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Alternative Berlin

Alternative Berlin – 14 Unusual Things to Do in Berlin

  • November 5, 2023
  • One Comment

If you’re looking to explore an alternative side to Berlin, you’ve come to the right. This guide covers all the weird, wonderful, and unusual things to do in Berlin, which I believe are the city’s highlights.

There’s no doubt that Berlin is a fascinating city. From its rich history and vibrant culture to its nocturnal underbelly of sex, drugs and rock and roll, it’s up there with the likes of London as one of the most exciting cities in Europe.

There are a realm of famous landmarks to visit in Berlin, which I cover in this Berlin itinerary . However, it’s the cool and quirky side of the city that gives Berlin its character.

Perhaps you’ve visited Berlin before and are looking for something a little bit different this time around. Or maybe you’re not one to follow the typical tourist trail and want to get off the beaten path.

Either way, this guide to alternative Berlin is just what you’re looking for. We are going all out urban exploring, from abandoned theme parks to street art and possibly the smallest disco in the world!

So let’s get to it. Here are some of the more unusual things to do in alternative Berlin.

Alternative Berlin itinerary

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14 Alternative Things to Do in Berlin

We loved exploring the alternative side of the city. That’s not to say we didn’t enjoy the touristic side too, but it’s the off-the-beaten-path stuff that really gets our blood pumping.

Here’s what we suggest you check out when adventuring in alternative Berlin. 

1. Alternative Berlin Tour


What better way to explore Berlin like a local, than to take a guided tour with a local. Alternative Berlin Tours offers a choice of tours, all of which start later in the day after lunch.

Of course, this isn’t your average guided tour where you visit all the usual tourist spots in Berlin. Alternative Berlin Tours allow you to see the city from an alternative perspective.

You’ll get to explore gritty underground locations that even only a few locals know about. And you’ll get a full-blown history lesson from somebody who knows Berlin like the back of their hand.

I should point out that the Street Art tour will likely include a visit to Raw Gelande. So if you’ve visited there already, perhaps opt for another tour such as the Real Berlin Experience or Alternative Nightlife Tour .

2. Raw Gelände

Raw Gelande Alternative Berlin

You can take the bus or train to Warschauer Strasse Station and make the short walk to Raw Gelände.

Set in a former train repair yard, this area is an art and cultural centre. The old warehouses and buildings have been taken over and used as an outlet of creative expression for graffiti and street art artists.

There isn’t much going on in the mornings. Whereas by late afternoon, the realm of pubs, clubs, street food stalls, and flea markets burst into life.

Nonetheless, I do recommend checking this place out before it opens. It’s impossible to appreciate the artistic side of the space when everything is open and swarmed with people.  

My suggestion is to visit in the morning, and if you have the time, return one evening to enjoy the bustling nightlife.

It’s especially atmospheric come the long Summer nights, and many of the nightclubs roll on until the early hours of the morning. 

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2 Days in Berlin Itinerary

3. Teledisko

Teledisko is unique to Berlin

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This leads me onto our next stop – The Teledisko . Possibly the smallest disco in the world, and certainly one of the most unique.

We stumbled upon this creation when exploring Raw Gelände. What appeared to be a telephone box on the outside was blaring music and vibrating off the floor.

The next thing we knew, two giggling girls rolled out of the door, trailed by a pool of smoke. We figured it must have been a speakeasy bar, and of course, we had to check it out.

As it turns out, it is exactly what it says on the tin. A disco in a telephone box.  So we slot a few euros into the machine and danced around like crazy women for the duration of our song.

Certainly one of the more unusual things to in Berlin, and we agreed it was money well spent for the 5-minutes of laughs it provided.

Entry: 600 HUF (Free to view outside)/Allow: 1hr

Save Money with a Berlin Card

Are you going to be visiting all of the cities top attractions and taking full advantage of the public transport network? If yes, you should consider purchasing a  Berlin Card in advance. 

4. TreeHouse on the Wall


Next on the alternative Berlin agenda, and just a 30-minute walk from Raw Gelände we have a spot that I suspect even very few Berliners know of.

The Treehouse on the Wall was erected in the 1980s by a Turkish migrant worker.

At the time, the Berlin wall was still standing; however, Osman Kalin found a loophole whereby a small area of land had been left exposed.

Naturally, this didn’t sit well with the authorities. Many believed Osman was using the house to assist Berliners in crossing over the divide.

However, despite intimidating demands to tear it down, the structure, built using only recycled scrap materials, still stands today.  

For the moment, you can’t ‘legally’ get into the house. Although, there are rumours of turning it into an official monument or a museum in the future.

For now, you can admire it only from the outside. In any case, it’s worth checking out while you’re in the area.

5. Kreuzberg

Alternative Berlin Guide

Kreuzberg is known as the hipster district of Berlin. As you can imagine, there’s plenty of cool stuff to check out here.

You won’t find any major attractions as such; however, the blend of trendy cafes, new age restaurants, and urban underground edge, makes for some pretty fun exploration opportunities.

First up, grab some lunch. Kreuzberg is home to some cool and quirky places to eat! Like Burgermeister, that’s set in a former railway public bathroom.

After that, stroll down the banks of the picturesque Landwehrkanal. Especially around the vibrant Maybachufer stretch where the banks are swarming with bars, cafes, and restaurants.

Every Tuesday and Friday is the Turkish market where you can shop for souvenirs or sample some Turkish street food. It’s also worth checking out Brammibals bakery for delectable vegan doughnuts. 

6. Hackescher Markt Hidden Alley

Unusual Hackescher Markt Hidden Alley

Berlin is a metropolis of self-expression, reflected through the endless street art that adorns the city.

Some artistic spaces, like the East Side Gallery, are loud and proud and easy to find. Others, like this hidden alley near Hackescher Markt, are a bit more tucked away.

If you didn’t know it was there, you could easily walk past this alternative hidden gem in Berlin. Which would be a pity as it’s one of the quirkiest spots in the city.

To find it, head to the Cinema Cafe on Rosenthaler Strasse where the unassuming alleyway runs alongside it. Once you get past the dark entrance to the alley, it opens up into a vibrant courtyard.

Huge murals of street art cover the walls, and there are hipster cafes with outdoor seating where you can sit and take it all in. It’s easily one of the best photo spots in all of Berlin .

That’s not all. You’ll also find the  Monster Kabinett  here – a wild museum of robotic creatures and insect-like beasts. Not for the faint-hearted!

