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The Game of Thrones Guide to Northern Ireland: Filming Locations, Self-Guided Tour and Map

Want to explore the world of Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland? Don’t miss this step by step guide: complete with filming locations, map, tips and more.

It may have caught your attention but I’m totally obsessed with Game of Thrones. 

From scoping out filming locations in Dubrovnik , Seville and Iceland to seeing the new spots that feature in House of the Dragon , some of my recent travels have had a distinct Game of Thrones focus – and no, I’m not remotely abashed by it either. 

There was pretty much no way then that I was going to travel to Northern Ireland, the home of the Titanic Studios (the main studio in which the series was filmed) as well as 26 filming locations, without creating a little Game of Thrones-themed trip. 

Throughout the course of my trip, I traversed almost every corner of Northern Ireland, hunting out Game of Thrones filming locations with a passionate fervour that would have done Daenerys proud (albeit without the out and out madness that reveals itself at the end. That was disappointing). 

The result?  A four-day Game of Thrones Self-Guided tour that you are going to LOVE. 

Throughout the course of this guide, I’ll walk you through a step by step Game of Thrones Northern Ireland itinerary, cover what you need to prepare for your trip and heap loads of geeky Game of Thrones trivia at you along the way. 

Sound good? Let’s go! 

Game of Thrones Northern Ireland Filming Locations Self-Guided Tour

Game of thrones northern ireland self-guided tour: day one – causeway coast .

OK, we’re going to start big peeps – no messing about and easing into it – we’re going to start as we mean to go on, with the steely heart of the Night King, the nimble feet of Arya and… you get the point. 

The lush, windswept hills surrounding Cairncastle are not just an impressive sight – they also double up as some of the series’ iconic filming locations. 

From there, it’s a matter of hopping along the Causeway Coast towards Ballycastle, where you wrap up for the day – but not before you’ve taken in seven filming locations and two little surprises along the way. 

Stop One: Ballygally Castle 

Game of Thrones Door at Ballygally Castle

I recommend staying at Ballygally Castle for the duration of this Game of Thrones tour, but even if you aren’t it’s worth ducking in for two things – the first is their brilliant Game of Thrones Afternoon Tea (though as we’ve just gotten started, it might be a bit early in the day for it). 

The second is the striking wooden door depicting the clash between House Stark and House Bolton at The Battle of the Bastards. The door is the ninth in a series of ten dotted across Northern Ireland.

They were created after heavy storms in January 2016 felled some of the trees in The Dark Hedges and placed in key pubs and restaurants in Game of Thrones territory. 

Stop Two: Sallagh Braes 

Sallagh Braes

The beauty of this natural amphitheatre would be reason enough to make your way to Sallagh Braes – but we have a bigger reason to visit.

Remember when Arya brutally left Sandor Clegane to die after he fought with Brienne of Tarth and Clegane starts being a decent person and helping out with the villagers? You guessed it, that was filmed here. 

Stop Three: Cairncastle 

Game of Thrones Cairncastle

Meander through the narrow, twisting country roads to the old Bronze Age Fort of Cairncastle.  A couple of scenes were filmed in two separate locations in Cairncastle (locations 13 and 14 on the Game of Thrones Territory Map or both marked as Cairncastle in the app). 

The first is the moment that Sansa arrives at Moat Cailin and realises she’s returning to Winterfell to be married to Ramsay Bolton and into the very family who have stolen the Stark castle and lands.

The second is waaaaaaaay back to the first ever episode when Ned Stark (remember old Eddard) beheads the man who deserts the Night’s Watch after seeing the White Walkers. 

So yeah, the scenes weren’t the chirpiest… Maybe time to move on. 

Stop Four: Shillanavogy Valley 

Shillanavogy Valley

It’s up to you whether you decide to include the slight detour to Shillanavogy Valley as it is a little out of the way from the coastal road and, while beautiful, isn’t a key filming location.

I’m certainly glad we did – the valley is rumoured to be the very place where Ireland’s very own patron saint, St Patrick tended sheep… and it also doubles up as the Dothraki Sea – the grassy area in Essos the Dothraki call their home. 

Stop Five: Carnlough Harbour 

Carnlough Harbour

Hit the road again, this time your destination is Carnlough, a pretty little coastal village with its own mysteries to reveal.

The filming location is one that’s hidden in plain sight – truck your way to Carnlough’s stone harbour and take a good look.

You’ve got it – it’s the spot in Season 6 Episode 7 where Arya drags herself out of Braavos harbour after being stabbed in the stomach by the Waif. Luckily it’s a lot more of a chill place in real life. 

Stop Six: Cushendun Caves 

Cushenden Caves

Some of the Game of Thrones locations in Northern Ireland aren’t immediately recognisable… but some leap out at you the moment that you look at them. The Cushendun Caves are one such location.

No sooner had I entered the gloomy, damp surrounds before the scene filmed here jumped out at me, larger than life. The creepy scene in Season 2 where Lady Melisandre gives birth to the dark shadow who melds into the darkness, emerging to kill Renly Baratheon.

It was one of the key points in Game of Thrones that had me gripping my seat like “OMG this is insane,” and I’ll be honest, seeing the caves in real life gave me the shivers. Enjoy that. 

Stop Seven: Murlough Bay and Above Murlough Bay 

Boom –  just like that, day one of your tour of Game of Thrones sites in Northern Ireland is almost over…. But not before you head to Murlough Bay.

It is a fair drive off the main road, so if you’re running out of time for the day, you can forego it. It would be a shame though as while Murlough Bay and the surrounding areas only pop up fleetingly in the series, it’s a gorgeous part of the Causeway Coast that is rarely overrun precisely because it’s a bit off the beaten track. 

Filming location-wise, Murlough Bay and its surrounds makes two separate appearances in Game of Thrones – one in Season Two as Renly’s camp where Stannis and Renly have their little war of words and the other in Season Five as Slaver’s Bay when Tyrion and Ser Jorah are captured by slavers. 

The specific locations are marked as 8 and 9 on the map or “Murlough Bay” and “Above Murlough Bay” in the app.

Game of Thrones Northern Ireland Self-Guided Tour: Day Two

Ready for day two of your Game of Thrones tour of Northern Ireland? Today’s trip will pick up where we left off yesterday, heading westwards towards the Northern Irish / Republic border and swinging by the most famous filming location: The Dark Hedges.

Stop One: Larrybane 

We’re starting strong today – the Game of Thrones Northern Ireland app names Larrybane as one of the “most sheltered and scenic locations along the Causeway Coast,” and guess what, they’re not wrong. 

Larrybane’s large sea cave boasts stunning views of the surrounding area – including the wobbly-knee-inducing Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge.

Anyway – two scenes were filmed in this area: the first the scenes in the Stormlands, including the touching moment when Brienne of Tarth is named as one of Renly Baratheon’s Kingsguard.

And the second in Season Six when the Kingsmoot is held on the Iron Islands to decide between Yara and Theon Greyjoy as the ruler… before Euron turns up and sticks his oar in. 

Stop Two: Ballintoy 

Ballintoy Game of Thrones

You can tell you are in the heart of Game of Thrones land from the moment you turn up in Ballintoy: the signature plaques detailing which scenes were filmed there are present and correct – but more than that, it’s a real favourite for the tours to have that iconic in-costume shot. 

Not sure you’re in the right place? The sight of a motley crew of Daenerys, Jon Snows and Arya Starks trailing past should help decide the matter.

Beautiful Ballintoy used to be a dozy fishing village with a great tea shop (I highly advise you to buy one of their massive slabs of cake – you won’t regret it). That was until it was featured as a Game of Thrones Northern Irish location in both seasons and two six as the Iron Islands. 

It’s Ballintoy you see when Theon disembarks from his rather steamy journey to the Iron Islands and also Ballintoy for Balon’s funeral and the subsequent drowning and rebirth of Euron Greyjoy. No better place to make like the Ironborn and do a bit of pillaging I say (joking guys JOKING).

Stop Three: The Dark Hedges 

The Dark Hedges

Whaaaaaat. Yes, you heard me right. The next stop on our tour of GOT locations in Northern Ireland is none other than The Dark Hedges – the moody AF and atmospheric avenue of trees that pops up as the Kingsroad in Season Two when Arya’s escaped King’s Landing after poor old Ned lost his head. 

The Dark Hedges might be a Game of Thrones filming location, but really, they’re one of the best-known attractions in Northern Ireland full stop and a total must for your time in Northern Ireland. Don’t miss them.

Stop Four: Portstewart Strand 

Portstewart Strand

After all of the excitement of the Dark Hedges, you could be forgiven for thinking that all I’d expect you to do for the rest of the day would be to lie in a darkened room, damp cloth on head. Not at all. There are three further filming locations to tackle and tackle them you will. 

The first is Portstewart Strand in County Derry – managed by the National Trust, this windswept stretch of coast is a feast for the eyes. It also doubles up as the Dornish Coast in Season Five when Jamie Lannister and Ser Bronn land in Dorne to recapture Myrcella. 

Stop Five: Downhill Beach 

The penultimate spot on day two of our tour is Downhill Beach – a well-known spot in Northern Ireland that takes on a much more sinister aspect in Series One when Lady Melisandre uses it to burn effigies of the Lord of Light at Dragonstone.

Little did we know that was only the beginning. 

Stop Six: Binevenagh 


Views don’t come much more dramatic than Binevenagh – the rugged cliffs, hills and plateaus that make an appearance in Game of Thrones as the north of Meereen in both Seasons Five and Six.

In Season Five, it’s to Binevanagh that Drogon flies Daenerys after rescuing her from the Sons of the Harpy. In Season Six, it’s the place where Daenerys is captured by the Dothraki and taken to Dosh Khaleen. 

Game of Thrones Northern Ireland Self-Guided Tour: Day Three

Day Three of this Game of Thrones driving tour of Northern Ireland explores a completely different part of Northern Ireland: the region east and south of Strangford Lough towards the southern border. 

Stop One: Quintin Bay 

The quiet area of Quintin Bay is home to a castle (the rather imaginatively named Quintin Castle) and one of the lesser-known Game of Thrones filming locations for Season Five.

The rascally Ser Bronn is having a stroll in the Crownlands with his fiancee when Jamie arrives to persuade him to come to Dorne and rescue Myrcella. 

Stop Two: Castle Ward 

Castle Ward

Separated by the waters of Strangford Lough, you’ll need to hop on the Portaferry to reach your next destination – the National Trust property Castle Ward. Recognise it? It’s only WINTERFELL. Well, Winterfell in Season One anyway. 

Cast your mind to the plotting, intrigue and dastardly actions that took place within the walls of the castle – Jamie pushing Bran out of the window, King Robert and his Royal retinue arriving to ask for the Stark’s help – hard to believe it happened in this very spot – hence its nickname of Northern Ireland’s Game of Thrones castle. 

Stop Three: Audley’s Field 

Audley was a popular family – you’ll find a field, castle and many other Audley-named attractions in the vicinity… but it’s the field we’re interested in.

The field and its accompanying ruin of a tower appears in Season Two as the backdrop for Robb Stark’s camp and when Robb, The King of the North meets Talisa – the nurse from Volantis that is soon to become his wife (that was a total facepalm moment – I knew it even before we witnessed the horrific consequences). 

Stop Four: River Quoile 

The pretty wetlands of the River Quoile, just outside of Downpatrick set the scene for the aptly-named Riverlands in Game of Thrones.

While it appears in a few scenes in Season Three, it’s the cringe-worthy moment when arrogant Edmure Tully misses the funereal boat of his dead father with his flaming arrow not one, but three times and has to let his uncle Brynden do the job properly that you’ll probably remember. Awkward.

Stop Five: Inch Abbey 

Inch Abbey

Who doesn’t love a good old ruin? Well, the atmospheric Inch Abbey blends picturesque views with a bit of Game of Thrones geekery – IMHO the best combination. 

Its appearance may be brief (it crops up in Season One as Robb Stark’s camp at Riverrun) but it’s an easy stop as it’s only a short distance from the River Quoile. 

Stop Six: Tollymore Forest 

Tollymore Forest

I’ll warn you, it’s something of a schlepp to locations six and seven on today’s itinerary so if you’re short on time, I’d advise skipping them (tough but sometimes it needs to be done). 

If you do have the time, Tollymore Forest is a lovely area you can explore on one of the marked trails. Being somewhat dark and moody, it’s only fitting that it appears in the first season as the lands around Winterfell where the Starks find the Direwolves. 

Stop Seven: Leitrim Lodge 

We’re almost done – but before you start crying into your tea, there’s one more spot to tackle – Leitrim Lodge in the west of the Mourne Mountains. Make it this far and you can give yourself a massive pat on the back – very few do.

The rugged environs of the Mourne Mountains make their way into GOT as the area north of Winterfell to which Bran, Rickon and their entourage escape after Theon takes the castle. 

Game of Thrones Northern Ireland Self-Guided Tour: Day Four

Just like that, our Game of Thrones driving tour of Northern Ireland is almost over. I know, I know, I’m sad too. All that’s left to see is a couple of filming locations just outside of Belfast and, if you have the time, a series of Game of Thrones-related sights in Belfast itself. 

Stop One: Lough Neagh 

Lough Neagh

I’ll admit that my trip to Lough Neagh wasn’t a roaring success – it was raining so hard that I could barely see the Lough, even when I was standing right beside it. A shame as the Lough is the largest freshwater lake in the British Isles and supposedly quite beautiful. 

Not sure that Tyrion or Ser Jorah thought so though – it’s across Lough Neagh, aka the Summer Sea that Tyrion is brought by Ser Jorah when he kidnaps him to take him to Daenerys and on the shores of which Jorah discovers that he has greyscale. Grim all round. 

Stop Two: Toome Canal 

Toome Canal

The rains having stopped for a moment, my trip to Toome Canal was more successful. It’s a quiet spot, without much to see… until you imagine it as the Old Valyrian Canal through which Ser Jorah and Tyrion navigate when they’re attacked by the Stone Men.

All of a sudden I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to scuttle out of there as fast as possible. 

Stop Three: Belfast

Celebrate by perching on the Throne

It’s time to celebrate. 

Your work is done – you’ve successfully navigated all of the major Game of Thrones filming locations in the course of four days… someone ought to give you a knighthood or something like that. 

All that’s left for you to do is to grab a pint, have a drink and pretend you’re Tormund Giantsbane trying to outdrink everyone in the last series… or settle for a good old high-five with yourself, whichever takes your fancy. 

If you have some time, I’d recommend walking the Glass of Thrones trail , which wends its way between a series of intricate glassworks dotted across the city, each depicting a different house or legacy. 

Game of Thrones Locations in Northern Ireland: If You Have More Time

Fair head cliffs.

While you’re in Murlough Bay, take a little detour to Fair Head Cliffs – you might recognise them as a Dragonstone backdrop. It was at this rugged coastal location in Antrim that Jon Snow had a memorable encounter with Daenerys and her massive dragon. 

The Marble Arch Caves + Pollnagollum Cave

Now, these next locations are pretty out of the way, situated in the southwest of Northern Ireland. This means most people skip them – a huge mistake if you’re a massive fan like me.

If you just so happen to find yourself near Belmore Forest, make sure to explore Pollnagollum Cave. It’s a pretty magical sight, and the walk around the landmark is equally as impressive. It’s hidden away behind a waterfall, but is well worth hunting out – this is where Beric Dondarrion and the Brotherhood Without Banners hid from Lannister and his gang.

Handy Tips for Planning Your Game of Thrones Northern Ireland Adventure

Game of Thrones Northern Ireland

Before we get going, there are a couple of things you should know that are going to make your life so much easier. 

Discover Northern Ireland’s Game of Thrones App

The single best tip I can give you for exploring Game of Thrones Northern Ireland filming locations is to download the brilliant app created by Discover Northern Ireland. The app is incredible – so well thought-out and easy to use. 

It has two main sections: one an introduction to Westeros and Essos, the continents in Game of Thrones and the second is dedicated to showcasing the Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland. 

Now while I would highly recommend spending some time getting low down and geeky with the glut of info in the introduction to Westeros and Essos section of the app, it’s the filming locations section that is going to elevate your trip from ace to totally badass levels. 

Each filming location (there are 26 in total) has its own page and is clearly marked on a map of Northern Ireland. 

The pages give you information about the place itself and then, if you click on the section with the arrow at the bottom, the scene that was filmed there. Cool right? (I’m totally going to assume that you are nodding your head vigorously at this point). 

Where to Stay for Your Game of Thrones Tour of Northern Ireland – Ballygally Castle

Game of Thrones Afternoon Tea at Ballygally

You have plenty of options when it comes to choosing where to bed down for your Game of Thrones odyssey across Northern Ireland – I’d recommend the gorgeous Ballygally Castle on the Causeway Coast for a couple of reasons. 

The first is that I’ve stayed in a few of the family-run Hastings Hotels properties and have always found them to be friendly, comfortable and welcoming – and Ballygally Castle was no exception. 

The second is that the hotel has fully-embraced its Game of Thrones connections (I’d highly recommend hunting out the intricately-carved Stark-themed door, made from the wood of trees that blew down from the Dark Hedges). 

During my stay I had the pleasure of trying their brilliant Game of Thrones-themed afternoon tea and it was everything you’d expect from marrying two such fabulous things. Plate after plate of cleverly-named and scrumptious treats magicked their way onto our table: Rustic Ironborn Foccacia with Glenarm Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese and, course, Sansa’s beloved lemon cakes. 

Finally, and just as importantly… location, location, location. 

Ballygally Castle is situated in between two large clusters of filming locations – one around Strangford Lough, the other along the Causeway Coast, both within easy driving distance of the hotel. 

Check rates and availability at Ballygally Castle

If you don’t stay at Ballygally, the next best option to follow this itinerary is to stay in Belfast as you’ll be able to reach all of the relevant locations just as easily.

Hire a Car 

I’ll level with you – the only way you have a hope of following this self-guided Game of Thrones Northern Ireland Tour is to hire a car. We hired a car from Enterprise , which is handily located next to Belfast Airport and who are generally a reliable option I often use while travelling. 

Can’t Drive? Book a Game of Thrones Northern Ireland Tour  

Game of Thrones Tour

If you can’t drive, don’t want to, or just fancy taking a guided tour, don’t fret, you have plenty of options. The easiest is to book a one-day Game of Thrones Causeway Coastal Tour from Belfast . 

Bear in mind that as it’s a one-day tour, you’re not going to cover nearly as much ground as you would on our four-day itinerary, but you do away with all the fuss of navigating yourself around and get loads of insider insights from the knowledgeable guides so it’s a win-win situation really.  

Getting There and Away

The simplest option is to fly into and out of Belfast – it’s not a long drive from Belfast to Ballygally and Belfast is served by a number of national and international flights. 

If that’s not feasible, Dublin has a larger number of international flights – it’s roughly a two-hour drive between the two, or you can catch the bus or train between them. 

Check flights on Skyscanner

Check out More Game of Thrones Filming Locations Around the World

  • The Game of Thrones Guide to Dubrovnik – Filming Locations, Maps and More
  • The Alcazar of Seville – Discovering the Seville’s Dornish Citadel 
  • House of the Dragon Filming Locations

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I’m Julianna Barnaby - a professional travel writer and geek extraordinaire. I started The Discoveries Of to help you to discover the best of new destinations from around the world.

Discovering new places is a thrill - whether it’s close to home, a new country or continent, I write to help you explore more and explore differently.

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game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

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A Self-Guided Tour of Game of Thrones Attractions in Northern Ireland

  • Post author: colette
  • Post published: April 12, 2019
  • Post category: Activities / Game of Thrones Attractions / Northern Ireland Attractions
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Are you a Game of Thrones fan and if so, is a self-guided tour something you'd be interested in doing?

A Self-Guided Tour of Game of Thrones Attractions in Northern Ireland

Would you give anything to relive the entire Game of Thrones series on a visit to Northern Ireland ?

If you’re anything like me, you’re fascinated by the elaborate sets and locations where the popular HBO series was filmed.

While several locations in around the world were used for the filming, such as Croatia, Iceland, Morocco, and Spain, there’s no doubt the producers fell in love with Northern Ireland’s rugged landscape because much of the series was filmed there.

There are plenty of day tours from Belfast  available for Game of Thrones fans to take, but if you’re more budget-minded, you could visit all of the locations yourself by taking a self-guided tour of the Game of Thrones attractions, as demonstrated in the Google maps in this blog post.

As well as filming many of the exterior shots in Counties Antrim , Derry and Down, the indoor scenes for the series were captured in Belfast’s Paint Hall studios located in the city’s Titanic Quarter.

Game of Thrones has made the region hugely popular and shone a spotlight on Northern Ireland as a top-class tourist destination.

map a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

Presuming you are starting off in Belfast , you’ll need a rented car to get you to all of these locations.

If this trip is part of your overall Ireland vacation, then I’m assuming you may have already booked a car at either Shannon or Dublin airports.

Read More: Visit the New Game of Thrones Studio Tour

Table of Contents

 Tollymore Forest

Begin your drive in Belfast, getting on the M1 motorway toward Tollymore Forest.

I typically use Google Maps while driving around Ireland.

You can download maps beforehand and use them offline but if you prefer having Wifi throughout your trip, I suggest either purchasing an e-SIM if your mobile provider allows you to do that, renting from a service like Wifi Candy (take 10% off using code irelandonabudget) or simply signing up for your carrier's international plan, which I've also done in Ireland and in other countries so that I am connected at all times.

The entrance to Tollymore Forest in Co. Down. Photo: Philip McErlean

The 1 hour and 26-minute drive (approximately 38 miles) will take you through the beautiful countryside of County Down.

The Tollymore Forest Park outside of Newcastle in Co. Down, lies at the foot of the Mourne Mountains , but you can also see the ocean from here, too. Its most notable feature is the Shimna River, which runs through the forest.

There are several walking trails  in Tollymore Forest Park.

water over a bridge CS Lewis attractions in Ireland

They include the 0.4-mile Arboretum Path that will take you along a collection of trees, some of them the oldest plantings on the island of Ireland; the River Trail, a 3.1-mile walk along the Shimna River; the Mountain & Drinns Trail, a much longer and energetic walk; as well as the Mourne Way, an off-road trail that crosses the foothills of the Mourne Mountains.

As you walk through this vast park, you might notice some familiar markers, like the picturesque Altavaddy Bridge, which was where the Starks found the dire wolf pups.

