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Africa Guides , Asia Guides , Europe Guides , World Travel + Tips

27 of the best off the beaten path travel destinations.

Whilst some countries experience overtourism, there are still plenty of incredible destinations around the world that are crying out for visitors. Off the beaten path travel destinations offer the opportunity of a more profound, richer, fulfilling, and immersive encounter. In this post, we have teamed up with fellow travel bloggers who also share a love of off the beaten path travel, to bring you the best countries to visit for a thrill-seeking adventure.

Okavango Delta canoe trip in Botswana

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Africa off the beaten path travel

1. botswana.

By Katie and Jake from Untold Wanderlust

Elephant watching at Elephant Sands camp - Botswana

A landlocked country located in Southern Africa, Botswana is the perfect off the beaten path travel destination for all kinds of travellers. Whether you’re a backpacker or a luxury lover, Botswana offers something for everyone. If you prefer a camping trip, just roll out your tent. Otherwise, you can easily opt for a luxury lodge. Botswana is often overlooked in favour of its more popular neighbours, South Africa and Namibia. However, Botswana was one of our favourite countries on our overland tour in Africa.

The landscape is defined by the Kalahari Desert and the Okovango Delta, making for a remarkable vastness in sightseeing. Furthermore, there are a plethora of safari opportunities. One of the must-do things in Botswana is an overnight excursion to the Okovango Delta. The area is truly magical. Floating down the romantic waterways whilst spotting hippos, elephants, giraffes, and everything in-between makes for the perfect day. To top it off, you will spend the night camping in the bush under a sea of stars. If a trip to the Okovango Delta still leaves you wanting more, an excursion to Chobe National Park should be on the cards as well. Whip out your binoculars and get ready to spot a leopard!

2. Ethiopia

Contributed by Madhurima from Orange Wayfarer

Ethiopia - Orange Wayferer

I fell in love with Africa while travelling to Masai Mara during the Great Migration , a spectacular natural event.

The landscape, food, and culture were all different from what we have been shown in the media all through my life! Falling in love with the people of Africa was an instantaneous affair that crossed the language barrier with a genteel smile.

Africa also happens to be one continent with a rather relaxed visa norm for an Indian passport holder, a woman, and a freelancer. On my third visit to the continent, I visited Ethiopia and that was a life-changing experience in the true sense.

Ethiopia was never colonised. The people of the country are extremely proud of this fact. Add to that, they are extremely hospitable, and warm to Indians, since many of my countrymen serve in their health sector and educational institutes, and have an interesting cuisine that resembles a lot with the high spice quotient of my country.

Ethiopia is one of the handfuls of countries where the majority of the people follow Old Christianity. While the rest of the world celebrates Christmas, Ethiopia waits for Timket in January. The old rock-hewn churches of Lalibela are stunning examples of historic events that unfolded in the region. The walls and roofs of these churches are often dotted with the face of Jesus that flaunts Afro hair.

Not many know, but coffee was first introduced in Ethiopia. Drinking coffee is a ceremony here, with aromatic incense and old rituals filling up the air as you drink the strong concoction. The north of Ethiopia is made of highlands. Similan mountain range, one of the oldest UNESCO world heritage sites, sits here as a crown jewel with endemic red-breasted Gelada baboons. Proceed towards the North East and you will be welcomed by the sprawling depression of the Danakil region. Active volcanoes, lava lakes, and saltpans adorn this area. The Afar region is also home to plenty of historical evidence that went into the Earth as the great African rift arose. The first human hominid, Lucy, whose bones date back a few million years, were found here.

The south of Ethiopia houses plenty of old African tribesmen, especially by the banks of the Omo River. Visiting Omo Valley is heavily disputed. The hurricane tours often treat these tribal groups as a human zoo, such goes the allegation.

3. Sao Tome and Principe

Contributed by Heather and Peter Cole from Conversant Traveller

Beach on Sao Tome - Conversant Traveller

The remote islands of Sao Tome and Principe sit right on the Equator out in the Gulf of Guinea and off the west coast of Africa. Known as the ‘Chocolate Islands’, the archipelago was once home to hundreds of cocoa and coffee plantations, but after independence from Portugal in 1975, many fell into decline and were taken back by the rainforests that cover much of the land.

This tropical paradise is a favourite with nature enthusiasts, historians, and anyone who loves a good beach. Tourism is still relatively new here, so you’ll often go for several days without seeing another visitor outside of your accommodation. There are a few luxury hotels in Sao Tome and Principe , as well as guesthouses which should all be booked in advance of your holiday.

Day trips and local transportation can be arranged once you’re there, with 4×4 excursions, plantation visits, and diving all readily available. One of the best ways to explore Sao Tome and Principe is by joining a boat trip around the volcanic coast, stopping in sheltered bays for snorkelling and picnics on secluded beaches. Seeing the untouched shores and virgin forests feels like stepping back in time.

Contributed by Emma from Journey of a Nomadic Family

Hello & ball roll Review colour brown Stick leaves on hedgehog

Sudan, in north-east Africa, is one of the most off-the-beaten countries we’ve been to and that is in part due to the financial sanctions placed upon it by America. Sudan is a cash-only country which makes it particularly difficult for foreigners and not only that, it is a two-currency country where you cannot order any local currency before you arrive.

You must also arrange your visa before arrival and it’s best to do it in person at Sudan’s embassy. However, once you have overcome those difficulties, Sudan will reward you with being a welcoming and fascinating country. It receives fewer than 15,000 travellers every year which means you’ll probably have most of its attractions to yourself.

Did you know that Sudan has 255 pyramids ? That’s over 100 more than Egypt, and although they’re not as big, they’re cleaner, cheaper, and by far more impressive than Egypt’s. As many are located in a desert, they glow orange and ripple in the sun. In fact, when we visited the Pyramids of Meroe, the historical site of Naqa & Musawwarat es-Sufra, the Nuri Pyramids, Old Dongola and Arkawit Gate, we were the only people there. This meant we received personalised tours from local guides and that our kids not only met friendly locals but learnt directly from them.

Sudan also has an impressive set of coral reefs which are found off the coast of Port Sudan. You can dive or snorkel with a local company, visit Mukawwar Island & the men who maintain the lighthouse and whilst you’re there, you should definitely visit the destroyed port village of Suakin.

If you’re looking for a true adventure in a country still unknown to the outside world, head to Sudan and revel in all it has to offer. It’s a delight!

Asia off the beaten path travel

Contributed by Jeremy from Cultura Obscura

Bhutan - Cutura Obscura

Bhutan is an extremely off-the-beaten-path destination due both to its isolated location and the daily tourist fee most visitors have to pay. However, for those able to visit, it is well worth the effort and cost as Bhutan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

As Bhutan is so seemingly tucked away from the rest of the world, its cultural identity is much more prevalent and well-preserved than in most other countries. It has a purity of self that envelops you the moment you enter the region, either by flying into the unique Paro airport or by steadily climbing up into the mountains from the border.

You’ll see centuries of Bhutanese tradition everywhere you go; in the colours of the meticulously hand-painted buildings that line the streets, in the refreshing taste of local butter tea, and as you buy spices and crafts at the marketplaces, which is one of the best things to do in Thimphu, Bhutan’s capital city.

The most popular and culturally significant activity of all has to be hiking up to the Tiger’s Nest ; a mountainside temple and holy complex that looks as if it comes straight out of a fantasy novel.

6. Central Asia

Jumping along the Pamir Highway

Whilst Central Asia is not the name of the country but the entire region, we found it difficult to choose just one. Central Asia is made up of five “stans”: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. This region is truly fascinating, with a long history, mesmerising architecture, beyond-belief scenery, and intriguing culture, you have to at least visit once in your lifetime.

On a trip to Central Asia , you will find a plethora of activities and attractions to discover. Don’t miss the beauty of Big Almaty Lake in Kazakhstan, a scenic horse trek in Kyrgyzstan, the mindblowing architecture of Registan Square in Uzbekistan, and the Gates to Hell in Turkmenistan.

Our favourite part of our time in Central Asia though was our 5-day tour of the Pamir Highway in Tajikistan. 5-days of marvelling at a diverse range of scenery; sparkling lakes, snow-capped mountains, rolling green hills, the thrill of riding along one of the world’s most dangerous roads, and connecting with locals and learning about their lives and culture.

Contributed by Jiayi from The Diary of a Nomad

Jiayi of The Diary of a Nomad

One of the most spectacular and underrated destinations on earth is Iran, a country filled with jaw-dropping architecture, an incredible history, breathtaking landscapes, and the most hospitable people. Unfortunately, not much of this is shown in the news or media, and that’s why Iran is unfortunately often overlooked as a tourist destination. However, a trip to this country will leave you truly amazed, and you’ll be wondering why more people aren’t visiting.

Some of the most beautiful places in Iran are the incredible mosques around the country. Nasir Ol Molk Mosque, for example, has a stunning natural light show in the morning when the sun shines through the colourful stained-glass windows, making their colours reflect on the floor. Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque in Isfahan is another architectural gem that will leave you speechless. The intricate blue and orange tiles inside this structure are a true work of art; it’s the reason this mosque is deemed by many as the most impressive one in the whole country.

Some of the other spectacular places to see in Iran are the desert town of Yazd, the charming city of Kashan, and the Kaluts desert. Make sure to also taste the local cuisine, especially the local kebab and the Isfahani biryani.

Contributed by Christian from Unusual Traveler

Iraq - Unusual Traveler

Iraq, the Cradle of Civilization , has slowly started to open up for foreign tourist once again after the country has been struggling with years of war and chaos (some parts of Iraq is still off limits). But these days things are improving so tourists can once again visit the ruins of Babylon and Ctesiphon, and now you can also visit some of the old private palaces belonging to Saddam Hussein. Most people will be surprised that it´s possible to have an ice-cold, locally made Baghdad beer next to the Tigris river or whilst visiting some of the holiest places in the world, Karbala and Najaf.

Iraq is not yet an easy country to visit. The visa is a bureaucratic nightmare, and you are required to have a local guide with you when travelling between places. If you do manage to obtain the visa and decide to visit Iraq, you will be surprised by how liberal and welcoming the locals are, though they are not yet used to seeing foreigners walking around the streets without armed protection.

Contributed by Poly Goy from The Wonderlusters

A temple in Baalbek, Lebanon

When it comes to time travel, Lebanon has few parallels. With a culture that goes back thousands of years, the country is literally an open-air museum. It has cities that stood the test of time and some of the most beautiful remains in the world.

Continuously inhabited since Neolithic times, Byblos has been closely linked to the legends and history of the Mediterranean region. You can’t overlook Sidon, which has been one of the most important centres of the Phoenician Empire as a crucial Mediterranean port. Beirut, the capital, is so beautiful, it has earned the nickname “Paris of the Middle East”.

Anyone who appreciates history must pay a visit to Baalbek to admire its colossal structures which are one of the finest and best-preserved examples of Imperial Roman architecture. Baalbek is one of the most beautiful places to visit in Lebanon.

Lebanon is among the few countries in the Middle East that embrace multiculturalism and religious diversity. The friendliness of the Lebanese people will leave an indelible mark on your heart. Moreover, Lebanese cuisine, which has influenced the gastronomy of the entire Mediterranean basin, is one of the most delicious in the world.

With its majestic landscapes, its overwhelming culinary traditions, and its rich and mixed history, this small country has everything to become your next big favourite.

10. Mongolia

Milking a Yak - Mongolia

Mongolia is a country that will forever hold a special place in our hearts. After staying well and truly on the popular banana backpacking trail in Southeast Asia the previous year, Mongolia was one of the first countries where we strayed into unknown territory. It’s safe to say that we fell in love with Mongolia, the ever-changing landscapes, the nomadic culture, and the yurt life cosying up by a log burner fire in the middle of nowhere. Just us and the stars! Despite Mongolia receiving more visitors year after year, the numbers of international tourists remain pretty low, making this landlocked country a must-visit for avid adventurers.

One of the main highlights of Mongolia is riding around in an old Russian minivan whilst taking in the open roads. The Gobi desert is also an unmissable attraction. The desert features Khongoryn Els dunes which you can climb to the top of for a fiery sunset. Also, take the opportunity of a scenic 2-day horse trek to Naiman Nurr. Ps. Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for snow leopards that are native to Mongolia.

Above all else, if you find yourself in Mongolia in the middle of July, don’t miss the famous Naadam Festival. The Naadam Festival is Mongolia’s biggest celebration and national holiday where locals from all over the country head to the capital Ulaanbaatar to partake in nomadic games; horse riding, wrestling, and archery. You will even see kids as young as 4 galloping away on their horses and taking part in the games. It truly is a unique sight.

Still not sold on Mongolia? Make sure to check out these reasons why you absolutely have to visit !

Contributed by Cecily from Groovy Mashed Potatoes

Cecily - Groovy Mashed Potatoes

Oman is the perfect introduction to the Middle East. It is safe for tourists, so much so you can go on a road trip or even camp out in its exotic and unspoiled landscape. Oman’s nature is diverse with its barren mountains, expansive dunes and the azure Arabian Sea. There are so many breathtaking places to discover.

What also sets Oman apart is that it preserves its traditional architecture. Other Middle Eastern countries, such as Qatar or the UAE are ultra-modern, with their tall skyscrapers and record-breaking buildings. In Oman, you will observe a blend of ancient Omani-style architecture with contemporary buildings.

If you are up for an adventure, Oman offers once-in-a-lifetime experiences that will take you off the grid.

Must-do things in Oman :

  • Take a road trip through Oman to experience Omani culture and explore its diverse landscape.
  • Stay at Desert Nights Camp, a luxury desert camp in the remote dunes. Make sure to watch the sunset from the top of the dunes.
  • Take a refreshing swim at Wadi Shab, an oasis in the hot desert with five natural pools.
  • Go camping in the Jebel Akhdar mountains. You will need a 4×4 vehicle to get past the checkpoint. It is a great place to camp since it’s cooler up in the mountains.
  • Have a campfire by the Arabian Sea at White Sands Beach.
  • Walkthrough the magnificent Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. The architecture will blow you away.  

Enjoy this country rich in culture and natural beauty!

CKS Memorial Hall in Taiwan

Taiwan should be at the top of the list of every travelling foodie. As night falls upon the capital city, the green hue from Taipei’s tallest skyscraper shines bright, signalling the opening of the famous night markets. The well-organized metro system allows for convenient access to every different market scattered across the city, so be prepared for a belly-busting journey. With so much food to choose from, as you patter through the crowded and narrow streets, it can be quite overwhelming to decide what to eat. A must-eat recommendation is a Taiwanese pepper bun (Hujiao Bing) from Rhoe Street Night Market. A freshly made, piping hot crispy bun with a juicy, sweet pork and onion filling.

Aside from an evening of food binging, the daytime offers some fantastic tourist attractions. Our favourite attraction by far has to be Beitou Hot Springs. Consider starting your trip here to feel fully rejuvenated, ready to tackle the rest of your Taiwan itinerary .

A trip to Taiwan isn’t complete without snapping a shot of some amazing architecture. Head over to Taipei 101, the famous tower, that some say resembles a tall stack of noodle boxes. Be sure to also visit CKS Memorial Hall square for epic views of the white marble buildings and surrounding gardens.

13. Timor-Leste

Contributed by Chris from Punta Cana Travel Blog

Timor-Leste - Punt Cana Travel Blog

When it comes to countries, my most memorable off-the-beaten-path experience was for sure in Timor-Leste (also known as East Timor), a country in Southeast Asia that only recently (2002) gained independence. It was annexed by Indonesia and colonialized by Portugal before. This history already shows why Timor-Leste is so much off the beaten path. Technically, you could only visit Timor-Leste after 2010, as the country was plagued by civil unrest in the years previous.

Since then, an unexplored country is awaiting you like no other. To give you an idea: the big and famous booking.com only lists around 25 properties in the entire country. Most cities worldwide have more than 10,000 listings each…

And indeed, Timor-Leste is one of the biggest travel adventures you can have, probably only comparable with the remotest African countries. There is hardly any public transport (and if so, it is operated in trucks instead of busses), the roads in 90% of the country are either unpaved or are consisting of more potholes than tarmac, and accommodation has to be booked like 40 years ago: ask locals if they know someone or check out the local spokesperson to see if they can give you any recommendations. Internet, Lonely Planet, and other traveller reports (because there are hardly any) won’t help you in Timor-Leste.

Once you tackle those challenges, you will have the adventure of your lifetime. The highest mountain of the country, Mount Ramelau, the mountain villages of Nunurlau und Aimeta, or the east of Timor-Leste with Baucau and Jaco are possible destinations you can visit. If you are just looking for a soft adventure, you can take the ferry from Dili and head over to Atauro Island.

However, East Timor doesn’t feature a big list of things to do. It’s the country itself which is a big adventure!

A big plus when you visit: Timor-Leste is safe if you apply standard precautions for travelling in poorer countries. That’s an important condition to have a unique off-the-beaten-path experience in Timor-Leste!

Europe off the beaten path travel 

14. armenia.

Contributed by Vaibhav Mehta from The Wandering Vegetable

A picturesque mountain view in Armenia

When you think of a European trip itinerary , you generally have mainstream travel destinations in mind like Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Rome, Spain, and the Netherlands. Rarely do you ever think of Armenia! But did you know that Armenia is the cheapest and the most budget-friendly European country to explore?

Armenia is an unexplored East European country that has to be on your travel bucket list. It offers you the perfect amalgamation of natural beauty, rich history, fantastic architecture, thrilling adventure, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality.

There are many things to do in Armenia, like the Amberd Fortress, Pagan Temple of Garni, Geghard Monastery, Sevan Lake, the spa town of Tsaghkadzor, Shaki Waterfall, and Areni village. You can also hike Mount Aragats or take a day trip to Tatev Monastery if you’re craving a bit of adventure.

The capital city of Yerevan, in particular, is a traveller’s delight. Some of the best things to do and see in Yerevan are the Republic Square, Genocide Museum, Yerevan Cascade, the Mother Armenia statue, and the Freedom Square.

When it comes to food, the local Armenian cuisine is incredibly diverse and lip-smackingly tasty. Not to forget, the delicious and exotic Armenian wines that make Armenia a wine lover’s paradise. The best time to visit Armenia is during May-June or September-October period.

Do not miss exploring Armenia as it deserves to be on your travel bucket list and punches much above its weight to pleasantly surprise you with its charm.

15. Azerbaijan

Contributed by Kristin from Adventures with Ensuite

Azerbaijan - Adventures with Ensuite

It is easy to think of the countries in the Caucasus as similar to one another, but they all have their distinctive culture, food, look and feel. What makes Azerbaijan stand out from its neighbours is its strong Silk Road heritage and its modern architecture.

Sheki, located close to the border with Georgia, was once a major stop on the Silk Road from China to Constantinople. Whilst visiting the over-the-top decorated palaces, such as the Sheki Khan’s Summer Palace and the caravanserais that used to house hundreds of merchants travelling between the east and west, you can imagine what the town must once have been like. However, the main Baku tourist places are quite different. Baku has a small but atmospheric old town but the main reason to visit is the many futuristic buildings built using the country’s large oil wealth.

Two of the places not to miss are the Flame Towers and the Heydar Aliyev Centre. In addition to all its new and old architecture, Azerbaijan has some interesting natural sights, such as the mud volcanoes and rock art of Qobustan. Furthermore, there are many hiking opportunities in the mountain villages around Quba. Trekking is only possible in the summer months, but Baku has the most comfortable temperatures during spring and autumn. It gets oppressively hot during July and August. Winters can be cold and rainy in the capital, but if you’re looking for skiing opportunities this is a great time to visit the mountain resorts.

16. Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo old town streets - Bosnia

Sarajevo embodies the word quaint like no other city we’ve been to. Walking the pristine, stone-paved streets, passing by tiny trinket stores, under archways, and through narrow passages is an enjoyable experience in itself. Nothing beats a stop for a dollar scoop of ice cream or enjoying a traditional Bosnian coffee as the crowds pass by.

Despite being overlooked by tourists, in favour of nearby powerhouses like Dubrovnik and Budapest, Sarajevo, Bosnia’s capital city, boasts a rich and important history. After all, Sarajevo is the epicentre of where World War 1 broke out, due to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914.

To end a perfect day, and welcome an even better evening, we recommend watching the sunset in front of the peach-tinted rooftops of Sarajevo. There are plenty of spots to choose from, however, our fav memories are from the Yellow Fort and the Avaz Twist Tower. After soaking up all the visual stimuli Sarajevo has to offer, it’s only fitting to dine out and order a famous Balkans classic; cevapi. If you’re on a wider trip, you also won’t want to miss Mostar; a cute, small city filled with steep stone stairways and alleys. There are so many things to do in Mostar . Shop until you drop for colourful trinkets from the market stalls and dine out at one of the romantic restaurants in the old town. The star of the show though is Stari Most Bridge, an Ottoman-arched bridge that crosses over the Neretva River.

Contributed by Ellis from Backpack Adventures

A cute town in Kosovo

Kosovo is the newest country in Europe and became an independent state as recently as 2008. Its troubled path to independence is still the reason very few people will consider Kosovo as a travel destination. A pity, because it has lots to offer and is now also one of the safest countries in Europe.

Even though Kosovo is not that big, it has a surprising amount of things to see and do for its small size. Kosovo has mountains, canyons, Ottoman towns, and ancient orthodox monasteries. Kosovo has something for everyone whether you love nature, culture, or good food.

For nature head to the little town of Peja with its bustling bazaar. This place is the gateway to the beautiful Rugova Canyon, one of the deepest and longest canyons in Europe. It’s on the way to the Accursed Mountains where you can go hiking in alpine sceneries and little mountain villages.

If you are more into the culture, you will love the multicultural city of Prizren. This small city was heavily influenced by the Ottomans and if you walk through the bazaar it definitely feels more east than west. There is the beautiful Sinan Pasha mosque and an ancient hammam. However, the city has churches and cathedrals as well, and the 14th-century Decani monastery is an easy day trip away.

At last, don’t miss Kosovo’s capital with its trendy cafes and great restaurants where you can indulge in Kosovo’s delicious food and meet its extremely friendly and welcoming people.

18. Liechtenstein

Contributed by Smita from My Faulty Compass

Liechtenstein - My Faulty Compass

The tiny little country of Liechtenstein often escapes the radar of tourists when they are visiting Europe. However, pristine Alpine beauty and fascinating history make the country a wonderful place to visit.

Located between Switzerland and Austria, Liechtenstein is the 6th smallest country in the world. Spend a day driving around, or longer if you’d like to explore the beautiful hiking options during the summer or the fantastic ski slopes in the winter.

Despite its size, there are plenty of incredible things to do in Liechtenstein. 4 municipalities make up the country – Schaan, Vaduz, Triesenberg & Balzers – and all 4 of them have lots of fantastic places to explore.

Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein and the home to the famous Vaduz Castle. Perched on a hilltop, this castle has wonderful views over the Rhine Valley. Vaduz’s pedestrian street in Städtle is a lovely place to explore the local shops and Liechtenstein’s famous stamps.

Triesenberg is a beautiful mountain town with panoramic views over the hills and valleys. Balzers is another place famous for its castles. The Gutenberg Castle sits high above the town and makes for a beautiful spot to take in the views around.

Other than beautiful towns, Liechtenstein offers several amazing hikes, some of the most popular of which are the Liechtenstein Trail, a route connecting the municipalities, the Princes’ Way Hike, a high-altitude hike and the Princess Trail, a hike along a stunning ridge.

19. Lithuania

Contributed by Debjani from the Vagabong

Lithuania - The Vagabong

Lithuania is one of the most beautiful off-the-beaten-path countries in Europe, at least on the Global Tourist Map. It is one of the Baltic countries which is steeped in war history and has been through a series of revolutions to acquire its independence from Russia until very recently in 1991. Lithuania is also one of the lesser expensive European Countries located in northern Europe and one can easily spend a week exploring this country. In the 14th century, Lithuania was the largest country in Europe. But at the end of the 18th century, the downfall of the Lithuanian kingdom was effectively split between Prussia’s and Russia’s empires. After the Lithuanian language, Russian is the most commonly spoken language as the country was under Russian rule for a very long time.

The people of Lithuania have gone through war oppression and have come out resilient. It is also a very small nation with a lot of potential for cultural/historical tourism, as people should be aware that the tragic holocaust past, where 91% of Lithuanian Jews were executed.

Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania and has three national parks inside the city, thus making it a natural hub. The old town of Vilnius also has beautiful old chapels and castles which are worth visiting.

One of the main dishes of Lithuania is Cepilinai which is made of Potato. So, for potato lovers, Lithuania is a food paradise. A few of the main tourist attractions in Lithuania, which can be covered through a day trip from Vilnius, are Rumsiskies, Klapeida, Kaunas, Trakai Castle, and Palanga Beach Town.

So, while planning a budget trip to Central and Northern Europe , Lithuania should definitely not be missed.

20. Romania

Pretty architecture in Timisoara, Romania

Magical fairytale castles, medieval cobblestone streets, bright red rooftops, and warm friendly people were our introduction to Romania. As soon as we arrived in Brasov, we knew we were going to love it. Despite Romania having a profusion of attractions, it is surprising that international visitors are not flocking to the country. Romania has to be one of Europe’s best-kept secrets.

Romania, home to Transylvania, isn’t all about playing hide and seek with Dracula. Although a trip to Bran Castle is a must. Visiting Bran Castle during the Halloween period should be on everyone’s bucket list. Aside from Bran Castle, make sure to head over to Pele’s Castle too. The architecture is magical! If you love the outdoors and nature, a drive along the mountain pass road, Transfăgărășan is a must. The road is so beautiful, it even made an appearance on BBC’s Top Gear in 2009. If fairytale castles and mountain roads aren’t enough, Timisoara has been voted the cultural capital of 2021! Timisoara is the second-largest city in Romania but has an artsy, laid-back vibe. Not only that, but you will also find plenty of divine cuisines to sink your teeth into. After all, Timisoara is home to 21 ethnicities and 18 religions.

21. Ukraine

Independence square - Kiev, Ukraine

Unlike cities in Western Europe, where mass tourism ascends on the cobbled streets, you will find a more peaceful setting in Ukraine. Ukraine still boasts the weird and wonderful in Lviv , amazing architecture in Kyiv, and sandy beaches in Odesa. One of the best draws to Ukraine though, is how cheap it is! Much cheaper than Western Europe, but still boasts all the fine attractions that you seek on a trip to the more popular European cities. Whilst it may seem a lot, that on average 14 million tourists visit Ukraine each year, when you compare it to almost 90 million visitors to France, you can easily see why Ukraine remains an off-the-beaten-path travel destination.

Whilst in Ukraine, it is obvious that no trip would be complete without a visit to the famous 1996 disaster site, Chernobyl. A trip to Chernobyl and the ghost town of Pripyat is a great addition to a Ukraine trip, especially for those who seek the thrill of abandoned places. Furthermore, don’t miss the mystique love tunnel in Rivne. The love tunnel , which is a train track that has been taken over by flourishing nature, is the perfect place for photographers.

North America off the beaten path travel

Contributed by Talek from Travel with Talek

 A church in Cuba

Although just 90 miles from the southeastern coast of the U.S., Cuba seems like a million miles – and 60 years – away.  Isolated from the U.S. due to an economic embargo and restrictive travel regulations, Cuba remains frozen in time.

The island is the biggest in the Caribbean. It is a culturally fascinating travel destination with largely intact colonial architecture, vibrant music, art, nightlife scene and jaw-dropping natural beauty.

Cuba’s capital city of Havana, founded in 1519 by Spanish conquistadors, is an intriguing collection of neighbourhoods. Old Havana, the easternmost, and oldest, part of the city is a UNESCO World Heritage site with winding cobblestone streets and broad leafy plazas surrounded by colonial buildings and museums.

Despite Havana’s charms, there is so much more to see in Cuba. The most visited cities outside the capital are Vinales with its tobacco plantations, Trinidad one of the best-preserved colonial towns, Cienfuegos, founded by French settlers from Bordeaux and Louisiana, Santiago de Cuba, the Pearl of the Caribbean and so much more.

With 9 UNESCO World Heritage sites, 6 UNESCO Biosphere preserves, and hundreds of protected nature areas, Cuba is a true wonderland worth visiting.

23. El Salvador

Contributed by Bistra and Nace from The Magic of Traveling

El Salvador - The Magic of Traveling

Everybody who we met on our trip to Central America advised us not to visit El Salvador. It’s dangerous, something bad is going to happen to you in that country. The only problem was none of those people had ever set foot there, so instead, we decided to trust those who did travel to El Salvador.

We started with El Tunco – the surfers’ paradise on the Pacific coast. Although it was a fenced resort town, we felt super safe and the only danger we could imagine was the danger of eating too many of the delicious pupusas (the traditional cornmeal flour flat cakes stuffed with cheese, veggies, etc.). So we decided to hire a driver and continue with the Ruta de Las Flores. The Flower Route takes you to volcanoes, mountains, waterfalls, and spectacular views. You stop by different villages on the route to experience how locals live, their traditions, and the history of the country.

After stumbling upon a typical Sunday fiesta in one of the villages, we got even braver and decided to take the local bus and travel to the second biggest city – Santa Ana. Santa Ana welcomes you with an endless street market and its beautiful downtown architecture. The cathedral and the theatre buildings are among the most beautiful in Central America. You can also hike the cherry on the cake – the majestic Santa Ana volcano which inspired the active volcanoes in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s novella “The Little Prince”.

24. Honduras

Contributed by Lozzy from Cuppa to Copa Travels

Honduras - Cuppa to Copa Travels

As the least visited country in all of Latin America, Honduras is well and truly off the beaten path. Only 850k tourists venture to this part of the world annually, but recently this number is very slightly beginning to grow. Honduras is unfortunately held back by its violent reputation – the major city of San Pedro Sula was named the murder capital of the world only a few years ago (it’s now dropped down to 15th in a 2020 study).

However, those who dare see past this will realise just how much this nation has to offer. The people are open and friendly, the prices are cheap and the landscapes are absolutely stunning. Honduras really does have it all, from paradise islands and world-renowned dive spots to ancient Mayan temples and sprawling cloud forests. Must-dos in this off-the-beaten-path country include kayaking the expanse of Lake Yojoa , ziplining through the mists of the mighty Pulhapanzak Waterfall, getting dive-certified in the Bay Islands and exploring the Mayan ruins of Copan.

While lots of the hostels in Honduras are basic, there are luxury resorts to be found – especially on one of the country’s Caribbean islands – which can give you a VIP experience for a fraction of the price of resorts further up the Central American coast.

Oceania off the beaten path travel

25. papua new guinea.

Contributed by John from Tulsatrot – Globetrotting Around the World

A lake in Papua New Guinea

Hot, wet air greeted our arrival on the black tarmac of a city that The Economist ranked 139th least livable city in the world out of 140. That was Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, the capital of a country with over 750 spoken languages and tribes that have lived in isolation from the rest of the world.

A quick walk past the restroom stained with bright red betel nut supported this ranking.

Welcome to Papua New Guinea folks.

Within fifteen minutes, PNG quickly introduced us to what to expect over the next ten days, the unexpected in a southwestern Pacific country where comedy and menace live side by side.

Pigs are highly valuable in PNG. They serve as a form of currency. If you want to marry that special someone, true love requires swine. If you wrong another tribe, retribution is live poker. Visiting Karkar Island off the northern coast, pigs and comedy caught my eye in a newspaper title.

So when I saw “Pig Lover Nabbed” as one of the lead news articles on the front page of the national Papua New Guinea Post Courier, it caught my attention. Not only the content but the need to post that on the front page. “Was it a slow day in the newsroom?”

Another animal demands focused attention. PNG is home to the world’s most dangerous bird, the cassowary. It resides in the tropical forests, but by happenchance, one was at the same coconut and cocoa farm and fortunately, that single fascinating bird was behind a secure fence. The danger lies not in its multicoloured prehistoric head, but in the sharp menacing claws on its feet. It informed me of its prowess with a wicked gurgling howl. Sounded like my buddy’s first girlfriend.

PNG is a land rarely visited by tourists and they are often bird watchers and scientists, but a land ripe with fascinating attractions to explore.

26. Marshall Islands

Contributed by Erika from Erika’s Travels

The Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands, a sprawling archipelago nation that sits in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean, is among the most remote and undiscovered countries in the world.

The far-flung country consists of 29 coral atolls that lie between Hawaii and the Federated States of Micronesia. Its tiny islands are so remote, that fewer than 5,000 visitors per year set foot on their sands.

If you are travelling to the Marshall Islands, chances are that Majuro will be your introduction to the country. The crowded capital island is the main gateway to the Marshall Islands and home to the country’s only international airport.

Unfortunately, while it is the most accessible atoll, Majuro is not the paradisiacal tropical island you might have dreamed about. The densely populated atoll is crowded, congested, and full of stray dogs.

Luckily, palm-fringed Arno Atoll is only a short boat ride away and connected to Majuro by 3x weekly boat service. Arno boasts turquoise water, swaying palms, white-sand beaches, and a slow pace of life that appears almost untouched by modernity.

There are almost no amenities on Arno Atoll, so it would be best to bring along food and necessities if you choose to visit.

Travelling around the Marshall Islands is not an easy affair. Outside of Majuro and Arno, the country’s coral atolls require time and money to visit properly. Transportation between the islands—whether by boat or by air—is unreliable at best. Unless you’re sailing around the Pacific with unlimited time, it is not the type of place where you can easily hop between destinations.

The Marshall Islands is a country that entices intrepid and adventurous travellers. It may not have the tourist amenities that can be found on other Pacific islands, but its rustic charm is precisely what makes the far-flung archipelago nation so special.

South America off the beaten path travel

27. uruguay .

Contributed by Erin from Sol Salute

Colonia del Sacramento

Uruguay is a tiny, off-the-beaten-path country nestled between big brothers Argentina to the south and Brazil to the north, but Uruguay has just as much to offer! The capital city, Montevideo, features old European charm thanks to immigration from the early 20th century. The historic downtown is filled with original architecture and the central market is a must-visit for meat lovers.

The small town of Colonia del Sacramento is one of the most popular things to do in Uruguay. This tiny village was founded by the Portuguese and retains all of its original architecture and charm. It’s easy to visit as a day trip from nearby Buenos Aires but is worth a longer stay to explore the regional wineries between Colonia and nearby Carmelo.

Red wine is excellent in Uruguay and the wine region is underappreciated and waiting to be discovered. The real beauty of Uruguay is its Atlantic Coast. In the many beach towns here, there is something for everyone. Punta del Este is luxurious. It is a place to see and be seen in the warm summer months. It’s also one of the best places to be in South America for New Year’s Eve. Punta del Diablo and Cabo Polonio, further up the coast, cater to a more hippie, laid-back crowd. Go there to disconnect and sink into all of Uruguay’s undiscovered charms.

Essential travel resources

Travel Insurance – No matter where you’re travelling to, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re covered for any accidents or losses. We spent days and weeks searching for insurance, but most insurers would not allow us to take out a policy as we were already abroad. Our personal choice is Safteywing . You can opt for automatic monthly payments, just like a subscription. More importantly, it is available in 180 countries and can be purchased whilst already travelling. There is no cap on the duration of travel.

Visa – Before you travel to any country, make sure to check if you need a visa. iVisa is a fantastic website that is super easy and quick to use. Just type in where you are from. and where you are going. to check if you need a visa. If you do, you can quickly make an application online.

Accommodation – Booking.com is our go-to when looking to pre-book accommodation online. Booking.com tend to almost always have the best rates and a FREE cancellation policy for most properties.

Overland transport – Our go-to website for overland transport is Bookaway . Bookaway offers multiple forms of transport, from buses, mini-vans, trains, and ferries. The routes on offer are extensive and certainly cover most of the backpacker trails. Bookaway works a little like Skyscanner but for overland transport. You will find plenty of transport options from a range of companies. All you simply need to do is book online and receive your ticket by email. The email will contain essential information, such as where the bus leaves from and departure and arrival times.

Tours & Activities – If you want to book tours and activities online, make sure to check out Get Your Guide . Get Your Guide takes the stress out of booking activities abroad. You will also find a range of benefits, such as skip-the-line passes, lunch included in your tours, and so much more.

Travel tips ebook -Before you head off on your adventure, make sure to download our free ebook. It has a whopping 109 budget travel tips to help you make your hard-earned cash go further. Click here to download your FREE ebook.

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27 of the Best Off the Beaten Path Travel Destinations

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off beaten path travel destinations

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23 Epic Off-The-Beaten-Path Travel Destinations: Why You Should Travel Off The Beaten Path In 2024

  • Last Updated: April 4, 2024
  • Destinations

What’s the most unusual destination you’ve ever visited? Have you ever wanted to see more of the world, but been daunted when it comes to actually planning a trip to somewhere a bit more off the beaten track?

Taking the road less travelled can be an incredibly enriching experience. And yet, so many of us tend to stick to the same tried-and-tested holiday spots. I think this is a real shame.

Those who only ever visit the “standard” destinations are missing out on so much .

