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silent yoga tour

What is a Silent Yoga Retreat?

Think of the word retreat and the mind begins to conjure up images of lush landscapes, lots of me-time, away from it all. 

Introduce silence and some of the enthusiasm quickly fades… 

The idea of a silent yoga retreat can feel anything from daunting to daring, depending upon how courageous one is feeling…

A silent yoga retreat is a yoga retreat without any form of talking. It’s almost always an intense and transformative experience that involves taking a few days off from distractions and spending that time focusing on our body and breath, while being silent. 

It’s an experience that can reset us and restore depleted reserves of peace and joy.

However, going on a silent yoga retreat is not for everyone… 

This article will take you on a journey where you will find out everything you have ever wanted to know about silent yoga retreats. 

So, brace yourself and read on. 

What to expect on a Silent Yoga Retreat?

Silent yoga retreats can be of varying intensities. 

Some allow for a few hours of interaction with the teacher and participants  at the close of the day’s practices. 

The more advanced ones can ask participants to  observe silence for the entire duration of the retreat , so no mobile phones, gestures, eye contact, reading, or writing.

A typical day starts early and follows a schedule of different yoga practices like asanas (physical poses), pranayamas (breathing exercises), meditations, and discourses. 

Food is light, fresh, and in most places, vegetarian.

It is possible to fluctuate between euphoria and misery, sometimes frequently. 

The experience of silence for each person can be completely different so doing away with any preconceived notions and expectations is helpful.

what is a silent yoga retreat

Possible Challenges while attending a Silent Yoga Retreat

Being away from the different noises that fill up our lives can open up unimaginable amounts of space in the mind. 

Because of a lack of distractions that create busyness, it is possible that to keep itself occupied, the mind starts to rake up the past, and old issues resurface or build imaginary scenarios that lead to worry and anxiety. This can feel unsettling. 

With time and patience and a resolve to not give up, the mind begins to ease itself and finds its state of balance. 

However, if the feeling persists and becomes difficult to manage, it is best to speak to the teacher and seek their guidance.

When to avoid a Silent Yoga Retreat?

If there is a recent or unhealed trauma that brings up intense negative emotions, if there is a psychological problem that needs therapeutic attention, or if the thought of being alone brings up intense anxiety and fear , it is best to avoid a silent retreat and wait for a time when we feel more ready.

Benefits of a Silent Yoga Retreat?

The self is made up of four aspects – mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

Even a few days spent in silence helps reconcile these four aspects and restore their natural state of harmony.

While  some benefits are visible immediately, others accrue over time with regular practice.

Here are some of the benefits of a silent yoga retreat:

1. Increases awareness of the body

To keep up a daily yoga practice is challenging. 

Whether at home or in a studio, our never-ending to-do lists can keep attention divided and cues from the body can be missed. 

With nothing to do and nowhere to go, a retreat is a wonderful way to stay with the sensations of the body and listen to what it wants to tell us.

silent yoga tour

2. Builds or deepens your yoga practice

Wherever one is in the journey of their yoga practice, an extended period of time spent on the mat allows for paying careful attention to the parts of the body where there is resistance. 

Silence releases much of the mind-space  and it becomes possible to surrender and sink into postures.

3. Improves quality of breath

Speech is exhalation. 

Being silent helps in deepening the breath  and making it smooth, continuous, and even. 

Breathing in this way soothes the parasympathetic nervous system as a result of which there is a considerable reduction in stress levels and a feeling of peace and calm cultivates.

silent meditation retreat - lotus

4. Meditation becomes easier

A lot of our vital energy is spent on communication. 

Observing silence frees up speech energy and makes it available as spiritual energy. 

It becomes easier to sit and keep sitting with our breath as our friend and guide and get in touch with our inner selves.

5. Emotions are processed

Suppressed emotions begin to come to the surface. And that’s a great thing because denying emotions does not mean that they don’t exist. 

It becomes possible to observe, understand, and consequently, make peace.

silent yoga tour

6. Creates an empowered self

Sticking to a routine and practicing self-discipline gives a boost to self-confidence. 

The tools and techniques that become available to us through yoga build self-reliance as it becomes possible to nourish our wellbeing independently. 

We develop more faith in our own selves.

How to prepare for your Silent Yoga Retreat?

There are a few things we can do to be more relaxed and make our time in the retreat feel easier.

👉 To learn more about how to prepare for a silent yoga retreat , click on the link.

what is a silent yoga retreat

The Significance of Silence in Yoga

Because most of us live lives of sensory overload, stepping into the nothingness of silence might not come easy. 

However, realizing how integral silence is to spirituality and how quickly it can permeate into our deepest caves so we are able to see what lies inside, helps us build more faith both in ourselves and the commitment.

The Sanskrit word for the yoga of silence is Mauna. It is the practice of not-speaking for the purpose of self-purification. 

A person who is in Mauna observes a vow of silence and abstains from any form of verbal and non-verbal communication.

In the eightfold path of Yoga, withdrawing from the sensory experience of speech marks the transition from moving from the outside to the inside. 

It lays the foundation for the higher practices of concentration, contemplation, and meditation.

silent yoga tour

The one key to getting a silent yoga retreat right is   self-compassion . 

If there are moments when you are having a difficult time, or if you begin to feel inadequate and overwhelmed, instead of being hard on yourself, offer yourself kindness and understanding. 

It is ok to not be perfect, to fail, and if it comes to that, even to give up.

A silent yoga retreat can be a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your own self. The more you open your heart and give love to yourself, the nicer that time will be.

I hope this article has been insightful and has been of help to you to clarify what is a silent yoga retreat. If you have any questions, please feel free to submit them below. Thanks for being there, see you in the next one! 🙂

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A First-Timer’s Guide to Attending A Silent Yoga Retreat

Woman standing in rice paddies in Bali Indonesia with text overlay

Participating in a yoga retreat can be a transformational and intense experience. Yoga retreats provide a wonderful opportunity to deepen your Yoga practice (or kick-start it) and a chance to discover new skills, techniques and realizations along the way both physically and mentally. There are dozens of types of yoga retreats: meditation-based, adventure retreats, music and sound-healing, ayurveda, and even hula hoop yoga!

Now imagine going on your first-ever retreat, and not talking! Silent retreats are designed to allow for quiet contemplation and meditation, and conserving energy in order to turn inward. While it can seem extremely intimidating, a silent yoga retreat or silent meditation retreat can be an insightful (and sometimes uncomfortable) experience.

