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Galapagos & Machu Picchu Tours

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Our Galapagos & Machu Picchu Tours take you to two of South America’s most iconic destinations. In the Galapagos , you can explore the islands by cruise ship or with a hotel as your base. Naturalist guides will introduce you to the fascinating endemic and native species including giant tortoises , iguanas , and blue-footed boobies , and explain the volcanic origins of the archipelago. In Peru, you will learn about the colonial history of Lima , and discover the cultural heritage of the Incas in Cusco and the Sacred Valley . You will then travel by train for a guided tour of Machu Picchu , the awe-inspiring mountain top site.

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Galapagos & Machu Picchu Tours

Blue-Footed Boobies, Galapagos

Galapagos and Machu Picchu with 4 Day Galapagos Legend Cruise

12 days/11 nights from $4,299.

Galapagos Penguins, Galapagos

Galapagos and Machu Picchu with 5 Day Coral I & II Cruise

13 days/12 nights from $4,919.

Galapagos Giant Tortoise, Galapagos

Galapagos and Machu Picchu with 5 Day Galapagos Legend Cruise

13 days/12 nights from $5,019.

Nazca Lines, Peru

Galapagos, Machu Picchu, and Nazca Lines

15 days/14 nights from $5,089.

Sea Lion Pup, Galapagos

Finch Bay Galapagos Hotel and Machu Picchu

13 days/12 nights from $5,129.

Chullpas de Sillustani, Peru

Galapagos, Machu Picchu, and Lake Titicaca

15 days/14 nights from $5,169.

Macaw Clay Lick, Amazon, Peru

Galapagos, Machu Picchu, and the Amazon

16 days/15 nights from $5,569.

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Peru

Galapagos and the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

16 days/15 nights from $5,739.

Albatross Pair, Galapagos

Galapagos, Machu Picchu, and Easter Island

18 days/17 nights from $6,259, 5 best galapagos & machu picchu tours for 2024-25, galapagos & machu picchu tour information, galapagos faq, peru weather, galapagos weather, peru accommodations, galapagos accommodations, when is the best time to travel to the galapagos.

It is always a good time to travel to a destination as unique and fascinating as the Galapagos. There are two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. The rainy season runs from December to June, with higher daytime temperatures (80’s F) and humidity, and occasional rain showers. The ocean temperature is also higher (77 degrees F), making swimming and snorkeling more appealing. This is also the breeding season for land birds and sea lions, and nesting season for sea turtles.

The dry season runs from June to December. During this season, the weather and ocean temperature are cooled by the Humboldt Current, which brings cold water, nutrients, and plankton from the southern part of the South America. Temperatures average in the 70’s (F) during the day and lower at night. It is also windier, and the ocean is rougher. The nutrient rich waters attract fish, seabirds, and penguins. This is also mating season of the blue-footed boobies. See all Galapagos FAQ .

When is the best time to travel to Peru & Machu Picchu?

The weather along Peru’s desert coast is decidedly moderate, with little rain and temperatures between 50 and 85 degrees year round. In summer (December to March), there are warm days with several hours of morning sunshine, but in the winter a coastal fog called la garúa sets in and makes everything gray. The best months to visit cities like Lima and Trujillo are October, November, and April, when conditions are mild and the humidity is tolerable.

Weather in Peru’s sierra consists of wet and dry seasons; the former runs from November to March, the latter from May to September. The best time to go is from April to October, which coincides with several local festivities and peak tourist crowds. Even then, expect cool nights and occasional afternoon downpours.

The Amazon region also has wet and dry seasons, with strong heat and humidity all year. To maximize wildlife-viewing opportunities, go between June and September, since in other months the sudden onset of heavy rains can foil even the best-laid plans. See all Peru FAQ .

How To Plan A Galapagos Vacation

Planning a Galapagos vacation can seem like a daunting task when you are just starting out, but answering the following (basic) questions will make it easier for us to help you plan your trip…

  • What is your budget per person not including international airfare?
  • How many days do you have for your Galapagos vacation?
  • When do you want to visit?
  • Do you want a Galapagos Cruise or Galapagos Land Based Tour?
  • What activities do you want to participate in?
  • What type of wildlife do you want to see?
  • What other destinations do you want to combine with the Galapagos Islands?

Contact one of our travel experts for help in planning your trip.

The Main Galapagos Islands and Visitor Sites

Marine iguanas that skitter up to you on seaside rocks, eyes darting. Frigatebirds, their crimson pouches inflating as they roost in bushes. Whitetip reef sharks, gliding past you as you snorkel in calm waters. Sound inspiring? It was to Charles Darwin, whose awe at the boldness of the Galapagos Islands’ wildlife was what set him on the path to his theory of natural selection. His 1831 voyage put this remote archipelago on the map, and ever since, the Galapagos’ fascination has continued to grow. Today, the natural marvels on this protected refuge are so abundant that choosing which of the main Galapagos islands to visit can be a challenge—even for the most serious eco-travelers…

Baltra Island / Bartolomé Island / Chinese Hat Islet / Eden Islet / Española Island / Fernandina Island / Floreana Island / Genovesa Island / Isabela Island / Mosquera Islet / North Seymour Island / Rábida Island / San Cristóbal Island / Santa Cruz Island / Santa Fe Island / Santiago Island / South Plaza Island

Top Galapagos Activities by Land or by Sea

So: you’ve deplaned at Baltra Island’s airport, been carted down to the docks on your shuttle, and just stepped off the barge onto Santa Cruz Island, the Galapagos’ main tourist hub. Congratulations—but don’t flop back in your hammock just yet. With 18 main islands, 107 islets, and 116 authorized visitor sites to choose from…

Galapagos Wildlife: 15 Iconic Species

American Flamingo / Blue-Footed Booby / Flightless Cormorant / Frigatebirds: Great and Magnificent / Galapagos Fur Seal / Galapagos Giant Tortoise / Galapagos Hawk / Galapagos Penguin / Galapagos Sea Lion / Land Iguana / Marine Iguana / Nazca Booby / Red-Footed Booby / Santa Fe Land Iguana / Waved Albatross

Galapagos Wildlife Calendar

In the Galapagos Islands, wildlife is the main attraction. Below is a Galapagos Wildlife Calendar indicating what you can expect to see during each month of the year while on a Galapagos Cruise or Galapagos Land-Based Tour …

Galapagos Packing List: What To Bring On Your Trip

From wildlife-spotting cruises to climbing an active volcano, or snorkeling amid a rainbow of tropical fish—a visit to the Galapagos is always an adventure. But with its unique climate, remote location, and abundance of land and sea activities, it can be hard to know what to pack. Don’t worry; our Galapagos packing list…

Galapagos Cruise Ships

Galapagos Legend / Santa Cruz II / La Pinta / Isabela II / Coral I & II / Galapagos Sea Star Journey / Horizon / Treasure of Galapagos / EcoGalaxy / Galapagos Seaman Journey

Galapagos & Machu Picchu Travel Articles

Pirates, captains and castaways: the first visitors to the galapagos.

Charles Darwin is the man most associated with the Galapagos Islands, but he certainly wasn’t the first person to reach this remote and endlessly fascinating archipelago. Whether by accident or objective, other seafarers had reached the islands before Darwin and the voyage of the HMS Beagle in 1835, with widely…

How Darwin’s Findings in Galapagos Contributed to His Theory of Natural Selection

In 1835, not long before arriving at the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin wrote a letter to his friend and mentor John Stevens Henslow. “In a few days’ time,” he wrote, “the Beagle will sail for the Galapagos Islands. I look forward with joy and interest to this, both as being somewhat nearer to England and for the sake…

The Best Places For Snorkeling In The Galapagos

The Galapagos Marine Reserve is the second largest marine reserve in the world, and the largest in a developing country. Due to its protected status, many areas of the marine reserve are off-limits to snorkelers and divers. But there are plenty of sites open to visitors, where with just some basic snorkeling equipment…

Galapagos Giant Tortoise: 23 Interesting Facts

When it comes to wildlife-watching opportunities, the Galapagos Islands are second to none. Blue-footed boobies waddle along the shores, marine iguanas lounge on the rocks, and Galapagos penguins splash around in the waters, not to mention sea lions, fur seals, and sea turtles everywhere you turn. However…

Encountering Giant Tortoises On Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos

Santa Cruz, the most populated and commercially developed island in the Galapagos, is also the most visited. Near the international airport some 650 miles west of mainland Ecuador, Santa Cruz is the site of the Charles Darwin Research Station and Galapagos National Park, which lead conservation programs…

Land, Sea, And Air: The Varied Wildlife Of San Cristobal Island, Galapagos

San Cristobal, the farthest east and second most populated of all the Galapagos Islands, is also the site of one of the two main airports serving the Ecuadorian mainland, some 600 miles away. But it would be a shame to simply fly in and head straight for other islands, because San Cristóbal offers some of the best…

Top Wildlife Viewing On Isabela Island, Galapagos

Isabela Island, by far the largest island in the Galapagos, is also one of the richest in wildlife. Home to more wild tortoises than all the other Galapagos Islands combined, it’s also the best place to spot penguins in the archipelago, which harbors the most northerly penguin colony on earth. (Isabela lies directly on…

The Fascinating Wildlife Of Fernandina Island, Galapagos

Lying across a narrow channel from the much larger Isabela Island, Fernandina Island is best known for its abundance of marine iguanas: reptiles that the revered Charles Darwin himself called “hideous-looking” and “imps of darkness” — and, indeed, they have a prehistoric look that only a mother could love…

Genovesa Island, Galapagos: Prime Territory For Birds

To reach little Genovesa, the most northeastern island of the Galapagos, cruise vessels must sail up to eight hours from other more visited islands. Large cruise ships have to bypass Genovesa – also called Tower Island – because the reef makes it risky for them to enter into and anchor at Darwin Bay, where passengers…

Machu Picchu

Travel guide to machu picchu: what you need to know.

Looking to visit the world’s most celebrated Inca ruin, but don’t know where to start? Relax: this Travel Guide to Machu Picchu has you covered. Here we answer many common queries, regarding both the ruins themselves and the logistics of visiting. Still have questions? Feel free to contact…

A Guide To The Main Structures Of Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu isn’t just an archaeological wonder: It’s also an architectural masterpiece. With more than 200 buildings that we know of, intelligently divided into urban and agricultural sectors and an upper town and lower town, there are no finer examples of Inca planning and construction…

Hiram Bingham And The Discovery Of Machu Picchu

On July 24, 1911, a Yale lecturer of South American history stumbled through the dense jungle on the saddle of a steep-sided mountaintop in Peru. Cutting through the undergrowth, he began to see signs of a former settlement. Walls and archways, paths and structures, and monumental architecture…

Day Two At Machu Picchu: Four Top Options

So you’ve finally done it. You’ve bought your PeruRail tickets, your entrance pass, and your chuyo , and you’re on your way to Machu Picchu. Mission accomplished—at least the first stage. By now your envious friends are blowing up your Facebook page with “OMG! How exciting!” posts and asking…

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Peru and the Galapagos Islands 2022

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

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  • Where the timeless natural world of the Galápagos Islands combines with exploration of the ancient empire of the Incas...Unravel the mysteries of the centuries on a visit to Machu Picchu
  • the spectacular 'Lost City of the Incas' – one of the must-see destinations on any world-traveler's list. Enjoy a six-night cruise aboard one of the finest expeditionary-style yachts in the Galápagos
  • the Isabela II – where you'll be accompanied by naturalists who inform and inspire with insights into the amazing wildlife including the giant Galápagos tortoises
  • blue-footed boobies
  • marine iguanas
  • and penguins. Meet the famed Paso horses on a Peruvian ranch... a weaving demonstration at a local farm... and a scenic rail journey to the gateway to Machu Picchu for an overnight stay next to the ancient Incan site.

What's this trip about?

Compare to similar trips.

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Peru & Ecuador in 18 days - Incas, Amazon and Galapagos - Charm San Cristobal Island

Sunrise At Machu Picchu (7 Days & 6 Nights)

Sunrise At Machu Picchu (7 Days & 6 Nights)

Travel themes.

