What to Know About Hospitality and Tourism Management Degree Programs

Hospitality management degrees are designed to train future leaders in the hospitality industry.

How to Study Hospitality Management

Businessman with just arrived a hotel room opening door.

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Running a company in any segment of the hospitality industry requires not only financial and marketing prowess, but also an understanding of how to create an inviting environment for guests.

The art and science of hosting strangers is an essential skill for people working in many kinds of businesses, including airlines, casinos, cruise ships, festivals, hotels and restaurants.

Running a company in any segment of the hospitality industry requires not only financial and marketing prowess, but also an understanding of how to create an inviting environment for guests. Cultivating that marketable skill set is the goal of associate, bachelor's and graduate programs in hospitality management.

What a Hospitality Management Degree Is and What Classes It Requires

The goal of any course of study in hospitality management is to train people to create and maintain spaces where others will immediately feel at home.

“Understanding how to take care of the customer is a foundational aspect of the hospitality discipline,” Angela Ramsey, senior director of communication at the University of Nevada—Las Vegas William F. Harrah College of Hospitality, explained in an email.

Hospitality management degrees are, foremost, degrees in business, says Michael Sabitoni, chair of the food and beverage management department and the international travel and tourism studies department at Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island. They include classes in accounting, finance, human resources, law and technology, he says.

However, unlike a general business degree, a hospitality degree typically includes specialized coursework focusing on the hospitality industry, such as classes on food service business operations, event management principles, and hotel and resort leadership, Sabitoni says. An overview class about tourism is also typically included in hospitality management programs, and industry internships are often mandatory, he adds.

Many hospitality degree programs require students to participate in experiential learning by helping to operate a student-run hotel or restaurant. They may also contain classes on:

  • Eco-tourism or sustainable travel
  • Global tourism and special considerations involved with international trips
  • Customer service protocols
  • Assessing the quality of guest experiences
  • Specific types of hospitality establishments, such as country clubs, golf courses, resorts, stadiums, timeshares or theme parks
  • Nuances involved in planning certain kinds of events, such as conventions or weddings
  • Concerns that face certain demographics of customers, including women and people of color
  • Various types of tourism, including business trips and visits to cultural destinations or historical sites

Top Undergraduate Schools With Hospitality Management Majors

Many U.S. colleges and universities allow undergraduates to major in hospitality management, including multiple nationally renowned academic institutions. Cornell University of New York, an Ivy League college, has a school devoted to hospitality.

Exceptional hospitality programs are often based in major metropolitan areas that attract significant tourism. For example, New York University and Boston University in Massachusetts offer a hospitality management degree.

How to Know if a Hospitality Management Degree Is Right for You

An interest in the food and beverage sector, a love for travel or an interest in entertaining people may lead someone to consider pursuing a degree in hospitality management. But prospective students should be aware that the hospitality sector has leadership roles for people with all kinds of interests and personalities.

Though some managerial positions in the hospitality industry are customer-facing jobs that require significant people skills, there are also back-of-the-house managerial jobs that concentrate on logistics, Sabitoni says.

Significant cultural awareness and strong communication abilities are essential in hospitality. Foreign language skills are also valuable but not mandatory, Sabitoni says.

What You Can Do With a Hospitality Management Degree

Hospitality programs are designed to train future leaders in the sector.

“It can include anything within the hospitality vertical, from hotel investment companies to real estate firms to our big brands which are the Marriotts, the Hiltons, the Four Seasons, to data analytics companies to Googles to Amazons,” says Kate Walsh, dean of the Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration at Cornell. “Anything that touches hospitality as a part of their business product is something where our students get involved.”

Real estate investment firms often invest in hotel buildings, so people with degrees in hospitality management sometimes find jobs in the real estate sector, Walsh says. Alumni of hospitality management programs sometimes become management consultants who concentrate on assisting companies in the hospitality industry, she adds.

Executive and director roles in the industry typically require at least a bachelor's degree. Many high-level leadership positions at U.S. hospitality firms pay annual salaries above $70,000, according to an article published by Monster.com, a job website.

In 2020, graduates of Cornell's Nolan School had an average base salary of slightly over $69,000 and an average bonus of nearly $15,000, according to the school's employment report .

Considerations for Potential Hospitality Students

Aspiring hospitality managers should be aware of trends that may affect them when they enter the industry, experts say.

This sector has severe labor shortages at hotels and restaurants, many of which laid off workers due to pandemic-related safety measures and now have struggled to replace those workers even after raising wages.

Because of these staffing concerns, many hospitality companies have introduced initiatives to recruit and retain talented staff, improve working conditions, increase job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover, Walsh says.

When comparing hospitality programs, prospective students should investigate whether those programs include experiential learning opportunities, experts say, noting that hands-on projects are one of the best ways to gain hospitality skills. It’s also optimal if hospitality schools offer courses on design, which can inform aesthetic choices about how a hospitality venue looks, according to experts.

“I think the industry needs innovative thinkers," Walsh says. "They need people who think big culturally, who are comfortable with different modes of work, so it’s a great time to join the industry. The industry is trying to be extremely intentional in providing compelling career paths.”

Searching for a grad school? Get our  complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

44 Graduate Degree Jobs That Can Pay Six-Figure Salaries

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Tags: Travel , food and drink , education , students , graduate schools , colleges

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Study Hospitality & Tourism Management: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

If you’re a world traveler who’s also organized, business-minded, hard-working, and a friendly people-person, read on to discover why a hospitality and tourism management program could be the perfect fit for you!

  • Tourism & Hospitality
  • Subject Guides

Hospitality and Tourism


Are you constantly daydreaming about your next big adventure, checking flight prices to faraway destinations, and planning fun itineraries for you and your travel buddies? A hospitality and tourism program might be right up your alley! 

While you love lounging on the beach at a resort in Bali, you’re curious about the business behind the scenes. What drives travelers to pick their destination, what makes an incredible experience, and what impact do tourism and travel have on local communities?

Studying tourism and hospitality management is your ticket to one of the highest growing industries today: According to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), tourism has experienced continued growth and diversification to become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world!

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) estimates that 1 of every 10 jobs on the planet are in the hospitality and tourism industry, which also accounts for 1 in 5 of all new jobs created over the last five years. That means there’s plenty of opportunities to create a career in this ever-growing industry.

In this guide:

What is a hospitality and tourism degree.

  • How long does a degree take?

Why study hospitality and tourism abroad?

  • What's the difference between Hospitality and Tourism

Tips for choosing a tourism and hospitality degree

  • Advice from graduates
  • What to ask universities about their hospitality programs
  • What to look for in a university
  • Hospitality and tourism accreditations for universities
  • Careers in hospitality and tourism
  • Salaries in the hospitality and tourism sector
  • Popular universities for studying hospitality and tourism

Find a Hospitality & Tourism program

Use our free search engine to find & compare hospitality and tourism degrees from top universities around the world.

hospitality tourism management

There is a wide range of program options to choose from. Certificate programs focusing on one area of study are more suited for professionals seeking to upskill, while broader undergraduate or graduate level programs provide students with an in-depth look at all areas of the industry.

Hospitality and tourism degrees can specialize in one area of the industry, like sustainable tourism development, or cover a wide range of topics. These can include courses in management , accounting , sales and marketing , business administration , product design , intercultural communication , and much more!

Many programs provide students the opportunity to travel abroad to gain hands-on experience and training in the industry through an internship . Students of hospitality or tourism will often study a modern language in conjunction with their degree to better equip themselves for an international career.

How long does it take to get a hospitality and tourism management degree?

While certificates in tourism or hospitality can be completed in as little as two weeks, studying at a bachelor’s level usually takes three or four years. At a master’s level, studies will last one or two years. 

At a bachelor’s level students will be introduced to the travel and leisure industry, learning basics in business administration and hospitality and tourism studies and important underlying theories. In the second or third year, students will often take their studies abroad to gain important practical knowledge in the industry. Degrees may conclude with a bachelor’s level project or thesis.

A master’s degree in hospitality and tourism is usually focused on a single track like sustainability, policy making, or administration and management. These degree plans are often research-based and conclude with a master’s thesis. 

If you have thought of using your love for travel and helping others to succeed in a Hospitality Management program, then maybe you have already considered expanding your horizons to include degree programs abroad.

Why are so many students around the world packing their bags to study hospitality management abroad?

1. Start a new adventure

When you study a program in your own country, the content typically focuses on the business side of hospitality management. But, why not challenge yourself and take your passions abroad and set your sights on a brand new set of skills?

By studying abroad, you introduce yourself to a whole new way of life. You will get the chance to experience a new city, a new culture, and most likely a new language. Naturally, such a big change can come with challenges. But, by overcoming them, you learn the skills necessary to excel in your new program before you even hit the books.

2. Make yourself marketable

According to a broad industry survey , major employers selected what they considered to be the best hospitality and tourism management schools in the world to recruit new talent. Of the top ten schools, seven different countries are represented, including Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates.

By selecting a school abroad, you cultivate a global network of contacts and increase your fluency in cross-cultural communication. You also demonstrate to future employers that you are an innovate individual who is ready to take on a challenge and use the skills you’ve learned to excel in a dynamic, fast-paced workplace.

3. Take your education further

Graduate degrees in hospitality and tourism management are also increasing in popularity as industry trends in international, tech, and eco-tourism demand that professionals in the industry stay educated and relevant in order to keep grabbing tourists’ attention.

If you missed the opportunity to study abroad during your undergraduate program, here’s your chance to live the study abroad experience. What better way to get a whole new perspective on life than to introduce yourself to a whole new culture.

What's the difference between Hospitality and Tourism?

The hospitality and tourism career cluster is focused on management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel related services. While jobs in this career cluster can overlap both sectors, there are some differences between hospitality and tourism that can affect your career outlook.

What is hospitality?

Hospitality includes all jobs related to customer service and travel industries, such as hotel management, food sanitation and preparation, and human resources. A high level of customer service is often required for a position as a manager of a five star resort or conference center.

 Browse hospitality programs

What is tourism?

Tourism is an industry that revolves around travel, with a special focus on how to make travelers feel comfortable and taken care of. If you work in the tourism industry, you may work for a travel company or as travel agents and tour guides.

 Browse tourism programs

While the differences between hospitality and tourism are slight, it’s important to consider which career path interests you the most before deciding on a program. Most programs will combine both subjects and many include an internship or work experience so you’ll have first-hand knowledge of the industry before you graduate.

When deciding which hospitality and tourism management program to pursue, you should try to answer the following questions:

How much time can I devote to a program?

Do I need to travel or relocate to study a program?

How much can I afford to spend on a program?

What skills do I hope to gain from a program?

What kind of certification or degree do I want to receive?

These questions will help you decide whether to opt for an online course from the comfort of your home, a certification in a specific area or topic of interest, or a longer undergraduate or graduate program at a university. 

The program you choose will depend on your level - are you looking for an entry-level position or do you hope to advance to a managerial position? You can check job ads that sound interesting to you and search for programs that meet the job requirements.