There are many decorative buildings and structures throughout the park.

At its entrance is a Gothic gate.

The Clanbrassil Barn, which is located near the park’s exit, was built around 1757 and was designed to look like a church. A steeple containing a bell, a clock, and a sundial were all added to it later.

The Hermitage at the Tollymore Forest Park in Co. Down

The Hermitage is a stone shelter built into the side of the gorge above the river and was used as a place for ladies to shelter while the men fished.

A granite obelisk can be found on a small grassy hill near the main drive, and you’ll find numerous artificial and natural features along the river, such as bridges, grottos, and caves.

All-in-all a fascinating first place to visit on your self-guided Game of Thrones tour.

The park, which is open year-round from 10 a.m. until sunset, is located at 176 Tullybrannigan Road in Newcastle. The parking fee for cars is £5.

Inch Abbey – where Robb Stark is declared King of the North

Leave Tollymore Park and head for the nearby Inch Abbey, a ruined monastic site less than a mile from Downpatrick, where Saint Patrick’s mission to spread Christianity in Ireland began.

The saint is buried in nearby Down Cathedral and is believed to have converted the first person at Saul, a few miles away.

Inch Abbey in Co. Down, where scenes for Game of Thrones were filmed.

The abbey was established as a Cistercian monastery in the 12 th century by the Norman knight John de Courcy. Its main feature is its chancel (the space around the altar), which has three high windows.

It is believed that de Courcy commissioned one of the monks to rewrite the legends of St. Patrick, and some believe that this is where the legend of St. Patrick banishing the snakes from Ireland came from.

Admission to the site is free.

If you’re hungry for lunch at this point, stop at what is Ireland’s oldest coaching inn. Denvir’s Hotel & Pub , located in Downpatrick, a mere 5 minutes from the abbey.

Denvir's Coaching Inn located in Downpatrick. Photo: Creative Commons.

The inn, which has been around since 1642, has six beautifully decorated rooms, as well as self-catering apartments known as Denvir's Mews.

Castle Ward – Winterfell, the Home of the Starks

Castle Ward is an 18 th -century house located in Strangford, Co. Down.

The nearby farmyard, including the property's tower house, was turned into the Winterfell set, which was featured in the first season of the show as well as subsequent seasons.

The Winterfell Tours at Castle Ward will bring you back to the world of Westeros as you try your hand at archery, part of a special replica of the Winterfell archery range, which has been recreated in the courtyard where filming took place.

You can even dress up in costume, step into the movie set and stand exactly where Jon Snow, Robb Stark, and Bran Stark stood.

Additional activities at the castle include a self-guided Westeros Cycle Trail that will take you to Audley’s Castle (shown below) and other key Game of Thrones filming locations.

a castle a self0-guided tour of Game of Thrones

If you are based in Dublin and want to catch a Winterfell tour without having to rent a car, this tour is the ideal one-day activity.

a big house a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

The National Trust, which now owns the house , describes it as an “eccentric 19 th -century mansion.”

Perhaps the reason is that the house consists of two different architectural styles, which represent the differing opinions of its former owners, Lord Bangor and his wife, Lady Ann Bligh.

The Georgian Gothic northeastern facade of the Castle Ward House in Co. Down. Photo: Ardfern - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

One side of the house is in the Palladian style while the other is in the Georgian Gothic style. Inside, a line down the middle divides the two.

The property also includes a Victorian laundry museum, the 16 th -century Plantation tower, Old Castle Ward, and a sunken Victorian garden. It is open for tours through November each year (except on Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Tickets can be purchased onsite.

The gardens at the Castle Ward House in Co. Down. Photo: Ardfern - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Toome Canal Walk

From Castle Ward, drive approximately one hour and 40 minutes (62 miles) to the Toome Canal in County Antrim . The canal is about a 10-minute walk from the center of Toome village.

Toome Canal, where scenes from Game of Thrones were made. Photo: Tourism Northern Ireland.

The 1.2-mile walk will take you along the canal, which leads to the shores of Lough Neagh, the largest freshwater lake in Great Britain and Ireland.

You can also take a canal cruise .

Below is a clip from the series. It is the boat ride that Tyrion and Jorah took on their way through Valyria. It was filmed on the canal.

Sallagh Braes

Driving from Toome to the Sallagh Braes will take you about 48 minutes. It is about 35 miles/56 km.

This area is part of the Glens of Antrim and is also designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

fields a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

A portion of the Ulster Way , a 636-mile circular walking route, can also be found in this region of Northern Ireland.

It is one of the longest waymarked trails in Britain and Ireland.

When visiting this section of the Ulster Way, you can take a shorter walk  to experience the magnificent scenery.

Here’s a scene from the show that illustrates the beauty of the region.


Cairncastle is located in Glenarm, one of the Nine Glens of Antrim.

The area where the following scene took place is part of a Bronze Age Promontory Fort, a defensive structure above a steep cliff.

Cushendun Caves – the Stormlands

On the 24-mile drive along the coast from Cairncastle to the Cushendun Caves on the A2 (also called the Antrim Coast Road), you’ll be awestruck by the beautiful scenery.

A coach bus on the Antrim Coast Road. Photo: Arthur Ward, Tourism Ireland.

To the left, you’ll see the nine Glens of Antrim and looking seaward, you’ll get a glimpse of the Scottish islands and the Mull of Kintyre.

The road, which consists of a series of tunnels built into the cliffs, was constructed in the 19 th -century to give transportation access to residents living in the Glens of Antrim.

Prior to its construction, they had to sail across the North Channel to Scotland to trade their goods.

caves a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

The Cushendun Caves are a short distance from the town of Cushendun in Co. Antrim, a pretty seaside village that is famous for its Cornish-style cottages, now owned by the National Trust.

They were built between 1912 and 1925 by Lord Cushendun, the local landowner.

The caves were formed over 400 million years ago. Once you get there, take the long gravel walkway to the two large caves.

If you’ve got kids, this is a great place for them to go rock pooling and discover the many small pools of water that have been formed on this rocky shoreline.

It is known for its variety of seaweed, as well as anemones, crabs, fish, sea urchins, and other marine life hiding between the rocks.

a village by the water a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

If you’re thirsty after all your exploring, why not stop at Mary McBride’s Pub , Ireland’s smallest pub, measuring 5 feet by 9 feet, and another place where you’ll find a Door of Thrones.

The pub, known as the Irish Whiskey Bar, is a gem, with lots of history to be discovered based on the life of its original owner, Mary McBride. It is located on Cushendun’s Main Street.

Downstairs you’ll be able to avail of the pub grub menu, or upstairs, why not check out The Little Black Door, which specializes in seafood. It is open from 6-9 p.m.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Murlough Bay

Drive about 25 minutes along the coast to Murlough Bay.

Murlough Bay with views of Rathlin Island. Photo: Philip McErlean,

This is a remote place with truly magnificent views of Rathlin Island and various Scottish islands.

It is a little difficult to get to the shore, so you will need to walk.

While you’re there, you’ll discover a cross in memory of Roger Casement, an Irish nationalist revolutionary leader who was executed by the British for treason.

The Dark Hedges, Co. Antrim – The Kingsroad, north of King’s Landing

It will take approximately 26 minutes to drive from Murlough Bay to the Dark Hedges located in Ballymoney, Co. Antrim.

This is the location for the Kingsroad, the longest and grandest road in the Seven Kingdoms, beginning at Castle Black at the Wall extending to the capital city of King’s Landing in the south.

trees over a roadway 10 of Ireland's most unusual attractions

It is perhaps one of the most iconic of the Game of Thrones locations.

If you choose to do a self-guided tour of the Game of Thrones attractions, make sure you include this one on your itinerary.

Visitors from around the world have been coming to see the avenue of beech trees first planted in 1775 by James Stuart to create an avenue for his home, Gracehill House.

The trees have since formed a “tunnel” that is up to 32 feet wide.

A Game of Thrones-themed door can be found here.

It is one of 10 specially created doors found in different locations across Northern Ireland. The idea for the initiative, known as the “Journey of Doors,” is based on season 6 of the show.

a Google map a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

Larrybane Quarry

The drive from the Dark Hedges to Larrybane Quarry is about 9 miles.

It is located close to the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge attraction. During the summer, the quarry area is often used as an overflow parking lot.

In this scene, you’ll see the familiar limestone of the quarry and the magnificent bay in the background.

The rope bridge is one of those attractions that, if you’re in the area, you just have to do (unless, of course, you’re afraid of heights).

The walk leading up to the bridge is quite long, so make sure you have the right footwear . And be prepared to stand in line if you’re visiting during the height of the tourist season.

a rope bridge in between the cliffs a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

Crossing the bridge is quite secure. But it wasn’t always like that.

Built by local fishermen in 1755, you can’t help but think how difficult it must have been to create such a structure that is 66 feet long and 100 feet over the ocean below.

It has been replaced several times over the centuries.

a rocky beach beneath the cliffs a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

Carrick-a-Rede, which is the name given to the island that is connected to the mainland by the bridge, is rich in wildlife, including puffins.

The cost for an adult is £13.50. The cost for children is £6.75, with a family ticket costing £33.75.

Ballintoy Harbour

It’s only a 7-minute drive from the Larrybane Quarry to this small fishing harbor located in the village of Ballintoy.

You’ll find another Game of Thrones-themed door at the Fullerton Arms nearby, which serves as a bar, restaurant, and guesthouse.

Stop by Ballintoy Harbor in Co. Antrim on your self-guided tour of Game of Thrones attractions. Photo: Matthew Woodhouse Photography for Tourism Northern Ireland.

There was once a thriving trade with nearby Scotland in this small village, which began in the 1500s.

You’ll recognize the pier in this scene as Theon steps off his boat in search of his sister, Yara.  Note that the white building in the background is Roark’s Kitchen, a popular spot for a cup of tea and dessert.

Read More: Game of Thrones Tapestry on Display at Ulster Museum

Dunluce Castle

From Ballintoy Harbor, take the Whitepark Road to Dunluce Castle (about a 17-minute drive). The ruined castle sits on top of a dramatic basalt crag. It is a stunning place and an ideal setting for Castle Greyjoy in the Game of Thrones series.

To get to the castle, you will need to cross a narrow bridge.

During the 16th century, the castle was home to the MacDonnell's, the earls of Antrim. Part of the castle fell into the sea in 1639, taking seven servants with it.

Here is a birds-eye view of the castle from the air.

Portstewart Strand

From Dunluce, continue on the Whitepark Road to Portstewart Strand for about 6 miles.

Located in Co. Derry, this is one of Northern Ireland's finest beaches. You can see Mussenden Temple and the Inishowen headland in the distance.

a beach a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

It is free to access the beach, but you must pay £6.50 to park your car.

Downhill Strand

This equally beautiful beach is where you will find the Mussenden Temple perched on a 120-foot cliff. The cliff with the temple on top was digitally altered into the fictitious Dragonstone Castle.

a tower on a cliff overlooking the ocean a self-guided tour of Game of Thrones

It is a 32-minute drive (about 14 miles) from Portstewart to Downhill Strand.

The temple was built in 1785 and formed part of the estate of Frederick Augustus Hervey, Bishop of Derry and Earl of Bristol (or the Earl Bishop). It was inspired by the Temple of Vesta in Italy and dedicated to the memory of his cousin, Frideswide Mussenden.

Your final stop on this self-guided tour is Bievenagh mountain on the edge of the Antrim plateau. From the mountain, you can see the Roe Valley, the Sperrin Mountains, the North Coast, and Lough Foyle in Co. Donegal.

If you're a Game of Thrones fan, let me know in the comments below if you've taken a self-guided tour of the Game of Thrones attractions.

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The Irish Road Trip

Game of Thrones Ireland: 16 Filming Locations From The Show (+ Handy Map)

By Author Keith O'Hara

Posted on Last updated: February 1, 2024

Game of Thrones Ireland: 16 Filming Locations From The Show (+ Handy Map)

Although the show finished well over 10 years ago, each week, without fail, we get emails looking for info on the Game of Thrones Ireland connection.

In a nutshell, a whopping 25 different locations in Northern Ireland were used during the filming of the hit HBO series.

Some, like Dunluce Castle and the Dark Hedges , are well known while others, like the beautiful Tollymore Forest Park and Inch Abbey, tend to get missed.

In the guide below, you’ll discover where to find the different Game of Thrones Northern Ireland locations, what scenes they appeared in along with info on Game of Thrones tours.

Table of Contents

Some quick need-to-knows about the Game of Thrones Ireland connection

game of thrones ireland locations

Click to enlarge map

Below, you’ll find some quick info about the Game of Thrones Northern Ireland connection that’s worth a quick read before you scroll on past to see the locations.

1. Why Ireland

According to reports, the Game of Thrones Ireland connection could have easily been a Scottish one instead! It’s said that the producers were debating both places, but that Northern Ireland offered incentives (finance, tax relief, studio space and location access) to secure the deal.

2. The filming locations

Although there were reports of 25 Game of Thrones Ireland locations , the main ones are Tollymore Forest Park, Inch Abbey, Castle Ward, Toome Canal, Slemish Mountain, the Glens of Antrim, Cushendun Caves, Murlough Bay, Ballintoy Harbour and The Dark Hedges. Discover more below.

3. The writers met in college in Dublin

Yep, randomly enough, two of the writers for the show, Dan Weiss and David Benioff, met in Dublin while studying at Trinity College in 1995.

Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland map

The map above has the various Game of Thrones Northern Ireland locations plotted out on it. As you can see, the bulk are in Antrim and Down.

However, there’s also one (Pollnagollum Cave) over in County Fermanagh. The only thing this map leaves out is the studios in Belfast where certain scenes were recorded.

An overview of each of the Game of Thrones filming locations in Ireland

game of thrones filming locations ireland

Photos via Shutterstock

It’s time to dive into the different Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland, and there’s plenty to get through.

Below, you’ll discover the places that were used to depict everywhere from Lordsport Harbour and The Stormlands to Dothraki Sea, Slaver’s Bay and more.

1. Murlough Bay (Slaver’s Bay)

Murlough Bay

The first of our Game of Thrones Northern Ireland locations is the glorious Murlough Bay – arguably one of the most overlooked of the many Antrim Coast attractions .

It was here that Tyrion Lannister and Jorah Mormont happened upon on their way to Meereen. Alas, there journey hit a bump when they encountered slavers.

There’s a lovely ramble at Murlough Bay that’ll treat you to views of everything from the Scottish Islands to Rathlin Island on a clear day.

2. Fair Head (Dragonstone Cliffs)

Fair Head Cliffs

The towering Fair Head Cliffs stand just up along the coast from Murlough Bay where the measure a dizzying 600 feet in height.

The cliffs were used to depict Dragonstone and it was here, on Antrim’s blustery coast, that Jon Snow had an encounter with Daenerys… and her big aul dragon!

If you visit, you’re a stone’s throw from both Torr Head and the town of Ballycastle , where you can grab a bite to eat, if you fancy.

3. Larrybane Quarry (Renly Baratheon’s Camp)

Larrybane Quarry

The next Game of Thrones Ireland location is the often-overlooked Larrybane Quarry , which can be found a short distance from the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge .

The quarry was used at Renly Baratheon’s Camp (a section of the Stormlands) and the scene showed Renly and his queen, Margaery Tyrell, watching a battle .

It was also at Larrybane Quarry that Renly met with Catelyn Stark . Now, a warning – this is one of several Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland that doesn’t really resemble what was shown in the show.

4. Ballintoy Harbour (Lordsport Harbour)


Westward from Larrybane Quarry lies Ballintoy Harbour . After descending a steep and narrow road (and I mean narrow)  you’ll reach a small fishing harbour.

The well-protected bay shields the harbour, nearly enclosing it on all sides and making for a very scenic rest stop. Ballintoy was used to depict Lordsport Harbour in Season 2 .

It was at Ballintoy that Theon Greyjoy returned home. It was at Ballintoy that Theon Greyjoy returned home. You’ll find a plaque at the harbour with info on the scene.

5. The Dark Hedges (Road from King’s Landing)

The Dark Hedges

The Dark Hedges are arguably the Game of Thrones Ireland location that receives the most attention online. The trees here were planted in 1775 by James Stuart to make the approach to his Georgian estate more impressive.

The Dark Hedges were used Season 2, episode 1: On the King’ s Road to depict, unsurprisingly enough, the King’s Road.

The scene that they feature in shows Arya Stark escaping from the King’s Landing and travelling with the Night’s Watch, dressed as a boy. You’ll find it a stone’s throw from the Old Bushmills Distillery .

6. Portstewart Strand (Dorne Coast)

Portstewart Strand

Portstewart Strand in Derry is arguably one of the best beaches in Northern Ireland, and it was here, on the nearly 2 miles of glorious sand, that Jamie and Bronn got into a bit of bother .

The pair were captured at Portstewart by some Dornish soldiers. It was also here were Ellaria and the Sand Snakes discussed a going up against the Lannisters .

There’s plenty of things to do in Derry after you visit Portstewart, from the historic Derry City to our next, very close by attraction.

7. Downhill Beach (Dragonstone)

Mussenden Temple

You’ll find few temples in Ireland (or anywhere, really!) with a location as dramatic as Mussenden – a replica of Rome’s Temple of Vesta .

The temple offers a magnificent view over Downhill Beach, which is right next to Portstewart Strand.

If you cast your mind back, it was at Mussenden Temple that Stannis Baratheon rejected the old gods of Westeros and is proclaimed of the Lord of Light.

8. Cushendun Caves (The Stormlands / Shadow Creature Scene)

Cushendun Caves

The Cushendun Caves are another of the better-known Game of Thrones Northern Ireland locations, and a quick glance above should give you an idea as to why.

Formed over a period of 400 million years , the caves can be found a stones throw from the little village of Cushendun , designed in the style of a Cornish village.

The Cushendun Caves were made famous by Game of Thrones in Season 2 Episode 4 where they were used as the Shadow creature’s birth site .

9. Castle Ward (Winterfell)

Castle Ward Winterfell

Photos courtesy of Tourism Northern Ireland

You’ll find the 16th-century Castle Ward , which was the backdrop for the series pilot and a chunk of season one, just 40 minutes from Belfast.

Castle Ward was used as ‘Winterfell’ – the home of the Stark family . Its towering medieval walls and now-iconic castle tower gate made it an ideal shooting location for the show.

It’s also here that you’ll find what is arguably the most popular Game of Thrones tour Northern Ireland has to offer. More on the tours later in the guide.

10. Inch Abbey (Riverrun)

You’ll discover the ruins of Inch Abbey situated on the northern bank of the Quoile River, where it has been since the 12th or 13th century.

You might recognise Inch Abbey as the setting for the Riverlands scenes , i.e. the beginning of the War of the Five Kings.

If you visit when the weather’s fine, keep an eye out for Downpatrick Cathedral. It’s said that this is where St. Patrick is buried.

11. Dunluce Castle (Pyke Castle)

Dunluce Castle

Home to the House of Greyjoy , GOT fans may not immediately recognise Dunluce Castle as the filming location for Castle Greyjoy, AKA Pyke Castle. This is due to the fact that a fair sprinkling of CGI was used.

However, as you near the ancient castle – originally dating back to the 13th century – you’ll soon see how and why they filmed these scenes here.

Similar to nearby Kinbane Castle and Dunseverick Castle , the ruins of Dunluce Castle are located right next to the sea.

12. Tollymore Forest Park (The Haunted Forest)

Tollymore Forest Park

Tollymore Forest Park is another of our favoiurite places to visit in Northern Ireland – few parks on earth pack a punch like this place.

This expanse of forest is home to medieval gates, bridges that look like they’ve been plucked from Lord of The Rigs and endless, beautiful red woods.

The park was used to portray The Haunted Forest and it was here where the Starks met their baby Direwolves for the very first time.

13. Slemish Mountain (Dothraki Sea)

Slemish Mountain

Our next Game of Thrones Northern Ireland location has a mighty tale attached to it – it was here, on Slemish Mountain , where St. Patrick was taken…

After he was kidnapped by pirates as a kid! It’s right below the mountain that you’ll find Shillanavogy Valley, which was used to portray Dothraki Sea in the show.

It featured in a scene where Khal Drogo travelled to see his new wife, Vaes Dothrak (it was the land here that he rode across !).

14. Glenariff Forest Park (Runestone)

Glenariff Forest

You’ll find our next location, Glenariff Forest Park , tucked away in the Glens of Antrim , where it’s home to woodland, waterfalls and stunning scenery.

It was here (or Galboly, to be specific) that was used as Runestone in the show . It was Runestone where Lord Yohn Royce took Robyn Arryn.

There was also a scene where Sansa Stark watched as Robyn Arryn tried his hand at dueling. There’s some great walks to tackle here!

15. Binevenagh


Binevenagh Mountain is a Game of Thrones Northern Ireland location that many miss! It was here that Daenerys fled to with her dragon after escaping Meereen.

Binevenagh sits at the outermost edge of the breath-taking Antrim Plateau, and those that conquer the hike here will be treated to views out over Armagh and Derry.

When you finish up, you’re a short spin away from Downhill Beach and Portstewart Strand. You’re also a handy 40-minute drive from the lovely little town of Portrush .

16. Pollnagollum Cave

Our final Game of Thrones Northern Ireland location takes us out to County Fermanagh and into the Marble Arch Caves Geopark (not far from the Cuilcagh boardwalk ).

It’s here that you’ll also find Pollnagollum Cave, where it’s hidden away behind a waterfall. It was here that the Brotherhood Without Banners hid from the forces of Lannister.

There’s plenty of unique things to do in Fermanagh , and the walk out to see the waterfall is just one of them!

Game of Thrones tours from Belfast

game of thrones tours belfast

Thanks to the Game of Thrones Northern Ireland connection, a handful of tours have sprung up that make the perfect day trip from Belfast .

We’ve featured several of them in this guide over the years, but only one has maintained consistently good reviews – this one (affiliate link).

This is a 9-hour tour that’ll take you to everywhere from Dunluce Castle and Ballintoy Harbour to popular locations that weren’t used during filming, like Carrickfergus Castle and the Giant’s Causeway .

Review wise, they’ve racked up 4.6/5 from 890+ reviews, at the time of typing.

Check prices + read reviews here

Game of Thrones Northern Ireland FAQs

We’ve had a lot of questions over the years asking about everything from where can you get a Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland map to what scenes were shot here.