  • Small Ship Cruise


  • South America


  • Machu Picchu

Trip includes

  • Private Tauck Shore Excursions in the Galápagos Islands with expert naturalist guides – averaging two daily – for an up-close experience with some of the most unusual and intriguing species in the world On-Tour Air (5 flights) All gratuities to Tauck Director, guides, naturalists and ship staff Exclusive 6-night Galápagos Cruise aboard the expedition ship, Isabela II – with no more than 40 Tauck guests

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Quito, Galapagos, and Guayaquil

Travel Map

PORTOFCALL : Guayaquil, Ecuador

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Dates & Availability

Check Current Availability, prices, specials with Tauck .

The total tour cost includes the tour price (regular or promotional) and the compulsory local payment. The promotional price is subject to change. Check directly with the operator for the latest price offer. The tour operator requires you to pay only the tour price to purchase your travel. The compulsory local payment will be paid when you join the trip. All prices are based on double, twin or triple share occupancy. Solo passengers will be accommodated in a double, twin or triple room according to availability with a passenger(s) of the same gender. Single supplement only needs to be paid if the passenger does not want to share and requests their own room. Discounts can only be applied at the time of booking and cannot be added at a later date, regardless of any changes made to the original booking.

Prices may vary due to local taxes and trip seasonality. Click "Request Info" to inquire directly with the tour operator for the final trip price.

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Tauck Reviews & Ratings

Other tauck reviews, nine tours and done.

Sad to see a once good tour company stumble and fall into mediocrity. That’s Tauck post-Covid. My May 2023 tour of Normandy, Brittany and the Loire Valley was done o...

Skip this cruise - not worth it

My husband and I went on the Treasures of the Mediterranean Isles Trip jn October 2022. This was our third Tauck cruise with Ponnant but our first post covid and the...

Tauck/Aon terrible travel insurance

Tauck partners with Aon for travel insurance. We bought this insurance through Tauck specifically to cover us in case of a positive for test for Covid and could not ...

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Tour operator.

It's easy to see the world's sights. To stand in long lines, push through the crowds, and generally have the same standard-issue vacation as everyone else. But that's not good enough for us, and it's not good enough for you. We believe that travel should be easy. It should be fun. It should be worth your time and the price you paid. It should re-energize and transform. And above all else, it should be beyond the ordinary. Because how you see the world matters.

In 1882, Herman Tauck arrived in New York City from Germany in search of the American dream. His determination and values were passed on to his son, Arthur Tauck, who would realize that dream. With ingenuity and an innovative spirit, Arthur started Tauck Motor Tours, a travel company that would give birth to a new industry. The first tour, through the back roads of New England, was created by this 27-year-old in 1925. It embodied the same successful formula used by Tauck today: do the right thing. Craft a life-enriching travel experience; provide it at a single all-inclusive price; ensure there is great value for money; and rely on recommendations of satisfied customers to build a following and grow the business.

Two elements that did change over the next 90+ years – and three generations of Taucks – were the scope of destinations served and the variety of modes of travel used. Today Tauck delivers life-enriching travel experiences to every corner of the globe, incorporating small cruise ships, premium riverboats, trains, helicopters and more. What started as a New England motor coach tour company has truly evolved into an extraordinary global travel company. The fourth generation of Taucks is now involved in the company. While remarkable in any business, this seamless continuity across generations speaks to shared vision and values.

Throughout its history, the concept of “family” at Tauck has gone far beyond those sharing the surname to include hundreds of valued employees, and hundreds of thousands of loyal guests. The story of Tauck is the story of a unique American family company celebrating a passion for travel – a story that will continue to inspire generations to come.



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From Machu Picchu to the Galápagos Islands—the Ultimate Travel Itinerary for Adventurers

Journey through lima and cusco in peru, followed by the 15th-century inca citadel of machu picchu before embarking on a small-ship cruise to see the wildlife of ecuador’s galápagos islands..

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Galápagos Islands

Amazing wildlife you’ll encounter while cruising the Galápagos Islands

Courtesy of Tauck / Phil MacDonald

Machu Picchu —the “Lost City of the Incas”—and all its ancient mysteries are one of many highlights for travelers on this South American trip of a lifetime . Before a special overnight stay in Machu Picchu, you’ll explore Peruvian culture in Lima and fly high into the Andes Mountains to Cusco to immerse yourself in ancient Inca history. In Guayaquil, Ecuador, hop aboard an intimate small ship to sail to the Galápagos Islands, where awe-inspiring hiking, snorkeling, flora, fauna, and beautiful lagoon vistas await.


Trip Highlight

Sacsayhuaman incan fortress.

Tauck Tours

Trip Designer

Marvel at the pre-Columbian treasures at the Larco Museum

Marvel at the pre-Columbian treasures at the Larco Museum

Courtesy of Tauck

Days 1-2: Enjoy Lima’s Culture and Neighborhoods


Traditional folk dancing and horsemanship in the Andes

Days 3-6: Cusco and Machu Picchu, Peru

Copy of Marine_iguana_Sally_Light-footed_crab_0700.jpg

Get up close with incredible species like the Marine iguana and Sally Lightfoot crab in the Galápagos Islands

Days 7-13: Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

Copy of Upper Deck 2_SilverOrigin_2020.png

Take in all the sights from the luxurious upper deck of the Silver Origin.

Days 14-16: San Cristóbal and Guayaquil, Ecuador

Edinburgh Castle

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tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Machu Picchu & Galapagos Islands Tour Get Started -->

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Our Most Popular Trip: Two of South America’s most spectacular destinations in one itinerary

Days: 12-15 | From: $8,850/person

  • Includes accommodations at first class or luxury boutique hotels that reflect the best of local culture
  • Includes excursions and tours with superb private guides; the finest small vessels in the Galapagos
  • Ideal for couples, small private groups, and families; fully customizable to your dates and interests
  • Vessel charters available in Galapagos

This is one of the world's best combination trips, done the right way. Enjoy world class cuisine in Lima, then renew your sense of wonder exploring lost Incan cities and contemporary Peruvian culture. Finish the trip by spending a week exploring the Galapagos Islands on an intimate yacht, discovering scenery and wildlife found nowhere else in the world. An incomparable journey.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

We tailor itineraries to your dates and interests, adjusting hotels, excursions and length as desired.

We consistently receive 5 star reviews from our discerning clients.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

At a glance

  • Lima 1 night: renowned cuisine and world class museums
  • Sacred Valley 1 night: Andean life and ancient ruins in this magnificent river valley
  • Machu Picchu 1 night: time to explore this stunning icon in depth & at non-peak hours
  • Cusco 2 nights: take in the captivating former Incan capital
  • Quito 2 nights: walk the streets of this colonial city
  • Galapagos 4-7 nights: enjoy a small ship expedition cruise through the Enchanted Isles

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Customize this trip 1 (510) 548-8487

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Sample itinerary

Welcome to lima.

Miraflores Beach, Lima

Arrive to Lima, former capital of the Spanish empire in the Americas, and transfer to your first class hotel in Miraflores, Lima’s main cultural and commercial district. This is a great area for strolling around and is home to many of Lima’s best restaurants.

Private tours of Lima or visits to any of Lima’s museums can be arranged; we can also arrange culinary tours focusing on Peru’s increasingly renowned cuisine, or art tours for those with special interests.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Accommodations: Atemporal

Housed in a renovated 1940s townhouse in the chic Miraflores district, this six-room hotel provides a relaxed atmosphere with excellent service. Atemporal offers its guests an alternative lodging experience in three room categories: Grand, Charming, and Cozy. Atemporal is entirely private, meaning only guests and those they invite can use its exclusive spaces, with their offbeat but functional collector’s aesthetic, including a veranda, salon and private garden.

Fly to the Sacred Valley of the Incas

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Fly over the Andes to Cusco, the ancient capital of the Incan Empire. Your local guide will meet you at the airport and take you to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, a long, fertile river valley surrounded by snowcapped peaks that lies between Cusco and Machu Picchu.

Visit Chinchero, a traditional small town situated on a plateau overlooking the Sacred Valley. Explore a colonial church with remarkable paintings and frescoes, which was constructed over the ruins of an Incan temple and is surrounded by impressive Incan terracing. Chinchero is also home to several highly-regarded weaving cooperatives known for their high-quality textiles. Peru is known for its intricate traditional weavings, many of which use symbols to tell stories or depictions of daily life.

Afterward enjoy lunch at a great small restaurant founded by a renowned local chef. Your private guide will be there to help you make the most of the entire experience.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Accommodations: Hotel Sol y Luna

The Sol y Luna Lodge is located in Peru's Sacred Valley of the Incas, not far from the town of Urubamba. Peruvian art adorns each of the first class, comfortable adobe cottages, whose terraces offer spectacular views of the mountains. A place that does things the right way, this hotel has long been among our traveler favorites due to the superb accommodations, location, and service. The property offers two outstanding restaurants. There is also a stable with beautiful horses that can be taken out into the surrounding mountains on horseback riding excursions. This is a Relais & Chateaux property.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu from afar

Travel by train to Machu Picchu, one of South America’s most iconic sites.

Visit this remarkable site with a private guide and enjoy lunch at the famous Sanctuary Lodge before returning to your hotel in Aguas Calientes.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Accommodations: Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel

This hotel sits on its own 12 secluded acres in Aguas Calientes, the town located at the base of Machu Picchu. The hotel is ideally located in natural surroundings, a short walk to the train station and the shuttles that take visitors to the ruins, but just outside the town, which is quite touristy. Guests follow stone pathways to their rooms, located in comfortable one- or two-story whitewashed casitas. Unlike the other hotels in Aguas Calientes, the Pueblo is set in a natural cloud forest, allowing you to experience the beauty of this unique ecosystem during your stay.

Machu Picchu and Cusco

Sun behind the ruins at Machu Picchu

Return to Machu Picchu in the early morning to explore and discover the citadel on your own. You’ll also have the chance to hike to the top of Huayna Picchu, the mountain that towers above Machu Picchu. There is a lot to see in and around Machu Picchu.

After visiting the ruins, catch the afternoon train back to Cusco, where you’ll be dropped off at your hotel.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Accommodations: Inkaterra La Casona Cusco

A Relais & Chateaux property, La Casona is set in a restored 16th-century colonial manor house, which was built over an Inca complex and later occupied by the conquistadors of Peru. Its 11 suites surround an elegant courtyard, and the hotel offers a dining room, dining terrace, lounge and sitting area. La Casona graciously preserves the site's historic details while offering modern comfort and amenities. An exclusive boutique hotel experience, and one of the top options in Cusco.

Private Tour of Cusco: History, Culture, Architecture, and more

Sacsahuaman Fortress

Get to know Cusco with your knowledgeable private guide, visiting the historical highlights of this fascinating city. Visit Sacsahuaman, the massive Incan fortress on the hills above the city, where you can enjoy views out over Cusco and the entire surrounding area. Afterward enjoy the afternoon to explore more of the city on your own.

Cusco is one of the highlights of a trip to Peru, an intriguing place built on the foundations of the former Incan capital. You can observe massive Incan walls along many of the streets of the city. The city has a vibrant atmosphere and many excellent restaurants.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Depart for Quito, Ecuador

Ecuador_Quito_White church and city view

Say goodbye to Peru and fly to Quito, the capital of Ecuador and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Your local guide will welcome you at the airport and take you to your hotel, located in the picturesque historic center of the city.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Accommodations: Illa Experience

The Illa Experience is located in the historic Old Town district of Quito, within walking distance of cultural attractions, cafes, and restaurants. Rooms are decorated with modern, comfortable furnishings and decor. Each floor of the hotel is inspired by a different historical period, and each room offers underfloor heating and large windows with views of the iconic calle Junín or the Virgen del Panecillo. There is a heated swimming pool and a jacuzzi. The restaurant offers traditional Ecuadorian dishes crafted with local ingredients.

Colonial Architecture and One-of-a-Kind Artwork

Ecuador_Quito_Banco Central and church

Set out with your private guide to explore historic Quito, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.

Visit the highlights of the colonial “Centro Historico,” and go up to a lookout point on the Panecillo for a great view of the entire city. Afterward, head into the new town to visit the remarkable Fundación Guayasamin, which houses the art collection of Oswaldo Guayasamin, Ecuador’s most famous 20th century artist.

Seeing both parts of the city gives you a great overview of some of the different neighborhoods in this diverse Andean metropolis.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Fly to the Galapagos Islands

Galapagos tortoise enjoying some grass

Fly from Quito about 600 miles out over the Pacific Ocean to arrive at the Galapagos Islands. You will be met at the airport and transferred to your vessel.