Photography in Berlin

7. Underground Berlin Tour

Underground Berlin Tour

This was up there as one of our favourite experiences in Berlin. If you’re remotely interested in Berlin history, it’s an essential addition to your Berlin Itinerary .

The organisation is Berliner Unterwelten – A subterranean museum exploring the city’s underground history, including WWII bunkers and escape tunnels.  

I’ll be honest, it takes something unique to grip me when it comes to educational experiences and that’s what we loved about Berlin.

There are such creative and immersive ways to learn about the past that you’re instantaneously hooked.

These underground tours are a great example. You can sit in WWII bunkers, follow escape routes under the old Berlin Wall, and come face to face with the dark realities of the past.  

Several underground tours run throughout the day in a variety of languages. I’ve included a short description of each below.

We can personally recommend Tour 1. However, depending on the time of year, there may be a limited choice of tours running on the day.

We recommend you check the website for more information, although you can’t book in advance. You must book on the day of your tour at the ticket office.

Tour 1  – Dark Worlds : Experience WW2 b0mbing raids through the eyes of civilians. Travel through the twisted passages and learn about life as a Berlin civilian in WWII.

Tour 2  – From Flaktowers to Mountains of Debris : Discover the devastated ruins of a WW2 fortress. On this fascinating tour, visitors will be shown three of the seven floors of one of the biggest bunkers in the city. 

Tour 3  – Bunkers, Subways, and the Cold War : This tour follows the traces of the Cold War in the underground. Discover the modern defence shelters that were built in preparation for a possible nuclear war.

Tour M  – Under the Berlin Wall: On this tour, you’ll hear the stories of the people who tunnelled to freedom beneath the Berlin wall.  

Save Time and Book a Tour

For a more local experience, we recommend checking out the guided tours on  Get Your Guide :

8. Mauerpark

Mauerpark Alternative Berlin

One of the things we loved most about Alternative Berlin was its neverending realm of artistic and cultural spaces.

One of those spaces is the atmospheric Mauerpark – a green open space built on what was once known as the ‘de@th strip’ of the Berlin Wall.

If you visit on a weekday, you might struggle to recognise what the fuss is all about. Other than a few pieces of street art, there’s not much going on at all.

However, the park really springs into life on the weekend, particularly through the summer months.

Alongside the famous flea market, you’ll find open mic nights, giant BBQs, live performers, street food stalls, and more. It’s a wonderful vibe!  

Prague Hidden Gems

9. Spree Park

Spree Park is an unusual place in berlin

Once an amusement park, now abandoned and left to the forces of nature, Spreepark is a must-visit for any alternative seeking traveller.

Like most things in Berlin, the park conceals a fascinating past but I won’t go too much into that here. Long story short, the park closed down in 2002, and until recently went untouched.

There are now plans in place to revamp the whole thing into an art and cultural centre. But for now, the dilapidated rides and structures of the old park remain, allowing for quite the eerie adventure.

Unfortunately, the park is off-limits unless you go as part of a tour; however, that’s not to say that people don’t illicitly do it.

It’s a similar set-up as the abandoned water park in Vietnam, but I’m not sure the Germans bribe so easily.

If you don’t fancy being chased by guards and dogs, take the tour. You can book a guided tour of Spree Park here . 

10. Teufelsburg

Teufelsburg berlin

Next up we have Teufelsburg – An abandoned spy station that sits atop an 80-meter hill in the Grunewald forest.

This one is quite a way out of the city centre, but if you’re down for a real offbeat urban adventure, it doesn’t get much better.  

Unsurprisingly, the derelict military structure has a remarkable history. First of all, the mound on which it’s built consists of post-WWII debris of dilapidated Berlin.

And the structure itself, once a N@zi military college, was later taken over by the U.S. National Security Agency and used as a spy station. Pretty cool, huh?  

Abandoned following the fall of the Berlin Wall, the structure is now a decaying shell adorned in some of the cities most impressive street art.

Naturally, opportunistic locals have clocked on, so now you have to pay to get inside. However, I know of plenty of visitors who simply find a gap in the fence and discover it that way.  

If you’d prefer to play it on the safe side, tours of Teufelsburg run daily. You can make a booking through the website here . 

11. Schöneberg


The thriving LGBTQ+ culture in Berlin earns the city its position as one of the most gay-friendly destinations in Europe. If not the entire world!

There aren’t many places, other than London , of course, where we’ve felt so entirely comfortable being ourselves. You come as you are in Berlin, and nobody blinks an eye.

Regardless of whether you identify as LGBTQ or not, I encourage you to check out the vibrant gay village in Schöneberg.

Not only home to an endless realm of queer bars, clubs, restaurants, and stores, but a trendy neighbourhood with a fascinating history.

Some other cool things worth checking out in Schöneberg include Urban Nation – A cool museum featuring street art. And Nature Park Schöneberger Südgelände, which I will talk about next. 

I also recommend the rainbow cake at Romeo & Rome cafe! 

Gay and Lesbian Berlin

12. Nature Park Schöneberger Südgelände

Nature Park Schöneberger Südgelände Berlin

If you don’t fancy the long trip out of town, perhaps this deserted railway yard will tickle your fancy instead.

Fifty years ago, the park was nothing but an industrial junkyard; however, over the past five decades, it has flourished into a rich jungle forest.

Set in the vibrant Schöneberg district, this Nature Park is our favourite in Berlin.

Despite being reconstructed to include walking trails for the public, derelict remains of buildings, trains, and tracks lay buried beneath the forest.

It’s offbeat Berlin, but without doing anything too risky or illegal. And the best part, it’s only €1 to enter! 

13. KlunkerKranich Rooftop Bar

Where to stay in Berlin

Weather permitting, I recommend checking out Klunkerkranich Rooftop Bar during your time in Berlin.

The venue is a former car park turned cultural rooftop garden. The bar provides a lush outdoor space overlooking panoramic views of Berlin.

During the Summer, this ‘happening’ venue hosts concerts, DJ programs, readings, cinema, and much more on the vast upper deck.

I do believe they have an indoor section as well, but you might want to check out the website for what’s going on throughout the year.

winter city breaks in europe

14. SpeakEasy Bars

Unusual things to do in Berlin Guide

Nothing screams Alternative Berlin like secret bars hidden in unsuspecting spaces.

The term ‘Speakeasy’ was derived from the prohibition days when drinking holes were illegal, so pub landlords would disguise their bars to evade the authorities.  

