Gig Review : Slam Dunk North 2024...

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billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

Review & Photography by Manny Manson for MPM

Well it just happens to be the hottest day of the year so far as I head the motor towards Birmingham and KK’s Steel Mill in particular. With 32.5C showing on the temperature gauge, I settle back to enjoy the coolness of the Air Con as I head into the setting sun.

This is sadly, another trip without brother Waldorf, he has previous arrangements with a certain Kelly Jones and the Stereophonics in Wales, so I head off on my own.

Arriving at the venue at 18:45, doors being 19:00, I’m amazed at the size of the queue already gathered waiting for entrance. There is no shade from the heat for these ‘early doors’, Mad dogs and Englishmen’ comes to mind as I pull into the small carpark at the top of the road. £2 all day, a bargain.

Once inside a quick hello to ‘Tice’, mien host if you will, tells me that it’s a sold-out gig. With tonight’s configuration that means 1200 hot and sweaty bodies taking the temperature through the roof so to speak. On top of that we have been asked to wear a mask in the pit, in fact KK’s have issued us with the limited-edition black KK’s special. I opt to wear a medical issue mask as it wasn’t as hot or as claustrophobic feeling. I grab a bottle of water and stuff it into my combat shorts pocket, I’m sure I’m going to need it.

Up first tonight we have ‘Tigress ’, a quick google tells me they have been on the circuit for a few years and up until August 27 th 2015 they were known as the, ‘The Hype Theory’. From then, they have been called Tigress. Not to be confused with the American hardcore punk band from Chicago. As is usual the support are pushed to the front of the stage, thankfully KK’s stage is a good size so they will have more room than in other venues. The mighty ‘Tigress’ backdrop hides Billy Talent’s drum kit from view. Behind which is a large video screen.

With a 30minute set ahead of them the band hit the stage on time at 20:00. Tom Harrison, guitar, stage right, Sean Bishop, guitar, stage left, Jack Divey, bass and Josh Coombes on the kit. Once plugged in Coombes sets about smacking out a driving bass and snare ‘rattle’, a riffing single guitar note joins him as the band fire up into ‘Powerlines’.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

From the 2017 E.P. ‘Like It Is’. During this opening salvo, singer, Katy Jackson swaggers onto the stage in shorts (sensible choice) a pink loose tee shirt and her two-tone hair up in two buns like mickey mouse ears, only better.

Hooking into the driving beat, her vocal is full of angst as she sings about resetting the powerlines. Pacing the stage, it is a wide one tonight, the band go into ‘A Letter to Death’, with a “what’s up Wolverhampton! We are Tigress” the band are off again, full of distorted guitar and a steady rocking beat.

Divey on Bass is having fun, he must have his fit bit on tonight as he’s rocking out like a demented soul. Jackson screams “get your hands up”, surprisingly the crowd punch the sky as they enjoy this one from their 2021 album ‘Pura Vida’.

Bishop with the long hair on stage left has his foot on a monitor as he goes into a distorted run of filthy riffage, “let’s hear it for Sean on guitar” cries out Jackson.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

Another from the album follows ‘Choke’, it kicks in with its simple opening riff from Harrison who is joined by Bishop with a heavy fuzz laden cry from stage left, His Cort guitar is full of synthesized pitch shifting badness, not unlike the sounds that Matt Bellamy of Muse makes.

‘Feel It’ again takes over where choke left off. With a strong vocal Jackson sings “Hey Hey Hey” as she fist pumps at the crowd who duly oblige and fist pump back. Pacing back and forth, Jackson sings softly as the drums crash around her, Bishops guitars softly cries in sympathy to her lamenting vocal. Standing next to Bishop she screams out the finish to the song.

Next up is ‘Headaches’ which starts off with a zingier vibe. This is from the 2017 E.P. ‘Like It Is’. A solid drum beat and riffing guitars give it a solid foundation for Jackson to lay down a powerful vocal. As the song moves along with a strong back line the guitars seem a little lost in the mix, It, could be that my vantage point is bass positive so I’m missing some of the fidelity of the tune.