Visiting the Galapagos Islands is a unique experience: a combination of sheer natural beauty, amazing wildlife, beautiful vessels, and fascinating natural history.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Accommodations: Seaman Journey

Intimate yet spacious, the Seaman Journey is a comfortable first class option for exploring the Galapagos. This 16 passenger catamaran offers several sun decks, a dining room and bar/lounge, and a well-stocked “book nook.” All 8 cabins have air conditioning, private bathroom, and large ocean-view windows that open. The on board service is warm and attentive and excursions are led by a bilingual naturalist guide; excursion options include hiking, snorkeling, and kayaking.

Cruising and Exploring the Islands

Sea lions coming out of water at sunset; boat in background

The exact itinerary varies from vessel to vessel, but you will spend these days exploring the islands in depth . Your boat will travel between several different islands so that you can experience a wide variety of the unique wildlife and environments that the Galapagos offers.

The giant Galapagos Tortoise, the marine iguana, the waved albatross, the Galapagos penguin, and flightless cormorants are just a few of the species you can come across. There will also be daily opportunities to snorkel, where you can see what’s below the surface: giant sea turtles, rays, and sea lions, to name just a few. Each day you will enjoy excellent cuisine and the company of an expert bilingual naturalist guide.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Return to Quito / Depart for Home or Your Next Destination

Enjoy a final morning in the islands before flying out from the Galapagos back to Quito, where you can connect with your international flight home or continue your trip in mainland Ecuador.

If you have a long layover before your flight, we can set up a visit to nearby hot springs or transfer you to a hotel to relax and have dinner before transferring back to the airport.

More Photos From This Trip

Popular ways to customize this itinerary.

Add a few nights in the Peruvian Amazon, easily accessible from Cusco, or the Ecuadorian Amazon, a short flight from Quito.

Add extra days in Lima, Cusco, or Quito: All three are worth exploring on your own, and we can arrange a variety of activities, including city tours, culinary excursions, visits to ruins and historical sites, and active options such as hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding.

Visit some of the highlights of mainland Ecuador, including local markets, volcanoes, the cloud forest, and historic haciendas.

Take part in a Pachamanca , a traditional Andean cooking ceremony on the shores of Lake Piuray.

Hike to Machu Picchu: Get off the train at Kilometer 104 to walk the last four to six hours along the famous Inca trail. Or see our Inca Trail to Machu Picchu itinerary for information about hiking the whole trail over several days.

Include some downtime for rest and relaxation! Some free time to unwind or have a massage will allow you to feel refreshed and ready for the remainder of your trip. Many of our properties include excellent spas or wellness centers. We can help arrange these services or include properties that offer health & wellness amenities.

For additional ideas, check out our post on the Top 10 Ways to Combine Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands .

Contact us to learn about more options for designing and customizing your trip.

Reviews From This Trip

Great attention to detail. Our leaders were amazing very knowledgeable and helpful. The trip was well planned and executed to perfection.
This was the most stress free trip we've ever taken. We normally do all our planning ourselves which can bring some anxious moments in foreign destinations. However, with Vaya we were always with experienced, thoughtful guides who took all the guesswork and uncertainty away.
The trip was fabulous. Every detail went according to plan. Loved it!!
All or our guides were fantastic. We enjoyed talking and listening to all of them.

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What are the best Machu Picchu and Galapagos tours?

Machu Picchu, Peru

The Best of South America at your hands

Visiting South America gives you the opportunity to discover the Galapagos Islands, considered as one of the most wonderful creations of nature. As well as Machu Picchu, an iconic ruin from the Inca Empire, one of the wisest and organized ancient cultures of the World. and its group of Galapagos & Machu Picchu experts can help you organize a trip filled with culture and the best of nature.

The Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu: The best of Nature and the Inca Empire

When visiting the Galapagos and Machu Picchu you will connect with the energy of nature, and the energy of the Earth, while living a close encounter with the unique Galapagos wildlife and marveling with how knowledgeable and ahead of time was the Inca Empire.

The Galapagos Islands:

Considered by many, one of the greatest natural wonders of the World, visit them and enjoy them to the fullest.

Galapagos Nature

Unique wildlife

The only tropical islands where you will be able to find penguins, apart from a wide variety of endemic reptiles, birds, and wonderful mammals, on land and underwater.

Galapagos underwater

Under the sea

Galapagos offers one of the best underwater experiences you can ever live. Here you can swim with sharks, colorful fishes, playful sea lions... and many more!

The Islands were born from the eruption of underwater volcanoes and the movement of the tectonic plates. Come and witness its amazing geography.

Charles Darwin Theory

Charles Darwin got inspired in Galapagos to create his Theory of Evolution. Follow his lead and comprehend the source of his inspiration. Galapagos is the best way to get in touch with the world and its wonders. Get in touch TODAY with humanity and its ancient civilizations.

Contact us today and get the best deals on our Galapagos + Machu Picchu tours.

Sacred Valley

The Sacred Valley

The 70-mile strip of land peppered with historic towns and villages dating back to the ancient times of the Inca Empire, runs roughly from the old imperial capital of Cusco to the enigmatic fortress of Machu Picchu.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

The Center of the Inca Empire: A citadel built over 500 years ago on mountain ridge 8000 feet above sea level, located on the Cuzco region over the Sacred Valley.

  • Spiritual center of the Inca’s
  • contains over 150 buildings ranging from temples, bathes, houses, and sanctuaries
  • made of with over 100 pounds rocks, so well joint together that a piece of paper wont fin in between them.
  • Rocks were taken to the complex without the help of wheels, but only with the strength of men.
  • Machu Picchu one of the best places to experience how humans lived in ancient empires from centuries ago.


This ancient city was of high importance to the Inca Empire since they stablished their capital here. Nowadays is the entrance to attractions as Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail.

Located in the Peruvian Andes, Cuzco is also well known for its archaeological remains of Spanish architecture from the Colonization time.

Traveling with the help of the Galapagos & Peru experts the best way to make the most of your trip. For you, your friends and your family.

Click here and we’ll help you book you up with a special trip advisor

  • Let us do the hard work. You focus on your enjoyment
  • There are many nuances that need to be taken care of if you want to visit the prime places in South America
  • There are permits to be taken care of, in Galapagos and in Machu.
  • We’ll schedule your transportation to every visitor site and back, keep in mind that there is no international airport in Machu Picchu, nor in Galapagos.
  • Whatever you may require, we’ll take care of it for you
  • We’ve been empowering thousands of passengers from all over the world to get the most out of their Ecuador & Peru travel experience with us.
  • We know all about permits and travel tip to improve your experience.
  • Our schedules will guarantee that you spend most of your time enjoying the best of each site.
  • We’ll handle and guarantee the best services and products for your accommodation, cruises, guidance, and anything else related to your trip.


12 days / 11 nights.

Peru + Galapagos

This 12 days trip offers you the chance to do a Quito city tour, visit the Middle of the World and the Otavalo handcraft market. After a 4 day Galapagos cruise, you will get to see Guayaquil and Lima. You will enjoy a Cuzco city tour, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu.

*For rates for more than 4 people, please ask your trip advisor.

Peru + Galapagos Itinerary Details

Duration: 12 Days / 11 Nights Type: What are the best Machu Picchu and Galapagos tours?

Inquire Here!

N/A: Not Available; B: Breakfast; L: Lunch; D: Dinner

Additional Information

  • Tours for 1-3 pax will be provided with a driver/guide

Rates Include

  • Private transportation
  • Air tickets to / from Galapagos
  • Meals mentioned
  • Hotel nights based on double occupancy
  • All transfers in/out mentioned
  • Entrance fees
  • English speaking guide

Not Included

  • Galapagos National Park Entrance Fee
  • Personal expenses and tips
  • Air tickets to / from Peru
  • Activities not mentioned
  • Meals not mentioned

13 Days / 12 Nights

Peru + Galapagos

During this 13 day program, you will visit Quito and the Middle of the World before you start your 5 day cruise through the Galapagos. Afterwards, you will enjoy a Cuzco city tour, the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Aguas Calientes.

Duration: 13 Days / 12 Nights Type: What are the best Machu Picchu and Galapagos tours?

15 Days / 14 Nights

Peru + Galapagos

An 8 days Galapagos cruise surrounded by an exploration of the Ecuadorian Andes and Peru. You will see Quito, the Middle of the World and the Otavalo handcraft market during your stay on Ecuador's mainland. Lima, Cuzco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu will amaze you in Peru.

Duration: 15 Days / 14 Nights Type: What are the best Machu Picchu and Galapagos tours?

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Most Popular Galapagos & Machu Picchu Trips & Tours

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Machu Picchu Galapagos Tours & Trips

Find the right tour package for you through Machu Picchu Galapagos. We've got 23 trips going to Machu Picchu Galapagos, starting from just 11 days in length, and the longest tour is 30 days. The most popular month to go is September, which has the most tour departures.

23 Machu Picchu Galapagos tour packages with 114 reviews

Mysteries of the Inca Empire with Galapagos Cruise Tour

  • Ocean Cruise

Mysteries of the Inca Empire with Galapagos Cruise

Land of the Incas (Galapagos North And Central Cruise, 18 Days, Intra Tour Air Cusco To Juliaca) Tour

Land of the Incas (Galapagos North And Central Cruise, 18 Days, Intra Tour Air Cusco To Juliaca)

  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Machu Picchu and Galapagos Tour

Machu Picchu and Galapagos

  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Peru Splendors with Galápagos Cruise Tour

Peru Splendors with Galápagos Cruise

Peru & Galapagos Discovery - 15 Days Tour

Peru & Galapagos Discovery - 15 Days

1 Journey 2 Wonders: Machu Picchu & The Galapagos Islands Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

1 Journey 2 Wonders: Machu Picchu & The Galapagos Islands

From the Inca Empire to the Peruvian Amazon with the Nazca Lines & Galápagos Cruise 2025 Tour

  • River Cruise
  • Sightseeing

From the Inca Empire to the Peruvian Amazon with the Nazca Lines & Galápagos Cruise 2025

From the Inca Empire to the Peruvian Amazon with Galápagos Cruise 2025 Tour

From the Inca Empire to the Peruvian Amazon with Galápagos Cruise 2025

South America\'s Big Five Tour

  • Intl. Flights Included

South America's Big Five

  • Flights included

Galapagos & Peru Adventure (15 destinations) Tour

  • Island Hopping

Galapagos & Peru Adventure (15 destinations)

"A fantastic place to go when you wanna experience nature close up." Jakob, traveled in January 2015

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Andean Discovery

Galapagos & Machu Picchu Tours

Combined galapagos & machu picchu tours.

Andean Discovery specializes in Machu Picchu and Galapagos combined adventures and we are thrilled to share with you our expertise and help you design an itinerary that matches your interests and travel style.

Our most popular Machu Picchu and Galapagos tours combine two of South America's most impressive destinations in a single trip. Experience the natural wonders of the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, witnessing the path of evolution first hand, and explore the wonders of the Inca Empire at Machu Picchu in nearby Peru.

Our Galapagos and Machu Picchu packages start in Quito, where you will fly out to the wildlife-rich archipelago.  You can explore the islands on a Galapagos cruise, or on one of our  Galapagos land based tours , where you will spend your nights on the islands in boutique eco-lodges. Explore Cusco, Peru, the former capital of the Inca Empire, and enjoy a scenic train ride across the Sacred Valley and through the deep canyons of the Urubamba River. You will be transported back in time as you explore the mysterious, ancient ruins of Machu Picchu on a privately guided tour.

Choose one of our tried and true itineraries below, or get in touch with an Andean Discovery travel specialist to customize your own trip, to fit your interests, schedule, and pace.

Most Popular Galapagos & Machu Picchu Tours

Express Machu Picchu & Galapagos

Machu Picchu & Galapagos Land-Based

Machu Picchu, Amazon & Galapagos

Ecuador & Peru Travel Tips

Best time to visit peru.

