Here's Where You Can Visit The Loft From New Girl

Zooey Deschanel close-up

When today's film and TV super-fans choose to continue personal journeys into imagination and personal experience, many fans do so by visiting the literal scenes where their favorite shows were filmed. While this dynamic occurs with fans of many film and TV series, the "New Girl" set is an additional place where fans can and do pull up to appreciate the scene (and maybe re-enact their favorite moments). "New Girl" is a sitcom, which ran for seven seasons and wrapped in 2018. The program earned acclaim from fans for a variety of reasons, including having many interesting female characters.  

As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel observed, meditating on feminism can inspire readers and viewers to take a look into which femme-heavy programs fans choose to appreciate. As a largely woman-led and Millennial focused project, "New Girl" reflected dry humor and the kind of comedic generational coping that resonates with different viewers. In addition to casting decisions for well-liked characters, part of the appeal of "New Girl" was in the combined creative approach to scenes. The show included a mix of scripted scenes and improvisation, as the MSJ noted. Another part of the sauce was the literal scenery, here a specific loft.

Where is the loft from New Girl?

The loft from "New Girl" that fans are interested in visiting is sited near downtown Los Angeles, California, as noted by  House Beautiful . The address is 836 Traction Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90013. The apartment building is also available to renters. Like many U.S. cities' downtown areas, this area reflects combined elements. These elements include commercial, industrial, and community aspects. 

Likewise, some of these elements are included in the apartment building of interest here, a center designed with the purpose of helping to end homelessness and telltale graffiti. Visitors can parallel park, hit the downtown pavement, and spend some time at the famed, multi-story, taupe- and rustic-hued structure. Given the building's closeness to the city of angels' downtown area, the broader trend persists: that of Los Angeles being home to creatives of many stripes as well as to many film and TV sets. Visitors can enjoy visiting Warner Bros. Studios, Cole's (the space made famous by "Forrest Gump"), the Bradbury Building, and the Cabo Cantina Sunset Strip, as Discover Los Angeles reported.

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Want to Visit the Set of New Girl? Hannah Simone Is Going to Make That Happen

visit new girl set

By Jessica Radloff

Here's what I know for sure: The cast of New Girl is awesome. And that's definitely including Hannah Simone (Cece), who is giving away a tour of the New Girl set all in the name of charity.

Image may contain Hannah Simone Face Human Person Smile Clothing Apparel and Female

Hannah is launching a charity initiative through Prizeo to benefit the Pink Daisy Project , which provides daily help to young families dealing with breast cancer. All you have to do is donate—we'll tell you how below—and voila, you could end up with a brand-spankin'-new Facebook profile pic from the set of New Girl !

Glamour : Why is the Pink Daisy Project so important to you?

Hannah Simone : I became involved about a year before I started New Girl . I was working with GOOD Projects, and the organization had won a grant to support their work of providing daily help to young families who are dealing with breast cancer. The diagnosis is such a shock and often mothers have to make hard choices and end up putting their own health on the back burner. By providing assistance in keeping the household bills paid and keeping their children's lunch boxes full, young mothers can better focus on their healing.

Image may contain Hannah Simone Human Person Fashion Premiere Red Carpet Red Carpet Premiere Necklace and Jewelry

Hannah with Pink Daisy Project founder Debbie Cantwell. Debbie was honored as a CNN Hero in 2011.

Glamour : And to help the organization, you came up with a fantastic idea to raise money.

Hannah : We wanted to find a way to help as many families as possible. New Girl has the best fans in the world, and we knew that involving them would be the best way to inspire change. The prize includes airfare and two nights in a hotel in Los Angeles. Myself and another cast member will give you a private and exclusive behind-the-scenes tour around set and then have lunch so we can celebrate with the amazing winner! The last day to donate will be December 19, and the winner will be announced on December 20.

Glamour : Most of our readers tell me that the apartment they'd most want to live in is Jess's. When you're not in your trailer, what part of the set do find yourself hanging out in the most?

Hannah : I tend to collapse into the couch on the loft set. It truly is so comfortable!

Image may contain Zooey Deschanel Jake Johnson Human Person Furniture Couch Sitting Pub Bar Counter and Restaurant

Glamour : If you could steal anything from the set to decorate your own apartment with, what would it be?

Hannah : I love the huge wooden dining room table in 4D. It's such a beautiful piece and we have created so many funny memories sitting around that table.

Glamour: In last week's episode, Cece says she's gotten closure by seeing Schmidt at the party. Do you really believe it, or do you think they'll be hooking up again by the holidays?

Hannah : I have no idea what is going to happen with these two, but if their past history is any indication, we all better strap in for the ride!

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Image may contain Human Person Tie Accessories Accessory Restaurant Max Greenfield Shelf Cafeteria and Cafe

Glamour : I see we're going to get nothing out of you. OK, so answer me this: What is your best advice for someone going through a difficult breakup?

Hannah : Remember, you want to be with someone who wants to be with you just as much. So don't sweat it.

Glamour : With Thanksgiving only a few weeks away, which cast member would you trust to make the most delicious feast?

Hannah : Without a doubt, Zooey .

To win a trip to the set of New Girl , click here to support the Pink Daisy Project.

Do you want to see Cece and Schmidt get back together? And let us know if you donate!

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21 Facts About New Girl That Will Leave You Wistful For the Loft

The economy stinks, bees are dying and movies are pretty much all sequels now, but as new girl marks its 10th anniversary, you can still enjoy these fun facts from the cast and creator..

Chicks & Dicks kinda sounds like something that would have Schmidt contributing to the Douchebag Jar. And yet that was the series we almost tuned into every Tuesday night. 

Admittedly, it was always a placeholder, insists New Girl  creator, writer and director Liz Meriwether , who told Glamour  in 2018, "I knew [ Chicks & Dicks ] wouldn't remain, but there's so many pilots during any given pilot season that it's nice to have a title that catches people's attention."

And it does quite succinctly summarize her brainchild, inspired from her years "of bouncing from Craigslist sublet to Craigslist sublet" in Los Angeles: A heightened, yet, not all that unrealistic look at a group of twentysomethings living in a loft and trying to get their s--t together. 

"It came from me kind of looking around my life and realizing a lot of my friends were guys and me just feeling like, 'Why?'" Meriwether explained to E! News . "They're guys who have been my friends since I was 17. I go to them for really specific things that I don't go to my girlfriends for. It kind of just got me thinking about a sort of wish fulfillment situation where I get to live with my guy friends and they get to tell me what to do, like not to call him and not to wear that."

In an L.A.-area loft, she paired her so-called adorkable lead (more on that later), handbell-playing, pink wine-drinking recently dumped teacher Jess Day ( Zooey Deschanel ) with a collection of still-figuring-it-out men ( Max Greenfield 's pretentious, yet, lovable Schmidt, Jake Johnson 's endearingly hapless Nick Miller, Lamorne Morris ' sweet, loyal Winston and  Damon Wayans Jr. 's self-assured personal trainer Coach). 

Throw in a supportive best friend ( Hannah Simone 's CeCe), a drinking game no one quite understands but everyone wants to try and a seemingly endless supply of quotable one-liners ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? No, a summer's day is not a bitch") and you've got the show E! News dubbed the best new release of the 2011 fall slate. 

Some 10 million viewers tuned in for the Sept. 20, 2011 premiere making it the night's No. 1 show. And though the series' viewership petered out by its 2018 finale, they still delivered the perfect happy endings for their lovable crew. 

And with a new fanbase stumbling into the loft during quarantine, the door isn't totally shut on a reunion . 

"I feel like people can relate to that sense of camaraderie," Morris recently told E! News . "During the quarantine especially, you're at home probably with roommates or with family, so with  New Girl , one of the things that people really enjoyed about the show was our chemistry with each other, but [also] how each character reminded them of someone that they knew, someone that they lived with. I hear it all the time, 'Oh, my cousin's exactly like Schmidt. Winston is me.' So when you're sitting at home and you're kinda forced to be in your house watching television, you kinda want something to either help you laugh or at least something that's relatable. I think  New Girl  did that for a lot of people." 

Plus, he added, "You're gonna sit your ass on that couch, you better watch something good. And damn it,  New Girl  is great." 

Unlike Winston's pranking abilities, that take is dead-on. Join us in reflecting on seven seasons because, really, what else are you going to do? As a wise man once said , "The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all sequels now."

1.  Zooey Deschanel  nailed the part of quirky,  Nancy Drew  fan fiction-writing Jess Day instantly. "The first time we met each other, we really felt this connection," creator Liz Meriwether   told E! News  days after the series' 2011 premiere. "She just picked up the script and started reading and I was like, 'That's exactly everything I would ever want that character to be.'" And with the main role sorta kinda fashioned in the writer's likeness, "It's funny. My cousin in Florida, who didn't actually know that I had been working on this show, saw the promo and called my mom and was like, 'There's some show on Fox where Zooey Deschanel's acting like Liz,'" shared Meriwether. "It just feels like that kind of mind meld."

2. But, no, Jess was not, in fact, meant to be adorkable. During a 2015 chat  with Huffington Post ,  The  Elf  star  took issue with the constant comparisons to her most notable role. "That was our marketing department at Fox and they did a really good job with our first season," she said of their choice to coin that term to describe Jess, "but that's a word that describes the character that I play, not me. I don't personally have identification with that word myself." And, actually, the issue for Meriwether was the use of the word in the first place. She hadn't seen her creation as a "cute" show, she admitted to  Glamour  ahead of the 2018 finale. "I think it was sold out of the gate as that," she noted. "I honestly think because Jess wore glasses, they needed to make this the marketing campaign. If it was my job to market the show, it probably wouldn't have opened well. It definitely was difficult for me because it wasn't the show I'd dreamed of. I had always seen the show as just weird people in L.A. living together."

3. Embodied by the right actors, Jess' roommates became every bit as endearing as the unfailingly upbeat teacher herself. But pretentious playboy Schmidt wasn't initially intended to be likable. "I had written the character as this kind of, like,  Jersey Shore  member," Meriwether revealed to Glamour. "He was just this very sleazy, idiot character." Enter Veronica Mars alum  Max Greenfield  who "came in with this amazing take on it," she continued. "He wanted Schmidt to be a good character, and he played him as someone that was actually insecure. The character got so much deeper and more interesting when he came in to do that audition." Then came this crucial tip. Approaching executive producer  Jake Kasdan , Greenfield told  Entertainment Weekly  he said, "'Let's just try to make this character as not-douchey as possible.' And he goes, 'Well, just don't play him douchey.'" 4. Greenfield particularly leaned into this character quirk. "I like to pick them specifically," he  told E! News  of mispronouncing words like Jay Cut-uh-ler, chut-ta-ney and, of course yooths,  a nod  to the time he spent working with dialect coaches to shed his native New York accent. "Every once in a while they'll come and tell me to mispronounce a word, and I'll go, 'I would never mispronounce that word. Why would I ever say that incorrectly?' But I like to identify them, and then hit them, and they get very upset. Sometimes I'll do it at the table read, and they're like, 'We just want to hear it.'"

