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Remembering Scottsdale's swinging Safari Hotel

The French Quarter was a nightclub in Scottsdale's old Safari Hotel. The image for this vintage postcard was taken sometime during the 1960s.

The Safari Hotel was the place to go in Scottsdale in November 1956 when it opened to large crowds on Camelback Road a couple of blocks east of Scottsdale Road. 

To those not familiar with that era, they may look at that location as being the busy hub of activity then that it is today. However, it was a different scene in 1956. Scottsdale Fashion Square mall was still a rodeo ground and Camelback Road ended at Scottsdale Road going east. The most excitement there may have been seeing sheep driven down Scottsdale Road.

As is the case with many successful enterprises that require vision, someone came along with an idea that would have been laughable to most investors. That someone was Bill Ritter, who, along with motel developer Ernie Uhlmann, saw an opportunity in the soaring heat of a Scottsdale summer. 

With resorts closing in the summer because their guests preferred the cooler climes of the north, Ritter parlayed that opportunity into opening a 108-room hotel next to a canal. 

Safari Hotel was not just another cookie-cutter resort. The Safari had fine dining (Paul Shank’s), a popular lounge, shopping and the two magic words that would draw plenty of action: air-conditioning!

As reported in the Phoenix New Times in May 1997, “Leopard skins, tikis, martinis. In its day Scottsdale’s Safari resort was the big bwana of Valley luxe. Under the hotel’s imposing porte cochere, valets dodged lethal tail fins as they struggled to keep up with an endless stream of late model gas guzzlers. In the resort’s continental-style restaurant, fashionably dressed guests oohed and aahed as waiters raced around with carving carts and flaming swords. Inside the lounge (aptly billed as “The Liveliest Spot in Town”), name entertainment by the likes of George Shearing, The Ink Spots, and Rosemary Clooney was always on tap. And afterward? Poolside cocktails beneath the swaying palms or a midnight snack in the hotel’s bustling all-night coffee shop, home of the city’s best stargazing.”

Even the rustic peddler of Western trinkets, Don Pablo, respected the clout of the Safari. He was known for his popular hard-scrabble place at Scottsdale Road and Pinnacle Peak that drew many visitors who wanted to purchase anything related to Western lore. 

He had a postcard printed with his likeness and a picture of his place. He listed his address as being “14 miles north on Scottsdale Road.” It probably wasn’t a coincidence that was the exact distance from the Safari to his place of business. Most likely Don left some of those cards in the lobby of the Safari.

The designer of the Safari was Al Beadle, a well-known architect and designer of many buildings and homes in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. Al was a guy who liked to get to the point in a hurry. When asked later in life why he selected a jungle theme instead of something more indigenous to the Arizona desert, he replied, “A safari’s a safari. It’s about trips; there is nothing more to it than that.” Al got right to the point, and he was right.

Like many hotel and entertainment venues of the past, the Safari eventually ran its course and closed in 1998. As reported in the East Valley Tribune  in 2006, “The Safari was closed in 1998 to make way for a $143 million Marriott hotel and conference center that never materialized.“ 

However, some apartments and condos have been constructed on the Safari site near the canal since 2008. A vacant lot near them represents where Paul Shank’s restaurant once prospered when guys like Bing Crosby and Burt Reynolds used to play while eating steak and lobster for $5.50!

Jim McAllister is a U.S. Air Force veteran. He has written many columns for The Scottsdale Republic and was a member of the original Republic bloggers program that began in 1996. He lives with his wife, Barbara, in Scottsdale.

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Trump Tower Moscow

The Truth Behind Trump Tower Moscow: How Trump Risked Everything For A (Relatively) Tiny Deal

This story appears in the June 30, 2019 issue of Forbes Magazine. Subscribe

I t’s getting late, and Felix Sater—a onetime Trump partner, two-time convicted felon and longtime government cooperator—sits in the back of a New York City restaurant, ready for a drink. “A very dirty martini, Russian vodka,” he tells the waiter. “A collusion martini.”

No one outside of the Trump Organization has more firsthand knowledge of Donald Trump's connections to Russia than Felix Sater. In 2006, he scouted a potential deal in Moscow with the president's children Don Jr. and Ivanka. In 2007, he stood alongside Trump at a launch party for a hotel Sater had helped get built, Trump SoHo, which marketed partially to Russian buyers. And during the 2016 presidential campaign, Sater helped plan a giant Trump tower in Moscow.

"Here's to fun times," he says, hoisting his martini glass in the air.

Fun times indeed. Special Counsel Robert Mueller's 448-page report highlights three separate proposals to develop a Trump property in Moscow around the time of the election. Yet key details have remained vague. Forbes got in touch with the people at the center of all three—and uncovered concrete answers to fundamental questions about Trump's plans in Russia.

Three years ago, Michael Cohen was working on a potential Trump tower in Moscow. Today he is in prison for crimes that include lying to Congress about the project.

Such as who was actually going to pay for the project. Trump, now more of a licensor than builder, certainly wasn't planning on putting in much of his own money. And according to Sater, who brokered the proposal that extended furthest into the campaign, nor was Trump's official partner, Andrey Rozov. Instead, Sater says, he was cooking up a plan to raise huge sums from additional investors, including two of Vladimir Putin's closest cronies, Boris and Arkady Rotenberg . "We would have gone to them and asked them for four or five hundred million dollars cash," Sater says.

Another big, previously unsettled question: How much money could Trump have made in all of this? Both Mueller and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen have suggested, vaguely, "hundreds of millions." After mining business agreements and surveying real estate experts in Moscow, however, Forbes believes that's almost impossible. It seems more likely that Trump would have walked away with roughly $35 million up front and $2.6 million or so in annual fees, if everything went according to plan. In the rosiest of scenarios, Sater says, Trump could have gotten about $50 million. A lot of money to most people but less than 2% of the president's net worth ( estimated at $3.1 billion ).

Taken together, these revelations paint a new picture of Trump's plans in Russia and the president's way of doing business. His deal came with far greater risk—and far less reward—than previously understood. In short, candidate Trump jeopardized his eventual presidency on a middling deal and one that would have had Vladimir Putin's fingerprints all over it.

P art of the reason the Trump Tower Moscow narrative confuses people: There were three different attempts to attach the president's name to a Russian property in recent years. The first one emanates from the infamous 2013 Miss Universe contest, where 86 women strutted through a Moscow concert hall. Donald Trump, the co-owner of the pageant, took home the money, collecting an estimated $3 million from the local hosts: billionaire real estate tycoon Aras Agalarov and his son Emin, a pop singer. "I had a great weekend with you and your family," Trump tweeted afterward, tagging the elder Agalarov. "You have done a FANTASTIC job. TRUMP TOWER-MOSCOW is next."

One month later, in December 2013, the Trump Organization signed an agreement to brand an Agalarov property in Moscow, according to the Mueller report. The plan eventually called for 800 apartments near the concert venue that hosted the Miss Universe event, with 3.5% of sales going to Trump. If the whole building sold out, Emin Agalarov estimates Trump would have come away with $17 million or so.

2013 Miss Universe Pageant. Miss Venezuela took home the crown, but Donald Trump took home the money, collecting an estimated $3 million for bringing the pageant to Russia

Trump's daughter Ivanka toured the site in February 2014. That same month, though, the geopolitical landscape was shifting. Crowds were in the streets of Kiev, protesting Ukraine's Russia-friendly president, Viktor Yanukovych. He ultimately fled Ukraine, reportedly with the help of Putin. Within weeks, Putin sent soldiers into Crimea, a Ukrainian region neighboring Russia, effectively taking over. The landgrab sparked outrage in the international community, and the United States retaliated with economic sanctions.

