Cruise Insider Tips

Secrets Of The Best Onboard Karaoke Nights

Get ready to tune up your vocal cords and get your groove on, because we’re about to uncover the secrets of the best onboard karaoke nights. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or a shy wallflower, karaoke nights on a cruise ship are an experience not to be missed. In this article, we’ll delve into the tips and tricks that will help you shine on stage, share some funny and relatable anecdotes, and provide you with a golden nugget of wisdom that will ensure you have the time of your life. So grab the mic and let’s get this party started!

Table of Contents

Understanding the Basics of Onboard Karaoke Nights

The concept behind onboard karaoke.

Onboard karaoke nights have become a popular form of entertainment on cruise ships, offering guests the chance to showcase their singing talents in a fun and interactive environment. The concept is simple: participants choose a song from a vast selection of tracks, the lyrics are displayed on a screen, and they sing along while the audience cheers them on. It’s a fantastic way to bring people together and create lasting memories during a cruise vacation.

Essential Elements of Karaoke Nights

To ensure a successful karaoke night, certain elements are crucial. First and foremost, you need a quality sound system that can amplify the vocals and music. A good microphone is also essential, as it allows performers to be heard clearly. In addition, having a diverse song library is important, as it caters to various musical tastes and ensures everyone can find a song they feel comfortable performing. Lastly, a supportive and engaged audience is crucial to create a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

Typical Schedule of Karaoke Events

Karaoke nights on cruises usually take place in the evening after dinner and are scheduled throughout the duration of the trip. Each session typically lasts around two to three hours, providing guests with ample time to perform their favorite songs. The schedule may include themed karaoke nights, allowing participants to sing songs from a specific genre or era. These sessions often occur in designated lounges or entertainment venues on the ship, creating a dedicated space for karaoke enthusiasts to come together and enjoy the fun.

Choosing the Right Songs

Selecting songs based on audience.

When choosing a song to perform during karaoke, it’s important to consider the preferences of the audience. Take into account the demographic and musical tastes of the crowd. If it’s a family-friendly event, opt for well-known hits that appeal to a broad audience. For a more specialized event, choose songs that align with the specific theme or genre. By selecting songs that resonate with the audience, you are more likely to receive a positive response and create an engaging atmosphere.

How to Choose a Song Based on Your Voice Range

Your voice range is an essential factor when selecting a song for karaoke. Choose a song that suits your vocal capabilities, ensuring you can hit the notes comfortably. If you have a lower voice, consider songs with a deeper range, while higher-pitched voices can excel in songs with a more challenging vocal range. Take the time to practice your chosen song beforehand to build confidence and ensure you deliver a stellar performance that showcases your voice at its best.

Classic Karaoke Songs and Their Impact

Classic karaoke songs have stood the test of time for a reason – they are crowd favorites that never fail to get the audience energized and singing along. Songs like “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey, “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen, and “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond are just a few examples of timeless karaoke classics. These songs are well-known, have memorable melodies, and are loved by people of all ages. Including a few classic karaoke songs in your setlist can help create a nostalgic and enjoyable atmosphere for both performers and the audience alike.

Secrets Of The Best Onboard Karaoke Nights

Mastering On-Stage Confidence

Importance of stage presence during karaoke.

Having good stage presence is vital for a memorable karaoke performance. It’s not just about hitting the right notes; it’s about connecting with the audience and captivating their attention. Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and project confidence. Engage with the crowd by smiling, interacting, and using gestures to enhance your performance. Good stage presence not only makes the performance more enjoyable for the audience but also boosts your own confidence and allows you to shine on stage.

Effective Ways to Improve Confidence

Building confidence takes practice, especially when performing in front of a live audience. One effective way to boost confidence is through regular practice and preparation. Familiarize yourself with the song you will be performing, rehearse it multiple times, and become comfortable with its lyrics and melody. Another tip is to start small and gradually work your way up. Begin by performing in front of trusted friends or family members, then progress to open mic nights or smaller events. With each successful performance, your confidence will grow.

Using Body Language to Enhance Performance

Body language plays a significant role in enhancing your karaoke performance. Use your body to convey emotion and energy, matching the mood of the song. If it’s an upbeat, lively song, move around the stage, clap your hands, and dance along to the music. For slower, heartfelt songs, use expressive gestures and facial expressions to convey the emotions of the lyrics. Remember to be authentic and let your body language reflect your genuine connection to the song.

Building a Strong Rapport With the Audience

Engaging with the crowd.

To create an unforgettable karaoke experience, it’s essential to build a strong rapport with the audience. Interact with them by making eye contact, smiling, and acknowledging their enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid to engage the audience during instrumental breaks or invite them to sing along with you. By actively involving the crowd, you create a sense of camaraderie and generate an electric atmosphere that elevates the entire karaoke night.

How to Feed off the Audience’s Energy

The audience’s energy is contagious and can greatly impact your own performance. Feed off their enthusiasm and let it motivate you to give your best. When the crowd is responsive and engaged, it creates an uplifting atmosphere that amplifies the enjoyment for both performers and spectators. Pay attention to the audience’s reactions and adjust your performance accordingly. If they are particularly enthusiastic, amp up your energy and showmanship to match their excitement.

Why Audience Interaction is a Game Changer

Audience interaction is a game changer during karaoke nights. It creates a sense of community and encourages active participation from both performers and the crowd. By interacting with the audience, you establish a connection that extends beyond just singing a song. Encourage audience members to request songs, sing along, or even join you on stage for a duet. This level of engagement transforms karaoke from a mere performance into an interactive and inclusive experience that everyone can enjoy.

Secrets Of The Best Onboard Karaoke Nights

Sound Equipment on the Cruise

A breakdown of onboard sound systems.

Onboard sound systems are specifically designed to ensure optimal sound quality during karaoke nights. These systems typically include professional-grade microphones, amplifiers, and speakers. The microphone is a key component as it captures the performer’s voice and transmits it to the speakers. The amplifiers are responsible for enhancing the volume and clarity of the vocals, while the speakers distribute the sound throughout the venue. The cruise staff is responsible for maintaining and operating the sound equipment to ensure a seamless karaoke experience.

Tips on Using the Microphone Effectively

Using the microphone effectively is crucial to ensure your vocals are heard clearly. Hold the microphone with a relaxed grip, allowing your hand to naturally support it. Position the microphone at a comfortable distance from your mouth, typically around 3-6 inches, to prevent distortion. Experiment with microphone techniques like angling the microphone slightly to achieve the desired sound. Remember to always test the microphone before performing and communicate any technical issues to the cruise staff.

How to Adjust to Different Sound Equipment

Different cruise ships may have variations in their sound equipment, so it’s important to adapt quickly to the available setup. Familiarize yourself with the sound system before your performance by communicating with the cruise staff or attending a soundcheck if available. Adjust your singing technique accordingly, taking into consideration the acoustics of the venue and the peculiarities of the sound equipment. Being adaptable and flexible ensures a seamless transition from one sound system to another, allowing you to deliver consistent performances throughout your cruise.

Singing Techniques for Karaoke Nights

Fundamental karaoke singing techniques.

While karaoke may not require the same level of technical prowess as professional singing, employing some fundamental singing techniques can greatly enhance your performance. Breath control is crucial for sustaining long notes and phrases, so practice deep breathing exercises to improve your lung capacity. Vocal projection is also important in karaoke, as it ensures your voice is heard over the music. Use your diaphragm to project your voice forward, rather than relying solely on your throat. Lastly, work on your diction to ensure your lyrics are clear and understandable to the audience.

Warm-up Exercises Before Singing

Warming up your voice before singing is essential to prevent vocal strain and ensure your vocal cords are ready for the performance. Start by humming gently to awaken your vocal cords, then progress to scales and lip trills to warm up your range. Focus on exercises that target your chest voice, head voice, and transition between registers. Stretching exercises for your facial muscles and jaw can also help alleviate tension and improve your vocal clarity. Spend at least 10-15 minutes warming up before each karaoke performance to optimize your vocal performance.

Managing Vocal Strain During Karaoke

Karaoke nights can be demanding on your voice, especially if you’re performing multiple songs throughout the session. To prevent vocal strain, it’s important to take care of your voice during and after performances. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to keep your vocal cords lubricated. Avoid excessive throat clearing, as it can irritate your vocal cords. Take breaks between performances to rest your voice, and if necessary, choose songs that are within your comfortable vocal range to minimize strain. After each karaoke session, engage in vocal cool-down exercises to relax your voice and prevent vocal fatigue.

Secrets Of The Best Onboard Karaoke Nights

Fashion Tips for Karaoke Performers

Outfit ideas for karaoke nights.

Choosing the right outfit for karaoke nights is an opportunity to express your style and personality while considering comfort and performance. Opt for fashionable yet comfortable attire that allows you to move freely on stage. A stylish dress, tailored suit, or trendy ensemble can elevate your confidence and stage presence. Consider the theme or vibe of the karaoke event and incorporate it into your outfit choice. Don’t be afraid to accessorize with statement pieces to complete your look and create a visually appealing presence on stage.

Why Dressing Well Can Boost Confidence

Dressing well for karaoke nights plays a significant role in boosting confidence. When you feel good in what you’re wearing, it positively affects your mindset and self-perception. Choose an outfit that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and aligns with your personal style. When you are confident in your appearance, it translates into your performance, allowing you to command the stage with greater presence and charisma. Dressing well can be a powerful confidence-boosting tool that enhances your overall karaoke experience.

Considering Comfort in Choosing Outfit

While style is important, comfort should not be compromised when selecting your karaoke outfit. Opt for breathable fabrics that allow for ease of movement, especially if you’re planning to dance or engage in energetic performances. Ensure your outfit is not too tight or restrictive, as it can hinder your vocal and physical performance. Take into consideration factors like temperature, venue, and duration of the karaoke event when choosing your outfit. Prioritize both style and comfort to ensure you can fully enjoy your time on stage without any discomfort.

Proper Karaoke Etiquette

Understanding the etiquette in singing karaoke.

Proper karaoke etiquette ensures that everyone has a positive and enjoyable experience during the event. Respect the order of performers and wait patiently for your turn to perform. If the host or emcee sets a time limit for performances, adhere to it to ensure fairness for all participants. It’s also important to support and encourage other performers by applauding and showing enthusiasm. Avoid disruptive behavior or excessive talking during others’ performances, as it can distract and disrupt the atmosphere of the karaoke night.

How to Be a Gracious Karaoke Performer

Being a gracious karaoke performer involves displaying respect and gratitude towards the audience and fellow performers. Introduce yourself before your performance, thank the audience for their support, and acknowledge the applause and positive feedback you receive. Be gracious when it’s time for others to perform, applaud their efforts, and offer words of encouragement. If requested, join in and sing along with other performers to create a fun and collaborative environment. Demonstrating kindness and consideration towards others will contribute to a harmonious and enjoyable karaoke experience for all.

Dealing with Stage Hoggers

Occasionally, you may encounter stage hoggers during karaoke nights, individuals who monopolize the stage and perform excessively long sets. In these situations, it’s essential to maintain a respectful and tolerant attitude. Remember that karaoke is a communal activity meant to be shared by all participants. If you notice someone repeatedly performing excessively long sets, kindly approach them during a break and politely suggest that they consider allowing others a turn. If the issue persists, notify the event organizers or staff, who can address the situation appropriately while maintaining a positive and inclusive environment for all attendees.

