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Total Drama World Tour - My Way(New Version)


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1
  • 3 Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2
  • 4 Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan
  • 5 Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better
  • 6 Broadway Baby
  • 7 Slap Slap Revolution
  • 8 Can't Help Falling In Louvre
  • 9 Newf Kids On The Rock
  • 10 Jamaican Me Sweat
  • 11 I See London...
  • 12 Greece's Pieces
  • 13 The Ex-files
  • 14 Picnic At Hanging Dork
  • 15 Sweden Sour
  • 16 Niagara Brawls
  • 17 Chinese Fake-Out
  • 18 African Lying Safari
  • 19 Awwwwww, Drumheller
  • 20 Hawaian Punch
  • 21 Rankings
  • 22 Final Note

Introduction [ ]

A while back I decided to make a WT my way blog, and it got a lot of attention. Unfortunately, it was anything but how I wanted the season to go, and I hit a sort of writers block. But now I am back, and I bring to you TDWT - My Way. I think this season had potential, but ultimately it fell flat on it's face and became my second least favorite season. I'm going to fix that in this blog.

Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 [ ]

  • Notes: None
  • Eliminated: Duncan
  • Reason For Elimination: Duncan quit the show because he couldn't stand singing a whole season.
  • Comment: To be honest, Duncan is one of my favorite characters, but he made it so far in both my previous seasons that he had to go here to give more characters screentime. Also, I find this quitting relatable as I would do the exact same thing given the chance.

Duncan is eliminated in Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1

Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2 [ ]

  • Notes: Ezekiel does not lose the stick, Lindsay does. Alejandro reveals he helped Team Amazon to appear a gentleman and fool the rest of the cast into thinking he is nice. DJ DOES NOT gain a curse this episode.
  • Winners: Team Amazon
  • Losers: Team Victory
  • Bottom Two: Ezekiel & Lindsay
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Ezekiel wasn't very well liked.
  • Eliminated: Lindsay
  • Reason For Elimination: Lindsay lost the stick for her team, which caused her teammates to vote her out.
  • Leshawna, Bridgette, DJ, Harold and Ezekiel voted for Lindsay
  • Lindsay voted for Ezekiel
  • Comment: My TDA final 2 eliminated back to back? Nice! To be honest, while this is going to be a real hot take of an elimination, Lindsay had no real potential this season, especially since she actually remembers Tyler in my series.

Lindsay is eliminated in Walk Like An Egyptian Part 2.

Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan [ ]

  • Notes: Ezekiel is starting to show feelings for Bridgette, which creeps her out a little bit, and makes her confused. Tyler misses Lindsay but his teammates help him to move on and help in the challenge.
  • Bottom Two: Harold and DJ
  • Reason For Bottom Two: DJ failed the pinball challenge miserably, with being mauled by a Panda Bear in the process, so his team voted him out over Harold, however...
  • Eliminated: Harold
  • Reason For Elimination: Harold quit the game because he felt like he dishonored his team, Al also had a play in this.
  • Leshawna, Bridgette, and Ezekiel voted for DJ
  • DJ and Harold voted for Harold
  • Comment: This is looking more like the reversed order of my TDA lol. Anyways, while I like Harold, his elimination here is important for next episode.

Harold is eliminated in Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan.

Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better [ ]

  • Notes: This episode is just like canon, except replace Bridgette with Leshawna, whom gets the stuck to a pole treatment because of Alejandro, and DJ does not hit a baby seal while he gets his team lost, since there is no curse in my series. Ezekiel tries talking to Bridgette again and she is starting to warm up to him as a friend.
  • Winners: Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot
  • Bottom Two: Leshawna and DJ
  • Reason For Bottom Two: DJ got his team lost because of his crying. Leshawna learned of this.
  • Eliminated: Leshawna
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro knew that with Harold gone, Leshawna would be more vulnerable, so he flirted with her more and tricked her into kissing a pole. Leshawna realizes what a fool she was, but is still voted off for being the reason why he team lost, and because she cheated on Harold.
  • Bridgette, Ezekiel and DJ voted for Leshawna
  • Leshawna voted for DJ
  • Comment: I'm sorry I gave Leshawna the Bridgette treatment, but I promise it will work out in the end. And don't worry, people won't think Leshawna cheated on Harold with a POLE, as that was ridiculous and stupid in the canon version with Bridgette.

Leshawna is eliminated in Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better.

Broadway Baby [ ]

  • Notes: Team Victory are almost eaten by the alligator when DJ realizes it's his pet Vince! The two reunite before DJ and his team have to leave to catch up to the other contestants. Unfortunately, DJ still gets attacked by snapping turtles, but he doesn't harm any of them. The episode is still a reward challenge.
  • Losers: Team Chris
  • Comment: Other than giving Team Victory more plot, I didn't really change much.

Slap Slap Revolution [ ]

  • Notes: Sierra isn't as obsessed with Cody, and like earlier episodes, loves the whole cast and Chris as well(though Cody is obviously her favorite). As a result she doesn't sing as creepy of a song as in canon.
  • Winners: Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot(Alejandro didn't take any dumb dive, it was so pointless!)
  • Bottom Two: Ezekiel and DJ
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Ezekiel had rad skills, but Heather bested him and it costed his team the win.
  • Eliminated: DJ
  • Reason For Elimination: DJ was bad at the slapping challenge and Ezekiel saw him as a bit weak despite being sort of friends with him, and Bridgette was closer to Ezekiel, so she voted for the big jock.
  • Bridgette and Ezekiel voted for DJ
  • DJ voted for Ezekiel
  • Comment: I apologize for the long wait for an update. Anyways, i'm so sorry for eliminating another Team Victory member, but no one could really go here other than DJ. At the very least he had a good run, having no curse and all.

DJ is eliminated in Slap Slap Revolution.

Can't Help Falling In Louvre [ ]

  • Notes: The Am-AH-zon race was a reward challenge, and Team Victory won that challenge. This episode, there is no curse, and Bridgette and Zeke work hard to win again. Noah tries to convince Owen during the challenge that Izzy is not safe and should not be trusted. Sierra isn't faking her sadness, and her and Cody settle it at the end up the episode.
  • Winners: Team Amazon: After their loss in the Amazon, Gwen is not trusted by anyone on Team Amazon, except Cody, but she eventually proves her worth by helping her team win.
  • Losers: Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot
  • Bottom Two: Alejandro and Izzy
  • Reason For Bottom Two: The Spaniard reminded Izzy of Justin, and she just liked everyone on team Chris better.
  • Eliminated: Izzy
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro was getting tired of Izzy's craziness, especially since it wasted time and caused their team to lose. So, he convinced Noah and Tyler to vote her off, which they agreed to. Noah then proceeded to convince Owen, which from all of Noah's convincing throughout the episode, reluctantly gives in. He regrets it after though, apologizing to Izzy. She says she doesn't mind, as she had a lot of fun, and the jumped out the plane.
  • Alejandro, Noah, Tyler, and Owen voted for Izzy
  • Izzy voted for Alejandro
  • Comment: Did you really think I was going to diminish Team Victory back to back like that? No way! Besides, Izzy made it so far last time, she didn't need to go far again. Also all the other members of team Chris are too important.

Izzy is eliminated in Can't Help Falling In Louvre.

Newf Kids On The Rock [ ]

  • Notes: Since there is no lone member on Team Victory, Heather and Alejandro don't manipulate anyone on team Victory. The Duncan rock Courtney sees is actually Duncan! After Team Amazon loses, despite the delinquents displeasure, Chris makes him join the game and puts him on Team Chris. Oh, and Gwen has no crush on Duncan, as she still is with Trent in my series.
  • 2nd Note: Chris announces that the episode is a reward, sparing Team Amazon from elimination.
  • Winners: Team Chris and Team Victory
  • Losers: Team Amazon
  • Comment: As for Duncan returning here, I wanted him to come earlier to make it feel less forced. There will be no Gwuncan, I have other plans for his character. Thanks to User JoshTheKing3 for the idea for this return.

Jamaican Me Sweat [ ]

  • Notes: Chris allows Team Victory to take turns individually on the board challenge. The order goes Bridgette, Ezekiel, then Bridgette.
  • Losers: Team Victory: Alejandro rigged Bridgette's second run by smashing the board, just like he did with DJ in canon since he noticed her surfer skills helped her a lot in the first round.
  • Bottom Two: Bridgette and Ezekiel
  • Reason For Bottom Two: They were the last members on their team.
  • Eliminated: Ezekiel
  • Reason For Elimination: There was a tie, as both of them voted for each other to stay in the game, so Chris decided to eliminate Ezekiel since he annoyed him more than Bridgette. The homeschool wished Bridgette good luck and then went out the plane.
  • Chris and Bridgette voted for Ezekiel
  • Ezekiel voted for Bridgette
  • Comment: Ezekiel is a great character, and I'm so glad he got this far, but Bridgette had more potential in this season. At the very least, he didn't go feral, and now has a new friend, and a better reputation among the cast.

Ezekiel is eliminated in Jamaican Me Sweat.

I See London... [ ]

  • Notes: The ripper's identity is an intern. The capture order is, Alejandro, Duncan, Sierra & Cody, Bridgette, Tyler, Heather, and Courtney and Gwen. Owen and Noah successfully catch the ripper like in canon. There is NO GWUNCAN KISS.
  • Eliminated: Bridgette
  • Reason For Elimination: Bridgette was the last member of her team, and she lost because her whole team(herself) was out while both teams still had players in after her.
  • Comment: And R.I.P Bridgette. I think she deserved more than what canon gave her but she was the last member of her team, and everyone else had more plot. Sorry about killing Team Victory guys. :(

Bridgette is eliminated in I See London...

Greece's Pieces [ ]

  • Notes: No Gwuncan plot here. Instead, Alejandro is flirting with Courtney so he can take down a strong player, and Duncan is starting to get jealous, which causes him to volunteer for the bear challenge.
  • Bottom Two: Alejandro, Noah and Tyler
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Duncan voted for Alejandro because he was flirting with his girlfriend. And Tyler voted for Noah because he was weak in the challenge.
  • Eliminated: Tyler
  • Reason For Elimination: Tyler failed the final challenge for his team and was really bad at sports, and Alejandro saw no use for him anymore, so he also voted for him.
  • Alejandro, Owen, and Noah voted for Tyler
  • Duncan voted for Alejandro
  • Tyler voted for Noah
  • Comment: I'm so sorry for eliminating Tyler here, I know he's a fan favorite, and I really like him too, but I couldn't justify anyone else going here because of voting reasons. Besides, the irony of eliminating Tyler in a sports episode, in Greece for that matter, is fantastic. At the very least, he got to compete in all three seasons.

Tyler is eliminated in Greece's Pieces.

The Ex-files [ ]

  • Notes: Alejandro's manipulation of Courtney is growing, which Duncan is really against, starting a rivalry between the two during the challenge. Noah tries to get the two to work together, but it all falls apart, another reason being Owen's uselessness in the challenge, which slows them down even more. Duncan and Courtney meet up, and he tells her that he has suspicions about Alejandro. Courtney promises to be wary of the Spaniard.
  • Bottom Two: Alejandro and Duncan
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Duncan voted for Alejandro due to their rivalry.
  • Reason for Elimination: Alejandro knew the delinquent grew to be one of his biggest rivals, so he convinced a reluctant Noah to vote with him, the schemer planning to take him out next episode. As for Owen, Alejandro hypnotized him into voting Duncan. Enraged, Duncan swore revenge before Chris shoved him out of the plane.
  • Alejandro, Noah, and Owen voted for Duncan
  • Comment: I could have milked Duncan and Alejandro's rivalry to merge, but again, no one else could here but Duncan due to plot and voting reasons. If you noticed, I changed Duncan from jerk and cheater, to noble jealous boyfriend, and I think it worked out really well for his character.

Duncan is eliminated again in The Ex-files.

Picnic At Hanging Dork [ ]

  • Notes: Heather and Gwen's rivalry replaces Courtney and Gwen's canon one, and the two tries to convince the rest of their teammates to vote each other out. Alejandro tries flirting with Courtney, but she turns him down, which angers Alejandro.
  • Bottom Two: Heather and Gwen
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Heather convinced Sierra to vote out Gwen with her due to her starting that Gwen is Cody's crush. Gwen convinced Courtney and Cody to vote out Heather. Unfortunately, Cody is too disoriented and votes sierra accidentally, causing a tie. The tie is to feed koalas. It's a close call, but...
  • Eliminated: Gwen
  • Reason For Elimination: Gwen was just bit slower than Heather(there is no allergy), so she loses the tiebreaker. She tells Heather to suck it before dropping out the plane.
  • Heather and Sierra voted for Gwen
  • Gwen and Courtney voted for Heather
  • Cody accidentally voted for Sierra
  • Comment: Gwen was a much better character due to no love triangle plot, but I thought her rivalry with heather was the perfect excuse to eliminate her. It's unfortunate that she only makes merge once in the first three seasons though.

Gwen is eliminated in Picnic At Hanging Dork.

Sweden Sour [ ]

  • Notes: Noah and Alejandro try to manipulate Owen in this episode just like with in canon with Duncan and Al. The episdoe remains the same, as a reward challenge, but this time, Heather is the one who would have gone home.
  • Comment: I really enjoyed writing the episodes after London, it was fun to come up with a new plot not involving the love triangle. What predictions do you have for merge?

Niagara Brawls [ ]

  • Notes: Blainley debuts into the game, it's now the merge. The couples are: Alejandro and Heather, Sierra and Cody, Noah and Courtney, and Owen and Blainley. Noah spends the episode trying to convince others to vote out Alejandro. Owen is positive with Blainley, but it get's to the point where he can't take her attitude anymore.
  • Immunity: Heather and Alejandro: They bickered a lot but answered all the questions right.
  • Bottom Three: Noah, Sierra, and Blainley
  • Reason For Bottom Three: Blainey's spoiled and rotten attitude insured that she racked up some votes, including Noah, since Alejandro was immune, and Cody voted for Sierra in hopes others would as well. But in the end...
  • Eliminated: Noah
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro was getting annoyed with Owen, but he figured Noah was more of a threat, him being able to expose his true nature, so he convinced Heather, Sierra, and Blainley to vote with him. Noah is shocked by this, and as a final warning tells Owen to beware of eels.
  • Alejandro, Heather, Sierra, and Blainley voted for Noah
  • Noah, Courtney, and Owen voted for Blainley
  • Cody voted for Sierra
  • Comment: While I was originally going to eliminate Owen here, I changed my mind. Alejandro would not be so stupid as to eliminate someone because of annoyance instead of someone who could expose him. At the very least, Noah made merge this season and got more development.

Noah is eliminated in Niagara Brawls.

Chinese Fake-Out [ ]

  • Notes: Owen is psyched about the eating part of the challenge, and does really well. Chris states that the last person across the great wall would be eliminated. Alejandro doesn't get anyone to cheat for him.
  • Immunity: Owen(it's and eating challenge, duh)
  • Bottom Two: Sierra and Blainley
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Cody and Blainley voted for Sierra due to her creepiness.
  • Eliminated: Blainley
  • Reason For Elimination: People really didn't like Blainley, and she cheated with the help of Chef.
  • Also Eliminated: Courtney
  • Reason For Elimination: Courtney was the last to cross the finish line due to Alejandro seeing her as a threat and being angry with her rejection of his manipulation back in Picnic At Hanging Dork. He made her fall into a land mine in order to get her out.
  • Alejandro, Heather, Sierra, Owen voted for Blainley
  • Cody and Blainley voted for Sierra
  • Comment:  Oh Blainley, how I hate her. She does not deserve to make it farther than this. I wanted her to eliminated last episode, but I decided to give her one more episode. Also, sorry for robbing Courtney, but there was no more plot left for her.

Courtney and Blainley are eliminated in Chinese Fake-Out.

African Lying Safari [ ]

  • Notes: The second part of the challenge is the campers having to catch a lion, not Ezekiel.
  • Immunity: Alejandro
  • Bottom Two: Sierra & Owen
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Cody desperately tried to get rid of her, convincing Owen to help him.
  • Eliminated: Owen
  • Reason For Elimination: Alejandro convinced Sierra and Heather to vote him out with him due to his likability and the fact that he had a personal grudge with him.
  • Alejandro, Heather, and Sierra voted for Owen
  • Cody and Owen voted for Sierra
  • Comment: Sorry for the super long update, I've just lacked motivation. Anyways, I think it's only fair to let Owen get this far, considering he is a great character and got eliminated early in my TDI.

Owen is eliminated in African Lying Safari.

Awwwwww, Drumheller [ ]

  • Bottom Two: Alejandro and Cody
  • Reason For Bottom Two: Same as canon.
  • Eliminated: Sierra
  • Reason For Elimination: Same as canon.
  • Heather, Cody, and Sierra voted for Alejandro
  • Alejandro voted for Cody
  • Comment: Couldn't change this one. It was too good. However, it was a bit unfair considering Alejandro was saved by an accident.

Sierra is eliminated in Awwwwww, Drumheller!

Hawaian Punch [ ]

  • Eliminated: Cody

Cody is eliminated in Hawaiian Punch.

  • Heather's ending: Same as canon.
  • Alejandro's ending: Same alternate ending as canon.
  • Official Winner: Heather
  • Comment: This was the perfect final two, and really the only option for it as well. Heather was a great anti-hero, and Alejandro was a good villian. I wouldn't change this finale.

The final two of the third season.

Rankings [ ]

1st - Heather (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Hawaiian Punch)

2nd - Alejandro (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Hawaiian Punch)

3rd - Cody (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Hawaiian Punch)

4th - Sierra (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Awwwwww, Drumheller!)

5th - Owen (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to African Lying Safari)

6th - Blainley (From Niagara Brawls to Chinese Fake-Out)

7th - Courtney (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Chinese Fake-Out)

8th - Noah (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Niagara Brawls)

9th - Gwen (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Picnic At Hanging Dork)

10th - Duncan (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 and from Newf Kids On The Rock to The Ex-files)

11th - Tyler (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Greece's Pecies)

12th - Bridgette (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to I See London...)

13th - Ezekiel (From Walk Like An Egyptain Part 1 to Jamaican Me Sweat)

14th - Izzy (From Walk Like An Egyptain Part 1 to Can't Help Falling In Louvre)

15th - DJ (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Slap Slap Revolution)

16th - Leshawna (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Anything Yukon Do I Can Do Better)

17th - Harold (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan)

18th - Lindsay (From Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1 to Walk Like An Egyptain Part 2)

Final Note [ ]

And I'm done! The first three my way blogs are completed. I'm honestly pretty proud of my work, but I don't think I'll be doing more my ways for a while. My next goal is to do theory and what if blogs for a while, which I'm really excited for. Sooner or later I might get around to ROTI My Way though. Thank you all for reading!

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"It appears you have bewitched me." "You're delusional." โ€งโ‚Šหš โ”Š๐˜๐—ฑ๐˜„๐˜ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘๐Ÿงท MANIPULATING THE MANIPULATOR You are a manipulator. Or what you like to call yourself, ๐™๐™๐™š manipulator. You could make anyone do anything for you. It could be as small as giving you their pencil i...

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total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐„๐˜๐„๐’ ๐Ž๐ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐๐‘๐ˆ๐™๐„ // noah total drama

"๐˜–๐˜ฉ ๐˜จ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ต, ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฌ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ช๐˜ต ๐˜ช๐˜ด. ๐˜๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜ต๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜”๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜•๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฌ." "๐˜ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜จ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ." You were forced onto Total Drama World Tour by none other than Chris McLean, your boss. Money's running low and you will do anything to win this season. Everything goes smooth until a scrawny li...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

(Slow updates) ๐™’๐™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™– ๐™œ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ก ๐™œ๐™ค๐™š๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™ฎ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™œ๐™š๐™ฉ ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ ๐™œ๐™ง๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™–๐™œ๐™–๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ค๐™ฅ๐™ก๐™šโŸ ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™จ๐™๐™š ๐™›๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™›๐™ง๐™ž๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™๐™จ๐™๐™ž๐™ฅ? ๐™๐™ค๐™ข๐™–๐™ฃ๐™˜๐™š? ๐™ค๐™ง ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ข๐™š๐™ฉ๐™๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ข๐™ค๐™ง๐™š๏ฝก๏ฝก๏ฝก ๐™ค๐™—๐™จ๐™š๐™จ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š? โ˜ ๏ธŽ!๐—ฉ๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐—ผ๐˜‚๐˜€ ๐—ผ๐—ฏ๐˜€๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜€๐—ถ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ!โ˜ ๏ธŽ Tdi (Total drama Island) x...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

How are you not freaking out!?! (Damien X reader)

Y/N is a total drama superfan! she's watched every season plus ridonculous race and when she heard of a reboot she was in! she promised herself that she'd play and not get distracted. however what happens when she goes against her own no relationships on the show rule? I DON'T OWN TOTAL DRAMA OR THE COVER

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

Mine, all mine. || YANDERE NOAH X READER :3|| ON HOLD.

pls i started writing this at 11:51. PLS RECOMMEND MORE NOAH FACE CLAIMS. he streched in the cover bfw

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐ƒ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ซ๐—ผ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐ƒ๐ซ๐š๐—บ๐š ||YANDERE! ๐“๐ƒ๐ˆ

๐’๐ฅ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ฒ๐š๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ž!๐“๐—ผ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ ๐๐ซ๐š๐—บ๐š ๐ข๐ฌ๐ฅ๐š๐ง๐ ๐• ๐•˜๐•ฃ๐•ฆ๐•Ÿ๐•˜๐•–/๐•ค๐•œ๐•’๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ ๐•—๐•–๐•ž๐•’๐•๐•– ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•’๐••๐•–๐•ฃ โ‚โœซโœฐโœฏโœฐโœซโ‚ "๐—œ... ๐˜๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ธ ๐—น๐—ผ๐˜ƒ๐—ฒ ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ผ๐—ผ ๐—ฑ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ฐ ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ ๐—บ๐˜† ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ธ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด" When a unknown person joins the total drama cast and completely throws everyone off guard when reveale...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

โ€ข Fuck It โ€ข || TDI X READER ||

!SLOW AS SHIT UPDATES!(sorry peeps) โ™ก[TDI Various x GN!Reader]โ™ก With your parents always up your ass about one thing or another, you sent in an audition for Total Drama Island. In your eyes, it was a chance to get away from your overwhelming home and the prize of money was an added bonus. If you actually ma...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

You only belong to me.

Y/n L/n had spent her entire life with her grandparents, happily living with them and having no type of drama. but that all changes when she auditions for a reality show and the contestants that she'll interact with take a real liking to her. while some........ take that liking and turning into an obsession with her.

