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"The Break-Up" hints that the broken-up couple will get back together again, but that doesn't make us eager for a sequel. The movie stars Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston as Gary and Brooke, a steady couple who have many reasons to break up but none to get together, except that they fall in love. Since the scenes where they're together are so much less convincing than the ones where they fall apart, watching the movie is like being on a double-date from hell.

Gary is obsessed with the Chicago Cubs and video games, and thinks if they moved the dining table into the living room, that would make space for a pool table. He and his brothers run a Chicago tour bus company, and he is the tour guide. Brooke works in a high-powered Chicago art gallery. They break up because she says he never listens to her, or appreciates all the work she does around the house, or how she cooks his meals and picks up his laundry. All true, but these are not merely faults, they are his essential nature, and he will never, ever, be interested in her world. Not when he thinks Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the "16th Chapel."

True, their arguments are funny, at least while they're still getting along. They have a fight right at the beginning that had me nodding my head and recognizing my own shortcomings. At the 30-minute mark, I thought the movie had a chance, but it grew dreary and sad, especially when they both receive spectacularly bad advice from their best friends ( Joey Lauren Adams and Jon Favreau ).

There's a stretch when Gary's sleeping on the sofa surrounded by dirty underwear and she's trying to make him jealous by being picked up at home by a series of handsome studs. Would any woman really do this? The way to make a guy jealous is by seeming to really like someone else, not acting like first prize on Match.com.

Gary, on the other hand, tries to make Brooke jealous by hiring hookers to join his buddies in a strip-poker game. Believe it or not, this doesn't work, either. By the time they have a heart-to-heart, it's way too late because both hearts are broken, and it isn't a pretty sight.

What the movie lacks is warmth, optimism and insight into human nature. I point you to " Fever Pitch " (2005), with Jimmy Fallon as a schoolteacher and Red Sox fan, and Drew Barrymore as a business executive. It begins by showing them really and truly falling in love, and then baseball season starts and she realizes he is two guys: the guy she fell in love with and the Red Sox fan. If she can accept both of these personalities, and he can accept her needs, they can repair their problems.

The problem with Gary is that he has only the one personality, and even if he starts listening to her and thanking her for picking up his dirty socks, they will still be profoundly incompatible. For the movie to work, we would have to like the couple and want them to succeed. Despite some sincere 11th-hour soul-searching by Gary, we're sorry, but we don't want them back together, we want them to end their misery.

The supporting cast adds variety, to be sure, but of a strange kind. Occasionally, supporting actors will be so effective you want the movie to be about them. "The Break-Up" is filled with actors who seem to be auditioning for that role. John Michael Higgins , as Brooke's brother, is the leader of a men's choir and tries to turn a family dinner party into a sing-along; this scene might be funny in theory, but in practice it's ungainly. Favreau and Adams, as the best friends, get whiplash from a plot that requires them to give one kind of advice at the beginning and another kind toward the end, as if they hadn't been listening to themselves. And Judy Davis , as the art gallery owner, behaves as if she should be carrying a whip. The best supporting performance is by Vincent D'Onofrio , as Gary's older brother: He does exactly what is required, finds the right notes and is so convincing we hardly notice he is cleaning his ears with separate handkerchiefs.

That Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn are such likable actors compounds the problem. They're not convincing as sadistic meanies, and when the movie makes them act that way, we feel sorrier for them than for their characters. Their problems start in the first scene, at Wrigley Field, where Gary is a jerk who forces Brooke to accept a hot dog she doesn't want and then insults her date. Why would a girl end up with a guy who acts like that the first time she meets him? We never find out. The next time we see them, they're living together.

Must have been some courtship.

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert

Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. In 1975, he won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished criticism.

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The Break-Up movie poster

The Break-Up (2006)

Rated PG-13 for sexual content, some nudity and language

106 minutes

Vince Vaughn as Gary Grobowski

Jennifer Aniston as Brooke Meyers

Joey Lauren Adams as Addie

Cole Hauser as Lupus Grobowski

Jon Favreau as Johnny O

Jason Bateman as Riggleman

Judy Davis as Marilyn Dean

John Michael Higgins as Richard Meyers

Vincent D'Onofrio as Dennis Grobowski

Ann-Margret as Wendy Meyers

Directed by

  • Peyton Reed
  • Jeremy Garelick
  • Jay Lavender

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The Break-Up


The Break-Up is a 2006 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Peyton Reed , starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston .

Chicago tour guide Gary Grobowski (Vaughn) and art gallery manager Brooke Meyers (Aniston) meet and begin dating, eventually buying a condominium together. However, as the title implies, they break up. Since neither is willing to move out of their condo, they compromise by living as roommates; but each begins acting out to provoke the other in increasingly elaborate ways.

This film contains examples of:

  • Ambiguous Ending : The film ends with the couple of the titular break-up meeting up on the street months after their break-up and exchanging pleasantries. It's left ambiguous if they will just go their separate ways or make another try at their relationship. An alternate deleted scene shows them meeting up with their new boy/girlfriend, who happen to look very similar to their exes, showing that they're not completely over one another.
  • Beautiful Dreamer : Gary at one point finds his now ex-girlfriend Brooke asleep in their condo's living room. He watches her for a moment, smiles, and then makes his exit instead of waking her up.
  • Bittersweet Ending : Gary and Brooke officially break up and sell their apartment, but the ending implies that even if they don't reconcile or end up as friends, they have gotten past the hostility and can be genuinely civil.
  • Coolest Club Ever : Gary's brother at one point takes him to a super cool club, making him feel intimidated and out of his element.
  • Distracted by the Sexy : Gary is playing a boxing video game. Brooke walks over, goes to the fridge, gets a drink and walks back to her room all while naked. What's more, Brooke has recently gotten a bikini wax (or, in simple terms, had her vagina waxed). Gary gets knocked out in the video game.
  • Escape Call : Brooke and her friend arrange for the friend to call during Brooke's date that night, at which point Brooke can either ignore the call or pretend it's an emergency and leave. Her date turns out to be boring, so when the call comes, Brooke pretends there's an emergency on the other end and suddenly abandons her date.
  • Falling-in-Love Montage : Subverted. The film opens with a Meet Cute , followed by a falling-in-love montage set to "You're My Best Friend," followed immediately by...well, read the title of the film again.
  • "Friends" Rent Control : Averted. Neither character wants to move out, each—rightfully—feeling that they are entitled to the place, as they've both contributed financially. But despite both of them making a good living, it's made clear that neither can afford the apartment on their own, prompting their friend/realtor to suggest they sell it and split the proceeds.
  • Game Night Fight : An ugly dragout fight erupts from a game of Pictionary , convincing everyone that Gary and Brooke are not going to work it out.
  • Genre Deconstruction : Unlike many romantic comedies that would play out a Break-Up/Make-Up Scenario , this couple stays apart—by the time Gary finally realizes what Brooke was trying to tell him and indicates that he's ready and willing to be the man she wants, she tearfully admits that she's too emotionally drained and doesn't love him anymore. It also points out that Brooke should have just outright said how she felt and what she wanted from Gary instead of engaging in veiled implications, mind games and secret tests as are typical in the genre since, as Gary points out, while her points might have merit, he's not a mind reader.
  • Genre Shift : The film starts as a typical romantic comedy about a couple in the last parts of their relationship. About halfway through you realize it turned into an uncomfortably sad and bitter look at the central couple's role in the break-up, and the divisive effects it has on the couple's friends and acquaintances.
  • Implied with Andrew, who votes to kick Gary off the bowling team because his wife pressures him to.
  • In the same scene we see another of Brooke's male friend who only votes in Brooke's favour after his girlfriend/wife softly pushes him.
  • Hollywood Board Games : The final sign that Brooke and Gary's marriage is broken beyond repair is that they can't even play Pictionary together anymore. Soon enough, the affair becomes a Game Night Fight .
  • Informed Flaw : Brooke's boss tells her "You look like shit". This is conveyed... by her wearing her hair in a ponytail.
  • Let's Get Dangerous! : Though a Camp Gay , Richard delivers a quick curb stomp when Gary lays a hand on him. Later, the ego-hurt Gary complains that he was sucker-punched before he knew he was in a fight, and promises to bring some "Polacks who don't have a future" to back him up next time.
  • Operation: Jealousy : Attempted by both parties and failed miserably. The first guy Brooke brings home is a loser, while the second hits it off with Gary , but he's still so ticked off that he retaliates by hiring a bunch of exotic dancers for a party. Each is left so hurt and disgusted that it makes things worse.
  • Poor Communication Kills : After weeks/months of hostility, Brooke invites Gary to a concert. He fails to realize that this is a last-ditch attempt to save their relationship and stands her up, putting the final nail in the coffin. He later asks her why she didn't just tell him that she wanted to give it one last try. Brooke: I just don't know how we got here. Our entire relationship, I have gone above and beyond for you, for us. I've cooked, I've picked your shit up off the floor, I've laid your clothes out for you like you're a four-year-old. I support you, I supported your work. If we ever had dinner or anything I did the plans, I take care of everything. And I just don't feel like you appreciate ANY of it. I don't feel you appreciate me . All I want is to know... is for you to show me that you care. Gary: Why didn't you just say that to me? Brooke: I tried. I've tried.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech : Johnny, who's been firmly on Gary's side through the break-up, finally gets fed up with him after Gary stands up Brooke one last time, and (not unkindly, but firmly) lets Gary know what a selfish and thoughtless person he is, to Brooke, to Johnny, to everyone he knows. Johnny: We always do what you wanna do, and she always did what you wanna do. It's who you are . Everybody thinks that you're their friend, okay? But the fact of the matter is that there's not one person that I know that you trust enough to let close enough that they could hurt you . And her big problem is you... you really liked her . I mean, she is the ONE girl you really liked . And no matter what she did or how hard she tried, you were never going to let your guard down. That poor girl never stood a chance .
  • Symbolic Distance : To the surprise of no one, the two main characters in this film break-up. One scene of them in the duration of this pictures them on opposite sides of the couch in their apartment, trying their best to ignore each other. It even acts as the page image for the trope!
  • Down with Love
  • Creator/Peyton Reed
  • Unnecessary Makeover
  • ImageSource/Live-Action Films (A to L)
  • Symbolic Distance
  • Creator/Universal
  • The Breakfast Club
  • Breaking the Girls
  • AmericanFilms/A to C
  • Breathing Room
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's
  • Romantic Comedy
  • Breaking and Entering (2006)
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vince vaughn chicago tour guide

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

The Break Up

By: debbie lynn elias


Stereotypical and formulaic, this is the story of Gary Grobowski and Brooke Meyers. Meeting at a Cubs game (although we never know how or why), Gary, a Chicago tour guide, somehow persuades Brooke, who works in an art gallery, to dump her date and go out with him. And apparently all it took was him buying her a hot dog. (It’ll take more than that to get me.) Suddenly, we are deluged with flashbacks that hopefully bring everyone up to speed and the present day situation.


