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Wildlife that can be seen on a Milford Sound cruise

What you can expect to see on a milford sound cruise.

It’s no secret Milford Sound is one of the most beautiful places to visit in New Zealand. Within a quick glance, you’re welcomed with stunning scenery and a landscape unlike any other. However, if you look a little closer and take a little more time, there’s more than meets the eye lurking in the deep blue and surrounding greenery.

Milford Sound’s wildlife includes some very impressive and unique species. It’s home to a huge range of marine animals and many birds that are only found in New Zealand. Seeing the wildlife in Milford Sound is all part of the experience – and the best way to see them all is on a Milford Sound cruise .

Before we tell you about the best cruise to get up close to Milford’s wildlife, let us introduce you to some of the species that call Milford Sound home!

encounter nature cruise

We’re yet to meet someone who doesn’t love dolphins. What’s not to love? Well in Milford Sound, you’re in for a real treat because beneath the surface two species of dolphins visit the fiord – the Bottlenose Dolphin and the dusky dolphin .

Out of the two, you’re most likely to see the bottlenose dolphin . These guys are regular visitors to Milford and also the most common dolphin in New Zealand in general.

Here are some interesting facts about bottlenose dolphins!

Bottlenose dolphins can grow up to three meters long and weigh a whopping 300 kilograms! They also can live for around 40 years. Bottlenose dolphins eat a variety of fish and use sonar or echolocation to hunt for them . The dolphins send out ultra soundwaves through the water which bounces off the fish – this tells the dolphins exactly how big and where the fish are. It’s pretty impressive!

There are more than 60 bottlenose dolphins that inhabit the area around Fiordland and the best place to see them is from one of our Milford Sound cruises as they ride the waves from our boats! Of course, if you go kayaking in Milford you may get closer than ever to these friendly and inquisitive animals.

encounter nature cruise

Many visitors are very surprised to find out that Milford sound is home to not one, but two species of penguin! They are the little blue penguin and the Fiordland crested penguin or ‘tawaki’.

Blue penguins are the most common species of penguin, but they can be hard to find. This is because they nest in burrows and spend most of their days hunting for fish below the surface of the water. To top it off, they are also the smallest penguin species in the world and their blue colouring gives them the ultimate camouflage!

Here are some interesting facts about the Fiordland crested penguin!

The Fiordland crested penguin, on the other hand, is one of the rarest penguins in the world, but during their breeding season between July and November, they can often be found nesting in the rocks of Milford Sound. These rare birds feed mostly on squid, fish, and krill; can weigh up to 4 kilograms and live for around 20 years.

Fiordland crested penguins are monogamous and often mate for life. Although the pairs separate when not breeding, females return each year to the same beach in search of their mate from the previous season. Females lay two white eggs by the end of August. The first egg is generally smaller than the second, and most first eggs fail to hatch, or the chicks die of starvation within ten days of hatching.

Fiordland crested penguins can’t raise more than one chick per season, and the first egg is thought to be an insurance policy in case the second egg does not survive. Chicks are brooded by the male, who goes without food for the first three weeks. The chicks are fed by both parents until they become independent and leave the colony in late November or early December.

encounter nature cruise

Despite being a protected species, the Fiordland crested penguin is considered vulnerable. It’s estimated that there are only between 1,000 and 2,500 nesting pairs left in the world.

Luckily, projects like the Tawaki Project are shedding some light on the species to help us better understand them and help the population grow. Initially, it was thought that there were only an estimated nine breeding pairs of these penguins in Milford Sound, but on further investigation, around 180 pairs were found! Milford has become one of the project’s key focus areas since this finding. The project is run by the Otago University but requires the help of others out in the field including our employees! Southern Discoveries supports the project by supplying researchers with food, accommodation, transport and the use of our small safety boat so they can access difficult to reach areas to complete research.

encounter nature cruise

Seals are one of the most common marine animals to see aboard a Milford Sound cruise. New Zealand fur seals (also known as Antarctic fur seals) inhabit in the fiord all year round. In fact, there’s one place you’re almost guaranteed to see them and that is, as the name suggests, Seal Rock.

Seals often visit Seal Rock to sunbathe under the New Zealand sun and hide from predators in the water. New Zealand fur seals much more agile on land compared to other seals such as the weddell, crabeater and elephant seals.

