Evolution Travel Review

Evolution Travel Review: A Travel MLM Scam or Legit?

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For anyone who has planned their dream vacation, you probably know how stressful it can be and requires a lot of work deciding on the best travel package. But did you know you can also make money selling travel packages? You probably already did which is why you are searching Evolution Travel reviews to see if this is a legit way to make money. This Evolution Travel review will determine if you can really make money with this opportunity. Don’t dare join until you have read this review!

What is Evolution Travel?

EvolutionTravel.com is a travel MLM founded by David McCovy in 2015. They are known as a “cloud-based travel agency”. Their headquarters is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Evolution Travel Product Line

There isn't really a product line for Evolution Travel. They don't have any products themselves. All they're selling is travel discounts, coupons, and packages on things like:

  • Tickets to concerts, sporting events, theme parks, etc.

How Much Does It Cost To Be An Evolution Professional Travel Agent?

With Evolution Travel, you pay a  one-time fee plus a monthly fee .

You pay $30 to join and become a Professional Travel Agent. You also need to pay a $69.95 monthly administration fee. Professional Travel Agents (PTAs) get the following:

  • 90% commission on travel sales (PTAs get 80%, and their recruiter gets 10%)
  • A customizable travel website
  • Direct access to worldwide vendors
  • Travel training
  • Residual income
  • A discount directory that includes 20-60% off of travel services and experiences
  • Tax benefits
  • Team building

Once you get your customizable website and training, you are in the travel business!

Evolution Travel Compensation Plan

Evolution Travel's compensation plan is quite detailed and complex, but here is a breakdown of each level and the commission associated with each level.

  • Consultant/PTA, with the benefits listed above
  • Executive Consultant, who has sold 3 PTA memberships: 13% residual commissions
  • Bronze Consultant, who has sold 6 PTA memberships: 14% residual commissions
  • Silver Consultant, who has sold 9 PTA memberships: 20% residual commissions
  • Gold Consultant, who has sold 15 PTA memberships, and has 3 silver consultants in at least 3 legs of business: 12% residual commissions
  • Platinum Consultant, who has at least 300 active PTA memberships, with no more than 1/3 of the total coming from any particular lineage: 30% residual commissions
  • 1 Star Platinum Consultant, who has at least 500 active PTA memberships, with no more than 1/3 of the total coming from any particular lineage: 30% residual commissions
  • 2 Star Platinum Consultant, who has at least 1,500 active PTA memberships, with no more than 1/3 of the total coming from any particular lineage: 30% residual commissions
  • 3 Star Platinum Consultant, who has at least 3,000 active PTA memberships, with no more than 1/3 of the total coming from any particular lineage: 11% residual commissions
  • And so on up to 8 Star Platinum Consultants, with 100,000 PTA memberships and a monthly bonus of $100,000.

Like with most MLMs, there are so many levels and different commission structures for each level, so if this makes your head spin, I don’t blame you! Fortunately, there are businesses with straightforward compensation such as Wealthy Affiliate . They can help you start an online business where you will be able to work with major companies like Amazon and eBay that pay you in a nice straightforward manner.

But if you're not looking for a business opportunity at the moment and just want to make some extra side income, you may want to try free sites like SurveyJunkie.com and Swagbucks.com .

How Much Money Can Evolution Travel Agents Make?

Unfortunately, Evolution Travel doesn't post an Income Disclosure Statement. This immediately set off alarms in my mind. Why aren't they being clear regarding how much you can earn as other MLMs do? How much you can earn is anyone's guess really.

What We Like About Evolution Travel

Let’s have a look at some of the things we like about this company.

Good Partnerships

Although Evolution Travel is relatively new and only founded in 2015, they have partnered with a very experienced travel company known as Archer Travel Group who were founded in 1952. So it’s a positive sign that they are partnered with one of the pioneers in the travel industry. The founder of Evolution Travel, Mr. McCovy also has quite a bit of experience under his belt by founding two other MLMs; namely Paycation (now known as TraVerus Global ) and 5LINX .

Good BBB Rating

If you put a lot of faith into these ratings, you should be pleased to know that they have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau at the time of writing this review.

Evolution Travel Complaints

Let’s get into some of the complaints we discovered about Evolution Travel and we will leave it up to you to decide if these are deal breakers.

Evolution Travel is almost exactly the same system, offer, and structure as Paycation, which collapsed in 2014, the year before Evolution Travel was born. A lot of people lost money on Paycation, paying their monthly fees without earning any commissions or rewards. David McCovy's involvement in both systems might not be a good sign for the future of Evolution Travel.

Time To Recruit!

The undisguised emphasis on recruitment, with just the barest nod to actual travel-related training or services, makes it appear as an MLM scheme. For those who knowingly want to join an MLM scheme, it's one thing, but for those who sincerely want a career in the travel industry, it must be a disappointment. The FTC has warned that companies that focus on recruiting mainly are likely to be pyramid schemes.

Recruiting people to earn money isn’t for everyone. So, If you're looking for a business opportunity that doesn't require you to recruit people, you can try sites like Wealthy Affiliate . If you're just looking to make some extra income, you can also try sites like SurveyJunkie.com or Swagbucks.com . There is no recruiting involved for those sites.

No Income Disclosure Statement

While the 80% commissions sound fantastic, remember that Evolution Travel is itself an affiliate and the sales arm of the Archer Travel Group . Commissions are based on the percentage of profit after Archer has paid Evolution, and those margins may be very thin. Because they don't disclose package prices or income statements, it's difficult to assess how much travel commissions might actually be.

It’s difficult to join anything when you have no clue of the earning potential. Fortunately, there are other alternatives out there like My Best Work At Home Recommendation where you know exactly what you will earn with a straightforward commission plan.

You can also earn a side income with straightforward payment terms with sites like SurveyJunkie.com and Swagbucks.com .

Is Evolution Travel Legit or a Scam?

Evolution Travel is bordering on being a pyramid scheme because their main focus seems to be on recruiting. So personally I would avoid it. 

And for those who want a legitimate travel career, Evolution Travel is probably not the best option for you either. It doesn't seem to really help you build a career in the travel and hospitality industry,  instead it will push you to focus on selling more memberships to more people in order to recover your investment.

If you're looking for a business opportunity that will enable you to make a full-time or part-time income online, you might want to try My Best Work At Home Recommendation . So, if you're interested in travel or any niche for that matter, they will teach you how to create an online business and its free to get started.

So, there you have my opinion on Evolution Travel. If you have any experience using Evolution Travel or want to share your thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Until next time,

Eddy with a Y

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14 thoughts on “Evolution Travel Review: A Travel MLM Scam or Legit?”

I have been with Evolution/Archer since March 2023, having just left a 60k+ a year paycheck due to burn out. I love travel and I really love all the support and training I’ve received. I am a people person and I enjoy helping others learn and grow. While I did decide to get into the “optional” side of it by building and mentoring a team, we are first and foremost, travel agents. One of my teammates that I mentor just booked a 4-stateroom cruise for a week on land and a week on cruise in Alaska. She is less than a month into being a travel agent and the booking totaled almost $22k! Her commission check will be about $3,130. As her mentor, I will be paid about $391. But it’s not the pay that keeps me going as a mentor, it’s about the people on my team that motivate me to connect and train them. And even when I earn the 10%, I am still booking travel as well! I love the perks, the structure and the comradery. MLM? I don’t know. Scam? Definitely not!

I sat through 2 of these webinars delivered by 2 different agents and was very interested in what I saw. The deterrent was the monthly fee since my current part time income is so low and I need the money for food. I’m curious what kind of experience you’ve had earning money up to this point? Is it viable as a source of consistent income and is easy or difficult getting clients? I’m still considering signing up, but I’m on the fence until I know if I will be wasting my time or actually generating real income like I would at a regular job. I like the looks of the training and support they claim to give, but is it true and is the training detailed enough to hit the ground running?

I Love working for them. Although I don’t have a team yet I have had very good conversations. Yes there is 69.95 you can write it off at the end of the year. Keep in mind for E&O you would pay Alot more.If you get trainings on your own you have to pay, plus a website, marketing templates, Archer provides all this with that fee.Tons of support. If you stay consistent it is totally worth it 👌

I just jpined and have burned by MLMs in the past. But though we can recruit a team and get paid when they join we make nothing off anyo e they pick to build their own team and must mentor ours closely. I was with Wealthy Affiliate but dont have time to write continually to push Amazon products for pennies so webshall see how it goes!

