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El Mirador Guatemala – Everything you want to know about the trek and the tour

el mirador guatemala tour

Do you know the feeling that you have experienced something special and would like to tell about it but just don’t know where to start? It took me a long time to get my visit to El Mirador in Guatemala down on paper, because this trip is so unique. El Mirador is a former Maya city, located deep in the jungle of Guatemala. It must have been the biggest city in the Mayan empire with the largest temple (72 meters) ever built by the Mayans. The city has been completely taken over by nature, and can only be reached by helicopter or multi-day trip, where you spend the night in a tent in the jungle. In this article you’ll read all about my visit to El Mirador, with many practical tips for the El Mirador Guatemala trek and helicopter tour, including the best time to travel and a packing list.

A combined El Mirador Guatemala trek & helicopter tour

About tikal go, the trek to el mirador in guatemal a.

Several times I visited Maya cities like Tikal and Yaxha . The El Mirador Guatemala trek was a tour that had been on my wish list for years. To follow in the footsteps of the Mayans and live completely isolated from the outside world. How fantastic that must be! Since I had already been on several trips with boutique agency Tikal Go , there was no choice but to do this unique trip with them. Besides, there are only a few agencies that are allowed to offer this tour. After some back and forward, a customized program came out, something Tikal Go is known for. The plan: A combination of the El Mirador Guatemala trek and helicopter tour, with an additional visit to former Mayan city Nakbe. In other words, 4 days of hiking, 3 nights sleeping in the jungle, visiting three archaeological sites and two helicopter tours. I couldn’t wait!

Day 1: Flores – Nakbe – El Mirador

The helicopter flight.

At 8 am we are picked up at our hotel. At 8.30 am we are expected at the helicopter platform. Here we meet the pilot and guide Cesar who will accompany us the next few days during our jungle adventure. Everyone is busy packing and the helicopter gets a final check before departure. I notice that I am a bit nervous but I am so looking forward.

Helikcopter tour to El Mirador Guatemala

Take-off is always a little weird. It is accompanied by a deafening noise and the helicopter shakes on all sides. But you soon get used to the feeling. Once in the air, you really realize you are in a helicopter. Through the windows in front of you and below, you have a good view of the surroundings. First we fly over Lago Petén Itzá and you see the city of Flores, the peninsula on the lake.

el mirador guatemala tour

Then the landscape changes and you see how green the area is. Everywhere, left, right, in front and behind you, you can see tropical rainforest, with countless colors of green. And that for miles.  It is truly special to experience this area from the air. After flying for about half an hour, our guide points out a green hill. That is the temple of the former Maya city of Nakbe. Most temples in this region are all still under vegetation and this is clearly visible from the air. We fly around it for a half circle before we start the descent.

el mirador guatemala tour

There is a small plain where we land and it feels a bit like dropping. It is, in fact, the middle-of-nowhere where we end up. We find ourselves in the former Mayan city of Nakbe, which has been completely taken over by the jungle of Guatemala.

Nakbe in Guatemala

The helicopter leaves and we are left behind. After a short walk, we encounter a ranger. In fact, a small group of rangers and researchers live on Nakbe to do research. They live and work here in shifts of 30 days. I find it fascinating. How special it must be to live and do research in the jungle for 30 days. Although, of course, it is not always easy for these people. It soon turns out that we are the only tourists. El Mirador is already an off the beaten track destination in Guatemala, but Nakbe is not at all on the tourist route.

Guided tour through Nakbe

We get a tour of about 2 hours through the complex. You have to let your imagination run wild because very little has been excavated. But that’s exactly what makes a visit unique. The guide and rangers show us numerous ancient shards of Maya pottery. In places like Tikal and Yaxha , this is quiet rare, but here it is really full of them. I can hardly believe it. Finally we climb the 45 meter high temple that we have seen from the air. The view is amazing!

archaeological maya site Nakbe Guatemala

Nakbe is one of the oldest cities in the region and was inhabited in the pre-classical period, around 1200 BC. The former Mayan city is located about 13 kilometers south of El Mirador. And from the 45-meter-high temple, you can already see El Mirador’s La Danta temple. Nakbe was an important place for the Maya, because of the large quarry system of limestone. The basis for the construction of the many great temples. The first excavations of Nakbe began in 1960 where much research was done on the use of material and the way of building. Still large parts lie under the vegetation and archaeologists, led by the American Richard Hansen, work hard for many months a year. The site is still visited by few people and most of the people you meet here are archaeologists and researchers. 

Deborah with Maya pottery in Nakbe

La Danta – the highest temple of El Mirador Guatemala

The guide points out a mountain very much in the distance. That is La Danta, he tells us. And that is where we are walking to this afternoon. La Danta is the most important temple in the Maya city of El Mirador Guatemala and also the highest that was ever built by the Mayans, 72 meters high. My travel partner and I are both a little startled by it. It looks really far away and I can’t imagine that we will actually cover this distance on foot today.

view of jungle from Nakbe Maya temple Guatemala

Mayan highway during the El Mirador Guatemala trek

The guide also tells us that if you look closely you can see a difference in height and color. That is the former Maya highway and the route we will walk. If all goes well we will reach El Mirador in 4 to 5 hours, our base for the next few days. After lunch we start the hike. It is not raining and because most of the trail is in the dense tropical rainforest, sheltered from the sun, the temperature is pleasant. Moreover, it is a flat road, without ascents and descents. Occasionally we walk through a piece of swamp, which is a bit of a struggle because of the swampiness. But the rest of the hike is doable.

The hike – El Mirador Guatemala trek

Along the way we learn all kinds of things. We are told that the Maya used to cut down a lot of land for agriculture. The narrow path we are now walking on used to be a wide highway made of white rock. If you dig, you will also find white stone remains. Also, the little mountains that the ants create are white in some places. Very interesting to see. We see numerous birds and walk past several groups of monkeys. It is clear that these monkeys are much less used to people. In some places we are really attacked with branches. Around 5:30 pm we approach the campsite of El Mirador.

trail during El Mirador Guatemala trek

The campsite

The campsite is situated in the middle of the jungle, on the outskirts of the former Maya city El Mirador. There is a small plain surrounded by a number of wooden structures, where the organizations have their base camp. Mules are resting from their trek with the hikers and jungle pheasants (great curassow) are bustling around, looking for food. There are guides and cooks at work and some hikers taking some time to relax. Due to its difficult accessibility, few people visit El Mirador in Guatemala and therefore it is very quiet.

campsite at El mirador Guatemala

The facilities are anything but luxurious, but what else do you expect deep in the jungle. However, there are good tents with mattresses and blankets, under a roof, sheltered in case it rains.  There is a real toilet and a place to wash yourself. Meaning: there are jerry cans with water that you can throw over yourself. Because you are sweaty at the end of the day, it is nice to be able to rinse off with fresh water. There is a communal table near the kitchen where the various meals are prepared for you and all the locals get together for a chat or a nap in the hammock. Very cozy, especially in the evening when everyone talks about the adventures of the day. Even though it is all very simple, I find it more than fine. Where in the world can you sleep in a former Mayan city?

Sunset in El Tigre

The beauty of the campsite is that you are less than 5 minutes away from the Mayan temple El Tigre. El Tigre means tiger and is a 55 meter high Mayan temple. The climb up is therefore a bit tough. In the time of the Maya, people had to bow down deeply to the priests in this way, who held their ceremonies here. Once at the top you have a 360 degree view of the surroundings.  The green jungle, the colors in the sky, the countless dragonflies flying around and the ultimate tranquility. It is beautiful. In the distance, right in front of El Tigre, you look out on the 72 meter high temple La Danta. And when the sun rises or sets, you experience magical moments.  I feel honored that I can call this place my home for the next few days.

sunset from El Tigre

In the evening, my attention is drawn to shimmering lights. Those are the eyes of the wolf spider. There are really hundreds of them around me and I only dare to walk around with closed shoes. Anyway recommended of course!

Day 2: El Mirador

Su nrise el tigre.

The next morning we leave early, at 5 am. We walk with a flashlight on our heads to El Tigre to watch the sunrise from here. The sun rises from behind La Danta. It is again a tough climb up but by now we are a bit more used to it. From the top of the temple you can see the jungle really wake up. Bats gradually stop flying and dragonflies take their place. Howler monkeys wake up and make a sound that makes you think it is a lion family. And a beautiful glow emerges over the green jungle. And also the view of La Danta is once again stunning.

sunrise at La Danta from El Tigre

Tour through el Mirador Guatemala

After breakfast our tour through El Mirador in Guatemala begins. Our guide leads us along various temples. It is very clear that here people are still working hard on research and excavations. We learn that it is important to cover parts of the temples when they are excavated, otherwise they will fall apart because of the rain. After all, they have been under the vegetation for so long. Numerous hieroglyphs have been excavated in the area of the acropolis, with so much to tell and learn about. Very impressive. We walk for quite a few hours, trying to absorb the information as much as possible and stopping frequently along the way to observe the numerous monkey families.

Maya hieroglyphs during tour in El Mirador Guatemala

El Mirador is an archaeological site, located deep in the jungle, near the border with Mexico. It was inhabited, in the pre-classical period, between 800 BC and 150 AD, with over 100,000 inhabitants. Something that was a lot at the time. El Mirador was the largest city in the Maya world with over 850 structures. Temple El Tigre (55 meters high) and temple La Danta (72 meters high) are therefore among the largest structures of the Mayan empire. The complex was discovered from the air in 1930. In 1960 the first investigations began, but only a very small part has been excavated. The difficult access, climatic conditions (no work can be done in the rainy season) and lack of funds make this quite a task. American researcher Richard Hansen leads the investigations and can be found here himself for large parts of the year.

La Danta sunset

The afternoon is dedicated to La Danta. After a well-deserved lunch we walk in about 30 minutes to the famous temple, to watch the sunset from here. The sun now sets on the side of El Tigre, the temple we have already visited twice. This too is a tough climb up. This is because the temple consists of several platforms, each of which provides a new rise. The last part is via a wooden staircase, where we run into a large family of coatis. Once at the top, we turn out to be alone. Alone on a Maya temple in the jungle. How unique is that! In the dark we walk back to the campsite and the first full day at El Mirador is over.

sunset from La Danta maya tempel

La Danta, with its height of 72 meters and volume of 2,800,000 cubic meters, is the largest pyramid in the world. The pyramids consist of different levels and platforms. Characteristic of these pyramids are the triadic temple structures, where there is always one large and two small temples facing each other on the upper platform. 

