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11 Rules for Road Trips While Pregnant, Including When To Stop Traveling by Car

A car trip can be a memorable vacation while pregnant, especially if flying is out of the question, but there are some precautions to take before you hit the road.

Everyone loves a good road trip. And if you're pregnant, a babymoon by car may be exactly what's needed before you're elbows-deep in dirty diapers. While it's generally safe to fly while expecting , some airlines have a cutoff of 36 weeks (and many even earlier), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Pregnant people who do fly should check with their doctors first, but they can make travel safer with simple steps like holding onto seatbacks when walking during turbulence and wearing compression socks to prevent deep vein thrombosis.

The great news is that car travel is safe for most pregnant people. If you have complications, you may need to stick closer to home but unless you're on bedrest or have other doctor-imposed limitations, you should be able to hit the road. Ask your health care provider when you should stop long road trips, but in most cases, it's safe until close to your due date.

To ensure the only bump on the road is your belly, here are 11 tips pregnant travelers should know before setting off on a long drive.

1. Talk To Your Health Care Provider

No matter the mode of travel, pregnant people should always start by contacting their health care provider, said Kecia Gaither, MD , maternal-fetal medicine specialist affiliated with NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx, New York. "Certain medical conditions may preclude any degree of travel, be it by air or land," says Dr. Gaither. "Those conditions may include placenta previa , prior preterm labor , or clotting disorders."

Placenta previa, for example, happens when the placenta completely or partially covers the cervix. It can cause bleeding during pregnancy, as well as serious complications—like hemorrhage or preterm birth—that would be difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar location.

Additionally, traveling is a risk factor for blood clots, according to the CDC—and pregnant people already have a heightened chance of developing them. Certain conditions and disorders may increase the risk of blood clots too much for long road trips.

2. Plan for Your Second Trimester

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says the ideal time to travel is during the second trimester, between 14 and 28 weeks. "During these weeks, your energy has returned, morning sickness is improved or gone, and you are still able to get around easily," recommends the organization. "After 28 weeks, it may be harder to move around or sit for a long time."

Not only is the middle of the pregnancy when pregnant people will likely feel the best, but it also carries a lower risk of any complications.

3. Prepare for the Pregnancy Road Trip

Advanced planning can make any road trip easier. This includes thoughtful packing like easy-to-change clothing if you get too hot or too cold and taking healthy foods, snacks, and drinks. Also, make sure your route is accurate to avoid delays and check for safe places to stop.

4. Drink Enough Water

There's a link between dehydration and uterine contractions, so keeping on top of water intake is crucial, says Dr. Gaither. Have a sufficient supply of water readily available in the car and make sure to drink even more if you've been sweating or exercising. Pregnant people should drink eight to 12 cups (or 64 to 96 ounces) of water each day, according to ACOG. This ensures healthy digestion, amniotic fluid formation, and nutrient circulation.

5. Bring Extra Medications or Supplements

Taking the proper medications and supplements while pregnant is imperative, and it's even more important on a road trip. Dr. Gaither says pregnant travelers will want to double-check that they've packed any medications and vitamins they need.

It's also important to bring extra, in case they're on the road longer than originally anticipated. Include over-the-counter medicines approved by your health care provider, so you'll have them if you need them. And, don't forget to pack your prenatal vitamin !

6. Always Wear a Seat Belt

Wearing a seat belt in a car is one of the most important car safety tips, especially when you're pregnant. The myth that a seat belt could harm the fetus is pure fiction, but there's a proper way to wear one if you're pregnant, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Pregnant people should wear the shoulder belt away from their neck and across their chest. The lap belt should be secured below the belly so it fits snugly. Pregnant people should also keep as much distance as possible between their belly and the steering wheel, while still ensuring they can reach the wheel and pedals. Additionally, the NHTSA recommends pregnant people don't disable the airbags.

7. Get Out and Stretch Often

Dr. Gaither says pregnant travelers should stop "at least every two hours" and get out of the car, stretch, and walk around. This increases blood flow to the lower body which helps prevent complications like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs. These blood clots usually dissolve on their own. However, in rare cases, they can break off, travel to the lungs, and block blood flow. This potentially life-threatening condition is called a pulmonary embolism.

While the risk for DVT is low, it does increase with pregnancy. The CDC recommends knowing the signs of DVT, which include swelling and/or redness in the leg (or arm), unexplained pain or tenderness, and skin that feels warm when touched. Signs of a pulmonary embolism include difficulty breathing, fast or irregular heartbeat, and chest pain or discomfort.

8. Dress Comfortably

Being comfortable during pregnancy is key, and that's especially true during a road trip. Luckily, a few essentials can make the ride more relaxing—and safer. Non-medical compression socks or support hosiery may be a good idea to help support blood flow.

Other helpful travel accessories include a lumbar pillow, comfortable shoes, and a good water bottle (because hydration is key to a healthy pregnancy ). A cooler, sunglasses, and sunscreen also may be helpful. And, avoid wearing too-tight clothing and shoes.

9. Avoid Remote Locations

Nothing is stopping most pregnant people from traveling, but it's always smart to be mindful of where you're going. If possible, maintain a steady speed (instead of speeding up and slowing down) and avoid winding, hilly, bumpy roads, and frequent lane changes. Also, don't travel to extremely remote areas where medical care may be difficult to find in case of an emergency.

10. Have an Emergency Plan in Place

Pregnant travelers will want to have a plan in case any unexpected health concerns pop up, as they can happen quickly during pregnancy. If you don't have access to an electronic health record, take a copy of your medical record with you. If any problems do arise during a road trip, Dr. Gaither recommends pregnant people contact their health care provider and the nearest hospital for advice, evaluation, and possible treatment.

11. Relax and Have Fun

There are lots of things to take into consideration when planning a road trip while pregnant, but always remember to have fun! Advanced planning and a comfortable wardrobe will help make the trip easier. Plan a trip you're excited about and indulge in a little pre-baby R&R.

Pregnant Travelers . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . 2022.

Blood Clots and Travel: What You Need to Know . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . 2023.

Travel During Pregnancy . American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists . 2023.

How Much Water Should I Drink During Pregnancy? . American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists . 2020.

If You're Pregnant: Seat Belt Recommendations for Drivers and Passengers . National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

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Traveling while pregnant: Your complete guide

Unless you're nearing your due date or have certain complications, your healthcare provider will generally give you the green light for pregnancy travel. Here's how to safely explore – plus what to consider before making plans.

Layan Alrahmani, M.D.

Is traveling while pregnant safe?

When to avoid pregnancy travel, when is the best time to travel while you're pregnant , can pregnant women travel during covid, when should you stop traveling while pregnant, your pregnancy travel checklist, when to call your doctor while traveling.

Yes, it's generally safe to travel during pregnancy as long as you're not too close to your due date and you're not experiencing any serious pregnancy complications. There are special precautions to take, of course, and you may find yourself stopping to use the bathroom more than you're used to, but that babymoon can be within reach.

Before you pack your suitcase, talk with your healthcare provider to make sure it’s safe for you to travel and that your destination is a good choice. You'll want to avoid places where infectious diseases are prevalent (or there are high outbreaks of Zika or malaria, for example). The COVID-19 pandemic has made people reconsider where they feel safe traveling as well; if you're fully vaccinated, the CDC says you can travel Opens a new window , but it's always best to check with your doctor first.

And bear in mind that the activities you take part in might be different than normal – you'll want to skip the Scuba diving lessons, for example (though snorkeling is okay!).

It's safe to fly when you're pregnant as well, and most airlines will allow you to fly domestically until about 36 weeks of pregnancy. International routes may have different rules, so be sure to check with your airline before booking anything. Your doctor will tell you to avoid flying, however, if you have a health concern that might require emergency care or any other health conditions that aren’t well controlled.

It's best to avoid traveling while pregnant if you have any health conditions that can be life-threatening to both you or your baby. If you have any of the following conditions, your doctor will almost certainly advise you against travel:

  • Placental abruption  
  • Preeclampsia
  • You're in preterm or active labor
  • Cervical insufficiency  (incompetent cervix)
  • Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
  • A suspected ectopic pregnancy
  • Vaginal bleeding

You might also need to be extra-cautious or skip travel if you're experiencing intrauterine growth restriction , you have placenta previa , or you have other conditions that may place your pregnancy at a higher risk. It’s always a good idea to discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider before travel regarding any medical conditions you have, and they'll be able to advise you on what's best, depending on the trip.

The sweet spot for pregnancy travel is during your second trimester , between 14 weeks and 27 weeks. By the second trimester, any struggles you’ve had with morning sickness and fatigue during the earlier weeks of pregnancy should have hopefully subsided – and after 12 weeks, your risk of miscarriage decreases significantly as well. And you're not too far along to worry about third trimester exhaustion or going into preterm labor yet, either.

Your energy levels are likely to be good during your second trimester too (bring on the sightseeing!), and it will still be relatively easy and comfortable for you to travel and move around at this time. Keep in mind that once you hit that third trimester, pregnancy travel might be more difficult as you find it harder to move around and stay still for long periods of time.

It's complicated (and often a personal decision based on your own risk factors), but the CDC says that if you're fully vaccinated against COVID-19, you can travel. Of course, it's important you still do everything you can to keep yourself and others around you safe, including following all mask-wearing and social distancing guidelines in the destination you visit.

Women are at an increased risk for severe illness if they contract COVID-19 while pregnant , and they're more likely to experience preterm birth and other poor pregnancy outcomes. (This is why the CDC, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine all recommend that women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are planning on becoming pregnant get the COVID vaccine .)

If you're vaccinated and decide to travel, the CDC advises avoiding international destinations that are designated Level 4, due to high rates of local COVID-19 transmission.

Take all this information into account and talk to your doctor before you decide on where and when to travel while you're pregnant. And if you experience any symptoms of COVID-19, whether while traveling or at home, call your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

The guidelines for when to stop traveling while you're pregnant vary based on your mode of travel, but more or less, you should wrap up travel before you're 36 weeks pregnant.

Most airlines will let pregnant women fly domestically until they're 36 weeks pregnant – and many cut that off earlier for international travel. This rule is often enforced on an honor system policy, but some airlines may ask for a doctor’s note – so make sure you have that from your healthcare provider if you're traveling in the third trimester, just in case.

Most cruise ships don't allow travel after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Some cruise lines' cutoff dates vary, so verify policies before booking a cruise.

As for road trips, there's no official deadline for when you need to stop traveling, but your personal comfort level (physically and emotionally) – and your doctor's advice – might help you decide. You can drive while pregnant all the way up until your due date, but things may get considerably less comfortable on longer trips as you approach full term.  

Travel of any kind requires advance preparation, but when you're pregnant and traveling, that pre-trip checklist gets a little longer. Give yourself a little more time than usual to plan for a trip – and use the tips below to stay safe and comfortable on your next adventure.

Before you travel

  • Talk to your healthcare provider to determine if your trip is safe for you and if there are any medical concerns to consider. It's a good idea to discuss any activities you plan to do while you're away too. If you're planning an international trip, make sure to ask about any vaccines you may need for the areas you're visiting.
  • Make sure you know your prenatal test schedule. Plan travels around any prenatal tests you need to schedule, including ultrasounds and other important screening tests.
  • Book an aisle seat. You'll likely be more comfortable being able to get up to stretch or go to the bathroom on longer flights.
  • Buy travel insurance. You don't need special travel insurance when you're pregnant, but it's never a bad idea to secure a policy. You may want to consider one with a “cancel for any reason” clause that reimburses you for money lost on cancelled trips for reasons (read: any reason) beyond what’s listed on the base policy. Check with your personal health insurance, too, to make sure it covers potential pregnancy complications while traveling internationally (some don’t). Consider adding evacuation insurance as part of a travel insurance plan, too.
  • Gather your medical records and health information . If you’re in your second or third trimester, ask your ob-gyn or midwife for a digital copy of your prenatal chart, and have that easily accessible during your trip. Typically, this chart includes your age, your blood type, the name and contact information for your healthcare provider, the date of your last menstrual period, your due date, information about any prior pregnancies, your risk factors for disease, results of pregnancy-related lab tests (including ultrasounds or other imaging tests), your medical and surgical history, and a record of vital signs taken at each visit.
  • Keep a list of key names and numbers you may need in the event of an emergency saved on your phone and written on a piece of paper (in case your battery dies).
  • Have a contingency plan for doctors and hospitals that will take your insurance where you're going in case you go into labor early or experience pregnancy complications that require urgent care while you're away from home.
  • Pack medicines and prenatal vitamins. That might include an extended supply of prescriptions and over-the-counter remedies , too. Bring enough to cover your entire trip and a written prescription that you can fill if you lose anything. It's a good idea to keep prescription medicine in its original container, so if your bags are searched it will be clear that you're not using medication without a prescription.
  • Prepare for the unexpected. On a road trip, that might mean an unexpected breakdown, so join an auto club that provides roadside assistance. Download any apps you use for renting cars and accessing boarding passes before you leave so you can easily reschedule things in the event of a last-minute cancellation.
  • If you're flying during your third trimester, be sure to call the airline to check about the cutoff week for pregnancy travel. A note from your doctor that says you’re cleared to travel is always good to have when traveling during your third trimester.

During your trip

  • Drink plenty of water and continue to eat healthy foods . Keep in mind that many restaurants abroad commonly serve unpasteurized foods (like soft cheeses and milk), which can be dangerous for pregnant women due to the presence of listeria.
  • Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat or fish , drinks with ice (which may be contaminated), non-bottled water, and other foods that can cause traveler's diarrhea, which can be more of a problem for pregnant women than other people.
  • On long flights and drives, take time to stretch by pulling over for a walk or strolling up and down the airplane aisle. And when seated, always wear your seat belt .
  • Maternity compression socks are handy to have along – both in transit and worn under your clothes while you’re out and about exploring – because they can ease the symptoms of swollen feet and legs. These are a few of our favorite pregnancy compression socks .
  • Take advantage of help. Many countries have dedicated lines in shops and airports for pregnant travelers, so don't feel any shame taking a shorter wait if you see one.
  • Go easy on yourself. Remember, you're growing a baby. You might not have quite the stamina for sightseeing and late nights like you used to pre-pregnancy. Make the most of your vacation but don't fret you miss out on things because you need more downtime from exploring than you usually would.
  • Don’t forget to get photos of your bump. When your baby is older, you'll have fun showing them all the places you traveled with them before they were born.
  • Go for the comfy shoes. Travel during pregnancy is the best reason ever to forgo those strappy stilettos for your favorite sneakers .
  • Pack snacks so you always have something to curb your appetite if there’s a long wait for a restaurant or you get stuck in transit or someplace remote with no food offerings.
  • Try to be in the moment with your travel partners as much as possible. Once your baby is born, your attention will be pulled in a whole new direction.