Coping Up with Nerves

How to deal with pre-karaoke nerves.

Feeling nervous before a karaoke performance is completely normal, even for seasoned performers. To cope with pre-karaoke nerves, it’s helpful to embrace and acknowledge your feelings rather than trying to suppress them. Engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or visualization to calm your nerves. Focus on positive self-talk and remind yourself of previous successful performances or positive experiences. Surround yourself with supportive friends or fellow performers who can provide encouragement and reassurance. Remember that nerves are often a sign that you care about your performance and can be channeled into a powerful and dynamic stage presence.

Tips for Overcoming Stage Fright

Stage fright can affect anyone, regardless of their experience level. Overcoming stage fright involves a gradual process of exposure and desensitization. Start by participating in low-pressure karaoke events or friendly gatherings to build confidence gradually. Visualize successful performances and rehearse regularly to familiarize yourself with the songs and performance aspects. Seek constructive feedback from trusted individuals who can offer valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement. Embrace positive affirmations, remind yourself of your capabilities, and focus on enjoying the moment rather than solely on the perceived judgment of the audience.

Turning Nerves into an Effective Performance

Rather than trying to eliminate nerves completely, channeling them into an effective performance can yield powerful results. Use the adrenaline rush from nervousness to infuse energy and passion into your singing and stage presence. Embrace the heightened focus that nerves bring and deliver a confident, dynamic performance. Allow your vulnerability to shine through, as the audience appreciates authenticity and genuine emotion. Remember that nerves are often an indicator of the significance you place on your performance and can drive you to deliver a memorable and impactful karaoke experience.

Enjoying the Experience

Why it’s all about having fun.

Ultimately, the most important aspect of onboard karaoke nights is having fun. Karaoke is a time to let loose, enjoy yourself, and embrace the joy of singing. Create lasting memories by engaging with the audience, participating in group performances, and celebrating the talents of fellow karaoke enthusiasts. Don’t take yourself too seriously and allow yourself to make mistakes or have moments of vulnerability. Embrace the lighthearted atmosphere and revel in the enjoyment of singing your favorite songs in the company of friends and fellow cruisers.

Embracing the Spirit of Karaoke

Karaoke embodies the inclusive and communal spirit of music. Embrace this spirit by encouraging and supporting all performers, regardless of their skill level. Celebrate the joy of music and the unique talents each individual brings to the karaoke stage. Karaoke provides a platform for self-expression, creativity, and connection. Embrace the opportunity to let go of inhibitions, sing your heart out, and build connections with the audience and fellow performers. Embracing the spirit of karaoke will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Letting Go of Perfection and Enjoying the Moment

Karaoke nights are not about achieving perfection; they are about embracing imperfection and simply enjoying the moment. Release any self-imposed pressure to be flawless and instead focus on appreciating the experience for what it is – a chance to have fun, let loose, and share your love for music. Embrace the spontaneity of karaoke and be open to trying new songs or genres. Remember that the audience is there to support and enjoy the performances, not to scrutinize every detail. Let go of any expectations, be present in the moment, and savor the enjoyment and camaraderie that karaoke nights bring.

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Wonder of the Seas Spotlight℠ Karaoke

Royal caribbean.

Below you will find the Spotlight℠ Karaoke on the Wonder of the Seas .

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Spotlight℠ Karaoke

Get mic’d up and max out the hits at Spotlight℠ Karaoke.

This is not a sound check. This is Spotlight℠ Karaoke, an all new venue where all eyes — and ears — are on you. Whether you’ve mastered the art of show tunes or shower tunes, you can sing your favorite hits with thousands of popular songs to choose from. Belt it out on the main stage with a dedicated MC or host your own show in a private room. Either way, you’ll end the night on a high note.

Which deck has the Spotlight℠ Karaoke on the Wonder of the Seas?

You’ll find the Spotlight℠ Karaoke on the ship’s Deck 5 .

Is the Spotlight℠ Karaoke free with my cruise purchase?

Yes, this activities is included with your cruise purchase.

How much does the Spotlight℠ Karaoke cost on the Wonder of the Seas?

Spotlight Karaoke offers private rooms available for a charge. A reservation is required for a private room at Spotlight Karaoke.

How do I make reservations for Spotlight℠ Karaoke on the Wonder of the Seas?

To reserve Spotlight℠ Karaoke, you can use Royal Caribbean's online booking portal known as 'Cruise Planner.' This will be made available to you after your cruise purchase and for a period before you sail. Typically, access is granted three months prior. If you don't yet see the ability to purchase this specialty dining option, check back again regularly. If any seats are still available at the time of your cruise, reservations can also be made on board.

What is the dress code for Spotlight℠ Karaoke?

When enjoying Spotlight℠ Karaoke, feel free to wear attire matching Royal Caribbean's 'casual' dress code. This includes jeans, polos, sundresses and blouses are all the right amount of laid back. Please keep swimwear to the Pool Deck.

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You can find the Spotlight℠ Karaoke on the following Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Ships.

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Karaoke on Cruise Ships

Karaoke is a popular activity on many cruise ships and offers passengers the opportunity to sing their favorite songs in front of an audience in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Karaoke is generally free and available to all passengers on board the ship.

Most cruise ships offer karaoke sessions in a specific location on the ship, such as an entertainment lounge or bar, and usually have scheduled times in the ship's daily program. Most cruise ships offer several karaoke sessions during the duration of the voyage, allowing passengers to participate at different times of the day or night.

Karaoke on cruise ships is usually conducted by a DJ or emcee who is in charge of selecting the songs and helping passengers feel comfortable on stage. Often, the presenter may also provide participants with the microphone and lyrics.

Although karaoke is generally free on cruise ships, there may be some exceptions on luxury cruises or special themed cruises. In some cases, you may have to pay a fee to access private or exclusive karaoke sessions.

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21 Best Cruise Songs: The Ultimate Cruise Playlist

21 best cruise songs - the ultimate cruise playlist

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21 Top Cruise Songs to Get You in the Mood for Cruising

Do you have a particular song that plays in your head when you think of cruising? Maybe you even have more than one, like a Cruise Playlist.

I don’t know about you, but as my cruise approaches, I get “prepared” in a couple of ways.

1. The practical

I’m all about the packing lists, shore excursion planning (plus some pre-cruise shopping).

2. The psychological/emotional

I’m serious about this one. I get myself (and my family) in the mood by having a fun attitude and playing some cruise music.

Sometimes I even sing, although not well, so I won’t be entering any cruise karaoke contests.

best cruise songs

Favorite Cruise Inspired Songs

It got me thinking, so many cruisers have a cruise playlist of favorite cruise inspired songs. They can be great to listen to before your cruise, as you travel to your cruise ship, or even during times you’re not cruising if you’ve got a little bit of the post-cruise blues .

If you’re creating a cruise vacation video, you may want to use some cruise songs to go along with your fabulous photos, videos and cruise memories.

After scouring the internet and cruise message boards, I’ve put together a cruise playlist. It includes some popular current songs, as well as some cruising classics.  Plus, I’ve included my favorites too!

favorite cruise songs

Top 21 Favorite Cruising Songs

1. cruising together.

By: Huey Lewis and Gweneth Paltrow

This is my very favorite cruise song that I listen to when I’m thinking about cruising (which could be anytime). It’s sweet, it’s romantic, and I love it. Corny and all.

“Music is played for love, cruisin’ is made for love. I love it when we’re cruisin’ together…”

2. The Love Boat

By: Jack Jones

Did you know that there is a long version of The Love Boat Theme Song as well as a short version? Oh, and there’s more than that.

If you look this one up on YouTube, you’ll be able to find many of the show openings, where the guest stars appear. It’s pretty fun to go down memory lane like this.

“The Love Boat, soon will be making another run…”

3. Cupid Shuffle

If you’ve cruised in the last 10-15 years, you’ve definitely heard this one!

The Cupid Shuffle is the ultimate cruise line dancing song at Embarkation Day Sailaway Parties. I have to admit, if I hear it, I’m on the dance floor!

“They got a brand new dance, you’ve got to move your muscle. They’ve got a brand new dance, it’s called the Cupid Shuffle…”

4. Cha Cha Slide

By: Mr. C. The Slide Man

I actually just came off an 11 day Celebrity Cruise, and even danced to this there as part of the sea day pool activities .

For real, I’m not a great dancer and not super coordinated, but I can follow directions ;-).

Sing it with me now “Freeze – everybody clap your hands! ”

The Best Cruise Songs for Your Playlist PIN image

5. Come Sail Away

How can you not get wistful when you hear Come Sail Away?

“I look to the sea, reflections in the ways, spark my memories. Some happy, some sad. I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had…”

The Best Cruise Songs for Your Playlist PIN

6. My Heart Will Go On

By: Celine Dion

I have a confession. It took me years to finally see The Titanic. But when I did, it was better than I thought it would be!

That moment, Jack and Rose at the bow of the ship. Chills.

“Near far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on…”

*Bonus Cruise Fact

Did you know that the Titanic movie is integral to the origin story of today’s Cunard Line?

Micky Arison (chairman of Carnival Corporation) was convinced by his daughter, after she saw Titanic, that people wanted and craved the nostalgia of old world cruising.

Take a look at this video below and listen to Micky tell the story better than I can:

7. Margaritaville

By: Jimmy Buffet

If you’ve cruised the Caribbean, you know that Jimmy Buffett IS the Caribbean.

I think of Jimmy Buffet every time I have a frozen cocktail at 11 am on a cruise. Seriously, it’s 5 O’clock somewhere , right?

“Wastin’ away again in Margaritaville, Searchin’ for my lost shaker of salt…”

By: The Beach Boys

If you love the beach, crystal clear waters and a good time, I know you love this song!

How many places have you been?

“Aruba, Jamaica, oooh I wanna take ya. Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama…”

9. Soak Up the Sun

By: Sheryl Crow

A light summer song, Soak Up the Sun makes me think of sea days by the pool and gorgeous days on the beach.

Does life get better than that?

“I’m gonna’ soak up the sun, gonna tell everyone to lighten up…”

10. (Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay

By: Otis Redding

Oh, I love this. What a classic! “Sitting on the dock of the bay, watching the tide roll away…”

The Dock of the Bay has be remade several times, by several artists, and I love the original by Otis Redding.

However, I thought I’d share one of my favorite versions in video by Playing for Change. It’s interesting to see and hear from different musicians all over the world.

11. Sailing

By: Rod Stewart

Sailing by Rod Stewart is a must-listen for anyone who loves to cruise and sail. It’s a pretty one.

“I am sailing, I am sailing, home again across the sea…”

21 popular cruise songs

12. Under the Sea

By: The Little Mermaid (Walt Disney Records)

This one’s for the kids, (or anyone who feels like a kid sometimes and still loves it).

Plus, there are some wise words… “The seaweed is always greener, in somebody else’s lake…”

13. 3 Little Birds

By: Bob Marley

Close your eyes and imagine the pool band playing…

“Singing don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing’s gonna be all right…”

14. La Isla Bonita

By: Madonna

This is where my “eighties girl” really shows through. I love some old school Madonna including Holiday (right?) and Cherish, but La Isla Bonita seems to be a favorite of many cruise fans.