Helpful advice from hospitality and tourism management graduates

We talked with some graduate students who had recently completed their programs in hospitality and tourism or are currently undertaking it to see what they thought about their program and if they have any advice to share with you.

Hospitality and Tourism

"Since it was a 4-year degree, there were many subjects. I was able to touch all branches of this huge industry and to choose the one that fits the most with my personality and professional objectives."

-   Irati Icardo, Bachelor’s degree in Tourism from Universidad de Deusto

Hospitality and Tourism

“I learned state-of-the-art concepts, obtained outstanding practical skills and truly enjoyed learning from a broad scope of cultural and ideological diversity. I am furthering the career path for my future by developing my skills at Walt Disney World.”

-   Masayuki Kokubun, ACP International Tourism & Hotel Management and Optional Practical Training (OPT) at Walt Disney World Resort

Hospitality and Tourism

"People who study tourism should definitely choose a study program where they can learn at least one different language. I think it is also very important to do an internship in the field such as working for an airline, a safari company or a cruise ship. The program should be international and of course, offer the opportunity for an Erasmus semester in order to meet great people.''

-  Marisa Meschkat,  International Tourism Industry Management at NHTV University in Breda

What questions should you ask a university to find the right hospitality and tourism management program?

We also asked the same students above if there were any questions they asked or wished they had asked during the research and application process to determine which program was right for them. Here were the most common and helpful questions they think you should be asking universities before you apply.

Is the program specialized in certain areas of the tourism industry?

Are there opportunities to take part in an academic exchange program?

Are there any language courses offered?

What should I look for in a university for studying hospitality and tourism management?

hospitality tourism management

If you’re interested in studying tourism or hospitality at a university level, the best programs combine theory with practice. Independent and classroom study should be combined with practical projects like group work to design your own travel event or marketing campaign.

Get experience abroad

A hospitality and tourism management degree should prepare students for a career in the travel industry so experience in the field is key. Many programs include a mandatory study abroad component that may be combined with an internship to give students experience working in a tourism or hospitality company abroad.

Learn another language

It’s also important to choose a university program with a mandatory language component if you are not multilingual. Being able to converse across language barriers is a huge benefit in an international field like hospitality and tourism.

Take advantage of the available resources

Finally, look for a program that has outstanding resources and facilities. Many programs end in a research project, so a well-equipped library and study space is important. Also consider the staff—do they have experience in the field? This can provide you with the best connections to jump start your career in the hospitality and tourism management industry!

Types of hospitality and tourism accreditation

Now that you’ve narrowed down your list of schools or programs based on the above criteria, it’s important to verify that the school is accredited.

Accreditation is the process of confirming that an institution of higher education meets the strictest educational standards. Accrediting bodies are private, nongovernmental organizations who share the goal of evaluating schools and programs to make sure they meet the highest quality standards.

The benefits of choosing an accredited school are many. Accreditation ensures the highest quality of education, makes it easier to determine the value of college credits, allows students to apply for federal loans or grants, is considered by potential employers, and pushes schools to continually improve. Besides national or regional accreditation, students interested in the tourism industry should look for the following accreditation:


UNWTO TedQual Certification

The UNWTO TedQual Certification is a voluntary accreditation offered by the World Tourism Organization of the UN (UNWTO). Its objective is to improve the quality of the tourism education, training, and research programs. The evaluation criteria measure the efficiency of a school’s academic system alongside its incorporation of the tourism industry and students’ needs within the program.


THE-ICE Standards of Excellence

Another accreditation to look out for is THE-ICE Standards of Excellence , which accredits tourism, hospitality, events, and culinary arts institutions. This accreditation focuses on areas like administration, courses and curriculum, teaching and learning, resources and facilities, and much more to recognize and assure institutional excellence.

Careers in Hospitality and Tourism

As one of the world’s largest industries with a global economic contribution of over 7.6 trillion U.S. dollars in 2016, the travel and tourism industry is a great field to pursue a career in. Last year, travel and tourism comprised 1/10 of all jobs (330 million) ! The hospitality and tourism industry is diverse, but here are some potential hospitality and tourism jobs:

  • Travel consultant
  • Product manager for a travel company
  • Marketing Manager
  • Hotel/Resort Manager
  • Sustainable Tourism Expert
  • Event Planner
  • Guest Relations Manager
  • Executive Chef

What are tourism and hospitality management salaries?

The salary you can expect from a career in hospitality and tourism can vary based on the job title and responsibilities. Since there are such a wide variety of options to choose from, we’ve broken it down into some popular career choices:

Travel Consultant

Travel agent

Regardless of the client’s reason for travel, be it work, vacation, or family, a travel consultant much ensure that every detail is taken care of and that the trip goes smoothly. 

Entry level: $36,297

Mid-career: $39,243

Experienced: $41,158

Hotel Manager

Hotel manager

Hotel or resort managers are responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations, budgeting, ensuring quality of service, hiring and training new staff, and maintaining a high level of customer service.

Entry level:  $44,862

Mid-career: $47,767

Experienced: $61,888

Executive Chef

Executive chef

If your goal is to become an executive chef at a restaurant, you will manage all food and beverage operations, oversee the back of house labor and budgets, and develop menus, special dishes, and supervise food production. This is a career to aspire to, so salaries reflect a high level of experience.

Experienced:  $60,436

Late-career:  $64,626

Event planner

Event planner

Business in the hospitality industry often have their own event planner who is responsible for organizing and facilitating special events, large gatherings, and functions.

Entry-level:  $42,504

Mid-career:  $52,725

Experienced:  $56,134

Popular universities to study hospitality and tourism management

Tio university of applied sciences.

Location: Utrecht, Netherlands

Courses available in:  Business Management, Hotel and Event Management, and International Tourism Management

CETT School of Tourism, Hospitality and GASTRONOMY

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Courses available in:  Event Management, Hotel Management, and Tourism Management

University College Birmingham (UCB)

Location: Birmingham, UK

Courses available in: Hospitality Management, Culinary Arts, Event Management, and Tourism Management

Sustainability Management School (SUMAS)

Location: Gland, Switzerland

Courses available in: Hospitality Management, Sustainable Tourism, and Sustainable Hospitality 

Find more hospitality & tourism programs

hospitality tourism management

Keystone Team Author

The Keystone Team is comprised of experienced educators and advisors dedicated to providing valuable resources and advice to students all over the world.

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Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management (BS)

Program description.

The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management prepares students for management positions in one of the largest economic sectors worldwide. Combining a thorough liberal arts program of study with industry- specific business classes, students gain in-depth knowledge in the areas of hospitality finance, sales and marketing, revenue management, special event planning, destination development, and food and beverage operations. Students learn how to develop new hotel and resort concepts, market tourism destinations, and manage tourism and convention bureaus. Frequent site visits, industry events, and guest speakers ensure that students make use of all the opportunities New York City has to offer, both in and out of the classroom. In addition, they gain hands-on experience through internships, which develop them into successful—and highly employable—industry professionals.

New York University's Office of Undergraduate Admissions supports the application process for all undergraduate programs at NYU.  For additional information about undergraduate admissions, including application requirements, see How to Apply . 

Program Requirements


The program requires the completion of 128 credits, and students may choose one of six concentrations listed below.

The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management prepares students for a wide range of careers in hotels, restaurants, catering companies, real estate and management services companies, online travel agencies, marketing and PR firms, destination marketing organizations, event companies and consulting firms. The degree has six concentrations:

Event Management

This concentration explores career opportunities in festivals, weddings and social events, trade shows, and experiential marketing.

The event sector is growing fast, and offers a wealth of career opportunities. Whether you are interested in festivals, weddings, business conventions or sporting events, this concentration will equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this exciting field.

Event planning, design and production are a central focus of this concentration. Event planners/producers coordinate every detail of the event: from the venue and speakers to arranging for printed materials and audio-visual equipment. They develop the concept for the event, and liaise with suppliers and staff. Event planners/producers may work for non-profit organizations, associations, hotels, corporations, and government. Many are independent business owners and coordinate events for a range of clients.

Events can also play an important role in a company’s marketing strategy. Experiential or event marketing is a promotional strategy that involves face-to-face contact between companies and their customers at special events like concerts, fairs, and sporting events. Brands use event marketing entertainment (like shows, contests, or parties) to reach consumers through direct hand-to-hand sampling or interactive displays.

Marketing and Analytics

In this concentration, students study hospitality and travel sales and marketing, as well as strategies and processes that optimize a business’s revenues.

The marketing and analytics concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of the marketing functions of hospitality businesses.  Professionals in marketing and branding roles need strong analytical skills as they conduct market research, oversee multimedia advertising campaigns, and consult with outside agencies, promotional representatives and corporate executives.

Marketers and revenue managers currently evolve in an increasingly digital and data-driven environment. They are tasked to develop and implement strategies to maximize the business's revenues and profitability. On the basis of daily reports, they make predictions of demand and make distribution channels and pricing decisions. They also leverage the power of loyalty programs and optimize the entire guest acquisition phase; in partnership with travel agencies - on and offline - and other travel intermediaries.

Leadership and Management

This concentration focuses on the operational aspects of hospitality businesses – a great concentration for budding general managers!

The leadership and management concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of the operational aspects of hospitality businesses. This is an attractive concentration for budding general managers, as the concentration includes aspects of sales and marketing, food and beverage management, but also leadership and law. Hotel operations roles are available in a wide range of departments: front desk, catering, events, housekeeping and human resources. Professionals in operations oversee the daily activities of their teams, and aim to ensure guest satisfaction.

Hotel Real Estate Finance and Development

This concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of financial management and the hotel development process.

The hotel real estate finance and development concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of financial management and the hotel development process. Hotel finance careers may include responsibilities such as overseeing the financial processes of the hotel, maintaining audits and reports, producing monthly income statements, and coordinating budgets and forecasts. The hospitality sector is mostly associated with the hotel industry, however, many other asset classes fall into this sector, including large scale resorts, spas, timeshares, restaurants and casinos.

Another aspect of this concentration is hotel development and asset management. Many well-known hotel brand names do not own the building in which the hotel operates, but rather contract their management and brand name to the owner for a fee. Owners and real estate investment trusts employ analysts to maximize the returns earned by the property. Hotel investment professionals produce valuations, and make recommendations about the development of new assets or the remodeling of existing assets.

Travel and Tourism Development

This concentration prepares students for careers in destination marketing organizations, (online) travel agents, tour operators, airlines, cruise lines, PR firms, and visitor attractions.

The travel and tourism industry has shown remarkable resilience in the face of economic challenges, geopolitical conditions and natural disasters. It remains one of the largest and fastest growing industry sectors in the world. Graduate tourism degrees prepare students for a wealth of careers in the public, private and voluntary sectors. WTTC estimates that the travel and tourism sectors support 292 million jobs worldwide, or 1 in every 10 jobs.

The travel and tourism development concentration prepares students for careers in destination marketing organizations, (online) travel agents, tour operators, airlines, cruise lines, event companies, development agencies, marketing and PR firms and visitor attractions. Students will explore various aspects of this large and multi-faceted sector, including casinos, special interest tourism products, sports tourism and mega-events, entrepreneurship and destination marketing.