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

ใ€Œsแด›ส€แด€ษดษขแด‡ ูญ*โ˜…แต—แต’แต—แตƒหก แตˆสณแตƒแตแตƒ หฃ สณแต‰แตƒแตˆแต‰สณใ€

ใ€Œsแด›ส€แด€ษดษขแด‡ ูญ*โ˜…แต—แต’แต—แตƒหก แตˆสณแตƒแตแตƒ หฃ สณแต‰แตƒแตˆแต‰สณใ€ "๐ˆ๐ฌ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ข๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž... ๐‡๐จ๐ฐ ๐ฉ๐ž๐จ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž ๐œ๐š๐ง ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž" Y/N L/N was a normal girl, went to school, had a boyfriend, decently good grades and an ability to make amazing music. But... When she finds out her boyfriend was cheating on her she quickly ends that relation...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐€๐†๐€๐ˆ๐๐’๐“ ๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐Ž๐ƒ๐ƒ๐’ โ‹† โ˜… ๐ง๐จ๐š๐ก.s

"What did I do to make you hate me so much?" "You're untrustworthy." A LOT of pressure was thrown on you as soon as you sent in your audition. You were aware that you had to win, but you also knew that there was always a price to pay. You knew it, your brother knew it, even the annoying boy in the sweater vest knew it...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

A Lap Around The World | Noah TD x Fem Reader

After a bet from two years ago finally bites you in the backside, you end up being cast onto the next season of Total Drama, on a complete whim to get out of your small town, and earn a cool million dollars. Uses Y/N abbreviations and She/they pronouns, written in 2nd person. This book updates on whims, there's no int...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐’๐“๐‘๐€๐“๐„๐†๐˜ | ๐˜ผ๐™ก๐™š๐™Ÿ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ง๐™ค ๐˜ฝ.

โ†ณ โ [ STRATEGY ] โž โ” yandere alejandro x fem! reader โ”• ๐ˆ๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก, a surprise third contestant was brought in to the third season of total drama, and one finds himself far too ๐๐ž๐ž๐ฉ to resurface โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” ๐–๐€๐‘๐๐ˆ๐๐† mature themes and language โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” ๐‡๐ˆ๏ฟฝ...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐—–๐—ฎ๐—ป'๐˜ ๐—ง๐—ฎ๐—ธ๐—ฒ ๐— ๐˜† ๐—˜๐˜†๐—ฒ๐˜€ ๐—ข๐—ณ๐—ณ ๐—ฌ๐—ผ๐˜‚ || Wayne

"๐Ž๐ก, ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐ญ๐ญ๐ฒ ๐›๐š๐›๐ฒ, ๐ง๐จ๐ฐ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ˆ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ, ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฒ. ๐€๐ง๐ ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ ๐ฆ๐ž ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ, ๐›๐š๐›๐ฒ" ------ ๐—™๐—ข๐—ฅ ๐—ช๐—”๐—ฌ๐—ก๐—˜, ๐—œ๐—ง ๐—ช๐—”๐—ฆ love at first sight. Ever since he stepped foot into Total Drama along with his buddy, Raj, one glance at you and it was game over. You, however, weren't in...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐…๐‘๐„๐’๐‡ ๐Œ๐„๐€๐“ || ๐“๐Ž๐“๐€๐‹ ๐ƒ๐‘๐€๐Œ๐€ ๐ˆ๐’๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ

Knowing you'd spend pretty much your whole summer vacation lounging around the couch, you audition for new reality show Total Drama Island, and (un?)luckily get accepted. The money was your main goal, but who knew all these people would grow so close to you? [various/reader]

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

Bitter sweet- TDI

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an island with one another, 23 contestants are going head to head in challenges. No wonder winning appears to be the sweetest way to end this terribly long summer. With everything to play for, there can be only one...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction


in which you join total drama world tour in need for some money, but a certain someone won't make that easy START- JUNE 2ND 2023 END- RANKINGS: ๐Ÿฅ‡in #td - 27/07/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #totaldramaworldtour - 31/07/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #alejandro - 4/08/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #alejandroxreader - 4/08/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #alejandroburromuerto - 4/08/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #totaldrama - 27...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐…๐„๐Œ๐ˆ๐๐ˆ๐๐„, Total drama x Reader

" ๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐”ฐ ๐”ซ๐”ข๐”ณ๐”ข๐”ฏ ๐”ฑ๐”ฌ๐”ฌ ๐”ฉ๐”ž๐”ฑ๐”ข ๐”ฑ๐”ฌ ๐”Ÿ๐”ข ๐”ด๐”ฅ๐”ฌ ๐”ถ๐”ฌ๐”ฒ ๐”ช๐”ฆ๐”ค๐”ฅ๐”ฑ ๐”ฅ๐”ž๐”ณ๐”ข ๐”Ÿ๐”ข๐”ข๐”ซ " You were just like the other kids. You were never forced to be perfect. You didn't smile constantly too, so, why? why are you forced to be perfect by your new parents? You want to escape. You heard that there was a tv show that...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

Lucky Money Or Unlucky Love? (Various!Total drama x reader)

Being a lonely person who's luck is always 50/50 is hard, especially when you need a bit of money for a better future. So why not go into a show of absolute drama!? Everything's going smoothly, schemes, alliances, eliminations, trusted allies, and the $100,000 dollars at the end! You get into the show with a bit of un...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

Total drama world tour Noah x reader

Don't Own Total Drama World Tour

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐—น๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต๐˜๐˜€, ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ, ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐˜๐—ถ๐—ผ๐—ป , ๐˜๐—ผ๐˜๐—ฎ๐—น ๐—ฑ๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฎ

โ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™ฃ๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ, ๐™– ๐™›๐™š๐™ฌ ๐™ข๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™จ ๐™–๐™œ๐™ค ๐™ž ๐™จ๐™–๐™ฌ ๐™›๐™ก๐™š๐™˜๐™ ๐™จ ๐™ค๐™› ๐™ฌ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ช๐™ก๐™™'๐™ซ๐™š ๐™—๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ๐™จ ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™ข๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™Ÿ๐™ช๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™—๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ฅ๐™–๐™จ๐™จ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™—๐™ฎ ๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™—๐™š๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ๐™ฃ๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ข๐™š ๐™ก๐™ž๐™›๐™š ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™š๐™ข๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™–๐™ก๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™–๐™—๐™ช๐™จ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ข๐™š ๐™˜๐™–๐™ฃ'๐™ฉ ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ฅ...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

๐•‹๐”ป๐•€ โ„๐•–๐•’๐••๐•–๐•ฃ ๐•€๐•Ÿ๐•ค๐•–๐•ฃ๐•ฅ โœฏแด แด€ส€ษชแดแดœs x ส€แด‡แด€แด…แด‡ส€โœฏ

|[ ๐™ณ๐š’๐šœ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š—๐š๐š’๐š—๐šž๐šŽ๐š ]| ~๐•‹๐•™๐•š๐•ค ๐•“๐• ๐• ๐•œ ๐•š๐•ค ๐•”๐•ฆ๐•ฃ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ๐•๐•ช ๐•“๐•–๐•š๐•Ÿ๐•˜ ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•จ๐•ฃ๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ ๐•š๐•Ÿ ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐• ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•–๐•ฃ ๐•“๐• ๐• ๐•œ~ (Y/N) is a very famous teen pop star. She rose to fame when she was still fairly young through talent shows and sometimes acting in movies or making guest appearances in tv shows. She...

total drama world tour my way fanfiction

ยฐโ€ข | Total drama x reader | โ€ขยฐ

A high school student whose major is in psychology, is struggling to find a way on how to make money for their dream university. But... on a sudden day, they come across a tv show called 'total drama'. Taking the chance, they audition for the show, hoping for the best. ยฐโ€ข | Various! Total drama x Reader | โ€ขยฐ ???? Rele...

Total Drama World Tour (Linusblanket2100's way)

  • View history

TDWT- My Way Picture

The cast (excluding Sadie who debuts in a later episode)

My version of Total Drama World Tour, where there is an elimination every episode and there is one other newbie (Scott from TDRI) and two different veterans. The locations and the challenges are basically the same.

  • 1 Characters:
  • 2 Chapter 1. Welcome to the World
  • 3 Chapter 2. Walk Like An Egyptian
  • 4 Chapter 3. A Walk Along De-Nile
  • 5 Chapter 4. Super Happy Crazy Fun Time in Japanese
  • 6 Chapter 5. Stuck in the Yukon
  • 7 Chapter 6. The Aftermath I- Lindsay Over Troubled Tyler
  • 8 Chapter 7. From Soho to Sierra
  • 9 Chapter 8. Slap Slap Revolution
  • 10 Chapter 9. The Am-AH-Zon Race
  • 11 Chapter 10. I Can't Help Falling in Louvre
  • 12 Chapter 11. Newf Kids on the Rock
  • 13 Chapter 12. The Aftermath II: Aftermath Aftermayhem
  • 14 Chapter 13. Jamaican Me Merge
  • 15 Chapter 14. Chinese Fake-Out
  • 16 Chapter 15. Total Drama Island Redux
  • 17 Chapter 16. Awwwwww, Drumheller
  • 18 Chapter 17. A Race to Hawai'i
  • 19 Finale Promo:
  • 20 Chapter 18. The Aftermath III: The Winner Is...
  • 21 Eliminations:
  • 22 Final Poll:

Characters: [ ]

Sadie (Debuts)

Chapter 1. Welcome to the World [ ]

Chris is seen smiling at the camera. โ€œHey people! This new season we are traveling around the world! 17 contestants: 14 veterans and 3 newbies! First up: Beth!โ€

Beth steps out of the bus and smiles at the camera. โ€œSo happy to be back! Iโ€™m going to get to see my best friend and see other people!โ€ She stood next to Chris and put her suitcase down.

A raccoon stood up next to her and ran up her body to her neck. Beth smiled.

Chris looked at her and said โ€œWhoโ€™s that?โ€

Beth looked at him. โ€œItโ€™s the raccoon from last season!โ€

Chris rolled his eyes and said โ€œBridgetteโ€™s next!โ€

Bridgette stepped out of the bus and said โ€œSo happy to be back! No Heather this season, right?โ€

Chris shook his head โ€œWrong! Next up, Cody!โ€

Cody stepped out of the bus. โ€œHey guys! Watch out because Iโ€™m going to get farther this season. I can feel it!โ€

Chris motioned for him to stand next to Bridgette. โ€œFollowing Cody is Courtney!โ€

Courtney steps out of the bus while Beth groans.

โ€œWhy is she here? I already had enough of her!โ€

Chris smiled โ€œMe too, but sheโ€™s great for ratings! DJ and Duncan are next!โ€

DJ steps out and gives Bridgette a hug. โ€œHey people!โ€

Duncan follows him out and Courtney comes up to hug him.

โ€œHey there princess!โ€ Duncan snickers.

โ€œGwen, Heather and Izzy are back!โ€ Chris introduces.

Gwen and Heather step out if the bus, eyeing each other before Izzy pounces on Heather.

โ€œHey! Get away weirdo!โ€ Heather said, batting her away.

โ€œFollowing her is Katie and Leshawna!โ€

โ€œKatie?!โ€ everyone asks.

Katie steps out and smiles at everyone. Everyone stares back. No one has seen her since Total Drama Island and canโ€™t believe that sheโ€™s back.

Leshawna steps out and scours the crowd. โ€œThis show canโ€™t get any worse.โ€ she nags, pointing to Courtney and Heather.

โ€œLindsay, Noah and Owen are also here!โ€ says Chris, pointing to the bus.

Lindsay steps out of the bus and Beth comes, squealing. โ€œSo happy to see you again BFFF!โ€

Noah and Owen also step out of the bus. Owen farts, causing Noah to hold his nose.

โ€œHey Owen!โ€ Duncan says, patting Owen on the back.

โ€œThere are only 14 people?โ€ asks Courtney.

โ€œHardly! The first newbie is Alejandro!โ€

A handsome, tanned teen steps out and all the girls swoon.

โ€œHello ladies! I look forward to elimin-I mean, meeting everyone of you.โ€

โ€œThe next newbie: Scott!โ€

A pasty-white teen steps out, looking at the crowd. โ€œWhereโ€™s the plane?โ€ he asks before being run over by a purple-haired teen girl who rushes over to Cody.

โ€œCody and everyone else, meet Sierra!โ€

โ€œOh my gosh, CODY! Iโ€™ve been waiting for this moment for ages!โ€ she squeals, before hugging him.

โ€œI canโ€™t breatheโ€ฆโ€ Cody gags.

โ€œTime for all of you to meet the plane!โ€ Chris says motioning to the oncoming heap of junk.

โ€œThatโ€™s a plane?โ€ asks Gwen.

Owen starts to sweat. โ€œI canโ€™t ride that!โ€ Owen says before trying to run and tripping over Scott on the floor, knocking him out.

โ€œHeโ€™s afraid of flying, remember?โ€ asks DJ.

Chris looks at the camera. โ€œLetโ€™s give you a quick tour of the plane.โ€

The camera shows a montage of the first class quarters, the second class quarters, the confessional and the mess hall. โ€œThe first challenge will take place in Egypt! There are two parts, which will make this challenge double elimination! I will explain after you sing a song!โ€

The contestants gasp.

โ€œWhat?โ€ asks Duncan.

โ€œIf you donโ€™t sing, youโ€™re automatically eliminated!โ€ Chris smiles. Now sing!โ€

โ€œWhat should we sing?โ€ asks Katie, frantically.

โ€œYou have to make it up as you go!โ€ Chris shoots her a look before saying โ€œOK! Sing!โ€

Courtney: Up! Courtney and Izzy: Up! Courtney, Izzy, and Sierra: Up! Courtney, Izzy, Sierra, and Lindsay: Up! Scott: Sing! Scott and Cody: Sing! Scott, Cody, and DJ: Sing! Scott, Cody, DJ, and Tyler: Sing! Heather, Leshawna, Bridgette, Courtney, Izzy, Sierra, and Lindsay: We're flying. Alejandro, Noah, Scott, Cody, DJ, and Tyler: And singing. Everyone (except Gwen, Duncan and Owen): We're flying and we're singing! Sierra: Come fly with us! Sierra and Cody: Come fly with us! Izzy: We've got a lot 'o crazy tunes to bust! Haha! Bridgette: Come fly with us! Bridgette and Lindsay: Come fly with us! Alejandro: It's a pleasure, and an honor, and a must. Duncan: Dudes, this is messed. You're singing in a plane. Beth: What did you expect? Chris is freaking insane. Ah! Gwen: Yeah, but, guys, you're singing on TV! Courtney: Haven't you always wanted to? It can't just be me! DJ: Come fly with us! DJ and Leshawna: Come fly with us! Heather: Do you know how to steer this thing!? Chef Hatchet: I try. Katie: They think that I will be eliminated soon, but Iโ€™ve got a winning tune! Noah: Come fly with us! Come die with us! Owen: We're flying?! I hate flying! Stop the plane! (gets hit on the head with a frying pan, courtesy of Chris) Sierra, DJ, Cody, and Heather: Come fly with us! Come sing with us! Gwen and Duncan: No! Chris McLean: Anyone care for a copy of the season three rules? Because in order to escape instant elimination- Beth: All contestants must sing in each show! Courtney: Duncan, do it! Let's go! Cody: Gwen, sing it! Don't go! Gwen: Well, I don't wanna go home . Come fly with us! Come fly with us! Come and fly with us! Courtney: Duncan, come on! Please? Duncan: This sucks!

Chris looks at Duncan. โ€œYou refuse to sing? You know what that means!โ€

The camera switches to outside the plane where Duncan is seen, tossed out on the runway.

โ€œDuncan!โ€ Courtney says, rushing to the planeโ€™s door.

Chris smiles.

โ€œJump back!โ€ Courtney says, reaching for him, in vain.

โ€œForget it. Iโ€™d rather die than sing.โ€ Duncan spats as the plane begins to move.

Courtney starts to yell, bleeps sounding out as she curses at Chris for leaving Duncan behind.

Chris turns to the camera. โ€œThatโ€™s what happens when someone refuses to sing. Tune on next time for the first challenge of the new season on TOTALโ€ฆDRAMAโ€ฆWORLD TOUR!โ€

Chapter 2. Walk Like An Egyptian

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tourโ€ฆI introduced 3 newbies to the competitors and the concept of singing! Duncan refused to sing and last seasonโ€™s winner was booted out because of that. On our way to Egypt now! Letโ€™s get the challenge started.โ€ Chris narrates as the camera switches through the different scenes.

Everyone is shown in first class, discussing the season, except for Courtney and Alejandro. โ€œI canโ€™t believe Duncan is gone.โ€ Courtney says, still crying.

โ€œIt was for the best. He wouldโ€™ve been eliminated anyway.โ€ says Alejandro, his arm wrapped around her.

Alejandro: (Confessional) No one here knows me and I can use this to my advantage. I will make sure each one of them leaves so I can win the prize, starting with Courtney.

On the other side of the room, Katie chats with Leshawna.

โ€œCan you survive this season without Katie?โ€ asks Leshawna, half joking.

Katie looks at her before saying โ€œI can. I realized that all the crying and drama of us being apart cost both of us the prize. I intend to make it far this season without Sadie, though I still miss her.โ€

Leshawna looked at her, astonished.

Leshawna: (Confessional) Katieโ€™s really changed since the first season. She seems more confident. I think I may have misjudged her.

Chrisโ€™s voice booms over the loudspeaker. โ€œGet ready for Egypt! We are about to land.โ€

The plane lands fiercely and everyone falls over.

The scene switches to outside of the plane. โ€œYour first challenge is to either go over or under the pyramid.โ€ Chris explains, sipping a cold beverage. โ€œThe first five people that arrive will be on Team 1. The next set will be on Team 2. The last five will be on Team 3. The absolutely last person to arrive to the finish line will be automatically eliminated.โ€

โ€œIsnโ€™t that a bit harsh? Duncanโ€™s already gone.โ€ Noah asks.

โ€œWho cares?โ€ asks Chris. โ€œGo!โ€

The teens rush to the pyramid. Scott starts to climb up the pyramid, along with Courtney, Alejandro, Bridgette, Lindsay, Gwen and Izzy.

DJ, Heather, Katie, Leshawna, Beth, Cody, Sierra, Owen and Noah all file into the pyramid.

โ€œWhich way?โ€ asks Katie to Leshawna once they come to the place where the path split.

โ€œI vote left.โ€ Leshawna says, grabbing Katie. DJ follows.

โ€œWhich way Sierra?โ€ asks Heather.

Heather: (Confessional) I placed 9th last season. I need to get back on my feet and Iโ€™ll accomplish that by teaming up with newbie Sierra.

Sierra looked at Heather before going through the center, tugging Cody along. Heather trudged after her.

Beth, Owen and Noah go to the right.

Meanwhile, Alejandro is seen helping up Lindsay and Bridgette.

โ€œYouโ€™re so strong.โ€ Lindsay swoons.

โ€œI have a boyfriendโ€ฆI have a boyfriendโ€ฆโ€ Bridgette mutters, forcing herself to not swoon.

Scott and Courtney are neck to neck.

โ€œBeat it, skinny kid.โ€ Scott says, pushing Courtney aside.

โ€œMe? Youโ€™re the one whose ribs are showing!โ€ Courtney says, trying to catch up.

Gwen is behind, struggling to get up while Izzy is already at the top.

Under the pyramid, Leshawna, Katie and DJ stop for a rest.

โ€œOoh, look a mummified dog!โ€ DJ says, reaching out to touch the dog.

Katie slaps his hand. โ€œStop it!โ€ she warns. โ€œEgypt is known for its curses.โ€

DJ nods and then motions for his team to proceed.

Heather and Sierra, who is clutching Cody, have also stopped for a rest.

Heather looks at Cody and expresses sympathy with her eyes, while Sierra searches the pyramid for a way out.

On top of the pyramid, Izzy climbs down while Courtney is seen rapidly falling behind. Alejandro passes her and smiles. โ€œYou can do it.โ€ Alejandro says.

Courtney smiles, but then whimpers as the hot sun beats down on her.

Chris is seen at the bottom of the pyramid at the finish line. โ€œHurry up guys!โ€ he screams.

All of a sudden, Izzy jumps down and crosses the finish line.

โ€œIzzy! You are on Team 1!โ€ Chris smiles at her.

Izzy smiles back before taking her place. โ€œCโ€™mon big O!โ€ she screams.

In the pyramid, Beth urges Owen to keep going as he sits down and pants.

โ€œCome on, or youโ€™ll be eliminated!โ€ she says.

โ€œLeave him there.โ€ Noah replies. โ€œHeโ€™s slowing us down.โ€

โ€œI have a plan.โ€ says Beth. โ€œOwen, thereโ€™s some chicken at the end of the tunnel.โ€

Owen doesnโ€™t move.

Beth panics and looks at Noah. Noah shrugs and walks away.

Chris is seen again, greeting DJ, Leshawna and Katie as they cross the line. โ€œTeam 1 has three new members.โ€ he says. Alejandro, Lindsay and Bridgette follow. Bridgette crosses the line first. Chris looks at them and then says โ€œBridgette is on Team 1. Alejandro and Lindsay are on Team 2.โ€

Bridgette high-fives Leshawna, as Scott follows.

Chris motions for him to join Alejandro and Lindsay.

Under the pyramid, Cody wrestles free from Sierra.

โ€œCODY!โ€ Sierra screams, running to him, before tripping over a lever, which causes rocks to fall.

Heather, Sierra and Cody all run, screaming and arrive at the line.

Chris greets them.

โ€œSierra, please proceed to Team 2, the rest of you are on Team 3.โ€

Sierra looks at Cody. โ€œBye Cody! I will be back before you know it.โ€

Cody shivers.

Noah bounds across the line.

โ€œNoah, on Team 3.โ€ says Chris, motioning to his team. Gwen arrives at the pyramid, obviously with a fight beforehand, as her hair is messed up. She laughs and looks back at the top of the pyramid. โ€œBye Courtney!โ€

Courtney screams curse words before trying to get down. At that exact moment, Owen and Beth arrive at the finish line, with Owen being dragged by Beth.

Itโ€™s a race as Beth pulls Owen to the finish line and Courtney tries to get down the pyramid.

Courtney then is off the pyramid and glides to the line seconds before Beth steps over. Owen snorts and looks up. โ€œOwen is technically the last to cross the line, so bye-bye buddy!โ€

Owen looks confusedly around. โ€œWha-?โ€ he asks before Chef comes and pushes him away from the group.

โ€œBye Owen!โ€ Noah waves while Gwen groans.

Gwen: (Confessional) Courtney is still in the competition? Come on!

Chris looks at the new teams. โ€œThe other part will have to wait for next time, but before we end the episode, what will be your team names?โ€

DJ, Leshawna, Bridgette, Katie and Izzy shout โ€œTeam Victory!โ€

Beth, Cody, Courtney, Gwen and Heather shout โ€œTeam Amazon!โ€

Sierra shouts โ€œTeam Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot!โ€

Chris nods at Sierra before saying โ€œThatโ€™s all for now! Tune in for the first elimination ceremony next time on TOTALโ€ฆDRAMAโ€ฆWORLDโ€ฆTOUR!โ€

Chapter 3. A Walk Along De-Nile

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour,โ€ Chris begins. โ€œWe landed in Egypt and had a race over/under a pyramid. Three teams were formed and Owen, stressed out about riding in a plane, fell to last place and was eliminated as a result. Will the new teams get along well? Find out in the second Egyptian challenge.โ€

โ€œYour challenge,โ€ Chris says to the contestants, โ€œis, with prizes that will be passed out, race across the desert to the Nile. From there, you will have to make a boat and paddle across the river until you reach the finish line. The first team back wins and the last team back will suffer elimination. Team Victoryโ€™s prize is a stick.โ€

Izzy leaped up and caught it. โ€œOoh! This is just like the stick I once dated!โ€

Everyone exchanges uncomfortable glances while Chris turns to Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot and says โ€œYour prize is a goat.โ€

The goat runs and head-buts Noah, causing him to fall into Sierraโ€™s arms. Sierra steps back and Noah flops to the ground.