That beat…

“Tropical the island breeze, all of nature wild and free. This is where I long to be, la Isla Bonita.”

15. Somewhere over the Rainbow

By: Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwo’ole

This is a beautiful and version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, with a tropical sound.

Sadly, Israel has passed away, but he’s left his music, voice and hopeful message for us to enjoy.

“Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly. and that the dreams that you dream of, dreams really do come true…”

16. Escape – The Pina Colada Song

By: Rupert Holmes

This fun song with possibly controversial lyrics is a cheesy favorite of mine.

It got me at “If you like Pina Coladas”. Yup! Anyone else?

17. Sailing

By: Christopher Cross

Imagine sitting at the back of your cruise ship staring into the wake. Doesn’t this song just say it all?

“Sailing takes me away to where I’ve always heard it could be…” The rest of the song is pure poetry!

18. Voyage Voyage

by: Desireless

This French song just gets me. While it’s not exclusively about cruising, it talks of the adventure of travel and has a fun eighties sound that totally sticks in my head.

If you don’t know it, give it a listen.

“Voyage, voyage. Plus loin que la nuit et le jour…”

Translation: “ Travel, travel. Further than the night and the day…”

19. Sea Cruise

By: Frankie Ford

An oldie but a goodie. Sea Cruise by Frankie topped the charts in 1959!

“Oo-ey, oo-ey, baby, oo-ey, oo-ey baby… won’t you let me take you on a sea cruise.”

20. Toes (in the Water)

By: Zac Brown Band

Here’s one for Country Music fans!

Confession: I have NEVER heard this song before. However, this is definitely a favorite cruise playlist song for many! I’ve got to say, I could get into this!

“Got my toes in the water, a** in the sand. Not a worry in a world of cold beer in my hand. Life is good today.”

21. No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems

By: Kenny Chesney

Does this make you think of a relaxed beach day and some time at the beach bar? Sounds like a great vacation day ahead!

“The sun and the sand and a drink in my hand…”

Recap: 21 Best Cruise Songs: The Ultimate Cruise Playlist

21 best cruise songs playlist

I hope that some of these songs inspire you to think about cruising and vacations and all the happy memories that come along with this!

What are you favorite cruise songs, that bring thoughts of sailing, cruising and happy times? Please let me know in the comments below.

Happy Cruising!

If you’ve found this helpful, don’t keep it to yourself ;-)! Please share it on Facebook or save it for later on Pinterest (share buttons at the top of the post). Thank you!

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The Last Farewell Roger Whittaker

The Southern Cross Crosby Stills and Nash

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Oh wow, I have to check out the Last Farewell. Thanks for the suggestions. It might be time for an update to this soon!

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When I get on a cruise boat I play “I’m On A Boat” by Lonely Island. Perfect

How fun!!! Thanks for sharing James!

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Beyond the sea. Bobby Darin

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A very Virgin take on cruise karaoke.

It’s time to show the world (or at least your private group) your karaoking talent..

There are two types of people: those who karaoke every chance they get, and those who haven’t discovered how much they love karaoke yet. If you’re in the former group, who may own a home karaoke machine, chances are you also look for karaoke opportunities every time you go out. Maybe you need a couple drinks first before relentlessly seeking out a karaoke bar, or maybe you’re in mid-season karaoke from the moment you step out your front door. Either way, it doesn’t take much convincing for you to grab the karaoke mic and belt out some classics, no matter how many words you forget. If you’re a reluctant karaoke’er, have never tried it before, or swore you’d never be caught dead exposing your poor vocal cords to the world, we’ll bet we can change your mind. Our cruise karaoke lounge , The Groupie, is designed for everyone: from Grammy-winning shower singers to those who only belt it out in the confines of their car. 

A private cruise karaoke lounge

What freaks people out the most about doing karaoke? Usually, doing it in public. And yeah, we get that. In a crowded room. In front of hundreds of strangers. So we’re removing the pressure from the traditional karaoke experience, and giving Sailors their own bookable private karaoke rooms . That way, you can sing your heart out without getting too self-conscious. 

Designed by Roman Coppola, The Groupie karaoke lounge was actually designed as a modernist take on Japanese-style karaoke rooms . These small, private rooms are equipped with a karaoke player and microphones, so you can have an exclusive cruise karaoke party with the people you’re most comfortable with. Book a large group to make it a real party, or just a friend or two for a more intimate karaoking experience (maybe a duet with your special someone?). And if you really don’t want anyone to hear you butcher “My Heart Will Go On,” you can also choose to karaoke solo. 

The Groupie is not only the perfect venue to gather with your friends, family, and significant others for some karaoking, but also a great place to meet up with new friends. Maybe you’ve met some cool people at Gunbae, our socially-focused Korean BBQ eatery with communal seating, or at the Grog Walk bar crawl, and you’re looking for a fun icebreaker activity. Well, nothing breaks the ice quite like the collective realization that no one in the room can carry a tune like they thought they could.

Explore Virgin’s musical past

And if you’re looking for a place to start, why not try out some of Virgin Records’ classic hits? Whether it’s “Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club, Madonna’s “Like a Virgin,” or Lakeside’s “Fantastic Voyage,” there’s no better way to spend a rainy sea day or late night than by diving into Virgin’s karaoke classics. 

Whether your vocal cords are all worn out, or you’re just more of a listener than a singer, we’ve got the perfect post-karaoke experience for you: Voyage Vinyl. Alongside our private performance rooms in The Groupie, you’ll find this record shop where Sailors can experience music from all eras and genres. The shop features personal listening stations, and limited-edition vinyl collections with playlists by Virgin Voyages’ resident DJs, and a performance spot for live sets. 

Sailors looking for a quintessentially Virgin souvenir can take home limited-edition curated albums and special editions of classics, as well as purchase music magazines, headphones, and record players. Voyage Vinyl also doubles as a performance venue for up-and-coming live acts.

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The Groupie

You can find The Groupie on board: Scarlet Lady , Valiant Lady , Resilient Lady and Brilliant Lady

This page was last updated on 2 October 2023 by David Todd . If you spot any errors or missing information, please let us know .

The Groupie on Virgin Voyages cruise ships

Imagine stepping aboard a cruise ship and finding private karaoke booths at your disposal – an experience that promises to be truly unique and entertaining. Welcome to ‘The Groupie,’ where you and up to 15 of your friends can indulge in the ultimate karaoke extravaganza. Best of all, it’s a complimentary treat included in your cruise fare, making it the perfect setting for unforgettable singing sessions at sea.

Be a Karaoke Star at Sea – In Private!

‘The Groupie’ is a delightful offering on Virgin Voyages® cruise ships, designed to elevate your cruise experience to new heights of fun and camaraderie. This private karaoke area brings the joy of singing thousands of songs to you and your friends in a vibrant and lively atmosphere.

Booking Your Spot

To reserve your time in ‘The Groupie,’ all you need to do is add your name and cabin number to a sign-in sheet available at the Groupie desk. Unlike traditional karaoke lounges, ‘The Groupie’ operates on a trust-based system, where guests can book their slots without the need for constant crew supervision. This trust and freedom enhance the relaxed and enjoyable environment, allowing you to focus on having a blast with your fellow karaoke enthusiasts.

A room with a circular reception desk surrounded by curtained walls

Rooms to Suit Your Party Size

‘The Groupie’ offers three private karaoke rooms, each catered to different group sizes:

  • The Blue Room: Perfect for intimate gatherings of 2-4 people, this cozy space creates an ideal setting for heartfelt duets and solos.
  • The Pink Room: A slightly larger room designed for groups of 4-6 people, providing more space to showcase your vocal talents and share laughs with friends.
  • The Purple Room: The grandest of the three, accommodating groups of up to 15 people. The Purple Room invites you to let loose and channel your inner diva in a lively and spirited ambiance.

A private karaoke room with pink interior furnishings and lighting

A Karaoke Playground

Each ‘Groupie’ room boasts a large-screen TV equipped with a tablet device that unlocks a vast digital catalogue of songs. With thousands of song choices at your fingertips, you’re sure to find your favorite tunes and chart-toppers to sing along to. The tablet also enables you to adjust various settings, such as changing the key of the backing track, managing the volume, and experimenting with special effects like echo and reverb.

A private karaoke room with purple furnishings

Sing, Share, and Laugh

With two wired microphones provided in each room, you and your friends can become the stars of the show. Unleash your inner Mick Jagger or Madonna as you take the stage and perform like never before. The only limitation is the cable length of the microphones, so you may have to stay close to the booth, but that won’t dampen the excitement of your karaoke adventure.

‘The Groupie’ on Virgin Voyages® cruise ships is where karaoke dreams come true at sea. Bookable for free and included in your cruise fare, these private karaoke booths promise hours of laughter, singing, and camaraderie. Whether you’re belting out classic ballads or rocking out to your favorite hits, ‘The Groupie’ sets the stage for an unforgettable karaoke experience onboard. Gather your friends, warm up those vocal cords, and get ready to shine in the spotlight of ‘The Groupie’ – the ultimate karaoke playground at sea.

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Experience The Voice of the Ocean

Everything you love about the voice® at sea.

Rock to the songs. Thrill to the performances. Get ready to discover who among your fellow cruise passengers has what it takes to be a star! Princess Cruises brings you the excitement and spectacle of TV's wildly popular international singing competition to the high seas, live and on-stage, with The Voice of the Ocean . The show comes to life throughout the cruise with auditions, mentor rehearsal sessions, the iconic "I Want You" chairs, three charismatic team coaches and ultimately a live finale performance where guests choose the winner.

The excitement builds

As your cruise begins, check your ship’s schedule and head for the karaoke tryouts where passengers and crew will select contestants to vie for the coveted  The Voice of the Ocean  Trophy.

Next, it’s time to polish each performance at rehearsals with musicians and expert vocal mentors. Singers are assigned a mentor who will meet with them during the cruise to rehearse with the Princess Band and back-up singers to prepare for the best possible performance!

Just before showtime, a final onstage rehearsal brings in the band, backup singers, spectacular lighting and audio effects. The time to be a star has arrived!

The show begins

The Voice of the Ocean  Live Show is hosted by the Cruise Director on the last night of the cruise for an audience that includes three high-profile team coaches that may include one of our guest entertainers, the Hotel General Manager or even your ship’s Captain! Just like the hit TV show, the trio of coaches will listen, but not see the performer, as they decide to turn their "I Want You" chair to choose the singer to be on their team. Once teams are chosen, coaches will then each pick one finalist.

Who's the best of the best? Audience members make the call using special voting remotes. In an instant, the votes are tallied, and the answer everyone is waiting for is revealed.

Presenting... The Voice of the Ocean !


10 Awesome Songs for Cruising

by The Cruise Web Team June 17, 2014

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Port Everglades cruise port: A guide to cruising from Fort Lauderdale

As Cruises Return, Royal Caribbean CEO Discusses Lost Year

With 10 cruise lines sailing out of Port Everglades (and more to come) and 3 million-plus passengers annually, Fort Lauderdale's cruise port is the third busiest in the country — behind PortMiami and Port Canaveral (near Orlando).

Ships sail from Port Everglades mainly to the Bahamas , Mexico and the Caribbean , but many travelers choose to make Fort Lauderdale's world-famous beaches and waterways part of their vacation plans with pre- and post-cruise stays.