In the section below, we’ve popped in the most FAQs that we’ve received. If you have a question that we haven’t tackled, ask away in the comments section below.

What is the Game of Thrones Ireland connection?

The Game of Thrones Ireland connection is that many scenes for the HBO series were shot here over a number of years, for example, Ballintoy Harbour and Cushendun Caves.

Where are the Game of Thrones filming locations in Ireland?

The main Game of Thrones Ireland locations are: Tollymore Forest Park, Inch Abbey, Castle Ward, Toome Canal, Slemish Mountain and the Glens of Antrim. See above for the rest.

Where was Game of Thrones filmed?

Although there’s a strong Game of Thrones Ireland link, the show was filmed across the world, with locations in Malta, Iceland, Croatia and more.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Keith O’Hara has lived in Ireland for 35 years and has spent most of the last 10 creating what is now The Irish Road Trip guide. Over the years, the website has published thousands of meticulously researched Ireland travel guides, welcoming 30 million+ visitors along the way. In 2022, the Irish Road Trip team published the world’s largest collection of Irish Road Trip itineraries . Keith lives in Dublin with his dog Toby and finds writing in the 3rd person minus craic altogether.

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Game of Thrones Tour

  • Fully customisable itinerary
  • Prices from: £1165 per person
  • Best time to go: April - October
  • Transport: Rental car included (optional)

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Game of Thrones filming locations

Fans of the HBO TV series will recognise the rugged coastline and historic castles in Northern Ireland as the setting of many locations in Westeros. Iconic filming sites include the Dark Hedges, Castle Ward, Inch Abbey, and Ballintoy Harbour.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Mourne Mountains

Enjoy the dramatic scenery of the Mourne Mountains. At the foothills of the Mournes lies Tollymore Forest Park, offering a variety of walking trails. Forest walking tours of the filming locations in Game of Thrones are also available.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Causeway Coast

Drive the spectacular North Antrim coastline. Enjoy the thrill of crossing Carrick-A-Rede Rope Bridge and visit the famous Giant’s Causeway UNESCO World Heritage Site. Make a stop at Ballintoy Harbour, used as the backdrop for the Iron Islands. 

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Glens of Antrim

Visit Glenariff Glen, doubling as Runestone in the series. Enjoy an exhilarating forest adventure by following the timber walkway at Glenariff Forest Park or travel to Shillanavogy Valley and hike Slemish Mountain, recognisable as the Dothraki Sea.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Irish castles

Discover medieval fortresses and mansions associated with the HBO series. Visit the impressive Dunluce Castle on the Antrim Coast, used as the seat of House Greyjoy. In County Down, explore Castle Ward, the backdrop for Winterfell. 

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Receive a warm welcome in Northern Ireland’s capital city, known for its rich history and beautiful Victorian architecture. Attractions include the iconic Titanic Belfast, the Belfast City Hall, St. George’s Market and the Cathedral Quarter – Belfast’s lively cultural hub. 

An Epic Game of Thrones-Inspired Adventure

This Game of Thrones-themed self-drive tour of Northern Ireland features many of the key filming locations from the TV series.

Experience Northern Ireland’s most spectacular scenery and historical sites doubling as the fantasy world of Westeros and beyond, including Tollymore Forest in County Down and the Dark Hedges in County Antrim.

Arrive in Belfast, Northern Ireland’s capital city. Visit the key attractions in the city as you follow the Glass of Thrones trail, featuring stained glass installations with scenes from the series. Hop on an included City Sightseeing Tour and discover the iconic Titanic Belfast. Don’t miss the chance to try delicious local food at a lively pub in the Cathedral Quarter.

Next, travel south to County Down, home of Winterfell. Enjoy the stunning scenery of the Mourne Mountains and wander through the lush Tollymore Forest, doubling as the Wolfswood and the Haunted Forest. Visit fascinating historic sites such as Castle Ward or Inch Abbey, also featured in the series.

Then, head north to County Antrim following the breathtaking Causeway Coastal Route. Your first stop will be the Glens of Antrim, an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and home to many Game of Thrones filming locations, from Dragonstone to Castle Black. Hike the Slemish Mountains and the Shillanavoghy Valley, the setting for the Dothraki Grasslands.

The Causeway Coast will be your final stop, home to some of the most spectacular natural sites in the country. Visit the Dark Hedges, an eerie tree-lined avenue, recognisable as the Kingsroad. You can’t miss the mythical Giant’s Causeway, Northern Ireland’s only UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Suggested Itinerary

The holiday ideas on our website are just examples of the amazing trips we offer.  Think of this itinerary as a starting point which can be tailored into something completely unique to you by our award-winning specialists.

We love the opportunity to use our first-hand knowledge and experience to design and deliver the perfect, bespoke holiday experience for you.

Day 1: Arrive in Belfast

Northern Ireland’s capital city has a rich history and friendly atmosphere. Today, Belfast is a cosmopolitan city with a fascinating industrial heritage and impressive architecture.

During your first night in Belfast, visit the Cathedral Quarter, the city’s cultural hub centred around St Anne’s Cathedral. Discover its narrow cobbled streets and enjoy some of the best pubs in the city. Overnight – Belfast

Day 2: Belfast Sightseeing

A full day to explore Belfast. Get your bearing by joining an included City Sightseeing Bus Tour. Enjoy refreshments in St George’s Market and visit fascinating attractions such as the iconic Titanic Belfast and the Crumlin Road Gaol. Overnight – Belfast

Day 3: Belfast to County Down

Collect your hire car this morning and travel south along the shores of beautiful Strangford Lough towards Castle Ward, the setting for Winterfell. Head to Downpatrick, where you can admire the beautiful Down Cathedral and learn more about Ireland’s patron saint at the Saint Patrick Centre. Nearby lies Inch Abbey, featured in the Game of Throne series as Robb Stark’s camp at Riverrun. Overnight – County Down

Day 4: County Down Sightseeing

Today you could journey to Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge – home of the Game of Thrones Studio Tour . Here you can explore iconic sets from Winterfell to King’s Landing, uncover the intricacies of filmmaking, and appreciate the exceptional craftsmanship and artistry that brought the globally acclaimed TV series to life.

Alternatively, discover the majestic Mourne Mountains. Hike up Slieve Donard, the highest peak in Northern Ireland. Or you might prefer to venture into Tollymore Forest, the setting for the Wolfswood and the Haunted Forest. Follow enchanting trails along the Shimna River and join a walking tour of iconic locations featured in Game of Thrones. Overnight – County Down

Day 5: County Down to Glens of Antrim

Head north and follow the stunning Causeway Coastal Route past Carrickfergus Castle. Take a short detour inland and enjoy a scenic view of Shillanavogy Valley and Slemish Mountain, featured in the series as the Dothraki Grasslands. Continue following the coast towards Cushendun Caves, the setting of Storms End. Finally, arrive in the seaside town of Ballycastle. Overnight – Ballycastle area

Day 6: Glens of Antrim Sightseeing

Rise early and head south to the Dark Hedges, a beautiful tree-lined avenue which you might recognise as the Kingsroad. Then, explore the wild Glenariff Forest Park, an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and follow forest trails past waterfalls and a sheer plunging gorge. Alternatively, you could take a day trip to the rugged and tranquil Rathlin Island. Overnight – Ballycastle area

Day 7: Ballycastle to Portrush

Make your way west along the North Antrim Coast and stop by Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge suspended high above the sea. Nearby, you could visit the picturesque harbour at Ballintoy, the setting for the Iron Islands. Leave plenty of time to visit the Giant’s Causeway, a striking coastal landscape of thousands of basalt stone columns. Overnight – Portrush area

Day 8: Causeway Coast Sightseeing

Start your day by exploring the iconic 16th-century Dunluce Castle, perched on dramatic coastal cliffs and the location of Pyke Castle, House of Greyjoy. Book a tour at the Old Bushmills Distillery , or travel back to the coast and enjoy an afternoon at the beach. Portstewart Strand was featured in the series as the Coast of Dorne, while nearby Downhill Beach is Dragonstone. Overnight – Portrush area

Day 9: Depart the Causeway Coast

After breakfast, your Northern Irish escape will come to an end. Belfast is located approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes from Portrush. If you have time before your departure, you might wish to continue exploring the Causeway Coastal Route.

What's Included?

Your holiday includes:

  • Carefully selected en-suite accommodation for 8 nights including traditional Northern Irish breakfast
  • Comprehensive information pack and local visitor information
  • Personalised itinerary with our recommendations for the best places to eat and drink and sightseeing suggestions
  • Map of Northern Ireland with our recommended driving route
  • 7 days rental of an Economy car (other vehicle categories available) including comprehensive insurance
  • Tickets for the Belfast City Sightseeing Tour
  • 24-hour emergency contact number
  • Full financial protection

Your holiday doesn't include:

  • Travel insurance
  • Lunches and evening meals

Accommodation & Prices

Special Places to Stay

We know that, after a busy day of sightseeing, an exceptional place to stay makes all the difference. That’s why all of the accommodation we select is hand-picked using our first-hand knowledge of the best places to stay.

Our discerning team has a wealth of experience, and we extensively research and regularly review all of the accommodation we select for our clients.

Please choose from one of our accommodation categories below. If you wish to combine these categories or perhaps upgrade for a special occasion let us know in your enquiry.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Tastefully decorated and furnished, these properties are generally owned and operated by locals who have a genuine passion for their region which they are keen to share with you. Their warm hospitality is sure to be a highlight of your Northern Irish experience.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

It also comprises larger 4* Hotels selected for their high standard of accommodation, exceptional service, and great location. These range from traditional luxury to contemporary Hotels.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

These are truly magical places and amongst the best Northern Ireland has to offer. The perfect choice when you would like somewhere really special which can be a treat for the night or for your entire holiday.

Our packages include car rental and comprehensive insurance for the duration of your holiday. Absolute Escapes has an excellent relationship with a number of car hire operators and we are able to offer quality vehicles and great value for money.

If you plan to bring your own vehicle, we are also able to offer this itinerary without a rental car.

All our packages include:

  • Collision Damage Waiver
  • Super Damage Excess Waiver
  • Third Party Insurance
  • Theft Waiver
  • Good for 2 people
  • Maximum of 4 passengers
  • 2 large suitcases
  • Manual or automatic transmission
  • Good for 2 – 4 people
  • Maximum of 5 passengers


  • Good for up to 4 people
  • 3 large suitcases
  • Good for 5 people
  • Maximum of 7 passengers
  • 3 – 4 large suitcases

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Game of Thrones Film Locations

Take in the beauty of our coastal roads, craggy castles and sprawling glens as a backdrop for the Seven Kingdoms in the hit TV show, Game of Thrones.

If you’ve ever wondered where you could find the real locations of Games of Thrones in the real world, then look no further as we have mapped out all the best filming locations found across Northern Ireland. Filming of seasons one to eight took place in around 25 locations around Northern Ireland including Titanic Studios in Belfast, Cushendun Caves, Murlough Bay, Ballintoy Harbour, Larrybane, Antrim plateau, Castle Ward, Inch Abbey and Downhill Strand.

County down.

Castle Ward

Castle Ward

Castle Ward is an 18th-century National Trust property located near the village of Strangford, in County Down, Northern Ireland, in the townland of the same name. The Georgian farmyard and lough shore at this National Trust property set the scene for Winterfell. Find the Whispering Wood and key scenes including Robb Stark’s Camp, the Baelor battle and when Brienne confronts the Stark men. Discover Winterfell for yourself!

This medieval building was used as the set for the Riverlands scenes, where Robb Stark’s army wait at the Trident to cross. As well as being the camp of The Houses of the North and the Riverlands in Game of Thrones, Inch Abbey is home to a breathtaking view of the River Quoile – in the distance you can see Downpatrick Cathedral, burial place of St Patrick, Ireland’s patron saint.

The Ruins of Inch Abbey Monestry used in as a film location in Game of Thrones

Tollymore Forest Park

Walk deep into this enchanting forest and be transported to Winterfell. Remember the opening scene of Game of Thrones®? Rangers of the Night’s Watch find dismembered bodies in the snow. Fans will also recognise the woodland where Nightwalkers were spotted and the Direwolf pups were found in Tollymore Forest. Tollymore Forest Park is open all year and offers extensive facilities for touring or camping.

County Antrim and County Derry/Londonderry

Sallagh braes.

The Sallagh Brae is part of the Glens of Antrim and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty offering dramatic scenery. Close to the village of Ballygally, Sallagh Brae can be accessed by following the Ulster Way footpath. You’ll recognise the landscape from Game of Thrones Episode 7 Season 6: The Broken Man when Sandor Clegane, the Hound, after survived being left to die by Arya Stark now lives a peaceful existence with a band of villagers in the Riverlands.

Sallagh Braes The Riverlands

Magheramorne Quarry

Magheramorne is a hamlet in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. It is about 5 miles south of Larne on the shores of Larne Lough. Magheramorne is a small hamlet of about 75 people that’s home to an old stone quarry. The cement plant closed in 1980, and the quarry acted primarily as Castle Black and the Wall in the award-winning television series. If you drive north from Carrickfergus on the A2 you turn right just past Whitehead and drive on Low Road past Islandmagee. After a couple of miles you get a great (if distant) view across the Lough to the quarry.

Cushendun Caves

The Cushendun Caves are located in County Antrim in Northern Ireland. Cushendun is just an 82km drive north of Belfast. The most direct route is to head to Ballymena and then onto Cushendall. Although the caves are very old, they acted as a key location for HBO’s Game of Thrones series. A must for fans, and lovers of unsuspected tourist treasures! Find the caves here where Melisandre gave birth to her ‘shadow baby’ along the Antrim Coast in an area portrayed as the Stormlands.

Cushendun Caves featured in Game of Thrones

The Dark Hedges

The Dark Hedges is an avenue of beech trees along Bregagh Road between Armoy and Stranocum in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The trees form an atmospheric tunnel that has been used as a location in HBO’s popular television series Game of Thrones. Drive along the King’s Road which led Ned Stark to his death and Arya Stark away from King’s Landing. This location is probably one of the most photographed landmarks on the Game of Thrones Map and a hidden road on the way to Bushmills.

Larrybane Quarry

Larrybane bay on the North Antrim Coast, protected by Sheep Island and a shallow reef, is one of the most sheltered and scenic locations along the Causeway Coast. From the cliffs above Larrybane the magnificent coastline can be viewed including Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge. Its old quarry set the scene for our introduction of Brienne of Tarth in season two, when she fought Ser Loras Tyrell in a tournament in front of King Renly and his new wife and queen, Margaery Tyrell.

Larrybane Quarry used as a filming location in Game Of Thrones

Ballintoy Harbour

The harbour in the small village of Ballintoy, County Antrim, featured as the Free Cities where Varys was born and as the coastal nook where Theon Greyjoy arrives back in the Iron Islands, admires his ship and where he first meets his sister Yara. It is the most northerly point of the Antrim Coast and Glens coastline which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Downhill Strand

Downhill Strand in County Londonderry, a scenic beach dominated by the elegant 18th century ruins of Mussenden Temple. At 7 miles (11 km) long it is one of the longest in Northern Ireland. The exterior beach scenes featured as Dragonstone island, where Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon burn the statues of the Seven in the Season 2 premiere, “The North Remembers”; later on the same beach Davos talks with Salladhor Saan, and in Season 3 this beach of Dragonstone is where Davos sends Gendry away on a rowboat.

Downhill Beach in the Sunset

On the edge of the Antrim plateau, Binevenagh boasts panoramic views stretching for miles. The location was chosen for the Dothraki Sea far above the city of Meereen, where Daenerys is rescued by her dragon Drogon and brought to his lair.

Game of Thrones Driving Tour Map

Jump in the car and take a self-guided tour of these top filming locations. Explore Winterfell and the Riverlands in County Down; or drive along the King’s Road and experience more of the Seven Kingdoms in County Antrim.

  • Route 1 : County Down: Winterfell Castle, Winterfell Forest and the Riverlands
  • Route 2 : County Antrim and County Derry/Londonderry: King’s Road, Melissandre’s cave, Iron Islands, Riverlands
  • Route 3: Game of Thrones Doors: Located near filming locations in County Down, County Londonderry, County Antrim, Belfast and Fermanagh.

Game of Thrones Doors Driving Tour

Take a driving tour to find the 10 wooden doors hidden throughout Northern Ireland that commemorate Game of Thrones! Interesting fact – the doors are made of wood from fallen trees at the Dark Hedges (the filming location used for the King’s Road), which was damaged by winds during Storm Gertrude in 2016.

Each of the doors, which were crafted by Tourism Northern Ireland, tells the story of the episodes in Season 6. They capture some of the series’ most exciting moments, while simultaneously preserving a piece of history from the show’s most iconic filming location. Hop in the car and see if you can find them all!

Game of Thrones Door 1 Cuan Strangford Westeros Map

1. The Cuan

Strangford, County Down Find Door 1 at the Cuan in Strangford, County Down. The door pictures the opening title sequence and a map of Westeros.

Game of Thrones Door 2 Fiddlers Green Portaferry

2. Fiddler’s Green

Portaferry, County Down Door 2 is in the Fiddler’s Green at Portaferry, County Down. It shows the rising conflicts between the Houses of Bolton and Greyjoy. Spot the Kracken and flayed man included in the intricate design.

Game of Thrones Door 3 Percy French Inn Newcastle

3. Percy French Inn

Newcastle, County Down Further south on the coast of County Down, the third door can be found in Percy French in the seaside town of Newcastle. It includes as ship’s departure from the Iron Island’s and a lone direwolf above Winterfell.

Game of Thrones Door 4 Blakes of Hollow

4. Blakes of the Hollow

Enniskillen, County Fermanagh Door 4 is in Blakes of the Hollow in Enniskillen. The door reveals House Targaryen’s return to power with domineering dragons.

Game of Thrones Door 5 Owens Bar Limavady White Walker Night King Owens Bar

5. Owens' Bar

Limavady, County Londonderry Door 5 pictures the dreaded Night King surrounded by White Walkers, telling of the coming battle between the living and the dead. Find the door at Owens Bar in Limavady. (Please note, this bar may be temporarily closed due to COVID-19 restrictions).

Game of Thrones Door 6 Fullerton Arms Ballintoy

6. Fullerton Arms

Ballintoy, County Antrim The sixth door is in Ballintoy, a small harbour town on the Causeway Coast used as a filming location for the Iron Islands. This door features the fearsome dragon Drogon with Dothraki stallions, symbolising the Dothraki allegiance with Queen Daenerys.

Game of Thrones Door 7 Dark Hedges Estate]

7. Dark Hedges Estate

Stranocum, Ballymoney County Antrim Door 7 shows the Three-Eyed Raven to remind of events of the past soon to affect the present, while a beech leaf in a crown reminds of the nearby King’s Road. Find it in the Dark Hedges Estate near its namesake location in County Antrim.

Game of Thrones Door 8 Mary McBrides Cushendun

8. Mary McBride’s

Cushendun, County Antrim You’ll find Door 8 in Mary McBride’s in Cushendun. It tells of Arya Stark’s journey in the city of Braavos and features the Faceless Man coin and her trusted sword Needle, while the words “Valar morghulis. Valar dohaeris” dominate the centre.

Game of Thrones Door 9 Ballygally Castle

9. Ballygally Castle

Ballygally, County Antrim The ninth door at Ballygally Castle contains symbols of House Stark and House Bolton, swords, shields and the bloodied face of a Direwolf, representing the unforgettable Battle of the Bastards.

Game of Thrones Door 10 Dark Horse

10. The Dark Horse

Belfast Finish your road trip in Belfast where the tenth door lies in wait at the Dark Horse pub in the Cathedral Quarter. The door shows how things are left at the end of Season 6, with the Lannister lion ruling over the Sept of Baelor while Stark and Targaryen sigils hint of secrets Jon Snow’s parentage yet to be revealed.

Game of Thrones Sightseeing Tours

If you’d rather have a guided tour (and possibly dress up in Stark attire), leave the car behind and take a Game of Thrones sightseeing tour. Browse all bus, coach and taxi sightseeing tours below.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour

Located at the authentic filming location of Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, Game of Thrones Studio Tour invites you to step behind the scenes of The Seven Kingdoms and beyond. Prepare to experience the world of Game of Thrones.

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Crystal Travel & Tours

Wandering Westeros (Game of Thrones) | 7 Day Self-Drive

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Northern Ireland is the principle location for filming of this hit HBO series that continues to draw viewers in with its unpredictability and stunning locations.

  • Winterfell  and the  Godswood  where Catelyn informed Ned that the King was coming and Maester Luwin met his end
  • Riverrun  where the Blackfish showed his nephew how to light Lord Hoster’s funeral pyre
  • the  Dothraki Grasslands  where Daenerys learned how to be a Khaleesi
  • the  King’s road  where Arya escaped King’s Landing following her father’s beheading
  • the beach on Dragonstone where Melisandre burned the Seven and Stannis pulled Lightbringer  from the flames
  • the horse ride where Theon Greyjoy  awkwardly met his sister or was chased by Ramsay Snow following his release
  • Davos’ rescue  following the Battle of the Blackwater and Melisandre’s “shadow baby”.

All of these and many more key scenes found life in Northern Ireland. Take a look at the tour we have laid out below to see how you can see more key scenes from Game of Thrones before your very eyes on your trip to Northern Ireland.

  • Winterfell and the Godswood
  • The Dothraki Grasslands
  • The King’s road
  • The beach where Stannis pulled Lightbringer from the flames
  • Pyke and the Iron Islands
  • Giant’s Causeway
  • Titantic Belfast
  • Glasnevin Cemetery & Museum

Inclusions & Extras

Automatic economy car with:

  • Unlimited mileage
  • Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)
  • Theft protection (TP),
  • Value added tax (VAT)
  • Third party liability
  • Location service charge (LSC)


game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Other Inclusions

  • The world’s only official Game of Thrones Studio tour
  • Archery Experience in Winterfell
  • Deluxe travel wallet with comprehensive travel documents, luggage tags and driving map.
  • Expert service from dedicated sales guide before, during and after your trip.

Optional Extras

  • Horse Ride on Dragonstone Beach
  • Black Taxi Tour of Belfast
  • Cycling Tour of Filming Locations
  • Room Upgrades
  • Rental Car Upgrade
  • Chauffeur Driver
  • Travel Protection

Day 1: Arrive & Stay in Dublin

Arrive at Dublin airport. You will have plenty of time to explore the city. While it is not the home to any scenes from the show, there is still certainly plenty of history from the time that Game of Thrones would be based on.