What to See in Machu Picchu

What to See in Galapagos

Plan your Ecuador & Peru Trip

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Express Machu Picchu & Galapagos Cruise

Have you dreamed of seeing Incan treasures and meeting the exotic wildlife of the Galapagos, but you can’t take two weeks off work? Andean Discovery has designed an efficient journey…

Machu Picchu & Galapagos Land Based

Machu Picchu & Galapagos Land-Based Adventure

Immerse yourself in South America by visiting two of the continent’s most iconic destinations. In Peru, explore Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley, and other ancient fortresses left behind by the…

Machu Picchu

Galapagos 5-Day Cruise & Machu Picchu Tour

An itinerary that combines two of Latin America’s most iconic destinations: Machu Picchu and the Galapagos Islands. Wind your way through ancient Inca streets and temples in Machu Picchu Peru before…

Monkey at Ecuador Amazon

Machu Picchu, Ecuador Amazon & Galapagos Cruise

Visit three of the most fascinating destinations in South America in one trip. Explore the ancient ruins of the Inca civilization. Stay in a luxurious eco-lodge…

Machu Picchu & Galapagos Travel Guide and Tours

We have a unique way of meeting your adventurous expectations!

Galapagos cruises

Get in touch with Andean Discovery



Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you shortly with more details about this trip., reserve now, want to design your own trip please fill out the form below, and we will be in touch with you shortly to help you create an authentic experience defined by your travel style., customize a trip, best time to visit colombia.

Colombia is a great place to visit throughout the year because of its proximity to the equator. Although the official dry season is from December to March, the Caribbean coast and Medellin experience warm, dry weather all year round. The tourist high season is December to February and areas like Santa Marta and Tayrona National Park can be crowded during this time. Generally, Colombia requires light clothing suitable for warm to hot weather. During these months, the nights in the highlands can become chilly in areas of higher altitude so travelers should pack layers for when the sun goes down.

The lowlands enjoy similar tropical temperatures year-round but more frequent rain showers occur in April to June and again in October and November.

Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon climate is wet all year long. Pack very light clothing but long sleeves and trousers to prevent mosquito bites during the evenings. It is also essential to have waterproof clothing in preparation for downpours.

What to Pack

The style of clothing worn by local Colombians generally depends on the region they inhabit. To fit in with the locals, pack a selection of light, summer-friendly options for visits to tropical Cartagena and a variety of big-city brights and fashionable nightwear for cities like Medellin and Bogota. Dressing in lightweight, easy-dry layers is a great way to stay cozy and comfortable throughout your trip to Colombia as the weather varies in each region depending on the time of day you travel.

Residents throughout Colombia pride themselves on being fashion forward and formal dress is often expected for fancy dinners and night-time activities. Male visitors may wish to purchase a Guayabera, or “fancy white shirt” after they arrive in Colombia as these garments are favored by locals and are considered acceptable attire for nearly any social situation within the country.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Where You’ll Stay

Colombia is a popular hotspot for international tourists and South American natives alike and travelers have several options for accommodations during their stay. Our personalized Colombia tours offer a wide variety of lodging experiences and guests are able to choose from a huge selection of the best Colombia hotels available. We partner with several leading accommodation providers from small hostels to five-star hotels to ensure you have the best experience possible on your trip to Colombia!

Santa Clara Hotel pool

Colombia’s tourism sector has experienced huge growth over the last decade – and for good reason! Read on to learn more about the top trips and tours in Colombia at Andean Discovery!


Coffee lovers curious about the origin of their morning buzz will love exploring eje cafetero, home to world-renowned Arabica coffee. The area’s mysterious scenery, an assortment of flora and fauna, charming Andean villages, and tasty traditional trucha (trout) will captivate the interest of people who don’t even drink the famed beverage.

Colorful colonial history, tropical Caribbean setting, and wonderful weather come together in Cartagena. Enjoy a laidback ambiance as you explore Ciudad Amurallada, one of the world’s best-preserved walled cities containing a plethora of flowers, colorful buildings, and intimate plazas. Make sure to pack your dancing shoes because Cartagena has a variety of authentic salsa joints where the bands play as their pay depends on getting people to dance.


View the Amazon rainforest from the comfort of a low-impact, small-scale settlement with easy access to natural marvels. The Calanoa Project promotes respectful tourism by working with nearby indigenous communities to preserve ancestral knowledge and cultural practices. They have planted hundreds of hardwood trees, fruits and palms have been planted in order to supply food, fibers, and building materials for a self-sufficient operation. You will also enjoy Calanoa’s cuisine, a fusion of local Amazonian traditions with Brazilian, Colombian, and Peruvian influences using organic and fresh local produce.


One of Colombia’s most popular national parks, Tayrona National Park, encompasses the Caribbean coast from the Bahí­a de Taganga near Santa Marta to the mouth of the Rí­o Piedras. Tayrona National Park includes beaches, a rainforest, and even an arid landscape with cacti and light-brown hills in the western section. The park is home to at least 56 endangered species.


Birders and wildlife enthusiasts shouldn’t miss El Dorado Reserve, considered to be a Holy Grail for birding in the Americas. This 1,600-acre reserve hosts the highest concentration of continental, range-restricted bird species found anywhere in the world, just a two hours drive from the tourist city of Santa Marta. You can also find endemic and threatened amphibian specie, as well as local flora and fauna.

A historically infamous city, Medellin is now gaining attention for its incredible rebirth and inventiveness. Colombia’s second-largest city even beat cities like New York and Tel Aviv to be awarded “World’s Most Innovative City” in 2013. Known as the ‘City of Eternal Spring’, the area boasts pleasant temperatures year-round and supports lush botanical gardens in its picturesque location in the Aburrá Valley. This vibrant city is filled with public art, modernist architecture, and impressive museums, but the party really starts when the sun goes down and rhythms of Colombian Salsa and Vallenato music fill the air. This city likes to eat, drink, dance, and watch soccer in its numerous bars and restaurants.

Little is known about the natives who inhabited the area that is now Colombia before the Spanish arrived in 1500.

Shortly after arriving, the Spanish established the colony of New Granada and built the settlement of Santa Fe de Bogota, which subsequently becomes known as Bogota. These new colonies thrived and many African slaves were taken to these cities to assist with building and maintenance. After a 14-year struggle, Simí³n Bolí­var’s Venezuelan troops defeated the Spanish at the battle of Boyacá in Colombia in 1819. The resulting Republic of Gran Colombia united Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, and Ecuador as a single country under one central leader. Due to regional differences, Gran Colombia dissolved in 1829-1830 when Bolí­var lost Venezuela and Ecuador to separatists.

In the 19th century, Colombia was a troubled country and suffered eight civil wars between its liberal and conservative parties as conservatives believed in a strong central government and a powerful church while liberals believed in a decentralized government, strong regional power, and a limited role of the church. Political instability continued through the late 19th century and culminated in the War of a Thousand Days which began in 1899 and resulted in the death of nearly 120,000 people.

In the early 20th century, social legislation was introduced and Colombia was generally peaceful and without conflict – trade unions were encouraged, the economy developed and the export of coffee increased. This period of rest was short-lived however and the assassination of the well-liked and respected left-wing mayor of Bogota in 1948 caused riots and began a civil war that lasted until 1957.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the situation in Colombia improved. In 2000, the United States pledged $1.3 billion to fight drug trafficking with “Plan Colombia”. Violence in Colombia declined after 2002 when President Alvaro Uribe increased Colombia’s security, aggressively campaigned against the drug trade, and passed several economic reform bills.

In 2012, the United States-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement (CTPA) went into effect. This agreement eliminated tariffs and other trade barriers to the exchange of goods and services between Colombia and the United States. In the early 21st century, the Colombian economy grew rapidly and poverty and unemployment declined. Today, Colombia is booming, tourism is increasing and the country has a bright future.

carthaginian women

History of Peru

The history of Peru (before the Inca era) as we know it today has been uncovered, in large part, through large archaeological excavation endeavors. Historical artifacts including ceramics, textiles, and cave drawings have been collected, sorted, and displayed throughout Peru’s archaeological museums – a collection of clues as to the lives of Peruvian inhabitants who lived and worked nearly 20,000 years ago. Advanced hunting tools and well-planned irrigation systems lead many to believe that these early colonies were cutting-edge, organized, and well-established.

The Incan empire ruled from around 1400 A.C. to 1500 and is widely considered one of the largest dynasties in American history before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. This small tribe of peoples was based out of Cusco, which served as the country’s capital city throughout Inca rule. Machu Picchu is one of the most well-preserved ruins left behind by the Incan peoples, and thousands of tourists flock to visit the historical site’s peak each year. The Incas grew to be one of the largest and most powerful forces in South America and had a complex and interesting society that is well studied to this day.

Spanish soldiers arrived in the South American land in 1532 and began plotting to take over the rule of the fertile and bountiful country. These European soldiers brought smallpox and other illnesses into Peru, killing thousands of “New World” inhabitants including Huayna Capac who served as the 11th Inca or King. Capac’s sons were each given half of his kingdom and a civil war that began between the brothers helped to quicken the downfall of the Incan empire. Spanish rulers changed the capital of Peru from the land-locked Cuzco to coastal Lima to accommodate arriving soldiers and facilitate trade.

Peru’s Independence Wars were fought from 1810 until 1824 when a battle led by General Antonio Jose de Sucre secured freedom from Spanish rule. Peru continued to fight for freedom throughout the 1800s and 1900s – defeating Spanish rulers in 1866 and losing a large piece of land to Chile in a war that spanned from 1879 to 1883. A war with Ecuador in 1941 over borders wasn’t resolved until 1998 when Peru agreed to allow Ecuador access to the Amazon rainforest in exchange for keeping control over the land.

In 2001 Peru elected its first Native Indian President, Alejandro Toledo. The country has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of South America and thousands of tourists visit to hike, swim, shop, and to learn more about Peruvian history firsthand through the exploration of archaeological sites and artifacts each year.

peru girls in traditional outfit

What to See in Peru

Peru is one of the most popular countries for tourist travel in South America. Although visiting Machu Picchu tops the bucket list of many adventurers worldwide, seasoned explorers know that this beautiful and eclectic country is not just a one-stop destination. Learn more about the top five things to do when visiting Peru below.


Machu Picchu is one of the most famous archaeological sites in all of South America and the popular peak has definitely earned its reputation for awe-inspiring views. Voted one of the New 7 Wonders of the World in 2001, the “lost city of the Incas�? contains so many historical monuments and examples of Inca architecture – it’s best to have a tour guide to walk you through the history, legend and folklore surrounding this mystical place. Travel to the peak of this historical mountain by hiking, or via a spectacular train ride via Ollantaytambo train station.


This colorful city was once the capital of the Incan empire and remains a cultural hotspot to this day. This exciting town is extremely close to Machu Picchu and provides an excellent resting point for travellers who are looking to spend a bit of down time before they hike the popular summit. Visit an indigenous market in Pisac to purchase handmade crafts and to sample authentic Peruvian foods or take a brief hike throughout the cities’ ruins that previously made up the Incas’ agricultural system.


This 26 mile trek isn’t for the faint of heart – but the satisfaction gained by finishing this challenging expedition more than makes up for the struggle of navigating a historical land. From beautiful mountain scenery to tropical jungle, hikers experience the beauty and wonder of many Peruvian landscapes. Begin your hike by crossing Cusichaca (aptly named “The Bridge of Happiness�?) and plan to spend around 6-8 hours hiking over a four day period to cross the finish line and enter Machu Picchu.


This large and diverse lake borders Peru and Bolivia and is home to over 500 species of aquatic life. Visit the floating islands of the Uros people to learn about a unique community with a spectacular way of living – or spend time in the small town of Puno, where folklore is cherished and celebrated in weekend festivals and markets.


Peru’s epic Colca Canyon is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon and is home to large families of spectacular Andean Condors. Plan your trip from the comfort of Arequipa, a nearby town that offers hiking, hot springs and magnificent views.

Machu Picchu view

Peru is one of the most popular destinations for travelers to South America and popular tourist areas offer a variety of hotels, hostels and lodges that are as diverse and eclectic as the country itself! Our local guides have an intimate knowledge of the Peruvian landscape and know which locations provide the best experience overall for tourists and travelers alike. We partner with high-quality hotels to make sure each and every guest has the adventure of a lifetime. Read on to learn more about some of the lodging options we offer for custom tours to Peru!

Hacienda Urubamba exterior

Peru is one of the most diverse countries in Latin America – with warm coastal deserts, cool rainforests and even snowy mountain regions. Located south of the equator, Peru experiences weather patterns that are opposite to those experienced by individuals living on the East Coast of the United States – so cold and snowy weather in Boston is a likely indicator of warm and sunny skies in Lima. If you’re planning to see everything that this amazingly unique country has to offer, you’ll need a wide variety of clothing options to keep you comfortable throughout the trip.