Don’t think I need to tell you what happens when Brooke’s dates are met with slovenly Gary slumped on the couch drinking beer and playing video games like an overgrown frat boy. What ensues is a comedy of anti-romantic proportions based on mental ingenuity and wit, producing some hilarious results thanks to some lively scripting by Vince Vaughn, Jeremy Garelick and Jay Levender. From one round of insulting banter to the next, these two give new meaning to rapid fire retorts. Edgy, biting and sarcastic, even I (a master at sarcasm and insults) was in awe.

Vince Vaughn is more than adequate as Gary; in fact, he may be Gary. A role he knows backwards and forwards, Vince’s Gary is the same as every other role Vince has played – stuck in college-life, refuse to grow up enjoyable, but predictable. Interestingly, I got more guffaws out of Vince’s performance in “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” and his one liners with Brad Pitt than here with Jennifer Aniston. And speaking of Jennifer, always likeable, she is again here as Brooke. The good news is, she finally breaks out of the “Rachel” mode as she goes head-to-head with Vaughn with one line witticisms and sarcastic zingers, hooking and jabbing like Rocky Balboa and Clubber Lang. The chemistry between Aniston and Vaughn is undeniable. With the volatility of a Molotov cocktail, the two are perfectly paired with impeccable timing. Rounding out a short cast of characters is John Michael Higgins as Brooke’s in-the-closet brother Richard, while Judy Davis is a scream as Brooke’s eccentric boss Marilyn. Probably the best supporting players, however, are Jon Favreau as Gary’s bartender friend and fellow frat pack wannabe, Johnny O, and the always incredible and still beautiful, Ann-Margret as Brooke’s mother.

Written by Vaughn and newcomers, Jay Lavender and Jeremy Garelick, personal experiences obviously came into play with this tit-for-tat battle. Effectively utilizing mental dominance and second guessing, the three provide something for everyone to relate. What I found particularly strong was the establishment of the class differences in the two characters (she is in art, he’s a tour guide) and how Brooke, who gave an air of distinction above Gary, sunk lower and lower in her antics until the two were equals, only to have Gary go even one step lower. On the downside, there are several scenes with no follow-through. A great set-up but then nothing.

Following through on the “anti-romantic” concept is director Peyton Reed. A favorite of mine thanks to his impeccable work with “Down With Love” (although many of my colleagues differ in that opinion), Reed, thanks in large part to Production Designer Andrew Laws, effectively and efficiently draws visual battle lines with characters, possessions – even the use of color – all of which help story continuity. Moving along for the most part at a comfortable lope, there are, however, periods with an uncomfortable lack of laughter that make certain scenes more strained than the relationship between Brooke and Gary. The upside is that despite the seemingly unsympathetic characters, you won’t be able to stop yourself from being drawn to one or the other.

So, pick a side, any side. We all know that breaking up is hard to do. You can at least do it with laughter with “The Break Up.”

Gary Grobowski: Vince Vaughn Brooke Meyers: Jennifer Aniston Marilyn Dean: Judy Davis Wendy Meyers: Ann-Margret Johnny O: Jon Favreau Richard Meyers: John Michael Higgins

Directed by Peyton Reed. Written by Jay Lavender and Jeremy Garelick based on a story by Vince Vaughn, Jeremy Garelick and Jay Lavender. A Universal Pictures release. Rated PG-13. (105 min)

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Top 10 Movies Filmed in Chicago

by Chicago Traveler | Entertainment , Top Lists for Entertainment/Arts |

Chicago is not only the beautiful backdrop for tourists and residents alike, it also makes the perfect scenery for some of the most popular big screen hits ever made. Check out this list:

#1 The Blues Brothers Nothing says Chicago like this classic SNL skit come to life. With Chicago as the backdrop, there is no funnier Chicago movie than Dan Akroyd and John Belushi trying to “Put the band back together” with a car crashing, soul-singing plot.

#2 Ferris Bueller This John Hughes classic, is a love letter written to Chicago, with a little teenage angst, and a bucket list full of must-dos in the city. Sing in a parade, catch a Cub’s game, and dine in one of Chicago’s finest restaurants, all while avoiding their nemesis, the high school principal. Matthew Broderick’s most famous role…CHICK CHI-KA…

#3 Home Alone This family classic has a little something for everyone, a cute kid, bumbling burglars, and a heartfelt ending; make this holiday movie one that everyone can enjoy. The scenic Chicago backdrop lands this movie at the top of our list!

#4 The Fugitive In this classic remake of the 1960’s television series Harrison Ford plays Dr. Richard Kimble, a man falsely accused of murdering his wife. This whodunit thriller takes you on an amazing tour throughout the city, with no stone left unturned until Dr. Kimble is proven innocent!

#5 The Break Up Vince Vaughn, the classic “Chicago guy” gives us a treat with this romantic comedy, starring opposite Jennifer Aniston. Playing the owner, and operator of a Chicago tour bus company, there is no lack of laughs or Chicago scenery in this flick.

#6 About Last Night Rob Lowe and Jim Belushi are “men about the city” in this 80’s classic. With scenes in Mother’s on Rush, Wrigley Field, and the lakefront, the swinging singles lifestyle in the city is portrayed perfectly.

#7 My Best Friend’s Wedding Another romantic comedy hits our list with this Julia Roberts, Dermott Mulroney, Cameron Diaz love triangle. Scenes at O’Hare and Comiskey Park, along with a ride down the Chicago River, will make anyone fall in love with the city.

#8 Sixteen Candles Another John Hughes film, this suburban Chicago look into teenage life in the 80’s will go down in history as an all time favorite. 80’s teen queen Molly Ringwald struggles with life, love, and foreign exchange students in the suburbs of Chicago.

#9 Risky Business Quite possibly every young man’s dream, this film shot Tom Cruise into stardom. An unbelievable tale of what happens when a young man is left to his own devices, in an upscale suburb of the city.

#10 Public Enemies Infamous gangster John Dillinger is brought to the big screen in this recent film. With scenes shot from NW Indiana, to Lincoln Avenue, Johnny Depp brings one of the most infamous Chicago villains to life, and to death, as history would have it, in and around Chicago.

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Hooked on Houses

A Fun Place to Get Your House Fix

“The Break-Up” Movie Set Design: An Apartment Worth Fighting For

"The Break-Up" movie apartment sets behind the scenes | hookedonhouses.net

The Break-Up, starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston, was written as the anti-romantic comedy.

Instead of following a couple in the process of falling in love, we watched a relationship fall apart.

Their characters Gary and Brooke share a fabulous condo in Chicago that becomes a battleground after they break up. Neither of them wants to move out, and we can hardly blame them.

Let’s take a closer look at the sets they designed for the film!

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

The Apartment in “The Break-Up”

Vince Vaugh-Jennifer Aniston-The Break-Up movie

A reader sent me some behind-the-scenes set photos that give us a better look at the sets.

apartment door and coat rack

The apartment is filled with sketches and paintings,

Many of which are actually the work of francine turk..

apartment set of The Break Up movie

Jason Bateman plays their Realtor friend who encourages them to sell the condo:

Jason Bateman sitting in apartment living room

The next two photos were taken behind the scenes of the living room set:

Behind the scenes on the set of "The Break-Up"

Here’s how the living room looked onscreen, which really shows the difference that lighting can make:

A living room filled with furniture and a fire place

The Kitchen:

Jennifer Aniston cooking in apartment kitchen

Brooke complains that Gary brought her only 3 lemons when she needed 12 for the centerpiece.

Jennifer Aniston Vince Vaughn The Break Up

“So no one is actually eating them?” he asks. “They’re just show lemons?”

The Break-Up Movie Apartment

The Dining Room:

"The Break-Up" movie dining room

Set photos of the dining room show what it looked like behind the scenes:

Set photo of dining room from "The Break-Up" movie

In this shot you can see the kitchen with the checkered floors through the French doors:

"The Break-Up" movie apartment behind the scenes set photo of dining room

The fixture is the Clavius by Axolight:

Break-Up Condo Movie Sets

When Brooke’s at work one day, Gary replaces the dining table with a pool table:

"The Break-Up" movie apartment

The Bedroom:

Jennifer Aniston talking on phone in bedroom

Set decorators Daniel Clancy and Stephanie Gilliam

Were the ones tasked with creating an apartment worth fighting over..

Vince Vaughn talking to people in living room

Thanks to my behind-the-scenes source who took the set photos for us! Visit my Houses Onscreen page to see the others I’ve featured, listed from A-Z.

Are you hooked on houses? More to tour:

Leave Her to Heaven cabin exterior and movie poster inset

11.8.09 at 6:55 pm

Another good one, Julia! I found the movie a little painful to watch too but I always loved the apartment scenes. (I can’t believe you took these photos from the movie! Good job!) .-= FROM THE RIGHT BANK´s last blog ..House Hunting, The Highlights =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 7:34 pm

What a fabulous apartment! I wouldn’t want to give it up either. I enjoyed the movie the first time around, but don’t feel the need to see it again – a little too depressing.

Really enjoy this series, by the way. .-= micah´s last blog ..Kitchen Update: IT’S DONE!!! =-.