5.  Jake Johnson  was asked to make one big change after getting cast. When the actor got the call from his manager telling him that Fox requested he drop 10-15 pounds to inhabit sarcastic cash-strapped bartender and eventual Jess love interest Nick Miller, "I almost started crying," Johnson revealed  on Slate's  Thirst Aid Kit  podcast  last year. But it wasn't because he was offended.  On his way to celebrate the booking with wife  Erin Payne  at a Mexican restaurant, "I was already thinking about what I was going to order," Johnson told  The Advocate . "I was going to get chips and guacamole, a blended margarita, a quesadilla for the table, and a chicken burrito for me. I knew she was going to get tacos, so I figured we'd do a little mix and match on that." Instead, he shared, "I had chicken salad with no dressing."  But once he was established on the show with his regular, still pretty fit shape, "They made a bunch of jokes," he said on  Thirst Aid Kid . "Once Liz made a joke about it and Max Greenfield hit the joke and everybody laughed. I think everybody at the network could exhale and say, 'Nick Miller, he could be the chubby guy.' As soon as that joke happened, I got my two sides, I got my margaritas, I was back to eating the way I should eat."

6.  Lamorne Morris  originally auditioned to play Coach. "In the scene, he was wearing jeggings and a halter top, they were at a Halloween party or something, and I came to the audition dressed that way," Morris detailed to  Backstage . "I put a bunch of Vaseline on my legs or something stupid, which is a no-no, don't do that. I did it and they passed on me originally. It wasn't so much performance, it was what I did. Ultimately, they had me come back in, and that's the note they gave me: Don't wear what you wore before, it was too distracting." One or two auditions later, he reached the final audition, Morris revealed to E! News, only to get an offer for a CBS pilot called The Assistants . Though he "really wanted to be on New Girl ," he explained, "I had to choose, who was making me the offer. Because I could go and audition for New Girl and do the test and not get it. And then CBS goes and tests for their show and picks someone else and then I'm just s--t out of luck."  Ultimately,  Damon Wayans Jr.  was chosen to portray the confident personal trainer only to find out his series,  Happy Endings , which had been in limbo, was picked up for a second season. And with Morris' pilot not moving forward, creators brought him in again to audition for the new role of lovably goofy Winston Bishop.  "Now that was the grueling part of the audition process," Morris noted, "because I had to re-audition all over again against the entire town. I mean, you name it, everyone was reading for it. I auditioned a total of 15 times for New Girl ."

7. And there's a lot of Morris in Winston "Prank Sinatra" Bishop. "Even things down to exposition, like, my character's from Chicago," noted the actor, who just wrapped the second season of his hit Netflix series Woke . "My character's a LeBron James fan. I'm a LeBron James fan. Love the Bulls. My character loves the Bulls. I love basketball, obviously, and they made my character a former pro basketball player from Lativa."  While writers lifted a lot from his real life, "Obviously it's a heightened version," he said. "I'm not as dense as Winston is. But I just remember after the show ending, me having moments where I had to remind myself that I'm Lamorne, not Winston, so stop behaving this way."

8. Johnson was actually responsible for bringing Wayans back. After  Happy Endings ' unfortunate finish, it wasn't New Girl producers who initially reached about getting  Coach back in the loft  for the third season. Rather, while Wayans and Johnson were shooting the 2014 buddy comedy  Let's Be Cops , "Jake talked to me about coming back to  New Girl  and maybe doing some stuff," Wayans  told E! News . "And then it actually happened, so it just felt right…It's like being back with the family." Morris recalled having "chemistry" with Wayans instantly. "He definitely helped my character a lot," he told E! News. "There were moments on set where we were doing bits or in a scene and he'd just whisper jokes in my ear. I mean, he's like one of the funniest people on the planet and his joke-writing ability is top, top, top. So when he pitches a joke, it's funny. And you use it."

9. Still, things were a little "weird at first," Morris admitted, though not among the cast. "Everyone kept saying, 'Wait, Damon's coming back. Are you leaving?' I was like, 'What? Why do I have to leave because another dude's coming back on the show? There's room for all of us. Fox has plenty of money. I'm sure they can pay Damon.'" The questions reached such a fevered pitch on one Golden Globes carpet, that Morris recalled Johnson snapping back, saying, "What are you implying? Damon did one episode of the show! I think we're a good 20 episodes in with Lamorne. I think it's safe to say Lamorne is a member of this cast."  It was warranted, noted Johnson during a panel  at 2020's Vulture Festival . "They were utter dogs--t questions," he explained. "You don't just need one Black guy. You can have a bunch of 'em on the show!" 

10. Nick's friendship with reserved neighbor Tran? Also Johnson. Showrunner  Dave Finkel  recounted to  The A.V. Club  in 2013 about the time Johnson texted Meriwether with a new idea: "He was like, 'What if I have a Vietnamese friend in a park?'" Added Meriwether, "'And he doesn't speak English, and his family gets really mad at me for hanging out with him.'" Soon after,  Ralph Ahn  was cast as the recurring character who popped up in seven episodes only ever uttering two speaking lines. 

11. Such suggestions from the cast were always well-received. "One thing that I love is that we are really allowed to do our thing," Deschanel raved in a joint 2012 Collider interview with Meriwether. "We're allowed to be actors and contribute, and it's not always that way. I think a lot of actors feel stifled. This is such an open atmosphere. We're allowed to play and have fun, and it's a wonderful atmosphere to work in."  In the past, she continued, "I've had experiences where I wasn't allowed to change words around at all because you have to say everything, exactly as written on the page. That's not fun for me. For me, part of being an actor is being able to contribute to a character's rhythms. If there's room to explore, you find a happy medium. We almost always get it as written, and then, we throw some improvs in or some alternatives." Agreed Morris, "The great thing about our show is that Liz Meriwether and all the writers, Brett Baer , Dave Finkel, they did a great job of blending the bits that we did off camera and who we really were with our characters."

12. True American is a truly anything goes situation. Though there's now an entire website dedicated to the rules of the roommates' beloved drinking game—first introduced in season one, episode 20—they certainly didn't come from the writers.  "We were all reading the script and it said, 'Now they all play a drinking game,'" Johnson told E! News . "And I think it was Lamorne who finally said, 'What are the rules to True American?' And [the writers] go, 'To be perfectly honest, we're not sure.' There's a lot of flaws in the logic of the game. So in terms of the rules of playing it, you just have to get drunk and yell presidents and throw beer in corners. That's it."

13. Things got equally wild when cameras weren't rolling. "We had so much fun on that show," raved Morris. "Like, our behind-the-scenes photos are insane. All the photos that are in our camera rolls, fans would love. One day we're probably going to release a behind-the-scenes photo book or something like that."  Even with 14-hour days in the earlier seasons, "It was like it wasn't work at times," he told E! News. "There were times a guest director would come in and just get so frustrated, because all we're doing is having fun. We're goofing off. We're being silly. We're joking around. And that translates to the camera, when the camera rolls, a lot of times, we're still doing a bit and then the editor has that tough job of having to cut out where the actor ends and the character beings."

14. Though everyone from Jessica Biel  to Adam Brody to Megan Fox to freakin' Prince accepted a guest role on the series, there were sooooo many more the cast and creators would have loved to bring on. High on the list was Deschanel's real-life sister, Bones star Emily Deschanel , but, "We have to pass her soundstage to go to our soundstage and they're always working," executive producer Baer told E! News . "But we'd love to work with her and so would Zooey." Instead they brought in Linda Cardellini as Jess' wild card little sis. "We needed someone who was beautiful and who can really act but also be funny," noted Baer. "I think we hit a homerun. Linda is fantastic." Other requests from the cast included Greenfield wanting Ray Romano to portray his dad ("He's my hero. He's as good as it gets"), Johnson throwing out the idea of NFL great Peyton Manning coming in as his boss at the bar and Morris requesting , " Beyoncé and Rihanna at the same time."

15. To be fair, they earned the right to dream big. After all, music legend Prince reached out to them . "He knows everything about the show," exec producer Baer told E! News  in 2014. "He contacted Zooey and Hannah [ Simone ] directly and asked to do the show." The original plan was to cast The Purple One in a season two episode called "Virgins," but he turned them down, Meriwether revealed to Vulture . "Obviously, in hindsight: The episode was too racy," she admitted. "But we were told he would be interested in coming back to do something else another time." He followed through at the start of season three and with the series slated to air in the post-Super Bowl slot. "It was perfect timing," noted Baer.  Pitched the idea that the crew would end up at his house party, the musician agreed with one caveat. "He said, 'I want to be involved in the show in a real way and I want to help Nick and Jess with their relationship,'" executive producer Finkel told E! News. Added Baer, "He's a Nick and Jess shipper!" 16. And, yes, he had some other demands—but they all stemmed from an obsession to make the episode the best ever. "He wanted to choose the name of the non-speaking chef character, the chef's wardrobe, the paintings on the walls, the linens in the bedroom set, his wardrobe, Zooey's wardrobe, the music, the pancakes, the hairstyles," Meriwether detailed to Vulture, "he had a piece of art, a poem written out in the shape of an egg, flown from Minnesota to hang on the wall of the set. His vision of the episode was all-encompassing, but I never felt overpowered. He always asked what I thought. It was like he was asking me to rise up to meet him."  Midway through the week-long nighttime shoot, he approached Meriwether with another suggestion: Set to surprise Jess in a dark closet, he asked "Isn't this funnier?" if he flicked on a lighter under his chin rather than a flashlight. "I tried to stay cool," Meriwether recalled. "'Yeah, that's funnier. Let's do that.' As if there were ever a world where doing exactly what was inside Prince's head wasn't one of the greatest privileges of my life."

17. Also a New Girl stan: Taylor Swift , who "was quoting lines to us from the show," Meriwether told  Entertainment Weekly , when she made a cameo as Elaine, a woman who broke up Cece's arranged wedding in the season two finale. "She kind of came and nailed it," Meriwether continued. "We love bringing in guest stars, but we really try to make it feel like they're part of the show and it's not just stunt casting." In fact, Swift was so good, it was "a little bit frustrating," Johnson admitted. "She came in and is really nice. It's not an easy scene. There were probably 70 extras there—though I'm sure she performs to so much bigger [crowds] than that on a regular basis. She had, like, a little monologue and delivered it perfectly. Liz gave her alternative jokes and lines, she delivered them all perfectly. It was frustrating!"

18. There's a reason it took forever to land at a happily ever after for Nick and Jess, Cece and Schmidt. "From the very beginning, what we've always said about all of these characters, and particularly the Nick and Jess relationship, is these people have to grow into their adult selves before they can have any relationships with each other," Baer explained to E! News after the season two finale saw Nick and Jess get together for the first time. "They all have to evolve to be the best people they're capable of being for there to be a chance." Of course, it wouldn't be a successful series if they simply rode off into the sunset problem-free. "I think that now they are in a relationship with each other, I don't think that those problems or dilemmas change," Baer continued. "I think that those are the dynamic of anybody being in a relationship, is that you're always confronted with big questions about that person that you have from the time you met them."