Here are some interesting facts about the New Zealand fur seal

The New Zealand fur seal eats mostly fish and krill but will also eat small birds, which unfortunately includes the Fiordland crested penguin. Males live for around 15 years and females 25 years. Male New Zealand fur seals can reach 200kg (440lb) and can be up to four times larger than the females.

These seals were hunted almost to extinction in the early 1800s when their fur was sought by the fashion industry. Since then, these seals are protected and have made a great comeback – with a population estimate of 200,000 in 2001 . Be sure to keep an eye out for them on your visit to Milford!

encounter nature cruise

We don’t want to get you too excited, but on rare occasions, Milford Sound is visited by the southern right whale – the rarest of all large whales. They are usually seen around the mainland of New Zealand and appear to be part of the New Zealand sub-Antarctic population. But, sometimes we get lucky and these whales make an appearance in Milford!

Southern right whales can come very close to shore. Adults average 14-15 metres in size and newborn calves between 4.5-6 metres. They are mostly black in colour and can easily be identified by lack of a dorsal fin, a V-shaped blowhole spray, and white growth on their heads called callosities.

Native Birds

encounter nature cruise

New Zealand is a bird haven and home to many unique species that only call New Zealand home.

One unique bird that you’re very likely to see on your trip to Milford is the kea. The kea is the only alpine parrot in the world and these guys are famous around Fiordland. They are known to be very friendly but also mischievous. You’ll want to watch your belongings around them because keas are known to sneak food from bags or backpacks, or even help themselves to anything they can find in campervans! You’ll often see keas flying high above you or even picking at cars in the Milford car park.

Another bird species that inhabits the area around Milford Sound is, of course, the Kiwi Bird. The kiwi is New Zealand’s national animal and there are five different kiwi species spread across New Zealand. These shy birds are nocturnal so it’s likely you won’t see them, but that doesn’t mean they’re not around. If you spend the night at Milford Lodge you might have luck spotting them after the sun goes down.

One of the rarest birds found in Milford Sound though is the whio or blue duck .

encounter nature cruise

Unfortunately, the introduction of stoats, possums, and rats have caused a huge decline in their population. It’s not all bad news though and projects like the Sinbad Sanctuary Project are helping to ensure their survival.

At Southern Discoveries, we are the Sinbad Project’s principal sponsor. Since the project began the Blue Duck has seen a 500% increase in breeding pairs in the Sinbad Gully in Milford Sound! This project also hopes to introduce the kākāpō, the world’s rarest parrot, back onto the mainland of New Zealand. The Sinbad Gully was the last place these guys were found on the mainland and their return would be a truly special moment in Milford Sound conservation.

The Best Milford Sound Cruise to see Wildlife

Encounter nature cruise.

Our Encounter Nature Cruise is a great option for those who are dying to see Milford Sound’s unique wildlife. It’s our longest cruise and our onboard nature guides have a keen eye for spotting wildlife. It’s the ideal cruise for close up photos of seals, dolphins or penguins.

Nature Cruise

Our Nature Cruise is our most relaxing cruise in Milford Sound. On our journey around the fiord we’ll visit places like Seal Rock and give you an awesome opportunity to see the New Zealand fur seal from only meters away. On this cruise, we’ll also have a nature guide on board not only explaining more about Milord Sound but also keeping an eye out for any animals that decide to come and say hi!

Scenic Cruise

If you’re interested in Milford Sound’s wildlife but also want to comfort of our largest vessel in Milford Sound, then our Scenic Cruise is the perfect option. Here you can sit back, relax, and choose to enjoy our buffet lunch or breakfast while keeping an eye out for Milord’s wildlife.

Underwater Observatory

Make the most of your experience in Milford Sound and add a visit to the Milford Sound Underwater Observatory . Here, you’ll descend ten metres below the surface to see Milford Sound (and its wildlife) from a whole new angle.

From a kayak, Milford Sounds’ true size becomes even more clear. On our kayaking tours, we take you through Harrison Cove in search for some of the cleanest water in the world and also some unique wildlife!

In Milford, we’re the only company with a kayak lowering deck meaning you’ll be in your kayak before you’re in the water! It’s the safest and easiest way to get into a kayak and opens this activity up to the whole family!