The weight limit for checked luggage on most internal flights, including Cusco and the Amazon is currently 20 kilos (44 pounds) per person. If you are over that limit, you’ll likely need to pay a surcharge.

Large suitcases are not permitted on the train from Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu, although these cases can be stored securely at the lodge during excursions. A small weekend bag is recommended as you’ll need a change of clothes and essential items when travelling to Machu Picchu overnight.

The typical dress code throughout the country is functional and casual – female travellers may want to bring one dress and a pair of dressier sandals for night-time outings or fancy dinner reservations.

Packing lightweight layers is an easy and effective way to make sure you’re prepared for any climate – fabrics should be waterproof whenever possible to allow for protection during short and sudden rainstorms.


Peru is made up of three distinct geographical subsections, each with their own weather and temperature patterns. The country is split (N to S) by the Andes mountains and contains parts of the Amazon jungle in the East. Although each of these locals experiences slightly different weather patterns, November through March is generally considered to be the “Wet season�? and April through October is generally considered to be the “Dry season�? throughout the entire country. Read on to learn more about the best times to visit Peru on your next vacation!


Temperatures are generally warm throughout the year and the coastal region usually experiences little rainfall. High daytime temperatures (80+ F) and lower nighttime temperatures (50+ F) make for a relaxing vacation. The city of Lima can get quite foggy from April through October but the sun breaks through clouds the further out from Lima you travel. The capital city is warm and humid from November through March.


Expect high temperatures and dry climates from April through October – although temperatures vary by altitude so light layers are encouraged for those planning to visit the peaks of Machu Picchu. Sudden, heavy showers occur from November through March so raincoats are a must.


Humidity is high throughout the year and rainfall should be expected from November through March. Warm days and cool nights demand layers for travelers who expect to be outside for long periods of time.

amazon river canoe

History of Ecuador

Ecuador’s written history as we know it today begins with the concentration of early cultures of indigenous peoples throughout coastal areas that supported the majority of inhabitants from as far back as the year 9000 B.C. These early pioneers lived relatively peaceful lives in small clans and large tribes who survived by fishing, hunting, and eventually farming on the region’s fertile land. These wandering tribes eventually settled down into permanent societies including the Valdivia peoples who created intricate ceramic pottery creations, the Quitus peoples (after whom Quito is named) and the Caras who enjoyed considerable power and prestige in the region until the mid 1400’s when the small country was invaded by the Incas of Peru.

The Incas were ruthless in their pursuit of power over Ecuadorian land and many lives were lost defending the area – to no avail. Quechua, an Inca language still widely spoken in Ecuador was introduced to natives at this time and many great buildings and cities were built throughout the region. The Inca empire enjoyed its rule over Ecuador until the mid 1500’s when Spanish forces took the land in yet another series of bloody battles that ultimately led to the total conquering of Ecuadorian peoples. A period of enslavement ensued, and Spanish rulers continued to profit from the work of Ecuadorian citizens until major worldwide financial depressions caused economic downfall in the period between 1700 and 1800.

This collapse allowed for the possibility of native revolt and Ecuadorians from all walks of life banded together to retake the cities once ruled by their ancestors. Ecuador became fully independent in 1830 – but internal power struggles created a period of instability and fear. Democratic leadership and free elections in the 20th century helped to create a more peaceful society that has prospered over time – and tourism quickly became one of the fastest growing industries in this small South American hotspot.

Centro Quito

What to See

Ecuador is truly a place of beauty and of diverse landscapes – offering a wide selection of travel options that include epic volcano treks, wildlife-rich island hopping tours and mysterious jungle adventures. From the Andean Highlands to the Galapagos Islands, this small country is packed full of experiences that are hard to pass up. Learn more about the top five things to do in Ecuador below!


View the flora, fauna and wildlife of this unique and historical site on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Galapagos Islands!

Galapagos Santa Cruz II Beach Visit


Travel throughout the colorful and welcoming indigenous villages that house generations of native Ecuadorian people. Visit authentic markets, view active volcanic peaks and discover the natural beauty of the land on a custom tour throughout the Highlands!

Horse back riding


Venture deep into the heart of the largest existing rainforest on this planet to view native flora, fauna and wildlife on a customized tour in the Ecuadorian Amazon!

Ecuador Amazon monkey


Be one with nature while visiting one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere – the Mashpi Reserve! Located on the western slopes of the Andes, this three-thousand acre reserve is home to a comfortable lodge that acts as the perfect homebase for nature lovers!

Mashpi Lodge room


Truly experience nature in all of its spectacular glory on this five-day hiking trek through one of South America’s most scenic routes: The Quilotoa Loop.

Quilotoa Lake

Ecuador is a small country with a big tourism industry and travelers generally have no problems finding accommodations that suit their specific travel style. Our customized Ecuador tours allow for a wide variety of choices in lodging that include everything from high-quality hotels to inexpensive hostels to luxury Galapagos cabin rooms! We work hard to ensure that each and every guest is given a safe and comfortable room that acts as a home-away-from-home throughout your stay. Read on to learn more about the lodging options we offer in Ecuador!

Galapagos Cruise Endemic Catamaran Golden Suite Twin Cabin

Ecuador Packing List

Ecuador’s unique landscape includes four diverse subregions that all have individual weather patterns and climates – so travelers should consult with their individual itineraries to pinpoint which areas they will visit during their stay. Although some areas (like Guayaquil and the Ecuadorian Amazon region) experience extremely high, humid temperatures at times during the year, other locations (like the country’s’ capital city, Quito) have consistently mild temperatures that hover below seventy degrees (fahrenheit) throughout the year.

If you are travelling to several regions during your stay, packing a suitcase full of light layers can help to accommodate temperature changes and keep you comfortable during your stay. Some areas at high-elevations experience light snowfall during the winter months, so a fleece jacket is recommended for travel during that time. All fabrics should be quick-drying as short rainshowers are common in many areas around the country.

The primary currency used in Ecuador is the US dollar and many personal-hygiene items are available for purchase so don’t bother loading your suitcase full of shampoo, toothpaste or the like. Purchasing clothing and shoes can be difficult, especially large sizes, as the average Ecuadorian is shorter than US travelers. No matter what region you will visit during your stay, make sure to pack a pair of comfortable walking shoes that have been broken in before your trip to ensure comfort throughout your visit.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

When to Visit Ecuador

Ecuador is a small country with a hugely diverse population and a wide variety of biologically unique plants and animals. The peak travel season for tourists runs from June through September and from December through January – although stable weather patterns create a friendly environment for visitors throughout the year. There are four major climate zones in Ecuador, so tourists are able to plan travel around the current climate of each zone.

The Andes Region, including Quito and the Andean Highlands experiences cool and dry temperatures throughout the winter season which lasts roughly from June through September. Warmer temperatures are enjoyed during the summer months (December through March) but this time period is also considered the country’s rainy season so visitors can expect to experience a few showers during their travels.

The Amazon region experiences rainfall year round but temperatures are generally high – reaching 90+ degrees fahrenheit throughout the year. Heading towards the Pacific Coast region, travelers can expect high temperatures and sunny days, mixed in with short rainshowers during the day. Cooler temperatures and cloudy skies from June to September mean it will be too chilly to swim during the dry season in this area.

Finally, the Galapagos Region experiences dry weather and cool temperatures from June to December with rainy conditions and warmer weather starting in late December and lasting until May.

Napo Wildlife Center

The 15 Most Iconic Species of the Galapagos

The Galapagos Islands Wildlife & Nature – a Trip Approach: The Galapagos Islands , named after the shells of saddleback Galapagos tortoises, is a mind-blowing experience. The animals have no instinctive fear of humans, allowing you amazingly close encounters with unique species. Nowhere else in the world can you experience such a diverse group of wildlife in such close proximity: swim and snorkel with sea lions, watch a penguin waddle into the water, scuba dive with hammerhead sharks, stand right next to two male iguanas fighting for a mate, view a waved albatross, with its 8-foot wingspan, soar along coastal cliffs, and ponder a 400-pound giant Galapagos Tortoises

Andean Discovery has compiled this handy list of the 15 most iconic Galapagos species. Whether you choose to do a Galapagos land-based tour or a Galapagos cruise , you are sure to have the wildlife experience of a lifetime.

Galapagos Islands Descriptions

Located 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador, the Galápagos Islands are made up of 13 main islands and 48 islets. Scattered over an area of 36,000 square miles around the equator, none of the islands have ever been connected by land to any mainland area. The Islands are entirely volcanic and are considered to be one of the largest and most active sets of oceanic volcanoes in the world. The formation of the Islands began between three and five million years ago, very “young” in geologic terms. Volcanic eruptions broke through the ocean floor and initiated the building of underwater mountains, which continued to grow with successive eruptions and form the Galapagos Islands. The islands are still active today with new eruptions typically occurring in the western part of the archipelago.

Explore the Galapagos Islands visitor sites below and contact us to start planning your adventure!


Santa Cruz Island |  Santiago Island |  Santa Fe Island |  North Plaza Island | Bartolome Island


Fernandina Island  |  Isabela Island


Genovesa Island |  Darwin Island


Floreana Island |  Espanola Island |  San Cristobal Island

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

History of the Galapagos

The first visitors to the Galapagos Islands were Native Americans from mainland South America . The islands bear no archaeological remains of dwellings or other structures, so it is quite unlikely that any native colonies were ever established there. Pirates and renegades first inhabited the islands during the early 1500s. They would hide and camp out on the islands after raiding Spanish colonial ports. Due to their inhospitable nature and lack of water, the Spanish paid the islands little attention, giving them the name “Las Encantadas” or bewitched islands.

A new period began in 1832 when Ecuador proclaimed its sovereignty over the islands. There were only a handful of permanent settlers at that time but their number had increased to around 300 by 1835 when the HMS Beagle arrived with Charles Darwin on board. Darwin spent five weeks in the Galapagos collecting and preserving specimens from four separate islands. His field observations led him finally to conclusions published in On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859. The first Galapagos colony was established on the island of Floreana. The archipelago experienced many attempted settlements from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century by individuals from Norway, the US, and the UK. During World War II, a United States Army Air Force base was established on Baltra Island. From Baltra, crews patrolled the eastern Pacific for enemy submarines and provided protection for the Panama Canal.

Paddle the shores while kayaking where Darwin first set foot on our  Galapagos Multisport Adventure  or board a  Galapagos Cruise  to navigate the archipelago.

Tourist with Galapagos tortoise

Home to one of the most pristine ecosystems in the world, the islands of the Galapagos contain animals, flora and fauna that delight and mystify visitors and locals alike. Visiting the Galapagos Islands is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for travelers of all ages – but tourists will want to reserve more than just a day trip in their itinerary to ensure they get the most out of this beautiful and historic area!


Explore the islands at your own pace and take advantage of the many family-friendly activities available to travelers with Andean Discovery. Whether you want to head out for a bike ride to gain a scenic view of the coast or zip-line through a cloud forest to get your adrenaline pumping – we offer a wide variety of fun and fabulous things to do on the Galapagos Islands!


Experience the thrill of visiting pristine, white sand islands with all the comforts of home on a Galapagos Cruise! Travel in style on a cruise ship, luxury boat, or first class boat where you’ll have a cabin to yourself, air conditioning, and spectacular views! For travelers looking to add a bit of unconventional excitement to their trips, consider booking a snorkeling or scuba diving tour to view the majestic and stormy Galapagos sea from below!

Isabela yacht tub


Visit both of these popular tourist destinations on the same trip with one of our fully customizable Machu Picchu & Galapagos tours! You’ll have the time of your life seeing history in action as you explore the home of the ancient Inca culture in Peru. Then hop on one of our luxury cruise ships to the Galapagos and discover the natural atmosphere that inspired Darwin’s scientific breakthroughs. Our friendly local tour guides accompany you throughout the entire trip so you’re sure to have the time of your life!

machu picchu view


While some travelers prefer to sun themselves on the white sand beaches of the Galapagos, others like to get out there and get active! Thankfully, we offer several options for individuals who are hoping to make the most out of their time outdoors – ask about how you can kayak in the ocean along the Galapagos coast, hike through an active volcano or even snorkel with friendly Galapagos sharks when booking your trip with Andean!

canopy mindo


Travel back in history as you explore the famed islands once inhabited by Charles Darwin himself. Visit Isabela and Santa Cruz islands and observe the animals that led Darwin to discover the theory of evolution and that forever changed the world of science as we know it!

