then take a flight back to Kathmandu.

Permits for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

There are a few requirements to meet before you come for this trek to Kanchenjunga. In this forbidden area, you need a special trekking permit issued by Nepal Tourism Board.

You need to have an acceptable passport and visa to come to Nepal through air flight or through roadways. Plus, this trek is not allowed for solo hiking. Thus, you need to contact a trekking agency that provides guides as well.

So, you must book your trekking plans ahead of visiting the country or book it after you arrive at Kathmandu.

If you enter any protected region or sanctuaries along the trails, you need to register at the entrance.

The trip can start from Biratnagar or Suketar. So, you can book a domestic air ticket if you want to reduce the days of your trip. Otherwise, the bus can be an option to travel from Kathmandu to Suketar.  The tickets are handy except during the festivals such as Dashain that falls in October.

You must carry your identification document, permits, and passport along the way. In case of any problems, it is better to contact trekking agency or your home country’s embassy for help.

Special Restricted Area Permit for Kanchenjunga Trek

You need two permits for this region. First is a special Restricted Area Permit issued for a weekly basis. Second is the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project Entry Permit, which works for a month.

You need to collect special permits to visit this region, which you can collect on your arrival. The system of advance reservation is not available. So, you need to get two trekkers per group who are usually authorized guide by the government.

The region covers some restricted villages like Lelep village, Papung village, etc. which charges different fees per person. The basic charges range from 10 USD to 50 USD per week. It also depends on the time of year of your visit.

The permit for Kanchenjunga Conservation Area will be around NRs. 2000 (20 USD) issued by Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu.

Cultures and lifestyle in Kanchenjuna Trek

This region hosts a diversity of cultures. To explore this diversity is an amazing experience along the journey. This tea-house trek will provide you with glimpses of a variety of ethnic groups. Also, their cuisines as the altitude escalate. You can enjoy and learn about their cultures, foods, and languages during home stays at the end of the day.

You will meet traditional Brahmins and Chhetris in the lower trails while beginning the journey. They speak English and Nepali is their main language.

It also has a dense population of Limbu and Sherpa community. They speak a different language than national language, Nepali. But, they are familiar with English because of high tourist attraction to the region.

You will notice Tibetan lifestyle and food towards the higher altitude. They follow Buddhism as well as Hinduism in that region. The common monuments such as stupas, Bihar, etc. will be plentiful throughout the trails. The core occupation of these people is tourism, animal husbandry, and agriculture.

Wildlife and Vegetation in Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek has varieties of landscape and vegetation along the way. It starts at low-land of Terai, coniferous forests, grasslands, and meadows. This diversity of vegetation provides shelter to even diverse wildlife.

The Kanchenjunga Conservation Area is a Global eco-region according to World Wildlife Fund. So, it is famous for some rare species such as snow leopard, black bear, musk deer, red pheasant, etc.

Thirty variety of rhododendron and 69 variety of orchids astonish you if you visit during autumn. The trails will have beautiful colors added by the flowers. Added with enchanting sounds of birds and wildlife.

You will witness basic forests of Pine, Fir, Bamboo, and Hemlock in the lower altitude. In the higher altitude,  Pines and Junipers are rare.

Trekking Equipment Checklist of Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

You definitely know that the trek is not going to be an easy one. Given the remoteness of the region, you might not get every basic thing for your personal comfort. So, I have listed a few of things you need to carry to make it less difficult.

Clothes and footwear

Depending on the time of travel, you need to pack your clothing. But, the higher altitudes are always cold and have the risk of altitude sickness . So, be careful when you pack.

  • Trekking boots

Trekking boots are your best friends and life saviors. Without a comfortable pair of these, you cannot imagine walking even a few kilometers. The rough pathway, snowy landscape, and difficult altitude will demand a strong pair of boots. It must have thick soles to prevent bruises. We would recommend you to get the best hiking boots recommended for plantar fasciitis.

  • Warm slippers

It will not be comfortable wearing boots entire day after all the dirt and damp along the way. You need to let it dry and wear a comfortable slipper with socks. It will help you relax your feet at the end of the day.

It will be easy in a lodge or homestay in the evening.

  • Few pairs of socks

It is better to bring socks along with shoes. The temperature varies between lower and higher altitudes. It may be hot in the afternoon. So, it is better to carry two kinds of socks i.e. thick and thin to be comfortable during the trip.

You must carry few pairs because of the lengthy nature of the trek.

  • Few pairs of inner wears

It is not wise to trek with heavy baggage. So, you might not be able to change clothes regularly. But underwear is must-haves to deal with sweat and remain hygienic.

  • Fleece jacket

You need to prepare well for the changing temperature. So, fleece jackets are the must to keep you warm and protect from any sickness in the journey. You can layer up your clothing but the temperature drops down to even -20 degrees in April.

  • Waterproof jacket

It will be a huge mistake if you don’t have the best backpacking rain jackets for backup. Not only does it protect you from the cold breeze, but also from the irregular weather.

  • Trousers and T-shirts

It is better to carry less during the trek. Having 2-3 trekking trousers, it will be enough for the trek. While a few pairs for sightseeing in the capital will be enough. It is also helpful to carry light full sleeves T-shirt to protect from forests and insects as well as the heat. You should carry simple and comfortable clothing for the trek. And avoid excess baggage.

Other equipment

  • Sleeping bag and tent

The region is well known for its forbidden landscape. You need to be safe in case of lack of lodging and spaces available during hectic travel seasons. You can carry a tent in a group or individual for your personal safety.

You may not be comfortable with the primitive lodging facilities. So, it is good to carry a sleeping bag of your own to relax after a tiring day. Even though bed and other facilities are available, you need to be ready for the difficulty in remote areas.

  • Trekking Poles

While trekking in such routes, poles can definitely make it a lot easier. It reduces pressure on the knees and supports to continue the trek. It even prevents from falling and getting hurt.

  • Warm gloves

As you plan to reach the base camp, its normal for your hands to feel numb with snow. So, a warm pair of gloves will be helpful after reaching the higher altitude.

  • Sanitary napkins

You will not get sanitary pads and tampons in the remote areas. You can get them in the capital after arrival or pack it while coming. It is better to be safe for such a long journey. So, carry the amount you may need.

  • Sunglasses, torchlight and water bottle

The toilets are not advance in some areas compared to the others. But, over the years, the area has developed. But, it is useful to carry your essentials such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, soap, shampoo sachets, toothpaste, and brush.

  • First Aid kit

You cannot ask for medicine and basic first aid help between jungles and trails. You will rarely meet tourists along this route. So, basic bandage, aspirin, medicine for diarrhea, blister plaster, etc. must be there in your kit.

  • Entertainment material

After a tiresome day, you might want to relax. It is a good option to carry cards, cubes, novel, snacks and mini chocolate bars. This will help to boost energy between trek.

  • Light backpack

We would recommend carrying a lightweight backpack. Here is some best hiking backpack for the money .

You don’t have to pay for extra charges after permit. You need to cover accommodation, food, and potters if needed. Though they are cheap compared to hotels, you need to have money to be safe for any unpredictable situation.

The cost varies based on the number of days for the trek.

FAQs about Kanchenjunga Trek

Who will enjoy this trek to Kanchenjunga region?

Trekking is for adventure seekers seeking to trek in high altitude. If you love to view untouched natural scenery, authentic lifestyles, primitive way of living, then Kanchenjunga trek is best for you.

It is best for outgoing and adventure oriented souls. Who wish to spend their  2-3 week’s time away from the regular hustle-bustle. And enjoy nature, adjust to the available services.

Is solo trekking allowed?

Being a restricted area, the solo trek is not allowed in this region. You can encounter high risk in such a wild and uneven topography. The rule demands a  companion along the journey or in a group with a registered guide.

The trails might lead to difficult landscapes and even the communication is poor. You will rarely meet a large group of people along the journey except in the lodges. So, it is not an option to trek alone in this region.

How are the trails of the region?

The trek starts at lower Terai which is almost plain region. As you progress further each day, the risk and topography vary.  The trails are rough and uneven. The path will be comfortable based on less weight of baggage and comfortable shoes.

You must have a good pair of boots and socks to deal with uneven lands. It can be slippery during the rainy season.

What kind of person should avoid this trek?

You must not trek for such a long distance if you have respiratory problems or asthma. Even heart patients must avoid this hectic trek. The person with a constant panic attack from minor adventures should never plan to do it.

It is your guts and determination to reach Kanchenjunga base that drives you to the end. You need to be ready for at least 6 hours of a trek in a day.

How are the accommodation facilities in the region?

Being a remote region, the lodges are not standard like in the other cities. You will get basic facilities to rest after a tiresome day. These rural homestays will provide you with ethnic foods. After a hectic day, you will have a roof to hide and a good bed to rest.

What are some of the most important things I need to carry?

In trek, it’s better to carry less. You must not miss out suitable clothing like waterproof jackets. Be prepared for a change in temperature as altitude rises. The most essential element is a good pair of shoes and socks.

Is it good to carry my own snacks for the journey?

You will get basic foods in the lodge. The foods will be cheap and fresh. But, you can carry snacks and energy bars while on trails to boost your energy. Don’t make your backpack heavy.

Is any preparation needed before starting high altitude trek?

It is always helpful to train yourself for a tiresome journey to reach the beautiful end. You can do exercises every day before starting the trip to prepare your muscle strength. Jogging and aerobics can help before arriving in the region.

How much time should I devote for this trek?

You need to have at least 3 weeks for this journey. The rough trails and high altitude will demand few extra days if you want to take it slow.

How difficult is the trek compared to other trekking routes in Nepal?

You will not call this most difficult one for a trekking route. But, with less number of tourists trekking in this region, you will experience a wilderness compared to other areas. You need to carry the necessary personal equipment to make this journey as easy as possible.

What is the best time for trekking?

The best recommended time for trekking is in autumn (September – November). This is the time to witness clear weather, perfect temperature, and less slippery trails. The other season is in spring (March-May).

Is it worthwhile? Totally.  The adventure Kanchenjunga offers keeps you amazed. Yes, it will be more than this when you actually visit this peaceful region.

We hope, you received most of the information to make up your mind.

You will love it once you live it!

Kanchenjunga circuit trek

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek: Detailed 22 Day Itinerary [2023]

Hayden Rue

  • June 28, 2023

The Kanchenjunga Circuit trek is one of the best treks in Nepal , that takes you to both the north and south base camps of Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world. As this trek explores a remote area, it is advisable to have a good level of fitness and some prior trekking experience. However, despite its seclusion, trekkers are rewarded with a look into the local way of life and have the opportunity to visit the serene Ramtang and Oktang Monasteries.

Along the trail, you’ll be surrounded by a breathtaking landscape adorned with meandering rivers, cascading waterfalls, lush green meadows, vibrant rhododendron forests, enchanting birch and pine woods, as well as the awe-inspiring Yalung Glacier. The magnificent mountains serve as constant companions throughout the journey.

This guide will give you the ins and outs of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek, as well as I detailed Ininerary for the 22 day trek!

Quick Facts About the Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek

View of Kanchenjunga, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

  • Starting point: Taplejung  
  • Ending point: Khamdime
  • Trek Region: Kanchenjunga  
  • Transportation: Flight
  • Duration: 22 Days  
  • Trip Grade: Strenuous Difficulty
  • Max Altitude: 5143 m / 16873 ft (Pangpema)  
  • Accommodation: Tea House

History of Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Situated on the far eastern side of Nepal, near the border with Sikkim, Kanchenjunga was once believed to be the highest peak in the world until the mid-1800s.

Initially closed off to trekkers, this region opened its doors in the mid-1980s. Today, it is safeguarded by the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, and a special trekking permit is required. These restrictions have helped preserve the pristine condition of the area’s remarkable flora and fauna, making it a haven of natural beauty.

In addition to the towering Kanchenjunga, there are four subsidiary summits surpassing 8,000m, with Kanchenjunga West, also known as Yalung Kang (8,505m), being the most prominent. The region also boasts around twenty peaks surpassing 7,000m, including Kambachen (7,903m), Janu (7,710m), Jongsong (7,483m), Kabru (7,353m), Tent Peak (7,365m), and the Twins (7,350m).

Moreover, the area boasts numerous peaks exceeding 6,000m, along with five major glacial systems. While the Zumu, Talung, and Rathong glaciers flow into Sikkim, the Kanchenjunga and Yalung glaciers make their way into the mighty Tamor River of Nepal.

With the recent addition of the Great Himalayan Trail to the trekking map, tourism is gradually being promoted in this and other remote regions. This has led to the establishment of more tea houses along the route, benefiting local communities. However, now is an opportune time to visit Kanchenjunga before it becomes widely discovered by an increasing number of trekkers.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek: Day-By-Day Itinerary

Here is a quick outline for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek:

  • Day 1: Depart Kathmandu for Bhadrapur (Flight) and continue to Ilam by road Ilam – 1677 m / 5501 ft – 5 hours
  • Day 2: Drive from Ilam to Taplejung Taplejung – 1820 m / 5971 ft – 5 hours
  • Day 3: Trek from Taplejung to Chirwa Chirwa – 1270 m / 4166 ft – 6 hours
  • Day 4: Trek from Chirwa to Lelep Lelep – 1860 m / 6102 ft – 7 hours
  • Day 5: Trek from Lelep to Amjilosa Amjilosa – 2510 m / 8234 ft – 5 hours
  • Day 6: Trek from Amjilosa to Gyabla Gyabla – 2730 m / 8956 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 7: Trek from Gyabla to Ghunsa Ghunsa – 3595 m / 11794 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 8: Acclimatization day in Ghunsa Ghunsa – 3595 m / 11794 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 9: Trek from Ghunsa to Kambachen Kambachen – 4100 m / 13451 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 10: Acclimatization day in Kambachen Kambachen – 4100 m / 13451 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 11: Trek from Kambachen to Lhonak Lhonak – 4785 m / 15698 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 12: Day trip to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp from Lhonak Lhonak – 4785 m / 15698 ft – 8 hours
  • Day 13: Trek from Lhonak to Ghunsa Ghunsa – 3595 m / 11794 ft – 7 hours
  • Day 14: Trek from Ghunsa to Sele Le Sele Le – 4390 m / 14402 ft – 5 hours
  • Day 15: Trek from Sele Le to Cheram Cheram – 3870 m / 12696 ft – 8 hours
  • Day 16: Day trip to Kanchenjunga South Base Camp from Cheram Cheram – 3870 m / 12696 ft – 6 hours
  • Day 17: Trek from Cheram to Torongding Torongding – 2080 m / 6824 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 18: Trek from Torongding to Yamphuding Yamphuding – 1980 m / 6496 ft – 8 hours
  • Day 19: Trek from Yamphuding to Khebang Khebang – 1910 m / 6266 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 20: Trek from Khebang to Khamdime Khamdime – 1500 m / 4921 ft – 4 hours
  • Day 21: Drive from Khamdime to Bhadrapur Bhadrapur – 93 m / 305 ft – 10 hours
  • Day 22: Fly from Bhadrapur to Kathmandu

Brief Itinerary For The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

In order to assist you in organizing your adventure, we have an itinerary that outlines each of the 22 days you will be on this extraordinary trek.

Kanchenjunga Trek Trail, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Day 1: Kathmandu to Bhadrapur (Flight) then drive to Ilam

Day 2: ilam to taplejung (drive).

Trek time: 4 to 5 hours

You will start a scenic 4-hour drive through enchanting terraced fields and rolling hills to reach Taplejung. Upon arrival, you can explore the town and its fascinating Buddhist gompas. One of these gompas is renowned for its butter lamps that have been continuously burning for over 400 years. 

Day 3: Taplejung to Chirwa

Trek time: 5 to 6 hours

Day 3 marks the beginning of the trek. It’s a long day of predominantly downhill hiking, with a chance to catch your breath at Sinwa village nestled alongside the Tamor River. 

Day 4: Chirwa to Lelep

Trek time: 6 to 7 hours

Prepare for another lengthy day of trekking, approximately 7 hours in total. As you pass through Tapethok, you will enter the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. Here, permits are checked before crossing a suspension bridge and ascending to the village of Lelep.

Day 5: Lelep to Amjilosa

Trek time: 5 hours

From Lelep to Amjilosa, the trek takes approximately 5 hours. The trail is adorned with numerous waterfalls and suspension bridges, creating a picturesque and almost fairy-tail like environment. Along the way, trekkers encounter the first Sherpa village of the journey, Amjilosa. Although this village is primarily inhabited during the grazing season when yaks and sheep roam the pastures, a few families reside here throughout the year.

Day 6: Amjilosa to Gyabla

Trek time: 3 to 4 hours

After a hearty breakfast, the journey continues through diverse forests filled with pine, bamboo, rhododendron ( Nepal’s national flower ), and oak trees. As the landscape evolves, the villages and people start to exhibit a distinct Tibetan influence. Along the path, trekkers may come across yaks, sheep, goats, and a variety of enchanting bird species. Following a midday meal, the trail leads through dense forest coverage and across a wooden bridge, eventually reaching Gyabla, where the group spends the night.

Day 7: Gyabla to Ghunsa

Continuing your journey, the trail meanders through forests and passes Phale Village, originally established as a Tibetan refugee camp decades ago. Today, it serves as a winter settlement. You will have the opportunity to explore the village, where local handicrafts are available for purchase. Eventually, you’ll reach Ghunsa, the largest village in the area, equipped with amenities such as a police station, health post, and the Kanchenjunga Conservation Office. Telephone and internet services are also accessible here.

Day 8: Acclimatization Day

Trek time: 4 hours

You will spend a day acclimatizing in Ghunsa. You can explore the village and take advantage of the amenities available in the village.

Day 9: Ghunsa to Kambachen

The trail provides captivating views of the Jannu Himal as it gently ascends. Trekkers enter a lush glacier valley adorned with vibrant greenery, offering a chance to spot blue sheep and the elusive snow leopard. Along the way, a beautiful waterfall and a section prone to landslides demand careful navigation. Eventually, the group arrives at Kambachen, where they spend the night.

Kanchenjunga Conversation Area, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Day 10: Acclimatization Day

Trek time: 2 hours

Another acclimatization day is planned in Kambachen, with a shorter trekking time of about 2 hours. This day allows trekkers to further adjust to the altitude before the visit to the North Base Camp. As part of the acclimatization routine, the group can ascend another ridge, granting breathtaking views of Kanchenjunga and the surrounding scenery.

Day 11: Kambachen to Lhonak

The trail primarily traverses moraine formations derived from the Kanchenjunga Glacier. Trekking amidst imposing boulders, trekkers are treated to magnificent views on both sides. The area is known to be within the territory of the elusive snow leopard, making it an exciting possibility to spot this rare creature. While settlements are absent along this route, the area is utilized as summer yak pastures. The group spends the night in Lhonak.

Day 12: Day Trip to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp

Trek time: 8 hours

On this day, a day trip to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp is planned, with a trekking time of around 8 hours. Starting from Lhonak, the group treks across moraine formations from the Kanchenjunga Glacier, gradually ascending. Upon reaching the North Base Camp, trekkers are surrounded by awe-inspiring mountains and fluttering Buddhist prayer flags. Here, they can savor the tranquility, enjoying hot beverages and snacks. The return journey leads back to Lhonak for the overnight stay.

Day 13: Lhonak to Ghunsa

Trek time: 7 hours

Trekking over the moraine, the group returns to Kambachen Village for a midday break. From there, they head east along the Tamor River. The landscape begins to exhibit greener vegetation as they retrace their steps to Ghunsa, where they settle for the night.

Day 14: Ghunsa to Sele Le

The trail leads through a forest and along a grassy ridge, offering sweeping vistas of Ghunsa and Phole villages, as well as the distant Mt. Makalu.

Day 15: Sele Le to Cheram

Trek time: 7 to 8 hours

Starting early, the journey continues toward Kanchenjunga South Base Camp. The trail includes crossing the Sinion La pass (4,450m) and follows a ridge, eventually reaching the Sinelapche La pass (4,830m). From this vantage point, trekkers are treated to breathtaking views of Mt. Kanchenjunga and its valley. Descending along a narrow path, they arrive at Cheram, the only settlement on this route, where they spend the night.

Day 16: Day Trip to Kanchenjunga South Base Camp

Trek time: 6 hours

A day trip to Kanchenjunga South Base Camp is planned, with a trekking time of approximately 6 hours. The group treks to Ramche for lunch and continues for around 40 minutes to reach Kanchenjunga South Base Camp. Situated on the edge of the glacier and adorned with Tibetan prayer flags, the Base Camp provides an extraordinary experience. After immersing themselves in the serene ambiance, the trekkers retrace their steps back to Cheram for the night.

Day 17: Cheram to Torongding

The trail primarily descends through a gorge. However, the final section involves a steep uphill climb, passing through forests and an area prone to landslides. Accommodation is available in a few teahouses in Torongding.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Day 18: Torongding to Yamphuding

After breakfast, the group begins the descent, initially downhill and later ascending steeply for an extended period. They navigate a landslide-prone area, stopping for lunch at a solitary teashop in Lasiya Bhanjyang. Continuing the trek, they descend through more forests until they reach the sizable village of Yamphuding.

Day 19: Yamphuding to Khebang

With the lower altitude making the journey easier, trekkers encounter captivating villages and terraced fields along the way. The path leads them to Khebang, where they spend the night.

Day 20: Khebang to Khamdime

On the final day of the trekking adventure, the group hikes for approximately 4 hours from Khebang to Khamdime. This day marks the transition to vehicular transportation, preparing for the journey back.

Day 21: Khamdime to Bhadrapur (Drive)

Drive time: 10 hours

Day 22: Bhadrapur to Kathmandu (Flight)

Flight time: 50 minutes

Embarking on an early morning journey, we head towards the Kanchenjunga South Base Camp, crossing the Sinion La pass (4,450m) and following a ridge to the Sinelapche La pass (4,830m).

Trekking Insurance for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

It is mandatory for all trekkers to get trekking insurance for any treks in Nepal.

Trekking insurance not only provides you with peace of mind and financial protection in case of any unforeseen circumstances during your trek, but also allows you to purchase the permits needed in Nepal to trek.

A comprehensive insurance policy should cover emergency medical expenses, evacuation by helicopter if required, trip cancellation or interruption, and loss or theft of personal belongings. Prioritize your safety and well-being by obtaining a reliable trekking insurance policy that aligns with the challenges and unique experiences of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek.

Permits Required For Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

For the Kanchenjunga Trek, it is necessary to obtain the following permits:

  • Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project Entry Permit (KCAP)
  • Restricted Area Entry Permit (RAP) for the trail in Tapethok and Yamphuding VDCs.

Permit Fees of Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

The permit fees for the Kanchenjunga Trek are as follows:

  • Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project Entry Permit (KCAP): NPR 2,000 per person. There is no time limitation for this permit.
  • Kanchenjunga Restricted Area Permit (KRAP): USD 10 per person/ week.

Requirements for Kanchenjunga Trek Restricted Area Permit (RAP)

The following documents and information are required for the Kanchenjunga Trek:

  • Valid passport with a minimum validity of six months beyond the expiry date of the RAP.
  • Valid Nepal visa extending past the RAP expiry date.
  • Application information
  • Trek itinerary
  • Guide’s insurance details
  • Online submission ID provided by the agency
  • Details of dollars
  • E-copy of a passport-sized photo

Packing List for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Packing list for Trek in Nepal

When it comes to the packing list for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek, preparation is key to ensure a comfortable and successful journey. As you embark on this challenging adventure, there are a few essentials you shouldn’t overlook. Start with a well-designed hiking backpack for comfort while walking, sturdy and waterproof hiking boots to navigate the rugged terrain. If you’re not sure what backpack is best for the trek, we have a blog to help you choose the best hiking backpack for your trek. 

Layered clothing is crucial to adapt to changing weather conditions, so pack a combination of breathable base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a waterproof outer shell. Don’t forget a warm down jacket and a reliable sleeping bag suitable for cold temperatures. 

Other must-haves include a trekking backpack, a headlamp with extra batteries, a sun hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, a water bottle, and a first aid kit. To capture the breathtaking scenery, a good quality camera is a valuable addition. Lastly, pack some energy-rich snacks and a positive attitude, as you embark on an unforgettable adventure through the majestic landscapes of the Kanchenjunga Circuit.

Why do the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

By undertaking the Kanchenjunga Trek, you’ll not only experience an exhilarating adventure but also be rewarded with stunning natural landscapes, cultural encounters, and a profound sense of accomplishment. 

  • Discover the untrodden paths of Nepal’s Eastern mountainous regions
  • Stroll beside the renowned glacial lakes in the vicinity
  • Indulge in an awe-inspiring journey amidst the rich biodiversity
  • Engage in serene meditation at Ramtang and Oktang Monasteries, rejuvenating your weary self
  • Relish the blissful moments as you unwind in your tents, nestled beneath the majestic peaks

However, if you feel conquering the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is quite ambitious, then you can check out our blog on Beginner Treks in Nepal for novice trekkers or families traveling with children. These treks are easy and offer as stunning and majestic views of the mountains.