I’m not saying that countries like France or Italy aren’t worth visiting – they definitely are.

Paris is a beautiful city. The villages of Provence are idyllic. The vineyards of Tuscany are gorgeous. And the Colosseum is simply stunning. 

But the world is such a huge, varied place and there are so many incredible destinations to discover.

I strongly recommend not limiting yourself to the “obvious” choices. Instead, get out there and explore some of the lesser-known places around the world.

Table of Contents

A lot of places you see in your Instagram feed are over-touristed. They’ve become overcrowded, over-priced, and (in my view) over-rated.

I’ve travelled a lot in the last 12+ years. I have a lot of treasured and special travel memories. And almost all of them are from times when I was travelling off the beaten path.

I’m eager to share why this style of travel resonates so deeply with me and why I believe it could be a game-changer for you as well.

In the following sections, I’ll also tell you a little bit about some of my favourite offbeat travel destinations.

Benefits of Travelling Off The Beaten Path

Some of the following benefits tend to overlap; but, in a nutshell:

It can be more rewarding: Travelling off the beaten path can be an immensely rewarding experience. Not only is it liberating to escape from the crowds that plague popular tourist hotspots, offbeat travel also offers you the chance to immerse yourself in local cultures, enjoy different cuisines, and uncover hidden gems.

You’ll have unique experiences: Getting off the beaten path gives you an opportunity to explore places many people don’t even know exist. You’ll find yourself in places untouched by mass tourism, allowing you to enjoy unique and authentic experiences that you’ll remember forever.

You’ll meet new people: Away from the tourist traps, you’re much more likely to have meaningful interactions with locals who will share their culture with you. You’ll probably meet a more interesting range of fellow travellers too.

You’re more likely to have a positive impact: By avoiding destinations with mass appeal, you’re less likely to contribute to the negative impacts of over-tourism, such as crowding, inflated prices, and environmental damage.

You’ll learn more about the world: Travelling to “alternative” destinations gives you amazing insights into different cultures, histories, and ways of life. It might even give you a new perspective on where you live, too.

My Favourite Off-The-Beaten-Path Travel Destinations

Here are 23 of my favourite off-the-beaten-path travel destinations.

I’ve been to all of them and can highly recommend each and every one of them to anybody who wants to see a slightly different side of the world.

The next time you’re planning a trip, I recommend stepping out of your comfort zone a little and exploring one (or more!) of these amazing places.

Step outside of the tourist bubble. You might just be surprised at what you find.

Looking for off-the-beaten-path places to visit in the UK? Check out these 44 UK Hidden Gems .

1. Jaffna, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a lush, tropical island paradise just off the southern tip of India.

With stunning beaches, varied scenery, delicious food, and a diverse wealth of cultural heritage, this small island nation offers an incredible range of unforgettable experiences.

Most visitors tend to stick to a fairly well-trodden route. They visit the beaches and surf spots of the southwest and southeast, Ella , Kandy , and/or the “ Cultural Triangle ” in the centre of the island.

Most visitors do not make it up to the far north of the country. But you should – it’s awesome.

Jaffna is the capital of Sri Lanka’s Tamil-speaking Northern Province and offers a unique cultural experience that’s totally different from the rest of the country.

In fact, the whole place feels much more like India than the rest of Sri Lanka. Although it’s different from India in many ways too. I’ve never been anywhere else quite like it.

I spent a week in Jaffna in March this year, and it was definitely one of the highlights of my time in Sri Lanka.

Despite being heavily damaged during the Sri Lankan civil war , Jaffna has made an impressive recovery and is now a safe and welcoming destination.

There are plenty of things to see and do in Jaffna , including visiting the ancient Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil temple, which is the most important Hindu temple in Sri Lanka.

I was warmly welcomed into the evening puja ceremony here – and showered with gifts of food afterwards.

I don’t know a huge amount about Hinduism, but the whole thing was a very powerful experience and one that I will remember forever.

Jaffna Public Library is another of the city’s major landmarks.

You can also explore the Jaffna Fort, which the Portuguese built in the 17th century, and take a stroll through the colourful markets, where you’ll find a variety of local fruits, vegetables, and spices.

But perhaps the best thing about visiting Jaffna is the food. Jaffna cuisine is known for its spiciness and unique flavours. In my opinion, it’s hands down the best food in Sri Lanka.

One of the things that struck me most about Jaffna is that you hardly see any other foreign visitors there. I think I saw 5 in a whole week. Authenticity score: high.

If you’re looking for a destination that’s very much off the beaten path and offers a unique cultural experience, Jaffna should be on your radar.

Check out my comprehensive guide to surfing in Sri Lanka .

If you’d like to see a totally different side of Europe, I highly recommend a trip to Albania .

I spent a couple of months living in Albania last year. It’s one of my favourite countries in the world and is definitely one of the most underrated gems in the Mediterranean.

Located in the western Balkans, north of Greece and east of Italy, Albania was closed to the outside world for much of the 20th century.

Happily, those days are very much in the past, but the country still feels wonderfully undiscovered.

In the south of the country, the Albanian Riviera is home to some of the best beaches in the Mediterranean.

This gorgeous stretch of coast is kissed by the impossibly clear, calm turquoise waters of the Ionian Sea, and framed by dramatic mountains.

Inland, you’ll find beautiful and well-preserved fortified Ottoman towns and castles, such as Gjirokaster and Berat.

The modern, quirky capital of Tirana is packed full of fantastic restaurants , bars, museums, and galleries, and is surrounded by serene mountains, forests, and lakes.

Bordering Montenegro and Kosovo in the north, the dramatic Albanian Alps are a paradise for hikers and nature lovers, with several national parks and other protected areas.

Albania rewards adventurous travellers more than any other European destination I’ve ever visited.

The people are warm and incredibly hospitable, the scenery is breathtaking, and (best of all) in many places you’ll be the only foreign tourist in sight.

3. Mexico (beyond Cancun and the Riviera Maya)

Mexico is a massive country with a huge variety of destinations to explore, but sadly many people only ever visit the heavily touristed areas around Cancun and the Riviera Maya .

Beyond this relatively small stretch of coast, and the wider Yucatán peninsula , there’s a world of stunningly diverse, exciting locations awaiting you in Mexico.

Despite its reputation for crime, the majority of Mexico is perfectly safe to visit, provided you take the usual, sensible precautions.

My personal favourite Mexican state is Oaxaca, on the country’s southwest Pacific coast.

It’s an incredible region with stunning beaches, a vibrant and colourful colonial capital (Oaxaca City, or “Oaxaca de Juárez”), and some of the best food in the country.

In fact, Oaxaca is considered to be one of the culinary capitals of Latin America.

Another great state to explore, Chiapas runs along the border with Guatemala and shares more with its southern neighbour than with the rest of Mexico.

It’s a wild and ancient land, with spectacular mountains, colourful waterfalls , and some wonderfully unspoiled beaches .

The picturesque city of San Cristóbal de las Casas is perched high in the mountains and is a fascinating place to learn about the local Indigenous communities who live in this area.

Or, if you’re more of a big city person, Mexico City is one of the most vibrant, cultured, and fun-loving capital cities in the world.

Check out the elegant Condesa neighbourhood, home to some of the city’s best restaurants, galleries, and bars.

Don’t miss the National Museum of Anthropology , which is one of the best museums I’ve ever visited and contains a giant collection of artefacts from Mexico’s pre-Hispanic civilizations.

Mexico is a wonderful place to explore, and I’m confident you’ll find something that you love if you step a little off the beaten path there.

4. Almaty, Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is an enormous, diverse country and Almaty, the former capital, is a fascinating cultural melting pot.

Of all the cities I’ve visited in the world, Almaty is probably the one that surprised me the most.

Nestled in the shadow of the snow-capped Tian Shan Mountains, Central Asia’s “Big Apple” is a modern and cosmopolitan city with an incredible natural setting.

The city has a unique blend of Russian, European, Central Asian, Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Mongolian influences, due to its historically strategic location on the Silk Road. 

The Green Bazaar is a great place to stock up on local produce, spices, and traditional ingredients from around the region.

Take a stroll through the lush and beautifully landscaped Panfilov Park, which is home to a beautiful Orthodox cathedral made entirely from wood, plus a number of sculptures and other monuments.

One of the most memorable experiences you can have in Almaty is to take a trip to the Arasan Baths.

This spa complex contains a range of saunas, steam rooms, plunge pools, baths, and even a Moroccan-style hammam, all housed inside an amazing building with traditional Central Asian architectural features.

From just outside the city, you can take a cable car up to Shymbulak, a high-altitude mountain resort, where you can ski in the winter or hike in the summer.

If you have a little more time to explore, the area around Almaty is home to some of the most spectacularly wild and untamed mountain scenery, with soaring peaks, pristine rivers and lakes, and expansive steppe grasslands. 

The dramatic Charyn Canyon (the “Grand Canyon of Central Asia”), picturesque Kolsai Lakes National Park, and the vast and otherworldly Altyn-Emel National Park are all breathtaking and (relatively) accessible from the city. 

This place is a million miles from the “Kazakhstan” of the Borat movies and an amazing gateway to a captivating and unique region that’s a long way off of most people’s travel radar.

Namibia is a vast, sparsely populated country in southern Africa.

It’s one of the safest African countries to visit, one of the easiest to explore independently, and home to some of the most incredible natural scenery on the continent.

In the southern Namib Desert, Sossusvlei is a spectacular place known for its endless sea of towering sand dunes, some of which are among the tallest in the world.

Next to this is the impossibly photogenic Deadvlei, named for the remains of ancient acacia trees that have been petrified by the intense heat and dryness.

In the north of the country, Etosha National Park is one of the largest national parks in Africa and one of the best places for spotting wildlife.

As well as the “Big Five” (lion, leopard, black rhinoceros, elephant, and African buffalo), you have an excellent chance of seeing a host of other stunning species here, including zebra, giraffe, wildebeest, cheetah, and ostrich.

For a truly unforgettable experience, hire a 4×4 fully equipped with camping gear (roof tents are amazing, even if you don’t usually like camping ).

Head to Spitzkoppe, an ancient granite outcrop that rises dramatically 5,600 feet from the Namib desert, and spend a night there under the stars. The night sky here is spectacular beyond words.

6. Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a landlocked country in Central Asia known for its rugged landscapes and nomadic traditions.

The country is often called the “Switzerland of Central Asia” because of its epic mountain scenery, glaciers, canyons , and crystal-clear lakes.

When I visited Kyrgyzstan, I hiked in the Tien Shan Mountains, rode horses through high-altitude pastures, stayed in traditional yurts, and was blown away by the warm hospitality and kindness of the local nomadic communities.

If you’re looking to get off the beaten track and explore a country that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, nomadic culture, and adventure, Kyrgyzstan is the perfect destination.

The capital city, Bishkek has a fascinating blend of cultures, with nomadic sheepherders brushing shoulders with suited business people, merchants, and everybody in between.

One of my favourite things about visiting Kyrgyzstan is the opportunity to experience the traditional nomadic way of life.

The Kyrgyz Community-Based Tourism Association is a fantastic organisation and offers a range of tours, homestays, workshops, and other activities that allow you to explore the unique culture of Kyrgyzstan in an authentic (and sustainable) way.

7. Kenya (outside of fancy safari resorts)

Kenya is rightly known for its world-famous safari experiences and luxurious safari lodges . However, there’s so much else to explore in this unforgettable East African country.

I’ve spent several weeks in Kenya, and it’s definitely one of my favourite countries on the continent.

It’s an incredibly diverse place, both scenically and culturally.

From the coral-fringed beaches of the Indian Ocean to volcanic landscapes, ancient forests, and mountainous highlands, Kenya has a huge range of natural landscapes that will take your breath away.

With vibrant cities full of culture, history, and architecture there’s plenty to explore off the beaten track in Kenya .

You can hike in the lush green Aberdare Mountains, visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lamu Island, or explore the bustling markets of Nairobi and Mombasa.

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of my favourite places in Kenya. It has an enormous population of pink flamingos, which can be seen from miles away.

The park also offers you the chance to see other wildlife such as zebras, giraffes, and rhinos up close.

If you’re looking for a real adventure, head to the remote northern regions of the country, such as Marsabit, Lake Turkana, and the Chalbi Desert, where you’ll experience the unique cultures of the various Indigenous tribes and communities that live there.

No matter what type of traveller you are, Kenya has something for you.

8. Eastern Cuba

To get off the beaten path in Cuba , head to the eastern half of the island. This region is particularly rich in culture, history, and unique experiences, but is often overlooked by tourists.

One of the main highlights is Santiago de Cuba, the second-largest city in the country, and the birthplace of the Cuban Revolution. This vibrant city is filled with history, music, and delicious food.

Take a stroll through the Parque Cespedes, visit the Casa de la Trova bar for incredible live music, or explore the Castillo de San Pedro del Morro, a 17th-century fortress that offers stunning views of the Caribbean Sea.

Another must-see destination in eastern Cuba is Baracoa. This small, picturesque town is located on the northeastern coast of the island and is known for its beautiful beaches, historic architecture, and unique cuisine.

The Sierra Maestra mountain range is the highest in Cuba and is home to Pico Turquino, the highest peak on the island. You can hike through lush forests and explore waterfalls and scenic lookout points.

Finally, the beaches in eastern Cuba are some of the best in the Caribbean. Playa Pesquero, located near the town of Guardalavaca, offers crystal-clear water and perfect white sand.

Eastern Cuba is a diverse and fascinating region that is definitely worth exploring.

9. Sikkim, India

Located in northeastern India , Sikkim is a small state sandwiched between Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet.

It offers a staggering range of natural beauty, with towering snow-capped mountains, sparkling lakes, and dense forests.

Sikkim has several national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

One of the most popular is the UNESCO-listed Khangchendzonga National Park , which is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including the magnificent snow leopard.

I went trekking in Sikkim a few years ago, and it’s honestly one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.

Trekking to the base of Khangchendzonga, the world’s third-highest mountain, was pretty tough going, but oh so worth it.

The views from up there are truly breathtaking. You can see for miles and miles across the Himalayas, surrounded by an unbroken sea of snow-capped peaks.

You can also explore the state’s rich cultural heritage. Sikkim is an important centre for Tibetan culture, and there are several spectacular monasteries to visit, including Rumtek and Pemayangtse.

It’s also worth spending some time in the state capital, Gangtok. This vibrant city is surrounded by mountains and has a mix of modern and traditional architecture and culture.

There’s some great Nepali food here too!

If you have time, I also recommend checking out the small towns of Pelling and Yuksom. These both offer amazing views over the snow-covered Himalayas and a few historical monasteries that you can visit.

Finally, if you’re looking for some relaxation, Sikkim is home to several hot springs that are believed to have medicinal properties.

The Yumthang Hot Springs , located in the far north of the state, is one of the best.

10. Transylvania, Romania

Romania is another European country that offers a wealth of history, culture, and natural beauty but is often overlooked by travellers.

I first went there a few years ago, and have been raving about it ever since.

There’s so much to see and do in Romania, and the best way to explore the country properly is to hire a car and go on a road trip .

The central region of Transylvania contains many of Romania’s highlights, including the atmospheric medieval cities of Sibiu and Brasov.

Visit the fortified Saxon town of Sighișoara, with its iconic 13th-century clock tower, citadel, colourful buildings, and narrow cobbled streets.

Another of my favourite places in Transylvania is the Transfăgărășan Highway.

One of the best driving roads in the world, this epic mountain road winds its way up and over the Carpathian mountains (i.e. the Transylvanian Alps), with hundreds of corners, steep hairpins, and some seriously incredible views.

Also, if you have more time to explore, check out Vama Veche , a bohemian party town on the country’s Black Sea coast.

Oman is a country of contrasts, from its rugged coastline and vast deserts to its bustling cities and traditional villages.

Whether you’re looking to lose yourself in an endless sea of dunes, relax on a pristine beach, or learn about the country’s rich cultural history, Oman has something for everyone.

It’s definitely worth spending a day or two exploring the historic forts and castles of Muscat, the capital city.

Other highlights include the beautiful Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque and the atmospheric Mutrah Souq.

Take a trip to Nizwa, an ancient and very scenic oasis town that’s famous for its 17th-century fortress.

Then head deep into the Wahiba Sands. It’s Oman’s section of the  Rub ‘  al Khali  (or “Empty Quarter”), a vast sandy desert that occupies most of the southern third of the Arabian Peninsula. 

Here you can experience warm Bedouin hospitality by staying in a traditional desert camp (the stars here are unreal).

Oman is another country that’s perfect for a road trip . It’s also possible to drive to Oman from Dubai . I’ve done this and it’s (relatively) straightforward.

Latvia is a small country located on the Baltic Sea. Its capital city, Riga , is full of amazing Art Nouveau, Soviet, and Modernist architecture.

One of my favourite areas of the city is the Riga Central Market. It’s the largest market and bazaar in Europe and is housed inside five enormous 1920s German zeppelin hangers.

It’s totally unique and an amazing place to explore. There’s some great food to be found here too.

Climb to the top of “Stalin’s Birthday Cake” – a skyscraper housing the Latvian Academy of Sciences – for one of the best views in the city.

Beyond the city, Latvia has several national parks, including Gauja National Park, where you can hike, bike, or kayak through pristine forests and rivers.

Or simply relax and enjoy the beauty of the Baltic countryside.

On the edge of the park is Sigulda, known as the “Switzerland of Latvia”.

This charming town offers stunning views of the Gauja River Valley and is home to several medieval castles, including the impressive Turaida Castle.

One particularly unique place to visit is Cinevilla Studios , just outside of Riga. This purpose-built backlot is essentially a large outdoor movie studio, created for filming the movie Defenders of Riga.

It contains replicas of historical buildings and reconstructions of Riga in 1919 and resembles an outdoor museum.

13. Ethiopia

There’s nowhere on Earth quite like Ethiopia . This vast country in the Horn of Africa is one of the most diverse, culturally rich countries I have ever had the pleasure of visiting.

I’ve been to Ethiopia two times and can’t wait to return there again.

It’s an ancient place. As the only country in Africa that was never properly colonised, Ethiopia retains a particularly rich cultural heritage that’s still seen in everyday life, from traditional clothing to music, religion, food, and language.

Ethiopia is a melting pot of East African and Arabian cultures, with a unique form of Orthodox Christianity, numerous different languages, and some of the best coffee in the world.

One of the highlights of Ethiopia is undoubtedly its breathtaking landscapes. From rugged mountains to lush jungles, burning deserts to crystal-clear lakes, the variety of beauty on display here is off the charts.

The Simien Mountains National Park offers some of the best hiking in Africa, with spectacular views of the surrounding valleys and opportunities to spot rare wildlife such as the Ethiopian wolf.

The Danakil Depression is one of the most otherworldly places on the planet – a geothermal wonderland of colourful hot springs, sulfurous volcanoes, and salt lakes.

But visiting Ethiopia isn’t just about its natural beauty – it’s also a land steeped in history and culture.

The country has a rich and diverse heritage, with archaeological sites, museums, and monuments that offer a window into its fascinating past.

Lalibela is one of the most famous of these sites, with its incredible rock-hewn churches dating back to the 12th century.

The ancient city of Harar and the impressive castle at Gondar are also definitely worth seeing.

And of course, there’s the food! Ethiopia’s cuisine is rich, varied, and utterly delicious.

14. Estonia

Estonia is another small Baltic state known for its natural beauty and rich history. I loved exploring the country’s medieval towns, picturesque countryside, and pristine beaches.

The capital city of Tallinn is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a well-preserved medieval Old Town that looks like something straight from a fairy tale.

Wander through the atmospheric backstreets, visit the hilltop Toompea Castle, or take in the incredible views of the city from the Tallinn TV Tower.

In the southwest of the country, Soomaa National Park is a nature-lover’s paradise, with large areas of forest, wetlands, and rivers to explore.

You can go hiking , kayaking, canoeing, snowshoeing, or even bogwalking. Keep an eye out for lynx, elk, wild boar, bears, wolves, and golden eagles.

Another great place to visit in Estonia is the island of Saaremaa, located off the country’s western coast. It’s known for its untouched beaches, unique architecture, and peaceful countryside.

15. Ubatuba, Brazil

It’s no secret that Brazil has no shortage of paradise beaches and gorgeous coastal scenery.

But rather than sticking only to the internationally famous and popular spots (Copacabana, Ipanema, Lopes Mendes, etc.), why not head a little off the beaten path and explore an area that mostly only locals know about?

Ubatuba, a coastal region of São Paulo state, is located just 40 kilometres southwest of the attractive colonial town of Paraty .

However, despite its relative accessibility, most foreign visitors don’t make it out this way. Which is a shame, because it’s incredible.

Surrounded by the forested Serra do Mar National Park, and with picture-perfect white sand beaches and clear turquoise bays, Ubatuba is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.

It’s a perfect spot for long walks on deserted beaches, diving and snorkelling in the crystal-clear water, surfing , paddle boarding, kayaking, or simply relaxing and soaking up the chilled tropical vibes.

My favourite beach in the area is Praia da Almada , although there are loads of other great ones too.

16. Turkey (Northern and Eastern)

Turkey is a fascinating country that spans both Europe and Asia. It’s a popular holiday destination, although it’s also fairly easy to get off the beaten track here. All you need to do is head north, and east!

The road between Amasra and Sinop is one of the most amazing coastal drives I’ve ever done, and I’d definitely recommend it if you have your own transport.

Along the way, you should stop off in as many of the attractive small towns and villages as you can.

One must-visit destination in northeastern Turkey is the ancient walled city of Trabzon, on the Black Sea coast.

The city is known for its historic Hagia Sophia Museum (not to be confused with the Istanbul one), a former church that dates back to the 13th century, and its neighbourhoods built into the hillside.

Nearby, the spectacular Sumela Monastery is perched high up on the side of a vertical cliff.

From here you can enjoy great views out over the surrounding valleys, with their dense pine forests and numerous waterfalls.

Heading further east, the city of Erzurum offers a range of historic attractions, including the Çifte Minareli, a 13th-century madrasa, and Erzurum Castle, which dates back to the Byzantine era.

Erzurum is also known for winter sports, including skiing and snowboarding in the surrounding mountains.

Also, don’t miss the ancient ruined city of Ani. Known as the City of 1001 Churches, Ani used to be the medieval capital of Armenia and was one of the most important trading outposts on the Silk Road.

Today, it lies ruined and forgotten, its crumbling buildings looming dramatically from a lonely plateau in Turkey’s far northeast.

Despite its historical and archaeological significance, very few tourists make it out here. When I visited, I was the only person there and had this awesome place all to myself.

You should definitely come here – it’s well worth the effort!

In the wild and picturesque region of south-eastern Turkey, Lake Van is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and traditional villages.

It’s the world’s largest soda lake and is home to a diverse range of wildlife.

If you’re after some serious adventure, you can climb the 5,136m Mount Ararat, Turkey’s highest mountain and the legendary resting place of Noah’s Ark.

The climb isn’t very difficult in a technical sense, although the altitude makes the final section quite challenging.

There are many other incredible off-the-beaten-path travel destinations in northern and eastern Turkey, these are just a few of my favourites.

17. Somaliland

If I had to pick the most offbeat place I’ve ever been, it would probably be Somaliland .

Somaliland is a self-declared state in the Horn of Africa. It declared independence from Somalia in 1991, but this isn’t recognised by the international community.

So technically it’s an autonomous region of Somalia.

Although the local people will be at pains to remind you of the stark differences between Somaliland and Somalia.

Unlike the rest of Somalia, Somaliland is a relatively well-functioning, stable democracy. It has its own parliament, currency, public bodies, police, and security forces. 

Most areas of Somaliland are fairly safe to visit. For adventurous, open-minded, and respectful tourists, it’s a fascinating and extremely rewarding place to explore.

One must-visit destination in Somaliland is the Laas Geel cave paintings .

These ancient colourful paintings are thought to be between 5,000-10,000 years old and depict people, cows, and various other animals.

They’re some of the most important cave paintings in all of Africa and provide fascinating insights into prehistoric farming, culture, and religion in the region.

Armed guard taking a photo of the cave paintings at Laas Geel in Somaliland

The capital, Hargeisa is vibrant and bustling, with a thriving arts scene and an array of restaurants serving delicious Somali cuisine.

Check out some of the local markets, which offer everything from traditional textiles to camel milk.

You can also explore the ancient port city of Berbera. There is a huge beach here and you can swim in the clear, warm waters of the Gulf of Aden ( sans pirates).

It’s a pretty amazing place.

Far more people visit Antarctica each year than Somaliland. If you’re looking for a destination that’s about as far off the beaten path as you can get, this place would be a good bet.

18. Svaneti, Georgia

Georgia is a fascinating country located in the Caucasus region, at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

Its capital, Tbilisi, is a cosmopolitan and highly liveable city known for its historic old quarter, sulfur baths, Orthodox churches, and panoramic views from the Narikala Fortress.

My favourite part of the country, though, is Svaneti. This mountainous region is the highest inhabited area in the Caucasus.

It’s a spectacularly beautiful place, running along the northern border with Russia, with snow-covered mountains, glaciers, crystal-clear streams, and green meadows full of wildflowers.

The small town of Mestia is the capital of Svaneti and the main gateway to the region. Nestled high up in an alpine valley, Mestia is a paradise for outdoor lovers and adventurous travellers.

It’s a dream destination for hiking, skiing, rafting, and canyoning.

Given its remoteness and physical isolation, Svan culture is quite distinct from the rest of Georgia.

The region is also known for its mysterious 1,000-year-old towers, medieval churches, and untouched villages that seem totally frozen in time.

Photos just don’t do this place justice, it’s somewhere that you really need to see to believe.

19. Zagreb, Croatia

Most visitors to Croatia head straight to the sparkling Dalmatian Coast, and to the ancient walled cities of Dubrovnik and Split . True, these places are spectacular and definitely worth visiting.

However, Croatia’s capital, Zagreb, also has a rich history and vibrant culture, and is significantly less touristy. It’s also much cheaper to eat and drink out here.

I visited Zagreb in December last year and loved the city’s traditional markets (especially Dolac Market – amazing food), cosy restaurants, welcoming bars, and positive vibes.

It reminded me quite a lot of Vienna, only friendlier and more relaxed.

The city is divided into two parts: the Upper Town (Gornji Grad) and the Lower Town (Donji Grad).

The Upper Town, also known as the Old Town, sits on top of a hill and has distinctive medieval architecture, narrow cobblestone streets, and various historical landmarks, such as St. Mark’s Church, the Stone Gate, and the Croatian Parliament.

The Lower Town is the modern, commercial centre of Zagreb, with wide avenues, bustling squares, and elegant architecture from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Here, you’ll find many shops, restaurants, and cafes, as well as cultural institutions like the Croatian National Theatre.

One of the most unusual features of Zagreb is Grič Tunnel, which runs all the way underneath the Upper Town.

Built as a bomb shelter and secure transport link during World War II, the tunnel is 350 metres long and has an eerie, unique atmosphere.

Today, Grič Tunnel is used for art exhibitions, immersive light and sound shows, and other cultural events.

A short walk from Ban Jelačić Square (the city’s main square and meeting place) you’ll find Valhalla Beer Bar , my favourite bar in Zagreb. The craft beer here is excellent.

20. Bosnia & Herzegovina

Bosnia & Herzegovina is another of my favourite European countries. Located in the heart of the Balkans, it’s a land of beautiful scenery, rich cultural heritage, and warm, friendly people.

One must-visit destination in Bosnia & Herzegovina is the city of Mostar, known for its iconic Ottoman Stari Most bridge, which dates back to the 16th century.

It was destroyed in 1993 during the Bosnian War , but then rebuilt in the years after.

Sarajevo, the capital city, is a fascinating and incredibly atmospheric place.

It has many important historical sites, such as the Latin Bridge, where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in 1914 (leading to the start of World War I).

Spend some time exploring the Old Town, also known as Bascarsija.

This area is full of narrow streets, traditional Ottoman-style buildings, and markets selling everything from handmade souvenirs to fresh produce.

I also recommend taking the gondola up into the mountains above the city. Here you’ll find the former Olympic bobsledding course and various hiking trails through the pristine forest.

I love how calm and peaceful it is up there, despite it being very accessible from the centre of the city.

For a particularly authentic and fun local experience, don’t miss a night of drinking and live music at Sarajevska Pivara Brewery .

They have an enormous wood-panelled bar and the (delicious) beer comes straight from the brewery itself, right next door.

Outside of the cities, Bosnia also has a huge amount of natural beauty.

Some of my favourite other spots in the country include Blidinje Nature Park, Jayce Waterfalls, Kravice Waterfalls, and the Blagaj Tekke – a historic Sufi monastery built into a cliff.

Bosnia is amazing, add it to your list!

21. Chimanimani, Zimbabwe

The southern African country Zimbabwe is itself a relatively off-the-beaten-path-travel destination, despite it being full of natural wonders (Victoria Valls being a case in point).

However, if you do find yourself there and want to get even further away from other tourists, head over to Chimanimani.

Chimanimani is a breathtaking region in the eastern part of Zimbabwe, bordering Mozambique. The area is dominated by the beautiful Chimanimani Mountains, which offer some of the most spectacular views in the country.

Here you’ll find lush forests, sparkling rivers, and cascading waterfalls.

It’s a paradise for hikers and nature lovers, with several hiking trails, ranging from easy walks to challenging treks that take you through pristine wilderness and past rugged rock formations.

I went hiking here a few years ago and loved every second of it.

One of the most popular attractions in the area is the Bridal Veil Falls, an impressive waterfall that cascades down from a height of over 50 metres.

You can take a refreshing dip in the pool at the bottom of the falls or take a hike up to the top for even more breathtaking views.

The whole area is protected and is home to a variety of wildlife, including baboons, klipspringer antelopes, and rare bird species.

22. Lake Malawi

Malawi is known for its beautiful untouched landscapes, including along the shores of Lake Malawi.

One of the African Great Lakes, it’s the fifth-largest freshwater lake in the world by volume and is home to more fish species than any other lake in the world.

I’ve camped on the shores of Lake Malawi – it was incredible.

Another highlight of Malawi is its national parks, including Liwonde National Park and Nyika National Park. Here you can spot elephants, lions, leopards, hippos, and a range of other iconic African wildlife.

The country is also rich in traditional culture, and you’ll experience music, dancing, and crafts such as wood carving and basket weaving playing in most places that you go.

Malawi is affectionately known as the “Warm Heart of Africa” because of its welcoming people. People stopped me in the street just to say hello and welcome me. It’s a wonderful place.

Note: As of April 2024, there’s currently an armed conflict occurring in Sudan between rival factions of the military government. It is not a safe place to visit at the moment.

However, I’ve still included it in this post because it’s an amazing country to explore and hopefully will be safe to visit again soon. I visited Sudan in 2011 and have very strong memories of my time there.

First off, the Meroe Pyramids are out of this world. They’re smaller than the ones in Egypt but, unlike the Egyptian ones, you’ll probably have them entirely to yourself. I slept inside one of them.

These ancient pyramids were built by the Kingdom of Kush between the 8th century BC and the 4th century AD and are some of the most impressive ancient structures in the world.

The capital city of Khartoum is home to the National Museum of Sudan, housing a vast collection of artefacts and exhibits that showcase the country’s ancient history, including the ancient Kingdom of Kush and the Nubian civilisation.

Sudanese cuisine features a variety of dishes made from spiced lentils, chickpeas, vegetables, and meat, often served with a traditional fermented flatbread called Kisra.

Very few tourists visit Sudan. Those who do are rewarded with a fascinating and rewarding destination that has a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.

Here are answers to a few frequently asked questions about off-the-beaten-track travel.

What is travelling off the beaten path?

Travelling off the beaten path means exploring lesser-known, less touristy destinations, offering unique and authentic experiences away from mainstream attractions. It often involves immersing oneself in local culture and traditions, experiencing a place as the locals do.

Why travel off the beaten path?

Travelling off the beaten path allows you to discover hidden gems and authentic experiences, connect more deeply with local cultures, and often escape the crowds and commercialisation of popular tourist spots.

Why do most people follow the beaten track?

Most people follow the beaten track because it offers convenience, well-established tourist facilities, safety, and the familiarity of popular landmarks often seen in media and guidebooks. These well-trodden paths provide a sense of security and ease, especially for less experienced travellers.

Is it off the beaten path or track?

Both “off the beaten path” and “off the beaten track” are commonly used phrases and mean the same thing: exploring less known, less crowded, and often more remote destinations away from conventional tourist routes.

Final Thoughts

The next time you’re planning a trip abroad, I really recommend exploring somewhere a little different, beyond the typical tourist destinations.

Any of these places would be a great place to start. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from experiencing the wealth of what the world has to offer.

Travelling off the beaten path is so incredibly rewarding. It’s something that I urge everybody to do at least once.

A word of warning though: adventurous travel is addictive!

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Alex Tiffany

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33 Off The Beaten Path Travel Destinations To Visit Before You Die


Are you looking to explore somewhere different, maybe out of the ordinary? I was a tad bit curious about some of the less-known, off the beaten path travel destinations. So, after reaching out to some avid travel bloggers like me, we compiled a curated list that will open your doorway to hidden treasures around the globe.

These secret gems are sure to ignite your wanderlust and inspire you to venture off the beaten path. Each destination will lead you to another world filled with natural beauty and many new adventures. So, if you’re ready buckle up as we take you on a journey to these mesmerizing off the beaten path travel destinations.

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33 Off The Beaten Path Travel Places To Visit

Nanortalik, greenland.

An off the path travel destination Nanortalik, Greenland on a foggy day.

Nanortalik is more, than a place to visit; it’s a chance to connect with beauty and culture on a less traveled part of the world. It offers an allure for travelers seeking an off the beaten path adventure.

During summer, which is from August to September is the perfect time to fully experience the untouched beauty of Nanortalik. During this season the landscapes are lightly dusted with snow. You might experience some rain showers during your visit, but the temperature is mild, compared to other seasons.

For nature enthusiasts, Nanortalik is truly a paradise. There are activities to enjoy here from exploring its terrains and pristine waters to marveling at majestic icebergs.

Head to the old town and visit the open-air museum and discover the history of Nanortalik in each showroom. Also, be sure to book an excursion at the tourism center to chase icebergs. These massive and glorious structures will leave you speechless. You can stop by local grocery store and get your passport stamped before you leave.

Embarking on a trip, to Nanortalik is not a travel plan, but an extraordinary adventure that will take you off the beaten path. Although it’s not easy to reach, it is worth the journey. The two easiest ways to reach Nanortalik would be taking a flight from Narsarsuaq Airport and from their a helicopter ride or boat. Another option to visit Nanortalik would be to book a cruise that visits its port.

Related post: Things To Do In Nanortalik, Greenland

Meteora, Greece 

Meteora, Greece one of the off the beaten path destinations.

Meteora is a unique and stunning historical site located in central Greece. Meteora consists of six monasteries perched on pillar rocks overlooking the surrounding valley. Today, you can explore all six of these monasteries.

Meteora is located only a few hours’ drive north of Athens and is truly a hidden gem to travel off the beaten track. Many people who visit Greece head straight from Athens to islands such as Mykonos and Santorini and completely miss out on this off-the-beaten-path destination in Greece.

One of the reasons Meteora is so incredible is due to its historical significance. In the 14th century, monks began to travel to Meteora to seek a life of peace and solitude. These monks then began to build beautiful monasteries by climbing to the top of the cliffs. It is truly a wonder how these impressive structures were built without the use of modern technology. Today, Meteora is officially recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its historical significance.

Another reason to visit this hidden gem is for its captivating beauty. Exploring the monasteries will give you panoramic  views of Meteora . Sunset is an especially great time to visit Meteora to enjoy the scenic views. It is an ideal place to visit for photographers and nature enthusiasts.

To get to Meteora, it is best to fly into the Athens airport and rent a car. Alternatively, you can take the train from the Larissa Station in Athens to the town of Kalabaka.

When visiting Meteora, you will want to stay in the quiet village of Kastraki or the more lively town of Kalabaka. Kastraki sits at the bottom of Meteora with views of the monasteries and is perfect for a peaceful stay. Kalabaka is also a great choice with many restaurants and cafes and is less than a 10-minute drive to the monasteries.

Meteora can be visited year-round, but the best time to visit is in spring or fall. During these seasons the weather is mild and pleasant, making it the perfect time to explore Meteora.

Explored by Amber from Get Lost In Wanderlust

Related post: Quotes About Greece

Kilkenny, Ireland  

Outdoor seating in Kilkenny, Ireland. One of the off the beaten path travel destinations.

The Irish city of Kilkenny is a fabulous travel destination that is below the radar for most vacationers.  While there is an airport in Kilkenny, your best bet is to fly into the Dublin airport and then drive to Kilkenny.  It’s less than an hour and a half drive, and the Irish countryside is gorgeous!