Arguably one of the best aspects of flying into and sailing out of Fort Lauderdale is the fact that Port Everglades is conveniently located less than 2 miles from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL). In fact, it's the closest cruise port to any airport in the country, which makes it easy to access for out-of-towners who want to fly in and cruise out on the same day.

Port Everglades is also an easy port to depart from on debarkation day because passengers can use Global Entry and the Mobile Passport Control app to skip long customs queues at the terminal.

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For cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

If you've booked a cruise sailing out of Port Everglades, this is your guide to everything you need to know about cruising from Fort Lauderdale. Discover which airport is best, which hotels to book and where to park, eat, shop and explore with your extra time in Fort Lauderdale.

All you have to worry about is enjoying the vistas of Fort Lauderdale's sandy shoreline as your ship sails out to sea.

Port Everglades cruise port overview

Port everglades cruise terminal information.

Address : 1850 Eller Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Number of terminals : 8

best cruise ship karaoke

Each cruise terminal is fully accessible, and parking fees are waived at all Port Everglades lots and garages for disabled persons driving their vehicles to the port.

Luggage storage is not available at the port.

Cruise lines sailing from Port Everglades

Terminal 2 : Princess Cruises Terminal 4 : Disney Cruise Line Terminal 18 : Royal Caribbean Terminal 19 : Holland America Terminal 21 : Holland America and Princess Cruises Terminal 25 : Celebrity Cruises Terminal 26 : Holland America Terminal 29 : Celebrity Cruises, Holland America and Royal Caribbean

Other cruise lines sailing out of Port Everglades include Azamara, Crystal, Cunard, Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, Silversea and Viking. These ships are slotted to sail out of available terminals.

To access the cruise schedule, download the CruiseSchedule Port Everglades app .

Related: The best credit cards for booking cruises

Airports near Fort Lauderdale cruise port

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Cruisers sailing out of Port Everglades have two major South Florida airport options when booking flights: Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) and Miami International Airport (MIA).

Most travelers prefer to fly into FLL because it's so close to Port Everglades, making transfers much quicker and cheaper than from MIA. In fact, it's possible to book a same-day flight and get to your ship within an hour of your flight landing.

MIA offers more daily flights on the whole. If you're flying in from overseas, MIA also offers more international flight options. Miami's airport might also be more appealing if you're a member of an airline loyalty program or a cardholder who wants to prioritize lounge access.

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) is the nearest airport to Port Everglades. Only 1.8 miles away, it's the closest airport to a cruise port in the country. Major carriers, including Alaska Airlines, Allegiant Air, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, JetBlue, Silver Airways, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines and United Airlines, all fly into Fort Lauderdale's airport.

If you need to kill time between the cruise disembarkation and your flight time, the airport offers a United Club Lounge and a Delta Sky Club for passengers of those airlines, as well as an Escape Lounge in Terminal 3 that's open to all travelers in that terminal for a fee. FLL does not have a Priority Pass lounge , but Priority Pass members with restaurant perks get a dining discount at the Kafe Kalik restaurant in Terminal 4. (This perk might not be available to travelers with a membership through certain credit cards.)

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Miami International Airport

About 40 minutes away from the Fort Lauderdale cruise port (often longer during rush hour), Miami International Airport (MIA) serves ​​most major airlines, including Alaska, American, Delta, Frontier, JetBlue, Southwest, Spirit, Sun Country Airlines and United.

At MIA, lounge options include an American Airlines Admirals Club and a Flagship Lounge, a Delta Sky Club, an Amex Centurion Lounge for holders of The Platinum Card® from American Express and a Priority Pass lounge called Club America. To get access, you can buy a Priority Pass membership or hold a credit card that offers a membership, such as the Chase Sapphire Reserve® or the Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card .

How to get to the Fort Lauderdale cruise port

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Cruise line transfers

Cruise lines often offer transfers from the airport to the cruise port, but they're usually only available on the day the ship departs. A cruise line transfer wouldn't be an option for guests flying in earlier.

Cruise line transfers are priced per person, so if you're traveling with a group from nearby Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, it would be cheaper to split a taxi or an Uber or Lyft instead.

Transportation from FLL to Port Everglades through Disney Cruise Line, for example, is $45 per person each way. The cruise line doesn't offer transfers from MIA.

Hotel shuttles

Several hotels in the area offer shuttles to the airport for $8 to $15 per person, with select hotels offering complimentary shuttle service to the cruise port.

For more information on hotel options with free or paid shuttles, see the hotel section below.

Independent airport shuttles

Private shuttle companies like Go Airport and South Florida Shuttles offer shared rides from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport to Port Everglades from $15 to $27 per person. Shared shuttles to the Fort Lauderdale port are not typically available from Miami International Airport.

Independent van and car services

Companies like South Florida Elite Shuttle, Fort Lauderdale Airport Shuttle and Go Airport also offer private cars or vans to Port Everglades from both FLL and MIA.

Transportation from nearby FLL ranges from $65 for three people and three pieces of luggage to $105 for up to 10 passengers and 10 bags with Go Airport. Pricing starts upward of $120 from MIA.

Taxis and ride-hailing services

The average taxi fare from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport to Port Everglades is $20. To take a cab from the airport, exit your terminal on the arrivals level and follow the wayfinding signs to the nearest taxi stand.

Ride-hailing services from FLL, like Uber and Lyft, are typically slightly cheaper, often starting as low as $10. This rate can spike during periods of surge pricing, such as when everyone is disembarking the ship and calling for cars at the same time.

If you're heading to the port from Miami International Airport, the taxi fare to Port Everglades can run upward of $100 one-way. Exit baggage claim to find a taxi on the ground arrivals level.

Uber, on the other hand, can start around $55 for UberX, $70 for Comfort and $100 for Uber XL if you need to fit up to six people and more luggage. Pickup zones for ride-hailing services are stationed outside doors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 15, 20 and 23 on the ground arrivals level. Stand and wait at the middle median.

Related: Frequent Uber or Lyft user? These are the best credit cards for you

Public transportation from nearby airports

From FLL : Broward County's Route 1 bus service from the Fort Lauderdale airport stops at the Northport section of Port Everglades on SE 17th Street. The bus stop is located at the Rental Car Center, Stop G, at the airport.

From MIA : You can take the Tri-Rail train from Miami International Airport to the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport station, with free shuttle buses to the airport terminals. Continue on the bus route above to Port Everglades.

Port Everglades cruise port parking

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On-site parking

Port Everglades has two on-site parking garages and three parking lots providing more than 5,500 parking spaces for cruisegoers.

Heron Parking Garage serves Terminals 2 and 4 (with an air-conditioned elevated passenger bridge on the fifth floor that leads directly to Terminal 2), while Palm Parking Garage serves Terminals 19, 21, 25, 26 and 29 with shuttle service to Terminal 29.

Additionally, Lot A serves Terminals 19 and 26, Lot B serves Terminals 18 and 19, and Lot C serves Terminal 18.

Port Everglades' on-site parking costs $20 per day or $25 for oversized vehicles. If you're parking for less than a day, it's $4 for the first hour and $8 for up to five hours.


Beyond the port, several private parking lots provide shuttle service to the cruise port. One of the cheapest park-and-cruise lot options is Park by the Ports, which offers parking rates starting at $9.99 per day. The shuttle is free for the first four passengers and is only about a 10-minute ride to the port.

Park 'N Go is another reliable option only a few blocks from the port. It has 24-hour staff and free on-demand shuttles to the port that will meet you at your vehicle. This lot starts as low as $10 per day if you reserve online in advance.

With both of these options, reservations are the only way to guarantee yourself a parking spot, but they do accept drive-ups as well.

Tropical Airport Parking is a unique option that lets you park your car at hotels with unused parking spaces. Their prices start at only $7.45 per day, and you must reserve a space in advance. The shuttle to the cruise port costs extra depending on which hotel you choose, so compare the total price to other options when you're deciding where to park.

Various hotels also offer park-and-cruise arrangements where you can keep your car at the hotel for the duration of your cruise if you stay for at least a night. SpringHill Suites Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port currently offers a hotel package that includes a complimentary round-trip airport shuttle and up to 14 nights of parking for one vehicle (the shuttle to the cruise port is extra).

In other cases, the price for parking is separate from the overnight hotel rate but is usually much cheaper than parking at the cruise port and makes the most sense if you already were planning a precruise hotel stay. Hampton Inn Ft. Lauderdale Airport North Cruise Port and Courtyard Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port, for example, offer post-checkout parking for hotel guests for only $5 to $10 per night and a paid shuttle to the cruise port.

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Hotels near Port Everglades cruise port

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Hilton hotels

Some of the closest hotels to Port Everglades are located along the 17th Street Causeway, such as the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina and the Embassy Suites by Hilton Fort Lauderdale 17th Street.

The all-suite Embassy Suites hotel (starting around 42,000 Hilton Honors points per night) is a great family-friendly choice because of its spacious rooms and free made-to-order breakfast. It also offers a complimentary evening reception with snacks and drinks.

For more of a resort experience without sacrificing proximity to the port, the Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina (starting around 31,000 points per night) covers transportation to the beach and beach towels in its resort fee. It also offers a rooftop restaurant with views of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, a heated outdoor pool and pool bar, and a lobby lounge and coffee shop. A third-party company offers transportation between the hotel and Port Everglades for $11 per person.

Related: Best Hilton credit cards

Marriott hotels

If you're looking for a more upscale stay on the beach before or after your cruise, check out one of Marriott Bonvoy 's luxury hotel options on Fort Lauderdale Beach.

The elegant Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale (starting around 59,500 points per night) offers luxurious amenities, such as oceanfront dining at Burlock Coast Seafare & Spirits and a serene beachfront spa. The chic and ultra-modern W Fort Lauderdale (starting around 42,000 points per night) is famed for its Wet Deck pool five floors above the ocean and nightlife at Living Room.

Hyatt hotels

The Hyatt Place Fort Lauderdale Airport — South & Cruise Port (starting around 9,000 points per night) is a great value hotel option within five minutes of Port Everglades. The family-friendly hotel provides free continental breakfast, an outdoor pool, a gym and a shuttle to the cruise port for $9 per person.

Related: Which hotel has the best free breakfast? TPG ate 10 meals to find the winner

Non-points hotels

If you're looking for an affordable, no-frills place to stay overnight before your cruise, Red Carpet Inn Airport/Cruise Port Fort Lauderdale is a budget-friendly hotel about 10 minutes from Port Everglades that offers free shuttles to and from the airport and cruise port.

The free shuttle runs to the airport from 5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m., and you can schedule your shuttle to Port Everglades at check-in. The hotel also offers complimentary parking during your stay and a park-and-cruise rate of $10 per day of your cruise.

Another popular value hotel with a free airport and cruise shuttle, Rodeway Inn & Suites Fort Lauderdale Airport & Cruise Port also offers complimentary breakfast with your stay.

For an extended beach escape, book a stay at the secluded Pelican Grand Beach Resort, the only resort that's located directly on the beach in Fort Lauderdale. This luxury boutique hotel on the quieter end of the beach offers relaxing amenities like an oceanfront zero-entry pool, a lazy river and its own private stretch of shoreline.