19. Much like Nick and Jess did to end up together, Johnson and Deschanel fought hard for a final season. After wrapping the sixth year, Johnson detailed on the Thirst Aid Kit  podcast, "Fox was being pretty cool and saying like, 'We don't want to cancel you, but nobody's watching.'" So he and Deschanel "literally wrote an email to the heads [of Fox and 20th Century TV] asking for more, for the few OG fans who stayed with us," he revealed. "You can't end the way season six ended where it was rushed. I was like, 'Give Liz Meriwether the time to finish this right!'" The answer was to flash-forward to the year 2020 with satisfying endings for all.  "There's so many things I'd do differently, but when we were putting together a clip reel for our wrap party, I went back and watched old episodes, and it was the first time I could really enjoy them," Meriwether told Glamour ahead of the 2018 finale. "At the time, you're tired and feeling every mistake or joke that got cut. But going back I was like, 'Oh, these are pretty funny!' I couldn't remember all the craziness to get there."

20. To this day, the cast remains a tight-knit family. "We're in group chats," shared Morris. "Some of us meet up, hang out, visit each other's families. You spend that much time with each other, you truly become a family."  Throughout those seven seasons of filming, "You're closer to the cast and crew than you are with your own family at home, because you spend more time with them," he continued. "And that never goes away. We all genuinely get along."

21. So a reunion isn't totally out of the realm of possibility. With people rediscovering the series during last year's quarantine—"It is so ridiculously funny and so almost 99 percent of the time about meaningless ridiculous things that you can't help to enjoy and laugh and escape from everything in the world," Greenfield noted to E! News —there's certainly interest.  "Liz Meriwether would have to crack a great story, and if she does that, it would be really fun to get everybody back," Johnson told E! News . And it wouldn't be hard to round up the troops. "Hannah Simone and I were texting two nights ago," he shared. "Zooey and I still text. All the guys and I are on a text chain. Everybody's still linked up, so I would be surprised if there's not some sort of a thing at some point where everybody comes back." Morris would actually take it one step further. "I'll put it to you like this," he told E! News. " Dexter is coming back. It's one of the greatest shows in my opinion and I think it's going to do gangbusters. New Girl will be even bigger. Obviously there are a lot of things that would have to make sense, but for sure, that's something I would love to do. And I think I've spoken to other castmates as well that feel the exact same way: Do one final season or, hell, a New Girl movie. Who knows?"  No matter what, he teased, "There is something coming. We will return. Stay tuned to our social channels and we will be dropping little hints."

22. That Exotic Shorthair cat we all know and love? Lamorne Morris was allergic to him. 

In an interview with E! News, Hannah Simone revealed that "Lamorne is allergic to cats," and Lamorne shared that he had to "start taking meds" in order to work with Ferguson. 

—With reporting by Spencer Lubitz

visit new girl set

Where Was New Girl Filmed? All The Filming Locations

Shane coleman.

  • Last Updated August 10th, 2023

“New Girl” was primarily filmed in Los Angeles, California, with scenes at the Fox Studios and various iconic LA landmarks.

Dive into the Los Angeles Vibe

As much a character in “New Girl” as Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston, and Cece are the setting. Los Angeles not only offers a bright, energetic location for the show, but it also reflects the highs and lows of the lives of the characters, from frantic cityscapes to peaceful parks.

Related: Which New Girl Character Are You?

Fox Studios: The Heart of New Girl

“New Girl” was shot in large part at the legendary Fox Studios in Los Angeles. Numerous successful television shows and movies have their origins on this studio property. These studios served as the set for the loft’s interior, which is where most of the action in the program occurs. The loft’s meticulous design came to represent the series and its distinct sense of heart and comedy.

Iconic LA Landmarks: A Tour of New Girl’s City

Los Angeles is filled with landmarks, and “New Girl” showcased many of them:

  • Griffith Observatory : This historic observatory has featured in various movies and shows, and “New Girl” is no exception. Its architecture and the stunning view of the city make it a prime location.
  • The Prince : An old-school Korean karaoke bar, this location served as the backdrop for several episodes, capturing the fun, chaotic nights of the gang.
  • Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park : This unique rock formation has been the site for numerous film shoots over the years. In “New Girl,” it added a touch of natural beauty and drama to the scenes.
  • Downtown LA : The urban heart of Los Angeles, with its mix of modern skyscrapers and historic buildings, featured prominently in the series. Streets, alleys, bars, and restaurants in Downtown LA provided a real city vibe to the show.
  • Santa Monica Pier : The iconic pier, with its amusement park and beautiful ocean views, played host to some memorable moments in the series.

Hidden Gems and Lesser-Known Locations

While “New Girl” featured a number of well-known locations, it also introduced viewers to less well-known areas of Los Angeles. The program exposed viewers to Los Angeles’ varied landscape, which includes eccentric coffee shops, tranquil parks, and quiet alleyways. Whether famous or unknown, every setting was carefully picked to complement the tone and story of the moment.

A City as a Character

The story of “New Girl” was masterfully woven throughout its run with the dynamic city of Los Angeles. LA was more than simply a place; it was a silent character that mirrored the feelings, pleasures, sorrows, and occasions of the show’s cherished characters. Every frame of the series paid respect to this expansive metropolis, from the snug interiors of the loft to the immense expanse of the city’s icons.

It’s like taking a movie tour of Los Angeles by asking, “Where Was New Girl Filmed?” Viewers get to see the city’s famous monuments and undiscovered gems through the series. Each setting gave the plot character and complexity, turning “New Girl” into a tribute to the City of Angels.

Shane Coleman

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This New Girl Star Reminisced On Having A Heart-To-Heart With Kobe Bryant On Set

“I remember him sitting by himself, so I went and sat with him.”

Fan of 'New Girl' Kobe Bryant visited the show's set nearly 10 years ago. Photos via Getty Images

It’s not hard to find a fan of New Girl. Nearly four years after the sitcom’s series finale, viewers still flock to its feel-good vibes, lovable leading men, and the aspirational fantasy of living in a loft with your best friends. But despite the obvious appeal, Hannah Simone (Cece) and Lamorne Morris (Winston) were still pretty surprised when one of the world’s most famous athletes showed up to set and revealed he, too, was a fan.

In a recent interview with E! News, Simone and Morris — who started the Welcome to Our Show podcast with Zooey Deschanel this January — recalled when the late Kobe Bryant paid a visit to the FOX lot and spent some quality time with the cast.

At first, Morris thought Bryant was an actor — a ridiculously tall one. “I was like, what actor is 6’6”? Like, this is silly. Who is that? ... I genuinely felt like I was about to have a heart attack. I didn't know what to say. If anyone knows me, they know that I'm a huge basketball fan.” Morris continued, adding that Bryant “sat back and chatted [the cast] up.”

Simone then chimed in and said, “I'll never forget, because all the guys were dumbstruck.” she went on, “They were all just kind of standing at a distance, looking at him, and I remember him sitting by himself, so I went and sat with him.” Casual!

Kobe Bryant's 'New Girl' visit had the cast "dumbstruck." Photo via Getty Images

According to Simone, they managed to get into some serious stuff. “We just sat and talked about his childhood growing up, and how he started in basketball, and what kind of drove him to it, and his relationship with his parents,” she remembered.

The Los Angeles Laker’s visit happened on the heels of a major moment in New Girl history. The podcasting pair told E! that the cast was shooting Season 2’s “Table 34” at the time — which immediately followed “Cooler,” aka the episode in which Jess and Nick share their first kiss.

But the plot thickens! As Deschanel told Seth Meyers in 2014, her sister, Emily Deschanel, said Bryant had visited her on the set of Bones the same day. “[Maybe] he was like, ‘I like these Deschanels so much, I want to visit the other set,’” she suggested. Whether Bryant was just doing the set rounds or had a soft spot for the showbiz sisters, it sounds like the day was a memorable one for all involved.

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New girl: 10 things about the loft you never noticed.


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New Girl features a group of three guys and the young woman who infiltrates their group when she moves into their loft in Downtown Los Angeles after seeing their ad on Craigslist looking for a new roommate. Throughout the entirety of the series, most of their scenes take place in their loft -- also known as Apartment 4D.

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All of the little details and intricacies that went into designing the set of the loft are things that could easily be missed. Even random trivia from the show about the loft might be long forgotten by even the most devoted of fans. So for those who want a refresher or new intel on the making of the set design for this show, be sure to read this list of The 10 Things About The Loft You Never Noticed on New Girl .

Their Rent Would Barely Be Affordable For Them

When looking at a loft such as this, you have to realize that it must cost a pretty penny to live there. With its floor-to-ceiling windows adorning three different rooms, the humungous kitchen and dining room, and the fact they have four separate bedrooms, this clearly is not an easily affordable place to live, especially in Los Angeles.

Back in 2014, an article was published detailing just how much rent would cost on an apartment such as this and the answer is a hefty one. Apparently, it would cost at least $2,159-$3,191 a month to live there. While this may be split four different ways, it would still be cutting it close for this group of friends to make it.

The Exterior Was Shot In The Arts District Of Los Angeles

While the inside of the loft was clearly filmed in a Hollywood studio on a set, the exterior shots of their apartment building were shot in a very specific location in Downtown Los Angeles.

This building is known as the Binford Lofts and is in the Arts District to the east of Downtown LA. When looking at the available apartments with floor-to-ceiling windows, they actually only offer one-bedroom apartments with that luxury.

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So technically, only Schmidt's apartment he briefly lived in in the building would actually be a reality, but it is still a beautiful building with luxurious apartments and lofts.

A Lot Of Their Utilities Barely Function

This was briefly touched on in the first season when Jess began dating an older, rich man named Russell. They also referred to him as a "Fancyman". During this episode, we see the roommates try to "fix" different appliances and utilities in the loft in odd and extreme ways.

This also calls back to the fact they don't like to have their landlord, Remy, help them with these issues because he's very mean, and as Jess eventually learns, also incredibly creepy.

How the roommates made it through living there all of those years with barely functioning utilities is truly baffling.

Jess Had An Annoyance Bowl

One of the most iconic props in New Girl's history was Schmidt's "douchebag jar". He would have to put money in this jar every time he said or did something that was offensive or particularly "douchebag-y". Needless to say, this jar came in handy for them a number of times.

But in season 2, we see the addition of an "annoyance bowl" for Jess. She has to put money in every time she annoys her fellow roommates, which apparently, is often. She sees no issue with it, though, and does it with glee.

We don't see this annoyance bowl of her's again, but its brief mention is enough to have us wondering just how often she had to use it.

We Don’t Know Where The Money Went From Schmidt’s Douchebag Jar

Only once was the money from Schmidt's infamous douchebag jar put to good use, at least that we know of. In the season 2 episode titled "Bathtub", Jess and Winston accidentally ruin all of Schmidt's suits. To fix the issue, they decide to use all of the money from Schmidt's douchebag jar to repair the damage.