Nowadays, bars in cities with even a slightly retro vibe loosely throw around the term. However, in Berlin, there is still several of the authentic kind.

Bars with passwords to get in. Bars disguised in warehouses and at the back of shops. There are many Speakeasy bars in Berlin .

And they are a great way to end the day or start your night – whichever way you look at it.

15. Unique Accommodation in Berlin

civitatis tour alternativo berlin

In such a cool and quirky city as Berlin, it’s no surprise that there are many unique accommodations to match.

Here’s a few of the most unusual we could find – places that reflect the edgy character of the city. So if you’re yet to sort out your digs, you might want to check these out.

Hüttenpalast : This quirky hotel is located in Berlin’s trendy Kreuzkölln district. Hüttenpalast offers a unique range of accommodation including Retro-style caravans and cabins. They are all located within an indoor garden area to really give the feel of a real campsite. In love with this concept!

25 Hours Hotel Bikini : Hotel Bikini is referred to as a chic urban jungle. Animal themes, long leafy plants, and quirky features resonate throughout the property. It’s literally a wonderland for adults, and we are loving it.  

Provocateur Berlin : A small and intimate boutique hotel in Berlin boasting lavish rooms designed to set the mood. Perfect for a romantic getaway with your partner or for those looking to enjoy Berlin’s thriving sex scene.

Alternatively, you may look at staying nearby, in which case you can compare hotels in Berlin here . Or use the Map below to see all your options​:

Tempelhof runway photo spot

Have Fun Exploring Alternative Berlin!

There you have it – 14 of the weird, wonderful, and unusual things to do in Berlin. I hope this list has you excited about your trip! 

Which spot are you most excited about visiting? Let us know, we love hearing from you. You can reach out to us in the comment section below.

Stay adventurous and Happy travels.

civitatis tour alternativo berlin

Planning a trip around Berlin? Check out our Germany series  for more travel tips and advice. 

Charlotte & Natalie


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Alternative Berlin Tours

Real berlin experience, street art tour.

To see the best graffiti, hear the best music, experience the best bars, to meet the best people and learn their stories, you need to step out of the everyday. You need to try an alternative.

We want you to join us. To show why you will want to live here too. To remind you why you will come back. And when you do you will walk these same streets with a different point of view.

Berlin is scarred by wars and a wall that cut through it for 30 years. It is hewn by politics, soundtracked by radical and vital music in a myriad different geres. It has been illustrated and painted by artists great and unrecognised. The only constant is its magnetic attraction, its tales of rebellion, drawing people from every corner of the world to its darkest corners and most open parks and plazas.

To understand Berlin, to really get it, you need to be on foot.

The most common answer given to every question asked about the city we love is begun with a smile and a slight shrug and a perceptible shake of the head:

“Well, it just is… That’s Berlin.”

So we walk.

So come and join us on our uniquely designed walking tours, step by step by step, side by side. Let us help you become a part of the best city on Earth.

We walk through the disparate neighborhoods of a town that somehow clash up against each other, whose stories are hidden on every corner, outside every building. Mark Twain knew this. He came here as a poor artist at the end of the 19th Century.

Like people still do to this day.

He loved Berlin as he learned it by pacing, strolling, letting his mind drift off step by step. As he said:

“Now, the true charm of pedestrianism does not lie in the walking, or in the scenery, but in the talking. The walking is good to time the movement of the tongue by, and to keep the blood and the brain stirred up and active.”

For public tours please book your tickets here  and for private tours send your request to [email protected]

Berlin Tours

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  • This guided tour is offered exclusively as a Private Tour.
  • You choose the day and start time you prefer.
  • The duration of the tour is 3,5 hours.
  • There is no minimum number of participants, if the group is very numerous there will be a second guide to guarantee the quality of service.
  • The meeting point with the guide can be your hotel or another place that you prefer.
  • The tour is normally done on foot and by public transport. If you wish to take a tour by bicycle or bus with a private driver, please request this in the corresponding form.
  • The cost of the tour depends on your preferences and the size of the group. Request a quote.


  • You are fascinated by urban art in its various expressions.
  • You want to get away from the usual tourist routes and get a taste of authentic and alternative Berlin with an English-speaking guide who has been going for years to the places you will learn about.
  • You want to understand how and why Berlin has become one of the world capitals of underground culture.
  • You are curious to learn about the most alternative streets and districts of Berlin on a guided tour in mother-tongue English.


  • Most famous murals
  • Haus Schwarzenberg
  • Districts of Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain, and Mitte
  • Urban Nation – Street Art Museum
  • Schlesisches Tor


Berlin has always been one of the most dynamic cities in the world and it has urban art, underground culture, and a continuous desire for change right in its DNA.

Since the 1970s, the German capital has been fertile ground for every kind of artistic experimentation, from music to visual art. During the long period of the Cold War, West Berlin, thanks to its special status, became the favorite destination for punks, hippies, and artists from all over the world: these were the years of David Bowie, Iggy Pop, the progressive emergence of Techno music, and illegal clubs.

After the fall of the Wall, however, East Berlin stole the scene. The German Democratic Republic disappeared, leaving a huge political void and, suddenly, all the previous state-controlled buildings no longer had owners. The old districts of East Berlin become the ideal refuge for alternative people from all over the world, attracted by the possibility of residing at no cost in a place where nothing is forbidden.

Our Alternative Berlin tour in English will lead you along the path of the most authentic and lively Berlin, starting from our meeting point in Potsdamer Platz. The first stop of the tour will be the Urban Nation Museum and its colorful surroundings; in the halls of the world’s first museum for street art and in front of the facades full of large murals of the adjoining buildings, we will discover the history of the new “wall canvasses” of Berlin and the internationally renowned artists involved in the project.

Urban art not only represented the driving culture in the Berlin of the early Nineties, but it modified and enriched the streets, with real estate speculators always attentive to city fashions. Urban gentrification, in fact, saw the German capital establish itself as one of the cities with the highest price increases in the world.

Crossing the Kreuzberg district, where the challenge of integration between peoples gives life to a peculiar and very interesting cultural and gastronomic mix, and looking up from the bistro windows, you will be left speechless by some of the most famous murals in the world, which recount Berlin’s past and its future through the eyes of artists such as Ash, Blu, and Os Gemeos.

Heading towards the district of Friedrichshain, we will discover the RAW Tempel, an immense train repair workshop converted into a space for sports, creativity, and alternative entertainment. We will pause in this unique place, which would be forbidden elsewhere, but in Berlin remains deliberately open to everyone and has established itself as one of the most dynamic and lively cultural centers of the city.

