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Culture Re-View: The day Stephen Hawking threw a time traveller party

Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking speaks in 2006

28 June 2009: When Stephen Hawking held a party for time travellers

On this day in 2009, British astrophysicist Professor Stephen Hawking held an invitation-only party. The physics genius - who died in 2018 aged 76 - arranged for balloons, champagne, and nibbles for his guests, but didn’t send out the invites until after the party was over.

“You are cordially invited to a reception for Time Travelers,” Hawking’s invite read. In the invitation, Hawking gave the date, time and GPS location of when and where the party had taken place.

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Held in the University of Cambridge, Hawking waited diligently for the time traveller partiers he was yet to invite to arrive. Sadly, despite his best efforts, no one turned up.

“I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible,” Hawking said of the event.

Yet, Hawking was undeterred, leaving the door open for his invite to be taken up. “I am hoping copies of it, in one form or another, will survive for many thousands of years. Maybe one day someone living in the future will find the information and use a wormhole time machine to come back to my party, proving that time travel will one day be possible.”

Hawking was quite a natural host for a time travel party. He made his name in academia through his research on black holes and work to unify the fields of quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity. With his best-selling non-fiction book ‘A Brief History of Time’, he was pushed into the limelight as one of the world’s leading minds in physics.

The effect of motor-neurone disease on Hawking also increased his celebrity. Despite a dire initial prognosis that he would die young, Hawking lived into his 70s, continuing to communicate his ideas without allowing paralysis to get in his way. His life was dramatised in the 2014 film The Theory of Everything where Eddie Redmayne won an Oscar for his portrayal of Hawking.

Focus Features/Universal Pictures

Why did no one turn up to Hawking’s time traveller party? Despite being one of the most famous names in physics in the early 21st century, it’s possible that it's still too long before time travel is invented for anyone to be aware of the scientist’s invitation. Maybe time travellers are aware of Hawking’s invitation and still refused to come.

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Whether that’s because they’re obeying a time travel rule or just that Hawking’s party didn’t sound fun enough, we’ll likely never know. However, Hawking did give the idea one final try.

For the physicist’s memorial service in 2018, anyone was allowed to apply to attend via an online ballot. People quickly noticed though that the ballot allowed entries from guests who had been born up to the year 2038.

12,000 people from more than 50 countries applied to attend the memorial, but as far as we’re aware, none were born after the date Hawking died.

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Stephen hawking’s best practical joke was hosting a party for time-travelers.

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Stephen Hawking image by Terry Smith/The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

Never let it be said that Stephen Hawking was without a sense of humor. The Cambridge University professor, convention-exploding thinker, and best-selling author, who outlived a devastating ALS prognosis, was a complex genius who democratized science for interested masses.

And he had his fun making a point: Hawking joked about hosting a time-travel party for a bunch of people who never showed.

“I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible,” Hawking told a room full of reporters at the Seattle Science Festival in 2012, in answer to a question about the possibility of time travel. “I gave a party for time-travelers, but I didn’t send out the invitations until after the party. I sat there a long time, but no one came.”

Black-and-white photograph of Stephen Hawking at NASA’s StarChild Learning Center

Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford in 1942 to a family of eccentric doctors, philosophers, and mathematicians. His family lived in a run-down house, ate silent meals with each reading a book, and got around town in a decommissioned taxi cab.

Hawking was a graduate student when he was diagnosed with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, in 1963, and initially given only a few years to live.

He suffered depression, and ALS eventually reduced him to being able only to move one finger and his eyes. And yet he went on to become a generation’s thought leader on gravity, quantum mechanics, and black holes.

Stephen Hawking giving a lecture for NASA’s 50th anniversary

Hawking’s best selling book, A Brief History of Time , published in 1988, has sold 10 million copies. A biopic of his life, A Theory of Everything , released in 2014, starred Eddie Redmayne as Hawking, for which Redmayne won an Academy Award for Best Actor.

Professor Stephen Hawking and Eddie Redmayne attend the UK Premiere of ‘The Theory Of Everything’ at Odeon Leicester Square on December 9, 2014 in London, England. (Photo by Karwai Tang/WireImage)

“What would it take to make time travel a reality, and how would that affect the present reality?” a reporter asked Hawking at the 2012 Science Festival.

Hawking’s full answer, as reported by Ars Technica:

“We are all traveling forward in time anyway. We can fast forward by going off in a rocket at high speed and return to find everyone on Earth much older or dead. Einstein’s general theory of relativity seems to offer the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that we could travel back in time.

Hawking taking a zero-gravity flight in a reduced-gravity aircraft, 2007.

“However, it is likely that warping would trigger a bolt of radiation that would destroy the spaceship and maybe the space-time itself. I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible. I gave a party for time-travelers, but I didn’t send out the invitations until after the party. I sat there a long time, but no one came.”

Hawking wasn’t (entirely) joking about his party, either. In June 2009, he “hosted” a party, filmed by the Discovery Channel.

Servers popped champagne corks and poured bubbly into flutes; a sign hung over the door saying WELCOME TIME TRAVELLERS. The camera panned to a grandfather clock ticking slowly toward 5 o’clock.

U.S. President Barack Obama talks with Stephen Hawking in the Blue Room of the White House before a ceremony presenting him and 15 others with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on 12 August 2009

An invitation read, “You are cordially invited to a reception for Time Travellers, Hosted by Professor Stephen Hawking. To be held at The University of Cambridge.”

Of course, the invitation gave an address: 52° 12’ 21’’ N, 0° 7’ 4.7” E and a time of 12:00 UT on 6/28/2009. No RSVP was required. The two-minute video shows Hawking in a bespoke suit, sitting in silence, awaiting his no-show guests. The world’s leading cosmologist never breaks character.

Naturally, since this was a party for people traveling back in time, Hawking didn’t send out the invitations until after the party date. And still, no one showed.

Stephen Hawking at the Bibliothèque nationale de France to inaugurate the Laboratory of Astronomy and Particles in Paris, and the French release of his work God Created the Integers, 5 May 2006

Hawking never tired of translating complex theoretical equations into understandable concepts for laypeople, which made him one of the most revered, and approachable, intellectuals of the century.

Related story from us: Stephen Hawking was born exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo and died on Einstein’s birthday

“You can ask what will happen to someone who jumps into a black hole, I certainly don’t think he will survive it,” Hawking said in 1978, as recounted in his New York Times obituary. “On the other hand, if we send someone off to jump into a black hole, neither he nor his constituent atoms will come back, but his mass-energy will come back. Maybe that applies to the whole universe.”

Hawking died at his Cambridge home on March 14, 2018. He was 76.

E.L. Hamilton   has written about pop culture for a variety of magazines and newspapers, including Rolling Stone, Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, the New York Post and the New York Daily News. She lives in central New Jersey, just west of New York City

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What Happened When Stephen Hawking Threw a Cocktail Party for Time Travelers (2009)

in Physics , Science | March 26th, 2018 1 Comment

Who among us has nev­er fan­ta­sized about trav­el­ing through time? But then, who among us has­n’t trav­eled through time? Every sin­gle one of us is a time trav­el­er, tech­ni­cal­ly speak­ing, mov­ing as we do through one sec­ond per sec­ond, one hour per hour, one day per day. Though I nev­er per­son­al­ly heard the late Stephen Hawk­ing point out that fact, I feel almost cer­tain that he did, espe­cial­ly in light of one par­tic­u­lar piece of sci­en­tif­ic per­for­mance art he pulled off in 2009: throw­ing a cock­tail par­ty for time trav­el­ers — the prop­er kind, who come from the future.

“Hawking’s par­ty was actu­al­ly an exper­i­ment on the pos­si­bil­i­ty of time trav­el,” writes Atlas Obscu­ra’s Anne Ewbank . “Along with many physi­cists, Hawk­ing had mused about whether going for­ward and back in time was pos­si­ble. And what time trav­el­er could resist sip­ping cham­pagne with Stephen Hawk­ing him­self?” ”

By pub­lish­ing the par­ty invi­ta­tion in his mini-series  Into the Uni­verse With Stephen Hawk­ing , Hawk­ing hoped to lure futur­is­tic time trav­el­ers.  You are cor­dial­ly invit­ed to a recep­tion for Time Trav­ellers,  the invi­ta­tion read, along with the the date, time, and coor­di­nates for the event. The the­o­ry, Hawk­ing explained, was that only some­one from the future would be able to attend.”

Alas, no time trav­el­ers turned up. Since some­one pos­sessed of that tech­nol­o­gy at any point in the future would the­o­ret­i­cal­ly be able to attend, does Hawk­ing’s lone­ly par­ty, which you can see in the clip above , prove that time trav­el will nev­er become pos­si­ble? Maybe — or maybe the poten­tial time-trav­el­ers of the future know some­thing about the space-time-con­tin­u­um-threat­en­ing risks of the prac­tice that we don’t. As for Dr. Hawk­ing, I have to imag­ine that he came away sat­is­fied from the shindig, even though his hoped-for Ms. Uni­verse from the future nev­er walked through the door. “I like sim­ple exper­i­ments… and cham­pagne,” he said, and this cham­pagne-laden sim­ple exper­i­ment will con­tin­ue to remind the rest of us to enjoy our time on Earth, wher­ev­er in that time we may find our­selves.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch Stephen Hawking’s Inter­view with Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Record­ed 10 Days Before His Death: A Last Con­ver­sa­tion about Black Holes, Time Trav­el & More

Stephen Hawk­ing (RIP) Explains His Rev­o­lu­tion­ary The­o­ry of Black Holes with the Help of Chalk­board Ani­ma­tions

The Lighter Side of Stephen Hawk­ing: The Physi­cist Cracks Jokes and a Smile with John Oliv­er

Pro­fes­sor Ronald Mal­lett Wants to Build a Time Machine in this Cen­tu­ry … and He’s Not Kid­ding

What’s the Ori­gin of Time Trav­el Fic­tion?: New Video Essay Explains How Time Trav­el Writ­ing Got Its Start with Charles Dar­win & His Lit­er­ary Peers

Based in Seoul,  Col­in Mar­shall  writes and broad­casts on cities and cul­ture. His projects include the book  The State­less City: a Walk through 21st-Cen­tu­ry Los Ange­les  and the video series  The City in Cin­e­ma . Fol­low him on Twit­ter at  @colinmarshall  or on  Face­boo k .

by Colin Marshall | Permalink | Comments (1) |

time travel dinner party

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Hawk­ing had count­less famous phras­es and say­ing, here we offer you a short selec­tion of Stephen Hawk­ing quotes.


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That Time Stephen Hawking Threw a Champagne Party for Time Travelers

That Time Stephen Hawking Threw a Champagne Party for Time Travelers

words: Nick Hines

photo: Into The Universe

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking likes two things: simple experiments and Champagne .  In that spirit, he combined these pleasures to challenge one of humanity’s age old questions: will humans ever be able to time travel? And if they ever figure it out, would they show up for some free bubbly?

To test those theories, Hawking threw a Champagne-filled party in 2009 for time travelers interested in boozing it up, complete with Krug and hors d’oeuvres. But to ensure only real-deal decade-hoppers would attend, he didn’t release the invitations until after the party had taken place. If people had shown up, he hypothesized, it would be proof that time travel is real. The eventual lack of party-goers could be seen as supporting evidence that time travel isn’t possible — well, probably isn’t possible.

“I sat there a long time, but no one came,” Hawking said in a statement following the quiet affair. Footage from the party was included in his documentary “Into the Universe,” which showed balloons scattered around the room and around 10 bottles of Krug poured into a pyramid of Champagne flutes. Small plates were served alongside the drinks, all of which remained untouched. To be fair, the invitation didn’t say there was going to be Krug . Maybe someone would have made the multidimensional journey if it had.

“You are cordially invited to a reception for time travelers hosted by Professor Stephen Hawking,” the invite read. “To be held in the past, at the University of Cambridge Gonville & Caius College, Trinity Street, Cambridge.” It also added the latitude and longitude, the date of June 28, 2009, and the very necessary disclaimer: “No RSVP required.”

As to why no one showed up to finish the snacks and sparkling, it could simply be because time travel hasn’t been cracked by us or our descendants. (If you’re a fan of Starz’ time-bending drama “Outlander” or Christopher Nolar’s space epic “Interstellar,” you may be open to the possibility it may, in fact, happen one day.) But entertainment and science blog Giant Freakin Robot came up with a few alternative reasons no one attended Hawking’s experimental event, even if humans could visit the past or future at will, and we’re compelled to say they’re somewhat convincing: the party took place on a different reality timeline, the invitations didn’t survive long enough for anyone centuries later to see, “time travelers are dicks,” time travelers don’t have control of their ability to travel, or, most ominously, Hawking killed them all “to preserve the time-space continuum.”

Offing a room full of Champagne-drunk time travelers without being discovered would be quite the feat for anyone — and a questionable moral choice — but it would have been all in the name of science if Hawking was behind it.

The famed theoretical physicist and cosmologist, who passed away in 2018, is known for having one of the most brilliant scientific minds in human history. His 1988 magnum opus, “A Brief History of Time,” details his life’s work studying the big bang, black holes, and other cosmic quandaries. The scientist, whose life and marriage was dramatized in 2014’s Academy Award-winning drama “The Theory of Everything,” was known for having quite the sense of humor —so this space-time-bending rager wasn’t an entirely surprising stunt. Perhaps he just roasted any interdimensional guests that did dip into the Krug so hard that they hopped back to their own year of origin before last call. We couldn’t blame them if they did. 

So, what really happened at the now-famous soirée that’s come to be known as the Stephen Hawking Time Travel Party? We may never know. (Or do we somehow know already?) As Hawking put it, “What a shame.”

Published: May 15, 2017

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Here's How to Join Stephen Hawking's Ultimate Party of This Timeline

Go to the profile of  Chanuka Nadun Perera

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about time travel? Imagine all the incredible things you could do and the impact you could make if you could jump back or forward in time.

It's a concept that has fascinated us for centuries and led countless people to dive headfirst into the world of science, hoping to uncover the secrets of time.

And when it comes to exploring the mysteries of the universe and the enigma of time, one name keeps popping up—Stephen Hawking. This guy was a genius in physics, especially when studying black holes and the universe's origins.

Stephen Hawking hosted a party for time travelers, but no one came

Back in 2009, Hawking did something out there. He threw a party. Now, it wasn't just any ordinary party. Nope, this shindig was exclusively for time travelers. Can you believe that?

Now, hold on tight because this tale has a twist. The invitations to this mind-bending party were sent out after the party had already happened. Mind-blowing, right? And the big question—did any time travelers show up?

Picture this: a grand event with vibrant balloons, bottles of champagne ready to pop, and trays of delicious hors d'oeuvres. This was the setup for the Time Travelers' Party organized by the brilliant physicist Stephen Hawking. But here's the twist—no one showed up.

The Discovery Channel documented the party with a video to capture this remarkable event. It showcased Hawking, dressed up for the occasion, eagerly awaiting the arrival of time travelers. Despite his excitement, the party remained devoid of guests.

To ensure potential time-traveling attendees could find their way, Hawking went the extra mile. He provided precise GPS coordinates (52° 12′ 21″ N, 0° 7′ 4.7″ E) as a guiding beacon for those traversing the vast expanse of time and space.

In a peculiar twist, the Time Travelers' Party invitations were sent out after the event had concluded. This unusual approach was a deliberate choice by Stephen Hawking to ensure that only individuals capable of time travel could attend. It added an extra layer of intrigue to the experiment.

An Invitation to Stephen Hawking's Cocktail Party

The wording of the invitation itself was intriguing. It cordially invited time travelers to the reception, expressing Hawking's hope that copies of the invitation would withstand the test of time, lasting for thousands of years.