But after that point in time, the jar is still used time and time again by Schmidt, so the question is, where exactly was all of that money he was donating going to? Why didn't the gang figure out some positive uses for it for their apartment's problematic utilities or a variety of other issues? We will never know.

Schmidt Briefly Moved Out

In the third season of New Girl , after an intense breakup with both Cece and Elizabeth, Schmidt decides to reflect on his poor decisions and "douchey" ways by removing himself from the loft...and moving into an apartment in the same building.

This was a short-lived storyline, so it's not always remembered by everyone, but a lot of interesting things happened once Schmidt moved out. It caused chaos between Jess and her wild sister, especially when said sister started dating Schmidt. It also meant Coach could move back into the loft now that he had broken up with his long-time girlfriend.

But peace was fully restored once Schmidt joined his roommates and best friends back in Apartment 4D.

The Set Design Reflects All Of Their Backgrounds

The fictional factory turned loft that was the New Girl apartment had a lot of different inspiration behind it. The main vibe was the early-20th-architecture of their loft mixed with modern and eclectic styles.

This was meant to reflect all of the characters' different backgrounds and income levels. The results were very satisfying and perfectly helped us to better understand each of these incredible characters.

From the indoor basketball hoop to the duct-taped board games, this easily shows what it's like to live on your own with roommates who aren't the best at adulting quite yet but are trying their damndest.

Nick’s Room Was As Chaotic As He Was

Much like the overall set design and layout of the loft, the bedrooms were also specifically designed to better emulate the characters' backgrounds and interests. There was no better example of this than Nick's room.

Anyone who knows Nick's character knows he's irresponsible, lazy, and his life is always all over the place. Yet we can't help but love him regardless. His disheveled life and chaotic nature are easily reflected in his room, where there are clothes and different personal items strewn about everywhere.

RELATED: New Girl: 5 Couples That Are Perfect Together (& 5 That Make No Sense)

If you'll remember, Jess even found an old pretzel he had half-eaten in his bed. That should give you a good idea of just how ridiculously out-of-hand his room was.

The Kitchen Chairs Were Mismatched On Purpose

If you think back to the time in your life when you were just starting out and living with a bunch of roommates, you'll probably remember how things rarely matched or even went with a theme in your apartment. It was mostly just whatever you could afford or even things you happened to find along the way.

This is exactly what the set and prop department on New Girl was going for...even with the kitchen chairs. If you'll notice, they're all mismatched, and there's even a rolling office chair at the head of the table. This is definitely something Nick or any of the guys would bring in to go along with their other kitchen chairs.

Zooey Deschanel Wanted Jess’ Room To Have Certain Props

Turns out that star of the show, Zooey Deschanel, also had some input on what to put in her character -- Jess' -- room to better emulate her characters' interests and career.

While the set designer had some input from the creator of New Girl , Liz Meriwether, on things like adding sea pods to her room since she is a science teacher, Deschanel also had a few ideas of her own.

One of them being that she wanted Jess to have shadow boxes in her room. This gave her style further uniqueness and looked amazing. She also wanted neutral sheets to go with Jess's brightly colored floral bedding. Her notes were taken into consideration and put on the set not long after.

NEXT: New Girl: Jess' 10 Best Outfits

  • New Girl (2011)

Hannah Simone Drew From Lessons Learned by ‘Growing Up’ After ‘New Girl’ for ABC Series ‘Not Dead Yet’

“I could kind of pull on the things I’ve learned since ‘New Girl’ in life and help it inform the character,” Simone told TheWrap


While “New Girl” star Hannah Simone shared a slew of commonalities with her loyal yet blunt character Cece, Simone is bringing a new side of adulthood that she’s learned since her time on the sitcom to her new series “Not Dead Yet.”

“‘New Girl’ set a very high bar — there was such great writing such a great cast [and] I got to bring so much of myself into that character,” Simone told TheWrap. “But a lot of time has passed as we started ‘New Girl’ till now … I could kind of pull on the things I’ve learned since ‘New Girl’ in life and help it inform the character.”

In “Not Dead Yet,” which premieres Feb. 8 on ABC, Simone assumes the role of Sam, who helps her best friend Nell (Gina Rodriguez) get back on track as Nell reckons with a recent break up on top of questioning her sanity when she begins seeing the subjects of her obituaries come to life.

Jake McDorman, Betty Gilpin in “Mrs. Davis” (Getty Images, Peacock)

Despite its sitcom format, the ABC series delves into stories of loss, grief and healing — topics Simone notes she could bring into the show from her own personal experience.

“These characters are at a different place in life and … some really tough things get dealt with,” Simone continued. “What I loved also about [writers] David (Windsor) and Casey (Johnson) was that you could bring those authentic things you struggled with in your life and put it into the character.”

Though Simone’s “Not Dead Yet” character Sam has several years and a good deal of maturity on Cece, that doesn’t mean Sam has it any more figured out than her younger counterpart.

“You realize as you grow up and you have to be mature, you really just are more of a mess,” Simone said, adding that each character has their own development arc in the series. “You get to see all of that and watch her grow … You really watch people reexamine their mistakes and their choices for living and those that have passed, and then watch them heal through it. And sometimes that healing is even messy.”

“Not Dead Yet” premieres Wednesday, Feb. 8 at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

Natalie Oganesyan contributed to this report.

iHeartRadio Announces “Welcome to Our Show,” A “New Girl” Rewatch Podcast Hosted by Zooey Deschanel, Hannah Simone and Lamorne Morris

The podcast premieres on January 24 with new episodes releasing Mondays

Listen to the official trailer HERE

NEW YORK -- January 13, 2022 - - iHeartRadio, the No. 1 podcast publisher globally according to Podtrac, today announced the launch of “ Welcome to Our Show ”, a ‘New Girl’ rewatch podcast, hosted by the show’s stars Zooey Deschanel, Hannah Simone and Lamorne Morris. Every Monday, listeners will hear from the funny friends, who called the ‘New Girl’ set home for seven incredible seasons. Together, the trio will rewatch the Emmy-nominated series to reveal never-before-told stories, their favorite memories from creating the show and divulge moments and scenes left on the cutting room floor. The first episode of “Welcome to Our Show” will be available on iHeartRadio and all major podcast platforms beginning Monday, January 24th. Listen to the official trailer now, HERE .

“‘Welcome to Our Show’ will bring listeners the same hilarious and warm-hearted energy that ‘New Girl’ originally brought to its audience just over 10 years ago,” said Will Pearson, Chief Operating Officer, iHeartPodcast Network. “It was simply one of the funniest and most relatable shows in recent decades and we’re excited to have Zooey, Hannah and Lamorne join the iHeartRadio family to relive the show’s best moments and leave us nostalgic for another laugh in the loft.”

In each episode, Zooey, Hannah and Lamorne will also play a unique version of the show’s popular game, True American, with made up rules, lots of confusion and loads of laughter. The crew will invite fan favorite cast members, guest stars, producers, writers and more to dissect and dish on a selected episode.

“I am overjoyed to work again with two of my favorite people, Lamorne and Hannah, and to get to relive some of our favorite moments from the seven years we worked on ‘New Girl,’” said Zooey.

“The fans have been flooding my inbox and timelines with requests for behind the scenes intel. Well, here we go!” said Lamorne. “We’re so pumped that iHeart is giving us this platform to connect with our fans. So dope. All of their questions will be answered….and we also tell weird stories.”

“New Girl fans have a lot of questions about everything from the actual rules of True American to ping pong etiquette with Prince,” said Hannah. “Zooey, Lamorne and I have missed each other so much, and I’m so excited that we’ve created a show where we can finally answer those questions and share so many untold crazy ‘New Girl' stories that happened while we made the show!”

“Welcome to Our Show” is distributed by The iHeartPodcast Network and available everywhere podcasts are heard. Follow the show HERE to be alerted when new episodes post.

Editor’s Note:

Podcast cover art is available for download HERE . Use the below embed code to include the podcast audio player in your article.


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About the Hosts:

Zooey Deschanel (Bio HERE / Headshot HERE )

Hannah Simone (Bio HERE / Headshot HERE )

Lamorne Morris (Bio HERE / Headshot HERE )

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Set visit: ‘new girl’.

THR goes behind the scenes for a penultimate episode that's heavy on flashbacks and improv.

By Mikey O'Connell

Mikey O'Connell

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Set Visit: 'New Girl'

Zooey Deschanel and guest star Justin Long film a fully clothed scene in the series' classroom just a few hours after awkwardly navigating a bedroom scene in front of a much smaller crowd.

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This is the first time in New Girl ‘s brief shooting history that actor Jake Johnson has arrived on set in a “Jesus beard.” He’s also sporting a long wig and a fermented-looking sweatshirt. It’s March 15, and he’s filming a flashback on the Fox lot in Century City for the first season’s penultimate episode. Clearly, his character, Nick, had a rough time in 2010. The scene requires nothing from the rest of the cast, save one line from Max Greenfield, 31, who plays one of four twentysomethings (along with Zooey Deschanel, 32, Lamorne Morris, 28, and Johnson, 33) sharing a downtown L.A. loft in the hit comedy. Everyone watches with muffled laughter as Johnson addresses his future self in a taped confessional. “Hello, Nick, you magnificent dumb ass,” he growls, taking swigs from two bottles designated “tequila” and “tears.” Just outside the shot, executive producers Dave Finkel and Brett Baer, director Nanette Burstein and some of the writers feed Johnson dozens of other lines — 90 percent of which never make it to air. “We each give like 10 jokes on each line,” Johnson says of the show’s unique (and often exhausting) shooting style. “We do a ton of improv and so many takes that our characters are ultimately defined by what is chosen in postproduction.”

After an hour and a half of Johnson’s energetic non sequiturs, New Girl creator Liz Meriwether arrives from the office where she has been known to sleep and smiles at Johnson and Greenfield wrestling on the monitors. “These takes need to end up on the DVDs,” she whispers. Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. In the show’s first 24-episode season, countless hours of footage likely have vanished into the ether. “It makes the episodes a bit hard to watch,” says Johnson. “You’re like, ‘Oh man, there was a whole thing they didn’t use!’ My wife reminded me that people don’t know how many takes we do, they just see the final project. That’s become an important thing to try to keep in mind for me.”

Once the bearded flashbacks are done, Johnson pulls the glue from his face and everyone buzzes back to life in between scenes. Notes the ever-game Deschanel, dressed in her character Jess’ trademark pajamas: “I never say, ‘There’s something wrong with this script.’ It’s more like, ‘You need to put something embarrassing in here!’ “

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You can take a picture in the gazebo from 'Gilmore Girls' on the Stars Hollow set.

I had lunch at Al’s Pancake World and got coffee from Luke’s Diner.