In this concentration, students will learn the different aspects of the typical entrepreneurship journey: from ideation, to prototyping,  to business launch, and management as applied to hospitality.

Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in innovation, economic development and competitiveness. The entrepreneurship concentration provides students with in-depth knowledge of the crucial role that entrepreneurship plays in the travel and hospitality business. It also provides them with the entrepreneurial and innovative mindset sought after by many employers. The courses offer an overview of the different aspects of the typical entrepreneurship cycle, from ideation to business launch and management. Courses in this concentration are experiential,  applying theory to real world problems and opportunities.

Sample Plan of Study

Learning outcomes.

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will:

  • Comprehend the historical development of the industry, including its key global stakeholders, terminology and data/information sources.
  • Develop analytical and critical thinking skills, by understanding the selection of appropriate research methods and data, and the principles of analyzing data effectively to address industry challenges.
  • Develop the business skills and attributes required of contemporary, global hospitality and tourism professionals, to include the areas of management, service, leadership, communication, ethical responsibility, finance and technology.
  • Develop strong business writing skills, as well as engaging and effective presentation skills.
  • Develop a specialized focus on a specific area of study within hospitality and tourism.
  • Prepare for successful careers by integrating work experiences with academics.

NYU Policies

School of professional studies policies.

University-wide policies can be found on the New York University Policy pages .

Additional academic policies can be found on the School of Professional Studies academic policy page . 

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What is hospitality?

Hospitality means extending a welcome to guests or offering a home away from home, and the word is derived from the Latin word “hospes” meaning host, visitor or stranger. The hospitality and tourism industry is a vast sector that includes all the economic activities that directly or indirectly contribute to, or depend upon, travel, tourism and hospitality.

This industry sector includes:

  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Restaurants & Catering
  • Night Clubs & Bars
  • Travel & Transportation
  • Spas & Wellness
  • Cruise Liners & Bus tours
  • Cultural & Sports
  • Business Administration (events, communication, customer experience, and many more )


Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management

Discover the EHL Bachelor's program meticulously crafted by our Hospitality Management School to meet the evolving needs of the hospitality and tourism industry.

Our curriculum strikes a balance between hands-on experience, academic excellence, and business acumen. It also provides a unique opportunity for students to study in two premier locations: Switzerland and Singapore.

Immerse yourself in practical courses, workshops and two six-month internships, providing real-world insights aligned with industry demands.


The History of Hospitality & Tourism 

Hospitality is one of the oldest businesses, going way back to the innkeepers and taverns of biblical times. Tourism, on the other hand, is a more recent invention which began in Europe, with Switzerland being one of the first countries to develop special accommodation and services for travelers. 

In the late 1800’s, the concept of leisure tourism and hospitality spread across Europe, bringing flocks of wealthy travelers to Switzerland. It began with visitors seeking cultural and natural exposure on guided tours in the Swiss Alps, train rides and wellness tourism. Palace-style hotels, thermal baths and ski resorts became icons of luxury tourism in Switzerland.

This new generation of wealthy guests had higher expectations for comfortable accommodations, convenient services and fine dining. The leisure travel phenomenon gave birth to hospitality management schools: EHL was founded as the first hotel management school in 1893 in Lausanne, and it has pioneered in hospitality management education since then.

Hospitality is one of the most resilient, adaptable and dynamic industries on the planet. It is an industry of constant change, where technology and innovation are being integrated to improve the guest experience.


What is Tourism and Hospitality Management?

Careers in hospitality management.

Hospitality management is a broad career field that provides many opportunities for international career progression. In the core of the hospitality industry alone (hotels, events, restaurants, etc.) graduates with a hospitality degree can become managers in a variety of departments and sectors, or choose to specialize in one area.

The career paths are as diverse as the industry, and with so many new hospitality concepts and innovation changing the industry, the career paths will continue to grow and evolve with technology and trends of the 21st.

Hospitality education at EHL teaches students to love learning because it takes a scientific approach that sparks curiosity and involves the five senses. 

EHL Campus (Singapore)_Faculty & Students Discussion 1

What are Hospitality Management Skills?

Studying at ehl, the world's 1st hospitality management school.

In the field of hospitality management, customer satisfaction is key, and the primary goal is to ensure the best customer experience possible. Therefore, hospitality management courses teach both professionally-focused hard skills (room pricing, cost-control, accounting, scheduling, etc. ) and soft skills which are related to how one acts, and interacts in a professional environment.

Training for soft-skills is critical to succeed in the 21st century: critical thinking, agility and adaptability, effective communication, imagination and curiosity: these are all skills students develop at EHL in our hospitality management courses and degrees.


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  • BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management

BS in Hotel and Tourism Management Student at Roman Colosseum

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management

If you are considering a hospitality major as your undergraduate program of study, the BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management, offered by the Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality prepares students for careers in hospitality, travel and tourism, tourism experience management, hotel and resort management, and hotel real estate development. The curriculum provides you with flexibility to explore career options way beyond what a typical hospitality and tourism degree might offer. As a student enrolled in this program, you’ll benefit immensely from earning your degree at NYU , home to more than 50,000 students from around the globe, while launching your career in New York City—a location defined by its world-class hotels and tourist attractions.

Degree Advantage

  • Curriculum  prepares students for hospitality and tourism jobs around the world
  • Provides an NYU liberal arts education
  • Concentrations  in Event Management , Hotel Real Estate Finance and Development , Marketing and Analytics , Leadership and Management , Travel and Tourism Development , and Entrepreneurship
  • Internships at leading NYC hotels, restaurants, tourism bureaus, online travel agencies, and promotional companies
  • Study abroad opportunities  and industry site visits
  • New Hospitality Innovation Hub for students, start ups, and industry partners


Who should earn the bs in hospitality, travel and tourism management.

If you have a passion for travel, love to interact with people, and have an innate curiosity to learn about different cultures, this degree provides the knowledge and skills needed for a hospitality career. The diversity of the Tisch Center student body and faculty members promotes a worldview that will be critical for your success in a field that is more globally interconnected than ever before.

Degree Overview

Learn from a faculty of world-renowned experts.

Faculty members are respected experts in the hospitality, hotel management, and travel and tourism sectors who share their knowledge, insights, experiences, and connections. They work directly with you to ensure that you identify and pursue the professional path that best fits your career goals and objectives. Their support and deep dedication is what makes earning a degree from the Tisch Center an experience unlike all others.

Gain Invaluable Experience Through Study Abroad

Study abroad opportunities abound for BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management students through Global Field Intensives (GFIs). These travel experiences provide international business experience while attuning students to the cultural, socio-economic, and political forces that influence the international hospitality, and travel and tourism industries. Recent GFIs include trips to: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Prague, and Berlin.

Benefit from Unsurpassed Networking Opportunities

The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management provides unsurpassed networking opportunities through the annual  NYU International Hospitality Industry Investment Conference , chaired by  Jonathan M. Tisch , chairman and CEO of Loews Hotels and Co. (left); the Grossinger-Bergman Distinguished Lecturer Series, which features hospitality leaders such as  David Marriott ; and fireside chats with the likes of famed chefs and restaurateurs  Daniel Boulud  and  Danny Meyer .

Internships and Job Opportunities

Through the Tisch Center of Hospitality and the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYU SPS, hospitality, travel and tourism management majors have the opportunity to complete a wide range of hospitality, and travel and tourism internships that provide the hands-on experience needed to accelerate their careers. Many of these internships evolve into permanent hospitality and tourism jobs. Our graduates go on to careers at top hotel chains, boutique hotels, travel organizations, tourism bureaus, media companies, restaurants, and food and beverage companies including:

  • Estee Lauder Companies
  • Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
  • Loews Hotels
  • Marriott International
  • The Standard Hotels
  • Walt Disney World


How does this degree differ from a hospitality management degree.

The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management differs from a hospitality management degree in its holistic approach to the hospitality, travel, and tourism sectors. While traditional undergraduate hospitality management degrees focus on hotels and restaurants, you will have the opportunity in this degree to also explore subjects like destination marketing, tourism development, and event management.

Will this degree prepare me for hotel management jobs?

The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management will prepare you for a range of hotel industry jobs and career paths. You will have the opportunity to specialize in your field of interest, including hotel or tourism operations, sales and marketing, revenue management or hotel development. Our students secure internships and work at large multinational hotel chains as well as independent boutique hotels.

Is tourism management a growing field?

Tourism management offers a broad range of career options for those who are interested in pursuing tourism jobs. The tourism sector has experienced incredible growth in the past decades. with 1.8 billion tourists—just over one in five persons in the world—traveling around the globe by 2030 (UNWTO). The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management provides students with the opportunity to secure internships at a broad range of tourism destinations including Walt Disney World.

Can an undergraduate hotel management degree help my career?

An undergraduate hotel management degree can help your career, because it will provide you with a wealth of business skills and the networking opportunities that can lead to a wide variety of hotel management jobs. The hospitality sector is vast and offers a wealth of career choices, but even if you decide to switch career paths, the business foundation you acquire will allow you to pursue a career in a variety of other professional sectors. In addition, earning an undergraduate degree at NYU will open the doors to job opportunities in New York City and around the world.

What are the advantages of earning a hospitality management degree in New York City?

The advantage of earning your hospitality management degree in New York City is that you will be studying in the hospitality capital of the world. New York City is home to top hotels, the finest restaurants, major tourist attractions and thousands of world-famous events. The City will become your professional base for exploring your interests in hospitality, travel and tourism management and for gaining the experience you need to secure a job in this growing field.

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2024 Best Colleges with Hospitality and Tourism Management Degrees in America

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1-25 of 693 results

Cornell University

  • Ithaca, NY ·
  • · Rating 3.79 out of 5   2,086 reviews
  • grade  A+ Overall Niche Grade
  • Acceptance rate 7%
  • Net price $26,060
  • SAT range 1470-1570

#22 Best Colleges in America .

Blue checkmark.


2086 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says Overall, it has been amazing! Most people are super caring and everyone is so impressive. The only thing I will say is the rise in antisemitism this past year was disgusting. I am a transfer student... .

Read 2086 reviews.

Overall Niche Grade : A+ ,

Acceptance Rate : 7% ,

Net Price : $26,060 ,

SAT Range : 1470-1570 ,

Boston University

  • Boston, MA ·
  • · Rating 3.69 out of 5   3,647 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 14%
  • Net price $27,829
  • SAT range 1350-1500

#38 Best Colleges in America .


3647 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Boston University is a great school. It has several resources that are widely accessible for students to succeed, even those managing challenging course loads. Boston University is a school that is... What I like about my school are the opportunities that you can achieve. I just started an internship at Massachusetts Eye & Ear at an ophthalmology research-oriented lab. This opportunity originated... .

Read 3647 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 14% ,

Net Price : $27,829 ,

SAT Range : 1350-1500 ,

New York University

  • New York, NY ·
  • · Rating 3.76 out of 5   5,752 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 12%
  • Net price $29,499

#45 Best Colleges in America .