The underlying idea was that future inhabitants, equipped with advanced technology like wormhole time machines, would stumble upon these invitations and attend the party, thereby validating the possibility of time travel.

Despite the invitation's thoughtful design, no time travelers made an appearance. This raises fascinating questions. Could it be that time travelers didn't survive until the invention of time travel? Or Hawking kept the presence of time travelers a secret to avoid disrupting the fabric of space-time.

The Ultimate Experiment: Stephen Hawking's Time Travel Soiree Revealed

Another possibility is the limitation of traveling back only to the point when time travel was initially developed, which would explain the absence of future attendees.

Hawking himself expressed skepticism about the feasibility of time travel based on experimental evidence. He acknowledged that while Albert Einstein's theories proposed the potential for warping space-time to enable time travel, he disagreed.

Hawking highlighted the dangers of such manipulation, as it could trigger destructive radiation, endangering the spaceship and potentially the fabric of space-time itself.

Hawking acknowledged the theoretical possibility of time travel based on Albert Einstein's groundbreaking theories.

To ensure potential time-traveling attendees could find their way, Hawking went the extra mile. He provided precise GPS coordinates

Einstein's work proposed that it is feasible to manipulate space-time, creating pathways that could lead to journeys through time. However, Hawking held reservations about the practicality and safety of such endeavors.

Hawking expressed concerns about the potential dangers accompanying the manipulation of space and time. He emphasized the risks involved in warping the fabric of space-time, warning of the emergence of destructive radiation.

According to his research, the intense energy required to bend space-time could release hazardous particles and high radiation levels. This realization led Hawking to question the wisdom of pursuing backward time travel.

Continuing Stephen Hawking's fascination with time and the unknown, the Stephen Hawking Foundation extended a unique invitation to time travelers for his interment service.

This invitation stood out not only for its solemn purpose but also for its inclusive nature. Unlike the Time Travelers' Party, which took place in the past, the interment service invitation welcomed applicants from different years, including those yet to be born.

The Stephen Hawking Foundation, known for its open-mindedness and commitment to scientific exploration, reached out to individuals across time with this extraordinary invitation.

time travel dinner party

The foundation's global reach ensured that aspiring time travelers from around the world had the opportunity to participate in this historic event.

The application process for the interment service invitation is ongoing, with interested individuals submitting their entries to the Stephen Hawking Foundation .

In the end, whether time travel remains a tantalizing dream or becomes a tangible reality, the Time Travelers' Party and the invitation to Hawking's interment service will forever serve as beacons of inspiration.

They remind us that while the universe may hold countless mysteries, our relentless pursuit of knowledge, insatiable curiosity, and shared humanity will guide us on our journey through time and space.

Sources: mashable.com / livescience.com / atlasobscura.com / stephenhawkinginterment.com

a graphic of a tunnel in outer space with eight analog alarm clocks appearing to tumb;e through the tunnel

Is time travel even possible? An astrophysicist explains the science behind the science fiction

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Assistant Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

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Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to [email protected] .

Will it ever be possible for time travel to occur? – Alana C., age 12, Queens, New York

Have you ever dreamed of traveling through time, like characters do in science fiction movies? For centuries, the concept of time travel has captivated people’s imaginations. Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in time, just like you move between different places. In movies, you might have seen characters using special machines, magical devices or even hopping into a futuristic car to travel backward or forward in time.

But is this just a fun idea for movies, or could it really happen?

The question of whether time is reversible remains one of the biggest unresolved questions in science. If the universe follows the laws of thermodynamics , it may not be possible. The second law of thermodynamics states that things in the universe can either remain the same or become more disordered over time.

It’s a bit like saying you can’t unscramble eggs once they’ve been cooked. According to this law, the universe can never go back exactly to how it was before. Time can only go forward, like a one-way street.

Time is relative

However, physicist Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity suggests that time passes at different rates for different people. Someone speeding along on a spaceship moving close to the speed of light – 671 million miles per hour! – will experience time slower than a person on Earth.

People have yet to build spaceships that can move at speeds anywhere near as fast as light, but astronauts who visit the International Space Station orbit around the Earth at speeds close to 17,500 mph. Astronaut Scott Kelly has spent 520 days at the International Space Station, and as a result has aged a little more slowly than his twin brother – and fellow astronaut – Mark Kelly. Scott used to be 6 minutes younger than his twin brother. Now, because Scott was traveling so much faster than Mark and for so many days, he is 6 minutes and 5 milliseconds younger .

Some scientists are exploring other ideas that could theoretically allow time travel. One concept involves wormholes , or hypothetical tunnels in space that could create shortcuts for journeys across the universe. If someone could build a wormhole and then figure out a way to move one end at close to the speed of light – like the hypothetical spaceship mentioned above – the moving end would age more slowly than the stationary end. Someone who entered the moving end and exited the wormhole through the stationary end would come out in their past.

However, wormholes remain theoretical: Scientists have yet to spot one. It also looks like it would be incredibly challenging to send humans through a wormhole space tunnel.

Paradoxes and failed dinner parties

There are also paradoxes associated with time travel. The famous “ grandfather paradox ” is a hypothetical problem that could arise if someone traveled back in time and accidentally prevented their grandparents from meeting. This would create a paradox where you were never born, which raises the question: How could you have traveled back in time in the first place? It’s a mind-boggling puzzle that adds to the mystery of time travel.

Famously, physicist Stephen Hawking tested the possibility of time travel by throwing a dinner party where invitations noting the date, time and coordinates were not sent out until after it had happened. His hope was that his invitation would be read by someone living in the future, who had capabilities to travel back in time. But no one showed up.

As he pointed out : “The best evidence we have that time travel is not possible, and never will be, is that we have not been invaded by hordes of tourists from the future.”

Telescopes are time machines

Interestingly, astrophysicists armed with powerful telescopes possess a unique form of time travel. As they peer into the vast expanse of the cosmos, they gaze into the past universe. Light from all galaxies and stars takes time to travel, and these beams of light carry information from the distant past. When astrophysicists observe a star or a galaxy through a telescope, they are not seeing it as it is in the present, but as it existed when the light began its journey to Earth millions to billions of years ago.

NASA’s newest space telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope , is peering at galaxies that were formed at the very beginning of the Big Bang, about 13.7 billion years ago.

While we aren’t likely to have time machines like the ones in movies anytime soon, scientists are actively researching and exploring new ideas. But for now, we’ll have to enjoy the idea of time travel in our favorite books, movies and dreams.

Hello, curious kids! Do you have a question you’d like an expert to answer? Ask an adult to send your question to [email protected] . Please tell us your name, age and the city where you live.

And since curiosity has no age limit – adults, let us know what you’re wondering, too. We won’t be able to answer every question, but we will do our best.

  • Time travel
  • Special Relativity
  • Thermodynamics
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Curious Kids
  • Curious Kids US
  • Time travel paradox

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Fun Dinner Party Themes to Level Up Your Next Event (or Holiday)

Forget the everyday dishes and get creative with these thematic menus, dinner party decor, and DIY ideas.

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SolStock/Getty Images

The holidays and entertaining go hand in hand, but it doesn't have to be the holidays to throw a dinner party or get creative with it. Whether you're throwing a formal dinner party or doing some casual entertaining, dinner parties are a fun way to bring people together.

If you need a little inspiration, these creative starting points will guide you to the perfect dinner theme idea—there are even some specific themes (and recipes!) in each category that you can run with for your own culinary adventure.

Dinner Party Themes Ideas

If you're getting ready to host friends and family for a dinner party, picking a theme might feel overwhelming. First, consider your surroundings or situation. Be sure to consider factors like the occasion, time of year, weather, and location when deciding on a theme. With this in mind, here are some dinner party themes to explore.

Pick Destinations Around the Globe

Pick a favorite vacation destination (or something from your travel bucket list), research a menu from there (don't forget dessert!), and perhaps go a little further by playing music or watching movies from that country.

Don't be afraid to travel to more than one destination either; you can offer a trip around Asia with a dish from each destination, or opt to serve different cultures' versions of dumplings as appetizers, main dishes, and desserts. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Mexican food with mojitos
  • Indian curry or a vegetarian masala
  • Fish and chips and English trifle
  • Italian lasagnas (and affogato!)
  • Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches
  • French crepes and clafoutis
  • Greek-style orzo and shrimp with avgolemono soup
  • Japanese okonomiyaki and udon
  • Korean bibimbap and bulgogi with cucumber kimchi salad
  • Middle Eastern falafel and hummus
  • Chinese dumplings and fried rice

Want to keep it all American? Consider choosing delicacies from places you've visited or lived. Here are a few suggestions:

  • New Orleans Cajun or Creole fare
  • Chicago-style deep-dish pizza
  • New York cheesecake
  • New England lobster rolls
  • Tex-Mex fajitas and enchiladas

Set Up a DIY Food Party

If you're looking for a fun dinner theme idea that's low-effort, high reward, choose a menu theme that's really interactive. Setting up DIY food bars may require a bit of prep and presentation, but your guests (or your family) will take it from there to build customized creations.

Bonus: This is an excellent option when your fellow diners have dietary restrictions or are simply picky eaters, as they can skip over any ingredients that don't work for them. Some make-your-own-dinner theme inspiration includes:

  • Tacos , burritos, or nachos
  • Mac-and-cheese (with fun toppings!)

You might even choose to turn your next dinner into a Chopped -style competition, where you give a set secret ingredient, open access to the kitchen or DIY bar, and offer a time limit to produce something awesome.

Think Outside the Dinner Box

Sometimes, the best dinner isn't actually dinner. Consider dining options that aren't usually served in the evening (or as a full meal). Some options to consider include:

  • Breakfast for dinner (think egg dishes or waffles)
  • Charcuterie boards (add enough veggies and fruit alongside the meat and cheese, and it's a meal)
  • Hors d'oeuvres as a meal

You can also look for ways to minimize (or maximize!) your menu to have a little fun with your dinner. Consider serving all miniaturized foods (think sliders, French onion soup bites , mini hot dogs, and mini desserts ) or supersize (giant cookie for dessert).

Consider Time Travel

Take a trip back in time, whether you opt for retro favorites from a bygone era. Or maybe you want to take it way back to medieval times or the Victorian era. Dinner parties like this are even better if costumes are involved—think disco costumes and a menu with a 1970s vibe. A few dinner menu theme ideas include:

  • 1970s style with cheese fondue , old-school casseroles, and a 1970s-style icebox cake
  • Medieval with meat pies, hearty stews, and desserts with fruit and honey
  • 1920s with deviled eggs (invented in the 1920s), tea sandwiches, canapés, and oysters with Roaring '20s cocktails like Tom Collins and French 75

Celebrate Minor Holidays

Obviously, there are the big holidays like Thanksgiving, New Year's, and the 4th of July. If your dinner party falls around the holidays, it might be fun to go with a holiday theme. But honestly, any day can be a celebration. Get inspiration from those fun food holidays like Ice Cream Day on July 16th, or National Hamburger Day on May 28th. Celebrate minor holidays (like creating a red, white, and blue something for Flag Day on June 14th). You can even make up your own holiday and make a menu perfect for it.

Be mindful of the presentation. The presentation of your dishes (and decor) can really enhance the guest experience—and it's half the fun for a holiday-themed dinner party.

Get Pop Culture Inspired

If you're plotting dinner party associated with a binge watch or movie marathon, take inspiration from what you're showing. Your book club may also love having a book-inspired menu. (I recently hosted my book club's discussion of Lessons in Chemistry, and I opted for a chicken pot pie and brownies , as they were featured in key plot points in the book.)

Or maybe you'll want to find a theme with a twist, like only serving TikTok famous recipes. (A dinner party is the perfect opportunity to revisit the viral baked feta pasta, cowboy caviar, upside-down puff pastry, or whatever TikTokers dream up next.)

Stick to the Season

Consider having a seasonal theme for your next dinner party (or do a dinner party every season!). A season theme offers you the opportunity to celebrate the flavors of the season with the freshest ingredients.

For instance, a summer dinner party might be a picnic theme with refreshing cocktails, barbecue, and vibrant salads with ripe tomatoes or even strawberries. Incorporating seasonal elements into the decor, like fresh flowers (perhaps with edible flowers as well!) for the spring or warm vanilla candles in the winter, adds to the memorable experience for guests.

The seasons don't have to do with the weather either; you can also consider sports seasons. For example, if it's football season and you're gathering for or before a game, a tailgating theme may also make sense for you.

Opt for creative menus, decorations, and mood music to match. Perhaps even what you wear can be part of the whole experience.

Pick a Color

A color dinner party theme might sound silly, but it can be lot of fun to get creative with different foods of the same color. For example, you might have a pink-themed dinner party to celebrate the birthday of your friend who loves the color pink.

For a pink-themed dinner party, you might have smoked salmon canapés or pink radish soup. A purple theme might incorporate veggies like graffiti cauliflower, beets, purple potatoes, or fruits like grapes, plums, blackberries, and elderberries.

For a color-themed party, experiment with food coloring. Make the cake for dessert blue. Top the brownies with green icing. Use red sprinkles on the ice cream. Whatever color you choose, there are tons of ways to get creative with adding it to your dishes.

Entertaining Preparation Tips

There are plenty of ways to make any dinner—regardless of the theme you choose—more fun. Here are some tips to keep in mind when thinking about your dinner party menu.

  • Offer a range of options to suit all dietary restrictions. For example, you might include vegetarian or gluten-free options depending on your guests. Ask your guests if they have any allergies and label any dishes that contain allergens like eggs, nuts, shell fish, and other common kinds.
  • Aim for a balanced meal. Your dinner party menu should include a variety of flavors and textures to create an exciting and satisfying experience for your guests. This might also mean including drinks that pair well with each dish.
  • Choose dishes that you can prepare in advance. If that's not possible, at the very least, choose dishes that require minimal last-minute preparation. This way, you can spend more time enjoying the meal with your guests (and entertaining them) than cooking during the event.

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Time Travel Dinner Party

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Joran and I hosted a Time Travel themed dinner party the other night. The concept is simple: everyone dresses up in theme and brings a dish in theme. By now, we have built an eclectic collection of previous dinner parties: Circus of Illusions , Milkyway Takeaway , Magically Coloured Childhood Memories , Blacklight Science Fair and Robot Safari.

It always amazes me how much you can create with simple means and imagination. I bought an old Atlas in a second hand shop, and glued a paper table cloth together from the pages, making a fun map (that on first glance seemed about right, but didn’t make any sense if you looked long enough.)

For the occasion I built my very own one-second-time-machine from some old scrap and bits and pieces. I even added a buzzer and a LED. This ideas was stolen from inspired by this fragment from the movie “The Science Of Sleep”. Which I just realise would be another awesome theme for a dinner party. Who knows, maybe next time.

And the best thing: our time machine really worked! We tested it beforehand. I used it to make Joran repeat “I love you” about five times. It worked on our guests as well: they would fly back in time one second, repeating what just had happened or been said.

Joran and I dressed up as Phileas Fogg and Passepartout from ‘Around the world in eighty days’, the adventure novel by Jules Verne.

 photo Time_Travel_Dinner_Party_80_Days_Around_World.jpg

Therefore obviously we needed to serve our dish in hot air balloons.

 photo Time_Travel_Dinner_Party_Air_Balloon.jpg

We passed through time and age. We entered the Middle Ages, and met knights and bloody slain dragons.

 photo Time_Travel_Dinner_Party_Middle_Ages.jpg

Curry Cobain made an appearance.

 photo Time_Travel_Dinner_Party_curry_Cobain.jpg

And our guests brought us back to the Flower Power seventies with fresh flowers, retro vases and stylish sunglasses,

 photo Time_Travel_Dinner_Party_Flowers.jpg

And yes, even a disco ball.

 photo Time_Travel_Dinner_Party_disco_ball.jpg

We dipped into the best type of time travel vortex (with edible glitters and chocolate flavour).

 photo Time_Travel_Dinner_Party_Vortex_Edible_Glitter2.jpg

It was a great night with friends, family and fun.