If you have any medical concerns traveling while pregnant, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call your doctor for advice. The below are a few symptoms that definitely warrant calling your ob-gyn or health care provider or seeking emergency care while traveling or at home:

  • Signs of pre-term labor (including a constant, low dull backache, bleeding, etc.)
  • Ruptured membranes (your water breaks)
  • Severe cramping
  • Spiking blood pressure
  • Severe nausea or vomiting
  • COVID-19 symptoms

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

AAFP. 2020. Ultrasound during pregnancy. American Academy of Family Physicians.  https://familydoctor.org/ultrasound-during-pregnancy/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

ACOG. 2020. FAQ055: Travel during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.  https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/travel-during-pregnancy Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC. 2019. Pregnant Travelers. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2020/family-travel/pregnant-travelers Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC. 2022. Domestic Travel During Covid-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel-during-covid19.html Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC 2023. International Travel During Covid-19. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/international-travel-during-covid19.html Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

CDC. 2022. Covid-19: Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/pregnant-people.html Opens a new window [Accessed April 2023]

Terry Ward

Terry Ward is a freelance travel, health, and parenting writer who has covered everything from flying with toddlers to why you should travel with your kids even when they're too young to remember it. She lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband and their young son and daughter, and enjoys camping, sailing, scuba diving, skiing, and almost anything else done in the great outdoors.

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medical illustration showing 3 different placenta positions in the womb

Open Road Odysseys

37 Best Tips For Long Road Trips While Pregnant

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Are you thinking about taking a long road trip while pregnant?

Maybe you are planning a vacation and you don’t want to miss out because you are going to have a baby. Or maybe you have to travel for work, or for family, or for any other number of reasons, and you aren’t sure what things you should do to make your journey as safe and comfortable as possible.

When I was pregnant with my son, I traveled during all three trimesters, including a 22-hour road trip by myself during the third trimester. It is absolutely doable (assuming your doctor gives you the OK), and while I did have to change a few of the ways I normally travel, I was able to do it with little discomfort or issues.

So from one formally pregnant woman to you, here are all the best tips and tricks for taking long road trips while you’re pregnant.

A pregnant woman putting on her seat belt in the car

Tips For Road Tripping While Pregnant During All Trimesters

1. talk to your healthcare provider beforehand.

I’m putting this out there right away – you shouldn’t make travel plans of any kind without your doctor’s permission. All these tips are for pregnant women who have the go-ahead from their healthcare provider to take a road trip.

If your doctor says it’s OK, then you should be able to make your decision on whether or not you are comfortable traveling. You should never travel against your doctor’s wishes because it could be harmful to you and/or your baby.

2. Stop for breaks every chance you can

I think you probably already know this, but you will be a lot more tired while pregnant. Driving long distances can be really exhausting even without growing a baby, so take lots of breaks and pull over to nap if you must.

In the same vein, make sure you stop often so you can use the restroom and stretch your legs. You will need to use the bathroom a lot more often than you used to (if you’re anything like me, every hour or so!) and your legs may get swollen and stiff quicker than usual.

Even if you are in the first trimester of your pregnancy, you should still stop more often because you should be diligent about keeping yourself hydrated, and if you’re drinking the amount of water you should be, you’ll need to stop every hour or so anyway for a restroom break.

3. Travel slower than you usually do

This also goes along with the above tips. Since you’ll probably be stopping more often, it will take you longer to get to your destination than if you weren’t pregnant. And that’s OK! Travel slower, don’t pack in as many driving hours as you might normally, and just take it easy.

This was a piece of advice I’m glad I followed when I took my 22-hour road trip from Minnesota to Pennsylvania when I was 30 weeks pregnant. Normally, I’ll do the drive in 2 days no problem, but on this trip, I broke it up into 3 days and was glad for it. My body recovered pretty well, and I attribute a lot of that to my slower pace and just taking my time.

4. Be patient with yourself

If you’re anything like me, you might not like being unable to do all the things you would do if you weren’t pregnant. Honestly, I was not one of those women who enjoyed it. I didn’t like being limited and I felt ridiculous waddling around as the due date got closer and closer.

And you know what? It’s OK to not enjoy it! But you do need to be patient with yourself. You’re growing a baby, and maybe it’s not always pleasant, but the limitations and restrictions are all worth it. Travel does not suddenly negate the fact that you need to make some changes.

And if you love pregnancy, I think that’s great! There probably will still be times you get frustrated because you can’t tie your shoe or you can’t change your flat tire. Be willing to accept help and try not to let it bother you too much – it’s only for a short time.

5. Keep stress to a minimum

Easier said than done, right? But stress is not good for you or the baby, so you should do whatever you can on your road trip to keep it to a minimum.

Maybe that means pulling over when it starts to pour. Maybe that means changing your plans so you don’t have to drive in the snow. Maybe that means getting an earlier or later start than normal so you don’t hit rush hour traffic.

Whatever will make your drive less stressful, do your best to make it work.

You should always know where the closest hospitals are when you take a long drive while pregnant

6. Know where the hospitals are

No one wants or expects something to happen while on a trip, but in case it does, you should be prepared. Whether you’re taking a day trip somewhere or a cross-country adventure, you should try to keep tabs on where the closest and best hospitals are around you along your route.

If you start to feel unwell, or if you get in a fender bender, you’ll want to be able to choose the hospital that will give you the best medical care. Sometimes you may not have many choices, especially if you are traveling through a more rural area, but having a general idea will help with the stressful choice later in case something does happen.

7. Wear your seat belt

I feel like this one is obvious, but I still know people who don’t wear seat belts. You are not just protecting yourself, but also your unborn baby, so make this non-negotiable.

Not only should you wear your seatbelt, but you need to make sure it’s positioned correctly. Even if you aren’t showing much yet, you still shouldn’t have the lap belt or shoulder belt across your stomach in case you are in an accident.

The shoulder strap should be worn between your breasts, to the side of your belly, and over the shoulder. The lap belt should be below your belly and across your hips.

8. Avoid bumpy roads

If you live in the United States, you know this is pretty hard to do (am I right?) but if you can help it, you should avoid super bumpy roads and off-roading while pregnant.

While the likelihood is pretty slim, all the jostling could cause problems, and at the very least, it’s going to be a lot more uncomfortable for you the farther along you get.

If you do have to drive on a dirt or unmaintained road, drive slow, drive around the big potholes, and just take your time.

9. Travel with a companion

If you can, try not to travel alone if you are on a road trip while pregnant. This will allow someone else to share in the driving and be able to help you along the way.

This may not always be possible but try to when you can. I drove solo both ways on my road trip to Pennsylvania, and while I was a little nervous about it, I made sure I kept several people in the loop about my progress. You should do the same if you have to take a long trip solo when pregnant.

I was also diligent about following the other tips in this post so I could remain comfortable, safe, and stress-free, and that helped when traveling alone in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Pregnant woman driving

10. Push your seat back as far as you can

You want to keep your stomach as far away from the steering wheel as you can , even in the early weeks of pregnancy, so that if you have to stop suddenly or are in a car accident, your belly is as far away from the air bags as possible.

Obviously, you want to make sure you can reach the pedals safely, but the more distance you can give between you and the wheel, the better.

Also, if you can raise the steering wheel up a little higher so it’s above your stomach more, this can be safer too.

11. Plan as much as possible

I’m a planner by nature, but I understand that not everyone is. Either way, I think that when you are pregnant, you are going to want to have more of a plan when you take a road trip.

One of the main things you are going to want to plan ahead of time is finding a good route. The route you take should have plenty of gas stations, rest stops, food options, decent phone service, and well-maintained roads. This means that highways are going to be better options than secondary roads.

Also, you should try to only drive during the daytime. Driving at night is overall more dangerous, and you won’t have as many facilities open if you need to use the restroom or grab a snack.

12. Get your car serviced

Make sure your car is checked over at least a week or two before your road trip. This is good advice whenever you take a road trip, but when you are pregnant, it’s going to be tougher and more stressful to deal with a dead battery, blown tire, or crappy windshield wipers.

It’s also a good idea to get your oil changed, tires rotated, and air and cabin filters replaced before any long road trip so that your car will run its best and get better gas mileage too.

13. Avoid caffeine

When you’re pregnant, most doctors recommend no more than 200mg of caffeine a day, which is usually about 2 cups of coffee or tea.

When you are on a road trip, you might be tempted to forgo this advice to help keep yourself more alert while driving. However, you should try to avoid caffeine as much as possible when pregnant on a road trip.

To keep yourself more awake and energetic, you should make sure you are eating healthy foods with lots of protein and fiber-filled carbs and drink lots of water. This will work better in the long run than caffeine, anyway.

14. Skip the heated seats

When you’re pregnant, you aren’t supposed to get your body too warm for a long period of time. This includes saunas, hot tubs, and also heated seats.

I know that in the winter, it’s really tempting to use the heated seats, but you should try to keep yourself comfortable with layers and the interior temperature controls instead just to be safe.

15. Get a good night’s sleep

The night before your long road trip, you should make sure you get as much sleep as you can.

I know that can be hard enough when you’re pregnant because you might be getting up to pee a lot and might not be comfortable, but a solid night’s sleep can make a world of difference when it comes to road trips, especially if you have to travel by yourself.

Go to bed early and sleep in as late as you can before hitting the road.

16. Pack light

You shouldn’t be lifting anything heavy when you’re expecting a baby, so do yourself a favor and pack as light as you can.

If you have to bring a lot of things, make sure they are packed in smaller bags or boxes so you can handle them yourself. This is especially helpful if you have to stay in a hotel overnight and won’t have a friend or family member to help you take things in and out of the car and up to your room.

Pregnant woman at airport

Tips For Road Tripping During The 1st Trimester

When I took a road trip during my first trimester, I didn’t even know that I was pregnant until I had gotten home! In fact, it was during the drive that made me wonder if I was because I was SO tired and nauseous beyond what I might normally be.

When I realized it after the fact, there were some things I wish I would have been able to do in order to make myself more comfortable. Here are some ideas if you are taking a road trip during your first trimester.

17. Know the risks

As I mentioned earlier, I am not a medical professional , but all the info I found said that the greatest risk of miscarriage is in the first trimester. There are also certain factors that might make you high risk, so you should talk to your doctor about it before any long trips.

I mention this not to scare you, but to make you aware that even though you may not be showing a baby bump yet in this trimester, you still need to take precautions and understand the risks of being away from your home hospital during this time. Pregnancy complications do happen, so you should take that seriously.

18. Accept you may not feel well

I felt pretty cruddy during the first trimester. I was exhausted, had pretty bad morning sickness, and was a bit moodier than normal.

Realize that these are all normal symptoms and while they may make the road trip a little less pleasant, there are things you can do and bring along to make it a little more bearable.

19. Keep hydrated

Staying hydrated is always important, but when you are pregnant, it’s going to be even more so. Make sure you have plenty of water with you, and if you have an upset stomach, ginger ale is a great choice too. Whatever you can do to get the water in, you should do it.

20. May have to pee more

Even in the first trimester, you may realize you have to go to the bathroom more. This is good to know so that when you are on your road trip, you stop as often as you need to so you aren’t uncomfortable trying to hold it in.

I always like to utilize the highway rest stops as much as possible, even if I don’t feel like I need to go. There’s usually a nice area to walk around, picnic tables, and often vending machines. When I see one, I tend to get off and use the bathroom, because you never know when the next one might be.

When you take a long road trip when pregnant, you should bring snacks

21. Bring snacks

You should always have some healthy snacks with you on a road trip , but if you are nauseous, you may not feel up to eating the things you normally would.

Have some simple snacks , like crackers, readily available if you can’t keep anything else down. You will be tired enough as it is, so stay fueled as best you can with what you can eat.

22. Consider compression socks

Even early on, you may have some swelling of the feet and ankles, so consider bringing compression stockings or socks to prevent this.

These are also a great idea because they can help prevent blood clots and deep vein thrombosis.

23. Take it easy

I mentioned it earlier, but don’t try to plan too much driving in one day . The exhaustion is no joke, and if you are by yourself, you may have to stop a lot to rest.

When my husband and I travel, I normally drive first thing in the morning because I’m most awake then, but when I was pregnant (and didn’t know it), I could hardly keep my eyes open after only an hour. I needed him to take over, and he ended up doing most of the driving that day simply because I was wiped out.

If you have another driver, let them do as much of the driving as they can so you can get some rest.

24. Try B6, ginger chews, etc. for nausea

I found that both B6 vitamins and ginger chews helped a bit with my nausea. If I had known I was pregnant, I would have had plenty of these with me on our long road trip. This is something you can try as well.

The second trimester is a great time to take a long road trip when pregnant

Tips For Road Tripping During The 2nd Trimester

During my second trimester with my son, my husband and I took a babymoon to Cabo when I was about 22-23 weeks along.

Even though it wasn’t a road trip per se, we still had to drive to the airport (which is over 3 hours each way) and we spent a lot of time sitting on the plane and in shuttles.

Here are a few things to know if you road trip during the second trimester.

25. You’ll probably feel your best

I felt really good during my second trimester. My nausea and exhaustion went away, I was able to start working out again (with my doctor’s permission of course) and it was still easy for me to get around. I was also still able to sleep half decent.

Many women feel their best during this trimester, so if you want to take a road trip and your doctor gives you the OK, this is the best time to do it.

You should still make sure you drink a lot of water, eat as healthy as you can, and get lots of rest, but you might start feeling more like yourself again.

26. Use a lumbar pillow

Even though I did feel good, my back started to ache after sitting in the car (and on the plane) for more than an hour. It was probably the worst thing for me on that trip.

After we got back, I went out and got a lumbar pillow and it really made a difference! This is the one I have and I love it so much, It’s still one of the best car accessories I have even though I’m not pregnant anymore!

27. Wear compression socks

If you didn’t get them for the first trimester, I definitely recommend them for the second. I was fortunate that I didn’t have any swelling when I was pregnant, but part of that might be because I wore compression socks when I traveled.

A pregnant woman's belly

Tips For Road Tripping During The 3rd Trimester

You are in the final countdown! Now things are starting to get real, and there are quite a few more things you should be thinking about if you decide to road trip during your third trimester.

This is when I took my long trip to visit family and attend my baby shower, and while it wasn’t ideal, I took every precaution I could and had a comfortable and fairly stress-free journey.

Here are some tips for road-tripping during the third trimester.

28. Consult your doctor

As always, make sure your doctor gives you the OK. Depending on how your pregnancy is, even if it is an easy one, your doctor may not want you to travel during this trimester. You should be prepared for this and not make any solid plans until you know if you can travel.

If you are able to travel, you should make sure you have your doctor’s contact info in case you need to get in touch with them, or if you end up going to another hospital, they can contact your doctor too.

29. Know the closest hospitals on your route

Hopefully, you won’t need one, but in case you do, you should know where the closest hospitals are along your route.