If you’ve been contemplating disconnecting from your devices and distractions and signing up for a silent yoga retreat, Julia from The Roaming Flamingo recently attended a three-day silent retreat and shares a handful of insightful takeaways and thoughts from her journey so you have a better idea of what to expect. Read on!

My body isn’t as bendable as a snake. Nor is it athletic like a cat.

Bungalows and rice fields in Bali

What I am trying to say is that I have never fitted into the category of being flexible. Girl can’t even touch her toes! Gyms and workout classes are a foreign concept to me and so is the sound of silence so participating in a silent yoga meditation retreat was going to be a bit of a challenge. It is a challenge I would encourage many to have, especially those leading fast paced lives and being surrounded by constant noise; hands up who fits into that category! The state of my overall well-being had been on snooze for way too long. The alarm had rung to escape the racket and head to island paradise for some seclusion and silence.

Why go on a silent yoga retreat?

This girl can’t even sit still on a chair for five minutes and that is why I leapt at the chance to go the extreme. For years and years, I have made the new year resolution that I never kept; to get some more Zen in my life and practice yoga despite the fact I knew it was something I needed to do for myself.

I had also been feeling overwhelmed with the constant noise in my life. I hate to admit it but I have a huge dependency on technology as a writer and someone that is constantly on the road so I felt the need to tap out and nurture my body and mind through self-reflection and introspection. A silent retreat intertwined both of those needs – to really get in touch with one self spiritually, physically and mentally without distractions from anyone or anything – the only distraction a bird call away.

What can you expect from a silent yoga retreat?

Ask me if I would want to do this type of thing in high school and I would proclaim its almost detention-like. No phone, no wi-fi (did that even exist back then?!), no meat-eating as it is all about clean eating and wait for it – no talking! It was bizarre to share a space with so many people you would assume to be like-minded individuals taking time out for themselves physically and mentally and not being able to talk to one an other – this was discouraged. Ironically, I found this refreshing as it really allowed me to focus on my relationship with the most important body of my life – me.

The cult-like aspect of the retreat was the calendar of activities for the day – sunrise yoga session followed by meditation, lunch at your discretion, more yoga and capping the day with meditation. Attendance was optional for all activities and it was up to your timetable of how you wanted to sleep, eat, rest and practice.

Rice paddy in Bali Indonesia

Up and away! Doing something like this was the wake up call I needed. It was time to get in touch with my body and mind and what better place to go on a personal journey to better oneself than at Bali Silent Retreat , located in the heart of Bali and north-west of Ubud . Mixed in with rice fields, nearby hot springs and Mt. Batu Karu in the background, this retreat was the perfect place to take time out of the daily demands of normal life. It was going to be a unique holiday experience – one that would force me to reconnect with myself and test my mental strength to bend my body in ways I didn’t think possible!

What do you learn from a silent yoga retreat?

My three-day challenge made me in touch with my body more than ever before. In hindsight, I wish I was there longer as I relished what I had learnt. Not sure what you can expect from a silent yoga retreat? Here I share my biggest learning curves on yoga asana and meditation:

1. Live in the moment

Sure I preach this like Whoopi preaches to the choir in Sister Act but this should be followed as gospel truth. There are many times were I do lose sight of this – far too many and how insightful it was to re-centre my mind in the present moment in a way that is so simple to do. One remarkable way that we were taught to practice this is to be thankful.

After piling on your plate with the most heavenly vegetarian and slow cooked food (cashew nut cheese nachos or aubergine bacon anyone?) from the outdoor wooden buffet, it was encouraged to pause before giving your fork a work out. This pause for reflection made you consider the time, energy and effort that was put into making the meal that is placed right before you. It also made you be appreciative of the power of nature, earth itself and what it can be born from it. Then, of course, we were told to savour each and every bite and enjoy the fruits of mother nature.

2. Flexibility is your friend

As I may have mentioned, I am possibly the most uncoordinated and inflexible person out there so cat and cow poses were a new concept to me. Sure I felt silly getting in some positions and a bit conscious at times I must admit however this retreat felt like a place where no judgement would be cast upon how you can move your body. Moral of the story – do not be afraid of trying something new. Yoga is there to teach and enable you to control your body: you have to start somewhere and a downward dog is not a bad place to start. ( Editor’s note : Remember that yoga is more than asanas !)

3. Silence is golden

Bungalows in Bali Indonesia

Phone beeping, tunes playing, conversations flowing, news blaring – it’s time to put the volume right down on all that white noise. It doesn’t help when I find myself constantly attached to my phone in the real world. I mostly use it for messenger or as an escape from everything by turning up the volume with my headphones plugged in and listening to music to get me in some kind of mood.

How liberating it felt when I was made to cast the phone aside and not look at it for three days. I can honestly say that I did not miss it. How ignorance was bliss without knowing what was happening in the world and just being caught in my silent retreat bubble. I loved being off the grid, really feeling in tune with my own thoughts and really listening to the sound of blissful nature around me. Above all, it heightened mysenses to be a bit more observant.

4. Your mind and your body is a temple

Listen to it and nurture it. Stop using the excuse that life is too busy. Ah, isn’t everyone’s? I found the retreat to be the ultimate thing that recharged me and made me refresh my mind. It taught me the art of patience and how far the strength of the body can go. I can admit I have not treated my body and mind the best in the past as ironically, it takes a lot out of me to put pen to paper to express my thoughts and also to make exercise a priority .

I felt with the practice of meditation and yoga, I had overcome these previous sentiments and adopt the mantra ‘recharge, relax, refresh.’ Ultimately, incorporating these into my life made me feel that much more productive and added that missing Zen in my life.

5. Like the body, the mind can also become flexible

For someone’s mind that runs like a speeding merry-go-round, I found it really hard to silence the mind. Clearing my head was by far was the most challenging, more so than any yoga position (even if my back did hurt for a few days!) A weakness of mine is getting stressed too easily and overthinking things. Through the art of meditation, sitting upright and drawing in long breaths and slowly breathing out soothed me, made me calm (something that I deem rare in my life) and most importantly, cleared my head.

“Yogas-citta-vrtti-nirodhah”: Patanjali. “Yoga is the restriction of the fluctuations of consciousness”. (translation by Georg Feuerstein)

You are also able to lie down in the art of meditation however I must suggest you exercise caution with this one – really allow your mind to focus as you may find yourself waking yourself up with the sound of a snore like I did! It’s all about being in the moment not sleeping through the moment!

Have an other laugh at my expense here. I asked the meditation instructor (one rare moment I spoke in those few days) as she hosted an ‘Insights into Meditation’ evening if that, we were limited on time for meditation in our everyday lives, what would be a short and sweet way of practising it? Yes, I really did ask this! I was told to take five minutes out of your day and envision yourself walking to a room and upon entering the room, there would be a few objects of importance to you.