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11.8.09 at 7:39 pm

I really for some reason, didn’t like this movie. They did a really good job with it it’s just that, their whole relationship, was so painful to watch.

I’m usually not an apartment or condo person, but this condo I love. The whole detail and layout is so incredible. Thanks for posting this!

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 10:20 pm

Thanks! I have been waiting for you to do this condo. I loved it in the movie!

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 10:38 pm

Loved their apartment in the movie! I actually really liked the movie too…well, more or less…the actors were fun to watch and Jennifer Aniston looked amazing the entire movie (as usual). .-= AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage´s last blog ..I Found the Coolest (Inexpensive) Store on Earth =-.

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11.8.09 at 10:41 pm

Hi Julia as usual you keep us entertained – I have watched the movie twice – first time I have to admit my sister made me – 2nd time by choice it was sad but the condo WOW I wouldn’t want to move either. Regards Esther.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 10:59 pm

I did NOT know that was the kid from A Christmas Story. That’s funny. Just the other day I was wondering what ever happened to him. For some reason, I thought this movie was so sad. Maybe in the back of my mind I was sad about the condo. haha .-= Carmen´s last blog ..Never used to be much of a crafty gal =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 11:06 pm

Yes, I also thought the movie was a bit hard to watch, but went crazy for the apartment. I lived in Chicago for years (in a somewhat dreadful apartment) and always dreamed of moving up to such a fabulous space!! Love your movie posts, always say this, BUT I DO!! Janell .-= Janell Beals´s last blog ..A Sunday Of Painting =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 11:08 pm

I think places we live have souls and when people leave the place, a little of their souls are left behind.

There is a Christmas Story museum in Hammond, Indiana, and in early Dec., they open up the museum and I think the house in the movie to the public, plus alot of the actors like Peter Billingsley come. Worth checking out.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 11:09 pm

You have the eye of an eagle, girl! I agree with you about the movie–I found it rather depressing also and, in fact, didn’t bother to finish it. Your critiques about the home are marvelous. You point out things that I had not noticed, and I also find myself looking at the sets rather than the actors much of the time. Great post! .-= jan´s last blog ..This Book Makes A Statement ! =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 11:10 pm

I haven’t ever seen this one, but I like the apartment. Speaking of apartments, did you ever do What Women Want? I would die for Helen Hunt’s apartment in that movie. .-= Laurie @ My Domicile Style´s last blog ..Friday Finds: Steals, Deals and More =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.8.09 at 11:15 pm

LOVE the built-ins!!! I’ve only seen parts of the movie…I love Vince Vaugh and Jennifer Aniston. And ohmygosh, had no idea “Ralphie Parker” was in this movie! 🙂 .-= Amanda @ Serenity Now´s last blog ..27 Days of Thankful, #8 =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 12:44 am

Loved this condo. The movie was sad, but I thought the actors did a great job. .-= desiree´s last blog ..Cape Cod Classic Keeps Charm with Enclosed Porch =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 3:22 am

I didn’t like the movie at all (honestly, Vince Vaugh and Jennifer Anniston?) but that apartment is worth fighting over. I adore the columns and opening between the LR and DR. Gorgeous. Oh, the lemon part cracked me up too. 😉 .-= Mom in High Heels´s last blog ..You searching for me? =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 7:54 am

Really enjoy all your movie posts. Wondering if you might feature the house from The Proposal–thinking of renting the dvd so I can see the fabulous house again.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 8:04 am

Laurie– I haven’t done a post about “What Women Want” yet, but that would be a good one. I’ll add it to my list. Thanks!

Laura– Yes, in fact I’ve already started working on a post about “The Proposal.” Loved the house in that movie! ~Julia 🙂

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 8:23 am

I have enjoyed hearing stories of your children and their antics; they grow up so fast! I am in the process of helping my “little” 28 year old son buy his first home/condo/townhouse and this gives me some great ideas for decorating! Enjoy those children!

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 9:11 am

WOW…this is another great one..thanks Julia! .-= Stephanie´s last blog ..Crazy Love, Destination Canvas, time spent with family =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 9:31 am

I really didn’t like this movie. Too real! But the apartment was great. Loved the kitchen with the french doors and the built in’s surrounding the fireplace. That background behind the bed was interesting too… headboard or something else?? .-= Becky @ Farmgirl Paints´s last blog ..Kristine’s Housewarming =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 9:42 am

I loved this movie and loved also loved the condo. I was hoping you would feature this sometime. Great job! While watching this movie, one of the best scenes was when they were getting ready for the dinner party and Brooke was wearing that adorable apron. I got hooked on aprons after I saw it!

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 10:22 am

The condo in that move is insane. Many are are gaga over it and have serious envy for it. Definetely have to have the “suspension of disbelief” to think those two could have a place like that in downtown Chicago. Otherwise I’d so be there 🙂

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 10:30 am

Definitely worth fighting for! Looking forward to The Proposal house. A friend lived in Manchester when it was being filmed. .-= Tina´s last blog ..Retail therapy? =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 11:17 am

Yea!! I have been waiting for this post! I love this condo – definitely one of my favorites. Also one of those DVD’s I purchased simply for the decor (you know you guys do that too!). danielle .-= Danielle @ Transforming Home´s last blog ..Real Life =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 12:53 pm

I loved their condo. I’ve watched this movie over and over again just to see the condo. It’s funny how you mention the artwork, because I have wondered if all those drawings were done by the same artist. I don’t mind watching them break up, it’s very realistic. .-= Rhianna´s last blog ..Big Trend This Season: Black Tights =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 1:03 pm

I’m so glad you posted this! That’s one of my favorite houses in a move ever! .-= MissCaron´s last blog ..Personal Color Profile =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 6:54 pm

What a great condo! I haven’t seen the movie yet. I’ve wanted to see it… perhaps over the holidays. Thanks for the post!! .-= Vicki Jacoby´s last blog ..Saving money or being lazy? Hmm… =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 7:43 pm

Didn’t like the movie but loved the bones of that apartment! Somehow Jennifer and Vince never really “clicked” in my mind.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 7:49 pm

You always post the houses that I have always loved too! 🙂 My husband and I LOVE this movie and love their apartment, too! 🙂 .-= Rebecca´s last blog ..Quote for the week – Little House on the Prairie =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 9:25 pm

Love the photos. How much do you think an apartment goes for like that in Chicago.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.9.09 at 11:13 pm

My favorite part of this movie… that condo. Didn’t like the movie, and I love both actors. Just wanted to love it because I loved where they lived. Those built-ins in the living room are fabulous. And that dining room… so intimate, yet large enough to handle a crowd. Beautiful… thanks!

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.10.09 at 1:07 am

You continue to amaze me with such great pics from the movie! and yes, it’s a condo worth fighting over! .-= Nancy Hood´s last blog ..Oh My, Bakerella!! =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.10.09 at 7:22 am

You make GREAT picks! It’s like you know my fave movie houses nearly every time. Wonderful inspiration for home design fans. .-= Lena´s last blog ..Gray Day Wear =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.10.09 at 10:17 am

LOVE this movie!! And the lemon scene is classic! Oh, to live in this condo?!?!

~angela @ peonypatch .-= Angela´s last blog ..Thoughts on taking a bath ~ =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.10.09 at 7:09 pm

Has anyone else noticed that most on-screen kitchens have white, glass-front cabinets? Is it because they photograph better on camera, perhaps making the kitchen look bigger and brighter? I’ve been noticing this trend for several years, but I’m not complaining, that’s my favorite cabinet style! 🙂

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.13.09 at 3:05 am

I just recently watched this on a plane that had the little screen on the back of the seat in front of you (so you could choose your own movie). Hated the movie…but kept rewinding to see the apartment. 🙂 .-= laura @ the shorehouse´s last blog ..Tea for two. Or more. =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.13.09 at 4:53 pm

http://www.styleathome.com featured this condo and says that the closest color to the living room walls in this movie would be Benjamin Moore’s Brandon Beige CC-530. It has a muddy undertone that works great for displaying abstract artwork.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

11.15.09 at 1:40 am

God I loved the movie! It really hit home for I’ve had so many of those same fights with my ex-boyfriend. But I guess if you’ve never been in a relationship like that it just seems sad. Thanks for this post. Since I’m such a fan of the movie the more times I watch it the more I fall in love with the decor. I would never think of putting all the pieces together but it works so well. .-= Amanda Record´s last blog .. =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

1.10.10 at 11:23 pm

I saw this apt on another blog and remembered you had more pics. I just purchased some mid-century chairs that I would like to re-upholster. Just looking for some inspiration. Thanks for posting! .-= Lisa@DestinationSeaborn´s last blog ..An Angelversary =-.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

2.24.10 at 4:07 am

The kitchen tile was from Ann Sacks in Seattle, WA, but made in a factory in Spokane, WA. We did a tour of the tile factory that had it’s ‘claim to fame’ in 2007.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

6.22.11 at 7:33 pm

I loved the movie and I can truly say I understand what everyone was stating about how it was painful to watch their relationship.. That was one heck of a mess. You see them both going out of their way to put each other through emotional turmoil. Gary, (Vince Vaughn’s character), made the place into an awful, sloppy, dorm looking wreck. That alone was painful to watch. I can see that Brook, (Jennifer’s character), had great taste and she was the person who put the really geat decor in that apartment. He should have left and just bought her portion out. It was a great apartment and I would have fought hard to keep it.. Love the kitchen, the dining and living room area..and know Gary’s character doesn’t seem like he would have any interest in decor such as Brooke. He continued on about that pool table, which in an apartment that doesn’t have that kind of room, looked out of place and we all know he did it to anger her. She works for an art gallery and it reminds me so much of Charlotte, the character from “Sex and The City” who also worked at an art gallery and had great taste in redoing the Park Avenue apt that she and Trey shared. Men, not all, but a great deal I know, can really wreck a place… a shame, the men friends I have, have had horror of all horrors the messiest, worst, awful places I have ever seen and can’t take a moment to even clean a place! That is so distasteful. What’s up with that? Okay… loved the apt photos!!

