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Travel Advisory October 19, 2023

Brazil - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with updates to Country Summary.

Exercise increased caution in Brazil due to  crime . Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Do not travel to:

  • Any areas within 150 km/100 miles of Brazil’s land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay due to  crime . (Note: This does not apply to the Foz do Iguacu National Park or Pantanal National Park.)
  • Informal housing developments (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or conglomerados) at any time of day due to  crime  (see additional information below).
  • Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours due to  crime  (see additional information below).

Country Summary:   Violent crime, such as murder, armed robbery, and carjacking, is common in urban areas, day and night. Gang activity and organized crime is widespread. Assaults, including with sedatives and drugs placed in drinks, are common. U.S. government personnel are discouraged from using municipal buses in all parts of Brazil due to an elevated risk of robbery and assault at any time of day, and especially at night.

If you decide to travel to Brazil: 

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Do not accept food or drinks from strangers.
  • Use caution when walking or driving at night.
  • Avoid going to bars or nightclubs alone.
  • Avoid walking on beaches after dark.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Use caution at, or going to, major transportation centers or on public transportation, especially at night. Passengers face an elevated risk of robbery or assault using public, municipal bus transportation throughout Brazil.
  • Use increased caution when hiking in isolated areas.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the Country Security Report for Brazil.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

International Borders – Level 4: Do Not Travel

U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to areas within 150 km/100 miles of the international land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay without advance approval from security officials due to crime. Travel to the Foz do Iguacu National Park and Pantanal National Park is permitted.

Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Informal Housing Developments (commonly known as “Favelas”) – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Do not travel to informal housing developments (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or conglomerados), even on a guided tour.  Neither the tour companies nor the police can guarantee your safety when entering these communities.  Even in these communities that the police or local governments deem safe, the situation can change quickly and without notice.  While some informal housing developments have clear boundaries or gates, or even names such as “favela”, “vila”, “comunidade”, or “conglomerado”, other such developments may be less obvious, and may be identified by crowded quarters, poorer conditions, and/or irregular construction.  In addition, exercise caution in areas surrounding these communities, as occasionally, inter-gang fighting and confrontations with police move beyond the confines of these communities.  Except under limited circumstances and with advance approval, U.S. government personnel are not permitted to enter any informal housing developments in Brazil. Read the Safety and Security Section on the  country information page  and consult the maps on the Embassy’s website for further information regarding favelas.

Visit our website for Travel High-Risk Areas .

Brasilia’s Administrative Regions (commonly known as “Satellite Cities”) – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Without advance approval from security officials, U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to Brasilia’s Administrative Regions of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (non-daylight hours) due to crime.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Must be valid on the date of entry

One page required for entry stamp

Yes, beginning April 10, 2025

None required, but see Health section

More than 10,000 BR must be declared to Customs

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Brasilia SES 801- Avenida das Nacoes, Lote 03 70403-900 - Brasilia, DF Brazil Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7400 Fax: (61) 3312-7651 Email: [email protected]

Embassy Branch Office in Belo Horizonte Avenida do Contorno, 4520 / 2nd floor – Funcionários 30110-028 Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil Telephone: +55 (31) 3338-4000 E-mail: [email protected] Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia

Consular Agency in Brasilia’s Consular District Manaus Consular Agency Edificio Atrium, Suite 306 Rua Franco de Sá, 310 69.079-210 Manaus, AM Brazil Telephone: 011-55-92-3611-3333 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia

U.S. Consulate General Porto Alegre Avenida Assis Brasil, 1889 Passo d' Areia 91010-004 - Porto Alegre, RS Brazil Telephone:  011-55-51-3345-6000 Email:  [email protected]

U.S. Consulate General Recife Rua Goncalves Maia, 163, Boa Vista 50070-125 - Recife, PE Brazil Telephone:  011-55-81-3416-3050 or 011-55-81-3416-3080 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-81-3416-3060 or 011-55-81-9916-9470 Email:  [email protected]

Consular Agency in Recife’s Consular District U.S. Consular Agency Fortaleza Avenida Santos Dumont 2828, Aldeota, Suite 708 60150-162- Fortaleza, CE Brazil Telephone: 011-55-85-3223-4902 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Recife

U.S. Consulate General Rio de Janeiro Avenida Presidente Wilson, 147, Castelo 20030-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil Telephone:  011-55-213823-2000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-21-3823-2029 Email:   [email protected]

Consular Agency in Rio de Janeiro’s Consular District U.S. Consular Agency Salvador da Bahia Avenida Tancredo Neves, 1632, Caminho das Arvores Salvador Trade Center-Torre Sul, Room 1401 41820-020 - Salvador, Bahia Brazil Telephone:  011-55-71-3113-2090/2091/2092 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro: (21) 3823-2029

U.S. Consulate General Sao Paulo Rua Henri Dunant, 500 Chacara Santo Antonio 04709-110 - Sao Paulo, SP Brazil Telephone:  011-55-11-3250-5000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-11-3250-5373 Email:  [email protected]

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Brazil for information on U.S.-Brazil relations.  

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

There are no COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens.

Effective midnight on April 10, 2025 , a visa will be required for U.S. citizens to travel to Brazil, regardless of the purpose of travel. For more information about visa requirements, visit the Brazilian government-authorized website, https://brazil.vfsevisa.com

You will need:

  • A valid U.S. passport.
  • A valid Brazilian visa or e-visa, beginning April 10, 2025 for tourists and currently for all other types of travel.
  • Visit the Brazilian government-authorized website to obtain your e-visa: https://brazil.vfsevisa.com

Find a  Brazilian consulate abroad .           

Brazilian law requires any minor who is a Brazilian citizen (even dual nationals who are both U.S. and Brazilian citizens) to have permission from each parent to travel within Brazil or exit the country. When a minor travels with both parents, no written authorization is needed. When the minor travels with only one parent or without either parent, s/he  must have two original written authorization letters from each absent parent  and carry a copy* of the child’s birth certificate or have an annotation in his/her Brazilian passport authorizing travel alone or with only one parent. Brazilian citizen minors without authorization letters and a birth certificate* or an annotated Brazilian passport likely will not be allowed by authorities to pass through immigration or to board a flight departing Brazil.     

The U.S. Embassy and its consulates cannot intervene in Brazilian immigration matters or request that this requirement be waived for U.S. citizen travelers.

Written Authorization Letter:  If the absent parent is in Brazil, written authorization letters must be in Portuguese and notarized by a Brazilian notary. If the absent parent is in the United States or elsewhere outside of Brazil, the authorization must be done at the nearest Brazilian Embassy or Consulate using the form provided by that office. Again, please note that Brazilian law requires two original authorizations for each absent parent. This is important, because Federal Police may request and retain one authorization upon the minor’s entry into Brazil. Authorities may then request the second original document upon the minor’s departure.  Authorizations written in English or executed before a U.S. (or any non-Brazilian) notary public are not accepted by the Brazilian Federal Police.  Similarly, birth certificates issued outside of Brazil that are not  apostilled * and translated by a certified translator may not be accepted.

Brazilian Passport Annotation:  In lieu of carrying authorization letters, parents of dual U.S.-Brazilian citizen minors may instead request an annotation be placed in the minor’s Brazilian passport authorizing the minor to travel with only one parent, or to travel alone or with a third party. This annotation replaces the requirement for written authorization letters until the passport expires. Parents residing in Brazil should contact the Brazilian Federal Police for details on obtaining an annotated passport. Parents residing abroad should contact the nearest Brazilian Embassy or Consulate. The annotated Brazilian passport must not be expired and must be carried along with the minor’s U.S. passport at all times for Brazilian Federal Police to accept it in lieu of an authorization letter. There is no comparable annotation available in U.S. passports.

Children who are not dual citizens of Brazil: Please note that, while Brazilian law related to travel authorization does not explicitly apply to non-citizens of Brazil, Federal Police have, at times, delayed the travel of non-Brazilian minors who lack appropriate authorization from both parents. For this reason, we recommend that families of non-Brazilian minors who may travel through Brazil without one or both parents execute written authorizations (following the instructions in the preceding paragraph) in advance of travel and ensure that the minor, or the minor’s traveling companion, carries the original or notarized copy** of the minor’s birth certificate.

An exemplar of the form used by Brazilian authorities to document parental permission for minors to travel without one or both parents may be found here.

*There is a useful pamphlet published by the Hague Conference called “ The ABCs of Apostilles .” The Brazilian competent authority that issues apostilles is the  Conselho Nacional de Justiça .

**If the birth certificate was issued in Brazil, copies must be notarized by a Brazilian notary. If issued outside of Brazil, copies must be apostilled and translated by a certified translator into Portuguese.

HIV/AIDS Restrictions:  The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Brazil.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Crime:  The violent crime rate is high in most Brazilian urban centers. Public transportation, hotel sectors, and tourist areas report high crime rates, but these incidents can happen anywhere and at any time.  Be aware of your surroundings.

  • Informal housing developments in Brazil (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or satellite cities), even on a guided tour, at any time of day due to crime. Neither the tour companies nor the police can guarantee your safety when entering these areas. Even in favelas that the police or local governments deem safe, the situation can change quickly and without notice. In addition, exercise caution in areas surrounding favelas, as occasionally, inter-gang fighting and confrontations with police move beyond the confines of these communities.
  • Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours due to crime.
  • Any areas within 150 km of Brazil’s land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay due to crime. (Note: This does not apply to the Foz do Iguacu National Park or Pantanal National Park.)
  • Consider avoiding the use of public, municipal buses in Brazil at any time of day, and especially at night. Crime trends indicate an elevated risk of robbery or assault on public bus systems throughout Brazil. The U.S. government recommends against personnel using public, municipal buses in all parts of Brazil.
  • Avoid going to bars or nightclubs alone and avoid leaving with strangers.
  • Before going on a date with someone you met on a dating app, tell a loved one who you are meeting, where you are going, and the details of the dating application account.
  • Be wary about inviting individuals to your residence. If inviting a new acquaintance to your residence, speak to your door attendant in advance about your invited guest.
  • Trust your instincts – if something does not feel right or if you suddenly feel ill, walk away from the situation.
  • If you believe you may have been drugged, seek immediate medical attention. Some people can have life-threatening reactions to these drugs. After that, report the crime to local police and contact us at the numbers listed below.
  • Traveling Outside Metropolitan Areas After Dark: Travelers are encouraged to organize their trips so that they can travel during daylight hours. Road conditions throughout Brazil can vary widely, and travelers must exercise caution due to debris in the road, horse-drawn carriages, unmarked speed bumps, and other infrastructure deficiencies.
  • Armed hold-ups of pedestrians and motorists can happen, including at or near public beaches. Personal belongings, left unattended even for a moment, are often taken. If you are robbed, hand over your personal belongings without resisting. Resisting will increase your risk of injury.
  • Carjackings and hold-ups can occur at any time of the day or night, especially at intersections and in tunnels. Some robberies involve individuals robbed at gunpoint and taken to make purchases or to withdraw as much money as possible from one or more ATMs.
  • Crime on public transportation occurs.  Registered taxis have red license plates and openly display company information and phone numbers.
  • Credit card fraud and ATM scams are common in Brazil. Work closely with your financial institutions to monitor accounts and keep your credit card in view while it is scanned at a point of sale.
  • Avoid using ATMs in unfamiliar, secluded, or lightly protected areas. Be aware that criminals often target ATMs and businesses in the early hours of the morning when there are fewer witnesses and law enforcement response times may be delayed. If you opt to use an ATM, select those that are located inside of secure facilities, such as an airport, hospital, bank, or government building. 
  • Avoid openly displaying your cell phone.  When using a ride share service or taxi, wait for its arrival in a secure area.
  • Avoid large groups or events where crowds have gathered. Public events of any nature, including concerts and sporting events, can unexpectedly turn violent.
  • Travel to any areas within 150 km of the international borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay, except in limited circumstances with the appropriate U.S. Department of State approvals. Individuals with ties to illegal criminal networks operate along Brazilian borders. Travel to the Foz do Iguaçu National Park and Pantanal National Park is permitted.
  • Enter any informal housing developments in Brazil (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or satellite cities), except in limited circumstances with the appropriate approvals.
  • Enter Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours.

To reduce the chance of becoming the victim of a crime, in addition to the above recommendations, please review the below precautions:

  • Limit the personal belongings you carry with you. Carry your money in your front pockets and limit the number of credit cards you carry. Make copies of all of your personal documents – including your credit cards, license, passport, etc. – and keep them in a safe place. This will be helpful if you lose your documents.
  • Do not carry or wear valuable items that will attract the attention of thieves. If you need to wear expensive jewelry or carry a camera, conceal it until you arrive at your destination.
  • Be aware of the street environment and avoid contact with those who may be looking for robbery targets. Seek a safer location. Go into a store, bank, or simply cross the street.
  • Do not walk on beaches after dark. Assaults are common.
  • Use increased caution when hiking in isolated areas, particularly near popular tourist locations in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Demonstrations  and strikes are common in urban areas, may occur unexpectedly, disrupt transportation, and may escalate into violence.

  • Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly become violent. 
  • Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. 
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.
  • Check the website of the Embassy or Consulate nearest you for current information on demonstrations.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Victims of Crime: 

U.S. citizen victims of crime should contact the local authorities to file a Brazilian police report before departing Brazil. In most instances, you can report crimes to the tourist or civil police. U.S. citizens should also inform the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate, but local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.

  • Police number - 190
  • the U.S. Embassy at 011-55-61-3312-7000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Porto Alegre at 011-55-51-3345-6000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Recife at 011-55-81-3416-3050 or 011-55-81-3416-3080
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro at 011-55-21-3823-2000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Sao Paulo at 011-55-11-3250-5000

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Replace a lost or stolen passport
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Provide information on  victims' compensation programs in the U.S .
  • Provide a list of local lawyers who speak English

The local equivalent to the “911” emergency line in Brazil is divided among four services:

  • 190 - Policia (Police)
  • 191 - Policia Rodoviaria (on interstate roads)
  • 192 - Ambulancia (Ambulance)
  • 193 - Bombeiros (Fire Department)

Victims of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault:  Contact the nearest Embassy or Consulate for assistance after contacting local authorities.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities are inconsistent. Inquire with property management about the presence and functionality of safety equipment, such as fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Hazardous areas/activities are normally identified with appropriate signage in major urban centers but may not be in other locations. Tourism industry staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate and timely medical treatment is consistently available only in or near major cities. First responders can face delays accessing areas outside of major cities to quickly provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.  

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy or Consulate immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Firearms: Brazil forbids importing, exporting, and possessing firearms without prior authorization of the Brazilian Government. U.S. citizens are subject to arrest and prosecution in Brazil for possession of unauthorized firearms or firearm components anywhere in the country, including airports. This prohibition extends to spent shell casings or ammunition, even if inside luggage during transit, regardless of whether those items were legally purchased in the United States or elsewhere.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods:  Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the  U.S. Department of Justice website  for more information.

Water Hazards:  Many of Brazil’s beaches have very dangerous riptides, even if the water looks safe. Ocean currents and waves are unpredictable, even in popular beaches frequented by tourists. Shark attacks are reported in the waters of some beaches in northeastern Brazil, particularly near Recife. Always observe posted warnings and never swim while under the influence of alcohol. Follow local authorities’ guidance and refrain from swimming alone in areas marked with red warning signs or at beaches where there are no municipal lifeguards or first responder services.

Electricity Blackouts:  Power failures in large urban centers are common and sometimes followed by increased crime. Most tourist hotels are equipped with generators, minimizing the impact of a blackout, but you should remain cautious.

Natural Disasters:  Flooding and mudslides occur throughout the country and can be fatal. Monitor news and weather reports and adhere to municipal advisories before traveling to areas prone to flooding or landslides. Many of Brazil’s larger cities have frequent heavy rainstorms that cause flash flooding and can disrupt traffic.

Customs Restrictions : Contact the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, D.C. or one of Brazil's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding import and export regulations. Please also refer to our  information on customs regulations .

  • Brazilian customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporarily importing or exporting items such as firearms, antiquities, mineral samples, tropical plants, wildlife, medications, and business and communication equipment. 
  • In the Amazon region, there is special scrutiny of exporting biological material. People raising, growing, or exporting biological materials without permits can be charged with “biopiracy.”

Faith-Based Travelers:  See our following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers:  Brazil does not have legal restrictions on same-sex marriage, relations, or events coordinated by LGBTI organizations. However, according to the 2019 Human Rights Report, violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) individuals was a serious concern, with local NGOs reporting 297 LGBTI persons were victims of hate killings. See our  LGBTI Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance:  Brazilian law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and mental disabilities in employment, education, and access to health care. However, accessibility to public transportation and the ability to accommodate the needs of physically disabled persons are limited in most areas. 

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

COVID-19 Testing: Brazil is a very large, diverse country with varying medical resources, both private and public, throughout the country. Many private labs perform COVID-19 testing at various prices, typically between $20 and $100.  PCR, serology-based antibody tests, and antigen tests are available.  Turn-around time varies widely depending upon location. Please verify turn-around time with your chosen lab before taking the test.  Express results within 2-4 hours are available in many locations at an increased fee, including in the Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo and Galeão International Airport in Rio de Janeiro. Testing is available in the private sector without a doctor’s prescription, but a prescription may be required for insurance payment.

In the public healthcare system, each Brazilian state has its own COVID-19 testing plan. We recommend that you  contact local/state authorities for more information.  Typically, a COVID-19 test is ordered by an emergency room physician and then sent to a public lab. Turnaround time is much slower and can take up to seven days, but tests are generally free.  Information on testing sites and procedures is available through the  official app of the Ministry of Health.

COVID-19 Vaccines: The COVID-19 vaccine is available for U.S. citizens to receive in Brazil once they register with the public Unified Health System (SUS) . According to the Ministry of Health, available vaccines include AstraZeneca/Oxford (Fiocruz), CoronaVac (Butantan), Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), and Pfizer (BioNTech). For more information on local availability of COVID-19 vaccines, please see the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s website and also contact local health authorities .  

For emergency services in Brazil, dial 192.

Ambulance services are not present throughout the country or are unreliable in most areas except in state capitals and other large cities. 

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance. 

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See  our webpage  for more information on overseas insurance coverage. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with the  Government of Brazil  to ensure the medication is legal in Brazil. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. 

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Though the yellow fever vaccine is not required to enter Brazil, travelers wishing to be vaccinated should consider receiving it prior to travel, as local supplies are limited. Please note that the yellow fever vaccine should be administered ten days prior to travel for it to be effective.

Also note that, while yellow fever vaccine is not required to enter Brazil, some neighboring countries (French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Bolivia, and Paraguay) do require travelers with recent entries in Brazil to show proof of yellow fever vaccination.

All travelers to the country are advised to carry documentation, such as a vaccination card, that they have been appropriately vaccinated for yellow fever.

The following diseases are prevalent in Brazil:

  • Chikungunya
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Travelers' diarrhea
  • Tuberculosis
  • Schistosomiasis

In recent years, outbreaks of these diseases have also been detected in certain areas of Brazil:

  • Yellow fever

Elective Surgery : Although Brazil has many elective/cosmetic surgery facilities that are on par with those found in the United States, the quality of care varies widely. If you plan to undergo surgery in Brazil, make sure that emergency medical facilities are available and professionals are accredited and qualified. Some “boutique” plastic surgery operations offer luxurious facilities but are not hospitals and are unable to handle emergencies. 

Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  website for information on Medical Tourism, the risks of medical tourism, and what you can do to prepare before traveling to Brazil.

Non-traditional Medicine: Several U.S. citizens have died while seeking medical care from non-traditional “healers” and practitioners in Brazil. Ensure you have access to licensed emergency medical facilities if seeking such services.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Public Transportation:  Consider avoiding the use of public, municipal buses in Brazil at any time of day, and especially at night. Crime trends indicate an elevated risk of robbery or assault on public bus systems throughout Brazil. The U.S. government recommends against personnel using public, municipal buses in all parts of Brazil.

Public buses are one of the main modes of inter-city road travel. Buses can range (depending on route and price) from luxurious and well-maintained to basic and mechanically unsound. Bus hijacking can occur at random.

Road Conditions and Safety:  Driving on Brazil's roads poses significant risks. Poor driving skills, bad roads, and high-density traffic make road travel more hazardous than in the United States. Road maintenance is inadequate in many areas and some long-distance roads through the Amazon forest are impassable much of the year due to flooding. 

Apart from toll roads, which generally have their own services, roadside assistance is available only sporadically and informally through local mechanics. The fastest way to summon assistance in an emergency anywhere in the country is to dial 193, a universal number staffed by local fire departments. This service is in Portuguese only.

Traffic Laws:  Travelers planning on staying for more than 180 days should obtain an Inter-American Driving Permit to carry with their valid U.S. license if they plan to drive in Brazil. Such permits can be obtained through AAA or other sources. Please note:

  • Everyone in the vehicle must wear a seatbelt. Brazilian federal law requires child seats for all children under the age of 7 ½. From age 7 ½ years to 10, children must only ride in the back seat.
  • Drivers must yield the right of way to cars on their right. Compliance with stop signs is rarely enforced, so many motorists treat them as yield signs. It is common for drivers to turn or cross one or more lanes of traffic without warning.
  • Drivers often flash their lights or wave their hand out the window to signal other drivers to slow down. 
  • Pedestrian crossings are only observed in some places, such as Brasilia. 
  • Drivers must have their daytime running lights on during the day and headlights on at night on Federal Highways.
  • Under Brazil’s Lei Seca (“Dry Law”),  you cannot operate a vehicle with any measurable blood-alcohol level. Checkpoints are often set up in urban areas, and randomly chosen drivers are required to perform a breathalyzer test. Those in violation are subject to legal penalties and having their vehicle impounded. 

See our  Road Safety page  for more information. Visit the website of Brazil’s  national tourist office  and  national authority responsible for road safety . 

Aviation Safety Oversight:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Brazil’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Brazil’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Brazil should also check for  U.S. maritime advisories and alerts .  Information may also be posted to the   U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the  NGA broadcast warnings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
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Brazil was cited in the State Department’s 2022 Annual Report to Congress on International Child Abduction for demonstrating a pattern of non-compliance with respect to international parental child abduction. Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in  Brazil . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report. 

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  • 3 Other destinations
  • 4.1 History
  • 4.2 Geography
  • 4.3 Government and politics
  • 4.4 Culture
  • 4.6 Climate
  • 4.7 Religion
  • 4.8 Holidays and working hours
  • 4.9 Time zones
  • 4.10 Visitor information
  • 5.1 Visa requirements
  • 5.2 By plane
  • 5.5 By boat
  • 5.6 By train
  • 6.1 By plane
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  • 6.4 By train
  • 6.5 By inter-city bus
  • 6.6 By ride sharing
  • 6.7 By city bus
  • 6.8 By boat
  • 6.9 By e-hailing
  • 8.1 Natural wonders
  • 8.2 Architecture
  • 9.1 Gay travel
  • 9.2 Carnaval
  • 9.3 Beaches
  • 9.4.1 Football
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  • 11.1 Cuisine
  • 11.2 Dishes
  • 11.3 Regional cuisines
  • 11.4 Brazilian "fusion" cuisines
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  • 12.6 Fruit juices
  • 13.1 Motels vs hotels
  • 15.1 Volunteering
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  • 20.1.1 Mobile networks
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  • 20.3 Internet
  • 20.4 Postal services

<a href=\"https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikivoyage/w/poi2gpx.php?print=gpx&amp;lang=en&amp;name=Brazil\" title=\"Download GPX file for this article\" data-parsoid=\"{}\"><img alt=\"Download GPX file for this article\" resource=\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\" src=\"//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f7/GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\" decoding=\"async\" data-file-width=\"20\" data-file-height=\"20\" data-file-type=\"bitmap\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" class=\"mw-file-element\" data-parsoid='{\"a\":{\"resource\":\"./File:GPX_Document_rev3-20x20.png\",\"height\":\"20\",\"width\":\"20\"},\"sa\":{\"resource\":\"File:GPX Document rev3-20x20.png\"}}'/></a></span>"}'/> Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil ) is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest in the world. Brazil is an incredibly diverse country, in people, culture, and landscapes—from the famous summer carnaval in Rio de Janeiro , Salvador , Olinda , and Recife to the wild power of nature in the Amazon and Iguaçu Falls . You'll find bustling cities, laid-back beaches, and traditional lifestyles, often right next to each other. Brazilian culture, which varies substantially across the country, comes from an international mix of European colonizers, African and Asian communities (notably in Salvador and São Paulo , respectively), and indigenous influence throughout the country.

With its vast landscapes, cultural treasures, and warm hospitality, a country of wonders awaits your presence!

Brazil is the fifth largest country on earth. It is divided into five regions, mainly drawn around state lines, but they also more or less follow natural, economic and cultural borderlines.

tourism of brazil information

Brazil has many exciting cities, ranging from pretty colonial towns and coastal hideouts to hectic, lively metropolises; these are a few of the more prominent travel destinations:

  • -15.793889 -47.882778 1 Brasília – the purpose-built capital of Brazil, and an architectural spectacle. Noteworthy buildings include a basket-shaped cathedral, the beautiful Arches Palace (seat of the Ministry of Justice) and others.
  • -27.5717 -48.6256 2 Florianópolis – the city is located on an island in the Atlantic Ocean in the southern state of Santa Catarina, with lakes, lagoons, sand dunes, amazing nature and more than 40 clean, beautiful, natural beaches. Major destination for Argentines during the summer months.
  • -3.718333 -38.542778 3 Fortaleza – the 4th biggest city in Brazil, blessed with beautiful beaches. Home of the Iracema Beach street market. A good base for exploring the beaches of the northeastern coast, including Jericoacoara . Famed for forró music and comedians.
  • -3.1 -60.016667 4 Manaus – Located in the heart of the Amazon, is the capital of Amazonas State and it is also the biggest city of the Amazon. At Manaus the rivers Negro and Solimões meet to become the Amazonas River. The best place to go to visit the Amazon rainforest. It is a gateway to the Anavilhanas and to Jaú National Park.
  • -30.033056 -51.23 5 Porto Alegre – a major city between Argentina and São Paulo and gateway to Brazil's fabulous Green Canyons.
  • -8.05 -34.9 6 Recife – A major city in the Northeast region, originally settled by Dutch colonizers. Nicknamed "The Brazilian Venice", it is built on several islands linked by many bridges. Rich in history, art and folklore. Do not miss neighboring Olinda and Porto de Galinhas . The city is also a gateway to the amazing archipelago of Fernando de Noronha .
  • -22.908333 -43.196389 7 Rio de Janeiro – World famous, beautiful city that welcomes visitors with that big statue of an open-armed Jesus atop Corcovado Hill. It used to be the capital of Brazil until 1960.
  • -12.974722 -38.476667 8 Salvador – the first capital of Brazil is home to a unique blend of indigenous, African and European cultures. Its Carnival fun is famous, and the influence of African culture and religion is remarkable.
  • -23.55 -46.633333 9 São Paulo – Brazil's largest, richest and most cosmopolitan city, where you can find strong influences of several ethnicities, including Italian, Korean, Japanese, German, Russian, Caribbean and Arab.

Other destinations

tourism of brazil information

  • -4.439444 -56.840278 1 Amazonas – jungle tours, wildlife, floated wood, the mysteries of the Amazon
  • -12.880278 -41.372222 2 Chapada Diamantina National Park
  • -14.083333 -47.666667 3 Chapada dos Veadeiros – cerrado (tropical savanna) wildlife and stunning waterfalls
  • -3.853808 -32.423786 4 Fernando de Noronha – tropical island paradise in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, is protected as a Marine National Park since 1997 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • -23.15 -44.233333 5 Ilha Grande
  • -25.686667 -54.444722 6 Iguaçu Falls – world-famous waterfalls along the border of Brazil and Argentina
  • -0.983333 -49.583333 7 Ilha do Marajó - world's biggest fresh water island
  • -2.533333 -43.116667 8 Lençóis Maranhenses - fresh water and dunes park; half dunes, half lakes.
  • -18 -56.5 9 Pantanal – the world's largest wetland (swamp) hosts lots of eco-tourism and vast biodiversity, including caimans, jaguars, anacondas, giant anteaters, primates, giant otters and piranhas

Brazil is the largest independent country in South America, set within miles of the tropics. The country is the soul of history and culture and includes nightlife, scenic beauty, white sandy beaches, inland waterways and lush green forests that are among one of the largest in the world.

Before Columbus arrived in the Americas, the area now known as Brazil was home to people mainly of the Tupi and Guarani ethnic groups. Colonization by the Portuguese began late in the 16th century, with the extraction of valuable wood from the pau brasil tree, from which the country draws its name. Brazil was colonized and developed by the Portuguese and not the Spanish, who claimed much of the Americas. Eastern Brazil was a waypoint on the Cape Route between Europe and Asia. During Portuguese rule, some parts of Brazil formed a Dutch colony between 1630 and 1654. The Dutch founded several cities, such as Mauritsville, and many sugar cane plantations. The Dutch fought a grim jungle war with the Portuguese, and without the support of the Republic of their homeland due to a war with England, the Dutch surrendered to the Portuguese, though they did not officially recognize Portuguese rule, which led to an all-out war with Portugal off the coast of Portugal in 1656. In 1665 the Peace Treaty of The Hague was signed, Portugal lost its Asian colonies and had to pay 63 tons of gold to compensate the Dutch Republic for the loss of its colony.

Brazil became the center of the Portuguese Empire by 1808, when the King Dom João VI (John VI) fled from Napoleon's invasion of Portugal and established himself and his government in the city of Rio de Janeiro .

The following four centuries saw continued exploitation of the country's natural resources such as gold and rubber, alongside the rise of an economy based largely on sugar, coffee and African slave labor. Christianizing and exploitation of natives continued, and the 19th and 20th centuries saw a second wave of immigration, mainly Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, German (in southern Brazil), Japanese, American (mainly in São Paulo State), Polish and Ukrainian (in the south), adding to the set of factors that generated today's complex and unique Brazilian culture and society.

Independence was a far less revolutionary undertaking in Brazil than in its Spanish-speaking neighbors. The Portuguese king Dom João VI fled along with the Portuguese royal family in 1808, when France under Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Portugal during the Napoleonic Wars .

From 1815, Brazil started to have the same status as Portugal, ceasing to be a colony. The separation was gradual and supported by Prince Pedro, son of Dom João VI. Pedro initially stayed in Rio as provisional regent. Following the ideals of the leader of the independence movement in South America, Simón Bolívar, Pedro declared independence from Brazil on September 7, 1822 and was crowned Emperor Dom Pedro I. Six years later, in 1828, the province of Cisplatina became independent after a long war involving Argentina and Brazil, becoming what is now Uruguay.

Until 1889, Brazil was an Empire under the rule of Dom Pedro I and his son Dom Pedro II. By this time, it became an emerging international power. Slavery, which had initially been widespread, was restricted by successive legislation until its final abolition in 1888. Many factors contributed to the fall of the monarchy and the rise of nominal Republicanism thereafter, but, in effect, there was military intervention in Brazil after fall of the empire until 1894. Since then, democracy in Brazil was interrupted by coups and dictatorships until 1985, when a new civil and democratic government was elected and a new constitution was enacted three years later.

By far the largest, most populous and prosperous country in Latin America, it has emerged from more than two decades (1964-1985) of military dictatorship in the governance of the country to pursue democratic rule, while facing the challenges of continuing its industrial and agricultural growth and developing its interior. Exploiting vast natural resources, enormous geographic area, and a large labor pool, today Brazil is Latin America's leading economic power and a regional leader, overshadowing the likes of Mexico and Argentina . Political corruption, as in most of Latin America, and high barriers to entry of markets including labor, remain pressing problems. A consequence of this is high crime rates, especially in large cities.

The "pink tide" in Latin American politics has brought greater economic disparity in Brazil as in other countries, with political classes growing in wealth and number while poorly educated and politically poorly-connected people suffer from high barriers to entry into labor markets, higher education and other markets. Discontent with the Brazilian government erupted into open protests during the 2014 World Cup football tournament, and again during the 2016 Summer Olympics. Government forces had begun forcibly removing people from their homes before the tournaments began, and the response to the protests was brutal by most accounts. Some protesters pointed out the absurdity of building expensive stadiums in faraway places when people were living in slums with no property rights.

Widespread discontent with the economy led to the election of far-right populist candidate Jair Bolsonaro as president in 2018. Bolsonaro has pledged to end environmental protections and roll back indigenous and minority rights in exchange for pursuing economic development, though how this will affect the country's human rights record and the lives of ordinary Brazilians remains to be seen.

With a land area of 8,515,767 square kilometres (3,287,956   sq   mi) , Brazil is the world's fifth largest country. It is about the same size as the contiguous United States and half the size of Russia .

Brazil's landscape is characterized by extensive tropical forests from the Amazon plain in the north to plateaus, hills and a mountainous coastline in the south and southeast. While the basis of the country's agriculture is in the savannas of the Midwest, most of the population lives near the Atlantic coast, where almost all major cities are also.

The Brazilian territory also has the archipelagos of São Pedro and São Paulo, about 800 km off the Brazilian coast, which have only one lighthouse built on them, and the former penal colony of Fernando de Noronha , which is not far from the rocky group. Both are on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in the equatorial Atlantic. The islands of Trindade and Martim Vaz, which belong to the state of Espírito Santo, are of volcanic origin. The oval-shaped Rocas Atoll spans several kilometers and has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its exceptional wildlife.

But the largest island in Brazil is the Marajó Island , in the Amazon. It is the largest river island in the world and, with an area of ​​around 48,000 km² (18,532.90 square miles), is larger than Switzerland . However, as large parts are flooded in the rainy season, the island is populated only in a few places. Bananal Island is also one of the largest river islands in the world with an area of ​​approximately 20,000 km². It is located in a national park in the state of Tocantins on the Araguaia River and its size is similar to Jamaica .

Government and politics

Brazil is a federal republic, modeled after the American presidential system. The people directly elect a president who is both head of state and head of government. The president is elected for a four-year term, with the right to only one re-election.

The legislative branch is the National Congress, a bicameral parliament that consists of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Both houses are directly elected. Senate members are elected for 8-year terms, with renewal of one or two thirds every 4 years. Members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected every four years through the proportional representation of each state. The Supreme Federal Court, the Superior Court of Justice and other Superior Courts, the National Justice Council and the Regional Federal Courts form the judicial branch. The political system follows a multiparty system. The main political parties represented in National Congress are the Workers' Party, the Brazilian Democratic Movement, the Brazilian Social Democracy Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Liberal Party and the Brazil Union. It is common for many Brazilian politicians to switch parties frequently.