To give you an example, I’ll set my scene up for you. My room will consist of a hammock (one of my favourite things in life), a photo of my family, pen and paper and a window overlooking the ocean. I found this little exercise help me to refocus in times of having the ultimate scatterbrain and really focus on the things that matter.

We can’t always live at a silent yoga retreat (as much I would have liked to) and so I am back in the grind here in London. I plan to attend more yoga classes as I have again felt the pressures of modern society. Ultimately this experience changed me to be more kind to my body and not rely on technology too much. The most important thing is health and general well-being, and yoga and meditation is the best medicine for both – and doing it in a place like Bali is even better!

You might also enjoy these related reads:

  • Yearning for more Yoga during your travels? Click here for 20 easy ways to practice while you’re traveling
  • Feel like you’re struggling in a yoga class? Here are 4 things NOT to do, and what you can do instead
  • Read these 11 tips to help you get the most out of your yoga retreat experience

You can follow along on Julia’s adventures on her website here and her Instagram feed here . Have you ever attended a silent Yoga retreat? Share your experience below!

Pin this for later! A First-Timer's Guide to Attending A Silent Yoga Retreat. Participating in a yoga retreat can be a transformational and intense experience. Now imagine going on your first-ever retreat, and not talking! Read on for why you should go on a silent yoga retreat, what to expect and what you can learn.

Disclosure: This is a guest post by Julia from The Roaming Flamingo. Her stay at Bali Silent Retreat was not sponsored or compensated and any opinions are her own.

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How long did you go for?

Hello Nuraini, Julia attended a three-day silent retreat.

I love following Julia on Instagram and really liked reading about her experience 🙂 I´m considering doing something like this in the (near) future – I think I´d simply like to start with taking a few weeks of hiking in the nature and keeping away from the technology as I am badly addicted to the internet. I don´t like meditation much (I know it´s beneficial, but I´d rather hike) so a retreat where I can do yoga, don´t have to talk to anyone and can opt out of meditation if I don´t feel like it would be great. I have to have a closer look into this, perhaps when I´ll be in India or somewhere where it´s more common.

Hiking is meditative too! Many monks practice walking meditation – it really is just focusing on the task at hand. Meditation definitely isn’t just about clearing your head of all thoughts and making your mind blank! 🙂

Thanks Karin! Its really touching to hear you have enjoyed following my journey and crazy travels around this beautiful world of ours – I mean that in every sense! Would totally recommend getting down with yoga but even the meditation part I found interesting (besides the time where I slept in it) because it told me to sit sill and really be in the now. If I could do it again, I would go for much longer and possibly even restrict myself to reading or having pen and notepad in hand to really be observant and live in the moment. It would certainly be a challenge! Good luck with India or wherever you decide to go – would love to hear about it 🙂

I love the idea of living in the moment. It sounds like you went in at the deep end and I think I would have to do the same if I did something like this. Love the thought of switching off completely, Im not sure I could go this extreme first time round though Id be dying to talk!

Thanks Stephanie – this is a guest post by Julia from The Roaming Flamingo ? Perhaps you guys could try a more traditional yoga retreat to start with?

Great article! I’ve always thought to go on a Yoga retreat, because first I’m a yoga junkie and second I do feel the need to explore my inner self, and third, because of all the noise in my life! Thanks for sharing, it does feel good

I hope you get to go on one soon, Liana! 🙂

I loved reading this post and what you got out of this experience. I have been looking at ideas for a solo trip (we have 3 kids) and I am thinking something like this would be such a great experience and obviously something I couldn;t do with the kids. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Dawn – this is a guest post by Julia from The Roaming Flamingo 🙂 Perhaps you guys could try a more traditional yoga retreat?

This sounds amazing! I think we could all use a getaway to unplug + live in the moment. And that view!

Absolutely – we all need some downtime and a reset!

Sounds like it was an interesting experience! I did a 10-day silent meditation retreat and wowww it was so tough! You sound like you found it much easier though, good for you! Totally agree with what you say about not missing your phone, it’s amazing how much we use them day-to-day yet how quickly we are to feel relaxed without them. Thanks for sharing Flo 🙂

Thanks for reading, Lula! This was a guest post by Julia from The Roaming Flamingo 🙂 Sounds like you had an interesting experience too!

I always wondered if I’d be able to do something like this. I still don’t know, but it was fascinating to read about! I wish I had the patience for yoga… I really do need to try.

A silent retreat is definitely challenging, there are lots of ways to integrate yoga into your life (beyond just the postures) – if you’re interested you should read up on the 8 limbs!

Very complete and informative! I’ve never practiced yoga, but its something I definitely want to try at some point in my life. A love the idea of a silent retreat because when you’re silent the only thing you can “hear” are your thoughts. Also, it forces you to disconnect from the chaotic world. Now with technology is nearly impossible to find peace and quite. Great post, Flo!

Thanks Mariella – this is a guest post by Julia from the Roaming Flamingo, we wanted to be able to share some of her takeaways and tips!

Great post. This sounds like a wonderful experience. I have always wanted to attend a yoga retreat.

A silent yoga retreat has an additional dimension from the “traditional” yoga retreat format – if it’s your first ever retreat you may want to try a “regular” yoga retreat first!

I’ve been doing yoga for a year now and it has been an amazing experience! It’s such a peaceful and loving experience to be able to get in touch with your body and inner self. This silent yoga retreat sounds amazing and I for one would like to try it!

I hope you get to experience it one day, Marvi! Be sure to let us know how it goes 🙂

I’ve always had it in the back of my head to go on a yoga retreat one day. Reading this has confirmed by desire so thank you! Sounds like an incredible must-do experience.

A silent yoga retreat has an additional dimension from the “traditional” yoga retreat format – if it’s your first ever retreat you may want to try a “regular” yoga retreat first! 🙂

Great article! I’ve always wanted to go on a yoga retreat and I think you’ve persuaded me. The places looks beautiful!

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9 Silent Yoga Retreats to Renew Your Sense of Self

Meditators of all levels are drawn to silent yoga retreats for spiritual awakening and peace of mind. here are 9 meditation centers that support silence..

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Maybe it’s a reaction against our hectic, media-driven new century, or perhaps it’s just the logical progression of a yoga and meditation practice. Whatever the reason, silent retreats are catching on, for beginning and experienced yogis alike.