5752 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Senior says Attending New York University has been an incredible journey that I highly recommend. The urban campus, deeply embedded in NYC, offers unique connections to the city's core communities, enhancing... .

Read 5752 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 12% ,

Net Price : $29,499 ,

Iowa Lakes Community College

  • · Rating 3.82 out of 5   98

Cincinnati State

  • · Rating 3.96 out of 5   676

Lasell University

  • · Rating 3.62 out of 5   569

University of Georgia

  • Athens, GA ·
  • · Rating 3.99 out of 5   5,788 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 43%
  • Net price $17,180
  • SAT range 1220-1420

#49 Best Colleges in America .


5788 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says As a student at the University of Georgia, I've found it to be an incredible place for academics and campus life. The strong academic programs here, especially in fields like business and... .

Read 5788 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 43% ,

Net Price : $17,180 ,

SAT Range : 1220-1420 ,

Florida State University

  • Tallahassee, FL ·
  • · Rating 3.88 out of 5   7,668 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 25%
  • Net price $14,003
  • SAT range 1210-1370

#53 Best Colleges in America .


7668 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says My experience at Florida State university was definitely a 10 out of 10. The campus is beautiful, and a reasonable size so finding ones classes, and walking around is manageable. The school is also... .

Read 7668 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 25% ,

Net Price : $14,003 ,

SAT Range : 1210-1370 ,

Virginia Tech

  • Blacksburg, VA ·
  • · Rating 3.99 out of 5   4,169 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 57%
  • Net price $19,301
  • SAT range 1240-1430

#55 Best Colleges in America .


4169 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Personally, I was afraid of coming to VT at first. I come from a very diverse city area, so going to a PWI in the middle of no where was very scary for me. Overall, I learned that VT is way more... .

Read 4169 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 57% ,

Net Price : $19,301 ,

SAT Range : 1240-1430 ,

  • Will you get in? Understand your chances of getting accepted into any college in the country, and it's completely free

Texas A&M University

  • College Station, TX ·
  • · Rating 4.06 out of 5   7,878 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 63%
  • Net price $20,375
  • SAT range 1150-1390

#61 Best Colleges in America .


7878 Niche users give it an average review of 4.1 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says My overall experience at Texas A&M was fantastic! The campus is huge but there are so many organizations you can join to get connected with other students and campus life. The professors are mostly... .

Read 7878 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 63% ,

Net Price : $20,375 ,

SAT Range : 1150-1390 ,

University of South Florida

  • Tampa, FL ·
  • · Rating 3.82 out of 5   7,567 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 44%
  • Net price $11,004
  • SAT range 1140-1330

#67 Best Colleges in America .


7567 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says Academic Excellence: USF offers a wide range of programs and is known for its research opportunities. Many students appreciate the strong emphasis on academics and the support for undergraduate... Diverse Community: USF has a diverse student body, which enriches the campus culture. Students from various backgrounds contribute to a vibrant and inclusive community. Location: Situated in Tampa, Florida, USF provides students with access to a bustling city environment. The proximity to beaches and year-round warm weather is a big plus for many students. Student Life: With numerous student organizations, clubs, and events, USF offers a dynamic student life. Sports, especially football, and the associated school spirit are significant aspects of the... Support Services: USF provides robust support services, including academic advising, career services, and mental health resources. These services are designed to help students succeed both... .

Read 7567 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 44% ,

Net Price : $11,004 ,

SAT Range : 1140-1330 ,

The Ohio State University

  • Columbus, OH ·
  • · Rating 3.92 out of 5   5,912 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 53%
  • Net price $19,582
  • SAT range 1310-1480

#68 Best Colleges in America .


5912 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says I have absolutely loved my experience at The Ohio State University for these past two years. I am actually a transfer student and I was a little worried about coming in to a brand new school halfway... .

Read 5912 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 53% ,

Net Price : $19,582 ,

SAT Range : 1310-1480 ,

University of Central Florida

  • Orlando, FL ·
  • · Rating 3.83 out of 5   22,402 reviews
  • grade  A Overall Niche Grade
  • Acceptance rate 41%
  • Net price $13,108
  • SAT range 1200-1360

#76 Best Colleges in America .


22402 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says The University of Central Florida provide students with a broad variety of programs of study, resources, and extra-curricular opportunities. Campus is huge and extremely lively. The school make it... .

Read 22402 reviews.

Overall Niche Grade : A ,

Acceptance Rate : 41% ,

Net Price : $13,108 ,

SAT Range : 1200-1360 ,

Purdue University

  • West Lafayette, IN ·
  • · Rating 3.83 out of 5   5,163 reviews
  • Net price $12,576
  • SAT range 1200-1470

#79 Best Colleges in America .


5163 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says Academically challenging school that heavily focuses on STEM majors. If you are in liberal arts, there is a nice community but it is small and not nearly as funded as the STEM programs. Campus is... .

Read 5163 reviews.

Net Price : $12,576 ,

SAT Range : 1200-1470 ,

Michigan State University

  • East Lansing, MI ·
  • · Rating 3.91 out of 5   6,323 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 88%
  • Net price $22,803
  • SAT range 1160-1360

#86 Best Colleges in America .


6323 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Michigan State University is a fantastic place to be! The campus is expansive, with lots of academic buildings and recreational spots. Professors here are generally supportive, although some courses... .

Read 6323 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 88% ,

Net Price : $22,803 ,

SAT Range : 1160-1360 ,

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Florida International University

  • Miami, FL ·
  • · Rating 3.78 out of 5   7,553 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 64%
  • Net price $9,881
  • SAT range 1060-1250

#87 Best Colleges in America .


7553 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Other says Florida International University is a fantastic setting for growth and education. FIU provides a really engaging experience, from its energetic campus culture to its committed teachers and diverse... .

Read 7553 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 64% ,

Net Price : $9,881 ,

SAT Range : 1060-1250 ,

George Washington University

  • Washington, DC ·
  • · Rating 3.66 out of 5   2,248 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 49%
  • Net price $42,723
  • SAT range 1330-1490

#96 Best Colleges in America .


2248 Niche users give it an average review of 3.7 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says I thoroughly enjoyed my overall experience at GWU! Although guidance pertaining to my studies/next steps following my education was sometimes difficult to seek (I graduated with a BA in Psychological... .

Read 2248 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 49% ,

Net Price : $42,723 ,

SAT Range : 1330-1490 ,

Oklahoma State University

  • Stillwater, OK ·
  • · Rating 3.95 out of 5   3,756 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 71%
  • Net price $16,718
  • SAT range 1010-1250

#97 Best Colleges in America .


3756 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says Oklahoma State University is an amazing place. After touring many campuses before choosing OSU, I realized that OSU was the only one that truly felt like home. The people there are very friendly and... .

Read 3756 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 71% ,

Net Price : $16,718 ,

SAT Range : 1010-1250 ,

Auburn University

  • Auburn, AL ·
  • · Rating 4.01 out of 5   2,614 reviews
  • Net price $25,271
  • SAT range 1220-1380

#103 Best Colleges in America .


2614 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Graduate Student says I absolutely loved both my undergraduate and current graduate experiences at Auburn. The town is small but progressive. There is literally a place for everyone here. You can be as involved as you want to be, all you have to do Is look around to find a group. Greek life is active but not necessary to enjoy your time here. Academics are rigorous, but professors are... The sports are great and so much fun. The whole town loves everything Auburn. It’s so much more than football. Our soccer and gymnastics are sold out every week! We love Auburn and everything it... As a major R1 institution, we value research and are actively engaged in world changing work. There is literally something for everyone here. .

Read 2614 reviews.

Net Price : $25,271 ,

SAT Range : 1220-1380 ,

  • University Park, PA ·
  • · Rating 3.9 out of 5   7,614 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 55%
  • Net price $26,747
  • SAT range 1210-1390

#104 Best Colleges in America .


7614 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says As a sophomore at Penn State, I can confidently say it's been an incredible experience! The campus is vibrant, with top-notch facilities and a diverse student body. Professors are engaging and... .

Read 7614 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 55% ,

Net Price : $26,747 ,

SAT Range : 1210-1390 ,

Arizona State University

  • Tempe, AZ ·
  • · Rating 3.81 out of 5   11,882 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 90%
  • Net price $14,808
  • SAT range 1100-1320

#106 Best Colleges in America .


11882 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars.

Featured Review: Freshman says My experience with ASU has been really great! Although it’s already been one semester since I joined ASU but the diversity and the programs and the education system I got introduced to for the first... .

Read 11882 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 90% ,

Net Price : $14,808 ,

SAT Range : 1100-1320 ,

University of Massachusetts Amherst

  • Amherst, MA ·
  • · Rating 3.97 out of 5   5,538 reviews
  • Net price $22,291
  • SAT range 1260-1480

#107 Best Colleges in America .


5538 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I really enjoy the social aspect of the University of Massachusetts. Since it’s such a big school, it’s an amazing way to meet new people and create great college experiences. Another positive is the... .

Read 5538 reviews.

Net Price : $22,291 ,

SAT Range : 1260-1480 ,

University of Mississippi

  • University , MS ·
  • · Rating 3.91 out of 5   2,279 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 97%
  • Net price $14,289
  • SAT range 1030-1220

#115 Best Colleges in America .


2279 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says My overall experience with the university of Mississippi has been great. As a black African-American woman attending the university of Mississippi, Id say I have a lot of opportunities at the... .

Read 2279 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 97% ,

Net Price : $14,289 ,

SAT Range : 1030-1220 ,

University of South Carolina

  • Columbia, SC ·
  • · Rating 3.87 out of 5   4,656 reviews
  • Net price $22,427
  • SAT range 1180-1380

#116 Best Colleges in America .


4656 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says I had an interesting experience at UofSC. Coming into my freshman year during COVID, I felt a little disconnected from my peers as I was not able to have the true freshman experience. Once COVID died... .

Read 4656 reviews.

Net Price : $22,427 ,

SAT Range : 1180-1380 ,

University of South Florida - Sarasota-Manatee

  • Sarasota, FL ·
  • · Rating 3.94 out of 5   100 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 24%
  • Net price $2,734
  • SAT range 1160-1290

#117 Best Colleges in America .


100 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says I absolute love this school. Im an introvert so it helps that its smaller and more compact when compared to other campuses. .

Read 100 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 24% ,

Net Price : $2,734 ,

SAT Range : 1160-1290 ,

Iowa State University

  • · Rating 3.86 out of 5   4,017 reviews
  • Net price $15,310
  • SAT range 1090-1350

#121 Best Colleges in America .

4017 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I truly enjoy my overall experience at Iowa State University! From the wide variety of clubs and activities offered, to the excellence inside the classroom, to the campus atmosphere as a whole, the... .

Read 4017 reviews.

Net Price : $15,310 ,

SAT Range : 1090-1350 ,

The University of Alabama

  • Tuscaloosa, AL ·
  • · Rating 4 out of 5   4,825 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 80%
  • Net price $20,592
  • SAT range 1130-1410

#123 Best Colleges in America .