You should have a list with the addresses and phone numbers so if you need to go to a hospital, you can let either the ambulance know (if you called one), or you can quickly drive yourself to the nearest one without having to do the research in the moment.

30. Use a lumbar pillow

A lumbar pillow in your third trimester is going to be a lifesaver. It helped me so much on my long road trip, and I honestly didn’t experience much back pain at all, even on my longer travel days.

31. Wear compression socks

This is another item that if you haven’t gotten it yet, you’ll definitely want to consider the closer you get to your due date.

32. Limit to short trips if at all possible

You should try to limit your road trips to short stints when in your third trimester. You probably won’t want to be too far away from home, or for too long, the closer you get to meeting your little one.

If you do want to take a longer road trip , I’d try to do it at the beginning of the third trimester, when the chances of going into early labor are a lot slimmer (and you also aren’t as uncomfortable).

33. Get out and walk around often

Stretching your legs is going to be even more important as you progress through your pregnancy. You’ll be more likely to get leg cramps, and walking around will help with the swelling and achiness, especially if you are sitting most of the day in a car.

34. You’ll still need to pee a lot

The need to pee doesn’t get any better as you get further along in your pregnancy. If anything, it gets worse as the baby grows and presses more on your bladder.

Pair your walking around stops with your bathroom breaks, about every hour or so, and you’ll be good to go.

35. Take naps when you can

If you are fortunate enough to be traveling with another person, you should try to nap when you are the passenger. You’ll start getting tired more often again at the end of your pregnancy, so take every opportunity you have to rest and get some shuteye. 

36. Have the infant car seat already installed

In the crazy happenstance that you end up giving birth while on your road trip (you just never know!) you’ll want to make sure you have the infant car seat already installed. The hospital will not let you leave without one, and as expensive as they are, you really don’t want to have to go out and buy another one because you forgot yours at home.

37. Have your hospital bag in your vehicle

For the same reason, have your hospital bag packed and in your car just in case. While you more than likely will have clothes and toiletries with you if you are staying overnight on your road trip, you may not have some of the other items you may want, like slippers, a bathrobe, your camera, baby clothes, etc.

A lumbar pillow is a great item to pack and use when on a long road trip when pregnant

Road Tripping While Pregnant: What To Bring

While I already mentioned a few things I recommend bringing while road-tripping when you are pregnant, here is a collective list of what I suggest.

Lots of snacks

You never know when you’ll get the munchies, and you want to keep your energy up and the hanger away.

Lots of water

Staying hydrated is important, so carry plenty of water with you. I like to have my insulated water bottle and then top it off with a gallon jug of drinking water. It’s a lot cheaper to do it this way too than to buy a bunch of individual water bottles.

This might seem like an odd one, but if you are really nauseous or susceptible to motion sickness, you’ll be much happier puking in a bucket than all over the car floor, or having to pull over every few minutes to puke outside. It’s a good idea to have one just in case.

Portable toilet/Travel John

When you have to pee as often as you do when you’re pregnant, you might have to suddenly go and realize there’s nowhere close by that has a bathroom .

I actually started traveling with the Travel John and it’s really nice for peace of mind, especially for me in the wintertime when a lot of roadside stops are closed and there are no restaurants for miles. If you have to go, you can use one of these in the car with no mess.

If you’d prefer a portable toilet, this is a great one .

Lumbar pillow

I’ve mentioned it several times before, but it really is helpful. This is the one I have and I love it.

Comfortable clothes (including shoes)

Being pregnant can be uncomfortable enough, so wear clothes that are comfy and loose. This includes shoes. I like to drive in sneakers because they are breathable and flexible, especially when I get out to walk around. Also, if your feet have swollen, you’ll need to make sure you have something that fits properly.

Compression socks

These really aren’t expensive and they can make a big difference in your comfort level while driving, and also just in general when you’re pregnant.

Prenatal/other medications

You’ll more than likely be taking a prenatal and possibly other medications when you are pregnant. Don’t forget to pack them along!

Your medical records/OBGYN phone number

These are good to have in case you have to call your doctor with a question, or if you have to be seen at another doctor’s office or hospital.

First aid kit

It’s always a good idea to travel with a first-aid kit regardless, but you should make sure it’s stocked with items you’re allowed to take.

Blood pressure cuff

I was at risk for high blood pressure when I was pregnant, so I took mine every day, but even if your blood pressure has been good, it’s not a bad idea to have it with you just in case.

If you are really uncomfortable once your belly starts to grow, a belly band might be worth looking into. This could make your drive a lot more comfortable.

Box to elevate feet

When you’re the passenger, a box to keep your feet elevated might be handy if you are suffering from swollen feet and ankles.

Pregnancy pillow

This isn’t necessarily for when you are driving, but for when you sleep at night. I loved mine ( I had this one ) and found it much easier to sleep on my side when my stomach was supported.

Travel Insurance

If you are doing any international travel or want extra protection, travel insurance is a great thing to have, even when you aren’t expecting a baby. It doesn’t cost much but is worth the peace of mind.

I use and recommend Safety Wing , but there are others out there too.

Pregnant woman relaxing

FAQs About Road Tripping While Pregnant

Is it safe to travel during pregnancy by car.

As long as your doctor has given you the OK, it generally is fine to travel by car when pregnant. However, every woman’s pregnancy is different, so how far you should travel and where you should go might vary. Always talk to your doctor before planning any travel.

How late in pregnancy can you travel by car?

Depending on what your doctor says, you should be able to travel by car up until the baby is born. However, depending on how far along you are, your doctor may not want you to travel very far or for very long.

Every pregnancy is different, so you should always talk to your doctor before taking any trip.

When is the best time for traveling while pregnant?

The second trimester is usually the best time to travel when pregnant. Most women no longer feel nauseous, their energy level is better, and they are usually still comfortable enough to travel.

However, as always, talk to your doctor about your specific pregnancy before travel.

How long should a pregnant woman ride in a car?

If you are pregnant, you should only ride in the car for an hour or two before stopping to take a break. This is good practice because you will need to stretch your legs often and use the bathroom every hour or so anyway.

Conclusion: Road Tripping While Pregnant

Road tripping when you are pregnant doesn’t have to be stressful or uncomfortable. There are plenty of things you can do to make a car trip manageable during this amazing time in your life.

I hope these tips helped you see that taking a long car ride while pregnant is doable!

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Stefanie Henne is an experienced road trip travel blogger who specializes in helping others plan their dream vacation, no matter their budget or time restraints. Go here to read more about Stef's story. If you want to send Stef a message, visit her contact page here.

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Travel Infused Life

Things to Know Before Taking a Road Trip While Pregnant

Hands around belly making a heart shape.

How to plan a safe road trip during pregnancy? This post provides tips and personal experience from our long journey across Europe when I was 5 months pregnant.

Floating in the sea while pregnant.

We covered 9 thousand kilometers (5,500 miles), often spending 8-10 hours a day in our car.

In June 2022, my husband and I left our apartment for a month-long car journey across Europe. This trip was long overdue, and it was our last shot at “getting it done” before our baby was due.

This post is written based on my own experience traveling in the second trimester. It is not advice. I only share my tips and experience because when I researched this topic, I could barely find any information/advice from real people. Has someone done it to our extent? Has anybody been on a long road trip while pregnant? And by long I meant weeks rather than days. It seemed like not.

Car dashboard showing 9000 km while pregnant.

That made me a bit apprehensive and to be honest, I was also scared and not sure what to do. My family thought it was not a good idea at all.

Our aim was to cover a 40-hour car journey from Calpe, Spain to Tartu, Estonia as smoothly as possible. But being first time pregnant I had no idea how my body would cope with the trip.

So, after a long decision-making process, I planned the journey with as many stops as possible. We included not only overnight stays to our Europe itinerary but also days off when we would do sightseeing (There are plenty of places around the main European motorways worth visiting like Sirmione , a little gem on Lake Garda in Italy).

We also did a small detour to see my family where we stayed for 4 days and were able to rest properly before completing our last leg of the journey to Estonia.

University town Tartu.

Always check with a health professional to see if you can travel when pregnant. Every pregnancy is different. What works for me, might not work for you.

At the end of the day, if you already don’t feel good when at home, then don’t plan a road trip or any unnecessary travel. Chances are you won’t feel any better on the road either.

Pregnant woman and her husband with hands around belly making a heart shape.

My pregnancy – overview

1st trimester – I could not complain. No morning sickness, no swollen feet, no weird cravings, no discomfort, just being more tired than usual. And as a bonus, my motion sickness disappeared for the entire duration of my pregnancy.

2nd trimester – Similar to the first one, no major issues at all. My bowel movements had changed from being regular to being not-so-regular at all and going to the bathroom was no “fun” but that was about it.

3rd trimester – After week 30, things changed rapidly. I cannot imagine I would attempt any travel at 30 weeks pregnant, let alone at a later stage. I’d say it was because of a couple of emergency room visits, 2 weeks down with the “world famous” virus, bathroom visits every hour (literally) at night, strange pains, and other “fun” stuff. So, can I imagine traveling in the 3rd trimester? Absolutely not!

Straight road in France.

Frequently Asked Questions:

The second trimester is the best time to do it.

You can, but as I have mentioned, it can be a challenge for many. For that reason, always consult with your healthcare provider first and plan accordingly. Never underestimate your situation. It is not worth it! If you can choose, go by car rather than a plane. And, let someone else drive! Also, think about a scenario when you need to go and see someone to get yourself and your baby checked – Is there a hospital or clinic that you can visit? How far is it? Do I trust them?

Most airlines, let you fly for up to 36 weeks if you have no complications and feel good. I’d say with the car it would be similar. In my eyes, a car trip is easier and more comfortable, but I would not want to ride let alone drive past week 30 in any circumstances. It is still way too close to your birth date. It is just my own opinion.

Rest stop sign near the road.

Here are 14 things to help you stay safe and comfortable on a road trip while pregnant:

Call your doctor – The first thing before you plan your road trip when pregnant is to talk to your doctor or midwife (whoever it is you go to see for check-ups). Ask them what they think about your plans. When they give you the “OK”, only then start organizing your road trip.

Also, remember to ask if any important check-ups/tests are due during the time you want to travel. You don’t want to miss those.

I was what they call in Spain a medium to high-risk pregnancy. My midwife said it was OK for me to travel but it was important to take regular breaks and get a proper night’s rest.

Choose comfortable clothes – I had a backpack full of clothes, but I ended up wearing 2 outfits for the car rides. Simply because I felt the most comfortable in them.

Simple runners and flip-flops were my choice of shoes for the whole trip. Flip-flops were tucked under my seat in case my feet were hot. Runners were just the easiest option for me.

Avoid bumpy roads – Let me tell you that there is nothing worse than being pregnant and having to drive on bumpy roads. I tell you from my own experience – avoid these roads at all costs! We were stuck in traffic on a highway/motorway in France for quite a while.

During this time, our car GPS kept suggesting an alternative route – a faster option to get to our destination. So, we decided to take it. It was the worst decision of our trip. We drove on bad country roads.

They were not only bumpy but also narrow. We both agreed not to leave the highway even if it meant being stuck in the traffic. Unless it was an emergency.

Have important telephone numbers on hand – Your doctor’s and anyone you would need to call in case of emergency (in case there was one).

Santorini blue dome church.

Pack a lot of snacks – I like driving light and since our backpacking trip to Santorini in Greece, I no longer take unnecessary clothing items with me. However, I still tend to over-pack the snacks.

Technically, gas stations are all over the highways and you can buy snacks and even meals there. However, unless you know all the gas stations on your way, you might want to pack some extra energy bars, muffins, or anything you like with you.

There is no guarantee that you will get the snack you are after when you make a stop somewhere to stretch your legs. Especially, when pregnant – and your taste buds might be all over the place.

Also, always have some emergency snacks in the car. Something that does not go bad in the heat – like dried fruits and nuts. I could not (and still can’t) live without peanut butter banana brownies . They are so easy to make and packed with energy. But, best chilled so the cooler is a must!

Pregnang women silhouette on the beach.

Have regular breaks – Plan to take a break every 2 hours. This is important as you need your blood to get going to avoid swollen feet and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

Stay hydrated – Drink as much as you can. Better stop often for pee breaks than be dehydrated! Plus, drinking plenty of water will reduce the chance of having swollen feet as well as blood clogging.

Bring enough medication/supplements to last the entire trip – nothing worse than running out and having to spend your time looking for a pharmacy that has the medication you need.

Plan ahead – as well as the emergency number, make sure to check any hospitals in the area. This was the first thing my midwife told me to do. It did not really make sense to me as we moved constantly, but if you stay in one location, I recommend you do so.

Pack EHIC & medical documents – Travelers that live in one of the European Union countries have the right to free emergency treatment in the EU with a European health insurance card.

If you are not entitled to it or live in a country where it does not apply, make appropriate arrangements – perhaps you will need to take travel insurance that includes emergency health cover (depending on where you plan to travel). Also, take your pregnancy booklet (if you have one) or any important medical reports with you.

Do stretches and exercises – In the car, with your feet, and legs (circling, lifting them, flexing – any movement is better than no movement at all), when having a break. Walk as much as you can! Even a 10-minute walk is better than nothing! I would eat my sandwich while walking around a gas station whenever I could.

Get comfortable – Bring a small pillow and a light blanket. You might not need them, but if you do, they will be there for you.

Wear your seatbelt at all times – Not even once on our 9,000-kilometer (5,500 miles) journey did I find that my seatbelt was bothering me. It is an important car feature that saves lives so wear it and wear it right.

Rest well – Get a good night sleep. Meaning, avoid overnight car rides. Always book accommodation ahead to be sure you have a place to stay.

Me and my pregnant wife.

Things you might find useful on your road trip:

  • Travel stockings.
  • Mini cooler – To keep your snacks and water chilled.
  • Sickness bags – just in case.
  • A small face towel – in case you don’t feel well, have a headache or anytime you might feel it would help you recover from a sudden discomfort. You can easily wet it at any toilet or with bottled water to provide a fast relief. Pack also a couple of resealable plastic bags to store the wet towel in.

I hope you found this post useful and informative and helped you make the right decision. The long car rides were sometimes exhausting but my body was coping well and that was the most important thing.

Wish your long road trip goes as smoothly as ours did.

Safe travels!

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Marcie in Mommyland

Bumping Along: Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Road Trip While Pregnant

Posted on Last updated: November 1, 2023

Home » Maternity » Bumping Along: Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Road Trip While Pregnant

Bumping Along: Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Road Trip While Pregnant

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Are you planning a scenic road trip or a long drive home for the holidays this year? Get my top tips for going on a road trip while pregnant and staying safe and comfortable! Scroll down for all the info!

