The College Tour

Each episode of the award-winning TV series, The College Tour , shares the story of a single college or university through the authentic lens of its current students. Learn from real students about their real experiences on campus, as we offer viewers an insider’s perspective on college life and college culture. This TV series is a comprehensive guide to aid your college research, helping you answer the ultimate question: ‘Which college is best for me?’ Take the ultimate campus tour now by watching episodes of this informative TV series.

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25 Virtual College Tours Worth Taking

Virtual college tours are considered one of the easiest, most accessible ways to learn about a school. While a more typical college tour may still be conducted in-person, the reality of that is changing. With the technological advances of the last 10-15 years, virtual tours have become a new, affordable possibility. Indeed, a virtual college tour can be an excellent way to learn about a school’s campus, programs, student life, clubs and activities, and much more.

You might be curious, how exactly do virtual college tours work? The answer depends on the school. Some virtual tours are live streams or recordings of in-person campus tours. Others are interactive maps where you can click on buildings and see what happens inside. Some will even include Q&A sessions with students. These are just some of the many ways schools show prospective students what life is like on campus. However, not all virtual college tours are created equal.

In this article, we’ll explore the world of virtual college visits, including:

  • Benefits of engaging in college tours
  • Similarities and differences between in-person and virtual college tours
  • Different formats of virtual tours
  • Top 25 virtual tours worth taking
  • How to plan and make the most of your college visits
  • What comes next after a college tour 

Without a doubt, college visits will play an integral role in your college journey. So, let’s dive into why college visits are so important to the application process. 

Why College Visits?

Before we explore virtual college tours in greater detail, let’s discuss why college visits are important to begin with. First and foremost, college tours are a way to learn about schools before you apply or even attend. Attending college is a big commitment. Therefore, taking the time to learn more about each school will allow you to feel more confident in deciding where to attend. 

Secondly, the college admissions process is a time of self-exploration. By engaging in college tours, you can learn more about yourself just as you do about colleges. Maybe you will notice you like smaller campuses that aren’t in bustling cities. Or perhaps you will realize that having a lot of cultural diversity on campus is important. By learning these facts about yourself, you will contribute to your overall personal development as well as create a holistic college list.

Lastly, college visits for juniors help to put together a strong application. Many colleges request that you write a supplemental essay about why you want to attend their school. Through a visit, you can gain knowledge about the school and be able to speak passionately and specifically about why you wish to attend in your essays. This is more critical than ever since the number of applications has skyrocketed at many schools. As such, you’ll need to make sure your application demonstrates why you are a clear fit.

College visits and the admissions process

As you may have already gathered, there are two times when you might find it most valuable to visit colleges:

Before applying

Virtual college tours and in-person campus tours can help you narrow down your college list. In doing so, you will only spend money and time applying to colleges that you would really love to attend. College visits for juniors can also help them write stronger essays.

After admission to make a final matriculation decision

If you are admitted to multiple schools, a campus visit can help you feel more confident in your final decision. As a senior, you also might have more specific questions about certain activities or campus life. Getting to know the campus more can also help ease the transition into your first year. Since you’ll already know where important buildings and resources are located, your first day may not be as overwhelming!

Now that you understand the importance of college visits, let’s explore what goes into planning a college visit.

Planning your college visit

As we shared, college visits are an important part of the admissions process. However, planning in-person campus tours can be time-consuming and expensive. To begin, you and your family will need to explore what times of year are best to travel. Some common times to visit schools are during school breaks or summer vacations. However, if you hope to see more activity on campus, then try to plan your visit when classes are in session. 

Next, we recommend setting up a visit with the admissions office. While you can, in most cases, visit a campus without an appointment, the appointment helps you gain access to a tour. It may even allow you to speak with an admissions officer. Ideally, you will book this appointment a few months before the visit. If you find yourself running short on time, you can also show up on campus and take a self-guided tour. Occidental College , Haverford College , and Claremont McKenna College all offer self-guided tours, whether using a printed map or a downloadable app. 

The cost of college visits

Regardless of whether you pre-schedule your visit, you will need to pay for your travel including transportation, hotels, and meals. Many students try to see multiple schools in one visit to save money and time.

For some students, setting up in-person visits is difficult. Beyond the expensive nature of travel, parents or guardians may not be able to take off work or find childcare. Some high schools organize college visits for juniors, or even sophomores, where adult chaperones take large groups of students to visit schools. However, this may not be an option at your school.

If the cost and logistics required to attend in-person college tours is prohibitive, don’t worry! In the next sections, we’ll discuss the many similarities, as well as the unique benefits, of virtual college tours.

COVID-19’s Impact on College Visits

While virtual tours existed pre-pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic made them a necessity as college campus tours were canceled. Since then, virtual tours have become more advanced and more widely available. In some cases, college virtual tours can offer as much, or more, than an in-person campus visit.

While many students still prefer in-person visits, virtual tours can be used as a tool to explore colleges earlier in the application journey. Virtual tours can also be useful to prepare for an in-person visit. If a student can spend 15 minutes taking a virtual tour and noting what buildings or parts of campus interest them most, then they can focus their in-person tour on those aspects. 

Overall, virtual tours are an excellent way to visit schools that are completely inaccessible, such as ones that are too far away. Many international students use virtual college tours to explore campuses they wish to attend. Indeed, the fact that virtual tours exploded during the pandemic has raised several questions about accessibility, including the need to make more tours available in multiple languages or geared towards low-income families.

Coming up, we will explore more about the similarities and differences between in-person and virtual college tours. 

In-person vs Virtual College Tours

Luckily, visiting colleges today does not require you to go to a campus. Indeed, the number and quality of virtual campus tours for students have skyrocketed in recent years. Undoubtedly, there are similarities and differences between in-person college campus tours and virtual college tours.

Similarities between In-Person College Campus Tours and Virtual College Tours

  • They provide a layout of the campus.
  • They allow students to get a sense of the campus architecture, including the inside of academic buildings and dorms. For example, UT San Antonio offers special housing tours for students to see where they might be living.
  • Students can learn about specific academic programs. For instance, Harvard offers a specialized in-person tour for engineering and applied sciences students in addition to the Harvard virtual tour.
  • They offer insight into student life on campus. Emerson College , for example, offers videos of students talking about their transition to life in Boston and co-curricular activities.
  • Tours allow students to explore the available clubs and activities on campus.
  • They are opportunities to hear directly from actual students about their experiences. Colgate , Princeton , and Barnard all offer virtual conversations with students.
  • Students can get some of their doubts answered. Many tours offer a live Q&A with current students. Pomona ’s live virtual sessions include this offering.