FAQs: Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

The Kanchenjunga trek stands out as a more challenging trek in Nepal. Compared to other mainstream treks found in the Everest and Annapurna regions. Additionally, the level of difficulty experienced during the trek is contingent upon the capabilities and resilience of each individual participant.

Covering a distance of 220 kilometers, the Kanchenjunga trek is both lengthy and demanding, necessitating a commendable level of physical fitness. This arduous journey spans over three weeks, requiring participants to sustain continuous walking while carrying a light backpack.

The total cost of trekking in Kanchenjunga is around USD $2,000 to USD $2,500. If you desire additional amenities and well-appointed accommodations, be prepared to allocate a higher budget for enhanced facilities.

The starting point for the Kanchenjunga trek is Taplejung, Nepal. 

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Mount Mania Treks & Expedition P. Ltd.

  • The Complete Guide on Kanchenjunga Trek
  • You are here:
  • Off The Beaten Path Guide
  • May 21, 2024

Rupak Parajuli

Trekkers who enjoy isolation will find the Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek an excellent opportunity to visit the base camp of the third-tallest peak in the world. Mt. Kanchenjunga, one of the world's most stunning peak massifs, is situated in the far northeastern region of Nepal. "Five Treasures of the Great Snow" is how the five summits that makeup Kanchenjunga are referred to in the name. We also gain a unique perspective on the rural Nepalese living in the eastern part of the country by making the lengthy trek on a less traveled trail.

Table of Contents

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Trek Highlights

  • Duration: Typically 19 to 26 days depending on the specific itinerary and pace.
  • Maximum Altitude: Approximately 5,143 meters (16,873 feet) at the Pangpema viewpoint.
  • Difficulty Level: Strenuous, requiring good physical fitness and prior trekking experience.
  • Best Seasons: March to May and September to November, when the weather is stable and the views are clear​ 

Kanchenjunga Trek Iitnerary 

DAY 1: Arrival in Kathmandu

Welcome to Nepal, the land of Himalayan paradise! Upon your arrival, a guide from Mount Mania will greet you and transport you to your hotel. After settling in, take the opportunity to explore bustling Kathmandu, including areas like Thamel, Durbar Marg, and Ason Bazaar, or simply rest after your journey. You will be staying overnight in Kathmandu.

DAY 2: Kathmandu Sightseeing and Trek Preparation

Begin your day with a cultural exploration of Kathmandu after breakfast. Visit UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Kathmandu Durbar Square, Pashupatinath temple, Boudhanath stupa, and Swayambhunath temple. Later, your trek guide will provide a briefing on the upcoming adventure, allowing time for preparations. You will be staying overnight in Kathmandu.

DAY 3: Flight to Bhadrapur and Drive to Mitlung

Commence your journey to the Kanchenjunga trek with a morning flight to Bhadrapur, followed by a scenic drive to Mitlung. En route, soak in the picturesque views of green hills and rural landscapes. Mitlung serves as the starting point for your trekking adventure. You will be staying overnight in Mitlung.

DAY 4: Trek from Mitlung to Chiruwa

Embark on your trek along the Kanchenjunga circuit trail. Trek through dense sub-tropical rainforests, passing through Sinwa, Tawa, and Thiwa, until you reach the small Limbu settlement of Chiruwa. You will be staying overnight in Chiruwa.

DAY 5: Trek from Chiruwa to Sukethum

Set out early from Chiruwa and trek through Taplethok, Sagu, Madibun, and Phembu before reaching Sukethum. Along the way, enjoy the scenic beauty of the Tamor Nadi riverside and the Simbuwa Khola. You will be staying overnight in Sukethum.

DAY 6: Trek from Sukethum to Amjilosa

Embark on an uphill hike along the Ghunsa Khola, passing through Jongim, Ghaiyabari, Solima, and Lowagaon before reaching Amjilosa, another Tibetan settlement. You will be staying overnight in Amjilosa.

DAY 7: Trek from Amjilosa to Gyabla

Today's trek is relatively short and easy compared to previous days. Enjoy a warm breakfast in Amjilosa before heading to Gyabla. Along the way, marvel at the captivating views of snow-clad mountains and pass through scattered pastures and small waterfalls. You will be staying overnight in Gyabla.

DAY 8: Trek from Gyabla to Ghunsa

Commence your trek with a climb to forested ridges and a crossing of the Ghunsa River. Enjoy the scenic beauty of green terraced fields as you make your way to Phale/Phole, and then continue through juniper larch forests until you reach Ghunsa village. You will be staying overnight in Ghunsa.

DAY 9: Acclimatization Day at Ghunsa

Take a day to acclimatize in Ghunsa, the last permanent settlement before the North Base Camp. Explore the village and its surroundings, visit nearby ridges, and enjoy panoramic views of Kumbhakarna Peak. You will be staying overnight in Ghunsa.

DAY 10: Trek from Ghunsa to Kambachen

After breakfast, trek north along the river bank, enjoying stunning vistas of surrounding peaks. Pass through Phale and continue through green fields and juniper larch forests until you reach Kambachen, where you'll be treated to a close-up view of Mt. Januu. You will be staying overnight in Kambachen.

DAY 11: Trek from Kambachen to Lhonak

Today's trek takes you closer to the Kanchenjunga Base Camp. Trek uphill through rocky terrain to Ramtang, where you'll pass by the Ramtang Monastery and enjoy breathtaking views of the Kanchenjunga Glacier. Continue along the glacier until you reach Lhonak, a plain sandy area offering stunning views of majestic peaks. You will be staying overnight in Lhonak.

DAY 12: Trek from Lhonak to Pang Pema ( Kanchenjunga North Base Camp )  

Begin early in the morning and trek to Pang Pema, the North Base Camp of Kanchenjunga. Marvel at the breathtaking views of Mt. Kanchenjunga and surrounding peaks. Explore the base camp area before returning to Lhonak.  You will be staying overnight in Lhonak.

DAY 13: Trek from Lhonak to Ghunsa

After a day of exploring the North Base Camp, retrace your steps back to Ghunsa through Kambachen, enjoying the dramatic alpine landscape along the way. You will be staying overnight in Ghunsa.

DAY 14: Trek from Ghunsa to High Camp

Embark on a morning hike from Ghunsa to High Camp. The trail leads through dense jungle terrain of rhododendrons, juniper, birch, pine, and oaks, offering rare and spectacular views of Mt. Makalu and Everest. You will be staying overnight in the High Camp.

DAY 15: Trek from High Camp via Mirgin La Pass to Tseram

Today, traverse challenging passes like Selele La, Mirgin La, and Sinion La Pass, each offering breathtaking views above 4,000m. Descend from Mirgin La Pass to Tseram, passing glacial terrain and small ponds along the way. You will be staying overnight in Tseram.

DAY 16: Trek from Tseram to Ramche

Enjoy a serene walk towards Ramche, closer to the Kanchenjunga South Base Camp. Pass through forested areas, Yalung Bara, and Lapsang, with views of Yalung Glacier and Kokthang Peak accompanying you. You will be staying overnight in Ramche.

DAY 17: Rest Day in Ramche and Hike to Oktang Viewpoint

Take a day to explore the Southern Base Camp, also known as the Oktang viewpoint. Begin your hike early in the morning to Okhordung (Oktang), offering unparalleled views of Mt. Kanchenjunga and its neighboring peaks. You will be staying overnight in Ramche.

DAY 18: Trek from Ramche to Tortong 

Descend from Ramche to Tortong, passing through challenging terrain and enjoying views of snow-covered Himalayas. Be cautious while traversing the initial landslide-prone section before entering forested areas. You will be staying overnight in Tortong.

DAY 19: Trek from Dorongdin to Yamphudin

Start your day with a hearty breakfast and trek to Yamphudin. Navigate steep and challenging terrain alongside Simbuwa Khola, passing through jungle areas and landslide-affected zones before descending to Yamphudin. You will be staying overnight in Yamphudin.

DAY 20: Trek from Yamphudin to Phumphe Danda

Continue your journey to Phumphe Danda, passing through small settlements and terraced fields along the Kabeli Khola. Enjoy scenic views of Januu Himal as you approach Phumphe Danda. You will be staying overnight in Phumphe Danda.

DAY 21: Trek from Phumphe Danda to Lali Kharka

Descend to Phungphung Danda and traverse through mountain villages like Yanpang and Khesewa before reaching Lali Kharka. Experience the diverse ethnic cultures and breathtaking views of Kanchenjunga and Yalung Kang peaks. You will be staying overnight in Lali Kharka.

DAY 22: Trek from Lali Kharka to Taplejung (Suketar) and Drive to Bhadrapur

Conclude your Kanchenjunga Trek by hiking downhill to Suketar and driving to Bhadrapur. Along the way, pass through Deurali and enjoy the scenic beauty of the pilgrimage site Pathibhara temple and Kanchenjunga Circuit trail junction. You will be staying overnight in Bhadrapur.

DAY 23: Fly back to Kathmandu

Board a flight back to Kathmandu, savoring the last glimpses of the majestic Himalayan scenery. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, check into your hotel and relax for the remainder of the day, with time to explore the city if desired. You will be staying overnight in Kathmandu.

DAY 24: Departure from Kathmandu

Your adventurous Kanchenjunga Trek comes to an end. Depending on your flight time, a representative from Mount Mania will transfer you to Tribhuvan International Airport. Reflect on your journey and perhaps plan your next adventure in Nepal or beyond.

Kanchenjunga Trek Map

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek can be divided into two main sections: the north and south base camps.

North Base Camp Route

  • Start from Taplejung and trek through villages like Mitlung, Chirwa, and Ghunsa.
  • Reach the north base camp at Pangpema, offering close-up views of Kanchenjunga.
  • Return via the same path or take a different route via Sele La Pass.

South Base Camp Route

  • Start similarly from Taplejung but head towards villages like Mamangkhe and Yamphuding.
  • Trek to the south base camp near Ramche.
  • This route tends to be shorter and slightly easier than the north base camp trek​

kanchenjunga trek map

Kanchenjunga Trek Distance

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is one of the longer and more demanding trekking routes in Nepal. The total distance covered during this trek varies depending on the specific itinerary and whether trekkers choose to visit both the north and south base camps or focus on one. The total Kanchenjunga Trek Distance is Approximate: 220-240 kilometers (137-149 miles)

Here are some details on the distances involved:

  • Taplejung to Mitlung: Approximately 10 km
  • Mitlung to Chirwa: Approximately 16 km
  • Chirwa to Sekathum: Approximately 16 km
  • Sekathum to Amjilosa: Approximately 12 km
  • Amjilosa to Gyabla: Approximately 10 km
  • Gyabla to Ghunsa: Approximately 17 km
  • Ghunsa to Kambachen: Approximately 15 km
  • Kambachen to Lhonak: Approximately 10 km
  • Lhonak to Pangpema (North Base Camp): Approximately 10 km
  • Return from Pangpema to Ghunsa: Approximately 35 km
  • Ghunsa to Sele La Pass: Approximately 16 km
  • Sele La Pass to Cheram: Approximately 12 km
  • Cheram to Ramche (South Base Camp): Approximately 12 km
  • Return from Ramche to Cheram: Approximately 12 km
  • Cheram to Tortong: Approximately 20 km
  • Tortong to Yamphuding: Approximately 26 km
  • Yamphuding to Khebang: Approximately 17 km
  • Khebang to Taplejung: Approximately 26 km

The distance can vary based on the exact route taken and the starting/ending points chosen by trekkers. Some itineraries might include additional acclimatization days and side trips, which can add extra kilometers to the trek. The trek involves significant elevation changes, from around 1,200 meters at the starting point to over 5,143 meters at the highest point, Pangpema. This makes the trek not only long in distance but also challenging in terms of altitude and terrain.

Kanchenjunga Trek Solo

While many trekking routes in Nepal offer the flexibility for independent exploration, the Kanchenjunga trek stands apart with its unique regulations. The Kanchenjunga trail requires at least two trekkers and an experienced guide, unlike other trails where solo hiking is permitted. Nevertheless, a "ghost permit" provides a workaround.

Here are some reasons why using a guide or porter is both advantageous and essential:

  • Effective Planning: A knowledgeable guide takes care of the travel arrangements, such as lodging and permits, to make sure everything runs smoothly. Trekkers can now concentrate just on having a great time as a result.
  • Local Knowledge: The hiking experience is enhanced by the guides' insightful explanations of the region's geography, customs, and culture.
  • Physical Assistance: By relieving trekkers of some of the strain of carrying heavy equipment, porters improve the comfort and enjoyment of the hike.
  • Economic Support: Hiring local porters and guides directly boosts the local economy and creates a win-win situation for all parties.

All things considered, hiring a guide goes above and beyond simply complying with regulations that mandate a minimum of two trekkers and a guide for the Kanchenjunga hike. In addition to supporting local communities, it improves convenience, safety, and cross-cultural understanding. Following advice from locals enhances the Kanchenjunga experience, whether one is walking alone or with others.

Kanchenjunga Trek Difficulty

As one of Nepal's longer, more distant, and higher-altitude treks, the Kanchenjunga Trekking difficulty level is rated as hard. It begins at Bhadrapur at 91 meters above sea level and reaches Pang Pema (North Base Camp) at 5,143 meters. As such, meteorological parameters such as humidity, air pressure, and temperature are unpredictable and unstable.

The Kanchenjunga trek is an untraversed route similarly. You must trek on rough terrain for the bulk of the trail, which is rather remote. Thus, there are days when you feel physically tired. Thus, outdoor sports like hiking, running, swimming, cycling, etc., can help you keep a healthy fitness level."

In addition, altitude sickness, often known as acute mountain sickness (AMS), can occur when trekking above 3,000 meters. Hence, pay attention to your body, walk at your speed, and drink enough of water. It is a good idea to follow your family physician's advice regarding your fitness and general health. 

It doesn't take much prior trekking expertise to complete the Kanchenjunga Circuit trip, despite its high level. Anyone fit enough can do this walk given enough time and preparedness. 

Best Time For Kanchenjunga Trekking

Trekking up the Kanchenjunga is best done in the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November). These months provide bright skies, moderate temperatures, and typically consistent weather, which makes them perfect for trekking and taking in the breathtaking vistas of the Kanchenjunga mountain range.

The temperature is often pleasant in the spring when the landscape is adorned with vivid hues from the blooming rhododendrons and other wildflowers. Trekkers may take in expansive vistas of the mountains throughout the fall season thanks to bright sky and good visibility.

It is important to remember that weather patterns might change, so before you plan your journey, it is a good idea to get the most recent information by contacting local guides or trekking companies. In addition, some hikers decide to go during the off-season, although there may be more erratic weather at that time.

Kanchenjunga Trek Cost

A number of variables, including the length of the journey, the route used, the services provided (such as lodging, meals, and a guide), permits, transportation, and any extra activities or equipment required, might affect the cost of hiking to Kanchenjunga.

An overview of possible costs is shown below:

  • Permits: To trek in the Kanchenjunga region, you will require permits. These usually consist of the Restricted Area Permit and the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Permit. Permit costs for foreigners and citizens may differ.
  • Porter and Guide: For convenience and safety, it is advised to hire a porter and/or guide. The price will vary based on their level of experience and the length of the trek.
  • Lodging: Teahouses and camping are just two of the lodging possibilities. While camping may need extra equipment and fees, teahouse prices are usually fair.
  • Meals: The majority of trek packages include meals. Otherwise, you'll have to factor in meals while hiking.
  • Travel: The cost of transportation to and from the trek's beginning point may increase the overall cost. Air travel and ground transportation are included in this.
  • Equipment: If you don't own the necessary hiking gear, you might have to buy or rent items like sleeping bags, coats, and trekking poles.

Miscellaneous: You may also need to pay for travel insurance, gratuities, extra activities, and mementos.

In general, depending on your choice of services and degree of luxury, you should plan to spend at least $3,000 per person for a 15 to 20-day hike to Mount Kanchenjunga. For a more seamless trip, it is advised to do extensive research and think about making your reservation through a reliable trekking organization.

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Height

At approximately 5,130 meters (16,830 feet) above sea level, the Kanchenjunga Base Camp is the highest point of the climb. Beautiful views of the spectacular Himalayan peaks, including Kanchenjunga, the third-highest mountain in the world, may be seen from this base camp. The journey takes about 18 to 20 days to finish and passes through pristine alpine forests, steep mountain passes, and traditional Sherpa settlements. It also typically goes through remote and harsh terrain.

Kanchenjunga Trek Permit

You will require both a trekking permit and a restricted area permit to trek in Nepal's Kanchenjunga region, as the area is off-limits to visitors. An outline is provided here:

Trekking permission: In Nepal, trekking permission can be obtained from the Department of Immigration in Kathmandu or Pokhara, or a certified trekking agency. Depending on the time of year and the length of your trek, different fees apply for trekking permits. Along with filling out the required papers, you'll need to bring your passport and two passport-sized pictures. Restricted Area Permit: You will also require a special permit because the Kanchenjunga region is a restricted area. You will need to submit your trekking itinerary and other necessary documentation to receive this permit, which can be obtained through a certified trekking agency. Compared to a regular trekking permit, a restricted region permit costs more.

You must trek in Nepal through an authorized trekking organization since they will take care of all the paperwork and logistics. In addition, you will receive a guide, which is necessary for trekking in forbidden regions like Kanchenjunga. As laws and specifications are subject to change, be careful to verify the most recent versions before organizing your hike.

The most popular off-beaten high-altitude trek in Nepal is the Kanchenjunga Trek. There are some of the best mountain views in the area and a rewarding journey to both of Mt. Kanchenjunga's base camps. Arrange this trip if you're looking to push yourself. 

The Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek offers a blend of rustic teahouse stays and the possibility of camping in more remote sections. Meals are generally hearty and designed to keep trekkers energized, but the variety decreases with altitude. Proper planning and preparation can ensure a comfortable and nourishing experience throughout the trek​ 

Rupak Parajuli

He is a Travel Enthusiast and Writer, who mostly covers the guide to outdoor adventure in the Himalayas of Nepal. He can be your friendly trip planner. Feel free to reach out to him.

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Mount Mania Treks & Expedition P. Ltd.

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Registered with: company registration office, government of nepal, licensed by: nepal tourism board & department of tourism, proud member of trekking agency's association of nepal, general member of nepal mountaineering association.

Alliance Treks

Alliance Treks


  • Destination

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek 21 Days

Kanchenjunga circuit trek route North south base camp map & cost

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Overview

  • Accomodation Tea House / Local Lodge
  • Best Season Mar-May and Sept-Nov
  • Guide Trekking guide
  • Maximum Altitude 5143m.|16873ft.
  • Meals Breakfast
  • Payment Method VISA, Master Card
  • Transportation Public micro bus
  • Walking Hours 5-6 hrs
  • Difficulty Medium
  • Activity Trekking
  • Start Point Kathmandu
  • End Pont Kathmandu
  • No. of days 21
  • Group Size 1 to 20

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Introduction

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is the top trekking spot in Nepal. During this 21-day trip, you’ll trek through dense forests and remote settlements at high altitudes. This journey brings you near Mt. Kanchenjunga . This is the world’s third-highest mountain. The Kanchenjunga base camp height is 5160 meters above sea level. It’s famous for its great beauty and also attracts adventurous trekkers. The trek is tough but promises an unforgettable experience.

Similarly, the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek has different names like Kanchenjunga Trek or Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek . It takes you to both Mount Kanchenjunga’s south and north base camps. This trek opened in 1988 and also is known as one of Nepal’s toughest and least-visited paths. The Kanchenjunga circuit trek distance is 220 Km. The difficulty of reaching the trail from Kathmandu and also the lack of good tourist facilities deter many from exploring this part of the Himalayas.

As a result, the region’s natural beauty and cultural heritage remain preserved. Additionally, the government of Nepal restricts Kanchenjunga, requiring an expensive special permit for trekking here. The demanding trek and high Kanchenjunga circuit trek cost keep the trail free of crowds. The Kanchenjunga Conservation Area protects wild flora and fauna, drawing many visitors to the region. It is home to rare species like snow leopards, Himalayan black bears, musk deer, red pandas, and various birds.

We suggest the Kanchenjunga circuit trek only to experienced trekkers with prior Nepal trekking experience or excellent fitness and will. This trek isn’t suitable for beginners. You can’t trek the Kanchenjunga circuit alone. It must be done with a local travel company like Alliance Trek and in a group of at least two trekkers (excluding guides and porters) due to regulations.

Highlights of the Kanchenjunga circuit trek

  • Experience one of the shortest treks for the Kanchenjunga Circuit.
  • Trek to Kanchenjunga, the world’s 3rd highest mountain at 8,586 meters.
  • Explore a less frequented trekking route.
  • Enjoy a newly developed tea house trek in the Himalayas.
  • Traverse a part of the Great Himalayan Trail.
  • Encounter rare species like the Red Panda and Snow Leopard.
  • Admire stunning mountain scenery and landscapes.
  • Discover the unique culture and traditions of the well-known Sherpas.
  • Visit both North and South Base Camps via Sele La Pass (4,240m).
  • A journey from 58m in Kenchena (Jhapa) to the top of Kanchenjunga at 8,586m.
  • Stop at the famous Jannu View Point (4,400m) and the sacred site of the Kirati people (Phaktanglung).

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Route

The convenience, accessibility, and reliability of travel determine the different routes for Kanchenjunga trekking , including the Kanchenjunga trek route and the Kanchenjunga circuit trek route .

The trek begins in Sinhuwa, requiring a 15-16 hour drive from Kathmandu to Birtamode on a microbus. On the second day, there’s a 7 to 8-hour drive to Taplejung followed by a 5 to 6-hour trek to Suketham on the third day. The journey then continues to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp at 5,143 meters, taking 4 more days to reach Kanchenjunga South Base Camp at 4,730 meters. It then takes 2 days to return to Gopetar, followed by a 7 to 8-hour drive to Birtamode for an overnight stay. Finally, a 15-16 hour drive from Birtamode brings you back to Kathmandu.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Itinerary

We offer various itineraries for the Kanchenjunga trek, ranging from 18 to 21 days, depending on your fitness level, walking pace, as well as your preferences. The most popular option is the 21-day Kanchenjunga circuit trek itinerary , which can be customized by adding or subtracting 1 to 5 days. Check our Kanchenjunga circuit trek map for further details. Contact us via email, social media, or phone for a tailored itinerary based on your needs.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Cost

The Kanchenjunga circuit trek cost varies based on factors like group size, itinerary, accommodation level, transportation type, trek duration, and also the included services. It typically ranges from USD 1850 as outlined in our price section. This estimate can change depending on your preferences, such as opting for private transportation, higher accommodation levels, add-on programs, or extending the trek. We’re flexible and also can customize the package to suit your needs. Contact us via email, social media, or phone for accurate pricing and tailored services.

Kanchenjunga Circuit trek difficulty

The Kanchenjunga circuit trek starts at 200 meters and climbs to 5,143 meters (16,873 ft). While the altitude is high, the trek is safe if you follow guidelines. It involves long trekking days with obstacles like mountain passes, rivers, gorges, glaciers, rocky hills, and steep climbs. Some days require over 8 hours of walking, so trekkers need to be physically strong.

On the Kanchenjunga trek, you face two major challenges: acute mountain sickness (AMS) and unpredictable weather . To know about acute mountain sickness (AMS), [Click Here] . High-altitude thin air can quickly exhaust even the fittest trekkers. Our Kanchenjunga circuit trek itinerary includes ample acclimatization days to help prevent altitude sickness.

Preparations for the Kanchenjunga base camp trek

The Kanchenjunga circuit trek route includes many steep ascents and descents. The rugged trail demands long hours of walking. Higher elevations mean thinner air and colder temperatures, which can be tough on your body. Without good physical fitness, this trek can become a nightmare.

The Kanchenjunga base camp trek offers great rewards but demands tough and strenuous walking. Endurance requires both physical strength and mental resilience. The trek mainly uses tea house accommodations with minimal facilities, so expect to pay extra for hot showers, internet access, charging, and drinking water.

Prepare for this trek by engaging in physical training and smaller hikes beforehand. Include cardio exercises like jogging, running, long walks, cycling, stair climbing, and swimming to boost stamina. Also, focus on building muscle strength and core fitness to handle the challenging terrain.

Best Time For Kanchenjunga Trekking

Nepal has two main trekking seasons: spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). Autumn is the best time for Kanchenjunga circuit tre k with pleasant weather and coincides with festivals like Dashain and Tihar, thus attracting many trekkers. Spring, filled with blooming rhododendrons and greenery, is perfect for seeing diverse vegetation and flowers beneath the Himalayas. Many expeditions also take place in spring, so you might see expedition groups at Kanchenjunga Base Camp .