A night to remember.

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' src=

June 3, 2019 at 22:40

Sounds such fun!! I love your party ideas!

' src=


June 4, 2019 at 09:03

Thanks! It was a while since our last dinner party, so it felt really good to finally make some time for it again :)

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45+ Delicious and Creative Food Ideas for a Travel-Themed Party

By: Author Valerie Forgeard

Posted on Published: January 10, 2023  - Last updated: July 1, 2023

Categories Culture

Are you looking for the perfect food ideas for a travel-themed party? Whether it’s a bridal shower, a birthday party, or even a Harry Potter party, we’ve got you covered! You can choose from so many amazing and unique recipes from around the world that your guests will be impressed with your culinary skills.

From New York pizzas to Mediterranean olive oil – and of course, there’s some delicious chocolate inspiration, too – in this guide, you’ll find all the food ideas you need to make your travel-themed party one to remember. So let’s explore some of these delicious treats that will delight any guest on any occasion!

Food Ideas for Various Party Themes

International hors d’oeuvres.

Serve a variety of small bites that represent different cuisines from around the world. Some options might be:

  • Sushi is the perfect finger food, especially when served in bite-sized portions. Try sushi rolls with smoked salmon, cream cheese, cucumber slices, tuna or eel with avocado and cucumber slices, or shrimp tempura rolls with cucumber, carrots, ginger, and wasabi sauce.
  • Empanadas – This savory pastry is famous in Latin American countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. Empanadas can be filled with meat or cheese and are baked or deep-fried until golden brown on the outside and soft on the inside. Serve them warm, which is when they taste best! Most grocery stores have frozen empanadas that are easy to prepare.
  • Samosas – This Indian appetizer consists of deep-fried dumplings filled with potatoes, peas, and spices.
  • Bruschetta – Prepare this Italian appetizer by spreading slices of bread with olive oil and topping them with tomatoes, basil leaves, and salt and pepper.
  • Vegetarian hors d’oeuvres – many people like to eat vegetarian, so be sure to include some vegetarian options on your menu. For example, you could offer spinach pancakes or stuffed mushrooms for vegetarians.
  • Vegetable platter – offers a selection of raw vegetables and dips such as hummus or baba ghanoush.
  • Pita bread with tzatziki sauce – make your tzatziki sauce by mixing Greek yogurt with cucumbers, garlic, and dill weed. You can also buy it at most grocery stores.

Street Food

For a travel-themed party, you can set up a station where guests can create their own street food-inspired dishes. To do this, you’ll need some serving platters, bowls, and utensils, and you can provide all the ingredients for each dish on a table.

Set up a station where guests can create their street food-inspired dishes, such as:

  • Tortillas – Tortillas are commonly eaten in Mexican cuisine. They can be served as finger foods with salsa or guacamole dip.
  • Fried rice – set up a station where guests can make their fried rice. You’ll need cooking oil and rice (white or brown).
  • Noodle bowls – set up a station where guests can make their noodle bowl with noodles (ramen or udon), vegetables, and protein (shrimp, chicken, or beef).

You could also set up an international food bar where guests can choose from different dishes and ingredients they like best.

You could host a Mexican night with tacos and burritos; an Asian night with pho (Vietnamese noodles) or ramen (Japanese noodles); an Italian night with pasta and lasagna; an Indian night with samosas (deep-fried dumplings filled with vegetables) and naan bread; and a French night with crepes with fresh fruit or Nutella (chocolate-hazelnut spread).

Travel-Themed Main Courses

You can’t go wrong with these main dishes if your party is travel-themed.

  • Beef Goulash with Pasta – This recipe is hearty, filling, and meaty! It’ll satisfy even the pickiest eaters at your party! Beef goulash is perfect for those who enjoy hearty meals like burgers or sandwiches. You can serve this dish with rice or mashed potatoes on the side if you want something lighter than pasta or noodles.
  • Chicken Enchilada Casserole – Another hearty dish that is very popular at parties! It has the same flavors as traditional enchiladas, but without rolling the corn tortillas into little tubes, you have to make it yourself if you make it from scratch. It’s also easy to make and reheat before serving – so perfect for a party!
  • Chili con carne – Chili con carne is one of my favorite slow cooker recipes because it’s so easy and delicious! There are so many ways to make chili con carne, but this recipe is one of my favorites because it has great flavor without being overly spicy or sour (like some chilies can be).
  • Vegetarian Chili – Vegetarian chili is often made with beans and other legumes but can also be meatless. This recipe uses black beans, but you can also use kidney beans, chickpeas, or lentils. Be sure to add plenty of vegetables to your chili, so it doesn’t get too dry.
  • Spicy Thai Beef Lettuce Wrap s – These healthy, tasty wraps make an excellent appetizer for your meal. Fill them with beef and veggies or chicken and avocado if you prefer!
  • Grilled Lamb Skewers with Greek Yogurt Marinad e – These skewers are perfect for summer parties because they’re grilled outside on the grill instead of in the oven.
  • Baked Salmon with Lemon Dill Sauce – This salmon is baked in foil packets, making it easy to transport and serve at a party. The lemon dill sauce gives it a delicious flavor without being too spicy.
  • Baked Falafel Burgers with Tahini Sauc e is one of my favorite foods, so I decided to make it into a burger! It’s delicious, easy to make, and has excellent flavor.
  • Chicken Satay Skewers – Chicken satay skewers are great for parties because they’re small and easy to eat! You can prepare them ahead of time and keep them warm in the oven until you’re ready to serve them! They also taste great dipped in peanut sauce!
  • Vegetarian pasta – You can’t go wrong with a pasta dish at your travel-themed party. This is the perfect recipe to get your friends talking about their favorite travel destinations or past travel experiences.
  • Quinoa Pilaf – Quinoa pilaf is another versatile vegetarian main dish that can be served alongside any side dishes or salads at your travel-themed event. This recipe includes dried cranberries, almonds, and raisins.
  • Hotdogs on Skewers – Hotdogs on skewers can be served with fresh tomato slices, pickles, and mustard. The hotdogs can be purchased at your grocery store and put in long sticks from the craft store. This is a dish that everyone will enjoy!
  • Baked Potatoes – Baked potatoes are easy to prepare and perfect for vegetarians. Bake the potatoes in the oven with butter, salt, and pepper. You can add some vegetables or cheese to make this dish more filling for your guests.
  • Spicy Tofu Stir Fry – Tofu is an excellent substitute for meat in many dishes. It has a firm texture and absorbs flavor well, making it perfect for stir fry dishes. This recipe calls for a hot seasoning blend, but you can also use your favorite blend or make your own with sesame oil, chili paste, or Sriracha sauce.
  • Roasted Cauliflower Soup – Cauliflower makes an excellent base for soups because it thickens nicely when cooked. Roasting the cauliflower before adding it to the soup adds flavor and keeps this dish low in calories and healthy!

Travel-Themed Desserts

Create a dessert table inspired by your international guests. If you invite people from different countries to your travel party, serve them their favorite sweets from their home country.

You can serve desserts inspired by different destinations around the world, such as:

  • French Macarons are made from almond flour, beaten egg whites, and sugar. These little treats are colorful and delicious! They come in many flavors, but some of the most common include vanilla, chocolate, and pistachio.
  • Italian Gelato – Gelato is a famous Italian ice cream made with milk, cream, and eggs. It’s often served with toppings such as chocolate French fries or nuts. It’s known for its creamy texture and lightness compared to American ice cream because it contains less fat than regular ice cream. Less air is added during the manufacturing process, making it lower in calories than other types of ice cream. If you don’t want to make it yourself, you can buy it at bakeries or grocery stores near you or find it on Amazon.
  • Moroccan sweets – In Morocco, they’re known as baklava. They’re made from phyllo dough and filled with syrup or honey or nuts like pistachios or almonds or walnuts or cashews or dates or figs or raisins.
  • Black forest cake consists of a layer of chocolate sponge cake filled with cherries and whipped cream and sprinkled with chocolate French fries (black forest cake).
  • Japanese Matcha Cake – Matcha is a green tea powder used in Japanese cuisine and desserts. It consists of specially grown green tea leaves ground into a fine powder. Instead, you can use it in any cocoa powder or baking soda/powder cake recipe!
  • English trifle : This is one of the most popular English desserts, and it only takes a few minutes to prepare. The main ingredients are sponge cake soaked with sherry or whiskey and garnished with cream and fresh fruit.
  • Portuguese Pasteis de Nata : These custard tarts are very popular in Portugal and are perfect as a dessert. Plus, they’re very easy to prepare!

Easy Party Food Ideas

Cheese and charcuterie.

Party food doesn’t have to be complicated. When hosting a party, it’s always important to keep things simple and easy to eat. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still whip up something delicious and fun!

Cheese and charcuterie boards are a great way to show off your culinary skills and entertain your guests. They’re also perfect for parties because they can be prepared in advance and then placed on the table at the last minute. No one will ever know!

It’s best to put together a selection of cheeses and meats from different regions, along with sides like olives, pickles, and bread. This is an excellent option if your guests have different tastes or allergies – make sure everyone knows what’s on the board so they can avoid foods they don’t like or have restrictions for (e.g., vegetarians).

Travel-Themed Snacks

Provide a snack mix with international flavors, such as wasabi peas, spicy nuts, and Sriracha-flavored popcorn.

  • Beach-themed snacks – have tropical drinks on hand for guests to sip while they mouth beach balls made of cheese or pineapple slices with toothpicks.
  • Theme park snacks – serve pretzel necklaces and animal crackers shaped like roller coasters for the kids and hot dogs for the adults.
  • Music festival treats – serve fruit skewers with marshmallows on sticks, mini doughnuts dusted with powdered sugar, and mini sandwiches cut into triangles that look like water bottles with your favorite band’s name on them.
  • French fries and dips – serve your favorite salsa with French fries or offer different dips like hummus or baba ganoush.
  • Candy bars – wrap candy bars in colorful cellophane bags and tie them together with colorful ribbons for an easy DIY party favor.
  • Pretzels – bake homemade pretzels in the oven and serve them with dipping sauces, like honey mustard or chocolate ganache.
  • Gingerbread – bake a batch of gingerbread cookies and decorate them with sprinkles for an extra festive touch.
  • Popcor n – popcorn is one of the easiest party foods to make (and eat!). You can even make caramel popcorn and decorate it with nuts or candy.
  • Hummus and Pita French fries – serve this classic Mediterranean appetizer as part of a snack spread – it goes with just about anything!

Drinks for a Travel-Themed Party

Set up a station with a variety of international drinks, such as:

  • Sake – The Japanese rice wine sake is served warm or cold in the winter and at room temperature in the summer. Sake has been drunk in Japan for over 2,000 years!
  • Chai Tea – Chai tea is a traditional Indian drink made from black tea leaves, spices such as ginger and cardamom, milk, and sugar. It’s usually served steaming hot but can also be enjoyed cold or iced in the summer.
  • Horchata – This sweet drink is popular in Mexico and Central America, especially in Mexico City.
  • Cocktail station – set up a cocktail bar where you can mix drinks like lychee martinis or Moscow Mules.
  • Wine and cheese bar – set up an area with various cheeses, crackers, and wines for guests to enjoy.
  • Beer Garden – Set up a beer garden with tables and chairs, umbrellas, and potted plants.

Inspiration for Your Lunch or Dinner Party Decor

You can host your travel-themed party by decorating your home with travel-related items. You can also make a travel board game for your guests to play. For example

  • Travel posters are easy to find online or in a local store. They come in all sizes and colors, so you can choose what you like best. They look beautiful on the walls of your home, especially when combined with other travel-themed decorations like balloons, etc.
  • Travel books – you can display books on different travel themes, such as adventure, culture, nature, fancy places, etc., to add depth to your party theme.
  • Balloons are inexpensive to decorate your home for any occasion and look fantastic when combined with other decorations such as posters, etc. You can use different colors, such as pastels if you want a feminine touch, or if you want something more vibrant, opt for bright colors like orange, red or green, yellow, etc., that will give your party a vivacious atmosphere!

Ideas for Party Games on the Theme of Travel

Party games are a fun way to get people talking and laughing. But if you’re planning a travel-themed party, why not incorporate games that help guests learn about the places they’ll be visiting?

Here are some ideas for games that will entertain your guests while helping them learn about your destination:

  • Geography trivia game – ask guests to name five countries connected to their destination by land or water. For example, if you’re going to Mexico, ask them to name three countries that border Mexico. If you’re traveling to Europe, ask them to name five countries that border one of the European countries.
  • What is in my bag? – Fill the bags with items related to different places in the world. Then give each guest a bag and ask them to guess which country each item is from without looking in their bag. This game is both educational and fun!
  • The most significant difference between two cities – Get two groups together (one for each city) and have each group list three differences between their city and the other (e.g., one city has more skyscrapers than the other). Have each group share their answers so everyone can see how similar or different these cities are!

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Building a Life You Love

Around the World Themed Party Ideas | 25+ Food, Drinks & Games

Hosting an Around the World party is a fun way to celebrate all the different countries of the world. With these Around the World party ideas, you’ll have fun themes and food ideas that are perfect for hosting a great party with your friends!

iconic landmarks against a white backdrop - text overlay says how to host an around the party

From authentic recipes and refreshing drinks to fun games for guests of all ages, these easy party ideas are the best way to put together an amazing celebration.

These ideas also work well for a graduation party, bridal shower, baby shower, and first birthdays!

29 Popular Around the World Themes

Whether you’re planning a corporate event, a themed birthday party, or starting a new tradition, there are creative ways to add a lasting impression on your guests! The first way is to pick a theme!

Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing! We’ve linked to any helpful ideas for each theme, too!

paris Eiffel tower

  • Welcome to Paris (French Theme)
  • African Safari
  • County Fair (hay bales, corn on the cob, etc)
  • Chinese New Year
  • Christmas in July
  • Arabian Nights
  • Tailgating or Sports Theme
  • Mexican Fiesta
  • Coachella/ Music Festival
  • Las Vegas Casino Night
  • British Afternoon Tea
  • California Palm Trees & Pool Party
  • Beach Party
  • Egyptian / Toga Party
  • Medieval Dinner
  • Western (Cowboy hat, Boots, etc)
  • Eat Pray Love Movie Theme
  • Christmas Traditions Throughout the World
  • Cheese & Wine 
  • Cheers to 30 Years
  • Murder Mystery (set in a foreign place)
  • Roaring 1920’s Great Gatsby Theme
  • A Taste of …(Pick any state or country)
  • Bollywood 
  • Around the World Menu (Buffet of different foods)

hawaiian movie night

Special Touches for a Travel Theme Party

  • You could send invitations that look like plane tickets. (Bonus points if you attach an inflight snack for your guest!)
  • It’s also a great idea to decide the number of guests you’ll have before planning out your full world party theme.
  • Don’t forget to let your guests know ahead of time that it’s a themed event and of any dress code options for the theme.
  • Vintage suitcases, maps, paper lanterns, colorful balloons, and string lights are all great party decor ideas.
  • Set up special food stations along the party venue.
  • If you have server(s), they could dress up as a flight attendant!

around the world postcards stacked across the image

  • Consider a photo booth or post card as a souvenir from their “trip” at the party.
  • You could also do a baggage claim area where guests can pick up their coats or party favors before leaving the party.