Whether you’re looking to book passage on a luxury cruise ship, hoping to sign up for an intimate small-yacht tour, or just trying to visit the islands during a day trip – our friendly and knowledgeable tour guides can help you pick out the perfect itinerary to create an island vacation that is sure to please!

Begin your adventure by deciding which method of travel you’d like to utilize to reach the islands – via luxury yacht, cruise ship, first-class boat, or airplane. Read on to learn more about the advantages of each and to find out how you can begin preparing for your travel today!


Luxury Boats boast deluxe sleeping cabins, spacious common areas, delicious international cuisine, and unmatched personal attention. An excursion aboard a Luxury Boat ensures you superior Galapagos Naturalist Guides who are eager to share the islands with you. Luxury Boats range in size from 100-passenger ships to 16-passenger yachts and catamarans. No matter which boat you choose, you will have access to several amenities, such as mini-pools, jacuzzis, glass bottom boats, and libraries.

Galapagos Elite Catamaran golden suite

Galapagos cruise ships are the largest vessels to sail the Islands and tend to be more luxurious and more stable in the water than most smaller yachts in the Galapagos. Cruise ships carry between 40 and 100 passengers, so they are still small compared to cruise ships that sail in other parts of the world, though it enables you to enjoy the Galapagos free of crowds.



Take a cruise through the Galapagos Islands in one of our Galapagos first class boats, yachts, and catamarans such as the Galapagos Archipell I Catamaran , Millennium Catamaran ,  Eric, Letty and Flamingo , and more. First-class level cruises offer an excellent combination of value for your money and quality. Relax on the sun deck and soak in the beauty of the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Enjoy the unique wildlife that the Galapagos has to offer in a more private setting.

Galapagos Coral I & II Yachts

Galapagos Packing List

Perfecting a packing list for the Galapagos can be difficult – even for the most seasoned traveler. The close proximity of these small islands to their home country of Ecuador means that domestic flights will likely be utilized at some point during the trip – so packing light is a must for individuals who wish to make weight limits for their flights! Individuals who will be flying from Quito should dress appropriately for the cool weather in the Ecuadorian town – a waterproof jacket is ideal and can be used several times throughout your trip.

The fewer things you actually bring on your trip to the Galapagos, the better – but tours often begin or end in other destinations that might require more substantial luggage arrangements. Packing a small, lightweight backpack that can act as a weekend bag is a great way to make sure you aren’t stuck with a ton of luggage on your trip. The Island’s proximity to the equator makes them a prime target for harsh sun rays, so a high UV blocking sunscreen is absolutely essential for any traveler who visits during the day.

Water shoes can be useful in protecting feet from coral and plant life so plan on packing an already-broken-in pair of comfortable sandals. If you’re heading out on a Galapagos cruise or chartered boat, make sure to speak with the captain to learn more about the luggage storage options available during your trip!

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Galapagos Cruise vs. Land-Based

When making this once-in-a-lifetime trip, travelers have two main options to explore the islands: either through a land-based trip or a boat-based cruise through the islands. Find out what to expect and the relative advantages of each so you can choose the best option for making your Galapagos dreams come true.

What to Expect on a Galapagos Cruise

Your home for the duration of your Galapagos visit will be a live-a-board boat of your choice, ranging in size from 16-100 passengers. You will eat, sleep and relax on this vessel, which will be your base for the duration of your 4, 5, or 8-day expedition. Each morning, after a hearty breakfast, you will disembark into a 16-passenger dinghy, known locally as a “Panga” The Panga will take you for wildlife excursions, either onshore, or at snorkel sites. Your Galapagos naturalist guide will deepen your understanding and appreciation of the local wildlife, either on land or in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. After a morning of close encounters with some of the famous species of the area, you return to the boat for lunch and to prepare for the next excursion as the vessel navigates to another visitor site. Usually, your afternoon excursion will take you to a completely different island to add a whole new perspective to your Galapagos experience.

Advantages of A Cruise:

  • Once you arrive in the archipelago, you can unpack your bags once and for all you’ll stay in the same room on the vessel for the entirety of your stay.
  • Cruises are the most efficient way to visit the archipelago, especially remote islands without any human habitation.

What to Expect on A Galapagos Land-Based Trip

On land-based trips, you stay in eco-lodges or hotels in the port towns on the islands of Isabela, Santa Cruz, and San Cristobal. While you don’t visit as many islands as a cruise-based trip, land-based trips allow you to explore fewer islands in greater depth. From your land-based, you can get intimately acquainted with the island, independently exploring the wonders of the Galapagos in a small, private group with a Galapagos naturalist guide. Although it is impossible to visit as many islands as you would by sea, land-based trips will allow you to enjoy a variety of activities. For example, in the evenings relish fresh seafood at a family-run eatery then go for a sunset walk on Isabela’s beach and observe marine iguanas crawling out of the ocean onto the pristine white sand. During the day, active explorers might opt for sea kayaking, hiking on a dormant volcano, or mountain biking among coastal mangroves.

Advantages of a Land-Based Trip:

  • Land-based excursions allow you to spend more time on each island, with opportunities to visit multiple sites and engage in a variety of activities.
  • You will have more flexibility to experience the islands according to your own schedule and interests.

Both of these modes of exploration will allow you to meet most, if not all, of the iconic Galapagos species and expose you to many of the island’s distinct treasures. While your preference may depend on whether you prioritize flexibility or efficiency in visiting multiple islands, you cannot go wrong with either way of experiencing this extraordinary place.

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Best time to visit galapagos, wildlife year-round.

Because most of the wildlife remains on the islands year round, there’s always a lot to see. No matter when you visit, you’re guaranteed to encounter one of the highest concentrations of wildlife on the planet!

The Galapagos Islands have a sub-tropical climate with two seasons, the Hot Season and the Dry Season. The seasons on the islands are set and defined entirely by the ocean currents that surround them. The Hot Season starts in December and gradually works its way until May . During this season, warm waters from the Panama Current move south and bath the islands creating tropical conditions. Seas are generally calm, and the warmer temperatures and evaporation cause occasional tropical showers, which turn the islands green and lush. Air temperatures are hot and humid and range from 79 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The water temperature averages 77 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a great time to enjoy the warmer waters for snorkeling and to view green sea turtles that come into the islands to breed.

From June to November, the cooler Humboldt Current runs up the west coast of South America carrying rich oceanic upwellings from Antarctica that stimulate the breeding season for sea lions and sea birds. A desert spreads gradually in this tropical paradise. Evaporation decreases and this forms a thin layer of clouds over the islands that opens and closes throughout the day. This is known as the Dry Season with air temperatures ranging from 72 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit and sea temperatures averaging 67 degrees Fahrenheit (a wetsuit is recommended for snorkeling). This is the best time of year for observing dancing boobies, courting albatrosses, baby sea lions, whales, dolphins, and whale sharks.

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

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Hidden Galapagos & Peru

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Uniquely Tauck

Hidden Galapagos Peru Escorted Tour Map


Private Tauck Shore Excursions in the Galápagos Islands with expert naturalist guides – averaging two daily – for an up-close experience with some of the most unusual and intriguing species of the world


On-Tour Air (5 flights)

All gratuities to Tauck Director, guides, naturalists and ship staff

Exclusive 7-night Galápagos Cruise aboard the expedition ship Silver Origin – with no more than 40 Tauck guests

Your cruise may be a shared ship experience with non-Tauck guests onboard as well; all Tauck guests will be accompanied by one Tauck Director for approximately every 40 Tauck guests, and your itinerary will always be highlighted by exclusive, private Tauck shore excursions 


Active components such as hiking, bicycling and walking longer distances may be included, and hills and/or uneven terrain may be encountered on several days. Guests should be able to walk two to three miles and stand for long periods of time with no difficulty.

Moderately paced, and may include some early morning hotel departures, one or two on-tour flights, and extended motor coach travel.

Cultural journeys and expeditions

A journey of cultural exploration and expeditionary discovery, from Incan citadels in the cloud forests of the Andes to the remote volcanic islands of the Galápagos, home to bird and animal species that exist nowhere else in the world.

Experience the mystery and wonder of Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, and the colonial and pre-Columbian cultures in Peru. Cultural discoveries lead to natural wonders when you fly to the Galápagos archipelago for a seven-night cruise aboard Silversea's fabulous Silver Origin  expeditionary ship that takes you to isolated habitats that inspired Darwin, nesting grounds of rare birds, giant tortoises, iguanas, and sea lions, and beaches and lagoons that entice penguins and flamingos. Hike wildlife trails and lava roads, snorkel in the colorful depths of undersea calderas, kayak on bays and inlets of stunning beauty. As a guest aboard our small expeditionary cruise-ship you'll enjoy luxury amenities, expert guides, exclusive onboard lectures, and access to places large ships can't go – Galápagos Island vacation like no other!

See for yourself what Small Ship Cruising is all about

Enchanted islands - the galápagos.

insideTauck Presentation

Klaus Fielsch, Product Manager and expert naturalist for our travel partner Metropolitan Touring

Naturalist Klaus Fielsch has spent 20+ years working with Metropolitan Touring, our partner in the Galápagos; he shares his years of experience and insights in an informative, charming 1:00 hour insideTauck video presentation. Learn about life in Ecuador and the Galápagos, as well as wildlife and natural habitats you might see on a cruise to the "Enchanted Islands" – and we've also included a selection of videos, documentaries and podcasts for additional information.

Watch Video

"Lost" Machu Picchu

Exploring mystical machu picchu in peru's sacred valley.

The abandoned Incan "city" of Machu Picchu in Peru's Andes Mountains is a mystery. No one knows for sure why it was built, some 500 years ago – or why it was deserted. In fact, this ancient citadel was hidden from the western world until Hiram Bingham, an archaeologist from Yale University who was searching for other ruins from the empire of the Incas, stumbled upon it by accident in 1911, and dubbed it the "Lost City of the Incas." Maybe you can figure it out as you explore this amazing maze of a place, with what experts guess was a palace, dungeons, and over 100 staircases.

Sanctuary Lodge, A Belmond Hotel

At the gateway to the inca empire.

The only hotel located at the entrance to Machu Picchu, Sanctuary Lodge, A Belmond Hotel, lets you beat the daily crowds that flock to Peru's centuries-old Inca citadel. Sitting in the shadows of the Lost City, this stylish retreat is an oasis of calm before or after a day exploring Machu Picchu. Unwind with a yoga session, take part in a traditional shaman ceremony in the garden, or sip muña tea in Tampu Bar. Tranquility, wonder and beauty are at the heart of the lodge's unique experience.

This was our first Tauck trip, and we were not disappointed. We went to Machu Picchu and the Galapagos. While it was a whirlwind trip, there was so much to see and do.

Douglas Kelner

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All the information you need to begin your travel plans is right at your fingertips – day-by-day details, map, hotel descriptions, key highlights, and more; download, print or share and your cruise dreams become reality!

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  • Silver Origin

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Deluxe Veranda Suite

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Superior Veranda Suite

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Classic Veranda Suite

tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

Silver Suite

Overnight Accommodations

Extend your stay

Arrive Early

Country club lima hotel, tambo del inka, a luxury collection resort & spa, valle sagrado.

Urubamba, Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru

Monasterio, A Belmond Hotel

Cusco, Peru

Nights 7 & 15

Hotel del Parque

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Nights 8-14 On Board

Tauck Small Ship

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About Booking This Tour

Travel Documents

If you are a U.S. citizen , you will need a passport valid for six months beyond the completion of your Tauck journey for entry into Peru and Ecuador. You do not need a visa for this tour provided that you do not stay in Peru or Ecuador longer than 90 days.

If you are a citizen of another country , you should contact a consulate or embassy of Peru and of Ecuador to determine what travel documentation is required.

You will be issued a boarding card, which you must present before embarking the ship in each port. This security measure also ensures that only Tauck guests are permitted onboard.

We recommend that you make at least two photocopies of all the travel documents that you bring with you. Include copies of the photo page of your passport that contains the date of issuance, the date of expiration and your citizenship. Secure one set of copies in the safe in your room while traveling and leave one set behind with someone at home who will assist you in the event your documents are misplaced, lost or stolen.