Differences between In-Person College Campus Tours and Virtual College Tours

Note that depending on the school, you may or may not receive information about that school’s admissions process during a tour, whether in-person or virtual. Several schools, like Spelman , encourage students to schedule separate webinars to learn more about the admissions process, as this is not a topic covered in their campus tours. 

Now that we have explored the similarities and differences between in-person college campus tours and virtual college visits, let’s look more deeply into when and how to use virtual college tours.

Understanding Virtual College Tours

When first hearing about virtual college visits, many students and families are skeptical about how useful they can be. However, college virtual tours have advanced so much in recent years that many offer a similar, if not enhanced, experience to an in-person visit. 

As we discussed, there are several obvious reasons why college virtual tours are easier than in-person, including the fact that they are free and require little to no planning. In the following sections, we will discover more of the benefits and uses of virtual college tours. We will also discuss how they work and explore some of the best virtual college tours that exist today.

Are Virtual College Tours Worth It?

Yes—college virtual tours are absolutely worth your time! Indeed, virtual college tours can be a very good investment of time depending on where you are in your college admissions process. Let’s explore some ways that you can use virtual college visits to aid you in your college decision-making process:

Initial exploration of schools

As a freshman or sophomore in high school, you might not know how to prepare for the college process. Using virtual college tours, you can begin to explore schools and learn about what you like and don’t like in a college. This process can help you stay motivated to work hard as you will visualize your goals with greater clarity. You will also begin to learn what types of schools you are drawn to, which can help you build a college list faster in your junior year.

Exploring more and different schools

In the past, many students were limited to only visiting schools they could travel to. In some cases, leaving their state or country was impossible. Virtual college tours offer much more accessibility for students who cannot travel large distances. Also, since they can be completed in much less time than in-person college campus tours, virtual college visits may allow you to explore schools you had never considered. Perhaps you were only considering applying to big public schools. With virtual college visits, you can branch out and easily explore small, liberal arts colleges as well.

Narrowing down the list of schools you might want to visit in person

You might have a long college list. Ideally, you’ll want to cut it down when considering which schools to visit. This is where virtual college visits offer a unique opportunity to make the most of your time and resources. Before you get on the road, you can do a virtual tour to see if you like the campus enough to visit. Or perhaps the virtual tour helps you see which parts of campus you want to explore further, or which buildings you want to enter.

Alternatively, maybe your virtual college visits give you the confidence to know you like the school enough that you don’t need to spend lots of money on a flight in your junior year. Perhaps you will wait and see if you are admitted and visit the school afterward to decide if you want to attend.

Certainly, we can agree there are many benefits to virtual college visits. However, some virtual college tours are more interactive, engaging, and informative than others. Later, we will explore some of the virtual college tours that are worth taking.

While the quality of the tour may depend on the schools you’re interested in, how much you get out of them ultimately depends on you. We will explore how to make the most of your college virtual tours later. 

What Are Virtual College Tours Like?

Now that we have convinced you that college virtual tours are beneficial, let’s look at what you can expect from them. Most virtual college tours for students have some combination of the following offerings:

Guided tour of campus

This can include a combination of interactive maps and pictures, embedded videos, informational text, and voiceovers describing what you are seeing. Some college virtual tours offer 360-degree views that allow you to click around and move through campus as if you were there, such as the University of Tampa ’s tour. Even more advanced tours offer immersive virtual reality (VR) technology which allows you to put on a headset and bring the campus to life in front of your eyes. However, VR campus tours typically require you to have your own equipment at home.

Campus highlights

Most virtual college tours for students will highlight important buildings or landmarks. These can include academic buildings, monuments, libraries, dining halls, residence halls, and the student union. By showing you these buildings, schools hope to give you a sense of what your day-to-day life may look like as a student there.

Student testimonials

Another helpful part of college virtual tours is student testimonials. Sometimes, this looks like students leading a campus tour while sharing their own experiences. Other times, schools will offer webinars for prospective students to ask questions of others. More common these days is the use of social media to share student experiences. Some schools will allow students to “take over” their social media accounts and post about their day so that prospective students can see what a day on campus is like. Consider following schools of interest on social media so you can get an insider’s perspective.

Now that you know what you can generally expect from college virtual tours, let’s explore the differences between college campus tours across schools.

How Do Virtual College Tours Work?

As the name suggests, virtual tours happen via a computer, phone, or other piece of technology. However, that can look very different depending on the school you are investigating. As we shared above, many virtual college tours for students include some kind of guided tour of campus, a list of highlights, and student testimonials. However, these items can come in very different formats.

Here are some of the formats you can expect:

Pre-recorded videos.

These can look like videos of a student giving a tour or a video of activities happening around campus. Since these are the simplest version of virtual college tours for students, they are the most common. Schools like Dartmouth , CalPoly , and Vassar all offer pre-recorded tours. 

Interactive videos

Some videos let you click on buildings or landmarks as you watch to learn more. In some cases, you can even enter buildings. For example, the Harvard virtual tour lets you click through photos of the athletic center, dorms, libraries, labs, and quads. The Harvard virtual tour also includes a voiceover that provides additional information as you scroll through images. 

Interactive map s

Here you’ll have a map of campus, whether flat or 360 degrees, that lets you click on landmarks to gather more information. Cornell , Bucknell , Wesleyan , and Pace all have online maps you can explore.

Live streams

This is a video that is being filmed at the same time you are watching it. Live streams sometimes offer a chance for Q&A with the student hosting. To take advantage of this, you will need to be present at the exact time the live stream is being shared. In some cases, you may need to register ahead of time to receive the link. An example of a live tour is at the University of Pennsylvania , where students register ahead of time for a one-hour, live, student-led virtual campus tour.