I wish you success in whatever venture you decide on. Affiliate marketing isn’t about pushing amazon products. Amazon is one of many affiliate programs to promote. WA recommends it for beginners because they tend to accept everyone and easy to get into. But there are affiliate companies and niches that pay dollars and hundreds of it. So don’t limit yourself.

They told me it’s 69.95 since it’s the middle of summer. And that it’ll never be this low again. But now I’ve seen a bunch of people say that the 69.95 investment has been an option through many Zoom calls before. Don’t trust them.

The $69.95 is a promotional price offered by the company. The usual enrollment fee is $299.00. Evolution is choosing to continue to offer enrollment for the promotional price of $69.95 as a courtesy to anyone signing up. If they choose to continue to offer that price forever, that is their choice. That doesn’t make it a scam.

While it seems fishy with the recruitment part you don’t have to do that. It’s not a “full time job” more of a side thing to pick up extra money. I don’t recruit and have made decent commissions on just booking.

I am a full time entrepreneur and I’m also a beginner it’s the summer time I’m from Louisiana and people are ready to vacation due to the pandemic

I found a posting for a travel agent role on LinkedIn, since I’m looking for another remote job. What I’ve got now is nowhere near enough to pay the bills. I found this through a search on Archer Travel Group, probably an offshoot of Evolution. They sent me a prerecorded webinar on LinkedIn, and after reading this, I won’t be moving forward with them. I’m not gonna make a living doing my customers like this.

Sat through the hour and a half zoom call to only be told at the end how much it costs a month to continue working for them. I am extremely disappointed in them.

If you ever need help planning travel DONT use this agent. They are pleasant with receiving your money but give you complications out this world when we are greatly impacted and can’t travel!!! While Julie not to respond by email or phone is very unprofessional

I’m sorry you had that experience with one of the agents. There are competent agents willing to assist you with your needs.

for international agents ( outside the US ) is a total scam, I joined and it was the worst experience

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Is Evolution Travel Legit? A Comprehensive Review

Is Evolution Travel Legit?

Evolution Travel has established itself as a trustworthy and legitimate travel agency. With years of experience, they hold official registration and licensing, contributing to their solid reputation in the industry.

Renowned for their exceptional customer service, Evolution Travel operates as a comprehensive travel agency offering an array of services.

Their offerings encompass various aspects of travel, including airfare and hotel reservations, car rentals, and personalized travel packages that cater to individual preferences and budget constraints.

What distinguishes Evolution Travel is their unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction , ensuring prompt assistance for any inquiries or concerns.

Noteworthy is their commitment to providing valuable travel resources, such as an extensive library of articles and videos, a blog, and a complimentary travel planning tool.

For those seeking a reputable and dependable travel agency, Evolution Travel emerges as an excellent choice, offering diverse services and unparalleled customer support. In conclusion, without a doubt, Evolution Travel is a legitimate and credible option in the realm of travel agencies.

Is Evolution travel legit?

Table of Contents

Is my evolution travel a pyramid scheme?

Pyramid schemes are illegal and often collapse, leaving investors with nothing. It’s crucial to differentiate them from legitimate business opportunities.

A pyramid scheme involves promising rewards for recruiting members. Those at the top profit most, while those at the bottom lose their investment.

No product or service is a key pyramid scheme sign. If a business relies on recruiting for earnings, it’s likely a pyramid scheme.

High upfront costs are another red flag. Pyramid schemes often demand substantial initial investments.

Evolution Travel doesn’t fit these signs. It sells travel services, not relying on recruitment for profits. There are no indications of promised benefits for recruiting. Thus, it’s not a pyramid scheme.

What is evolution travel agency?

Evolution Travel Agency is a full-service travel agency. It provides various travel services like airfare, hotel reservations, car rentals, and cruises.

The agency offers diverse travel packages tailored for specific destinations or travel types.

It’s a member of ASTA and ACTA, fully licensed and insured.

How much do evolution travel agents make?

Travel agents’ salaries vary widely based on experience, agency size, and job type. Generally, they earn $20,000 to $50,000 yearly, but commissions and bonuses can increase earnings.

Starting as customer service reps pays around $10 per hour. Experience can lead to higher-paying supervisory roles.

Independent contractors earn more but face greater risk. Agents with cruise lines or tour companies may also earn more, but with limited hours.

The income of Evolution travel agents hinges on individual circumstances. With experience and dedication, most can anticipate a comfortable income.

How long has evolution travel been in business?

How long has Evolution Travel been in business?

For more than two decades, Evolution Travel has been operating as a comprehensive travel agency, providing an array of services such as vacation packages, airfare, cruises, and more.

With an extensive range of travel options, they are well-equipped to assist you in crafting the ideal vacation experience.

What services does Evolution Travel offer?

Evolution Travel offers a wide range of services, including:

-Vacation packages

-Car rentals

How do I book a trip with Evolution Travel?

To book a trip with Evolution Travel, you can either call them or go to their website. They have a convenient online booking system that makes it easy to book your trip.

What are the benefits of booking a trip with Evolution Travel?

There are a number of benefits of booking a trip with Evolution Travel, including:

-A wide variety of travel options

-Convenient online booking

-The ability to book custom trips

-A team of experienced travel professionals

-Competitive prices

Read more: Is IMG travel insurance legit?

How do I cancel my evolution travel membership?

If you’re wondering how to cancel your Evolution Travel membership, you’re in luck! This article will provide you with all the information you need to cancel your membership. Keep in mind that you must cancel your membership in writing, and you must include your name, address, and membership number.

To cancel your Evolution Travel membership, simply send a letter to the following address:

Evolution Travel

P.O. Box 8229

Durham, NC 27715

In your letter, be sure to include the following information:

Your address

Your membership number

The reason for your cancellation

If you have any questions, you can call Evolution Travel at 1-800-872-4687 .

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See The World

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Evolution Travel Group was founded by Christopher Davies, who has extensive experience in operating successful travel programs. It's namesake, Evolution , was inspired by it's mission of "doing things better" - constantly striving for superior and ethical business practices in order to provide outstanding quality, value, and personalized customer service.  

What We Believe:

Travel is Worth It! 

We  believe that travel broadens the mind and gives each of us a different perspective on life. Get out and experience the world!

Travel Enriches One's Life

When you visit a unique destination and culture, you'll become more open to various ways of life!

We Can Help

With so many places to visit, choosing a travel destination is difficult. Talk to our staff to find out what a location has to offer.

We're the Best!

When you travel with us, you can trust that we'll take care of you. Our services guarantee you'll have an amazing vacation experience.

Copyright  Evolution Travel Group . All rights reserved.

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Evolution Travel is On a Mission

Who We Are .

Evolution Travel strives to be the best home based travel business available in the industry. Our goal is to provide a travel business opportunity with true value and excellent products. We provide every person an even playing field to be successful and profitable through training and support.

Evolution Travel in partnership with Archer Travel Service, Inc. have established a home based travel business that is affordable and includes training, sales assistance and dedicated support. Our program has the experience and management to provide a long term program where success is derived from both travel sales and Referral Program. The Evolution Travel Program is dedicated to assisting all members succeed through extensive training and support.

Archer Travel


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Family owned & operated since 1952, Archer Travel Group is a pioneer & leader in the travel industry. First class service with a personal family feeling. No other program has the experience (Archer was established in 1952), dedicated support and comprehensive training to ensure the greatest level of success in both referring members AND travel sales.

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Founder of Evolution Travel

David mccovy.

Starting businesses from the ground up is nothing new to David. A lifelong entrepreneur, David has founded a clothing store, a restaurant, the largest independent concert company in Las Vegas, and has also invested in a hollywood film. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, the largest tourist destination in the world, it just made sense that David found his way to the travel industry. Persistence from his mother along with time freedom that his traditional businesses didn’t allow him are the things that got David involved in network marketing. He quickly ascended to the top of the companies that he was involved with. His passion to help people and to give the average person a platform to succeed is what drove David to found Evolution Travel. David brings a highly regarded distribution team along with a star studded corporate team to anchor Evolution Travel, holding true to his motto of “Maximize your strengths and surround yourself with people who mask your weaknesses."