We also have specific ideas for a 50th Birthday Party for Adults or for  37 Cool Outdoor Birthday Party Ideas for Teens & Tweens you may also like.

around the world flags passport boarding pass

Around the World Themed Party Menu

An around the world theme can be so much fun! Below, you’ll find amazing recipe ideas for your next party!

time travel dinner party

Sacher Torte

Your party guests will love this chocolate Austrian cake with apricot jam and a chocolate ganache glaze from I Heart Eating.

time travel dinner party

Prepare a delicious Cuban beef stew made in the Instant Pot in under one hour with this easy recipe from Eating in an Instant.

time travel dinner party

Ukrainian Beet Salad

Whip up a colorful Ukrainian side dish made with beets, carrots, potatoes, and pickles with this recipe from Savas Kitchen.

time travel dinner party

Lebanese Baklava

This recipe for Lebanese baklava from A Pinch of Adventure is a flaky pastry crust filled with sugary walnuts and topped with a rose water syrup.

time travel dinner party

Mini Roast Beef Yorkshire Pudding Bites

These mini bites from Culinary Ginger are filled with roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, making them a great option for the London stop on your around the world celebration.

time travel dinner party

Malaysian Fried Noodles

Head to Malaysian at your celebration with this recipe for Mee Goreng Mamak from Joyous Apron, a fried noodle dish with fried tofu and red potatoes.

time travel dinner party

Papel Picado Craft

Keep the kids at your party entertained with this fun Mexican paper flag craft from Confessions of an Over-Worked Mom.

time travel dinner party

French Macarons

Add a pop of color to your dessert display at your party with some classic French macarons with the help of this fool proof recipe from Partylicious.

time travel dinner party

Pierogies are a classic Polish dumpling made with a variety of filling options. This easy recipe from Spend With Pennies would make a delicious side dish or appetizer for your Around the World celebration.

time travel dinner party

Around the World Escape Room

Have some educational fun while keeping your party guests entertained with a fun printable around the world escape room kit.

time travel dinner party


Whip up this recipe for Pacanga Boregi from Cooking Gorgeous for your International party menu – a Turkish snack stuffed with cheese, tomatoes, and peppers.

time travel dinner party

Japanese Rice Balls

This recipe for Onigiri from Drive Me Hungry is a fun way to enjoy some Japanese cuisine at your Around the World party.

time travel dinner party


Add a traditional Spanish snack to your party food spread with this recipe for Tortilla Espanola from Merienda’s de Pasion.

time travel dinner party

Brazilian Lemonade

The younger guests at your party will love the combination of sweet and sour flavors in this nonalcoholic Brazilian lemonade recipe from Simple Living Recipes.

time travel dinner party

German Schnitzel

This crispy pork schnitzel with alpine fondue sauce recipe from Food Worth Feed is a simple main course that allows you to add German flavors to your dinner menu.

time travel dinner party

Mexican Wedding Cake

Enjoy a classic dessert from Mexican that’s made with just six ingredients with this easy recipe for Mexican wedding cake from Persnickety Plates.

time travel dinner party

Swedish Meatballs

These classic Swedish meatballs from Sweet and Savory Morsels would make the perfect appetizer or simple main course for your Around the World dinner party.

time travel dinner party

Irish Potato Candy

Serve some traditional Irish candy to your party guests with this fun sweet treat recipe from Saving Dollars and Sense.

time travel dinner party

Make your own homemade churros for a sweet Mexican treat to serve at your party using this recipe from Cookie Dough and Oven Mitt.

time travel dinner party

A mangonada is a vibrant and delicious Mexican drink made with juicy mangoes, chamoy, and chile-lime seasoning.

time travel dinner party

Prosciutto and Melon

The sweet and salty combo of prosciutto e melone from It’s Not Complicated Recipes is a classic Italian appetizer perfect for an Around the World celebration.

time travel dinner party

Korean Corn Dog

This fun recipe for crunchy Korean corn dogs from Braised and Deglazed is a fun way to bring some Korean street food to your party.

time travel dinner party

Printable Plane Tickets

Get your Around the World party started with the help of these fun printable plane tickets from Barley and Birch to pass out to all the kids at your celebration.

time travel dinner party

Around the World Trivia

Have some fun testing your international knowledge with your friends with this printable around the world trivia game.

Need more ideas? You may also like:

  • 33 Fun Dress Up Party Themes for Adults
  • Easy Couples Dinner Party ideas, Recipes & Games
  • 99 Fun Party Quotes for Instagram

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Dinner Is Served

12 Surprising Secrets For Hosting A Dinner Party, Straight From The Experts

If you’re running behind on prep work, #4 will save you.

Experts share their tips for hosting a great dinner party.

When I imagine hosting a dinner party , I picture myself in a fabulous dress, toting a perfectly made, ice-cold martini as I float around my dining table. My friends and I revel into the wee hours of the morning, and when I wake up the next day, my Instagram feed is filled with dazzling photos from the evening, captioned with effusive praises for my hosting abilities. (I’m also not hungover and my kitchen is magically clean.)

When I *actually* host a dinner party, I’m more likely to be found sweating over a stove as I try to eavesdrop on conversations to make sure everyone’s getting along, and I keep hitting “skip” on the random Spotify playlist I chose at the last minute. I’m lucky if I don’t fall asleep face-first in the dessert.

In an effort to find some sort of middle ground between my fantasy and reality, I asked experts — including chefs, cookbook authors, and influencers in the entertaining space — for their best dinner party tips… you know, beyond the basics of considering dietary restrictions and remembering where the salad fork goes. (P.S. The world will not end if you skip salad forks entirely.)

Whether you’re hosting a tight-knit friend group, a holiday dinner for your family, or a mishmash of people from different parts of your life, these tips will help to ensure everyone has a great time — yourself included.

1. Throw A Low-Key Theme Party

Set a theme for your dinner party.

You don’t need to dress in costume and fill your menu with punnily named dishes , but having some semblance of cohesiveness can elevate the evening from “eating food with people I know” to “legit dinner party.”

“With every aesthetic, culinary, and music decision, you establish the vibe,” says Stephanie Nass , the caterer, designer, and founder behind home entertaining brand Chefanie . “For example, if you’re going for a cozy vibe, go with browns instead of neons; soup instead of sushi; Norah Jones instead of Benny Benassi.”

Of course, if you want to go all-out with your theme, you certainly can. “[Select] an artist who has a large body of work, pick an album, and [base] all of the dishes on that album,” suggests Carla Hall , a chef and Food Network regular. “I would love Prince’s Purple Rain because I would want everybody to choose something purple.” Or, Hall says, you could assign guests different TikTok-famous recipes (like baked feta pasta or butter boards ) to try out.

Bonus points if you like to keep people on their toes: Pick out a handful of recipe videos, assign two guests to each video, and have them go head-to-head to see whose dish turned out better — you’ll be in for a night of taste-testing and friendly competitions.

2. Seriously, Don’t Procrastinate

“Plan the menu as soon as you decide you’re hosting,” Nass says. “If you need speciality ingredients, source them early on. Dry goods and alcohol can be purchased as far out as you want. Produce can be purchased three to four days before the event. Meats, fish, and flowers should be purchased the day of or day before. Bread must be fresh-fresh.”

A huge reason you should get a head start is so you can figure out your budget. “When I’m budgeting, I always [start with the] highest-cost item, which will be the protein,” says chef, cookbook author, and TV host Adrianne Calvo . From there, you know how much money you have left to spend on sides, dessert, drinks, and decor.

3. Invitations Are Still A Thing

“The invitation sets up the anticipation of what’s going to happen,” Hall says. But it doesn’t have to be a formal, paper invitation sent by snail mail; if your party isn’t especially fancy, a digital invitation or even a text will suffice. This will clue guests in on what time to show up, when you expect it to end, and — if you send an Evite, Paperless Post, mass email, or group text — who’s coming.

4. Try These Hacks For Chilling Your Wine

Here are two hacks for chilling your wine at a dinner party.

Nobody wants to drink room-temperature wine. ( Yes, that goes for reds, too .) “If you’re in a pinch, take a paper towel and wet it with cold water. Squeeze out the excess, wrap it around the bottle, and pop it in the freezer. It [will be] chilled in five minutes,” says Ayesha Curry , who was inspired to co-found a wine brand after giving a toast at her mom’s birthday dinner. (She and her sister-in-law Sydel Curry-Lee launched Domaine Curry , a Prisoner Wine Company portfolio label, in 2018.)

“With Champagne, to keep it colder longer, put a little bit of salt in the ice bucket with the ice,” Curry says. There's a lot of science involved in this tip, but the gist is, as Curry puts it: “It tends to keep everything nice and cold and perfect.” Cheers!

5. Serve Guests A Little Treat Upon Arrival

Set the tone from the moment people walk in. “Pour them a drink, invite them to relax,” says Dan Pelosi, food influencer (better known as @grossypelosi ) and author of the cookbook Let’s Eat . If the idea of hors d'oeuvres sounds fussy and stressful, relax — they’re just snacks. Try a simple cheese plate with charcuterie, fruit, or nuts.

6. Don’t Sleep On Casseroles

So many pros sang praises for casseroles, largely because they’re easy to customize based on your guests’ dietary needs. You can make them meatless, vegan, gluten- or dairy-free — or all of the above if you have a big crowd. They’re also easy to prep ahead of time; the oven will take care of the rest.

“The hour before you’re having people over, you just want to be lighting candles and finessing the books on your bookshelf and doing your makeup and just relaxing,” Pelosi says. Casseroles let you do just that. “Also, walking into a house where something's in the oven and the whole house smells like it is a total dream.”

Of the casseroles recommended by these experts, one reigned supreme: lasagna . (And yes, lasagna is a casserole; this is not a hot dog-sandwich debate .)

7. Serve Your Meal Family-Style

“ Sending out [individually plated food] is out of style now,” Calvo says. Instead, she recommends setting out all the food in serving dishes and letting guests help themselves. It removes the host’s responsibility of portioning out food and timing when each course is served. Plus, it makes it a lot easier for guests to eat enough of what they want and discreetly skip the stuff they don’t.

8. Let People Sit Where They Want — With Some Rules

Let your dinner party guests switch seats.

“I don’t usually assign seating,” Pelosi says. “I think it’s a little bit presumptuous [to assume] you have that much power in the world.” He does, however, encourage guests to switch seats multiple times during the party. “I love to just be like, OK, now’s a good time for you guys to mingle while I’m working on the next course.”

Hall also has a trick to facilitate bonding among guests. “You can talk about anything else, but you can’t talk about what you do,” she says. “Once somebody talks about what they do as a job, [there are] a lot of assumptions, [and] what you do for a living isn't actually who you are.” It’s a party, not a networking event.

9. Make It A Group Effort

Whoever said potlucks were out of style was seriously disturbed. According to our pros, asking your guests to bring a dish not only takes the burden off you as the host, but also ensures they have at least one thing they like to eat.

If you’re worried about ending up with three different salads and zero desserts — or you want to ensure all the flavors mesh well together — you can assign a specific dish, or general type of dish, for each guest to bring. (Those less culinarily-inclined can bring wine, ice, and other supplies.)

10. Don’t Forget Your Garnishes

Want an easy way to make your dishes look impressive (yes, even if they’re store-bought)? Accessorize. “Garnish your cocktail, garnish your dishes in whatever form — whether it’s edible flowers, fresh herbs, or whatnot,” Calvo says. “That’s the attention to detail. That’s the finesse right there.” Citrus rinds, nuts, and breadcrumbs work, too.

11. Throwback Playlists Never Fail

Music plays a big role in the overall vibe of your evening, so don’t just pick a random Spotify playlist and hope for the best. If you have a specific theme, go with something that fits.

If not, throwbacks are almost always crowd-pleasers. “Once people have a couple of drinks in them and the conversations get a little bit better and people feel more comfortable, I love to do throwbacks,” Calvo says. “Like, we’re going to play ’90s, early 2000s music. I don’t know if it’s because people start to remember their college days — I don’t know what happens — but it's always a great time.”

12. Chill TF Out

The most overwhelmingly common piece of advice from these experts might be the easiest said, but hardest done: Enjoy your party.

“Entertaining is not about running an episode of The Bear in front of your friends,” Pelosi says. “The most important way to get people to relax and feel comfortable when they come to your house for a dinner party is for you to feel relaxed and comfortable.”

Calvo agrees. “If the host is having a good time, that’s going to be contagious.”

Stephanie Nass , caterer, designer, founder of Chefanie

Carla Hall , chef

Adrianne Calvo , chef, cookbook author, and TV host

Ayesha Curry , co-founder of Domaine Curry, cooking expert, author, actor

Dan Pelosi , food influencer, author

time travel dinner party

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45 Easy But Impressive Dinner Party Recipes

Recipes for stress-free entertaining.

time travel dinner party

Brittany Conerly; Food Stylist: Karen Rankin; Prop Stylist: Christina Brockman

It can be intimidating to throw a dinner party, which is why having an arsenal of go-to recipes is a must. These dinner party recipes strike the right balance between impressive and doable. From wow-worthy main dishes like our Porchetta With Lemony Herb Sauce (which looks much harder to make than it actually is) to tried-and-true side dishes like our Easiest Mashed Potatoes, you'll be able to build the entertaining menu of your dreams.

Roasted Lemon-Pepper Chicken

Greg Dupree, Food Stylist: Emily Nabors Hall, Prop Stylist: Christine Keely

Let the Dutch oven do all the work with this roast chicken recipe. As a bonus, whole bulbs of garlic roast alongside, which are delicious stirred into butter for spreading on bread served with the meal.

Our Best Lasagna

Victor Protasio; Food Stylist: Karen Rankin; Prop Stylist: Julia Bayless

A solid lasagna is the kind of homey recipe that makes guests instantly feel at ease in your home when entertaining. And we should note, we don't call this version of the classic casserole "our best" for nothing.

Classic Beef Pot Roast

This recipe cooks carrots and potatoes alongside the roast, for a one-pot meal that checks off not only the entrée, but the side dishes too.

Easy Crème Brûlée

Caitlin Bensel; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

Guests will have so much fun shattering the crisp sugar crusts on these classic French desserts.

Hummingbird Sheet Cake

Victor Protasio; Food Stylist: Emily Nabors Hall; Prop Stylist: Mary Clayton Carl Jones

While a layer cake can be a bit ambitious for some to try before a big dinner party, this equally as pretty sheet cake delivers the same flavor without any decorating stress.

Easiest Mashed Potatoes

Victor Protasio, Food Stylist: Ruth Blackburn, Prop Stylist: Christine Keely 

These potatoes keep things simple, and sometimes a simple but well-executed side dish is all you really need to impress guests.

Pan-Seared Salmon

This Pan-Seared Salmon easily feels restaurant-quality, but couldn't be easier to make. We serve it simply with a lemon-herb butter, but feel free to get creative and add your favorite seasonings instead.

Porchetta With Lemony Herb Sauce

Greg Dupree; Food Stylist: Micah Morton; Prop Stylist: Ginny Branch

Once you get the hang of rolling up this pork roast, all you have to do is pop it in the oven and let it do all the hard work.

Bacon-Wrapped Pork Tenderloin "Filets"

Greg DuPree, Food Stylist: Ruth Blackburn, Prop Stylist: Christine Keely 

Bacon adds fat and flavor to a lean cut like pork tenderloin. Served in individual portions, it feels as fancy as steak, but is much more affordable.

Herb-Crusted Roasted Leg Of Lamb


Don't save lamb for just Easter dinner. A perfectly roasted leg of lamb is a mostly hands-off main dish, and it never fails to impress guests.

Sugar Snap Pea Salad

Frederick Hardy II, Food Stylist: Margaret Monroe Dickey, Prop Stylist: Christina Daley 

Studded with gorgeous edible flowers, this crunchy salad proves that side dishes don't have to be an afterthought, but rather just as stunning as the main dish.

Prosciutto-Wrapped Chicken Cutlets With Haricots Verts

Victor Protasio; Food Stylist: Ruth Blackburn; Prop Stylist: Christine Keely

Dress up plain chicken cutlets with this prosciutto-wrapped version. The cured deli meat adds an irresistible salty crust to the lean cut of meat.