Bring Me Down’ is up next from the 2018 E.P. ‘Who Cares’, this has Bishop spinning around while he’s playing, the sweat is running off me so I appreciate his energy, its super warm in here tonight, as they crush this powerhouse of a song.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

Plenty of fuzz laden licks and some great tom and cymbal play on the kit throw this song at the crowd who are happily bouncing along to it. ‘Alive’ is up next, again from an E.P. this time 2015’s ‘Human’. With an intro that immediately struck me as being very ‘Starset’ in sound. Lots of crushing drums and crashing cymbals bookend a driving guitar as, again, Jackson proves she’s got the pipes to deliver a great tune, in fact on relistening to this tune I have to say it’s my favourite of the set, Jackson’s voice is powerful, a great tune, if one of their older tracks.

Jackson shouts out “Wolverhampton are you feeling alive, I SAID ARE YOU FEELING ALIVE”? the crowd are clapping and cheering in response.

Alright we have one song left”, she screams as Coombes strikes out a very fast Queen style drum riff, Boom Boom Dah Boom Boom Dah, is hit hard and heavy on the kit, the fuzzy guitars explode into action. The dead pan delivery of Jackson gives this, their final tune an eerily vibe.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

Bishops guitar is full of Bellamy’s squealing pitch shifting sounds as they power on, driven by Harrisons hard riffing and explosive concussion from the drums, screaming out, “I can’t hear you” and “Get your Hands up” the song continues as the crowd clap along as the song finish, the music and lights slowly fade as the band walk off the stage.

A great opening set from a band I’d not heard of until now despite them having toured extensively, supported Skindred and played alongside Don Broco, Enter Shikari and Yonaka.

After the usual half hour stage swap over, we are ready for the main act. All the way from Canada, Billy Talent . This band has gathered a loyal following of fans along the way, they are in tonight despite the heat. Originally formed in 1993 they went by the name of PEZZ, in 1999 they changed their name after a U.S. band challenged them for the sole use of it. Changing to Billy Talent thereafter. The name is not that of the bands singer as was thought by a lot of people but from a character in Michael Turners Novel, ‘Hard Core Logo’. It was at this time that the band embarked on a more aggressive, hard core post punk sound.

As Ian D’Sa, guitar, Loel Campbell, bass, and Jonathan Gallant, drums, get their positions on stage the crowd erupt! The lights and sound hit like a Tsunami as Benjamin Kowalewicz hits the stage, and engulfed in bright red light, launches into the vocal for ‘Devil in a Midnight Mass’. This hard-hitting tune from 2006’s Billy Talent II, has the crowd bouncing straight away despite the heat.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

Ben’s Foot is up on the riser centre stage as he’s wrapped around the microphone delivering this edgy opening number. This is followed up with ‘This Suffering’ from the same album and continues with the onslaught. Ok it’s a slightly slower song but carries the same socially minded issues that the band write about.

With barked backing vocals from D’Sa and Campbell the song continues about having a friend to help you out. The sound is immense. Ben’s voice is dry and on point as his unique vocal style continues to deliver through-out the song.

The guitar jangles as the drums kick in for ‘I Beg to Differ(This Will Get Better)’, the first song tonight from the new album ‘Crisis of Faith’. The almost spoken style of sung lyric fits in with the driving beat being delivered by a hard hitting back line.

The sweat is flowing as they work out hard. The heavy hitting drum slams out as the melody is picked up by D’Sa as ‘Afraid of Heights’ now plays out. This steady beat gives the band a slight reprise before going stratospheric with ‘Try Honesty’ after a rant about the UK being afraid of Air Conditioning.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

In fact, he calls this song Air Conditioning as the yellow spots fire up into the crowd, who seem oblivious to the heat, are singing back as one. The high energy delivery and racing around the stage, I’d been told to look forward to was simply not happening, possibly due to high temperatures and a 19song set.

Despite being uncomfortable with the heat he thanks everyone for taking the time to come out and see them. He mentions the band played the local Civic Hall some 19 years ago. While he speaks the hi hat is steadily marking time. As they go into 2006’s ‘Pins and Needles’, Ben shouts out “this song goes out to all the old school Billy Talent fans”.