One of the main problems in Brazilian politics is corruption. Clientelism, nepotism, political favoritism and overpricing of public funds are common. In addition, the unrestricted multiparty system and the high number of parties make Brazilian politics highly fragmented, making the president needing support from alliances of several different parties in order to implement his governmental agenda (a phenomenon called coalition presidentialism).

tourism of brazil information

Owing to Brazil’s continental dimensions, varied geography, history and people, the country’s culture is rich and diverse. It has several regional variations, and in spite of being mostly unified by a single language, some regions are so different from each other that they look like different countries altogether.

Music plays an important part in Brazilian identity. Styles like choro , samba and bossa nova are considered genuinely Brazilian. Caipira music is also in the roots of sertanejo , the national equivalent to country music. MPB stands for Brazilian Popular Music, which mixes several national styles under a single concept. Forró , a north-eastern happy dancing music style, has also become common nationwide. New urban styles include funk - a name given to a dance music genre from Rio's favelas that mixes heavy electronic beats and often raunchy rapping - and techno-brega , a crowd-pleaser in northern states, that fuses romantic pop, dance music and Caribbean rhythms.

A mixture of martial arts , dance, music and game, capoeira was brought to Brazil by African slaves, mainly from Portuguese colonies Angola . Distinguished by vivacious complicated movements and accompanying music, it can be seen and practiced in many Brazilian cities. Later immigrants from Japan brought their traditional martial arts with them, which gradually evolved into a unique style known as Brazilian jiu-jitsu .

In classical music, the Modern Period is particularly notable, due to the works of composers like Heitor Villa-Lobos and Camargo Guarnieri, who created a typical Brazilian school, mixing elements of the traditional European classical music to the Brazilian rhythms, while other composers like Cláudio Santoro followed the guidelines of the Second School of Vienna. In the Romantic Period, the greatest name was Antonio Carlos Gomes, author of some Italian-styled operas with typical Brazilian themes, like Il Guarany and Lo Schiavo . In the Classical Period, the most prominent name is José Maurício Nunes Garcia, a priest who wrote both sacred and secular music and was very influenced by the Viennese classical style of the 18th and early 19th century.

Candomblé and Umbanda are religions with African roots that have survived prejudice and persecution and still have a significant following in Brazil. Their places of cult are called terreiros and many are open to visit.

Indigenous traits can be found everywhere in Brazilian culture, from cuisine to vocabulary. There are still many indigenous groups and tribes living in all Brazilian regions, although many have been deeply influenced by Western culture, and several of the country's surviving indigenous languages are in danger of disappearing completely. The traditional lifestyle and graphic expressions of the Wajãpi indigenous group from the state of Amapá were proclaimed a Masterpiece of the World's Intangible Heritage by UNESCO. The vast majority of the world's last uncontacted peoples reside within the dense Amazon rainforest of Brazil.

Globo, the largest national television network, also plays an important role in shaping the national identity. The other five major Brazilian TV networks are SBT (the second largest), RecordTV, Band, RedeTV and Cultura (the public and educational television network). There are also many other local or regional TV channels. In addition, Brazilians increasingly have access to many other cable or satellite TV channels. Nine out of ten households have a TV set, which is the most important source of information and entertainment for most Brazilians, followed by radio broadcasts. TVs broadcast sports, movies, local and national news and telenovelas (soap operas)– 6-10 month-long series that have become one of the country’s main cultural exports.

tourism of brazil information

Throughout its history, Brazil has welcomed several different peoples and practices. Brazil constitutes a melting pot of the most diverse ethnic groups, somewhat mitigating ethnic prejudices and racial conflicts, though long-lasting slavery and even genocide among indigenous populations have taken their toll. Prejudice is generally more directed towards different social classes rather than between races. Nevertheless, race, denoted by skin colour, is still a dividing factor in Brazilian society and you will notice the skin typically darkens as the social class gets lower: wealthy upper-class people are mostly light skinned; most average middle-class people are tan; and the majority of poor people are black. Nowadays, however, Afro-Brazilians and Amerindian populations are increasingly aware of their civil rights and of their rich cultural heritage, and they can hope to achieve social mobility through education.

In general, Brazilians are a fun-loving people. While Southerners may be considered somewhat colder and more reserved, from Rio northward, people can boast a vivacious attitude and enjoy leisure time.

Friendship and hospitality are highly prized among Brazilians, and both family connections and social interactions are valued highly. To people they have met, or at least know by name, Brazilians are usually very open, friendly and sometimes quite generous. Once introduced, until getting a good reason not to, a typical Brazilian may treat you as warmly as he would treat a best friend. Brazilians are reputedly one of the most hospitable people in the world and foreigners are usually treated with respect and often with true admiration. That being said, tourism in Brazil, as in most of the world, brings out the darker side of humanity.

Attitudes towards foreigners may also be subject to regional differences:

  • The state of Santa Catarina welcomes their Spanish-speaking tourists with bilingual signs and welcome committees.
  • In Salvador , the largest city of the Northeast , anyone talking, acting or looking like a tourist (even other Brazilians!) could be charged higher prices, such as in parking lots, in restaurants, etc.

Most Brazilians are honest and genuinely friendly, but many are used to small acts of corruption in their everyday lives, the so-called jeitinho brasileiro . If you obviously look like a tourist, you are a potential target; for instance, a vendor may try to sell goods at higher prices, or a taxi driver may choose the longest route to the destination. It doesn't mean that you can't trust anyone, just that you have to be a bit more alert and careful, particularly if someone seems too friendly .

Whereas the "Western" roots of Brazilian culture are largely European, especially Iberian, as evidenced by its colonial towns and sporadic historical buildings between the newer skyscrapers, there has been a strong tendency to adopt a more "American way of life" which is found in urban culture and architecture, mass media, consumerism and a positive attitude toward technical progress. Despite this, Brazil is still a nation facing the Atlantic rather than Hispanic America, and the intellectual elites are likely to look up to Europe , especially France , as sources of inspiration, as opposed to the US . Many aspects in Brazilian society, such as the educational system, are inspired by the French, and may seem strange at first to North American visitors.

The contrasts in this large country equally fascinate and shock most visitors, especially Europeans. The indifference of many locals towards the social, economic and ecological problems can upset visitors accustomed to addressing these issues at home. While an elite of well-educated professionals and the political class partake in the amenities of modern society, child labor, illiteracy and grossly inferior housing still exist even in cities blessed by economic growth and huge foreign investment such as São Paulo or Rio .

As much as Brazilians acknowledge their self-sustainability in raw materials, agriculture, and energy sources as an enormous benefit for the future, most of them agree that without enormous changes in education and access to entrepreneurship for all, there will hardly be a way out of poverty and underdevelopment.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, Brazil has faced an increasing wave of immigration from China , Bolivia and Haiti .

Brazil is a huge country with different climatic zones, although most of the country is in the tropics. Temperatures vary greatly depending on the altitude of the place you are and the distance from the equator. In the Amazon region, from northern Mato Grosso to western Maranhão, there is a tropical rainforest climate, with very frequent rains, high temperatures and a reduced thermal amplitude. There is an almost uninterrupted rainy season in the Amazon rainforest, with the main rainy months from November to March. In the Northeast, the coast has frequent rains in the winter.

The interior of the Brazilian Northeast has a semi-arid climate, where there are very high temperatures, rare rains and frequent droughts. The central areas of Brazil have a tropical savanna climate, with extremely dry winter, low humidity levels in the middle of the year (below 30%) and a hot and rainy summer.

In the southeast, the coast is hot and humid and suffers the direct action of the tropical Atlantic mass, with frequent rains in the summer. In the highest areas of the Southeast, with altitudes between 500m and 1000m or more, there are the lowest temperatures in the entire tropical area, reaching an average lower than 18º C. In the south of the state of São Paulo and in the three southern regions of the states of In Brazil, the climate is subtropical, with rains evenly distributed throughout the year. The summer is very hot and has an average temperature of 30º, whereas the winter, considered very cold, has frequent frosts and low temperatures, sometimes getting less than 0° C. In many cities of altitude over 1000m in Santa Catarina and north of the Serras Gaúchas region of Rio Grande do Sul, temperatures are even colder, even occurring snow.

Brazil is one of the world's most religiously diverse countries. Brazilians follow a variety of religious faiths and religious freedom is guaranteed by the constitution.

Christianity is the largest religion in Brazil, with most Brazilians being followers of the Roman Catholic Church. Catholicism was introduced by the Portuguese in the 16th century and used to be Brazil's official state religion until the 19th century. A significant portion of Brazilians are Protestants; most Brazilian Protestants are followers of Pentecostalism and the number of Protestants has grown considerably over the past few decades.

Buddhism was introduced to the country by Asian immigrants and Brazil has one of the largest Buddhist populations in the Americas. More than 250,000 Brazilians are adherents of Buddhism.

Judaism came to the country during the 15th or 16th century. Brazil is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in the world and has the second largest Jewish community in South America . More than 120,000 Brazilians are adherents of Judaism.

Islam is one of Brazil's largest minority religions. Islam is believed to have been introduced to the country by African slaves from West Africa .

Afro-Brazilian religions , such as Umbanda and Candomblé, have many followers, syncretizing African deities ( orixás ) with Catholic saints. Spiritism is the third most followed religion in Brazil and the country has the largest number of Spiritists in the world.

Holidays and working hours

Brazil observes the following 13 national holidays :

  • New Year's Day - 1 January
  • Carnaval - February/March (movable - 40 days before Easter. Monday and Tuesday are the actual holidays, but celebrations usually begin on Saturday and last until noon of Ash Wednesday, when shops and services re-open.)
  • Good Friday - March/April (movable) two days before Easter Sunday
  • Tiradentes - 21 April
  • Labour Day - 1 May
  • Corpus Christi - May/June (movable) sixty days after Easter Sunday
  • Independence Day - 7 September
  • Day of Our Lady of Aparecida (Patron Saint of Brazil) and Children's Day - 12 October
  • Day of the Dead ( Finados ) - 2 November
  • Republic Proclamation Day - 15 November
  • Christmas - 25 December

Working hours are usually from 08:00 or 09:00-17:00 or 18:00. Banks open Monday to Friday, from 10:00-16:00. Street shops tend to close at noon on Saturday and re-open on Monday. Shopping malls normally open from 10:00-22:00 or 23:00, Monday to Saturday, and from 15:00-21:00 on Sundays. Some malls, especially in large cities, are also open on Sundays, although not all the stores may be open. It is also possible to find 24-hour stores and small markets that are open on Sundays.

Brazil spans four standard time zones from UTC-2 to UTC-5 (in Brazilian terms, " Brasilia time -2" to "Brasilia time +1").

  • Brasilia time +1 (UTC-2): Fernando de Noronha and some other smaller islands in the Atlantic.
  • Brasilia time (UTC-3): Southeast , South , Northeast , Goiás , Distrito Federal , Tocantins , Pará , Amapá .
  • Brasilia time -1 (UTC-4): Roraima , eastern Amazonas , Rondônia , Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul .
  • Brasilia time -2 (UTC-5): Acre and western Amazonas .

Since 2019, daylight saving time is no longer observed in Brazil.

Visitor information

  • Visit Brazil website

Visa requirements

Brazil has a reciprocal visa policy with many countries, meaning that when visa fees and restrictions are applied to Brazilian visiting a country, Brazil generally adopts the same measures for that country's visitors.

  • Citizens from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela may enter the country with a valid ID card and stay up to 90 days.
  • No visa is required for stays of up to 90 days from holders of passports from the countries indicated by the color green on the map, unless otherwise indicated: all European Union member countries (90 days within a 180-day period except for Croatia, Finland, France, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain), Albania (90 days within a 180-day period), Dominica (90 days within a 180-day period), Georgia (90 days within a 180-day period), Indonesia (30 days), Kazakhstan (30 days), Montenegro (90 days within a 180-day period), North Macedonia (90 days within a 180-day period), Seychelles (90 days within a 180-day period), Singapore (30 days), Ukraine (90 days within a 180-day period), and Venezuela (60 days). The immigration officer has the right to restrict your visa to less than 90 days, if they deem fit. (This has been done routinely for lone male travellers arriving in Fortaleza , allegedly to combat prostitution tourism.) The officer will then state the number of days (e.g. 60 or 30) in pen writing inside the stamp just given in your passport; if not, it remains as 90 days.

tourism of brazil information

  • Citizens from all other countries do require a visa [ dead link ] . The fees vary depending on reciprocity: Cost of Brazil visa for citizens of Taiwan or Taiwanese passport holder pay US$20 (Reference from Embassy of Brazil in Lima, Peru) and 5 days to process.
  • Citizens from the United States, Canada, and Australia can also apply for an eVisa .
  • The requirement to first enter Brazil within 90 days of the issue of the visa now only applies to nationals of Angola, Bahrain, Burma, Cambodia, Cape Verde, China, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Libya, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Paraguay, The Philippines, Portugal, Qatar, Syria, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and Tunisia. Failure to enter Brazil within 90 days will invalidate the visa, no matter how long it is otherwise valid for.
  • By law you are required to produce your outbound ticket upon entry. If you didn't book a return flight to Brazil, buy an onward ticket online for around US$12 or a fully refundable flight ticket to your home country.
  • When you are travelling from certain tropical regions to Brazil you need a yellow fever vaccination and the certificate showing you had this. It is illegal to bring in animals, meat, dairy, seeds, plants, eggs, honey, fruit, or any kind of non-processed food without a permit. Contact [[email protected]] for more information.
  • If you want to enter/exit the country for some reason without coming in contact with the immigration authorities, there are numerous tiny border towns that have virtually no control. You will perhaps be told by the local police (who don´t have stamps or computer registers for immigration) to contact the federal police in such and such nearby town.
  • Tourist visas (including those granted on the spot in immigration control) can be extended at any office of the Policia Federal . Tourist Visas granted to citizens of the Schengen Area can not be extended. All state capitals, and most border towns and international ports have one. Tourist visas will only be extended once, for a maximum of 90 days, and under no circumstances can you be granted more than 180 days with a tourist visa for any 365-day period. You should contact the federal police about 1 week before your visa expires. The handling fee is R$67 (Oct 2008). You may be asked for an outbound ticket (book a fully refundable one on the internet, then cancel when your visa is extended), and a proof of subsistence (for which your credit card is mostly accepted.) In order to apply for the extension, you must fill out the Emissão da Guia de Recolhimento [ dead link ] on the Federal Police website, which you will carry to the Banco do Brasil in order to pay the fee. Do not pay the fee until you have spoken with a federal police officer about your case. If she/he denies the extension of your visa, you must have a bank account in Brazil in order to receive a refund.
  • If you overstay your tourist visa or visa-free visit, you will be fined R$100 per day (as of July 2021), for a maximum of 100 days. This means that even if you stay illegally for 4 years, the fine will never exceed R$10,000 . You will be made to pay this at the border crossing. As this can take time, it could be wise to do it a few days up front at a federal police office, especially if you have a domestic to international flight connection. The federal police will then give you 8 days to get out of the country. If you don´t pay your fine upon exiting, you will have to pay the next time you enter. The fact that you have been fined for overstaying in the past does not normally imply future difficulties with immigration, but you´d better keep all receipts and old passports for reference. The overstaying fees are cancelled 5 years after exiting Brazil.

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The two main international gateways to Brazil are São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport ( GRU   IATA ) and Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport ( GIG   IATA ). Both are the two major international airports in Brasil, are close to their respective city centers and have connections by metro or bus lines. A smaller number of international flights are available to other Brazilian capitals, such as Belém , Belo Horizonte , Brasília , Fortaleza , Manaus , Porto Alegre and Recife , as well as Campinas .

The largest Brazilian airline is the flag carrier LATAM Airlines which has direct flights to many destinations in the Americas and Europe. Other low-cost airlines, such as GOL and Azul also have direct flights between many Brazilian and South American cities. Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, and American Airlines also operate flights to São Paulo-Guarulhos from some U.S. cities Atlanta , Dallas , Houston , Miami , Newark , New York City ( JFK ) and Chicago , as does Air Canada from Montreal and Toronto . European airlines, such as British Airways, KLM, Air France, Lufthansa, ITA Airways, Iberia and TAP also operate international flights to São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro from London ( Heathrow ), Amsterdam , Paris ( Charles de Gaulle ), Frankfurt , Rome , Madrid and Lisbon .

Coming from Europe you usually get low air fares in high frequency from Madrid and Lisbon.

Air travel in Brazil grew from 70 million passengers in 2009 to almost 120 million in 2019, partly as a result of the poor condition of many Brazilian roads and the absence of any viable rail network. It is still relatively inexpensive with discounts sometimes available and easily the best option for long distance travel within the country. Some major airports, especially those in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, are, however, becoming very crowded.

The main border crossings are at:

  • with Uruguay : Chuy / Chuí , Bella Unión / Barra do Quaraí , Artigas / Quaraí , Aceguá / Aceguá , Río Branco / Jaguarão , and between Rivera / Santana do Livramento
  • with Argentina : Paso de los Libres / Uruguaiana , Santo Tomé / São Borja , Bernardo de Irigoyen / Dionísio Cerqueira , Tobuna / Paraíso (Santa Catarina) , Comandante Andresito / Capanema , and between Puerto Iguazu / Foz do Iguaçu
  • with Paraguay : Ciudad del Este / Foz do Iguaçu , Salto del Guaira / Guaíra , and between Pedro Juan Caballero / Ponta Porã
  • with Bolivia : Puerto Suarez / Corumbá , Cobija / Brasileia / Epitaciolandia and San Matías / Cáceres
  • with Peru : Iñapari / Assis Brasil
  • with Colombia : Leticia / Tabatinga No road connections on either side of the border.
  • with Guyana : Lethem / Bonfim

In certain border towns, notably Foz do Iguaçu / Ciudad del Este / Puerto Iguazu , you do not need entry/exit stamps or other formalities for a daytrip into the neighbouring country. These same towns are good venues if you for some reason want to cross without contact with immigration authorities.

Long-distance bus service connects Brazil to its neighboring countries. The main capitals linked directly by bus are Buenos Aires , Asunción , Montevideo , Santiago , and Lima . Direct connections from the first three can also be found easily, but from Lima it might be tricky, though easily accomplished by changing at one of the others. Those typically go to São Paulo , but southern cities such as Porto Alegre , Florianópolis , Curitiba or Pelotas have good connections too. It should be kept in mind that distances between Sāo Paulo and any foreign capitals are significant, and journeys on the road may take up to 3 days, depending on the distance and accessibility of the destination. The national land transport authority has listings [ dead link ] on all operating international bus lines, and the Green Toad Bus offers bus passes between Brazil and neighbouring countries as well as around Brazil itself.

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Amazon river boats connect northern Brazil with Peru, Venezuela and Colombia.

From French Guiana , you can cross the river Oyapoque , which takes about 15 minutes.

From the city of Guayaramerín , in Bolivia , you can cross the Mamoré river for the city of Guajará-Mirim , in Rondônia . The crossing last about 5 to 10 minutes.

Train service within Brazil is almost nonexistent. However, there are exceptions to the rule, including the Trem da Morte , or Death Train, which goes from Santa Cruz , Bolivia , to a small town just over the border from Corumbá in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul . There is still a train line from there all the way to São Paulo which is not in use, but bus connections to São Paulo via the state capital, Campo Grande , are plentiful. The journey is reputedly replete with robbers who might steal your backpack or its contents but security has been increased and the journey can be made without much difficulty. It goes through the Bolivian agricultural belt and along the journey one may see a technologically-averse religious community which resembles the USA's Amish in many ways.

Travelling between major cities in Brazil can take a lot of time.

Air service covers most of Brazil. Many flights make many stops en route, particularly in hubs such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro or Brasilia. Some airports with regular passenger traffic are still operated by state-owned company Infraero , although many international airports already had their operation privatized.

There are now several Brazilian booking engines that are good (although not perfect) for comparing flights and prices between different companies. They will mostly include an extra fee, hence it is cheaper to book on the airline's own site.

The Brazilian airline scene changes surprisingly often. The largest Brazilian carriers are the flag carrier LATAM Airlines and low-cost airlines Gol and Azul . These airlines have flights that serve all capitals and major cities in the country. Azul's subsidiary Azul Conecta and VoePass offer short-haul flights to smaller regional airports throughout the country. There are also regional carriers.

Many domestic flights have so many stops that some, including yours, may be missing from the listings in the airports. Double check your flight number and confirm with ground staff.

Certain domestic flights in Brazil are "international", meaning that the flight has arrived from abroad and is continuing without clearing all passengers through customs and immigration. This means all passengers must do this at the next stop, even those having boarded in Brazil. Do not fill out a new immigration form, but show what you were given upon actual arrival to Brazil.

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Brazil has the largest road network in Latin America with over 1.6 million kilometres. A car is a good idea if you want to explore scenic areas, e.g. the historic cities of Minas Gerais, the Rio-Santos highway, or the beaches in North-East Brazil. There are the usual car rental companies at the airports. Many roads are in good condition, especially in the east and south of the country and along the coast. In other areas and outside the metropolitan regions there are also gravel and dirt roads for which an off-road vehicle can be strongly recommended. This especially applies to the Amazon area where many roads are difficult or not at all passable during the rainy season from November to March. This is why it is advisable to travel with a good map and to be well informed about distances, road conditions and the estimated travel time. Road maps of the brand Guia Quatro Rodas was available in the most newsstands in Brazil until 2015, but they ceased to be published from that year. Many Brazilian drivers also tend to use online maps such as Google Maps and Waze to find the best routes. In theory, the driving rules of Brazil resemble those of Western Europe or North America. In practice, driving in Brazil can be quite scary if you are used to European (even Mediterranean) or North American road culture, due to widespread violations of driving rules, and the toleration thereof.

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Distances kept to other vehicles are kept at a bare minimum, overtaking whenever close to possible, and changing lanes without much of a prior signal. Many large cities also suffer from hold-ups when you wait at a red light in the night. Even if there is no risk of robbery, many drivers (including of city buses) run red lights or stop signs at night when they do not see incoming traffic from the cross street. Drivers also indulge in "creative" methods of saving time, such as using the reverse direction lanes. In rural areas, many domestic animals are left at the roadside, and they sometimes wanders into the traffic. Pedestrians take enormous chances crossing the road, since many drivers do not bother to slow down if they see pedestrians crossing. The quality of the paving is very varied, and the presence of enormous potholes is something that strongly discourages night-driving. Also consider the risk of highway hold-ups after dark, not to mention truck drivers on amphetamines (to keep awake for days in a row).

  • In Brazil cars are driven on the right hand side of the road.
  • A flashing left signal means that the car ahead is warning you not to pass, for some reason. If the car ahead of you wants to show you that it is safe to pass it will flash the right signal. The right signal is the same signal to indicate that you're going to stop on the side of the road, so it means you're going to slow down. On the other hand the left signal is the same signal to indicate you're going to pass the car ahead, meaning you're going to speed up.
  • Flashing, twinkling headlights from the cars coming on the opposite side of the road means caution on the road ahead. Most of the time, it indicates that there are animals, cops or speed radar ahead.
  • Keep the doors locked when driving, especially in the larger cities, as robberies at stop signs and red lights are quite common in some areas. You'll make it much easier for the robber if he can simply open up the door and sit down. Be equally careful with keeping your windows wide open, as someone might put their hands inside your car and steal a wallet, for instance. Leave your handbags and valuables out of sight.

In smaller cities and towns the bicycle is a common means of transport. This does not mean that cyclists are usually respected by cars, trucks, or bus drivers. But you may find good roads with little traffic outside the cities. It is also easy to get a lift by a pickup or to have the bike transported by a long-distance bus. Cycling path are virtually non-existent in cities, except along certain beachfronts, such as Rio de Janeiro and Recife .

There are bicyclers groups around the country, e.g. Sampa Bikers in São Paulo which meets weekly.

Brazil's railway system was mostly wrecked during the military regimes. Today, few interstate passenger lines remain after the dismantling and scrapping of rail transport in Brazil. However, there are several urban or short-distance tourist lines between municipalities in the same state, mainly in the southern and southeastern states.

  • From Belo Horizonte , Minas Gerais to Vitória , Espírito Santo - Daily trains operated by Vale leave Belo Horizonte at 07:30 and Cariacica (10 km of Vitória), at 07:00. Travel time is about 12½ hours. Seats are limited and it is not possible to reserve, so it is advisable to buy in advance at the Vale's website . The railway is the second longest passenger line of Brazil, almost 700 km long.
  • From São Luis , Maranhão to Parauapebas , Pará - interesting because part of it passes through the Amazon rainforest and it's the longest passenger railway of Brazil, almost 900 km long. It is operated by Vale . The train leaves São Luís at 08:00 on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. From Paraopebas, the train leaves at 06:00 on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. 15 hours of travel.

By inter-city bus

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Long-distance buses are a convenient, economical, and rather comfortable way to travel between regions. Bus stations ( Terminal Rodoviário , Estação Rodoviária or Rodoviária ) in Brazilian cities play a role akin to train stations in many countries. You should check travel distance and time while traveling within Brazil; going from Rio de Janeiro to the south region could take more than 24 hours, so it may be worth going by plane if you can afford it.

Brazil has a very good long-distance bus network. Basically, any city with more than 100,000 people will have direct lines to the closest state capitals and also to other major cities within the same range. If there is no bus station in a city, there may be some form of public transport (a bus, probably) to a bus station of a city nearby.

Sometimes you may need to go to the bus station in person to buy a ticket, although today the big bus companies make reservations and sell tickets online, as long as you get your ticket in advance. In some cities, you can also buy a ticket over the phone and receive it at the hotel for an extra fee of R$3 to R$5. Some companies have also adopted the ingenious pricing policy of airlines: in some cases, buy with advance can save more than 50%. The ease of flagging a bus and getting on it (if there are no seats available, you will have to stand, still paying full price) is common in the country. This is less likely to work along a few routes where armed robberies have happened frequently, such as those leading to the border with Paraguay and to Foz do Iguaçu .

No bus company serves the whole country, so you must identify the company that connect two cities. Buser and National Land Transport Agency [ dead link ] website can be a quick way to find bus tickets to many Brazilian cities. Another possibility is to call the bus station of one city. Flixbus serves the country and has rides in every part of Brazil except in the area of the Amazon river . ( updated Apr 2024 )

Bus services are often sold in three classes: Regular, Executive and First-Class ( Leito , in Portuguese). Regular may or may not have air conditioning. For long distances or overnight travels, Executive offers more space and a folding board to support your legs. First-Class has even more space and only three seats per row, making enough space to sleep comfortably. All trips of more than 4 hours are covered by buses with bathrooms and the buses stop for food/bathrooms at least once every 4 hours of travel.

Some big cities like São Paulo and Rio have more than one bus station, each one covering certain cities around. It is good to check in advance to which bus station you are going.

Bus stations in some Brazilian cities tend to be located far from downtown areas. They can be in quite remote neighborhoods, so if you travel at night, be prepared to take a taxi to and from the station. There will also be local bus lines. Even if you have a valid ticket purchased elsewhere, some Brazilian bus stations may also require a boarding pass. This can be obtained from the bus company, usually for an additional fee. If you buy a ticket at the departure bus station, you will also receive this boarding pass.

In Brazil, bus stations can include many services, including fast-food restaurants, cafes, internet cafes, restrooms and left-luggage office. As a general rule, the bigger the city, the more expensive the services can be (for example, leaving a suitcase as luggage in a smaller city can cost R$1, but in a capital like Recife it can cost R$5).

As required by Brazilian federal law, when buying tickets, as well as boarding the bus, an identification document may be requested (which for a foreigner means your passport). Not all drivers can read foreign passports, so be prepared to show them that the passport name really is the same as the ticket name.

By ride sharing

Many people offer shared rides between many popular destinations. The most notable website for finding rides is BlaBlaCar , which also has a rating system for drivers, making the trip very secure, especially for Brazilian standards. This way, you can easily bring down your transport costs by 40-50%. Costs are about R$20 per 100 km.

Also, it can be considerably faster, without unnecessary stops at restaurants and such. The BlaBlaCar website is free, and you only pay the driver directly. But they will almost certainly charge in the future like they do for other countries as well. But until the taxation status of such services (including Uber) is settled by the government, the free system will not change.

If you would like to see the price of the shared ride in the app in reais, you need to select BRL (Brazilian real) after installing the app. If you have the app on your smartphone already in another currency, you need to delete the app and reinstall it.

Do not underestimate the desire of Brazilians to discuss and talk about everything, and to give their opinions about even the most remote nonsense. This can be highly stressful if you have a different temperament, prefer a quiet drive, and just want to reach your destination.

By city bus

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Most cities have extensive bus services. Multiple companies may serve a single city. There is almost never a map of the bus lines, and often bus stops are unmarked. Be prepared for confusion and wasted time. The bus schedule for the urban passenger transport service in large and small cities can be consulted on the site , in addition to Google Maps , it includes some services.

Buses have a board behind the windshield that advertises the main destinations they serve. You may have to ask the locals for information, but they may not know bus lines except the ones they usually take.

In most cities you have to wave to stop the bus when you want to take it. This in itself would not pose a problem; however, in big cities there may be dozens of bus lines stopping at a given bus stop and bus stops are not designed to accommodate so many vehicles. Frequently one cannot observe the oncoming buses due to other buses blocking the view. Bus drivers are reluctant to slow down for a bus stop if they are not sure someone will take their bus, so it is common to miss your bus because you could not see it coming to wave on time or the driver did not see you waving in between buses already at the stop. Some people go into the middle of a busy street to wait for their bus to make sure they see it and the driver sees them. In some places, like Manaus, drivers even tend to ignore stop requests (both to get on and to get off) if it is not too easy to navigate to the bus stop.

Most city buses have both a driver and a conductor. The conductor sits behind a till next to a turnstile. You have to pay the conductor; the price of the bus is usually advertised on the windshield. The turnstiles are narrow, and very inconvenient if one carries any kind of load (try balancing a heavy backpack over the turnstile while the bus is running). Larger buses often have a front section, before the turnstile, meant in priority for the elderly, handicapped and pregnant women - you can use it but you still have to pay! Typical prices are around R$3.

You can try asking the conductor to warn you when the bus is close to your destination. Depending on whether he or she understands you and feels like helping you, you may get help.

In addition to large city buses, there are often minibuses or minivans ( alternativo ). You pay the driver when you go aboard.

In northern Brazil, it is possible to travel many distances by boat. In fact, the boat is the main and most accessible means of transport to get around the Amazon, since the Amazon Forest is cut by many rivers and some cities are inaccessible by road. The best boat services in the country are in the Amazon, where you can ride on speedboats and comfortable yachts or small wooden boats. The main navigable rivers are the Amazon River, the Araguaia River, the Xingu River and the Tapajós River. It is necessary to know the geography of the region, as in some places waterfalls are formed.

By e-hailing

Brazil has availability of some e-hailing services, Uber being the largest of them. Notable e-hailing services in Brazil, are:

  • Uber . ( updated Jul 2020 )
  • 99Pop . If the app is not available in your Google Play store, you can download it here . ( updated Jul 2020 )
  • Cabify . ( updated Jul 2020 )

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The official language of Brazil is Portuguese .

Brazilian Portuguese is remarkably different from European Portuguese. For instance, there are a number of pronunciation differences, some words are written differently, some words have a completely different meaning in Brazil, and there are numerous loanwords from English, French, German, Italian, and Japanese.

Although most Brazilians learn English at school, the focus is entirely on formal writing and grammar rather than actual conversation. Thus, many Brazilians are not that proficient in the language. You might find an English speaker in a major hotel or an area populated by tourists. Younger Brazilians are more likely to speak English. If you wish to travel to Brazil independently, you should have a solid knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese .

Spanish speakers are usually able to get by in Brazil, especially towards the south , due to the proximity of the states of that region to Uruguay and Argentina and due to the tourists from those countries who visit the states of that region. While written Portuguese can be quite similar to Spanish, spoken Portuguese differs considerably and is much harder to understand. Compare the number 20 which is veinte (BAYN-teh) in Spanish to vinte (VEEN-chee) in Brazilian Portuguese. Even more different is gente (people), pronounced "HEN-teh" in Spanish and "ZHEN-chee" in Brazilian Portuguese. The letters CH, D, G, J, R, RR, and T are particularly difficult for Spanish speakers to understand, and that's without even considering the vowels. Often confusing to Spanish, even English speakers, is the pronunciation of the letter "R" in the beginning of most words. Common first names such as Roberto, Ronaldo and Rolando are not pronounced as you would think: the "R" is pronounced as "H". Thus you would say Hobertoo, Honawdoo and Holandoo. Rio is pronounced "HEE-oo".

Other minority languages are spoken in some parts of Brazil. In the Amazon, several indigenous languages are still spoken, mainly Nheengatu , Tukano , and Baniwa , all of which have a co-official status in the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira, in Amazonas. In the south, in cities that have received German and Italian immigrants, these languages and their dialects are also spoken by a small portion of the population, as in Pomerode, Santa Catarina, which has German and the Pomeranian dialect with co-official status and in Serafina Corrêa and Caxias do Sul, municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, where the co-official language is Talian, a dialect of the Venetian language spoken in northern Italy. Due to immigration, it is becoming more common in some cities to find speakers of other foreign languages, such as Italian , Japanese , Mandarin Chinese , Korean , Arabic , Polish , Ukrainian , French and Haitian Creole .

The primary language of the Brazilian deaf community is Brazilian Sign Language (BSL) , known locally as LIBRAS . When an interpreter is present in public, he or she will use BSL. It is influenced by French Sign Language (LSF) and also uses a one-handed manual alphabet very similar to that of LSF. Users of British Sign Language, Auslan, or New Zealand Sign Language, however, will have great difficulty understanding it. Those languages differ markedly in vocabulary and syntax from LSF, and also use a two-handed manual alphabet.

Virtually all movies, in addition to foreign shows broadcast on Brazilian TV channels are dubbed into Portuguese. However, some pay TV channels have dual-audio (original audio with subtitles as an option available to be turned on by the user). If you want to watch the latest movies in English, not dubbed into Portuguese, you may be able to see them in some theaters in the capitals and biggest cities. Look for the Portuguese word " Legendado " (original with subtitles). You are unlikely to find films shown in their original language without subtitles.

