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15 Influential Yogis You Need to Know

These creators, innovators, and disruptors are shaking up the way we look at, talk about, and practice yoga..

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In 2021, yoga in America looks like many things. It’s practiced in community centers, in schools, and on native lands. It’s Black and brown and queer. It’s larger-bodied. It uses a wheelchair. Yoga lives on our phones and laptops—all eight limbs of it . The days of posturing and posing are making way for nuanced conversations and debates about philosophy , healing, and appropriation .

But we wouldn’t be here without the people who put in the hard work—the individuals who took risks, spoke up, led with their hearts, and fought for justice. They put themselves out there, and showed the rest of us how to be badass and brave, and true to ourselves—and to the practice that we all love.

The face of yoga has changed. And these are the people who’ve changed it. They’ve pulled a 5,000-year-old practice into the new millennium, and are pushing it into a future that’s broad and whole and inclusive and visionary. These are the game changers.

Rep. Jeremy Gray

(he/him/his) Opelika, Alabama

Jeremy Gray

Fighting for yoga in schools

This past May, Alabama State Representative Jeremy Gray (D) became the unexpected champion for yoga in America’s classrooms when he sponsored legislation to lift the state’s 28-year ban on yoga in public schools .

Passing the controversial legislation was a three-year battle—and it didn’t come without compromise: The bill bans any references to Sanskrit (including pose names), and prohibits including any spiritual aspects of the practice, such as meditation , chanting, and mantras. Parents have to sign a permission slip acknowledging that yoga comes from India and is part of Hinduism. These amendments frustrate the 35-year-old Gray, who was elected to state office in 2018 and would like to see the full practice taught in schools. Still, he believes that some yoga is better than no yoga.

Currently, Gray—who started doing yoga when he was a college athlete and graduated from yoga teacher training in 2014—is working to have terms such as “meditation” defined in the bill, and to change the language in the permission slip to expand on the way yoga is interpreted. He hopes this will allow the more transformative aspects of yoga back into schools. He’s also advising legislators and school officials from across the country on how to start pilot yoga programs in their own districts.

Gray credits yoga for helping him stay centered and positive through Alabama’s yoga debate and the demands of politics in general. “Yoga, breathing practices, and meditation helped me find clarity, purpose, blissfulness, and enlightenment,” Gray says. “[Through it] I found my true essence and stepped into my role as a leader.”

See also: Legislation, Appropriation, & the Battle Over Yoga in Schools

Naomi Hirabayashi | Marah Lidey

(she/her/hers) | (she/her/hers) New York City | New York City

Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey

As two women of color, we were tired of not seeing our struggles represented in mainstream wellness.” —Marah Lidey

Creating inclusive mental health platforms

After more than a year of pandemic shutdown, political turmoil, and racial upheaval, people are going back to the office—but not necessarily back to normal. To ease the accompanying stress and anxiety, particularly among people of color, Naomi Hirabayashi and Marah Lidey launched Shine at Work . The app, an enhanced version of the Shine app they introduced in 2016, serves up daily affirmations and meditations that focus on the kinds of concerns that marginalized people face in the wake of current events.

“As two women of color, we were tired of not seeing our struggles represented in mainstream wellness,” says Lidey, who is Black. (Hirabayashi is half Japanese.) “Our stress, anxieties, and traumas weren’t being addressed, certainly not in meditation apps.”

Their goal is to make Shine the world’s most inclusive mental-health membership. That inclusivity starts at home: The Shine team itself is 80 percent BIPOC. “If you’ve experienced hardships because of the color of your skin, the gender you identify as, the people you love, the size of your body, your religion, or anything that made you feel otherized, you will find a home in [Shine],” Lidey says.

Feedback from the community keeps them motivated, Hirabayashi says. Their metric for success isn’t the 25,000 five-star reviews the app has received—it’s how many app reviewers refer to Shine as “life-changing.”

See also: Special Report: How Yoga Can Improve Your Mental Health

Natalia Tabilo

(she/her/hers) San Francisco

yogis on tour

Everybody can practice yoga—no matter if you are in a larger body, an abled body—no matter your mind, your age, or anything.” —Natalia Tabilo

Taking body image to the next level

In 2018, at the first “all levels” in-person vinyasa class Natalia Tabilo ever took, the teacher had the students move into Kakasana ( Crow Pose ) without much instruction or any variations for someone in a larger body like Tabilo’s. “I was already questioning the ‘all levels, everyone is welcome’ thing and thought, ‘No, this can’t be,’ ” Tabilo says.

So two years ago, after completing a teacher training, she had a clear vision that she wanted to “share that everybody can practice yoga—no matter if you are in a larger body, an abled body, no matter your mind, your age, or anything.” Tabilo, who is originally from Chile, also decided to teach in both Spanish and English. She created Yoga for All Bodies , a method of teaching based on offering variations for all poses.

Soon, local studios were asking her to teach. Tabilo, who was inspired by body-positive yoga teachers Dianne Bondy and Amber Karnes , expected to have students in larger bodies in her classes; she got that, plus seniors; teenagers; and people with eating disorders, anxiety, or depression; people living with chronic illness; and more. Now Yoga for All Bodies is also a growing online platform. Tabilo also trains other teachers how to make yoga welcoming and inclusive, and hosts workshops for yoga teachers and businesses on inclusive marketing.

“I realized people were coming to class because I ask them to notice what their bodies and minds are asking for and give them the freedom to choose, and that feels amazing,” she says.

See also: Fat Shaming and Toxic Diet Culture Are Rampant in Yoga. It’s Time to Push Back

Michelle Cassandra Johnson

(she/her/hers) Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Michelle Cassandra Johnson

Pioneering anti-racism conversations

Michelle Cassandra Johnson started asking questions about who is (and who isn’t) becoming a yoga teacher when she was one of only two students of color in her yoga teacher training. It was 2009 and she wondered, “Why are there so few people who look like me?” The question prompted her to create a 200-hour and a 300-hour yoga teacher training program focused on the intersection of social justice and yoga, and to begin facilitating anti-racism conversations in trainings and workshops.

When she wrote Skill in Action: Radicalizing Your Yoga Practice to Create a Just World in 2017, it was an invitation for people to examine the interplay of power, privilege, oppression, and suffering in yoga spaces—and to take steps to make change through their practice.

“In the last two to three years, more people have started centering anti-racism conversations in their [yoga] spaces,” Johnson says. Then there was the 2020 murder of George Floyd—set against the backdrop of a global pandemic, and coming on the heels of the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and a string of others at the hands of police.

“All of a sudden, white-identifying people were awake to what we have been experiencing as BIPOC all along, while BIPOC folks felt utterly exhausted,” she says. Johnson’s second book, Finding Refuge: Heart Work for Healing Collective Grief , released in July, explores how members of the BIPOC community can support each other through trauma and grief.

In the past year and a half, Johnson and her staff of six have worked with nearly 1,500 people on anti-racism efforts. “My dharma is connected to uplifting things that have been covered,” she says. “I know my ancestors and Spirit brought me into this physical form to shake things up. I feel grateful for their guidance and my ability to listen to it.”

See also: How Restorative Yoga Can Help Heal Racial Wounding

Melissa Shah

(she/her/hers) Tongva land (colonized as Los Angeles)

Michelle Shah

It’s better to do your own dharma and make mistakes than to do somebody else’s.” —Melissa Shah

Decolonizing the wellness industry through yoga therapy and Ayurveda

“One of the things that stands out for me in the Bhagavad Gita is when Krishna tells Arjuna that it’s better to do your own dharma and make mistakes than to do somebody else’s,” says Melissa Shah, creator of the Find Your Breath yoga studio .

The first-generation Indian-American yoga therapist followed her own path by launching a yoga therapy platform, where she offers individual and group sessions, and an online membership centering on yoga therapy practices. She also serves as a mentor for yoga teachers looking to deepen their practice, and credits a long line of teachers for inspiring her work, including Tejal Patel , Ekta Hattangady , Chase Bossart , Tiger Rahman , Allé Kamela , Raquel Bueno , Jesal Parikh , Anjali Rao , and Pooja Virani .

Representation is a huge issue in the wellness industry, she explains. It is rare to see a South Asian yoga teacher. “There was a gap in virtual yoga therapy classes and videos that are taught by South Asian teachers, as well as classes that are breath-centered and adapted to different bodies and experiences,” Shah says. Find Your Breath offers weekly live classes, many for BIPOC only, as well as on-demand classes that honor yoga’s roots by incorporating pranayama, meditation, mantra, and more.

Next, Shah is extending that effort to Ayurveda . “I want people to understand that Ayurveda is a way of being in and seeing the world, rather than a whitewashed to-do list of ‘If I eat or don’t eat this, then this will happen,’ ” she says. “Ayurveda is about giving people the opportunity to see something differently. In Western culture, that’s discouraged. If you’re going to see something differently, you have to consider that the way you’ve been taught to see something isn’t always the most supportive way for you.”