Walking through the streets of the neighborhood we will observe the great changes of recent years, amongst the residents that animate the city and the stories of contemporary Berlin.

Finally, we will reach the neighborhood of Mitte, the most modern and pulsating heart of Berlin, to walk along what is a veritable open-air urban art gallery and visit the most famous courtyard of the city, the Haus Schwarzenberg or Courtyard of Wonders, admiring the mix of works that still color it today and the history that inspired them.

Accompanied by an English-speaking guide who has lived here and visited these places for years, the most fascinating, authentic, and alternative Berlin will have no more secrets for you!


The guide will pick you up at your hotel or in another place of your choice.


  • You can extend the duration of the guided tour, personalize the tour or take a longer break in a restaurant that we will recommend based on your gastronomic preferences.
  • We will be happy to suggest activities for your stay in Berlin, where and what to eat, and which museums or neighborhoods to visit. We are available to advise you as best as possible based on your needs.

Please do not hesitate to write in case of doubts or questions – we are here for you!

ViveBerlin Tours, the Tourist Guide Cooperative. Discover the different facets of Berlin with our Private Berlin Tours .

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Alternative Berlin

civitatis tour alternativo berlin

Big beautiful churches, nice Baroque palaces, grand theatre buildings, and many other places… that you will NOT see on this tour! 😉 Why? Because Berlin is way more than that. Berlin is a European capital of alternative lifestyle and street art! So on this tour, you will explore very different aspects of the German capital. You will be taken to various corners and nooks where most tourist never go.

After this 3-hour tour, you will discover a new city of Berlin. You will know why it is called a “cultural melting pot”. You will learn about the impact of Berlin’s music scene. Furthermore, you will be able to decipher some hidden messages of different graffiti and murals around the city. You will witness squat life very close to the centre of Berlin.

Our Alternative Berlin tour will allow you to feel the true vibe of Berlin!

Attention! A daily transport ticket (AB zone) is needed for this tour!


  • Haus Schwarzenberg
  • Treehouse at the Wall
  • ⁠Kreuzberg area
  • YAAM (Young African Arts Market)

The last point: YAAM at Ostbahnhof

Please be informed that exact tour can vary, depending on the guide.

Very worthwhile tour

This was an interesting tour of street art and neighborhoods that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. Really appreciate the context and perspective provided by our guide JR!

This tour really helped us love Berlin and we actually learned a lot about the history of the city from a whole new perspective. Laura was an amazing and interesting guide. Highly recommend – and ask first, hug after 🙂

Enjoyable tour!

We really enjoyed the alternative tour, looking Berlin from another perspective and learning interesting new things of street art! Dara was excellent! Highly recommended tour!

Excellent tour and JR was a great and knowledgeable guide

Highly recommended

Cool experience

Really nice tour. I would it recommend 100%. Funny and informative

This tour is also available as a Private Tour.

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Original Berlin Tours

Free Walking Tour Berlin

When:  Every day 10am & 12pm every day Where: The meeting point is in front of the ehemaliges Kaiserliches Postfuhramt Berlin, Oranienburger Straße, 10117 Berlin, Germany, next to the entrance. Price:  Free

Welcome to Berlin’s Alternative Culture: A Walking Tour Like No Other

by Original Berlin Tours | Mar 7, 2024 | Original Berlin


Berlin, the vibrant capital of Germany, is renowned for its rich history, diverse neighborhoods, and thriving alternative culture. While the city offers an array of famous landmarks and tourist attractions, there’s a lesser-known side to Berlin that’s just waiting to be explored. In this walking tour, we’ll take you on a journey through the city’s alternative scene, uncovering hidden gems, street art, independent boutiques, and much more.

1. Kreuzberg: The Heart of Alternative Berlin

Our adventure begins in the district of Kreuzberg, which has long been regarded as the epicenter of Berlin’s alternative culture. Kreuzberg is renowned for its multicultural atmosphere, vibrant nightlife, and street art. Strolling through the district’s bustling streets, you’ll find yourself surrounded by colorful murals and graffiti, showcasing the creativity of local artists.

1.1 Görlitzer Park: Nature Meets Urban Culture

A must-visit spot in Kreuzberg is Görlitzer Park. This urban oasis offers a unique blend of green spaces and alternative culture. Take a stroll along the park’s paths, relax on the grass, and soak in the lively atmosphere. You’ll find locals playing music, practicing acrobatics, or socializing around the park’s popular open-air bars.

1.2 Markthalle Neun: Foodie Paradise

No visit to Kreuzberg is complete without exploring Markthalle Neun. This historic market hall is a foodie’s dream come true, showcasing a wide array of local and international culinary delights. From traditional German delicacies to exotic street food, there’s something to satisfy every craving. Don’t miss the Street Food Thursday event, where vendors from around the world come together to offer their culinary creations.

2. Friedrichshain: The Hipster Haven

Our next stop takes us to Friedrichshain, a trendy neighborhood that embraces Berlin’s alternative culture. Friedrichshain is known for its independent shops, quirky cafes, and vibrant nightlife. As you wander through the streets, you’ll encounter a fusion of vintage stores, art galleries, and street food vendors that reflect the neighborhood’s unique character.

2.1 RAW-Gelände: An Oasis of Creativity

One of the highlights of Friedrichshain is the RAW-Gelände, an abandoned industrial area turned creative space. This unconventional venue is home to galleries, nightclubs, pop-up stores, and a variety of cultural events. Explore the graffiti-covered walls, savor local street food, and immerse yourself in Berlin’s alternative art scene.

2.2 East Side Gallery: Art and History

A must-see attraction in Friedrichshain is the East Side Gallery, a section of the Berlin Wall that has been transformed into an open-air art gallery. Stretching for 1.3 kilometers, it showcases over 100 murals created by artists from all over the world. Each artwork tells a story, depicting themes of freedom, unity, and hope.

3. Prenzlauer Berg: Bohemian Charm

Our final destination is Prenzlauer Berg, a neighborhood famous for its bohemian charm, leafy streets, and relaxed atmosphere. Prenzlauer Berg is a haven for artists, intellectuals, and young families. Here’s where you’ll find cozy cafes, boutique shops, and a strong sense of community.

3.1 Mauerpark: Sunday Flea Market and Karaoke

Make sure to visit Mauerpark on a Sunday to experience its famous flea market. This vibrant market offers a treasure trove of vintage clothing, handmade crafts, and unique souvenirs. But that’s not all – Mauerpark is also known for its open-air karaoke session, where locals and tourists gather to showcase their singing skills.