“We’ve seen a real surge in interest among people from all walks of life, in people who already have a spiritual practice as well as people who have never tried to meditate,” says Ron Fearnow, a manager at Southern Dharma Retreat Center in Hot Springs, North Carolina. “We’re all searching for ways to bring peace into our lives, and the simple act of being quiet is a wonderful way to do it.”

Retreats like Southern Dharma offer meditation programs built around silence, ranging in length from several days to a few months. Most include yoga and moving meditation, while others are composed entirely of quiet contemplation. They are offered in traditions ranging from Buddhism and Hinduism to Judaism and Christianity, as well as nonsectarian formats.

“There’s a tremendous movement among people from all religions and all schools of thought to seek spiritual growth,” says Fr. James Conner, who directs the meditation retreats at The Abbey of Gethsemani , a Benedictine monastery in Trappist, Kentucky. “And they’re finding that meditation is a wonderful way to further that process.”

Ironically, the most intimidating factor about silent retreats for the novice meditator is the constant quietness. “People who meditate for 20 to 30 minutes in the morning are often worried about having to do it for days on end,” says Fearnow. “Or they may practice yoga regularly, but they always do it in a classroom full of people, or they practice in the living room with the stereo on. So the aspect of being quiet seems very strange.”

The good news is that no two retreats are designed the same. Some are intensive, long-term programs, while others last just two or three days and include periods of informal talking, lectures, group discussions, and one-on-one instruction—plus the opportunity for activities like tennis or hiking.

How do you know if you’re ready for prolonged quiet time? “Take it slowly,” says Fearnow. “Find a program and a facility that feels comfortable to you and then sign up for just a few days. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you can adjust and how much more powerful your practice can become.”

That said, here are nine silent retreats that offer a variety of programs and settings for all levels of meditators.

meditation, om

1. Insight Meditation Society

Barre, massachusetts.

A Buddhist retreat center housed in an early 1900s mansion, IMS is an hour and a half west of Boston. It was the first Dharma center in the West and has been hosting meditation retreats since 1975. IMS offers approximately 20 retreats a year, most from seven to 10 days. There’s also a three-month-long program available for advanced meditators. The retreats are all silent, except for daily talks and instructor interviews, and include both walking and sitting meditation. Accommodations are dormitory-style and cost $38 a day, including meals.

See also  Wake Up To Your Life: Discovering the Buddhist Path of Intention

2. Honolulu Diamond Sangha

Honolulu, hawaii.

This Zen Buddhist center offers six silent meditation retreats—, which they call sesshins  —every year, ranging from three to eight days. Visitors can also attend a one-day retreat called zazenkai or sign up for several months of intensive Zen study. The center sits on 13 acres in a quiet valley, just 15 minutes from Honolulu’s bustling Waikiki Beach. Here, your day begins at 4 a.m. and ends at 9 p.m. You’ll spend the time in seated meditation and mindful work practice; silence is observed throughout. Rooms are shared (dormitory-style accommodations) and meals are vegetarian ; short-stay rates are $35 a day.

See also  Find Peace and Adventure with a Yoga Retreat in Hawaii

3. Karme-Choling Buddhist Meditation Center

Barnet, vermont.

One of the Shambhala International meditation centers, Karme-Choling is a rambling 540-acre facility with a dormitory and large meditation hall, plus seven cabins tucked into the woods and a separate guest house in the nearby town of Barnet. It’s located between White River Junction and Burlington, in the Green Mountains of northern Vermont. The center offers retreats ranging from two-day in-house programs to month-long residencies, which focus on the “three gates” of Shambhala theory: Vajradhatu, based on Tibetan Buddhism; Shambhala, which follows a nondenominational “human warrior” model; and Nalanda, which combines various Japanese arts with Buddhist teachings on subjects such as psychology, health, and relationships . A typical in-house retreat includes daily individual meditation instruction, group practice, and a short work period; it costs $30 a day, plus between $10 and $50 a night for room and board. Guests are encouraged to complete an introductory meditation course at a Shambhala Center before signing up for a retreat.

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man meditating after hike, body sensing

4. Mount Madonna Center

Watsonville, california.

Situated on a 355-acre tract above Monterey Bay in the Santa Cruz mountains, Mount Madonna hosts 40 programs a year, including retreats in yoga and meditation, Buddhist thought, and other paths to spirituality . In addition to their formal activities, participants can swim in a nearby lake; play tennis, volleyball, and basketball; and hike. Silence is part of many of the programs, although they allow for some discourse. The facility can accommodate up to 500 people (in private rooms and on surrounding campsites), but programs vary dramatically in size, from about five participants to maximum capacity. A typical weekend retreat costs about $150, plus $58 per person per day for double-occupancy and vegetarian meals.

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5. Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health

Lenox, massachusetts.

Here you’ll find combined yoga and meditation programs and retreats geared to almost any level, with dormitory-style accommodations and a large cafeteria that serves bountiful vegetarian meals. Kripalu is also a center of education, offering courses in Buddhist thought, metta meditation, and several schools of yoga. Programs are built around yoga and meditation classes, group workshops, and various guided activities; you can also find plenty of hiking and biking in the surrounding Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts. “Retreat and Renewal” programs— loosely structured, three- to five-day courses that include meditation as well as yoga, music, and dance— cost between $77 and $196 per night, depending on the type of room you choose. (Some have private baths; others use a shared one down the hall.) Midweek discounts are available. Meals are silent and guests are asked to observe silence in the evening and early morning.

See also  Kripalu Dynamic Yoga with Stephen Cope

6. Southern Dharma Retreat Center

Hot springs, north carolina.

Tucked into a secluded valley in western North Carolina (Asheville is about an hour away), this 24-acre center is insulated by another 140 acres of privately held land. Open from April through January, the center hosts meditative and contemplative retreats in vipassana meditation, Soto Zen, Sufi, Judaic and several other spiritual traditions. Retreats are small (the maximum number of participants is 25), and all include some yoga. Retreats run from three to eight days, and guests are silent for a majority of the time. Accommodations range from dormitory-style rooms with private baths to campsites, weather permitting. The typical cost is $55 a night, including vegan meals.

See also  23 Sun-Kissed Yoga Retreats

silent yoga tour

7. Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Woodacre, california.

Residential retreats at this 400-acre facility in Marin County, about an hour north of the Golden Gate Bridge, range from three nights to three months and are geared to beginning as well as experienced practitioners of vipassana, or Buddhist insight meditation. Except for daily Dharma talks and one-on-one interviews with instructors, silence reigns. Participants begin their day at 5 a.m., spend it in alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation, then turn in around 10 p.m. Meals are vegetarian and fees vary (some are established on a sliding scale). A typical three-day meditation retreat costs $160.