The   top attractions in Kilkenny   revolve around its historic center.  After all, Kilkenny is known as Ireland’s Medieval Mile!  Start off visiting Kilkenny Castle, the centerpiece of the city, located on the banks of the River Nore.  Take a stroll around the extensive grounds or just relax and take in the castle views.  Spend a few euros to tour the inside of the castle – you won’t want to miss the picture gallery, one of the castle’s highlights!

St. Canice’s Cathedral is not to be missed when you visit Kilkenny.  The cathedral dates from the 13 th  century and features stunning stained-glass windows.  If you’re feeling energetic – and don’t have a fear of heights – climb the Round Tower.  You reach the top of the tower via a series of ladders, and you’ll be rewarded with views of Kilkenny and the surrounding countryside.

Tuck into some traditional Irish fare such as beef and Guinness stew or fish and chips at one of the town’s cozy pubs.  Enjoy a pint of Smithwick’s Red Ale – a local favorite, as the Smithwick’s brewery is located here in Kilkenny.  You can even learn about the history of the brewery (and enjoy some samples) at the Smithwick’s Experience.

The best time to visit this off the beaten path destination is from May through August, when the weather is warmer, and the chance of rain is lower.  Summer also brings fun festivals to make your visit even more special.  Note that not all hotels in Ireland have air conditioning, so keep this in mind if you’re planning to visit in July and August.

Explored by Lisa from Waves and Cobblestones

Batumi, Georgia 

Batumi, George an off the beaten path travel destination.

Located on the beautiful coast of the Black Sea, Batumi is an underrated city waiting to be explored by travelers seeking an authentic, off-the-beaten-path experience. The city offers a unique vibe that can be found anywhere else in Georgia and reminds a bit of Singapore, with its combination of traditional and futuristic architecture.

To reach Batumi as a traveler, you have several options. The most convenient way is to fly to Batumi International Airport. Alternatively, you can fly into Tbilisi International Airport, Georgia’s capital, and then take a domestic flight or drive to Batumi, enjoying scenic landscapes along the way. There are also trains and buses connecting Tbilisi and Batumi if you prefer a more budget-friendly transport option but it will take much longer.

The best time to visit Batumi is during the summer months, from June to August when the weather is warm and ideal for beach activities. However, if you prefer a more relaxed and less crowded experience, consider visiting in the shoulder seasons of spring (April to May) or autumn (September to October). These months offer pleasant weather, lower accommodation prices, and a chance to explore the city without the summer crowds.

There are many things to do in Batumi and also some great day trips to be had in the surrounding countryside. The Adjara region is stunning and boasts magnificent mountains, including the Lesser Caucasus range, and beautiful rivers and waterfalls. Great day trips to do from Batumi are to Mtirala National Park, The Kintrishi Nature Reserve, and the Machakhela National Park.

As for Batumi itself, great things to do are stroll along Batumi Boulevard, visit the  Batumi Botanical Garden , laze on the beach, and explore the wonderful café scene and local Adjaran restaurants. One of the most famous statues in the city is the one from Ali and Nino. According to local legend, they are the Caucasus version of Romeo and Juliet.

Lastly, one thing to do in Batumi that is unique to the city is to have a glass of Kvasi. Kvasi is a fermented drink that is sold on tap at almost every street corner in Batumi in large yellow tanks. You can’t look past them!

Explored by Annelies from Travelers & Dreamers

Sudbury, Ontario 

Museum in Sudbury, Ontario an off the beaten path travel place.

Many head to popular cities in Ontario, Canada like Toronto and Ottawa. But there’s a hidden gem in Northern Ontario that’s an awesome underrated travel destination. 

That destination is Sudbury! It’s one of the off the beaten path places to visit in Canada.  This old mining city that was once a wasteland, is now a thriving city and offers something to entice every traveler.

Outdoor adventurers will love visiting the long list of parks and green spaces. One of the top places to go is Kivi Park. This sprawling park is home to hiking and cycling trails, as well as a lake to paddle. There are plenty of fun things to do with the family too, like disc golf and a massive playground.

Along with outdoor activities, the city is home to a number of family-friendly attractions. Two of the top  places to visit in Sudbury  are Science North and Dynamic Earth. These two museums are full of fun interactive exhibits that will excite both kids and adults. Plus, at Dynamic Earth you’ll head underground for a tour of what it would be like to visit a working mine!

Sudbury is also home to a colorful downtown full of murals. There’s even an annual mural festival every summer that brings artists to create more alongside other fun events and live music. In addition, you’ll find plenty of fun shops and cafes downtown to browse.

And speaking of cafes, foodies will love the diverse range of restaurants serving a wide assortment of cuisines. Thanks to its multicultural population, across the city you’ll find everything from Greek to Indian.

If you’re looking for the best time to visit Sudbury, it all depends on what you want to do. The best time of year to take advantage of comfortable temperatures, festivals, and the lush outdoors in the summer .

The nearest airport is the Greater Sudbury Airport. However, the best place to fly for international visitors is Toronto’s Pearson Airport. From there you can rent a car and enjoy the scenic drive north to Sudbury.

Explored by Stephanie from The World As I See It

Islas Marias, Mexico 

Islas Marias, Mexico and off the beaten path spot to visit.

If you like off-the-beaten path destinations, consider heading to the state of Nayarit, along the Pacific coastline of Mexico. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to do something quite unique—take a four hour boat ride to  Islas Marias , an archipelago which, until recently, served as a Mexican federal prison for over a century.

Since 1905, the prisoners at Islas Marias ranged from individuals convicted of incredibly minor crimes to some of the most dangerous criminals in Mexico. The islands made an excellent location for a prison, due to their location sixty miles off the Pacific coastline. Given its unique geographical features, prisoners were generally allowed to walk freely around the island—and even bring their families along. Despite these pleasant aspects, though, many of the prisoners led a grim existence on the island, including being forced into very physically demanding jobs and limited food and water. The prison was eventually shut down in 2019, due to mismanagement and corruption.

The islands’ remoteness also led to it being the home of several species of animals, found nowhere else on the planet, including the Tres Marias hummingbird and the Tres Marias cottontail rabbit. Given its unique biodiversity and largely unspoiled nature, the islands were named a UNESCO Biosphere in 2010. 

Now, tourists are welcome to visit the island by ferry, operated by the Mexican Navy, which alternates departures, on a weekly basis, between the sleepy beach town of San Blas or the glitzy resort town of Mazatlán. Once on the island, visitors will follow a set three-day, two-night schedule with guides (all of whom are Naval officers!), which includes activities ranging from touring the island’s now derelict maximum security prison and hiking to the foot of a large Christ the Redeemer statue, built by the prisoners, on one of the island’s tallest hills to snorkeling on a pristine beach and bird-watching for the island’s unique species. The combination of grim history and fascinating plant- and wildlife truly makes Islas Marias one of Mexico’s most unique destinations.

For example, during your time here, you’ll actually stay in cabins that were once used by prisoners. Don’t worry, though—they’ve been nicely refurbished to include big comfy beds and powerful air conditioning!

To get to San Blas, you’ll want to fly into Tepic International Airport, located one hour east of the city. Mazatlán has its very own international airport, General Rafael Buelna International Airport, from which it’s less than a half-hour drive to the ferry terminal.

Explored by Jess from Uprooted Traveler

Related post: Mexico Captions For Instagram

Hoonah, Alaska 

Indian pole in Hoonah, Alaska.

If you’re seeking an off the beaten path destination, Hoonah in Alaska fits the bill. With fewer than 900 Tlingit residents, you will find few conveniences from home.

Most visitors arrive by cruise ship to Icy Strait Point,  and the 1.5-mile walk to Hoonah takes 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can fly into Juneau International Airport and take a seaplane or ferry to Hoonah.

Located on Chichagof Island, those who visit come for outdoor adventures. Chichagof Island is home to Coastal Brown Bears, a cross between a grizzly and a polar bear. With the densest population of brown bears per square mile worldwide, the bears outnumber the people. 

If you want to see them, it’s best to take an organized tour with the locals. The salmon run begins in July, drawing the bears to the rivers. It’s a frenzy feeding as the bears feast to gain weight for their winter hibernation.

May to September provide the best months for visitation. It’s also whale-watching season. Humpback whales arrive in Alaska in May for feed in their marine-rich waters. In September, they migrate back to Hawaii and Mexico to mate and give birth.

If you want to take a whale-watching tour, there are a few operators to choose from, including Alaska Whales & Drones. They use a drone to capture aerial footage of the whales, and you’ll receive a copy of the video and photos with your tour. During your tour, you’ll see harbor seals, sea lions, bald eagles, and, if you’re lucky, Orcas too.

Walking through Hoonah allows you to see some hand-carved totem poles. Traditionally, totem poles are left natural but you may find a painted one too. During the summer, Tlingit carvers demonstrate the art of carving. It can take over six months to carve the animal spirits and mythical creatures into a cedar pole.

For the best views on the island, take the gondola to the top of Hoonah Mountain. Your ticket lasts all day, and the ride up and down offers stunning views.

Explored by Karen from Forever Karen

High Springs, Florida 

High Springs, Florida spring one of the off the beaten path travel destinations.

If you’re searching for one of the most unique off the beaten path travel destinations then you can’t beat High Springs, Florida. After all, most tourists flock to the beach or head to the major amusement parks of Orlando. 

But, if you take the time to visit High Springs, Florida then you can explore fun places like Poe Springs Park. It’s an idyllic place along the Santa Fe River that is home to scenic walking trails as well as Poe Springs. Kids and adults will love swimming here since the water is clear, cool, and refreshing on a hot summer day. Now, while there are many shallow areas for kids to use, adults can swim in deeper waters that get up to 25 feet deep. 

Afterward, go scuba diving at nearby Ginnie Springs . It’s another natural spring with crystal clear water and is known for being home to some of the best freshwater dive sites in the world. So, certified divers can rent gear and explore the labyrinth of underwater caverns that the area is known for. Otherwise, you can snorkel, tube, and swim along the top since the temperature of the water is around 72 F all year long. 

Next, head to the High Springs Museum and learn all about how the Plant System Rail Yard and Roundhouse shaped this tiny town before going for a picturesque hike through O’Leno State Park. As you hike along the Santa Fe River, keep an eye out for incredible swamps, sandhills, sinkholes, trees, and sinkholes. Or, if you want to head out on the water, you could rent a canoe or kayak. 

Finally, head back to downtown High Springs and enjoy the many breweries, restaurants, and stores that fill the area. You can also partake in a fun game of mini-golf at Pink Flamingo Mini Golf Course before you grab an ice cream cone and end the day. 

Explored by Victoria from Florida Trippers

Related post: Florida Packing List

Ilulissat, Greenland 

An iceberg Ilulissat, Greenland one of the off the beaten path countries.

Greenland remains fairly one of the off the beaten path countries to visit for most. However, if you want to venture to one of the least densely populated regions in the world, and don’t mind the cold, head for Ilulissat.

Located in the west of Greenland, and a few hundred kilometers inside the Arctic Circle, Ilulissat is Greenland’s third largest city. However, to many, it will feel more like a small town, as less than 5,000 people live there.

The big draw to Ilulissat is the Icejord that it is located next to and the huge icebergs that emerge from the fjord. Ilulissat Icefjord is a UNESCO World Heritage Site – and a breathtaking spectacle.

The source of the icebergs is the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier, which is one of the fastest and most productive glaciers in the world, calving around 40m per day and releasing 35 billion tons of ice every year. The gigantic icebergs float along the Icefjord, pause for a while at the shallow entrance, and then float off into the calm waters of Disko Bay.

Most of the things to do in Ilulissat revolve around the ice in some way. There are lots of tours in Ilulissat , including Iceford sailing, kayaking, and stand-up paddle-boarding among the magnificent icebergs. You can also take boats up close to epic glacier snouts and go whale-watching in the hope of seeing humpback whales flip their mighty tails.

There are several hiking routes, all with stunning viewpoints over the icebergs. In the city itself, there are three museums, a local craft workshop, sled dog experiences, and a quaint wooden church.

The best time to experience dog-sledding, and snowmobiling on the icecap, and the Northern Lights in winter, while the best time to see the icebergs, the winter sun, and whales in summer.

The Ilulissat airport is just a few minutes’ drive from the city center and connects to Reykjavik, Iceland ; via Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, and Copenhagen, Denmark. 

Explored by Martha from May Cause Wanderlust

Interested in seeing glaciers in Greenland? Use these Glacier Captions to capture your photos!

Devils Tower, Wyoming 

Devils Tower of the the off the beaten path adventures.

If you have ever seen Steven Spielberg’s movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, then you probably know what the Devils Tower is. Whether you have seen the movie or not, it’s one of the off the beaten path adventures and geological wonders that you need to add to your bucket list.

Located in northeastern Wyoming, the Devils Tower, standing 867 feet (264 meters) tall, was declared the first national monument in the United States by Theodore Roosevelt in 1906. Many Plains Indian tribes consider the tower sacred and have their own cultural stories associated with how they believe the tower was formed. 

Geologists are not exactly sure how it was formed, but it is considered a rare igneous rock that is believed to have been formed when molten rock cooled and was exposed to erosion, which led to the columns seen today. 

Whether you come out for a weekend or are on a road trip through Wyoming, you must plan a stop at Devils Tower.. The closest airport to Devils Tower is Gillette, Wyoming, and you will have to rent a car to get to the Tower. It is a 66-mile (106 km) drive to the Devils Tower and there are hotels to stay in nearby towns, and places to camp just outside the park, but if you are up for a fun adventure, plan to stay in a  T ipi   where you have a view of the Devils Tower and a unique and fun experience.

There are many things to do at Devils Tower including one of the few hiking trails in the area, especially the 1.3 mile Tower Trail around the base of the Tower, which is a must. Explore the visitors center, have lunch, and relish in the wonders of the area. You can take a drive to Prairie Dog Town, and the Circle of Sacred Smoke Sculpture after you are done exploring on foot. If you are adventurous, you can even climb the Devils Tower! There are opportunities for beginners to try it, with a guide to assist. If you plan to stay overnight in the area, then if the sky is clear, you will have some of the most amazing stargazing above you.

Devils Tower  is definitely an underrated and unknown destination for many people and should be added to your list of things to see.

Explored by Melanie from The World Travel Girl

Muscat, Oman  

Souvenir shop in Muscat, Oman and off the beaten path travel destination.

You would have heard of the glitzy buildings of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but travel off the beaten track and visit Muscat in Oman. It still maintains an old-world charm with very few high rises. It is the city to indulge in cultural immersion on your trip to Oman.

Airport to fly into: You can fly into Muscat International Airport to arrive at the city. If you are doing a road trip across Oman , you can rent a car at the airport itself. Else, you don’t need a car rental just for a short trip to Muscat.

Best time to visit: October to March would be the best time to visit Muscat with warm to pleasant days and cool nights.

The topmost cultural attraction in Muscat is the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. It is an imposing structure in the heart of the city. Tourists can visit the mosque every day, except Friday, from 8:30 until 11:00 a.m. So Make sure you get to this site in the morning itself. Both men and women need to cover their heads, shoulders, arms, and legs before entering the mosque.

Another cultural attraction in Muscat is to visit the Royal Opera House. You can see this beautiful building at night with its lights on. Or if you are interested in the program, check the schedule for a show while you are visiting. 

One interesting thing to do in the capital city is to go for an evening walk at the Muttrah corniche and gaze at the ocean. The Muttrah soup (traditional market) is close by and is one of the best places to shop for spices, artifacts, jewelry, and other souvenirs. 

Explored by Shweta from f Zest In A Tote

Related post: Desert Instagram Captions

Launceston, Tasmania

An off the beaten path travel destination Launceston, Tasmania rooftop view.

So, you’re looking for one of the off the beaten path travel destinations that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, history, and a burgeoning food and wine scene? Look no further than Launceston in Tasmania. Nestled in the northern part of this Australian island state, about 200 km from the capital Hobart, Launceston is a city that’s easy to fall in love with but often overlooked.

Getting there is a breeze. Just book a flight to Launceston Airport (LST), which is well-serviced by major airlines like Qantas and Virgin Australia. Once you land, you’re only a quick 15-minute drive from the heart of the city. 

For those who love architecture and history, the city’s historic downtown is a treasure trove of well-preserved colonial buildings. It’s also where you should consider staying. There are cozy  boutique hotels in Launceston  that offer a perfect blend of historic charm and modern amenities.

Timing is everything, and the best time to visit Launceston is during the Australian summer months of December to February. The weather is warm but not scorching with a high of 25 degrees Celsius, perfect for outdoor activities and wine tasting. 

Launceston’s main draw is the wineries of neighboring Tamar Valley. Just a short drive from the city, the valley is home to some of Australia’s finest cool-climate wines. Visiting during the Autumn months of March-May and in particular April will provide ample opportunity to see the grapes being harvested.

But Launceston is not just for wine lovers. The Cataract Gorge is another must-visit. It’s a stunning geological formation right on the edge of the city. You can take a chairlift over the gorge or hike the scenic trails that range from easy to moderately challenging. For a more leisurely experience, you can board a boat for a tour of the Cataract Gorge from the water.

Explored by Haley from Haley Blackall Travel

Huaraz, Peru 

Lake in Huaraz, Peru an off the beaten path South America travel destination.

Peru ranks high on the bucket list of many travelers, largely thanks to the charm of Machu Picchu. However, Peru has so many more experiences to offer beyond the iconic ruins. Consider venturing to one of the off the beaten path destinations and discover a hidden gem, like Huaraz.

Huaraz is a small city in the Andes mountains, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Huascaran National Park. The area is known for its stunning landscapes, snow-capped mountains, and turquoise lakes. It’s the perfect place to spend some time surrounded by nature, especially if you like hiking or trekking. Huaraz is actually known as the “hiking capital of Peru”. There are lots of   hikes in Huaraz  for all levels of difficulty. From very easy hikes where you just walk 30 minutes to a viewpoint to admire a stunning lake, to treks that last for several days and require special equipment. Some are easy to do on your own and some require a tour agency to arrange the trip.

One of the most well-known hikes is the one to Lake 69, where you walk for a couple of hours to get to one of the most beautiful lakes in Peru. If you are into multi-day trekking, you can otherwise opt for the Huayhuash trek, which is said to be one of the top 10 most beautiful treks in the world.

Other things to do in Huaraz are visiting the nearby towns, like Caraz or Carhuaz, to spend some time in nature and explore the surroundings. 

If you are into mountain climbing, there are also some challenging peaks that you can climb, like the Huascaran, which is the highest peak in Peru.

To get to Huaraz from Lima, the capital of Peru, you have to take a bus. The ride is 8-hours long. The best is to take an overnight bus which will leave you there in the early morning.

Explored by Sharon from I Travel Peru

Related post: Best Cities In South America To Visit

Santa Ana, El Salvador 

Blue lake in Santa Ana, El Salvador another an off the beaten path South America travel destination.

Santa Ana, El Salvador is an off the beaten path destination that is a wonderful blend of rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural beauty. Nestled in the coffee-growing region of El Salvador, Santa Ana is not a common city you would find on a traveler’s bucket list. 

El Salvador has been notorious for gang violence in the past, however, in recent years the government has called for mass arrests throughout the country reducing the crime rate significantly. Now, El Salvador has reached its lowest crime rate in the past 30 years and has become a safer destination for its rising tourism industry.

Located in the tropics, El Salvador has a rainy season and a dry season. The best time to visit El Salvador is during the peak dry season, from December to March. This is when the weather is warm and there is less chance of downpours. However, this does mean higher crowds and higher prices. For lower prices, lower crowds, and still pleasant weather, consider traveling to El Salvador in the shoulder season in November and April.

El Salvador has only one international airport located right outside the country’s capital city San Salvador. The airport is centrally located in the country, making it very convenient to catch shuttles or buses to other cities.

Santa Ana has a variety of experiences for any kind of traveler. For those seeking adventure, a hike to the Santa Ana volcano is a must. The Santa Ana volcano is one of the highest volcanoes in El Salvador and holds a beautiful turquoise crater lake at its summit.

For another thrilling adventure, consider taking a motorbike trip on the Ruta de las Flores. The route takes you through several picturesque towns in El Salvador’s coffee region. Be sure to stop at Juayua for the food festival every weekend!

Also check out Salto de Malacatiupan, a hot spring waterfall. The water is heated from the underground thermal activity creating this beautiful phenomenon. Furthermore, a hike on the Las Siete Cascadas trail will lead you through a series of gorgeous waterfalls that you’ll be able to swim in.

For all the foodies out there, try pupusas, El Salvador’s national dish! Santa Ana is home to several pupuserias, my favorite being Pupuseria La Rumba.

Santa Ana and El Salvador have much more to offer. Check out this 1 week itinerary in El Salvador  to gain some travel inspiration. 

Explored by Shreya from Where Is Shreya

Sulawesi, Indonesia

Sulawesi, Indonesia from above.

Central Su lawesi is one of the off the beaten path travel destinations in Indonesia, offering many fun and unique cities that often fly under the radar of mainstream tourism. When planning your visit, consider flying into Palu Mutiara Sis Al-Jufri Airport (PLW), the primary gateway to the region. From there, embark on an adventure to discover the unexplored wonders of Central Sulawesi.

The best time to visit this underrated destination is during the dry season, from May to October when the weather is most pleasant for outdoor activities. One of the must-visit cities is Palu, a coastal paradise boasting pristine beaches like Talise and Tanjung Karang. Dive into the crystal-clear waters to explore vibrant coral reefs teeming with marine life or relax on the sandy shores.

For a cultural experience, head to the charming city of Poso, known for its serene lakes, lush forests, and intriguing traditional Megalithic culture. Visit Lake Poso, the third-largest lake in Indonesia, and marvel at its surreal beauty.

Tentena, another hidden gem, is a tranquil lakeside town that offers breathtaking views of Lake Poso. Explore Saluopa Waterfall, relax in the natural hot springs, or dip in the calm waters of Danau Lindu.

In addition, take advantage of the stunning Togean Islands, reachable by boat from Ampana. These remote islands offer a paradise for snorkelers and divers, with vibrant coral gardens and diverse marine life.

Central Sulawesi is also a melting pot of diverse indigenous cultures, with unique traditions, music, and dance performances not to be missed. 

In conclusion, Central Sulawesi is a captivating destination that deserves a spot on your travel bucket list. Its rich culture, natural beauty, and off-the-beaten-path charm promise an unforgettable adventure for those seeking something unique.

Explored by Victoria from Guide Your Travel

Biarritz, France 

Biarritz, France and off the beaten path travel destination.

If you’re interested in traveling to an off the beaten path destination within France, consider making your way to the coastal city of Biarritz. Located on France’s west coast, this charming town is known for its laid-back atmosphere and beautiful beaches. Not to mention, there are  plenty of fun activities and places to visit  whether you’re just passing through or staying in town for a few days. For instance, one place that everyone should visit is the Phare de Biarritz. The lighthouse was built in the 19th century and is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike to take in some stunning views of the ocean. You’ll find lots of benches and a big grassy area if you want to people-watch or have a lovely picnic.

Another must-do while in town is to spend time at Biarritz’s beautiful beaches, such as La Grande Plage or Côte des Basques Beach. Both offer long stretches of sand and bright blue waters that are perfect for swimming, boogie boarding, or just soaking up some sun! Or, if you’re feeling adventurous and want to partake in one of the most popular local pastimes, consider renting a surfboard! In terms of the best time to visit, the weather is at its best during the summer months. This is when the average high temperature is mid-70s°F and there are the fewest rainy days per month. And with the town being lesser-known, there is not an unbearable amount of tourists everywhere, even during the peak travel season. So, if you’re ready to plan your next getaway to Biarritz, you can fly into a major international airport like Charles de Gaulle in Paris . Then, you can take a regional train to Biarritz. Alternatively, if you’re already in the vicinity, you may be able to fly directly to the regional airport in Biarritz. 

Explored  by Kristin from Global Travel Escapades

R elated post: 24 Hours In Paris

Akureyri, Iceland 

Akureyri, Iceland on a foggy day.

Akureyri in Iceland is an important port and a fishing center of the country. But this remote city at the base of a scenic fjord is also an underrated destination to visit in Iceland. Akureyri is the capital of Northern Iceland and a gateway to the region’s attractions.

You can reach this of the beaten path travel destination, Akureyri in a few ways. The city has a small international airport but most of its flights are to and from Reykjavik. As an overseas tourist, you will likely fly to Reykjavik-Keflavik Airport when visiting Akureyri. Get ready for a 5-hour drive to the city on the Ring Road. You could also reach Akureyri on a cruise ship from the US, Europe, and even Chile.

Summer is the best time to visit Akureyri since the temperatures are warmer than the rest of the year. There are plenty of outdoor activities: from visiting Botanical Gardens and swimming in geothermal pools to exploring local architectural landmarks and playing golf. But one activity stands out among the rest – whale watching in Akureyri is unrivaled.

It is really a must when visiting the city during the warmer months. While whale watching gets pricey, these tours are more affordable in Akureyri than in Reykjavik and abroad. Book yours in advance to secure a spot. You can customize your experience by choosing between a large whale-watching ship and a small motor boat.

The tours start in Akureyri Harbor and throughout the day. They take about 45 minutes to reach the whale-watching spot at the fjord’s mouth. Look out for humpback whales and dolphins. You might even see a whale jumping from the ocean if you are lucky!

Back in the city, you can enjoy local art at the Art Museum or explore the old town. Pick a gastro pub or a restaurant serving local food when you get hungry. This is a perfect way to experience Icelandic cuisine. Or grab a hot dog at Pylsuvagninn á Akureyri if you are traveling on a budget.

Explored by Anastasia from Travel Realist

Related post: One Day In Reykjavik

Maun, Botswana 

Botswanans standing at a bus stop in Maun, Botswana.

Maun is a large town with a small-town feel. Located on the Thamalakane River in northern Botswana, Maun an off the beaten path travel destination deserving of your visit. 

However, Maun itself is an amazing destination to visit. I’ve had the pleasure of spending several weeks here, I came to know it as a fun, off-the-beaten-path town that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves.

It’s generally known strictly as the starting point for safaris in the spectacular Okavango Delta, and there are actually a few good reasons for this. Firstly, it sits at the edge of the Delta. 

It’s the perfect spot for those heading off on multi-day safaris to stock up on supplies. Maun has a good selection of necessities and equipment, and several filling stations for fueling up.

Plus, Maun has its own international airport (MUB). It’s common for safari-goers to fly in, meet with their guide and group, stock up on water and essentials, and head out. The majority spend one night at most in Maun.

Unfortunately, they’re missing the opportunity to get to know Botswana through this irresistible urban center.

What started as a bush outpost has grown into a sizable town with a lot to see. It’s an interesting mix of modern buildings, traditional African homes, and middle-of-the-road, concrete houses without amenities like plumbing and electricity. 

You can start exploring Maun with a visit to Nhabe Museum for a glimpse of the history and culture of the area. Then stop at the Okavango Craft Brewery to sample the local beer, made with local ingredients, supporting local farmers. 

Back on Airport Road, you can book a helicopter flight over the Okavango Delta. This flight alone is reason enough to spend some time in Maun.

Maun is also the perfect base for day trips in the area. See the Moremi Game Reserve from the back of a safari vehicle, or glide through the Delta in a traditional mokoro canoe. You can even rent a car and drive to Nxai Pan to see the meerkats.

Maun is a fascinating town with enough to keep you busy for as long as you can stay, and it can’t be easier to get to. Just book a flight from wherever you are to Maun International Airport. Aim for May through October, when the weather is at its best!

Explored by Deb from Introvert With Itchy Feet

Shirakawago, Japan 

Log cabin in Shirakawago, Japan and off the beaten path travel destination.

Shirakawago is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site located in the Hokuriku region of Japan. This remote town is truly one of the best off the beaten path destinations, even many local Japanese have not visited yet. 

Traditionally, it is a small mountainous farmland tucked in the Japanese Alps. When all crops are harvested, you would imagine farmers would take a long winter vacation. However, the residents of this idyllic remote town get busy in winter to welcome the influx of tourists.

The main draw is its  Shirakawago Winter Light-up Festival . The annual winter festival celebrates the UNESCO town’s stunning winter landscape. 

Shirakawago village boasts well-preserved Japanese farmhouses from 300 years ago called Gassho-zukuri. The Gassho houses are designed with a thatched roof to prevent the roof from collapsing, even when covered with two meters of snow. Aesthetically, snow-covered farmhouses make Shirakawago look like a fairytale town.

During the festival, all houses are illuminated from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. When the sun sets, the entire village goes pitch black. As the light turns up, Shirakawago becomes a magical winter wonderland!

The observation deck is the best spot to see this magical moment. Due to the limited space, only ticket holders are allowed in the viewpoint deck. 

As Shirakawago is a remote mountain village, its infrastructure only allows a limited number of visitors to participate in this festival. Therefore, plan well in advance by purchasing the tickets and booking transportation and accommodations.

From Tokyo, you can take a bullet train (shinkansen) to Kanazawa. Then, take a bus to Shirakawago.  

Another essential thing to remember is to pack appropriate winter gear. The temperature can drop far below zero in this Japanese snow country. 

Explored by Chloe from Chloe’s Travelogue

San Luis Obispo, California 

View of the mountains in San Luis Obispo, California.

San Luis Obispo in Central California is one of the off the beaten path travel destinations for outdoor lovers with great weather year-round. The city’s acronym SLO is apt for the relaxing, unhurried pace that it exudes. It’s no wonder that San Luis Obispo was dubbed America’s Happiest City on Oprah in 2011.

Nature is the first, but certainly not the only draw, in this underrated gem in the Golden State. The stunning landscape coupled with historic architecture, boutique shopping, delectable food, and drinks makes for an all-around wholesome vacation. Getting there is easy as the city’s San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport has direct flights from several hubs not only in California but throughout the US. 

The historic Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa in the heart of downtown is the perfect way to start exploring San Luis Obispo’s small but mighty town center. There is a daily afternoon docent-led tour where you can learn how the Mission was built in stages over several years since 1772. 

Bubblegum Alley is a quirky attraction nearby with chewed-up gum remains affixed by an estimated two million people. Be sure to check out the vast array of shops especially local boutiques like Ambiance and Fair Trade store HumanKind. 

Weekend festivities begin a little early in SLO with the Thursday Farmers’ Market downtown which features everything from fresh produce to baked goods to piping hot meats fresh off the grill. 

San Luis Obispo’s restaurant scene runs the entire gamut from handcrafted sandwiches and juicy burgers to sushi and wood-fired pizzas. These are paired with local beers and Central Coast wines that elevate your dining experience. 

Lace up your hiking boots and head to Terrace Hill for an easy climb to enjoy the city view at sunset. Or challenge yourself by climbing one of the higher morros (ancient volcanic plugs) like Bishop Peak and Cerro San Luis. From Laguna Lake to Irish Hills, there is a trail for every type of hiker in this outdoor haven. 

Dive into this  three-day San Luis Obispo itinerary  for more details on how to spend your time in this beautiful city. 

Explored by Farha from Trips Come True

Related post: California Instagram Captions

Cardiff, Wales 

Square in Cardiff, Wales.

Cardiff is the capital city of Wales and is one of the most off the beaten path cities in Great Britain. Wales has its own language, flag, and national anthem but still uses British pounds as currency. There is an international airport in Cardiff however it is also easy to  visit Cardiff from London  which means many more flight options.

Cardiff is a beautiful city with Cardiff Castle being the centre point and a must-see on any trip to Cardiff. You can enter the castle through the Black Tower south gate and enjoy the Castle grounds for free but to go into the castle rooms there is a charge. Inside you can see the Clock Tower, the castle house apartments, and the castle walls, we recommend taking a guided tour to get the most out of the experience, there is also a small museum dedicated to Welsh military history.

Cardiff Castle originally belonged to the Bute family but was a gift to the people of Cardiff along with the surrounding parkland in 1947. Bute Park which surrounds Cardiff Castle is huge, the equivalent of 75 football pitches, and is wonderful to visit especially during the summer months when you can see the arboretum in full flower and walk amongst the champion trees or along the River Taff.

You must also visit the Arcades in Cardiff which are small, covered shopping areas dating back to Victorian times where you can find boutique shops and cafes serving delicious Welsh cakes. Welsh cakes are a traditional snack in Wales that are kind of like a scone, but flatter and they usually come in an assortment of flavors from plain to Nutella to coconut to cheese. The best place to find Welsh cakes to take home is inside Cardiff Market where you can find them for as little as 35p each. 

Explored by by Steph from Book It Let’s Go!

Sharjah, UAE 

Structure from a museum in Sharjah, UAE.

Sharjah is known as the cultural emirate and has several art galleries and spaces to visit and annual festivals, such as the Sharjah Islamic Art Festival and Sharjah Biennial. Travel off the beaten track to Sharjah when traveling to the UAE. 

Learning is high on the list of priorities in the emirate, and you can visit more than 26 museums and learning centers. Several of these are in the Heart of Sharjah right next to the Arts Area but don’t miss the Museum of Islamic Civilization on the corniche. 

The Heart of Sharjah is the old part of town, where old merchants’ homes have been restored and now house museums, a boutique hotel, the theatre association, and more. You can wander down narrow alleys or visit the old souqs and buy an antique silver dagger or some Arabic perfume for souvenirs during your visit. Occasionally, there are heritage events in the area, too. 

Spend a day walking along Buhairah Corniche with stops on the way. Visit Al Noor Island and Butterfly House and enjoy a blend of stunning architecture and nature. Next, see Al Noor Mosque, followed by lunch at Al Majaz Waterfront, and then take a boat trip around the lake enjoying the skyline of Flag Island, the Ferris Wheel, and Majaz Amphitheatre with the backdrop of shiny modern buildings. 

Family destinations are an essential part of Sharjah life, and as well as the interactive learning centers, you’ll find splash parks, children’s entertainment, children’s festivals, nature reserves, play areas, and a water park.

There are several beaches in Sharjah, all with beautiful white sand. Al Khan is where to go for jet-skiing, Al Heera to enjoy lunch or dinner with a view, and Al Khan for sunbathing. 

These are just a few of the many things to do in the city of Sharjah, but expect to be surprised as it has so much more waiting for you!

To reach Sharjah, the Sharjah Airport is the quickest and easiest to fly to. Alternatively, you can get there by flying into Dubai International Airport, just a few miles away. 

The best time to visit Sharjah is in the winter when the weather is cooler, ideally between November and March. Sharjah Light Festival takes place in February, and if you love art, this is the best time to book your trip. Selected buildings are lit up with light shows and sometimes sound, too. Sharjah has some beautiful Arabic architecture, and it’s even more stunning at this time of year. 

Explored by Alison from  Glimpses of the UAE

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Pagosa Springs, Colorado 

Hot springs in Pagosa Springs, Colorado an off the beaten path town to visit.

If you are looking for an off the beaten path mountain town for your next vacation, check out Pagosa Springs, CO. Centered around The Springs Resort, Pagosa Springs is small but packed full of adventure. The closest airport is an hour away in Durango, which keeps the tourist crowds small compared to other Colorado mountain towns.

In the summer, you can find endless hiking, mountain biking, and river rafting. Take Piedra Road north of town to get to the San Juan National Forest for a day at the Williams Reservoir or a hike to epic waterfalls and wild hot springs. There are so many fun  activities in Pagosa Springs !

If you love the snow, winter brings some of the best snow in the country. You can drive 30 minutes to ski or snowboard at Wolf Creek Ski Area or stay in the valley to enjoy world-class cross-country skiing, sledding, or snowmobiling. The 25 separate hot springs at The Springs Resort is a great way to warm up your bones after a long day in the snow.

Pagosa Springs is a great town even if you don’t like action sports. When you aren’t relaxing in the hot springs, you can shop in the picturesque downtown, take a stroll along the San Juan River, or enjoy a round of golf at Pagosa Springs Golf Club. Don’t miss FABA, a local art gallery with really unique (and affordable) pieces from local artists.

Explored by Taylor from Nomads In Nature

Squamish, British Columbia

View from a mountain of Squamish, Canada.

Squamish, BC is known as the outdoor adventure capital of Canada. This small city is sandwiched between towering mountains and the Pacific Ocean halfway between Vancouver, and Whistler. It’s an easy 1.5-hour drive from Vancouver International Airport along the incredibly scenic Sea to Sky Highway. 

While Squamish is a year-round destination, summer is the best time to visit for the warmest weather and the least rain. Spring and fall can be great too as the increased rainfall makes the waterfalls thunder. Expect snow between late November and mid-February. 

There are lots of great things to do in Squamish , from hardcore off the beaten path adventures to easy walks. The Sea to Sky Gondola, the town’s most popular attraction, will appeal to outdoor lovers of all abilities. The gondola whisks you up the mountainside to an expansive deck with a panoramic view of the mountains and ocean. You can enjoy a meal at the restaurant, stroll along easy trails to viewpoints, or brave a walk across the swaying suspension bridge. Hearty hikers can take difficult trails deep into the backcountry. 

Don’t miss Shannon Falls, located right next to the Sea to Sky Gondola. It’s one of the tallest waterfalls in BC. The five-minute walk to the viewing platform involves a small hill, but it’s doable for people of all abilities. 