These tips for going on a road trip while pregnant were written by family travel expert marcie cheung and contain affiliate links which means if you purchase something from one of my affiliate links, i may earn a small commission that goes back into maintaining this blog..

My husband and I did quite a few local PNW road trips when I was pregnant with both of my boys. There is just something about taking a road trip that is absolutely magical.

The memories made while conversing over miles and miles of pavement, the fresh new scenery out the windows as you are rolling right along. It’s just so wonderful!

And it’s a great way to travel while staying safe in the comfort of your own vehicle. You can make as many stops as you like and drive for as long (or as little) as you like. And when you are pregnant, that can make all the difference.

If you happen to find yourself in need of taking a road trip while pregnant, there are a number of things that you can do to make your road trip a little more pleasant, and comfortable.

Take a look at some of the best tips for your upcoming  road trip .

Best Tips for a Road Trip While Pregnant featured by top US travel blogger, Marcie in Mommyland

Best Tips for Going on a Road Trip While Being Pregnant

Consult your doctor before leaving.

First and foremost, you want to let your doctor in on your plans to embark on this fun and exciting adventure before the baby comes. This is a great idea for a number of reasons.

First of all, it’s going to be quite comforting to know that you and your baby are both healthy before you head out.

Making sure that your blood pressure and protein numbers are at a safe level will add a little extra piece of mind.

And who wouldn’t want to hear that precious heartbeat one more time before taking off?!

Pregnancy woman driving car. Young smiling pregnant woman driving car. Safety pregnancy young mother drive concept

Second of all, your doctor can advise you of places, activities, and other things to watch out for, or avoid.

Lastly, it’s the perfect time to ask any questions you may have about what is or isn’t safe while you are away.

Is it okay to ride a bike around the island? Is it smart to lounge around in the pool all day? Is there a certain product that is safe for pregnant women to keep mosquitoes away?

When is the Best Time for Traveling While Pregnant?

Pregnancy can have a significant impact on the body, from mental and physical exhaustion to aches and pains caused by stretching. The body is constantly undergoing changes to make room for the growing baby.

That’s why it’s a good idea to try to plan your road trip during the right time of your pregnancy, when possible.

While a select few women may experience only a few to zero pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and dehydration, most women will find that their second trimester is likely the best time for traveling.

Best Tips for a Road Trip While Pregnant featured by top US travel blogger, Marcie in Mommyland

By the second trimester morning sickness should be tapering off, for the most part.

The constant urge to want (no, actually, make that  need ) to nap, is finally dwindling, as newfound energy seems to make its happily welcomed appearance. 

Your belly may finally start to be expanding. However, during the second trimester, it isn’t usually so big that it makes you uncomfortable.

Also, your baby is still tiny at this point, so you will only feel the urge to pee every 35 minutes, instead of every 5 minutes.

Plan Your Road Trip Route Carefully

Pregnant women should carefully plan their road trip routes to ensure they are comfortable during the journey and minimize any risks to their health and the health of their baby.

Long periods of sitting can cause discomfort and swelling in pregnant women’s legs and feet, and some roads may have rough terrain, bumpy roads, or require frequent stops.

Additionally, it is important to consider the availability of rest stops and healthcare facilities in case of an emergency.

Pack All Your Pregnancy Essentials

I’m not talking about a phone charger, a tablet, and a good book. I’m talking about your new, favorite products that make life (and pregnancy) bearable.

Belly Band? Must Have!

It’s bad enough you’re going to be stuck sitting in the car for who knows how long.

At least make sure that you pack your  belly bands , to keep your tummy from suffocating in those pants that feel tighter while you’re sitting. Check the latest rates and availability .

Preggie Pops/Sea Bands/Ginger

Morning sickness can make random appearances throughout your pregnancy.

Image of a pregnant woman in a yellow dress feeling nauseated in a car

Don’t get caught without your favorite method of easing the queasy! I’m a huge fan of  Preggie Pops and ginger chews . I also know friends who swear by  Sea Bands .

Pregnancy Pillow

If you haven’t gotten to the point yet where your hips and lower back ache at all times of the day, just know that it’s coming!

You are already going to be sore from sitting in the car, so be sure to pack your favorite  pregnancy pillow  (or an extra pillow between your knees, while you sleep) so that you can wake up and get out of bed easily. Check the latest rates and availability .

Make Frequent Stops When on a Road Trip While Pregnant

Yes, yes, the more stops you make, the longer it takes to make it to your destination.

But trust me, here. You are going to appreciate penciling in those extra potty breaks.

Best Tips for a Road Trip While Pregnant featured by top US travel blogger, Marcie in Mommyland | When you go on a road trip while pregnant, be sure to take frequent stops

Not only is it not a good idea to hold it in when you have to go, but your body will thank you for getting up and stretching out those limbs.

Plus, pregnant women are more prone to getting blood clots, so it’s actually better for your health to make sure that you get out of a sitting position, every couple of hours.

Pack Healthy Snacks and a Water Bottle

Sorry to point out the obvious here, but it is extra important to keep yourself hydrated while pregnant!

I personally have a hard time remembering to drink enough water, so I use this  water bottle  with time marks to make sure I continue drinking water all day long. Check the latest rates and availability .

And of course, your sweet, little bun is going to be taking from a good chunk of whatever you munch on, so make sure to bring enough healthy snacks to keep you both satisfied until your next meal stop.

It’s a good idea to avoid sweet and salty snacks that are going to leave you thirsty, and still feeling hungry.

Also, while on the topic of food, make sure not to skip meals!

Either pack a healthy meal in your cooler or make sure you stop for a good bite to eat.

Just because you are on a road trip doesn’t mean that you can skimp on your meals. You will still want to eat an adequate amount, to keep you energized.

What to Wear on a Road Trip While Pregnant

You’re going to be sitting in a car for miles and miles! There is no need to dress in your cutest outfit.

Wear what you are comfortable in, and if you really want to, change when you get to your destination!

Best Tips for a Road Trip While Pregnant featured by top US travel blogger, Marcie in Mommyland

Keep in mind that your body temperature may also be higher or lower while pregnant.

So if you find that you are running warmer than before you were pregnant, make sure to pack yourself some shorts to keep cool, even if you are traveling to a cooler destination.

And vice versa. If you find that you just can’t keep warm, make sure to pack an extra hoodie or blanket, to keep yourself comfortable.

Road Trips for Pregnant Travelers FAQ

Is it ok to take a road trip while pregnant.

It is generally safe to take a road trip while pregnant, but it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before embarking on any long travel.

Depending on the stage of your pregnancy and any potential complications, your doctor may advise you to avoid long car rides or recommend specific precautions to take during the trip.

How far into pregnancy can you take a road trip?

It is generally safe for pregnant women to take a road trip during their second trimester, which is from week 14 to week 28.

However, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before embarking on any trip, especially if there are any preexisting medical conditions or concerns.

In the third trimester, it may be more uncomfortable to travel due to the physical changes of pregnancy and pregnancy complications.

How long should a pregnant woman ride in a car?

There is no specific amount of time that a pregnant woman should ride in a car, but it is generally recommended that she take frequent breaks to stretch her legs and use the restroom.

It is also important to wear a seat belt properly, with the lap belt below the belly and across the hips, and the shoulder belt across the chest. Pregnant women should also speak to their healthcare provider about any concerns related to travel during pregnancy.

When should a pregnant woman stop driving long distances?

The decision of when a pregnant woman should stop driving long distances is ultimately up to her and her healthcare provider.

However, some healthcare providers suggest that women should stop driving long distances after 36 weeks of pregnancy or earlier if they are at high risk of preterm labor or have other medical conditions that may make driving uncomfortable or dangerous.

What should I do if I experience any pregnancy-related symptoms while on a road trip?

If you experience any pregnancy-related symptoms while on a road trip, it’s important to listen to your body and take the necessary steps to ensure your health and safety, as well as that of your baby.

If you experience any concerning symptoms like vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, or decreased fetal movement, seek medical attention immediately.

It’s always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your health and the health of your unborn child.

Road Trip Tips for Pregnant Women Wrap Up

Road trips can be a lot of fun, as long as you are prepared! The best part is you can drive as much or as little as you like, depending on how you feel. And there’s always a rest stop available!

Remember to wear light clothing, give yourself extra leg room, and drink plenty of water. And take frequent breaks where you can walk around and get your blood flowing.

I hope this post helped you with your travel plans and gave you tips for minimizing potential risks during car travel.

Looking for more Pregnancy Travel Resources? Check out my posts about  Hacks and Tips for Traveling While Pregnant , my  9 Essential Pregnancy Travel Tips , and  21 Pregnancy Travel Items to Pack !

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road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

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COVID; Your Pregnancy Matters

Is it safe for pregnant moms to take a road trip during COVID-19?

July 7, 2020

'I can't wait to get out of town for a few days this summer." Several pregnant patients have echoed this sentiment, lamenting canceled flights and vacations due to the pandemic.

But instead of staying home, many are opting for a classic American road trip.

A June 2020 survey suggests U.S. travelers are nearly twice as likely to take a road trip this summer than fly. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still recommends staying home, driving is the safer travel option when wanderlust calls.

Any road trip requires preparation, especially during pregnancy. This year, take extra precautions to protect your health, your baby bump, and your family while hitting the open road.

1. Find the second trimester sweet spot

The second trimester is an ideal travel time for many pregnant patients. Morning sickness has most likely passed and third trimester discomforts , such as frequent urination and heartburn , haven't set in yet.

Avoid traveling during the last trimester if you have a history of preterm labor or have experienced contractions or bleeding during pregnancy. It's safer to be near your regular provider if you go into labor early or have a complication.

Related reading: 7 tips for planning a relaxing, healthy babymoon

2. Check the COVID-19 map

The CDC updates a U.S. COVID-19 map that indicates "hot spots," or areas with high rates of infection. Check whether COVID-19 is spreading rapidly where you plan to go, as well as the rate of infection in your own community to avoid spreading the virus at your destination.

Also, the CDC recommends checking with state or local health departments for travel restrictions and reopening information. Look for details along your route and at your destination.

COVID-19 symptoms can show up as late as two weeks after exposure. If you travel to a high-risk area, or if you might have been exposed during your travels, plan to self-quarantine for 14 days when you get home.

3. Pack for the pandemic

Because of COVID-19, you'll want to pack antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer to use whenever you stop. Anytime you travel during pregnancy, bring your insurance card and a copy of your prenatal records with your provider's contact information in case the unexpected happens. You'll also want to pack these safety items if you plan to enjoy the great outdoors:

  • Sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30% and UVA and UVB protection.
  • Insect repellant. DEET is one of the most effective mosquito repellants. Using it as directed on your skin will not harm you or your baby during pregnancy.
  • Prescriptions and over-the-counter medications for allergies, pain relief, or chronic conditions.

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4. Protect your legs (and baby bump)

You might be tempted to drive straight through to your destination. However, pregnant women are at increased risk for blood clots – sitting for long periods of time increases that risk.

Make each day’s drive as short as you can and stop every few hours to stretch your legs. Stretching will help reduce swelling and minimize the risk of clots forming. Wearing support stockings also can help improve blood flow through your legs.

Seat belts are a must . They do NOT pose a risk for pregnant women. Secure your seat belt with the lap belt below your belly and position the shoulder strap between your breasts and off to the side of your belly.

5. Safety first during food, gas, and bathroom breaks

Whenever you stop, wear a mask to protect yourself and others – even if people around you don't comply – and avoid touching your face. Steer clear of high-touch areas as much as possible, such as door handles and railings. Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer regularly.

Fast-food lines were long on my last trip, and you may find that restaurants are limiting food options in order to reduce employees’ handling of items. Eating inside increases your exposure to others, and your risk – choose takeout or dine on the outdoor patio if possible.

Better yet, bring a cooler stocked with drinks, snacks, and ready-to-eat meals. Avoid deli meat and unpasteurized dairy products , which are unsafe during pregnancy.

Look ahead for rest stops, which frequently have outdoor picnic tables where you can eat, use the restroom and walk in the fresh air. If possible at gas stations, pay at the pump to avoid going inside.

6. Stay safe at hotels

See if the hotel offers mobile check-in so you can skip the lobby. Consider taking the stairs if there are other people in the elevator or wait so you can ride alone.

While most major hotel chains have expanded their cleaning policies in response to the pandemic, it doesn’t hurt to disinfect the room once you arrive. High-touch areas to wipe down include phones, TV remotes, doorknobs, faucets, toilet handle, and flat surfaces. Also, skip the buffet-style breakfast, gym, and spa to avoid unnecessary exposure.

COVID-19 and me: A global pandemic gets personal

7. Seek medical care if you need it

If you feel ill or have any of the following symptoms during your trip, seek care right away:

  • Abdominal pain or cramps
  • Leg swelling or pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Contractions
  • Severe headaches
  • Vision problems
  • Your water breaks

Also, try to avoid preventable injuries by listening to your body. You might not be able to hike as far as you could before pregnancy, especially if you've traveled to a hotter or more elevated climate.

Many outdoor activities are safe for pregnant women, but it’s best to opt out of excursions with a high falling risk , such as skiing or horseback riding. If you’re vacationing near the water, snorkeling is safer than scuba diving, which can create unhealthy pressure on your body.

We all could use a change of scenery these days. But it’s important to be cautious, especially during pregnancy. If you’re uncertain about your vacation plans, talk to your Ob/Gyn to determine if traveling is safe for you and your baby.

To visit with an Ob/Gyn or midwife, call 214-645-8300 or request an appointment online .

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road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

8 Ways to Survive a Road Trip While Pregnant

8 Ways to Survive a Road Trip While Pregnant

Ah, you’re on the road again. You started planning your awesome summer vacay before that little plus sign popped up on your pregnancy test and weren’t anticipating you’d be stuck in a car for 10 hours with all the weirdo aches and pains of growing a human. But you are, so you might as well make the most of it! Whether you’re driving across the country or just a few towns over, check out these need-to-know tips for saving your sanity and keeping comfy during a road trip .

1. Plan ahead for rest stops. You’re probably going to have to pee every 25 minutes or so. That baby is pressing on your bladder, and you don’t want to get stuck squatting under a tree somewhere off the highway. Along with needing some not-so-fancy rest-stop restrooms, you also need a place to stretch your legs and maybe (probably) get something to eat. There are plenty of apps, such as Rest Stop Plus ($2 on iOS), that can help you locate stops along the way.

2. Bring a stash of simple snacks. Your belly already feels rocky. Add the motion of the car and you’ve got the perfect storm for a morning sickness/car sickness disaster. Unsalted pretzels, crackers, gelatin cups, and fruit can all help avoid nausea while on the road. If you have a favorite food that does the trick, make sure to pack plenty of it.

3. Make meal stops count. When you do stop for a full-on meal, avoid anything spicy or highly fatty. These will only add to your morning-car sickness. True, rest stops are kind of famous for super-fatty fast foods, but if possible, stay away from the triple bacon cheeseburger and opt for a grilled chicken sandwich , baked potato, or salad instead.