Live Virtual Tour vs. Pre-Recorded Tour

Take special note of the distinction between live virtual tours and pre-recorded virtual tours. Live virtual tours are being streamed as you watch them, which means you will get a better sense of what is happening right then and there on campus. Sometimes, live virtual tours include a Q&A section where you can ask questions. Meanwhile, pre-recorded virtual tours are less interactive but offer the flexibility of watching them whenever you can.

A common platform for many of these virtual college tours is YouVisit . YouVisit specializes in making virtual experiences as interactive as possible. For that reason, you may notice that many of the online virtual college tours you discover are similar in format. YouVisit’s tours tend to include interactive 360-degree maps, voiceovers, videos, and photos.

As you can tell, there are many formats and options for virtual tours. Indeed, the menu of options has exploded in recent years, in part due to the necessity created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Next, we will look more closely at when to take a virtual tour and explore some of the most helpful virtual tours worth taking.

When is the right time to take a Virtual Tour?

Virtual college tours can be useful at any stage, whether you’re already working on applications or just starting to build your college list.  No matter where you are in the college admissions process, remember: it’s never too early to take a virtual tour! However, before you start exploring virtually, it’s useful to know how virtual college tours can benefit you.

Tours for sophomores, juniors, and seniors

Virtual college tours will look different for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. As a sophomore, a virtual tour might be a way to dip your toes into the world of college admissions. Since you can take virtual college tours from the comfort of your own home, this is a low-stakes way to get a feel for which colleges you’re interested in applying to. 

College visits for juniors are a bit more meaningful. You may be starting to create a college list, so you’ll want to pay close attention to the different parts of the virtual tour. Consider taking notes as you go, so that when you start applying to schools you have observations from your virtual tour to look back on. 

If you’re a senior, there’s another important aspect of virtual college tours to keep in mind: demonstrated interest. When colleges read your application, they often look for “demonstrated interest,” which is a way that you demonstrate that you care about the school. Colleges want to admit students who will ultimately choose that college, and one way to show that you care about a school is to attend a tour. 

What Colleges Offer Virtual Tours?

In general, virtual college tours make tours accessible for people who can’t travel to the school for whatever reason. Most schools understand that not all students can visit in person and will offer some type of virtual tour—whether it’s a recorded tour, a video of the campus, or another interactive option. 

So, how do you decide which ones to take? Up next, you’ll find our list of the best virtual college tours that we think are worth your time.

25 Virtual College Tours Worth Taking!

As we’ve discussed, virtual tours are a great way to get a feel for a school’s campus without having to make the trip to visit. You can take a virtual tour at almost any time—you can even take one more than once!

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 25 great virtual college tours that you can embark on in lieu of a traditional college visit. 

Top 25 Virtual College Tours

1. princeton university.

First on our list of virtual college tours worth taking is Princeton University. Located in Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton is ranked #1 in National Universities. Princeton’s virtual tour consists of a live-streamed Zoom webinar, where one of their tour guides will take you along with them on their campus tour. You can even ask your guide questions in the Zoom chat!

2. Harvard University

Next on our list of best virtual college tours is Harvard University, located in Cambridge, MA. The Harvard virtual tour is self-guided, meaning that you can click around the Harvard virtual tour to see panoramic views of Harvard’s classic New England campus at your own pace. Plus, if you’re interested in Harvard’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, there’s a separate Harvard virtual tour that goes into even more detail on that school’s offerings.

3. University of Pennsylvania

If you’re interested in UPenn but can’t make it out to Philadelphia, you can explore UPenn’s campus with virtual college visits. You have to sign up online to take one of Upenn’s virtual college tours since they’re led live by Penn’s student tour guides. With these live tours, every tour is different. Since different students give them each time, if you decide to take the tour more than once, you’ll likely learn something new! 

4. Cornell University

The virtual college tours at Cornell are self-guided. This means that you can take yourself around Cornell’s beautiful campus in Ithaca, NY, at your own pace. At each location, Cornell supplies fun facts and details about the campus that can help you get to know the school better. 

5. Dartmouth College

With Dartmouth’s virtual college tours, you can get the best of both worlds: a live-streamed campus tour and a self-guided tour. If you’re just beginning to think about Dartmouth as an option, watch their video of a pre-recorded tour to get a feel. If Dartmouth is your dream school, get to know their campus in bucolic Hanover, NH, by taking a live virtual tour led by a student—that way, you can ask all of your questions and feel more like you’re really there!

6. California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) – San Luis Obispo

If you want to know more about Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, they provide a wealth of virtual college tours that you can take. Not only does Cal Poly offer the classic student-led virtual tours and prerecorded tours. They also have virtual tours of their housing and of each academic college. Even if you can’t make it out to this coastal California city, you’ll have a great feel for the Cal Poly campus. 

7. Barnard College

Curious about college in the Big Apple? Take one of Barnard’s virtual college tours. Once you register for Barnard’s virtual tour, you gain access to spaces in Barnard that aren’t even available on the in-person tour. Barnard also offers an audio tour, where you can listen along to a live tour guide.

8. Pomona College

At Pomona, a college located in Pomona, California, you can explore in a multitude of ways. Pomona offers a pre-recorded virtual tour, as well as info sessions and webinars that you can attend from home. 

9. University of Texas – San Antonio

Located in San Antonio, TX, the University of Texas campus at San Antonio offers a self-guided virtual tour. At each location on the virtual tour, UT offers a video accompanied by written information to help you get to know the campus better.

10. Wesleyan University

If you’re looking for an idyllic New England campus, you’ll find one with Wesleyan’s virtual college tours. Wesleyan is a small liberal arts school located in Middletown, Connecticut, and you can follow along with a current student as they “walk” you through different locations on campus. 

11. Colgate University

Located in Hamilton, ME, Colgate’s beautiful campus is just a few clicks away. Colgate’s college virtual tours let students make their way through the campus on their own time, and you can supplement your virtual college visit with webinars and online info sessions. 

12. Washington State University

Though Pullman, Washington would be beautiful to see in person, WSU’s college virtual tours will make you feel like you’re right there without ever leaving your house. WSU offers a personal tour, where you can direct yourself around the Washington State campus. 

13. Bucknell University

At Bucknell University, you can take college virtual tours by navigating through their virtual campus map. Though you might not get a feel of Bucknell’s location in Lewisburg, PA, you’ll come away with a great understanding of their campus—they even have a specialized map for prospective engineering students. 