Day 3 : La Muerta & El Mirador

Since it is a bit foggy this morning, we decide not to do a sunrise but sleep a bit longer (until 7 am). After a breakfast we start our hike to La Muerta, about a 2 hour walk from El Mirador Guatemala. La Muerta is a small complex with a number of tunnels. Here you can really see how the jungle has taken over the complex. A gigantic tree has completely grown over the structure.

Deborah at La Muerta

We walk, via La Danta to make beautiful pictures in daylight, back to the base camp to again watch the sunset from El Tigre. And the view is different every day. Today we see a beautiful rainbow. The nice thing about staying at the same place for a longer period of time is that you have this opportunity.  As often as you want. So the big question of the day is always, where are we going to watch the sunrise and where are we going to watch the sunset? If that are your biggest problems on a daily base, life would be so easy.

view from temple El Tigre - rainbow above La Danta temple

Day 4: In search of the jaguar and return flight

The morning.

For a few nights now we have been sleeping at the campsite. Hikers come and go but many guides stay here for weeks and sometimes even months to welcome tourists and show them around. And everyone is friendly and helpful. One of the guides who practically lives here, invites us for a special morning tour; in search of the jaguar. Of course I realize that this incredible animal, also called the king of the jungle, is difficult to spot. But still, I have a bit of hope of seeing him one day, as I was able to admire the puma in Chile. Moreover, the guides here have numerous photos of the jaguar and 47 have been spotted in and around El Mirador Guatemala. Surely, then, there should be a chance. So we set out to find the jaguar in the swampy area, behind the camspite.

Soon I am told not to stomp so much and to walk softer. I do my best but it’s not easy with my hiking boots and muddy path. We walk for a few hours but as always in nature, these animals do not show themselves on request. Nevertheless, it was a nice trip.

The return flight

And then our visit is almost over. We wait for the helicopter. Only it does not come. Soon we understand that the weather conditions in Flores are not too good and therefore the helicopter cannot take off. After all, no new tourists have arrived either. If the helicopter has not arrived by noon, we prepare ourselves to stay another night in the jungle. We decide to watch the sunset at El Tigre. And then something happens that we had not expected. Very far away we see something flying. It is a helicopter and we are picked up after all. We walk back to the campsite towards the helipad and within 40 minutes we fly back to Flores.

pilot during El Mirador helicopter tour

I can actually be very short about this. The El Mirador Guatemala trek is a tour you won’t forget for a lifetime. A great experience, where you spend a few days very far from civilization, with a minimal number of other tourists. A trip that you really should not miss during your visit to Guatemala. Whether you do it on foot or by helicopter.

Deborah stting on temple and enjoying view from La Danta temple at El Mirador Guatemala

How to get to El mirador Guatemala – Tour options

Of course you can’t visit El Mirador on your own. You have to do this with a professional guide and usually even with a whole team, consisting of porters, guides and a cook. A number of people from the team you will meet at the campsite, because they live here for a longer period to receive the visitors. Tikal Go is one of the top tour operators that can offer this unique El Mirador tourin Guatemala. Below you can read everything you want to know about the different tours to El Mirador in Guatemala.

Departure city: Flores

All El Mirador Guatemala tours depart from Flores in Guatemala. Flores is a small town/island located on Lake Petén Itzá, and the base for Maya archaeological sites like Tikal , Yaxha and El Mirador.

By Airplane

From Guatemala City you can fly with Tag Airlines within 40 minutes to Mundo Maya International Airport in Santa Elena / Flores. There are also direct flights from Cancun in Mexico .  From the airport you can take a cab to Flores, El Remate or Tikal National Park. Tikal Go offers several packages, where your flight, transportation and tours are arranged. Super nice and often very beneficial.

If you want to travel by land from Guatemala, you can book transportation directly from Guatemala City (something I don’t recommend) because of the long distance. Or travel from Guatemala City or Antigua via Lanquin and/or Rio Dulce to Flores.

Looking for nice hotels in the province of Peten? Look here for an overview of   hotels in Flores  and  hotels in El Remate . I myself stayed several times at La Lancha, the jungle lodge of director Francis Ford Coppola, a little paradise in a tropical setting at Lago Peten Itzá.  Check the availability and current prices of La Lancha in Guatemala here. And here you can find a detailed report on my stay at La Lancha.

El Mirador Guatemala trek tour

Are you in good physical shape, do you have enough time and are you up for an adventure? Then you want to do the multi-day El Mirador Guatemala trek. A trek where you walk 5 days and sleep 4 nights in the jungle. On day one you walk from Carmelita to the first accommodation: the ruins of the Maya city Tintal (19 km). Here you can already see El Mirador in the distance from the Tintal pyramid. The next day at the end of the day you will reach the campsite of El Mirador (23 km) where you will spend two nights. The next day you have plenty of time for a tour of the complex. A relatively quiet day, compared to the other days.

Deborah at La Danta temple during the el Mirador Guatemala trek tour - enjoying view

On day 4 you will walk back to El Tintal for an overnight stay (23km) and on day 5, after a few hours of walking, you will reach Carmelita (19km), where you will be picked up by car and return to Flores.

This trip is obviously not for everyone. You really have to be willing to walk for hours at a time every day, with maybe a little bit of suffering now and then. But what you get in return is an unforgettable experience. Along the way you meet almost no one and you really enter the world of the Maya.

El Mirador helicopter tour

If you have little time in Guatemala, the easiest way to visit El Mirador is by taking the El Mirador helicopter tour. In about 30 minutes you fly from Flores over the immense rainforest to the archaeological site. Upon arrival a guide awaits you and gives you an extensive tour of the complex. After a light lunch you will depart by helicopter back to Flores. Towards your hotel. Are you a little more adventurous? Then you can also choose to spend the night in a tent in El Mirador. That way you have time to watch the sunset from La Danta and the next morning the sunrise from El Tigre. Magical! The next day you fly back! And this last option I can really recommend. You really want to experience this unique place and let it work on you.

helikopter departing for El Mirador Guatemala helicopter tour

Do you want the best of both worlds? Then choose a combination tour tailor-made by Tikal Go. You can choose to walk to El Mirador in two days (day 1 = 19km and day 2 = 23km), spend one or two nights here and then fly back by helicopter. I myself flew by helicopter to the archaeological site Nakbe, for an extensive visit. Then I walked to El Mirador (1 day). Here I slept for three nights to explore the city and its beautiful surroundings. On day 4 I was picked up in El Mirador and flew back to Flores by helicopter. And so there are several combination tours possible, depending on your interests and desires.

Tips for the El Mirador Guatemala trek & helicopter tour

Food and drinks along the way.

Most El Mirador Guatemala treks offer all meals included. That is, breakfast, lunch and dinner. With the exception of the first and last day, where you must provide your own breakfast and dinner respectively. You will also be offered some fruit and snacks along the way. And that is super well organized! During the day you often get nice sandwiches and in the morning and evening you get simple but delicious meals. It is wise to stock up on things you need. Tasty things that do not spoil easily and are not heavy. You will be happy with it!

Range and electricity

Please note that in the entire area in and around El Mirador there is no coverage. So it’s important to bring a power bank and put your phone on airplane mode to save battery. There is also no electricity. Sometimes there is a generator that you can use to charge something, but usually these are for other things (read the local team and researchers). So bring extra batteries for all your devices.

Nothing is as changeable as the weather. Therefore, it is important to be prepared for rain and heat at the same time during the El Mirador Guatemala trek.  In the evening it can cool down a bit but it will not get really cold. Also keep in mind that the El Mirador Guatemala helicopter tour is weather sensitive. If it is very cloudy, the helicopter may not be able to take off. In that case you will have to wait until the weather is better.

Deborah at temple during the El Mirador Guatemala trek and helicopter tour

El Mirador Guatemala trek – packing list

  • Good hiking shoes
  • Poncho/rain suit (no bright colors, you’ll scare away all the animals)
  • Mosquito spray and afterbite
  • Daypack (check if someone carries the big luggage for you)
  • Sunscreen/sunglasses/hat
  • Light clothes, it’s generally hot and humid there
  • A sweater for in the evening (it can cool down a bit in the evening)
  • Snacks and water (check in advance what your tour agency will arrange for you)
  • Power banks to charge your electronics (there is no electricity)
  • Blister plasters + medical kit
  • Quick drying towel
  • Toilet paper
  • Sheet bag (check in advance what your tour agency will arrange for you)
  • Money for tipping
  • A notebook to keep track of your experiences. Use discount code traveltheworld and receive 10% discount on all products from Miss Wood.

Best travel time El Mirador Guatemala trek and helicopter tour

El Mirador in Guatemala is best visited from November to April. Then the temperatures are pleasant (not too hot) and it is generally drier than in the other months. However, it can still rain of course. In the summer in Guatemala it is very hot and rains a lot. The trails of the El Mirador Guatemala trek are therefore slippery and muddy and your tour will certainly be more strenuous because of this. Consult with Tikal Go for the best periods and options.

In the next article you will read more about the best time to travel to Guatemala.

Deborah at Maya ruin in El Mirador

Do you also want to travel through the province of Peten in Guatemala and visit the beautiful Mayan cities? Tikal Go is a top boutique organization that takes all the worries out of your hands when it comes to arranging excursions. And if you want, they can also arrange transportation and stay. All packages are tailor-made for you and you always go on your trip with specialized guides. More information can be found on the website of Tikal Go.

guide of Tikal Go during el Mirador Tour

More about Guatemala

T he El Mirador Guatemala trek and helicopter tour are among the most unique trips for me! Do you want to read more about this amazing country? In this article you’ll find the 20 best things to do in Guatemala, including off the beaten path destinations, best time to travel, travel itineraries and information about safety in Guatemala. Have a look in the Guatemala archive for a cityguide for Antigua and travel guides about  Lake Atitlan ,  Lanquin , the famous market of  Chichicastenango , the Acatenango volcano hike, a boat trip on the  Rio Dulce to Caribbean Livingston and a Guatemala hotel guide. In this article I’m taking you to the  Maya ruins of Tikal , the less visited Maya site Yaxha and  Quiriguá , a smaller and less visited Maya site with beautiful Maya stelae.