A steady guitar picked intro marks the start to this banger, singing about his insecurities, the band joins in as does the crowd. We have some hard-core fans in tonight. He lets the fans sing as he stands on the riser and conducts them beaming like a proud school music teacher. The thud thud drum beat has the security in the pit nodding their heads.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

‘Rusted from the Rain’ from 2009’s Billy talent III, isn’t going to happen today with the all that excessive heat. With a drum stick count in, white spots flare up from the set, straight into the crowd, the drums slam out the bouncing beat as the recognisable jangling guitar sounds out. During the breakdown, Ben’s on the riser throwing water into the crowd, the outstretched arms keeping time get a bit or a watering. It’s certainly a warm one, as I wipe the sweat from my palms for the third time during this song.

‘Surprise Surprise’ from 2012’s Dead Silence follows. The tight snare rings out as the fuzz laden guitar races around creating the melody line. The yellow spots are bouncing along with the crowd as this racy number flies along, straight into ‘The Wolf’, another from the latest album.

This starts off with the band in shadow, as lights flash from the sides in time to the percussive snare crashes. This slow ballad cruises along and, surprisingly, shows how fine a singer Ben Kowalewicz is. His unique style sounds comfortable in this slower delivery, it’s still full of power but has deliberate restraint and it makes for a great song.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

This is followed by a song that Ben says tell us they don’t play very often. With it being written over 20yrs ago it seems more appropriate today. Ben tells us “we need to be easier on each other”. Again, the band are in shadow as they start into ‘Nothing to Lose’ from the original Billy Talent album released in 2003.

The band sing backing vocals as Ben winds this song up with screaming lyrics and a steady guitar riff. The crowd have sung this one and deliver a huge round of applause when it finishes. ‘Surrender’ again from Crisis of Faith fires out with its lamentable intro.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

We’ve entered the slower section of the set remarks Kowalewicz. As the crowd continue to sing along. The backing vocals seem to be extra loud on this particular track, Ben’s on the riser as the crowd sing and clap along, he finishes by singing Surrender repeatedly, the lights fade as he does so.

Again, the hi Hat is marking time as the band go into ‘End of Me’. Its chunky guitar riff is fat n funky as yet again the tech visits his mic stand / pedal board, we have some sort of issue but thankfully it’s not impacting the tasty solo being delivered as Ben, again, leaves the stage, no doubt for another quick wipe down with a fresh towel.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

An oldie but goldie is up next, ‘Forgiveness 1’ full of angst and driving guitars has the crowd singing again. The crowd are all arms as they bounce along to the dirty guitar and thundering drum riff. With some great off beat ride ‘bell’ hits this crazy number from the single released in 2019 has gone down well and has opened up a dirtier side to the set.

‘Reckless Paradise’ from the new album, full of faster beats and a more dynamic sound is up next. The band are bathed in green light, as this song rocks out, I notice folk marching past me to the smokers outside area for a cool down, it must be pretty crowded in that small enclosure.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

The last song of the set is ‘Devil on My Shoulder’ from Billy talent III, this 2009 banger follows on but not before Ben tells us that he’s spoken with Josh, the bands original drummer, the previous day.

He tells that he’s ok and doing well. For those who don’t know Josh has MS and despite his diagnosis continued to play while he self-managed it. Unfortunately, in 2016, it flared up and it became obvious that Josh would have to make the decision to retire from drumming, he gave the band his blessing to continue with out him. They are all still good friends to this day.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

With the band lit by devilish red light, they fire up into this crowd favourite. They are bouncing along like a stormy sea, to this tune full of tempo changes and instrumental breaks. A great strangled solo cries out as Ben, drenched in sweat is back and forth across the stage.

The fat bluesy solo is full of double stop goodness which has the crowd clapping along in appreciation. D’Sa and Gallant lock horns in front of the drums and rock out, D’Sa’s flat top hasn’t wilted at all from the heat, there must be a fair bit of product holding that aloft! The tempo builds, once again, to a thudding bass line and a single distorted guitar note as the band are introduced.