4825 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Junior says I have been to multiple colleges before attending the Univesity of Alabama, including other universities as well as community colleges. I have never enjoyed my college experience as much as I did at... .

Read 4825 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 80% ,

Net Price : $20,592 ,

SAT Range : 1130-1410 ,

Texas Tech University

  • Lubbock, TX ·
  • · Rating 3.89 out of 5   5,457 reviews
  • Acceptance rate 67%
  • Net price $17,896
  • SAT range 1090-1280

#125 Best Colleges in America .


5457 Niche users give it an average review of 3.9 stars.

Featured Review: Sophomore says I am the first to go to a university on both sides of my hispanic family. I honestly did not know what to expect at first I had mixed feelings since I knew no one at Tech. During welcome week I grew... .

Read 5457 reviews.

Acceptance Rate : 67% ,

Net Price : $17,896 ,

SAT Range : 1090-1280 ,

SUNY Cayuga Community College

  • · Rating 3.87 out of 5   275

Saint Louis University

  • · Rating 3.66 out of 5   2,182

Stockton University

  • · Rating 3.74 out of 5   1,617

Showing results 1 through 25 of 693

About the Program

Consistently ranked as one of the leading hospitality and tourism management programs both nationally and internationally, Purdue’s Hospitality and Tourism Management major immerses students in the fast-paced hospitality and tourism industry, preparing them to work in a variety of leadership positions. By equipping students with valuable skills to create transformational experiences, graduates of the Hospitality and Tourism Management program possess an innovative mindset necessary to sustain an industry that is internationally relevant and a powerful economic driver.

Coursework is challenging and relevant to today’s workforce needs. Students learn from faculty who bring years of industry experience into the classroom, preparing students to become well-rounded hospitality business professionals. Coursework allows students to explore topics critical to their professional success, including leadership, accounting, marketing, lodging, foodservice, tourism, human resource management, law and more. In addition to providing a strong management foundation, the program’s hands-on learning experiences prepare students to work in any facet of the industry, from foodservice to lodging to tourism as well as hospitality adjacent industries such as healthcare, senior living, and real estate and investment. Students participate in a paid internship that aligns with their professional career goals and can add a minor in areas such as Event and Meeting Management, Real Estate, and Finance.

School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Hospitality and Tourism Management Major Change (CODO) Requirements    

Degree Requirements

120 credits required, departmental/program major course requirements (66-67 credits).

Students must earn a “C-“or better in all required major courses, except HTM 20200, which must be taken Pass / No Pass.

  • HTM 10010 - Introduction To The Hospitality And Tourism Industry
  • HTM 14100 - Financial Accounting For The Service Industries ♦
  • HTM 17300 - Introduction To Tourism Management
  • HTM 18100 - Introduction To Lodging Management
  • HTM 19100 - Sanitation And Health In Foodservice, Lodging, And Tourism
  • HTM 20200 - Hospitality And Tourism Work Experience
  • HTM 21200 - Management And Leadership In Hospitality And Tourism
  • HTM 21800 - Creating Experiences For A Diverse Society
  • HTM 23100 - Hospitality And Tourism Marketing
  • HTM 24100 - Managerial Accounting And Financial Management In Hospitality Operations
  • HTM 25500 - Advanced Spreadsheet Techniques For Hospitality And Tourism Management
  • HTM 29101 - Quantity Food Production And Service Laboratory
  • HTM 29102 - Introduction To Foodservice Management
  • HTM 30200 - Hospitality And Tourism Industry Internship (Single semester required: minimum 320 work hours for 1 credit or 640 for 2 credits)
  • HTM 31200 - Human Resources Management For The Service Industries
  • HTM 32200 - Hospitality Facilities Management
  • HTM 34100 - Operations Control And Analysis In The Hospitality Industry
  • HTM 38110 - Revenue Management In The Lodging Industry
  • HTM 41100 - Hospitality And Tourism Law
  • HTM 44100 - Financial Management For The Hospitality Industry or
  • CSR 48400 - Consumer Investment And Savings Decisions or
  • MGMT 30400 - Introduction To Financial Management or
  • MGMT 31000 - Financial Management
  • HTM 49111 - Beverage Operation Management
  • HTM 49201 - Hospitality Operation Management And Leadership
  • HTM 49901 - Business Development In Hospitality And Tourism
  • HTM Selective - select from HTM Selective List - Credit Hours: 6.00

Optional Concentrations

  • Environmental Sustainability Optional Concentration for HTM    
  • Finance Optional Concentration for HTM  
  • Hospitality Facilities Design and Management Optional Concentration for HTM   ​ 
  • Marketing and Sales Optional Concentration for HTM  

Other Departmental/Program Course Requirements (36-43 credits)

  • COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of Speech Communication ♦ (satisfies Oral Communication for core)
  • CS 23500 - Introduction To Organizational Computing ♦ or
  • CNIT 13600 - Personal Computing Technology And Applications ♦
  • CSR 28200 - Customer Relations Management
  • ECON 21000 - Principles Of Economics ♦ (satisfies Human Cultures: Behavioral & Social Sciences for core) or
  • AGEC 21700 - Economics ♦ (satisfies Human Cultures: Behavioral & Social Sciences for core) or
  • ECON 25100 - Microeconomics ♦ (satisfies Human Cultures: Behavioral & Social Sciences for core)  or
  • ECON 25200 - Macroeconomics ♦  (satisfies Human Cultures: Behavioral & Social Sciences for core)
  • ENGL 10600 - First-Year Composition ♦ (satisfies Written Communication and Information Literacy for core) or
  • ENGL 10800 - Accelerated First-Year Composition ♦ (satisfies Written Communication and Information Literacy for core)
  • MA 15300 - College Algebra ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core) or
  • MA 15555 - Quantitative Reasoning  ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core) or
  • MA 16010 - Applied Calculus I ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core) or
  • MA 16100 - Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus I ♦ (satisfies Quantitative Reasoning for core)
  • NUTR 30300 - Essentials Of Nutrition ♦ (satisfies Science for core)
  • PSY 12000 - Elementary Psychology
  • SOC 10000 - Introductory Sociology or
  • ANTH 10000 - Being Human: Introduction To Anthropology
  • STAT 22500 - Introduction To Probability Models ♦ or
  • STAT 30100 - Elementary Statistical Methods ♦
  • Science - Credit Hours: 2.00 - 4.00 (satisfies Science for core)
  • Human Cultures: Humanities - Credit Hours: 3.00 (satisfies Humanities for core)
  • Science, Technology & Society - Credit Hours: 1.00 - 3.00 (satisfies Science, Technology & Society for core)

Electives (10-18 credits)

Supplemental lists.

Hospitality and Tourism Management Supplemental Information    

Grade Requirements

Students must earn a “C-“or better in all HTM courses, except HTM 20200, which must be taken Pass / No Pass.

Pass/No Pass Policy

  • A student may elect the Pass / Not-Pass option for elective courses only, unless an academic unit requires that a specific departmental course/s be taken Pass / Not-Pass.  Students may elect to take University Core Curriculum courses Pass / Not-Pass; however, some major Plans of Study require courses that also fulfill UCC foundational outcomes.  In such cases, students may not elect the Pass / Not-Pass option.  A maximum of 24 credits of elective courses under the Pass / Not-pass grading option can be used toward graduation requirements. For further information, students should refer to the College of Health and Human Sciences Pass / Not-Pass Policy.

University Requirements

University core requirements, for a complete listing of university core course selectives, visit the provost’s website ..

  • Human Cultures: Behavioral/Social Science (BSS)
  • Human Cultures: Humanities (HUM)
  • Information Literacy (IL)
  • Oral Communication (OC)
  • Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
  • Science #1 (SCI)
  • Science #2 (SCI)
  • Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Written Communication (WC) 

Civics Literacy Proficiency Requirement

The civics literacy proficiency activities are designed to develop civic knowledge of purdue students in an effort to graduate a more informed citizenry. for more information visit the civics literacy proficiency  website..

Students will complete the Proficiency by passing a test of civic knowledge, and completing one of three paths:

  • Attending six approved civics-related events and completing an assessment for each; or
  • Completing 12 podcasts created by the Purdue Center for C-SPAN Scholarship and Engagement that use C-SPAN material and completing an assessment for each; or
  • Earning a passing grade for one of  these approved courses (or transferring in approved AP or departmental credit in lieu of taking a course).

Upper Level Requirement

  • Resident study at Purdue University for at least two semesters and the enrollment in and completion of at least 32 semester hours of coursework required and approved for the completion of the degree. These courses are expected to be at least junior-level (30000+) courses.
  • Students should be able to fulfill most , if not all , of these credits within their major requirements; there should be a clear pathway for students to complete any credits not completed within their major.

Sample 4-Year Plan

Fall 1st year.

  • HTM 17300 - Introduction To Tourism Management or Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • HTM 18100 - Introduction To Lodging Management or
  • MA 15300 - College Algebra ♦ or
  • MA 15555 - Quantitative Reasoning ♦ or
  • MA 16010 - Applied Calculus I ♦ or
  • MA 16100 - Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus I ♦
  • Human Cultures: Humanities core - Credit Hours: 3.00 or
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 1.00/2.00

14-15 Credits

Spring 1st year.

  • HTM 19100 - Sanitation And Health In Foodservice, Lodging, And Tourism or
  • HTM 14100 - Financial Accounting For The Service Industries  ♦ or
  • COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of Speech Communication ♦ or
  • ENGL 10600 - First-Year Composition ♦ or
  • ENGL 10800 - Accelerated First-Year Composition ♦
  • ANTH 10000 - Being Human: Introduction To Anthropology or
  • HTM 17300 - Introduction To Tourism Management or 

15-16 Credits

Fall 2nd year.

  • ENGL 10800 - Accelerated First-Year Composition ♦ or
  • COM 11400 - Fundamentals Of Speech Communication ♦
  • CNIT 13600 - Personal Computing Technology And Applications ♦ or
  • HTM 23100 - Hospitality And Tourism Marketing or
  • HTM 24100 - Managerial Accounting And Financial Management In Hospitality Operations or
  • HTM 14100 - Financial Accounting For The Service Industries
  • CSR 28200 - Customer Relations Management or

14-16 Credits

Spring 2nd year.

  • ECON 21000 - Principles Of Economics ♦ or
  • ECON 25100 - Microeconomics ♦ or
  • ECON 25200 - Macroeconomics ♦ or
  • AGEC 21700 - Economics ♦ or
  • PSY 12000 - Elementary Psychology or
  • HTM 21200 - Management And Leadership In Hospitality And Tourism or
  • HTM 31200 - Human Resources Management For The Service Industries or
  • HTM 25500 - Advanced Spreadsheet Techniques For Hospitality And Tourism Management or

Summer 2nd Year

Fall 3rd year.