Book your Milford Sound experience now and see if you can you spot Milford’s unique wildlife. Make sure to tag us on your social posts and use the hashtag #southerndiscoveries – we’ll be on the lookout for pictures of our fave Milford locals.

The Lost Passport

New Zealand » Milford Sound Cruise, New Zealand’s Fiordland NP

Milford Sound Cruise, New Zealand’s Fiordland NP

Milford Sound New Zealand

What's In This Guide?

Milford sound, encounter nature cruise.

On our Milford Sound Cruise, we head towards a waterfall pouring off the edge of a tall granite cliff into the ocean. Fog hangs thick in the air around the mountains, and there is light rain, but it adds to the atmosphere.

Suddenly two huge Bottlenose Dolphins jump up vertically out of the water leaving all passengers on the boat awestruck. This is the magic of Milford Sound, in the Fiordland region of New Zealand’s South Island. It is even better than I had imagined it being.

Milford Sound is one of New Zealand’s most iconic destinations. It is equivalent to visiting The Great Ocean Road on Australia’s South Coast. It is a five-hour drive from Queenstown to a dead end point of New Zealand. Out of the way, but totally worth the trip.

Our Encounter Nature Cruise with Southern Discoveries is two and a half hours long. We will visit three beautiful waterfalls, see dolphins swimming by the boat and seals sunbaking on the rocks.

Views of Milford Sound

The first stop is the Fairy Falls. We are told to get ready for a drenching as the boat is going to get quite close to the waterfall. In fact, we get close enough that we are able to fill up a glass of glacial water directly from the waterfall.

Some may say that water does not have a taste, they are wrong. Take a drink of this waterfall nectar and you will realize it is the purest liquid you have ever drunk.

Resuming the journey, we head towards our second waterfall. Along the way, we notice fins in the water. There is a pod of five Bottlenose Dolphins about two hundred meters in front of the boat.

The captain slows the boat down so he does not get too close; however, these curious dolphins come right up to the boat and swim alongside us. It is the first time I have ever seen dolphins, now we get to see them swim alongside the boat for a few minutes, just meters away.

We head off to Anita Bay. This is the point where Milford Sound meets the Tasman Sea. The water is rougher out here, but there is a cloudless blue sky. What a dramatic difference over just a few kilometers that we have traveled. Beyond here, the next land mass is Tasmania, Australia’s southernmost state.

On our return trip, the sky has cleared up and the view of the surrounding mountains is incredible. All around there are small waterfalls running down the cliff face into the ocean below.

Cruise with Southern Discoveries New Zealand

The captain steers the boat towards the Stirling Falls as he warns us that this time we are going to get even wetter than the previous waterfall. We are offered rain jackets, but I decide to brave the cold water and stand on the front deck of the boat, only covering my camera with a plastic bag.

Half the boat goes under the waterfall, as I get drenched in the icy cold water. Should have taken up on the offer of the proper rain jackets.

On our return leg, a beam of sunlight shines through the mountains, a few more dolphins swim ahead of the boat with the Bowen Falls placed as a backdrop. It is a perfect ending to our morning.

Where is Milford Sound?

Milford Sound is located in the Fiordland National Park in the southwest corner of New Zealand’s South Island. It is just 72 kilometers northwest of Queenstown over the mountain ranges, however, there are no roads making a direct connection.

The closest town to Milford Sound is Te Anau, which is located 120km to the south. The drive from Te Anau takes 2-2.5hrs, so be sure to allow plenty of time.

Te Anau is another 170km from Queenstown, around a dogleg road, which first heads south, then northwest.

How to get to Milford Sound

Tour companies such as Southern Discoveries offers day trips from Queenstown, which is perfect is if you are short on time, or do not have your own vehicle.

With a campervan, you will drive 170km south from Queenstown to Te Anau. This part of the trip takes about 3hrs and follows Lake Wakatipu with some stunning views.

After Te Anau, you will drive 120km northwest to Milford Sound. The road winds through the Fiordland National Park for most of the way. North of Te Anau there is no mobile phone reception, so make sure to download your booking confirmation first.

Milford Sound Road

Where to stay at Milford Sound?

There are a number of lodges and campsites in the Fiordland National Park. For those with a campervan, try out the Cascade Creek campsite. There are 140 non-powered sites for NZD13 per person per night (pay cash at the camp registration point).