3.2 Kastanienallee: Hip Shopping Street

End your tour with a stroll down Kastanienallee, a bustling street lined with trendy boutiques, vintage shops, and stylish cafes. This street perfectly captures the bohemian spirit of Prenzlauer Berg. Spend some time exploring the shops, grab a cup of coffee, and soak in the vibrant energy of the neighborhood.

Exploring Berlin’s alternative culture is a truly enriching and unique experience. From the vibrant streets of Kreuzberg to the creative spaces of Friedrichshain and the bohemian charm of Prenzlauer Berg, this walking tour will take you on a journey through Berlin’s alternative scene. Embrace the city’s artistic spirit, delve into its rich culture, and discover the hidden gems that make Berlin the vibrant metropolis it is today. So put on your walking shoes and get ready to dive into the alternative side of Berlin!

Table of Contents

Thank you for reading. If you're inspired by the stories of Berlin and want to delve deeper, why not join us on our Free Berlin Walking Tour ? It's a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the city's rich history and vibrant culture. We look forward to welcoming you soon.


  • 3.5 hours walking tour
  • Berlin’s major highlights
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Reichstag and Berlin Wall
  • Historical sites

civitatis tour alternativo berlin

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Visita guiada pela Berlim alternativa

  • 9,1 / 10 803 opiniões | 7385 viajantes Este passeio é altamente recomendado para dar uma nova olhada em Berlim. Como e por que surgem diferentes movimentos culturais na música, na arte, na arquitetura, etc. O ressurgimento de uma cidade e da sua sociedade desde o pós-guerra até à queda do muro, numa perspectiva interna que o guia Eduardo lhe conta nos mínimos detalhes; respondendo com grande entusiasmo a todas as questões que surgem. Pino de segurança!! 10 Andrea
  • Cancelamento gratuito até 1 horas antes
  • X (Twitter)

Nesta  visita guiada pela Berlim alternativa , descobriremos o que há além dos monumentos e o estilo de vida nos bairros  da capital alemã. Vai lhe surpreender!

Bairro de Kreuzberg

Nos encontraremos na hora indicada no Portão de Brandemburgo  para começar uma visita guiada pela Berlim alternativa .

Passearemos pela icônica  Oranienburger Straße , a rua onde morava a população judia no final do século XIX e princípio do XX. Depois faremos uma parada diante do complexo de pátios de estilo art nouveau de  Hackesche Höfe .

A seguir, iremos a um dos bairros populares mais alternativos e multiculturais da cidade: Kotti . Lá, encontraremos  bares punk, discotecas animadas e alguns dos melhores restaurantes de comida halal . Você sabia que nesse bairro surgiu o hip hop turco?

Também visitaremos o bairro de Kreuzberg para contemplar o grafite  Astronaut Cosmonaut de Victor Ash, que chamará sua atenção pela relação com a guerra. Em seguida, saberemos por que  Oranienstraße  é um dos lugares favoritos dos mais jovens e logo caminharemos pela Bethaniendamm antes de chegar a   Baumhaus , um  espaço sustentável no coração da capital .

Não poderia faltar o  bairro de Kopi na nossa visita pela Berlim mais alternativa, um lugar que mistura  a cultura punk, o anarquismo e o marxismo . Além disso, iremos até o  mercado de Yaam para ver algumas  bancas  de comida africana  e, com sorte, poderemos até ver alguma  apresentação  de reggae .

Depois de três horas de percurso, concluiremos a visita guiada pela Berlim alternativa contemplando os  mais de 100 murais do  East Side Gallery .

Para que a visita tenha um preço econômico, os deslocamentos serão feitos usando o transporte público de Berlim. Para poder fazer a visita, é necessário que você tenha o abono de transporte das zonas AB . Se você não tiver, o guia lhe ajudará a comprá-lo.

Este tour é feito em inglês ou espanhol, dependendo do dia que você reservar:

  • Tour em inglês : sextas às 16:00 horas.
  • Tour em espanhol : quintas e sábados às 16:00 horas.

A atividade é feita com um guia espanhol ou inglês em função do dia.

Guia de língua inglesa ou espanhola.

Não incluído

Bilhete de transporte público das zonas AB: € 7 ( US$ 7,60) por pessoa.

Quando reservar

Pode reservar até 12 horas antes sempre que restarem lugares. Reserve já e garanta a sua vaga.

Tipo de voucher

Eletrónico. Leve-o no seu telemóvel.


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Ponto de encontro, onde termina a atividade.

Portão de Brandemburgo.

East Side Gallery.

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Tour completo de Berlim

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Tour privado por Berlim com guia em português

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civitatis tour alternativo berlin

Spring special: Book now and get a 20% discount on your second tour!

Berlin on Bike

  • Small Group Bike Tour

Alternative Berlin Bike Tour

Quick Details

  • Calendar Booking: Regelmäßige Öffentliche Termine
  • Info Language: Deutschsprachige Tour
  • Heart Guide: Authentisch, Persönlich & Unterhaltsam
  • Users Family: Spannend & Erlebnisreich auch für Kinder
  • Hour Glass Duration: 3,5 Stunden
  • Checkered Flag Length: 15-20 Kilometer
  • Checkmark Included: Fahrräder & Helme + gratis Umbuchung/Storno bei Regen
  • Map Marker Start & End: Kulturbrauerei im Prenzlauer Berg

Discover this Berlin underground tour in other languages? Click here for the German “Alternative Berlin Radtour” Click here for the Dutch “Alternatieve Berlijn Fietstocht”

Alternative Berlin Tour on Bicycle

Hop on a bike & embark on an alternative tour of berlin.

Embark on a cycling adventure through the transformed neighborhoods of Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg, and Friedrichshain with our ‘Alternative Berlin’ bike tour. Experience the famous and infamous aspects of Berlin’s cultural diversity, vibrant nightlife, and numerous lively subcultures shaped since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Commencing in the former hub of East Berlin’s opposition movement, Prenzlauer Berg, now a chic and affluent district, the tour explores charming streets adorned with fantastic cafes, restaurants, and trendy shops.

The journey continues to the trendy Friedrichshain, home to the famous East-Side-Gallery, a large artwork on the former Berlin Wall, the iconic Berghain techno temple, and one of Berlin’s street art hotspots, the RAW-Gelände.