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Director of Travel & President of Archer Travel

Ron is the President of Archer Travel Service, Inc. a Large Independent Travel Company established in Glendale California in 1952. Ron’s leadership and creativity have assisted Archer to become well established in Group Travel, Corporate Travel and the implementation of Travel Platforms for Travel Clubs and MLMs. Ron is a former Board of Director for The Signature Travel Network, a leading travel co-operative with over $7 Billion in annual travel sales. Ron has also served on multiple advisory teams for tour operators and cruise lines.

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Is Evolution Travel A Scam? Pyramid Scheme Or Legit Way To Earn From Home-Based Travel Business

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Welcome to My Evolution Travel Review!

If only you can travel and earn money at the same time, life would have been so much better. I mean, who wouldn’t want to see the world, taste different cuisine, experience different cultures and make a good amount of cash out of it?

Evolution Travel Review Summary

Name: Evolution Travel

Website:  myevolutiontravel.com

Founders: David McCovy

Product Type: Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

Price:  $30 + $69.95/month

Quick Summary: Evolution Travel’s main goal is to provide a “powerful and affordable home based travel business”. Apparently, this company gives training and support to its members so they can travel and earn at the same time.

While there may be an opportunity for you to make money online using this platform, it can be challenging and risky for you all because they are an MLM business in disguise. That means you have to recruit members and pitch them something so you can earn a commission.

Overall Rating:  5/10

Recommended: No

Apparently, this is what Evolution Travel is all about. But how true is it that you can have a lucrative travel opportunity with them? Is Evolution Travel a scam or legit in the first place? Should you join this program?

Check out everything you need to know -- the good, the bad -- in this Evolution Travel review.

What Is Evolution Travel About?

Evolution Travel claims to offer “a powerful and affordable home-based travel business” opportunity. Apparently, they provide training, sales assistance, and support to their members so they can earn money by through “travel sales” and their Referral Program.

Supported by a well-established company, Archer Travel Group, the cloud-based agency is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) in disguise. Most people (myself included) would not realize this first until they learn about how this program works. Aside from selling travel packages, you have to recruit new members so you can earn a commission.

Before anything else, I’d like to clear the difference between an MLM and a pyramid scheme because I know, most people think that these two are the same. For one, MLM is a legal business and although they refer new people to join their system, they are also selling products. A pyramid scheme, on the other hand, is illegal. They only attempt to recruit new members; however, there are no real products involved.

That being said, Evolution Travel is legit and although it is not credited by the Better Business Bureau , it has received an A+ rating. But then, it’s still worth knowing how this program really works before signing up.

Who Founded Evolution Travel?

David McCovy is the brain behind Evolution Travel. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, this company that was founded in 2015; however, although new, it has received a good number of positive feedback and a few negative reviews.

How Does Evolution Travel Work?

After purchasing the PTA (Professional Travel Agent) package, you’ll be able to earn 90% travel commissions, travel training, a travel website, residual income, tax benefits, etc.

Like other MLM programs, your commission will depend on your membership level, and these are the six levels that Evolution Travel has:

  • Consultant Basically, anyone who signed up in the program is considered as a consultant.
  • Executive Consultant If you have successfully sold three PTA packages and recruited three active members, you can become an Executive Consultant.
  • Bronze Consultant If you have sold six PTA packages, your level is promoted to Bronze consultant.
  • Silver Consultant If you have sold nine PTA packages, you are considered as a Silver consultant.
  • Gold Consultant Becoming a Gold consultant can be a little challenging because first, you have to sell fifteen PTA packages and second, you need to have three silver consultants under your line within three months.
  • Platinum Consultant To become a Platinum consultant, you have to exert a lot of effort because this means selling three hundred PTA packages and having three hundred active consultants under your line.

To learn more about Evolution Travel, you can watch this video below:

Is Evolution Travel A Scam?

No, it’s not. It is legit; however, even though they have products, they focus more on recruiting more people, which makes them more of a pyramid scheme than an MLM. Speaking of their products, you can expect tangible items here, rather, you’ll be selling coupons, travel discounts, and packages for flights, hotels, car rentals, and/or tickets to amusement parks, sporting events, and concerts.

If there’s one thing that would support their legitimacy, that would be the known brands they’ve partnered with, such as Disney, Carnival Cruise, Universal Orlando, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Southwest Vacations, etc.

However, despite the big names and promising opportunity, it won’t be easy to make money with this program because they are focused on recruiting new people to join them. If you know network marketing (networking) or you have experienced it first hand, either as a member or someone being referred, you’ll have an idea of how challenging it is.

If you’re the one recruiting new members, the first people you’ll think about are your family and friends and although you have a relationship with these individuals, there’s a chance that they will ignore your offer. After all, MLMs have received a lot of backlash and most people would think of it as a scam. As a result, you might get hurt and this might affect your relationship with them.

Also, even if you have successfully referred someone and their expectations are not met, they might put the blame on you. Again, this might risk your relationship with them. Therefore, it’s best to opt out of this program and find an online opportunity that will work , even without the recruitment part. After all, not everyone is really open to having their own best business, let alone as travel agents.

Originally, it costs $299 but it’s been “discounted” to $30. However, that’s not the only expense you will shoulder because you need to pay $69.95 every month if you want to be eligible for the commissions. Sounds like a lot of money? Yes, it is, especially if you’re just a beginner looking for a legit opportunity to make money online.

Is it a wise investment?

I don’t think it is. I don’t like MLM personally because of the bad experiences I’ve had with them before. The members are very intimidating and sometimes, it feels like they are putting so much pressure on you just so they can force you to join the program. For me, it’s simply unethical.

Also, if you are not really into networking and recruiting a member is not your forte, you are just wasting money because the main focus of Evolution Travel is to have new people to sign up for their program.

If you want to make real money online, you need to work hard for it, too; however, it doesn’t mean that you have to spend a huge amount of cash and recruit people to have a commission. You can check out my top recommended program to know how you can start your online business for free!

Here Is My Top Recommendation to Start Highly Profitable Online Business from Comfort Of Your Home

Positive Feedback

I’m not a fan of MLM but still, I want to share an honest Evolution Travel review so it’s just fair to show you that there are several positive feedback online, and here are some:

Supported By A Reputable Company

Evolution Travel is still a new company; however, it is supported by Archer Travel Group which has been established in 1952. Therefore, for over 60 years, it’s pretty obvious that the company is already stable. In fact, it’s of the leading companies in the travel industry.

In addition, its founder, David McCovy, has a lot of experiences when it comes to MLM, so there’s a good chance that he knows how to handle the company well.

Expensive Investment

If you’re a beginner, I don’t recommend MLM programs for you all because it’s too expensive and if you have no experience networking, you might not get any return of investment. The same thing might happen even if you have joined this kind of programs before.

Nonetheless, it’s an expensive opportunity because aside from the $30 PTA package, you will pay another $69.95 every month.

Unethical Way To Earn Cash

While you can earn selling coupons, discounts, or packages, your main goal should be recruiting more people, and if you know any MLM members, you probably have an idea on how they refer a new member. Some may set unrealistic expectations just to convince someone while others may use intimidating tactics to refer a new person to sign up. 

Bad Reviews

And of course, there are negative feedback about irresponsible Evolution Travel agents, such as this one:

It won’t be a surprise though because most of their members are not experienced travel agents. After getting the “professional travel agent” package, they don’t really care about helping people who have purchased their coupons, tickets, or discounts. Rather, they only care about recruiting more people so they can have more money.

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Who Is It For?

Evolution Travel is a home-based travel agency therefore, it’s best for people who are passionate about traveling and at the same time,  helping people save money while fulfilling their dream getaway. It’s also for experienced network marketers who know how to recruit people.

Training Tools/Support

Evolution Travel has promised to provide training and support to their members, and its fulfilled through seminars, webinars, and conventions. You can also view training videos online or get it straight from the one who referred you.

Final Opinion/Verdict

Evolution Travel sounds promising; however, it’s not really something that I’d like to work on when I want to make money online. Aside from the difficulty in recruiting new members, the investment is just too expensive and if you’re looking for an income opportunity, I don’t think it’s practical to spend a massive amount first before you get a result.

Also, you’re putting your relationship with your family and friends at risk if you join programs like this, so for me, it’s a big no.

What's Next?