Fans traveling to Connecticut to visit the home of Rory and Lorelai Gilmore aren’t able to shop at Doose’s Market or grab coffee at Luke’s Diner IRL. That’s because Stars Hollow is a fictional town created for Gilmore Girls. However, you can visit where Gilmore Girls was filmed at the Warner Bros. Studio in Burbank, California anytime. Right now may be the best time for fans, because for a limited time, Stars Hollow has been recreated on the backlot for fans to see. I visited the Gilmore Girls set for its holiday pop-up, and the immersive experience will make you feel like you’re actually spending the day in Stars Hollow.

Talk about a dream come true. Just for the holidays, the Warner Bros. Studios has incorporated a Holidays Made Here section of their tour that allows you to walk around Stars Hollow. It’s not just empty sets on a backlot that only eagle-eyed fans will be able to recognize, either. The entire Stars Hollow set has been made over so it looks just like it did in Gilmore Girls. That means you can grab Luke’s Diner coffee and browse antiques outside of Kim’s Antiques. You can also shop from Doose’s Market and pick up some essentials from Stars Hollow Books.

Diehard fans will be excited to see the Gilmore Girls Stars Hollow set even has Al’s Pancake World you can eat lunch at. Considering the restaurant known for its international cuisine is never seen on the show, this makes the Gilmore Girls tour at the Warner Bros. Studio a one-of-a-kind experience for fans. The Holidays Made Here experience is part of the regular studio tour that is happening now through Jan. 1, 2023, and tickets are just $69. Along with spotting Gilmore Girls easter eggs around every corner, here is everything you can do in Stars Hollow this season.

Stars Hollow where 'Gilmore Girls' was filmed has the Lorelai Gilmore house you can visit.

The first house you’ll see as you enter the Stars Hollow set is Lorelai’s house on your right. You can grab something to eat here or just snap pictures in front of the home. They even have the Gilmore’s mailbox out front so you can check inside for the big envelopes — aka your Harvard, Yale, and Princeton acceptance letters.

Across from the house is a barn with a sleigh for anyone hoping to snap some festive pics for the ‘Gram. You’ll also notice an Independence Inn sign on the barn, which is an easter egg to the first inn that Lorelai worked at in the series with Sookie and Michel.

Inside Lorelai’s house, they have her costume as well as Rory’s Chilton uniform on display. There’s also a shop in the house where you can buy a jacket that looks just like her sherpa-lined corduroy jacket.

You can pick up a button in Stars Hollow for either team Jess, team Dean, or team Logan to show whic...

At each one of the stores in Stars Hollow, you can pick up a free button to show whether you’re Team Jess, Team Dean, or Team Logan. I, of course, picked up a Team Jess button to wear proudly around. I also asked most of the staff which buttons were winning, and Jess seemed to be the most popular followed by Logan. Unfortunately, the Dean buttons were not very popular and were overwhelmingly chosen by some Supernatural fans who like Jared Padalecki.

Luke's Diner coffee is available where 'Gilmore Girls' was filmed.

You can really live like a Gilmore — aka eat all day — in Stars Hollow. They have tons of lunch options and snack carts throughout the Gilmore Girls set. I stopped to grab some Luke’s Diner coffee and Lorelai’s favorite Pop-Tarts. They also had Twinkies, apple fritters, and Emily Gilmore’s famous apple tart from her annual Christmas party.

The Dragonfly Inn is part of the 'Gilmore Girls' experience with Stars Hollow in California.

While you won’t be able to enjoy Sookie’s zucchini soup, you can take a break and eat your snacks in front of the Dragonfly Inn. They have tables out front where you can relax, or you can pose for some Insta pics on the porch in front of the sign.

There is a Kim's Antiques to visit in the Stars Hollow set where 'Gilmore Girls' was filmed.

It wouldn’t be a visit to Stars Hollow without browsing Kim’s Antiques for a bit. You can’t go inside the shop, but there are items out on the lawn like in the show. There’s also the sign out front for you to snap a pic with.

You can eat lunch in Stars Hollow from 'Gilmore Girls' at Al's Pancake World.

For the first time ever, you can actually go inside Al’s Pancake World. This week, the menu features pizza, chicken tenders, cheeseburgers, and egg rolls. You know, everything you would expect from a restaurant that has different international cuisine on the menu.

The secret bar from 'Gilmore Girls' is in the Stars Hollow set at the Warner Bros. Studio.

For fans of the reboot, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, the Warner Bros. Studio backlot also has nods to that as well. You can find the secret bar that is featured in the Netflix series right next to the Stars Hollow Gazette, which Rory takes over in the reboot.

The shops in Stars Hollow had clothes from 'Gilmore Girls' and merch you could buy.

You can recreate scenes from Gilmore Girls by walking along the shops in Stars Hollow. You can also stop in either the Stars Hollow Boutique or Stars Hollow Books to buy things like a Chilton uniform or Luke’s Diner mug. They even had a recreation of Lorelai’s pink coat from the OG series and Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life that you could add to your closet.

Take a picture in front of Doose's Market from 'Gilmore Girls' in real life.

While you’re shopping in Stars Hollow, you have to stop by the Doose’s Market setup. Outside you’ll find fake produce that you can pose with as if you’re actually shopping for groceries. They even have Doose’s Market tote bags you can use for an Insta photo in front of the store. Unfortunately, you can’t go in to see aisle three, where Rory and Dean share their first kiss.

The 'Gilmore Girls' filming location has easter eggs to the show.

If you’re someone like me who rewatches the entire series at least once a year, you’ll be able to spot all the easter eggs in Stars Hollow. The big store next to Luke’s Diner has a ton of posters on the walls that will make super fans LOL, like Rory’s Ice Cream Queen poster and a map of Stars Hollow divided by Luke and Lorelai’s sections.

Luke's Diner is a real place on the Warner Bros. Studio tour.

Aside from the gazebo, the most iconic location in Stars Hollow is Luke’s Diner. It’s a must to take a picture with while you’re visiting the Gilmore Girls set. However, you might want to order a cup of coffee before with a Luke’s Diner sleeve so you can be holding Luke’s Diner coffee while standing under the Luke’s Diner sign. It just adds to the authenticity.

The Stars Hollow set has Stars Hollow High School from 'Gilmore Girls' you can visit.

Fans didn’t get to see Rory attend Stars Hollow High School for very long on the show, but it’s where she met Dean and also where Lane Kim touched Rich Bloomenfeld's hair. Stop by the steps of Stars Hollow High during your visit to the Gilmore Girls set. You may also recognize the filming location as Rosewood High School from Pretty Little Liars as well.

The Stars Hollow set has the Bjork snowman from 'Gilmore Girls.'

At the center of Stars Hollow, you’ll find the iconic gazebo where Lorelai and Luke finally said “I do” and Rory revealed to her mom that she is pregnant. You can pose for pictures on the gazebo and right next to it is the snowman contest from Season 2 that features Rory and Lorelai’s Bjork snowman. You’ll definitely want to get a picture with the infamous snowman along with the Stars Hollow sign as well.

The 'Friends' filming location is also the 'Gilmore Girls' filming location.

Since this is an extra experience added onto the regular Warner Bros. Studio Tour, you’ll get to see filming locations for other shows you know and love too. For the holidays, you can visit the Friends fountain and take a picture on the iconic orange couch. There’s also Phoebe Buffay’s taxi cab right outside Stars Hollow and inside the Friends Central Perk Café , you’ll get to see the Holiday Armadillo costume.

This article was originally published on 12.27.22

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Behind the Scenes: 10 Odd Items From the New Girl Set, Explained

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The New Girl cast has answered plenty of questions about the Douche Jar over the past two seasons. But it seems unjust (dare we say douchey?) that this prop has been given so much attention when there are so many other fascinating tchotchkes and accoutrements in the New Girl world. What about that weird squirrel photo or that picture of Jim Croce in Nick’s room? Or Jess’s James Brown bathtub art? Or those creepy googly-eyed Jess illustrations? Vulture spoke to New Girl ’s production designer Michael Whetstone and prop master Ben Lewis about finding — and in some cases, making from scratch — the stuff that defines these lovable weirdos.

Michael: “Our bar set is based on a place called the Prince in Koreatown. It was originally called the Windsor, and it’s been a proper English pub since the twenties. When you walk in there, it’s like walking into a time warp. One of the first things you notice is they have these beautiful, two-feet-tall English infantrymen lamps. We went on eBay and bought about three or four of them and then cast them in resin, and then each soldier was hand-painted. That look is so a [show creator] Liz Meriwether thing.”

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SCEEN IT, find add and share filming locations

New Girl (2011 - 2018)

This is the place where New Girl starring Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson and Max Greenfield was filmed at The Prince in Los Angeles, United States. Start scrolling to find out more.

Jess goes to Nicks for advice at the bar where he works.

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The Prince is a Korean restaurant in Los Angeles.

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Zooey Deschanel, Jake Johnson

Jessica Day is an offbeat and adorable girl in her late 20s who, after a bad breakup, moves in with three single guys. Goofy, positive, vulnerable and honest to a fault, Jess has faith in people, even when she shouldn't. Although she's dorky and awkward, she's comfortable in her own skin. More prone to friendships with women, she's not used to hanging with the boys—especially at home.

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Meet the three new bombshells set to cause a stir in the Love Island villa

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Three new bombshells are about to cause a stir in the Love Island villa. Bring on the chaos!

On Friday, the Islanders are being treated to a special brunch in the sunshine before their days are turned upside down by two new girls and a new boy.

So who are these three new bombshells you ask..?

Grace Jackson

Grace Jackson, Love Island

25-year-old Grace Jackson hails from Manchester. She is the co-owner of a social media marketing agency and also the model ex-girlfriend of Joey Essex . Yikes!

Grace describes herself as 'down to earth, easy to talk to and loyal'; as for how her friends and family members would describe her, she says 'spontaneous, fun, kind, funny and easy going.'

The Manchester native thinks she's single because men can be 'put off' by her 'lifestyle.

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'I like to go out and go abroad a lot,' Grace admitted. 'They can’t keep up with my lifestyle! It’s the life that I want, and it helps with my business. To sit in and be single, I can’t understand why I would do that in my peak and my mid-20s.'

The 25-year-old's type on paper is 'someone with 'good communication' skills, someone with a bit of 'spontaneity' that 'doesn't take themselves and life too seriously.'

Wil Anderson

Love Island, Wil Anderson

Wil Anderson is a 23-year-old quantity surveyor who hails from Whitley Bay.

He believes his main catch is his height. 'I’m 6’4 which usually goes down well with the girls. I’d also say my smile and personality,' Wil admitted, claiming he's also a 'decent cook'.

On what he's looking for in a partner, the 23-year-old said: 'I like a girl to have a pretty smile, a good personality and would like someone who is down to earth and humble.'

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6'4 and a decent cook, why is he single you ask?

'Because I chose to be, I could definitely be in a relationship if I wanted to be,' Wil boasted. 'I’m super picky but I don’t think that's a bad thing because it’s worth waiting to get exactly what it is you are looking for.'

Tiffany Leighton

Tiffany Leighton, Love Island

Finally, Tiffany Leighton, 25, is a HR coordinator hailing from Hertfordshire. The 25-year-old admitted she's 'finally done with living my best single life and ready to find the man of my dreams.' We wish her luck!