Those measures, combined with falling oil prices, crippled the Russian economy—including the Moscow real estate market. The average price of new apartments plummeted an estimated 30% in 2014. Condos were selling for less than the cost of construction. Even in the unlikely event that the Agalarovs managed to build something amid all the turmoil, Emin Agalarov tells Forbes that Trump's payout would have been cut in half. Communications between the Trumps and the Agalarovs began to fade in the fall of 2014, according to the Mueller report. Donald Trump Jr. later told the Senate Judiciary Committee the project died because of "deal fatigue." A more likely cause of death: U.S. sanctions.

Who's Who In Towergate

With donald trump on one end and vladimir putin on the other, the web of people involved in trump's plans for moscow included members of the first family, oligarchs and russian officials..

In November 2015, Donald Trump, by then a presidential candidate, sat down with former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, who challenged him over his accommodating stance toward Russia. "[Putin] doesn't make deals," O'Reilly reasoned. "He just rolls soldiers in to cause destruction and shoots down airplanes."

"Well," Trump replied, "he does what he has to do."

Unbeknownst to the American public, the Trump Organization, which did not respond to requests for comment on this story, was secretly communicating about a second potential deal in Russia around the same time. In September 2015, nearly a year after the Agalarov partnership dropped off, and with Trump now leading the Republican primary race, his lawyer Michael Cohen traded messages with a man named Giorgi Rtskhiladze, according to the Mueller report. Cohen and Rtskhiladze had previously worked together on business in the former Soviet states of Georgia and Kazakhstan.

Rtskhiladze sent Cohen a draft of a letter ultimately intended for the mayor of Moscow, which pitched a Trump development as a symbol of strengthening ties between the United States and Russia, according to the Mueller report. "[The mayor] is aware of the potential project and will pledge his support," the note said, according to the report.

Today Rtskhiladze says he was just passing along the message on behalf of a longtime friend and that friend's acquaintance. He claims the letter never made it to the mayor. And he suggests he's not even sure if what he sent Cohen was accurate. "I don't know if it's true or not if [the] mayor's office was ever notified, okay."

That's how it goes in Russia, a place where trust is in short supply and outsiders can suddenly find themselves in unnerving situations. Rtskhiladze says he had previously warned Cohen of the risks: "You have to be careful who you get involved with."

C aution, however, is not the Trump way. Cohen dismissed the Rtskhiladze plan and chose to pursue a third proposal, brokered by a man with a checkered past: Sater. Moscow-born, Brooklyn-bred, Sater started a career on Wall Street, until a bar fight—he stabbed a man in the face with a margarita glass—led to 15 months in prison. Three years after his release, he pleaded guilty to racketeering in a mob-connected pump-and-dump stock scheme. He stayed out of prison this time by working with the feds, ultimately supplying information about the Mafia, North Korea, Russian cybercriminals, even Osama bin Laden. At Sater's sentencing, about a decade after he began cooperating with the government, FBI agent Leo Taddeo, one of Sater's handlers at the bureau, credited him with helping pave the way for law enforcement to "basically eliminate" the mob from Wall Street's penny stock business. Former FBI official Ray Kerr adds: "There was nothing he wouldn't do or wouldn't try."

At the same time that he was serving as a government cooperator, Sater reinvented himself as a real estate dealmaker. It was in that role that he ended up working with the Trump Organization, on projects in Arizona, Florida, New York and, ultimately, Russia. For the Moscow effort, Sater served as both broker and dealmaker. His friend Andrey Rozov, who did not respond to our request for comment, was officially the local developer in Russia, but Sater says he expected a cut for himself as well. Trump signed the letter of intent, dated October 28, 2015, the same day as the third Republican presidential debate.

Felix Sater (right) stands alongside Donald Trump and Tevfik Arif at the Trump Soho Launch Party on September 19, 2007 in New York.

The tower was meant to be the tallest building in Europe, featuring a few floors of prime shopping, a high-end hotel and new office space, topped with 250 luxury residences, homes for the Russian elite. According to the terms, Rozov was on the hook for construction while Trump would simply lend his name and help manage the place once it opened. In exchange, according to the Mueller report, the presidential contender would get a cut of condo sales, beginning with 5% of the first $100 million and gradually stepping down to 1% of everything over $1 billion. Sater says each unit would have been about 2,500 square feet, far larger than the typical luxury condo in Moscow. They were targeting a price of about $1,500 a square foot, about 30% above the average for luxury apartments in town. If all went well, Trump would have walked away with an estimated $34 million from condo sales and upfront fees. Big money, sure, but nothing life changing for a guy worth $3.1 billion.

To juice the numbers, Sater says, he wanted to give away a penthouse to Putin. On top of the terrible optics, this could have put the Trump Organization in danger of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which bans American companies from bribing foreign officials. Sater says the plan was not meant to entice the Russian president. "You've got to have a billion dollars for [Putin] to take you seriously," he says. "It's good for Congressman [Nancy] Pelosi or [Adam] Schiff to say that, but in the real world, Vladimir Putin ain't getting bought with a penthouse." When contacted, a representative of Putin deflected questions, saying, "We believe that you should address to relevant authorities, not to the press office of the president of Russia."

To Trump small amounts of money matter—the tower agreement details the slices he could shave off every year, including hotel management fees (an estimated $1.3 million), office rents (est. $240,000), residential management fees (est. $225,000), spa operations (est. $75,000) and so on. Add everything up and Forbes figures Trump could have gotten an additional $2.6 million annually—math verified by Sater, who confirmed an Excel spreadsheet that details the projected payments line by line.

Count enough years and it's theoretically possible to get to any number: $13 million over 5 years, $67 million over 25, $94 million over 35. Regardless, even with the condo deals, it wasn't really close to the "hundreds of millions" Cohen and Mueller cited.

R obert Mueller did not find collusion to steal the 2016 election—but he did find evidence of collusion to try to make money. Sater and Cohen did the work on the ground, rubbing elbows with oligarchs and Russian-government entities.

In sworn testimony before Congress, Cohen left no doubt about who was ultimately in charge: "To be clear, Mr. Trump knew of and directed the Trump Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it."

There was good reason to lie, given the cast of characters involved. On October 9, 2015, before Trump had even signed the letter of intent, Sater wrote that he was meeting with Andrey Molchanov , a former member of the Russian senate who controlled a plot of land that could work for the tower. Three days later, Sater claimed the chairman of VTB, a Kremlin-controlled bank on which the U.S. imposed sanctions, was "on board" with the project. A spokesperson for VTB said the bank never dealt with Sater or his affiliates in Russia. Ultimately, Sater secured an invitation to Russia from a different bank, days after it had also landed on the U.S. sanctions list.

“You've got to have a billion dollars for [Putin] to take you seriously. It's good for Congressman [Nancy] Pelosi or [Adam] Schiff to say that, but in the real world, Vladimir Putin ain't getting bought with a penthouse.” Felix Sater

Then there was Sater's plan to get billionaire brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg to invest hundreds of millions in the project. From a political standpoint, it would be hard to think of a more problematic pair to bring into a deal with a U.S. presidential candidate. Arkady Rotenberg has known Vladimir Putin since childhood, when they were judo partners. He and his brother are now among Russia's richest people, worth an estimated $3.7 billion combined, with interests in banking and construction. Arkady Rotenberg's companies got $7.4 billion in government contracts for the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, over $5 billion for the 2018 World Cup (which Russia hosted) and more to build a bridge connecting Russia and Crimea. In 2014, the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned both brothers, identifying them as members of Putin's "inner circle." The Rotenbergs did not respond to our request for comment.