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el mirador guatemala tour

  • Circuito Carmelita-Mirador
  • Acerca de Carmelita
  • Contáctanos

el mirador guatemala tour

Una aventura inigualable

En el corazón de la selva maya.

el mirador guatemala tour

Cultura Maya

el mirador guatemala tour


el mirador guatemala tour

Contacto Comunitario

el mirador guatemala tour

Desarrollo Sostenible

el mirador guatemala tour

El circuito CARMELITA-EL MIRADOR se ubica al norte de la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya, atravesando la Zona de Usos Múltiples y el Parque Nacional Mirador -Río Azul-, una de las reservas patrimoniales más importantes del mundo, que alberga más de 200 ciudades mayas en una exuberante selva tropical húmeda, hogar de gran diversidad de plantas y animales .

Selecciona la duración del tour

el mirador guatemala tour

El Mirador Jungle Trek Tour (5 días)

el mirador guatemala tour

Carmelita-Mirador The Deep Adventure Tour (6 días)

el mirador guatemala tour

Centro de visitantes

el mirador guatemala tour

Reserva arqueológica

el mirador guatemala tour

Sendero peatonal

el mirador guatemala tour

Sitio arqueológico

el mirador guatemala tour

El Mirador Jungle Trek

Este tour de 5 días y 4 noches te ofrece la oportunidad de vivir la gran aventura de atravesar la selva tropical, visitando tres grandes ciudades mayas: El Tintal, La Muerta y Mirador.

el mirador guatemala tour

Carmelita-Mirador The Deep Adventure

Este tour de seis días y 5 noches, te ofrece la oportunidad única de conocer los sitios más antiguos del mundo Maya como Tintal, La Muerta, El Mirador, Nakbe, y La Florida, que han sido clave para comprender el origen de la Civilización Maya.

el mirador guatemala tour

8 y 10 días

Redescubriendo el reino kan.

Te ofrecemos tours de 8 y 10 días recorriendo otros importantes sitios como La Muralla, Naachtún y Wakná. Por favor contáctanos.

Transporte a Carmelita

Porqué viajar con nosotros

el mirador guatemala tour

  • Organización comunitaria debidamente registrada
  • Personal capacitado y conocedor de la selva
  • Punto de contacto en Flores para atender a los visitantes desde su llegada
  • Campamento base en el bosque con equipo completo de acampar y botiquín de primeros auxilios
  • Garantía de seguridad de los visitantes durante el recorrido
  • Desarrollo sostenible

el mirador guatemala tour

Podemos coordinar tu llegada a Petén en bus o en avión, desde cualquier parte del país.

el mirador guatemala tour

Hospédate en el Hotel Carmelita para una mejor experiencia con el itinerario del tour

el mirador guatemala tour

Organización y gestión de eventos con fines corporativos e institucionales

Otros destinos

el mirador guatemala tour

Puerto Arturo

Descubriendo el circuito carmelita-mirador.

Próximos tours colectivos

Por el momento no hay fechas calendarizadas.   Si deseas la apertura de una fecha para este tour, puedes solicitarlo con 15 días de anticipación con un mínimo de 2 personas.

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"One for the bucket list. Go and get booked up!"

"It is just mind blowing and I highly recommend it!"

"We did the 5 day hike and it was more than worth every buck!"

"We highly recommend this experience. It’s magical, like out of a movie."

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el mirador guatemala tour

Mayan Gateway

Helicopter tour to El Mirador

What to expect

Maps & Expenses

This fantastic helicopter tour offers an excellent day to enjoy one of the greatest wonders Guatemala has for you. When you hear about the world’s great pyramids, the Egyptian pyramids or the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico may come to mind. But did you know that Guatemala is home to the most enormous pyramid in terms of volume worldwide?

El Mirador, known to many as the cradle of Mayan Civilization, is located in the dense jungles of northern Guatemala. Enjoy this expedition and relax while the incredible jungle views from the air dazzle your eyes.

Pyramid in El Mirador

Ancient Mayan art

Stunning ornaments

The lost Mayan City

The incomparable views mixed deep in the jungle canopy of the colossal Mayan Biosphere in Guatemala provide a glimpse back in time. As the helicopter will pull above the treeline, the sight of Lake Petén will make you already joyful if you choose this expedition.

The color of the water is turquoise blended with greens that change almost yellow near the shallow shore. It is almost an hour of flying from the island of Flores to the archeological site, so settle back and observe the fields thin, the farms dissolve, and then it is just jungle. No fields, no roads, no farms, no houses, just endless, magnificent jungle as far as you can see.

As the helicopter lands clearly and it touches down in a verdant opening that from above seemed no larger than a bathmat. As the blades wind down, and you get off the aircraft, the first thing that you hear is… nothing at all. No vehicles in the distance, no people, no honks, no engines. Just jungle melodies – howler and spider monkeys, cicadas buzzing, wind through leaves, birds.

To give you some perspective, the base of La Danta is so vast that it would cover 35 football fields. La Danta is, in fact, the largest structure that has ever been built by the Mayans, and some consider it to be the largest pyramid in the world in terms of volume in existence. The discovery of this amazing Mayan City has attracted the attention of the world, and nowadays you will find coverages and write-ups on sites like National Geographic .

The Lost Mayan City

The ancient metropolis of El Mirador is located amidst the deep, dense jungles of Guatemala. Behold one of the most significant clusters of buildings in Maya civilization. At its peak, the city spanned over 16 square kilometers with tens of thousands of inhabitants, making it the most noteworthy Maya city.

During this unique journey, you will discover the wonders of the past and be awed by El Mirador’s magnificence. This awe-inspiring ancient site is home to the colossal Danta Pyramid, recognized as one of the most giant pyramids in the world.

You will do a Helicopter tour to El Mirador. It consists of miles of unrestored pyramids and structures that have seemingly become part of the jungle. El Mirador is the home of the amazing pyramid La Danta

7:50 a.m. A driver will pick you up from your hotel in the area of Flores Island.  8:30 a.m. We take off from the heliport in Santa Elena. 9:00 a.m. Arrive at the great Mayan city of El Mirador

Together with a qualified guide, you will explore:

  • The colossal Pyramid Complex of ‘La Danta’
  • Central Acropolis
  • Astonishing Architectural Ornaments 
  • Structure No. 34

1:00 p.m. Time to have lunch 3.30 p.m. Return for Flores Island 4:00 p.m. Arrival at the heliport in Santa Elena. Upon arrival, a driver will take you to your hotel in Flores Island or a restaurant if you wish. 

Note: due to climate conditions, the departure time can be altered up to one hour before the start of the expedition.

map, expenses & price

Expenses included: -Private transportation. -Helicopter tour. -Professional guide. -Walking tour on site -Park Entrance fee. -Country lunch and cooler with drinks. -Daily breakfast. *This tour is exclusively available to guests who plan their trip with us.

There is a sample of nature heaven, virgin and very secluded in the northwestern edge of Guatemala: National Park Lagoon of the Tiger. A scientific investigation center within the park, Scarlet Macaw Biological Station offers wildlife-watching and archaeology tours and the chance to tag along with investigators as they monitor macaws and butterflies. Duration from: 2 days. Price per guest from $380

See one of the isolated jewels of northern Guatemala, the exquisite translucent waters of the Blue Crater, where tourists can swim in a natural environment. It is one of the water sources of the river of passion. An off-the-beaten-track destination to savor luminous fine blue waters, jungle rivers, nature, and take fun photos, the River Basin is a marine garden. Duration: one day. Price per guest from $150

Fly through the treetops and rise above the jungle canopy on this zipline and eco-excursion tour. Guests will have a view of a bird of the lush forest of Guatemala, where native plants, animals, and trees compose a particular ecological community. Enjoy the charm of this natural park on this family-friendly trip of adventure. Duration: half day. Price per guest from $40

Visit the amazing milestones in the history of Tikal and the Mayans during this trip One day Tikal tour. Your expert guide will show you the layout of the temples, architecture, history, and some theories of why they disappeared. During the Tikal tour, you will have the opportunity to see monkeys, parrots, macaws, and toucans on site. Duration: 1 day. Price per person from: $70

Temple I, Mayan ruins of Tikal.

7 days & 6 nights

Pyramid in the Mayan City of Uxmal, Mexico.

14 days & 13 nights

el mirador guatemala tour

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el mirador guatemala tour


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el mirador guatemala tour

El Mirador Helicopter Tour Package :

Experience ancient Mayan ruins with El Mirador Helicopter Tour Package! Fly above Guatemala’s natural beauty and take in amazing sights.


The El Mirador Helicopter Tour is a one-day adventure tour celebrating Guatemala’s beauty.

Become immersed in the wonders of Central America on board a Bell Jet Ranger helicopter as it takes you over the breathtaking landscapes of the Maya jungle and ancient ruins.

Before exploring its remarkable architecture, take in the spectacular view of Lake Peten Itza, the colorful island of Flores, and the vast El Mirador archaeological site.

Our knowledgeable guides will provide information on El Mirador’s past as you journey through this beautiful area of natural majesty.

  • Helicopter flight above Guatemala’s majestic jungles and lakes.
  • Visit to historic El Mirador archaeological site with a guided tour by experienced professionals
  • Sightseeing above exciting places such as Lake Peten Itza, the Island of Flores, and regionally known Mayan settlements
  • Discover and observe untouched land from high above with vibrant and striking aerial views
  • Immerse yourself in Guatemalan culture with a personalized tour experience
  • Spend time exploring and learning about Mayan civilization from experts
  • I Departures: Daily
  • I Hotel Pick-Up: 7:45 am
  • I Estimated departure time: 8.30 am
  • I Flight time: 35 minutes
  • I Time on site: 5 hours
  • I Maximum passengers: 5 people

El Mirador by Air

Have an unforgettable trip with the El Mirador Helicopter Tour and witness some of Guatemala’s most stunning yet untouched Maya archaeological sites.

At 7:45 am, you will be picked up at your hotel to transport you to the airport, where you will board the helicopter that will take you to the lost city of El Mirador.

You will land at the El Mirador archaeological site following a scenic overflight over Lake Peten Itza, Flores Island, the Mayan Jungle, and the Mayan Pyramids.

Afterward, a 45-minute walk under the Mayan jungle, you will start the archaeological tour of El Mirador to discover its captivating ancient ruins!

Our knowledgeable tour guide will take you to the Tigre complex, Los Monos Group, and the famous Jaguar’s Claw Temple.

Here you will admire the impressive three-meter by two-meter masks carved onto the walls and come across evidence of the canals they used to transport water.

You will have time to explore the La Danta Pyramid; your tour will culminate with a visit to the Central Acropolis of El Mirador.