6.22.11 at 7:34 pm

error: Great decor.. whoops

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

7.8.11 at 4:24 pm

Hi, does anyone know what lamp that is in her master bedroom on her night table?

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

9.12.11 at 11:56 pm

Just watched this movie and came right to this site to find out if it was listed. Thanks! fun to read about this great apartment and the artist.

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Dave's Travel Corner

Seeing the World One Step at a Time

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International travel and lifestyle blog, touring and exploring the wonders of chicago -guest post.

December 14, 2012 by Dave 2 Comments


Of course there are the bus tours, filled with families, singles, the elderly, toddlers and everyone else. It’s pretty much come one, come all. These buses drive around to all the hot spots as you snap pictures for your scrapbook.

But for all the active travelers who don’t want to just hop on a bus and peer out the windows, walking and biking tours are one of the most popular tours in the city. Chicago is one of the most bikable cities in America, so even families can safely enjoy these tours together. My personal favorite form of walking/biking tour kills two birds with one stone (or five if the birds are pizza joints in this analogy). Chicago’s food tours visit the best pizza joints, cupcake shops, fine-dining restaurants or even specific foodie neighborhoods. You don’t feel quite as guilty having a slice of pie at 5 different pizza places in 3 hours when you’re walking (or biking) from place to place to get there.

If walking/food tour combos are not for you, there are plenty of other walking tours that specialize in sightseeing walking (both by day and night), the mob-themed tours, walking tours about Chicago’s music scene, etc. Chicago’s tourism industry knows how to combine sightseeing with everyone’s favorite hobbies.

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

From my experience though, walking tours are only the second best way to see the city. Boat tours are the way to go when you want to have fun and soak in the city skyline and architecture. Assuming you’re not one to get seasick, boat tours and sightseeing cruises are the ones that are most worth spending money on. Walking tours and bus tours show and teach you all about the city, but you can also find (most of) that stuff out for free on the internet and they don’t charge to walk around Chi-town on your own either. You can’t get the boat experience on your own, and you can’t get this view of the city from the streets.

The boat tours are a big tourist attraction, but locals love it when out-of-towners come to visit and they can all ride together. When I went to visit a friend, she was thrilled that she finally had an “excuse” to do one of the touristy boat tours, but we both had a blast, and our tour guide really entertaining. I can honestly say Vince Vaughn’s charisma very accurately portrayed the Chicago boat tour guide we encountered. You’re trapped on a boat with them for over an hour, so I guess they learn they have to entertain you the whole time, and they certainly do. These tours are made even better by weekend brunches with bottomless mimosas.

Chicago is one of the best cities for touring. Of course to some, the idea of a tour doesn’t sound all that fun. Being in a group with a bunch of people you don’t know, having to listen to a guide ramble on, telling stories that may or may not be good may not sound like vacation, but for me, the walking food tours and boat tours turned a afternoon I would have been spending doing about the same thing into a much more fun experience than I could have imagined. I was a nay-sayer at first, but Chi-town changed my mind on the world of guided tours. This doesn’t mean that I’m willing to take a tour just anywhere now though, or even every time I go to Chicago, but I definitely got extra bang for my buck with these.

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vince vaughn chicago tour guide

December 15, 2012 at 10:01 pm

Wow! Thanks for the awesome post! Now I feel like going to Chicago. 🙂

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December 18, 2012 at 3:18 pm

You probably had a great Chicago tour experience. Well its nice to do walking tours seems like your Doing-It-Yourself and its a good exercise.

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Tips + Trends

chicago river boat tour

Hit the water in Chicago, but don’t forget to bring the party. (Photo: Getty Images)

You’ve Never Seen Chicago from the Water Like This: 4 Boat Rides That Bring the Party

The second after most first-time Chicago visitors pick their jaw up off the floor after getting a look at the Chicago River and the city’s gleaming skyscrapers reflecting off the downtown lakefront, their next question is how to get on the water. Now. Like right now.

Luckily, you’ve got options. Because if you’re not on the water during Chicago summer, you’re doing it wrong. Very wrong.

Island Party Boat

If you’ve always wanted to rent your own floating Tiki bar complete with waterslides (which you can zip down with your dog), look no further than this colorful collection of thatched structures on the Chicago Riverwalk.

chicago river tours

Island Party Boat’s range of rentals includes 65-foot floating monsters and more intimate thatched pontoons. Seeing these BYOB and BYOF (bring your own food) Polynesian beauties cruising down the river is a sure sign that summer in Chicago is in full swing. You can also buy tickets for a 75-minute cruise if you don’t want to rent your own boat.

After your ride, keep the party going at the outfitter’s Riverwalk location, where you’ll have access to live island music most summer days, games like ping-pong and bag toss, and food, including burgers and slow-smoked pulled pork paired with island drinks.

Chicago Boat Rentals

You’ll find Chicago Boat Rentals hidden from the tourist crowd in a nondescript location near an industrial section of the city at the foot of Estate Ultra Bar. Blink and you might miss this small pontoon boat rental service, which turns you loose on the Chicago River in whatever direction you so choose.

Pack the 8- or 12-person pontoon with a cooler full of “essentials” and, after a quick lesson for newbies, be on your merry way. You can pilot the vessel toward downtown (where most of the larger boats dominate the river), but for a less touristy and more unique experience, point the GPS toward Chinatown and admire a gritty yet eerily beautiful landscape of urban decay rather than the glistening buildings downtown.

Whatever you do, resist the urge to jump in the river — unless you want a free trip to boat jail.

Mystic Blue Craft Brew Cruises

It’s no secret that beer and boating go together like, well, beer and boating. And true brew aficionados know to sail with this outfitter, which teams up with Brewfest Partners to offer guests craft beer–themed trips during summer months that center around offerings from regional brewmaking powerhouses.

After 20 beer samples you’re bound to get a little peckish, at which time you can set your sights on the boat buffet for brew-pairing bites like chicken wings, Italian meatball sliders and cheese platters.

You’ll also find a live DJ, dance floor and bar games like foosball aboard this two-hour early afternoon booze cruise, and no one would be surprised if you took the rest of the day off.

Chicago’s First Lady

Vince Vaughn popularized the art of the hyped-up Chicago tour guide in the 2006 comedy “The Break-Up,” where his character’s job involved taking tourists out on the water via boat.

And while there are many architecture boat tours you can board in this world-renowned design city, the First Lady tour is the only one that partners with actual docents from the Chicago Architecture Foundation.

Sure, they may not be as raucous or hilarious as Vince Vaughn, but they certainly know their stuff. Grab a spot indoors or outdoors on this beautiful custom-designed vessel and discover facts about the city that you will actually be interested to learn aboard this 90-minute, fully narrated tour (with cash bar, of course). Not since you majored in leisure studies in college has learning been this fun.

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vince vaughn chicago tour guide

Yes, there is his paparazzi-hounded Friend. But here he talks to us about growing up in Lake Forest, buying a home in the city, and why he insisted that The Break-Up be shot in Chicago

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

Ask anyone who knows Vince Vaughn, and you'll hear the same thing: the kid who left Lake Forest with a suitcase full of dreams and found success in Hollywood is a guy's guy, a Midwestern sort of guy, a guy more comfortable in the bleachers than the luxury boxes. Recently, Vaughn re-established his Chicago bona fides by buying a home in the city he never really left.

In the decade since his breakthrough performance in Swingers, Vaughn has become one of Hollywood's most bankable young stars. Such recent triumphs as DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story , Old School , Mr. & Mrs. Smith , and Wedding Crashers have allowed him to produce and star in The Break-Up , which he insisted be filmed in Chicago.

For those unaccustomed to gazing at the headlines of the tabloid magazines at their local supermarket, it was during this shoot that Vaughn hooked up with his costar, the newly dumped and divorced Jennifer Aniston. Their continued friendship has encouraged those who care desperately about such things to speculate on the possibility of an impending wedding, maybe hosted by no less a fellow celebrity than Oprah Winfrey.

We caught up with the personable actor/writer/ producer in his office suite on the Universal Studios lot in Los Angeles.

Q: OK, Vince, let's get this burning question out of the way: Cubs or Sox?

A: [ Laughs ] I grew up north of the city, so I was a Cubs fan . . . but, I like the Sox. I'm not the kind of fan who isn't entirely satisfied unless the Cubs win and the Sox lose-or the other way around. I want both teams to do well.

Q: That's diplomatic. You're in the minority there, I'm afraid.

A: I know I am. I rooted for the Sox [in 2005] and was very happy to see them win. A couple of the Sox players came to see our show ["Vince Vaughn's Wild West Comedy Show," performance at the Vic]. But I grew up loving the Cubs.

Q: On that other matter, in every gossip item I've read about your relationship with Jennifer, your name seems to pop up somewhere in the third sentence . . . almost as an afterthought.

A: I wish it would be even further down, in the fifth or sixth sentence. I find it to be ridiculous, but I don't take it personally. They're just doing it to sell papers and magazines.

Q: You've managed to keep a pretty low profile up until now. All this attention to your personal life must have come as something of a shock.

A: I never considered myself a tabloid person, and, until recently, the tabloids felt the same about me.

Q: Still, being on the receiving end of all this attention must be unnerving.

A: The incentive for digging up gossip has become so great that people will break the law for the opportunity to take that picture. Then it crosses the line into invasion of privacy. The thing that's really bad about it, though, is that the tabloids don't tell the truth.

Q: For example?

A: There is no wedding planned, let alone one that costs $10 million. [As of now,] I've never met Oprah Winfrey. And if I were to get married, I'd never spend that much on a wedding. It would be the greatest waste of money in the history of mankind.

Q: Have you been followed by paparazzi . . . in Los Angeles or Chicago?

A: In L.A. I've had them try to follow me, yes. It's extremely dangerous, even if you choose not to drive crazy to avoid them. They'll run a red light and make a left turn into traffic, just to keep up with you. And they'll come very close to hitting oncoming cars. They don't care. Too much money is at stake.