Restaurants near Port Everglades cruise port

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Fort Lauderdale's most popular dining destination, Las Olas Boulevard, is known as downtown's main drag of sidewalk cafes, bars, shops and art galleries. You'll find everything from seafood and steakhouses to tacos, burgers and American bar food. A personal favorite is Louie Bossi's Ristorante, a high-energy Italian spot for handcrafted pastas, Neapolitan pizzas and an impromptu round of bocce in the outdoor courtyard.

For the local experience, you might enjoy breakfast on the beach at Casablanca Cafe, a restaurant and piano bar in a restored historic home. If it's lunch or dinnertime before the sun goes down, grab a seafood-centric meal at a waterfront institution along the Intracoastal Waterway, like Coconuts or Boatyard, or head to Boathouse at the Riverside for a view of the New River.

Looking for evening drinks or a morning coffee before boarding your ship? Flagler Village is a trendy neighborhood in a former warehouse district with several local breweries and artisan coffee shops.

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Things to do in Fort Lauderdale before or after your cruise

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Visit the beach

Most visitors to Fort Lauderdale come for the beach, and Fort Lauderdale Beach along state Road A1A is sure to impress — whether you want to soak up some sun from the sand, take a splash in the Atlantic or drive along state Road A1A for views of the ocean right from your car.

About 15 minutes south, you can explore Hollywood Beach, which feels like a small beach town with a 2.5-mile stretch of pedestrian promenade called the Broadwalk. Watch the joggers and cyclists go by, or join in yourself.

Related: The best beaches in Florida

Ride the Water Taxi

With an extensive system of canals and waterways, Fort Lauderdale is known as the Venice of America for good reason. The Water Taxi will take you along the Intracoastal Waterway on a route behind some of Fort Lauderdale's most stunning waterfront mansions.

It stops along the way at popular attractions, hotels and waterfront restaurants. Hop off at 15th Street Fisheries or Shooters Waterfront for a classic South Florida seafood meal.

Hit the slots

If you want to continue gambling after your cruise, Broward County is home to a few major casinos that attract tourists and locals alike.

About 15 minutes west of the port in Hollywood, the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino and its adjacent Guitar Hotel feel like two Las Vegas resorts in the middle of South Florida, with a casino connecting the two properties. Across the two music-themed luxury hotels, guests can enjoy the spa, various shops, a lagoon-style pool with cabanas, more than a dozen restaurants and multiple nightclubs, bars and lounges. The Hard Rock Live entertainment venue often hosts concerts and other acts like comedians.

Stay for the nighttime light show from the Guitar Hotel that's choreographed to different songs. Six beams of light project 20,000 feet into the sky, representing the strings of a guitar neck. The Guitar Hotel's grand entrance also features a 35-foot-tall central waterfall called The Oculus with another musical light show that runs every 20 minutes.

Farther south in Hallandale Beach (about 30 minutes from Port Everglades), Gulfstream Park is a horse racing track and casino that's home to equestrian events like the Pegasus World Cup. The complex also has an array of shops, restaurants and entertainment like nightclubs and a karaoke venue.

Shopping near Fort Lauderdale cruise port

If you're looking for last-minute cruise necessities like sunscreen or snacks, visit a pharmacy like Walgreens or CVS near Port Everglades on U.S. Highway 1 or 17th Street Causeway. The Harbor Shops is also a convenient nearby shopping plaza with a Publix Supermarket and a Total Wine if you want to grab a bottle of wine to bring on board.

Las Olas Boulevard is an outdoor shopping and entertainment district with boutique shops, art galleries, sidewalk cafes and bars. It stretches from downtown Fort Lauderdale to the beach on state Road A1A, and it's the perfect place to stroll for the afternoon, shop after you disembark or wander the evening before you board.

For a more traditional shopping mall experience, head to The Galleria at Fort Lauderdale, an upscale shopping center with more than 100 retail shops, including Macy's, Michael Kors, H&M and Free People.

Farther away but a worthwhile destination for bargain hunters, Sawgrass Mills is one of the world's largest outlet malls. The sprawling shopping center with more than 400 shops and restaurants is about a 20- to 30-minute drive from the cruise port.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

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Celebrity ascent: the best dining, amenities and more on celebrity cruises' newest ship.

Top-notch eateries, adults-only areas and entertainment options stand out.

Celebrity Ascent Review

The Solarium on the Celebrity Ascent.

Megan duBois

Key Takeaways

  • There are 32 different dining and drinking venues on board, from Le Voyage by celebrity chef Daniel Boulud to the line's iconic Martini Bar.
  • The onboard entertainment is incredible. The "Awaken" show combines popular music with acrobatics and lasers, while Ascent After Dark: Shine the Night invites cruisers to don metallic or sequin outfits for a deck party under the stars. 
  • The Solarium adults-only pool area is a relaxing spot with comfortable lounge chairs, a pool and hot tubs; head to Eden for delightful cocktails and optimal sunset views.

You can think of Celebrity Cruises as the more adult cousin of Royal Caribbean International – which makes sense, considering both cruise lines are owned by Royal Caribbean Group. With all of the recent buzz around both brands, I was excited to sail on Celebrity Cruises' newest ship, Celebrity Ascent, in its debut month. I embarked out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in December 2023.

The 17-deck, 141,420-ton ship has 1,646 staterooms and can carry 3,260 guests at double occupancy. At 1,073 feet long and 128 feet wide, the ship has plenty of space for upscale amenities, edgy entertainment and incredible dining venues. The Edge Series ship also has more than 1,400 crew members who hail from 60 different countries around the world.

As an avid cruiser who has taken more than 50 ocean and river voyages on almost a dozen cruise lines, I found Celebrity Ascent lived up to the hype. The ship itself is stunning, and each area has a distinct vibe. I loved the ample amount of food and drink opportunities – there are 32 different venues – and the standout onboard entertainment was like nothing I had seen before on a cruise ship.

Find your perfect cruise

Celebrity Ascent itineraries

Thermal suite heated loungers on the Celebrity Ascent.

Celebrity Ascent sails around the Mediterranean and the Caribbean over the next few years. Summer 2024 brings Ascent to Mediterranean ports of call in Greece, Turkey, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. The Mediterranean season ends in October 2024, with a 13-night transatlantic sailing departing from Barcelona, Spain.

Late fall and winter sailings depart from Fort Lauderdale. The Caribbean season runs between November 2024 and April 2025. It includes seven- to nine-night voyages calling on ports like Aruba , Bonaire and Curacao ; Bimini, Bahamas ; Labadee, Haiti; Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands ; Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic ; and St. Maarten and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

In late April 2025, it's back to the Mediterranean for the 2025 season between May and October. Ascent then returns to the Caribbean for sailings in late 2025; destinations include southern Caribbean locales, plus the Panama Canal and Royal Caribbean's private island in the Bahamas, Perfect Day at CocoCay. Similar Caribbean sailings are also on sale for early 2026.

Who should sail on Celebrity Ascent?

Sunset Bar on the Celebrity Ascent.

Celebrity Ascent, like its Edge Series sister ships, caters to adults traveling together. The overall vibe of the ship is upscale and modern, with plenty of places to grab a drink, enjoy a meal and watch a show. Couples can enjoy an elevated date night in Le Grand Bistro, while the aptly named Sunset Bar – which overlooks the rear of the ship – is the spot to be with a cocktail in hand as the sun sets into the horizon. This bar was easily my favorite spot on board; I spent most afternoons here enjoying a cocktail.

The deck parties, of which Ascent After Dark: Shine the Night is the premier event, are a fun time – but they aren't so loud that guests can hear the bass thumping in the staterooms below. Shows at The Theatre are fully immersive, with incredible technology and great music that had me dancing in my seat.

If you are traveling with children, know that there aren't many places on board for kids to just hang out and be kids. The Camp at Sea kids club is crammed into a small area on Deck 3, away from the main Grand Plaza and The Martini Bar.

Cruises on Ascent can be expensive, but Celebrity often runs deals on sailings. Without any promotions, sailings around the Mediterranean in 2024 and 2025 may run between about $1,000 and $5,600 per person. In comparison, 2024 and 2025 Caribbean voyages may cost between about $2,000 and $4,400 per person before discounts. (Note: Cruise rates can change frequently, based on demand and availability.)

The stateroom

Stateroom interior on the Celebrity Ascent.

There are over two dozen different stateroom styles on Celebrity Ascent. The smallest (and usually cheapest) rooms are the Inside Staterooms, which offer between 181 and 202 square feet of space. For solo travelers, the Single Inside Staterooms offer the same amenities as a double occupancy room, but with a smaller 103-square-foot layout and no single supplement fee at booking.

Ocean View Staterooms are slightly larger, at 200 to 242 square feet. There are three different room styles; the main difference among them is the size of the window. Options range from small windows in the middle of the wall to large, floor-to-ceiling picture windows.

Ascent's balcony cabins are quite varied, but the majority are Infinite Veranda Staterooms, where the balcony is actually a uniquely designed window that can be opened to let the ocean breeze in. There is a set of glass doors that can be drawn to make this space more private, as well.

Concierge Staterooms allow guests access to a dedicated concierge staff and exclusive onboard events. AquaClass cabins all feature the infinite balcony design, plus unlimited access to the SEA Thermal Suite, complimentary dining at Blu restaurant, fitness classes and a spa concierge.

Celebrity Ascent's suites are all part of The Retreat, the line's ship-within-a-ship concept where cruisers have access to an exclusive restaurant, a sun deck with a pool, a lounge and a dedicated crew. Suites range in size and style, from smaller 319-square-foot studios to massive two-bedroom suites offering more than 2,500 square feet of indoor and outdoor space.

When I sailed on Celebrity Ascent, I stayed in an AquaClass stateroom. The main living space had a king-size bed, which was cozy after long days of exploring the ship and nights spent on the dance floor. I found the cabin's couch a bit uncomfortable, but there was plenty of storage space in the large closet and drawers. Conveniently, the bed was high enough to fit my suitcases under.

Because this was my first time in an Infinite Veranda room, I was interested to see how the balcony actually worked. After pressing a button for the window to roll down, my room instantly filled with humid air – not the sea breeze I was expecting. The air conditioner also turns off when the window is down, so it takes a long time for the room to cool off again. I only opened the window once because of this. For me, the extra veranda space served as more of a sitting area to take in the views than a spot to enjoy the ocean breeze.

My stateroom's bathroom was spacious, with a larger-than-usual standup rain shower. I also loved the eco-friendly bath amenities, which smelled divine. I used the in-room bathrobes and slippers every day of the cruise.

I loved that my AquaClass stateroom came with some amenities that are not included in other Infinite Veranda rooms. There were two yoga mats, two bottles of water that were refreshed daily, a welcome bottle of sparkling wine, an umbrella, binoculars, complimentary shoeshine service and a pillow menu. AquaClass guests also have unlimited access to the spa's thermal suite, complimentary fitness classes and a dedicated spa concierge. I went to the thermal suite daily to enjoy the heated loungers and steam rooms.

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Best amenities on Celebrity Ascent

Theater show on the Celebrity Ascent.

On Celebrity Ascent, you'll never be bored. Over just a few days, I was able to participate in game shows and dance parties, sit back and enjoy live music, and spend some time by the pool. While I don't gamble, the casino always seemed to be full when I walked by, and someone was always cheering about hitting the jackpot.