Ian D’Sa on guitar and Flat top, Jonathan Gallant on Bass and Loel Campbell absolutely smashing it on the drums.

Again, Ben thanks everyone for turning out, especially the moms, he tells us he became a dad during the pandemic. “And now we sing” he shouts, ‘I’ve got the Devil on my Shoulder” is repeated until the band lock in and bring the song to an end bathed in red light.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

The decision is made to carry straight on with the ‘encore’ songs, no leaving the stage to be called back on by the fans. They are straight into a classic banger, ‘Viking Death March’ from 2012’s ‘Dead Silence’. Standing at the back near the doors its slightly cooler as I wipe my brow yet again.

The crowd are still bouncing along, as the strobes flash out the singing starts. With fingers pointing, the fans and band rock out. The distorted guitar sizzles as the heat is off the chart, Ben prowls back and forth during the repetitive guitar lick, the crowd clap along. With snare snaps and lighting flashes the song is brought to an end to huge crowd appreciation. KK’s like that one.

The ‘Fallen Leaves’ chopped guitar intro has the crowd singing straight away. Bens vocal is just heard over the crowd as they sing “Fallen Leaves” “Fallen Leaves”. With a Thank you again the crowd continue to sing along, he pauses momentarily as the singing continues.

The song finishes to more claps and cheers. As Ben acknowledges the fans, the slamming drum beat continues, red strobes flash out as it booms around the venue. Ben shouts out “there’s a rumour that we might be coming back in the new year” with a count of 1-2-3 the Crowd sing out to ‘Red Flag’ the closing song of the set.

billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist

Bathed in red light this high-speed song screams along, the crowd are still singing and bouncing along. Ben has a finger in the air as the clapping from the fans gets more intense, he rolls the lyrics out as the drums crash around him, a screaming guitar rings out as he wishes everyone a safe journey home and to be more compassionate to others. The song builds to a final salvo, and with a simple thank you almost drowned out by the crowd the night is over.

Wow what a night, a great set played hard despite the heat. I didn’t hear a bad thing said about the band from the crowd on leaving apart from they don’t tour the UK often enough. This short, three-night rescheduled tour, has proven that the band still have a massive following, here, in the UK, making the rumour of a big tour in 2023 looking all the more likely. Roll on 2023!

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43 Facts About Bratsk

Elvira Llamas

Written by Elvira Llamas

Modified & Updated: 29 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

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Bratsk, a city located in the Irkutsk Oblast region of Russia, is a hidden gem worth exploring. With a rich history and a vibrant culture, Bratsk offers a unique experience to its visitors. From breathtaking natural landscapes to architectural wonders, there is something for everyone in this enchanting city.

In this article, we will uncover 43 fascinating facts about Bratsk that will pique your curiosity and make you want to pack your bags and embark on an adventure. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or someone who appreciates art and culture , Bratsk has it all. So, let’s dive into this incredible city and discover what makes it so special!

Key Takeaways:

  • Bratsk, a city in Russia, boasts a rich history, stunning landscapes, and a vibrant community, offering a unique experience for residents and visitors alike.
  • With its impressive hydroelectric power station, beautiful natural reserves, and diverse cultural scene, Bratsk is a city poised for promising growth and development.

Bratsk is a city in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia.

Located in Siberia, Bratsk is situated on the Angara River and is known for its breathtaking natural landscapes.

The city of Bratsk was founded on August 26, 1947.

It was established as a residential settlement for the workers of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station.

Bratsk is home to one of the largest hydroelectric power plants in the world.

The Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station has a capacity of 4,500 MW and plays a significant role in Russia’s energy production.

The population of Bratsk is approximately 246,000 people.

It is the third-largest city in Irkutsk Oblast, after Irkutsk and Angarsk.

The name “Bratsk” is derived from the word “brothers”.

It symbolizes the unity and cooperation of the workers who contributed to the construction of the city.