The same thing that made the Rotenbergs targets of the U.S. government—their ties to Putin—made them appealing to Sater. In his mind, if he could get Putin's associates to invest $400 million or $500 million, then the Russian president would surely greenlight the project—a key step in a country where the government calls the shots on major real estate developments. Trump would have theoretically had to sign off on bringing in the Rotenbergs or anyone else who wanted a piece of the action. "Everybody was going to make money on this," Sater says. "And at the end of the day, some schmuck from Vladivostok with a lot of money would have put up all the money."

It is not clear whether Trump knew about the plans to give Putin a penthouse or his cronies a chunk of the deal. Which is remarkable in itself. A presidential candidate delegated a radioactive deal, in a hostile foreign country, to a former convict (Sater) and a soon-to-be convict (Cohen).

Virtually every part of their plan involved Putin or someone close to him. The equity? Putin's boys. The debt? Kremlin-connected banks. The land? A Putin ally. The approvals? Government entities. The marketing? Putin himself. Look at Trump Moscow long enough and it gives the impression it was less of a deal between Trump and a random Russian and more of a deal between Trump and Putin.

I t also came with a lot of bluster. By December 2015, Trump's men still had not locked in a plot of land. Or financing. Or investors. And Cohen was waiting on an official invitation to Russia. "I will not let you f--- with my job and playing point person," Cohen texted Sater between Christmas and New Year's, according to correspondence first released by Buzzfeed and confirmed by Forbes . "I still have no numbers from anyone who is allegedly involved in this deal, other than the fact I will have whatever invite I need within 48 hours. Not you or anyone you know will embarrass me in front of Mr. T when he asks me what is happening."

Cohen told Sater he was done working with him, and the text stream devolved into something like a souring love affair. "Please don't do this, Michael," Sater wrote.

"We're done," Cohen responded. "Enough. I told you last week that you thinking you are running point in this is inaccurate. You are putting my job in jeopardy and making me look incompetent. I gave you two months and then best you send me is some bull---- f------ garbage invite by some no name clerk at a third-tier bank. So I am telling you enough as of right now. Enough! I will handle this myself."

Kiev Protests. Political turmoil in Ukraine led to a Russian takeover of Crimea, which in turn prompted U.S. sanctions against Putin’s regime. Those measures put a dent in Moscow’s real estate market—and Trump’s potential windfall.

Cohen, who did not respond to a request for comment on this article, reached out to the office of Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov. On January 20, 2016, he heard back from Peskov's assistant. They talked for 20 minutes about a tower in Moscow, and Cohen came away impressed, according to the Mueller report. Cohen updated Trump, remarking that it would be nice if the Trump Organization had assistants who were as good as the Kremlin's, the report says.

Sater texted Cohen the next day. "Call me when you have a few minutes to chat," he wrote. "It's about Putin. They called today."

Money has a way of repairing relationships. Cohen and Sater eventually sketched out plans to travel to Russia. Cohen talked to Trump about it, and the candidate said he would be willing to go as well, so long as Cohen could "lock and load" on the deal, according to the Mueller report. Cohen settled on a rough timeline: "My trip before Cleveland," he texted Sater, referencing the Republican National Convention. "Trump once he becomes the nominee."

On May 5, 2016, Sater followed up with Cohen, offering promising news. "Peskov would like to invite you as his guest to the St. Petersburg Forum, which is Russia's Davos. It's June 16-19. He wants to meet there with you and possibly introduce you to either Putin or [Russian prime minister Dmitry] Medvedev."

But Sater was apparently bluffing. He now says he never actually had an invitation from Peskov, although he was confident he would meet some heavy hitters at the conference. When the Peskov invitation failed to materialize, Cohen called off the trip, according to the Mueller report, and checked in with Trump. But he did not tell the boss the deal was off, since there still seemed to be a chance it could come back to life in the closing months of the campaign. Or possibly afterward, when Trump would return to just being Donald Trump, private citizen.

What ultimately killed Trump Moscow was not all the bluster, nor the ties to Russian oligarchs, nor even the limited financial upside. When asked why the deal ended, in a sworn congressional hearing, Cohen pointed to one part of the plan that went awry: "He won the presidency."

Dan Alexander

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Four Seasons Hotel Moscow

Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Moscow

Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Moscow


Steps from the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow’s heart, the historic legacy gets a contemporary spin at Four Seasons Hotel Moscow. Discover a bold reimagining of the legendary 1930s-era Hotel Moskva at our modern legend that puts destination dining and decadent spa treatments in the spotlight.


Invite your guests for a one-of-a-kind experience at a Moscow landmark. A modern rendition of the legendary Hotel Moskva, our Hotel is in Manezhnaya Square, just steps from the Kremlin. Whether you’re planning a conference, a state banquet or a can’t-miss social event, let our talented team bring your event to life in one of our glamorous, light-filled venues.


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Georgia Safari Conservation Park offers the ultimate wildlife sleepover—with a giraffe!

MADISON, Ga. — Looking for a hotel room with stunning views for your next getaway? How about a view you’ve never experienced before—an 11-foot, 18-month-old reticulated giraffe right outside your window? That’s the scene from the Giraffe Suite at the Georgia Safari Conservation Park in Madison, Georgia.

“This beautiful suite is housing two different 10-foot pane windows, so one behind me in the living room and then we have one that is overlooking the bedroom location,” Jessica Malloy from the Georgia Safari Conservation Park said. “So, that gives you full access to view to basically spend the night with a giraffe.”

the safari hotel

Georgia Safari Conservation Park Looking for a hotel room with stunning views for your next getaway? (Georgia Safari Conservation Park)

But the giraffe isn’t the only wildlife you’ll encounter. You can come face-to-face with an ostrich, spot a rhino, watch zebras graze, and so much more during your visit.

“We currently have 83 different species,” Malloy said. “The majority of the species are going to be in the pasture.”

“We have zebras, common eland, you’ll have roan (antelope,) there is Eastern Bongo, Addax, behind me is Phoenix, the reticulated giraffe,” Malloy continued. “We also have two Southern White Rhinoceros.”

The park’s grand opening is the realization of a long-held dream by its founders. Their mission? To give back to the community, promote animal outreach, and create an unforgettable experience for visitors. The 530-acre safari park offers a variety of tours, including guided safaris, wild encounters, and private VIP tours.

For those who want to extend their stay, the park provides two unique lodging options : overnight stays in the giraffe suites or a stay in a private safari tent.

“I like to call them luxury safari tents,” Malloy said. “These (tents) were created by a company in Johannesburg (South Africa). We had them imported here and then we had that team help us build these tents and bring them to life.”

the safari hotel

Tour luxury safari tent at Georgia Safari Conservation Park in Madison

Most of the luxury tents feature two bedrooms, but the park also offers the Honeymoon Hideaway—a one-bedroom unit with its own private outdoor oasis, including an outdoor tub and shower.

Wildlife tours are included with all overnight stays. While the safari tents might not offer giraffe views, they do provide picturesque scenes of other wildlife.

Before or after your animal adventure, you can explore downtown Madison, which is full of attractions to enjoy.

“Historic Madison, Georgia is breathtaking,” Malloy said. “Downtown there are various restaurants you can visit. If you love antiquing, there’s the cutest little spots you can go to and just spend the day, getting lost. There are tons of different historic structures downtown.”

Start your day with some French toast from Betty Gene’s , a quaint spot serving up Southern breakfast and lunch that’s just as good as mom’s!

Do some shopping, learn about comedian Oliver Hardy from the famous Laurel & Hardy duo and his connection to the area, or simply relax on the safari tent’s front porch while watching the animals roam.

End the day with dinner and drinks at Hart & Crown Tavern , a British-style pub on the square in historic Madison, where a variety of tempting treats await.

“You can really make an entire weekend trip out of a visit to Madison.”

If you’re looking for a unique weekend getaway, Madison and the Georgia Safari Conservation Park offer an experience unlike any other. As the park’s website says, “Welcome to Georgia Safari Conservation Park, where the beauty of nature, amazing animal encounters, and luxurious lodging create an incredible safari adventure.”