See also: 8 Best Wellness Retreats in the World

8. Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Carmel valley, california.

Part of the San Francisco Zen Center, Tassajara was established in 1966 as the first residential Zen center in the United States. The facilities were once a hot springs resort and include a pool, bathhouse, and dormitory accommodations, as well as unique stone and pine rooms, yurts, redwood cabins, and traditional Japanese tatami cabins. Double-occupancy rates range from $70 to $150 per night; retreat fees are an additional $100 to $125. The retreats, which typically include silent meditation as well as group discussions and instructor consultations, are conducted May through August. The center is closed to the public during the rest of the year and used for formal Buddhist monastic training.

9. Vallecitos Mountain Refuge

Taos, new mexico.

This is an “invitation-only” center set up to serve people who work in the public-interest and nonprofit sectors. In order to attend, you must demonstrate you’ve been working in that capacity for at least five years and plan to continue. Aptly named, this Zen center is situated on 135 acres surrounded by the Carson National Forest and operates without telephone, electricity, or television. Its programs are aimed at helping people accomplish goals of social change and environmental renewal through personal centering and spiritual growth. Activities include treks into the forest, silent meditation, and talking circles—anything to help relieve the “burnout” common in public service jobs. Meditators of all levels are welcome.

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Taylor's Tracks

9 Transformative Silent Retreats Worldwide

By: Author Taylor Lorenz

Posted on Last updated: 02/23/2023

9 Transformative Silent Retreats Worldwide

A silent retreat can bring profound results for any spiritual seeker looking to discover their most authentic self and experience true transformation. Silent retreats include daily meditation and sometimes yoga but involve taking a vow not to speak for the whole duration or part of the retreat. Restraining from speaking helps remove all external distractions and go inwards for deeper self-reflection and self-discovery. 

Unlike most yoga retreats, the purpose of a silent meditation retreat is not so much to relax and unwind. Instead, it is an opportunity to do some inner work and gain a clearer ​​perspective on things in a serene environment that you cannot find in your day-to-day life. So, if you are looking for answers or guidance, taking up silent meditation on a retreat can bring clarity and assurance. 

Table of Contents

Best Silent Retreats Around the Globe

This selection of silent retreats offers something for everyone, from beginner-friendly introductions to intensive programs for experienced meditators.

silent yoga tour

4 Day Silent Yoga, Meditation, and Healing Retreat in Krabi, Thailand

Starting from: $240

If you’ve never participated in a silent retreat before, we recommend starting with a short one, like this 4-say silent healing retreat in Krabi, Thailand. It’s suitable for all levels and includes daily guided meditations, including mindfulness, chakra, and heart-opening styles. You’ll also practice yoga every day, alternating between Yin, Hatha, Vinyasa, and Kundalini. 

Aside from yoga and meditation, this retreat by Marina Yoga has a healing modality, including a sound healing class, energetic bodywork (Reiki) class, and a mindful mandala art session to get your creative juices flowing. The days are very relaxed, with yoga and meditation in the morning, a healing session at midday, and a second yoga and meditation class in the late afternoon. Thus, you’ll have plenty of free time but are asked to maintain silence for the entire retreat. 

silent yoga tour

8 Day Silent Zen Meditation and Yin Yoga Retreat in Algarve, Portugal

Starting from: $872

This silent retreat in the peaceful Algarve in Portugal combines Zen meditation with the slow-paced mindful yin yoga style, creating the ideal ground for self-reflection and deep connection. Your days will consist of yin yoga, Zen and Vipassana meditation, Dharma talks, and meditative walks in the surrounding woods. 

The extensive sitting and walking meditations on this silent retreat will help you witness the projections of the mind and remain a present observer. You’ll learn how to sit with resistance and discomfort, which will allow you to access a more intimate version of yourself. You’ll be expected to keep the silence until the last day, where you’ll then be able to share your thoughts and feelings in a group meeting.

silent yoga tour

3 Day Relaxing Meditation and Silent Retreat in Maleny, Queensland, Australia

Starting from: $326

This short meditation retreat in the Sunshine Coast, Australia, is suitable for all levels and accessible for beginners taking their first silence experience. You’ll spend the long weekend listening to the sounds of nature of the beautiful Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast and will have a private room at the secluded Zen Buddhist & Yoga Retreat Centre.

The program includes Hatha and yin yoga, Zen dharma talks, sound healing, yoga Nidra, and seated and walking meditations. The retreat kicks off at 4 pm on Friday with a grounding yoga session and finishes Sunday evening. What’s more, you’ll feast on delicious vegetarian and vegan meals full of Mediterranean and Indian flavours. 

silent yoga tour

9 Day Vipassana Silent Meditation Retreat in the Ardales National Park, Andalusia, Spain

Starting from: $703

A Vipassana silent retreat like this one in Andalusia, Spain, will give you profound insight into your mind’s conditioning and patterns and allow your most authentic self to be born. Vipassana retreats are not for the faint-hearted as they include long hours of sitting and walking meditations, with the days beginning at 4 am and ending at 10 pm. However, if you make it through the nine days, you are sure to experience a tremendous transformation and greater clarity on your values and life purpose. 

Most meditation sessions on this Vipassana program by Riverheart Retreats typically last 45 to 60 minutes, alternating between sitting and walking styles. You’ll also have a gentle yoga and chanting session each morning, plus you’ll have multiple one-to-one sessions with the instructor to share your experience and ask any burning questions. What’s more, if you’re familiar with Vipassana and looking for a longer than 10-day silent retreat, you can join Riverheart Retreats’ 12-day program here instead. 

silent yoga tour

5 Day Silent Meditation Retreat: Experience the Peace of the Heart in Saint-Just-d’Avray, Rhône, France

Starting from: $331

Find answers to life’s deepest questions on this 5-day silent retreat in Rhône, France. The 5-day program includes twice-daily meditation, Hatha yoga, and dharma talks. Silence is observed from 7 am on day 1 and finishes at 9 pm the day before departure. It also follows the strict rules of Vipassana silent retreats, such as no smoking, alcohol, or use of electronics or the internet.