You will find another of Squamish’s main attractions nearby too: the towering Stawamus Chief Mountain. The sheer cliffs on the front side are world-famous amongst rock climbers while hikers can tackle the steep and challenging trail through the forest on the back side. 

Lots more hiking trails wind through the hills around town, heading to secluded lakes and picturesque peaks. Many are located in the spectacular Garibaldi Provincial Park, renowned for its huge glacial lake and awe-inspiring mountain setting. 

Squamish is also popular with mountain bikers , with hundreds of kilometers of trails crisscrossing the hills. And Kite surfers leap and spin on the waves just offshore.

After you’ve worked up an appetite, enjoy the strong craft beer culture. The first brewery, Howe Sound Brewing, opened downtown in 1996. Since then several others have popped up around town. Locals love the wood-fired pizza and cabin vibe atmosphere at Backcountry Brewing. If beer isn’t your thing, try the incredible doughnuts and coffee at Fox and Oak. They have brioche, cake, and vegan options in tons of innovative flavors. 

Explored by Taryn from Happiest Outdoors

Da Nang, Vietnam 

Bridge with a dragon in Da Nang, Vietnam.

Visiting Da Nang, a city in central Vietnam, offers an exciting and unique off the beaten path experience. With incredible beaches, mountains to explore, fire-breathing dragon bridges and a food lovers paradise this is a must-see destination!

Da Nang International Airport serves as a convenient hub for flights arriving from various Asian destinations, making it an ideal choice for your arrival.

The best time of year to visit is from June to August, when the weather is hot and sunny and dry. Perfect beach weather.

There are so many things to see and do in Da Nang  that are a great addition to your bucket list.

One unique experience is seeing the Dragon Bridge Show, a masterpiece of engineering that comes alive every weekend at 9 p.m., breathing fire and water into the night sky. Stand on the ground near the head and not on the bridge if you don’t want to get completely soaked with water!

For nature lovers, a stroll through the lush and vibrant Son Tra Nature Reserve is an absolute must. This walk allows you to enjoy the calmness of the forest while viewing the 67-meter tall Lady Buddha statue and the beautiful Buddhist Pagoda. Both are nestled within the greenery of the Son Tra Peninsula and offer a perfect blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and stunning views over Da Nang.

If you want more of a physical challenge, consider climbing up the Marble Mountains. Located to the south of Da Nang, these iconic limestone formations are not only a unique sight to behold but also an opportunity to learn about how they were used in the Vietnam War as a field hospital and spy base.

For those who love underwater adventures, Cham Island is where you need to go. Just a short boat ride from the mainland, here you can delve into the vibrant marine life through snorkeling and scuba diving.

If you’re looking to add a touch of romance to your journey, experience the timeless tradition of attaching a love lock to a bridge, sealing your everlasting love with your sweetheart. This love bridge is only a short stroll from the Dragon Bridge so making a night out with your loved one would be perfect.

And before you leave, don’t miss watching the sunrise over the pristine sands of My Khe Beach. It will be a memory that will warm your heart for years to come.

Explored by Kaitlyn from Carry On Only 

Busan, Korea

off beaten path travel destinations

If you’re planning a trip to Korea, and can’t decide on your  South Korean itinerary , Busan is an off the beaten path travel destination worth visiting! Most people just see Seoul, which is a great city. However, for a glimpse of real traditional Korean life (in a city), Busan beats Seoul hands down! Whilst many aspects of traditional Korean life are slowly disappearing from Seoul, such as pojongmacha (the orange street food tents that you see in K-dramas), you can still find them in Busan.

You can fly into Incheon International Airport in Seoul, then take a 2.5-hour KTX train ride down to Korea’s second-largest city. It’s so close, you could even do it as a short day trip from Seoul! Alternatively, Busan also has its own international airport, Gimhae, but not every airline will have a direct flight to Gimhae.

The best time to visit Korea is generally in autumn when the weather is pleasant and the beautiful fall foliage is out. Summer is typically very hot and very humid, so not very pleasant, and not a great time to visit Korea. However, Busan has many beautiful beaches, including Korea’s most famous Haeundae Beach, so spending a summer in Busan can be pretty fun! There’ll be buskers along Haeundae Beach, where you can listen to free live performances, and watch fireworks in the evening!

If you’re not one for the beach, Busan also has other fantastic attractions, such as Gamcheon Culture Village, Korea’s largest jjimjjibang (traditional Korean bathhouse), Korea’s most beautiful temple (Haedong Yonggungsa, which is set by the sea), and Jeonpo Cafe Street, which was featured in the New York Times in 2017, as one of the best places to visit. You can also take the famous Blue Line Sky Capsule, a train in the sky, which offers fantastic views of the coastline.

And, if you finish seeing everything there is in Busan, you can even take a ferry over to Japan: Busan is actually closer to Japan than it is to Seoul!

Explored by Zhen from A Love Letter To Asia

Esch-sur-Sûre, Luxembourg

River view in Esch Sur, Luxembourg.

Esch-sur-Sûre is a picturesque town cradled within a bend of the Sure River, encircled by rolling hills and lush forests. It’s located in the heart of Luxembourg is a beautiful off the beaten path travel destination to add to your list. Esch-sur-Sûre is a place where time seems to slow down, and where you can immerse yourself in history and nature. This is an opportunity to escape the ordinary, to discover a European gem tucked away from the tourist crowds. 

You can begin your adventure begins at Luxembourg Airport. From there, a scenic drive or public transportation will transport you to the tranquil town of Esch-sur-Sûre. Driving takes about 50 minutes and public transportation up to 1 hour and 45 minutes. Hop on a bus from the airport to the Luxembourg train station, then take a train to Ettelbruck. Here you can take a bus to Esch-sur-Sûre. Public transport is free in Luxembourg.

From late spring to early fall , spanning from May to September is the best time to visit. During this period, nature blooms, and the weather is ideal for exploring the town’s natural beauty and attractions.

The best  things to do in Esch-sur-Sûre  include strolling through the narrow medieval streets of the town. Climb to the Castle, a medieval ruin at the top of a rocky hill in the center of town. This castle beckons you to step back in time and offers sweeping panoramic vistas of the town and its stunning surroundings.

Esch-sur-Sûre is also a great destination for hikers, as many hiking trails can be found in the green hills around the town. For example, hiking Circular Walk Esch-sur-Sûre I is highly recommended. This trail will take you first to a viewpoint with a great view of the dam and the Lac de Haute-Sûre. Then it takes you around through the dense forests, and green hills to the other side of the town. Here you’ll find one of the best viewpoints that will let you capture the beauty of Esch-sur-Sûre. 

Other things to do include kayaking on the Sûre River, enjoying a picnic in one of the green parks, and going swimming in the nearby Lac Esch-sur-Sûre. If you’d like to know more about the history and the culture of this area, it’s recommended to visit Musée de la Draperie (Textile Museum). All in all, Esch-sur-Sûre is a gorgeous place to visit. 

Explored by Jacoba from Travel With Co

Quy Nhon City, Vietnam 

Beach in Quy Nhon City, Vietnam a places to travel off the beaten track.

Quy Nhon City in Binh Dinh Province is another place to travel off the beaten track. It is an underrated tourist destination in Vietnam, especially when compared to internationally renowned places such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hoi An, and Ha Long Bay. The city has a small local airport, and several domestic airlines operate flights to and from major cities, including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang.

Quy Nhơn boasts beautiful beaches, clear waters, and scenic coastal landscapes that have not undergone the heavy commercialization seen in some popular Vietnamese tourist destinations. As a result, the city has started to attract more domestic tourists in recent years. However, it is still relatively unknown internationally.

Outdoor lovers can head to Ky Co Beach for blue waters, soft sand, colorful coral reefs, and water sports activities. Eo Gio, a coastal area known for its interesting rock formations, is very picturesque. As the city is surrounded by mountains, you will also find quite a few hiking opportunities.

For history enthusiasts, the area used to be the center of the ancient Champa civilization. Visiting Champa towers, relics from that era is one of the  best things to do in Quy Nhon . Constructed around the 11th-12th century, these structures allow visitors to admire intricate carvings and delve into the region’s rich history.

Don’t miss out on trying local delicacies, such as sizzling crepes, fish cake noodle soups, and various seafood dishes. The city is often praised for the affordability and freshness of its seafood.

Located in the Central region of Vietnam, Quy Nhon has a tropical monsoon climate with a dry season from February to September and a rainy season from October to January. The dry season is generally the best time to visit, especially when the weather is more suitable for outdoor activities. If you are interested in more off-the-beaten-path destinations in Vietnam, definitely consider Quy Nhon.

Explored by Sophie from Delightful Travel Notes

Arles, France 

River view of Arles, France.

When you are thinking about traveling to France, you might first think of Paris or one of the famous wine regions.  However, consider going off the beaten path to the city of Arles, located along the Rhône River in the Provence Region in southern France.  As a visitor to Arles, you will marvel at the history of the area, along with a fully intact Roman Amphitheatre, and the countryside that inspired Vincent Van Gogh.

In the first century AD, Arles became part of the Roman Empire under Julius Caesar and, with its location along the Rhône that flows into the Mediterranean, a major commercial port and shipyard.  You can visit and explore the Roman architecture and monuments, such as the Theatre Antique – built in the 1st century – and the nearby Amphitheatre – built in 90 AD.  Both are now UNESCO World Heritage Sites and are still in use for cultural events, concerts, plays, and bullfights.  

Arles also has a rich artistic history, attracting the likes of Paul Gaughin, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent Van Gogh.  In 1888, Van Gogh came to Arles and spent over a year in the area.  He produced over 200 paintings, including “Starry Night Over the Rhône”, “The Night Café”, and several versions of “Sunflowers”.  You can discover more about the city and its impact on Van Gogh by following any number of Van Gogh walking tours and visiting the locations that inspired his paintings.

The Gare d’Arles is the local train station and you can travel from Paris (via the TGV in under 4 hours) as well as from Lyon, Marseilles, and Avignon.  The closest international airport is Nimes, located approximately 15 miles to the NW. Arles is wonderful to visit from late March to October.  Springtime, especially around Easter, has the first bullfight of the season.  If you are an animal lover, it may be better to skip the Feria d’Arles, which also occurs in September. 

Summer brings out more crowds, as the city hosts an international photography festival known as Les Rencontres d’Arles, which has occurred since 1970, and is peak time to visit nearby lavender fields. Autumn and the grape harvest is a wonderful time as you will still find warm weather and fewer crowds.  

From its history as part of the Roman Empire to its landscapes being captured by Van Gogh, Arles, France belongs on your list of underrated cities not to be missed. 

Explored by Audra from The Nerd Traveler

Balapatiya, Sri Lanka 

A beach during sunset in Balapatiya, Sri Lanka an off the beaten path destination.

Sri Lanka is a fabulous off the beaten path travel destination and is considered the pearl of the Indian Ocean. However, it’s fair to say most tourists follow the same road to the same spots whilst visiting the tropical haven. 

Sri Lanka tends to attract many surfing enthusiasts, particularly to the beaches on the southwest coast. However, those beaches that don’t have the ‘perfect’ surfing wave are often overlooked and left for explorers and locals to enjoy all to themselves. 

Some of those beaches lie between Colombo and Hikkadiwa which is one of the first popular surf breaks in the south. 

A nice spot to head for is Balapaitya which has some incredible hidden beaches that aren’t even named! 

These beaches have giant boulders which look somewhat similar to some of the famous beaches of the Seychelles. The area also has super soft sand which attracts turtles laying their eggs. 

The best time to see the beaches and stroll along is close to sunset. Picture coconut trees galore, crashing waves, golden sand, colorful fishermen’s boats, and beautiful rocks in the water!

On occasion, locals can be seen climbing up the coconut trees and cutting down the produce! They often use the rocks to smash the coconuts apart to access the thirst-quenching coconut water and eat the delicious coconut flesh. 

The beaches are not all in Balapaitya, there is also a river network that runs deep into the jungle and local tour guides use small boats to take tourists on a trip to see the wildlife beneath the mangroves. Sometimes the trip includes a cinnamon farm and temple visit. 

There is plenty more to discover within the regions including Galle Fort , Geoffrey Bawa’s home, many temples, and of course traditional villages. 

Colombo is the nearest airport and generally the season for the South West of Sri Lanka is from November through March. 

Explored by Karen from Travel Mad Mum

Ljubljana, Slovenia 

Square in Ljublijana, Slovenia one of the off the beaten path travel destinations.

Ljubljana, the capital of  Slovenia , is a far underrated off the beaten path travel destination. This small city offers a rich array of historical landmarks and contemporary attractions for visitors. The food scene is quite good, too. Slovenia is also known for being one of the safest countries for travelers. Additionally, travel is much more affordable to this capital city than many others in Europe.

One of the city’s main sites is Ljubljana Castle, a medieval fortress atop Castle Hill, which now contains museums, exhibitions, and a viewing tower, providing panoramic vistas of the city.

Preseren Square, located in the heart of the city, features the iconic Triple Bridge, which has three walkways over the river. Ljubljana Cathedral, formally known as St. Nicholas’s Cathedral, is an impressive example of Gothic architecture right in the middle of town. Take a walking tour to learn more about these sights and the rich history of the city.

Tivoli Park, which is over 5 kilometers, is Ljubljana’s largest green space. It offers walking and biking trails, and botanical gardens, as it’s a peaceful retreat inside the city.

Ljubljana’s culinary scene is diverse, with numerous restaurants, cafes, and markets offering traditional Slovenian dishes such as potica, a nut-filled pastry. This is a must-try. The Central Market is a hub for fresh produce, local products, and a vibrant atmosphere. Try a food tour while you’re visiting.

The city’s commitment to sustainability and environmental consciousness is evident in its pedestrian-friendly streets, bicycle-friendly infrastructure, and efforts to promote green spaces, making Ljubljana a progressive and environmentally conscious destination for travelers. There are no cars in the main city center, where the three bridges are.

April to August is the best time to visit Ljubljana for the best weather. You can find better rates in April and May before the summer rush.

Fly into Ljubljana airport or take a train from a neighboring traveled city, like Zagreb, Croatia, or Salzburg, Austria.

Explored by Eleanor from Elevate Your Escapes

Évora , Portugal 

Ruin in Évora, Portugal one of the off the beaten path destinations in Portugal.

When thinking of off the beaten path travel destinations, Évora is a city that should definitely be considered. Located in Portugal , you often expect white sandy beaches and a vacation atmosphere, and while Évora is not located on the beach, this city has so much more to offer.

Évora has an extensive history that dates back to the Roman era. During the 16th century, the Kings of Portugal decided to serve their residence here. Because of this, Evora was declared a world heritage site and is now one of the best-underrated destinations to visit on any  Portugal itinerary !

The best way to travel around the city is by foot. The streets are lined with gorgeous houses, and by walking around, you get to see the intricate details of Évora up close.

There are so many things to do in Évora. Start your day by visiting the iconic Roman Temple of Évora, seeing the Roman baths, and stopping by the incredible Cathedral of Évora.

There are a handful of museums to learn more about the history of Évora. The Museum of Evora is the most popular and has over 20,000 artifacts to discover. Plus, it only costs 3 EUR to enter.

Make sure to also stop by the romantic gardens in the Palace of D. Manuel and the famous cathedral spire located in the city center. You also won’t want to miss the Chapel of Bones. There are also many restaurants in the city center that are worth trying. Enjoy both authentic and European cuisine at Botequim da Mouraria. 

Évora is best visited in the spring as the weather will be comfortable enough to walk around in. Temperatures usually remain around 71°F. Additionally, if you want to avoid the crowds, you could consider booking a trip in the fall. The temperatures will be cooler, usually between 54°F and 70°F. Just remember to also pack an extra layer or two, as Portugal does experience rainfall during this time.

The most popular airport is the Lisboa Airport (LIS). For a more quiet airport, you can choose the Beja Airpot (BYJ).

Explored by Sam from Find Love And Travel

Related post: Day Trips From Porto

Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka

Green fields of Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka and off the beaten path travel destination.

Nestled in the Hill Country of Sri Lanka lies Nuwara Eliya, a quaint village surrounded by rolling hills and tea plantations. It’s known as “Little England” thanks to its colonial-style buildings and unique architecture.

Nuwara Eliya often sits in the shadows of the more popular places in Sri Lanka such as Ella or Kandy. But it’s a worthy place to visit if you want to get off the beaten path and enjoy a more authentic experience.

The town lies at 1889 m above sea level and is considerably colder than most of the country. This cooler temperature provides optimal conditions for tea plantations and no visit to Nuwara Eliya is complete without visiting one of them.

The two most popular are Blue Field Tea Estate and Pedro Tea Factory which both offer guided tours where you can learn more about the tea-making process. 

Nuwara Eliya is also home to the gorgeous Ramboda Falls which is 1 hour’s drive from town. Here you can take a short walk to the base of the towering waterfall. 

If the weather is gloomy (which is common), The Grand Hotel serves up a delicious high tea or you can wander around the streets and visit the iconic Post Office or Gregory Lake.

The weather in Nuwara Eliya is known to be unpredictable so it’s best to come prepared with warm clothes. But January to April provides the highest chance of little to no rain. 

There are no airports near Nuwara Eliya. To get there, you’ll need to fly into Colombo International Airport and take a bus to Kandy. From here, hop on the famous Kandy to Ella train and get off at the Nanu Oya Railway Station which is a 10 km drive from Nuwara Eliya.

Explored by Carryn from Torn Tackies Travel Blog

Off The Beaten Track Travel Destinations Conclusion

These 33 off the beaten path travel places are all unique and will create a memorable experience in these lesser-known destinations. Hope you have an idea of where you want to plan your next destination after reading these off the beaten path destinations.

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Aerial view of the Galapagos Islands

The 10 Best Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations to Visit in 2022

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Alene Laney

Alene Laney is a freelance writer covering real estate, personal finance, and travel. She lives in the Southwest with her husband, four boys, and German Shepherd.

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During the pandemic, many travelers from the U.S. were looking for easy escapes, usually to Hawaii or Mexico. That left many places off-the-beaten path even more uncrowded and enjoyable to visit. The Galapagos. The Azores. Even places that traditionally attract more tourists, like Egypt, have had fewer crowds recently. If you want to travel somewhere without the usual throng of tourists, you may want to put one of these places on your list for 2022. 

The Galapagos, Ecuador

Woman taking a photo of iguanas on the Galapagos Islands

With the limited number of visitors to the Galapagos, travelers have had a better opportunity to see the best part of the Galapagos: wild nature. While the Galapagos has always been careful about keeping their national park unspoiled, the slow down of tourists from the pandemic has made the experience even better. Fewer people means more active wildlife, resulting in better sightings for travelers who do make it to this remote part of the world. 

Sumatra, Indonesia 

Roofs of houses in foreground with a large lake and vegetation in background

While tourists flock to Sumatra’s more famous island neighbor, Bali, you’ll see fewer people–not to mention better prices–in nearby Sumatra. Sumatra has picturesque rice paddies, volcanoes, waterfalls and wildlife unlike anywhere else in the world. Carly Day, a local and founder of the travel blog Exploring Sumatra , touts the uncrowded nature of the large island, “Even the most beautiful and famous of locations are never crowded, and unique enough to make other travelers sit up and take notice with slight envy as they struggle to take a selfie in an overrated, crowded Bali temple.”

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The Azores, Portugal

Sunset in Nordeste, Sao Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal

The Azores, an archipelago of nine volcanic islands in the Atlantic, are known for their unspoiled beauty. There are black, volcanic cliffs surrounded by lush, green valleys lined by stunning clusters of thriving hydrangeas. Visitors can hike volcanic craters above clear lakes. The islands are also known as one of the best places for whale and dolphin watching. 

Petra, Jordan

Facade of Ad Deir in ancient city Petra, Jordan

The country of Jordan hosts one of the wonders of the world: the city of Petra. While this location is normally crawling with tourists and the path has been very well-trodden, the pandemic turned this incredible area into a ghost town. Visitors to the city carved into the red sandstone landscape currently experience it without the number of tourists that once frequented the place. Yet, the numbers of tourists are increasing as restrictions ease and travel returns to normal. You may want to visit before tourism to this incredible location returns in full force. 

The Philippines

El Nido Bay, Philippines

The Philippines are composed of more than 7,000 islands with unspoiled beauty and welcoming people. The rice terraces of Ifugao will make you feel like you’re in another place and time–and you won’t see many tourists around to crowd you out. The cities are bustling and the beaches are second to none. 

8 Things to Do Differently When Traveling in 2022

Hayravank monastery on Lake Sevan in Armenia

Looking for a unique experience away from it all? Try Armenia. “Armenia is a nation of ancient history and sprawling landscapes, away from the hustle and bustle of a more modern world,” says Tara Fitzgerald of OROKO Holidays . “Well-preserved medieval monasteries are scattered across the isolated scenery of Armenia’s countryside, closely followed by the dramatically beautiful landscapes of steep valleys, soaring mountains and alpine lakes.” 

The small monastery of Khor Virap offers the best views of Mount Ararat across the Turkish border, Fitzgerald relates. 

Valetta City in Malta

Malta has an incredible amount of history and beauty to enjoy. For architecture lovers, the old, ancient walled city of Mdina is a delight. The city is built on the highest point of the island and houses a large number of baroque and medieval palaces. It’s called “The Silent City” and only 250 residents are lucky enough to call this place home. The island nation also houses the oldest stone structures in the world and unique diving excursions.   

Aerial view of Ankara, Turkey

Peter Grubb, founder and guide for ROW Adventures , visited Turkey in late 2021 and says busy places like the Topkapi Palace and Hagia Sofia in Istanbul are open, quiet and welcoming. 

“Cappadocia was like a ghost town, but businesses are eager to see tourists, and getting on a hot air balloon ride or any activity is readily available,” he says. “Yachting tours along the southwest coasts are a dream as bays are not crowded with boats and trails through olive groves and Greco-Roman ruins are empty. The food remains delectable as ever and the old saying that ‘to call a Turk hospitable is redundant’ is true now more than ever.”

The 9 Best Cheap Destinations to Visit in 2022

Marrakech and Old Medina, Morocco at sunset

Digital nomad Katelynn Sortino recommends Morocco as the COVID situation is now stable, but tourism has yet to return to pre-pandemic levels. She says, “Many tourist destinations are still pretty empty and those in the tourism sector are eager to greet guests to this beautiful country.”

“There’s a ton of history, distinct culture and art, plus loads of stunning outdoor activities. You can go to the Sahara desert for a camel ride or quad ride, take a hot air balloon ride over the Atlas Mountains, surf on the many beautiful beaches, or simply enjoy the ancient medinas.”

Caye Caulker island, Belize

Wait in line for a tourist attraction? Not here. Even before the pandemic, travelers to Belize could take a picture of a Mayan ruin without a slew of tourists in the background. Belize also offers some of the best diving anywhere. With clear waters and the second largest barrier reef in the world, going underwater here is a must.

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20 Off-the-Beaten Path Travel Destination Ideas (Best Time to Go)

Written by Becca

Updated on April 26th, 2024

A view of mountains and clouds from an airplane wing.

If you're like us, you're looking for the best new and alternative travel destinations for experienced and seasoned travelers. See our list of where to travel in 2024 for travelers who seek a challenge.

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Table of contents

  • Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan
  • Travel Destinations in Uruguay
  • El Salvador
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina

We are not the types to have a ‘bucket list,’ but we do have places we want to visit. Most of these places are destinations we have heard about via friends, countries we have researched or inspiration from photos seen on Instagram.

After you’ve traveled in the ‘easy places’ (places not too different from home, culture-wise), what’s next? We like finding the lesser-known destinations where you can avoid mass tourism .

We find that the most fascinating trips we’ve taken are to places far away, where the culture brings surprises and we do the most learning.

So, what are we considering as the next destinations for experienced travelers? Here are our alternative travel ideas, for travelers who want to be challenged, but still feel safe, and also stick to a budget .

Eastern European architecture castle in Kadriorg Park Estonia

Travel Destinations in Central Asia

Central Asia seems to be coming backpacker-friendly and is now on the travel scene. Ten years ago when I was traveling in China, I had never met anyone who’d been to Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan, and now I have friends who’ve been on casual group trips there.

More information about these countries that are ‘newer’ to tourism is available unlike ever before, as hostels pop up in places like Tbilisi (in very large numbers, considering the size of the place) and Yerevan.

Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan

✈️ When to go: April, May, June, September, some of October

Having just heard about Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan from our experienced traveler friend Daniel Herszberg , we’re sold. We’ve heard Georgia feels ‘more European’ than the other two in this Caucasus region near Russia and the Black Sea.

Interesting travel tip from pro-travelers: Take trains from Baku, Azerbaijan to Tbilisi, Georgia, and then Tbilisi to Yerevan, Armenia. BUT(!) don’t bring Caspian caviar or Azerbaijani cognac into Armenia and vice-versa.

Tbilisi, Georgia, has been ‘trending’ lately, if you could say that, becoming a place that is popular as a livable city for digital nomads . We’ve been surprised to find out that this region of the world is super affordable and that there’s little crime. Sign us up, and check out this vlog of hanging out in Yerevan, Armenia!

Woman sitting on a beige bench working remotely at a laptop at a small circular granite table

To visit all three Caucasus countries in one trip, the best practice is Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia (in that order). Travelers report that if the Azerbaijan government for any reason believes you have been to Artsakh (a breakaway and unrecognized state that is otherwise internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan) then you will be denied entry. For travelers who go to Artsakh, you will not get a visa in your passport.

✈️ When to go: April, May, September, October

It seems Uzbekistan is new(er) to tourism, but its popularity is growing fast. Of the ‘Stans,’ it is probably the most well-known after Kazakhstan, which is massive in size and is more frequently in the news.

Uzbekistan has soaring mosques, beautiful colors and incredible culture. What’s more is that it is not expensive (yet) to travel there! There’s also some accessible Jewish culture, which would be amazing to see, along with an incredible series of city metro stations from the Soviet era.

Outside the cities, Uzbekistan has incredible nature and trekking. There are pristine lakes and snow-capped mountains, national parks like Ugam Chatkal National Park, and you can join a guided hiking or cycling tour for safety and companionship.

✈️ When to go: June, July, August, September

We have some friends who went to Kyrgyzstan on a surprise trip of sorts with Remote Year . This remote country in Central Asia is gorgeous, vast and pretty safe!

The draw of a country like Kyrgyzstan is that you’ll have your friends asking you exactly where that is (unless, of course, your friends are expert travelers who are on this level).

Like Uzbekistan, tourism is rather new, so it’s an unspoiled destination to visit and provides an alternative to anywhere more touristy. Be sure to do your reading about what to expect in Kyrgyzstan, and if you’re into the culture, you’ll really enjoy looking into the crossroads of ethnic groups there.

Travel Destinations in South America

South America is massive, and most people have heard of (or been to) Argentina, Chile, Colombia or Peru.

What about the countries that often get regarded as being a bit more tough? Are they accessible? Worth the visit? Check out our list of where we consider off-the-beaten-path destinations in South America for this year.

✈️ When to go: December, January, February, March

Brazil used to require a tourist visa for visitors, but now it’s no longer the case! You can go visa-free (for most passport holders, and please check the requirements for your country of residence!).

For years, Brazil seemed much less safe than other countries where we’ve traveled, so that was the main hesitation; however, we have many friends who’ve visited and some friends who live there, so it’s now on our list.

What’s daunting about Brazil is that it is huge. As the biggest country in South America by far, it stretches from the Atlantic coast to the Amazon rainforest. It borders so many other countries, like Bolivia, Peru , Paraguay, Argentina and Colombia, to name only a few!

Shadows on a tropical plant leaf

One of the most overwhelming things about travel in Brazil is deciding where to go. It seems appropriate to choose a minimalist approach and stick with one region to get to know, and go back to see another region during another trip.

And, don’t forget to visit our friend Jake if you’re in Sao Paulo; he runs the Foreign Correspondence podcast and could help you out with some local tips he’s learned as an expat there.

Travelers report cities in Brazil as having higher crime rates than cities in Colombia or Peru, for example. Keep an eye on your bag, and avoid walking alone at night. Do your research to figure out where to stay, for your safety, and travel with a guide if it makes you feel more secure.

Travel Destinations in Uruguay

✈️ When to go: October, November, January, February, March

We almost went to Uruguay when we were in Buenos Aires , but decided against it because of time. We’re definitely due back to the Rio de Plata region for visiting this compact country that only gets half the attention that Argentina does.

Originally the cost of travel in Uruguay was slightly intimidating. After checking into hostel prices, we found it wasn’t all that expensive, especially if you share a private room between two people. You can also enjoy a lot of sights for free, like exploring Montevideo and the scenery along the beautiful beachy coast.

✈️ When to go: June, July, August So, where is Paraguay? Why does no one go there?

Paraguay has been on my travel with list ever since I went to Bolivia for two weeks, and that was one of my most memorable trips to date.

Paraguay is landlocked, not as wealthy as other countries in South America, and you don’t really hear about Paraguay in the news, ever. Is it worth the visit?

I think the draw of Paraguay is that, simply, it is less visited than every other country it touches. You can see the famous Iguazú Falls in Paraguay, stay on estancias and visit national parks, all without the tourists. The best times to go are during the country’s (Southern Hemisphere) winter, which is June to August.

Many people haven’t heard of Suriname. It’s a new country that gained independence from the Netherlands only in the last century. While many Dutch people get direct flights there and might like to go there for holiday, Suriname does not reach the same popularity with travelers from any other nation.

But if you go, you’ll find a tropical country with an incredible mix of Asian, African, European and indigenous cultures. Specifically, Suriname is home to people of Chinese, Javanese, Indian, Caribbean and Dutch descent. This makes the food and festivals incredible!

Get a walkthrough with this vlog filmed in Suriname’s capital city.

Travel Destinations in Central America

Central America is composed of lots of small countries, with Costa Rica getting all the attention (it’s for a good reason). What about the countries that are less-visited?

The great thing about Central America is that it’s never far from locations in the US, and because of the time zones, it’s a great place to consider working remotely for a little bit.

✈️ When to go: December, January, February, March, some of April

Belize has been on our list for a long time, as a friendly neighbor of Mexico and with attractions and things to do much like visiting the beaches of Tulum and Mayan ruins like Chichen Itza , but lesser-known.

Belize is the only non-Spanish-speaking country in Central America. Therefore, it has a unique culture that is more like the formerly-colonized Caribbean nations. While the cost of travel in Belize certainly is higher than nearby countries like Guatemala, you can pack in some tours in order to bundle your entrance fees, time and transport.

Check out Caye Caulker, San Ignacio, Placencia and ancient Mayan ruins at Altun Ha.

Lizard in a tree at the Chichen Itza national park in Mexico

El Salvador

✈️ When to go: November, December, January, February, March

El Salvador gets far fewer tourists than neighboring Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. This is because it’s small, known for having dangerous cities and clocking in with a relatively high murder and crime rate, when compared to the rest of the world.

But the truth is, most tourists leave El Salvador unharmed and enchanted. Prices are low, such as $8 for a hostel bed, and several dollars for bus rides.

La Ruta de las Flores (the Route of the Flowers) is known as a hiking destination of its own, with Santa Ana as the colonial heritage gem. Further, El Tunco beach town is backpacker central with Pacific sunsets on the west coast. Especially nowadays, El Salvador is getting attention as a cheap and fun digital nomad destination.

Rainbow sunset colors sun setting

Most tourists who go to Honduras are going for some diving and beach time in Roatan and the Bay Islands, home to the famed Coxen Hole. Other travelers head to the mainland, perhaps on a day trip or tour from next-door countries, to see the ruins of Copan (Copan Ruinas), which was formerly the capital of an ancient civilization.

Either way, there are places to avoid in Honduras, like two of the most dangerous cities in the world, Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Maybe we wouldn’t like to go to these two, but the value of the rest of the country seems like the missing piece to the rest of a Central American experience.

Traveling in Honduras very affordable, with prices for a night starting at around $10 for hostels.

Macro focus dew droplets condensation on a tropical plant leaf

Travel Destinations in Europe

You thought you’d seen it all in Europe, right? If you’ve landed on this article, it’s because you want to seek out the off-the-beaten path destinations in Europe. We like how you think!

Maybe you’re looking to avoid the crowds, do something wild or see something new, at bargain prices and in new cultures. Check out where we recommend for alternative destinations in Europe that stay off the beaten path.

✈️ When to go: May, June, July, September

Romania is one of the most affordable destinations in Eastern Europe/ We like the off-the-beaten-path vibe of Romania… and maybe the potential of vampires? Just kidding.

Romania is considered a ‘good deal’ for backpacking, where $40 a day will get you pretty far on some comfortable essentials. In Romania, $100 and upward would get you excess and luxury. Not bad, right?

Romania is BIG, so it would require some research in finding out the best parts to visit. We’re drawn in by the glorious amounts of nature, culture we’ve never experienced and architecture. Given its safety index factor, this is one of the best solo travel destination for anyone adventurous.

Remote Year , the remote work-travel program on which we both did a four-month program, chose Sofia, Bulgaria, as a digital nomad city! What’s Bulgaria like?

Bulgaria is a very safe and affordable Southeast European nation with a Black Sea coastline, ski resorts in its mountains and a mix of cultures in Sofia, its capital city. Sofia makes the list of ‘cheapest capital cities for travel in Europe,’ with hostel accommodation ranging from $7 to $16 per night for a single bed.

Hostel dorm bed bunk bed what is a hostel like

✈️ When to go: April, June, September, October

Here’s another one: did you know Albania has crystal clear blue waters and a magnificent under-the-radar coastline in its south, near Greece? We didn’t, until we were looking at flight prices one night and checked out what there is to do in Albania.

Given its smaller population and general lack of recognition of its tourism brand, we had never considered Albania a place to go until we saw how awesome it might be. Albania is one of the smaller and less wealthy Balkan countries, located between Montenegro and Greece, with North Macedonia to its east.

With its small size, you can travel sustainably within the country by taking mass transit. Alternatively, you can rent a car, but either way, you can probably avoid additional flights while traveling in Albania.

If you want to get inspired to visit Albania, look up Borsh (OMG, is this place real?). It’s high on our list.

For road-tripping, see this video on YouTube about traveling in Albania.

One of Europe’s tiniest countries also does not get so many visitors, aside from those who go to Italy and want to “count” another country.

San Marino is located inside Italy and it’s a gem of its own! Its population is roughly the same as a small town. While some travelers go for just a day and then head back to Italy, you could certainly spend one night in this tiny nation.

If you’d like to be one of the travelers who head into San Marino, you can get there only from a city called Rimini, in Italy, and via train or bus.

Once there, you can say you’ve been to one of the smallest countries in the world, which is certainly an off-the-beaten-path thing to do.

Bosnia & Herzegovina

✈️ When to go: May, June, September

Perfectly off the beaten path is Bosnia and Herzegovina, hidden behind Croatia and receiving only a fraction of the visitors.

This would be an epic place to visit because it is totally off the tourist path, thereby creating a bit more of a challenge for you.

Tourism in Bosnia will be rewarding, as you’ll be able to visit medieval villages that take you back in history, along with gorgeous rivers and lakes that you won’t find in standard travel books.

Bosnia is high on our list of alternative destination ideas in Europe, and we hope you will consider it!

Eastern European dolls hanging with vintage clown dolls in a flea market

Travel Destinations in Asia

Asia is always far for American travelers and it’s always the best .

With big crowds going to Thailand, Japan and Bali (Indonesia), wouldn’t it be cooler to go where fewer visitors dare to venture?

See our list of our ideal destinations in Asia for a more challenging, off-the-beaten path experience that’ll give you memories for decades to come.

✈️ When to go: June, July, August

Mongolia: the last frontier, right? This is a country that didn’t pose the easiest travel experience back when I lived in China for two years, and mostly because at the time its tourism was not as developed as it is now.

Mongolia is a place about which people only have incredible things to say. It seems it’s because the culture is like nothing else - nomadic, a crossroads between Russia and China that hosted Silk Road trade for centuries, vast and remote. It’s therefore very enticing.

Mongolia is not the type of vacation you take because you want to party, but rather, because you are truly interested in seeing a window into this lesser-known culture and landlocked nation. As for safety, we’ve never heard of any terrifying reports of travelers being harmed, and as for cost, most budget backpacker reports are between $35 to $45 per person per day. That’s doable!

Check out this awesome vlog about traveling in Mongolia’s capital city.

✈️ When to go: September, October

Nepal is the country located to the north of India best known for Mount Everest. While we have no interest in climbing Everest, and even climbing to the Base Camp sounds exhausting, Nepal is a culture we’d like to experience.

Much like India, Nepal is a super affordable place to travel based on daily prices in cities and towns alone; that is, until you sign up for group trips for hikes and treks. In all honesty, taking a guided tour or trek within Nepal seems like a very smart idea, considering that the entire country is at high altitudes and it’s important for safety to be with an experienced guide in these types of conditions.

As for going there, there are really only two best months when you can go in order to avoid extreme cold or extreme rainfall, and those are September-October.