Heather Shereé Titus | Ravi Singh | Judy Weaver

(she/her/hers) | (he/him/his) | (she/her/hers) Carson City, Nevada | San Diego, California | Boca Raton, Florida

Heather Sheree Titus, Ravi Singh, and Judy Weaver

Revolutionizing yoga education

For the past 20 years, there has been only one path to becoming a qualified yoga teacher in the United States: Complete a YTT and have your name put on a registry. Yoga Unify wants to change that.

The organization, created to provide educational support and mutual accountability for yoga students and teachers, doesn’t evaluate its members’ teaching ability on a set number of training hours. Instead, they base it on basic competencies in mind-body science, a knowledge of yoga history, teaching skills, dedication to their personal practices, ethics, and an awareness of diversity and inclusion issues. Depending on the teacher’s unique lineage or specialization, they’re also evaluated by a counsel of senior teachers in that area of expertise.

“Anyone who gets a Yoga Unify qualification will be vetted by their peers, and that will uplevel the overall standards in the yoga world,” says cofounder Ravi Singh, a Kundalini Yoga practitioner with 45 years of teaching experience and the author of dozens of yoga books and videos.

Singh started planning Yoga Unify in 2019 with fellow cofounders Judy Weaver and Heather Shereé Titus. Weaver is a trauma-conscious yoga therapist and teacher with 30 years of experience and the cofounder of Connected Warriors , which offers yoga to vets. Titus cofounded the Sedona Yoga Festival .

They have made community investment central to Yoga Unify. “We’re focusing on areas of urgency in the yoga community right now: building equity and addressing stress and trauma in the wake of the multiple crises we face today,” Titus says. They’re doing this through sliding-scale fee structures, scholarships, and grants. They anticipate that as membership grows, so will the amount they’re able to contribute to the community.

See also: Does Everyone and Their Mother Really Need to Do a Yoga Teacher Training?

Octavia Raheem

(she/her/hers) Atlanta

Octavia Raheem

These practices have been transformative for me and other people who have been conditioned to think there is no rest for them.” —Octavia Raheem

Bringing rest to Black, Brown, and Indigenous women

A decade ago, Octavia Raheem—then a Power Yoga teacher—felt her spirit call her to slow down. “I remember thinking I should maybe quit yoga, because of the courage I knew it was going to take to turn my identity more toward who I really am,” she says. “Authenticity takes courage.”

Raheem’s personal slowdown translated into a movement to help Black, brown, and Indigenous women do the same. In 2016, she opened Sacred Chill {West} , a studio focused on meditation, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, and yoga nidra . Her teacher trainings, workshops, and programs drew yoga students from around the country—all attracted to her encouragement to rest and restore.

During the pandemic, Raheem closed the studio space and put her energy into other projects, including her 2020 book Gather , a collection of poetry, affirmations, and insights. In January 2021, she launched Devoted to Rest—a four- to six-month program for Black, brown, and Indigenous women to find community and support through yoga, meditation, and journaling. She recently completed her second book, Pause, Rest, Be , about how stillness practices can help us access courage in times of change, out February 1, 2022.

“Freedom and liberation come from practices that are still,” Raheem says. “These practices have been transformative for me and other people who have been conditioned to think there’s no rest for them. I work with Black women and women of color to unpack what it means to rest when part of your legacy in this part of the world is that your people were forced, free labor. Your whole life was work and die. We will thrive and rest.”

(she/her/hers) Baltimore

Jana Long

Building the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance

Jana Long started the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance (BYTA) Facebook page with Maya Breuer in 2009 as a way to connect and support yoga teachers from the African diaspora. The community blossomed with members who were thirsty for connection and acknowledgment in an environment that has long been dominated by white teachers.

By 2016, they had evolved BYTA into a registered nonprofit providing networking and continuing education for Black yoga teachers, with a sold-out conference at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health . Long eventually retired from a career in newspapers and became the organization’s executive director. Under her leadership, BYTA has seen record membership numbers and donations.

“I think the touch point last year was when George Floyd was murdered,” Long says. After that horrific event, Long says people started to reach out to the organization like never before—teachers who wanted to join and organizations that wanted to support BYTA’s work.

“BYTA is not a social justice organization,” says Long, herself a practicing yoga therapist and teacher specializing in classes for seniors. “We have members who do that work and we want to support them with the tools they need by strengthening their knowledge of yoga.”

Among those tools: the Yoga as a Peace Practice curriculum, which offers practices to heal hearts and communities, along with yogic wisdom to take off the mat and into daily life. Long and the BYTA board, led by Gail Parker , PhD, have focused on yoga philosophy since the organization’s inception. “When you start hitting the fifth, sixth, seventh limbs of yoga, that’s when personal development happens,” Long says.

Dr. Sará King

(she/her/hers) Los Angeles

Sara King

Connecting science, yoga, and social justice

“We cannot effectively work toward social justice in our communities without taking care of our hearts, minds, and bodies, and vice versa,” says Sará King, PhD.

With a background in neuroscience, linguistics, political science, African-American studies, and education, as well as her yoga and meditation training, King uses yoga and other somatic and contemplative practices to help people embody a sense of social justice and liberation, and to heal from intergenerational trauma. And she applies it in all kinds of ways.

This summer, she—along with Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams and Rae Johnson, PhD, co-directors of the Embodied Social Justice Certificate program —spent three months teaching more than 700 students how systemic oppression impacts people physiologically, emotionally, and psychologically.

As a postdoctoral researcher in neurology at Oregon Health Science University, King also studies the impacts of yoga and meditation on perceived discrimination and chronic pain. Her research also focuses on the impact of immersive art and mindfulness experiences on individual and collective awareness through the Artful Practices for Well-Being initiative at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.

With her consulting partner, Teruko Mitsuhara, PhD, King is also working with Google Cloud to create a next-level diversity, equity, and inclusion experience. Employees participate in a three-month mindfulness- and movement-based program that helps them experience what freedom and power feel like in their bodies.

Tristan Katz

(they/them/theirs) Portland, Oregon

Tristan Katz

I teach yoga and wellness folks how to keep growing their businesses, while also staying engaged in the deeper working of being aware.” —Tristan Katz

Creating affirming yoga spaces

When Tristan Katz took a yoga teacher training in 2015, their world opened in unexpected ways.

First, it was then that they started to question gender as a construct. “I was claiming she/her pronouns, but I didn’t feel like the other women in class,” Katz says. “When I understood, finally, that nonbinary is a thing, I understood that I didn’t fit into womanhood, and never had.”

Katz also realized they had skills that could help yoga and wellness businesses. They had been working at their father’s construction-education business, helping him market and organize educational content—exactly the kind of thing yoga teachers and studios needed.

Then, studying with Michelle Cassandra Johnson (see above) gave Katz a stronger social justice lens. Everything they were doing and learning—about themself, about yoga, about business—began to align. Katz saw a niche for their work. They call it justice-focused marketing.

In 2018, they created Tristan Katz Creative , a consulting business that helps organizations market themselves with integrity and a social justice perspective. One focus is to help yoga teachers and students take steps toward creating affirming spaces for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and communicate their alliance to people in all the ways they may self-identify—including as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, and Two-Spirit (the term used in some Indigenous cultures for a person who has both a masculine and a feminine spirit).

The demand for Katz’s services has grown significantly over the past couple of years. “We’ve seen the way in which taking up space [in our marketing] can be harmful if we’re doing it with a lack of awareness…of the privileged identities we hold,” explains Katz, who is also a board member at Accessible Yoga and the co-host of the All the F*ck In podcast with Lauren Roberts.

“I teach yoga and wellness folks how to keep growing their businesses, while also staying engaged in the deeper working of being aware,” says Katz, who teaches that marketing should be about relationship-building, rather than about measuring success through transactions and social media likes.

See also: Let’s Create a Safe Space for Transgender & Nonbinary Yogis

Quentin Vennie

(he/him/his) Baltimore

Quentin Vennie

Building bridges to mindfulness

Twelve years ago, Quentin Vennie was struggling with depression, anxiety, and an addiction to prescription drugs and alcohol. Suicidal and alone, he started researching ways to heal through alternative medicine. First, he started juicing. Then he came across YouTube videos by Tara Stiles and began to explore yoga. He started to feel better. “Yoga found me when I was at rock bottom,” he says.

Vennie took a yoga teacher training, but decided teaching wasn’t for him. “Instead, I felt I could be a bridge builder, and make this healing practice more accessible to people who look like me and come from where I come from,” he says. Vennie served as the vice president of the Yoga Alliance Foundation in 2019.

The author of Strong in the Broken Places: A Memoir of Addiction and Redemption Through Wellness , today Vennie works to normalize conversations about mental health through his social platforms, podcasts, and an upcoming book on creating an anxiety-free home.