Here you can admire an impressive panel with Hunahpu and Ixbalanque, mythical figures from Mayan mythology.

After this archaeological adventure, you will return to the heliport to take the flight back to the airport. Upon arrival, you will be transferred to your hotel.

Book This Tour

From: US$. 460.00 P/P

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# Passengers

Hotel pick-up and drop-off from the Island of Flores and Santa Elena Hotels

  • Round trip helicopter transportation
  • Boxed lunch and purified water
  • Landing at El Mirador Mayan site
  • Bilingual Professional Tour Guide

Not Included

  • Airport fee (US$.3.00 or Q.20.00)
  • Other services not mentioned

What to Bring

  • Passport /DPI
  • Small backpack
  • Camera and memory cards.
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Hiking shoes
  • Drinking water

Los Amigos Hostel

  • Restaurant & Lounge
  • Cráter Azul
  • Sunset Catamaran
  • Mopan Waterfalls

Los Amigos Hostel




One of the oldest mayan sites.

El Mirador is one the oldest Mayan cities and has the biggest pyramid by volume in the world. Very special is the fact that it is so far away from the civilized world. Completely hidden in the jungle, as if it had just been discovered yesterday! The feeling you have standing on top of La Danta pyramid seeing nothing but jungle around you is breath taking!

Seen the movie Apocalypto? The big city that is depicted at the end of the movie is based on El Mirador.

Getting to el mirador.

The trip to El Mirador is no picnic! You have to suffer a bit to get there but that’s the beauty of it. Some days you’ll walk up to 8 hours, crossing around 30 kilometers of jungle in a day! So those considering doing this tour should be in reasonable physical shape and ready for some action!

During the 5 or 6 day trip you’ll walk together with a local guide who explains about the local flora and fauna, prepares three meals a day and sets up camp at night.

Explore El Mirador with our experienced guides

We work with experienced guides from the cooperative of La Carmelita, the base village from which all tours depart. Transportation to Carmelita is included. All tours include three meals a day, plenty of water and camping gear (You’ll sleep in tents with foam mattresses).

Depending on the size of the groups we will send a guide’s assistant, a cook and someone that takes care of the mules. Mules are brought on this tour to carry all equipment, luggage and food. It’s not a bad idea to ask for an extra mule. This way, if someone gets tired, they can mount the mule for a bit. Guides only speak Spanish but we can send a translator if you want.

ChooSE YOUR Tour

We work with experienced guides from the cooperative in La Carmelita, the base from which all tours depart. All tours include: Transportation to and from La Carmelita, Spanish speaking guide , three good meals a day, more than enough water and camping gear .

A two-day walk to El Mirador, on day three you’ll explore the ruins including the immense La Danta and then you walk back to La Carmelita for two more days.

Sites you will visit:

  • El Mirador, El Tintal y La Muerta


from $400 usd


On the 6-day tour you’ll visit two more Mayan sites besides El Mirador, which are Nakbé and La Florida. Another advantage of doing the 6-day tour is that the way back is on a new and different trail.

  • El Mirador, El Tintal, La Muerta, La Florida y Nakbé

from $450 usd

A small impression of all the wonders and amazing sights you will encounter on your tour to El Mirador

Get the most out of your tour to El Mirador with these handy tips!

  • Bring good hiking shoes. Make sure you also bring an extra pair of flip flops. At night you wanna give your feet some air.
  • Bring some nuts and chocolate for that extra energy on the way.
  • Bring a pair of rubber boots if you are doing the tour in the rain season.
  • Make sure you’ll bring some extra cash with you. Once you come out of the jungle you are gonna want to buy a cold drink.
  • If you are going in the hot season you can buy some bags of hydration powder (ORS) and mix that in with your water. It will keep your energy levels high and prevent you from dehydrating.

Check out more cool stuff to do:

Check out more tours you can book through our Travel Agency!

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Check out Tikal


Check out Cráter Azul

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El Mirador Helicopter Tour

El Mirador Tour by Helicopter

This helicopter trip is the best seller within our helicopter adventures in Guatemala. The heli-trip offers breathtaking air views of the lake Peten Itza, the island of Flores, the El Mirador archaeological site, and the exotic Maya rainforest.

Also, travelers will experience a landing inside the lost city of El Mirador, plus a guided trip to the renowned Maya site. On arrival, you will have time to discover the awe-inspiring beauty of the site.

El Mirador National Park is a natural wonder recently proposed as a UNESCO world heritage destination by the Guatemalan government based on the archaeological richness, exuberant jungle, and the great variety of wildlife that inhabits the biggest city in the Mayan world.

Our experienced tour guide will take you on a journey through time and Maya history. During the tour, you will visit the El Tigre complex, Los Monos Group, and Jaguar’s Claw Temple, which shows large painted masks over three meters in height by two in width.

Then we will visit the incredible central Acropolis wherein the structure 313 will be able to observe five phases of construction. In its rear, we will find shreds of evidence of the canals that the Mayas of those times were used to transport water.

In this building, we can find a carved panel with the shape of twin brothers, Hunahpu and Ixbalanque, mythological creatures of the sacred book of the Mayas, the Popol Vuh. And to finalize, we will visit the fantastic pyramid of “La Danta.”

  • Highlights: El Mirador Archaeological Site
  • Activities: Archaeology
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Holiday Type: Day Tour
  • You will visit:  El Mirador Mayan Site
  • Trip Style: Couples – Small Groups – Families – FIT’s
  • Comfort level: Standard
  • Transportation: Minibus Helicopter
  • Length: 1 Day
  • Physical demand: Trip may include activities like hiking & helicopter flight
  • Group size: Minimum 1 – Maximum 5
  • Departure / Return Location: Mundo Maya International Airport
  • Exceptional sights of the Lake Peten Itza, the island of Flores, the Tropical Rainforest, and El Mirador
  • Bilingual Tour Guide
  • Boxed lunch and purified water
  • Round-trip helicopter transportation

Not Included

  • Airport fee (US$.3.00 or Q.20.00)
  • Other destinations and services not specified in the itinerary
  • Pick-up and drop-off from your location

Book This Tour

Us$. 550.00 p/p.

Departures: Daily

Time on site: 5 hours

Estimated departure time: 8.30 am

Flight time: 35 minute

Maximum passengers: 5 people

WHAT TO BRING            

Cameras or phones for memories

Fresh Long pants and long sleeves shirt

Hat or cap / Sunblock / Mosquito repellent

Shoes or hiking boots

Have Any Questions?

Us: (305) 395 3935, gt: (502) 7832 2742.

 Tikal Day Tour From Flores

Day Tours Guatemala


Tikal From Antigua


Tikal From Guatemala


Tikal From Flores


Tikal From Belize Border


Antigua Mayan Villages


Yaxha Private Tour


Antigua Walking Tour


Acatenango Overnight


Lake Atitlan Day Tour


Antigua Biking Tour


Acatenango One Day Tour


Chichicastenango Market


Pacaya Volcano

El Mirador 5-day Trail

El Mirador 5-day Trail

  • Destinations
  • Carmelita Village
  • Things to do

This tour offers you the opportunity to hike to the archaeological site El Mirador, which is one of the best Mayan sites in Guatemala. You'll explore the tropical jungle as you make your way along a trail towards El Mirador.

This tour is a 5-day journey from Carmelita to El Mirador. El Mirador is one of Guatemala's top archeological sites and is the oldest-known Mayan site to date. During this tour you will explore the Guatemalan forest, learn about Mayan ruins, and experience life in Carmelita.

On the first day, you will hike along the trail and camp in the forest. The next day you will reach El Mirador around 5 PM. You will spend the night here and explore El Mirador the following day. You will stay in El Mirador one more night and then begin hiking back the next day. You will camp for one night on the return trip. In total, you'll hike 40 miles (64 km).

Travelers are led by capable local guides as they make their way towards El Mirador. With the help of your guide, you'll see birds, reptiles, and maybe even mammals. At night you will stay in chiclero camps, the places where the chicle-tree workers live. Fall asleep to the sounds of the jungle and wake up in a beautiful forested area.

This tour can begin in the town of Carmelita, a community that was established more than 100 years ago in Petén. The people of Carmlita have accumulated a wide understanding of the forest, the chicle tree, the xate plant, and other medicinal plants. They will share this knowledge with you. Alternatively, you can drive from Flores and begin to hike the same morning (without staying in Carmelita).

Once you arrive at El Mirador, you'll explore the vast archeological complex. As you visit temples and palaces, you'll gain a wider appreciation for Mayan culture and history - especially since you just spent the last few days hiking here!

Attractions Visited

El Mirador

El Mirador is one of the largest and earliest Mayan sites in the world. Set within Guatemala’s thick Petén jungles, El Mirador flourished in the Preclassic period prior to the accession of Tikal. The massive ruins here are the focus of ongoing excavations and are sure to reveal a wealth of new knowledge over the coming years.

Read more: El Mirador

Maya Biosphere Reserve

The Maya Biosphere Reserve is the largest protected tropical forest in North America. Spreading across 4.3 million acres (1.7 million hectares) in Guatemala’s Petén department, this reserve protects huge expanses of forests and the Mayan ruins that lie within them.

Read more: Maya Biosphere Reserve

What to Bring

Hiking shoes, insect repellent, rain jacket, flashlight, hat, personal hygiene products, clothes, water bottle, sunscreen, and camera.

What's included

Trained cooks (food and filtered water throughout the whole trip), pack mules, and camping equipment (hammocks with mosquito nets and/or tents, sleeping bags, and first aid kit).


Many of our tours and activities offer transportation pick up & drop off options from several locations and destinations. Options vary by tour, see “BOOKING REQUEST” for full details.

Traveler Comments

Might consider staying overnight in order to start earlier in the morning and make camp with more daylight and maybe a few more breaks along the way. However I would do it again.

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El Mirador Guatemala Tour – Should You Book it?

Author Carina Klein

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The two best tours to visit the largest pyramid in the world are a guided El Mirador hike and an El Mirador helicopter tour.

By far the best way to visit the largest pyramid (by volume) in the world is an El Mirador tour.

We went on the 5-day trek with Cooperativa Carmelita and could not recommend it more.

Should You Book the El Mirador Tour?

1. el mirador hike, 2. el mirador helicopter tours, el mirador trek – a personal review, why should you choose a guided el mirador tour, what to expect on the el mirador trek, what’s included in the el mirador trek, what other travellers say about the el mirador trek, why should you choose el mirador helicopter tour, what to expect on the el mirador helicopter tour, what’s included in the el mirador helicopter tour, what other travellers say about the el mirador helicopter tour.