If MLM is not your thing, I’d like to invite you to my top recommended program. Don’t worry, there’s no need to spend any dime nor refer a new member. However, you need to exert effort and time to make it work. But still you will be able to acquire these perks:

  • Free Membership
  • Free Training
  • Free Access To A Live Community
  • Free 24/7 Support

I hope you found my Evolution Travel review helpful and in case you have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop it down below.

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Caroline So

I'm a stay-at-home mom always on the lookout for ways on how to make LEGITIMATE money online. I also love to write; when not working as a content writer, I create blogs about skincare, makeup, motherhood, and digital marketing. I joined Vasiliy as a writer for Best Lifetime Income blog.

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Is Evolution Travel a Scam?

Posted on Last updated: September 10, 2023

It’s an entrepreneur’s ultimate dream to make money while traveling. There’s one Las Vegas, Nevada-based biz op named Evolution Travel which says you can travel and make money at the same time.

Is it a scam or a legit program? We explore the business opportunity and reveal its features in this evolution travel review.

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What is Evolution Travel

Evolution Travel Company Profile

Evolution Travel was founded in 2015 by David McCovy. It claims to be a home-based travel business, and you get access to required training, customer support, and additional help with closing sales. They say their training can help you make money online while you travel.

There’s a lot of hype surrounding the travel agency, but at the root level, it’s merely an  MLM compan y. The company doesn’t have products of its own either. They provide travel discounts, vouchers, and various packages on Hotels, Flights, Park Tickets, and Car Rentals. If you come across  PlanNet Marketing , you’ll know there’s a striking resemblance between the two.

Evolution Travel has joined hands with Archer Travel Group, and they provide specialized travel/tour packages together. The company does offer a membership through which you can opt to become an agent and promote the company as an independent distributor.

Can You Make Money When You Join Evolution Travel?

Yes, you can. There are a few ways:

  • Either sell the travel packages as a distributor.
  • Recruit people under you and get them to promote the program.

In either case, you will need to sign up as an agent, which will cost $30 one-time and $69.95 recurring monthly. This professional travel agent package is expensive if you think about it. Most legitimate programs don’t charge you a dime and are free to sign up as an affiliate.

As an independent distributor, you get 90% commissions from the travel package sales, including  WordPress  website, video training, and discount coupons, which you can use on your next travel.

However, recruiting isn’t something most people enjoy. No one likes to pitch people all the time and push them to join a program. The company even encourages you to list your family members and friends so they can be ‘pitched’ at one stage, which is a bad idea.

Most agents rely on deception to get sales and share false incentives. It is not true with everyone, though. The program relies on recruiting to generate revenue which is a red flag, and it’s just a matter of time before FTC  takes an action  against them.

Is Evolution Travel a company with its own products?

To begin with, Evolution Travel does not have its own products. This firm is affiliated with Archer Travel Service. The former offers Evolution Travel vacation packages, discounts, and coupons.

So Evolution Trip is recruiting new members and providing them with Archer Travel Service discounts, coupons, and travel packages.

The Archer Travel Service booking search engine appears to have been integrated into Evolution Travel’s platform. Evolution Travel agencies and clients may now use this booking search engine to find cheap flights.

Here are some of the benefits that Evolution Travel agents enjoy.

Evolution Travel Agent Perks

Who Are The Evolution Travel Partners?

Evolution Travel Sign Up

Evolution Travel and Archer Travel Service have collaborated with some of the travel industry’s biggest names to bring you even more savings, travel packages, and offers.

Here are a few of their current trip companions:

  • Southwest Vacations
  • Universal Studios Florida
  • Carnival Cruise Lines
  • Cruises by Royal Caribbean
  • United Vacations

What Roles Do Professional Travel Agents Have?

Travel Agent

When you start as a Travel Agent, the first lesson you will learn is how to compile a list of people you believe could be enthusiastic about the opportunity or about traveling in general. Then you’ll contact those people and tell them about Evolution Travel.

Most Evolution Travel agencies would attempt to recruit someone to work for them. But that’s not all; now comes the tough part.

Pyramid schemes are MLM companies that focus on recruiting rather than product promotion. You should be aware that those who join Evolution Travel may not make a significant profit.

However, if you are a regular traveler, some Evolution Travel reviews claim that the membership is worth the money. And it may be an excellent side income for individuals who enjoy traveling.

See Related: Is InteleTravel a Scam or a Legit Travel Biz Op?

How does Evolution Travel Works?

Become A Travel Agent With Evolution Travel

Evolution Travel works by offering members a home-based travel company. They provide training and assistance to members so they may market their travel bargains and sell travel packages.

It allows people to operate from home and sell their discounts and trip packages in exchange for commissions. It appears like both parties are benefiting, but in reality, Evolution Travel is the winning end since they save millions of dollars by employing network marketing. It is because it is only their members who are doing the job.

Evolution Travel services

It is essential that you grasp the items that the firm you want to work for sells. This way, you’ll know what to expect if you’re successful in becoming a member.

Evolution Travel offers travel savings, hotel reservations, and multiple vacation packages. According to my findings, this is because it has a partnership with Archer Travel Group, which has its own booking engine.

The firm does not have any items. Instead, they sell coupons, travel discounts, and vacation packages. 

These services are the following:

  • Hotel Reservations
  • Car Rental Tickets
  • Theme park, sporting events, and concert tickets

Aside from the advantages these provide buyers – brokers can also gain in the following ways:

  • Free Cruise
  • Travel destinations
  • Travel Agents Discounts
  • Cash and Merchandise Rewards
  • Trips for familiarization

Evolution Travel is not the only company that provides these services. In truth, a significant number of other MLM companies perform these activities.

Here are a few of the most well-known travel MLMs:

  • PlanNet Marketing
  • iBuumerang  
  • Goodlife USA
  • Jifu Travel

They all declare and claim to be unique, exclusive, and exceptional.

When in reality, they are all doing the same thing, but with various marketing tricks and platforms to make it appear like they are unique.

How Can Evolution Travel Help You Make Money?

Evolution Travel Ad

If you enjoy traveling, you’ll appreciate the opportunity to earn a commission on your private bookings for your family, friends, and acquaintances. But remember that the commission is self-motivated. To make it, you must hack it.

By white labeling, its booking system, Evolution Travel collaborates with Archer Travel Group, a cloud-based travel agency. It enables them to provide their consumers with vacation packages and discounts.

You earn commissions as an Evolution Travel affiliate when your customers book via the Evolution travel website. You will make a lot of money when you recruit new Evolution Travel affiliates. So here is a list of prospective commissions:

  • Travel Commission –  90% of all bookings are handled by Evolution Travel, with the remaining 10% handled by the Archer Travel Group. You can earn up to 80% of this, while the affiliate who recruited you (your sponsor) receives the remaining 10%.
  • Residual Commission –  You must be seated at the big table to obtain this. The corporation contributes a portion of its monthly sales to a pool that is divided among top-level executives and high-ranking affiliates.
  • Leadership Bonus –  To be eligible for this monthly bonus, you must have a Gold or Platinum level. Even so, there is a statutory time limit within which you can qualify.
  • Company Shares –  Before getting 20,000 firm shares, you must also have a Gold or Platinum rank (for three straight months without failing or losing the rank’s status). Archer Travel Group gives Evolution Travel 80% of the chicken feed commission but not 80% of the booking fee.

What You Need To Know About The Evolution Travel Compensation Plan

Evolution Travel Compensation Plan Graph

Here’s a quick rundown of Evolution Travel’s compensation plan if you want to increase your earnings. To increase your income, you must move up in the MLM scheme’s rankings, just like in any other MLM company.

Allow me to clarify something. Within Evolution Travel, there are various levels. The higher you progress through the levels, the more money you will make.

Consultants are the title given to all new Evolution Travel professional travel agents. Executive Consultants are consultants who have sold three professional travel agent packages.

So here are the Evolution Travel levels and what you need to do to earn more:

Evolution Travel Compensation Plan

  • Consultant : When you buy your first Professional Travel Agent (PTA) package.
  • Executive Consultant : When you sell 3 PTA packages
  • Bronze Consultant : Sold 6 Packages
  • Silver Consultant : Sold 9 Packages
  • Gold Consultant : Sold 15 packages to silver consultants with 3 downlines.
  • Platinum Consultant : Have a downline of at least 300 sold packages.
  • Special Recognition and Incentives –  Reach 3 Star Platinum, and you’ll be eligible for a Breitling watch. Consultants can also get a ring based on their monthly residual income. Assume your monthly residual income is $8,333. It qualifies you for a $100,000 ring. You are eligible for a million-dollar ring if your monthly income exceeds $83,333.