These days, he also pours his time into his new tea company, EquiTEA , and mindful gardening—at his home and as the creator of school gardening programs. “Just being outside for 10 minutes basking in the sun changes your mindset,” he says.

Critical to Vennie’s work is helping people become aware of and work through difficult emotions. “As long as we’re able to stay present in these moments, we are creating a space where anxiety and depression can’t exist,” he says.

See also: Rates of Trauma and Addiction Are Skyrocketing. Yoga Can Help

Haley Laughter

(she/her/hers) Gallup, New Mexico

Haley Laughter

Our ancestors were yogis, too. We use ceremony to create a path toward empowerment and realize the sacredness of who we are.” —Haley Laughter

Organizing Indigenous yoga teachers

In the 1960s, Haley Laughter’s Navajo parents were among the thousands of children taken from their homes and put into boarding schools designed to strip them of their Indigenous identities. Laughter’s own childhood was marked by alcohol, chaos, and domestic violence. “I inherited my parents’ trauma,” she explains. Now, she’s trying to heal herself and other Indigenous people who had similar experiences.

After completing yoga teacher training and opening Four Corners Yoga studio in 2011, Laughter founded the nonprofit Hozho Total Wellness in 2015. The mobile organization travels from reservation to reservation in New Mexico, teaching workshops and leading events that combine yogic philosophy with Indigenous traditions, such as a connection to nature. “Every class I teach is ceremony to me,” she says. “I end my classes by saying Hózhó náhásdlíí’ , meaning, ‘It has become beauty again.’ ”

When she started Hozho Total Wellness, many people in the Indigenous community wondered if yoga was for them. She helps them see the connection between yoga and native traditions. “Our ancestors were yogis, too,” she says. “We use ceremony to reset our chakra system and create a path toward empowerment and realizing the sacredness of who we are.”

When she began, Laughter was one of the few Indigenous yoga teachers. Now, the teaching community has grown to about 25. To help them organize and share experiences, Laughter is creating the Indigenous Yoga Instructors Association on Facebook. Next she plans to create an Indigenous yoga teacher training and organize an Indigenous Yoga Day.

“My mission is to heal our people and bring them together through yoga,” Laughter says.

From November/December 2021

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MC YOGI is a world renowned performing artist. From living in a group home for at-risk youth to becoming one of the most well known and beloved yogis in America, MC YOGI is on a mission to bring good music and good energy into the world.  MC YOGI will be on tour throughout 2018 in support of his new memoir SPIRITUAL GRAFFITI: Finding My True Path (published by HarperOne, Sept 2017) ++ he is headed back into the recording studio to create new music with Grammy nominated producer Howard Benson. 

His last album, RITUAL MYSTICAL , a collaboration with East Forest, made history by going #1 on iTunes Electronic charts — Aug. 2016. In 2015, his ONLY LOVE IS REAL album debuted #12 Billboard Heatseekers + #24 iTunes Hiphop — featuring guest performances from Matisyahu and Trevor Hall. 

To date he and his wife Amanda Giacomini  (founder of the 10,000 Buddhas Project) have taught yoga and performed to over half a million people world wide. 


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by Karlee Fain

Whoosh, slide.  I unfurl my yoga mat backstage, on a slab of concrete where limelight and divine light will merge.  Pop, pop,  and my meditation chime has been replaced with the recorded gunshots that blast through a sound system so large, it takes an army of tractor trailers to haul it around the globe. Hum and heat, tour bus generators provide the white noise to cancel out the screams of the crowd and synchronize with my ujjayi breath. I giggle. Did the ancient monks who founded yoga mean 40 cities in 60 days when they shared the idea of meditation in motion with us?

When rappers start drinking coconut water and doing yoga before busting rhymes that contain more bleeps than lyrics on the radio, one thing is clear: There is a meditation revolution happening. As the wellness coach for one of the most prolific celebrity rap stars of our time, I’ve had the opportunity to witness this firsthand. Right now, the only thing louder than the bass pounding is the voice of my inner guidance telling me that our stream of consciousness is expanding.“Karlee,” it says, “unless you want to paddle upstream, best go with the flow.” But as I put my boat in the uncharted waters, I wonder: Where will this river take me?

I grew up at Kripalu, back when it was an ashram in Pennsylvania. We donned all white for weekly satsang, joyfully did Down Dog as if it were our jobs (or, in this case, seva), and, as kids, were told that carob was real chocolate. Suddenly, I find myself squeezing between people on a tour bus to massage a high-profile client clutching a Blackberry in one hand, with an assistant about to put some other device in the other. While these surroundings may be a far cry from the tranquil woods I grew up near and the devotees who raised me, being in this environment has taught me that there’s more Deepak in hip-hop than I could ever have imagined. The rapper Biggie Smalls told us, “Stay far from timid, only make moves when your heart’s in it, and live the phrase: Sky’s the limit.” It’s clear that the sky Biggie mentions continues to rise as both rap stars and yogis consistently expand the realm of what we once thought possible. From the mountains of India to the streets of Detroit, prophetic poets emerge from any and all places to help us expand our boundaries.

The triumphs of these rap stars, many of whom were raised in impoverished communities, speak to the power of focus, dedication, and inspired growth that can emerge if we choose to shine. In much the same way that my family gathered to chant with our guru, hip-hop fans also know the impact of gathering around those who have devoted their lives to celebrating that which makes them feel most alive. While our Sanskrit chorus didn’t hit the Top 40, the lyrics sung nightly by thousands of ticket holders carry with them a similar unity that empowers even the most timid of fans.

Again, I feel a strong force telling me, “If you think this is about rap, fame, or even the private jet you’re on right now, your foresight has been blinded by the glare from all this bling. This hip-hop empire is about channeling an energy greater than what we were told is possible, not just defying social standards, but creating entirely new benchmarks by which human success can be measured.” Indeed, these lyrics from the Kottonmouth Kings, a rap group, could have fallen from the lips of an ancient yogi: “You are a sacred being of light, projected into reality for a purpose! Demand the right to your moment in this holographic gift; with no rules, no borders, except for those you choose to accept and live by.”

I gave a talk last winter to a group of business owners about the power of integrating yoga into their livelihood. I asked them to consider what their yoga was, whether on or off the mat, to identify the activities they already engage in that help them feel most like themselves, and what gives them a conscious connection to prana, life force. Today, I ask a different question: What is your hip hop? Will you speak your truth even if it’s contrary to mainstream opinion? Will you embrace your talents, that which brings you the greatest joy, and dare to share that bliss with the world?

After the overnight drive, I step off the bus to bathe in the early daylight. I unwrap my organic protein bar and turn up the volume on my iPod. Right now, a good Sun Salutation will bring me the greatest joy, so I start here. I find the less I juxtapose the difference in these seemingly separate worlds I move in, the more time I have to bask in the truth they both offer. While I may not be in one place long enough to have a mailing address, yoga has never been about the external experience. I know it’s the internal journey that guides me home, and that has always been the case.  Whoosh, slide  … again my yoga mat opens to serve as the raft in this merging stream of consciousness.

Karlee Fain is a health coach, author, and intuitive channel.

© Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. All rights reserved. To request permission to reprint, please e-mail [email protected] .

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Sicily Yoga Adventure

Trip in one word: entrancing, what you’ll experience in sicily.

A Mediterranean gem, Sicily is known for its serene beaches, charming villages, amazing ancient ruins and delicious cuisine. Get your yoga and walking shoes on so you can, “mangia, mangia!” throughout the week.  On this yoga retreat in Sicily, you’ll explore Europe’s largest active volcano, sip some volcanic vino, wander seaside villages, visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites (yes, that’s plural), admire the spectacular and ancient architecture and bathe in the Italian sunshine and sea. Get lost among endearing ancient alleyways, explore piazzas (in palazzos) and enjoy a sunkissed adventure in Italy.

How You’ll Experience Sicily

Start your yoga retreat in Sicily in Castiglione di Sicilia, on the north side of dominating Mount Etna. Hike the hillsides of Mount Etna, bask in the  panoramic views of the Sicilian countryside and sip the nectar of the unique volcanic soil (ie delicious local wines).  You’ll visit Castelmola, known as one of the most beautiful villages in Sicily, and explore the Norman ruins overlooking the Ionian Sea. Revel in ancient Greek ruins and classic Renaissance and Baroque architecture on Ortigia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Wander the local food market and savor unforgettable Sicilian food and wines. Immerse in Ragusa and Noto’s (another UNESCO World Heritage Site) ancient architecture—from the Palazzo Comunale to the breathtaking Duomo di San Nicolò – catacombs, spellbinding stairs and piazzas.  Try a cuoppo (trust us) and your own hand at focaccia . At ‘home’  in Modica you’ll learn about the ancient chocolate-making tradition and get hands-on with a professional maître chocolatier (yum). Experiment with Sicilian herbs and spices (coupled with local aperitivos ) as you taste, laugh and immerse your way around this enchanting island. 