Monsoon and winter are not the best time for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek . Winter brings cold temperatures at high elevations, and monsoon rains can cause landslides as well as block roads. However, if you still want to try trekking in these seasons, we are here to support you.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Permit

Before starting the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek, you must first obtain the necessary permits and pay the required fees. You need a Restricted Area Permit (RAP) and a Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Permit (KCAP) . The RAP costs USD 10 per person per week, and the KCAP costs USD 20 per week. You also need to hire a licensed guide and porter, which costs around USD 25-30 per day. These fees can change, so check with a local trekking agency like Alliance Trek for the latest information.

kanchenjunga circuit trek map

Other trek options

Besides the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek, we also have other trek options which are listed down below:

  • Gosaikunda Trek
  • Manaslu Circuit Trek
  • Manaslu Tsum Valley Trek
  • Ruby Valley Cultural Trek
  • Ruby Valley Circuit Trek
  • Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Trek to Langtang Valley
  • Annapurna Base Camp trek
  • Annapurna Circuit trek
  • Round Annapurna trek
  • Mardi Himal trek
  • Lower Mustang trek
  • Rara Lake trek
  • Nar Phu Valley trek
  • Poon hill trek
  • Nagarkot Chisapani trek
  • Everest View Pikey Peak trek

Tamang Heritage Trail Trek

  • Upper Mustang Trek

Besides this trek, if you are interested in Peak climbing then check out our

  • Ama Dablam Climb
  • Chulu West Climb
  • Island Peak Climb
  • Lobuche East Peak Climb
  • Mera Peak Climb
  • Paldor Peak Climb

Important Info

Please check our  trekking equipment list . This list will certainly be a guide for you if you plan to trek in Nepal. Also, if you want to do a Peak climb in Nepal then please check the  climbing equipment list  that is a must while going on the Peak climb. Likewise, we suggest you check the  Nepal new trekking rules  as there have been some new changes in Nepal.

Booking is open for 2024 / 2025

Are you planning to trek or tour in 2024? If so, then in our  Best Deals part , you can find the ideal info on the best price for the trek or tour cost. Furthermore, book plans as soon as possible.

Contact us  or simply send a message or call us at

WhatsApp / Viber / Mobile: +977- 9851 022 814, +977 – 9841 451 681

We are available 24 / 7

The Kanchenjunga Trek is a challenging and adventurous trekking expedition that takes you through the remote and pristine landscapes of the eastern part of Nepal, near the border with Sikkim, India. Here’s an overview of the Kanchenjunga Trek:

Location: Kanchenjunga is the third-highest mountain in the world, and the trek explores the region around this majestic peak. It is situated in the far eastern part of Nepal, bordering the Indian state of Sikkim.

Trekking Difficulty: The Kanchenjunga Trek is known for its difficulty and is considered one of the more challenging treks in Nepal. It involves rugged and steep terrain, high altitudes, and remote trails. Prior trekking experience is recommended, and it’s usually not advisable for beginners.

Permits: To undertake the Kanchenjunga Trek, you’ll need special trekking permits and must be accompanied by a registered guide. This helps in protecting the natural environment and ensures your safety.

Scenic Beauty: Despite the challenges, the Kanchenjunga Trek offers breathtaking views of pristine landscapes, lush forests, meadows, rivers, waterfalls, and picturesque villages. The region is rich in biodiversity, making it a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.

Trekking Routes: The trek generally takes about 20-25 days to complete and offers two primary routes – the Kanchenjunga North Base Camp Trek and the Kanchenjunga South Base Camp Trek. The trek can be tailored to explore one or both base camps, depending on your preferences and the time available.

Cultural Experience: Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with local communities like the Limbu and Sherpa people, experiencing their unique culture, traditions, and hospitality.

Best Time to Trek: The ideal time for the Kanchenjunga Trek is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is generally stable, and the views are spectacular.

Accommodation: Lodging options along the trail vary from basic teahouses to camping, depending on your preferences and the route chosen.

Overall, the Kanchenjunga Trek offers a remote and less crowded alternative to some of the more popular treks in Nepal. It is a rewarding experience for trekkers looking for a challenging adventure and a chance to explore the hidden gems of the Himalayas.

Trip Highlights

  • Stunning Mountain Views: The trek provides awe-inspiring views of Mt. Kanchenjunga, the third-highest peak in the world (8,586 meters), as well as other prominent peaks in the region. The sight of these towering mountains against the backdrop of clear blue skies is truly breathtaking.
  • Biodiversity: The Kanchenjunga region is rich in biodiversity, featuring diverse flora and fauna. You'll trek through lush forests with rhododendron, oak, and pine trees and have a chance to spot various wildlife species, including the elusive snow leopard, red panda, and a variety of bird species.
  • Remote and Less Crowded: Unlike some of the more popular trekking destinations in Nepal, Kanchenjunga Trek offers a more remote and less crowded experience. You'll often find yourself surrounded by pristine nature and serenity.
  • Cultural Exploration: Along the way, you'll have the opportunity to interact with local communities, such as the Limbu and Sherpa people. You can learn about their unique cultures, traditions, and way of life. Visiting charming villages and monasteries adds to the cultural richness of the trek.
  • Variety of Terrain: The trek takes you through a variety of terrains, including dense forests, alpine meadows, suspension bridges over rushing rivers, and high mountain passes. This diversity in landscapes keeps the trek exciting and ever-changing.
  • Kanchenjunga Base Camps: You can choose to trek to either the North Base Camp or the South Base Camp of Mt. Kanchenjunga, each offering its own spectacular views and experiences. Many trekkers opt to visit both base camps to fully appreciate the grandeur of the mountain.
  • Challenging Adventure: The Kanchenjunga Trek is known for its challenging nature, which attracts experienced trekkers looking for a physically demanding and mentally rewarding journey. The rugged trails and high altitudes make it a test of endurance and determination.
  • Natural Beauty: The trek takes you through picturesque landscapes, including pristine rivers, waterfalls, terraced fields, and traditional villages. These natural wonders provide numerous opportunities for photography and moments of pure serenity.

From Kathmandu (1,310m) – at 5:00 AM drive to BIRTAMOD (15-16 hours driving) by regular Micro Bus and overnight at the local Lodge.

Change to another regular local bus and finally arrive/reach TAPLEJUNG (7-8 hrs driving) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to SINUWA (5-6 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to TAPLETHOK (6-7 hours walking) overnight at Lodge.

Trek to SEKATHUM (5-6 hours walking) overnight Lodge.

Trek to AMJELASA (6-7 hours walking)

Trek GYAPLA (5-6 hours walking) Overnight at Lodge.

Trek to GHUNSA (6-7 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Rest Day for acclimatization.

Trek to KHAMBACHEN (5-6 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to LHONAK (6-7 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Visit Pangpema (Kanchanjunga Base Camp) and then trek back to LHONAK (8-9 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek back to GHUNSA(5 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to SELELE BASE CAMP (5-6 hours walking) (6-7 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to RAMCHE (6-7 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Visit CHERAM and return to RAMCHE (6-7 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to TRONGDING (5 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to YAMBUDIN (6-7 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Trek to GUPETAR (6-7 hours walking) and overnight at Lodge.

Drive by local sharing Bus/Jeep to Birtamod (7-8 hours driving) and overnight at Lodge.

Drive back to KATHMANDU (1310m) almost 15-16 hrs. driving by regular day Micro Bus sharing with local.

Cost Includes

  • 21 Days Kanchenjunga trek as per itinerary using local lodges as available
  • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner during Kanchenjunga trek at local lodges
  • Experience trek guide for Kanchenjunga Circuit trek
  • One porter (2 travellers:1 porter) to carry your luggage
  • Kathmandu to Birtamod by regular public bus sharing basis
  • Birtamode to Taplejung by regular bus sharing basis
  • Kanchanjunga special 14 days trekking permit
  • Kanchenjunga Conservation permit
  • TIMS fee and permit
  • Trekking crew Meals, day wages, insurance, equipment, bus transportation etc
  • Government taxes as applicable

Cost excludes

  • Service excludes trekking equipment which can be rented in Kathmandu with extra cost, Hot water (Boiled drinking water)/Hot Shower & Battery Charges during trek, arrangements in Kathmandu and any other services not mentioned in cost includes section.

Visitors numbers to this trekking area are restricted, so to trek in Kanchenjunga, you need a local guide and at least 2 trekkers fulfil and gain the necessary permits .

Embarking on this trek leads you through the lesser-visited and more secluded regions of Kanchenjunga, providing an exceptional and genuine trekking adventure. Typically spanning a duration of approximately 20-25 days, this trek entails traversing numerous high mountain passes, notably Sele La (4,290 meters) and Sinion La (4,660 meters).

The Kanchenjunga trek is graded as a strenuous trekking destination  that demands high levels of physical fitness, endurance, and mental strength.

The optimal months for trekking in the Kanchenjunga region are typically from early March to mid-May and from October to late November. It is advisable to steer clear of the monsoon season, which typically occurs from late May to mid/late September.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

  • Sikkim & Darjeeling

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Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek - 19 Days

Kanchanjunga Circuit Trek

  • Duration 19 Days
  • Difficulty Level Strenuous
  • Trip Start and End Kathmandu to Kathmandu
  • Best Season Mar-May and Sept-Nov
  • Trip Area Kanchenjunga Region
  • Maximum Altitude 5143m.|16873ft.
  • Explore the hidden corners of Mt. Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world
  • Trek in a restricted area in Nepal
  • A magical journey that takes you back in time and presents you with an adventurous trip full of the breathtaking mountain panorama
  • Walk in the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area abundant in flora & fauna
  • Trodden less-crowded trail, lush forests, stunning waterfalls, rivers, beautiful villages, and welcoming villagers
  • Cross passes, thrilling suspension bridges, and meadows
  • Reach the north base camp of Mt. Kanchenjunga
  • Come across the Tibetan Buddhist lifestyle of the locals and visit ancient monasteries along the trail
Unspoiled views, trodden trails, barely any travelers on the trekking route, and abundant flora & fauna. This is the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek.

Kanchenjunga is a well-protected hidden treasure in Nepal located in the far eastern part of the country and borders Sikkim, India. Not many travelers know about the adventurous trekking route of the Kanchenjunga Circuit, and on top of that, the special permits & challenging trails keep most of the trekkers away from the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. 

Kanchenjunga Trek explores around the third-highest mountain in the world, Mt. Kanchenjunga (8,586m). Our Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek itinerary leads you to the north and south base camp of Mt. Kanchenjunga. Check out our Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek map for information about the trial. We can also design a custom trekking itinerary for Kanchenjunga South Base Camp or Kanchenjunga North Base Camp only. 

Just to let you know, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is also known as Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek. It is not an easy trek and demands previous trekking experience. One cannot do Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek solo.

Unlike the famous Annapurna Circuit Trek and Manaslu Circuit Trek, the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is even more difficult and remote. If you are in quest of something extraordinary and a magical venture in the Himalayas, then Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Nepal is the one for you. The trail crosses lush forests, meadows, rivers, waterfalls, and beautiful villages. 

You can get in touch with us to book Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek 2024|2025 . We have also opened our early booking for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek 2024 spring & autumn. 

Views during the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

You will get to see stunning views of the Yalung Glaciers. The constant company of the heart-warming landscape and tranquility of the Kanchenjunga region will make you feel back in your forgotten home. Unchanged by the change of time, Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek will take you back in time.

The entire Kanchenjunga region is protected under the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. In Nepal, it is a restricted area. Trekkers have to get a special permit from the Nepal government to trek to Kanchenjunga. The trail is rich in flora & fauna. If luck is in your favor, you may come across some rare wildlife like Himalayan black bears, musk deer, snow leopards, red pandas, etc. Likewise, many endangered species of birds are seen along the way. 

The Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek gets even more fascinating when you begin to hear stories about The Yeti from the locals. Yes, the snow monster or snowman, whatever you refer to it, is believed to be found in this part of the Himalayas.  

Then comes the breathtaking views of the Himalayan mountains. Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek exclusively presents some of the most intriguing panoramas of the mountains like Tent Peak (5,663 m/18,684 ft), Mt. Kambachen (7,902 m/25,925 ft), Mt. Janu (7,710 m/25,300 ft), etc, including the eight-thousanders like Mt. Everest (8,849 m/29,032 ft), Mt. Makalu (8,463 m/27,765 ft) and Mt. Lhotse (8,516 m/27,940 ft).

What makes Nepal Nirvana Trails unique?

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is not like other treks in the Himalayas. To get the best out of the journey, you have to trek with a native who well understands the region and the locals. Trekking with us will allow you to trek with an experienced native trek guide. Our Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek itinerary is well-designed and can be customized as per your needs.

All of our policies related to treks and tours in Nepal are transparent and involve no hidden clauses/charges. We are a team of very friendly and flexible travelers who love to explore and share journeys with like-minded people. Our two decades of expertise in the field make us your best trekking partner for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking. 

Check out these famous trekking packages- Everest Base Camp Trek , Annapurna Base Camp Trek , Mardi Himal Trek , and Nar Phu Valley T rek.

Day to Day Details

Day 1: arrival in kathmandu (1400m.|4593ft.).

Let us know your arrival flight and airline schedule, and the airport representative of NNT will be at the Tribhuwan International Airport to receive you. He will transfer you to the hotel booked by ourselves in a private vehicle. You can stroll on the road of Thamel in the evening and have good rest at the hotel.

  • 3 Star Hotel
  • 1400m.|4593ft.

Day 2: Trek Permit preparation Day (Sightseeing tour Optional) (1400m.|4593ft.)

Today, the team management will meet you at around 9 am and take your original passport for the preparation of the permit. At 5 pm, the team manager will meet you at our office, hand over your original passport, and introduce you to the trekking guide. He will check the trekking equipment you have and suggest that if you need to buy or rent it, it is available in the Trekking shops in Thamel. 

Optional: You can do the sightseeing tour of Kathmandu's UNESCO World Heritage sites  in the afternoon.

Day 3: Morning flight of 45 - 50 minutes to Bhadrapur, then Drive to Illam (1627m.|5338ft., 3 hrs drive, 88 km.) / Taplejung (1820m.|5971ft., 6 hrs drive, 152 km.)

Today, we will fly from Kathmandu (TIA) to Bhadrapur (Chandragadhi Airport on a domestic flight of about 45 to 50 minutes. We will take a local jeep and drive through Kanyam. We drive via Mechi Highway from Kanyam viewing the tea cultivations on the way toward Taplejung or Illam from where the trek to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek begins.

  • Lunch and Dinner
  • 1820m.|5971ft.

Day 4: Illam / Taplejung to Sekathum (1650m.|5413ft., 39km.|24.23miles., 6 - 9 hrs drive)

We will have our breakfast and catch the local jeep and begin our second-day ride to reach our destination for the day, Sekathum. Usually, trekkers prefer to walk up to Sekathum from Taplejung but by making our itinerary short and utilizing the available services in the region, we reach Sekathum two days before other trekkers. The drive will take us through Mitlung, Chirwa, Thapethok, Lelep, and several other villages along the Tamor Nadi. There is the Kanchenjunga National Park entry point on our way, where our permits are checked and allowed to move forward to Sekathum.

  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
  • 1650m.|5413ft.

Day 5: Sekathum to Amjilosa (2498m.|8195ft., 9km.|5.59miles., 5 - 6 hrs trek)

After two days of the drive, we will start our hike with breakfast at Sekathum. The Himalayas' adventurous journey begins with an ascent along the Ghunsa Khola and walking over many bridges along the way, exploring through verdant trees, the little settlements of Jonggim, and Ghaiyabari reaching Amjilosa. 

  • 2498m.|8195ft.

Day 6: Amjilosa to Gyabla (2725m.|8940ft., 8km.|4.97miles, 4 - 5 hrs trek)

We move forward to Gyabla which is also known as Kyapra from Amjilosa after having breakfast. We continue to move in our path through a dense forest and trail without a Human settlement. Today, we can spot Red Pandas during our hike on the Kanchenjunga Trail, if we got lucky. After the uphill climb, we get to view the magnificent sceneries of the mountains and several waterfalls on the way. We slowly make our way and reach Gyabla village. 

  • 2725m.|8940ft.

Day 7: Gyabla to Ghunsa (3415m.|11204ft., 11km.|6.83miles., 5 hrs trek)

The walk through the woodlands with a wide range of flora and fauna leads us to the Phale village. Continuing the trek at a pace, we will reach Ghunsa village. Many trekkers stop at Ghunsa for acclimatization, but we have our acclimation day at Khambachen. 

  • 3415m.|11204ft.

Day 8: Ghunsa to Khambachen (4145m.|13599ft., 11km.|6.83miles., 5 - 6 hrs trek)

We will have our breakfast and begin the gradual ascent through an open pine forest and also have the chance to spot blue sheep and snow leopards. The trail passes through landslide-prone areas. We see the spectacular view of Mt. Jannu, encounter the green glacier valleys, and finally reach Khambachen village.

  • 4145m.|13599ft.

Day 9: Acclimatization and Rest Day

We rest at Khambachen after several days of walking. For the adjustment of the body to the altitude, we will have a short hike to nearby glaciers, viewpoints, and lakes. We can meet numerous trekkers in Khambachen returning from and traveling to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp.

Day 10: Khambachen to Lhonak (4792m.|15721ft., 10 km.|6.21miles., 4 - 5 hrs trek)

We move ahead to the trail of the Kanchenjunga glacier. We can meet the trekkers in the main trekking season walking toward and returning from the Kanchenjunga North Base Camp on this track. We move through the Ramdang and come across the Ramdang Monastery. We are on the difficult trail, now at the junction of the Lhonak and Kanchenjunga glaciers. Walking forward, we reach the tiny settlement of Lhonak with a few teahouses.

  • 4792m.|15721ft.

Day 11: Hike to Kanchenjunga North base camp (Pang Pema) (5143m.|16873ft.) and return to Lhonak (9km.|5.59miles., 6 - 7 hrs trek)

Today, we will hike to the north base camp of Mt. Kanchenjunga, which is also known as Pang Pema. We will climb gradually following the moraines through the trail and reach Kanchenjunga Base Camp. The prayer flags around and the mesmerizing towering third-highest mount Kanchenjunga is the reward after multiple days of trekking. We will return to Lhonak for an overnight stay.

  • 5143m.|16873ft.

Day 12: Lhonak to Ghunsa (3415m.|11204ft., 21km.|13miles., 7-8 hrs trek)

Rejoicing the views of the Himalayas and leaving behind the Kanchenjunga Base Camp, retracing the track, we arrive at Ghunsa. The Kanchenjunga trail gives us memories of walking passing the stone huts, soaring mountain peaks, rocky fields nearby the trails, rock-falling zones, etc.

Day 13: Trek to Sele Le Base Camp (4240m.|13910ft., 6km.|3.72miles., 5-6 hrs trek)

We arrive at Sele Le, leaving the trail to Gyabla. There is a chance to see the snow leopards as we pass through the dense forest. There are isolated human settlements with few teahouses which are open only in the main trekking season. When there is heavy snowfall there is no other way connecting the pathway to reach South Base Camp until Sekathum. If the teahouses are closed and still we can cross the passes then, we can even reach Tseram in a day cutting a day off from our planned itinerary.

  • 4240m.|13910ft.

Day 14: Trek from Sele Le Base Camp to Tseram (3868m.|12690ft., 9km.| 5.59 miles., 6-7 hrs trek)

Leaving Sele Le Pass, we will hike up to the high-altitude passes, Sinion La (4440m.|2758ft.), then Mirgin La (4480m.|2783ft.) and Sinelapche Bhanjyang (4645m.|2886ft.). We will see the spectacular panoramic view of Mt. Jannu, Everest, Makalu, Baruntse, Chamlang, and Kanchenjunga during our ascent. We descend to Tseram and stay overnight over there.

  • 3868m.|12690ft.

Day 15: Trek from Tseram to Ramche and Hike to Oktang (Yalung South Base Camp Viewpoint, 4740m.|15551ft.) and back to Tseram (14km.|8.6km) 7-8 hrs trek)

Today, after early morning breakfast, we head forward through the Yalung glacier getting higher and close to the vistas. Passing by the Yalung which provides views of Rathong (6682m) and Kabru (7412m), we will stop for lunch at Ramche. We will hike to Oktang/ Okhordung the viewpoint of Yalung Base Camp or Kanchenjunga South Base Camp. Enjoying the closer view of three summits of Mt. Kanchenjunga 8420m, 8586m, and 8474m, and other towering peaks, exploring this untouched, unexplored by many trekkers, Kanchenjunga Base Camp, we will return to Tseram.  

  • 4740m.|15551ft.

Day 16: Trek from Tseram to Tortong (2980m.|9776ft., 13km.|8miles., 6-7 hrs trek)

The elevated snow-capped mountains behind us and the walk through the rhododendron forests give us tranquility. Our trek starts downhill and ends at Tortong passing through Simbuwa Khola with enchanting views of the Himalayas en route. We will stay overnight at Tortong.

  • 2980m.|9776ft.

Day 17: Trek from Tortong to Yamphudin (1692m.|3910ft., 9km.|5.59ft., 6-7 hrs trek)

From Tortong, we persist to descend to the Amji Khola passing through Lasiya/Lamite Bhanjyang (3415m) and Dhupi Bhanjyang (2665m). Walking past the steep slope area, we reach Yamphudin village. There is the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area checkpost in Yamphudin, where our permits are checked if we had begun our trek with Kanchenjunga South Base Camp first.

  • 1692m.|3910ft.

Day 18: Yamphudin to Kanyam (1210m.|3969ft., 8 hrs drive)

After having breakfast in Yamphudin, we start exploring beautiful landscapes through the trails, and trekking alongside the pathway of Kabeli Khola. Leaving the mountain villages, we will take a drive to Kanyam, a beautiful place surrounded by tea gardens. Along the way to Kanyam, we can see the cardamom and tea cultivation through our windows. Keeping the bittersweet memories of the trek at the high altitudes, we are now at the lowlands. You can encounter many local tourists as Kanyam is a popular destination with tea gardens.

  • 1210m.|3969ft.

Day 19: Drive from Kanyam to Bhadrapur and late afternoon flight back to Kathmandu (1400m.|4593ft.)

We will have our breakfast and explore the green tea cultivation area for a while. Then, we will have a 2-3 hour drive to Bhadrapur. We will have a 45 to 50 minutes flight from Bhadrapur to Kathmandu in the late afternoon. We will escort you to your hotel and invite you to a farewell dinner with our management team in the evening.

  • Breakfast, Lunch and Farewell Dinner

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Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek - 19 Days map

What's Included

  • Airport Pickup and drop service during both international and domestic flight
  • All necessary trekking permits 
  • 3-star Hotel in Kathmandu for 3 nights
  • All accommodations during the trek
  • Meals (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) during the trek and Tea and Coffee
  • Government Licensed and first aid-trained trekking guide
  • Salary, food, equipment, and insurance of the trekking Guide
  • Sharing Jeep / Bus  (Bhadrapur - Illam / Taplejung - Sekathum and Yamphudin - Kanyam - Bhadrapur airport)
  • Flight From Kathmandu - Bhadrapur, and Bhadrapur - Kathmandu
  • First aid kit with basic medication
  • Sleeping bag / Down Jacket if needed (it is refundable)
  • Nepal Nirvana T-shirt, Trekking Map, and Water Purifications Tablet
  • Farewell dinner in a fine Restaurant
  • Official expense, all local and government tax and VAT.

What's Excluded

  • International flight tickets and Nepal entry visa
  • Travel and health Insurance which covers emergency Rescues and evacuations
  • During trekking time personal expenses, snacks, Beer, coke, juice, water, WI-FI, etc.
  • Porter ($400 One porter between two trekkers)
  • Private Jeep  ($ 400 - Bhadrapur - Illam / Taplejung - Sekathum and Yamphudin - Kanyam - Bhadrapur airport)
  • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu 
  • Sightseeing entrance fees ( temples, monasteries)
  • Tips for treks guide and porter (it is expected)

The package provides an affordable way for budget-conscious trekkers to explore the Kanchenjunga Region. However, there is also the option to enhance your experience with add-ons to the package.

Porter Service

You have the option to include a porter in addition to your guide. The porter carries a load of up to 20 - 25 kilograms. You can share the heavier belongings with the porter, allowing you to trek more comfortably and with the guidance of your trekking guide. 

One Porter Costs: USD 400

Private Transportation

We offer shared bus/jeep transportation between Bhadrapur - Illam / Taplejung - Sekathum and Yamphudin - Kanyam - Bhadrapur airport with the package.

Alternatively, you can opt for private transportation for an additional fee, which covers the journey from Bhadrapur - Illam / Taplejung - Sekathum and the return trip from Yamphudin - Kanyam - Bhadrapur airport .

Private Jeep for the Trek Costs: USD 400

Upcoming Departures

Useful info, kanchenjunga circuit trek difficulty.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is one of the wild and most strenuous treks in Nepal. It is a relatively long trek with many hurdles like passes, rivers, gorges, glaciers, rocky hills, many steep ascents & descents, etc.  

There are multiple days with over 8 hours of walk. The region is very remote, so you cannot get any modern comforts, and the trail is quite empty. The thin air at high altitude exhausts sooner than you may think and adds to the difficulty. 