As an Evolution Travel PTA, you can earn money in two ways. First is by marketing other companies products, as Evolution Travel does not have its own product line. Instead, it provides travel deals and tour packages from affiliated hospitality companies. These include hotel, cruise, car rental, and event discounts.

The second way to profit from Evolution Travel is to become a professional travel agent and recruit others to join your downline. Every successful sale made by your team members earns you a commission.

Things To Consider About Evolution Travel

Is evolution travel accredited by the bbb.

Evolution Travel Bbb Rating

If you are the type of person who only trusts businesses that are BBB accredited, you will be displeased to discover that Evolution Travel is not BBB accredited.

The screenshot below shows an A+ for Evolution Travel’s BBB Ratings. But despite having customer reviews, these are not used in the calculation of BBB Ratings.

Evolution Travel has yet to be accredited by the Better Business Bureau despite meeting the requirements.

Is Evolution Travel a Pyramid Scheme? 

What Is A Pyramid Scheme

The most concerning issue about Evolution Travel is that it could be an illegal pyramid scheme. But no. The Evolution Travel program is not a pyramid scheme.

Members of the company make money by selling their travel tickets and bookings. And they don’t have to focus exclusively on recruitment to make money.

Even if this is the case, it is advisable to inquire whether Evolution Travel is a ploy for a pyramid scheme. Let’s find out what a pyramid scheme is compared to legitimate marketing.

Pyramid schemes, according to the FTC, are hard to recognize right away, but they all have one thing in common: they promise people a lot of money in exchange for recruiting people to join their program.

If you read the definition of a pyramid scheme and then look at Evolution Travel again, you will agree that it has a high probability of being a pyramid scheme.

Expensive Business Venture

Paying a $30 one-time fee is acceptable, but charging $70 per month is not (in my opinion).

For $70 per month, you’ll have access to your Evolution Travel back office, where you’ll receive some basic training, support, and updates. Evolution Travel does not provide anything worth paying $70 for and is overpriced.

Maybe it’s worth it at first because you’ll get some training and support, but why would you pay $70 a month for that? They have regular webinars and updates, but nothing worth $70 every month. Personally, I have no intention of paying $70 per month and losing all of my friends in the process.

Success is rare with Evolution Travel.

Yes, you read that correctly. Success is difficult to achieve if you are a member of Evolution Travel or any MLM company. It is worth noting that between 72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members lose money.

These companies have sales quotas that require members to sell a certain number of products to receive commissions. If they are unable to do so, they must purchase the products for their own consumption.

And it is why MLM members spend a lot of their own money before they can even recruit one person into the company.

This Kind of Business Scheme is Unsustainable in the Long Run

With the popularity of travel industry websites like Skyscanner , FareCompare, Booking.com , and  Agoda , among millennials and Gen Zs, the Evolution Travel business scheme will not be viable in the long run. Perhaps this type of business will appeal to more affluent boomers who still want lavish adventures and handy, albeit traditional, vacations.

This, however, does not appeal to the younger generation, who are frequently on a tight budget, prefer to backpack across Europe or Southeast Asia, and seek unique experiences.

Mixed Reviews About Evolution Travel

Evolution Travel Feedback

Evolution Travel is almost identical to Paycation, which went bankrupt in 2014, the year before Evolution Travel was founded. Many people lost money on Paycation because they paid their service charges without generating commissions or rewards. David McCovy’s involvement in both systems may not reflect well on Evolution Travel’s future.

Pros About Evolution Travel

  • The founder is a Business Expert –  David McCovy is the Evolution Travel founder and is a successful businessman and entrepreneur. David Mccovy is an expert in the Multi-Level Market domain; prior to establishing Evolution Travel, he was a top member of other multi-level market companies.
  • Perfect for regular travelers –  If you travel frequently, evolution travel is advantageous and very beneficial. It is ideal for businessmen who travel frequently or if you enjoy taking vacations every now and then.
  • Established reputation –  An MLM has a 5-year average lifespan. And Evolution Travel has been in business for five years. They also don’t appear to be slowing down. It means that there is a good chance that this company will continue to exist in the future.
  • Good Partnerships –  Although Evolution Travel was founded in 2015, they partnered with Archer Travel Group, a very experienced travel company that was founded in 1952. So it’s a good sign that they’ve partnered with one of the industry’s pioneers. Mr. McCovy, the founder of Evolution Travel, has also founded two other multi-level marketing companies, Paycation (now known as TraVerus Global) and 5LINX.

Cons About Evolution Travel

  • No income disclosure statement –  Evolution Travel does not disclose its earnings. An income disclosure is a document that shows members’ earnings. It is intended to demonstrate that the company and its members are profitable. There is none in the case of Evolution Travel.
  • Hidden monthly costs –  The fact that you must pay $70 per month for the subscription means that you have assured yourself that you will lose money even if you do not earn money. What MLM companies don’t want their members to know is that the members are their most important customers. It is because they continue to pay for the monthly subscriptions regardless of what happens.
  • Costly Investment –  If you’re a newcomer, I don’t recommend Multi-level marketing programs because they’re too expensive. And you might not get a return on investment if you don’t have any networking experience. The same thing could happen even if you have participated in similar programs. Nonetheless, it is an expensive opportunity because, in addition to the $30 PTA package, you will pay an additional $70 per month.
  • Evolution Travel MLM is Not BBB Accredited –  Despite its A+ Ratings, Evolution Travel is not accredited by Better Business Bureau.
  • Emphasis on recruiting people –  The company’s stance still appears to have a strong focus on recruitment, as evidenced by how they ask new recruits to approach family and friends who may be interested in the business opportunity. It is not a good strategy because a majority of the people you hire will fail. Unless you are surrounded by people already involved in the travel industry.
  • Pay-to-play system –  On the one hand, it is reasonable for the company to charge a fee for members who use their brand, resources, and tools to provide travel services and earn money, particularly since Evolution Travel keeps only 10% of the commission. However, for members who are unable to find customers, this $70 per month can be a significant financial burden.
  • You will not earn anything unless you have a customer base. –  If you do not have a significant number of clients who trust your competency in arranging their vacation plans and will look for you when they travel, the only way you can generate money is by recruiting people. It is a more difficult path, as you must first achieve Gold Consultant status before your efforts will bear fruit. If you hadn’t left the company by then, it could take months, if not years.

Evolution Scam is not a scam, but it does have a few signs of a pyramid scheme. Most of the money they make is through recruiting. You can definitely make money promoting the travel biz op, but the odds are stacked against you.

Then there are some who recommend you stay away from the Evolution Travel scam, but that’s because they’ve probably had a bad experience as a distributor (for insert reason here).

If FTC shuts them down, you will lose all your earnings in a jiffy, and it’s never a good idea to stick to programs that are all about recruiting.  MOBE  was one such program FTC took it down last year.

There, however, is a legitimate way to make money online . The training teaches how to start your own profitable online business, which is our top recommendation for working from home. It shouldn’t surprise you, but a real business will require some commitment from your end. Definitely check it out if you’re ready to put in some work!

Click Here For Our #1 Recommendation

Evolution Travel FAQ

What is the cost of joining evolution travel.

Joining Evolution Travel as an affiliate member costs $299. To remain commission qualified as an associate member, you must pay a monthly auto-ship fee of $69.99.

Is Evolution Travel a multi-level marketing company?

Evolution Travel is a multi-level marketing and direct sales organization. By promoting others to this travel firm, you may earn money through a multi-level compensation structure. You should target those who enjoy traveling.

How Can I Terminate My Evolution Travel Membership?

Your Evolution Travel MLM membership must be canceled in writing. As an Evolution travel agent, it is your obligation to handle the cancellation on your own. It cannot be done for you, nor can it be done for others.

Send an email to [email protected] to cancel your Evolution Travel jobs membership.

Who Is Behind Evolution Travel?