The Book of Kells, a 9th century manuscript famous throughout the world, is housed at Trinity College. Glasnevin Museum provides a rich history and features a who’s who of modern Irish history including Daniel O’ Connell, Michael Collins, Charles Stewart Parnell, Éamon de Valera, Arthur Griffith, Countess Markievicz, Erskine Childers, and Gerard Manley Hopkins. Dublin Castle and the GPO also provide plenty of history about Dublin’s storied past.

Overnight at a 4-star hotel in Dublin

Day 2: Game of Thrones Studio Tour

Today is the beginning of your Game of Thrones touring – and may well be the highlight! The Game of Thrones Studio Tour invites you to explore behind the scenes of Westeros. Located at the original filming location, Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, this unique experience features stunning imagery, authentic sets, original props, and costumes – everything that will excite passionate fans and TV buffs alike.

The Game of Thrones Studio Tour is an unforgettable journey into the heart of Westeros, captivating families, fans, and filmmaking enthusiasts of all ages. Given the timing of the day, it might be worth also booking in for Seven Kingdoms Afternoon Tea here before you continue your journey on to the north coast of Ireland and your hotel for the next two nights.

Overnight at a 4-star hotel on the north coast

Day 3: Dragonstone & Pyke

Take a stroll on Dragonstone or Downhill Strand as it is locally known. It is on this beach that Melisandre burned the Seven and Stannis Baratheon pulled Lightbringer from the flames. Next take some time in the real world that feels like fantasy with Dunluce Castle and the Giant’s Causeway. The Giant’s Causeway where 40,000 hexagonal basalt rock columns dominate the seascape. It’s said giants had a hand in their creation. Admire medieval Dunluce Castle, perched precariously on its clifftop. In 1534, a mysterious woman in white was seen gazing at the sunset, before disappearing over the cliff’s edge. Years later, locals used to see her walking the shore below. Continue to relive scenes at Ballintoy Harbour. This sleepy little port was transformed into the rugged Iron Islands for Theon’s homecoming scene. Parts of the beach here were also used to depict Dragonstone.

Slightly west from here is Murlough Bay, and the setting for Theon’s uncomfortable reunion with his sister Yara; and the scene where Davos is rescued by a passing ship following the Battle of the Blackwater. Return to your hotel.

Day 4: Beheading & Dothraki Sea

Today you cover quite a bit of ground, striking out along the coast you will be jumping all over the maps of Westeros and Essos today. Head north toward Ballycastle. You will recognize the stretch of road that ended season one. Arya Stark on the King’s Road having left King’s Landing on her way back to Winterfell. Move further South through Cushendall and onto Cushenden Caves which played host to one of the most terrifying scenes in the entire show. Ser Davos Seaworth brought the Red Woman ashore and in the caves she gave birth to the shadow baby that would eventually murder Renly Baratheon. You will then go make your way to Cairncastle where Ned Stark administered the King’s Justice to the Night’s Watch deserter in the very first episode. From there you will go west “across the Narrow Sea” to Shillanavogy Valley where the Dothraki led by Khal Drogo set up camp during season one. Continue on to Belfast.

Overnight at a 4-star hotel in Belfast

Day 5: Titanic Belfast & Shane’s Castle

After a Game of Thrones filled day yesterday, you will get take a little break this morning. As well as Titanic Belfast (which we recommend everyone to go see), Belfast is also home to Titanic Studios. Many of the memorable interior scenes from Game of Thrones were shot here including anything in the Throne Room and the Sept of Baelor. This was also the home of the Red Wedding. Unfortunately, the studios are not open to the public but the amazing Game of Thrones Exhibit will make a long-awaited return to Belfast in the near future.

After you are done touring the city and have seen Titanic Belfast, you can take a trip out to Lough Neagh and Shane’s Castle which is used extensively during filming. It is where the Hand’s Tourney takes place and where Gregor Clegane kills his horse in one clean strike. The caverns beneath are used as the crypts underneath Winterfell, the Black Cells of King’s Landing, and Dragonstone’s dungeons. The bridge is the one where Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister have an epic duel before being captured by Roose Bolton’s men.You can spend a lot of time here and on the shores of Lough Neagh recognizing parts from the show.

Day 6: Winterfell and the Haunted Forest

Today you have a packed day of Game of Thrones exploring. You will creep along the shores of Strangford Lough. Make your way to Inch Abbey. Inch Abbey pops up in the show all the time and was the site where Catelyn Stark crossed the river to the Twins to treat with Walder Frey and make an ill-fated marriage pact. Hoster Tully’s funeral was also staged in the area as was the scene where Arya realizes that the Hound is taking her to her mother and brother and not to King’s Landing.

Castle Ward in County Down was used to depict the home of House Stark: Winterfell. This 18th century property was transformed for the memorable scene when Robert Baratheon and his court arrive in Winterfell. With both classical and gothic architecture inside and out, Castle Ward makes for a perfect afternoon’s adventuring. You can even take archery lessons on the actual set where Bran practiced in the very first episode. Nearby in Audley’s Field was where Robb set up camp and the Kingslayer was captured and subsequently released. Pop into the farmyard or walk along the shore of the lough before making your way to Newcastle.

Continue to your hotel on the edge of Tollymore Forest Park this was the site for the very opening scene of Game of Thrones so beware of White Walkers.

Overnight at Slieve Donard

Day 7: Return Home

Make your way to the airport in plenty of time for your flight home.

This tour is independently operated by Crystal Travel & Tours. It is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated with HBO or anyone associated with ‘Game of Thrones’.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

We are more than happy to include a flight quote separately to your package so that you can decide if you would like to book with us or on your own.  While booking flights can seem straight-forward, there are often hidden fees or classes of service that do not include seat assignments, meals or checked bags. We have been booking flights since 1985 and know the best routings and have great contracts that mean we often have better prices than what you will see online.

In Ireland, we generally try to book hotels that are at a 4-star level or higher. In some situations, we will book some 3 star or B&B properties but we do require them to be at a certain standard. We try to ensure a member of the team have stayed at each property in recent years or that we have done a site inspection.

Planning Deposits

Your first vacation quote, and up to two revisions, for trips of 9 or fewer days, and 45 days in advance of travel, are complimentary. If an itinerary requires further revisions subsequent to this, we will require a non-refundable deposit of $75 per person in order to continue.

If you are requesting a quote for a vacation that is 10 days in length, or with travel dates within 45 days, or to a non-core destination, a deposit of $75 per person will be required in order for us to begin working on your proposal.

Planning deposits can then be put towards the cost of the trip should you decide to proceed with the booking.

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Step behind the scenes of game of thrones

At the principal film studios in Banbridge, Northern Ireland

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Join us for an exclusive evening exploring Game of Thrones sets and props while indulging in a themed menu inspired by the show's most memorable locations.


Experience The Studio Tour

Discover how Game of Thrones was brought to life on screen

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Game of Thrones Authentic Film Studios

Journey behind the cameras and discover the secrets that made HBO's Game of Thrones the world's most successful TV series

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Get up close and personal with screen-used costumes, weapons, props, and authentic film sets

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Game of Thrones Studio Tour is located just 30 minutes from Belfast and 90 minutes from Dublin

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Game of Thrones Studio Tour offers an unforgettable experience ... there's something for everyone

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Game of Thrones Studio Tour is an unforgettable journey that takes you into the heart of Westeros, captivating families, fans and filmmaking enthusiasts of all ages

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located in Banbridge, Northern Ireland

One of the largest indoor visitor attractions on the island of Ireland, just 30 minutes from Belfast and 90 minutes from Dublin

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Game of Thrones Studio Tour Iron Throne by Laurence Norah-2

Visiting the Game of Thrones Studio Tour in Northern Ireland – Review & Tips

Last updated: July 9, 2024 . Written by Laurence Norah - 6 Comments

If you’re a fan, as I am, of the Game of Thrones TV show, you should know that you can actually tour the Game of Thrones studio where many scenes from the show were filmed.

The Linen Mill Studios is found in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, just outside Belfast. It is where many iconic scenes from the show were filmed.

The original sets for the Winterfell Great Hall and Castle Black were constructed here and in fact the tour was built around them. In addition to the amazing film sets, you’ll also find props, costumes, artwork, weapons, prosthetics, exhibits, and lots of information on the making of the show.

There is also, of course, a large gift shop filled with Game of Thrones merchandise.

I’ve already written about visiting the main Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland as well as in Iceland , however until now I hadn’t put together a guide to the studio tour. I think it’s well worth a visit for both fans of the show, and those interested in how TV shows are put together in general.

If you are planning on visiting a number of Game of Thrones locations during your visit to Northern Ireland, then I can recommend including the studio, ideally as one of the first locations you visit.

Coming here is going to give you a huge appreciation for the amount of work that went into creating the show. There’s loads of information on display, with details on the filming locations, set design, props, costumes, and lots more!

In this guide I’m going to cover everything you need to know to visit the Game of Thrones studio tour, from how to get here, to buying tickets, to how long to stay, and more. Let’s get started.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Laurence Norah by Laurence Norah

Where is the Game of Thrones Studio Tour?

The Game of Thrones Studio Tour is located in the Linen Mill Studios. These are situated just outside the town of Banbridge in County Down, Northern Ireland.

This is about 25 miles (30 minutes drive) southeast of Belfast, or around 80 miles (80 minutes drive) north of Dublin.

Note that there is no public parking at the Linen Mill Studios. If you are making your own way to the studios by public transport or by car (more on getting here soon), you need to head to the Game of Thrones Studio Tour parking lot.

This is found at the Boulevard shopping center in Banbridge, just off the A1. Here there is free parking and a free shuttle service for ticket holders of the studio tour.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Exterior by Laurence Norah

Does the Game of Thrones Studio Tour include House of the Dragon & A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms?

Game of Thrones is not the only TV show set in Westeros. House of the Dragon started airing in 2022, with new show A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms announced in 2024. Both are series created by writer George R. R. Martin .

However, currently the Game of Thrones Studio tour focuses primarily on the Game of Thrones TV show which was filmed between 2009 (pilot episode) and 2018 and aired from 2011 to 2019 on HBO. Much of the filming took place in Northern Ireland.

Whilst some props from House of the Dragon have been put on display, that show is not being filmed at this studio or in Northern Ireland. Instead, it’s being filmed at the Warner Bros Leavesden studio in Watford, England. This is the same studio where you can take the Harry Potter Studio tour .

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms was announced in 2024 and production is taking place at the Titanic Studios in Belfast, where parts of Game of Thrones was also shot. As the show has only just been announced, there’s no further information as to whether this will be included in the Game of Thrones Studio tour.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Opening Times

The Game of Thrones Studio tour is typically open from 10am to 6.30pm. It’s open every day with some exceptions for public holidays.

How Much Does the Game of Thrones Studio Tour Cost?

The tour, which includes parking and shuttle bus from the parking area, currently costs as follows (prices as of June 2024)

  • £29.50 for adults (16-65)
  • £24 for students with student ID and seniors (66+)
  • £12 for teenagers (13-15)
  • £5 for children (5 – 12)
  • Free for children under age 5

There is also a family ticket which costs £67.25 and which includes two adult admissions and two teen admissions.

You can see the various ticket options and purchase tickets online here .

Game of Thrones Studio Audio Guides

There are audio guides available for the Game of Thrones Studio tour for an additional fee. These contain narration through the tour as well as additional information and details not on display.

You can either get this through the official app for Android or iOS , (must bring your own headphones to use) or you can rent an audio guide handset on site for around £5.

Currently the audio guides (both physical handsets and app) are available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Mandarin Chinese.

The audio guide is not necessary for enjoying or understanding the experience as there are a lot of signs and placards you can read along the way. But they do enhance the experience and add extra information. For non-English speakers, they are likely to be very helpful in giving background information about the exhibits as the information is displayed only in English.

You can book a audio guide handset or download the app in advance, or you can wait to do so once you are at the studio. You can get the audio guide handsets from the Information Desk. So you don’t need to decide before your visit, but you do need to decide before you start the tour.

Game of Thrones Studio Afternoon Tea

If you are interested in having a Game of Thrones themed afternoon tea experience, you can pre-book an afternoon tea experience to have before or after your tour.

The afternoon tea includes themed food such as Kings Rocky Road, Hot Pie’s Sausage Rolls, Chocolate Crunch Dragon Eggs, and High Garden Sandwiches. It currently costs £30 per person.

You do need to pre-book the experience in advance of your visit, so you will want to book it along with your admission tickets.

You can book your ticket (and optional transport) with an afternoon tea here .

Is the Game of Thrones Studio Tour Kid Friendly?

Although the show itself was not exactly a child friendly show (with quite a lot of violence, gore, sex, and nudity and complicated plots), the studio tour is designed to be a family-friendly experience.

There are no minimum age restrictions although all children age 16 and under must be accompanied and supervised by an adult during their visit.

Buggies, pushchairs, and strollers are allowed on the studio tour.

I haven’t visited with kids but when we visited there were several families with children of all ages, and everyone seemed to be enjoying the experience.

Is the Game of Thrones Studio Tour Accessible?

The Game of Thrones Studio Tour takes place on one level, so there are no elevators or steps to content with. As such, the tour is fully wheelchair accessible.

For those arriving by car with a wheelchair, the parking situation is the same, and the shuttle bus can take one wheelchair or mobility scooter per trip.

Registered guide dogs are also welcome, identification for the dog will be required.

For other needs, you can read more details about accessibility here . That page also contains contact information where you can enquire about other accessibility needs.

How to Get to the Game of Thrones Studio Tour

There are a number of options for getting to the Game of Thrones Studio Tour, which are as follows.

By Tour Bus

If you do not have your own transport, or would rather just visit the studio with round trip transport from where you are staying, then you can book a tour which includes a coach bus transfer.

Tours depart from both Belfast and Dublin. From Belfast it’s around a 30 minute coach ride, and from Dublin it’s around 90 minutes. You then will have 3 or more hours (depending on shuttle time) to visit the studio on your own.

The visit itself is self-guided and most people spend 2 to 3 hours doing the tour.

You can purchase tickets with round-trip transport from Belfast and Dublin here .

By Public Transport

There is no direct public transport from Belfast or Dublin to the Studio Tour shuttle bus departure location.

It is possible if you are determined, to take a series of 3 buses to get from Belfast to the Boulevard shopping center, but it will take you between 90 minutes and 2 hours each way.

Dublin is a similar story, it is theoretically possible, buy you are looking at a 3 hour trip each way.

We’d suggest instead booking a tour with round-trip transport, it’s going to be a lot less hassle, much quicker, and honestly not much more expensive.

If you have your own car then you can drive to the Game of Thrones Studio Tour. Just remember that you can’t drive to Linen Mill Studios where the tour is located.

Instead, drive to the Game of Thrones Studio tour parking location in the Boulevard Shopping Center (it is well sign posted). From here it’s a 10 minute shuttle ride to the studio.

Car parking and the shuttle ride are included as part of your Game of Thrones Studio ticket price.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Shuttle by Laurence Norah

Where to Buy Game of Thrones Studio Tour Tickets

You need to buy your Game of Thrones Studio Tour tickets online in advance of your visit. Entries are timed, and there is a limit to the number of people allowed per timeslot so the attraction does not get overcrowded.

When booking, you can choose whether you just want the entry ticket, or if you want a ticket which includes round trip transport from Dublin or Belfast.

Tickets are available:

  • on GetYourGuide here
  • on Viator here
  • on the official website here

Note the official website has a fee if you need to change the date or time of your ticket. Last time we checked, GetYourGuide offered free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance of your visit. The price is normally the same so I’d recommend booking there if you can.

Last time we visited, we booked on GetYourGuide which is the site we normally choose to use for tickets, tours and attractions when we travel as we like that tickets are often more flexible than booking direct.

The Game of Thrones Studio tour is also included on the Go City Dublin Pass (see our full review of the Dublin Pass here ). However, round-trip transport is not included. So you will either need to have your own vehicle, or you can book a round-trip shuttle bus from Dublin here .

How Long Does the Game of Thrones Studio Tour take?

The Game of Thrones Studio tour is self-guided, so you can take as long or as short as you want to complete it. However, most visitors come for two to three hours.

I would make sure to book your timeslot to come at least 3 hours before closing to ensure you have enough time. If you are planning to eat lunch or do an afternoon tea experience, I would add an extra hour.

Where to Stay Near the Game of Thrones Studios

There are a number of hotel options to choose from, both near the studio, and also in major cities within easy driving distance such as Belfast and Dublin.

I’ll share some of these options below.

Hotels in Belfast

If you plan to drive to the Game of Thrones Studio tour yourself, then you will likely want to find accommodation with parking. Many hotels do offer parking but as this is a city center many locations do charge for this option.

If you are taking the coach transfer option, then you might consider staying near where the coach departs from, which is the Visit Belfast visitor information center . This is located on 9 Donegall Square N in the city center.

  • Belfast International Youth Hostel – If you are looking for a hostel in Belfast this is a good, well located option, around 14 minutes walk from the coach departure point. It has both shared and private dormitory rooms, an on-site cafe, linens, a communal kitchen, a breakfast menu and self-service laundry. It also has free parking.
  • Leonardo Hotel 4-star hotel offering good sized rooms, a breakfast buffet, bar, and restaurant. In our experience this hotel chain offers good value for money. 5 minute walk from the coach departure point. Paid parking is available nearby
  • Ramada – A well-rated 3-star hotel. Has an informal restaurant and bar, 24-hour front desk, and free Wifi. 14 minutes walk from the coach departure point. Paid parking is available nearby.
  • Bullitt Hotel – Centrally-located 4-star hotel offers a range of room options to suit most budgets. There’s also a bar, a cafe, a restaurant, a rooftop bar area, and 24-hour desk service. It is a 7 minute walk to the coach departure point for the tour. Parking is also available. We spent 4 nights here and can definitely recommend it if you are looking for a central hotel!
  • The Merchant Hotel – A 5-star historical luxury hotel located in a beautiful 1860 building. This hotel offers all the luxury amenities you would expect, including a restaurant, bar and lounge, spa, hot tub, and a rooftop gymnasium. 11 minutes’ walk from the coach station. Paid parking is available nearby.

For more ideas of where to stay in Belfast, see our guide to things to do in Belfast , which has everything you need to know to plan your visit here.

Hotels in Dublin

Dublin is only around an 80-minute drive from the Game of Thrones Studio Tour, meaning you can easily visit here as a half-day trip. If you have your own car, you could even add in some Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland as well.

If you are planning on taking advantage of the transport coach service from Dublin, this departs from the Busarus bus station in central Dublin. Here are some hotel options to consider.

  • Jacob’s Inn Hostel – a good option for those looking for a hostel experience. This hostel is just a 2 minute walk from the coach departure point, and five minutes from the lively Temple Bar area of town. Private and shared accommodation is available and there’s also a bar, restaurant, roof terrace and on-site laundry. There’s no on-site parking but paid public parking is available within a 5 minute walk.
  • Moxy Dublin City – this is a very well located mid-range hotel just 7 minutes walk from the coach station. We’ve stayed at a number of Moxy hotels around the world and always appreciated the fun decor and comfortable rooms. Paid parking is available nearby.
  • Leonardo Hotel Dublin Parnell Street – well rated excellent value mid-range central hotel, a 14-minute walk from the coach departure point. Parking is available nearby for a fee.
  • Maldron Hotel Parnell Square – this is a good value mid-range hotel 20 minutes walk from the coach departure point. We’ve stayed here and enjoyed it. Parking is available nearby for a fee.
  • Merrion Hotel – a five star luxury property which has everything you could want for a luxury stay in Dublin including a 2* Michelin restaurant, Italian marble bathrooms and a spa. On-site parking is available for a fee, and it’s a 20-minute walk to the coach station.

For more suggestions in Dublin, see our guide to spending three days in Dublin , which has hotel recommendations as well as sightseeing suggestions.

Hotels near the Game of Thrones Studios

If you’d rather stay near the studio itself, then there are also a number of options to choose from, as follows:

  • Belmont House Hotel – just 5 minutes drive from the shuttle departure location for the studio tour, this 4* hotel has an on-site restaurant and free parking. It’s definitely the closest option we are aware of for the Studio tour, and the hotel the studio themselves recommend if you want to stay nearby.
  • Mourne Country Hotel – found 15 minutes drive south of the studio tour parking near the city of Newry, this quiet 3 star hotel offers free on-site parking, en-suite rooms, a bar and restaurant.

Is Food Available at the Game of Thrones Studio Tour?

Yes, you can purchase food and drinks at the Studio Tour. There are two options for food and drinks.

First, in the foyer of the tour building before you enter the main tour area there is the Lobby Cafe which serves hot and cold drinks as well as snacks like sausage rolls and cakes.

If you’d prefer a larger meal, or want to take a break part way through your tour, then the Studio Cafe is a good option.

Found just before the halfway point of the experience, this has a menu which includes things like burgers, breakfast items, soups and sandwiches, as well as dessert and drink options. It also has a kids menu.

There is also as mentioned the Game of Thrones afternoon tea experience, but that must be pre-booked before your visit. You can do that here .

Lobby Cafe Game of Thrones Studio Tour

Is there a Cloakroom at the Game of Throne Studio Tour?

Yes there is a cloakroom at the Game of Thrones Studio Tour. It’s next to the information desk right where you first enter the tour building. You can leave coats and bags here for free, which will save you carrying them through the tour.

I left my coat and small backpack here when we visited which was very convenient.

Cloakroom and information point at Game of Thrones Studio Tour by Laurence Norah

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Review and Experience

Now I’m going to talk a bit about our experience actually visiting the Game of Thrones Studio Tour, including lots of photos so you can see what it’s actually like inside and what to expect from your visit.

First, we drove from Belfast, which would have taken around half an hour except we got a flat tire on the way! That slight mishap aside, we arrived at the car parking area just after midday. The parking area and shuttle bus stop was very easy to find.

The shuttle ride took around 10 minutes, the bus was comfortable and fairly busy but everyone had a seat. The shuttle is free you just need to have a studio tour ticket.

On arrival, I dropped off my small backpack and coat at the information desk. We then got a coffee and sausage roll at the cafe before entering the experience. Entrances into the actual tour were every 15 minutes or so, and we were told we didn’t have to go in straight away if we wanted to have a coffee or something to eat first, which was nice.