Similarly, acute mountain sickness (AMS) also referred to as altitude sickness, is something you constantly have to be careful about. One mistake, and you may begin to see the early symptoms of altitude sickness (breathing problems, headache, nausea, loss of appetite).

Physical Fitness & Preparations for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

In a single day of walking, there will be many ascends & descends. The trail follows a rugged path with long walking hours. With the increase in elevation, the air gets thinner, and the cold climate may affect you. If you are not physically fit, then Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking can become a nightmare for you. 

The trek is no doubt very rewarding, but it comes at the cost of difficult walking and endurance. Not only physical endurance but mental too. It's a tea house trek with no modern facility at all. The services will be the bare minimum, and you will find yourself paying for the little things like hot shower, internet, charging, drinking water, etc. 

The best way to prepare for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Nepal is by doing physical training and if possible, a few small hikes & short treks. For exercise, work on cardio exercises, like jogging, running, long walks, cycling, climbing stairs, and swimming. Likewise, you can focus on building your muscles and core body strength.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking Best Time

The Himalayas have two trekking seasons with stable weather and moderate climate - spring (March to May and autumn (September to November). Now depending upon your needs, you can trek to Kanchenjunga Circuit in either of these two seasons. 

If you want to enjoy the picture-perfect kind of route (bloomed with hundreds of colorful flowers and greeneries beneath white-snow-capped mountains & foothills), spring is the ideal option. Likewise, if you would love to come across Nepalese biggest festivals and enjoy dry, barren exotic landscapes, then autumn is a perfect choice. 

Can we make the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Shorter than 18 Days?

Yes, we can do Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek in less than 18 days. By flying directly to Suketar, you can do the Kanchenjunga Trek in 13 days. Moreover, if you only go to the south base camp of Mt. Kanchenjunga, the trip can be done in less than 10 days as there is a road up to the Yamphudin.

Why are we not taking Kathmandu to Suketar (Taplejung) direct flight and rather driving Kathmandu to Bhadrapur?

Instead of flying from Kathmandu to Suketar and saving a few days of walking, we choose to drive to Bhadrapur from Kathmandu to offer you the best trekking experience. You will get to explore the lowlands and visit culturally rich villages that you may miss while flying. 

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek permit

Kanchenjunga Circuit is a controlled area by the government of Nepal. The region is restricted and international travelers are only allowed to enter under certain rules. We will get the permit on your behalf, and our Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek package cost involves all the costs of necessary permits. 

First, you cannot trek to Kanchenjunga alone or with an independent trekker. The trip must be organized and managed by a local licensed trekking company. Second, there should be two trekkers in the group (not including the guide and porter). 

Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project Entry Permit (KCAP) : Nrs 2,000 per person

Kanchenjunga Restricted Area Permit (KRAP) : USD 20 per person, per week

Tea House Condition in Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is a teahouse trek with basic facilities, like shared toilets and limited amenities. The accommodation is very raw. You will get proper accommodation in Suketar and Gunsa. A countable number of teahouses are only available in some places.

For instance, Lhonak has the last teahouse on the route to the north base camp. Whereas, Ramche is the last teahouse on the route to the south base camp. Likewise, on the Sele Pass high camp, there are only two tea houses available that accommodate ten to fifteen trekkers at a time. 

The food along the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek route is basic. You will get breakfast and dinner in the same teahouse where you spend the night. And the lunch is eaten along the way. The most common and best menu is dal bhat tarkari with other side dishes. It will keep you healthy and provide all the needed nutrients. 

Pack enough snacks and bars to have while trekking. Better not hope to get any good snacks along the way. Even if you get one, the price will be way more than you can imagine.

Q1. How difficult is Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek crosses the Sele La pass, reaches the Kanchenjunga North and South Base Camp, and involves rocky, steep terrain. The trek is marked strenuous by the professional trekkers and not advised for the new trekkers.

Q2. How can I reach Kanchenjunga?

You can drive for 2 days from Kathmandu to reach the starting point of the Kanchenjunga region. There is also a flight option to Bhadrapur and a drive to the starting point of the trek. You can directly fly to Suketar and begin trekking if the weather is clear.

Q3. How long is the Kanchenjunga Circuit?

Depending upon your Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek itinerary, you can do the trek in 13 days and above. Our Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek itinerary is 23 days.

Q4. Where is Kanchenjunga?

Kanchenjunga is situated in the far eastern part of Nepal and borders Sikkim and Tibet.

Q5. How far is Kanchenjunga from Kathmandu?

From Kathmandu, the aerial distance to Kanchenjunga is 260 km away. Roadways distance is approximately 670 km between Kathmandu and the starting point of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek, Taplejung.

Q6. Can I trek in Kanchenjunga without a guide?

No, you cannot trek to Kanchenjunga without a guide managed by a registered local trekking company. Moreover, there should be at least two trekkers in the group, and this does not count a guide or porters.

Q7. Is Kanchenjunga a K2?

No, Kanchenjunga and K2 are two different mountains located in two countries. Kanchenjunga (8,586 m/28,169 ft) is the third highest mountain in the world, situated in Nepal. Likewise, K2 (8,611 m/28,251 ft) is the second-highest mountain in the world located in Pakistan.

Client Reviews


Kanchenjunga north and south base camps - 21 days

We had only 2 weeks to organize the whole trip and a lot of uncertainty about the flight changes, delays and cancellations, so Kul from Nepal Nirvana Trails, helped us to build a dynamic trip program between 19-22 days with minimum necessary advance payment that included guide, porter, food, sleep, permits, transportation and internal flights for the entire trip. The communication on WhatsApp chat/call was very easy and we got all the needed details for the entire trip and felt confident to continue. Additional great surprise was that we got a very experienced guide Jangbu (And his brother Pemba as porter) after Kul realized that we are experienced group and probably will want to do extra hiking additions during the trek. The whole trip was organized exactly as promised and we could enjoy the hike and the beautiful Kanchenjunga area without any logistic worries. Jabgbu and Pempa functioned as a very effective team and helped everyone when needed, specially when some height and stomach problems appeared or the weather changed and made the necessary adjustments to the hiking plan so in the end, we all got the best experience as possible.

Dear Eli, Namaste! Thank you so much for sharing your experience of trekking with us on the Kanchenjunga trail! We're thrilled to hear that you had such a positive trip to Kanchenjunga Circuit with Jangbu as your guide. Thank you for choosing Nirvana Trails for your trekking adventure in Nepal. We're honored to have been a part of your journey, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more adventures in the future! Best Regards, Kp Dhital and Nepal Nirvana Trails Team. WhatsApp: +977 9841380469


We did the Kanchenjunga base camp trek and it was a great experience! KP, who runs the company is very honest, explains everything in detail and makes you well prepared for the challenging trek. Our guide Mingmar was always funny, calling us the „adventure group“ and was flexible with our decisions during the trek. I can highly recommend doing this trek via Nepal Nirvana

Dear Max, Namaste! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your positive experience with us! We're thrilled you had an excellent trek to the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek with the guide, Mingmar. Thank you for recommending the trek and our service. We hope to welcome you back for another unforgettable trek in the future! Best Regards, Kp Dhital and Nepal Nirvana Trails Team. WhatsApp: +977 9841380469

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kanchenjunga circuit trek map

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek -18 Days

Kanchenjunga Circuit -18 Days

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The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is a perfect blend of adventurous thrill, tranquil nature, majestic mountain views, and warm hospitability which takes you to the lap of the iconic Mount Kanchenjunga. Being the third-highest peak in the world, Mount Kanchenjunga has an elevation of 8,586m (28,169ft). The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is a hidden beauty waiting to be explored.

The 18-day Kanchenjunga Circuit Tour takes you to the north and south base camp of Mt Kanchenjunga. The off-the-beaten trails of the Kanchenjunga region take trekkers deep into nature’s wilderness, through rivers, magnificent waterfalls, and lush forests. Rich in unique flora and fauna, the Kanchenjunga conservation area is the home to many rare mammals including snow-leopard, red panda, Himalayan black bear, and others. Along with its biodiversity, the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek amuses the trekkers with spectacular views of the Himalayas. Breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains including Mt Kumbhakarna (7,710m), Mount Kabru (7,412m), and The Twins (7,354m) along Mount Kanchenjunga itself are truly rewarding.

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is the experience of a lifetime, calling out for adventure seekers and nature lovers. Taking you through the exclusive remote areas with perfectly rewarding Himalayan views, this remarkable journey treats you with the best of the Himalayas. Our team at Adventure Great Himalayas is here to pave this unique journey of a lifetime, and make it the best possible!

Highlights of Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

  • Explore the untouched and pristine Kanchenjunga region, with unique flora and fauna.
  • Soak in the Himalayan glory and the breathtaking views of the iconic Kanchenjunga peak, along with surrounding mountains.
  • Trek exclusively in the less-beaten path, through lush forests, magnificent waterfalls, calmly flowing rivers, and picturesque villages.
  • Observe and immerse yourself in the unique authentic local culture of Sherpa and Limbu village communities along the way.
  • Accomplish getting to the base camp of the mighty Kanchenjunga.

Best Season for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Out of the four seasons Spring (March to May), Summer (June to August), Autumn (September to December), and Winter (December to February) in Nepal, Spring and Autumn seasons are the best seasons for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek.

Along with moderate temperatures and stable weather, the Spring season features vibrantly blooming rhododendrons providing the perfect colorful dimension to the trek. Moreover, you can look forward to clear skies, warmer bearable nights, and wildlife spotting in the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area during the spring season. Similarly, the autumn season features clear skies and crystal-clear views of the mighty Himalayas. Moreover, Autumn is also the season of major festivals in Nepal, which adds to the unique cultural experience; making Autumn one of the best seasons for the trek.

Difficulty Level of Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is graded as one of the most strenuous treks in Nepal. This 18-day-long trek is ideal for trekkers with great physical fitness, past trekking experience, and a thirst for the thrill. While the duration of the trek itself is challenging, which requires you to walk around 8 hours many days; the trek also takes you to a challenging altitude of 5,143m which can lead to altitude sickness if not properly prepared for.

Moreover, the remoteness of this trail as compared to other famous trekking regions of Nepal makes this experience more demanding. The remoteness limits the available services on the trail, which demands trekkers to be self-prepared to a certain level. The trails also demand trekkers to travel through rocky steep ascends and descends. So, while embarking on the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek, as much as trekkers should be excited about the magical views and a lifetime experience, they should also be well prepared both physically and mentally for the possible challenges on the trail.

Lastly, the difficulty level of the trek also depends on the season you choose. While the weather in the Himalayas is quite unpredictable in itself, some seasons pose more challenging weather than others. Therefore, it is advisable to choose the best season if you’re not looking for extra challenges.

The views and the experience are just as rewarding as the efforts demanded by this trek. Professional planning and preparation with Adventure Great Himalayas beforehand can do wonders for your experience!

Required Permits for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

The required permits for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek include KCAP and KRAP.

  • Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Permit (KCAP)

This conservation area permit is implied to help preserve the conserved area of Kanchenjunga and its ecosystem. This permit costs NRs. 2000 per person.

  • Kanchenjunga Restricted Area Permit (KRAP)

This restricted area permit is a bit complicated and needs time to be prepared after the trekking groups’ arrival. Moreover, this permit imposes the rule of a minimum of 2 trekkers in a group, along with a mandatory government-authorized guide. This permit costs USD 20 per person per week.

Food and Accommodation in Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

The food and accommodation in the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek are mainly basic, concerning the remoteness of the trek. This trekking package takes you through more remote trails than other infamous trekking packages in Nepal.

With the accommodation option being a teahouse, the basic amenities like shared rooms and toilets should be expected. Due to the remoteness of the region, the teahouse accommodation quantity is also limited, along with the places with teahouses. Further, the meals available in this trek are mainly ‘Dal-Bhat’, which is nutritious Nepali cuisine that includes rice and lentils. This journey amuses you with the beauty of simplicity, not just through the untouched nature and culture; but with basic amenities in life.

In Morning Fly to Bhadrapur from Kathmandu / Drive to Taplejung (1441 m)

Drive to sekhathum, 1650m ( 5-6 hour drive), shekhathum to amjilassa (2490m) 6 hour, trek from amjilosa to gyabla (2730m) 6 hour, gybla to ghunsa ,3415m, 5 hour, treking from ghunsa to khambachen , 4145m, 6 hour, free and excrustion day, trek from khambachen to lhonak, 4790m, 5 hour, early morning hike to kanchenjunga norht base camp (5140m) pang pema and return to lhonak, 7 hour, trek back lhonak to ghunsa, 3415m, 8 hour, trekking to sele le base camp , 4240 m, 5 hour, trekking from sele le base camp to tseram, 3870m, 7 hour, trekking from tseram to ramche (4620m) -visit yalung (4500m) and south base camp (4620m)/ oktang, and return to ramche., treking to tartong ,2950m, 7 hour, trekking from tortang to yamphudin, 1680m, 7 hour, trekking from yamphidin to khebang, 1900m, 6 hour, drive from khebang to kanyam, ilam- 5 hour, drive to bhadrapur -fly back to kathmandu, include/exclude, what’s include.

  • Airport/ Hotel/ Airport Transportation.
  •  3 Meals a day during the trek ( Breakfast, Lunch, dinner)
  • Lodge/ Tea house Accommodation during the trek.
  • A government licensed English speaking Guide during the trek.
  •  Trekking porter ( One porter  between two members) the limit weight is 16 Kg)
  •  All Kinds of Permit
  • Flight Ticket from Kathmandu – Bhdrapur – Kathmandu including airport departure taxes in both airport.
  • Ground Transportation by Bus / Sharing local Jeep
  • Trekking Equipment- Down Jacket and sleeping bag  (which needs to be returned after the trek.)
  • All our government taxes.
  • Tourist service charge, vat.
  • Official expense.

What’s excluded

  • Personal  travel insurance
  • All bar bills and Drinks
  • Tips for Guide, Porter

kanchenjunga circuit trek map

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Note: Please ensure names must be exactly the same as your passport (for ticketing/security purposes). You could incur extra costs or even miss your flight if the names are not correct.

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Travel, Tour, Trekking In Nepal, Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Circuit Trek, Manaslu Trek

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Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek kanchenjunga Mountain

English, Nepali

About this tour

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is an amazing adventure in the eastern part of Nepal. It lets people walk around the beautiful Kanchenjunga massif, which has the world’s third-highest peak , Mount Kanchenjunga. This trek is tough and not as crowded as other Himalayan routes, making it perfect for experienced trekkers who want a real wilderness experience.

During the trek, you’ll go through different landscapes like forests with rhododendron flowers and bamboo, farmlands on terraces, meadows up high, and icy areas near glaciers. You’ll see lots of unique plants and animals along the way.

One special thing about the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is that you can learn about the traditional culture of the local communities, especially the Limbu and Rai ethnic groups. These people are friendly, and you can visit their villages, monasteries, and even talk to them to understand their customs.

Since the trek is in a remote and tough area, you need to be fit, have good stamina, and get used to the high altitude. Be ready for long walks, high passes, and camping in areas where there aren’t many facilities.

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek gives you breathtaking views of mountains, peaceful lakes, deep valleys, and a feeling of being alone in nature, something you might not find in more popular trekking spots. This challenging and rewarding adventure is an incredible way to see the untouched beauty of the eastern Himalayas in Nepal.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Itinerary

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is an exciting journey with the beautiful landscapes of eastern Nepal, circling the amazing Kanchenjunga mountain, which is the world’s third-highest peak. The trek usually takes about 18-22 days and is a unique experience in one of the less-traveled and tough routes in the Himalayas. During the trek, you’ll walk through different types of places like forests with rhododendron flowers, bamboo areas, farmlands on steps, meadows up high, and icy places near glaciers.

Along the way, you’ll see many different plants and animals. The trek also lets you explore the culture of local villages, monasteries, and meet people from the Limbu and Rai ethnic groups who are known for being friendly. Be prepared for challenging climbs over mountains and peaceful moments camping in more isolated places where there aren’t many facilities. The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek ends with amazing views of mountains, calm glacial lakes, and a deep feeling of being alone in the wild beauty of the eastern Himalayas.

You will find the detail itinerary below which make you more clear about your journey to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Cost

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Usually, costs between $2,100 and $2,700 for each person. This price includes essential expenses like domestic flights to the trailhead, special permits for the restricted Kanchenjunga area, food, Accomodation and hiring a guide from a registered agency (solo trekking is not allowed for safety reasons). Factors like trek duration, accommodation choices (basic teahouses vs. lodges), and additional porter services can all influence the final cost. Be sure to factor in these expenses when planning your budget for this incredible Himalayan trek.

Essential Tips for a Successful Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

  • Train and build endurance before the trek, as it involves challenging terrains and high-altitude passes. Prior acclimatization is crucial to reduce the risk of altitude sickness.
  • Hire an experienced local guide who is familiar with the trails, weather conditions, and can provide valuable insights into the region’s culture and nature.
  • Obtain the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Permit (KCAP) and the Restricted Area Permit (RAP) from the Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu. These permits are mandatory for the trek.
  • The best time for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is during the pre-monsoon (spring) and post-monsoon (autumn) seasons. The weather is generally stable, with clear skies.
  • Pack essential trekking gear, including sturdy trekking boots, warm clothing, rain gear, a sleeping bag, a first aid kit, and water purification tablets. Keep your backpack light and carry only necessary items.
  • Drink plenty of water and eat nutritious meals to maintain energy levels during the trek.
  • Respect the customs, traditions, and way of life of the local communities living in the Kanchenjunga region.
  • Be prepared for sudden weather changes in the mountains. Carry appropriate clothing layers for varying weather conditions.
  • Carry a fully charged mobile phone with a local SIM card or a satellite phone for communication in case of emergencies.
  • Respect wildlife and maintain a safe distance from animals encountered during the trek.
  • Plan your trekking itinerary with ample rest and acclimatization days. Ascend gradually to avoid altitude-related issues.
  • Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers high-altitude trekking and includes emergency medical evacuation.
  • Follow the “Leave No Trace” principles and carry back your trash to protect the delicate mountain ecosystem.
  • Inform your family or friends about your trekking plans and itinerary. Provide them with the contact details of your guide and trekking agency.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Safety Considerations

  • Ensure you are physically fit and have undergone proper acclimatization before ascending to higher altitudes to minimize the risk of altitude sickness.
  • Hire an experienced local guide who knows the trails, weather conditions, and can provide assistance in emergencies. Consider hiring porters to carry your heavy backpack, reducing physical strain.
  • Be aware of weather forecasts and be prepared for sudden weather changes in the mountains. Avoid trekking during adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or snowfall.
  • Wear sturdy and comfortable trekking boots, layered clothing for varying weather conditions, and carry essential gear, including a first aid kit, map, and GPS.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and eat nutritious meals to maintain energy levels during the trek.
  • Use water purification tablets or boil water before drinking to avoid waterborne illnesses.
  • Be aware of the nearest emergency evacuation points and have a plan in place in case of any medical emergencies.
  • Familiarize yourself with the trekking route, landmarks, and key locations to avoid getting lost.
  • Whenever possible, trek in a group for added safety and support.
  • Recognize the symptoms of altitude sickness and take appropriate measures, such as descending to lower altitudes if needed.
  • Share your trekking itinerary with a reliable contact person and update them regularly about your progress.
  • Witness breathtaking views of Mount Kanchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world, along with other snow-capped Himalayan giants.
  • Experience the untouched beauty of the Kanchenjunga region, far from the crowds of popular trekking routes.
  • Trek through lush rhododendron and bamboo forests, terraced farmlands, alpine meadows, and glacial terrains, offering a diverse and ever-changing landscape.
  • Meet the warm and hospitable locals belonging to various ethnic communities, including Limbu and Rai, and learn about their unique customs and traditions.
  • Explore the rich biodiversity of the region with diverse flora and fauna, including rare and exotic plant species and wildlife.
  • Cross challenging high-altitude passes like Sele La and Sinion La, providing breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Visit remote villages like Ghunsa and Lhonak, offering a glimpse into the traditional lifestyles of the local communities.
  • Trek to both the north and south base camps of Kanchenjunga, offering different perspectives of the mountain.
  • Enjoy a less-trodden trekking route, offering a sense of solitude and adventure in the heart of the Himalayas.
  • Marvel at the diverse landscapes, from lush forests to rugged mountain terrains, all framed by the towering peaks.


  • International and Domestic Airport Pick Up and Drop.
  • Welcome and Farewell Cultural Dinner.
  • Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner from the Teahouses menu during the treks.
  • Overnight Sleep at Standard tea house with basic facility during the treks.
  • Government licensed holder trekking guide including all his meals, accommodation, salary, transportation, insurance.
  • One porter for two person who carry only two trekking member’s bags, including all his meals, accommodation, salary, transportation, insurance.
  • If single trekker booked then guide will help you to carry some of your stuffs.
  • Equipment like sleeping bags, down jackets, duffle bags, trekking poles, and Crampons will be provided (Returned after the trip is complete).
  • First aid kid box included and carry by guide.
  • Emergency helicopter rescue services provided, Pay By your Insurance or By Your Self.
  • All needed Trekking Permit and National park Entry fees.
  • All needed ground transportation mention on the itinerary.
  • Government Tax and Company service charge.
  • Personal expenses as like the Phone Bill, Camera Charging, Hot Shower, Wifi.
  • All kind of drinks as like Mineral Water, Tea, Coffee, Juice, Coke, Fanta, Beer and Bar Bills.
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner during your stay in city like Pokhara, Kathmandu.
  • Extra Nights’ Accommodation in Kathmandu, in case if you return earlier from the Treks.
  • Tips to your Guide and Porter. (It is expected)
  • Travel insurance.

Day 1 Kathmandu to Taplejung (1820m | 5971ft) via Bhadrapur (40-50 min flight, 8-9 hrs drive)

  • In the morning, you will take a domestic flight from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur, which takes around 45 to 50 minutes.
  • From Bhadrapur, you will drive to Taplejung, which takes approximately 8 to 9 hours. The drive offers scenic views of the hills and landscapes.
  • Overnight in Taplejung.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner at the teahouse.

Day 2 Taplejung to Sekathum (1650m | 5413ft, 5-6 hrs drive)

  • After breakfast, you will start your drive to Sekathum, which takes about 5 to 6 hours.
  • The drive will take you through charming villages and beautiful landscapes.
  • Overnight in Sekathum.

Day 3 Sekathum to Amjilosa (2498m | 8195ft, 5-6 hrs trek)

  • Today, you will begin your trek from Sekathum to Amjilosa.
  • The trail leads you through dense forests and small settlements.
  • The trek takes around 5 to 6 hours.
  • Overnight in Amjilosa.

Day 4 Amjilosa to Gyabla (2725m | 8940ft, 4-5 hrs trek)

  • Trek from Amjilosa to Gyabla, passing through rhododendron and bamboo forests.
  • The trek offers beautiful views of the surrounding mountains.
  • The trek takes about 4 to 5 hours.
  • Overnight in Gyabla.

Day 5 Gyabla to Ghunsa (3415m | 11204ft, 5-6 hrs trek)

  • Today's trek takes you from Gyabla to Ghunsa.
  • The trail continues through dense forests and crosses several rivers and bridges.
  • The trek takes around 5-6 hours.
  • Overnight in Ghunsa.

Day 6 Ghunsa to Khambachen (4145m | 13599ft, 5-6 hrs trek)

  • Trek from Ghunsa to Khambachen, which lies near the Kanchenjunga Glacier.
  • The trail offers spectacular views of the snow-capped peaks.
  • The trek takes about 5 to 6 hours.
  • Overnight in Khambachen.

Day 7 Acclimatization and Rest Day

  • Today is a rest and acclimatization day in Khambachen.
  • You can explore the surroundings and enjoy the beautiful views of the mountains.

Day 8 Khambachen to Lhonak (4792m | 15721ft, 4-5 hrs trek)

  • Continue your trek from Khambachen to Lhonak.
  • The trail takes you closer to the towering mountains and glaciers.
  • The trek takes around 4 to 5 hours.
  • Overnight in Lhonak.

Day 9 Hike to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp (Pang Pema) (5143m | 16873ft) and return to Lhonak (6-7 hrs trek)

  • Today, you will embark on a hike to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp, also known as Pang Pema.
  • Enjoy stunning views of Kanchenjunga and other Himalayan peaks.
  • After spending some time at the base camp, trek back to Lhonak.
  • The hike and return trek take about 6 to 7 hours.

Day 10 Lhonak to Ghunsa (3415m | 11204ft, 7-8 hrs trek)

  • Trek back from Lhonak to Ghunsa, following the same trail.
  • The trek takes around 7 to 8 hours.

Day 11 Ghunsa to Sele Le Base Camp (4240m | 13910ft, 5-6 hrs trek)

  • Today, you will trek from Ghunsa to Sele Le Base Camp.
  • The trail takes you through alpine landscapes and rocky terrains.
  • Overnight at Sele Le Base Camp.