If an ordinary person parks outside another ordinary person's house for a week, it's considered stalking. If, however, that person is considered newsworthy, it's perfectly legal for paparazzi to do the same thing.

Q: Chicago is protective of its own, isn't it?

A: Chicago runs counter to that culture. The focus is not on perception or image. The Midwest is built on hard work and values. Out here, in Los Angeles, there are people who would kill to have the paparazzi follow them. From an outside place-and I'm from an outside place-it all seems ridiculous, and not a real problem. But when you're in the middle of the situation, and feeling the pressure these people put on you-especially if you're a woman, by yourself-it's uncomfortable.

Q: I take it, though, that when you're by yourself you don't require bodyguards to accompany you to museums and ballgames.

A: I enjoy going out by myself . . . always have, always will. I don't have security guards, and, for the most part, I enjoy meeting new people. I see myself as a regular guy, who likes playing video games with his nieces and nephews, and poker with his family. I don't have an art collection or take exotic vacations. I enjoy being at home.

Q: And when you're with Jennifer?

A: People like Jennifer have become such icons, in a way . . . not by choice . . . but her personal life has become something about which people are curious. So for everyone involved, there are safety issues. Sometimes, when you're going some place special, it's better to give people a heads-up [so they can prepare for the crowds and the paparazzi]. There's no single answer, unfortunately.

Q: Are you part of the Chicago diaspora out here?  

A: No. In Chicago, there were all these cliques, none of which I was a part of. I had my few close friends, and that was it. The same is true here, in California. My closest friends when I moved out here are my closest friends now. One is Peter Billingsley, who I met when we worked together on an after-school special and is an executive producer on The Break-Up . My other friend is a stand-up comedian, Ahmed Ahmed, who was in the "Wild West Comedy Show" Jon Favreau and I were partners for a long time. . . . We met on Rudy , worked together on Swingers and Made , and he's great as a South Side tavern owner in The Break-Up . But it's not as if we're going to start a production company or are in some kind of clique.

Q: Your name doesn't come up often when people talk about expatriates from Chicago's theatre scene.

A: Back in Chicago, I was from the suburbs, and that made me an outsider. Even when I was studying with the ImprovOlympic [now I.O. Theater]-not at the same time as Jon-people would go out a lot afterward, but I was never into that kind of thing. Here, people would go out after acting classes for drinks or dinner, and I wasn't up for that, either.

Q: And yet, you don't fit the mold of a brooding loner.

A: The way I got into this business, I cut class [at Lake Forest High School] one day to go into the city with a friend who was auditioning for an industrial film, and I wanted to see what it was like. The casting director asked if I wanted to read some lines and try out for the part. I did, and that's how I got my first job and an agent. I started taking improv classes, including a six-week summer program with Del Close. I was with ImprovOlympic, but only for three months. Once I graduated from high school, I was fortunate to book several very good jobs, including a national Chevy commercial, an industrial film for Sears, Roebuck on exercise machines. Very quickly, I moved out to California.

Q: Were you active in the theatre in school?

A: I had acted when I was younger. Both of my parents worked-we moved from Buffalo Grove to Lake Forest when I was eight-so, during the summer, I participated in several different programs. The first acting I did was at the Gorton Community Center, in Lake Forest. You had to be 13 years old or younger to be in a play. We'd memorize songs, but improvise our lines, because there were kids seven or eight years old there. When I got to junior high school, I did a couple of plays and hosted a variety show, which I really enjoyed. Then I stopped. I played sports and hung out with the guys. I didn't do anything else until my junior year. A friend of mine was trying out for a play, and, as a lark, he asked me to come along. I got cast for the play, and cohosted the talent shows during my junior and senior years with my friend Paul Boese, who now produces television shows. We'd share the emcee duties, do sketches, introduce the acts, and have lots of fun.

Q: At six-five, I'd think the coaches would be beating a path to your locker.

A: I didn't shoot up until the summer between my sophomore and junior years. I wrestled fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. I played football my freshman and sophomore years, and freshman baseball, but I wasn't any great shakes. When I got to high school, the focus on winning became much greater. I wasn't so much in love with sports that I wanted to have coaches yelling at me and have to run around all the time.

Q: That needy-looking photo on the cover of last December's GQ only bore a passing resemblance to the man sitting in front of me right now. I'm told you favor jeans and T-shirts.

A: When I first started out, I did a lot of magazines. Since then, not so often. I don't enjoy the interview process-for the most part, anyway-and definitely don't like going to the photo shoots. I'm not comfortable, and I don't find it to be truthful. When I'm acting, I have a point of view and an imagination. . . . I build a character, who I play. When I'm posing for a picture, I don't know what I'm doing, or who I'm supposed to be. And, a lot of times, you'll get to a photo shoot and be told, "This is a great designer." Typically, they're clothes you would never wear. I'm not here to play a character for this designer. I'm supposed to be presented as myself.

Q: Why did you decide to make a Chicago movie?

A: I've always wanted to go back and make a movie in Chicago. That's where I got my first professional work and great training.

One of the writers of The Break-Up is from Chicago [Jay Lavender; see "Show Business," Chicago , May 2006 ], and I told him that it was really important to me that this movie be set there, and that it represents the city and the Midwest. I worked on the screenplay with the writers before we took it to the studios. Part of any deal with a studio would have to be that we shoot it in Chicago. The Chicago Film Office has been great, Mayor Daley has been great-everyone there helped make the shoot very easy. I plan to shoot more films in Chicago.

Q: Some of the gossip items imply that your decision to move back to Chicago might not suit Jennifer's lifestyle, as they imagine it to be, at least. If you were to get married-with or without Oprah's assistance-I really can't see you two in a Bridgeport bungalow.

A: When I moved back to Chicago, I bought a townhouse. I'm in the process of negotiating for a new place, because I plan to spend a lot of downtime in the city and it's become difficult to live in the townhouse. I've gotten to a place where I'm able to live where I want to live, and that's where I want to live.

The thing about Chicago is that it really isn't like any other place. The architecture and the layout of the city are the best. I'm from the Midwest, and consider myself a Midwesterner. I feel most at home there. I love California. I have great friends in California. I just have always considered Illinois to be home.

Tags: Arts & Culture , Film , Print Feature

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The Break-Up

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

In an era of formulaic romantic movies that bear no resemblance to reality, The Break-Up offers a refreshing flipside. While it’s common knowledge that Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston fell in love during production, there is little evidence of it in the movie. Forget red roses and long walks on the beach—there is fighting, crying, and nasty revenge schemes being hatched. Unlike the misleading trailers suggest, the rise and demise of a couple in love is nothing to giggle about, which is why The Break-Up is a much better movie than expected, even though it will distance people who are expecting an endless stream of laughs.

There are certainly funny moments scattered throughout, but the heart of the movie is pain, the kind that is rarely expressed believably in movies of this nature. Gary (Vaughn), a bus tour guide, and Brooke (Aniston), an art dealer, meet at a Chicago Cubs game—ironically enough, the team that rarely makes the cut. A montage of the happy couples flashes by, spanning the past two years of their relationship. They now share a condo together, but bad news is coming.

After a big fight about Brooke feeling unappreciated (“I want you to want to do the dishes,” she complains while Gary lounges on the couch fondling the remote control), all hell breaks loose. He wants time to relax and a break from her nagging; she thinks he is self-centered and doesn’t pitch in enough. As often happens with fights, one nitpick leads to another and soon they’re fighting about how she won’t allow a pool table in the condo and how he never takes her to the ballet. After enough ugliness gets hurled around, she waves a white flag and declares the relationship kaput. Another one bites the dust.

Since neither of them wants to move out, they find themselves sharing a living space, War Of The Roses -style. They don't know how to handle the latest developments, so they resort to juvenile behavior and try to one-up the other with revenge ploys. Brooke kicks Gary off their beloved bowling team and takes dates home to taunt him; Gary has a rowdy game night with the guys and brings home dancing strippers. While these scenes can be amusing, they’re really more depressing at the core because neither of them truly wants to break up—they just completely lost sight of how to be together.

The Break-Up may not be a cheery, gut-busting movie, but it’s not all doom and gloom either. The comic relief is provided by the quirky side characters, including a snippy drama-queen boss (Judy Davis), Brooke’s questionably straight brother who belts out tunes at the dinner table (John Michael Higgins), and Gary’s paranoid bartender buddy, generally full of bad advice ( Jon Favreau ). Since the central subject matter is all too realistic, these bizarre sidekicks are necessary to keep the tone light and the pace flowing.

As for the leads, Vaughn and Aniston should fall in love more often; their bond does wonders for their performances, and they deliver unusual degrees of subtlety and heartfelt emotion. Director Peyton Reed ( Down With Love ) wisely allows the actors to use improvisation, bringing further life to Jeremy Garelick and Jay Lavender’s earnest screenplay—except for the phony, tacked-on ending. Straying from the overall cynical vibe of the film, it feels like a knee-jerk reaction to studio executives demanding more optimism. Although it goes out with a whimper, The Break-Up sprinkles grains of truth into a genre littered with fallacies.

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Vince Vaughn Talks About "The Break-Up"

Vaughn Came Up with the Idea, Stars in and Produced "The Break-Up"

Dave Hogan/Getty Images 

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Vince Vaughn follows up his hugely successful romantic comedy Wedding Crashers with what's best described as an anti-romantic comedy. Vaughn's latest film, The Break-Up , takes the classic romantic comedy set-up and twists it on its head.

The title pretty much sums up the film's plot. The Break-Up zooms through the "boy meets girl" part to focus more on the stress , strain, and general uncomfortableness associated with the end of a relationship.

The Inspiration for The Break-Up

"Whenever I got scripts for romantic comedies, they always had some kind of bizarre subplot to them that really didn't have anything to do with relationships. Like, 'If you don't marry the girl, you will not inherit the family fortune and the mean guy who works for me will take over the company.' Or, 'I have to write an article for the paper...Oops, I really did fall in love with the girl, what do I do?' And I always just felt relationships were kind of odd enough as they are.