โ€œTeam Amazonโ€™s prize is a camel!!โ€ Chris announces. โ€œNow get ready to race!โ€

Alejandro turns to his team mates. โ€œOK! I propose we have Scott on the bottom, Noah on top, Sierra next to Scott and Lindsay and me on top of everyone else.โ€

Mostly everyone agrees, except for Sierra.

Sierra: (Confessional) Iโ€™m the number one Total Drama super-fan! It says so in my blog. Also, I picked the team name. I should be captain, not Ale-dork-dro.

Team Victory looks at their stick.

โ€œWhat a useless prize,โ€ Leshawna remarks.

Katie picks it up and examines it. โ€œThis shape looks so familiar to something I saw on Total Drama Island once.โ€

Team Amazon is having a heated debate, meanwhile.

โ€œI should be team captain!โ€ Courtney growls.

โ€œUm, hello? I placed 2nd in the first season. Iโ€™m the most obvious choice.โ€ Gwen pouts.

โ€œLetโ€™s seeโ€ฆand what did you place last season? Oh yeah, 12th!โ€ Heather gloats.

Cody and Beth exchange glances as they climb up onto the camel.

โ€œGo!โ€ Chris says, โ€œBefore the bugs eat you!โ€

โ€œWoah woah woah!โ€ Beth stutters. โ€œBUGS?โ€

A flashback scene shows Beth admitting her fear of bugs.

โ€œYeah! They say music soothes the savage beast, soโ€ฆโ€ Chris rings a bell as the bugs start to flood around the contestants.

The contestants break out into song.

Alejandro: No need to get crazy. It's lovin' time at last! Cody, Noah, Scott, DJ, and Alejandro: You don't wanna eat us up. Cody: We're mostly full of gas. No, no! Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: It's mating time for scarabs. Leshawna: So, what'cha waiting on? Izzy: Just ignore us humans! Cody: Oooooh. Everyone: And make out till the break of dawn! Alejandro and Cody: It's lovin' time. Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time... Alejandro: Scarab mating season. Alejandro and Cody: It's lovin' time Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time... Alejandro: Scarabs, get busy now... Scott: It's lovin' time. Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time... Everyone (except Scott, Gwen, Courtney, and Heather): Scarab mating season. Cody: It's lovin' time. Gwen, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time... Everyone (except Gwen, Courtney, and Heather): Scarab mating season!

  By the time the song has finished, everyone is on their way.

Team Amazon, on the camel, still debates about how to handle their situation.

โ€œThis way!โ€ Courtney says, thrusting her hand forward, hitting Gwen.

โ€œHey!โ€ Gwen says.

Cody inches back, hoping to avoid the slapping.

Cody: (Confessional) Now Iโ€™m almost glad I wasnโ€™t in Season 2. With all this going on, I could snap any moment! On the bright side, I placed 17th last season. If I get eliminated today, Iโ€™m going to have beaten my previous record!

Team Victory is trudging through the desert, with everyone but Katie and Izzy looking dehydrated.

โ€œI know that this gift is completely useless. It has to be something important.โ€ Katie says, examining the stick.

Bridgette hangs onto Leshawna, panting heavily.

The scene switches to Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot, right behind Team Amazon.

โ€œCanโ€™t this goat go any faster?โ€ asks Alejandro.

โ€œI donโ€™t mind!โ€ Sierra says brightly, watching Cody from her position.

Scott rolls his eyes and looks around him. His eyes light up and he whispers to Noah, who passes the information to Alejandro.

Alejandro suddenly twists his hips and the goat goes in the opposite direction.

Heather turns around and says โ€œWha-?โ€

The scene switches to Team Victory looking lost.

Katie is still studying the stick while everyone catches their breath.

All of a sudden, Katieโ€™s eyes light up and she squeals. โ€œThis isnโ€™t just a stick! Itโ€™s a diving rod!โ€ she happily announces to her team.

Everyoneโ€™s eyes light up while Katie starts to direct her team to the water.

Time fast forwards and Team CIRRRRH is seen looking across the Nile at Chris.

โ€œHey guys! You have to build a boat with those weeds over there! Start!โ€ Chris prompts.

Team Victory arrives shortly after and starts to build their raft.

Time fast forwards and Team Amazon is seen approaching the Nile with Heather, Courtney and Gwen arguing. โ€œLast place!โ€ Heather screeches.

Chris is suddenly seen and looks at Team Amazon. โ€œDead last guys! Start building your raft. Team Victoryโ€™s already done!โ€

The camera pans to Team Victory with Katie helping her team.

Katie: (Confessional) Sadie and I have made friendship bracelets forever! Making a boat was a snap!

Sierra and Beth are seen chatting before Sierra runs to Chris and says โ€œCan I switch places with Beth? I love my team and youโ€™re the best host ever, but I would love to be with Cody and Beth would love to be with Lindsay! Please?โ€

Chris looks at her, thinks and then nods.

Beth and Sierra squeal and Sierra joins her team.

โ€œHey Cody!โ€ Sierra smiles, crushing Cody.

Team Amazonโ€™s other members groan and finish their boat. Team CIRRRRH is seen with their almost-done boat.

Team Victory then hops on their boat and start paddling, followed by Team CIRRRRH.

Heather makes a disgusted groan and says โ€œLeave the boat! Itโ€™s not done, but we need to hustle!โ€ Heather, along with the rest of her team, jump into the boat and start paddling.

Time fast forwards and Team Victory is seen neck-to-neck with Team CIRRRRH before pulling ahead and winning. Team CIRRRRH crosses the line next and Team Amazonโ€™s almost-a-boat follows them.

โ€œTeam Victory has won! Team Amazon has lost! Time to vote someone off!โ€ Chris smiles.

Team Victory cheers and everyone hugs Katie.

Team Amazonโ€™s Gwen, Heather and Courtney eye each other while Sierra hugs Cody, worriedly.

The scene switches to the elimination room with Chris eying Team Amazon. โ€œTeam Amazon, last to be formed and last place! Not a big surprise. What is surprising though is that Heather is safe.โ€

Heather catches her bag gleefully and glares at Gwen and Courtney.

โ€œSierra and Cody also get their barf bags!โ€

Sierra squeals and tries to hug Cody, who runs away.

โ€œCourtney, Gwen, the last barf bag will go to either of youโ€ฆthe last barf bag goes toโ€ฆ

โ€ฆGwen!โ€ Gwen cheers while Courtney gasps.

  โ€œWhat? You need me! I placed 4th last season! Iโ€™m helpful!โ€

Courtney is eliminated

Courtney is eliminated.

Gwen rolls her eyes.

โ€œDoesnโ€™t matter, your team has spoken. Time for the drop of shame!โ€ Chris pushes Courtney out of the plane and throws a parachute after her.

Gwen cheers some more as Chris turns to the camera. โ€œThat leaves 14 people! What will be the next location? Who will be eliminated? Find out next time on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR!โ€

Chapter 4. Super Happy Crazy Fun Time in Japanese [ ]

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, we finished up with Egypt and Team Victory lived up to their name, as they won the first challenge of the season! Team Amazon lost and the evil Courtney was eliminated soon after. Good for her team, but bad for ratings! I need an evil person! Anyway, moving on, will Heather sneak through the finals? Will Katie prove to be a valuable member? Find out now on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR!โ€

The scene switches to Team Victory in First Class.

โ€œMmm, tastes like shoe polish!โ€ Izzy says, chewing on an oxygen mask.

Katie and Leshawna are seen chatting across from her.

โ€œNo kidding!โ€ Leshawna says, playfully punching Katie.

โ€œNo, Iโ€™m serious!โ€ Katie laughs, โ€œSadie then fell off the wall and crushed him! It was so hilarious!โ€

The scene goes to Business Class where four boys and five girls are seen groaning.

โ€œWhy did you have to switch with Beth?โ€ asks Heather, angrily to Sierra. โ€œWe lost precious time!โ€

โ€œWhy did you have to switch with Sierra?โ€ asks Alejandro, angrily to Beth. โ€œWe lost precious time!โ€

โ€œI wanted to be with Lindsay!โ€ answers Beth.

โ€œI wanted to be with Cody!โ€ answers Sierra.

โ€œWell, if we have elimination, I know who Iโ€™m voting off!โ€ Heather rants.

Scott, Noah, Cody and Gwen all sit together, unsure if what to do.

Scott: (Confessional) Keep a low profile, thatโ€™s the key to making it far.

Chrisโ€™s voice is heard over the loudspeaker. โ€œGet your sorry butts into the baggage room, STAT!โ€

Time fast forwards and the remaining 14 contestants are seen standing in the room, waiting for Chrisโ€™s orders.

โ€œTime for a musical challenge!โ€ Chris cries before the floor opens up beneath the contestants and all of them go flying through the air.

โ€œSing? Seriously?โ€ Noah asks, his hair flying out behind him.

โ€œSing and Iโ€™ll consider saving you musical butts!โ€ Chris cries as the contestants begin to sing.

Beth: We're singing as we're falling! Heather: While some are cannon-balling! Izzy: Yeah! Alejandro: Our lives begin to flash before our eyes! Noah: We might just go ka-blooey! Scott and Tyler: Get smushed and become chewy! Everyone: Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die! Leshawna: Billionairess! Cody: Billiards Champion! DJ: Make it home to see my momma! Sierra: Marry Cody! Bridgette: Catch a barrel! Lindsay: Be an actress in a drama! Beth: Make new friends! Gwen: Prom destroyer! Scott: Win this game-whoops! Alejandro: Lion tamer! Katie: New food namer! Tyler: Repairman for the parallel bars! Noah: But first we must cease dropping, our goal here would be stopping! Izzy: Before we smash into the ground from the sky! DJ: Flat into little pieces! Scott: Heads merged with our feet-ses! Leshawna: That would really suck and here's why: Bridgette: We'd like to keep on living! Alejandro: So Chris, We hope you're giving: Sierra: Some wings! Katie: A jetpack! Gwen: A rift in time! Heather: Parachute?! Noah: Waterbed! Tyler: A trampoline! Izzy: Springy shoes! Alejandro: Rocket boots! Lindsay: Flying squirrel! Leshawna: Bubble bath! Lindsay: I change to bubbles, too! DJ: Momma! Katie:  Sadie! No! A million dollars will do' ! Everyone: Cause there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah, we said it! There's still so much to do, there's still so much to do, there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah! Katie: Yeah!

Everyone falls into a giant bowl of rice, with people climbing in top of each other in an effort to get out.

Chris, with a jetpack, flies to the ground, grinning. โ€œYour first Japanese challenge is to get out of the bowl of rice! The first member of their team to get out of their bowl will win for their team and a helpful advantage in the next part of the challenge. Donโ€™t worry, itโ€™ll be easy! As long as you survive!โ€

Gwen, her hair covered with rice, jumps out of the rice and looks at Chris, choking. โ€œWhat (cough) do you (cough cough) mean?โ€

Chris smiles. โ€œThere is a panda, a dragon and a spider in the bowl with you! Good luck!โ€

Sierra gasps and pushes Cody down, in an attempt to get out of the gigantic bowl.

Cody, gasps and grabs the rice, trying to get out. His hand touched someoneโ€™s hair and he jerked his hand back and tried to โ€œswimโ€ upstream.

Alejandro, on the other hand, was doing alright. He had just escaped the crowd and was now trying to climb up the slippery wall of the bowl.

Scott was trying to accomplish the same thing, but all of a sudden, Izzy pounced on him. โ€œHey orange-head! Someone like me on the show!โ€

โ€œGet away, you animal!โ€ Scott says, batting at her before falling into the rice.

Sierra has also dodged the crowd and is trying to climb up the bowl, before seeing Cody flail in the bowl. โ€œCody! Iโ€™ll save you!โ€ she cries, going back into the bowl.

Heather and Katie are also attempting to climb out of the bowl before Heather reaches and slaps Katie, causing her to fall into the bowl. โ€œBye bye, twinnie!โ€ she teases before climbing some more. After a couple of minutes, she has made it over the bowl and down a ladder leaning on the side.

The camera shows a couple of people also climbing before zooming in on Heather again, who has made it to the bottom.

โ€œYes! Yes yes yes yes!โ€ Heather cheers before seeing Alejandro.

โ€œHeather scores second place for Team Amazon! This means that Team Victory is last!โ€ Chris announces.

Heather glares at Alejandro.

Heather: (Confessional) If only I were on the same team as him! He would be eliminated faster than Owen can eat a box of cereal.

The scene switches to a commercial for Total Drama Action, with Japanese writing and dubbed voices. The TV soon fades to black.

โ€œUmโ€ฆwhat?โ€ asks Noah, rice covering his hair.

โ€œThat is a typical Japanese commercial, which leads to our next challenge, making one for Total Dramaโ€™s newest product, Happy Fun Time Fish Sticks! Team I am Really Really Really Really Hot will get first choice of whatever they want from the planeโ€™s storage room, followed by Team Amazon and Team Victory gets whatever is left.โ€

The scene switches to Team CIRRRRH searching through the boxes, when Alejandro comes up with an idea. โ€œI see a monster and terrified civilians.โ€ Alejandro smiles. Lindsay, Beth and Scott agree. โ€œNoah?โ€ Alejandro turns to the bored teen.

โ€œMeh, I guess.โ€ Noah answers.

Team Amazon is next and Gwen and Heather debate about what to bring. โ€œI think we should use these masks!โ€ Gwen says.

โ€œThis fish bowl is more kid-friendly, Gwennie!โ€ Heather replies.

Cody tries to get away from Sierraโ€™s iron grip.

The scene then switches to Team Victory searching through the boxes.

โ€œHow do we get from first to last within minutes?โ€ asks Leshawna.

โ€œDonโ€™t ask me. Ask Izzy.โ€ Bridgette says, pointing to the rabid monster pouncing on a rat.

โ€œCome on you guys!โ€ Katie says, joining Bridgette and Leshawna. โ€œWe are Team Victory. We have a name to live up to! Letโ€™s get creative!โ€ Katie holds a rocket and looks around, her eyes bright. โ€œI have an idea!โ€

Katie: (Confessional) I donโ€™t know where this new side of me came from! Iโ€™m more assured of my teamโ€™s victory and Iโ€™m sure we will win, if we get along!

The scene switches to Chris looking at the remaining 14 people before saying โ€œTeam Me is first, with: Monster vs. Fishโ€.

The commercial with Lindsay, Beth, Alejandro and Noah all acting scared while Scott reaches out and tries to grab Alejandro before Alejandro throws the fish at Scott, who eats it and then leaves.

โ€œInteresting!โ€ Chris says before moving onto Team Amazonโ€™s.

Team Amazonโ€™s commercial shows exploding masks before Heather suddenly yells at Gwen and turns off the camera.

โ€œInterestingโ€ฆโ€ Chris says, more uncertain than before.

Team Victoryโ€™s commercial shows Katie bored at lunch before Leshawna and DJ swoop in and give her sweets. Katie, Izzy and Bridgette sing a short song before the screen shows the logo for Total Drama.

โ€œI think itโ€™s obvious that Team Victory wins, again, Team CIRRRRH is safe and Team Amazon is heading to eliminationโ€ฆagain!โ€

Heather and Gwen glare at each other before the scene switches to the elimination ceremony.

โ€œThe first barf bag goes toโ€ฆCody!โ€

Cody tries to catch his barf bag, but Sierraโ€™s hug doesnโ€™t allow him to move.

โ€œThe second barf bag goes toโ€ฆSierra!โ€

Cody gives a groan of protest as Sierra catches her barf bag.

โ€œNow letโ€™s see the confessionals! Just for fun!โ€

The screen shows Sierra voting for Gwen. โ€œSheโ€™s too nice to Cody and Cody will get distracted!โ€

Cody is shown to vote for Sierra, prompting Sierra to start crying and to let go of near-death Cody.

Gwenโ€™s vote is for Heather, unsurprisingly.

Chris snickers before showing Heatherโ€™s vote.

Heather picks up someoneโ€™s passport and stamps it before saying โ€œI never liked you, Gwen.โ€

Gwen begins to cry before Chris picks up her parachute and gives it to her.

โ€œHave fun on the Drop of Shame!โ€ Chris says.

โ€œWatch out for Heather!โ€ Gwen says before falling out of the plane.

โ€œWell, thatโ€™s one more person out of the plane! Who will be the next to win? Will Team Amazon start to rise to the top? Will Team Victory continue their winning streak? Will Sierra forgive Cody? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris says before the screen turns to black and Sierraโ€™s cries are heard.

Chapter 5. Stuck in the Yukon

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, teams had to navigate a giant bowl of rice and make a great commercial. Team Victory pulled ahead again and Team Amazon suffered the loss of gothy Gwen. Will Sierra forgive Cody for voting for her? Will Beth and Lindsay be able to stay together much longer? Whatโ€™s up with Scott? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris says as the screen switches through the last episodeโ€™s scenes.

In First Class, Katie is seen with her fellow team mates, enjoying a massage.

โ€œGood job, white girl!โ€ Leshawna says, high-fiving Katie.

Leshawna: (Confessional) I canโ€™t believe Katieโ€™s actually useful to the team! In the first season, she caused her team to lose! Katieโ€™s really changed.

Izzy is also enjoying a massage and glances at her team mates. Bridgette catches her eye and comes to sit with her.

Bridgette: (Confessional) Poor Izzy has to sit by herself while we all admire Katie. I guess she acts crazy because she needs attention. I would like to see if my theory is correct.

Izzy smiles at Bridgette before saying โ€œI miss Sticky.โ€

โ€œSticky?โ€ Bridgette asks.

โ€œYeah, he dated me and now heโ€™s in Egypt somewhere!โ€ Izzy sighs.

Bridgette looks uncomfortably at the screen before the scene switches to the economy class. Team Amazon, down to three members, all look in opposite directions. Alejandro, across from them, chuckles.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Exactly what I need! Team Amazon is going to be up for the chopping block unless they accept a little alliance from me! Bye-bye Heather, big threat!

Before Alejandro walks up to Heather, Sierra emits a wail. โ€œHow could you Cody?โ€ she asks, crying incessantly before leaving the room. Cody looks uncomfortably at the floor before looking at Sierra, running away.

Cody: (Confessional) I feel really bad about voting Sierra off. Even though sheโ€™s really scary, her crying a) gets to me and b) makes me feel guilty. I donโ€™t know what to do.

Beth and Lindsay are seen chatting away on the floor.

โ€œIโ€™m so happy youโ€™re in this season BFF!โ€ Lindsay squeals, hugging Beth.

โ€œMe too!โ€ Beth answers. โ€œI get to have another shot at the money AND see my friends!โ€

Chrisโ€™s voice booms over the loudspeaker. โ€œGet ready to leave the plane!โ€

Noah turns to the window and sees snow. He shivers and searches around for a jacket to wear before filing away to leave the plane.

Time fast forwards and everyone is shown leaving the plane. However, DJ, the first one out, stops and causes everyone to push him, making him and everyone else fall onto the snow.

Chris snickers at the contestants, bundled up in a grey parka.

Soon enough, everyoneโ€™s fine, all on the ice. โ€œYour challenge,โ€ Chris begins โ€œis to hop across the ice flow,โ€ he points behind him to the river with ice floating on it โ€œand then hitch a sleigh ride. The first two people will be on the sleigh and they have to get the rest of their members at any of the station points. Then you have to race to the finish line and the last team there will suffer elimination! Now go!โ€ Chris blows a whistle.

Izzy, Alejandro and Sierra all start jumping across the ice flow, with their respective team mates straggling behind.

Noah tries to get across, but Leshawna jumps on his ice, causing him to fall into the water. He pops up and shivers. Leshawna, unnoticing, hops on.

Izzy, however, notices, and runs to help him.

Time fast forwards and Team Amazonโ€™s Heather and Sierra are first. Sierra was the second to get to the sleigh, so sheโ€™s the dog. Heather smiles as she adjusts her hat. All of a sudden, Sierra runs and Heather almost falls off.

Sierra: (Confessional) Iโ€™m a third-generation sled dog!

Heather: (Confessional) Sierraโ€™s weird, but helpful!

Team CIRRRRH is next. Noah and Alejandro arrive and Noah is forced to be the dog.

Meanwhile, Scott and Lindsay are walking along in the snow, searching for a stopping point. Scott then turns to Lindsay. โ€œHey, are you single?โ€ he asks.

โ€œNo, I have a boyfriend named Noah.โ€ Lindsay says.

Scott pulls her closer. โ€œYou want him over this?โ€ he asks.

Lindsay blushes. โ€œI donโ€™t know what you meanโ€ฆโ€

Scott brushes his lips against hers and kisses her. Lindsay smiles and pulls closer. All of a sudden, her tongue meets something cold.

Scott waves. โ€œSucker!โ€ he says, ditching Lindsay behind, her tongue frozen to a pole.

Scott: (Confessional) Perfect time to put my plan into action! Get all of my sorry team mates eliminated, starting with Dumb 1, Lindsay. Iโ€™m so going to win!

The scene switches to Katie, DJ, Leshawna and Bridgette searching for Izzy.

โ€œIzzy?โ€ asks Bridgette. โ€œCome on! We need to win!โ€

Izzy pops out from behind some snow. โ€œHere I am! Letโ€™s play hide-and-seek!โ€

โ€œUm, maybe later.โ€ Bridgette replies, grabbing Izzy and putting her on the sleigh.

Time fast-forwards and Team Amazon is shown sliding into the finish line.

โ€œSurprisingly, Team Amazon wins!โ€ Chris says.

Heather: (Confessional) Thatโ€™s the advantage of having only 2 other team mates.

Team CIRRRRH then pulls in. โ€œWe win!โ€ Beth cheers.

โ€œUh uh!โ€ Chris says and then points to the team. โ€œLindsay is gone!โ€

Scott, feigning surprise, looks around. โ€œWhere is she?โ€

Alejandro also looks around.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Lindsay is a threat, but I had nothing to do with her not being with the team! That makes no sense! Who did this?

Scott: (Confessional) (laughs)

Team Victory pulls in last. โ€œWell, I know who Iโ€™m voting for!โ€ Leshawna frowns at Izzy.

โ€œActually, Team Me doesnโ€™t have Lindsay, so Team Victory is in second place!โ€

Team Victory cheers. Chris then turns to Chef. โ€œFind Lindsay, will you? I canโ€™t have more lawsuits.โ€

The scene switches to the elimination ceremony.