Evolution Travel’s CEO and founder is David McCovy. This firm is situated in Las Vegas, Nevada, and it was founded in 2015. According to their website’s about page, David is a lifetime entrepreneur who has delved into several types of enterprises with varying degrees of success. Overall, David McCovy has become a household name in various sectors due to the success of his initiatives.

Related Resources

  • EMP Money Review – Is This Crypto Platform Legit or a Scam?
  • Amazon Shopper Panel Review: Is It Legit or a Scam?
  • Tellwut Survey Panel Review: Is It Legit or a Scam?

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Is Evolution Travel a Scam? (Updated 2023) Hidden Pyramid Scheme?

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

By   Anis

January 30, 2023


So is Evolution Travel a Scam ? Welcome to my updated 2023 Evolution Travel review!

First of all, I'm not an Evolution Travel agent trying to get you in my downline!

This review is going to be 100% honest where I share with you the good and the bad about this business opportunity!

Are you ready? Let's jump into the review!

Quick Evolution Travel Summary Review

Name : Evolution Travel

Website : myevolutiontravel.com

Founder : David McCovy

Type : Home Based Travel Business MLM Company

Price : $30 - $70/month

Best for : Travel Agents that are good at networking & recruiting new members.


Summary : Evolution Travel is not a scam, it's an MLM scheme that is almost an illegal pyramid scheme though.

In this full review, I'll explain everything in details for you.

Rating : 3/5

Recommended?  No!

What is Evolution Travel?

Evolution Travel seems to be a home-based travel businesss opportunity that claims it's going to offer you training & sales assistance to help you make a full-time income while traveling the world.

Evolution Travel is also known as a cloud-based travel agency and it's similar to another travel agency called Inteletravel.

But after having a closer look at the company and the business opportunity I realized it's just another Multi Level Marketing aka MLM scheme selling travel packages.

It's also worth mentioning that Evolution Travel relies a lot on recruiting new members which is a severe red flag (I'll talk about this point later on).

Quick facts & info about Evolution Travel:

  • David Mccovy is the founder of Evolution Travel
  • Evolution Travel was founded in 2015
  • It's based in Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Evolution Travel is partnered with a solid & well-established company called Archer Travel Service , Inc 

Does Evolution Travel Have It's Own Products?

First of all, Evolution Travel does not have their own products. This company is partnered with Archer Travel Service as I said above. The latter gives Evolution Travel travel packages, discounts and coupons.

So what Evolution Travel is essentially doing is recruiting new members and offering them discounts, coupons and travel packages that belong to Archer Travel Service.

Evolution Travel seems to have embedded the Archer Travel Service booking search engine into their own platform. Now the Evolution Travel agents and their customers can access this booking search engine to get discounted travel.

Here are some perks that the Evolution Travel agents get.


So What Is This Company All About?

Evolution Travel is all about recruiting new members and redirecting them to the products that belong to Archer Travel Service.

Any program that is all about recruiting is VERY risky because it might be labeled as an Illegal Pyramid Scheme by the FTC .

In fact, recently a similar service to Evolution Travel called World Ventures has been banned from quite a few countries because it was a Pyramid Scheme (it was all about recruiting new members)

Here's my recommended system to start a simple newbie friendly business online...

The Evolution Travel Partners

Evolution Travel & Archer Travel Service have partnered up with some top players in the travel industry to offer more discounts, travel packages and deals.

Here are some of their current travel partners:

  • Southwest Vacations
  • Universal Orlando
  • Carnival Cruises
  • Royal Caribbean Cruises
  • United Vacations

How Can You Make Money with Evolution Travel?

Basically, Evolution Travel offers you the opportunity to become your own virtual travel agent.

You will get deals and discounted travels thanks to the Evolution Travel partners.

With Evolution Travel you have 2 ways to make money:

  • You make money when you sell the travel packages to other people.
  • When you recruit more people to be an Evolution Travel agent like you.

To become your own virtual travel agent and make money with Evolution travel you need to purchase a PTA package (Professional Travel Agent Package).

This PTA package will cost you $30 (one-time fee) + $69 every month. In my opinion this is seriously overpriced.

What do you get inside this PTA package as an Evolution Travel agent?

  • 90% commissions
  • Your own website (Just a basic free WordPress.org website - you will see examples of their websites later...)
  • Free training (they call it "free" but it costs $69 a month!)
  • Residual Income
  • Tax benefits & discounts for your own travel

In a Few Words...

Well, it looks like Evolution Travel gives you deals, travel discounts and even trains you on how to hook up new members with travel discounts and eventually recruit them to become a travel agent for Evolution Travel as well...

But  they charge you $30 + $69 a month just for that!

Let's not forget that when a business is all about recruiting becomes VERY risky because it will be considered a pyramid scheme.

Anis Chity

Thanks to this free to Join Program   I can earn over 10k a month without recruiting or losing friends !

The Evolution Travel Compensation Plan

If you want to increase your earnings with the Evolution Travel business, here's a quick run-down of their compensation plan. Just like any MLM company, in order to increase your earnings you need to move up in the rankings of the MLM scheme.

Let me clarify  something for you. There are different levels within Evolution Travel. The more you advance in the levels, the more money you will make.

So here are the Evolution Travel levels & what you need to do to increase your earnings:

  • Consultant : When you buy your first PTA package.
  • Executive Consultant : When you sell 3 PTA packages
  • Bronze Consultant : Sold 6 Packages
  • Silver Consultant : Sold 9 Packages
  • Gold Consultant : Sold 15 packages to silver consultants with 3 downlines.
  • Platinum Consultant : Have a downline of at least 300 sold packages.

As I said, that was just a quick run-down of the Evolution Travel compensation plan. If you want to learn more about their compensation plan, the residual pool, and other details, please refer to the Evolution Travel Compensation Travel PDF .

If you hate reading PDF's like me then just watch this video below. 😉

Is Evolution Travel BBB Accredited?

evolution travel is not bbb accredited

If you're that type of person that only trusts businesses that are accredited by the BBB , you'll probably get a bit concerned when you hear that Evolution Travel is not BBB accredited.

But honestly, you shouldn't be at all, because the reason why they're not accredited is only because they're relatively new. When it comes to their BBB rating, they have an A+ which is not so bad.

But the question is: how can a new company get such a high rating when they are not even accredited?

UPDATE 2022!

Looking again at their BBB page their rating and customer ratings have dropped and they are still not accredited after 2 years. Their current BBB Rating is A- and a 3 out of 5 stars customer review.

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Evolution Travel - Ugly Truth & Concerns.

1- is evolution travel an illegal pyramid scheme .

The biggest concern about Evolution Travel is there's a BIG chance that it's an illegal pyramid scheme.

Why? Because when a company relies on recruiting new members, it's likely to be a pyramid scheme.

And according to the FTC , pyramid schemes are hard to detect immediately, but they share one common thing which is promising people lots of money to recruit people to join their program.

evolution travel pyramid scheme FTC

Read the full article here: https://www.ftc.gov/public-statements/1998/05/pyramid-schemes

If you read the definition of what is a pyramid scheme and then look again at Evolution Travel, you will agree with me that there are enormous chances that it's a pyramid scheme.

As I said earlier in this review, World Ventures was banned in multiple countries because it was a pyramid scheme.

Here's how World Ventures used to work:

  • Promote World Venture as an opportunity to save on Travel.
  • Once your client is satisfied, then it's time to recruit them to promote the business opportunity

Isn't that exactly how Evolution Travel works? By the way, here's a video from ABC news talking about another travel site similar to Evolution Travel which was also exposed as a pyramid scheme.

2- Do you Want to Join the NFL Club?

Nope, I don't mean joining a club in the National Football League. The NFL club I'm talking about is called the " No Friends Left " Club!

Since Evolution Travel relies on you selling their packages to everyone you know, the chances are pretty big that you're going to lose many or all your friends if you keep promoting Evolution Travel to them.

In fact, as soon as you join Evolution Travel, they will give you this list called " Warm Market Memory Jogger ".

warm market memory jogger evolution travel list

This warm market memory jogger list asks you to write down the name and the contact name of literally any person that comes to your mind.

They even ask you to write down people who goes to church with you or who repairs your home.

Obviously, the people who you write down in your list are people to whom you will need to introduce the Evolution Travel business opportunity.

This is probably the fastest way to make people sick & tired of being around you which will definitely get you into the NFL Club (No friends Left!)