The Cascade Creek campsite is located in a spot between the mountains, an awesome view in the late afternoon. There are basic pit toilets, drinking water available, but no power or showers so come prepared.

Cascade Creek Campsite

There are no reservations for the Cascade Creek campsite. It works on a first come, first served basis.

If you are on a luxury New Zealand trip , there are also a few lodges in the Fiordland National Park. Rooms tend to start at 200 NZD per night and get much more expensive.

For another great NZ campsite visit:  White Horse Hill by the Hooker Valley Track

Things to do near Milford Sound

  • Eglinton Valley – this open grassy spot is located in the south of the Fiordland National Park and offers a great view of the mountains heading towards Milford Sound. The walk is less than 5 minutes each way from the carpark.
  • Mirror Lakes – these lakes provide a mirror image of the mountains on a still day. It is a nice 10-minute stop on the site of the road when heading to or from Milford Sound to Te Anau.
  • Pop’s Lookout – a side of the road lookout with views over the valley and river below. This stop only takes about 5 minutes in total.
  • Lake Gunn – a great spot for lunch on the way back from Milford Sound. Lake Gunn has calm clear water with a day use picnic area on the northern end. There are also some short hikes around the lake.
  • Day Hikes – there are plenty of day hikes in the Fiordland National Park. Check here for a full list of further details.

This Milford Sound Cruise was taken with Southern Discoveries . As always, all opinions are my own.


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Milford Sound Scenic Cruise

Milford Sound Scenic Cruise

Customer enjoying a glacial facial under Stirling Falls in Milford Sound

Customer enjoying a glacial facial under Stirling Falls in Milford Sound

Enjoying entertaining commentary from our nature guide in Milford Sound

Enjoying entertaining commentary from our nature guide in Milford Sound

Milford Sound Nature Cruise

Milford Sound Nature Cruise

Milford Sound Nature Cruise

Spotting seals in Milford Sound

Discover Milford Sound on our Nature Cruise, enjoy live commentary from our specialist nature guides as they introduce you to the natural wonders of Milford Sound. Get up close to thundering waterfalls and say hello to the some basking fur seals.

Discover Milford Sound on our Nature Cruise, enjoy live commentary from our specialist nature guides as they introduce you to the natural wonders of Milford Sound. Get up close to thundering waterfalls and say hello to the some basking fur seals.

Milford Sound Nature Cruise - Southern Discoveries

Milford Wharf , Milford Sound , New Zealand .

Locally owned and operated, explore the 8th wonder of the world with the original Red Boats on our Milford Sound Nature Cruise. Feel the full force of Stirling Falls, marvel at the incredible scenery and yarn with our skipper in the open wheelhouse.


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Join us on the original Milford Sound Nature Cruise for an epic voyage of discovery. We’ll get you so close to this famous fiord you can reach out and touch the sheer rock walls, or stand under Stirling Falls for a glacial facial. Our passionate skipper will provide entertaining nature commentary from the wheelhouse, while our boat hosts are on hand for a chat and to answer any questions. Whatever the weather, our newly refurbished lounges offer amazing views through large windows. Our outdoor decks offer 360º views and are prefect for photographers to get a picture of a basking New Zealand fur seal. Option to add a delicious, freshly prepared picnic lunch. This is one experience you do not want to miss.

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This website helps visitors connect with providers of great New Zealand tourism experiences. It is not intended to give any assurance that any particular provider meets certain quality standards or legal obligations. Please contact this business for more information. See also: newzealand.com terms of use (opens in new window) .

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Encounter Nature Cruise in Milford Sound - Winter

At the Milford Sound Visitor Centre (Freshwater Basin State Highway 94, Milford Sound Milford Sound, 9679)