This retreat by Hridaya Yoga includes shared accommodation at Château de Longeval and three wholesome meals each day (vegan and vegetarian). The Chateau is situated in the peaceful village of Saint-Just-d’Avray, surrounded by nature yet only 1 hour from Lyon. For those looking for an extended and more profound retreat, Hridaya Yoga also runs a 12-day silent retreat program in Rhône.

silent yoga tour

9 Day ‘Reset Your Life’ Retreat with Yoga, Meditation, Temazcal, Ceremonies in Malinalco, Mexico

Starting from: $1,200

The ‘Reset Your Life’ retreat in Mexico is a “semi-silent” retreat, meaning you will chant, sing and join discussions in the sessions but are encouraged to follow noble silence in between classes to conserve your energy and keep the mental chatter minimal. This style makes it a suitable quiet retreat for first-timers or those looking for a more comfortable experience. 

The program features various workshops and ceremonies, including Temazcal ceremonies to detoxify the body. Another huge plus of this retreat is that you will stay at the luxurious Pequeño Gran Hotel Las Cúpulas in Malinalco. Here you will have a private suite with an ensuite bathroom and access to the hotel’s outdoor pool and gardens.

silent yoga tour

5 Day Silent Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Retreat in Hiiumaa, Estonia

Starting from: $464

The tranquil Estonian island of Hiiumaa makes for an idyllic place for reconnecting to nature and yourself in total tranquillity. The quiet retreat by Om & Flow Yoga includes twice daily yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and sound healing sessions. Silence begins after orientation on the first evening and ends late morning on the last day. After you break the vow, you’ll be able to spend one final meal as a group where you can share your experiences of the previous 5 days. 

Each morning you will practice Hatha yoga, and in the evenings, you will join a restorative yoga and yoga Nidra session. In addition, you’ll spend between 3 to 4 hours meditating each day, so it’s best suited to those with some previous experience. However, it is open to beginners, and the instructors try to tailor the training to each participant. 

silent yoga tour

5 Day The Art of Living Stepping into Silence Yoga and Meditation Retreat in North Carolina

Starting from: $1,235

The Art Of Living’s 5-day silent yoga retreat includes daily Hatha yoga along with stillness and guided meditations to help you switch off from the noise and stress of everyday life and switch on to what is going on inside of you. These five days of silence in a natural setting will allow you to calm your “monkey mind” and access a deeper level of consciousness. 

The guided meditations, mindful yoga, and advanced breathing techniques will assist you on your inner journey, and the Q&A sessions with your instructor will offer you the guidance and support needed. What’s more, you’ll explore the healing process of talk therapy on day one before entering into silence on the eve of day two. You can choose to stay at the retreat centre or nearby hotel, and you’ll receive three nourishing meals a day. 

silent yoga tour

2 Day Silent, Vegan Fasting Yoga Retreat near Pondicherry in Tamil Nadu, India

Starting from: $55

If you’re planning to do a fast, why not do it in silence on this 2-day silent fasting retreat in India. The program is run by Sri Ananthi Nature Cure at SANCYA, a renowned yoga and naturopathy hospital in Tamil Nadu. This is one of the best budget silent retreats worldwide and includes daily yoga (beginner level), meditation, and pranayama. You’ll also learn yoga Nidra and yogic cleansing techniques to assist your fast. 

A fruit fasting diet is included, along with herbal drinks. Furthermore, you’ll stay in a simple but private room at the ashram and can enjoy the peaceful green surroundings in between classes.

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About silent yoga retreat.

We organized our first retreat in 2019 after realizing how important it is to have a safe space and dedicated time for disconnecting from the daily grind. Silent Yoga Retreat provides our participants with opportunities to recharge their body, mind, and soul with positive energy and reconnect with themselves.

We started with a solid foundation, and have only improved our offerings. We are confident that our picturesque locations, great hosts, and committed community will inspire a life-changing experience.

Get in touch with us for more information and to make your reservation today.

[email protected]

+372 538 827 71



Experience meditation retreats in the city. 


"The real work you have

to do is in the privacy of your

own heart. All of the external forms are lovely, but the real work is your inner connection." –Ram Dass

No phone. No talking. No reading. Just Being. 

The challenges of everyday life can feel overwhelming in the worlds continuous state of chaos and intensity. We invite you to come rest in Stillness, silence, and deep meditation through "A Weekend of Silence" retreat in the city.

Our intention is to create a space for everyone to delve within themselves through the profoundness of silent meditation and to ultimately reveal the Spiritual Heart.   

These retreats are oriented to develop deeper inner peace, compassion, love, and forgiveness. We welcome everyone with beginner or advance levels of meditation experience. 


Morning Session

9:00am-11:00am:  Introduction + Meditation* 

11:00am-11:30am:  Break

11:30am-1:30pm:  Meditation & Hatha Yoga

1:30pm-2:00pm:  Break  

Afternoon Session

2:00pm-3:00pm: Yin & Sound B ath 3:00pm-4:00pm: Final   Meditation 4:00pm-5:00pm: Q&A + Group Sharing

*The authentic spiritual teachings that will be shared are from different lineages, including but not limited to Self-Inquiry according to Ramana Maharshi, Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism, and Yogic Philosophy from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, all through a lens of non-duality.

Schedule may be subject to change.



1-Day Silent Meditation Retreat

Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Location: The Villij, Toronto

Cost: $100-$250 (scale based on financial needs)

This retreats welcome everyone, regardless of ethnicity, orientation, and gender identification. Please email [email protected] for any further inquiries.


Brandon is a Yoga Alliance certified 200- and 500-hour Meditation and Yoga teacher. He has sat many Silent Meditation Retreats (10, 17, 30, and 49 days) both solitary and with groups, in Dark Rooms, monasteries in Thailand, shacks in the Peruvian jungle, and caves in India.

Although he has worked heavily with Ayahuasca, Shamanism, and funny New Age practices, the most potent and direct path to freedom and peace has been through Self-Inquiry, silent meditation, and Hatha Yoga.


silent yoga tour

silent retreats in the USA

  • Adults-Only

Top 8 Silent Retreats in the USA – For Next Level Serenity

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  • Posted by by Elle-Rose
  • Updated: June 22, 2023
  • 6 minute read

Have you been searching for the best silent retreats in the USA for much-needed rest?

Join us as we uncover the top places in the country to experience the sound of silence..

If you’re on the hunt for the best silent retreats in the USA, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve rounded up a bumper list of the top silent retreats in the USA that’ll force you to put down that phone and breathe.

From week-long experiences to weekend getaways, these silent retreats in the USA will ease you into relaxation.

Now let’s do this!

silent yoga tour

Top 8 Silent Retreats in the USA…

Find your secret retreat.

To kick off our list of amazing silent retreats in the USA, we have Find Your Secret!

This retreat is tucked away in the heart of Santa Ysabel in California and is ideal for anyone who wants to let go of destructive behavior.