Who knew you could have this much fun in Madison!

the safari hotel

Georgia Safari Conservation Park Here are some more photos of what you'll see and experience on a trip to Georgia Safari Conservation Park in Madison, Ga. (Nelson Hicks)

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Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

Ulitsa Baltschug 1, Zamoskvorechye, 115035 Moscow, Russia – Excellent location – show map – Train Access

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Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow is located in the heart of Moscow, only a 5-minute walk from Red Square and the Kremlin. An indoor pool, a spa center and a gym are featured in this hotel. Free high-speed WiFI is available throughout the property. The classic-style, air-conditioned rooms include a flat-screen TV and a mini-bar. The private bathroom comes with bathrobes, slippers and free toiletries. Guests can enjoy European, Asian and Mediterranean dishes at the Baltschug Grill Restaurant. Café Kranzler serves a variety of desserts, and a selection of drinks is served at the Lobby Bar. Novokuznetskaya and Tretyakovskaya metro stations are a 10-minute walk away. The Tretyakov Gallery is a 12-minute walk from Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow. Belorussky Train Station is 4 mi away, and Sheremetyevo International Airport is a 35-minute Aeroexpress Train ride from this station.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 9.5 for a two-person trip.

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  • Ambience Traditional
  • Dietary options Vegetarian • Gluten-free
  • Ambience Family-friendly • Traditional • Romantic

Amenities of Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow Great facilities! Review score, 8.4

  • Outdoor furniture
  • Bicycle rental Additional charge
  • Fruit Additional charge
  • Wine/Champagne Additional charge
  • Kid-friendly buffet
  • Kids' meals Additional charge
  • Special diet meals (on request)
  • Breakfast in the room
  • Tea/Coffee maker
  • Invoice provided
  • Private check-in/out
  • ATM on site
  • Currency exchange
  • Express check-in/out Additional charge
  • Babysitting/Child services Additional charge
  • Ironing service Additional charge
  • Dry cleaning Additional charge
  • Laundry Additional charge
  • Fax/Photocopying Additional charge
  • Business center Additional charge
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities Additional charge
  • Fire extinguishers
  • CCTV outside property
  • CCTV in common areas
  • Smoke alarms
  • Security alarm
  • 24-hour security
  • Shuttle service Additional charge
  • Designated smoking area
  • Smoke-free property
  • Packed lunches
  • Hair/Beauty salon
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Airport shuttle Additional charge
  • Room service
  • Bathroom emergency cord
  • Toilet with grab rails
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Open all year
  • Heated pool
  • Pool/Beach towels
  • Beach chairs/Loungers
  • Spa facilities
  • Hairstyling
  • Hair treatments
  • Makeup services
  • Facial treatments
  • Beauty services
  • Hot tub/Jacuzzi
  • Spa Additional charge

House rules Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow takes special requests – add in the next step!

Child policies.

Children of all ages are welcome.

Children 6 and above will be charged as adults at this property.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

Prices for cribs and extra beds aren't included in the total price. They'll have to be paid for separately during your stay.

The number of extra beds and cribs allowed depends on the option you choose. Check your selected option for more info.

All cribs and extra beds are subject to availability.

The fine print Must-know information for guests at this property

Please note that visa support for foreigners can be provided upon request.

Please note that breakfast for children from 6 until 11 years old is due to RUB 1250 surcharge per day.

FAQs about Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

Does hotel baltschug kempinski moscow have a restaurant on site.

  • The Baltschug Grill
  • Café Kranzler

What are the check-in and check-out times at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow?

Check-in at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is until 12:00 PM.

What is there to do at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow?

  • Bicycle rental

Does Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow have a hot tub for its guests?

Yes, there's a hot tub. You can find out more about this and the other facilities at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow on this page.

How much does it cost to stay at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow?

The prices at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates, hotel's policy etc.). To see prices, enter your dates.

Does Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow have a pool?

Yes, this hotel has a pool. See details about the pool and other facilities on this page.

How far is Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow from the center of Moscow?

Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow is 2,600 feet from the center of Moscow. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What type of room can I book at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow?

The best of moscow.

  • Zaryadye Park

the safari hotel

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Check-in date

Check-out date

the safari hotel

Safari Hostel

About safari hostel.

  • Hostel Room An affordable stay with shared facilities

Latest deals for Safari Hostel

Reviews of safari hostel.

  • Staff very friendly and helpful. in 30 reviews
  • Good Hostel near Red Square. in 8 reviews
  • Short walk from metro. in 7 reviews

Show reviews that mention

The questions and answers provided in this section are generated by an artificial intelligence model based on a summarization of user hotel reviews and hotel information. See more

They offer insights and recommendations from previous guests and hotel information to help future visitors enhance their stay at the hotel.

How comfortable are the beds at Safari Hostel?

Our hostel takes pride in providing comfortable beds to ensure a good night's sleep for our guests.

Is parking available at Safari Hostel?

Safari Hostel offers convenient parking facilities for guests, making it easy for you to explore the nearby attractions.

What can I expect from the food quality at Safari Hostel?

Guests can look forward to delicious and satisfying meals, prepared with care to meet diverse culinary preferences.

How clean is Safari Hostel?

Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness is a top priority at Safari Hostel, ensuring a pleasant and hygienic environment for all guests.

What is the best time to visit Safari Hostel?

Safari Hostel welcomes visitors throughout the year, offering a convenient location to explore the nearby attractions and enjoy a comfortable stay.

Opt for a Room Away from the Street

Some guests mentioned that street noise could be disruptive, so consider requesting a room away from the street for a quieter stay.

Take Advantage of the Nearby Attractions

The hotel is conveniently located near popular attractions such as the Bolshoi Theatre, Red Square, and the Moscow Kremlin, making it an ideal choice for sightseeing.

Check Room Types for Varied Views

Guests recommended checking the room types as some offer views of the city, while others overlook the courtyard. Select a room based on your preference for city views or a quieter atmosphere.

Consider Bringing Earplugs

A few guests noted that the walls were thin, and noise from neighboring rooms could be heard. Packing a pair of earplugs may help ensure a peaceful night's sleep.

Explore Dining Options Nearby

Several guests suggested exploring the diverse dining options in the vicinity, ranging from local eateries to international cuisine, providing a chance to savor a variety of culinary experiences.

Inquire About Early Check-in

If you have an early arrival, consider contacting the hotel in advance to inquire about the possibility of early check-in, as some guests faced challenges with immediate room availability.

Utilize Public Transportation

The hotel's proximity to attractions and public transportation options makes it convenient for guests to explore Moscow without the need for a car, saving both time and money on transportation.

Pack Light for Convenience

Due to the hotel's location, guests recommended packing light, as it may involve navigating cobblestone streets and stairs to access the property.

Plan for Varied Weather

As weather in Moscow can be unpredictable, it's advisable to pack clothing suitable for different conditions, including rain and colder temperatures, to ensure a comfortable visit.

Engage with Staff for Local Tips

The hotel staff were praised for their friendliness and willingness to offer local recommendations. Take advantage of their knowledge to enhance your Moscow experience with insider tips on hidden gems and lesser-known attractions.

What's nearby

  • Bolshoi Theatre 0.4 mi
  • State Historical Museum 0.7 mi
  • Red Square 0.8 mi
  • GUM Shopping Centre 0.8 mi
  • Lenin's Mausoleum 0.8 mi
  • Tchaikovsky Concert Hall 0.9 mi
  • St. Basil's Cathedral 0.9 mi
  • Moscow Kremlin 1 mi
  • Patriarch's Pond 1 mi
  • Cathedral of Christ the Saviour 1.5 mi
  • Moscow Zoo 1.6 mi
  • State Tretyakov Gallery 1.7 mi

When to book a room at Safari Hostel

Faqs when booking at safari hostel, where is safari hostel located.