Discover the beauty of the Fiordland National Park during the winter season on this Milford Sound Cruise that will bring you closer to nature than many other fjord cruises. Catch a glimpse of the local wildlife including seals, dolphins and the rare Fiordland crested penguin, and take in the unique scenery of Milford Sound. Escape the large tour groups on this smaller boat with independent travellers and get even better photo opportunities as we pass by the majestic mountains and rumbling waterfalls . So don't forget your camera! You'll definitely want to capture this incredible experience! Highlights: - Longest and most interactive Milford Sound Cruise - Expert commentary - Close-up photo opportunities of local wildlife Departure & Arrival: Please come to the Milford Sound Visitor Centre and check-in at our desk at the latest at the time specified on your booking confirmation. You will then proceed to board the boat which departs 15 minutes after the check-in closes . The Milford Sound Cruise will last for 2h and 15 minutes , after which we return back to the departure point. Characteristics of the boat: - Number of passengers: 75 people - Licensed bar - Sun-protected area - Restrooms Included Services: - Tea & Coffee

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Activities - Queenstown New Zealand

Discover spectacular Milford Sound on a sightseeing day cruise with Southern Discoveries. With a range of cruises to suit every interest and timeframe, the Milford Discovery Centre & Underwater Observatory and kayaking trips, Southern Discoveries offer the ultimate Milford Sound experience.

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Encounter Nature Cruise

New Zealand's ultimate nature cruise. With small numbers onboard, our specialist nature guides love nothing more than showing you the very best of this incredible ecological haven. Reach out and touch sheer rock cliffs and drink pure glacial water straight from the waterfalls, see seals sunning themselves on the rocks, dolphins playing on the bow or if you are lucky, spot the rare Fiordland crested penguins.

Discover More Cruise

The ultimate, all-inclusive experience in Milford Sound. Our local, friendly nature guides love nothing more than ensuring you discover the wildlife, nature and history of this remarkable haven. With a gourmet picnic lunch, an extended cruise and visit to the Milford Discovery Centre & Underwater Observatory included, you’ll get to discover more of Milford Sound.

Scenic Cruise

Cruise in comfort on a modern, spacious catamaran with large viewing windows and wide open outdoor decks. The one hour 45 minute cruise offers excellent wildlife viewing as you take in the towering beauty of the fiord stopping at tumbling waterfalls and other points of interest along the way. Join our 9.00am Scenic Cruise in the calm of the morning and enjoy our free cooked breakfast served on board

Cruise & Kayak Milford Sound

The ultimate, all-inclusive Milford Sound experience. Enjoy a Milford Sound Cruise to experience the natural wonders of Milford Sound, and visit the Milford Discovery Centre to explore the world of exotic creatures and rare black coral. Then join a specialist guide and gaze through crystal clear waters as you kayak around serene Harrison Cove. Suitable for all experience levels, kayak one of the most majestic places in the world on this up close nature experience before returning to Milford wharf.

Milford Discovery Centre & Underwater Observatory

The Discovery Centre is the perfect addition to your Milford Sound cruise. Interactive and educational, learn all about the history, geology and wildlife of Milford Sound before descending 10 metres underwater to explore the world of exotic creatures and rare black coral.

Go Milford Day Tour ex Te Anau

Enjoy a small, personalised excursion to Milford Sound on a modern, 22 seat coach. Sit back and take in the views as experienced, local drivers provide a lively and informative commentary on the history, flora and fauna of the area with plenty of stops for photos and short walks. Then board a vessel for the longest day time cruise in Milford Sound to really explore the beauty of the fiord including a visit to the Milford Discovery Centre. Gourmet lunch included.

  • Adult - from $76.00
  • Child - $16.00
  • Adult - from $99.00
  • Adult - from $59.00
  • Adult - from $155.00
  • Child - $59.00
  • Adult - $36.00
  • Child - $18.00
  • Adult - $159
  • Child - $79

“Excellent!" - 5 of 5 stars

We bought the cruise as a package and included the Discovery Centre as well. Both were FABULOUS! The scenery on the cruise is simply stunning and the staff and guide wonderful. This is an absolute must see in New Zealand and you'd be crazy not to do it. Very very highly recommended!!!

Reviewed 25 September 2014

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Southern Discoveries , Milford Sound , cruise , kayaking , Discovery Centre , Underwater Observatory

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  • Milford Sound

Home » Milford Sound Nature Cruise » Milford Sound Nature Cruises

  • Milford Sound Nature Cruises

Embark on a remarkable Milford Sound Nature Cruise to witness the captivating beauty of this iconic destination and encounter its diverse marine wildlife. Join us on a journey that combines the grandeur of Milford Sound with the thrill of spotting seals, dolphins, and penguins in their natural habitat.