"It's an idea I had 10 years ago. I love the movie The Odd Couple , and I always liked that movie, and as I got older I realized a lot of people were sort of buying places together because they didn't want to just spend money on rent. They wanted to have ownership and get much more kind of savvy with making their money work for them. I had some friends who ended up in that position, where they no longer wanted to date the other person and were not married, but no one could afford the place on their own, so it seems kind of modern in that.

"And then it wasn't so much based in particularly any sort of one relationship I had, but there's elements of relationships that I had. I thought that there was stuff that was very universal about not remembering to bring home 12 lemons and having the argument be about the lemons, but really the argument being about so much more than the lemons, but that just sort of being the vehicle to discuss stuff."

Going Against the Grain

Vaughn's now starred in a couple of against-the-norm comedies that have done well. So why don't more people copy his formula for success and attempt something a little different? Vaughn answered:

"I don't know. I think there's room for everything. It's just my sensibilities, sort of starting with Swingers . I like stuff that's kind of character-driven, exaggerated for comedy. Like the scene in Swingers where he calls five times and leaves that message. It's funny, but it's also really painful. And I liked in this movie, that you sort of look at the male-female drama and laugh at it, and then you kind of have a more serious complicated side that's more truthful in it.

"You can only, sort of, for me, do stuff that you're interested in or that you find to be kind of fascinating or interesting. You certainly don't—like with Wedding Crashers or this—approach it saying, 'I want to be different just for being different.' You just try to put original thought into it and say, 'What's simple and truthful for this story even if it's not traditional?' So I don't really go into any of them going, 'What's a way to do this totally different?' I more go into it saying, 'What's an original way of doing it,' if that makes sense?"

Casting Jennifer Aniston and the Chemistry Onscreen

"You know, when we were developing the screenplay, she was the only actor that I had in mind because she's so good with comedy. She's also a very good actor and she also has a quality to her that just inherently she's very likeable. There's a warmth to Jennifer . These characters are both very flawed, so it's important to have that.

"When we started the rehearsal process, right away I really was impressed with her acting, her timing, with all of that. Unfortunately a lot of time it's like women are stuck in movies just sort of rolling their eyes at whatever the guy does. One thing that I really liked and that me and David [Dobkin] really insisted on in Wedding Crashers , is Isla [Fisher's] really funny in that movie, too. It's really both of us, and the scenes become funny. I like the comedy to come out of the situation, be grounded in reality, so Jennifer is really the heart of the movie like Owen is the heart of the movie in Crashers. [She can be a straight man, as it would be, in this movie, and then also able to be comedic if it calls for it, but never lose that sense of being real and being a real person taking this journey. The whole movie would falter, so she was really instrumental. And yes, I did like her right off the back as a person as well. I think she's terrific."

Telling a Universal Story with The Break-Up

"The one thing I've learned is, wherever you're from, if it's a place in America or it's someplace different, as much as things are different, they're really the same. And not just in relationships. People want to take care of their families. There's very much very universal truths about people from whatever background that they're from and the more different they seem, really the more close they are. And that was one thing that we learned from Swingers . We had a lot of pressure when we ended up making the movie for nothing, but people said, 'People will never respond to this musical backdrop. The kids aren't into it. There's much more of a grunge music. This way talking, people don't understand it.' But my thought and Favreau's thought, was always, 'The more specific you are, the more universal you are.'

"For me, accents and ways that people talk or perhaps their job occupations—the Midwest is not as much of a fashion-oriented place. People are not in the fashion industry as much as they are in Los Angeles or New York, but I think the dynamics are very similar. I think that's really universal. So for me, I really wanted Gary to be kind of a tour guide, a blue-collar guy, from that kind of background, and Brooke to be someone who was kind of open and interested in the art world. But not from a place of financial success, just because she sort of liked it, not like it was something that she didn't love but she was just doing to be successful.

"But yeah, I'd always loved Chicago and I guess you write with what you know. I grew up outside of the city so I felt very comfortable telling a story that was authentic to that place, similar to what we did in Swingers with Los Feliz and what Jon did New York in Made . It was a place I hadn't gone. I wanted to go make a film there. Selfishly, I wanted to be there in the summertime as well. I always thought it was a great backdrop for these two characters and the story that would be kind of universal. Although it's specific to Chicago, I think it's relatable wherever you're from."

Vince Vaughn the Person Compared to His Character

Asked if he's anything like this character or would he pitch in and help do the dishes or go to the ballet (something his character loathes), Vaughn said, "I think we all have different sides of ourselves and definitely there are sides of myself in Gary, especially younger. It's exaggerated, again, for comedy. But yeah, I don't like to do dishes, no, not normally. I do do the dishes and I do contribute, but as I've gotten older, you're open and you kind of enjoy it more. But when you're younger, you don't really like it that much. Also, I do kind of like to watch sporting events and stuff like that.

"I think that there is kind of a dynamic with men and women where guys are kind of less concerned with what color the curtains will be. They just want to sign off and have the conversation stop and girls are kind of like, 'It's kind of an important decision and everyone should sort of weigh in on it.' That's sort of where the comedy comes from.

"But I have two older sisters. I've always gotten along really well with women. I love women. And so I've always in relationships not been as extreme as how Gary is. I really enjoy kind of the friendship part of the relationship as well. But I think there are just innate things that are truthful that when it comes to certain conversations or focus, and stuff that men and women have to learn how to kind of give the other person their space with stuff."

The Key to Relationships

Vaughn offered his opinion on what makes for a successful relationship. "I think friendship is the biggest thing and, for me, a sense of humor. I like someone that can make me laugh, because I like to laugh at stuff, especially myself. I think you have to be able to roll with life. Life is always peaks and valleys. There's gonna be good times and bad times and when all the other things are there, the biggest thing for me is having someone that makes you laugh and that you have a friendship and a trust with, ultimately, in a relationship. When you're younger, you kind of have your priorities in a different place. But as you get older, I think that becomes most important to you."

Filming the Last Scene

Vaughn addressed the rumored reshoots of the final scene: "When we did the movie Swingers, we didn't know what the last scene of the movie was until we started shooting. We always knew there would be a last scene, which ended up being me in the diner with Mike and the baby. We shot the entire movie Made and we waited to know what is that last scene. Whenever you're summing up movies like these character-driven movies that are more about a journey and moments and learning and not so much about a final answer, it always is a question to be raised.

"The ending that we ended up shooting is exactly like the ending we shot originally, just a better version of it. We realized what the journey was and how these characters were changed by their action and not so much about, 'Will they or won't they?' and more so about, 'If they do, it would probably go very well, because they definitely, you can tell, in a real way learned their lessons.'

"Gary goes and does his stuff with his family separate of her, because he's forever changed. She makes a decision, even there when she's on the phone, she has a meeting, she doesn't say, 'Hey, let's get something to eat.' She says, 'I gotta go to a meeting.' She has her life coming first, so I think it's hopeful that way. And if they don't, there's still a great love and thankfulness there for each other and lessons learned and their next relationship would be a healthier better relationship. So, on that particular one, as we had our one ending in place, we went and reshot—well, not reshot, but shot—versions.

"We did a couple different things. There were different people weighing in. I have to say that Universal was extremely supportive. This is not your traditional type of romantic comedy. There's a lot of fear on their end, a studio's end, when you're doing something different. There's a reason why Swingers was made for what it was made and those kind of movies, but they were very supportive and open to this. My way of working, even in Swingers when I wasn't credited, I was very collaborative in the writing and decision making. All of us were, it's just the way that I like to work, knowing that you always can go for what is the best. But it's very fair to take ideas and let everyone take the journey.

"What came clear to them and all of us very well was it wasn't about that—satisfying that or not satisfying that—it was that the original intention of the screenplay was the right intention for what this movie was, and it worked out really perfect. Forget all the things about whether they went back and shot or didn't shoot, which happens on most movies, just about every movie I've done. It made more sense and it worked for the character in that, as time has passed, Gary takes better care of himself. He's got his boat. He's a different person. He's shopping—it shows change without dialogue and exposition. He's self-deprecating about the weight that he's in, so he's a different person, has a sense of humor about stuff. So for the pure story, it's the perfect thing.

"Again, when you do a movie like Swingers or like Made you're not under the microscope as much and on those movies it was always our journey. You have to go through process, for me anyway, of editing such a tonally different movie, tones that are different...What is the satisfying answer? When I say 'satisfying', what is the only answer? And to me, ultimately, this became the only truthful, simple real answer that could be made."

Because the scene was shot after time had passed, Vaughn's weight loss is very noticeable. "Where the weight is concerned, there's nothing that's that complimentary to me," said Vaughn. "I was such a genius that I quit smoking before we started shooting the movie, something I wanted to do for a long time. I had quit smoking for eight months and just in time to put on 25 pounds for the romantic comedy. And then, when I finished shooting and we wrapped the movie, I said to myself, 'Well, I can have just one cigarette. I mean, it's been eight months, what's the big deal?' And then again I was up to a pack a day, so I lost the weight then after, because when you quit smoking, you tend to eat a lot and then when you start smoking it kind of curbs your appetite, so there was no great character choice in that. It just sort of worked out well for everything."

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The Break-Up – Full Cast and Characters

The Break-Up, a 2006 American romantic comedy-drama film starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston , was directed by Peyton Reed. It was produced by Universal Pictures and written by Jay Lavender and Jeremy Garelick. 

In the film, Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston play Gary and Brooke , a stable pair with numerous reasons to part ways but only one cause to get back together—their love. The romance between tour bus driver Gary and art dealer Brooke is the focus of the film. When Gary, a tour bus driver, and Brooke, an art dealer, finally decide to call it quits, neither one wants to leave their shared condo. The only option left after their friends’ series of shady schemes fail to convince Brooke or Gary to relent is to move in together antagonizing each other. In this article, let’s get to know more about the full cast of The Break-Up movie in detail.

Star Cast of ‘The Break-Up’ Movie:

Leading cast of the break-up:.