โ€œGuys, you were doing so good! How could you let me down?โ€ Chris says before tossing the barf bag to โ€œโ€ฆNoah.โ€

Noah receives his barf bag with no emotion.

โ€œAlejandro and Beth also receive barf bags. Scott, the newbie, and Lindsay, the dumb blonde, one of you racked up the most votes.โ€

Lindsay, with the pole still stuck to her mouth, lets out a whimper.

โ€œThe last barf bag goes toโ€ฆ    

Scott catches his barf bag, grinning evilly.

Lindsay cries a bit before struggling to say good-bye to Beth. Beth also cries and runs to her. Chris shoves them apart. โ€œItโ€™s a half hour show.โ€ he says.

โ€œBye Lindsay!โ€ Beth says, struggling to hold her tears.

Lindsay tries to say something that sounds like โ€œSnott is schevil!โ€ before Chris pushes her out.

โ€œWell, thatโ€™s all the time for now! Will Beth live without Lindsay? Will Tyler forgive Lindsay for what happened in the Yukon? Why did I forget a musical number? Find out next time on TOTAL DRAMA WORLD TOUR!"

Chapter 6. The Aftermath I- Lindsay Over Troubled Tyler [ ]

The Aftermath music plays, showing various scenes from the past five episodes:

โ€œWhat? You need me! I placed 4th last season! Iโ€™m helpful!โ€

Geoff and a blonde lady, with a red dress, look at each other, Geoff confused, before looking at the audience.

โ€œHey guys, itโ€™s me Geoff!โ€ Geoff says, โ€œwith our first Total Drama World Tour Aftermath.โ€ The crowd erupts into cheers.

โ€œIโ€™m Blaieney! You may have seen me on Celebrity Manhunt. Iโ€™m the new co-host since Bridgetteโ€™s gone!โ€ the blonde lady introduces.

โ€œSheโ€™s still in the competition and Iโ€™m proud of her.โ€ Geoff says to her before turning to the audience once again. โ€œWe have a fun-filled show for you tonight, along with our five guests and peanut gallery!โ€

The camera shines on the peanut gallery: featuring Eva, Tyler, Ezekiel, Harold, Justin, Sadie and Trent.

Sadie looks near tears, Tyler looks angry and Justin looks at himself.

โ€œTime for our first guest...Duncan!โ€

Duncan comes onto the Aftermath stage, angry and fierce.

โ€œSo, dude, whoโ€™s it feel being the first eliminated after winning the last season?โ€ Geoff asked, motioning him to sit down on the couch.

โ€œDoes it matter? The show stinks anyway.โ€ Duncan says. โ€œI mean, I blew the prize in, like, a week because of the stupid raccoon case.โ€

Geoff pats him on the back. โ€œAt least you won the season.โ€

Duncan grunts, before sitting back on the couch.

Blaineley rolls her eyes. โ€œCan we skip to Lindsay so the drama can begin?โ€

Geoff ignores her, introducing Owen.

Owen walks onto the stage with a bag of chips.

โ€œOwen, my man!โ€ Geoff smiles, high-fiving him.

โ€œOwen, how do you feel about placing 16th this season?โ€ asks Blaineley. โ€œAlso, how do you feel about Izzy still being in the game when you usually beat her?โ€

Owen looks at her, bewildered, before smiling and saying โ€œI donโ€™t care, I won Season 1 and Izzy, if she wins, will give me the money!โ€

Blaineley lets out a groan before turning to the audience and saying โ€œDoes nothing ever heat up around here? I might as well be back on Celebrity Manhunt.โ€

โ€œPlease do!โ€ Geoff pleads, earning a glare from Blaineley.

Owen moves from the couch and Courtney sits there next.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe I got booted out so early. I ruled the game last season.โ€ Courtney grumbled.

โ€œNow youโ€™re with me, princess!โ€ Duncan says, running to her and giving her a noogie.

Courtney shoves him away and says โ€œI just want to win!โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t you think you deserve this after how you acted last season?โ€ Geoff says.

Courtney is about to answer, when a snore erupts from next to Geoff. Everyone looks and sees Blaineley snoring on the couch, bored to death from the conversation.

โ€œNo, I donโ€™t.โ€ Courtney continues. โ€œMy team was full of stupid losers. They didnโ€™t realize that I was the best player. Itโ€™s all Gwenโ€™s fault.โ€

Blaineleyโ€™s eyes snapped open and she pointed backstage. โ€œPerfect! Time for the drama! Gwen, enter the stage!โ€

The Goth slogged onto the stage and sat next to Courtney.

Courtney looked at her, furious, before turning back and sitting in the peanut gallery.

โ€œWhat? Arenโ€™t you going to fight?โ€ Blaineley screeched.

โ€œSheโ€™s dead to me.โ€ Courtney pouts before curling up on Duncanโ€™s nap and looking at him with one eye, as if to say Back me up.

Duncan says โ€œHey, leave Courtney alone.โ€

Blaineley groans. โ€œGet me out of this freak show!โ€

โ€œAnyway, Gwen, who do blame for the losses your team faced right after it was formed?โ€ Geoff asked.

โ€œYouโ€™d better tell the truth!โ€ Blaineley says โ€œItโ€™s Truth or Hammer!โ€

โ€œUmโ€ฆHeather?โ€ Gwen responds, right before a hammer swings and nearly misses her.

โ€œThat was the truth!โ€ Gwen protests.

โ€œYeah, but that was boring.โ€ Blaineley answers, before burying herself in the couch she is sitting in. Suddenly, she pops up and says โ€œNext up, Lindsay! Come on out Lindsay! Let the drama begin!โ€

Lindsay runs onto stage and sits on Tylerโ€™s lap. โ€œHey Noah!โ€

โ€œItโ€™s Tyler! Donโ€™t you remember that? Also, you kissed Scott on international TV! You think everything will be instantly better now?โ€ Tyler huffs before pushing Lindsay away.

โ€œScott kind of forced her to.โ€ Harold pipes before returning to his book.

โ€œLetโ€™s replay it!โ€ Blaineley cackles, a TV dropping from the ceiling and an image crackling to life:

โ€œI am sorry.โ€ Lindsay replies.

Tyler gives her a stern look before seeing her eyes. Something in his heart made him forgive her at that moment. โ€œI forgive you, it wasnโ€™t your fault.โ€

Blaineley screams โ€œNo!!!โ€ just as Tyler and Lindsay start to make out on stage.

โ€œThis show is horrible! Iโ€™m going back to Celebrity Manhunt!โ€ Blaineley storms off stage, just as everyone starts to cheer.

โ€œThatโ€™s all for now! See you next time with all-new interviews and no Blaineley on the Aftermath! Bye!โ€ Geoff says.

The screen turns to black.

Chapter 7. From Soho to Sierra [ ]

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, the thirteen remaining contestants landed in the Yukon. Scott was revealed to be evil when he kissed Lindsay and left her stuck to a pole! Team Amazon actually won that challenge and Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot was up for elimination. Lindsay was eliminated and left her team down to four contestants. Will Team Victory ever face elimination? Will Scott throw another challenge? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris narrates.

The scene switches to the First Class cabin, showing Heather enjoying a massage before Sierraโ€™s crying disturbs her.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe you voted me off Cody!โ€ she wails, sitting next to a very annoyed Cody.

โ€œThat was three episodes ago!โ€ Heather huffs. โ€œCan you let it go?โ€

โ€œNo!โ€ Sierra cries. โ€œNot until Cody apologizes for what he did.โ€

Cody looks at Heatherโ€™s fierce face before saying โ€œIโ€™m sorry. I know it was wrong, it justโ€ฆumโ€ฆseemed like you were never going to let me go until you were voted offโ€ฆโ€

Sierra wasnโ€™t comforted by what Cody said and kept on crying.

In the economy section, Team Victory chats excitedly about their next destination.

โ€œOoh! I hope itโ€™s Paris!โ€ Katie says. โ€œI can speak French!โ€

โ€œYou can?โ€ Bridgette questions. โ€œCool!โ€

Bridgette: (Confessional) Katie has been so helpful. I mean, if we vote her off, it will be the biggest mistake out team will ever make.

Across from the team, Team CIRRRRHโ€™s members are trying to keep themselves amused in the economy class section.

Beth sniffs and looks around for comfort, but Noah, Alejandro and Scott all seem bored and uninterested.

Noah: (Confessional) Weโ€™ve been in the economy class so often, itโ€™s not that interesting anymore.

Soon enough, the plane lands on a runway.

โ€œWelcome to New York City!โ€ Chris addresses the remaining 12 contestants. โ€œYour challenge is race through central park, with a quick stop at Turtle pond, where you will bob for the biggest apples ever (NO HANDS). The first team to get to the end of Central Park with their big apples intact wins! Also, you will carry one team mate and the apple in one of the carriages I have with me. Team CIRRRRH, here is your carriage.โ€

Noah jumps in, without any suggestion.

โ€œTeam Amazon, here is your carriage.โ€

Cody is put into the carriage.

โ€œTeam Victory, here is your carriage.โ€

Izzy jumps into the carriage.

โ€œNow GO!โ€ Chris shouts and all the teams race though on the paths.

โ€œAlso, you have to sing!โ€ Chris screams to the disappearing teams.

โ€œOh, come on!โ€ Leshawna groans as the teens break into song.

Courtney: What's not to love about New York City?

The taxis honk out a New York ditty!

The crime is high!

The pigeons fly!

What's not to love about New York?

Beth: The lights are brighter!

The fun is funner!

The bagels are bagel-er,

And the bums are bummer!

The dirt and grime make every alley shine!

What's not to love about New York? Oops!

Katie: The stores, and the fashion!

Big shows where stars cash in!

It's crazy, 'cause the city never sleeps! 

DJ: Dance break!

Katie: For the love of dance, stop!

Heather and SierraSubway trains, and the hustle-bustle!

Everyone (except Noah): Cappuccinos while the mobsters tussle!

Beth: And pretzel stands for all us pretzel fans!

Noah: Whoa, hot, hot, hot!

Beth: What's not to love?

Beth and Katie: What's not to love?

Everyone (except Leshawna): What's not to love about New York?! 

Team Victory is the first to approach Turtle Pond.

โ€œIโ€™ll do it!โ€ Katie volunteers, jumping into the pond. She quickly swims to the closest apple and grabs the stem with her mouth, just as Team Amazon approaches.

โ€œIโ€™m a 22nd-generation seal!โ€ Sierra says.

โ€œStop talking about what you are and focus on the challenge, dweeb!โ€ Heather instructs.

Katie is close to the pond and with her head pushes it onto the shore.

Bridgette grabs it and puts it onto the carriage and they race away.

โ€œCome on Sierra! Weโ€™re going to be in second place!โ€ Heather growls, just as Team CIRRRRH arrives.

โ€œIโ€™m good at swimming!โ€ Beth says before jumping into the water and wading to the apple.

Sierra jumps ashore, with the apple on her head, and drops it on top of Cody.

โ€œLetโ€™s go!โ€ Heather cries, pushing the stroller away from the team.

โ€œCome on Beth!โ€ Alejandro says.

Beth tries her best to push the apple onto the shore while the scene switches to Team Victory and Team Amazon racing to the end of the park.

All of a sudden, Izzy jumps out of the carriage, shouting โ€œSquirrel!โ€

โ€œIzzy!โ€ Leshawna growls. โ€œWe donโ€™t have time for this!โ€

Izzy doesnโ€™t listen and, instead, runs into the park.

โ€œIโ€™ll go!โ€ Bridgette says, running after her as Team Amazon pulls into the lead.

โ€œThe first team here is Team Amazon!โ€ Chris says.

โ€œWhoo-hoo!โ€ Heather cheers, high-fiving Sierra.

Sierra looks at Cody expectantly.

โ€œThanks Sierra, I misjudged you. You are useful to the team.โ€ Cody nods.

โ€œI forgive you and Iโ€™ll back off a bit if it makes you feel better,โ€ Sierra replies, giving Cody a quick hug.

Sierra: (Confessional) Seeing Cody after having a crush on him made me act all stalker-ish, but now Iโ€™ve calmed down a bit. Maybe this will make Cody like me even more and Coderra will happen! Eeeee!!!!

Meanwhile, Bridgette tries to get Izzy down from a tree and Team CIRRRRH skips ahead of Team Not-So-Victorious.

โ€œWell, I know who Iโ€™m voting for.โ€ Leshawna mumbles, while DJ and Katie nod.

Finally, Bridgette and Izzy rejoin their team, only to find that they are in last place for the first time.

โ€œYou cost us the game!โ€ Leshawna yells to Izzy, who is busy playing with a strand of hair.

โ€œTeam Victory, unlike the other teams, you have no idea how this goes. I toss you a barf bag if you are safe. If you donโ€™t get one, itโ€™s bye-bye for you!โ€ Chris says, before tossing a barf bag to Katie.

โ€œKatie is safe and so are Bridgette and DJ.โ€ Chris continues, tossing barf bags to the two teens.

Leshawna and Izzy are in the bottom two, with Leshawna glaring at Izzy and Izzy maniacally chewing her arm.

โ€œThe last barf bag goes toโ€ฆ

โ€ฆLeshawna.โ€  Chris finishes, with Leshawna catching her barf bag and grinning at Izzy.

โ€œBye-bye guys! Have fun!โ€ Izzy says, jumping off the plane with her parachute.

โ€œThatโ€™s six down, 12 to go! Will Team Victory be able to overcome their loss? Will Team Amazon start a winning streak? Will Scott find a way to make his team lose? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris narrates.

Chapter 8. Slap Slap Revolution [ ]

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, we landed in New York and had a Central Park race. The Amazon trio pulled ahead and won their second challenge. Team Victory was not so victorious, thanks to Izzy, who was booted off that night. 11 people remain! Who will win? Where are we headed? Will Team Me ever win? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris narrates.

The scene switches to first-class with Heather, Sierra and Cody all enjoying their little perks.

โ€œIf we hadnโ€™t booted off Gwen and Courtney, we never would have won.โ€ Heather says, her eyes hidden behind cucumbers.

โ€œGwenโ€ฆโ€ Cody sighs.

Cody: (Confessional) Everything has been so hard-core lately, I have forgotten about Gwen. I miss her.

Meanwhile, Beth blabs to Noah about some topic.

โ€œCan you stop?โ€ asks Noah, burying his nose in his book.

โ€œSorry, itโ€™s just that Lindsay is gone and I have no one to talk to!โ€ Beth apologizes.

โ€œTalk to someone on the other team!โ€ Noah answers.

Alejandro then moves close to her. โ€œOr you could talk to me.โ€ he offers, putting his arm around her.

Beth blushes.

Beth: (Confessional) Donโ€™t worry Brady! I still love you! Itโ€™s all, um, strategy.โ€

Alejandro: (Confessional) No, Iโ€™m not trying to make Beth all useless so I can throw the challenge and vote her off. Iโ€™m trying to gain her trust. As soon as the merge strikes, BAM, she will be dropped like a sack of potatoes. Who would try to throw their own team anyway?

Scott: (Confessional) OK, Noah is so annoying. If I can purposely lose this challenge and point the finger at Noah, bye-bye Noah.

โ€œIโ€™m glad Izzyโ€™s gone.โ€ Katie admits to Leshawna. โ€œShe was kind of creepy.โ€

โ€œGirl, you donโ€™t know the half of it.โ€ Leshawna answers.

โ€œContestants, please file to the storage chamber.โ€ Chris announces over the loudspeaker.

The plane lands and the contestants are about to file out, when DJ stops suddenly, seeing the snow. โ€œAhh!โ€ he screams, before falling down thanks to everyoneโ€™s pushing.

The scene switches to everyone shivering in the cold.

โ€œTeams!โ€ Chris smiles. โ€œItโ€™s time for your musical German challenge! Sing quietly or you will cause an avalanche!โ€

Heather: Keep it down, so I can win the loot! Sierra: Try, I will. But I still got to screech! Cody! Noah and Heather: Shhhh! Heather: Screech on, but you're still out of luck. You suck the lemon chuck. Cody: Wait till you're voted out for being such a lout! Sierra: I'll dance a jig when Chris shoves you out the plane! Alejandro: When you don't hold back and lead the pack, truly there is nothing stopping you, you, you. Leshawna: Swimming in your eyes, it's butterflies, and suddenly there's nothing I can't do. Sorry, Harold.

โ€œGood job guys!โ€ Chris smiles, before Chef, from the plane, shouts โ€œHEY CHRIS MAN, THE PLANE IS NOT EVEN HERE! I NEED TO MOVE!โ€

His bellowing voice causes ice to fall from the mountains and everyone is swept away, screams echoing throughout the Alps.

The scene switches to the 11 teens in front of a wooden platform.

โ€œYour next challenge is to dance a traditional Swedish dance while standing on the colored squares. Each member of each team will, while dancing, have to get rid of the other member by pushing/kicking/doing whatever them off the platform. If you make a mistake while dancing, I will simply press the remote and an electric shock will be released from the square.โ€ Chris announces.

โ€œUhโ€ฆOK?โ€ Everyone says.

โ€œChef will be dancing in front of you, so you will have to keep your eye on him if you donโ€™t want to be shocked!โ€ Chris chuckles. โ€œAnyway, the pairs are Heather and Alejandro, Sierra and DJ, Leshawna and Scott, Katie and Noah and Beth and Cody. Bridgette will have to sit out this round.โ€

Bridgette nods.

The squares are lifted and music begins to play. Everyone follows Chefโ€™s dancing techniques.

โ€œHeather, you look wonderful dancing,โ€ Alejandro smiles.

โ€œUgh!โ€ Heather says, trying to kick him, but getting shocked because she forgot to do a step. โ€œThis challenge is so stupid!โ€ she mutters.

โ€œMissing Sadie, Miss Iโ€™m-So-Strong-Now?โ€ Noah teases.

Katie: (Confessional) No one makes fun of me or Sadie.

โ€œGrrr!โ€ Katie growls, jumping up and kicking Noah square in the face, making him fall onto the ground.

โ€œI really like you, Cody, but I canโ€™t have you winning!โ€ Beth says, kicking him.

Cody falls, prompting an angry Sierra to kick DJ off the square.

Alejandro punches Heather, but she jumps and kicks him.

โ€œOw!!!โ€ Alejandro sputters, wavering a bit.

Scott dodges Leshawnaโ€™s kicks, looking helpless while he does.

Scott: (Confessional) If I just seem like I am trying my hardest, no one on my team will think to boot me off.

Alejandro smiles. โ€œYou canโ€™t let me off-Ow!!!โ€

Heather smiles, her kick to the groin works and Alejandro, half-blind, falls off the square.

The scene switches to Heather vs. Katie, Sierra vs. Beth and Leshawna vs. Scott with Bridgette filling in for the next to fall off the square.

Beth dances, but tries to bump Sierra off at the same time.

โ€œNo way, Beth! No one kicks Cody and gets away with it!โ€ Sierra bellows, kicking Beth in the stomach, prompting her to fall onto the snow below.

Bridgette takes her place, while Heather taunts Katie, much like Noah did.

โ€œScared, are you? You really must miss Sadie.โ€ Heather grins.

Katie looks sad for a moment, before kicking Heather in the face.

โ€œYeah, you go girl!โ€ Leshawna smiles at Katie, before getting shocked.

โ€œThe last person standing wins for their team, the last person to fall loses for their team.โ€ Chris announces.

Scottโ€™s face changes and he stands still for a moment, allowing Leshawna to kick him off the platform.

Scott falls into the snow, shooting an embarrassed looks at his teammates.

Scott: (Confessional) No one is really mad. Now I just need to convince people that Noah didnโ€™t even try and is expendable.

Bridgette dodges Sierraโ€™s kicks and then kicks Sierra multiple times. Sierra wavers, before getting shocked because she mis-stepped. This proves to be too much for the uber-fan, who falls to the ground, dazed.

โ€œTeam Victory wins!โ€ Chris cheers. โ€œTeam CIRRRRH, you are headed to the elimination ceremony tonight.โ€

The scene switches to right before the elimination ceremony.

โ€œSo, Noah is the most obvious to go.โ€ Scott tells Alejandro and Beth. โ€œI mean, even though I did lose for our team, I got farther than Noah. Noah is expendable.โ€

Alejandro and Beth look at each other.

โ€œIโ€™m in.โ€ Beth says.

Alejandro thinks before saying โ€œI-โ€ The scene then switches to the elimination ceremony, leaving the viewer to find out what he did.

โ€œTeam Me,โ€ Chris sighs, โ€œthis is your second elimination ceremony. I have to say, Iโ€™m very disappointed. Anyway, the first barf bag goes toโ€ฆBeth. Alejandro also gets one. Scott, Noah, one of you will be eliminated today and that person will beโ€ฆ

Noah looks at his team. โ€œWell, it was nice while it lasted. Have fun.โ€ Noah grabs his parachute from Chris and jumps off the plane.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Scott may think he is see-through, but I see what he is doing. Come the merge, I may form an alliance with him. Then dump him when the final four happens. Heather may also want to be in my alliance. Hmmโ€ฆ

โ€œThe remaining 10, motives clear, a merge soon.โ€ Chris smiles. โ€œWill Team Victory truly being winning again? Will Team Amazon turn against Sierra? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€

Chapter 9. The Am-AH-Zon Race

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, the remaining 11 contestants landed in the Alps where they sang and danced. Team Victory overcame their humiliating loss and Team CIRRRRH bottomed out once again. That night, Noah was eliminated, thanks to Scottโ€™s clever planning. The final 10! Where are we landing next? Who will be eliminated? Will Team Me ever get a win? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris begins.

The scene switches to first class with the remaining four Team Victory members enjoying their prize.

โ€œSeven episodes and only one elimination!โ€ DJ smiles.

โ€œWe are doing great!โ€ Bridgette agrees.

โ€œItโ€™s all thanks to Katie!โ€ Leshawna says, nibbling on a grape.

โ€œAw, thanks guys, but itโ€™s really not that big a deal.โ€ Katie replies.

โ€œAs long as you are on our team we are all going to make the merge.โ€ Leshawna giggles.

The scene switches to Team Amazon in the economy section.

โ€œSierra! You blew the challenge!โ€ Heather nags.

Sierra looks at her. โ€œItโ€™s not my fault. Bridgette hit me too many times. Anyway, you donโ€™t look so good yourself thanks to Katie.โ€

โ€œGrrโ€ฆโ€Heather growls.

Heather: (Confessional) Katie is a big threat. Of course, no one on her team will vote her off willingly and any mention of Sadie throws her off the edgeโ€ฆ Ah! Since when did the game become so hard?

Team CIRRRRHโ€™s remaining three members are all doing their thing. Beth is reading, Scott is sleeping and Alejandro and sitting, relaxed.

Suddenly, Alejandro perks up and inches to Scott.