Safari Hostel is located at Petrovka Street 26 Bld. 8 in Tverskoy District, 1.6 miles from the center of Moscow. Bolshoi Theatre is the closest landmark to Safari Hostel.

When is check-in time and check-out time at Safari Hostel?

Check-in time is 2:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM at Safari Hostel.

How far is Safari Hostel from the airport?

Safari Hostel is 16 miles from Moscow Sheremetyevo.

How does KAYAK find such great Safari Hostel hotel deals?

KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Safari Hostel in Moscow and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Safari Hostel and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Safari Hostel.

Nearby hotels and places to stay

Most recommended, good to know.

Safmar Aurora Luxe

Safmar aurora luxe is a luxurious 5-star hotel in the center of moscow, within walking distance to the main attractions of the city., about the hotel.

Safmar Palace Moscow

Our business hotel located in the downtown of the city offers comfortable rooms for business trips and leisure..

Design hotel in the center of Moscow

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the safari hotel

Hotel Safari (Moscow, Russia)

About safari.

Safari Hostel is perfectly located the heart of Moscow - 5 minutes walking from the Kremlin, Red Square, Bolshoy Theater and many other famous sightseeing.A lot of cafes, restaurants, bars are in the neighborhood as well as the several stations of metro and other public transport. Our hostel is opened by travellers and for travellers and we always glad to offer you the comfortable bedrooms, nice decorated living room, fully equipped kitchen, plenty of showers and the most important - very friendly atmosphere. Our staff will always do their best to help you. Reception is opened 24 hours, and the wi-fi is always free.

Top amenities

  • WiFi in lobby
  • Free WiFi ( Unavailable )
  • Pool ( Unavailable )
  • Spa ( Unavailable )
  • Parking ( Unavailable )
  • Pets ( Unavailable )
  • A/C ( Unavailable )
  • Hotel bar ( Unavailable )
  • Gym ( Unavailable )

Rating overview

  • Location Excellent   (8.6 / 10)
  • Rooms Good   (7.9 / 10)
  • Service Very good   (8.4 / 10)
  • Cleanliness Very good   (8.2 / 10)
  • Value for money Very good   (8.3 / 10)

All amenities

Property amenities.

  • Business centre
  • Express check-in
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Computer with internet
  • 24-hour reception
  • Laundry service
  • WiFi in public areas
  • Washing machine
  • Airport shuttle

Room amenities

  • Central heating

Arrival / Departure

  • Check in : 13 :00
  • Check out : 12 :00

Frequently Asked Questions about Safari

No, Safari doesn’t offer pool areas.

No, Safari doesn’t allow pets.

No, Safari doesn’t provide parking.

Check-in at Safari is available from: 13:00 . Check-out time is by 12:00 .

Safari is located in Petrovka ulitsa 26 stroenie 8, 127051, Moscow, Russia.

Interesting hotels nearby Safari

These hotels may also be interesting for you...

  • AZIMUT Hotel Olympic Moscow
  • Moscow Grand Hotel
  • Hotel Metropol
  • Golden Ring Hotel
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  • Hotel Peter 1
  • Hotel Uyutnaya Kompaniya
  • Hotel Esquire
  • Hotel Saint Yard Petrovsky
  • Akvarel Hotel

Destinations nearby Safari

  • Hotels in Moscow
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  • Hotels in Zelenograd
  • Hotels in Lobnya

Other destinations close to Safari

  • Hotels in Moskovsky
  • Hotels in Balashikha
  • Hotels in Serpukhov
  • Hotels in Dmitrov
  • Hotels in Obninsk
  • Hotels in Lyubertsy
  • Hotels in Podolsk
  • Hotels in Mytishchi
  • Hotels in Naro-Fominsk
  • Hotels in Kotelniki
  • Hotels in Noginsk
  • Hotels in Shchyolkovo
  • Hotels in Zvenigorod
  • Hotels in Vidnoye
  • Hotels in Pushkino
  • Hotels in Elektrostal
  • Hotels in Solnechnogorsk
  • Hotels in Ramenskoye
  • Hotels in Chekhov
  • Hotels in Klin
  • Hotels in Zhukovsky
  • Hotels in Golitsyno
  • Hotels in Korolyov
  • Hotels in Aleksandrov
  • Hotels in Balabanovo
  • Hotels in Ivanteyevka
  • Hotels in Andreyevka
  • Hotels in Kirzhach
  • Hotels in Pokrov
  • Hotels in Zheleznodorozhny
  • Hotels in Malakhovka
  • Hotels in Nakhabino
  • Hotels in Troitsk
  • Hotels in Losino-Petrovsky
  • Hotels in Orekhovo-Zuyevo

Explore nearby attractions

  • International Airport Sheremetyevo
  • Conference and Exhibition Investments and Business in Dubai 2015
  • Moscow-City
  • Moscow Kremlin
  • International Airport Domodedovo
  • Okolo - the Theater Near the Stanislavsky House
  • International Airport Vnukovo
  • Arbat street
  • Meshchansky
  • Belorussky railway station
  • Manor P.A. Rumyantseva-zagunayskogo
  • Crocus Expo
  • Bolshoi Theatre
  • Paveletsky station
  • Moscow metro
  • Kiyevsky railway station
  • Kazansky railway station
  • House R. Herman
  • Zamoskvorechye
  • Luzhniki Olympic Complex
  • Krasnaya Presnya
  • Yaroslavsky station
  • Saint Basil's Cathedral
  • Leningradsky railway station
  • Sokolniki Exhibition
  • Arena Khimki
  • Gallery of 19th and 20th century European and American Art
  • Kursky station
  • Kitay-gorod
  • Krasnoselsky
  • All-Russian Exhibition Centre
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Museum of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
  • Assumption Cathedral
  • Bust monument V. N. Khitrovo
  • Kolomenskoye
  • Malaya Ordynka

the safari hotel

When Is The Best Time To Book A Desert Safari Package?

D esert safaris are one of the most popular attractions in the UAE, providing a thrilling opportunity to experience dune bashing, camel rides, traditional shows, and delicious barbecue dinners against breathtaking desert scenery.

With hundreds of tour operators offering Desert Safari packages , choosing the right time to book is important to get the best experience at a reasonable price. This article explores tips on when to book for maximum savings and fun.

Peak Season Bookings

The peak tourist season from October to April sees very high demand for desert safari packages, especially on weekends and public holidays when thousands flock to Dubai.

Booking 2-3 months in advance ensures availability with reputed operators during peak periods when safaris get sold out weeks before.

Early bookings also allow blocking convenient timings and custom add-ons like private pick-ups or upgraded meal plans. However, expect relatively higher rates compared to off-season deals.

Leveraging Early Bird Offers

Many leading desert safari providers offer early bird discounts valid several months in advance of travel dates.

Opting for these attractive deals as soon as flight bookings are confirmed locks in lower prices before the pre-paid rates increase closer to the trip.

Large groups traveling together can make substantial savings this way, even during peak months. Just ensure to read cancellation and refund policies before purchasing.

Last Minute Bookings

For travelers who decide to take desert safaris spontaneously after arriving in Dubai or have flexible plans, last minute bookings 1-2 days in advance typically offer the lowest rates. Operators slash prices to fill unsold seats as the departure dates approach.

The trade-off is limited seat availability on peak days and timings along with fewer choices of convenient pick-up locations or extras.

Solo travellers and couples though can score great deals through last-minute online bookings.

Off-Season Discounts

The months from May to September see far fewer tourists in Dubai due to the extreme heat.