How You’ll Feel When You Return Home

You’ll return home from this yoga retreat in Sicily sun-kissed and blissed out. You’ll research limoncello recipes (in pursuit of the perfect aperitivo ), dream of piazzas and vividly recall the sensation of Sicilian sand on your bare feet. Warmed by delicious wine and Sicilian smiles, you’ll forever ruminate on creating your very own “Under the Sicilian Sun” move across the pond.

Explore Sicily with The Travel Yogi

Adventure Details

Taormina Sicily yoga retreat The Travel Yogi

castiglione di sicilia

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sun-kissed history & warm Sicilian smiles

8 days 7 nights, starting at $4,895 per person, yoga retreat in sicily upcoming dates, teo chapelier.

Photo of yoga teacher Teo Chapelier

View more retreats from this instructor >

Téo is above all an avid traveller. Born and raised in the south of France he decided to leave his home country at the age of 18 because he knew the world had a lot to offer. After a few years spent wandering the globe, his path led him to sunny California where he discovered his life purpose: sharing the wisdom of Yoga.

With his 7 years of experience, Téo has developed an extensive knowledge of the practice which he loves to share in its entirety. From rhythmic Vinyasa flows to grounding Yin sequences he knows how to efficiently assist his students in their quest for growth and transformation. Along his journey towards self discovery, he has learned a myriad of life-shaping lessons which he loves to share to help others reach for their fullest potential.

Whether you are an advanced practitioner or an avid beginner, Téo’s guidance will make you feel supported in times of need and challenged when you are ready to breakthrough. He takes pride in designing each and every of his classes with the utmost care to best serve all of the attendees. Rest assured that you will step off your mat feeling renewed, both in and out.

Emily Devers

Emily Devers yoga and yoga retreats

Emily is a compassionate yoga instructor committed to guiding students on a journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being. Her yoga practice began long ago as supplemental stretching to marathon training. Realizing the yogic lifestyle was much more than “stretching”, Emily began to enjoy the benefits of the mind/body connection. The benefit of mindfulness enhanced her professional career of nearly 25 years in Nuclear Cardiology as well as raising two daughters. After practicing yoga for 15 years, Emily received her 200 hour training in 2019 through True Love Yoga in Kansas City, MO. Soon after, she retired from the hospital setting and received her 500 hour advanced training certificate with Jason Crandell of San Francisco. Emily holds certificates in Yoga for Golfers, Yoga for Cancer and Meditation/Restorative Yoga. In November 2023, Emily co-founded Easy Tiger Yoga in Parkville, MO. The studio offers vinyasa, hatha, restorative and yin classes, as well as teacher workshops and trainings.

With a health care background and a passion for mindfulness, Emily seamlessly blends physical postures with breath awareness and meditation techniques to create a nurturing and transformative yoga experience. Her classes emphasize self-acceptance, body awareness, and inner peace, empowering students to cultivate balance and harmony in their lives.

From medical missions in Romania and Africa to hiking adventures in Patagonia, Peru and Slovenia, if she hasn’t been there, it is on her list. The Travel Yogi is the perfect blend of her two favorite passions. Join Emily as you travel to awaken your body, calm your mind, and nourish your soul.

Janet Corvino

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Janet is a yoga instructor, yoga teacher trainer and Life Alignment coach. Born and raised in NYC and now living in the mountains of Whistler, BC, Janet is part homebody and part gypsy. She loves her home in the mountains as well as exploring the world through travel. As a result, Janet has been travelling the world and teaching internationally.

Janet as a yoga instructor offers a playful, sweaty, deep practice with soul-searching teachings. Janet teaches “real life yoga for everyday living” by encouraging her students to explore yoga philosophy through themed classes and take their awareness into their life. Janet as a Life Alignment Coach is soulful in her approach using yoga philosophy and Co-Active teachings to evoke deep insights. Janet’s candor, confidence and humour creates a playful, supportive environment to dive into action. You will be inspired to live deeply rich life filled with possibility.

She is generous with her support and deeply devoted to her students. Coaching and Yoga are pathways to living a life of harmony and fullness. Janet will journey with you there.

Erica Stanzione

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Growing up as an athlete, Erica always felt a strong connection to physical movement. It wasn’t until her early-twenties that she desired a stronger connection to her emotional self and a deeper sense of fulfillment within that movement. For the past eighteen years, she has been a devoted yoga student, practicing and studying all over the world, which led her to completing her certifications and diving headfirst into her purpose. Erica guides public classes and a private clientele in Manhattan and New Jersey as well as host wellness retreats both domestically and internationally. She also combined her passions for fostering community and mindful movement and created a Yoga Alliance certified 200-Hour Teacher Training curriculum where she’s led and graduated six classes of trainees.

Erica’s classes, workshops, getaways and trainings are strongly driven by the emotional and spiritual aspects of the practice, but will also strengthen you both physically and mentally. The intention behind all of her offerings is to hold space for her students while they step further into their power, confidence, emotional intelligence and spiritual relationship. Yoga has deeply shifted, healed and transformed Erica’s life, and she is eternally grateful to be able to share that magic with every yogi that she is blessed to cross paths with.

In the meantime check out other great Yoga Adventure locations. Join our newsletter for the latest updates and new adventure location dates.

What's included.

  • Three nights exclusive stay in Castiglione di Sicilia region
  • Four nights in stunning Modica
  • Breakfast each morning at our hotels
  • Some lunches including local eateries and restaurants
  • All dinners in a local restaurant or at our hotels
  • Multiple wine-pairing and tasting options
  • Morning and evening yoga on most days (please see the full itinerary for yoga schedule)
  • Street-food experiences in Ortigia and Noto
  • Hiking day by foot and 4×4 on Mt Etna
  • Local cooking class and dinner near Ragusa
  • Maître chocolatier taught hands-on chocolate course
  • Afternoon on a local, and official, aromatic and herb farm
  • Private transfers and transportation throughout the week
  • Expert local English speaking guides
  • All entry fees for the above sights and additional activities as listed on the itinerary

What's Not Included

  • International flights in and out of Catania (CTA) 
  • Four lunches
  • Any video or still camera fees assessed by the monuments or places of interest
  • Alcohol, in excess of a glass of wine, sodas or other specialty drinks at meals
  • Items of a personal nature (phone calls, souvenirs, spa services, etc)
  • Travel Insurance (strongly recommended)

Yoga Retreat in Sicily Accommodations

Verzella region.

Enveloped in over a hundred hectares of olive, citrus and vineyards sits our northern Sicily home. The renovated vineyard home boasts modern amenities and classic charm.  Each room has its own unique views on this beautiful vineyard.  Enjoy the  pool and vineyards you walk through each day, the AC and/or heat, along with stunning Sicilian cuisine, to make this a hideaway you’ll want to return to. 

Historic and modern comfort and blend into a luxury welcome in the south of Sicily. Revel in the renovated and rejuvenated medieval fortress and the beauty of Modica.  Enjoy ancient catacombs and beautiful villages while you make use of the pool and spa or spend your free-time exploring Noto, Modica or the beach, each just a drive away (and all included during the week!).  

Sicily Yoga Retreat Adventure

Each of our amazing yoga retreat in Sicily itineraries will be unique, with slight changes based on local holidays and/or events. Below is a sample of what can be expected as you explore this amazing island  with The Travel Yogi:

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  • Our guide will meet you at the airport and escort you to our first hotel just north of Mt Etna
  • Opening airplane-twist-it-out yoga class
  • Benvenuti in Sicilia!
  • Wake up refreshed, hit the mat and a fill-up breakfast
  • Charge your cameras and capture the stunning views of Sicily from the heights of Mt Etna
  • Enjoy a mid afternoon post-hike lunch at the base of Mt Etna
  • Taste, and learn, about the richness of Sicilian wine at a local winery
  • Head back to the hotel for evening yoga for hike-weary legs before dinner 
  • Morning yoga followed by a leisurely breakfast
  • Castelmola is stunning and classified as one of the most beautiful villages in Sicily
  • Perched on a hillside over the Ionian Sea, wander Taormina and the ancient Greek theater of Teatro Greco
  • After a guided tour, explore Taormina’s streets and restaurants at your leisure
  • As the sun goes down head back ‘home’ for evening yoga
  • Enjoy dinner under the stars
  • An early morning for breakfast and packing (no morning yoga today)
  • Wander down the winding streets of Ortigia and take in the stunning Baroque and Renaissance beauties surrounding you
  • Stroll backwards through time and explore the 6th century BCE Temple of Apollo
  • Take in the sights and smells of the food market and stop for lunch with the locals
  • Say goodbye to Ortigia and continue south to Modica
  • Check-in and get ready for early evening yoga
  • Head to the restaurant for a dinner of southern Sicilian delights
  • Rise and shine yoga and breakfast
  • Wander the Hyblaean Mountains’ secrets and wonders
  • Visit the Grotta of Trabacche, the Catacombs of Cava Celone and the Hypogeum of Cisternazzi
  • Enjoy some free time to explore Ragusa and the lunch spot of your choice
  • After listening to the stories of the millers and their families, get your hands-on the local organic flour and make your own Focaccia deliciousness
  • Dine on your creations at the mill with the families
  • Morning yoga and sustaining breakfast
  • Marvel at the Duomo di San Nicolo, and the gorgeous stairs just below, as well as the Palazzo Vescovile, Palazzo Comunale and the Baroque Church of the Holy Savior
  • As you stroll through the day you’ll be treated to the gastronomical delights of Noto including cuoppo, the famous Arancina and an unmissable cannolo
  • Another tasty treat this afternoon as you learn about Modica’s famous chocolate history
  • Get hands-on as you put your knowledge of Modica’s ancient chocolate making to the test under the watchful eye of a professional maître chocolatier
  • Evening outdoor yoga (weather dependent) at the hotel
  • Group dinner, if you’ve got any tummy space left, at the hotel
  • Morning yoga and breakfast
  • Relax poolside, book a massage, head back into Modica or catch a ride to the beach to hang out
  • Return to the hotel early afternoon for a closing yoga class
  • Experience the history and pride behind the olfactory tradition
  • Head out to a local restaurant for a closing dinner among the locals
  • Rise and shine for breakfast and to pack 
  • Transfer from the south of Sicily back to Catania airport for departure and a goodbye to gorgeous Sicily