In Kreuzberg, discover exciting and colorful neighborhoods teeming with young and creative individuals. Whether exploring lively streets, the vibrant Markthalle Neun, the intriguing Görlitzer Park, or the Bethanienhaus, Kreuzberg offers a diverse array of experiences.

Bike traffic light in front of Case Mclaims artwork in Berlin Kreuzberg - Alternative bike tour Berlin

Alternative Berlin Tours: A Colorful City of Contrasts

Since the fall of the Wall in 1989, Berlin has undergone profound changes. The squatter movement shifted from West Berlin’s Kreuzberg to the East Berlin district of Friedrichshain, giving way to new clubs, art hubs, and creative spaces on vacant lots and abandoned places.

Berlin became an open city, where sudden shifts in power and economic instability allowed for unprecedented possibilities. Despite limited financial resources, Berliners had a surplus of ideas. The 1990s saw a kaleidoscope of artists, techno enthusiasts, punks, migrants, squatters, and newcomers from around the world shaping the city’s unique identity.

However, the flip side became evident around 2010 as Berlin gained popularity, attracting investors and affluent individuals. This led to increasing gentrification, transforming Prenzlauer Berg into a luxury renovated hipster district and driving up prices in Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg. Today, these neighborhoods represent a colorful mix of pre-war and modern architecture, creative and chic elements, diversity, and gentrification.

Cycling Through Berlin’s Underground Scene

As we pedal through vibrant streets and beautiful squares, we showcase imaginative street art, guide you to fantastic weekly markets, and share stories about typical Berlin free spaces, like the treehouse on the Berlin Wall, Holzmarkt 25, Yaam, or the RAW-Gelände.

a group of people riding a bike in the Berliner Oranienstrasse

This alternative bike tour in Berlin ensures you won’t miss courtyards, street art, creative projects, trendy spots, and the diverse club culture that makes Berlin truly unique. Your guide provides insider tips on excellent restaurants, hip shops, and, with a bit of luck, reveals how to gain entry to the best clubs. Together, we revel in Berlin’s creative side, its colorful residents, and everything that makes Berlin the liveliest place in the world. However, we also address the social issues affecting Berlin, shedding light on how creatives and locals are combating rising rents and defending their spaces against investors and businesses.

Tour These Alternative Berlin Hotspots

Our Alternative Berlin bike tour takes you to hotspots providing glimpses into the city’s colorful life, including:

  • Trendy streets in the former working-class neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg
  • The beautiful boulevard of communism (formerly Stalinallee)
  • The East-Side-Gallery
  • Oberbaumbrücke (Berlin’s most beautiful bridge and former border crossing)
  • Vycling along the Spree river
  • Rxploring street art and murals in Wrangelkiez or RAW-Gelände
  • Relaxing in Görlitzer Park
  • Discovering Klein Istanbul & extraordinary shops and bars around Oranienstraße
  • Exploring Bethaniënhaus – from a hospital to a squat to a cultural hotspot.

Good to know:

Our guides adapt the Kreuzberg bike tour flexibly to weather conditions, participants’ interests, demonstrations or road closures, and occasionally their own preferences. Changes and deviations are always possible.

civitatis tour alternativo berlin

  • Chevron down Where does the Alternative Berlin Bike Tour start and end?

The Alternative Berlin Bike Tour starts at the Kulturbrauerei (means “Culture Brewery”) in the Prenzlauer Berg district. The brewery grounds have several entrances, the best way to get to us is through the archway at Knaackstraße 97. From the underground station Eberswalder Straße (underground line 2, three stops north of Alexanderplatz) it’s a 200-metre walk.

For private tours with your own bikes, the start can be arranged individually. Delivery of our bikes for your private bike tour is also possible for an additional charge – but this is usually only worthwhile for larger groups.

  • Chevron down Public or Private Alternativ Berlin Bike Tour?

The Alternative Berlin Bike Tour takes place in English, German and Dutch on several days each week during our season from March till November. 

The average group size is 8 to 12 people, with a maximum of 15 guests. You can join these public Alternative Berlin tours as a family, a couple, with a few friends or just by yourself.

We also offer private Alternative Berlin city bicycle tours: with these your family, friends or colleagues will enjoy the exclusive attention of one of our bike guides. Private tours can be tailored to suit individual needs, including as many breaks as you might wish for, and bespoke catering stops at places requested, as well as detours to particular sites you might be interested in seeing.

In addition to our “main languages” English, Dutch and German, private tours can also be booked in French, Spanish or Swedish.

For the private Alternative Berlin Bike Tours, we ask for a little more advance notice when booking, to give us time to find the right guide for your group. However, you may also be lucky with a request at short notice, e.g. the day before.

  • Chevron down Why Berlin on Bike?

Kulturbrauerei – uniquely beautiful starting point in the car-free courtyards of a 100 year old former brewery

Daily public bike tours along several routes, in English, Dutch and German

Specially trained guides – knowledgeable and entertaining team of guides

Personal touch – our bike guides are enthusiastic about Berlin and set their own priorities for individual tours

The real Berlin – in addition to Berlin sightseeing, we show aspects of everyday life in the city

Safety – our chosen bike routes favour the use of bike paths and quieter side streets

Well-maintained bike fleet – 21-speed trekking bikes, as well as backpedal or e-bikes

Ideal for families – children’s bikes in various sizes, trailers, child seats, matching helmets

Easy bike tour booking – online, by e-mail or even by phone

Customer friendly and flexible cancellation policy – free of charge up to 24 hours before the start of the tour

After the bike ride , you can go to the museum, restaurant or beer garden on the brewery grounds

Related Activities

  • Map Marker Kulturbrauerei im Prenzlauer Berg
  • Checkmark Fahrräder & Helme + gratis Umbuchung/Storno bei Regen
  • Checkered Flag 15-20 Kilometer
  • Hour Glass 3,5 Stunden
  • Users Spannend & Erlebnisreich auch für Kinder
  • Heart Authentisch, Persönlich & Unterhaltsam
  • Info Deutschsprachige Tour
  • Calendar Termine und Preise auf Anfrage

Oasis of Berlin - Green Berlin Bike Tour

This bike tour is something for Berliners and visitors to Berlin who want to get a little off the beaten track. Book online!

  • Checkered Flag 12 - 15 Kilometer
  • Calendar Regelmäßige Öffentliche Termine

Berlin Highlights Bike Tour

This bike tour is the perfect introduction to your Berlin experience as the equivalent of a classic sightseeing tour. Book online!