We then joined the line for the actual entrance where we had the option to have our photo taken against a green screen. Photos were then made available for purchase.

The first part of the actual experience is in a movie theatre, where you take a seat and watch a ten minute video which covers the show and its production as well as a bit about the tour. This was really well done and definitely got us excited for the experience ahead.

This was the only part of the studio tour where photography and video were not allowed.

After the video was over, the cinema screen moved aside and a fog filled tunnel was revealed. This was really cool, as it felt like we were stepping into the world of Game of Thrones, specifically walking through The Wall to Wildling and White Walker territory.

Walking through the fog shrouded tunnel led us into the main self-guided tour, where the first sight to greet us were Wildings and White Walkers, as fog tendrils drifted across the floor.

From here the tour was entirely self-guided, with information panels to read and video screens to watch. A nice touch was that the voice over for the video was done by Nathalie Emmanuel, who had the roll of Missandei in the show.

The tour is set up as a journey through the world of Westeros. When we visited the order of exhibits was as follows:

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Map by Laurence Norah

Beyond the Wall

The entrance set piece had statues of the Wildings and Whitewalkers, as well as the Giant Wun Wun.

Fun fact, Wun Wun was so big they had to present him kneeling down so he would fit!

Game of Thrones Studio Tour white walkers by Laurence Norah

Production Design / Art Department

This part of the tour showed how the production team conceptualized the world of Westeros.

There are incredible artworks, set design concepts, drawing boards, and more which show the amount of time and effort it takes just to design a world for the screen.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour production design by Laurence Norah-4

Castle Black / Prop Design

The Castle Black part of the tour is home to one of the original sets that was filmed on. This section of the tour includes the Mess Hall, Lord Commanders Quarters, Jail, and Bran’s Chamber.

There’s also information here on how sets were decorated and how the props were made, with lots of props to look at including dragon eggs, books, cookware, and loads more. This area also has as a fun interactive where you can design your very own House shield!

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Castle Black by Laurence Norah

Studio Cafe

Between Castle Black and the Winterfell Crypts is the Studio Cafe, where you can get food and drinks. We didn’t eat here but the menu looked good!

If you want more of a meal, this is definitely where I would recommend coming rather than the cafe in the lobby area.

Note that if you do miss this and decide to return after you exit, just let a team member know and they will escort you back here.

Winterfell Crypts

After the Studio Cafe you will go into the Winterfell Crypts, which is set up to look just like the crypts in the show.

The actual scenes were filmed not too far away in Shane’s Castle on Lough Neagh. There are also statues here of members of the Stark family.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Winterfell Crypts by Laurence Norah

Winterfell Hall

In my opinion, the Winterfell Hall is definitely one of the main attractions in the tour.

This is one of the actual sets from the show (over a hundred sets were built for each season!), which has stayed in the same location since it was built (the tour was built around it).

You can walk around the hall itself, and see key moments that were filmed here recreated with mannequins, such as the knighting of Brienne of Tarth .

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Winterfell Hall by Laurence Norah


The next area you visit is themed around Dragonstone, the ancestral seat of House Targaryen.

Here you will see rooms set up as the impressive Dragonstone Map Room and the Dragonstone Throne. There are also some enormous dragon skull props here to admire.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Dragonstone Throne by Laurence Norah

Costume shop / Special Effects / Prosthetics Workshop

From Dragonstone you will enter an area which is dedicated to helping you understand how different parts of the production were put together.

The costumes in the show were truly spectacular, and there’s a whole area dedicated to some of these amazing items as well as information on how they were created.

Special effects and visual effects were also a big part of the show, and you can learn about how these were created. There’s also a fun interactive here where you can animate your own Game of Thrones character by moving around.

Finally, this area also has a lot of information on the prosthetics that were used in the show, and how these were made. There’s another interactive experience here where you can virtually apply your own prosthetic!

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Hall of Faces

In the show, the hall of faces is a large, pillared hallway, with the pillars home to the faces of the dead. Which is kind of creepy.

The studio tour version looked pretty much the same, except instead of dead people’s faces, the faces of previous visitors are displayed in the pillars. And yes, I made my own face which was added to the Hall of Faces, before hurrying along to somewhere slightly less creepy.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Armory Gallery & Armory Workshop

Game of Thrones was obviously a fairly violent show, and as such it included a lot of weaponry and armor.

These two areas of the tour showcase some of the incredible weapons and armor from the show, including the massive dragon-killing Scorpion artillery weapon.

There are also lots of other well-known weapons from the show on display, including Arya’s needle.

This area also goes into detail as to how the weapons were created, the work involved, and the sheer volume of weaponry that was required for the show. Hint – it was a lot!

Finally, this area also has a really fun game where you can use your own bow and arrow to blow up hordes of the undead on screen. I really enjoyed this game, it was definitely my favourite of all the interactive experiences we tried.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Scorpion in Armory by Laurence Norah

Kings Landing

Towards the end of the tour you come to the Kings Landing themed area. This is actually home to a lot of different areas, so don’t worry, there’s still lots to see.

There’s Tommen’s Chamber, the Small Council Chamber, Map Courtyard, and Red Keep. I thought the Map Courtyard set piece was particularly impressive.

In this area you will also find information on the incredible musical score for the show and how that was put together.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Kings Landing Filming LOcations by Laurence Norah

Throne Room

The final set piece in the tour is the Throne Room in Kings Landing, where the Iron Throne sits.

This is set up as it was shown towards the end of Season 8, with much of the room in ruins and snow dusting the floor.

It’s an impressive way to end the tour.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Iron Throne by Laurence Norah

Shop, Throne & Exit

The Throne Room is the final room of the tour. If you feel you missed something, this is the time to turn back as once you exit to the shop you can’t go back inside.

We’d already spent a couple of hours inside by this point so was ready to hit the shop. The gift shop is absolutely full of items from the show, so if there’s anything you need, from clothing to magnets to coasters, they’ve got you covered.

The shop is also where you can actually sit on the Iron Throne! Ok, so it’s a replica and not the actual one from the show. But you can sit on it in front of a green screen, and live your own fantasy of winning the Game of Thrones.

Once you’re done shopping and taking photos, you return to the lobby where you can collect any belongings, refresh with a drink or snack at the cafe, and wait for your shuttle bus or coach transfer.

There’s a helpful screen here which shows all the upcoming departure times. For the return shuttle to the parking lot there’s no specific timeslot, you just get on the next available shuttle when you are ready to leave.

And that’s it!

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Iron Throne by Laurence Norah

Overall Thoughts on our Visit to the Game of Thrones Studio

We really enjoyed our visit to the Game of Thrones Studio tour. We learned a lot about how the show was made, and we appreciated all the interactive displays and photo opportunities.

Personally, I think it is a must visit for Game of Thrones fans. However, even if you are not a fan of the show it is really interesting just in learning all the behind the scenes work that goes into make a big tv show like this.

Overall, it reminded us a lot of the Warner Bros Harry Potter Studio Tour in Watford, If you have done that and enjoyed it, you’ll probably enjoy this experience as well. The bonus is that this doesn’t get as many visitors and isn’t as crowded.

Laurence on Game of Thrones throne Glass of Thrones Belfast by Laurence Norah

Tips for Visiting the Game of Thrones Studio

If you are planning to visit, here are some tips to help you prepare for your visit and make the visit itself go as smoothly as possible.

Decide how you are going to get there

The first thing you’ll need to do when planning your visit to the Game of Thrones Studio Tour is decide how you are going to get here. Your choices are to drive and take the short shuttle from the parking lot, or to book a ticket with round-trip transport from Dublin or Belfast.

The advantage of driving is that it will let you be more flexible in your timing in terms of how long you stay at the attraction. The round-trip transport coaches obviously have to operate to a timetable, and you don’t want to miss your return coach.

That said, they do allow for enough time for people to have a great time at the studio.

Book your tickets in advance

You need to book your tickets in advance when visiting the studio as you can’t buy tickets at the studio. Tickets have a timed entry slot and you need to show up at the time on your ticket.

If you are driving, make sure you arrive in plenty of time to take the shuttle.

Also note if you are interested in the afternoon tea experience, you need to book that in advance as well.

Decide if you want the audio guide

You should decide if you want the audio guide before you visit. You can either rent this in person and use their handset or you can use your own smartphone and headphones and download the app.

Both options incur a fee, but obviously you will get more out of your visit if you opt for the audio guide. You can hire this on site.

If English is not your first language, then an audioguide will probably really help you make the most of your visit if it is available in your native language.

Personally we didn’t hire the audioguide and we felt that we still had an amazing time. However, if you have plenty of time and really want to nerd out, then it’s probably a good thing to get.

Don’t Rush

The average visitor spends between 2 hours and 3 hours on the studio tour. So I would be sure to allow yourself at least 3 hours here to fully enjoy the experience without feeling rushed. There is a lot to see, read, and do here.

In addition you may also want extra time to explore the gift shop or have a meal. If driving you need to allow for the 10-minute shuttle rides at the beginning and end.

Game of Thrones Studio Tour Crossbow by Laurence Norah

The Game of Thrones Studio tour has a lot of interactive games and experiences you can take part in as you go around. From adding your face to the Hall of Faces to blowing up the undead with a bow and flaming arrow to taking photos on the Iron Throne, these are a lot of fun.

They really add to the experience in my opinion, and as most of them are included in your ticket (with the exception of the photos) you should definitely take advantage of them all!

Game of Thrones Studio Tour by Laurence Norah-2

Further Reading

We’ve been lucky enough to both explore a number of Game of Thrones locations around the world, as well as a lot of Ireland. Based on our experiences, we have a number of other posts we think you will enjoy and find useful for your trip planning.

  • If you want to visit the real world filming locations for the show while you are in Northern Ireland, see our guide to the Game of Thrones Filming Locations in Northern Ireland .
  • Many of the GoT locations in Northern Ireland can be found along the Causeway Coastal Route – check out our guide to the highlights of the Causeway Coastal Route  for more inspiration on what to see on the way.
  • We have a detailed  2 day itinerary for Belfast , to help you make the most of the city. We also have a guide to  things to do in Belfast .
  • We have a detailed guide to visiting  the Dark Hedges , one of the more popular GoT locations in Northern Ireland.
  • If you are basing yourself in Belfast for a few days, we have a complete  guide to the best day trips from Belfast
  • If you plan to spend time in Dublin, check out our guides to spending  2 days in Dublin  and  3 days in Dublin , as well as our tips for taking a day trip to the  Cliffs of Moher from Dublin
  • You can save money in Ireland with a  Dublin Pass , a  Belfast Visitor pass , and a  National Trust Touring Pass , depending on what you plan to do and see
  • We have an overview of  how much it costs to travel in the UK  to help you with budget planning
  • Our guide to spending  2 weeks in the UK , which includes time in Belfast and Dubin
  • A guide to  driving in the UK , in case you choose to hire a car and do a road trip
  • If you enjoy a road trip, take a look at our guide to some of the  best road trips in the world , as well our guide to  Scotland’s North Coast 500
  • If you are looking for a guidebook, we recommend the  Lonely Planet guide to Ireland,  the  Rick Steves Northern Ireland guide  or the  DK Eyewitness Ireland Travel Guide
  • Game of Thrones fans heading to Iceland will definitely want to check out our guide to  Game of Thrones in Iceland . The show was also filmed in Girona, and you can see our  guide to Girona here .

And that’s it for our guide to visiting the Game of Thrones Studio Tour in Northern Ireland! As always, we’re happy to hear your comments and feedback. Just pop them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

A detailed guide to visiting the Game of Thrones Studio Tour in Northern Ireland. How to get here, what to expect and tips for your visit!

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There are 6 comments on this post

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Anita Wheeler says

7th July 2024 at 8:31 pm

First I wanted to say that I loved my visit to the Game of Thrones Studio – we had a blast. Loved seeing your photos and experiences as it makes me want to return!

My question and reason I found your article is that I am trying to help my brother and his family plan a visit here for later this summer. They are planning to stay in Dublin for 4 nights and want to do one day for GoT stuff and ideally want to try to do a filming locations tour and the Studio tour in the same day, do you think this is possible? They don’t have car and plan to book the studio shuttle for transport. It will be for 4 people, 2 adults and 2 kids (12 and 16) if that matters.

They are also are willing to travel to Belfast to start/end shuttle or bus tour part if that is the only workable option as I know there are more options from there and it may save them time. I think there are pretty regular train and bus connections between Dublin and Belfast so that should be pretty easy for them to do that.

Thanks for any help you can provide me as I volunteered to help them but now seem to need some help myself as this is more complicated than I imagined with the shuttle timings and all. Also I wish there was a single day tour that included both the Games of Thrones studio tour and filming locations tour but haven’t been able to find one…


Laurence Norah says

8th July 2024 at 4:03 am

Thanks for your comment and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed your Game of Thrones Studio Tour when you visited! So, let me echo your frustration in that there doesn’t appear to be a combined studio / filming locations tour that I can find. I looked into it when putting this guide together and was very surprised not to be able to find one. It’s particularly frustrating as there are quite a few locations not too far from the Studio.

So, the option to do the tour from Dublin is probably not going to work as I believe the bus leaves at 10am and doesn’t get back until 4pm. So that’s the whole day gone. Even the shuttle bus options which take you from Dublin to the Studio and then on to Belfast (or vice versa) take up most of the day.

From Belfast to the Studio there are multiple tour options, with the latest departing from Belfast at 2pm. So then you would want to try and find a tour which departs from Belfast and gets you back before then. Unfortunately, I can’t find a half day Game of Thrones filming locations tour either!

One, albeit expensive option, is obviously going to be to book a private tour where they could specify exactly what they wanted to do. This is an tour example from Belfast , I’m sure there are also options from Dublin. If they did that option they could specify exactly when and where they wanted to go.

Otherwise, realistically, the best option is going to be to rent a car for the day I think, although it sounds like that might be off the table.

So in summary, I think their options are a private tour which they can adjust to add the studio tour, pick one or other to do (I would probably opt for the Studio Tour over the locations as it has a lot of information about the locations already), do the tour and locations over 2 separate days, or rent a car.

I also think having a day tour from Belfast (and Dublin) that includes the Studio tour and some GoT sites would be great!

Sorry not to have an easy answer for you on this one! I hope you find a solution that works and your brother and his family have an amazing time in Ireland 🙂

9th July 2024 at 6:11 am

thanks so much for this as it gives me great clarity with all my options. I think for simplicity they are going to likely head up to Belfast and book the shuttle bus up to do the official Game of Thrones studio tour, have lunch there, and then spend the afternoon in Belfast and then do either the Titantic Museum or HMS Caroline boat tour before going back to Dublin before dinner. There are also those glass GoT display photo stops?

Does that sound realistic to do in one day?


9th July 2024 at 1:53 pm

Glad I could be of help! So yes that would be do-able as long as they are ok with a long day. There are both buses and trains from Dublin to Belfast and they take around 2 and half hours, and the shuttle bus departures from Belfast are at 9.30am, 11am and 2pm currently. So if they wanted to add on HMS Caroline or the Titanic Museum (both well worth the visit), they’d want to get either the 9.30 (leaving Dublin around 6.30am) or the 11 (leaving Dublin around 7.30am). I don’t think there are lots of very early trains but there are early buses.

The Glass of Thrones trail does run right past the Titanic Museum and out to HMS Caroline, that is well worth seeing and free. Just be aware that the Titanic Museum is about a 30 minute walk from central Belfast, I’d suggest saving time by taking the Glider bus, or bus routes 26, 26A, 26B, 26C from the city center.

It is going to be a full day but achievable!

26th June 2024 at 6:20 am

so sick! going to have to convince the wife to go here on our trip to Ireland next month! #winteriscoming

27th June 2024 at 4:54 pm

It’s definitely worth trying to convince her! Have a great time in Ireland!

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An orange suitcase with a globe in the background.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Updated May 2024

Northern Ireland is a haven for Game of Thrones fans seeking to immerse themselves in the fantastical world of Westeros. With its stunning landscapes and historic sites, the region served as the backdrop for many iconic scenes from the hit TV series. From the imposing Castle Ward, which doubled as Winterfell, to the dark hedges of the Kingsroad, there are countless locations to explore when you visit in Northern Ireland that will transport visitors to the Seven Kingdoms.

Venturing through the picturesque countryside, visitors can follow in the footsteps of their favorite characters and relive pivotal moments from the show. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual viewer, the Game of Thrones sites in Northern Ireland offer a unique and awe-inspiring experience that brings the world of Westeros to life. Join us on a journey through the realm of dragons, knights, and scheming rulers as we explore the stunning landscapes and historic landmarks that have captured the hearts of millions around the world. 

  • Where are Game of Thrones filming locations in Ireland?

Game of Thrones was dominantly filmed in Northern Ireland . The filming locations across Northern Ireland for Game of Thrones NI took place in and around 33 locations in Northern Ireland including Titanic Studios in Belfast, Cushendun Caves, Murlough Bay, Ballintoy Harbour, Larrybane, Antrim plateau, Castle Ward, Inch Abbey and Downhill Strand. Many of these GOT filming sites can be visited but some are off-limits.

Epic Game of Thrones Ireland Road trip - Ballintoy Harbour the Iron Islands

Most organized tours completely miss major locations and only head to the ones that are close together like the Dark Hedges and Dunluce Castle , these can easily be reached within minutes of each other. They often miss locations such as Castle Ward, Tollymore Forest and the Vale of Arryn. I have visited every Game of Thrones filming locations in Ireland and seen all the Game of Thrones Doors and the studio tour.

Keep in mind that Northern Ireland is part of the UK and Ireland is an independent republic not governed by the UK so try not to confuse the two or you risk upsetting us Irish lol.

A Game of Thrones Tour of Ireland is a must for anyone obsessed with the show and Ireland.  I proudly claim my status as “fangirl” – well fangirl is a little off base as I am not exactly a girl anymore. I dragged my husband around every single Game of Thrones shooting location in Ireland and he enjoyed every minute of it.


  • Game of Thrones location in Northern Ireland map

The result of this incredible sacrifice and hard work is this brilliant, ultimate Game of Thrones filming locations guide that you can use to plan your Game of Thrones Tour. I’ve described where all the Game of Thrones filming sites are in Northern Ireland and how to get to them from either Dublin or Belfast.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Every single shooting location is listed with instructions on how to get to the sites. The Game of Thrones Northern Ireland filming locations ranges across most of the North and the Mournes. Keep in mind that you absolutely have to visit the Giant’s Causeway but Game of Thrones wasn’t filmed here.

Planning a dream trip to Ireland? Everything you need to know

Game of Thrones Studio tour

Game of thrones tour from dublin, 33 game of thrones ireland sites, riverrun castle game of thrones, the crypts – leitrim lodge, dothraki grasslands – sandy brae, castle stokeworth – quintin bay, inch abbey game of thrones – riverrun, riverrun – the river quoile, where is winterfell – castle ward, cost of tickets to winterfell – castle ward, the battle of oxcross – audley’s castle and field, tourney of the hand – shane’s castle,county antrim, hanged women – lough neagh, winterfell set – moneyglass estate, is castle black and winterfell the same set, dothraki territory – shillanavogy valley, battle of the bastards – sallagh braes, the wall in the north – magheramorne quarry near larne, where game of thrones begins – cairncastle.

  • Glenarm – Joffrey's Crown

Braavos Canal – Carnlough

Runestone, vale of arryn – glenarriff – galboly, slavers bay – murlough bay, dragonstone – fair head, renly baratheon’s camp – larrybane bay.

  • Where are the Iron Islands in Game of Thrones filmed?

Iron Islands, Pyke – Ballintoy Harbour

Pyke castle – dunluce castle, dorne coast – port stewart strand.

  • Essos Dragon's Lair – Binevenagh
  • Beric Dondarrion's hideout – Pollnagollum Cave

Tickets for the Game of Thrones Studio Tour

Visiting the game of thrones tapestry, game of thrones filming locations in northern ireland.

Where is the Game of Thrones setting? Game of Thrones is set in the fictional lands of Westeros and Essos. The big question however is, where was the Game of Thrones filmed in Ireland? There are 33 GOT shooting locations in Ireland some of which you can visit. Many ask if the Cliffs of Mohe r featured in the Game of Thrones – sadly no but they are certainly still worth a visit.

You can also visit the Filming studio at Linen Mills Studios in Banbridge where you can step behind the scenes of The Seven Kingdoms and beyond.

This Game of Thrones itinerary can be done in 3-5 days depending on which sites you want to see for yourself. 

This is a self-guided Game of Thrones itinerary and it can be started from Dublin , or from Belfast . It ends in Enniskillen and covers every conceivable Game of Thrones film set in Northern Ireland .

game of thrones ireland

If you would like to take an organized tour of the Games of Thrones sites then I recommend City Tours Belfast .

If you are as obsessed as I am with travel and Game of Thrones why not combine the two in a trip to Malta ? Malta is actually one of my favourite places and if you want to know what it’s like check out David from Travel Elsewhere’s post on all the Best Places to visit in Malta . 

101 Landmarks in Northern Ireland

From Dublin drive North on the A1 North, the drive is a little over 2 hours. Once you cross over the border into Northern Ireland, you can head east to Leitrim Lodge and Sandy Brae or west to Gosford Castle the first two Game of Thrones Sites in the immediate area.  

This is an often missed part of the Game of Thrones Tour as it is a long way from Belfast and the Causeway Coast routes. This area of Northern Ireland is famous for the Mourne Mountains and some of the most incredible views and scenic outlooks in the North of Ireland . This area played home to the Dothraki Grasslands and the forests of Winterfell.

The Dothraki grasslands filming location at the foothills of the Mourne Mountains in County Down

Before you visit Ireland here are my top Irish movies and TV shows to watch .

When you cross over the border head to Newry and then west towards Gosford Forest park where you will find the first of the Game of Thrones sites in Northern Ireland.

The ruins of the Dunluce Castle on the Causeway Coast of Northern Ireland. Photographed at sunset.

There are over 33 sites in Ireland where Game of Thrones is filmed, some you can visit and see first-hand, and others are off-limits to tourists. Some of those sites that are off-limits can be seen and photographed from a distance, however.