Tiffany is ready to step on people's toes if necessary, saying: 'f there is one thing my fellow Islanders need to know about me is that I always get what I want and I am ready to find love in the villa, so watch out boys.'

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Tiffany said the three most important qualities she's looking for in a partner are 'loyalty, they have to be funny and I like a man who can keep me on my toes.'

Her family and friends would describe her as 'a bit ditzy, bubbly and funny.'

As for why she's single, the 25-year-old said everyone she tends to go for is a 'walking red flag'. Let's hope Tiffany finds her Mr Right in the Love Island villa.

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Love Island continues tonight at 9pm on Virgin Media Two and the Virgin Media Player.

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Whatever Happened To Hannah Simone?

Hannah Simone smiling

London-born actor Hannah Simone is truly a citizen of the world. Raised primarily in Canada, Simone spent her adolescent years traveling the globe from Cyprus to India. As a teenager she worked as a model, and after returning to Canada to study at the University of British Columbia, she spent several years as a VJ on the Canadian pop culture network MuchMusic. During this time Simone landed small parts on various television shows — she played a character credited as "Sexy Girl" on two different episodes of the Ving Rhames-led "Kojak" reboot in 2005 — but her big break as an actor came a few years later in 2011 when she was cast in Fox sitcom "New Girl."

Created by Elizabeth Meriwether and starring Zooey Deschanel as a quirky young woman sharing a Los Angeles apartment with three goofball dudes, "New Girl" was one of the great hang-out shows of the 21st century, thanks in large part to its endlessly charming cast, including Jake Johnson, Lamorne Morris, and Damon Wayans Jr. As fashion model Cece, best friend to Deschanel's Jess Day, Simone is originally set apart (and living apart) from the rest of the ensemble, but soon enough becomes one of the guys thanks to her on-and-off romance with persnickety roommate Schmidt (Max Greenfield). The show lasted for six full seasons followed by a shortened Season 7 in 2018, after which Simone was largely absent from television screens for several years. In 2023 she returned to network television on the ABC supernatural sitcom "Not Dead Yet." Let's take a look at what Simone has been up to since the end of "New Girl."

Simone had a baby toward the end of New Girl

The biggest thing that Simone has been up to since the end of "New Girl," of course, is raising a family. In August 2017 she and her husband and fellow former MuchMusic VJ Jesse Giddings welcomed a baby boy. The couple keep their private lives, well, private — so much so that fans of Simone and-or Giddings might not have even known that they were married and expecting until paparazzi photos of Simone and her baby bump were published earlier that summer. Other than a photo shoot of the baby's room for People Magazine in October 2017, Simone has kept her son out of the public eye, not even publicly confirming his name.

Simone's pregnancy largely occurred during the hiatus between "New Girl" Seasons 6 and 7 but was nonetheless incorporated into the show. At the end of Season 6, Cece and Schmidt find out they are going to have a baby. Season 7, however, jumps forward three years, skipping over all that pregnancy stuff and showing the couple and their precocious toddler living in the suburbs, with Cece running her own modeling agency and a mustachioed Schmidt thriving as a stay-at-home dad. Coincidentally, Deschanel was also pregnant during the filming of Season 6, giving birth to son Charlie Wolf Pechenik in May 2017.

The Greatest American Hero

In February 2018, just a few weeks before the final season of "New Girl" aired, it was announced that Simone would play the title role in a reboot of "The Greatest American Hero." The original 1981 series was created by television maestro Stephen J. Cannell ("The Rockford Files," "21 Jump Street") and starred William Katt as a schoolteacher who receives a super-powered suit from a race of space aliens but can never remember quite how it's supposed to work. The show is fondly remembered for Katt's distinctive red super-suit, still a Halloween staple decades later, and for its Mike Post-penned theme song "Believe it or Not," which was memorably parodied on "Seinfeld."

The planned reboot starring Simone was actually the second time a distaff "Hero" spinoff was attempted; in 1986 Mary Ellen Stuart starred in a pilot for "The Greatest American Heroine," which was later added to the syndication run of the original series. "Fresh off the Boat" writers Rachna Fruchbom and Nahnatchka Khan handled writing and producing duties for the new pilot (Cannell died in 2010) and would have made Simone's South Asian ancestry a key part of her character. Alas, it was not to be, as ABC ultimately decided not to pick the show up for a full season, or to even air the pilot. In 2022, Simone posted a screenshot from the pilot to Instagram,  still lamenting that audiences "never got to see this show."

Bad luck with pilots

"The Greatest American Hero" was not the only pilot Simone was involved in that ultimately went nowhere. Despite being highly in demand in the years following "New Girl," she apparently couldn't catch a break. In 2019, she appeared in "Awokened," a would-be vehicle for comic actor and "New Girl" alum David Walton about an uptight yuppie whose life is transformed when he accidentally eats psychedelic mushrooms. Simone and Lamorne Morris were on hand as the main character's sister and a delivery driver, respectively. Though no networks expressed interest in it, the full pilot is available to watch on writer-director Daryl Wein's YouTube page.

In 2021, Simone was attached to the pilot "Welcome to Georgia" for CBS. Created by "Spider-Man: Homecoming" and "Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves" scribes John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, the show followed a busy married couple (Simone and Taran Killam) who turn to Simone's character's mess of a mother (Elizabeth Hurley), the eponymous Georgia, for help raising their young child. Despite the high-profile names in front of and behind the camera, the network passed on the pilot. A semi-autobiographical sitcom about Simone and her Indian immigrant father was also in development at ABC in 2019 but was passed over. When asked about these near misses in 2023, Simone was philosophical, telling  Salon,  "What I've really learned to trust about this industry is that you don't want a role or a show that you're not right for, or the show isn't quite right yet. You don't want that."

The Bash Brothers

Not all of Simone's projects were dead on arrival, though. In 2019, The Lonely Island — Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, and Jorma Taccone's musical comedy collective, best known for their "SNL" digital shorts like "Dick in a Box” and "I'm on a Boat" — released "The Unauthorized Bash Brothers Experience," a parody of Beyonce's 2016 visual album "Lemonade" centered around, of all things, the 1980s heyday of Oakland A's heavy-hitters Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire (Samberg and Schaffer, respectively). The half-hour Netflix special features the two ballers at the top of their game yet crippled on the inside by their secret insecurities and, to a much larger extent, their inveterate steroid use.

Simone stars with Jenny Slate in the segment "Oakland Nights" as a pair of businesswomen who go on a double date with the Bash Brothers. Going back to Canseco and McGwire's apparently shared home, the ladies are thoroughly unimpressed by its faux-Asian decor and promise of "silk robes and kimonos" sung by pop star Sia (and lip-synced by actor Sterling K. Brown). When the Brothers show off their sexual potential by humping the arms of their couch, the night comes to an abrupt end with a "hard pass" from Slate. Simone, Brown, and Slate are just a few of the high-profile cameos in the special; later on, Canseco and McGwire are accosted in an IHOP parking lot by a girl gang made up of Maya Rudolph, Stephanie Beatriz, and the Haim sisters.

While several of her post-"New Girl" live action projects didn't work out, Simone has had greater success of late as a voice actor, performing in some animated series for children and a few that are really not for children. In 2020 alone she voiced roles on the Peacock adaptation of "Where's Waldo," the Netflix high school comedy "Hoops" starring her "New Girl" pal Jake Johnson as a belligerent basketball coach and she played a snake in two episodes of the Comedy Central stoner cartoon "Loafy," about a drug-dealing Manhattan manatee voiced by Bobby Moynihan. Simone also had a recurring role on Season 4 of the CBS All Access cop comedy "No Activity," which notably was not a cartoon in its first three seasons; the Funny or Die-produced series pivoted to animation for its final season in 2021.

But Simone's longest-running voiceover gig has been for the Disney Junior series "Mira, Royal Detective." A story of a plucky young Indian girl who uses her wits to solve mysteries in and around the royal palace, the cartoon is voiced entirely by actors of South Asian descent, including Leela Ladnier in the lead role, Freida Pinto, Kal Penn, Utkarsh Ambudkar, and Danny Pudi. Simone voices Pinky, one of Mira's best friends and a fellow commoner, who is rarely seen without her pet goat. The series ended in 2022 after two seasons, though it remains available to stream on Disney+.

A best friend once again

Simone returned to network television five years after the end of "New Girl" in "Not Dead Yet," a supernatural sitcom based on Alexandra Potter's novel "Confessions of a Forty-Something F**k Up." Gina Rodriguez stars as Nell, a relatable millennial wreck trying to rebuild her life after giving up her career for a long-term relationship that has just ended. Hoping to get back into the journalism game, she takes the best job she can get: writing obituaries for a struggling independent newspaper. Helping her out along the way are her best friend (Simone), her new roommate (Rick Glassman), and the ghosts of the people who feature in her obits.

As she did on "New Girl," — and on "Mira, Royal Detective," for that matter — Simone is once again playing the supportive best friend to the main character. In a recent interview with Salon, she said that the show's focus on female friendship is what drew her to the role, and that, supernatural elements notwithstanding, she sees the heart of the show being the "love story" between her and Rodriguez's characters. Some fans of hers, however, are not entirely pleased to see Simone once again in a support role. Writing for  Pajiba,  critic Dustin Rowles supposes that the show would be better if Simone's character was the focus, as both she and her character are more compelling than the current lead in the writer's opinion.

New Girl revisited

One of the most recent hot trends in podcasting is the "rewatch" show, where the stars of well-known shows take listeners through an episode-by-episode recap of the series full of behind-the-scenes info, personal reflections, and interviews with their former colleagues. Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey struck audio gold with "Office Ladies," their podcast based on "The Office," and Zach Braff and Donald Faison continue to delight audiences with their "Scrubs" rewatch titled "Fake Doctors, Real Friends." In January 2022, Simone teamed up with Zooey Deschanel and Lamorne Morris for "Welcome to Our Show," a rewatch of "New Girl" from the very beginning.

Speaking to Salon, Simone marveled at how little she and her castmates remembered about episodes filmed more than a decade ago, and that watching them for the podcast was like seeing them for the first time. "I'm rewatching it and I'm like, 'Wow. I get why so many people love it,'" she said, "because I can now watch it with fresh eyes." Each podcast episode includes not just the reminiscences of Simone, Morris, and Deschanel, but input from the director and writers, as well as a fresh round of the show's famous ever-evolving drinking game: True American. After a year and a half on the digital air, the podcast has only made it about halfway through the second season; hopefully there will be plenty more talking about "New Girl" to come.

Charity work

Over the years Simone has used her star power in service of a number of charities, including UNICEF, the Children's Defense Fund, and Free the Children. In 2013, she hosted a fundraising contest on behalf of the Pink Daisy project, a nonprofit that supports young families experiencing breast cancer, with the top prize being a visit to the "New Girl" set. Simone has worked with WE Charity several times over the years, from participating in the 2015 WE Day youth empowerment event in Illinois (along Selena Gomez, Magic Johnson, and many others) to helping build schools in Kenya and rural India in 2017.