  • Hour Glass 3 bis 3,5 Stunden
  • Calendar Online Buchen oder Termin Anfragen

Berlin at Night Bike Tour

On our guided bike tour “Berlin by Night” you can experience the fabulous atmosphere and magic of a city that never sleeps! As darkness falls across the city, another world begins to appear; a world of shimmering lights and glamorous people.

  • Destinations

Free tours in Berlin

  • Tours in Berlin

Alternative Berlin Tour by Walkative! Provided by Walkative Tours

Cool resides in Berlin

Berlin, a wonderful melting-pot of cosmopolitan, curiosity, style, design, history, culture, sub-cultures, creativity & colour. There's a delightful feeling of freedom about Berlin, as you ramble along Kreuzberg or stroll through Alexanderplatz with the TV tower piercing the sky above you, you'll see that Berlin is different than places you've been, its exciting buzz & vibrant local cultures tell you there's a healthy streak of the alternative and life a little less ordinary to be explored, embraced and celebrated.

A tumultuous & dark recent history, such as that of the Third Reich & the Holocaust, Cold War & the Berlin wall, are still very much evident on Berlin's streets today, for example Hitler's bunker, the Palace of Tears, check-point Charlie & the East-side gallery, but the legacy of this past is an important & integral part of the Berlin of today, a liberal, forward-thinking & happy place in control of its own destiny.

There are innumerable parks, pubs, restaurants & cafes to enjoy a beer or currywurst & absorb the captivating local atmosphere after an afternoon spent perusing the flea markets of Mauerpark or Museum Island, seeing sights such as the Brandenburg gate or discovering the alternative sides of Berlin with some freetour.com recommended free walking tours. Discover and embrace Berlin with authentic locals and see the difference!


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Barrio Alternativo

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Campo de Concentración de Sachsenhausen

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Free Alternative Berlin Tour

  • Get out of the beaten path to explore the most authentic side of Berlin that you won’t find in any guide.
  • Learn about Berlin’s poignant street art, squat culture , and electronic music scene.
  • Admire Berliner’s talent for reappropriating buildings , from a brutalist Church turned art gallery to a burger joint at a metro station.

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Tour dei luoghi più alternativi di Berlino

  • 9,4 / 10 59 opinioni | 488 viaggiatori Brava Franca che ha saputo coinvolgere noi e gli adolescenti al nostro seguito!! 8 Elisabetta Sarti
  • X (Twitter)

Scoprite Berlino e il suo fascino underground in questo tour in italiano della capitale tedesca. Un'esperienza da non perdere!


Isolata dalla Cortina di Ferro per quasi mezzo secolo e profondamente segnata dagli orrori della guerra, Berlino ha sviluppato un proprio stile nel corso degli anni . È diventata la patria di artisti e degli strati più anticonformisti della società, che scelgono la città per il suo stile di vita underground.

Berlino è, pertanto, una città multiculturale , piena di graffiti e con un'architettura d'avanguardia, unica rispetto ad altre capitali europee e alle città finanziarie del resto del mondo. La città mostra una dissonanza fra il suo volto aziendale e la sua apertura culturale, che scopriremo nel nostro tour, in cui conosceremo lo sviluppo urbano della città e i luoghi della street art e del divertimento notturno di Berlino.

Il fermento culturale della città si sviluppò durante la riunificazione, dopo la caduta del Muro di Berlino , in un clima di protesta.

La nostra guida vi darà consigli su attività culturali, ristoranti e vita notturna in città per aiutarvi a vivere al meglio la vostra vacanza a Berlino!

  • Durante il tour utilizzeremo il trasporto pubblico di Berlino . Per poter partecipare sarà necessario acquistare i ticket della metro per le zone A e B . 
  • Nelle date in cui il nostro tour in italiano non è operativo, potete prenotare la visita guidata in inglese, cliccando qui .

L'attività si svolge con una guida che parla italiano.

Tour con guida in italiano.

Non incluso

Biglietti della metro delle zone A e B.

Quando prenotare

È possibile prenotare fino all'ora di inizio purché ci sia disponibilità. Prenota il prima possibile per garantirti la disponibilità.

In formato digitale. Mostralo sul tuo smartphone.


Accessibile in sedia a rotelle. Servizi igienici accessibili. È necessaria la presenza di un accompagnatore.


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I nostri fornitori si impegnano a:

  • Offrire un'esperienza sicura e soddisfacente.
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  • Rispettare gli standard di qualità del lavoro.
  • Sostenere lo sviluppo delle comunità locali.
  • Rispettare l'autenticità culturale.
  • Conservare il patrimonio culturale e ambientale.
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  • Si evita l'uso di materiale cartaceo.
  • Non si utilizza plastica monouso.
  • Lo spettacolo rappresenta la cultura locale.
  • L'attività aiuta a diffondere il patrimonio culturale locale.
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  • Non è necessario stampare la documentazione.
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  • Dispone di una politica sulla parità di genere.
  • Dispone di una politica di compensazione della carbon footprint.

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D - Perché fare questa attività con Civitatis?

R - Civitatis ti offre la migliore qualità e il miglior prezzo garantito, clicca qui se vuoi sapere come selezioniamo le nostre attività .

D - Come si prenota?

R - Per prenotare questa attività è necessario selezionare la data desiderata e compilare il formulario. La conferma della prenotazione è immediata.

Se non riesci ad eseguire la prenotazione o hai bisogno di un servizio differente, contattaci.


Punto di incontro.

Potsdamer Platz 10, angolo fra Gabriele-Tergit-Promenade e Stresemannstrasse.

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  1. Alternative Berlin Guided Tour

    Description. At the indicated time, we'll meet at the Brandenburg Gate for a guided tour around Berlin's alternative side! We'll walk along the iconic Oranienburger Straße, the street where the Jewish population lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. We'll then stop at the art nouveau courtyard complex of Hackesche Höfe.

  2. Visita guiada por el Berlín alternativo

    Nos encontraremos a la hora indicada en la Puerta de Brandeburgo para emprender una visita guiada por el Berlín alternativo. Pasearemos por la icónica Oranienburger Straße, la calle donde vivía la población judía a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Después nos detendremos ante el complejo de patios de estilo art nouveau de ...

  3. Las mejores visitas guiadas, excursiones y actividades en Berlín

    Campo de concentración de Sachsenhausen. 9,1 / 10 12.259 opiniones. 108.502 viajeros. Cancelación gratuita. Dura, pero imprescindible. La excursión al campo de concentración de Sachsenhausen se ha convertido por mérito propio en el tour más popular desde Berlín . 6 horas Español Excursiones de un día. 32,50 US$.