Day 12 Sele Le Base Camp to Tseram (3868m | 12690ft, 6-7 hrs trek)

  • Trek from Sele Le Base Camp to Tseram.
  • The trail passes through picturesque landscapes and lush forests.
  • The trek takes around 6 to 7 hours.
  • Overnight in Tseram.

Day 13 Tseram to Ramche and Hike to Oktang (Yalung South Base Camp Viewpoint, 4740m | 15551ft) and back to Tseram (7-8 hrs trek)

  • Today, you will trek to Ramche and then hike to Oktang, which offers incredible views of Kanchenjunga's southern face.
  • After spending some time at the viewpoint, trek back to Tseram.
  • The hike and return trek take about 7 to 8 hours.

Day 14 Tseram to Tortong (2980m | 9776ft, 6-7 hrs trek)

  • Trek from Tseram to Tortong, descending through beautiful landscapes.
  • The trail takes around 6 to 7 hours.
  • Overnight in Tortong.

Day 15 Tortong to Yamphudin (1692m | 3910ft, 6-7 hrs trek)

  • Today, you will trek from Tortong to Yamphudin, passing through terraced fields and villages.
  • The trek takes about 6 to 7 hours.
  • Overnight in Yamphudin.

Day 16 Yamphudin to Khebang (1915m | 6282ft, 5-6 hrs trek)

  • Trek from Yamphudin to Khebang, descending through beautiful landscapes.
  • Overnight in Khebang.

Day 17 Drive from Khebang to Kanyam, Ilam (1210m | 3969ft, 6 hrs drive)

  • Today, you will drive from Khebang to Kanyam in Ilam.
  • Enjoy the scenic drive through hilly landscapes.
  • The drive takes about 6 hours.
  • Overnight in Kanyam, Ilam.

Day 18 Drive from Ilam to Bhadrapur and at afternoon flight back to Kathmandu (1400m | 4593ft)

  • In the morning, you will drive from Ilam to Bhadrapur.
  • From Bhadrapur, you will take a late afternoon flight back to Kathmandu.
  • After reaching Kathmandu, you will be transferred to your hotel.
  • Overnight in Kathmandu.
  • Breakfast and Lunch at the teahouse.

Frequently asked questions

How long does the kanchenjunga circuit trek take.

The trek usually takes around 17 to 21 days to complete, depending on the specific route and acclimatization days.

Is a permit required for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

Yes, you need special permits to trek in the Kanchenjunga region. You'll need both a restricted area permit and a local area permit, as the region falls under a restricted trekking area.

How difficult is the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is considered a strenuous and challenging trek due to its remote location, rugged terrain, and high altitude. Trekkers should be physically fit, experienced in high-altitude trekking, and prepared for long days of walking.

What is the best time to do the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

The best time for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is during the pre-monsoon (spring) season from March to May and the post-monsoon (autumn) season from September to November. The weather is generally more stable and offers clear views during these periods.

What is the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is a challenging and remote trek that takes you through the stunning landscapes of the Kanchenjunga region in eastern Nepal. It offers breathtaking views of the world's third-highest mountain, Mt. Kanchenjunga (8,586 meters).

What is the maximum altitude reached during the trek?

The highest point on the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is the North Base Camp (Pangpema) at an altitude of approximately 5,140 meters.

Are there any altitude-related risks during the trek?

Yes, the trek involves high altitudes, and altitude sickness can be a concern. It is essential to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness.

What kind of accommodation can I expect during the trek?

Accommodation along the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is basic and usually in tea houses or simple lodges. These provide a warm bed, basic meals, and a place to rest for the night.

Do I need a guide and porter for the trek?

While it is not mandatory to have a guide and porter, it is highly recommended, especially for this challenging trek. Experienced guides can navigate the trail, provide valuable information about the region, and ensure your safety. Porters can carry your heavy backpack, allowing you to focus on the trek itself.

Is previous trekking experience necessary for the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

Previous high-altitude trekking experience is highly recommended due to the challenging nature of the trek. Proper physical fitness and mental preparation are crucial for a successful and enjoyable journey.

Tour's Location

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Lhonak Village

Kathmandu to Kanchanjunga trek

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Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Lhonak Village

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Pathfinder Treks And Expedition

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek- 22 Days Itinerary

  • Kanchanjunga Region

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek- 22 Days Itinerary

Among the many popular trekking routes in Nepal, the Kanchenjunga trek is the remotest and most challenging. The true form of nature has been preserved in its untouched form within the eastern highlands of Nepal. The Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek itinerary takes you to the far eastern region of Nepal, encircling Kanchenjunga Mountain.

Along with Kanchenjunga, there are other high peaks like   Everest ,  Makalu , Cho Oyo, etc., that you can see on the Kanchenjunga map. However, these mountain peaks are not the only perks of the Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek. The pristine set of five glacial systems, including Zumu, Talung, and Rathong, flows towards Sikkim.

The Yalung glaciers flow right into the Tamor River. This alpine highland and its wonders are protected by the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, so a special Kanchenjunga trek permit is required. Inside the Kanchenjunga National Park, you can witness an unbelievable array of unique flora and fauna in pristine condition.

Also, there are relic mammals like the Red Panda and the Snow Leopard. The Kanchenjunga trek was opened for tourists in the year 1980 only. Recently, the Kanchenjunga base camp has been upgraded to teahouse trekking. This means you can comfortably walk while living in a cosy room and enjoying the warm food.

Highlights of the Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek

  • Marvellous views of more than a dozen mountain peaks above 6,000 metres above sea level.
  • Stunning photography at the pristine glacier lakes of Kanchenjunga.
  • Trekking via the diverse flora and fauna that haven’t been seen anywhere else in the world.
  • Explore the hidden monasteries of Ramtang and Oktang Monasteries while witnessing the rich Sherpa culture.
  • Less crowded.

List Of Mountains Visible During Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trekking

  • Yalung Kang (8,505m)
  • Kambachen (7,903m),
  • Jongsong (7,483m),
  • Kabru (7,353m),
  • Janu (7,710m),
  • Tent Peak (7,365m),
  • Twins (7,350m)

Where is Kanchenjunga Mountain located?

Kanchenjunga is located in the eastern part of Nepal, near the border with the Indian state of Sikkim. It is part of the Himalayas, which stretch across Nepal, India, Bhutan, and Tibet. Kanchenjunga is the third-highest mountain in the world, standing at 8,586 meters (28,169 feet) tall. Its name means “Five Treasures of Snow” in the Tibetan language, referring to its five distinct peaks. The region around Kanchenjunga is known for its stunning landscapes, rich biodiversity, and unique culture of the local communities.

Day 01: Fly to Bhadrapur to drive to Ilam

Altitude: 1677 m / 5501 ft

Drive duration: 3 hrs

Early in the morning, a driver picks us up from the hotel and drives us to the domestic terminal of the   Kathmandu   airport. Soon, we hop into a plane, taking us above the mountains. Flying above the lush green hills and many perennial flowing rivers, we land in Bhadrapur, Jhapa in about 1 hour.

From Jhapa, we move to the higher altitude of Illam. Driving along the stunning hilly, winding roads, we can see the beautiful tea farms of Illam. Taking some amazing photos, we stopped at a local guesthouse in Illam.

Meal : Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner

Accomodation : Guest House

Walking / Driving : 45mins flight/ 1 hr drive

Day 02: Drive To Taplejung

Altitude: 1820 m / 5971 ft

Drive duration: 5 hrs

We will wake up early in the morning to witness the spectacular sunrise at Illam before starting the real Kanchenjunga trek. Although the drive to Kanyam is not included in our itinerary, arrangements can be made. After breakfast, we plan to drive further north along the terraced fields.

After mid-day, we reach Taplejung, a beautiful town in the hills. Here, we get to visit different Buddhist gompas that have had butter lamps burning continuously for more than 400 years. After a peaceful evening, we get back to the hotel.

Accomodation : Tea House

Day 03: Trek To Chirwa

trek to chirwa for kanchenjunga circuit trek

Altitude: 1270 m / 4166 ft

Duration: 6 hrs

We start trekking to Kanchenjunga on the rough paths beyond the stunning river. Early in the morning, we walk towards the village of Sinwa, Tawa. After a short stop at the Porke, we can see that the valley narrows over old landslide debris. Then, we shall walk down to the Thiwa Khola River and walk on a thrilling wooden bridge. After a few hours, we shall then walk to Chirwa. The huge boulders and tiny bamboo houses of Chirwa make a wonderful stop.

Day 04: Trek to Lelep

Altitude: 1860 m / 6102 ft

Duration: 7 hrs

The first thing in the morning is a short walk to the Tamur River. In the next few hours, we will be walking towards the Simbua Khola. This river flowing from the south of Kanchenjunga makes an amazing view. Next, we shall stop at the narrow Ghunsa Khola. Next is the Tibetan village of Lelep.

Day 05: Trek To Amjilosa

Altitude: 2510 m / 8234 ft

Duration: 5 hrs

On the fifth day of the trek to Kanchenjunga, we walk beyond the wonderful waterfalls and suspension bridges. Today’s walk on the steep trail will be challenging as we gain altitude. However, once we reach the Sherpa village of Amjilosa, we get lost in its charm. Here, we can see yaks and sheep all around.

Day 06: Trek To Gyabla

Altitude: 2730 m / 8956 ft

Moving above the Amjilosa, we start to see the western side of Kanchenjunga. Walking via the forest of oak and bamboo, you cross many suspension bridges and rivers. After a final steep walk, we descend to Gybala.

Day 07: Trek To Ghunsa

trek to ghunsa for kanchenjunga circuit trek

Altitude: 3595 m / 11794 ft

Duration: 5-6 hrs

It’s another long and exciting day in the mountains. First, we shall walk through the forest to get to the Phale Village. Phale is a Tibetan refugee camp which started almost a decade ago after fleeing from the communist regime in China. From this winter settlement village, we further move to Ghunsa. This is the largest village in the highland area with a police station and health post.

Day 08: Acclimatization Day

Since we are living at 3,500 metres above sea level, it’s important to stop for a day for acclimatisation. And since Ghunsa is the most developed settlement here, it’s an ideal place for the stop. We hike to nearby hills, enjoy a campfire, and observe local culture for a day.

Day 09: Trek to Kambachen

Altitude: 4100 m / 13451 ft

After a relaxing day, it’s now time to move further away from the mountains. Today, we can witness the Jannu Himal as we walk along the gentle path. Here, we can see the beautiful green glacier valley. If you look into the alpine area, you might also spot blue sheep and snow leopards. In 5–6 hours, we reach Kambachen.

Day 10: Acclimatization Day

Before we head further upwards in a challenging section of the tour, we let our bodies rest for another day. Since we plan to have fun, there’s no need to rush for Kanchenjunga Circuit trekking.

Day 11: Trek to Lhonak

Altitude: 4785 m / 15698 ft

From Khambachen, we first walk via the rocky path leading to Ramtang. Walking west of the Kanchenjunga Glacier gives us an opportunity to take some amazing pictures. In the evening, we reach Lhonak village, which is decorated with large stone huts. From Lhonak, we can witness the views of Wedge Peak, Mera Peak, Nepal Peak, and the Twins.

Day 12: Day Trip to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp

Duration: 8 hrs

Climbing beyond the moraine of Kanchenjunga Glacier, we head towards the northern base camp of Kanchenjunga. The   climb to Kanchenjunga   would be very challenging, but the tranquillity and stunning views of the mountain vistas make you forget everything. We enjoy the beauty of Kanchenjunga for a few hours and then walk down to Lhonak for the night. Our Kanchenjunga base camp trek is going to be a wonderful experience.

Day 13: Trek To Ghunsa

Walking via the pebbled route, we walk down from the Lhonak and head towards the Kambachen Village. East of the Tamor River, we can enjoy a beautiful night in Ghunsa. It’s a relaxing day on the Kanchenjunga base camp trek.

Day 14: Trek To Sele Le

Altitude: 4390 m / 14402 ft

Walking beyond the forest of Ghunsa in the morning, we can again see the alpine grassland. The colourful vegetation and the awesome views of the mountain take your heart away. As the view of Phole villages gets smaller, we climb to Sele Le.

Day 15: Trek To Cheram

Altitude: 3870 m / 12696 ft

We leave the Sele Le quite early in the morning and head for the most difficult walk of the journey. We commence in the morning by climbing Sinion La pass at 4,450m. After a short stop here, we need to cross Sinelapche La pass (4,830m); the Kanchenjunga trek difficulty keeps on increasing. Finally, after 8 to 9 hours of walking, we reach Cheram at night.

Also check Manaslu Circuit Trek. 

Day 16: Day Trip to Kanchenjunga South Base Camp

day trip to kanchenjunga north base camp

From Cheram, we trek to Ramche for a few hours. After lunch at Ramche, we walk for less than an hour to the Kanchenjunga South Base Camp. This base camp, decorated with colourful prayer flags, is located on the edge of the glacier. After amazing photos and a peaceful time in Kanchenjunga’s south base camp, we get back to Cheram.

Day 17: Trek to Torongding

Altitude: 2080 m / 6824 ft

Duration: 4 hrs

Now, we start moving towards the lower altitude. Walking downwards from the gorge, we get to the area that is prone to landslides. Moving down, we start to see the sub-tropical forests during this Kanchenjunga National Park trek. In the late evening, we get to Torongding, the only settlement we can see in the entire day.

Day 18: Trek to Yamphuding

Altitude: 1980 m / 6496 ft

As we head downhill from Torongding, the mountains start to appear. In the morning, we first walk towards the Lasiya Bhanjyang. After lunch in Lasiya, our path goes steeply downhill to the forest. Finally, we reach the big village of Yamphuding. It’s an important stop on the Kanchenjunga base camp trek map.

Day 19: Trek to Khewang

Altitude: 1910 m / 6266 ft

From Yamphudin, the Kanchenjunga trek route first descends to the Kabeli Khola River. On the way, we stop at Bhanjyang for a short time and then walk along with the terraced farms to the Khebang. Today’s a relaxing day on the Kanchenjunga trek.

Check our Everest view trek for something easy and short.

Day 20: Trek to Khamdime

trek to khamdime for kanchenjunga trek

Altitude: 1500 m / 4921 ft

From Khewang, the trail moves to a steep ridge. Then, we walk downwards to the village of Aaap Danda. After a stop here, we trek to Jor Pool and then to Simal Danda. Finally, in the late evening, we will crash at Khamdime. Our final day of the trek to Kanchenjunga ends on a high note.

Day 21: Drive to Bhadrapur

Altitude: 93 m / 305 ft

Duration: 10 hrs

From Khimdime, we drive to Bhadrapur in a private vehicle. The jeep ride along the off-road of the hills is quite interesting. On the way, we will pass many beautiful tea farms and villages. After a few hours of walking, we reach Bhadrapur in the evening.

Accomodation : hotel

Day 22: Fly to Kathmandu

Altitude: 1300 m / 4265 ft

Duration: 50 minutes

Finally, it’s time to head back to Kathmandu. A driver takes us to the Bhadrapur airport, and in less than one hour, we will be walking through the streets of Kathmandu. When you return to Thamel, you will have enough time for souvenir shopping. In the evening, it’s time for the farewell dinner. We celebrate the wonderful Kanchenjunga trek in Nepal, conquered together.

Although wonderful, this is also the most dangerous and long trekking route in Nepal. Having an expert team of   Himalayan masters   will be helpful to make your stay even more exciting. So, book your trip with us here.

Accomodation : Hotel

include / exclude

Trip cost includes.

  • All ground Transport in private vehicle, including airport transfer.
  • 3- Night accmodation in kathmandu with Breakfast (Hotel Arushi Botique or similler)
  • (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) with Tea coffee during the trek.
  • 21 nights Best available twin sharing lodge for accomodation during trek.
  • Round trip Flight (Kathmandu-Bhandrapur/Bhadrapur-kathmandu Including depature taxes.
  • Kanchenjunga Conservation Area permits.
  • Restricted area permit.
  • Tims fee- ( Trekkers information managment system permits for the trek)
  • Guide for 22 days
  • Bhadrapur Taplejung And Khadimey Bhadrapur Local bus

Trip Cost Excludes

  • International Flight Ticket
  • Nepal visa fee
  • Tips for guide and potters
  • one pooters for 22 days USD 490 (Optional)
  • private jeep USD 400 (Optional)

useful info

Kanchenjunga trek difficulty.

The Kanchenjunga Base Camp trekking difficulty is a challenging adventure that requires a high level of physical fitness, endurance, and mental toughness. You’ll trek at altitudes above 5,000 meters, with thin air and unpredictable weather.

The terrain is steep and challenging, with long ascents and descents, river crossings, and winding paths. You’ll also spend many hours Kanchenjunga base camp trekking in remote and isolated areas.

While the trek is challenging, it’s not impossible. It would help if you were in good health and mentally prepared for the challenges ahead to do it.

Kanchenjunga Trek

Trip Grade: Fitness level, Medical, and Health

The Kanchenjunga trek is quite challenging but also very rewarding. Depending on where we’re headed, you’ll be hiking for about 5 to 7 hours each day. The Kanchenjunga Base Camp trek is a strenuous trek that takes about three weeks to complete, covering approximately 185 kilometers. We’ll take breaks regularly to enjoy the stunning mountain views.

The Kanchenjunga trek paths involve many uphill climbs, steep downhill sections, and rocky trails through forests. The fitter you are, the more you’ll enjoy the Kanchenjunga base camp trekking. If you’ve done trekking before, that could be helpful. But if you have health issues like heart or lung problems, there are better ideas than this trek.

Altitude Sickness in Kanchenjunga Base Camp 

As you trek higher on the Kanchenjunga Trek, the air gets thinner, and pressure decreases. This can lead to altitude sickness, a common issue for many Himalayan trekkers. Symptoms include headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and shortness of breath. It’s essential to acclimatize correctly and go slowly to manage altitude sickness. If symptoms worsen, it’s best to descend to lower altitudes or seek medical help.

Our trek leaders and guides are trained in first aid and have extensive experience in the Himalayas. If you experience symptoms, let them know immediately. They will provide advice and precautions.

Taking your time and drinking plenty of water (at least 4 liters a day) is essential. Severe altitude sickness requires immediate descent. Your group leader has the final say on whether you can continue based on your health. Remember, some people are more susceptible than others. Your health and safety are our top priorities.

Climbing experience 

To join the Kanchenjunga Trek, you must have advanced technical skills. Some consider it even more challenging than climbing Mount Everest . It would help if you had a lot of experience in mountaineering because the terrain and weather are very tough. You will be trekking and climbing for more than 10 hours daily, so you must be in great physical shape. You must have winter climbing gear.

Kanchenjunga Trek

Emergency and Evacuation at Kanchenjunga Trek

In case of an emergency at Kanchenjunga trek difficulty, immediate action is crucial. Contacting local authorities or emergency services is essential. Due to the remote and challenging terrain, evacuation can be difficult and may require specialized assistance. It’s advisable to have travel insurance that covers high-altitude trekking and mountaineering to ensure you are prepared for any emergency.

The travel insurance is a must for the evacuation process. Our team will ensure your safety and hire a helicopter for the rescue evacuation, but you need to pay the evacuation charges from the insurance. You need to pay back the insurance charges to the company.

Kit and Equipment for Kanchenjunga Trek

When preparing for the Kanchenjunga trek, having the right gear is essential for safety and success. Here’s a comprehensive list of the equipment you’ll need:

  • Insulated jacket
  • Waterproof shell jacket and pants
  • Base layers (tops and bottoms)
  • Fleece or softshell jacket
  • Insulated pants or trousers
  • Warm hat and gloves
  • Sunglasses with UV protection
  • Gaiters to keep snow out of boots
  • Mountaineering boots with crampon compatibility
  • Warm socks (wool or synthetic)

Climbing Gear:

  • Climbing harness
  • Climbing rope
  • Carabiners and quickdraws
  • Ascender and descender devices
  • Prusik cords for self-rescue

Camping Equipment:

  • Four-season tent
  • Sleeping bag suitable for sub-zero temperatures
  • Sleeping pad or mattress for insulation
  • Stove and fuel for cooking

Personal Items:

  • Sunscreen with high SPF
  • Lip balm with UV protection
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
  • First aid kit with medication for altitude sickness and other common ailments
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries
  • Trekking poles for stability

Navigation and Communication:

  • Map and compass/GPS device
  • Satellite phone or communication device for emergencies


  • Lightweight backpack for day trips
  • Durable duffel bag for transporting gear
  • Water bottles or hydration system
  • Energy snacks and high-calorie foods for fuel

Special Training

To prepare for the Kanchenjunga Base Camp, focus on physical fitness, altitude acclimatization, technical climbing skills, navigation, first aid, mountain safety, equipment use, mental resilience, teamwork, and environmental awareness.

Himalayan Masters will provide you with the special training required to reach the base camp. It offers specialized training for trekkers, focusing on high-altitude acclimatization, trekking techniques, gear usage, safety protocols, wilderness first aid, and environmental conservation practices.

Physical Preparation for Kanchenjunga Base Camp

Trekking to Kanchenjunga is a memorable adventure that takes trekkers through remote and stunningly beautiful landscapes. Physical preparation for the Kanchenjunga base camp is crucial due to its demanding nature. Engaging in cardiovascular exercises like running, cycling, or hiking is recommended to build endurance. Strength training for your legs, core, and upper body will also be beneficial.

Additionally, practicing long hikes with a weighted backpack to simulate trekking conditions can help. Flexibility exercises such as yoga or stretching can improve mobility and reduce the risk of injury. It’s essential to start your training well in advance to build up your fitness levels gradually.

Kanchenjunga Trek best time

The best time to trek in the Kanchenjunga weather is spring (March to April) and autumn (September to October). During these months, the weather is favorable, with clear skies and pleasant temperatures, making it ideal for trekking. You can enjoy stunning views of the Himalayas, including the blooming rhododendron flowers in spring.

On the other hand, it’s not recommended to trek during winter (January to February) due to freezing temperatures, especially at night. The monsoon season (July to August) brings heavy rainfall, making the trails slippery and challenging to trek. Overall, spring and autumn are the best seasons to experience the beauty of the Kanchenjunga region.

Kanchenjunga Weather

The weather in the Kanchenjunga Mountain can be challenging and uncertain, with spring and autumn being the best times for trekking. Spring brings warmer temperatures, while autumn offers clear skies and mild Kanchenjunga weather.

In summer, from March to May, temperatures range from 10°C to 28°C, with May being the warmest month. It’s recommended to carry winter clothes as evenings can be fantastic.

Monsoon season, starting in June, brings rain, though rainfall decreases after June, with October marking the beginning of the tourist season. From December to February, winter sees temperatures dropping to a chilly -5 °C, with maximum temperatures not exceeding 16°C.

Permits for Kanchenjunga Base Camp

In Nepal, specific areas, known as ‘Restricted Areas,’ are closely managed by the government. Solo trekkers, called FITs (Free Individual Trekkers), are prohibited from entering these places. You will need permits for Kanchenjunga Base camp Trek .

To trek around the Kanchenjunga base camp elevation, you need a Special Restricted Area Permit (SRAP) and a Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project permit (KCAP). The SRAP is required for restricted areas like Thapethok and Yamphuding, and a registered Nepali trekking company must obtain it.

The KCAP permit is required to enter the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area and can be obtained at the National Park checkpost during your trek without a validation date. When trekking to Kanchenjunga in these restricted areas, you must be in a group of at least two people and accompanied by a licensed trekking guide for safety and environmental protection. You cannot request the permit independently; you must use a licensed trekking agency.

Accommodation and foods in Kanchenjunga Trek

The 22-day trekking to Kanchenjunga accommodation includes nights in basic mountain hotels with twin-sharing beds, mattresses, blankets, and pillows. Hot showers are available for an extra cost. In Kathmandu, you’ll stay two nights in hotels of your choice before and after the Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trekking (not included in the package).

During camping, you’ll share high-quality tents like Mountain Hardwear with another trekker, each with a thick down-filled mattress for comfort. There will be a dining tent, a kitchen tent, a staff tent, and a toilet tent with a commode at base camps.

Foods on the Kanchenjunga trek are convenient and include fresh, hygienic, and nutritious food selected from lodge menus. The menu offers a mix of local, Asian, and Western dishes. Hot drinks like green tea, lemon tea, ginger tea, and garlic soup are recommended for health benefits at high altitudes.

While camping, cooks will prepare high-altitude food, and you’ll enjoy a variety of Nepalese and Western cuisines. Meals in Kathmandu are not included, but you’ll find a range of Nepalese and international cuisine to suit your taste. Trekking to Kanchenjunga is an opportunity to connect with nature and immerse oneself in the peaceful serenity of the Himalayas.

Electricity and battery recharge, water during the trek

During the Kanchenjunga base camp trekking, lodges offer electricity for recharging cameras and mobile batteries for a fee. Most lodges have hydroelectricity, while some use solar panels. You can buy packed mineral water from local lodges and shops along the route or fill your bottles with boiled water for an additional cost. It’s advisable to use a water purification pill to treat drinking water.