The short answer is YES!

Picture of Sunrise over El Mirador Pyramid

How to Get to El Mirador Guatemala

There are two ways to get to the El Mirador Pyramid:

On the El Mirador Hike , the route is the goal. You’ll walk through the jungle for 5 days. On the way, you can watch the fauna and spot animals like birds or monkeys. Additionally, you’ll visit super off-the-beaten-path Mayan ruins with no other people around.

Picture of Path of the El Mirador hike

If you don’t have the time (or willingness) to hike through the Guatemalan jungle for 5 days but still want to see one of the biggest pyramids in the world, an El Mirador helicopter tour . The price tag is around the same as for the hike!

Picture of La Danta, El Mirador

El Mirador Guatemala Trek

Hiking El Mirador was one of the greatest adventures of our lives. We loved the tour with Cooperativa Carmelita. Everybody was super friendly and everything was well well organised.

We got so many explanations not only about Mayan history but also about the flora and fauna. With the help of our guide, we climbed in and on Mayan structures. And she also helped us spot monkeys and many birds.

On a 5-day trek, we think it’s important that the food is plentiful. And it was. We were also provided a good amount of soft drinks and snacks to keep our blood sugar levels up.

The camps were comfortable with hammocks, tents, a communal dining area as well as toilet and shower facilities.

Yes, it’s around a 100 km (60 mi) hike across the 5 days. But the terrain is very flat, the pace isn’t too fast, and you’ll take very regular breaks. Admittedly, it’s a bit of a physical challenge but it’s one that the two couch potatoes of bucketlist2life managed to do without any training.

The only uphills of the trek will be to the tops of Mayan pyramids to watch the sunrise and sunset – memories that will stick with us for the rest of our lives.

Picture of Watching the sunset from El Tigre pyramid

In case you’re wondering if you can do El Mirador Trek without a guide, here are some of the reasons we think you profit a lot from a guided tour :

  • Equipment: As a bare minimum, you need a tent, a sleeping mat, and a sleeping bag. Many travellers have to buy the equipment, on a guided tour, the equipment is included.
  • Porters: You do not only have to carry your equipment but also water for 5 days in the jungle which should be at least 10 liters. For us, the porters were a lifesaver.
  • Food and water: Your guides will serve you delicious warm meals in the camp and snacks on the way. They also always had filtered water on hand to refill your personal water bottle on the trek.
  • Showers: This sounds like a small thing but trust us, after a day of hiking in the jungle, you want a shower – even if it’s just a bucket shower.
  • Navigation: Although the path is quite decently signposted, you will have 0 (we mean nada) internet connection on the whole trek in case of getting lost or any other emergency. Additionally, there won’t be any power to charge your gear.
  • Getting to the trailhead in Carmelita: There is only one public bus from Flores to Carmelita per day which arrives in the afternoon. You cannot book any accommodation in Carmelita online so you have to trust that you find something on the spot.
  • A guide: Quite literally the biggest advantage of a guided tour is – a guide. Your guide will not only make your life easier but also explain a lot about the context and the history of the Mayan ruins you’ll visit. Additionally, they can show you hidden spots to climb in or on.

Picture of Jungle showers

Day 1 of the El Mirador Hike – El Tintal

At 4:30 a.m. you’ll be picked up at your hotel and the drive to the Carmelita community begins.

In Carmelita, meet the team and strengthen yourself with breakfast.

The hike to El Tintal base camp takes around 6 hours, interrupted by lunch on the way.

After a short rest in the base camp, climb the El Henequén pyramid at El Tintal with 360° views across the jungle and your first chance to see El Mirador in the distance.

Back in the camp, you can rest in a hammock, take a shower, and enjoy dinner.

Picture of Camp on the El Mirador Trek

Day 2 of the El Mirador Hike – La Muerta

Wake up early and have a local breakfast to gather strength for a day of hiking.

In the afternoon, explore the small Mayan city of La Muerta . Here, it’s particularly fun to enter some of the structures Indiana Jones style.

Continue walking for 45 minutes until you reach El Mirador Mayan city.

In the El Mirador base camp, you can rest and enjoy your hot and hearty dinner.

Don’t miss out on watching the sunset from the El Tigre pyramid!

Picture of Inside the La Muerta Mayan ruins

Day 3 of the El Mirador Hike – El Mirador

Start your day early by watching the sunrise from the Mayan pyramid!

Today is not a hiking day but a day dedicated to visiting El Mirador in depth.

After breakfast, head to the Central Acropolis to learn about the history of El Mirador and Mayan mythology.

Towards the end of the day, you’ll head to La Danta, the greatest construction ever made by the Mayans. From here, you can enjoy a spectacular sunset.

Picture of El Mirador Mayan city

Day 4 of the El Mirador Hike – El Tintal

Before the hike back to El Tintal , make a final visit to the archaeological site of El Mirador. Visit the city's hydraulic canal and ball court.

Picture of Typical food on the El Mirador Hike

Day 5 of the El Mirador Hike – Return

After your last jungle breakfast, embark on the last hike of the trip to Carmelita.

Have a hot lunch and put your name on the wall of fame before driving back to Flores.

Picture of Cooperativa Carmelita Wall of Fame

  • Transportation to the Community of Carmelita From Flores - Round Trip.
  • Certified local tour guide (Spanish speaking, as the tour guides are local from the Carmelita indigenous community. English-speaking translator optional).
  • Cargo mules to carry luggage (max. 25 pounds) and food.
  • Camping equipment.
  • Purified water.
  • First aid kit, antiophidic serums.
  • Breakfast (4).
  • Dinner (4).
Very good experience to know the jungle of Central America and its origins of the Mayan culture. Recommend to do.

– A Tripadvisor Reviewer (see more reviews )

El Mirador Helicopter Tour

Choose the helicopter tour if you don’t have the time or willingness to trek through the Guatemalan jungle for 5 days. Maybe, you can not be without an internet connection for 5 days. In that case, this is the tour for you.

Additionally, a helicopter ride is a great adventure and gives you amazing views across the jungle.

Picture of Tucan seen from La Danta, El Mirador

Enjoy a flight for 35 minutes over the beautiful Guatemalan jungle. See the Mayan pyramids peek out of the trees,

Tour El Mirador and visit La Danta, the largest pyramid in the Mayan World.

Enjoy lunch before your helicopter flight back.

Picture of El Mirador Mayan city

  • Transport from Hotels in Flores Island and Santa Elena to Mundo Maya Airport.
  • Spanish/English guide.
  • Bottled water.

Picture of Fauna of El Mirador

The helicopter ride was so cool! Our guide Ronnie was excellent and so knowledgeable, so nice to have him as our guide!! The el Mirador site is amazing, so many structures and history. And you have the site and tour mostly to yourselves, such a wonderful experience, the best of our trip!! Tikal Expeditions is the best!!

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More Guatemala resources:

el mirador guatemala tour

Backpacking Guatemala and Belize – 14 Day Itinerary with Map (2023)

2 countries, 1 trip. Spend 10 days backpacking Guatemala and 4 days backpacking Belize on this roundtrip. See the highlights of both countries like the Acatenango volcano, Tikal, and Lake Atitlan in Guatemala as well as the ATM Cave and the Caribbean beaches of Belize.

el mirador guatemala tour

Travel Guides

The Best Tikal Tours from Flores (2023)

Tours to Tikal Guatemala combine transfers and guides to make your experience hassle free and convenient.

el mirador guatemala tour

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El Mirador Guatemala, Petén

Jungle extreme - go on a 6-day hike to el mirador.

Considered the lost city of the ancient Mayan civilization, El Mirador is the mysterious ruins hidden within the sub-tropical rain forest of Guatemala. What was once the largest city of the Americas has now become one of the best hidden treasures that South America has to offer. El Mirador houses the largest known pyramid in the Maya world ("La Danta") with a size that nearly matches that of the Giza pyramids in Egypt. At its prime, El Mirador and the surrounding area are thought to have been home to nearly 100,000 people.

However wonderful and exotic these ancient ruins sound, this destination is not for the faint of heart. The only way to get to El Mirador is via land or air. If you opt for land then you’re in for about 40.5 kilometers / 25 miles that can take up to 4 days where you’re trekking through a virgin sub-tropical rainforest that has inhabitants such as jaguars, panthers, monkeys, and snakes. You will be hiking for most of the day on well-kept trails through the dense rainforest before setting up a tent and camping for the night. It is absolutely essential that you go with a group and a guide as the dangers of the wild rainforest make it nearly impossible to traverse on your own. If a strenuous 4-day hike doesn’t sound like your cup of tea you can also access Mirador via helicopter, but keep in mind that this option costs a pretty penny and you can only spend hours at the site, not days.

However hard it is to get to, El Mirador is completely worth it. These untouched ruins will only be seen by a few people and their beauty and size will amaze you. The city stretches around 10 square miles and has a few main structures – one of which is the largest pyramid of the ancient world (in terms of volume). Within the ruins themselves, you will find stone carvings and hieroglyphics depicting stories of twin Hero brothers and more from the days of the Mayan Civilization.

More and more information is being uncovered by archeologists and anthropologists alike as they study the culturally significant ruins of El Mirador. This area wasn’t re-discovered until 1926, and excavation efforts didn’t begin until the 1980s so there is still a lot more to learn from these ruins, and being able to witness them in their untouched state is truly something to be proud of.

At a glance

$60 / 56€ in Flores


When you book a tour to El Mirador, your overnight stays in various camps along the route are also included, so you don't need to take care of this yourself. However, be prepared for very basic accommodation in a tent or hammock.

Experiences nearby

Getting there & away.

Most organized tours to El Mirador start in Flores and include the 2.5-hour drive to the trailhead in Carmelitas. You have the following options to get to Flores:

Guatemala Tour Planner

Ready to plan your tour to El Mirador, Guatemala? Get your customized and free itinerary within minutes, we'll guide you through each step!

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  • El Mirador One Day Tour

We offer a day tour package by helicopter of El Mirador, a massive Mayan city that dates to the PreClassic Maya era. El Mirador hosts El Dante, the largest known temple in the New World. The El Mirador day tour begins in Flores and includes helicopter transportation to/from the site, a bilingual guide, box lunch, bottled water and taxes. The El Mirador tour package price is $429/pax (based on group of 2 pax).