Bratsk experiences a continental climate with long, cold winters and short, warm summers.

The average temperature in January is around -19°C (-2°F), while in July , it reaches an average of 18°C (64°F).

The Bratsk Reservoir, created by the damming of the Angara River, is one of the largest artificial lakes in the world.

It covers an area of 5,470 square kilometers (2,110 square miles ) and provides opportunities for various water activities.

Bratsk is a major transportation hub in Siberia.

It has a well-developed railway system and is connected to other cities in the region through an extensive network of roads.

The city of Bratsk is known for its vibrant cultural scene.

It is home to several theaters, museums, and art galleries that showcase the rich history and traditions of the region.

Bratsk is surrounded by picturesque natural landscapes, including dense forests, mountains, and rivers.

The area offers opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing , and wildlife watching.

The Bratsk Dam, which forms the Bratsk Reservoir, was completed in 1967.

It stands at a height of 124 meters (407 feet) and is an impressive engineering feat.

The construction of the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station required the relocation of several villages and towns.

Efforts were made to ensure the smooth transition and well-being of the affected residents.

Bratsk has a diverse economy, with industries including energy, metallurgy, forestry, and agriculture.

The city’s development is closely tied to the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station and the surrounding natural resources.

Bratsk is home to several educational institutions, including universities, colleges, and vocational schools.

It serves as an educational center for the region, attracting students from different parts of Siberia .

The people of Bratsk are known for their warm hospitality and welcoming nature.

Visitors to the city often praise the friendly atmosphere and genuine kindness of the locals.

Bratsk has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from various ethnic groups living in the area.

The city celebrates traditional festivals, music, and dance, reflecting the diversity of its population .

The Bratsk Fortress is an important historical landmark in the city.

It dates back to the 17th century and serves as a reminder of Bratsk’s significant role in the region’s history.

Bratsk is known for its delicious cuisine, which features traditional Siberian dishes as well as Russian favorites.

Visitors can enjoy hearty soups, smoked fish , and locally sourced berries and mushrooms.

The Bratsk Museum of Local Lore showcases the history, culture, and natural wonders of the region.

It is a must-visit for those interested in learning more about Bratsk and its surroundings.

Bratsk has a well-developed sports infrastructure and supports various athletic activities.

The city has produced many talented athletes who have competed at national and international levels.

Bratsk is surrounded by beautiful nature reserves and national parks.

These protected areas are home to a wide range of flora and fauna, offering breathtaking sights for nature enthusiasts.

The Bratskaya street, one of the main streets in the city, is lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes.

It is a popular spot for locals and tourists to stroll, shop, and enjoy a meal.

Bratsk has a well-developed healthcare system, with modern hospitals and clinics.

The city prioritizes the health and well-being of its residents by providing quality medical facilities.

The Bratsk Opera and Ballet Theater is a cultural hub in the city, hosting performances by talented artists.

It showcases ballets, operas, and other musical events , attracting audiences from near and far.

Bratsk has a vibrant music scene, with local bands and musicians performing a variety of genres.

Music lovers can enjoy live performances at venues throughout the city.

The annual Bratsk International Film Festival celebrates the art of cinema.

It attracts filmmakers, industry professionals, and film enthusiasts from around the world.

The Bratsk Circus is a popular entertainment venue, featuring thrilling acrobatic performances and animal shows.

It offers fun-filled experiences for both children and adults.

Bratsk has a strong sense of community, with various civic organizations and volunteer groups working towards the betterment of the city.

Citizens actively participate in initiatives aimed at improving the environment, education, and social welfare.

The beautiful Bratsk City Park is a favorite spot for leisurely walks, picnics, and outdoor activities.

It offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city life.

Bratsk is known for its stunning sunsets, which paint the sky with vibrant colors.

The breathtaking views make for memorable moments and great photo opportunities.

The local markets of Bratsk are vibrant hubs of trade, showcasing a variety of local produce and goods.

Visitors can explore the stalls and sample fresh fruits, vegetables, and handicrafts.

Bratsk is an important center for scientific research and innovation.