  • Vince Vaughn as Gary Grobowski
  • Jennifer Aniston as Brooke Meyers
  • Jon Favreau as Johnny O
  • Joey Lauren Adams as Addie

Supporting Cast of The Break-Up:

  • Cole Hauser as Lupus Grobowski
  • Jason Bateman as Riggleman
  • Judy Davis as Marilyn Dean
  • Justin Long as Christopher
  • Ivan Sergei as Carson Wigham

Cast Details of The Break-Up: 

1. vince vaughn as gary grobowski.

Vince plays the role of Gary. Together with his brothers Lupus and Dennis , Gary serves as a tour guide at a family-owned business. Gary has a video game and Chicago Cubs obsession. Brooke’s perceived controlling and perfectionistic attitude irritates him, and he expresses his wish to be a bit more independent. Vince Vaughn is an American actor, comedian, and producer. He rose to fame with the film, Swingers in 1996. He has also worked in several films such as Wedding Crashers, The Break-Up, Four Christmases, and Old School.

2. Jennifer Aniston as Brooke Meyers

Marilyn Dean, an eccentric artist, owns the gallery that Brooke is in charge of. Brooke criticizes Gary’s alleged immaturity and reluctance to focus on repairing their relationship because she feels undervalued. In the film, she plays the lead role. Jennifer Aniston became well-known in the 1990s after starring in the comedy Friends, which followed a group of six friends. Aniston won praise for her portrayal in the critically and commercially successful series, which ran from 1994 until 2004. With a little part in the comedy-drama movie Awakenings in 1991. Aniston made her acting debut. After Friends, Aniston maintained her acting career in a number of high-profile films, many of which had disappointing box office results. Her performance in the comedy-drama The Good Girl in 2002 brought her additional acclaim and a Golden Globe nomination.

3. Jon Favreau as Johnny O

John “Johnny O” Ostrofski is a bartender and Gary’s best friend. He gives relationship advice to his friend. Jonathan Kolia Favreau is an American actor, comedian, and director. As an actor, Favreau has starred in Rudy (1993), PCU (1994), Swingers (1996), Very Bad Things (1998), Deep Impact (1998), The Replacements (2000), Daredevil (2003), The Break-Up (2006), Four Christmases (2008), Couples Retreat (2009), I Love You, Man (2009), The Wolf of Wall Street (2013), Chef (2014), and numerous Marvel Studios productions. Favreau has contributed considerably to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a director. He was a producer, director, and actor who played Happy Hogan in the movies Iron Man (2008) and Iron Man 2. (2010). The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), and Spider-Man: No Way Home (2019) also included him as an executive producer or a character (2021).

4. Joey Lauren Adams as Addie

Joey Lauren Adams plays the role of Addie in the movie who is Brook’s best friend. She gives relationship tips to her friend Brooke. American actress and director Joey Lauren Adams. Adams had appearances in a number of Kevin Smith movies, such as Chasing Amy, for which she was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actress – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. She is known for her roles in the movie Chasing Amy, Dazed and Confused, Big Daddy, and Animal.

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Vince Vaughn finally ditches Palmolive Building penthouse

The actor first listed his massive Mag Mile penthouse back in 2011

Five years after listing his massive triplex penthouse in the landmark Palmolive Building, actor Vince Vaughn has officially sold off a major chunk of his holdings in the Mag Mile tower. Vaughn’s sprawling penthouse, which occupied the building’s 35th, 36th, and 37th floors, first listed in 2011 with an equally enormous price tag of $24.7 million. Over the years, Vaughn would chop the price of the property numerous times before finally taking a new strategy of separating the triplex into two separate listings— one for the building's 35th floor and another that combined the 36th and 37th floors. It didn’t take long for Vaughn to line up buyers for the properties after splitting them up earlier this year. Yesterday, Vaughn formally sold the larger of the two, which features two levels, for $8 million. The second listing for the 35th penthouse is currently pending sale.

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Palmolive Building

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Vince Vaughn Biography

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

  • As a kid, he performed in Chicago-area children's theaters and in school plays
  • Was senior class president in high school
  • Landed a Chevy commercial as a teen and then moved to Los Angeles where he worked as a telemarketer between acting assignments
  • TV acting debut was on China Beach in 1989
  • Broke into films in 1993 with an appearance in Rudy
  • Met Jon Favreau on the Rudy set and the two forged a close bond; Favreau wrote Swingers and suggested him for the role of fast-talking ladies man Trent Walker
  • In the late 1990s starred in Steven Spielberg's The Lost World: Jurassic Park and in the Gus Van Sant remake of Psycho
  • Skydived over Chicago in 2010 as part of the city's annual Air and Water Show
  • 2007 Screen Actors Guild Awards - Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture: nominated
  • 2007 People's Choice Awards - Favorite Leading Man: winner
  • 2006 People's Choice Awards - Favorite On Screen Match Up: winner


  • Locklyn Kyla Vaughn -- Daughter
  • Jennifer Aniston -- Ex-significant Other
  • Vernon Vaughn -- Father
  • Shea Vaughn -- Mother
  • Valerie Vaughn -- Sister
  • Victoria Vaughn -- Sister
  • Vernon Lindsay Vaughn -- Son
  • Kyla Weber -- Wife

Vince Vaughn Movies

Vince Vaughn in Swingers (1996)

1. Swingers

The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)

2. The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Anne Heche, Vince Vaughn, and Joaquin Phoenix in Return to Paradise (1998)

3. Return to Paradise

Janeane Garofalo, Ridley Scott, Vince Vaughn, Joaquin Phoenix, Eric Alan Edwards, Steven Anderson, Nicole Arlyn, Jesse Bennett, Wayne Brennan, Georgina Cates, David Dobkin, Matthew L. Healy, Clark Hunter, John Lurie, Monica Moench, Phil Morris, Ryan Mouritsen, Zane Parker, Kari White, Kevin Rahm, Joseph D. Reitman, Stan Salfas, Gregory Sporleder, Dane Stevens, Vince Vieluf, Scott Wilson, Chris Zarpas, and Jeff Olson in Clay Pigeons (1998)

4. Clay Pigeons

Anne Heche in Psycho (1998)

6. The Cell

John Travolta, Teri Polo, and Matt O'Leary in Domestic Disturbance (2001)

7. Domestic Disturbance

Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, and Luke Wilson in Old School (2003)

8. Old School

Blackball (2003)

9. Blackball

Vince Vaughn, Carmen Electra, Ben Stiller, Snoop Dogg, Amy Smart, and Owen Wilson in Starsky & Hutch (2004)

10. Starsky & Hutch

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004)

11. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

Christina Applegate, Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, David Koechner, and Paul Rudd in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)

12. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy

Harvey Keitel, Uma Thurman, John Travolta, Danny DeVito, Vince Vaughn, André 3000, Cedric The Entertainer, Dwayne Johnson, Christina Milian, and Steven Tyler in Be Cool (2005)

13. Be Cool

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)

14. Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in Wedding Crashers (2005)

15. Wedding Crashers

Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn in The Break-Up (2006)

16. The Break-Up

Emile Hirsch in Into the Wild (2007)

17. Into the Wild

Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Kristin Davis, Malin Akerman, Kristen Bell, Jon Favreau, Faizon Love, and Kali Hawk in Couples Retreat (2009)

18. Couples Retreat

Bruce Willis, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Joshua Jackson, and Rebecca Hall in Lay the Favorite (2012)

19. Lay the Favorite

Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, Richard Ayoade, and Jonah Hill in The Watch (2012)

20. The Watch

Vince Vaughn and Britt Robertson in Delivery Man (2013)

21. Delivery Man

Vince Vaughn, Tom Wilkinson, and Dave Franco in Unfinished Business (2015)

22. Unfinished Business

Andrew Garfield in Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

23. Hacksaw Ridge

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Thorpe's photographer grandfather documents journey, 1st home win

Scott Merkin

Scott Merkin

CHICAGO -- Dave Showalter was more than a photographer simply snapping action shots during a 5-3 White Sox victory over the Rockies Friday night at Guaranteed Rate Field.

He also is the proud grandfather of White Sox starter Drew Thorpe (2-1), who dominated Colorado over much of six innings during a second straight individual mound victory and a second straight victory overall for the team.

“The funny thing is Andrew is a very unique young man. He always has been very studious. Very focused, from the time he was little,” Showalter told MLB.com before Friday’s series opener. “He has worked so hard and has stayed so focused and I mean nobody, not his mother, not his grandmothers, nobody could be any more proud that he has done all of this.”

Thorpe allowed a leadoff single to Brenton Doyle in a game delayed at the start by two hours, nine minutes due to rain. The right-hander proceeded to retire the next 16 before walking Sam Hilliard with one out in the sixth. Doyle followed with a long home run to left, briefly damaging Thorpe’s body of work and giving the Rockies (27-54) a 2-1 lead.

That deficit disappeared quickly via a four-run sixth for the White Sox (23-61) off starter Dakota Hudson (2-11) and reliever Justin Lawrence. Luis Robert Jr. opened with a double, before Hudson walked Eloy Jiménez and Andrew Vaughn with nobody out. Paul DeJong’s single scored the tying run, and Tommy Pham’s two-out, two-run single followed Lawrence’s intentional walk to pinch-hitter Gavin Sheets to load the bases.

“Just grinding out at-bats. Taking what the pitcher gives you,” said Pham, who was teammates with Hudson in St. Louis in 2018. “Huddy fell behind, he was a little erratic. We were taking the free passes there, and then, the big hits [came]. You gotta take what the game gives you.”

But this night belonged to Thorpe, just as it did when he threw six scoreless innings at Detroit on June 22. Thorpe recorded 10 whiffs and 14 called strikes, according to Statcast, with eight of those whiffs coming off his changeup.

Manager Pedro Grifol considered bringing Thorpe back for the seventh at 59 strikes thrown among his 88 pitches. Instead, he opted for Tanner Banks and John Brebbia leading into Michael Kopech who picked up his second straight save and seventh of the season.

“I had a good game plan going in,” Thorpe said. “Me and [catcher] Korey [Lee] worked really well together, mixing speeds, getting in on guys. Command was good overall, I was just kind of able to move the ball around. Each day gets more comfortable, each outing I'm more comfortable. I felt back to normal again today, so it was pretty good.”