For live entertainment, be sure to catch Flash Flair Fusion, the nightly bartending performance at the Martini Bar. Meanwhile, the Theatre hosted three main shows during my sailing: "Residency," "Awaken" and "Bridges." (Based on my experience, "Awaken" is the production to prioritize.)

Additionally, The Club hosts most of the ship's game shows and some smaller live music events. I loved hanging out at this venue; it was never overly packed with people, and the games were pure fun. I even got called up on stage to participate in one of the games and ended up winning a Celebrity Cruises-branded hat.

For some outdoor fun, hit the onboard pickleball court. Or, head to the Rooftop Garden, where float pools face the ocean and plenty of comfy seating awaits. I loved how lush this space felt, thanks to all of the live plants surrounding the seating areas. This is also the spot to catch movies at night.

If you're looking for an even more unique place to hang out, head to The Magic Carpet. This bright orange, glass-encased bar hangs out over the side of the ship and is the perfect spot for an after-dinner drink. The Magic Carpet can move up and down the side of the ship, docking at select decks for a set amount of time. I loved hanging here at night as the ship was pulling out of port to see the islands light up and watch other ships pass by.

When planning out your evenings, keep in mind that it can be a trek to get from one onboard activity to the next – especially when there is very little time between many of the major scheduled events. One night, I started in The Club to watch a game show, then immediately had to get to the Theatre. After the theater performance, I had to walk the entire length of the ship and take the stairs to get to the night show in Eden. Then, after Eden, it was time for the Shine the Night deck party. By the time I got back to my stateroom, I was exhausted.

Best dining venues on Celebrity Ascent

Pastries at Le Grand Bistro on the Celebrity Ascent.

There are 32 different spots for food and drinks on Celebrity Ascent, including four main dining rooms; four casual complimentary eateries; eight specialty restaurants; 14 cafes, lounges and bars; and two exclusive venues.

Included with the base fare are meals at the four main dining rooms, all of which serve the same menus every day, plus a small exclusive menu that's tailored to the theme of each restaurant. (For example, if you're dining in Cyprus, there is a small list of Cyprus-exclusive dishes that highlight Mediterranean cuisine, while the Normandie restaurant serves up French favorites.)

Other restaurants included in the cruise rate are Eden Cafe & Bar, which serves light bites and sweets; Mast Grill, offering burgers and salads; and Oceanview Cafe, a buffet open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

For an additional cost, head to specialty dining venues like the stunning Le Voyage by Daniel Boulud, which is great for date night; Le Grand Bistro, a fun take on a classic French Bistro; or Eden Restaurant, which features an entirely plant-based menu.

My favorite specialty dining option – and overall favorite restaurant on the ship – was Raw on 5. It features stunning chilled seafood towers, fresh sashimi and hot dishes like fresh lobster and shrimp wontons. Each dish was prepared beautifully, the service was top-notch and our table next to the window offered great views.

However, one restaurant I would skip is Fine Cut Steakhouse. It is a pretty standard steakhouse, and nothing on the menu really stood out to me. The upscale ambiance was also diminished by music floating in from the nearby Grand Plaza and Martini Bar (think: everything from One Direction to Cher). While both artists are great to hear while sipping a martini in a public space, I don't want to hear them while dining at an expensive restaurant.

Best excursions on Celebrity Ascent

Outdoor sundeck on the Celebrity Ascent.

Travelers cruising to the Caribbean should book a beach outing. There are abundant excursion options in St. Maarten and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands . If you're into local brews, try the Small Group: Brewery & Beach Tour Philipsburg, St. Maarten .

On a past Mediterranean cruise, I explored both Florence and Pisa, Italy, while docked in the Italian city of Livorno. Celebrity offers a similar excursion aboard the Ascent. The day trip includes a scenic drive through the Tuscan countryside; exploring Florence and seeing the Ponte Vecchio and the Duomo; and a trip to Pisa to see the iconic learning tower. In Rome , consider doing an all-day tour where you can see the Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain and St. Peter's Square.

Regardless of where your cruise is headed, you may choose to explore ports on your own instead. If that's the case, be sure to give yourself enough time to get back to the ship. I always try to return at least an hour before the scheduled sail away time.

Overall impressions of Celebrity Ascent

Rooftop Garden on the Celebrity Ascent.

When it comes to ships that cater to a mostly adult audience, Celebrity Ascent really has it all. From stunning common areas to incredible dining and entertainment, I was never bored on this ship. What I loved most was the wide range of entertainment, from pop-up music around the ship to full-blown experiences that need to be seen to be believed. The food on the ship is a step above most other major cruise lines, and the number of dining options is great, especially for longer sailings.

While I loved my room's location and amenities as a whole, I found the Infinite Veranda design to be a bit of a waste. When I did use it, my room got hot quickly and took a while to cool back down. I would consider booking a traditional veranda cabin next time, or a stateroom with a large picture window to save some money without sacrificing the ocean views.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Megan duBois has been covering travel, cruising and theme parks for over five years. She has taken more than 50 cruises, has traveled to four continents and more than 25 countries, and has visited a dozen theme parks around the world. Her work appears online and in print in major publications like U.S. News & World Report, Travel + Leisure, The Points Guy, Conde Nast Traveler, Forbes and more.

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The Best Cruise Ships in the World: The Gold List 2024

By CNT Editors

Best Cruise Ships in the World The Gold List 2024

Consider Gold List the answer to the question our editors get asked more than any other: What are your favorite places to stay? Our 30th annual iteration of the world’s greatest hotels and cruises captures nearly a year’s worth of work: This collection represents hundreds of hours of researching, scouting, and impassioned debating by our team of editors in seven cities across the globe. But more than that, it reflects our ongoing love affair with the places where we stay, which often become our gateways to entire destinations. Read on to inspire your next cruise.

See the full Gold List here .

Oceania Cruises' Marina is one of 12 ships chosen by our editors for 2024.

Best Cruise Ships in the World The Gold List 2024

Celebrity Beyond Arrow

Cruise ships often get compared to floating hotels or resorts, but here’s one that feels like a floating Vegas show. Applause, please, for the glittering peacock made from Swarovski crystals and the Magic Carpet platform that shimmies up and down the ship, cantilevered over the water for some of the best seats in the house, while in the Martini Bar, a troupe of bartenders juggle shakers to the sound of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” Beyond is one of the largest ships in Celebrity’s Edge class, and all that space is used to maximize the drama. A whole corridor is filled with a glowing installation of bronze sculptures reflected in infinity mirrors; a favorite anchorage was Eden, a beautiful, biophiliac bubble for hiding away in, watching the ship’s wake through triple-height windows and dawdling in swivel chairs that resemble green carnations. As for the cast, there are some stellar performers: Kelly Hoppen designed most of the interiors; Daniel Boulud’s debut signature restaurant at sea, Le Voyage, has an impeccable, globe-trotting menu alighting on Brazilian moqueca and tamarind prawns. But top of the bill is Captain Kate McCue, the first American woman to captain a cruise ship. A captain hasn’t been this synonymous with their ship since the days of Merrill Stubing; follow her social media for a glimpse into the art of ship navigation. During our short, prelaunch cruise, we had an itinerary that involved looping round and round the Isle of Wight—a short trip, but one that was big on sheer spectacle. Three-night sailings from $300 per person. —Rick Jordan

Delfin II. Amazon

Delfin II Arrow

The Amazon River has the opacity of chocolate milk and is almost deathlike in its stillness—which is wild when you consider how much life thrives there. It was on a nine-day journey through Peru with Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic that I learned this, as we spent five of those days exploring the jungle by boat. Our chariot: the Delfin II , a Relais & Châteaux vessel with 14 thoughtfully appointed staterooms.

Most days began with a crack-of-dawn skiff ride soundtracked by the squall of jewel-winged, dusky-headed parakeets. The photographers pulled out their football lenses and the birders gasped from behind their binoculars as naturalists pointed out an elegant snowy egret picking its way through a mudbank, a neotropic cormorant spreading its gothy black wings like a vampire, and the somber Jabiru stork, the largest flying bird in South America, standing like a dour English butler on a naked tree limb. Also flagged were capuchin monkeys, giant river otters, flamboyant bromeliads, and—after dark—scores of caimans and capybaras.

We spent one muggy morning in a Kukama village, where indigenous women wove raffia bowls and cooked catfish, and another morning paddling the river—an outing which culminated with a pod of pink river dolphins leaping from the water mere feet from our kayaks. (Even our seen-it-all naturalist, Sandro, clapped like a schoolgirl.)

This deep in the Amazon jungle, there were no other tourists. When we did see signs of human life, they were usually fishermen or park rangers. And because there was no Wi-Fi on the Delfin II and a near total blackout on cell reception, downtime was spent attending lectures on Amazonian ecology, sampling native fruits (how the aptly named ice cream bean hasn’t been pitched on Shark Tank yet, I’ll never know), and buddying up to the ship bar, where I made fast friends of fellow guests. (Expedition cruises always draw a fascinating lot; my cohort included a microbiologist, metaphysical transcendentalist, and one of the earliest Apple employees.)

The highlight of the trip, however, was hiking through the jungle with a local tracker who showed us a brown-throated three-toed sloth, Goliath bird-eating tarantula, junior anaconda, and a century-old strangler fig. When we finally emerged from the bush, we were treated to a spectacular tangerine-and-charcoal sunset punctured by bolts of lighting. It was surreal and intense, just like everything else in this untouched corner of the world. Eight-day sailings from $5,730 per person. —Ashlea Halpern

best cruise ship karaoke

Ritz-Carlton Evrima Arrow

Ritz-Carlton’s first foray into cruising, the Evrima is a hotel-at-sea experience that might just be the antidote to all the big ship itineraries. Think ultra-small ship luxury (at half the capacity of the Seabourns and Regents) with plenty of scenery options to choose from—the European Mediterranean (routes from Turkey to the Canary Islands) from spring through fall, and the Caribbean (San Juan to St. Barts) in winter—and a younger crowd than most of the luxury cruise market; mostly culture lovers with a dearth of cruising experience who can't wait to get ashore to the Côte d’Azur village restaurants. The 624-foot ship is the first in a fleet of three emerging over the next few years, and it still feels spacious with 149 suites, two pools, a cigar humidor, six bars (the interior Living Room and top-floor Observation Lounge, The Bar, and bars located at the Marina Terrace, the Pool House, and Mistral), a beauty salon and spa deck, water-level marina terrace with water toys, and a fitness center. The 246 staff range from deck crew to your cabin’s personal concierge, all of whom are dubbed the ship’s Ladies and Gentlemen—but titles feel almost superfluous aboard Evrima , where everyone from the tender drivers to dining leads will pause to actually get to know you and recall your name and story (and even your drink order) to make the entire experience feel organic and warm. It’s almost like you’re spending the night in someone’s home, which just so happens to be a 624-foot mega-yacht. And the Evrima itinerary has plenty of free time and overnight ports of call in its sailings, so you can head ashore for a day, or even an entire evening late into the night—gallivanting, dining, and imbibing with the new friends you'll no doubt meet onboard. Seven-night sailings from $5,800 per person. —Shannon McMahon

Image may contain Furniture Bed Room Bedroom Indoors Cushion Pillow and Interior Design