Strawberry Cheesecake

Robby Lozano, Food Stylist: Jennifer Wendorf

With a shiny and sweet strawberry topping, who could resist a slice of this cheesecake at the end of a good meal?

Flourless Chocolate Cake

It can be hard to accommodate guests' dietary restrictions, especially when it come to gluten and desserts. Luckily this flourless cake makes it easy (and delicious) to meet everyone's needs.

Glazed Carrots

Although you could use any carrots for this side dish, small multicolored ones help make this dish extra colorful and beautiful.

Marry Me Chicken

A recipe so good, you might just get a marriage proposal out it.

Million Dollar Spaghetti

A baked pasta might not seem like something impressive enough for a dinner party, but just one bite of this Million Dollar Spaghetti will prove just how wrong that assumption is.

Fish And Grits

Antonis Achilleos; Prop Stylist: Caleb Clarke; Food Stylist: Emily Nabors Hall

Although we love shrimp and grits, a perfectly cooked piece of fish feels extra fancy even when served over something as simple as grits.

Seared Scallops with Lemon-Herb Rice

Quick-cooking scallops make dinner come together fast, so you can spend more time with guests and less time in the kitchen.

Twice-Baked Duchess Potatoes

Greg Dupree; Prop Stylist: Ginny Branch; Food Stylist: Micah Morton

While a regular baked potato might feel lackluster, these gorgeous piped Duchess potatoes are anything but boring for a dinner party.

Grandby's Sour Cream Pound Cake

A moist and tender pound cake is the perfect way to end any meal, if you ask us. You can easily dress it up with freshly whipped cream and berries, or a stunning glaze.

Heavenly Key Lime Pie

Caitlin Bensel; Food Styling: Torie Cox

Once you've tried this pie, you'll understand exactly why we call it 'heavenly.'

Slow-Cooker Short Ribs with Pork Rind Gremolata

A slow-cooker makes easy work of the main meal for a dinner party, while also freeing up oven space to use for the dessert and side dishes.

Perfect Beef Tenderloin

Iain Bagwell

Cut this tenderloin at the table so guests can marvel at the perfectly rosy center.

Skillet Chicken Pot Pie With Puff Pastry

Although you can always go with a classic pie crust for pot pie, the puff pastry on this rendition makes for a pretty design and gorgeous flakes of golden brown dough.

Asparagus with Cheese Sauce and Herb Breadcrumbs

It can be hard to make a side dish that everyone at a party will love. But cover anything in this cheese sauce, and we guarantee there will be no leftovers.

Strawberry-And-Basil Pavlova

Victor Protasio; Food Stylist: Melissa Gray; Prop Stylist: Christine Keely

This sheet pan dessert can be made in advance and then topped just before serving for easy entertaining.

Make-Ahead Yeast Rolls

Greg DuPree, Food Stylist: Micah Morton, Prop Stylist: Kathleen Varner

Take the stress out of making fresh bread for a dinner party with these Make-Ahead Yeast Rolls. They can be prepared and frozen well in advance of the event.

One-Bowl Chocolate Cake


A one-bowl dessert is perfect for entertaining because after all the other cooking you've done, there's usually very little space left in the dishwasher.

Apple Rose Tart

Jennifer Causey; Food Stylist: Melissa Gray; Prop Stylist: Christina Daley

This dessert may look complicated, but layering the apples is actually quite easy, it just takes a bit of time.

Chicken And Rolled Dumplings

Antonis Achilleos; Prop Stylist: Christine Keely; Food Stylist: Ruth Blackburn

Even if you are a die-hard drop dumpling fan, these rolled dumplings might just convert you and your dinner party guests to new technique.

Mini Confetti Cakes

Antonis Achilleos; Prop Stylist: Kay E. Clarke; Food Stylist: Torie Cox

There's something about edible flowers that instantly dresses up any dessert. Your guests won't be able to resist digging into these adorable cakes, even if they're stuffed from the rest of the meal.

Garlic Parmesan Green Beans

If there's one side dish that always goes quickest at a dinner party, we think it's these cheesy and garlicky beans.

Garlic Bread

Pasta doesn't have to be on the menu to serve this oh-so-good homemade garlic bread.

Romaine Salad With Oranges And Radishes

For a refreshing bite in between rich main dishes and creamy sides, serve this crunchy citrus salad.

Maple-Roasted Brussels Sprouts With Bacon

Sweet, salty, and savory, this side dish has it all. Even the Brussels sprout naysayers will be won over.

Jen Causey, Food Stylist: Margaret Monroe Dickey, Prop Stylist: Julia Bayless

A simple roast beef main dish is the kind of versatile centerpiece that allows you to serve any and all of your favorite sides dishes with it. It truly goes with everything from classic mashed potatoes to asparagus, or even your favorite retro salad.

Pork Tenderloin With Apples

The natural sweetness of apples is the perfect compliment for pork tenderloin. The best part? The entire dish comes together in one skillet.

Smothered Pork Chops

The sauce on these pork chops is so good, we could probably enjoy it all on its own.

Pepper-Stuffed Grilled Flank Steak

James Ransom, Food Stylist: Chelsea Zimmer, Prop Stylist: Christina Daley

If you're entertaining outside , turn to this impressive grilled flank steak stuffed with flavorful and colorful peppers.

Leafy Green Salad With Sunflower Seed Dressing

Victor Protasio, Food Stylist: Chelsea Zimmer, Prop Stylist: Christine Keely 

The crunch and nuttiness of sunflower seeds is what makes this salad so delicious. Plus, the seeds add texture without using nuts, in case some guests might be allergic.

Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

Prosciutto makes any vegetable taste better, and seasons it perfectly.

Crispy Potato Galette

Crispy layers of thinly sliced potato brown up into a gorgeous side dish that you can serve almost like a cake alongside the entrée.

Chocolate Lava Cakes

Greg DuPree; Food Stylist: Ali Ramee; Prop Stylist: Hannah Greenwood

There's nothing like watching guests cut into the soft center of these gooey cakes and seeing the lovely chocolate lava ooze out.

Roasted Green Beans With Spicy-Sweet Glazed Shallots

Although the green beans are the star of this meal, we would argue the best part of this dish is the roasted shallots.

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28 Summer Dinner Party Recipes that Will Wow Your Guests!

28 Best Summer Dinner Party Recipes

Summer is here, and it's time to gather friends and family for unforgettable dinner parties. The warm weather calls for fresh, vibrant dishes that celebrate the season's bountiful produce. Whether you're hosting a casual backyard get-together or a more formal affair, we've got you covered with a lineup of the best summer dinner party recipes.

From refreshing salads to mouthwatering grilled mains and irresistible desserts, these dishes are sure to impress your guests and make your soirée a hit. So, get ready to fire up the grill, toss some salads, and indulge in the flavors of summer!

1. Grilled Pork Chops with Mango Salsa

Grilled Pork Chops With Mango Salsa

Grilled Pork Chops with Mango Salsa is a mouthwatering summer dish that combines savory pork chops with a sweet and spicy mango salsa. The fruity and spicy flavors of the salsa perfectly complement the juicy pork chops, creating a symphony of complementary flavors.

This recipe is easy to prepare and is perfect for both dinner parties and simple weeknight dinners. Pair it with a crisp Riesling or dry rosé for a complete summer meal.

2. Herbed Lemon Garlic Chicken Skewers

Herbed Lemon Garlic Chicken Skewers

Herbed Lemon Garlic Chicken Skewers are a flavorful and healthy option for a summer dinner party. The marinade of fresh lemon, herbs, and garlic adds a burst of flavor to the chicken.

The skewers are complemented with vibrant summer veggies, making it a colorful and delicious dish. With only 197 calories per serving, it's a guilt-free option that will impress your guests.

3. Crunchy Romaine Toss

Crunchy Romaine Toss

The Crunchy Romaine Toss is a crowd-pleasing salad that is perfect for summer dinner parties. Made with romaine lettuce, broccoli, ramen noodles, walnuts, and a sweet and sour dressing, this salad is both easy to make and incredibly delicious.

It can be prepped ahead of time and tossed together right before serving, making it a convenient option for any gathering. Whether it's a potluck or a backyard barbecue, this Crunchy Romaine Toss is sure to be a hit.

4. Grilled Garlic Potatoes in Foil

Grilled Garlic Potatoes In Foil

Grilled Garlic Potatoes in Foil is a fantastic side dish for summer dinner parties. The tender and flavorful potatoes are wrapped in foil with garlic, sweet onion, and fresh thyme.

The combination of flavors is simply delicious. It's an easy recipe with minimal clean-up, making it a weekly staple. The potatoes are grilled to perfection, resulting in a dish that will impress your guests.

5. One Skillet Peach Chicken

One Skillet Peach Chicken

The One Skillet Peach Chicken is a quick and delicious summer dinner option that takes only 5 minutes to prepare. The sweet and savory peach glaze, made with garlic, fresh herbs, brown sugar, Dijon mustard, and cider vinegar, adds a burst of flavor to the tender chicken.

It pairs well with buttermilk biscuits or cornbread and a simple salad. Overall, it's a fast, fresh, and family-friendly meal that takes advantage of seasonal produce.

6. Greek Appetizer Platter

Greek Appetizer Platter

The Greek Appetizer Platter is a must-have for any summer dinner party. This Mediterranean-inspired charcuterie board is filled with pita, hummus, tzatziki, feta cheese, meat, olives, pistachios, and raw vegetables.

It's a flavorful and visually appealing addition to your party spread. With easy make-ahead options and quick tips, this platter comes together effortlessly. Impress your guests with the fresh and tangy flavors of Greece.

7. Instant Pot Shrimp Boil

Instant Pot Shrimp Boil

Instant Pot Shrimp Boil is a delicious and easy-to-make summer dinner party recipe. This low country shrimp boil is made in the Instant Pot with ingredients like shrimp, sausage, potatoes, and corn on the cob.

The dish is seasoned with Old Bay seasoning and cooked in lager beer for added flavor. It can be served with melted butter and more Old Bay seasoning for extra taste. Overall, Instant Pot Shrimp Boil is a crowd-pleasing recipe that is perfect for summer gatherings.

8. Italian Pesto Sliders

Italian Pesto Sliders

Italian Pesto Sliders are a delicious and easy-to-make dish that is perfect for summer dinner parties. With just a few ingredients, including Jennie-O Roasted Sun Dried Tomato Turkey Breast and pesto, these sliders are packed with flavor.

The combination of sliced tomatoes, turkey, and melted mozzarella cheese creates a mouthwatering taste. These sliders are a crowd-pleaser and can be served as an appetizer or a main course. Overall, Italian Pesto Sliders are a must-try recipe for any summer gathering.

9. Bruschetta


Bruschetta is a classic Italian appetizer that is perfect for summer dinner parties. Made with juicy ripe tomatoes, fresh basil, and balsamic vinegar, it is a delicious and refreshing dish to serve to your guests.

The combination of grilled bread, garlic, and olive oil creates a crunchy and flavorful base for the tomato topping. Whether you're by the pool or hosting a gathering, bruschetta is a crowd-pleaser that will impress your guests.

10. Purple Gin and Tonic

Purple Gin And Tonic

The Purple Gin and Tonic is a colorful and refreshing cocktail that is perfect for a summer dinner party.

Made with Empress Gin, tonic water, and lime juice, this drink is easy to make and adds a fun twist to the classic gin and tonic. With its vibrant purple hue, it adds a pop of color to any party. Cheers to a delightful summer sip!

11. Grilled Tuscan Steak

Grilled Tuscan Steak

Grilled Tuscan Steak is a flavorful and juicy summer dish that is perfect for special occasions. The marinade, made with lemon zest, garlic, rosemary, and oregano, infuses the steak with delicious Tuscan-inspired flavors.

The steak is grilled to perfection, with a charred exterior and a tender center. It pairs well with a glass of wine and simple sides, making it a fantastic option for a summer dinner party.

12. BBQ Chicken Sliders

Bbq Chicken Sliders

These BBQ Chicken Sliders are a crowd-pleasing summer dinner party recipe. They are a perfect combination of sweet and spicy flavors, with cooked chicken, pineapple, pickled jalapenos, BBQ sauce, and melted Monterey Jack cheese, all sandwiched between split rolls.

The sliders are topped with a savory honey-butter sauce and baked to perfection. They are easy to make and always a hit at any gathering.

13. Slow Cooker Shrimp Boil

Slow Cooker Shrimp Boil

Slow Cooker Shrimp Boil is a flavorful and hands-on dinner option for summer parties. It features juicy corn, perfectly cooked shrimp, sausage, and potatoes, all simmered in a Cajun/Creole-spiced broth.

The recipe can be easily adapted to personal preferences, with the option to use beer or other liquids instead. While it can be cooked on high heat, it requires careful monitoring to avoid overcooking. Overall, Slow Cooker Shrimp Boil is a fun and delicious addition to any summer gathering.

14. Mediterranean Rice Salad

Mediterranean Rice Salad

The Mediterranean Rice Salad is a vibrant and delicious addition to any summer dinner party. This gluten-free and vegetarian dish combines a chopped salad with rice and a light, fresh dressing.

It can be served as a main dish or a side, and is both healthy and filling. Perfect for BBQs and can be made in advance. Overall, a must-try recipe for a flavorful and satisfying summer meal.

15. Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad

Caprese Salad is a refreshing and delicious summer dish that is perfect for a dinner party. With its combination of juicy tomatoes, creamy mozzarella, and fragrant basil, it is a classic and timeless recipe.

The balsamic glaze adds a touch of sweetness and tanginess, elevating the flavors even more. This salad is a crowd-pleaser and a great addition to any summer menu.

16. Salad Bar

Salad Bar

The Salad Bar recipe provides a customizable and versatile option for summer dinner parties. With a variety of fresh vegetables, beans, nuts, fruits, and dressings, guests can create their own unique salads.

The recipe also offers vegan-friendly options, making it suitable for a diverse range of dietary preferences. Overall, the Salad Bar is a great addition to any summer gathering.

17. Hawaiian Chicken Skewers

Hawaiian Chicken Skewers

These Hawaiian Chicken Skewers are a must-have for any summer dinner party. The juicy chicken, paired with sweet pineapple, onion, and red pepper, creates a delightful combination of flavors.

The marinade/glaze adds a sticky, almost BBQ sauce-like touch that will have your guests coming back for seconds. Easy to make ahead and assemble, these skewers are a crowd-pleaser that will elevate your summer entertaining.

18. Peach Schnapps Sangria

Peach Schnapps Sangria

Peach Schnapps Sangria is a refreshing and easy-to-make summer drink that only requires three ingredients. With the combination of Moscato wine, Peach Schnapps, and fresh peaches, this sangria is perfect for any summer gathering or romantic dinner.

The peaches soak in the alcohol, adding a delicious flavor to the drink. It's a go-to recipe that can be enjoyed on warm nights.

19. Salad Bar Board

Salad Bar Board

The Salad Bar Board is a creative and interactive way to serve salads at a summer dinner party. It allows guests to customize their own salads by choosing from a variety of toppings and dressings.

The recipe provides a list of suggested ingredients, such as lettuce, chicken, avocados, tomatoes, and bacon, but encourages customization based on personal preferences. With its easy assembly and use of small bowls and tongs, the Salad Bar Board is a fun and convenient option for a healthy dinner party dish.

20. Easy BLT Dip

Easy Blt Dip

The Easy BLT Dip is a crowd-pleasing appetizer that captures the classic flavors of a BLT sandwich. With just five simple ingredients, including sour cream, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, and bacon, this dip is quick and easy to make.

It's the perfect addition to any summer dinner party, offering a creamy and flavorful dip that pairs well with toasted baguette slices or chips.