As you board our cruise vessel, you’ll be greeted by knowledgeable guides who will enhance your experience with fascinating commentary about Milford Sound’s geological wonders and its abundant wildlife. Learn about the unique ecosystem that supports a thriving population of seals, dolphins, and penguins.

Set sail through the tranquil waters of Milford Sound, surrounded by towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls. Keep your eyes peeled for New Zealand fur seals basking on the rocks, as well as playful dolphins leaping alongside the boat. The sight of these intelligent creatures in their natural environment is truly captivating.

But the adventure doesn’t stop there. Our experienced guides will help you spot the elusive Fiordland crested penguins, known for their distinctive markings and charming demeanor. Witnessing these adorable creatures waddle along the shore or dive into the crystal-clear waters is an unforgettable experience.

Throughout the cruise, take advantage of ample photo opportunities as you encounter Milford Sound’s breathtaking landscapes. From the majestic Mitre Peak to the lush rainforests that cloak the surrounding mountains, every moment is a visual delight.

Our cruise vessel provides comfortable seating and spacious viewing decks, allowing you to relax and fully appreciate the wonders around you. Immerse yourself in the peaceful ambiance of Milford Sound, listen to the soothing sounds of nature, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Join us on the Milford Sound Nature Cruise to witness the magic of this pristine fiord and encounter its charismatic wildlife. Get ready to be enthralled by seals, dolphins, and penguins, all against the backdrop of Milford Sound’s majestic beauty. It’s an adventure you won’t want to miss. Book your cruise today and embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery.

Tags: Dolphins , Milford Sound , Nature , Penguins , Seals

  • Milford Sound Nature Cruise
  • Wildlife at Milford Sound – Seals, Dolphins & Penguins
  • Mischievous Keas at Milford Sound
  • Fiordland Crested Penguins at Milford Sound
  • Bottlenose Dolphins at Milford Sound
  • New Zealand Fur Seals at Milford Sound
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  • Milford Sound Kayak
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    Get in touch. in New Zealand. 0800 264 536. Overseas. +64 3 441 1137. Email. [email protected] [email protected]. Your incredible Milford Sound Nature cruise is waiting. Get closer to waterfalls with Southern Discoveries.

  2. Encounter Nature Cruise

    We picked the Encounter Nature cruise departing at 3.45pm because it gave us 2 hours 15 minutes which seemed like excellent value for money at $66NZD per person and we love wildlife so wanted something which maximised our chances of sightings. This was a great cruise and one of the many highlights of our trip to New Zealand.

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    Southern Discoveries - Milford Sound Cruises: Encounter Nature Cruise - See 2,135 traveler reviews, 1,275 candid photos, and great deals for Milford Sound, New Zealand, at Tripadvisor.

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    Encounter Nature Cruise. Our Encounter Nature Cruise is a great option for those who are dying to see Milford Sound's unique wildlife. It's our longest cruise and our onboard nature guides have a keen eye for spotting wildlife. It's the ideal cruise for close up photos of seals, dolphins or penguins. Nature Cruise

  5. Encounter Nature Cruise

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    Southern Discoveries - Milford Sound Cruises: Encounter nature cruise, underwater observatory and kayaking - See 2,103 traveler reviews, 1,274 candid photos, and great deals for Milford Sound, New Zealand, at Tripadvisor.

  9. Milford Sound Nature Cruise

    Discover Milford Sound on our Nature Cruise, enjoy live commentary from our specialist nature guides as they introduce you to the natural wonders of Milford Sound. Get up close to thundering waterfalls and say hello to the some basking fur seals. Milford Sound Scenic Cruise. Customer enjoying a glacial facial under Stirling Falls in Milford Sound.

  10. Southern Discoveries Milford Sound Encounter Nature Cruise

    Pack your camera and join our expert nature guides on a special cruise that takes you closer to the natural beauty of Milford Sound. Our guides take the time...

  11. Encounter Nature Cruise in Milford Sound

    Book Encounter Nature Cruise in Milford Sound - Winter with Southern Discoveries Milford Sound Easy & Flexible Online Booking 365-Day Customer Service Discover the beauty of the Fiordland National Park during the winter season on this Milford Sound Cruise that will bring you closer to nature than many other fjord cruises. Catch a glimpse of...