  • HTM 34100 - Operations Control And Analysis In The Hospitality Industry or
  • HTM Select Course - Credit Hours: 3.00 or
  • ECON 25100 - Microeconomics ♦ or
  • AGEC 21700 - Economics ♦
  • Science, Technology & Society selective - Credit Hours: 1.00-3.00 or
  • NUTR 30300 - Essentials Of Nutrition or Science 3.00

Spring 3rd Year

  • HTM 32200 - Hospitality Facilities Management or
  • HTM 29102 - Introduction To Foodservice Management or
  • HTM 29101 - Quantity Food Production And Service Laboratory or Elective - Credit Hours: 2.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 1.00 or
  • Science - Credit Hours: 3.00 or
  • NUTR 30300 - Essentials Of Nutrition ♦
  • STAT 30100 - Elementary Statistical Methods ♦ or
  • HTM Select Course - Credit Hours: 3.00

Summer 3rd Year

  • HTM 30200 - Hospitality And Tourism Industry Internship

1- 2 credits

Fall 4th year.

  • HTM 49201 - Hospitality Operation Management And Leadership or
  • HTM 38110 - Revenue Management In The Lodging Industry or
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 2.00 or
  • HTM 41100 - Hospitality And Tourism Law or
  • MGMT 31000 - Financial Management or
  • CSR 48400 - Consumer Investment And Savings Decisions
  • HTM 49111 - Beverage Operation Management or Elective - Credit Hours: 1.00
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 2.00

Spring 4th Year

  • HTM 49901 - Business Development In Hospitality And Tourism or
  • Elective - Credit Hours: 3.00 or
  • HTM Selective - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Human Cultures: Humanities core - Credit Hours: 3.00
  • Electives - Credit Hours: 3.00 or
  • Science, Technology & Society selective - Credit Hours: 1.00-3.00

Pre-Requisite Information

For pre-requisite information, click here .

World Language Courses

World Language proficiency requirements vary by program. The following list is inclusive of all world languages PWL offers for credit; for acceptable languages and proficiency levels, see your advisor. (ASL-American Sign Language; ARAB-Arabic; CHNS-Chinese; FR-French; GER-German; GREK-Greek(Ancient); HEBR-Hebrew(Biblical); HEBR-Hebrew(Modern); ITAL-Italian; JPNS-Japenese; KOR-Korean; LATN-Latin; PTGS=Portuguese; RUSS-Russian; SPAN-Spanish)

Critical Course

The ♦ course is considered critical. In alignment with the Degree Map Guidance for Indiana’s Public Colleges and Universities, published by the Commission for Higher Education (pursuant to HEA 1348-2013), a Critical Course is identified as “one that a student must be able to pass to persist and succeed in a particular major.  Students who want to be nurses, for example, should know that they are expected to be proficient in courses like biology in order to be successful.  These would be identified by the institutions for each degree program”. 
The student is ultimately responsible for knowing and completing all degree requirements. Consultation with an advisor may result in an altered plan customized for an individual student. The myPurduePlan powered by DegreeWorks is the knowledge source for specific requirements and completion.

hospitality tourism management

Master of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management (MS)

Program at a glance.

hospitality tourism management

  • In State Tuition
  • Out of State Tuition

Learn more about the cost to attend UCF.

U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges - Most Innovative 2024

Formulate and Implement Strategies for Success

The M.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management program helps you advance your career within the global hospitality and tourism industry by maintaining a competitive skill set. Build on your strengths and interests, broaden your knowledge of the industry, and sharpen your management skills. Plus, the program incorporates your professional and extracurricular experiences into our interactive learning environment.

As a graduate student in hospitality and tourism management, choose from a thesis and non-thesis option. The thesis option is a great fit if you’re interested in the scientific study of the various aspects of the hospitality and tourism industry. You’ll also want to choose this path if you plan to pursue a doctoral degree or a professional research position. The non-thesis option provides a wealth of opportunity if you’d like to gain a managerial or leadership position within the industry. The emphasis of the non-thesis option is on coursework, practical experience, and real-world insight.

Complete your degree in a format that works best for you. Enroll in the online master’s in hospitality and tourism management degree program , take it on campus or customize it through a mix of both to fit your schedule and budget. Please note that the thesis option is not available to students who study fully online.

As a graduate from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, you’ll be in high-demand for hospitality and tourism organizations around the globe. Many of our alumni go on to work for leading employers including the Walt Disney World Company, Universal Orlando Resort, Hilton, Marriott International, Loews Hotels, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, Orange County Convention Center and so many more.

Available Tracks:

  • Foundations Track

Rosen College Professor Helping Students

Application Deadlines

Ready to get started, course overview, critical issues in hospitality human resources.

Analysis of HR critical factors affecting operation and profitability of hospitality enterprises. Examination of emotional labor, empowerment, burnout, service orientation, turnover, absenteeism, compensation.

Managing Hospitality and Guest Services Organizations

Analysis of the unique problems of managing organizations in the hospitality and guest services industry.

Hospitality/Tourism Strategic Issues

Capstone experience with strategic decision-making principles in hospitality/tourism. Application of skills, knowledge and understanding of areas of concern for formulating and implementing operational strategies.

Hospitality Management & Tourism Skills You'll Learn

  • Prepare for higher-level management and leadership positions with the knowledge, connections and experience to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace
  • Apply high-level academic knowledge to real-world management challenges
  • Handle the analytical, financial, logistical, operational and management challenges that managers face on a daily basis

Career Opportunities

  • Hotel Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Travel and Tourism Services Marketing Manager
  • Convention or Conference Manager
  • Director of Special Events
  • Director of Sales

Admission Requirements

The hospitality and tourism management master’s degree at UCF accepts applications three times throughout the year: fall, spring and summer. You must apply online and submit all requested materials by the established deadline.

The typical candidate:

  • Is a professional working in a position related to hospitality, tourism or events.
  • Holds an undergraduate degree in hospitality, business management or a related discipline.
  • Understands that advanced educational training is required to be competitive in the thriving hospitality, tourism and event industry.

Admission is restricted each semester to individuals showing high promise of success in postgraduate studies. In addition to the requirements, other indicators of promise include the applicant’s extracurricular activities, work experience, job responsibilities and leadership experience, which will be considered in making admissions decisions.

To apply, submit the general graduate admissions requirements , as well as the following items by the deadline:

  • One official transcript (in a sealed envelope) from each college/university attended
  • Goal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • The GRE/GMAT is not required, however, the Admissions Committee may ask for the GRE/GMAT to strengthen a candidate’s application package.

Rosen College of Hospitality Management News

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University of Central Florida Colleges

hospitality tourism management

Request Information

Enter your information below to receive more information about the Hospitality and Tourism Management (MS) program offered at UCF.

The Master of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management enables students to build on their strengths and interests, broadens their knowledge of the industry, sharpens their management skills, and incorporates their professional and extracurricular experiences. The Rosen College of Hospitality Management candidates are especially attractive hires for hospitality and tourism organizations around the globe.

The typical Hospitality and Tourism Management MS candidate:

  • Is a professional working in a position related to hospitality, tourism, or events.
  • Holds an undergraduate degree in hospitality, business management, or a related discipline.
  • Understands that advanced educational training is required to be competitive in the thriving hospitality, tourism, and event industry.

The program offers thesis and non-thesis options. The thesis option is intended for students who are interested in the scientific study of the various aspects of the hospitality and tourism industry and who may anticipate pursuing a doctoral degree or a professional research position. The non-thesis option is intended for students who anticipate a managerial and leadership position in the hospitality and tourism industry. The emphasis of the non-thesis option is on coursework, practical experience, and real-world insight. You can complete your degree either fully online, face-to-face, or customize it through a mix of both to fit your schedule and budget, although the thesis option is not available to students who study fully online. A maximum of three credit hours of restricted elective may be taken as an independent study.

The Rosen College of Hospitality Management aims to provide students with an outstanding graduate hospitality management educational experience and serve other stakeholders with continuing education, research, and service. The College is committed to UCF's goals by providing intellectual leadership through quality hospitality education, international prominence by means of educational and research programs, promotion of a global perspective, nurturing inclusiveness and diversity, and partnerships with local, national, and international hospitality and tourism constituencies.

Please note: Hospitality and Tourism Management (MS) may be completed fully online . However, the thesis option is not available to students who study fully online, and not all elective options or program prerequisites may be offered online. Newly admitted students choosing to complete this program exclusively via UCF online classes may enroll with a reduction in campus-based fees.

International students (F or J visa) are required to enroll in a full-time course load of 9 credit hours during the fall and spring semesters. Only 3 of the 9 credit hours may be taken in a completely online format. For a detailed listing of enrollment requirements for international students, please visit http://global.ucf.edu/ . If you have questions, please consult UCF Global at (407) 823-2337.

UCF is not authorized to provide online courses or instruction to students in some states. Refer to State Restrictions for current information.

Program Prerequisites

For students with undergraduate majors in Hospitality Management or Business Administration, there will be no undergraduate course prerequisites, provided they have successfully completed an undergraduate course in statistics or applied quantitative analysis with a grade of "C" or higher.

For industry professionals with an undergraduate degree in a discipline other than Hospitality Management or Business Administration, the following two undergraduate courses "may" be required to be completed with a grade of "B" or higher within the first year of course work in the program (decisions are made at the discretion of the Graduate Recruitment Team).

  • HFT 2401 - Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting
  • HFT 3431 - Hospitality Industry Managerial Accounting

Students would also have to have successfully completed an undergraduate course in statistics or applied quantitative analysis with a grade of "C" or higher within the first year of course work in the program. The following undergraduate courses "may" be required to be completed with a grade of "B" or higher within the first year of course work in the program (decisions are made at the discretion of the Graduate Recruitment Team).

  • STA 2401 or STA 2023 or
  • HFT 3465 Applied Quantitative Analysis for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Degree Requirements

Required courses.