4. Keep yourself hydrated. Okay, so chugging bottles of water means extra rest-stop breaks, but you need to put your pregnancy above the need for a swift, bathroom break-free trip. Pregnant women need to drink more water than their non-preggo counterparts, and staying hydrated can help soothe morning sickness.

5. Wear your seat belt. It may not always be comfortable to fit your seat belt over your pregnant belly, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that buckling up is the most important way to protect you and your baby in case of an accident.

6. Bring slippers or comfy socks. …or go barefoot (as long as you aren’t driving). It doesn’t matter how cute your shoes are; a sky-high pair of strappy sandals won’t exactly make your road trip better.

7. Bring baggies. You planned, you prepped, and you made sure to bring the snacks that should keep morning/motion sickness away. And then it happened — you just couldn’t control it. And that’s when you’ll be thanking your lucky stars you brought a baggie.

8. Don’t dress to impress. You’re driving down highways and back roads — there’s no reason to put a cute (read: uncomfortable) little maternity outfit on. Nix the tight, confining clothes and go with sweats. You won’t look glam, but you’ll feel much better than you would wearing skinny jeans.

Where is your summer road trip taking you? Share your vacation pick and tweet us @BritandCo !

(Photo via Getty)

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Surviving Long Road Trips While Pregnant

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Published July 31, 2022 | Updated July 31, 2022 | By Katelyn Fagan | 12 Comments

Looking to take a road trip while pregnant ? Here’s everything you need to know about taking a long road trip while pregnant as safely and as comfortably as possible.

Traveling at 36 weeks pregnant by car doesn’t have to be stressful! You’ll love these road tips while pregnant second semester tips! If you’re going long distances, you’ll want to read these travel tips!

Traveling at 37 weeks pregnant by car may feel like a long trip, but I assure you that there are ways to make the long time pass! (check with your healthcare provider on what is best for you as some don’t recommend traveling far distances past 34-36 weeks of age, or earlier)

Even though you might be uncomfortable during the last trimester, pregnant travelers can find a way to be comfy. Here are some car travel tips that can help you enjoy being on the open road.

pregnant toad trip tips

This summer is going to be weird.

Summer is usually the time for epic family road trips.

In fact, the last two years, we’ve taken long family road trips in May and this is the first spring we haven’t, as our planned trip to Baltimore for a blogging conference (which I was to speak at) was canceled due to COVID-19.

But, as states open back up, and businesses open up, and virtual school and homeschooling end for the year, slowly, there is still some hope that there will be something fun for families to do and see and partake in.

road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

Or at least that’s my hope!

But, I am pregnant with twins , due at the end of the summer.

Any summer travel plans are even more complicated with the virus still affecting many areas heavily (like where we live in New York), and wanting to protect myself and my unborn babies.

But, I’ve taken long road trips while pregnant before.

They aren’t always super fun, but I’ve found doing certain things can really help ease the discomfort of sitting for hours, as well as keep you and your babies safe.

traveling when pregnant

Should Pregnant Women Take Road Trips?

When it comes to pregnancy, there are a lot of recommended health guidelines in order to help mom and baby be healthy and safe, especially should an emergency arrive. Traveling at 35 weeks by car is something that you’ll want to discuss with your doctor.

It’s why there is a general “36 Weeks Rule” where doctors do not advise traveling far from home from 36 weeks on. Some advise no travel from 34 weeks on.

This includes flying while pregnant, but also includes long car rides and long road trips while pregnant.

You don’t want to be 31,000 feet in the air and suddenly go into labor, nor do you want to be in the middle of nowhere’s land on a two-lane highway with no shoulder if you suddenly feel something is off with your pregnancy.

You want to be close to home, close to your doctors, and close to your hospital.

This even more true if you have any pregnancy complications like high blood pressure, severe anemia, hypertension, gestational diabetes, multiples, or have a history of pre-term labor.

The reality is, sitting for long periods of time is not good for pregnant women’s health. Prolonged sitting in a car can cause blood clots, extreme swelling, dizziness, cramps, dehydration, more aches and pains, and so on.

Perhaps the best time to travel and take long road trips while pregnant is the second trimester, or from about 13-28 weeks gestation.

Ultimately, ask your doctor what he or she thinks about any last-minute (or planned) travel plans you may have, especially as you enter into that third trimester.

Bumpy Road While Pregnant

Many concerns about road trips while pregnant stem from the idea that a bumpy car ride can cause labor to start or trigger a miscarriage.

But, this is generally held to be a myth, though it may make mom uncomfortable as she jostles around in her seat.

Baby, however, is protected by her ample amniotic fluid, your pelvis, and your stomach muscles.

I would still suggest avoiding backroads, off-roading, and potholes as much as possible all the same.

If you come across a pot-hole ridden road, go as slow and gently as possible, and if a passenger, hold onto the door and your bump to ease any pains that may come from sudden jostling.

should pregnant women take road trips - car safety and pregnancy safety tips

Vehicle Safety

Before you hit the road it is really important to make sure your vehicle is as safe as possible. It’s why I wrote up a whole post (with free printable) on a road trip car checklist .

In addition to the items on that checklist (which includes getting your car serviced), you need to also check to see if there is a vehicle safety recall on your vehicle.

Because, one of the worst things that can happen while taking a road trip while pregnant is getting into an accident or having your car break down somewhere! You can limit the chances of those happening by making sure your car is as safe as can be.

NHTSA also has a great Summer Driving Tips road trip checklist I highly recommend going over as well to make sure you are good to go as safely as possible down the road.

You can easily check for vehicle safety recalls by using NHTSA’s VIN look-up tool. If a vehicle safety recall shows up, the good news is that those repairs can easily be scheduled with your local car manufacturer’s dealership, and taken care of for free!

You’ll also want to make sure to pack a summer emergency roadside kit too.

And of course, always wear your seat belt across your chest and lap correctly, yes, even with your big pregnant belly! You cacn check out this seat belt pregnancy safety guide from NHTSA here.

But, should you get into a car accident, seek medical help immediately to check on your unborn baby!

pregnant woman going on a road trip

Tips for More Comfortable Road Trips While Pregnant

Sitting for hours, while pregnant, is really hard on your body. I asked around in a few mom groups I belong to for their best tips and advice , and here is what I got for taking road trips during pregnancy comfortably: (These are good to do when you’re traveling at 34 weeks pregnant by car as well!)

  • Take lots of stops and walk around for 5-10 minutes when you do. With long-distance travel, it’s a great idea to take breaks.
  • Stretch your legs and back when you take pit stops. The best way to stay comfortable is to take frequent breaks.
  • Drink lots of water (even if it makes you pee more often: that’ll just mean more time to stretch your legs). Get a good insulated water bottle like this one . Make sure that you have bottled water and healthy snacks for the trip.
  • Avoid drinking caffeine and soda.
  • Bring and eat healthy road trip foods and snacks, avoiding ones that are too salty or sweet or heart-burn inducing (but still be sure to pack these chewable ant acids ).
  • Wear loose, comfortable maternity clothing , and maybe skip the bra too. 😁 You’ll also want comfortable shoes and maybe even support stockings if you need them!
  • Opt for flip flops over socks and shoes (if not driving) and open-toed shoes with heel straps if driving.
  • Wear maternity compression socks or leggings .
  • Wear a belly support band . This can help with the front and the side of your belly.
  • Bring along a travel pillow or two. One can be used to prop up for your feet.
  • Bring a travel blanket for propping or in case you get cold.
  • Don’t use the heated seat feature on its highest setting, nor use it for too long.
  • Cold cans or bottles of waters can be held between your legs to help crotch discomfort.
  • Adjust your position as you go so as not to get too stiff or stuck.

Other things people recommended, especially if traveling in that third trimester were:

  • Mapping out pit stops and hospitals along your path
  • Bringing copies of your medical records
  • Bringing insurance cards
  • Bringing the infant car seat
  • Bringing your hospital bag

Lastly, if you are planning to travel during this 2020 summer, you may also want to bring the following as well:

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Disinfecting wipes
  • Disposable gloves

You’ll want to have these when running into stores and using bathroom facilities.

I hope you have a great, safe, and awesome family road trip this summer, even if you are traveling while pregnant!

For additional helps planning your road trip, see these posts:

  • Best Audiobooks for Family Road Trip
  • Tips for Taking Toddlers on Road Trips
  • Toddler Road Trip Games and Activities
  • Tips for Handling Car Sickness in Kids
  • How to Handle Potty Training on a Road Trip
  • How to Play the Car Alphabet Game
  • How to Take Long Road Trips with Kids
  • Family Vacation Packing Checklist

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got for taking road trips during pregnancy comfortably: (These are good to do when you’re traveling at 34 weeks pregnant by car as well.

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This is especially important if you have any pregnancy problems like high blood pressure, severe anemia, hypertension, gestational diabetes, carrying twins or more, or if you’ve had pre-term labor before.

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Road trip at 30-32 weeks pregnant?

I am wondering if you think planning a big road trip at 30-32 weeks pregnant is a bad idea? It is over 20 hrs, but we have 2 places along the way we plan to stop so no leg is longer than 10 hrs. The first day is 10 hrs, then another day is 5 hrs, and then another is 5 hrs. That is the trip up. We have not planned the return trip yet.

It is much cooler where we are going. Plus, my daughter is at music camp up there so by going, we will get to see her concert. Do you think this would be a really bad idea? I am actually think it is more like 29 weeks when we would go, but the whole trip is going to take 1.5 weeks as we are planning stops on the way up and on the return trip.


Actually..quick change of plans, LOL..and I just posted! My 9 yr old came in and I tried to show him the map of how we have it planned out. He asked if we could please fly (he has anxiety problems so has a hard time handling too much stress and the trip seems like it might be stressing him already). I pulled up the air fares. I knew we could not fly to where we are going as those tickets are over $800. But, I did find where I could get tickets to a major city only 5 hrs away for about $150 a piece! For the price of gas and hotels and eating out the whole trip, I think we could pay for the air plane tickets. We just need to see if we can also get a rental car for reasonable.

  • a a&jmylife Posted 06-10-11 I think it would be ok if you pace yourself. You don't have any history of preterm labor I assume? Ive traveled during pregnancies before with no trouble. Stretch your legs a ton. Have fun. Jennifer

I am traveling 10 hrs, 2 states away, when I am 32 wks for my baby brothers wedding. I will be gone a week. DH cannot take the time off work (he can but that would mean taking away days for when baby is born). So I am going by myself, leaving the 2 youngest at home. Actually my parents are riding with me but still, it'll be 10hrs of driving time. We like to just get in the van and go so we leave early in morning and arrive there in afternoon. I have had no problems in the past with road trips while pg.

ETA: Just seen your update, just curious, when is the cut-off for airplane travel while pregnant?

I called the airline and apparently, they don't have a cut off. Go figure. Maybe the person I got was wrong, but that is what they said. They said do what my doctor tells me. I think on TV, the cut off is always 8 months, and I won't be 8 months yet.

I did not have preterm labor, but rather was in a car accident where the airbags went off, breaking my water and I had the baby too early. So it was not something that would have happened on its own.

Thats awesome if you are able to fly. I, seriously, have never flown, commercially that is. Only scenic/tourist stuff and a one-time (hopefully never again) air ambulance with my daughter. We do cheap-cheap. As in packing the cooler full. Also we stay with my sister so we help with some groceries. No eating out. For this trip anyway.

Last summer we did a 9 day road trip. Oregon coast, Seattle, and home with stopping points in between (we live in MT). That was a hotel/restaurant/tour trip for sure!!

I will be about 28 weeks when we take a 13 hour road trip. My Dr said just make sure I get my prenatal records and take them with me. She said as long as I take those I should be good. Of course drink lots of water and get out every 2 hours to stretch my legs.

I think that if you have had an "uneventful" pregnancy, you would be fine. I don't think it's a crazy idea. I've done worse. My husband and I booked a Caribbean cruise in January 2009 for February 2010. Non-refundable, $1,000 deposit per person. As luck would have it, I became pregnant with our "surprise" youngest child in August 2009. I was fully prepared to lose $2,000, and stay home-things happen, this can't be helped-but my ob ok'd the trip. She gave me letter with her phone number on it saying I was cleared to fly, board the ship, etc. We went and had a great time. Baby was born 5/10/10 in perfect health.

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I have flown a couple of times VERY pregnant and they never even batted an eye at me. Never had to show them anything and nobody said a word..My drs are anywhere from 3 to 4 1/2 hours away from me and I travel there and back in a day so traveling really isn't a big deal to me... hope it all works out well for you.

  • e elijahsmom73 Posted 06-12-11 It mostly depends on the airlines you use like American Airlines cutoff is 36 weeks while Delta Airlines has no cutoffs. I just flew to a graduation in South Carolina from California with me being 37 weeks pregnant and I mean I was HUGE and had no problems or complications. I just had my little boy on the 25th of May born healthy weighing 9 lbs 4 oz . Have fun and relax.

What to expect when traveling in each trimester of pregnancy

Summer Hull

So you're pregnant? Congrats! It's an exciting time but also one in which many aspects of your life will begin to change, including travel. While you'll quickly need to understand the airline industry's rules for flying while pregnant , there are some more personal tips I'd like to share with you based on my experience traveling throughout the first, second and third trimesters of both of my pregnancies.

A few truths about pregnancy

Picky, starving moms need to travel with snacks.

I didn't know I was pregnant when I took the first flight of my second pregnancy. I was on a mileage run from Houston to Los Angeles, and by the time we landed, I was super tired, kinda grumpy and oh-my-so-hungry.

Then began a mad search for food. Luckily, Counter Burger was open and serving up sweet potato fries and burgers. Out of habit, I went for the veggie burger but I quickly regretted my decision, which left me far from satisfied with ground-up veggie mush.

In the early stages of pregnancy, your normal travel habits of going a little hungry for a while, or making due with what's around, may not work well.

Throughout your pregnancy, travel with water to stay hydrated and snacks to stave off hunger pangs and keep you going through travel delays. If you're feeling particularly food sensitive, research the food options at your destination ahead of time. I virtually lived on chicken noodle soup for a whole week early in my pregnancy and then, for a couple of days, all I wanted were hush puppies. I know how to get those items at home but when you are on the road, you either need to do more research or be more flexible -- which is sometimes easier said than done.

Related: 4 tips for planning travel while planning a pregnancy

Research and make choices about inflight radiation and other risks

I'm not an expert, but because I fly often, I have given some thought to inflight radiation exposure , especially during the early stages of pregnancy.