Roads on the Kanchenjunga circuit and how to avoid them

While trekking to Kanchenjunga, you may encounter some roads, particularly in the lower parts of the trek. To avoid these roads and enjoy a more traditional trekking experience, it’s recommended to choose routes that take you through remote and less frequented trails. Opting for side trails and off-the-beaten-path routes can help you steer clear of roads and immerse yourself in the natural beauty and wilderness of the region.

Additionally, working with experienced local guides and trekking agencies can help you plan routes that minimize road encounters and maximize your enjoyment of the trekking adventure. Trekking to Kanchenjunga is a test of endurance and determination, rewarding those who undertake it with breathtaking views and a sense of accomplishment.

With Himalayan Masters

Booking and airport pickup.

When booking your trek with Himalayan Masters, you can expect a seamless experience when you arrive in Nepal. Their team provides airport pickup services, ensuring you are safely transferred to your accommodation in Kathmandu or the designated meeting point for your trek.

Support Team

Himalayan Masters takes pride in their experienced and knowledgeable support team, including trekking guides, porters, and staff members dedicated to making your trek memorable and safe. They assist you every step of the way, from navigating the trails to providing insights into the local culture and ensuring your comfort throughout the journey.

Starting Point and Ending Point

Your trek’s starting and ending points will vary depending on the itinerary you choose. Himalayan Masters offers a variety of treks in the Himalayas, each with unique beginning and ending points. Popular starting points include Kathmandu or other gateway towns, with treks typically ending back at the starting point or a designated exit point.

A typical day on the trek

A day of trekking with us offers a unique and rewarding experience, allowing you to leisurely enjoy the scenery, take photos, and explore local villages. Accompanied by experienced guides and friendly porters, you’ll carry a small day pack while they handle your baggage. Each day begins with tea, breakfast, and a start to the day’s walk around 7-8 am.

After trekking for 3-4 hours, we stop for lunch before continuing for another 2-3 hours to reach our overnight lodge. Evenings are spent snacking, exploring nearby areas, and enjoying dinner together. Before bed, we discuss the day’s adventures and plan for the next day, often enjoying games and entertainment while learning about Nepalese culture and language.

Kanchenjunga Trek

Climbing costs for Kanchenjunga Base Camp

The Kanchenjunga Trek offers an adventurous journey through the Himalayan foothills, with packages ranging from $1800 to $2100 depending on group size. The trek is perfect for those seeking wilderness exploration.

Costs vary based on factors like accommodation, transport, and gear, with a recommended budget of $2000 to $2500. Accommodation options range from budget-friendly teahouses at $6 to $8 per night to pricier hotels.

Guides and porters, essential for navigating rugged trails, cost $25 to $30 for porters and up to $35 for guides per day. Food and drinks can be expensive, averaging $25 to $30 daily. Trekking in this restricted area requires a $10 local permit and a $2 conservation area permit per person per week.

Trekking in the Kanchenjunga region requires proactive and reactive preparedness due to the potential for severe sickness or other emergencies. It’s mandatory to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses and emergency evacuation, including helicopter rescue at high altitudes. While we can recommend insurance companies, we do not sell insurance policies. Trekkers need proper insurance to be allowed to participate.

In an emergency, we assist in arranging rescue operations and hospital transfers based on the insurance information provided. Ensure your insurance covers mountain rescue services at the Kanchenjunga base camp elevation. The cost of travel insurance for the Kanchenjunga trek varies depending on the coverage and insurance provider, but it typically ranges from $100 to $300 for a comprehensive policy.

Additional expenses 

Additional expenses not included in the trekking package may include meals and accommodations in Kathmandu, visa fees, travel insurance, beverages, snacks, trekking crew tips, and souvenirs. It’s recommended to bring cash in dollars, which can be exchanged for Nepalese rupees in Kathmandu.

ATM in Kanchenjunga Trek

ATMs are scarce along the Kanchenjunga trekking route, with the last ones typically found in Bhadrapur and Taplejung. Once you leave these areas, carrying enough cash for your trek is advisable as you won’t find ATMs in the remote regions.

Lodges along the trek do not accept card payments, so cash in Nepalese rupees is essential. While dollars and euros are not accepted, you can exchange them for Nepalese currency in Bhadrapur or Taplejung before starting your trek. It’s crucial to plan your finances accordingly to ensure you have enough cash for your entire journey.

Traveler Reviews

Can we trek to kanchenjunga.

Yes, the Nepal government issues permit for all foreigners to trek to the Kanchenjunga base camp. There is a different route to trek to Kanchenjunga North Base Camp and Trek to Kanchenjunga South Base Camp. Our Kanchenjunga Circuit Itinerary here takes you to both of these Base camps, completing one Circuit. Almost all treks to Kanchenjunga starts from Taplejung.

However, you cannot trek beyond the Kanchenjunga base camp without a climbing permit. Along with a special permit, you will also need climbing experts and porters.

How long does it take to Hike Kanchenjunga?

Although the number of days for the hike depends on your walking capacity and Kanchenjunga Trek Itinerary, it’s usually longer than 2 weeks. If you aim to visit one of the two basecamps, the Kanchenjunga trek duration shall be about 15 here. Our Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Itinerary here is 22 days long. It includes two acclimatization days and a visit to both base camps.

How difficult is the Kanchenjunga base camp trek?

Kanchenjunga trek can be called the most difficult base camp trek to Nepal. The trail is very remote with many landscape-prone sections. Also, you will be hiking above 4000 meters for many days. Walking 6-7 hours each day in such rough mountain terrains for 22 days isn’t an easy job. Kanchenjunga trek difficulty has been marked “Hard” by the experts, yet, you don’t need any technical climbing skills and gears. So anyone with good physical and mental health can make it to the Kanchenjunga base camp. You don’t need to be an expert.

What kind of accommodation is available in Kanchenjunga?

A few years back, the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek was a camping hike route. Your team needed to carry tents and food, setting camps each night. However, now there are many Hotels in Kanchenjunga. These local guest houses, called tea houses in Kanchenjunga provide a bed, washroom, and food. There is also Wi-Fi in some places. These local tea houses are not luxurious, but comfortable enough to keep you warm and healthy.

What are Kanchenjunga trek permits?

Two kinds of Kanchenjunga trek permits are needed to be issued before the trip. The first one is Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project Entry Permit which costs about Nrs 2,000 per person. The next one is Kanchenjunga Restricted Area Permit which costs USD 10 per person, per week. To issue this permit, you must book your trek for a licensed travel agency in Nepal like Himalayan masters or hire a guide yourself. Also, you must be in a group of two people.

What is the height of Kanchenjunga?

Kanchenjunga, standing tall at an elevation of 8,586 meters (28,169 feet), is the third-highest mountain in the world. Its massive height and awe-inspiring presence make it a challenging yet alluring destination for climbers and adventurers seeking to conquer its peaks.

From where can you see Kanchenjunga in Nepal?

In Nepal, Kanchenjunga’s majestic peaks can be seen from various locations, including the charming hill station of Darjeeling and the scenic Pelling region in Sikkim. These vantage points offer stunning panoramic views of the mountain’s grandeur.

Which is the highest, K2 or Kanchenjunga?

K2, located on the China-Pakistan border, holds the title of the second-highest mountain in the world, surpassing Kanchenjunga in height. K2’s towering summit reaches an impressive elevation of 8,611 meters (28,251 feet).

What is the mystery of Kanchenjunga?

Kanchenjunga is surrounded by mystery and local folklore, with tales suggesting that it is home to a deity who guards the mountain’s treasures. Its name, which means “The Five Treasures of the Snow,” adds to its mystique and allure.

Why is Kanchenjunga so famous?

Kanchenjunga is famous for its stunning beauty, challenging climbing routes, and cultural significance. It is considered a sacred mountain by the local people, who hold various myths and legends about its origins and spiritual importance.

How much does it cost to climb Kanchenjunga?

Climbing Kanchenjunga is a costly attempt, with expenses ranging from $30,000 to $45,000 per person. These costs include permits, equipment, guides, and other necessary expenses for a safe and successful expedition.

What is the English translation of Kanchenjunga?

The English translation of Kanchenjunga is “The Five Treasures of the Snow,” a name that reflects the mountain’s grandeur and the hidden wonders within its peaks.

Is Kanchenjunga bigger than K2?

No, K2 is taller than Kanchenjunga. K2, located on the China-Pakistan border, stands at an impressive elevation of 8,611 meters (28,251 feet), making it the second-highest mountain in the world.

Can you see Everest from Kanchenjunga?

Yes, on clear days, the breathtaking view from Kanchenjunga offers a glimpse of Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world. This stunning vista showcases two of the most iconic mountains in the Himalayas.

How long does it take to climb Kanchenjunga?

Climbing Kanchenjunga is a challenging endeavor that requires careful planning and preparation. The expedition typically takes around 6 to 8 weeks to complete, depending on the chosen route and weather conditions.

Who is the oldest person to climb Kanchenjunga?

Carlos Soria, a Spanish mountaineer, holds the record as the oldest person to summit Kanchenjunga. He achieved this remarkable feat at the age of 75 in 2014, showcasing his exceptional skill and determination.

Why don't people climb Kanchenjunga as frequently?

Kanchenjunga’s remote location, challenging terrain, and technical difficulties make it a less frequently climbed mountain compared to Everest. Additionally, obtaining a permit for Kanchenjunga is more complex and costly, contributing to its lower climbing frequency.

Is Kangchenjunga harder than Everest?

Many experienced mountaineers consider Kanchenjunga to be more challenging than Everest due to its technical difficulty, unpredictable weather, and remote location. Climbing Kanchenjunga requires a high level of skill, experience, and physical fitness.

Is Kanchenjunga safe?

Climbing Kanchenjunga comes with inherent risks due to its extreme altitude and challenging terrain. However, with proper preparation, experienced guides, and adherence to safety protocols, climbers can mitigate these risks and safely summit the mountain.

What are the accommodations and foods in Kanchenjunga Trek?

Accommodations along the Kanchenjunga Trek range from basic teahouses to more comfortable lodges in larger villages. These lodgings provide a cozy retreat for trekkers, offering a chance to rest and recharge after a day of hiking. The food options along the trek include a variety of local and international dishes, with an emphasis on providing nutritious meals to fuel trekkers’ adventures. Common meals include dal bhat (rice and lentils), noodles, soups, and local vegetables, all prepared with care to satisfy hungry trekkers.

USD / person

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Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

  • Destinations
  • Kanchenjunga Trekking

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek-20 Days 2024\2025

  • Duration 20 Days
  • Difficulty Level Difficult
  • Max Altitude 5,100m/16,732ft
  • Arrival City Kathmandu
  • Best Time March-May/Sep.-Dec.
  • Group Size 2-16

Kanchenjunga - five jewels of snow peaks

Kanchenjunga (8,585 m.), is the third-highest mountain in the world. This mountain is the abode of gods who give success and kindness to them. Anyone seeking this long trek in a secluded region of Nepal, visiting fewer trekkers. This is a culturally fascinating trip with Rai, Limbu, Sherpa, and Tibetan peoples.

Why Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek in Nepal is a long and remarkable journey full of adventure. During this trek, you will be visiting both base camps of north and south. Mt. Kanchenjunga is also said as ‘Kanchendzonga,’ a Tibetan word that suggests five jewels of snow peaks.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking in 20 days is an inspiring walk with the 3rd highest peak in the world. It is sitting at the end of the Himalayan range towards the far northeastern border of Nepal.

Trek to Kanchenjunga Circuit is an unforgettable experience. You will get into the heart of remote, less trekked, majestic mountains and beautiful valleys. During the trek, you will see the beautiful peaks Kanchenjunga (8,586 m), Everest (8,848.86), Makalu (8,481 m), Kambachen (7,903 m), Janu (7,710 m), Jongsong (7,483 m), Kabru (7,353 m), Tent Peak (7,365 m), and Twins (7,350 m), Chang Himal (6,802 m.).

Besides these, you can see other uncountable peaks over 5-6 thousand mountains. Flanked by the astonishing cluster of the peak. Rathong flows into Sikkim and west Kanchenjunga. Yulang Glacier flows into an impressive fast-flowing Tamor River in Nepal.

The trek starts with the subtropical region of Taplejung. You will then pass through the beautiful Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. The forest is dense with maple, Chestnut, and birch trees.

From Chitre, you will enter the Upper-temperature climatic vegetation. Above Sele La towards Ghinsa begins subalpine and alpine climatic zone. You will find shallow and dwarf shrubs and open meadows here.

From the range of 5,000 is the snowline with a rocky and icy landscape. During the trek, you may observe Snow Leopard, Himalayan Asian black bear, and Red Panda.

These animals are shy and difficult to spot during the trek. You will also be able to witness some birds during the trek. Some common birds are Blood pheasant, Chestnut-breasted partridge, and many more.

This remote zone trekking is an extraordinary degree of wellness, with some beautiful peaks in the background. Trekkers will know the knowledge of local peoples groups and their lifestyles. You will also get a chance to visit Ramtang and Oktang monasteries.

At the lower altitudes, you can see a mix of people from many parts of Nepal. As we trek higher, you will see Limbu and Rai communities, an ethnic group known for their bravery. As we reach the highest point, we will see Sherpa and Tibetan settlements.

They are famous for their attractive traditional dresses, foods, and drinks. You will also find a famous drink "Tongba", which is serve with hot water.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Itinerary is a marvelous route. The trial is less explored with virgin lands like Nar Phu Trek and Makalu Base Camp Trek , Lumba Sumba Pass Trek . We will soak into old and aged Nepali culture, traditions, food, and lifestyle during the trek.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek in 2024 and 2025

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek 2024 gives you an experience of rural Nepal. Long and remarkable journeys full of adventure creates unforgettable memories for a lifetime. The best time to do Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek for 18 days is spring ( March to May) and Autumn ( September to November).

We have departure dates to join this Kanchenjunga Trekking in Spring and Autumn 2024 and 2025. You can join any dates that suit best to you. If you desire to have a personal trek and customize the Itinerary, we are flexible to customize it.

For those who have more time and want to explore Kanchenjunga Region more. We can design you a longer Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Itinerary which will be best for you. So, sign up with The Himalayan Odyssey to make your trek free from irrelevant worries.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek 18 Days Route

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek in the Himalayas will be a long walking journey. You will be viewing the mesmerizing view of nature and local peoples during the period.

After the scenic flight and drive through the green hills, we will finally reach Taplejung. As we start our walk toward high terrain and valley with a pleasant view of mountain peaks, we will be at Amjilosa. As we ascend up, we will witness an elevated landscape and beautiful valley.

We will then into the arctic zone at Kanchenjunga North Base Camp around a place called Pangpema. After we trek further, we will head towards the pleasant village of Gunsa. Our trial will then heads towards the southeast. We then pass through a beautiful forest of rhododendrons and pine trees as we cross Sele La.

After that, we cross Sinon La Pass to reach South Kanchenjunga Base Camp. As we trek ahead, we will cross Yalung Glacier, Ramche, Totongdin, Hapu Khola. After that, we will finally reach Kathmandu through Bhadrapur.

How Difficult is Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

We rate the Kanchenjunga Circuit trek as “Moderate-Difficult.” There are some major reasons this trek is considered Moderate-Difficult.

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to achieve the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. It doesn’t mean that the trek to Kanchenjunga is simple as walking or running in the park! A certain level of good health and training is required.

During the trek, you will reach 500 m to 700 m (in 6 to 8 hours) of elevation per day. If you have not experienced any high-altitude trek, it could be hard to reach a certain height.

The good thing about the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is that the height increased firmly before reaching the top. This makes easy to acclimatize and makes it relatively safer than other treks in Nepal.

The temperatures at Base Camp will reach the maximum of 15°C to a least -10°C with a wind speed of 8 to 10 mph. Weather of Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek might be one of the challenging parts after the North Base Camp.

Take extra attention and check the weather forecast, if are planning to finish the circuit. Weather-wise, this trek is likely 2nd most strenuous trek after Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek .

Acclimatizing should be top of your list when you consider the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. Always plan an itinerary with enough days of acclimatization between the trek.

The updated trekking route is for 17 to 20 days. Please do not be confuse if you see 26-30 days itineraries as they have not updating with the new trail changes.

What will be the Cost for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking?

When you imagine doing Kanchenjunga Circuit Trekking, there will be many factors to take into a study. It includes route, best time, and how fit we need to be? But one of the most essential confusion will be, “How much does Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek cost?”

This is apparently one of the best off-the-beaten trails in the world. In addition, the cost of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is not as expensive as you assume. The number of tea houses is increasing each season on the trail. This trek has all the logistics and other facilities available at designated places.

The price depends on the itinerary and route you are trekking with. This trek can be done in a short or long time depending upon your decisions. The number of days and facilities you are taking during the trek also determines the cost of this trek.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek cost is more average than other normal trekking in Nepal. This trek will usually take 17-20 days, and the cost ranges from $2270 to $2410. This price covers transportation, trekking permits, meals, professional trekking guides, accommodation, entry fees, and others. You will get some discounts if you are in groups. The cost of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek highly depends upon travelling in private or in a group.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Permit

As Kanchenjunga is a protected area, the government needs several permits to support the preservation of the area, limit the number of tourists and manage the borders with Tibet. These permits are required solely for Kanchenjunga Conservation Areas.

You will need 2 kinds of permits issued by the Government of Nepal.

  • Kanchenjunga Restricted Area Permit (RAP)
  • Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Entry Fee
  • Beautiful mountains view of the third highest peak in the world-Mount Kanchenjunga central, north and south.
  • Visit Limbu and Sherpa culture and their regular lifestyle.
  • Remarkable valleys with amazing culture and regular lifestyle of Sherpa and Limbu culture.
  • Walkthrough the Cardamom farm.
  • Encounter with wildlife and domestic animals like yak, snow leopard, musk deer, red panda, etc.
  • Home of endangered varieties of birds like Impedance Pheasant, Red-Billed Blue Magpie, Shy Dragon, Amphibian, etc.
  • Pass margin-la pass and enjoy watching a beautiful mountain view.
  • Remoteness and untouched natural heritage inside Kanchenjunga Conservation Area which is spread over 2,035m sq. km
  • Diverse landscapes from forests to meadows.
  • Glorious sights of the frozen lake crystal clear stream, Okthan glacier, etc.
  • Traverse the most excellent picture of the Kanchenjunga trekking trail including Rathong and Kabru, glacial excursion around Ramche, etc.

We, The Himalayan Odyssey, will organize the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek with proper arrangements. However, there can be some issues that are beyond our handle. Heavy rainfall, snowing, avalanches and landslides can extend the trip to the lower altitude.


B - Breakfast L - Lunch D - Dinner

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu (1,300 m/4,265 ft.) and transfer to hotel

  • Pre-trip discussion, and safety briefing on Kanchenjunga trek
  • Meet up with trek members
  • Last minute shopping for personal ites before the trip
  • Interact with your guide and do some shopping for your trek
  • Spend night in Kathmandu
  • Accommodation 3 Star Hotel
  • Meals Breakfast
  • Time Free day
  • Maximum Altitude 1,300 m/4,265 ft.

Day 2: Sightseeing around Kathmandu valley (1,300 m/4,265 ft.)

  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Meals B/L/D
  • Time 2-3 Hours

Day 3: Fly from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur, 45 min. Drive to Illam. (1,308 m/4,291 ft.)

  • Hotel pick up
  • You will fly to Bhadrapur, which will take approximately 45 minutes
  • Further, you will take a jeep to the Ilam tea garden
  • Overnight at Ilam
  • Accommodation Teahouse Lodge
  • Time 6-7 Hours
  • Maximum Altitude 1,308 m/4,291 ft.

Day 4: Drive from Illam to Taplejung (1,820 m/5,971 ft.)

  • 6 to 7 hours of drive from Illam to Taplejung
  • Pass through terraced rice fields and tea plantations in several places
  • Overnight at Taplejung Bazar.
  • Time 5-6 hours
  • Maximum Altitude 1,820 m/5,971 ft.

Day 5: Trek from Taplejung to Chhiruwa (1,270 m/4,167 ft)

The trail starts fromTeplejung to Chiruwa.  We will start by descending to the terraced farm fields and we will keep walking alongside the river Tamor.The trail starts fromTeplejung to Chiruwa.  We will start by descending to the terraced farm fields and we will keep walking alongside the river Tamor.

  • Time 5-6 Hours
  • Maximum Altitude 1,270 m/4,167 ft

Day 6: Trek from Chhiruwa to Japantar (1,576 m/5,171 ft.)

With permits checked at the regional KBC park office, we head into the conservation area. We will then go ahead over a bridge, scenic sub-tropical landscape and beautiful cardamon farm until we reach Lelep.

  • Accommodation Teahouse
  • Maximum Altitude 1,576 m/5,171 ft.

Day 7: Trek from Japantar to Gyabla (2,730 m/ 8,957 ft.)

We will walk through the forest trail, and our first stop of the day will be Solima. After Solima, the trail ascends, and it can get quite challenging. After further climbing through the rocky forest trail, we will reach Amjilosa.

Further, we will head to Gyabla on this day. We pass through thick woods, which are usually covered with rhododendron flowers during spring and summer. After going downhill for a while, we again start to pick altitude before reaching the Tibetan settlement of Gyabla.

  • Time 6-7 hours
  • Maximum Altitude 2,730 m/ 8,957 ft.

Day 8: Trek from Gyabla to Ghunsa (3,595 m/11,795 ft.)

We head down the trail until the trail opens up to a valley and we will reach Phale. We will then head through a forest trail and climb higher before we reach the Sherpa town of Ghunsa. Ghunsa is a place known for its hydroelectricity.

  • Time 3-4 Hours
  • Maximum Altitude 3,595 m/11,795 ft.

Day 9: Trek from Ghunsa to Khambachen (4,050 m/ 13,287 ft.)

The hike from Ghunsa to Khambachen rewards you with spectacular vistas of the snow-capped mountains. Kumbhakarna (7710m), Phole Peak (6645m), Sobithongie (6670m), and Khabur Peak (6332m) are all notable views.

We will make our way north down the riverbank. We will gradually ascend through high land trees and flora after following the track for a while. We will then make our way to Rampuk Kharka.

Then cross a bridge and see a lovely waterfall. We reach Jannu and then Khambachen if we continue on the trail. At Khambachen, you spend the night.

  • Maximum Altitude 4,050 m/ 13,287 ft.

Day 10: Explore day to Khambachen (4,780 m/15,682 ft.)

There comes the point where you will need to rest and acclimatize to the changing altitude. But we won’t sit idle as we have many places to visit here. 

Related Article: Acclimatization Day at Kambachen

  • Maximum Altitude 4,780 m/15,682 ft.

Day 11: Trek from Khambachen to Lhonak (4,780 m/15,682 ft.)

We climb higher as we make our way to Lhonak. We will walk through narrow paths and will come across a rocky trail. After descending for a while we again climb a steep trail before finally reaching Lhonak.

Day 12: Trek from Lhonak to Pangpema and back to Lonak (5,143 m/16,873 ft.)

On this day we will reach the highest point of the trek . We will cross the 5000 meters mark as we head through a treacherous route. We will reach Pangpema where we will rest for the night. Enjoy the stunning view of the mountains such as Jannu, Kanchenjunga, and Chang Himal. 

  • Time 7-8 hours
  • Maximum Altitude 5,143 m/16,873 ft.

Day 13: Trek from Lonak to Ghunsa (3,475 m/11,401 ft.)

We will retrace our steps to Ghunsa after we head down the trail and walk through rocky paths and narrow passes on the hillside. We will stop at Ramtang monastery for a while.

Again, we will carry on with our journey until we reach Kambachen. On our way, we will be blessed with the view of Kanchenjunga, Taple Shikhar, Gimmigela, and Mera Peak. 

  • Maximum Altitude 3,475 m/11,401 ft.

Day 14: Trek from Ghunsa to Tseram via Sele La Pass (4290 m/14071 ft)

A precipitous trail leads us through woodland towards a trailhead of striking mountain views. It includes mysterious Makalu sitting in isolation on the far horizon. The trail takes us on a challenging roller coaster hike today.

We will cross an undulating passage over two passes, firstly Sinon La (4646m) then Mirgin La (4470m) . Everest and Makalu add to the extraordinary panorama before us as we hike through the region until the path gradually leads down to our rest stop at Tseram.

  • Maximum Altitude 3,864 m | 12,677 ft.

Day 15: Explore Oktang (4,730m),Trek to Ramche (4580m/ 13,740ft)

 After breakfast we head towards Oktang lake through ablation valley for magnificent view of South West face of Mount Kanchenjunga.From there we can see the route to the summit of Kanchanjunga,first climed by Joe Brown and George Band in 1955.

After lunch,our trail leads out through woodland until we clear the tree line and approach the moraine field of Yarlung Glacier, with Jannu, Kanchenjunga, and other peaks in the area soaring high above us in the valley.