Airplane window view of jagged rugged mountain range

Africa is always going to be hard to get to, unless you already live in South Africa or elsewhere on the continent.

With more development in tourism in so many parts of Africa, there are soon going to be a LOT of destinations to choose from, if you really want an off-the-beaten-path vacation with amazing travel experiences.

✈️ When to go: July, August, September

If you haven’t seen a photo of Deadvlei in the famous Sossusvlei, Google it right away. After seeing this mysterious place in Instagram years ago, I put Namibia at the top of my Africa travel wish list for alternative destinations beyond the “South Africa safari” bit.

While I don’t have any concerns for safety in Namibia, because travelers recommend to exercise a regular level of precaution to avoid petty crime or scams, what does concern me a bit is the cost of travel there.

For road-tripping, I’ve read that fuel prices are expensive, and if you choose not to go around on your own, there is the price of tours to factor into your stay. If you want to save money, @thebookofwandering tells us that you can go camping and “self-cater,” and further, the campsites and entrance prices into the national parks are going to be the biggest expenses.

Despite the potential price concern and ambiguity, Namibia remains #1 on our alternative destinations for Africa travel because it looks so one-of-a-kind.

If you want to see just how other-worldly the nature of Namibia is, head to this travel vlog.

For many years, Tanzania has been known as a safari destination! In terms of variety, there’s Zanzibar, which looks incredible from photos I have seen and from the reports of friends who have gone.

Traveling within Tanzania looks challenging because it is HUGE, so that would be a challenge to tackle. You can fly, take buses, take some trains or rent a car (least recommended), and there is now Uber in the capital city, Dar Es Salaam .

For safari, you definitely want to go with a guide and a proper jeep, rather than driving on your own. This really completes the experience.

For budget, judging by Zanzibar alone, the top-rated hostels start with prices between $9 and $25 per night. This is a fair destination for your budget in Africa, as a lot of Africa can get expensive quickly for traveling.

✈️ When to go: May, June, July, August, September

Regarded as the safest country in Africa, along with Rwanda, traveling in Botswana poses few safety threats, and reports say that safaris are well-managed and that locals tend to speak English. Botswana was a British protectorate for 80 years and became an independent nation in 1966.

You’ll want to go to Botswana during African winter, which is the summer of the northern hemisphere.

@thebookofwandering suggests that if you go, keep in mind that Botswana will be more expensive if you want to self-drive because you will need a 4x4 vehicle. Great tip for those off-the-beaten-path adventurers who want a thrilling trip!

Water buffalo herd seen on a safari in Africa

OK, ready to take your trip? Check out our essential tools and apps for travelers and how to prepare for a long trip .

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off beaten path travel destinations

12 Off The Beaten Path Travel Destinations In 2024

In this post I describe 12 off the beaten path destinations that I have visited through my job as an overland adventure guide and which you should consider putting on your travel bucket list this year.

From other worldly hot springs in Ethiopia to gas craters in Turkmenistan, from Zoroastrian canyons in Iran to ancient pyramids in Sudan, on this list there’s something to tickle the fancy of even the most intrepid of travellers.

If you’re looking for some really alternative travel recommendations for 2024, read on below! 

The Danakil depression in Ethiopia is a top off the beaten path travel destination

Disclaimer:  Some links in this article are affiliate links, which means that if you purchase through them I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. This helps cover the cost of running this blog. Thanks for your support!

Off The Beaten Path Travel

I feel like the term, “off the beaten path” gets thrown around quite a lot these days. With new travel destinations being instantly shared with the world through social media, finding truly off the beaten path destinations is getting harder and harder to do.

For me off the beaten path travel often means going to the middle of nowhere. Or going to a place where few others dare to venture, along a route that is not easy to take.

Part of the adventure includes the journey it takes to reach that unfrequented destination. The end location might not be that spectacular but there is something very rewarding about reaching a fairly untouched part of the world.

Feeling like a pioneer of old!

Many of the remote locations in this guide can be accessed with local buses but some require off-road vehicles or dedicated tours . 

1. Darvaza Gas Crater – Turkmenistan

What happens when you throw a match into a crater filled with natural gas? The whole crater catches fire and burns until the gas runs out. Well, in the small desert filled country of Turkmenistan that’s exactly what happened.

During the Soviet era engineers had set up a drilling rig to search for oil. However, instead of finding oil they drilled into a natural gas pocket which subsequently collapsed and formed the crater we see today.

In 1971 geologists set the gas on fire to burn off some of the poisonous gas that was leaking. Believing this would only take a few weeks, the crater has been burning ever since!

They have tried to put the flames out but to no avail. So, the powers that be in Turkmenistan have decided to let it burn.

The Gateway to Hell, as it known locally, has become Turkmenistan’s biggest tourist attraction but since Turkmenistan gets very few tourists, it’s a top off the beaten track travel destination.

Darvasa gas crater is truly an off the beaten path destination

Getting to the crater used to be an adventure in itself, as you had to do some serious off-roading across sand dunes. On my first visit in 2015 we saw only one jeep and were the only people camping there. It was a real unknown destination.

On subsequent visits in 2018 however, the crater was more “developed”. There is now a dirt road providing access to the crater and at the crater itself there are yurt camps complete with toilets. A safety railing has also been put up around the crater to prevent tourists from falling in!

The most challenging part of seeing Darvaza crater is getting into Turkmenistan in the first place! Visa’s are notoriously difficult to get and will most certainly require joining a dedicated travel group, such as those offered by Dragoman .

But if you don’t manage to get into Turkmenistan, fear not, there are plenty more ‘Stans’ on this list.

If you liked reading about the Gateway to hell, you might be interested in  this post about dark tourism destinations.

Darvasa Gas Crater is a top off the beaten path destination

2. Yaxchilan Mayan Ruins – Mexico

You’ve probably heard of Chichen Itza or Tulum in Mexico. Both incredible and beautiful Mayan ruins on the Yucatan peninsula. However, there are so many other Mayan ruins around this area which very few tourists manage to see.

Located on the banks of the Usumacinta River, Yaxchilan was once a very important Mayan city. Due to the remote location, this site doesn’t attract many tourists so is a great place to go off the beaten path in Mexico .

The ruin itself is famous for its sculptures and the carved lintels that cross temple doorways.

I personally love this site because it still feels pretty undiscovered and secluded . Much of the ruins are still shrouded in jungle, in fact they have only uncovered 20% of the city.

To access the site we took a narrow lancha (boat) from our camping spot in Frontera Corozal. We travelled 40 minutes up the Usumacinta River, which forms the natural border with Guatemala.

You could combine a visit to Yaxchilan with a visit to nearby Bonampak, famous for its brightly coloured murals. However, for that visit you will need a local escort/guide to accompany you.

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off beaten path travel destinations

Keen for an adventure but not sure if the purse strings will stretch far enough? Discover all my money saving travel hacks in this guide.

3. Morteza Ali Canyon – Iran

Iran is a fabulous country to get off the beaten track and it’s even less touristy the further east you travel.

The desert in central Iran is a very hot and harsh environment, so the ability to dip your feet (and head) under some cold water is a welcome activity.

What makes this spring unique is that there is hot and cold water running parallel to each other. You can have one foot in hot water and the other foot in cold water!

As you wander up the canyon there are old Zoroastrian graves high up in the walls and at the end is the Shah Abbasi Dam. This is apparently the thinnest and tallest arcade dam in the world. (unconfirmed!)

Whilst this site is quite busy with Iranian visitors who believe the spring water has healing properties, you are unlikely to see any foreigners venturing out this way. It’s a real untouched corner of Iran .

off beaten path travel destinations

4. Moynaq Ship Graveyard – Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan used to be an awkward country to visit because of visa requirements but a few years ago they introduced a much easier e-visa which makes visiting much more straight forward.

Known as the gem of Central Asia, Uzbekistan is famed for its beautifully tiled mosques and mausoleums in Silk Road towns such as Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva. However, there are a few places in Uzbekistan where you can easily escape the crowds and embark on an alternative adventure. 

The Aral Sea was once the 4th largest lake in the world, however over the last 50 years it has shrunk to 10% of its original size. The lake started shrinking in the 1960s after the Soviets had started diverting the two main rivers that fed the Sea.

The water from the diverted rivers was used for irrigation of crops, predominately cotton, also known as White Gold.

The price for this white gold has not only resulted in the loss of the Aral Sea, but in the decimation of a fishing industry and a swathe of health issues for local people.

The site of the former Aral Sea in Uzbekistan is the second man made disaster to appear on this list! 

off beaten path travel destinations

The pesticides used for farming the cotton has been left in the former sea bed. During sandstorms this gets swept up and inhaled by anyone in its path.

Scientists hope that planting thousands of trees on the dried up sea bed, will prevent the wind from picking up the contaminated sand and spreading it through the atmosphere. At current pace it could take 150 years to grow this sea bed forest!

Our visit took us to the town of Moynaq which is in the remote northwest corner of Uzbekistan. This town was once a thriving fishing port on the edge of the Aral Sea, but now it’s more famous for having a Ship Graveyard.

Viewing the Ship Garveyard evokes somber feelings but hey, nobody said this adventure business was all rainbows and unicorns! Tours to Moynaq and to the edge of the Aral sea are available from Khiva or buses are available from Nukus.

Top tip: Don’t visit Moynaq during a sandstorm!

If you want to learn more about Uzbekistan, take a look at this article!

5. The Danakil Depression – Ethiopia

The hottest place on Earth and the cradle of humanity. This hostile environment situated in the Afar region of Ethiopia is how you might imagine Mars would look. In fact, scientists are investigating this area to help understand how life might arise on other planets.

Fairly impossible to reach independently, jeep trips from nearby Mekele are the best way to access the Danakil Depression.

At Dallol, the hydro thermal features are constantly changing so you never know what you might find. But what you are guaranteed is to see something unlike anywhere else in the world. The Danakil Depression is a truly unique travel destination.

Before a visit to Ethiopia be sure to check out my Ethiopia travel tips!

2024 update: Much of Ethiopia is deemed unsafe to travel to at the moment and unfortunately the Danakil falls into one of those areas. Check back later in the year for an update or visit the foreign travel advise website for the latest information.

Danakil Depression

6. Karakul Lake – China

The drive from Kashgar to Karakul Lake in the Xinjiang province of China takes you on a breathtaking and bumpy trip along the Karakoram Highway. At 3600m it is the highest lake on the Pamir Plateau and a real feast for the eyes.

The lake is a gorgeous turquoise colour and is surrounded by several 7000m peaks. During my visit there were a few yurt camps along the lakeshore but in 2018 these had unfortunately all closed down.

The Xinjiang province has introduced some upsetting regimes in recent years, which appear to be persecuting the Uyghur people in the form of “re-education camps”.

Whilst being a perfectly safe country to visit, being a tourist in this police state had become an uncomfortable experience for me in 2018. I’m hoping rising media interest from outside countries might force a change here soon because Karakul Lake is an amazing off the beaten path adventure .

For more off the beaten path destinations in China, see this guide.

Off the beaten path in China

7. Aksu Zhabagly Nature Reserve – Kazakhstan

Aksu Zhabagly Nature Reserve is a beautiful mountainous area close to the border with Kyrgyzstan. In this protected area you can hike, horse ride or take off road jeep trips with the accompaniment of a Park Ranger.

The flowers here in Springtime are incredible and the views at anytime of year make it a worthwhile visit.

We stayed at Ruslan’s Camp which is in the sticks, on the edge of the Nature Reserve. Ruslan is an super lovely and happy guy who can help arrange all of your activities, while his mother cooks some mean dumplings!

Reaching this mountainous area of Kazakhstan is possible on local transport from the Kyrgyzstan/Kazakhstan border and takes half a days travel.

off beaten path travel destinations

8. Khövsköl Lake – Mongolia

Mongolia is an overlanders paradise! Since this is a country where you can drive and camp where ever you want, it’s very easy to venture off the beaten path . In the north of the country, close to the Russian border is Khövsgöl lake.

This lake holds 70% of Mongolia’s fresh water. It is considered the younger sister to nearby Lake Baikal in Russia. During winter the lake completely freezes over with ice so thick that trucks can drive over it.

Trucks used to transport goods over this frozen lake since it provided a huge short cut, but it has since been banned for environmental and safety reasons!

Gur (yurt) camps surround the southern shores of the lake, provide very comfortable accommodation and various lake based activities.

I highly recommend a trip to Mongolia if you want to experience vast landscapes and witness a truly nomadic culture. There are many local operators that offer jeep tours of Mongolia, all starting in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. 

A trip to this undiscovered destination should be at the top of your adventure bucket list.

off beaten path travel destinations

9. Meroe Pyramids – Sudan

Sudan has a very different feel to all the other African countries I have visited and I was pleasantly surprised at every step. The people are welcoming and the history dates back thousands of years.

Meroe was an ancient city situated on the banks of the river Nile. It was once the capital city of the Kingdom of Kush and home to the Black Pharaohs .

The environment has since changed and Meroe has been engulfed by the desert. This great city houses more than 200 pyramids, the best preserved of which now comprise the main tourist site.

Camping nearby to enjoy both sunset and sunrise, this is a site we enjoyed completely by ourselves. You don’t need to be part of a tour to visit this destination because it’s in driving distance of the capital Khartoum. 

Sudan is home to several incredible historic sites and the people are some of the friendliest in Africa. However, visas require a little work which makes this country a very unique and unfrequented travel destination.

2024 update: Sudan is deemed unsafe to travel to at the moment due to civil unrest. Check back later in the year for an update or visit the foreign travel advise website for the latest information.

Read more about how to visit Sudan in this post.

Meroe pyramids in Sudan is a fabulous off the beaten path destination

10. Altyn Arashan – Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan has gained in popularity over recent years (pre-pandemic) and more westerners are starting to discover its beauty. Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country in Central Asia billed as the Switzerland of Asia.

In the eastern part of Kyrgyzstan is a mountain region called Altyn Arashan. The only way to get to Altyn Arashan is to hike or bike 30km from the nearby town of Karakol or hire the services of a crazy Soviet truck to drive you there.

We opted for the later!

off beaten path travel destinations

Since the route to Altyn Arashan resembles a river bed more than a road, the road is too rough, even for our overland expedition vehicles.

During our first visit where they had received a lot of rain, the track more resembled a mud bath. However, the reward for travelling to the end of this road is an incredibly beautiful valley and the starting point for some epic hikes.

There are now several camps in the valley that offer accommodation, one of which which utilises natural hot springs for Russian style bath houses. A day hike from here will take you to a high pass over Ala Kul, which is one of the most beautiful high alpine vistas I’ve ever seen.

Check out local company CBT if you’re interested in a guided hike of the region. They can also organise homestays and yurt stays all over Kyrgyzstan.

I absolutely love Kyrgyzstan! To discover why take a look at this post!

off beaten path travel destinations

11. Fairy Meadows – Pakistan

The final Stan in this adventure travel guide is Pakistan. This is another country that started to gain in popularity pre-pandemic and hopefully troubles in neighbouring Afghanistan won’t set them back as the world opens up.

After my visit to Pakistan in 2019 I was quite literally blown away with its beauty and I couldn’t wait to get back. I lined up another visit for 2020 but sadly the world had other plans.

There are so many highlights for a mountain lover in Pakistan that its hard to single out just one, but perhaps the most magical place to visit are the Fairy Meadows.

This meadow is located in the shadow of Nanga Parbat and just reaching the meadow is an adventure of epic proportions. You can read more about that here but for now just know that this place is so stunning its worth risking life and limb to get there.

Discover why I love Pakistan in this post!

The Fairy Meadows, Pakistan

12. Suchitoto – El Salvador

I love an underdog country and El Salvador is one of those countries. Most tourists in Central America flock to Costa Rica which is without doubt a beautiful country, but for a more gritty experience head to El Salvador.

Travellers to El Salvador will likely flock to the beaches of Tunco or hike Santa Ana volcano but I encourage you to visit the small town of Suchitoto.

Here you can admire the colonial style architecture, take a wildlife trip on Suchitlan Lake and see the unique basalt columns at Los Tercios waterfall. (Los Tercios made it onto my list of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world !)

Also, be sure to visit Centro Arte para la Paz and be inspired by the incredible work the volunteers there carry out to achieve peace in the community through the use of art and music. If you get chance, have a chat with Sister Peggy O’Neill – a truly remarkable woman.

off beaten path travel destinations

Final Thoughts On This Off The Beaten Path Travel Guide

Getting truly off the beaten track in this world of social media is getting more difficult to achieve . However, for the modern day explorer there are still places where it is possible to have a real adventure.

Hopefully in this off the beaten path travel guide, I have inspired you to escape the popular, over-crowded destinations and seek out an alternative adventure in the post-pandemic world.

If you have any questions or thoughts leave a comment below.

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Do you want to know where you can get truly off the beaten track? Take a look at these 10 off the beaten path destinations for travel inspiration this year

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Louise is an Adventure Tour Guide & Mountain Leader from South Wales. Through working as a tour guide and snowboard instructor, she has spent the last 15 years travelling Asia, Africa and the Americas. Louise is a published photographer and is currently based in the UK.

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off beaten path travel destinations

Get off the beaten path at these 8 incredible places in North America

Jessica Lockhart

May 16, 2024 • 12 min read

off beaten path travel destinations

Great Sand Dunes National Park near Alamosa, Colorado © iStock

It's time to spread out. Avoiding over-touristed destinations isn’t just about steering clear of crowds  –  it’s also about ensuring that we’re not contributing to the problem and instead helping to support the livelihoods of people in less-trafficked regions. 

Truly getting off the beaten path, though? It can feel harder than ever, with phrases like “hidden gem” and “local secret” increasingly overwrought. 

That’s why we asked our writers for their favorite under-the-radar haunts. They responded – some with regions and national parks that you’ve likely never heard of and many more with cities and states that you’ve probably never considered visiting. 

The result is Lonely Planet’s latest title, Offbeat North America . The book celebrates 100 of the continent’s most underrated destinations, including the wilds of Alaska’s remote Dalton Highway and Mayan ruins hidden on the tip of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. North America, as it turns out, still has plenty of secrets that remain untold.

The place I personally couldn’t wait to write about was Grasslands National Park in southern Saskatchewan. While Banff National Park gets all the glory and over four million visitors per year thanks to its obvious good looks, Grasslands is home to one of the world’s rarest ecosystems: mixed-grass prairies. Sure, it might not have Banff’s glaciers or sublime blue lakes, but the waving grasses, roaming bison and chirping prairie dogs all lend to a sublime kind of beauty – one that only about 20,000 visitors per year will experience. 

If you’re looking for more crowd-free alternatives to some of North America’s most popular vacation spots, here are just eight of the book’s entries, each highlighting how vast and varied our continent truly is. 


1. Tulsa, Oklahoma

Make this charming midwestern city your next city break 

Propose a “city break,” and you’ll inevitably be presented with the same tried-and-true options, with cosmopolitan heavyweights like New York, Montréal, Los Angeles and New Orleans being the top competitors. But we have an unlikely contender to add to the ring: Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

For over 100 years, its primary industry has been oil, the profits from which have played a major role in shaping Tulsa into a vibrant Midwest city worthy of your next long weekend. Take, for example, its extensive collection of lavishly built Art Deco buildings, dating back to the 1920s. Then there’s Tulsa’s well-funded art and cultural institutions. Museums like the Philbrook and Gilcrease stack up against those found in bigger cities, while new additions include the Greenwood Rising museum (which examines the 1921 race-based attack on the city’s “Black Wall Street”), the Woody Guthrie Center and the new-in-2022 Bob Dylan Center . It’s all rounded out by a lively music scene (concert venues include Cain’s Ballroom , a car-garage-turned-venue), craft breweries and excellent walking tours of its historic neighborhoods. 

Getting there: Tulsa International Airport is the city’s main gateway, with nonstop flights from several US destinations. To explore, the city is best navigated by foot, rideshare or bikeshare.

When to go: September to November, when Tulsa’s weather is at its most temperate. 

Pro tip: For a deep dive into Tulsa’s historic neighborhoods or its Art Deco architecture, book a customized walking tour with Tours of Tulsa.


2. Moloka‘i, Hawaii

Hawaii’s friendly isle offers unspoiled nature and flourishing culture

In recent years, there’s been a call to reconsider holidaying in Hawaii , as locals and sustainability experts alike express concerns that the nine million annual visitors are harming the archipelago’s culture and environment. But if Hawaii has been on your wish list for a long time, a considered approach is to explore one of its less-frequented islands. 

Despite being the state’s fifth largest island, fewer than 30 tourists a day arrive on Moloka’i during the summer months. The tiny island – only 38 miles long and 10 miles across at its widest point – doesn’t have luxury resorts, trendy bars, big-box retailers or chain restaurants. Heck, there aren’t even traffic lights, and cell phone reception can be spotty at times. But those who make the journey will be rewarded with long sandy beaches with nary another soul in sight, uncrowded hiking trails through old-growth rainforests and rich culture absent of plastic leis. 

Getting there: Mokulele Air is the only commercial airline that services Moloka’i, providing nonstop service from Oʻahu, Maui and Hawaiʻi Island aboard nine-seater Cessna planes. Once there, you’ll need a rental car to get around, as there’s no public transit, and taxi services are limited.  

When to go: May to October. Spring brings an end to the rainy season, with cooling trade winds and daylong sunshine carrying into autumn. 

Pro tip: Bring cash. Not all shops and restaurants on the island accept credit cards.


3. John Day Region, Oregon

A diverse biosphere in Central Oregon deserves center stage

From the moment you first see a photo of the John Day Region’s Painted Hills – a kaleidoscope of yellows, golds, blacks and reds, reminiscent of Peru’s Vinicunca (Rainbow Mountain) – you’ll be left wondering how much longer it will stay a relative secret. 

But the stunning claystone formations aren't the only geological feature that make this region worth visiting. A range of diverse landscapes is packed into a relatively compact and easy-to-navigate area. You’ll find the old-growth rainforests that Oregon is famous for; canyons similar to those in the Southwest; high-desert plains not unlike those in Big Sky country; and Oregon’s longest undammed river, with sandy beaches and lush meadows on its shores.  

According to writer Joshua Samuel Brown, who submitted this entry to Offbeat North America: “You’d need to visit every state west of the Rockies to experience the breadth of terrain encompassed in the John Day Region.” 

Getting there: The John Day Region is situated roughly a five-hour drive southeast of Portland. Alternately, it can be accessed from Bend by bus, with Grant County Transportation operating buses between Bend and Prairie City three times a week.

When to go: April to October. For wildflowers in bloom, visit in spring or early summer. Otherwise, aim for the shoulder seasons, when there are fewer visitors and the weather is cooler. 

Pro tip: Pack a trowel. The hill behind Wheeler High School in the aptly named town of Fossil is a designated digging spot for amateur paleontologists. Admission is $5.


4. Alamosa, Colorado

Wedged between high peaks and serene wildlife refuges, this low-key town proves the truth is out there

There’s no question that Colorado is best known for its ski resorts and mountain vistas – but the Centennial State isn’t a one-trick pony. Head due south from the long lift lines and crowded trailheads near Vail, and you’ll arrive in Alamosa, an high-altitude agricultural community. 

If there was a Venn diagram for Alamosa’s typical tourists, they would overlap in their shared love of flying objects. In addition to being a hub for UFO sightings and a major pathway for migratory birds — including the 20,000 sandhill cranes that arrive every spring – Alamosa offers plenty on the ground, too. Its streets are lined with boutiques, antique shops and craft breweries, while it’s only a 30-minute drive from the Great Sand Dunes National Park , home to the tallest sand dunes in North America.  

Getting there: The closest to Alamosa is New Mexico’s Albuquerque International Airport. Hire a car to reach your destination, which will take roughly 3.5 hours. 

When to go: June to August. Patio season is meant for sipping Alamosa’s craft brews, while providing ideal weather for exploring both the San Luis valley and the nearby Sangre de Cristo mountains.

Pro tip: Give yourself time to acclimatize. Alamosa sits at 7544ft above sea level, so stay hydrated to avoid the effects of altitude sickness. 


5. Ice Age Trail, Wisconsin

Hike through glacier-carved landscapes on this long-distance trek

Hiking trails typically don’t conjure up images of overtourism, but it’s an ever-pressing concern in wilderness environments. Popular thru-hikes like the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) even employ lottery systems for permits, all in a bid to limit foot traffic. 

That’s why Wisconsin’s Ice Age Trail – a 1,200-mile trail zigzagging across the state – might be worth considering first. While still a work in-progress (it includes connecting trails and country roads), it’s less strenuous and shorter than the PCT or the Appalachian Trail. And thus far, less than 500 people have hiked it in entirety, meaning there’s still bragging rights up for grabs.

If you don’t have that much time to spare, opt for the 600-mile “Ice Age” segment, which carries hikers through wooded hills and glittering lakes formed by an ancient glacier. Along the way, camp trailside or stay in small communities, helping to support the livelihoods of the area’s locals. 

Getting there: The easiest trailhead to access is the western end, in St Croix Falls, Minnesota, about 55 miles from Minneapolis . The trail’s trickier-to-reach eastern end is in Potawatomi State Park in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. From either spot you’ll need wheels to reach the trailheads.

When to go: April to October. Although winter is the trail’s quietest time, it’s also when portions close due to hunting seasons. Instead, opt for spring or autumn, when insects and temperatures are both more manageable. 

Pro tip: The Ice Age Trail may be less trafficked than its more famous contemporaries, but it still has its fair share of trail angels, who provide support in the form of shuttles, lodging and showers. The Ice Age Trail Alliance has contact information for these volunteers. 


An unlikely destination for underground outdoor adventures

If you’re a member of the paddling community, you probably know that Alabama offers some of the country’s best canoeing and kayaking, with 6,300 miles of accessible waterways . What you might not know is that its underground adventures are just as incredible, with an astounding 4,800 known caves in the state. (Jackson County, in the state’s northeast corner, has the most caves per mile in the entire US.) 

Some caves are easy to explore and others require specialized spelunking skills, but each is more spectacular than the last. In the Dismals Cave , you can stare up in awe at the phosphorescence of glowworms. In Rickwood Caverns State Park , you can swim in an Olympic-sized pool fed with cave water. Manitou Cave contains inscriptions from the Cherokee Nation on a 50-foot-high ceiling, written over 200 years ago. And during summer evenings, more than 250,000 bats can be seen emerging from Sauta Cave . With adventures like these, Alabama might just be the most “underground” destination in the book. 

Getting there: Alabama has three major airports: Huntsville , Birmingham and Montgomery. It’s also well connected by road to major cities like Atlanta , Nashville and New Orleans . No matter how you get here, you’ll need a car to get around.

Best time to visit:  May to October. Despite the summer heat, temperatures inside the caves stay the same year-round, with summer being the best chance to see bats in flight.

Pro tip: Plot our your cave visits in advance, as even some of the most sought-after caves (including Sauta Cave Wildlife Reserve and Manitou Cave) may not have dining or restrooms nearby. 


7. “Ukrainian Bloc,” Alberta

Outrageous roadside attractions in Alberta’s offbeat cultural mosaic

Fans of “Giant Things,” we see you. There’s no shortage of them northeast of Edmonton, Alberta , where the roadside attractions follow a definite theme: There’s Vegreville’s giant pysanka (Ukrainian Easter egg), Glendon’s giant perogy (Ukrainian dumplings, also spelled pierogi) and Mundare’s giant kovbasa (Ukrainian sausage). Around the turn of the century, this pocket of the prairies was home to the largest colony of Ukrainian settlers in Canada. 

Its Eastern European heritage is still evident in the metallic domes of the Ukrainian churches dotting the countryside and celebrated at attractions like the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village . However, until recently, a lack of accommodation meant that visitors typically just drove on through – but that’s no longer the case, thanks to Métis Crossing . Over the last two years, the cultural center has opened a boutique lodge and stargazing domes on the edge of the North Saskatchewan River, the latter a perfect vantage point from which to watch the northern lights dance at night.

Getting there: The Ukrainian Bloc doesn’t have defined boundaries, but most communities run alongside Highways 16 and 28 east and northeast of Edmonton. You’ll need a car to get to the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village (a 30-mile drive east of Edmonton), while Métis Crossing is a 75-mile drive northeast. 

Best time to visit: May to October. Some attractions, including the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village, are only open seasonally from late May until early September, so check opening hours in advance.

Pro tip: Bring a cooler to stock up on food made by the area’s babas. Smoky Lake’s bakery stocks bags of frozen pierogies and borscht (beet soup). Similarly, Stawnichy in Mundare sells freezer packs of cabbage rolls, kielbasa sausage rings and perishke (cheese buns).


8. Ruta Puuc Yucatán, Mexico

Discover ancient Maya architecture on a less-explored Yucatán route

As one of the “new” seven wonders of the world, it’s easy to understand why more than 2.5 million visitors flock to Chichén Itzá every year. But only about 40,000 will collectively make it to Labná, Sayil and Xlapak, three Maya sites that are part of the wider Uxmal Unesco World Heritage site. 

Nestled in the hilly Puuc region, south of Mérida , these richly adorned archeological sites mark a high point in Maya architecture. With its monumental arch, elaborate carvings and temple-topped pyramid, Labná is the highlight for many, but there’s a special kind of magic in stumbling across a half-lost building at Sayil, hidden in the forest. Along the way, stop to cool off in sparkling cenotes or sample Yucatecan food.

Getting there: The route begins 70 miles south of Mérida (a 90-minute drive), where a smaller road branches off Hwy 261 toward Sayil then continues on to Xlapak and Labná. Guided tours are also available from Mérida. 

Best time to visit: September to April. Skip the hot, humid summer months. From September onwards, the weather cools down and the crowds thin out. 

Pro tip: Time your visit for when the sites open at 8am. Chances are, you’ll be one of the only visitors in the cool morning air.

This article was first published Oct 25, 2022 and updated May 16, 2024.

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10 off-the-beaten-path destinations you’ll love.

If you’re not excited about being herded past major attractions with the crowds of other tourists in the most overrun destinations in the world, then this list of inspiring off-the-beaten-path destinations is for you. Choosing a vacation spot that isn’t Rome or Paris will help you avoid crowds and see something new and exciting, that most travelers haven’t considered.

Avoiding over-touristy spots is high on our priority list for a few reasons. The most important is the toll that over-touristing takes on the location. But, secondly, there are so many fantastic destinations that very few people ever think to explore.

off-the-beaten-path destinations to discover

Often, these places are also cheap places to travel , so you won’t have to save every penny to visit there. You might catch a glimpse of something incredibly unique and you won’t be sharing it with thousands of others at the same time.

There are now opportunities to visit places that in the past weren’t considered safe or desirable. If you’re a little more daring, even places like Iran and Pakistan can be visited, if you take the right precautions. However, the destinations on our list are not extreme, they are just less visited than other areas. It is time consider the possibilities.

Instead of heading to the overcrowded city, try one of these amazing off the beaten path destinations for your next journey instead. And for a little extra help, here’s some info on how to find things to do in an off-the-beaten-track destination.

» Be inspired by these great destination guides: 10 Romantic International Destinations , Luxury Destinations to fly to in February, and easiest international destinations for U.S. travelers.

10 Great Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations to Discover Next

1. colombia.

Cartagena, Colombia

Once known only for its infamous drug cartels and endless conflicts, Colombia is back on the travel radar these days. Security has improved greatly and it’s now considered safe for tourists, which has sparked an incredible interest in Colombia as a travel destination.

Colombia has a great amount of diversity, from modern cities like Bogota and Medellin, to gorgeous unspoilt beaches like Cartagena and Santa Maria, and jungles to trek through, like La Ciudad Perdida (the Lost City) and Caño Cristales , known as The River of Seven Colors.

Cities like Bogota, Medellin and Cali illustrate the essence of Colombia and are easy to fall in love with. We particularly enjoyed our time in Medellin, where we learned about Colombian coffee , ate so much amazing food , and spent time on the Metrocable. It’s a fascinating city with tons to do. Try this 1-month Colombia itinerary to see it all.

⇒ Want to let someone else do the planning? Try this 12-day tour that includes Bogotá, Medellín, Cartagena, Santa Marta and Eje Cafetero.

2. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka cliff

Steeped in thousands of years of history, Sri Lanka is an exotic island nation full of intriguing and adventurous things to do. Yet years of war and natural disasters kept Sri Lanka off the radar for so long that it still remains largely untouched by tourism.

With eight World Heritage sites , there’s a plethora of history and culture to be discovered. A few of the ones you must see are the ancient cities of Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, and  Anuradhapura, the Golden Temple of Dambulla, and the old town of Galle.

In Sri Lanka, you can visit ancient temples, go on safari , trek through the rain forest and visit tea plantations. And when you’re done with all of that, head to the dazzling beaches, like Mirissa Beach , for some much needed rest and relaxation — and don’t worry about the neighbors, there’s plenty of room to spread out.

3. Lake Constance

Lake Constance

There aren’t many places in the world where you can visit four countries in one trip without traveling farther than a few dozen miles. One of those places is Lake Constance (aka Bodensee in German).  Lake Constance is fed by the Rhine River and borders Germany , Austria, Switzerland – and just 40-minutes away – the small Principality of Liechtenstein.

Lake Constance is just 40-miles long and not so wide that you can’t see across to the other side, so this region is the perfect destination to maximize your vacation.

Not only can you effortlessly tick four countries off you bucket list, you’ll be able to experience four cultures, four languages, four different cuisines and even go wine tasting in four different countries – all in one easy trip.


Now is the perfect time to learn more about what makes Vietnam unique and so ruggedly beautiful. The country has begun to attract more tourism, and I’m sure it will soon be awash with tourists and no longer the pristine and unspoilt land it currently is.

Go there for the burgeoning city life, the unmarred and beautiful coastline, the incredible food and certainly to play a part in the rising future of this nation. There are hundreds of temples and pagodas signifying the country’s diverse religions, outdoor markets and cities where life still seems slow.

Don’t miss the amazing boat ride on Ha Long Bay, where thousands of limestone islands jut from the landscape. And be sure to stop off in the picturesque town of Hoi An , which you’re guaranteed to love!

5. North Macedonia

North Macedonia

North Macedonia (not to be confused with the Macedonia region of Greece ) hasn’t made it onto most people’s list of destinations to visit. But it really should be on your short list.

Not only is it full of ancient culture that still holds a bit of mystery, it’s chockful of natural wonders, like the world’s deepest cave, mountains and lakes, and outdoor enthusiast’s playground, Manrovo National Park. It is also home to some pretty great wineries , which in my book is reason enough to visit.

There are a number of charming cities and villages to explore, like the capital city of Skopje, but don’t skip a visit to Ohrid, a picturesque little village with cobblestone streets, open-air cafes and lots of old, historic churches and buildings to explore by foot.

6. Cook Islands

cook islands

The Cook Islands, made up of 15 splendidly tropical isles in the South Pacific, is what Hawaii was years ago. If you’re looking for a relaxing and enjoyable vacation in paradise, away from the hordes of tourists — a place where locals still have control of the tourist market and run hotels and restaurants without all the corporate dollars turning a really great spot into an overrun tourist destination — then you really need to go to the Cook Islands.

Rarotonga is the main and largest island, home to the nation’s capital, Avarua. It’s an island of rugged mountains, volcanic peaks, and rainforests at its interior, but ringed by beautiful beaches, coastal lagoons, and reefs that make snorkeling and scuba diving very popular.

To the north is Aitutaki Island that has a vast lagoon encircled by coral reefs and small, sandy islets. You can be as active or lazy as you want to be in the Cook Islands. There is an opportunity to participate in just about any water sport you want, go on a fun day cruise around the islands, or you can just relax on a lounger with a cocktail in hand.

7. Kotor, Montenegro

Kotor Montenegro

Montenegro is filling with stunning natural beauty, from gorgeous lakes, mountain vistas, and tons of hiking possibilitiess. On Montenegro’s Adriatic coast is the fortified town of Kotor. Its prime located in a secluded part of the Gulf of Kotor ensures that the views are spectacular.

The lovely Old City part of Kotor was built between the 12th and 14th centuries and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s filled with medieval architecture and historic monuments and surrounded by a 4km wall that protected the city for centuries.

If you’re looking for something a little more off the beaten path, Kotor is a great choice for a relaxing vacation without the huge crowds. There are a few airports you can fly into within a 1-2 hour drive, so getting there is easy for everyone.

8. Mendoza, Argentina


The Mendoza wine region is one of my favorite wine areas to visit. Not only is it the largest wine region in Argentina , with vineyards at altitudes as high as 6,000 feet above sea level, the views are unbeatable, and it is not at all overrun by tourists.

If you’ve been looking for the perfect wine tasting tour, you need look no further than the beautiful Mendoza wine region. It is comprised of three major wine producing areas: the Uco Valley, Maipu and Lujan de Cuyo. Each of these growing areas produces slightly different varietals and has a unique feel that sets it apart from the others.

You can easily spend a week here exploring the wineries , and enjoying the amazing food. Another great thing Mendoza has going for it is great accommodations . There are some really incredible places to stay in the region, from wine estates, to ultra-luxury resorts.