Natural wonders

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  • Amazon Rainforest - The Amazon River Basin holds more than half of the world's remaining rainforest, and over 60% of that lies within the North of Brazil — approximately one billion acres with incredible biodiversity. The region is home to about 2.5 million insect species, over 40,000 plants species, 2,200 fish species, and more than 2,000 types of birds and mammals. One in five of all the bird species in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams.
  • Atlantic Forest ( Mata Atlântica ) - A region of tropical and subtropical forest which extends along the Atlantic coast of Brazil from Rio Grande do Norte state in the Northeast to Rio Grande do Sul state in the South . The Atlantic Forest has a wide variety of vegetation, including the many tree species such as the iconic araucaria tree in the south or the mangroves of the northeast, dozens of types of bromeliads and orchids, and unique critters such as capivara . The forest has also been designated a World Biosphere Reserve, with a large number of highly endangered species including the well-known marmosets, lion tamarins and woolly spider monkeys. Unfortunately, it has been extensively cleared since colonial times, mainly for the farming of sugar cane and for urban settlements — The remnants are estimated to be less than 10% of the original, and that is often broken into hilltop islands. However, large swaths of it are protected by hundreds of parks, including 131 federal parks, 443 state parks, and 14 municipal parks, most of which are open to visitation.
  • The Pantanal - A vast tropical wetland expanse, one of the world's largest. 80% of it lies within the state of Mato Grosso do Sul but it also extends into Mato Grosso (as well as into portions of Bolivia and Paraguay ), sprawling over an area estimated at between 140,000 and 195,000 square kilometers (54,000-75,000 sq mi). 80% of the Pantanal floodplains are submerged during the rainy seasons, nurturing an astonishing biologically diverse collection of aquatic plants and helping support a dense array of animal species.
  • Waterfalls ( Cachoeiras ) - Brazil has an amazing range of impressive waterfalls of all sizes and shapes. Iguaçu Falls , in eastern Parana , is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world, truly a sight to see. The 353-meter Cachoeira da Fumaça in Bahia 's Chapada Diamantina National Park is the country's second highest waterfall, after the Amazon 's almost inaccessible Cachoeira do Araca . Other famous waterfalls include Caracol Falls , in a Rio Grande do Sul state park of the same name near Canela , Itaquira Falls , an easily accessible 168-meter fall near Formosa , Goiás , and the gorge at Parque da Cascata near Sete Lagoas , Minas Gerais . Aside from the nationally famous falls, in many parts of the country, particularly the South , Southeast , and Central West regions, you are rarely far from at least one locally-famous, named waterfall worth a short hike.

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  • Colonial architecture - Many cities have reminders of Brazil's colonial past, with churches, monasteries, forts, barracks, and other structures still intact. Some of the most concentrated and best-preserved colonial buildings can be found in old gold-mining towns such as Ouro Preto and Tiradentes , but many other cities such as Rio de Janeiro , Petrópolis , Salvador , Paraty , and Goiânia have quite significant colonial centers as well.
  • Oscar Niemeyer works - Niemeyer, Brazil's most famous architect, is a modern architectural pioneer who explores the aesthetic impact of reinforced concrete, using curves to create buildings with a unique sense of space. He is most famous for designing many of the buildings when the new capital of Brasilia was built in the 1950s, but his works literally dot the country, with major works in Natal , João Pessoa , Belo Horizonte , Rio de Janeiro , Niterói , São Paulo , Londrina and other locations.

Due to its high degree of acceptance and tolerance, gay travel is increasingly popular. Nowadays, the main lesbian and gay destinations are Rio de Janeiro , which was elected the world's sexiest destination twice, São Paulo , which has the world's largest Pride Parade, Florianópolis , which is the hippest gay hangout and Recife , which is attracting more and more lesbian and gay tourists looking for fun and sun. However, caution should still be observed especially in rural areas outside of major cities, where Brazil remains culturally conservative and deeply Catholic.

The biggest party in the world takes place across the country every year, lasting almost a week in February or early March. It is celebrated in a wide variety of ways, from the giants boneco masks of Olinda and the trios elétricos of Salvador to the massive samba parades of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo . For a relatively more subdued atmosphere, check out the university-style street party of Ouro Preto or the sporty beach party at Ilha do Mel . Don't forget to make your reservations well in advance!

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Almost the entire coast is lined with fabulous beaches, and the beach lifestyle is a big part of Brazilian culture. Nowhere is that more true than in Rio de Janeiro , with its laidback, flip-flop-footed lifestyle and famous beaches like Ipanema and Copacabana. Beaches in other areas of the country may not have the instant name recognition but are no less amazing. The Northeast has jewels like Jericoacoara , Praia do Futuro , Boa Vista , Porto de Galinhas , and Morro de São Paulo which bring in throngs of travellers, particularly Europeans. Landlocked mineiros go mingle with the rich and famous at Guarapari or dance forró in the sand at Itaunas , while paulistas head for Caraguá or Ubatuba . In the South , weekend revelers flock to Ilha do Mel or Balneário Camboriú , while the 42 beaches of Santa Catarina Island draw in thousands of Argentianian tourists every year. Hundreds more beaches lie ready to be explored as well. Don't forget those nude beaches in Rio and São Paulo!

Football (soccer) is the talk of the town wherever you are in Brazil, and the country is brimming with great teams and great players. It is often said that football is not just a sport, but the national religion. While Rio de Janeiro 's world-famous Maracanã stadium is under renovation, you can still catch a game at lots of other great venues like the Mineirão in Belo Horizonte or Morumbi Stadium in São Paulo . The men's national team has won the World Cup a record 5 times (in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002), and they have a particularly charged rivalry with their neighbours Argentina.

Brazil's top professional men's league is the Brasileirão , and the league is a very competitive one with no shortage of passion from the fans. The "big twelve" clubs in Brazil, sorted by city are:

  • Atlético Mineiro
  • Internacional
  • Vasco da Gama
  • Corinthians

There are numerous intense rivalries between Brazil's big clubs, but perhaps the most well-known ones are the Paulista Derby between Coronthians and Palmeiras, Fla-Flu between Flamengo and Fluminense, and O Clássico dos Milhões between Flamengo and Vasco da Gama.

Other sports

  • Volleyball - While soccer is the main sport in Brazil, volleyball is extremely popular as well. In addition to the standard indoor sport known the world over, there are several other varieties you can play or watch in Brazil:
  • Beach volleyball - It is very common to find spaces on the beaches where you can play beach volleyball, but this version of the sport possess a different code of rules than indoor volleyball (for example instead of six players, only two players are allowed to play on each team).
  • Footvolley - Created in Brazil, this challenging sport is essentially beach volleyball played with the ball and no-hands rules of soccer.
  • Biribol - Another Brazilian original, biribol , named after the city of Birigüi where it was invented, is an aquatic version of volleyball, played in a 1.3-meter-deep pool with 4 players on each team and a ball similar to a water-polo ball.

Brazil's unit of currency is the real (pronounced 'hay-AHL'), plural reais ('hay-ICE'), denoted " R$ " (ISO code: BRL ), commonly referred to as a "conto" (slang) or "pila" (a slang term for the currency in Rio Grande do Sul). One real is divided into 100 centavos .

Coins are in denominations of R$0.05, R$0.10, R$0.25, R$0.50 and R$1. Some denominations have several different designs. Bills come in the following denominations: R$2, R$5, R$10, R$20, R$50, R$100 and R$200.

Small shops or street vendors are unlikely to have change for R$50, R$100 or R$200 notes. Travelers would be wise to spend those at busy restaurants or grocery stores to keep an adequate supply of small bills on hand.

Look for an ATM with your credit/debit card logo on it. Large branches of Banco do Brasil (charging R$6,50 per withdrawal) usually have one, and most all Bradesco, Citibank, BankBoston and HSBC machines will work. Banco 24 Horas is a network of ATMs which accept foreign cards (charging R$10 per withdrawal). Withdrawal limits are usually R$600 (Bradesco) or R$1000 (BB, HSBC, B24H), per transaction, and in any case R$1000 per day. The latter can be circumvented by several consecutive withdrawals, choosing different "accounts", i.e. "credit card", "checking", "savings". Most ATMs do not work or will only give you R$100 after 22:00.

In March 2021, it was only possible to withdraw money for free with an international credit card from the Bradesco bank.

In smaller towns, it is possible that there is no ATM that accepts foreign cards. You should therefore always carry sufficient cash.

Credit cards

A majority of Brazilian businesses accept major credit cards. However, quite a few online stores only accept cards issued in Brazil, even though they have the international logo of such cards.

Money exchange

Foreign currency such as US dollars or euros can be exchanged at major airports and luxury hotels (bad rates), exchange bureaus and major branches of Banco do Brasil (no other banks), where you need your passport and your immigration form.

There are many federal regulations for dealings with foreign currency, trading in any currency other than real in Brazil is considered illegal, although some places in big cities and bordering towns accept foreign currencies and many exchange offices operate in a shady area. In addition, exchange offices are almost impossible to find outside of big cities. Currency other than US dollars and euros is hard to exchange and the rates are ridiculous. If you would like to exchange cash at a bank, be prepared to pay a hefty commission. For example, Banco do Brasil collects US$15 for each transaction (regardless of amount). Also, traveling with a backpack, you are out of luck getting into banks, because they have annoying security doors and rules. And even if you get in and exchange is possible, you will have to queue for 30 min or so with other regular customers.

It is thus best to rely on ATM.

Wiring money to Brazil can be done through Western Union [ dead link ] transfers to be picked up at a Banco do Brasil branch in most cities, and also quite a few exchange offices.

Travellers' checks can be hard to cash anywhere that does not offer currency exchange.

While tips can sometimes be given for some services, delivery or tourism, tips are very uncommon. It is usually not expected in cabs, although rounding up the fare occasionally takes place. Many restaurants include a 10% delivery charge in the note, with no further tips being required. Such a charge often depends on the municipality. Tipping bartenders is not customary.

Brazil is considered an expensive country by South American standards, although it is cheaper than the European countries or the United States .

A budget traveler can get by with R$ 250 to R$ 400 a day and have a little more comfort with R$ 700 a day. Accommodation in hostels or inns tends to be cheaper than in hotels, costing an average of R$ 40. Accommodation can be considerably more expensive during the summer in the southern hemisphere and especially during festivities such as Carnaval.

Costs also vary depending on the region, with large capitals such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro being the most expensive in the country.

It's not a bad idea to pack light and acquire a Brazilian wardrobe within a couple of days of arrival. It will make you less obvious as a tourist, and give you months of satisfied gloating back home about the great bargains you got whenever you are complimented on your clothing. Brazilians have their own sense of style and that makes tourists - especially those in Hawaiian shirts or sandals with socks - stand out in the crowd. Have some fun shopping, and blend in. Another good reason for buying clothes and shoes in Brazil is that the quality is usually good and the prices often cheap. However, this does not apply to any foreign brand as imports are burdened by high import taxes - therefore, do not expect to find any good prices on brands like Diesel, Levi's, Tommy Hilfiger, etc. To figure your Brazilian trousers size, measure your waist in centimeters, divide by 2, and round up to the next even number.

Store windows will often display a price followed by "X 5" or "X 10", etc. This is an installment-sale price. The price displayed is the per-installment price, so that, "R$50 X 10", for example, means 10 payments (typically monthly) of R$50 each. The actual price is often lower if you pay in cash.

Make sure any appliances you buy are either dual voltage or the same as in your home country. Brazil is 60   Hz, so don't buy electric clocks or non-battery operated motorized items if you live in Europe or Australia. The voltage, however, varies by state or even regions inside the same state. (see Electricity below).

Brazilian-made appliances and electronics are expensive. If not, they are usually of poor quality. All electronics are expensive compared to European or US prices. Prices for imported electronic goods can be quite expensive due to high import tax, and the range of domestic electronic gadgets is not very wide.

There are plenty of bargains to be had, especially leather goods, including shoes (sizes are different though). Clothes in general are a good buy, especially for women, for whom there are many classy items. Street markets, which are common, are also a very good option, but avoid brand names like "Nike" - you will pay more and it's probably fake. Don't be afraid to "feel" an item. If it doesn't feel right, most likely it isn't! If there is no label, it is probably Brazilian, but some Brazilian-made products are less robust than their American or European counterparts.

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Similar to the rest of Latin America, hand-crafted jewelry and accessories can be found anywhere, especially in touristy areas, but they will be significantly more expensive. In regions with a larger Afro-Brazilian population, you'll find more African-influenced souvenirs , including black dolls. Havaianas flip-flops are affordable and readily available in Brazil and supermarkets are often the best place to buy them — small shops usually carry off-brand or fake ones. If you have space in your bags, a Brazilian woven cotton hammock is a nice, functional purchase as well. Another interesting and fun item is a peteca , a sort of hand shuttlecock used in an eponymous traditional game, which is similar to volleyball.

tourism of brazil information

Brazil's cuisine is as varied as its geography and culture, based on the variety of crops, livestock and seafood produced in the country. On the other hand, some may find it an unrefined melange, and everyday fare can be bland and monotonous. While there are some quite unique dishes of regional origin, many dishes were brought by overseas immigrants and have been adapted to local tastes through the generations. Italian and Chinese food in Brazil can often be as baffling as Amazonian fare.

The standard Brazilian set lunch is called prato feito , with its siblings comercial and executivo . Rice and brown beans in sauce, with a small steak. Sometimes farofa, spaghetti, vegetables and French fries will come along. Beef may be substituted for chicken, fish or others.

Excellent seafood can be found in coastal towns, especially in the Northeast .

  • Brazil's national dish is feijoada , a hearty stew made of black beans, pork (ears, knuckles, chops, sausage) and beef (usually dried). It's served with rice, garnished with collard greens and sliced oranges. It's not served in every restaurant; the ones that serve it typically offer it on Wednesdays and Saturdays. A typical mistake made by tourists is to eat too much feijoada upon first encounter. This is a heavy dish — even Brazilians usually eat it parsimoniously.
  • Brazilian snacks, lanches (sandwiches) and salgadinhos (most anything else), include a wide variety of pastries. Look for coxinha (deep-fried, batter-coated chicken), empada (a tiny pie, not to be confused with the empanada - empadas and empanadas are entirely different items), and pastel (fried turnovers). Another common snack is a misto quente , a pressed, toasted ham-and-cheese sandwich. Pão-de-queijo , a roll made of manioc flour and cheese, is very popular, especially in Minas Gerais state - pão-de-queijo and a cup of fresh Brazilian coffee is a classic combination.

Regional cuisines

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  • Southern - Churrasco is Brazilian barbecue, and is usually served "rodizio" or "espeto corrido" (all-you-can-eat). Waiters carry huge cuts of meat on steel spits from table to table, and carve off slices onto your plate (use the tongs to grab the meat slice and don't touch the knife edge with your silverware to avoid dulling the edge). Traditionally, you are given a small wooden block colored green on one side and red on the other. When you're ready to eat, put the green side up. When you're too stuffed to even tell the waiter you've had enough, put the red side up... Rodizio places have a buffet for non-meaty items; beware that in some places, the desserts are not considered part of the main buffet and are charged as a supplement. Most churrasco restaurants ( churrascarias ) also serve other types of food, so it is safe to go there with a friend that is not really fond of meat. While churrascarias are usually fairly expensive places (for Brazilian standards) in the North, Central and the countryside areas of the country they tend to be much cheaper than in the South and big cities, where they are frequented even by the less affluent.
  • Mineiro is the "miner's" cuisine of Minas Gerais , based on pork and beans, with some vegetables. Dishes from Goiás are similar, but use some local ingredients such as pequi and guariroba . Minas Gerais cuisine if not seen as particularly tasty, has a "homely" feel that is much cherished.
  • The food of Bahia , on the northeast coast has its roots across the Atlantic in East Africa and Indian cuisine. Coconut, dende palm oil, hot peppers, and seafood are the prime ingredients. Tip: hot ("quente") means lots of pepper, cold ("frio") means less or no pepper at all. If you dare to eat it hot you should try acarajé (prawn-filled roasties) and vatapá (drinkable black beans soup).
  • Espírito Santo and Bahia have two different versions of moqueca , a delightful tomato-based seafood stew prepared in a special type of clay pot.
  • Amazonian cuisine draws from the food of the indigenous inhabitants, including various exotic fish and vegetables. There is also a stupendous variety of tropical fruits.
  • Ceará 's food has a great sort of seafood, and is known to have the country's best crab. It's so popular that literally every weekend thousands of people go to Praia do Futuro in Fortaleza to eat fried fish and crabs (usually followed by cold beer).

Brazilian "fusion" cuisines

  • Pizza is very popular in Brazil. In São Paulo, travellers will find the highest proportion of pizza parlours per inhabitant in the country. The variety of flavours is extremely vast, with some restaurants offering more than 100 types of pizza. There is a difference between the European "mozzarella" and the Brazilian "mussarela". They differ in flavor, appearance and origin but buffalo mozzarella ("mussarela de búfala") is also often available. The Brazilian "mussarela", which tops most pizzas, is yellow in color and has a stronger taste. In some restaurants, particularly in the South, pizza has no tomato sauce. Other dishes of Italian origin, such as macarrão (macaroni), lasanha and others are also very popular.
  • Middle-eastern and Arab (actually Lebanese ) food is widely available. Most options offer high quality and a big variety. Some types of middle-eastern food, such as quibe and esfiha have been adapted and are available at snack stands and fast food joints nation-wide. You can also find shawarma (kebabs) stands, which Brazilians call "churrasco grego" (Greek Barbecue)
  • São Paulo's Japanese restaurants serve up lots of tempura, yakisoba, sushi and sashimi. The variety is good and the prices are mostly very attractive when compared to Europe, the US and Japan. Most Japanese restaurants also offer the rodizio or buffet option, with the same quality as if you ordered from the menu. Sometimes, however, it can be quite a departure from the real thing. In particular, Brazilian-made sushis often employ copious amounts of cream cheese and mayonnaise, and breaded sushi with tare sauce ("hot rolls") are as popular as "raw fish" sushi. The same can be said of Chinese food , again with some variations from the traditional. Cheese-filled spring rolls, anyone? Japanese restaurants (or those that offer Japanese food) are much more common than Chinese and can be found in many Brazilian cities, especially in the state of São Paulo.


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  • Restaurants add a 10% service charge on the bill, and this is generally the only tip paid in Brazil. It is not mandatory, but asking for the charge to be removed is often considered very rude and is normally reserved for bad service. If you really want to tip, R$5-10 are enough, and it will probably really surprise your server too.
  • There are two types of self-service restaurants, sometimes with both options available in one place: all-you-can-eat buffets with barbecue served at the tables, called rodízio , or a price per weight ( por quilo or quilão ), very common during lunchtime throughout Brazil. Load up at the buffet and get your plate on the scale before eating any. Especially in the South, the traditional Italian "galeto" is common. You'll be served different types of pasta, salads, soups and meat (mostly chicken) at your table.
  • Customers are allowed by law to visit the kitchen to check how the food is being handled, although this is extremely uncommon and doing so will probably be considered odd and impolite.
  • Some Brazilian restaurants serve only meals for two. It might not be clear from the menu, so ask the waiter. Most restaurants in this category allow for a "half-serving" of such plates ( meia-porção ), at 60-70% of the price. Also, couples at restaurants often sit side-by-side rather than across from each other; observe your waiter's cues or express your preference when being seated.
  • Fast food is popular, and the local takes on hamburgers and hot-dogs ("cachorro-quente", translated literally) are well worth trying. Brazilian sandwiches come in many varieties, with ingredients like mayonnaise, bacon, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, corn, peas, raisins, French fries, ketchup, eggs, pickles, etc. Brave eaters may want to try the traditional complete hot dog (just ask for a completo ), which, aside from the bun and the sausage, will include everything on display. The ubiquitous x-burger (and its varieties x-salada, x-tudo, etc.) is not as mysterious as it sounds: the pronunciation of the letter "X" in Portuguese sounds like "cheese", hence the name.
  • Large chains: The fast-food burger chain Bob's is found nationwide and has been around in the country for almost as long as McDonald's. There is also a national fast-food chain called Habib's which despite the name serves pizza in addition to Arabian food. Burger King and Subway are also widespread.

tourism of brazil information

Brazil's national booze is cachaça ( cah-shah-sah , also known as aguardente ("burning water") and pinga ), a 40% sugar-cane liquor known to knock the unwary out quite quickly. It can be tried in virtually every bar in the country. Famous producing regions include Minas Gerais , where there are tours of distilleries, and the city of Paraty . Pirassununga is home to Caninha 51, Brazil's best-selling brand. Outside Fortaleza there is a cachaça museum ( Museu da Cachaça ) where you can learn about the history of the Ypioca brand.

Drinking cachaça straight, or stirring in only a dollop of honey or a bit of lime juice, is a common habit on the Northeast region of the country, but the strength of cachaça can be hidden in cocktails like the famous caipirinha , where it is mixed with sugar, lime juice and ice. Using vodka instead of cachaça is nicknamed caipiroska or caipivodka ; with white rum, it's a caipiríssima ; and with sake it's a caipisaque or saquerinha (not in every region). Another interesting concoction is called capeta ("devil"), made with cachaça, condensed milk, cinnamon, guarana powder (a mild stimulant), and other ingredients, varying by region. If you enjoy fine brandy or grappa, try an aged cachaça . Deep and complex, this golden-coloured spirit is nothing like the ubiquitous clear liquor more commonly seen. A fun trip is to an "alambique" - a local distillery, of which there are thousands throughout the country - not only will you be able to see how the spirit is made from the raw cane sugar, you will probably also get a better price.

Well worth a try is Brazilian whisky! It's actually 50% imported scotch - the malt component -and approximately 50% Brazilian grain spirit. Don't be misled by American sounding names like "Wall Street". It is not bourbon. Good value for money and indistinguishable from common British blends.

While imported alcohol is very expensive, many international brands are produced under license in Brazil, making them widely available, and fairly cheap. You can buy booze in the tax-free after landing at Brazilian airports, but it generally is more expensive than buying it outside the airports.

Beer in Brazil has a respectable history because of the German immigrants. Most Brazilian beer brands tend to be way less thick and bitter than German, Danish or English beer. More than 90% of all beer consumed in Brazil is Pilsner, and it is usually drunk very cold (at a temperature close to 0°C). The most popular domestic brands are Brahma , Antarctica , and Skol . Traditional brands include Bohemia , Caracu (a stout), Original and Serra Malte (another stout). They are easily found in bars and are worth trying but are usually more expensive than the popular beers. There are also some national premium beers that are found only in some specific bars and supermarkets; if you want to taste a good Brazilian beer, search for Baden Baden , Colorado , Eisenbahn , Petra , Theresopolis and others. There are also some international beers produced by national breweries like Heineken and Stella Artois and have a slightly different taste if compared with the original beers.

There are two ways of drinking beer in bars: draft or bottled beer. Draft lager beer is called chope or chopp ('SHOH-pee'), and is commonly served with one inch of foam, but you can make a complaint to the bartender if the foam is consistently thicker than that. In bars, the waiter will usually collect the empty glasses and bottles on a table and replace them with full ones, until you ask him to stop, in a "tap" charging system. In the case of bottled beer, bottles (600ml or 1l) are shared among everyone at the table and poured in small glasses, rather than drunk straight from the bottle. Brazilians like their beer nearly ice-cold - hence, to keep the temperature down, bottles of beer are often kept in an insulated polystyrene container on the table.

Rio Grande do Sul is the leading wine production region. There are a number of wine-producing farms that are open to visitors and wine tasting, and wine cellars selling wine and fermented grape juice. One of these farms open to visitors is Salton Winery , located in the city of Bento Gonçalves. The São Francisco Valley , along the border of the states of Pernambuco and Bahia , is the country's newest wine-producing region. Brazilian wines are usually fresher, fruitier and less alcoholic than, for instance, French wines. Popular brands like Sangue de Boi , Canção and Santa Felicidade and others with prices below R$6.00 are usually seen as trash.

In Minas Gerais , look for licor de jabuticaba (jabuticaba liquor) or vinho de jabuticaba (jabuticaba wine), an exquisite purple-black beverage with a sweet taste. Jabuticaba is the name of a small grape-like black fruit native to Brazil.

Coffee and tea

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Brazil is known world-wide for its high-quality strong coffee. Café is so popular that it can name meals (just like rice does in China, Japan and Korea): breakfast in Brazil is called café da manhã (morning coffee), while café com pão (coffee with bread) or café da tarde (afternoon coffee) means a light afternoon meal. Cafezinho (small coffee) is a small cup of strong, sweetened coffee usually served after meals in restaurants (sometimes for free, just ask politely). Bottled filtered coffee is being replaced by stronger espresso cups in more upscale restaurants.

Chá , or tea in Portuguese, is most commonly found in its Assam version (orange, light coloured). Some more specialised tea shops and cafés will have Earl Gray and green tea available as well.

Mate is an infusion similar to tea that is very high in caffeine content. A toasted version, often served chilled, is consumed all around the country, while Chimarrão (incidentally called mate in neighbouring Spanish-speaking countries) is the hot, bitter equivalent that can be found in the south and is highly appreciated by the gaúchos (Rio Grande do Sul dwellers). Tererê is a cold version of Chimarrão, common in Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso state.

Soft drinks

If you want a Coke in Brazil, ask for coca or coca-cola , as "cola" means "glue" in Portuguese.

Guaraná is a carbonated soft drink made from the guaraná berry, native to the Amazon area. The major brands are Antarctica and Kuat , the latter owned by Coke. Pureza is a lesser known guaraná soft drink specially popular in Santa Catarina . Other local guaraná brands are Fruki , very popular in Rio Grande do Sul, and Dolly , popular in São Paulo. There is also a Guaraná Jesus , a sweet pink soft drink that is popular in Maranhão . Almost all regions in Brazil feature their own local variants on guaraná, some which can be quite different from the standard "Antarctica" in both good and bad ways. If traveling to Amazonas, be sure to try a cold "Baré," which due to its huge popularity in Manaus was purchased by Antarctica and is becoming more available throughout northern Brazil.

Tubaína is a carbonated soft drink once very popular among Brazilians (particularly the ones born in the 70s, 80s and early 90s) and becoming extremely hard to find. It was once mass-produced by "Brahma" before it became focused on beers only. If you happen to find a place that sells it, try it.

Mineirinho (or Mate Couro ) is also a popular soft drink made of guaraná and a typical Brazilian leaf called Chapéu de Couro. Although most Brazilians say that it tastes like grass, older people (+70 years) claim that the drink has medicinal properties.

Fruit juices

Fruit juices are very popular in Brazil. Some cities, notably Rio de Janeiro , have fruit juice bars at nearly every corner.

  • Nothing beats coconut water ( água de coco ) on a hot day. (Stress the first o , otherwise it will come out as "poo" ( cocô )). It is mostly sold as coco gelado in the coconut itself, drunk with a straw. Ask the machete-wielding vendors to cut the coconut in half so that you can eat the flesh after drinking the water.
  • Açai (a fruit from the Amazon) is delicious and nutritious (rich in antioxidants) and can be found widespread across the nations. In the Amazon region it's used as a complement to the everyday diet, often eaten together with rice and fish in the main meal of the day. Curiously, outside of the Amazon region, it's typically used in blended in combination with guarana (a stimulant) powder and a banana to re-energize from late-night partying. It is served cold and has a consistency of soft ice. There are also açai ice creams available.
  • Maracuja (passion fruit) (careful during an active day as this has a relaxant effect)
  • Caju (cashew fruit) and
  • Garapa or caldo de cana : freshly pressed sugarcane juice
  • Manga (mango) are also great juice experiences.
  • Vitamina : milk shake with fresh fruits

Brazilians have great taste when it comes to mixing juices.

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High season in Brazil follows the school holidays calendar, December and January (summer) being the busiest months. New Year, Carnival (movable between February and March, see Understand above) and Holy week are the peak periods, and prices can skyrocket, especially in coastal cities like Rio and Salvador. Also, during those holidays, many hotels restrict bookings to a 3 or 4-day minimum and charge in advance.

Hotels are plentiful in just about all areas of Brazil and can range from luxury beach resorts to very modest and inexpensive choices. The Brazilian tourism regulation board imposes specific minimum attributes for each type of facility, but as the 1-5 star rating is no longer enforced, check in advance if your hotel provides the kind of services you expect.

Pousada means guesthouse (the local equivalent of a French auberge or a British boarding house ), and are usually simpler than hotels, and will offer fewer services (room service, laundry etc.). Pousadas are even more widespread than hotels.

In wilderness areas like the Pantanal , travelers usually stay in fazendas , which are ranches with guest facilities. In small towns of Minas Gerais people are fond of hotéis-fazenda (farm hotels) where you can swim, ride, walk, play football, and camp as well as sleep in picturesque barracks.

Also there is great fun in going on a boat hotel which will take you to inaccessible places on the rivers and lakes for great fishing trips or for simply relaxing and watching and photographing the wildlife which is very abundant in the Pantanal. The boats are large, safe, and comfortable with air-conditioned rooms (very necessary). Several small aluminum boats with outboard motor, carried by the boat hotel, driven by experienced fisher/guide will take 2 or 3 tourists to the best "points".

Youth hostels ( albergues da juventude ) are becoming increasingly common.

Many ho(s)tels give discounts if you do not use the monopolistic reservation website in the middle, especially in Rio. So, checkout their website directly or drop them a message.

Motels vs hotels

A quick word of caution; in Brazil a "motel" is not the same as what one normally finds in the United States. The term motel in Latin America usually refers to a place of accommodation where the rooms are rented on a short term basis, typically for romantic assignations, very similarly to a Japanese love hotel. Hotels, by contrast, are places of accommodation for travelers and are typically family friendly. Many hotels will not permit persons who are not registered as guests to go beyond the reception area. This is for the safety of both the guests and hotel staff and also to protect the hotel's reputation in what is still a culturally conservative and Catholic country. So visitors looking for a place to enjoy the physical company of another, will often use motels. Also privacy is something of a premium in Brazil, with children often living at home until they are married. For this and other practical reasons, couples, even married couples desiring a little intimacy, sometimes rent a room at a motel. These motels are common in Brazil and do not carry the social stigma that used to be associated with so called "no tell motels" in the United States or Canada. The quality and price of motel accommodations varies, sometimes drastically, with most being clean and well kept. Rooms are engaged anonymously with the tariff and any associated charges usually being paid on a cash only basis.

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The quality of Brazilian universities varies greatly depending on the region. In Brazil, there are hundreds of universities, and public universities are usually the most renowned in the country and the ones that produce the most scientific research than private universities. Some of the most important public universities are University of São Paulo (USP) , Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) , University of Brasilia (UnB) , Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) . In addition, there are also some important private universities, such as Mackenzie Presbyterian University and the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUCSP) , the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) , the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) . Public universities have a standard entrance exam, called the ENEM ( Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio , National High School Exam), although some of them also have their own entrance exam. All of these universities have excellent undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and are internationally recognised, with various exchange programmes with various universities in many countries around the world.

In order to register at a Brazilian university as an exchange student, you must obtain a student visa at the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate in your home country. After you have arrived in Brazil with a valid student visa, then you must register in the Departamento da Polícia Federal ( Federal Police Department ) within 30 days of your arrival and obtain the RNE ( Registro Nacional do Estrangeiro ), which is the national ID card for overseas citizens. This is also where you can renew your visa with the Brazilian authorities.

Portuguese courses for foreigners are not widespread outside the big cities. A good alternative is to befriend language students and exchange lessons. If you come to Brazil with some initial notions of Portuguese, you will see that people will treat you much better and you will get by much easier. Language schools in Curitiba , Salvador , São Paulo , Rio de Janeiro , Belo Horizonte , and Porto Alegre have Portuguese courses from 2 weeks up.

Brazil is known for its very welcoming stance towards immigrants. Many people from South American countries live and work in Brazil and there is an abundance of work opportunities in the country.

With an unemployment rate of 7.5% (as of December 2023), finding a job in Brazil can be a competitive affair. A decent knowledge of Portuguese will enhance your employment prospects in Brazil and put you ahead of most people applying for jobs in the country.

To work in the country, you must have a work permit ( Autorização de Trabalho ) from the Ministry of Labor. To obtain it, you must be sponsored by an employer before entering the country. The process of hiring non-Brazilians can be a pretty complex task; employers are required, by law, to prove your skills to the government and simultaneously hire and train a replacement for you.

If you are a native English speaker, you may be able to find an English-teaching part-time job, but don't expect that to save your holidays. Although working in the informal market can seem hassle-free at first, there are risks as well. The pay will be under-the-table without contract, so it will be difficult for you to claim your labor rights later. In the bigger cities, there is also the danger of being turned in to the authorities by a rival school, which may see you to a plane home earlier than you had planned.

There is also a growing demand for Spanish language classes, so native Spanish speakers should have no trouble finding work, especially in the major cities. In both cases, it's always much more lucrative to find work privately rather than through schools. This can be done easily, for example by putting an ad in the classifieds section of the newspapers Folha de S. Paulo and Estado de S. Paulo (in São Paulo), O Globo (in Rio de Janeiro) and Zero Hora (in Porto Alegre) or in the Veja national weekly news magazine (you have to pay for it) or by putting up signs on the notice boards at universities like USP (free of charge).

Refer to the Ministry of Labour website [ dead link ] for more detailed information.


Working as a volunteer , learning Spanish and seeing the country on a shoestring is popular with many travellers in South America. Mostly people with lot of time opt for this kind of travelling, getting to know the country and its people.

Volunteering can be done as part of a large organisation, or for local families. When working with or for local families, they often provide you with food and accommodation for about 3-5 hr work per day. Such engagements can be found with any of the following websites, which differ by length and type of stay: Workaway , HelpX , Wwoof , and Worldpackers . The website generally demand a small commission or a yearly fee.

Use the rating system of these websites to determine good and reliable hosts. And beware, many locals just use those websites to find cheap labour, offering a terrible experience, sometimes no food or no decent accommodation. Avoid such offers, which are just badly managed businesses, and opt for placements that really depend on volunteers (like green farming, education, NGOs, etc.).

In general, avoid paying for volunteering. You can also contact a bunch of international NGOs and let them know you are interested in working for them. Sometimes you can also get a paid job after doing some volunteer work. Just be clear that you are able to stay a fixed amount of time for unpaid work, and that you would need some money to continue your work.

Stay healthy

When visiting the Midwestern states of Brazil, the relative humidity can be below 30% during the dry season from June to September. It is important to drink plenty of water to avoid the unpleasant effects of dehydration.

Food from street and beach vendors has a bad hygienic reputation in Brazil. The later in the day, the worse it gets. Bottled and canned drinks are safe, although some people will insist on using a straw to avoid contact with the exterior of the container. Bear in mind the heat and humidity when storing perishable foods.

Tap water varies from place to place, (from contaminated, saline or soaked with chlorine to plain drinkable) and Brazilians themselves usually prefer to have it filtered.