Adventure well(ness), frequently asked questions.

Please schedule your flights in and out of Catania international airport (CTA) on the first and final day of the adventure.  There are time restrictions for the single transfer on Day 1 and Day 8 and most people need to book a pre and post night in a major European hub city before catching their international flights.  Please refer to your booking confirmation for information on flights and flight scheduling.

In a word, yes!  Vegetarians will have no difficulty and all other requests should be able to be accommodated as long as we have sufficient notice of at least four weeks prior to departure.  Please contact The Travel Yogi with any dietary questions.

Travel insurance is always strongly recommended.  Please make sure you have a policy purchased before departure and, ideally, once you book.  While we recommend Travel Guard , you may purchase your insurance through any reputable company.

On this adventure, yes, you will need to bring your own mat.  Your mat and luggage will be transported for you once on the adventure, but you will need to bring a mat from home.  The Travel Yogi teachers that embark on this adventure will be designing classes that do not require props, so no need to bring a strap or a block unless you want one.

Absolutely.  All of our lux locations will have wifi available.

Yes!  Of course.  Once you’re booked you’ll receive an email with important logistical information and a link to your invoice.  You can pay any amount at any time on the invoice; you can use it as a payment plan or leave it alone until the final due date. Remember that deposits are non-refundable so, on all trips, we recommend purchasing travel insurance.

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Monday, 03 June 2024


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Tiger amar, lion pataudi roar to greet cm yogi.

On Sunday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inspected the Shaheed Ashfaq Ullah Khan Zoological Park (Gorakhpur Zoo). During his visit, he observed five-year-old lion Bharat and seven-year-old lioness Gauri, recently brought from Etawah Lion Safari.

Royal Bengal Tiger Amar raised a leg excitedly and roared, seemingly saluting the chief minister. Yogi Adityanath laughed and remarked, “Kya Re? Kaisa Hai Tu?”

Giving this information here on Sunday evening, an official spokesman claimed that the chief minister advised a zoo employee not to touch the enclosure net, noting that the tiger’s agitation might be due to this.

Another lion, Pataudi, also roared in greeting when the chief minister approached his enclosure. The wild animals’ roars during his visit seemed to please Yogi Adityanath. 

While inspecting the zoo, he fed bananas to the rhinoceros pair Hari and Gauri and, after observing several other animals, he instructed the zoo officials to ensure their proper care.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who had been busy campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections for the past two months, took some leisure time on Sunday afternoon to visit Gorakhpur Zoo, one of his cherished projects.

The chief minister, known for his fondness for wildlife, often visits the zoo whenever possible. Upon arriving at the zoo, he began by inspecting the entire facility. When he saw the rhino pair, Hari and Gauri, he smiled and approached their enclosure to feed them bananas. This pair of rhinos is particularly dear to the chief minister and he has also fed them bananas on previous visits.

Throughout his tour, Chief Minister Yogi also observed the enclosures of lions, tigers, white tigers, deer, monkeys, jackals, leopards, hippos and bears. Accompanied by Divisional Forest Officer and Zoo Director Vikas Yadav, the chief minister gathered information about wildlife care during his visit.

When the chief minister approached the enclosure of tiger Amar, the tiger lifted one leg in a saluting posture and began to roar. This sight made Chief Minister Yogi laugh. Malani and the white tiger Geeta joined in with their roars.

Upon reaching the enclosure of lion Pataudi, who was already present at the zoo, the lion also roared in a saluting posture. Chief Minister Yogi then visited the newly arrived lions, Bharat and Gauri, as well as leopards Chandi and Bhavani, whom he had personally named and fed them milk with his own hands.

The chief minister also inspected the zoo's hospital and enquired about the rescue methods, treatment and feeding of the wild animals. He observed the animals currently undergoing treatment and asked about their recovery timelines.

During his visit to the zoo, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also interacted with the visitors. A group from Deoria expressed their gratitude, saying that the zoo is a beautiful gift of knowledge and entertainment for the people of eastern Uttar Pradesh.

The chief minister blessed many children by patting their heads and giving them chocolates. One child, Samad Ansari, near the hippo enclosure, jumped with joy upon receiving chocolate from the chief minister.

Director-DFO Vikas Yadav, SDO Dr Harendra Singh, veterinarian Dr Ravi, and others were present during the chief minister’s zoo inspection.

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Watch: Rajinikanth talks about 'Vettaiyan' release date, shares 'Coolie' update

Superstar rajinikanth is currently on his spiritual trip to the himalayas. in a conversation with a yogi, he spoke about his upcoming films, 'vettaiyan' and 'coolie'..

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A photo of Rajinikanth.

  • Superstar Rajinikanth is on his spiritual trip to the Himalayas
  • He spoke about 'Vettaiyan's' release date in a conversation with a yogi
  • He also shared an update about his upcoming film, 'Coolie'

Superstar Rajinikanth is currently on his annual spiritual trip to the Himalayas. A new clip from his tour where he is interacting with a yogi has emerged. In the video, he is seen talking about completing his portions for director TJ Gnanavel's 'Vettaiyan'. He also said that the film will release on October 10 during the Dussehra holidays. The 'Jailer' actor also shared an update about his new film, 'Coolie'.

Rajinikanth visited many yogis and sadhus during his Himalayas trip. During one of his conversations with a yogi, he talked about 'Vettaiyan'. He said, "'Vettaiyan' will release for Dussehra. I have completed my portions. The shooting with other members of the cast is still going on. The film will release on October 10 or so."

He then spoke about director Lokesh Kanagaraj's 'Coolie' as well. "There's a new picture as well. I start shooting for it from June 10 onwards," he said

In between their spiritual conversation . He enquired about his movies Update from #Thalaivar : “ #Vettaiyan - I completed my portions Oct10 Dussehra release #Coolie - June 10th shooting starts “ ðŸ”åðŸ”åðŸ”åðŸ”åðŸ”åðŸ”åðŸ”å #Rajinikanth | #SuperstarRajinikanth | #superstar @rajinikanth â€æ pic.twitter.com/wKVCZeVqjR — Suresh Balaji (@surbalu) June 2, 2024

Rajinikanth has been vocal about spirituality. Every year, he embarks on a trip to the Himalayas . This year, he visited Kedarnath, Badrinath and several other shrines.

Speaking to ANI from Dehradun airport, Rajinikanth said, "Every year, I used to get new experience that made me continue my spiritual journey again and again. I believe even this time, (I) will get new experiences."

He further added, "The whole world needs spirituality, as it's important for every human being. Being spiritual means experiencing peace and tranquility, and fundamentally, it involves believing in God."

Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Zion Utah Opens with a Splash

State’s first yogi bear-themed resort features pools, water slides, glamping accommodations, rv sites and endless activities.

May 29, 2024 11:30 ET | Source: Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts

SOUTHFIELD, Mich., May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Jellystone Park in partnership with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment has announced that Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resort Zion welcomed its first families on May 24. Located in Hurricane, Utah, the expansive luxury camping and glamping RV resort brings a new level of outdoor fun to the region. Located 30 minutes from Zion National Park, it is also close to the popular Sand Hollow State Park. It is two hours north of Las Vegas and four hours south of Salt Lake City.

Jellystone Park Zion Utah

The all-new, 53-acre resort keeps kids splashing and smiling all day. They can play in the water zone, which features two swimming pools, multiple giant water slides, a splashground with kiddie slides, and a lazy river. Or they can hang out at the man-made lake with its beach and challenging floating obstacle course that dares families to climb, slide, jump and balance.