Desert safari rates can drop 30-50% or more during the off-season with heavy discounts, offers, and combos from most suppliers. The savings offset the scorching temperatures.

Flexible travelers who can plan summer trips get to enjoy a more private safari experience along with incredibly affordable prices. The key is confirming an operator with well-maintained, air-conditioned vehicles.

Knowing High and Low Demand Periods

When planning a desert safari booking, it helps understand weekly and seasonal demand fluctuations.

Peak Days and Slack Days

Weekends, especially Saturdays, attract the highest number of desert safari bookings throughout the year along with weekday evenings.

Midweek daytime slots typically see lower demand in comparison, hence better deals. Fridays have moderate demand due to being a holiday in the UAE.

Seasonal Variations

The cooler months from November to February attract peak tourists and see the highest pricing for desert safari packages. September-October and March-May have intermediary demand.

June-August summer season has the lowest occupancy on tours, allowing great low rates.

Capitalizing on Offbeat Timings

The most popular desert safari timings are 3 pm to 9 pm or 4 pm to 10 pm slots, catching golden hour at sunset. Opting for earlier or later timings typically has lower occupancy and rates.

12 pm to 4 pm morning safaris beat daytime heat and offer value prices.

10 pm to 2 am night safaris under starry skies are lower-demand giving savings benefits too.

Bundling Transport and Accommodation

Many desert safari deals offer bundled prices including return transfers from hotels and accommodation. This can offer significant savings over standalone safari bookings.

Hotels with private safari tour partners often recommend these combos for guests with agreed rates.

Booking bundled packages in advance secures transport convenience and better fares.

Utilizing Coupons and Cashbacks

Online travel portals and booking sites regularly promote desert safari deals offering coupons, promo codes and cashbacks as added incentives.

Following desert safari suppliers on social media also gives access to special offers.

Using these additional discounts on early bookings results in the lowest net pricing. Cashback portals also enable claiming back a percentage of total spend.

Group Size Discounts

Desert safari providers routinely offer discounted rates for bigger groups above 4-5 passengers booking together. The markdowns may range from 10-30% compared to regular prices.

Families and groups of friends can optimize savings by coordinating bookings and availing group discounts well in advance during peak season.

Booking with Hotel Concierge

Many hotels have dedicated desert safari desk staff who can advise guests and offer bundled transport deals at agreed rates.

Booking the safari package via hotel concierge allows seamless transfers and often discounts versus direct booking.

Multi-activity Combos

Some desert safari operators offer combo deals bundling dune bashing with activities like hot air ballooning, jet skiing, yacht cruises etc.

Multi-activity packages booked together are more value-for-money compared to individual bookings.

Advance Reservations for Customization

Planning your desert safari well ahead allows for customizing experiences with unique add-ons, such as private Falconry shows, henna artists for intricate designs, or the luxury upgrade to exclusive SUVs.

These bespoke offerings require careful pre-arrangement, ensuring a personalized and exceptional desert adventure.

This proactive approach not only secures preferred activities but also allows for tailored experiences, ensuring a memorable and customized journey through the mesmerizing landscape of the desert.

Booking on Weekdays

Booking a desert safari on weekdays often ensures a more exclusive and less crowded experience.

Opting for weekday departures grants quicker access to activities such as camel riding and dune bashing with minimal waiting times.

Weekends typically witness a surge in visitors, resulting in larger crowds and potential delays for various activities, making weekdays a more favorable option for a more intimate and serene experience.

In essence, securing a desert safari package 1-3 months in advance, significantly leveraging early bird offers, bundled transport deals, and group discounts, guarantees the best value pricing during peak seasons.

During off-peak times, last-minute bookings offer the lowest fares.

Understanding the fluctuations in demand allows tourists to seize opportunities during underutilized timings and weekdays, providing an opportunity to enjoy significant savings on desert safaris.

Visitors can relish substantial cost savings by choosing the right timing while reveling in an unforgettable desert adventure.

The post When Is The Best Time To Book A Desert Safari Package? appeared first on Kellys Thoughts On Things .

When Is The Best Time To Book A Desert Safari Package?

Hyatt Place Jaipur Malviya Nagar

Welcome to hyatt place jaipur malviya nagar.

A first in Jaipur, Hyatt Place Jaipur Malviya Nagar is a contemporary, modern hotel designed for the multi-tasking travelers. Inspired by old & new Rajasthan the hotel offers uncomplicated experiences in a stylish seating. Located in Business district of Malviya Nagar, the hotel is near the Jaipur International Airport, World Trade Park and Jhalana Leopard Safari.

the safari hotel


the safari hotel


Our hotel features 115 spacious rooms and suites, each designed and fitted with the latest amenities to meet the needs of the modern-day business and leisure traveller.

Hyatt Place Jaipur Malviya Nagar King Suite Bathroom

Located in the hotel lobby, The Bar provides the ideal space to relax with friends or colleagues. Spend your evening unwinding with a variety of satisfying spirits that really hit the spot.  Timings: 12.00 pm - 12.00 am


Meetings & events.

Plan your next large-scale wedding or event at Hyatt Place Jaipur Malviya Nagar. Take advantage of 670 square metres of flexible event space, including a 260-square metre ballroom and a dedicated catering space that spans 95 square metres. We also offer a spacious attached terrace for outdoor cocktails, as well as a 168-square-metre pre-function area. Enjoy delicious catering options, audiovisual technology, knowledgeable event staff and room blocks to keep your guests together.

the safari hotel

Business Services

Fitness Center

Free Breakfast

Free Internet Access

Free Parking

Meeting Facilities

On-Site Restaurant

Room Service

Accessibility at Our Hotel

We are committed to providing equal access and opportunity for individuals with disabilities. The features also make this hotel more accessible for older individuals with changing abilities to ensure a seamless experience. Our overall goal is to improve usability throughout the hotel for all guests.

World of Hyatt members can earn 2X points for qualifying stays completed July 9 through October 15, 2024, at 550+ Hyatt Place and Hyatt House hotels worldwide, up to 25,000 Bonus Points. Registration required.

the safari hotel

There's more to earn—and enjoy—when you book smart, only on Members can save more . Book a standard or premium room at participating hotels.

Not a World of Hyatt member? Join now or as you book your stay to enjoy exclusive member benefits like this one.

Terms and Conditions Apply.



When you stay at our Jaipur hotel, you’re in the middle of it all. Explore the Hawa Mahal palace, a short 20-minute drive from our doorstep, or see exotic leopards at Jhalana Leopard Safari that’s walkable from our hotel. See the stars at Jantar Mantar, an astronomical observation site, or indulge in a little retail therapy at World Trade Park.

Jhalana Leopard Safari

0.14 Miles away

Nahargarh Fort

6.26 Miles away


4.9 Miles away

4.83 Miles away

Safari Hostel

About safari hostel.

  • Hostel Room An affordable stay with shared facilities

Latest deals for Safari Hostel

Reviews of safari hostel.

All reviews are collected from real users with a verified booking made with KAYAK or one of our trusted external partners.

Learn how KAYAK collects reviews.

  • Staff very friendly and helpful. (in 30 reviews)
  • Good Hostel near Red Square. (in 8 reviews)
  • Short walk from metro. (in 7 reviews)

What's nearby

  • Bolshoi Theatre 0.4 mi
  • State Historical Museum 0.7 mi
  • Red Square 0.8 mi
  • GUM Shopping Centre 0.8 mi
  • Lenin's Mausoleum 0.8 mi
  • Tchaikovsky Concert Hall 0.9 mi
  • St. Basil's Cathedral 0.9 mi
  • Moscow Kremlin 1 mi
  • Patriarch's Pond 1 mi
  • Cathedral of Christ the Saviour 1.5 mi
  • Moscow Zoo 1.6 mi
  • State Tretyakov Gallery 1.7 mi

When to book a room at Safari Hostel

Faqs when booking at safari hostel, where is safari hostel located.