14. Vassar College

Next on the list of college virtual tours worth doing is Vassar. Vassar is located in scenic upstate New York, but if you don’t want to make the trip, you can easily get a feeling for the campus with their many options for college virtual tours. Vassar offers an interactive campus tour, a 30-minute preview video of the campus, and even sample classes and recordings of past events. 

15. Claremont McKenna College

The second of the Claremont Colleges after Pomona, Claremont McKenna offers recorded video tours and self-guided college virtual tours. Claremont McKenna is also located in Pomona, CA. So, if you’re virtually touring Pomona, you might as well give Claremont McKenna a look as well!

16. Haverford College

If you’re interested in living in Pennsylvania, you can give this lovely campus located just outside of Philly a look. Haverford offers live virtual tours where two students will take you on a “stroll” across campus, giving you advice and answering questions along the way. 

17. Harvey Mudd College

If you love Pomona, CA, but Claremont McKenna and Pomona weren’t your vibe, give Harvey Mudd a try. Harvey Mudd’s college virtual tours consist of separate videos for each stop along the tour that take you through all of the most important buildings on Harvey Mudd’s campus. 

18. Middlebury College

For your Middlebury College virtual tours, you get all the benefits of variety. Middlebury College, located in Middlebury, VT, has a wealth of options for students who don’t choose to do college campus tours in person. This includes virtual tours in English and Spanish, self-guided interactive maps, recorded information sessions, and more. 

19. Pace University

If you want to get to know Pace University, the college offers interactive maps for both of its campuses—one in NYC and one in Westchester, NY. Using Pace’s maps, you can make the most of New York City college campus tours without ever having to navigate the subway. 

20. Occidental College

Next on our list of virtual college campus tours worth taking is Occidental College. Located in sunny Los Angeles, CA, Occidental offers a self-guided virtual tour, where you can click through 360 views of the campus and hear from Occidental’s student tour guides along the way. 

21. Furman University

Located in Greenville, South Carolina, Furman University also offers stellar options for their virtual college campus tours. Furman gives you the option to explore individual campus buildings with interactive and immersive technology, which includes videos from their tour guides to give you insider knowledge about each location. 

22. Spelman College

If you want to tour Spelman, you don’t have to go all the way to Atlanta, Georgia. You can take one of their virtual college campus tours, where you can take your time looking at each of their buildings. Spelman’s virtual map lets you see inside and outside of many different campus locations, and get a better feel for the vibe of the campus as a whole.

23. Emerson College

Located in Boston, MA, Emerson offers lots of options for students who want to take college virtual tours. Using an interactive map , prospective students can make their way around Emerson’s campus to explore different buildings and facilities. The Emerson campus map also includes some city landmarks, like Boston Common, that are close to campus and part of the Emerson experience.

24. University of Tampa

At the University of Tampa, students can take college virtual tours to get a feel for the beautiful Tampa, FL campus. The University of Tampa offers tour videos, 360 interactive campus tours, as well as virtual visits. If you register for a virtual visit, you’ll also be able to attend a 30-minute info session hosted by an admissions counselor. 

25. Texas State University

For the last school on our list of college virtual tours worth taking, we visit (or more accurately, don’t visit) Texas State. Texas State offers a virtual interactive map, a video tour led by student tour guides, and also provides a presentation where you can learn more about the academics and admissions policies at the school. You can tour both of Texas State’s locations, one in San Marcos and one just north of Austin.

As you can see, not all virtual college visits follow the exact same format. However, there are certainly many opportunities to “visit” a school without ever stepping foot on campus. Next, let’s talk about scheduling and making the most of your college visits.

How To Schedule Virtual College Visits

Now that we’ve gone over some of the best virtual college tours that you can take, let’s talk about some logistics. 

For most virtual college tours, you can take them whenever you want—that’s part of why they’re so great! Whatever your schedule is, you can slide in a college visit on your own time. You could even do a bit of a virtual college visit, take a break, and come back and finish later. It’s totally up to you. 

Schools may ask you for your name and email when you click on their virtual college visits. This is totally fine, and also can work to your advantage. Remember demonstrated interest? You want the college to know that you’ve taken their college campus tours, whether it’s a virtual college visit or in-person. This is especially meaningful in college visits for juniors or seniors.

Even though many virtual college visits can be done on your own schedule, some schools offer live virtual tours. If you want to take one of these college campus tours, you’ll need to sign up in advance. Even though these virtual college tours for students require a little bit more planning, it can be helpful to be in a Zoom with other prospective students and tour guides so that you can ask questions in real time. 

Making the Most of a Virtual College Visit

Even though you might be taking your virtual college tours from your bed, it’s important to still make the most of it. While a virtual tour might not feel the same as in-person college campus tours, there are some things you can do to make the most of the experience. 

Block out dedicated time

At first, virtual college tours for students might not seem very outwardly engaging. However, you should try and make the most of your experience. Don’t multitask, or do college campus tours while you’re watching TV. This is still a college visit, and you want to treat it as such. Immerse yourself in your virtual college visit—you want to get as close as you can to experiencing it in person! 

Consider your priorities

Virtual college visits can serve different purposes for different students. Some students have no idea what they’re looking for from their college campus, and others are already set on what they want their college experience to look like. On the virtual tour, make sure to look at the school’s housing, academic facilities, recreational facilities, and transportation. If there’s a must on your list—for example, if you want a school with a main quad, or a school that’s integrated into a city—see if the school has it! 

Ask questions

If you’re taking a tour on your own, think about the questions you’d have for a tour guide if there was one present. What can you learn from virtual college tours for students, and what do you still have questions about? These are the kinds of things you could ask in an information session or research after your tour.

Next Steps after your Virtual Tour

Once you’ve finished your virtual tour, there are some next steps you can take to make the most of it. 

If you’re just starting to build out your college list, think about what stood out most from your campus tours. Write down some big takeaways from the school, or a list of pros and cons, so you can start comparing schools that you want to put on your college list. These can be informal—something like “huge library,” or “weird vibe” is totally fine—just make sure you write down enough to remember how you felt about the school so you don’t have to take the virtual tour a second time.