The city is home to various research institutes and laboratories that contribute to advancements in different fields.

The Bratsk State University offers a wide range of educational programs across various disciplines.

It attracts students not only from Bratsk but also from other parts of Russia and abroad.

Bratsk is a city that embraces technology and digital connectivity.

The city’s infrastructure is well-equipped to meet the demands of the digital age.

Bratsk hosts various cultural events throughout the year, including music festivals, art exhibitions, and theatrical performances.

The city’s calendar is filled with opportunities to immerse oneself in the vibrant cultural scene.

Bratsk is a city where old traditions and modernity coexist harmoniously.

While the city embraces progress, it also values and preserves its rich cultural heritage.

Bratsk is surrounded by vast forests, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Hiking, camping, and wildlife spotting are popular activities in the area.

The Bratsk Philharmonic Orchestra is renowned for its exceptional performances and talented musicians.

It enchants audiences with a diverse repertoire that includes classical, contemporary, and traditional pieces.

Bratsk takes pride in its strong educational system, which emphasizes the importance of knowledge and skills.

It prepares the younger generation for bright futures and successful careers.

Bratsk is a city that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivity.

It values the contributions of people from different backgrounds and fosters a sense of unity among its residents.

The Bratsk Mosque is an important religious landmark in the city.

It serves as a place of worship for the Muslim community and represents the city’s religious tolerance.

Bratsk is a city with a strong sense of environmental consciousness.

Efforts are made to protect and preserve the natural resources and promote sustainable practices.

Bratsk is a city that holds great potential for growth and development.

With its rich resources, vibrant community, and forward-thinking outlook, it is poised for a promising future.

In conclusion, these 43 facts about Bratsk showcase the fascinating history, natural wonders, and cultural significance of this city. From being home to one of the world’s largest hydroelectric power stations to boasting stunning landscapes like Lake Baikal and the Taiga forests, Bratsk has something for everyone. Its rich history, with traces of ancient civilizations and Soviet-era industrial development, adds a unique charm to the city.Whether you’re interested in adventure tourism, exploring historical sites, or simply immersing yourself in the local culture, Bratsk offers a myriad of experiences. The city’s warm hospitality, friendly locals, and delicious local cuisine make it a memorable destination for travelers.Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the breathtaking beauty of Bratsk. Visit this city and unlock its hidden gems, unforgettable experiences, and the chance to create lifelong memories.

Q: When is the best time to visit Bratsk?

A: The best time to visit Bratsk is during the summer months of June to August when the weather is pleasant and outdoor activities are in full swing.

Q: How do I get to Bratsk?

A: Bratsk can be reached by air through the Bratsk Airport, which has regular flights from major cities in Russia. Alternatively, you can also travel by train or bus from neighboring cities.

Q: Are there any popular attractions in Bratsk?

A: Yes , Bratsk is known for its popular attractions such as the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Lake Baikal, Taiga forests, and the Bratsk Reservoir.

Q: Is Bratsk safe for tourists?

A: Yes, Bratsk is generally safe for tourists. However, it is always advisable to take necessary precautions and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas.

Q: What are some traditional dishes to try in Bratsk?

A: Some traditional dishes to try in Bratsk include Siberian pelmeni, omul fish, stroganina, and local berry desserts.

Bratsk's stunning landscapes beckon nature enthusiasts to explore the wonders of the taiga biome, where cold climates shape unique ecosystems. This Russian city shares its rich history and culture with other fascinating destinations like Orenburg, inviting travelers to discover the depth and diversity of Russia's urban tapestry. Bratsk's massive hydroelectric power plant stands as a testament to human ingenuity, harnessing the immense potential of flowing water to power homes and industries, showcasing the transformative impact of hydroelectric technology .

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Presentation of the largest kraftliner production site in Russia took place at the 27th International Exhibition of the Packaging Industry RosUpack

Ilim Group Presents its New KLB Mill to Industry Players

The presentation of the Big Ust-Ilimsk Project, involving the construction of Russia’s one-of-a-kind pulp and board (KLB) mill in the Irkutsk Oblast, was one of the key events at RosUpack 2023. When speaking at the plenary session on corrugated board packaging market development, Alexey Chenyaev, Ilim’s Senior Vice President, Sales, Supply Chain Management and Packaging, focused on the advanced manufacturing and environmental solutions implemented at the new KLB Mill and prospects for sales market expansion it will secure.