Safari Hostel is located at Petrovka Street 26 Bld. 8 in Tverskoy District, 1.6 miles from the centre of Moscow. Bolshoi Theatre is the closest landmark to Safari Hostel.

When is check-in time and check-out time at Safari Hostel?

Check-in time is 14:00 and check-out time is 12:00 at Safari Hostel.

How far is Safari Hostel from the airport?

Safari Hostel is 16 miles from Moscow Sheremetyevo.

How does KAYAK find such great Safari Hostel hotel deals?

KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Safari Hostel in Moscow and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Safari Hostel and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Safari Hostel.

Nearby hotels and places to stay

Most recommended, good to know.

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the safari hotel

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Moscow Region Safari Accommodation

the safari hotel


Moscow region, near moscow region.

Moscow Safari

  • About Moscow Region
  • Things to do in Moscow Region
  • Restaurants in Moscow Region

Safari Accommodation in Moscow Region

Accommodation near moscow region.

* Distances are shown as the crow flies and not necessarily the actual travelling distance.

the safari hotel

Moscow Holiday Hotel

the safari hotel

AZIMUT Hotel Smolenskaya Moscow

the safari hotel

Maxima Zarya Hotel

the safari hotel

Novotel Moscow Centre

the safari hotel

Chekhoff Hotel Moscow Curio Collection by Hil...

the safari hotel

Ararat Park Hyatt Moscow

the safari hotel

Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

the safari hotel

Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow

the safari hotel

Maxima Panorama Hotel

the safari hotel

Maxima Slavia Hotel

We're unable to find results matching your search criteria. we suggest reducing your filters or viewing nearby destinations..

If you are looking for Moscow Region accommodation , SafariNow has a selection of accommodation in Moscow Region and surrounds. With 0 listings in Moscow Region, our handy Moscow Region map search and great low prices, it's easy to book the perfect holiday accommodation for your Moscow Region visit.


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A member of the Travelstart Group

Moscow: Snowmobile Forest Safari Adventure

the safari hotel

  • Round trip transfers from Moscow
  • Local guide
  • 1 hour snowmobile tour with all equipment provided
  • Your guide will meet you at your hotel.
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Infants must sit on laps
  • Infant seats available
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Most travelers can participate
  • This experience requires good weather. If it’s canceled due to poor weather, you’ll be offered a different date or a full refund
  • This is a private tour/activity. Only your group will participate
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.

the safari hotel

  • 400cananb 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Excellent Trip! We traveled to Murmansk. It was a great experience. Tour was well organized and they listened to all of our requests. The local guide, Slava, did an excellent job. He was friendly and helpful. I would especially recommend to expats in Russia who don't speak Russian well. Read more Written January 14, 2024
  • Road11699095042 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Fully satisfied I and my friend went to Murmansk with this tour. It was well planned program. We are satisfied with our local guide. Will definitely suggest this tour to my friends! Read more Written January 14, 2024
  • Katerinna2000 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Tours with Igor I would like to recommend Igor as a guide if you are travelling to St.Petersburg, Rusia. I was there 4 days in May 2021. I was more than happy that I had organised tours with Igor as I thoroughly enjoyed time with him and the knowledge he shared with me. I got to see what I wanted such as 3 Cathedrals tour, Pushkin-Tzarskoe selo( Summer Palace), Peterhof...He has a happy personality, speaks very good English and is a pleasure to be around. I wish him all the best for her future. Read more Written June 5, 2021
  • Katerinna2000 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles The best I would like to recommend Ksenia as a guide if you are travelling to Moscow, Rusia. I was there 4 days in May 2021. I was more than happy that I had organised tours with Ksenia as I thoroughly enjoyed time with her and the knowledge she shared with me. Ksenia went out of her way to make sure that I got to see what I wanted such as Historical places around Red squere, Kremlin, Traditional russian banya, Sergiev posad, galeries, parks, metro station tour...She has a happy personality, speaks very good English and is a pleasure to be around. I wish her all the best for her future. Read more Written June 3, 2021
  • d0rbs 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles Great excursion! During my visit to Russia with my 5 friends we set up both excursions (Moscow 4 days- 4 days St petes) with this company and everything was excellent, Clear and puntual!! Guys are very friendly and active, 100% recomended 👍 Read more Written March 18, 2020
  • cristianf0201 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles The best experience ever My wife and I went to Russia to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, I have to say that I have never received a treatment like this before. The service was amazing, all the tours, the guides. The service in general was 5 stars. I highly recommend these people. I'm pretty sure on my next time in Russia I'll contact them again. Read more Written April 1, 2019

Safari Hostel Moscow

Petrovka St., 26/8, Moscow, Russia

Safari Hostel

Featuring recreational facilities and a game area for a restful stay, Safari Hostel is located in the Tverskoy district, a 6-minute walk from Monument to Fallen Police Officers. If you need to keep in touch with the outside world, this hostel provides Wi-Fi throughout the property.

GUM is also situated a 5-minute drive away. The hostel enjoys a prime location 10 minutes by car from Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure.

Safari Hostel has 8 rooms equipped with ironing facilities, as well as media amenities such as a personal computer. To enhance guest convenience, hair dryers and bath sheets are provided in the bathrooms.

Ceretto seafood restaurant is located approximately 5 minutes on foot from this property. Guests can make use of coffee and tea making facilities provided in the hostel. Kitchen also provides a microwave, a refrigerator, and kitchenware. Tsvetnoy Bulvar underground station is a 5-minute walk away, while Sretenka bus stop is a few minutes' drive from this property.

Maximum period that can be booked is 30 days. Please enter alternative dates.

Rooms & Availability

  • Electric kettle
  • Cookware/ Kitchen utensils

Room Amenities

  • Tea and coffee facilities
  • Dining table
  • Ironing facilities
  • Washing machine
  • In-room computer

Important information

  • Children and extra beds
  • There are no extra beds provided in a room.
  • There are no cots provided in a room.

Route Planner

Enter your starting point (at least street address and city) to receive driving directions to the hotel.

  • Driving Directions
  • Public Transport
  • Walking Directions
  • Local attractions
  • Bolshoi Theatre 650 m
  • Stoleshnikov Lane 450 m
  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker 450 m
  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art 300 m
  • Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki 150 m
  • The Grave of Laziness and Creative Block 400 m
  • Neglinnaya Gallery Mall 250 m
  • The State Literary Museum 200 m
  • The Temple of the Sign Icon of Mother of God 450 m
  • Sheremetyevo International 30 km
  • Train stations
  • Leningradsky Train Station 2.7 km

Please, select dates to see available rooms.

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Your impression of the property, how to reach hotel, top hotels in moscow near safari hostel.

Moscow, the capital and most populous city of Russia, is truly a must-visit destination. The city is known for its stunning architecture, jaw-dropping landmarks such as the Red Square and Saint Basil's Cathedral, and vibrant nightlife. Walk around iconic neighborhoods like Kitay-Gorod and immerse yourself in the city's bustling and energetic vibes. Be sure to check out the stunning museums like the Tretyakov Gallery, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, and the Moscow Metro station, which is famous for its magnificent and ornate architecture. Don't forget to try some authentic Russian cuisine and visit the city's famous markets. In Moscow, there is an endless list of sights and activities for tourists to enjoy.

To make the most of your stay, check out our list of the best hotels in the city.

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Safari Hostel, Russia

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    Best rates on the Beach! Only a few steps away to a fun, white sandy beach. Safari Motel offers a unique lodging experience that includes Clean, Comfortable, and Affordable rooms. Start your day with our complimentary coffee and tea service in the lobby or relax at our common oceanfront balconies overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and the Boardwalk.