Western coast of County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK, with the ruin of medieval Red Bay Castle, cliffs near Glenariff, Watrerfoot and Cushendall at coast road A2, a.k.a Causeway Coastal Route

Here’s a really cool idea – why not have a Game of Thrones night and make some amazing food to share with your fellow #GOT obsessed friends. Well here is a brilliant post from Evelyne at CulturEatz! Here are Evelyne and fellow bloggers’ Game of Thrones Recipes .

You can also download a Game of Thrones Map on an app from the Northern Ireland tourism board. Discover Northern Ireland says this about the app:

Bridging the gap between fantasy and reality, the interactive map allows users to flip between the mythical worlds of Westeros and Essos and the Northern Ireland filming locations. Over 25 scenes from Seasons 1-7 are featured on the app, with detailed information on each scene and where it was filmed, as well as official stills from the show. The 10 Doors of Thrones can also be found on the app. Fans can also experience the beauty of Northern Ireland from their own home as each location features a 360-degree panoramic photograph.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

If you are a true fan of Game of Thrones then you need to read  Where To Find Game Of Thrones Filming Locations In Dubrovnik  this is where I want to head to next, yes I’m a true fangirl lol.

Where did they film Game of Thrones Ireland ?

This Game of Thrones location was filmed at Gosford Castle which is privately owned and there are no public tours but it is a beautiful house and easily recognisable as the seat of the Lord Protector of the Riverlands. In the Game of Thrones Riverrun is located where the Tumblestone River and the Red Fork of the Trident meet. Once again, the CGI magic of Game of Thrones is evident, as Gosford Castle has no river.

Gosford Castle a private castle used in the filming of Game of Thrones

Here are 15 haunted castles to visit when in Ireland and a few you can stay at.

Leitrim Lodge sits at the foothills of the Mourne mountain range in County Down. This is where Bran and Rickon take refuge in the crypts after Theon Greyjoy takes over Winterfell and they meet Jojen and Meera in the woods.

Sandy Brae is in the Mourne Mountains near Newry and it is where the scenes with Ser Jorah and Daenerys were filmed riding their horses through the Dothraki grasslands.  There are plenty of walking pathways to hike and you can get some good shots of the mountains as seen in Game of Thrones®. On the edge of the Antrim plateau, Binevenagh Mountain boasts panoramic views stretching for miles. The location was chosen for the Dothraki Sea far above the city of Meereen, where Daenerys is rescued by her dragon Drogon and brought to his lair.

Sandy Brae area in the Mourne Mountains which played the Dothraki grasslands in the Game of Thrones

To get to Tollymore Forest Park from Sandy Brae is around a 40-minute drive, don’t however listen to Google Maps when it comes to getting into the park as it will direct you in a roundabout fashion so you will miss the Park entrance that sits right in Castlewellan so keep your eyes peeled for the entrance as you drive through the town.

Bastard of Bolton hunts – Tollymore Forest Park

Tollymore forest comprises over 600 hectares of forest from ancient redwoods, gothic stone arches and the remains of an 18th-century estate. If you can find your way to the Altavaddy Bridge this is where the dire wolves’ clearing can be found. Stroll along the river and you will see the deep hole where the Night’s Watchman Will comes upon the village where everyone has been killed by the White Walkers.

The entrance gates to the Tollymore Forest

The forest is also, where the “Bastard of Bolton” (and is also called the haunted forest) hunted down Theon Greyjoy when he escaped from his imprisonment.

Driving up from the forest on St. Patrick’s Trail, you head towards Downpatrick. Follow the signs from the Trail to Inch Abbey, this drive will take around an hour.

If you stay at the Cuan in Strangford it will give you a central location as a base and from here you can visit Inch Abbey, Audley’s Castle, Castle Ward and much more.

Quintin Bay is in Portaferry, County Down and it is the spot near Castle Stokeworth in the Crownlands where Jaime Lannister goes to find Bronn and persuade him to accompany him to Dorne. It was at Castle Stokeworth, that Jaime and Bronn hatch a plot to retrieve Princess Myrcella from Dorne.

Now that this part of your Game of Thrones journey is done, head towards Belfast and take in some of the vibrancy of the City before you head out again on your Game of Thrones tour.

If you are in this area of the Ards peninsula take a run-up to Portavogie to have some to die for fresh prawns at the Quays Restaurant, it may not look much from the road but the food is excellent and the views incredible. Across the peninsula from Portavogie go and see Grey Abbey you won’t regret it. You could also take a day or so to see Mount Stewart and the Strangford Loch area which is pretty spectacular.

Quintin Harbour this is where Jamie visits Bronn and Lolly and convinces Bronn to come with him to rescue his neice.

After a day spent exploring the Ards Peninsula head back to your B&B at The Cuan where you can enjoy your pre-arranged Game of Thrones Feast, grab some rest and start out fresh the next day. Inch Abbey, Castle Ward and other sites of interest for Game of Thrones fans are just a few minute’s ride away from Strangford.

From Strangford to Inch Abbey will take around 18 minutes and from there to the River Quoile, it is around 6 minutes.

Inch Abbey is the remains of a Cistercian Abbey that were founded in 1180 by John de Courcy. There are lovely views of the Cathedral town of Downpatrick and it is set beside the River Quoile.

Inch Abbey ruins this is where the War of the 5 Kings is declared and Robb Stark is crowned king

Inch Abbey was the site was used as Robb Stark’s Camp, Riverrun in season one of Game of Thrones and where the War of the 5 Kings began.

From Inch Abbey, it will take you around 6 minutes to get to the River Quoile.

The River Quoile is used for the Riverrun location in the Game of Thrones saga and where the funeral scenes of Hoster Tully at Riverrun were shot. There is a plaque at the site to mark the HBO filming, one of several around Northern Ireland to help fans of the show to track down the spots of greatest interest to them.

a beautiful conservation area at the River Quoile, the pier was left by HBO after they finished filming the Riverrun scenes here

From here, it will take around 10 minutes to get to Castle Ward and Audley’s Castle and field

signs at the back of Castle Ward to point you in the right direction to Winterfell

The Game of Thrones filming location for Winterfell is at Castle Ward which double as House Stark in County Down, Northern Ireland. Aside from hosting Game of Thrones tours, it’s a beautiful National Trust property on the shores of Strangford Lough, with an 18th-century stately home and acres of landscaped gardens to explore

Castle Ward is a unique demesne of over 800 acres with a manor house that has two facades the first one, which faces the main road, is done in a classic Palladian style and the other side is completely gothic with pointed windows, finials and battlements.

Can you visit Winterfell?

The Winterfell set took eight weeks to build before it was used for filming. Fans can already head there now for a non-official tourist experience where they can have a go at archery and also dress up in costume.

the palladian side of Castle Ward in County Down where Game of Thrones tours and the set of Winterfell are.

Castle Ward’s farmyard is the location of Winterfell. This is where you will find the Whispering Wood, Robb Stark’s Camp, and the Baelor Battle. The Winterfell Tower where Jamie Lannister pushed Bran is also located here. You can do tours of the Game of Thrones set at Castle Ward , take part in some archery lessons dress up in costumes and enjoy the thrill of being immersed in the experience.

Ticket Prices for Castle Ward are as follows; Adult, £13.20, £12.00 ; Child, £6.60, £6.00 ; Family, £33.00, £30.00 ; 1 adult, 2 children, £19.80, £18.00

HBO's Castle Ward sign with photographs of the set of Winterfell

From Castle Ward, you will circle back to the main roads and from here, it will take approximately 10 minutes to find Audley’s Castle.

Back to top

Audley’s Castle is to the west of Castle Ward and there are several walking trails to take you to the site. It was at Audley’s Field where the scenes of King Robert Baratheon and his retinue arriving at Winterfell to go hunting in Season 1 took place. It is also the location and backdrop of Robb Stark’s camp and where he first meets his wife to be Talisa. Later in the series, this is where Alton Lannister is imprisoned with Jamie and it was here the Starks sought an audience with the treacherous Freys to cross the Green Fork.

Audley's castle and field and the HBO Game of Thrones sign. This area played home to Walder Frey and the Red Wedding although the castle is is ruins it was CGI'ed to look whole

Audley’s Castle is known as The Twins in the Game of Thrones series. CGI was used to duplicate the castle ruins, move the location closer to the water or the Lough as it is known here and join it with a bridge. Audley’s Castle is also, where the scenes of the Red Wedding took place. Audley’s Castle lies in the grounds of the Castle Ward estate, North West of the village of Strangford.

the ruins of Audleys Castle that played home to the Battle of Oxcross

From this area it’s now time to head towards Belfast where you can spend a few days and take in all the city has to offer. You can see the Titanic Experience , head to the world-famous Crown Pub and The Europa Hotel, check out St. George’s Market and much more.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Was Game of Thrones filmed at Giant’s Causeway?

From Belfast, we now head out on the Causeway Coastal Route and the Giant’s Causeway . Although the Giant’s Causeway was not used in the filming of the Game of Thrones along the Causeway Coast there is more iconic Game of Thrones scenes. We take the A2 driving slightly northwest to Randalstown where we can find Shane’s Castle. This part of the drive takes around 40 minutes

Shane’s castle is near Randalstown in County Antrim, by Lough Neagh. The castle itself is in a ruined state since a fire in 1816, and it is the grounds that mostly feature in the show.

Bridge near Randalstown where Jamie and Brienne where fighting

You would probably recognise the grounds of the castle from the tournament scene in which we were introduced to the Hound and his brother, the Mountain.

Jamie and Briene fighting on the bridge near Randlaston

Shane’s Castle has open days where Game of Thrones fans can see where the Tourney of the Hand took place. This is the festival held at King’s Landing by Robert Baratheon in honour of Ned Stark. It is also, where the dungeon scenes for Kings Landing are filmed. The cellars at the castle have also played the role of Winterfell’s crypts and a great deal of the scenes around The Faith was filmed with the Sparrow and Margaery This was during the time that the Faith took Margaery prisoner thanks to Cersei.

Shane's Castle where the Tourney of the Hand took place in Game of Thrones

Shane’s Castle was also the backdrop of the scene where Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister come ashore and find the three hanged women. They confront the Stark troops who hanged the women and ensure that retribution is made. Lough Neagh was also transformed into the Summer Sea, where Jorah steals a boat, takes Tyrion captive and sets sail to his beloved Daenerys in Meereen.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

From Shane’s Castle, we head west to Moneyglass, which is around a 30-minute drive.

This is a purpose-built set that becomes the exteriors and interiors for Winterfell. The set is built near Toomebridge in Country Antrim. Numerous scenes have been shot here including the Red Wedding and where Arya meets the caged men on the King’s Road.

HBO and the Northern Ireland tourist board are turning Winterfell and Castle Black Into Official Tourist Spots. Even though Game of Thrones has finished filming, HBO isn’t going to tear down all the sets. … There will be Winterfell, which is actually Castle Ward in County Down, and Castle Black, which is actually a quarry in Magheramorne.

From Moneyglass we now begin to head east to the Causeway Coast where we will head to Shillanavogy Valley around 35 minutes east of Moneyglass.

Shillanavogy is Dothraki territory; it is where Daenerys learns what a Khaleesi is. Ser Jorah Mormont and the Dothraki horsemen ride through the grasslands with Daenerys en route to Vaes Dothrak in the first season of the show. The gorgeous Shillanavogy Valley lies beneath the Slemish Mountain in County Antrim.

slemish mountain and Shillanavogy

It is a bit of a circular drive to this part but relatively quickly within around 15 minutes, you will find yourself at the Quarry. There are signs posted to the quarry but I am not sure if you can actually get into the place yet, although there is hope that the “wall” will be left as a tourist attraction in the future.

In a privately owned area of the Sallagh Braes within the Glens of Antrim , the Battle of the Bastards was filmed with over 400 extras. It was also in this area that scenes of Briene and Pog were filmed along with the episode of the Hound building a Sept with Ian McShane.

Sallagh Braes on the Antrim walking trails the set for the Battle of the Bastard and scenes with the Hound and the Sept.

You can hike the trails on the Braes with maps from the Antrims Hill Ways. You can’t get access to the actual site as it is private property but you can view it from the hiking trails.

From Shillanavogy to Magheramorne and Ballygally will take around an hour. Luckily enough you can take a break at Ballygally Castle for lunch and a pint and check out door #9.

Please note: This  location may not be open to the public

The quarry is where the set of the 300-mile barrier defending the realm from Wildlings – The Wall was built. The quarry has been transformed into a barricade of ice that is manned by the Night’s Watch. It also doubles as the Wilding Village of Hardhome. Castle Black, which is home to the Night’s Watch, was also built here for the show. The quarry is also, where battlements were built to serve as the Kings Landing defences during the Battle of Blackwater Bay. The scenes were also filmed in the Paint Hall Studios in Belfast.

Maghermore Quarry from across the bay

Game of Thrones Castle Black

The set (with both exteriors and interiors) of Castle Black includes the ravenry, barracks, mess hall and courtyard with the stone wall of the quarry used as the icewall. An elevator was built to lift the Knight’s Watch to the top of the Wall and a real castle was built near a cliff that is 400 feet high. CGI provides the magic to make the wall appear over 700 feet high.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Once the Game of Thrones filming is completed, the local council is hoping to use the site as a tourist venue.

The Ballygally area is home to several areas of filming. Cairncastle is a meadow area up from the main village of Ballygally (but there is no castle). This is where Game of Thrones began with Ned Stark beheading a Night’s Watch Deserter in front of Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy and the Stark brothers Robb and Bran. It is also the setting where Catelyn captures Tyrion Lannister. It is from above Cairncastle that Bran, Rickon, Osha and Hodor look back for a last glimpse of Winterfell before heading north to the Wall.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Cairncastle, which is high up on the Antrim plateau (and quite a good walk), appears in the scene where Littlefinger took Sansa to Moat Cailin and she made her decision to ally with the Boltons. This dramatic plain with its basalt outcrops is incredible and was chosen to represent The Neck, which is the backdrop to where Sansa learns she is now betrothed to the horrific Ramsay Bolton.

The Antrim Plateau makes up the fantasy land of Winterfell. A private estate in Cairncastle was used in season one for the backdrop of Stark Castle (the castle exterior was created using CGI). There is a public footway called the Ulster Way, where tourists and visitors can see Winterfell.

From Ballygally is a straight run up the Causeway Coast and it takes around 15 minutes to drive if you don’t stop along the way for some spectacular views.

Glenarm – Joffrey’s Crown

Not exactly a filming site but home to Steensons Jewellery Économusée, which is where many of the incredible pieces of jewellery were crafted for the show. Steensons’ designed and crafted several pieces that can be seen at the showroom such as Joffrey’s crown, Lannister lion pendants, stag pins, and silverfish brooches and of course the Hand pin.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Just a few minutes down the road from Glenarm and you are in Carnlough. A beautiful little village is famous for the Londonderry Arms, which is a great place to enjoy some history including the fact that the place was once, owned by Sir Winston Churchill and serves some great Irish smoked salmon.  Carnlough Harbour is also, where you can see the location for Bravos that featured Arya climbing from the waters after being stabbed by the waif.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Glenariff is known as ‘Queen of the Glens’, it’s considered the most beautiful of the nine Glens of Antrim: a plunging valley surrounded by stunning waterfalls and walking trails. It served as the practise ground at Runestone in the Vale of Arryn, where Littlefinger and Sansa Stark watched Robin Arryn’s attempt at duelling.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

There is a Game of Thrones marker on the Causeway Coast route just after Carnlough that indicates the Vale of Arryn. Don’t miss the opportunity to take a drive through the Glengarriff if you have the time it is a stupendously beautiful area full of waterfalls, deep dark forests and lots of Irish legends.

The drive to the caves of Cushendun will take around 20 minutes from Carnlough with plenty of staggeringly beautiful scenery to take in along with way.

Melisandre gives birth – Cushendun Caves

The Cushendun Caves are not particularly well marked but as you enter Cushendun make your way to the seafront around the harbour. You will see the Johann the Goat statue and quite possibly the “new” town goat to who you can feed some apples or carrots to.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Follow the road and park towards the end where you will more than likely see a few tour buses and hordes of tourists in season checking out the caves. We were there in the low season and there were very few tourists, which was wonderful.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

The Game of Thrones scene where the shadow baby was born takes place here. This is where Davos Seaworth, on the orders of Lord Stannis, takes the sorceress Melisandre ashore to give birth to the murdering shadow.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

From Cushendun you can take the inland route and see more of the Glens of Antrim or you can follow the coast roadway it takes around half an hour to reach Murlough Bay, which sits between Torr Head and Fairhead.

Murlough Bay sits between Torr Head and Fairhead on the Causeway Coastal Route.  Murlough Bay was transformed into Slavers Bay and is where slavers captured Tyrion Lannister and Ser Jorah Mormont. The Bay is only accessible by foot on a very steep path.

Slavers bay sign at Murlough Bay Game of Thrones

Murlough Bay is also where Theon and his sister Yara rode horseback to Greyjoy, and it was here that Davos Seaworth was shipwrecked after the Battle of Blackwater Bay.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Fairhead rises 600 feet above sea level near Ballycastle on the Causeway Coast and it’s believed to be the biggest expanse of climbable rock in the UK and Ireland. Season 7 of Game of Thrones was filmed here with the backdrop of the cliffs and includes the scenes where Jon Snow finally meets Daenerys and her dragons – this area is where much of the Dragonstone scenes are filmed.

Fairhead near Murlough Bay on the Causeway Coast

Twenty minutes or so on the Causeway Coastal route from Fairhead lays the Carrick-a-Rede Bridg e and Larrybane Bay.

The old quarry at Larrybane is actually used as an overflow car park for the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge and it is here that Margaery and King Renly (remember she married her brother’s friend before all her other marriages?) are filmed watching a fight between Margaery’s brother and Brienne of Tarth. Brienne beats Ser Loras and wins a place in the King’s Guard. Catelyn Stark goes to meet King Renly on behalf of Robb to gather fighters to the cause to avenge Ned Stark’s death.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Larrybane Bay is the dramatic spot chosen for Renly Baratheon’s camp in the Stormlands, and where Brienne of Tarth was named to Renly’s Kingsguard in Season 2 Episode 3.

The headland, sheltered by Sheep Island and a shallow reef, leads down to Northern Ireland’s famous and exhilarating rope bridge challenge, the Carrick-a-Rede Bridge. From Carrick-a-Rede to Ballintoy is literally around 10 minutes drive.

Where are the Iron Islands in Game of Thrones filmed ?

Ballintoy is a village on the coast of Co Antrim with a small fishing harbour located at the end of a narrow, steep road down Knocksaughey hill. It features in season two of Game of Thrones when Theon Greyjoy returns home to Lordsport Harbour. It was also used as the location of Pyke, one of the eight major Iron Islands.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Dunluce is perched precariously on a cliff-top. In the show, it becomes Pyke, the home of the Kings of the Iron Islands with CGI used to position the castle over various stacks of rock. Dunluce is also thought to have been the inspiration for Cair Paravel in C.S.Lewis’ Narnia stories.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

From Ballintoy Harbour, it is around a 10-minute or so drive to the Dark Hedges. These days’ cars have been banned from the area as it was a working through road and the tourists have been causing major problems with traffic. You can park at Gracehill House and take a 5-minute walk to King’s Road.

Where do I find the Game of Thrones Ireland trees?

Arya Stark Escape – The Dark Hedges Game of Thrones . Visiting the trees at the Dark Hedges or rather The Kings Road is a must. They are located in Ballymoney near Armoy. Tucked into the Bregagh road the ancient beech trees were planted by the Stuarts in the 18th century. The hedges were used for the scene of Arya Stark’s escape from King’s Landing on the orders of King Joffrey.  

tips for travel to Ireland the Dark Hedges

The scene included Hot Pie, Yoren, Gendry and Arya travelling by cart with Arya disguised as a boy to avoid capture. Unfortunately, she was captured by the Brotherhood without Banners and dragged to their hideout.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Gracehill Golf Club is just across the road (where you can park and walk to the hedges) it contains another of the Dark Hedges doors, this one with a carving of the Three-Eyed Raven.

From the Dark Hedges, we cut across the country going east to Port Stewart. This drive takes just over half an hour.

Port Stewart, is one of Northern Ireland’s best beaches with views of Inishowen headland and Mussenden Temple perched atop the cliffs. It has been a family holiday destination for several hundred years treating many Northern Irish families to a seaside vacation.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

The strand doubled as the coast of Dorne in season five of Game of Thrones when Jaime Lannister was begged by Cersei to bring her daughter Myrcella back to King’s Landing.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

It was also here among the huge sand dunes and shore grasses that Jaime and Bronn found themselves captured by Dornish soldiers on the coast of Sunspear, and where Ellaria and her Sand Snake sisters conspired to start a war with the Lannisters.

The drive to Downhill Strand from Port Stewart takes around minutes.

Dragonstone – Downhill Beach

Downhill Strand is a stretch of spotless white sands, overlooked by Mussenden Temple , a replica of the Temple of Vesta in Rome. Popular as a great surfing spot for locals this beach was where Stannis Baratheon rejected the seven old gods of Westeros. He is proclaimed as the champion of the Lord of Light by Melisandre and enters Dragonstone into the War of the Five Kings.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

From the Downhill strand, the drive to Binevenagh will take around 25 minutes in total. I would totally recommend a Guinness stop at Owens in Limavady, which is on the way, and you can check out Door 5, which features the Night King and his followers.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Essos Dragon’s Lair – Binevenagh

Binevenagh is a plateau with huge steep cliffs that extend for over six miles across the peninsula of Magilligan, dominating the skyline over the villages of Bellarena, Downhill, Castlerock and Benone beach. This mountain is where Daenerys and her dragon Drogon find refuge in the Dothraki Grasslands after they flee the fighting pits of Meereen.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

Slightly north of Limavady you will find the mountain Binevenagh, which marks the western extent of the Antrim plateau. If you Google map ‘Swann’s Bridge Glamping’ you’ll come across a small picnic area next to a T-junction. Amongst the benches, you’ll find your first sign.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

It also appeared as the Dothraki Grasslands in season five when Daenerys Targaryen was rescued by her dragon, Drogon while fleeing from the Sons of the Harpy in the fighting pits of Meereen.

It is a long drive from Binevenagh (around 2+ hours) to the caves and I would highly recommend an overnight stay perhaps in Derry at the City Hotel. Take the opportunity to explore Derry and its medieval walls and murals it is a truly fascinating city.