21. Spinach Artichoke Cups

Spinach Artichoke Cups

Spinach Artichoke Cups are a must-have for any summer dinner party. These crunchy and creamy appetizers are a crowd-pleaser, combining a crispy wonton cup with a flavorful spinach artichoke dip filling.

They are easy to make and can be served warm or at room temperature. Perfect for any occasion, these Spinach Artichoke Cups are sure to be a hit with your guests.

22. Chilean Sea Bass

Chilean Sea Bass

The Oven-Baked Chilean Sea Bass recipe is a standout option for summer dinner parties. With its elegant and flavorful blend of lemon, garlic, butter, and herb seasoning, this dish is both healthy and delicious. The quick and easy preparation, along with simple pantry ingredients, make it a convenient choice for entertaining guests.

The foolproof oven-baking method ensures even cooking, while the delicate and flaky texture of the Chilean sea bass shines through. Overall, this recipe is a winner for those seeking a sophisticated and impressive seafood dish for their summer gatherings.

23. Margarita Punch

Margarita Punch

Margarita Punch is a refreshing and easy-to-make drink that is perfect for summer dinner parties. Made with limeade, lemonade, orange extract, Sprite, water, and tequila, this punch can also be enjoyed as a virgin cocktail by omitting the tequila.

It is a crowd-pleasing option for Cinco de Mayo celebrations, tailgating, and any gathering where a delicious and fuss-free drink is desired.

24. Eton Mess

Eton Mess

Eton Mess is a deliciously decadent dessert that is perfect for summer dinner parties. It combines crushed meringue, whipped cream, and berries to create a sweet and creamy treat.

With its origins in Eton College, this dessert is a favorite among many. It's easy to make and can be customized with different fruits or even ice cream. Eton Mess is a must-try dessert that will impress your guests and leave them wanting more.

25. Creamy White Chicken Enchiladas Casserole

Creamy White Chicken Enchiladas Casserole

Creamy White Chicken Enchiladas Casserole is a delicious and versatile dish that is perfect for summer dinner parties. It features tender shredded chicken, cheese, and spices wrapped in soft tortillas and smothered in a tangy and slightly spicy white sauce.

The dish is rich and comforting, making it a crowd-pleaser for both adults and children. With its creamy and flavorful filling, this casserole is sure to impress your guests.

26. Poor Man's Lobster

Poor Man's Lobster

Poor Man's Lobster is a delicious and affordable alternative to traditional lobster. This recipe uses cod fillets prepared in a way that mimics the taste and texture of lobster.

It is a hit with both seafood lovers and those who are not typically fond of fish. The dish is easy to make and does not leave a strong fishy smell. Serve with melted butter for a delightful summer dinner party option.

27. Mandarin Orange Salad

Mandarin Orange Salad

Mandarin Orange Salad is a delightful addition to any summer dinner party. Made with a mix of iceberg and Romaine lettuce, sugared almonds, and juicy mandarin oranges, this salad is both refreshing and visually appealing.

The simple and sweet homemade dressing, with a hint of Tabasco sauce, adds a burst of flavor. It's an easy-to-make recipe that is sure to impress your guests.

28. Raspberry Poppyseed Dressing

Raspberry Poppyseed Dressing

Raspberry Poppyseed Dressing is a creamy and flavorful homemade dressing that adds a touch of sweetness and tanginess to any summer salad. Made with fresh or frozen raspberries, poppyseeds, and a hint of dijon mustard, this dressing is a delicious addition to a summer dinner party menu.

It can be easily made in a blender or with an immersion blender, and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. Perfect for adding a burst of flavor to your salads!

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About the author.

Dana Frank

Dana Frank is a bon vivant, lover of all things gastronomical. She has authored books and written numerous articles on the subject of food and drinks. Dana's passion for cuisine is rivaled only by her love of wine - she enjoys discussing both endlessly.

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time travel dinner party

34 dinner party mains

Make entertaining fuss-free with these show-stopping dishes, from whole salmon with crispy potatoes to saffron risotto and an epic vegan wellington

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Looking for dinner party ideas? Want easy mains to serve at your next dinner? Check out our ideas below, and make sure you try some of our other entertaining ideas too

  • best starter recipes for a dinner party
  • easy dessert recipes for a dinner party
  • vegetarian entertaining ideas

Dinner party main ideas

One-pot chicken with dates and caramelised onion.

Jammy lemons and plump roasted dates are cooked with this chicken for a sweet and easy alternative to a whole roast bird.

One Pot Chicken Recipe with Lemon and Dates

Hot-smoked salmon vol-au-vents

A brilliant main for a special occasion – make these hot-smoked salmon vol au vents ahead of time, then reheat and assemble to serve.

Three white plates topped with golden puff pastry tarts filled with creamy smoked salmon

Roast pork shoulder with cinnamon and clementines

Serve this fall-apart roast pork shoulder with tortillas, sour cream and lime and let everyone dig in.

A tray of pork shoulder with cinnamon and clementines with three filled tortillas

Vegan wellington

Looking for a showstopping vegan recipe? Check out our impressive vegan wellington packed with roasted red peppers, cooked beetroot and kale. Plus, we've made a vegan stuffing and glazed the pastry in marmite to take this wellington to the next level.

More like this

Giant vegan wellington on a board with the front cut off so you can see the filling

Whole braised chicken in rich gravy (duruj kura)

Originating from the Chittagong district of Bangladesh, this mellow, lightly spiced and creamy dish is traditionally served to welcome a new groom into the bride’s family.

Austrian wiener schnitzel

For a meaty main with a difference, try this wiener schnitzel – the national dish of Austria. Traditionally made with veal, serve this dish with buttered potatoes as a quick dinner party main.

A grey plate topped with breaded veal, a slice of lemon and crispy potatoes

Porchetta with salsa verde

Try this tender pork belly dish from London's Mortimer House restaurant, featuring crisp crackling, roasties, pan-fried purple sprouting broccoli and fresh salsa verde, for your next dinner party main.

A plate of Sunday lunch with roast pork belly and potatoes

Roast duck breast with figs, rosemary and garlic fried potatoes

Try this sumptuous duck recipe from littlefrench, an intimate neighbourhood restaurant in Bristol serving regional French recipes. Served with sweet figs and salty potatoes, this dish is the perfect balance of flavours.

Roast Duck Breast Recipe with Figs, Rosemary and Fried Potatoes with Garlic

Braised shoulder of lamb

Elevate your dinner party to a gourmet experience with the impeccable choice of a properly done lamb shoulder. London's The Red Lion & Sun presents a crowd-pleasing masterpiece, skilfully roasting lamb with a whole bottle of red wine for irresistibly tender results.

A whole braised shoulder of lamb on a serving plate with someone sprinkling salt on top

Saffron risotto

This soothing risotto is delicious on its own, or served with a roast chicken and the roasting juices from the tin. An impressive entertaining idea, if you've got friends round for dinner.

An aerial shot of saffron-coloured risotto on a white plate

Tamworth chop, white beans and turnip tops

Jackson Boxer serves this impressive pork dish at his Hebrides-inspired Notting Hill restaurant, Orasay. Be sure to buy quality pork to ensure a flavoursome feast for your guests.

A white oval shaped plate is topped with stewed white beans with bitter greens and slices of Tamworth pork chop

Slow-roasted lamb with wild oregano

Impress friends and family with this succulent and comforting slow-roasted lamb recipe with wild oregano. Cooking in a rich and juicy sauce, the lamb is served with delicious onions, tomatoes and root veg for a well-balanced feast.

Slow-Roasted Lamb Recipe with Wild Oregano

Lamb ragu pappardelle

Check out chef Louis Korovilas's melt-in-the-mouth pappardelle with indulgent lamb ragu. This easy yet impressive recipe comes from Italian restaurant Bancone in Covent Garden, and careful slow cooking will ensure that beautifully tender meat takes your guests by surprise. For more pasta-based dinner party treats, check out our posh pasta guide here...

Lamb Ragu Pappardelle Recipe

Hanger steak with braised greens

Here's a super succulent steak with crunchy garlic greens. This easy dish comes from Little Duck The Picklery restaurant in Dalston, and it's perfect for a quick but satisfying dinner party dish.

Hanger Steak Recipe with Braised Greens

Romana courgette agrodolce

This easy recipe for romana courgettes with a sweet and spicy agrodolce sauce is perfect for a vegetarian or vegan dinner party. Serve with cous cous or roast potatoes for a filling main course, with not a scrap of meat in sight.

Fried Courgette with Agrodolce Sauce

Hereford onglet, Cafe de Paris butter and spoonwort

Taken from the diaphragm of a cow, onglet has a unique flavour. Camille restaurant serves this with spoonwort, succulent leaves with a similar flavour to horseradish.

Salt and pepper côte de boeuf

This salt and pepper côte de boeuf with easy béarnaise sauce looks really impressive but is easy to make. Perfect for a show-stopping main.

Salt and pepper côte de boeuf

Lamb neck, preserved lemon, white beans and harissa

Try this Lebanese-inspired lamb dish as part of a Middle Eastern mezze, full of flavour and perfect for sharing.

A blue plate with lamb neck on top of a bed of white beans, topped with pomegranate seeds and a red sauce.

Duck and shallots au vin

This is a great winter celebratory meal and a good alternative to duck or turkey for Christmas. The grapes add a delicious sweetness to the duck . You can use ordinary-sized shallots or banana shallots for this.

Duck and Shallots Au Vin Recipe

Roasted skate wing with charred leeks and samphire

Check out this simple recipe for roasted skate wing and charred baby leeks served with a creamy buttery sauce. This straight-forward recipe comes from Amy Corbin and Patrick Williams’ new South London restaurant, Kudu in Peckham, and will secure you a main course that you can be pretty certain none of your guests have attempted before.

Roasted Skate Wing Recipe with Leeks and Samphire

Crab cacio e pepe

Pasta certainly doesn't have to be dull or cliché. Take this cult pasta dish up a notch with a spike of briny shellfish in a creamy sauce. Simple, but beautifully effective.

Quick and Easy Cacio E Pepe Recipe with Crab

Luxury fish pies with rösti topping

This recipe uses the luxury fish pie pack from Skipper’s Choice a fish-box delivery business. You can also buy fillets of haddock, smoked haddock and salmon, cut them up yourself and mix in some prawns.

Thinking about pairing some wine with this? Check out our guide on what wine to drink with fish pie.

Luxury Fish Pie Recipe

Cajun picanha with bean salad

Here's an epic beef recipe with punchy cajun spices and a fresh bean salad. It’s a pointed cut, so is great for serving a crowd as you’ll get well done to rare from the same piece of beef.

Picanha Meat Recipe with Bean Salad

5-spice sriracha pork belly

Check out this punchy, easy, crispy pork belly with Chinese five-spice. This flavoursome pork recipe is great with rice, noodles or bao buns, and the crispy crackling on top will be a sure-fire crowdpleaser.

Roast Pork Belly Recipe With Pork Belly Marinade

Preserved lemon poussin with tabbouleh and saffron yoghurt

If you're looking for a slight change from chicken, have a go at this poussin recipe with preserved lemons. This easy dish makes a great alternative to any weekend roast, and is excellent served with freshly chopped tabbouleh salad and a smooth saffron yogurt for delicious Middle Eastern flavours.

Poussin Recipe with Preserved Lemons and Tabbouleh

Lamb steaks with yeast butter and warm hummus

Check out our succulent seasonal lamb recipe, complete with homemade yeast butter. A perfect recipe for that dinner party main, the hummus makes a delicious alternative to mash or roast potatoes and fresh asparagus tops everything off for the dream springtime feast.

Lamb steaks with yeast butter and warm hummus

Cauliflower and fontina cannelloni

This recipe for cauliflower and fontina cannelloni comes from the chefs at Cantino Corvino, London. It's a delicious, comforting pasta dish, which can be enjoyed by vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. Making your own pasta may seem time-consuming, but the results will be worth it, and you can be sure that it'll earn you extra points from your guests.

Cauliflower and Fontina Cannelloni Recipe

Whole roast John Dory with potato and fennel Dauphinoise and salsa verde

Wow your guests with this impressive whole John Dory recipe with indulgent creamy dauphinoise potatoes. This easy white fish dish is simple to make and perfect for a satisfying Saturday night dinner. It'll look so good that nobody will want to dig in to the first helping!

Baked John Dory with Dauphinoise Potatoes Recipe

Beef, ale and bone marrow pie

Up your pie game with this epic recipe. Packed with melt-in-the-mouth, tender beef and crunchy pickled onions, serve this dish with creamy mash and leafy greens for a showstopping weekend meal with family and friends.

Steak and ale pie with bone marrow in the middle

Butternut ravioli with brown butter and sage

Learn how to make the silkiest, smoothest dough to create out-of-this-world pasta at home, with step-by-step tips from our cookery team. This ravioli recipe is light yet satisfying, with a veil of buttery sauce and a slight sweetness from the butternut squash.

Two pieces of butternut squash ravioli on a plate

Roast salmon with herb crust and brown shrimp butter

Want an impressive fish dish to serve up to your guests? Check out our roast salmon with a crunchy herb crust and buttery new potatoes. Salmon is the easiest fish to please with, but the addition of the crunch herb crust will ensure that this is no standard meal.

Herb Crusted Salmon Recipe with New Potatoes

Fideua with king prawns, chicken and mussels

This typical Spanish seafood dish (think paella with short, noodle-like pasta instead of rice) is packed with king prawns, chicken and mussels as well as smoked paprika for that authentic taste. It may take a little more effort to cook and source the ingredients, but you'll be wowing at the dinner table by the end of the night.

Fideua Recipe with King Prawns, Chicken and Mussels

Goat’s cheese and beetroot citrus salad

Serve a show-stopping centre piece with this bright and colourful beetroot salad bursting with citrusy flavours and creamy goat's cheese.

Beetroot Salad with Goat's Cheese

Roasted hake with clams, cider sauce and dill oil

Get a taste of the Spanish Camino with this elegant seafood dish from My Million Pound Menu winner, Pilgrim. A light but tasty main course, your guests will certainly have room for dessert!

Roast Hake Recipe With Clams and Dill Oil Pilgrim My Million Pound Menu

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Food Drink Life

17 Quick Appetizer Recipes Because You Deserve To Enjoy the Party Too

Posted: March 13, 2024 | Last updated: March 13, 2024

Fear not, because this blog post has your back with easy last-minute Christmas appetizers that won’t require a culinary marathon. Lucky for you, these stress-free recipes ensure you spend less time in the kitchen and more time enjoying the festive moments.

These 17 are perfect for when you’ve got friends coming over and zero time to spend cooking in the kitchen. We’re all about getting you prepped and ready to party without the extra hassle. With these recipes, you’ll whip up something great in no time, so you can kick back, relax, and be the life of the party.