To facilitate Travel Requirements, destinations are increasingly utilizing online forms that require digital proof that you've successfully completed your submission (via an email, QR code, etc.) To ensure smooth travels and peace of mind, we strongly recommend all guests carry a personal smart phone and sign up for international data plans before traveling overseas.

Cruise Regulations

International maritime security guidelines require that your passport information be provided to us prior to your embarkation. You need to provide this information to us as soon as you book your cruise or boarding may be denied. Once you board the ship, your passport will be held by the purser until you disembark.

Note: For activities marked with an asterisk (*) in day-by-day descriptions, participation is at your own risk; a signed liability waiver will be required.

TRAVELING WITH CHILDREN AS A GUARDIAN: If you are traveling as the guardian of a child/children, we strongly suggest that you carry a letter from both parents of the child authorizing emergency treatment in the event of illness or accident. For travel abroad, many foreign countries have specific entry requirements for children under 21 who are traveling internationally without BOTH parents. (These requirements are in response to the increased incidence of children being abducted and taken abroad.) PLEASE NOTE THAT TAUCK IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for the disruption of travel caused by improper documentation for children traveling without both parents.

How to Book a Tour

See your travel advisor, or call Tauck at 800-468-2825 to make a reservation.

At the time of booking, please have the following information ready for all members of your party:

  • Tour Name and Departure Date
  • Traveler's Name: First and last names as they appear on your passport or driver's license
  • Traveler's Address(es)
  • Email Address*
  • Traveler's Phone Number(s)*
  • Emergency Contact Information: Please provide the name and phone number  of a relative or friend (not travelling with you) whom we could contact during the tour in the unlikely event of an emergency
  • Interest in purchasing a travel protection plan (US and Canada)
  • Interest in extending your trip by staying in a Tauck recommended hotel before your trip begins or after it ends
  • Interest in our specially negotiated airfares

* Required Fields

Deposits & Final Payment

The deposit and the fees for the optional Protection Plan or Cancel Fee Waiver [CFW] coverage are due at time of booking.

The deposit amount is $1,500 per person

Final Payment is due to Tauck  90  days before departure for lands trips, and  120  days before departure for cruises and rail journeys. If your deposit was made by credit card, final payment will be automatic unless you opted out at time of booking. Bookings without full payment at this time may be subject to cancellation without notice. Failure to make payment will be a considered a cancellation by the guest and all applicable cancellation fees will apply.

Cruise Protection Plan

Effective for plans purchased as of July 1, 2021:

Tauck's Cruise and Event Protection

Tauck's Cruise & Event Protection provides you with cancellation protection before your journey begins as well as insurance benefits while you are traveling. It must be purchased within 10 days of your initial deposit. Guest Protection includes the following:

Cancellation Waiver – Provided by Tauck:

Under Tauck's Cancellation Fee Waiver you can cancel your tour for ANY REASON and Tauck will  reduce the regular cancellation fees outlined herein, provided we are notified of cancellation before your cruise departs. Certain terms and restrictions apply (see below*).

*Extreme Circumstances:  In the event of an act of God, war (whether declared or undeclared), terrorism, accident, natural disaster, outbreak of disease, or other event or circumstance beyond our control that contributes to or results in cancellation rates above our historical cancellation rates in the absence of such event or occurrence, Tauck reserves the right to issue a credit to you in lieu of a money-back refund, applicable to a future Tauck journey.  Travel Insurance Benefits – Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.

  • Trip Cancellation –  Should you cancel for covered reasons, the plan reimburses cancellation fees imposed, up to your total trip cost. 
  • Trip Interruption –  If you have to interrupt your tour for covered reasons, the plan provides reimbursement to catch up to your tour or return home.
  • Travel Delay –  Provides reimbursement for missed, prepaid travel arrangements if you are delayed by a common carrier, natural disaster, unannounced strike, or other reasons as cited in the plan.
  • Medical Expense –  Reimburses covered medical expenses incurred in the event you become injured or sick during your trip. 
  • Baggage / Personal Effects Protection –  Provides reimbursement in the event your luggage or personal effects are, lost, stolen, damaged or delayed during your trip.

Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services –  Provided by Carefree Travel Assistance; 24-hour emergency telephone assistance hotline for medical and travel related problems.

The cost of Tauck's Cruise and Event Protection is:   $799   per person

This plan provides cancellation coverage for your trip and other insurance coverages that apply only during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home and automobile policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer, insurance agent or broker.

This optional Cruise and Event Protection must be requested at time of booking and fee must be included in initial payment. Details will be provided with written confirmation of your reservation. Cruise and Event Protection does not protect travel agent commissions. Reimbursements will be made according to original method of payment. The amount of any refund shall be reduced by any recoveries obtained by you from any third parties.

To obtain your state-specific Certificate of Insurance that contains the complete terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the certificate, visit

If You Have To Cancel

If you cancel within 10 days of initial deposit

Within the first 10 days after you place your initial deposit, you may cancel your reservation for any reason with no cancellation fees.

If you cancel more than 10 days after initial deposit

Regardless of reason, cancellations result in costly charges from our travel and hotel providers covering penalties and fees incurred by canceling confirmed bookings. These fees vary from tour to tour. Therefore, the following fees apply for this tour.

Cancellation Fees with Tauck's Cruise Protection Plan:

120 days or more before departure: Loss of cost of Tauck's Cruise and Event Protection fee per person 119 – 60 days before departure: Loss of 25% of the cost of the cruise, not including air (if applicable), plus loss of Cruise and Event Protection fee, per person 59 – 1 days before departure: Loss of 50% of the cost of the cruise, not including air (if applicable), plus loss of Cruise and Event Protection fee, per person Cancellation Fees without Tauck's Cruise Protection Plan: 120 days or more before departure: $1500 per person 119 – 60 days before departure: Loss of 50% of the cost of cruise, not including air (if applicable), per person 59 - 1 days before departure: Loss of 100% of the cost of cruise, not including air (if applicable), per person Time of cancellation will be when notice is received in our Wilton Woods, CT office.

Tour Interruption Fees

If you have to interrupt your tour en route, you may be entitled to a refund for the unused land portion if it exceeds 24 hours; certain restrictions apply. Such refunds are based upon the number of overnights missed less a fee of $40 per person per day for unused transportation and other fixed expenses.

Partial Room Cancellation

A person who cancels or leaves a tour while a roommate remains constitutes a cancellation of one type of accommodation and rebooking of another type of accommodation. The price charged to the remaining person is the new, higher price for the new accommodation.

In the event of an unforeseen circumstance beyond our control, Tauck reserves the right to amend the cancellation and transfer terms outlined herein. Note: All Guests, regardless of residency, who book a Tauck journey have the option of purchasing the Cancellation Waiver provided by Tauck in the event they need to cancel their trip after making their reservations. Tauck's Cruise & Event Protection, which includes both the Cancellation Fee Waiver and the Travel Insurance Benefits and Assistance Services described above, is not available to residents of Puerto Rico.

Travel Terms and Conditions

Click here  to find Tauck's Travel Terms & Conditions.

Travel Requirements For This Tour

Air Information and Luggage Restrictions

AIRFARE: Airfare to and from this destination is not included in the journey cost. If purchasing your air elsewhere, it is very important to provide us with your confirmed arriving and departing flight information no later than 3 weeks before your arrival date. Flight information can be submitted to Tauck (or verified, if you've already provided it) in the My Account section of

TAUCK AIRPORT TRANSFERS are included at the start and end of the journey between the airport and the Tauck hotel. Airport transfers are available for any pre tour or post tour hotel stays immediately consecutive to the tour, providing flight information is received in the Tauck office no later than three weeks in advance. Details on locating your transfer upon arrival to the tour start city will be included in your final documents.

AIRLINES and CHECKED LUGGAGE: Due to space limitations during your Tauck journey, we ask that you please limit your checked luggage to one average-size suitcase per person. Besides complying with the Tauck restriction noted above, you should also be sure to research and comply with all airline baggage restrictions relating to your flights to and from your Tauck journey. Airlines have become much more strict in enforcing size and weight limits in recent years, and are free to revise luggage policies without notice. Researching and complying with airline luggage restrictions is the responsibility of the guest, and Tauck cannot be held responsible for any costs or disruptions to travel caused by the failure to research and comply with airline policies. PLEASE NOTE that if you are booked on a tour that includes on-tour flights, the checked luggage weight restrictions for these flights may be lower than the weight restrictions for your international flights.

Special Luggage Restrictions for this Tour

Due to space limitations aboard the motor coaches and local aircraft, we urge that only one piece of checked luggage be brought on this trip. Additionally, space constraints and weight limitations aboard the train to Machu Picchu require guests to carry limited personal belongings. Each passenger is restricted to no more than 50 lbs (23 kg) of luggage. Therefore, we will provide you with a duffel bag (roughly 1 ft by 1 ft by 2 ft in overall dimensions, or 30.5 cm by 30.5 cm by 60 cm) to carry your clothing and personal items for your one-night stay in Machu Picchu. Meanwhile, checked luggage will be stored, at the Belmond Monasterio in Cusco during the Machu Picchu excursion and, if desired, the Hotel del Parque, in Guayaquil during the cruise. Small carry-on bags are permitted, but Ecuadorian airlines will check large wheeled carry-on's, if desired with the larger luggage. If you reside in the Continental United States the duffel bag will be sent to your home and should arrive approximately two weeks prior to your departure for Peru. Guests residing in Alaska, Hawaii or outside of the U.S will receive their duffels upon arrival in Lima. Each guest is also restricted to one carry-on bag weighing no more than 22 lbs (10 kg).

Checked Luggage – General

Besides complying with the Tauck restriction noted above, you should also be sure to research and comply with all airline baggage restrictions relating to your flights to and from your Tauck journey. Airlines have become much more strict in enforcing size and weight limits in recent years, and luggage exceeding airline standards for size or weight may result in expensive overage fees or other consequences.

Airlines are free to revise luggage policies without notice, and certain airlines have different baggage allowances for different classes of service. Researching and complying with airline luggage restrictions is the responsibility of the guest, and Tauck cannot be held responsible for any costs or disruptions to travel caused by the failure to research and comply with airline policies.

Tauck luggage tags will be provided by your Tauck Director on Day 1 of your itinerary. Please do not attach a Tauck luggage tag to any carry-on items, as the Tauck tags designate luggage that is to be handled and transferred by ground operators and hotel staff during your journey.

Carry-on Luggage - General

Although oversize bags and wheeled, carry-on luggage are popular for airline travel, they are often not convenient or appropriate for motor coach travel or for many on-tour flights. Most modern sightseeing motor coaches offer limited space for numerous or larger items. Space under seats or in the overhead rack is typically small, and designed to accommodate items like coats, hats, purses, and small camera bags, etc. For your day-to-day travel while on tour, we recommend that you limit your hand luggage to a small, soft-sided carry-on piece, and that you bring only those items you need handy during the day such as make-up, medications, cameras, film, etc. Items too large to fit under the motor coach seat or on the overhead rack must be stored in the luggage bays beneath the motor coach, and may be inaccessible during daytime travel.

Health, Safety and Mobility

To fully enjoy this tour's itinerary, participants must be in good health. This is a rigorous tour and you need to be in good physical condition with good balance as the terrain varies from sandy beaches to uneven lava and rocks. Proper walking shoes with ankle support are essential. You may want to bring a walking stick. Walks range from 1 to 2 mi (3 to 6 km) in length and last from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

You will spend several days touring at high altitudes in Peru [especially Cusco at 11,200 ft (3,414 m)]. At these altitudes some visitors may suffer varying degrees of altitude sickness, including nausea. We have found that some guests may be more affected by the altitude than others. Medications are available to prevent altitude sickness, and we urge you to speak with your physician prior to your departure from home to discuss prophylaxis for safe travel.

All ship-to-shore transfers use Zodiacs or Pangas (capacity 9 to 12 persons). Occasionally you will get wet with spray. Some wet landings require guests to wade through knee-high deep coastal water.

There are eight decks on your Silversea vessal; there is an elevator.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE ON SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN AND MOBILITY ISSUES:  This Tauck itinerary cannot accommodate oxygen tanks, wheelchairs or motorized scooters. Oxygen tanks are strictly prohibited in many foreign countries on regional flights aboard small aircraft, such as those intra-tour flights featured on this Tauck journey.  Likewise, the very limited cargo capacity on such flights prohibits the transport of wheelchairs or motorized scooters.