  • HMG6228 - Critical Issues in Hospitality Human Resources (3)
  • HMG6245 - Managing Hospitality and Guest Services Organizations (3)
  • HMG6477 - Financial Analysis of Hospitality Enterprises (3)
  • HMG6585 - Data Analysis in Hospitality and Tourism Research (3)
  • HMG6596 - Strategic Marketing in Hospitality and Tourism (3)
  • HMG6296 - Hospitality/Tourism Strategic Issues (3)

Thesis Option/Nonthesis Option

  • An appropriate culminating academic experience is required of all master's degree candidates. For those students in the thesis option, a thesis defense is required. Thesis defenses will be approved by a majority vote of the thesis advisory committee. Further approval is required by the Dean of the Rosen College of Hospitality Management and the UCF College of Graduate Studies before final acceptance of the thesis in fulfilling degree requirements.
  • HMG6586 - Research Methods in Hospitality and Tourism (3)
  • HMG6971 - Treatise (Thesis OF Research Report) (1 - 99)
  • FSS6365 - Management of Food Service Operations (3)
  • HMG6227 - Advanced Training and Development in the Hospitality Industry (3)
  • HMG6251 - International Lodging Accommodations Analysis (3)
  • HMG6267 - Case Studies in Restaurant Management (3)
  • HMG6291 - Hospitality Entrepreneurship: Concept Creation to Capitalization (3)
  • HMG6347 - Contemporary Issues in the Resort Industry (3)
  • HMG6446 - Hospitality/Tourism Information Technology (3)
  • HMG6476 - Feasibility Studies for the Hospitality/Tourism Enterprises (3)
  • HMG6528 - Convention and Conference Sales and Services (3)
  • HMG6529 - Contemporary Issues in Resort Sales Management (3)
  • HMG6533 - Hospitality/Tourism Industry Brand Management (3)
  • HMG6556 - Digital Marketing and Big Data Management for Hospitality and Tourism (3)
  • HMG6565 - Social Media in Hospitality and Tourism (3)
  • HMG6566 - Principles of Destination Marketing and Management (3)
  • HMG6710 - International Tourism Management (3)
  • HMG6738 - Tourism Industry Analysis (3)
  • HMG6756 - Mega-Events (3)
  • HMG6797 - Event Administration (3)
  • HMG6466 - Applied Revenue Management Techniques in Hospitality (3)
  • HMG6229 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry (3)
  • HMG6449 - Smart Travel and Tourism (3)
  • HMG6757 - Advanced Theme Park and Attraction Management (3)
  • HMG6810 - Food Supply Chain Management (3)
  • HMG6811 - Beverage Supply Chain Management (3)
  • HMG6224 - Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism (3)
  • HMG6223 - Leading Innovation and Change in Hospitality and Tourism (3)
  • HMG6299 - Contemporary Issues in Hospitality and Tourism Leadership (3)
  • An appropriate culminating academic experience is required of all master's degree candidates. For students in the non-thesis option, an appropriate culminating academic experience is the successful completion of HMG 6296 - Hospitality/Tourism Strategic Issues, a required course in the curriculum that is designated as a capstone course. This capstone course acquaints students with the principles of strategic decision-making in various sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry. Students are required to apply skills, knowledge, and understanding in order to identify areas of concern encountered by managers responsible for formulating and implementing operational strategies.

Independent Learning

  • Candidates for the MS degree are constantly challenged with numerous requirements to engage in independent learning during the program of study through special projects and papers. For students in the non-thesis option, an appropriate culminating academic experience is the successful completion of HMG 6296 - Hospitality/Tourism Strategic Issues , a required course in the curriculum that is designated as a capstone course. HMG 6296 should be taken during the final term of study, and enrollment is based on approval. This capstone course acquaints students with the principles of strategic decision-making in various sectors of the tourism and hospitality industry. Students are required to apply skills, knowledge, and understanding in order to identify areas of concern encountered by managers responsible for formulating and implementing operational strategies.

Grand Total Credits: 33

Application requirements.

Tourism & Hospitality Management

Bachelor of science in tourism and hospitality management.

Do you love to travel and immerse yourself in diverse cultures? Whether sailing the seas on a cruise ship, running a hotel, restaurant, quaint bed and breakfast, or working in a corporate office, the tourism and hospitality management program prepares students to succeed in the world of travel and tourism - one of the world's fastest growing industries. Tourism and Hospitality ranks in the top three industries in all 50 states. Travel and tourism in the United States is a $1.3-trillion industry and is among the nation's largest employers with 13 million direct travel-related jobs. If you are interested in organizing events, making sure conferences go smoothly, and ensuring that hotels run like a well-oiled machine, tourism and hospitality management is the program for you!

Possible Careers: Cruise Director, Casino Manager, Event Planner, Restaurant Owner, Meeting and Convention Management

Hays Daily News, the local newspaper, interviewed Dr. Stacey Smith, the Tourism and Hospitality Management Director. Check out what they had to say!

To graduate with a degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management, you must complete the following:

For a digital format of the degree program for students admitted for Fall 2023 and after, please click here.

Program Summary Credit Hours

General Education Requirements (34 Credit Hours) College of Business Core (24 Credit Hours) Tourism and Hospitality Management Core (23 Credit Hours) Required Electives (12 Credit Hours) Free Electives (27 Credit Hours) Total 120 Credit Hours

College of Business Core - 24 Hours

ACCT 203 Principles of Accounting I BCOM 210 Introduction to Professional Development BCOM 300 Spreadsheet Applications BCOM 301 Strategic Business Communication GBUS 204 Business Law I MGT 301 Management Principles MGT 611 Human Resource Management MKT 301 Marketing Principles

Tourism and Hospitality Management Core - 23 Hours

THM 620 Principles and Practices in Tourism and Hospitality Management THM 621 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing THM 622 Service Operations Management THM 625 International Hospitality: Problems and Planning THM 629 Tourism and Hospitality Industry Internship THM 632 Sustainable Tourism & Events  MLNG 226 Beginning Spanish II for Tourism & Hospitality

Required Electives - 12 Hours

THM 601X Special Topics in THM THM 601 Foundations of Wine THM 623 Meetings, Conventions, & Events Management THM 624 Hotel & Resort Management THM 626 Food & Beverage Management THM 627 Casino Management THM 628 Health & Wellness Tourism THM 630 Spa Facility & Destination Management THM 601 Revenue Management MKT 610 Social Media Marketing

Suggested Free Electives - 27 Hours

MGT 101 Intro. to Business MKT 606 International Marketing BCOM 400 Global Business Communication COMM 348 Intro. to Public Relations & Advertising COMM 414 Business & Professional Speaking COMM 601 Persuasion ENTR 301 Intro. to Entrepreneurship ENTR 350 Opportunity Development & Creativity ENTR 401 Opportunity Evaluation ENTR 605 New Venture Creation LDRS 300 Intro. to Leadership Concepts LDRS 302 Intro. to Leadership Behaviors LDRS 310 Field Work in Leadership Studies MGT 475 Business, Society, & Ethics MGT 606 International Business MKT 607 Business-to-Business Marketing

General Education Cognates

MATH 250 Elements of Statistics MLNG 225 Beginning Spanish I Economics Choice - Choose 1 ECON 201 Principles of Economics: Micro ECON 202 Principles of Economics: Macro

In addition to requirements specific to the student’s Tourism and Hospitality Management degree, FHSU requires every student to demonstrate foundational skills and perspectives that allow graduates to understand the relationship of their chosen field with other fields and society. The "General Education Cognates" section specifies 11 hours that must be completed within the  FHSU general education program . 

How to Reach Us

Department of Applied Business Studies Fort Hays State University 600 Park Street McCartney Hall 113 Phone: 785-628-4772 Email:  [email protected] Contact Us

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Hospitality and Tourism Management Graduate Program

White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

The hospitality and tourism management graduate program offers world-class postgraduate programs for industry professionals seeking to move ahead in their careers and aspiring academics seeking to gain the knowledge and skills to be researchers and teachers.

PhD Program

The PhD program is designed to be one of the strongest research-based programs in the world. The program — which includes a strong element of statistics and research design — prepares you for careers in major research universities or research-based agencies. Upon graduation, you are expected to have a curriculum vitae, which includes teaching experience, publishing experience in research journals, and a record of presentations to industry and research societies. The program has limited enrollment to allow you to develop exceptionally close working relationships with faculty.

Potential Careers

  • Research Analysts
  • Policy Analysts
  • Consultants

Program Highlights

  • The school’s research centers allow cooperative research across individual projects, leading to strong contributions in the industry.
  • You will have numerous opportunities to work one-on-one with faculty developing, conducting and analyzing research that deals with real problems in the hospitality industry.

Master of Science Program

The Master of Science program offers one of the most up-to-date and integrated blends of theory, technology and applications in the hospitality industry. You will have a choice of thesis or non-thesis plans of study in our residential program. Core courses will advance your understanding of this dynamic industry while exploring how to conduct research and analyze information. If you choose to complete the online program , you will complete courses designed specifically for mid-career professions in the hospitality and tourism industry.

  • Communication coordinator
  • Vice president of operations
  • Special events coordinator
  • Production specialist
  • Operations manager
  • Corporate recruiter
  • Planning specialist
  • Research fellow
  • Area manager
  • The thesis or capstone project is designed to integrate your key learnings and demonstrate your understanding.
  • Small classes are designed to maximize learning and engagement with world-class faculty.
  • Immersive coursework in issues requiring integration, insight and critical thinking encourage the illumination and creation of new knowledge.

Program Quick Facts

Degree Type : Master’s, Doctoral

Program Length : Master’s: 2 years Doctoral: 3-4 years

Location : West Lafayette, IN

Department/School : White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Plan of Study

Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Research

In the hospitality and tourism management master’s and doctoral programs, you’ll gain significant exposure to research , working directly with the school’s faculty to explore important issues facing the hospitality industry — from sustainability and responsible travel to food safety and employee well-being.

Sustainable Tourism

Research Opportunities

  • Food service operations
  • Healthy eating and menu nutrition labeling in the hospitality industry
  • Food safety
  • Sustainable tourism
  • Responsible travel
  • Employee well-being
  • Visitor economic behavior
  • Tourism experience design and marketing
  • Traveler experience, wellness and technology
  • Visitor harassment

Research Areas

  • Hospitality and service management
  • Tourism management and community development
  • Sustainability and innovation

Research Facilities

  • Arthur Avery Foodservice Research Laboratory
  • Center for Hospitality and Retail Industries Business Analytics
  • Purdue Tourism and Hospitality Research Center
  • Sustainable Tourism and Responsible Travel Lab
  • Visitor Harassment Research Unit

Faculty by Research Area

Consumer behavior and individual well-being, hospitality and service management, tourism management and community development, sustainability and innovation, branding and experience design, application procedure for residential programs.

Thank you for your interest in our top-ranked graduate programs. Before you continue with the electronic application for admission, please familiarize yourself with the minimum requirements for admission to the graduate residential programs in the White Lodging-J.W. Marriott, Jr. School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. It is important to recognize that although satisfaction with these basic requirements does not guarantee graduate admission, failure to satisfy these requirements may lead to automatic denial of admission.

Starting the Application

Required Application Materials

These are documents that are required to support a successful application. Supporting documents should be uploaded to the electronic application or mailed directly to the graduate program. See the sections below for more details. Supporting documents include the following unless otherwise noted:

  • Transcripts

The admission committee is looking for transcripts with a GPA of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent. Prospective PhD students need a transcript that shows completion of a master’s degree. You can upload offical copies directly to the application portal. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. If transcripts are not in English, an English translation will need to accompany the transcript.

You must provide physcial copies of the official transcripts and/or academic records if you are admitted and choose to enroll. Official documents should be submitted to:

Office of Graduate Admissions Purdue University Graduate School 155 South Grant Street, YONG 170 West Lafayette, IN 47907

  • GRE Test  OR GMAT Test  (optional) 

Due to COVID-19 constraints, the GRE/GMAT is optional. The admissions committee values these tests and highly recommends applicants take and send their scores as part of their application package for a holistic review.

We encourage inclusion of Official GRE (Graduate Record Examination)  OR  GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) report of scores taken within the last five years. Applicants may submit results from either the GRE or GMAT, but most students use the GRE. 