In airports, bus stations, as well as many of the cheaper hotels and malls, it is common to find drinking fountains ( bebedouro ), although not always safe. In hostel kitchens, look for the tap with the cylindrical filter attached. In more expensive hotels, there is often no publicly accessible fountain, and bedrooms contain minibars, selling you mineral water at extremely inflated prices — buying bottled water from the store is always the best alternative.

tourism of brazil information

Vaccination against yellow fever and taking anti-malaria medication may be necessary if you are travelling to Midwestern state of Mato Grosso or northern (Amazon) regions. If you're arriving from Peru, Colombia or Bolivia, proof of yellow fever vaccination is required before you enter Brazil. Some countries, such as Australia and South Africa , will require evidence of yellow fever vaccination before allowing you enter the country if you have been in any part of Brazil within the previous week. Check the requirements of any country you will travel to from Brazil. In coastal Brazil there's also a risk for dengue fever , and the Zika virus outbreak in Latin America hit Brazil hard with more than 60,000 confirmed cases in 2015 and 2016.

Beware that air conditioning in airports, intercity buses etc. is often quite strong. Carry a long-sleeved garment for air-conditioned places.

Although Brazil is widely known as a country where sex is freely available, it is sometimes misunderstood regarding HIV. Brazil has one of the best HIV prevention programs and consequently, a very low infection rate compared with most countries. Condoms are highly encouraged by governmental campaigns during Carnaval, and distributed for free by local public medical departments.

Brazil has both a public tax-funded health care system similar to the NHS in the United Kingdom ( Sistema Único de Saúde , known by its acronym in Portuguese, SUS ) and a large private health care system. Public hospitals tend to be crowded and terrible, but they attend any kind of person, including foreigners. Most cities of at least 60,000 inhabitants have good private health care. Treatment in private hospitals is expensive. When travelling to Brazil, you should take out comprehensive travel insurance. The level and availability of care varies from region to region, but in general, care in private clinics is of a good standard. On the free public side, waiting times can be long, so access to private medical care is quicker. Public health care is available to tourists in emergencies, but after emergency treatment, care is usually transferred to the private sector. Adequate care may not be available outside urban areas.

In cases of acute serious illness, call an ambulance on emergency number 192 or 190 (Servico de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, SAMU), but you must speak Portuguese. The ambulance will take the patient to the public hospital emergency department (Emergência), where a doctor will assess the need for transfer to the intensive care unit. If the patient has travel insurance or can pay for the treatment, he or she will be transferred to a private hospital.

If you have a minor illness, you can go to the nearest municipal emergency department, the UPA (Unidade de Pronto Atendimento), or to a private hospital. In large cities, there are first aid stations open 24 hours a day.

Recommended hospitals for foreigners include:

  • Brasília: Hospital Sírio-Libanês and Hospital Brasília.
  • São Paulo: Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Hospital Sírio Libanês and Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz
  • Rio de Janeiro: Hospital Copa D`Or (Copacabana) and Hospital Samaritano (Botafogo)
  • Porto Alegre: Hospital de Clínicas and Santa Casa Hospital Complex

In the private health sector, you can obtain services either through travel insurance, Brazilian health insurance or by paying by card or cash. On the private side, you must agree in advance whether you will pay for treatment through insurance, cash or a guarantee cheque. Some places only accept cash payment.

Dental services are cheaper than in western countries. In general, the quality of their work is good, especially in the big cities, but ask a local for advice and a recommendation.

Pharmacies are plentiful, offer a wide range of medicines and depending on the city, can be open 24/7. Certain medicines (e.g. antibiotics) can only be obtained with a valid prescription. Some medicines can be bought without a prescription. Not all medicines sold in Finland may be available.

Larger pharmacies also offer services such as COVID testing.

By law, everyone must carry a photo ID at all times. For a foreigner, this means your passport. However, the police will mostly be pragmatic and accept a plastified color photocopy. Not carrying a photo ID can lead to problems and delays if stopped by police or in case of a medical emergency.

tourism of brazil information

Brazil has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the world; reports of carjackings, theft, armed robberies, and people (including tourists) being shot are not uncommon. Crime levels vary across the country; they tend to be lower in the South and higher in major cities like Rio de Janeiro .

You can drastically reduce the likelihood of being a crime victim by applying a modicum of common sense — don't display signs of affluence, don't look like a tourist, don't flash around your gadgets, keep your valuables and belongings out of reach, don't go to unfamiliar areas, don't go out at night, and don't be too trusting of people you don't know. Having some knowledge of Portuguese might deter people from taking advantage of you.

If you are robbed at gunpoint or knifepoint, give the robber whatever they're asking for. Do not fight back or resist or else you might die or get badly injured.

If you want to visit a favela (shanty town) or indigenous village, use a licensed, reputable tour service. Third-party governments normally forbid their staff from entering such places without permission.

Intercity buses are generally safe, but in large cities, intercity bus terminals are often located in run-down, unsafe areas.

Emergencies related to a crime can be reported to toll-free number 190.

Brazil has five police forces, one for a different purpose.

  • Each state has a Military Police ( Polícia Militar ), often abbreviated as PME*, where * is the abbreviation of the state, with exception of state of Rio Grande do Sul, where its Military Police is called Military Brigade ( Brigada Militar, abbreviated as BMRS), which is responsible for ostensive policing and the street patrolling. The uniform of Brazilian military police officers varies depending on the state, and may be gray, dark blue, khaki or black.
  • The Civil Police ( Polícia Civil , often abbreviated as PCE*, where * is the abbreviation of the state), is responsible of dealing with investigations. Civil police officers usually work in plain clothes, without uniforms.
  • In state and federal highways, road patrol is handled by the State Highway Police ( Polícia Rodoviária Estadual ) and the Federal Highway Police ( Polícia Rodoviária Federal ).
  • Border control, security of ports and airports, and interstate crimes are handled by the Federal Police ( Polícia Federal ).
  • Many municipalities in Brazil also have a Municipal Guard ( Guarda Municipal ), which is responsible for the security of public parks, city government buildings and city public schools. Municipal Guards can be armed or not, depending on the municipality.

Most Brazilian police officers are not fluent in foreign languages, so you will need at least basic knowledge of Portuguese.

The efficiency of the Brazilian police varies depending on the region of the country, as their salaries vary from state to state. Most inefficiency problems occur in the Southeast region of the country, especially in Rio de Janeiro. Don't try to bribe a police officer: many Brazilian police officers are honest and you will be arrested if you try to do this, but remember not to trust completely in the Brazilian police as their low salaries mean they are easily swayed and some do partner with criminals to commit scams, muggings and other crimes. Always be respectful and collaborative when interacting with law enforcement, and seek assistance from your country's embassy or consulate if you encounter any problem.

Road safety

Murder is probably the top fear of visitors to Brazil, but traffic-related deaths are actually nearly as common as murders - in fact, the chance of a road fatality in Brazil is comparable to countries with poor road safety reputation, like Malaysia or Vietnam . This may come as a surprise as the traffic in Brazil, especially in large cities, appears to be relatively well-organised compared to these countries. However, this apparent sense of safety is where the danger lurks - Brazil has a large share of irresponsible drivers, who defy speed limits, drive under the influence of alcohol, and sometimes ignore traffic lights. Therefore, always keep your eyes open when crossing the road, even when the pedestrian light is green and the cars have stopped - you never know when a motorbike will pop up from between two cars.

In certain parts of the country, especially in the northern part, roads tend to be poor-maintained, and enforcement of traffic regulations tend to be lax. Although sometimes unavoidable, it is worthwhile to re-consider taking very long road trips inside the country when there is the option of taking a plane instead.

Natural hazards

As Brazil is a very large country and has a wide geographical and climatic diversity, parts of the country can be affected by natural disasters.

Floods and landslides

In the Amazon, the rainy season occurs between December and May, bringing torrential rains and frequent flooding in these regions, which can make the highways (which are not paved) a real quagmire impossible to transit. However, it can still be a good time to visit some of the well-populated and tourist-oriented areas and, except in unusually strong floods, you can still see the strong waterfalls, igapós and other attractions in the forest that can make an interesting moment to visit.

Floods in the semi-arid Sertão , in the inland of the Northeast region, are rare, so you would be unlucky to find them. However, if you are planning to visit a city in the Sertão and the area is flooded, you should reconsider. The terrain is flat, so the water can take weeks to drain, leaving the land swampy.

The rainiest period in the Central West is generally around the summer months, from early October to April. Some cities can have points of flooding. On the northeastern coast and in the Southeast region of the country, including Salvador, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, the rainiest period is summer months. Torrential rains in the region can cause floods and catastrophic landslides, including in tourist areas. In São Paulo, as the city is cut by the rivers Tietê and Pinheiros and the soil is impermeable, making the water slow to drain. In mountainous areas in the southeast of the country, landslides can disrupt roads and cause damage.


As Brazil is located in the center of the South American plate, Brazil does not usually have earthquakes of great intensity and many of them are imperceptible by the population (below 3.0 degrees on the Richter scale).

Brazil is a difficult country for hurricanes reach, as wind shear is rare in countries close to the Equator and the temperature of the ocean reaches just 26º C on the northeast coast. The only tropical storm that has ever occurred in Brazil was Hurricane Catarina, in 2004, which hit the coast of the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Even so, cases like this are very rare in Brazil.

The Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul , Santa Catarina , the center and south of the state of Paraná and the south of the state of São Paulo are part of the South America Tornado Corridor , the second most tornado-prone area in the world (behind the United States Tornado Alley). Monitor local media notices and if you see that the sky is dark, the light take on a greenish-yellow cast or a loud sound that sounds like a freight train, this could be an indication of a tornado. Find shelter immediately.

Refer to the tornado safety article for analysis of the issues here.

Low humidity during the dry season in the Pantanal , in the Brazilian Central West (including the states of Mato Grosso , Mato Grosso do Sul , Goiás and in Brasília ) between May and October can lead to forest fires. If you have breathing problems and are visiting these areas, it is recommended to monitor information from the local media and avoid the areas of fires.

Political unrest

Demonstrations and political protests are not unusual in Brazil. Brazil has a history of political instability characterised by corruption scandals, economic crises, and shifts in power.

You should do all you can to avoid political protests, demonstrations, and marches. If you suspect that a protest is about to take place, evacuate the area immediately.

Don't feel tempted to take photos of protests, help out injured protestors, and so on, or you might lose your life, get detained by the authorities, or get injured. Make it a point to monitor Brazilian media often during your stay.

The majority of popular demonstrations usually take place in the capitals such as São Paulo (in places like Largo da Batata, Avenida Paulista and Praça da Sé), Rio de Janeiro (Cinelândia and Copacabana Beach), Brasília (Eixo Monumental and Esplanada dos Ministérios) or Porto Alegre (Esquina Democrática and the Historic District).

The main Brazilian newspapers are Folha de S. Paulo , Estado de S. Paulo (both published in São Paulo) and O Globo (published in Rio de Janeiro). Other major newspapers include Correio Braziliense , Estado de Minas and Zero Hora . Veja , IstoÉ and CartaCapital is the main Brazilian national weekly news magazines.

Agência Brasil maintains a website with news in English language. The newspaper Folha de S. Paulo also has an English-language news website . The Rio Times is a Brazilian online newspaper in English.


tourism of brazil information

Brazil is one of a few countries that uses both 110 and 220 volts for everyday appliances. Expect the voltage to change back and forth as you travel from one place to the next—even within the same Brazilian state, sometimes even within the same building. There is no physical difference in the electric outlets (power mains) for the two voltages.

Electric outlets usually accept both flat (North American), and round (European) plugs. Otherwise adaptors from flat blades to round pins are easy to find in any supermarket or hardware shop. Some outlets are too narrow for the German "Schuko" plugs. One makeshift solution is to buy a cheap T-connection and just force your "Schuko" in, -the T will break, but it will work. Very few outlets have a grounding point, and some might not accept newer North American polarized plugs, where one pin is slightly larger. Again, use the cheap T. Near the border with Argentina , you might occasionally find outlets for the Australia/New Zealand-type plug. If crossing the border, you'll probably need this adapter as well.

In 2009/2010, the IEC 60906-1 was introduced to Brazil and some newer buildings already have it. It is backwards compatible with the Europlug, but it has a receded socket. Again, T-plugs can be used as adapters for other common formats.

Frequency is 60   Hz, which may disturb 50   Hz electric clocks. Blackouts are becoming less frequent, but you always run a risk at peak of high season in small tourist towns and during particularly strong storms, even in big cities.

Generally speaking, Brazilians are passionate, curious, welcoming conversationalists.

Communication style

Brazilians tend to be transparent ; it's common for them to freely talk about their problems and subjects that are usually seen as shockingly private in other parts of the world.

Try not to be surprised or on guard when someone you don't know approaches you in a public place and tries to initiate a conversation with you; this is how Brazilians get to know the people around them, and you may easily make a friend or two this way. Ignoring someone when they try to converse with you can be seen as insensitive, so try to respond accordingly when someone tries to talk to you.

Brazilians may be known for being friendly and talkative, but you should try to be diplomatic with your words. Just because they seem sociable and confident does not mean they are immune to offence.

Try not to assume the worst in people. Brazil may have its share of social and political problems, but that does not mean everyone is alike.


Brazilians are rather casual about time. You should expect your Brazilian contacts to arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes late for any appointment. This is considered normal in Brazil and does not mean a lack of respect for the relationship. However, this does not apply to work or business meetings.

If you are invited to a dinner or party, e.g. 19:00, that does not mean that you must be present at 19:00, but that you must not arrive before 19:00. You will be received at some minutes later. However, not all scheduled activities are tolerant with delays in Brazil. For example, at concerts or plays, the venue's doors close at the scheduled time. Long-distance buses also depart on the scheduled time. Short-distance public transport, such as city buses and subway, is not even concerned with the estimated time of arrival; they arrive when they arrive! Keep these elements in mind when calculating how long things will take.

Delays in the subway or city buses are not uncommon, especially in the capitals (such as São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro). However, long distance bus departures almost always leave on time (even if they arrive late), so don't count on lack of punctuality to save money when you arrive late at the bus terminals. Brazilian airports are also known for their punctuality: flights always take off at the scheduled time.

Sensitive issues

Racism is a very serious offence in Brazil. Most Brazilians frown upon racism (at least in public), and even if you are only joking or you think you know your partner, it is still wise to refrain from anything that can be perceived as racism. According to the Brazilian Constitution, racism is a crime for which bail is not available, and must be met with 6 months to 8 years of imprisonment. This is taken very seriously. However, the law only seems to apply to overt, unquestionably racist statements and actions. Therefore, be respectful when discussing racial relations in Brazil.

Brazilians are not Hispanic . Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country, not a Spanish-speaking country.

Brazilians, in general, are pretty engaged in their country's politics. While it may be common to listen to grumblings about the government, it's crucial to approach political discussions with sensitivity and respect. As is the case in any foreign country, foreign criticism of Brazil's government and politicians is seldom appreciated; it may be seen as insulting.

Do not ask about someone's personal convictions ― religious beliefs, salary, economic status, and so on ― unless you're well acquainted with them.

The Brazilian military government , which ruled the country from 1964 to 1985, can be a sensitive topic of discussion. In some circles, people felt there was more stability under their rule.

As is the case throughout South America , family is one of the most important pillars of Brazilian culture. Brazilian society is generally known for its strong family values and close-knit family relationships. Be mindful of that when conversing with Brazilians.

Avoid being overly enthusiastic about Argentina . Although relations between Brazil and Argentina are healthy and there are no feelings of resentment and hatred towards Argentine people, Brazil and Argentina are considered "rivals".

LGBT tourism

Brazil is considered the most LGBT-friendly country in Latin America. Same-sex marriage was legalized in 2013, São Paulo boasts the largest LGBT Pride Parade in the world, and most major cities will have gay scenes. However, homophobia is still widespread in Brazilian society, and Brazil is not the sexual heaven that many foreigners imagine. Couples who somehow do not conform to traditional heterosexual expectations should expect some verbal harassment and stares if displaying public affection in the streets, although several neighborhoods of many of the major cities are very welcoming of the LGBT population, and bars and clubs especially oriented for the LGBT public are common. In general, small towns or rural areas mainly in the north, tend to be conservative and many people (especially older ones) may be shocked by public displays of homosexual affection.

Religious etiquette

Under current Brazilian laws, religious intolerance — which also encompasses writing hateful comments about religion on social media — is punishable by up to 5 years in prison, a hefty fine, or both. In 2015, a Brazilian TV network was heavily fined after one of their hosts made some negative remarks about atheists.

In Sao Paulo , engaging in religious intolerance is punishable by fines up to R$82,000 .

Anything hinting at proselytisation is generally frowned upon and will not be appreciated. When visiting sites of religious importance, you should always act and dress respectfully.

Social etiquette

tourism of brazil information

  • Cheek-kissing is very common in Brazil, among women and between women and men. When two women, or opposite sexes first meet, it is not uncommon to kiss. Two men will shake hands. A man kissing another man's cheek is extremely bizarre by Brazilian standards (unless in family relationships, special Italian descendants, and very close friends). Kissing is suitable for informal occasions, used to introduce yourself or being acquainted, especially to young people. Hand shaking is more appropriate for formal occasions or between women and men when no form of intimacy is intended. Trying to shake hands when offered a kiss will be considered odd, but never rude. However, to clearly refuse a kiss is a sign of disdain. When people first meet, they will kiss once ( São Paulo ), twice ( Rio de Janeiro ) or three times ( Florianópolis and Belo Horizonte , for instance), depending on where you are, alternating right and left cheeks. Observe that while doing this, you should not kiss on the cheeks (like in Russia) but actually only touch cheeks and make a kissing sound while kissing the air, placing your lips on a strangers cheek is a clear sign of sexual interest. Failing to realise these rules likely won't be seen as rude, especially if it is known that you are a foreigner.
  • Many Brazilians can dance and are usually at ease with their own bodies. While talking, they may stand closer to each other than North Americans or Northern Europeans do, and also tend to touch each other more, e.g. on the shoulder or arm, hugs etc. This is not necessarily flirtatious in nature.
  • Brazilians love to drink, and going to pubs and bars is definitely part of social life - sometimes even for those who don't drink alcohol. However, alcoholic beverages aren't allowed in certain places such football stadiums, and laws concerning driving under the influence of alcohol have become increasingly more strict and more rigorously enforced.
  • Brazilians do not normally take their shoes off as soon as they get home, neither expect their visitors to do so. Hence, only take off your shoes when you visit someone's house if your hosts ask so or you see them do so.

Table etiquette

  • Except for highly formal situations, Brazilians don't normally mind their tones when eating and chatting. Restaurants tend to be relatively noisy and cheerful environments, especially when there are tables with large groups of people.
  • Most meals will be eaten with forks/spoons and knives, but there are some things that you can eat with your hands. If you are unsure whether you should use the knife to cut something shorter or just grab it with your hands, observe how people behave around you and imitate them - or simply ask.
  • Burping is considered impolite, unless you are among very close friends or relatives. Brazilians usually place the knife and the fork in a parallel manner on the plate to signalize they are finished.
  • If you order a beer or a soda and it comes with a cup, waiters may fill it for you from time to time as they see it becoming empty. They will normally collect empty bottles and cans without asking you first.

tourism of brazil information

Brazil has international telephone code 55 and two-digit area codes, and phone numbers are eight or nine digits long. Some areas used seven digits until 2006, meaning you might still find some old phone numbers which won't work unless you add another digit. (Mostly, try adding 2 or 3 at the beginning, or if it's an eight-digit number starting with 6 to 9 try adding a 9 at the beginning).

Eight-digit numbers beginning with digits 2 to 5 are land lines, while eight-digit or nine-digit numbers beginning with digits 6 to 9 are mobile phones.

All cities use the following emergency numbers:

  • 190 - Police
  • 192 - SAMU (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, Paramedics )
  • 193 - Firefighters

However, if you dial 911 while in Brazil, you will be redirected to the police.

To dial to another area code or to another country, you must choose a carrier using a two-digit carrier code. Which carriers are available depends on the area you are dialing from and on the area you are dialing to. Carrier 21 (Embratel) is available in all areas.

The international phone number format for calls from other countries to Brazil is +55-(area code)-(phone number)

  • To dial to another area code: 0-(carrier code)-(area code)-(phone number)
  • To dial to another country: 00-(carrier code)-(country code)-(area code)-(phone number)
  • Local collect call: 90-90-(phone number)
  • Collect call to another area code: 90-(carrier code)-(area code)-(phone number)
  • International Collect Call: 000111 or through Embratel at 0800-703-2111

Public payphones use disposable prepaid cards, which come with 20, 40, 60 or 75 credits. The discount for buying cards with larger denominations is marginal. Phone booths are nearly everywhere, and all cards can be used in all booths, regardless of the owner phone company. Cards can be bought from many small shops, and almost all news agents sell them. The Farmácia Pague Menos sells them at official (phone company) price, somewhat cheaper. Calls to cell phones (even local) will use up your credits very quickly (nearly as expensive as international calls). Calling the USA costs about one real per minute. It's possible to find all international and Brazilian phone codes on DDI and DDD phone codes [ dead link ] .

Mobile networks

When traveling to Brazil, even though it may seem best to carry your cell phone along, you should not dismiss the benefits of the calling cards to call the ones back home. Get yourself a Brazil calling card when packing for your trip.

Brazil has 4 national mobile operators: Vivo (Telefónica Group), Claro (Telmex/América Móvil Group), OI and TIM (Telecom Italia Group), all of them running GSM, HSDPA/HSPA+ and LTE networks. There are also smaller operators, like Nextel (NII/Sprint Group) (with iDEN Push-To-Talk and HSPA+), CTBC-ALGAR (GSM and HSDPA in Triangulo Mineiro Region (Minas Gerais)), and Sercomtel (GSM and HSDPA in Paraná).

Pay-as-you-go ( pré-pago ) SIM cards for GSM phones are widely available in places like newsstands, drugstores, supermarkets, retail shops, etc. Vivo uses 850/1800/1900   MHz frequencies, while other operators uses 900/1800   MHz (and some specific cases, 1900Mhz) frequencies. 3G/HSDPA coverage is available mostly on big cities on the southeast states and capitals. Some states use 850   MHz but others use 2100   MHz for 3G/HSDPA. For LTE, all states and operators use the European 2600Mhz (B7) frequency (700Mhz B28 is being tested) If you need to unlock a phone from a specific operator, this can be done for a charge in any phone shop.

If you prefer, you can use international roaming in any operator (respecting the roaming agreements). In this case, if you want to call to Brazil, you must call the number directly, as stated above, or using the standardized way, as +<countrycode><areacode><number> to call abroad.

All major carriers (Vivo, Claro, TIM and Oi) can send and receive text messages (SMS) as well as phone calls to/from abroad. Some operators (as Vivo, Claro, and TIM), can send and receive international text messages.

Brazil uses a hybrid video system called PAL-M . It is not at all compatible with the PAL system of Europe and Australia. Nowadays, most new TV sets are compatible with the NTSC system used in the United States and Canada. Until 2023, Brazil will bring digital broadcasting with the Japanese ISDB standard. Digital terrestrial television is available in almost 90% of Brazil. In addition to the 6 major Brazilian television networks (Globo, RecordTV, SBT, Band, RedeTV and Cultura), many cities in the country have pay TV via cable or satellite.

Digital video appliances such as DVD players are also compatible with NTSC (all digital colour is the same worldwide), but make sure the DVD region codes, if any, match your home country (Brazil is part of Region 4). Also, the term "DVD" in Brazil is both an abbreviation for the disc and for its player, so be specific to avoid confusion.

Hotels, airports and shopping malls often offer free WiFi hotspots for your laptop computer or smartphone. In addition, Brazil seems to be a country with overly many open WiFi hotspots, only requiring login via Facebook for instance.

For general tips on internet while travelling, see our travel topic: Internet access .

Postal services

The Brazilian Correio is fairly reliable and post offices are everywhere. However, if you ask how much it costs to send a letter, postcard or package they will automatically give you the "priority" price ( prioritário ) instead of the normal one ( Econômico ). You might think that the priority one will make it go faster, but it isn't always true; sometimes it takes as long as the normal fare, so be sure to ask for the "econômico" price of anything you wish to dispatch.

Crossing the land border is possible to Uruguay , Argentina , Colombia , French Guyana , Paraguay , Bolivia , Peru , Guyana and Venezuela . There is no road to Suriname.

  • Argentina and Paraguay : Directly at the border crossing to both countries is the Brazilian airport of Foz do Iguaçu . The airport has flights from several Brazilian destinations.
  • Bolivia : The bigger Brazilian airports nearby are in Campo Grande , Cuiabá and Porto Velho . Directly at a border crossing is the airport of Corumba with flights for example from São Paulo.
  • Uruguay : Fly to nearby Pelotas or Porto Alegre .
  • Colombia and Peru : Take a flight or a boat on the Amazon to Tabatinga . To the Peruvian border you could also fly to Rio Branco or Porto Velho .
  • French Guyana : Take a flight to Macapa or Belém .
  • Guyana and Venezuela: Fly to Boa Vista or Manaus .

tourism of brazil information

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Brazil Travel Guide

Your complete brazil travel guide, with our tips, ideas on things to do, and best things to see in brazil. great for first-time travelers..

Brazil is the largest country in South America and a top tourist destination. In fact, Brazil has its own Ministry of Tourism, which ensures touring is as easy as possible for visitors.

It is a fun, vibrant country and home to iconic landmarks, including Iguazu Falls and the towering Christ the Redeemer statue.

Explore the Amazon Rainforest, go to one of many (over 2,000) beaches, meet friendly and diverse locals, or try some authentic Brazilian cuisine. There is a lot to see and do here.

This Brazil travel guide will help you plan your next vacation.

Popular Guides

  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Iguassu Falls
  • Brazil Cuisine

Our Highlight

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Table of contents

Table of Contents

Fast Facts about Brazil

  • Power voltage  is 127V- 220V at 60 Hz depending on location. About 60% of households use 127V. Plug C and N. 
  • Brazil’s currency  is the Brazilian Real (R$) and 1 R$ is equal to 0.26 USD. 
  • Traveling by bus  is considered the best way to get around Brazil. 
  • You no longer need a tourist visa, just a valid US passport. 
  • The most popular  cellular networks  in Brazil are Vivo, TIM, and Oi. You can purchase a prepaid SIM card through these networks. 
  • VAT:  The state average value-added tax (VAT) comes at 17%, though it goes 18% in São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Paraná, and 19% in Rio de Janeiro.
  • Language:  Remember Brazilians do not speak Spanish, they speak Portuguese. Try to avoid speaking to Brazilians in Spanish as its not the same language and they won’t necessarily understand what you are saying. Furthermore, English is not widely spoken, even in tourist cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, so brush up on some basic Portuguese words and sayings before you go. Remember it’s not Gracias but Obrigado | Obrigada. 

Things to See and Do in Brazil

  • Fly ov e r Rio de Janeiro:   Rio needs to be seen from a helicopter to truly take in the scope of its beauty. Helisul is the premier helicopter tour operator in the city, and we can understand why, these guys were friendly, welcoming and top-notch.
  • Go See Iguassu Falls : Iguassu Falls is one of the must-see natural wonders on earth. As a matter of fact, it was recently named one of the new 7 Natural Wonders in the world.
  • Sandboard in Floripa: Sandboarding at the dunes of the famous Joaquina beach, one of the most famous beaches of Florianopolis.
  • Visit the Ecotourism capital of Brazil:  if you are craving an adventure, than Bonito in Mato Grosso do Sul is the just the place for you. Our recommendation? Abismo Anhumas a huge, stalactite-covered cavern that offers abseiling and diving in an underground lake.
  • Visit the Amazon and stay at the  Uakari Lodge :  the lodge is managed by shared management among Mamirauá Institute and the communities from Mamirauá Reserve. The enterprise’s aim is to generate income for the local people and to contribute to natural resources’ preservation. Ten communities from the reserve act managing the Lodge, the employees, the contractors, and the salespeople.
  • Visit Copacabana and Ipanema Beach:  While in Rio, we tried three different hotels on three different beaches. If you are going to stay in Rio, you may be interested in one of these three Rio hotels.
  • See Christ the Redeemer:  One of the most iconic things to do in Rio de Janeiro is to visit Christ the Redeemer. It’s one of the most recognized in the world. When picturing Rio, this is what everyone envisions. Christo Redentor stands proudly over the city at the top of Corcovado Mountain.
  • Visit Jericoacoara:  Jeri is a very special fishing village on the northeast coast of Brazil in Ceara, 330 kilometers northwest of Fortaleza. It was once hailed as having one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world by the Washington Post. Jericoacoara is surrounded by dunes, freshwater lagoons and set in a national park.  The only way to get to Jeri is a 4×4 Jardineira vehicle or buggy. It is known as the perfect place for kitesurfers and surfers. Paradise is waiting.
  • Take a Favela Tour:   If you want to learn more about Rio culture, take a favela tour to visit local communities. There are 800 favelas in Rio and nearly 1.5 million people inhabit these communities.
  • Explore the Downtown of Rio de Janeiro:   Downtown Rio is definitely worth spending a day to explore. The alleyways are charming mazes filled with cafés and stores. There’s markets, cathedrals, museums, and monasteries. If you get a chance, be sure to take a Rio City tour.
  • See the Museum of Tomorrow:  Opening in December 2015, it is one of the world’s most extraordinary architectural designs.
  • Go on on an  Afro-Walking Tour:   Did you know that Rio was the largest slave port in history? It is also the birthplace of samba. Learn about the rich history of Rio de Janeiro on this incredibly informative walking tour.

Brazil Travel Guides

  • Things to do in Rio de Janeiro
  • Things to do in Iguassu Falls
  • Top Brazil Cuisine


Budget:  Brazil offers many hostels in the range of 50-100 Brazilian Reals per night. 

Mid-Range:  For mid-range hotels, expect to pay around 190-260 Brazilian Reals per night. 

High-End:  Upscale hotels will cost 350-750 Brazilian Reals per night. 

Check out our favorite booking platforms Booking.com , Tripadvisor and VRBO for the best deals on accommodation.

Brazil offers many exciting options for food. Bolinhos de bacalhau (codfish balls) and pastels (deep-fried stuffed pastries) are some of the things you can find when in Brazil. Expect to pay around R$15 for a meal, or R$55 total per day. 

Food:  If you’re hungry, we would highly recommend visiting a por kilo restaurant. The concept is just like a buffet but in the end, you weigh your food and pay in terms of weight. The por kilo restaurants have a huge variety of delicious food, including some Brazilian favorites like farofa [a toasted cassava flour mixture], feijão, pastel [think deep-fried empanadas] and of course grilled-to-order meat [with garlic sauce!]. Yum!

Drinks:  Make sure to drink a Caipirinha! It Brazil’s national cocktail, made with cachaça, sugar, and lime. They also make fruit caipirinhas, we would recommend the maracujá [passion fruit] caipirinha.

The tap water in Brazil is increasingly safe to drink. However, as a result of the treatment process, it still doesn’t taste great. To be on the safe side, drink bottled or filtered water (most Brazilians do). All brands are reliable; ask for agua sem gas for still water and agua com gas for carbonated water.

Water:  If you ask for water in a restaurant, you will be served with a bottle of water (charged to your account) unless you specifically request água da casa [water of the house].

The Best Ways to Get Around Brazil

Getting to brazil:.

Getting to Brazil:  If going to Rio de Janeiro, the Galeão Airport is one of the best and is located just 12 miles from the city center. For those traveling to São Paulo, São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport is the best. 

You can check for the best flights on Skyscanner .


Bus:  Buses are a cheap way to get around Brazil, as well as the preferred way to travel locals. Fares are 3 to 4 Brazilian Reals for one way. 

Train:  Trains are rarely used in Brazil except for cargo, though there are a few train rides made for tourists. To learn more,  click here.  

Renting a car:   To rent a car in Brazil, you must be at least 21 years old, have a valid driver’s license and passport. Prices start around 8 Brazilian Reals per day. Check out  Rentlcars.com  to compare the best rates

When to go To Brazil

As the temperature is great year-round (an average of 80s degrees Fahrenheit), the best time to visit depends on what you want to do.

If you want to see as many animals in the Amazon as you can, going between April to October is your best bet.

If traveling to Rio, December to March is the driest season and is also the season when popular events like the New Year’s Eve celebration (Réveillon) and the Fat Tuesday festival occurs.

For the cheapest flights, go in March.

Where to Stay in Brazil

Hilton Barra Rio de Janeiro:   This 5-star hotel is bus accessible and a short walk to the Maria Lenk Aquatic Center, Citibank Hall, and the beach. The Hilton provides a full range of services, including babysitting, laundry, room service, bicycle rentals, a fitness room, outdoor pool and lounge area, and wheelchair ramps, as well as gorgeous views of Rio de Janeiro. 

Hotel Nacional Inn Campos do Jordão:   This three-star hotel is located in the entertainment center of Sao Paulo. Whether traveling alone, with a partner, or with a family, this hotel has multiple options for rooms, including a Quadruple room for up to 4 guests, and a romantic room complete with complimentary rose petals. Free high-speed Wi-Fi, a fitness room, minibars, sport court, and game room, and breakfast are also included. 

Sol Bahia:   Right by the water, this casual hotel offers beautiful ocean and beach views from the hotel. It’s just a few miles from Salvador shopping. The hotel also comes with a children’s play area, restaurant and bar, an outdoor pool, free Wi-Fi, single and family rooms, and LCD TVs with cable, among other things. 

Read our recommendations at Three Great Hotels in Rio on the Best of the City’s Beaches

Brazil Accommodation Guides

  • Three Great Hotels in Rio on the Best of the City’s Beaches
  • The Top 18 Most Excellent Things to do in Rio de Janeiro
  • Ultimate Iguazu Falls Tour

What to Pack for Brazil

Packing for Brazil can be tricky depending on the areas that you will be visiting and the time of year.

Temperatures below the equator are high and there is very little seasonal variation, although at times it can get cool enough to wear a jacket.

If visitors venture more South, especially during Brazil’s winter months [June – September], expect much colder temperature with the possibility of frost or even snow [although rare].

The cities of Belo Horizonte and Brasília have moderate temperatures, usually between 15 and 30 °C (59 and 86 °F). Rio de Janeiro, Recife, and Salvador on the coast have warm climates, with average temperatures of each month ranging from 23 to 27 °C (73 to 81 °F), but enjoy constant trade winds.

Winter in Rio de Janeiro can be chilly. The cities of São Paulo, Curitiba, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre have a subtropical climate similar to that of the southern United States, and temperatures can fall below freezing in winter.