We also offer helicopter day tour packages to other interesting archaeological sites such as San Bartolo, Peru, Holmul, or Cancuen for $429/pax (based on 4 pax) and also helicopter day tour packages to Piedras Negras for $709/pax and Copan for $729/pax (based on group of 4 pax).

For more info. contact us direct at 801 400 7324 or [email protected]. You can also ask about our 3% discount on tour packages.

  • Posted on January 11, 2019 by admin
  • Posted in Travel Deals
  • Tagged El Dante , El Mirador , Flores , Guatemala , helicopter , maya temple , Peten , PreClassic Maya , Ruin , Ruina

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My Experience Hiking to the Lost City of El Mirador in Guatemala

Destinations, family travel.

There aren’t many raw adventures in Guatemala that aren’t massificated for tourists, at least not like El Mirador. A visit to this Mayan ruin is adventure at its most, there are no roads, and no shuttle that will leave you at the base of the pyramid but that’s what attracts thousands of visitors each year and what makes me visit it, and break down what’s like to visit the Mayan city of El Mirador in Guatemala.

It’s the most recently discovered Mayan city in the country and it’s believed to be the largest one. It’s home to the most mysterious and enormous Mayan pyramid in Central America and the world, La Danta Pyramid.

Table of Contents

  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Distances: 120 kilometers (5 Days in total)
  • Starting Point: Carmelita Village
  • Camping: Yes in three different campsites.
  • Guided or Self-Guided: Guided only, you can’t do it by yourself.
  • Price: $500 to $700 per person.
  • July – November is the rainy season, making the trail knee-deep with mud. But it will still be extra hot and humid, so it might not be the best time to visit.
  • Once you hire the guide, make sure they bring plenty of water and food! Or, if you are strong and experienced as a hiker, bring some snacks with you just to be sure.

What is the Mayan City of El Mirador all About?

El Mirador is an ancient Maya city dating back to 900 BC – 250 AD. It’s known for its huge pyramids and impressive architecture, some of the largest in the world! Some people say it’s even bigger than Tikal.

The highly about this is El Mirador Trek, getting to the Mayan site is a whole adventure by itself, which is a 5-day hike through the rainforest.

It was a unique opportunity to challenge myself and see the origins and development of one of history’s most fascinating and influential civilizations.

Best times to visit

After living and traveling around Guatemala for more than 20 years I confidently say that the best time of the year to visit it is during the dry season, from November to April, because it has less rain and more sun, which means more flights and tours

While I don’t hate traveling during the rainy season, in this case, I don’t recommend visiting the ruins from May to October, because it has more rain and less sun, and you will find fewer flights and tours and higher rates and fees.

La Danta Pyramid Mayan site of El Mirador

Getting to El Mirador is Part of the Adventure

The lost city of El Mirador is located north of Tikal National Park , in the Peten Department; this ruin is not as massificated because it can only be accessed by helicopter or by a 5-day trek . 

Not going to lie to you, the ruins are challenging to get to, but that is part of its charm and appeal. Since it’s deep in the Peten Department, you have two options:

  • The helicopter option is faster, and more comfortable, but a lot more expensive, and way less adventurous. It takes 30 minutes from the Mundo Maya International Airport in Flores.
  • The hiking option is cheaper, more challenging, rewarding, and more immersive. The hike is 83km in total and takes about three to five days from the village of Carmelita.

The hike involves walking and a lot of it, so I recommend preparing for it beforehand, you will be walking for about nine hours through the jungle, carrying your backpack, and sleeping in tents or hammocks.

It is not for the faint of heart, but it is an unforgettable experience that allows you to appreciate the natural and cultural wonders of the region , like the Guatemalan wildlife .

El Mirador Trek (5 Days in the Jungle)

The trek to El Mirador is challenging but rewarding, it requires physical and mental preparation. If you’re not used to walking or your condition is not the best I highly recommend that you start walking and training at least one month before.

The trek covers a distance of about 120 kilometers, with an average of six to nine hours of hiking per day.

The terrain is mostly flat, but some parts can be uneven and rocky, and you can see different wildlife, from monkeys, and macaws, to coatis, and deer.

The trek can be done in different ways, it depends on your preferences. But the most common option is the 5-day trek , which is the shortest and most popular option.

Planning a Trip to Guatemala? Check Out These Helpful Services:

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This is the site I recommend , you can check all the different prices.

Best accommodation prices

I highly recommend this one , it’s the best option right now for Paris.

The best way to get around is by car

Check out this site to rent a car and go at your own pace.

The Trek Itinerary to El Mirador

While most tour operators are different the itineraries are usually very similar, here’s what my itinerary looked like:

On day one I started my journey early in the morning from the town of Flores and drove for about two hours to the village of Carmelita. Here l meet my guide and the other people assisting who will walk with us.

From the town, we start the first hike to the campsite of El Tintal, which is about 20 kilometers away. We got to the campsite in the afternoon there we set up our tents and have dinner.

El Tintal is an archaeological site with some pyramids and a lookout point, where you can enjoy the sunset and the stars. So, make sure to explore it a bit.

The next day we got breakfast in El Tintal, and started the second hike, but this time to La Muerta campsite, which is about 24 kilometers away.

We got to La Muerta in the afternoon, there we set our tents again and ate dinner.

Again, La Muerta is also an archaeological site that has some exciting structures that I highly recommend checking out.

el mirador archeological site

We got breakfast at La Muerta before continuing our hike to the campsite of El Mirador, which is about 14 kilometers away.

Finally, we got to the Lost City of El Mirador. After arriving in the early afternoon, we set up our tents and had dinner at the camp.

You will have the rest of the day and the next day to explore the archaeological site.

Mirador camp guatemala

On day 5 we had breakfast at El Mirador and then started our hike back to the campsite of El Tintal; we got to El Tintal in the evening, set up our tent, and had dinner.

We ate breakfast at El Tintal and then finished our hike back to the village of Carmelita. We got to the Carmelita in the afternoon and said goodbye to your guide! After that, we drive back to Flores.

Is El Mirador hike worth it?

In my opinion, the trek or hike to El Mirador is a challenge but a highly worthed adventure too; it’s one of those things you NEED to experience at least one time in your lifetime.

But, you need to keep in mind that it requires good physical fitness, endurance, and a lot of effort.

It is not recommended for people who have health problems, such as heart conditions, asthma, or diabetes but it’s still possible with some precautions.

It’s also not recommended for people afraid of heights, insects, or snakes.

View from La Danta Pyramid El Mirador Guatemala

What Will You Need to Bring?

Most tours include a guide and other helpers , a tent, a sleeping bag, a mattress, or hammocks, and three meals daily, but you must bring your own items and extras.

Here is a list of the essential equipment and supplies that you will need for the trek:

Bring clothes suitable for tropical weather and hiking activities. Sports clothing is a good option since they are light, breathable, and quick-drying. Preferably long-sleeved, to protect you from the sun, insects, and plants. You will need to bring clothes for five to eight days, depending on the duration of your trip.

A good option is comfortable and sturdy shoes, with good traction and support. Hiking boots or shoes will get the job done, plus they are waterproof, and breathable to protect you from mud, water, and snakes.

Basic and biodegradable toiletries, to maintain your hygiene and to respect the environment. Pack a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, toilet paper, and wet wipes. You will also need to bring a small, light, and quick-drying towel as well as a personal first-aid kit

This is optional, but I highly recommend you bring some nutritious and energizing snacks to supplement your meals and boost your stamina. Also, pack electrolyte drinks or tablets, to replenish your fluids and minerals.

Other things to bring:

  • Rain jacket or poncho
  • Hiking socks
  • Sandals or flip-flops
  • Water bottles or bladder
  • A water filter or purification tablets

Main Attractions of El Mirador

Despite being nestled in a remote corner of the world, El Mirador captured my heart as a truly unique destination, I was fascinated by how this ancient site seamlessly blends history, nature, adventure, and culture.

As I strolled through the complex ruins of El Mirador, which is about 15 square kilometers, I noticed that each building, each ruin, tells a story.

And here are the main ones:

La Danta Pyramid

On the East Group, several structures surround a central plaza; on the complex, you’ll find the La Danta Pyramid on the east side.

This is the largest and most impressive complex of El Mirador; not only that, it is the largest in the country and one of the largest in the world. La Danta measures 72 meters high, has four levels, and is surrounded by several smaller structures.

The area’s west side comprises two structures that form an “e” shape, while the north side is home to a palace-like structure. To the south, you’ll find an acropolis, La Pava, which measures 32 meters high.

La Danta Pyramid, which rises several meters above the forest canopy, is estimated to have a 2.8 million cubic meters volume, comparable to the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

el mirador guatemala

The Tigre Complex

The west group is the main one, and it’s composed of a large plaza at the center, called the Great Plaza, and the Tigre complex at the west side.

This is the second largest and most important complex of El Mirador. It consists of another giant pyramid called El Tigre, which is 55 meters high, composed of three levels, and flanked by two smaller pyramids.

The Tigre Complex symbolizes the cosmic order and balance of the Maya and represents the underworld where the forces of death and life operate.

To the south, you’ll find the Central Acropolis and the Chicharra complex to the east.

Jaguar Paw Temple Mirador mayan

The Monos Complex

The third largest and most significant complex of El Mirador is located in the northeast of the site. It consists of a large pyramid, Los Monos, which is 48 meters high. It has two levels and is surrounded by several platforms and buildings.

The complex is a symbol of the royal lineage and authority of El Mirador and a representation of the upper world where the sun and the stars move.

Stela 2 el mirador

The Central Acropolis

The Acropolis was built upon a vast platform that is 400 meters x 500 meters and 10 meters high above the level of the plaza and is composed of 19 main structures and several others that are smaller.

It’s believed that the central acropolis was the main administrative and residential area of El Mirador, located in the southeast of the site that supports several palaces, courtyards, and patios.

The Central Acropolis is where the elite and the nobility of El Mirador lived and governed, and where the most elaborate and refined art and architecture can be found.

Mayan ruins El Mirador Guatemala

Wildlife and Nature

El Mirador’s environment is one of the most beautiful and diverse aspects of the site, as it reflects the variety and richness of the tropical rainforest and its biodiversity and is characterized by its humidity and temperature, vegetation and soil, water and air, and wildlife.

The area’s fauna is diverse, meaning that it has a high number and variety of species. The main types of animals you can find in the area are the jaguar, monkeys, and tapir, as well as several types of birds like the toucan, parrots, and quetzal .