Scott opens one eye. โ€œWhat?โ€

Alejandro smiles at him. โ€œI know what you are doing, Scott and I would like to congratulate you on your cleverness. What I am proposing is an alliance. Come the next elimination ceremony, I propose we vote off Beth, OK?โ€

โ€œWhatever.โ€ Scott says, closing his eye. โ€œYeah, sure.โ€

Scott: (Confessional) Yes! Finally I am in an alliance! Alejandro seems to have a plan up his sleeve, but come the final four-

Alejandro: (Confessional) โ€“and I will drop him. The prize is mine! Scott is just a stepping stone to it.

The scene switches to the teens outside the plane in front of a jungle with Chris.

โ€œYour challenge,โ€ Chris introduces, โ€œis to go through the Amazon jungle and hike up the long trail to Machu Picchu. Once you get there, you will have to find the golden treasure. The jungle is too dangerous to hike at night, so, you will have to camp at dusk and wake at dawn.โ€

Cody raises his hand.

โ€œYes Cody, your doctors insisted we supply an Epi-pen because of your allergies.โ€ Chris says, tossing the pen to Sierra, who lets out a childish giggle.

โ€œYour packs are here,โ€ Chris gestures to the bags next to him. โ€œGo!โ€

Team CIRRRRH sets out first, followed by Team Victory and Team Amazon.

The path splits into two.

โ€œI vote right!โ€ Beth says.

โ€œGreat idea Beth.โ€ Alejandro says, making Beth blush.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Itโ€™s a win-win situation. Beth steers us to the right path, we win. Beth steers us wrong and itโ€™s bye-bye former finalist.

Team Victory is next. โ€œI vote left.โ€ Leshawna says, looking at everyone.

They all agree and walk to the left.

Team Amazon is last.

โ€œLetโ€™s follow Team Victory.โ€ Heather says, โ€œif they are right, we can easily beat them to Machu Picchu.โ€

Cody and Sierra agree.

The scene switches to Chris at the front of the forest, thinking. โ€œOh, did I forget to mention the Zing-Zings? Oh well, thereโ€™s no chance of them bumping into the teens, unless they go to the right!โ€ Chris chuckles.

Team CIRRRRH is trudging along when they start to hear singing.

โ€œWhat-what is that?โ€ Beth stutters.

โ€œProbably Chris just trying to scare us.โ€ Alejandro says uncertainly.

All of a sudden, two dark-skinned teens rise up behind the teens and grab them, all three kicking and screaming.

The scene goes to Team Victory ahead of the Amazons. The see Chris in the distance and they all get to him.

โ€œTeam Victoryโ€™s in the lead, unsurprisingly. Hereโ€™s your prize! Bananas!โ€

Bananas fall from the trees and all the members of Team Victory smile and start eating.

โ€œWhat about us?โ€ Heather whines as they reach Chris.

โ€œSecond place means you get-nothing!โ€ Chris chuckles.

Heather groans and looks at Team Victory.

Bridgette meets her eyes and then, feeling sorry for her, tosses a banana to her.

Heather grabs it and eats it hurriedly.

โ€œHey! Thatโ€™s not fair!โ€ Sierra moans, tired from the hike.

Team CIRRRRH is strapped to a tree.

Beth looks at the camera. โ€œCan you help us camera guy?โ€ she says. The camera bobs left to right.

Beth looks mad.

All of a sudden a bell rings. โ€œWhat?โ€ the members of Team Chris groan.

โ€œHey, donโ€™t look at me!โ€ the camera guy says. โ€œChris told me to do this! Youโ€™d better sing.โ€

Beth: We shouldโ€™ve just gone left, we wouldnโ€™t be in this mess.

Scott: In case you forgot, itโ€™s your fault we are going to be one member less.

Alejandro: Now the situation is hopeless-

Beth: -who wouldโ€™ve have guess-ed?

Scott: I know who Iโ€™m voting for.

Beth: Iโ€™m going to have an appointment with the airplane door. Iโ€™m really very-veee-rr-yy so-o-rr-yy!

The scene switches to the next morning and Team Victory is one again ahead, staring up the steps to Machu Picchu.

They all see Team Amazon behind them and race up the stairs.

โ€œSearch for the treasure. Remember, itโ€™s golden.โ€ Chris says.

The two teams frantically search and soon enough Bridgette and Katie run to Chris with the treasure.

โ€œTeam Victory wins-again!โ€ Chris says.

All the members cheer.

โ€œThat means that Team CIRRRRH has lost-again!โ€ Chris deduces.

Sure enough, in the jungle, Team CIRRRRH is still with the Zing-Zings.

โ€œChef!โ€ Beth cheers when she sees him emerging from the woods. โ€œWe are being held at spear-point by these people! I think they are Zing-Zings, because I read about them in a book I had.โ€

โ€œThose arenโ€™t Zing-Zings, they look like local teens.โ€ Chef says, cutting them free.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Alejandro says. โ€œYou mean we couldโ€™ve broken out at any time?โ€

โ€œYeah, but now you need to vote someone out, Team Victory won already.โ€ Chef says while the fake Zing-Zings take off their masks and leave.

Scott shoots a look at Beth, who seems really scared.

Beth: (Confessional) If this is officially the last season for me, bye Total Drama!

Chris smiles at Team CIRRRRH in the elimination ceremony.

โ€œTeam Me, only two of you will remain after this. The first barf bag goes toโ€ฆAlejandro.โ€

Alejandro catches his bag, smiling.

โ€œThe last bag goes toโ€ฆ

โ€ฆScott!โ€ Scott catches his bag, grinning.

โ€œWell, buy guys!โ€ Beth says before jumping out of the plane.

โ€œThat leaves nine competitors! Who will take the plunge next? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris says.

Chapter 10. I Can't Help Falling in Louvre

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, the remaining 10 competitors had to hike to Mach-Picchu. Beth led her team astray and Team Victory had their second win in a row! Beth was booted off that night and Team Me is officially sucking. The final nine people! With a merge just around the corner, what alliances will be formed? What friendships will be broken? What hookups will rock the Total Drama World? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris begins.

In the economy section, Heather taunts Team Chris. โ€œThere you were, all five members standing tall and proud. Now youโ€™re down to a stinky two and havenโ€™t won a single challenge yet!โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re cute when you boast.โ€ Alejandro compliments, causing Heather to turn a furious shade of red.

Sierra and Cody are seen, talking.

Cody: (Confessional) Now that Sierra is less stalker-ish, I figured out that sheโ€™s really nice. Creepy, but nice.

Sierra giggles before saying โ€œThe first time I got a crush on you was when I saw you on a horse outside my bedroom window!โ€

โ€œI, uh, donโ€™t recall that.โ€ Cody says uncomfortably, stroking the back of his neck.

In first class, DJ looks out of the window. โ€œYouโ€™d think for once theyโ€™d let us see where we were headed.โ€

โ€œDream on, sugar.โ€ Leshawna replies. โ€œChris always needs to have a surprise.โ€

โ€œAnyway, we are in the lead!โ€ Katie smiles. โ€œTeam CIRRRRH is down to two and Team Amazon is down to three. We are so going to win this next challenge.โ€

โ€œAttention passengers, we are landing in Paris, France! Buckle your seatbelts.โ€ Chris announces over the speaker.

Soon enough, the scene switches to the nine competitors listening to Chris.

โ€œโ€ฆand your challenge will take place inside the Louvre.โ€ Chris concludes.

The teens follow Chris inside.

โ€œYour challenge is to find the missing pieces of your teamโ€™s specific statue. Search the Louvre for them and then report back here to build your statue.โ€ Chris explains. โ€œTeam Victory, your statue is The Thinker.โ€ Chris says, handing Bridgette a photo of it. โ€œTeam Me, you guys get the Venus statue. Team Amazon you get the statue of David.โ€ Chris concludes, handing the teams their respective photos. โ€œNow, go!โ€

โ€œKatie and I will go one way,โ€ Leshawna says, โ€œBridgette and DJ will go the other way.โ€

โ€œOK!โ€ DJ and Bridgette agree before setting off.

Team Chris heads off in another direction while Heather, Cody and Sierra decide where to search first.

โ€œUgh! This is boring already! How about we release some surprises?โ€ Chris says to Chef, winking.

โ€œLook out!โ€ Heather cries as an ape charges after her team.

DJ and Bridgette are being followed by a seal.

โ€œHey! Hide here!โ€ Bridgette says, opening a door to an exhibit.

DJ and Bridgette hide in the room, when the lights suddenly flicker on, revealing the exhibit to be an Egyptian one.

While Bridgette listens to the door, DJ looks at the mummified objects.

โ€œHey look! This looks like the one we saw in Egypt!โ€ DJ says, reaching out to the mummified dog and petting it.   The dog suddenly crumbles, eliciting a small scream from DJ.

โ€œI think itโ€™s gone! Come on!โ€ Bridgette says, yanking open the door.

Leshawna and Katie have already gathered some pieces when the seal appears behind them.

โ€œAhh!โ€ Katie shrieks. โ€œRun!!!โ€

Team CIRRRRH is ahead, needing only one more piece to complete their sculpture. There is a slight drawback though; the piece is behind some laser beams.

Alejandro and Scott exchange glances before Scott gives Alejandro his pieces and tries to get through the laser beams.

Team Amazon had dodged the ape and Sierra is searching through the art gallery while Heather and Cody hold the pieces.

โ€œHurry up, Sierra!โ€ Heather groans.

Suddenly, Leshawna and Katie rush by, the seal still tailing them.

โ€œSong time!โ€ Chris chimes in. โ€œLeshawna and Katie sing and Team Amazon has to sing backup.โ€

Leshawna: Thereโ€™s a seal chasing after us!

Katie: We donโ€™t have time to make a fuss!

Heather and Sierra: Yeah! Run run run, the seal thinks its fun.

Leshawna: It wouldnโ€™t think so if it suddenly weighed a ton!

Katie: I canโ€™t think of any more rhymes for โ€œfunโ€ right now!

Cody: There they go with the seal in tow. (Not our problem, thank goodness.)

โ€œWasnโ€™t much of a song,โ€ Chris mutters, while watching the two Team Victory members run to the main hall.

They bump into DJ and Bridgette who have gathered a couple of pieces.

โ€œWatch out DJ!โ€ Bridgette cries as the seal heads into DJโ€™s direction.

โ€œWha-?โ€ DJ cries, not seeing the seal as he steps on its neck, causing the seal to gasp for breath.

โ€œYouโ€™re torturing the poor thing!โ€ Katie says, giving her pieces to Leshawna. She tries to get DJโ€™s foot off of it while Team CIRRRRH pulls in and begins to build their statue.

The seal eventually is free and clings to Katie.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry buddy!โ€ DJ says, reaching to it, causing the seal to bite him. โ€œOw!โ€

โ€œWeโ€™re losing time!โ€ Leshawna says and begins to build the statue with Bridgette as Team Amazon walks in.

The teams are racing and soon enough, Team CIRRRRH and Team Victory are tying for first.

The seal detaches itself from Katie and flops onto the floor, trying to get some sleep.

โ€œThereโ€™s a piece missing!โ€ Leshawna screeches.

โ€œIโ€™ll go look for it!โ€ Bridgette says, scurrying off into the next hall.

Team CIRRRRH puts its final pieces together as Bridgette comes back.

โ€œWe dropped it in the hall,โ€ she says. Not looking where sheโ€™s going, Bridgette accidentally steps onto the seal and trips onto the statue, causing it to fall into a million pieces.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Leshawna cries and glares at Bridgette, who looks up and says โ€œUh-ohโ€ฆโ€

โ€œTeam Me finally wins!โ€ Chris says. โ€œTeam Amazon comes in at a close second and Team Victoryโ€ฆwellโ€ฆis not so victoriousโ€ฆโ€ Chris trials off while seeing Team Victoryโ€™s shambles.

Leshawna, DJ and Katie glare at Bridgette.

At the elimination ceremony, Chris has handed bags to Leshawna and Katie. Bridgette and DJ are in the bottom two.

โ€œThe final barf bag goes toโ€ฆ

โ€ฆDJ. Sorry Bridgette, but youโ€™re outta here!โ€ Chris smiles.

โ€œBye guys, sorry I messed up.โ€ Bridgette apologizes before taking the drop of shame.

โ€œSee you girl.โ€ Leshawna waves to the disappearing figure.

โ€œThat leaves eight competitors. Will Team Victory bounce back? Can Alejandro and Scott win a second time? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris concludes.

Chapter 11. Newf Kids on the Rock

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, the remaining nine competitors had to find pieces of their specific statue in the Louvre. Team Victory fell to last place when Bridgette clumsily broke her teamโ€™s statue and she was voted off. DJ touched a mummified dog in the Egyptian exhibition, possibly cursing him. Who will lose? Who will win? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris narrates.

In first class Scott and Alejandro enjoy their first ever win.

โ€œThe perks are so good.โ€ Scott smiles, eating some grapes while enjoying a massage.

โ€œYes, my friend. Winning has such privileges.โ€ Alejandro grins.

Alejandro: (Confessional) The merge is just around the corner. As long as I seem like a friend to Scott, I will be able to dump him at the merge.

The scene switches to economy class, where Team Amazon and Team Victory talk about their most recent loss.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe I hurt that poor seal last time.โ€ DJ says. โ€œIt wasnโ€™t like me. Iโ€™m usually very good with animals.โ€

Katie pats his shoulder. โ€œMaybe you were just nervous.โ€

โ€œMaybe it was because I touched that dog in the Egypt exhibit.โ€ DJ mumbles.

Katie jumps up. โ€œWhat? Do you think it cursed you?โ€

โ€œUhโ€ฆmaybeโ€ฆโ€ DJ replies.

โ€œOh, thatโ€™s silly. Curses donโ€™t exist in real life.โ€ Leshawna says with a wave of her hand.

โ€œDonโ€™t be so sure.โ€ Katie answers.

Team Amazonโ€™s members also are talking.

โ€œWe have to win the next challenge. We have been in second place way too often.โ€ Heather argues.

โ€œBeing in second place is good. Besides, the merge is soon. Why are you so big on us winning?โ€ Cody asks.

โ€œI donโ€™t want this team to go down as the worst team this season.โ€ Heather growls.

โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Team CIRRRRH holds that record.โ€ Sierra says, holding up a calculator. โ€œThey had three eliminations while we only had two.โ€

โ€œWhatever.โ€ Heather rolls her eyes.

Chris in the cockpit grabs the speaker and says โ€œGet ready to land!โ€ before winking at Chef, who leaves the cockpit.

Chef pushes all the contestants through the door leading out into the water.

The wet teens struggle to stay afloat as Chris arrives in his boat. โ€œWelcome to Newfoundland!โ€ he says in an accent, making everyone confused.

โ€œWho-the-what-now?โ€ Cody asks.

โ€œI think he said โ€˜Welcome to Newfoundland!โ€™ This is where Chris grew up.โ€ Sierra smiles.

โ€œCorrect Sierra! Youโ€™re challenge is to get to the boats just behind me and get to Newfoundland. The first two teams there will advance to Round 2 and the last team there will suffer elimination.โ€ Chris says, gesturing the three motorboats behind him. โ€œGO!!!โ€

The teamโ€™s race and Team CIRRRRH arrives first to their boat, followed by Team Victory and Team Amazon.

โ€œDonโ€™t forget to sing!โ€ Chris says to the teens, who all groan.

Alejandro: We're heading down to Newfoundland, that rocky eastern shore! Scott: I'll have the shrimp, mussels, cod, and the lobster thermidor! Heather: I donโ€™t want to start losing, so we better get there first! Row harder, faster, both of you. For the win, work up a thirst! Stroke, stroke, stroke! Sierra: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy! Cody: Sierra, you're a nut-bar, but you sure can row! Sierra: Thanks Cody!

Heather: Stroke, stroke, stroke! Sierra and Cody: Trying our best, Heather, our arms are getting fried!

Leshawna and Katie: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy! DJ: Some animal could get hurt with a sea shanty!

โ€œCome on, stroke!โ€ Leshawna orders Katie and DJ, who are both sweating a lot.

All of a sudden, a seagull flies up to DJ and perches on his head.

โ€œGet away, seagull. I donโ€™t think you are safe with me!โ€ DJ says, waving his arms.

The seagull keeps his position, until DJ accidentally smacks it and the seagull falls into the ocean.

โ€œNo!โ€ DJ cries, tears streaming out of his eyes.

The seagull perks up and DJ breathes a sigh of relief until a shark comes and gulps the seagull.

โ€œWhy!???!!!โ€ DJ sobs.

โ€œCut it out DJ, we donโ€™t have time!โ€ Leshawna says, forcing him to hold the paddle.

Team CIRRRRH pulls ahead of Team Victory and Team Amazon, Alejandro giving a smirk to the teams.

โ€œGrr!โ€ Heather cries, paddling fiercely, rocking the boat and causing Cody to fall out.

โ€œCody!โ€ Sierra cries and dives out to grab him, making Heather even more furious.

Team CIRRRRH arrives at the shore a few minutes before Team Victory does.

โ€œThese two lucky teams are going to battle it out for the winner!โ€ Chris says, before glancing at DJโ€™s sad face. โ€œWhatโ€™s up with him?โ€

โ€œI killed a seagull!โ€ DJ wails.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Yes! With DJ thinking his team will lose, the biggest team threat will be sure to do just that!

Team Amazon comes in last with a wet Sierra and Cody and an angry Heather. โ€œCome on!โ€ she groans.

The scene switches to inside a cabin on the shore.

โ€œTeams, this next challenge is in three parts. First you have to drink a jug of ale, then decipher what my cousin, Jerd McLean, is saying and then you have kiss a fish!โ€ Chris explains.

โ€œDJ, you do that. It might get your head off this stupid โ€˜curseโ€™.โ€ Leshawna says.

โ€œNo! Come on!โ€ DJ begs, but Leshawna shakes her head.

Leshawna: (Confessional) That boy needs to toughen up.

โ€œScott, you do the first part. I will take care of the other parts.โ€ Alejandro says to a nodding Scott.

The ale jugs are placed in front of Leshawna and Scott.

โ€œGO!!!โ€ Chris orders and both start drinking fast.

Leshawna starts to cough but forces the fiery drink down her throat.

Scott chokes and tries to say something before trying to drink some more.

Leshawna finishes first and Katie starts Round 2.

Jerd says something to her and Katie blinks rapidly. โ€œUhโ€ฆโ€

Scott also finishes and Alejandro does part two getting a different phrase to decipher from Jerd.

โ€œThe worst thing you can have in your headโ€ฆโ€ Alejandro begins.

โ€œUmโ€ฆpeople talk about the weather but nobody does anything about it?โ€ Katie says.

Jerd nods and DJ is given a fish. DJ tentatively kisses it before Chris barks โ€œLike you mean it!โ€

โ€œโ€ฆno teeth?โ€ Alejandro finishes. Jerd nods and Alejandro is given a fish.

DJ looks at the fish. โ€œYou are kind of cute!โ€ he says and gives it a long kiss, just as Alejandro starts to kiss his fish.

Chris looks at the two teen boys, trying to decide a winner before saying โ€œI canโ€™t do it! Itโ€™s a tie! You both win!โ€

Team Victory cheers and so does Team CIRRRRH.

โ€œSee, told you that curse was stupid.โ€ Leshawna says.

โ€œYou are right.โ€ DJ smiles, squeezing his fish, causing it to gasp for breath and go limp in hos hand. DJโ€™s head turns to the fish and he starts to cry again.

In the plane, Sierra and Cody meet up.

โ€œVote for Heather.โ€ Sierra whispers and Cody nods.

At the elimination ceremony, Team Amazon waits for the votes to be tallied.

  โ€œThe first barf bag goes toโ€ฆCody!โ€ Chris smiles.

โ€œYes!โ€ Cody grabs his bag.

โ€ฆSierra! Bye Heather.โ€

โ€œWhat?!โ€ Heather cries. โ€œHow dare you!โ€

Sierra snickers and Cody waves.

Cody: (Confessional) If I had to chose between stalker Sierra and evil Heather, frankly Iโ€™d choose Sierra. Besides, Heather is a big threat.

All of a sudden, DJ bounds in. โ€œChris man!โ€ he says. โ€œI quit. I have harmed so many animals, I just canโ€™t go through with it anymore.โ€

โ€œAre you sure?โ€ Chris asks.

โ€œYes!โ€ DJ cries.

โ€œOK, that means DJ is eliminated and Heather is safe.โ€ Chris says, tossing a parachute to DJ while Sierra and Cody gasp and Heather grins.

Katie and Leshawna bound in. โ€œYou canโ€™t quit DJ!โ€ Katie says.

โ€œI can and I will. Animals are my friends and I canโ€™t keep doing this to them.โ€ DJ says before waving and jumping.

โ€œWell, that was unexpected. Seven contestants remain! Who will win and who will be eliminated? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris concludes.

Chapter 12. The Aftermath II: Aftermath Aftermayhem [ ]

The Aftermath music plays, showing clips from the past few episodes:

Izzy jumps out of the carriage, shouting โ€œSquirrel!โ€

  โ€œIzzy!โ€ Leshawna growls. โ€œWe donโ€™t have time for this!โ€

โ€œWelcome to the next installment of the Total Drama World Tour Aftermath!โ€ Geoff says, walking onstage to the cheering crowd. โ€œIโ€™m your co-host Geoff and this isโ€ฆโ€

โ€œโ€ฆyour co-host Bridgette!โ€ Bridgette finishes, walking on stage as she says so.

โ€œโ€ฆand your new host Blaineley!โ€ Blaineley says, walking on-stage.

The audience stops clapping and Bridgette exchanges a confused glance to Geoff.

โ€œI thought she left the show and went back to Celebrity Manhunt .โ€ Bridgette says.

โ€œShe wanted to, but they wouldnโ€™t let her return.โ€ Geoff replies.

Blaineley shoots him a look before turning to crowd and saying โ€œLetโ€™s give a warm welcome to the peanut-โ€

โ€œ-gallery!โ€ Bridgette cuts Blaineley off, earning her a glare as the spotlight shines on the 13 eliminated/didnโ€™t compete contestants who all wave.

โ€œWe have a great show for you tonight, with lots of surprises! First, though, letโ€™s meet our newest peanut gallery members!โ€ Blaineley says.

โ€œHey, this is our gig!โ€ Geoff butts in.

โ€œNot anymore. Iโ€™m staying on the show whether you like it or not!โ€ Blaineley smiles. โ€œItโ€™s in my contract.โ€

Geoff groans as Bridgette smiles awkwardly at the camera and says โ€œFirst up, the crazy girl that has returned twice to the show, Izzy!โ€

Izzy gallops on stage, smiling at everyone wildly.

โ€œNext up, the cynical teen that managed to just get to the final 11 this season, Noah!โ€ Blaineley continues.

Noah walks on stage, smiling and waving.

โ€œFollowed by the previous finalist who managed to get voted off by an antagonist again, Beth!โ€ Geoff waves his hands as Beth enters the stage, looking at the camera and waving.

โ€œThe already-eliminated loser Bridgette is here and letโ€™s give a warm welcome to her, huh?โ€ Blaineley announces, earning a glare from Bridgette and Geoff.