Fulltimehomebusiness founder

With this free to Join Program ,   I can earn over $10k a month from home.

The good thing is this program helps me make money without recruiting, annoying my friends or getting my business shut down.

If you want to start a safe legit online business, I highly recommend it!

3- Expensive Business Opportunity

Paying a $30 one time fee is acceptable, but what's not acceptable (in my opinion) is charging $70 a month.

For $70 a month you get access to your Evolution Travel back office where you will get some basic training, support, and updates. Evolution Travel does not offer anything that is worth paying $70 for, it's really overpriced in my opinion.

You'll Need to Spend 70 Bucks a Month for...

Maybe in the beginning it's worth it- you might get some training and some support, but really, why would you need to pay $70 a month for that?

They have some regular webinars and some updates but nothing that is remotely worth $70. every single month.

I personally have no plans to pay $70 a month and lose all my friends in the process.

I have been working from home for over 2 years now, and I have never asked my friends or family to buy anything from me.

In fact, I've scored over 3k a month at 24 years old

4- Negative Evolution Travel Reviews

I have read different complaints from members not happy about the Evolution Travel irresponsible travel agents.

Below you can read some negative reviews.

evolution travel complaints

This does not necessarily mean that Evolution Travel is a scam, but there are certainly some irresponsible Evolution Travel agents that are giving the company a bad rep.

5- Are the Evolution Travel Agents Real "Travel Agents"?

Most Evolution Travel agents don't seem to care one bit about helping people save on their traveling expenses.

That's because the majority of the agents seem to only focus on recruiting new agents.

That's because on one hand, recruiting new travel agents is less stressful than being responsible for someone else's travel plans.

On the other hand, recruiting new travel agents gives more commissions.

That's why you see just about every Evolution Travel agent and their dog promoting this business opportunity.

And as I said earlier in this review, when the travel agents of a certain company focus on recruiting, the whole company risks getting shut down by the FTC.

Another Thing Worth Mentioning...

Another thing I noticed is the fact that the Evolution Travel agents all have the same cookie cutter website that is VERY similar to the official Evolution Travel website.

The official Evolution Travel website can be found at:

  • myevolutiontravel.com

But the Evolution Travel agents seem to create similar cookie-cutter websites that are VERY similar to the official site.

The only difference I could find is the Evolution Travel website logo .

You can visit below some of the Evolution Travel agents websites.

  • evolutiontravel.com
  • Evolutiontravel.net
  • Evolutiontravel.info

As you can see, even the domain name is similar to the official site.

Now have a look at the design and the logo of these websites.

evolution travel agent website

Source: https://www.evolutiontravel.com/

evolution travel agent website

Source: https://www.evolutiontravel.net/

Now compare these Evolution Travel websites and logo to the official website logo and design.

the evolution travel website official logo

I Quit my university studies & my 9-5 job at the age of 24!

The Good Things About Evolution Travel.

1- the founder of evolution travel is successful.

Usually, when the founder is successful, it's a very good sign that the company and their members are in great hands.

The founder of Evolution Travel, David McCovy, is successful when it comes to MLM companies.

Before building Evolution Travel, David McCovy was the top earner in other MLM companies that include:

  • Paycation (now called Traverus Global )


2- It's a Real Company

Well, since Evolution Travel was not hit by the FTC hammer (yet) and although there are big chances it's a pyramid scheme it's a legit company at the moment. Evolution Travel is partnered with a company called Archer Travel Group which has more than 60 years in the travel business.

3- There are Positive Reviews

I was able to find lots of positive reviews from the consumers happy about the savings that they got thanks to Evolution Travel.

Below you can read some positive reviews:

evolutiontravel.com positive review

Evolution Travel Ratings and Reviews

You can find Evolution Travel ratings and reviews by clicking the links a review site listed below:

  • Indeed - 3.9 out of 5 based on 40 reviews.

Is Evolution Travel a Scam?

No, Evolution Travel is not a scam, but they are in a VERY risky business, some of their competitors got shut down by the FTC because they focused a lot on recruiting new members.

I wouldn't be surprised if the FTC walls fall over Evolution Travel. But as for now, Evolution Travel is considered a "legit" company. You can make money by promoting their business, and they are going to pay you so it's not a scam.

But is it Worth it?

First of all, if you're joining Evolution Travel just to get discounts then it's NOT worth it at all in my opinion. Remember, you need to pay $70 a month forever to enjoy those discounts.

When it comes to a business opportunity, I think making a living by taking the responsibility of other people's plans and/or losing friends is not worth $70/month either...

This is my personal opinion though, I'm pretty sure there are lots of people that enjoy this or have a recruiting talent or something that allows them to succeed in this kind of business.

How I Make Money Online...

I have personally created a full-time income online thanks to affiliate marketing .

All I have to do is promote other people products, which earns affiliate commissions.

I don't have to:

  • Travel under pressure
  • Receive calls from angry customers
  • Recruit my friends or family members  

Thanks to affiliate marketing, my website can make me money even when I'm sleeping and I never have to do any face to face selling.

In fact, this business can make daily affiliate commissions like this:

I earn affiliate commissions regularly

My November affiliate commissions thanks to Wealthy Affiliate !

The best part is I can earn this kind of affiliate commissions without any special experience or college degree! (dropped out of college)

Want to know how I did it and how YOU CAN do the same?

Anis Founder of Fulltimehomebusiness.com

Anis Chity used to be a struggling university student under debt from Italy, but thanks to this opportunity he managed to earn a 4 figure monthly income at the age of 24. Anis enjoys helping people avoid scams and find legit ways to work from home. He has many other businesses online as well.

In his free time he loves playing football & hanging out with friends.

Quick update: Anis now is 28 earning over $40k a month on average in affiliate commissions! Learn How He exactly did it here .

i listened to their ‘seminar’ yesterday and before signing up, i decided to research the company and found you. now it costs $90 a month! i was suspicious when the seminar presenter looked like she just rolled out of bed and kept focusing on her performance and not how you can accomplish the same thing. she requested we ask questions via the chat, but since mine were a bit probing, she didn’t answer them. so thank you for confirming my suspicions!

thanks for helping me save my precious time from this company! just finished the “meeting”/ Interview for them. I was almost going to sign the dotted line, when I double checked the credibility of the company.

You are welcome Baker

I recently graduated with my Travel advisor certificate from a different company and was really hopeful when I saw a job listing on LinkedIn. However, when doing the zoom meeting and listening about Evolution Travels it sounded too much like an MLM. But I decided to give it a shot. Only when reading the Terms and conditions did it make me stop in my tracks. Section 7 Ethics & Behavior: B. No Contractor will be allowed ownership in a competing travel company. Um excuse me but if this is referring to having a 2nd host agency that is not correct under the IRS. If that is the case, you are not considered an independent contractor but an employee. If found out by the IRS, they can face serious fees that they are not paying into the IRS.

Also, in the live web meeting it says that if you would like to cancel you can without notifying anyone and you have 10 days to receive a full refund. Section 8 states: Written requests must be received via email to cancel account/membership. Requests to cancel must be sent prior to the posted payment date.

If someone does not read the terms and conditions and agrees to them anyway if they break the rules, they are subject to termination, judgment, reasonable attorney fees and expenses. Any award shall be final, binding, & non-appealable. This is stated in section 11.

I was hopeful of doing my research before the meeting but now I feel discouraged and lied to. I am glad I didn’t fully pull the plug.

Hi Prea, that’s pretty smart to do your research and fully read the terms before you pull the plug, because that’s where you will find the truth, thanks for sharing your comments with us and have a great day!

I knew something was up Evolution Travel and Archer Travel always seems to put their Job Postings on Indeed and LinkedIn disguised as legit Travel Agents under the name of a subcontractor. However there’s a mix of Ticket Scalping involved and MLM rantings from the people leading the interview here. If you go on a “Job Interview” as “Travel Agent Associate” it’s always a seminar with 200 people on Zoom and also how did these people beat Expedia, Booking and Lonely Planets algorithm for travel sales sound suspicious to me. Thank God I didn’t go there.

It sounds a bit sketchy Bob, isn’t? Thanks for sharing your comments and have a great day.

Evolution travel can only suit people who have passion in recruiting others. I don’t like like any program that appears like pyramid scheme in anyway coz I detest pyramid schemes so much. I prefer affiliate marketing to most of these online programs because most of them are all scams. You did well to have made a review on this.