Also, it’s well known that the site’s surrounding area is packed with reptiles, from snakes to turtles and insects.

Essential Travel Resources

❗Don’t forget travel insurance

This company is the one I trust, it’s one of the most essential things for any trip. It has your back in case you get sick abroad, or have an accident.

🎒Pack smarter, not bulky

Check out this vacation packing list , including all the essentials you need to pack when traveling, from travel clothing to backpacks and more.

🏡Where to Stay – Here are Suggestions

This is my favorite place to look for accommodations , it offers different types, a ton of locations, and good price options.

🗺️Get Around Hassle-Free

This one is the perfect option to look for different transportation options between cities, from flights, buses, and taxis to minivans and more.

🛫Find Cheap Flights

Whenever I need to fly, I head to this website for low-cost flights.

Where to Stay?

I highly recommend you stay at Flores Island , which offers a more rural or colonial option. and you can explore the town or do activities at the lake, but there are several places to stay around Peten Itza Lake .

Recommendation: Gringo Perdido

While it’s not on Flores Island, it’s close to El Remate town; this eco-lodge is situated on the shore of the lake and offers top-notch rooms, cabins, and more.

Our room was stunning; it had a private porch with a jacuzzi, and we got a four-course dinner and breakfast included.

a kid sitting on a dock peten lake, hotel gringo perdido el remate guatemala


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Budget Options

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Facts about El Mirador

  • This site is for the adventurous, outdoorsy traveler.
  • You can only go with a trained guide. It’s a 60 Km hike each way, with no facilities or amenities. You have to carry in and carry out all your stuff.
  • Once in, the rewards are endless.  El Mirador was a massive metropolis  from 200 BC to 150 AD (Preclassic Maya Period).
  • This city has the most buildings of any Mayan site and, at one point, was believed to be home to over 80,000 people.
  • El Mirador is also  home to the largest pyramid  of the entire Maya World: La Danta.
  • La Danta (the Tapir) pyramid reaches 203 feet, simply because it is built on an elevated ground covering.
  • Small buildings border the Central Acropolis.
  • The entire  El Mirador city  covers 16 sq km.
  • Dr. Richard Hansen , the excavation director, is determined to keep this an eco-archaeological preserve. Hansen and his associates live in houses with polycarbonate roofs to protect them from rain and UV rays.

Tips and Recommendations for Visiting El Mirador

To visit and explore the Mayan ruins, you need to plan and prepare well, and follow some tips and recommendations, such as:

  • Choose the best time to visit the ruins between November and April, when the weather is dry and cool, and the trails are clear and accessible.
  • Decide the best way to visit it, either by helicopter or hiking, depending on your budget, time, and preference.
  • Hire a reliable and experienced guide who will provide the necessary information, equipment, and assistance and make your visit and exploration safe and enjoyable.
  • Pack light and smart, and bring only the essential items, such as comfortable clothes and shoes, water and snacks, sunscreen and insect repellent, camera and binoculars, flashlight and batteries, and passport and permit.
  • Respect and protect the site and the environment, and do not litter, damage, or disturb anything or anyone.
  • Do not climb the off-limits structures and artifacts, as they are fragile and sacred and can be easily damaged and destroyed.
  • Do not take or leave anything from or on the site
  • Please do not feed or disturb the plants and the animals on the site; they are wild and sensitive.
  • Have fun, learn, and do not be afraid to ask questions, take pictures, and share your impressions and opinions.

El Mirador is a place that awaits and welcomes you, and that will make you fall in love with it. A place that you will never forget, and that will make you want to come back again, a place that you will be glad and proud to have visited.

How long does it take to explore El Mirador?

The time it takes to explore El Mirador, Guatemala, depends on how you choose to transport and your itinerary. If you visit it by helicopter, you can explore the site in one day, as the flight takes about 45 minutes each way, and the tour lasts about 4 hours.

On the other hand, if you decide to visit the site by hiking, you can take your time and explore it in several days, as the hike takes about nine hours each way to get there, and you will be spending the night there. I will take you at least three days to explore El Mirador.

How much does it cost to visit it?

The cost to visit El Mirador varies depending on how you decide to visit it. For example, if you choose to visit it by helicopter, you can expect to pay between $500 and $600 per person, which includes the flight, the guide, the entrance fee, and the lunch.

But if you visit it by hiking, you can expect to pay between $200 and $400 per person, which includes the guide, the entrance fee, the food, and the camping equipment. You can also save money by joining a group tour or bringing supplies.

Is El Mirador safe and accessible?

El Mirador is a safe and somewhat accessible site, but it also requires caution and preparation. It is located in a remote and protected area, which means that it is not affected by crime or violence, but it also means that it is not easy to reach or communicate with.

It’s also located in a dense and humid jungle, which means that it is not exposed to pollution or noise, but it also means that it is prone to heat, insects, and diseases.

To visit and explore the Mayan site safely and comfortably, you should follow the advice of your guide and the park rangers and take care of your health and hygiene.

Looking for More Inspiration?

I have been traveling and living in Guatemala for over 25 years Check out these Hand-Tested GUIDES

If you want to travel without the hassle and confusion – check out a complete guide for traveling to Guatemala .

For more travel ideas to add to your bucket list, check out a complete guide to all the best places to visit in Guatemala .

Guatemala has a huge variety of food, check out the guide to the top 15 Guatemalan Food and Dishes .

El Mirador Guatemala Interesting Facts - Travel Experta

Disclosure: This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission for any purchases made through the links. Your trust is important to us, and we ensure that all products or services we recommend meet or exceed our editorial standards .

Last Updated on June 22, 2024

el mirador guatemala tour

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One thought on “My Experience Hiking to the Lost City of El Mirador in Guatemala”

how COOL!!! now i want to go. i am very impressed that he is doing an eco-archaeological dig. bravo!

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el mirador guatemala tour

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My 5-Day Trek Through the Mayan Ruins of El Mirador Guatemala

A little nervous that I might miss a tour group I did more digging, found a company called Reino Kan Travel and emailed its owner Oscar Salas  ( Oscar replied with basic info about the trip and a problem – at the time, no one else was signed up to go! More determined than ever to make this trek happen, I arrived in Flores the next day via bus to Guatemala City and then a short flight to Flores.

Once I was in Flores I headed over to Reino Kan Travel to figure everything out. I found out that I needed at least one other person to join me and the more hikers on the trip, the less it would cost per person. Needless to say, I WAS ON A MISSION and within a day after arriving in Flores, I successfully recruited a group of ELEVEN strangers to hike together to El Mirador Guatemala – definitely one of the best travel accomplishments of my life!

DAY 1: FLORES – CARMELITA – EL TINTAL Amped with excitement that El Mirador Guatemala was actually happening, I barely slept the night before. At 5:00am our group met up and boarded a colectivo from Flores to a small village called Carmelita. After filling up on a home cooked breakfast, we began our hike toward El Tintal, a Mayan “suburb” of El Mirador Guatemala.

DAY 2: EL TINTAL – EL MIRADOR Waking up after sunrise, we ate breakfast and began our hike to El Mirador. The terrain was pretty similar to the first day – a flat jungle, hard muddy path. On the way we stopped to explore a small archeological site called La Muerta and actually went inside the ruins.

DAY 3: EL MIRADOR We spent the entire day exploring the Mayan ruins in El Mirador Guatemala. I was immediately surprised how most sites had not been fully excavated including the largest Mayan pyramid in the world known as La Danta.

DAY 4: EL MIRADOR – EL TINTAL The hike out of El Mirador Guatemala can be described as déjà vu since we hiked back on the same path. Even though the views and scenery stayed the same, it was still fun trekking through the jungle.

DAY 5: EL TINTAL – CARMELITA – FLORES On the last day we made a pit stop at a site called La Florida before heading back to Carmelita.

  • Four nights camping accommodation (camping gear and blankets)
Meals for the entire trip (4 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 4 dinners and purified water)
Authorized guide, cook and muleteer responsible for mules that carry food

Does not include:

  • Food that is not on the menu such as alcoholic beverages
  • Mounted mules for riding
English guide or any other language ($200 USD extra)

Psst – did you find this post informative? Useful? Inspiring? Save it for later on Pinterest!

Justin Walter

Justin Walter is an LA-based host and producer with a passion for travel. From the South Pacific to Central America, Justin has traveled the globe in search of new, exciting and adventurous experiences, and shares them with readers on his blog.

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Wow looks so magical and my soul is screaming to travel just looking at the pics. Take me with you 😉

Fantastic photos, good job! It has been several years since I use my jet lag prevention, I guess I have a new travel destination. Thanks to you.

It looks like an beautiful trip. A quick question regarding the price of the trip. I assume from the pictures that you were going with 10 people, ish. So you each paid 280 USD or do I misunderstand the price regulations?

Best Regards Anders

Thank you Anders! To answer your question – yes, I was in a group of over 10 people. I actually walked around hostels and recruited people to go! The more people that go the lower the price per person. I would contact Oscar Salas ( for more pricing info. Let me know if you have any more questions.

I might have to do the same. We are two friends travelling together but 480 is a bit to pricey. Did you spend much time on recruiting and could you easily decide which day you wanted to go? It’s cause we might be on a little tight schedule 🙂 Could you think of any other way to recruit people before getting there, any forums you know of?

And thanks for your reply!

And one more thing, Oscar is asking for 50% in deposit ahead. I like to trust all persons, but I’m still typically a skeptical person, how would it wrong with transfer ahead?

Oscar’s business “Reino Kan Travel” has been organizing trips to El Mirador for years. Feel free to look up reviews on Trip Advisor as well (that’s how I found him). From my experience, he is a reputable businessman. I would ask about the terms of the deposit – is it non-refundable? If you’re able to lower the cost per person by recruiting more people will the original 50% deposit go towards the overall lower cost? Let me know if you have any other questions, happy to help and excited for you!

If you want to recruit a few more people I would recommend reaching out to the hostels in Flores to put up signs that there is going to be a trip to El Mirador with the dates. I was in Flores a few days before my trip so I had about a day or so to talk to people and convince them to join the group. Luckily I was able to meet a bunch of people with flexible travel schedules that were interested. There’s a Facebook group called “South / Central America Backpacker / Traveling” that you should join. Post in there that you and your friend are traveling to Guatemala and looking for others to join an El Mirador trip. Let me know if this helps!

We are so lucky that there are already four person signed up for the same trip as we wanna go, so that could’t get any better! So we already get it to det cheapest rate and necessarily don’t have to recruit more people. Tho I’ll still ask how the deposit is gonna work.