โ€œWhy donโ€™t you go to one of those places where all the mean adults hang out and make fun of people there?โ€ Bridgette smirks.

โ€œWhatever,โ€ Blaineley says. โ€œLast but not least, the huggable and loveable and 8th-placer once again teen, DJ!โ€

DJ enters the stage, smiling.

โ€œNow, moving on we have a surprise-โ€ Blaineley begins before being cut off by Beth, who says โ€œArenโ€™t you going to interview us first?โ€

โ€œNo, because we have something more important to do!โ€ Blaineley chuckles.

โ€œWe have to get rid of her.โ€ Bridgette says to Geoff, who nods.

โ€œThe Aftermath is proud to announce the first ever Total Drama Second Chance challenge!โ€ Geoff says to the cheering crowd.

โ€œHey, I was going to say that!โ€ Blaineley pouts.

โ€œHow about you go away? The show doesnโ€™t need another host. Two is already enough.โ€ Bridgette angrily says to Blaineley.

โ€œTwo is never enough!โ€ Blaineley says to Bridgette before pushing Geoff out of the way and saying โ€œThatโ€™s why five peanut gallery members out of the current 18 will get a chance to go back/debut onto the show!โ€ Blaineley shouts.

Turning to the peanut gallery, she says โ€œTwo of the interns behind me,โ€ she waves to the mentioned interns โ€œwill shoot out peanut cans. 12 of them contain just peanuts, but five of them contain golden Chris heads which means you get a chance to return/debut into the game! Ready?โ€

Everyone crowds around in front of the peanut gallery box, some eager and some not.

โ€œFire!โ€ Blaineley says and the peanut cans are let loose.

Everyone tries to catch one. Tyler catches one and opens it and a golden Chris hits him in the face.

โ€œTyler is our-โ€ Bridgette begins.

โ€œ-first competitor!โ€ Blaineley finishes.

Tyler goes and stands next to the three hosts while some other people open their cans.

Sadie and Lindsay open their cans and both squeal when a golden Chris head comes out.

โ€œYay!โ€ Sadie smiles and both of the girls walk up to the hosts.

โ€œOnly two cans left!โ€ Blaineley says.

Gwen opens one and gets a Chris, but Courtney shoves her aside and says โ€œI got one!โ€

โ€œUhโ€ฆOK...โ€ Geoff says as Courtney walks to the front.

Izzy opens hers and a golden Chris head pops out.

โ€œIzzy once again gets a chance to return!โ€ Geoff says.

โ€œThatโ€™s our five competitors.โ€ Bridgette smiles.

โ€œWhatโ€™s our challenge? Iโ€™d like to return and make sure Heather gets eliminated.โ€ Courtney asks.

โ€œYour challenge is-โ€ Geoff begins.

โ€œ-the Total Drama-โ€ Blaineley picks up.

โ€œ-board game!โ€ Bridgette closes.

โ€œOh! It looks adorable!โ€ Lindsay swoons at the huge board game before her.

โ€œEach square is either a member of the final seven or five of the most recent places visited. Your challenge is to get across and answer one riddle in order to debut/return to the game! Each square is a mini-challenge or booby-trapped. Letโ€™s begin!โ€ Blaineley instructs.

A huge die is tossed to Tyler, who rolls a three.

Tyler walks to the square and says โ€œWhatโ€™s my-โ€ before the square disappears and so does Tyler.

โ€œOoh, Tyler just walked into a booby-trapped square!โ€ Bridgette says. โ€œNext up, Courtney!โ€

Courtney takes it and rolls a four, making her go to the Owen square.

โ€œYou have to eat three roast turkeys in under one minute!โ€ Blaineley instructs.

โ€œThatโ€™s impossible!โ€ Courtney says, before seeing the three huge roasted turkeys before her.

โ€œOK, Iโ€™ll try!โ€ Courtney says, eating fast and furiously, most of the food flying onto the walls.

โ€œShe did it!โ€ Blaineley cheers, making her the only one who is.

โ€œNext up, Izzy!โ€ Geoff continues.

Izzy rolls the die and she gets a one, making her land on the France square.

โ€œYour challenge is to get the painting from the crazed psycho bear behind you!โ€ Blaineley cries.

Izzy turns around and tackles the bear, before emerging triumphant carrying the picture.

โ€œIzzyโ€™s still in the game!โ€ Geoff says before tossing the die to Lindsay, who rolls a five. Lindsay hops to the Heather square.

โ€œYour challenge is to make a haiku about Heather, emphasizing her best attributes in thirty seconds!โ€ Bridgette instructs.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Lindsay asks, confused. โ€œWhatโ€™s a haiku and whatโ€™s an attribute?โ€

โ€œTimeโ€™s up!โ€ Blaineley smiles. โ€œLindsayโ€™s out!โ€

Lindsay walks to the peanut gallery as Sadie rolls getting a six.

โ€œEeeeeeee!!!!โ€ Sadie squeals, getting to the New York square.

โ€œYour challenge is to pick the plastic apple that doesnโ€™t have a turtle in it.โ€ Blaineley says, showing Sadie three apples.

โ€œEenie, meeny, miny, mo.โ€ Sadie says, choosing her apples carefully. Her finger lands on the second one and Blaineley opens it, showing no turtle.

โ€œThatโ€™s three contestants!โ€ Bridgette says. โ€œNext up, Courtney!โ€

Courtney rolls a four making her land on the Scott square.

โ€œYour challenge is to name the person Scott made eliminated.โ€ Bridgette says.

โ€œUgh! Lindsay!โ€ Courtney answers. โ€œThat wasnโ€™t even a challenge.โ€

Izzy rolls a one which turns out to be booby-trapped.

Sadie rolls another six, making her land on the Germany square.

โ€œYou have to balance three meatballs on your nose for ten seconds!โ€ Blaineley says.

Sadie does so and succeeds.

โ€œYou move on to the question challenge!โ€ Blaineley says.

โ€œThe question is: What is Katieโ€™s favorite band!โ€ Bridgette asks.

โ€œOMG! Itโ€™s the Drama Brothers!โ€ Sadie cheers.

โ€œCorrect! Sadie gets to debut on the show!โ€ Geoff cheers and so does everyone else except Courtney.

โ€œHey! Thatโ€™s not fair!โ€ Courtney says, racing up.

โ€œTalk to the hand sister!โ€ Blaineley answers.

โ€œEeeeee!!!! Katie, here I come!โ€ Sadie squeals.

All of a sudden, some people come on stage and say โ€œThere she is!โ€

Blaineley is handcuffed and everyone stops cheering.

โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong?โ€ Bridgette asks.

โ€œShe is arrested for poisoning the boss of the Aftermath so she could join the show.โ€ one person says.

โ€œYes!โ€ Bridgette and Geoff cheer while Blaineley screams โ€œHey! It was his own fault! I warned him!โ€

Blaineley is dragged off stage and Geoff turns to the camera. โ€œWell, that was a surprising end! Tune in to the next episode and see what drama Sadieโ€™s presence may cause! Bye!โ€

Sadie waves as the screen turns to black.

Chapter 13. Jamaican Me Merge

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, we landed in Newfoundland. Team Amazon ran out of luck when they came in last place in the boat race and Team Victory and Team CIRRRRH did so well in the second part of the challenge I declared it a tie. Also, the Aftermath hosted the very first second chance challenge and lucky Sadie won it. Will Sadie cause some drama (I seriously doubt it)? What team will she be placed on or will there be a merge? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris begins.

Team CIRRRRH and Team Victory are seen in first class enjoying their little perks.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Our luck is changing. We used to be the worst team, but now Team Chris has won twice! However, I can suspect that the merge will happen soon and if that is the case, I will make sure I vote off Scott.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe DJ quit.โ€ Katie says to Leshawna. โ€œIf we lose, our team will only have one member.โ€

โ€œBelieve me girl, DJ quits because he is a regular mommaโ€™s boy.โ€ Leshawna replies.

The scene switches to Team Amazon in the economy class.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe you two voted me off! Especially you, Cody! You hate Sierra, sheโ€™s a stalker!โ€ Heather rants.

โ€œYeah, but sheโ€™s been nicer recently.โ€ Cody says to Heather, earning a hug from Sierra, but not one that suffocates him.

โ€œThanks Codykins!โ€ Sierra giggles.

โ€œAnyway, if there is a merge, you can be sure that you two will be voted off.โ€ Heather threatens.

โ€œWhatever, Heather. Youโ€™re one of the biggest threats.โ€ Sierra points out.

Heather groans angrily as the plane begins to land.

The scene switches to the three teams standing on top of a ledge with Chris, who is wearing traditional Jamaican clothing.

โ€œWelcome to Jamaica teams! I have a surprise that will seriously surprise you! Someoneโ€™s debuting!โ€ Chris smiles.

Heather: (Confessional) I thought for sure it would be Eva or Harold, but no, it was-

โ€œEveryone welcomeโ€ฆโ€ Chris says, dramatically pausing as everyone waits.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Can Chris really do that? Can he really debut someone so late in the game?

โ€œโ€ฆSadie!โ€ Chris ends. Sadie suddenly appears and gives Katie a hug.

โ€œEeeeeee! Iโ€™m so happy to be back!โ€ Sadie squeals.

For a minute, Katie looks confused and then her face changes to that look she always had on Total Drama Island whenever she was with Sadie.

โ€œEeeee!!!! Itโ€™s, like, so weird that you debuted in the final seven!โ€ Katie says.

Leshawna, Heather, Alejandro, Scott, Sierra and Cody all exchange looks.

Heather: (Confessional) Katieโ€™s take-on attitude disappeared! Yes! That means she can easily be eliminated.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Katieโ€™s allโ€ฆdifferentโ€ฆ However, this isnโ€™t bad. I can easily convince those two squealing twins to be in an alliance with me, especially Sadie.

Leshawna: (Confessional) Buh-bye smart Katie.

โ€œWhat team is that loser on?โ€ Heather asks Chris.

โ€œNo team, because the merge starts here!โ€ Chris announces.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Yes!

Scott: (Confessional) Yes!

Heather: (Confessional) Gullible Sadie debuts? Katie is not smart anymore? I made the merge? This day just gets better and better.

โ€œYour first challenge is to dive into the body of water beneath me. There, you will have to search for the golden necklace and return it to me. The first person to get it to me will win an advantage in the next challenge.โ€ Chris instructs. โ€œNow go! By the way, there are electric eels in the water!โ€

The teens gasp, but by then they have all jumped into the water.

โ€œOmigosh, we should so totally partner up!โ€ Sadie tells Katie.

โ€œYes! Are you, like, a mind-reader?โ€ Katie asks excitedly.

Heather is below the water, searching for the necklace when she bumps into Alejandro.

Heather: (Confessional) After I get Sadie and Katie gone, I am so getting Alejandro.

Alejandro smiles at her and tries to draw her attention to his muscled chest, but she pushes him away and goes up for some air.

Leshawna: (Confessional) I made it to the merge in all three seasons! Whoo-hoo! Now I just have to make sure I donโ€™t get booted off too soon.

Leshawna searches through the water and sees an eel. She swims away and goes up for air.

โ€œLetโ€™s, like, check here!โ€ Katie says, pointing to where Leshawna was.

โ€œNo! There are-โ€ Leshawna warns, but already the girls have dived below.

Sadie and Katie giggle while searching and therefore donโ€™t see the eel, which goes and stings them.

โ€œAhhh!!!โ€ Sadie and Katie shriek and immediately jump out of the water.

While the paramedics go to Katie and Sadie, Scott is seen searching for the necklace. Excitedly, he finds it. Alejandro swims up to him and beckons for him to give it to him. Scott looks back and forth before swimming up with Alejandro.

โ€œWhy should I give it to you?โ€ he asks.

โ€œBecause if you do, I will most likely win invincibility and can protect you from the votes!โ€ Alejandro says.

โ€œI can easily win invincibility and save you the trouble.โ€ Scott points out.

Sierra and Cody are underwater and see Scott holding the necklace. Sierra dashes forward and grabs it, but Scott is till holding it, causing him to fall into the water. Sierra dashes onto the shore, but Heather sees her and runs to her. A brief fight ensures and soon enough, Sierra has emerged victorious and runs to Chris.

โ€œSierra wins part one! Everyone out of the water.โ€ Chris instructs.

The scene switches to the medical tent where Sadie and Katie are knocked out from the sting.

Suddenly, Katie opens her eyes and looks at Sadie.

Katie: (Confessional) That sting knocked some sense into me. Sadieโ€™s debut is throwing me off my game. I need to be able to still be strong in the game, like when Sadie wasnโ€™t in the game.

โ€œHey, Katie! Glad youโ€™re awake because itโ€™s singing time!โ€ Chris instructs.

Katie groans as she begins to sing.

Katie: Sadie and I were really good friendsโ€ฆ

But now Iโ€™m not sure what to doโ€ฆ

That sting helped me see things in a different lensโ€ฆ

What should I do?

Sadieโ€™s slowing me downโ€ฆ

So what should tell her now?

I donโ€™t want her to frownโ€ฆ

Or have a cow.

I canโ€™t ask anyone for helpโ€ฆ

What shouldโ€ฆIโ€ฆdoooo?

Katie cries at the end of the song and the scene switches to the second part of the challenge.

โ€œThis part of the challenge is simple: Ride the roller coaster ride that I built. The person with the fastest time wins.โ€ Chris gestures to the ride in question and everyone gasps.

โ€œIs it safe?โ€ Heather asks, looking at the ride from hell.

โ€œOnly one intern died, so yeah.โ€ Chris smiles.

โ€œWeโ€™ll do it in a random order. Who wants to go first?โ€ Chris asks.

Sierra raises her hand.

Time fast-forwards and Sierra is seen about to start the ride on a piece of wood with wheels.

โ€œGo!โ€ Chris says and Sierra rides the ride.

Sierra: (Confessional) That ride was such a rush!

Sierra dips and dives and eventually finishes the ride.

โ€œThat was 20.65 seconds, but your advantage is that I take five seconds off it, so it was 15.65.โ€ Chris says.

A montage is shown of Codyโ€™s, Heatherโ€™s and Leshawnaโ€™s rides, Cody getting 22.46, Heather getting 19.76 and Leshawna getting 35.89 because she got wedged partway.

Alejandro was the next to go, but an intern arrives with Katie and Sadie, somewhat recovered from the past events.

โ€œKatie goes first and then Sadie!โ€ Chris says.

โ€œI need to go with Katie!โ€ Sadie pleads.

Katie looks uncomfortable, while Chris explains that she has to go alone or leave the competition.

โ€œFine.โ€ Sadie says grumpily.

Sadie and Katie each go, getting a 23.43 and a 19.65 respectively.

Alejandro goes next, dipping and diving, but punching a board on the ride, causing it to stick up.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Scottโ€™s a threat and could win the challenge, so I had to throw a curve his way to make sure he was eliminated.

Alejandro gets a time of 19.95. Scott goes next.

โ€œYou can do it amigo!โ€ Alejandro cheers, being the only one who is.

Scott gives him a thumbs-up, but is scowling.

Scott: (Confessional) I lost my chance at invincibility because of him. After today, he is so eliminated.

Scott dips and dives and suddenly shoots up, because of the board, causing him to smash into trees way off the course.

โ€œOohโ€ฆincomplete! That means Sierra wins the first challenge after the merge!โ€ Chris says and Sierra cheers, giving Cody a hug. โ€œThat means you should vote off anyone except her.โ€ Chris orders and the scene switches to the economy class section.

โ€œAmigo, I am sorry I ruined your chance at invincibility.โ€ Alejandro says to Scott.

โ€œTwice. That upright board wasnโ€™t there when you had your turn.โ€ Scott replies.

โ€œListen amigo, I had nothing to do with that. I donโ€™t know how it happened. Please, at least let us vote off Katie tonight. That way gullible Sadie will be an easy target for both of us. Iโ€™m giving both of us a chance to get a gullible alliance member.โ€ Alejandro says.

Scott looks at him suspiciously. โ€œOK.โ€ Scott agrees.

Scott: (Confessional) โ€ฆbut then he is going down!

Alejandro leaves Scott and goes to Cody and Leshawna, who are chatting. โ€œAmigos, I was just wondering if you knew that Scott is going to convince Heather to vote you off, either today or the next challenge.โ€

โ€œWhat?โ€ Leshawna jumps up angrily.

โ€œHow do you know this?โ€ Cody asks worriedly.

โ€œBecause he told me and tried to convince me too, but I said no. However, who knows who he will ask. He could ask Katie and Sadie. You better vote off Scott with me.โ€ Alejandro says.

โ€œOK. Letโ€™s do that.โ€ Leshawna agrees and Cody gives a quick nod.

Cody: (Confessional) Iโ€™d better watch out for Alejandro. Who knows what he could be doing? Just telling us randomly? Suspicious! However, Iโ€™m going to vote off Scott, just in case.

Alejandro goes to Sadie and Katie, who are getting ready to go vote and tells them the same thing.

โ€œโ€ฆso youโ€™d better vote Scott off.โ€ he concludes.

โ€œOK!โ€ Sadie agrees. โ€œOMG! Does that mean we are in an alliance with you?โ€ Sadie asks.

โ€œMaybe. Come see me later and I will tell you.โ€ Alejandro says.

He leaves and Sadie smiles at Katie, who smiles back before looking down.

The scene switches to the elimination ceremony. Chris holds seven barf bags.

โ€œThe first barf bag goes to Sierra.โ€ Chris says, passing out the barf bags.

โ€œFollowed by Heather and Cody.โ€ Chris continues, throwing the two barf bags to them.

โ€œSadie and Leshawna are also safe, as is Alejandro.โ€ Chris smiles, holding only one barf bag now.

Katie looks scared and Scott looks surprised, but confident.

โ€ฆKatie!โ€ Chris concludes.

Katie catches her barf bag and Scott furiously faces Alejandro. โ€œYou did this!โ€ he screams.

โ€œI cannot tell a lie.โ€ Alejandro snickers.

Before Scott can do anything, Chris gives him his parachute and pushes him off the plane.

โ€œBye!โ€ Chris says.

โ€œSadie, come with me.โ€ Katie whispers.

The two leave and go to the economy section, while Chris tells Sierra to pick someone to go to first class with her (not surprisingly, her pick is Cody).

โ€œSadie, weโ€™ve been good friends for a long time butโ€ฆI think its best if we try to move on, not let our friendship get in the way of the game. I mean, we can still be friends, but us acting all silly and emphasizing our friendship makes us easy pickings and neither of us will get a shot at the million if we act this way. We can still be friends, but weโ€™re teens, not five anymore and we should not be so kid-like and, well, play the game. Itโ€™s the way I got this far.โ€ Katie explains.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Sadie asks. โ€œYouโ€™re breaking up with me as friends?โ€

โ€œNo, but Iโ€™m saying-โ€ Katie tries to explain, before getting cut off.

โ€œYes, thatโ€™s what youโ€™re doing! We never should have done this game! You have let the game go to your head!โ€ Sadie cries. โ€œYou have turned evil!โ€ Sadie then runs away, tears streaming from her face as Katie looks on helpless.

Sadie runs and bumps into Alejandro.

โ€œWhatโ€™s up chica?โ€ he asks.

โ€œNothingโ€ฆbut am I in your alliance or not?โ€ Sadie replies.

โ€œDo you want to be?โ€ Alejandro presses.

โ€œYes.โ€ Sadie says, shakily.

โ€œThen you are. Katieโ€™s not coming?โ€ Alejandro asks.

โ€œSheโ€ฆumโ€ฆbroke up with me. We are no longer friends.โ€ Sadie says crying a bit, not noticing Alejandroโ€™s smile.

โ€œCome, Iโ€™ll comfort you.โ€ Alejandro grins.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Sadieโ€™s in my alliance and things are going so well! With Sadie without Katie, I can use her to help me get rid of the threat Katie is, (as well as everyone else) and when the final three comes, dump her like the sack of potatoes that she is!

In the cockpit, Chris concludes the episode: โ€œWow. Sadieโ€™s causing even more drama than I thought she would! Who will win invincibility next? Will Sadie start going against Katie? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€

Chapter 14. Chinese Fake-Out

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, Sadie debuted on the show and the teams were merged. Katie momentarily became the squealing girl she was on Total Drama Island, before being stung by an eel in Jamaica and seeing sense. Alejandro convinced almost everyone to vote off Scott, but Sierra and Scott, leading him to be eliminated from the game. Katie then talked to Sadie, advising for them to tone their friendship down a bit, making Sadie mad. Mad enough to join Alejandroโ€™s alliance! The final seven! Who will win invincibility? Where are we headed? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris introduces.

In first class, Cody is sleeping while Sierra eats some pizza.

Sierra: (Confessional) Winning invincibility first is good and bad. Itโ€™s good because it confirms that youโ€™re a good player. Itโ€™s bad because it makes you a big target in the game.

โ€œCody-kins.โ€ Sierra says, poking Cody, who lazily opens one eye. โ€œLetโ€™s form an alliance!โ€

โ€œWhy?โ€ Cody asks suspiciously.

โ€œBecause I am a threat because Iโ€™ve won invincibility and you are โ€˜expendableโ€™ because you placed 17th in Season 1.โ€ Sierra points out.

โ€œSureโ€ฆI guess.โ€ Cody says. โ€œNow can I go to sleep?โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re so cute!โ€ Sierra says, running to hug him. โ€œSure, go to sleep. We have to win invincibility.โ€

In Economy Class, Sadie giggles while Alejandro talks to her.

โ€œYouโ€™re so wonderful chica. I donโ€™t know why you didnโ€™t make the final two in Season 1.โ€ Alejandro smiles.

On the other side, Heather rolls her eyes.

Heather: (Confessional) Only Sadie is dumb enough to fall for that. I wish I could just step in and save the day, but no. If I do, I will playing into Alejandroโ€™s obvious plan.

Katie looks on worriedly as Leshawna files her nails.

โ€œIโ€™m worried about Sadie. Alejandro is kind of suspicious, what if Sadie gets eliminated?โ€ Katie asks.

โ€œDonโ€™t say that about Alejandro! He did warn us about Scott trying to eliminate us.โ€ Leshawna replies.

โ€œI donโ€™t knowโ€ฆ No offense to Sadie, but she isnโ€™t the kind of person someone would just randomly form an alliance with. I have a feeling that Alejandroโ€™s playing a trick on us.โ€ Katie grimly remarks.

Leshawna looks at Alejandro before glancing at Katie. โ€œAre you sure youโ€™re not jealous that Sadie is in the hands of that hot Latino?โ€ she asks.

Katie blushes.

Katie: (Confessional) I just wish Sadie didnโ€™t take my talking to her so personally.   I just advised toning our friendship down a bit and she acts all irrationally.

Katie walks to Sadie and Alejandro. โ€œSadie-โ€ she begins.

โ€œGo away loser.โ€ Sadie says rudely.

Alejandro smiles at Sadie, ignoring Katie.