  12. Southern Discoveries

    Encounter Nature Cruise. New Zealand's ultimate nature cruise. With small numbers onboard, our specialist nature guides love nothing more than showing you the very best of this incredible ecological haven. Reach out and touch sheer rock cliffs and drink pure glacial water straight from the waterfalls, see seals sunning themselves on the rocks ...

  13. Milford Sound Nature Cruises

    Embark on a remarkable Milford Sound Nature Cruise to witness the captivating beauty of this iconic destination and encounter its diverse marine wildlife. Join us on a journey that combines the grandeur of Milford Sound with the thrill of spotting seals, dolphins, and penguins in their natural habitat. As you board our cruise vessel, you'll ...

  14. Southern Discoveries

    Encounter Nature Cruise. Get up close and personal with this pristine environment on our small boat, Encounter Nature Cruise. Reach out and touch sheer rock cliffs and drink pure glacial water straight from the waterfalls, see seals sunning themselves on the rocks, dolphins riding the bow wave or if you're lucky, spot rare Fiordland crested ...

  15. Milford Sound Encounter Nature Cruise

    Explore Milford with other like minded individuals and our talented nature guides on a 2 hour and 15 minute nature cruise. Drink pure glacial water straight from Fairy Falls, experience the full force of Stirling Falls as it pounds onto the front deck (or you) while exploring all the nooks and crannies along the edge of the fiord from our ...

  16. Milford Sound Nature Cruise

    Admire the natural wonder that is Milford Sound on a nature cruise led by a naturalist guide. Gliding past granite walls, glacier-fed waterfalls and stunning Mitre Peak aboard a smaller-sized vessel than most Milford Sound cruises, you'll have great photo ops of this famous South Island attraction situated within Fiordland National Park. Be on the lookout for Fiordland crested penguins and ...

  17. Moscow Scenic River Cruise with Guide

    Enjoy an unforgettable river cruise along the Moscow River. During this 2.5 hour cruise you will enjoy the sights of many famous Moscow landmarks such as the Kremlin and the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

  18. Southern Discovered Encounter Nature cruise?

    Anything described as a "Nature Cruise" by any of the operators will include a nature guide, and will spend more time stopping and viewing any wildlife encountered. (Most likely to be seals and dolphins, less likely, penguins and Grey whales).

  19. P&O Pacific Encounter Cruises 2024, 2025

    Sail the seas with on P&O Pacific Encounter cruises! Leap into adventure through unbelievable P&O Pacific Encounter cruises, dedicated to sailing curious Australian voyagers to jaw-dropping locales throughout the region.Like all P&O Australia ships, Pacific Encounter accommodates every kind of adventurer. From the thrilling heights you can reach at the P&O Edge Adventure Park, the exclusive ...

  20. Milford Sound Cruise Including Underwater Observatory

    Each tour includes admission to the Milford Sound Underwater Observatory, and complimentary tea and coffee are served on board. Read more. from. $104.80. per adult. Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay later Free cancellation. Ages 0-99, max of 75 per group. Duration: 3h. Start time: Check availability.

  21. Imperial Waterways of Russia

    Imperial Waterways of Russia Cruise, 13 days cruise Moscow to St. Petersburg, Cruise through Moscow to St. Petersburg, ... you'll encounter the scene of a centuries-old murder mystery that has become the stuff of legend. ... Choice of Open-air Museum of Wooden Architecture-OR- "Let's Go" village and island nature hike. Day 8: Cruising the ...

  22. All About Russia Cruise Experience

    Book your luxury 5-star Russian river cruise and enjoy the multiple benefits that come with the top-rated Moscow to St. Petersburg (or reverse) cruises. Learn about the unmatched value included during your Russian river cruise vacation from luxurious cabins designed in a modern style and equipped with all the facilities needed for a comfortable stay, to exceptional guided sightseeing programs ...

  23. Encounter Nature Cruise OR Scenic Cruise? milford sound

    We were only 8 passengers in whole coach. And only less than 70 passenger on cruise. Weather is big factor to experience Milford Sound coach tour. But milford sound cruise trip is beautiful in any weather. We paid $140 for coach- cruise -coach (inclusive picnic lunch pack). Report inappropriate content. maryann-ns.