If you’re ready to apply, reach out to admissions with any questions you have after the virtual college tours. Explore the application requirements at the schools you’re most excited about. See if the school has any supplemental essays that ask you why you’re interested in the school—these virtual tours can give you great talking points about the school that you might want to include in an essay.

Sometimes after a virtual tour, you might still not know how you feel about a school—that’s okay! Virtual tours are just one way to get to know a college. You can keep doing research, and take advantage of other virtual resources offered by the school. 

Even More Virtual Opportunities

So what are the other ways to learn more about a school from the comfort of your own home?

Along with the virtual campus tour, many schools also offer virtual information sessions. These are Zoom calls with admissions officers who are there to provide information on the school and answer applicants’ questions. Attending information sessions can also be a way to show demonstrated interest to a school that you want to attend. 

Some schools also have student testimonials, or other videos with students who can answer questions about the school. These are a great way to see what actual students think about attending the school. Many colleges also provide a way to reach students at the school with questions—email the admissions office and ask if there are students you can talk to about their experience. 

Virtual College Tours – Final Takeaway

College visits for juniors, seniors, and sophomores are an important part of the college admissions process. Since the pandemic, you can go on amazing virtual college visits from the comfort of your own home. On a virtual college tour, you can get to know the campus, and see what kinds of resources the school has to offer.

There are a few different types of virtual college tours for students. Some are interactive maps, where you can click on different buildings and explore. Others provide a 360 view of various parts of campus. Some are live Zoom meetings led by student tour guides, and some schools provide pre-recorded videos that you can watch. All of these virtual tours are great options to learn more about the school, and if a school provides more than one, they’re all worth doing!

When you’re taking a virtual college tour, make sure to make the most of it. Set aside some time to really focus on the tour, keep your priorities in mind, and take notes on things that stick out to you and questions you have during the tour. 

If at the end of your virtual tour, you’re sure that you’ve found your dream school, don’t hesitate to reach out to CollegeAdvisor for application guidance. Our team of experts is always here to support students in navigating the admissions process. Happy (virtual) exploring!

This article was written by senior advisor Courtney Ng and advisor Rachel Kahn . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how can support you in the college application process.

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Evangel University

  • News Release

Evangel University’s episode of “The College Tour” now live on Amazon Prime

Published on Nov 9, 2022 by Erin Hedlun

Due to inclement weather, EU will be closed Monday, Jan. 22.

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri –  Evangel University’s full-length episode of “The College Tour” is now live on Amazon Prime as part of the sixth season. The series, also streaming on RokuTV, highlights the unique benefits and features of universities across the country, told through the lens of individual student and alumni stories. Evangel’s episode went live on the university’s website in September.

“This is a great opportunity to increase awareness of Evangel University to potential students and showcase the incredible community we offer here,” Chris Belcher, vice president of enrollment, said. “The stories of our students and alumni are compelling and varied, and we are excited to share our episode with the world.”

“The College Tour” is produced by an Emmy-nominated and multiple-award-winning team and hosted by Alex Boylan, winner of CBS’ “Amazing Race” and host of several popular TV shows, including PBS’ “At The Chef’s Table” and “Animal Attractions” and the online reality series “Around the World for Free.”

“Evangel University offers students an extraordinary experience, and we’re so excited to share that on The College Tour ,” said Boylan. “For students, choosing which college to attend is a monumental decision, and this episode gives prospective students a first-hand look at what makes this school so special.”

To learn more about “The College Tour,” visit  or search “The College Tour” on Amazon Prime.

About Evangel University

Evangel University, with its embedded Assemblies of God Theological Seminary ( AGTS ), is a comprehensive Spirit-led Christian university located in Springfield, Missouri. It is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Under the leadership of Dr. Mike Rakes, EU is committed to excellence in educating and equipping students to serve the Church and society globally and becoming compassionate innovators in their chosen vocations. EU offers more than 70 degree programs, including cutting-edge majors, pre-professional programs, and affordable and flexible online degree options.

EU is highly regarded and has been ranked:

  • US News & World Report Best Colleges Top Performer in Social Mobility
  • Colleges of Distinction Best Christian University
  • Top 10 Best Universities by
  • Third Most Beautiful Campus in the Midwest by Christian Colleges & Universities
  • Top 10 Best Colleges in Missouri by

With additional accreditations in business, counseling, music, social work, and theology and certification as an Excellence in Giving university, EU is focused on providing students with hands-on experience and real-world training for today’s professional careers. Learn more about the university at .

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Two students walk past Saxon Suites.

A tour narrated by current UCLA student tour guides is offered online and on-campus. These tours are designed for students in 9th grade and above.

A group of students talks as they walk along the Hill.

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Students milling about on the quad between UCLA locations

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Students relaxing inside of a residence hall room.

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Vice President Harris Launches Nationwide “Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour” to Mobilize Students and Young People in the Fight for Their   Rights

At around a dozen schools across at least seven states, the Vice President will bring thousands of students together around the fight for reproductive freedom, common sense gun safety laws, climate action, voting rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and teaching America’s full history.   

As students across the nation return to school, Vice President Kamala Harris will embark on a month-long college tour throughout America to mobilize young people in the ongoing fight for fundamental freedoms and rights. She is set to visit around a dozen campuses in at least seven states as she brings together thousands of students for high-energy, large-scale events. The Vice President’s flurry of “Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour” stops will focus on key issues that disproportionately impact young people across the country – from reproductive freedom and gun safety to climate action, voting rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and book bans.   “This generation is critical to the urgent issues that are at stake right now for our future,” said Vice President Harris. “It is young leaders throughout America who know what the solutions look like and are organizing in their communities to make them a reality. My message to students is clear: We are counting on you, we need you, you are everything.”   Vice President Harris’s “Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour” will include visits to historically Black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, community colleges, apprenticeship programs, and state schools. The Vice President will highlight how the Biden-Harris Administration has delivered for young people, outline the work ahead to protect fundamental freedoms, and hear directly from students who are organizing on the frontlines of these fights. She will also urge attendees to register to vote, use their voice, and stay engaged.   This series of college tour events is a continuation of the Vice President’s recent travel, and comes on the heels of her Summer of Action that included visits to 17 states. Vice President Harris has already been to 11 college campuses this year after traveling to 14 schools in 2022.   The Vice President’s “Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour” includes the following stops:

  • Hampton University in Hampton, VA on 9/14
  • North Carolina A&T in Greensboro, NC on 9/15
  • Reading Area Community College in Reading, PA on 9/19
  • IBEW Local 743 in Reading, Pa on 9/19
  • The Atlanta University Center Consortium (Morehouse College, Spelman College, Clark Atlanta University, and Morris Brown College) in Atlanta, GA on 9/26
  • Florida International University in Miami, FL on 9/28
  • The College of Charleston in Charleston, SC on 10/11
  • College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, NV on 10/12
  • Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ on 10/17

  Additional campus visits and details for media to RSVP will be available in the coming days.