Katie drops her head down and goes back to her seat.

Time fast-forwards and the final seven along with Chris are seen in a room, with the seven teens sitting in front of a table.

โ€œWhere are we?โ€ Sadie asks.

โ€œChina!โ€ Chris announces. โ€œOriginally we were going to do a race beforehand, but we donโ€™t have enough money to do it, so letโ€™s go move onto the eating challenge!โ€

Leshawna smiles a bit.

Leshawna: (Confessional) I drank cockroach juice on the island. I can easily win this.

โ€œYou each have to eat disgusting, but traditional Chinese food. Each round, the person that finishes last or doesnโ€™t finish their meal will be out of the challenge. The last person to still be eating wins invincibility.โ€ Chris explains.

Alejandro looks slightly worried before resting his eyes on Sadie.

Alejandro: (Confessional) My body is my temple. I canโ€™t eat disgusting garbage. However, with Sadie as my alliance member, maybe this can help me win.

โ€œFirst course, donkey meat!โ€ Chris says, putting plates in front of the contestants. โ€œWhile you eat, letโ€™s sing!โ€

The teens groan as they break into song:

Chris: A little Chinese lesson, for you. Manman chi means "enjoy your meal." Everyone (except Sierra): Manman chi. It's no raw deal . Cody: Is it roasted eel?

The teens eat quickly. Alejandro whispers something to Sadie before passing her his plate under the table and ducking down.

Leshawna finishes first, followed by Sierra and Katie. Heather and Alejandro also finish (To explain his ducking down, Alejandro says he dropped his spoon) and Cody is the last.

Sadie, finished with Alejandroโ€™s food and now chewing her own is eliminated from the challenge. โ€œDonโ€™t worry chica, Iโ€™ll make sure you arenโ€™t eliminated, just keep eating the food.โ€ Alejandro tells her before she moves to the โ€œloserโ€ box.

โ€œNext up, live mealworms.โ€ Chris says, grossing everyone out.

Chris: Manman chi means "bon appetite." Sierra, Alejandro, Heather, Leshawna and Cody: Manman chi. What do we have to eat? Heather: It's still moving its โ€œfeetโ€!

Alejandro ducks under the table again as everyone eats hurriedly.

Sierra and Alejandro finish quickly (โ€œMy shoelace was untiedโ€ Alejandro says), followed by Leshawna and Katie. Cody and Heather try to eat, Cody scooping up the worms and Heather just trying not to barf.

Heather inhales and finishes her dish.

โ€œCody, you are eliminated.โ€ Chris says, motioning for him to sit next to Sadie.

Cody looks at Sadie, who tries to hide the food in her mouth, unsuccessfully.

Katie looks at Sadie and their eyes meet before Sadie looks away, mad.

โ€œThird dish: roasted starfish on a skewer.โ€ Chris smiles.

Chris: Manman chi. It's dinner for five. Sierra, Heather, Leshawna, Alejandro, and Katie: Manman chi. Are we going to get hives? Heather: I think I'm nearly done for.

Alejandro explains that his shoelace is untied and ducks down while Leshawna finishes first.

Sierra and Alejandro come in second and third, leaving it down to Heather and Katie. Katie tries not to throw up and beats Heather.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Heather cries as Chef moves her to the seat next to Sadie and Cody.

โ€œFourth dish: Bird Nest Soup!โ€ Chris moves on.

Chris: Manman chi. Don't get the squirts. Leshawna, Sierra, Katie and Alejandro: Manman chi. We'd rather eat our shirts! Heather: Wait, stop!

โ€œWhat?โ€ Chris asks angrily.

โ€œAlejandroโ€™s passing food to Sadie!โ€ Heather says, triumphantly pointing to Sadie trying to stuff the soup into her mouth.

โ€œIs this true?โ€ Chris turns to Alejandro.

โ€œMaybeโ€ฆโ€ Alejandro smiles meekly.

โ€œSadie has to wear a mask in order to make sure she doesnโ€™t eat any more food.โ€ Chris says, Chef placing a dragon mask on Sadieโ€™s head.

The four go back to eating, Leshawna coming in first, followed by Sierra and Katie, leaving Alejandro out.

โ€œThe final dish: the mystery dish!โ€ Chris bellows, breaking into song soon after:

Leshawna, Katie and Sierra: Manman chi. (off-key) Manman chi-i-i . Chris: They love to eat on The Yangtze. Manman chi. Manman... Huh? Leshawna and Katie: (both gag and vomit)

โ€œSierra wins invincibility for the second time in a row!โ€ Chris yells, prompting Sierra to go and hug Cody.

โ€œAlso, a little surprise. Mostly due to budget cuts, there will be a double elimination tonight!โ€ Chris says, making everyone gasp.

On the plane, Katie goes up to Sadie and says โ€œHey.โ€

Sadie looks at her. โ€œWhat do you want?โ€

โ€œI wanted to tell you that, well, Alejandro is using you. Donโ€™t you see? He was using you to eat all of his food, but as soon as he thinks youโ€™re not useful anymore, heโ€™ll dump you. What Iโ€™m trying to say is, donโ€™t be mad. Iโ€™m sorry if you were offended with what I said, but-โ€.

โ€œStop it!โ€ Sadie says. โ€œStop it. Youโ€™re just pure evil. Go away!โ€ she cries, running away.

Katie looks on as Leshawna comes by.

Sierra and Cody, in a different part of the plane, debate about who to vote for. โ€œLetโ€™s vote off Leshawna. Sheโ€™s a big threat in the game right now.โ€ Sierra says.

โ€œOK.โ€ Cody agrees.

โ€œWho are we voting for?โ€ Sadie asks Alejandro.

โ€œLeshawna.โ€ Alejandro answers. โ€œOK!โ€ Sadie says, skipping off.

Alejandro smiles evilly before looking for Heather.

โ€œHello Heather!โ€ Alejandro says.

โ€œGet away you goof!โ€ she answers.

โ€œI was just wondering who you want to vote off. Possibly Sadie?โ€ Alejandro asks.

โ€œYou, dumbhead.โ€ Heather says.

โ€œWhy not Sadie?โ€ Alejandro replies. โ€œWith her out of the way, we could become the power duo!โ€

โ€œNo!โ€ Heather yells.

โ€œCome on Heather. Besides, you could never vote me off. You like me too much.โ€ Alejandro says, pushing her closer to him.

Heather blushes furiously. โ€œI-Iโ€ฆโ€

Alejandroโ€™s lips touch hers and they kiss.

After the kiss ends, both of them look at each other.

โ€œVote off Sadie?โ€ Alejandro says.

โ€œO-OKโ€ฆโ€ Heather responds.

Heather: (Confessional) I DO NOT like Alejandro. This is all, um, strategy.

Alejandro: (Confessional) I DO NOT like Heather. This is all, um, strategy. The reason Iโ€™m, voting off Sadie and not Cody is because with Sadie gone I can see if Katieโ€™s weaker. Also, Iโ€™m going to see just how good Sierra is in the game. If she wins invincibility once more, Cody is going down.

In the elimination ceremony, Chris smiles at everyone. โ€œTension! I like it! The first barf bags go to Sierra, Cody and Katie. Letโ€™s see the rest of the votes, just for fun!โ€

A TV comes down from the ceiling and Codyโ€™s vote is shown.

โ€œI vote for Leshawna.โ€ he says, making Leshawna gasp.

Heather is next. โ€œI vote for Sadie.โ€

Sadie looks worried.

Katieโ€™s vote follows. โ€œMy vote is for Alejandro.โ€ Alejandro looks at Katie, who looks terrified.

Leshawnaโ€™s vote goes to โ€œno-good Heather. Even though Alejandro cheated, I still think Heather should go.โ€

Sadieโ€™s vote is for Leshawna, making those two votes Leshawna and one vote for Sadie, Alejandro and Heather, respectively.

Sierraโ€™s vote is for Leshawna. โ€œLeshawna, you are eliminated.โ€ Chris says, tossing her a parachute.

Leshawna looks shocked before saying โ€œWe didnโ€™t see Alejandroโ€™s vote! Whoโ€™s the second eliminated?โ€

โ€œAhhโ€ฆthatโ€™s the best vote.โ€ Chris smiles.

Alejandro stamps someoneโ€™s passport before showing it to the screen. It is Sadieโ€™s.

โ€œWhat?โ€ Sadie cries, tears flooding from her face. Leshawna and Katie gasp.

โ€œI told you not to trust him.โ€ Katie points out before going to Sadie.

Sadie looks away from Alejandro and hugs Katie. โ€œIโ€™m so sorry we were fighting. I shouldโ€™ve just, like, taken youโ€™re advice. Watch out for him BFFFFL.โ€ Sadie says, before taking the jump with Leshawna.

โ€œBye Katie!โ€ Leshawna cries. Katie waves to her and Sadie before breaking down into tears.

โ€œSierra, who do you want to take to first class?โ€ Chris asks.

โ€œC-Katie.โ€ Sierra decides, shocking everyone.

Sierra: (Confessional) I feel so bad for Katie. She needs someone understanding. That someone has to be me, since two people on this plane are evil.

โ€œThatโ€™s the final five for you people! Will Sierra keep winning invincibility? Will Heather and Alejandro keep their alliance? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris concludes.

Chapter 15. Total Drama Island Redux [ ]

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, the final seven landed in China and braved traditional Chinese dishes. Sadie continued to alienate Katie, until her surprising elimination along with the luscious Leshawna. Alejandro and Heather teamed up and Sierra once again won invincibility, taking Katie with her to first class. Will Katie crack now that two of her friends were eliminated? Will Sierra win invincibility again? Will Cody ever realize that there is so much drama that he is not a part of? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris introduces.

In first class, Katie is seen sobbing while Sierra eats some pizza.

โ€œI canโ€™t believe Sadie and Leshawna are gone. I mean, itโ€™s like I have no friends left. Iโ€™m the only member of Team Victory left on the show.โ€ Katie cries.

Sierra pats her on the back. โ€œI felt kind of the same when Cody โ€˜rejectedโ€™ me.โ€ she says. โ€œHeather isnโ€™t the one to offer sympathy, so I felt all alone. That helped me change though. Iโ€™m less stalker-ish, so that Cody will like me more.โ€

Katie looks up and smiles weakly. โ€œThanksโ€ฆbut what do I do now?โ€ Katie asks. โ€œI feel like I donโ€™t belong. Who are my friends?โ€

โ€œCody and I.โ€ Sierra grins. โ€œYou know, the whole Total Drama Fanbase is rooting for you. They all think youโ€™ll win.โ€

โ€œWell, I guess I canโ€™t let my fans down.โ€ Katie replies.

In the economy section, everyone is silent. Cody is rocking back and forth while Heather files her nails and Alejandro sleeps.

Cody: (Confessional) I wish Sierra let me in first class. Being back here is tension-y. Imagine I make it to the final three with them? I wouldnโ€™t last much longer. Being in the final five is cool though. I never expected to make it this far after how I did in Season 1.

โ€œCody.โ€ Heather whispers. โ€œHow about you and I form an alliance to get rid of Alejandro?โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t know.โ€ Cody says.

Heather groans.

Heather: (Confessional) If I know Alejandro, heโ€™s probably going to dump me next. I mean, he formed an alliance with Sadie and dumped her right away. I need someone to help me stay in the game.

Before Heather can say anything more, the plane suddenly droops and dives at an angle, causing Alejandro, Heather and Cody to be bunched up against the door to first class and Sierra and Katie to be bunched up against the door to the storage room.

The plane lands at its angle and everyone tries to regain some composure.

Heather groans before seeing how close Alejandro is to her.

โ€œGet away you creep!โ€ she says, pushing him away before the door opens and all three go tumbling through the door into the open door to the storage room and out onto the sand, along with Sierra and Katie.

โ€œWhere are we?โ€ Cody asks, trying to get up. โ€œThe beach?โ€

Everyone looks around before all eyes land on the sign that reads Wawanakwa .

โ€œEeeee!!!!โ€ Sierra cries. โ€œIโ€™m on the island where it really began. I need a camera. I need to document this moment.โ€

โ€œOh come on!โ€ Heather, Cody and Katie groan.

Scenes flash, showing Katie getting lost in the woods, Heather being shaved and Cody being mauled by a bear.

Chris appears next to the five teens and smiles. โ€œThank goodness we crash-landed here. Your challenge can be to test out one of the challenges I have planned for the next season.โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t you have interns?โ€ Heather asks.

โ€œYeah, but they are all dead.โ€ Chris chuckles, causing everyone to gasp. โ€œNaw, Iโ€™m just kidding you. Only six of them died, the other three are in the hospital.โ€

Sierra   suddenly poses next to Chris and takes a picture with a camera. โ€œThanks for bringing us back to the island Chrissy!โ€ she says, hugging him before going back to the four teens.

Chris pretends that that didnโ€™t happen and guides the teens to the age-old campgrounds.

Suddenly, Heather gasps and points to s barrel oozing toxic waste. โ€œWhat the hell is wrong with the island?โ€ she asks.

โ€œOh, I let some scientists use the island as a toxic waste dump. Donโ€™t worry, if you stay here shorter than a day they wonโ€™t harm you.โ€ Chris smiles.

โ€œCanโ€™t we fly away?โ€ Cody asks, nervously.

โ€œNo, the planeโ€™s broken, so the challenge today, as well as the challenge for the next season, will be to build a flying device to travel with.โ€ Chris explains.

Heather: (Confessional) Making us have to suffer being on the island for one season isnโ€™t enough for Chris is it?

Chris: (Confessional) (Shakes head)

Chris whips out a hat. โ€œThe flying devices you must construct using supplies from a dump Iโ€™ll bring you to are here in the hat. First up, Sierra!โ€

Sierra runs to the hat and whips out a card that has a picture of an airplane.

Cody is next and gets a hot air balloon.

Katie follows and gets a rocket.

Alejandro is fourth and pulls out a bird. Heather smirks at him before pulling out a helicopter.

The scene switches to the junkyard.

โ€œYouโ€™ll each have 20 minutes to complete your task.โ€ Chris instructs. โ€œAfter that, you have to demonstrate your flying machine and the best one gets a helpful device for the next round.โ€

The five teens dig through the trash.

Sierra finds two broken airplane wings and tosses them to the side before she continues to dig.

Cody and Katie dig together and Cody finds a rocket engine while Katie finds a big balloon.

The two see the parts each are carrying and exchange them happily.

Heather teases Alejandro while finding a propeller.

Alejandro thinks a little before clapping his eyes on the seagulls flying overhead.

Time speeds up and soon enough, everyone has their machines.

โ€œTime for the flying test!โ€ Chris says. โ€œFirst up, Sierra.โ€

Sierraโ€™s plane has two broken wings attached to an airplane body she found in the junk. She boards it and flies.

The plane goes up and down, Sierra giggling excitedly before landing it.

Chris nods and Cody is next. His hot-air balloon had a wheelchair attached to the big balloonโ€™s strings. A fire roars under the balloon and Cody boards it.

He presses a button on the wheelchair and the balloon floats up. He presses another button and the balloon lets down a bag, causing him to go higher.

โ€œOK Cody, you can come down now!โ€ Chris says.

Codyโ€™s voice is faint and everyone starts to panic.

โ€œIโ€™ll save you Cody!โ€ Sierra says, boarding her airplane and lifting off.

Katie is next and her rocket is composed out of metal parts and the rocket engine Cody found.

She boards it and tugs a rope and the rocket lifts off the ground. Heather and Alejandro watch it go up and up before turning and going back down safely.

All of a sudden, Sierraโ€™s plane lands and she emerges with a sick Cody.

โ€œWhere is the balloon?โ€ Chris asks.

โ€œSomewhere in the sky.โ€ Cody says before barfing.

Alejandro is next and he holds up two wings, strapped to his arms and back. He flaps his arms furiously and gets off of the ground. He soars and swoops before landing gracefully on the ground. โ€œImpressive, no?โ€ he asks Heather.

Heather: (Confessional) I hate him so much I could kiss him! No, I mean, KILL him! Just a slip of the tongue! (Heather rises and shakes the camera) Give me that tape back! Give me the tape! Ugh! How do you open this thing?

Heather is last and shows her helicopter. It is constructed out of the propeller she found and a couple of other helicopter things.

She boards it and takes off the ground, performing loop-the-loops in the air before accidentally crash-landing, denting her helicopter a bit.

โ€œWell, I think the answer is unanimous! The best flying device wasโ€ฆAlejandroโ€™s!โ€ Chris says, making Heather groan angrily. โ€œHe gets a smoke machine!โ€ Chris explains, handing Alejandro the device.

โ€œNow, the next part isโ€ฆโ€ Chris starts before the jet lands next to him.

โ€œI though you said it was broken!โ€ Heather angrily yells.

โ€œTricked you! The next part is getting to the plane!โ€   Chris says before boarding it.

โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€ asks Cody before the plane lifts off and flies into the sky.

โ€œWe have to get to him!โ€ Katie says, boarding her rocket.

Sierra grabs Cody and boards her plane while Heather and Alejandro start their respective aircrafts.

They all lift off at the same time, but Katie soars ahead. Alejandro tries to catch up with her, but Heatherโ€™s helicopter bumps him, causing him to fall behind, rapidly.

Alejandro realizes heโ€™s in front of Sierra and Cody, releasing smoke from his machine.

Sierra gasps as the smoke clouds her window and she mutters angrily while trying to regain control of her airplane.

Katie sees the jet in front of her and tries to reach it before the balloon from Codyโ€™s hot-air balloon drops in front of her. She falls behind as Heather reaches Katieโ€™s rocket. Suddenly, her helicopter starts to lag and she falls behind.

Alejandro is now ahead, but as he sees Heather about to land, he flies to her.

Heather sees him and sticks her tongue at him.

โ€œCome on chica, or weโ€™ll lose!โ€ Alejandro says, reaching out to her.

Heather sighs before opening her door and jumping to Alejandro.

Sierra and Codyโ€™s airplane can now see the ship and Sierra tries to reach it before Alejandro flies up to her device and jumps from it onto the jet, trying to get on.

The door opens and Alejandro enters, smugly carrying Heather.

โ€œAlejandroโ€™s won invincibility!โ€ Chris announces as the other teens fly to the jet and try to leap from their devices onto it.

โ€œUm, hello? Iโ€™m here too!โ€ Heather says.

โ€œThis is Alejandroโ€™s device, so beat it.โ€ Chris smiles, making Heather mad.

Time fast forwards and the elimination ceremony is taking place.

โ€œI have a surprise. Todayโ€™s elimination will not be a voting one. Instead, Alejandro will decide who to get rid of.โ€ Chris announces, making everyone gasp.

Alejandro stands up and scans the crowd.

โ€œThe person I pick to go home isโ€ฆ

โ€ฆCody.โ€ Alejandro decides.

Sierra gasps and tries to punch Alejandro, but Cody holds her back.

Alejandro: (Confessional) I shouldโ€™ve gotten rid of Sierra, but then the final four wouldโ€™ve been too easy. I like a challenge. Also, I realized that if someone who previously did badly in a season gets to the finals, they will be a threat. I mean, look at Courtney. She placed 14th in Season 1, but thanks to her debut, she got 4th place. I needed to get rid of Cody or heโ€™d become a threat. Also, Sierra is weaker. Next time I win invincibility, I just need to make sure she gets voted off.

โ€œBye Sierra and Katie.โ€ Cody says, giving them hugs before taking his parachute and jumping out of the plane.

Sierra cries while Katie comforts her.

โ€œWho are you taking to first class Alejandro?โ€ Chris asks.

โ€œHmmmโ€ฆIt would have to beโ€ฆKatie.โ€ Alejandro says, making Heather gasp.

Heather: (Confessional) He took KATIE to first class? Hello? Does he remember that we have an alliance?

Alejandro: (Confessional) Katie can easily be seduced. Making her not doubt me can lead to Sierraโ€™s and her elimination. (Laughs) This has the added bonus of making Heather insanely jealous. โ€œThe final four! Who will crack under the pressure? Where are we headed next? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris concludes.

Chapter 16. Awwwwww, Drumheller [ ]

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, the final five landed on the famous Wawawankwa campgrounds and participated in a flying challenge. The evil Alejandro won invincibility and chose to boot Cody out, making Sierra cry. The final four! Who will advance to the final three and who will be left behind and place fourth? Find out right now on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris introduces.

The scene switches to first class with Katie sitting uncomfortably while Alejandro drinks soda.

Katie: (Confessional) Alejandroโ€™s behind Sadieโ€™s elimination. I know heโ€™s up to something. I really wish Sadie or Leshawna were still in the game. Without them, I feel really lonely. I hate Alejandro.

โ€œSo, Katieโ€ฆWhy do you hate me?โ€ Alejandro smiles.

Katie looks at him before exploding โ€œWhy? You got rid of Sadie and Leshawna. Now there is nobody here who I really feel I can trust, except maybe Sierra! You, like, think youโ€™re ruling the game, but I can assure you that soon youโ€™ll be eliminated because nobody here likes you!โ€

Alejandro looks at her calmly before saying โ€œNo wonder you hate me. However, I am saving you Katie. I am offering a chance to protect you. Sierra and Heather are in an alliance. Thatโ€™s why I brought you here, so we can get back at those two.โ€

Katie looks at him uncertainly before saying โ€œSierra and Heather are in an alliance?โ€

โ€œYes, Katie. Why donโ€™t you join me? You can fully trust me. After all, I warned you about Scott, did I not?โ€ Alejandro asks.

โ€œY-yesโ€ฆโ€ Katie says. โ€œOKโ€ฆI guess.โ€

โ€œGood answer.โ€ Alejandro replies.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Itโ€™s as easy as one, two and three.

Katie: (Confessional) Of course I see the obvious lies Alejandro is telling me. I need to make him believe that Iโ€™m in an alliance with him and then make sure I vote him off tonight with Sierra. Sheโ€™s not really in an alliance with Heatherโ€ฆis she?

In the economy section, Sierra cries while Heather tries to sleep.

โ€œCan you shut it? It was going to happen sooner or later!โ€ Heather shouts.

โ€œI can do whatever I want.โ€ Sierra shouts back.

Heather hits her with the pillow she was sleeping on, prompting a fistfight between the girls.

Time fast-forwards to the final four standing in a desert.

โ€œWhere are we?โ€ Heather asks.

โ€œWelcome to Alberta, Canada.โ€ Chris smiles. โ€œTodayโ€™s challenge is making a dinosaur fossil with the supplies in the storage room in the jet and any fossils lying around. You will have 20 minutes, now go!โ€

The four race to the storage room and Sierra finds markers and glue and flees with them.

She stops beside Katie and whispers to her, prompting Alejandro to glare at the two girls.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Sierra must not be allowed near Katie.

โ€œKatie, allow me to help you with your dinosaur.โ€ Alejandro smiles, rushing to Katie and ushering her away from Sierra.

Sierra: (Confessional) Alejandro is trying to make Katie in an alliance. Itโ€™s up to me to make sure Alejandro is voted off.