After drying off from all the water fun, families can head to any of the location’s many planned activities or enjoy its jumping pillow, large playground, gem mining, or a number of sports courts and games. As the sun sets over the mountains, families will enjoy toasting s’mores and watching movies in the outdoor theater.

One warning: bear sightings are common, but these are the friendly types. Yogi Bear, Boo Boo, and Cindy Bear will be spotted frequently interacting with kids and adults alike so be sure to keep an eye on your pic-a-nic basket at all times.

The new Jellystone Park location is a true next generation outdoor family vacation destination. No need to worry about the desert heat as the resort features luxury glamping cabins with air-conditioning, kitchens and bathrooms, grills, fire rings, Wi-Fi and linens. Cabin sky decks provide breathtaking views of the surrounding sand dunes, canyons and mountains. RVers will enjoy pull-through and back-in sites. All have full hook-ups.

While Jellystone Park Zion is the perfect place to escape the pressures of daily life and create lifelong memories, resort wide Wi-Fi keeps guests connected and sharing their experiences with family and friends.

The Camp-Resort is being developed by Hurricane entrepreneur Scott Nielson, who previously owned one of the region’s largest RV dealerships. He said he was attracted to the Jellystone Park brand because of its focus on family outdoor entertainment. “Being a dad, I fell in love with the Jellystone Park concept after visiting locations around the country with my family,” he said. “No other brand offers families fun experiences and opportunities to create memories like Jellystone Park does,” he said. Nielson noted that his kids helped him make decisions on the location’s attractions, activities and even its street names.

The Jellystone Park Zion activities team has created a full calendar of themed weekends, which are an extremely popular part of the Jellystone Park experience.

With so many Americans considering their pets to be part of their families, Jellystone Park Zion offers pet-friendly accommodations and a dog agility course.

“We could not be more thrilled to have Scott bringing Jellystone Park to this part of the great American West,” said Rob Schutter, president of Camp Jellystone, which franchises the brand. “He is building a spectacular resort which families are going to love.”

Visit https://zionutahjellystonepark.com/ for additional information and to make reservations.

A limited number of preview tours, including complimentary accommodations, are available to qualified journalists, influencers and content creators.

Journalist inquiries: https://form.jotform.com/241486597315062

Influencers and content creators: https://www.campjellystone.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Yogi-Bears-Jellystone-Park-Influencer-Form-220407-FILL-IN.pdf

Multimedia here: https://www.campjellystone.com/pressroom/

About Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resorts

With more than 75 locations across the United States and Canada, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts feature fun attractions such as pools and water slides, non-stop family activities, up-close fun with Yogi Bear characters, and glamping-style accommodations. For more information about Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts, please visit  www.jellystonepark.com . For information on franchising opportunities, please visit  www.jellystonefranchise.com .

About Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment (WBDGTE), part of Warner Bros. Discovery’s Revenue & Strategy division, is a worldwide leader in the creation, development, and licensing of location-based entertainment, live events, exhibits, and theme park experiences based on the biggest franchises, stories and characters from Warner Bros.’ film, television, animation, and games studios, HBO, Discovery, DC, Cartoon Network and more. WBDGTE is home to the groundbreaking locations of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal theme parks around the world, Warner Bros. World Abu Dhabi, The WB Abu Dhabi, The FRIENDS Experience, The Game of Thrones Studio Tour and countless other experiences inspired by Harry Potter, DC, Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, Game of Thrones, FRIENDS and more. With best-in-class partners, WBDGTE allows fans around the world to physically immerse themselves inside their favorite brands and franchises.

YOGI BEAR and all related characters and elements © & ™ Hanna-Barbera (s24)

Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park Camp-Resorts Ritter Communications, Brad Ritter [email protected] 740.815.1892

Warner Bros. Discovery Global Themed Entertainment Lindsay Kiesel [email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c00db34a-685b-4c33-9a4f-a66071fa5a02

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The "Who Do You Love?" rapper is gearing up to hit the road.

By Kyle Denis

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YG performs onstage during the Rolling Loud Festival at Hollywood Park Grounds on March 15, 2024 in Inglewood, California.

The entire West Coast is back outside thanks to Kendrick Lamar ‘s scathing Billboard Hot 100 -topping “Not Like Us,” and YG is ready to bring that energy across North America. On Monday (May 20), the “Big Bank” rapper announced his upcoming Just Re’d Up tour, which will kick off on June 28 in his hometown of Los Angeles, and concludes on Aug. 17 in Hawaii.

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Ticket presale for the Just Re’d Up tour launched Tuesday (May 21) at 10 a.m. PT, while the Spotify presale commences on Wednesday (May 22) at 10 a.m. PT. General public sale begins Friday (May 24) at 10 a.m. PT; fans can find more tour information on YG’s official 4Hunnid website .

The new tour marks YG’s first headlining trek since 2019’s Stay Dangerous tour, which he launched in support of his 2018 LP of the same name. Stay Dangerous reached No. 5 on the Billboard 200 , his third of five consecutive top 10 titles on the ranking. Last year, YG was slated to mount the Str8 to the Klub tour alongside Grammy-nominated rappers Tyga and Saweetie , but those dates were quietly canceled.

The Just Re’d Up tour marks a new era for YG, who recently signed a multi-album deal with BMG under his 4Hunnid Records label. On April 26, he unleashed the blazing, West Coast-indebted “Knocka,” laying the foundation for his forthcoming seventh solo studio album.

Check out the dates for YG’s Just Re’d Up tour below.

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Concert tours to see this summer

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The Foo Fighters perform a concert in Washington, D.C.

After months of iffy weather across much of the globe, summer is nearly here in North America. And, lucky for its residents, many standout artists are looking to take advantage of the sunshine with some live tours.

Alanis Morissette

One of Canada's most well-known musical exports is hitting the road again. Alanis Morissette will navigate venues across the United States during her "Triple Moon Tour," which will feature 33 dates running from June to August. Morissette will not go it alone, though, as she will be accompanied on stage by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts alongside singer Morgan Wade. Morissette released her tenth LP in 2022, but the "Triple Moon Tour" will mostly be in tribute to the 25th anniversary of her fourth studio album, "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie," which was released to critical acclaim in 1998. 

While "Family Guy" may have once described him as "just some guy with a hat," singer Jason Mraz is the recipient of two Grammy Awards and remains one of the most popular guitarists and singers of the last decade. Beginning in June, Mraz will venture on his "Mystical Magical Rhythmical Radical Ride Summer 2024," with shows in more than 25 locations in the United States and Canada through August. The artist behind the hit single "I'm Yours" named his upcoming tour after his 2023 LP of the same name, his eighth studio album overall and his first in three years. 

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Chicago/Earth, Wind & Fire

Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire , two of the most popular bands of the 1970s, are combining for a mega-concert journey, the "Heart & Soul Tour," from July to September. Each leg of the tour will feature the "timeless music of Chicago and the iconic catalog of Earth, Wind & Fire," according to the band's website , and will "culminate in an encore performance with both bands on stage together." This timeless music will likely feature hits from both groups, including iconic soul soundtracks like "September" and "Shining Star" from Earth Wind & Fire, and rock ballads like "You're the Inspiration" from Chicago. Combined, both groups have won 11 Grammy Awards and sold more than 200 million albums. 

Melissa Etheridge/Jewel

Singer Melissa Etheridge has won dozens of accolades and played thousands of venues over her decades-long career, and now she is getting ready to head back on the road. She is teaming with singer Jewel to launch the duo's summer 2024 tour . The tour covers the majority of the summer and runs from July to the beginning of October, with locations throughout the United States and Canada. Etheridge, perhaps best known for her 1993 single "Come to My Window," last released a studio album in 2021, but does not appear anywhere near the end of her journey. 

Mannequin Pussy 

Philly's punk rock icons are returning to the stage with a new tour. Mannequin Pussy will be embarking on their "I Got Heaven Tour" throughout July and August; the group will begin with shows in the U.K. and Europe before heading home to the United States and Canada, where they will play a series of shows before crisscrossing back to Europe again. Mannequin Pussy's music is "built on big emotions and inside jokes," said The New York Times , and the group is touring to promote their most recent studio album and fourth LP, "I Got Heaven," which was released earlier this year. 

Foo Fighters

Dave Grohl and his band the Foo Fighters will be traveling down a sonic highway when they embark on their "Everything or Nothing at All Tour" in July and August. The tour comes a year after the group released their 11th LP, "But Here We Are," dedicated to both Grohl's mother Virginia and deceased band member Taylor Hawkins . The Foo Fighters will be playing shows in Manchester, Glasgow, London and other cities in the United Kingdom before playing a series of concerts in the United States. Once in America, the group, which was born out of the iconic 1990s grunge band Nirvana, will play 14 shows in 11 different cities.