After KLB Mill ramp-up (600,000 tons of kraftliner per year), the total annual output of Ilim Group will amount to 4.3 million tons. The Company will be one of the world’s largest producers of unbleached packaging materials and will strengthen its leadership in the Chinese market of wood-free corrugated materials with a share of approximately 50 to 60%.

The Big Ust-Ilimsk project was met by exhibitors with great interest. This year the event was attended by more than 740 companies from 19 countries. Ilim’s booth with an area of 140 m2 was one of the largest one at the site and was operated by about 50 experts from Sales and Corrugated Box Business Management Departments. The booth was attended by over 60 key accounts and more than 120 representatives of various companies, including such major ones as Heinz, MARS and KDV-Group.

Reference information:

Ilim Group is the leader of the Russian pulp and paper industry and one of the industry leaders globally. Ilim Group has three pulp and paper mills in the Arkhangelsk (Koryazhma) and Irkutsk (Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk) Oblasts, two modern corrugated box plants in the Leningrad and Moscow Oblasts (Kommunar and Dmitrov, respectively), and Sibgiprobum engineering and design institute (Irkutsk).

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billy talent crisis of faith tour 2022 setlist


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  2. Billy Talent Crisis Of Faith Tour 2022

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  6. Billy Talent: Crisis of Faith Tour

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  1. Billy Talent Average Setlists of tour: Crisis of Faith

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  2. Billy Talent Concert Setlists

    Get Billy Talent setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Billy Talent fans for free on! Add Setlist. Search Clear search ... Crisis of Faith Tour Billy Talent. Avg start time. 3h 17m. after doors. Avg show length. 1h 29m. Upcoming Shows. Date and Venue Doors Scheduled. Jun 05 2024.

  3. Billy Talent Concert Setlist at Festhalle, Frankfurt on November 25

    Get the Billy Talent Setlist of the concert at Festhalle, Frankfurt, Germany on November 25, 2022 from the Crisis of Faith Tour and other Billy Talent Setlists for free ... 2022 Setlist. Nov 25 2022. Billy Talent ... Add to festival; Report setlist; Tour: Crisis of Faith Tour statistics Add setlist. Set Times. Start time: 9:25 PM. Tour average ...

  4. Crisis of Faith (album)

    Crisis of Faith is the sixth studio album by Canadian rock band Billy Talent, released on January 21, 2022, through Spinefarm Records.It was preceded by six singles; "Forgiveness I + II" "Reckless Paradise", "I Beg to Differ (This Will Get Better)", "End of Me" featuring Rivers Cuomo, and "The Wolf".The album had particular success on the charts in German-speaking Europe, debuting at number ...

  5. Billy Talent

    Crisis of Faith Billy Talent. Released January 21, 2022. Crisis of Faith Tracklist. 1. Forgiveness I + II Lyrics. 6.5K 2. Reckless Paradise Lyrics. 10.6K 3. I Beg to ...


    All the way from Canada, Billy Talent. This band has gathered a loyal following of fans along the way, they are in tonight despite the heat. Originally formed in 1993 they went by the name of PEZZ, in 1999 they changed their name after a U.S. band challenged them for the sole use of it. Changing to Billy Talent thereafter.

  7. Crisis of Faith

    Discography Timeline. See Full Discography. Billy Talent (2003) Billy Talent II (2006) Billy Talent III (2009) Dead Silence (2012) Afraid of Heights (2016) Crisis of Faith (2022) Live at Festhalle Frankfurt (2023)

  8. ‎Crisis of Faith

    2012. Afraid of Heights (Deluxe Version) 2016. Live at Festhalle Frankfurt. 2023. Billy Talent Essentials. Apple Music Rock. Listen to Crisis of Faith by Billy Talent on Apple Music. 2022. 10 Songs. Duration: 36 minutes.