For pregnant flight attendants and pilots, the Federal Aviation Administration recommends a limit of 1 mSv during pregnancy, with no more than 0.5 mSv per month. I don't fly as much as an airline employee, but it doesn't take much research to learn that the amount of radiation you (and your gestating baby) are exposed to in the air varies dramatically from route to route. The highest-level routes are typically longer, higher-altitude polar routes. Here's some information from NASA about polar flights and radiation .

Every expectant mother should discuss the risks of flying during pregnancy with her doctor before getting on a plane. For me, nine months was a tiny moment in my traveling life, so I was OK adjusting my behavior a bit out of an abundance of caution. However, I didn't adjust to the point of never leaving my house. We still flew when I was pregnant, but I was judicious about when and where I would fly.

Check your health insurance policy

If you aren't familiar with your medical insurance coverage for when you travel, brush up on those facts now. Look at in-network and out-of-network benefits, as well as coverage for procedures for medical emergencies in other countries, if relevant. Most likely, if you do have coverage for treatment in other countries, you will still be on the hook to pay for your care up front and then submit for reimbursement from your health insurer. Plan accordingly and plan for the unexpected. If your baby decides to arrive early, for instance, check to make sure your insurance would cover possible extended and expensive care in an intensive care unit in a hospital away from your home.

Be sure to check what your health insurance coverage provides if you deliver at another facility later in your pregnancy. I once had an insurance plan that specifically did not cover out-of-network deliveries after 36 weeks, so that is something you would want to know before venturing away from home late in pregnancy.

Consider travel insurance

Trip insurance can be helpful if you are traveling while pregnant. Read the plan's fine print to determine what might be covered and whether you are covered if you already knew you were pregnant when you purchased the plan. Typically, a normal pregnancy or normal delivery would not be covered but if there are unexpected complications with the pregnancy, then related trip-cancellation or trip-interruption coverage may kick in on certain plans in certain situations.

Here are some travel insurance providers to check out: Allianz Travel Insurance, Travel Guard and Travelex Insurance . You can also compare a variety of plans at a portal like SquareMouth .

Here are some articles that will help you brush up on your travel insurance knowledge:

  • The best travel insurance policies and providers
  • What is independent travel insurance and when is it worth it?
  • When to buy travel insurance versus when to rely on credit card protections
  • Is credit card travel insurance sufficient on its own?
  • Why I buy travel insurance

Traveling in the first trimester

Traveling in the first trimester can range from "no big deal" to "I think I'm going to die from misery right this very instant." Symptoms in early pregnancy can vary widely and can change by the day. A flight in your first trimester may be no different from any other flight you've ever taken or it may feel like you are flying with the worst hangover of your life.

Unless you are very high risk or have other extenuating medical issues, your doctor will probably give you the green light to travel in early pregnancy. Feeling extra tired, nauseous and queasy doesn't make for the perfect travel experience, so here are some tips to make travel easier:

Pick an aisle seat and move about the cabin

When you do hit the skies early on, choose a seat where you will be the most comfortable, likely an aisle seat so you can get to the restroom easily. I also recommend getting up to walk around and stretch your legs. (Here are tips for credit cards that will defeat basic economy and let you get a seat assignment in advance.)

Room service come to the rescue

In my first trimester of my second pregnancy, I went on a trip with my daughter and parents to New York City to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and I was met with another challenge. I was at the point in my pregnancy when I needed food immediately upon waking or I was going to get queasy. Since I was staying in a hotel room with my young daughter, this meant room service. I also had granola bars and fruit on hand, but that was not enough to really do the trick some mornings. Had my husband been there, he could have gone in search of a warm bagel and juice, but since he wasn't on this trip, we had to improvise. Thanks goodness Marriott elite status helped defray the cost of most of the breakfast!

road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

Take it easy when you need to

Once you are further along in your pregnancy and you actually look pregnant, you will sometimes get a little sympathy or, at least, empathy while traveling. Strangers may offer to help with your bag and people may have more patience with you if you're moving slowly. However, in the first trimester nobody can tell you are pregnant, and no one is going to feel sorry for you. If you act queasy on the plane, you will pretty much be treated like you have Ebola, and any other issue or ailment will pretty much not interest anyone. I once told the flight attendant I was pregnant when she was giving me the eye about looking queasy.

Take care of yourself, don't overdo it and know when to say enough is enough. You may be used to very busy travel days, but now find yourself needing a nap during your first trimester, and that's OK. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Traveling in the second trimester

You have probably heard that the second trimester is generally the easiest of the three trimesters for most expecting moms. You usually aren't as sick and or as tired as in the first trimester, and you aren't as large, uncomfortable and exhausted as in the third trimester. From roughly weeks 13 to 27 of a pregnancy, your activity and comfort levels are often good, and this means that it can be a great time to travel. Couples that like to take "babymoons" (one last couples trip before the baby arrives) often try to schedule them in the second trimester.

Related: The best babymoon destinations for every month of the year

The beginning and end of the second trimester are quite different

You will probably enter the second trimester not really looking pregnant, and end it looking quite different. This means that you may feel very different at the beginning and end of the second trimester. The second trimester is when lots of belly growing happens and this can mean that some types of travel will be more uncomfortable toward the end of these few months of pregnancy than at the beginning.

road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

Consider where you are comfortable traveling

A very personal and important decision to make during the second trimester is to determine if there are certain restrictions you will place on yourself in terms of where you're comfortable traveling. Some types of travel will ban women from traveling during the second trimester. For example, many cruise lines will not allow a woman to book a cruise if she will enter her 24th week of pregnancy (or later) while on the voyage.

Royal Caribbean's policy bars pregnant women from sailing at and after the 24th week. It was developed in concert with the Cruise Lines International Association endorsement of the American College of Emergency Physicians Health Care Guidelines for Cruise Ship Medical Facilities .

Many consider unborn fetuses to be viable if born beginning around 24 weeks (though that age threshold is getting earlier and earlier). This means that a baby born at 24 weeks gestation would have anywhere from a 50% to 70% chance of survival outside the womb if (and only if) there is immediate access to advanced medical care. A cruise ship clearly doesn't have an advanced neonatal care unit on board, so presumably the policy is related to why cruise lines draw the line for pregnant passengers.

I personally draw the line for travel at 23 or 24 weeks when talking about destinations that don't have the same level of advanced medical care as the United States -- or long flights or a flight path that could hinder prompt access to advanced medical care if I happened to unexpectedly go into labor. The Maldives is an example of somewhere I would not want to travel in this instance because there would be significant delays in obtaining medical care on these remote islands.

Plan big, but not too big

The second trimester is a great time to squeeze in a pre-baby trip or two since you will probably feel relatively like to your pre-pregnant self much of the time. We went to Aruba when I was 14 weeks pregnant and it was a fantastic trip. I had lots of energy and a normal appetite. Flying was not uncomfortable because my belly was still pretty small and the only real adjustment was to make sure I had a somewhat larger bathing suit before the trip.

At 23 weeks, I traveled to Spain and still felt pretty energetic and "normal." I will admit that the flight in economy wasn't super comfortable since I did have a belly that was hindering curling up in positions that usually help me sleep on the plane, but our time on the ground in Spain wasn't really impacted at all by the pregnancy other than missing out on the Spanish wine.

The great thing about both of those trips was that they were at my own pace. This meant that if I didn't feel like doing much one afternoon, I could take it easy. Even though you may feel great in the second trimester, you can still tire more quickly than normal, so be sure to limit your vacation activities to those you can manage. There are also activities that some doctors might advise against by the second trimester like thrill rides, scuba diving or horseback riding, so double-check any restrictions before planning more adventurous outings.

road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

Traveling in the third trimester

Pregnancy isn't an illness or disease. For many families, it's just a normal phase in a woman's life before a new baby joins the family. Assuming things are going well, it's not a time when you have to cancel all travel. However, once the third trimester rolls around, travel can get a more complicated and does eventually have to stop.

The beginning and end of the third trimester are quite different

Changes come even more quickly in the third trimester. You enter the third trimester about 28 weeks pregnant and end it with a newborn. This means that types of travel that are possible at 27 and 28 weeks pregnant may be inadvisable, or even prohibited, at 37 and 38 weeks pregnant.

Select destinations and activities carefully

In the final months of pregnancy, some activities are probably going to be more comfortable and enjoyable than others. For example, swimming and spa time may be exactly what you need.

I give strong preference to visiting beach and resort destinations in the final trimester. Trust me when I say that few activities are as comfortable in the third trimester as floating in the water! We went to The Phoenician (a Marriott property) in Scottsdale, Arizona, when I was about 31 weeks pregnant and even with my big belly, it was the perfect mix of spa, swimming and fun activities for our 5 year old before both our lives changed.

road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

You are going to get uncomfortable

Maybe this isn't universal and there are some magical creatures out there who never feel uncomfortable during pregnancy, but every mom I know eventually hit a point in her pregnancy when she wasn't comfortable. For many, this means that sitting for an extended time in a small airline seat, standing in long lines or trekking around in the heat to explore a city all day eventually become pretty miserable activities.

No one can tell you when you will hit that point, but it will likely happen in the third trimester. For me, my back started giving me a bunch of trouble at around week 30 or 31. I was incredibly grateful there were no more flights scheduled during that pregnancy beyond that point.

If you are going to fly during the later weeks of your third trimester and have the ability to secure a more comfortable seat up front, or at least one with extra legroom so you can stretch out, it may well be a good investment in your comfort. I brought a tennis ball with me when I flew so I could give myself a bit of a "back massage" against the airplane seat.

road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

Bring your own pillows

Sleep becomes a challenge in the third trimester for many women and a pillow fort of sorts becomes a necessity to get some good shut-eye. Many pregnant moms find that using some sort of body pillow or pillow arrangement helps to keep their bellies supported and comfortable at night. You can't assume that the hotel will have similar pillows, so bring your own if they become essential to good rest in your third trimester. I had no shame in hauling my pillow fort with me on our last road trip at eight months pregnant.

See if you are allowed to fly

Even if your doctor OKs it, many airlines have rules about women flying in the third trimester. Check out airline rules for traveling while pregnant for complete details, but generally speaking, most U.S. airlines don't have many flight restrictions until the last month of pregnancy. However, many international airlines do have restrictions and documentation requirements beginning at 28 weeks. If you are pregnant with more than one baby, the restrictions kick in even earlier.

Decide when to stop traveling

I'm all for traveling while pregnant but, realistically, most women will want to stop traveling at some point in the third trimester. I would imagine by about 36 or 37 weeks, most women will probably decide to stay closer to home. I went on a road trip about three hours from home at 35 weeks and then called it quits for the rest of the pregnancy. There's still a whole new world of travel waiting once a new baby joins the family .

road trip at 20 weeks pregnant

Bottom line

There is usually no reason to stop traveling when you're expecting. During my last pregnancy, I went on 12 trips, 28 flights, visited four countries and I'm very glad I had the opportunity to stay that active. I'm also glad that I grounded myself from flight after 31 weeks and from road trips at 35 weeks because those were the right decisions for my comfort level.

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15 Tips for Traveling While Pregnant

These tips will help pregnant women travel the world in comfort and style.

Traveling while pregnant

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Experts share their best travel tips for expecting mothers.

Pregnancy can be a magical experience, but that doesn't mean creating new life comes without challenges. From what you wear to how you move your body to how well you sleep, pregnancy changes your day to day in myriad of ways – both good and bad.

However, that doesn't mean you should stay home and avoid travel for the entire nine months you're with child. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says it's typically safe to travel until you're 36 weeks pregnant, so you may as well get out and see the world.

These tips can help you ensure your pre-baby travel is safe, comfortable and fun.

Travel When You're Most Comfortable

According to the ACOG, the best time for pregnant women to travel is between 14 and 28 weeks, or during the middle of your pregnancy.

The most common pregnancy problems occur in the first and third trimesters, according to the health organization. "During midpregnancy, your energy has returned, morning sickness usually is gone, and it is still easy to get around," according to the ACOG.

If you have the option to be flexible with your travel dates, steering clear of early and late pregnancy trips may save you from having to endure an unenjoyable experience.

[Read: 9 Reasons Getting Away for the Weekend is Good for Your Mental Health .]

Have a Plan B

Robert Quigley, senior vice president at International SOS and MedAire, says you should meet with your doctor and get cleared to travel before you depart on any trip. Also, take the time to research medical facilities near where you'll be staying, he says, since you won't want to have to frantically figure out where to go if you experience complications.

Early planning can include checking nearby hospitals that you contact ahead of your trip, and locating pharmacies and additional prenatal resources in your destination should you go into early labor.

"This may also include a communication plan for friends or family should they need to join you, and an evacuation plan to upgrade your care in the event of a complication," he says.

Purchase Travel Insurance

Travel writer and mom of two Natalie Preddie, who blogs at NattyPOnline.com , says you should buy travel insurance that includes medical coverage before your trip if you're visiting a destination where your health insurance won't apply.

Preddie says when she was pregnant, she had to go to a hospital in Florida during a trip because she thought her baby wasn't moving. She says she was glad her health insurance was accepted right away, but she worries what would have happened if she had to pay for a lengthy hospital stay or tests out of pocket.

Bring Your Medical Records with You

Lee Roosevelt, who works as nurse midwife at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, says you can gain peace of mind and expedite any medical care you might need by bringing a copy of your pregnancy-related medical records along on your trip.

"Offices can take a day or two to return a request for records, and if you need care quickly it means your team of providers [is] making decisions without knowing the details of your pregnancy," she says.

Be Proactive About Your Health

Roosevelt also says that when it comes to pregnancy, you should take steps to avoid common health problems regardless of whether you're on a trip or at home. She recommends taking plenty of walking breaks since "pregnant women are at higher risk for blood clots and prolonged sitting increases that risk."

You should try to get up and walk for five to 10 minutes every few hours if you can, even if you're on an airplane.

Roosevelt also noted that buying and wearing compression socks during air travel can help you avoid swelling, blood clots and more.

[Read: 30 Travel Accessories That Make Vacationing Easier .]

Stay Hydrated

In the same vein of being mindful about your health and wellness, drink lots of water so you stay hydrated. Dehydration can make you feel unwell and put you at risk for pre-term contractions, Roosevelt says.

Plan to bring your own refillable water bottle while you travel so you can stay hydrated no matter where you are, whether that's on the road or in the air.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Airports don't always have many healthy dining options, and what is available tends to be expensive. To save money and avoid having to nosh on empty calories, it can help to bring your own selection of sensible snacks along.

Consider packing healthy snacks like dried fruit and vegetables if you can. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also recommends eating whole grain toast or crackers when you’re feeling nauseous or unwell, and healthy crackers should be easy to pack in your bag and bring along.

Bring Sanitizing Wipes and Gel

The ACOG says that, if you're going on a cruise specifically, you'll want to take steps to avoid norovirus – a group of viruses that can spread quickly and cause severe nausea and vomiting.