Undoubtedly one of the most unique bands on this list, the psychedelic rock group Phish has formed one of the most loyal followings in music over a 40-year career (Drew Carey "talked to God" after seeing them, the television host said on X ). Now, Phish will grace the stage again with their summer 2024 tour in the United States, which will run from July to the beginning of September and will coincide with the release of their 16th LP, "Evolve," set to drop on July 12. This will mark the group's first official studio album in four years, though they did release a 2022 album under a different name. 

Green Day released their 14th studio album, "Saviors," earlier this year, and they are not wasting any time promoting it. The punk rock icons are venturing on a concert tour of the same name from July 19 to Sept. 28. The band will play their popular LPs "Dookie" and "American Idiot" in their entirety, and it is very much a global endeavor: Green Day will play venues in Spain, France, Germany, the U.K., Austria and more before crossing the pond to play shows across the United States and Canada. The band is keeping busy now, as they recently headlined a UN-backed climate concert in San Francisco. 

Kings of Leon

Many of the biggest names touring this summer are rock bands, and Kings of Leon are no exception. The Nashville-based group will head out on a summer 2024 tour from August to mid-October, beginning in European destinations such as the U.K., Austria, Ireland and France before playing 27 cities in the United States and Canada. The tour will be supporting Kings of Leon's ninth studio album, "Can We Please Have Fun," which was released this past February. Notably, this is the band's first album to not be released via their original recording label, RCA. 

You can usher in the end of the summer on a high note by seeing one of the most notable R&B singers of all time, as Usher is embarking on his "Past Present Future" tour beginning at the end of August. The singer is riding high after a notable performance in February at Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas, the city where Usher also held multiple residencies totaling 100 shows. Usher will tour cities throughout the United States on his concert venture and is planning on touring Europe throughout 2025. His ninth LP, "Coming Home," was released to coincide with his Super Bowl performance. 

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 Justin Klawans has worked as a staff writer at The Week since 2022. He began his career covering local news before joining Newsweek as a breaking news reporter, where he wrote about politics, national and global affairs, business, crime, sports, film, television and other Hollywood news. Justin has also freelanced for outlets including Collider and United Press International.  

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We’ve established the following  General Campground Guidelines  to help ensure your safety and your enjoyment, while in our park and the same to our other guests. Those who choose not to observe these guidelines can be asked to leave our park without any form of a refund.

These guidelines are items which pertain specifically to our guests renting RV/Tent Campsites. Please keep in mind that tents are not permitted on RV sites or at cabins. You must have a separate site reserved for all tents.

Check-In / Check-Out:

Check-In time is 4:00PM (CST) and Check-Out time is 11:00AM (CST). If you intend to arrive before 1:00PM (CST), please notify our office and we will make every effort to have your campsite available. However, we cannot guarantee its availability until 1:00PM (CST).

The total amount due, for your reservation, will be taken (as a deposit) at the time a reservation is booked.

Per Person Fee

The per person fee is part of your Camping fee. We find it to be the fairest way to price Campsites/Lodging for different size groups and it includes all the facilities our Campground has to offer.  Rates – Ages 4-64.. $8/per person per night.  Ages 65+.. $5/per person per night.

Changes must be made 8 days prior to your arrival date with a $20 fee.  There is a 1 time only limit to any reservation changes.

Minimum Reservation

During Peak Season, Memorial Day to October 31st, there is a TWO (2) night minimum reservation for all weekend reservations.  Holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day) require a THREE (3) night minimum reservation.

Cancellations – Campsites:

We will return your deposit minus a $30 service charge if you cancel EIGHT (8) or more days prior to your arrival date. If you cancel SEVEN (7) days or less of your arrival date your full deposit is forfeited.

Cancellations – Holidays:

We will return your deposit minus a $30 service charge if you cancel THIRTY (30) or more days before your arrival date. We do not refund holiday deposits on cancellations made TWENTY-NINE (29) days or less of your arrival date. Please make sure you schedule your holiday reservations carefully.

Cancellations – NO SHOWS:

Guests failing to contact us to cancel their reservation (with the required time, listed above) will be considered a ‘NO SHOW’. ‘NO SHOWS’ are subject to the same cancellation policies.

Pet-Friendly Policy:  RV Sites

We welcome your pet to our campground.  All that you need to do is let us know that you are bringing a pet (2 Pet Limit).  There will be no charge for bringing your pet with your RV.  We expect that you will take good care of your pet which includes not leaving your pet unattended outside or erecting any type of fence or pen around your site.  When your pet is taking you for a walk, it must be on a leash – making sure that you clean up after him or her.

Pet Policy:  Tent Camping

Pets are allowed in tents.

Aggressive Pets:

Aggressive dogs of any breed are not welcome at any Legacy RV Resort. If your dog shows behavior that is protective and unfriendly to strangers, please leave it home. If you decide to bring your dog and it exhibits this type of behavior the owner or management of the park will ask you to please find other camping accommodations.

Ground Disposal

Ground Disposal of any drain water (gray or black) is prohibited by State Law. Wastewater from RVs (including sink water) must be disposed of into sewer drains. Do not put grease down the sewer.

Sewer Connections

Sewer Connections are required by State Law and must have a tight seal by a Sewer Donut (or Sewer Ring) or a screw-type connector.

Camping is an outdoor experience, therefore we do not give refunds due to whims of Mother Nature.

All reservations must be paid in full by credit card only. We accept Visa and Mastercard.

Rates are subject to change without notice.

Wristbands and a valid car pass are required to be in the park.

Management reserves the right to refuse service, limit the length of stay and the number of persons or vehicles per site and/or evict any person or party without refund. Park staff are not allowed to work on guests’ RVs or other personal equipment.

General Rules/Policies

  • Shoulder season is April 20 – October 28.
  • Prime season is June 22 – September 3.
  • Specific campsites or cabins may be requested, but are not guaranteed. We do offer you the opportunity to guarantee your favorite campsite or cabin by paying our applicable locking fee. If you opt out of the locking fee, you are guaranteed your selected site or cabin type , but NOT the specific unit number .
  • 1 camping unit and 2 cars per site; extra vehicles $5, not including day guest vehicles that must park in overflow lot.
  • Must be 21 or older to rent campsite or cabin.
  • Please no bicycle riding after dark; helmets recommended.
  • Campers may arrive on a motorcycle, but are not permitted to ride the vehicle around the park.
  • Sorry, we cannot accept reservations that include a Saturday arrival or departure, unless made within 1 week of booking.
  • Three-night minimum during Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day weekends, and 4th of July (June 29th – July 8th).
  • Cabins with a two-night minimum at all times: Rustic River Cabins and Cozy Cabins
  • Cabins with a three-night minimum over prime season: All others
  • Quiet hours: Daily 10PM-8AM.
  • For information about using your Club Yogi™ Rewards points, please visit this page.

Cabin Reservations

  • Check-in time is 4:00PM.
  • Early arrival does not guarantee site/cabin will be ready at time of arrival. Late departure does not guarantee guest will be able to stay on site/cabin until departing from the park. Early arrival/late departure only guarantees extended access to the campground and campground amenities.
  • Checkout time is 11:00AM.
  • Unless otherwise noted, rates based on 4 people (2 years old and older). Additional person fee applies.
  • Tents are not allowed at the cabins or cottages.
  • Our cabins are only allowed at pet-friendly cabins, so please request at time of booking. Two pet max.
  • Our cabins are non-smoking. An excessive cleaning fee will be assessed if policy is violated.
  • Pets are only allowed at pet-friendly cabins, so please request at time of booking. For one pet, there is a nightly fee of $25 (maximum of $40). For two pets, there is a nightly fee of $25 (maximum of $60). Pet owners are required to bring a crate(s) for their pets and are responsible for pet clean-up and noise control. For the safety of our guests, pets must be up to date on vaccinations. We reserve the right to remove hostile and disruptive pets from the park. View our Pet Waiver here .

Cancellation Policy

  • We do not give credit or refunds due to the discomforts of nature. The fun continues rain or shine. Our cancellation policy varies depending on the timing of your cancellation notice in advance of the reservation date:
  • NO SHOWS: Guests failing to contact us to cancel their reservation (with the required time, listed above) will be considered a ‘NO SHOW’. ‘NO SHOWS’ are subject to the same cancellation policies. Camping is an outdoor experience and accordingly we do not offer refunds due to the whims of Mother Nature.

* All rates, specials, terms and policies are subject to change at any time without notice.