More recently in May 2023, Simone put her considerable stylishness to good work, curating a Mother's Day gift box for the mail order company Gratitude Collab that includes a gold and diamond pendant, high-end chocolates and vegan skincare products, as well as artisanal textiles. The proceeds of the gift box's sales go to the nonprofit the Good Plus Foundation (stylized as Good+Foundation), which provides resources to low-income families in an effort to alleviate generational poverty.

Simone shies away from publicity

In case the globetrotting childhood, network TV stardom, and charity work via luxury goods didn't tip you off, Hannah Simone leads what most of us would consider a very glamorous life. But at the same time, it is a very private life. "I don't put myself out in the world," she told Salon while doing publicity for "Not Dead Yet." "I have a very small, tight friend circle." Simone has had her share of pet projects over the years, from partnering with TJ Maxx in 2019 to flexing her interior design muscles in collaboration with Palm Springs vacation home renters Sunstone Home. But one of the most notable parts of her resume, especially in the years since "New Girl" ended, is what is not on there: No reality show competitions or game shows, very few talk shows, no hosting gigs for New Year's or the Rose Bowl Parade — a surprising lack of those things we often think actors have to do to stay in the public eye.

Simone truly does seem content with staying out of the public eye unless she is actively working. One notable exception to that privacy, however, is her Instagram account. Carefully curated and entirely on her own terms, Simone's social media game is on point, updated regularly with a mix of promotional photos from "Not Dead Yet" and "New Girl," and casually posed images of her against some impossibly exotic backdrop or locale, captioned usually with something self-effacing. The account is an extension of her personal brand, of course, but one kept on her own terms.

6-year-old New Jersey girl dies in accident involving badminton racquet while on vacation

A 6-year-old girl died this week after succumbing to head trauma caused when the errant shaft of a badminton racquet struck her during a family vacation in Maine, police said.

The girl, identified as Lucy Morgan of Stockholm, New Jersey, died Wednesday at Maine Medical Center in Portland following the noontime accident on June 1 in Limerick, about 30 miles west of Portland, Maine State Police said.

The siblings were playing badminton in the front yard of a lake cottage in Limerick when she was struck, according to police and her father’s accounts.

maine badminton death accident

The father, Jesse Morgan, is pastor of worship and discipleship at Green Pond Bible Chapel in Newfoundland, New Jersey. He wrote about what happened to Lucy in a blog affiliated with the nondenominational institution .

He said the family had finished lunch, and he was in back of the cottage with his wife, when they heard screaming in front.

“Due to a freak accident with a racquet that broke on a downward swing, a sharp piece had entered Lucy’s skull while she was sitting on the sideline and caused catastrophic injury,” he wrote. “She was still breathing but unresponsive as I held her with [her mother] Bethany crying out to God.”

State police said the “aluminum shaft of a badminton racquet had become dislodged from the wooden handle, causing the shaft to strike the girl in the head, piercing through her skull.”

Lucy was taken to MaineHealth Maine Medical Center in Sanford before being moved by helicopter to Maine Medical Center in Portland, they said.

Jesse Morgan wrote that Lucy suffered hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy, oxygen-depriving brain damage that can be caused by traumatic injury. By Wednesday, he said, it seemed clear she wasn’t coming back.

“Given the initial trauma that brought about the global hypoxic brain injury she endured with the severity of the swelling, it was almost certain that she had endured brain death,” Morgan wrote.

She was declared dead that morning, he said.

It wasn’t immediately clear if Maine’s Office of Chief Medical Examiner conducted an autopsy or planned one. Spokespeople there were working on a response to a request for information.

Morgan wrote about how Lucy’s death deeply affected her mother and their three other children, a 4-year-old boy, an 8-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy.

“Shiloh broke down immediately,” the pastor wrote of the 8-year-old. “She and Lucy are best friends being the middle girls.”

The “calamity” tried his faith, Morgan wrote.

“We were ready to go to war with all of you by raging against the darkness,” he said.

An outpouring of support, including visits from relatives and other church leaders and congregants, gifts of food and flowers, as well as expressions of support sent by some of the tens of thousands of people who read the pastor’s accounts, were reminders of God’s benevolence, the pastor wrote.

“Like gold at the bottom of a deep dark well, there was and is evidence of God’s grace in this utter tragedy, we just had to be willing to plumb the depths to see it,” he said.

Green Pond Bible Chapel will hold a  funeral service  for Lucy on June 15.

“My desire is for her story to be one of hope,” Morgan told NBC News on Friday. “Even though the worst has happened, it has helped others.”

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Dennis Romero is a breaking news reporter for NBC News Digital. 

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June 10 , 2024

Year 6 - The Division 2: The Road Ahead

Welcome to Year 6 of Tom Clancy's The Division 2! As we reflect on the past year, we want to express our gratitude for your unwavering support. Year 5 was filled with exciting updates and improvements, from Project Resolve to the unexpected story twists in Season 3. Now, as we embark on Year 6, we are thrilled to unveil what's in store for our dedicated agents.

[TD2] News - Year 6 - The Division 2: The Road Ahead - 1. Year 6 Roadmap

Year 6 is a year of transformation as we gear up to deliver even more thrilling content to enhance your gaming experience. With three seasons planned, each bringing fundamental changes to the endgame and our seasonal model, we are committed to taking the game to new heights of accessibility and engagement.

The first season of Year 6, "First Rogue", kicks off on June 11 th . Aaron Keener will make a return to Washington, D.C., and we invite you to embark on a dangerous journey to uncover his true intentions. Learn more about all the new gear available for Season Pass owners in our Year 6 Season 1 "First Rogue" Patch Notes

[TD2] News - Year 6 - The Division 2: The Road Ahead - 2. Y6S1 Key Art

One Endgame

The Division 2 endgame offers a wealth of content, providing hundreds of hours of gameplay. Acknowledging that some players did not have access to this content, we are excited to announce that in Year 6, we will be making the endgame accessible to all The Division 2 players. Our goal is to bring all Division 2 players up to level 40, ensuring that everyone can fully enjoy the new content we are developing.

With the start of Year 6 Season 1, players can reach level 40 without owning the Warlords of New York expansion and get access to past and future endgame content. Activities such as Incursions, Seasons, Manhunts, Countdowns, and Raids, previously available only to Warlords of New York owners, are now accessible at level 40 for all Division 2 players.

This change benefits all players, ensuring a level playing field in terms of content access. Players who did not own Warlords of New York can now experience and enjoy the true endgame, while those who are already there will witness the matchmaking queues filling up with new players and a new life taking over in the social aspects of the game.

Seasons 2.0

Seasons were introduced to The Division 2 in March 2020 with the release of Warlords of New York. They have become a key aspect of the endgame, yielding positive results that have strengthened player engagement. However, after four years, this model has reached its limit. We have gained valuable insights into what works and what doesn't, and with each new season, it has become a bit harder to bring novelty and surprises. To prepare for the game's future, we needed to reevaluate our season model, update it, and equip ourselves with the right tools to make each season truly unique. Seasons 2.0 will offer an exciting mix of new gameplay elements, new story, and rewards, all presented in a fresh way that allows for greater creativity and surprise.

At the core of this new model is a major shift - the introduction of seasonal characters. By focusing the season experience on new characters exclusively, we can create something unique each season with much more control over general balancing and player experience, without being constrained by the legacy of each individual existing characters.

Each season is meant to be experienced from level 1, featuring a fully revamped and accelerated progression designed to swiftly guide players to the endgame while gradually introducing all game mechanics to prepare them for level 40. Seasons will offer a flexible structure allowing players to progress in many ways, but also provide clear guidance with series of objectives and projects to accompany players through their progression journey.

To create and maintain an ever-fresh experience, each season will introduce a new set of gameplay modifiers, enabling new playstyles and challenges that will require a reevaluation of established strategies and builds.

At the end of each season, all your hard-earned XP and rewards will be transferred to your main characters, while seasonal characters will be added to your roster.

Manhunt 2.0

Manhunts have also undergone a transformation in Year 6, with the introduction of weekly Scouts that offer engaging activities for seasonal characters. With Scouts, the Manhunt story will now progress weekly instead of monthly, offering an additional activity to engage in without disrupting your Season progression. As always, the Manhunt events will conclude with a new Climax Mission, but with a twist - the introduction of a new difficulty level called Master. The Master difficulty will be available on top of the existing Climax Mission difficulties (Normal through Heroic), providing a challenging gameplay experience tailored for a team of four players.


Player Expression

Later in the year, we are thrilled to introduce an array of enhanced player customization features. The Division 2 offers a wide range of options to customize your character. To enhance your experience, we are excited to introduce a streamlined customization flow. This new approach will consolidate all customization features into a single, user-friendly interface, simplifying the process of personalizing your character to suit your style and making it more enjoyable. Furthermore, we are exploring new ways to showcase your characters in existing menus and allow you to proudly display your achievements.

And finally, Year 6 will culminate in a new story DLC that takes players back to where it all began - Brooklyn, New York. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new chapter in the world of The Division 2.

Get ready to dive into the action, uncover new mysteries, and experience the thrill of Year 6 in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Let's make this year one to remember!



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Fbi warns of mexican cartels targeting americans in timeshare fraud schemes.

Thanks for contacting us. We've received your submission.

The FBI is warning of a spike in scams targeting timeshare owners and that a large portion of these schemes are being perpetrated by Mexican drug cartels.

The schemes entail criminals targeting part-time property owners, often older Americans, and convincing them to hand over large sums of cash under false pretenses related to their timeshare properties. 

Scammers will usually conduct extensive research on potential victims, creating fake documents and impersonating individuals from “trustworthy institutions” to sell their storylines and scare victims into compliance, the bureau said. 

Scammers will use a combination of high-pressure sales tactics and cyber-enabled fraud strategies to convince victims that it is legitimate. 

Assistant Special Agent in Charge Paul Roberts  said these schemes  have “devastating consequences for victims’ financial futures, relationships, and physical and emotional health.” 

Police officers patrol at a road after fellow police officers were killed during an ambush by suspected cartel hitmen in El Aguaje, in Michoacan state, Mexico

The proceeds are increasingly going to fund the cartels’ violent activity in Mexico. 

The nefarious activity is attractive to cartels because it’s typically cheaper, posing fewer logistical, labor and oversight challenges when compared to other revenue streams like drug and weapons trafficking, Roberts said. 

The scammers themselves often participate in these schemes because they fear being the cartels’ next victims.

A burning car is seen on the street during an operation to arrest the son of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, Ovidio Guzman, in Culiacan, Sinaloa state, Mexico, on January 5, 2023.

While multiple Mexican drug cartels have been involved in timeshare fraud schemes, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has played a dominant role “based on complaint reporting and financial tracing,” the FBI said. 

The bureau is partnering with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to investigate these cases.

The American Resort Development Association (ARDA) told FOX Business that “the recent activity in Mexico is just one example of some of the fraudulent activity we see from third-party timeshare exit companies.” 