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“One of the most impressive things is that he had a really good debut , and then he faced some adversity in Arizona, and then he’s bounced back with two pretty damn good starts,” Grifol said. “That’s what it’s about. You got to have short-term memory.”

vince vaughn chicago tour guide

None of this excellence is a surprise to Showalter. There’s a picture of Thorpe at age 3 wearing a chest protector and holding a mask from Showalter’s college umpiring days, stating even at that point how he was going to play pro ball. The only slight surprise is that this ascension came as a pitcher.

“Primarily all the way through, including high school, he was a position player,” Showalter said. “Now, he pitched great in high school, 26-4 over the four years. But he was also the starting shortstop on his varsity as a freshman. I don’t think any of us thought when he was a kid doing catching and infield that this was where it would head.”

Getting to Cal Poly collegiately and working under head coach Larry Lee is where Thorpe’s sole pitching focus began. Showalter was at Thorpe’s first and last game with Desert Hills High School in St. George, Utah. He was at his first and last collegiate game, his first Minor League game and his last start for Double-A Birmingham and his big league debut in Seattle on June 11.

So, the landscape photographer wanted to be at Thorpe’s home debut as well. There should be many more big games to view on the horizon for the 23-year-old hurler.

Showalter told me he was at Thorpe's first and last high school game, his first and last college game, his first Minor League and his last game for Birmingham and was there for his big league debut in Seattle. He wanted to be here for his Chicago debut. — Scott Merkin (@scottmerkin) June 29, 2024

“I’m just shooting it so I can create a family documentary of his journey,” Showalter said. “I’ve been doing this since high school.”

“Really good changeup. He’s trying to get better, which is a good sign. He works hard,” said Pham of Thorpe. “Those characteristics will take you a long way in the game.


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  2. The Break-Up

    English. Budget. $52 million. Box office. $205.7 million [1] The Break-Up is a 2006 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Peyton Reed, and starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. It was written by Jay Lavender and Jeremy Garelick from a story by them and Vaughn, and produced by Universal Pictures .

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  4. The Break-Up (2006)

    The Break-Up: Directed by Peyton Reed. With Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Aniston, Joey Lauren Adams, Cole Hauser. A couple's break-up proceeds to get uglier and nastier by the moment as each tries to keep their luxurious condo from the other.

  5. The Break-Up movie review & film summary (2006)

    The movie stars Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston as Gary and Brooke, a steady couple who have many reasons to break up but none to get together, except that they fall in love. ... He and his brothers run a Chicago tour bus company, and he is the tour guide. Brooke works in a high-powered Chicago art gallery. They break up because she says he ...

  6. The Break-Up (2006)

    Synopsis. Gary Grobowski (Vince Vaughn) and Brooke Meyers (Jennifer Aniston) meet at Wrigley Field during a Chicago Cubs baseball game and begin dating, eventually buying a condominium together. Gary works as a tour guide in a family business with his brothers, Lupus (Cole Hauser) and Dennis (Vincent D'Onofrio).

  7. The Break-Up (Film)

    The Break-Up. The Break-Up is a 2006 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Peyton Reed, starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Chicago tour guide Gary Grobowski (Vaughn) and art gallery manager Brooke Meyers (Aniston) meet and begin dating, eventually buying a condominium together. However, as the title implies, they break up.

  8. The Break-up (2006) Film Locations

    The Break-up (2006) Film Locations. Published by. Global Film Locations. on. March 18, 2016. Filming locations for hilarious comedy, romance The Break-up starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. Locations: Chicago Avenue Pumping Station, Chicago, IL 60611, United States. Google Maps Co-ordinates: 41.897147, -87.624077.

  9. The Break Up

    Directed by Peyton Reed. Written by Jay Lavender and Jeremy Garelick based on a story by Vince Vaughn, Jeremy Garelick and Jay Lavender. A Universal Pictures release. Rated PG-13. (105 min) Behind the Lens is your home for in-depth movie reviews, filmmaker & celebrity interviews, and more, all by industry professional and film critic debbie ...

  10. Vince Vaughn Tickets

    by bryar22 on 6/19/12The Chicago Theatre - Chicago. Vince Vaughn's comedy showcase did definitely not upset! I had a blast and many laughs- would definitely recommend! Loaded 10 out of 252 reviews. More Reviews. Buy Vince Vaughn tickets from the official Ticketmaster.com site. Find Vince Vaughn schedule, reviews and photos.

  11. Top 10 Movies Filmed in Chicago

    This whodunit thriller takes you on an amazing tour throughout the city, with no stone left unturned until Dr. Kimble is proven innocent! #5 The Break Up Vince Vaughn, the classic "Chicago guy" gives us a treat with this romantic comedy, starring opposite Jennifer Aniston. Playing the owner, and operator of a Chicago tour bus company, there ...

  12. The Break-Up (2006)

    Gary Grobowski (Vince Vaughn) is a loud mouth boorish Neanderthal who works as a tour guide in Chicago. Brooke Meyers (Jennifer Aniston) works at an art gallery and feels completely neglected by him. They fight and they break up. Only neither of them are willing to move out of their luxury apartment and a war of the sexes ensues.

  13. "The Break-Up:" An Apartment in Chicago Worth Fighting For

    The Break-Up, starring Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston, was written as the anti-romantic comedy. Instead of following a couple in the process of falling in love, we watched a relationship fall apart. Their characters Gary and Brooke share a fabulous condo in Chicago that becomes a battleground after they break up.

  14. Chicago tours and Chicago boat tours

    I can honestly say Vince Vaughn's charisma very accurately portrayed the Chicago boat tour guide we encountered. You're trapped on a boat with them for over an hour, so I guess they learn they have to entertain you the whole time, and they certainly do. These tours are made even better by weekend brunches with bottomless mimosas.

  15. Vince Vaughn Concert & Tour History

    Vince Vaughn Tours & Concerts . Date Concert Venue; Location May 18, 2014 "Wild West Comedy Festival" / Marc Maron / Vince Vaughn. Wild West Comedy Festival ... Jun 17, 2012 "Just for Laughs Chicago" / Vince Vaughn / Bill Burr / Steve Byrne / Angelo Tsarouchas. Just for Laughs Chicago Chicago Theatre: Chicago, Illinois, United States:

  16. Best Chicago Boat Tours

    Chicago's First Lady. Vince Vaughn popularized the art of the hyped-up Chicago tour guide in the 2006 comedy "The Break-Up," where his character's job involved taking tourists out on the water via boat. And while there are many architecture boat tours you can board in this world-renowned design city, the First Lady tour is the only one ...

  17. Vince Vaughn in Love

    In the decade since his breakthrough performance in Swingers, Vaughn has become one of Hollywood's most bankable young stars. Such recent triumphs as DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story, Old School ...

  18. The Break-Up

    Gary (Vaughn), a bus tour guide, and Brooke (Aniston), an art dealer, meet at a Chicago Cubs game—ironically enough, the team that rarely makes the cut. A montage of the happy couples flashes by ...

  19. Vince Vaughn Talks About "The Break-Up"

    Vince Vaughn follows up his hugely successful romantic comedy Wedding Crashers with what's best described as an anti-romantic comedy. Vaughn's latest film, The Break-Up, takes the classic romantic comedy set-up and twists it on its head. The title pretty much sums up the film's plot. The Break-Up zooms through the "boy meets girl" part to focus ...

  20. The Break-Up

    1. Vince Vaughn as Gary Grobowski. Vince plays the role of Gary. Together with his brothers Lupus and Dennis, Gary serves as a tour guide at a family-owned business. Gary has a video game and Chicago Cubs obsession. Brooke's perceived controlling and perfectionistic attitude irritates him, and he expresses his wish to be a bit more independent.

  21. Vince Vaughn finally ditches Palmolive Building penthouse

    Vince Vaughn Splitting Up Palmolive Penthouse, Lists Two Levels for $8.5M [Curbed Chicago] Inside Vince Vaughn's $13.9M Palmolive Triplex Penthouse [Curbed Chicago] Foursquare. Palmolive Building ...

  22. Vince Vaughn Biography, Celebrity Facts and Awards

    Read all about Vince Vaughn with TV Guide's exclusive biography including their list of awards, celeb facts and more at TV Guide. ... Skydived over Chicago in 2010 as part of the city's annual Air ...

  23. Vince Vaughn Movies

    Vince Vaughn Movies. by luisbrincos • Created 7 years ago • Modified 5 years ago. List activity. 44K views • 94 this week. Create a new list. List your movie, TV & celebrity picks. 23 titles. Sort by List order. 1. Swingers. 1996 1h 36m R. 7.2 (88K) Rate. 71 Metascore. A wannabe actor has a hard time moving on from a break-up, but he is ...

  24. 6/28/24

    Know Before You Go Ballpark Guide Getting to the Game/Parking Entry/Gates Seating Chart Ballpark FAQs Concessions Scoreboard Messages Virtual Tours Huntington Bank Stadium ... Chicago White Sox Chi White Sox Cleveland Guardians Cleveland Detroit Tigers ... Brenton Doyle and the Rockies take on Andrew Vaughn and the White Sox on June 28, 2024 ...

  25. Rockies vs. White Sox Highlights

    Brenton Doyle and the Rockies take on Andrew Vaughn and the White Sox on June 28, 2024 Tickets. Season ... Cubs Convention Social Media Clubhouse Cubs Fan Clubs Gift Guide Clark's Crew Cubs Kids Cubs Summer Camps Cubs Archive Make It Cubs ... Chicago White Sox Chi White Sox Cleveland Guardians Cleveland Detroit Tigers Detroit Kansas City Royals ...

  26. Drew Thorpe gets win in first home start with White Sox

    CHICAGO -- Dave Showalter was more than a photographer simply snapping action shots during a 5-3 White Sox victory over the Rockies Friday night at Guaranteed Rate Field. He also is the proud grandfather of White Sox starter Drew Thorpe (2-1), who dominated Colorado over much of six innings during a second straight individual mound victory and ...