  • Check-in time is 4:00PM. We do have an early check-in option beginning at 11:00AM, but it is based on availability (must call ahead) and involves a fee based on the time of check-in.
  • Checkout time is 11:00AM. Late check-out is available for $10 during shoulder season and $25 during peak season to stay in the park until 6:00PM, subject to availability.
  • Unless otherwise noted, rates based on 4 people (3 years old and older). Additional person fee applies.
  • Pets are only allowed at pet-friendly cabins, so please request at time of booking. For one pet, there is a nightly fee of $10 (maximum of $40). For two pets, there is a nightly fee of $15 (maximum of $60). Pet owners are required to bring a crate(s) for their pets and are responsible for pet clean-up and noise control. For the safety of our guests, pets must be up to date on vaccinations. We reserve the right to remove hostile and disruptive pets from the park. View our Pet Waiver here .
  • For units over 8 people, cancellation policies are as follows:

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John Stamos and Beach Boys tour 2024: How to get tickets and see them perform live on 16 dates

  • Updated: May. 28, 2024, 9:27 a.m. |
  • Published: May. 23, 2024, 3:05 p.m.

john stamos and the beach boys performing

John Stamos will perform a handful of concerts with the Beach Boys this summer, including one show in New Jersey. Photo by Pat Kudej

  • Nicole Iuzzolino | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

The Beach Boys are about to have a “Full House” at every concert after announcing this very special tour guest.

John Stamos is set to hit the road with the Beach Boys for 16 shows during their “Endless Summer Gold” tour, which began on Feb. 21 in Honolulu and will wrap up on Sept. 23 in Nashville .

Not every city will get a John Stamos appearance, but thankfully for us, New Jersey is one of the lucky ones.

Stamos and the Beach Boys will perform at PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel on June 1 .

John Stamos expressed his excitement about joining the Beach Boys as a special guest in a recent Instagram post .

This is not the first time the ‘90s icon has hit the live stage with the band. Stamos has appeared on multiple tours with the California group, including an appearance at Stagecoach Music Festival alongside the Beach Boys last month.

The Beach Boys also will perform at Barefoot Country Music Fest in Wildwood, N.J. on June 22 .

This summer tour is set to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their album “Endless Summer,” which they released in 1974.

Tickets are currently available to the public to purchase on sites, such as Vivid Seats , StubHub , TicketCity , SeatGeek and Ticketmaster .

The cheapest ticket we could find for their New Jersey show, before fees, is $30 on Vivid Seats .

First-time Vivid Seats users can save $20 on ticket orders over $200 by entering promo code NJ20 at checkout.

A complete list of the Beach Boys’ tour dates is available here .

Upcoming 2024 rock tours

The Beach Boys is not the only rock band heading out on tour.

Here are a few more upcoming tours you won’t want to miss: Dave Matthews Band , Third Eye Blind , Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band and Rolling Stones .

The Best Upcoming 2024 Tours

  • 62 concerts and huge events coming to Madison Square Garden this summer that you can’t miss
  • Dead & Company add 6 new shows to their Las Vegas residency. Here is how you can get tickets
  • Beabadoobee announces 2024 tour, with 1 stop in NYC. Here is how you can get tickets
  • Nicki Minaj is finally returning to NYC during her extended ‘The Pink Friday 2 World Tour’ dates. Here’s how to get tickets

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Nicole Iuzzolino can be reached at [email protected] . Have a tip? Tell us at nj.com/tips .

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Jon Batiste to embark on The Uneasy Tour in 2024, first North American headlining tour

LOS ANGELES —  Jon Batiste , the Grammy- and Oscar-winning musician and former bandleader for "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," will embark on his first North American headlining tour in support of his latest album. The expansive  "World Music Radio,"  featuring his signature rich blend of R&B, hip-hop, swing, jazz and pop, was released earlier this summer.

The tour news arrived Monday, on the heels of the  2024 Grammy nominations  announcement: Batiste is up for six Grammys, including album, song, and record of the year.

The Uneasy Tour: Purifying the Airwaves for the People will kick off Feb. 16 in Portland, Oregon, and take Batiste across the U.S. and Canada. The tour wraps in Miramar Beach, Florida, on April 27.

Along the way, he'll hit numerous cities including Seattle, San Francisco, Detroit, Philadelphia, New York and Atlanta.

"I'm into numbers, so: 20 theaters and 24 performances to bless the pivotal year 2024. For my first solo run I wanted to play in smaller venues and curate experiences that let me really feel the people while I play. Think of these 24 shows less as a tour and more as a series of 24 not to be missed experiences, each being one-of-a-kind," Batiste told The Associated Press in an exclusive statement. "We are designing these performances to be catalysts to bring people together, raise awareness for things I care about and inspire change in this country, and the world."

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The goal, he says, is to experience his performances in "intimate, life-affirming presentations created to unite, uplift and inspire us all in this time of change and uncertainty," he explained.

How to get Jon Batiste tickets for Uneasy Tour

Presales begin Nov. 14 and tickets for the general public go on sale Nov. 17, both on Ticketmaster .

For those who can’t wait until next year for their Batiste: The multi-instrumentalist is the subject of a new documentary titled "American Symphony," which follows his journey to compose a symphony while his wife, writer Suleika Jaouad, undergoes cancer treatment. It will hit theaters on Nov. 24 and Netflix on Nov. 29.

Interested in going? Check out tickets at Vivid Seats , StubHub , SeatGeek , and Ticketmaster .

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    YOGA. MUSIC. ART. MC YOGI is a world renowned performing artist. From living in a group home for at-risk youth to becoming one of the most well known and beloved yogis in America, MC YOGI is on a mission to bring good music and good energy into the world. MC YOGI will be on tour throughout 2018 in support of his new memoir SPIRITUAL GRAFFITI: Finding My True Path (published by HarperOne, Sept ...

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    Located in Pelahatchie, MS, just about 30 miles east of the state capital, Jackson, Yogi on the Lake is the perfect family vacation destination in Mississippi. The friendly, clean, and active atmosphere of our fun RV park campground resort will greet you and make your stay with us one of your most memorable camping vacation experiences of the year.

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    Yogis on the Move

  17. Yoguis Tours

    Select Your Charter Destination: Charter USA. Salidas a Mexico

  18. Yogis on tour...

    Yogis on tour @yogihiuk @vicbrail having lots of fun getting absolutely soaked maybe even lost a couple of times but fitted in a sneaky yoga pose #hartington #yoga #walks #hike #soggysocks

  19. Yogi on Tour

    Yogi on Tour, Brisbane City, QLD, Australia. 16 likes. Hi I am Yogi and I tour with Rhys and Kerri. I love to photo bomb!! Come follow me where ever I go.

  20. Tiger Amar, lion Pataudi roar to greet CM Yogi

    Throughout his tour, Chief Minister Yogi also observed the enclosures of lions, tigers, white tigers, deer, monkeys, jackals, leopards, hippos and bears. Accompanied by Divisional Forest Officer ...

  21. Rajinikanth reveals Vettaiyan release date shares Coolie shooting

    Superstar Rajinikanth is currently on his annual spiritual trip to the Himalayas. A new clip from his tour where he is interacting with a yogi has emerged. In the video, he is seen talking about completing his portions for director TJ Gnanavel's 'Vettaiyan'. He also said that the film will release on October 10 during the Dussehra holidays.

  22. Art Schallock, oldest living Major Leaguer, visits Yankees dugout

    Now the oldest living Major Leaguer, the 100-year-old Schallock visited the Yankees' dugout before Sunday's game against the Giants at Oracle Park. "It's a great thrill to be here," Schallock said. A left-handed pitcher from Mill Valley, Calif., Schallock was a Yankee from 1951-55, also suiting up for the Orioles in '55.

  23. Yogis on tour

    Yogis on tour. 121 likes. ทัวร์สำหรับคนรักโยคะและรักการเดิน

  24. Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park Zion Utah Opens with a Splash

    Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park has opened its first Utah Camp-Resort. ... The FRIENDS Experience, The Game of Thrones Studio Tour and countless other experiences inspired by Harry Potter, DC, Looney ...

  25. YG's Just Re'd Up Tour Dates Announced

    The Just Re'd Up tour marks a new era for YG, who recently signed a multi-album deal with BMG under his 4Hunnid Records label. On April 26, he unleashed the blazing, West Coast-indebted ...

  26. Concerts to see during summer 2024

    Music. the week recommends. Concert tours to see this summer. Hang out in the sunshine with a variety of live shows. The Foo Fighters are among a number of rock bands embarking on concert tours ...

  27. Virtual Tour

    Three-night minimum during Memorial Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day weekends, and 4th of July (June 29th - July 8th). Cabins with a two-night minimum at all times: Rustic River Cabins and Cozy Cabins. Cabins with a three-night minimum over prime season: All others. Quiet hours: Daily 10PM-8AM.

  28. John Stamos and Beach Boys tour 2024: How to get tickets and see them

    John Stamos is set to hit the road with the Beach Boys for 16 shows during their "Endless Summer Gold" tour, which began on Feb. 21 in Honolulu and will wrap up on Sept. 23 in Nashville.

  29. Jon Batiste Uneasy Tour: See tour dates, concert ticket details, more

    The Uneasy Tour: Purifying the Airwaves for the People will kick off Feb. 16 in Portland, Oregon, and take Batiste across the U.S. and Canada. The tour wraps in Miramar Beach, Florida, on April 27 ...