Throughout the 6-day retreat, you’ll learn about Heartmath, go on meditation hikes, and practice yoga.

Plus, you’ll even get a personal counseling session that’ll help you uncover any hidden trauma that may be holding you back.

Although this is one of the best silent retreats in the USA, it’s not entirely silent.

In the evenings, you’ll have spiritual group discussions and you’ll be able to bond over daily detox drinks.

And we just love that this retreat is held in a rustic house that was built way back in the 1940s (it just adds to the charm!).

According to the current schedule, you’ll start your noble silent journey at 5 pm on day 1 before a journaling session.

Then, you’ll wake up to noble silence and be allowed to walk the nature path or head to the labyrinth garden.

It’s worth noting that most of this retreat is completely silent, so prepare to get plenty of vocal rest as part of the package. Another reason we featured it on our list of silent retreats in the USA.

silent yoga tour

8-Day Path of Silence Retreat

Next on our list of silent retreats in the USA that you need to try out – it’s the 8-day Path of Silence Retreat in Naples!

This Floridian spot is perfect for a relaxed getaway, which explains why it’s one of the best silent retreats in the USA.

Not only does it offer 2 daily workshop sessions for the duration of the retreat, but there are plenty of 1:1 experiences too.

Oh, and did we mention that they offer art supplies, materials, and stationery for those moments of inspiration?

As this is one of the silent retreats in the USA that aims to cleanse the body and mind, the food is fully vegan/veggie.

But don’t worry – there are snacks, fruit, and coffee to fill the void between meals if you’re typically a meat lover!

It’s worth noting that this is one of the silent retreats in the USA with a maximum of 15 places. So, you’ll need to book quickly to avoid disappointment!

If you want to venture outside the accommodation at any point, there are excursions to Naples Beach and Naples included.

Now that’s a silent retreat worth checking out!

silent yoga tour

Silent retreats in the USA: Spring Renewal Yoga Retreat

This 3-day Spring Renewal Retreat is one of the best silent retreats in the USA by a mile.

It’s best known for offering mindful movement and breathwork classes, but it’s also an excellent option for yoga lovers!

While you’re here, you’ll have plenty of time for personal reflection, which makes it an ideal choice for silent retreats in the USA.

But don’t miss out on the safe sharing and listening circles that help you take a break from the silence.

Like many of the other silent retreats in the USA, the menu is fully vegetarian and contains only nutritious ingredients.

So, you’ll walk away feeling fully cleansed, light, and full of energy!

This is one of the silent retreats in the USA that includes accommodation (with queen beds).

Plus, it’s worth mentioning that the silence begins at 8:30 pm on night one. This gives you the chance to get to know the participants before engaging in the silent work.

Whether you’re here for the chakra balancing or the beach walks, this is one of the all-time best silent retreats in the USA.

Silent Weekend of Meditation, Reflection, and Rest

Next on our list of the best silent retreats in the USA is this meditative and reflective getaway in Cragsmoor.

This is one of the silent retreats in the USA that’s designed to pull you away from modern phone culture.

So, there will be no beeps, buzzers, or calls to disturb your dive into wellness.

Along with guided and personal meditation, you’ll have interactive sessions with teachers that let you ask any questions you like.

The silence begins after dinner on the first day of the retreat, and you’ll be asked to give up your phone too.

After that, you’ll spend time on contemplative walks around the grounds, journaling, and uncovering personal roadblocks.

The group silence sessions are what make this one of the best and most reflective silent retreats in the USA.

But honestly, the morning salutations and vegetarian meals are equally excellent!

The Art of Stepping into Silence

If you’re looking for the best silent retreats in the USA, you truly can’t beat The Art of Stepping Into Silence.

This is THE silent retreat to choose if you’re just moving into the art of meditation, as the guided structure is awesome.

You’ll get 4 days of accommodation while you’re here, and you’ll also pick up tons of wisdom tools to tackle daily troubles.

If that wasn’t enough to convince you to add this to your list of must-visit silent retreats in the USA – it’s led by teachers from all over the globe!

Now that’s perspective.

Although most of the retreat is focused on stress management and reduction, there’s also a strong focus on managing energy.

You’ll learn about prana, tejas, and soma, while also picking up the basics of Ayurvedic medicine.

Plus, you’ll learn about the four pillars of life that’ll improve your perspective and help with inner and outer growth.

Talk about silent retreats in the USA that do it all.

As you’ll be silent for the majority of the retreat, it’ll give you time to regain mental focus and boost your energy levels.

And realistically, what could be better than that?

silent yoga tour

Silent Stay Meditation Center – Santa Barbara 

Next on our list of the best silent retreats in the USA, we have the Silent Stay Meditation Center.

As you might have guessed from its name, this place focuses solely on silent retreats that give you a break from the daily grind.

They aim to help you find inner love and peace through reflection and meditation while learning about spiritual practices, which is why it has made our list of the best silent retreats in the USA.

They run various silent retreats throughout the year in Montecito, California. So, you can easily choose dates and rooms to suit you.

The retreats consist of silent sitting and group meditation in the sanctuary, walks, meditation, and yoga practice.

By combining these disciplines, you’ll learn to quiet your mind, listen to your heart, and completely recharge.

Seriously, it’s one of the silent retreats in the USA that you need to try! 

Shambhala Mountain Center – Colorado

Our next suggestion for amazing silent retreats in the USA, we have the Shambhala Mountain Center in Colorado!

They run on-land and online retreats, but we recommend shelling out for the onsite experiences for the ultimate escape, and one of the best silent retreats in the USA.

They regularly run the Heart of Mindfulness: A Silent Meditation Retreat that runs for 7 days.

In this course, you’ll learn all about the practice of mindfulness and expression that will help you tackle any stressor.

The company aims to provide a comforting and enriching environment for all that’s independent of any religious influence.

So, anyone is welcome and it’s part of the reason this is one of our favorite silent retreats in the USA.

The only rule is that you need to attend every practice session that’s running (which you’ll want to do anyway!).

Whether you’re more interested in mindfulness, meditation practice, or self-compassion, you’ll cover them all with an expert group of teachers.

This is certainly one of the top silent retreats in the USA to experience.

silent yoga tour

Rolling Meadows Retreat

The final spot on our list of the best silent retreats in the USA is Rolling Meadows Retreat which is tucked away in Coastal Maine.

They offer a range of different courses, but their silent retreats are truly exceptional.

Their silent retreats give you the chance to gain clarity and deep rest for the body and soul.

Plus, there’s plenty of yoga and meditation mixed in to keep things interesting!