GRE (minimum)  | verbal and quantitative score of 290 or higher (each: minimum of 145) | code  1631 . For information and test dates visit  www.gre.org .

GMAT (minimum) | total score of 550 (verbal and quantitative sections) | code  1RZ-NJ-46 . For more information visit  www.mba.com .

  • English Proficiency  (a requirement for International Students)

International applicants whose native language is not English are required to provide proof of English proficiency for admission to all degree graduate programs.

TOEFL iBT (minimum) | Writing 18, Speaking 18, Listening 14, Reading 19 | Total 80 | code  1631 . For further information, visit  www.toefl.org .

TOEFL Essentials (minimum) | Writing 8, Speaking 8, Listening 8, Reading 8 | Total 8 | code  1631 . For further information, visit  www.toefl.org .

IELTS (minimum) | Writing 6, Speaking 6, Listening 6, Reading 6.5 | Overall brand score of 6.5.   For more information, visit  www.ielts.org .

  • Recommendation letters  

HTM requires three letters of recommendation: two from academia and one from an employer.

When you create an online application to the Purdue Graduate School, you will be asked to input the names and emails of your recommender. Once you click “Send to Recommender,” your recommendation providers will receive an email with instructions on submitting their recommendation online. The Purdue University Graduate School strongly encourages you to provide an email address affiliated with an academic institution, professional organization or employer. If there is not an affiliated email, please be sure to inform the individual writing your letter that they must be on business letterhead to assure they are valid. Once the online recommendation is submitted the graduate program to which you applied will have access to view your online recommendation.

  • Current Resume

HTM’s application review committee is looking for a minimum of one year of work experience in a related area or two completed internships (internships must total six months or more).

Assistantships  that HTM offers are typically determined based on past work experiences and career goals outlined in the resume. Preference will be given to admitted applicants with related work experience that meet the needs of HTM.

  • Diversity Essay 

The application portal will ask for a diversity letter. In this document you should describe your leadership; work experience; service experience; or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education. You should then describe how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship and creative excellence. You should feel free to discuss your own personal experiences in the essay.

  • Statement of Purpose

A statement of approximately 500 words is encouraged that explains your interest in undertaking or continuing graduate study; your reasons for wanting to study at Purdue; and your professional plans, career goals and research interests. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your special abilities, awards, achievements, scholarly publications and/or professional history.

  •   Pay Application Fee

A $60 application fee applies for domestic students, and a $75 application fee applies for international students.

HTM Program Director, Jonathon Day

Jonathon Day | Doctoral Program Director

For questions regarding the hospitality and tourism management doctoral graduate program, please contact [email protected] .

HTM Program Director, Jonathon Day

Alei Fan | Masters Program Director

For questions regarding the hospitality and tourism management masters graduate program, please contact [email protected] .

Hospitality and Retail Management

  • Human Sciences
  • Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management

Restaurant, Hotel & Institutional Management

Restaurant, Hotel & Institutional Management Texas Tech RHIM Major

B.S. Degree in RHIM

Prepare for top hospitality management career opportunities with our hotel and restaurant bachelor's degree..

Major employers from across the globe visit Texas Tech each semester to recruit our hotel and restaurant management graduates. The majority of our hospitality management students have job offers waiting for them at graduation. The RHIM degree at Texas Tech is consistently ranked as one of the nation's top hotel and restaurant management degree programs. RHIM is ranked a top 100 program by QS World University Rankings, #6 best online program by University HQ and accredited by the prestigious Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA).

Texas Tech focuses on practical work experience and management skills. You will get superior career preparation in our hospitality management degree program, with benefits including:

  • Hands-on experience. You will get at least 1,200 hours of practical workplace experience (including a 400-hour off-campus internship), plus additional hours in state-of-the-art classroom kitchens and labs.
  • Superior facilities.  Texas Tech has on-site classrooms including the four-star Overton Hotel & Conference Center , the student-run Skyviews Restaurant , one of the best fine-dining experiences in West Texas. You will have the opportunity to practice your culinary skills in our H-E-B culinary labs.
  • A focus on business.  Texas Tech's restaurant and hotel management degree provides you with an outstanding business education. You will get excellent preparation in marketing, accounting, management, finance, and law.
  • Travel and study abroad. You will have opportunities to visit and study in national and international travel destinations and food capitals.
  • Professional networking. Thousands of Texas Tech restaurant and hotel degree graduates work in the hospitality industry, so you will have a built-in network of contacts.

Texas Tech  Campus Restaurant, Hotel & Institutional Management Texas Tech RHIM Major

Upon completion of the degree, students can demonstrate:

  • Effective and appropriate communication in both written and oral formats.
  • The preparation, maintenance, analysis, and utilization of financial documents and data related to hospitality management organizations.
  • The ability to discuss, examine, and evaluate management practices in the hospitality industry.
  • The ability to define, discuss, give examples of, and examine ethical issues related to hospitality management organizations.
  • Comprehension of access & engagement, as well as sustainability issues facing professionals in hospitality management.

Our Hotel and Restaurant Bachelor's Degree Emphasizes Business

Employers prefer Texas Tech graduates because our hospitality management program has such a strong business focus. You will get hands-on training in industry-standard computer software, which gives you a big advantage in the job market. In addition, you will learn the business side of hotel and restaurant management with courses in:

  • Personnel management
  • Communications
  • Hospitality law
  • Facilities management

You will also develop the interpersonal skills hospitality industry employers look for. Our hotel and restaurant program fosters close relationships, so you'll learn to communicate well and work on strong teams.

Hotel and Restaurant Management Career Opportunities

Texas Tech's hotel and restaurant management degree program has a highly successful job placement rate. The world's leading hospitality industry employers recruit our graduates aggressively.

You will have opportunities to work all over the United States and the world, pursuing careers such as:

  • Executive chef
  • Food and beverage director
  • Hotel manager
  • Event planner
  • Catering director

You will enhance your learning with hands-on experiences in areas of:

  • Food and Beverage
  • Hospitality

Companies Our Graduates Received Job Offers From

Most of our graduates receive job offers before graduation. You will have access to a vast alumni network. Many students have gone on to work for companies like:

  • Papas Restaurant Group
  • Southern Glazers
  • Republic National Distributing

Hotel and Restaurant Management Degree Accreditation

The Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management degree is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration .

For more information about the Hotel and Restaurant Management Degree

Request information online, contact the office of recruitment and visitor's center.

  • Phone: (806) 742-1941

Best Accredited Colleges

Contact TTU

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  2. Hospitality and Tourism Management

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  3. Complete Guide to Strategic Management For Tourism Hospitality And

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  4. Hospitality and Tourism 2b: Hotel and Restaurant Management

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  5. Tourism and Hospitality management. What is it really?

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  6. Why You Should Study Hospitality and Tourism Management

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  1. What Is Hospitality Management? Careers, Skills, Salaries

    Hospitality management involves all the tasks and aspects of managing a hospitality business. These businesses focus on welcoming customers and providing them with pleasant experiences through dining, lodging, events, entertainment, or travel.

  2. What to Know About Hospitality and Tourism Management Degree

    An interest in the food and beverage sector, a love for travel or an interest in entertaining people may lead someone to consider pursuing a degree in hospitality management.

  3. Hospitality and Tourism Management Major

    Consistently ranked as one of the leading hospitality and tourism management programs, both globally and nationally, Purdue’s hospitality and tourism management program will immerse you in the fast-paced hospitality industry and prepare you to work in a variety of management positions.

  4. What Is Hospitality Management? Careers, Skills, Salaries

    Take a closer look at how hospitality management is different from hotel management and examples of hospitality management career paths. You'll also discover the skills and education you may need to succeed in this industry, the job outlook, and how to get started.

  5. Study Hospitality & Tourism Management: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

    articles and advice. Study Hospitality & Tourism Management: The Ultimate Guide (2024) If you’re a world traveler who’s also organized, business-minded, hard-working, and a friendly people-person, read on to discover why a hospitality and tourism management program could be the perfect fit for you! Feb 6, 2024. Tourism & Hospitality.

  6. Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management (BS)

    The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management prepares students for management positions in one of the largest economic sectors worldwide.

  7. What is Tourism and Hospitality Management?

    The hospitality and tourism industry is a vast sector that includes all the economic activities that directly or indirectly contribute to, or depend upon, travel, tourism and hospitality. This industry sector includes: Hotels & Resorts; Restaurants & Catering; Night Clubs & Bars; Travel & Transportation; Tourism; Spas & Wellness; Cruise Liners ...

  8. BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management

    The BS in Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management will prepare you for a range of hotel industry jobs and career paths. You will have the opportunity to specialize in your field of interest, including hotel or tourism operations, sales and marketing, revenue management or hotel development.

  9. 2024 Best Colleges with Hospitality and Tourism Management

    Ranking of the best colleges for hospitality and tourism management majors. Compare the top hospitality and tourism management schools in the U.S.

  10. Online MS in Hospitality and Tourism Management

    Experience the Purdue difference in customer experience management. In the online MS program, you will learn from leading researchers in hospitality and tourism management and evaluate real-world challenges to create innovative solutions with the help of skilled managers.

  11. Hospitality and Tourism Management, BS

    By equipping students with valuable skills to create transformational experiences, graduates of the Hospitality and Tourism Management program possess an innovative mindset necessary to sustain an industry that is internationally relevant and a powerful economic driver.

  12. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management

    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management is the official journal of CAUTHE (Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Inc.) The journal is committed to a broad range of topics including tourism and travel management, leisure and recreation studies and the emerging field of … View full aims & scope.

  13. Master's in Hospitality & Tourism Management

    The M.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management program helps you advance your career within the global hospitality and tourism industry by maintaining a competitive skill set. Build on your strengths and interests, broaden your knowledge of the industry, and sharpen your management skills.

  14. Tourism & Hospitality Management

    Whether sailing the seas on a cruise ship, running a hotel, restaurant, quaint bed and breakfast, or working in a corporate office, the tourism and hospitality management program prepares students to succeed in the world of travel and tourism - one of the world's fastest growing industries.

  15. Hospitality and Tourism Management Graduate Program

    The hospitality and tourism management graduate program offers world-class postgraduate programs for industry professionals seeking to move ahead in their careers and aspiring academics seeking to gain the knowledge and skills to be researchers and teachers. PhD Program.

  16. Master of Science in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management

    Graduate students in our Master of Science in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management (MSTHEM) program (formerly known as the Master of Tourism Administration, or MTA) can pursue their professional passion by studying in a top-ranked business school with unparalleled access in Washington, D.C. Interested in joining?

  17. Restaurant Hotel Management Degree Texas

    Apply Now. Degree Plan & Courses. Prepare for top hospitality management career opportunities with our hotel and restaurant bachelor's degree. Major employers from across the globe visit Texas Tech each semester to recruit our hotel and restaurant management graduates.

  18. Hospitality and Tourism career cluster

    The hospitality and tourism industry includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation services, cruises, travel guides, casinos, movie theaters, and tourism. The industry is important for travel, as hospitality and tourism workers help plan trips and make travel reservations, operate hotels and amusement parks, and ...