9. South Australia Wine Regions

Hahndorf Hills Winery

If you’re into wine, there is no more lovely place to immerse yourself in vineyards, wineries, and some of the best wine in the world, than in the South Australia wine regions of Barossa Valley , Adelaide , and McLaren Vale . While these famous wine regions do receive a lot of visitors, it’s still relatively unknown by tourists.

On a trip to Australia , you will inevitably visit Sydney, Melbourne, and hopefully, Adelaide. These large cities make up an incredible vacation in Australia. However, for wine lovers, you absolutely must get away from the city and try the wine in these regions .

There’s nothing better than sipping wine with a spectacular view of the vines all around you. The best time to visit these wineries is just before harvest time, which takes place from February to April. This is when the vines will be at their fullest, and the wineries will all be open and welcoming guests.

» Let the experts plan a trip for you with this 5-day Adelaide trip that includes Barossa Valley wine tasting and a visit to Kangaroo Island.

10. East Scotland

View from Dundee Law in Dundee, Scotland

While Scotland isn’t an enormous country, it does have an incredible amount to offer, from its historic cities to its vast countryside.

If you’re looking for the perfect Scotland vacation, you can embark on a 7-day journey from Edinburgh to the northeast to discover the Lochs and head out to one of the most popular islands, the Isle of Skye, before heading back to Glasgow. Or you can set out to east Scotland from Edinburgh, across the Forth Bridge, up to Perthshire, over to Angus and Dundee, and into Fife.

No matter which way you go, it’s a wonderful experience, from start to finish. On this trip, you will drive through incredibly lush countryside, see dozens of sheep and cows grazing peacefully along side the road, stay in castles , and eat like kings .

It’s everything you might want from a driving experience through Scotland . It’s easy driving on nice, well-marked roads. You can go for miles not seeing another person. It’s absolutely unspoiled.

There are so many wonderful places you can go in the world that are outside the usual tourist destinations. You just need to do a little research and be open to the possibilities. There are unique and interesting places all around you, if you just look.

Want more? Try one of these destinations for a wild experience  or try one of these destinations for a romantic experience . 

Be Prepared For Travel Planning is the most important part of any successful trip. Do it the easy way:

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  • Research flight options (our favorite tool is Skyscanner )
  • Book a tour (we always use Viator to find the best tours)
  • Rent a car through Discover Cars (they search the best deals for you!)


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10 off the beaten path destinations

Laura Lynch, creator and writer of Savored Journeys, is an avid world traveler, certified wine expert, and international food specialist. She has written about travel and food for over 20 years and has visited over 75 countries. Her work has been published in numerous guidebooks, websites, and magazines.

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25 off the beaten path travel destinations – underrated countries you should travel to now.

While many countries in the world are experiencing overtourism , there are countries that are actually in need of more travelers. The countries that receive a lot of tourism do for a reason, and I’m absolutely not saying you shouldn’t visit your bucket list destinations.

Even popular countries like Peru can be explored off the beaten track , even though the majority of travelers find their way up to Macchu Picchu or Colca Canyon , including myself!

However, there are plenty of completely off the beaten path travel destinations that are just as incredible and surely will surprise you positively.

While exploring lesser-visited countries, let’s make sure to be responsible travelers and be kind to the locals, wildlife and the environment so we don’t destroy these gems.

To bring you this great list of intriguing yet underrated countries, I have partnered up with some of my favorite travel bloggers and friends that have all enjoyed traveling off the beaten path!

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. That means that if you make a purchase through one of those links, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about these services or products, feel free to ask me.

traveling off the beaten path to Madagascar

Table of Contents

Safety tips for travel off the beaten path

Before looking at off the beaten path travel destinations, I want to talk about travel safety. Before booking your trip to an offbeat destination, make sure you always check travel advice from local authorities.

Some countries might be subject to conflicts at times and precautions should be taken in the whole country or in parts of the country.

I always recommend traveling with a good travel insurance. There are many good travel insurance companies out there, but my personal preference is World Nomads . Their whole process is simple and quick from getting a quote to buying and even making a claim.

However, I realize that they don’t cover all off the beaten track destinations, so I found IATI travel insurance to be pretty good too, and they covered offbeat travel destinations like Iran.

Book your travel insurance here

Traveling off the beaten path in western Madagascar

Responsible offbeat travel

When you travel to offbeat destinations it is important to remember that these countries are generally speaking not as used to tourism as for instance Spain or Thailand.

This makes your role as a respectful, curious visitor even more important since you don’t want to create negative effects of tourism on your destination. Am I right?

Simple rules of thumb are:

  • Ask before you take photos of people, especially children (ask adult family members and preferably take photos of the children with their family members or other children playing – and NEVER tag the exact location of the children on social media)
  • Don’t leave any waste behind
  • Avoid any form of unethical animal tourism
  • Buy locally-made craft, but never buy from children
  • Stay in locally-owned accommodation
  • Attend local workshops like cooking classes, local handicraft classes, and language courses that bring income to the locals
  • Bring a reusable (if needed filtered) waterbottle

TO LEARN MORE READ: Things NOT to do as a responsible traveler

Make a difference!

Plant trees to create habitat for animals from the convenience of your home

Off the beaten path travel destinations

One of my favorite off the beaten track travel destinations is Madagascar. This unique African country is definitely worth a visit but be prepared for long and uncomfortable travel hours if you choose to travel around by bus. Or taxi-brousse as they call the local minivans that transport tourists, locals, chickens, and all kinds of other goods you can only imagine. The roads are pretty bad but the experience is totally worth it!

While the country is famous for its lemurs, there is a whole lot of incredible wildlife in Madagascar , like whale sharks, whales, and the unique Fossa. The islands in the north are great bases for scuba diving and if you stay at the private island and eco-resort, Ankazoberavina, you might be lucky to see sea turtles nest on the beach in a responsible way.

There are also a large number of National Parks to spot wildlife and incredible rock formations like the Tsingy of Bemaraha in the west. To get there you drive past the famous Baobab Alley and the Kirindy Park.

There is a lot of poverty in Madagascar, so if you want to give back, go for a visit to Akany Avoko Faravohitra in Antananarivo.

One of the off the beaten path travel destinations you should visit is Madagascar

READ: Why is sustainable tourism important?

Iran is without a doubt worth a spot on the list of off the beaten path travel destinations that deserve more (responsible!) tourists to visit.

The country is known by travelers as the friendliest people on earth, yet I was overwhelmed by their friendliness! Wherever I went someone tried to help me out, if it was in perfect English, sign language and smiles, or Google Translate and laughter. It also turned out to be one of the easiest and most comfortable countries to travel as a solo female traveler.

But Iran is so much more than its people. The country has a unique cultural heritage and some of the most incredible mosques I’ve ever seen. You can safely say that Iran has some of the most captivating landmarks in Asia !

To mention a few cities with mesmerizing architecture that should be on your Iran itinerary , there are plenty of things to see and do in Isfahan , Yazd, Kashan , and Shiraz.

The small remote mountain village of Abyaneh is also worth visiting. It is actually one of the oldest villages in Iran, and the villagers still wear traditional clothes, speak the original language and continue with the old customs.

As the icing on the cake, Iran’s natural scene is from another world! The country is home to the highest mountain in the Middle East, Mt. Damavand (5610 m), but has several peaks above the 4000-meter limit so there are unlimited hiking opportunities for the outdoors enthusiast.

Further, there are multiple deserts, rainforests, salt lakes, waterfalls, islands, national parks, and unique wildlife to explore. Iran is a huge country that deserves plenty of time to tour.

You can read more about the reasons to travel to Iran here .

Visit Sheik Lotfollah Mosque in Iran during your off the beaten track travel adventure.

READ: All you need to know before you travel to Iran

Contributed by Ankurman of Wandering Minimalist

Kazakhstan is one of the most interesting countries that I visited last year and is an excellent option for your off the beaten path vacations. It contrasts with rich natural scenic beauty in the most westernized cities in Central Asia.

This less populous, enormous country has mountains, canyons, rivers, lakes, and a dead sea. Generally, two types of tourists visit Kazakhstan.

The ones who love outdoor activities like trekking, climbing, camping, and others who want to explore the cities and villages. Almaty and Nur-Sultan are the two major cities, whereof the latter used to be called Astana.

Kazakhstan is not often sought among top traveling destinations. Now, after visiting this extravagantly beautiful place I regret not considering to travel there before.

The people of Kazakhstan speak Russian better than their own Kazakh language. “Kazakh tenge” is the currency of Kazakhstan, whose value is a small fraction to the US dollar.

Food and accommodation are cheap depending on where you stay and where you eat. Backpackers like me who stay in hostels can get a decent dorm for $10.

For transportation, you can use trains and taxis. Yandex taxies are popular here as well as in most of the Soviet countries.

Big Almaty Lake, Kolsai Lake, The National Museum of Kazakhstan, and Charyn Canyon are only a few places worth exploring.

Off the beaten path travel destinations like Kazakhstan need more tourists

Contributed by Emily of Wander-Lush

Europe’s youngest nation, Kosovo declared its independence in 2008 and is now recognized by a majority of UN member states. Many people automatically associate Kosovo with conflict and civil war – but rest assured, it’s a safe place for tourists. Still very much an off the beaten track destination in Europe, it offers a wealth of meaningful travel experiences.

For such a small country, Kosovo really packs a punch. Every visit should include a stop in Prishtina. One of the most dynamic capitals in the region, the city boasts an incredible food, coffee, and bar scene.

Other  things to do in Prishtina  include visiting the National Library of Kosovo (once dubbed ‘the ugliest building in the world’), the Cathedral of Saint Mother Theresa (she had family roots in Kosovo and is much-beloved here), and visit the Newborn monument, a symbol of Kosovo’s independence and a top selfie spot.

Prizren is the cultural heart of Kosovo. Here, you can walk old stone bridges, visit beautiful mosques, and shop for filigree.

In Gjakova, you can visit the huge bazaar (one of the largest in all of Europe) and see craftspeople plying the same trades they have been for generations.

The small city of Peja is the gateway to Kosovo’s rugged north and the sublime Rugova Gorge, where you can enjoy hiking, white water rafting and zip-lining.

Adventurous types can even trek over the border to Albania’s Accursed Mountains. I highly recommend stopping off at Desan halfway between Prizren and Peja to visit one of the four monasteries that make up the UNESCO-Listed Medieval Monuments in Kosovo.

Go on off the beaten path vacations to Kosovo

Contributed by Arzo of Arzo Travels

One country that is highly underrated is small but yet gorgeous Lebanon.  I am not going to lie: Lebanon had a very violent history with wars taking place that lasted until 1992 which have left scars very visible for tourists and locals.

And currently, the political situation is tense and demonstrations and protests are common.

However, Lebanon is one of the best countries to visit in the Middle East and except from the demonstrations, Lebanon is actually one of the safest countries to see in that region.

But of course, it is not only about safety – Lebanon is gorgeous, Lebanon is beautiful and Lebanon is amazing.

Explore the capital of Beirut and spend 2 days there to see the most famous attractions in the city.

Beirut is also perfect for a few day trips. The historic place of Balbeeck is surely one of the best places to visit in Lebanon (though this is not really a hidden gem anymore) but also places like Jeita Grotto, Harissa or Byblos are great places to see.

If you are looking for an even more offbeat travel destination, add Tyre to your Lebanon itinerary. 

And to top it all, Lebanon has some of the best food in the world (catering to vegans as well as non-vegans) and it also is quite affordable to other countries in the Middle East. 

So, there are many reasons to visit this small yet gorgeous country.

Lebanon is an offbeat country worth visiting

El Salvador

Contributed by Audrey of Gumnuts Abroad

The tiny nation of El Salvador is one of the least visited countries in Central America. But travelers who make the effort are richly rewarded with some truly offbeat destinations, warm smiles, dark-sand beaches, volcanoes, and unique Mayan ruins.

The world-class surfing of El Salvador’s Pacific coast has been attracting international surfers for years. But the secret is out and the surfing town of  Player El Tunco  is firmly on the backpacker trail. Offering value for money accommodation, nightlife, cafes and the best sunsets I’ve ever seen, Tunco has a fantastic chilled vibe.

Like most countries in Central America, El Salvador is home to some top-notch Mayan ruins. Tazumal is a group of flat-topped stepped pyramids that are still being studied by historians today. Its gruesome name means “Pyramid where the victims were burned.”  Joya De Ceren is an amazingly well-preserved Mayan village that was buried in volcanic ash and offers a rare glimpse into the culture’s ancient past.

No visit would be complete without hiking the incredible Santa Ana volcano. Famous for its panoramic views of Lake Coatepeque, steam constantly rises from the active volcanoes jewel green lagoon. Easily visited as a day trip from the town of Santa Ana this is one of the most popular climbs in the country.   

With its natural and human-made marvels, people and ancient culture El Salvador will not disappoint.

El Salvador is on of many off the beaten path travel destinations

Contributed by James of Travel Collecting

Azerbaijan is a fascinating country that is sometimes called the land of wind and fire.  Hundreds of years ago, people worshipped fire, and at the Ateshgah Fire Temple, you can see a flame that has been burning continuously for centuries.  Other attractions include Mud Volcanoes and Yanar Dag (Fire Mountain) with naturally burning fires on the sides of earth hills.  

The capital city, Baku, is the main attraction, however.  Set on the Caspian Sea, with a wide pedestrian promenade, the setting is beautiful, albeit often windy.  The city has several over-the-top modern architectural marvels, including the famed Flame Towers.  These three towers are shaped like burning flames and at night, moving flames are projected on the sides of the buildings so they really look like enormous burning flames. 

There are other incredible buildings including the sparkling Crystal Palace, built to host the Eurovision Song Contest; the almost completed Caspian Waterfront Mall that looks like a cross between a flower and the Sydney opera house; and the curvy Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center with a minimum of straight lines.  There is also the carpet-shaped Carpet Museum that has interesting displays on traditional textiles. 

To contrast with the modern architectural opulence, Baku has a somewhat sanitized Old Town, with the mysterious maiden Tower (no one knows who built or even when) and the eclectic Museum of Miniature Books.  It is worth taking a food tour, too, and sampling some local specialties such as Shah’s Pilaf and the ubiquitous sweet tea with cherry jam.

Azerbaijan is one of the offbeat destinations you should visit

Contributed by Greta of Greta’s Travels

In 2019 I spent  one week in Oman and was blown away by the natural beauty of this country. Oman is one of those off the beaten path travel destinations that is not often featured on travelers’ bucket lists, but it really should.

If you love hiking, being outdoors, and exploring stunning natural landscapes, Oman is the place for you! In just seven days we saw a huge variety of natural and manmade landscapes, from sand dune deserts to ancient forts, and from rocky canyons to pristine beaches.

My personal favorite thing to do in Oman was hiking the Jebel Shams Balcony Walk. The Jebel Shams is known as Oman’s Grand Canyon, and it’s easy to see why! The balcony walk is a trail that goes all along the edge of the canyon, with the steep rock face on one side and the 500m drop on the other. There are stunning views all throughout, with a waterfall at the end for a cooling down dip!

The Wadi Bani Khalid and Wadi Shab are also a must-see in Oman. The Wadis are basically freshwater rivers and lagoons that go through small canyons that you can hike and swim in. They have similar views and are both incredibly fun places to explore. What better way to end a hike than swimming in a clear lagoon surrounded by palm trees and rocky canyons?

go to Oman for off the beaten path travel

Contributed by Claudia of My Adventures Across The World

Guyana is a unique country that has yet to fall on the mass tourism radar. Located in South America, bordering with Venezuela, Brazil, and Suriname, this is a country blessed with lush nature, unique culture, and incredible sights.

Among the places to visit in Guyana, the region of Rupununi is a must. In the southern part of the country, this is Guyana’s Amazon outpost. Villages are tiny there – 300, 500 people living in each at the most.

Things such as electricity, tv, and even the internet are luxuries. The local communities run lodges that provide very basic accommodation and help visitors experience the region, its beauty, and culture.

Kaieteur Falls  is probably the best-known attraction in the country. It’s an incredible waterfall that is completely isolated and can only be reached via a strenuous 5 days hike in the jungle, or via plane. As the runway can only accommodate one plane at a time and planes can’t carry more than 12 passengers, this means that visitors have the entire site to themselves.

Georgetown is an interesting city, which much of a Caribbean feel and a few interesting sights – the market is a great place to explore to discover the delicious flavors of the country.

Traveling around Guyana is not easy. The road conditions are poor even inside Georgetown, the capital – where the majority of the population is concentrated.

Going to other places often requires several hours of traveling even if the distances are short. The sticky heat, combined with the bugs (mosquitos and chiggers) makes it uncomfortable. Yet, this is a gorgeous offbeat travel destination that deserves being explored.

Guyana is perfect for off the beaten path travel

Contributed by Trina and Tim of Team Hazard Rides Again

Mauritania is not an easy country to travel in, but it is an interesting one and offers true off the beaten track travel opportunities.  

Two main roads that run north to south meet in the southern capital of Nouakchott. Other than within the cities, these are the only paved roads in the country. The only connection between them in the north is the infamous Iron Ore Train that itself is a challenge to board and ride. Everywhere else requires a 4×4, or a camel. 

The Sahara Desert runs right up to the coast where beaches in Nouadhibou used to be covered in hundreds of rusted out, derelict ships abandoned there by irresponsible corporations, and a corrupt government that allowed them to.  

As of December 2018, you could still go see some of these shipwrecks, but they’re disappearing fast as the new government is working to get them cleaned up. If you want to see them, get there soon. 

That was our first priority on our visit to Mauritania. 

Then we headed to Atar and Chinguetti in a Saharan region known as the Adrar.

The great monolith, Ben Amera , resides out among the sands toward Choum. It’s only rival in size is Uluru in Australia. This is a great day trip out from Atar and while you’re there, you can visit another nearby monolith, Aïsha, where artists gathered at a week-long millennial event to sculpt the rocks at its base. 

Deep in the desert at Chinguetti, there are ancient libraries that hold the wisdom and knowledge of the ages. Their caretakers are happy to share a glimpse of their holdings with you.

Even further out, there are oases that spring up out of the harsh desert to delight and amaze you. 

Mauritania is a great place to travel for someone who doesn’t mind a little challenge and likes to see places as they truly exist before the tourists arrive.

offbeat travel in Mauritania


Contributed by Leyla of Women On The Road

Until recently, few people visited Timor-Leste unless they were aid workers: the country was engulfed in a violent conflict with Indonesia and only became independent in 2002 and changed name from East Timor to Timor-Leste.

Visitors are starting to make an appearance but there are still few… Timor-Leste is hard to reach, expensive and with very limited infrastructure, so fewer than 100,000 people visit each year, which makes this a top destination for travel off the beaten path.

Yet it is a stunning destination, worth the difficulties and expense, especially now, when you can travel around without running into any foreigners, or rarely.

Picture this: admirable beaches, recent and fascinating history, intriguing traditional houses and handicrafts, stunning sunsets and a country full of people whose poverty can be eased by tourist dollars.

The capital, Dili, is home to the fascinating Museum of the Resistance, which traces the conflict with the former Indonesian rulers from its beginning. You can climb to the statue of Cristo Rei in time for the sunrise, or visit Tais Market, a sadly uncrowded but filled with high-quality crafts.

Atauro Island, an easy day trip from the capital, has glorious beaches and coral reefs and is a birdwatchers’ paradise. Further afield, Jaco Island is not only picture-perfect but sacred to the locals. And throughout the country, enjoy your coffee – Timor-Leste is an exporter of fine coffee, most of it organic. And delicious.

Timor-Leste is an incredible offbeat destination

Contributed by Kristen of Yonderlust Ramblings

If it’s the allure of the unknown and unfamiliar that calls to you, then Greenland needs to be on your radar!  No other offbeat travel destination more perfectly embodies that description than this magical island!

In Greenland, off the beaten path travel, and off the grid are still a regular part of daily life, as exhibited through its unique culture, history, and natural surroundings.

For those looking to reconnect with nature in its most simplistic yet surreal form, Greenland is brimming with opportunity!

Greenland’s remote location and icy reputation have long kept it off the beaten path, which will greatly benefit those that make the journey here!

In Greenland, cultural tradition is still alive and well, as exhibited by residents who still dog sled and snowshoe for transportation, fishermen who still feed their families with the fish they catch from holes in the surface of frozen lakes, and locals who still dress in outfits woven from musk ox wool.

Visitors can experience this unfiltered way of life simply by intermingling with those welcoming individuals who call Greenland home. 

In addition to its unique culture, there is no shortage of invigorating, natural explorations to be had in this country.  The  best things to do in Greenland  are clearly centered around its unrivaled wealth of outdoor adventures.  Here you can witness reindeer and musk oxen, Arctic foxes and hares, walruses and whales, even polar bears, all in their natural habitat. 

Greenland has a generous amount of otherworldly geography, from glaciers, to ice fjords, to tundras, even the world’s second-largest ice sheet!  All these stunning formations can be seen and experienced up close and in person, from buses, kayaks, dog sleds, or on foot!

And to top it all off, Greenland remains one of the premier locations on the planet to view the dancing greens, blues, and purples of the Northern Lights!

Greenland is without a doubt an offbeat travel destination

Contributed by Ming of Flyerism

For reasons that are beyond me, Mongolia is not particularly popular among travelers. In my humble opinion, this amazing country should definitely be in everyone’s bucket list destinations! Here’s why:   

First of all, Mongolian people, especially the nomad, are incredibly friendly and accommodating. Unlike some people in touristic areas, they are not pushy and confrontational at all.

In fact, they may appear to be shy and reserved. However, if you take the first step, they are often welcoming and genuinely helpful. Here’s a tip: try staying with a local nomadic family in a ger, the experience will be totally worth it!

Further, Mongolia is home to unique and incredible landscapes. It’s made up of a diverse combination of unspoiled beauty, consisting of mountains, grassland, waterfalls, valleys, deserts, and pine forests.

Specifically, you will want to visit the sand mass of Gobi Desert, glacier-capped mountains in the west, Bayanzag the flaming cliff in the southern part, Lake Khovsgol (largest freshwater lake in Mongolia), and Yolin Am Ice Field.

As mentioned, Mongolia is one of the most off the beaten path travel destinations. A blessing in disguise really, as it remains undisturbed by mass tourism. You will get to avoid the crazy crowds and learn more about the local culture. Not to mention, it’s also easier on the wallet! 

Travel off the beaten path to Mongolia

Contributed by Rebecca of KwaFare

Let’s face it, Africa is the continent off the beaten path. But if you’re looking for a unique offbeat travel destination for tourists in the world’s second-largest continent,  Gabon  is one of them.

This is one of the smallest countries in Africa, but it packs a tropical punch with 85% of the country being covered in rainforests. This central African country boasts a whopping 13 national parks for such a small nation, which covers at least 10% of the country. 

Needless to say, Gabon is carpeted in an array of contrasting terrains from emerald forests to sweeping savannas. It boasts a coastline where elephants and hippos walk along the same beaches where children play and fishermen fish.

Gabon is home to humpback whales, sea turtles, gorillas, elephants, and even lions among many others. Day safaris and longer can be booked in the national parks at ecotourism lodges, hotels, and resorts. Ecotourism is something Gabon is striving to bring to the fore in hopes to conserve the precious biodiversity and local culture.

The Gabonese capital of Libreville is situated on its sweeping coastline. Busy, but not too busy, this African capital offers accommodations and restaurants for all budgets and tastes.

Although it is not heavily frequented by tourists you can find some very nice Airbnbs and hotels. And the cities close proximity to nearby national parks makes it ideal for day trips.

In addition, the people of this small nation are welcoming, kind and a delight to get to know. Tourism is an industry that is still developing here.

However, what is already in place in Gabon could prove to serve you a rich cultural experience, teeming with opportunities to get up close and personal with a wild and natural habitat.

Libreville Gabon is one of the most incredible off the beaten track destinations you can explore

Contributed by Carly of Carly’s Adventures Afar

Wanting to visit somewhere unique and a little unusual? Then look no further than Uzbekistan !

This Central Asian country was once the heart of the fabled Silk Road and today it is home to three of the most incredible Silk Road cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva.

These three cities are historical and architectural wonders that are simply breathtaking. 

Within them, you will find soaring mosques and medressas, and magnificent tombs all encased in tiles every shade of blue imaginable. I was and still am, completely obsessed with these beautiful tiles.

Exotic dome-covered bazaars can be found in Bukhara and Khiva feels like a living museum sitting snug within impressive solid sand-colored walls.

In stark contrast is Uzbekistan’s capital, Tashkent, where the country’s Soviet past is evident in the brutal, communist architecture. It can also be experienced by riding the efficient metro complete with mosaics from the USSR era – this is a must!

My favorite place in Taskent was Chorsu Bazaar housed in and under an unusually shaped dome, which is the perfect place to take in the local culture. I especially loved how the local women dressed in colourful, patterned long dresses over trousers.

My other distinct memory of traveling in Uzbekistan is traveling by shared taxis. This is a unique experience in itself – negotiating with the locals, sharing the taxi with the locals and seeing the countryside roll by. 

And today visiting has become easier with the introduction of e-visa. Previously getting a letter of introduction and applying for your visa was part of the unique experience! No longer. So what are you waiting for?

Uzbkistan offers offbeat travel at its best

Marquesas Islands

Contributed by Luke of Culture Shock Adventure

Full-body tattoos, stone carvings and the birthplace of the haka; the Marquesas Islands offer a unique taste of French Polynesia. Te Henua ‘Enana (the place of men) lies between Pitcairn and Hawaii, just south of the equator. I spent time on Nuku Hiva in 2018 after a trip to Tahiti. The warm, humid climate provide the islands with some of the lushest bush in Polynesia. A hiker’s paradise.

Anahoe Bay is connected to Hatiheu village by a walking track. You will probably meet commuting locals crossing the hill on horseback.

After a steep incline, you’re greeted with views of one of the world’s most stunning bays. Head down the hill to visit the lovely beachside village. My tip, head to the next bay, Ha’ataive’a. With welcoming waters, it’s a true paradise. You’ll probably have the beach to yourself.

From the capital, Taioha’e head to Sentinel Rock. Taioha’eis littered in rock carvings, including the massive Tiki Tūhiva. Once you reach Sentinel Rock, look back and enjoy the view of Taioha’e. Or look down; even at this high altitude, you might spot some enormous manta rays below.

The track to Vaipō waterfall from Hakatea Bay is steeped in legend. You can see the rocks where the first settlers crashed their canoe. These same rocks which staged the world’s first haka.

The Marquesas festival is a celebration of music, haka, arts, crafts, and carvings. It’s held on odd years and alternates between the big islands, and small islands (2021 will be on the small island, Fatu Hiva).

From Tahiti, you can reach the Nuku Hiva (daily) and Hiva Oa (most days) with Air Tahiti. Other islands are accessible on the Aranui (about twice per month).  It’s also popular with sailors using their own transport.

Off the beaten track holidays in Marquesas Islands

Contributed by Elisa from  World in Paris

Despite being part of the European Community, the Eurasian country Georgia is still a laid-back nation living in a kind of nutshell, where things go slowly, English is rarely spoken and it offers a true feel of off the beaten path travel.

Georgia is an ex-Soviet Union country, surrounded by the magnificent Caucasus mountains and with a rich history and heritage. In addition, wine and food (especially the staples) are great in Georgia so it is the kind of country which seems to have it all on a relatively small surface.

Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital, is a lively city with a rich past and a cool vibe. The city has many interesting sights to keep visitors entertained for a while but also fancy restaurants, trendy bars, and art galleries. From Tbilisi, there are many interesting places to explore on day trips from the capital and it is relatively easy to travel around thanks to its system of shared vans.

In Georgia visitors are never far from the mountains and there are many possible day or multi-day hikes. Amongst them, the Svaneti multi-day hike is always very popular giving the opportunity to explore this secluded area classed Unesco Heritage thanks to its defensive towers.

The main entrance to Georgia is through the Tbilisi international airport but the connection Tbilisi – Yerevan (Armenia) by land is also very popular.

Georgia the country

Contributed by Wendy of Empty Nesters Hit The Road

With three beautiful national parks, an abundance of rare wildlife, and vibrant culture, there is no doubt Rwanda is one of those off the beaten path destinations that should be on everyone’s bucket list. This small country in East Africa is warm, welcoming and eager to share their country with visitors.

One of the highlights of any trip to Rwanda is gorilla trekking . These large primates have never lived in captivity, and can only be found in three countries; Rwanda, Uganda and the Congo. The chance to hike into the rainforest and watch a gorilla family interact is unforgettable.

Other wildlife viewings in Rwanda include golden monkeys, chimpanzees, and many rare species of birds. Most visitors hire a tour company to organize their transportation, accommodations, and activities. 

Most people arrive in the country in the capital city of Kigali. Don’t rush off to the national parks, but allow a day or two to explore the attractions here. Start with a visit to the Kigali Genocide Museum. The museum is a sobering experience but helps visitors understand how much the current citizens have overcome in rebuilding their country. Then continue on to one of the local markets to purchase handmade souvenirs like baskets, shopping bags, and wood carvings. Or head to a local cafe to try the excellent Rwandan coffee.

Finally, don’t leave the country without experiencing a demonstration of traditional dance and music.

Rwanda is one of many off the beaten pat travel destinations

Falkland Islands

Contribution by Izzy and Phil of The Gap Decaders

The Falkland Islands is a British Overseas Territory deep in the South Atlantic Ocean around 300 miles east of South America’s Patagonian coast.

The islands are the same distance north from the Antarctic as the UK is south from the Arctic, making them a fascinating, unspoiled and dramatic haven for wildlife.  The islanders will tell you that you can experience four seasons in a day; this is not a place for those seeking five-star luxury but a destination that will invigorate and excite you.

What makes this archipelago of 778 islands so special is the infinite wilderness, the vast soft sandy beaches untouched by tourism and the welcoming hospitality of the Falkland Islanders. The perfect blend for your off the beaten track holidays. 

The population of 3,400 people is centered around Port Stanley (known locally as Stanley), with a few hundred people choosing to live and work in ‘camp’.

Camp describes anything that is not Stanley and often involves a long and challenging 4WD trip or a quick hop in a local six-seater Islander plane, where you might land in a field full of sheep!

Getting to this off the beaten path travel destination is not easy and involves a flight from the UK via Cape Verde or Chile, often taking over 24 hours.

But the Falkland Islands is a once-in-a-lifetime destination and so these challenges are easily overcome.  People visit for the wildlife, which you will find in abundance.

Orcas, Elephant Seals, Sea Lions and five breeds of penguin are a daily occurrence; be within touching distance of some of the most fascinating creatures on earth.

Watch king penguins waddle past you as they saunter down the beach at Volunteer Point, looking for all the world like two people having a chat!

Fly over to Sea Lion Island for up-close views of Elephant Seals and Sea Lions; visit at the right time and you can watch the Elephant Seal bulls bloodily fighting for their lady loves on the beach.

Head out on a whale-watching trip across the endless ocean; no fewer than seventeen species of whale have been recorded here.

If you love nature in the raw, huge vistas and enormous skies, star-gazing with zero light pollution, and travel off the beaten path, then you should visit the Falkland Islands. Visit once and this place will stay with you forever.

Penguins at Falkland Islands

Contributed by Wendy of The Nomadic Vegan

Eswatini is so far off the beaten track that most people have never even heard of the country. Of course, that’s in part because it’s only been officially called that since April 2018, when the king changed the name of the country from the British colonial name of “Swaziland” to the equivalent in the local language, “Eswatini”, which also means “land of the Swazis”.

But even before the name change, this tiny country of 1.3 million people nestled between South Africa and Mozambique was not on most travelers’ radar.

It wasn’t on mine either, and I consider myself to be a pretty intrepid traveler. When my husband and I planned our three-month trip around southern Africa, the itinerary we made included South Africa, Mozambique and six other countries in the region, but not Eswatini.

It was only once we were already in South Africa and someone told us about an incredible festival coming up in Eswatini that we decided at the last minute to go there.

That festival was  Umhlanga, sometimes called the “Reed Dance” in English , and it was indeed spectacular and offbeat travel experience.

Up to 100,000 girls and unmarried young women come from all corners of the country to pay homage the Queen Mother and dance in traditional costume before the royal family. If you are in the area around late August or early September, don’t miss it!

But even if your travel dates don’t coincide with Umhlanga, it’s still worth visiting this largely unknown country to experience Swazi culture.

Local hostels and hotels offer plenty of activities to explore the culture and the landscape. You can even hike up Sibebe Rock, the second-largest granite monolith in the world after Uluru in Australia.

Just be warned that it’s very steep, and going up is much easier than coming back down, especially when it’s raining!

Off the beaten path travel to Eswatini

Contributed by Samantha of Intentional Detours

Until Spring 2019, visiting Pakistan was difficult. Visas could cost upwards of $300 for a measly 30 days, and many parts of the country were off-limits to foreign tourists- or required one to be accompanied by a security guard at all times.

These days though?

Visas can be obtained for YEARS at a time, significantly more of the country is open to foreigners, and many new hotels and hostels have been opened to accommodate backpackers. But why else should you visit Pakistan?

Though I haven’t been to every country in the world, I can soundly say that it will be hard for anywhere else to come close to this one.

First and foremost, Pakistanis are some of the most hospitable people I’ve ever encountered. During my four months in the country, strangers offered my partner and I everything from conversation, to places to sleep, to multi-course meals on holidays.

A deep rooted cultural belief is that “guests are a gift from Allah (God)”  and trust me- there was not a day that went by where we weren’t treated as such.

Pakistan is also blessed with insane natural beauty and more historical sites than you can imagine. Lahore is a can’t miss city- it’s bursting at the seams with centuries’ old forts, shrines and mosques AND happens to be a foodie heaven. Lahore’s thousands of street carts and restaurants can often be found open late into the night.

As for the mountains, Pakistan’s most popular region is Hunza, a district in Gilgit-Baltistan and home to some epic sights like Nanga Prabat (the 9 th  highest mountain in the world), the Passu Cones, Attabad Lake and more. The Hunza region is quite liberal and used to seeing tourists – making travel there easy and straight forward.

I also highly recommend visiting the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province, which is home to dreamy places like Swat Valley and the yet-to-be-explored villages of its Upper Chitral district.

Though the districts of KPK are much more conservative than those of Hunza, their inhabitants might be some of the most hospitable in all of Pakistan! Plus, you’ll see a fraction of the number of tourists you’ll see over in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Travel off the beaten path to Pakistan

Contributed by Kami of My Wanderlust

Armenia is one of the most beautiful yet not so popular off the beaten track destinations in the Caucasus that offers so much to tourists. There are so many great  places to visit in Armenia .

Yerevan, the cosmopolitan and vibrant capital, numerous old monasteries, quirky attractions, and stunning landscape! When you go to Armenia be sure to spend at least two days in Yerevan to enjoy interesting museums, amazing cafe scene, and cool city life.

Armenia was the first country in the world that adopted Christianity, in the year 301. This is why you will find so many beautiful monasteries all over the country. My personal favorites are Noravank, south of Yerevan, and Sanahin and Haghpat, in the north of the country. But no matter which one you decide to see, you will be impressed for sure.

The country also has its own alphabet, a very pretty but confusing one. On the side of the road north of Yerevan, you can find the monument with massive Armenian letters – it is such a fun place to see!

However, the vibrant capital or amazing monuments aren’t the only reasons why it’s worth visiting Armenia. You can eat some of the most delicious food you will ever try!

Armenia is known for its fresh ingredients making each dish simply amazing. The country is getting more and more popular, especially now, with low-cost airlines flying there. Go there as soon as possible and fall in love.

Offbeat destinations like Armenia would love to see more travelers

Contributed by Amit of OutKite

Tajikistan is known for its high mountain chain, nature, Tajik culture and civilization, and delicious Tajik cuisine. One of the highest mountain ranges in the world – Pamir range has been attracting travelers for its trekking.

Pamir Highway will give you the best of driving and adventurous experience. This country is a must-visit for all those who want to take a break and unwind themselves in the solitude of the natural wilderness.

The capital city of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, is home to a rich culture and it’s also the economic and the political hub of the entire country apart from being the largest city in Tajikistan.

Tajikistan has always been a prominent country because of Pamir highway, the world’s second-highest international highway, which has been in use for thousands of years and a part of the ancient silk road. The road that goes through the Pamir mountains is the perfect gateway for cyclists and road trip lovers. The Pamir Highway refers to a section of the M41 that runs only between Khorog and Osh.

Khujand and its surrounding mountains were a welcoming change of scenery from Uzbekistan’s desert landscapes, it is an interesting place for those that love history and culture. Currently, it is the second-largest city in Tajikistan after Dushanbe.

If you want to travel off the beaten path, go to Tajikistan

Contributed by Margherita of The Crowded Planet

Ethiopia had been on my radar for ages, so I was very surprised when I hardly saw any tourists around the country.  Ethiopia  has so much to offer, that with two full weeks in the country I barely had time to scratch the surface.