  • Leave your valuables at home  – New Apple watch? Expensive diamond earrings? Gold chain? Leave all your shiny, expensive valuables at home.
  • Classic Basic items – You do not need to be a fashionista to blend in. The key is in embracing neutrally toned items that can be mixed and matched easily. Avoid logos, baseball caps, shorts, hoodies, flip-flops, and running shoes as these items scream  tourist!
  • Personal Safety products  – Certain areas in Brazil are known as pickpocket hotspots; before leaving for your trip, make sure to pack some  personal safety products , like money belts and locks, so that you can keep
  • Get Medical Insurance  – adventure and eco-travel is common in Brazil; if you plan on trekking in the Amazon; paragliding and/or hiking, make sure to be  covered just in case .
  • Bug Spray! –  As of April 2017, the World Health Organization has updated their yellow fever vaccination recommendations in terms of Brazil as the yellow fever virus transmission continues to expand towards the Atlantic coast of Brazil in areas not deemed to be a risk for yellow fever transmission prior to the review risk assessment.
  • As a result of this make sure to cover exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, use EPA-registered insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE, also called para-menthane-diol [PMD]), IR3535, or 2-undecanone (methyl nonyl ketone)(Always use as directed)  OR  Use permethrin-treated clothing and gear (such as boots, pants, socks, and tents). 
  • Lastly, if you are traveling from Brazil to another country make sure to check if you need a yellow fever vaccination certificate or might be denied entry.
  • Rain gear –  if you plan on visiting São Paulo and/or Rio in the wintertime, be prepared for rain; make sure to bring along an umbrella and/or a raincoat.

Brazil Travel Guide: Best Booking Resources

Whenever we travel to we make sure to start with these companies. We have tried a lot of different ones over the years and all of these have consistently proven to be the best when it comes to offering great prices.

We have used every one of these personally and continue to do so.

  • Booking.com : This is our go site to when comparing prices for accommodation. It usually has the cheapest prices, especially in Europe and we love their interface. Not to mention you get free cancellation and you are guaranteed the best price.
  • Trip Advisor :  What we like about Trip Advisor is that we can look at all the reviews and then book our accommodation. TripAdvisor is where we go when we want to compare prices with multiple accommodation providers.
  • VRBO : is the main search engine we use when we are looking for a home or apartment rental. It can sometimes be cheaper than hotels and it is the best way to stay in areas that offer a more local feel.
  • Hostelworld :  With one of the largest databases of hostels in the world, Hostelworld is the go-to site when you are looking for budget accommodation.
  • Skyscanner : This is the first place we check for flights. It consistently comes back with the cheapest and best options. It allows us to compare a lot of airlines to get the best price.
  • Rome 2 Rio :  If you want to see how to get somewhere by plane, train, bus, ferry or car Rome2Rio lays it all out for you as well as related costs.I love how they show it all to you on a Google Map and it works offline.
  • Get Your Guide:  For all your day trip and city guide needs, we use Get Your Guide. It has the world’s largest collection of things to do with more than 30,000 activities in 7500 destinations.
  • World Nomads Insurance:  When traveling to Italy you should always have travel insurance. We have found the best bang for your buck is by far World Nomads.

Brazil Travel Guide: Related Articles

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28 Best Things to Do in Rio De Janeiro in 2024

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Brazil - Amazon, Brazil

Introducing Brazil

About brazil.

  • Images of Brazil
  • History, language & culture
  • Weather & geography
  • Doing business & staying in touch

Plan your trip

  • Travel to Brazil
  • Where to stay

While you’re there

  • Things to see & do
  • Shopping & nightlife
  • Food & drink
  • Getting around

Before you go

  • Passport & visa
  • Public Holidays
  • Money & duty free

Book your flights

Rio de Janeiro

  • Brasilia International Airport
  • Rio de Janeiro-Galeão (Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport)
  • Salvador International Airport
  • São Paulo-Guarulhos International Airport
  • Buzios beaches
  • Copacabana beaches
  • Natal beaches
  • Salvador beaches

Cruise Locations

Brazil travel guide.

From the jungle calls of the Amazon to the thong-clad crowds of Copacabana beach, Brazil is an intoxicating mix of the big, the bold and the beautiful, perennially one of the world’s favourite destinations.

It’s also one of the largest countries on the planet, with an awesome array of treasures to match. Its vast coastline is fringed with soft sands and island getaways; the Amazon Basin teems with an unrivalled mass of flora and fauna; and the wetlands of the Pantanal, the largest on Earth, support a staggering diversity of wildlife.

And then there’s the Iguaçu Falls, an unforgettable natural spectacle featuring hundreds of waterfalls, which cascade from the tropical rainforest as blue morpho butterflies flit through the spray.

Undoubtedly the greatest draw, however, are the Brazilians themselves; probably the most hedonistic people on earth. Whether it’s Rio’s effervescent Cariocas going overboard at Carnival, or São Paulo’s sultry citizens gyrating in chic nightclubs, Brazilians love having fun.

Their irrepressible joie de vivre finds its best outlet through music and dance. Samba, lambada and bossa nova are Brazil’s best-known musical exports, but visitors can also discover a plethora of other genres, from the Northeast’s forró to the punchy bass of baile funk coming out of Rio’s favelas.

Adrenaline junkies can go wild in Brazil; shooting the big surf of Santa Catarina; bouncing in beach buggies over the sand dunes of northern Natal; snorkeling in Fernando de Noronha National Park; or abseiling in the Chapada Diamantina National Park.

Or you can take life easy and let Brazil come to you by lolling in a hammock on an Amazonian ferry, looking out for the occasional macaw, or browsing the backstreets of colonial towns such as Ouro Preto and Paraty, which are lined with architectural monuments and chic boutique hotels.

Whatever you’re looking for, rest assured, Brazil has it in spades.

8,515,770 sq km (3,287,957 sq miles).

210,274,356 (UN estimate 2016).

24 per sq km.


Federal Republic.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva since 2023.

Travel Advice

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

Areas where FCDO advises against all but essential travel   

Amazonas state.

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to the following river areas towards the west of Amazonas State, where Brazil shares borders with Colombia, Peru and Venezuela:  

  • along the Amazonas (Amazon) River and its tributaries west of the town of Codajás and east of the town of Belém do Solimões in Amazonas State
  • along any part of the Itaquaí River in Amazonas State
  • along any part of the Japurá River or its tributaries in Amazonas State
  • along the Rio Negro (Black River) and its tributaries north or west of the town of Barcelos in Amazonas State

Find out more about why  FCDO  advises against travel .

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide. You may also find it helpful to: 

  • see  general advice for women travellers
  • read our guide on disability and travel abroad
  • see  general advice for LGBT+ travellers
  • read about  safety for solo and independent travel
  • see advice on volunteering and adventure travel abroad

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

About FCDO travel advice

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) provides advice about risks of travel to help you make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice .

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated.

This information is for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK. It is based on the UK government’s understanding of Brazil’s current rules for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Brazil set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact the Brazilian Embassy in the UK .

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for travellers entering Brazil.

Passport validity requirements

To enter Brazil, your passport must have an ‘expiry date’ at least 6 months after the date you arrive.

Check with your travel provider that your passport and other travel documents meet requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

You will be denied entry if you do not have a valid travel document or try to use a passport that has been reported lost or stolen.

Visa requirements

You can visit Brazil without a visa for up to 90 days for tourism.

If you want to extend your tourist visa, contact the Federal Police (in Portuguese) before your visa expires.

For more information about visas, contact the Brazilian Consulate in London .

If you overstay your visa, you’ll face a daily fine. You have the option to pay this fine either when you leave Brazil or during your next visit. You will not be allowed to re-enter Brazil if you do not pay the fine. Overstaying your visa will result in a 6-month ban from re-entering the country.

Make sure you get your passport stamped.

Make sure the border control officer puts a stamp in your passport. If it is not stamped, you may be fined when you leave.

Read about passport stamping if you live in Brazil  (in Portuguese).  

At Brazil border control, you must be able to show:

  • information about the purpose of your visit
  • evidence you have enough money for your whole stay
  • details of your accommodation
  • evidence of return or onward travel

British-Brazilian dual nationals

Brazilian immigration authorities often require dual British-Brazilian nationals visiting Brazil to travel on Brazilian (rather than British) passports.

Travelling with children

Children with dual british-brazilian citizenship.

British-Brazilian dual nationals under the age of 18 who are travelling without all parents or legal guardians need authorisation from all parents or legal guardians to travel in Brazil or leave the country.

If they travel with only one parent (or guardian) or without any parent, they must have 2 original written authorisations from all parents or guardians. Read more about the formal travel authorisation process for Brazilian minors and the frequently asked questions .

You must show this permission when the under-18 leaves Brazil. One copy will be kept by the Federal Police inspection agent, together with a copy of the under-18’s identification document, and the other must stay with the under-18 or the adult accompanying them on the trip.

Children who are not dual British-Brazilian nationals

The Federal Police have sometimes delayed the travel of non-Brazilian under-18s who travel without authorisation from both parents. Families of non-Brazilian under-18s travelling through Brazil without one or both parents should follow the instructions for dual British-Brazilian under-18s. Make sure the under-18 or their travelling companion also carries the original or notarised copy of the under-18’s birth certificate. Contact the Brazilian Consulate in London for more information.

Vaccine requirements

For details about medical entry requirements and recommended vaccinations, see TravelHealthPro’s Brazil guide .

This guide also has safety advice for regions of Brazil .

There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad .

Terrorism in Brazil

Terrorist attacks in Brazil cannot be ruled out.

Protests and civil unrest

Protests, demonstrations and strikes take place regularly in cities across Brazil, with reports of arrests and clashes between police and protesters. They can disrupt transport. Even peaceful events can sometimes turn confrontational and escalate into violence. Police have used rubber bullets and tear gas extensively to disperse protesters. The effects of tear gas can be felt several hundred metres beyond the immediate site of demonstrations.

You should:

  • avoid political rallies or other events where crowds have congregated to protest
  • follow local news reports
  • comply with the instructions of local authorities

If you encounter a political protest or feel uncomfortable in a large gathering, leave the area immediately.

Favelas (‘slum’ or ‘shanty town’) are urban neighbourhoods of high-density informal housing. They exist in all major Brazilian cities and can border areas used by tourists and visitors. 

The security situation in many favelas is unpredictable. Visiting a favela can be dangerous. Avoid all favelas, including favela tours marketed to tourists and any accommodation, restaurants or bars advertised as being within a favela.

  • make sure the suggested route does not take you into a favela if you’re using GPS navigation
  • avoid entering unpaved, cobbled or narrow streets which may lead into a favela - tourists have been shot after accidentally entering favelas

If you’re unsure about a location, check with your hotel or the local authorities.

Carnival and other large-scale celebrations

If you are attending a large-scale celebration in Brazil, such as the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro or other major cities, be aware that criminals target people who appear to be wealthy or easy targets, for example, those who have drunk a lot of alcohol.

Be aware of your personal security and surroundings, and be cautious about proposals from strangers that take you away from public areas.

If you’re the victim of crime, contact the local police number 190 or the nearest British embassy or consulate.

Read our guidance if you’re the victim of a crime abroad .

Criminal kidnaps

Short-term opportunistic kidnapping (called ‘express kidnapping’) can happen.  Victims have been kidnapped for a short period of time and driven to an ATM to withdraw money before being abandoned. Express kidnappers may use violence.

To reduce your risk:

  • avoid wearing expensive clothing or jewellery, particularly in public
  • avoid casual taxis, use official or pre-booked taxis instead where the driver is registered
  • be vigilant, especially at night

Pickpocketing is common. Do not go on to city beaches after dark.

If threatened, hand over your valuables without resistance. Attackers may be armed and under the influence of drugs. Do not resist attackers – this increases the risk of harm to you.

You can take steps to reduce the risk to yourself and your belongings, including:

  • avoiding wearing expensive jewellery and watches
  • avoiding carrying large sums of money – consider wearing a money belt
  • avoiding using a mobile phone in the street
  • keeping cameras out of sight when not in use
  • leaving your passport and valuables in a safe place, but carry a copy of your passport and another form of photo ID, if you have one, at all times

Thefts are particularly common on public beaches and include ‘arrastões’ where large groups of thieves sometimes run through an area of the beach grabbing possessions. Keep your belongings close and avoid taking valuables to the beach.

Robberies on buses are common in many cities. Thieves target mobile phones, particularly between 4pm and 9pm.

Bank and credit card scams are common, including card cloning from ATMs and in shops. Keep sight of your card and do not use an ATM if you notice anything suspicious.

If you withdraw cash at an ATM and the cash has pink marks on it, speak to the bank (or police) straight away to get it changed. It may have been marked as damaged or counterfeit.

Sexual assault and drink spiking

Rape and other sexual offences against tourists are not common, but there have been attacks against both women and men. Some have involved date rape drugs. Buy your own drinks and keep them in sight.

If you begin to feel strange, sick or drunk after only a couple of drinks, tell a trusted friend or security staff. They should take you to a safe place, such as your hotel room or a hospital. You can phone the local police, a hospital or the nearest British embassy or consulate for advice.

Read our advice on what to do if you have been raped, sexually assaulted or drugged abroad .

Child sexual abuse

There are widespread cases of sexual abuse of children in Brazil. All sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18) is illegal, regardless of the age of consent locally. If you commit sex offences against children abroad, you can be prosecuted in the UK.

Parental child abduction

Parental child abduction is not common but can happen in Brazil. Dial 190 to report a missing child or go to the nearest police station. Read the guidance on international parental child abduction if your child may be at risk of this.    

Theft from cars is common. Keep valuables out of sight.

Carjacking can happen, particularly on major roads and in tunnels. To reduce your risk you should:

  • approach your car with your keys in your hand so you can get into your car quickly
  • keep doors locked and windows closed
  • take particular care at traffic lights
  • drive in the middle lane if possible
  • avoid deserted or poorly lit areas, unless you have reliable local advice
  • be cautious of people approaching to ask for information, especially at night
  • If driving at night outside the city, avoid stopping at the roadside – if you must stop, try to stop in a petrol station or well-lit area

Laws and cultural differences

Illegal drugs and trafficking scams.

Drug trafficking is widespread in Brazil and the penalties are severe. The penalties for possessing drugs for personal use range from educational classes to community service.

British nationals have been targeted through email scams where fraudsters offer a financial reward for travelling to Brazil, where they are then asked to carry items out of Brazil, including to the UK. These items are often illegal drugs. Anyone caught will face detention for drug trafficking, regardless of the circumstances.

Electronic smoking devices

As of 2 May 2024, all electronic cigarettes and vaping devices are banned in Brazil. Refills, parts, and accessories are also banned.

The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa) prohibits the import, transport, sale, storage and advertisement of these items. Customs officials have the authority to confiscate any vape products found in travellers’ luggage (both checked in and carry on) during inspections.

LGBT+ travellers

There is no legislation against homosexuality in Brazil. Same-sex marriage is legal and LGBT+ couples have equal rights in law.

São Paulo holds the world’s largest Pride celebration, which is usually very peaceful. Violence at the event is rare. Pride in Rio de Janeiro and other cities also attracts large numbers.

Brazil is generally tolerant. However, Brazilian society is quite conservative, particularly outside the larger towns and cities. Violence against LGBT+ people is a concern. Instances of discrimination, violence and harassment against the community have been reported. Factors contributing to these concerns include societal attitudes, cultural influences and the presence of conservative perspectives. Urban areas can be more accepting. 

Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers .

Outdoor activities and adventure tourism

Swimming safety.

Strong currents can be a danger off some beaches. Get local advice before going in the water. Pay attention to warning flags and the location of lifeguards if present on the beach.

Shark attacks are a danger, particularly on the beaches around Recife in north-east Brazil. Pay attention to warning signs and consult lifeguards if unsure. Do not enter the water if there are warning signs. Sharks have been known to attack in waist-deep water and deaths have occurred.

See water safety on holiday from the Royal Life Saving Society.

Transport risks

Road travel.

You can use a UK photocard driving licence to drive in Brazil. If you still have a paper driving licence, you may need to update it to a photocard licence or get the 1968 version of the international driving permit ( IDP ) as well. An IDP is recommended. After 180 days, you need to apply for a Brazilian driving licence.

Driving standards

Brazil has a high road accident rate. Driving standards are poor. Take care on the roads and avoid riding bicycles. In many rural areas, roads are in poor condition away from the main highways. Bus and coach crashes are frequent.

Immediately report all accidents involving personal injury to the police: call 190 or file a report at a police station. Also call the police if the vehicles are obstructing traffic and you need help.

 You can report an accident:

  • at the nearest police station
  • to the tourist police (DEAT)


Drink-driving is a serious offence in Brazil and checkpoints are often set up. If you’re caught driving under the influence of alcohol, you will be prosecuted. Penalties range from fines and a suspension from driving for 12 months, to up to 3 years in prison.

Allow plenty of time to arrive at the airport for your flight. Traffic in the main cities, especially São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, can be very heavy.

If you have been a victim of a passport theft and you need to fly to Brasilia, São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro for consular services, you can travel on domestic flights with a valid photo ID or a police report.   

Check whether your tour operator has concerns about airlines in Brazil.

There have been armed and unarmed attacks on merchant vessels, including British flag vessels off the Brazilian coast and in some Brazilian ports.

Rail travel

There is a limited railway infrastructure in Brazil, and there have been safety incidents on the rail network.

Extreme weather and natural disasters

Heavy rainfall .

The rainy season runs from November until March in the south and south-east (including Rio de Janeiro – see Regional risks ) and from April until July in the north-east of Brazil. However heavy rainfall and flooding can also occur outside of the designated rainy seasons, in any region of the country.

Heavy rains often disrupt infrastructure, particularly in rural areas. Flash floods and landslides, especially in poorer urban areas, are common during heavy rains. Monitor local media and follow any instructions given by the local authorities.

Forest fires

Forest fires are common from May to September, especially during July and August due to the arrival of dry season. They are highly dangerous and unpredictable. Check the latest alerts and weather forecast (in Portuguese) and follow advice of local authorities if you’re considering travelling to affected areas.

This section has safety advice for regions of Brazil. It only covers regions where FCDO has specific advice. You should also read FCDO ’s overall travel advice and safety and security advice .

All regions

Heavy rainfall.

Heavy rainfall (particularly in the summer months of January to March, and in the rainy seasons of November to March in the south-east, and April to July in the north-east ) can lead to localised flash floods, as well as landslides in regions where mountains are close to the coast such as Rio de Janeiro. This includes in tourist areas. Follow local authority warnings which are displayed on digital street signs and sent to hotels and hostels. Heavy rainfall and flooding can also occur outside of the designated rainy seasons, in any region of the country.

Avoid travelling on the road during heavy rain. Cars and buses have been caught in landslides, resulting in deaths. If you are outside when the rain starts, avoid walking in flooded areas, and do not cross fast flowing water, however shallow you think it is. People have drowned when swept away.

Protests in Rio de Janeiro

Copacabana beach is a popular location for demonstrations.

Organised crime and militias

Organised crime groups and militias operate in Rio de Janeiro.

Avoid all favelas – see Safety and security . There are favelas located around the city, including close to the tourist area of Zona Sul and Maré.

There have been armed clashes on major roads, including the main highway to the international airport, which runs alongside a large favela. Tourists participating in favela tours have accidentally been shot dead during police operations.

There is a risk of violence spilling over into nearby areas, including popular tourist areas. There have been injuries and deaths from stray bullets in and near favelas.

Theft in Rio de Janeiro

The most common incidents affecting British nationals are thefts and pickpocketing around:

  • Copacabana beach
  • Ipanema beach
  • Santa Teresa

Tourists have reported armed robberies on the Corcovado walking trail to the Christ the Redeemer statue.

Drinking water

Problems have been reported with tap water. Only use bottled water.

Protests in São Paulo

Protests take place regularly and often without warning. Roads and public transport are frequently disrupted and there can be delays along the main road to Guarulhos International Airport.

Popular locations for demonstrations include the Avenida Paulista and the historic downtown area.

Theft in São Paulo

The most common incidents affecting British nationals in São Paulo are thefts or pickpocketing around:

  • Avenida Paulista
  • the historical downtown area
  • the red light districts located on Rua Augusta (north of Avenida Paulista)
  • Catedral da Sé
  • Praça da República
  • the Estacao de Luz metro area (where Cracolandia is located)

Protests in Brasilia

The Esplanada dos Ministerios is a popular location for demonstrations. See our advice on protests and civil unrest .

Theft in Brasilia

In Brasilia, the central bus station area has a lot of incidents of theft. Theft from pedestrians also happens across the city, especially in the central and southern commercial centres. Take particular care at these locations.

River travel

FCDO advises against all but essential travel:  

There are risks to travellers in river areas towards the west of Amazonas State, where Brazil shares borders with Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, due to criminal activity. Armed groups, including pirates and drug traffickers, travel by the river routes in the Amazonas state where is there is low presence of police and local authorities.

Be aware of safety procedures on board vessels and check the location of life jackets, including for children if travelling with them. Boat accidents on the Amazon River are not uncommon.

North-east Brazil

Theft in north-east brazil.

The most common incidents affecting British nationals in north-east Brazil are theft from hotel and motel rooms and muggings. Reduce the risk of being mugged by avoiding quiet or deserted areas and by using taxis after sunset instead of walking.

Before you travel check that:

  • your destination can provide the healthcare you may need
  • you have appropriate travel insurance for local treatment or unexpected medical evacuation

This is particularly important if you have a health condition or are pregnant.

Emergency medical number

Call 192 and ask for an ambulance.

Contact your insurance company quickly if you’re referred to a medical facility for treatment.

Vaccine recommendations and health risks

At least 8 weeks before your trip:

  • check the latest vaccination recommendations for Brazil
  • see where to get vaccines and whether you have to pay on the NHS travel vaccinations page

See what health risks you’ll face in Brazil , including:

  • yellow fever
  • chikungunya
  • high UV levels

Altitude sickness is a risk in parts of Brazil. Read more about altitude sickness on TravelHealthPro . 

There is an increase of Dengue in Brazil. Local authorities have declared states of emergency have been introduced in multiple regions of the country, including in Rio de Janeiro State. Dengue is spread by mosquitos, take extra steps to avoid being bitten. Read TravelHealthPro’s Brazil page and information on avoiding insect and tick bites .

The legal status and regulation of some medicines prescribed or bought in the UK can be different in other countries.

If you’re taking medication, bring a prescription or letter from your doctor confirming your need to carry the medication. Bring enough to last your whole trip, as some medicines may not be available locally. Counterfeit drugs can be an issue, so it’s better to travel with your own supplies.

Read best practice when travelling with medicines on TravelHealthPro .

Healthcare in Brazil

Foreign nationals are entitled to emergency medical treatment in Brazilian public hospitals. Public hospitals in Brazil, especially in major cities, tend to be overcrowded and there’s often a long wait for a bed and a lack of medication. Private hospitals will not accept you unless you can show evidence of enough money or insurance to cover your treatment.

FCDO has a list of medical providers in Brazil where some staff will speak English.  

There is also guidance on healthcare if you’re living in Brazil .

Travel and mental health

Read FCDO guidance on travel and mental health . There is also mental health guidance on TravelHealthPro .

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) cannot provide tailored advice for individual trips. Read this travel advice and carry out your own research before deciding whether to travel.

Emergency services in Brazil

Ambulance: 192

Police: 190

Contact your travel provider and insurer

Contact your travel provider and your insurer if you are involved in a serious incident or emergency abroad. They will tell you if they can help and what you need to do.

Refunds and changes to travel

For refunds or changes to travel, contact your travel provider. You may also be able to make a claim through insurance. However, insurers usually require you to talk to your travel provider first.

Find out more about changing or cancelling travel plans , including:

  • where to get advice if you are in a dispute with a provider
  • how to access previous versions of travel advice to support a claim

Support from FCDO

FCDO has guidance on staying safe and what to do if you need help or support abroad, including:

  • finding English-speaking  lawyers and funeral directors  in Brazil
  • dealing with a  death in Brazil
  • being  arrested or imprisoned in Brazil
  • getting help if you’re a victim of rape or sexual assault in Brazil
  • getting help if you’re a  victim of crime
  • what to do if you’re  in hospital
  • if you’re affected by a crisis , such as a terrorist attack

Contacting FCDO

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this travel advice is updated.

You can also contact FCDO online .

Help abroad in an emergency

If you’re in Brazil and you need emergency help from the UK government, contact the British Embassy in Brasilia or the British consulates in Rio de Janeiro , São Paulo , Recife and Belo Horizonte .

FCDO in London

You can call FCDO in London if you need urgent help because something has happened to a friend or relative abroad.

Telephone: 020 7008 5000 (24 hours)

Find out about call charges

Risk information for British companies

The Overseas Business Risk service offers information and advice for British companies operating in Brazil on how to manage political, economic, and business security-related risks.

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18 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Brazil

Written by Michael Law , Lana Law , and Barbara Radcliffe Rogers Updated Mar 29, 2024

The largest country in South America, Brazil occupies almost half the continent. Nearly all of it is in the Southern Hemisphere, and much of it is tropical, with vast stretches of rainforest filled with exotic plants and wildlife.

View over Rio de Janeiro

Brazil's 7,400-kilometer Atlantic coast is lined with golden-sand beaches , and its interior is filled with mineral resources. Gold from Brazil's mines still lines the churches of Portugal, the colonial power that ruled Brazil until 1822. This strong Portuguese influence is evident in Brazil's colonial architecture , in decorative arts such as the glazed tiles in its churches and convents, and in the language.

For tourists, Brazil is both a tropical paradise and an exciting cultural destination with attractions for all tastes, from idyllic beach holidays and jungle explorations to world-class art museums and the pulsing rhythms of Rio's Carnival.

To discover the best places to visit and things to do, use this handy list of the top tourist attractions in Brazil.

Cristo Redentor and Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro

Sugar loaf, rio de janeiro, iguaçu falls, copacabana, rio de janeiro, amazon rainforests, carnaval, rio de janeiro, brasília's modernist architecture, jericoacoara, salvador's pelourinho, museu do amanhã (museum of tomorrow), ibirapuera park, são paulo, museu oscar niemeyer, curitiba, botanical garden of curitiba, porto de galinhas & pernambuco beaches, art museums of sao paulo, belo horizonte.

Christ the Redeemer from the base

With arms outstretched 28 meters, as if to encompass all of humanity, the colossal Art Deco statue of Christ, called Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer), gazes out over Rio de Janeiro, Sugar Loaf, and the bay from the summit of Corcovado. From here, you have possibly the best view in the city .

The 709-meter height on which it stands is part of the Tijuca National Park, and a railway climbs 3.5 kilometers to the top , where a broad plaza surrounds the statue. Completed in 1931, the 30-meter statue was the work of Polish-French sculptor Paul Landowski and Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, and is constructed of reinforced concrete and soapstone.

Christ the Redeemer on a mountaintop above Rio de Janeiro

The steep ride up to the statue on the railway is part of the attraction as it passes through a lush forest, home to a wide variety of tropical birds, butterflies, and plants.

  • Read More: Top Attractions & Things to Do in Rio de Janeiro

Christ the Redeemer and Sugar Loaf in the distance

The easily recognized emblem of Rio de Janeiro, the rounded rock peak of Sugar Loaf juts out of a tree-covered promontory, rising 394 meters above the beaches and city. From the summit are outstanding views of Rio and the harbor , as well as a stunning view of Christ the Redeemer. This is an absolute must-do when visiting the city but plan to do this on a clear day and preferably in the morning.

Part of the attraction is the thrill of riding the cable car between Sugar Loaf and the Morro da Urca , a lower peak from which a second cableway connects to the city.

View from Sugar Loaf to Copacabana Beach

Rio's first settlement began below these peaks, near the long Praia da Urca beach, and you can tour one of the three early forts there, the star-shaped Fort São João .

Iguaçu Falls

Iguaçu Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world. At the point where Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina meet, the Iguaçu river drops spectacularly in a semicircle of 247 waterfalls that thunder down into the gorge below. Just above the falls, the river is constricted to one-fourth of its usual width, making the force of the water even stronger.

Some of the falls are more than 100 meters high and they cover such a broad area that you'll never see all of them at once, but you do get the broadest panorama from the Brazilian side. Catwalks and a tower give you different perspectives, and one bridge reaches all the way to one of the largest falls, known as the Garganta do Diabo (Devil's Throat).

You can cross to the Argentinian side for closer views from catwalks that extend farther into the center of the falls. The two sides offer different perspectives and views, so most tourists plan to see both.

The falls are protected by the UNESCO-acclaimed Iguaçu National Park , where subtropical rainforests are home to more than 1,000 species of birds and mammals, including deer, otters, ocelots, and capybaras.

In early November 2023, water flows that were ten times normal levels caused significant damage to many of the walkways in and around the falls. The most famous, the Devil's Throat, has reopened but the Garganta del Diablo will be closed for quite some time with no reopening date announced as of writing.

Copacabana Beach

It's hard to think of Rio without conjuring up an image of Copacabana. This is Rio's playground, a popular escape from the heat filled with sun-worshipers, swimmers, and kids building sand castles. A seemingly endless assortment of beach shacks offer chair and umbrella rentals, snacks, drinks, and even free showers.

Downtown Rio's most famous section follows Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana and is bordered all along one side by four kilometers of white sand and breaking surf .

View over Copacabana Beach

The beach is separated from the buildings and traffic by a broad promenade paved in black and white mosaic in an undulating pattern reminiscent of streets in Lisbon, Portugal. Along this promenade, the famed Copacabana Palace is protected as a national monument. Inside this hotel's lobby, you can easily imagine seeing the royalty and film idols who have stayed here.

Amazon Rain Forest

About 20 kilometers southeast of Manaus, the dark Rio Negro waters meet the light muddy water of the Rio Solimões, flowing side by side for about six kilometers before mixing as the Amazon. Boat trips from Manaus take you to this point, called Encontro das Aguas , meeting of the waters.

Other boat trips take you into the heart of the rainforests and the network of rivers, channels, and lakes formed by the three rivers. In the Rio Negro, the Anavilhanas Islands form an archipelago with lakes, streams, and flooded forests that offer a full cross-section of the Amazonian ecosystem.

You can see monkeys, sloths, parrots, toucans, caimans, turtles, and other wildlife on a boat trip here. Also close to Manaus, the 688-hectare Janauari Ecological Park has a number of different ecosystems that you can explore by boat along its narrow waterways.

An entire lake here is covered with giant water-lilies found only in the Amazon region. While in Manaus, be sure to see its famous Teatro Amazonas , the Italian Renaissance-style opera house, designed to put Manaus on the map as South America's great center of culture.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Manaus

Carnaval, Rio de Janeiro

Few shows match Rio's pre-Lenten Carnaval (Carnival) extravaganza for color, sound, action, and exuberance. Make no mistake, this is not just another rowdy street party, but a carefully staged showpiece, where spectators can watch the parades of competing samba dancers from a purpose-built stadium designed by none other than Brazil's best-known architect, Oscar Niemeyer.

Called the Sambódromo , this long series of grandstand boxes provides ringside seats to a 700-meter parade route where dancers and musicians from the competing samba schools strut their stuff in a dazzling explosion of brilliant costumes.

If mob scenes are less appealing to you than more spontaneous celebrations (that are equally riotous and colorful), you'll also find Carnivals in Salvador , Bahia, Recife, and other Brazilian cities.

Brasília's Modernist Architecture

Brazil's new city of Brasília was carved out of the wilderness and completed in less than three years to replace Rio de Janeiro as the country's capital in 1960. The ambitious plan by Lúcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer became a showpiece of city planning and avant-garde architecture, and it remains today as one of the world's few cities that represent a completed plan and a single architectural concept.

Without the normal mix of residential and business districts, the entire governmental section is composed of major architectural highlights, which are the city's main tourist attractions . Some of the most striking surround Praça dos Tràs Poderes : the presidential palace, supreme court, and the two sharply contrasting congress buildings, plus the Historical Museum of Brasília and the Panteão da Liberdade (Pantheon of Freedom), designed by Oscar Niemeyer.

That architect's best-known building in the city is the circular Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida , whose curved concrete columns rise to support a glass roof. Another of Niemeyer's landmark works is the Palácio dos Arcos , surrounded by beautiful gardens designed by Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, who worked with Niemeyer on several projects throughout Brazil.

The round Memorial dos Povos Indígenas (Museum of Indigenous People) is patterned after a traditional Yąnomamö round house. But many consider Niemeyer's finest work to be the Monumento JK , a memorial to President Juscelino Kubitschek, the founder of Brasilia. Brasilia has been named a UNESCO World Heritage city.

The beach in Jericoacoara

If you've ever dreamed of a beachside village where all the streets are sand and like with good restaurants, decent hotels, and the odd donkey wandering around, Jericoacoara is the place for you. Jeri, as it's commonly referred to is, located within the confines of the spectacular Jericoacoara National Park , access is only through a huge expanse of massive sand dunes in a 4WD vehicle or, for the more adventurous, on the back of a beach buggy.

Evening in Jericoacoara

Each night the town comes alive when the mobile vendors set up shop on the sand and the band starts to play. Grab a bite from one of the small BBQ stands and catch the sunset as it sinks into the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean, or even better secure a rooftop patio seat. Later on wander the sandy, pedestrian-only streets and enjoy a dinner with your toes in the sand. After dinner, check out one of the many boutiques featuring a variety of beach and resort clothing.

Buggy in the sand dunes near Jericoacoara

Windswept beaches run for hundreds of miles north and south of Jeri and this draws wind sport enthusiasts from around the world. Jeri is considered by many to be the best place in the world to go kiteboarding and as a result, draws a diverse set of participants from across the globe.

To experience the dunes or explore freshwater lagoons, where you can set up beachside at a restaurant and go for a swim, hire a buggy for the day , and go on an excursion. You can also head down towards Guiru or further along to Tatajuba to see or enjoy more kiteboarding. It's a fun trip that involves a river crossing on a small, flat barge.

Kiteboarding in Guajiru

You can fly directly to Jericoacoara . As an alternative, you can fly into Fortaleza and hire a car and driver to run you up the coast, which is about a five-hour drive . The best option is to stop off for a night or two along the way in some of the other beach towns like Cumbuco or Guajiru , both of which are popular kiteboarding areas.

Aerial view of Ipanema and Leblon Beach

Beyond the beaches of Copacabana, the glorious white sands merge into the just-as-famous beaches of Ipanema. The same wave design of Copacabana's wide promenade continues here, separating the sand from the line of hotels, restaurants, cafés, art galleries, and cinemas that make this a popular social zone year-round.

Farther along, beyond the Jardim de Alá Canal, which drains Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, are the beaches of Leblon . With more locals and fewer tourists, these beaches are favorites for families. Sunday is especially busy, with an antiques market at Praça de Quentaland and the Feira de Artesanato de Ipanema , alive with music, art, handicrafts, and street food.

The waves at Ipanema and Leblon can be very strong and unpredictable, so be careful where you swim. Follow the locals and stay out of the water where you don't see others swimming. If surf is what you're looking for, head to the stretch between Copacabana and Ipanema, where the surfers hang out.