<p>A refreshing and straightforward dish, prepared in 30 minutes. It pairs the crispness of fresh cucumbers with the delicate flavor of shrimp in an effortless way. This appetizer is perfect for any last-minute gatherings as they’re easy to assemble and come together quickly.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/shrimp-cucumber-bites/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Cold Shrimp and Cucumber Appetizer</a></p>

Cold Shrimp and Cucumber Appetizer

In just 30 minutes, you can have a light and refreshing appetizer ready for your guests. Crisp cucumber slices topped with spicy Cajun shrimp and smooth guacamole make this a great choice for a simple and impressive starter for your dinner. Get the Recipe: Cold Shrimp and Cucumber Appetizer

<p>In just an hour, you can have Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts ready to go. This combination of crispy bacon and crunchy water chestnuts makes for a great snack at any party or get-together. It’s a special touch to your spread with minimal effort.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/bacon-wrapped-water-chestnuts/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts</a></p>

Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts

These bites make the perfect appetizer for those who love a combination of textures. Wrapped in bacon, the water chestnuts take on a great crunch and are coated in a savory sauce. They’re ready in an hour and make a great addition to any dinner, especially when you’re looking to please a crowd. Get the Recipe: Bacon-Wrapped Water Chestnuts

<p>This taco dip is perfect for a quick and easy appetizer at dinner time. In just 15 minutes, layer cream cheese with sour cream and taco seasoning, then top with lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and more cheese. It’s a great way to serve a flavorful snack that doesn’t require hours of preparation. This no-bake appetizer is perfect for those spontaneous dinner gatherings where you want to impress without the hassle.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/low-carb-taco-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Taco Dip with Cream Cheese</a></p>

Taco Dip with Cream Cheese

This taco dip is perfect for a quick and easy appetizer at dinner time. In just 15 minutes, layer cream cheese with sour cream and taco seasoning, then top with lettuce, tomatoes, olives, and more cheese. It’s a great way to serve a flavorful snack that doesn’t require hours of preparation. This no-bake appetizer is perfect for those spontaneous dinner gatherings where you want to impress without the hassle. Get the Recipe: Taco Dip with Cream Cheese

<p>A quick and simple way to add something different to your appetizer lineup. They’re ready in 25 minutes and can be baked, grilled, or fried, making them a solid choice for sprucing up your evening menu fast.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/halloumi-fries/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Halloumi Fries</a></p>

Halloumi Fries

When you’re looking for something different for dinner, these halloumi fries are a great choice. Slice the cheese, coat it, and bake. In 25 minutes, you’ll have a batch of these fries that stay firm when baked, giving you a great crunchy snack without much time spent cooking. Get the Recipe: Halloumi Fries

<p>This hearty dip comes together in 30 minutes. Mix cream cheese, heavy cream, spices, cheddar, chili, and salsa, then bake until it turns a perfect golden color. You can add your own favorite toppings and pair them with chips or sliced vegetables. This dish is a great hit for its creamy and spicy flavors and it’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/chili-cheese-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Chili Cheese Dip</a></p>

Chili Cheese Dip

This hearty dip comes together in 30 minutes. Mix cream cheese, heavy cream, spices, cheddar, chili, and salsa, then bake until it turns a perfect golden color. You can add your own favorite toppings and pair them with chips or sliced vegetables. This dish is a great hit for its creamy and spicy flavors and it’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser. Get the Recipe: Chili Cheese Dip

<p>Quick to prepare, taking only 10 minutes from start to finish. This mix of creamy feta and sweet honey is a great pick for any last-minute event, proving you can impress guests without spending much time in the kitchen.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/whipped-feta-with-honey-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Whipped Feta with Honey Dip</a></p>

Whipped Feta with Honey Dip

If you’re pressed for time, this whipped feta with honey dip can be prepared in just 10 minutes. It’s an easy appetizer that pairs the sweetness of honey with the saltiness of feta cheese. It’s a perfect choice for those unexpected guests or last-minute dinner plans. Get the Recipe: Whipped Feta with Honey Dip

<p>These Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms are a hit for any occasion. They’re filled with flavorful sausage and are easy to make ahead of time. This appetizer is both impressive and simple to prepare. It’s perfect for stress-free hosting, leaving you more time to mingle.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/sausage-stuffed-mushrooms/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms</a></p>

Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

These stuffed mushrooms are easy to prepare and are filled with a savory mixture of sausage and mushrooms. You can even prepare them in advance and bake them when you’re ready, which makes them a great appetizer for dinner on busy evenings. Get the Recipe: Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

<p>Impress everyone with this Jalapeño Cranberry Dip — a unique blend of spicy jalapeños and tangy cranberries that offers the perfect balance of sweet and spicy. This make-ahead dip is sure to stand out at your holiday gathering.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/jalapeno-cranberry-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Jalapeño Cranberry Dip</a></p>

Jalapeño Cranberry Dip

This dip is a great pick for dinner because it’s quick to make and combines the heat of jalapeños with the sharp tang of cranberries. Prep for 15 minutes, chill for at least 2 hours or overnight to better infuse the flavors. This dip layers the spicy and sour mix over a smooth, creamy base. It’s perfect for pairing with a variety of snacks and adds a fresh touch to your meal. Get the Recipe: Jalapeño Cranberry Dip

<p>Make these Sausage Balls in 30 minutes, perfect for game days or parties. Start by mixing, then roll and bake. They have a nice flavor that guests often enjoy, making them a practical choice for any gathering.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/pepper-jack-sausage-balls/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Sausage Balls with Cream Cheese</a></p>

Sausage Balls with Cream Cheese

These bite-sized sausage balls with cream cheese are a perfect appetizer for dinner when you’re hosting a large group. They’re easy to make, with minimal steps, and are ready in 30 minutes. Bake a big batch all at once and keep your guests full and content. Get the Recipe: Sausage Balls with Cream Cheese

<p>These zucchini boats are a playful twist on loaded potato skins and can be prepared in under an hour. Ideal for appetizers or a light main course, they’re a hit at any gathering. The quick bake time and simple ingredient list make this a practical recipe. A straightforward preparation process leads to an easy and light meal. You can enjoy a flavorful dish without spending much time in the kitchen.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/loaded-zucchini-skins/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Loaded Zucchini Boats</a></p>

Loaded Zucchini Boats

Stuffed with bacon, cheese, sour cream, and chives, these zucchini boats are a creative take on a classic favorite. Bake them until they’re perfectly golden and enjoy a dish that’s great for mingling at parties. They’re ready in less than an hour and add a special touch to any dinner menu, whether it’s a laid-back gathering or a more formal event. Get the Recipe: Loaded Zucchini Boats

<p>Quick to make and needing just what’s likely in your kitchen, Parmesan Crusted Potatoes are a no-brainer for tonight’s appetizer. They turn crispy in under an hour, showing you can do something awesome with minimal effort.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/parmesan-crusted-potatoes/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Parmesan Crusted Potatoes</a></p>

Parmesan Crusted Potatoes

Ready in under an hour, these Parmesan Crusted Potatoes are a great side dish for any dinner. With simple ingredients like potatoes, parmesan cheese, panko breadcrumbs, and spices, they bake up to have a perfect crispy outside and a soft inside. They’re a great choice when you’re looking for an easy and impressive addition to your meal. Get the Recipe: Parmesan Crusted Potatoes

<p>This Jalapeño Spinach Artichoke Dip presents a flavorful and unforgettable appetizer option. Combining the heat of jalapeño, the freshness of spinach, and the heartiness of artichoke, it’s a straightforward choice for first-time hosts seeking an easy yet impressive dish.<br><strong>Get the <strong><strong>Recipe</strong></strong>:</strong> <a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/jalapeno-spinach-artichoke-dip/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Jalapeño Spinach Artichoke Dip</a></p>

Jalapeño Spinach Artichoke Dip

This dip is a breeze to make, combining the flavors of parmesan, sour cream, spinach, artichoke hearts, and jalapeños into one savory appetizer. It takes less than an hour to bake to a golden finish. Serve it with your choice of veggies, chips, or crackers for a crowd-pleasing addition to your party. Get the Recipe: Jalapeño Spinach Artichoke Dip

<p>Effortlessly combine the sweetness of mini peppers with the savory crunch of bacon, creating an appetizer that’s as simple to make as it is delicious to eat. They’re a guaranteed hit for tonight and add a pop of color and flavor to your menu.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/bacon-wrapped-mini-peppers/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Bacon Wrapped Mini Peppers</a></p>

Bacon Wrapped Mini Peppers

Mini sweet peppers stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in bacon, and baked until crispy are sure to be a favorite. In less than an hour, you’ll have a perfect balance of sweet, salty, creamy, and crunchy that’s great for any occasion. Get the Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Mini Peppers

<p>Love a good breakfast sandwich? These sliders pack all the flavors you crave into a convenient, bite-sized package, perfect for busy mornings.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/breakfast-egg-sliders/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Bacon Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sliders</a></p>

Bacon Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sliders

Transform the classic breakfast sandwich into fun, bite-sized sliders that are ready in 30 minutes. Hard-boiled eggs are used in place of buns, filled with crispy bacon, cheddar cheese, and mashed avocado, and skewered for easy eating. These are perfect for social events where guests are up and about. Get the Recipe: Bacon Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sliders

<p>These Baked Tomatoes with Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheese are a perfect appetizer to add to your party menu. Made with ingredients like Roma tomatoes, fresh basil, and Italian seasoning, these baked tomatoes with cheese are juicy, soft, flavorful, and easy to prepare — in less than 30 minutes!<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/baked-tomatoes-with-cheese/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Baked Tomatoes with Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheese</a></p> <div class="remoji_bar">          <div class="remoji_error_bar">   Error happened.   </div>  </div> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://fooddrinklife.com/57-grandma-inspired-creations-taste-the-love/">57 grandma-inspired creations: Taste the love!</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://fooddrinklife.com">Food Drink Life</a>.</p>

Baked Tomatoes with Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheese

For a dish that’s both refreshing and full of flavor, try these baked tomatoes. In under 30 minutes, top Roma tomatoes with Parmesan and mozzarella, herbs, and a drizzle of oil, then bake and broil to a golden finish. They’re a perfect appetizer for any gathering where you want to impress without a lot of effort. Get the Recipe: Baked Tomatoes with Parmesan and Mozzarella Cheese

<p>This recipe features oven-baked chicken and bacon poppers and a simple homemade ranch dressing. It’s ready in under an hour, perfect for a weeknight dinner or party appetizer. The practicality lies in the easy oven-baking method and straightforward dressing preparation. The dish is light yet flavorful, making it an excellent choice for various occasions. The poppers and dressing require common ingredients, offering a light and easy culinary experience.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/chicken-bacon-ranch-poppers/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Chicken Bacon Ranch Poppers</a></p>

Chicken Bacon Ranch Poppers

These savory chicken bacon ranch poppers are quick to vanish at any party. Ready in an hour, they’re made from a mix of chicken, bacon, egg, cheese, and spices, rolled into balls, and baked. You can make them ahead of time, freeze, and bake when needed. They’re great for preparing in advance so you can enjoy your party without being stuck in the kitchen. Get the Recipe: Chicken Bacon Ranch Poppers

<p>A quick, refreshing choice for tonight’s appetizer spread, ready in under 30 minutes. Featuring fresh cucumbers filled with cream cheese and mashed avocado, topped with juicy tomatoes. They deliver a burst of freshness with every bite.<br><strong>Get the Recipe: </strong><a href="https://realbalanced.com/recipe/cucumber-tomato-bites/?utm_source=msn&utm_medium=page&utm_campaign=msn">Cucumber Tomato Bites</a></p>

Cucumber Tomato Bites

With just a few ingredients and ready in less than 30 minutes, these cucumber tomato bites are a great quick and easy appetizer. Stack slices of cucumber with tomato and a dollop of cream cheese filling for a bite that’s fresh and full of flavor. They’re a great choice when you need to add a simple and great-tasting item to your party spread without any extra hassle. Get the Recipe: Cucumber Tomato Bites

The post 17 quick appetizer recipes because you deserve to enjoy the party too appeared first on Food Drink Life .

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70 Easy Summer Dinner Recipes to Welcome in Warm Nights

Don't let the hot weather stop you from putting these simple meals together!

summer dinner recipes

Every item on this page was chosen by a The Pioneer Woman editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

If you're looking for easy grilling ideas , you can't have a roundup without plenty of burgers (beef burgers, turkey burgers, veggie burgers, and more), plus creative ideas for hot dogs including one to make in your handy air fryer. Looking to make the most of seasonal garden produce? Try the show-stopping tomato pie, stuffed zucchini, or a summer pasta made with fresh pesto. If keeping cool is your objective, make a splash with fun pool party food ideas like sunrise fruit salad and shrimp skewers. Or skip the grill and stove completely and make a refreshing summer salad featuring creamy burrata and marinated tomatoes instead. Of course, you'll want to round out any of these meals with some frozen desserts and a batch of refreshing summer cocktails to really beat the heat.


summer dinner recipes ratatouille

This colorful French dish is a true work of art! It features thin layers of Roma tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, and yellow squash on top of a thick layer of fragrant tomato and bell pepper-based sauce.

Get the Ratatouille recipe .

Shrimp Salad Rolls

summer dinner recipes shrimp salad roll

Hot summer nights call for cold summer dinner recipes like these refreshing shrimp salad rolls! Toss fresh or frozen cooked shrimp with mayo, lemon juice, celery, and fresh herbs, and then put it in a toasted bun for a delicious warm-weather meal.

Get Ree's Shrimp Salad Rolls recipe .

Feta Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles

summer dinner recipes feta meatballs with zucchini meatballs

If summer equates to healthier eating in your home, you'll love this balanced meal of beef meatballs and bright zucchini noodles! The tender meatballs are infused with feta for an influx of cheesy, tangy flavor.

Get Ree's Feta Meatballs with Zucchini Noodles recipe .

Eggplant Rollatini

summer dinner recipes eggplant rollatini

Why visit an Italian restaurant when you can make Ree's cheesy and delicious eggplant rollatini right at home? It features melt in your mouth eggplant rolls filled with a creamy ricotta-parmesan mixture and doused in hearty tomato sauce and mozzarella.

Get Ree's Eggplant Rollatini recipe .

Spring Rolls

summer dinner recipes spring rolls

Cool off from the summer heat with a crunchy plate of spring rolls! They're so easy to make using rice wrappers stuffed with a variety of colorful fruits, veggies, herbs, and shrimp. Don't forget to pair them with creamy peanut sauce for the ultimate dipping delight!

Get the Spring Rolls recipe .


Pickle Cheeseburger Bites

summer dinner recipes dill pickle cheeseburger bites

Your summer dinner lineup probably includes burgers, but if you're looking to mix things up, try your hand at these genius pickle cheeseburger bites! In this easy recipe, mini cheeseburger patties are sandwiched between dill pickle "buns" on a skewer and served alongside a ketchup-mayo mixture.

Get Ree's Pickle Cheeseburger Bites recipe .

Grilled Sesame Pork Kebabs with Cucumber Salad

summer dinner recipes sesame pork kebabs

Look no further than these grilled sesame kebabs for a way to use up that pork tenderloin in your fridge! They're coated in a marinade and grilled with scallions for a fragrant feast.

Get Ree's Grilled Sesame Pork Kebabs recipe .

BLT Turkey Burgers

summer dinner recipes blt turkey burgers

Lighten up your normal grilling routine by cooking up some turkey burgers! These feature bacon-studded turkey patties, bacon, lettuce, and tomato and pair perfectly with sweet potato fries.

Get Ree's BLT Turkey Burgers recipe .

Lobster Rolls

summer dinner recipes lobster rolls

Whether or not you live in New England, anyone can enjoy tender, buttery lobster rolls for a taste of the seaside. These juicy rolls are inspired by cold lobster salad-style rolls found in Maine and pair wonderfully with crunchy potato chips.

Get the Lobster Rolls recipe .

Grill-Fried Chicken

summer dinner recipes grill fried chicken

Classic fried chicken is a no-brainer summer dinner. This recipe makes it easier than ever to enjoy the taste of crispy chicken by opting for the grill to cook it to crunchy perfection—no oil required!

Get the Grill-Fried Chicken recipe .


Burrata Salad

summer dinner recipes burrata salad

Sweet cherry tomatoes, spicy arugula, and creamy burrata are tossed in a dreamy combination of garlic oil, balsamic vinegar, and fresh basil. This salad is meant for summer.

Get the Burrata Salad recipe .

Garlic Shrimp

summer dinner recipes garlic shrmp

How often do you get to say, "Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes?" Well, with this recipe, you can! With some Creole seasoning and a squeeze of lemon, you'll be amazed how quickly you can develop flavor.

Get the Garlic Shrimp recipe .