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  • 2024 SEC softball: Bracket, schedule, scores, TV times for the tournament

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The 2024 SEC softball conference tournament continues today and runs through Saturday, May 11 at Jane B. Moore Field in Auburn, Alabama. Tennessee is the reigning SEC softball tournament champion.

The winner of the conference tournament will earn an automatic bid into the 2024 NCAA tournament bracket, which will be revealed Sunday, May 12 at 7 p.m. ET on ESPN2. We're tracking all the automatic DI softball qualifiers and conference tournaments here.  

2024 SEC conference tournament bracket

2024 SEC softball tournament bracket

Click or tap here for a closer look at the bracket

2024 SEC conference tournament schedule

All times listed in ET. Times are subject to change.

  • Game 6 – No. 1 Tennessee vs. No. 8 LSU – 11 a.m. | SEC Network
  • Game 7– No. 4 Arkansas vs. No. 5 Missouri – approx. 35 minutes following Game 6 | SEC Network
  • Game 8 – No. 2 Florida vs. No. 7 Georgia – 5 p.m. | SEC Network
  • Game 9 – No. 3 Texas A&M vs. No. 11 South Carolina– approx. 35 minutes following Game 8| SEC Network
  • Game 10 – Winner of Game 6 vs. Winner of Game 7 – 4 p.m. | ESPN2
  • Game 11 – Winner of Game 8 vs. Winner of Game 9 – approx. 35 min. after Game 10 | ESPN2
  • Game 12 – Winner of Game 10 vs. Winner of Game 11 – 5 p.m. | ESPN2
  • Game 1 - No. 13 Ole Miss 7,  No. 12 Kentucky 2
  • Game 2 -  No. 8 LSU 3 , No. 9 Alabama 2 (14 innings)
  • Game 3  -  No. 5 Missouri 3 , No. 13 Ole Miss 1
  • Game 4 – No. 7 Georgia 6 , No. 10 Auburn 5
  • Game 5 – No. 11 South Carolina 8 , No. 6 Mississippi State 4

SEC tournament championship history

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  • 2024 Big 12 softball: Bracket, schedule, scores, TV times for the tournament

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2024 DII softball championship: Bracket, schedule, scores

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This week in DII sports: Let's predict the DII softball championship final eight

  • Championship Info
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DI Softball News

  • College softball power rankings: Tennessee rises to No. 2
  • Missouri, Florida rejoin Power 10 college softball rankings before conference tournament week
  • College softball power rankings: Florida State rejoins Power 10
  • Florida State enters, Texas remains on top in new college softball Power 10 rankings
  • College softball's top 10 home run hitters this season
  • Top home run hitters in college softball this year

College softball's all-time home run leaders

  • 2024 NCAA spring sports championship schedule

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WCWS most outstanding players since 1982

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The 11 best NCAA softball pitchers of all time

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NCAA women's lacrosse tournament bracket 2024: Schedule, TV channels, scores for college championship

N orthwestern has been the team to beat all season in NCAA women's lacrosse. Now, it's time to see if the Wildcats can win back-to-back national championships. 

The 2024 NCAA tournament will get underway May 10, with the Wildcats (15-2) as the top overall seed. The 2023 champs aren't a lock to repeat, though, as evidenced by the pair of losses on their resume and two close calls in the Big Ten Tournament heading into NCAAs. 

Northwestern's top challenger figures to be 2021 champ Boston College (16-3), which will look for its second title amid an agonizing recent run in NCAAs. The Eagles have been to six consecutive championship games, losing all but one. 

B.C. enters the tournament riding high after winning the ACC Tournament and will be hoping to avenge a regular-season home loss to Northwestern when it really matters. 

The balance of power in women's lacrosse rests squarely on the ACC-Big Ten axis, with Syracuse, Notre Dame, Michigan, and Virginia also expected to contend for the title.

Here's how to watch all the action on the way to the national championship.

NCAA women's lacrosse tournament bracket 2024

The 2024 NCAA women's lacrosse tournament will feature 29 teams, with the top three seeds receiving first-round byes. There are eight nationally seeded teams overall, and they will host first- and second-round games.

National seeds

  • No. 1: Northwestern
  • No. 2: Boston College
  • No. 3: Syracuse
  • No. 4: Maryland
  • No. 5: Virginia
  • No. 6: Yale
  • No. 7: Notre Dame
  • No. 8: Penn

NCAA women's lacrosse tournament schedule, scores

First round.

Top seed Northwestern has a bye and will face the Denver-Stanford winner in the second round, while No. 2 seed Boston College will play Princeton or Drexel and No. 3 seed Syracuse awaits Stony Brook or Niagara. 

Second round


Quarterfinal games will be played at campus sites to be determined. 

The NCAA women's lacrosse tournament semifinals will be played at WakeMed Soccer Park in Cary, N.C. 

National championship game

The national championship game will be played at WakeMed Soccer Park in Cary, N.C.

NCAA women's lacrosse tournament TV channel, live stream

  • TV channel: ESPNU, ESPN
  • Live stream:   Fubo , ESPN+

The first two rounds will air exclusively on ESPN+ . The quarterfinals and semifinals will air on ESPNU, and the championship game will be on ESPN. Fans can stream every game from the quarterfinals on via  Fubo , which offers a free trial. 

If NCAA lacrosse games are not available to watch live in your location or if you're traveling abroad, you can use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). VPNs provide a secure and private online connection, allowing you to bypass geographical restrictions to access your favorite streaming services from any device anywhere in the world.

NCAA lacrosse tournament tickets 2024

  • Tickets:  StubHub

Tickets for both the NCAA women's lacrosse championship are available for purchase on StubHub, using the link below. 