  4. Alternative Berlin

    9. Spree Park. Spree Park is an unusual place in berlin. Once an amusement park, now abandoned and left to the forces of nature, Spreepark is a must-visit for any alternative seeking traveller. Like most things in Berlin, the park conceals a fascinating past but I won't go too much into that here.

  5. Alternative Berlin Tour

    The Alternative walking tour shows you Berlin's underbelly, and gives a unique personal viewpoint of why it remains the most vital and vibrant place on Earth. Spread across former East and former West Berlin. Your tour may include: Haus Schwarzenberg, YAAM beach, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Treehouse on the wall, SO36. 20€ Incl. 19% MwSt.

  6. Alternative Berlin Tours

    So we walk. So come and join us on our uniquely designed walking tours, step by step by step, side by side. Let us help you become a part of the best city on Earth. We walk through the disparate neighborhoods of a town that somehow clash up against each other, whose stories are hidden on every corner, outside every building. Mark Twain knew this.

  7. Berlin: Alternative Berlin Walking Tour

    Highlights. Discover Berlin's incredible alternative identity on a guided walking tour. Explore multicultural quarters including Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, and Neukölln. Walk through café districts and local shopping areas in Prenzlauerberg and Mitte. Visit underground galleries, relaxing canals, and community funded urban farms.


    ALTERNATIVE BERLIN TOUR. 9 June, 2023 2020-01-12T14:26:10+01:00. Main Info. This guided tour is offered exclusively as a Private Tour. You choose the day and start time you prefer. The duration of the tour is 3,5 hours. There is no minimum number of participants, if the group is very numerous there will be a second guide to guarantee the ...

  9. Alternative Berlin Tour by Walkative!

    This tour will focus on art and music, graffiti and murals, and in general on the alternative lifestyle in which Berlin specializes. Get ready to visit places, nooks, and crannies where regular tourists don't usually venture. Let's discover together the other side of Berlin - the European cultural melting pot. Our Alternative Berlin tour ...

  10. A mini guide to alternative Berlin

    street art. Berlin must be the world's capital of street art! Most of the city, and especially the alternative districts, is covered in all forms of art. And these are not just any random paintings but really valuable pieces, some with deep meaning. Artists from all over the world come to Berlin to be part of its wonderful street art scene.

  11. Berlin: Alternative Walking Tour

    The stories of Berlin's amazing alternative culture laid bare. The Alternative walking tour shows you Berlin's underbelly and gives a unique personal viewpoint of why it remains the most vital and vibrant place on Earth. Your tour may include: Haus Schwarzenberg, YAAM beach, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Treehouse on the wall, SO36, RAW Gelände.

  12. Alternative Berlin Tour

    Our Alternative Berlin tour will allow you to feel the true vibe of Berlin! Attention! A daily transport ticket (AB zone) is needed for this tour! Highlights: Kreuzberg area. Holzmarkt. The last point: YAAM at Ostbahnhof. Please be informed that exact tour can vary, depending on the guide.

  13. Recorrido alternativo por Berlín en Walkative

    Serás testigo de la vida okupa muy cerca del centro de Berlín. ¡Nuestro tour de Berlín Alternativo te permitirá sentir la verdadera vibra de Berlín! ¡Atención! ¡Se necesita un boleto de transporte diario (zona AB) para este recorrido! Reflejos: arte callejero. vida en cuclillas. Kreuzberg.

  14. Visita guiada por el Berlín alternativo

    Nos encontraremos a la hora indicada en la Puerta de Brandeburgo para emprender una visita guiada por el Berlín alternativo. Pasearemos por la icónica Oranienburger Straße, la calle donde vivía la población judía a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Después nos detendremos ante el complejo de patios de estilo art nouveau de ...

  15. Welcome to Berlin's Alternative Culture: A Walking Tour Like No Other

    Exploring Berlin's alternative culture is a truly enriching and unique experience. From the vibrant streets of Kreuzberg to the creative spaces of Friedrichshain and the bohemian charm of Prenzlauer Berg, this walking tour will take you on a journey through Berlin's alternative scene.

  16. Visita guiada pela Berlim alternativa

    Nos encontraremos na hora indicada no Portão de Brandemburgo para começar uma visita guiada pela Berlim alternativa. Passearemos pela icônica Oranienburger Straße, a rua onde morava a população judia no final do século XIX e princípio do XX. Depois faremos uma parada diante do complexo de pátios de estilo art nouveau de Hackesche Höfe.

  17. Alternative Biking Tour of Berlin's Underground

    Our Alternative Berlin bike tour takes you to hotspots providing glimpses into the city's colorful life, including: Trendy streets in the former working-class neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg. The beautiful boulevard of communism (formerly Stalinallee) The East-Side-Gallery. Oberbaumbrücke (Berlin's most beautiful bridge and former border ...

  18. Free Tours in Berlin, Germany

    Free Walking Tour of Berlin's Historical Center! Provided by Culture and Touring Tours Berlin. Rating: 9.4. (Reviews: 6127) from €0 Tip based. Touring this free tour of Berlin, which is perfect for getting to know the most incredible places of interest, browse through its past and present with a guide of many experiences.

  19. Free Tours en Berlín en Español

    Free Tours en Berlín. Descubre de la mano de los mejores guías desde los lugares más icónicos a nivel histórico hasta los rincones más escondidos y pintorescos de esta ciudad. ... Barrio Alternativo. El Berlín más ecléctico, vibrante y tolerante. 3 horas. Martes, jueves, viernes y sábados. RESERVAR.

  20. Free Alternative Berlin Tour

    From squats to electro and punk music, street art, and graffiti, Berlin's alternative culture is recognized throughout the world.The Free Tour Alternative Berlin has been designed to show visitors another side of this amazing city, giving them the opportunity to move away from the main tourist sites to discover some of its best-kept secrets.

  21. Tour dei luoghi più alternativi di Berlino

    Itinerario. Isolata dalla Cortina di Ferro per quasi mezzo secolo e profondamente segnata dagli orrori della guerra, Berlino ha sviluppato un proprio stile nel corso degli anni. È diventata la patria di artisti e degli strati più anticonformisti della società, che scelgono la città per il suo stile di vita underground. Berlino è, pertanto, una città multiculturale, piena di graffiti e ...