“That’s why at ARDA, we’re proponents of early and effective consumer education on legitimate timeshare exit avenues to prevent scams like this one from taking root. In fact, we partnered with our members to create the Coalition for Responsible Exit as a resource to help timeshare owners responsibly and safely exit their timeshare should they decide it is no longer a fit for their lifestyle,” said ARDA President and CEO Jason Gamel.

“I encourage anyone who is thinking about selling their timeshare to visit, and to never engage with proactive resale offers.”

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Police officers patrol at a road after fellow police officers were killed during an ambush by suspected cartel hitmen in El Aguaje, in Michoacan state, Mexico


'Gossip Girl' star Chace Crawford implies he's hooked up with a castmate

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Chace Crawford is revealing how life started started imitating art during his " Gossip Girl " days in the mid-2000s to the early 2010s.

On Wednesday's "Call Her Daddy" episode , the Lubbock, Texas-born actor, 37, reminisced about how he started morphing into Upper East Side high schooler Nate Archibald – whom he portrayed on The CW show from 2007-2012 – while living and filming in New York City.

Crawford told host Alex Cooper that he and on-screen best friend Ed Westwick , aka blue blood bad boy Chuck Bass, lived together in "this little apartment" around 10th Avenue and 26th Street in the Chelsea neighborhood during their "Gossip Girl" days. They shared a junior one-bedroom, in which he lived in the main bedroom while Westwick took the extra space, which wasn't quite a full room.

He jokingly called his friend out for being a messy roommate and having "a lunch pail with overflowing cigarettes."

Chace Crawford and Ed Westwick were roommates, threw parties on their rooftop

"You (would have) thought the Joker lived there; it was insane. I'm not even kidding," Crawford said, noting that Westwick was 18 or 19 while he was 21 years old at the time. "I shouldn't be calling him out like this, but I love him to death."

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"We had an absolute blast in that place. We had a rooftop deck," Crawford added. "He'd invite a bunch of people; we'd bring a Bose speaker and a big bottle of vodka and just have a party up there all the time. ... We'd bring good friends. But then sometimes it'd get really out of hand."

Some of the guests they'd hosted included Lindsay Lohan and their neighbor Alex Pall, who went on to form The Chainsmokers with Drew Taggart, he said. And though he recalled that they'd "raged up there," the parties never got shut down.

Cooper asked whether these gatherings were like the parties their on-screen personas would throw. "Not much except the money involved," he said. "We didn't put much money behind ours. We weren't making quite that. ... They did turn out to be pretty fun, well known-parties."

When the teen drama series ended in 2012, "I was ready for it to be done," Crawford revealed. Westwick, he recalled, said "Gossip Girl" was "the greatest job we'll ever have."

"It was easy and it was fun," Crawford said. Since "Gossip Girl," he's maintained a consistent career in film and TV and has starred on Amazon Prime Video's popular series " The Boys " since 2019.

'The Boys' Season 4 is coming: Premiere date, cast, trailer, how to watch and stream

Chace Crawford responds to whether he hooked up with a 'Gossip Girl' co-star

Crawford also spilled on whether he had an on-set romance with any of his "Gossip Girl" coworkers.

"I would say those things are inevitable," he seemingly confirmed when Cooper asked whether he'd hooked up with a co-star.

"People probably think it's, like, these sexy scenes or whatever and that's the worst part of it. It's, like, 60 people watching," he said of filming romantic scenes for a TV series. "You're on set for, like 12-14 hours a day. And usually there's some pretty interesting people from all walks of life."

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Crawford revealed that things get difficult if he has a genuine interest in someone he works with on set.

"The danger is if you connect right away with sense of humor, at least for me. If you have a rapport and can kind of, like, banter ... For me, I'm like, oh I've got to watch out."

However, he tried to steer Cooper and her audience from believing it was a "Gossip Girl" colleague with whom he'd gotten involved off-set.

"I've done other shows and stuff," he said.

Chace Crawford says he'd star in 'The Boys' for 'another 10 years'

In other interviews promoting Season 4 of "The Boys," Crawford — who plays The Deep — revealed he loves playing the aquatic superhero with useless powers.

"I might be the only one who would do this show for another 10 years," the actor told W Magazine in an interview published Wednesday. "I love the character so much, but (showrunner Eric) Kripke knows best."

He continued: "It's tough to know when to stick the landing in TV and you don’t want to overcook the storylines. It definitely will be sad. It’s been one of the greatest rides of my life, but I’m looking forward to going out with a bang."

'The Boys' Season 4: Premiere date, cast, trailer, how to watch and stream

Crawford jumped at the chance to play the character, telling Newsweek in an interview published Wednesday that it's a departure from his pretty boy image, as with "Gossip Girl."

"These types of roles don't come around a lot," he told the outlet. "Also, I think you have to have a sense of humor about yourself. To be like, 'Yeah, let's make fun of that guy.'"

Kripke announced on social media Tuesday that  Season 5 of "The Boys"  will be its last.

The first three episodes of Season 4 of "The Boys" premiered June 13 on Prime Video, with new episodes weekly. The season finale will stream on Thursday, July 18.

Contributing: Taijuan Moorman and Emily DeLetter

'Gossip Girl' Filming Locations in New York City

You'll recognize these Manhattan spots

visit new girl set

 If you're in New York City and want to see the for-real locations where the teen TV drama "Gossip Girl" was filmed, you don't have far to look. Manhattan is studded with places you'll recognize from this CW Network show, which aired from 2007 to 2012 and starred Kristen Bell, Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Penn Badgley, Chace Crawford, Taylor Momsen, and Kelly Rutherford.

Lotte New York Palace

The Lotte New York Palace Hotel is used as the home of Chuck Bass, as well as the Van der Woodsen family on "Gossip Girl." Scenes were shot throughout the hotel from the open courtyard to what is now known as The Gold Room, where Serena Van der Woodsen (Blake Lively) sipped the hotel's signature drink, "The Queen of Mean."

The restaurant GILT was also formerly located in the New York Palace Hotel and was well-known for being featured in a scene where Serena enjoys a grilled cheese sandwich with truffles. GILT is now closed.

Museum of the City of New York

The front of the Museum of the City of New York is used in the series as the front entrance to the Constance Billard School for Girls and St. Jude School for Boys.

Steps at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

TripSavvy / Brakethrough Media

The steps at the Metropolitan Museum of Art are where Blair (Leighton Meester) often has lunch with her friends on ​"Gossip Girl." The show makes it seem as if the museum steps are just across the street from the school, but in reality, the locations used for the school and the Metropolitan Museum of Art are about 20 blocks apart on the Upper East Side.

Dylan's Candy Bar

Dylan's Candy Bar is where Dan and Vanessa hang out while Vanessa buys Nate an anniversary gift of sour gummy worms on "Gossip Girl." With more than 7,000 types of candy and 15,000 square feet of retail space, Dylan's Candy Bar is the largest candy store in the world. It was opened in 2001 by Dylan Lauren, daughter of Ralph Lauren. The one featured on "Gossip Girl" is their flagship location at 1011 Third Avenue.

Henri Bendel

Henri Bendel, at its 712 Fifth Avenue location, is a favorite shopping destination on the series. The "Gossip Girl" Season 2 Premiere Party was actually held at Henri Bendel, and many dresses and accessories used on the show came from Henri Bendel, including both Serena and Blair's prom dresses. Henri Bendel was used as a shooting location when Jenny Humphrey calls her brother Dan when she's having a "fashion emergency" as she looks for a dress for the Kiss on the Lips Party. Henri Bendel is now closed but stroll by its remaining facade for a familiar "Gossip Girl" scene.

Barrio Chino

Barrio Chino is featured as a location on "Gossip Girl" during a flashback scene where Serena Van der Woodsen stumbles out of a bar drunk on Thanksgiving and bumps into Dan Humphrey.

Babycakes NYC (now Erin McKenna's Bakery NYC)

Dan Humphrey emerges from this bakery with Thanksgiving pies before bumping into Serena Van der Woodsen as she stumbles out onto Broome Street. Dan ends up dropping the pies when he stops Serena from getting hit by a car. Babycakes is now Erin McKenna’s Bakery.

Cafe Habana

Dan Humphrey gets sandwiches for himself and his dad at Cafe Habana on "Gossip Girl."

Tory Burch Shop

Tory Burch fashions are discussed on "Gossip Girl," and Blake Lively was spotted wearing a Tory Burch Sgt. Pepper jacket on the set of the series. Tory Burch actually makes an appearance (as herself) in the fourth episode of Season 3 of "Gossip Girl." Check out the shop at 38-40 Little W 12th Street.

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Minecraft (2025)

The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld. The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld. The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld.

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Hybe, Geffen Records to Debut Joint K-pop Girl Group KATSEYE on June 28

SEOUL, June 14 (Yonhap) -- K-pop behemoth Hybe announced on the 14th that is set to debut their new international K-pop girl group, KATSEYE, on June 28in collaboration with Geffen Records.

After its debut single release, KATSEYE will follow up with a second single in July and a mini-album in August, accelerating their promotional activities, the agency said.

Hybe stated, "KATSEYE will reveal everything they have prepared and start this new journey with the fans."

KATSEYE is a six-member group formed through the global audition program "The Debut: Dream Academy," which aired from September to November last year. The group was selected from a pool of 6,000 applicants, with Daniela (USA), Lara (USA), Manon (Switzerland), Megan (USA), Sophia (Philippines), and Yoonchae (South Korea) emerging as the final members.

Throughout a 90-day audition process, they were evaluated on their dance, vocal abilities, teamwork, concept adaptability, and artistic expression, preparing them for their debut as global pop stars.

The group has already garnered significant attention, with their fan community on Weverse reaching around 300,000 members, reflecting their growing international fan base.

For more details, you can visit Hybe's official website or the Weverse platform.

Hybe, Geffen Records to Debut Joint K-pop Girl Group KATSEYE on June 28


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  5. My Tour of The New Girl Set + A Giveaway

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  6. My Tour of The New Girl Set + A Giveaway

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    Studio Tour hours. 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM. WB Studio Store hours. 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM. 3400 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505+1 (818) 977-8687[email protected] - GENERAL -.

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    TripSavvy / Brakethrough Media. The steps at the Metropolitan Museum of Art are where Blair (Leighton Meester) often has lunch with her friends on "Gossip Girl." The show makes it seem as if the museum steps are just across the street from the school, but in reality, the locations used for the school and the Metropolitan Museum of Art are about 20 blocks apart on the Upper East Side.

  29. Minecraft (2025)

    Minecraft: Directed by Jared Hess. With Danielle Brooks, Kate McKinnon, Jemaine Clement, Jennifer Coolidge. The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld.

  30. Hybe, Geffen Records to Debut Joint K-pop Girl Group KATSEYE on ...

    SEOUL, June 14 (Yonhap) -- K-pop behemoth Hybe announced on the 14th that is set to debut their new international K-pop girl group, KATSEYE, on June 28in collaboration with Geffen Records. After ...