Salvador's Pelourinho

The Cidade Alta (Upper Town) of Brazil's former colonial capital has been named a UNESCO World Heritage site for its exceptional collection of 17th- and 18th-century colonial buildings, the finest such ensemble in South America.

Called the Pelourinho, this old quarter is where you'll find Salvador's most beautiful churches and monasteries, built at a time when Brazil was the source of Portugal's riches, and the plentiful gold was lavished on the colony's religious buildings.

The finest and most opulent of the city's churches is São Francisco , built in the early 1700s and filled with intricate carvings covered in gold. In the choir and cloister, you can see excellent examples of Portuguese tile panels, called azulejos.

This was the friary church, and next to it is the church of the Franciscan Third Order. It's impossible to miss the riotously carved façade covered in statues and intricate decoration. The interior is just as ornate, surpassing even the Portuguese Baroque in its opulent detail.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Salvador

Ouro Preto

The wealth of Brazil's state of Minas Gerais in its glory days of the colonial period is easy to imagine from the interiors of the churches in its old capital, Ouro Preto. Entire walls are washed in gold that flowed – along with diamonds – from the mines surrounding the city in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Cascading down the sides of a steep valley and surrounded by mountains, Ouro Preto is a jewel of a colonial town, but its steep narrow streets and mountain setting – however captivating for tourists today – didn't meet the needs of a growing provincial capital. The government moved to the newly built capital of Belo Horizonte, leaving Ouro Preto in its time capsule.

The 17th-century Baroque and Rococo churches of São Francisco de Assis and Matriz de Nossa Senhora do Pilar are the best examples, but the entire town is so rich in colonial architecture that Ouro Preto has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The steep streets, so precipitous in places that they become stairways, are lined by gracious colonial mansions, and white churches crown its hills with Baroque bell towers.

Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro

The futuristic architecture of the Museum of Tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro gives a clue about its contents. Thought-provoking exhibits invite visitors to think about what the world might be like in the future, exploring scenarios of how our planet may change in the next half-century.

Examining these times of fast-moving changes in society, technology, and the physical world, the museum prompts viewers to consider various paths into the future, and how each opens up based on the choices made every day as individuals and as a society.

This eye-catching science museum overlooking the waterfront was designed by Spanish architect and artist, Santiago Calatrava.

Address: Praça Mauá 1, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ibirapuera Park

The most visited park in South America, Ibirapuera Park is a vast green space designed by Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, with buildings designed by Oscar Niemeyer. The park is a showcase for modern architecture and a center for Brazilian culture.

Amid its monuments, gardens, playgrounds, trails, and lakes are museums and performance spaces that include Oscar Niemeyer's Auditório Ibirapuera , one of São Paulo's best concert venues. A Japanese Pavilion with sculptures, clothing, and traditional crafts is set in rock gardens with a fishpond.

The Museu da Aeronáutica e do Folclore , the Aeronautics and Folk Art Museum , features thousands of examples of folk arts and exhibits on traditional cultures from across Brazil. The lower floor is devoted to aeronautical equipment and model airplanes. A separate museum, the large Museu Afro-Brasil , features the culture and history of Afro-Brazilians and their contributions.

Address: Avenida Pedro Alvares Cabral, São Paulo

Oscar Niemeyer Museum

Paving the way for the unconventional building shapes created by later futurist architects such as Frank Gehry and Santiago Calatrava, Oscar Niemeyer left his native Brazil with a treasury of his most iconic buildings. One of these was built as the New Museum, completed in 2002 when Niemeyer was 95 years old, and renamed in tribute to him in 2003.

Balanced on a massive 60-foot pillar, the gallery is formed by a pair of joined arcs that resemble the shape of the human eye, hence its popular name, Museu do Olho – Eye Museum. Access to this raised structure is by a series of curved ramps. Inside the eye, the 2,000-square-foot gallery focuses on architecture, design, and the visual arts, and displays many of Niemeyer's works.

Niemeyer added a later rectangular gallery on the grounds to display changing exhibitions of works by contemporary Brazilian artists. In addition to visiting during its daytime open hours, try to see the Museu Oscar Niemeyer after dark, when it is spectacularly lighted.

Address: Rua Marechal Hermes 999, Curitiba

Botanical Garden of Curitiba

Reflecting the style of 17 th - and 18 th -century French palace gardens, Curitiba's Botanical Garden was opened in 1991. Formal beds are outlined by low sculpted hedges, in a geometric design inspired by the city's flag. The landscape is enlivened by fountains, waterfalls, and ponds, and in the park surrounding the gardens are forests of native trees, with walking paths.

The focal point of the botanical gardens is the main greenhouse, an Art Nouveau-style conservatory made of glass and white metal, reminiscent of the Crystal Palace in Victorian London. Its unusual shape includes three domes that merge into the rectangular base. Inside are plants native to the region.

Even the grass in the Garden of Native Plants of Curitiba is a native variety, and its flowers are especially attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. The Garden of the Senses (Jardim das Sensações) is a 200-yard path through a wisteria tunnel, where more than 70 plant species are chosen for their fragrance or tactile appeal. Visitors are invited to try walking through it blindfolded to fully appreciate the garden by using their other senses.

Behind the main greenhouse is the Frans Krajcberg Cultural Space, displaying more than 100 large sculptures created from the remains of trees that were burned or illegally cut, calling public attention to the destruction of Brazil's native forests.

Pernambuco Beaches

The crystal waters, tall palm trees, and broad stretches of silver sand are only a few of the reasons why Porto de Galinhas is frequently cited as Brazil's best beach. For a country with more than 7,000 kilometers of Atlantic coast, much of it sandy beaches, that's saying a lot.

The town stretching along the beach is laid-back, colorful, and just the right blend of old-fashioned beach town fun and chic boutiques. Its hotels and resorts lie close to the land instead of soaring in high-rise blocks.

Jangadas, picturesque sailboats, will take you out to reef-top pools where brilliant tropical fish swim around your feet in ankle-deep water. You can also take a boat to a lagoon where tiny seahorses swim, and you can scuba dive to explore impressive coral reefs or shipwrecks, kayak in the lagoons and estuary, or buy a fanciful kite from a beach kiosk to fly in the steady breeze. Nearby Maracaipe is popular with surfers.

Porto de Galinhas is just one of the beautiful beaches on Pernambuco's 187-kilometer coast. Closer to Recife, 17th-century Olinda is a UNESCO World Heritage Site overlooking a popular beach. The main beaches in Recife itself are Praia da Boa Viagem, São José da Coroa Grande, and the Carne De Vaca.

Art Museums of Sao Paulo

São Paulo holds some of the best collections of fine arts in Latin America, and the buildings in which they are housed are architectural landmarks as well. The Museu de Arte, MASP, displays the continent's most comprehensive collection of western art, with representative works by artists from the Renaissance through modern masters.

There are 73 bronze sculptures by Degas and works by Renoir, Manet, Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso, and Miró. From its beginning, the museum has concentrated on works of mid- to late-20th-century artists, and the building designed by architect Lina Bo Bardi is a Modernist landmark.

Oscar Niemeyer designed the Pavilhão da Bienal de Artes in Ibirapuera Park , home to the Museu de Arte Contemporânea. More than 8,000 works of art - one of Latin America's largest collections of 20th-century Western artists - includes Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, Miró, and Modigliani along with major Brazilian painters.

Set above Versailles-inspired formal gardens, Museu do Ipiranga houses paintings and decorative arts.

For another kind of art, don't miss Batman's Alley , an open-air gallery of street art by local and international artists. It is in the bohemian Vila Madalena neighborhood, where you'll also find art galleries showing the works of well-known and rising Brazilian artists and craftspeople.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in São Paulo

Praca da Liberdade, Belo Horizonte

The capital of the state of Minas Gerais gave the pre-eminent Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer his first commissions, and today, these early Niemeyer buildings draw tourists and fans of Modernist architecture to the city.

His first major work, which immediately set him apart from conventional architects, was the parabolic-curved São Francisco de Assis church, beside a lake in the Pampulha neighborhood. On the hillside above it, and connected by gardens designed by landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, is Niemeyer's earlier casino building, now an art museum.

Overlooking the large Praça da Liberdade in the city center is the sinuous apartment building, Edificio Niemeyer , one of his most famous early works. The clean geometric lines of his later Palácio das Artes mark the edge of the Municipal Park, housing the Minas Gerais Craft Center featuring works of contemporary craftsmen.

The postmodern Rainha da Sucata – Queen of Scrap Iron – is another landmark building in Belo Horizonte, this one the work of Éolo Maia and Sylvio Podestá. It now houses the mineralogy museum.

Read More: Top Attractions & Things to Do in Belo Horizonte & Easy Day Trips

Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro

More on Brazil

Brazil Travel Guide

Tourism in Brazil: 20 Reasons to Visit

Tourism in Brazil is a massive industry that has been growing steadily for the past 20 years. The country’s gorgeous beaches, impressive biodiversity, a rich variety of cultures, Carnaval festivals, and much more are responsible for attracting millions of tourists each year.

As is the case with just about every tourist destination in the world, the industry in Brazil was heavily affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic, and tourism numbers actually peaked in 2018 with some 6.6 million foreign tourist arrivals. Brazil is poised for a rebound, however, as the first four months of 2022 saw a 60% increase in foreign tourist arrivals over the previous year.

The ten countries with the most visitors traveling to Brazil in 2020 were: Argentina, the United States, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, France, Germany, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Italy.

20 Reasons Why You Should Visit Brazil:

Tourism in Brazil FAQs

When is the best time to visit brazil.

The best time to visit Brazil depends on the region of the country you’ll travel to and what you want to do there. One of the most popular seasons to visit the country is between November and March, as temperatures are warm across the country. If you’re interested in kitesurfing, you’ll want to avoid March and April.

Since most of Brazil is located south of the equator , it’s good to remember that seasons in Brazil are the opposites of what the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing.

Is Brazil safe?

The level of safety for travelers in Brazil varies by region. It’s important to exercise normal safety precautions like avoiding unlit areas alone at night and remaining aware of your surroundings. The US Department of State keeps an updated travel notice for Brazil with more specific information.

What are the best beaches in Brazil?

Brazil has so many astonishing beaches that choosing the best is no easy task. The most famous beach in Brazil is Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro. Other incredible beaches in Brazil include Ipanema, Florianopolis, Jericoacoara, and Praia do Espelho.

What language do they speak in Brazil?

The official languages of Brazil are Portuguese and Brazilian Sign Language. There are also numerous minority and indigenous languages spoken in the country, and many people in Brazil can understand spoken Spanish.

20 Reasons Why You Should Visit Brazil

1. río de janeiro.

Aerial shot of Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with city, bay, mountains, and clear skies in view.

Rio de Janeiro is a city unlike any other, and it’s no wonder why it’s the most visited city by foreign tourists in Brazil. One of the country’s most iconic landmarks, the Christ the Redeemer Statue, is located here, as are several incredible beaches and a wide range of amenities.

Sugarloaf mountain offers incredible views of the city and the bay, and Copacabana Beach is one of the most famous in the world.

2. Diving in the Bonito River

A person snorkeling in clear blue water surrounded by small fish with underwater vegetation and branches visible.

Just south of the Pantanal Wetlands in Mato Grosso do Sul, one of Brazil’s 26 states , flows the Bonito River through its caves. The river is amazingly clear thanks to the abundant presence of limestone.

Diving is a popular activity in the river near the town of Bonito, thanks to the river’s immaculate visibility and impressive flora and fauna. Divers can expect to see many exotic species, including anacondas.

Silhouettes of two people performing handstands against a sunset sky.

Music and dance are two important parts of Brazilian culture, and the country is home to many different kinds. Anyone who is interested in dance will have plenty to learn about and experience in Brazil. One of the most famous and unique aspects of Brazilian culture is Capoeira, a combination of dance, music, and Brazilian martial arts.

Other styles of dance in Brazil include Samba, Carimbo, Forro, Coco, and Jongo.

4. The Blue Lake Grotto

A cave with a clear blue water pool, surrounded by rocks and featuring stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

The Blue Lake Grotto, Gruta do Lago Azul in Portuguese, is an impressive underground lake in Bonito, Brazil. The lake gets its name for the incredible blue color of the water that becomes downright magical when the sun’s rays hit it just right. There are also captivating stalactites to take in that make this place a popular tourist sport.

5. Iguazu Falls

A panoramic view of a series of waterfalls with lush greenery surrounding them and a boat navigating the turbulent waters at the base of the falls.

Considered one of the greatest waterfalls in the world, Iguaza Falls forms part of the border between Argentina and Brazil and connect the Upper Iguazu River with the Lower Iguazu River. Tourists from all over the world come to see this famous waterfall; most of the falls are on the Argentinian side, but there are some fantastic views to be had from the Brazilian side.

Accessing the falls is most easily done by flying to Foz do Iguaçu Airport from any major Brazilian city. The falls are then a short drive away.

6. Jericoacoara

Aerial view of a tropical beach with white sand, lined with palm trees, and clear blue water.

If an unspoiled, remote-feeling beach is what you’re after, you may want to check out Brazil’s Jericoacoara Beach in Ceará. It’s been rated as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world for its long stretches of sand, dunes, and lagoons.

There’s a fairly developed tourism infrastructure here, as it’s a popular spot among backpackers and locals, but it still hasn’t lost the feeling of being a small fishing village.

7. The Amazon

A colorful macaw flying with its wings spread over a lush green forest canopy.

The Amazon Rainforest is the largest in the world, and it boasts almost unbelievable biodiversity. 60% of the forest is inside Brazil’s borders, and visiting national parks in the state of Amazonas is sure to provide some unforgettable experiences.

The capital of Amazonas is Manaus, which is in the middle of the rainforest and at the confluence of the Amazon and Black Rivers. This is a fantastic place to stay and use as a base for adventures in the rainforest and on the river.

8. Pantanal

A peaceful landscape with a calm lake dotted with lily pads, a blooming white lily, and a hill against a clear sky.

Another natural attraction located in Mato Grosso do Sul is Pantanal, a region that includes the world’s largest tropical wetland. It also extends into the state of Mato Grosso, Paraguay, and Bolivia.

Pantanal includes a variety of stunning ecosystems in the world with very high numbers of plant and animal species. It has one of the largest and healthiest populations of jaguars on the planet and is home to millions of caimans.

9. Oscar Niemeyer Museum

A unique modern building with a blue disc-like roof, supported by a yellow pillar, located near water and trees.

Undoubtedly, one of the most well-known architects to come from Brazil, Oscar Niemeyer helped design the country’s capital of Brasília and was a leading figure in Modern architecture in Latin America.

Naturally, Niemeyer himself designed the museum, completing it when he was 95 years old. The museum focuses on the visual arts, architecture, and design. It is located in the city of Curitiba in the state of Paraná.

10. Carnaval

A man playing the trumpet at Carnaval, surrounded by a crowd of people celebrating.

Carnaval is one of the largest festivals in Brazil and in the world. It’s celebrated for several days starting on the Friday before Ash Wednesday and takes place in cities all over Brazil. The cities with the grandest Carnaval festivals are Rio de Janeiro, Salvador de Bahia, and Olinda.

While taking part in Carnaval celebrations in any of these cities will be an experience to remember, the Carnaval at Rio is considered to be the largest festival in the world. The two main aspects of this festival are the Sambodrome events — dance competitions in a huge amphitheater — and the street parades that take place all around the city.

11. Fernando de Noronha

A secluded beach with golden sand in Fernando de Noronha, surrounded by lush greenery and clear blue waters.

The Fernando de Noronha Marine National Park is visited by thousands of tourists each year. Natural swimming pools and plenty of ecological trails make an enticing location for nature lovers. It’s also considered one of the best diving locations in the world.

This UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site is also perfect for beach lovers, as it is home to several. It’s also a great spot to see sea turtles and dolphins.

12. Ilha Grande

A picturesque view of Ilha Grande, Brazil, with a sandy beach, turquoise waters, green mountains, and a rocky foreground.

This is a hot spot for domestic and international tourists alike. Ilha Grande is an island just off the coast of Rio de Janeiro and is a great escape from the city and mainland. The island boasts white sandy beaches, forest trails, clear waters, and no cars.

It only takes about an hour to get to the island from Rio, and it’s not necessary to go with a guide. A popular weekend getaway, the island does get busy, but that doesn’t detract too much from its natural beauty.

13. São Paulo

A dusk street view in São Paulo, Brazil, featuring a bike lane, pedestrians, tall buildings, and a colorful sky.

São Paulo is the most populous city in Brazil, and it’s like no other on Earth. The city is a major economic hub in Latin America and is one of the most diverse in Brazil. It has the largest Portuguese, Arab, Italian, and Japanese diasporas, and natives of over 200 different countries inhabit the city.

Excellent nightlife, a diverse group of cultures, and a variety of international events are all major tourist draws in São Paulo.

14. São Miguel das Missões

Aerial view of the ruins of São Miguel das Missões in a green landscape, under a clear sky.

This is an interesting spot to visit in Brazil for the 17th-century Spanish Jesuit Ruins found here. They’ve been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the nearby museum is the perfect place to learn about the history of the site. The museum holds statues that were created by the missionaries that lived here and were placed throughout the region.

The ruins are located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and can be reached from Porto Alegre. There are a variety of tour options available in multiple languages.

15. Tiradentes

A scenic street in Tiradentes, Brazil features colonial buildings, cobblestone paths, and is surrounded by green mountains.

The small town of Tiradentes is an ideal place for tourists looking to experience a laidback way of life and some beautiful colonial architecture and cobbled streets. The municipality is located in the state of Minas Gerais and became a city in 1718.

It’s off the well beaten tourist track in Brazil, which makes it a fantastic place to get away from the crowds and see a different side of the country.

16. Salvador

A picturesque coastal view of Barra, Salvador, Brazil, with a blue sky, calm ocean, sandy beach, cityscape, and distant lighthouse.

Salvador is the capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia and is an important cultural city in the country. It served as the first capital of Brazil for over 200 years until 1763 and is the third largest city in Brazil today.

The historic center of Salvador is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for the excellent examples of Rennaisance buildings it features. It’s also the center of Afro-Brazilian culture in the country and is even referred to as the “Black Mecca of Brazil.” Unique food, culture, and art are found in Salvador, making it a special place to visit.

17. Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

A peaceful waterfall with many cascades flows into a tranquil pool at Almécegas I, Brazil, surrounded by lush greenery and rocks.

This national park is in the state of Goias in Brazil, and it’s a fantastic location to visit for its natural beauty. There are a mind-blowing 300 waterfalls in this park and tons of trails that are perfect for trekking. It’s possible to visit the park with a guide or to go on a solo adventure.

Some of the most popular spots to visit in the park are Vale da Lua, accessible by a short hike and featuring natural swimming pools; Santa Barbara Waterfall, one of the best waterfalls in the park but requires the help of a guide; and Couros Falls, several falls and swimming pools located along the Couros River.

18. See Whales in Praia do Rosa

A scenic view of Praia do Rosa with a sunset over the ocean, waves crashing against rocky cliffs, and lush greenery on the coastline.

Praia do Rosa is one of the best places to see whales in Brazil. It’s a crescent-shaped bay located in the state of Santa Catarina in the southern part of the country and includes an outstanding beach as well as sand dunes.

While the weather is nice enough to enjoy a visit at any time of year, the best time to see whales is during the winter months from July to October.

19. The World’s Largest Cashew Tree

A cashew tree with spreading branches supported by wooden props, bearing fruit, in a grove in Brazil.

For something a little bit different, visitors to Brazil can check out the Cashew of Pirangi, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the northeastern part of the country. It is the world’s largest cashew tree, taking up roughly two acres! That’s the size of 70 normal-sized cashew trees.

The actual age of the tree isn’t known, but it still produces plenty of fruits and nuts. It was entered into the Guinness Book of Records in 1994.

20. Kitesurfing

A sunset view of a beach in Brazil with multiple kitesurfers on the water and buildings in the background.

Brazil is an ideal spot to try out kite surfing. In fact, it’s one of the most popular places to do the sport. One of the reasons this is true is because the Atlantic coast of Brazil gets reliable wind for most of the year.

Most of the best kitesurfing spots in the country are in the northeast, but it’s possible to find wind and waves all along the coastline. Some of the best destinations are Jericoacoara, Barra Grande, Barra da Tijuca, and Icaraizinho.

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The 25 Best Places to Visit And Things To Do In Brazil!

Posted on Last updated: December 15, 2023

Categories Brazil , South America

The 25 Best Places to Visit And Things To Do In Brazil!

Expert travel storyteller Jordan Adkins, founder of InspiredByMaps.com, brings a decade of adventures across 101 countries and 450+ UNESCO sites into rich, off-the-beaten-path narratives, melding ecological expertise with genuine, seasoned travel insights. His full bio can be found here.

One of the world’s most fascinating countries, there are so many things to do in Brazil that adventure-hungry travelers are spoilt for choice. Whether you want to hike in the jungles, lie on the beach or dance in the streets, you can do that here.

From tranquil beaches to vibrant cities to lush rainforests, the country spans a huge variety of landscapes — and as a result, there are so many places to visit in Brazil.

If you’re not already captivated by its scenery and biodiversity, you’ll be hooked by the culture. There are energy and a love of life that runs through every aspect of Brazilian culture.

Samba dancing, drumming in Carnival, indigenous and Portuguese influences, mouth watering food; all of these aspects and more combine to create an atmosphere that you’ll want to stay in forever.

things to do in brazil

And, to put it plainly: Brazil loves to party!

You’ll have heard of Carnaval, of course; a cacophony of music, dancing, and general joy. There are also diverse festivals going on throughout the year, great nights out in the cities and towns; not to mention just any quick drink turning into dancing at dawn!

So, what are some of the best things to do in Brazil? With so much on offer, how can you narrow it down? We’ve got some suggestions below.

things to do in brazil

The 25 Best Places to Visit And Things To Do In Brazil! 🇧🇷

Page Contents

Rio de Janeiro

Fernando de noronha, iguazu falls, recife & olinda, lençóis maranhenses national park, parque nacional da chapada diamantina, ilha grande, florianópolis, amazon from manaus, são miguel das missões, alter do chao, belo horizonte, the pantanal, salvador city, chapada dos veadeiros national park, vale dos vinhedos, armação dos búzios.

World-famous for its Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, Christ the Redeemer statue and wild Carnaval, Rio de Janeiro is absolutely top of the list of things to do in Brazil. We can’t pretend it’s a quiet place, but it’s got a relaxed, carefree attitude that is intoxicating for travelers.

Otherwise known as the Cidade Marvalihosa (Marvelous City), here you’ll find lush forests and mountains circling the city while the beach acts as the city’s backyard.

You can hike, surf, sail or rock climb – or just chill on the sands, if you’d rather! It’s a stunning landscape for a city and you’ll never stop appreciating the beauty. In a city this, well, marvelous, it’s hard to get past the superlatives and decide exactly what to do — so to help, we have put together a list of the top things to do in Rio de Janeiro Brazil!

The rich and varied history means there’s plenty to discover among Rio’s myriad attractions. That is, if you want to leave the endless fun of the bars and the beach. Arriving at a festival time means you’ll soak up even more of the joyful celebration, whether it’s a big football match, Carnaval or weekend samba parties. New Year is also a pretty spectacular time to enjoy all that makes Rio special.

places to visit in brazil

The tropical oasis of Fernando de Noronha is in an entire league of its own. The isolated tip of a submerged ocean volcanic, the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, lies 271 miles (350 km) off Brazil’s northeast coast and consists of 21 islands.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site with a sensitive ecosystem, tourist numbers here are restricted to around 450 to 500 people per day. But the lucky few that make it here are duly rewarded …

Fernando de Noronha has everything you could want from an unforgettable island getaway. Picturesque scenery, majestic seascapes, fine white sand beaches, bountiful diving, animated snorkeling, turquoise waters, and oh-so-much-more.

Only one island in the chain is inhabited, with a population of around 5,000 people. Otherwise, most of the rest of this paradisaical retreat is left to the seabirds, reptiles, turtles, and exotic marine life. A nature lover’s paradise, Fernando de Noronha can be compared to Fiji , an arresting beach island scene straight out of a Hollywood film set.

There are a limited number of flights daily, so getting here – and accommodation once you arrive – is not particularly cheap. Still, if you can stretch your budget, Fernando de Noronha is worth every cent.

Fernando de Noronha - Top Things To Do In Brazil

As well as fascinating cities, Brazil also has some of the most stunning natural wonders in the world; the awe-inspiring Iguazu Falls are among these. There are 275 separate drops along the 2.7 kilometers of the falls, which separate Argentina and Brazil. From the Brazilian side, you go to the Igauçu National Park to enjoy the spectacle.

There’s an intricate series of footpaths and walkways that enable visitors to get up close to the natural beauty and on the Brazilian side, there’s a long pathway along the canyon.

A must-see for everyone is Devil’s Throat, a narrow chasm that takes half of the river’s flow along; you can imagine the power and noise of the water there.

Get a panoramic view of the falls from the trail or splurge on a helicopter ride for the bird’s eye perspective. Stay in the nearby town of Foz de Iguacu so you can get up early to beat the heat and the crowds; then enjoy being mesmerized by the majesty of this remarkable place.

things to do in rio de janeiro

Recife and Olinda are sister cities on Brazil’s northeast coast that stand within sight of each other. Both started life as colonial cities under Portuguese rule, exploiting the vast richness of the New World, but over the centuries Recife has pulled ahead while Olinda has kept its small-town charm. The juxtaposition of both is tantalizing, and ensuring visiting them together is one of the top things to do Brazil.

Recife, the capital of Pernambuco state, has a booming population and everything from charming canals and vividly painted colonial buildings to glistening skyscrapers, palm-fringed beaches, and exuberant nightlife. An energetic and inspiring city, Recife also has plenty of entertainment and cultural attractions, more than a dash of grit and growing traffic problems. A true metropolis – warts and all.

In contrast, Olinda – just a short bus trip to the north – has very much maintained its colonial charm and clings to a slower pace of life. Position on a hillside overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, this UNESCO World Heritage site is an artsy counterpart to Recife with galleries, workshops, baroque churches, convents, monasteries, and wonderfully preserved houses and manors.

It is rare in the world to find two destinations that contrast and complement each other so completely. On their own, each would be worth a visit – but together, they become one of the absolute top highlights of Brazil.

Recife & Olinda - brazil places to go

A must-visit destination for anyone fascinated by the natural landscape, this 1550 square kilometer national park is a spectacular area filled with dunes, lagoons, and beaches. Its undulating dunes give the park its name – ‘Lençóis’ means ‘bedsheets’ and these expanses really do look like sheets draped across the land.

The rains between May and September get filtered by the sand to create incredibly clear blue lakes between the hills of sand. You can choose whether you navigate the area on foot, on horseback or in a car; whatever you do, you won’t regret making the effort to come here. It’s got an almost otherworldly quality, making a dramatic impact.

It’s easy to see why it is called one of the most beautiful places in Brazil – and people make the considerable effort to get here. 

The most convenient way to explore is to stay at Barreirinhas on the river although if you don’t mind heading somewhere more remote, Santo Amaro and Atins are more peaceful bases.

things to do in rio de janeiro | things to do in rio

An expansive national park in eastern Brazil, Chapada Diamantina attracts adventurous tourists looking for nature, hiking, colonial wonders, and off-the-beaten-track experiences. And boy, do they find it here.

An almost untouched wonderland of cascading waterfalls, intrepid hiking, and panoramic views – the entire park sits atop an otherworldly 41,751 square kilometers (16,120 sq. mi) plateau bounded by cliffs in central Bahia.

The most famous attraction is the Fumaça Waterfall, one of the tallest waterfalls in Brazil, which at 340 m tall evaporates in a mist before even reaching the ground. Another famous highlight is the cauldron-like Devil’s Pool, with its deep black water and sinister history, or the enormous sandstone-and-quartz Lapão Cave.

Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina offers everything from day hikes to multi-day journeys. There are plenty of trained local guides happy to help you organize your expeditions once you arrive. The old colonial mining towns of Lençois and Mucugê are popular bases for exploring the park and offer cobblestone streets, outdoor cafes and a cute range of pousadas (a boutique inn that provides a more intimate experience than your traditional hotel).

Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina - Best things to see in Brazil

If you’re tired of the mega-cities yet still want to experience town life in Brazil, Ouro Preto is the place to go. It’s one of several colonial towns in the state of Minas Gerais that date back to the 18th-century gold rush and by far the most beautiful.

It’s not just historically important for the gold mining but also for being the setting for the country’s first independence movement. That is probably why they made if a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

If you have traveled to places like Lisbon,  you’ll really be able to see the influence of Portugal on Ouro Preto. In fact, Ouro Preto actually has some of the best-preserved Portuguese colonial architecture, with few signs of modern urban development—unlike Macau.

Sure it might not be that easy to get to, but the best places never are and you will be justly rewarded with a fairytale town like no others. It’s pure magic!

There’s so much joy here in getting lost in the narrow, cobbled, steep streets (not to mention you’ll have thighs of steel by the time you’re done!) and the views once you get to a vantage point are incredible.

It’s also one of the more artistic things to do in Brazil with a range of art galleries and cultural centers showing off the mineiro art.

what to see and do in brazil

Do you dream of cocktails at sunset? White sand under your toes and the sound of waves crashing on the beach? A stress-free location away from chaos where no cars are allowed, prices are low, and your biggest worry will be ‘Açai or Coconut for lunch?’

Well then, do we have the island for you. Ilha Grande is a fabulous tropical island located only a few hours bus and boat trip away from Rio de Janeiro on Brazil’s stunning southeast coastline. Yes, this could be all yours: gorgeous blue skies, empty beaches, and that tempting ocean. Just imagine…

It’s a natural paradise with 99% of the island being covered in natural Atlantic Rainforest, only one small town and a series of paths crisscrossing the dense vegetation leading to deserted beaches.

Yes, it sounds like heaven— and that’s because it probably is.

Then there is the thriving (but laid-back) nightlife scene, incredible sunsets, fantastic snorkeling, funky monkeys, range of affordable accommodation islands, and abundance of caipirinhas.  Most people who travel here end up extending their stay, but it’s hard to know beforehand if you will like it, and how long you will need, so we have put together a more comprehensive guide to things to do in Ilha Grande to help you fall in love with this magnificent place.

Ilha Grande - places to visit in brazil

From secluded natural beauty to wild and wonderful festivities with a cacophony of noise and color. An annual festival held in February in the run-up to Lent, this is a time where Brazilan cities let loose with parades, music, and dancing.

A lot of dancing.

While the Rio Carnaval is the most famous, you can go to any city in Brazil at this time and experience the best party you’ve ever been to. The entire county celebrates Carnaval and unifies for almost a week of non-stop partying.

In the Southeast Region you’ll hear a lot more samba; in the Northeast, more frevo and maracutu. Whatever the music and wherever you are, shine your sequins and get ready for spectacle galore!

famous places in brazil

Freshwater snorkeling in heavenly Bonito one of the best-kept secrets in Brazil, though its popularity is growing.

Bonito is an eco-tourism hub in Mato Grosso do Sul state in Southern Brazil. The encompassing area has garnered a reputation for its crystal-clear rivers, huge, stalactite-covered cavern, and a bounty of colorful fish.

Located on the edge of the great Amazon basin, Bonito is a mirror into the underworld – similar to the great cenotes of Tulum and Cuba . While unassuming on the surface, there is a reason by Bonito is named after the Portuguese for “beautiful.”

While snorkeling in the magical waterways that end in shallow (and warm) pools as clear as glass is the main highlight, Bonito is also the jumping-off point for expeditions into the Pantanal region, filled with jaguars, boa constrictors, and colorful birds. Then there are the river-beaches on clear water lakes, zip-lining adventures, paddle boarding, scuba diving, and fantasy waterfalls.

An aquarium come to life; Bonito is a jungle-laden paradise with just enough eco-tourism operators to make life easy— yet not enough to destroy what makes this spot so enchanting.

Bonito, Grute do Lago Azul, Brazil - what to do in brazil

The capital of southern Brazil’s Santa Catarina state, Florianópolis, is the place to go for beach resorts, surfing, boating, and a heavy German influence.

Most of the city lies on the spectacular 54-kilometer-long Santa Catarina Island and connected to a mainland commercial area via the famous Pedro Ivo Campos Bridge. The frontier between Portuguese and Spanish empires, the region was filled with German-speaking immigrants in the 1820s to act as a buffer – and has had a lasting legacy.

These immigrants kept their small family-owned farming practices, similar to North America at the time, yet vastly different from the mega-plantation culture of most of Brazil. This resulted in Florianópolis having a healthier legacy of equality and egalitarian policies than the rest of the country — a trend that continues today. Not to mention a wild Oktoberfest festival, fascinating history, and a flourishing cultural scene.

For tourists, there is sun, sand, and surf aplenty, with beach hopping being the most popular attraction. The seafood and beer are both expectedly standout, as is the sophisticated city vibes. With over a hundred beaches, all encircled by picturesque hills covered with lush Atlantic Forest vegetation – it is impossible not to love this unique place in Brazil.

Florianópolis - Best Places To Visit in Brazil

What Sao Paulo lacks in Rio-style beauty and landscape, it more than makes up for in energy and pride. Ask any resident and they’ll tell you at length how they’ll never live anywhere else – so it’s definitely somewhere that travelers should check out. Traffic galore there may be but there’s plenty to experience in this bustling cosmopolitan city.

 It’s the art center of Brazil so, as might be expected, there are a wealth of museums, galleries and cultural centers. Not to mention all the street art.

Head downtown for the historic area and many of the main attractions; head to the other areas for more of an insight into the daily life of the Paulistanos. In the evenings, aside from a great nightlife, there is always something happening, whether it’s theatre, musical performance and international events.

We love heading to Avenida Paulista on a Sunday to join in the masses of people walking, cycling and rollerblading along the temporarily pedestrianized street. The city is also home to a wide range of culinary delights and it’s definitely one of the top places to go in Brazil for foodies.

places to visit in brazil

Another contender for the most beautiful town in Brazil, Tiradentes in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, is an unspoiled case of Portuguese colonial architecture. It is so well preserved and so appealing, you would at times think you have mistakenly wandered into a movie set – and will catch yourself thinking,’ how can a place be so perfect.’

Gorgeous homes set along cobblestone roads enveloped by green mountains and a truly majestic church: Tiradentes is the kind of place dreams are made of. Except it is real. When gold became scarce, this historic mining town was largely forgotten and fell into decay. Crucially, this meant it wasn’t modified or ravaged by growth and modernity. When tourism began to trickle back here in the late 1970s, intrepid guests were rewarded with exceptionally preserved Baroque structures thanks to the years of isolation.