Washing your hands frequently is the best way to avoid it, but antibacterial hand gel can help you ward off germs as well. Meanwhile, disinfecting wipes are good to have on hand to wipe down airplane tray tables and arm rests.

The Government of Canada also recommends pregnant women vigorously wash their hands before eating or preparing food as well. Following these recommendations is especially important when you're in a busy airport or dining on a germ-infested airplane.

Keep Car Rides Short

If you're planning a road trip or need to drive a long distance to reach your destination, it can be beneficial to break up your travel over several days. That way, you'll only have to sit for shorter spurts of time rather than long stretches that can leave you vulnerable to swelling, blood clots and other pregnancy-related complications.

The ACOG also notes that you should buckle your seatbelt low on your hipbones, below your belly, and "place the shoulder belt off to the side of your belly and across the center of your chest."

Plan to make frequent stops so that you can get out and stretch your legs, and your car ride will be more enjoyable and keep you and the baby safe.

Book an Aisle Seat When You Fly

If you plan to fly while you're pregnant, book an aisle seat ahead of time – even if you need to pay extra for it. Having an aisle seat will make it easier for you to get up and walk around, and to head to the toilet for the many bathroom breaks you'll likely need to take.

If you can, splurge (or use points ) for business class to score some extra room.

Don't Overbook Yourself

Sightseeing is a lot of fun pregnant or not, but don't forget that your energy levels may be lower by the time you're ready to depart.

Make sure to plan an itinerary that includes plenty of breaks and downtime. You may even want to plan a relaxation-themed trip altogether, such as a spa getaway or a trip to an all-inclusive resort .

Be Choosy About Your Destination

Be mindful of seasonal weather trends and how they might work for your pregnant self. If you are planning a beach getaway in the middle of July and considering Naples in southern Florida, for example, it's smart to know ahead of time that daily high temperatures usually reach 89 degrees and humidity levels often fall in the "oppressive" or "miserable" range in the summer. Doing your research could help you find a destination with better weather, such as a beach spot with lower humidity like Virginia Beach, Virginia or Cape Cod, Massachusetts .

When it comes to trip planning, Google is your friend. Make sure you know how the weather might look no matter where you are planning to travel or you could live to regret it.

[See: 30 Relaxing Meditation Retreats Around the World .]

Pack a First-Aid Kit

There's nothing worse than being in transit for hours without supplies for headaches, heartburn and other pregnancy-related ailments. If you're prone to not feeling well at home or when you travel, you may want to bring a small first-aid kit along.

While your kit can include whatever you want, consider packing medicine for heartburn, bloating, gas and nausea – or whatever has been bugging you the most.

Check If You Need Clearance to Fly

While most airlines let you fly without question until you're up to 36 weeks pregnant, some international carriers, including Cathay Pacific and Emirates, need verification of your health from your doctor with a medical certificate before you board the plane.

If you plan to fly domestically or abroad, make sure to check with the air carriers you're considering as you organize the trip. Most airlines typically list this information on their websites, but you can also call to ask if you'll need any specific documentation.

Choose the Right Luggage

Finally, don't forget to bring luggage that's easy to move around from place to place. Spinner-style luggage on wheels is typically the easiest to transport, and you should strive to pack light (within reason) so you're not stuck lugging around all the clothing and shoes you own.

Don't hesitate to check your luggage either – especially if you have a layover to endure. The less you have to carry around, the smoother your trip should be.

30 Top Babymoon Destinations

Babymoon destinations

Tags: Travel , Vacations , pregnancy , parenting , Family Vacations , Travel Tips

World's Best Places To Visit

  • # 1 South Island, New Zealand
  • # 4 Bora Bora

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Travelling by car while pregnant: 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, etc.

You’re pregnant but are still dreaming of a road trip with your family? You’re wondering whether it’s wise to take the road during your pregnancy? You’re worried about possible contraindications? These are all normal questions to ask as you head off to your chosen holiday destination. Little Guest has investigated to help you sort out what is true and what is not, and what precautions you should take before embarking on a road trip while your baby is still growing in your belly. Explanations month by month, advice and hotels adapted to your needs… follow the guide!


Let’s cut the suspense short, the car is not the best means of transport when you are pregnant. However, it is perfectly possible to take to the road if your pregnancy is going well . Although the concentration required for safe driving and the jolts caused by the journey can increase certain common inconveniences (fatigue, nausea, bloating, etc.), the car remains an appropriate means of transport when you are pregnant … at least until the third trimester of pregnancy. We’ll explain everything a little further down!


Is it risky to drive while pregnant?

We might as well say it straight away, pregnancy specialists, gynaecologists, midwives, obstetricians and others are categorical: no scientific evidence has shown that a car journey can cause problems during pregnancy or lead to premature delivery. So, while driving does not seem to have any impact on possible complications, it is obviously advisable to take a few precautions before you hit the road:

  • Make sure you place the lower strap of the seatbelt as low as possible, at the level of the upper thighs, under the abdomen , to avoid unnecessary pressure, and the upper strap, as usual, between the breasts.
  • Move your seat as far back as possible to stretch your legs comfortably, adjust the steering wheel to keep it as far away from your stomach as possible, and provide a cushion to support your back (or even a pillow for your neck) during the journey.
  • Avoid rapid acceleration, hard braking and poor road conditions as much as possible to minimise jolting and improper movement.
  • Plan regular breaks (one every 1.5 hours or so) to stretch your legs, wear light, comfortable clothing that you feel comfortable in and hydrate as regularly as possible.
  • Before leaving, do not hesitate to inform your doctor or gynaecologist of your plans in order to get his or her opinion. After your arrival, do not hesitate to take a whole day to rest .

Until what month of pregnancy can I travel by car?

Driving for hours to your holiday destination can make you tired. Sitting down is not at all comfortable and we all tend to strain our legs when we drive. Between this excessive strain on the leg muscles, the jolts caused by bumpy roads, and the stress of the journey in general, your uterus can be a bit of a mess . This can lead to increased contractions, which can be quite unpleasant in the long run.

The risk of spontaneous miscarriage is highest during the first trimester of pregnancy – about one in five pregnancies – and the inconveniences inherent in any pregnancy (nausea, fatigue, etc.) are most noticeable. Driving at this time may increase your discomfort and is therefore not recommended, even though your health is not at risk !

During the third trimester, and more particularly the last month and a half of pregnancy , the risk of premature delivery increases and the contractions become longer and more painful. It is therefore easy to understand that this is not the ideal time to take to the road either, especially as it would be a shame to find yourself on the motorway when your water breaks .

As you can see, the best time to travel by car is during the second trimester , more precisely between the 12 th and 26 th week of pregnancy. Nausea and fatigue will be a thing of the past and the risk of premature delivery will still be very low!

What documents should you not forget before setting off?

Everything is ready for the big departure but you are afraid to forget something important? No problem, Little Guest has put together a short list of essentials that you should definitely pack. Good to know : this list also works if you want to fly during your pregnancy or travel by train while pregnant .

  • Your complete medical file containing your latest ultrasound and blood tests and your blood group card .
  • A medical certificate attesting to your pregnancy, your health insurance card and, if necessary, your European health insurance card (this could be very useful in the event of an unexpected visit or delivery within the European Union or in Switzerland).
  • Your vaccination booklet .
  • A first-aid kit containing everything that can be used during pregnancy: antispasmodics in case of contractions, iron to prevent anaemia, anti-acid medicine to avoid acid reflux, anti-diarrhoea medicine, paracetamol for headaches and a thermometer.
  • Also remember to write down the number of your GP and/or gynaecologist so that you have it to hand in case of need.

Don’t forget that self-medication is strongly discouraged during pregnancy , so if you hesitate to take any medication, contact your GP! Finally, find out about the medical facilities near your holiday destination (emergency room, obstetrics service, nearest doctor, etc.), this will avoid stress and allow you to enjoy your stay in peace.


Travelling by car when you are 1 month pregnant

This is it; a magnificent adventure is starting and it will last 9 months; 9 months during which your life will be made up of small joys, great fears and, above all, many surprises. For the moment, nothing really changes, neither physically nor psychologically. You may experience some morning sickness , but this is completely normal and does not pose any risk. You can therefore travel without question because it is not dangerous for your baby’s development.

Travelling by car when you are 2 months pregnant

From the second month of pregnancy, you enter an important period; the first organs of your embryo start to form . At the same time, the embryo begins its journey and settles on the endometrium (the lining of the womb). This is a time that can affect your behaviour as the pregnancy hormones double every day! It is therefore quite normal, for example, for you to feel tired or irritated. Nausea, acid reflux and heartburn increase and it is likely that mood swings have started to appear. The risk of miscarriage is still high but you can travel by car if you take the necessary precautions.

Travelling by car when you are 3 months pregnant

The third month of pregnancy is the time of the first ultrasound! The little embryo officially becomes a foetus and the risk of miscarriage decreases considerably . On the other hand, nausea and vomiting, as well as the urge to urinate, may intensify. This is because your uterus is growing and putting constant pressure on your bladder. Car journeys can therefore be quite difficult , so allow plenty of time to take as many breaks as you need. Also, note that the third month of pregnancy lends itself perfectly to various types of prenatal massage that may help you relax and enjoy this joyous time!

Travelling by car when you are 4 months pregnant

You are now in your 4 th month of pregnancy and your belly is slowly starting to round out to make room for your growing baby. Normally, the nausea has disappeared and you have left the fatigue behind you! You’re in great shape and that’s good! Why not celebrate with a few days of holiday , away from the daily grind? It’s the ideal time to take a breath of fresh air and prepare yourself for the rest of your pregnancy! A few precautions, however: hydrate regularly and take regular breaks to stretch your legs and regulate your blood circulation .


Travelling by car when you are 5 months pregnant

The 5 th month of pregnancy has arrived and your baby is now ready to be heard, or rather, understood! Kicking, punching… he never stops reminding you of his presence in your now well-rounded belly ! Fortunately for you, his movements tire him out and he rests most of the day (between 18 and 20 hours a day). The problem is that you don’t have the same rhythm as he does and this restlessness can lead to great fatigue. Even if you love driving, consider leaving the wheel to someone else , at least from time to time, so that you can rest on the passenger side. Don’t hesitate to take naps and sleep whenever you can, as your baby’s health obviously depends on yours.

Travelling by car when you are 6 months pregnant

Your belly is getting bigger and bigger and you are suffering from temporary hot flashes and unusual sweating? It’s normal, the 6 th month of pregnancy is the time when your body adapts to the growing foetus and this can cause many hormonal changes . In everyday life, and especially when driving, remember to hydrate regularly and wear loose, light clothing that will give you maximum freedom of movement and comfort. During the journey, remember to take breaks more regularly than before. Take the opportunity to hydrate, eat a small snack and take a few steps to avoid the feeling of heavy legs and to promote blood circulation.

Travelling by car when you are 7 months pregnant

Here you are in your 7 th month of pregnancy, you’ve come a long way! Even though childbirth is starting to settle in a corner of your mind, there is nothing to stop you from continuing to travel ! Indeed, even though your baby is becoming more and more sensitive to what is happening around him, he is completely safe. Are you, on the other hand, beginning to be a little embarrassed by the size of your belly and fearing shocks? This is normal and it may be time for you to let someone else drive for good ; an opportunity for you to sit back and enjoy the scenery. As with all forms of transport, remember to fasten your seatbelt under your abdomen to avoid any risk of impact. As in previous months, remember to walk as regularly as possible to keep your legs, ankles, feet and toes working.

Travelling by car when you are 8 months pregnant

This is it, you’re almost there! You’re getting close to giving birth , and it could well be premature from the beginning of the 8 th month. To find out whether you are fit to travel during the 8 th and 9 th months, whether by plane, train or car (over long distances), ask your doctor or midwife who has been following you since the beginning of your pregnancy for advice. If it is advisable to avoid travelling during this period , you are the only one to decide and you have every right to do so! As labour can start at any time during the last few weeks, we recommend that you limit your travel to short trips that allow you to get home or to the hospital easily.



Le Chabichou ***** – Savoie, France

A true luxury cocoon nestled in the heart of Courchevel, Le Chabichou ***** is absolutely perfect for expectant mothers looking for peace and relaxation. Easily accessible by car, it guarantees direct access to the Trois-Vallées ski area and offers sumptuous views of the surrounding mountains.

This charming chalet, opened in 1963 and completely renovated in 2019, is equally suitable for summer and winter holidays. With a superb spa , a double Michelin-starred restaurant and kids’ clubs for young children and teenagers, the Chabichou is ideal for an enchanted break in the mountains.

Dolce la Hulpe **** – Walloon Brabant, Belgium

Head to Belgium to discover an intimate address in the heart of the flat country. Head for Walloon Brabant to discover the Dolce la Hulpe **** . This hotel curled up in luxurious nature, at the edge of UNESCO-registered Fôret de Soignes, offers its guests a successful marriage of luxury, comfort and authenticity. Nestled only 29 km from Brussels , this hotel is easily accessible by car!

Country walks and gastronomic dining experience are on the menu, but its mostly its Spa Cinq Mondes that catches the highlights. Its wide range of cares, including massages and Japanese, Balinese and Indians rituals, is ideal for smooth pregnancy treatments. Its heated pool, its sauna and its hammam complete the offer of this elegant and fully-equipped resort. The Dolce la Hulpe is the ideal place to enjoy the Belgian countryside and live your pregnancy in peace.

Hôtel Chais Monnet & Spa ***** – Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

The Hôtel Chais Monnet & Spa ***** promises the most relaxing stay in Western France . Stretch your legs and get pampered as much as you want in this high-end wellness-oriented resort . Manicures, special treatment cares or sauna will relax you from the fatigue of the trip so you can drown in a soothing and voluptuous feeling. The bucolic setting of the town of Cognac suits perfectly for a more laid-back rythm of life made of walks along the Charente river , visits to la Rochelle and Rochefort or idleness on the pool’s sunbeds .

Indeed, at Little Guest we know that pregnancy can sometimes be quite tiring and that is exactly why this hotel is ideal for pregnant women. Sometimes, nothing better than to cut from daily stress to fill the tank of harmony in these constantly-evolving moments. The Hôtel Chais Monnet & Spa ***** is easily accessible by car and boasts with amazing activities both for those expecting a happy event as well as children, on the verge of endless fun at the resort’s kids-club .


  • To help you prepare for your trip, consider our article specially designed for family car travel .
  • And when baby arrives, how will you find the perfect hotel? The answer is obvious! Here you will find a selection of cities and hotels that are particularly suitable for the first holiday with a baby .

Little Guest wishes you a pleasant pregnancy and an unforgettable holiday!


Guillaume , 27 years old, travel enthusiast, from Paris

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11 Do’s and Don’ts of Traveling While Pregnant

Pregnant Woman Traveling; Courtesy of Ekaterina Pokrovsky/Shutterstock.com

Apr 8, 2019

See recent posts by Terry Ward

As you know, there’s so much information out there for pregnant women—on the world wide web, from other mothers and friends, from your doctor and from those well-meaning mothers-in-law, too.