  9. Billy Talent

    Billy Talent - Crisis of Faith (Full Album) - YouTubeDo you want to listen to the latest album by the Canadian rock band Billy Talent? Check out this video that features all the songs from Crisis ...

  10. Billy Talent

    View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2022 Box Set release of "Crisis Of Faith" on Discogs. Everything Releases Artists Labels. Advanced Search; Explore. Discover; Explore All; Trending Releases; List Explorer; Advanced Search; Contribute; ... Billy Talent - Reckless Paradise - Official Lyric Video. 3:25; Billy Talent - Forgiveness I ...

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    Get the Billy Talent Setlist of the concert at Place Bell, Laval, QC, Canada on April 3, 2022 from the Crisis of Faith Tour and other Billy Talent Setlists for free on!

  12. Question concerning the Crisis of Faith 2022 Tour : r/BillyTalent

    Community for fans of Billy Talent Members Online • Monsi1000. ADMIN MOD Question concerning the Crisis of Faith 2022 Tour . I have a friend who is not a big fan of the new album but would come with me if they play a bunch of their old songs. Does anybody who already went to an album realease tour know if that is the case? ... Hypothetical ...

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  14. Billy Talent

    View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2022 CD release of "Crisis Of Faith" on Discogs.

  15. Billy Talent

    Housed in a digisleeve. Includes 16-page full-colour booklet with lyrics and credits. Drummer Aaron Solowoniuk was unable to play on the record for medical reasons (replaced by Jordan Hastings) but was still present at the recordings and is listed as a full band member. Orchestra on Track 4 recorded at Ocean Way Nashville.

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    Get the Billy Talent Setlist of the concert at Zeppelinfeld, Nuremberg, Germany on June 3, 2022 from the Crisis of Faith Tour and other Billy Talent Setlists for free on ... Crisis of Faith Tour statistics Add setlist. Set Times. Start time: 11:45 PM. Tour average: ... Rock im Park 2022 setlists. Billy Talent Gig Timeline. May 03 2022. Edmonton ...

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  19. Billy Talent

    Difference to the Canadian issue ( Billy Talent - Crisis Of Faith) are: - The tiny print on the bottom of the backcover: "... Made in Germany, GEMA↯BIEM ...") - The matrix/runout and SID codes. Housed in a digisleeve. Includes 16-page full-colour booklet with lyrics and credits.

  20. Billy Talent Tour Statistics: Crisis of Faith

    1. Hand in Hand ( Beatsteaks cover) Play Video stats. 1. View the statistics of songs played live by Billy Talent. Have a look which song was played how often on the tour Crisis of Faith!

  21. Ilim Group Presents its New KLB Mill to Industry Players

    Presentation of the largest kraftliner production site in Russia took place at the 27th International Exhibition of the Packaging Industry RosUpack. The presentation of the Big Ust-Ilimsk Project, involving the construction of Russia's one-of-a-kind pulp and board (KLB) mill in the Irkutsk Oblast, was one of the key events at RosUpack 2023.

  22. Irkutsk Oblast

    Irkutsk Oblast (Russian: Ирку́тская о́бласть, romanized: Irkutskaya oblastʹ; Buryat: Эрхүү можо, romanized: Erkhüü mojo) is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast), located in southeastern Siberia in the basins of the Angara, Lena, and Nizhnyaya Tunguska Rivers.The administrative center is the city of Irkutsk.It borders the Republic of Buryatia and the Tuva ...

  23. Billy Talent Album Statistics: Crisis of Faith

    Billy Talent II (148) Billy Talent III (41) Crisis of Faith (46) Dead Silence (110) Friends Helping Friends Benefit Concert (1) Let The Dominoes Fall (1) Lollapalooza 2003 (7) MTV Campus Invasion (2) MuchMusic & Rogers Presents Live In The Lot (1) Rock Sound Riot 2012 (11) SiriusXM Road Trip Across Ontario (2) South Africa (1) Vans Warped Tour ...