Beric Dondarrion’s hideout – Pollnagollum Cave

These are located in Belmore Forest, which is part of the Marble Arch Caves Global Geopark. The cave is fed by a waterfall and you can follow the Belmore Forest walk, which leads to a viewing point for the cave.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

The cave featured in season three of Game of Thrones as Beric Dondarrion’s hideout in The Riverlands. The lair of the Lightning Lord leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners. This is where they shelter from the invading Lannister forces. It is at the caves that Arya is held captive and Sandor Clegane faces his trial-by-combat against the immortal Beric Dondarrion.

And there you have it every Game of Thrones site to see in N. Ireland and you can self-drive the tour if you want. Not only do you get to see these sites but you have an amazing complete tour of N. Ireland and the Causeway Coast while you are at it.

Visit Game of Thrones set

A brand-new, interactive and official Game of Thrones Studio Tour is here and located in the original filming locations at Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge,  Northern Ireland .

Game of Thrones fans will find themselves wandering through expansive, fully-dressed sets used in the show, and standing face-to-face with the original set pieces, authentic costumes, weaponry and props that were used to create the epic fantasy world of Westeros on camera and bring now-iconic characters to life.

According to Irish Central, fans will stroll through such settings as Cersei’s Courtyard in King’s Landing, the Mess Hall at Castle Black and Dragonstone Castle’s Throne Room, though the centrepiece of the tour will be the Great Hall of Winterfell.

Adult tickets range from £29.63 – £39.50

If you are doing some heavy-duty Game of Thrones fan geeking check out these Game of Thrones Filming  Locations in Dubrovnik written by Rim of Curious and Geeks that’s my next vacation adventure.

33 Epic Game of Thrones filming locations Ireland to visit

You can see the magnificent Game of Thrones Tapestry at the Ulster Museum for FREE. This incredible piece of work is modelled on the Bayeux Tapestry and is well worth seeing.

display of the Game of Thrones Tapestry in the Ulster Museum

Have you visited the Game of Thrones in Northern Ireland? What was your favourite part of the tour you took? What do you think of the final season taking so long to come to the small screen?

If you are a true Game of Thrones fan then head to Croatia to check out all the filming sites Diana has a fabulous post A Guide to the Must-See Game of Thrones Tour Dubrovnik, Croatia that you need to read before you go.

More articles on Northern Ireland to peruse

Game of ThronesTapestry and GOT Studio Tour

10 Game of Thrones Doors Northern Ireland to visit

Inch Abbey Ireland

What is the best Causeway Coastal Route Itinerary?

44 of the best things to do in Belfast

Northern Ireland Travel

Essential guide to renting a car in Ireland

My next stop is going to be Morocco where I can find more Game of Thrones Morocco filming sites.  

Faith was born in Ireland raised in Canada and has lived in over 10 countries in Europe including England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Northern Ireland, Wales, along with Mexico, Antigua, the US and has slow travelled to over 40 countries around the world. Graduating with a degree in Anthropology and Women's Studies Faith is a student of history, culture, community and food and has written about these topics for over 40 years.

The Night Is Dark and Full of Terrors: A 'Game of Thrones' Tour of Northern Ireland

Image may contain Tree Plant Art Painting Tree Trunk Tarmac Asphalt and Road

We’re on the hunt for Peter Dinklage. Well, technically, for Tyrion Lannister—because seeking out a character from Game of Thrones is now a major tourist attraction. Ever since the HBO swords-and-scandal drama premiered in 2011, off-the-beaten-path filming locations—a quarry in Northern Ireland, or a viking-era settlement in Þjórsardalur, Iceland—have seen the kind of foot traffic typically reserved for theme parks. The fandom has been an economic boon to Northern Ireland in particular, where GoT tours have been credited with bringing in more than £87 million to the country; meanwhile, Bloomberg reports that the show has helped Croatia, site of King's Landing and the coveted Iron Throne, battle its recession, adding $10 million a year to Dubrovnik’s tourism revenue.

Game of Thrones tours that take you to filming locations in Croatia, Northern Ireland, Spain, and Iceland have now become the norm—ranging from Clearksy Adventure’s self-guided cycling tour of Winterfell (Castle Ward in Northern Ireland) to a seven-day, $3,200 “unique tour of Croatia” by Zicasso, complete with a walk-through of King’s Landing (Old Town, Dubrovnik) and falconry lessons. Fans of the show and the books by George R. R. Martin, my husband and I decided to turn a trip to Belfast in 2013 into self-guided, two-day visit to “The Real Westeros,” mapped out by the Northern Ireland tourism board . Our mission: Find Peter Dinklage.

This image may contain Architecture Building Water Waterfront Office Building and Opera House

Titanic Belfast (right) and Studios (left)

Day 1: Belfast

Our Belfast City Bike guide's name is Norm, and true to form, everyone knows his name—from the vendors at St. George's Market, where we downed raspberry and white chocolate scones, to the skipper on the boat taking us to the Titanic Slipways, where the ship herself was built. Though this wasn't a dedicated GoT tour, it passed by Titanic Studios, where HBO has set up shop to film scenes in Mereen this season , where the Mother of Dragons Daenerys Targaryen holds court. "Belfast remains the heart of the show," they say in the " Game of Thrones Season 5: A Day in the Life" short; if that's the case, Titanic Studios is the brain.

It's our first time in Belfast, and we're here to get the lay of the land before heading to Westeros, so we do it all: a black taxi tour of the Troubles, afternoon tea at Titanic Belfast (pictured above); and of course, no trip here is complete with a proper pub crawl. Our route included historic Crown Liquor Saloon, local haunts Fibber Magees and Robinsons, nightclub Filthy McNasty (I'm not making these up, folks), and upscale bar the Spaniard, where the GoT cast is rumored to hang out once the day is done. We didn't see any familiar faces that night; then again, it's hard to recognize the cast when they're not covered in mud or blood.

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Land Shoreline Water Sea Ocean Promontory Plant and Coast

Ballintoy Harbor

Day 2: Causeway Coastal Route

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Northern Ireland’s Causeway Coastal Route is gorgeous . It snakes out to the northeast of Belfast, a winding, two-lane highway with stone cottages and sheep speckling those famed emerald-green hills to the left, and half a dozen GoT locations to the right. I can't see it, but I know we're passing the Shillanavogy Valley, beneath Slemish Mountain in County Antrim, which stood in for the Dothraki grasslands. I'm too busy focusing on the road, hoping we don't die as the locals do what feels like 80 mph in a 40 mph zone.

The Stormlands: Larrybane, Carrick-a-Rede, Co. Antrim sounds like an herb for overcoming ordinariness. It's also the site of Renly Baratheon's camp in season 2. There's an actual tourist attraction here—the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge, built by salmon fishermen, crosses a chasm 100 feet above the sea. Looking straight down is thrilling, and intimidating: a fitting spot for Renly to encounter the wrath of his brother Stannis.

As we were driving away, we saw an official-looking guy with an official-looking GoT sign at the top of a hill. We pulled up to say hi. Lesson learned: If anyone ever asks you “Are you with the unit?,” just say yes. Ask for forgiveness later.

Pyke, The Iron Islands: Ballintoy Harbor, Co. Antrim

Ballintoy stands in as the harbor of the Iron Islands, where Theon Greyjoy enjoys an understated homecoming and, err, reconnects with his sister, Yara. It's also the spot where Ser Davos is shipwrecked after the battle of Blackwater Bay, says the Northern Ireland tour map. It’s a charming harbor on its own—a rocky shore, all mossy green, with a little shack to have a bowl of soup or scones (I’m developing an addiction to scones)—but it has some extra buzz the day we’re there, as the GoT crew unloads a props truck. There are old rusted metal bins, a wooden frame holding clay pots and urns. We start trying to guess what they’re setting up: a king’s moot? A burning at the stake? Just another day in Ballintoy.

The Best Times to Visit Thailand

The Stormlands: Cushendun Caves, Co. Antrim

There are more than a few conveniently located spots along the Causeway Coastal Route to give birth to a demon shadow baby, as red priestess Melisandre does in season 2, but Cushendun Caves are the official filming location for that dark scene. We don’t linger too long.

The King's Road: Dark Hedges, Co. Antrim

After a detour to the Giant’s Causeway, an actual UNESCO World Heritage site on this pop culture tour we’re on, we take a hard left away from the coast and head to our final stop: the Dark Hedges. To open season 2, Arya Stark escapes from King's Landing with Yoren of the Night's Watch, and the road to safety has never seemed longer or more doomed than when they pass beneath the Dark Hedges. The beech trees, planted by the Stuart family in the 18th century, create a shadowy arch over the lane, and the locals say the Grey Lady, a lost spirit from a long abandoned graveyard, appears among the trees at dusk. Sounds like a season six GoT character to us.

Number of Dinklage sightings in Northern Ireland: zero.

Number of Dinklage sightings when I returned home to Manhattan: one. Turns out he’s my neighbor.

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Game of Thrones Tours

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Game of Thrones tour - Iron Islands & Giant's Causeway

Iron Islands & Giant’s Causeway from Belfast

£49 adult / £45 student.

Belfast Winterfell at Inch Abbey

Winterfell Trek from Belfast

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Winterfell Trek from Dublin

€79 adult / €75 student, our tour guides were extras on game of thrones®, transparent prices - all entrance fees included, full effect - cloaks, banners & swords included, our car & walking tours.

Game of Thrones - Audi A6

Private Audi A6 from Belfast

With richard the wildling.

Game of Thrones - Audi A6

Tollymore Forest Locations Trek

1 hr 45 mins walking tour, £10 adult / £8 student.

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Glass of Thrones Walking Trail

Private 2 hour walking tour, £80 per private group, partner tours.

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Northern Ireland ~ Game of  THRONES  Tours

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Game of Thrones Legacy Tour ~ Northern Ireland

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Join our 8-Day Guided Tour to Northern Ireland "Game of Thrones® Territory" and stay overnight in Medieval Castles, meet Actors, visit all the best Game of Thrones filming locations, and more!

So, you're a Game of Thrones fan? Immerse yourself on our in-depth and exciting 9-Day Game of Thrones Legacy Tour to Northern Ireland; which includes two overnights in an actual medieval castle, a full day at Winterfell Castle (learn to shoot a bow, explore the movie set, meet the actual Direwolves, and enjoy a medieval feast), take a boat ride across the "Narrow Sea", and truly much more! This exclusive Game of Thrones Tour experience is limited to just 40 people - so don't delay, book today! Booking your spot on our Game of Thrones Legacy Tour is fast, easy, and secure with our payment processor, PayPal. Just choose your room and departure preferences, and click the "Book Now" button. Complete your personal information and PayPal deposit payment details and you are ready to join our Tour to Westeros! View Full Tour Itinerary

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game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

The ultimate guide to Game of Thrones’ filming locations in Northern Ireland

by Kathryn Burrington | Europe , Northern Europe , Northern Ireland , Review

The Dark Hedges, Co. Antrim | Kingsroad, King’s Landing | Game of Thrones tours

Having visited Northern Ireland twice before and been to several filming locations more than once, I’d like to share with you all my top tips for the best way to visit Game of Thrones’ Northern Ireland filming locations. Since that stunning first series was made, Game of Thrones has journeyed to many different destinations around the world, but only Northern Ireland can claim to be the ‘home of Thrones’ where the series was born. Game of Thrones has now become deeply entwined into Northern Irish culture. If you’ve ever wondered “Where is Game of Thrones filmed?” or “Which is the best Game of Thrones tour from Belfast?”, I would highly recommend you read my tips and visit Northern Ireland. The scenery is stunning, the food fantastic and the people extraordinarily welcoming, and with the new Game of Thrones exhibition opening on 11th April in Belfast, there’s no better time to visit the ‘Home of Thrones’.

If you’ve not yet seen the award-winning series based on George R Martin’s best-selling books , I should warn you that this post contains several spoilers.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Table of Contents

How to visit Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland

Should you wish to visit the Northern Ireland filming locations yourself, there are several ways to do so,  each with its pros and cons. You’ll find a map showing the locations at the end of this article. So which are the best Gameof Thrones tours?

1.     Self-guided Game of Thrones tour with the filming locations app

This interactive app is a fabulous guide to publicly accessible Game of Thrones filming locations in Northern Ireland. You can download it from these links.

Click here to download from the App Store for iPhones and iPads.

Click here to download from the Google Play Store  for Android devices.

The map allows you to flip between the filming locations and the mythical worlds of Westeros and Essos, with over 25 scenes featured in the app. It includes a lot of details about the filming locations, how geographical features were formed millions of years ago, as well as more information about the scenes and which season and episode they appeared. Best of all it’s free!

The pros and cons of a self-guided tour

The great advantage of a self-guided tour is that you can pick and choose which locations you visit and spend as long or as little as you like at them. You can also choose the time of day you visit, which can be a great advantage if you want to photograph a particular view in a certain light or with few people around. However, some sites can be a bit tricky to find and aren’t always immediately recognisable.

Locations best seen on a self-guided tour

The dark hedges, co. antrim | kingsroad, king’s landing.

The Dark Hedges in County Antrim is one of the most photographed places in Northern Ireland. It’s a must on any Game of Thrones tour. It was the filming location of the scene where Arya Stark flees King’s Landing along the Kingsroad in Season 2, Episode 1: The North Remembers.

The Dark Hedges, Co. Antrim | Kingsroad, King’s Landing | Game of Thrones filming locations

Cars are banned from driving along here, but it still gets jam-packed. To avoid the crowds, the best time to visit is early or late in the day, and it is particularly striking in the golden hour before sunset.

To see The Dark Hedges in the snow check out a post from one of my previous visits to Northern Ireland:  In search of giants and the Iron Islands along the Causeway Coast.

Carnlough Harbour, Co. Antrim | Braavos Canal

In Season 6, Episode 7: The Broken Man, when Arya Stark is stabbed repeatedly by the Waif, Arya escapes by jumping off the bridge into the canal. The scene where she is seen crawling out of the canal up some stone steps was filmed at Carnlough Harbour, while the scenes either side of it were filmed in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Carnlough Harbour, Co. Antrim | Braavos Canal

It took around six hours to film the short scene on the steps before the director was happy with the shot. This attention to detail, as well as the impressive locations, play a big part in the success of the series I’m sure.

Cushendun Caves, Co. Antrim | Cove in the Stormlands

Also in Season 2, Episode 4, this is the cave where Melisandre, the red priestess, gives birth to the shadow creature (who goes on to kill Renly) while Davos looks on in horror. The cave, which formed over 400 million years ago, is easily reached on foot by following the short path south of the Glendun River mouth in Cushendun. The cave itself is relatively small so I could imagine visiting with a coach party would be quite frustrating.

Cushendun Caves, Co. Antrim | Cove in the Stormlands| Game of Thrones tour Ireland

Castle Ward, Co. Down | Winterfell

Castle Ward, a National Trust property, was the setting for Winterfell throughout Season 1, although so much of it was computer-generated it can be a little disappointing to see it in real life. I still found it a fascinating place to visit and a worthy inclusion on Game of Thrones tours.

Castle Ward, Co. Down | Winterfell | Game of Thrones tour, from Belfast

With Game of Thrones Winterfell Tours, you can dress up in character costume and try your hand at archery at Winterfell, in the same range seen in Series 1, Episode 1 where Brandon Stark practises with Jon Snow with their brother Robb looking on. I did this on a previous tour and thoroughly enjoyed it. They offer a variety of Game of Thrones tours, including overnight glamping and a self-guided cycling tour of Winterfell. The archery on its own costs £99 per person, and you would need to hire a car to get there. They are a great choice, however, if you want to immerse yourself in Game of Thrones’ Winterfell for a few days and are happy to get there under your own steam as part of a self-guided tour around Northern Ireland.

Doors of Thrones

The app also shows the locations of 6 doors carved from beech trees from the iconic Dark Hedges (aka the Kingsroad), felled by a storm in 2016. Each intricately carved door shows a scene from Season 6. They can be found in bars and restaurants throughout Northern Ireland, near a Game of Thrones filming location. They’re easy to find using the app and make a great Game of Thrones tour in their own right.

Doors of Thrones, easily included on a self-guided Game of Thrones tour in Northern Ireland

However you decide on seeing the filming locations, I’d recommend downloading this app.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

2.      Game of Thrones coach tours

Offering coach tours from Belfast, Derry, Dublin and Tollymore, Game of Thrones Tours are superb. One of their guides, Adrian, showed us around Northern Ireland’s filming locations. He worked as an extra and, bearing a striking resemblance to the actor Liam Cunningham, who played Ser Davos Seaworth, Adrian also acted as a stand-in during scenes where Davos appeared at a distance. Everywhere we went he had relevant pictures showing scenes from the series shot in that location, a great memory aid for everyone on the tour. I couldn’t imagine a better guide. Adrian was funny, knowledgeable and helpful, sharing many fascinating insights into the filming of Game of Thrones. Find out more about their tours on their website, Game of Thrones Tours .

Locations best seen on a coach tour

Ballintoy harbour, co antrim | lordsport, port of pyke.

Ballintoy was the filming location for Theon’s return to the Iron Islands in Season 2, Episode 2: The Night Lands. This is also where he first met his sister Yara and was baptised in the name of the Drowned God. And it was the location for some of the scenes around Dragonstone in Season 4, Episode 2: The Lion and the Rose. We had great fun dressing up as Yara here.

Ballintoy Harbour, Co Antrim | Lordsport, Port of Pyke | Game of Thrones tour Ireland

Above: It was fabulous to see Ballintoy Harbour from the air, but it was easier to picture the scenes filmed here when seeing it at sea level.

Ballintoy Harbour, Co Antrim | Lordsport, Port of Pyke | Game of Thrones tour

Don’t think I’d scare anyone!

To see images from a stormy ‘Iron Islands’, check out a post from one of my previous visits to Northern Ireland:  In search of giants and the Iron Islands along the Causeway Coast

Larrybane, Co. Antrim | Renly Baratheon’s camp in the Stormlands

Larrybane was the location of Renly’s camp, where he held a tournament with his queen, Margaery Tyrell, at his side. Her brother Ser Loras Tyrell is defeated by an unknown knight, revealed to be Brienne of Tarth in Season 2, Episode 3: What is Dead May Never Die. As a reward, she is granted her wish to become one of Renly’s Kingsguard, despite being a woman and unknighted.

Larrybane, Co. Antrim | Renly Baratheon's camp in the Stormlands

The coast here was also the location of the kingsmoot held on Nagga’s Hill in Old Wyk, on the Iron Islands, where Yara Greyjoy, supported by her brother Theon, lays claim to the Salt Throne. She is thwarted, however, by Euron Greyjoy, when he announces his intention of marrying Daenerys Targaryen and bringing her dragons to Westeros, thereby swaying the people’s vote.

Tollymore Forest, Co. Down | North of the Wall | The land around Winterfell

Tollymore is a beautiful park, crisscrossed with a network of walking trails. Several Game of Thrones scenes have been filmed here, but they’re hard to find without a guide. Also, visiting the park with a guide who brings props with him,  gives you another excuse to dress up!

Tollymore Forest, Co. Down | North of the Wall | Game of Thrones filming location

The forest was used as the filming location for the lands around Winterfell, including where the direwolf pups were found huddled by their mother’s dead body in Season 1, Episode 1 (pictured below).

Tollymore Forest, Co. Down | The land around Winterfell | Game of Thrones filming location

A ridiculous amount of fake snow was brought in here to film the north of The Wall forest scenes (pictured above). I’m glad I wasn’t the one who had to clear that all up!

I’ve included Castle Ward here, as well as in the self-guided section, as it is also wonderful to explore with a guide who can point out where particular scenes were filmed, as you walk through the grounds. Below shows the location of the hanging tree where Jaime and Brienne came across the corpses of three women. She insisted on cutting them down and giving them a proper burial. The men who killed the women returned and Brienne had to fight them and hand out the justice they deserved.

Castle Ward, Co. Down, Northern Ireland | Game of Thrones filming locations

Audley’s Field, Castle Ward, Co. Down | Robb Stark’s camp at the Battle of Oxcross

The tower and field by the vast sea loch of Strangford Lough were used in several scenes from the series, including as a backdrop for Robb’s camp at the Battle of Oxcross in the Westerlands. Having won a decisive victory, Robb walks through the battlefield and meets the healer Talisa of Volantis, as she tends wounded soldiers in Season 2, Episode 4: Garden of Bones. Love blossoms but, as fans will know, their love story ends in one of the most memorable and gruesome scenes of the series.

Audley’s Field, Castle Ward, Co. Down | Robb Stark’s camp at the Battle of Oxcross | Game of Thrones filimng locations in Northern Ireland

Recommended for you: The Top 12 things to see, do, eat and drink in Belfast

Which Game of Thrones coach tour in Northern Ireland to choose

Game of Thrones Tours , which is the company I travelled with during this visit (with the excellent guide Adrian), cost from £45 per person. They offer Game of Thrones tours from Belfast, Derry, Dublin and Tollymore. I can highly recommend their tours. During the tour, we also meet Odin and Thor, the Northern Inuit dogs who, as pups, played the direwolves Summer and Grey Wind. They’re gorgeous, friendly dogs who love being made a fuss of — which is just as well as they meet hundreds of Game of Thrones fans every day. Their owners and their father have all been extras in the series.

Game of Thrones direwolves | Odin and thor played Summer and Greywind as pups

The owners of Odin and Thor also offer coach tours which, having met them, I would assume are very good too. A full-day Game of Thrones tour from Belfast costs £50 per person. You’ll find more details here,

If you are on a tight budget, the cheapest Game of Thrones tours can be booked through an agent such as Get Your Guide , for £30 per person. I can’t vouch for how good this tour is, but the reviews are excellent, and it has the added advantage of including a visit to the Giant’s Causeway, which, while not featured in the series, is a not-to-be-missed sight.

3.    By helicopter with Cutting Edge Helicopters

As we climb higher, the coast comes into view and the clouds clear. Beneath me lies a carpet of emerald fields, edged by a seascape of deep blues and greens. The colours are fantastic, more tropical than you’d expect to find around UK shores. We fly over cliffs and dramatic rock formations, quaint harbours and castle ruins. The sun glistens on the sea and white horses race along the sandy beach of a sweeping bay. Northern Ireland’s Causeway Coast, seen from a helicopter, is even more beautiful than I ever imagined. This one-hour helicopter ride is the highlight of an exciting ‘Game of Thrones’ tour that takes me to Winterfell, the Iron Islands, the Dothraki Grasslands and even north of the Wall and to many other filming locations in Northern Ireland, the undisputed ‘Home of Thrones’. A great many countries were considered, but Northern Ireland was settled upon because of its variety of stunning landscapes, not to mention some very appealing tax incentives.