  • Time 8-9 hours'
  • Maximum Altitude 4580m/ 13,740ft

Day 16: Trek from Ramche to Yamphudin( 1692 m | 5,551 ft.)

We trek an easy trail through varieties of pine and rhododendron forests, descending and following Simbua Khola towards Dorongdin. Ahead, our path taking us along tree-lined slopes and grass-green pastures hanging precariously to existence on the steep inclines.

Our arrival at Yamphuding brings us back to the main road running through the region.

  • Maximum Altitude 1692 m | 5,551 ft.

Day 17: Trek from Yamphudin to Hapu Khola ((1,100m/3,609ft)

After the experience and thrill of the alpine heights, the terraced fields, peaceful villages, and vivid colors of the lower. We will walk through Limbu villages and a steady patchwork of farmland and pastures.

We will walk ahead with the smiling faces of the ever-curious locals greeting. Our arrival in Hapu Khola gives us pause to relax and reflect on a fantastic journey through one of Nepal's most remote regions.

  • Maximum Altitude 1,100m/3,609ft

Day 18: Drive from Hapu Khola to Illam (1,308 m/4,291 ft.)

A long day sees us make the bumpy ride to the main road, then turn towards Illam.

Day 19: Drive from Illam to Bhadrapur and fly back to Kathmandu, 45 min flight.

A short drive takes us to Bhadrapur, where we pick up our return flight to Kathmandu in plenty of time to relax, unwind, and perhaps celebrate the trek with friends over dinner.

  • Meals Breakfast, Lunch

Day 20: Departure Day

  • Download PDF

Cost Details

  • Accommodation in Kathmandu with BB plan
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner during the trek
  • First Aid Kit
  • Kanchenjunga Conservation Area entry fee and TIMS card
  • Experienced English-speaking trek guide and porter (2 trekkers: 1 guide and porter)
  • Staff Insurance
  • Salary, food, and accommodation of your staff during the trek
  • All ground transportation as per itinerary
  • Round Flight Kathmandu to Bhadrapur to Kathmandu
  • Private Vehicle from Bhadrapur to Illam
  • Sharing Jeep from Illam to Taplejung
  • Sharing Jeep from Hapu Khola to Bhadrapur
  • Arrival transfer from the international airport to your hotel
  • Tea house lodge during your trek
  • Tour Certificate
  • Farewell Dinner
  • First Aid Kit during the trek
  • International flight ticket
  • International airport tax
  • Other personal items. (Phone calls, snacks, hot and cold drinks, laundry, alcohol, extra porter, shower, etc )
  • Private Travel Equipment
  • Excess baggage cost during your domestic flight
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips for staff and guide
  • Anything that is not listed in the “PRICE INCLUDES” section above

Good to Know

We focus on our valuable client’s safety and satisfaction while travelling with The Himalayan Odyssey Treks. Your safety is our eminent concern. On every trip with us, our teams will be carrying useful and essential equipment as well as the medical kit.

But, during the trek beyond our control may change the itinerary or cancel the trip. Which includes natural calamities, climate irregularities, health conditions, politics, or other factors.

Yet, our trekking guide holds full right to change or even drop the planned itinerary for safety concerns. In this case, you need to be flexible with your planned itinerary. Also, take the guideline as told by your guide/ leader.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is compulsory for all the trekkers who are going to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. We recommend a comprehensive travel insurance package to all our clients. The insurance must cover helicopter rescue and evacuation expenses at high altitudes.

It will be assisted protection tour to cover personal injury, medical expenses, repatriation expenses, and any kind of illness will be covered. The Himalayan Odyssey Treks kindly ask any of our travellers to send a reliable travel insurance copy through email once you book the trip with us.

Your travel insurance must include personal accidents, medical expenses, and emergency repatriation. Having good travel insurance will not only assure your peace of mind while you trek with us but also provide you with full coverage for anything that may go wrong.

Some Tips for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Guide and a porter for kanchenjunga circuit trek.

It is always a good and safe option to trek with a guide and porter for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. We have an experienced trekking guide and 1 porter for 2 trekkers. A guide will always be there to support you throughout your trip.

The guide will assist you to locate the trail, makes it easy to interact with local people, and also help to book nice tea houses. He is also well educated about the terrain, wildlife, and vegetation inside the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area. Thus, choosing a guide and porter would be the best choice for a relaxed trekking experience.

Altitude Sickness & Acclimatization for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek takes you to the highest point of your trek is goes 5,143 m above sea level. Trekking below 3000m is not a problem but above there are low levels of oxygen that will sometimes make breathing complex.

While you are at a high altitude, you need to trek slowly, steadily, and keep your body hydrated. If you are walking fast to succeed in your destination in less time, the probability you will suffer from Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is the mildest form and it is very common at higher altitudes. The symptoms can appear – dizziness, headache, muscle aches, nausea. Taking Diamox and a good night’s rest may go for mild cases. Drinking sufficient fluids like water, tea, soup, etc. will help to stay away from altitude sickness.

If the condition is worsening then, one may need to return to a lower elevation and receive medical help. Teams should make sure that the condition will not worsen and should take precautions quickly. If there is a worst-case scenario then the air evacuation should be arranged to receive medical care.

If AMS is untreated or ignored, it can take your life. Our Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek itinerary has been designed to reduce the Altitude problems and make the trekking smooth. The itinerary is well-paced and enables your body to adapt your body levels of oxygen within the mountain air.

Extra personal expenses for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

All your foods are included in your package including Lunch, Breakfast, and Dinner. The food will be served as per the package and besides that cost will be extra if you extend the trip more than the schedule of our package.

We would also like to suggest that our client carry some snacks like energy bars, snickers, waters, chocolates, cookies, and personal belonging materials like passports, battery chargers, etc. during the trek.

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Weather

Kanchenjunga Circuit Weather goes across diverse climate zones, so it is difficult to predict weather conditions during the trek. Trek to Kanchenjunga Circuit holds a  diverse landscape  from 1,820 m at Taplejung to 5,140 m at Kanchenjunga Base Camp, which  causes a dramatic change in the temperature .

Weather and climate vary from different altitudes and seasons, but we can somehow figure out the pattern of climatic conditions at different altitudes.

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek in spring

Spring month starts from March and continues up until May. You will experience perfect temperatures at high altitudes but still cold during the early season. The tea houses and lodges will open in an alpine zone that was closed during the winter.

You can cross the Sele La Pass without any difficulties in this season. Forest inside Kanchenjunga National Park starts to blossom, giving new greener looks. You will get a chance to see many exotic and even endangered wildlife on the way to trek.

Around mid-spring, the temperature in lower elevation starts to rise. It will be even hotter in late spring. Still, the upper height is perfect to trek during this weather. You will experience the blooming of flowers in the entire lush green forest in late spring. Green hills and snow-capped mountains in the background view are quite stunning.

If you are in lower elevation, we will recommend you to wear sunscreen, a sunhat, and sunglasses. Wear sunglasses as the direct sun to white snow causes difficulties. Spring is the best season to trek Kanchenjunga Base Camp.

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek in summer

June to August months fall in the summer season in Nepal and are also known as the monsoon or rainy season. During this season, you will experience the super-hot in the lower region, especially in the eastern part of the Terai and Hilly region.

The month of June is the pre-monsoon period, and temperature decreases during the downpours and rises on sunny days. Clouds are most likely covers majestic views of mountains, but you may see mountains occasionally. From July to August, you will experience frequent rainfall in Kanchenjunga Trek. Flight cancellation occurs during these months.

As Nepal is located in a hilly area, there will be a chance to occur landslide problems in monsoon seasons. If you decide to trek in this season, just be sure to take precautions and safety measures. Your trek will be memorable if you have a good guide who knew the route well. As this is the offseason so there will be few lodges that remain open in this weather condition.

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek in autumn

The autumn season starts from September to November when the monsoon is just leaving its effect. But still, the probability of rainfall is high in the first two weeks. Downpour gradually decreases, and slowly skies turn out to be clear where the lush green forest and stunning snow-capped mountain views will come to life.

During the season, the trek route will be perfect with not much wind or clouds resulting in the best view of nature and mountains. The autumn season is also the perfect time of the year, and many Nepalese festivals fall in this season.

Taking part in local culture and festivals is an experience not to be missed. During the late autumn, you will experience cool weather at high altitudes. The number of tourists will gradually decrease in late autumn. Even the weather is cold, it doesn’t affect the scenic view of the mountains.

Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek in winter

December to February is the winter season in Nepal. The beginning of winter is one of the best times to trek Kanchenjunga Base Camp. It is pretty cold at high altitudes, but the aspects of the landscape are crystal clear.

In mid-winter, massive snowfall will make your trek difficult or impossible sometimes. Sele Le Pass is yet possible to cross before thick snow seals it down. This pass will be tremendously challenging at this time. You can pass the trail but only with the best trekking gears.

The lodges will be closed this season, and you may have to camp at some stops. As the weather at a high altitude is challenging, it will add to the adventure. In the late winter, the temperature begins to improve. The snow deposits start to melt down, and wildflowers begin to blossom everywhere at the lower altitudes.

Packing List for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek

Every trekking requires certain preparation of gears and types of equipment for the journey to make your trip more comfortable. It is recommended to carry the necessary and light things so that it will be easy while you are walking.

The following belongings are recommended that should be brought, although we concede that our clients have their own decision for the clothing. To know what to expect in the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek , we have prepared some useful clothing & gear during the trek.

Travel Documents

  • Airline tickets (confirmation and itinerary)
  • Nepal Visa form (may be obtained at Kathmandu Airport)
  • Travel insurance policy documents
  • Valid passport
  • Copy of passport (2 copies, first page only)
  • Passport photos (4)

Travel Equipment

  • Duffel bag (100 liters; no wheels or rigid handles)
  • Lightweight, duffel bag
  • Luggage locks
  • Travel wallet
  • Passport/money belt
  • Sleeping bag liner
  • Travel plug adapters
  • Electrical converter

Travel Clothing

  • Quick-dry undergarments
  • Synthetic or wool T-shirt
  • Long-sleeve, travel-friendly shirt and pants
  • Casual shoes
  • Mid-weight wool or synthetic socks

Trekking Equipment

  • Day pack (25–35 liters)
  • Sleeping bag comfortable to 0°F (dependent upon season, weather forecast and personal preference)
  • Waterproof hiking boots
  • Camp shoes (down booties or running shoes)
  • LED headlamp with extra batteries
  • Trekking poles

Trekking Clothing

  • Wool or synthetic T-shirts (2)
  • Mid-weight fleece or soft-shell jacket (2)
  • Mid-weight down or synthetic parka with hood
  • Convertible hiking pants
  • Fleece pants or insulated pants
  • Lightweight waterproof/breathable rain jacket and pants
  • Mid-weight waterproof and fleece gloves or mittens
  • Mid-weight wool or synthetic socks (3 pairs)
  • Liner socks (optional)
  • Glacier sunglasses
  • Neck gaiter, balaclava, Buff or bandana
  • Energy bars
  • Electrolyte replacement drink mix
  • Snacks (cookies, GORP, Snickers, etc.)

Client Reviews

Kanchenjunga base camp trek.

Bikram Karki was recommended to our group by friends who made a very good experience with him on past trips. We contacted him during the planning stage of our trip [...]

Kanchenjunga base camp and back

We've had great time with Bikram, our guide and his team. All the guys were very supportive and cheerful. Honestly I can say that our expectations were definitely exceeded. I [...]

Good job :) Thank you guys!

My friend from Australia recommended me to a guide from KTM. We started communication and everything was good. Our trek was prepared well and when we arrived to Nepal we [...]

  • Tripadvisor

Q1. Where is Kanchenjunga Circuit?

Kanchenjunga Circuit is a trek to the North and South Base Camp of Mount Kanchenjunga in Nepal. Kangchenjunga Himal sits in the west by the Tamur River, in the north by the Lhonak Chu and Jongsang La, and in the east by the Testa River.

Q2. Is Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek worth it?

For anyone who is seeking a stretching trek in a secluded region of Nepal visited by fewer other trekkers, then Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is best for you. During the trek, you will see the beautiful peaks of Kanchenjunga, Everest, Makalu, Kambachen, and many more.

Q3. How can I go to Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

With the scenic flight and drive through the green hills we will reach Taplejung.

Q4. When is the best time to trek Kanchenjunga Circuit?

Based on the consideration of many factors like temperature, climate, and scenic view, spring and autumn are the best seasons for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. Autumn lies from September to mid-December and Spring lies from March to May.

Q5. How long does it take to complete Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

It takes 18 to 25 days to complete Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek.

Q6. Am I fit enough for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

Kanchenjunga Circuit is a challenging yet rewarding trek. Per day walk in low land ranges from 5 to 7 hours, in high land from 3 to 4 hours. So, proactive preparation regarding physical fitness is required-the ability to walk 5 to 7 hours a day.

Q7. What is the elevation of Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

The highest elevation of the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is Pangpema with an altitude of 5,143 m/16,873 ft.

Q8. What are the meals available on the Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

The meal on this trek is very comfortable but not as in cities. The menu is a mixture of local foods, and western food almost everywhere but as we go higher altitude, the menu list will be limited.

Q9. Is previous trekking experience necessary for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

To accomplish Kanchenjunga Circuit, past trekking experience would be an asset although no technical skills are required. Novice trekkers can do this trek but should be able to walk 5 to 7 hours a day at a fair pace with a light day pack. 

Q10. Can children trek the Kanchenjunga Circuit trial?

Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is moderate for family trekkers with kids. This trekking is comfortable to trek above 12 years fit teenagers.

Q11. What is the daily gain in altitude during Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

The daily gain in altitude during Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek is from 450 to 500 meters.

Q12. Is it possible to do Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek without a guide?

yes, it is possible to do Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek without a guide. But, this it is full of adventure so you will have a better experience with the guide during the trek.

Q13. What permits do I need for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

You will need Kanchenjunga Conservation Area permit and TIMS card during the trek.

Q14. Do I need to bring additional medicine for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek?

If you are allergic to specific medicines, it is better to consult your doctor and bring your own medicine for Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek. The Himalayan Odyssey will facilitate you with medical kits and other safety concerns to avoid altitude sickness and other sicknesses.

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Kanchenjunga Circuit trek Nepal

5 Based On 13 Reviews

10 Trees Planted for each Booking

Kanchenjunga Circuit trek in Nepal

  • TRIP TYPE: Trekking
  • TRIP GRADE: Strenuous
  • TRIP STYLE: Tea House
  • TRIP LEADER: Local Leader
  • GROUP SIZE: 2 - 10 people
  • NEXT DEPARTURE: 30 Oct 2024
  • Overview & Itinerary

Dates & Prices

Accommodation, practical information.

  • Reports & Reviews

Kanchenjunga Circuit is a trek to North and South Base Camp of Mount Kanchenjunga in Nepal.

The Kanchenjunga trek is one of the finest in Nepal Himalaya. The trekking route follows Nepal’s mountainous border with India and Tibet.

Mount Kanchenjunga is the third-highest mountain in the world at an altitude of 8,586m. The summit was first climbed in 1955 by Joe Brown and George Band in a team of British mountaineers.  In 1977 an Indian Army team made the second ascent on the northeast ridge from Sikkim on the Indian side.

We designed our Kanchenjunga Circuit itinerary for gradual acclimatisation to high altitude. The ascent profile works best by first trekking to North Kanchenjunga Base Camp. From Pangpema campsite we return to Ghunsa then cross the Mirgin La. After descending from the pass we visit the yak pastures at Ramche and Oktang. There are impressive views of the southwest face of Kanchenjunga and the Yalung glacier.

The vegetation ranges from subtropical jungle through to rhododendron and the alpine zone. Red pandas live in the forests and the elusive snow leopards prowl at higher elevations. You see traditional villages with Rai, Limbu, and Tibetan Buddhist ethnic groups.

This is a teahouse lodged-based trek however we bring along tents so you have the option to sleep inside the lodge or outside in a tent. For a camping-style trek take a look at o ur Kanchenjunga Base Camp to Makalu Base Camp GHT . For this itinerary, we follow a remote section of The Great Himalaya Trail to the Makalu region.

  • We are Himalayan trekking specialists having operated trips in Nepal for many years. Roland Hunter has designed the itinerary from his first-hand experience of this trek.
  • The Mountain Company has organised eight successful Kangchenjunga Circuit treks. For more information on how these treks went please take a look at our Trip Reports.
  • Our AITO Traveller Reviews for Kanchenjunga Circuit have a holiday rating of 100%. Based on client feedback we won the 2018 Gold Award as AITO Tour Operator of the Year. Read more about our Testimonials and Awards .
  • We include all meals at the teahouse lodges (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner) while on the trek. Importantly, we clearly define what dishes and drinks we provide so there is no confusion in terms of what is allowed. Given the amount of food and drinks we include, there should be no need to spend any extra money on additional food.
  • We have included a gradual ascent profile in our itinerary for this trekking holiday. This will help you acclimatise to the high altitude.
  • We review weather forecasts for the Kanchenjunga region throughout the duration of this trek.
  • We send a Thuraya satellite phone on our group treks in Nepal. Your leader will have reliable communications for logistics, planning, and group safety.
  • We provide the porters with windproof jackets & trousers, crampons, and shelter. We follow International Porter Protection Group (“IPPG”) guidelines.
  • We bring a comprehensive medical aid kit.
  • Our team with first-hand knowledge of this trek provides pre-trip support. During high season we have someone from our UK Operations team based in Kathmandu.

Arrival in Kathmandu

Hotel Ambassador in Kathmandu

Flying into Kathmandu on a clear day is in itself an unforgettable experience. You will get your first view of Himalayan peaks as you make the descent to Kathmandu airport.   After clearing immigration, you will pass to the passenger pick-up area outside. Look out for The Mountain Company signboard, our representative will welcome you and drive you to the hotel.   The rest of the day will be yours to explore Kathmandu and to shop for anything that you might need for the trek. You can leave a bag at the hotel with any items not required to take with you on the trek.   Today you will hear the Nepalese word for hello ‘Namaste’. You will never forget the warmth of the hospitality given by the people of Nepal.

Briefing, kit checks & sightseeing in Kathmandu

This morning your leader will give the trek briefing and check your gear. We will collect your passports from you so that we can apply for the trekking permits.  After the briefing, we organise a one day guided sightseeing tour of the Kathmandu Valley. We visit three out of the seven World Heritage Sites. You visit Patan Durbar Square followed by the Buddhist stupa at Boudhanath. The last stop of the day is at the Hindu shrine of Pashupatinath.  The tour is likely to finish around 4pm. The rest of the day is free to explore Kathmandu and to pack your bags. You can leave a bag at the hotel with items not needed on trek.

Flight to Bhadrapur

Bus to Ilam (4 hours)

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Hotel in Ilam

We take the morning flight to the small airport at Bhadrapur in the East of Nepal. We drive in a private bus to the town of Ilam where we spend the night in a hotel. This region is well known for its tea plantations and Darjeeling is not far away on the Indian side of the border.   Important note: there is a safety risk to consider when flying on airlines in Nepal. For information about the aviation risk in Nepal read the relevant sections “Threat and Risk Assessment” and “Internal flights in Nepal”. Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss this further.

Drive to Taplejung (4 hours)

Walking for 9km (4 hours)

Walking ascent 37m

Walking descent 800m

Teahouse lodge

We leave early in the morning and drive through tea and cardamom plantations. We will stop at the top of a pass on the road where we get our first magnificent views of Mount Kanchenjunga. We drive onto Taplejung where we meet the trekking crew.   After lunch we start the trek by following a steep trail down to the Tamur river. The trail can be slippery so it is best to use two trekking poles for stability.

Walking for 14.5km (6 hours)

Walking ascent 695m

Walking descent 350m

From camp, the trail descends to the Tamur River passing several villages. This is a fertile area with crops including rice, millet, potatoes, and vegetables.   There is a descent to a wooden bridge crossing the Thiwa Khola. The trail undulates before arriving at Chirwa. This village has a bazaar, some lodges, and shops. We camp a short walk from the village in a large field near a large boulder.

Walking for 11.5km (5 hours)

Walking ascent 580m

Walking descent 260m

After leaving camp the trail follows the Tamur river along the valley floor. After a couple of hours we arrived at Taplechok at an altitude of 1,380m. After checking our trekking permit at the park gate we cross a suspension bridge over the river. We walk along the west bank along a path where cardamom is growing in the forest. Cardamon is a cash crop and grows well in the middle hills of East Nepal.

We have lunch at a lodge in Phembu after about 3 ½ hours trekking. After lunch the trail ascends above Tamur river to Lelep at an altitude of 1,750m.  We cross a suspension bridge over Tamur river to enter the more narrow Ghunsa Khola Valley. Our camp for the night is at Sekathum. From here you get the first views of the high Himalaya where Jannu is visible on a clear day up the Ghunsa valley.

Walking for 10km (4.5 hours)

Walking ascent 965m

Walking descent 160m

At Sekathum camp we cross the suspension bridge and follow the path through dense forest. In places the trail is steep and narrow as we walk through a dramatic gorge. We have lunch at one of the basic lodges in Solima. After lunch we hike along a trail with switchbacks up through trees. We reach Amjilossa high above the gorge where we camp for the night.

Walking ascent 750m

Walking descent 450m

On leaving Amjilossa there is a short ascent to a ridge. We walk through lush bamboo, oak and rhododendron forest. We descend towards Ghunsa Khola at a place called Thyanyani. The trail is undulating and after passing a large waterfall there is a final steep climb to Gyabla.

Walking for 12.5km (5 hours)

Walking ascent 910m

Walking descent 220m

From Gyabla, the valley opens out and we walk along an easier path for most of the way to Phole. It starts to get cooler today as we climb above 3,000m. The vegetation changes with more rhododendrons and azaleas. Before Phole we pass through the winter settlement used by Ghunsa villagers.

At Phole village there is a monastery and you are likely to see the women weaving carpets. It takes a further 1 ½ hours to reach the larger village of Ghunsa. This is a Tibetan village with wooden houses covered in colourful prayer flags. There are lodges and shops and a small Kanchenjunga Conservation Area office. We camp in the garden of one of the lodges and will use their dining room for meals. There are hot showers available in the lodge.

We spend two nights in Ghunsa for time to rest and acclimatise to the high altitude. It is a good idea to walk in the morning as this will help your acclimatisation. We follow the route above the village to Lobsang La. This walking trail reaches 4,000m in about 3 hours from camp and 2 hours to return to Ghunsa.

Walking for 12km (6 hours)

Walking ascent 810m

Walking descent 170m

After leaving Ghunsa we walk through pine and rhododendron forest. We are on the east bank of the Ghunsa Khola and pass Buddhist mani walls and chortens along the way. After three hours we cross a bridge over Ghunsa Khola. We have lunch in a grassy area called Rampuk Kharka (3,720m). Today the mountain scenery becomes ever more spectacular. The north face of Jannu towering above is dramatic.  Be careful when crossing the landslide before Khambachen as there is a risk of rockfall. The trail contours the hillside then descends to Khambachen. This is a Tibetan settlement with houses nestled in a grassy plain with mountains all around.

We spend two nights at Khambachen at an altitude of 4,100m for essential acclimatisation. In the morning you can join a walk. This helps your body adapt to the high altitude by following "climb high, sleep low". The walk up Nupchu Khola from Khambachen is well worth doing for the impressive views of Mount Jannu. For a longer walk you can head up to the Jannu shrine at 4,400m. This is a 5 to 6 hour walk there and back.

Walking for 10.5km (4 to 5 hours)

Walking ascent 820m

Walking descent 150m

From Khambachen the trail is along a lateral moraine. We pass through a seasonal yak herder’s camp at Ramtang at an altitude of 4,370m. The vegetation is azalea, juniper and rhododendron. After an hour or so the trail becomes rockier and we pass under a landslide area. Keep moving at a steady pace and to keep alert for any rockfall. We walk through rocky areas and cross moraines North West of the Kanchenjunga Glacier. The campsite at Lhonak is near some stone huts. There are superb views of Wedge Peak (6,750m), Mera (6,344m), Nepal Peak (6,910m), Twins (7,351m) among others.

Walking for 18km (8+ hours)

Walking ascent 700m

Walking descent 700m

From Lhonak we follow the trail on the lateral moraine of Kanchenjunga Glacier for two hours. We pass through several sections of loose rock and landslide area. The trail climbs to reach the stone huts in a grassy area at Pangpema in a further two hours. The view of the vast north face of Kanchenjunga from Pangpema is very impressive. After eating our pack lunch we start the return walk back to Lhonak, taking about 3 hours.

Walking for 22km (8 hours)

Walking ascent 500m

Walking descent 1,600m

We walk back along the same trail through Kambachen back to Ghunsa village.