Oceania Marina Arrow

Is there any Marina passenger who doesn’t wish—even for a second—to confine himself to his stateroom on debarkation day? Perhaps only the smarty pants who booked their next cruise before this one ends. Otherwise, how can an epicurean cruiser (that’s Marina ’s crowd) not pine for another shot at the new wine list starring 80 highly coveted, hard-to-snag labels, including swoon-worthy Super Tuscans? You’ll long for one more brag-worthy chance to sip The Mascot, a label from Harlan family pedigree (think cult fave Harlan Estate); the Polo Grill’s deft sommelier knows exactly which prime steak pairs best. Despite eight compelling complimentary restaurants (Red Ginger’s signature lobster pad thai is still a must-devour), Marina vibes far more than great meals. Work up a sweat storm playing pickleball on deck 16 or braving core conditioning in the gym. Melt into a marine detox wrap (I love the juniper and lemon scent) at Aquamar Spa + Vitality Center, then sink into the spa terrace’s bubbling hot tub. Get down and dirty in the artist loft by painting a Venetian mask and playing Impressionist. In the hands-on culinary center, learn to cure a fish or preserve a lemon. Come May 2024, Marina debuts a splashy redo. Fall in love again with revamped avocado toast—bravo to the taco-spiced shrimp topping—in the new wellness-driven Aquamar kitchen. Where you lie your head hardly matters. An entry 291-square-foot stateroom starring a four-pillow, soft-sheet bed feels mighty spacious and sports Bulgari shampoo. That said, the top-to-bottom penthouse suites’ glam reno is beyond covetable, from the expanded bath to a boatload of enviable perks. Ten-day sailings from $1,999 per person. —Janice Wald Henderson

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Trollfjord Arrow

Who better to guide you through Norway’s most remote reaches—including the Svalbard archipelago, the northernmost inhabited islands on the planet—than a Norwegian cruise company that knows the area’s every crag and fjord? Hurtigruten is an Oslo-based line whose ships have traversed these waters since 1893, ferrying freight, mail, and passengers to the communities along the rugged coast. In 2023, to celebrate its 130th anniversary, the company’s flagship, the newly refurbished, 500-passenger MS Trollfjord (named for a fjord in the Vesterålen archipelago) began sailing two hybrids of its original 34-port Norwegian Coastal Express, calling at several of the towns and villages on the original route. From September through April, the North Cape Express (a 13-day, 16-port itinerary) sails from Oslo to the North Cape and then south to Bergen. In the summertime, the Svalbard Express’s eight-day journey begins in Bergen and progresses north, with extended port calls and excursions in seven towns before entering the Arctic Circle and pulling into Longyearbyen, a mining town on Spitsbergen, Svalbard’s main island. On both routes Trollfjord offers its (mostly European) passengers an uncommon way to explore the region, with uniquely Nordic cultural touches to connect them to the country. There’s a pre-boarding spread of Norwegian fare in the ship’s departure lounge, and Trollfjord ’s three restaurants prioritize Scandinavian cuisine (salmon, reindeer, and lingonberries, oh my!) and the food culture of the indigenous Sámi people. The ship’s 277 staterooms and 12 suites (with walk-in closets, corner bathtubs and floor-to-ceiling windows) offer a cozy retreat from the sometimes-harsh weather. And typically Nordic diversions such as aquavit tastings, oceanview saunas and polar plunges leave you in no doubt about where you are and who you’re sailing with. 10-day sailings from $3,082 per person. —Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon

Cruise Ship Regent Seven Seas Navigator

Seven Seas Navigator Arrow

Imagine the most luxurious hotel you’ve ever stayed in. That’s precisely what stepping onboard the Regent Seven Seas Cruises Navigator feels like. And while the opulence and grandeur shine through every square inch of space, it’s worth mentioning that the staff are what make the experience memorable, remembering your name, preferences, likes, and dislikes from the second you step afoot the eight-deck vessel.

The 248 ultraluxe all-suite accommodations feel like your home away from home—despite their capacious interiors—and your personalized steward makes sure of that with thoughtful touches from the moment you check in. Thanks to a revamp in 2019, the ship feels pristine with a new library—complete with a faux fireplace—and sleek state-of-the-art furnishings (including the cruise line’s bespoke mattresses and bed linens) in each of the rooms. However, what makes the Navigator stand out from its counterparts is its intimate size, as it’s the smallest in Regent’s fleet. Everything onboard feels just an arm’s reach away, and you’ll quickly bond with fellow passengers after spending the day together on one of the complimentary shore excursions, such as tours by local guides, cooking classes, and other intimate adventures.

During my Mediterranean voyage, days were spent immersing ourselves in new cities, whereas nights began with a freshly shaken ice-cold martini followed by an exuberant dinner, with a stop in the Seven Seas Lounge for whatever was on tap that night, ranging from cabaret to karaoke. At the end of the journey, I left wanting more and with a suitcase full of clean clothes, thanks to one of the many attentive touches onboard: the included laundry service. 10-night sailings from $3,360 per person. —Rachel Dube

best cruise ship karaoke

Seabourn Ovation Arrow

“We are not the Rat Pack,” quips Andrew Pedder, the witty Yorkshire-born captain of Seabourn Ovation. He's referring to himself and the other senior officers, for any guests who may have wandered into their impromptu panel session instead of the musical show taking place later that evening. The Q&A—which covers everything from the prettiest ports to the number of Champagne bottles typically consumed during a seven-day voyage—is part of a last-minute program of activities arranged for an unexpected sea day when it’s too windy to dock in the South of France. This is mid-October, on one of the ship’s jaunts around the Mediterranean for the season, and no one seems to mind the change of plan (although when we do explore, all the islands we visit—Menorca, Corsica, Elba—are blissfully tourist-free). It simply means more time for spa treatments, soaks in the outdoor hot tubs, and afternoon tea in the observation bar. Even then, it only feels like there are 60 passengers onboard, rather than 600. The restaurants are excellent, from Sushi, where you can sit at the counter watching the Japanese chefs at work, to poolside Earth & Ocean for Tandoori-style rotisserie chicken and Madras-style white bean cassoulet. Suites are spacious, each one with a balcony. West End–standard entertainment includes a magician and a chart-topping classical singer. But what makes this ultraluxe ship really memorable is the relaxed, on-point service by staff who remember your name and coffee order, or even a familiar face from a sailing five years ago. Seven-day sailings from $2,649 per person. —Emma Love

The Restaurant Silver Endeavour

Silver Endeavour Arrow

Silversea is defined by its far-flung itineraries and exceptional onboard service (think Moët Champagne as you take in an iceberg calving in Antarctica). But the 220-passenger Silver Endeavour, new to the fleet and already a classic, raises every bar. Rooms start at a spacious 356 square feet and have luxury perks like pillow menus and a personalized bar, making them the best in all of Silversea’s array of ships. As far as food goes, premium Ars Italica Osetra caviar is complimentary and around-the-clock, though the Dover sole paired with a label from the rare wine menu at La Dame would have you believing you were in Paris. And the signature Otium spa celebrates pampering as much as it does wellness—don’t skip on the oxygen-boosting Golden Radiance facial. You may find yourself at any given hour glimpsing ice walls through the Drake Passage and remembering that the best part about this ship is the awe-inspiring places it dares to take you. 10-day sailings from $13,150. —Janice Wald Henderson

best cruise ship karaoke

Scarlet Lady Arrow

Although new to the cruise industry, Virgin Voyages has already begun to set itself apart from its predecessors. When first stepping on the Scarlet Lady, cruisers are met with a rousing, upbeat staff that serve as gurus around the ship and are experts on everything from beauty to juicing. While the Scarlet Lady takes you on a familiar route around the Caribbean, the on-shore excursions available are what make this sail memorable. Take a leap of faith on daring outings such as the Waterfalls of Damajagua in Puerto Plata, where guests make their way down seven of the 27 natural slides and waterfalls. After the exhilarating experience, travelers can sit down with locals and come together over Dominican staples such as pollo guisado, tostones, and mangú. You can always get local delicacies while docked, but while onboard, you must snag a reservation at the Test Kitchen. It’s an experimental dining experience where the menu always evolves. You go in only seeing a small card with ingredients listed for the night’s meal, but everything else is up to the imagination. One might find cucumbers puréed and frozen into ice cream as dessert, or beets formed and prepared like steak. While en route to the next port, the hard reset one does at the Redemption Spa leaves your body feeling anew; it’s impossible to come back from vacation feeling the same as when you departed. On any Virgin Voyages ship, you’ll love the indulgent atmosphere, whether you’re catering to your sweet tooth by narrowing down your favorite gelato of the day, grabbing a drink at one of the five bars that stake claim to having the largest tequila supply on the seven seas, or finally getting that tattoo you’ve been thinking about for ages after visiting the ship’s tattoo parlor, Squid Ink. Seven-day sailings from $2,100 per person. —Paris Wilson

cruise ship restaurant

Queen Mary 2 Arrow

Six days sailing from England to New York across the vast Atlantic had the potential to bore me to stupefaction, but it turned out I had nothing to fear. “The ship is the destination,” said an entertainment director for Queen Mary 2 , who oversees a program that makes this cruise liner the undisputed hub of creative and intellectual stimulation on the high seas. Where else can you attend the annual Literature Festival At Sea, meeting top fiction and nonfiction authors like the late PJ O’Rourke, Bernadine Evaristo, and Louis de Bernières? And where else can you visit a planetarium, watch a Royal Shakespeare theater production, or hear guest speakers discuss artwork investments and the history of airport drug mules?

In between spa massages and table tennis rallies, I nourished my mind in the mahogany library before nourishing my body at the Princess Grill and Queens Grill restaurants, scarfing dishes like croquette of suckling pig, paired with excellent vintages and followed by mango panna cotta. On the final stretch of the journey, as dolphins leapt over the horizon and the Statue of Liberty loomed into view, my heart sank a little—New York City awaited, yet I didn’t want to disembark. That’s quite an achievement. Seven-day sailings from $1,389 per person. —Noo Saro-Wiwa

cruise cabin

World Navigator Arrow

During my first few hours aboard the Atlas Ocean Voyages World Navigator, I felt a bit like I had inadvertently crashed a family reunion: Seemingly everyone else aboard this Arctic expedition had just sailed to Antarctica on the Navigator six months before, so several crew members and guests spent much of embarkation day hugging and catching up. With a maximum occupancy of 196, it’s already an intimate ship, but the fact that the relatively young brand, which debuted in 2019, could develop such an impressive number of repeat travelers in such a short spell speaks volumes. Many told me they were drawn to Atlas because of its eco-friendly bona fides (the new-build ship makes use of hybrid engines from Rolls-Royce designed to leave minimal impact), but the creature comforts on board certainly help. While the star attraction of such an expedition voyage is what lies beyond the decks—access to remote Antarctic fjords that larger vessels can’t dream of traversing, or spotting polar bears loping along pearly glaciers in the Arctic—I made the most of my time in between Zodiac expeditions. The multi-jet shower in my stateroom was sublime after damp and rigorous treks, the heated massage beds in the only L’Occitane Spa at sea are a dream, and the Arctic summer’s 24 hours of sunshine made the Dome observation deck a prime perch to cozy up with a book at any time of day or night. There was neither internet nor cell phone connectivity during my entire eight-day journey sailing thanks to the remote latitudes (though Atlas guests now have access to full Starlink satellite coverage), which meant this was the longest I’d been offline since the 1990s—and yet somehow, drifting through the surreal landscape in this cosseting bubble, I didn’t miss scrolling or chatting with the outside world one bit. Seven-night sailings from $4,749 per person. —Sarah Khan

best cruise ship karaoke

Westerdam Arrow

A passenger who is well below senior age dances the robot to classic rock, to R&B, to country music, and to disco hits as talented singers and a live band perform most nights in the Rolling Stone Lounge, on Holland America Line’s Westerdam . His mechanical movements are a source of amusement and encouragement; if he can take over the dance floor, so can we with our own moves. The 1,916-passenger Westerdam is beloved as a traditional cruise ship, with its smaller-than-mega-ship size, deep blue hull, wraparound outdoor promenade deck, and details such as fresh flowers all around, celebrating the 150-year-old cruise line’s Dutch roots. Tradition does not mean staid. There’s rock and roll. There’s a trendy top-of-ship pickleball court.