For women who love to travel and don’t intend to let up on it too much while pregnant, you can expect to get even more of an earful from well-intentioned friends and family when you tell them you’re headed off to XYZ destination at XY weeks of pregnancy.

We’re here to break down a few simple do’s and don’t’s when it comes to how to approach pregnancy—and take the best care of yourself and your little unborn jetsetter—while traveling.

The Do’s of Traveling While Pregnant

1. do get a release from your obgyn to fly..

“Generally, flight after 36 weeks of gestation is not recommended due to the risks of labor and birth en route,” says Jessica L. Illuzzi, MD, MS , a Yale Medicine Ob/Gyn, who is the chief of Laborists and Midwifery.”Many international flights have earlier gestational age cutoffs.”

“It is good to take a set of your pregnancy medical records, with prenatal labs if you will be traveling abroad,” she says.

Airline rules vary around the world and between companies when it comes to how late in her pregnancy a woman can travel on a plane. As a general rule on many international airlines, traveling internationally after the 28th week of pregnancy requires medical clearance from your doctor. Without it, you can be denied boarding. With medical clearance, most airlines allow pregnant women to travel up to the end of the 36th week or beginning of the 37th week of their pregnancy.

Before your trip, says Sheryl Hill, CEO of Depart Smart ,  a company that sells online travel safety courses, schedule an appointment with your doctor and get a note of clearance. “See your OBGYN and get a release to fly and a referral to an OBGYN at your destination with a clear focus on where you will go if baby decides it’s time,” she says.

Even if you don’t plan to fly, it’s important to check with your doctor as you move later into your pregnancy for their thoughts on how far from home you should consider straying on vacation or for work.

“Traveling far from home is generally avoided after 36 weeks,” says Illuzzi. “Traveling to remote areas without medical resources may be a concern between 24 and 32 weeks, because a baby born during this time period may not be able to receive needed care. Travel should always be discussed with your care provider.”

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2. Do protect yourself against mosquito-borne diseases.

The CDC constantly updates its online advice for traveling to areas with Zika, advising pregnant women to talk to their doctors before traveling. It’s a good place to start. Then it’s up to you to protect yourself while you travel.

“Focus on mosquito bite prevention, particularly in areas with Zika or malaria which are more dangerous for pregnant women,” says Monica Wood, MD., who launched a botanical mosquito repellent bracelet called Sect Away . “Protection involves multiple strategies, including nets , clothing , repellents , and reducing mosquito populations.” She points to the American Mosquito Control Association website  as a good resource on the topic. Remember that Zika is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mosquito born illnesses (Dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria and more are all risks to pregnant women).

Among the FDA-approved skin repellents deemed safe to use during pregnancy are DEET 25 to 30 percent and Picardin 20 percent, and you can also look into natural repellents . Just be sure to avoid repellent-sunscreens combination products, as they tend to require frequent re-application. A good travel mosquito net to consider is this one by EVEN Naturals that fits all size beds and packs down small to bring along.

Related:   9 Best Natural Bug Repellents for Kids 

3. Do check-in with your cruise line on pregnancy restrictions before booking.

As a general rule, most cruise lines do not accept passengers who will have entered their 24th week of pregnancy before the cruise is over. Even if you’re within that limit, it’s a good idea to get a note from your doctor confirming how far along you are.

“Some cruise lines also require pregnant women to produce a doctor’s letter stating that they are fit to travel,” says Jenni Fielding of cruise travel agent site, Cruise118.com. “In any case, it’s always worth bringing documentation which shows the estimated due date to prove that you are less than 24 weeks into your pregnancy.”

Since some cruise lines let you book as much as 18 months out, if you’re planning to become pregnant you should ask about the cruise line’s cancellation policy for pregnant women, says Fielding.

“In most cases, the cruise line will allow you to cancel the cruise and receive a credit which you can use to either move your cruise dates forward, or to book another cruise after the baby is born. “Keep in mind, too, that six months is the minimum age for babies sailing with most cruise lines, and that jumps to 12 months for certain destinations.

Related: Things You Can’t Forget to Pack in Your Cruise Carry-On 

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4. Do stay hydrated.

Making sure to drink enough water is one of the simplest things you can do for yourself when traveling while pregnant.

“Both dehydration and a full bladder can cause pre-term contractions,” says Illuzzi.“Avoid clothing that is too tight. Consider support stockings  or compression socks , stretching your legs intermittently, maintain adequate hydration (drink fluids without carbonation—gases expand at altitude and can cause discomfort) and empty your bladder frequently.”

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5. Do invest in the right travel gear. 

Little things—like opting for or a roller bag over a duffel or backpack —go a long way in making travel easier while pregnant. Many airlines will even let you board early if you ask. Never be afraid to ask for help, too, when putting a bag in the overhead bin and doing other tasks that require much effort.

Related: 6 Best U.S. Airlines for Families

The Don’ts of Traveling While Pregnant

6. don’t dive into activities without assessing the risks. .

It seems like a no-brainer, but it’s easy to get caught up in all the fun of a cruise ship or theme park when so many activities are included in what you pay. But before even thinking about getting on a ride at a theme park or going down that waterslide, consider the risks, says Fielding.

“I made the mistake of going down one of the waterslides on a cruise (while pregnant),” says Fielding, “I didn’t read the sign, but followed a fairly small child up the steps so assumed it would be okay. The slide was actually pretty fast, and not suitable for pregnant women.”

“I was okay, although it’s always worth reading the signs as many cruise ship activities—such as ice skating, high ropes courses and trampolining—are not recommended for pregnant women.”

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7. Don’t slack on the sunscreen.

“It is safe and recommended to apply sunscreen to sun-exposed skin during pregnancy,” says Los Angeles Dermatologist Tsippora Shainhouse, MD, FAAD . She advises wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30+, which is recommended for all people including pregnant mothers.

“There has been no documented risk to the fetus, and no evidence that sufficient concentrations of any ingredient is absorbed into the bloodstream to cause fetal abnormalities,” she says. “Chemical sunscreens are excellent at absorbing and breaking down UV rays. Look for ingredients like Avobenzone and Octinocinate.”

Shainhouse recommends mineral sunscreens for people with sensitive skin. “Look for micronized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide (not nanoparticle),” she says. And there’s a bonus for pregnant women using mineral sunscreens, she says. “Mineral sunscreens might help minimize and manage melasma.”

Related: Best Sunscreens for Babies and Kids

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8. Don’t forget the snacks. 

Sometimes a pregnant mama’s advice is a good as any doctor’s.

“Pack snacks for the flight or car ride. This is especially important in the first and second trimesters when you seem to be hungry all the time,” says Mattie Givens , frequent traveler and family travel expert. “Try to pack things that have a little bit of protein  in them as that can help curb headaches and nausea and will sustain you longer. Crackers , almonds and dried fruits are really great travel snacks.”

Givens’ favorite on-the-go snacks include Nature Valley Granola Bars  and Blue Diamond Almonds .

Related:   Kid-Approved Snacks to Bring on the Plane

9. Don’t stay still.

Those exercise-in-flight suggestions at the backs of inflight magazines are more relevant then ever when you’re pregnant. Whether you’re traveling by plane or in a car, bus, boat or train, it’s important for pregnant mothers to remember to get up and stretch their legs during the journey.

“Get up and walk around or get out of the car at least every two hours or as frequently as possible to help with blood circulation and swelling,” advises certified prenatal health and wellness consultant Carolyn Talents of CLT Wellness .

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10. Don’t forget the little things.

Being pregnant is an unofficial license to ask a for a bit more pampering, so don’t be afraid to make requests at your hotel and elsewhere that will make you more comfortable. “Sleeping is hard enough when you are pregnant so don’t be afraid to ask (at your hotel) for as many pillows as you need to sleep comfortably,” says Givens. Requesting your own water bottle on a flight to help stay hydrated is completely acceptable, too. “Your body performs much better when you are hydrated, and traveling can take a lot out of you,” says Givens.

11. Don’t make yourself paranoid.

There’s lots to be concerned about when you’re pregnant. But try to remember that adage that pregnancy is not an illness. After all, women in every country of the world do it with great success. With the usual moderation you’d exercise traveling as a family or alone, being pregnant shouldn’t hinder you.

True story: When I was traveling in beautiful Finland while pretty far along with my first, I wondered if I should avoid going into the sauna (a major Finnish pastime). So I asked a Finnish friend what the locals did and she said not only do pregnant women go in the sauna (albeit perhaps for shorter sessions than when not pregnant), she was actually born in a sauna!

I took part in moderation, and was glad I didn’t miss such a great opportunity by being overly paranoid.

And I can confirm that my son turned out just fine.

Longtime travel writer and adventurer Terry Ward lives in Florida with her husband and young son and daughter. She’s constantly on the lookout for the next Scandinavia Airlines Kids Fly Free deal to save money on flights to Norway, her favorite place to visit both in the winter (Northern Lights!) and summer (Midnight Sun!). A travel writer since 2001 (read: long before the kids came along), she’s written for such publications as Endless Vacation Magazine, Conde Nast Traveler and Scuba Diving Magazine, among many others. Find Terry on her website,  Terry-Ward.com .

What to Pack for Your Next Trip

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Mineral Sunscreen Lotion – SPF 50

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Our team of parents and travel experts chooses each product and service we recommend. Anything you purchase through links on our site may earn us a commission.

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how are you doing now? I’m 28 weeks + a couple days & I am currently in the middle of a multi day trip to do a total of ~15 hours in the car not counting stops because I had to move…and I feel sooooo awful and scared because when I look up how I feel and stories about previous road trips there are women saying they couldn’t take just a few hours and some women saying they ended up in preterm labor �� I didn’t really have a choice :/ but it’s been awful I feel like I’m vibrating the whole time, so sore with all kinds of random pains, exhaustion, cramps, and completely lost my appetite, bad heartburn if I try to eat…like my whole body just was too rattled by the long time in car, on the highway, bumping along every crack and whole and what not. Ugh hoping everything is gonna be fine but I’m definitely anticipating like you said to probably need to rest for a while when I finally get back, but I’ll have to go to work ��

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    Several pregnant patients have echoed this sentiment, lamenting canceled flights and vacations due to the pandemic. But instead of staying home, many are opting for a classic American road trip. A June 2020 survey suggests U.S. travelers are nearly twice as likely to take a road trip this summer than fly. While the Centers for Disease Control ...

  12. 8 Ways to Survive a Road Trip While Pregnant

    4. Keep yourself hydrated. Okay, so chugging bottles of water means extra rest-stop breaks, but you need to put your pregnancy above the need for a swift, bathroom break-free trip. Pregnant women need to drink more water than their non-preggo counterparts, and staying hydrated can help soothe morning sickness. 5. Wear your seat belt.

  13. Traveling While Pregnant: What to Pack in Your Carry-On

    6. Panty Liners and an Extra Panty. We don't have to remind you that pregnancy can bring along more discharge than usual. An extra pair of underwear and a good stash of liners can keep you feeling a teensy bit fresher than you would otherwise. 7. Reflux Meds.

  14. Surviving Long Road Trips While Pregnant

    It's why there is a general "36 Weeks Rule" where doctors do not advise traveling far from home from 36 weeks on. Some advise no travel from 34 weeks on. This includes flying while pregnant, but also includes long car rides and long road trips while pregnant. You don't want to be 31,000 feet in the air and suddenly go into labor, nor do ...

  15. Road trip at 30-32 weeks pregnant?

    Posted 06-10-11. I am wondering if you think planning a big road trip at 30-32 weeks pregnant is a bad idea? It is over 20 hrs, but we have 2 places along the way we plan to stop so no leg is ...

  16. What it's like to travel during each trimester of pregnancy

    I'm all for traveling while pregnant but, realistically, most women will want to stop traveling at some point in the third trimester. I would imagine by about 36 or 37 weeks, most women will probably decide to stay closer to home. I went on a road trip about three hours from home at 35 weeks and then called it quits for the rest of the pregnancy.

  17. 15 Tips for Traveling While Pregnant

    She recommends taking plenty of walking breaks since "pregnant women are at higher risk for blood clots and prolonged sitting increases that risk." You should try to get up and walk for five to 10 ...

  18. Travelling by car while pregnant: 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, etc

    Travelling by car when you are 3 months pregnant. The third month of pregnancy is the time of the first ultrasound! The little embryo officially becomes a foetus and the risk of miscarriage decreases considerably. On the other hand, nausea and vomiting, as well as the urge to urinate, may intensify.

  19. 11 Do's and Don'ts of Traveling While Pregnant

    The Do's of Traveling While Pregnant. 1. Do get a release from your OBGYN to fly. "Generally, flight after 36 weeks of gestation is not recommended due to the risks of labor and birth en route," says Jessica L. Illuzzi, MD, MS, a Yale Medicine Ob/Gyn, who is the chief of Laborists and Midwifery."Many international flights have earlier ...

  20. Road trip being 26 weeks pregnant

    8hr road trip at 26 weeks pregnant? June 20, 2023 | by kmelbourn928. Hi! My best friend from high school is getting married Labor Day weekend and I'll be 26 weeks pregnant. ... Pregnancy Week 20. Pregnancy Week 21. Pregnancy Week 22. Pregnancy Week 23. Pregnancy Week 24. Pregnancy Week 25. Pregnancy Week 26. Pregnancy Week 27. Pregnancy Week ...

  21. Road trip at 36.5 weeks

    Thoughts on going on a road trip at 36 1/2 weeks? Will be driving five hours away but only staying one night. ... Pregnancy Week 20. Pregnancy Week 21. Pregnancy Week 22. Pregnancy Week 23. Pregnancy Week 24. Pregnancy Week 25. Pregnancy Week 26. Pregnancy Week 27. Pregnancy Week 28.

  22. 20 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Signs

    Stretch but don't overstretch. One of the many pregnancy symptoms is the stretching out of muscles and loosening of ligaments, which means they're also more prone to injury. Remember that when you're exercising, and stretch safely but don't overstretch. If a movement hurts, stop.

  23. 4 hour road trip at 34 weeks pregnant?

    faga19. Jun 8, 2022 at 7:42 PM. I travelled over 4 hours in my last pregnancy at 34 weeks and ended up in pre term labour which resulted in an emergency c section. If you don't feel up to it don't do it, it's as simple as that. You can never predict the future so why take a risk.

  24. Most people don't believe me when I tell them this story ...

    Most people don't believe me when I tell them this story.. biking and hiking almost 12 miles round trip at 20 weeks pregnant.. but I did it and I have no regrets. Honestly I was just really proud of my body for doing the dang thing and being able to show up and serve my clients. But that's not what I've come here to talk about.