Beyond the obvious visual appeal, there is a booming restaurant scene, lush forest hikes, and some wonderfully insightful museums. The charming São José Fountain should not be missed, along with the vintage steam train that runs between Tiradentes and the magnificent Serra São José grouping of quartzite blocks.

Tiradentes - Things to do in Brazil

If you’re looking for things to do in Brazil that give you more of a perspective on the country, then Brasilia is one of those. Established as the capital city in 1960, it was a utopian vision of organized urban design in response to the perceived chaos of Rio and Sao Paulo.

It was designed in the shape of a crucifix but is also often compared to an airplane, with Eixo Monumental forming the central body with the star attractions laid out along it and two wings making up the residential and commercial sectors.   

It’s a spread-out city with lots of spaghetti junctions so you can’t walk around it the same way you would other cities, but there’s still plenty to discover.

Head up to the viewing platform of the Television Tower to appreciate the city plan or stroll past the government buildings on the Esplanade of the Ministries. Go bar hopping, starting at old favorite Beirute, or enjoy culinary experiences in some of Brasilia’s ever-increasing contemporary restaurants.

things to do in rio de janeiro | things to do in rio

A small town popular with backpackers, Paraty is flanked by the jaw-dropping mountains on Brazil’s Costa Verde and supremely positioned between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

The perfect place to break up a trip, Paraty has a lot going for it with a rich Portuguese colonial center including cobbled streets and many excellent 17th- and 18th-century buildings due to its history as an important port during the Brazilian Gold Rush.

Today more of a popular artist refuge and tourist hotspot than an export hub, Paraty was recently recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site along with the nearby island of Ilha Grande.

Paraty is a welcome escape from the city madness, with tropical hiking, horseback riding, boat cruising, and snorkeling. Or you can just spend hours exploring the colonial-era streets, darting into small cafes, whitewashed churches, and modern galleries. Paraty has long been a beloved getaway for residents of Rio, but now the cosmopolitan vibes have been taken a step further with the influx of international vacationers.

In August, Paraty host the annual Festival of Cachaça, and in May, there is the Paraty Bourbon Jazz Festival, which includes many of the world’s top artists. Add to this the 65 islands and 300 beaches nearby, a fun cook school, a slew of bars and luxe lodgings, and it is safe to say Paraty will firmly keep its status as one of the best places to visit in Brazil for the foreseeable future.

Paraty - things to do in brazil

The Amazon has captured the imagination of hundreds of thousands of people throughout the ages and for good reason. Its incomparable ecosystem and diverse flora and fauna are fascinating not just to biologists, but to travelers, which is why going on an Amazon Rainforest River Tour on the Rio Negro is so popular!

Cruising down the Amazon River taking in the quiet majesty of the area is one of the things to do in Brazil that just can’t be missed.

Manaus is the largest city nearby and definitely the most convenient location you can explore from. Here you’ll find a wide range of accommodation options and tour operators to fit every budget. And prices are a lot lower here than what you can find in the Ecuadorian Amazon or Peruvian Amazon if that helps…

You can go on organized hikes into the jungle, canoe trips or even go fishing. All of these are unforgettable experiences to help you appreciate the power of the river and the life it generates around it.

brazil places to see

São Miguel das Missões in Rio Grande do Sul state is a monumental Spanish Jesuit mission ruins from the 17th century.

It was built because the Jesuits at the time of colonization were on a mission of evangelizing the Indigenous people of Bacia do Rio Prata (a territory that today is spread across Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil), to preserve their culture and language and protect them from Portuguese slave traders. Eighteen such villages were built as places where converted Indigenous people lived, to adapt their lifestyle to Christianity.

The Jesuits were eventually expelled under the Treaty of Madrid when the area was transferred from Spain to Portugal. The Guaraní tribes who lived here refused to comply with the order to relocate from their homelands, and thus a joint Portuguese-Spanish army attacked and defeated the Guaraní. The São Miguel das Missões was left in ruins, the Guaraní were killed and enslaved, and this great social experiment ended.

The ruins today have a ‘paradise lost’ feel to them, with an incredible museum and many gorgeous viewpoints to appreciate the scale of the undertaking.

In 1984 the Mission was listed as World Heritage under the Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis listing, along with three others in Argentina including the equally impressive San Ignacio Mini.

São Miguel das Missões - Brazil Things to Do

Hidden in the murky depths of the famous Amazon jungle, Alter do Chao is a quirky and offbeat beach destination that boasts astonishing white sandy stretches that will convince you you’ve somehow traveled to Brazil’s famous north coast.

Located around 33 kilometers west of the already isolated Santarém, Alter do Chao is most well-known for its Ilha do Amor (Island of Love), an arresting island ringed by a white-sand beach. But there is much more to this place than just beaches; there is a three-fingered lagoon to investigate – either by canoe or stand-up paddleboard – and boat tours into the surrounding Amazon.

You should not miss a trip to Ponta do Cururu at sunset where large numbers of pink and grey dolphins gather for an evening meal. An ethereal experience — to say the least.

Positioned on a major tributary of the Amazon river between Belem and Manaus, the isolation of Alter do Chão’s and retreat from the modern world is the appeal here – and the main reason why there are so few visitors. A lack of roads in the region means the main way to get here is by flying to Santarém and then catching the bus. You’ll be duly rewarded for your efforts.

Alter do Chao Brazil - Places To Go

While not on most tourist itinerary for Brazil, landlocked Belo Horizonte is the capital city of Brazil’s Minas Gerais and the countries sixth-largest city.

A lively, industrial and gritty city – architectural lovers should not miss this city and the Pampulha Lake Architectural Complex, home to an assortment of incredible designs by Brazil’s modernist architect Oscar Niemeyer. There is the wavy-topped Church of St. Francis of Assisi, a casino, a ballroom, the Golf Yacht Club, and various other edifices all in collaboration with famed landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx and give a hint to what he would later build in Brasília.

The artificial lake itself is also stunning and has capybara living around its edge.

Back in the concrete jungle, Belo Horizonte is a sprawling mess – but has plenty of charm if you are willing to seek it out. The Instituto de Arte Contemporânea Inhotim is the world’s largest open-air contemporary art museum with 87 acres of beautiful gardens— then there is a vibrant central market and a revitalizing museum scene.

Ouro Preto is also a short distance away, making Belo Horizonte a convenient stopover point.

Belo Horizonte - best things to see in brazil

Another of the most incredible natural sites in Brazil, the Pantanal is virtually unpopulated. It’s an enormous wetland covering approximately 210,000 square kilometers and hosting an amazing variety of animals.

Definitely, one for the nature lovers, the wildlife here is unmissable if you like to see creatures in their natural habit. Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Pantanal Conservation Area actually consists of a group of four protected areas with a total area of 187,818 ha.

Positioned in western central Brazil at the south-west corner of the State of Mato Grosso, the protected site stewards 1.3% of Brazil’s Pantanal region, one of the world’s largest freshwater wetland ecosystems.

The headwaters of the region’s two primary river systems, the Cuiabá and the Paraguay rivers, are found here, and the wealth and diversity of its vegetation and animal life are magnificent.

cool places to visit in brazil

Belém, the largest city of the state of Pará in the country’s north, is the eastern gateway to the Amazon River.

2.5 million people reside in this tropical metropolis, which has benefited throughout its history from a position approximately 100 km upriver from the Atlantic Ocean.

While many might flit through this transit hub in a rush to more exotic adventures, you should spend a few days exploring the dynamic city filled with mango trees, vibrant markets, museums, and a growing restaurant scene. For a while during the rubber boom in the late 19th century Belem was known as the ‘tropical Paris; with electricity, grand monuments, streetcars, and a sophisticated European vibe – though today Belem is very much forging its own path.

The standout highlight has to be the colorful riverfront district Cidade Velha (old town) filled with Portuguese-colonial architecture similar to Lagos or Porto – with plenty of ornate churches, picturesque azulejo-tile houses, and an extensive 17th-century fort.

Another ‘must-see spot’ is the vast Ver-o-Peso open-air market located on Guajará bay’s docks and hawking exotic Amazonian fish, unknown fruit, and indigenous handicrafts. It is considered one of the largest markets in Latin America, and you can spend at least a few hours perusing the items on sale, interspersed with breaks for a gratifying bowl of pulped açai berries at one of the stands and a cold bottle of Tijuca beer to top it all off.

In the evening – try to catch an opera or performance at the Theatro da Paz, which would look right at home in Vienna or Buenos Aires .

Belem - Northern Brazil things to do

We love Salvador, Brazil’s third-largest city, for its lively mix of cultures and styles, its 17 th and 18th-century architecture, and its endless vibrancy. This is the epicenter of Brazil’s Afro-Brazilian community and where the best music and culture can be found.   

Of all the things to do in Brazil, make Salvador one of them. During the days, explore streets so picturesque that you feel like you have stepped back in time, especially in the center (Pelourinho); at night, take a ride on the 85 meters Art Deco Lacerda Elevator on your way to a delicious meal in one of the many restaurants. Architecturally blessed and culturally diverse, Salvador was the first capital city of Brazil and has it all.

In between times, chill on the beach. This is a city that likes to live, so enjoy being part of it!

Salvador City - Beach Cities in Brazil

An improbable eco-tourism destination, the remote Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park in the central Brazilian state of Goiás is 650 square kilometers of big sky country. There are rolling hills, lush flora and fauna, dramatic canyons, and plenty of hiking trails to keep you occupied for at least a few days.

Rivers crisscross the park (and surrounding private land), creating a lattice of canyons, cliffs, and rivers – usually with a waterfall somewhere to allow for a refreshing dip at the end of the hike. There is an abundance of orchids, and iconic wildlife species like jaguars, armadillos, jaguars, and toucans.

Guides are no longer required to hike here, but if you want to learn about the biodiversity here, they are recommended. The Travessia das Sete Quedas hike, in particular, is simply magical, a 23-kilometer trail through a spectacular canyon and crossing the Rio Preto river twice. You can do it all in one day, or overnight in a campsite with seven small waterfalls nearby.

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park access is from the nearby town of São Jorge, which connects to kooky Alto Paraíso de Goiás and the rest of the start.

Chapada dos Veadeiros, Alto Paraíso de Goiás - GO, Brasil - Places To Visit In brazil

Who would have expected one of the top things to do in Brazil to be to visit wine country, but yes – the Vale dos Vinhedos Wine Region proves this marvelous country does have it all.

Located in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul between the cities of Garibaldi, Bento Gonçalves, and Monte Belo do Sul, this area has a strong Italian influence. It also offers the unique properties required in terms of soil, climate, topography, and culture to create a desirable bottle of wine.

Vale dos Vinhedos covers 82 square kilometers (32 square miles) and is home to over 30 wineries and an influential national grape and wine research bureau. Miniature estates sit alongside larger wineries providing plenty of options for wine tours, with most allowing drop-in visitors.

Even for those who don’t like wine, the attractive area also houses a cornucopia of cheese factories, art workshops, craft houses, restaurants, and boutique accommodations. The work of the Italian immigrants over the last 150 years has culminated in Vale dos Vinhedos getting a reputation for outstanding vintages, particularly Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. It was even recently named one of the world’s ten best wine travel destinations recently, joining the likes of Queenstown in New Zealand or Champagne in France.

While not yet swamped with international tourists, the Vale dos Vinhedos is exceptionally popular with locals and has a well-established collection of rural inns and tourist routes. You’ll be rubbing your eyes and thinking you have been transported to Italy or Northern California.

Vale dos Vinhedos - Brazil Winery

One hundred eighty kilometers from Rio de Janeiro is Armação dos Búzios – or just Búzios for the devoted, a renowned seaside town where Rio’s elite flock each weekend.

An urbane Eden of greenery, clear waters and narrow cobblestone streets create an enduring appeal that has seen Búzios transform over the past 50 years from a small fishing village to Brazil’s St. Tropez. Located on a jutting peninsula, Búzios is a collection of three settlements and 17 beaches with oceanfront dining, an arresting harbor, and all the expected tourist amenities.

There is everything from hostels to high-end hotels and more options for relation, shopping, and nightlife then we could ever cover. It is hard to know where to start. And then there are the off-shore islands, ideal for diving, world-class gastronomy, world-class galleries, and boutique shopping.

But our favorite activity has to be people watching here. Buzios attracts the most fashionable people from not just Brazil but around the world. So, as you might imagine, one of the best things to do is simply choose a seat at a pavement cafe, order a Caipirinha, and watch the gorgeous people go by…

Armação dos Búzios - Things to see in brazil

The 10 most incredible places to visit in Brazil

Catherine Balston

Mar 1, 2024 • 9 min read

A man throwing confetti in the air at a street party in Olinda, Brazil

The scale of Brazil can be overwhelming but we're here to help with picking the best parts of it to visit © MesquitaFMS / Getty Images

One of the world’s most dazzling destinations, Brazil  is packed with steamy rainforests, tropical savannas, wetlands and exciting cities. 

The ecosystems found in this giant of  South America  are home to the largest collection of plant and animal species found anywhere in the world.

But even if exploring the natural world is not top of your Brazil to-do list, plenty of life can be found in the country’s musical metropolises, too. When it comes to relaxing, Brazil has sand to spare: 2095 beaches, to be precise, dotting its 7242km (4500-mile) Atlantic coastline.

With such a massive footprint and a wide variety of things to do, planning an itinerary here can feel overwhelming. Let us help get you started with our 10 favorite places to visit in Brazil.

1. Ouro Preto and the towns of Minas Gerais 

Ouro Preto (meaning “black gold”) in Minas Gerais was at the heart of Brazil’s 18th-century gold rush.

Nearly two dozen churches, lavishly ornamented with gold filigree, still ring out their bells across the hillsides of this rural town, which at its height was home to 110,000 residents – the majority of whom were enslaved people. 

One of Ouro Preto’s most famous residents was the sculptor Aleijadinho, who studied European baroque traditions and developed his own unique style. His sculptures and reliefs – some of which he carved after losing his fingers to a disease – adorn churches across the region, including in Tiradentes , Congonhas and São João del Rei .

The historical Royal Road links up most of these towns and makes for an adventurous road trip . An essential detour for art lovers is nearby  Inhotim , the world’s largest open-air contemporary art museum.

A colonial-era church in Paraty, Brazil, seen from the water, with palm trees and green mountains beyond

2. Paraty and the Saco de Mamanguá 

The other terminus of the Royal Road, seaside  Paraty  was where the precious metals extracted from Minas Gerais were shipped out in the early days of Brazil’s gold rush.

The town lost some of this export trade to Rio de Janeiro in the early 1700s, yet its architecture was impeccably preserved – and it’s all the more impressive for being sandwiched between steep, jungle-covered mountains and the warm, clear waters of the ocean. 

A forgotten gem for centuries, Paraty has in recent decades attracted writers and artists from all over the world.

The city plays host to a number of prestigious events, including the literary festival FLIP , a jazz festival and a pinga festival (an excuse to drink lots of pinga , slang for cachaça, the Brazilian cane spirit that’s produced locally).

Getting out on the water to explore some of Paraty’s 65 islands and 300 beaches is a must. Motor boats and schooners can be rented, but for a close-up connection with nature join a kayak tour in the Saco de Mamanguá – a “tropical fjord” – and paddle to deserted beaches, mangroves, waterfalls and Caiçara fishing communities.

3. Amazon rainforest

The Amazon  has a mysterious pull that has fascinated people for centuries.

One of the wildest places on the planet, the region is almost too big to comprehend, spanning about 42% of Brazil and swaths of eight neighboring countries.

Each region offers something different in terms of ecology, tourism and local culture; doing your research before visiting is essential as it’s neither an inexpensive nor easy-to-reach destination. 

You'll gaze at the unending expanse of green for hours as you fly overhead into Manaus , the region’s largest city and a good jumping-off point for many of the lodges and Amazon jungle experiences .

You can try canoeing through flooded forests at Anavilhanas National Park , heading further afield to the recently formed Xixuaú Reserve or spotting river dolphins in the Mamirauá Reserve.

A few hundred miles east, Santarém is another access point for seeing the majestic trees deep in the Tapajós Forest or beach hopping along the banks of the Arapiuns River, a tributary of the Tapajós River near Alter do Chão .

4. Brasília

The city of the future that’s forever stuck in the past, Brasília  is a fabulous paradox. The federal capital officially opened for business in 1960, becoming the ultimate symbol of modernity for an urbanizing nation and a long-hoped-for kick-start for the economic development of the country’s interior. 

Built in the middle of the hot, dry landscape of Brazil’s Center-West, Brasília is an open-air monument to the people who shaped and built it, including urban planner Lúcio Costa and architect Oscar Niemeyer.

Thousands of tons of concrete and steel were poured into a series of Modernist architectural gems that are worth spending a day or two to explore – though not on foot, as the sprawling city was designed for cars not pedestrians.

Niemeyer’s much-loved curves can be spotted everywhere, most notably in the metropolitan cathedral , with its white columns rising up to the heavens in a hyperboloid structure studded with stained glass. 

A woman in a swimsuit in a natural pool in Jalapão State Park, Brazil

5. Jalapão 

In a country teeming with rainforests, pristine beaches and other natural wonders, the tropical savanna hinterlands of the Cerrado certainly hold their own. 

While the Cerrado has borne the brunt of Brazil’s agribusiness boom in recent decades, pockets of conservation do exist, including the relatively unexplored Jalapão State Park – 34,000 sq km (13,127 sq miles) of scrubland, grasslands, forest, caves and unusual rock formations.

The best time to visit is the dry season (from May to September) when, despite the dry landscape, water is the main attraction.

Splash in the glassy pools of waterfalls or kayak down rapids – you can also take a dip in the so-called fervedouros (boiling pots), natural springs where the bubbling water buoys swimmers. Sand dunes and chapadas (mountain formations) also make for some spectacular hiking. 

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park  (400km/248 miles south) and Emas National Park (to the west) are two much larger conservation areas that are home to dozens of species of flora and fauna at risk of extinction.

Lucky hikers might cross paths with giant anteaters, giant armadillos, maned wolves and rheas, South America’s largest bird.

6. Pantanal 

The largest wetland region in the world,  the Pantanal offers the best wildlife spotting in Brazil.

South America’s largest mammal (tapir) and largest bird (rhea) call the Pantanal home, as do more than 230 species of fish and 650 species of bird – plus such apex predators as jaguars, caimans and anacondas.

Spanning an area more than half the size of France, the Pantanal can be explored in a number of different ways.

The most accessible is by road, on the Estrada Transpantaneira, though small airplanes and motorboats open the doors to more remote zones and secluded, upscale lodges.

It’s easier to spot wildlife during the dry season, from May to September – but when the water levels rise from October onwards, the rivers flood their banks and inundate the surrounding plains, spurring on an abundance of flora and flocks of wading birds.

The wet season also brings the arrival of river cruises: the sundeck of a 15-cabin boat cruise to the Serra do Amolar mountains near the border with Bolivia is an ideal vantage point from which to contemplate the grandeur of this region. 

7. Fernando de Noronha

An archipelago of islands some 320km (200 miles) off the northeast coast, Fernando de Noronha is high on many honeymoon wishlists.

Of Noronha’s 21 islands, only the largest one is accessible to tourists – and even then, its boundaries lie safely within Brazil’s largest marine park .

Dreamy beaches – including Baía do Sancho , Baía dos Porcos and Praia do Leão – all compete for the top slot on rankings of the best beaches in the country .

Silky-soft sands and clear blue waters would have holidaymakers flocking here if this place were on the mainland; happily, its remote location and a cap on visitor numbers keep the crowds to a welcome minimum. 

Just off the shoreline, Noronha is an underwater paradise that’s home to 230 fish species, 15 varieties of coral, five types of (harmless) shark and the greatest concentration of tropical marine birds in the Atlantic.

You can dive to spot corals and shipwrecks in the marine park or watch hundreds of dolphins doing water acrobatics at sunrise before snorkeling in shallow tide pools. Noronha offers Brazil’s natural beauty at its absolute best, and this place warrants going the extra mile.

Two backpackers looking at view of Sugarloaf, Rio de Janeiro

8. Rio de Janeiro 

The most-visited city in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro didn’t earn its title of cidade maravilhosa (“marvelous city”) for nothing. In the eyes of Cariocas, it’s the most beautiful place on earth. Visitors would be hard-pressed to disagree.

Dense high-rises are stacked like sugar cubes between mountains cloaked in rainforest and studded with naked granite peaks jutting skywards.

Visitors hit the famous beaches to lounge in the sun, but the locals go to get active – surfing, running, cycling or diving into the sand over a sweaty game of beach volleyball. People-watching is a serious beach sport in its own right. 

Come evening, Rio’s own special blend of tropical rhythms draws the crowds out onto the city’s streets to meet friends at botecos (bars) or join impromptu street parties.

You’ll also discover a wealth of culture and history – the city was the capital of the Kingdom of Portugal in the 19th century, and, until 1960, the capital of Brazil. 

9. Ribeira Valley and the Atlantic Forest 

The Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) is Brazil’s “other” tropical forest. Regrettably, it’s also one of the most endangered biomes in the world, with just 12.5% of it remaining in disparate fragments along Brazil’s southeast-facing coastline.

Teeming with life, the forest has a wider variety of flora and fauna per hectare than the Amazon, with half of its species not found anywhere else in the world. In short, it’s a hidden gem within easy reach of Brazil’s largest cities.

The Ribeira Valley – a 28,489 sq km (11,000 sq mile) river valley straddling the São Paulo – Paraná state border, is home to the largest continuous stretch of remaining Atlantic Forest.

Here, visitors can explore some of the biggest caves in Brazil (at PETAR ), stay at traditional quilombos (communities that were formed by escaped enslaved Africans ), hike through the forest and raft down rivers.

Private nature reserves like the whopping 310 sq km (120 sq mile) Legado das Águas offer a range of ecotourism activities.

An ambitious plan to connect Atlantic Forest conservation areas (including the Ribeira Valley) with one long trail – the Caminho da Mata Atlântica – has been gathering pace in the last few years, though no one has yet attempted to hike its full 4000km (2485 miles) length. 

A woman and a man eating traditional food in the municipal market of São Paulo

10. São Paulo

Last but by no means least is South America’s most populous city. São Paulo may not have beaches, vast swathes of forest or even clean rivers, but it has a kinetic charm all of its own.

Poet Mário de Andrade called it “the hallucinated city,” which seems a fitting description for a megalopolis of 20 million residents. It’s a city whose soul is young and restless, a party-mad colossus with cutting-edge theaters, world-class chefs and a fascinating art scene, among countless other draws.

With layer upon layer of immigrant influences and centuries’ worth of boom-and-bust cycles, São Paulo attracts people from all over the world who thrive on its energy.

Its delights are not served up on a plate – visitors have to seek them out. But once you get a taste, you'll be hooked.

This article was first published Jan 5, 2022 and updated Mar 1, 2024.

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17 Best Places to Visit in Brazil

By Kay Pierce · Last updated on June 17, 2024

Famous for being home to one of the world’s top football teams, the Rio de Janeiro Carnival and the remarkable Iguazu Falls, Brazil is an exciting world travel destination. As South America’s largest country, Brazil covers a majority of the continent’s northeastern region and borders all of its countries except for Chile and Ecuador .

From the Amazon rainforest in the North to the tropical beaches along the Atlantic , to the Pantanal wetlands and the vibrant metropolises of the Southeast there are plenty of interesting places to visit in Brazil .

17. Jericoacoara


Located in the northeast of Brazil in the state of Ceara, Jericoacoara is a lovely, laidback place nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and a national park of the same name. Often referred to as Jeri or Jijoca, the small and secluded seaside town boasts some of the most beautiful scenery in Brazil and is an increasingly popular tourist destination.

Besides its beautiful beaches, Jeri is surrounded by delightful dunes and lagoons that offer countless recreational opportunities, with hiking, swimming and watersports all very popular. Exploring the area on horseback or in dune buggies is a fantastic way to see as much of its splendid scenery as possible; Pedra Furada – or the ‘Arched Rock’ – is the standout sight and symbol.

While its remote setting makes visiting Jericoacoara a challenge, it is well worth the effort for its sumptuous scenery, wealth of outdoor activities, and surprisingly lively nightlife.

16. Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo

Not only is Sao Paulo the largest city in Brazil, but it is also one of the largest in the world according to population. Located in southeastern Brazil, Sao Paulo is known for its skyscrapers, gastronomy and robust culture scene. Home to many ethnic groups from all over the globe including the largest Japanese community outside of Japan.

Dividing the city between its old and new districts, Paulista Avenue is the city’s busiest strip, brimming in businesses, shopping malls, art galleries, theaters and restaurants. Although Sao Paulo is known for its concrete jungle, it is also home to a large number of public parks and even portions of the Atlantic rainforest.

15. Brasilia


Located in the Brazilian Highlands, Brasilia was installed in 1960 as Brazil’s capital. Brazil’s former President Juscelino Kubitschek of the late 1950s ordered the city to be planned and developed into what some refer to as a utopia. Brasilia’s modern day infrastructure is designed in the shape of an airplane in which each of its sections serve as different districts such as government, commercial, residential and cultural.

Brasilia’s new and creative architecture attracts many visitors. Most significant is the Three Powers Square, which houses the Presidential Palace , the Congress and the Supreme Court. Other important buildings include the Palácio da Alvorada, the President’s official residence and the TV Tower. The Brasilia Cathedral with its glass roof that resembles hands reaching up to heaven is a must visit.

In addition to all its concrete, steel and glass, Brasilia also features a large artificial lake and several beautiful parks that all offer a variety of leisure activities. The capital is also an important transportation hub for travel within Brazil.

14. Ouro Preto

Ouro Preto

Tucked away among the mountains of Minas Gerais, Ouro Preto is the most picturesque, popular, and well-preserved colonial town in Brazil. As it was one of the main centers of the Brazilian Gold Rush , wealth and riches poured into its streets – along with the power and prestige that came with it.

Strung out across a series of hills, its historic center is full of steep, winding cobbled streets that meander past gorgeous old buildings and 18th-century churches. The small city also has several interesting museums for visitors to check out; many of these focus on the artworks of Aleijandinho or Ouro Preto’s mining past.

Many people visit the city for its rich history and culture or to visit the numerous mines via a guided tour. In recent years, Ouro Preto’s colorful carnival has attracted more and more revelers to its ancient streets.


Lying in the southwest corner of Mato Grosso do Sul, the small city of Bonito is a great place to go in Brazil if you are looking to explore the gorgeous Pantanal region. While there’s not all that much to see or do in the town itself, it has long been the posterchild of sustainable ecotourism in Brazil.

Awash with natural wonders, the area surrounding Bonito is home to sparkling waterfalls, gushing rivers, and huge sinkholes and lake-filled caves that you can go swimming or snorkeling in. Hiking in the lush rainforest is also popular, with lots of colorful fauna and flora to be spied in Serra da Bodoquena National Park .

Many companies operate out of Bonito’s pousadas, and excursions usually focus on the Pantanal’s rich ecology and ecosystems. Among the most popular are snorkeling below underwater stalagmites at Anhumas Abyss, enjoying a canopy walk in the rainforest, and exploring Blue Lake Cave – one of the largest flooded caves in the world.

12. Fortaleza


Nice beaches, dynamic shopping and lively culture all make Fortaleza one of Brazil’s popular tourist destinations. The capital of the Ceará state on the country’s northeastern coast, Fortaleza is Brazil’s fifth largest city, well-known for its forró music .

Featuring a mix of colonial and modern day architecture, Fortaleza offers plenty of things to see and do. Praça do Ferreira is the city’s main square where restaurants, shops and a movie theater are all located. Praça José de Alencar is another popular square where street performers can be observed.

Fortaleza’s 16 miles of urban beaches are one of the reasons many tourists flock to the city. The most popular beach is Praia do Futuro , but other favorites are Iracema, Mucuripe and Meireles. Not only are the beaches great for swimming, sunbathing, fishing and surfing competitions, but they also offer hotels, restaurants and markets. Fortaleza also serves as the jumping-off point for many visitors to truly spectacular beaches, rolling dunes and idyllic fishing villages along the Ceará coast.

The shopping experience in Fortaleza is another of its main attractions. Because the city is home to a large textile industry, clothing is cheap here. Local handicrafts and fresh seafood and produce can be found among the city’s markets while the Iguatemi Mall offers a little of everything.

11. Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park

Chapada dos Veadeiros

Home to sparkling lakes, dramatic waterfalls , and stunning landscapes – as well as some of the oldest and most biodiverse tropical ecosystems in the world – Chapada dos Veadeiros really is a treat to explore. Covering a huge area in the center of Brazil, the marvelous microregion can be found in the state of Goias, some three hours drive north of the nation’s capital Brasilia.

Chapada dos Veadeiros’ main attraction is the wonderful national park of the same name that lies atop an ancient rainforest-coated plateau . Scarred by jagged cliffs and crumbling canyons, the park is fascinating to hike around, with lots of awe-inspiring waterfalls hidden away among its verdant flora and fauna.

Other highlights include the appropriately named Moon Valley , which is home to lunar landscapes. Swimming and bathing in any one of the numerous waterfalls and rivers that dot the area is a must-do. The two main places to stay when visiting Chapada dos Veadeiros are Alta Paraiso and Sao Jorge, a small city and village which lie not too far from all of the main sights.


A paradise of tropical forests, waterfalls, emerald sea and coastal mountains, Parati is a popular tourist destination located along Brazil’s Green Coast in the Rio de Janeiro state. Also spelled Paraty, this beautiful city is a former Portuguese colony established on the shores of the Bay of Ilha Grande.

The heart of Parati is its historic center with cobbled streets and multicolored colonial houses, many of which now serve as bed-and-breakfast accommodations called pousadas . Some of the most visited attractions here are the colonial defense forts that still boast original walls and cannons. The historic center of Parati is pedestrian-only .

Surrounding the city are several beautiful parks and nature preserves where visitors can hike and explore the natural setting of mangrove forest, waterfalls and wildlife. There are also indigenous villages here that can be visited. The bay offers gorgeous beaches where visitors can enjoy swimming, kayaking, snorkeling, diving and boat cruises.


Nicknamed the “ Venice of Brazil ” because of its numerous waterways and bridges, Recife is the capital of the Pernambuco state and one of the largest and most important cities on Brazil’s northeastern coast. Situated amid tropical forests with many islands and rivers, Recife is an interesting place to visit because of its historic old town, beaches and vibrant culture.

Recife was a Dutch colony during the early 17th century, and nowhere is this more evident than the city’s historic district where many colonial buildings still remain. Some of the most significant structures include the oldest synagogue in the Americas and one of Brazil’s most beautiful baroque churches, the Franciscan Convent of Saint Anthony.


Saint Peter Square is also noted for its history and picturesque setting of colorful buildings, shops and restaurants.

The city’s main market, the Sao José Market , is a popular place to find traditional handicrafts, medicinal herbs and locally produced food. Recife’s beaches are considered some of the best in Brazil. Lined with hotels, restaurants and bars, Boa Viagem is the most popular beach with its pristine white sands, clear water and coral reef.

8. Chapada Diamantina National Park

Chapada Diamantina

Created in 1985 to protect, preserve, and promote its spectacular scenery and rich ecosystems, Chapada Diamantina National Park lies in the northeast of Brazil in the center of the state of Bahia. Popular among nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts, the park encompasses everything from dramatic mountain ranges and sweeping valleys to teeming rivers and towering waterfalls.

As it is set atop of a plateau, the park is very mountainous, with its tallest peaks reaching more than 2,000 meters. Crumbling, rugged cliffs line the plateau, as do lots of epic waterfalls ; the awe-inspiring 380-metre-high Cachoeira da Fumaca is the tallest in Brazil. Cavernous caves also punctuate its rugged terrain, with Lapa Doce and Pratinha two of the largest.

Chapada Diamantina

Thanks to its diverse landscapes and gorgeous scenery, Chapada Diamantina National Park is an increasingly popular tourist destination. Visitors can choose to either camp or stay in one of the small towns, such as Lencois and Vale de Capao. Horseback riding and hiking are popular pastimes, as is swimming in the rivers and pools of the area.


One of Brazil’s best-preserved colonial cities, Olinda is located on the country’s Atlantic Coast in the northeastern state of Pernambuco. Founded by the Portuguese in the early 16th century, the city served as the state’s capital until it was burned by the Dutch, thereafter losing its sovereignty to its nearby neighbor, Recife.

Perched on a picturesque hilltop surrounded by trees, Olinda’s historic downtown is a treasure trove of colonial churches, colorful old houses and numerous artisan studios. Because of its love affair with art, Olinda packs many shops and markets selling paintings, ceramics, sculptures and handicrafts.


Every year, Olinda hosts its lively Carnival celebration that differs somewhat from those of Rio de Janeiro and Salvador in that Olinda’s festival is best at daytime and features the music, dances and traditions of African culture . Olinda’s Carnival involves parades, lavish costumes, giant puppet dolls, street parties and the rhythms of maracatu and frevo.

However, even outside of the Carnival season, Olinda offers an animated culture where every weekend buzzes with parties, bars, nightclubs and singing groups who perform serenades of traditional songs in the streets.

6. Pantanal


Covering a vast swathe of western Brazil, as well as parts of Paraguay and Bolivia , the Pantanal is the world’s largest and most diverse tropical wetland area. Due to its stunning scenery and incredible wildlife, the region is increasingly popular to visit, although its remote and watery nature does pose a few challenges.

During the rainy season, around 80 percent of the floodplains are submerged, so the only way to get around is by plane or boat. It is worth it, however; the endless marshes and grasslands are home to an astounding array of fauna and flora.


Besides exploring the scenic landscapes ranging from swamps and savanna to lakes, forests, and wetlands, visitors are also sure to spot many caiman and capybara . The highlight of any trip is spotting the South American jaguar ; the Pantanal is the best place on the continent to catch a glimpse of the elusive creature.

5. Florianopolis


The capital of Santa Catarina state, Florianopolis lies in the south of Brazil, with half of the city set on the mainland and the other on a beautiful island . Due to its scenic setting, it is a very popular tourist destination and is widely considered one of the best places to live in the country.

An important economic, cultural, and political center, Florianopolis is a modern city with lots of large shopping malls and chic restaurants, as well as lively bars and nightclubs. Despite this, it is a lovely laidback place, and each of its neighborhoods has its own distinct identity.

The main attraction, however, is the wealth of fabulous beaches . While relaxing in the gorgeous scenery is divine, Florianopolis also has stunning dunes, sparkling waterfalls, and forested mountains – as well as a large lagoon for visitors to explore. Hiking and cycling around the ‘Magic Island’ (which it is also known as) are popular activities, as are paragliding and watersports.


The capital of the Amazonas state in northwestern Brazil, Manaus is an important tourist destination because it serves as a gateway to the Amazon rainforest .