The country is also tremendously big, home to stunning landscapes, millenary culture, churches, and more. The ‘big-ticket’ attractions in Ethiopia are the UNESCO-listed rock-cut churches of Lalibela, but even nicer are the rock churches in the Tigray region, close to the Eritrean border.

A favorite was Abuna Yemata Guh, built on top of a rock spire, and only accessible if you rock-climb! Needless to say, there were only about a dozen other tourists visiting. 

Another unmissable place in Ethiopia is the Danakil Depression, a desert located below sea level, where you can spend a night camping next to an active volcano, then see geysers, hydrothermal pools, acidic springs, and crazy rock formations the following day. 

Infrastructure and accommodation in many parts of Ethiopia are still pretty basic. Locals are actively involved in every aspect of tourism, from guiding to hospitality, and very few foreign operators work in the country. As a result, you can be sure that your tourist dollars will benefit locals directly – which is reason enough to visit!

Ethiopia - off the beaten track travel

READ: Benefits of sustainable tourism

Contributed by Liza of Tripsget

One of the most unique off-the-beaten-path destinations to visit in 2020 is Bhutan. Bhutan is a small Buddhist country located between Tibet and India. Most of the famous landmarks in Bhutan are located on the elevation of at least 2 km above the sea level.

Bhutan also has one of the most dangerous airports in the world and only about 12 pilots are allowed to land in Paro airport. However, don’t let it put you off from visiting this beautiful country. 

Bhutan has beautiful nature (yes, you can also go trekking the Himalayas in Bhutan, not only in Nepal); architecture and amazingly friendly people.

Bhutan is also very authentic – you can travel around the country and see people wearing traditional outfits and keeping their traditions and customs alive.

Bhutan also has great food – it’s not similar to Indian or Tibetian food and it’s also extremely spicy. If you love spicy food – Bhutan would be your heaven! 

The most famous and impressive place in Bhutan is Paro Taktsang or Tiger’s Nest – a monastery, located on top of a cliff, at over 3 km above the sea level. To get there, you need to hike for about 3 hours, but the experience and the views are well worth it. 

To visit Bhutan, you need to buy a tour in advance (unless you’re from India or Bangladesh). Long tours could be pricy, however, even  4 days in Bhutan are great to get a grasp of the country and fall in love with Bhutan.

Bhutan is one of the most offbeat destinations to explore

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Takeaways from traveling off the beaten path

After reading about all these incredible offbeat destinations, there are a few takeaways I would like to highlight.

First of all, there is so much unbelievable undiscovered beauty around the world, so I don’t understand why everyone has to travel to the same few places and create overtourism while other places like the above hardly receive any tourism at all.

Why people’s travel habits are so clustered to certain destinations while others remain unexplored, remains a myth to me. Though I’m guilty of it too!

Traveling off the beaten path will give you a lot of positive surprises and incredible experiences. People seem to be more friendly as they are not experiencing the negative effects of mass tourism. Locals like to help travelers and show them the best part of their country.

With fewer tourists around it’s easier to immerse yourself in the real local culture as there are not too many tourist shops and staged cultural shows stealing your attention.

Often you hear bad things about a country in the media while traveling there shows a completely different story.

When traveling off the beaten path you will enjoy outer-worldly places without the crowds! Can you imagine anything better?

Are you ready to book your flights? Go ahead and do it!

Do you have any other takeaways to share, or have you been to another less-visited country that deserves more responsible travelers to visit? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

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Do you want to find an off the beaten path destination for your next holiday? This is your complete guide to more than 20 countries off the beaten track that are worth visiting. #offthebeatenpath #responsibletravel #offbeatdestinations #offbeattravel #responsibletourism #sustainabletourism #brainybackpackers #countries #traveltips #traveldestinations #offgriddestinations #beautifulplaces

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4 thoughts on “ 25 off the beaten path travel destinations – underrated countries you should travel to now! ”

Really great post. You educated us. Thanks so much. Guiana is on our radar for next year. Cheers!

Thank you so much! I’m glad you learned something new 🙂 Guiana seems incredible! Definitely on my never-ending bucket list! Looking forward to hearing about your trip there!

Good night! I am totally in love with this article as such topic as responsible traveling is neatly connected to your suggestion of traveling through off the beaten path.It is very important always to respect the environment you are staying at, and you will always be respected back. Furthermore, thank you for noticing Kazakhstan as one of your must-visit-destinations, I have spent almost a half of my childhood in this country of endlessly kind people and magnificent nature.

Thank you Anna! What a wonderful place to spend your childhood! I can’t wait to explore Kazakhstan:)

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off beaten path travel destinations

8 off the beaten path destinations in the USA you’ve never thought to visit


Recently updated on August 1st, 2023 at 05:03 pm

We all know and love the legendary destinations in the United States like Yellowstone, Yosemite, New York, and San Francisco. But sometimes you just have the urge to go where few others have gone before. Not only do you get to explore the world’s secret gems, but you’ll also do it with fewer crowds. From lesser-known towns to underrated national parks and historical sites, here are eight of our favourite off the beaten path destinations in the USA.

GET INSPIRED BY: 6 special USA trips to take now you can visit America again

1. Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, California

California is jam-packed with uber-famous destinations from Hollywood, Napa and San Francisco to Yosemite and Joshua Tree. But there are still some hidden gems to explore. While the ancient Redwoods are a must-see, we’ll also take you to the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest . Here you’ll wander among the world’s oldest living trees, with some more than 4,000 years old. You’ll marvel at their curiously twisted branches and colourful swirling wood, standing tall in this one-of-a-kind landscape.

EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF: California High Country Adventure

2. Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico

Acoma Pueblo may be the oldest continually-inhabited city in North America, but it’s still one of the most underrated and off the beaten path destinations in the USA. The Acoma people have occupied the area for over 2,000 years, and you’ll discover centuries-old stories carved in the adobe brick buildings. The pueblo sits on top of a towering mesa, giving it the nickname, ‘Sky City’. When you visit this incredible site with Trafalgar, we’ll also take you to the Acoma Sky City Cultural Center & Haak’u Museum for a guided tour into the history and culture of the Acoma people.


3. Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado

Colorado is packed with popular places from Denver and Boulder to Vail and Aspen, not to mention the legendary national parks like the Smoky Mountains, Mesa Verde, and the Great Sand Dunes. But if you’re looking for the best off the beaten path destinations in the USA, why not check out the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park in Colorado? 

RELATED CONTENT: We asked, you answered: these are the best National Parks in the USA

Sculpted over two million years, the park surrounds a plunging gorge carved out by the Gunnison River. You can explore this incredible wilderness on the Rim Rock trail hike, where you’ll see the enormous walls of the Black Canyon and the Painted Wall cliff. You might even spot the local wildlife like elk, deer, and golden eagles.

EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF: Colorado Active Adventure  

4. Weston, Vermont

While everyone else flocks to Vermont’s most popular destinations like Stowe, Burlington and Montpelier, we’ll take you to one of the best hidden gems in the state – the little village of Weston. This quaint town is known for its arts and craftsmanship and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped back in time as you explore the Vermont Country Store and the Weston Village Christmas shop. It’s the perfect place to discover a one-of-a-kind artwork or gift, indulge in some hearty East Coast cuisine, and ogle the autumn leaves – without any tourist crowds.


5. Valdez, Alaska

When you think about off the beaten path destinations in the USA, you’ve got to consider Alaska. You’ve probably heard of Anchorage and Denali National Park, but what about getting even further off track – in Valdez? This port community is set along Prince William Sound and to get there, you’ll drive past glittering glaciers, the stunning snowy summits of the Alaska Range, and the Trans Alaska Pipeline running next to the highway. 

RELATED CONTENT: Trafalgar’s guide on what to do in Alaska

Once you’re in Valdez, you’ll get immersed in the incredible history, culture, and wildlife. Spot seals, porpoises, sea lions, and otters as you cruise Prince William Sound. Gaze out at the giant icebergs and soaring ice cliffs of Columbia Glacier. And explore the history and culture with a visit to the Valdez Museum. 


6. Cody, Wyoming

It doesn’t get much more remote than Wyoming. But while everyone else flocks to the famous Yellowstone National Park, we’ll take you to the nearby, lesser-known town of Cody. It’s more than just a gateway to Yellowstone – this is the hometown of “ Buffalo Bill ”, the legendary American soldier and bison hunter. We’ll visit the Buffalo Bill Center of the West museum to get an insight into the “Spirit of the American West”. You can also explore the excellent living history museum with authentic frontier buildings or head to a rodeo and get a real dose of wild west adventure. 


7. Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota

Oglala Lakota teepees Dakota off the beaten path USA

Want to get away from the overdone tourist attractions and have a meaningful travel experience? We’ll take you to the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota where you’ll meet a Local Specialist for an insider’s view into the history and culture of this community. The reservation is the home of the Sicangu Lakota Oyate Nation and your visit will Make Travel Matter by contributing to their economy of tribal tourism. You’ll visit the St. Francis Community Mission and the Buechel Museum where you’ll learn about Sicangu Lakota Oyate traditions and culture. Meet locals at the Turtle Creek Crossing Supermarket to sample delicious Lakota Foods, then stop by the Sinte Gleska University for a Star Knowledge Presentation by Lakota elder, Victor Douville.

RELATED CONTENT: The one-of-a-kind trip that celebrates Native American history

You’ll also enjoy a Be My Guest Experience when you meet Marla, C. Bull Bear, Executive Director of the program and a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe for a day of traditional storytelling, singing, dance and local foods. You’ll get a rich insight into their language, culture, and spirituality, and also take a guided indigenous plant walk. It’s one of the most unique and soul-stirring travel experiences you can have in the USA. 

EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF: National Parks and Native Trails of the Dakotas

8. Hood River, Oregon

You’ve probably got Crater Lake National Park in Oregon on your bucket list… But have you considered a trip to Hood River? It’s only an hour away from Portland and it’s absolutely stunning. When you travel with Trafalgar, we’ll spend the day exploring the extraordinary Multnomah Falls and Columbia River George, before following the historic Columbia River Highway where waterfalls flow from basalt cliffs along the road. 

RELATED CONTENT: 7 beautiful American lakes to visit this summer

As we arrive in the town of Hood River, you’ll get to explore everything from the excellent local breweries and cideries, outdoor art installations, and the Hood River and Columbia River confluence, a hub for hikers, cyclists, and wind and kite surfers. We’ll even take you for a tasting and tour at the TMK Creamery, where you’ll see how their famous ice cream, cheese and Cowcohol are made. 

EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF: Scenic Seattle Portland and Oregon Coast

What are your favourite off the beaten path destinations in the USA? Let us know in the comments below!


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Top 10 Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations for 2023 that Travellers Are Booking Now

Jan 25, 2023

Top 10 Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations for 2023 that Travellers Are Booking Now

Unique Travel Destinations

We all love tourist hotspots like Paris, Rome, Vegas and New York, but sometimes we get the urge to go beyond and uncover the hidden gems that each country has to offer. With the world reopened after the pandemic and the year 2023 being dubbed “the year of travel,” more and more people are looking to experience those less-travelled roads where they can immerse themselves in the local culture and feel a sense of epic adventure.

Here at ​​Flytographer , we easily connect people with trusted photographers for fun photo shoots — over three million memories have been captured worldwide. Today, we asked local vacation photographers about some of the most talked-about off-the-beaten-path destinations for 2023. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone with us?

off beaten path travel destinations

Kait in Tofino

off beaten path travel destinations

“Olga was absolutely amazing!!! From asking questions about what types of photos we wanted, to making suggestions and being flexible, she was a delight to work with and the finished photos are truly stunning!! I highly recommend Olga if you’re looking for breathtaking shots with gorgeous scenery. She captured the fun and joy in our trip perfectly! Thanks so much, Olga!!”

Olga in Algarve

Custom Route

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“Trieu is outstanding. He was prompt, professional and thought of EVERYTHING! He made me feel welcome and relaxed. Absolutely brilliant! I’ve used Flytographer for years now. Easy to work with, easy to use every single time”

Trieu in Hoi An

Hoi An Old Town

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Driven by curiosity and the desire to explore interesting and beautiful places, Off the Beaten Path has extended its reach from the Rocky Mountains all the way around our great big beautiful world. When you travel with us, you get adventure in the great outdoors plus immersion into the local vibe and ethos. It’s active, authentic discovery that will take your breath away!

Mountain hiking and whitewater rafting in the Rockies. Slipping through slot canyons and canyoneering in the Desert Southwest. Fly-in wilderness lodges and wildlife watching in Alaska. Sea kayaking through a puzzle of islands in the Pacific Northwest. Birding in Texas. Snorkeling with sea turtles in Hawaii. Learning about Ancestral Puebloan cliff dwellers at Mesa Verde and Civil War Buffalo Soldiers at Fort Davis. The U.S. and Canada are full of special, off the beaten path destinations and unique adventures and experiences. Allow us to pose our favorite multiple choice question: What’ll it be for you this year?

We are currently building up our park entries in this section, but most of our guided trips include at least one national parkland. Yellowstone, Glacier, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Denali, Death Valley, Zion, Crater Lake, Acadia, and the Everglades are all in Off the Beaten Path’s travel reach. And because we mean it when we say “off the beaten path,” we love making sure you experience the lesser traveled parks as well, like Big Bend, Capitol Reef, Chaco Canyon, Tallgrass Prairie—and the list goes beautifully on. So if you don’t see the park you’re interested in here, be sure to look under the relevant region (trips that include the Grand Canyon will be in Desert Southwest, trips featuring Acadia will be in New England and the Maritimes…you get the drift.)

Europe is filled with fascinating history, diverse cultures, and awe-inspiring landscapes with rich cuisine to match. A new discovery is around every corner! The landscape changes dramatically as you travel around the continent, allowing you to immerse yourself in both iconic and off the beaten path destinations. Both are worthy of exploration!

OBP invites you to explore the wild landscapes of Croatia and Italy – coastline to ridgeline, and everything in between. Visit darling villages along the Dalmatian Coast in Croatia or enjoy lunch in a Rifugio tucked beneath the towering Dolomite Mountains . Visit iconic cities and towns to enjoy history and culture, then deeply explore the pristine natural places that Europe has to offer.

Come with Off the Beaten Path to some of Europe’s most compelling and beautiful destinations!

Experience the wildlife, culture, and romance of Africa with Off the Beaten Path, from the markets, historic cities, and Saharan camps of Morocco, to safari experiences that get you out to where the wildlife roams. 

Africa offers unparalleled travel experiences with a truly Off the Beaten Path focus. Immerse yourself in Morocco’s rich culture, from the labyrinthine souks of Fes and Marrakech to the majestic Atlas Mountains and the Sahara’s enchanting Erg Chegaga dunes. Revel in luxurious riads, ancient Roman ruins, and gourmet Moroccan cuisine.

In Botswana , embark on an off-the-beaten-path African safari, wandering the Makgadikgadi Pans, Okavango Delta, Chobe National Park, and Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Encounter abundant wildlife, unique lodges, and cultural experiences, all meticulously designed for an extraordinary journey.

Our distinctive accommodations and introduction to authentic cuisine promise a seamless blend of luxury and adventure. Discover the magic of Africa with us, where each destination unfolds as a unique chapter in this continent’s captivating story.

They’re often referred to in one breath, but Australia and New Zealand could hardly be more different. Australia is 2,500 miles across, with the great monolith Uluru rising like a ghost ship over the continent’s flat Red Centre. New Zealand is 990 miles long and 280 miles wide, comprised of head-to-toe islands backboned by volcanic peaks and the snowy Southern Alps.

Australia has koalas, wombats, the Great Barrier Reef, Tasmania, ancient rock art, and the vast Kimberley wilderness. New Zealand has kiwis, glowworms, glaciers, and the stunning fjords of Milford Sound. Polynesian ancestors of the Maori landed in New Zealand about 800 years ago. Aboriginal people arrived in Australia more than 40,000 years ago, descendants of the earliest migrants out of Africa and possibly the oldest surviving culture on the planet.

Now. The greatest commonality between the nation-continent of Australia and island-nation of New Zealand? They are unlike any other place on earth and you have to explore them, off the beaten path.

Central America is the beckoning hammock slung between North America and South America. It’s a place of clear turquoise waters, shimmering green jungles, mysterious Maya ruins, and vibrant, deeply rooted culture.

We warmly invite you to experience Central America off the beaten path: sip your morning coffee with hummingbirds, hike lush rain forest trails as howler monkeys call overhead, snorkel one of the world’s greatest coral reef systems, canoe into an ancient ceremonial cave, and get the bird’s-eye view from treetop hanging bridges. Cap each day’s adventures and explorations with relaxing evenings at perfectly situated beach, boutique, and ecolodge accommodations. Let it snow back home in North America—it’s baby turtles in the moonlight for you.

The Galapagos Islands. Machu Picchu. Torres del Paine National Park. Each of these world-renowned travel destinations deserves its place as the cornerstone for your South American sojourn—but while you’re there, we’d hate for you to miss the Mindo Cloud Forest. Or Lake Titicaca. Or an up-and-coming vineyard.

We will help you cover your bucket list goals, then whisk you off the tourist trail to round out your itinerary with off the beaten path sorts of destinations and experiences. In Ecuador, shop the markets of Otavalo, hike in Cotopaxi National Park, and explore the Andean cloud forest. In Peru, paddle out to the floating reed islands of Lake Titicaca, follow the food trail to Lima, and plunge into Peru’s astonishingly biodiverse Amazon. In Argentina and Chile, anchor your adventure with wine tasting, glaciers, fabled fly fishing, and top-ten-list hiking. All along the way enjoy asados , tango shows, artisan studios, cooking and pottery classes, out-of-the-way Incan ruins, rafting, surfing, biking, and hiking. You’re definitely going to need a bigger bucket.

If you just go by the travel posters, Mexico might seem to be comprised entirely of margaritas, beaches, blue skies, and Chichen Itza. But when you venture off the beaten path, Mexico becomes a sojourn for the soul and senses—a magical place where you can find whales, lush jungles, waterfalls, cactus-laden deserts, rich arts and culture, multi-sport adventure, and Maya history stretching back through time. We can get you connected to a Mexico that bears no resemblance to Señor Frog’s, but instead opens up a land (and the Sea of Cortez!) of delightful surprise, compelling contrast, and vivid experiences. And yes, the best margaritas and beaches, for real.

Yes, there are white sand beaches and exquisite resorts where all you might hear is the breeze rustling your palapa’s thatched roof. We’re all for that, and we can get you right there. But the Pacific Islands are also a fascinating and rewarding travel destination for active adventurers interested in history, culture, and nature.

The Pacific Ocean holds three major island groups: Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. Among them you can behold the moai  on Rapa Nui (Easter Island), explore the coral reefs, cloud forests, and beaches of the National Park of American Samoa (which encompasses parts of three different islands), swim with stingless golden jellyfish in Palau, learn traditional sailing-canoe navigation in Yap, and paddle a narrow whitewater gorge of black volcanic rock in Fiji. It’s off the beaten path in paradise—authentic, exciting, and unforgettable.

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15 Off The Beaten Path Tourist Destinations in Europe for 2024

off beaten path travel destinations

Most of the best places to visit in Europe are completely overrun by tourists. Still worth it? Yes, sure. There is a reason why people travel to Europe and visit London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, Santorini and many other popular tourist destinations in Europe. 

But if you have seen these amazing places or are looking for some hidden gems off the beaten path then check out my list of unique places to visit in Europe for 2024.

Since I was born and raised in Europe I always traveled far and wide to discover the world, which led me to visit 160 countries as of January 2024. Traveling in Europe was never on my bucketlist, but I have to admit were are spoiled for choice in Europe when it comes to amazing places to visit.

Apart from the main tourist destinations there are so many quaint villages, cute towns, fantastic mountain escapes and beautiful beach towns and I am sure that most you have never heard of most of the hidden gems that I have listed below.

Stay connected when traveling to Europe! Don't waste money on high roaming charges. Traveltomtom put together a list of the best prepaid and e-sim cards for traveling to Europe in 2024 .

1. Altea, Spain

off the beaten path europe 10

The Spanish Costa Blanca is not directly the place you expect on a list of hidden gems in Europe. Travel to Alicante , rent a car and make your way to Altea, a gorgeous white village where you will find the real Spanish life where people still take siestas.

It is located not far from Alicante and Benidorm, famous holiday destinations in Europe. The little village, completely painted white, is located on a hill and its old center is car free.

The narrow streets full of boutique shops and coffee places make this a super lovely hidden gem in Europe and a great day trip from Alicante or Benidorm.

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2. Lake Komani, Albania

unique places to visit in europe 1

Travel peak season had already started, but towards end of June I found myself pretty much alone far off the beaten track in Europe in the northeast in Albania. What I discovered there was a mind blowing tourist destination and something you won't find anywhere else in Europe.

The Komani Lake is one of those hidden places that made me fall in love with traveling in Europe. I never knew Europe had such amazing places to see and I felt like I was in Thailand or Vietnam.

Lake Komani is a lake inside a canyon, created after they constructed a huge dam, that reminded me of the Norwegian fjords. The Lake Komani Ferry is the best way to see this utterly stunning gorge. Click on the link to discover more about this fantastic off the beaten path travel destination in Europe.

3. Giethoorn, Netherlands

giethoorn netherlands

Forget about Amsterdam when traveling to the Netherlands. Holland has some really cool places to visit and one of them is Giethoorn. A cute little town in the remote and very laid-back northeast of The Netherlands.

There are no roads and Giethoorn is a car free village which makes this a unique tourist destination.

To get around you can either use the bike lanes or use the canals. Most plots are separated by small water ways and a boat ride around Giethoorn is of course the most popular thing to do here.

Bike tours are also popular, read more about it in my article about the most beautiful places to visit in the Netherlands .

4. Mostar and Kravice Falls, Bosnia

hidden places in europe 1

Who would think of Bosnia when we talk about unique places to visit in Europe. Once you make it to Mostar you know why I put this place on a list with hidden places in Europe.

Once a year Mostar is the mecca of cliff diving when Red Bull Cliff organizes an event on the famous Mostar bridge.

Its cobblestoned city center with its narrow streets make it a super lovely tourist hotspot and eating out on one of the many terraces is perfect for people watching.

Prices are still very moderate in Bosnia and there are walking tours to learn more about the important roll of Mostar in the Yugoslav Wars. Nearby you will find the amazing Kravice falls a perfect day trip from Mostar.

5. Uvac Canyon, Serbia

hidden places in europe 2

We stay in the Balkan for one more off the beaten path destination in Europe. When visiting Uvac Canyon many locals in Serbia had never even been there. It is actually not hard to get to, but definitely not on the tourist trail. When I made it to the Uvac Canyon viewpoint I was literally the only one there.

I fantasized that I should have taken a tent with me and camp there. Watching stars at night and the sunrise in the morning would have been magical. May be one of my favorite off the beaten track destinations in Europe.

6. South Tirol, Italy

karersee latemar

You can't say it out loud, but this region of Italy feels more Austrian than Italian. But for obvious reasons as after World War 1, Italy claimed this piece of Austria and it has never been given back. Whichever country it belongs to, South Tyrol is an absolutely fabulous region and pretty renowned around the world because of the mighty Dolomites.

When visiting Sud Tyrol in summer you have to visit one of the many amazing mountain lakes like Lago di Carrezza or Lago di Braies. Also check out some incredible places to stay: Hotel Chalet Mirabel , Hotel Winkler Sport & Spa  and  La Maiena Meran .

One of my favorite places to visit in the Dolomites is Alta Badia. It is such a beautiful places perched in and between some of the most amazing peaks in the Dolomites. Decide for yourself and check out the best things to do in Alta Badia in the link.

It is not only peak season in summer, in winter it is a fantastic place to go skiing. Dolomiti Superski is one of the many resorts in the Italian Dolomites and has more than 1,000 kilometers of groomed tracks in 1 lift tickets. Check out my article about the best places to visit in Dolomiti Superski .

7. Canoe trip in Varmland, Sweden

hidden places in europe 3

If you want to get away from it all then make your way to Värmland in Sweden and go on a self guided canoe trip . Rent a canoe and supplies and start paddling around the countless lakes of west Sweden, close to the Norwegian border. From the moment you set sail it is just you and nature.

You can camp basically everywhere, find yourself a spot, cook your own food, try to catch some fish, drink wine, watch shooting stars and find inner peace. There is no better place to get off the beaten track in Europe then this.

8. Peja, Kosovo

off the beaten path europe 6

Another place in Balkan that made it to the list. After all the Balkan is already off the beaten path in Europe anyway. Kosovo is even off the beaten path in the Balkan and when you make it to Peja, a sleepy little village in west Kosovo, you know you found an off the beaten track place to visit in Europe.

Just a 20 minute ride away from the lovely central square of Peja there is the Bjeshket e Nemuna national Park with great hikes and lakes. In winter you can even ski here. But if you are looking for hidden places in Europe in summer you now know where to go.

9. Lesbos, Greece

off the beaten path europe

Finding a Greek island that is not that yet overrun by mass tourism is hard, but on Lesbos in northeast Greece I hardly saw any tourists. Super laid-back fishing villages, delicious seafood, deserted winding roads, hot springs and very friendly people made me fall in love with this island. It is not far from the Turkish mainland or you can get here by boat from Athens.

Direct flights from Western Europe can be found as well. When you visit Lesbos , the most easy going island in Greece you will understand why it is such a unique place to visit in Europe and just a stone throw away from Asia.

10. Gdansk, Poland

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Poland in general is an upcoming destination in Europe. Still affordable and what an awesome cities has that country to offer. The Gdansk city center is a unique place to visit in Europe and probably one of the most stunning city center I have seen in a while. Its architecture is mind blowing and strolling through old town will make you understand that this is one of those unique places in Europe that should be on everyones bucketlist. Most houses are painted in bright colors, not a couple or some streets, almost all of the city center.

One of the best things to do in Gdansk is to climb up to the top of the cathedral from where you have an amazing view over the city.

11. Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

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I bet you have often seen photos of picturesque towns in Germany. Well, big chance Rothenburg ob der Tauber was one of them. This utterly picture perfect village in central Germany is famous for its colorful houses and fairytale vibes. Although this city is found by loads of tourists during the day there is a way to have it for yourself and that is why I put it on the list hidden gems in Europe.

Stay here overnight and in the early morning and the late afternoon you will find the streets nearly empty even in summer. When you see more photos of this amazing village Im sure you understand why I added it to the list of unique places to see in Europe.

12. Porto Covo, Portugal

off the beaten path europe 2

All the way in the far Southwest of Europe there is a little beach town that with a little fantasy looks like the smaller brother of Santorini. Porto Covo is not a standard tourist destination, but a true hidden gem in Europe.

I found it on my roadtrip from Porto to the Algarve and decided to stay overnight in this super laid-back beach town. All the houses are painted white and there is a car free city center. There are many small hidden beaches around and because it is a little off the beaten path in Europe not overrun by tourists yet.

13. Debrecen, Hungary

unique places to visit in europe 2

With Debrecen, the second biggest city in Hungary I am actually targeting Eastern Hungary in general. Only a couple months ago I was traveling around chasing the best places to see in Hungary .

On top of the great pub-vibe in this student city I stumbled upon medieval castles and hot springs and had the time of my life. On my Hungary roadtrip I hardly saw any other tourists and I totally felt like I was off the beaten path in Europe. Some places you can’t miss are the Fuzer Castle and the Boldogko Castle. Both places can be visited on a day trip from Debrecen.

14. Matka Canyon, North Macedonia

matka canyon skopje north macedonia

North Macedonia is not a place where most people spend their Europe holiday, but therefore a perfect fit for this list of amazing places to visit in Europe off the beaten track. The number one thing to do in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia is visiting Matka Canyon . A gorgeous canyon with boat rides, restaurants, hikes, swimming and even an hotel to stay over night inside the canyon.

The city of Skopje is not far away and with its massive squares and lots of outdoor terraces and dining options totally worth visiting as well.

15. Southern Norway

treetop island southern norway

Did you know that Kristiansand in Southern Norway gets the most sun hours in Scandinavia in summer. No wonder that it is a popular tourist destination for Norwegian people. But don’t worry mass tourism hasn't arrived here yet. Kristiansand, one of the bigger cities in Norway, yet still an off the beaten track destination in Europe. There is a city beach, that also houses Palmesus, Scandinavia’s biggest beach party around the first weekend of July.

Rent a car and explore the many coastal villages, fjords and its islands. Some hidden gems here in Southern Norway are the island of Sandøya and Lyngør. Even Kristiansand in winter is worth going.

An absolutely must visit when traveling to Southern Norway is the Treetop Island, a private tree hut on a little island in a lake. Completely with your private hot tub and sauna. An absolutely incredible romantic getaway and totally off the beaten path in a little village called Konsmo.

Some Europe Travel tips

1. best time to travel to europe.

It feels like there is never a best time to travel to Europe. In summer when the weather is at its best for a trip around Europe there are too many tourists everywhere. Traveling Europe in winter can be challenging if you can’t deal with temperatures around freezing level and autumn can be wet. Therefore more and more people are looking for unique places to visit in Europe to avoid mass tourism in summer.

2. Is it safe to travel in Europe in 2024

Apart from small common threats for travelers like pickpocketing, theft, incidents in nightlife areas and road accidents one should be fine traveling in Europe in 2024. That said terrorist attacks in Europe have increased in the last years.

Good thing about going off the beaten path in Europe is that the chance of being caught in a terrorist attack is almost non-existing. The major cities and popular tourist attractions in Europe are generally prime targets, but security measures in Europe are extremely high.

3. Buy a local sim card on arrival

The best way to stay connected when traveling to Europe is to buy a local sim card. Check my guide for buying a local sim card in Europe in 2024  wherein I list the best sim card for tourists per country. If you want to order a Europe sim card before your trip then I recommend you to take a look at my article about the best European sim cards for tourists .

4. ETIAS Visa for Europe

Traveling in Europe requires a Schengen visa which for most countries is a matter of applying online. In 2024 you can make use of the Etias visa. You will have to fill out an electronic form online, which is a replacement for your Schengen visa. It will be used for screening and eventually should make traveling to Europe safer and easier.

I hope you liked my article about off the beaten Europe destinations. May you think you have any cool hidden gems or cool places that I should definitely visit in Europe then please leave me a comment or send me a DM on my Instagram account @traveltomtom . Im happy to help in any way!

My Instagram is wanderlust fuelling and I am attempting to travel to every country in the world . As of January 2024 I visited more than 155 countries.

      View this post on Instagram       A post shared by Adventure Travel & Blogger (@traveltomtom)

Enjoy your trip to Europe and discover these hidden gems!

  • roadtrip europe
  • uvac serbia
  • lake komani
  • south tyrol

off beaten path travel destinations

Home » Wanderlust » GeoEx’s Top Travel Destinations in 2024

off beaten path travel destinations

GeoEx’s Top Travel Destinations in 2024

By GeoEx Staff | September 20, 2023

Himalayan Mountains Airplane at Sunrise

We at Geographic Expeditions (GeoEx) are passionate about exploring the world and introducing others to the wonders we find. Every year the company sends virtually all our staff to far-flung corners of the globe with a two-fold mission: to field-test and refine our current offerings, and to discover amazing new places and activities for our travelers. We asked our destination specialists which places they are especially excited to share with travelers in 2024. 

Our focus this year is on off-the-beaten-path travel treasures, whether rarely visited countries such as Algeria, Bhutan, and Saudi Arabia, or little-explored regions of more popular destinations, such as Shikoku island in Japan , Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains , and Ladakh in India . 

Here are our top travel destinations for 2024:

Algeria , Bhutan , Cambodia , India , Japan , Saudi Arabia , and Sri Lanka .

And here’s why:


Still well off the mainstream tourist path, Algeria offers an exhilarating combination of history, culture, cuisine, and landscape. From its rich artistic traditions and palate-expanding culinary creations to its awe-inspiring deserts and mountains, it’s got everything – except swarms of tourists. An in-depth immersion begins with the historic cities and Mediterranean coastline of the fertile north, then moves on to little-visited UNESCO-listed Roman ruins, ancient caravan routes through the pink-hued dunes and mud-brick towns of the Sahara Desert, olive plantations and vineyards in the foothills of the Tell Atlas range, and mountain villages where traditional Berber culture still thrives. Experienced this way, Algeria will open and enrich even the seasoned traveler’s eyes and mind.

“Algeria tends to surprise visitors with its multifaceted landscapes, from Mediterranean coastal cities and desert oasis towns to finely preserved Roman ruins and Algiers’ Ottoman-era casbah.” Bill Jones, GeoEx Trip Leader

Bhutan Tigers Nest Prayer Flags

This Buddhist kingdom in the Himalaya has inspiring mountain scenery, pristine landscapes (more than 70 percent of the country is still covered by forest), riveting temples and dzongs (fortress monasteries), vibrant festivals, gorgeous woven textiles, traditional, devout, and friendly people, and comfortable accommodations that range from modest to high end. Equally inspiring is the country’s commitment to sustainable tourism development, as exemplified in the Sustainable Development Fee that all visitors pay; the revenue generated by this visionary fee supports environmental and cultural conservation, sustainable tourism, education, infrastructure, and healthcare. We especially recommend hiking into central Bhutan , through hidden valleys and tiny terraced hamlets, where travelers can experience off-the-beaten-path cultural encounters and deeply personal interactions.

“In Bhutan, spirituality permeates the air, from the kingdom’s ancient monasteries to its time-worn mountain trails. In this atmosphere, a simple walk among fluttering prayer flags can be a transformative experience.” Tina Liadis, Global Sales

off beaten path travel destinations

With the addition of luxury lodges and resorts such as Shinta Mani Wild in the Cardamom Mountains and Six Senses Krabey Island in the sea off the southern coast, travelers can now enjoy a true luxury immersion in Cambodia , blending ancient ruins and culture, cuisine and handicrafts, rainforest and jungle, and ending with a sublime beach stay. In the little-visited Cardamom Forest Protected Area, options for hiking, mountain biking, boating, and bird-watching abound. We also recommend boating through lush forest to Tatai village, where visitors can enjoy walking by the river, kayaking through mangroves, and listening to the symphonic sounds of wildlife from a floating lodge. In Angkor, after exploring the glorious temples, venture farther to visit the rarely touristed pre-Angkorian temples at Sambor Prei Kuk.

“Ancient ruins shrouded in gnarled roots, tantalizing cuisine, and indulgent wellness programs make Cambodia a compelling place to recharge and reconnect with the spirit of adventure.”   Ellie Fitzgerald, Guest Services Premier Access

off beaten path travel destinations

We believe that travel in India will richly rebound in 2024. The remote riches of Ladakh will now be more readily accessible due to the completion of a road into Zanskar which we are especially excited about. We heartily encourage travelers to explore the verdant valleys, cliff-hanging monasteries, charming villages, and breathtaking Himalayan landscapes here. We’re also excited about the return of the spectacular Hornbill festival in Nagaland, a 10-day celebration of 16 local tribes and their cultures, with music, dance, arts, and a variety of other activities.  Other off-the-beaten-path adventures we recommend include watching for Royal Bengal tigers, rhinoceros, and water buffalo on safari in little-touristed Kaziranga National Park, and visiting the hard-to-reach tribal areas in Odisha, where local residents share their disappearing ways of life.

“Wherever your adventures in India take you, from the urban mecca of Mumbai to the majesty of Rajasthani palaces or the staggering heights of the Himalaya, you will be welcomed with the genuine warmth of family.”  Kate Doty, Premier Access


While Japan is a perennially popular destination, most travelers rarely venture beyond Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto. We recommend adventuring far off the beaten tourist path to the unspoiled island of Shikoku , nestled in the Inland Sea between the main island of Honshu and the Pacific Ocean. Shikoku presents another Japan of pristine landscapes, pilgrimage temples, and country kindness. Slow down and savor the fervent spirit that enlivens the 88-temple pilgrims’ route that encircles the island. Explore its rural reaches, from the deeply forested mountains of cedar and pine to the spectacular coastal beaches and crags. Open yourself to enriching encounters with fishermen, farmers, priests, and chefs. Venture to the isolated Iya Valley for unforgettable stays in a renovated 300-year-old thatched-roof farmhouse, and a remote inn with an open-air riverside onsen hot spring bath that can be reached only by cable car. 

“In this hidden paradise of soaring vine bridges, sweeping mountain vistas, healing hot springs, and thatched roof farmhouses, you can’t help but connect with nature, history, and your inner self.” Lauren Reale, Global Sales

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is at the precipice of a profound evolution, and for travelers who want to see the traditional kingdom before it changes, 2024 is the year to go. Venture to sites that few Westerners have observed, such as Shaqra and the heritage village of Ushaiger in the Nejd. Visit the UNESCO-listed ancient palaces at At-Turaif, the vibrant souks and camel market near Riyadh, and the neolithic rock art etched into cliffs near Jubbah. Other highlights include being transported by the evening call to prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina, exploring the historic Al Balad quarter of Jeddah, and admiring the ancient sandstone monuments of Hegra.