Chicken Drumsticks with Grilled Peach Salad

summer dinner recipes grilled peach salad

Grilling peaches make them extra sweet, and there's no better time to enjoy them than at their peak in the summer. They pair so well with roast chicken.

Get Ree's Chicken Drumsticks with Grilled Peach Salad recipe .

Teriyaki Meatball-Broccoli Kebabs

summer dinner recipes teriyaki meatball broccoli kebab

Full of flavor and done so fast, kebabs really are such a great summertime solution for dinner. Serve on a bed of rice and you've got yourself a complete meal in a flash.

Get Ree's Teriyaki Meatball-Broccoli Kebabs recipe .

Lemon Pasta

summer dinner recipes lemon pasta

Dinner will be on the table in less than 30 minutes with this easy, zesty pasta dish. If you want to add protein, try grilled salmon or shrimp which is just as fast to cook.

Get the Lemon Pasta recipe .


summer dinner recipes beer brats

Crack open a cold one and get this summer cookout classic on the dinner table. You can even use regular hot dogs if that's what you've got in the fridge. The seasoning will transform them!

Get the Beer Brats recipe .

Southwestern Salad

summer dinner recipes southwestern salad

Corn, peppers, beans, avocado: This salad has a lot of good-for-you ingredients. Toss them all together with a zesty avocado dressing and you'll have everyone asking for seconds.

Get the Southwestern Salad recipe .

Rigatoni with Summer Vegetables

summer dinner recipes rigatoni with vegetables

Chances are you've got an abundance of corn, yellow squash, and sugar snap peas. Toss them together with a little lemon and some cheese, and you've got yourself dinner.

Get Ree's Rigatoni with Summer Vegetables recipe .

Greek Chicken Kebabs

summer dinner recipes greek chicken kebabs

Dinner is always fun when it's served on a stick, so fire up that grill and make this Greek-inspired dinner tonight. Don't forget to grill up a few sides of pita, too.

Get Ree's Greek Chicken Kebabs recipe .

Air Fryer Hot Dog

summer dinner recipes air fryer hot dogs

If you need a night off from the grill, you can still get hot dogs that are crisp on the outside and juicy on the inside. All you need is your air fryer! Dinner will be done in no time.

Get the Air Fryer Hot Dog recipe .


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First Bite Review: Join a Top Chef’s Dinner Party at Elyse in Fairfax

Octopus at Elyse

Former Clarity chef Jon Krinn invites 28 diners at a time to his new pet project, where he and a small team cook from the heart.

By Alice Levitt June 11, 2024

Want in on the most exclusive new restaurant in NoVA? You’ve got to subscribe to chef Jon Krinn’s newsletter. Elyse, hidden in plain sight just to the right of Dolce Vita Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar in Fairfax, is currently “invitation-only.” That means that you can join the mailing list to score a seat among the 28 available. But you can also use his website to access the Resy link to make a reservation.

This hush-hush method assures that each night from Wednesday through Saturday, Krinn and his team are essentially hosting a dinner party for his most devoted acolytes. In fact, the chef, who is best known in our region for opening Clarity in 2015 after receiving great critical acclaim at 2941, comes to each table to thank diners for their support and to explain the concept.

Soup at Elyse

According to a quote from Krinn on his website, “My goal at Elyse is to explore — to try new and different products and techniques, to create new dishes that I, and hopefully you, find interesting and fulfilling. Trust is what it’s all about in this environment. I am going to constantly challenge myself, my team, and your palate as well. The restaurant is small and cozy, and I hope you feel like you are part of a special journey.”

Diners at Elyse sit either at a bar abutting the open kitchen or at a table that faces it. There’s no avoiding the ballet of dinner preparation. I dined on the first night of Krinn’s latest menu — five courses if you include the amuse bouche of creamy rabbit rillettes spread on crostini.

Food at Elyse in Fairfax

Unusual proteins are at the center of the bill of fare. I started with crispy-skinned eel, harvested in Maine and served with tangy cucumber salad and black pepper vinaigrette. After a roasted pepper soup dotted with liberal shavings of summer truffle from Molise, Italy, my dining partner and I sampled both octopus and pheasant. Each exceeded our expectations with preparations as visually appealing as they were complexly flavorful.

Pheasant at Elyse

The octopus gained its character from a bouillabaisse-style sauce over heirloom tomatoes. Potatoes with a crunchy jacket and earthy Oregon morels completed the of-the-moment dish. The mild, meaty pheasant was characterized by the sweet-and-salty interplay of apricot and miso. I couldn’t stop spooning the consommé, made from duck wings, into my eager maw.

Cheesecake at Elyse

But the most interesting dish was the fromage-forward Basque cheesecake that further profited from the accompaniment of Parmesan crisps. Topped with balsamic cherries, it split the difference between ordering the sweet and the cheese plate.

Krinn told guests that he plans the official opening, complete with an updated dining room, for the fall. But Elyse is already off to a satisfying start. If you’re ready to drop $125 per person (plus a 20 percent service charge) on a special night out, booking a table at Elyse is the next best thing to hiring a high-level private chef for the occasion.

10824 Fairfax Blvd., Fairfax

Feature image of octopus by Alice Levitt

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Trump schedules doubleheader for court day off — son's graduation and Minnesota GOP dinner

Minnesota's gop chapter announced the former president and presumptive presidential nominee will be the speaker at this month's lincoln reagan dinner..

Looks like Donald Trump has scheduled a doubleheader for May 17 — his son Barron 's graduation and a Republican Party dinner in Minnesota.

On Monday, May 6, the North Star State's GOP chapter announced the former president and presumptive 2024 presidential nominee will be the featured speaker at this month's Lincoln Reagan dinner. State party chairman Chairman David Hann said in a statement that he was "thrilled" to have Trump speak at the event.

"I can think of no one more fitting to join us this year than President Trump," he said.

May 17 is also the scheduled date of Trump's son Barron's high school graduation at Oxbridge Academy in suburban West Palm Beach . But that ceremony is reportedly in the morning.

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Last month, at the start of his Manhattan trial, Trump expressed anger at the possibility that he would not be allowed to attend the graduation.

"That I can't go to my son's graduation or that I can't go to the United States Supreme Court. That I'm not in Georgia, or Florida, or North Carolina campaigning like I should be," Trump said as he departed the Manhattan courtroom where jury selection began on Monday. "It's perfect for the radical left Democrats. It's exactly what they want."

Trump, however, has been able to campaign on days off from court appearances, both on weekends and Wednesdays when the his trial is not in session. He has also done some local New York City stumping before and after attending the legal proceedings.

On April 29, however, the presiding judge in his case, Juan Merchan, ruled that there would be no testimony heard on May 17, freeing Trump to attend the graduation.

Antonio Fins is a politics and business editor at  The Palm Beach Post , part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach him at  [email protected] .  Help support our journalism. Subscribe today .


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2/22/2019 9:11:07 pm.


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    In 2009, Stephen Hawking ran an experiment that required champagne, balloons, and hors d'oeuvres, to demonstrate that backward time travel probably isn't possible. It was a time travelers' party ...

  3. Hawking's time traveller party

    Hawking's time traveller party. Coordinates: 52°12′21″N 0°7′4.7″E. Stephen Hawking in 2008. On June 28, 2009, British astrophysicist Stephen Hawking hosted a party for time travelers in the University of Cambridge. The physicist arranged for balloons, champagne, and nibbles for his guests, but did not send out the invites until the ...

  4. Culture Re-View: The day Stephen Hawking threw a time traveller party

    28 June 2009: When Stephen Hawking held a party for time travellers. On this day in 2009, British astrophysicist Professor Stephen Hawking held an invitation-only party. The physics genius - who ...

  5. Stephen Hawking's Best Practical Joke was Hosting a Party for Time

    An invitation read, "You are cordially invited to a reception for Time Travellers, Hosted by Professor Stephen Hawking. To be held at The University of Cambridge.". Of course, the invitation gave an address: 52° 12' 21'' N, 0° 7' 4.7" E and a time of 12:00 UT on 6/28/2009. No RSVP was required.

  6. What Happened When Stephen Hawking Threw a Cocktail Party for Time

    You are cor­dial­ly invit­ed to a recep­tion for Time Trav­ellers, the invi­ta­tion read, along with the the date, time, and coor­di­nates for the event. The the­o­ry, Hawk­ing explained, was that only some­one from the future would be able to attend.". Alas, no time trav­el­ers turned up. Since some­one pos­sessed of that ...

  7. Why We Will Not Have Been Able to Attend Stephen Hawking's Time

    March 14, 2018, was a Wednesday, Pi Day, 139 years after the birth of Albert Einstein. One-hundred-thirty-nine is a happy prime number. On that day, legendary Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking ...

  8. That Time Stephen Hawking Threw a Champagne Party for Time ...

    To test those theories, Hawking threw a Champagne-filled party in 2009 for time travelers interested in boozing it up, complete with Krug and hors d'oeuvres. But to ensure only real-deal decade ...

  9. For Sale: An Invitation to Stephen Hawking's Cocktail Party for Time

    Artist's proof, Stephen Hawking's Time Travellers Invitation, October 2013. Christie's Images Ltd, 2018. The artist print for these invitations is now offered for sale as part of an auction ...

  10. Here's How to Join Stephen Hawking's Ultimate Party of This Timeline

    The Discovery Channel documented the party with a video to capture this remarkable event. It showcased Hawking, dressed up for the occasion, eagerly awaiting the arrival of time travelers. Despite his excitement, the party remained devoid of guests. To ensure potential time-traveling attendees could find their way, Hawking went the extra mile.

  11. Is time travel even possible? An astrophysicist explains the science

    Famously, physicist Stephen Hawking tested the possibility of time travel by throwing a dinner party where invitations noting the date, time and coordinates were not sent out until after it had ...

  12. Fun Dinner Party Themes to Level Up Your Next Event (or Holiday)

    A purple theme might incorporate veggies like graffiti cauliflower, beets, purple potatoes, or fruits like grapes, plums, blackberries, and elderberries. For a color-themed party, experiment with food coloring. Make the cake for dessert blue. Top the brownies with green icing. Use red sprinkles on the ice cream.

  13. Time Travel Dinner Party

    Time Travel Dinner Party. June 3, 2019. Joran and I hosted a Time Travel themed dinner party the other night. The concept is simple: everyone dresses up in theme and brings a dish in theme. By now, we have built an eclectic collection of previous dinner parties: Circus of Illusions, Milkyway Takeaway, Magically Coloured Childhood Memories ...

  14. 45+ Delicious and Creative Food Ideas for a Travel-Themed Party

    Pretzels - bake homemade pretzels in the oven and serve them with dipping sauces, like honey mustard or chocolate ganache. Gingerbread - bake a batch of gingerbread cookies and decorate them with sprinkles for an extra festive touch. Popcor n - popcorn is one of the easiest party foods to make (and eat!).

  15. Around the World Themed Party Ideas

    Beach Party. Egyptian / Toga Party. Medieval Dinner. Hollywood. Western (Cowboy hat, Boots, etc) Eat Pray Love Movie Theme. Christmas Traditions Throughout the World. Cheese & Wine. Cheers to 30 Years.

  16. 34 Impressive (and Affordable!) Dinner Party Recipes

    Garlic-Apple Pork Roast. One of the best dinner party recipes to have in your back pocket, I have become famous for, and it is so simple. The garlic and apple flavors really complement the pork. It's especially good with steamed fresh asparagus and roasted red potatoes. —Jennifer Loos, Washington Boro, Pennsylvania.

  17. How To Host A Dinner Party: 12 Tips From Entertaining Experts

    Cheers! 5. Serve Guests A Little Treat Upon Arrival. Set the tone from the moment people walk in. "Pour them a drink, invite them to relax," says Dan Pelosi, food influencer (better known as ...

  18. 45 Easy But Impressive Dinner Party Recipes

    Hummingbird Sheet Cake. Victor Protasio; Food Stylist: Emily Nabors Hall; Prop Stylist: Mary Clayton Carl Jones. While a layer cake can be a bit ambitious for some to try before a big dinner party, this equally as pretty sheet cake delivers the same flavor without any decorating stress. Get The Recipe. 06 of 45.

  19. Creative Dinner Party Themes to Mix Up Your Next Gathering

    Secret Garden. dinner party above. "Pick a cult classic or blockbuster hit and lean into the decor and a menu inspired by the movie. For this dinner party theme to land, it's best if most people ...

  20. The Time Traveler's Wife

    Rose Leslie, Theo James, David Nutter, Steven Moffat, and more reveal the nuanced planning that went into filming the farce of a dinner party. ABOUT HBOHBO i...

  21. 28 Summer Dinner Party Recipes that Will Wow Your Guests!

    15. Caprese Salad. Caprese Salad is a refreshing and delicious summer dish that is perfect for a dinner party. With its combination of juicy tomatoes, creamy mozzarella, and fragrant basil, it is a classic and timeless recipe. The balsamic glaze adds a touch of sweetness and tanginess, elevating the flavors even more.

  22. 25 Dinner Party Ideas to Impress

    Rest the dough again (45 minutes): Press the dough back into the corners of the pan so it evenly covers the pan. Cover and rest 45 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 500F. Bake the pizza dough* without toppings: After the 45 minute rest, bake the pizza dough for 6 minutes without sauce and toppings.

  23. 15 Summer Dinner Party Recipes to Make This Season

    1. Strawberry Arugula Salad. Source: Cookie and Kate. A side salad is an essential summer dinner party recipe, and the fresher, the better. This recipe combines sweet strawberries, bitter arugula, radishes, red onion, basil, jalapeño, and sunflower seeds for a perfectly balanced blend of flavors.

  24. 34 Dinner Party Ideas For Mains

    Lamb steaks with yeast butter and warm hummus. Check out our succulent seasonal lamb recipe, complete with homemade yeast butter. A perfect recipe for that dinner party main, the hummus makes a delicious alternative to mash or roast potatoes and fresh asparagus tops everything off for the dream springtime feast.

  25. 25 Dinner Parties to Throw This Summer

    Here are 25 dinner party ideas to get you started! Photo Credit: GreedyGourmet.com. 1. Around the world. One of the easiest dinner parties to throw is an "around the world" theme! Choose a few ...

  26. 17 Quick Appetizer Recipes Because You Deserve To Enjoy the Party Too

    Prep for 15 minutes, chill for at least 2 hours or overnight to better infuse the flavors. This dip layers the spicy and sour mix over a smooth, creamy base. It's perfect for pairing with a ...

  27. 70 Easy Summer Dinner Ideas for Warm Nights

    Hot summer nights call for cold summer dinner recipes like these refreshing shrimp salad rolls! Toss fresh or frozen cooked shrimp with mayo, lemon juice, celery, and fresh herbs, and then put it in a toasted bun for a delicious warm-weather meal. Get Ree's Shrimp Salad Rolls recipe. Antonis Achiellos.

  28. First Bite Review: Join a Top Chef's Dinner Party at Elyse in Fairfax

    But Elyse is already off to a satisfying start. If you're ready to drop $125 per person (plus a 20 percent service charge) on a special night out, booking a table at Elyse is the next best thing to hiring a high-level private chef for the occasion. 10824 Fairfax Blvd., Fairfax. Feature image of octopus by Alice Levitt.

  29. Trump busy on May 17: Barron's graduation and Minnesota GOP dinner

    Looks like Donald Trump has scheduled a doubleheader for May 17 — his son Barron 's graduation and a Republican Party dinner in Minnesota. On Monday, May 6, the North Star State's GOP chapter ...

  30. Pinterest

    Get inspired from anywhere on the internet. Save your ideas, organize them by topic and share with others! Get ideas for the topics you care about most: - Home design, architecture & DIY. - Creative wedding tips. - Travel, fitness & beauty. - Fashion and style inspiration. - Food, new recipes & cooking.