Heather finds her supplies and walks out before seeing Alejandro with Katie.

Heather: (Confessional) That stupid idiot! Iโ€™m in an alliance with him! Iโ€™m supposed to be his top priority! Iโ€™m so mad at that handsomeโ€ฆcuteโ€ฆ(realizes what she is saying) ugly short Latino!

Time fast forwards and the final four are seen standing next to their respective dinosaurs.

โ€œFirst up, Alejandro!โ€ Chris says.

Alejandro shows his dinosaur, which is actually the Allosaurus. Chris smiles at it. โ€œCool, but not much creativity there is there?โ€

Following him is Heather. โ€œMy dinosaur is the Chris-o-saurus. It is a little vain and evil and is a carnivore.โ€ Heather explains.

Chris frowns at Heather but apparently likes her dinosaur which is composed of little bones and a picture of Chris.

Katie is third and she shows her dinosaur which is made out of bones she found and a fake fur rug. โ€œThis is the kitty-saurus. Back then, when there were no cats, so they had this as a pet.โ€

Chris nods and goes to Sierra who has made a dinosaur out of some bones and glitter and pink markers.

โ€œMy dino is the broken-heart dinosaur. It had a friend who died early and was sad for millions of years.โ€ Katie smiles at Sierra who smiles back.

Sierra: (Confessional) Ours were the best.

Chris then motioned to an electric chair. โ€œI donโ€™t want to appear biased about whose dino was the best, so youโ€™ll have to vote. If you vote for your own or lie about which one was the best you will get zapped.โ€

Alejandro is first. โ€œI liked Katieโ€™s.โ€

Heather says she liked Katieโ€™s as well.

Sierra seconds that notion, but gets shocked and grudgingly says she liked Heatherโ€™s.

Katie then votes for Sierraโ€™s.

โ€œKatieโ€™s dinosaur has won the first part of the challenge.โ€ Chris announces. โ€œHer advantage is getting a post digger for the next part of the challenge, which brings up the question โ€˜What is the best part of the challenge?โ€™ The next part is finding one oil barrel dug somewhere around here. The first person to find one and roll it to the jet wins invincibility. However, the last person to find a barrel will be automatically eliminated.โ€

Heather: (Confessional) Damn!

Sierra: (Confessional) Damn!

โ€œHeather gets a prospector kit, Alejandro, since his dinosaur is not imaginary, gets nothing and Katie gets a beach bucket and a shovel. To make it more fun, boulders will be randomly falling to slow you down.โ€ Chris says. โ€œNow, go!โ€

Sierra grabs Katie and the two flee somewhere.

Heather grabs Alejandro and says โ€œWhat are you doing with Katie?โ€

โ€œMaking her weak so we can boot her off.โ€ Alejandro smirks.

โ€œOhโ€ฆso you still remember that we are in an alliance mister?โ€ Heather asks angrily.

Alejandro eyes a boulder and sees it rumbling towards Heather. โ€œMy feelings for you are not strategy.โ€ Alejandro smiles, kissing her before grabbing her supplies and running away.

โ€œHey-โ€œ Heather cries before the boulder lands on top of her.

A bell rings, signaling that the two have to sing a song.

I'm going to leave you... ...wedged up in a hole. This is how we will end it. This game we have played! This is how we will end it. Your bill must be paid! Heather: Ooooooh! Shouldn't have mocked you for having to dig. Help me out, and I'll be your human drill-rig. Alejandro: You think I'm gonna fall for that?! Ain't a tea party... ... it's combat! This is how we will end it. This game we have played! This is how we will end it. Your bill must be paid! Heather: Ooooooh! I'm wedged in a hole! This isn't right! If I'm goin' down, make a fair fight! It's beneath you-ou, to abandon a girl in a ditch! Offer me my dignity; I haven't got a stiiiiiiiitch! Please, Alejandro. You and I have been the greatest adversaries this game has ever seen! Is this how you wanna win it -- because I got jammed into a pit by a stupid rock? Is that the victory you want!? Alejandro: Yes.

โ€œWhat? Youโ€™re supposed to say no!โ€ Heather says.

โ€œAllโ€™s fair in love and war.โ€ Alejandro replies, running away from her.

Alejandro: (Confessional) Change of plans, making big-threat Heather gone is my top priority. She is suspicious of me, like Katie, but can actually do something about it, unlike Katie. Besides, this makes the final three easyโ€ฆbut not too easy.

Sierra and Katie dig in the same spot before Sierra shrieks happily. โ€œI found something!โ€ Katie rushes to her and helps her dig it out before returning to her spot and continuing to dig.

Alejandro suddenly jumps out of nowhere and runs away with the barrel.

โ€œHey!โ€ Sierra cries, running to him, wielding the post digger.

Alejandro jumps on the barrel and keeps running, dodging Sierra and reaching the plane first.

โ€œAlejandro has won invincibility again!โ€ Chris announces.

Time passes and Sierra arrives with another one and Katie comes third.

Heather arrives last with no barrel. She glares at Alejandro.

โ€œSorry Heather, but you are eliminated!โ€ Chris grins.

โ€œCome on, thatโ€™s not fair! Alejandro cheated!โ€ she cries.

โ€œNuh-uh. Thereโ€™s nothing against stealing equipment or barrels from somebody.โ€ Chris announces.

Heather groans and runs to Alejandro, punching him and kicking him before Chef comes and drags her away.

โ€œThat leaves three contestants: Katie, Sierra and Alejandro! Who will last long enough to get to the final two? Find out next time on Total Drama World Tour!โ€

Sierra and Katie: (Confessional) Heatherโ€™s goneโ€ฆ(Just Sierra) โ€ฆbut things arenโ€™t any easierโ€ฆ

Chapter 17. A Race to Hawai'i

โ€œLast time on Total Drama World Tour, Alejandroโ€™s plans changed throughout the episode, first wanting to eliminate Katie, then Sierra and then Heather. In Alberta, the final four were forced to make dinosaurs and then dig for oil. Alejandro won invincibility and Heather was eliminated, which means we are down to the final three: Alejandro, the evil antagonist, Sierra, the uber-fan and Katie, the sweet girl. Who will advance to the final two? Find out right here on Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris beings.

In Alberta, the final three sit around the campfire, eating their marshmallows, the sun about to set.

โ€œSo, girls, hope you donโ€™t mind losing to me.โ€ Alejandro smiles.

โ€œDonโ€™t worry, that wonโ€™t happen.โ€ Katie assures him.

Sierra, her eyes downcast, eats her sโ€™more before going in the plane.

Sierra: (Confessional) Without Cody, the final three seems an awful bummer. I would quit right now if Alejandro wasnโ€™t here, but I canโ€™t leave Katie alone with that creep.

โ€œSo, Katie, without Sadie and Leshawna, how do you plan to get to the final two?โ€ Alejandro asks.

โ€œShut up!โ€ Katie says, taking her sโ€™more, still burning and flinging it at Alejandro.

Chris emerges and toots a horn; alerting Sierra from inside the plane and making her come back to the campfire.

โ€œTodayโ€™s challenge is pretty easy.โ€ Chris says, before getting interrupted by Katie: โ€œWe already had a challenge today!โ€

โ€œSo?โ€ Chris asks before continuing โ€œThe three of you will get your own planes and will have to fly to the final destination, Hawaiโ€™i. I realize that you all know how to fly a plane, so thatโ€™s why I picked this challenge for you. It will take a day to get there, because these jets are fast, so buckle up!โ€

โ€œWe need to sleep!โ€ Katie demands, before feeling a hand on her shoulder.

โ€œYes, listen to the chica.โ€ Alejandro smiles, making Chris waver and say โ€œOK, fine. Tomorrow morning!โ€

The next morningโ€ฆ

โ€œWake up!โ€ Chrisโ€™s voice blasts over the loudspeaker. Katie, Sierra and Alejandro all wake up and rush outside to be greeted by Chris, who is standing in front of the planes.

โ€œOK, itโ€™s time for the race!โ€ Chris says, before, out of the blue, Blaineley with a jet pack, lands on the desert ground.

โ€œHello! Itโ€™s me, Blaineley! Boy, am I glad I got away from those policemen. I canโ€™t afford a lawyer!โ€ Blaineley explains.

Katie and Sierraโ€™s faces light up and they run to her, asking for her autograph.

โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€ Chris asks. โ€œI thought you were arrested?โ€

โ€œDuh, I escaped!โ€ Blaineley replies. โ€œNow Iโ€™m here to host the show with you!โ€

โ€œWe donโ€™t need another host!โ€ Chris argues.

The two girls, having got their autographs run up to Chris.

โ€œCan we leave now?โ€ they plead.

โ€œYes! Get in the planes.โ€ he instructs.

โ€œWe have to stick together to get rid of Alejandro!โ€ Sierra tells Katie.

โ€œOK.โ€ Katie nods. The three teens anxiously board their planes.

Chris is still arguing with Blaineley so Chef, talking to them via radio, says โ€œGo!โ€

The three planes lift off.

โ€œHow do we find out where Hawaiโ€™i is?โ€ Katie asks.

โ€œJust follow your GPS!โ€ Chef says to all three before switching off.

Sierra makes sure sheโ€™s heading in the right direction before seeing Alejandro out of the corner of her eye.

Alejandro swoops next to her and bumps into her aircraft, making Sierra somewhat dizzy.

โ€œGet away!โ€ Sierra cries, flying off, only to realize Alejandroโ€™s tailing her.

She continues to fly away from Alejandro, not realizing that she is way off course.

Katie, on the other hand, is flying high and is on a direct course for Hawaiโ€™i.

All of a sudden, Alejandro swoops up and crashes into the unsuspecting Katie, making her veer off course.

Katie anxiously looks around to see if everythingโ€™s all right, but she realizes her instruments are failing.

Alejandro goes closer to her and hits her again. Katie tries to regain control of her plane, before getting an idea and flinging open the door.

Alejandro sees the plane spiraling down, but not Katie, so he goes closer, allowing Katie to jump and grab onto the wing.

Alejandro doesnโ€™t see her and shrugs before going back on course for Hawaiโ€™i.

Sierra is still unsure of where she is and tries to fly high before Blaineley suddenly swoops near her, wearing a jet pack.

Sierra, unsure of what to do, waves before looking back at her GPS.

Blaineley gets nearer and bangs on the glass, indignantly, making Sierra fling open the door, allowing Blaineley to jump in.

โ€œHello Sierra! Chris says I canโ€™t host, but heโ€™s just stupid-โ€ Blaineley drones, before getting interrupted by Sierra who asks what she wants.

โ€œI want to help you! If I canโ€™t host, at least I can cause some drama!โ€ Blaineley says, making Sierra switch seats with her.

Sierra: (Confessional) Blaineley, the host of Celebrity Manhunt, is next to me! OMG!

Time fast forwards and soon enough, Hawaiโ€™i is in sight of Sierraโ€™s plane.

Suddenly, Alejandroโ€™s plane scoots near and Sierra catches a glimpse of Katie, who motions for her to be quiet.

Sierra looks at Blaineley and says โ€œThank you! Now let me do this, or Chris will accuse me of cheating!โ€

Chefโ€™s voice is suddenly clear to Sierra and Blaineley over the radio. โ€œBlaineley is allowed to help you! Thereโ€™s no rule against help. Besides, Chris likes drama!โ€

Sierra smiles. โ€œLetโ€™s beat Alejandro!โ€

The planes keep trying to pass each other before Sierraโ€™s plane smashes into Alejandroโ€™s, making Alejandro veer off course for a moment.

Blaineley steers hard and lands on Hawaiโ€™i in front of Chris and the Total Drama Aftermath crowd.

Sierra jumps off and screams โ€œIโ€™m in the final two!โ€

โ€œSierra is in the final two!โ€ Chris announces and a couple of people clap.

Blaineley exits the plane. โ€œGood work Sierra.โ€ she says, before two police guards suddenly arrive and take her away.

โ€œWhat! I got rid of them!โ€ she cried.

โ€œYeah, but I alerted the police so that you would be taken away.โ€ Chris explains, making Blaineley howl angrily. Everyone claps and cheers as she is taken away.

Meanwhile, Alejandro tries to land his plane. Katie, still on the planeโ€™s wing, sees the crowd below.

As the plane goes closer to the ground, Katie looks around and jumps.

โ€œIt looks like Alejandro-oof!โ€ Chris says, as Katie lands on him.

โ€œKatieโ€™s in the final two!โ€ Sadie suddenly squeals from the crowd.

โ€œI am?โ€ Katie cries and Sierra runs to her and the two hug while squealing loudly.

Alejandro lands the plane and jumps out.

โ€œSierra, prepare to lose-โ€ he begins before seeing Katie.

โ€œWhat? How? Why?โ€ he sputters and everyone laughs at him.

โ€œYour reign of terror is finally over.โ€ Sierra explains and Alejandro drops to his knees, saying โ€œNoooo!!!โ€

โ€œWell thatโ€™s it folks! The final two, Sierra and Katie!โ€ Chris says. โ€œWho will win the million bucks? Find out in the finale of Total Drama World Tour!โ€

Sierra and Katie wave before the screen fades to black.

Finale Promo: [ ]

Sierra vs



Chapter 18. The Aftermath III: The Winner Is... [ ]

โ€œWelcome to the Total Drama Aftermath! We are here in Hawai'i getting ready to see who takes the million home: Sierra, the Uber-Fan, or Katie, the Sweet Girl.โ€ Geoff introduces.

The scene changes to Chris, also giving a recap. โ€œLast time, the final three raced to Hawaiโ€™i. Annoying Blaineley tried to host the show and then helped Sierra make it to Hawai'i first followed by hitchhiker Katie which caused Alejandroโ€™s reign of terror to end. Who will win the million? Find out now in the epic finale of Total Drama World Tour!โ€

Chris then addresses the two girls, standing on the beach. โ€œYour challenge is to build pineapple statues of each other and then race up this volcano and toss the statue in. The first girl to toss her statue in wins the third season!โ€ Chris explains.

Sierra and Katie look at each other, happily before frowning.

Sierra: (Confessional) Katie may be my friend, but itโ€™s time to put my game face on!

Katie: (Confessional) Sierra is a friend, but she is going down!

โ€œYou will pick two members from the peanut gallery to bring you pieces of driftwood and pineapple from that stash over there! The first person to finish gets a wheelbarrow to help them when they go up the volcano.โ€ Chris gestures to the pile. โ€œSierra gets first pick!โ€

Sierra scans the audience and smiles. โ€œI pick Cody and Heather!โ€

โ€œWhat?โ€ everyone but Heather and Sierra ask.

Sierra: (Confessional) Heather is good in the game, no doubt, so I could use her to help me.

โ€œNowโ€ฆKatie.โ€ Chris continues.

โ€œI pick Sadie and Leshawna!โ€ she answers.

โ€œNow go!โ€ Chris says.

What follows is a flurry of activity. Sierra and Katie try to tell their respective helpers to gather what they need and build their statues at the same time.

Finally, Sierra finishes first and gets her wheelbarrow. โ€œBye Katie!โ€ she says, half-earnest and half-bragging.

โ€œI need that pineapple!โ€ she cried and Sadie runs and gives it to her.

Katie inserts the head onto the body and twists it before smiling. โ€œI got it!โ€ she squeals.

โ€œGo!โ€ Sadie and Leshawna urge and Katie runs as fast as she can, but realizes the statueโ€™s too heavy.

Soon enough, Sierra arrives to an obstacle, which takes the form of a pit of lava with heavy objects held up by string over it.

โ€œWhat do I do?โ€ Sierra asks and Chris arrives, with Cody, Sadie, Leshawna and Heather.

โ€œYou have to take your statue and carry it over the lava pit by jumping on the stones, but be careful! The objects could be let loose by your opponentsโ€™ helpers. You can also cause your opponent to have to dodge obstacles by making your helpers cut the strings attached to this log!โ€ Chris instructs as Katie arrives.

Sierra jumps with her statue as Katie tries to catch her breath.

โ€œSorry Sierra!โ€ Katie says as she begins to jump. โ€œCut a rope!โ€ she cries.

Leshawna cuts one and a log nearly hits Katie. โ€œCโ€™mon!โ€ she yells.

โ€œSorry!โ€ Leshawna says.

Sierra smiles a bit and says โ€œCut a rope!โ€ as she advances closer to the other side.

Cody cuts a rope and a cage drops down on Sierra.

โ€œCodykins!โ€ Sierra objects.

โ€œSorry!โ€ he apologizes as Katie runs past her and gets to the other side.

โ€œMay the best girl win!โ€ Katie smiles.

Sierra growls and pushes herself against the cage. The cage door opens and Sierra runs out.

At the top of the volcano, 22 anxious competitors await one of the final two.

Katie arrives and some people cheer. Suddenly, Sierra arrives.

A race ensures. Sierra pushes Katie behind, but Katie soon runs ahead, before getting knocked away by Sierra who suddenly stops in front of the volcano.

She is about to throw her statue in when Leshawna, who standing with the group, cries out โ€œOh look! Codyโ€™s hurt!โ€

Sierra looks behind her, unaware of the trick Leshawna is playing, for Cody as Katie picks herself up and runs to the volcano where she throws her statue in.

โ€œKatie has won Total Drama World Tour!โ€ Chris yells happily.

โ€œSierra!โ€ Cody arrives, looking unhappy at her loss.

Sierra realizes what happened and frowns at Leshawna and then hugs Katie happily. โ€œYou deserved it! Good job!โ€ Sierra smiles.

Katie squeals happily and runs to Sadie and Leshawna. โ€œI won!โ€

Suddenly, Tyler sees a sign that says โ€œNo pineapples.โ€ โ€œUh, Chirs?โ€ he begins.

โ€œNot now!โ€ Chris says and gives the suitcase with the million to Katie.

The volcano shakes.

โ€œChris?โ€ Tyler asks.

โ€œIโ€™ll give half of my money to you, Sierra, because you were a good friend.โ€ Katie promises.

Sierra squeals.

โ€œChris!โ€ Tyler yells.

โ€œWhat?โ€ he cries.

Tyler points to the sign and Chris reads it before whispering โ€œUh-oh!โ€

The volcano shakes and everyone runs, screaming.

Alejandro is the first to leave, but stops for a second causing him to be trampled by everybody.

Soon enough, the volcano erupts, but by then, everyoneโ€ฆexcept Alejandroโ€ฆis safely in the water.

โ€œSee you next season with an all new-cast!โ€ Chris says as everyone swims away.



Eliminations: [ ]

Final poll: [ ].

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  • 3 Total Drama Revenge of the Film Set


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  4. Total Drama World Tour

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  5. Total Drama World Tour: My Way

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  6. Total Drama World Tour My Way

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  4. Total Drama World Tour My Way

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  6. Total Drama Mega Tour My Way


  1. Total Drama World Tour: My Way Chapter 1: Anything Yukon ...

    Here, our competitors experienced Japan's innovative entertainment. And Harold celebrated Japan's role in the world of martial arts, which resulted in Harold's elimination thanks to Alejandro. Eighteen to go with one million big ones up for grabs on Total. Drama. World Tour!" (Theme song plays.)

  2. gman5846 User Profile

    Total Drama World Tour My Way. 23 deviations. A. Literature. A Tearful Reunion (A LindsayXTyler Fanfic) This takes place in 2014. ... What will it be? Total Drama belongs to Teletoon. NOTE: This is the first time that I'm putting one of my stories from FanFiction to DeviantArt. March 15th 2014 7:00 PM: (A year after All-Stars ended, Tyler still ...

  3. My Very Upgraded Total Drama World Tour My Way Part 1

    A subreddit to talk about the Canadian cartoon series, Total Drama, and its spin-offs, The Ridonculous Race and Total DramaRama. ... My Very Upgraded Total Drama World Tour My Way Part 1 Fanfiction For this my way, I'm going to be taking the first two seasons in account as we go on. Hopefully this will be a joyous journey for everyone.

  4. Total Drama World Tour, my way. : r/Totaldrama

    7th/6th, Blaineley and Courtney: Heather, Alejandro, and Courtney voted for Blaineley. Tyler, Blaineley, and Sierra voted for Courtney, and Cody voted for Sierra, resulting in a tie. The producers were getting all over Chris, so he decided to kick them both out. 5th, Cody: In the safari, he was mauled by a lion.

  5. Total Drama World Tour Deluxe My Way : r/Totaldrama

    A subreddit to talk about the Canadian cartoon series, Total Drama, and its spin-offs, The Ridonculous Race and Total DramaRama. ... Total Drama World Tour Deluxe My Way . Fanfiction I figured that it would be fun to make some my ways of some very well known fanfictions. Since people do this for the show, why not do the same for fanfics? ...

  6. Total Drama World Tour

    Super Crazy Fun-Time Japan []. Notes: Ezekiel is starting to show feelings for Bridgette, which creeps her out a little bit, and makes her confused. Tyler misses Lindsay but his teammates help him to move on and help in the challenge. Winners: Team Amazon Losers: Team Victory Bottom Two: Harold and DJ Reason For Bottom Two: DJ failed the pinball challenge miserably, with being mauled by a ...

  7. Total Drama World Tour: My Way : r/Totaldrama

    Total Drama World Tour: My Way Fanfiction Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ... Total Drama, and its spin-offs, The Ridonculous Race and Total DramaRama. Remember that posts related to the 2023 reboot season must be spoiler tagged.

  8. total drama

    in which you join total drama world tour in need for some money, but a certain someone won't make that easy START- JUNE 2ND 2023 END- RANKINGS: ๐Ÿฅ‡in #td - 27/07/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #totaldramaworldtour - 31/07/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #alejandro - 4/08/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #alejandroxreader - 4/08/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #alejandroburromuerto - 4/08/23 ๐Ÿฅ‡in #totaldrama - 27...

  9. Total Drama World Tour (Linusblanket2100's way)

    My version of Total Drama World Tour, where there is an elimination every episode and there is one other newbie (Scott from TDRI) and two different veterans. The locations and the challenges are basically the same. Alejandro Beth Bridgette Cody Courtney DJ Duncan Gwen Heather Izzy Katie Leshawna Lindsay Owen Noah Sadie (Debuts) Scott Sierra Chris is seen smiling at the camera. "Hey people ...

  10. Create a Total Drama World Tour My Way Tier List

    Create a ranking for Total Drama World Tour My Way. 1. Edit the label text in each row. 2. Drag the images into the order you would like. 3. Click 'Save/Download' and add a title and description. 4.

  11. Total Drama World Tour: My Way : r/Totaldrama

    A subreddit to talk about the Canadian cartoon franchise, Total Drama, its spin offs (DramaRama & the Ridonculous Race) as well as any related works such as Disventure Camp. Remember that posts related to the 2023 reboot and/or Disventure seasons must be spoiler tagged.

  12. jonathan1209

    But in addition to that Chris and the producers decided to bring on 24 newbies (contestants from Revenge all the way to the new revival season) to compete as well. Making it 48 competing! Places from both World Tour and Ridonculous Race, and many stories to be told. 3 hosts! 48 competitors. On Total Drama World Race!