“It is fascinating to witness a country swathed in the monuments of its past—staggering archeological sites, ancient oasis and palaces—that is simultaneously racing to have a stake in the modern world.”    Glenn Ringer, Product Development

Sri Lanka Stilt Fishermen

GeoEx believes that 2024 will be Sri Lanka’s year to shine. Now robustly recovered after a period of internal conflict, Sri Lanka offers an enchanting abundance of riches: delicious and innovative cuisine, remarkable wildlife and biodiversity, layered history, illuminating museums and monuments, and fabulous hotels. With experiences ranging from wandering the resonant ruins of an ancient capital, to hiking the lush, rolling hills of colonial tea estates, to tracking Asian elephants through the jungle, to savoring fiery curries and mingling at an art-filled bazaar, Sri Lanka is an endless surprise.

“The way you’re welcomed in Sri Lanka is unmatched, from gifts of fragrant flowers and the freshest of fruits to ritualistic servings of tea. It’s in the company of these hosts, who quickly become friends, that you glimpse the heart of this soulful country.”  Elissa Title, Guest Services

Ready to start planning your 2024 adventures? Contact our travel experts at 888-570-7108. 


Life Of Doing

Our 15 Favorite Off the Beaten Track Destinations in Vietnam To Visit

Two women picking tea leaves in the tea plantation in Vietnam. This is a must-see when you're visiting Bao Loc as an off the beaten track destination in Vietnam

It’s hard to not fall in love with Vietnam . From the amazing street foods and beautiful landscapes to the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam will always have a special place in our hearts. 

Whenever we have a free weekend , we love exploring the various areas of Vietnam including the hidden gems and offbeat places. Since many of the smaller cities and Vietnam islands don’t get as much recognition, we’re excited to share with you our favorite off the beaten track destinations in Vietnam.

While this list isn’t comprehensive, we’re continuing to visit as many places as possible. So far we’ve explored Central Vietnam and South Vietnam locations and we’ll head back to Northern Vietnam soon! (We went to North Vietnam on a family trip a few years ago but things do change.) We’ll continue to add to this list of places that are deemed worthy to visit. 

Now, let’s check out these 15 underrated and off the beaten track places in Vietnam. 

If you have the time to explore Vietnam further, read our insider guide on how to spend 2 weeks in South Vietnam itinerary .

Map of the offbeat destinations in vietnam.

Map of the off the beaten destinations in Vietnam

Click on the image to get a larger view of the map. Credit: Map data: Google

*Disclosure: Visiting Vietnam? Yes, we have affiliate links in this post. If you click on them and make a purchase, we receive a small commission. There is no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

1. Ly Son Island

Never heard of Ly Son Island ( Đảo Lý Sơn in Vietnamese )? Neither did we until we did a weekend trip with friends after moving to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam .

Located off the South Central Coast, this remote island recently opened up to allow non-Vietnamese tourists to visit so it’s still quiet with visitors. It takes a while to get to Ly Son Island as you need to take a speedboat from Sa Ky Port, but it’s well worth the travel time to spend a few days here.

The island is famous for growing garlic and onions . Due to the rich soil from the volcanic rocks and white sand, the garlic and onions have a pleasant flavor compared to the conventionally grown versions. You’ll get a whiff of the garlic and onion smells when you pass the fields. 

It’s recommended to rent a motorbike and explore the small island. It’ll take about 20 minutes to cross the island from the east to the west side. 

The top things to do in Ly Son include eating the delicious seafood cooked with the island-grown garlic and onions, swim in the blue waters of the neighboring Be Island (a 15-minute boat ride from Ly Son), visit pagodas, and hike up the Gieng Tien Mountain. 

Check out our Ly Son Island guide for more information.

Find accommodations in Ly Son Island by clicking here .

Garlic fields on Ly Son Island, Vietnam

Ly Son Island is one of the hidden gems in Vietnam.

2. Quy Nhon

Nestled between Hoi An and Nha Trang of central Vietnam is the coastal beach town , Quy Nhon ( Quy Nhơn or Qui Nhơn .) Considering that Quy Nhon is the capital of the Binh Dinh Province, it’s an offbeat destination in Vietnam since we didn’t see too many tourists in the area. The city still maintains an easy-going ambiance with its local lifestyle and charm. 

You’ll need to rent a motorbike to explore the various attractions of Quy Nhon and the neighboring areas. From the awesome beach and snorkeling opportunities at Ky Co Beach area to exploring the Cham Towers from the ethnic Cham people, you can easily spend a few days here. (You’ll recognize the architecture of the Cham Towers if you’ve been to My Son Sanctuary, a recognized UNESCO site in Vietnam ). The afternoons are brutal with the humidity and heat so head to a couple of cafes to relax. 

If you are a runner, there is an International Marathon and also has 5k, 10k, half marathon, and marathon available in July.

Read our travel guide on the top things to do in Quy Nhon and other important information.

Click here to find accommodations in Quy Nhon .

Eo Gio (also called "Windy Waist") is a beautiful place to visit in Quy Nhon, Vietnam. The mountainside juxtaposes with the oceanside which provides a curve shape.

Most visitors bypass this hidden gem, Bao Loc ( Bảo Lộc) when they’re heading or leaving Dalat . We understand since Dalat has awesome outdoor activities such as stunning waterfalls to incredible hiking adventures . 

What Bao Loc has going for it is their stunning mountainside of coffee and tea plantations . The luscious greenery is gorgeous and a rare find in South Vietnam. Plus, you can buy local coffee and tea as souvenirs . 

While there isn’t a whole lot to do in Bao Loc, you can spend a day or two exploring the nearby Dambri Tourist Area to see Dambri and Dasara waterfalls, Linh Quy Phap An Pagoda , a beautiful Buddhist pagoda, and hang out in the main city area to try the local foods .

Check out our post on what to do in Bao Loc and other travel tips. 

Find accommodations in Bao Loc by clicking here.

Jackie Szeto, Life Of Doing, sitting on a bench while overlooking the green mountainside at Linh Quy Phap An Pagoda in Bao Loc, Vietnam.

Bao Loc is a fantastic off the beaten path spot to visit in Vietnam.

4. Bidoup Nui Ba National Park

Want to go hiking at an off-the-beaten-path spot in Vietnam? Head to Bidoup Nui Ba National Park ( Vườn quốc gia Bidoup Núi Bà) . It’s located in the Lam Dong Province and nearby Dalat, yet it feels like you’re worlds away from the city life . 

Hikers need to join a 2 day/1 night tour group to hike Bidoup Nui National Park since the trail isn’t marked and all food and camping gear needs to be brought in by porters. 

This moderate-challenging hike goes through the forest area of the national park. The hiking route is steep at certain portions so take your time going up. It’s quite an adventure as you’ll need to monitor your shoes and socks as there are land leeches and they’ll inch their way up the pants and legs. 

Don’t forget to take a photo of the highest peak at 2,287 meters (7,503 feet) ! (Although, there isn’t an overlook as the marker is in the middle of the forest).  

Once you’ve reached the campground, enjoy the rest of the evening with a BBQ feast. 

Read our hiking experiences at Bidoup Nui Ba National Park here.

Viewpoint of the Bidoup Nui Ba National Park forest and mountains in Dalat, Vietnam

You’ll see some awesome views of the Bidoup Nui Ba National Park during the hike.

5. Cat Tien National Park

Ho Chi Minh City doesn’t have a lot of places to see nature, which is why we recommend a visit to Cat Tien National Park ( Vườn Quốc Gia Cát Tiên). Located 150 kilometers (93 miles) from Ho Chi Minh City ’s District 1, it ’s one of the best places in Vietnam to visit to get your nature fix. Due to its offbeat location, you won’t see the large crowds in this National Park. 

It’s well worth the time to walk through the forest to see the large Tung trees and explore the Botanic Gardens . You can also take tours organized through the National Park such as taking a night safari to see deer, wild pigs, and other animals or go trekking before sunrise to see the gibbons.

If you prefer to meet with the locals, consider visiting the ethnic minority group of the Ma, Stieng, and Tay as a day trip. 

To help with your planning, read our things to do in Cat Tien National Park post for more inspiration.

Find accommodations in Cat Tien National Park here . 

Jackie Szeto, Life Of Doing, and friend walk in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam with stunning trees surrounding us

6. Ma Da – Tri An

Ma Da ( Mã Đà) is a destination that Vietnamese locals seem to know about. Located in Dong Nai Province, Ma Da is a fun getaway where you can visit in a day or spend overnight at a campsite . (The campsite has limited resources so you’ll need to bring your own camping equipment and food.) 

Most people visit this area for outdoor activities. A popular activity is to kayak or stand up paddleboard in the gorgeous manmade Tri An Lake . Or, they can cycle, run, or walk through the quiet and luscious Ma Da Forest area . The forest area has a unique landscape due to the red clay dirt so it’s recommended to not wear white shoes or clothing that will stain easily. We loved how this area had butterflies flying around. 

Check out our Ma Da Tri An experience here. 

Group of people walk and run along the red clay dirt path in the Ma Da Forest Area in Dong Nai, Vietnam

Ma Da Forest Area is fun, offbeat place to see nature in Vietnam.

Mui Ne (Mũi Né) is a small beach town of Phan Thiet in South Vietnam that is known for kitesurfing and its beautiful sand dunes . While some visitors prefer the attractions and nightlife in Nha Trang , Mui Ne is much quieter and has fewer visitors. Walking along the main road in the evenings seems like a ghost town with many restaurants open but not a lot of visitors. 

A popular trip in Mui Ne is to take a Jeep tour either to see the sunrise or sunset and visit the red and white sand dunes, walk along the Fairy Stream, and see the fishing village. We prefer the sunrise tour as you see the morning catch in the fishing village. If you have extra time, take a class or two to learn how to kitesurf or feel free to hang out at the beaches.

If you’re a fan of eating seafood, Mui Ne’s seafood doesn’t disappoint . Check out Seafood Restaurant (Nhà Hàng Chợ Hải Sản) which has a huge variety of fresh seafood that can be cooked to your liking. 

While you’re in the area, consider hiking Ta Cu Mountain and seeing the largest white reclining Buddha in Southeast Asia . Ta Cu is only a one-hour motorbike or car ride away from Mui Ne.

Read more about the top things to do in Mui Ne and helpful tips to get to Mui Ne. 

Click here to find accommodations in Mui Ne.

Jackie Szeto, Life Of Doing, sits on top of a sand dune in Mui Ne, Vietnam

8. Can Tho 

Most people tend to go to Ben Tre to go to the Mekong Delta as it’s closer as a day trip from Ho Chi Minh City . Yet, we think of Can Tho ( Cần Thơ ) as a hidden gem to visit in Vietnam even as the fourth largest city in Vietnam. 

Many tourists visit the famous Cai Rang Floating Market in the morning which is an awesome thing to do in Can Tho. It’s exciting to see boats filled with fruits and produce and to see transactions occur.

Other eco-tourism spots in Can Tho are underrated and not as heavily visited, such as the Con Son Ecotourism Area and My Khanh Tourist Village . The Con Son Ecotourism Area is a new tourist area where you see a fish farm, learn how to make Vietnamese snacks, and wander through the island to see how the locals live. My Khanh Tourist Village is on the outskirts of Can Tho and is a mini theme park with a part zoo and activities.  

If you’re interested in visiting Can Tho, read our Can Tho guide on what to expect when visiting this place.

Find accommodations in Can Tho by clicking here . 

Woman selling pineapples rows a sampan along the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.

9. Con Dao Islands

Located in southern Vietnam, Con Dao Islands ( Côn Đảo ) is one of those must-see and off-the-beaten-track places that you have to visit ASAP. Con Dao Islands is an archipelago of 16 islands with Con Son Island as the only habitable island.

It’s currently underdeveloped with pristine beaches ( Nhat Beach is highly recommended) , super clean ocean water with corals that are still alive, and no traffic on the roads ! You’ll have no problem riding a motorbike or a bicycle here as you’ll encounter very few tourists on the island. It doesn’t feel like you’re in Vietnam!

We foresee that this small island will increase with tourism very soon due to the improving transportation options of a one-hour flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Con Dao and a 4-hour speedboat ride from Vung Tau. 

The best part about Con Dao is to relax whether you go to the beaches or stay at your resort. You can also hike through the forest of the Con Dao National Park . For the history buffs, it’s recommended to visit the various prisons on the island to learn about its dark past as a former prison for 113 years. 

Read our guide on the top things to do in Con Dao and other helpful travel tips on how to get to Con Dao.   

Check out accommodations for Con Dao Islands here.

The turquoise water is mesmerizing when you visit Con Dao, Vietnam. You'll often find fishermen boats around the island catching fresh seafood of the day. Don't forget to eat seafood as one of the top things to do in Con Dao!

Con Dao Islands is recommended to visit as an off the beaten track location in Vietnam.

10. Binh Phuoc

Binh Phuoc Province ( Bình Phước ) is one of the hidden gems of Vietnam. Located at the Vietnam-Cambodia border, this area is known for producing cashews so you’ll see many cashew trees along the roadside and small productions of cashews drying outside on tarps.

As a heads up, you cannot eat the raw cashew that is attached to the cashew fruit due to the toxin, urushiol. Otherwise, you’ll get painful itching, blisters, and rashes. 

There isn’t much tourism infrastructure here so you’ll see the rural side of Vietnam. 

The main highlight is hiking Ba Ra Mountain (White Virgin Mountain) at 736 meters (2,415 feet) . It’s the third highest peak in South Vietnam. Even then, it’s hard to hike here as the main stairways leading to the summit aren’t open to the public and need prior arrangements.

Check out our Ba Ra Mountain hiking guide here . 

An aerial view of Binh Phuoc's forest area, lakes, and trees from Ba Ra Mountain hiking trail in Vietnam

Check out this gorgeous summit from Ba Ra Mountain in Binh Phuoc.

11. Tay Ninh 

Most visitors have heard of Cu Chi Tunnels in the countryside of Ho Chi Minh City, yet only an additional 1-hour ride north is the Tay Ninh Province. Tay Ninh ( Tây Ninh ) is not on a typical Vietnam travel itinerary unless you have extra days in Ho Chi Minh City and want to have a day trip in the countryside. 

The main highlight of this area is hiking Ba Den Mountain (Black Virgin Mountain) as it’s the highest peak in South Vietnam at 986 meters (3,235 feet). The hike is very challenging and will be a leg burner so it’s best to start early in the morning to avoid the intense humidity and heat. A cable car is available as an accessible way to travel to the peak and explore Sun World Ba Den tourist attraction.

Read our Ba Den hiking guide here for more details. 

Another local attraction is visiting the Cao Dai temple and seeing the daily prayer sessions. It’s also an opportunity to learn about the Caodaism religion . 

Other cool places to check out include visiting Dau Tieng Lake, Go Ken Pagoda, and a Cham Tower ( Tháp cổ Chót Mạt ). 

Check out places to stay in Tay Ninh here . 

Seeing the bronze Lady Buddha statue is a highlight when hiking up Ba Den Mountain in Tay Ninh, Vietnam

Here is the summit of Ba Den Mountain, a must visit spot in Tay Ninh.

12. An Giang

An Giang Province is located along the Mekong Delta and next to the Vietnam-Cambodia border. Compared to the other Mekong Delta locations such as at Ben Tre, An Giang is not touristy and an off-the-beaten-path spot to visit in Vietnam. You won’t see any foreign tourists here so the vibe and ambiance are quieter and peaceful. 

The two main cities are – Chau Doc and Long Xuyen. 

Chau Doc is where many of the local attractions are located so it’s an ideal spot to spend a few days here. Rent a motorbike and wander through the green luscious area. Visit attractions such as Cam Mountain to see beautiful pagodas and a giant Buddha statue, Chau Doc floating market, Tra Su Cajuput Forest, and ethnic Cham people in the villages. 

Check out what to do in An Giang in 1 day here. 

Click here to find the perfect accommodation in Chau Doc or Long Xuyen City . 

Jackie Szeto, Life Of Doing, sits under a wooden house with a view of the cajuput forest and river.

Tra Su Cajuput Forest is a gorgeous place to visit in An Giang!

13. Tan Lap Floating Village

Located in Long An, along the Mekong Delta, Tan Lap Floating Village ( Làng Nổi Tân Lập ) is a secret spot to explore in Vietnam. It’s an ecotourism site that is gorgeous as a side trip from Ho Chi Minh City. Whether you visit on a weekday or weekend, you can have portions of the area to yourself since it’s so quiet here ! 

Spend the day wandering through the walking paths of the Melaleuca Forest, riding a sampan through the Melaleuca Forest, trying traditional Vietnamese games, crossing “monkey bridges” (a makeshift bridge made from tree branches or bamboo that sometimes have handrails), and enjoying nature. 

During the September time frame, pretty lotus blooms in the waters so it’s a picturesque sight to experience. 

Read our Tan Lap Floating Village travel guide here. 

Tan Lap Floating Village, Long An, Vietnam Walk Through Melaleuca Forest

Tan Lap Floating Village is a quiet and peaceful hidden gem to wander through in Vietnam.

14. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park

Phong Nha is an underrated place to visit in Central Vietnam. While Hue and Danang are popular on a Vietnam trip, Phong Nha is the best place for adventurers who love to wander through caves in the Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park and experience outdoor activities. 

There are 500+ caves to explore here yet the popular and accessible ones to explore in a day are Paradise Cave, Phong Nha Cave, and Dark Cave. If you’re riding a motorbike, you can stop by other attractions in the National Park loop such as the Botanical Garden. 

The bucket list caves include the Son Doong Cave as the largest cave in the world or Hang En Cave as the third largest cave in the world. You’ll need 2-3+ days to visit these caves as they require hiking to the cave area and staying overnight in the caves. 

Read our recommended Phong Nha itinerary on what to do here. 

Find a place to stay in Phong Nha here. 

During your Phong Nha itinerary, you'll see boats and houses along the Son River in Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam

Phong Nha is the perfect place for adventure travelers!

15. Bong Lai Valley

When visiting Phong Nha, one of the rural areas to explore is Bong Lai Valley. If you have an extra day in Phong Nha, ride a motorbike or bicycle through this area. Unfortunately, cars cannot pass through the narrow, dirt roads. 

You’ll ride through beautiful rice fields and small towns . Several children may come up to you to wave hello. As a heads up, conquering steep hills will be challenging if you have a single-speed bicycle. 

When you’re in the area, stop by the original Pub with Cold Beer (Watch out for the “fake” one along the paved road.) They have delicious vegetarian spring rolls where the veggies are picked from the garden. Other fun places to stop by include feeding ducks at the Duck Stop and swinging high in the air at Bong Lai Swing. 

It’s a fun day trip from the main Phong Nha area in an untapped area of Vietnam.

Read more about our Bong Lai Valley day trip here. 

Water buffalo stands on the grass next to the fields in Bong Lai Valley, Phong Nha, Vietnam

Bong Lai Valley is a special place to visit from Phong Nha main area.

Which of these hidden gems do you want to visit in Vietnam? Let us know in the comments.

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Featured photo and pin top photo credit: thuhuyen via Depositphotos.com

Can Tho photo credit: filmlandscape via Depositphotos.com

off beaten path travel destinations

I'm Jackie - world explorer, hiker, and wanderer. I love planning things whether it is a trip or an upcoming event, exploring nature, hiking up mountains, and seeing new places. I'm notorious for getting lost, so you may see me circling a place a few times.

How to Get Around Vietnam: Best Transportation in Vietnam

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off beaten path travel destinations

I think Can Tho is my favorite one and I would love to go there. I remember the beautiful floating markets I visited in Thailand – Amphawa and Damnoen Saduak. Vietnam would be a great place to experience more of these.

Aren’t floating markets such a fascinating experience?! Every time we go to Can Tho we experience something new either along the floating market or in the city.

off beaten path travel destinations

I am planning to visit Vietnam myself in June, but I am a bit scared due to coronavirus. Do you thing it will be alright by then? Ly Son seems interesting, I did my homework for Vietnam and read many many blogs but didn’t come across this name before. So, definitely I am adding this to my itinerary if I go.

Hi Suman. The coronavirus is the most talked about topic right now! Currently, Vietnam is taking precautions with the virus from shutting down schools and reminding people to wear masks and wash their hands. It’s safe to visit. Hope the virus has a cure by the time you visit in June.

off beaten path travel destinations

I must admit, I know very little about Vietnam, except for the fact that I want to visit. Some of these locations look almost untouched by tourism. I’d love to visit Bao Loc, the National Park and the Con Dao Islands.

Hi Sara. It’s getting harder and harder to find the hidden gems in Vietnam as tourism is booming. Would love to keep Con Dao Islands as our little secret since it’one of the most pristine areas of Vietnam for now.

off beaten path travel destinations

You shared some interesting places to visit in Vietnam. Although I have never been there, I feel it must be a great place to visit after seeing the pics and details you shared.

Priyanka – Hope you get a chance to visit Vietnam in the future! Feel free to reach out at any time when you’re in the planning phase. 🙂

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off beaten path travel destinations

10 Off-The-Beaten-Path Destinations To Retire In The US

  • Discover hidden retirement gems like Fairhope and Ely for unique experiences and vibrant communities beyond the standard options.
  • Embrace tranquility and picturesque living in St. George's desert charm, or Brookings' scenic coastal paradise.
  • Immerse yourself in the arts, natural beauty, and culture in destinations like Sandpoint, Beaufort, and Helen for a rich retirement lifestyle.

While Florida and Arizona remain popular retirement havens , an increasing number of adventurous retirees are venturing off the beaten path to discover charming small towns that offer a truly unique sense of place. This curated list highlights 10 such hidden gems across the United States, including the lakeside mountain town of Sandpoint, Idaho, and the Bavarian-inspired village of Helen , Georgia, tucked into the Blue Ridge Mountains.

From the remote high desert artist enclave of Marfa, Texas, to the antebellum charms of coastal Beaufort, South Carolina, and the mining hamlet of Ely, Nevada, surrounded by ghost towns, these unconventional locales offer a retirement experience alternative to the standard sunny golf resorts and higher costs of living. With burgeoning and vibrant arts scenes, distinct cultural influences, stunning natural scenery, and tight-knit communities, they beckon trailblazing retirees seeking more than just warm weather but a rich, immersive sense of character and exploration.

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Fairhope, Alabama

A charming small-town vibe along the eastern shore of mobile bay.

Fairhope, Alabama, nestled along the eastern shoreline of Mobile Bay, offers retirees a delightful coastal haven. This charming town boasts a thriving arts scene, with numerous galleries and studios showcasing the works of local artists. Its historic downtown, characterized by quaint shops and eateries, exudes a timeless charm reminiscent of a bygone era. Fairhope's abundant natural beauty, including picturesque parks and trails, provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation and scenic walks.

Retirees can enjoy a low cost of living, a mild climate, and a strong sense of community fostered by a myriad of social clubs and organizations. The town's commitment to preserving green spaces and promoting locally-owned businesses lends Fairhope a distinctly off-the-beaten-path character, making it an ideal retirement destination for those seeking a tranquil, yet culturally rich lifestyle.

  • Population: 2,611, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 62% lower than the national average; safer than 86% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living: 3% higher than the national average
  • Average Rent: $1,350 USD
  • Average Home Price: $318,000 USD
  • Attractions: Fairhope Municipal Pier, Fairhope Avenue (downtown shopping and dining), Fairhope Public Beach

St. George, Utah

A welcoming, laid-back community surrounded by a stunning desert landscape.

For retirees craving refuge in a bastion of natural wonders and small-town charisma, St. George, Utah, emerges as a radiant sanctuary amid the state's red rock tapestry. Basking in the relentless embrace of the sun and framed by the hypnotic desert panoramas, with the iconic Zion National Park as the pièce de résistance, St. George seduces with possibilities for exhilarating exploits, beckoning retirees to uncover geological marvels on foot or by pedal power.

This city doesn't just flaunt nature's charms; it unveils a distinctive allure, pulsating through a downtown that's a canvas of local boutiques, eateries, and galleries, each narrating the region's vibrant cultural narrative. St. George invites retirees to savor a laid-back yet dynamic existence, where the grandeur of nature intertwines seamlessly with the tight-knit community enveloped in awe-inspiring surroundings.

  • Population : 107,191, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 11% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 37% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living: 6% higher than the national average
  • Average Rent: $1,556 USD
  • Average Home Price: $438,000 USD
  • Attractions: Zion National Park, Snow Canyon State Park, Red Cliffs Desert Reserve

Brookings, Oregon

A scenic southern oregon coastal town near the california border.

Nestled along the scenic southern Oregon coast, near the California border, Brookings beckons retirees with its affordable lifestyle and mild climate. This charming coastal town offers a refuge from the hustle and bustle, boasting a relaxed atmosphere and a tight-knit community feel.

Retirees and even young families can revel in the area's natural splendor, with easy access to pristine beaches, rugged coastal trails, and verdant state parks. Brookings' lower cost of living, coupled with its proximity to outdoor recreation and a vibrant downtown core, makes it an appealing destination for those seeking a tranquil yet enriching retirement. Here, retirees can embrace a laid-back coastal lifestyle while enjoying an array of amenities and activities tailored to their golden years.

  • Population: 6,586, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 33% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 67% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living : 5% higher than the national average
  • Average Rent: $1,366 USD
  • Average Home Price: $362,000 USD
  • Attractions: Harris Beach State Park, Alfred A. Loeb State Park, Brookings Harbor

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Sandpoint, Idaho

A serene and picturesque setting with a low population and a remote location nestled in the rocky mountains.

Perched gracefully on the shores of Lake Pend Oreille, Sandpoint, Idaho, emerges as a sanctuary for retirees seeking a harmonious blend of provincial tranquility and captivating landscapes. Tucked away approximately 60 miles south of the Canadian border, this enclave boasts a resplendent escape from urban rigors, enveloped by the majestic Selkirk and Cabinet Mountains.

Sandpoint, while not an urban mecca, stands as an immersive retreat, offering an idyllic setting for those yearning for a more deliberate pace of existence. The esteemed Schweitzer Mountain Resort, an iconic emblem of the region, beckons with its year-round allure, presenting an expansive canvas for recreational pursuits. Meanwhile, the town's vibrant cultural tapestry, interspersed with distinctive boutiques and gastronomic treasures, invites discerning retirees to enjoy an authentically enriching sojourn where every nuance harmonizes with the serenity of this tucked-away haven.

  • Population: 9,039, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 55% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 79% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living : 6% higher than the national average
  • Average Rent : $1,355 USD
  • Average Home Price: $448,000 USD
  • Attractions: Schweitzer Mountain Resort (skiing, hiking, mountain biking), Sandpoint City Beach Park, Pend d'Oreille Bay Trail

Beaufort, South Carolina

A charming southern city with antebellum homes, scenic waterways, and a rich history.

Graced by the serenity of the Beaufort River, Beaufort, South Carolina, emerges as a captivating destination for discerning retirees, offering an ambiance of genteel sophistication and rich historical resonance. This alluring locale, evoking the spirit of Charleston but with a more budget-friendly allure, boasts a trove of meticulously preserved Antebellum homes that stand as testament to a bygone era.

Amid this historical tapestry, Beaufort beckons golf aficionados with world-class courses nestled beneath the shadow of moss-draped live oaks. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, South Carolina's tax-friendly environment and lower cost of living weave an enticing narrative, positioning Beaufort as a distinctive and economically sound choice for those seeking a graceful retirement amid the timeless allure of the Lowcountry.

  • Population: 14,021 according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 8% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 42% of U.S. cities
  • Average Rent: $1,628 USD
  • Average Home Price: $323,000 USD
  • Attractions : Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park, Beaufort National Cemetery, Downtown Beaufort (shopping, dining, and historic homes)

Taos, New Mexico

A town with a profound native american influence and renowned skiing.

Beneath the expansive cerulean skies of New Mexico, Taos beckons retirees to embrace the winter wonderland with the thrill of skiing at the acclaimed Taos Ski Valley, coupled with UNESCO Heritage locations .

Just 70 miles from Santa Fe and conveniently accessible from Albuquerque, Taos seamlessly blends solitude and exploration. The town resonates with Native American influences, showcased in the historic Taos Pueblo. Amid adobe architecture and vibrant galleries, retirees can savor an eclectic culinary scene, immersing themselves in a cultural odyssey. Taos, where winter sports meet Native American heritage and UNESCO recognition, unfolds as a nuanced retreat, promising a multifaceted experience beneath New Mexico's breathtaking skies.

  • Population: 6,041, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: The city is considered safer than 15% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living: 7% lower than the national average
  • Average Rent: $1,104 USD
  • Average Home Price: $395,000 USD
  • Attractions: Taos Pueblo (UNESCO World Heritage Site), Taos Ski Valley, Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

Marfa, Texas

A quirky west texas desert town for lovers of the minimalist lifestyle.

Located in West Texas, Marfa exists as a cultural oasis for discerning retirees seeking a unique escape. Nestled within the vast Chihuahuan Desert, this enclave, though remote, holds a distinct allure. Its proximity to larger cities is balanced, offering a strategic retreat without isolation. Marfa, an art hub famed for the mysterious Marfa Lights, beckons retirees to immerse themselves in its rich cultural tapestry.

Venture beyond, and you'll find yourself within reasonable driving distance of El Paso and the vibrant Texan borderlands. The state's tax-friendly atmosphere, a pivotal draw for retirees, complements Marfa's intrinsic charm. This Texan haven invites exploration, promising retirees a seamless fusion of artistic resonance, desert landscapes, and a tax-friendly haven amid the vast expanse of the Lone Star State.

  • Population: 1,628 according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 38% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 62% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living : 13% lower than the national average
  • Average Rent : $1,025 USD
  • Average Home Price: $140,000 USD
  • Attractions : El Cosmico (unique lodging and camping experience), Chinati Foundation (contemporary art museum), Marfa Mystery Lights Viewing Center

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Galena, Illinois

A charming midwestern town with well-preserved victorian architecture and historic ambiance.

Galena boasts a charming 19th-century town with meticulously preserved Victorian architecture nestled in the rolling landscape of Northwestern Illinois. The town's labyrinthine streets, flanked by antique shops and snug inns that promise a serene, off-the-beaten-path retirement experience, invite exploration.

Proximity to vibrant cities like Chicago and Milwaukee adds allure to Galena, providing retirees with access to cultural escapades. Beyond the town's historic ambiance, American history aficionados will revel in its deep roots, a living testament to a bygone era. A trolley tour unveils the layers of Galena's rich past, while outdoor enthusiasts can indulge in golf, fishing, and hiking amid the surrounding hills and valleys. As for Illinois, retirees may find solace in its tax-friendly policies, creating an enticing backdrop for a relaxed retirement.

  • Population: 3,194, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 43% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 57% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living: 8% lower than the national average
  • Average Rent: $1,200 USD
  • Average Home Price: $266,000 USD
  • Attractions: Main Street (historic downtown with shops, restaurants, and architecture), Chestnut Mountain Resort (skiing, hiking, and golf), Galena River Trail

Ely, Nevada

A remote mining town in eastern nevada with a true off-the-grid experience.

When most think of Nevada, people envision Las Vegas or even the biggest little city, Reno , but nestled quietly in the heart of the Silver State is Ely, a haven for retirees seeking a distinctive pace of life. Located about 250 miles north of Las Vegas and 245 miles west of Reno, Ely offers a contrast to the vibrant bustle of its larger counterparts.

Surrounded by vast expanses of nature, retirees can relish quieter outdoor pursuits like hiking in Great Basin National Park or exploring the historic Nevada Northern Railway. Living in Nevada, retirees enjoy the allure of no state income tax, a financial boon that adds an extra layer of appeal to the state's unique charm. Ely, with its understated allure and proximity to both natural wonders and renowned cities, allows visitors to indulge in the off-the-grid grandeur of this Nevada gem.

  • Population: 3,926, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 32% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 68% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living: 12% lower than the national average
  • Average Rent: $1,100 USD
  • Average Home Price: $205,000 USD
  • Attractions: Renaissance Village (historic district with shops and restaurants), Nevada Northern Railway Museum, Ward Charcoal Ovens State Historic Park

Helen, Georgia

A bavarian-style village nestled in the blue ridge mountains.

Just a scenic two-hour drive away from the epicenter, which is Atlanta, Helen, Georgia, unveils itself as a captivating haven for retirees. Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, this charming town, with its distinct Alpine architecture, offers an alluring escape. Surrounded by mountains and rivers, it's a tranquil respite from urban clamor.

Retirees can indulge in leisurely wine tastings at local vineyards, revel in idyllic carriage rides through the cobblestone streets, or immerse themselves in the renowned Oktoberfest celebration, and lesser known Decemberfest . Living in Georgia, retirees benefit from the state's favorable tax environment, marked by exemptions and deductions available for seniors. Helen, with its scenic beauty and diverse activities, presents an enticing tapestry of experiences for those seeking a retiree's idyll in the heart of Georgia.

  • Population: 590 according to the U.S. Census Bureau
  • Crime Rate: 61% lower than the national average. The city is considered safer than 85% of U.S. cities
  • Average Cost of Living: 9% lower than the national average
  • Average Rent : $1,199 USD
  • Average Home Price : $268,000 USD
  • Attractions: Downtown Helen (Bavarian-style buildings, shops, restaurants), Unicoi State Park (hiking, fishing, camping), Alpine Mini Golf

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    Earlier this year, a survey conducted by American Express Travel found that 89 percent of respondents want to travel to destinations they've never visited before—which is why their 2024 Trending Destinations list bypasses typical vacation spots and ranks the best off-the-beaten-path trips instead. Whether that's a historic European city, a tropical Indian Ocean beach, or an Australian rural ...

  17. Eight off the beaten path travel destinations

    Eight off the beaten path travel destinations. Popular doesn't necessarily equate to personally satisfying. Here are some lesser known travel spots worth considering in 2024. Every country has its iconic attractions, from Iceland's Blue Lagoon to the Gondolas in Venice. Yet, there is a price for popularity, and it's not necessarily about ...

  18. Top 10 Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations for 2023 that Travellers Are

    Unique Travel Destinations. We all love tourist hotspots like Paris, Rome, Vegas and New York, but sometimes we get the urge to go beyond and uncover the hidden gems that each country has to offer. ... This is an increasingly popular off-the-beaten-path destination, even in the storm season from November to March, where visitors stand in awe ...

  19. Where We Travel

    Africa. Experience the wildlife, culture, and romance of Africa with Off the Beaten Path, from the markets, historic cities, and Saharan camps of Morocco, to safari experiences that get you out to where the wildlife roams. Africa offers unparalleled travel experiences with a truly Off the Beaten Path focus. Immerse yourself in Morocco's rich ...

  20. 15 Off The Beaten Path Tourist Destinations in Europe for 2024

    There is a reason why people travel to Europe and visit London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Amsterdam, Santorini and many other popular tourist destinations in Europe. But if you have seen these amazing places or are looking for some hidden gems off the beaten path then check out my list of unique places to visit in Europe for 2024.

  21. Top Travel Destinations in 2024: Off-The-Beaten-Path Vacations

    We asked our destination specialists which places they are especially excited to share with travelers in 2024. Our focus this year is on off-the-beaten-path travel treasures, whether rarely visited countries such as Algeria, Bhutan, and Saudi Arabia, or little-explored regions of more popular destinations, such as Shikoku island in Japan ...

  22. Our 15 Favorite Off the Beaten Track Destinations in Vietnam To Visit

    9. Con Dao Islands. Located in southern Vietnam, Con Dao Islands (Côn Đảo) is one of those must-see and off-the-beaten-track places that you have to visit ASAP. Con Dao Islands is an archipelago of 16 islands with Con Son Island as the only habitable island.

  23. Escape The Ordinary: These Are The 7 Most Underrated ...

    These are the best off path destinations worldwide for 2024! ... this South American city is off the beaten path for many travelers but well worth a visit. From La Paz, you can cycle the infamous Death Road, hike in the otherworldly Valley of the Moon, or take a multi-day tour of the epic Uyuni salt flats. ... ️Join Our Travel Off Path ...

  24. 7 Off The Beaten Path Spring Break Destinations In The U.S

    If you feel you've already tired of some of the most well-known spring break destinations, or you're up for a lesser-known adventure, here are 7 off the beaten path places to visit. 1. Sequim (Washington State) This small town in Washington State is an amazing destination for those who enjoy the outdoors. Nestled near Olympic National Park ...

  25. 10 Off-The-Beaten-Path Destinations To Retire In The US

    The city is considered safer than 67% of U.S. cities. Average Cost of Living: 5% higher than the national average. Average Rent: $1,366 USD. Average Home Price: $362,000 USD. Attractions: Harris ...

  26. Believe in Yourself and Travel the Off-The-Beaten-Path

    70 me gusta,Video de TikTok de Travel Off Path (@traveloffpath): «Discover the travel community that inspires and explores unconventional destinations. ... Keywords: Believe in Yourself, Travel off the beaten path, travel community, travel inspiration, unconventional destinations, off-road adventures. Esta información se ha generado por IA y ...