Guests should also bear in mind that the infrastructure in many foreign countries, particularly in developing countries, often presents severe and even insurmountable challenges for those with walking difficulties or other mobility issues. The responsibility of the Tauck Director is to ensure that the larger group enjoys a relaxing and informative journey, and he or she cannot be relied upon to provide ongoing individual assistance to any one guest. Guests requiring such individualized assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied companion who can provide it.

We travel between the various islands so the areas in which we cruise are sheltered. If you are prone to seasickness, bring a non–drowsy, over-the-counter, anti-nausea medication. Anti-nausea wristbands are also a good idea. The anti-nausea patch is NOT recommended for use in the islands as it tends to impair vision in direct sunlight.

Bottled water is available throughout the trip, both in Peru and Ecuador. A stainless steel water bottle is provided onboard that can be filled with water and taken during onshore excursions.

Guests bringing a quantity of medication with them are advised to carry a doctor's certificate to avoid possible problems with customs officials.

Smoking is not permitted in any interior space on board the Silversea vessel .  Smoke and open fire will activate the smoke detectors. Smoking is permitted on designated areas on Deck 4 aft for cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking. Please do not throw your cigarettes overboard, as it is a violation of international maritime pollution laws and they can easily be blown back onto the ship. Please refrain from smoking on shore and in shore excursion vehicles and ship tenders. Smoking is also not permitted on the motor coaches. These regulations pertain to e-cigarettes as well.

The only islands with bathroom facilities are San Cristobal and Baltra, where there are visitor centers and airports. We will be returning back to the ship for lunch and dinner, and Zodiacs or Pangas will travel back and forth to the ship during shore excursions.

Your Silversea vessel is equipped with a medical center and a doctor is on call 24 hours. If you avail yourself of his/her services, a charge will be posted to your personal shipboard account.

If you are traveling as the guardian of a child or children, we strongly suggest you bring along a letter from both parents of the child authorizing any emergency treatment, as medical facilities may require permission from the child's parent or parents.

If you have a medical condition that might limit your participation in activities, please consult your physician for pre-departure health advice and notify us as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. We will advise your Tauck Director accordingly.


Some of the countries visited on this itinerary may require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against certain diseases in order to enter the country.  These requirements are subject to frequent change as outbreaks occur and subside in different areas, and it is therefore crucial that you obtain the very latest information on entry requirements as you prepare for your journey.

For the most current information, please consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by clicking here  and the World Health Organization (WHO) by clicking here . You may also wish to visit the web sites for the embassies of the countries you will be visiting.  Besides providing details on vaccination requirements, these sites can also provide information on vaccinations that may be recommended (but aren't required) and other potential health issues for which no vaccines are available.

Any decisions relating to your health, of course, should not be based solely on information provided by a web site.  It is critically important that you consult with your personal physician prior to your journey to obtain any required vaccinations and to review any optional recommendations offered by the CDC or other sources.

Please be sure to discuss your journey with your physician at least four to six weeks in advance of your departure, as certain vaccinations take time to become fully effective.  Also, be certain to ask your physician for proof of any vaccinations you receive, and to pack this proof along with your other travel documents in your carry-on luggage (not in your checked luggage).

Researching and complying with vaccination entry requirements for the countries visited on this itinerary is the responsibility of the traveler and not Tauck. Tauck is therefore not responsible for any expenses incurred or disruptions to travel caused by improper or incomplete vaccinations, or by the failure to provide proof of required vaccinations.

If you do not obtain the necessary vaccinations and proper documentation, you may be denied entry into one or more countries, or temporarily quarantined until the necessary vaccinations are administered, or until proper documentation is provided.


The restaurants, hotels, caterers and numerous other partners we work with all do their best to accommodate special dietary requests from Tauck guests. However, given the diverse nature of those food providers (from small wineries to grand hotels to world-famous restaurants in more than 70 countries worldwide), some of our partners are better able than others to accommodate such requests. We therefore cannot guarantee that all dietary requests can be accommodated at every meal. Also, please note that where dietary requests can be accommodated, choices will frequently be limited.

Airline Disinsection

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued a guidance letter that requires airlines and travel agents to disclose to consumers countries that require the use of insecticides by airlines. Please click  here for more information.

Reading List

We have compiled a reading list of recommended books to give you more information about the destinations you will be traveling to on your upcoming journey!

You can view the reading list  here.

The Peruvian coast is generally sunny and hardly ever receives any rain, but from April to November there is a heavy sea mist. The highlands have a wet season (October to April) and a dry season (May to September), when the days are clear and sunny but cold at night especially at higher altitudes.

The Galápagos Islands lie almost on the equator about 650 miles (1,046 kilometers) west of the coast of Ecuador. The islands have an unusual climate in view of their proximity to the equator; rainfall is low and temperatures are lower than would be expected. There are no extremes of heat or cold, and temperatures range from 75° to 86°F (24° to 30°C) year round. The weather is hot and sunny in the islands and sea temperatures average 67° to 72°F (19° to 22°C). For guests planning on swimming, most swimming takes place at midday hours. Although there is more rain on the larger islands which are hilly (such as Seymour Island), rainfall is low at sea level and comes during the months of January to April. Light drizzle and even fog, however, are not uncommon at other times of the year.

To read about current weather conditions, we suggest you log on to the Internet website, , by clicking here.


What To Pack

This is a very casual tour.  Dressy clothing is not required for the farewell dinner.  You may, however, want to bring one dressy outfit for our dinner at a private home on Night 2.  Most important are comfortable walking shoes with ankle support for walks over rocky, uneven terrain.  You will also need reef shoes or aqua shoes for beach landings. Your feet will get wet.  Bring a windbreaker, sweater or jacket for the cool nights at sea.

Bring a bathing suit for swimming and snorkeling (snorkeling equipment is provided or you can bring your own).  If you use a prescription snorkeling mask, you will need to bring it with you.  A wetsuit is recommended for snorkeling in September and October, as the water tends to be cooler.  A small selection of wet suits are provided on the ship for your convenience.

To assist in early morning wake-ups, we suggest bringing a compact, battery operated alarm clock. You can also arrange a wake-up call while on board.

A small backpack will be very useful during Galapagos shore excursions and our visit to Machu Picchu.

IMPORTANT: Sundries and toiletries are difficult to find in the Galapagos Islands.

Consider packing a number of garment combinations you can mix and match over four or five days before needing to do laundry. There are no guest laundry facilities available aboard ship, only a clothes dryer to dry wet clothing.

Beyond your normal wardrobe and personal grooming items, we suggest you also bring along:

  • Comfortable walking shoes (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • Rain gear (lightweight slicker)
  • Sunscreen, sunhat, lip balm with SPF 15 or higher
  • Travel alarm clock/ cell phone with alarm function
  • Small flashlight
  • Prescription medicines (an adequate supply to last your entire journey), and written copies of your prescriptions from your doctor.  While it may be possible to refill prescriptions during your journey, the availability of refills cannot be guaranteed.  What's more, refilling prescriptions in foreign countries can be difficult and time-consuming.
  • Insect repellent
  • Swimming attire
  • Teva-style sandals or water shoes
  • Seasickness / high altitude medication
  • Reusable zipper lock bags or other waterproof bags for cameras during ship-to-shore transfers
  • Antibacterial lotion
  • Small backpack
  • Camera (with extra memory cards, telephoto lens, chargers and batteries)

We recommend that you pack any prescription medicines (an adequate supply for your entire journey) along with your travel documents and a change of clothing in your carry-on bag, in order to minimize any inconvenience should your luggage be lost or delayed.  We also recommend, for your peace of mind and personal security, that all expensive jewelry and other valuables be left at home.

Please refer to the Necessary Gear website at  as one option available to you for renting and purchasing apparel, PPEs, and other items appropriate for your journey.

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  1. Machu Picchu & Galápagos Tour

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  2. Machu Picchu & Galápagos Tour

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  3. Machu Picchu & Galápagos Tour

    tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

  4. Peru & the Galapagos Islands

    tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

  5. Peru & Galapagos Tours & Guided Vacations

    tauck tours machu picchu galapagos

  6. Machu Picchu and Galapagos Islands Tour Package 2025

    tauck tours machu picchu galapagos


  1. What to Expect On A Trip To Machu Picchu


  1. Machu Picchu & Galápagos Tour

    How to Book a Tour. See your travel advisor, or call Tauck at 800-468-2825 to make a reservation. At the time of booking, please have the following information ready for all members of your party: Tour Name and Departure Date. Traveler's Name: First and last names as they appear on your passport or driver's license.

  2. Galapagos Tours & Cruises

    Discover an exotic luxury small ship cruise around the scenic Galápagos Islands with Tauck's travel experts. Cruise Galápagos with Tauck today! 800-788-7885 ... Peru and the Galapagos Islands . Legendary Scottish Isles, Edinburgh & Glasgow. ... Exploring mystical Machu Picchu in Peru's Sacred Valley

  3. Best Galapagos & Machu Picchu Tours for 2024-25

    Description. Galapagos and Machu Picchu with 4 Day Galapagos Legend Cruise. $4,079. 12 Days. Galapagos and Machu Picchu are two of the most popular destinations in South America. Your tour begins in Quito, which has a well-preserved colonial…. Galapagos and Machu Picchu with 5 Day Coral I & II Cruise. $4,899.

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  5. Peru and the Galápagos Islands by Tauck

    Explore Peru on travels that include the "Lost City" of Machu Picchu - and take a cruise aboard an expeditionary ship to discover the unique wildlife of the Galápagos Archipelago. Overview. Itinerary. Dates & Availability. Trip Details. Tour Operator. Reviews. Similar Trips. From $11,390.

  6. Peru and the Galápagos Islands by Tauck

    Tours Tauck Peru and the Galapagos Islands 2022. Peru and the Galapagos Islands 2022. 15 days. Save this trip to your favorites or other list. Additional images not provided by operator. ... You have a choice this morning of a second Machu Picchu tour, an early-guided walk through the citadel, or sleep in and enjoy a leisurely breakfast. ...

  7. 16-Day Travel Itinerary for Machu Picchu & The Galápagos

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    Machu Picchu. 1 night: time to explore this stunning icon in depth & at non-peak hours. Cusco. 2 nights: take in the captivating former Incan capital. Quito. 2 nights: walk the streets of this colonial city. Galapagos. 4-7 nights: enjoy a small ship expedition cruise through the Enchanted Isles.

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    Tauck's award-winning 15-day Peru and Galapagos tour explores Lima, the Sacred Valley, and Machu Picchu plus a 6-day Galapagos Islands small ship cruise. 800-788-7885 or your travel ... Tauck Bridges family tours are designed to inspire wonder and enrich understanding. Every travel detail is taken care of so you can share experiences, and ...

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    Day 5 — Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu. Early this morning, travel by train to Aguas Calientes, a scenic hour-and-a-half ride that follows the Urubamba River deep into the mountains. Upon arrival, board a bus for the final ascent to Machu Picchu. Set out with a guide for your first visit to the stunning "Lost City of the Incas" late this ...

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  22. PDF Machu Picchu to the Galapagos

    Machu Picchu to the Galapagos. 16 days for $9,793 total price. from Detroit ($8,895 air & land inclusive plus $898. airline taxes and fees) They rank as two of South America's greatest . treasures, and a small group tour is the natural . selection for both: the enigmatic ruins at Machu Picchu, where we overnight at an intimate on-

  23. Galapagos Island Cruise

    Swim, snorkel, and hike among the remarkable wildlife of the Galapagos. Experience Tauck's award-winning Galapagos island cruises - Book Today! 800-788-7885 or ... Tauck Bridges family tours are designed to inspire wonder and enrich understanding. Every travel detail is taken care of so you can share experiences, and connect with each other ...

  24. peru-galapagos-guided-tour

    Tauck's enriching guided tours, small ship cruises, ... Peru and the Galapagos Islands Select Year. 2024; 2025? Year Select the year you would like to travel. Days. 15. From (per Person) $21,350 AUD ... Exploring mystical Machu Picchu in Peru's Sacred Valley

  25. Magic at Machu Picchu

    The image is so riveting that no one presenting Machu Picchu can resist using it. The peak shown in the photos is actually Huayna Picchu, which means "young mountain." The photos are taken from above, at a point on Machu Picchu ("old mountain"), a broad ridge of a mountain. The city was built on a lower extension of the larger mountain.