Although it’s not one of the most heavily publicized silent retreats in the USA, it’s one of the most relaxing.

You’ll need to keep an eye on their Facebook pages or Calendar for their silent retreats and book quickly.

But they often offer a mixed option that combines silent yoga, meditation, and breathwork for the ultimate few days of TLC.

Hopefully this list of the best silent retreats in the USA has given you plenty of inspiration and ideas.

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Elle-Rose is the owner and editor of The World and Then Some! She has been a professional travel writer for over 12 years, writing for many different publications, including this one. Elle-Rose is a city break expert, and she specializes in popular locations such as NYC, London, Las Vegas and Dubai, regularly visiting to stay on top of new attractions, restaurants and hotels. Elle-Rose is super active on TikTok (@theworldandthensome), and loves filming video content in the cities she visits - so go and say hello!

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Yoga Matto

A first-timer’s guide to attending a silent yoga retreat

July 16, 2020

Yoga is not only a form of exercise but also a spiritual journey. As we live in a fast-moving world, yoga can be a refreshing break from our routines. It’s also a good tool to explore ourselves, especially through a yoga retreat. There are many types of yoga retreats, including meditation, music and sound healing, and silent yoga. Attending a silent yoga retreat is interesting for both beginners and experienced yogis. It promises a great way to escape for silence and seclusion. But before you sign up, read on to make sure you’re fully prepared and know what to expect!

A first-timer’s guide to attending a silent yoga retreat.jpg

What is a silent yoga retreat?

Silent yoga is a meditative practice that focuses on breath, posture, and self-awareness. Experiencing a relaxing yoga retreat in silence provides the opportunity to know oneself. Plus, it’s a chance to discover new techniques, skills, and realizations, both physically and mentally.

Silent yoga retreats allow you to meditate and contemplate. It can be an insightful experience, but if you’re not doing it right, it can also be uncomfortable. In attending a silent yoga retreat, you need to try to disconnect from any distractions, such as your phone and other devices. And in most cases, talking is not allowed either.

Why you should go?

Unless you’re living in a remote area, we’re surrounded by noises every day. Our body and soul will appreciate a brief silence and break from the hustle. Have you ever felt the urge to get away or been longing for a reset? This is your solution. With all the noise and crowd around, we could use some quiet and silence for introspection and self-reflection. Attending a silent yoga retreat without distraction from anything or anyone can be the right choice to have inner peace. And the best part is you can reconnect with yourselves physically, spiritually, and mentally.

What will you do during a silent yoga retreat?

Like yoga classes, there’s no typical silent yoga retreat. Each offers different styles of activities and lengths of time. And not all yoga silent retreats are completely practiced in silence. Some of them may include meditation, walking, discussions, lectures, outdoor activities, or assigned groups.

The advantages of silent yoga retreats

Attending a silent yoga retreat can give a new perspective on life. And you can benefit from the experience too, including:

1.  Improves the quality of life

Practicing silent yoga teaches you to manage stress and balance your emotion. When you can control yourself, your quality of life will improve.

2.  Makes you relax

While you’re in silence, you learn to acknowledge and process your thoughts and feelings. As a result, your body and mind get to relax, and it will keep you from daily stresses.

3.  Gives you a new perspective

Practicing silent yoga helps you examine what really brings meaning to your life. And teach you to keep it, even if you face changes or difficulties.

4.  Improves flexibility

By doing several types of yoga postures in silence, you gain control of your mind and body. So, your muscles are getting more flexible on each and every move.

5.  Increases your senses

In silent yoga, you’ll need to keep off from almost everything. So you won’t be distracted by phone beeping, loud conversations, music, and movies playing. Within times, your senses will increase. And you’ll be more aware of your surroundings, such as the sound of the river and even the blowing wind.

6.  Live in the moment

You can be too stressed and overthink stuff in your busy daily life. By doing meditation and various yoga postures, you’ll focus on movement, taking a long breath, and slowly release your breath. These practices soothe your mind, making you calm, and realize the present moment. Doing it all in silence enhances all these benefits.

7.  More productive

On a silent yoga retreat, you’ll practice meditation and yoga postures. These practices will refresh and recharge your body and mind. You’ll be keen on your goals, and you can do things better eventually.

Things to do and prepare

When you decide to attend a silent yoga retreat, you have to be ready to leave a lot of things behind for a while - your job, family, and your familiar environment. Knowing what you’ll need can help you prepare things before you go.

1.  Set up your intention

You can say that a silent yoga retreat is a vacation. Like a vacation, it can be restful, exhilarating, or adventurous. To start your silent yoga retreat, you need to set your goal of attending this. It can be as simple as committing to your yoga practice, get a short break from the routines, or something more complex such as healing your soul and evaluating your life.

2.  Research and plan

Before you sign up, you can do some research and plan on what kind of silent yoga retreat you want. Do you have plenty of time or only a long weekend? Where would you like to go, a mountain, an ocean, or a tropical forest? You can also plan on what room do you want during the retreat, a shared or private room? And you need to learn the program, so you can have enough preparation for all activities during the retreat.

3.  Pack up

After you do your research and learn your plan, you can pack everything you’ll need. Besides your exercise gear like a yoga mat , take your comfortable clothes, a book to read, or a journal to write. You can also pack some of your favorite essential oils for your travel.

4.  Prepare yourself to disconnect

Attending a silent yoga retreat will disconnect you from the world. Make sure everything is already set up for your peace of mind until you come back. Leave your itinerary and contact number to reach you in case of an emergency to your family, friend, or co-worker. We recommend doing a “warm-up” by turning off your phone for a few hours once in a while days before you go.

5.  Let go of all your expectation

Even once everything is planned, surprises may occur during the retreat. You need to adjust to what you can do and accept whatever not as expected.

Now, you’re all set for a silent yoga retreat!

Do you want a short break from your daily activities and technology? Or trying yoga and meditation in a different, interesting way? If your answer is yes, you need to sign up for a silent yoga retreat. It’s a kind of vacation, especially when it’s held in one of the best yoga destinations in the world ! Only this time, you’ll spend most of your time with meditation and yoga in silence. A silent yoga retreat offers some benefits, including improving your senses, flexibility, meeting new people, and helping you become more productive.

For some people, the constant quiet and intense yoga practices while attending a silent yoga retreat may be intimidating and daunting. The good news is that not all silent yoga retreats are done in silence. And it’s not just about practicing yoga all day. Silent yoga retreats offer varied programs, length of times, and places. Some of them may include outdoor activities, informal talking, or group discussions. So choose what’s best for you!

  • Tags: travel yoga retreat

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