NCAA women's lacrosse tournament bracket 2024: Schedule, TV channels, scores for college championship

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2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee times, radio, golf coverage

Only a couple of tournaments remain on the pga tour calendar before the second major championship of the season.

THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson - Previews

The PGA Tour returned to its regularly scheduled programming with a standard format of 72 holes of stroke play to decide a winner this weekend at the 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson. Welcoming the normal cast of characters to TPC Craig Ranch for the fourth straight season, the PGA Tour embarks on its final full-field event before the PGA Championship to be held in two weeks.

After three rounds, it's Canadian Taylor Pendrith at the top of the leaderboard at 19 under, one shot ahead of Jake Knapp.

Last year's winner, Jason Day, is set to defend his title while two-time champion K.H. Lee hopes to grab his third Byron Nelson title in the last four years. Adam Scott, Sungjae Im and Min Woo Lee are among the rest of the large international contingent to round out the action.

All times Eastern; streaming start times approximated  

Round 4 - Sunday

Round starts:  11 a.m.

PGA Tour Live:  8 a.m. -  6 p.m. --  PGA Tour Live

Early TV coverage:  1-3 p.m. on Golf Channel,  fubo  (Try for free) Live streaming:  1-3 p.m. on Peacock

Live TV coverage:  3-6 p.m. on CBS Live simulcast:  3-6 p.m. on  and the  CBS Sports App

Radio:  1-6 p.m. --  PGA Tour Radio  

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Marisa Abela in Back to Black (2024)

The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time. The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time. The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time.

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  • Trivia Marisa Abela had done most of the singing in this film herself. She trained extensively to mimic Amy Winehouse 's vocals.

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  • Runtime 2 hours 2 minutes

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THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson: How to watch Round 4, featured groups, live scores, tee times, TV times

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Round 4 action from THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson gets underway Sunday from TPC Craig Ranch.

Taylor Pendrith rode back-to-back eagles to an 8-under 63 and a one-stroke lead over Jake Knapp heading into the final round. Rookie Ben Kohles and Matt Wallace finished two off the pace at 17-under. Min Woo Lee lurks at 13-under along with Zach Johnson, who's celebrating his 500th TOUR start this week at THE CJ CUP.

Here's everything you need to know to follow the weekend action.

HOW TO FOLLOW (all times ET)


  • Sunday: 1-3 p.m. (Golf Channel), 3-6 p.m. (CBS)


PGA TOUR LIVE is available exclusively on ESPN+

  • Main feed: Primary tournament-coverage featuring the best action from across the course
  • Marquee group: New “marquee group” showcasing every shot from each player in the group
  • Featured groups: Traditional PGA TOUR LIVE coverage of two concurrent featured groups
  • Featured holes: Combination of par 3s and iconic or pivotal holes

PGA TOUR Radio on SiriusXM and free on PGATOUR.COM/liveaudio :

  • Sunday: 1-6 p.m.


Marquee group

  • 11:00 a.m. – Adam Scott, Maverick McNealy, Jorge Campillo

Featured groups

  • 12:00p.m . – Zach Johnson, Nick Dunlap, Aaron Rai
  • 12:00p.m. – Tom Kim, K.H. Lee, Harrison Endycott (10 th tee)

Featured holes

  • Nos. 4 (par 3), 7 (par 3), 14 (par 4), 17 (par 3)

Taylor Pendrith, chasing Presidents Cup berth, rides back-to-back eagles to THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson lead

Zach Johnson celebrates 500th TOUR start, in contention at THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Kris Kim, 16, becomes youngest player to make cut on TOUR since 2015 at THE CJ CUP

With shoulder on the mend, Taylor Pendrith pushes toward Presidents Cup bubble

Jordan Spieth gets elbowed back into fairway, misses cut at hometown THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Purse breakdown: THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson

Concerts to stream besides Taylor Swift's Eras Tour. Lady Gaga also has 'Style'

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Did you know you can stream other performances besides Taylor Swift's Eras Tour?

No "Bad Blood" towards the artist, but stop being the "Foolish One" and consider watching some other celebrities, including Lady Gaga's upcoming release. Here's what we know.

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce: Travis Kelce spotted at Kentucky Derby 2024. Will Taylor Swift join?

Lady Gaga to premiere concert special

Lady Gaga recently released her trailer for "Gaga Chromatica Ball," a concert film centered around her previous Chromatica Ball tour, which concluded in September of 2022, according to Warner Bros. It's set to air on HBO and Max at 8 p.m. on Saturday, May 25, and will highlight Gaga's performance at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.

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It's not the first film release for the artist either. As previously reported by USA Today, Gaga released her first, “Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden,” in May 2011, after being on her Monster tour from 2009 to 2011.

'Miley Cyrus—Endless Summer Vacation'

Fans can watch "Miley Cyrus—Endless Summer Vacation (Backyard Sessions)" on Disney+, Hulu or ESPN+, according to IMDb. The film was released in 2023 featuring performances from her eighth album "Endless Summer Vacation," including top hit "Flowers." It also shared exclusive interviews with Cyrus, providing insight into her professional and personal development.

'Maren Morris: Live From New York'

"Maren Morris: Live From New York" is available on Amazon Prime Video. The film, lasting slightly over an hour and released in 2022, highlights Morris' performance at Sony Hall in New York City around the time of her album "Humble Quest."

'Elton John Live: Farewell from Dodger Stadium'

"Elton John Live: Farewell from Dodger Stadium" is available on Disney+. The performance was John's last North American show in his "Farewell Yellow Brick Road" tour. The renowned singer has won Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Awards throughout his career, in addition to his induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994 and the induction of three albums to the Grammy Hall of Fame, according to the Elton John website.

"Elton John performs at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, where in 1975 he performed two sold-out and career-defining concerts that cemented his legend globally. Now, in a full circle and emotional moment, he takes the stage in his final North American show as part of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour, in one of the greatest send-offs in music history," according to the film's description on Disney+.

'The Weeknd: Live at SoFi Stadium'

The film features The Weeknd's "After Hours Til Dark" tour, where they performed a sold-out show at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles. Released in 2023, the hour-and-a-half performance is available on HBO , with songs like "Starboy," "Blinding Lights" and "Can't Feel My Face" in the setlist.