As a result of the region’s flourishing rubber industry during the early 20th century, Manaus today is Northern Brazil’s largest metropolitan area, featuring distinguished landmarks like the Amazonas Opera House , the Adolpho Lisboa Market and the Rio Negro Palace.

Amazonas boat

Not only is the port of Manaus an important commercial hub for several manufacturing industries, but it also serves as the most popular starting point for river tours into the Amazon rainforest. Some of the most striking things to see on these tours include the Paricatuba Waterfall, Love Cascade and glimpses of the Pied tamarin, Brazil’s most endangered monkey. Another significant sight is the Meeting of the Waters , which is a natural phenomenon where the two rivers of Negro and Solimões run side by side for more than three miles without mixing.

Besides the rainforest and river, Manus also offers public parks, a botanical garden and a zoo. Several beaches are here as well such as Ponta Negra with a number of restaurants, bars and hotels.

3. Salvador


A historic Old City, beautiful beaches, lively culture and one of the world’s biggest Carnival celebrations all fashion Salvador into one of Brazil’s top tourist destinations. One of the oldest cities in the Americas, Salvador is Brazil’s third largest city and the capital of the Bahia state.

Formerly a major center of sugar and slave trade, Salvador today still bears traces of its history in Pelourinho or Old City, which features colonial architecture, stunning churches and plazas where important events once occurred. Also found in the old quarter are many restaurants, bars, art galleries and handicraft shops. Contrastively, Salvador’s New City district is where all the modern day developments of shopping megaplexes, entertainment venues, golf courses and residential neighborhoods are located.

Porto da Barra Beach

Situated on the coast of the Bay of All Saints, Salvador offers fantastic beaches that are ideal for sunbathing, swimming and surfing. Some of the most popular include Porto de Barra, Flamengo and Stella Maris.

One of Salvador’s main crowd-pullers is its annual Carnival celebration . Acclaimed as one of the largest in the world, this extravagant event involves music, dancing, parades, costumes and street parties.

2. Foz do Iguacu

Foz do Iguassu

One of the most awe-inspiring natural wonders in the world, Iguazu Falls straddles the Argentine-Brazilian border. It is often compared to Niagara Falls and Victoria Falls, such is its staggering size and scale. Surrounded by dense rainforest, its endless series of cascades stretch for almost three kilometers, making it the largest waterfall system in the world.

Every second, incalculable gallons of water from the Iguazu River course over the Parana Plateau, plunging onto the rocks and pools below. While 80 percent of the falls are in Argentina , it is the Brazilian side that offers the most spectacular views, with Devil’s Throat canyon being the highlight.

Iguazu Falls

Besides gazing in awe at Iguazu Falls and taking in the deafening roar, visitors can take a boat ride beneath the falls or go hiking in the steamy rainforest that surrounds them. The gateway to the falls on the Brazilian side is Foz do Iguaçu, a big and reasonably safe city by Brazilian standards.

1. Rio de Janeiro

Christ the Redeemer

There is no destination on earth more animated and exciting than Rio de Janeiro. Located in southeastern Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is the most visited city of South America due to its famous mountains, beaches and Carnival festival.

Rio de Janeiro is situated on one of the world’s largest harbors surrounded by natural attractions that include the Sugarloaf and Corcovado mountains and famous beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema . Within this sprawling metropolis is Tijuca National Park , one of the world’s largest urban forests, teeming in native flora and fauna.

Ipanema Beach

The city’s iconic landmark is the enormous Christ the Redeemer statue sitting atop Corcovado mountain. Other important landmarks include colonial fortresses, former presidential palaces and Maracanã Stadium, one of the world’s largest football stadiums.

See also: Where to Stay in Rio de Janeiro

Sadly, most people also know Rio for its crime and favelas. The favelas are areas of poor-quality housing, slums usually located on the city’s many mountain slopes, juxtaposed with middle-class neighborhoods.

Rio de Janerio is home to one of the world’s largest Carnival celebrations , renowned for its vibrant parades, costumes, dancing, music, fireworks and street parties. Outside of the festival, the city buzzes nightly with an abundance of bars and dance clubs.

Map of Places to Visit in Brazil

Places to Visit in Brazil

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Reader interactions.

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October 11, 2019 at 3:37 am

I would also recommend Maceió. Beautiful beaches, great nightlife and safer than the big cities. But, you can’t go to Brasil for the 1st time and not go to Rio (my hometown for 16 years/Copacabana). As one person said above, do your homework before you go and you should be safe. Don’t dress like a gringo… just saying!?

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February 16, 2019 at 3:44 pm

I highly recommend you guys to go to Porto de Galinhas (translates to…Hen’s Harbour, yeah), i’ve been there a couple of times and it’s one of the most beautiful places i’ve ever been, with amazing beaches, some handicraft fairs (that show a lot of brazilian’s northeastern culture) and splendid sights and hotels.

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March 30, 2018 at 8:04 am

I recommend “Porto de Galinhas-Pernambuco” and “Maragogi-Alagoas”. Paradise! They are safe places. Really Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are very dangerous.

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June 29, 2017 at 7:44 pm

@Laura Morgenstern, I have to say that there are some places that are dangerous. But people generalize about it. Like most countries, there ares some dangerous neighborhoods but it is not the entire country. There are very safe cities, and I’m sure that if you speak with local people they will tell you where you have to avoid going to. There are amazing places in Brazil that some people don’t know about such as Gramado, Aguas de Lindóia, Brotas – radical sports in the water, Balneário camboriu

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June 11, 2017 at 1:23 pm

Isla do Mel……amazing! Curitiba, fantastic city.

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January 10, 2017 at 3:52 pm

And about Espirito Santo… Beaches. Guarapari and Vila Velha and beautiful mountains like Domingos Martins with a wonderful wine by the fireplace

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December 22, 2016 at 12:19 am

I went to Brazil for three weeks this summer and there weren’t any cases that made me feel uncomfortable or where I felt unsafe. I was in both Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero during my trip. I wouldn’t recommend going to certain parts of both cities because there are gangs but if you do your research you’ll be able to figure out where not to go and what is safe.

My trip was absolutely amazing and I would recommend going if you ever get the opportunity.

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October 20, 2016 at 9:33 am

Gramado is the best city

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June 30, 2016 at 12:46 pm

I think Brazil is a beautiful place, but ‘s very dangerous. It’s true?

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November 23, 2015 at 11:07 am

Thank you for recommending all these interesting places. My husband I are thinking to go to Brazil next year but I do not wish to go to big cities – may go to Rio for a few days only and then travel to other small places. Which ones would you recommend – We are not beach people. Like the culture and ”naturaleza” from these places people are recommending? which is the best time to go?

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October 13, 2015 at 8:21 pm

Forget about the big cities in Brazil… The best and safest tourism here is in small and fantastic places. Keep noted: 1. Bonito – Is, by far, the most amazing place in Brazil!!! There you can swim in small rivers with several fishes and enjoy the real nature 2. Fernando de Noronha – Is an isolated island in the north east of Brazil. Destination of the Hollywood movie stars. You can swim with dolphins or sharks. Amazing beaches and is a very calm place. 3. Iguaçú falls (Foz de Iguaçú) – Much bigger than niagara falls and really beautiful. You can feel the power of nature there. 4. Chapada dos Veadeiros – A lot of water falls and a mistic place. Great site to meditate and to be in touch with yourself.

All these places are safe and really cheap if you have Dollars or Euros. Forget the big cities…

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June 12, 2015 at 12:07 am

I do not speak English , I am using a translator , sorry . Anyway , I wanted to leave my opinion ‘m from São Paulo SP Brazil ( love this place <3) , and put the ranking as: 1 – Maranhão – National Park Maranhenses 2 – Amazonas – Manaus, located in the center of the largest tropical forest in the world 3 – Bahia – Morro sp 4 – Bahia – Chapada Diamantina National Park 5 – Pernambuco – Porto de Galinhas 6 – Ceará -the beach of Canoa Quebrada 7 – Rio de Janeiro – Paraty 8 – Minas Gerais – Sao Tome das letras 9 – São Paulo – SP ( Paulista Avenue, Ibirapuera Park) 10 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ

Sao Paulo has little beauty , but it's where you find the best hotels, bars, parties and museums in Brazil.

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May 15, 2015 at 6:47 pm

I think that you should mention Mato Grosso do Sul ( Bonito the city) , crystal clear waters, a lot of different animals. It s amazing and perfect

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July 30, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Christ the Redeemer statue sitting atop Corcovado mountain is wonderful and unbelievable! I really want to visit that place 🙂 Great!

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July 24, 2014 at 10:16 am

I think you should put Graemado and Canela (two cities of Rio Grande do Sul) too! It doesn’t have beaches, but it’s like a cold paradis. It’s VERY beautiful and there are a lot of cultural attractions. I would recommend the dates around Easter and Christmas (specially the last one), because there’s really maaaany beautiful things. During the winter it’s very cold and good to stay there! It’s awesome

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May 27, 2014 at 10:58 am

Brazil is Amazing and Fascinating!! I hope I visit it soon and the first place ide love to visit is amazingly the Rio De Jeneiro!! ..its the most wonderful place I’ve heard of and apart from this comes the iguazu Falls..SPLENDID..its Paradise On Earth!..

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May 23, 2014 at 6:18 pm

You should visit the south too, specially Rio Grande do Sul, where many cities still conserve the german and italian culture! June and july is the best time of the year

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May 14, 2014 at 12:21 pm

Wow, I never knew there were so many beautiful cities in Brazil! I visited Floripa and it IS beautiful!

Please add it between 2 and 6!!

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May 8, 2014 at 11:30 am

I agree with you! There are a lot of beautiful cities in Brazil to visit!! Not just São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro! Floripa is very beautiful too

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April 14, 2014 at 7:44 am

Thanks for mentioned Sao Paulo!

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January 7, 2014 at 2:01 pm

I also would put Floripa between 3 and 6 for sure!

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December 26, 2013 at 10:15 pm

I want to understand how Florianopolis isn’t in that list…

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December 10, 2013 at 5:55 pm

I appreciate your information about the top ten in Brasil.. But I would like to inform another city: Ouro Preto, very interesting,, cultural and beautiful , the first capital of the important Minas Gerais state. Rich Baroque, churchs from the XVII and XVIII, is a place very important to the cultural tourism. All the gold from Brasil to Europe, in these centuries came from OURO PRETO ( black gold) regions , the name of this city, in the heart of Brazil, between mountains, near the new Capital of Minas Gerais State: Belo Horizonte.

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Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

Travel and tourism in Brazil – statistics & facts

Brazil's natural attractions, covid-19 impact on the brazilian tourism sector, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Total tourism GDP in Latin American countries 2021

Internal travel and tourism consumption in Latin American countries 2019

Brazil: tourism revenue by segment 2020

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Tourism revenue in Brazil 2019-2022

Inbound tourism volume in Brazil 2010-2021

Inbound tourism volume in Brazil 2021, by origin

Further recommended statistics

Regional overview.

  • Basic Statistic Share of total tourism contribution to GDP in Latin American countries 2022
  • Basic Statistic Share of tourism in total employment in Latin American countries 2022
  • Premium Statistic Most competitive Latin American countries for tourism 2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of natural parks in Latin American countries 2023

Share of total tourism contribution to GDP in Latin American countries 2022

Travel and tourism as percentage of gross domestic product in Latin America in 2022, by country

Share of tourism in total employment in Latin American countries 2022

Travel and tourism as percentage of total employment in Latin America in 2022, by country

Most competitive Latin American countries for tourism 2021

Leading countries for tourism in Latin America in 2021, based on the Travel and Tourism Development Index

Number of natural parks in Latin American countries 2023

Number of natural parks in Latin America as of August 2023, by country

Key figures

  • Premium Statistic Tourism revenue in Brazil 2019-2022
  • Premium Statistic Contribution of tourism spending to Brazilian GDP 2010-2021, by type
  • Basic Statistic Share of travel and tourism spending in Brazil 2022, by origin
  • Premium Statistic Hospitality businesses in Brazil 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Hospitality headcount in Brazil 2016-2021
  • Premium Statistic Average trips by Brazilian travelers 2023, by economic level
  • Premium Statistic Tourism development in Brazil 2021, by pillar

Revenue generated by the tourism sector in Brazil from 2019 to 2022 (in billion Brazilian reals)

Contribution of tourism spending to Brazilian GDP 2010-2021, by type

Tourism expenditure as share of gross domestic product in Brazil from 2010 to 2021, by type

Share of travel and tourism spending in Brazil 2022, by origin

Distribution of expenditure by tourists in Brazil in 2022, by main origin

Hospitality businesses in Brazil 2010-2021

Number of companies in the accommodation and food service industries in Brazil from 2010 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Hospitality headcount in Brazil 2016-2021

Number of employees in the accommodation and food service industries in Brazil from 2016 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Average trips by Brazilian travelers 2023, by economic level

Average number of trips taken by tourists from Brazil as of July 2023, by social class

Tourism development in Brazil 2021, by pillar

Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) in Brazil in 2021, by pillar

Brazilian tourists

  • Premium Statistic Domestic rail travelers in Brazil 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of air travelers in domestic flights in Brazil 2000-2021
  • Premium Statistic Travel product online bookings in Brazil 2024
  • Premium Statistic Attitudes towards traveling in Brazil 2024
  • Premium Statistic Favorite domestic destinations in Brazil 2023
  • Basic Statistic International mobility for passport holders from Brazil 2023, by visa type

Domestic rail travelers in Brazil 2010-2021

Number of domestic rail passengers in Brazil from 2010 to 2021 (in millions)

Number of air travelers in domestic flights in Brazil 2000-2021

Number of domestic air passengers in Brazil from 2000 to 2021 (in millions)

Travel product online bookings in Brazil 2024

Travel product online bookings in Brazil as of June 2024

Attitudes towards traveling in Brazil 2024

Attitudes towards traveling in Brazil as of June 2024

Favorite domestic destinations in Brazil 2023

Preferred travel destinations for domestic tourists in Brazil as of July 2023

International mobility for passport holders from Brazil 2023, by visa type

Number of countries where Brazilian passport holders need or do not need a visa as of August 2023

International tourists

  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Brazil 2010-2021
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Brazil 2021, by origin
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism volume in Brazilian states 2021
  • Premium Statistic Travel spending of inbound visitors in Brazil 2010-2021, by purpose
  • Premium Statistic Favorite international destinations in Brazil 2023

Number of international tourist arrivals in Brazil from 2010 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Number of international tourist arrivals in Brazil in 2021, by region of origin (in 1,000s)

Inbound tourism volume in Brazilian states 2021

Number of international tourist arrivals in Brazil in 2021, by state (in 1,000s)

Travel spending of inbound visitors in Brazil 2010-2021, by purpose

Travel expenditure of international tourists in Brazil from 2010 to 2021, by travel purpose (in billion U.S. dollars)

Favorite international destinations in Brazil 2023

Preferred travel destinations for international tourists from Brazil as of July 2023

Lodging industry

  • Premium Statistic Hotels, beds, and rooms available in Brazil 2017-2021
  • Premium Statistic Share of hotel rooms in Brazil 2022, by hotel size and origin
  • Premium Statistic Hotel room occupancy in Brazil 2010-2023
  • Premium Statistic Average daily revenue of hotels per occupied room in Brazil 2010-2023
  • Premium Statistic Hotel RevPAR in Brazil 2010-2023
  • Premium Statistic Main hotel brands in Brazil 2022, by number of rooms

Hotels, beds, and rooms available in Brazil 2017-2021

Number of establishments, rooms, and beds in the hotel industry in Brazil from 2017 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Share of hotel rooms in Brazil 2022, by hotel size and origin

Distribution of hotel rooms in Brazil as of July 2022, by size and origin of hotel

Hotel room occupancy in Brazil 2010-2023

Occupancy rate of hotel rooms in Brazil from 2010 to 2023

Average daily revenue of hotels per occupied room in Brazil 2010-2023

Average daily rate of hotels in Brazil from 2010 to 2023 (in Brazilian reals)

Hotel RevPAR in Brazil 2010-2023

Revenue per available room of hotels in Brazil from 2010 to 2023 (in Brazilian reals)

Main hotel brands in Brazil 2022, by number of rooms

Leading hotel brands in Brazil as of July 2022, by on number of rooms

Package holidays & travel companies

  • Premium Statistic Revenue of the package holidays industry in Brazil 2020-2029
  • Premium Statistic Travel agencies in Brazil 2017-2021
  • Premium Statistic Most recalled travel agencies in Brazil 2023
  • Premium Statistic CVC Corp: net revenue 2015-2022
  • Premium Statistic Despegar: number of transactions 2019-2023, by market

Revenue of the package holidays industry in Brazil 2020-2029

Revenue of the package holidays market in Brazil from 2020 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Travel agencies in Brazil 2017-2021

Number of travel agencies in Brazil from 2017 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Most recalled travel agencies in Brazil 2023

Most memorable travel agencies in Brazil in 2023

CVC Corp: net revenue 2015-2022

Net revenue of CVC Brasil Operadora e Agência de Viagens S.A. from 2015 to 2022 (in million Brazilian reals)

Despegar: number of transactions 2019-2023, by market

Number of transactions completed on Despegar.com platforms from 2019 to 2023, by market (in millions)

Further reports

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Travel | September 9, 2024

Bask in the Beauty of Brazil With These 15 Stunning Photographs

These selections from the Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest images capture this South American paradise

Boats, lights and fog help create a serene nighttime scene in Rio de Janeiro.

Boats, lights and fog help create a serene nighttime scene in Rio de Janeiro.

Text by Tracy Scott Forson

Photographs selected by Donny Bajohr

This past weekend, on September 7, Brazilians celebrated their independence from the Portuguese, which was declared in 1822 amid a two-year war. While far-right parties in Brazil have appropriated the anniversary for their own means, apolitical commemorative events are held each year across the country and in diasporic communities across the world. From the crown of the Christ the Redeemer statue to the riverbeds of the South American country’s clear-blue waters, there are Instagram-worthy scenes at every turn in Brazil. See for yourself.

waterfalls under a starry nigh sky

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Tracy Scott Forson | READ MORE

Tracy Scott Forson is a senior editor at Smithsonian magazine.

Donny Bajohr | READ MORE

Donny Bajohr is the associate photography editor at Smithsonian . You can follow him on Instagram @donny_bajohr .

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Brazil holidays

Brazilians take partying seriously. Watch the glittering pre-Lenten spectacle of Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro, relax on golden beaches or join locals for caipirinhas cocktails in a small Bahian town. For modern architecture go to the capital Brasília or visit the cultural centre São Paulo. The Amazon jungle is mostly uninhabited, and its great river is best explored on boat trips and lodge visits.

Our cheapest holidays to Brazil

Per person,

Our recommended holidays in Brazil

Visit the futuristic-looking city of Brasília. People watch on the beaches in Rio de Janeiro. Marvel at the panoramic views from the Corcovado – site of the Christ the Redeemer statue. Gaze at masterpieces by Rembrandt in the São Paulo Museum of Art. Tuck into São Paulo's varied choice of cuisine and sample some of the renowned nightlife in the continent's biggest city.


Brazil holiday FAQs

  • Embrace the fantastic variety of things to do in Rio de Janeiro. Discover a natural beauty that lies behind the glamourous façade. Live for the moment - hike in Tijuca Forest, surf in Prainha or embrace Lapa’s party spirit.
  • The northwest of Brazil is dominated by the enormous Amazon rainforest, where the Amazon River runs from Manaus out to Belm on the coast. 
  • In the northeast you’ll find Chapada Diamantina National Park, with its tabletop mountains, underground caves and azure lakes. 
  • The swampy Pantanal is great for spotting wild tapir, giant otters and monkeys, while the border with Argentina is the site of the spectacular Iguazu Falls.

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Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO City Safari is coming to São Paulo, Brazil!

Pokémon GO City Safari is coming to São Paulo, Brazil on December 7 and 8, 2024! Set off on a citywide adventure as you discover the vibrant stories, new friends, and exciting Pokémon waiting for you in São Paulo!

Whether you’re a resident of São Paulo or a first-time visitor, your Pokémon GO City Safari will take you across the city in an all-new way—from historic landmarks to local favorites, get ready for a taste of the city with Pokémon GO by your side!

tourism of brazil information

Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8, 2024

10:00 AM – 6:00 PM BRT

Trainers can either purchase a ticket for one day of the two-day event or a one-day ticket with an additional second day add-on. One-day tickets are R$45 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency, plus any applicable taxes and fees) and are available for purchase on the Pokémon GO City Safari website. You will see “Tickets Available” next to the Pokémon GO City Safari: São Paulo event ticket if it hasn’t sold out yet. Event gameplay will be available only for the date, time, and location specified on your ticket.

Note: Tickets to this event are nonrefundable (subject to applicable law and the exceptions set forth in the Terms of Service). Tickets are first come, first served and are available for purchase while supplies last.

Say “Olá” to São Paulo in a citywide adventure!

Find a whole city of adventure waiting for you when you embark on a Pokémon GO City Safari! Encounter event-themed wild Pokémon throughout the city, complete City Safari–exclusive Special Research, and explore the rich culture in and around São Paulo!

There’s no right or wrong way to enjoy a City Safari! This format allows Trainers to enjoy the citywide experiences at their own pace, catching Pokémon and making friends with other Trainers along the way.

tourism of brazil information

Help Professor Willow research Pokémon across São Paulo!

Ticket-holding Trainers can gear up to assist Professor Willow and Eevee in learning more about the Pokémon appearing during the event. And Eevee seems ready for a big adventure—Trainers will encounter Eevee wearing an explorer hat at the beginning of the City Safari Special Research!*

We encourage Trainers to travel and explore the city with their new Eevee as a buddy. What exciting discoveries will you make together?

Eevee wearing an explorer hat

^ The only way to obtain these Pokémon wearing an explorer hat is by evolving an Eevee wearing an explorer hat using 25 Eevee candy.

Special Pokémon will appear in the wild!

Special Pokémon will appear across São Paulo during the event! Plus, you’ll be able to exclusively encounter Skiddo, the Mount Pokémon! Skiddo will currently only appear during Pokémon GO City Safari 2024 events, but it may appear worldwide at a later date.


The following Pokémon will hatch from Eggs during the event!

Tip: You can upgrade your ticket with the Egg-thusiast add-on to unlock a 1/2 Hatch Distance bonus during the event! Ticket add-ons are active for both the Saturday and Sunday of Pokémon GO City Safari: São Paulo.


Embark on an Eevee Explorers Expedition!

Don’t know where to start your adventure? With an entire city to explore, the Eevee Explorers Timed Research experience can help you set off on an exciting tour of notable locations, landmarks, and even some local favorite spots!

Visit locations across the city to complete this event-exclusive Timed Research, which awards an additional encounter with Eevee wearing an explorer hat with a São Paulo Location Card at each location you visit!*

*Ticket holders can receive up to eight encounters with Eevee wearing an explorer hat as a part of the Eevee Explorers Timed Research in addition to the Eevee wearing an explorer hat received as a part of the event Special Research. Trainers who purchase the second day add-on can complete the Timed Research a second time for an additional eight encounters with Eevee wearing an explorer hat.

Map out your adventure via Campfire!

You can preview event locations via an interactive event map on Campfire! Plan your path in advance and make the most out of your day!

Field Research

Take part in event-exclusive Field Research and learn more about the exciting Pokémon appearing across São Paulo!

Ticket Holder bonuses

Ticket-holding Trainers will receive the following bonuses and rewards between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., anywhere in São Paulo on their ticketed day!

Evolve your gameplay with ticket add-ons

In addition to our live events, we’re offering Trainers the chance to enhance their event experience with optional add-ons. Ticket add-ons are active for both days of Pokémon GO City Safari: São Paulo (Saturday and Sunday). Trainers with the ticket add-ons will be able to take advantage of the bonuses even on the day that they aren’t taking part in ticketed gameplay.

Up to 12 free Raid Passes per day by spinning Photo Discs at Gyms

Additional 5,000 XP from completed raids

3 additional Candy awarded for catching Pokémon in five-star raids and Primal Raids

1 additional Candy XL awarded for catching Pokémon in five-star raids and Primal Raids (Trainers level 31+)

1/2 Egg Hatch Distance

2× Hatch Stardust

2× Hatch XP

2× Hatch Candy

Enjoy two days of adventure in São Paulo! After selecting either a Saturday or Sunday ticket, Trainers can purchase an add-on for the other day to make the most of their time.

Purchasing a Saturday or Sunday add-on gives Trainers an extra day to enjoy the following bonuses.

An increased chance of encountering Shiny Pokémon

Up to five Special Trades daily within the city

1/2 Stardust Cost for trades within the city

Lure Modules (excluding Golden Lures) activated during the event will last for four hours

Restrictions for the Saturday/Sunday add-ons apply. Trainers will only receive the event Special Research once.

  • Click HERE OR
  • Open the Pokémon GO app.
  • In Map View, tap the Main Menu button.
  • Tap Events.
  • On the following page, all upcoming live events will be listed, with the soonest event at the top.
  • You’ll see the label “Tickets Available!” next to a first-come first-served event if it hasn’t sold out yet. Tap the event to select the date and time you wish to attend, purchase tickets for friends (see the “Gift a ticket to a friend!” section), and input your payment information to complete your purchase. On the payment confirmation page, please note your order ID. You’ll also receive a confirmation email at the address you entered before payment.

If you would like to purchase a ticket for one of your friends, you’ll need their username. While purchasing, there are boxes that you can fill in with the usernames of the friends that you would like to buy tickets for—one name per box.

  • Tap “Add.” Make sure that the spelling of all usernames is correct.
  • Your gift will be on its way!

Note: You must be at least Great Friends with the Trainer you wish to give a ticket to. You must also assign the entire quantity of tickets that you selected to eligible friends before you can proceed to payment. You can only purchase tickets for one date and time per order, so all friends will receive tickets for the same date and time.


  1. Tourist map of Brazil: tourist attractions and monuments of Brazil

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  2. The Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Brazil

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  3. Places to visit Brazil: tourist maps and must-see attractions

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  4. Tourist attractions in Brazil

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  5. Travel to brazil tourist map brazil Royalty Free Vector

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  6. Brazil Overview

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  1. Discover Brazil: Highlights from the North to the South

  2. 10 curiosities about brazil

  3. Brazil dangerous flood scene 😱 || #shorts

  4. Explore the Vibrant Cities of Brazil 🇧🇷

  5. Brazil Travel Guide

  6. Is Brazil Safe for Tourists ? [2024]


  1. Visit Brasil

    Language. Brasil Brand. Discover Brazil through authentic travel stories. The Visit Brasil Blog is your gateway to unique experiences that only Brazil can offer, unveiling fascinating destinations and narratives that capture the essence of each trip. Sun & Beach. Nature. Gastronomy. Culture. Afro-tourism.

  2. Brazil International Travel Information

    Brazil is a very large, diverse country with varying medical resources, both private and public, throughout the country. Many private labs perform COVID-19 testing at various prices, typically between $20 and $100. PCR, serology-based antibody tests, and antigen tests are available.

  3. Brazil travel

    South America. One of the world's most captivating places, Brazil is a country of powdery white-sand beaches, verdant rainforests and wild, rhythm-filled metropolises. Best Time to Visit. Best Places to Visit. Attractions.

  4. Tourism in Brazil

    Tourism is a growing sector and key to the economy of several regions of Brazil. The country had 6.589 million visitors in 2018, ranking in terms of the international tourist arrivals as the second main destination in South America after Argentina and third in Latin America after Mexico and Argentina. [2] Revenues from international tourists ...

  5. Top things to do in Brazil

    2. Spot whales in Praia do Rosa. Once a sleepy fishing hamlet, Praia do Rosa is now a top surf destination, with charming guest houses and hotels tucked into the hillside above a bay. In the winter months (June to November), surfers are joined by another type of visitor playing in the waves: southern right whale calves.

  6. 7 things you should know before traveling to Brazil

    1. There's more than just beaches and jungles. The energy of Copacabana Beach and the alluring biodiversity of the Amazon Rainforest may have captured the world's attention, but that's really the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Brazil's natural beauty. Adventurous nature lovers will find Brazil to be a treasure trove that contains a ...

  7. Brazil Travel Guide: A Local Guide to the Country

    Brazil travel guide. Brazil is a pretty large country. We have five regions and 26 states spreading across four time zones. From rainforests with unique wildlife to concrete jungles and untouched beaches, we have them all. And because Brazil is so vast, the five regions are very different from each other.

  8. Brazil

    Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil) is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest in the world. Brazil is an incredibly diverse country, in people, culture, and landscapes—from the famous summer carnaval in Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Olinda, and Recife to the wild power of nature in the Amazon and Iguaçu Falls.You'll find bustling cities, laid-back beaches, and traditional lifestyles ...

  9. The Ultimate Brazil Travel Guide (Updated 2021)

    Fast Facts about Brazil. Power voltage is 127V- 220V at 60 Hz depending on location. About 60% of households use 127V. Plug C and N. Brazil's currency is the Brazilian Real (R$) and 1 R$ is equal to 0.26 USD. Traveling by bus is considered the best way to get around Brazil.

  10. Brazil Overview

    Brazil is a diverse land of music, beaches, historic colonial architecture, ancient people, and natural resources. One of the world's most inspiring places, Brazil boasts white-sand beaches, lush rainforests, thundering waterfalls, and bustling cities. From the inland gateway capital of São Paulo where one can see the influence of immigrants ...

  11. Brazil: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    1,790. Brazil. The wealth of flora and fauna and opportunities to observe them are unparalleled in the Amazon. Riverboats ply the waters of this fascinating wilderness, home to pink river dolphins, clamorous howler monkeys and raucous toucans. Photograph your adventure, run the rapids or stalk elusive jaguars by night.

  12. Brazil travel guide

    You can visit Brazil without a visa for up to 90 days for tourism. If you want to extend your tourist visa, contact the Federal Police (in Portuguese) before your visa expires. For more information about visas, contact the Brazilian Consulate in London. If you overstay your visa, you'll face a daily fine.

  13. 18 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Brazil

    To discover the best places to visit and things to do, use this handy list of the top tourist attractions in Brazil. On This Page: Cristo Redentor and Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro. Sugar Loaf, Rio de Janeiro. Iguaçu Falls. Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. Amazon Rainforests.

  14. Tourism in Brazil: 20 Reasons to Visit

    As is the case with just about every tourist destination in the world, the industry in Brazil was heavily affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic, and tourism numbers actually peaked in 2018 with some 6.6 million foreign tourist arrivals. Brazil is poised for a rebound, however, as the first four months of 2022 saw a 60% increase in foreign tourist ...

  15. Brazil Travel Guide

    National Geographic's latest travel stories about Brazil. Photograph by Shen Hong, Xinhua, Redux. Latest Stories. The best LGBTQ-friendly destinations for every traveler. Travel;

  16. Brazil

    Brazil - Nature, Culture, Adventure: Tourism is a growing industry in Brazil, which receives some three million foreign visitors a year. However, Brazilians visiting abroad spend significantly more money than do foreigners visiting Brazil; among Brazilians' preferred destinations are Uruguay, Argentina, and the United States. Most tourists in Brazil travel to Rio de Janeiro and other easily ...

  17. The 25 Best Places to Visit And Things To Do In Brazil!

    Rio de Janeiro. World-famous for its Copacabana and Ipanema beaches, Christ the Redeemer statue and wild Carnaval, Rio de Janeiro is absolutely top of the list of things to do in Brazil. We can't pretend it's a quiet place, but it's got a relaxed, carefree attitude that is intoxicating for travelers.

  18. 10 best places to visit in Brazil

    7. Fernando de Noronha. An archipelago of islands some 320km (200 miles) off the northeast coast, Fernando de Noronha is high on many honeymoon wishlists. Of Noronha's 21 islands, only the largest one is accessible to tourists - and even then, its boundaries lie safely within Brazil's largest marine park.

  19. 27 Top Tourist Attractions in Brazil (+Map)

    27. Porto de Galinhas. Porto de Galinhas, or "Port of Chickens," on the south coast of Pernambuco in the district of Ipojuca, is a beach town home to some of the most famous beaches in Brazil. A prominent tourist spot, Porto de Galinhas is breathtaking, with natural crystalline-clear pools, thriving reefs, and white-sugared beaches.

  20. 17 Best Places to Visit in Brazil (+Map)

    5. Florianopolis. The capital of Santa Catarina state, Florianopolis lies in the south of Brazil, with half of the city set on the mainland and the other on a beautiful island. Due to its scenic setting, it is a very popular tourist destination and is widely considered one of the best places to live in the country.

  21. Brazil

    The city of Rio de Janeiro, the national capital from 1763 to 1960, remains Brazil's main cultural and tourist centre. The South, which stretches below the Tropic of Capricorn, includes the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. It occupies an area nearly as large as the isle of Britain but is the smallest of Brazil's ...

  22. Brazil

    Tourism in Brazil is a growing sector and key to the economy of several regions of the country. ... Brazil is the world's 61st largest developer of information technology. [310] Brazil was ranked 49th in the Global Innovation Index in 2023, up from 66th in 2019. [311] [312] [313]

  23. Travel and tourism in Brazil

    Brazil, the largest country in Latin America and the fifth-largest worldwide, is a major player in key economic sectors of the region, particularly, travel and tourism.

  24. Bask in the Beauty of Brazil With These 15 Stunning Photographs

    Travel | September 9, 2024. Bask in the Beauty of Brazil With These 15 Stunning Photographs. These selections from the Smithsonian Magazine Photo Contest images capture this South American paradise

  25. Visit Brazil

    The northwest of Brazil is dominated by the enormous Amazon rainforest, where the Amazon River runs from Manaus out to Belm on the coast. ... are the lowest adult each-way prices in the cabin specified based on the lowest adult return prices for a 7 day travel period, including all taxes, fees and carrier charges available in this period.

  26. South America Travel Guide

    Plan your South America travel spots. Discover places to go such as activities, places to eat, and more. We use cookies for site functionality, user experience, to analyze traffic and to show personalized ads from United or our third-party partners. ... Brazil; Colombia; Peru; Lunch in Argentina wine country. Our top spots for a leisurely lunch ...

  27. International Plans

    Save up to 40% on travel. Receive up to 40% off available accommodation bookings in the US including AK, HI, Puerto Rico, and US Virgin Islands and bookings for international travel. Discount is applied to price of room before taxes and any fees, including additional fees collected by the property at check-in. Reservations can only be made up ...

  28. Pokémon GO City Safari: São Paulo

    Pokémon GO City Safari is coming to São Paulo, Brazil on December 7 and 8, 2024! Set off on a citywide adventure as you discover the vibrant stories, new friends, and exciting Pokémon waiting for you in São Paulo! ... We encourage Trainers to travel and explore the city with their new Eevee as a buddy. What exciting discoveries will you ...