Walking for 7.5km (5 hours)

Walking ascent 880m

Walking descent 100m

After leaving Ghunsa we follow a rocky trail through the forest. We ascend a ridge with a short, steep section to Sele La pass at an altitude of 4,290m. The views are fantastic and you can see High Camp which is about half an hour further walking from the pass. High Camp is well positioned in sheltered spot with wooden lodges and a small lake nearby. From here you can also see Mount Makalu in the far distance.

Walking for 17km (8 hours)

Walking descent 870m

After an early start from High Camp we follow the trail ascending to our first pass Sinion La at an altitude of 4,440m. From here the trail contours the hillside and after a short steep climb brings you to Mirgin La Pass at 4,480m. The trail then descends before contouring before a short steep climb to the top of Sinelapche La Pass at 4,840m. From the top of every pass today you have magnificent views.   From this last pass there is a 1,000m descent to Tseram. The trail descends past a small lake. Tseram is a small settlement located above the Simbua Khola.

Walking for 15km (7 to 8 hours)

Walking ascent 890m

In the morning we hike up to Ramche for lunch. The trail follows passed the snout of the Yalung glacier into an ablation valley. All the peaks to the East straddle the India-Nepal border. Including Koktang (6,147m), Rathong (6,679m) and the Kabrus over 7,000m. There is a lake and a meadow along with two stone houses at Ramche. There are often blue sheep on the grassy slopes above.   In the afternoon we continue to follow the ablation valley to Oktang. This is the view point of the South West face of Mount Kanchenjunga. The three main summits of Kanchenjunga massif are over 8,400m. We can see the climbing route to the summit of Kanchenjunga, first climbed by Joe Brown and George Band in 1955.

Walking for 16.5km (8 hours)

Walking ascent 75m

Walking descent 1,520m

We follow the trail back to Tseram. We continue walking along the river through rhododendron forest to Tortong. We camp here for the night.

Walking for 13.5km (7 to 8 hours)

Walking descent 1,760m

From Tortong the trail ascends through forest and through a landslide zone. It takes about 3 hours to lunch spot at Lamite Bhanjang. After lunch the trail descends on a good path for about 2 hours before crossing Imja Khola. The trail then contours round the hillside before dropping into Yamphudin. This village has a mixed community of Sherpas, Rais, Limbus and Gurungs. There is also the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area office.  

Walking for 13km (6 hours)

Walking ascent 490m

Walking descent 735m

After leaving Yamphudin we take an undulating path high above the river to Mamankhe. T hen the trail enters a side canyon and crosses a stream on a long suspension bridge. We reach Phomphe village and two tea shops located on a ridge.

Walking for 13.5km (8 hours)

Walking ascent 1,100m

Walking descent 744m

From Phumpe Danda, we traverse through a series of valleys past several villages. The trail continues up to Kande Bhanjyang where we camp for the night.

Drive to Suketar (4 hours)

Lodge in Suketar

From Khande Bhanjang, we take jeeps to Suketar. We have now completed an amazing journey around the Nepalese side of Mount Kanchenjunga.

Bus to Bhadrapur (10 hours)

Hotel in Bhadrapur

We drive to Bhadrapur following the same road as on the way in passing through Ilam. 

Flight to Kathmandu

Breakfast and Lunch

We take the flight from Bhadrapur back to Kathmandu.

Flight home

We arrange transfers to Kathmandu airport for your flight back home.

For private and bespoke trip, please contact us

What's Included

  • All internal transport and transfers including airport collections.
  • Internal flights. The flights are to/from Kathmandu and Bhadrapur. The weight allowance is 15kg for your main bag checked into the hold and 5kg for your day pack.
  • One day sightseeing in Kathmandu with a Nepalese cultural guide and private vehicle including all entry tickets.
  • Twin-share rooms at Hotel Ambassador in Kathmandu.
  • Breakfast only in Kathmandu.
  • All meals are included while on the trek. Breakfast only in Kathmandu. In total for Kanchenjunga Circuit, we provide 25 Breakfasts, 22 Lunches, and 22 Dinners. The meals at the teahouse lodges cost in the region of £500 (US$635) per person. You can select your dishes from the menu at the lodge. The trek meals are breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. Breakfast includes cereal, porridge, or rice pudding and an egg dish with bread or toast. Lunch includes one dish such as fried rice, dal bhat, momos, or pasta. For afternoon tea, you get a hot drink plus biscuits. Dinner is two courses including soup and the main dish chosen by you from the menu. You are allowed two cups of hot drinks per meal so this means a total of seven cups per day.
  • Dormitory room with common bathroom while on the trek. We also send along a tent as a backup in case you prefer to sleep outside or if the rooms at the lodge are full.
  • Trekking arrangements. Including permits and fees, tents, Nepalese guide(s), and porter(s). We provide one trekking guide for a group size of two people. We provide two guides for a group size of three people and three guides for a group size of six people plus.
  • Porters to carry your main bag. The porterage allowance is 15kg.
  • Weather forecasts for the Kanchenjunga region during your trek.
  • Thuraya satellite phone for organising logistics and medical evacuations. It can also be also used for personal calls at extra cost.
  • A trekking map is given to you on arrival in Kathmandu.
  • UK-registered charity, Pipal Tree, will plant 10 trees for you in the Gurkha Memorial Forest in southern Nepal.
  • Full financial protection for bookings from the UK (ATOL) and internationally (ABTOT). Our Air Travel Organiser’s Licence (ATOL) number is 10921. Our Association of Bonded Travel Operators Trust (ABTOT) membership number is 5365).
  • Pre-departure support and advice from The Mountain Company. We are available by email, phone, Zoom, or face-to-face meetings

What's Not Included

  • International flight to/from Kathmandu.
  • Travel & trekking insurance.
  • Nepal visa for 30 days.
  • Lunch and evening meals in Kathmandu.
  • Personal clothing & equipment, please see the Appendix for suggested kit list.
  • Tips to the trek crew. Each trekker should budget for giving tips into the group fund. This should be in the region of 21,000 Nepalese rupees (approx. £130 or US$160)
  • Other items not listed in “What is included”.

First slide

Teahouse lodge in Nepal

While on a teahouse lodge trek in Nepal, there are twin share rooms with common bathroom and a heated communal dining room. We will provide all meals at the lodges and include breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and biscuits plus a two-course dinner (soup and main meal) plus up to two cups of hot drinks per meal. We regularly inspect and select the best lodges in each location.

First slide

We have used Hotel Ambassador in Kathmandu for our groups since it was rebuilt in 2017. Since then we have received positive feedback on their service and location. This is our first choice hotel for trekking groups in Kathmandu. Rooms are well appointed with a reliable supply of hot water for use in the shower. The windows have double glazing so it keeps the rooms very quiet. They serve an excellent breakfast buffet from 7am to 10am. A sundowner on their rooftop bar and restaurant called Foreign Affairs is a must do!

Typical Day On a Teahouse Trek in Nepal

We provide a comfortable experience on our teahouse lodge-style treks. Our team works hard to support you so that you can relax and enjoy trekking in Nepal . The lodges provide your meals in a communal dining room. You will sleep in private rooms with a shared bathroom. There is a range of standards and service in teahouse lodges depending on location. i.e. lodges at higher altitudes and places with fewer trekkers tend to have more basic facilities.

The day starts with getting up in your room shared with another trekker in our group. Before heading for breakfast you pack your overnight gear into your main bag (this could be a duffel, kit bag, or rucsac). You would have given your breakfast orders to the guide to pass onto the kitchen last night. At the designated time the group will assemble in the dining room to eat breakfast.  Breakfast includes cereal, porridge, or rice pudding and an egg dish with bread or toast plus two cups of hot drinks such as tea, coffee, or lemon ginger honey. 

While the group is having breakfast the porters arrange their loads and set off in the cool of the morning. After breakfast, between 7am and 8am, we start walking. The pace of the trek is moderate as there is plenty of time in the itinerary to reach the lodge for tonight. Enjoy the scenery, take photos, and explore the local villages. Lunch will be around midday at a teahouse lodge by the side of the trail.   This includes one dish such as fried rice, dal bhat, momos, or pasta plus two cups of hot drinks.

After lunch, we continue the walk and on most days we arrive at the lodge around mid-afternoon. On arrival, you will get a hot drink and biscuits. For dinner, you get a two-course dinner (soup and main meal). The menus are quite standard with a range of dishes such as dal bhat, momos, and the famous Sherpa stew. Dal bhat is a Nepalese dish of rice and lentils with vegetable curry. It is also possible to order spaghetti and pasta; pizzas; vegetable burgers and chips and fried rice. We also provide up to two cups of hot drinks per meal.

After supper, the leaders will discuss the plan for the next day. Afterward, people might stay in the dining room chatting about the day’s events or playing cards. After a tiring day, most people head to their rooms quite early for the night. Tomorrow is likely to be very similar to today!

You can read more about Teahouse Trekking in Nepal on our Blog. This article explains the facilities available at a teahouse lodge. It also describes the advantages and disadvantages of camping-style treks. Plus the amount to budget for extra costs. We also touch upon what to pack for a teahouse trek, safety, and security plus responsible use of the lodge.

We include all meals at the teahouse lodges (breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner) while on the trek. Importantly, we clearly define what dishes and drinks we provide so there is no confusion in terms of what is allowed. Given the amount of food and drinks we include, there should be no need to spend any extra money on additional food. However, some people will pay for extra treats along the way such as to get cake and a coffee at the bakeries and cafes!

If you are comparing our prices with other operators you should be careful to compare apples with apples. These days many operators do not include meals in their packages when staying at the teahouse lodges. The food at the lodges is expensive and will cost an average of £25 (US$35) per person per day. If you are paying for the meals directly to the lodges you would need to carry a lot of cash including the tip money too. Having this amount of money with you will be a security risk and for peace of mind, it is better to pay for the meals to us when booking the trip. Also, it will be difficult to know in advance how much cash to bring with you on the trek (there are no ATMs when on trek). Furthermore, in practice, it will be complicated and time-consuming for you and the guides to work out individual bills after checking out each day from the lodge.

With our meal plan, you can select your dishes from the menu at the lodge. In our package, we include the cost of your breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. Breakfast includes cereal, porridge, or rice pudding and an egg dish with bread or toast. Lunch includes one dish such as fried rice, dal bhat, momos, or pasta. For afternoon tea, you get a hot drink plus biscuits. Dinner is two courses including soup and the main dish chosen by you from the menu. You are allowed two cups of hot drinks per meal so this means a total of seven cups per day.

We cater to a variety of dietary requirements. There are always meals that are suitable for vegetarians. During booking, we find out if you have any dietary needs and agree upon meal plans before departure. If you have any questions about the food provided please get in touch with us to discuss further.


We bring a Thuraya satellite phone for logistical, safety and personal use. Personal calls charged at £4 (US$5 or €4.50) per minute and £2 (US$3 €4.50) to send and receive SMS text.

Kit List for Kanchenjunga Circuit trek

This is the mandatory kit list for the safety of everyone in the group and to ensure a successful trek. You must have the following items tailored for the Kangchenjunga Circuit trek.

As a reminder, the weather on this trek will vary from season to season and day to day as you ascend to higher elevations. At the start of the trek, you will experience hot conditions with temperatures up to 25 Celsius. You experience the coldest temperatures in Lhonak at an altitude of 4,785m. Overnight lows here will be down to around -15 Celsius.

You should bring a rucsac or backpack for the gear required during the day. Your pack should contain items such as warm clothes, a jacket, a camera, water bottles, a personal first aid kit and snacks. The weight limit is 5kg . A porter will carry the rest of your personal equipment packed in a duffel or kit bag. The weight limit for your duffel bag is 15kg . Please mark your bag on the outside for easy identification.

Print the kit list and tick items off as you pack them then weigh your kit bag before you come on trek.

  • Walking Boots. A pair of water-repellent boots with ankle support. Boots must be in good condition, the best approach is to get new boots and break in before the trek. Over the years we have had several boots fall apart so you should also bring trail shoes as a backup.
  • Trail shoes. Used around camp and as a replacement if your walking boots fall apart!
  • Sandals. Enclosed sandals are best to protect your feet during river crossings. Required for river crossings as well as two trekking poles.
  • Walking socks.
  • Waterproof and Windproof jacket (with hood) and trousers (goretex or similar). For use if it rains or snows during the trek and in windy conditions.
  • Trekking trousers.
  • Soft Shell Trousers.
  • Long sleeve tops or shirts (not cotton).
  • Micro fleece.
  • Mid to heavyweight fleece or synthetic/PrimaLoft top.
  • Sleeveless/ gilet or body warmer type fleece / synthetic top. This will help keep your core warm while not bulking when layering up. Gilet is used in combination with base layers, other fleeces and a down jacket. This provides the most warmth and insulation.
  • Thermals or base layer for top & bottom (merino wool or synthetic).
  • Fleece or synthetic leggings. Worn around the camp or added as a layer when the temperatures start to drop higher up.
  • Medium-weight down jacket.

Heads and Gloves

  • Fleece gloves.
  • Warms mittens and/or gloves.
  • Wool or fleece hat.
  • Bandana or scarf. (eg. Buff Headwear or buy a #myTMCbuff ).
  • Head torch. Bring extra batteries.
  • Sunglasses. The lenses need to be Category 4 rated. They should have side protection or a wraparound design.

For crossing the passes

  • Trekking poles (Black Diamond with “Flick Lock” are best). Two poles are mandatory for your safety. These will be helpful on steep sections of the trail and river crossings. Also for walking on snow or ice higher up.
  • Kahtoola Microspikes or YakTrax Summits . These are for your security when descending passes with snowy or icy conditions. They fit onto your walking boots.
  • Gaiters. A pair of knee-high gaiters used to keep boots dry if walking through snow or on wet ground.

Personal equipment

  • Sleeping bag. Overnight lows down to -15 Celsius. It is possible to rent a bag from Shonas Rental in Kathmandu.
  • Fleece or silk liner for your sleeping bag. A liner protects your sleeping bag from getting dirty. Also helps by adding extra insulation to keep you warm at night.
  • Sleeping mat (eg.Thermarest). On trek, we provide everyone with a foam mat. We recommend two layers for insulation and comfort.
  • Day pack. Recommended size is around 40 litres. You need to have enough space to carry water bottles, a camera, snacks and extra clothing and climbing gear. The pack should have a good waist belt. It is also a good idea to bring a rain cover to keep the contents dry.
  • Stuff sacks for keeping your gear dry and organised. Or even better are fold drybags such as from Exped.
  • Two water bottles. Nalgene wide-mouth bottles are the best. You may use a hydration pack lower down but the tube will freeze in the cold so ensure you still have two water bottles.
  • Pee bottle. Recommended as means you do not have to get up to find the toilet tent at night! For men, you can use an old water bottle. For women take a look at SheWee .
  • Sunscreen and lip salve with a high SPF.
  • Water purification tablets (Pristine, Biox Aqua or Aqua Mira).
  • Favourite snack food.
  • Books and cards etc.
  • Camera with spare batteries and memory cards.
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Earplugs (optional).
  • Baby wipes (optional).
  • Hand sanitizer. Keep this in your day pack for use after a toilet break during the trek or before eating any snacks. We provide sanitizer for use before meals.
  • Duffle bag for your personal gear on the trek (carried by a porter). Rugged and waterproof made of a plastic material. Size 100-120 litres. Eg. Mountain Equipment 100l or Rab 120l. Bring a small combination padlock to secure the bag.
  • Travel clothes. You will need casual clothing for air travel days and time spent in Kathmandu.
  • Toiletry bag with soap, travel towel, toothbrush etc. We provide toilet paper while on the trek.

Personal first aid kit

We provide a comprehensive group first aid kit.   Please bring personal medications and other items you might use such as:

  • Any personal medications.
  • Blister treatment (Compeed patches are the best)
  • Rehydration powder (eg Dioralyte).
  • Analgesics (paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin).
  • Plasters and zinc oxide tape.
  • Throat lozenges.
  • Diamox (helps with acclimatisation).

Risk assessment for Kanchenjunga Circuit trek

You should be aware trekking in a developing country involves a risk of personal injury or death. You must accept these risks and be responsible for your own actions and involvement.  Adventure travel requires an open and flexible attitude. You may experience extreme conditions and unpredictable weather. There could be last-minute changes to the itinerary beyond our control. The ability to work in a team is an important aspect of our trips.

We have performed a threat and risk assessment for our Kangchenjunga Circuit trek. Our trips have a degree of risk. This is part of the attraction of adventure travel and why so many people choose to join this type of holiday. By identifying the hazards we assess the level of risk. We have control measures in place to reduce this happening or to reduce the impact.

Our risk assessment is available to clients on request. We have listed below a summary of the significant risks and hazards identified by us:

  • Falls and trips resulting in physical injury eg. slipping on ice or falling off the path.
  • Altitude illness including but not limited to AMS, HACE, and HAPE.
  • Getting lost or becoming separated from the group eg. crossing Mirgin La pass in a whiteout.
  • Severe bad weather and conditions when trekking.
  • Climatic injuries (dehydration, sunburn, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, or heat stroke). Please note it will be very hot and humid for the first three days of the trek.
  • Crossing a river with no bridge resulting in drowning and/ or a fall.
  • Rockfall and landslides.
  • Snow and ice avalanches e.g. crossing passes.
  • Lightning strike.
  • Wildlife, pack animals (e.g. donkeys or horses), or stray dogs. Pack animals can knock people off the path. Dogs can attack and bite. Discuss rabies vaccination with your doctor.
  • Earthquake.
  • Risk of fire in the hotel or lodge.
  • Endemic local diseases. Discuss vaccinations with your doctor before departure.
  • Physiological injury. Such as heart attack, appendicitis, hernia, toothache, etc. in a remote area.
  • Road traffic accidents.
  • Flight accidents. Read paragraph “Internal flight".
  • Contaminated food and/ or water.

This trip visits a remote area. You are away from the usual emergency services and medical facilities. Evacuation for a serious injury requiring hospitalisation could take up to several days. This delay could impede your ensuing recovery. Helicopters are the usual means of evacuation. They are not always available or hindered by poor weather and flying conditions.

Internal Flights in Nepal

Flights from Nepal’s Short Take-Off & Landing (“STOL”) airstrips are dependent on weather. Delays often happen if there is poor visibility or high winds.  For our itineraries with flights to or from STOL, we include one extra day in Kathmandu at the end of the trip. This is in case of delays flying back. If the delays are longer we will help reschedule your international flights. There is likely to be a fee charged by the airline for this. You also have to pay for costs incurred in Kathmandu as a result of the delay such as accommodation and meals.

You should read the Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (“FCDO”) travel advice for Nepal. For their latest advice take a look at their Safety & Security section under Air Travel .  There have been some recent air accidents in Nepal. The European Union has banned Nepalese airlines from flying to Europe. For more information on Nepal’s air safety profile take a look at Aviation Safety Network .

Weather and conditions for Kanchenjunga Circuit trek

Kangchenjunga Circuit trek has a wide range of temperatures. This depends on the season, altitude and time of day. In the mountains between 1,000m and 3,500m the nights will be cool around 5 Celsius. During the day temperatures sometimes rise to 25 Celsius. At higher altitudes temperatures range from about 15 Celsius to -15 Celsius.

The trekking season in Nepal is late September to May. October and November is generally recognised as having the best weather. Spring is a popular time of year with warmer weather than in Autumn. Also there is the advantage of seeing spring flowers and rhododendrons in bloom.

We have written a blog article  When is the best time to go trekking in Nepal Himalaya? This has information about the weather and conditions in Spring and Autumn seasons. It also explains the differences between the trekking regions of Nepal. 

Suggested reading and maps for Kanchenjunga trek

Kanchenjunga by Himalayan Maphouse Trekking Maps of Nepal. Scale: 1:100,000. We  include this map in your welcome pack when you arrive in Nepal.

Nepal Trekking Map Himalayan Maphouse Scale: 1:900,000

Kanchenjunga the Untrodden Peak by Charles Evans.

The Hard Years by Joe Brown

The Kanchenjunga Adventure by Frank Smythe

Round Kanchenjunga by Douglas Freshfield

Living on the Edge: The Winter Ascent of Kanchenjungaby Cherie Bremer-Kamp

Kanchenjunga; First Ascent from the North-East Spur by Col Narinder Kumar

Kangchenjunga Himal and Kumbhakana by Jan Kielkowski

The Ascent of Rum Doodle by WE Bowman

Nepali Phrasebook by Lonely Planet

Trip Reports

To read our trip report please click on the link below to our blog:

Kanchenjunga Circuit in November 2022 led by Natalie Wilson

Kanchenjunga Circuit in late October 2019 led by Natalie Wilson

Kanchenjunga Circuit in late October 2018 led by Natalie Wilson

Kanchenjunga Circuit in April 2018 led by Almas Khan

Kanchenjunga Circuit in November 2016 led by Almas Khan

Kanchenjunga Circuit in April 2016 led by Ade Summers

Kanchenjunga Circuit in November 2015 led by Almas Khan

Kanchenjunga Circuit in late October 2014 led by Jill Lawson

Kanchenjunga Circuit in late October 2013 led by Almas Khan

Kanchenjunga Circuit in October 2011 led by Jhire Rai

Trip Reviews

Review by bri78 on 09/01/2023.

Incredible experience The Kanchenjunga circuit is just absolutely incredible, the surroundings are always changing. Definitely a harder trek, but worth every bit of the hardships. The forests in the lower elevations are so rich in different greens, still with lots of flowers blooming along the way. Then as you climb to the higher elevations the la ndscape changes to this almost another planet kind of feel. The views in Lhonak are just incredible. The lower village of Ghunsa is a great little spot to really see the culture of the people that live in these surroundings. Not a lot of other trekkers were out there while we were hiking, there were 12 other people doing the circuit. So it is definitely not as crowded as some of the other treks in Nepal. It will be changing a lot over the upcoming years with all the roads and hydropower being put in. I am interested to see how it changes when I go back. Definitely worth all the hard work. The Mountain Company did such an incredible job putting this trip together. The experience that Roland Hunter brings is just outstanding. Along with the knowledge of the leaders that he uses on the trek. Roland is always there to answer any questions that come up during the prep and planning phase. Then to always be able to contact him during the trek is an added assurance along the way. He hires very highly trained and knowledgeable local guides and staff to ensure that you have the best experience while in Nepal and on the trek. I can't wait to get out on another one of their trips. ...

Review by Martin on 05/01/2023

Outstanding trek, with a great variation in climatic zones driven and trekked through with wonderful mountain vistas, especially the eye-catching Junna. The owner of The Mountain Company is passionate about Nepal, it’s people and ensuring his trekkers have the best possible experience. This is replicated by the western trekking guide, in this ins tance Natalie Wilson who was top class and the Nepali trekking team, in particular Sirdar Bishwo, guides Bal, Joms and Ratana, head cook Sangram and his team and Head porter Pemba and his team. We were very fortunate with the weather which was deep blue sky for the majority of the time, ensuring we could make the most of the mountain views, enjoy the trekking and the villages and locals we met. As already mentioned above but to underline, nothing is too much for Roland as he seeks to ensure you have the greatest of times. He is invariably in Kathmandu during all of the trekking seasons and ensures he meets the trekkers before and after each trek. Irrespective of whether in Nepal or UK Roland also is available on Satellite phone for the trekking team. ...

Review by CT on 29/12/2022

The Kanchenjunga North and South Base Camp trek is a remote, tough trek in the eastern part of Nepal walking mainly on good trails. Compared to, for example, the Dhaulagiri Circuit, the trekking days are longer (most days 7+ hours tent to tent), the trails are quieter with few other groups, and the scenery is more varied – starting with cardamon plantations, climbing up through rhododendron, bamboo and oak forests, and finally into high mountain landscapes. The length and remoteness of the trek mean that it is important to be physically fit, mentally resilient, and prepared, and to have the right equipment for both the heat and very cold weather. The Mountain Company operates treks that have been designed with the client’s enjoyment in mind. To this end the itineraries are based on necessary acclimatisation and not fitting into a set number of days off work which significantly increases the chance of the team achieving their objective; trip dates are chosen based to try and time more stable weather for better views (the compromise for this trip is that also means colder evenings and nights); and finally leaders on the ground are empowered to make decisions to improve the itinerary (for example our trek arranged jeeps to avoid a final 8-hour walk down a new road). Finally, not everything always goes to expectation but the company actively seeks out feedback with the genuine intention of improving future trips. ...

Kanchenjunga Circuit trek in Nepal

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If you are a single person booking on our Walking and Trekking holidays using Teahouse Lodge or Camping styles you do not have to pay the single room supplement, this is only payable if you specifically request to have a room to yourself. You will not have to pay this for this option if you happen to end up with a single room due to odd numbers on the trip. However we charge a compulsory single room surcharge for trips using Luxury Lodges and Luxury Hotels due to the high cost of the accommodation.

Grade g

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We support the countries we visit by employing professional Local (or in Nepal they are often known as Sherpa leaders). Not only does this mean that employment stays in the local economy but also means you benefit as they share their knowledge about their history and culture. All of our guides both International and Local have received training and/ or detailed briefings on how to follow our standard operating procedures (SOPs).

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