Thanks for visiting precious, yes I agree, affiliate marketing is 100% safer than any MLM.

If you want to learn affiliate marketing from scratch, then you want to give Wealthy Affiliate a try 🙂

You mentioned World Ventures which I am familiar with,thankfully not first hand,but this Evolution Travel does read a lot like that comapny. I am wondering and perhaps since you have researched this can you tell me if the two are related just under a different name? After reading your review it sounds to me like evolution travel is sitting on the fence of being a scam in sheeps clothing. Though it sounds promising and I have been looking for something to start my travel niche in I will be investigating a bit further after reading your review.

Hi Cathy, World Ventures are not related to Evolution Travel but they are competitors, the first had a business model similar to Evolution Travel (give travel discounts in order to recruit new travel agents) which made the company get banned from lots of countries because it was an illegal pyramid scheme.

I’m happy to hear this review was useful to you Cathy!

Thanks for stopping by 🙂

I love your write up on Evolution Travel . While much has been written on this topic, your article expresses both the positive and negative aspects of this important topic, without taking an emotional stance on either side of the issue. I can see enrolling in such program doesn’t worth it as it will be very stressful and tiring. Thank you for your thorough research

You’re welcome Labulo, thanks for the support 🙂


This is how newbies like me & you can make money online.

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  1. Evolution Travel Presentation May 3rd

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    evolution travel bbb

  3. 11. My Deals with Evolution Travel

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  4. Evolution Travel Real Testimonials

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  5. Evolution Travel 2019 kickoff

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  6. Con Smart di Evolution Travel l'affiliazione è online

    evolution travel bbb


  1. Evolution Travel

  2. 1. Your First Steps with Evolution Travel

  3. 3. Setting up your Travel Site

  4. Evolution Travel The Best Travel Agency Around

  5. Evolution Travel Scam Review

  6. Evolution Travel Residual Income Explained


  1. Evolution Travel LLC

    8545 W Warm Springs Rd # 341. Las Vegas, NV 89113-3676. Get Directions. Visit Website. Email this Business.

  2. Scams Details

    The companies are Archer Travel, Evolution Travel, and Evolution Enterprises. ... They also discussed the better business bureau but did not specify why or how this point related to training. The ...

  3. Evolution Travel Review: A Travel MLM Scam or Legit?

    With Evolution Travel, you pay a one-time fee plus a monthly fee. You pay $30 to join and become a Professional Travel Agent. You also need to pay a $69.95 monthly administration fee. Professional Travel Agents (PTAs) get the following: 90% commission on travel sales (PTAs get 80%, and their recruiter gets 10%)

  4. Evolution travel Travel Agent Review: Best Job I've Had

    View all Evolution travel reviews. Review this company. Evolution travel Evolution travel Travel Agent Review. 5.0. Job Work/Life Balance. Compensation/Benefits.

  5. Is Evolution Travel Legit? A Comprehensive Review

    Evolution Travel has established itself as a trustworthy and legitimate travel agency. With years of experience, they hold official registration and licensing, contributing to their solid reputation in the industry. Renowned for their exceptional customer service, Evolution Travel operates as a comprehensive travel agency offering an array of ...

  6. Working at Evolution Travel

    501 to 1000 Employees. Type: Self-employed. Revenue: $25 to $100 million (USD) Travel Agencies. Competitors: Uniglobe Travel International, Lulutrip, LBF Travel Create Comparison. Mission: Evolution Travel strives to be the best home based travel business available in the industry. Our goal is to provide a travel business opportunity with true ...

  7. Evolution travel Travel Consultant Review: Excellent place of ...

    View all Evolution travel reviews. Review this company. Evolution travel Evolution travel Travel Consultant Review. 5.0. Job Work/Life Balance. Compensation/Benefits. Job Security/Advancement.

  8. Working at Evolution travel: Employee Reviews

    Reviews from Evolution travel employees about Evolution travel culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.

  9. BBB Tip: Planning your next family vacation or trip

    BBB Tip: Planning your next family vacation or trip. By Better Business Bureau. May 21, 2024. (Getty) When planning a family vacation or getaway, BBB encourages people to use BBB Accredited travel ...

  10. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Travel | 10,736 followers on LinkedIn. Since January 2015 Archer Travel and Evolution Travel have partnered to offer an affordable home-based travel business. Archer has been in ...

  11. Evolution Travel

    Jennifer Kendall. I am a travel consultant with Evolution Travel, we are an affiliate of Archer Travel Service, Inc. A family owned business for over 64 years and Rated A+ with the BBB. Traveling has always been in my blood since I was a child, many dreams have come true. I would love to help you make your dreams come true in your travel ...

  12. Evolution Travel

    Headquarters: 6671 Las Vegas Blvd South Suite D-210, Las Vegas NV 89119 Phone: (800) 272-4377 Email: [email protected]

  13. Evolution Travel x Archer Media Center

    ⭐️ One-stop resource for Travel Agents! Hosted by Archer Travel Service, Inc. (BBB Accredited) ️ #evolutiontravel #evolution #archertravelservice

  14. About Us

    Evolution Travel Group was founded by Christopher Davies, who has extensive experience in operating successful travel programs.It's namesake, Evolution, was inspired by it's mission of "doing things better" - constantly striving for superior and ethical business practices in order to provide outstanding quality, value, and personalized customer service.

  15. Is Evolution Travel an MLM? : r/antiMLM

    Tricky-Air4175. •. I own a host agency (not mlm lol). Evolution is a mlm host agency and they will tell you the mlm is separate but it never really is. They focus on recruiting instead of travel. Most hosts will charge a fee. That does not make it a mlm. That's how the host affords to host business owners under them.

  16. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Travel strives to be the best home based travel business available in the industry. Our goal is to provide a travel business opportunity with true value and excellent products. We provide every person an even playing field to be successful and profitable through training and support. Evolution Travel in partnership with Archer Travel ...

  17. Is Evolution Travel A Scam? Pyramid Scheme Or Legit Way To Earn From

    That being said, Evolution Travel is legit and although it is not credited by the Better Business Bureau, it has received an A+ rating. But then, it's still worth knowing how this program really works before signing up. ... Evolution Travel is still a new company; however, it is supported by Archer Travel Group which has been established in ...

  18. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Travel MLM is Not BBB Accredited - Despite its A+ Ratings, Evolution Travel is not accredited by Better Business Bureau. Emphasis on recruiting people - The company's stance still appears to have a strong focus on recruitment, as evidenced by how they ask new recruits to approach family and friends who may be interested in the ...

  19. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Headquarters: 6671 Las Vegas Blvd South. Suite D-210, Las Vegas NV 89119. Archer Headquarters: 2941 Foothill Blvd. La Crescenta, CA. 91214. Evolution Travel Group: A full-service agency offering a range of experiences, including Travel Incentives, Meetings and Events, Group and Leisure Trips.

  20. Is Evolution Travel a Scam? (Updated 2023) Hidden Pyramid Scheme?

    Type: Home Based Travel Business MLM Company. Price: $30 - $70/month. Best for: Travel Agents that are good at networking & recruiting new members. Summary: Evolution Travel is not a scam, it's an MLM scheme that is almost an illegal pyramid scheme though. In this full review, I'll explain everything in details for you.

  21. Evolution Travel Review

    Evolution TravelMLM ScamA travel MLM founded by David McCovy in 2015.They sell travel discounts, coupons, and packages on things like: Flights, Hotels, Car r...

  22. Working at Archer Travel: 52 Reviews

    Travel Agent (Former Employee) - Remote - November 29, 2023. Archer expects new employees to book cruises and vacations right from the get go. There is NO help with connections and leads for clients. The benefits seem too good to be true—and they are. You have to pay a $69.95/month fee to continue working there.

  23. Is Evolution Travel a MLM Scam : r/antiMLM

    Is Evolution Travel a MLM Scam. Just got off of a video meeting a couple seconds ago and had to ask. During the meeting a $49 monthly fee was brought up a well as the agent ranks during your training such as Bronze, silver, gold then platinum. Other things including the perks, pay and the vendors they work with.

  24. Is Archer Evolution Travel a Scam?

    Anyone Questioning Your Business is a Scam? Use this video below to show them we are a Top Agency in USA with many suppliers. We have received personal...