There’s no better way to witness this beautiful land than fro the air, from a dragon’s perspective. The views over plunging cliffs, lush green fields and sandy bays included many stunning filming locations that look spectacular from the air. Their one-hour tours cost £225 per person.

Locations best seen from a helicopter

Binevenagh, co. derry | drogon’s lair, dothraki grasslands.

The Antrim Plateau formed from molten lava around 60 million years ago, and at the western end, it looms over the villages of Bellarena, Downhill and Castlerock. This was the breathtaking filming location for the lair of Drogon, one of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons in the Dothraki Grasslands. Drogon brings Daenerys here after rescuing her from the fighting pits of Meereen, where the Sons of the Harpy are trying to kill her. Season 6, Episode 1: The Red Woman.

Binevenagh, Co. Derry | Drogon’s Lair, Dothraki Grasslands

Downhill Beach, Co. Derry | Dragonstone

In Season 2, Episode 1: the North Remembers, Melisandre persuades Stannis Baratheon to denounce the Seven Gods of Westeros and burns their effigies on the beach as an offering to the Lord of Light. As Stannis draws a burning sword, Lightbringer, from the fire, Melisandre proclaims him the champion of the Lord of Light.

Downhill Beach, Co. Derry | Dragonstone | Game of Thrones tour from Belfast

The lovely cliff-top Mussenden Temple, above the beach, is one of the most photographed buildings in Northern Ireland. The views along the coast from here, I’m told, are outstanding and they are one of the many reasons I’d love to return to Northern Ireland for what would be my fourth visit.

Portstewart Strand, Co. Derry | Coast of Dorne

These sweeping sand dunes were the location where Jaime Lannister and Ser Bronn land on the coast of Dorne to bring back Cersei and Jaime’s daughter Myrcella in Season 5, Episode 4: Sons of the Harpy.

Portstewart Strand, Co. Derry | Coast of Dorne | Game of Thrones filming locations seen from a helicopter

Fair Head, Co. Antrim | Dragonstone cliffs

Ireland’s tallest cliffs, which rise 600 feet above sea level, first appeared in Game of Thrones in Season 7, Episode 3. Possibly the most memorable view of them, however, is in Episode 6: Beyond the Wall, when Daenerys mounts Drogon and flies off to the lands beyond the Wall to save Jon Snow, who, with his ranging party,  is trapped on an island in the middle of an ice lake, surrounded by White Walkers.

Fairhead, Northern Ireland | Game of Thrones tour | Game of ThronesFilming locations

There is no vehicular access to Fair Head, which is privately owned farmland. The National Trust offers guided walks, while Walk NI has detailed instructions on how to get there, but please do read their advice carefully as it can be dangerous, especially in high winds. Nothing can compare, however, to seeing the stunning cliffs of Fair Head and the dramatic Causeway Coast from the air — from a dragon’s perspective. Our helicopter ride was an hour of pure magic witnessing the beauty of Northern Ireland.

The Game of Thrones Concert Experience with Ramin Djawadi

As well as visiting filming locations in counties Down, Antrim and Londonderry, eat Game-of-Thrones-themed food, dress up as Yara and men of the Night’s Watch, as if that wasn’t enough, we also attended one the greatest concerts I’ve ever been to, The Game of Thrones Concert Experience with Ramin Djawadi . It was a thrilling evening and I felt privileged to be there and share the magic with so many other fans.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Where to stay in Belfast?

I’ve stayed at the hotel Europa a couple fo times and found it very comfortable, with excellent service and great food. It is also centrally located, and right opposite two of my favourite pubs, the Crown Liquor Saloon and Fibber Magees. I felt very safe walking back to the hotel alone in the evenings, and would recommend it for solo female travellers, couples, business travellers or groups of friends. The bus station is right behind the hotel so it’s super easy to catch a bus to the airport too from here.

I’ve also stayed at the Ramada in the Cathedral Quarter and found it perfectly located for enjoying a great range of fabulous bars and restaurants right on your doorstep. It’s an easy walk from there into the town centre as well as the Titanic Quarter too. The nearby Dream Apartments are lovely too and would be a great choice if you’re looking for self-catering accommodation. The Cathedral Quarter would always be my first choice when it comes to location.

Looking for a hotel in Belfast?

Agoda | | Hotels Combined | Trip Advisor

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

My husband is a huge Game of Thrones fan, and although I don’t hold the same passion, i’d be more than happy to follow along to se these lovely sites! That helicopter tour is over the top. Wow! Kat, you were a natural in costume and would be quite at home as an extra on the set!

Kathryn Burrington

I have no doubt you would love it, Alison. It’s such a beautiful corner of the world.


What gorgeous scenery – and dogs. I haven’t seen Game of Thrones yet (there are so many to catch up on that it puts me off a bit!) but I must give it a watch sometime.

I’ve watched the whole thing about 3 times now and I never want it to end!! Northern Ireland is so beautiful that even if you’re not a fan you will absolutely love it!

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game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland


A Self Guided Game of Thrones Tour of Northern Ireland

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game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

My sister, Kelly, loves Games of Thrones, and she loves to travel. I don’t watch Game of Thrones (yet), but I have a thing for visiting their filming locations. When Kelly asked me if I wanted to join her on a quick trip to Ireland in September, I immediately agreed and she took on the task of planning.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

This self-guided driving tour took us from Donegal to Dublin in about 8 ½ hours. It’s long, but the drive is gorgeous. We loved it! We wanted to see as much as possible, and we wanted to drive ourselves. A big benefit to driving ourselves was that many of the Game of Thrones Tours don’t give you much time to explore – Kelly said in some cases you just drive by sites and don’t get out of the bus. We also go to add extra stops to our tour. Kelly planned this drive, and as always, she nailed it. She researched the heck out of everything and our day was so fun and it went smoothly.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Downhill Beach

Table of Contents

Downhill Beach is a beautiful stretch of beach with cliffs and Mussenden Temple. It is easy to access and definitely worth visiting. The area was used as Dragonstone on Game of Thrones.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

One thing to know about the beaches in Ireland is that you can drive right onto them. The sand is firm so it is unlikely your car will get stuck.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Dunluce Castle

Dunluce Castle is a castle on the coast that stands in ruins. It was used as Castle Greyjoy on Game of Thrones.

The castle was built in the 13th century and is on a steep cliff. You can pay to tour the castle grounds, or just quickly stop for photos, which is what we did.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Giant’s Causeway

Giant’s Causeway is a natural formation of column-like rocks on the coast of Ireland. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is believed that the columns were formed due to a volcanic eruption, but legend says that the columns were the remains for a causeway built by a giant.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Giant’s Causeway is easy to visit and very accessible. There are a few important things to note. First, it has a parking lot next to the entrance, and there are many overflow lots in the town. Parking is included in the admission price. When we saw the overflow lots we considered parking there, but we were pleased to find plenty of spots in the lot on site. Giant’s Causeway is about a 15-minute walk from the entrance where you buy tickets. If you don’t want to walk you can hop on a bus that will take you right to Giant’s Causeway for about 1.20 euros. You really want to wear waterproof shoes to Giant’s Causeway. Kelly and I bring our Keen Coven Waterproof Hiking Boots everywhere. I accidentally stepped right into a big puddle and my foot didn’t get wet at all – and there are lots of puddles at Giant’s Causeway. The boots also have great traction for climbing up the stones.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Once you make it to Giant’s Causeway you can climb the stones, explore, and take photos. It was one of the quicker stops on our day trip.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland


Carrick-a-Rede is a famous rope bridge on the coast of Ballintoy. It is just 7 miles from Giant’s Causeway. It is worth noting that you will drive through Bushmills on your way to Carrick-a-Rede. We did not stop for a tour and whiskey tasting because we didn’t have time and we were driving.The bridge was originally built by salmon fishermen and has been rebuilt many times, but bridges to the small island have existed for over 350 years.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

The bridge was originally built by salmon fishermen and has been rebuilt many times, but bridges to the small island have existed for over 350 years. In recent years the bridge has become a major tourist destination, likely because it is so close to some Game of Thrones filming locations.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

The rope bridge at Carrick-a-Rede is often closed due to high winds, and it was closed on the day we visited. We were glad that we got to see it, and we were happy that the bridge was closed. The bridge is small and narrow and I am certain we would have had to wait an hour or two if we had wanted to cross it. Be prepared before going to Carrick- the bridge was much smaller than we anticipated and we were underwhelmed (but it is a beautiful area!), you might not be able to cross the bridge, and there might be a long wait to cross the bridge. If you want to avoid a wait, you can pre-purchase timed tickets.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Dark Hedges

Dark Hedges is a row of beech trees that were planted in the 18th century. Today it is a popular destination for tourists since the road was used as The King’s Road on Game of Thrones.

Kelly and I followed signs to Dark Hedges and ended up parking in a parking lot and walking over. There were many people who drove right to Dark Hedges and pulled over to walk around and take photos. I am not positive this is allowed, but be prepared for a couple of things – people and cars everywhere. We used some creative camera angles to hide other people and cars in our photos.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Things To Know

And a few notes about car rental and driving in Ireland. We rented our car from Avis at the Dublin Airport. Most cars are stick shift, and they drive on the other side of the road. Fortunately, my sister drove, but she said it took a little while to get used to the fact the gear shift was on the opposite side. The Irish love roundabouts, so be prepared to go through lots of them. They are a little confusing. Lastly, we did opt to rent a GPS and we were glad that we did. All in, the cost was about $240 for three days (because we needed the car for two days in Donegal first).

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When it comes to what to pack, this part of Ireland is notoriously rainy. It isn’t warm either. I wore lots of the same stuff that I packed for a trip to Iceland in June. It’s wet and chilly and you want to try to stay warm and dry. Waterproof shoes and a rain jacket are essential. I recommend waterproof hiking boots instead of rainboots because they have better traction and you will be walking a lot.

game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

Tuesday 2nd of April 2019

We did the tour from Belfast with the same Company that transport the Cast & Crew of the show while filming here in Ireland, The tour was amazing they had all the props for getting into theme on the Coach, The tour guide was also a extra on the show and the driver drove the Cast around, We also got to see the Giants Causeway & Carrick-a-rede, This was the second time i have been on this same locations tour but this time around with this company i paid less and got to see and learn much more.


That's awesome! Giants Causeway and Carrick-a-rede are two places I would love to see again.

Tanja / The red phone box trav

Tuesday 3rd of October 2017

great tour!

Monday 9th of October 2017

Thanks! We had so much fun!

Belfast Causeway Tours - Logo.png

Game Of Thrones & The Stones Full-Day Tour

Dive into the world of Westeros with our Game of Thrones-themed tour. Explore iconic locations from the acclaimed HBO series dotted along the North Antrim Coast. Don your favourite character's attire from our costume collection and immortalise your experience with a photo. Alongside the Seven Kingdoms' landscapes, witness the marvel of the Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland's very own 8th wonder of the world. This tour promises thrills for both Game of Thrones aficionados and those new to the realm.

Tour Highlights

Carrickfergus Castle

Ballygally Castle

Glenarm Castle Barbican

Carnlough Harbour

Fullerton Arms Hotel

Ballintoy Harbour

Giant's Causeway

Dunluce Castle

The Dark Hedges

Journey Beyond the Wall and Into Northern Ireland’s Splendor

1. Carrickfergus Castle - Step back in time at Carrickfergus Castle, one of Ireland's best-preserved castles with rich historical significance. Take a leisurely walk, soak in the stunning views, and capture memorable photos.

2. Ballygally Castle (Door No. 9) - Experience the allure of Ballygally Castle, believed to be the oldest inhabited building in Ireland. Delve into its haunted tales, as the castle is said to be frequented by three ghosts.

3. Glenarm, Steenson's Jewellers - Discover Steenson's Jewellers, renowned for crafting jewellery for Game of Thrones. If the jeweller is open, consider treating yourself to a special piece to remember your day out!

4. Glenarm Castle Barbican - Strike a pose and capture the beauty of Glenarm Castle, an enchanting historic landmark.

5. Carnlough Harbour - Explore Carnlough Harbour, known as the Braavos Canal in the show. This picturesque location served as a pivotal scene where Arya Stark's life hung in the balance.

6. Runestone - Visit Runestone, the stunning setting representing the Vale of Arryn, once ruled by the Bronze Kings.

7. Cushendun and McBride's Bar (Door No. 8) - Wander through Cushendun and stop by McBride's Bar, marked as Door No. 8. Feel the ambience of this charming coastal village.

8. Cushendun Caves - Venture into the mystical Cushendun Caves, where the character Lady Melisandre gave birth to the shadow baby.

9. Fullerton Arms Hotel (Door No. 6) - Drop by the Fullerton Arms Hotel, marked as Door No. 6, and experience its unique Game of Thrones-themed atmosphere.

10. Ballintoy Harbour - Marvel at the beauty of Ballintoy Harbour, known for its lime caves, sandy beach, and rugged rocks. Enjoy a stunning view of the Iron Islands, as featured in the show.

11. Larrybane - Stand in awe at Larrybane, the base camp of King Renly in the series.

12. The Giant's Causeway - Discover the legendary Giant's Causeway, hailed as the 8th Wonder of the World. Witness the incredible natural hexagonal rock formations that adorn the coastline.

13. Dunluce Castle - Explore the magnificent ruins of Dunluce Castle, which served as the Pyke stronghold and the seat of House Greyjoy in Game of Thrones.

14. The Dark Hedges - Conclude your tour at The Dark Hedges, a captivating tree tunnel that represents the iconic King's Road in the show.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy a comfortable journey back home via the motorway. If you wish to customise your tour or have any specific requests, please don't hesitate to contact us for a personalised quote.

How long is the tour?

The itinerary spans a full day of exploration and adventure approx 8 hours.

Can non-Game of Thrones fans enjoy this tour?

Absolutely! The locations are natural and historical wonders in their own right.

Is there an option to customise the tour?

Yes, please inquire for a personalised experience and quote.

Is the tour accessible for those with mobility issues?

Yes, we can provide wheelchair-accessible vehicles on request and there is as much or as little walking as you wish. Also during peak hours, a bus runs to and from the Giant's Causeway stones at an additional cost of £1. One or two of the locations might be difficult for those with walking issues.

Experience Westeros & Northern Ireland's Natural Beauty! For an unforgettable adventure that transcends TV screens and delves deep into nature's wonders, join us!

Phone: +44(0)7732961974

Email: [email protected]

What sapp: +447802902296


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    game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

  2. A Self Guided Game of Thrones Tour of Northern Ireland

    game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

  3. A Self Guided Game of Thrones Tour of Northern Ireland

    game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland

  4. A Self Guided Game of Thrones Tour of Northern Ireland

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  5. How to Take a 'Game of Thrones' Tour of Northern Ireland

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  6. A Guide to the Game of Thrones Filming Locations in Northern Ireland

    game of thrones self guided tour northern ireland


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  2. Ireland's Game of Thrones Studio Tour Experience!

  3. Escape the Routine

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  5. Game of Thrones Studio tour Belfast #travel #viral #shorts @gameofthrones

  6. GAME OF THRONES STUDIO TOUR: Ireland's newest tourist attraction!


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    Bievenagh. Your final stop on this self-guided tour is Bievenagh mountain on the edge of the Antrim plateau. From the mountain, you can see the Roe Valley, the Sperrin Mountains, the North Coast, and Lough Foyle in Co. Donegal. If you're a Game of Thrones fan, let me know in the comments below if you've taken a self-guided tour of the Game of ...

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    Why not take a self-guided tour by simply using the the Northern Ireland Game of Thrones Territory Filming Locations Map. With locations dotted all over, you'll see why HBO chose Northern Ireland to recreate Westeros. Authentic medieval castles bring Winterfell to life, stunning harbours recreate Pyke and The Iron Islands and jaw-dropping ...

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    2. The filming locations. Although there were reports of 25 Game of Thrones Ireland locations, the main ones are Tollymore Forest Park, Inch Abbey, Castle Ward, Toome Canal, Slemish Mountain, the Glens of Antrim, Cushendun Caves, Murlough Bay, Ballintoy Harbour and The Dark Hedges. Discover more below.

  5. Game of Thrones® Self-Drive Tour (Nutt Travel)

    Day 2 Glenarm to Ballycastle (75 miles) with 1 night's B&B accommodation in Ballycastle. Day 3 Ballycastle - Derry~Londonderry (86 miles) with 1 night's B&B accommodation in Derry~Londonderry. To book one of these tours please call (028) 7035 1199 or email us on: [email protected]. NOTE: THIS ACTIVITY IS INDEPENDENTLY OPERATED BY NUTT TRAVEL.

  6. Game of Thrones Tour

    This Game of Thrones-themed self-drive tour of Northern Ireland features many of the key filming locations from the TV series. Experience Northern Ireland's most spectacular scenery and historical sites doubling as the fantasy world of Westeros and beyond, including Tollymore Forest in County Down and the Dark Hedges in County Antrim. Arrive ...

  7. Game of Thrones Film Locations

    Jump in the car and take a self-guided tour of these top filming locations. Explore Winterfell and the Riverlands in County Down; or drive along the King's Road and experience more of the Seven Kingdoms in County Antrim. ... Northern Ireland, Game of Thrones Studio Tour invites you to step behind the scenes of The Seven Kingdoms and beyond ...

  8. Wandering Westeros (Game of Thrones)

    The Game of Thrones Studio Tour invites you to explore behind the scenes of Westeros. Located at the original filming location, Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge, Northern Ireland, this unique experience features stunning imagery, authentic sets, original props, and costumes - everything that will excite passionate fans and TV buffs alike.

  9. Game of Thrones Studio Tour

    One of the largest indoor visitor attractions on the island of Ireland, just 30 minutes from Belfast and 90 minutes from Dublin. All Reviews. Plan your epic day out at Game of Thrones Studio Tour. Welcome to Game of Thrones Studio Tour - our ultimate fan destination. Immerse yourself in Westeros & discover behind-the-scenes magic.

  10. Discover Game of Thrones Locations in Northern Ireland

    Embark on a Game of Thrones adventure in Northern Ireland. Explore the stunning filming sites & immerse yourself in the world of Westeros. U.S/Canada Toll Free: 855-338-4339 | NI Office: +44 28 3044 5060 | Ireland: +353 91 452 153 ... Visitors to the area can explore Robb's Trail, one of two Game of Thrones self-guided cycling tours provided ...

  11. Game Of Thrones Experiences Northern Ireland

    Belfast. GoT Guided Tours. The Stones & Thrones tour is a unique day tour of discovery where you can explore the scenic splendor of the seven kingdoms and see where so many of the pivotal Game Of Thrones scenes were shot! Price £25.00. More Info.

  12. From Westeros to Northern Ireland: a DIY Game of Thrones tour

    Based on the book series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin, the TV show launched its final series in April 2019. The series, which pairs love with hate, corruption with loyalty, honesty with deceit, and savagery with beauty, has been shot at locations from Canada to Croatia and Iceland to Northern Ireland.

  13. Visiting the Game of Thrones Studio Tour in Northern Ireland

    The Game of Thrones Studio Tour is located in the Linen Mill Studios. These are situated just outside the town of Banbridge in County Down, Northern Ireland. This is about 25 miles (30 minutes drive) southeast of Belfast, or around 80 miles (80 minutes drive) north of Dublin. Note that there is no public parking at the Linen Mill Studios.

  14. Epic Game Of Thrones Filming Locations In Northern Ireland

    Game of Thrones was dominantly filmed in Northern Ireland. The filming locations across Northern Ireland for Game of Thrones NI took place in and around 33 locations in Northern Ireland including Titanic Studios in Belfast, Cushendun Caves, Murlough Bay, Ballintoy Harbour, Larrybane, Antrim plateau, Castle Ward, Inch Abbey and Downhill Strand.

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    Game of Thrones tours that take you to filming locations in Croatia, Northern Ireland, Spain, and Iceland have now become the norm—ranging from Clearksy Adventure's self-guided cycling tour of ...

  16. Game of Thrones Tours

    We offer coach, car & walking tours to film locations in Northern Ireland. We are the largest Game of Thrones® tours & activities company in the world. +44 (0)28 9568 0023 [email protected]

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    Game of Thrones Legacy Tour ~ Northern Ireland. Join our 8-Day Guided Tour to Northern Ireland "Game of Thrones® Territory" and stay overnight in Medieval Castles, meet Actors, visit all the best Game of Thrones filming locations, and more! So, you're a Game of Thrones fan? Immerse yourself on our in-depth and exciting 9-Day Game of Thrones ...

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    Here's where you can find the Game of Thrones® Doors in Northern Ireland. 1. The Dark Horse, Belfast, County Antrim. Although not near a filming location, the first door is located in one of Belfast's finest pubs as a tribute to all the filming that took place in the city.

  19. The ultimate guide to Game of Thrones' filming locations in Northern

    Which Game of Thrones coach tour in Northern Ireland to choose. Game of Thrones Tours, which is the company I travelled with during this visit (with the excellent guide Adrian), cost from £45 per person. They offer Game of Thrones tours from Belfast, Derry, Dublin and Tollymore. I can highly recommend their tours.

  20. A Self Guided Game of Thrones Tour of Northern Ireland

    This self-guided driving tour took us from Donegal to Dublin in about 8 ½ hours. It's long, but the drive is gorgeous. We loved it! We wanted to see as much as possible, and we wanted to drive ourselves. A big benefit to driving ourselves was that many of the Game of Thrones Tours don't give you much time to explore - Kelly said in some ...

  21. Game Of Thrones & The Stones Full-Day Tour

    Phone: +44 (0)7732961974. Email: [email protected]. Whatsapp: +447802902296. Step into the realms of fantasy and reality with our Game of Thrones-themed tour along the North Antrim Coast. Explore iconic Westeros locations, don your favourite character's attire, and venture beyond the wall to the natural wonder of the Giant's ...

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    If doing a self-guided Belfast tour to Giants Causeway, it takes around 1 hour 15 minutes by car. 4. Paddywagon Tours Belfast. There's one bus company that stands out in Belfast and it's painted green! Paddywagon's seven-hour tour to Northern Ireland's hot spots has been awarded the Get Your Guide gold star rated for consistent positive ...