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    4.6. Value. 4.5. Travelers' Choice. Built on top of a high bluff with a breathtaking panorama, our lodge is superbly located in Tarangire National Park, providing one of the best views in Africa. Carving out the landscape below the lodge is the Tarangire River, a favourite watering place, which attracts impressive numbers and a variety of game.

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    ABOUT THE HOTEL. The five-star Safmar Grand Moscow (ex-Marriott Grand) opened its doors to guests in 1997 The hotel is conveniently located on Tverskaya Street, close to Moscow's most beautiful historical sites and in the center of the capital's cultural life. The hotel has 385 rooms, including suites, and three executive floors.

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    5. #1 Russia -Tanzania | Zanzibar, Serengeti Safari & Kilimanjaro Agency | BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD. Multi-day Tours • 4WD, ATV & Off-Road Tours ... Hotels near Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory Hotels near Russian Academy of Theatre Arts Hotels near Institute for the Economy in Transition Hotels near Gnesins Russian Academy of Music ...

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    To Trump small amounts of money matter—the tower agreement details the slices he could shave off every year, including hotel management fees (an estimated $1.3 million), office rents (est ...

  7. Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5* official website of Moscow

    A few steps from the Kremlin and Red Square, - Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5*, the heritage of history is perfectly combined with modern design. Discover a refurbished version of the legendary 1930s Moskva Hotel to enjoy panoramic views of iconic landmarks, personalized service at restaurants and spas, and an unforgettable experience for yourself and your loved ones in the heart of the capital.

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    As the park's website says, "Welcome to Georgia Safari Conservation Park, where the beauty of nature, amazing animal encounters, and luxurious lodging create an incredible safari adventure."

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    1. Multi-day Tours • Safaris. By Vacation14294292087. I do recommend this tour company as safe, comfort, and customer oriented. Our guide Irina did a great job showing the... 11. Туристическая компания "Бриз"\Travel company "Breeze". City Tours • Multi-day Tours.

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  11. Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

    Air conditioning. 24-hour front desk. Daily housekeeping. Non-smoking rooms. Safe. Baggage storage. Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow is located in the heart of Moscow, only a 5-minute walk from Red Square and the Kremlin. An indoor pool, a spa center and a gym are featured in this hotel. Free high-speed WiFI is available throughout the property.

  12. Safari Hostel from . Moscow Hotel Deals & Reviews

    Where is Safari Hostel located? Safari Hostel is located at Petrovka Street 26 Bld. 8 in Tverskoy District, 1.6 miles from the center of Moscow. Bolshoi Theatre is the closest landmark to Safari Hostel. When is check-in time and check-out time at Safari Hostel? Check-in time is 2:00 PM and check-out time is 12:00 PM at Safari Hostel.

  13. Hotel Metropol Moscow

    The Hotel Metropol Moscow [1] (Russian: Метрополь, IPA: [mʲɪtrɐˈpolʲ]) is a historic hotel in the center of Moscow, Russia, built between 1899 and 1905 in the Art Nouveau style. It is the largest extant Moscow hotel built before the Russian Revolution of 1917.Since 2012, the hotel has been owned by Alexander Klyachin, who also is proprietor of the Moscow-based Azimut Hotels chain.

  14. Safmar Aurora Luxe Hotel (ex-Marriott Royal Aurora)

    Safmar Aurora Luxe (ex-Marriott Royal Aurora) is a luxurious 5 star hotel in the center of Moscow, within walking distance to the main attractions of the city: the Red Square, the Kremlin and the Bolshoi Theater, as well as to the world-famous stores TsUM, GUM, Petrovsky Passage and Stoleshnikov Pereulok, where there are boutiques of luxury brands.

  15. Safmar Palace Moscow (ex-Sheraton Palace Moscow Hotel)

    ROOMS AND SUITES. Safmar Palace Moscow (ex-Sheraton Palace Moscow Hotel) has 206 comfortable rooms that are suitable for both business trips and leisure in the heart of the capital. Each room of our hotel on 1 st Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street offers a practical workspace and a comfortable area for rest and sleep.

  16. 5 star Hotel in Moscow centre

    The ideal location of a five star hotel in Moscow near the Red Square. 109012, Moscow, 3/6, bld. 1, Rozhdestvenka. Phone +7 (495) 620 85 00. Fax + 7 (495) 620 86 65. The five-star historic Savoy Moscow Hotel in the centre of the Russian capital: luxurious interior, high-quality service and legendary history.

  17. StandArt

    the StandArt Hotel Moscow 5* is located on Strastnoy Boulevard, just 10 minutes walk from the Kremlin, Red Square, theaters, museums, and the main shopping centers of the country GUM and TSUM. There are three metro stations within walking distance from the hotel: Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, and Chekhovskaya. Staying at the StandArt design hotel ...


    4.5. Cleanliness. 3.9. Service. 4.0. Value. 4.0. Safari Hostel is perfectly located the heart of Moscow - 5 minutes walking from the Kremlin, Red Square, Bolshoy Theatre and many other famous sightseeing. A lot of cafes, restaurants, bars are in the neighborhood as well as the several stations of metro and other public transport.Our hostel is ...

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    Compare hotel prices and find an amazing price for the Safari Hotel in Moscow, Russia. View photos and read 168 reviews. Hotel? trivago!

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    In essence, securing a desert safari package 1-3 months in advance, significantly leveraging early bird offers, bundled transport deals, and group discounts, guarantees the best value pricing ...

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    When you stay at our Jaipur hotel, you're in the middle of it all. Explore the Hawa Mahal palace, a short 20-minute drive from our doorstep, or see exotic leopards at Jhalana Leopard Safari that's walkable from our hotel. See the stars at Jantar Mantar, an astronomical observation site, or indulge in a little retail therapy at World Trade Park.

  22. Safari Hostel . Moscow Hotel Deals & Reviews

    Safari Hostel is located at Petrovka Street 26 Bld. 8 in Tverskoy District, 1.6 miles from the centre of Moscow. Bolshoi Theatre is the closest landmark to Safari Hostel. When is check-in time and check-out time at Safari Hostel?

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    Barvikha Village, Moscow Region, Russia. 98. Excellent. 169 Reviews. VIEW DETAILS. Special offers are available at this hotel but are only available after being unlocked. Submit Your Email Address to Unlock Special Offers at this Hotel. The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya.

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    Moscow Region Safari Accommodation. If you are looking for Moscow Region accommodation , SafariNow has a selection of accommodation in Moscow Region and surrounds. With 0 listings in Moscow Region, our handy Moscow Region map search and great low prices, it's easy to book the perfect holiday accommodation for your Moscow Region visit. Accommodation

  25. 2024 (Moscow) Moscow: Snowmobile Forest Safari Adventure

    Moscow: Snowmobile Forest Safari Adventure. Take advantage of one of the unique winter activities in Moscow and enjoy the thrill of a snowmobile ride through a picturesque snowy forest. Your day will begin with a pick up from your hotel or apartment in Moscow and a 40-minute drive to the place where your adventure will start.

  26. Safari Hostel Moscow

    Safari Hostel. Providing recreational facilities and a game area, Safari Hostel is situated within 1.4 km of Bolshoi Theatre. The rooms in this hostel have a microwave oven, a refrigerator, and kitchenware for guests to cook their food. The property is located in the Tverskoy district of Moscow. The Moscow hostel is set at a medium distance ...

  27. Safari Hostel

    123 reviews. #9 of 812 hostels in Moscow. Location. Cleanliness. Service. Value. Safari Hostel is perfectly located the heart of Moscow - 5 minutes walking from the Kremlin, Red Square, Bolshoy Theatre and many other famous sightseeing. A lot of cafes, restaurants, bars are in the neighborhood as well as the several stations of metro and other ...