Thanks so much for your time and advise, I’ll get back to you if I have any further Q.

And thanks for the facebook group. Safe travels.

Hi Justin Your trip sounds great. I was wondering how strenuous the hike was and if you were exhausted afterwards? What did you do after the hike? Did you need a few days to relax and recoup? If so where? Are there any hot springs or anything to sooth?

Also, did you happen to go to Semuc Champey or Rio Dulce? Debating on if I should fly from to Antigua or take bus down to stop at Semuc Champey?

Thanks again

Thanks Jennifer! I would say that the hike is not extremely strenuous. It’s definitely a good workout, but flat for a majority of the time so make sure to have a good pair of hiking shoes. After the hike I actually headed to Caye Caulker, Belize which I blogged about. It was exactly the tropical R&R I needed after the hike. Unfortunately I didn’t have time to get to Semuc Champey since it was so far away, but if you have the time a lot of people I met loved it. Let me know if you have any other questions!

This was my guide when I did it 5 years ago! Wow! great to see he is still in action…

No way, that’s awesome! Hope you had a great trip Briarne!

[…] Peru, camping Patagonia in Chile, ice trekking on Perito Moreno Glacier in Argentina, discovering Mayan Ruins in Guatemala and even island hopping in Borneo (where Survivor filmed season 1) to name a few of my solo […]

do you think i can go with a bicycle there?

Hmmm you have to go with a guide, so you can ask the tour company. My guess is no? The path is very muddy and rocky so might be a tough bike ride.

Hi, Where did you hiked the El mirador? Which month? Thanks ;))


I hiked it in May! We had great weather during the trip. Let me know if have any other questions.

Hi, I plan to go there in the August, but it is rainy season so the weather is might be a problem…

Weather is always the x-factor in traveling and you don’t have control over it. I would reach out to the tour company above and ask them about that time of year specifically!

Hello Justin, What a great write up! It’s helped me come to a decision on going to El Mirador. I plan on going in mid October. Hopefully the trails aren’t that muddy. I plan on backpacking for a bit before I go there and was wondering what you do with your pack? Are you able to bring it along and put it on a mule or do you leave it at the tour company and only bring with you the essentials? Also what would you say your miles hike per hour was? I’m a little older and just want to make sure its not too overwhelming. Thanks for your time.

I suggest packing a smaller bag for the hike and leaving most of your stuff and your bag at the hotel or hostel that you are staying at before. Most places will have storage space or lockers you can use to lock up and leave bigger bag items behind so you don’t have to worry about it on the hike. The hike was done at a leisurely pace and the guides make sure that everyone is comfortable. Excited that you’ll be hiking El Mirador!

Hi Justin. Looks like a great hike. Two questions, please. Did you see any wildlife Also were there mosquitos? I am 61 in Feb. Fit and did the Inca Trail in Peru in 2010. Much younger tho lol. Just wondering if this hike is doable for me? That was 3 ? Sorry.

Hi Laurel! Two answers for you: 1) We did not see any wildlife. 2) I do not remember mosquitos at the time we hiked as well, but I do remember we always used bug spray. 3) I think the hike is definitely doable, depending on your physical capabilities. Congrats on being so active at 61, I love that! And hope to be just like you. The hike is a very flat hike and the guides make sure you go at a pace that works for everyone. It was not physically straining as a lot of other 5-day treks I have done. Hope this helps! Let me know if you end up going.

Hi Justin, my name is Monte Short and I am the VP and LOG for the Flying Doctors. I am in and out of a lot remote locations including the Southeast area of Haiti and Ill A Vache, organizing and leading medical, dental and surgical clinics. I have been to Tikal twice and also Caye Caulker twice. I am now long in the tooth, 65, with a 17 year old son…..wonderful kid. One of my dear friends who went with me to Haiti last November flies the parks in Guatemala for another NGO and is helping coordinate a trip to Mirador. The reason for this email to have a phone conversation with you to get your insight and share knowledge. I know time is always a factor for movers and shakers like yourself but I can certainly compensate you for time. I would so grateful for any time you can spare. Thank you do very much. Monte Short, MAI, SRA, Forensic and Commercial Appraiser ……and VP, LOGisticss Coordinator, and Team Leader for Los Medicos Voladores, AKA The Flying Doctors – International Chapter. Take care for now, Monte

Hi Monte, please email me at .

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    This a fantastic opportunity to join a 5-day jungle trek to El Mirador, where you will traverse diverse ecosystems and explore monumental sites of The Mayan Kingdom of Kan, also known as "The Snake Dynasty.". Your journey through the rainforest will lead you to one of the most secluded and genuinely lost excavated ruins - El Mirador.

  8. Carmelita-El Mirador

    Carmelita-Mirador The Deep Adventure. Este tour de seis días y 5 noches, te ofrece la oportunidad única de conocer los sitios más antiguos del mundo Maya como Tintal, La Muerta, El Mirador, Nakbe, y La Florida, que han sido clave para comprender el origen de la Civilización Maya. Leer más.

  9. El Mirador 5 Day Trail Tour

    Offered in English, Spanish. This tour is a 5-day journey from Carmelita to El Mirador. El Mirador is one of Guatemala's top archeological sites and is the oldest-known Mayan site to date. During this tour you will explore the Guatemalan forest, learn about Mayan ruins, and experience life in Carmelita. On the first day, you will drive from ...

  10. Helicopter Tour To El Mirador

    Experience the world's largest pyramid and the cradle of Mayan Civilization in a helicopter tour from Flores Island. Enjoy the stunning views of Lake Petén, the jungle, and the ancient ruins of El Mirador with a professional guide and lunch included.

  11. El Mirador Helicopter Tour

    Deep in the Mayan jungles of Petén lie the amazing ruins of El Mirador. Usually only accessible by a challenging 5-day hike through the jungle, this scenic helicopter tour takes you all the way from Flores to this remote working archaeological site and back in a day—with plenty of time left for a guided hike through the ancient pre-classic Mayan city, believed to have been built around ...

  12. 6-Day El Mirador Trek in Guatemala

    Essential Petén. Flores to El Mirador to Tikal, Guatemala. 11 Days | Trekking, Archaeological Sites, Camping. Explore the essential highlights of the Petén region in Guatemala, including the largest pyramid in volume in the world - La Danta. Learn about Mayan spirituality and traditions. $185/person.

  13. El Mirador Helicopter Tour Package

    The El Mirador Helicopter Tour is a one-day adventure tour celebrating Guatemala's beauty. Become immersed in the wonders of Central America on board a Bell Jet Ranger helicopter as it takes you over the breathtaking landscapes of the Maya jungle and ancient ruins. Before exploring its remarkable architecture, take in the spectacular view of ...

  14. El Mirador

    THE TOUR Explore El Mirador with our experienced guides. We work with experienced guides from the cooperative of La Carmelita, the base village from which all tours depart. ... Isla de Flores, Guatemala +502 4495 2399 Google Maps. Let's become Amigos. Come check us out! Instagram Facebook. TikTok. Come work with us. Join the family! Yoga Teacher.

  15. El Mirador Helicopter Tour

    El Mirador Tour by Helicopter. This helicopter trip is the best seller within our helicopter adventures in Guatemala. The heli-trip offers breathtaking air views of the lake Peten Itza, the island of Flores, the El Mirador archaeological site, and the exotic Maya rainforest. Also, travelers will experience a landing inside the lost city of El ...

  16. El Mirador 5-day Trail Tour

    Every day. Schedule: 5:00 AM, 5:30 AM. Hotel Transport Included. Mobile Ticket Included. Offered in English, Spanish. This tour is a 5-day journey from Carmelita to El Mirador. El Mirador is one of Guatemala's top archeological sites and is the oldest-known Mayan site to date. During this tour you will explore the Guatemalan forest, learn about ...

  17. El Mirador Guatemala Tour

    How to Get to El Mirador Guatemala. There are two ways to get to the El Mirador Pyramid: 1. El Mirador Hike. On the El Mirador Hike, the route is the goal. You'll walk through the jungle for 5 days. On the way, you can watch the fauna and spot animals like birds or monkeys. Additionally, you'll visit super off-the-beaten-path Mayan ruins ...

  18. Travel guide to El Mirador, Guatemala

    Jungle extreme - go on a 6-day hike to El Mirador. Not for the faint of heart, El Mirador in Guatemala is for the true explorers of the world willing to trek through the wild jungle to get to it. This hidden treasure of the ancient world is still being rediscovered and only those who are willing to endure are able to see the grand structures ...

  19. Carmelita Tour Operator

    The Carmelita-El Mirador circuit and the tour to Puerto Arturo Wildlife Refuge are run by the inhabitants of Carmelita, a traditional community settled in the heart of the Selva Maya since the early 1900s, driven by the extraction of sap from chicozapote, the main economic activity at that time. ... In 1997, the Government of Guatemala granted ...

  20. Welcome to Mirador Park, tours, lodging and transportation

    The ancient Maya built the largest pyramid in the world- by volume- at El Mirador, named La Danta. El Mirador is one of Guatemala's most fascinating cultural and natural preserves and it is part of the Maya Biosphere Reserve. El Mirador National Park is 1400 km² or 540 mi² of lush jungle surrounding the ancient ceremonial center. The ...

  21. El Mirador One Day Tour

    The El Mirador tour package price is $429/pax (based on group of 2 pax). We also offer helicopter day tour packages to other interesting archaeological sites such as San Bartolo, Peru, Holmul, or Cancuen for $429/pax (based on 4 pax) and also helicopter day tour packages to Piedras Negras for $709/pax and Copan for $729/pax (based on group of 4 ...

  22. Ultimate Guide to El Mirador in Guatemala (Lost Mayan City)

    El Mirador was a massive metropolis from 200 BC to 150 AD (Preclassic Maya Period). This city has the most buildings of any Mayan site and, at one point, was believed to be home to over 80,000 people. El Mirador is also home to the largest pyramid of the entire Maya World: La Danta. La Danta (the Tapir) pyramid reaches 203 feet, simply because ...

  23. 5-Day Trek through the Mayan Ruins of El Mirador Guatemala

    October 27, 2015. Guatemala is home to the largest Mayan pyramid in the world as well as the largest group of Mayan buildings of any site. Located deep in the northern jungle of the Petén region, getting to the former civilization known as El Mirador Guatemala offers an unforgettable 5-day trek through ancient Mayan ruins.