On an Alaska cruise, my husband and I start our days with a jolt of caffeine via the baristas at Explorations Central, the ship’s cushy, contemporary, forward-facing observation lounge, before heading off on adventures such as joining other passengers in synchronized paddling a large canoe to see the ancient yet diminishing ice of Juneau’s Mendenhall Glacier. Back on the ship, we indulge in excellent burgers, topped with Gouda and applewood-smoked bacon and served in fast-food wrapping from a stand at the covered Lido pool. We enjoy sustainable Alaska seafood—grilled salmon, fennel-crusted halibut, fried cod—in between cocktails made with local gin, served on real glacial ice. From the veranda of our classic aft cabin, mesmerizing views of the ship’s wake, seemingly endless forest, and a distant, blue-tinged glacier clear our brain. We’re ready for more of the dancing man. Seven-day sailings from $379 per person. —Fran Golden

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More ways to save: Visit USA TODAY's coupons page for deals from thousands of vendors

More travel deals: ITA Airways promo codes and coupons for June 2024

What are the most popular MSC Cruises?

MSC Cruises is an especially popular cruise line thanks to its impressive fleet of large luxury ships. A few of the most popular MSC Cruises include:

  • MSC Euribia : The sustainable cruise ship runs on liquid natural gas and sails through Northern Europe, including picturesque cities like Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Paris. The MSC Euribia has 10 dining venues, 21 bars, five pools, a water park, theater, casino, and dedicated kids’ area. 
  • MSC Virtuosa : One of the main attractions of the MSC Virtuosa is the F1 Simulator that delivers a serious adrenaline rush on a virtual racetrack. Other highlights include a 4D cinema, Himalayan Bridge adventure, 10 dining concepts, the Carousel Lounge with live entertainment from acrobats and dancers, and the MSC Aurea Spa.
  • MSC Grandiosa : This large cruise ship is known for having a robust list of public spaces for entertaining, dining, and more. It features 11 dining venues, an amusement park, comedy club, karaoke bar, indoor promenade with LED dome, and several shopping outlets. 

Here's the deal: Subscribe to our Perks and Rec newsletter  for daily savings on all the things you want and need.

Are MSC Cruises all-inclusive? 

It depends on what cruise ship and package you book! In general, the base packages for MSC Cruises include accommodations , meals, live entertainment, port stops, and access to different on-board activities. Port excursions, specialty drinks, and Wi-Fi are not included in base packages. For most MSC Cruises, you will have the option to book an All-Inclusive Deluxe Drink package that allows you access to a wide variety of beverages at no additional cost once aboard your ship. For even more access, the MSC Yacht Club offers an all-inclusive luxury cruise experience with special perks like 24-hour butler service and dedicated concierge, priority check-in and check-out, and more. Be sure to check out our MSC Cruises coupon codes to score big savings so you can feel better about treating yourself to a few upgrades!

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Coupons, discounts and deals were accurate at the time this article was published but may change over time. Learn more here.

best cruise ship karaoke

8 best drinks to order with a cruise ship beverage package (and 3 to avoid)

I f you're going to spend $60 to $140 per day for a cruise ship drink package , you will want to make sure you're getting the best value. Order the right drinks and you can definitely get your money's worth. Choose the wrong drinks, and you'll end up spending more money than necessary.

The most cost-effective option is to get a cruise line drink package free as a booking perk . If you can't do that, focus on these eight best drinks to order with a beverage package to get the most out of your alcohol budget. I'll also clue you into three drink types that will work against your plan to make that package worth the money.

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Expensive cocktails

If you prepay a flat price for alcohol, you can order pricey specialty cocktails without worrying about paying $15 to $20 a pop. Hands down, the best drink you can order from a value standpoint is the most expensive cocktail that falls within your plan's limit.

For example, Carnival Cruise Line includes beverages that cost $20 or less in its Cheers Beverage Program. The limit is $15 with Norwegian Cruise Line 's Unlimited Open Bar Beverage Package and $14 with Royal Caribbean 's Deluxe Beverage Package. Prioritize drinks that cost close to the limit. If you go over, most onboard bars will charge the difference, so you might want to try that expensive cocktail for just a few bucks.

Name-brand liquor

Order a gin and tonic, and the bartender is likely to pour you the cheapest house brand of gin he's got on hand. Get the most from your beverage package by asking for your tonic with Tanqueray or Bombay Sapphire.

The same rule of thumb applies to any liquor. Ask for your booze by name to get the nicer, more expensive drink and the best value from your beverage package. Just make sure the brand you're requesting is included in your package — otherwise you'll be charged extra. (Note that if your cruise line offers multiple tiers of drink packages, the top-shelf liquors might only be included in the priciest option.)

Related: Are cruise line drink packages worth the price? What to know before you buy

Weirdest drink on the menu

I like to try new drinks, but at $10 to $15 a cocktail, it can be an expensive experiment. With a drink package, however, experimentation is a risk-free proposition — especially on lines that have no limit on the number of alcoholic drinks you can purchase in a 24-hour period.

Try that fruit-infused vodka, the crazy-colored shot or the spiked cappuccino. There's no extra cost if you don't like it, and you only have to wait a few minutes before you can order a replacement.

The drink doesn't have to be eye-raising to be experimental. Use your beverage package to sample new wines by the glass or a cocktail you've never tried. You might discover your new favorite drink.

Related: The very best cruise ship bars at sea

Specialty coffee

Cruisers have trouble leaving their Starbucks addiction behind them and flock to the extra-charge coffee cafes onboard. With a beverage package, you can indulge your caffeine addiction with the good stuff at no extra charge.

Make your morning latte a vacation habit, or grab a chai tea on a rainy sea day or an iced coffee on a hot one. Nonalcoholic drinks do not count toward any drink limits, so the more you sip, the more value you get from your drink package.

Bottled water

Many cruisers don't like the taste of the ship's tap water. If you fall into that category, bottled water is another great beverage package buy, even if it's not the most earth-friendly option.

Grab a sealed bottle from the poolside bar to bring back to your deck chair so you can stay hydrated while you sunbathe. Collect bottles from the onboard bars to stash in your cabin so you can drink them after a shipboard pub crawl or throw them in your day pack when you head off the ship.

Prefer sparkling water with dinner? You can order it with no second thoughts when you have a beverage package.

Related: How to avoid getting sick on a cruise

Embarkation day drinks

Do you feel a little awkward making a beeline for the bar as soon as you step inside a cruise ship on embarkation day? You definitely should not feel this way if you've purchased a beverage package. The packages are priced by the length of your cruise, and embarkation day counts.

Grab a celebratory bubbly to mark the start of your cruise. Start your vacation with a glass of wine to unwind. It's five o'clock somewhere, and skipping out on embarkation day drinks means you're paying for a full day of beverage service you are not using. You might as well change that up and get more bang for your buck.

Related: 27 cruise ship embarkation day do's and don'ts

Frozen drinks on private islands

Like I said earlier, cruise lines price their beverage packages by the day, and you can't prorate the pricing to skip port days when you're hardly on the ship. Most of us can't party all night after touring in the sun all day, which makes it hard to break even on the package cost on port days.

The bars on certain cruise line private islands — Royal Caribbean's Perfect Day at CocoCay , Norwegian's Great Stirrup Cay and MSC Cruises' Ocean Cay — let you use your drink package ashore. (Half Moon Cay and Harvest Caye do not.) That pina colada set against a palm tree backdrop will jazz up your social media feed and is a great choice for making your beverage package worthwhile.

Related: How to get free or cheap drinks on a cruise

Other nonalcoholic beverages

Some lines, such as Carnival and Princess Cruises , limit passengers to 15 alcoholic drinks per day, which can make it harder to break even on the package costs. Make the plan cost-effective (and drink responsibly) by interspersing your bar drinks with nonalcoholic options, such as soda, energy drinks, freshly squeezed juices and other bottled beverages like Gatorade or Honest Tea.

Even better, if you can purchase resealable or unopened bottles or cans, you can save them to take off the ship in port. That strategy will help you get full value from your drink package on days you're mainly off the ship.

3 drinks to avoid

You don't really need to avoid any drinks when you have a beverage package, but some choices aren't as useful as others for making the package cost-effective. If you can, go easy on the following drinks — or reconsider whether that beverage package is the right choice for you in the first place.

Beer is usually the cheapest alcoholic drink on board, and it can be filling. If you only drink beer, you might find it more difficult to reach the break-even point for your drink package. (Others will have no trouble downing eight or more beers a day.) Whether you crave craft brews or stick to Bud Light, ask if your cruise line has a cheaper beer-and-wine-only package (such as Windstar Cruises ' Topmast Discoveries Beer & Wine Package) that might make more sense for you.

Well drinks

If your drinks are already paid for, you have no incentive to order cheap well drinks when you can get name-brand liquor for the same price. If you don't specify which vodka or rum you want, the bartender will give you the most basic option. Call out your booze by name, and if you're not sure, ask the bartender which bottles are included in your package. This tip is especially true if you've paid extra for the priciest, most inclusive drink package your cruise line offers.

Bottles of wine

It's true that you will get a 20% to 40% discount on bottles of wine with most cruise line drink packages. But you're still paying extra for alcohol when you have already paid for wine by the glass, beer and cocktails. Filling up on extra-fee wine might prevent you from ordering as many additional drinks as you normally would, keeping you from breaking even on your package price. Stick to wine by the glass, and you can get all your vino without plunking down more cash.

Sure, you can't get all the same vintages by the glass as you can order by the bottle, and you might want a nice wine to celebrate a special occasion. If you intend to order several bottles of wine during your cruise, you might be better off with a wine-only package instead of a broader alcoholic beverage package.

Bottom line

Most people who purchase a cruise drink package will order a variety of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages each day. However, if you're set on getting the most value from your package purchase, you'll want to be smart about which drinks you order. If you're not at least breaking even with your wine, beer, soda, coffee and cocktail orders, you might want to rethink whether you've chosen the right beverage package for your drinking style.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

Editorial disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.



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  2. On Air Karaoke Bar on Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas Cruise Ship

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  3. On Air Karaoke Bar on Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas Cruise Ship

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  4. Liberty Of The Seas Karaoke

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  5. On Air Karaoke Bar on Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas Cruise Ship

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  6. On Air Karaoke Bar on Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas Cruise Ship

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