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  1. College Tours

    Our 'Tour Now' section takes the stress out of the college search. In one location, students can explore all 2,500 four-year colleges and universities and 900 community colleges throughout America. Easy-to-use, this platform allows you to filter choices by state, college type, and size, narrowing down the search based on your preferences.

  2. The College Tour

    There, you'll find comprehensive episodes, detailed tour pages for every college across America, engaging digital series, free classes, insightful blogs, and other resources to enhance your ...

  3. Virtual College Tours

    Top 25 Virtual College Tours 1. Princeton University. First on our list of virtual college tours worth taking is Princeton University. Located in Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton is ranked #1 in National Universities. Princeton's virtual tour consists of a live-streamed Zoom webinar, where one of their tour guides will take you along with them on their campus tour.

  4. Strike King Bassmaster College Series presented by Bass Pro Shops

    The Strike King Bassmaster College Series presented by Bass Pro Shops recently announced a new two-division format with three tour stops each, which helps meet the booming demand for college teams to compete. There will now be more priority placed on the Bassmaster College Team of the Year standings to qualify for both the National Championship and the College Classic Bracket presented by Lew's.

  5. Watch The College Tour

    Hosted by Alex Boylan, each episode of The College Tour tells the story of what life is truly like on college campuses across the country and around the world. From academics, housing, sports, career preparation, campus life/location and much much more. In this innovative and informative series, each story is told by real students attending the featured college or university right now!

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  7. See the real student experience with 'The College Tour'

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    For many students, attending Jackson State University is continuing a family legacy. In this segment from The College Tour, Jackson native Elizabeth Stamps e...

  11. Evangel University's episode of "The College Tour" now live on Amazon

    Host Alex Boylan films on location at Evangel University. SPRINGFIELD, Missouri - Evangel University's full-length episode of "The College Tour" is now live on Amazon Prime as part of the sixth season.The series, also streaming on RokuTV, highlights the unique benefits and features of universities across the country, told through the lens of individual student and alumni stories.

  12. Watch The College Tour

    Watch on supported devices. February 20, 2024. 28min. 13+. Explore the dynamic educational opportunities and vibrant campus life offered in the northwest suburbs of Chicago with Harper College students. From study abroad and the arts to apprenticeships, honors programs, scholarships to make college more affordable, and so much more, learn how ...

  13. GCU Live Virtual Tours

    Virtual Tours. If you would like to see our campus, but cannot make it to Phoenix, consider our virtual college tour options. GCU Live is a live video stream that allows you to view the campus in real time, led by a dedicated tour guide. Our Virtual Campus Tour provides you with a 360-degree view of highlighted locations across campus.

  14. NCAA bracket for March Madness

    10. Colorado. 60. 10. Boise St. 53. S. The live NCAA bracket for March Madness, which includes links to watch every game live, tournament scoring, Bracket Challenge game, statistics and seeds.

  15. Campus Tours

    Cub Tours (K-8th Grade) (323) 285-9120. [email protected]. Visit UCLA's campus. Get a firsthand look at student life. We offer several tour experiences to accommodate your needs.

  16. CampusTours

    We would be happy to set up a demo to show you all of the features and benefits CampusTours can offer. Schedule a Demo. CampusTours provides virtual tours of 1,700+ colleges and universities and builds virtual tours and interactive maps for schools and organizations worldwide.

  17. Vice President Harris Launches Nationwide "Fight for Our Freedoms

    This series of college tour events is a continuation of the Vice President's recent travel, and comes on the heels of her Summer of Action that included visits to 17 states. Vice President ...

  18. 2024 SEC softball: Bracket, schedule, scores, TV times for the

    The 2024 Big 12 softball bracket, schedule and scores for the conference tournament, played May 8-11 in Oklahoma City. The 2024 DII softball championship will take place May 19-25 in Boombah ...

  19. Watch The College Tour

    Hosted by Alex Boylan and Desi Williams, each episode of The College Tour tells the story of what life is truly like on college campuses across the country and around the world. From academics, housing, sports, career preparation, campus life/location and much more, each story in this innovative and informative series is told by real students attending the featured college or university right now!

  20. NCAA women's lacrosse tournament bracket 2024: Schedule, TV ...

    Northwestern's top challenger figures to be 2021 champ Boston College (16-3), which will look for its second title amid an agonizing recent run in NCAAs. The Eagles have been to six consecutive ...

  21. Watch The College Tour

    S9 E8 - Santa Ana College. Watch on supported devices. August 2, 2023. 28min. ALL. In this episode you'll learn about the award-winning college and the variety of programs offered like the fire academy, fine and performing arts, digital media, business administration, athletic program, dual enrollment and more.

  22. Prime Video: The College Tour

    The College Tour. Season 10. Hosted by Alex Boylan and Desi Williams, each episode of The College Tour tells the story of what life is truly like on college campuses across the country and around the world. From academics, housing, sports, career preparation, campus life/location and much more, each story in this innovative and informative ...

  23. 2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson live stream, watch online, TV schedule

    2024 CJ Cup Byron Nelson live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee times, radio, golf coverage Only a couple of tournaments remain on the PGA Tour calendar before the second major ...

  24. Back to Black (2024)

    Back to Black: Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. With Marisa Abela, Jack O'Connell, Eddie Marsan, Lesley Manville. The life and music of Amy Winehouse, through the journey of adolescence to adulthood and the creation of one of the best-selling albums of our time.

  25. THE CJ CUP Byron Nelson: How to watch Round 4, featured groups, live

    Taylor Pendrith rode back-to-back eagles to an 8-under 63 and a one-stroke lead over Jake Knapp heading into the final round. Rookie Ben Kohles and Matt Wallace finished two off the pace at 17-under.

  26. How to watch Taylor Swift's Eras Tour, Lady Gaga and other concerts at home

    'The Weeknd: Live at SoFi Stadium' The film features The Weeknd's "After Hours Til Dark" tour, where they performed a sold-out show at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles.

  27. Watch The College Tour

    Hosted by Alex Boylan, each episode of The College Tour tells the story of what life is truly like on college campuses across the country and around the world. From academics, housing, sports, career preparation, campus life/location and much much more. In this innovative and informative series, each story is told by real students attending the featured college or university right now!